1 - Redlers Waterside
1 - Redlers Waterside
YOUR CERAMIC HOB your ceramic hob descr iprion .... . ....... .. .............................. . 82 inrroducrio n .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83 safety whar you should pay arrenrio n ro .. ........ . . .... . ..... . . 84 - 85 use sernng ........... .. .... . ....................... . 86 - 87 comfortabLe cooking oprimal use of rhe hob .. . .... . ... . .. .. ... ... ... ... .... 88 - 90 maintenance general ........ . ........ ....... ...... .. .... ... .... .... . . 91 fauLts rab le .................. . ................ ... ... . . .. .. .. . . 92 environmentaL aspects disposal of packaging I appliance ............................ 93 instaLLaton guide general .................. . . . ... . ........ . ... . . .. .. ... . . 94 builr in HL40 .. F/HL40 ..M . . . . . .... ... . . .............. 95 - 97 builr in HL60 .. E .. ... . .... . ...... .... ... . . . .. . .. ... 98 - 105 • YOUR CERAMIC HOB HL40 .. F HL40 .. M 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 5 i 'i i 'j tl~ tl~ tl~ tl~ I 6 I I i 7 8 9 HL60 .. E 1. cooking zone fronr lefr 2 3 2. cooking zone rear lefr 3 . cooking zo ne rear righr 4. cooking zone fronr righr 5. res idual hear indicarion by zo ne 6. conrrol knob fronr lefr 7. conrrol knob back lefr 8. conrrol knob back righr 5 8 7 6 9 4 9. conrrol knob fronr righr YOUR CERAMIC HOB This ceramic hob has been designed for me real lover of cooking. The hob is equipped wim 'Cooklighr' elemenrs. These are very rapidhearing, radianr elemenrs wirh a high efficiency, which is very favourable for hearing-up rimes. Whar's more, rhese elemenrs also have very good hear disrriburion . The ample space berween me cooking zones makes cooking comforrable. The cooking zones can be conrrolled accurarely using sofr rouch conrrols. The posirion indicarions are inrended as a reference; rhey enable you ro selecr a parricular serring quickly. The HL40 .. M is equipped wirh a double-ring cooking zone. This cooking zone has a wide range of adjusrmenr and is suirable for borh small (inner cooking zone) and large pans. For oprimum safery rhe ceramic hob is equipped wirh a residual hear indicaror, which shows which cooking zones are srill hoe. This manual describes how you can make rhe besr possible use of rhe ceramic hob. In addirion ro informarion aboU( operarion, you will also find background informarion rhar can assisr you in using rhis produce. Keep this manual carefully. It serves as reference material for the service engineers. So stick the data card which, is affixed to the glass plate on to the back of this manual in the box provided. When you call rhe service deparrmenr rhe sraff will ask for rhe derails on rhe dara card. If you don'r have rhese derails, ir is more difficulr for us ro provide accurare service Enjoy your cooking! SAFETY Never open the casing of the appliance Ensure that there is adequate ventilation during use - Keep natural ventilation openings open. If there is a drawer under the hob - Ensure that there is a sufficient gap between the hob and the contents of the drawer. - Do not place any flammable objects in the drawer. Use the hob only for preparing dishes - The appliance is not suitable for space heating. The cooking zones get very hot during use and also remain hot for some time after use (see also 'residual heat indication') - Do not allow small chi ldren in the viciniry of the hob during and soon after cooking. Empty pans and boiling dry - Never leave an empry pan on a cooking zone that is switched on. - Avoid the pan boiling dry. - The cooking zones are protected against overheating, but the pan may be damaged. Always use suitable cooking utensils - Damage arising from the use of unsuitable pans or from boiling dry is excluded from the guarantee. Use of fat and oil - Grease and oil are flammable when overheated. Stay near the cooker when preparing dishes. Use of other equipment near the hob - Make sure that cables of electrical machines (such as a mixer) do not end up on hot cooking zones. SAFETY Never flambe under an extractor hood - The high flames can cause ftre. Even if me vemilaror is swirched of[ Use of the cooking surface - The glass-ceramic cooking surface is very srrong bur nor unbreakab le. A breakage may occur if a sharp objecr falls on ir. - Do nor use rhe hob as a work surface for curring mear or vegerables, for insrance. - Do nor cominue ro use an appliance whose cooki ng surface is showing a break or cracks. Swirch me app liance off immediarely. Remove me plug from rhe socker or ser me swirch of [he power supply cable (i n rhe case of a ftxed connecrion) [Q zero or rum off me fuse swirch(es) in rhe merer cupboard. Phone rhe service deparrmenr. USE General On rhe glass work surface rhe 4 cooking zones are indica red by a circle. The diamerer of rhe base of rhe pan should correspond as closely as possible wim rhe diamerer of me cooking zone. Switching on and off switching on Place a pan on a cooking zone and rum rhe conuol knob ro rhe desired serring. The cooking zone will rhen hear up. The cooking zone swirches on and off auromarically ro provide rhe power you have sec Ar lower serrings me cooking zone is off for a long rime and on from rime ro rime. Ar higher serrings rhe cooking zone is on for a long rime and off from rime ro rime. Switching off Turn rhe knob ro rhe zero posirion. Residual-heat indicator The indicaror shows rhar rhe cooking zone is srill hor, and goes our as soon as rhe glass rop reaches a safe remperarure. Residual hear