guam chamber of commerce armed forces
guam chamber of commerce armed forces
Guam Chamber of Commerce Mission & Vision To be the voice and impetus for economic growth on Guam through: • Communication • Advocacy • Creating Opportunity • Upholding the Hafa Adai spirit* The Guam Chamber of Commerce exists to provide a forum to promote the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the community through its membership; the Chamber seeks to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the general business interests of Guam. *The quality of living on Guam that makes it unique. Index Membership Benefits and Application..........................7 Message.......................................................................8 Board of Directors ........................................................9 The Guam Chamber of Commerce............................10 Guam at a glance.......................................................12 Committees ................................................................14 Community Outreach .................................................15 Member Anniversaries ...............................................18 Alphabetical Index (Telephone / Fax) .........................19 Membership ...............................................................24 Associate Membership...............................................67 Armed Forces Committee Membership .....................70 Guam Young Professionals Membership ...................76 Time Zone ..................................................................80 Published by Guam Chamber of Commerce Pacific Daily News David P. Leddy, President Catherine S. Castro, Vice President & Chief Operations Officer Marie Baker, Administrative Assistant Anthony Mariano, Staff Assistant Rebekah Delgado, Junior Administrative Assistant 173 Aspinall Avenue, Suite 101 Ada Plaza Center, Hagatna P.O. Box 283, Hagtana, Guam 96932 Tel: (671) 472-6311/8001 • Fax: (671) 472-6202 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE For more than 90 years, the Guam Chamber of Commerce has improved the quality of life for our island’s citizens and businesses. C hamber members contribute $2 billion in annual activity – 70% of Guam’s Gross Domestic Product – and employ more than 40,000 island residents. For as little as 5.7 cents per day you can be part of the most influential business organization on Guam. Guam Chamber Member Group Health Insurance Program The Guam Chamber of Commerce launched its Member Group Health Insurance Program in January, 2014. The program is designed to offer member companies of all sizes with a full range of health benefits (fully compliant with PPACA) at affordable rates. The program is open to all members of the Chamber and is especially attractive to our small businesses that currently do not offer health coverage for themselves and their employees. Interested members are encouraged to contact the Guam Chamber of Commerce office for more information and assistance. Benefits Include: 4 Monthly membership luncheons and seminars; 4 After Hours Business Mixers; 4 Committee engagement on issues impacting small business, economic development, investment, tourism, employment, workforce development and other topics to develop positions and action plans for change; 4 Annual Small Business Expo & Outreach event; 4 Greater access and enhanced relations with key government, military and community leaders through our Armed Forces Committee and Delegadu Program; 4 Cost saving benefits such as the Chamber Group Health Insurance Program and Member to Member Offers; 4 Recognition of member company milestone anniversaries, business pioneers, individual lifetime achievement and future business leaders through our Guam Business Hall of Fame, annual Small Business Excellence and Guam Young Professional of the Year awards; 4 Business information listing and brand exposure in the Membership Directory and Chamber website and e-media; and, 4 Sponsorship opportunities of signature Chamber events such as the Annual Gala and Amateur Golf Tournament as well as our active community involvement through the Juvenile Drug Court and Youth Summer Swim & Water Safety Programs. Contact the Chamber today. (671) 472-6311/8001 • [email protected] 6 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 Application for Membership DATE: The undersigned hereby makes application for membership in the GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE under Class and agrees to pay the applicable annual dues. It is agreed that this membership is to be continuous unless cancelled in writing as provided for in the By-Laws. I agree to abide by the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Chamber. I am enclosing one quarter's dues payment with this application for membership. (Applicants for Associate Membership must enclose a one year dues payment of $100.00). Name of Firm: Date Established on Guam: Nature of Business: Address: Number of Employees: Telephone: Fax: Internet Address: E-Mail: Chamber Representative(s) of Firm (List one for each vote): Name: Title: Name: Title: Name: Title: Name: Title: Name: Title: Please find one quarter's dues payment of $ . Signature: Recruited by: CURRENT MEMBERSHIP DUES INFORMATION Class A B C D E F G H I J Annual Gross Revenue Less than $75,000 $75,000 - $200,000 $200,000 - $500,000 $500,000 - $750,000 $750,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 - $1,500,000 $1,500,000 - $2,500,000 $2,500,000 - $5,000,000 $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 More than $10,000,000 Annual Dues $200 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 $1,750 $2,000 $2,250 $2,500 Quarterly Dues $50.00 $125.00 $187.50 $250.00 $312.50 $375.00 $437.50 $500.00 $562.50 $625.00 Votes 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 (Note: Non-Voting Associate Membership for non-commercial organizations and individuals not engaged in commerce is $100.00 annually.) PLEASE INDICATE [√] COMMITTEE INTERESTS [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Armed Forces Committee (Annual $150 Fee assessed) ] MAC Cruise Ship Industry Development Subcommittee ] MAC Trucking & Transportation Subcommittee ] Developers ] Membership Growth & Development ] Economic Development ] Retail Merchants [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Education / Workforce Development ] Small Business Focus & Development ] Health Care ] Tourism ] Maritime Affairs (MAC) ] Wholesale Merchants 7 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hafa Adai! O n behalf the Board of Directors, Membership and my Staff, welcome to the Guam Chamber of Commerce 2015 Membership Directory. We trust you will find it an informative and indispensible resource, connecting you to our member businesses. This directory was created with you in mind. So I encourage you to use it and to look to our nearly 400 Chamber member businesses for all your products and services needs. For more than nine decades, the Guam Chamber of Commerce has been the leading advocate for businesses and one of the most influential forces in local government and economic development in Guam and our region. The Chamber hosts various programs and events each year to help our members develop strategic relationships within the private and public sectors. We serve our member businesses by offering connections to resources that foster growth, stability and success. If you are not already a member and would like to join a dynamic organization that is working hard to build a thriving business climate, keep local dollars in our community or, perhaps, reduce your cost of doing business on island, the Guam Chamber of Commerce welcomes your participation and encourages your membership! I wish to thank all our members for your continued support and patronage. Your membership and input in the Chamber is truly valued. It is indeed an honor to serve as your Chamber President. I personally look forward to your feedback and working together with you and your business during the year. Please do not hesitate to call the Chamber office at 472-6311/8001 or email me directly at [email protected] to discuss ways that we can enhance our services to better meet your needs and to share ideas on improving our economy. Senseramente, DAVID LEDDY President Meet Our Team! From left to right: Anthony Mariano (Staff Assistant), Marie Baker (Administrative Assistant), Catherine Castro (Vice President & Chief Operations Officer), Rebekah Delgado (Junior Administrative Assistant), and David Leddy (President) GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DONALD CLARK LORRAINE S. OKADA President & Chief Operating Officer Triple J Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 6066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 646-9126 Fax: 646-9487 [email protected] Vice President ASC Trust Corporation Ada's Capitol Plaza, Suite 110 120 Father Duenas Avenue Hagatna, Guam 96910 477-2724 Fax: 477-2729 [email protected] President Okada Managing Consulting Service 146 Tiyan Place Barrigada, Guam 96913 734-5310 [email protected] Vice Chairwoman ERNIE A. GALITO LAURA-LYNN DACANAY Marketing & Communications Director Atkins Kroll, Inc 443 S. Marine Corps. Dr. Tamuning, Guam 96931 648-8400 Fax: 649-8336 [email protected] Chairman of the Board JEFFERY B. JONES SVP/Region Manager First Hawaiian Bank 400 Route 8 Mongmong, Guam 96910 475-7884 Fax: 475-7898 [email protected] JIM HERBERT Secretary-Treasurer RONALD CANNOLES EVP/Pacific Islands Division Bank of Hawaii P.O. Box BH Hagåtña, Guam 96932 479-3637 Fax: 479-3537 [email protected] General Manager Triple J Five Star Wholesale Foods, Inc. 178 W. Marine Corps Dr. Dededo, Guam 96929 637-7576 Fax: 632-4111 [email protected] BARTLEY JACKSON Immediate Past Chairman of the Board MARK J. SABLAN VP/Business Development South Pacific Petroleum Corporation 816 North Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 647-7600 Fax: 649-5615 [email protected] President DAVID P. LEDDY Guam Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 283 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 472-6311/8001 Fax: 472-6202 [email protected] Special Executive Committee Member JOE ARNETT Partner Deloitte & Touche LLP 361 S. Marine Drive Tamuning, Guam 96911 646-3884 Fax: 649-4265 [email protected] BOBBY SHRINGI Sales & Marketing Manager Moylan's Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Suite 200 Julale Shopping Center Hagatna, Guam 96910 472-3614 x236 [email protected] BERNADETTE VALENCIA General Manager Matson Navigation Company 1026 Cabras Highway Suite 115 Piti, Guam 96915 475-5967 Fax: 475-5965 [email protected] RONALD YOUNG Chief Operating Officer B&G Pacific LLC P.O. Box 5533 Hagatna, Guam 96932 646-2652 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Security Title, Inc. 356 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 647-8100 Fax: 647-8170 [email protected] JONATHAN KRIEGEL GERALD S.A. PEREZ President & CEO Docomo Pacific, Inc. 219 S. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 206 Tamuning, Guam 96913 688-2355 Fax: 649-7247 [email protected] Vice President MicroMed Suppliers P.O. Box 2022 Hagatna, Guam 96932 565-6633 Fax: 565-6632 [email protected] 2015 Alternate Director RINDRATY CELES LIMTIACO President & Publisher Pacific Daily News P.O. Box DN Hagatna, Guam 96932 479-0102 Fax: 472-1512 [email protected] LOGAN REYES Marketing Services Manager PTI Pacific, Inc. dba: IT&E P.O. Box 24881 Barrigada, Guam 96921 922-4439 [email protected] 2015 Alternate Director MAUREEN MARATITA FRANK J. CAMPILLO Health Plan Administrator Calvo's Insurance Underwriters, Inc. P.O. Box CI Hagatna, Guam 96932 477-9808 Fax: 477-4141 [email protected] Publisher, Glimpses Publications Glimpses of Guam P.O. Box 3191 Hagatna, Guam 96932 649-0883 Fax: 649-8883 publisher@glimpsesof TOM TEEHAN President & CEO Isla Energy Inc. 275-G Farenholt Ave #111 Tamuning, Guam 96913 [email protected] Guam Chamber of Commerce • P.O. Box 283, Hagåtña, Guam 96932 • (671) 472-6311/8001 • [email protected] 9 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 As of: April 6, 2015 About Guam Chamber of Commerce THE GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Throughout the world people have awakened to the importance of the system of free enterprise – a system of private individuals working in the freedom of the marketplace in competition with each other, creating wealth and employment for society, and providing the basis for stability. The private sector must find solutions for society’s needs. Proposals to encourage and enable more Guamanians to work, prosper, save, invest and realize their ambitions can only come from an organization that is free from bureaucracy and where every member has a say. The Guam Chamber is such an organization. It is a voluntary organization. Strong because of an extensive membership, united in its goals of advancing the general welfare and prosperity of Guam, and guided by its Code of Ethics. With only a small staff, it has no bureaucracy to strangle proposals, but rather encourages membership input. The membership of the Chamber is predominantly drawn from the business community. Membership in the Chamber enables segments of the community to accomplish collectively what they would be unable to do individually. While the activities of the Chamber may have varied over its 91 years of existence, Guam’s economic development and well-being remain a constant priority. Accordingly, the Chamber has assumed the responsibility of strengthening the private sector by proposing solutions to communitywide problems. In recent years it has involved itself largely with the problems and possible solutions of government spending levels, the promotion of a larger U.S. military presence on Guam, providing seminars to enhance business development and management skills, Guam’s inclusion in the tax treaties between the United States and foreign nations, promoting visa waiver programs to enhance tourism growth, and the removal of federal and local barriers to increase business activity and effectiveness on Guam. Businesses sometimes fail to recognize the fact that the Chamber of Commerce is their salesman and watchdog – unceasingly promoting their products and services while at the same time protecting their interests. This is particularly important in the political arena, where a single voice can go unheard, but the collective, united voice of the Chamber of Commerce has often proven effective and beneficial to business. The preservation of Guam’s natural beauty is also important to the Chamber of Commerce. Hence, the establishment of the Na’ La’ Bonita Guam program in 2000, which continues to be a contributing factor to community involvement in island beautification. WHO ARE WE? HOW DO WE WORK? The Guam Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit voluntary association of business and professional individuals and firms united in their desire to improve business and build a better social and economic community on Guam. The Chamber is governed by a volunteer 20-member Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is vested with the power to establish the Chamber’s public positions and policies. The membership elects members to the Board at yearly elections with two director seats guaran- The ideals of the Guam Chamber of Commerce are embodied in its Code of Ethics, to which all members adhere. teed from small business representation. The Chairman of the Board is the principal elected officer of the Chamber and its chief executive officer. The Vice Chairman and Secretary/ Treasurer are other elected officers of the Chamber. Together with the Immediate Past Chairman of the Board, the member who received the most votes at the last Board election, and the President, form the executive committee that functions as a clearing house on the Chamber matters. Most Chamber work is carried out by Chamber members through a network of committees. A work plan is drafted early in the administrative year, providing the blueprint for the Chamber’s work. Volunteers from the Chamber membership are assigned to committees to work toward the accomplishment of the goals in the plan. WHAT DO WE DO? The scope of the Chamber activities is unlimited, depending on the needs of the community and the desire and ability of the Chamber to carry them out. Chamber of Commerce have traditionally been the information agency of an area or community, maintaining factual data, folders and maps to answer inquiries of all types, whether they be personal interviews, telephone or by mail, coming from residents and visitors alike. The Chamber promotes the area’s economy and encourages business and industrial investment, broadening the tax base and providing employment. To business prospects and newcomers, the Chamber represents the community’s “front door.” The Chamber of Commerce is becoming increasingly involved in the macroeconomic issues touching on the education, human environmental, cultural and governmental concerns. These problems 10 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 About Guam Chamber of Commerce have caused the Chamber of Commerce to become a viable force in seeking solutions to some of Guam’s social problems. HOW DO WE GET THE JOB DONE? There are six standing committees within the Chamber whose policies and actions are governed by the committee bylaws: • Armed Forces Committee • Guam Young Professionals • Maritime Affairs Committee • Retail Merchants Committee • Small Business Focus & Development Committee • Wholesale Merchants Committee The Chamber is supported entirely by its members. Membership dues are the backbone of the Chamber, with special assessments occasionally called. Administrative staff consists of the President, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, two staff assistants and the Dave J. Santos Scholarship Intern. The Chamber office is located at 173 Aspinall Ave., Ste. 101, Ada Plaza Center in Hagatna which also houses most meetings held by the Board and Chamber Committees. CODE OF ETHICS Each member of the Guam Chamber of Commerce ascribes to a Code of Ethics, which serves as inspiration for each member to rise above the minimum standards. Through the code, the Chamber proclaims and reaffirms its commitment to the highest ideals of principled free enterprise in the American democratic tradition and in the context of America’s outpost conscience his own measure of right and wrong, as a body, the Chamber adopts this code to encourage and exhort its embers to the common good, within its purposes, and, when necessary, to judge that conduct which is unbecoming a member of this Chamber. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS countries and economies of the AsiaPacific region. A meeting of delegates from neighboring American Chambers of Commerce is held each year in the spring, with a mission to improve the competitiveness of U.S. businesses in the Asia-Pacific region. Membership meetings are regularly held once a month (on the last Wednesday of each month) with notices of each meeting faxed or sent electronically in advance to all members of the Chamber. An annual member ship meeting is held on the third Wednesday in November of each year. American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) The Chamber’s general membership meetings are generally held on the last Wednesday of each month beginning at 11:30 a.m. Details on keynote speaker, topic, and location of meetings are announced prior to each event. Meetings provide information to the membership about recent Board actions, upcoming current Chamber projects and activities, and provide an excellent opportunity to network with other Chamber members. MICRONESIA COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE (MCCC) MEMBERSHIP AFFILIATIONS U.S. Chamber of Commerce The world’s largest business federation representing 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations. As the voice of business, the U.S. Chamber’s core purpose is to fight for free enterprise before Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies, the courts, the court of public opinion, and governments around the world. ACCE is a national association uniquely serving individuals involved in the management of Chambers of all sizes. Its mission is to support and develop Chamber professionals to lead businesses and their communities. The MCCC comprises 10 member Chambers throughout the Micronesia island economies. MCCC represent the growing interests of over 6000 businesses in the region. MCCC is committed to promoting economic development, networking, trade and investment opportunities between various island economies. Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce (APCAC) APCAC consists of 27 member American Chambers of Commerce, which represent the growing interest of 10,000 businesses and 50,000 executives in 20 Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 11 eled to the Marianas from Southeast Asia. Climate Guam has a tropical climate with a temperature range from 74 degrees to 92 degrees Fahrenheit (23 – 33 degrees Celsius). It has an annual rainfall of approximately 85 – 100 inches. Its dry season is from December to May and its rainy season is from June to November. Taxes Guam residents and corporations pay a “mirrored” U.S. income tax with filing and payment to the Government of Guam. U.S. Social Security tax laws apply to employee wages, with taxes withheld and deposited in the IRC and reporting to the IRS. For more information about Guam tax laws visit l GDP (2005) = $2.5 billion l Per Capita GDP = $22,661 *Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment (as of Dec. 2011) l Private sector job count = 46,480 l Federal government job count = 4,150 l Local government job count = 11,940 l Minimum Wage = $7.25 at a glance Guam U.S.A. G uam, officially the U.S. Territory of Guam, is located in the Western Pacific Ocean and is an organized unincorporated territory of the United States, a status dating to the culmination of the Spanish-American War in 1898. It is a U.S. community protected by the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. dollar is our basic currency. The Internal Revenue Code is our income tax law. Guam possesses a strategic location in the Pacific Rim. The island is the “Gateway to Asia” and is the closest U.S. possession to the Asian theater. Its location facilitates access to and from major Asian markets by being only three to four hours flying time to Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and the Philippines. America’s trading partners in Asia are the key markets for Guam’s tourism industry, the island’s economic mainstay. Guam’s Tumon Bay is home to elegant world-class hotels and diverse international cuisine that can compete with the finest of any metropolis. Guam is located 900 miles north of the equator at 13°28” North Latitude, 144°44” East Longitude. Guam covers approximately 212 square miles (549 It is the southernmost of the Mariana Islands and shares a common culture with the rest of the islands, which include Saipan, Rota and Tinian. The original inhabitants of Guam, the Chamorro people, are thought to have trav- per hour l Unemployment rate (as of March 2011) = 13.3% l Average household income (2010) = $49,263 l Per capita income (2010) = $12,864 l Mean earners income (2010) = $25,462 l Population Total: 159,358 (Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Census) l Language Guam has two official languages: English and Chamorro. 12 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 IN VESTM EN T vs IN VESTO R PERFO RM A N C E H ow does you r plan n in g com pare? D oes it… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … offertax-deferred grow th? create (incom e) tax-free distributions? guarantee it w illbe tax-free at death? create a tax on yourSocialSecurity? provide com petitive returns? allow large contributions? create any disability incom e? have a stop loss/safe harborin a m arket collapse? ensure loans foranything w ithout a taxable event? provide collateralloans at 0% ? offerunstructured loan paym ents? offeryou liquidity,use & controlofthe funds? fund future needs should you pass? legally offerlaw suit/creditor protection on G uam ? … prevent yourtaxes from com pounding? … cause yourO bam a C are prem ium s to increase? … postpone both the tax rate/ taxes on entire account? Securitiesoffered through A sia Pacific FinancialM anagem ent G roup (671)472-6400 M O N E Y R E SO U R C E S IN C . C arlP eterson,C FP M SFS C R P C |671.646.0000 |671.488.2275 |671.649-0014 carlpete@ m |http://m P rincipalB roker C lara P eterson,R ealtor|671.482.4654 |claraopeterson@ Committees ECONOMIC FOCUS & INDUSTRY GROWTH Armed Forces Committee (AFC) Fosters mutual respect and a congenial working relationship between businesses and the military communities; promotes cooperation through the free flow of information; and insures fair treatment for local business with the military. See page 70. Maritime Affairs Committee (MAC) Provides a forum through which port users and companies directly involved with the movement of goods in and out of the Port of Guam may convene as a group to exchange information and address common concerns. Subcommittees: • MAC Trucking & Transportation • Cruise Ship Industry Development Education / Workforce Development Committee Promotes excellence in Guam’s education system by creating alternatives, which produce outcomes in educational achievement as desired by parents, students, faculty and community. Small Business Focus & Development Committee Promotes and encourages membership activities which will benefit the creation, growth and development of small business. The group is an active voice in the Buy Local movement and plans quarterly after hours mixers. Subcommittees: • Annual Small Business Expo & Outreach • Small Business Management Seminars • Annual Small Business Excellence Award Tourism Committee Advances and promotes Guam’s tourism growth by encouraging broad base understanding and support of tourism within the community and working to improve overall visitor experience. Developers Committee Represents the interests of real estate developers and realtors in Guam in local and federal government building policies, legislation, ordinances and codes. Retail Merchants Committee Promotes a positive image of the retail industry on Guam by encouraging high ethical business standards, favoring programs that provide opportunities to promising individuals in the retail industry, and acting as a liaison between and among retailers, government agencies, and other organizations. Wholesale Merchants Committee Supports members of the wholesale industry in the development of programs to enhance business, protect interests, and maintain a positive impression on the community. Health Care Committee Aims to keep members informed of healthcare issues impacting the business community and promotes a legal framework that encourages free and open competition. Legislative Review Committee The Legislative Review Committee was formed in March 2014. The Chamber found that the number of bills generated by the Guam Legislature made it increasingly difficult to monitor and gather information in recent years. The Legislative Review Committee is committed to reviewing legislative bills and public policy issues that impact economic growth and progress in Guam and the region. Chamber members are encouraged to contact the Chamber on issues of potential concern to the Committee. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNITY RELATIONS & SPECIAL EVENTS Guam Young Professionals (GYP) The Guam Young Professionals Committee is open to business people between the ages of 21 and 40. GYP has a slate of officers, a separate dues structure and an annual calendar of events. Sub-committees: • Be Connected • Be Influential • Be Inspired. See page 76. Events typically include mixers, luncheon events with speakers, a series of events with political candidates and more. At the GYP Event of the Year, usually in January, the Reina A. Leddy Guam Young Professional of the Year Award is announced. Membership Development Committee providing supportive services, organizing learning opportunities, coordinating business mentorship, and recognizing member achievements, accomplishments, and community contributions. Ad Hoc Committees Nominating Committee (Board Activated) Finance & Taxation Committee The group, whose chairperson is appointed by the Chairman and ratified by the Chamber Board of Directors, actively seeks individuals from amongst the membership to run for the Chamber Board, whose annual election take place in November each year. Procurement Committee Ad Hoc Committees/Working Groups Develops recommendations on specific government functions to shape Board positions on public policies. • Buy Local • Outsourcing of Government Services & Privatization • By-Laws Reform/Code of Ethics The focus of the Committee is primarily, but not exclusively, on local Guam procurement matters. It provides a forum for analyzing Guam’s procurement code and regulations, procurement issues that arise, proposed procurement legislation and procurement education. Working Groups • Board Delegado Program • Blueprint for Progress • CNMI Outreach • Committee to Keep Guam Working Aims to sustain and increase membership by 14 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 BUY LOCAL Left: Buy Local is an effort of the Chamber to support local businesses. The Chamber’s “Buy Local Commitment” supports the Buy Local movement, emphasizing the value of local activities on Guam to grow Guam’s economy. Buying Local means to purchase products and services offered by local businesses that are the backbone of our island’s economy. Community Outreach ANNUAL AMATEUR GOLF TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER Left: An annual “fun”-raising golf tournament is one of the Chamber’s most successful and enjoyable annual events. The day begins with an informal lunch, golf with four holein-one prize opportunities, exceptional awards for the top three teams, dinner, and raffle prizes. The event offers an excellent networking opportunity for the members. Proceeds from the tournament support the Guam Chamber of Commerce community projects. ANNIVERSARY GALA Right: The Guam Chamber of Commerce holds its annual anniversary gala every May to celebrate its membership and years of service to the island community. During the gala, the Chamber of Commerce honors various business members for the years they've been in business on Guam and inducts Laureates into the Guam Business Hall of Fame. The gala is a great opportunity to meet business community leaders and catch up with old friends. Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 15 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Above and right: General membership luncheon meetings are held monthly, typically the last Wednesday of the month. The membership meetings are an opportunity for the membership to hear a speaker of interest from on or off-island. Additionally, any timely special announcements are shared with the membership, and the luncheons are an opportunity to meet new members and generally network. Community Outreach THE CHAMBER BUSINESS WOMEN’S NETWORK Above: The Chamber Business Women’s Network is a program of the Chamber that brings women professionals together once a quarter to enhance personal and professional growth, allowing for participants to connect with other women of all career levels to strengthen professional networks and engage in the Guam business community. THE NINA PROJECT Above: In partnership with Catholic Social Service, the Chamber Business Women’s Network held its inaugural prom dress and suit drive, “A Night to Remember,” via The Nina Project in March. The Nina Project promotes self-confidence and self-esteem in young men and women. 16 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 Community Outreach SMALL BUSINESS EXPO & OUTREACH Above: An annual event for small business owners, managers, and their representatives on Guam and Micronesia to network with Chamber member companies and organizations such as U.S. Small Business Administration, Guam Small Business Development Center and others that can offer services, leads and products to meet their business needs. Chamber members are provided the opportunity to showcase their products and services to a captive audience, allowing them to gain exposure, develop new leads, and expand their customer base. SMALL BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARD Above: This annual recognition honors one Chamber member company, group or organization who makes or has made a noteworthy contribution to the growth of small business in Guam with the development of sustainable practices, products and/or services. The 2015 recipient will be announced and recognized at the Annual Small Business Expo on June 25, 2015. This is a program of the Small Business Focus & Development Committee. A CELEBRATION OF SONG: THE ANNUAL SONG FESTIVAL Left: Since 1978, the Guam Chamber of Commerce has held a Christmas event for the community of Guam to show its thanks for the island’s patronage of local businesses throughout the year. The Christmas event has taken various forms: from a Christmas Parade on Thanksgiving Day along Marine Corps Drive, to a month long lighting experience at Skinner Plaza, to its most recent format. A Celebration of Song: The Annual Song Festival takes place at the end of November and is a competitive song festival featuring the island’s youth. TOYS FOR TOTS Above: Toys for Tots is a seasonal endeavor in which Chamber member companies support the Marine Corps effort on Guam to ensure that a variety of toys are distributed in the community where they will do the most good. Toys for Tots has been popular with the membership and the generosity and support for this Christmas fundraiser is well-supported by the employees of a variety of Chamber member companies. Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 17 2015 Anniversary Celebrants 20 Years (1995) Guam Marianas Collection Agency 40 Years (1975) M80 Systems, Inc. Cabras Marine Corporation Pacific Dining LLC dba: Lone Star Steakhouse Calvo Enterprises, Inc. Promotions Specialties Fujita Property Guam, Inc. (ITC Bldg) Guam Fast Foods, Inc. 25 Years (1990) Guam Premier Outlets Advance Management, Inc. Navy Federal Credit Union ASC Trust Corporation Pestex Guam Baldyga Group, LLC dba: Sandcastle, Inc. Brown and Caldwell 45 Years (1970) CTSI Logistics Cassidy’s Associated Insurers, Inc. Hotel Nikko Guam First Hawaiian Bank LSG Sky Chefs GK2, Inc. MicroMed Suppliers Pacific Rim Realty Morrico Equipment LLC Phoenix Pacific (Guam), Inc. 50 Years (1965) Takagi & Associates, Inc. Money Resources, Inc. 30 Years (1985) 65 Years (1950) dck pacific guam, LLC Foremost Foods/ Coca-Cola Beverage Company (Guam), Inc. DGX Mobil Oil Guam Inc. Dickerson & Quinn Pacific Daily News Pay-Less Supermarkets, Inc. 35 Years (1980) Ada’s Trust & Investment, Inc. 70 Years (1945) Baumann Advertising Jones and Guerrero Company, Inc. International Distributors, Inc. MCS, LLC Motorola Solutions, Inc. Pacific Islands Club 18 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Alphabetical listing Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page 1st Green Solutions Guam, LLC..........................................(671) 979-1474..............................................................................52 3D Rentals ..........................................................................(671) 647-7368 .......................................(671) 647-7368 .............40 3M Company.......................................................................(671) 646-9161 .......................................(671) 646-7114 .............48 Ace Vending........................................................................(671) 777-6461 .......................................(671) 969-6461 .............30 Ada’s Trust & Investment, Inc. ............................................(671) 472-9830 .......................................(671) 472-9834 .............53 Advance Management, Inc..................................................(671) 649-6488 .......................................(671) 646-3739 .............37 AECOM................................................................................(671) 477-8325 .......................................(671) 472-8324 .............25 Agana Shopping Center ......................................................(671) 472-5027/8....................................(671) 472-5029 .............59 Agility Defense & Government Services..............................(671) 477-1389 .......................................(671) 477-1077 .............31 Alpha Insurers.....................................................................(671) 477-8701 .......................................(671) 472-4913 .............45 Alupang Beach Club, Inc. ....................................................(671) 646-1940 .......................................(671) 646-7929 .............60 AM Insurance......................................................................(671) 477-2642 .......................................(671) 477-2602 .............45 Ambros Inc. ........................................................................(671) 477-1826/9....................................(671) 472-1826 .............64 Ambyth Shipping & Trading................................................(671) 477-7250/8000..............................(671) 472-1264 .............58 ............................................................................................................................................................(671)477-0094 American Medical Center, LLC ............................................(671) 647-8262 .......................................(671) 647-8257 .............43 Andrew’s Safe and Lock......................................................(671) 687-5397 .......................................(671) 969-5875 .............48 ANZ Guam, Inc....................................................................(671) 479-9000 .......................................(671) 479-9090 .............29 Aon Insurance Micronesia (Guam) Inc................................(671) 646-3681 .......................................(671) 649-6098 .............45 Applebee’s/IHOP Guam.......................................................(671) 648-2337 .......................................(671) 649-6888 .............55 ARI Partners Architecture P.C. ............................................(671) 646-5144/5....................................(671) 646-5143 .............25 ASC Trust Corporation ........................................................(671) 477-2724 .......................................(671) 477-2729 .............47 Asia Pacific Financial Management Group ..........................(671) 472-6400 .......................................(671) 472-1044 .............47 Asia Pacific Solutions, LLC .................................................(602) 565-9065..............................................................................36 Atkins Kroll, Inc...................................................................(671) 646-1876/ 649-6410......................(671) 646-9592 .............27 Aviation Concepts, Inc. .......................................................(671) 477-0179 .......................................(671) 477-0261 .............25 AVL Trading, LLC ................................................................(671) 988-1237 .......................................(671) 649-0255 .............64 B&G Pacific LLC..................................................................(671) 646-2652 .......................................(671) 649-2652 .............35 Baba Corporation ................................................................(671) 649-5050 .......................................(671) 649-0121 .............36 Baker International Inc. dba: J.L. Baker & Sons..................(671) 649-5702/8664..............................(671) 646-8904 .............42 Baldyga Group, LLC. dba: Sandcastle, Inc. .........................(671) 649-7263 .......................................(671) 649-7262 .............60 Bambini Montessori School, Inc. ........................................(671) 649-2636 .......................................(671) 649-2642 .............35 Bangkok Designs International............................................(671) 482-4748..............................................................................64 Bank of Guam .....................................................................(671) 472-5300/ 5258.............................(671) 477-6796 .............29 Bank of Hawaii ....................................................................(671) 479-3534 .......................................(671) 479-3766 .............29 BankPacific .........................................................................(671) 472-8593/6704..............................(671) 477-1483 .............29 Barrett Enterprises Inc. dba: Barrett Plumbing....................(671) 734-5246 .......................................(671) 734-0519 .............37 Baumann Advertising..........................................................(671) 477-3741 /(671) 477-9084............(671) 477-9087 .............24 Beacon Valuation Group LLC ..............................................(671) 653-5757 .......................................(671) 653-5758 .............31 Benson Guam Ent., Inc. ......................................................(671) 477-7562 .......................................(671) 477-3736 .............55 Big Fish Creative, Inc. .........................................................(671) 649-3474/71/77.............................(671) 649-3464 .............24 Black Construction Corporation ..........................................(671) 646-4861/5....................................(671) 646-9086 .............37 Blair Sterling Johnson & Martinez, P.C................................(671) 477-7857 .......................................(671) 472-4290 .............27 Blue Pacific Realty ..............................................................(671) 648-1960 .......................................(671) 648-1962 .............53 Brimstone ...........................................................................(671) 797-3030..............................................................................58 Brown and Caldwell ............................................................(671) 477-0975..............................................................................40 Burger King.........................................................................(671) 649-4955 .......................................(671) 649-4957 .............42 C.A. Paulino & Associates Insurance, Inc. ..........................(671) 477-0022 .......................................(671) 477-7377 .............45 Cabot Mantanona LLP.........................................................(671) 646-2001 .......................................(671) 646-0777 .............27 Cabras Marine Corporation .................................................(671) 477-1818/7345..............................(671) 477-6206 .............59 Calvo Enterprises, Inc. ........................................................(671) 472-6854/5....................................(671) 472-6853 .............50 Calvo’s Insurance Underwriters, Inc. ..................................(671) 472-6816 .......................................(671) 477-5273 .............46 Cargo Express, Inc..............................................................(671) 649-5221/25/26.............................(671) 649-6470 .............42 Carlos T. San Agustin dba: Business Management Consultant Tel ..................................................................................(671) 727-0099..............................................................................36 Carlsmith Ball LLP ..............................................................(671) 472-6813 .......................................(671) 477-4375 .............27 Cars Plus, LLC ....................................................................(671) 477-7807 .......................................(671) 477-7805 .............28 Cassidy’s Associated Insurers, Inc......................................(671) 472-8834/6....................................(671) 477-3127 .............46 Cementon Micronesia, LLC.................................................(671) 649-6887 .......................................(671) 649-6888 .............64 Century 21 Realty Management Company, Inc. ..................(671) 647-5003 .......................................(671) 646-6604 .............53 CHA Consulting, Inc............................................................ (671) 646-4200 ......................................(671) 646-4240 .............25 Coast360 Federal Credit Union............................................(671) 477-8736 .......................................(671) 477-1155 .............29 Coffman Engineers, Inc.......................................................(671) 300-7531..............................................................................26 Community First Guam Federal Credit Union ......................(671) 472-8210 .......................................(671) 477-5522 .............29 Cookies of Guam, Inc..........................................................(671) 688-2426..............................................................................29 Corals Enterprises...............................................................(671) 475-7748 .......................................(671) 475-7749 .............50 Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page Core Tech International Corporation....................................(671) 473-5000 .......................................(671) 473-5050 .............37 Cost-U-Less........................................................................(671) 632-2532 .......................................(671) 632-2536 .............55 Counseling Services............................................................(671) 477-3311 .......................................(671) 477-3311 .............43 Cruz Associates Pacific, LLC...............................................(671) 479-6364 ......................................(671) 479-6365 .............37 CTSI Logistics.....................................................................(671) 646-2853 .......................................(671) 646-2855 .............42 Custom Fitness LLC & Cross Fit Gof Metgot.......................(671) 989-0436 .......................................(671) 989-0435 .............59 Cyber Information Technology, Inc. (DBA: CyIT).................(671) 487-2948..............................................................................31 David DDB...........................................................................(671) 472-4629 .......................................(671) 472-4628 .............24 dck pacific guam, LLC.........................................................(671) 647-5500 ......................................(671) 647-5600 .............38 ............................................................................................................................................................(671) 646-3320 Deanna Palmer....................................................................(671) 479-9532/ 688-2588......................(671) 479-8913 .............53 Dededo Retail Store ............................................................(671) 632-1819..............................................................................42 Deloitte & Touche LLP ........................................................(671) 646-3884 .......................................(671) 649-4932 .............24 Delta Air Lines, Inc..............................................................(671) 649-1146 (671) 649-8303 .............(671) 649-3741 .............25 Design Partners Incorporated .............................................(671) 727-7692/ (808) 949-0044...................................................26 Dewitt Moving & Storage ...................................................(671) 648-1800 .......................................(671) 646-0034 .............63 DFS Galleria Guam..............................................................(671) 647-3839 or (671) 727-2815.........(671) 647-3902 .............55 DGX ....................................................................................(671) 649-3333 .......................................(671) 649-7777 .............42 Dial Rent To Own ................................................................(671) 646-5726/5727..............................(671) 646-5100 .............45 Dickerson & Quinn..............................................................(671) 649-2706 .......................................(671) 649-2750 .............64 DNA, INC.............................................................................(671) 477-9053/4....................................(671) 477-9055 .............53 DOCOMO PACIFIC Administration: .....................................(671) 688-2355..............................................................................35 Customer Care: .............................................................(671) 688-2273 .......................................(671) 649-7247 Dodge, Marvin “Mike”.........................................................(671) 477-6606 .......................................(671) 477-6606 .............31 Dooley Roberts & Fowler LLP.............................................(671) 646-1222 .......................................(671) 646-1223 .............27 Dragon Inc. .........................................................................(671) 482-3322 .......................................(671) 646-8293 .............31 Dragonfly Furniture & Décor...............................................(671) 649-3339..............................................................................55 Duenas, Camacho & Associates, Incorporated ...................(671) 477-7991 .......................................(671) 479-6315 .............26 DZSP 21 LLC ......................................................................(671) 479-3997 .......................................(671) 479-3990 .............31 EA Engineering, Science & Technology Inc., PBC ...............(671) 646-5231 .......................................(671) 646-5230 .............40 East-West Rental Center, Inc...............................................(671) 646-1463 .......................................(671) 649-9069 .............40 ECC .....................................................................................(671) 647-3221 .......................................(671) 989-3147 .............38 Ernst & Young LLP .............................................................(671) 649-3700 .......................................(671) 649-3920 .............24 Expressions Studios ...........................................................(671) 647-3742 .......................................(671) 647-3743 .............52 Federal Express Corp. .........................................................(671) 648-4000 .......................................(671) 648-0125 .............39 Fiesta Resort Guam.............................................................(671) 646-5880 .......................................(671) 646-6729 .............43 Finance Factors, Ltd............................................................(671) 649-5751 .......................................(671) 649-5745 .............29 First Hawaiian Bank.............................................................(671) 475-7900/475-7884.......................(671) 477-9106 .............30 First Pacific Builders LLC ....................................................(671) 969-1808 .......................................(671) 989-8848 .............38 Tel ..................................................................................(808) 738-4988 ......................................(808) 664-8788 Florence Sgro Blas M.S., IMFT............................................(671) 929-7125..............................................................................36 Foremost Foods/ Coca-Cola Beverage Co. (Guam), Inc. .....(671) 649-9782/ 2653 ............................(671) 649- 9746 ............48 ............................................................................................................................................................(671) 646-9043 Forsyth Public Relations .....................................................(671) 898-8910..............................................................................31 Frontier Supply Company....................................................(671) 648-7000 .......................................(671) 648-7075 .............38 Fujita Property Guam, Inc. (ITC Bldg) .................................(671) 646-6825/6....................................(671) 646-7635 .............53 G4S Secure Solutions (Guam) Inc. .....................................(671) 646-2307 .......................................(671) 649-7245 .............58 Galaide Group, LLC.............................................................(671) 646-3448 .......................................(671) 646-3449 .............31 Garden Inspirations, LLC ....................................................(671) 929-8057..............................................................................47 GCIC Office Space...............................................................(671) 477-1389 .......................................(671) 477-1077 .............53 Gecko Labs, LLC.................................................................(671) 787-8319 .......................................(671) 649-2044 .............36 GFS Group ..........................................................................(671) 646-6083~5 ...................................(671) 646-6097 .............31 GHD Inc. .............................................................................(671) 472-6792 .......................................(671) 477-6229 .............26 GK2 Inc...............................................................................(671) 477-9224 .......................................(671) 477-3456 .............26 Glimpses of Guam, Inc........................................................(671) 649-0883 .......................................(671) 649-8883 .............24 GPSI Guam .........................................................................(671) 477-3058..............................................................................31 Granite Construction Company Guam.................................(671) 969-2282..............................................................................38 Graphic Center, Inc. ............................................................(671) 472-3072 .......................................(671) 472-3074 .............52 Great National Insurance Underwriters, Inc. .......................(671) 646-5736/45 .................................(671) 649-2418 .............46 (Mall) .............................................................................(671) 632-5406 ......................................(671) 632-5296 Green Endeavors.................................................................(671) 649-7277 .......................................(671) 649-7166 .............31 Grow Guam LLC..................................................................(671) 734-0683 .......................................(671) 475-5759 .............64 Guahan Waste Control Inc. dba Mr. Rubbishman ...............(671) 649-5183 .......................................(671) 649-5227 .............63 Guam Adult & Pediatric Clinic.............................................(671) 633-4272 .......................................(671) 633-2329 .............43 Guam Cornerstone, Inc. .....................................................(671) 988-4549 .......................................(671) 475-7749 .............38 Guam Fast Foods, Inc. ........................................................(671) 477-5266 .......................................(671) 477-2839 .............42 Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 19 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Alphabetical listing Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page Guam Flora Plant Nursery LLC............................................(671) 637-6628 .......................................(671) 637-6628 .............47 Guam Hardwood Construction Supply................................(671) 649-8821 .......................................(671) 649-8828 .............38 Guam Harley-Davidson .......................................................(671) 472-4004 .......................................(671) 472-6660 .............28 Guam Insurance Adjusters, Inc...........................................(671) 472-6288 .......................................(671) 472-2707 .............46 Guam Marianas Collection Agency .....................................(671) 475-1010/11..................................(671) 472-2210 .............37 Guam Marianas Training Center..........................................(671) 475-4682/1011..............................(671) 472-2210 .............58 Guam Medical Transport.....................................................(671) 648-7557 .......................................(671) 647-7557 .............43 Guam Memorial Life Plan....................................................(671) 734-9835 .......................................(671) 734-9842 .............42 Guam Mini Storage .............................................................(671) 477-1389 .......................................(671) 647-5722 .............60 Guam Pak Express, Inc. ......................................................(671) 649-3971 .......................................(671) 649-3454 .............60 Guam Premier Outlets / GPO/ Guam Shopping Center........(671) 647-4032 ......................................(671) 647-4034 .............50 Guam Strategic Development, LLC .....................................(671) 475-9800 .......................................(671) 475-9801 .............31 Guam Temps Employment Services Inc..............................(671) 646-3541/2....................................(671) 646-3543 .............33 Guam Transport & Warehouse, Inc.....................................(671) 646-9465/6....................................(671) 646-1808 .............63 Guam’s Own........................................................................(671) 689-1212..............................................................................64 GuamWEBZ.........................................................................(671) 647-7167 .......................................(671) 989-7167 .............63 Gurusamy Inc. dba: Health Services of the Pacific..............(671) 647-5355/56/7...............................(671) 647-5358 .............43 Ha’anen Guam Corportation dba: Blue Boy Muffler & Auto Service Center .............................(671) 646-6218 .......................................(671) 646-6219 .............28 Hagens Inc. dba: Pacific Pest Control .................................(671) 637-8959 .......................................(671) 637-7996 .............51 Hanson Permanente Cement...............................................(671) 477-1530 .......................................(671) 477-1531 .............64 Hawaii Intercontinental Corp...............................................(671) 647-7833 .......................................(671) 646-8337 .............64 Hawaiian Rock Products .....................................................(671) 734-2971 .......................................(671) 734-3744 .............38 Saipan ...........................................................................(670) 288-0407 .......................................(670) 288-0408 Hawthorne Pacific Corp. .....................................................(671) 649-4CAT (4228)...........................(671) 649-2340 .............48 HDR, Inc. ...........................................................................(671) 989-5558 .......................................(671) 989-5557 .............26 Hilton Guam Resort & Spa..................................................(671) 646-1835 .......................................(671) 646-6038 .............43 Holiday Resort & Spa Guam ...............................................(671) 647-7272 .......................................(671) 646-0867 .............44 Horizon Properties, Inc. ......................................................(671) 646-7616 .......................................(671) 646-7619 .............53 Hotel Nikko Guam ...............................................................(671) 649-8815 .......................................(671) 646-0031 .............44 HSG Co., Ltd. ......................................................................(671) 472-6634 .......................................(671) 472-6096 .............38 Hyatt Regency Guam ..........................................................(671) 647-1234 .......................................(671) 647-1235 .............44 IFIT GUAM ..........................................................................(671) 989-8348..............................................................................59 IMCO General Construction ................................................(671) 477-3405/6....................................(671) 477-3407 .............39 Inner Dynamics...................................................................(671) 472-8714..............................................................................64 Inter-Island Communications, Inc.......................................(671) 477-7108/9448..............................(671) 477-6411 .............30 International Alliance Ministries dba Guam International Training Center.....................................(671) 472-4482 or (671) 788-7535 ...............................................58 International Distributors, Inc. ............................................(671) 649-1535 .......................................(671) 649-1612 .............64 International Group, Inc. ....................................................(671) 477-4772 .......................................(866) 431-3151 .............33 IP&E Holdings, LLC. dba IP&E Guam .................................(671) 647-0000 .......................................(671) 649-4353 .............51 Irene Hicks..........................................................................(671) 998-2040 .......................................(671) 477-9586 .............53 Isla Energy Inc. ...................................................................(671) 489-1989..............................................................................54 Island Skin Spa ...................................................................(671) 989-7546..............................................................................59 Island Surgical Center.........................................................(671) 646-0443 .......................................(671) 646-0440 .............43 Island Waste Management, LLC..........................................(671) 734-9278 .......................................(671) 734-1405 .............63 J. Scott Magliari & Company ..............................................(671) 472-2680 .......................................(671) 472-2686 .............24 J.M. Robertson Inc. dba AmOrient Engineering ..................(671) 472-3301 .......................................(671) 472-3303 .............39 JJC Corporation ..................................................................(671) 988-6646..............................................................................56 JMI-EDISON........................................................................(671) 646-6400 .......................................(671) 649-5685 .............39 JML Investment Inc. dba FURLA.........................................(671) 649-2868 .......................................(671) 649-2868 .............56 Johnson Controls, Inc.........................................................(671) 922-1525 (671) 488-8788 .............(671) 922-1079 .............39 Jones and Guerrero Company, Inc......................................(671) 475-6110 .......................................(671) 472-6153 .............50 JWS Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Ltd. .....................(671) 646-7662 ......................................(671) 649-0053 ............25 Tel ..................................................................................(671) 472-1317 .......................................(671) 472-1319 K. Sadhwani’s Inc................................................................(671) 649-5948/49/50.............................(671) 646-6917 .............50 Kerry J. Cutting, CPA ..........................................................(671) 685-5646..............................................................................24 Kloppenburg Enterprise, Inc. ..............................................(671) 649-1941/2....................................(671) 649-3253 .............62 Korea East West Power Co,. Ltd..........................................(671) 475-5279/84..................................(671) 477-8485 .............52 L & H Golf Center................................................................(671) 646-4872..............................................................................56 Lam Lam Tours & Transportation .......................................(671) 646-1028 .......................................(671) 646-6256 .............62 Landscape Management Systems, Inc................................(671) 647-2617 .......................................(671) 647-2618 .............48 Law Office of John Richard Bordallo Bell............................(671) 646-5722/5723..............................(671) 646-5721 .............27 Ledge Light Technologies, Inc. ..........................................(671) 477-5483/84..................................(671) 477-5480 .............36 Lorea Industries, Inc. dba: Iberian International..................(671) 647-1595 or (671) 488-1595.........(671) 477-1595 .............65 Lotte Hotel Guam................................................................(671) 646-6811 .......................................(671) 646-6813 .............44 Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page Lotus Pacifica Trading, Inc..................................................(671) 477-5988 .......................................(671) 646-5987 .............59 Louis Vuitton Guam, Inc. ....................................................(671) 642-5800 .......................................(671) 646-8265 .............56 Love and Light DBA Synergy Studios .................................(671) 472-9642..............................................................................60 Low Tide Tattoo Company...................................................(671) 649-1080..............................................................................60 LSG Sky Chefs ....................................................................(671) 646-5878/90..................................(671) 646-6793 .............35 LYON Associates, Inc. .........................................................(671) 473-5966 .......................................(671) 473-5967 .............26 M and B Incorporated dba: PACIFIC GUAM ........................(671) 646-8744 .......................................(671) 646-8748 .............65 M-80 Systems, Inc..............................................................(671) 734-1680/1....................................(671) 734-1682 .............50 M.E. International, Inc. dba: Marianas Electronics, SolCom & MiTech International ..........................................(671) 637-4441 (671) 632-5310 ............(671) 637-4230 .............36 Macy’s, Inc..........................................................................