Week of November 10 UPCOMING EVENTS
Week of November 10 UPCOMING EVENTS
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH In This Issue……. W e e k o f November 10 SUNDAY Nov 10 7:30 am LMM Breakfast 8:30 am Worship—Consecration Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship Time / Luther Choir 9:45 am Cherub Choir 10:00 am Sunday School / New Member’s Class 11:00 pm Worship—Consecration Sunday 2:00 pm Stewardship Committee 5:00 pm Finance Committee 5:00 pm Youth Worship / Calvary Chimes 5:30 pm Christmas Play Practice 6:30 pm Genesis Ringers MONDAY Nov 11 1. 2. 3. Weekly Calendar / Upcoming Events Weekly Announcements Gospel in Review / Special Prayers / Family & Friends Prayer Requests 4. Sunday Ministers / Attendance / Finances 5. Service to Others / Operation Christmas Child / Prayer Vigil / Happy Birthday 6. Thanksgiving Prayer-Worship / Chickens at Calvary / Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels / Shepherds Needed 7. Christmas Play Practice / Election Candidates / Year of Discipleship 2014 8. Port-A-Pit BBQ / Hero Sandwich-9/11 Survivor / Hospice Wish List / My Father’s House 9. From Pastor Debbie….Consecration Sunday 10. A Calvary Stewardship Moment 11. Tutoring Pictures 12. CVAN Holiday Wish List 13-16. Election Bios 10:00 am Ruth Circle 2:00 pm Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Property Committee TUESDAY UPCOMING EVENTS Nov 12 Nov 13 10:00 am Centering Prayer 4:00 pm Choral Academy 7:00 pm Financial Peace University WEDNESDAY 5:00 pm Tutoring 6:30 pm Calvary Carillon 7:15 pm Journey in Faith Committee 7:30 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY Nov 14 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00 pm Dove Ensemble FRIDAY Nov 15 Noon-7:00 pm Port-A-Pit BBQ 7:30 pm John Cerqueira 9-11 Survivor SATURDAY Youth Lock-In w/ Kimball & St. James Nov 16 PRAYER VIGIL: Nov 9 CONSECRATION SUNDAY: Nov 10 PORT-A-PIT / 9-11 SURVIVOR: Nov 15 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Nov 17 MY FATHER’S HOUSE: Nov 17-23 THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP: Nov 27 THANKSGIVING MEALS-ON-WHEELS: Nov 28 MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES: Dec 4, 11, 18 CONSECRATION SUNDAY: November 10. Bring your “I Offer Myself to God” forms as we celebrate God’s Blessings to us. HERO SANDWICH: Join us for Port-A-Pit BBQ and then stay to hear the story of John Cerqueira, a 9/11 Survivor. Friday, November 15 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Sunday, November 17. One service at 11:00 a.m. CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 2 worship and at congregational events. Our nametags assist us in learning who is in the family and assist new folks with the many new names and faces that they encounter. Thank you 80+ BIRTHDAY: Happy Birthday to Fran for making the effort to find your name tag and Parnow who celebrates her 89th birthday on for giving it a try. If you can't locate your November 12. Happy Birthday Fran! nametag, you may contact the church office to CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: The receive a new one. annual Congregational meeting of Calvary will POINSETTIAS: Poinsettia orders must be in by be held during the 11:00 worship service on today, November 10. This helps those working November 17. There will be no 8:30 service on on this project plan for delivery and that Sunday but we will have Sunday School. arrangement. Order forms are in bulletin. The The purpose of the annual meeting is to elect cost will be $7.00. Your order will not be placed Church Council, Endowment Board, Preschool until payment is received. Board, Synod Delegates, and to adopt the 2014 FOR WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU Spending Plan. THANKFUL FOR THIS YEAR? At 6:30 p.m. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Again, this year Calvary is collecting shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. We still have Shoe boxes available. The last date to bring your filled shoe box back in will be November 17. If you have any questions, contact Beth Hawk. on Thanksgiving Eve (November 27), please join Pastor Debbie in the screen end of the fellowship fall for a time of thanksgiving prayer. This brief time of prayer will allow us to pause as a congregation before our 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving worship and to offer to God our prayers of Thanksgiving for the year. This time of simple THANKSGIVING MEALS ON WHEELS: Each year Calvary helps the Cabarrus Meals on prayer will allow us to offer up more specific Wheels on Thanksgiving Day. We prepare, prayers of thanksgiving from our congregation. package, and deliver meals to shut-ins in the THANKOFFERING