Sep - Worldwide TV-FM DX Association
Sep - Worldwide TV-FM DX Association
The Official Publication of the Worldwide TV-FM DX SEPTEMBER 2003 The Magazine For TV and FM Dxers GREG BARKER’S INDIANA ANTENNA SYSTEM! E-SKIP WINDS DOWN TROPO PICKS UP! COMPLETE COVERAGE OF FALL TROPO FALL E-SKIP MS,AU DTV AND IBOC AND EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD OF TV AND FM DXING TV AND FM DXING WAS NEVER SO MUCH FUN1 THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION Serving the UHF-VHF Enthusiast THE VHF-UHF DIGEST IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE OBSERVATION AND STUDY OF THE PROPAGATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEVISION AND FM BROADCASTING SIGNALS AT VHF AND UHF. WTFDA IS GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TOM BRYANT, GREG CONIGLIO, BRUCE HALL, DAVE JANOWIAK AND MIKE BUGAJ. Editor and publisher: Mike Bugaj Treasurer: Dave Janowiak Webmaster: Tim McVey Editorial Staff: Steven Wiseblood, Victor Frank, George W. Jensen, Jeff Kruszka, Keith McGinnis, Fred Nordquist, Matt Sittel, Doug Smith, Thomas J. Yingling, Jr. and John Zondlo, Our website: ANARC Rep: Jim Thomas, Back Issues: Dave Nieman ELECTRONIC EDITION for SEPTEMBER 2003 _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Page Two Mailbox TV News…Doug Smith Photo News…Jeff Kruszka Eastern TV DX…Matt Sittel Southern FM DX…John Zondlo Western TV DX…Victor Frank Northern FM DX…Keith McGinnis FM News…Steven Wiseblood Satellite News…George Jensen TV Statistics…Fred Nordquist Finally! For those of you online with an email address, we now offer a quick, convenient and secure way to join or renew your membership in the WTFDA from our page at: Dues are $25 if paid from our Paypal account. But of course you can always renew by check or money order for the usual price of just $24. Either way, it’s still a bargain! 2 3 4 10 12 17 23 37 57 59 60 ***** The WTFDA TV STATION GUIDE It’s the most comprehensive listing of North American Television stations in print! Just $23 US will get you one. Mail your check or money order today. Make it payable to Dave Janowiak and mail it to John Ebeling, 9209 Vincent Avenue S., Bloomington, MN 55431-2157. Get your WTFDA TV Station Guide now before it goes out of print! ONLY A FEW LEFT! Trop’s Up Last time we told you about TA DXing. This time we are loaded for bear with page after page of DX loggings. Scan these pages; you might be able to ID an unid of yours. Due to unexpected computer problems last month (hard drive failure), the August eVUD never got published and all those who asked for paper VUDs should have them by now. One great thing about paper…it won’t disappear from your computer’s C drive. And you can read it in the WC whenever you want. FM ATLAS #19 . Bruce Elving’s newest listing of FM Stations is just $23.00. Send your check or money order to FM Atlas, PO Box 336, Esko, MN 55733-9413 and keep it next to your car radio or in the glove box of your car! Sportsradio! Jim Thomas tells you who’s on what station and when…basketball, football, baseball, hockey, racing…just about everything! Send your check for $12.00 to WTFDA, PO Box 501, Somersville, CT 06072 (checks payable to Dave Janowiak). 2 P.O. Box 501, Somersville, CT USA 06072 MIKE BUGAJ [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2003 Lehmann(MA), Uli Onken(Germany), Glen Boche(MN) and Michael Lazaro(NY). That’s the list; thank you all and thank everyone who used Paypal. One quick note about Paypal. Yes, you can buy a Station Guide with Paypal. You can join or renew at the $15 student rate with Paypal. You can order a copy of Sports Radio with Paypal. BUT…you can’t use the webpage for doing that. Email me first and I’ll show you the way. It’s extremely easy. A short email from Garret Wollman pointing out that he is not in the radio biz and he is not an engineer. Well, that’s two strikes on me; one more strike and I’m out for good. Sorry Garrett. I should have gone right to the source and asked YOU! Well, the memories linger on. The summer 2003 skip season was good for almost everybody. A few of the DXers in the British FM TV DX Circle did spectacularly well with TA skip this season while WTFDAers out west and the southwest did great this year compared to the last few seasons. Some of us here in the northeast were lucky to log Bermuda in July and a few of us logged some very unexpected double hop Es to boot. There was also a report on the WTFDA list of an FM DXer in Maryland who logged CO, UT and ID during a severe thunderstorm. I would never recommend anybody doing this. The person was one lucky dude. He could have been killed. BRUCE ELVING AND RADIO WORLD MEMBERS AND MORE Here’s a short note from Bruce: “I have an article in the current issue of "Radio World" newspaper, in which I mention the WTFDA and having attended their convention in Oklahoma City. The article is about meeting George Marti, Cleburne TX. We went to Cleburne last year after the WTFDA ended and stayed with friends a few days. I interviewed Marti, 83, who is well known in radio engineering circles. They printed a picture Carol took of Marti and me. Most radio stations get "Radio World," and the piece is on p. 45 of the Aug. 13 issue. Strange, but it took them over a year to print the article. This month we welcome another West Coast Canadian to our lovable group of DX misfits. His name is Steve McDonald and he lives in Mayne Island, BC. Welcome, Steve! It also appears that Steve is just a short swim away from long-time member Mike Cherry on Saltspring Island. Small word, isn’t it? Talk about small worlds. Our next new WTFDA member is Bob Rush. Bob lives in Holyoke, MA and over the years I’ve talked to Bob on the phone a few times but I’ve never met him. I hope we can fix that. Bob does FM DXing in his Honda Accord. Hi Bob! Also this month we welcome some new members via Paypal. The first is Ken Alexander in Aurora, ON and the next is Curtis Sadowski in Paxton, IL. Curtis has been very active on the WTFDA list and we’re happy to have you and Ken along with us for the ride. Now we’ll find out who renewed for another year. The winners are: John Lentz(WI), F.J. Issard(ON), Glenn Hauser (OK), John Tudenham(MO), Randy Miltier(OR), Ryan St. Arnold(MN), Howard Fountain(GA), John Hourigan(OH), Al Tobia(CA), Ken Bedley(ON), Jeff LAST BUT NOT LEAST We read an item that appeared on the Skywaves reflector that reported the reception of audio from WCBD (2) in Charleston, SC in Portugal on August 11th by an amateur radio operator in that country. Time of the reception was about noon GMT. At least four audio files of this reception were posted on the internet. The quality of these clips was good. The clips included an ID, real estate spot, a Rob Fowler Stormview 2 promo and a Ford spot. Amazing!! That’s it for this month. CU in 30. 3 Doug Smith W9WI 1385 Old Clarksville Pike Pleasant View, TN 371468098 [email protected] TV NEWS September 2003 Abbreviations: * AF aux CC CL NS NW PA PC PG PR QC License to cover (for changes or new station) Applied For (a new station) Auxiliary (backup) transmitter Call Change City-of-license change New station granted permit New station on the air Proposed Amendment (to table of channel allotments) Power (and/or tower height) change on the air Power change granted Power change requested Channel (“frequency†) change on the air DE FC GA NO Station deleted Programming (“format†) change Granted Amendment (to table of channel allotments) Not on the air QG QR RA ROA SI STA XC XG XR Channel change granted Channel change requested Returned to the air Request of applicant Off the air (“silent”) Special Temporary Authorization Transmitter site change on the air Transmitter site change granted Transmitter site change requested News: Chico Delano Alabama: Cullman Cullman Demopolis Louisville Tuskegee QR from ch. 53, 20.5kw QG from K14IK, 3kw, 35-26-17/118-44-22 Eureka 17 KVIQ-DT NW* 30kw/550m, 40-43-39/123-58-17 Fresno 47 KGPE PR<2500kw Monterey 27 K53DT QR from ch. 53, 22.1kw Monterey 43 KMCE-LP QC* from ch. 52,55.1kw, 36-45-22/121-30-06 Palm Springs 17 KODG-LP CC from K17EO Red Bluff 27 KUCO-LP CC from K27HC Redding 40 K40HE QG from K54ED,31.6kw Redding 68 new-lp AF dismissed ROA Sacramento 6 KVIE PC*<550m, 38-16-18/121-30-22 Sacramento 15 KMUM-LP XR 38-42-26/121-28-37 S. Bernardino 30 KPXN PR 2630kw/894m, 34-12-46/118-03-42 San Diego 20 KBNT-LP QR from ch. 19 dismissed, Mexican objection San Francisco 9 KQED NW 316kw/280m (aux backup) San Francisco 40 K52IQ QR from ch. 52, 300w, 37-51-55/122-13-12 S. Luis Obispo 60 K60GN NS 21.4kw, 35-17-58/120-40-24 Ukiah 19 K19FN QC* from K23CZ Victorville 39 K39GY QG from K33BT, 1.5kw Vista 21 K26FA QR from ch. 26 dismissed ROA 52 WCQT-LP CC from W52BJ 65 W52BJ QR from ch. 52 dismissed ROA 41 WIIQ PR<324m, 32-21-45/87-52-04 44 WGIQ-DT PG>262m 24 WBMM-DT AF 100kw/325m, DA Alaska: Anchorage 6 KYES-DT QR from ch. 22 Anchorage 33 KDMD PR>66kw/300m, 61-20-11/149-30-48, DA Anchorage 54 K54IT NS 15kw, 61-37-12/149-15-19 Arizona: Flagstaff Hilltop 50 K64BI QC from ch. 64, 1.04kw 36 KKAX-LP PC*<7.5kw, 35-04-53/113-54-14 Phoenix 19 KPHE-LP PG<10kw, 33-19-58/112-03-53 Phoenix 48 KDRX-LP PC*>52.6kw, 33-20-03/112-03-38 Tucson 19 KTTU-DT PG 480kw/1123m, 32-24-56/110-42-50, DA Verde Valley 47 K47IK QG from K11MI, 80w Colorado: Denver Arkansas: Arkadelphia 13 KETG-DT PG>320m Jonesboro 8 KAIT CC from KAIT-TV Jonesboro 9 KAIT-DT NW*18kw/531m, 35-53-22/90-56-08 19 K53FT 11 K11VA 18 KRMA-DT PG<340m, 39-40-25/105-13-01, DA Denver 27 K27GF QC* from K65AA,38kw, 39-54-48/105-17-33 La Junta 35 K35DZ XC* 37-58-43/103-34-48 Pleasant Valley 20 K20GK QC* from K53DK, 40-30-35/102-06-51 California: 4 Connecticut: Bridgeport 52 WEDW-DT 50kw/189m Delaware: Dover 8 W27AJ Idaho: Coeur d'Alene 26 KCDT PC*<12.1kw, adds DA Coeur d'Alene 31 K53FF QR from ch. 53, 7.9kw Coeur d'Alene 45 KCDT-DT NW* 38kw/465m, DA Idaho Falls 20 950306KF NS 2500kw/473m, 43-30-03/112-39-45 Idaho Falls 20 950512KG AF dismissed Kellogg 16 K64BD QC* from ch. 64 McCall 11 K10FD QR from ch. 10 dismissed ROA Preston 19 K19EW QC* from K20EZ, 770w Preston 25 K25HG QC* from K24EQ, 770w Preston 27 K27GM QC* from K26AA, 770w Preston 29 K29EY QC* from K28AA, 770w Preston 31 K31FR QC* from K32AD, 770w Preston 33 K33GF QC* from K34AD, 770w Preston 35 K35GJ QC* from K38ET, 770w NW* QR from ch. 27 dismissed ROA District of Columbia: Washington 23 WKRP-LP PG<2.2kw, 38-56-09/77-04-26 Florida: Big Pine 27 W27CR QR from W52BB, 4kw, 24-33-07/81-47-53; already granted & on the air Ft Lauderdale 51 WSCV PC*>304m, 25-59-09/80-11-37 Ft Lauderdale 52 WSCV-DT NW* 500kw/304m, DA Fort Myers 4 WEVU-CA PR>3kw Gainesville 33 WBXG-CA PR>32kw, 29-37-55/82-25-08 dismissed Gainesville 61 960920LI AF dismissed but reinstated 5000kw/609m, 29-57-49/82-55-07 Gainesville 61 960920WR AF dismissed but reinstated 5000kw/288m, 29-37-47/82-34-24 Homestead 29 W29CW XR 25-32-25/ 80-28-06; CL from Marathon Inglis 47 WYKE-LP PR<15kw Lake Worth 36 WPXP-DT NW* 1000kw/385m, DA Naples 16 W56DW QR from ch. 56, 77.3kw Panama City 26 WPCY-LP QC* from ch. 20,67.6kw, 30-21-08/85-23-28 Pensacola 19 W19CO QC* from ch. 31, 30-30-52/87-17-46 Summerld. Key 28 W28CP NS 60kw, 24-40-35/81-30-41 Tallahassee 32 WFSU-DT NW* 938kw/237m, 30-21-31/84-36-38 Tallahassee 40 WTWC-TV PC*>2510kw/600m, 30-40-51/83-58-21 Tallahassee 45 WVUP-CA PR>150kw, 30-34-27/84-12-09 West Palm Bch 42 WXEL-TV PG>440m Illinois: Arlington Hts. 42 W64CQ QR from ch. 22, 19kw, 41-52-44/87-38-08 Arbury Hills 46 W52BR QG from ch. 52, 150kw, 41-53-06/87-37-17; CL from Champaign rescinded Chicago 18 W34CD QR from ch. 34, 37.5kw, 41-53-55/87-37-23 (John Hancock Center); then QR to ch. 30, 100kw, 41-52-44/8738-08 (Sears Tower); both w/CL from Quincy. Jacksonville 14 WSEC PC*>34kw/271m, 39-36-09/90-02-47 Palatine 40 W68DO QR from ch. 36, 37.2kw Rochelle 25 WGNW-LP CC from W25DF Indiana: Evansville 14 WFIE CC from WFIE-TV Evansville 36 W56DN QR from ch. 56, 13.5kw Evansville 41 WTSN-LP QR from ch. 63, 13.2kw Farmersburg 7 WIIB-LP CC from W07DI Lafayette 51 W57DC QR from ch. 57, 35.4kw Iowa: Council Bluffs 52 K52GP QC* from K39DF,35.7kw Council Bluffs 54 K54GL QC* from K45CQ,29.7kw, 41-15-17/95-50-09 Des Moines 46 K41DD QR from ch. 41 dismissed ROA Ottumwa 53 K53FC PR>150kw Ottumwa 65 K65GA PR>150kw Georgia: Albany Athens 10 WALB CC from WALB-TV 48 WUVG-DT NW* 1000kw/310m, 33-48-26/84-20-22 Atlanta 20 WTBS-DT NW* 450kw/310m, 33-48-26/84-20-22 Atlanta 69 WUPA AF 800kw (aux backup) Augusta 23 W18CA QR from ch. 18 dismissed ROA Colquitt 46 W26BM QR from ch. 26 dismissed ROA Dalton 43 WDNN-CA CC from WDGA-CA Dalton 49 WDGA-CA CC from WDNN-CA Macon 41 WMGT-TV CC from WMGT Pearson 26 WPDW-LP CC from W26CT Perry 32 WPGA-DT NW* 18kw/185m, DA Thomasville 46 WCTV-DT PR<265m, 30-34-27/84-12-09 Waycross 9 WXGA-DT QG from ch. 18, 20kw/286m, drop DA Hawaii: Honolulu Kansas: Great Bend Hays Hutchinson Lawrence Russell Salina Topeka Wichita 30 K69DQ QC* from ch. 69,8.4kw 25 K25CV PC*>8.9kw 29 KPTS-DT NW* 146kw/217m 36 KMCI-DT NW* 500kw/291m, 38-58-42/94-32-02 38 K20BU QC* from ch. 20,7.2kw 51 K22CP QC* from ch. 22,8.5kw 55 K21AP PR>49.9kw 59 K59DA PR>8.8kw Louisiana: Alexandria 41 KBCA CC for new station Baton Rouge19 KZUP-CA PC*>150kw, 30-19-34/91-16-36 Baton Rouge 21 WBRL-CA PC*>150kw, 30-19-34/91-16-36 19 KIKU-DT PG>60.7kw 5 Lake Charles 7 KPLC CC from KPLC-TV Shreveport 50 KBXS-CA PC*>104kw Nebraska: Lincoln Maine: Presque Isle 16 WAGM-DT PG<3kw/333m, DA; already on Maryland: Frederick 23 W52AS QR from ch. 52 dismissed ROA Massachusetts: Adams 38 W51AE QC* from ch. 51, 6kw Boston 58 WCEA-LP QC* from ch. 19,5kw, 42-19-52/71-04-40 Boston 67 W32AY QR from ch. 32 dismissed ROA Dennis 33 WMPX-LP QG from ch. 67 Springfield 67 W67DF FC; sold to WFSB-3 Vineyard Haven 40 WDPX-DT NW* 300kw/153m, 41-41-20/70-20-49, DA 29 K58GD 29.1kw QR from ch. 58, Nevada: Deeth Reno 26 K26HI 5 KNPB Wells 20 K20HV QG from K41DL, 950w PG 4.61kw/145m, 39-35-03/119-47-55 QG from K58BR, 950w New Hampshire: Concord 21 WPXG New Jersey: East Orange 34 WPXO-LP PG>50kw, 40-44-54/73-59-10 Hackettstown 65 W49BE QR from ch. 49 dismissed ROA Hammonton 24 WPSJ-LP QG from ch. 8, 5kw Linden 47 WNJU PR>4000kw/458m, 40-42-43/74-00-49 Newark 53 WFUT-DT PR 310kw/321m, 40-45-22/73-59-12 Newark 68 WFUT PR<2630kw/424m Michigan: Battle Creek 20 WOTV-DT NW* 270kw/311m Cadillac 17 WCMV-DT QR from ch. 58, 338kw/393m, DA, 44-44-53/85-04-08 Flint 28 WFUM PC*<2160kw/258m Grand Rapids39 WZZM-DT PG<305m Kalamazoo 36 WUHO-LP PR>19.8kw, 42-18-54/85-36-52; CL from Pinconning Manistee 58 WCMW-DT QR from ch. 17, 25kw/93m, DA Pinconning 22 W22CC NW* 250w, 43-42-02/83-59-17 Saginaw 25 WEYI-TV PR<395m Traverse City 50 WPBN-DT NW* 78kw/230m, DA, 44-46-36/85-41-02 New Mexico: Albuquerque 32 KAZQ PG<263kw/1247m Albuquerque 45 KASY-DT NW* 245kw/1287m, 35-12-48/106-27-00 Carlsbad 45 K45GJ QC* from K57FI, 590w Hobbs 50 K50GM QC* from K54GA,10kw, 32-47-12/103-07-05 Las Cruces 23 KRWG-DT PG>1000/223m, DA, 32-17-23/106-41-50 Las Cruces 54 K54GR QC* from K16DJ, 960w Mora 31 K31EO PC*<1.03kw, 35-57-36/105-21-12 Roswell 33 KKGD-LP PG>1.27kw Roswell 44 KPLP-LP PR>7kw dismissed ROA Santa Fe 29 KWBQ-DT NW* 245kw/1289m, 35-12-44/106-26-57 Silver City 19 K19FM NS 543w, 32-48-04/108-16-21 Minnesota: Appleton 22 K31BT QR from ch. 31 dismissed ROA Appleton 36 K19CW QR from ch. 19 dismissed ROA Brainerd 28 KAWB-DT NW* 46.8kw/227m Brainerd 48 K48IF QG from K28DF;1.14kw Granite Falls 19 K19FL QG from K24CS;1.65kw Granite Falls 33 K33HK QG from K32DR;1.44kw Granite Falls 41 K41IA QG from K47EA;1.58kw Rochester 44 K56HW QR from ch. 56, 78.4kw New York: Burlington Easton New York New York Mississippi: Biloxi Jackson Meridian Pontotoc 13 WLOX 3 WLBT 46 W46CL 15 W15CG CC from WLOX-TV CC from WLBT-TV PR>138.5kw QG from W23CL;49.6kw, 34-15-10/88-57-36 Oneida Rome Schoharie Syracuse Missouri: Columbia 51 K14JU Montana: Big Arm Finley Point Great Falls Hardin Plentywood 5 K05EE 6 K06MQ 7 KRTV-DT 24 K24GD 46 K46GS Skidoo PG>2300kw QR from ch. 14 dismissed ROA Syracuse Watertown PR dismissed ROA PR dismissed ROA NS 160kw/180m, DA QC* from K18EF,1.34kw NW 1kw, 48-41-35/104-35-44 60 K60AL PG>150w, 47-40-39/114-08-30; CL from Rollins; QR to ch. 32 dismissed ROA 36 W36CY QG from W29BJ,11.9kw, 42-42-53/75-08-40 39 WNYA-CA CC from WVBX-CA 60 W60AI PG>75kw, 40-45-30/73-58-15 69 WNYN-LP QR from ch. 39, 100kw 13 W13BR PC*<230w, 43-03-57/75-40-04 18 W12BZ PR dismissed ROA 8 W04AJ QR from ch. 4 dismissed ROA 3 WSTM-TV PC* 41.9kw/396m, 42-56-42/76-07-07 14 WSTQ-LP CC from WAWA-LP 34 WBQZ-LP PR dismissed Canadian objection North Carolina: Charlotte 11 WTVI-DT PG<2.2kw Greenville 9 WNCT-TV PG>575m, drop DA Greenville 10 WNCT-DT NS 35kw/548m Kannapolis 64 WAXN-TV CC from WAXN Roanoke Rapids 20 WNVN-LP PG>9kw Williamston 45 WFTB-LP QR from ch. 55, 12.4kw, 35-58-00/76-56-54 6 Wilson 30 WRAY-TV PG<1800kw Tennessee: Bristol 36 WAPK-CA QC* from ch. 30,22.8kw Cookeville 36 WNPX-DT PG<429m, 36-16-05/86-47-45 Greeneville 14 WAPG-CA QC* from ch. 51, 5kw Knoxville 8 WVLT-TV PG>510m, 35-59-44/83-57-23 Nashville 58 WNAB PG<425m North Dakota: Devils Lake 33 K33HB QG from K30FU,13.2kw Grand Forks 35 KXJC-LP CX ROA Minot 40 KSRE-DT QG from ch. 57, 146kw/249m, DA Munich 52 K52IR NS 999w, 48-40-00/98-50-29 Ohio: Cincinnati 5 WLWT PC*<295m Columbus 13 WSYX-DT NW* 59kw/286m, DA Dayton 58 WPTD-DT NW* 290kw/320m Findlay 22 WFND-LP QC* from ch. 54,18kw Marion 39 WOCB-LP PG>18.92kw Toledo 11 WTOL CC from WTOL-TV Youngstown 52 W52DS QC* from W39AI, 3kw, 41-11-04/80-41-31 Zanesville 18 WHIZ-TV PR<161m, drop DA Oklahoma: Lawton Texas: Abilene 42 KIDZ-LP QR from ch. 54 dismissed ROA Albany 34 K59FX QR from ch. 59 dismissed ROA Brownwood 56 KIDU-LP XR 31-43-45/99-01-12; already granted; QR to ch. 17 dismissed ROA Corpus Christi 25 K57FC QR from ch. 57, 97kw Corpus Christi 64 K64GI NS 1kw, 27-48-00/97-23-31 Decatur 29 KMPX PR>5000kw/544m, 32-35-19/96-58-05; FC to Spanish independent Denton 2 KDTN FC to Daystar relig. Gainesville 65 K65HJ NS 150kw, 33-50-45/97-06-15 Harlingen 50 KTIZ-LP QR from ch. 52 dismissed ROA Houston 43 KHLM-LP PG>80.1kw, 29-48-18/95-12-18 Longview 54 KCEB PG<253m; already on air (UPN); CC for new stn. Lubbock 11 KCBD CC from KCBD-TV San Antonio 10 KBNB-LP QC* from ch. 2 (infamous K02MX!), 1kw Uvalde 17 K17GL QG from K61FM, 990w, 29-15-41/99-44-54 Uvalde 42 K59EY QR from ch. 59, 9.99kw, 29-21-46/99-37-14; QR to ch. 20 dismissed ROA Uvalde 45 K45HM QG from K65EQ, 1kw, 29-15-40/99-44-53 Uvalde 47 K47IJ QG from K69FC, 1kw, 29-15-40/99-44-53 11 K11VJ NS 10w, 34-34-24/98-28-40 Oklahoma City 41 KXOC-LP QR from ch. 54, 48.8kw Oregon: Coos Bay Coos Bay 22 KMTZ-DT NW* 10kw/179m 30 K30BN PC*>40kw, 43-23-30/124-07-48 Cottage Grove 14 K44DC QC* from ch. 44 Eola 52 K52HY PR>150kw, 45-00-35/122-20-20 Eugene 28 KEPB-TV PR>340kw/403m, 44-00-07/123-06-53 Eugene 29 KEPB-DT PR<100kw/403m Eugene 53 KAMK-LP PR 36.3kw dismissed ROA Florence 45 K60DQ QR from ch. 60 dismissed ROA Glide 26 K02AU QR from ch. 2, 10.8kw, 43-22-19/123-03-48 Klamath Falls 29 KDKF-DT NW* 5kw/651m, DA North Bend 13 K13JQ PC*>2kw, 43-23-30/124-07-48 Pendleton 16 KORX-CA