Drive I-95
Drive I-95
This map/guide makes the drive down America’s busiest highway, from Boston to Florida—or any piece in between—safer, interesting and stress-free. Winner of 2 National Book awards INTERSTATE Drive II 95 Exit by Exit Info, Maps, History and Trivia from Boston to the Florida border…and back Road trips are back again, because traveling in the security of your own car and visiting friendly small town America brings back the way America used to be and the way we would like it to be again. Drive I-95 is a new style of map/guidebook with 30 mile easy-to-follow pictorial maps and stories of the road: maps going both south and north for map lovers and 208 pages 6” x 9” • 102 full color maps 55 B&W photos • 51 illustrations I S B N 1 - 8 9 4 9 7 9 -78 - 8 $22.95 US/$29.95 CDN concealed spiral trade paperback with laminated wrap-around cover map-challenged people services at exits: motels (with 800-numbers), gas stations (mechanics, 24-hour ones too), family restaurants, shopping, drug stores and hospitals radio stations to listen to Travelsmart places the cops like to hide campgrounds and golf courses American history that crossed the road: tidbits from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War and famous inventions trivia to entertain you This user-friendly guide offers an impressive collection of road maps, history, and trivia ideal for tourists and travelers. Midwest Book Review If you are one of those millions of travelers who traverse sections of I-95 each year, Drive I-95 is one book you should keep within easy reach. M A R K S E D E N Q U I ST , Editor, Think of “Drive I-95” as an Oreo cookie…All the good stuff is tucked behind the front and back covers. J O H N D E I N E R , Washington Post for us:travelers East coast book tour, regional TV andand radio talk shows, bookstore (Christmas, Spring break Summer), seniors, LookFamily WHO NEEDS THIS BOOK salesmen, campers and RVers, University students and their andtruckers, library events, seminars, trade shows/exhibits parents, military personnel, people who live and work near I-95 You’re on I-95, but what’s off I-95? Stan Posner and Sandra Phillips-Posner to the rescue. JA N S H E PA R D , The Boston Globe INTERSTATE Driving IROLINA SOUTH CA N 30 68 MILE MARKERS , TCBY J's, Subway ) Exxon (D, ATM BP (ATM), ATM ) Shell (D, el Plaza (TR, Trav Simco D, LP) wn Golden Cro ge (P) Palmetto Lod Super 8 38 36 Visitor LowcountryMuseum Center and 21 EXIT 33 Charleston Beaufort Easy-to-follow 30-mile color maps provide a mile-by-mile overview of the road ahead, pinpointing your position and helping you quickly locate upcoming services on each side of the road, whether you’re driving North or South. (24h) Denny's lds (P) McDona , TCBY Subwaynt The Poi se, Wendy's Hou fle Waf ), Shell BP (D, ATMM) Exxon (AT M) Texaco (AT , Days Inn Best Wesntern Inn Hampto Inn Express y ida Hol Knight's Inn 17 17 32 sh Car/RV Wa tory Sabatier Fac Outlet 30 462 EXIT 28 e Coosawhatchi Stuckey's Dairy Queen, 28 Coosawh Amoco (D), Citgo Chevron K, ATM) Exxon (D, 26 atchie R iver RIDGELAND Ridgeland Airport 24 EXIT 22 Ridgeland 17 Shell (ATM) 336 22 EXIT 21 Ridgeland Nature Blue Heron Trail g Burger King Chinese Hong Kon se Huddle Hou ch, KFC Jasper's Por et Pizza se Main Stre ffle Hou Subway, Wa LP, ATM) Chevron (D, (24h) Citgo, Exxon , 24h) BP (D, LP, ATM 20 18 EXIT 18 Road 13 Days Inn Lodge (P) Carolina Inn Comfort Limited Ramada (ATM) Food Lion gs Eckerd Dru 16 did you know… ? There is a Russian submarine stashed off the coast of RI…and you can go aboard me Krispy Kre ATM) Chevron (K, EXIT 38 Yemassee Hampton t Le CreuseOut let Factory 34 145 95 ? You can read George Washington's diaries at the Collingwood Library in Alexandria, VA ? At Tailwinds Farm B & B in Rising Sun, MD, you can stay overnight and go horseback riding in the morning ? The Sexton Dental Clinic in Florence, SC can have a set of dentures fitted and made for you in 24 hours ? Slaves worked through the night during their meager time off to build the first “black” church in America in Savannah, GA ? In New Haven, CT, you can still have a hamburger from the same grill at Louis’ Lunch where they were invented in 1900 ? “Honey, the Money Dog” will collect your money when you gas up in Hardeeville, SC ? Most professional baseball teams in the United States use Lena Blackburne's Baseball Rubbing Mud from the Delaware River in NJ 14 12 17 10 8 Travelsmart email: [email protected] web site: tel: 1-877-Guide95 fax: 1-877-777-6938 P.O. Box 3 Roxboro, QC H8Y 3E8 Canada 70h mp C 2004 Available from: Partners, Koen, Baker & Taylor Interviews/Publicity: KSB Promotions 800-304-3269 [email protected] Sandra Phillips-Posner has been the best-selling (69 weeks) author of “Smart Shopping Montreal” for eighteen years. She is a columnist for The Gazette (Montreal), a regular guest on talk radio, TV talk shows and the nightly news, and is a popular lecturer. Stan Posner owns a computer consulting company and has worked with such companies as Raytheon, Honda, Bombardier and Atomic Energy of Canada. He edits all of Sandra’s work and has always been the computer guru for their publishing company. Together they have enjoyed travel writing and broadcasting. This book is a perfect combination of Stan’s passion for maps and computers, Sandra’s knack of writing fun stories and their sense of adventure. Look for us: East coast book tour, regional TV and radio talk shows, bookstore and library events, seminars, trade shows/exhibits