BOXES: November is Concord area. This year, we will be preparing the month when many Women of the ELCA units and delivering about 100 meals. A sign up sheet continue a 100-year tradition. Beginning in the is on the bulletin board outside the choir room. late 1800’s, Lutheran women placed Please consider helping! Thankoffering boxes in their homes as visible CHRISTMAS PLAY PRACTICE: Calling all reminders of gratitude for blessings. Women children and youth, 3 yrs old—High School. added coins to these boxes almost daily as they Christmas Play practice began last Sunday. It’s noted particular blessings. Calvary women have not too late to join us! Come out today from been a part of this tradition for many years. On 5:30—6:30 p.m. The Christmas Program will be Sunday, November 24 the Thankoffering boxes on December 15 at 5:00 p.m. followed by the that were distributed last November will be Christmas Tea. Come out and join us for the collected. Also on this date, new boxes will be available for the coming year’s use. All monies Miracle on Main Street! collected support churchwide ministries of NAMETAGS: The evangelism ministry at Women of the ELCA. Calvary invites you to RECLAIM your nametag! Once you locate your nametag, we encourage you to please wear your nametag at CALVARY LUTHERAN THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL IN REVIEW Each week we will feature the Thursday Men’s Prayer Group’s reflections on this week’s Gospel lesson. Luke 20:27-38 1. The dead live—what a comfort to know that our loved ones who passed away exist now. 2. No marriage in heaven—joy in marriage not taken away, but experience a closeness beyond us here and now. SPECIAL PRAYER NEEDS FRIENDS AND FAMILY PRAYER REQUEST Susan Allman, friend of Joe and Shelby Varnadore ● Cecil Corriher, father of Christiane Sutton ● Chip Horton, brother-in-law of Linda Austin ● Renae Aycock, sister of Stephanie Blackburn ● Ronnie Gibson, brother of Starr Black ● Pat Allen, mother of Sue Blackshear ● Kathy Stowe, friend of Ann Ridenhour ● Alex Crisp, friend of Sue Ireland ● Mary Ellen Gordon, sister of Elaine Blackwelder ● Dianne Palmer, sister of Jan Young ● Vennie Sloop, mother of Angela Coffey ● Charles Moretz, brother of Phyllis Remkus ● James Wood, friend of Sherry Crawford ● Katherine Harwood, sister of Mary Milikin ● Brett Bullington, friend of the Spencers ● Linda White, mother of Stephanie Blackburn ● Susan Sloan & Family, friend of Erika Barrier ● Theresa Westerdahl, cousin of Donya Yost ● John Hutto, nephew of Chris and Dana McCorkle ● Roy Staton, uncle of Lynda Cloninger ● David Allen, friend of Jim and Kelley Poulos ● Ann White, friend of Bette Blume ● Anne Foley, friend of Megan Paugh ● Donald Gore, father of Elizabeth Ramseur ● Phil Menders, friend of Rick Grochoshe ● Silo Family, friends of Bobby and Stefanie Jamison ● April Roberts, granddaughter of Angie Graeber ● Dan Talbert, brother-in-law of Bob Harmon ● Larry Brewer, brother of Nancy Sloop ● KD Smith, father of Deanna Teuschler ● Angie Blashaus, sister-in-law of Donya Yost ● Elvin Hough, brother of Rejoice 3 Ann Ridenhour | Nancy Haney Larry Stancil | Walt Friday Joe Varnadore | Jack Dayvault Erin Harbaugh | Quay Hissong Marilene Stirewalt | Beth Ramseur Leslie Engels, friend of Mary Milikin Rebecca Reynolds, cousin of Abbey Markley Deb Markley, mother of Kelly and Eric Markley Rick Blisard, friend of Andy Howard Todd Hendley & Family, friend of Andy, Donae, and Lauren Yoos Norman Black, Sandy Grady, friends of Judie Jones Linda, friend of Rick Grochoske Barry Hough ● Reta Kohari, friend of Sharon Elder ● Jimmy Summers, friend of Rick Grochoshe ● Don Holt, father of Mike Holt ● Janet Gaddy, mother of Dana McCorkle ● Beth McLean and Family, friends of Donya Yost ● Janice Bellamy, Alison Bledmon, Lucy Davidson, Carla Cozzen, friends of Andrea Correll, Rhoda and Grace Rillorta ● Marie and Rick Grochoshe ● Tom Arcuri, friend of Terry Austin ● Lynn Hughes, friend of George and Barbara Clemmons ● Cassie Schiele, daughter-in-law of Brad and Kathy Schiele ● Jeanne Castor and family, friends of Jean Scarbrough ● Feaster Newton, father of Jean Smith ● Jeff Triece, friend of Jessie Faulkner ● Julia McCombs, sister of Jan Price ● Ellen Cline, sister of Larry Stancil ● Michelle Ridenhour, friend of Larry and Linda Stancil ● R.D. Boone, father of Dan Boone ● Family of Brandon Mikeal, nephew of Clyde and Angie Graeber ● Gene Ellington, father of Betsy Ellington-Boynton ● James Corriher, brother of Christiane Sutton ● Beth and Chrissy, friends of Mark, Donya, and Jake Yost ● Juanita Blackwelder, mother of Shelia Camp ● Jean Petrilla, friend of Kathi Hissong ● Pat Taylor, mother of Sue Blackshear ● Juanita Blackwelder, mother