(671) 637-9416 .......................................(671) 635-7901 .............56 Manhattan Guam, Inc. DBA: Royal Orchid Guam Hotel.......(671) 649-2000 .......................................(671) 649-3052 .............44 Marianas Energy Co............................................................(671) 477-3060 .......................................(671) 477-3154 ............52 Marianas Finance Corporation ............................................(671) 646-5011 ......................................(671) 646-8441 .............30 Marianas Gas Corporation dba Island Equipment Co. .........(671) 646-5261 .......................................(671) 646-5258 .............48 Marianas Steamship Agencies, Inc. ....................................(671) 472-8584 ......................................(671) 472-8585/5692 ....59 Marianas Variety - Guam.....................................................(671) 649-1924 .......................................(671) 648-2007 .............52 Market Wholesale Distributors, Inc.....................................(671) 477-9018 .......................................(671) 477-4294 .............65 Marketing Movement ..........................................................(671) 482-9675 .......................................(671) 646-8861 .............33 MasterMinds.......................................................................(671) 477-8377/ cell (671) 687-8525 ...........................................33 Matson Navigation Company ..............................................(671) 475-5961 .......................................(671) 477-5965 .............59 MCB, Inc. ...........................................................................(671) 472-4622 .......................................(671) 472-1370 .............37 McDonald’s Restaurant of Guam.........................................(671) 649-9093/4....................................(671) 646-9152 .............42 MCS, LLC............................................................................(671) 648-4262 .......................................(671) 472-0400 .............33 Merrill Lynch.......................................................................(671) 477-9158 .......................................(877) 303-3609 .............47 MGA Consulting..................................................................(671) 488-6272 .......................................(671) 646-5154 .............36 MicroMed Suppliers............................................................(671) 565-6633 .......................................(671) 565-6632 .............48 Micronesia Renewable Energy Inc. .....................................(671) 632-2613 (671) 487-3763 .............(671) 647-8035 .............54 Micronesian Divers Association, Inc. ..................................(671) 472-6321/ 24/25............................(671) 477-6329 .............60 Mid-Pacific Distributors, Inc. ..............................................(671) 635-5891 .......................................(671) 637-5832 .............65 Mobil Oil Guam, Inc. ...........................................................(671) 648-3600 .......................................(671) 648-3781 .............51 Moffatt & Nichol..................................................................(671) 648-1000 (562) 590-6500....................................................36 Money Resources, Inc. ......................................................(671) 646-0000/0011..............................(671) 649-0014 .............47 Monster Auto Corp. DBA: Guam Autospot ..........................(671) 478-2886 .......................................(671) 472-1417 .............28 Morgan Stanley Wealth Management..................................(671) 475-8890 .......................................(671) 477-2344 .............47 Morrico Equipment LLC......................................................(671) 649-1946 ......................................(671) 649-1947 .............40 Motiva Training & Consulting..............................................(671) 647-2002 (671) 777-2002 .............(671) 647-2002 .............33 Motorola Solutions Inc........................................................(671) 647-6140 .......................................(671) 647-6130 .............35 Moy Communications, Inc. dba: Hit Radio 100 and COOLFM 92.7 ...........................................................................................(671) 477-5658 (Office Line)...................(671) 472-7663 .............30 ...........................................................................................(671) 477-1003 (Hit Radio 100 Request Line) ...........................................................................................(671) 478-2665 (COOLFM Studio Line) Moylan’s Insurance Underwriter’s, Inc. Affiliates: (1) First Net Insurance Co. (2) Equitable Adjusting (3) Net Care Life & Health ...........................................................................................(671) 477-7500 .......................................(671) 477-1837 .............46 Nanbo Guam, Ltd. Dba: Nanbo Insurance...........................(671) 477-9754 ......................................(671) 477-2315 .............46 National / Alamo Car Rental ................................................(671) 647-1016 .......................................(671) 649-2493 .............28 National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA GUAM) ...........................................................................................(671) 300-7442 .......................................(671) 300-7489 .............33 National Office Supply.........................................................(671) 646-6613 .......................................(671) 646-7853 .............50 Navy Federal Credit Union...................................................(888) 842-6328..............................................................................30 NBK Trading Corporation ....................................................(671) 734-3777 .......................................(671) 734-3702 .............65 New Horizons Guam ...........................................................(671) 633-4811/22..................................(671) 633-4855 .............33 Nissan Motor Corporation in Guam ....................................(671) 647-7260 .......................................(671) 647-7269 .............28 Norton Lilly International, Inc..............................................(671) 475-4654 .......................................(671) 475-4653 .............59 Obayashi Corporation Guam Office.....................................(671) 633-2340..............................................................................39 Oceanic Resources, Inc. (dba Pacific Place) .......................(671) 969-3500 .......................................(671) 969-3611 .............54 Odoca, Glenda.....................................................................(671) 687-3892..............................................................................56 Okada Managing Consulting Services.................................(671) 488-6689..............................................................................33 Onward Beach Resort .........................................................(671) 647-7777 .......................................(671) 646-1724 .............44 OSH Solutions Guam ..........................................................(671) 777-4347..............................................................................58 Otis Elevator Company........................................................(671) 647-6847 .......................................(671) 647-6860 .............40 Outback Steakhouse ...........................................................(671) 646-1543 .......................................(671) 646-1544 .............55 Outrigger Guam Resort.......................................................(671) 649-9000 .......................................(671) 647-9710 .............44 P.H.R. Ken Micronesia, Inc. dba: Ken Corporation ..............(671) 646-3860 .......................................(671) 646-3865 .............33 Pacific American Title Insurance .........................................(671) 648-7777 .......................................(671) 648-7213 .............60 20 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Alphabetical listing Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page Pacific Daily News...............................................................(671) 477-9711 thru 9 ...................................................................52 Exec. Office: ...................................................................................................................................(671) 472-1512 Advertising: ....................................................................................................................................(671) 479-3059 News Room: ..................................................................................................................................(671) 479-3079 Pacific Dining, LLC dba: Lone Star Steakhouse ..................(671) 646-6061 .......................................(671) 649-8083 .............55 Pacific Human Resource Services, Inc................................(671) 637-6906/7/8.................................(671) 637-6909 .............33 Pacific Indemnity Insurance Company................................(671) 477-8801 .......................................(671) 477-6290 .............46 Pacific Island Movers, Inc...................................................(671) 646-5865 .......................................(671) 649-9156 .............63 Pacific Islands Club.............................................................(671) 646-9171 .......................................(671) 648-2474 .............44 Pacific Petroleum Trading Corp...........................................(671) 486-5460..............................................................................51 Pacific Rim Realty...............................................................(671) 649-0677 .......................................(671) 649-2505 ............54 Pacific Solar & Photovoltaics, Inc.......................................(671) 632-4002 .......................................(671) 637-7996 .............52 Pacific Star Resort & Spa....................................................(671) 649-7827..............................................................................45 Executive Office .............................................................................................................................(671) 648-1656 Sales Office ..................................................................................................................................(671) 649-6936 Pacific Telestations, Inc. dba: KUAM...................................(671) 637-5826 .......................................(671) 637-9865 .............30 Pacific Unlimited Inc. ..........................................................(671) 473-4374/5....................................(671) 473-4370 .............63 Pactours, LLC. ....................................................................(671) 649-3221; (671) 647-8687 to 88...(671) 649-4221 .............62 Paradise Auto Spa...............................................................(671) 989-2772 .............................................................................28 Patricia Feore ......................................................................(671) 688-6989 .......................................(671) 479-8913 .............54 Pay-Less Supermarkets, Inc. ..............................................(671) 477-9266 .......................................(671) 477-8308 .............42 PCR Environmental, Inc. .....................................................(671) 473-3560 .......................................(671) 473-3563 .............40 PCR, Inc. dba: Linda’s Coffee Shop The Whispering Palms........................................................(671) 472-1203 .......................................(671) 472-9300 .............55 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.........................................................(671) 646-6941 .......................................(671) 646-6781 .............48 Perez Bros., Inc...................................................................(671) 647-1731 .......................................(671) 649-2972 .............39 Personal Finance Center......................................................(671) 647-6809 .......................................(671) 649-4847 .............30 Pestex Guam.......................................................................(671) 472-1313 .......................................(671) 472-1316 .............51 Philippine Medical and Dental Referral Services .................(671) 637-5433 .......................................(671) 633-5433 .............43 Phoenix Pacific (Guam), Inc................................................(671) 646-6461/2....................................(671) 649-0483 .............34 Pika’s Café...........................................................................(671) 647-7452..............................................................................55 PMD Business Services ......................................................(671) 688-6898..............................................................................33 PMT Guam Corporation ......................................................(671) 647-0768 .......................................(671) 646-7045 .............62 Precision Systems, Inc. ......................................................(671) 646-5792 .......................................(671) 646-5793 .............54 Promotions Specialties .......................................................(671) 649-3117/8....................................(671) 649-2468 .............53 PTI Pacifica, Inc. dba: IT&E.................................................(671) 922-4483 .......................................(671) 922-4329 .............35 QMark Research..................................................................(671) 649-7629/ 7231.............................(671) 647-4541 .............34 Quality Distributors.............................................................(671) 649-9788 .......................................(671) 649-9688 .............65 Real Estate Guam................................................................(671) 888-2100 (671) 482-3336 ............. (671) 646-7557 ............54 Rendezvous Designs...........................................................(671) 788-1319..............................................................................52 Restaurant Proa ..................................................................(671) 588-7765 .......................................(671) 479-7762 .............55 RIM Architects ....................................................................(671) 477-2111 .......................................(671) 477-2125 .............26 RJS Guam LLC....................................................................(671) 688-6500 .......................................(671) 477-7511 .............34 Roberto Fracassini Productions..........................................(671) 632-9037..............................................................................60 RSU Consultants, LLC ........................................................(671) 646-0172 .......................................(671) 646-0172 .............52 Ruder Integrated Marketing Strategies ...............................(671) 687-0958 .......................................(671) 637-3850 .............24 Ruru Global Recruitment Services, Inc. ..............................(632) 516-4180/409-9915.......................(632) 516-4180 .............34 S.E.T. - Pacific, Inc. .............................................................(671) 646-8990 .......................................(671) 646-5015 .............34 S.P.E. (Guam) Inc................................................................(671) 646-7144/7076..............................(671) 646-1998 .............65 Sablan & Svec, LLC dba American Music Guam.................(671) 647-6895 .......................................(671) 647-6896 .............56 Sagan Fina’Na’Guen Fino’ Chamoru Day Care .....................(671) 632-2395..............................................................................35 Sanford Technology Group LLC ..........................................(671) 647-0220 .......................................(671) 647-0200 .............34 Seabridge, Inc.....................................................................(671) 477-5038/4138..............................(671) 477-6206 .............50 Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. ................................(671) 646-2595 .......................................(671) 646-2596 .............58 Security Title, Inc. ...............................................................(671) 647-8100 .......................................(671) 647-8170 .............62 SGS Guam, Inc. ..................................................................(671) 588-2923 .......................................(671) 477-2923 .............51 Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort...........................................(671) 646-2222 .......................................(671) 649-7034 .............45 Shooting Star Productions..................................................(671) 477-9348/9...........................................................................63 Slater, Nakamura & Co, LLC................................................(671) 649-3803/06..................................(671) 649-3890 .............24 SM Guam, Inc.....................................................................(671) 477-7463 .......................................(671) 477-7648 .............56 Small Business Know-How .................................................(671) 488-7738..............................................................................36 Smithbridge Guam Inc........................................................(671) 653-5036 .......................................(671) 653-5040 .............39 South Pacific Environmental (Guam) LLC...........................(671) 649-7609 .......................................(671) 649-7610 .............40 South Pacific Petroleum Corporation..................................(671) 647-7600 or (671) 588-7200.........(671) 588-7202 .............51 SSFM International, Inc. .....................................................(671) 646-7736 .......................................(671) 646-7737 .............26 Stanley Consultants, Inc. ....................................................(671) 646-3466..............................................................................37 Company ................................Telephone Number...................Fax Page StayWell Insurance .............................................................(671) 477-5091 .......................................(671) 477-5096 .............46 Studio 211 ..........................................................................(671) 637-4536/7...........................................................................56 Sylvan Learning Center .......................................................(671) 477-0700 .......................................(671) 477-5500 .............58 T.A. Enterprises, Inc. ...........................................................(671) 734-4205 .......................................(671) 734-4205 .............54 Takagi & Associates, Inc. ....................................................(671) 648-5350 .......................................(671) 648-5373 .............47 TakeCare Insurance Company, Inc. .....................................(671) 646-6956 .......................................(671) 647-3551 .............47 Tango Inc. dba: Micronesia Mall Theatres & Agana Stadium Theatres ...........................................................................................(671) 632-2204 .......................................(671) 632-2322 .............60 Taniguchi-Ruth Makio Architects ........................................(671) 475-8772/4....................................(671) 472-3381 .............27 TeleGuam Holdings, LLC - GTA ...........................................(671) 644-4482 .......................................(671) 644-0125 .............35 The Guam Guide .................................................................(671) 888-4582..............................................................................62 The Westin Resort Guam ....................................................(671) 647-1020/ 0905.............................(671) 647-0909 .............45 Thrifty Car Rental Guam......................................................(671) 646-6555..............................................................................28 Tidewater Distributors, Inc..................................................(671) 477-5000 .......................................(671) 472-8508 .............59 Tiffany & Co. .......................................................................(671) 649-8898 .......................................(671) 647-1068 .............56 Titan Imports Inc. ...............................................................(671) 647-4268 .......................................(671) 647-4269 .............65 Title Guaranty of Guam .......................................................(671) 477-7147 .......................................(671) 477-1071 .............62 Today’s Realty .....................................................................(671) 649-4361 .......................................(671) 646-0832 .............54 Tommy Hilfiger...........................................................................................................................................................................56 Toni A. Geisinger.................................................................(671) 647-3295 .......................................(671) 647-3295 .............54 Top End Pest Control Guam ................................................(671) 487-5657..............................................................................51 Torres Law Group ...............................................................(671) 477-9891/4....................................(671) 472-2601 .............27 TrackMe Guam....................................................................(671) 649-6348 .......................................(671) 649-6346 .............34 Trane Guam.........................................................................(671) 649-0493~95 .................................(671) 649-0510 .............25 Travel Pacificana .................................................................(671) 472-8884 .......................................(671) 477-0888 .............62 TRI Executive Realty ...........................................................(671) 649-8740/46..................................(671) 647-1606 .............54 Triple J Enterprises .............................................................(671) 646-9126 .......................................(671) 646-9487 .............28 Triple J Five Star Wholesale Foods, Inc. .............................(671) 637-7576 .......................................(671) 632-4111 .............65 TSC Inc. dba: Ninth Design .................................................(671) 787-5847..............................................................................64 Tumon Sands Plaza.............................................................(671) 646-6801/5....................................(671) 646-5583 .............59 Tun Juan Products ..............................................................(671) 472-2509 .......................................(671) 472-2509 .............48 Underwater World Guam/ Sea Grill Restaurant ...................(671) 649-9191 x102 ..............................(671) 647-1689 .............27 United Airlines.....................................................................(671) 645-8772/4....................................(671) 642-8639 ............25 ............................................................................................................................................................(671) 649-6588 Unitek Environmental Guam................................................(671) 565-3151/3438..............................(671) 565-3391 .............40 Unlimited Services Group, L.L.C. ........................................(671) 649-5930 .......................................(671) 649-5933 .............34 Vectrus................................................................................(719) 591-3600 .......................................(719) 637-5986 .............34 Venture Transportation Corp dba: Budget Car Rental..........(671) 647-1440 .......................................(671) 646-5493 ............28 W.W. Grainger.....................................................................(951) 852-2109..............................................................................34 Washington Pacific Economic Development Group, Inc. ....(671) 649-3800 .......................................(671) 649-3890 .............37 Watson Training & Development.........................................(903) 758-0855 .......................................(671) 647-6783 .............58 Watts Constructors, LLC.....................................................(671) 633-4534 .......................................(671) 633-4545 .............39 Western Sales Trading Co. ..................................................(671) 647-0369-70..................................(671) 647-0372 .............65 Xerox Corporation...............................................................(671) 477-9456 .......................................(671) 472-3844 .............50 Zeng’s Studio ......................................................................(671) 649-3281..............................................................................58 Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 21 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING ADVERTISING Deloitte & Touche LLP Audit, tax and accounting services 361 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913-3911 Executives: Daniel S. Fitzgerald, Chairman/CEO Jerold W. Filush, Partner Joe M. Arnett, Partner Lee H. Vensel, Partner Telephone: (671) 646-3884 Fax: (671) 649-4932 Website: Baumann Advertising Full Service Ad Agency, Producing Multi-Media Ad Campaigns Suite 903, DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores Street Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Frances Baumann, Owner/President Telephone: (671) 477-3741, (671) 477-9084 Fax: (671) 477-9087 Email: [email protected] Ernst & Young LLP Assurance, Advisory, Tax and Accounting Services, Public Accounting Ernst & Young Building Suite 201, 231 Ypao Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: John R. Onedera, Country Managing Partner Lance K. Kamigaki, Tax Partner James N. Whitt, Assurance Partner Elvin Y. Chiang, Senior Advisor N. Oscar Miyashita, Senior Advisor Fuminori Sugawara, Japan Business Service Partner Telephone: (671) 649-3700 Fax: (671) 649-3920 Email: [email protected] J. Scott Magliari & Company Certified Public Accountants P.O. Box 12734 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: J. Scott Magliari, Managing Partner Karvin L. Flynn, Principal Partner Dorsey Ampare, Senior Tax Accountant Telephone: (671) 472-2680 Fax: (671) 472-2686 Email: [email protected] Kerry J. Cutting, CPA Certified Public Accountant - Taxation & Accounting P.O. Box 5362 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Kerry Cutting, Owner Telephone: (671) 685-5646 Email: [email protected] Website: Slater, Nakamura & Co, LLC CPA Firm, Tax Consulting 790 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 204 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Keith Nakamura, Partner Telephone: (671) 649-3803/06 Fax: (671) 649-3890 Email: [email protected] Big Fish Creative, Inc. Advertising & Marketing 144 Fujita Road, Suite 201 Tumon, Guam 96913-4024 Executives: Norman B. Lauron, President/ Creative Director Jenevieve O. Sablan, Vice-President/ Managing Director Deanne S.N. Torre, Secretary, Director of Client Services Telephone: (671) 649-3474/71/77 Fax: (671) 649-3464 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: David DDB Advertising Agency The Cliff Business Center, 178 Francisco Javier St., Suite C3A Agana Heights, Guam 96910 Executive: Eduardo David, Jr., President, Creative Director Telephone: (671) 472-4629 Fax: (671) 472-4628 Email: [email protected] Glimpses of Guam, Inc. Full time Advertising & Marketing Agency. Publisher of Guam Business Magazine, Marianas Business Journal,R & R Pacific magazine & Beach Road magazine P.O. Box 3191 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Marcos Fong, Managing Director Maureen Maratita, Publisher of Glimpses Publications Sharleen Marchesseault, Director of Agency Services for Glimpses Advertising Telephone: (671) 649-0883 Fax: (671) 649-8883 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website: Ruder Integrated Marketing Strategies Marketing/Business Consulting Unit #903 Agana Bay Condominium,182 Trankilo Street Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Stephen C. Ruder, Proprietor Dorie Abdon Telephone: (671) 687-0958 Fax: (671) 637-3850 Email: [email protected] 24 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES JWS Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Ltd. Sales, service and installation of residential/commercial A/C units, chillers, food service equipment. Distributor of Hotel/Restaurant Equipment and Supplies; Mechanical Contracting 290 Tun Jose Salas Street, Ste. A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: John W. Scragg, President/CEO Mark Crisostomo, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-7662 (671) 472-1317 (671) 649-0053 (671) 472-1319 Email: [email protected] Website: Trane Guam Sales and Service of Air Conditioning Equipment and Systems P.O. Box 7749 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Metha Pradiskesorn, Manager Telephone: (671) 649-0493~95 Fax: (671) 649-0510 Email: [email protected] Website: AIR TRANSPORTATION & RELATED SERVICES Aviation Concepts, Inc. Charter, Maintenance 17-3404 Neptune Avenue Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executives: Terry Habeck, President & CEO Alpha Reyes, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-0179 Fax: (671) 477-0261 Email: [email protected] Website: Delta Air Lines, Inc. Air Transportation P.O. Box 7087 Tamuning, Guam 96931-7087 Executives: Steven Crowdey, Director - Australia, Micronesia, Philippines, and the South Pacific Patricia Celis, Regional Manager - Australia, Micronesia, and the Philippines Marie Lizama, Sales Manager - Guam Telephone: (671) 649-1146; (671) 649-8303 Fax: (671) 649-3741 Email: [email protected] Website: United Airlines International Air Carrier P.O. Box 8778 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Sam Shinohara, Managing Director Business Development Guam and Micronesia Paula L. Monk, Senior Manager Sales - Guam and Micronesia Telephone: (671) 645-8772/4 Fax: (671) 642-8639 (671) 649-6588 Email: [email protected] Website: ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES AECOM Provides engineering, design, and consulting support services for water, transportation, facilities and environmental projects to industrial, municipal and federal clients. 414 West Soledad Avenue, GCIC Bldg, Ste 708 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Ed Hipolito, Director of Engineering Peter Diaz, Project Engineer Telephone: (671) 477-8325 Fax: (671) 472-8324 Email: [email protected] Website: ARI Partners Architecture P.C. Architectural & Construction Management Services Tumon Bay Business Center, Ste. 201, 919 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Neil J. Paynter, AIA Telephone: (671) 646-5144/5 Fax: (671) 646-5143 Email: [email protected] Website: CHA Consulting, Inc. Engineering and Architecture 692 North Marine Corps Drive, 3rd Floor Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Daniel Foth, VP Glenn Leon Guerrero, Senior Project Manager Telephone: (671) 646-4200 Fax: (671) 646-4240 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 25 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Coffman Engineers, Inc. Civil, Structural, industrial mechanical, process piping, commercial mechanical, electrical engineering & controls, lighting, project management, commissioning, & corrosion control engineering. 414 W. Soledad Avenue, Ste. 903 Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Skip Bourgeois, Corporate Marketing Manager Kelly Morrow, Adminstrative Supervisor Scott Thompson, General Manager Mike Pritchard, Mech. Engineer Telephone: (671) 300-7531 Email: [email protected] Website: Design Partners Incorporated Architectural Design Firm 414 W. Soledad Ave. Ste.708 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Steve Teves, Architect Telephone: (671) 727-7692/ (808) 949-0044 Email: [email protected] Website: Duenas, Camacho & Associates, Incorporated Civil, Structural Engineering, Land Surveying; Planning; Environmental Services; Construction Management; GIS Professional Engineering Services P.O. Box 8900 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Suite 201, Diamond Plaza Hagåtña, Guam 96931 Executives: John P. Duenas, President Thomas P. Camacho, Vice President Elizabeth C. Duenas, Promotions & Training Manager Telephone: (671) 477-7991 Fax: (671) 479-6315 Email: [email protected] Website: GHD Inc. Consulting Engineers/Construction Management 865 S Marine Corps Dr., Ste. 202 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Paul K. Baron, P.E., CPESC, LEED AP, Pacific Business Group Manager Fred A. Smith, P.E. Jeffrey L. Groom, P.E. Telephone: (671) 472-6792 Fax: (671) 477-6229 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: GK2 Inc. Structural and Civil Engineering 424 West O’Brien Drive Suite 230 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Terangue “Tiger” Gillham, President Telephone: (671) 477-9224 Fax: (671) 477-3456 Email: [email protected] HDR, Inc. Architecture. Engineering. Environmental. 