PR>84.8kw, 45-59-04/118-10-08 Sutherlin 26 new AF dismissed Pennsylvania: Altoona 50 W50CU QG from W32AX,30.3kw Johnstown 34 WJAC-DT NW* 250kw/383m, DA Lancaster 23 WLYH-DT PG>500kw/381m Lewisburg 50 JD0415CN AF dismissed ROA Rhode Island: Block Island 17 WPXQ-DT PR<223m, 41-34-22/71-37-55 South Carolina: Charleston 55 WCHD-LP QR from ch. 49 dismissed ROA Columbia 57 WACH PC*>2766kw/484m, 34-06-58/80-45-51 Spartanburg 53 WSPA-DT NW* 875kw/657m South Dakota: Florence 2 KDLO-DT granted DA Pierre 27 K27HJ PG<11.6kw Sioux Falls 23 KCSD-TV PG>85m, 43-34-28/96-39-19 7 Utah: Cedar City 4 KCSG Delta Emery Emery Emery Emery Green River Green River Huntsville Iron County 41 K40DR 41 K31DX 45 K29CY 47 K27EL 49 K33DY 36 K32AI 38 K30AG 58 K58FT 28 K28GQ Milford 15 K59BS Orangeville Orangeville Orangeville Orangeville Orangeville Orangeville Orangeville Panquitch Price 16 K50DI 18 K58EE 20 K62BL 22 K17EY 24 K56EV 28 K52DS 32 K54DP 34 K34FN 3 KUTF PG<980w/318m, DA, 37-38-22/113-02-00 QC* from ch. 40, 2.63kw QC* from ch. 31,100w QC* from ch. 29,100w QC* from ch. 27,100w QC* from ch. 33,100w QC* from ch. 32,600w QC* from ch. 30,600w PC<420w QC* from K61BM,960w, 38-31-05/113-17-03 QC* from ch. 59,870w, 38-31-05/113-17-03 QC* from ch. 50, 4kw QC* from ch. 58, 4kw QC* from ch. 62, 4kw QC* from ch. 17, 4kw QC* from ch. 56, 4kw QC* from ch. 52, 4kw QC* from ch. 54, 4kw QC* from K18EW NW* 70kw/658m, DA, 39-45-22/110-59-22 NW* 380w, 39-31-49/111-03-03 Price 47 K68AX QC* from ch. 68,1.66kw Richfield 19 KUES-DT NW* 330w/441m Salt Lake City 58 KUBX-LP FC to Univision // KUTH-12 Wayne Co. 43 K43IJ QG from K39FO, 38-30-44/111-47-01 Price Vermont: Burlington 18 K18DF U.S. Virgin Islands: Christiansted 39 WCVI-TV QG from ch. 27, 26.67kw/134m Frederiksted 60 W60CY FC; sold by TBN Canada: British Columbia: Victoria 29 CHNM-1 AF 8.8kw/265m 13 WVNY-DT QR from ch. 16, 10kw/852m, DA, 44-31-33/72-48-58 Virginia: Abington Fulks Run Manitoba: Winnipeg 31 WAPW-CA QC* from ch. 60,100w 45 W45AW PC*<1.69kw, 38-36-29/78-54-11 Woodstock 10 WAZT-CA PC*>3kw NS 20kw/250m, 49-44-50/97-08-37; religious Ontario: Leamington 34 new Washington: Ellensburg 31 K31AK PG>21kw Richland 38 KTNW-DT NW* 47.6kw/361m, DA, 46-06-12/119-07-40 Soap Lake 9 K13EP QR from ch. 13 dismissed ROA Spokane 52 KHBA-LP PC*<8.16kw, 47-34-46/117-17-51 Stemilt 58 K69BF QR from ch. 69 dismissed ROA AF 400w community st. NOTES: I guess everybody is too busy DXing<grin>! In early August Notice of Proposed Rulemaking #03-185 was opened seeking comments on changes to the LPTV rules for the digital transition. The docket is open for comments until early October. West Virginia: Charleston 11 WVAH-TV PR>56.2kw/514m Charleston 19 WVAH-DT PR 475kw/505m Charleston 41 WCHS-DT PR<500kw/505m, 38-25-15/81-55-27 Charleston 8 WCHS-TV PR 52.7kw/523m, 38-25-15/81-55-27 Martinsburg 12 WWPX QR from ch. 60 dismissed Parkersburg 15 WTAP-TV PR 220kw/192m Parkersburg 49 WTAP-DT PR>193m Some proposals to be considered: " Should DTV translators be allowed to alter the content or resolution format of DTV signals? (it would seem to be this would become a moot point if the translator switched to LPTV service) " Should digital LPTVs be required to provide one free-to-air service of at least equal resolution to analog? " Which channels should be available for digital LPTVs? The Commission proposes 2-59 but asks whether 60-69 might also be used during the DTV transition. " Should the existing contour prediction method used to protect higher-priority stations from LPTV interference be replaced with the new DTV prediction method? " Should existing LPTV, translator, and Class A TV licensees receive priority in filing for new digital LPTV permits? " Does the Congressionally-mandated 2006 shutdown deadline for analog TV apply to LPTV, or only to full-power stations? If it doesn't apply to LPTV, should different triggering criteria be set for low-power stations? " Should a digital TV (on-channel) booster service be created? Wisconsin: Eau Claire 13 WEAU-TV granted permission to drop DA La Crosse 30 WHLA-DT PG>307.5kw Wyoming: Casper Laramie 35 CIIT-TV 13 KCWY PG<6.9kw/535m 8 921210KE PR>37kw/318m, 41-17-17/105-26-42 U.S. Possessions: Puerto Rico: Ceiba 42 WIVE-LP CC from WSEX-LP Mayaguez 58 W34CI QR from ch. 34 dismissed ROA but reinstated Mayaguez 58 W58DL QG from W34CI San Juan 55 WIPR-DT NS 1000kw/776m, DA CHNM-1 calls are unofficial. The channel application in Leamington only plans originate roughly 40 hours a week programming. It's unclear as to what will 8 34 to of air the other 120 hours – or will the station be off the air entirely? Most programming will be in English, but ethnic programming in a wide variety of languages is also planned. substantial power increase. Another skip target will become more difficult to find. Note KCSG-4 in Utah has been granted permission to reduce power from 38kw to 980 watts, and tower height from 836m to 318m. This is listed as a reduction for their main transmitter but I really have to wonder if they really mean to create a new backup transmitter? (on the other hand, does anyone live in the area that will lose service if this is the main transmitter?) The channel assignment changes I mentioned last month have appeared in the FCC Database. WCMV-DT 58 and WCMW-DT 17 in Cadillac and Manistee, Michigan have swapped assignments. In Laredo, Texas, KVTV-DT has changed assignments from channel 14 to channel 31. Channel 14 has had issues with front-end overload in two-way radio equipment near 470MHz. Jefferson County, Colorado has approved zoning for a common tower for DTV on Lookout Mountain west of Denver. KCNC-4, KMGH-7, KUSA-9, and KTVD-20 plan to replace three main towers and several smaller ones with a single 730-foot facility to broadcast both analog and digital TV. Other stations will use a separate facility on nearby Mt. Morrison, which has already received zoning approval. Most of the call changes this month are the result of a corporate decision by Libco to remove the -TV suffixes from their stations. Why bother? Good question. This way, nobody can use those calls for a radio station. (for example, you couldn't have a KAIT-FM unless Libco changes their Arkansas station back to KAIT-TV) But anyone wishing to do so would have to have Libco's permission anyway. Maybe they're just trying to ensure against FCC errors? Hard to say. Area homeowners bitterly fought the Lookout Mountain facility. They fear interference to consumer electronic equipment, reduced property values due to aesthetic concerns, and health effects of the additional RF. The possibility of a lawsuit to overturn the zoning decision has not been ruled out. The KBCA in Louisiana is not related to the one that recently existed in Elk City, Oklahoma. (and then moved to Borger, Texas) The Oklahoma/Texas station has changed calls to KEYU. Their old KBCA calls do still appear in some places, notably with regard to the move of the channel from Oklahoma to Texas. (editorial comment: NIMBYism at its worst. ) The NYC blackout darkened stations throughout the affected area. In New York City, channels 5 and 9 were off completely while channels 7, 11, and 13 were on reduced power. Elsewhere, some stations operated on generator backup power while others were off entirely . In Detroit, analog stations continued to operate but backup power was insufficient to operate the DTVs. The situation was similar in Canada. KXJB-4 in North Dakota has signed a LMA with KVLY-11. It seems KVLY isn't interested in operating their LPTV station on channel 35 in Grand Forks; KXJC-LP's license has been returned to the FCC for cancellation. We do have a new station this month, KCEB54 in Longview, Texas. I haven't been able to find any programming information on this one. Best I can tell it's running full power, so someone (Danny? Jeff? Me?) is going to see it soon enough. Out of space! - good DX & see you in 30... ON THIS MONTH’S COVER This month’s cover consists of a summer antenna project tackled by Greg Barker in Greensburg, IN. What you see in the front photo is the UHF horizontal stack(40" spacing) of the Televes Pro Range 75's fed to the high side of the CM 7777 preamp via a CM 0538 combiner and a Yaesu G-800SDX Rotor. Greg reports that this rotor is so much quieter than the CM9515 he’s been using and the variable speed control plus 450deg rotation is just great. Also in North Texas, major programming changes coming to the Dallas market. Common Es target KDTN-2 (which has been calling itself "KERA-2" on the air, leading to considerable confusion...) has been sold to the owners of KMPX-29. The channel 2 station will switch to the Daystar religious network. Their channel 29 will then be sold to Liberman Broadcasting, operators of KRCA-62 in the Los Angeles area, among other stations. KMPX will become an independent Spanish-language station. Note that KMPX has already filed for a 9 Jeff Kruszka, Editor 5024 S. Braxton Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70817 [email protected] September 2003 This month we welcome a new contributor, Charles Gauthier of St-Lambert, PQ. Bienvenu, Charles, and hope you continue to provide us with some of your great DX. Equipment: JVC AV-20120 20" TV, JVC HR-S3800U S-VHS VCR, Antennacraft 32 element VHFUHF-FM antenna at 30' AG, CM9510A rotor, RG6 coax, Un-named combined trap for channels 2 and 6, 25db indoor RS amp. for UHF. CBNT24-4 Hermitage, NF 851 mi Es seen 6/20/03 @0055 EDT CJCB-4 Sydney, NS 648 mi Es seen 6/20/03 @0124 EDT CJCN-4 Grand Falls, NF 892 mi Es seen 6/20/03 @0115 EDT WNED-17 Buffalo, NY 315 mi Tr seen 6/24/03 @0245 EDT 10 WWTI-50 Watertown, NY 154 mi Tr seen 6/24/03 @0230 EDT WUHF-31 Rochester, NY 257 mi Tr seen 6/21/03 @2220 EDT WXXI-21 Rochester, NY 257 mi Tr seen 6/21/03 @2257 EDT And now one from Jim Renfrew, of Byron, NY: Equipment: Old B&W TV, RS combo UHF/VHF antenna, “hand” rotor. KHAS-5 Hastings, NE 1060 mi Es seen 5/30/03 @1255 EDT 11 Eastern TV-DX Matthew C. Sittel 15013 Eureux St. Bellevue, NE 68123 [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________________ September, 2003 _ _ October, 2003 column deadline: Sep. 12 Eastern TV-DX is for reporters from the following states: AL, CT, DE, FL, GA, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, VA, VT and WV, plus Washington, DC. Also for reporters from the following Canadian provinces: NB, NF, NS, ON, PEI and PQ. Overseas reports welcome! ________________________________________________________________________________ Roy Barstow, PO Box 2488, Teaticket, MA 02536 7/11 Es 1015 Cuba-3 circular test patten minus offset on ICOM 1315 WCPX-6 FL Orlando WCTV-6 GA Thomasville WPTV-5 FL West Palm Beach 7/18 tr 0005 W18BB-18 NC Elizabeth City WEPX-38 NC Greenville 7/26 tr 2200 Eastern Virginia plus WFXI-8 NC Morehead City WNCT-9 NC Greenville WLFL-22 NC Raleigh WRPX-47 NC Rocky Mount WRAZ-50 NC Raleigh 6/12 tr 2100 WMTW DT-46 ME Poland Spring WCSHDT-44 ME Portland WENHDT-57 NH Durham 2245 WFVXLP-22 ME Bangor W29CA-29 ME Brunswick “Search for Truth” religion 2359 W57AQ-57 ME Calais 6/24 tr 0920 WEDW DT-52 CT Bridgeport 6/24 Es 0925 Cuba-3 circular test patteen into regular schedule at 0930 7/5 Es 1600 Cuba-3 NTV How does that saying go: “Go west young man go west”, for me it was, “go east old man go east”, and that I did. On July 11 with MUF rising I loaded up the truck with a cut ch. 5-6 antenna, R-10 ICOM, and a small portable TV. I went east about 15 to 20 miles and caugt some rare channel 6 TV Es out of the WLNE-6 shadow. So far this season for tropo, April has been better for distance and quantity of DX signals. May, June and July have been way down and spotty. To my south always seems to be much instability with rain or showers, and when good down south our area in the northeast has been rainy. Hope for better DX in fall. ________________________________________________________________________________ Charles Gauthier, St.-Lambert, PQ, Canada [email protected] Equipment: JVC AV-20120 20” TV, JVC HR-S3800U SVHS VCR, Antennacraft 32-element VHFUHF-FM antenna at 30’ AG, CM9510A rotor, RG6 coax, Tin Lee MQ7-CH2S6P switchable notch trap for ch. 2 and 6, 20dB indoor Radio Shack amp for UHF. 7/13 Es 1845 WFOR-4 7/16 Es 0137 WTVY-4 0142 WBRC-6 0359 WESH-2 0359 WCBD-2 7/18 Es 0140 CBWFT7-2 1319 WCBI-4 1342 WSMV-4 7/19 Es 1258 WJXT-4 1342 WEDU-3 7/21 Es 1729 CJCN-4 FL Miami 1396 AL AL FL SC 1201 1086 1218 926 Dothan Birmingham Daytona Beach Charleston ON Kenora MS Columbus TN Nashville 1017 1146 947 FL Jacksonville FL Tampa 1136 1309 NF Grand Falls 892 1829 CJOM-3 2025 CHFD-4 2048 KDLH-3 2229 CBWT2-4 2259 WCCO-4 7/23 Es 0111 CJCN-4 7/25 Es 1320 WCBI-4 7/30 Es 0218 KTVI-2 0234 KJRH-2 0259 WDIQ-2 0302 WEAR-3 0315 WEDU-3 0409 WESH-2 12 NF ON MN MB MN Argentia Thunder Bay Duluth Lac Du Bonnet Minneapolis 942 762 892 1086 952 NF Grand Falls 892 MS Columbus 1146 MO OK AL FL FL FL 986 1325 1183 1276 1309 1218 St. Louis Tulsa Dozier Pensacola Tampa Daytona Beach Four more overnight openings in this report, keeping with this summer’s general trend. Highlights would be my first ever ON station by E-skip, CBWFT7-2 in Kenora on the 18th and then on the 21st, the second one, CHFD-4 from Thunder Bay, an old target of mine. “TB Television” logo was very clear and seen a couple of times during the opening. Hope everyone is having a good DX summer! ________________________________________________________________________________ William McGuire, Cheverly, MD Equipment: Admiral 13” color TV. 7/9 Es 2200 WCAU-10 PA Philadelphia, NBC10 7/25 Es 1040 KBTX-3 TX Bryan, College Stn. Ad 2020 unID-3 baseball game 1050 unID-2 Nickelodeon cartoon over WMAR 2140 unID-3 NBC 1142 unID-3 PBS 2145 unID-3 ABC 7/11 Es 1707 WEDU-3 FL Tampa, Barney, ID 2218 WBOC-16 MD Salisbury, CBS 1940 unID-3 w/”Entertainment Tonight” 7/28 tr 2000 unID-3 NBC 0835 WWBT-12 VA Richmond, NBC 7/12 tr 0835 WAVY-10 VA Portsmouth, NBC 0033 WHYY-12 DE Wilmington, PBS 7/28 Es 2050 WEDU-3 FL Tampa, ID 7/15 Es 1130 unID-3 PBS cartoon 8/6 tr 2230 WGAL-8 PA Lancaster, NBC 7/17 Es 1045 unID-3 “CBS 3” 8/7 tr 0620 WCAU-10 PA Philadelphia, NBC10 7/18 Es 1200 KATC-3 LA Lafayette, ID 0623 WTXF-29 PA Philadelphia, Fox 29 0630 KYW-3 PA Philadelphia, CBS 3 1545 unID-3 “Fox 3” logo 1555 unID-3 saw wave logo 0642 WHYY-12 DE Wilmington, logo 0642 WPSG-57 PA Philadelphia, UPN 7/18 tr 1825 WGAL-8 PA Lancaster, ID 0648 WPVI-6 PA Philadelphia “Action News 6” 1830 WBOC-16 MD Salisbury, ID, CBS 0700 WMPB-67 MD Baltimore, PBS 1900 WCPB-28 MD Salisbury, MPT 2110 WTXF-29 PA Philadelphia, Fox ________________________________________________________________________________ Doug Smith, W9WI, Pleasant View, TN [email protected] 7/5 Es 7/24 Es 1400 unID Mexico to ch. 6 1141 KOTA-3 SD Rapid City 1000 7/6 Es 7/25 Es 1030 unID Mexico to ch. 6 1122 CIII2-2 ON Bancroft 7/15 Es Global Ontario weather 0048 KIII-3 TX Corpus Christi 860 1200 CBMT-6t PQ Montreal “Possum Lodge” 7/16 Es “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” 0100 WFSB-3 CT Hartford 849 7/26 Es unIDs to ch. 4 7/19 Es 1256 WPSX-3 PA Clearfield 568 7/28 Es 1258 WRGB-6 NY Schenectady 818 0929 unID-3 NBC, KFDX? 1320 CBMT-6t PQ Montreal 0940 unID-3 XEW network “CBC Sports Saturday” 7/30 Es 7/20 tr 0916 KACV-2 TX Amarillo 826 0758 42/59/63 IN Indianapolis ~250 0926 KAMR-4 TX Amarillo 828 0945 unID-29 w/”Recess” probably KCWE both over my locals 1000 unID-9 ABC probably KMBC 0929 unID-3 CBS KPTM-42t NE Omaha 0940 KSWK-3 KS Lakin 777 7/23 Es 0945 KOCT-6 NM Carlsbad 1002 0910 WFSB-3 CT Hartford 849 7/31 Es 0920 WPSX-3 PA Clearfield 568 1025 KIII-3 TX Corpus Christi 860 0930 WRGB-6t fighting w/WLNE 8/1 Es WLNE-6 MA New Bedford 923 1154 KBTX-3 TX Bryan, 653 1006 WGBH-2t MA Boston under local ________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Saul Chernos, 57 Berkeley St., Toronto, ON M5A 2W5 (416) 364-0725 [email protected] DX from Burnt River, ON: 5/19 Es 1530 WESH-2 6/6 Es 1822 WESH-2 1830 WJXT-4 1832 WDIQ-2 2115 WEAR-3 2130 WWL-4 6/9 Es 2329 KJRH-2 2333 KFDX-3 2336 WDIQ-2 2350 KAMR-4 2359 KDTN-2 6/10 Es 0205 KDFW-4 0210 KARK-4 1201 WESH-2 1208 WDIQ-2 1421 WBRC-6 6/20 Es 1230 KUSD-2 1357 WDIQ-2 1618 KSNC-2 1815 KLBY-4 1844 KIVV-5 1850 KWGN-2 1912 KDLH-3 1915 KOAA-5 1917 CKX-5 1918 CKYB-4 1919 KGFE-2 1925 CBWT-6 1929 KBJR-6 2004 KCNC-4 6/22 Es 1347 WBRZ-2 6/23 Es 0821 WDIQ-2 1246 WBRC-6 1304 WKRG-5 1305 KARK-4 1359 KFSM-5 1500 KXAS-5 1600 KETS-2 7/5 Es 2201 KIMT-3 7/7 Es 1430 KETS-2 1535 WFOR-4 (which one? 2000 KATC-3 LA Lafayette 2015 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 2127 WWL-4 LA New Orleans 2222 KGFE-2 ND Grand Forks 2230 KTIV-4 IA Sioux City 2255 CKND2-2 MB Minnedosa 2308 WDAF-4 MO Kansas City 2310 KUSD-2 SD Vermillion 2356 CTV-2 Saskatchewan 7/8 Es 0001 KPRY-4 SD Pierre 0017 CBWFT7-2 ON Kenora 0937 KUSD-2 SD Vermillion 1014 KGFE-2 ND Grand Forks 1019 CTV-2 Saskatchewan 1023 CBWT-4 MB Lac du Bonnet 1026 CKND2-2 MB Minnedosa 1152 KBME-3 ND Bismarck 2109 KGAN-2 IA Cedar Rapids 2148 KQTV-2 MO St. Joseph 2235 KDFW-4 TX Dallas 2242 KTVI-2 MO St. Louis 2259 KSNB-4 NE Superior 2311 KNOP-2 NE North Platte 7/9 Es 1154 CTV-2 Saskatchewan 1155 KGFE-2 ND Grand Forks 1158 WPBT-2 FL Miami 1214 KBME-3 ND Bismarck 1610 WKRG-5 AL Mobile 7/21 Es 0901 KUSD-2 SD Vermillion 1215 KMOS-6 MO Sedalia 1312 KCTV-5 MO Kansas City 1313 WDAF-4 MO Kansas City 1400 KHAS-5 NE Hastings 1405 KUSD-2 SD Vermillion 1542 KXMA-2 ND Dickinson 7/22 Es 0950 WDIQ-2 AL Dozier 0952 WBRZ-2 LA Baton Rouge 1017 WCBI-4 MS Columbus 1146 KIVV-5 SD Lead 1238 KWSE-4 ND Williston 1337 KBME-3 ND Bismarck 1500 CTV-2 news promo ment. SaskEnergy 7/30 Es 0430 WBRZ-2 LA Baton Rouge 0447 WBRC-6 AL Birmingham 0505 WESH-2 FL Daytona Beach 0907 WUND-2 NC Columbia FL Daytona Beach FL FL AL FL LA Daytona Beach Jacksonville Dozier Pensacola New Orleans OK TX AL TX TX Tulsa Wichita Falls Dozier Amarillo Denton TX AR FL AL AL Dallas Little Rock Daytona Beach Dozier Birmingham SD AL KS KS SD CO MN CO MB MB ND MB WI CO Vermillion Dozier Great Bend Colby Lead Denver Duluth Pueblo Brandon Brandon Grand Forks Winnipeg Superior Denver LA Baton Rouge AL AL AL AR AR TX AR Dozier Birmingham Mobile Little Rock Fort Smith Fort Worth Little Rock IA Mason City AR Little Rock FL Jacksonville Jax or Miami? –mcs) Lots of Es to the west. A busy season in July, kind of dull in June. A few memorable openings. Wisconsin is new to Burnt River via Es. 73s, Saul ________________________________________________________________________________ Jim Renfrew, 6988 Bank Street Road, Byron, NY 14422-9702 Equipment: several old B&W TVs, Radio Shack antenna. As of July 28, UHF yagi, Antennacraft FM, 20 foot tower, rotor. 