Pyineipal - St. Anthony`s College
Pyineipal - St. Anthony`s College
ST ANTHONY'S COLLEGE sHlLroNG 793 001 MEGHALAYA. INDIA Phones : (035a) 2222558 2223558 Fax :2229559,A Don Bosco lnstitution (Estd. 1934) Re-Accredited Grade "A" -3.6014 {2009) College with Potential lor Excellence (aworded by UGC) E-mail: [email protected] a I bertlongly@gmai website : Affiliated to NEHU (Cen*al University) UGC Recognised & AICTE Approved Pyineipal * Certificate of Ccimpliance (Affiliated/MCollegesandRecognizedInstitutions) This is to certiSr that ST.ANTHONY'S COLLEGE, SHILLONG fulfils all norms 1. Stipulated by the affiliating lJniversity and/or 2.RegulatoryCounbillBody[suchasN€T$AICTE,M€ffietc]and 3. The affiliation and recognition [if applicable] is valid as on date. In case the affiliation i recognition is conditional, then a detailed enclosure with regard to compliance of conditions by the institution will be sent. t, It is noted that NAAC's accreditation, if granted, shall stand cancelled automatically, once the institution loses its University affiliation or Recognition by the Regulatory Council, as the case may be. In case the undertaking submitted by the institution is found to be false then the accreditation given by NAAC is liable to be withdrawn. It is also agreeable that the undertaking given to NAAC will be displayed on the college website. Date: 19h December 2013 : Place: Shillong Principal (nr. elbfof.ongley Dkhar, Sdb) i t t. , Principal St. AnthonY's College Shillong - 793001 MeghalaYa-tndia UCMA.'UMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants A9DITORS' REPORT: to the Principal and Executive Members of the College We*fave audited the attac*red the lncome ard E:genditnre Amunt of ST.AITITHONYS COI I trGE SHILLO{G for the year ended 31st Marcfi, 2O1O- Tt}ese firarrcial statemsrts are the responsitility of the Cof,ege management. Our responsibitrtyns to eryess an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordane with atrditirqg sfandards generally accepted in lndia: Those Standards require that we plan and Ffuin the auffito otrain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of materid misstatsnent An audit inc-ludes examining, on a tst basis, evidence supporting tfie amcunb ard dlsc*cures in Ure financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the acmunting princi$ used and significant B.stimates made by the management as well as analuatirqg the overa$ frslcial sf,atement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinim. We further report that: We have obtaind all the informatfoin ild €xp*anations and belief were nffisary for the prrpces sf srr a$dit whic*r to the bst of our knowledge ln our opinion, proper books of accourf as required Ly nw have been kept by the College so fiar as appears from our examination of tho6e books. The lncome and Expenditure Account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account. ln our opinion and to the best of q.r infurmation and according to the explanations given to the said accounts give the inforrnatftm in tfte manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting pirrciple generally accepted in lndia: us, a) in the case of the lncorne and Ependiture Account of the Surplus for the year ended 31st March, 2110. June 25, 2010. Shillong - 793001. M.K. Das Bhaumik Membership No: 011211 Partner U.C. MAJUMDAR & CO. Chartered Accountants- U, F. ildr stJttt . R l @. Clrrtercd Acc(rurrro oro UCMAJUMDARECO Chartered Accountants 9T. ANTHONY'$ COLLEGE : SHILLONG ri lncorne and Expenditure Account for the vear ended March 31 . 