of Shelia Camp ● Adrian Frye, father of Pastor Debbie ● Norman Black, Sherry Grady, Dan Dayvault, friends of Larry and Judie Jones ● Lynn Hughes, friend of George Clemons ● Marjorie Bell, mother of George Clemons ● Eli Hargett, friend of Beth Ramseur ● Mary Ada Amick, mother of Vivian Howard ● Robert and Sheila Rudisell, friends of Ken and Jan Young CALVARY LUTHERAN SUNDAY MINISTERS Rejoice 4 10-November 17-November Welcome Center Lector Madison McGuire Needed Keith Gehl No 8:30 No 8:30 No 8:30 Worship Assistant Barb Flynn No 8:30 Communion Assistants Barb Flynn / Ann Morris No 8:30 Ushers Nursery Tom and Laurie Czoka No 8:30 Sharon Fowler No 8:30 Peggy Wagstaff Gary and Susan Norris Summer Smith / Kathryn Smith Needed Peggy Wagstaff / Barbara Ferguson Needed Brad Schiele Linda Spencer Summer Smith / Kathryn Smith Needed Joe and Shelby Varnadore Sue and Dave Ireland Rachel Kelly Linda Kelly Linda Spencer Linda Kelly / Linda Spencer Danny Hatley / Carl Hatley / William Billings / Steve Harding Linda Kelly / Ann Holt Danny Hatley / Carl Hatley / William Billings / Steve Harding Maggie Gribble / Meredith Smith Needed Needed Ann Morris / Linda Spencer Ann Morris / Linda Spencer Jill Brim / Jo Ellen Johnson / Cassie Dixon / Judie Jones Betsy Ellington-Boynton / Nancy Haney Michelle Collins Jill Brim / Jo Ellen Johnson / Cassie Dixon / Judie Jones 8:30 WORSHIP Acolyte Fellowship Time 11:00 WORSHIP Acolyte Crucifer Greeters Welcome Center Lector Worship Assistant Communion Assistants Ushers Nursery Soundboard/Lights 8:30 / 11:00 GENERAL Council Person/Teller Altar Guild Monday Tellers Care and Concern ATTENDANCE Fran Parnow / Bill Staton Betsy Ellington-Boynton NOV 3 YEAR AGO 8:30 Worship 72 82 Total Income to Date $382,600 Sunday School 92 103 Total Expenses to Date $417,500 11:00 Worship 133 150 Average Weekly Income $8,700 Average Weekly Expenses $9,500 FINANCIAL RECAP CALVARY LUTHERAN CCM Listed below are the needs for the Cooperative Christian Ministry food pantries this month: Breakfast Items such as cereal, grits and oatmeal | Canned Fruit | Tuna | Canned Pasta with Meat | Soup | Ramen Noodles | Assorted Canned Vegetables CVAN always needs: paper products | cleaning supplies | personal care items | basic medicines | linens | household items | food Currently, CVAN needs the following items: Laundry Detergent | Mr. Clean, Spic n Span | Toilet Bowl Cleaner | Scrubbing Bubbles | Twin and full size blankets | Gallon size Ziploc Bags | trash bags - 30 gallon black and kitchen size | paper towels | New for Shelter: pots & pan sets, drinking glasses, plate sets | gift cards for discount and grocery stores | new bath towels and washcloths | Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (60 Watt equivalent) Rejoice 5 “ALL KINDS OF GIFTS” PRAYER VIGIL NOV. 9TH 8:00 AM-8:00 PM. Please consider joining your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer for God’s blessing on our ministries and for guidance to be good stewards of the many gifts He has entrusted to us. We still have many empty time slots available. If you would like to pray at home during one of these times, that would be fine. Our goal is to have a continuous time of prayer from 8 am—8 pm. Here are the times available: 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 PRAY AT HOME TO FILL ONE OF THESE SLOTS HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the lifechanging Good News of Jesus Christ. Again, this year Calvary will be collecting shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. We still have Shoe boxes available. The last date to bring your filled shoe box back in will be November 17. If you have any questions, contact Beth Hawk. 10-Nov Pete Barnhardt Starr Black 11-Nov Lorie Cone Dave Hunkele Kathryn Lambertsen Kevin Pearce Kristine Tost 12-Nov Alicia Greve Fran Parnow 89 13-Nov Chistopher Cicci 14-Nov Liz Stoddard 15-Nov Judie Jones 16-Nov David O’Neal CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 6 FOR WHOM OR WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR THIS YEAR? Calvary Youth Ministry, Metal Chickens, and Red Eggs??? Details in Next Week’s Rejoice SHEPHERDS NEEDED FOR 2014. Calvary is about to start a new members class in November. We are grateful that we have enough shepherds to walk with these new folks who will join in December 2013. But our evangelism ministry is planning for 2014. We would like to develop a team of individuals and families who will be willing to work with 2 or 3 families during 2014 as shepherds. We believe that this ministry is very important because our new members are better able to become connected into the life of our community when they have a shepherd leading them. Please prayerfully consider