14 6/2 tr 7/25 Es 2350 CBLT2-8 ON Huntsville 172 1135 WLBT-3 MS Jackson 1018 7/4 Es 1149 WREG-3 TN Memphis 867 0927 CBHT-3 NS Halifax 704 1201 WEAR-3 FL Pensacola 1028 unID-3 French talk 1945 KTIV-4 IA Sioux City 954 1112 KYTV-3 MO Springfield 924 1959 KATC-3 LA Lafayette 1157 1959 KFOR-4 OK Oklahoma City 1191 1131 KCTV-5 MO Kansas City 928 1135 CBHT-3 NS Halifax 704 2010 WREG-3 TN Memphis 867 2012 KMTV-3 NE Omaha 949 7/14 Es 1141 KUSD-2 SD Vermillion 979 7/26 Es 1141 KSWK-3 KS Lakin 1178 0955 KDLO-3 SD Florence 978 1231 KSNW-3 KS Wichita 1105 7/28 Es 1847 KTVI-2 MO St. Louis 728 2150 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 1084 1852 unID-4 MO Child Abduct alert 7/28 GW 2230 WBXOLP-15 NY Rochester, MTV2 25 7/16 Es 0125 WAGA-5t GA Atlanta 745 7/29 tr Dalton carpet ad 2230 CBLN6-44 ON Normandale 0126 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 1084 2300 CHWI-16 ON Wheatley, “WI” 0140 WRBL-3 GA Columbus 839 2350 WGTE-30 OH Toledo, PBS 320 0222 WLBT-3 MS Jackson 1018 7/30 Es 7/19 Es 0400 KYTV-3 MO Springfield 924 1100 WUFT-5 FL Gainesville 967 0427 KDLH-3t MN Duluth 753 1100 WPTV-5 FL West Palm Beach 1143 (318) AC Ayers Truck School (Jim, 218 is 7/21 Es Duluth’s AC, Shreveport, LA is 318-mcs) 1030 CJON-6 NF St. John’s, NTV 1246 0430 KTBS-3 LA Shreveport 1148 1205 WOWT-6 NE Omaha 949 0431 unID-6 aerobics infomercial 1402 KOTA-3 SD Rapid City 1285 0435 unID-5 ABC all night news 1420 KBME-3 ND Bismarck 1162 0445 unID-3 MS/OK/WI possible 1450 KGFE-2 ND Grand Forks 999 0459 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 1084 2042 CBWFT-3 MB Winnipeg 1041 0515 WCBD-2 SC Charleston 726 2045 CBWT-6 MB Winnipeg 1041 0949 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 1084 2050 unID-5 CBC CDT schedule, maybe w.ON 1000 WESH-2 FL Daytona Beach 981 2340 KGFE-2 ND Grand Forks 999 1010 WUFT-5 FL Gainesville 967 7/23 Es 1115 WEDU-3 FL Tampa 1084 1259 KSNC-2 KS Great Bend 1157 7/31 Es 2303 KQTV-2 MO St. Joseph 924 1815 KTBS-3 LA Shreveport 1148 2315 KTVI-2 MO St. Louis 728 TX Bryan 1349 1825 KBTX-3 2320 KSNW-3 KS Wichita 1105 ________________________________________________________________________________ Rick Shaftan, Sparta, NJ [email protected] 8/15 tr it does not match timewise 0115 CHLF13-17 ON Pembroke 374 0244 CJOH6-6 ON Deseronto, CTV 248 TFO test pattern 0252 W31BP-31 NY Binghamton 120 0145 unID-15 w/Oral Roberts, about 340 deg. screen ID w/test pattern The Cornerstone schedule indicates PQ Hull, FF 315 0306 CFGS-34 ________________________________________________________________________________ Adam Rivers, Chicopee, MA [email protected] Equipment: either a 19” color TV, or a Magnavox 1970s 9” TV both with rabbit ears. 6/14 Es 1600 WKRN-2 TN Nashville Middle TN Toyota dealers ad, strongest Es on TV I have ever witnessed 6/20 Es 0955 KTVI-2 MO St. Louis, Fox 2 0957 KMOV-4 MO St. Louis, wx 0959 KSDK-5 MO St. Louis, logo 6/23 Es 0913 WUFT-5 FL Gainesville, logo 7/2 Es 1626 WSB-2 GA Atlanta, very choppy 2200 WKRN-2 TN Nashville, ID mixing with unID CBS 2200 WSMV-4 TN Nashville, logo 2204 unID-6 ABC likely Knoxville CBS on 2, maybe WFMY (<560 mi) 7/4 Es 0748 WSB-2 GA Atlanta 7/9 Es 2144 KGAN-2 IA Cedar Rapids, promo 15 I stopped putting down WPBT and WFOR, because I see them both at least twice a week. No reason to keep marking them down, in my opinion (at least in skip season).If it’s October 8th and I’m getting WPBT… hey different story. Got a nice QSL from WPBT too. In my first year as a TV DXer I’d say I did pretty good… it’s not over yet, either. ________________________________________________________________________________ John F. Vervoort, 1318 Diuguid Drive, Murray, KY 42071-1671 Equipment: 2002 Panasonic CT-2017F 20” TV, Sharp VCR, amplified Winegard Sensar outdoor antenna aimed NNW. 1999 RCA-E13208GY 13” TV, Radio Shack amplified indoor antenna. Height above ground level is unknown. 6/20 Es MUF 88+ MHz 1757-1817 unID-2 Canada, 4 SS 6/23 Es 1520 unID-2 SS 6/24 Es 1538-1542 unIDs-2, 4 SS, 5 SS cartoon 6/26 Es 1246-1302 unIDs-2, 4 SS, 5 SS cartoon 6/29-7/11 out of town 7/12 Es 1151-1820 unID-2, 4 SS KDBC-4 TX El Paso KRGV-5 TX Weslaco unID-3 PBS logo without channel # 7/14 Es 1726 unID-2 SS 7/16 tr 7/9/14/25/44 IN Evansville 0630 WTHI-10 IN Terre Haute “Action 10 News” 0632 WZTV-17 TN Nashville, Fox 17 0633 WLEX-18 KY Lexington, NBC 19/35 KY Madisonville 0642 WKYT-27 KY Lexington 0643 WTIU-30 IN Bloomington 0644 WKOH-31 KY Owensboro 0645 WBAK-38 IN Terre Haute, Fox 38 0648-49 unIDs-45 religion, 50, 59 7/17 tr 1754 WTHI-10 IN Terre Haute 1820 WTWO-2 IN Terre Haute, NBC 2 1822 WANE-15 IN Fort Wayne 1823 WZTV-17 TN Nashville, Fox 17 1824 WLFI-18 IN Lafayette 1824 WAZE-19 KY Madisonville 1824 WVUT-22 IN Vincennes 1826 WEEK-25 IL Peoria 1827 unID-28 1828 WTIU-30 IN Bloomington 1828 WMBD-31 IL Peoria 1828 WKMA-35 KY Madisonville, KET 1829 WBAK-38 IN Terre Haute, Fox 38 1830 WCLJ-42 IN Bloomington 1831 unID-50 IN Indianapolis, Fox 59 1832 WXIN-59 7/18 tr late afternoon 2/4/5/8/17/30/58 TN Nashville 7/9/14/25/44 IN Evansville 10/13/30/50 TN Memphis 13/40/53 KY Bowling Green 19/35 KY Madisonville WHTN-39 TN Murfreesboro unID-43 WJFB-66 TN Lebanon 7/19 Es 1323-1327 unIDs-2 NBC, 4 Canada 7/25 Es 1156 unID-2 Canada 1156 WGBH-2 MA Boston 1208 unID-4 NBC 1211 unID-4 “TV 4” logo in LR 1227 WBZ-4 MA Boston 1229 WFSB-3 CT Hartford “Eyewitness News”, over WSIL. First ch. 3 Es logging at this QTH. 1750-1812 unIDs-2/4 PBS, 5 NBC 2157 unID-2 “2 News” 2208 unID-2 SS 7/28 Es 1001-1012 unIDs-2, 3, 4 SS, 4 CBS, 5 NBC 7/30 Es 1018 unID-2 1021 WGBH-2 MA Boston 7/31 Es 1059 WESH-2 FL Daytona Beach, nx 8/1 Es 1050-54 unID-2, 2 SS, 3 1053 KPRC-2 TX Houston 1110 unID-5 8/3 tr early evening 2/4/5/9/11/30 MO St. Louis 3/5/10/13/30/50 TN Memphis 7/9/14/25/31/44 IN Evansville 17/30/58 TN Nashville 19/35 KY Madisonville 8/4 Es 1103-04 unIDs-2 SS, 3, 4 SS IDs of KDBC and KRGV were made possible by Ryan Grabow’s logo gallery. WTVF-5 Nashville’s logo used to be very similar to the current KRGV configuration until WTVF switched from “Eyewitness News” to “NewsChannel 5” and an entirely different logo was introduced with a swept white “5” on a squarish red background. ________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all for this month. Another 5-page column…nice to see! Keep those reports coming. 73s Matt. 16 Eric Bueneman – N0UIH – 631 Coachway Lane – Hazelwood, MO 63042-1347 – [email protected] - Realistic STA-90 AM/FM/FM Stereo receiver, Radio Shack VU-210XR with Radio Shack Archerotor @ 35’ (10.6 meters) AGL, all times CDT, all distances in miles/kilometers 6/12 Tr 1632 WKIO 1655 WNLD 1659 WPTH 6/19 Tr 0235 WDLJ 6/22 Es/Tr 1440 KLUH 1443 KEPX 1446 XHEC 1457 XHAAA 1502 XHMZI 1526 KJEL 1600 KLJC 6/24 Tr 0322 WGKC 0323 WHMS 7/17 Tr 0258 WNIJ 7/19 Tr 0810 KSRC 0936 KNBZ 0937 KISD 0939 KUQL 0944 KQRN 0949 KMIT 1008 KSDR 1009 KUSO 1022 KKMA 1026 KWOA 1035 KBBX 1039 KTWB 1040 KLTQ 1048 KHCD 1808 KQKQ 1810 KICT 1813 KPOW 2053 KXKT 2306 KZSN 2310 KTBG 2320 KEYN 2323 KJCK 2330 KFH 2338 KKRD 2349 KHCC 7/20 Tr 92.5 88.1 IL IL 88.1 IL Urbana, “Oldies 92.5,” local ads, o, slight ACI from WIL 92.3 155/249 Decatur, “New Life Radio,” Bible teaching, CCM//WBGL 91.7, local KDHX off 110/177 Olney, legal ID, USA Radio Network nx, mixing w/WNLD, local KDHX off 130/209 97.5 IL Breese, “Classic Rock 97.5,” local ads, wx, classic r 90.3 89.5 91.9 93.1 91.1 103.7 88.5 MO TX CL TM CL MO MO Poplar Bluff, “Victory 90.3,” local underwriting, soft Christian mx 145/233 Eagle Pass, SS Christian programming, o/KNLH, KCFV off 905/1456 Sabinas, promo in SS, Nortena mx, o/K220HT 970/1561 Reynosa, “Super Estelar,” Tejano mx 990/1593 Melchar Muzquiz, legal ID, ads in SS, o/WIBI 985/1585 Lebanon, St. Louis Cardinals baseball 155/249 Kansas City, legal ID, website mention, light CCM, o/KUMR 225/362 105.9 IL 97.5 IL Mahomet, “Classic Rock 105-dot-9,” Bob & Tom promo 145/249 Champaign, “Light Rock 97.5,” wx, soft AC, WDIJ nulled 150/241 89.5 IL DeKalb, BBC World Service, o/KNLH 235/378 102.1 97.7 98.7 98.3 107.3 105.9 92.9 92.7 99.5 95.1 97.7 101.9 101.9 89.5 98.5 95.1 97.7 103.7 102.1 90.9 103.7 97.5 98.7 107.3 90.1 MO SD MN SD SD SD SD NE IA MN NE SD NE KS IA KS MO IA KS MO KS KS KS KS KS Kansas City, “Star 102,” local ad, American Top 20 225/362 Redfield, calls in jingle, hot AC, o/KHCR 595/958 Pipestone, “Oldies Radio KISD,” o 475/764 Wessington Springs, “Cool 98,” auto racing report, Huron ads 560/902 Mitchell, “Q-107,” AC 525/845 Mitchell, “Hot country KMIT,” k hits 525/845 Watertown, “KS-93,” local mention 550/885 Albion, “US-92,” k 450/724 LeMars, Sioux City ads, mixing w/WCOY 410/660 Worthington, “KO-95,” wx, hot AC 430/692 Nebraska City, Tejano and Nortena mx, last heard as KQCH 315/507 Sioux Falls, legal ID, k, mixing w/KLTQ 465/748 Lincoln, “Light Rock 101.9,” local ads, last heard as KZFX 360/579 Salina, “Radio Kansas,” c, KNLH nulled 390/628 Council Bluffs, “Sweet 98.5,” CHR, KTJJ nulled 335/539 Wichita, “T-95,” promo, AOR 400/644 LaMonte, “Power 97,” AOR, #700 at this QTH 165/266 Glenwood, “Kat 103,” Omaha ads, k 325/523 Hutchinson, “Kissin’ 102.1,” k 410/660 Warrensburg, “90.9 the Bridge,” modern AC, last heard as KCMW 180/290 Wichita, calls in jingle, o 400/644 Junction City, “97-5 The Big Cat,” CHR 350/563 Clearwater, “Hot Talk KFH,” local ads, Coast-to-Coast AM//KFH-AM 400/644 Wichita, calls, dance-oriented CHR 400/644 Hutchinson, “Radio Kansas,” New Age mx 410/660 17 0002 KHMY 0030 KSKU 93.1 KS Pratt, “My 93-1,” soft AC, last heard as KGLS 460/740 106.1 KS Lyons, “Kicks 106,” k, legal ID at 0102 425/684 KDHX 88.1 was noted off the air on the afternoon of June 12, enabling me to pull in WNLD and WPTH. Both are relatively low power, but it took a stroke of luck to pull those two in. I tried for KCOU Columbia MO, but came up empty. WDLJ 97.5 is officially in my logbook now; they’re relatively strong at my QTH whenever my antenna is pointed toward southern Illinois. The opening on June 22 was a combination Es and trop opening, where trop was masking the MUF. I did pull in KEPX Eagle Pass TX (across the Rio Grade from Piedras Negras CL) with Spanish language Christian programming. At the same time I was pulling in southern and western Missouri via trop. I also added a new trop catch in KLJC 88.5 in Kansas City. It turned out to be the only Kansas City station in, pulling it in through KUMR. I thought I had WGCA Quincy IL at first, but the legal ID for KLJC was a welcome surprise! The calls stand for King and Lord Jesus Christ. July 17 also noted a new station in WNIJ 89.5 (their website lists WNIU as being on 90.5) with BBC World Service // KWMU 90.7. On the morning of July 19, though, the band really opened up. With South Dakota in on my television set and on the NOAA weather radio frequencies, I thought I’d try my luck on FM. Sure enough, KNBZ 97.7 made it in with semi-local KHCR nulled. The jingle ID clinched it for me. KISD was my only new Minnesota logging, noted with oldies from the ‘50s through the ‘70s (not common for FM, which has shed most pre-British Invasion hits). KUQL 98.3 was a major surprise, even with a local on 98.1! The mention of nearby Huron clinched that one. By 1100, the action had shifted into Nebraska and Kansas; after 1800, these two states were still in. Lincoln was even noted on my car radio while I was getting my dinner! One of the few excuses I had to keep the shortwave converter off! The 700th station at this QTH was noted in the form of KPOW 97.7 (again with KHCR nulled); could never get this one on 97.1 due to KFTK. Another station I got in my logbook was KJCK 97.5. I never logged it on 94.5 due to Kirksville being on the frequency, and a local on 94.7. This was also the first time I noted KFH on FM; the AM side (1330) had made it to this QTH on occasion. The she show it was carrying, “Coast-to-Coast AM,” now originates from KTRS (AM) in St. Louis. Also noted new calls on 93.1 in Pratt KS (they now rimshot Wichita). The final new station noted was KSKU 106.1 (KOQL was notably absent). I also worked an amateur radio operator in Coffeyville KS on 146.520 MHz; he was kind enough to “roger” me into a simplex net in Oklahoma! If you are looking for a reason why God made Oklahoma, then the DX could be it, hi! 73, Eric (N0UIH) James Thomas – 280 Katsura St. – Milliken, CO 80543 – [email protected] Pioneer TX-9500 tuner, Probe 9 antenna @20’, Conrad RDS decoder (supplemented with RDS decoder software) Total: 878; 88-91: 235; Es: 508; Ms: 130; Au: 0 As of 7/31/03 6/19 Es 1919 WCLQ 89.5 WI Wausau, signal strength S5, “89-Q” 830 1945 WJMQ 92.3 WI Clintonville, S4.5 868 1951 WATZ 99.3 MI Alpena, S4.5 1122 1957 WKJZ 94.9 MI Hillman, S5 1106 1959 CJRQ 92.7 ON Sudbury, S5, “Q-92” 1262 2022 WKSZ 95.9 WI DePere, S4, “Mix 95.9” 901 2027 CHUR 100.5 ON North Bay, S1.5-3, “EZ Rock” 2041 CBBXt 90.9 ON Sudbury, FF 1261 2041 WGTE 91.3 OH Toledo, RDS PI 6672 1117 2051 WDGG 93.7 KY Ashland, “93.7 The Dog” 1189 6/22 Ms 103.3 AR El Dorado, news, “…Judy 0857 KIXB Mahoney of El Dorado..” 823 6/22 Es 1332 WDYF 90.3 AL Dothan 1242 1338 WKGC 90.7 FL Panama City 1276 1344 WPBH 99.3 FL Mexico Beach, “Beach 99.3” 1309 1350 WEBZ 1400 WMLV 1408 WOYC 1430 WOGKt 1459 WUSF 6/24 Ms 0726 KMEM 6/24 Es 1237 XHXL 93.5 106.9 100.5 93.7 89.7 Port St. Joe 1321 Stonewall 1054 Appalachicola 1342 Ocala 1495 Tampa, ID 1548 100.5 MO Memphis, “…on the KMEM…” 666 91.7 1247 XHUNL 89.7 94.1 1250 XET 6/26 Es 1013 WDEF 92.3 1020 WPRW 1031 WYFA 1033 WUKS 1040 WMAX 107.7 107.1 107.7 105.3 1046 WFSH 104.7 1104 WDDK 103.9 1121 WQEN 103.7 1127 WVEE 1158 WRAS 1213 WREK 1216 WYNU 103.3 88.5 91.1 92.3 1220 WJBB 92.7 1226 WZGC 92.9 18 FL MS FL FL FL NL Monterrey, ID, taped, “La Experencia,” r 1050 NL Monterrey, ID 1050 NL Monterrey, ID 1050 TN Chattanooga, “Sunny 92.3” 1123 GA Martinez 1324 GA Waynesboro 1354 NC St. Pauls, “Kiss 107” 1451 GA Bowden, RDS PS “The 80’s,” PI 746F 1202 GA Athens, “104.7 The Fish,” 1238 GA Greensboro, “Dock 103.9” 1280 GA Gadsden, “RDS PS “The Q,” PI 7F5D 1114 GA Atlanta, “V-103” 1213 GA Atlanta, “Album 88” 1213 GA Atlanta, heavy metal 1212 TN Milan, RDS PS “WYNU,” PI 956E 924 AL Haleyville, Russellville ads 1035 GA Atlanta, RDS PS “Z93,” PI EEEE 1213 1232 WKWX 93.5 1244 WRSA 96.9 1255 WXPR 91.7 1302 WDYN 89.7 1303 WUEC 89.7 1306 WHWC 88.3 1311 unID 1313 WIMK 90.3 93.1 1953 WILN 105.9 2017 WMXP 103.5 2021 WWLD 2022 WACR 2043 WOOF 2045 WKSM 102.3 102.9 99.7 99.5 TN Savannah 973 AL Decatur, “Lite 96.9” 1076 WI Rhinelander, RDS PS “WXPR,” PI 92FB 869 TN Chattanooga, ID 1122 WI Eau Claire, ID 744 WI Menomonie, RDS PS “WHWC,” PI 6962 732 ?? ??, classical mx MI Iron Mountain, “The Bear” 923 FL Panama City, came thru local KALC Denver, “Panama City’s #1 hit music station” 1276 FL Callaway, underneath local KRFX Denver 1294 GA Cairo, “Blazin’ 102.3” 1339 GA Columbus, ID 1038 AL Dothan 1260 FL Fort Walton Beach, under local KQMT Denver 1231 AL Dixon Mills 1107 AL Geneva 1236 MS Biloxi, “Magic 93.7” 1133 ?? ??, heavy metal AL Mobile 1175 MS Port Gibson, ID 960 2103 WMBV 91.9 2107 WRJM 93.7 2113 WMJY 93.7 2114 unID 93.7 2145 WKSJ 94.9 2151 WRTM 100.5 6/29 Es 1832 WDXO 92.9 MS Hazlehurst, ID 994 6/30 Tr 2145 K208CK 89.5 NE Scottsbluff, WYFG txltr 114 7/1 Tr 0725 K244AR 96.7 WY Pine Bluffs, translator of KERM 98.3 67 7/2 Tr 0649 KZNA 90.5 KS Hill City, ID, under local KCSU Fort Collins 276 0653 KKRD 107.3 KS Wichita, recording of me calling them to tell them I was hearing them in CO 450 0805 KZBZ 104.9 KS Salina 400 0808 KZSN 102.1 KS Hutchinson 499 0811 KFDI 101.3 KS Wichita 430 7/7 Es 1345 KABF 88.3 AR Little Rock 778 88.1 FL Ocala, Joy FM, mentions 1845 WHIJ of central FL 1495 1849 WUWF 88.1 FL Pensacola 1247 7/8 Es 1928 KOZT 95.3 CA Fort Bragg, ID 971 2030 KRED 92.3 CA Eureka, ID 971 2035 unID 92.3 ?? ??, Z92 2121 KNYR 91.3 CA Yreka, ID 898 2127 KSYC 103.9 CA Yreka, ID 898 2236 unID 88.1 ?? ??, FF 7/8 Ms 2232 CKUA 94.9 AB Edmonton, “…CKUA in northern Alberta…” 7/9 Es 2138 WTLY 107.1 GA Thomasville, Tallahassee ads 1370 2226 WKKZ 92.7 GA Dublin, ads for Dublin 1363 2240 WDJC 93.7 AL Birmingham, calls 1132 7/10 Es 1307 XHITT 88.7 BN Tijuana, ID 849 1310 KPBS 89.5 CA San Diego 843 1317 XHITZ 1320 KPFK 90.3 90.7 1333 KDRH 91.3 1344 unID 107.1 1344 unID 107.1 1355 KURQ 107.3 1357 unID 1405 KSAN 107.3 107.7 BN Tijuana, ID 849 CA Los Angeles, RDS PS “KPFK,” PI 3828 818 CA King City, ID, Air One 896 ?? ??, mention of Jacksonville, SS ?? ??, SS mixing w/station above CA Grove Beach, “The Rock,” 902 ?? ??, SS CA San Mateo, “107.7 The Bone” 932 CA Santa Cruz 927 1449 KZSC 88.1 7/12 Es 1036 KOGM 107.1 LA Opelousas, “Sound 107.1 Radio” 1017 1057 KEPX 89.5 TX Eagle Pass, RDS PS blank, PI 1C2D 868 1103 unID 88.3 ?? ??, KAWZ translator 1124 KAFX 95.5 TX Diboll, “K-Fox 95.5,” RDS PS “KAFX,” PI A199 837 1127 KBZZ 96.7 LA Morgan City, “96.7 The Buzz” 1104 1127 KOYE 96.7 TX Frankston, SS, ID 808 1140 XHPE 97.1 CH Torreon, “Estereo Gallito” 1142 KTHT 97.1 TX Cleveland, “Country Legends 97.1” 904 1150 KIOC 106.1 TX Orange, “Big Dog 106” 968 1155 KWYX 102.7 TX Jasper, Little Caesar’s ad for Jasper 915 1200 KDXX 107.1 TX Benbrook, SS 691 1210 KCCG 107.3 TX Ingleside, “Rock 107.3,” heavy metal 992 1215 unID 107.3 ?? ??, “Kool 107,” o 1224 XHUAC 90.0 CH Chihuahua, “Esta es La Caliente” 823 88.5 CH Chihuahua, ID 823 1232 XHDI 1233 XHCHH 94.9 CH Chihuahua, ID 823 1237 XHCDS 94.5 CH Delicias, ID 853 93.1 TX El Paso, “Kiss FM” 606 1240 KSII 1247 unID 103.1 ?? ??, “Super FM,” SS 1250 XHCDH 104.1 CH Cuauhtemoc, ID 841 1255 XHCRG 102.9 CH Camargo, ID 887 1258 XHONG 100.9 CH Hidalgo del Parral, ID 941 1301 XHCPH 96.9 CH Hidalgo del Parral, ID 941 1410 unID 89.9 ?? ??, “Mariachi Estereo” 7/14 Ms 0744 KMSC 88.3 IA Sioux City, “…here in Sioux City…” 476 7/19 Tr 0905 KRZZ 96.3 KS Derby, DJ mention of KRZZ 476 0909 KYQQ 106.5 KS Arkansas City, SS 504 0915 unID 95.3 ?? ??, r 0928 KFH 98.7 KS Clearwater, talk 473 0937 KQLL 106.1 OK Owasso, ads for Tulsa 596 1259 KUSD 89.7 SD Vermillion, ID 478 7/19 Es 1221 unID 98.9 ?? ??, “Great Lakes Mix 98.9” 1235 WBWC 88.3 OH Berea, mention of WBWC. Com 1225 1252 WBUF 92.9 NY Buffalo, ID 1382 7/22 Tr 1547 KJQY 95.5 CO Rocky Ford, ID, new stn on air 202 7/22 Es 1030 CBFX-3 88.3 PQ Amos, FF 1623 1032 CHLM 90.7 PQ Rouyn-Noranda, FF 1623 19 7/23 Ms 2140 KBEA 99.7 IA 7/24 Es 1019 WSLC 94.9 VA Roanoke, “Star Country Muscatine, mention of Habanero Cantina & Grill 755 1029 WFGH 90.7 1046 WNKU 89.7 1100 WRVG 89.9 94.9” 1374 WV Fort Gay, ID 1228 KY Highland Heights, ID 1115 KY Georgetown 1124 Doug Smith – W9WI – 1385 Old Clarksville Pike Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 [email protected] - 7/5 opening was much better than it appears from the few loggings. I DX’ed whenever the lawn mower ran out of gas =-) 7/5 Es 1400 KPSO 106.3 TX Falfurrias, ad for Falfurrias Alamo Lumber 906 1408 unID 99.9 ?? ??, echo-y “99.9” ID but Mexican mx – KSAB? 1408 unID 102.1 ?? ??, opera (?!) 1408 unID 104.1 ?? ??, English hip-hop (KBFM?) 1412 KBTQ 96.1 TX Harlingen, “The Valley’s hip-hop station, 96-1 the Beat” 948 1413 XHOC 93.5 CL Saltillo, Saltillo ad 1115 1416 KJBZ 92.7 TX Laredo, phone # 725-9393, “Z-93” 950 1448 KSJL 92.5 TX Devine, RDS “KSJL-FM” 864 1459 KBBTt 98.5 TX Schertz, “98.5 the Beat” 7/6 Es 1047 XHMU 90.1 TM Tampico, local ads, legal ID @ 1102 1173 1048 XHRED 88.1 DF Mexico City, 1380 1050 XEDF 104.1 DF Mexico City, “Radio Uno” 1385 Other Mexicans to 105.7, many on unusual frequencies, probably Mexico City and other interior points. Mexico City is nearly 1,400 miles. 