2010. ' EXPENDITURE: Salary and Honorarlum Provident Fund Contribution Death Cum Retirement Gratuity Group Savings $cheme of Life lnsurance (GSLI) Laboratories Library Contingencies Conveyance Stationery Postage and Telephone Building Repairs 4,01,93,852.00 8,44,142.00 2,28,189.00 90,079,00 9,54,336.70 16,105.00 10,48,792,00 1,91,090.s9 5,42,533.00 22,274,AQ 1,83,359.75 5,25,505.00 3,32,020.00 1,28,244,00 Electricity Fees Refunded UGC Remedial Course Participation of Teachers in Academic Conference (PTAC) Building Maintenance Extra Co-cu rricul a r Activities Examination Field Trip Seminar Bank Charges ArrearPayofOGC$ingh Surplus for the year June 25,201A. Shillong - 793001. Rs. f INCOME: Rs. the Salaries, Stagnation t Deficit Grant-in-aid received from Government of Meghalaya for Arrear D.A., Placement and lncrement t ,*e 3 ,77,94,949.0A Death Cum Retirement Gratuity received from the Government of Tuition Fees Insurance House Rent Meghalaya 2,28,189,00 99,55,298.00 19,262.00 22,451.00 81,782.00 1,09,303.00 87,734.00 Fund Group Savlngs Scheme of Life lnsurance(G$L|) lnterest recelved on Scholarship Bank lnterest Received from Tata Consultant for National Seminar 9.qpp.00 4.'-e'$'768'oo Sionificant Accountino Policies 12,294.A0 1,84,900.50 3,75,954.20 31,700.00 25,733.00 13,120.00 600.00 2,61,590.00 20.22,946.20 4.E2.48.768.00 1) 2) Basis of Accounting: The Accounts of the institution are prepabd on historical cost basis. Revenue Recognition: lncome and Expenditure are accounted for on cash basis. Per report annexed U, C[ MATUMD^R r c0. .- :*** UCMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants $T. ANTHONY'S COLLEGE : SHll,l,ONG Receipts and Payments Account for the, vear ended March 31 .2010. REGEIPTS: Opening Balances: ln hand :Cash with Central Bank of lndia: Savings Bank Account with State Bank of lndia: Savings Bank Aocount 60,22,054.36 8.0il113.00 Tuition Fees Deficit Grant-in-aid received from the Government of Meghalaya for Salaries, Arrear D.4,, Placement and Stagnation lncrement Death Cgm Retirement Gratuity received from the Government of Meghalaya 1^l - 08,42,700.14 99,E0,868,00 . lnsurance House Rent lncome Tax Loan Recovery Provident PAYMENTS: Salary and Honorarium Provident Fund Death Cum Retirement Gratuity lncome Tax Professlonal Tax Loan and Advance G$Ll (Group Savlngs Scheme of Life lnsurance) Faymcnt of Loan to Secretary Laboratorles Llbrary Contlngencles Conveyance 11,532.79 Fund Professional Tax lnterest from Soholarship Fund , Bank lnterest Loan from Secretary GSLI (Group Savings Scheme of Life lnsurance) Amount transferred from Scholarship Account carried over 3,85,16,719.00 I 2,2E,189,00 10,202.00 22,451.00 c,E0,881.00 1,S0,400.00 33,90,484.00, 2,98,625.00 81,782,00 1,09,303.00 77,20i00Q00 87,734.00 1.90.080,09 8,E2,90,478.14 $tationery _, Postage and Telephone Buildlng and Repairs Electriclty Fees Refunded U.G.C. Remedial Course Participation of Teachers in Academic Conference (PTAC) Building Maintenance Extra Co-cu rricu lar Activities Examination Field Trip i Rs. 4,01,93,952.00 42,f3,626.00 fiza,tag.oo 6,96,990.00 2,39,625.00 1,50,700.00 90,079.00 93,50,000.00 9,54,339.76 10,105,00 10,49,792.00 1,91,096.59 5,42,533.00 22,274.00 1,93,359.75 5,25,505.00 3,32,020.00 1,29,244.0A _ 12,294.00 1,94,960.50 3,75,954.20 31,700.00 25.733.00 5,97,66,900.90 brought over 5,97,66,800.80 6,81i90,478.14 rll Received from Tata Consultant for National Seminar 13,120.00 25,570.00 000.00 1,90,080,00 10,63,360.00 Seminar i,,' .. il;i; 9,800.00 t Fees wrongly credited Bank Charges Transferred to Scholamhip Account Anear Pay O.G,C. Singh I Closing Balances: in hand :Cash with Central Bank of lndia: Savings Bank Account with State Bank of lndia: Savings Bank Account 1,021.98 / ,416.36 72,40,747.34 6,83,00,278J4 Checked June 25,2410. u,e,M Shillong : 793001. #T ,r ( sbiuo"g found correct R* UCMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants ST. ANTHONY'S C INCOMEi EXPENDITURE: F Salary and Honorarium Laboratories Contingencies Conveyance Stationery Postage and TelePhone Electricity Fees Refunded U.G.C. Remedial Course Participation of Teachers in Academic Conference (PTAC) Building Maintenance Extra Co-curricu lar Activities Field Trip Seminar 70,061,230.00 1,514,007.47 379,093.00 100,308.05 324,209.00 37,575.00 350,460,00 271,222.04 88,187.00 58,102.00 567,302.00 488,143,00 2,400.00 144,648.00 10.00 Bank Charges Municipalty Tax Excursion '| Surplus carried down 345,844,00 45,000.00 9,982,884,48 q4f!A$eg !9carried over Tuition & College Fees Deficit Grant-in-aid received from the Gove rn ment of Meg hal aya for $ala ries'A rrter rrA' House Rent Bank lnterest 15,645,627.00 *-{ 68,896,663.00 2A,724.00 237,6fi.04 'brought over 1) 2) i Basis of The Accounts of the institulion are pr€pared on historicat cost basis. Revenue Recognition: lncome and Expenditure are eccounted for on cash basis. Accounting: AUDITOBS' REPORT: certified that we have audited the above lncome and Expendlture Account of sr.ANTHoNys COLLEGE : SHILLONG for the year ended March g1, 2oi1 and verified with books of account maintained by college as required along with other relevant documents as produced before us and have to report that we have found the same corect and in accordance therewith. For U.C.Majumdar & Co. Chartered Accountants Firm Regn.No.g04O6OE August 01,2011. Shillong-799001. Partner Membership No.01 1211. ffis UCMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants $T. AN.$IONY'$ COLLEGE : SHILLONG PAYMENT$: RECEIPTS: hand 1,021'98 Tuition & College Fees a/c 7,211,416'36 Salary and Honorarium Loan from Secretary a/c 28.309,00 7,24A,747,34 Tuition & College Fees Deficit Grant-in-aid received from the Government of Meghalaya for Salaries,Arrear D'A, Death Cum Retirement Gratuity received from the Government of MeghalaYa 15,705,812.00 Opening Balances:cash in Central Bank of lndia: savings bank State Bank of lndia: savings bank House Rent lncome Tax Loan Recovery Provident Fund Professional Tax Bank Loan from Secretary GSLI (GrouP $avings Scheme of Life lnsurance) lnterest F 68,996,663.00 990,460.00 20,724,00 2,869,674.00 99,900.00 6,587,238.00 239,250.00 237,611.00 1 10,000.00 1,000.00 Loan and Advance Laboratories Library Contingencies Conveyance Stationery Postage and Telephone Building and RePairs Electricity Fees Refunded U.G.C, Remedial Course Participation of Teachers in Academic Conference (PTAC) Building Maintenance Extra Co-cu rricular Activities Field ,' Trip Bank Charges Municipalty Tax 102,999,079.34 60,185.00 70,061,230.00 u'.130,ooo.oo Provident Fund Death Cum Retirement GratuitY lncome Tax Professional Tax Seminar carried over ' 4,968,872.00 800,000.00 2,869,674.00 239,250.00 122,776.00 1,514,A07.47 53,563.00 379,093.00 160,308.05 324,109.00 37,575.00 13,745.00 350,460.00 271,222.00 68,187,00 ' " 58,102,00 553,557.00 488,143.00 2,400,00 144,648.00 10,00 345,844.00 84,017,060,52 i broug.ttum 84,017,060.52 102,999,079.u 45,000,00 8,050.00 Excursion Furniturc t Closing Balances: cash in hand Oentral Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c fixed dePosit State Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c 102.990.079.u 13,500.46 13,866;675.38 5,000,000,00 48.187.00 18,928,368.82 102,999,079.34 For U.C,Maiumdar & Co. Ghar{ered Accountants Augupt 01,2011. Shillong-793001. Membership No.01 1211. rl;if UCMAJUMDAR&GO Chaftered Accountants @D INGOME: EXPENDITURE: $alary and Honorarium Laboratories Contingencies ConveYance $tationery Postage and TelePhone ElectricitY Fees Refunded U.G.C. Remedial Course Building Maintenance Extra Co'curricular Activities Field TriP Seminar Bank Charges MuniclPal Tax Excursion , Provident Fund Contribution SurPlus carried down 