134 W. Soledad Ave., Suite 404 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Edward Lynch, Senior Vice President, HDR EOC Inc. Aaron Meilleur, Vice President, HDR Engineering Inc. Nicholas Manley, Project Manager, HDR Engineering Inc. Lisa Chambers, Area Marketing Manager, HDR EOC Inc. Telephone: (671) 989-5558 Fax: (671) 989-5557 Email: [email protected] Website: LYON Associates, Inc. Architectural & Engineering Firm 137 Murray Blvd. Suite 203 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Ronald G. Gonzales, President Alfred F. Leon Guerrero, Business Development Telephone: (671) 473-5966 Fax: (671) 473-5967 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: RIM Architects Architectural, Space Planning and Interior Design Services 316 Hernan Cortes Ave., Ste. 300 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Larry S. Cash, CEO Timothy Armour, Managing Principal Phillip Noret, Principal; Brent Wiese, Principal Christine Wolke, Principal Telephone: (671) 477-2111 Fax: (671) 477-2125 Email: [email protected] Website: SSFM International, Inc. Engineering and Construction Management 215 Rojas Street, Suite 213 Harmon, Guam 96913 Executive: Rizaldy Cortez, General Manager - Guam Telephone: (671) 646-7736 Fax: (671) 646-7737 Email: [email protected] Website: 26 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Taniguchi-Ruth Makio Architects Architecture, Design, Planning, Interior Design, Construction Management and Consulting P.O. Box EA Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Mark Ruth, FAIA, Principal Michael Makio, AIA, Principal Allen L. Turner, AIC, Senior Associate Melet G. Santos, AIA, SR. Associate Telephone: (671) 475-8772/4 Fax: (671) 472-3381 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEYS & LAW OFFICES Blair Sterling Johnson & Martinez, P.C. Law Firm 238 Archbishop Flores St., Ste 1008 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: William J. Blair, President Thomas C. Sterling, Senior Vice President Richard L. Johnson, Vice President Jehan’Ad G. Martinez, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 477-7857 Fax: (671) 472-4290 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cabot Mantanona LLP Civil Litigation, Commerical/Business Law, Real Estate, Probate, Insurance Defense, Governmental Compliance, Government Legal Counsel and Criminal Law Edge Bldg, 2nd Floor, 929 South Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Matthew S. Kane, Attorney Rawlen Mantanona, Attorney Telephone: (671) 646-2001 Fax: (671) 646-0777 Email: [email protected] Website: Carlsmith Ball LLP Civil litigation practice, Commercial business practice, Corporate, Banking, Estate Planning, Real property, Admiralty, Labor Law, Immigration, Insurance and Anti-trust P.O. Box BF Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Elyze McDonald Iriarte, Administrative Partner Sinforoso Tolentino, Partner Meredith Sayre, Partner Donald Calvo, Partner Roger Crouthamel, Of Counsel Vincent Camacho, Partner Michael Gatewood, Associate Telephone: (671) 472-6813 Fax: (671) 477-4375 Email: [email protected] Website: Dooley Roberts & Fowler LLP Law Office 865 S. Marine Corps Drive Suite 201 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: David W. Dooley, Partner Tim Roberts, Partner Kevin J. Fowler, Partner Telephone: (671) 646-1222 Fax: (671) 646-1223 Email: [email protected] Website: Law Office of John Richard Bordallo Bell Law Office 341 S. Marine Corps Dr., RK Plaza, Suite 309 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: John Richard Bordallo Bell Telephone: (671) 646-5722/5723 Fax: (671) 646-5721 Email: [email protected] Torres Law Group Law Firm 130 Aspinall Avenue, Ste. 2A Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Phillip Torres, President Marjorie C. Leon Guerrero, Accountant Joyleen Sanchez, Secretary Telephone: (671) 477-9891/4 Fax: (671) 472-2601 Email: [email protected] ATTRACTION Underwater World Guam/ Sea Grill Restaurant Under water tunnel aquarium Sea Grill Restaurant: Seafood, steak, local cuisine 1245 Pale San Vitores Road, Ste. 400 Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Erik Pedersen, CEO/President - U.S. Aquarium Team Jeff Schindler, General Manager – UnderWater World & Sea Grill Restaurant Rey Dasalla, Executive Chef – Sea Grill Restaurant Telephone: (671) 649-9191 x102 Fax: (671) 647-1689 Email: [email protected] Website: AUTOMOBILE DEALERS, RENTALS & SERVICES Atkins Kroll, Inc. Automobile new & used sales, Parts, Service, Rent-A-Car, and Body Shop 443 South Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Desmond Graham, President Julie Lee, Director of Finance Samuel Sotelo, Director of Marketing & Distribution Thomas Mazzei, Director of Sales Robert Maher, Director of Aftersales Telephone: (671) 646-1876/ 649-6410 Fax: (671) 646-9592 Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 27 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Cars Plus, LLC Automotive Sales and Service 647 Route 8 Maite, Guam 96910 Executives: Joey Crisostomo, President Joyce Crisostomo, Executive Director Jennifer C. Camacho, Director of Business Development Telephone: (671) 477-7807 Fax: (671) 477-7805 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Harley-Davidson Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealership 202 W. Marine Corps Dr. Asan, Guam 96910 Executive: David Neilsen, Dealer Principal Telephone: (671) 472-4004 Fax: (671) 472-6660 Email: [email protected] Website: Ha’anen Guam Corportation dba: Blue Boy Muffler & Auto Service Center Automotive Services Center P.O. Box 8114 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Zina Santos, President Marvin Naputi, Vice President Christina Naputi, Treasurer Magdalena Naputi, General Manager Selena Naputi, Account Executive Telephone: (671) 646-6218 Fax: (671) 646-6219 Email: [email protected] Monster Auto Corp. DBA: Guam Autospot Auto Dealership P.O. Box 3550 Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Derrick Muna Quinata, President Donna Muna Quinata, Sr. Vice President Vince A. Mafnas, Vice President - Sales Dean Muller, Vice President - Operations Telephone: (671) 478-2886 Fax: (671) 472-1417 Email: [email protected] Website: National / Alamo Car Rental Car Rental & Leasing P.O. Box 9658 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Pacita Tomada, President / GM John Tomada, Executive Assistant Lisa Tomada, HR / Employee Care Gilbert Doerksen, IT Manager / Business Development Manager - Micronesia Mari Buensuceso, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 647-1016 Fax: (671) 649-2493 Email: [email protected] Nissan Motor Corporation in Guam Automotive Sales, Rent-A-Car, Service and Body Shop 1012 N Marine Corps Dr. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Van R. Shelly, President & CEO Philippe Gerling, General Manager Telephone: (671) 647-7260 Fax: (671) 647-7269 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Paradise Auto Spa Full Auto detailing P.O. Box 732 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Joe Roberto, Managing Member Telephone: (671) 989-2772 Email: [email protected] Thrifty Car Rental Guam Rental & Lease of Vehicles 199 Chalan Pasaheru Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Jennifer C. Camacho, Managing Member Telephone: (671) 646-6555 Website: Triple J Enterprises, Inc. Automotive Sales, Parts & Services; Real Estate Sales and Home Development; Retail & Wholesale Tire Sales; Travel Agency; Convenience Stores; Restaurant Management & Grocery Wholesale, Car Rental P.O. Box 6066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Robert H. Jones, Chairman & CEO Jeffrey B. Jones, President R. Dan Murrell, Senior Vice President Jay B. Jones, Senior Vice President Michael S. Sablan, Vice President, Finance and Administration Christopher Duenas, Corporate Controller Telephone: (671) 646-9126 Fax: (671) 646-9487 Email: [email protected] Website: Venture Transportation Corp dba: Budget Car Rental Car Rental P.O. Box 8468 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Bruce McKenzie, President Dan Camacho, General Manager Rosalie D. Leon Guerrero, Controller Sabri Jiffry, Operation Manager Telephone: (671) 647-1440 Fax: (671) 646-5493 Email: [email protected] Website: 28 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY BAKERY Cookies of Guam, Inc. 928A Cross Island Road Santa Rita, Guam 96915 Executives: Genevieve Garrett, President Joe B. Garrett, Vice President Telephone: (671) 688-2426 Email: [email protected] BANKS, CREDIT INSTITUTIONS & MORTGAGE BROKERS ANZ Guam, Inc. Commercial Banking P.O. Box EQ Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: John W. Wade, CEO Telephone: (671) 479-9000 Fax: (671) 479-9090 Email: [email protected] Bank of Guam Full Range of Banking Services including International Connection through Correspondent Banking Relationships P.O. Box BW Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, President, CEO & Chair of the Board William D. Leon Guerrero, EVP/COO Frank M. Atalig, SVP/CFO Jacqueline A. Marati, SVP/Marketing Administrator Telephone: (671) 472-5300/ 5258 Fax: (671) 477-6796 Email: [email protected] Website: Bank of Hawaii Full Service Financial Services Company with Headquarters located in Honolulu, Hawaii P.O. Box BH Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Ronald Cannoles, EVP & West Pacific Regional Manager Erlinda Alegre, SVP & Operations, Compliance & Support Manager Mark Tokito, VP & Guam Commercial Banking Manager Nacia Atalig, VP & Business Banking Manager Carlo Gonzales, AVP & Hagatna Branch Manager Aurora Pimentel, AVP & Tamuning Branch Manager Maria Fe Regis-Malaca, AVP & Harmon Branch Manager Telephone: (671) 479-3534 Fax: (671) 479-3766 Email: [email protected] Website: BankPacific Commercial and Consumer Banking 151 Aspinall Ave. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Philip J. Flores, President & CEO; Mark O. Fish, Executive V.P. & COO; Wanda Hendricks, SVP & CFO; Norma Jean Flores, SVP/Systems Operations Byron Evaristo, VP-Commercial/Consumer Loans Theresa Guevara, VP & Residential Loan Manager Telephone: (671) 472-8593/6704 Fax: (671) 477-1483 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Coast360 Federal Credit Union Proudly serving almost 58,000 members, Coast360 offers a full line of competitive banking products and services. 450 Route 8 Maite, Guam 96910 Executives: Gener Deliquina, Chief Executive Officer Monica Pido, Chief Operations Officer Jason Rios, Chief Financial Officer Lito Gatuz, Chief Credit Officer Jessica Atalig, Chief Risk Officer Tia Borja, Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 477-8736 Fax: (671) 477-1155 Email: [email protected] Website: Community First Guam Federal Credit Union Community First is the first and only community chartered credit union on island. It is dedicated to providing our members with comprehensive financial services offering competitive rates with convenient & professional service based on excellence and integrity 238 Archbishop Flores St., Suite 102 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Gerard A. Cruz, President & CEO Michael S. Finona, SVP/Chief Operations Officer Scott K. Moylan, VP/Chief Financial Officer Telephone: (671) 472-8210 Fax: (671) 477-5522 Email: [email protected] Website: Finance Factors, Ltd. Real Estate/Consumer Lending 339 Chalan San Antonio, Suite 100 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Elisa (Gigi) Delos Santos, AVP/Branch Manager Telephone: (671) 649-5751 Fax: (671) 649-5745 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 29 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY First Hawaiian Bank A Full Service Bank 400 Route 8, Suite 101 Maite, Guam 96910-2026 Executives: Laura-Lynn V. Dacanay, SVP & Region Manager Maria T. Calvo, VP & Dededo Branch Manager Edward G. Untalan, SVP and Maite Banking Center Manager Narlin C. Manalo, VP/Private Banking Officer Jose A. Garcia, VP & Tamuning Branch Manager Telephone: (671) 475-7900/475-7884 Fax: (671) 477-9106 Website: Marianas Finance Corporation Real Estate and Consumer Lending Orlean Pacific Plaza 825 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Philip J. Flores, President & Chairman of the Board Carmelita C. Gogue, VP/General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5011 (671) 646-5022 Fax: (671) 646-8441 Email: [email protected] Website: Navy Federal Credit Union Credit Union 1657C Naval Activities Santa Rita, Guam 96915 Executives: Tamara Potts, Manager Rhonda Herrera-Devaco, Assistant Manager Liberty Magnt, Supervisor Telephone: (888) 842-6328 Email: [email protected] Website: Personal Finance Center Consumer, Real Estate and Commercial Lending; Money Certificates; and Insurance Brokering 126 Chalan San Antonio Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Michael A. Camacho, President & CEO Nelson H.V. Pegarido, EVP/CFO Frank P. Camacho, EVP/COO Rosario B. Duenas, SVP/Chief Credit Officer Zenaida A. Santos, VP/Certificates Manager Elizabeth P. Lizama, VP/Collections Manager Anita T.M. Taitano, Dededo Center Manager Telephone: (671) 647-6809 Fax: (671) 649-4847 Email: [email protected] Website: BROADCASTING STATIONS Inter-Island Communications, Inc. K-STO 95.5 FM Radio Station, KISH 102.9 FM, KTWG Guam Pacific 800 AM 1868 Halsey Drive Piti, Guam 96915 Executives: Edward H. Poppe, President & General Manager Joe Tighe, Operations Manager Frances W. Poppe, Finance Director Telephone: (671) 477-7108/9448 Fax: (671) 477-6411 Email: [email protected] Moy Communications, Inc. dba: Hit Radio 100 and COOLFM 92.7 Radio/ Communications 424 West O’Brien Drive, Ste 107 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Kurt S. Moylan, President Rick Nauta, Station Operator/Program Director Telephone: (671) 477-5658 (Office Line) (671) 477-1003 (Hit Radio 100 Request Line) (671) 478-2665 (COOLFM Studio Line) Fax: (671) 472-7663 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Pacific Telestations, Inc. dba: KUAM Media Broadcasting 600 Harmon Loop Road, Suite 102 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executives: Joseph G. Calvo, General Manager Marie Calvo-Monge, Asst. General Manager Eli Monge, General Sales Manager Christie San Agustin, Office Manager Erlbert Sapida, Controller Telephone: (671) 637-5826 Fax: (671) 637-9865 Email: [email protected] Website: BUSINESS SERVICES Ace Vending Snack and drink vending machine company that provides vending machines to businesses, schools, hospitals, gyms, banks, apartments, etc. 895 Route 4 Sinajana, Guam 96910 Executive: Tom Tedtaotao, Manager Telephone: (671) 777-6461 Fax: (671) 969-6461 Email: [email protected] 30 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Agility Defense & Government Services Logistics 414 W. Soledad Suite 604 GCIC Building Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: John Dennett, Program Manager Maggie Cruz, Operations Analyst Telephone: (671) 477-1389 Fax: (671) 477-1077 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Beacon Valuation Group LLC Business Valuation/Appraisal Advisory P.O. Box 7930 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: René Hlousek, President & Managing Director Margarita Dancel, VP-Operations (Asia-Pacific/Americas) Stanley Saibt, VP-Operations (Europe) Telephone: (671) 653-5757 Fax: (671) 653-5758 Email: [email protected] Website: Cyber Information Technology, Inc. (DBA: CyIT) Information Technology and Engineering Services 163 Flores Rosa Loop Barrigada, Guam 96913-1248 Executive: Morgan Aiken III, President/CEO Telephone: (671) 487-2948 Email: [email protected] Website: Dodge, Marvin “Mike” Consultant – Logistics/ Military P.O. Box 326356 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Marvin M. Dodge, Owner Telephone: (671) 477-6606 Fax: (671) 477-6606 Email: [email protected] Dragon Inc. Rental P.O. Box 7660 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Annie Au-Yeung, Manager Telephone: (671) 482-3322 Fax: (671) 646-8293 Email: [email protected] DZSP 21 LLC Navy BOS Contractor P.O. Box GH Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Wayne L. Cornell, Project Director Daniel A. Clemons, Sr., Deputy Project Director Mark Lopez, Public Works Director/Operations Manager Dennis Williams, AAFB Transportation Manager Telephone: (671) 479-3997 Fax: (671) 479-3990 Email: [email protected] Website: Forsyth Public Relations Public Relations P.O .Box 4592 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Jay Forsyth, Principal Telephone: (671) 898-8910 Email: [email protected] Galaide Group, LLC 199K Banyan St. Mangilao, Guam 96913 Excecutives: Monica Guzman, CEO Clifford Guzman, President Ron Castro, Member Telephone: (671) 646-3448 Fax: (671) 646-3449 Email: [email protected] GFS Group Support Services P.O. Box L Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Lucy Alcorn, President/CEO Dave Alcorn, Vice President/New Business Development Clifford Guzman, Vice President Technical Operations Telephone: (671) 646-6083~5 Fax: (671) 646-6097 Email: [email protected] Website: GPSI Guam Professional Services 456 W. O’Brien Drive, Suite 102D Hagåtña, Guam 96910-5012 Executive: Al Yanger, President Telephone: (671) 477-3058 Email: [email protected] Website: Green Endeavors Environmentally Green Cleaning Products P.O. Box 9819 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Laurent Wainer, President Joelle Wainer, Vice President Jon Cramer, Consultant (PR/Sales) Telephone: (671) 649-7277 Fax: (671) 649-7166 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Strategic Development, LLC EB-5 Visa Program 139 Murray Blvd. Suite 100 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Daniel Swavely, Manager Telephone: (671) 475-9800 Fax: (671) 475-9801 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 31 Guam Insurance Adjusters, Inc. 1st Floor, Bldg. A, Ada Plaza Center 173 Aspinall Avenue, Hagåtña, GU 96910 P.O. Box 822, Hagåtña, GU 96932 671-472-6288 Ext. 103 671-472-2707 A m em bercom pa n y of: GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Guam Temps Employment Services Inc. Staffing & HR 718 N. Marine Corps Dr., Suite 204 Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Timothy R. Shepard, Director & Client Relations Telephone: (671) 646-3541/2 Fax: (671) 646-3543 Email: [email protected] Website: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA GUAM) Computerized Testing and International Call Center 134 W. Soledad Avenue, Ste 406 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Jose A. Manzon IV., Senior Manager-Guam Operations Telephone: (671) 300-7442 Fax: (671) 300-7489 Email: [email protected] Website: International Group, Inc. Mortgage Broker; Business Development; Telecommunications; China Sourcing; Real Estate Brokerage Suite 102, 116 Chalan Santo Papa Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Peter R. Sgro, Jr., President & Board Chairman Katherine Calvo Sgro, Executive Vice President Michael Benito, Director Frank Arriola, Vice President of Business Development Telephone: (671) 477-4772 (671) 688-7476 (866) 431-3151 Email: [email protected] New Horizons Guam Computer Training Center P.O. Box 10359 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Manoucher Sabeti, President Telephone: (671) 633-4811/22 Fax: (671) 633-4855 Email: [email protected] Website: Marketing Movement Marketing, PR and Public Outreach P.O. Box 7077 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Ernie A. Galito, Sole Proprietor Telephone: (671) 482-9675 Fax: (671) 646-8861 Email: [email protected] MasterMinds Public Relations, Marketing and Business Management Consultant P.O. Box 5848 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Tes C. Reyes, Public Relations, Marketing and Business Management Consultant Telephone: (671) 477-8377/ (671) 687-8525 (cell) Email: [email protected] MCS, LLC Telecommunications and Business Consultations Suite 301 125 Tun Jesus Crisostomo St. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Robert F. Kelly, President Telephone: (671) 648-4262 Fax: (671) 472-0400 Email: [email protected] Motiva Training & Consulting Custom-designed Training Programs for Employees and Management P.O. Box 25399 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Toshie Ito, Proprietor Telephone: (671) 647-2002 (671) 777-2002 Fax: (671) 647-2002 Email: [email protected] Website: Okada Managing Consulting Services Human Resources Consulting 146 Tiyan Place Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executive: Lorraine S. Okada, President Telephone: (671) 488-6689 Email: [email protected] Website: P.H.R. Ken Micronesia, Inc. dba: Ken Corporation Hotel Management 231 Ypao Road, Suite 101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Tetsuro Imamura, President Milton Morinaga, Managing Director Tomoyuki Haneda, Managing Director Toshiaki Satake, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 646-3860 Fax: (671) 646-3865 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Pacific Human Resource Services, Inc. Provider of Comprehensive Human Solutions, HR Management Consulting, Staffing Services, Training & Development, Special Projects, Drug Testing Program Management 674 Harmon Loop Rd. Suite 307 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Grace Donaldson, General Manager Telephone: (671) 637-6906/7/8 Fax: (671) 637-6909 Email: [email protected] Website: PMD Business Services Bookkeeping and Administrative Services P.O. Box 11902 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Patrick Dulay, Proprietor Teofista Dulay, Consultant Angela Dulay Telephone: (671) 688-6898 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 33 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Phoenix Pacific (Guam), Inc. Service and Supply of: Fire Alarm/Mass Notification Systems - Fire Protection to include Wet/Dry Sprinkler, Nitrogen Generators, Fire Pumps, Jockey Pumps, Foam - Clean Agent - FM200, CO2, Preaction - Fire Extinguishers & Training Kitchen Hood Suppression - Public Address/Background Music, Intersom Systems - Clock / Bell and Nurse Call Systems - CCTV/Security, Intrusion Detection/Access Control - Vehicle Traffice Control - NICET & Factory Certified Technicians - System Certifications & Preventative Maintenenace 185 Guerrero Drive #15 Tamuning, Guam 96913-3806 Executives: Albert William Hannmann, General Manager Gabriel Simon, Branch Manager Stephanie Kawamoto, Guam Office Manager Telephone: (671) 646-6461/2 Fax: (671) 649-0483 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: QMark Research Marketing and Research Services 626 Pale San Vitores Rd. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Bonnie Lee Alig, Research Director Telephone: (671) 649-7629/ 7231 Fax: (671) 647-4541 Email: [email protected] Website: RJS Guam LLC Logistics 140 Oceanview Drive Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executive: Jackie Schaefer Telephone: (671) 688-6500 Fax: (671) 477-7511 Email: [email protected] Ruru Global Recruitment Services, Inc. Manpower Provider 9th Floor, Unit 902, SUMMIT ONE TOWER 530 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City Philippines. 1552 Executive: Marissa D. Saludo, President Telephone: (632) 516-4180/409-9915 Fax: 6325164180 Email: [email protected] Website: S.E.T. - Pacific, Inc. Construction, Operations & Maintenance of Power Plants, High & Low Voltage Electrical PMB 242 1270 N. Marine Corps Dr. Ste 101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Mary Grace Jacot, CEO Ty J Jacot, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-8990 Fax: (671) 646-5015 Email: [email protected] Website: Sanford Technology Group LLC Computer Systems Sales &Services, Payroll Services, Software Development 335 S. Marine Dr. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Antoinette D. Sanford, President Dave Sanford, Vice President Telephone: (671) 647-0220 Fax: (671) 647-0200 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: TrackMe Guam GPS, Fleet & Fuel Management Solutions 311 E. Harmon Industrial Park Road Harmon, Guam 96913 Executives: Yosi Veksler, President Rosenda Igcasenza, Office/Accounts Renee Veksler Telephone: (671) 649-6348 Fax: (671) 649-6346 Email: [email protected] Website: Unlimited Services Group, L.LC. Aircraft Cabin Cleaning/Janitorial P.O. Box 20159 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Ron Bethel, CEO Herman Bethel, COO Brian Wessling, Vice President Ryan Wessling, General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-5930 Fax: (671) 649-5933 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Vectrus A leading provider of global service solutions in the areas of Infrastructure Assett Management, Information Technology and Network Communications, and Logistic and Supply Chain Management services. 655 Space Center Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Executives: Kenneth W. Hunzeker, Director Matthew M. Klein, Director Michele Tyler, Director Jonathan E. Hake, Regional Business Development Manager Telephone: (719) 591-3600 Fax: (719) 637-5986 Email: [email protected] Website: W.W. Grainger MRO Distribution 2401 S Pullman Street Santa Ana, California 92705 Telephone: (951) 852-2109 Email: [email protected] 34 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CATERING & FOOD SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS B&G Pacific LLC Institutional/Commercial Food Services Provider & Caterer P.O. Box 5533 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Marie N. Guerrero, CEO Bartley Jackson, COO Mark Borja, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 646-2652 Fax: (671) 649-2652 Email: [email protected] Website: DOCOMO PACIFIC DOCOMO PACIFIC is Guam and the CNMI’s leading provider of telecommunications and entertainment services. With combined offerings to include the latest mobile services, television, internet and telephone services, DOCOMO PACIFIC continues to enhance the diversified range of services available to its customers. 219 S. Marine Corps Drive Ste. 206 Century Plaza Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Jonathan Kriegel, President & CEO Atsunori Kubota, Executive Vice President & CTO Thomas Higa, Chief Marketing Officer Katsuhiro Iida, Chief Financial Officer Yoshihige Hasegawa, Chief Strategy Officer John Cruikshank, Chief Operating Officer James Hofman, Chief Legal Officer Telephone: Administration: (671) 688-2355 Customer Care: 688-2273 Fax: (671) 649-7247 Email: [email protected] Website: LSG Sky Chefs Catering Services 166 Guerrero Street Harmon Industrial Park Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Kelvin Chan, General Manager Audrey Aflague, Financial Controller Luis Baza, Human Resources Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5878/90 Fax: (671) 646-6793 Email: [email protected] CHILD DAYCARE SERVICES Bambini Montessori School, Inc. Pre-school 227 Tumon Heights Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Subasri Nagarajan, President Nagarajan Natarajan, Vice President Telephone: (671) 649-2636 Fax: (671) 649-2642 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Sagan Fina’Na’Guen Fino’ Chamoru Day Care Child Care Service 526 East Santa Barbara Ave. Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Marie Lynn T. Iriarte, Owner Telephone: (671) 632-2395 Email: [email protected] Motorola Solutions Inc. 215 Rojas Street, Ste. 123 Harmon, Guam 96913 Executives: Kian Chamran, Guam Manager Gerald Hodges, Tech Supervisor Telephone: (671) 647-6140 Fax: (671) 647-6130 Email: [email protected] Website: PTI Pacifica, Inc. dba: IT&E Cellular, High Speed Mobile Broadband, International Long Distance and Internet Services and Business Phone Systems in Guam. Plus LEC and High Speed Wired Broadband and Call Center Services in the CNMI. P.O. Box 24881 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Jose Ricardo Delgado, President John Compton, Chief Executive Officer Susana Ligeralde, Chief Financial Officer Telephone: (671) 922-4483 Fax: (671) 922-4329 Email: [email protected] Website: TeleGuam Holdings, LLC - GTA Local Exchange Carrier, landline phone service, long distance, mobile phone service, DSL, Broadband & Internet services, digital TV 624 N. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Robert Haulbrook, GTA President & CEO Andrew Gayle, GTA COO Roland Certeza, GTA EVP, Sales & Marketing Kamia Dierking; GTA Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications Telephone: (671) 644-4482 Fax: (671) 644-0125 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 35 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY COMPUTER & COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS Gecko Labs, LLC Websites and Web Applications, Content Management Systems, Software Tech Support, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Management PMB 723 1270 N. Marine Corps Drive, Ste. 101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Doug Chan, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 787-8319 Fax: (671) 649-2044 Email: [email protected] Website: Ledge Light Technologies, Inc. Information Technology Services GCIC Bldg. Ste 701, 414 West Soledad Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Olorunfemi O. Bajomo, President Victor D. Pangelinan, General Manager Mary Ann G. Callejo, Chief Financial Officer Telephone: (671) 477-5483/84 Fax: (671) 477-5480 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: M.E. International, Inc. dba: Marianas Electronics, SolCom & MiTech International Computer & Communication Solutions and Solar, Wind & Streetlight Alternative Energy Systems. APC by Schneider: Commercial & Residential Power Protection Systems & Replacement Batteries. APPLE Authorized Reseller & Gold Service Provider; iCOM Authorized Radio Dealer; MOTOROLA Authorized Two-way Radio Reseller; SEPCO Authorized Reseller (Solar Streetlight & Walkway Lighting Systems) for Commercial and Residential Applications; Digital Learning Solutions and Professional Development Network Design, Installation and Testing Services; RF Cable/Antenna Testing Services; Videoconferencing System Digital & Installation. 1088 Army Drive, Suite 5 Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executives: Carmen Q. Wegner, President Ewald C. Wegner, Vice President Cheri L. Wegner, Vice President Shawn M. Wegner, Vice President Telephone: (671) 637-4441 (671) 632-5310 Fax: (671) 637-4230 Email: [email protected] Website: Baba Corporation Consulting company with the following subsidiary companies: Aqua World Inc., Atlantis Guam, Inc., Nippon Rent-a-Car Service of Guam, Inc. and Urunao Resort Development, Inc. dba CocoPalm Garden Beach. Divisions under Baba Corp. include Nanyo Realty, Pacific Fastfood Associates, L.L.C. (Burger King). 756 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste. 201 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Yoshie Baba, Chairwoman Hideharu Baba, President Yuka Baba, Vice President Francis Baba, Chief Operations Officer Sean M. Phillips, Group Financial Controller Toru Awata, Marketing Director Telephone: (671) 649-5050 Fax: (671) 649-0121 Email: [email protected] Carlos T. San Agustin dba: Business Management Consultant P.O. Box 9998 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Carlos T. San Agustin, Owner Telephone: (671) 727-0099 Email: [email protected] Florence Sgro Blas M.S., IMFT Training, Counseling and Consulting PMB 103; 425 Chalan San Antonio Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Florence Sgro Blas Telephone: (671) 929-7125 Email: [email protected] MGA Consulting Management Consulting Services Oka Towers Unit 509, 162 Western Blvd Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Marc Adler, Principal Telephone: (671) 488-6272 (671) 646-5154 Email: [email protected] CONSULTING SERVICES Moffatt & Nichol Engineering Consulting Services 3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 750 Long Beach, CA 90806 Executive: Ron Heffron Telephone: (671) 648-1000 (562) 590-6500 Email: [email protected] Website: Asia Pacific Solutions, LLC Transportation Consulting 3832 E. Bronco Trail Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Executives: Thomas Ahillen Debra Ahillen Telephone: (602) 565-9065 Email: [email protected] Small Business Know-How Business planning and financial management. 505 Harmon Loop Road, Suite 300 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Rodney C. Webb, Principal Consultant Telephone: (671) 488-7738 Email: [email protected] Website: 36 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Stanley Consultants, Inc. Engineering Consulting Services Sunny Plaza, Suites #203 & #204 - 125 Tun Jesus Crisostomo Street Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Richard E. Stump, Vice President Telephone: (671) 646-3466 Email: [email protected] Website: Washington Pacific Economic Development Group, Inc. Business consulting services 790 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 204 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Juan Carlos Benitez, President Telephone: (671) 649-3800 Fax: (671) 649-3890 Email: [email protected] Barrett Enterprises Inc. dba: Barrett Plumbing Plumbing Services & Equipment Rental P.O. Box 3382 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Jessica Barrett, President Jacqueline Barrett, Vice President Maxine Barrett, Secretary John H. Barrett, Treasurer Joseph Barrett, Sergeant of Arms Telephone: (671) 734-5246 Fax: (671) 734-0519 Email: [email protected] Guam Marianas Collection Agency a) 3rd Party Collection Agency b)Medical Billing & Coding Services 414 W. Soledad Ave., Ste. 601-A GCIC Bldg. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Fe Valencia-Ovalles, President/CEO Telephone: (671) 475-1010/11 Fax: (671) 472-2210 Email: [email protected] Black Construction Corporation Serving both the civilian & military community with all types of construction services P.O. Box 24667 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Leonard K. Kaae, Senior Vice President & General Manager Thomas E. Anderson, Executive Vice President Mark J. Mamczarz, Vice President of Finance/Secretary & Treasurer John M. McSweeney, Vice President of Estimating & Business Development Telephone: (671) 646-4861/5 Fax: (671) 646-9086 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: MCB, Inc. Billing Processing & Collections 209 Hesler Place Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Michael Sanchez, CEO/President Beth S. Lizama, Vice President Michael Paulino, COO Pinky Brindejonc, General Manager Telephone: (671) 472-4622 Fax: (671) 472-1370 Email: [email protected] Website: Core Tech International Corporation General Contractor 388 South Marine Corps Drive, Suite 400 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Ho S. Eun, President Conchita D. Bathan, CEO Juno Eun, SVP Edwin K.W. Ching, SVP & Chief Legal Counsel Telephone: (671) 473-5000 Fax: (671) 473-5050 Email: [email protected] Website: CONTRACTORS, CONTRACTING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Cruz Associates Pacific, LLC Consulting Services (Civil Defense Federal and GovGuam) GCIC Bldg. Ste 805, 414 W. Soledad Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Eric Cruz, President James Cruz, Vice President Violy McCarthy, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 479-6364 Fax: (671) 479-6365 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: CONSUMER CREDIT REPORTING & COLLECTION SERVICES Advance Management, Inc. Facilities Maintenance & Real Estate Services #198 Adrian Sanchez St., Suite 3 Barrigada, Guam 96913-4456 Executives: Monty McDowell, CEO/Principal Broker Mary Toves, President/GM James McFerran, Director of Business Development Bree McDowell, Real Estate Services Manager Gordon Tydingco, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 649-6488 Fax: (671) 646-3739 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 37 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY dck pacific guam, LLC General Contractor, Mechanical & Electrical Contractor, Contracting Equipment & Supplies P.O. Box 20429 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Theron C. Holloway, Senior Vice President/General Manager Louis C. DeMaria, Vice President Glen L. Davies, Finance Manager Thomas San Nicolas, Project Director Rick Brown, Regional Safety Manager Jeffery Sablan, HR Manager Telephone: (671) 647-5500 Fax: (671) 647-5600 (671) 646-3320 Email: [email protected] Website: ECC Construction, Environmental Services, UXO, contractors, engineering 888 N. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 210 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Manjiv Vohra, President & CEO Glenn Sweatt, General Counsel Tom DelMastro, CFO Michael W. Stout, Project Manager, Guam Telephone: (671) 647-3221 Fax: (671) 989-3147 Email: [email protected] Website: First Pacific Builders LLC Construction 308 Kilua Place Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 - USA Executive: Joey Alcantara, President Telephone: (671) 969-1808 or (808) 738-4988 Fax: (671) 989-8848 or (808) 664-8788 Email: [email protected] Website: Frontier Supply Company Wholesale Construction, Waterworks & Plumbing Supplies 153 E. Segundo L.G. Street Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Aaron Austin, Operations Manager Jon McDonald, Outside Sales Daniel A. Sajo, Inside Sales Telephone: (671) 648-7000 Fax: (671) 648-7075 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Cornerstone, Inc. Merchant wholesaler of Construction Materials c/o 170 Redondo de Francisco Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Tricee P. Limtiaco, President Telephone: (671) 988-4549 Fax: (671) 475-7749 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Hardwood Construction Supply Construction Materail Supplier, Manufacturer 1797 Army Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Rene Ong, President Diana Ong, Secretary Rudy Castro, Store Manager Maggie Mendiola, Manager Telephone: (671) 649-8821 Fax: (671) 649-8828 Email: [email protected] Hawaiian Rock Products Construction Road Paving. Material Supplies: Ready-mix concrete, Asphaltic concrete, Concrete blocks, Concrete pipes and Aggregates 1402 Route 15 Mangilao, Guam 96913 Executives: Jerrold C. Johnson, President J. Peter Errett, Jr., Vice President Bruce E. Pecon, Corporate Comptroller J. Arthur D. Chan, Jr., Engineering/Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 734-2971 (Guam) (670) 288-0407 (Saipan) Fax: (671) 734-3744 (Guam) (670) 288-0408 (Saipan) Email: [email protected] Website: HSG Co., Ltd. HSG Co., Ltd. Is a licensed, full service general contractor specializing in residential and commercial construction. 220 T. S. Tanaka Building, S. Route 4, Suite 200 Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Thomas V.C. Tanaka, Jr., Chief Executive Officer Jose B. Sicad, Chief Finance Officer Vicente Carmona III, Chief Engineer Grace Nacario, Administrative Assistant Telephone: (671) 472-6634 Fax: (671) 472-6096 Email: [email protected] Website: Granite Construction Company Guam Heavy Civil Construction 201 Farenholt Ave. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Kevin Kruger, Guam Area Manager Aaron Snyder, Project Engineer Telephone: (671) 969-2282 Email: [email protected] Website: 38 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY IMCO General Construction General Construction P.O. Box 326607 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Todd Pike, Director of Operations Marcia Mendiola, Office Manager/HR Administrator Charlene Valencia, Field Administrator Telephone: (671) 477-3405/6 Fax: (671) 477-3407 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: J.M. Robertson Inc. dba AmOrient Engineering Civil Engineering, Design & Construction Management. Specialist for Military projects. P.O. Box 6247 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: John Robertson PE, President Telephone: (671) 472-3301 Fax: (671) 472-3303 Email: [email protected] Website: JMI-EDISON Electrical & Air Conditioning Contractor P.O. Box 6577 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Eduardo R. Ilao, President John R. Ilao, Vice President Andea R. Ilao, Treasurer Elizabeth I. Oriondo, Secretary Romeo V. Oriondo, Manager Telephone: (671) 646-6400 Fax: (671) 649-5685 Email: [email protected] Johnson Controls, Inc. Energy Service, Controls, HVAC Equip, Fire, Security, Renewable Energy P.O. Box 11888 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Joseph Duenas, General Manager David Jimenez, Account Executive Ralph Focht, Senior Account Executive Telephone: (671) 922-1525 (671) 488-8788 Fax: (671) 922-1079 Email: [email protected] Website: Obayashi Corporation Guam Office General Contractor Para Oceana Business Center, 674 Harmon Loop Road Suite 315 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Yoshiaki Nakanishi, Manager, Administrative & Accounting Telephone: (671) 633-2340 Email: [email protected] Perez Bros., Inc. Manufacturer & Supplier of Ready-Mix Concrete, Blocks, Mfd Sand & Aggregate P.O. Box F Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Physical: 136 Adrian Sanchez Street, Tamuning, Guam 96913-4456 Executives: Tricee P. Limtiaco, President Frank “AJ” Perez, Exec. Vice President Gregory D. Perez, VP Administration & HR John D. Perez, VP Finance Telephone: (671) 647-1731 Fax: (671) 649-2972 Email: [email protected] Website: Smithbridge Guam Inc. Civil & Marine Construction, Mechanical & Fabrication, Heavy Equipment & Crane Rental, Quarry Products P.O. Box 11700 Yigo, Guam 96929 Executives: Stevyn J. Radonich, Vice President Graeme Ridley, Contracts Manager Russell Prokos, Operations Manager Jacob Leon Guerrero, Financial Controller Telephone: (671) 653-5036 Fax: (671) 653-5040 Email: [email protected] Website: Watts Constructors, LLC Construction 674 Harmon Loop Road, Suite 212 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: John Sage, Vice President/General Manager Telephone: (671) 633-4534 Fax: (671) 633-4545 Email: [email protected] Website: COURIER/MESSENGER SERVICE Federal Express Corp. Provides express document and small package services to over 211 countries worldwide P.O. Box 11527 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Alex Jimenez, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 648-4000 Fax: (671) 648-0125 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 39 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ELEVATORS Otis Elevator Company Install, Repair & Service Elevators & Travelators P.O. Box 23847 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Craig Cruz, General Manager Telephone: (671) 647-6847 Fax: (671) 647-6860 Email: [email protected] Website: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Brown and Caldwell Provide Environment and Engineering Services 414 W. Soledad Avenue, Ste. 500 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Raymond Matasci, Senior Vice President Bill Gilman, Vice President Noel Enriquez, Client Services Manager Joey Cheng, Senior Engineer Telephone: (671) 477-0975 Email: [email protected] Website: EA Engineering, Science & Technology Inc., PBC Environmental Consulting, Environmental Engineering, Remediation, Program Management 1001 Army Drive Ste. 103 Barrigada, Guam 96913-1402 Executives: Bob Shambach, Guam Office Manager Chip Brown, Profit Center Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5231 Fax: (671) 646-5230 Email: [email protected] Website: PCR Environmental, Inc. Environmental Consulting Services, including Assessments, Permitting, Testing, and Hazardous Waste Disposal 111 East Sunset Blvd. Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executive: Paul E.R. Packbier, President Telephone: (671) 473-3560 Fax: (671) 473-3563 Email: [email protected] Website: South Pacific Environmental (Guam) LLC Environmental Clean up Services P.O. Box 12068 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: William B. Curry, President Telephone: (671) 649-7609 Fax: (671) 649-7610 Email: [email protected] Unitek Environmental Guam Environmental Services MEC/UXO Services P.O. Box 24607 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: LeRoy Moore, President Telephone: (671) 565-3151/3438 Fax: (671) 565-3391 Email: [email protected] Website: EQUIPMENT RENTAL, SALES & REPAIR SERVICES 3D Rentals Canopy Sales & Rental P.O. Box 26613 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Hank Dacanay, Owner Laura Dacanay, Vice President Telephone: (671) 647-7368 Fax: (671) 647-7368 Email: [email protected] Website: East-West Rental Center, Inc. Equipment rental & sales including tools for contractors, do-it-yourself; Medium and Light Equipment, High Reach Equipment, Trucks, Forklifts, Party and Entertainment Equipment 958 N. Marine Corps Drive Upper Tumon, Guam 96913-4301 Executives: James L. Adkins, President James W.S. Adkins, Vice President Rosita S. Adkins, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 646-1463 Fax: (671) 649-9069 Email: [email protected] Website: Morrico Equipment LLC Equipment Rental, Sales, Repair Services, Roll off Trash Bins & On-site Diesel Delivery 197 Ypao Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Allan R. Morrison, President Torgun Smith, Executive Vice President Ross B. Morrison, Director Telephone: (671) 649-1946 Fax: (671) 649-1947 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: 40 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY FAST FOOD PLACES Burger King Fast Food 919 Pale San Vitores Road, Suite 102 Tumon, Guam 96913-4039 Executive: Rudolph Rodolfo, Jr., Managing Director Telephone: (671) 649-4955 Fax: (671) 649-4957 Email: [email protected] Guam Fast Foods, Inc. Restaurant Franchises of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and Sbarro, the Italian Eatery P.O. Box 23608 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Lars Peterson, Managing Director Frank Cruz, General Manager Jeanette Campos, Controller Telephone: (671) 477-5266 Fax: (671) 477-2839 Email: [email protected] McDonald’s Restaurant of Guam Eat in and drive-thru family restaurant serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 185 South Marine Corps Dr. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Pacifico R. Martir, Operations Consultant Divina Evaristo, Marketing Consultant Majellyn Calceta,HR & Purchasing Consultant Telephone: (671) 649-9093/4 Fax: (671) 646-9152 Email: [email protected] Website: FREIGHT SERVICES Baker International Inc. dba: J.L. Baker & Sons Air/Ocean freight forwarding, trucking, packing & storage, Refrigerated Transportation Service P.O. Box 7510 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Lynn S. Baker, President & General Manager Glenn S. Baker, Vice President & Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 649-5702/8664 Fax: (671) 646-8904 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Cargo Express, Inc. International Freight Forwarding P.O. Box 27762 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Liberato C. Legaspi, President/ General Manager Carmencita A. Galisim, Branch Manager Telephone: (671) 649-5221/25/26 Fax: (671) 649-6470 Email: [email protected] Website: CTSI Logistics Freight Forwarding, Logistics, Trucking, CFS Operation, Shipping line agent 278 Leon Guerrero Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Danny Lim, General Manger Marie Cabral, Finance & Admin Manager George Chiu, EVP Jerry Tan, CEO Nicole Andre, HR & Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 646-2853 Fax: (671) 646-2855 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: DGX Forward freight via ocean between the West Coast, Honolulu, Guam and Saipan P.O. Box 25089 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Brad Dechter, Owner/President Paje Butler, General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-3333 Fax: (671) 649-7777 Email: [email protected] Website: FUNERAL PLANS & SERVICES Guam Memorial Life Plan Sell Pre-Need Funeral Services/Burial Plots. Funeral Home P.O. Box GK Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Roxanne Simpkins-Williams, President Sheryl Blythe, Vice-President Telephone: (671) 734-9835 Fax: (671) 734-9842 Email: [email protected] GROCERY STORES Dededo Retail Store Groceries & General Retail P.O. Box 22595 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Lylan T. Nguyen, Owner/Manager Telephone: (671) 632-1819 Pay-Less Supermarkets, Inc. Grocery Stores 116 Chalan Santo Papa P.M. Calvo Bldg. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Paul M. Calvo, President, CEO Kathy C. Sgro, Executive Vice President, Chair of the Board Michael Benito, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-9266 Fax: (671) 477-8308 Email: Kathy C. Sgro: [email protected] Michael Benito: [email protected] 42 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY HEALTH SERVICES American Medical Center, LLC Primary Care Clinic 1244 North Marine Corps Drive Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Hoa Van Nguyen, MD, President Vincent T. Akimoto, MD, Vice President Hieu T. Campus, MD Rose Grino, Chief Operating Officer Telephone: (671) 647-8262 Fax: (671) 647-8257 Email: [email protected] Website: Counseling Services Providing counseling services to individuals, couples, and families. P.O. Box 1194 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Risha Aguon Telephone: (671) 477-3311 Fax: (671) 477-3311 Email: [email protected] Guam Adult & Pediatric Clinic Medical Clinic 612 West Marine Corp. Drive Ste. #8 Dededo, Guam 96929-5629 Executives: Don Preston, Partner Alix Chenet, Partner Telephone: (671) 633-4272 Fax: (671) 633-2329 Email: [email protected] Guam Medical Transport Guam Medical Transport is a Scheduled Non-Emergency Ambulance service dedicated to working diligently with our patients, their families, and the health care professionals to provide the highest quality of care possible. P.O. Box DB Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Nick Shoemake, General Manager Denice Shoemake, Secretary Telephone: (671) 648-7557 Fax: (671) 647-7557 Website: Gurusamy Inc. dba: Health Services of the Pacific Home Health Services, Hospice, Diabetes Education, Wound Care Services and Medical Transport P.O. Box 8838 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Ruth Gurusamy, President Albert Gurusamy, Vice President Telephone: (671) 647-5355/56/7 Fax: (671) 647-5358 Email: [email protected] Website: Island Surgical Center Health practitioner specialized medicine & surgery 171 Farenholt Avenue Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Ricardo Eusebio, MD FACS Michael Cruz, MD FACS Danny Quichocho, Business Manager Teresa Baragiola; Leeanora Scott Telephone: (671) 646-0443 Fax: (671) 646-0440 Email: [email protected] Philippine Medical and Dental Referral Services Medical and Dental Referral Services for St Luke’s Medical Center Suite 105 Micronesia Mall, 1088 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Annette Garces-Pabunan Telephone: (671) 637-5433 Fax: (671) 633-5433 Email: [email protected] HOTELS & OTHER LODGING PLACES Fiesta Resort Guam Resort Hotel and Restaurant 801 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Jeffrey Schweizer, General Manager George Chiu, Vice President Telephone: (671) 646-5880 Fax: (671) 646-6729 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Hilton Guam Resort & Spa Whether it’s for business or pleasure, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa is the ideal location for dining and accomodations. Situated on 32 acres of prime, beachfront property the hotel offers breathtaking views of the majestic Tumon Bay from its guest rooms and also from its restaurant outlets. A total of 648 guest rooms and suites, restaurants and bars comprise the three building property. The hotel offers an array of dining options from the Islander Terrace, Roy’s restaurant, Fisherman’s Cove, Tree Bar, Tropics BBQ and Caffe Cino. In addition to guest rooms and restaurants, the hotel also offers a wide spectrum of activitites and facilities, including full conference and meeting rooms, Executive Floor accomodations, a Business Center,high-speed Internet access in all guest rooms, floodlit tennis courts, a Wellness Center, children’s playroom, wedding chapels, Spa Ayualam and Resopa Water Park. 202 Hilton Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Makoto “Earnie” Yasuhara, General Manager Yoshihito Shibahata, Assistant General Manager Linh Carlson, Director of Finance Christy Cruz, Director of HR Sheila Shedd, Director of Sales Crystal Sablan, Director of Marketing Communications Kevin Sassano, Director of Food and Beverage Telephone: (671) 646-1835 Fax: (671) 646-6038 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 43 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Holiday Resort & Spa Guam Hotel/ Lodging/ Restaurant Facility 801 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Kiyoshi Kawano, General Manager Freda Tapia, Financial Controller Joanna Sablan, Sales Manager Telephone: (671) 647-7272 Fax: (671) 646-0867 Email: [email protected] Website: Onward Beach Resort Resort 445 Governor Carlos Camacho Rd. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Nobuyoshi Nakamoto, President Toru Takayama, General Manager Yoshiaki Kanemitsu, Asst. General Manager Telephone: (671) 647-7777 Fax: (671) 646-1724 Email: [email protected]/[email protected] Website: Hotel Nikko Guam 492 Room Resort Hotel, Ocean Front Rooms, Private Beach Restaurant, Banquet Facility, Tennis Court, Putter Golf, Pool & Waterslide, Kid’s Room, Shopping Arcade, Wedding Chapel P.O. Box 12819 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Masaaki Kawanabe, General Manager Joe Blas, Assistant General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-8815 Fax: (671) 646-0031 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Outrigger Guam Resort 1255 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Simeon Miranda, Corporate Director-Operations, Pacific Steve Solberg, General Manager Ken Kettenacker, Director of Financial Services Akiko Futakami, Director of Sales Janet Shmull, Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 649-9000 Fax: (671) 647-9710 Email: [email protected] Website: Hyatt Regency Guam A deluxe resort hotel situated on a prime 150-metre stretch of white sand beach in the heart of Tumon Bay. The hotel is conveniently located within easy access to Guam’s primary business, entertainment and shopping districts and only a five-minute drive from the Guam International Airport. The hotel provides luxurious accommodations with all guest rooms having full ocean front view. State of the art banquet facilities, an Esthetic Salon for relaxing spa treatments and award-winning restaurants and bars make Hyatt Regency Guam the premiere resort on island. 1155 Pale San Vitores Rd. Tumon, Guam 96913-4206 Executives: Sophia Chu, General Manager Nicola Brauer, Director of Finance Telephone: (671) 647-1234 Fax: (671) 647-1235 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Islands Club PIC is Guam’s largest resort with 777 rooms on 22 acres stretching across beachfront property. Guests may choose from various room categories in both the Royal Tower and Oceana Towers. The PIC waterpark is the largest waterpark on island with unlimited sports, activities, lessons, and recreational equipment. Waterslides, kayaks, games pool, pool, kids’ water zoo, rolling log, archery, racquet center, indoor and outdoor tennis, basketball, beach volleyball, and windsurfing are just a few of the activities guests can choose from. 210 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon Bay, Guam 96913 Executives: Ken Yanagisawa, General Manager Ben Ferguson, Executive Director Ed Sandoval, Director of Engineering Joel Davis, Food & Beverage Director Freddy Varias, Sports, Ent. & Act. Director Theresa Taimanglo, H.R. Director Bertha Couzijn, Financial Controller Telephone: (671) 646-9171 Fax: (671) 648-2474 Email: [email protected] Website: Lotte Hotel Guam Hotel 185 Gun Beach Road Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executives: Jae Hong Park, General Manager Elisha Lee, Sales Marketing Department Head Tes C. Reyes, Sales & Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 646-6811 Fax: (671) 646-6813 Manhattan Guam, Inc. DBA: Royal Orchid Guam Hotel 626 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Chialin Su, Vice President Mani Moinzadeh, General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-2000 Fax: (671) 649-3052 Email: [email protected] Website: 44 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Pacific Star Resort & Spa Ideally located on prime beachfront in Tumon Bay. All 436 rooms have ocean views, private balconies, and 5 star amenities. Banquet facilities include 6 banquet rooms, with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment. Hotel facilities include 3 restaurants, 2 bars, Angsana Spa, wedding chapel, business center, marine center, fitness center, outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, tennis court, and game room 627B Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Roy Abraham, General Manager Felix Gareza, Director of Facilities Cynthia Pizarro, Director of Finance Edward H. Cho, Director of Sales & Marketing Ajay Pothen, Asset Manager Katherine G. Dote, Director of Human Resources Telephone: (671) 649-7827 Fax: (671) 648-1656 (Executive Office) (671) 649-6936 (Sales Office) Email: [email protected] Website: Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort Resort Hotel with Food & Beverage Outlets & Banquet Facilities 470 Farenholt Avenue Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Vincent Cruz, General Manager Joy De Jesus, Director of Finance Amilyn Salas, Director of Sales Romer Tabano, Director of Food & Beverage Patsy Borja, Director of Human Resources Rick Kim, Director of Rooms Telephone: (671) 646-2222 Fax: (671) 649-7034 Email: [email protected] Website: The Westin Resort Guam Escape to a realm of relaxation and rejuvination. A 5-star full service beachfront resort with beach access, ideally located in Tumon. 432 guest rooms, and refuel in six restaurants and bars. Ocean view room accommodation, Royal Beach Club rooms and suites. All guest rooms and suites with balconies. Westin Heavenly Bed (R), Westin's Service Express (R) "one call does it all" concept. Recharge in the 24hrs Westin Workout (R) fitness center and fulfill your needs in the fully equipped business center. Wedding Chapel and meeting & event facilities. Starwood Preferred Guest-SPG, the hotel industry's most rewarding frequent guest program, and Starwood Privilege- Asia Pacific's most exclusive dining and benefits program. 105 Gun Beach Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Toshiro Doi, General Manager Tina Aquiningoc, Director of Human Resources Mitsue Nakamura, Director of Sales Daniel Lenherr, Executive Chef Steve Palomero, Director of Engineering Telephone: (671) 647-1020/ 0905 Fax: (671) 647-0909 Email: [email protected] Website: HOUSEHOLD RENTALS Dial Rent To Own Rent to Own Household Furniture Appliances, and Electronic Goods 250 Guerrero Drive, Suite 101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Jen Morellano, Regional Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5726/5727 Fax: (671) 646-5100 Email: [email protected] Website: INSURANCE Alpha Insurers Insurance Company 123 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executive: Jeffrey Hsiao, Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 477-8701 Fax: (671) 472-4913 Email: [email protected] Website: AM Insurance Insurance Broker P.O. Box 2797 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Annmarie T. Muna, President & General Manager Ann Muna, Board of Director Secretary Donna Muna Quinata, Board of Director Linette Muna, Board of Director Treasurer Antonita Onedera Blas, Office Administrator and Planning Coordinator Telephone: (671) 477-2642 Fax: (671) 477-2602 Email: [email protected] Website: Aon Insurance Micronesia (Guam) Inc. General Agents for Century Insurance Company (Guam) Ltd. 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 306 Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: David E. Silva III, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-3681 Fax: (671) 649-6098 Email: [email protected] Website: C.A. Paulino & Associates Insurance, Inc. Insurance Broker / General Agent P.O. Box 3929 Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Charles Paulino, President / Owner Evelyn Paulino, Accounting Manager Vanessa Tedtaotao, Office Manager Telephone: (671) 477-0022 Fax: (671) 477-7377 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 45 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Calvo’s Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Insurance General Agency P.O. Box CI Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Paul M. Calvo, President Paul A. Calvo, Vice President/General Manager Raymond Martinez, Vice President/Asst. General Manager Frank Campillo, SelectCare Plan Administrator; Raymond Schnabel, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 472-6816 Fax: (671) 477-5273 Email: [email protected] Website: Cassidy’s Associated Insurers, Inc. Personal and Commercial Insurance Coverage, (Including Package Policies), Professional Liability, Surplus Lines, Marine, Bonding, Life and Employee Benefit Planning 376 W. O’Brien Dr. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: David W. Cassidy, President West Cassidy Michael Cassidy Telephone: (671) 472-8834/6 Fax: (671) 477-3127 Email: [email protected] Website: Great National Insurance Underwriters, Inc. General Insurance P.O. Box GA Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Domie B. Bumagat, Jr., President & CEO Marilou L. Miguel, General Manager Maria Bumagat, Underwriting Manager Director Telephone: (671) 646-5736/45 (Tamuning) (671) 632-5296(Mall) Fax: (671) 649-2418 (Tamuning) (671) 632-5406 (Mall) Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Insurance Adjusters, Inc. Insurance Claim Adjusting P.O. Box 822 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Lorna Rosquites, General Manager Telephone: (671) 472-6288 Fax: (671) 472-2707 Email: [email protected] Moylan’s Insurance Underwriter’s, Inc. Full line of Insurance Products: Life, Health & Property & Casualty - General Agent Affiliates: (1) First Net Insurance Co. (2) Equitable Adjusting (3) Net Care Life & Health 424 West O’Brien Drive, Ste 102 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Kurt S. Moylan, President Kaleo S. Moylan, Director, Life, Investments & Contacts Miki R. Moylan, Director, P&C Troy K. Moylan, Director, Health Cesar Garcia, Manager, First Net Bobby A. Shringi, Sales & Marketing Manager Danny Manuel, Manager, Equitable Adjusting Telephone: (671) 477-7500 Fax: (671) 477-1837 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Nanbo Guam, Ltd. Dba: Nanbo Insurance General agent for Tokio Marine Pacific Insurance Limited, NipponKoa Insurance Co, Ltd., and Pacific Guardian Life; Realty – Commercial Land & Space Rental P.O. Box 2980 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: P. Sonny Ada, Chairman Etsuo Moriya, President Edward S. Terlaje, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 477-9754 Fax: (671) 477-2315 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Indemnity Insurance Company Personal & Commercial Insurance 348 West O’Brien Drive Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: David W. Cassidy, President W. West Cassidy, Executive Vice President Michael C. Sablan, Vice President/CFO Monique R. Baysingar, Vice President, Underwriting Adam T. Baron, Surety Manager Telephone: (671) 477-8801 Fax: (671) 477-6290 Email: [email protected] StayWell Insurance Provider of Health, Home and Auto Insurance 430 W. Soledad Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Francis E. Santos, President Telephone: (671) 477-5091 Fax: (671) 477-5096 Email: [email protected] Website: 46 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Takagi & Associates, Inc. Insurance (Business & Personal) P.O. Box 22409 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Hidenobu Takagi, President Pamela A. Cruz, Executive Vice President Virginia I. Solidum, VP Telephone: (671) 648-5350 Fax: (671) 648-5373 Email: [email protected] Website: TakeCare Insurance Company, Inc. Health Insurance Company P.O. Box 6578 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Jeffrey Larsen, President Corey Roberts, FHP Clinic Administrator Al Almira, Controller Telephone: (671) 646-6956 Fax: (671) 647-3551 Email: [email protected] (executive admin mgr); [email protected] (admin assistant) Website: INVESTMENT ADVISORS & FINANCIAL SERVICES ASC Trust Corporation Employee Benefits (401K, Section 125, HSA, College 529 Plan) 120 Father Dueñas Ave, Suite 110 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: David J. John, President Donald H. Clark, Vice President Gabrielle Bamba, Director of Client Relations Eloida Battung, Director of Trade Operations Candy Okuhama, Director of Sales Michelle Diego Quichocho, Director of Participant Services Telephone: (671) 477-2724 Fax: (671) 477-2729 Email: [email protected] Website: Asia Pacific Financial Management Group An investment firm specializing in retirement plans, asset management and other investment plans for large companies, small businesses, non-profits and individuals. Some of the types of plans offered are 401Ks, 403(b)s, IRAs and College Saving Plans. Investments products include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities and also life insurance. 145 Aspinall Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Michael “Mick” Pexa, CEO Sandra McKeever, President Thad Jones, Vice President Melinda Sulit, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 472-6400 Fax: (671) 472-1044 Email: [email protected] Website: Merrill Lynch Investment Advisors 400 Route 8 Ste 403 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Robert Stoll, Vice President/Associate Resident Director Telephone: (671) 477-9158 (877) 303-3609 Email: [email protected] Website: Money Resources, Inc. Investment, Insurance, Ret., Estate & Tax, Planning, Real Estate 415 Chalan San Antonio Road #210 Tamuning, Guam 96913-3620 Executive: L. Carl Peterson, CFP, CRPC, MSFS Clara Peterson, Vice President Telephone: (671) 646-0000/0011 Fax: (671) 649-0014 Email: [email protected] Website: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Investment management consulting Capitol Plaza, Suite 104 120 Father Duenas Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Daniel Roland,CIMA®, AIF®, Senior Vice President – Wealth Management Senior Institutional Consultant Jason B. Miyashita, CRPS®, AIFA®, Second Vice President – Wealth Management Senior Investment Management Consultant Telephone: (671) 475-8890 Fax: (671) 477-2344 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: LANDSCAPE SERVICES Garden Inspirations, LLC Landscape/ Lawncare/ Janitorial P.O. Box 26093 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Maria Evangeline S. San Nicolas, General Manager Telephone: (671) 929-8057 Email: [email protected] Guam Flora Plant Nursery, LLC Landscape Contractor (License #CLB13-0963). Grounds Maintenance, Boutique Yardscapes, Plant Importation Sales & Rentals. P.O. Box 7630 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Roy K. Evans, President/CEO Myrna Evans, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 637-6628 Fax: (671) 637-6628 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 47 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Landscape Management Systems, Inc. Landscaping Installation, Ground Maintenance, Design and Retail 194 Old San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Robert P. Salas, Director Telephone: (671) 647-2617 Fax: (671) 647-2618 Email: [email protected] Website: LOCKSMITHS Andrew’s Safe and Lock Locksmith, Sales, Service, Wholesale P.O. Box 5400 Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Andrew Estes, Owner Vicki Anderson-Estes Telephone: (671) 687-5397 Fax: (671) 969-5875 Email: [email protected] Website: MACHINERY SALES, SERVICE & RENTALS Hawthorne Pacific Corp. Sales, Rental, Service, and parts for CATERPILLAR equipment, generators, transfer switches, marine and industrial engines, CAT compact construction equipment, and Kubota, Mobark, and Toro agricultural and turf equipment. Hawthorne Rent It Service (HRIS) sells and rents CAT fork trucks, Genie aerial and scissor lifts, MilitQuip portable light towers, Sullair air compressors and tools, Whacker compaction equipment and pumps, and other construction equipment. Hawaii Fluid and Power Industrial (HFPI) Products is a business unit of HPC and sells commercial and industrial tools and equipment, shop rags, and hoses and jose assemblies. 