7/19 Tr 1200 WSGP 88.3 KY Glasgow, network ID 7/19 Es 1208 WFPG 96.9 NJ Atlantic City, “Light Rock 96.9 WFPG” 718 1222 WHFM 95.3 NY Southampton, “BAB,” WBAB call ID, “Long Island’s Home of Rock & Roll 850 1222 WCRIt 95.9 RI Block Island 1222 WADKt 99.3 RI Block Island 1225 WBEA 101.7 NY Southold, “Main Street, Sag Harbor” in ad 854 1229 WHTG 106.3 NJ Eatontown, “Celtic Cottage in Long Branch” 753 1229 WKDNt 106.9 NJ Camden, preacher 1234 WMVY 92.7 MA Tisbury, “92.7 WMVY” 949 1235 WLIR 92.7 NY Garden City, “LIR” 781 1238 WDVT 93.5 MA Harwichport, “Cape Cod Mall” 984 1242 WCTK 98.1 MA New Bedford, “Viking Nissan, Route 44 East in Providence” 937 1246 unID 88.5 ?? ??, “This is WMDR” 1250 WTKK 96.9 MA Boston, “Countertop Shoppe,”, only location is in Leominster MA 945 1250 WPLMt 99.1 MA Plymouth, “….in Rockland,” “Easy 99.1” 1303 WOUR 96.9 NY Utica, “Jimi Hendrix on 96-9 WOUR” 783 1304 WNSX 97.7 ME Winter Harbor, “Maine Lobster Festival,” “Clear Channel Maine,” “Sportsradio 97-7” 1141 1307 WPOR 101.9 ME Portland, “…on today’s country WPOR 101.9” 1018 1313 WMEH 90.9 ME Bangor, fundraising for opera on Maine Public Radio 1126 7/20 Tr 1000 KCMO 94.9 MO Kansas City, legal ID 448 1012 KQRC 98.9 KS Leavenworth, “The Rock is Kansas City’s rock station” 448 1014 KCLR 99.3 MO Boonville, “Business Loop 70 West in Columbia” 340 1026 KQCH 94.1 NE Omaha, “Omaha’s #1,” “94-1 Jams” 587 94.5 NE Hastings, “The Breeze 94.5” (yes, it’s stereo) 697 1030 KLIQ 1030 KZPL 97.3 MO Lee’s Summit, Kansas City ads 443 1058 KRMS 93.5 MO Osage Beach, legal ID 326 1111 KBBX 97.7 NE Nebraska City, “La Maquina,” Omaha talk 578 1127 KIOS 91.5 NE Omaha, “,” legal ID 585 1127 unID 89.1 ?? ??, strong tropo interference vs WNAZ on input of W258AD Clarksville TN 1141 KLTQ 101.9 NE Lincoln, “Lite Rock 101.9 KLTQ” 585 1141 KNCY 103.1 NE Auburn, Nebraska City ad 546 1200 KBBK 107.3 NE Lincoln, legal ID 594 7/23 Es 0922 WDVT 93.5 MA Harwichport, “Route 132, Hyannis” 984 20 0945 unID 93.5 0952 WPRO 92.3 0952 WWYZ 92.5 ?? ??, o, gives frequency as 101.1 (still WDVT?) RI Providence, “” 914 CT Waterbury, (860) 459-7480 for tickets to Mary Chapin Carpenter August 10 in Torrington 842 0954 WSNEt 93.3 MA Taunton, “New England GMC Dealers” 0956 WZMX 93.7 CT Hartford, “Middletown Nissan, Route 3 in Middletown” 842 1000 WPKT 90.5 CT Meriden, “” 842 1000 WECSt 90.1 CT Willimantic, “…Connecticut State University” 1002 CFXY 105.3 NB Fredericton, “…serving Fredericton, Gage, Boiestown…” 1244 1007 WTKK 96.9 MA Boston, “96-9 FM Talk,” (617) call in number 945 1023 WYFPt 91.9 ME Harpswell, brief mention of BBN between music, very weak 1025 WXRV 92.5 MA Haverhill, “92-5 The River WXRV” 955 1029 unID 98.5 ?? ??, “Prestige Mitsubishi,” thought it was Cookeville but only two listing on Google are in New Jersey and Wisconsin 7/23 Tr 0948 WAEZ 94.9 TN Greeneville, Johnson City ad, “Electric 94.9” (only 2nd time heard and nothing else in from that area) 246 7/25 Es 1128 CJMF 93.3 QC Quebec, a few seconds of two guys talking in French, only French station on 93.3, Bancroft ON in on TV 1076 7/28 Es 0920 KJYE 92.3 CO Grand Junction, “In Grand Junction,” “Western Colorado’s” 1193 0954 KMXWt 92.3 IA Newton, “UPN-36, new home for ?? football” 7/30 Tr 0945 WISH 98.9 IL Galatia, West Frankfort ad 137 7/30 Es 0916 KENW 89.5 NM Portales, RDS “KENW 895” 928 0923 KANW 89.1 NM Albuquerque, “89.1 KANW” 1085 0923 KACVt 89.9 TX Amarillo, “AC’s FM-90,” r 0926 KFLQ 91.5 NM Albuquerque, local weather 1085 0930 KDDD 95.3 TX Dumas, “on 95-3 K-Triple-D” 827 0934 KRST 92.3 NM Albuquerque, “Casa Fox 2,” local ad 1085 0941 K211?? 90.1 ?? ??, “Great Plains Christian Radio,” at least four KJIL translators on this frequency 1002 KRTN 93.9 NM Raton, RDS “KTRN937,” MDT time check 959 7/31 Es 1011 KLUX 89.5 TX Robstown, “Smooth 89.5 KLUX” 856 1013 KKBA 92.7 TX Kingsville, “92.7 K-Bay” still here, not 92.5 878 1017 unID 100.7 ?? ??, “radio classifieds,” selling used cars across northern Mexico 1017 unID 91.9 ?? ??, “Deming Nuevo Mexico Special Event Center” religious event, but then another religious event in Matamoros several hundred miles away 8/1 Es 1111 KQUR 94.9 TX Laredo, “Today’s Laredo Morning Times” 950 1117 KISS 99.5 TX San Antonio, “Loop 410” auto dealer ad 812 1121 unID 106.3 ?? ??, easy jazz, RDS “106.3 FM” really useful =-) (bet it’s KQQT Gonzales TX-jz) 1121 KGSRt 107.1 TX Bastrop, brief burst “GSR” over unID Mexican, WBLG apparently off 1125 XHEC 91.9 CI Sabinas, local and Ciudad Acuna ads 1009 1126 KSJL 92.5 TX Devine, RDS “KSJL-FM” 864 1131 XHHPR 101.7 CI Hidalgo del Parral, local ad 1268 1131 KCJZ 106.7 TX Terrell Hills, “106.7 Jamz,” fighting w/local “Blazin’ 106.7,” both same format 828 1138 XHCPH 96.9 CI Hidalgo del Parral, local ads 1268 1144 KDLK 94.1 TX Del Rio, RDS “KDLK 94.1” 932 KBSG 97.3 WA Tacoma, o 1331 Kevin Redding – Gilbert/Southern Mesa, KIXZ 96.1 WA Spokane, k 1333 AZ KEYG 98.5 WA Grand Coulee 1340 KING 98.1 WA Seattle, classical 1346 Hafler 330 and APS-9 antenna KJR 95.7 WA Seattle 1351 KUOW 94.9 WA Seattle, blues 1355 8/16 Es KCRK 92.1 WA Colfax, Mariners bb 1430 KDRK 93.7 WA Spokane, “Cat Country” William McGuire – 2412 59th Place – 1248 Cheverly, MD 20785-2918 KMJZ 95.1 OR Prineville, smooth j 1255 UnID 95.3 ?? ??, k 1303 KOZE 96.5 ID Lewiston, Z-Rock 1309 DX-398 KKSN 97.1 OR Portland, IDs as KISN 1314 KZZL 99.5 WA Pullman 1319 6/21 Tr KWLZ 96.5 OR Warm Springs, “Lazer 96.5” 2014 WESM 91.3 MD Princess Anne, R&B, ID 1323 6/23 Tr KTPZ 99.1 ID Mountain Home, “The Peak” 2242 WZBH 93.5 DE “The Beach” 1329 6/24 Tr 21 2115 WGRQ 95.9 VA Colonial Beach, “Golden Oldies 95.9” 6/25 Tr 2150 WFRB 105.3 MD Frostburg, “Country 105.3,” ID 2344 WWWV 97.5 VA Charlottesville, “3WV Rocks” 6/28 Tr 2330 WSTW 93.7 DE Wilmington, wx, ID 6/30 Tr 2250 WMGK 102.9 PA Philadelphia, “102.9 MGK” 2255 WSNI 104.5 PA Philadelphia, “Sunny 104.5” 7/7 Tr 2113 WZXL 100.7 NJ Wildwood, ID 2120 WUSQ 102.5 VA Winchester, “Q-102,” promo 2140 WAYZ 104.7 MD Hagerstown, promo, ID 2210 WLTF 97.5 WV Martinsburg, Delilah 7/18 Tr 2115 WJKS 101.7 NJ Canton, hip-hop, “Kiss 101.7” 2230 WAFY 103.1 MD Middletown, “Key 103.1,” ID Gus Mancuso – 5706 Greenleaf Road – Cheverly, MD 20785-1112– DXing from Shively (Louisville) KY, 3rd trip here Radio Shack DX-398 (modified), rabbit ears 7/17 Tr 1905 WRUL 1950 WKDF 2053 WKKG 2126 WRAY 2127 WSDM 2200 WKPB 2203 WMGI 2252 WMDH 2255 WFIW 2304 WTHI 7/18 Tr 0739 WWWY 0751 WIKY 1353 WKTG 1805 WBRO 1823 WKLO 7/19 Tr 1159 WXZZ 1914 WENS 7/20 Tr 1057 WJXA 1221 WTHX 97.3 103.3 101.5 98.1 97.7 89.5 100.7 102.5 104.9 99.9 104.9 104.1 93.9 89.9 96.9 IL TN IN IN IN KY IN IN IL IN IN IN KY IN IN Carmi Nashville Columbus Princeton Brazil Henderson, calls Terre Haute New Castle Fairfield Terre Haute Columbus, o Evansville Madisonville Marengo Hardinsburg 103.3 KY Georgetown, “Z-Rock” 97.1 IN Shelbyville Joe Kureth – 2900 Uniontown Road – Uniontown, MD 21158-3553 Radio Shack DX-398, Saturn car radio. New except where noted. 7/4 Es 1131 CBNC 88.7 1145 CBH-1 1148 CHOE 1157 CBAL-2 1158 CBAL-3 1204 CBAL-5 93.3 95.3 95.3 88.9 94.3 1206 CKLE 92.9 1209 CJRG 7/19 Es 1157 WQCS 1158 WSYR 1200 WWRM 1203 WLDI 1210 WSJT 1211 WNFB 94.5 NF Stephenville, wx forecasts for dozens of NF locations NS Middleton PQ Matane NB Lameque NB Campbellton NB Edmunston, same program from “La Chiene Culturelle” with Acadian mx NB Bathhurst, heard at the same time as Fred Laun in Temple Hills MD PQ Gaspe 88.9 94.7 94.9 95.5 94.1 94.3 FL FL FL FL FL FL 1220 WLPT 1222 WAGP 1228 WIKX 1242 WKGC 1259 WAPR 1300 WVAS 1305 KRVS 1305 unID 88.3 88.7 92.9 90.7 88.3 90.7 88.7 91.1 GA SC FL FL AL AL LA ?? 1312 KHLA 1317 WSYE 1335 KABF 7/21 Es 1230 KBPN 1248 KKJM 1250 KKID 7/30 Tr 0855 WMKX 92.9 93.3 88.3 LA MS AR 88.3 92.9 92.9 MN Brainerd MN St. Joseph MO Salem, south central MO wx Fort Pierce, legal ID Gifford, “Star 94.7” Tampa, “Magic 94.9” Fort Pierce, “Wild 95.5” Lakeland, local ads Lake City, “Mix 94.3,” mention of AM station, WDSR 1340 Jessup, RDS, my first GA Beaufort, my shortest Es! Charlotte Harbor, relog Panama City, NPR Selma Montgomery, RDS Lafayette ??, slogan sounded like “Zu-Ma” Jennings, relog Houston, RDS “Sunny FM” Little Rock 105.5 PA Brookville, “Mega Rock” Looks like I really missed out on the May and June openings. Those I did DX all were a round mid-day and short-lived. 92.9 TN Nashville 107.3 TN Lebanon Junction, “Star 107.3” 7/21 Tr 0758 WELD 101.9 WV Petersburg, new state from here 0801 WLKS 102.9 KY West Liberty, calls 0806 WUHU 107.1 KY Smith Grove 0819 WAXM 93.5 VA Big Stone Gap, new state from here 1246 WGIC 98.5 TN Cookeville, “Magic” This brings my totals from here to 147 for one short and two long trips. From the Editor Great turnout! Thanks to all of you who sent along reports this month, and I’ll be looking forward to hearing from the rest of you for the October column. Drop a line and let everyone know what you’ve heard this summer. See ya next month! 22 WESTERN TV DX VICTOR FRANK 12450 SKYLINE BLVD. WOODSIDE, CA 94062-4554 [email protected] Jeff Kruszka, 5024 S. Braxton Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70817 Michael Hawk, Omaha, NE Equipment: UHF: Toshiba 36" Cinema Series; Radio Shack corner reflector on the balcony VHF: "Korvetes" brand (Toshiba parts) 1970's 13" color TV w/ built-in whip July 2003 CT 1 Es 1757 unid 4 SS briefly 2 Es 1733 XHGV 4 VE 850 1900 HRTG 5 HND 1160 3 Es 1934 WIVB 4 NY 1095 1936 CBLT 5 ON 1115 4 Es 1126 Cuba 5 color bars 1236 Cuba 4 TV Noticias 1254 XHGV 4 VE 850 1502 XHG 4 JAL 1020 1711 unid 7 Es briefly from Mexico (Azteca 7) 5 Es 1230 XHG 4 JAL 850 1500 KENW 3 NM 760 KOB 4 NM 955 1530 KDBC 4 TX 910 6 Es 1243 XHGB 4 VE 850 1407 HRTG 5 HND 1160 7 Es 1834 XHGV 4 VE 850 1900 WFRV 5 WI 985 1930 KOAA 5 CO 940 2020 KLBY 4 KS 845 9 Es 1812 WTAE 4 PA 930 2142 KGAN 2 IA 795 2206 KSTP 5 MN 1005 2215 WOI 5 IA 810 2219 WDIV 4 MI 935 2227 KCTV 5 MO 625 2230 KTIV 4 IA 880 2257 KDLO 3 SD 1025 2326 KOAA 5 CO 940 12 Es 1121 KSWK 3 KS 760 1128 KRMA 6 CO 1010 1130 KCNC 4 CO 1010 1137 KWGN 2 CO 1010 1143 KOAA 5 CO 940 1800 KDLH 3 MN 1080 1802 KIMT 3 IA 880 1804 WRAL 5 NC 810 1808 WHBF 4 IL 760 1824 WUNC 4 NC 790 1838 WOI 5 IA 810 1841 WTKR 3 VA 960 1844 WBTV 3 NC 680 1901 WSKY 4 NC 970 22 tr 0641 KXAN 36 TX 395 25 Es 2136 unids 3, 4 26 Es 1234 unids 3, 4 27-31 Out of town 7/2/2003 Tr 2300 KCRG 7/3/2003 Tr 0200 KWCV 0706 KGEB 9 IA Cedar Rapids, ID 33 KS Wichita, WB33 53 OK Tulsa, religion, lcl ad for "Franks Café" on Mingo Rd 31 KS Manhattan, TBN 0710 K31BW 35 OK Claremore, ID w/ color 0720 KRSC bars 0730 KOCB 34 OK Oklahoma City, ad for Liberty Fest sponsored them and Fox25 0755 KDOR 17 OK Bartlesville, TBN 44 OK Okmulgee, "Water for Life" 0800 KTPX fundraiser 1630 KEYC 12 MN Mankato, ads floating o/ semi-local KUON 7/4/2003 Tr 25 MO Jefferson City, rel 0830 KNLJ 0845 KDNL 30 MO St Louis 0850 WHSL 46 IL East St. Louis 35 MO Kansas City, rel; ID 0905 K35CT supered on lower right 0937 KOMU 8 MO Columbia, NBC 2300 WICS 20 IL Springfield, Leno 16 IL Quincy, rel 2315 WTJR 2325 WRSP 55 IL Springfield 2328 WCFN 49 IL Springfield, M*A*S*H 7/7/2003 Es 1915 KBEJ 2 TX Fredericksburg 7/18/2003 Tr 13 SD Sioux Falls, ABC 1918 KSFY 7/19/2003 Tr 40 IA Storm Lake, K-Meg 0829 K47FZ translator 47 MN Rochestor, Fox 0827 KXLT 7/20/2003 Tr 0000 KDNL 30 MO St Louis 45 MN Minneapolis, 0001 KSTC Cantebury Park horse racing 0010 KWCV 33 KS Wichita 0030 WRBU 46 IL E. St. Louis 0155 WNKT 28 KY Paducah, home shopping 25 IL Peoria, lcl ads 0158 WEEK 0200 WRSP 55 IL Springfield, Fox 55 1054 WDKA 49 KY Paducah, WB49 53 KY Bowling Green, KET 1302 WKGB 7/21/2003 Tr 0620 K47FZ 40 IA Storm Lake 0622 KPXR 48 IA Cedar Rapids 7/27/2003 Tr 1730 KWKB 20 IA Iowa City Except for a couple of decent days (including ch. 7 Es!), the skip kind of tapered off this month. Tropo was basically non-existent. 23 6/27/03 ES 1732 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles CBS2 logo 1808 ???? 3 ?? ???? Red “3” riding yellow steed 7/3/03 ES 2050 KEYT 3 CA Santa Barbara ref 7/5/03 ES 1940 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Logo – pic good enough to read “tu canal” under logo 2037 KTVU 2 CA Oakland ID 2046 KCRA 3 “ Sacramento Calls 7/6/03 ES 2157 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Mexicali ref 2254 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix Logo 2301 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles CBS2 logo 7/8/03 ES 1800 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix New logo 1814 KNAZ 2 “ Flagstaff Logo 2214 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe Santa Fe ad 7/9/03 ES 1715 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix Logo 1718 KVBC 3 NV Las Vegas Las Vegas wx 1724 KNAZ 2 AZ Flagstaff Logo 1758 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles CBS2 logo 1807 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Mexicali ref 2044 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe Logo 7/10/03 ES 1750 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles CBS2 logo KEYT 3 “ Santa Barbara 1836 KCRA 3 “ Sacramento Calls 7/12/03 ES 2116 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Logo 7/13/03 ES 1210 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix addresses 7/16/03 ES 2159 KACV 2 TX Amarillo Calls 7/18/03 ES 1914 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix Logo 2030 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe Calls 2100 XHTJK 3 BN Tijuana Eng-lang movie w/ Sp captioning, Once logo 7/19/03 SL 42 BC Vancouver 1000 C??? Ethnic programming 7/20/03 ES 6 AZ Tucson Calls 1934 KUAT 1957 KSWK 3 KS Lakin Smoky Hills 2016 KNAZ 2 AZ Flagstaff Sedona ad 2025 KTVK 3 “ Phoenix Logo 7/21/03 ES 1857 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix Logo 7/24/03 ES 2002 KSNC 2 KS Great Bend KSN 2021 KLBY 4 “ Colby KUPK-13 calls u/KOMO 7/25/03 ES 2226 KDLO 3 SD Florence KELO calls 7/26/03 ES 1027 ???? 2 ?? ?? Iowa Public Television 1100 KDLO 3 SD Florence KELO calls 2200-2300 unID’s 22,31,47 suspect Macomb/Peoria, IL John M. Jefferson It’s been a long time since I last reported. Work & married life have at times eaten up all my energy. Still was DX’ing, but never got around to reporting. Well, to try to set a new trend, here’s this year’s activity. Don’t expect to see a lot of new loggings! 4/21/03 ES 2028 KASA 2134 KENW 5/19/03 ES 2026 XHBC 2029 XHTJB 2129 KOTA 5/29/03 ES 2215 XHBC 5/30/03 ES 1546 KWGN 1632 KREG? 1958 KCRA 6/9/03 ES 1855 CKSA 2238 KOTA 2 NM Santa Fe New Mexico ad 3 “ Portales Calls 3 BN Mexicali Logo (lazy blue 3) 3 “ Tijuana ID o/ Once net feed 3 SD Rapid City Calls 3 BN Mexicali Logo 2 CO Denver WB2 logo 3 “ Glenwood Springs News 5 3 CA Sacramento Logo 2 AB Lloydminster ref 3 SD Rapid City Rapid City ref 6/10/03 ES 1551 KGFE 2 ND Grand Forks Prairie Public 2019 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe NM wx map 6/12/03 ES 1959 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix Calls, new logo 2046 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Logo 6/13/03 ES 1850 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali orange 3 logo 2033 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe Calls 2044 KTVU 2 CA Oakland San Mateo ad 2059 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Calls 2159 KNAZ 2 AZ Flagstaff NBC, KNAZ logo 6/14/03 ES 1819 ???? 2 ?? ???? CTV network bug 1820 ???? 3 ?? ???? KATC-3 calls, but from ENE CBC carrying KATC nx clip? 1826 KWGN 2 CO Denver Denver ad; WB2 bug @ 1829 1949 KBME 3 ND Bismarck Prairie Public 1951 KSWK 3 KS Lakin Smoky Hills Public 2206 KNAZ 2 AZ Flagstaff Calls 6/16/03 ES 1822 KNAZ 2 AZ Flagstaff N. AZ ref 6/19/03 ES 2018 KWGN 2 CO Denver WB2 logo, CO wx map 2047 KREG 3 “ Glenwood Springs Grand Junction ad 2112 KSWK 3 KS Lakin Smoky Hills 2125 KASA 2 NM Santa Fe NM Ford dealers 6/20/03 ES 1619 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Logo 1707 KNAZ? 2 AZ Flagstaff 12 News (in AZ outline)Relay of nx from Phoenix? 1730 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Calls 1748 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles S. CA ad 1828 KTVU 2 “ Oakland 925 a/c in ad 1843 KEYT 3 “ Santa Barbara ad 6/23/03 ES 1732 KCBS 2 CA Los Angeles CBS2 logo 1758 XHBC 3 BN Mexicali Mexicali ref 6/25/03 ES 2028 KSWK 3 KS Lakin Smoky Hills 2059 KWGN 2 CO Denver ID Too bad the season seems to have played itself out. Things were just starting to develop a bit of variety in the last week, in sharp contrast to the XHBC etc. show which dominated most of the season. Matthew C. Sittel, 15013 Eureux Circle, Bellevue, NE 68123 [email protected] 24 Equipment: Winegard PR-9032 UHF antenna at 35', Winegard AP-4700 UHF pre-amp., Winegard PR-5030 VHF antenna at 32', Channel Master remote controlled rotor, MFC traps for channels 3, 6, 7 and 26, Hauppauge WinTV-D PCI card for HDTV. 7/1 tr 1830 7/2 tr 2106 2200 2216 2220 2220 2232 2306 2311 2311 2314 2317 2305 2320 2322 2327 2335 2341 2343 2346 WTJR-16 IL Quincy WCFN-49 IL Springfield KDNL-30 MO St. Louis WICS-20 IL Springfield WTVP-47 IL Peoria KMOV-DT-56 MO St. Louis WRBU-46 IL East St. Louis KTVI-DT-43MO St. Louis Text ID: (FOX2-DT) 2353 KSDK-DT-35MO St. Louis Text ID: (KSDK-DIGITAL) 7/5 tr 0021 KDNL-DT-31MO St. Louis No text ID 0021KPLR-DT-26MO St. Louis Text ID: (WB11_DT). DTV #50! 0040 KOMU-DT-36 MO Columbia Text ID: (KOMU Digital) 0047 KTVO-DT-33 MO Kirksville No text ID 7/7 Es 1858 WPBT-2 FL Miami 1926 WWL-4 LA New Orleans, ID 2125 unID-2El Canal de las Estrellas 7/8 GW 2108 KOLN-DT-25NE Lincoln Text ID: (KOLN-DT) 7/8 Es 2113 KTVN-2 NV Reno, ID 2154 CIII2-2 ON Bancroft, Global 2159 CIII4-4 ON Owen Sound 2205 unIDs-2 w/CBC, CTV, FF, 5 w/CBC 7/9 Es 1929 WSKY-4 NC Manteo, PSA 2206 WSB-2 GA Atlanta, nx 2210 WESH-2 FL Daytona Beach 2212 WCBD-2 SC Charleston, nx 2219 WWL-4 LA New Orleans, wx 2222 WKRG-5 AL Mobile, logo 7/10 Es 1739 CICT-2 AB Calgary, Global 7/11 tr 0650 KXLT-47 MN Rochester,Fox 47 0651 20/28/48 IA Cedar Rapids 0659 KLJB-18 IA Davenport 0729 KFXB-40 IA Dubuque 7/12 Es 1029 KDBC-4 TX El Paso, ID 1146 KRGV-5 TX Weslaco, logo 1846 WDIQ-2 AL Dozier, APT 1921 KTVN-2 NV Reno, logo 2014 KVVU-5 NV Henderson,Fox 5 7/13 tr 0826 KSTC-45 MN Minneapolis 7/14 tr 0655 KOOD-9 KS Hays 0655 KSTC-45 MN Minneapolis 7/14 Es 1715 WTWO-2t IN Terre Haute, logo 1725 WETP-2 TN Sneedville 1729 WFMY-2 NC Greensboro 7/15 tr 0655 KOOD-9 KS Hays 0701 KSNT-DT-28KS Topeka Text ID: (KSNT-DT) 0710 KSTC-45 MN Minneapolis 0711 WDAF-DT-34 MO Kansas City Text ID: (WDAF Digital Television) 0715 KWCV-33 KS Wichita 0718 WEUX-48 WI Chippewa Falls 0725 KLJB-DT-49 IA Davenport 0739 WGEM-DT-54 IL Quincy unID-2SS to the southwest WHWC-28 WI Menomonie 10/47 MN Rochester KWWL-DT-55 IA Waterloo Text ID: (KWWL DTV) KPXR-DT-47IA Cedar Rapids KCRG-DT-52 IA Cedar Rapids WQOW-18 WI Eau Claire, nx 2/9/28 IA Cedar Rapids KFXB-40 IA Dubuque KLJB-18 IA Davenport KWQC-DT-56 IA Davenport No text ID, prog. 2 is tower cam WHLA-DT-30 WI La Crosse Text IDs: (WHLA-HD), (WHLA-SD) 342 248 229 225 226 343 224 291 289 287 299 7/3 tr 0345 27/47 WI Madison 355 0357 WISC-DT-50WI Madison 355 0755 KWCV-33 KS Wichita 244 0755 KWBT-19 OK Muskogee 369 0755 KRSC-35 OK Claremore 325 0815 KQOK-30 OK Shawnee 409 IA Ames, no text ID 130 0825 WOI-DT-59 0839 KTBO-14 OK Oklahoma City 391 0841 KSNF-16 MO Joplin 287 0842 KDOR-17 OK Bartlesville 317 TX Fort Worth 591 0910 KFWD-52 “Central Kia” of Plano 30-min. ad, verified by calling station! 