A Community Response to a Community Need
A Community Response to a Community Need
Lehigh Valley Health Network LVHN Scholarly Works Historical Archives A Community Response to a Community Need Lehigh Valley Health Network Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarlyworks.lvhn.org/historicalarchives Published In/Presented At (1976). A Community Response to a Community Need. LVHN Scholarly Works. Retrieved from http://scholarlyworks.lvhn.org/ historicalarchives/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by LVHN Scholarly Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in LVHN Scholarly Works by an authorized administrator. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " What started as a dream was born into reality by community effort and cooperation. The dream was one of hope and progress ... to bring to our community the most modern, efficient and comprehensive health-care delivery system possible. When the Allentown AHEAD Fund was organized in 1967, the community met its appeal for funds with a more than generous response. Throughout its careful planning and construction, the Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center project was characterized by a cooperative effort among the governing boards, administrations, medical and nursing staffs of The Allentown Hospital and Sacred Heart Hospital, the new Center's parent institutions. As a result of this outstanding community effort and cooperation, a whole new concept of health care was introduced to our community. The Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center, an impressive seven-story structure completely equipped for patient comfort and care, serves as physical evidence that the community we live in is truly worthy of its recognition as an All-American City. This commemorative booklet has been published to commend that community. An unselfish and forward-looking community of individuals, business and industrial firms, charitable and civic organizations, whose response turned a dream into a reality. Acknowledgments Many individuals, companies and organizations made possible the funding, planning and construction of the Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center. However, there are certain organizations without whose extraordinary contributions, the Hospital Center project could not have been brought to a successful conclusion. Those who have so unselfishly given of their time, personnel, expertise and resources over the project's lengthy term include Air Products & Chemicals, Inc., First National Bank of Allentown, GAC Corporation, Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Mack Trucks, Inc., The Merchants National Bank of Allentown and Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Singling out their contributions as extraordinary is one small way to express our gratitude. Hlstor $6,068,745.00 ! • In 1965, a regional survey of Lehigh Valley Hospitals was conducted under the auspices of the local Hospital Planning Council. The survey projected bed requirements and indicated a need to modernize and expand the local hospitals. Each hospital then determined its capital requirements based on future needs. They then agreed to participate in a combined fund-raising campaign and toward that end Allentown AHEAD Fund, Inc. was organized to manage the campaign which eventually raised over $6 million. I THE ALLENTOWN • HOSPITAL SACRED HEART HOSPITAL In April of 1967, a group of physicians expressed concern that the capital programs under consideration by the hospitals would only produce three modest additions and do little toward providing the sophisticated and complex clinical capabilities the community should have. They suggested to The Allentown Hospital's Board of Trustees that the hospitals join together in one project rather than continue independent expansion programs. A Joint Liaison Committee was appointed to study the feasibility of such a venture. Allentown Osteopathic Hospital decided not to participate in the program. The Joint Liaison Committee recommended that a joint venture was feasible, that a joint facility be developed, and that the identity of the two institutions be preserved. The program was approved by both The Allentown Hospital and Sacred Heart Hospital in mid-1967. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS: Ellwyn D. Spiker, Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center; Orlando R. Pozzuoli, Sacred Heart Hospital; Orlando M. Bowen, The Allentown Hospital. The Joint Operating Committee - formed to initiate the project - considered various organizational approaches, including a merger, but later recommended a joint venture approach. In September of 1970, American Medicorp, Inc. was retained to develop the architectural program and plans, and to supervise the construction of the facility. The Center's project budget of $24.7 million is funded by receipts from AHEAD of $5.2 million, a private donation of $5 million, a $1.9 million HillBurton grant, $600,000 from income and other sources and a $12 million mortgage guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. FIRST OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY: Mmes. Hallock, Walbert, Bachman, Boyce, Cameron and Frickert. • Groundbreaking ceremonies were held in December of 1971, the cornerstone was placed in October of 1973 and the dedication was held in September of 1974. The first patients were admitted on September 16, 1974. The Women's Auxiliary of the Hospital Center was organized when construction began. Members of the Auxiliary have assisted the Hospital Center in a variety of ways. They gave slide presentations to inform community groups about progress during construction and also conducted group tours after the Center's completion. In addition, the Auxiliary has raised funds with successful projects like "The Big Top Ball" and other programs. The Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center itself is a 460-bed acute care facility, which is initially operating at a 350-bed capacity. It houses the principal coronary unit for the three-hospital complex and also has a 6-bed burn unit and a 16-bed general intensive care unit. Milestones CONTRACT SIGNING. May 1972. The $18.7 million contract was signed with American Medicorp to design, construct and equip the Center. Shown (seated from left) Bernard Korman, president of American Medicorp; Leonard Pool, president of the Hospital Center; and Doris Noll, Allentown AHEAD Fund, Inc. (Standing) James C. Lanshe, president of Sacred Heart Hospital Board and J. Mauser Lerch, president of The Allentown Hospital Association. GROUNDBREAKING. December, 1971. Watching are Morton Schneider, vice president of Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Board of Directors; J. Mauser Lerch, president of The Allentown Hospital Board of Trustees; and James C. Lanshe, president of Sacred Heart Hospital Board of Managers. Mileston CORNERSTONE. Placed October, 1973. ••• American Medicorp Inc Designer-Developer of Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center @ Bell Telephone Laboratories Call-Chronicle Newspapers Allentown, Pa. The Daveland Company, Inc. 407 Linden St. Allentown, Pa. EASTERN INDUSTRIES, INC. Wescosyllle, Pennsylvania 181G6 Lehigh Engineering Co., Inc. 1150 Mauch Chunk Rd. Bethlehem, Pa. Mechanical Contractor I m MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. 1873 Busse Highway, Des Plaines, III. 312' 298 • 1960 60016 Milest~ ., BIG TOP BALL. June 1974. The Women's Auxiliary of the Hospital Center, organized when construction began, sponsored the Big Top Bali, which was held under tent at the Center's front portico. R. M. Shoemaker 245 South 24th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Industrial and Commercial Construction St. Thomas More Church Allentown, Pa. •• Duggan Marcon, Inc. & Schoenersville Road West, Rd. 4 - P.O. Box 2324 Allentown, Pa. Compliments of a Friend Milesto I I : , I j ! I I I : I I ~ f • DEDICATION. September, 1974. (Left of podium) Orlando Bowen, Dr. Headley White, John Body, Bernard Korman, Edward Ducate, Morton Schneider. (At podium) Leonard P. Pool. (Right of podium) J. Mauser Lerch, John J. McCartney, Ellwyn Spiker, Valeria Boyer, Roger Mullin, Clifford Vernick, M.D., Msgr. David B. Thompson, Richard Covert, D.D.S., Orlando Pozzuoli. 1st National Bank of Allentown General Hospital Supply Corp. Fisher-Cohen Contract Division 90 South St. Newark, N. J. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' FIRST MEETING in the new Hospital Center. Msgr. David B. Thompson, James E. McCambridge, James C. Lanshe, Morton Schneider, Roger W. Mullin, Jr., Morton Silverman, M.D., J. Mauser Lerch, and William S. Hudders. As vice president, Mr. Schneider presided in the absence of the president. M. W. Wood, Inc. 3320 Hamilton Blvd. Allentown, Pa. Marsh & McLennan Inc. 1221 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York " FIRST MEDICAL STAFF OFFICERS. Dr. John J. Shane, treasurer; Dr. Michael H. Ufberg, vice-president; Dr. Indru T. Khubchandani, president elect; Dr. Clifford G. Vernick, president; Dr. Joseph J. Prorok, secretary. MyerPax Industries, Inc. 1235 Jacobson Ave. Ashland, Ohio Rusmar Exposed Aggregate Panels Facing • Curtain Wall Insulated Ellwyn D. Spiker, administrator Myers, Benner Corporation 2030 Tilghman St. Allentown, Pa. Insurance • Bonding Picker X-Ray Corporation 823 Walnut St. Allentown, Pa. -- A Friend Spacelabs, Inc. 20550 Prairie St Chatsworth, Ca: BlUm Industrial A fttend Security Systems, lac. OWen 11. Bastian, Inc. Bethlehem Contracting Company Trexlertown, e. 437 Main St. Hotel Bethlehem, Suite 330 Bethlehem, Pa. Route 512, Bath, Pa. Engine-=rs and Fabricators of Strudural Steel • IN SESSION. Members of the First Executive Committee of the Medical Staff. J. C.Zwlckl Iron Works, Inc. 655 East Congress St. Allentown, Pa. Wightman Medical Inc. 120 Doyle St. Doylestown, Pa. Acute Care Equipment and Monitoring Williard Inc. 375 Highland Ave. Jenkintown, Pa. Mechanical/Electrical Construction & Service A Friend First Department Heads Richard Cipoletti, personnel director Robert Ewing, director of engineering John Reges, director of materials management James Rizzi, director of financial services Florence Brown, R.N., director of nursing services FI RST PATIENT. Walter R. Guyer signed in at 11 :05 a.m. on September 16 to become the first elective admissions patient. He is shown receiving his plastic identification wristband from coordinator Helen Gledhill, as his wife Katherine watches. ALLENTOWN AND SACRED HEART HOSPITAL CENTER A Joint Venture of the Allentown Hospital and the Sacred Heart Hospital P.O. Box 689 • 1200 South Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105 December 6, 1976 Dear Friend: We are very happy to enclose this brQc,hure which you and many others have sponsored, noting those individuals and events that had an integral part in the inceptiqn of the HO$pital Center. We have come a long way since our dedication over two years ago, as is reflected by the recently updated figures in the center of the booklet. The Hospital has matured and grown, and is now op~rational in serving the health care needs of the people in our community. • We hope you enjoy this brief look back to the history of our beginning, Your continued support will help the Center to continue to grow to meet the challenge of providing ..... A COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO A COMMUNITY NEED. Morton Schneider President, Board of Directors Enclosure SHAREHOLDERS AND MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTORS ALLENTOWN AHEAD FUND, INC. A A B Dick Co. A & B Foundation, Inc. ARA Food Service A- Treat Bottling Co. Joseph Abrams Leonard Abrams Ace Hotel & Bar Supply Lewis D. Acker Marshall Ackerman Action Rental Center Adams Fashions Inc. Mrs. Mabel A. Adams Michael H. Adams Robert C. Adams Robert S. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Adams Lionel P. Adda Patricia Afflerbach Agway, Inc. Edwin Ahlum Russell L. Aiken Air Engineers, Inc. Air Engineers Employees Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Joseph A. Alban Robert E. Albee Marie E. Albert Paul M. Albert H. Ben Albitz Alma A. Albright Alvin A. Albright, Jr. Donald N. Albright Harold W. Albright J. Paul Alderfer John F. Alderman David K. Aldrich E. J. Alexander Elbern Alkire, Jr. Ada Allebach Allen Dodge Corporation Allen Electric Co. Gladys '!f\llen Lois M. Allen Allen Organ Co. Allen Products Co. Walter F. Allen Allentown Bar & Restaurant Supply Allentown Beverage Co. Allentown Brake & Wheel Allentown Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. Allentown Clothes Dryer Allentown Converting Co. Allentown Fairgrounds Big Market Allentown Finance Co. Allentown Hospital! Private Duty Nurses Allentown HospitaljSchool of Nursing! Alumnae Association Allentown Hospital! Women's Auxiliary Allentown Kiwanis Foundation Allentown Knitting Mills Allentown Municipal Golfers Assn. Allentown Paint Mfg. Co. Allentown Paper Box Co. Allentown Pneumatic Gun Allentown Portland Cement Allentown Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Allentown Rug Mart, Inc. Allentown Supply Corp. George L. Allerton David S. Alles Margaret N. Alley Alliance Knitting Mills Allison Mfg. Co., Inc. Mary Pardee Allison Antonio C. Almazan, M.D. Mary Ann Alspach Bruce M. Ambler Walter S. Ambler John J. Ambrogio American Business Club American Drycleaners American Stamp & Stationery Co. Grayce B. Amesbury Donald A. Arney Anchor Building Supply Anne Ande Walter L. Anders, M.D. A. Eugene Anderson Carl R. Anderson John R. Anderson P. E. Anderson Robert Anderson Robert A. Anderson Anderson's Diner Paul Andre Francis B. Andrews Catherine Anglestein Anne Annas Ansaphone, Inc. Art Anson, Inc. Franklin L. Anthony Stanley E. Anthony Appel Jewelers, Inc. Thomas A. Armbruster, Inc. Robert A. Archer L. A. Archibald Lavinia Archinal George Arndt, Jr. Howard S. Arner John H. Arnold L. B. Arnold Jay Aronsky Philip Askey Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Assoc. Master Barber & Beauticians of Allentown Chapter 627 Clarence W. Astleford Atlantic Oil & Heating Atlantic Richfield Co. Automatic Devices Co. Betzalel Avitzur B B & M Provision Co. Anna Baatz William J. Baatz Bachman Funeral Home Gerald S. Backenstoe, M.D. Rose Backus Alan R. Baker Dexter F. Baker Lincoln W. Baker Robert E. Baker W. A. Baker Paul Balascki A. J. Baldwin Mario A. Baldwin David A. Ball W. Leonard Ball A. L. Ballas Harold Balliet Helen Balliett Jack S. Balmat Albert Bandle Bank of Pennsylvania Banko Beverage Co. Donald Banks Aman M. Barber, Jr. Aman M. Barber, Sr. Russell B. Barbour Ronald D. Barclay Charles Bargerstock William M. Baringer, D.D.S. Joseph P. Barker C. W. Barner Ruth C. H. Barry Ronald L. Barsema William G. Bartholomew Eleanor Bartholomew Leo J. Bartholomew Frank E. Bartman D. F. Bast, Inc. Owen M. Bastian, Inc. Richard L. Bateman Edwin Bauder Ervin S. Baugher, Jr. George W. Baum Willard Baum, II Henry Baumgartner F. R. Bausch, Jr., M.D. James W. Bausman T. E. Baxter Audrey Bayer Barbara Bayer Mr. & Mrs. S. H. Carl Bear William Bechtel William Beck Daria Becker Elizabeth Beierschmitt Harold Beierschmitt Beil's Beauty Shoppe Floyd F. Beisel Robert J. Beitel, M.D. Paul W. Beitler William Beitler Mrs. Charles L. Bell Charles L. Bell Co., Inc. Lawrence G. Bell Leroy E. Bell R. E. Bell Bell Telephone Labs, Inc. David P. Bellesfield Johanna Bendekovits Robert Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bengtson Benioff's Furs William Benkovic Elaine A. Bennecoff Hazel Benner Nolan P. Benner Mr. & Mrs. Nolan P. Benner, Jr. James Bennett John Bennett Julian Bennett Timothy Bennett Michael A. Benning Orville T. Bentz Mike Bercik Berg, Schultz & Green Alan H. Berger Robert C. Berger, Jr. Adolph Bergman Charles N. Bergstresser Bernard Berman Berman Bros. Furniture Philip Berman William Bernabucci Elwood M. Bernhard Clayton Bernhardt Grace V. Berrier Lewis E. Berry E. H. F. Berryman Sara Jane Best Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Bethlehem Aluminum Co. Bethlehem Area School District Employees Bethlehem Car Wash, Inc. Bethlehem Fabricators Employees Bethlehem Steel Corp. Bethlehem Steel Employees Better Homes Landscape Carl H. Betz Mrs. Harold Beyer Nicholas Bialis Bert Bickel Richard A. Biehl Elsie Biery Melvin Billig Thomas Biltcliff Larry Binder Ray Biondi Bioren & Co. James B. Birdsall Rev. David B. Birney Reuben Bishoff Floyd E. Bitler, Jr. Edward Biskis Paul F. Bittner Arthur D. Bixler Angelo D. Bizz arro R. Blackstone George Blair C. Theo Blaisdell, M.D. Francis Blaise Betty Blake Warren Blaker Thomas W. Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. Henry Blauser Le Marr Blecker Ruth M. Blehm Charles Block Blue Rock Mountain Spring Water Co. Richard Blum, Jr. Heather Blyth Shirley Boandl Boas Surgical Supply Susan C. Boblick William A. Bodisch Marie Bodish Margaret Bodnar Robert Boehmer Elizabeth Boettger R. S. Bogar Daisy Bogarosh Glen A. Boger Richard H. Bogert Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bogert Bohlen, Gross & Moyer Richard H. Bohner Boise Cascade Envelope Co. Chas. Bolander, Dry Clng. Victor Bolasky Katharine S. Bolich William Bollendorf', Jr. Mary M. Bolich Memorial Foundation Bond and Miller Bonded Prof. Credits Bonney Forge & Foundry Peter Bonshak, Jr. Stephen Bonshak Edward J. Boore Geza Borath Edna Borger Patricia A. Borger Francis Bortz Frank P. Bosco Edith Bottone Charles R. Bougher Boulevard Supplies Stanley T. Bourne Dale T. Bowen, M.D. Orlando M. Bowen Bowen Supply Co., Inc. Evelyn Bowers K. D. Bowers Esther M. Bowings Bowman & Montgomery Co. James O. Boyce Berry Boyd Boyd Theatre Frank R. Boyer, M.D. George S. Boyer, M.D. James H. Boyer John B. Boyer Joseph E. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Willard Boyer Kathleen H. Boyle Eleanor Bozik Christopher Bracy Ray B. Bracy Allen C. Brader, D.D.S. James E. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Bradley Bradley Pulverizer Co. George Brandt Donald D. Brannan Leon N. Branton, M.D. Philip J. Brassington Judith Braun Donald Breen James C. Breger Charles F. Breisch Paul Breitenstein Robert F. Brennen, M.D. Breslin & Ridyard Gerald F. Brestovansky George W. Bretz Donald Brey Robert Shaw Bridges Donald D. Bright Rollin Brior, DPM Mary Bristol Rosemarie Bronko Mrs. J. B. Bronstein Charles Brophy John L. Brothers Charles R. Brown Donald A. Brown Dwight C. Brown Brown, Fulford & Munsie H. R. Brown Richard Brown James M. Browne Robert C. Brozey E. M. Brubaker Anna Bruckmann June Brunner Charles R. Bruno William J. Bryan, D.D.S. Buckeye Pipe Line Co. G. Buehler & Co., Inc. Isaac T. Buffenmyer Bugaboo Bear Inc. David S. Bugby Henry C. Bullock Catherine M. Bunk John Burda Jeannette Burdock Lance E. Burgess Mary K. Buritsch David Burkett Nancy Burkhardt J. S. Burkholder Funeral Home, Inc. Thomas A. Burkholder Albert Burnett Francis P. Burns Mary F. Burns Richard S. Burroughs Frances E. Burtner Hubert H. Bury, C.L.U. Jack K. Busby Richard F. Bush Business & Professional Womens Club Joseph J. Busolits, Jr. Kenneth Butler, Jr. Vincent Butler Alvin H. Butz, Inc. William B. Butz Mr. & Mrs. Wilson M. Butz Donald E. Buxton William B. Byron c C & G Buick Co. C. K. Radiator King Caddoo, III Robert E. Caffrey Paul E. Cahalen J. C. Calabro, Inc. Helen R. Caldwell Call-Chronicle Newspapers Caloric Corporation Caloric Employees W. E. Cameron R. K. Campbell Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits Reed Campbell Guyer E. Candy Mr. & Mrs. Victor Canova Robert W. Capkovic Harold Caplan John D. Carapella, M.D. Howard L. Carbaugh, M.D. Nan Carlby, Inc. Oscar Carle Burnett C. Carlton Madeline Z. Carman Donald G. Carpenter William D. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Creed F. Carter, Jr. Whitfield B. Case Thomas Casey Anthony A. Cassano Robert Caste line William T. Casterlin Cata Garment Co. Catasauqua Churches Union Catasauqua Jr. Womens Club Catasauqua Ministerial Assn. John T. Cathers Lawrence J. Caulton Al Cavosi Arline K. Cawley Tony Cebalo Cedar Hill Memorial Park Cement National Bank Central Grange # 1650 Central Plumbing & Heating Mary Jo Cerullo Anna Cesanek Matthew Chalmers B. D. Chamberlain Chamber Associates John E. Chambers Richard K. Chan N. J. Chaplin Walter L. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Max Charkow Leona Charnick Thomas D. Check Carl H. Chegwidden Dorothy Cheslock Chez Georges Beauty Salon Wilma Childers Wilbur F. Chinery Joseph R. Chnapko Marion Choke Louis J. Chomo Rosemary Christie Jane L. Christman Robert Christman W. S. Churrn Harry Chuyko Judith Cihylik Citizen's National Bank of Slatington City Blue Print Co. Renee H. Clader L. C. Claitor Clarfert Mfg. Co. Clifford T. Clark Howard T. Clark Clark Industrial Trucks Louise Clark Patricia Clark Richard Clark William Clark H. C. Clauser Willard A. Clauser Ruth Clauss E. Eugene Cleaver, M.D. Clarence W. Clemens Arthur F. Clemm, Jr. James R. Clifford, M.D. Climax Specialties, Inc. Dorothy Clooney Arthur M. Closson Ruth Coates Coca Cola Co. Howard M. Cohagan Henry Cohen Ronald Cohen Sanford Cohen Sidney S. Cohen Charles R. Cohn John H. Colby William F. Cole, Jr. Coleman Electric Co. Esther R. Max Coleman Rev. Robert J. Coli Harley L. Collins Commonwealth Container H. P. Compton Concannon, Fronheiser & Gallagher Frank Conlin W. Gordon Conn Karl Connell Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Conner Paul D. Conner L. G. Connors C. V. Converse R. E. Cook Roger Cook William R. Cook Hannah Y. Cooke C. J. Cooley Elizabeth M. Cooper Simon Cooper Coplay Cement Mfg. Richard E. Corazza Munro Corbin J. E. Coringrato Edmund F. Corkery Robert J. Corkhill Corlis Mfg. Thomas Cormier Joseph H. Cornish Larry Correll Robert Correll T. L. Corrigan Joseph L. Cost Sherwood J. Cota Martin M. Cottrell James F. Coughlin, Jr. Harold M. Covert, Jr. & Associates William R. Covert, D.D.S. Robert M. Cowdrick William H. Crago Francis J. Craig Marvin Craumer Fred M. Crawford, D.D.S. Bernadine Creamer Shirley Creitz Asturio J. Crespi Frank M. Cressman Harry P. Creveling J. H. Cromwell Cross Country Clothes Crossley's Refrigeration Carl S. Crouse H. N. Crowder, Jr. Company James 1i:. Crowley Edward J. Csencsits John E. Culp, Jr. Leon E. Cummings John J. Cunneen, Jr. Chester C. Curley, Jr. Herbert F. Currie Clair Curtis D Joseph S. Daddona W. P. Dale Dalmas Brothers Frederick A. D'Altroy Thomas J. Dane Daniel's Cadillac, Inc. Alex Dankanich Dankel Chevrolet, Inc. Fernand J. D'Annibale Donald G. Davies Donald H. Davies E. Malveen Davies Robert Davies Davis Business Machine Donald E. Davis Hon. Maxwell Davison Debbie's Market Douglass A. Decker, M.D. E. L. Decker William Decker Donald R. Deibert Michael Deibert, Jr. Wm. F. Deibert, Jr., Inc. Lewis G. Deifer, Jr. Albert K. Deischer M. J. Delaney Earl L. Delong Mabel Delong Dorothy J. Dengler John W. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Dent John V. Denuel Donald P. Deppen Joanne De Rose Jennings J. Derr Jacob P. Derrico Arlo Deshler Jean Desnouee Irvin G. Detra Gloria J. Deutsch Deutsch Homes Pierre A. Devereaux Walter J. Dex, M.D. Diane Sportswear, Inc. Gordon H. Dickinson & Co. A. N. Dicks Florence Diefenderfer Omie T. Diefenderfer Orlando Diefenderfer, Inc. Roy M. Diefenderfer Wilson Diefenderfer Alfred Diehl Betty Ann Diehl Eleanor C. Diehl Viola Diehl Frederick R. Dieter W. L. Dieter Richard H. Dietrich W. H. Diffenderfer Louis A. Digiacomo Robert H. Dilcher, M.D. George Dilliard Henry N. Dilliard Elwood F. Dillman Dean F. Dimick, M.D. Diane Dinino John Diproperzio Annabelle Dittbrenner John H. Dittbrenner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don Dix Sarah Dodd J. Oliver Doern Christine Dologite Frank Domitrovitz Joseph Donahue R. Donaldson Christine M. Donchez Brian Donelson Edward Donley Harry A. Dornblaser Hilda B. Dornblatt James T. Dorsey, M.D. Regis F. Dougherty Dougherty's Pharmacy Alfred E. Douglass Donald Douglass Robert Dover George G. Dower R. E. Downing John Doyle Dragon Cement Co. Frederick Drake Eugene W. Drauch, M.D. Karl-Albert Dresen, M.D. Joyce Dresser Donald L. Dries Mr. & Mrs. Ray Druckenmiller Charles M. Drum Fred A. Dry, M.D. Alfred Dubbs, M.D. Richard H. Dudley Elizabeth Duffy T. G. Duffy Richard Duggan Terrance A. Dunbar Henry Dunn Peter J. Dunn La Mar C. Durn Dutch Treat Potato Co. Chester S. Dutton John Dwyer E E S B Inc. Eagle Printing Co. Ruth E. Eagle M. J. Earl, Inc. Early American Candlecrafters James M. Early East Penn Foundry Co. East Penn Mechanical East Side Beverage Co. Eastern Industries, Inc. Eastern Light Co. Eastern Penna. Supply Co. Helen Eberhardt Esther Ebert Walter Eberts C.J.Eby J. Kenneth Eckert Nimson Eckert Royal H. Eckert, Inc. Agnes Edmondson Anne Edraney J. E. Edwards & Sons Morris Efron F. Joseph Egan Robert P. Egge Anne Marie Ehritz W. H. Eichhorn John Eiding Paul D. Eisenbrown R. Eisenhard Mabel Eisenhart Electric Equip. & Servo Electrical Repair Shop Kathryn Elia Mildred Eline Glenn Ellenberger Margery H. Elliott John Elosge Wallace Ely Frank C. Embon Richard B. Emerick Ellen Emery Emmaus Mfg. Co. Emmaus Rotary Club Emmaus Weaving Co. Emmaus Women's Club Daughters Division Fern Emmert Warren H. Endres, M.D. James Engelman Eloise Engelson Dan English English Sunoco Service Willard L. Ent David Epstein & Sons Donald S. Erdman Josephine W. Erdman Richard Erdman John B. Erie, Jr. Edgar M. Eriksen Kathleen M. Erkinger Ernst & Ernst James W. Esler, Jr., M.D. Ess Bee Knitwear Co. Arthur Evans C. Evans Helene C. Evans Kenneth A. Evans Everett