if you might be willing to walk with a new member as they join, assist them with questions, and help them develop a connection to the greater congregation. If willing to serve, please sign up on your "I Offer Myself to God" form or speak to Pastor Debbie. At 6:30pm on Thanksgiving Eve (November 27), please join Pastor Debbie in the screen end of the fellowship fall for a time of thanksgiving prayer. This brief time of prayer will allow us to pause as a congregation before our 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving worship and to offer to God our prayers of Thanksgiving for the year. This time of simple prayer will allow us to offer up more specific prayers of thanksgiving from our congregation. If you are not able to attend this time of prayer but would like to share a thanksgiving prayer, you may write out your thanksgiving prayer on the communication card and leave it in the offering plate, give to the pastor, or bring to the church office. THANKSGIVING MEALS ON WHEELS Each year Calvary helps the Cabarrus Meals on Wheels on Thanksgiving Day. We prepare, package, and deliver meals to shut-ins in the Concord area. This year, we will be preparing and delivering about 100 meals. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board outside the choir room. Please consider helping! We need: Drivers / Kitchen Help in Packaging Turkey —Cooked/Sliced off the bone Green Beans / Dressing Rolls / Cranberry sauce Desserts (Cookies/pound cake) CALVARY LUTHERAN CHRISTMAS PLAY PRACTICE Rejoice 7 Calvary Lutheran Church 2014- Year of Discipleship Calling all children and youth, 3 yrs old—High School. Christmas Play practice began last Sunday. It’s not too late to join us! Come out today from 5:30—6:30 p.m. The Christmas Program will be on December 15 at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Christmas Tea. Come out and join us for the Miracle on Main Street! Jesus called us to be his disciples. This is an important truth for churches today. Too often, church membership has been defined by the very narrow definition of offering one financial contribution of record a year and receiving Holy Communion once a year. Can you imagine what Jesus would have to say about such a marginal relationship with him and the Christian community? During 2014, Calvary will celebrate a year of discipleship. During this year, we hope each of our church members will come to experience the blessings of a life of discipleship. Please join Pastor Debbie for a planning meeting at 3:30pm on Sunday, November 24th, in the church parlor. Many ideas have already been shared for this year of celebration. But we are also looking for your input and your interest in making 2014 a great start to our next 100 years as a congregation. NOMINATION COMMITTEE SLATE OF CANDIDATES CONGREGATION COUNCIL (5 to be Elected) Brian Cone Jim Poulos Walt Friday David Smith Ann Holt Liz Stoddard Dave Hunkele Jason VanDewark Jo Ellen Johnson Kristina Wilson ENDOWMENT BOARD (1 to be Elected) Ken Glace Andy Howard PRESCHOOL BOARD (1 to be Elected) Linda Austin (Other Nominations Pending) NC SYNOD ASSEMBLY DELEGATES (1 Male / 1 Female to be Elected) Dick Flynn David Barrier Barbara Flynn Erika Barrier CALVARY LUTHERAN Port-A-Pit BarBQ Friday, Nov. 15 Lunch & Dinner—Dine In / Take Out (Noon - 7:00 pm or until we run out) Tickets will be on sale Sunday morning in the narthex. Tickets are $8.50 for half a chicken, baked beans, slaw, and a roll. Desserts will be available for purchase. If anyone wants to place a lunch order fo r d e l i v e r y, t h e y ca n co n ta c t ([email protected] or 704-425- 7007) Anyone interested in volunteering to help serve and/or deliver meals can contact Liz through the above information. Proceeds to Youth Mission Fund Calvary Congregational Event John Cerqueira Rejoice 8 MY FATHER’S HOUSE Calvary will again be hosting My Father’s House on November 17-23. This ministry provides meals and lodging for up to four homeless families in our community. Volunteers are needed for providing meals, evening host, and overnight host. This is a ministry of Calvary, please consider helping! If you have any questions or want more information, contact Ann Morris, (704) 7848843 or Lynn Hawkins, (704) 784-6282. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Evening Meals: Mon-18, Wed-20, Fri-22 Evening Hosts: Mon-18, Fri-22, Sat-23 Overnight Hosts: Tues-19, Wed-20, Sat-23 A sign up sheet is on the main bulletin board or you may call 704-782-6923 or email [email protected] the church office. Friday, November 15 at 7:15 pm John Cerqueira was 22 years old and was working on the 81st floor of the North World Trade Center Tower when on the morning of September 11 at 8:46 a.m. a plane hit the building between the 93 and 99 floor. As he and his boss were making their way down the stairs they came across a lady in a wheel chair on the 68 floor, she could go nowhere. They carried her down 68 flights of stairs and out into the open. Come and Enjoy Port-A-Pit BBQ and Then Stay to Hear John’s Story Everyone is Invited A Love Offering Will Be Collected Sponsored by Calvary Youth Ministry HOSPICE WISH LIST Individually wrapped packages of sweet/ salty snack foods , 4 1/2 x 41/2 boxes of Kleenex or Puffs Brand tissues, pocket sized tissues, tissue paper - all colors, hefty brand jumbo slider bags - 2.5 gallon Bereavement groups listed on bulletin board ( on going ) , at no charge. If you need more information or have questions, contact Sue Ireland. [email protected] Check out the Hospice News section on the bulletin board outside the choir room. CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 9 From Pastor Debbie….. Our mission is to grow compassionate relationships through Christ so that this, and each generation to come, can grow in faith and service to our community. About 20 months ago, I joined the Calvary church family and became your pastor. It has been a joy to serve with you during these 20 months. As we continue our journey together, I look forward to how God will call us to fulfill the mission that he has in mind for us. This Sunday, November 10th, is Consecration Sunday at Calvary. As we this approach this day, I would like to remind you of a conversation that I had with many of you as I planned to join your church family. You said: “We are looking for a pastor who will not only help us plan for doing God’s mission, but we also are looking for a pastor who can help us to put that plan into action.” You were asking for a pastor that would challenge you to get engaged in your faith in Christ, your life of discipleship, by participating in the mission of Calvary and God’s call to you in daily life. I remember your words to me well. I told you that I would seek to do my best to fulfill this calling. This Sunday, Consecration Sunday, is an opportunity for us as a church family to continue moving beyond the initial planning our 2013 visioning. It is a time for us to move from words on paper to putting time, talent, and financial gifts in place to carry out our ministry priorities. (See the church website if you have forgotten our priorities for ministry/ our visioning results. They are available on the church website under events) All of us have hopes and dreams for what God will do in and through the ministries of Calvary in the coming years. I have found that the people of Calvary want to see lives touched and transformed with the grace of God in Jesus Christ. I also see that Calvary is a group of people that truly does want to respond to God’s call to being in mission out in the world. It is through our working together, offering ourselves to God anew each day, that hopes and dreams, priorities for ministry, and God’s mission happens through us. You and I cannot just talk or think about the mission that we feel that God is calling us to. We also cannot leave the mission to someone else or assume that someone will do what we are not freely willing to give ourselves. Each of us is responsible for responding to God’s love in Christ and freely, joyfully, offering to his service what has been entrusted to us. If you haven’t filled out your “I Offer Myself To God” form for 2014 yet, I am challenging you to do so now. This is what you asked for in your pastor. You wanted to be called to faithfulness in your life of discipleship. This Sunday, we will join as one family of faith in saying “yes” to God’s invitation to discipleship. Then, we get to become a part of all that God has in mind for his mission in and through Calvary during 2014. We will get to see how hopes and dreams are realized and how lives are touched and transformed with grace. In Christ, Pastor Debbie CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 10 A Calvary Stewardship Moment Take a moment to see how the gifts that God has planted into our lives are being used for his work in and through Calvary. On October 1, 2013, Calvary began an exciting new partnership with The Opportunity House. As the Opportunity House grew in its outreach to the homeless citizens of our area, they found themselves with a space crunch for their afternoon tutoring program. This program at Opportunity began with the help of a grant from a deceased education-minded couple in Kannapolis. It is to serve any elementary school student (k-4) that would like to improve their End of Grade test scores and their Literacy skills. Calvary’s Social ministry committee felt led