351 0950 KJRH-DT-56 OK Tulsa Text ID: (KJRH Digital Television) 7/3 Es 0929 WCBD-2 SC Charleston 1056 1059 WDIQ-2 AL Dozier, APT ID 904 1200 WBRZ-2 LA Baton Rouge, nx 792 7/3 tr 1615 KEYC-12 MN Mankato 211 1615 KEYC-DT-38MN Mankato no text ID 211 1730 WHWC-28 WI Menomonie 342 1754 5/9/11/23/29 MN Minneapolis 309 1820 DTV35/50 MN Minneapolis 309 1824 WFTC-DT-21 MN Minneapolis no text ID309 1826 WHLA-31 WI La Crosse 299 1850 19/25/DTV 30 WI La Crosse 299 299 1930 WXOW-DT-14 WI La Crosse Text: (WXOW-DT La Crosse, WI(ABC) HDTV) MN Albert Lea, TBN 219 2047 K54HA-54 2048 KSTC-DT-44 MN St. Paul 309 Text ID: (KSTC-DT) 2056 KTCA-2 MN St. Paul, tpt 309 7/4 tr 0845 KMIZ-17 MO Columbia 240 0848 KMOV-DT-56 MO St. Louis 347 Text ID: (KMOV) 0850 KYTV-DT-44MO Springfield 315 0855 KDOR-17 OK Bartlesville 317 0910 WTJR-16 IL Quincy 254 0931 KOMU-8 MO Columbia 247 0955 KNLJ-25 MO Jefferson City 262 2245 KLJB-18 IA Davenport 289 2254 WBUI-23 IL Decatur 379 2254 WRSP-55 IL Springfield 352 25 254 349 344 352 334 347 344 344 344 344 345 247 186 1380 841 69 1260 982 791 1136 811 1176 1056 841 850 1113 272 225 289 291 870 1038 846 1260 1088 309 217 309 760 941 217 138 309 156 244 343 289 254 Text IDs: (WGEM-DT), (WGEM-SD) 0754 25/31/47 IL Peoria 0754 WEEK-DT-57 IL Peoria 0807 19/31 WI La Crosse 0808 WRSP-55 IL Springfield 0811 WWTO-35 IL La Salle 0815 KPTS-8 KS Hutchinson 0815 WMEC-22 IL Macomb,local off 0830 KSNC-2 KS Great Bend 7/16 tr 0650 WTVP-47 IL Peoria 0650 KXLT-47 MN Rochester 1700 KLJB-18 IA Davenport,Fox 18 1830 KCRG-DT-52 IA Cedar Rapids 1830 WFTC-29 MN Minneapolis 2012 KXLT-47 MN Rochester 2012 WHWC-28 WI Menomonie 2059 5/9/11 MN Minneapolis 2103 13/48 WI Eau Claire 2110 19/31 WI La Crosse 2143 KTCA-2 MN St. Paul, tpt 2 2145 K58GC-58MN Rochester, 3ABN 2227 WAOW-9 WI Wausau 2227 WYOW-34 WI Eagle River 2233 WHRM-20 WI Wausau 2248 WFXS-55 WI Wittenberg 7/17 tr 2229 KTWU-DT-23 KS Topeka Text IDs: (KTWU-DT1), (KTWU-HD) 2230 WFTC-29 MN Minneapolis 2245 KDOR-17 OK Bartlesville 2245 KWCV-33 KS Wichita 7/18 super tropo weekend begins! 0323 KWCM-10 MN Appleton 0329 WFTC-DT-21 MN Minneapolis 0359 KSTC-45 MN Minneapolis 0329 KOMU-DT-36 MO Columbia 0331 KNLJ-25 MO Jefferson City 0359 WEUX-48 WI Chippewa Falls 0404 KMSP-DT-26 MN Minneapolis Text IDs: (KMSP-SD),(KMSP-HD) 0415 KTTC-DT-36MN Rochester Text ID: (KTTC HD Channel) 1740 KDLV-5 SD Mitchell, rare 1740 KTSD-10 SD Pierre 1744 10/47 MN Rochester 1946 DT 47/52 IA Cedar Rapids 1948 WHWC-28 WI Menomonie 2005 DT 21/35/50 MN Minneapolis 2011 K69GB-69 MN Minneapolis,3ABN 2015 WPWR-DT-51 IN Gary Text ID: (WPWR-DT) 2018 38/50/66 IL Chicago 2018 WYIN-56 IN Gary 2028 16/22/34 IN South Bend 2030 WSBT-DT-30 IN South Bend Text IDs: (WSBT-HD),(WSBTSD1) 2145 KTSD-10 SD Pierre 2150 KESD-8 SD Brookings, rare 2155 KWCM-10 MN Appleton 2208 11/23 MN Minneapolis 2227 KDSD-16 SD Aberdeen 7/19 0255 KABY-DT-28 SD Aberdeen Text ID: (KABT HD) 0258 KJRE-19 ND Ellendale 0258 unID-21 w/Minneapolis NWR audio MN Willmar 0302 K30FZ-30 SD Springfield 0306 K33GX-33 w/KDLT-46 ID slide 0306 K41EE-41 SD Watertown KDLT 0306 0314 0316 0335 0345 0410 0758 0800 0800 0803 0803 0803 0830 0832 0836 0906 0916 0919 0919 0927 0928 K47IC-47 SD Milbank, KDLT 288 KLJB-DT-49 IA Davenport 289 WKOW-27 WI Madison,nx rerun 358 WMBD-31 IL Peoria 335 KSTC-45 MN Minneapolis 309 MN Walker 411 KCCW-12 KDNL-30 MO St. Louis 344 WRSP-55 IL Springfield 352 WTVP-47 IL Peoria 334 WCCU-27 IL Urbana 423 19/25 IL Peoria 333 WYZZ-43 IL Bloomington 354 WAOE-59 IL Peoria 337 WWTO-35 IL La Salle, TBN 364 KFXB-40 IA Dubuque 291 18/58 WI Milwaukee 432 WVCY-30 WI Milwaukee 434 WISC-DT-50 WI Madison 355 WHLA-31 WI La Crosse 299 WUPW-57 WI Janesville 362 355 WREX-DT-54 IL Rockford Text ID: (Rockford’s News Leader) 1114 WFXS-55 WI Wittenberg 427 247 1116 KXLT-DT-46 MN Rochester No text ID 1123 WCFN-49 IL Springfield 349 1128 19/DT 30 WI La Crosse 299 1225 KEYC-12 MN Mankato 211 289 1233 WQAD-DT-38 IL Moline Text IDs: (WQAD-HD), (WQAD-WX)(WQAD-SD) 1259 WHBF-4 IL Rock Island 285 1310 WYOW-34 WI Eagle River 466 1347 9/11 MN Minneapolis 309 309 1350 KMWB-DT-22 MN Minneapolis Text ID: (KMWB-DT) 1820 WKOW-27 WI Madison 358 224 1848 KGAN-DT-51 IA Cedar Rapids No text ID 1858 KWWF-22 IA Waterloo, WHT 227 219 1922 KOOD-DT-16 KS Hays, (KOOD-2) 351 1925 KOKI-DT-22 OK Tulsa Text ID: (KOKI-DT TULSA,OK) 1929 KWCV-DT-31 KS Wichita 244 Text ID:(KWCV DIGITAL TELEVISION) 364 1942 KTPX-DT-28OK Okmulgee Text ID:(KTPX Digital Television) 1948 KOTV-DT-55OK Tulsa 351 Text ID:(KOTV-DT) 1951 KJRH-DT-56 OK Tulsa 351 2010 unID-53 w/hunting program 2019 34/52 OK Oklahoma City 392 2040 50/66 IL Chicago 433 2040 WEEK-DT-57 IL Peoria 335 2043 WSBT-22 IN South Bend 505 2054 WSTR-64 OH Cincinnati, WB64 616 2054 KDNL-30 MO St. Louis 344 2054 unID-35 TBN, McAlester, OK? 2114 WAOE-59 IL Peoria 337 KY Covington, KET 621 2115 WCVN-54 2159 KRSC-35 OK Claremore 325 2200 KWBS-34 AR Eureka Springs 338 395 2210 KFSM-DT-18AR Fort Smith Text ID: (KFSM HIGH DEFINITION) 2210 KHBS-40 AR Fort Smith,40/29 422 2216 KSBN-57 AR Springdale 351 2226 WHLA-DT-30 WI La Crosse 299 2237 DT 35/50 MN Minneapolis 309 2241 WPWR-DT-51 IN Gary 433 2248 WDJT-58 WI Milwaukee 432 2314 KWWL-7 IA Waterloo, u/KETV 229 334 355 299 352 364 232 278 238 334 272 289 226 309 272 342 309 343 299 309 274 411 466 411 427 141 309 317 244 282 309 309 247 262 343 311 248 191 273 248 225 342 309 300 433 433 444 505 505 273 234 282 309 317 295 389 285 159 268 26 7/20 tr 0242 WFLD-32 IL Chicago, Fox 433 0251 WSIL-DT-34 IL Harrisburg 447 Text ID: (WSIL TV 1416 COUNTRY AIRE DRIVE CARTERVILLE IL) KY Pikeville, KET 764 0258 WKPI-22 0304 WAND-17 IL Deactur, calls 380 0305 KDEB-27 MO Springfield 314 0305 DT 26/35/43/56 MO St. Louis 344 0313 WLS-DT-52 IL Chicago 433 Text IDs: (WLS-HD), (WLS-SD) 433 0317 WTTW-DT-47 IL Chicago Text IDs: (WTTWDT1), (WTTWDT2) 0320 WILL-12 IL Urbana, logo 388 433 0321 WGBO-DT-53 IL Joliet Text ID: (Univision) 433 0323 WFLD-DT-31 IL Chicago Text ID: (WFLD-DT) 0337 WMAQ-5 IL Chicago 433 0800 KFXB-40 IA Dubuque 291 7/21 Es 2155 unID-2 CBS west “King of Queens” 7/23 tr 0655 KWCV-33 KS Wichita 244 0655 KSNF-16 MO Joplin 287 0658 KOZK-21 MO Springfield 312 0700 KRSC-35 OK Claremore, TP 325 7/24 Es 2110 XEFB-2 NL Monterrey, nx 1096 7/25 Es 1955 CKAL-5 AB Calgary, A-Ch. 1111 1959 KXLF-4 MT Butte, ID 893 2031 WCSC-5 SC Charleston 1057 2150 KBEJ-2 TX Fredericksburg 773 2207 KPRC-2 TX Houston 797 7/26 Es 0930 unIDs-2, 4, 5 1425 unID-2 FF 1511 KTVQ-2 MT Billings, Q2 707 7/27 tr 0400 KDSD-16 SD Aberdeen 317 0403 KABY-9 SD Aberdeen, KSFY 295 0405 KTSD-10 SD Pierre 273 1715 DT 47/52 IA Cedar Rapids 225 1718 KWWL-DT-55 IA Waterloo 229 1733 WHBF-4 IL Rock Island 285 2014 KLJB-18 IA Davenport 289 2230 KPNE-9 NE North Platte 273 7/28 tr 156 0041 KHGI-DT-36 NE Kearney Text ID:(KHGI DIGITAL TELEVISION) NE Cambridge, KGIN 235 0045 K30FV-30 0052 K28GC-28 NE Gothenburg, KGIN 223 0107 KTTC-10 MN Rochester 248 7/28 Es 1042 KBEJ-2 TX Fredericksburg 773 1201 KMID-2 TX Midland, logo 716 433 0340 WMAQ-DT-29 IL Chicago Text ID: (NBC5-DT) 0342 WTTW-11 IL Chicago, // DT47 433 433 0346 WYCC-DT-21 IL Chicago No text ID 433 0348 WGN-DT-19 IL Chicago Text IDs: (WGN Spanish),(WGN Digital Television) 0351 40/59 IN Indianapolis 518 0354 WIPX-63 IN Bloomington 529 0414 WXIN-DT-45IN Indianapolis 518 Text IDs: (WTTV DT WB),.(WXIN-DT FOX) 0859 KETC-9 MO St. Louis, ID 345 0859 WAOE-59 IL Peoria 337 0904 21/27/33 MO Springfield 311 0914 WUXP-30 TN Nashville,u/KDNL 595 OH Cincinnati 618 0917 WCET-48 0917 WKON-52 KY Owenton, KET 616 0921 WRGT-45 OH Dayton, Fox 45 621 0925 WRBU-46 IL East St. Louis 344 0934 WKEF-22 OH Dayton, NBC 22 621 OH Dayton 622 0955 WPTD-16 622 1004 WPTD-DT-58 OH Dayton Text ID: (WPTD Digital TV) 1023 WKEF-DT-51 OH Dayton 621 Text:(WKEF_22_High_Definition_TV) 312 1058 K68EL-68MO Marshfield 1058 WPXK-54 TN Jellico, Pax 716 1100 KMIZ-DT-22MO Columbia 240 Text IDs: (KMIZ-DT), (KQFX-DT) 1105 WEIU-51 IL Charleston 424 KY Morehead, Pax 691 1108 WUPX-67 1110 KOLR-DT-52 MO Springfield No text ID 312 427 1111 KFVS-DT-57MO Cape Girardeau Text IDs: (KFVS-DT), (WQWQ/WQTV) 1125 WVNS-59 WVLewisburg,CBS 59 843 IN Salem, Great 58 568 1126 WFTE-58 1135 WKPI-22 KY Pikeville, KET 764 1137 WKHA-35 KY Hazard, KET 734 1143 WKMR-38 KY Morehead 696 1143 WTIU-30 IN Bloomington 516 691 1146 WUPX-DT-21 KY Morehead Text ID: (WUPX DT) KY Bowling Green 570 1155 WKGB-53 1200 WLMB-40 WVBluefield 830 WLFG-68 ID, xmtr is in Virginia! KY Bowling Green 594 1224 WNKY-40 1227 WFIE-14 IN Evansville 500 1254 21/33 MO Springfield 312 1254 KNLJ-25 MO Jefferson City 262 1300 fade-out of tropo signals 7/21 tr The 7/18-20 weekend was simply the best tropo I have ever experienced anywhere, period. Friday night alone was good, but conditions stayed in all day Saturday, and then in the evening things went nuts. I took a few breaks to sleep but made sure to check in the middle of the night when the local PBS stations were off to look for DTV signals. I had Chicago near snow-free, a first for me. The shockers for me were the increasing distance of my DTV record, with Chicago, Indianapolis, Dayton and Morehead, KY coming in that order. I hoped after Jeff Kruszka’s big DTV loggings to break my 355 miles DTV record. I almost doubled its distance! My all-time favorite tropo logging from any location is now WVNS-59 Lewisburg, WV. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I never would have thought West Virginia possible by trops out here, especially given the terrain over the last 100 or so miles. Ditto Virginia, courtesy WLMB-40 whose transmitter is a couple of miles into Virginia-another new tropo state. What a weekend! I look forward to reading about what others logged during this event; I’ve heard of some loggings of my area from Kentucky and Tennessee. Simply amazing! This makes up for a so-so skip season on TV! My log total is now 696 with 88 DTVs. 73s Matt. Dennis Park Smith, 3605 San Remo Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2523 (805)687-7803 27 This report is for July 2003. Southern-CA tropo (to San Diego/Tijuana, up to 200mi/320km) again existed the entire month, though after July 20, I was distracted and was not very accurate after that. 16 tr 17 tr June 30 eve – Jul 1: Fair Jul 2 – 9 am: Variably poor Jul 9 eve – 13: Good Jul 14 – 17: Very good (UHF good) Jul 18 am: Fair Jul 18 eve – 20 am: Poor (Hurricane Claudette residual tropical humidity patch) Jul 20 eve – 31 am: Variably good to fair (?) Jul 31 eve: Very good (VHF-UHF) 18 Es tr 19 Es 20 tr 21 Es Wasco Report Again, with distractions, I had forgotten to note some new regulars seen in Wasco in the recent past. Very quickly, here is a list of those overlooked signals with dates first seen. 22 Es 2002: Sep 5, K27GT Mariposa (ex-ch. 28) 145 mi, tentative only, CCI under KFRE-CA 27 Bakersfield 35 mi. 2003: Jan 18, KCSO-LP 33 Sacramento 240 mi (tropo), tentative only, CCI u/KJOI-LP Bakersfield 35 mi. Apr 12, KSDI-LP 33 Fresno (MTV2) (ex-ch 34) 85-100 mi?. May 5, Ch. 22 (KGMC-LP Coalinga?) (KGMC-43 Clovis translator), change from KGMC_LP Ch. 48? 85 mi? May 5, KFAZ-CA 9 Visalia )Azteca America_ 40-60 mi)? Jun 5, KJKZ-LP 27 Fresno (Shop at Home) (ex-ch. 28) 85-100 mi? Jun 5, KJOI-LP 34 Bakersfield )A-C-N) (exch. 33) 35 mi. I was in Wasco July 25-27, and sighted the following stations: July 25, KAZB-CA 19 (KVPT-18 Fresno translator) (ex-ch. 65) 45mi (new regular). July 26, Es, chs. 2-4, noted briefly at 0845 PDT, no Ids. Altogether at this point, not counting tentative signals and always subject to revision, my reconstructed Wasco total is 205. Best of DX to All. 23 Es 24 Es 25 Es Dennis William Eckberg, 1032 Sterling Rd., Dixon, IL 61021 July 2003 3 Es 0020 0025 1125 1235 1255 2020 4 7 8 Es Es Es 2030 1030 1525 1530 1605 1630 2000 1020 CDT WGBH WFSB KBEJ KMID KIII WESH WEDU WJXT WGBH WPBT ICRT WEDU WESH WJXT KBEJ 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 MA CT TX TX TX FL FL FL MA FL CUBA FL FL FL TX 918 842 952 967 1072 983 1031 895 918 1229 1347 1031 983 895 952 26 Es 27 tr 28 Es 29 Es 30 Es 28 1130 KIII 2255 KPXM? 0150 WUNF WPXK 0655 WOAC 0700 unID 1325 WEDU WDIQ 2100 KAUN 2200 KHNE KSAX 1425 WGBH 0600 KWCV 1000 WLBZ 1005 WGBH 1105 WKTV 1110 WCAX 1115 WPTZ 1125 WABI 1220 CKCW 0030 WFQC-1 0040 CKAL 0055 CKAL-1 0105 CFCN 0135 CKSA 0255 CKCK 0950 WUND 0955 WUNC 1000 WRAL 1030 WCBS 1050 WFSB 1055 WGBH 1100 WBZ 1115 WCVB 1130 WKTV 1155 WLBZ 1340 CKCW 0955 KASA 1100 KMID 1150 WUND 1230 CFAP 1305 KTWO 1330 KUTV 1415 KIDK 1430 KXMA 1915 KACB 1925 XHHUPN 1225 WUND 1255 KRGV 1315 KUTV 1335 KBEJ 1740 KGWN 1800 KGWL 1835 KTVQ 1855 KRTV 1900 KFBB 1940 CKAL-1 1210 WESH 0730 KSAX 0955 WPBT 1000 KRGV 1010 WDIQ 1015 KMID KIII 1125 XEFB 0950 KPRC 0955 WESH 1000 WPBT 0925 KPRC KRGV 0930 KGBT 3 41 33 54 67 61 3 2 36 29 42 2 33 2 2 2 3 5 5 2 3 5 2 4 2 2 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 5 2 3 5 2 2 42 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 TX 1072 MN 348 MC 559 TN 451 OH 417 Spanish East FL 1031 AL 727 SD Sioux Fall 383 NE 464 MN 404 MA 918 KS 498 ME 1030 MA 918 NY 714 VT 821 NY Platteburg812 ME 1030 NM 1221 IA 1120 AT 1293 AT 1217 AT 1293 AT 1206 SA 918 NC 797 NC 679 NC 704 NY 792 CT 842 MA 918 MA 918 MA 918 NY 714 ME 1030 NB 1221 NM 972 TX 967 NC 797 PQ 938 WY 849 UT 1139 ID 1123 ND 732 TX 933 TAM 1201 NC 797 TX 1189 UT 1139 TX 952 WY 785 WY 966 MT 968 MT 1112 MT 1112 AT 1217 FL 983 MN 404 FL 1229 TX 1189 AL 727 TX 967 TX 1072 NL 1162 TX 893 FL 983 FL 1229 TX 893 TX 1189 TX 1183 1000 KBEJ 2 TX 952 21 Es 25 Es I’ve seen a mystery station and call letters on wrong channels this month. Several times, in a due easterly direction, I saw identical Chicago 66 programming on ch 61. A logo EDT-CDT was in the lower right. Reception was not Cleveland-61 according to other dxers. Is a new ch 61 xltr located in northern IN? An internet search with another dxer on the evening of July 31 possibly solved the three other mysteries. Doug Smith’s list of U.S. stations was down, so we looked elsewhere. I stand to be corrected on the following conclusions. KARE-11 on ch 41 is KPXM-41 St. Cloud, MN. KGWC on ch 5 is KGWN-5 Cheyenne. KFNB on ch. 5 is KGWL5 Lander. Also a dxer informed me KTWO-2 Casper is now KCWY-2. Pix were taken of the assorted calls on the wrong channels. Plattesburg, NY-5 was received July 21 after nearly 50 years. A tower of 900’, a power of 2.5 kW, and a distance of 812 miles should not be difficult. WPTZ-5 is rarely reported as a mountain is rumored to block the signal to the west. Five excellent pictures were taken of the ID. Fourteen consecutive days of dx over 400 miles was logged in July, the longest string of dx ever. 2359 KBCI 1957 KJRH 2 ID Boise 2 OK Tulsa 1000 953 Randy Miltier, K7GE, 1185 Linda Av Ashland, OR 97520 Location, location, location is prime for great TV DXing and Southern Oregon is probably one of the worst locations in the country for Es. Living in the mountains and at the western edge of the country sure doesn't help. I had much more fun with Es when I lived in San Jose, California with locals on all channels! I guess Southern Oregon is just out of the "skip zone". Times Pacific: 6/10 0900 6 meters into AZ and CA, no TV 6/15 1845 6 meters to the north including Alaska, ch 2,3 & 4 but no IDs 6/16 2100 KTVK-3 CO, KENW-3 NM, KREG-3 CO, ch 4 ABC 7/6 2200 KSWK-3 KS s/off 7/10 0930 CBKT-3 SK, CKCK-2 SK 7/20 2000 6 meters into CO, no TV 7/21 1800 6 meters into Canada Dave Pomeroy, 2321 SE Libra Ct. Topeka, Kansas 66605-3505 Mike Cherry, VE7SKA Salt Spring Is., BC [email protected] July 2003 22 Es 0230 KTVK 3 AZ 24 Es 0400 KRON 4 CA 0403 KTVU 2 CA August 2003 UTC 11 Es 0028 CKND2 2 MB 0030 CBWFT 3 MB 0032 KFYR 5 ND Stereo 0046 KREG 3 CO 0056 KFQX 4 CO 0059 KUSD 2 SD $ 0100 KOTA 3 SD 0118 KASA 2 NM 0130 KENW 3 NM $ 0131 KOB 4 NM 0143 KCRA 3 CA 0157 KPRY 4 SD 0159 KGAN 2 IA 0212 KNOP 2 NE $ 0230 KLNE 3 NE KSNB 4 NE 0240 QRT – had to leave 1556 CFRN 3 AB 1559 CKSA 2 AB/SK 1630 CBKFT2 3 SK 1658 KTWO 2 WY 1757 KUTV 2 UT $ 16 Es 1759 KWGN 2 CO 2132 KUTV 2 UT 2156 KREG 3 CO Many times there were multi-layered signals and Jeff Kadet, K1MOD and myself suspected there was Es2 between us on ch 2, possibly on ch 3 as well. It’s been 8 years at least since I’ve seen any TV Es from Iowa! Es from north-east Alberta usually happens only once a season—this is the second time this part of Canada has opened to here this summer. May 2003 18 Tr 2015 KETA-DT 2030 2100 2155 2200 2205 19 tr 0025 0325 0330 32 Oklahoma City, OK "PBS1DTV" KJTL 18 Wichita Falls, TX UNID-DT 35 "Fox Pgm 1" KOPX-DT 50 Oklahoma City, OK KSBI-DT 51 Oklahoma City, OK KXTX-DT 40 Dallas, TX KOPX 62 Oklahoma City, OK KOCM 46 Norman, OK KXII-DT 20 Sherman, TX 14,25,34,43 (over local KTLJ-CA 43) Oklahoma City, OK KXTX 39 Dallas, TX KSTR-DT 48 Dallas, TX (past KTKA-DT 48 in Topeka) KDAF-DT 32 KXTX-DT 40 Dallas, TX KDFI 27 Dallas, TX KERA-DT 14 KXAS-DT 41 KTXA-DT 18 Dallas, TX KUVN 23 Garland, TX June 2003 9 Es 2110 KTVK 3 Phoenix, AZ UNID-2 UNID-3 Mexico 10 UNID-2 UNID-3 UNID-4 Mexico 12 Tr 0700 KSCC-DT 35 Hutchinson, KS "UPN Digital TV" July 2003 2 GW K35CT 35 Kansas City, MO (First time with ID) 3 Tr KHBS 40 Ft. Smith, AR 0620 KELO-DT 32 Sioux Falls, SD 0630 KDLT 46 Sioux Falls, SD KMEG 14 Sioux City, IA 4 0450 KXII-DT 20 Sherman, TX 5 Es 2100 WMAR 2 Baltimore, MD 0500 KSBI-DT KSBI-52 OKC with different programs 12 Es1430 KTVK 3 Phoenix, AZ Morris Sorensen, Winnipeg, MB July 2003 CDT 29 Mexicali, BN Daytona Beach, FL Tampa, FL Lincoln, NE Iola, KS w/ KGIN-11 instead of KTWU-11 0630 KCAU-DT 30 Sioux City, IA KLKN-DT 31 Lincoln, NE KPTH 44 Sioux City, IA with local WIBW-DT 44 on 0700 KFXB 40 Cedar Rapids, IA 0730 KARE-DT 35 Minneapolis, MN KSMN 20 Worthington, MN KELO-DT 32 Sioux Falls, SD 17 0700 KOLN-DT 25 Lincoln, NE KQTV-DT 53 St, Joseph, MO (second time) 18 2030 KARE-DT 35 Minneapolis, MN KELO-DT 32 KDLT-46 Sioux Falls, SD KSMN 20 Worthington, MN 2040 KMTV-DT 45 Omaha, NE 2250 KTTV 17 Sioux Falls, SD (second time) KSFY-DT 29 Sioux Falls, SD 19 0630 KELO-DT 32 Sioux Falls, SD 0700 WHLA 31 LaCrosse, WI 0715 KARE-DT 35 Minneapolis, MN 0835 KTTC-DT 36 KXLT-47 Rochester, MN 0900 UNID-DT 59 Des Moines, IA? 0915 WEHS 60 Aurora, IL (Chicago) 0930 WQPT-24 KWQC-DT 56 Davenport, IA WRWR-DT 51 WLS-DT 52 Chicago, IL 1000 WAOE-59 WMBD-31 Peoria, IL WICS 20 Springfield, IL 1040 KMSP-DT 26 Minneapolis, MN KEYC-DT 38 Mankato, MN (first new channel 38 since 1988 when KMCI-38 in Lawrence, KS (30 mi) went on-the-air. KMCI is still licensed to Lawrence, but now transmits from east of Kansas City, MO) 1055 KSTP-DT 50 Minneapolis, MN 1058 KCCI-DT 31 Des Moines, IA 1130 KCCO 7 Alexandria, MN 1220 WHO-DT 19 Des Moines, IA 1325 KUON-DT 40 Lincoln, NE 1335 KJRH-DT 56 Tulsa, OK 1340 KXNE-DT 16 Norfolk, NE 1545 KMNE-DT 15 KMNE-7 Bassett, NE (second time) 2100 KFXA 28 Cedar Rapids, IA WTVP-DT 46 Peoria, IL UNID-DT 51 "Program 1" 2110 WQAD-DT 38 Moline, IL (Pgm. 1-ABC, 2-weather 3-Bars/Music) WPWR-DT 51 WLS-DT 52 Chicago, IL 2135 WGEM-DT 54 Quincy, IL 