is indicared by a lighr for each cooking zone on rhe glass hob. USE Switching on the double-ring cooking zone (only HL40 ..M) Switching on Turn me adjusring knob co me maximum serring (hard againsr rhe scop) and rhen choose a serring. The cwo cooking zones will now always give off hear cogerher. Switching off Turn rhe adjusring knob co rhe zero posirion. Nexr rime you swirch rhe cooking zone on again only me inner cooking zone will come on. You can never use rhe ourer cooking zone on irs own . • COMFORTABLE COOKING Do not use pans that are smaller than the cooking zone. This will prevent food remains ending up on the red-hot cooking zone. Burnton food remains are difficult to remove. In addition, the handles may become too hot and a lot of energy is lost. Pans [hat have already been used for cooking on a gas hob are no longer suitable for use on a ceramic hob. Do not use aluminium foil, such as the trays from ready-made meals, for cooking food in. If aluminium foil melts on the cooking surface, it cannot be removed. Aluminium foil is also a very poor conductor of heat. Always pick pans up to move them. Sliding pans can cause scratches that cannot be removed. Only place pans with clean, dry bottoms on the cooking surface. This will avoid causing stains that are difficult to remove. COMFORTABLE COOKING -\1- Always keep the lid on the pan when cooking, in order to avoid energy loss. Slide che boctom of the pan over a slighdy damp cloch, before placing che pan on the cooking zone. This prevencs din gening on to the cooking surface. The cooking zone can be swicched off 5 to 10 minuces before the end of che cooking cime. The dish will chen finish cooking on the residual heac, provided you keep the lid on the pan. Cooking table The cable below is incended solely as a guide, because the heac sening depends on che quanricy of food and che composicion of che pan. Use the highest setting for: bringing to che boil quickly; - shrinking down leaf vegecables; - blanching vegecables; heacing oil, fac and buner; - frying sceak (rare, red); - pressurising a pressure cooker; - cooking smooth blancmange and cuscard. - Use a slighdy lower setting for: - searing meac; frying flacfish , slices or fillec; - frying cooked pocatoes; - cooking smooch, thickened soups and sauces frying omelectes; - frying beef sceak (medium, pink-red); - deep frying (depending on che cemperacure and che quamicy). • • COMFORTABLE COOKING Use a setting slightly above the average setting for: - cooki ng of thick pancakes; - cooking through thin pieces of meat; - broiling large pieces of meat frying thick pieces of meat in breadcrumbs; frying blocks of ham or bacon; frying raw potaroes; frying fish coated with breadcrumbs; frying beef olives; frying omeierres. Use the medium settings for: - completing the cooking of large quantities; - defrosting firm vegetab les (French beans, for example). Use the lowest settings for: - si mmering bouillon; - stewing pears; - preparing meat stew; - completing the cooki ng of dish es; - braising vegetables . MAINTENANCE Clean the cooking app liance after each use. You can use a mild cleaning agent for this - for example, washing-up liquid. Always clean rhe hobs afrer use. You can use a mild cleaning agent, such as washing-up liquid, for rhis purpose. Special cleaning agents for ceramic hobs have rhe advantage thar a thin film remains on rhe glass surface so rhar overcooked food and lime scale are less likely ro ger burnr into rhe hob, making ir easier ro clean rhe nexr rime. Ir is besr ro ler the hob cool down before cleaning ir. Over-cooked food containing a lor of sugar and acids, such as apple sauce, rhubarb or red cabbage are besr removed immediarely wirh a damp dish c10rh ro prevent rhem gerri ng burnr into rhe hob. Be careful wirh rhe hor cooking zone! You can use a glass-scraper ro remove obsrinare food residue. Traces of merals (due ro sliding pans) can be difficulr ro remove.Special producrs are avai lable for removing rraces of meral. Never use You should never use scouring agents. These cause scrarches in which lime deposirs and dirr can accumulare. Never use sharp objecrs such as sreel wool and scourers. --g- For cleaning rips refer ro the interner sire 'www.hps.nl'. • FAULTS If rhe app li ance does nor wo rk properly, rhis does nor always mean rhar ir is defecrive. Try ro deal wirh rhe problem yourself firs(. Pho ne rhe service deparrmenr if rhe adv ice given below does nor help. Only aurhorised personnel may open rhe app li ance or carry our work on rhe mains power suppl y. D am age caused by incorrecr co nn ecrion , in co rrecr insrallarion or incorrecr use is nor covered by rhe warranry. Fault Cause Solution Cooking zones do not get hot. - Appliance incorreccly connected. - See the installation instructions for co rrect con nectio n .. - Put the plug into the socket - Plug not, or not co mpletely, in the socket. - Fuse{s} in the meter cupboard defective. -\1- - C heck the fuses in the meter cupboard. In rhe case of faulrs vis ir rhe inrern er sire www.hps.nl. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT In the manufacturing of this appliance use has been made of durable materials. At the end of its lifecycle this appliance must be disposed of in a responsible manner. The authorities can advise yo u on this. The appliance packaging is recyclable. The following may have been used: • cardboard; • polyrhene film (PE); • CFC-free polysryrene (PS hard foam); D ispose of these materials responsibly and in accordance with government regulations.