104,635,147.00 746,074.E0 489,841.00 161,988.80 858,579.50 43,018,00 539,069.00 1,460,553.00 111,000.00 794,299.50 589,392.00 45,970.00 27,|wto.oq Tuition & College Fees the Deficit Grant-in-aid received from Cou.rntentofMeghalayafor$alaries'ArrearD'A' House Rent Bank lnterest: savings a/c fixed dePosit 105,096,535,00 20,724.04 605,529.00 461.423.00 1,066,952,00 283,509'00 915.00 233,281.00 87,500,00 558,684.00 22,059,6E9.40 r Tgg.og9,o45.oo carried over ae,0esB+lpg brought over r Significant lLccountinq Policies: Basis of Accounting: prepared on historical oost basis' The Accounts of the institution are Revenue Recognition: 1) 2) lncomeandExpenditureareaccountedforoncashbasis. AUDITORS' REPORT: of ST'ANTHoNY'S lncome and Expenditure Account certi*ed that we have audited thq above books of account March 31' 2012 and verified with : $HTLLONG forthe year ended "0oLLEGE as produced before arong with other rerevant documents rnaintained by coilege as required i us rbn. haver correct and in accordance therevuith' to report that we have found the same For U.C. Chart Firm Reg i June 30, 2012' $hillong'793001' UCMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants $T. ANTHONY'$ COLLEGE : $HILLONG Receipts and Payfirents Acqount for the vear ended March 31.2012. PAYMENT$: REGEIPT$: Opening Balances:cash in hand Central Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c fixed dePosit $tate Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c 13,506.46 13,866,675.36 5,000,000.00 48.1E7.00 18,928,368.82 Tuition & College Fees (waiver) Salary and Honorarium Provident Fund Death Cum Retirement Gratuity Professional Tax Loan and Advance: Staff Fees House Rent lncome Tax Loan Recovery: $taff Provident Fund Professional Tax Bank lnteregt: savings a/c fixed deposit the 27,575,794.00 D.A. 61 105,096,535.00 20,724.00 6,236,674.00 45,500.00 10,357,342.00 264,480.00 605,529.00 461.429.q0 1,066,952.00 Llbrary Contlngencies Conveyance Statlonery Equlpment Postage and Telephone Elec{ricity Fees Refunded U.G.C. Remedial Course Bulldlng Maintenance Extra Co-cu rricu lar Activiti es Fleld Trlp Semlnar Loan refunded by Fr.Saji $tePhen GSLI (Group $avings $cheme of Life lnsurance) $cholarship $alary carried over 19,276.00 265,491.00 100,000.00 186,359.00 170,163,485.82 Bank Charges Munlclpal Tax 689,399.00 489,841,00 161,988.80 858,579,50 10,000.00 43,018.00 539,069.00 1,460,553.00 111,600.00 794,233,50 589,392,CIo 45,970.00 283,509.00 915,00 233,281.CIo Excunslon Furnlture Vehlcle 10,916,026,00 190,760.00 264,484.00 18,000,00 746,Q74.80 Labonatories Tuition & College Deficit Grant-in-aid received from Government of Meghalaya for $alaries,Arrear 6*B60.oo ffi4,tr1,506.00 ffiHR 87,500.00 84,868.00 494,261.00 123,995,784.60 a 123,995,784.60 brougtlorr 170,163,485.82 6,240,384.00 12,200.00 200,000.00 lncome Tax Music SYstem ScholarshiP (CrouP savingB $cheme of Liie lnsurance) &; 160,625.00 fl *'f ,i'. Closing Balances: Cash in hand Ctntt f Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c fixed dePosit $tate Bank of lndia: savings bank alc 1,3#l 86 23,550,4 9,000, 39,554,492.22 mFsFBs.82 i?6f6-at99i3 & co. For U.C. Chart Firm :904066E 'i' .01121 June 30, 2012' $hillong-79300X , 1 , ' 1 g,.,'0"ir,,,., t;., UGMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants ST. ANTHONY'S COLLEGE : $H|LLONG t EXPENDITURE: $alary and Honorarium Provident Fund Contribution 102,295,599.00 1,846,754.00 2,315,923.07 1,159,140.00 171,749.40 514,439.00 35,0S4.00 709,569.00 2,006,574.00 707,943.00 2,081,633.00 1,045,906,00 21,933.00 197,245.00 290,100.00 131,500.00 Laboratories Contingencies Conveyance $tationery Postage and Telephone Electricity Few Refunded Bullding Maintenance fullding Repairs Extra Co-curricular Activities Fleld Trip Seminar