2140 WAND 17 Decatur, IL WEEK-DT 57 Peoria, IL WSTR 64 Cincinnati, OH WIPX 63 Bloomington, IN 2215 WXIN 59 Indianapolis, IN "Fox59" 2228 KETC-DT 39 St. Louis, MO 2245 KPLR-DT 26 St. Louis, MO 2250 WRGT 45 Dayton, OH 2300 WHME 40 Indianapolis, IN 2310 KCRG-DT 52 Cedar Rapids, IA 1720 1800 13 Tr 0745 15 0620 XHBC WESH WEDU KOLN-DT K30AL 3 2 3 25 30 30 WISC-DT 50 Madison, WI 2330 KHBS-DT 15 Ft. Smith, AR 20 0000 KXLT 47 Rochester, MN 0010 WHLA-DT 30 LaCrosse, WI KTTC-DT 36 Rochester, MN 0730 WXOW-19 WHLA-31 LaCrosse, WI 0735 KELO-DT 32 Sioux Falls, SD UNID 65 HSN 0740 KMIZ-DT 22 Columbia, MO (Pgm. 1-KMIZ-DT Pgm. 2-KQFX-DT) 0745 WSIL-DT 34 Harrisburg, IL 0830 KSDK-DT 35 St. Louis, MO 0900 WKMA 35 Madisonville, KY 0930 KDOR-DT 15 Bartlesville, OK (Pgm. 1-Trinity Broadcasting Network) 2200 KFTO-DT 42 Tulsa, OK KSNF-DT 46 Joplin, MO 2240 KSBI-DT 51 Oklahoma City, OK 21 0630 KHGI-DT 36 Kearney, NE KGIN-DT 32 Grand Island, NE 0645 KTVG-DT 19 Grand Island, NE August 2003 6 0630 K51GC 51 Salina, KS (KAKE-10) (switched from channel 22 a day earlier) A nice opening in the middle of July. I apparently missed some good skip in June when I was in Albania. KMCI-38 moved to Kansas City, Missouri from Lawrence, Kansas although it is still licensed to Lawrence. Quality of the signal in Topeka is no longer local and I have seen a couple of DTVs on channel 38 since the move. I hope to pick up some new NTSC stations on 38 as well. There are only two more area DTVs to go on KSHB-42 and KPXE-51 in Kansas City. They will be on soon so I hope for a good tropo opening to pick up a few more stations before they go on. Eric Bueneman (N0UIH), 631 Coachway Lane, Hazelwood, MO 63042-1347 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Equipment: Alaron 12-inch (30 cm) black and white TV, Samsung 19-inch (63 cm) color television, Zenith mono VCR, Radio Shack VU210XR with RS Archerotor at 35 feet (10.6 meters) above ground level. All times CDT; all distances in miles/kilometers. June 22, 2003 (E-skip) 1420 XHPN 3 CL Piedras Negras 910/1465 1421 KACB 3 TX San Angelo 755/1215 1439 KIDY 6 TX San Angelo "Fox 6" 755/1215 1436 KIII 3 TX Corpus Christi 860/1384 June 24, 2003 (trop) 0004 WSJV 28 IN Elkhart 305/491 0005 WNDU 16 IN South Bend 300/483 0008 WTHR 13 IN Indianapolis 240/386 0054 KSPR 33 MO Springfield 190/306 0057 KYTV 3 MO Springfield 190/306 0103 WPSD 6 KY Paducah 155/249 0135 WDRB 41 KY Louisville 250/402 0140 WLKY 32 KY Louisville 250/402 0146 W29CS 29 IN Shelburn (3ABN) 160/257 0205 WAOE 59 IL Peoria 140/225 0250 Springfield, IL 20 (Grade A), 28 (Grade B), 33 (Grade B), 49 (w/K49FC), 55 (Grade B) 80/128 July 3, 2003 (E-skip) 1948 WCBS 2 NY New York (even with KTVI) 880/1416 July 5, 2003 (E-skip) 1530 XHBQ 3 ZA Zacatecas (//XHGC-5) 1320/2124 1629 XHPN 3 CL Piedras Negras 910/1465 1631 KACB 3 TX San Angelo 755/1215 July 7, 2003 (E-skip) 2050 KTVK 3 AZ Phoenix 1255/2020 2109 KVBC 3 NV Las Vegas 1370/2205 2118 KUAT 6 AZ Tucson 1240/1996 2126 KIII 3 TX Corpus Christi 860/1384 2128 XHPN 3 CL Piedras Negras 910/1465 2148 KACB 3 TX San Angelo 755/1215 July 9, 2003 (E-skip) 1957 WFSB 3 CT Hartford 955/1537 2100 WCBS 2 NY New York (through KTVI) 880/1416 2110 CBFT 2 PQ Montreal (under KTVI) 970/1561 2234 KYW 3 PA Philadelphia 830/1336 2236 KIII 3 TX Corpus Christi 860/1384 2241 KENW 3 NM Portales 780/1255 2257 XHPN 3 CL Piedras Negras 910/1465 2310 KACB 3 TX San Angelo (mixing w/KYTV) 755/1215 July 17, 2003 (trop) 0230 WFLD 32 IL Chicago "Fox Chicago" 255/410 0238 WSNS 44 IL Chicago "Telemundo 44" 255/410 0240 WQAD 8 IL Moline "ABC 8" 190/306 0255 WMVT 36 WI Milwaukee 320/515 0310 WPWR 50 IN Gary (mixing w/W50CH) 250/402 0311 WITI 6 WI Milwaukee "Fox 6" 320/515 0326 WISN 12 WI Milwaukee 320/515 0329 WLS 7 IL Chicago 255/410 0353 WHMB 40 IN Indianapolis (K40FF nulled) 240/386 0354 WXIN 59 IN Indianpolis (K59GP nulled) 240/386 0356 WTHI 10 IN Terre Haute 170/274 0417 KWQC 6 IA Davenport 190/306 0421 WFYI 20 IN Indianapolis (WICS nulled) 240/386 0430 WTHR 13 IN Indianapolis 240/386 July 19, 2003 (trop) 0730 KWWL 7 IA Waterloo 280/451 0740 KMEG 14 IA Sioux City 410/660 0754 KSFY 13 SD Sioux Falls 465/748 0800 KTSD 10 SD Pierre 645/1038 0830 KPLO 6 SD Reliance "KELO-Land" (previous E-skip) 595/958 0832 KPWB 23 IA Ames/Des Moines 275/443 0835 KTTM 12 SD Huron 560/901 0838 KTTW 17 SD Sioux Falls (mixing with KDSM) 465/748 0900 KCCI 8 IA Des Moines 255/410 0902 KESD 8 SD Brookings 505/813 0906 KSIN 27 IA Sioux City 410/660 0908 KPTH 44 IA Sioux City 410/660 0909 KDLT 46 SD Sioux Falls (under WRBU) 465/748 1029 KHNE 29 NE Hastings 445/716 1030 KXNE 19 NE Norfolk 435/700 1032 KOLN 10 NE Lincoln 360/579 1042 KHGI 13 NE Kearney 485/781 1054 KLKN 8 NE Lincoln 360/579 1103 WOWT 6 NE Omaha 335/539 1105 WHO 13 IA Des Moines 255/410 1106 KHAS 5 NE Hastings (video ID under KSDK) 445/716 1118 KUON 12 NE Lincoln 360/579 1715 KMTV 3 NE Omaha 335/539 1725 KPTM 42 NE Omaha "Fox 42" 335/539 1727 KXVO 15 NE Omaha "WB 15" 335/539 1729 KETV 7 NE Omaha 335/539 1832 KWCH 12 KS Hutchinson 410/660 1846 KAKE 10 KS Wichita 400/644 1902 KMBC 9 MO Kansas City (under KETC) 225/362 2205 K17ET 17 IA Cedar Rapids (TBN) 230/370 2215 KODE 12 MO Joplin 250/402 2216 KOAM 7 KS Pittsburg 260/418 2217 KSNF 16 MO Joplin "KSN 16" 250/402 2230 KWCV 33 KS Wichita "WB 33 Kansas" 400/644 July 20, 2003 (trop) 0055 WIBW 13 KS Topeka 285/459 0146 KMCI 38 KS Lawrence 255/410 0147 KSHB 41 MO Kansas City (Grade B) 225/362 0148 KCWE 29 MO Kansas City (Grade A) 225/362 0152 KMEG 14 IA Sioux City 410/660 0505 KTKA 49 KS Topeka (mixing w/K49FC) 285/459 The E-skip openings seemed to be fairly routine, with no new surprises. Another new E-skip station was noted on July 7 in the form of KVBC-3; the mention of their Web site ( clinched it for me. They were running "Wheel of Fortune" around 7:00 p.m. local time (9:00 p.m. CDT). July 17's trop opening toward Chicago and Milwaukee finally brought WISN-12 into my logbook; it was tough copy with WILL and KFVS on the channel. Imagine my surprise when I turned on my television set on the morning of July 19! My reception of KWWL-7 told me that something was going on, so I tuned around, and found KMEG-14 with CBS programming; they were a split second behind local affiliate KMOV-4. My relog of KSFY-13 confirmed that this was going to be a major trop event; the first one in nearly two years. The biggest surprise was KTSD-10, noted with South Dakota Public TV programming and ID. At 645 miles (1,038 km), this becomes my longest VHF-High band trop reception. Another record was shattered 30 minutes later when KPLO-6 was noted with it's "KELO-Land" slogan (//KELO-11) and CBS programming. It not only shattered my previous best (KMTV-3 Omaha, NE) by 260 miles, but was the second propagation mode in which I logged the station (I previously had KPLO via E-skip; my shortest E-skip reception at this QTH). KPWB is the third WB affiliate logged on channel 23 (after WBUI and KMWB); I also noted another station mixing at times on the channel (might have been the SDETV station in Sioux Falls). I also noted my first UHF from South Dakota (KTTW-17), even KDLT-46 was ghosting under local WRBU. The action switched to Nebraska by 1100; I noted ABC's golf coverage on KLKN-8 and KHGI-13 (it was also noted on KTVO3 and local KDNL-30). I even noted the KHAS call letters ghosting under local KSDK-5! By 1700, Omaha was still in; KXVO and KPTM had halfway decent video. Too bad I couldn't get 26; KPLR-DT has ruined that channel! I also noted a TBN on 17 //K18BT; Doug Smith's list notes K17ET with TBN. I finally snagged KWCV-33; I couldn't get it on the last opening into Wichita several years back. By the time everything quieted down, Kansas City was in with near-local strength signals, WIBW-13 had a 31 decent picture, while KTKA-49 was noted with an infomercial in K49FC's null. I even made a contact to Coffeyville, KS on 146.520 MHz simplex! 1313 1334 1400 1420 XEFB 2.NL Logo XHDI 5.DUR 4-line UR Miami 2, 4, 6 WUFT 5.FL WESH 2.FL 1435 WEDU 3.FL Over local WPTV 5.FL 1600 XHMEN 4.YUC 1715 WJXT 4.FL 30 Es 0958 XEWO 2.JAL 4-line UL 1059 X???? 2.PUE Note # 1 1140 XHG 4.JAL "e4" 1205 XHAF 4.NAY "TV Azteca . Nayarit" ID JULY 2003 CT 2 Es 1130 KNAZ 2.AZ 1125 XHHMA 2.SON 4-line UR 1515 Cuba 2.Phillips TP 1650 XHY 2.YUCLogo, SIPSE, ads 1730 XHEFT 5.CAMP 1-line Top 1805 XHCSA 2.CHIAPAS 2-line UL 1810 XHCCN 4.Calls UR 1915 Flagstaff 2, 4 KPHO 5.AZ 2040 Detroit 2, 4 2055 KGFE 2.ND "Prairie" 2105 KTCA 2.MN "tpt2" Danny Oglethorpe, P.O. Box 8025. Shreveport, LA 71148-0025 E-mail: [email protected] Mexico TV ID website: Es: Only the most-productive and/or most interesting skip is reported. Tropo: No relogs under 400 miles; no LPTV relogs under 200 miles. Time listed for Mexicans is ID time. Mexico IDs are classified by number of lines of text: 1-line to 4-line Mexico ID location on screen: UP=upper right, LR=lower right, UL=upper left, LL=lower left, UC=upper center, LC=lower center, Top=across top JUNE 2003 CT 20 Es 0938 XHURT 5 MICH Cerro Burro 3line UR 1003 XHGV 4 VER Las Lajas RTV 1143 XHG 4 JAL Guadalajara "e4" 1215 Salt Lake City 2, 4 1235 WGRZ 2 NY 1241 snow 2 1248 CIII2 2 ON 1255 CICI 5 ON 1320 CIII4 4 ON 1330 CKCO2 2 ON 1350 WTOM 4 MI "7/4" 1420 CHBX 2 ON 1620 Juarez/El Paso 2, 4, 5 1635 KMID 2 TX 499 1647 KFTL 4 AZ 1556 Albuquerque/Santa Fe 2, 4, 5 1720 KPHO 5 AZ 1830 KUAT 6 Az 1901 XHCH 2 CHIH 2-line UL 22 Es 1050 WBAY 2 WI 1300 WGRZ 2 NY 1400 Minneapolis/St Paul 2, 4, 5 1403 WDAF 4 MO Kansas City 462 1420 KQTV 2 MO St Joseph 1432 KUSD 2 SD "SDPB" 1515 KDLV 5 SD "KDLT" 1602 KPRY 4 SD "KSFY" 1933 XHQ 2 SIN "XHQ-3" 2010 KGFE 2 ND "Prairie Public" 23 Es 1530 XHMEN 4 YUC "XHMEN-TV" UR 1532 XHY 2 YUC Big "2" logo and "SIPSE" 1623 XHATU 2 TAMP 2-line UR 1631 XEFB 2 NL ID: "MONTERREY" below circle-2 logo 2312 XEPM 2 CHIH 1-line Top 2316 XHHSS 4 SON "Hechos Sonora" nx; ID 2330 2-line UR 24 Es 0945 WUND 2 NC "UNC" 0955 WCBD 2 SC 1015 XHHSS 4 SON "TV Azteca Hermosiilo" 1040 South and southeast Mexico packing the channels 1043 XHCSA 2 CHIAPAS 2-line UL 1052 XHTV 4 DF "4TV" Charleston 4, 5 1053 XHGV 4 VER RTV logo LR 1133 XHG 4 JAL "e4" 1225 unID 7 Mexico Es spurts of Azteca-7 on channel 7 Note # 1 XHGC-5 relayer with 3-line ID LC. "TEHUACAN PUE" is on the first line. Calls are on second line and difficult to read, but I think they are XHHHN, the same as the XHGC-5 relayer on channel 2 in Huajuapan de Leon OAX. The July 4th weekend brought intense, long-lived Es from Mexico. (I fully understand why most DXers consider Mexico Es boring: It is difficult to ID. This skip, being on a July 4th weekend, also came at a particularly bad time.) Oddly, most of the Es was on a path from Las Lajas VER to Cerro Burro MICH. The skip did deviate from that path for short periods once in a while. Stations along that path were in-and-out for many hours on July 4-6. The following stations were IDed: XEFB-2 Monterrey NL Circle-2 logo Miami 2, 4 XHCSA-2 San Cristobal CHS 2-line UL XHGV-4 Las Lajas VER RTV logo LR XHURT-5 Cerro Burro MICH 3-line UR Cuba 5 Phillips PM5544 TP XHTV-4 DF "4TV" XHVIZ-3 Villahermosa TAB (floating on local) Calls on black rectangle UR NEW XHPUR-6 Puebla PUE (over local, not floating) Local ads NEW NEW XHP-3 Puebla PUE (floating) Logo, local news NEW XHG-4 Guadalajara JAL "e4", 4-line UL XEWO-2 Guadalajara JAL 4-line UL XHAJ-5 Las Lajas VER 2-line UR KUTV-2 Salt Lake City UT Cuba 4 XHCCN-4 Cancun QROO Calls on black rectangle UR XHHLO-5 Tehuacan PUE Three-line LR Note # 2 JULY 2003 CT 7 Es 1747 HRTG 10 Es 0850 XHG 1130 XEWO 1200 XHBQ 32 5 4 2 3 Honduras Note # 3 JAL JAL ZAC(Floating) 2-line UL XHTV 1300 XHHSS 1412 XHGV 1418 XHHLO 4 4 4 5 DF SON Hermosillo 2-lineUR VER PUE Better tape of ID this time. 28 Es 0859 KXMA 2 ND DTV snow 2 0917 KGFE 2 ND 0930 KTIV 4 IA 0940 KUSD 2 SD "SDPB" logo with bird LR 0959 WESH 2 FL 1003 WUND 2 NC 1015 KASA 2 NM 1115 Flagstaff 2, 4 1120 KCWC 4 WY "WYPTV" logo LR 1140 KVVU 5 NV DTV Snow 2 1200 KOAA 5 CO "5/30" KCNC 4 CO 1215 KUTV 2 UT 1231 XHTAU 2 TAM Note # 4 XHTV 4 DF 1320 XHG 4 JAL 1335 XHIT 4 CHIH "TV Azteca Chihuahua" ID 1357 XEWO 2 JAL 1358 XHGV 4 VER 1614 XHBS 4 Big calls across top 29 Es 0810 XHTAU 2 TAM Regional news 0945 XHTV 4 DF "El Mananero" with clown news commentator 1020 XHG 4 JAL 1031 XHTFL 5 NAY 1-line Top Note # 5 1044 XHAF 4 NAY 2-line UL 1115 XHGV 4 VER 1407 XHCSA 2 CHS AUGUST 2003 CT 1 Es 1130 WUND 2 NC XHTV 4 DF 1220 XHGV 4 VER XHTAU 2 TAM 1340 XHIT 4 CHIH "TV Azteca Chihuahua" 1352 XHCH 2 CHIH 2-line UL 1412 XHCCH 5 CHIH 3-line UR 1430 XHG 4 JAL 4-line UL 1443 XEFB 2 NL 1550 KNAZ 2 AZ 2045 KPHO 5 AZ 2100 KVOA 4 AZ 2130 KNME 5 NM 2145 KASA 2 NM 2200 KCWC 4 WY received this summer running programs during the midday hours that are not on the XHGC-5 schedule. Televisa network schedules can be found here: amas/programacion_1.html Concerning XHCH-2/XHIT-4 Chihuaha: For years XHCH-2 has been considered an independent/nonnetwork station,but in reality it has mostly been relaying Azteca-13 // to XHIT-4. This year a major change took place in Chihuahua. XHCH-2 continues to carry the Azteca-13 network feed, which has Central Time noted on news programs, etc. XHIT-4, however, now runs Azteca-13 programs delayed by an hour, which is Mountain Time. Both stations continue to super two-line IDs UL at thirty minute intervals, in addition to "TV Azteca Chihuahua" and "Azteca-13 Chihuahua"IDs. Jeff Kadet, K1MOD, Box 20, Macomb, IL 61455 DTV pix at 7/16 CDT 0348 K46EY 46 Des Moines, IA (179 mi) TBN 1545 KETV-DT-45 Omaha, NE (285) Program 1 (KMTV-DT) WHO-DT-19 Des Moines, IA (179) Program 1 (WHO-DTged) Program 2 (WHO-DT radar) KUON-DT-40 Lincoln, NE (306) (DTV STATE #15) Program 1 (NETV1) Program 2 (NETV2) Program 3 (NETV3) Program 4 (NETVIP) KCCI-DT-31 Des Moines, IA (179) Program 1 (KCCI-DT) 1615 WMEC-DT-21 Macomb, IL (2) testing ouch - not seen since. they are 75 KW as opposed to WMEC-22's 15.7 KW from same xmtr site. Not good. 1635 KELO-DT-32 Sioux Falls, SD (368) (DTV STATE #16) Program 1 (KELO-DT) 1712 KTIV-DT-41 Sioux City, IA (323) Program 1 (KTIV Simulcast) 1934 KMOS-DT-15 Sedalia, MO (181) Program 1 (KMOS ) Program 2 (KMOS ) 2317 WKBT-DT-41 La Crosse, WI (254) Program 1 (WKBT Digital Programming) 2330 WHLA-DT-30 La Crosse, WI (254) 2355 WQOW-DT-15 Eau Claire, WI (316) Program 1 (WQOW-DT, Eau Claire, WI (ABC)DTV) 7/17 0023 KEYC-DT-38 Mankato, MN (307) Station #2000 Program 1 (KEYC-TV) 0107 K54HA Albert Lea, MN (260) TBN 0118 K58GC Rochester, MN (233) 3ABN 0135 WMTV-15 on 34 K34CW is a KYOU-15 xltr, but WMTV-15 Madison was on it, without a trace of KYOU-15 mixing in. KYOU was definitely on the air at the time. 0148 K19ER St. Paul, MN (342) EWTN 0300 WLUK-DT-51 Green Bay, WI (306) Program 1 (WLUK-DTV) 0307 W38CT Madison, WI (194) TBN 0600 WNEM-DT-22 Bay City, MI (408) Program 1 (WNEMdigital) 0625 WJRT-DT-36 Flint, MI (391) Note # 2 This XEW relayer has the same calls as the channel 5 XEW relayer in Leon OAX. Note # 3 Many thanks to Jeff Kruszka for this logging! Jeff had showed me his tape of the pink "5" logo and shared information about this one. This is a new country for me. Note # 4 Regional news from Monterrey, with temp above a globe that contains the time LR. Don't confuse this TV Azteca newscast with XEFB2 Monterrey. Fernando told me about this situation a few years ago. It runs from early in the morning until 1330 CT weekdays. XHTAU-2 is seen here frequently during Es season with this newscast and two-line ID UR. Note # 5 XHTFL-5 Tepic and XHPVE-4 Pto Vallarta (Canal Cinco/XHGC-5 relayers) were both 33 0825 CBLN-40 london, Ontario in very well (511) 1855 WTTV-DT-53 Bloomington, IN (251) Program 1 no text (wb4) Program 2 (WXIN-DT) WDTN-DT-50 Dayton, OH (343) Program 1 (WDTV Digital Television) Program 2 (WDTN HDTV) 7/18 0910 WPBT-2 FL WESH-2 FL 0930 WUND-2 NC unIDs-3 WUNC-4 NC WSKY-4 NC WRAL-5 NC 6 is trying 2200 KSFY-DT-29 SD SIOUX FALLS (368) Program 1 (KSFY HD) 2345 KOLN-DT-25 NE LINCOLN (306) Program 1 (KOLN-DT) 7/19 0900 KTKA-DT-48 Topeka, KS (295) DTV state #17 Program 1 (KTKA DIGITAL TELEVISION) WIBW-DT-44 Topeka, KS (295) Program 1 (WIBW-DT) 1024 KGIN-DT-32 Grand Island, NE (427) Program 1 (KGIN-DT) 1130 KSAS-DT-26 Wichita, KS (410) Program 1 (Fox Digital Television) 1137 KTQW-LP-53 Wichita TECK TV (406) 1200 KCWE-DT-31 Kansas City, MO (224) Program 1 (KCWE-DT) 1205 KOOD-DT-16 Hays, KS (444) Program 1 (KOOD-1) Program 2 (KOOD-2) Program 3 (KOOD-3) killer signal KTWU-DT-23 Topeka, KS (285) Hi Dave! Program 1 (KTWU-HD) 1239 KWCH-DT-19 Hutchinson, KS (414) Program 1 (Default) 1242 KQTV-DT-53 St. Joseph, MO (242) Program 1 (ST.JOSEPH MISSOURI) 1247 KAKE-DT-21 Wichita, KS (414) Program 1 (KAKE-DT) 1310 KHAS-DT-28 Hastings, NE (404) Program 1 (NETV1) Program 2 (NETV2) Program 3 (NETV3) 1319 KAAS-DT-17 Salina, KS (386) Program 1 (KAAS DT) 1525 KYNE-DT-17 Omaha, NE (285) 1616 53z to Omaha network sports .752 Iowa Falls?? shud be + 1841 KPNE-DT-16 North Platte, NE (551) Program 1 (KPNE-DT) Program 2 (KPNE-DT) 2000 KTPX-DT-28 Okmulgee, OK (441) Program 1 (KTPX Digital Television) KTFO-DT-41 Tulsa, OK (409) Program 1 (KTFO-DT TULSA,OK) 2030 KOTV-DT-55 Tulsa, OK (409) Program 1 (KOTV DT) 7/20 0120 KNLC-DT-14 St. Louis, MO (125) Program 1 (KNLC-DT) 0255 WKHA-DT-16 Hazard, KY (462) Program 1 (KET1) Program 2 (KET2) Program 3 (KET3) Program 4 (KET4) 0544 WLJC-DT-7 Beattyville, KY (463) Program 1 (WLJC Digital Television) 7/21 0805 CBC-2 1032 WCAX-3 VT 1107 CBMT-6 1110 WPTZ-5 NY Plattsburgh, NY (910) (SECOND TIME EVER) 1136 CKVR-3 ON TVR-4 CBC 4- old Cary Grant movie 1400 WESH-2 FL WPBT-2 FL WEDU-3 FL 1410 worked F5JKK France on 6M Canadians 2-4 CTV 3+ to ON / QC 1835 XE-2 XEPM-2 XE-4 1900 KBEJ-2 TX 1930 CTV 3+ ON? ad mentioning Kapaskasing 4z FFC with CTV 3+ in 2z EE ditto 7/23 0845 WGBH-2 MA WKTV-2 NY 0906 WUND-2 NC DTV SNOW ch. 3 VSB Synch briefly flashed green Lynchburg, VA ? 0942 WTKR-3 VA WRC-4 DC WCVB-5 MA WCBS-2 NY 1100 WBZ-4 MA 7/24 1155 KWGN-2 CO KASA-2 NM 1200 WUND-2 NC 1213 KSNW-3 Wichita, KS first time by Es (406) KSWK-3 KS (588) 1300 KTVK-3 AZ KPHO-5 AZ 1830 KUTV-2 UT KIDK-3 ID KSVI-6 MT ID Pocatello (1136) 1915 KPVI-6 1951 KMID-2 TX 2000 KWAB-4 TX 2012 Mex-2 2028 KACB-3 TX Mex-5 Mex-4 7/25 0210 muf ch. 4 to AT/ SK CTV-2 0330 KGWB-DT-41 Burlington, IA (49) 1150 KUAT-6 AZ KENW-3 NM 1155 WUND-2 NC KVOA-4 AZ 1255 KNAZ-2 AZ 1320 Mex-2 (translucent bug lower r?) 1800 CKSA-2 AT (1273) 1815 CITI-4 AT (1273) 1844 Mex-2 1855 Sask-3 CTV 1916 Alta 6CKCK2-6 SK ch. 6- "6 and 3" 34 CTV 2 Sask CTV-4 1955 KHMT-4 MT KWSE-4 ND KXGN-5 MT 14.8 KW 2139 KIVV-5 SD Fox easy to forget about station! KSRE-6 ND KOTA-DT-2 Snow. Didn't even make VSB Synch Lock flicker KOTA-3 SD 7/26 1130 Mex-5 1230 KWGN-2 CO 7/27 2010 WUND-2 NC 2330 WALV-CA-50 Indy (243 mi) Channel 13 WeatherWatch programming and TONS of local commercials. 