to consider this tutoring ministry because of the gifted educators in our congregation and the ample space to house such a program. After a time of exploration, a group began to assemble under the leadership of Laurie Czoka, (an Opportunity House Volunteer and Calvary member). Many Calvary volunteers came forward to give their God given gifts of time and talents to their students. Every Monday and Wednesday from 5-6pm you will find these “shepherds” with children in our fellowship hall. There are currently nine (9) elementary students who have a snack and then receive 45 minutes of one on one time doing their homework, reading and receiving evidences of our mission at Calvary. These volunteers are growing compassionate relationships through Christ so that the next generation may grow in faith and service. The volunteers are blessed each session to see the students’ faces light up when they see their tutors. Even the most hesitant tutor, after observing for a short time said, “oh yes, I would like to do this! The Beta club at J.N. Robinson High School is sending five (5) volunteers on Monday and five (5) on Wednesday to assist with this program. Members and other church groups and committees are providing snacks food and food for backpacks to go home once a week with the family. Many gifts have been generously donated by Calvary members and are at no cost to our church. This program at our church is for Calvary children as well. If any member has a child that would benefit from homework help and a fifteen (15) minute reading time with a tutor once or twice a week, please contact the church office or call Laure Czoka. If you are led to volunteer, please contact Laurie for details or just drop by the church at 4:45 any Monday or Wednesday to observe. Pastor Debbie is helping us all remember that others can see Christ in us. This is yet another of the many ways that Calvary is being the hands and feet of Christ. See Next Page for pictures of Calvary’s Tutoring Ministry CALVARY LUTHERAN CALVARY’S TUTORING MINISTRY Rejoice 11 CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 12 HOLIDAY WISH LIST 2013 CVAN’s Christmas Program provides new gifts for battered women and their children. We are very excited about the holidays and we hope that you are excited too, because we need your help! Please choose gifts from our Holiday Wish List- new, unwrapped gifts for any age girl or boy, or for women. We will be collecting these items until Thursday, December 12th. If you have any questions, contact Deborah Ferguson, (704) 793-9618 or [email protected] There is a basket located in the closet behind the Welcome Center marked CVAN. NEW UNWRAPPED GIFTS FOR CHILDREN/ PRETEENS Books Remote controlled Cars and Helicopters Board games and Puzzles (especially Elementary) Guess Who Connect Four Pictionary Jr. Life Operation Monopoly Musical toys Play Jewelry and Makeup sets Dolls: Monster High, Barbie, Cabbage Patch and baby dolls (all races) and accessories Doll Strollers My Little Pony Legos – Star Wars, Friends Downtown Bakery, Ariel Under the Sea, Chima Arts & Crafts – CraZloom Bracelet Maker Crayola – Marker Maker, Melt n Mold Factory Batman, Spiderman, Captain America action figures Transformers Imaginext Batcave Hot Wheels – Triple Track Twister, Car Maker Lalaloopsy Silly Hair Doll Fur Real Friends – Cuddles My Giggly Monkey Big Hugs Elmo Vtech Leap Frog Farm Animal Mash Up Characters: Dora, Planes, Despicable Me 2, Sesame Street, Toy Story, Elmo, Disney Princesses Kids DVDs Laugh & Learn All Around Car Disney Sofia the First Talking Doll Infant Toys Little People Sounds Farm Flutterbye Flying Fairy Toddler Toys Bikes NEW CLOTHES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN NEW UNWRAPPED GIFTS FOR TEENS Teen board games Catch Phrase Cranium Scrabble Scene It Would You Rather Trivial Pursuit Teen Books – fantasy, fiction Jewelry, Purses Watches and Wallets (Boys and Girls) Journals Teen DVDs MP3 Players Hair Dryers, Flat Irons, Curling Irons Gift Cards (discount – because they have everything from clothes to music) NEW UNWRAPPED GIFTS FOR WOMEN Bath and Body sets Tote Umbrellas Towel sets, Dish Towels Purses, jewelry Picture Frames Bathrobes, slippers, sleepwear (all sizes) Plates and bowls sets Silverware Coffee Makers, Toasters, Small Appliances Sheet sets- Full and Queen SHELTER NEEDS Gift Cards (i.e. discount, grocery stores) Holiday wrapping paper, ribbon, tape etc. New Upright Vacuum Alarm clocks Umbrellas Twin/Full Size Blankets Kitchen Towels Dish Cloths Bath Towels Diapers –all sizes AND Baby wipes NOMINATED FOR CHURCH COUNCIL (Elect 5) BRIAN CONE Spouse: Lorie Cone Children: Gracie (12), Owen (10) Occupation: General Contractor Church