Associates Harold E. Everett, M.D. Everson Electric Co. Norman E. Exner Toshio Ezaki, M.D. F F & M Associates, Inc. F & W Service FKM Advertising Co. Margaret Fagan Fair-Tex Mills, Inc. Sterling Fake Falcone Grading Co. Andrew G. Fallat Gerald S. Farber Frank J. Farley Paul Farnschlader Herbert F. Farnsler Elsa Farr Harvey L. Farr Mr. & Mrs. Morris D. Farr Fashion Prints, Inc. Andre Fatula Anne Fatula Robert A. Fatzinger Creighton C. Faust Homer O. Faylor Robert L. Feely Robert A. Feeney, M.D. Frederick Fegely J. D. Fegeley, Inc. Paul E. Fegely Roger Fegely Thomas N. Fegely Rudolph J. Feher Carl J. Feichtel Feinberg Brothers Elmer Feller Henry Fenner, M.D. Henry W. Fenstermacher R. P. Fenstermacher, Jr., M.D. Martha Fenstermaker Vernon Fenstermaker Louis A. Ferioli Frank M. Fermato M. F. Ferrari F. M. Ferrell, Jr. Henry H. Fetterman, M.D. Jay V. Fetterman Robert Fexa, D.D.S. Denzil G. Fike Dorothy E. Filer Richard E. Filippi Carolyn Fink Claudia Marie Fink Daniel Fink Edgar T. Fink Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Fink Constance Fiory First Federal Savings & Loan First National Bank of Allentown First National Bank of Coopersburg First Valley Bank of Bethlehem Jeremy Fisher Russell S. Fisher Betty Fister Fred D. Fister, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Fister Marie Fister Ralph A. Fister Patricia Fix Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Flach Margaret Flamish Julia Flanigan Mary Flanley Rebecca Fleckenstine, M.D. Ruth C. Fleming James E. Flemming John J. Flickinger R. A. Flinn John T. Flood Franklin Flore Clifford A. Flower R. F. Fogel Fogelsville Natl. Bank Robert T. Folk R. W. Follette Nevin J. Follweiler Richard A. Foltz Michael A. Fontana Robert T. Foreman John H. Forster Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fortune Norman F. Foster Robert Foster Roy Foster, Jr. Helen E. Foultz Philip G. Foust John J. Fox Sarah Fox William F. Fox, M.D. William W. Frailey William Frame John Francis Bernard Frank Paul H. Frankenfield Lemar Frankhouser Carl W. Frantz Ed Frantz George E. Frantz Kathryn A. Frantz Charles G. Freas Fred & Emma's Market Lloyd G. Frederick Wm. A. Frederick Garrett L. Freeland John B. Freeman Myra Freeman P. A. Freeman, Inc. Walter M. Freeman Freeman's Dairy Wm. Freihofer, Baking Frank S. Frenduto Carl Frensky Charles F. Fretz Rudolph Freudig Robert M. Frey Milton J. Friedberg, M.D. Susan J. Friel Geraldine A. Fritz Harry M. Fritz Jessie Fritz A. N. Fritzinger George H. Fritzinger Luther J. Fritzinger, Jr. Howard Frost, Jr. Pasquale Fugazzotto, M.D. Brooke D. Fulford, D.D.S. John W. Fullager Barbara C. Fuller C. Thomas Fuller Fuller Company James W. Fuller Mrs. Mary R. Fuller W. F. Fullerton Frederick F. Fullman Arthur L. Fulton James Funke Walter H. Furler Futuristic Enterprises G GAC Foundation Inc. GAF Corporation, Floor Products Div. Carolyn F. Gable E. F. Gale Mary Ann Galezniak Daniel M. Gallagher John J. Gallagher Joseph D. Galm Teresa Galm Raymond L. Gangewere E. A. Gannon Clyde S. Gano, Jr. Richard A. Garber The Hon. T. R. Gardner Garrett-Buchanan Co. Thomas C. Garrett Kennard D. Gaston Lee Gaumer, Jr. Helen Gavalla Austin Gavin Lyster Gearhart, M.D. C. G. Geary Gebhardt Bowling Supply George F. Gehman Orville Gehman Wm. A. Gehman Sons, Inc. Charles Gehring Agnes Gehringer Arthur Gehringer John W. Gehrke Herman B. Geiger Marie O. Geiger Jacob Geist George Gemmel General Electric Co. General Electric Employees General Testing Lab Donald Genther Carl R. George, Jr. Harold George Harry R. George Robert George George Washington Motor Lodge Georges Barber Shop J. A. Gergely, Jr. Barbara A. Gerhard R. A. Gerhard W. W. Gerhard Charles H. Gerhart Perry K. Gerhart Charles L. German, Jr. Walter L. Gery, Inc. Wesley Getz Giant Portland Cement Mary Ann Gibbons Bruce Gibson Joseph A. Gigler Humphrey Gilbert Gilboy Ford-Mercury Giles & Ransome, Inc. R. J. Gill Sherman J. Gill A. Theodore Gillespie Joseph Gilly Frederick Gilroy Bernard A. Gingerich Helen Gledhill Glose Moving & Storage Gene H. Gockley J. M. Goldey Bernard Goldman Chas. P. Goldsmith, -M.D. Jerome Goldstein Harold R. Goldsworthy Mary Gombocz Ray Gonsalves Eleanor Good Harry S. Good, M.D. J. W. Goodliffe & Son Murray H. Goodman Gertrude J. Gordon Peter Gorgone, Real Est. Joseph F. Gorman, Jr. Cynthia E. Goulstone James H. Graeff Mrs. Bessie S. Graham Eleanor Graham Rev. Arthur P. Grammes Carrie M. Grammes Turney T. Gratz Gravely Tractor Agency Richard A. Gray Karl A. Grebe Charles J. Green, Jr. Donald A. Green Joseph G. Green Alan Greenacre William F. Greenawald Walter J. Greenawalt Irwin Greenberg Mrs. William F. Greener Paul Gresh John Griech Orrien O. Griesemer Earl Griffith Mark M. Grim Marvin H. Gring George H. Gromel, D.D.S. Karl J. Groner, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. William O. Gross Floyd R. Gruber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Gruber William B. Grupen Virginia Gruver Charles W. Guditus Robert J. Guenther Joseph A. Guidone Roberta Guinther Ruth Guldner Gulf & Western Fndtn. Gulf Oil Corp. Clifford L. Gust Thomas C. Gutekinst Frank N. Gutekunst Roger C. Gutekunst Henry E. Guth, M.D. I. C. Gutman George W. Gyer, Jr. George J. Gyorek H H & M Concessions Inc. Earl L. Haas H. Ray Haas & Co. Robert P. Haas Edward Haberern, M.D. Frank Haberle Frank J. Haberle, Inc. Joseph F. Hacker, D.D.S. Donald W. Haff, M.D. Virginia Hagemeyer Allen W. Hagenbach Sally A. Hager Bernice Hahn Dolores Hahn John Hahn Arnold J. Haines Russell & Mabel Haines Hal-E-Knit Inc. Mary Ann Halada Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Hale Mrs. James J. Haley Peter M. Hall Nathaniel Hallett Norman H. Halliday, Jr. Charles E. Hallock Mark H. Halsted James R. Hamilton, Jr. Joan Hamilton Paul M. Hamm C. R. Hammersmith Josephine J. Hanasits Charles J. Handlon Sherry A. Hanna G. W. Hannaman Richard Hansen Zenon C. R. Hansen Frederick E. Hanson Erik R. Hanssen Michael E. Hanyak, Jr. H. Kenneth Hardie Leonard W. Haring Paul R. Haring Constance Harkins Robert G. Harman, M.D. Charles Harmany Harned Durham Oil Co. Robert V. H. Harned Christine M. Harnish Harold Furniture Co. S. J. Harootunian James Harrell Rohland W. Harris Wm. H. Harris, III Grace Hart Brooke R. Hartman Brooke Hartman, Jr. Dorothy P. Hartman Kathryn Hartman George J. Hartnett, Jr. Kenneth L. Harvey, M.D. Sid Ha vey of Reading Co. Haskins & Sells Leo J. Hastings, Jr., M.D. Howard E. Hattal John R. Haubert Donald G. Hawk Eleanor E. Hawk Hawk Flour Mills, Inc. Franklin E. Hawk Jessie Hawk Orville G. Hawk David C. Hay, DPM W. Robert Hay John F. Hayes John F. Healy Harold H. Heddings K. Heeps, Inc. A. S. Heffelfinger G. E. Heffelfinger Leah Heffelfinger Ray T. Heffelfinger Andrew H. Heffernan, M.D. Robert F. Heil Nathan H. Heiligman, M.D. Cynthia A. Heiman Foundation Joseph Heimbecker Earl Heintzelman John F. Heinz William J. Heist Diane Helfrich Philip Helgren Sallie Heller Hellertown Mfg. Co. Samuel B. Helms Charles G. Helwig Dr. & Mrs. Fred G. Helwig William J. Helvig Paul Hemerly Fred W. Hemstreet O. Warren Henderson Catherine Henninger Honorable James F. Henninger Martin P. Henninger Anna Henry D. W. Henthorn Clifford Hepler Vincent Herbert Benjamin P. Herman Earl W. Herman Jessie Herman Paul L. Hermany, M.D. Carol Hernandez Claude Herr G . Warren Hersh Queen E. Hersh Charles S. Hertz, M.D. Harry H. Hertz Maureen Hertz Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Hertz Hertz Supply Co. Richard Hertzberg E. R. Hertzog Jacob F. Hertzog Ronald W. F. Hertzog Mary Hesh Hess Aluminum Windows Ralph C. Hess Robert C. Hess Robert E. Hess Carl J. W. Hessinger Hess's Alfred K. Hettinger, Jr. Harold E. Higgins James F. Higgins Higrade Textile Co. Hilberts Pharmacy Donald O. Hill E. Merton Hill, M.D. Kenneth Hill Hill Metal & Roofing Co. Michael D. Hill James O. Hinkle Mary Hinterleiter R. W. Hinton Ruth E. Hirst Lucille Hissen Margaret J. Hittel Dorothy Hixson Ralph Hoag Robert Hobaugh Caleb K. Hobbie Paul A. Hobus Charles H. Hoch William A. Hoch Vincent M. Hock John Hodson Louis F. Hoehing Edward F. Hoey Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Hofammann C. W. Hoffman Carl A. Hoffman Charles Hoffman Charles W. Hoffman David Hoffman Donald B. Hoffman J. T. Hoffman Lorin Hoffman Paul B. Hoffman Thomas L. Hoffman Co. Walter C. Hoffman Dorothy Hoffner Robert Hofstetter, Sr. John L. Hokanson Holan, Div. of Ohio Brass Daniel D. Holben Holben Printing Inc. Richard Holben Mary Holko Dr. & Mrs. C. A. Holland Dewey Holland W. J. Holler Edwin S. Hollister Theresa Ann