2345 SS LPTV-50 to east 7/28 36-WTWO-DT Terre Haute, IN (194) Program 1 (WTWO Terre Haute IN) 56-WCLJ-DT Bloomington, IN (237) Program 1 (WCLJ DIGITAL TV) 1330 Mex-2 Mex-4 KIII-3 TX KNAZ-2 AZ 1400 KUAT-6 AZ KGBT-4 TX Mex-3 1417 Mex 2-6 1430 XEZ-3 text ID Zamorano, QT (1465) 1435 XHBQ-3 Zacatecas, ZA (1408) 1440 XEFB-2 NL KPRC-2 TX 7/30 0200 WUND-2 NC in solid for about two hours WSKY-4 0738 WUND-2 back in 0800 WPBT-2 FL WESH-2 FL WSKY-4 0803 WDIQ-2 AL 0854 KATC-3 LA WBRZ-2 LA KBTV-4 TX (735) Port Arthur, TX darn uncommon KPRC-2 TX 0928 KIII-3 TX KGBT-4 TX 1017 UPN-2 1026 XHPN-3 1115 XE-2 KACB-3 TX 7/31 0850 Mex-2 0935 more XEs-2 1000 WPBT-2 FL 1100 WFOR-4 FL WESH-2 FL 1429 WDIQ-2 AL 8/1 0700 WTCT-DT-17 Marion, IL (219) Program 1 (Tri-State Christian TV) 0755 WVUT-DT-22 Vincennes, IN (211) Program 1 (WVUT-HD) Program 2 (WVUTSD1) 0807 WKMU-DT-36 Murray, KY (284) Program 1 (KET1) Program 2 (KET2) Program 3 (KET3) 0824 WPBT-2 FL WESH-2 FL 0935 WWAY-3 NC WEDU-3 1000 WFOR-4 FL 1028 XHLUT-4 NL Big Text ID (1030) 1105 XEFB-2 NL XHWX-4 NL tiny text ID upper l tXET-6 Xena, Warrier Princess Prounced "Sheena" in Spanish. Isn't this a ripoff of "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle" from the 50s? Or am I getting tired?? 1133 KRGV-5 TX KIII-3 TX 1200 KRIS-6 TX KGBT-4 TX 1236 KUAT-6 AZ 1330 multiple Mexicans chs. 2-4 1335 XHBQ-3 ZA small text ID (1408) 1345 KUAT-6 AZ back in briefly 2150 XEs 2-4 2304 KIII-3 TX XEs 2-3 8/2 XE-2 0740 XE-3 0743 CB TP w/Mexican ballards 0755 XHY-2 YU s/on (above TP) XHMEN-4 *XHCOQ-3* 0900 WESH-2 FL KGBT-4 TX 1000 XEFB-2 NL 1055 XEFE-2 1110 XE-3 text ID lower r so small as to be a joke 8/4 0922 WPBT-2 FL WESH-2 FL 0950 WEDU-3 FL 1200 KMID-2 TX 1600 XEFB-2 NL 1615 KTVK-3 AZ UPN-2 8/5 1810 Mex-2 8/6 1034 Mex-2 8/8 1815 KASA-2 NM KVBC-3 NV KOB-4 NM 1835 very brief KVBC-DT-2 Vq Eq flicker 2010 KNAZ-2 AZ 2045 KTFL-4 AZ 2054 Es to the NE 8/9 0900 XEFE-2 CB TP w/ID XEFB-2 NL XHWX-4 NL 1000 Mex 4z woman reading a story from a book. too many educational stations listed to narrow it down, 1214 WBRZ-2 LA 1700 WCBD-2 SC 8/10 0635 WUND-2 NC 1018 KNOP-2 North Platte, NE (531) Most common Es darn rare 1030 KUTV-2 UT 1100 KWGN-2 CO KCNC-4 CO 35 1200 1530 1750 2010 KRMA-6 KREG-3 KASA-2 Mex-2 KNAZ-2 CKND-2 CKCK-2 CITL-4 1835 8/12 1522 WUND-2 8/13 0925 Mex-2 lots of MS 1045 KPRC-2 1152 XEFB-2 8/15 1130 WESH-2 WPBT-2 WFOR-4 1200 WEDU-3 1358 Mex-2 CO CO NM This has been the best Es season I can remember, especially to Cuba and Yucatan area. Really no big lulls to speak of the entire time. Saw 18 stations for the first time by Es. Usually I'm doing good if 5 new ones are seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Most common Es stations were: (*KBEJ-2 TX is probably way up there too but IDs are rare. Some UPNs could be XHHUPN. *XEFB-2 NL was probably seen many more times than listed but never IDed) WPBT-2 FL 27 days WESH-2 FL 23 days WEDU-3 FL 22 days *XEFB-2 NL 16 days KIII-3 TX 16 days ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also added 39 new DTVs from July 16-20. A very nice opening. DTV total now at 180. Analog/DTV total at 2040. Worked 6Y5/YO3YB in Jamaica on 6M SSB on 7/29 @ 1526z for country #101. AZ MB SK AT NC TX NL FL FL FL FL F2 DXING FROM THE EAST COAST BILL GRANT Back during the sunspot peak of 1979-80, Jerry Pulice (Staten Island, NY), Glenn Jacobs (Moscow, PA) and I were actively DXing the TAs from Europe. I recorded hours of British and French TV audio including all of the BBC regional outlets. In addition, with the assistance of Glenn, I purchased an RCA 12" B&W TV (Model AB 301 WCC) (manufactured January 1978, CCIR standard, 220V) from an exporter in NYC along with a step-down transformer. With a video camera aimed at the TV screen, I taped frequent F2 openings on 48.25 and 49.75 MHz using a Betamax VCR. The antenna was a Channel Master VHF fringe type. Unfortunately, no audio was noted. As you well know, Sudwestfunk(SWF), Ch E2 recognizing images on a TV screen via F2 is far from easy (poor sync). I've attached digitized copies of a Polaroid print of Germany's Sudwestfunk (SWF) ID slide (E2, 48.25 MHz) (also seen by Jerry) and one of Russian or eastern European TV on R1 (49.75 MHz). These photos were taken 12-15-79 between 1500 and 1515 UTC. In the mid afternoons local time, I occasionally received weak video from New Zealand on 45.25 MHz. I still have the TV set in "cold" storage. I would reference the August 1980 VUD article "Transatlantic F2 TV DX Tips" by Jerry Pulice for additional background material. During the past sunspot peak, I did my "listening" on an Icom R7100 with 48 and 49 MHz in often. I had no luck with audio on 53.75 MHz or with Es TA reception this season Eastern European Ch R1 36 Keith McGinnis 387 Shirley Street, Winthrop, MA 02152 [email protected] 617-846-5760 For Dxers in the following states: CT IA ID IL IN MA ME MI MN MT ND NE NH NJ NY OH OR PA RI SD VT WA WI WY and all of Canada. Please submit by the 10th of each month. If possible please submit in the formats shown Below. RUSS EDMUNDS Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL ) 40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20 [email protected] Yamaha T-80 & APS9B @15' June 20 Es 2035 WXXZ 95.3 Grand Marais MN "95KQDS" ID, local ads ( 915 mi ) local ads ( 998 mi ) C&W, "Kat Country" promos ( relog & getting to be a regular ) Ad for Johnson Chiropractic w/ phone, ad for fireworks distributor in Joplin Classic Rock, MO PSA ( 960 mi ) C&W, ad for IMark Express with locs in Muskogee, Sand Spring & Broken Arrow June 23 Es 1208 1210 KDKD KATI 95.3 94.3 Clinton MO California ID, MO 1216 KJMK 93.9 Webb City MO 1217 1219 KRMS KBEZ 93.5 92.9 Osage Beach Tulsa MO OK 88.7 88.3 Fort Myers FL ID ( relog ) Spanish announcement including a phone number which wasn't clear enough to verify. Suspect WIRPFL, still unconfirmed here. CIMX 88.7 Windsor ON New Rock, "89 X" promos, Detroit ads (427 mi 1st Ontario ) 2040 2110 KTCU KVRE 88.7 92.9 Fort Worth Hot Sprgs Village TX AR 2114 KNIN 92.9 Wichita Falls TX Alternative; "88.7 The Choice" (1326 mi ) probable with "Music of Your Life" pgm w/ Gary Owens ( relog 1044 mi ) station promo ( relog 1351 mi ) 1056 KKIA 92.9 Ida Grove IA 1102 1106 1125 1130 1131 1150 KOEL KATF KDJS WHWC WRFW CBVM 92.3 92.9 95.3 88.3 88.7 95.3 Oelwein Dubuque Willmar Menominee River Falls Magdalen Islds IA IA MN WI WI QC 1155 CBA 95.5 `Moncton, NB 1205 CBAL2 95.3 Lamecque NB June 24 Es 1206 1216 WAYJ unID June 25 Tr 1350 July 3 Es July 4 Es 37 Promo for Spencer IA, Country, "92.9 The Moose" (relog 1061 mi ) Country, ptl ID ( relog 881 mi ) Country, "92.9 KAT FM",RDS ID, PI:11F3 ( 817 mi ) RDS ID PI: 18E8 ( Relog 1062 mi ) RDS ID PI: 6962 ; teletalk program (relog 909 mi ) teletalk // 88.3 ( 942 mi ) English interview with Canadian entertainers, French vocals CBC1 "C'est La Vie" pgm. Other options outside skip area. ( 830 mi 1st Quebec ) tentative with classical music, not much else. Same time, part of band and geography as other receptions. (675 mi ) French talk, "La Chaine Culturelle" “Geo Musique" pgm feat Cajun music. Other options outside skip area. ( 745 mi 1st NB ) 1207 CINI 95.3 Mistassini QC 1210 CIEU 94.9 arleton QC 1925 2003 2025 2033 WAYJ WOLZ KUHF KLSA 88.7 95.3 88.7 90.7 Fort Myers Fort Myers Houston Alexandria FL FL TX LA 2045 2057 KAXF KBAN 88.3 91.1 Conroe DeRidder TX LA 2100 KLSU 91.1 Baton Rouge LA 1917 1942 unid K202DC 88.3 88.3 Shattuck, OK 2015 2020 2030 KLNE KIXC KJOV 88.7 100.9 90.7 Lexington Quanah Woodward NE TX OK 2034 2037 2039 2042 2043 2045 2047 KCFN KSNS unid KANS KDGS KCVW KYFW 91.1 91.5 94.9 92.9 93.9 94.3 88.3 Wichita Medicine Lodge KS KS Osage City Andover Kingman Wichita KS KS KS KS 2049 2054 2059 2105 KLVV KRZZ KAXR KNID 88.7 96.3 91.3 99.7 Ponca City Derby Arkansas City Alva OK KS KS OK 2107 unid 100.9 2110 2116 unid KXGL 95.3 100.9 Amarillo TX 2122 KXOJ 100.9 Sapulpa OK 2122 2125 2134 2138 2149 2200 2203 2205 2213 2215 KCLY unid KOLI KRPS unid KGLC KOSU unid unid KJRT 100.9 100.5 94.9 89.9 88.7 100.9 91.7 89.5 88.3 88.3 Clay Center KS Electra Pittsburg TX KS Miami Stillwater OK OK Amarillo TX 2216 2225 2235 KASV KNIN unid 88.7 92.9 89.9 Borger Wichita Falls TX TX 103.1 91.5 91.1 90.7 100.1 100.9 101.7 Winter Park FL Orlando Port Charlotte Gainesville Ravenel FL FL FL SC tentative mix of strangely accented English with a bit of French. Charles G. listened to mp3, feels may be this; within the narrow skip zone. ( 713 mi ) French talk, Calls ( 714 mi ) July 7 Es "WayFM" promo ( relog 1005 mi ) Oldies, promo, ID ( 1005 mi ) Classical, ID, promo ( 1354 mi ) NPR "Fresh Air" Barry White pgm only thing in 2 states in skip area with this. AFR net ID, local event promo, ID (1309 mi ) AFR net ID, ment. of LA only AFR in skip area on 91.1. ( 1193 mi ) Alternative rock, ID ( 1118 mi ) July 9 Es Religious, young female anncr, hymns promo for "Paragons & Poppycocks" antiques store in Scott City, KS, about 150 miles away. Relays KJIL99.1 Copeland, which is well SSE of Scott City. Thanks to Jim Thomas for sleuthing this one! ( 230 watts 1360 mi ) Classical music; RDS ID ( relog 1266 mi ) Slowlysung jingle: "Oldies 101" (1404 mi ) Underwriting promo for First National Bank SyracuseJohnson ( KS ) supporting "Great Plains Christian Radio" ( 1333 mi ) Classical music; RDS ID PI: 15D7 NWS Storm warning, ID ( 1271 mi) alternative rock PSA, RDS ID PI: 1164 ( relog 1103 mi ) "Power 93.9 KDGS" ( 1188 mi ) oldtime preacher, KS NWS alert Tornado warnings for Sedgewick County, ID, BBN promo ( relog 1198 mi ) Christian music, ID ( relog 1203 mi ) Classic Rock, weather ( relog 1197 mi) KS storm warnings, AFR news ( 1194 mi ) promo featuring grand opening at a Days Inn, 2901 South Van Buren; Country C&W: "At home, at work or inyour car, it's always today's best..#$%&" likely KPNC OK preaching likely KHCA KS "The Classic Hits Station, 100.9 The Eagle"; Beatles record ( 1489 mi a new distance record for me ) Ad for J. David's Jewelers in Broken Arrow, x religious music, storm warnings,ID (1168 mi) Gary Owens' "Music of Your Life", ID modern rock Ad for Comanche Red River Casino, ID ID, local events ( 1064 mi ) soul / r&b ID ( 1084 mi ) Classical, RDS ID PI: 36E0 ( 1216 mi ) jazz classical intro to "Life in the Word" Joyce Meyer Ministries ( 1489 mi ) "Life In the Word" // 88.7 ( 1456 mi ) ID, promo ( relog 1351 mi ) MOYLtype music July 19 Es 1110 1115 1116 1120 1122 1125 1128 WLOQ unID unID WMFE WRLR WXJZ WMGL 38 RDS ID; PI:7330 ( 875 mi. ) Religious talkprobably WTBH Chiefland FL Religious talklikely WKES Lakeland FL ID ( 863 mi ) Wx, local ads, "Cat Country 100.1" ( 1013 mi ) Jazz, "Smooth Jazz 100.9" ( 828 mi RDS ID PI:74FF ( 577 mi ) 1130 1132 1133 WTRS WTBT WXCV 102.3 103.5 95.3 Dunellon Bradenton Homosassa Spgs FL FL FL 1135 1137 1138 WNDD WWKA WJBT 95.5 92.3 92.7 Silver Springs Orlando Green Cove Spgs FL FL FL 1139 1141 1143 1146 1148 1148 WEAS WNFB unID WWRM WMFQ unID 93.1 94.3 93.5 94.9 92.9 92.9 Savannah Lake City GA FL Tampa Ocala FL FL 1150 WYZK 96.7 Valdosta 1151 1155 1202 1207 1209 WTCQ WLPT WBGA unID WCLA 97.7 88.3 107.7 107.9 107.3 Vidalia Jesup Darien GA GA GA GA GA Claxton GA 1210 1215 1217 1219 1220 1222 1224 WNDN WHTA unID WOCY WCGQ WLHR WEGC 107.9 107.9 107.1 106.5 107.3 107.9 107.7 Chiefland Hampton FL GA Carrabelle olumbus Panama City Sasser FL GA Fl GA 1227 1300 WSRZ WSMC 107.9 90.5 Coral Cove Collegedale FL TN 1303 1313 unID unID 106.5 106.5 1313 1315 unID WFCA 106.5 107.9 Ackerman Carson ( 908 mi ) MS 1317 1324 unID KSBH 107.1 94.9 Coushatta LA 1325 unID 93.9 1405 KSPQ 93.9 West Plains MO 1407 1410 1411 1412 1415 1418 KRMS KTTS unID KSHE KDKD KSSZ 93.5 94.7 94.3 94.7 95.3 93.9 Osage Beach Springfield MO MO Crestwood Clinton Fayette MO MO MO 1420 1422 1425 KCMO KRNQ WAAG 94.9 96.3 95.3 Kansas City Keokuk Galesburg MO IA IL 1427 1429 KGGO KCSI 94.9 95.3 Des Moines Red Oak IA IA 1431 1435 KTGL KDJS 92.9 92.9 Beatrice Willmar NE MN Wanchese NC Southern Shores NC mention also 104.9, ID & local ad ( 857 mi.) Classic Rock, local ad ( 938 mi ) Mentioning parallel "96.3 The Country Fox" ( WXOF ), local ad ( Relog 885 mi ) ID, local ad ( 842 mi ) "K-92 Orlando", Country ( 863 mi ) Ad for "KIA of Jacksonville", mention of x Green Cove Springs ( 783 mi ) rap, "E-93", Savannah weather ( 653 mi ) ad for Accardi Mazda ( 814 mi ) Country ( probably WVOH-GA ) "Magic 94.9", local ad ( 940 mi ) Classic Rock, " Q-92.9" ( 886 mi ) old-fashioned Countrycould be either x unneeded WIKX-FL or unneeded WAAC-GA Classic Rock, "96-Rock", mention of South ( 788 mi ) Ad for "Handy Andy" in Vidalia ( 677 mi ) RDS ID; PI:734D ( 692 mi ) Oldies, "Oldies 107.7", weather ( 712 mi ) Band version of Star Spangled Banner Ad for auto firm with locations in Jesup and Hinesville ( 663 mi ) Classic Rock; weather; "Wind FM" ( 851 mi ) "Hot 107", hip-hop ( 689 mi ) rap maybe WFXM-GA baseball play-by-play, deep accent ( 901 mi ) Ad for Carl Gregory Chrysler ( 759 mi ) ad for FSU Panama City campus ( 880 mi ) ad for Dudley Chrysler/Plymouth/Jeep in x Albany ( 776 mi ) local ad ( 988 mi ) Beginning "Sing for Joy" program. Check of pgm website indicates this is only one on x frequency and also was correct time (640 mi) mentioning Q-104a simulcast possibly ? Country-type religious music ( likely either WZIQ-GA or WJEC-AL ? ) MYL-type musicKBVA-AR ? Ad for Tom Brooks Auto Sales in Country "94.9The River", ads for Varsity Dodge & Gardner's Pharmacy in Nachitoches ( Relog 1151 mi ) Religious talk w/ SRN news; also heard later, so might be a tropo log in closer Classic Rock ; "The Classic Rock Station" ( 923 mi ) Classic Rock, local ad ( Relog 960 mi ) Country, Missouri State PSA ( 978 mi ) Religious music rock"K-SHE 95", weather ( 810 mi ) ID, local ad ( Relog 998 mi ) Missouri Highway PSA, local car dealer ad. ( Relog 917 mi) "Oldies 95", oldies, KC ads ( Relog 1029 mi ) local ads ( 859 mi ) "Good Time Oldies, Kool 95", ads for Mercer County Raceway in Aledo and x Carl Sandburg College in Galesburg (792 mi ) Ad for Dale's Tires & More, ID ( 953 mi ) promo for station contest "..or bring your x entry to the KOAK/KCSI studios.." (1049 mi ) ID, promo ( Relog 1133 mi ) RDS ID; PI:18E8 ( Relog 1062 mi ) July 20 TR 2115 WOBR 95.3 2125 WFMI 100.9 July 21 Es 39 Classic rock, promos for station events, x mention of // 96.7 ( Relog 298 mi ) Gospel program, "Rejoice 100.9", local x events ( 274 mi ) 1859 CBNC 88.7 Stephenville NF Brief burst for promo for "Rising Tide x Theatre, celebrating its 25th Anniversary" [ x Clarenville NF ] (1002 mi and new province. ) Local ad, wx, ID (Relog – 1095 mi) ID ( 861 mi ) Classical; RDS ID; PI: 2E62 ( 1286 mi ) Ending James MacArthur's "Grace to You". Finally matched via BBN website ( Relog - 1098 mi. ) Out of "Stardate" feature w/ ID (1137 mi ) Classic Rock, ID ( Relog - 1133 mi ) local ads, ID ( 1309 mi ) Gospel group female vocal - modern sound; KJLT-NE ? Classical, atop. ( relog - 960 mi ) Royals Baseball relog - 1162 mi ) local ad, ID ( relog - 1095 mi ) Religion up and over WBJC-MD; possibly KSYE-OK or KSIV-MO. Relig pgm ending, ID ( Relog 1203 mi ) CBC's "Global Village" program featuring a x concert from a Toronto studio. Thanks to Jim Thomas for tracking this one down (1258 mi ) Concert promo for Fort Randall Casino x featuring blues and oldies acts. ( 1210 mi ) July 25 Es 1225 2020 2022 2025 KINZ KCCK KLNE KYFW 95.3 88.3 88.7 88.3 Humboldt Cedar Rapids Lexington Wichita KS IA NE KS 2028 2033 2037 2103 KESD KTGL KLXS unid 88.3 92.9 95.3 94.9 Brookings Beatrice Pierre x SD NE SD 2107 2119 2122 2125 WSCD KCLY KINZ unID 92.9 100.9 95.3 91.5 Duluth Clay Center Humboldt MN KS KS 2130 2158 KLVV CBW-FM 88.7 98.3 Ponca City Winnipeg OK MB 2159 KUQL 98.3 Wessington Spgs SD 88.7 Lawton OK NPR talk pgm, program promos, wx, ID 88.3 Tupelo MS Ending talk pgm, net, local ID July 31 Es 1830 KCCU August 1 Es 1800 WAFR The portions of 7/19 which were between the hours of 1200 and 1430 and the 7/25 reception were all heard in the car with the whip. The rest was with the usual listed equipment. GARRETT WOLLMAN, Framingham, MA Equipment: 2002 Honda Accord LX factory radio Times: EDT July 13 Es 1844 WYUU 92.5 Safety Harbor FL 1850 WXTB 97.9 Clearwater FL "This is Tampa Bay's 12-in-a-row Country 92.5" (new, 1184 mi) spots for Gold & Diamond Source near Tampa airport, Fla. Blood Services, Brandon Ford (new, 1167 mi) Commentary: I'm a new member, but I've been doing FM DX in my own private way for the past seven or eight years. As I live in a condo (and before that in a city apartment), I'm not able to put up outdoor antennas, so most of my DXing is in the car. This time, I pulled up in front of the ATM and noticed a multipath null of rimshot AAA WXRV; on my way back out I paused a few moments and I heard WYUU pop right up. A scan of the dial did not reveal any interesting catches besides the two I've mentioed. Back in June I had a couple of nice Es penings to Fargo -- 1305 mi -- but I didn't keep a log either time. July 20 Tr I went out to the car and did a complete bandscan on tape between 2325 and 2400 EDT, and conditions in the lower atmosphere were quite interesting. Full log is available on request (and might make an interesting VUD feature during a slow month as an example of what it's possible to hear in a suburban area with a modest receiver). This is the reason for the odd format. WPKN WVPRp WKCR? 89.5 89.5 89.9 Bridgeport Windsor New York CT VT NY WUSB WLNG 90.1 92.1 Stony Brook Sag Harbor NY NY 40 AAA music xref w/ on-line sched (115 mi) classical music (94 mi) world music (south or east Asian?) fits sched; Scott Fybush thinks they are now up on 4 Times Sq.(tentative, 167 mi) local sports talk show (new, 131 mi) strong mono signal, id (103 mi, unid 92.7 unid 93.1 unid 93.5 WHFM 95.3 WRZEp WZBGp WBAZ WSNJ 96.3 97.3 102.5 107.7 Litchfield Bridgehampton Bridgeton CT NY NJ not rare but first time noted this season) talk, w/ WMVYp AAA music under WBOS splat "Absolutely 80s" satellite - WHYN-F or x WMGX? Pearl Jam song; Scott Fybush suggests x WZBH (Georgetown, DE, 331 mi) Southampton, NY; local ad (new, 107 mi) semi-local WHRB mysteriously absent Nantucket, MA; urban music (pest, 97 mi) 70s/oldies in mono (new, 95 mi, id by Scott F) id (new, 109 mi) *WCRB off* network news (new, 278 mi, id by Scott F) July 21 Tr WBMX, WCRB, WODS all off; Sony 2010 indoors 0124 WESR 103.3 Onley VA'', ``Clean Up Eastern Shore'' PSA; McDonald's Shorecast line, 787-WESR (new; 388 mi) in strong with multiple IDs prob. WILI-FM splat, ``I-98'' positioner spot for St. Joseph's Coll., Patchogue campus (new; 122 mi) strong with frequent IDs starting 2340 7/20; ``Long Island's Light Favorites, 102.5 WBAZ'' (new, 109 mi) strong; ``Dirty Laundry''; [0159]``No Time Left for You''; legal id (82 miles) wk classical mx with brief but unintelligible voice announcement between two pieces; 0130 0125 0140 WDRC Hartford CT WDRE 102.9 98.5 98.5 West Hampton NY 0143 WBAZ 102.5 Bridgehampton, NY 0155 WKPE 104.7 Orleans MA 0207 W277AB 103.3 Noyock NY Oxford MS `Miss 98 Community Calendar'', numerous x references to Tupelo (new, 1112 mi) July 30 Es On Mass. Turnpike in Natick 1050 WWMS 97.5 JASON KORALJA Surf City, NJ Equipment: Sony ICF-SW7600GR w/ built in whip August 9 Es KOPN 89.5 Columbia MORRIS SORENSEN MO (964mi.) Winnipeg MB Radio Shack DX-392 with whip Grundig YB-400 with whip. Loggings are in Central Time Oct. 18 2002 gw 1953 CHNR 100.7 Winnipeg MB new local testing with nostalgia/easy listening 99.1 Winnipeg MB new local testing with jazz Fargo Fargo Thief River Falls Grand Forks Fargo ND ND MN ND ND "Heaven 88.7" 209 mi. Christian ad con 209 mi. "Cool 100.3" oldies 131 mi "KJ-108" 137 mi. "The Fox" 209 mi. Belcourt ND "The Voice of the Turtle Mountains" 139 mi. Feb 10 2003 gw 1645 CJZZ June 28 Tr 0858 1012 1014 1020 1023 KFBN KFNW KSNR KJKJ KPFX 88.7 97.9 100.3 107.5 107.9 July 1 Tr 0959 KETY 88.5 July 2 Tr 41 0809 0811 0814 0823 0837 0850 CBQQ CBWX KNDK KBTO CBWW CJJJ 90.5 95.7 95.7 101.9 105.3 106.5 Fort Frances Fisher Branch Langdon Bottineau Dauphin-Baldy Mt. Brandon 0858 0940 0948 0950 CKSB-9 KDAM KKWS CFGW 89.1 104.7 105.9 94.1 Fort Frances Hope Wadena Yorkton 2200 KUND 89.3 Grand Forks ON CBC Radio One 191 miles MB CBC News, weather for Dauphin MB ND talk about local bear problems 97 mi. ND "Sunny 101.9" country 167 mi. NEW! MB CBC Radio One MB new 920 watt station from Brandon x University with nostalgia, ID NEW! 126 mi. ON SRC French 191 mi. ND "104.7-The Dam". rock NEW! 180 mi. MN country "106-KKWS" 256 mi. SK "The Fox" through local CHIQ 94.3 slop 255 mi. NEW! new province! ND ID for all stations on network. 