Activities: Vacation Bible School Volunteer, 8:30 Worship Usher, Columbarium Advisory Committee, My Father’s House Ministry Member Since: 2007 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: That the history and heritage of Calvary Lutheran Church will be maintained and thrive in today's community by adapting and accepting new ideas, visions and dreams from current and future members. WALTER FRIDAY Spouse: Renee Friday Occupation: Research Technician at UNC-CH Nutrition Research Institute Church Activities: Dove Ensemble, Calvary Carillon, Lector, Worship Assistant, Stewardship Committee, My Father’s House, Night Shelter, Sunday School Substitute Teacher Member Since: 2008 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: I want to see Calvary continue to follow its Visioning and grow in faith and service within the congregation and the community. I believe our emphasis on Stewardship is an important part of making this happen. ANN HOLT Spouse: Mike Holt Children: Emma (11), Alex (9) Occupation: VP-Accounting Operations Manager for Yadkin Bank Church Activities: Co-Chair Consignment Sale, Endowment Committee, Sunday School Teacher, Nursery Volunteer, Vacation Bible School Volunteer, Youth Volunteer Member Since: 2002 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: For Calvary members young and old to show our community what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To have a heart for serving those less fortunate. I would like to see our congregation "...grow in faith and service." DAVE HUNKELE Spouse: Lisa Hunkele Children: Lauren, Morgan, Kara Occupation: Lead North American sales team for Bottomline Technologies Church Activities: Habitat for Humanity, Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels, My Father’s House, CROP Walk, Chaperone for Youth Justice Tours, Lutheran Men in Mission past President, Lector, Worship Assistant, Worship Meditations, Adult Sunday School participant Member Since: 2005 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: My hope is that we can cast a very wide net and become a source of strength for people of all ages-- helping them learn, grow and share their faith while putting it into action as living disciples of Christ. JO ELLEN JOHNSON Spouse: David Johnson Children: Jake, Josie, Jillian Occupation: Preschool Teacher Church Activities: Call Committee, Care and Concern, Altar Guild, New Member Shepherd, Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels, Children in Worship Team, Sunday School Teacher, Vacation Bible School Volunteer, Welcome Center Volunteer, Nursery Volunteer Member Since: 2003 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: Calvary has so much to share between our members and our ministries! My hope is that we continue to grow our church family by reaching out to the community and welcoming others to Calvary. NOMINATED FOR CHURCH COUNCIL JIM POULOS Spouse: Kelley Haney Poulos Children: Christian, Alexander, and Katherine Occupation: New Construction Project Manager-Family Dollar Church Activities: Lutheran Men in Mission, Vice President, Call Committee Chairman, Bed, Bath and Beyond Collections, Consignment Sale, Tutor for Tutoring Ministry, My Father’s House, Night Shelter, Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels, Congregational Life Committee, Calvary Visioning participant Member Since: 2001 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: My hopes for Calvary are to grow our membership and stewardship in order to continue our ministries within the church as well as out in the community. DAVID SMITH Children: Madison (16), Kathryn (15), Summer (10) Occupation: Investment Advisor with Fifth Third Securities Church Activities: Taught High School Sunday School, My Father’s House Volunteer, Vacation Bible School Volunteer, Fixed leaky faucets around the church Member Since: 2007 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: My hopes for Calvary are that we continue the strong outreach programs that we currently have and continue to find ways to reach more people in the name of Christ. That was his last directive to us before he ascended to Heaven. LIZ STODDARD Spouse: Chuck Stoddard Children: Abby, Luke Occupation: Homemaker Church Activities: Port-A-Pit Coordinator, Chaperone-Youth Beach Trip and Justice Tour, Youth Committee, Youth Worship Member Since: 2009 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: That the Calvary family can come and grow together through our current environment of transition to emerge with a spirit that shines through our church's ministries, activities, and programs to pull others in our community into fellowship with Christ JASON VANDEWARK Spouse: Amy Carlson VanDewark Children: Carly Ann (8th Grade), Alison Ella (5th Grade) Occupation: Supply Chain Professional –IBM Church Activities: Lutheran Men in Mission President, past VP and Secretary, Usher, Lector, Sound System Operator and Scheduler, Technology Committee, Call Committee, Vacation Bible School Volunteer Member Since: 2000 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: To be a warm and welcoming congregation where people find their calling and grow in discipleship. To be a beacon on the hill, enabling seekers to find Jesus Christ KRISTINA WILSON Spouse: Chris Wilson Children: Kasi (10), Sarah (6) Occupation: Family Nurse Practitioner—Locust Medical Services Church Activities: Worship Assistant, Altar Guild, Calvary Carillon, Sunday School Teacher, Vacation Bible School Teacher, Consignment Sale Committee, Welcome Ministry Committee, Congregational Advocate for Thrivent, Thrivent Board Member Member Since: 1985 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: To continue to grow in faith and service within and without our walls. Provide support and love for our church family and “children of all ages” through worship, music, prayer and service. NOMINATED FOR ENDOWMENT BOARD (Elect 1) KEN GLACE Children: 3 Daughters (Michelle Collins is youngest), 7 Grandchildren Occupation: 20 year career as U.S. Navy Corps Officer, retired in 1986 with rank of Commander Church Activities: Chancel Choir, Work with Youth Garden, Social Ministry Committee, Men’s Prayer Group, CROP Walk Coordinator, Bed, Bath and Beyond Pickup Member Since: 2012 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: My vision for Calvary is to see a substantial increase in membership of young couples that will help strengthen our wonderful youth programs and other legacy programs that have been so productive in the past. ANDY HOWARD Spouse: Vivian Howard Children: Drew Howard, Kathleen Poorman Occupation: Sales—Mechanical Supply Company, Matthews, NC Church Activities: Chancel Choir, Church Council, Finance Committee, President of Congregation Member Since: 1956 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: That Calvary will continue to be a loving and nurturing place. NOMINATED FOR PRESCHOOL BOARD (Elect 1) LINDA AUSTIN Spouse: Terry Austin Children: Brad, Emily Occupation: Retired—Education Church Activities: Altar Guild, Altar Guild Chair Member Since: 1987 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: For the Preschool to grow and add new programs in the future. NOMINATED FOR SYNOD DELEGATES (Elect 1 male / 1 female) DICK FLYNN Spouse: Barbara Flynn Children: Erin Flynn, Sean Flynn Occupation: Sales Engineer / Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Church Activities: Personnel Committee Chair, Technology Committee, Lead Usher-8:30 Worship, My Father’s House Volunteer, Night Shelter Volunteer, Via de Cristo Team Member, Worship Assistant, Children’s Sermon, Synod Delegate-2013 Member Since: 2008 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: I would like to see Calvary grow and become a blessing within the Cabarrus County community. DAVID BARRIER Spouse: Erika Barrier Children: Colin (22), Adron (19) Occupation: Supervisor at Sundrop Bottling of Concord Church Activities: Lay Preacher, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Chaperone, Youth Committee, Stewardship Committee, Chancel Choir, Congregational Life Committee, Church Council Member Since: 1988 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: I pray that Calvary can move forward as an example for other Lutheran Congregations, as a leader in the community for justice and compassion and as a place where people can come to meet Christ. BARB FLYNN Spouse: Richard Flynn Children: Erin Flynn, Sean Flynn Occupation: Senior Consultant/Engineer –FICO Church Activities: Care and Concern, Bereavement, VDC Team Member, Dove Ensemble, Welcome Center, VBS Meals, Meals on Wheels Thanksgiving, Night Shelter Volunteer, My Father’s House Volunteer, Consignment Sale Meal-Coordination Member Since: 2008 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: For Calvary to be a loving, dynamic, active, growing center of worship, spiritual education, community involvement and expression of our Christ-centered faith where we first and foremost Love God and serve our neighbors. ERIKA BARRIER Spouse: David Barrier Children: Colin (22), Adron (19) Occupation: English/Language Arts Teacher at Mt. Pleasant Middle School Church Activities: Church Council, Chancel Choir for 37 years, Youth Committee, Youth Chaperone Member Since: 1976 Hopes and Dreams for Calvary: I hope that Calvary will positively move forward and regain the Christ Centered excitement that once existed in our congregation.