Hollod William Holls, Jr. Donald W. Holman Stanley Holmes Leon C. Holt Holtz & Co. Janice L. Holtzman Holtzman Petroleum Co. Dorothy Ann Holveck Geraldine Holzinger Hans Hoppe Leroy A. Hopper Marie C. Hoppes Virginia S. Hoppes W. E. Horn Robert Horstman R. S. Hostetter C. H. & Frances Hough Household Finance Corp. Theodore M. Houseknecht Arthur P. Houser, Inc. Cheryl A. Howe Donald Howell John F. Hower Rodney C. Hower R. J. Hrapsky Thomas L. Huber Emma J. Hubina Hubler Rentals, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hudders Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hudders Stephen Hudsco Arthur Hummel Elizabeth D. Hummel Richard J. Hummel Earl F. Hunsicker Robert F. Hunsicker R. F. Hunsicker Foundation Walter L. F. Hunsicker Leland H. Hunter, M.D. Ernest Hutcheson Michael Hutnick Hutt & Wasserman Leonard Hvizdos Alden W. Hyde Edward W. Hyland Herbert L. Hyman, M.D. I I. B. Sportswear, Inc. IBM Daniel Iampietro R. S. Ickes George Ikeda P. J. IlIari Income Planning Corp. Industrial Valley Bank & Trust Co. Ingersoll-Rand Co. Int!. Brothrhd. Elect!. Workers Local 375 International Webbing Marvin Isack Houston P. Ishmael J J. G.'s Rambler, Inc. R. J. Jaccodine Robert Jackson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Jackson John J. Jacobs Kathryn Jacobs Robert M. Jaeger, M.D. Morris Jalazo Irving S. Jalkut Beverly Ann James A. Jane Jarrett Roscoe Q. Jarrett, Sr. David R. Jaye, Jr. Lottie Jay jock Isaac Jefferson Dr. Erling N. Jensen Thomas R. Jensen Robert Jepsen Jeras Corporation William W. Jermyn Jetca Heat Treating Co. Jewish Comm. Center Women's Auxiliary Rosemarie Johns Booker Johnson Charles F. Johnson, M.D. Fred H_ Johnson, D.D.S. Geraldine E. Johnson Hubert P. Johnson Kathleen Johnson Kenneth R. Johnson Laura Johnson Robert J. Johnson Ruth B. Johnson William H. Johnson W. S. Johnson Jomar Manufacturing Co. Allan D. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Jones Betty Jones Daniel A. Jones David J. Jones, Jr. Harold L. Jones Agency Howard M. Jones, Jr. J. Richard Jones Joseph Jones Joseph S. Jones Margaret H. Jones Robert Jones Robert E. Jones William Jones Barbara Jordan Mr. & Mrs. George E. Jordan Michael Jozsa Peter Jubinski Judd's Edward F. Judt, D.D.S. Junior Aides, Allentown Hospital Junior Colony Jr. League, Bethlehem K K Photo Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Kalb Peter Kalandiak Fred Kalmbach, Jr. Kermit J. Kalna Joseph Kaminski Mary Kaminski Romaine Kammerer William N. Kanehann Kapart Inc. Karl's Atlantic Service Ira R. Karns M. A. Kasprenski, M.D. Anne Kaszyski Mitchell Kauffman Ronald D. Kauffman Stephanie V. Kauffman Susanne V. Kauffman Barre Kaufman, M.D. Harry A. Kaupp, M.D. M. J. Kavcak & Son Kay Builders Joseph H. Kean Mary Marish Kean Thomas W. Keer George Kehl Joseph Kehler Joseph C. Kehoe Richard P. Keim Robert W. Keiper Keipers Pharmacy Donald Kelchner S. J. Keldsen James G. Kellar Keller Funeral Home Keller Moving & Storage Warren A. Keller Kelly Ford Sales, Inc. William J. Kelly Merrill R. Kemmerer Russell E. Kemmerer Walter E. Kemmerer Ruth Kempf R. J. Kennedy John E. Kenvin, M.D. William Kerler Bert Kern Harry Kern Joseph E. Kern Roy J. Kern & Family John W. Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Earl S. Kester Gary E. Kester Keystone Bearing & Supply Keystone Cleaning Service Keystone Dress Co. Keystone Lamp Mfg. Employees Keystone Portland Cement Kift Mullen Meml. Foundation Theodore W. Kilareski Benjamin Kilroy Glenn Kinard Susan Kincaid Andrew J. Kindt A. R. King William P. Kinter Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Kintzel Loren D. Kirby Victor C. Kirchdoerfer Dale Kirkpatrick Francis Kiss Kissinger Struct. Sales Ernest A. Kistler Florence Kistler George Kistler John W. Kistler, D.D.S. James Kitchin Kiwanis, Allentown-Whitehall Catherine Kleckner Janis B. Kleckner Francis Kleckner, M.D. David Klee Athanasius Klees, M.D. Joseph Klein Philip M. Klein William J. Klein Mickey Kleman Entertainment Bureau Jean L. Kleppinger Karl Klerz, M.D. H. John Kligora Kline, Bortz & Workman Charles & Figa Kline Foundation E. Kellar Kline, III Edwin K. Kline, Jr. Linda Lou Kline Michael J. Kline Robert C. Kline Kloss Mfg. Co. Donald J. Klotz, M.D. Fred E. Klotz, Plumbing & Heating Marie Klotz Theresa Klucharich Charles L. Knecht, M.D. Knitwear Assoc., Inc. Harry A. Knoblach R. Merritt Knoll Lewis R. Knox, D.D.S. Peter G. Knox L. Kobrovsky & Sons H. Thomas Koch, Jr. The Hon. Kenneth Koch Mrs. Ruth Koch Frank Kochenash Carl F. Kocher Willard Kocher George B. Koder Franklin B. Koehler Truman L. Koehler Earl W. Kohler Keith Kohnen Peter Kohudic, Jr. John Kolar Kenneth E. Kolb John S. Kollar Thomas Koncsics Robert J. Koness Margaret Koons Carol Koose D. B. Kopenhaver, M.D. Albert Kopitsky Norman Kordwitz Stephen J. Korich Charles R. Korpics Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Koshland Annamae Kostelnik George Koster Joseph Koszar Anne Koszyaki Helen L. Kotch Dolores J. Kotsch Marie Koutsouros Elsie Kovacs J. L. Kovacs Cynthia Kovalik Irene Kovalik Leonard E. Kovalski Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Kowaleski Chester Kowalski Kraemer Textiles, Inc. Ed Kraipovich Anna Kralik H. Kenneth Kramer Harold R. Kramer Hazel Kramer Paul Kramer Kramer Steel Corp. Ralph H. Krasley Bernadette Kratzer Guy L. Kratzer, M.D. John L. E. Kratzer Lewis C. Kratzer Alfred H. Krause Carol Krause Emil F. Krause P. H. Krause Arthur J. Krauss Rev. Earl R. Kreidler Harold Kreithen, M.D. Janet Kreller John B. Kreps Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Kresge R. F. Kresge Scott W. Kress Vernon D. Kressley, D.D.S. Marion Jane Kreuscher Harry H. Kriebel Mary E. Kriebel Louis E. Krieg Ronald Krikorian William Krill Richard W. Kriner Vera J. Krisukas, M.D. E. A. Kromer John B. Kucharczuk, M.D. Gerald Kuebler Kuhns & Anthony, Paving Kuhns & Shankweiler Mrs. Harold S. Kuhns Luther H. Kuhns Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Kuhns Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kuhns Richard A. Kula Mark Kunkle R. Kunkle Nancy L. Kuntz Robert Kurau Blanche Kurtz Sheldon Kushner Richard B. Kutz Kutztown Foundry & Mach. L Jerome Labanz Donald L. Labarre E. A. La Chapelle Bernard E. Lachman, M.D. Sylvia Lacko Frank Lagler Arlene L. Lakits George H. Lambert Frank W. Lamm Eugene Lampi Edwin H. Landrock Mary M. Langer Eberhard Langheld John Lankalis John W. Lannon James C. Lanshe, ESQ. Abraham Lapin Dorothy Larizzio Henry Laros Larson Supply Co., Inc. Dr. David R. Latshaw George Laub Lenwood Laubach Carlton Laudenslager Martin E. O. Laudenslager Paul Laudenslager Ruth Laudenslager Lester F. Lawrence, Jr. Francis H. Laxar Benjamin F. Leaman Co. Jane Leazer Patricia H. Lebar Russel D. Lechner John N. Lee Rene Lefebvre, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Leh Mrs. Elizabeth K. Leh H. Leh & Co. Employees Mrs. Henry W. Leh Mr. & Mrs. John H. Leh Mr. & Mrs. John Leh , II Lehigh Assoc., Inc. Lehigh County Assoc. of Medical Assistants Lehigh County Employees Lehigh County Federation of Women's Clubs Lehigh County Tavern Assoc. Lehigh Lumber Co. Lehigh Optical Co. Lehigh Portland Cement Lehigh Safety Shoe Co. Lehigh Sales & Products Lehigh Stone Co. Lehigh Structural Steel Lehigh Structural Steel Employees Lehigh University Employees Lehigh Valley Bur. Better Lath & Plastering Lehigh Valley Dairy Lehigh Valley Electronics Lehigh Valley Homemakers Lehigh Valley Motor Sales Lehigh Valley Railroad Employees Lehigh Valley Transit Lehigh Valley Transit Employee Activity Committee David L. Lehman Robert F. Lehman Charles L. Lehnert Jean Lehr Henry E. Lehrich, M.D. Josephine Leiby Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow P. Leiby Msgnr. R. J. Leichner E. E. Leidich A. Lemheney Edward L. Lenny, D.D.S. E. A. Lent Fred Lentz Leonard Mfg. Co. Rose Leonard Leons on the Square Jack Leons Albert M. Lerch Mr. & Mrs. J. Mauser Lerch Charlotte Lesak R. Fred Lesh Thornton Lesher Joseph R. Lesko Thomas Lessel Gregory Lessig Kenneth L. Levan Richard Levene S. Levine & Sons Morton Levy Theresa Lichman Art Lichtenwalner R. H. Lichtenwalner Franklin Lichtenwalter Frank R. Licini Eduard & Blanche Liebel Francis A. Lieberman, M.D. Lieberman-Harrison, Inc. Lieberman-Harrison Employees Walter G. Lieberman John O. Liebig, Jr. Elwood M. Lilly John A. Linde Linden Ob-Gyn Group Anne Lindenfeld Arthur Lindenfeld, M.D. W. A. Linehan Lower Lehigh Lions Club Peter E. Litchauer George Litta Morton Litwak Floyd G. Litz , Jr. Richard J. Lloyd Raymond E. Lobus Monte Locander George C. Loeffler Donald M. Logan Jack M. Long Melvin Long H. N. Longenbach Ralph Longsworth Fred Lorber Mrs. Gladys Lovell Clara K. Luckenbach Luckenbach & Johnson Ralph F. Luckenbach Kathryn Luckus Teresa Luckus Francis Luipersbeck George Lukish Jack Lustgarten Mr. & Mrs. L. Henry Lutz Monroe M. Lutz Raymond J. Lutz, M.D. Russell J. Lutz John J. Luzenski, Jr. Clifford T. Lynn, Jr. M M & S Ladies Tailor C. A. MacArthur Frances MacArthur Kenneth A. MacDonald Lee M. Machemer E. C. Machin, Inc. Mack Trucks, Inc. Charles W. MacKenzie Alden D. MacLellan Macungie Women's Club Phyllis Madaus Gerald C. Maechler Frances Magee Mrs. James Maguire T. T. Maguire Elissa Maher Sarah M. Maini William T. Mainwaring Jean Makem Stephen Malitsch Mary Malloy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mandel Clair H. Maneval, Sr. Nellie Manges Owen Mangold Lawrence Mann Marguerite Mann Gerald J. Mantell Clarence Mantz Store Mabel Mantz Stella Frances Mantz Mar Pat Co., Inc. John Marchiando James M. Marcks James M. Marcks, D.D.S. Kerwin M. Marcks, M.D. Frank L. Marcon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Margolis Franklin H. Markley Elaine A. Marouchoc John Marple Richard W. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Marsteller John M. Martin C. C. Martindell Victor V. Martini Anthony L. Martino Barbara A. Martinuzzi Victor W. Marton, M.D. Mary Maskornick W. G. Masonheimer, M.D. Anna Mae Massa Howard Master Thomas L. Masters Julius A. Matatics John S. Matchette Materials Transport Service Peter Mather Anna Matok Robert C. Mattern Frank Mattes, Jr. Carl W. Maurer Mauser Mill Company Rt Rev. Joseph F. May Walter May Harold Mayberry Arthur McAfee Muriel McBride Adrian J. McCarr Addison McCarrick Eleanor McCarthy John J. McCartney Kenneth McClellan Hugh McConkey McCord Corporation Walter J. McCoy Millicent McCullagh McDermott Brothers Co. David McDonald John K. McDonald John T. McDonald Leo McDonough Donald McDowell Eleanor McFetridge Patricia A. McFetridge Joseph T. McGee Robert E. McGill Marion McGinley Thomas P. McGinn C. Stewart McGirr Joyce A. McGonigle John F. McGowan Wm. C. McHenry Memorial Trust Donald McIlvain John J. C. McKeon Clyde McKinley Dean McKittrick Pauline McKittrick C. Donald McLean, D.D.S. Gifford E. McNabb Virginia M. McNabb Joseph McQuillen The Most Rev. Joseph McShea Clarence McSwain Earle M. Mead Richard Mead Mechanical Service Co. John Medernack & Co. Daniel F. Megenhardt R. W. Mehl Meyer D. Mehrman & Son Richard Meier Ira Meislin Evelyn G. Meixsell Walter F. Meixsell Melnychuk Family Stuart D. Melson James Meminger Charles L. Mengel, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Mengel Merchants National Bank Marjorie A. Merkel Norwood W. Merkle Ralph Merkle, M.D. Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Merritt Lumber Don A. Mershon Kenneth Mertz Edward R. Messinger Mest Pharmacy Alfred G. Metzger John Metzger Robert E. Metzger Jean M. Meyers Theodore Meyers Kenneth A. Michael Joseph Mieczkowski Miers Insurance Agency Miers Johnston Printing Joseph A. Mihalcik Louis Mikitsh Robert M. Miles Murray Milkman Allen Miller Charles Miller Chas. A. Miller, Jr., D.D.S. Charles E. Miller Dale Miller Donald P. Miller Dorothy H. Miller Mrs. E. A. Miller Edward D. Miller E. J. Miller H. A. Miller & Sons Howard G. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James P. Miller John Miller Joseph A. Miller, M.D. K. J. Miller Katie Miller Leonard R. Miller Lois H. Miller Marie S. Miller Miriam M. Miller Peter S. Miller Robert K. Miller Mrs. Samuel W. Miller Walter J. Miller Miller Wholesale Paper Richard Milligan Robert J. Millo Emma Mills Everett M. Mills Milson, Freeman, Rummel, Inc. Frank Minardi Ralph H. Minchin Gerald 1. Miner Edwin J. Minner, M.D. S. William Minnich Shirley Minutolo Peter Miraldo, M.D. Martin D. Misenhimer, M.D. Alvin 1. Mishkin Cora C. Missmer Iris F. Mittura James D. Moatz, M.D. Moccio Packing W. Moclock Modern Transfer Co. Modern-Universal Slack George E. Moerkirk, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moffa Moggio & Sons Harold S. Mohr John P. Mohr Malcolm H. Mohr T. W. Mohr Justina A. Molchan Donald D. Moll Emmet M. Molloy Julius J. Molnar Kathleen Monaghan Monarch Septic Tank Co. William Montzman Howard R. Moon A. W. Moore David Moore Elizabeth Moore John F. Moore Agency Robert K. Moore Robert Moore Joan M. Moran Morgan Co. Richard Morganthall Charles H. Morrison J. V. Morrison Joseph H. Morrow Leonard Mortensen Edgar H. Mortimer Kenneth A. Morton Craig S. Mosebach Dale Moser W. F. Mosser & Son Ann Marie Motko C. C. Moulton John A. Mountain Mountainville Lions Club Arlington S. Moyer Bernice G. Moyer Edward H. Moyer Forrest G. Moyer, M.D. Geraldine Moyer Marie Moyer R. W. Moyer Rachel E. Moyer W. H. Moyer, Jr. Willard D. Moyer, Jr. William E. Moyer, Jr. Frank C. Mueller Robert W. Mueller P. F. Mulford William J. Mulford William J. Mulligan Roger W. Mullin, Jr. Edward M. Mummey John Munchak, Jr., M.D. L. Roy Muncy J. A. Munn Thomas J. Murphy T. J. Murray James L. Murtaugh Robert Mushrush Marvin Z. Myer George H. Myers, IV Rachel E. Myers N Frederick N. Nabhan Dorothy N ahay F. R. Nail Herbert D. Nash National Advertising Mfg. National Cash Register Merritt H. Neeb Mary Neff Neffs National Bank Russell D. Nehf Mr. & Mrs. George Y. Nehrbas Bernice C. Neidig Albert H. Neimeyer Bert N. Nelson Harold B. Nelson, Jr. James T. Nelson Jean Nelson John Nemeth William J. Nenow Leif Ness Robert P. Nester Nestor's Sporting Goods Mr. & Mrs. George J. Neumann Julius G. Neumann Albert Neupauer Louis P. Neuweiler Aaron T. Newhard John Newhard Ruth A. Newhard Dale E. Newhart Newhart Foods, Inc. Ed Newman Chevrolet Monroe F. Newman Philip Newman Charles T. Newton J. K. Newton New Tripoli National Bank Francis R. Nickel Harold E. Nigh Martin R. Nighan LeRoy W. Nikitscher Frederick Nippels Lucille Nissen Richard N. Nixon David E. Nolan Richard Nolan William F. Noll Leon L. Nonemaker Earl Nonnemacher Miriam Nonnemacher Charles T. Noonan June H. Norris Edward R. Northey Michael Nosal Ronald J. Nosal Stella Notter Lawrence Nuesslein o Charles Oakes R. A. Oatman Oberholtzer Kitchens S. F. O'Boyle Catherine O'Donnell James O'Donnell Marie O'Donnell George Oehmke J. A. G. Oewell Frederick O. Olson Arthur O'Loughlin Frank O'Mara Jack R. O'Neil Ontelaunee Lions Club Sarah Nan Oplinger Marie Oravec Philip O'Reilly Leonard S. Orcurto David Orkin Donald Orr W. H. Orr Maria Orysczycz D. Ross Osborn Wm. F. Osman, Jr. Donald Oswald John R. Oswald William W. Oswalt James Clay Ott J. H. Overholt Brian Owen C. Dale Owens Connie M. Owens p PPG Industries, Inc. Rodger Paige Sidney H. Paige Madaline Palladino Palumbo Mfg. Co., Inc. Paul G. Panas, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Parker Parkway Manor Lions Club Caroll G. Parks Morton B. Parmet, D.D.S. Alfred Parry Gordon R. Parsons Santo Paterno Patricia Pat Fashions Charles B. Patt, Jr. Raymond Patterson Beth Pattison, M.D. R. T. Patton Evan P. Paul Thomas P. Paul Michael Paulik J. F. Paulsen Frank E. Pavlis Frank C. Pavlov Robert Pearce Angela Pechacek D. S. Peck Joseph Pecsek John Peeler Penn Coat & Apron Supply Co. Penn Securities Co. Penn State Mills, Inc. Penn State Mills Employees Penn State Paper & Box Penna. Independent Oil Co. Penna. Potato Supply Penna. Power & Light Co. Penna. Supply & Mfg. Co. Pepsi Cola Bottling John R. Perin Morris & Sylvia Perkin Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jack Perlman Joseph Perry William Perry Roger H. Persing Alexander M. Peters, M.D. Charles Peters, M.D. Francis L. Peters Joseph M. Peters Mary Lucille Peters Paul C. Peters R. C. Peters Robert B. Peters Co. Roger G. Peters Mrs. Rollo O. Peters Russel L. Peters Vincent D. Peters Peterson Sea Food Co. James G. Petrakis N. D. Petruccelli, M.D. Thomas Petry David Pezoldt Edward Pfenninger John Pfromm, M.D. Louis Phannenstiel Philadelphia, Bethlehem & New England R. R. PB & NE RR Employees Henry C. Philips Augusta Philips Gerald Phillips John E. Phillips Ora K. Phillips Phoebe Floral Shop Phoenix Clothes, Inc. Phoenix Forging Co. Phoenix Mfg. Co. Ray W. Pickel, M.D. G. Edwin Pidcock Co. Dennis Pierce Harold T. Pierce Mrs. Richard E. Piger Blair F. Piper Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pituch A. J. Plante John Polevy Florian A. Polgar Geza Polony George F. Pool Leonard P. Pool Annette Poppalardo Herbert W. Poresky Robert S. Porter Frank P. Posocco, Inc. Wilfred Post, Jr. John D. Potosky Arthur