196 E. Harmon Industrial Park Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Jimmy Cruz, Service Manager Richard Nostratis, Parts Manager Telephone: (671) 649-4CAT (4228) Fax: (671) 649-2340 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MANUFACTURED GAS Marianas Gas Corporation dba Island Equipment Co. Exclusive Distributors of Lincoln Electric (welding machine & supplies), Fire Extinguisher Services (refill & inspection), Refrigerant (wholesale, retail & refill) and Refrigerant Recovery & Disposal. Distributors of Ingersoll Rand AirCompressor, Doosan Portable Powers, Badger Fire Extinguishers, Vitor Cutting Torch & FEIN Power Tools. 151 W. Harmon Industrial Park Rd. Ste. A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Bing Mejia, Sales & Marketing Manager Del Estampador, Finance Manager Bong Dilanco, Plant Manager Jun Pamintuan, Deputy Plant Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5261 Fax: (671) 646-5258 Email: [email protected] Website: MANUFACTURING 3M Company Manufacturers of dry goods and 3M Office Products Ixora Industrial Park, 215 Rojas St. Suite 106 Harmon, Guam 96913 Executives: Christy Olchondra, Sales & Operations Supervisor Gerald Dominguez, Sr. Account Rep Frank Florig, Account Rep Telephone: (671) 646-9161 Fax: (671) 646-7114 Email: [email protected] Website: Foremost Foods/Coca-Cola Beverage Co. (Guam), Inc. Manufacturer & Distributor of a complete & delicious selection of milks, juices & drinks, ice creams, novelties, yogurts, sour cream, bagged ice, and Crystal Clear drinking water. Also the exclusive distributor on Guam for Coca Cola family of fine beverage products. 161 US Army Juan C. Fejeran St. Barrigada Heights, Guam 96913 Executives: Marcos Fong, Chief Executive Officer Johnnie Fong, Managing Director Ernest Mak, Director of Operations Telephone: (671) 649-9782/ 2653 Fax: (671) 649- 9746 (671) 646-9043 Email: [email protected] Website: Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Production & Distribution of Beverage Products 210 Rojas Street Harmon Industrial Park Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: John T. Calvo, Executive Vice President Jonathan M. Denight, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-6941 Fax: (671) 646-6781 Email: [email protected] Tun Juan Products P.O. Box 326682 Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executive: Jan Iriarte, Owner Telephone: (671) 472-2509 Fax: (671) 472-2509 Email: [email protected] MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES MicroMed Suppliers Surgical & Medical Equipment for Micronesia P.O. Box 2022 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Gerald S.A. Perez Karri T. Perez Juliet Damian, General Manager Telephone: (671) 565-6633 Fax: (671) 565-6632 Email: [email protected] 48 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY OCEAN TRANSPORTATION MINI-CONGLOMERATES Calvo Enterprises, Inc. Insurance, supermarkets, retail & wholesale, liquor & beverage distributors, real estate sales and management, building materials, and drug store 138 Martyr Street Hagåtña, Guam 96910-5105 Executives: Paul M. Calvo, Chairman & President Thomas J.M. Calvo, Vice President Leanard P. Calvo, Vice President Eduardo A. Calvo, Secretary Kathy C. Sgro, Treasurer Telephone: (671) 472-6854/5 Fax: (671) 472-6853 Email: [email protected] Website: Corals Enterprises Residential, Commercial Property & Investments P.O. Box 715 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Concepcion Slotnick, President/CEO Jina Rojas, VP Telephone: (671) 475-7748 Fax: (671) 475-7749 Email: [email protected] Guam Premier Outlets Shopping Center Development 199 Chalan San Antonio, Suite 200 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Monte Mesa, General Manager John Camacho, Building Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 647-4032 – GPO/ Guam Shopping Center Fax: (671) 647-4034 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Jones and Guerrero Company, Inc. Retail, Wholesale, Construction, & Real Estate P.O. Box 7 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Elaine Cruz Jones, President Noli C. Cadag, Executive Vice President Ramona L. Jones, Chief Operating Officer John Thos. Brown, V.P. & General Counsel Telephone: (671) 475-6110 Fax: (671) 472-6153 K. Sadhwani’s Inc. Tick Tock retail/wholesale, sales & service of electronic goods, home appliances, commercial and residential air conditioning (all types), office machines (copier, fax, typewriter, etc.) 456 South Marine Corps Drive, Ste 102 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Laju Sadhwani, Chairman of the Board Alan Sadhwani, President Telephone: (671) 649-5948/49/50 Fax: (671) 646-6917 Email: [email protected] Seabridge, Inc. Barge Service 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 114 Piti, Guam 96915 Executives: Joseph L. Cruz, President Fernando J. Santos, General Manager Ricardo Leon Guerrero, Sales & Operations Coordinator Telephone: (671) 477-5038/4138 Fax: (671) 477-6206 Email: [email protected] OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES M-80 Systems, Inc. Office furniture, filing and seating, General Contractor, General Electric Industrial Solutions Dealer 310 W Rt. 8, Suite 105 Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executives: Michael R. Ady, President Jovita P. Ady, Vice President Jason Kraus, Secretary Carlo Leon Guerrero, General Manager Telephone: (671) 734-1680/1 Fax: (671) 734-1682 Email: [email protected] Website: National Office Supply Office Supplies, Furniture; Office Equipment and Machines P.O. Box 3767 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Lino H. Uy, President Emelio Y. Uy, Vice President Lolita C. Aube, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 646-6613 Fax: (671) 646-7853 Email: [email protected] Xerox Corporation Sales and service of copiers, facsimile, laser printers and color copiers Suite 101 137 Murray Blvd. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Pamela Sgambelluri Quinata, General Manager / Area Sales Manager Carl Jones, Services Manager Telephone: (671) 477-9456 Fax: (671) 472-3844 Email: [email protected] Website: 50 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY PEST CONTROL Hagens Inc. dba: Pacific Pest Control A corporation doing business as Pacific Pest Control. P.O. Box 6754 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Teresita D. Hagen, President William H. Hagen, Vice President Telephone: (671) 637-8959 Fax: (671) 637-7996 Email: [email protected] Website: Pestex Guam Pest Control Company P.O. Box 7627 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Joseph Lopez, Managing Owner Telephone: (671) 472-1313 Fax: (671) 472-1316 Email: [email protected] Top End Pest Control Guam Pest management and Construction P.O. Box 5451 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Ken Williams, Director Karen Williams, Partner Tim Lambert, Partner Telephone: (671) 487-5657 Email: [email protected] PETROLEUM PRODUCTS & SERVICES IP&E Holdings, LLC. dba IP&E Guam Storage, Distribution, and Marketing of petroleum products including liquified petroleum gas (LPG), Convenience Store Operations 643 Chalan San Antonio, Suite 100 Tamuning, Guam 96913-3644 Executives: Ricky Delgado, President/CEO Jose P.R. Delgado, Chief Executive Officer Brian J. Bamba, Managing Director David Wisher, Chief Financial Officer William A. Ada, Director of Retail Sales, Operations & Marketing Richard B. Behag, Director of Supply, Distribution, HSSE & Engineering Fred P. Keller, Director of Commercial Business Telephone: (671) 647-0000 Fax: (671) 649-4353 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Mobil Oil Guam Inc. Distribution of Petroleum Products 642 East Marine Corps Drive Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Jaime Andres Ortega I., President & Country Manager Anthony Wenceslao, Wholesale Fuels Area Manager Sergio Alves, Retail Sales Area Manager Juliet Milan, Fuels Business Manager Telephone: (671) 648-3600 Fax: (671) 648-3781 Email: [email protected] Pacific Petroleum Trading Corp. Wholesale distributor of lubricant oils such as engine oil, hydraulic oil, grease, marine oils, etc. P.O. Box 8801 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Jae Seung Park, President Andrew Park, Vice President Alfonso Alvero, Sales and Marketing Manager Telephone: (671) 486-5460 Email: [email protected] SGS Guam, Inc. Testing & Inspection of Petroleum Products P.O. Box 12128 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Rosario Cajucum-Bradbury, President Pelagio S. Sardoma, CPA, Corp. Secretary Mary Ann G. Monton, Administrative Mgr. Julian Bernardo, Business Manager Ditas Rodriguez, Business Manager Michael O'Brien, Business Development Telephone: (671) 588-2923 Fax: (671) 477-2923 Email: [email protected] Website: South Pacific Petroleum Corporation Wholesale & Retail of Petroleum Products & Convenience Stores 816 N. Marine Corps. Drive FL2 Tamuning, Guam 96913-4431 Executives: Joon Hee Hahn, President Douglas R. Dean, Senior Vice President & General Manager Michael A. Hernandez, Vice President - Retail Sales & Marketing Robert E. Koeppen, Jr., Vice President - Commercial & Administration Mark J. Sablan, Vice President - Business Development Telephone: (671) 647-7600 or (671) 588-7200 Fax: (671) 588-7202 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 51 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY PHOTOGRAPHY Expressions Studio Photography P.O. Box 5692 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Robert Tenorio, President Anthony P. Tamayo Jr. Telephone: (671) 647-3742 Fax: (671) 647-3743 Email: [email protected] Website: Rendezvous Designs Visual Media PMB 236 979 Army Drive Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executive: Rafaelito “Rafael” DeAusen Telephone: (671) 788-1319 Email: [email protected] Website: POWER GENERATION & ENERGY SOLUTIONS 1st Green Solutions, Guam LLC Power Conditioning Systems for Commercial 193 Tumon Lane #105 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Rick Sparacio, CEO/General Manager Rachel Nack, CFO/Director of Sales and Marketing Telephone: (671) 979-1474 Email: [email protected] Website: Korea East West Power Co,. Ltd. Management Service P.O. Box CC Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Giho Choi, General Manager Jeong Du Lee, Deputy General Telephone: (671) 475-5279/84 Fax: (671) 477-8485 Email: [email protected] Marianas Energy Co. Independent Power Producer 180 Cabras Highway Piti, Guam 96915 Executives: Rino Manzano, General Manager Rene Acain, Plant Manager Geri Barcinas-Santos, Admin/HR Officer Lucila Hasanon, Accounting Officer Kim Garrido, Sr. Executive Secretary Telephone: (671) 477-3060 Fax: (671) 477-3154 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Pacific Solar & Photovoltaics, Inc. Solar, Photovoltaics, Solar Hot Water P.O. Box 6754 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Scott Hagen, General Manager William Hagen, Director Tommy Blas, Business Development Telephone: (671) 632-4002 Fax: (671) 637-7996 Email: [email protected] Website: RSU Consultants, LLC Utilities performance management Consultant P.O. Box 21143 Barrigada, Guam 96921-1143 Executive: Rick S. Unpingco, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 646-0172 Fax: (671) 646-0172 Email: [email protected] PRINTING & PUBLISHING Graphic Center, Inc. Printing & Publishing. Mailing & Billing Services P.O. Box 20088 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Richard A. Biolchino, President Jessie Rosario, Vice President Sales and Marketing Cabrini Perez Smith; Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 472-3072 Fax: (671) 472-3074 Email: [email protected] Website: Marianas Variety – Guam Newspaper publishing & commercial printing 215 Rojas Street Suite 204 Harmon, Guam 96913 Executive: Amier C. Younis, Guam Publisher Telephone: (671) 649-1924 Fax: (671) 648-2007 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Daily News Media/ Publications/ Commercial Printing P.O. Box DN Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Rindraty Celes Limtiaco, President & Publisher Gerald Woo, Controller Jae Fermin Medina, Advertising Director Jason Sakazaki, Market Development Director Telephone: (671) 477-9711 thru 9 Exec. Office: (671) 472-1512 Advertising: (671) 477-3059 News Room: 671) 477-3079 Email: [email protected] Website: 52 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Promotions Specialties Promotional products, Funeral Headstones & Installation, banners & signs 278 S. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 201 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Regina P. Diaz, President/Secretary Leo S. Diaz, Vice President Telephone: (671) 649-3117/8 Fax: (671) 649-2468 Email: [email protected] Website: REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, APPRAISERS & DEVELOPMENT FIRMS Ada’s Trust & Investment, Inc. Real Estate Management, Appraisers & Development Firms P.O. Box 2889 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Pete Ada, Chairman P. Sonny Ada, President Patricia P. Ada, General Manager Telephone: (671) 472-9830 Fax: (671) 472-9834 Email: [email protected] Blue Pacific Realty Commercial and Residential Real Estate Sales P.O. Box 20267 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Tom Clark, Principal Broker Telephone: (671) 648-1960 Fax: (671) 648-1962 Email: [email protected] Website: Century 21 Realty Management Company, Inc. Real Estate Services; Management of Apartments & Condominiums P.O. Box 7988 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Christopher K. Felix, President Judith R. Booth, Vice President Rosario T. Felix, Secretary/ Treasurer Telephone: (671) 647-5003 Fax: (671) 646-6604 Email: [email protected] Website: Deanna Palmer Real Estate Sales & Leases, Commerical Real Estate Sales Re/Max Diamond Realty 238 East Marine Corps Drive, Suite 202 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Deanna Palmer, Realtor Telephone: (671) 479-9532/ 688-2588 Fax: (671) 479-8913 Email: [email protected] Website: DNA, INC. Property Management 238 Archbishop Flores St. Ste. 1002 DNA Bldg. Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Letitia S. Lujan, Assistant General Manager Jeffrey T. Marchesseault, Marketing Director Telephone: (671) 477-9053/4 Fax: (671) 477-9055 Email: [email protected] Fujita Property Guam, Inc. (ITC Bldg) Office space rentals P.O. Box 8676 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Elaine S. Zabala, General Manager Lars Hellmont, Co-Owner Telephone: (671) 646-6825/6 Fax: (671) 646-7635 Email: [email protected] GCIC Office Space Office Space Rental, Real Estate Property Management, Property Development, Real Estate Sales/ Broker 414 W. Soledad Ave. GCIC Bldg., Ste. 500 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Philip F. Niu, Chairman Steffen T. Niu, President & Principal Broker Sheila Manaloto, Financial Controller Andrew Tang, Board Member John Tsien, Board Member Telephone: (671) 477-1389 Fax: (671) 477-1077 Email: [email protected] Website: Horizon Properties, Inc. Property Management & Real Estate 865 Marine Corps Dr. Suite 105 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Maria Miller, President Danriza Champaco, Office Manager Debbie Sharp, Operations/Accounting Manager Telephone: (671) 646-7616 Fax: (671) 646-7619 Email: [email protected] Website: Irene Hicks Condo Rentals 155 Torres St. Mongmong, Guam 96910 Executives: Irene Hicks, Manager David Hicks, Manager Gina Anulao, Agent Telephone: (671) 998-2040 Fax: (671) 477-9586 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 53 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Oceanic Resources, Inc. (dba Pacific Place) Commercial Building Owner P.O. Box 691 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Gregg Kosanke, President Roger Crouthamel, Secretary Greg Hartkopf, General Manager Jennifer Solomona, Administrator Telephone: (671) 969-3500 Fax: (671) 969-3611 Email: [email protected] Pacific Rim Realty Real Estate Oka Commercial Center, Suite 201, 221 Farenholt Avenue Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: David J. Ulloa, Principal Broker Telephone: (671) 649-0677 Fax: (671) 649-2505 Email: [email protected] Website: Patricia Feore Real Estate Sales & Leases, Development & Management 238 East Marine Corps Drive #202 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Patricia Feore, REALTOR, ePRO, CRS, ABR, MRP Telephone: (671) 688-6989 Fax: (671) 479-8913 Email: [email protected] Website: Precision Systems, Inc. Development, Petroleum, Educational Service, Real Estate 119 S. Marine Corps Dr., Vantage Commercial Plaza, Suite 203 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Tae Suk Oh, President Kiko’ C. Crisostomo, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5792 Fax: (671) 646-5793 Email: [email protected] Real Estate Guam Real Estate P.O. Box 12433 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Ramon Puangco, Principal Broker Suki Sul, Vice Principal Telephone: (671) 888-2100 (671) 482-3336 Fax: (671) 646-7557 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: T.A. Enterprises, Inc. Leasing Warehouse Space 167 E.T. Calvo Memorial Parkway Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Thomas J. Hertslet Telephone: (671) 734-4205 Fax: (671) 734-4205 Email: [email protected] Today's Realty Real Estate Sales, Leasing & Management. Thirty Realtors on hand for immediate assistance. P.O. Box 9235 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Anthony Godwin, Principal Broker/ President Jun Lin, Associate Broker/Vice President Sandy Yow, Associate Broker Julie Paxton, Associate Broker Vicki Anderson-Estes, Associate Broker Telephone: (671) 649-4361 Fax: (671) 646-0832 Email: [email protected] Website: Toni A. Geisinger Service Rental P.O. Box 11496 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Toni A. Geisinger, President Lisa Geisinger, General Manager Sophia Geisinger, Secretary Telephone: (671) 647-3295 Fax: (671) 647-3295 Email: [email protected] TRI Executive Realty Commercial Real Estate Brokerage/ Development; Commercial Real Estate and Lease P.O. Box 9663 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Ronald (Ron) Ramos, President Telephone: (671) 649-8740/46 Fax: (671) 647-1606 Email: [email protected] RENEWABLE ENERGY Isla Energy Inc. Renewable Energy 275-G Farenholt Ave #111 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Tom Teehan, President & CEO Telephone: (671) 489-1989 Email: [email protected] Website: Micronesia Renewable Energy Inc. Electrical & Renewable Energy Contractor Specializing in Solar Installs, Energy Efficiency, Lighting Retrofits, Energy Audits, Solar Hot Water Systems, and Electrical Installments. P.O. Box 7810 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Tracy Voacolo, President Jeff Voacolo, Vice President Telephone: (671) 632-2613 (671) 487-3763 Fax: (671) 647-8035 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: 54 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS Applebee’s/IHOP Guam Restaurant/Food Service 353 Chalan San Antonio, Suite #101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Richard Hart, President Telephone: (671) 648-2337 Fax: (671) 649-6888 Email: [email protected] Outback Steakhouse Restaurant P.O. Box 6066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Robert H. Jones, Chairman & CEO Jeffrey B. Jones, President Dan Murrell, Senior Vice President Daeven Epitacio, Proprietor Telephone: (671) 646-1543 Fax: (671) 646-1544 Email: [email protected] Pacific Dining, LLC dba: Lone Star Steakhouse Lone Star Steakhouse 665 South Marine Corps Drive Suite 102 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Brian Artero, President Jimmy Untalan, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-6061 Fax: (671) 649-8083 Email: [email protected] Website: PCR, Inc. dba: Linda’s Coffee Shop & The Whispering Palms Food & Beverage P.O. Box ED Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Thomas Tajalle, Chief Financial Officer Andrew Leon Guerrero, General Manager Jeanette Guerrero, Human Resource Supervisor Tina Alicto, Office Assistant Telephone: (671) 472-1203 Fax: (671) 472-9300 Email: [email protected] Pika’s Café Restaurant 888 N. Marine Corps Drive, #128 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Pika Fejeran, Owner Lenny Fejeran, Owner/GM Telephone: (671) 647-7452 Email: [email protected] Restaurant Proa Restaurant P.O. Box 10648 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Chris Bejado, Manager/Owner Geoffrey Perez, Executive Chef/Owner Telephone: (671) 588-7765 Fax: (671) 479-7762 Email: [email protected] RETAIL Benson Guam Ent., Inc. Building Materials Supplier and Home Improvement Center Retail and Wholesale of Construction Materials P.O. Box 6157 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Cencio Tan Vy, President/CEO; Vy Son Tan Vy Ling Ling Chen Monito S. Co, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-7562 Fax: (671) 477-3736 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Cost-U-Less Warehouse Store 615 Harmon Loop Road Dededo, Guam 96929 Executives: Steven Schmidt, Store Manager - Harmon Bianca Duenas, Asst. Manager - Harmon Steve Aguon, Store Manager - Tamuning Daphne San Nicolas, Admin Manager - Tamuning Scott Schmidt, Pacific Regional Manager Telephone: (671) 632-2532 Fax: (671) 632-2536 Email: [email protected] Website: DFS Galleria Guam Duty free and duty paid retail. Operating in hotels, airports and freestanding locations. Retail catering to the international traveler in Guam and Micronesia 1296 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Joann Camacho, Director - Marketing Development Jim Beighley, SVP - Global Marketing and Market Development Francis Guerrero, Sr. Manager-Promotions & Community Affairs Telephone: (671) 647-3839; (671) 727-2815 Fax: (671) 647-3902 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Dragonfly Furniture & Décor Importing of furniture & artwork from both Indonesia & China. Trying to focus on recycled furniture, which is not readily available in Guam. P.O. Box 12066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Judith Mosley, Owner Anthony Mosley, Owner Camryn Mosley, Business Manager Telephone: (671) 649-3339 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 55 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY JJC Corporation Retail of Art, Local Books, Crafts & Related Items 231 Golondrina Ave. Barrigada Heights, Guam 96913 Executives: Jacqueline Sablan, President Juan Carlo Pangelinan, Treasurer Telephone: (671) 988-6646 Email: [email protected] Website: JML Investment Inc. dba FURLA Retail - Leather Goods, Shoes, Accessories, Jewelry & Watches 1082 Pale San Vitores Rd., Suite 23 Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Charles Li, Owner Jean Li, General Manager Maryvick Milan, Senior Admin Assoc. Telephone: (671) 649-2868 Fax: (671) 649-2868 Email: [email protected] L & H Golf Center Retail Golf 162 Western Blvd Unit 101 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Reynald Lim, President Myroslav Harasym, Vice President Mohamed Samidon Telephone: (671) 646-4872 Email: [email protected] Louis Vuitton Guam, Inc. Retailer of Luxury Goods Pacific Place Level 3, Suite 302 1411 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96911 Executives: Rhea De Vera-Aguirre, General Manager (Micronesia & Philippines) Stephen Tanaka, Financial Controller (Micronesia & Philippines) Katherine Ada, Human Resources & Training Manager (Micronesia & Philippines) Pamen Lacson, Merchandising Manager (Micronesia & Philippines) Tomoe Hofman, Clienteling Manager (Guam & Saipan) Telephone: (671) 642-5800 Fax: (671) 646-8265 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Macy’s, Inc. 1088 West Marine Corps Drive Suite 100 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executive: Ryan Torres, Vice President & Store Manager Telephone: (671) 637-9416 Fax: (671) 635-7901 Email: [email protected] Odoca, Glenda Sale of gift items on special order. P.O. Box 8834 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Glenda Odoca Telephone: (671) 687-3892 Email: [email protected] Sablan & Svec, LLC dba American Music Guam Retail of Musical Instruments and Accessories 128 N. Marine Corps Dr. Ste. A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: R. Gregory Sablan, Owner / Business Manager Andrew J. Svec, Owner / Operations Manager Janiece A. Sablan, Academy Music Director Telephone: (671) 647-6895 Fax: (671) 647-6896 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: SM Guam, Inc. Retailing 302 South Route 4, suite 300 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Jannice Gooyit, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-7463 Fax: (671) 477-7648 Email: [email protected] Tiffany & Co. Retail – Jewelry and fine gifts 1082 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon Sands Plaza, Suite #1 Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Molly Cadmus, Group Director, Guam Market Delfin Andres, Director, DFS Galleria Telephone: (671) 649-8898 Fax: (671) 647-1068 Email: [email protected] Website: Tommy Hilfiger 199 Chalan San Antonio, Ste. 113 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Laura Burbano, Manager, Regional Marketing Southern California, Nevada, Seattle, Hawaii, Guam Email: [email protected] Website: SALON Studio 211 Beauty Salon 1088 W. Marine Dr. Ste. C 234 Dededo, Guam 96929 Executives: Pete Perez, Owner Jeanette Perez, Manager Raymond Perez, Owner Leilani Perez, Secretary Telephone: (671) 637-4536/7 Email: [email protected] 56 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Zeng's Studio Barber P.O. Box 21418 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Song Zeng, Owner Telephone: (671) 649-3281 Email: [email protected] SCHOOL/TRAINING Watson Training & Development 2624 Redwood Street Royse City, TX 75189 Executive: Tom Watson, President/Founder Telephone: (903) 758-0855 Fax: (671) 647-6783 Email: [email protected] Website: SECURITY & SUPPORT SERVICES Brimstone Safety Training & Certification PMB 697 Suite 101 1270 N Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Robert B. Michael, Owner Telephone: (671) 797-3030 Email: [email protected] Guam Marianas Training Center a) Allied Health School b) Accounting Bookkeeping School c) Foreign Languages Instructional 414 W. Soledad Ave., Ste. 601-A GCIC Bldg. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Fe Valencia-Ovalles, President/CEO Telephone: (671) 475-4682/1011 Fax: (671) 472-2210 Email: [email protected] Website: International Alliance Ministries dba Guam International Training Center 122 Hasalao Street Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executives: Danilo Tomada, President Mary Garvilles, Secretary Greg Hidalgo, Jr., Manager Gregorio Calvo, Jr., Treasurer Telephone: (671) 472-4482 or (671) 788-7535 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: OSH Solutions Guam Consultations & Trainings P.O. Box 24331 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Ann Marie Pelobello Telephone: (671) 777-4347 Email: [email protected] Sylvan Learning Center Education P.O. Box 869 Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Marie R. Nelson, President Crystal R. Nelson, Secretary - Treasurer Telephone: (671) 477-0700 Fax: (671) 477-5500 Email: [email protected] Website: G4S Secure Solutions (Guam) Inc. Armed & Un-Armed Guard Security, Vehicle Patrol Security, Alarm Monitoring, Cash Transit, Document Storage & Management, Alarm Systems, Secured Courier, Lifeguard, Document Storage & Shredding 1851 Army Drive Harmon, GU 96913 Executives: Christopher Y. Garde, Country Manager Marianas; Kezia E. Sablan, Admin & HR Director, Marianas Clarence B. Heath, Divisional Director, MSS Marianas Eduardo C. Bitanga, Divisional Director, ESS Guam Kathleen E. Brown, Finance Director, Marianas Vincent Walker, Divisional Director, Cash Solutions Moises Pangelinan Jr., Branch Manager, CNMI Teresa K. Sakazaki, Sales & Marketing Director Frankie T. Ishizaki, Care & Justice/NCC Director-Marianas Paul R. Suba, Operations Director, MSS Marianas Telephone: (671) 646-2307 Fax: (671) 649-7245 Email: [email protected] Website: Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. Security Services 770 East Sunset Boulevard, Suite 233, Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913 Executive: Jesse Torres, Field Service Manager Telephone: (671) 646-2595 Fax: (671) 646-2596 Email: [email protected] Website: SHIPPING, TRANSSHIPMENT & OTHER RELATED SERVICES Ambyth Shipping & Trading Vessel Husbanding Agents, Freight Forwarding, Trucking 193 Rojas Street Harmon Industrial Park Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Gregory R. David, President & Chief Executive Officer Andrew J. Miller, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Telephone: (671) 477-7250/8000 Fax: (671) 472-1264 (671) 477-0094 Email: [email protected] Website: 58 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Cabras Marine Corporation CMC offers tug, pilotage, ferry, and ship repair and other related services. 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 114 Piti, Guam 96915 Executives: Joseph L. Cruz, President Teresa Marshall Watkins, Owner & CEO Telephone: (671) 477-1818/7345 Fax: (671) 477-6206 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Lotus Pacifica Trading, Inc. Shipping Agent for Japanese fishing vessels P.O. Box 10477 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Yasufumi Seo, President Michiyo Seo, Vice President John Garrido, Office Manager Telephone: (671) 477-5988 Fax: (671) 646-5987 Email: [email protected] Marianas Steamship Agencies, Inc. Shipping Agency, Freight Forwarding and Logistics P.O. Box 3219 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Richard P. Sablan, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 472-8584 Fax: (671) 472-8585/5692 Email: [email protected] Website: Matson Navigation Company U.S. to Guam, Asia to Guam, Guam to U.S. Shipping Service 1026 Cabras Highway, Ste. 115 Piti, Guam 96915 Executive: Bernadette Valencia, General Manager Telephone: (671) 475-5961 Fax: (671) 477-5965 Email: [email protected] Website: Norton Lilly International, Inc. Shipping Agency 1052 Cabras Highway, Suite 101 Piti, Guam 96915 Executive: Gerry G. Reyes, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 475-4654 Fax: (671) 475-4653 Email: [email protected] Website: Tidewater Distributors, Inc. Fresh and Frozen Tuna and Marlin cuts sold retail at Tamuning Mayor’s Office parking lot, silve canteen. Tuna transshipment services, fish processing, bait, cold storage services P.O. Box 10061 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Steven A. Stenson, Owner Telephone: (671) 477-5000 Fax: (671) 472-8508 Email: [email protected] SHOPPING CENTERS Agana Shopping Center Shopping Center Leasing Retail, Restaurant/Food Outlet and Office Spaces P.O. Box DM Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Therese H. Kamm, General Manager Eric Uy, Assistant General Manager/Facilities Manager Telephone: (671) 472-5027/8 Fax: (671) 472-5029 Email: [email protected] Website: Tumon Sands Plaza Restaurants and Shopping Arcade 1082 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Masato Yahata, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 646-6801/5 Fax: (671) 646-5583 Email: [email protected] SPA & WELLNESS Custom Fitness LLC & CrossFit Gof Metgot Fitness Facility, Physical Therapy P.O. Box 7372 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Samantha Sablan, Managing Partner Ryan Claros, Partner Paul Claros, Partner Steven Sablan, Partner Telephone: (671) 989-0436 Fax: (671) 989-0435 Email: [email protected] Website: IFIT GUAM Sportscenter - health and fitness - community center 788 S. Marine Corp Drive, Suite 2C Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Shivrani Daryanani, President Telephone: (671) 989-8348 Email: [email protected] Website: Island Skin Spa Spa Services 285 Farenholt Ave. #C301 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Chelsa Chester, Owner & Licensed Aesthetician Telephone: (671) 989-7546 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 59 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Love and Light DBA Synergy Studios Fitness and Wellness Facility 138 Martyr St. Hagatna, Guam 96910 Executives: Clare Calvo Smith, Owner Lillian L. Reyes, Owner Judy C. Rosario, Owner Telephone: (671) 472-9642 Email: [email protected] Website: TATTOOING Low Tide Tattoo Company Tattooing P.O. Box 4092 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Harv Angel, Owner Telephone: (671) 649-1080 Website: THEATER & ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS - MARINE Alupang Beach Club, Inc. Marine Sports and Beach Recreation 997 South Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Steven A. Kasperbauer, President Telephone: (671) 646-1940 Fax: (671) 646-7929 Email: [email protected] Website: Micronesian Divers Association, Inc. Scuba Diving Sales & Services/ Wholesale/ Video Production/ Tours 856 N. Marine Corps Drive Piti, Guam 96915 Executive: Lee Webber, President Telephone: (671) 472-6321/ 24/25 Fax: (671) 477-6329 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: STORAGE Guam Mini Storage Rental of Storage Space/Units P.O. Box 7260 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Arnold C. Jose, CEO Arnold C. Jose, II, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-1389 Fax: (671) 647-5722 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Pak Express, Inc. Moving, Storage, Express Shipping and Courier Services 278 S. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 105 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Jerry Paulino, General Manager / President Sandra Paulino, Vice President Mary Diaz, Secretary Telephone: (671) 649-3971 Fax: (671) 649-3454 Email: [email protected] Website: Baldyga Group, LLC. dba: Sandcastle, Inc. Dinner Theater 1199 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executives: Mark Baldyga, President Sudipta Basu, General Manager Hiroko Hammond, Director of Finance Charles McCarrolls, General Manager of Lina La & Director of Entertainment Tomoyuki Goto, Director of Sales & Marketing Troy Williams, Director of Media & Special Projects Telephone: (671) 649-7263 Fax: (671) 649-7262 Email: [email protected] Website: Roberto Fracassini Productions Entertainment Agency 206 Lila Loop Barrigada Heights, Guam 96913 Executive: Roberto Fracassini, Owner Telephone: (671) 632-9037 Email: [email protected] Tango Inc. dba: Micronesia Mall Theatres & Agana Stadium Theatres Movie Theatre Operation P.O. Box 22407 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: Francisco “Kit” Lanuza Jr., General Manager Bojo Molina, Marketing Director Telephone: (671) 632-2204 Fax: (671) 632-2322 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: TITLE INSURANCE & RELATED SERVICES Pacific American Title Insurance Title Insurance & Escrow 888 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 200 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Manu P. Melwani, CEO Aileen Alfred, President Sara Pangelinan, AVP/ Escrow Manager Paul Alfred, Director of Marketing Telephone: (671) 648-7777 Fax: (671) 648-7213 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: 60 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Security Title, Inc. Title Insurance & Research Escrow & Notary Services 356 South Marine Corp Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Kim Anderson Young, President Ronald Young, Secretary/ Treasurer Claire Manglona, Asst VP/Sales & Escrow Maria Cristina Bansil, Controller Cherri-Mai Mendiola, Executive Officer Telephone: (671) 647-8100 Fax: (671) 647-8170 Email: [email protected] Website: Title Guaranty of Guam Guam's first, oldest and most experienced title and escrow company. Suite 320, Hernan Cortez Ave. Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Bertha Evangelista, Executive Vice President Joyn Arroyo, General Manager Sharon de Jesus, Accounting Supervisor Rachel Diego, Escrow Officer Telephone: (671) 477-7147 Fax: (671) 477-1071 Email: [email protected] Website: TRAVEL & TOUR The Guam Guide Everything you want to know about Guam! 3206 Chalan Gagu Tamuning, Guam 96913-4331 Executives: Jessica Peterson, Owner Timothy Peterson, Sales Manager Cleya Cortez, Sales Assistant Telephone: (671) 888-4582 Email: [email protected] Website: Travel Pacificana Travel Agency 207 Martyr Street Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Gregg C. Kosanke Roger P. Crouthamel Mary T. Sanchez Frances C. Schier Telephone: (671) 472-8884 Fax: (671) 477-0888 Email: [email protected] TRAVEL, TRANSPORTATION & TOUR OPERATIONS Kloppenburg Enterprise, Inc. Transit, Shuttle, Charter, School, & Tourist Transportation and Optional Tours P.O. Box 6098 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Bruce E. Kloppenburg, President Travis E. Kloppenburg, Executive Vice President Thomas F. Kloppenburg, Vice President Tour Services Bradley D. Kloppenburg, Vice President Business Development Donna W. Kloppenburg, Chief Executive Officer Yasuhide Torigoe, Assistant General Manager Turtle Tours Donald T. Moose Scott, Asst. General Manager - Facilities & Maintenance Michael A. Garrido, Asst. General Manager - Operations Judy V. Aguigui, Vice President Human Resources Cecilia T. Cascasan, Vice President Adminstration & Accounting Telephone: (671) 649-1941/2 Fax: (671) 649-3253 Email: [email protected] Website: Lam Lam Tours & Transportation Tourism (Transportation) 117 Guerrero St. Tamuning, Guam 96913-4434 Executives: Jun Hiyoshi, President Tadashi Tamaguchi, General Manager OPS Osamu Kanabushi, General Manager ADMIN Frank Guerrero, Director for Edu & Tug Telephone: (671) 646-1028 Fax: (671) 646-6256 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Pactours, LLC. Full Service Travel Agency & Destination Management Company 522 Chalan Pasaheru Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Joseph L. Cruz, President/Member Ana Marie M. Franquez, Manager/Member Nancy C. Ladrido, Travel Consultant Angeli R. Co, Travel Consultant Telephone: (671) 649-3221; (671) 647-8687 to 88 Fax: (671) 649-4221 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] PMT Guam Corporation Tour & Travel arrangements for Group & Package Tours 590 South Marine Corps Drive, Suite 420 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Tadashi Echikawa, President & General Manager Toshio Akigami, Asst. General Manager Customer Service Masao Tosaka, Asst. General Manager - Accounting & Admin Telephone: (671) 647-0768 Fax: (671) 646-7045 Email: [email protected] Website: 62 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY TRUCKING, MOVING/STORAGE & RELATED SERVICES Dewitt Moving & Storage Pack and crate household effects and shipping same to worldwide destinations; Local movers. Record Storage. P.O. Box 12788 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Corine Berking, General Manager Ray Cruz, Transportation Manager Victor Valenzuela, Assistant General Manager Telephone: (671) 648-1800 Fax: (671) 646-0034 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Transport & Warehouse, Inc. Trucking, Moving/Storage, Air Freight Consolidations P.O. Box 7869 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: James Honda, President Barry Honda, CEO Telephone: (671) 646-9465/6 Fax: (671) 646-1808 Email: [email protected] Pacific Island Movers, Inc. Household Goods, Moving & Storage P.O. Box 23997 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: James F. Coleman, President Roy Adkerson, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5865 Fax: (671) 649-9156 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Unlimited Inc. General Trucking, Transport service, Heavy Lift Inland Transport, Trucks & Equipment Repair Services, Heavy Duty Towing,Generator repair and fueling, freight forwarding, warehousing, and 3rd party logistics P.O. Box 10838 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: John A. Limtiaco, President Michael Limtiaco, Vice President Lawrence Limtiaco, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 473-4374/5 Fax: (671) 473-4370 Email: [email protected] Website: VIDEO/AUDIO PRODUCTIONS, SALES & RENTALS Shooting Star Productions Shooting Star Productions is in the business of developing media content to help our clients compete in the marketplace. We are the resource for production, media services and media development in an exciting, creative and technical collaborative environment. SSP specializes in HD production and post-production, complete with editing, composting, 2D/3D animation and SFX. We also provide services for live events from HD cameras, large screen projections and audio/video packages (AVP) to make your events standout from the rest. Huge screen, tiny screen, film, video or streaming, we create them all. The medium does not drive results. The Creative drives results. 138 E. Marine Dr., Bldg. C, Ste. 104 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Carlos S. Barretto, President/Production Director Deborah D. Pangelinan, Office Manager Telephone: (671) 477-9348/9 Email: [email protected] WASTE & GARBAGE REMOVAL SERVICE Guahan Waste Control Inc. dba Mr. Rubbishman Commercial Waste Hauler & Recycling P.O. Box 24747 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Robert Perron, General Manager Victor B. Garcia, Operations Manager Ruben F. Tuazon, Adm.Sup./Accountant Ken Miranda, Sales Manager Telephone: (671) 649-5183 Fax: (671) 649-5227 Website: Island Waste Management, LLC Solid Waste Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services P.O. Box 22196 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: John G.F. Cristobal, Manager/Owner Remedios B. Cristobal, Co-Owner Concepcion F. Cristobal, Founder Telephone: (671) 734-9278 Fax: (671) 734-1405 Email: [email protected] WEB DESIGN GuamWEBZ Website Design and Software Development P.O. Box 7725 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Rajesh (Rhaj) K. Sharma, President/Lead Consultant Telephone: (671) 647-7167 Fax: (671) 989-7167 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 63 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY TSC Inc. dba: Ninth Design Website design, development, and management P.O. Box 25833 Barrigada, Guam 96921-5833 Executives: Robert Stoll, President Keven Camacho, Secretary Telephone: (671) 787-5847 Email: [email protected] Website: WHOLESALE Ambros Inc. Beer, Liquors, Cigarettes, Wine, Consumer Products P.O. Box A Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executives: Frank S.N. Shimizu, President/CEO Joseph S.N. Shimizu, Vice President/CFO Paul S.N. Shimizu, Secretary/Treasurer Thomas G. Shimizu, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-1826/9 Fax: (671) 472-1826 Email: [email protected] AVL TRADING, LLC Wholesaler P.O. Box 4182 Hagatna, Guam 96932 Executives: Marites Valondo, General Manager Alejandro Litonjua, Sales Manager Telephone: (671) 988-1237 Fax: (671) 649-0255 Email: [email protected] Bangkok Designs International Furniture Indoor and Outdoor, Office Furniture and Accessories P.O. Box 10147 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Wassana McCann, Owner Telephone: (671) 482-4748 Email: [email protected] Cementon Micronesia, LLC Wholesale of Cement P.O. Box 3918 Hagatna, Guam 96932-3918 Executives: Johnson Ma, President John Perez, CEO Telephone: (671) 649-6887 Fax: (671) 649-6888 Email: [email protected] Dickerson & Quinn Distributors of Food and Consumer Products 267 Guerrero Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: George Chiu, President Timothy Kernaghan, VP/GM Jesse Santos, Assistant General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-2706 Fax: (671) 649-2750 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Grow Guam, LLC Hydroponic Vegetable & Fruit Farm P.O. Box 21348 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executives: John Stewart, President Jon Cramer, Vice President/General Manager Telephone: (671) 734-0683 Fax: (671) 475-5759 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam’s Own 114 Etton Lane Sinajana, Guam 96910 Executive: Valentino Perez, Proprietor Telephone: (671) 689-1212 Email: [email protected] Hanson Permanente Cement Wholesale Sales of Bulk and Sack Cement P.O. Box K Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Derek Sadler, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-1530 Fax: (671) 477-1531 Email: [email protected] Hawaii Intercontinental Corp. Wholesale of Tourist Related Items 280 Guerrero Dr Ste C Tamuning, Guam 96913-3812 Executives: Diane Keller, General Manager Joleen Perez, Executive Assistant Telephone: (671) 647-7833 Fax: (671) 646-8337 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Inner Dynamics Wholesale of Clothing and Furniture P.O. Box 4156 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Madeline “Ronni” Connelly, Owner Telephone: (671) 472-8714 Email: [email protected] International Distributors, Inc. Food Wholesale P.O. Box 23300 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Shana Guzman, President Telephone: (671) 649-1535 Fax: (671) 649-1612 Email: [email protected] Website: 64 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Lorea Industries, Inc. dba: Iberian International Importer/Wholesale of wines, liquors & gourmet items 220 East Harmon Industrial Park, C-6 Harmon, Guam 96913 Executive: Maria Flor L. Herrero, President Telephone: (671) 647-1595 or (671) 488-1595 Fax: (671) 477-1595 Email: [email protected] Website: M and B Incorporated dba: PACIFIC GUAM Wholesaler 237 Mamis St. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Sunilh Uttamchandani, President/CEO Josie Tumamak, Sales & Operations Manager Darlene Kloulubak, Property Manager Marian Ceribo, Accounting Manager Kitz Barja, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 646-8744 Fax: (671) 646-8748 Email: [email protected] Market Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Wholesale 751 Chalan Machaute, Ste. 106 Maite, Guam 96910 Executives: Christine Baleto, General Manager Angela Tenorio, Sales Manager Ricardo Gubat, Controller Telephone: (671) 477-9018 Fax: (671) 477-4294 Email: [email protected] Website: Mid-Pacific Distributors, Inc. Wholesaler P.O. Box 192 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: John T. Calvo, President & General Manager Edward J. Calvo, Assistant General Manager Telephone: (671) 635-5891 Fax: (671) 637-5832 Email: [email protected] NBK Trading Corporation Corporate Logo Products P.O. Box 22167 GMF, Guam 96921 Executives: Ronald A. Benoit, President Lisa A. Benoit, Secretary/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 734-3777 Fax: (671) 734-3702 Email: [email protected] Website: Quality Distributors Wholesale of Food Products P.O. Box 8780 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: George Lai, President Peter Lai, Vice President Landon Nadler, General Manager Telephone: (671) 649-9788 Fax: (671) 649-9688 Email: [email protected] Website: S.P.E. (Guam) Inc. Wholesale & Retail (Tokyo Mart) P.O. Box 8364 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Tadashi Gonda, President Kazunori Arai, Treasurer Telephone: (671) 646-7144/7076 Fax: (671) 646-1998 Email: [email protected] Website: Titan Imports Inc. Wine & Spirits Distributor P.O. Box 12633 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: John Antenorcruz, Managing Director Minerva Tolentino, Finance Manager Ursula Cruz, Logistics Manager Richard Ybanez, Area Sales Manager - Guam Tedson Timothy, Sales Executive Telephone: (671) 647-4268 Fax: (671) 647-4269 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Triple J Five Star Wholesale Foods, Inc. Wholesale Food Distribution 178 W. Marine Corps Dr. Dededo, GU 96929 Executive: Jim Herbert, General Manager Telephone: (671) 637-7576 Fax: (671) 632-4111 Email: [email protected] Western Sales Trading Co. Wholesale sales of tobacco and other related products. Exclusive distributors of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Products P. O. Box 8530 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: Edwin F. Torres, Director Ricardo C. Duenas, CFO Christopher A. Torres, CEO Telephone: (671) 647-0369-70 Fax: (671) 647-0372 Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 65 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP AFCEA Marianas Guam Contractors’ Association Ste 101, 1270 N. Marine Corps Drive PMB 352 Tamuning, Guam 96913-4331 Executive: Martin Sabel, President Email: [email protected] Website: 718 N. Marine Corps Drive Ste. 203, East West Business Center Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: James Martinez, President Telephone: (671) 647-4841/4840 • Fax: (671) 647-4866 Email: [email protected] Website: American Red Cross Guam Chapter Bldg. 285 Rt. 4 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Chita Blaise, Chief Executive Officer Telephone: (671) 472-6217/ 8/9 • Fax: (671) 477-2721 Email: [email protected] Center for Micronesian Empowerment 674 Harmon Loop Road, Suite 312 Para Oceana Business Center Dededo, Guam 96929-6535 Executives: Jay Merril, Acting Executive Director Telephone: (671) 635-1121 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam P.O. Box 10711 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executives: George Lai, President Telephone: (671) 646-2168 • Fax: (671) 646-2169 Email: [email protected] Website: Embassy of Canada - Manila (Philippines) 8F Tower 2 RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue cor. Sen Gil Puyat Avenue Makati City, Philippines 1208 Executive: Michel R. Belanger, Senior Trade Commissioner Telephone: (632) 857-9000 • Fax: (632) 843-1080 Email: [email protected] Website: FSM Consulate General Office, Guam P.O. Box 10630 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Robert A. Ruecho, Consul General Telephone: (671) 646-9154/5 • Fax: (671) 649-6320 Email: [email protected] Guam Amateur Baseball Association 2271 Army Drive, Ste. A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Bill Bennett, President/Treasurer Telephone: (671) 649-9663 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Guam Community College P.O. Box 23069 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Mary Okada, President/CEO Telephone: (671) 735-5638 • Fax: (671) 734-1003 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Economic Development Authority 590 S. Marine Corps Drive ITC Building, Suite 511 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: John A. Rios, Administrator Telephone: (671) 647-4332 • Fax: (671) 649-4146 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Educational Telecommunication Corporation dba PBS Guam P.O. Box 21449 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Benny Flores, Operations Manager Telephone: (671) 734-5483 • Fax: (671) 734-3476 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Girl Scouts, Inc. P.O. Box 10778 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Vickie Fish, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 646-5652 • Fax: (671) 646-5676 Email: [email protected] Guam Hotel & Restaurant Association P.O. Box 8565 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Mary P. Rhodes, President Telephone: (671) 649-1447 • Fax: (671) 649-8565 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Medical Association 339 Chalan San Antonio Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Thomas Shieh, MD, President Telephone: (671) 646-4462 • Fax: (671) 646-4462 Email: [email protected] Guam Procurement Technical Assistance Center School of Business & Public Administration, UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96912 Executive: Boris Hertslet, Program Manager Telephone: (671) 735-2596 • Fax: (671) 735-5717 Email: [email protected] Guam Regional Medical City c/o St. Anthony’s Clinic 543 Chalan Guma Yuos Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Margaret Bengzon, CEO & President; Gloria J. Long, COO Telephone: (671) 649-4762/3/7 • Fax: (671) 649-4765 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 67 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic Make-A-Wish Foundation 388 Ypao Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executives: Ted Lewis, President/CEO Michael Robinson, Medical Director Telephone: (671) 646-8881 • Fax: (671) 648-2512 Email: [email protected] Website: 590 S. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 125 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Victor Camacho, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 649-9474 • Fax: (671) 649-9030 Email: [email protected] Website: Marianas Educational Media Services, Inc. Guam Symphony Society P.O. Box 4069 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Clifford Guzman, President Telephone: (671) 687-2696 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Veterans Business Outreach Center University of Guam - SBPA-Guam VBOC - UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 Executive: Frank Crisostomo-Kaaihue, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 475-4900 • Fax: (671) 475-4901 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Visitors Bureau 401 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Nathan P. Denight, General Manager Telephone: (671) 646-5278/9 • Fax: (671) 649-3917 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Women’s Club P.O. Box 454 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Caroline H. Sablan, President Telephone: (671) 472-5451 • Fax: (671) 472-5151 Email: [email protected] Website: IAM….moving you in the right direction INC. 12 Rota Street Santa Rita, Guam 96915 Executive: Chris Coggins, Founder/President Telephone: (671) 574-5711 Email: [email protected] Website: 1st Floor, J Perez Building, 138 Seaton Blvd. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executive: Darryl Taggerty, Officer/Director Telephone: (671) 648-4262 • Fax: (671) 472-0400 Naval Facilities Engineering Command Marianas PSC 455 Box 195 FPO AP 96540-2937 Executive: Telephone: Email: Albert C. Sampson (671) 339-7090 • Fax: (671) 339-7090 [email protected] Pacific Islands Development Bank 250 Route 4, Suite 205 Hagåtña, Guam 96910-7710 Executive: Aren Palik, CEO Telephone: (671) 477-0047 • Fax: (671) 477-0067 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Islands SBDC Network P.O. Box 5014 Mangilao, Guam 96923 Executive: Casey Jeszenka, Network Director/Guam SBDC Director Telephone: (671) 735-2590 • Fax: (671) 734-2002 Email: [email protected] Website: Pacific Islands University 172 Kinney’s Road Mangilao, Guam 96913 Executives: Dr. David L. Owen, President Dr. Sam Mabini, Provost & Academic VP Nino Pate, Administrative VP Telephone: (671) 734-1812 • Fax: (671) 734-1813 Email: [email protected] Website: Professional & International Programs iCAN Resources Inc. 865 S. Marine Corp Dr. Ste 102 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Executive: Laura Espinosa, Managing Director Telephone: (671) 646-4226 • Fax: (671) 646-4228 Email: [email protected] 303 University Drive, UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96913 Executive: Carlos R. Taitano, Director Telephone: (671) 735-2600/2601 • Fax: (671) 734-1233 Email: [email protected] Website: Jose D. Leon Guerrero Port Authority of Guam Rainbows For All Children Guam 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 201 Piti, Guam 96915 Executive: Joanne M.S. Brown, General Manager Telephone: (671) 477-5931/5 • Fax: (671) 477-2689/ 4445 Email: [email protected] Website: P.O. Box 22635 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Telephone: Email: Marie Virata Halloran, Executive Director (671) 632-0257 [email protected] 68 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Research Corporation of the University of Guam The Salvation Army 303 University Drive Mangilao, Guam 96913 Executive: Cathleen Moore-Linn, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 735-0251 • Fax: (671) 735-0252 Email: [email protected] Website: P.O. Box 23038 GMF, Guam 96921 Executive: Telephone: Email: School of Business & Public Administration School of Business & Public Administration University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 Executive: Dr. Anita Borja-Enriquez, Dean Telephone: (671) 735-2550 • Fax: (671) 734-5362 Email: [email protected] Website: Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Guam Chapter P.O. Box 81 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Executive: Joann Waki Muna, SPHR, SHRM Pacific State Council Director (Guam & CNMI) Telephone: (671) 735-5537/8 • Fax: (671) 734-5238 Email: [email protected] Website: Society of American Military Engineers Guam Post P.O. Box 1438 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-3301 Email: [email protected] Website: St. John’s School 911 Marine Corps Drive Tumon Bay, Guam 96913 Executive: Patricia A. Bennett, Head of School Telephone: (671) 646-5644/ 5626/ 8080 • Fax: (671) 649-6791 Email: [email protected] Website: Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Guam 111 Chalan Santo Papa Rd, Ste. 505 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Executives: Paul Wang, Director General Mike Liu, Director Telephone: (671) 472-5865 • Fax: (671) 472-5869 Email: [email protected] Website: The Compassionate Friends P.O. Box 9964 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Executive: Joyce Sosa, Leader Telephone: (671) 988-9662 Email: [email protected] Website: The Employers Council Captain Michael E. Lutcher (671) 477-9872 • Fax: (671) 477-9870 [email protected] Tourism Education Council P.O. Box 26292 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Executive: Heidi Ballendorf, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 687-4505 Email: [email protected] TropLinks Inc. P.O. Box 6388 Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia Executive: Les Searle, Secretary Telephone: 07 4033 0586 Email: [email protected] Website: U.S. Small Business Administration Guam Branch Office 400 Route 8, Suite 302 Hagåtña Guam 96910-2003 Executive: Kenneth Q. Lujan, Branch Manager Telephone: (671) 472-7419 • Fax: (671) 472-7365 Email: [email protected] Website: United Service Organizations dba Guam USO 626 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Leigh Leilani Graham, Area Director, Hawaii and Guam Telephone: (671) 647-4876 • Fax: (671) 647-4872 Email: [email protected] Website: United States Postal Service 489 Army Dr. Barrigada, Guam 96921-9998 Executive: Tammy Schoenen, OIC Telephone: (671) 734-3921 • Fax: (671) 734-3928 Website: University of Guam - Office of the President UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 Executive: Robert Underwood, President Telephone: (671) 735-2990 • Fax: (671) 734-2296 Email: [email protected] Website: UOG Endowment Foundation UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96913 Executive: Mark B. Mendiola, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 735-2955 • Fax: (671) 734-2952 Email: [email protected] Website: 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 201 East West Business Center Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Executive: Andrew Andrus, Executive Director Telephone: (671) 649-6616 • Fax: (671) 649-3030 Email: [email protected] Website: Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 69 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Ada, Peter (Sonny) Baron, Paul Borja, Marilyn President, Ada’s Trust & Investment, Inc. P.O. Box 2889 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-9830 Email: [email protected] Pacific Business Group Manager, GHD, Inc. 194 Hernan Cortes Avenue, Ste. 213 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 472-6792/3 Email: [email protected] Senior Account Executive, Docomo Pacific 219 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 206 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 688-2355 Email: [email protected] Adkerson, Roy K. Beaver, Dave Brown, John Thos. General Manager, Pacific Island Movers P.O. Box 23997 GMF, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 646-5865 Email: [email protected] Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill Lynch 400 Route 8 #403 Maite, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 477-8605 Email: [email protected] Vice President and General Counsel, Jones & Guerrero Company, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 475-6110 Email: [email protected] Adkins, James L. Benitez, Juan Carlos President, East West Rental Center 958 N. Marine Drive Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-6182 Email: [email protected] President, Washington Pacific Economic Development Group, Inc. 790 South Marine Corps Drive, Suite 204 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-3800 Email: [email protected] Ady, Michael R. President, M-80 Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 27274 GMF, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 734-1680 Email: [email protected] Alcorn, David Vice President, GFS Group P.O. Box L Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 646-6083 Email: [email protected] Alcorn, Lucy President/CEO, GFS Group P.O. Box L Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 646-6083 Email: [email protected] Armour, Timothy Principal/President, RIM Architects 316 Hernan Cortes Avenue, Ste 300 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-2111 Email: [email protected] Arnett, Joe Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP 361 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96911 Telephone: (671) 646-3884 Email: [email protected] Baba, Hideharu President, Baba Corporation 756 S. Marine Drive, Ste 201 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-5050 Email: [email protected] Benito, Michael T. General Manager, Payless Markets, Inc. 116 Chalan Santo Papa, P.M. Calvo Bldg Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-9266 Email: [email protected] Benoit, Ron President, NBK Trading Corporation 618 W Route 8, Ste 102 Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 734-3777 Email: [email protected] Berking, Corine General Manager, Dewitt Moving and Storage, Guam P.O .Box 12788 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 648-1800 Email: [email protected] Blair, William J. Attorney, Blair Sterling Johnson Martinez 1008 DNA Bldg., 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-7857 Email: [email protected] Blas, Paul L. Operations Manager, Matson Navigation Co., Inc. 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 115 Piti, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 475-5987 Email: [email protected] Bliss, Brian Vice President, Bank of Hawaii P.O. Box BH Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 479-3653 Email: [email protected] Cadag, Noli C. Executive Vice President, Jones & Guerrero Company, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 475-6110 Email: [email protected] Calvo, John T. President, Mid-Pacific Distributors, Inc. P.O. Box 192 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 653-5891 Email: [email protected] Campillo, Frank Health Plan Administrator, Calvo’s Insurance Underwriters P.O. Box FJ Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 477-9808 Email: [email protected] Cannoles, Ron Executive Vice President, Pacific Islands Division Manager, Bank of Hawaii P.O. Box BH Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 479-3637 Email: [email protected] Certeza, Joseph Training Safety, QA Manager, Advance Management, Inc. #198 Adrian Sanchez St. Ste 7 Harmon, Guam 96913-4456 Telephone: (671) 649-6488 Email: [email protected] Chambers, Lisa Area Marketing Manager, HDR, Inc. 134 W. Soledad Ave, Ste. 404 - BOH Building Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 989-5558 Email: [email protected] 70 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Chamran, Kian Cruz, Joseph L. Eun, Ho S. Service Manager - Guam, CNMI & Micronesia, Motorola Inc. 215 Rojas St. Suite 123 Harmon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-6144 Email: [email protected] President, Cabras Marine Corporation 1026 Cabras Highway Piti, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 477-1818 Email: [email protected] President, Core Tech International Corporation 195 Tun Jose Salas St. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-9120 Email: [email protected] Cruz, Trina Evans, Roy K. Community Sales Manager, Pacific Islands Club P.O. Box 9370 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-9171 Email: [email protected] President & CEO, Guam Flora Plant Nursery, LLC P.O. Box 7630 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 637-6628 Email: [email protected] Curry, William B. Felix, Christopher President, South Pacific Environmental (Guam) LLC P.O. Box 12068 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-7609 Email: [email protected] President, Century 21 Realty Management P.O. Box 7988 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 647-5003 Email: [email protected] Dacanay, Laura Lynn Filush, Jerold W. SVP/Guam-CNMI Region Manager, First Hawaiian Bank 400 Route 8 Mongmong, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 475-7884 Email: [email protected] Partner-in-Charge, Deloitte & Touche LLP 361 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-3884 Email: [email protected] Chan, J. Arthur Engineering/Marketing Manager, Hawaiian Rock Products 1402 Route 15 Mangilao, Guam 96923 Telephone: (671) 734-2971 Email: [email protected] Cho, Edward H. Director of Sales & Marketing, Pacific Star Resort & Spa 627B Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 648-1605 Email: [email protected] Clark, Donald Vice President, ASC Trust Corporation 120 Father Duenas Avenue, Capitol Plaza Ste 110 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-2724 Email: [email protected] Compton, John M. CEO, PTI Pacifica, Inc. dba IT&E 122 W. Harmon Industrial Pk. Rd. Ste. 103 Tamuning, Guam 96913-4164 Telephone: (671) 922-4805 Email: [email protected] Cortez, Rizaldy General Manager-Guam, SSFM International, Inc. 215 Rojas St. Suite 201 Harmon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-7736 Email: [email protected] Crisostomo, Joey President, Cars Plus LLC 647 Route 8 Maite, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-7807 Email: [email protected] Crisostomo, Joyce Executive Director, Cars Plus LLC 647 Route 8 Maite, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-7807 Email: [email protected] Crouthamel, Roger P. Attorney, Carlsmith Ball LLP P.O. Box 3573 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-6813 Email: [email protected] DeMaria, Louis C. dck pacific guam, LLC P.O. Box 20429 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 647-5500 Email: [email protected] Dennett, John Project Manager, Agility Defense & Government Services 189 Chalan Binadu Yona, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 689-4465 Email: [email protected] Dominguez, Gerry Senior Account Executive, 3M Guam 171 Guerrero Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-9109 Email: [email protected] Dumanal, Frank CEO, GPSI Guam 456 W. O’Brien Drive, Suite 102D Hagåtña, Guam 96910-5012 Telephone: (671) 486-3057 Email: [email protected] Enriquez, Noel M. Client Service Manager, Brown and Caldwell 414 W. Soledad Avenue, GCIC, Suite 907 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-0975 Email: [email protected] Flores, Philip J. Chairman & CEO, BankPacific 151 Aspinall Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 472-8593 Email: [email protected] Fuentes, Marie Wealth Associate, First Hawaiian Bank 400 Route 8 Mongmong, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-1294 Email: [email protected] Galito, Ernie A. Sole Proprietor, Marketing Movement P.O. Box 7077 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 482-9675 Email: [email protected] Godwin, Anthony President, Today’s Realty P.O. Box 9235 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-4361 Email: [email protected] Gotti, Teresa Lee Manager, Ship Agency & Marine Services, Ambyth Shipping & Trading Inc. 193 Rojas St. Harmon Ind. Park, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 477-8000 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 71 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Graham, Leigh Leilani Jackson, Bart Kloppenburg, Bruce E. Director, Guam USO - United Services Organizations 626 Pale San Vitores Rd. Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-4876 Email: [email protected] COO, B&G Pacific LLC P.O. Box 5533 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 649-0680 Email: [email protected] President, Kloppenburg Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 6098 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-1941 Email: [email protected] John, David Kriegel, Jonathan President, ASC Trust Corporation Ada’s Capitol Plaza, Suite 110, 120 Father Duenas Avenue Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-2724 Email: [email protected] President & Chief Executive Officer, Docomo Pacific 219 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 206 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 688-2355 Email: [email protected] Guerrero, Frank Asst. General Manager, Lam Lam Tours & Transportation 117 Guerrero St. Harmon Industrial Park Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-1028 Email: [email protected] Johnson, Jerrold C. Guzman, Clifford Director of Technical Operations, GFS Group P.O. Box L Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 646-6083 Email: [email protected] Habeck, Terry President & CEO, Aviation Concepts 14-304 Neptune Avenue Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 477-0179 Email: [email protected] Hagen, William Owner, Hagen’s Inc. P.O. Box 6754 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 637-8959 Email: [email protected] Hake, Jonathan Business Development Manager - Pacific, Vectrus 655 Space Center Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone: (808) 348-5970 Email: [email protected] Heffron, Ron Vice President/ Energy Practice Leader, Moffatt & Nichol 3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Ste 600 Long Beach, CA 90806 Telephone: (562) 590-6500 Email: [email protected] General Manager, Triple J Five Star Wholesale Foods, Inc. 178 W. Marine Corps Dr. Dededo, Guam 96929 Telephone: (671) 635-7576 Email: [email protected] Ilao, Ed President, JMI Electrical 125 North Marine Corps Dr. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-5444 Email: [email protected] President, Hawaiian Rock Products 1402 Route 15 Mangilao, Guam 96923 Telephone: (671) 734-2971 Email: [email protected] Guam Area Manager, Granite Construction Company Guam 201 Farenholt Ave. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 969-2282 Email: [email protected] Jones, Jeffrey B. Lai, George President, Triple J Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 6066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-9126 Email: [email protected] President, Quality Distributors P.O. Box 8780 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-9788 Email: [email protected] Jones, Robert Lai, Peter Chairman & CEO, Triple J Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 6066 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-9126 Email: [email protected] Vice President, Quality Distributors P.O. Box 8780 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-9788 Email: [email protected] Jose, Arnold C. Lanuza, Francisco “Kit” Jr. General Manager, Guam Mini Storage P.O. Box 7260 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 647-5720 Email: [email protected] General Manager, Tango Theatres, Inc. P.O. Box 22407 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 632-2204 Email: [email protected] Kaae, Leonard K. Lebita, Edmund Senior Vice President & General Manager , Black Construction Corporation P.O. Box 24667 GMF Barrigada, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 646-4861 Email: [email protected] Duty Manager, USO - United Service Organizations P.O. Box 946 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 647-4876 Email: [email protected] Kasperbaurer, Steven A. Herbert, Jim Kruger, Kevin President, Alupang Beach Club 997 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-1940 Email: [email protected] Kernaghan, Timothy VP/General Manager, Dickerson & Quinn 267 Guerrero Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-2706 Email: [email protected] Lee, Elisha Senior Sales Manager, Lotte Hotel Guam 185 Gun Beach Road Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-6811 Email: [email protected] Lenckowski, Lisa Fiesta Resort Guam 801 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-5880 72 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Leon Guerrero, Lou Lynch, Edward J. Miranda, Simeon President, CEO, & Chair of the Board, Bank of Guam P.O. Box BW Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-5300 Email: [email protected] Vice President, HDR, Inc. 1132 Bishop Street, Ste 1003 Honolulu, HI 96813-2830 Telephone: (808) 989-3815 Email: [email protected] Corporate Director-Operations, Pacific, Outrigger Guam Beach Resort 1255 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon Bay, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-9000 Email: [email protected] Mamczarz, Mark Leon Guerrero, Alfred F. Business Development Manager, Lyon Associates, Inc. 962 Pale San Vitores Road, Suite C-201 Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-3328 Email: [email protected] Vice President - Finance, Black Construction Corporation P.O. Box 24667 Barrigada, Guam 96921 Telephone: (671) 646-4861 Email: [email protected] Maratita, Maureen Lim, Danny Publisher, Glimpses of Guam P.O. Box 3191 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 649-0883 Email: [email protected] General Manager, CTSI Logistics P.O Box 6067 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-2853 Email: [email protected] Martinez, Jehan’Ad G. Limtiaco, John A. President, Pacific Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 10838 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 473-4374 Email: [email protected] Principal, Corporate Secretary & Treasurer, Blair Sterling Johnson Martinez Ste. 1008 DNA Bldg., 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-7857 Email: [email protected] Limtiaco, Rindraty McDonald, Jon President & Publisher, Pacific Daily News P.O. Box DN Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 477-9711 Email: [email protected] Frontier Supply Company 153 E. Seungdo L.G. St. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 648-7000 Email: [email protected] Limtiaco, Tricee P. McDowell, Monty President, Perez Bros, Inc. P.O. Box F Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 647-1731 Email: [email protected] CEO/Principal Broker, Advance Management, Inc. #198 Adrian Sanchez St. Ste 7 Harmon, Guam 96913-4456 Telephone: (671) 649-6488 Email: [email protected] Lizama, Marie P. Mesa, Monte Sales Manager - Guam, Delta Air Lines P.O. Box 7087 Tamuning, Guam 96931-7087 Telephone: (671) 649-1146 Email: [email protected] General Manager, Guam Premier Outlets 199 Chalan San Antonio Rd. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-1584 Email: [email protected] Llaneta, Rey Miller, Maria Manager, Western Pacific Region, Chugach World Services P.O. Box 10360 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 483-1530 Email: [email protected] President, Horizon Properties, Inc. 865 Marine Corps Dr. Suite 105 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-7616 Email: [email protected] Lopez, Joey D. Managing Owner, Pestex Guam P.O. Box 7267 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 472-1313 Email: [email protected] Miral, Monica Services Solutions Executive, Xerox Corporation 137 Murray Blvd. Suite 101 Hagatna, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-1906 Email: [email protected] Monk, Paula L. Senior Manager Sales - Guam and Micronesia, United 219 S. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 102 Tamuning, Guam 96911 Telephone: (671) 645-8772 Email: [email protected] Moylan, Kaleo Director, Investments & Contracts, Moylan’s Insurance Underwriter’s, Inc. 424 West O’Brien Drive, Ste 102 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-8616 Email: [email protected] Muna, Annmarie President/General Manager, AM Insurance P.O. Box 2797 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-2632 Email: [email protected] Nakamura, Keith Partner, Slater, Nakamura & Co., LLC 790 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste B Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-3803 Email: [email protected] Nakanishi, Yoshiaki Manager, Admin & Accounting, Obayashi Corporation Guam Office ParaOceana Business Center - 674 Harmon Loop Road, Suite 315 Dededo, Guam 96929 Telephone: (671) 633-2340 Email: [email protected] Okada, Lorraine S. President, Okada Managing Consulting Services 146 Tiyan Place Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 488-6689 Email: [email protected] Pablo, Benjamin C. VP/Community Development Officer, Bank of Guam P.O. Box BW Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-5300 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 73 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Packbier, Paul E. Robertson, John M. Sgro, Jr., Peter President, PCR Environmental, Inc. 111 East Sunset Blvd Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-3560 Email: [email protected] Proprietor, J.M. Robertson, Inc. dba AmOrient Engineering P.O. Box 6247 Tamuning, Guam 96931-6247 Telephone: (671) 472-3301 Email: [email protected] President, International Group, Inc. Suite 102, 116 Chalan Santo Papa Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 472-6855 Email: [email protected] Paulino, Jerry General Manager, Guam Pak Express, Inc. 278 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste. 105 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-3971 Email: [email protected] Paulino, Mike Ruder, Stephen C. Proprietor, Ruder Integrated Marketing Strategies Unit #903 Agana Bay Condominum, 182 Trankilo St. Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 635-1126 Email: [email protected] Sablan, Joanna MCB, Inc. 209 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 472-4622 Email: [email protected] Local, Corporate & Military Sales Manager, Holiday Resort & Spa Guam 881 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-7272 Email: [email protected] Perez, Gerald S.A. Vice President, MicroMed Suppliers P.O. Box 2022 Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 565-6633 Email: [email protected] Sablan, Mark J. VP/Business Development , South Pacific Petroleum Corporation 816 N. Marine Corps Dr., EVA Bldg. 2nd Floor Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-7600 Email: [email protected] Peterson, Carl President, Money Resources 415 Chalan San Antonio #210 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-0000 Email: [email protected] Salas, Robert P. Pothen, Mathews President & CEO, Marianas Gas Corporation 151 W. Harmon Industrial Park, Unit A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-5261 Email: [email protected] Potts, Tamara Manager, Navy Federal Credit Union 1657C Naval Activities Santa Rita, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 333-4029 Email: [email protected] Director, Landscape Management Systems, Inc. 194 Old San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913-4427 Telephone: (671) 647-2617 Email: [email protected] Salas, Amilyn E. Director of Sales, Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort 470 Farenholt Avenue Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-2944 Email: [email protected] Santos, Phillip Ramos, Ron Owner/Principal Broker, TRI Executive Realty P.O. Box 9663 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 649-8740 Email: [email protected] Reyes, Tes C. Sales Manager, Rooms & Banquet, Lotte Hotel Guam 185 Gun Beach Road Barrigada, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-6811 Email: [email protected] Account Executive, Matson Navigation Company 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 115 Piti, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 475-5961 Email: [email protected] Schindler, Jeff General Manager, Tumon Aquarium LLC dba Underwater World & Sea Grill Restaurant 1245 Pale San Vitores Road, Ste. 400 Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-9191 Email: [email protected] Schweizer, Jeffrey General Manager, Fiesta Resort Guam 801 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-5880 Email: [email protected] Shedd, Sheila Sales Manager, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa P.O. Box 11199 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-1820 Email: [email protected] Shelly, Van President & CEO, Nissan Motor Corp. in Guam 1012 N. Marine Drive Rt.1 Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-7620 Email: [email protected] Shimizu, Frank President, Ambros Inc. P.O. Box A Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 477-1826 Email: [email protected] Shringi, Bobby Sales & Marketing Manager, Moylan’s Insurance Underwriter’s, Inc. 424 West O’Brien Drive, Suite 200 Hagatna, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 472-3614 ext. 236 Email: [email protected] Smith, Brian Sales Engineer, JWS Refrigerator & A/C, Ltd. 290 Tun Jose Sales Street, Ste A Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-7662 Email: [email protected] Smith, Todd Senior Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP 361 S. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-4328 Email: [email protected] Smith, Torgun General Manager, Morrico Equipment LLC 197 Ypao Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-1946 Email: [email protected] Solberg, Steve General Manager, Outrigger Guam Beach Resort 1255 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon Bay, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-9000 Email: [email protected] 74 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARMED FORCES COMMITTEE Stout, Michael Tolentino, Sinforoso Wiese, Brent Project Manager, ECC 202 Hilton Road Tumon Bay, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 688-5785 Email: [email protected] Managing Partner, Carlsmith Ball LLP P.O. Box BF Hagåtña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 472-6813 Email: [email protected] Principal, RIM Architects 316 Hernan Cortes Avenue, Ste 300 Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Telephone: (671) 477-2111 Email: [email protected] Stump, Richard E. Tomada, Pacita A. Yanagisawa, Ken Vice President, Stanley Consultants, Inc. 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Ste 205, East West Business Center Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-3466 Email: [email protected] General Manager, National/Alamo Car Rental P.O. Box 9058 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 647-1017 Email: [email protected] General Manager, Pacific Islands Club P.O. Box 9370 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone: (671) 646-9171 Email: [email protected] Valencia, Bernadette Yanger, Albert General Manager, Matson Navigation Company 1026 Cabras Highway, Suite 115 Piti, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 475-5963 Email: [email protected] President/Chairman, GPSI Guam 456 W. O’Brien Drive, Suite 102D Hagåtña, Guam 96910-5012 Telephone: (671) 477-3058 Email: [email protected] Walker, Vincent S. Young, Ronald M. Marketing & Communications Manager, G4S Secure Solutions (Guam), Inc. 1350 N. Marine Corps Dr., Micro Plaza, Suite 213 Upper Tumon, Guam 96913 Email: [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer, Security Title, Inc. 356 S. Marine Corp Drive Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 647-8100 Email: [email protected] Webber, Lee Yu, Jenny Owner, Micronesian Divers Association, Inc. 856 N. Marine Corps Drive Piti, Guam 96915 Telephone: (671) 472-6324 Email: [email protected] Assistant Sales Manager, Fiesta Resort Guam 801 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 646-5880 Email: [email protected] Tanaka, Michelle Financial Controller, Morrico Equipment LLC 197 Ypao Road Tamuning, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 649-1946 Email: [email protected] Tanaka, Stephen Financial Controller, Louis Vuitton Pacific Place Ste. 302, 1411 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913 Telephone: (671) 642-5811 Email: [email protected] Tareyama, Jacob J.M. Commercial Accounts Manager, IP&E Guam 643 Chalan San Antonio, Suite 100 Tamuning, Guam 96913-3644 Telephone: (671) 647-0123 Ext. 105 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 75 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GUAM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS ADKINS, RICHARD BERNARDO, BILLYSCOTT CATAHAY PEREZ, MICHELE LYNN Manager, East-West Rental Center, Inc. Telephone: 671.649.0025 Email: [email protected] Vice President, First Hawaiian Bank Telephone: 671.475.7857 Email: [email protected] Marketing & Communications Specialist, Teleguam Holdings dba GTA Teleguam Telephone: 671.644.0163 Email: [email protected] ADVANI, KISHIN BLAS, MARISSA Realtor, The Real Estate Professionals Telephone: 671.300.7499 Email: [email protected] Business Director, Gecko Labs, LLC Telephone: 671.685.5670 Email: [email protected] AGAHAN, BARBIE JANE BOONE, NAOMI Account Executive, David DDB Advertising Telephone: 671.472.4629 Email: [email protected] Corporate Sales Manager, Atkins Kroll, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.8653 Email: [email protected] AGUIGUI, AMY BORJA, TIARA Merchant Services Manager, Bank of Hawaii Telephone: 671.479.3629 Email: [email protected] Marketing Manager, Coast 360 Federal Credit Union Telephone: 671.477.8736 Email: [email protected] CHIU, EILEEN Commercial Underwriter, Nanbo Insurance Underwriters Telephone: 671.475.1464 Email: [email protected] BRAGA, DESIREE CLAROS, RYAN ROBERT Business Banking Officer, Bank of Hawaii Telephone: 671.479.3658 Email: [email protected] Partner, Custom Fitness Telephone: 671.989.0436 Email: [email protected] AGUON, RISHA BUHAIN, CONCEPCION NOLINI COOK, JOAQUIN Therapist, Counseling Services Telephone: 671.477.3311 Email: [email protected] Client Service Representative, Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 Email: [email protected] AVP/Branch Manager, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.647.9157 Email: [email protected] AGUILO, YUKA AGUON JR., ANTHONY Systems Engineer, Sanford Technology Group LLC Telephone: 671.647.0220 Email: [email protected] AHN, DOYON BYERLY, CRENA MARIE Sr. Acct. Manager, GTA Teleguam Telephone: 671.488.0088 Email: [email protected] CALORI, WILLIAM Owner, Zories Only Email: [email protected] Business Banking Officer, First Hawaiian Bank Telephone: 671.475.7858 Email: [email protected] AMAGUIN, PERSHA Claims Clerk, Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 Email: [email protected] CALVO, TRINA Marketing & People Works Manager, Pacific Dining, LLC Telephone: 671.646.8085 Email: [email protected] AQUINO, KYLA MARIE Marketing Assistant, Pacific Daily News Telephone: 671.479.0504 Email: [email protected] CAMACHO, ANGELICA ARTERO, AILEEN JO Off-island Referral Coordinator, Netcare Life and Health Insurance Telephone: 671.647.0110 Email: [email protected] BAMBA, GABRIELLE General Manager, ASC Trust Corp Telephone: 671.477.2724 Email: [email protected] BELL, JOHN Attorney, Law Office of John Richard Bordallo Bell Telephone: 671.646-5722/5723 Email: [email protected] Marketing Coordinator, RIM Architects Telephone: 671.477-2111 Email: [email protected] CAMACHO, JENNIFER Business Development/Marketing Manager, Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.477.7807 Email: [email protected] CHAN, ALAN Technical Director, Gecko Labs, LLC Telephone: 671.483.9323 Email: [email protected] CHAN, DOUG Managing Director, Gecko Labs, LLC Telephone: 671.787.8319 Email: [email protected] Tax Accountant, Ernst & Young LLP Telephone: 671.649.3700 Email: [email protected] CRISOSTOMO, DAVID Managing Editor, Pacific Daily News Telephone: 671.479.0400 Email: [email protected] CRISOSTOMO, KIKO’ Operations Manager, Precision Systems Inc. Telephone: 671.646.5792 Email: [email protected] CRISOSTOMO, JOEY, JR. Assistant Sales Manager, Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.477.7807 Email: [email protected] CRISOSTOMO, LENORA Office Manager, Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.472.8326 ext. 202 Email: [email protected] CRUZ, BRANDON Business Development Officer, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.688.6755 Email: [email protected] CRUZ, CHRISTY CAMACHO, LEEVIN Director of HR, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa Telephone: 671.646.1835 Email: [email protected] Attorney, The Law Office of Leevin T. Camacho Email: [email protected] CRUZ, MELANI Personnel Coordinator, GuamTemps Inc. Telephone: 671.646.3541 Email: [email protected] 76 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GUAM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CRUZ JR., JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, JANNA JOHNSTON, GRAHAM Account Executive - Business Sales, Docomo Pacific Telephone: 671.688.2355 ext. 2805 Email: [email protected] Program Coordinator for GDOE Workey’s Project, Guam Community College Telephone: 671.735.5640 Email: [email protected] Project Manager, IMCO General Construction Telephone: 671.477.3405 Email: [email protected] DEAUSEN, RAFAEL FERNANDEZ, JOELLE Owner, Rendevous Designs Email: [email protected] Credits Officer, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.472.5300 ext 5159 Email: [email protected] DENIGHT, JON NATHAN Deputy General Manager, Guam Visitor’s Bureau Telephone: 671.648.1484 Email: [email protected] DEZELL, STEPHANIE Business Development Representative, Coast 360 Federal Credit Union Telephone: 671.300.8809 Email: [email protected] DIAZ, PETE Product Manager, Teleguam Holdings dba GTA Teleguam Telephone: 671.644.0151 Email: [email protected] DUENAS, DOREEN GATEWOOD, MICHAEL Associate, Carlsmith Ball, LLP Telephone: 671.473.7303 Email: [email protected] Retail and Marketing Manager, Alupang Beach Club Telephone: 671.646.1940 ext.110 Email: [email protected] EDUVALA, LORENZO Customer Engagement Officer, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.472-5300 ext. 5112 Email: [email protected] ESPIRITU, JILL Media & Marketing Office, Guam Football Association Telephone: 671.637.4321 Email: [email protected] EVARISTO, BYRON VP Commercial/Consumer Financing, BankPacific, LTD. Telephone: 671.479.1179 Email: [email protected] Restauranteur, Pika’s Café Telephone: 671.647.7452 Email: [email protected] Business Sales - Account Executive, Docomo Pacific Telephone: 671.688.2355 Email: [email protected] GATEWOOD, STEPHEN Escrow Officer, Security Title Telephone: 671.647.8106 Email: [email protected] FEJERAN, PIKA GARCIA, NICOLAS General Manager, Cars Plus, LLC (Employed at Payless Car Rental) Telephone: 671.649.7368 671.649.7668 Email: [email protected] DIERKING, KAMIA Staff Assistant - Legal Office, GEDA Telephone: 671.475.9373 Email: [email protected] Claims Adjuster, Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 ext. 205 Email: [email protected] GARRIDO, ERIKA Project Engineer, AECOM Telephone: 671.477.8326/7 Email: [email protected] FACULO, NATALIA FUJITA, NATSUKI GUZMAN, JENYNNE CHRISTINE Media Coordinator, David DDB Telephone: 671.472-4634 Email: [email protected] GUZMAN, JUSTIN KIKUTA, MICHAEL Account Executive, Matson Navigation COmpany Telephone: 671.475.5979 Email: [email protected] KIM, JAMES Experienced Leader/Sales Manager, Tiffany & Co. Telephone: 671.649.8857 Email: [email protected] KLOPPENBURG, BRAD VP, Business Development, Kloppenburg Enterprises, Inc. Telephone: 671.649.1942 Email: [email protected] KOKI, ISA MARIE Bank of Guam Email: [email protected] LEBITA, EDMUND Duty Manager, United Service Organizations Telephone: 671.647.4876 Email: [email protected] LEE, JOHNNY Chinese Sales Manager/Social Media, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa Telephone: 671.727.1688 Email: [email protected] LEE, REGINE Accounts, PR & Events Manager, Ruder Integrated Marketing Strategies (RIM) Telephone: 671.635.1126 Email: [email protected] LEON GUERRERO, JACOB NOC Tech, Docomo Pacific Email: [email protected] Sales Coordinator, Pacific Islands Club Guam Telephone: 671.648.2408 Email: [email protected] HUANG, TINA LEON GUERRERO, JESSICA Marketing Manager, American Chocolate Factory Telephone: 671.649.6689 Email: [email protected] Brand Manager, Island Wines & Spirits Telephone: 671.635.2374 Email: [email protected] IWANAGA, KURAMITSU LEON GUERRERO, LESLEY-ANNE Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 Email: [email protected] Director of Customer Service, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.472.5140 Email: [email protected] JOHNSON, RYAN “MARS” LEON GUERRERO, MARIA EUGENIA Associate, Blair, Sterling, Johnson & Martinez, P.C. Telephone: 671.477.7857 Email: [email protected] Management Trainee, Bank of Guam Telephone: 671.472.5300 Email: [email protected] Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 77 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GUAM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MAGBITANG, RAYMOND OLEDAN, NATHAN SACHDEJ, PARMINDER Real Estate Broker, Veteran’s Choice Realty Telephone: 671.486.9190 Email: [email protected] Business Banking Officer, Bank of Hawaii Telephone: 671.479.3550 Email: [email protected] Business Banking Officer, First Hawaiian Bank Telephone: 671.475.7830 Email: [email protected] MALVEAUX JR., RONNIE OLSON, JUSTIN SACHDEV, SARAN Account Executive - Business Sales, Docomo Pacific Telephone: 671.688.2355 Email: [email protected] Inside Sales, Frontier Supply Co. Telephone: 671.648.7000 Email: [email protected] Realtor, Century 21 Commonwealth Realty Email: [email protected] PANGELINAN, GIANA-NICOLE MANGLONA, CLAIRE Sanford Technology Group LLC Telephone: 671.472.5362 Email: [email protected] Escrow Manager, Security Title Telephone: 671.647.8100 Email: [email protected] PEREZ, JOLEEN RENEE MANGLONA, TAVIA Special Projects Manager, ASC Trust Corp Telephone: 671.477.2724 ext. 110 Email: [email protected] MARIANO, IANNA MARIE General Manager, Pacific Auto Leasing, LLC dba: Thrifty Car Rental of Guam Telephone: 671.646.6555 Email: [email protected] MENDIOLA, GERALYN Sales & Marketing Executive, Moy Communications, Inc. d.b.a. Hit Radio 100 Telephone: 671.477.5658 Email: [email protected] MENDIOLA, MELANIE Consultant, Planate Management Group Telephone: 671.482.1823 Email: [email protected] MERCADO, MARIE ROSE STAR Claims Representative, Social Security Administration Telephone: 671.635.4008 Email: [email protected] NAZ, FRITZ Underwriter, Nanbo Insurance Underwriters Telephone: 671.475.1468 Email: [email protected] Dealer Principal, Guam Harley-Davidson Telephone: 671.472.4003 Email: [email protected] Inside Sales/Purchasing, Frontier Supply Co. Telephone: 671.648.7000 Email: [email protected] NOWELL, JOE General Sales Manager, JWS Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Ltd. Telephone: 671.472.1321 Email: [email protected] SANCHEZ, ALEXANDRIA CAMARIN Sales & Marketing Associate, UnderWater World & Sea Grill Restaurant Telephone: 671.649.9191 Email: [email protected] PEREZ-DAMIAN, DELORES SANFORD, DAVID Owner/Proprietor, Breed of Hens Telephone: 671.787.5661 Email: [email protected] Systems Consultant, Sanford Technology Group LLC Telephone: 671.647.0220 ext.0109 Email: [email protected] RAPOLLA, CHRISTOPHER Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.777.3566 Email: [email protected] REYES, LOGAN Marketing Services Manager, PTI Pacificana, Inc. dba: IT&E Telephone: 671.922.4439 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] RICALDE, MARISSA Commercial Banking Analyst, Bank of Hawaii Telephone: 671.479.3589 Email: [email protected] RODRIGUEZ, ANTOINETTE Medical Staff Manager, Guam SDA Clinic Telephone: 671.646.8881 ext. 117 Email: [email protected] ROSARIO, JUDY SABLAN, CRYSTAL NORDMARK, ETHAN Account Manager, GTA Teleguam Telephone: 671.488.0117 Email: [email protected] Guam Account Manager, Dewitt Moving Telephone: 671.648.1879 Email: [email protected] Business Account Executive, DOCOMO PACIFIC Telephone: 671.688.2355 Email: [email protected] NEILSEN, DAVID SALAZAR, MARVILYN SANTIAGO, JOSIE Assistant Manager, GuamTemps Inc. Telephone: 671.646.3541 Email: [email protected] SANTOS, FERNANDO Sales & Operations Coordinator, Seabridge, Inc. Telephone: 671.477.5038 Email: [email protected] SANTOS, JASON PHILLIP Head of Creativity, Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.477.7807 Email: [email protected] SANTOS, JEAN AVP/Title Manager, Pacific American Title Insurance & Escrow Co. Telephone: 671.648.7777 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] SCHUNTER, VALON Systems Engineer, Sanford Technology Group LLC Telephone: 671.647.0220 ext.121 Email: [email protected] Director of Marketing Communications, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa Telephone: 671.646.1835 Email: [email protected] SHEPARD, TIMOTHY SABLAN, SAMANTHA SNYDER, AARON President, Managing Partner, Custom Fitness Telephone: 671.989.0436 Email: [email protected] Engineer II, Granite Construction Company Guam Telephone: 671.969.2282 Email: [email protected] Director, Client Relations, GuamTemps Inc. Telephone: 671.646.3541/3542 Email: [email protected] 78 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 GUAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GUAM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS STA. MARIA, ROWENA TAM, TIFFANY WILLIAMS, JOR-EL Marketing Officer, Coast 360 Federal Credit Union Telephone: 671.300.8830 Email: [email protected] Marketing Manager, IP&E Holdings, LLC. (dba: IP&E Guam) Telephone: 671.647.0123. ext 133 Email: [email protected] Assistant Funeral Director, Guam Memorial Life Plan Telephone: 671.734.9836 STOUT, JESSICA TENORIO, EMILY Merrill Lynch Email: [email protected] SULIT, AUGUSTO LV TSP Global Store Manager, Louis Vuitton Telephone: 671.646.6232 Email: [email protected] TAIMANGLO, NATHAN Marketing & HR Manager, Cars Plus LLC Telephone: 671.477.7807 Email: [email protected] TAITANO, JESIKA Assistant Vice President and Business Banking Officer, First Hawaiian Bank Telephone: 671.475.7864 Email: [email protected] TAKAGI, JO THAI, CHRISTINA “TINA” Account Executive - Business Sales, DOCOMO PACIFIC Telephone: 671.688.2355 ext. 2207 Email: [email protected] ULLOA, JON Financial Advisor, Asia Pacific Financial Management Group Telephone: 671.472.6400/479.6406 Email: [email protected] WESSLING, ERIK Catering Sales Manager, Outrigger Guam Resort Telephone: 671.647.3121 Email: [email protected] YANGER, ELIANNA Coordinator, GuamTemps Inc. Telephone: 671.646.3541 Email: [email protected] YOUNG, JASON Realtor, Today’s Realty Telephone: 671.685.2059 Email: [email protected] ZAPATOS, ALEXANDER JAY Assistant General Manager, Pacific Dining, LLC Telephone: 671.646.6061 Email: [email protected] Financial Advisor/Life Insurance Agent, Asia Pacific Financial Management Group Telephone: 671.479.6412 Email: [email protected] R eputation, E xperience,T rust an d C lient F ocus S in ce 1857, C arlsm ith B all L L P h as h elped clien ts ach ieve th eir objectives w ith effective, result orien ted legal advice.T oday w e brin g th is vision to clien ts across th e P acific,in offices stretch in g from G uam to H on olulu,H ilo,K ailua-K on a,M aui an d L os A n geles. O ur stren gth s lie in th e in dividual depth an d breadth of each of our attorn eys,both profession al an d person al, as w ell as th e geograph ic position in g of our offices th rough out th e P acific. W e offer our clien ts a local un derstan din g of busin ess an d th e law com bin ed w ith a soph isticated in tern ation al, cross-office practice. C arlsm ith B all is a full service law firm w ith particular expertise in th e follow in g areas. A dm iralty B anking & F inance C orporate & B usiness C reditor’s R ights E nvironm ental& A lternative E nergy Im m igration L abor & E m ploym ent L itigation & A lternative D ispute R esolution P roject F inance R ealE state,L and U se & H ospitality T ax,E state P lanning & W ealth M anagem ent C A R L SM C A R L SM IT H B A LL LLP Adminstrative Manager, Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 Email: [email protected] Customer Service Representative, Takagi & Associates, Inc. Telephone: 671.648.5350 ext. 406 Email: [email protected] WOODALL, MARITESS IT H B A LL Attorneys at Law LLP w w w .C arlsm 671.472.6813 Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015 | 79 Time zones For the Mainland, Hawaii and the Marianas Highlight indicates the previous day and date from Guam *Daylight Savings Time adds 1 hour to Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific Time. GUAM Eastern Standard* Central Standard* Mountain Standard* Pacific Standard* Hawaii Standard* 2400 12AM 0900 9AM 0800 8AM 0700 7AM 0600 6AM 0400 4AM 0100 1AM 1000 10AM 0900 9AM 0800 8AM 0700 7AM 0500 5AM 0200 2AM 1100 11AM 1000 10AM 0900 9AM 0800 8AM 0600 6AM 0300 3AM 1200 12PM 1100 11AM 1000 10AM 0900 9AM 0700 7AM 0400 4AM 1300 1PM 1200 12PM 1100 11AM 1000 10AM 0800 8AM 0500 5AM 1400 2PM 1300 1PM 1200 12PM 1100 11AM 0900 9AM 0600 6AM 1500 3PM 1400 2PM 1300 1PM 1200 12PM 1000 10AM 0700 7AM 1600 4PM 1500 3PM 1400 2PM 1300 1PM 1100 11AM 0800 8AM 1700 5PM 1600 4PM 1500 3PM 1400 2PM 1200 12PM 0900 9AM 1800 6PM 1700 5PM 1600 4PM 1500 3PM 1300 1PM 1000 10AM 1900 7PM 1800 6PM 1700 5PM 1600 4PM 1400 2PM 1100 11AM 2000 8PM 1900 7PM 1800 6PM 1700 5PM 1500 3PM 1200 12PM 2100 9PM 2000 8PM 1900 7PM 1800 6PM 1600 4PM 1300 1PM 2200 10PM 2100 9PM 2000 8PM 1900 7PM 1700 5PM 1400 2PM 2300 11PM 2200 10PM 2100 9PM 2000 8PM 1800 6PM 1500 3PM 2400 12AM 2300 11PM 2200 10PM 2100 9PM 1900 7PM 1600 4PM 0100 1AM 2400 12AM 2300 11PM 2200 10PM 2000 8PM 1700 5PM 0200 2AM 0100 1AM 2400 12AM 2300 11PM 2100 9PM 1800 6PM 0300 3AM 0200 2AM 0100 1AM 2400 12AM 2200 10PM 1900 7PM 0400 4AM 0300 3AM 0200 2AM 0100 1AM 2300 11PM 2000 8PM 0500 5AM 0400 4AM 0300 3AM 0200 2AM 2400 12AM 2100 9PM 0600 6AM 0500 5AM 0400 4AM 0300 3AM 0100 1AM 2200 10PM 0700 7AM 0600 6AM 0500 5AM 0400 4AM 0200 2AM 2300 11PM 0800 8AM 0700 7AM 0600 6AM 0500 5AM 0300 3AM 80 | Guam Chamber Membership Directory 2015
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