Municipal Tax Vislting Lacturer INGOME: Tuition & College Fees Deficit Grant-in-aid received from the Government of Meghalaya for Salaries, Arrear D.A. ;23.,564,025.00 91,047,996.00 25,054.00 795,292.00 5,000.00 House Rent Bank lnterest: savings a/c Miscellaneous Receipt Deficit during the year 1 00,1 59.47 '3,000.00 Examination carried over 115,462,760.47 ffi 1 15,537,515.47 w "(wh{e)g =- i* brought Participation of Teachers in Accademic Conference (PTAC) over 15,537,515.47 115,462,760.47 1 74,755.00 115,537,515.47 115.537.515.47 Sionificant Accountinq Policies: 1) 2) Basis of Accounting: The Accounts of the institution are prepared on historical cost basis, Revenue Recognition: lncome and Expenditure are accounted for on cash basis. AUDITORS' REPORT: Certified that we have audited the above lncome and Expenditure Account of ST.ANTHONYS COLLEGE : SHILLONG for the year ended March 91,2013 and verified with books of account maintained by collqe as required along with other relevant documents as produced before us and have to report that we have found tlile same correct and in accordance therewith. For U.C.Majumdar & Co. Chartered Accountants MD May 31, 2013. Shillong-793001 . Partner Membership N0.01 1211, UCMAJUMDAR&CO Chartered Accountants ST. ANTHONYS COLLEGE : SHILLONG Receipts and*Pavments Account for the vear ended March 31 .2013. PAYMENT$: RECEIPT$: T i Central Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c fixed deposit $tate Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c Salary and Honorarium 23,550,417.36 9,000,000.00 House Rent Fund Scholarship Miscellaneous Receipt Provident Fund 7.002.687.00 39,554,492.22 Tuition & College Fees Deficit Grant-in-aid received from the Government of Meghalaya for $alaries,Arrear D.A. lncome Tax Advance Recovery: Staff Providenl Professional Tax Bank lnterest: savings a/c , GSLI (Group Savings Scheme of Life lnsurance) Tuition & College Fees (waiver) 1,387,86 Opening Balances:cash in hand s 23,643,825.00 91,047,986.00 25,054.00 4,885,562.00 19,500.00 9,399,720.00 251,500.00 795,292.00 330,509.00 200,000.00 5,000.00 Examination Professional Tax Loan and Advance: Staff Repayrnent of Loan to $ecrelary Loan Faid to Secretary Laboratories Library Contingencies Conveyance Stationery Buildirlg Repairs Postage and Telephone Electrioity Fees Refunded in Accademic Participation of Teachers Conference (PTAC) Building Maintenance Extra Co-curricu lar Activities Field Trip Seminar Municipal Tax 169,1 63,44A.22 carried over MD J 79,400.00 102,295,598.00 10,245,474.00 3,000,00 251,500.00 78,000.00 70,000,00 1,000,000.00 2,315,923,07 567,119.00 1,-159,140.00 " 171,749.40 514,439.00 2,081,633.00 35,054,00 708,569,00 2,006,574.00 74,755.00 707,843.00 1,045,906,00 21,833.00 1E7,245.00 230,100,00 125,651 ,154,47 169,163,440.22 brought Over Grant - in - aid of Dealth Cum Retirement Gratuity received Govt. of Meghalaya Loan : Secretary 125,851,154.47 Visiting Lacturer frtrz Too,ooo.oo 70,000.00 Closing Balances: Cash in hand Gentral Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c fixed deposit State Bank of lndia: savings bank a/c 169,933,444.22 131,500.00 574,510.00 4,921,794.00 Furniture lncome Tax GSL (Group Savings Scheme of Life lnsurance) 3N96,459.00 14,996.39 .1 18,202,762.36 19,000,000.00 944.274.00 38 158.032.75 169,933,440.22 For U.C.MajumOafA Co. Chartered Accountants Fir.m Regn.No.304066E May 31, 2013. $hillong-793001 . Partner Membership No.011211. ;-*,*![ii N P.W.D DRAIN P.W.D ROAD. GIRLS HOSTEL P.W.D ROAD. P.W.D ROAD CHRIST KING COLLEGE . TOTAL SITE AREA OF CAMPUS = 8.94 ACRES LAND AREA ALOCATED FOR GIRLS HOSTEL = 2400SQM . PLINTH AREA OF BUILDING = 606 SQM. TOTAL BUILT UP AREA OF BUILDING 2366 SQM
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