R. Potosnak Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Potruch Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Potter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Potts Cornelius P. Powell Dennis Praedin David Prager, M.D. J. L. Prather Evelyn Prescott Patricia Pressman Joseph Prestileo Harold W. Pretz Lionel G. Price Thomas J. Price Prior Coated Metals John G. Pritchard Samuel E. Pritchard James V. Probert Diane L. Procopio George O. Prutzman Dayton Pryor Herbert W. Purdy, III Purolator Products, Inc. Purolator Employees Rae R. Pursehouse Elmer Putsch Q Quaker Shoe Corp. Quality Service Stn. Harry Quigley Joseph L. Quinn Marie C. Quinn Harvey Quitel R R & F Dress Co. Charles A. Raab A. E. Rabenold Beatrice M. Rabenold E. F. Rabenold Beatrice W. Raber Wm. Rabinowitz & Son James H. Radel C. H. Rahe Rev. Conrad W. Raker Thomas F. Ramsey Isabell Ranck Leonard Rapoport Betty M. Rappold James L. Rarig Francis A. Raub Kathleen S. Raubenhold William F. Raubenhold Susan Rauch Alice T. Raudenbush Carrol L. Readinger Mary S. Readinger Reber-Korn Co. Walter Rector Red Hill Savings & Loan Benjamin D. Reed William Reed Richard S. Reenock Gerald Reese Harry Reese John F. Reges Ronald Rehrig Ellen Reichard Eugene Reichard Larry L. Reichard Robert A. Reichard, Inc. W. B. Reichard Leroy K. Reichenbach W. S. Reichenbach & Sons George Reichl Yolanda B. Reilly Paul H. Reimer Daniel Reimert Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Reimert Michael Reimert Mr. & Mrs. William D. Reimert R. E. Reinhard Agency John W. Reinhart, M.D. Melinda May Reinmiller Earl R. Reinsmith Ed ward F. Reis Mark T. Reitz Rev. Phares o. Reitz William A. Rems Chas. W. Reninger, Jr., M.D. Edward Renner Howard F. Renner Rev. M. J. B. Renninger Grace G. Rentschler Raymond J. Ressler M. A. Restuccia Rev. Francis C. Revak Cleo Rex Evelyn Rex James C. Rex, M.D. Rex Thoracic Surgical Group Reynolds Co. & Employees Elwood S. Rice Raymond Rice Richard Sportwear Co. Marcia Richel Edward J. Riedy Robert W. Riegel Mabel W. Riker Reed B. Riker Carlton H. Rineheimer Robert N. Rinker Gustavus Rinn, Jr. Blanch Ritter Robert Ritter Josephine Ritz John Rizzotto & Sons Robbins Door & Sash Co. Stanford Robbins Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roberts W. J. Roberts William C. Roberts Nat C. Robertson Glenn Robinson Louis C. Roche, Jr. Stephen R. Rochester Joseph Rock Mr. & Mrs. T. Milton Rockmaker Mrs. Joseph Rodale Rodale Mfg. Co., Inc. Rodale Press, Inc. Robert Rodale Roland Rodgers William H. Rodgers, Jr. Clifford L. Roehrig Elizabeth Roessler Sally Roessler Ed win Rogusky Eleanor Rohrbach R. B. Rohrbach Fred H. Roland, M.D. Harold C. Rolland Charles Rolling Stanley Roman Hon. Fred B. Rooney Charles K. Rose, Jr., M.D. R. William Rose H. W. Rosen Jacob Rosenberg Albert Rosenfeld Joseph L. Ross Virginia Ross Elizabeth Roth Harold Roth Hazel F. Roth Henry Roth Kermit Roth May Rothenberg Otis Rothenberger Robert B. Roush Howard Rowles Royal Wholesale Co. Francis E. Royer Mr. & Mrs. Alex S. Rozsa, Jr. Helen B. Ruch T. A. Ruddell, III William Ruehl Virginia Ruff Ruhe Motor Corp. William F. Ruhe & Co. Lawrence O. Ruhf Martha Lauser Rummel Emma Jane Rumsey Fred L. Rupert William Russell Charles E. Russoli Joseph D. Rutherford, M.D. George P. Rutt, M.D. Ernest Rutz Thomas J. Rutz RX Hearing Aid Servo Frank Ryan s Charles S. Saby Philip J. Sachs, Jr. Daniel T. Sachse George H. Sacks, ESQ. Margaret T. Sacks Sacred Heart Hospital/Junior Auxiliary Sacred Heart Hospital/Private Duty Section Alfred M. Sadler John H. Saeger Safety First Shoes, Inc. Michael Salazer Salem United Church of Christ Salem United Methodist Church Salisbury Kiwanis Club Clyde Sandell G. H. Sander Sanders-Reinhardt Co. Martin M. Sandler Sarco Mfg. Co., Inc. Sarco Employees Loretta C. Sargent Thomas D. Sassaman E. T. Satchell Co. William Savage George Savitz Pearl Savitz A. Scarantino Dalton M. Schaadt Elwood C. Schaadt L. W. & E. H. Schadt Charles Schaeffer Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Schaeffer Floyd E. Schaeffer Frances C. Schaeffer, M.D. Kenneth Schaeffer Oliver I. Schaeffer Paul A. Schaeffer C. Schaffer William K. Schaffer, D.D.S. H. W. Schantz Funeral Home Linn H. Schantz C. A. Scharfenberg William Scharle Harold E. Schatz Hon. & Mrs. Henry V. Scheirer Joseph R. Scheirer Joseph W. Scheirer S. A. A. Scheirer C. Y. Schelly & Bros. Raymond Scherer Ernest K. Schickedanz Robert J. Schilling, Jr., Inc. George Schisler Harold M. Schisler Rev. Theodore C. Schlack Warren Schlegel A. C. Schleicher Frank Schlener David P. Schlenker Arthur W. Schlicher Geo. P. Schlicher & Son Richard C. Schlicher Gerald L. Schlonecker John Schmaldienst George Schmauch Harry W. Schmeyer Arthur Schmidt Mrs. Frances Schmidt Martha Schmidt Dr. Paul F. Schmidt Victor Schmidt Stephen D. Schmieg Carl Schmoyer D. Burnell Schmoyer Richard F. Schmoyer Art Schneck Optical Co. Harold Schneck Paul N. Schneck Edward & Rose Schneider Foundation Mary Ann Schneider Peter J. Schneider Schoen Furniture, Inc. Schoen Furniture Employees Sally A. Schoeneberger Bert Schoff Kenneth D. Scholl Theodore R. Scholl Willem S. Schoon hoven Thomas M. B. Schrader Alan H. Schragger, M.D. Verona Schray John Schuch Ruth Ann Schueck Francis Schuler Martin H. Schuler Co. Paul Schuler Wilmer R. Schultz, Inc. Charles R. Schumacher John Schuster Margaret M. Schwab Michael J. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Dalton F. Schwartz Fred S. Schwartz Howard Schwartz Jeanne E. Schweitzer John Schwenk Andre Schwitter Leah Schwoyer Shirley A. Schwoyer Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Scoblionko Thomas W. Scott Sears, Roebuck & Co. Lola Sebring F. Wilbur Sechler George F. Sechler Mary Sechler Edwin H. Seidler Gloria Seier Robert C. Seiple Seipstown Grange 1657 Charles P. Sell, M. D. Kenneth R. Sellers Martin Sellinger Harold E. Seltzer Albert Semler Morris Senderowitz, Jr. Morris H. Senderowitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Senderowitz Robert B. Senderowitz Franklin Serfass Service Supply Company Service Tire Company Seven Eleven Store # 83 Shafer & Lohrman Shoes Shaffer-Liss Foundation Shaffer & Max Alliance Nevin Shaffer, D.D.S. Richard W. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Shank Walter A. Sharshon K. J. Shatzlein Shaws Pharmacy Sheesley Company Sheet Metal Workers International Local 19 A. Sheftel & Sons, Inc. William W. Shellhammer Mr. & Mrs. William C. Shelly Catherine Sheppeck Sher & Mishkin, Inc. Ronald Sherer Dorothy Sheridan Sheridan P.T.A. Edward Sherry Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shimer Elwood D. Shimer Donald T. Shire Elsie Shive Roscoe J. Shive William E. Shive Charles S. Shoemaker George R. Shoemaker, Jr. Paul C. Shoemaker, M.D. Robert E. Shoemaker, M.D. Freda Shorr Margaret Shugart Harold J. Shultz John T. Shuman Shupp & Nolfe Landscape John M. Siegel, M.D. Charles E. Sieger, M.D. Edward C. Sieger June Siegfried Myrtle Siegfried, M.D. Robert H. Siegfried, D.D.S. Philip W. Siekman William B. Sigafoos Signal Finance Corporation Marie Signarovitz Stephen A. Siklos, M.D. C. W. Sikorski Samuel J. Silberg, M.D. Jane Sill John Sills Alan Silver Howard A. Silverman, M.D. Morton I. Silverman, M.D. Susan C. Simitz Francis T. Simpson James Simpson Michael Simpson William C. Singleton Earl K. Sipes, M.D. John C. Sipos, Jr. Peter Sipple David Skok Louis E. Skriletz, Jr. Dolores Skripek Slatington National Bank Althea Slider Dennis Smale Audrey Smith Barney Smith & Company Daniel S. Smith Dorothy A. Smith Frances Smith Fred C. Smith George S. Smith, M.D. H. B. Smith, Jr. H. Morton Smith Harold Smith Judith Smith Laird P. Smith Leland E. Smith Ludwig Smith Paul J. Smith Smith & Peifly Quentin H. Smith, Jr. Raymond Smith, M.D. Robert P. Smith Samuel Smith W. L. Smith William X. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Smoyer James A. Smyth Charles D. Snelling Ronald Snow Arlene Snyder Arthur D. Snyder Barbara Snyder Carl D. Snyder Clayton E. Snyder Colin E. Snyder Cynthia Snyder Ernest P. Snyder Mrs. Forrest Snyder Frank R. Snyder, II Harold R. Snyder Henry L. Snyder Jean Snyder Joanne L. Snyder Marilyn M. Snyder Raymond E. Snyder Richard Snyder Richard R. Snyder Stanley Snyder, M.D. Walter L. Snyder Wayne H. Snyder Wilson C. Snyder Madeline Sobchak Mrs. Frank Sodl John Solan, D.D.S. Solmar Surgical Supply P. E. Solt Pauline Solver Sons of Israel Congregation James Sorensen Joseph Sosnowsky James A. Sotak Arthur R. Souillard, Sr. Marilyn Sowden Speedy's Record Shop Earl E. Speer John Speer Robert Speer Steven Spelman Kenneth C. Spengler William Spess Anthony J. Spinato D & C Spinosa Company Carl B. Spogen Robert A. Spoleti Billy Sprayberry Richard M. Spriggs Chester D. Sprow D. R. Sprow Neil Stackhause Donald E. Stader, M.D. James Stafford Lloyd A. Stahl, M.D. E. John Stahler, M.D. Stanley Stainker Emma Stalsi tz Michael J. Stamatakos, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Stamberg Lambert W. Stammerjohn A. J. Standing, Jr. August Stang, Jr. William Stanley R. M. Stanton Ann Stark Paul D. Stark J. A. Starner State Auto Insurance Association State Capital Savings & Loan Joseph C. Staudenmeier Betty Stauffer C. R. Stauffer Hazel Stauffer Joseph Steacher Mr. & Mrs. John W. Steacy, Jr. Cathryn Steckel Robert Steckel Lloyd H. Steidle, Jr. B. B. Steigerwalt Alice Stein Elwood Stein Fred P. Stein Paul W. Stein D. W. Steltz John Stelzman Robert J. Stengel Stephens Funeral Home Margaret M. Stephens W. Harold Stephens Company Colonel G. B. Stern Edward Sterner J. S. Stetler John A. Stevenson Raymond Stevenson Frank J. Stey Max J. Stierstorfer, M.D. Stimmel & Graul Donald N. Stocker Mr. & Mrs. Winfield J. Stone T. Moffatt Storer Alistair J. Stott H. E. Stoudt & Son, Inc. William Stowasser F. J. Stratz, Jr. Alfred C. Strauss Allen M. Strauss, Jr. James R. Strebin Helen Strella Edward Strobel Mary Strohl Stanley Strohl Jerol H. Strohm Walter R. Strothman Walter F. Stull, Jr., M.D. Thomas Stupak Suburban Food Center Thomas Sugalski Sun Ray Discount Joseph F. Sunderer Thomas C. Sunter W. Reese Super Superfine Motors, Inc. C. J. Suppan Denise Suppan Alfred C. Sussman Sussman Brothers Co. D. M. Sutter Joseph Swagonis Arthur Swallow Swanger Bros. Nancy Swann Charlotte Swartz Agnes L. Sweeney Mary E. Sweeney Sandra L. Sweeney Walter P. Swercheck Robert H. Swoyer Joyce Szilezy Emma Szivos Stephen F. Szoke William C. Szupper T G. C. Tabor Joseph Tafuri Daniel Tauber Herbert J. Tauber James Taverna Malcolm F. Taylor Wm. H. Taylor & Co. L. J. Tvuprine Joseph F. Tercha, Sr. Joseph T. Termini, M.D. Cathleen Ternigan Robert J. Teufel, Jr. Ralph Texter Jean Thierer A. C. Thomas Marie Thomas Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Thomas William A. Thomas Charles D. Thompson H. J. Thompson Ted E. Thompson Robert Thornburg Thrift Drug Coso & Warehouse Robert S. Tice, Inc. E. D. Tidd T'idy-Dy-Dee Service Thomas Tierney Harold S. Tillman David A. Tilly, M.D. H. C. Timbers Kenneth Tinsley Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Tisone Frank R. Titman W. E. Tobias, Jr. Rita Tolchin Alexander Tompa, M.D. Dr. Pauline Tompkins Ruth Tong Howard A. Tooker Edgar T. Toole Top Diner Alan Tope Charles J. Toth Halden Totten Towles & Co., Inc. Town Motors R. H. Townshend Tracey's Sunoco Service Thomas F. Trach Clarence Trainer Traub's Market Inc. Robert Traver Hotel Traylor Donald J. Trego James H. Trent Allan E. Trevaskis, M.D. Dr. & Mrs. C. H. Trexler Edwin W. Trexler Trexler Funeral Home Harry C. & Mary M. Trexler Foundation Lloyd H. Trexler Trexler Oil Co. Howard D. Tr impi, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Trinkle Frank E. Trinkle Trojan Powder Co. James H. Trombley Mrs. Ralph G. Troup Frederick W. Troxell Mildred A. Troxell Yvonne Turnauer Ethel Turnbach G. J. Turner Twin Lakes Country Club Eugene K. Twining u U.G.I. Corporation U.G.I. Employees A. J. Ueberroth Catherine E. Uhrich Evelyn E. Unangst R. L. & Betty Underkoffler Frank A. Unger Louis F. Unger Uniform Printing & Supply Union Bank & Trust Co. United Airlines Foundation United Association Union # 670 U.S. Steel Foundation, Inc. Thomas H. Unser Upper Lehigh Lions Club v Vale Chemical Co. Herbert Valentine Arthur N. Van Horn Harold K. Van Horn C. W. Van Kueren, Jr. Lowell L. Vanskike James J. Vargo Philip T. Varricchio James Vastine T. Alexander Vaughey Ellen Jane Verhanovitz Clifford G. Vernick, M.D. Michael Vigilante, M.D. Village Inn Henry Villaume Phillip A. Vogel Louise Vogt Volkert Allentown Inc. Volkert Employees William T. Von Behren Joseph Vrenovitch John J. Vucenic w S. C. Wadium Mr. & Mrs. Alton F. Wagaman Sandra B. Wagaman Charles Wagner Donald A. Wagner Elmer Wagner Frank Wagner, Jr. Henry Wagner John Wagner John J. Wagner Mary E. Wagner Rose Wagner W. J. Wagner Frieda L. Wahrmann Jack Waitz Harold J. Walbert N. J. Walbert B. Roger Walck Robert Walde Ruth Walenta Boyd Walker Walker & Eby Construction, Inc. George S. Wallace, Jr. John Wallace Walp's Inc. Donald L. Walter George F. Walter David R. Walters Daniel B. Wanner John M. Wapner, M.D. Joel Ward John F. Ward Marie Ward Myrtle J. Ward Carl A. Warmkessel Ellen Jane Warmkessel Ellis F. Warmkessel Russell E. Warmkessel C. O. Warner Jack Warsaw J. Warshawsky Sanford L. Wartell Robert Wasko, M.D. Joseph F. Wasser Mr. & Mrs. William Wasserman Richard Waterbury Frank Waters Stanley P. Watson W. M. Watson Janis Waynar Frederick Weaver Harold P. Weaver, M.D. Howard Weaver, D.D.S. Paul A. Weaver Thomas E. Weaver Thomas E. Weaver, Jr. Olin S. Webb Albert Weber Harry Mike Weber Roland J. Weber James E. Weed Marie E. Wehr Charlotte K. Wehrle Fred A. Weibel Mr. & Mrs. H. Weibel, Jr. Arthur J. Weida Margaret Weider Henry Weidner Joseph Weidner Emma Weierbach E. B. Weigard Mrs. J. Katharine Weiler Robert Weimer Paul R. Weis, M.D. P. J. Weisbach Lawrence Weisbrod, M.D. Harold B. Weisel John H. Weisel Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Weiser Nelson A. Weiser Dale Weiss William Weiss Welcome Wagon Club Robert A. Welliver Denzil L. Wells Richard O. Wenger Daniel B. Wenner Warren Wenner Lila M. Wennig Paul W. Wentz Russell A. Werkheiser Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Werley E. P. Werley Edwin Werley Werley Funeral Home Lloyd A. Werley Marvin H. Werley John K. Werner Rev. Gerald P. Wert Mr. & Mrs. Milliard Wertman Harold A. Wertz Wessner Beverages Robert Wessner Wessner the Tailor Harlan J. West James West R. P. West Francis H. Westbrook Western Electric Edward J. Westhassel Henry K. Wetherhold Wetherhold & Metzger Rose Wetzel Whalin Chevrolet Inc. Albert Wheaton Wheel & Crawler Equipment Co. John S. Wheeler, M.D. E. Wayne White Headley S. White, M.D. Morton V. White Whitehall Cement Company Mrs. Lucy Whitehead Mary Whitehead Frank H. Whiting Bert Whitman Robert A. Whitner Wible Language Institute David R. Widenmyer Donald E. Wieand Lissa Wieand Richard S. Wieland Wiener & Co., Inc. Howard Wiener Louis Wiener Michael M. Wiener A. L. Wiesen berger Associates Carl H. Wieser Charlotte M. Wieser Brian Wildey Samuel B. Wilkinson Donald F. Williams Harold A. Williams ., John Williams Joseph A. Williams Kenneth L. Williams M. S. Williams Marilyn Williams Thomas D. Williams Jean Williamson Kathryn Williamson Mr. & Mrs. J. Bowling Wills Mr. & Mrs. S. Hayward Wills Arnold Wilson Edward T. Wilson Gerald E. Wilson LaRue L. Wilson William G. Wilson Rober't F. Wilt Dr. Anne Winkler F. W. Wint & Co., Inc. Virginia Winterhalt Arthur Winters Agnes E. Wirth Wirth's Manufacturing Co. N orman Wirtz Wise Sales Company Theodore Wishnetsky Michael Witkowski Witko Mobile Homes G. C. Witt & Sons, Florist Lillian S. Witt WKAP, Inc. H. C. Wolbach Arthur Wolf Wolf & Hendrix Associates Joseph Wolf Norman C. Wolf David E. Wolfe Joan Wolfe Ed Wolfel Helen J. Wolfer Woman's Club of Allentown Woman's Club of Emmaus Glenn E. Wommer M. W. Wood, Inc. M. W. Wood Employees Dorothy E. Woodring William P. Woodring Joseph Woods Earl G. Wray, Jr. Harrison W. Wright J. E. Wright Orville J. Wright Richard A. Wright WSAN Jane Wuchter Marshal C. Wurster Hugh E. Wynn L. J. Wynne Wyomissing Corporation Benjamin T. Wysocki x Miguel Xiques y Elizabeth Yager Takeo Yamashita, M.D. Yarema Bros. Tool & Die Howard Yarus 1. R. Yeager Joyce Yeakel Mark Yeakel Irvin Yerger Louis E. Yerkes, D.D.S. Florence Yingst, Inc. J. A. Yockers George H. Yoder Arthur V. Yohe, Jr. John C. Yohe Warren W. York & Co. Charles W. Yost Joseph Yost Edward M. Young, Jr. Jack A. Young, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Young Loretta Young Patricia Young Richard E. Young Mrs. Robert A. Young Robert K. Young Mr. & Mrs. William J. Young Young's Music Store J. Richard Yourtee z Joseph & Joanne Zaia Bernardine Zakutny Robert Zamboldi Vincianne Zavis Stanley E. Zeeman, M.D. Fred H. Zeglowitsch Kenneth Zeitz Harry A. Zellers Pearl M. Zellers Joseph P. Zeravsky Anna M. Ziegler, M.D. Carol A. Ziegler Edwin Ziegler Horace Ziegler Conrad H. Zierdt, Jr. Marion Zimmerman R. F. Zimmerman Stella Zimmerman Berkley Zionts Walter J. Zirinsky Zollinger-Harried Co. Hilda Zotter Robert C. Zundel
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