137 mi. PAUL LaFRENIERE - Grand Marais, MN Equipment: Technics ST-G5; NAD C 420 20 year old 12 element Winegard at 20 ft May 25 Es 1621 1632 WLPT WZGC 88.3 92.9 Jesup Atlanta, GA GA 1640 1655 1655 1656 1657 WEAS WRJM WALI WMJY WRAK 93.1 93.7 93.7 93.7 97.3 Savannah, Geneva, Walterboro, Biloxi, Bainbridge, 1703 1706 1707 1710 1730 1750 WGCO WJDQ WWDM WJIZ WFOX WKLR 98.3 101.3 101.3 96.3 97.1 96.5 Midway, Meridian, Sumter, Albany, Gainsville, Fort Lee, 1753 WKOC 93.7 GA new no RDS new AL new I.D. no RDS SC new ads for firms in Walterboro MS new Mississippi Gulf Coast's # 1 station" GA new RDS=The Fox Rocks-Real Rock Real Rock GA new RDS=Oldies 98.3 MS new RDS=Q101 SC new RDS=The Big DM GA new no RDS GA new 97-1 Jamz VA new Ads for firms in Chester & Charlottesville VA new RDS=The Coast 93.7 Chesapeake, new RDS=WLPT no text new new RDS=Z93 w/text KEITH MCGINNIS Winthrop MA [email protected] Equipment: Modified Yamaha T-85 Tuner with an APS 9 Antenna 15 feet AGL All of the following are new. Relogs have been omitted to save myself some time due to the size of this month’s FM North Report All time are EDT May 25 Es 10:45 10:56 10:58 18:38 18:54 WAVW WSYR WHTQ KDAB KUSO 92.7 94.7 96.5 94.9 92.7 Stuart Giford Orlando Prairie Grove Albion FL FL FL AR NE c/w hot ac cl rock 80s c/w Nascar show "ID and ""Star 94.7" "Hummer of Orlando" The Maxx US 92 Today's best country Sioux Falls North Mankato Rochester Fargo Minneapolis Brainerd Osakis Mosinee Staples Moorhead Mayville Grand Forks Theif River Falls Winnipeg SD MN MN ND MN MN MN WI MN MN ND ND MN MB Relig // To web stream hot AC ID EL Natl Anthem into Full Legal ID sign on relig local mentions cl hits Local Ads c/w lots of local ads relig Praise FM oldies Dual ID for 94.7 and 99.9 Ac local mentions c/w Froggy 99.9 c/w "Monday on Agri-Talk" ABC Radio News" NPR Altern Huge signal ID SRC // to SRC webstream May 30 Es 6:50 6:58 7:00 7:04 7:16 7:25 7:29 10:31 10:42 10:59 11:01 11:18 11:22 11:56 KNWC KDOG KNXR KFNW WLOL KFGI KBHL WOFM KSKK KVOX KMAV KUND KSRQ CKSB-2 96.5 96.7 97.5 97.9 100.3 103.5 103.9 94.7 94.7 99.9 105.5 89.3 90.1 89.9 42 May 31 Es 18:45 19:00 19:08 WEOW WMFL WCNK 92.7 88.5 98.7 Key West Florida City Key West FL FL FL top 40 "WOW 92-7" rel/family Family Radio...ID smooth jazz ID 98.9 99.3 99.9 Tallahassee Panama City Tallahassee FL FL FL hot ac "Ad for Eagles Concert ""Star 98" Beach 99.3 Super hits of the 60s & 70s "Tallahassee' Eagle 99.9" 89.9 95.7 90.7 New Orleans New Orleans Panama City LA LA FL NPR ID NO mentions …..Oldies NPR 91.7 Newburyport MA folk 88.5 Sanford ME Religious ID and Weather Paterson Briarcliff Manor Hampton Bays NY NY NY Bedford Hills/Danbury Ads then Full Legal ID top 40 K104/K107 slogan rock with WLIR ID on 6/17 99.9 Athol MA oldies Ramsey thing that matches up" St. Louis Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Chilcotte Winnepeg Detroit Lakes East Grand Forks Mason City Lincoln IL religious "hope for the Heart" prgrm…only MO MO MO MO IL MB MN MN IA IL NPR Mentions of U of MO Mod rock “K.C.'s only alternative…The Buzz” Modern AC KC mentions "98.1 KUDL" "Magic 94.3" Mentions of Much Music and Winnepeg Classic country lots of local ads AC local ads Country "The Country Moose" Soft AC Mix 93.9 June 6 Es 18:32 18:43 18:45 WBZE WPBH WEGT June 11 Es 19:00 19:30 20:30 WWNO WTKL WKGC June 12 GW 22:47 WNEF // to WUMB….under enhanced cx June 16 Tr 21:00 WSEW June 17 Tr 21:55 22:04 22:44 WDBY WXPK WWXY 105.5 107.1 107.1 July 19 Tr 10:30 WAHL (t) tentative…. June 20 Es 10:39 WJLY (t) 88.3 11:00 11:27 11:32 11:34 11:39 19:32 19:34 19:38 20:38 23:23 KWMU KRBZ KZPL KUDL WPMJ CKMM KRCQ KZLT KIAI WMHX (t) 90.7 96.5 97.3 98.1 94.3 103.1 102.3 104.3 93.5 93.9 July4 Es From Hingham MA using the Grundig Sat 800 (with stock 180 kzh filters and 48 inch whip antenna. All stations were logged between 10:15 and 11:25 AM. Most of the stations logged were very short skip! WBVX WCSR WDIF WDZQ WFBQ 92.1 92.1 94.3 95.1 94.7 Carlisle Hillsdale Marion Decatur Indianapolis KY MI OH IL IN WFGF WFPL WGLT WHTY WMKR WQKQ WTRK WTTS WVKS 93.1 89.3 89.1 93.5 94.3 92.1 89.1 92.3 92.5 Lima Louisville Normal New Hartford Taylorville Carthage Bay City Bloomington Toledo OH KY IL IN IL IL MI IN OH 80s ad for Glenn Buick…KY mentions & B92 AC w ID and local wx Hot AC "Mix 94.3" then local ad country "95 Q…Decatur's Country Home" rock "Q95"" w/ local wx into ""red white & Q concert promo" CW Froggy 93 NPR w/mentions of U of Louisville NPR ID w/ mentions of Illinois State U Cl rock "93.5 & 96.7…the Max" CW 4th of July promo w/ sister sta WRAN Cl Hits "KQ 92"…into Bob Seeger Christ Rock ID AAA ID Kiss FM…mentions of Toledo CHWV 97.3 St John NB w/ local ad for Parkway Ford Lincoln July 4 Tr 21:38 43 July 10 Es 21:50 W207BC 89.3 Minocqua WI relig first xltr via skip….ID as x WRVM…website lists 89.3 xltr July 19 Es (Super Day) This was one of the best openings I’ve ever had……5 and a half hours of FM skip! Bermuda, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska were all logged. Over 100 stations were logged including the new ones listed below. A special thanks to Charles Gauthier who alerted me and Mike Bugaj to Bermuda on 94.9. 10:38 10:49 10:52 10:54 11:05 WZNS WSUN WLLD WKZY WLVO 96.5 97.1 98.7 106.9 106.1 Ft Walton Beach Holiday Holmes Cross City Live Oak FL FL FL FL FL CHR Z 96 Mod rock "Tampa Bay's New Rock 97X" dance Wild 98.7 80's Gainesville ment..New KZY oldies AP news..local ads Lake City x mentions oldies The Beach oldies "oldies 102.7" 80s Star 103.1 The 80's Channel urban "New V 103.9" ment of Savannah" relig Bible Broadcasting Netwk country N. FL Speedway Central time zone country "K Country 104' completely wiping out WXLO Hot AC "Gem Mazda'…mentions of Tampa" Cont Xtan "the new 94.3….Dothan's Xtan..” soft ac local mentions oldies "Windsor Jewlers ad…mentions of Augusta""" CHR The Zone with AL mentions 80's The Max….with RDS country country "Hwy 92 off I 75” "Woodstock x 11:10 11:14 11:16 11:19 11:30 11:35 11:48 WBGA WRGO WGZO WSIS WYFA WOCY WKAK 107.7 102.7 103.1 103.9 107.1 106.5 104.5 Darien Cedar Key Parris Island Springfield Waynesboro Carabelle Albany GA FL SC GA GA FL GA 11:52 11:58 12:09 12:18 WBCG WZIB WLTM WGOR 98.9 94.3 94.9 93.9 Murdock Abbeville Atlanta Martinez FL AL GA GA 12:22 12:24 12:29 12:43 WZND WMAX WDEN WBTR 105.3 105.3 99.1 92.1 AL GA GA GA 13:00 13:03 13:10 WAJS WBPT WBHK 91.7 106.9 98.7 Headland Bowdon Macon Carrollton Chrysler Jeep…" Tupelo Birmingham Warrior 13:15 13:37 WKXI Power 95 107.5 94.9 13:48 13:55 13:59 14:01 14:24 14:43 15:12 ZBM WJZN KMSX KHTE KKTZ WYDS WKIE/WKIF 89.1 98.9 94.9 96.5 93.5 93.1 92.7 AFR local promos…into Full ID 80's Local mentions ….ID urban ac not NYC…more urban….def a skip signal Magee MS urban ac Kixie 107 FM Hamilton Bermuda AC 5 minute recording …excellent…lots of Bermuda mentions Hamilton Bermuda ac Sat prgrm…fits website Memphis TN smooth jazz """Smooth Jazz"" Memphis mentions" Maumelle AR AC RDS Mix 94.9 England AR Dance Little Rock ment Hot 96.5 Full ID Lakeview AR AC Hit 93.5 mentions of Mountain Home Decatur IL CHR The Party Kankakee or Arl Hts IL Spanish either WKIF o WKIE…not sure which 92.1 94.3 Fairhope Bay Springs AL MS adult alt Zoo Crew….Rolling Stone concert x trip promo AC KZ 94……..Best Music Mix Winkler Grand Forks Winnipeg Winnipeg Nipigon Timmins Roseau Steinbach Fort Frances it..still list as Tentative Eveleth Fosston Thunder Bay MB ND MB MB Ont Ont MN MB Ont AC The Eagle country The Rooster CHR Q 94…into Jan Arden Rock Power 97 with excellent RDS CBC local events mention after news FF Tentative. AC KJ 102 Lite AC Lite 96.7…local ads and weather FF / SRC FF….pretty safe bet this is x MN MN Ont AC Norah Jones into ID Cont Xtan Q 107 then Full ID rock Rock 94 local ads MS AL AL July 20 Es 9:56 10:02 WZEW WKZW July 21 Es 20:40 20:42 20:43 20:51 21:00 21:02 21:06 21:18 21:33 CJEL KNOX CHIQ CJKR CBQY CBON25t KCAJ CILT CKSBt 93.5 94.7 94.3 97.5 98.9 97.1 102.1 96.7 89.1 21:48 22:00 22:20 WEVE KKEQ CJSD 97.1 107.1 94.3 Well I still can’t believe it. Three huge months of NFM. Once again thanks to everyone who sent it in a report. Also apologies to anyone if I lost any formatting (underlines, etc) but with the past couple of reports it was unadvoidable due to the amount of time it took to put the reports together. 44 CHARLES GAUTHIER, St-Lambert, PQ [email protected] Equipment: JVC RX 150BK receiver modified with two 150khz filters, Antennacraft 32 element VHF-UHF-FM antenna at 30' AG, CM9510A rotor, RG6 coax. June 18 Tr 0258 WGBH 89.7 Boston MA Full ID 253 88.9 Collegeville MN Calls 1006 89.5 90.5 Savannah Athens GA GA Calls Calls 1010 951 106.9 93.9 93.9 94.9 89.1 Cross City Moultrie Augusta Hamilton Hamilton FL GA GA BER BER Calls 1211 Calls, City, Braves baseball 1131 Calls 944 Power 95, The Big Station, local ads 1023 Local ads1023 Grand Rapids Hibbing MN MN Calls Calls June 20 Es 1900 KSNR July 16 Es 0059 0104 WYFS WUOG July 19 Es 1307 1317 1319 1324 1350 WKZY WMTM WGOR ZFB ZBM July 21 Es 2103 2109 KAXE WTBX 91.7 93.9 958 931 HARRY HAYES - Wilkes-Barre, PA Equipment: Superadio II w/110khz filter,FM-6 antenna in attic July 9 Es 2115 2141 2145 2200 2225 KRZZ KSKG KLUR KSYE KSCS 96.3 99.9 99.9 91.5 96.3 Derby Salina Wichita Falls Frederick Ft. Worth KS KS TX OK TX ID "Eagle" jingle and ID's ID's, jingle, religious country music country music "Orlando's Party" ID,"The Smooth Jazz Sound of the Coast" "Wave 92.7" and complete ID July 19 Es 1010 1025 1037 1042 1050 1112 1123 1126 1130 1131 1133 1135 1135 WPAP WPYO WSJZ WAVW WYUU WBCG WTKS WEAT WFLM WSGL WOMX WBTT WYGV 92.5 95.3 95.9 92.7 92.5 105.9 104.1 104.3 104.7 104.7 105.1 105.5 105.5 Panama City Apopka Sebastian Stuart Safety Harbor Ft. Lauderdale Cocoa Beach W. Palm Beach White City Naples Orlando Naples Park St. Augustine Bch FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL 1147 1150 1155 1155 1215 1217 1219 1230 WOCL WSRZ WMGF WBGA WROO WXXL WAOA WTUF 105.9 107.9 107.7 107.7 107.3 106.7 107.1 106.3 Orlando Coral Cove Mt. Dora Darien Jacksonville Tavares Melborne Boston FL FL FL GA FL FL FL GA 1245 1247 1250 WILN WASJ WKUB 105.9 105.1 105.1 Panama City Panama City Bch Blackshear FL FL GA 45 "Big 106" ID "Real Radio" "Sunny 104.3" mention of area "The Flame" "Mix 104.7" and mention of Naples area "Mix 105.1" "105.5 Beat Jamz" assumed "Smooth Jazz" assumed, thru horrible open carrier of local WSFX translator "O Rock", assumed, no other info heard. "Oldies 108" Mention of area "Magic 107", area mention, thru semilocal "Thr Rooster's in Your Neighborhood" "XXL" call ID Bluegrass music, ad for Babcock Furniture in Thomasville, assumed because there is more than one Thomasville in the south. This was quite an interesting sounding station by the way. "Island 106" "Budget Rent-A-Car in Panama City" mention Waycross 1255 1305 1307 1320 1335 1342 1348 1352 WKAK WVRK WNPT KAJN WTXT WSMS UNID WZLT 104.5 102.9 102.9 102.9 98.1 99.9 99.3 99.3 Albany Columbus Linden Crowley Fayette Artesia GA GA AL LA AL MS Lexington TN 99.9 Searcy AR mention Albany. ID "The New Catfish Country 102.9" call ID "98 TXT" ID during remote broadcast "99.9 The Fox" mention area "Lite Rock B-99-3" WBIP MS? “Mention Lexington and Henderson County", assumed "Quick 99.9 mention Searcy 1410 KWCK 94.7 Brandon MB "Star 94.7 FM" assumed Tulsa OK "The Edge" mention Tulsa Altoona PA "Froggy 98" announcer was "Polly Wogg" July 21 Es 2140 CKLF July 23 Es 1103 KMYZ 104.5 August 2 Tr 0838 WFGY 98.1 JOHN EBELING – Alborn MN times always CST, new underlined, distance in miles. Equipment: Pioneer TX-9500 tuner with modified IF strip, Stereo-Probe 9 about 25 feet above ground, hand rotated, and a Conrad RDS unit. July 16 Tr 2217 2240 K292EZ KVHT 106.3 106.3 Duluth Vermillion MN SD (Local off) 'mix 106' 29 94.5 88.7 88.1 89.7 89.7 89.1 89.7 93.5 91.1 93.7 89.3 93.5 95.5 96.3 97.5 Richmond Chesapeake Hampton Kent Las Vegas Concord Boston Conway North Adams Wilmington Montreal VA VA VA OH NM NH MA NH MA DE PQ Johnstown New York Akron PA NY OH 'Q94' 1015 1102 1082 689 1250 (RDS read NHPR) 1066 RDS ID 1106 1062 (talk SCA) 1000 RDS ID 993 916 Classical music 825 1023 686 88.1 88.3 Calgary Brainerd AB MN (New-no calls) (New to air) Walla Walla Moses Lake Quincy Spokane Ronan Walla Walla Richland Cheney Grand Coulee Wenatchee WA WA WA WA MT WA WA WA WA WA 'k-love' Spokane Spokane Columbia Falls Pocatello Spokane Spokane Kallispel WA WA MT ID WA WA MT 360 July 21 Es & Tr 1118 1125 1156 1201 2011 2024 2025 2028 2045 2051 2059 2110 2114 2117 2120 WRVQ WFOS WHOV WKSU KMBN WEVO WGBH WMWV WSMU WSTW CISM unid WKYE WQXR WONE July 22 Es & Tr 1100 1102 ???? KBPN 87 July 25 Es 1825 1840 1850 1854 1855 1859 1859 2000 1906 1910 1913 1920 1922 1928 1932 1935 1937 1944 K201DX KMLW KZML KISC KQRK KWWS KFAE KEWU KEYG KPQ unid KEAP KMBI KKMT KISU KSFC KDRK KBBZ 88.1 88.3 95.9 98.1 92.3 89.7 89.1 89.5 98.5 102.1 103.9 105.7 107.9 95.9 91.1 91.9 93.7 98.5 46 1281 'kiss 98.1' 1223 1161 1223 1267 1171 1234 'the quake' 1300 "The Monster" 1161 1161 1008 1011 1161 1161 'B-98' 1014 1947 1951 1957 2000 2002 2007 2013 2052 KPSM KRYK KULE KNHC KNTU CHHK CKUA-2 KGNZ 99.3 101.3 92.3 89.5 88.1 93.3 99.3 88.1 Brownwood Chinook Ephrata Seattle McKinney Taber Lethbridge Abilene TX MT WA WA TX AB AB TX RDS ID 779 1266 1393 977 'the hawk' 947 1073 1109 Funny how those TX stations popped up every so often. With Es, one really never knows. It is also clear after the WA & MT opening, that RDS is a rare item with that part of the U.S. Very few stations were using it! JIM RENFREW - 6988 Bank Street Road Byron, NY 14422-9702 Equipment: Car radios, Onkyo tuner with Radio Shack antenna * = new, # = new calls, t = tentative, q = since verified July 2 2150 *CKSY 94.3 Chatham ON 239 *KBFC KIPR WTYX *CFIM 93.5 92.3 94.7 92.7 Forrest City Pine Bluff Jackson Cap-au-Meules AR AR MS PQ 900a 993 1018 817 Pirate R 100.9 Rochester NY 25 Ft. Myers Bradenton Naples Venice FL FL FL FL Hialeah FL Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Riviera Beach No Miami Beach Sebastian Ft. Lauderdale Orlando Hobe Sound Orlando FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL July 4 1036 1044 1048 1056 July 18 1605 * July 19 0950 0959 1000 1003 1006 1007 1009 1119 1130 1137 1138 1141 1146 1150 1150 1154 1200 1202 1206 1210 1212 1215 1215 1221 1222 1227 1241 1242 1248 1251 1252 1255 1258 1302 1305 1325 1330 1330 WGCUt WJIS WSOR WDDV UNID WCMQ UNID WINKt *WAFG WZZR WXDJt *WSJZ *WHYI WOMXt *WOLL WSHE UNID WIKX UNID *WTBT WXELt WGYL *WARO WRXK WLRQ WJHM WMFQ WWRMt *WCFB *WEJZ WKQL *WQYK *WMFE WWRZ *WKTK #WKAK UNID UNID 90.1 88.1 90.9 92.1 92.7 92.3 93.5 96.9 90.3 94.3 95.7 95.9 100.7 105.1 105.5 100.3 90.9 92.9 95.5 103.5 90.7 93.7 94.5 96.1 99.3 101.9 92.9 94.9 94.5 96.1 96.9 99.5 90.7 98.3 98.5 104.5 104.9 104.5 VOCM CHOZ *WCLV CBNM 97.5 94.7 95.5 90.3 Charlotte Harbor Bradenton West Palm Beach Vero Beach Naples Bonita Springs Cocoa Daytona Ocala Tampa Daytona Jacksonville Jacksonville St. Petersburg Orlando Ft. Meade Crystal River Albany FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA St. John’s St. John’s Akron Marystown NL NL OH NL 1167 1117 Way FM 1199 1141 Kickin S 1206 Spanish r&b/hip hop 1167 Here in SW Florida 1185 1138 Real Radio 1208 Spanish 1080a 1185 Y 100 1031 1100a Cool 105.5 1031 Cool 100 Sports Spectrum, NOTE #1 FL Kicks Kiss 95.5 1117 1143 local PSA’s 1083 1199 Arrow 94.5 1184 K Rock 1037 Lite 99.3 981 Jams 996 Q 92 1084 981 Star 94.5 913 Lite 96.1 913 Kool 96.9 1099 1031 1023 KTK 876 K Country NASCAR race NC? NOTE #2 July 21 1040 1045 1050 1119 47 1246 1246 246 1128 K Rock OZ FM Trop sneaks in 1121 1134 1136 1211 1214 1216 1223 1231 1232 1234 1237 1243 1244 1246 1252 1255 1256 1300 1301 1305 1310 1312 1313 1314 1315 1315 1325 KSJQq 92.7 UNID 95.9 UNID 95.5 CHOZ 94.7 KUSO 92.7 CBAX 101.9 KZEN 100.3 CBNt 106.9 CIOZ 96.3 KEZO 92.3 KLIR 101.1 KLTQ 101.9 *KXKT 103.7 *KQKY 105.9 *KRKQ 98.3 *KMLV 88.1 *KMXD 100.3 *KHKI 97.3 *KXNE 89.3 VOCM 97.5 UNID 90.1 KKOT 93.5 *KKRL 93.7 KNEN 94.7 *KAYA 91.3 UNID 94.3 *VOCM-?102.3 Savannah 1332 1336 1341 1357 2033 2139 2143 2147 2148 2150 2152 2152 2153 2156 2200 2204 2205 2206 2218 2225 2237 2243 2245 2258 2259 2259 2259 2259 2304 2304 2307 2311 2313 2315 2318 2324 CBGA-8t *KKYA ?? *KDOM CBW*CKLF CHIQ *CJEL *CJKR *CBW KHRT *CILT *KGIM *CBQH KSNR KYYX *CBWX *KJKJ *KLTA *KZPR *KAUJ *KZLT *KKDQ KCCD KDSU *KUND *KPPR KMPR KCAD *KDSR UNID UNID KRJB *KCND *KMHA KNDRt Cap-aux-Meules Yankton 93.5 93.1 99.3 94.3 92.7 94.7 94.3 93.5 97.5 98.3 106.9 96.7 103.7 100.9 100.3 97.1 95.7 107.5 105.1 105.3 100.9 104.3 99.3 90.3 91.9 89.3 89.5 88.9 99.1 101.1 96.7 106.9 106.3 90.5 91.3 104.7 Ada Bismarck New Town Mandan 925a Q Country Kick Ass 96 Today’s Hot New Country NL 1246 NE 1046 US 92 NL 1246 NE 1055 KZ 100 NL 1246 Classical NL 1128 // 94.7 NE 949 Z 92 NE 1018 NE 995 IA 945a Cat 103 NE 1118 Hits 106 IA 832 The River NE 950a K Love IA 826 Mix 100 IA 826 NE 1012 NPRN, U of N NL (still in!) 1246 NS or NL? // 90.3, NOTE 3 NE 1018 The Hawk IA 882 NE 1012 NE 960a French station mixing w/CJBC NL site?(K Rock, mention of Grand FallsWindsor) PQ 817 French SD 1001 KK 93 KK 99 880 MB 1117/1160 MB 1160 Star FM MB 1041 Q 94 FM MB 1065a Eagle MB 1041 Power 97 MB 1041 // 92.7 ND 1198 MB 1035a Lite 96.7 SD 1046 Pheasant Country ON 859 NW Ontario wx MN 962 Cool 100.3 ND 1198 Kicks FM MB 1091 Dauphin weather ND 999 KJ 108 MN 958 ND 1198 The Fox ND 1023 MN 997 MN 962 MN 966 MPR ND 974 ND 999 ND 1304 ND 1198 ND 1258 ND 1304 Classic Rock Q 97 - 2 ND stations Eagle 106.9 (Beatles music) MN 965 ND 1162 // 91.9 ND 1251 ND 1168 ND ads Olathe Kingman Dodge City Larned KS KS KS KS 940a 1145 1237 1178 Eldon Omaha Lexington Hill City MO NE NE KS 852 949 1150 1186 St. John’s Albion St. John’s Central City St. John’s Marystown Omaha Columbus Lincoln Glenwood Kearney Boone Ralston Des Moines Des Moines Norfolk St. John’s Columbus Carroll Norfolk Hubbard Windom MN Jackhead or Brandon Brandon Winnipeg Winkler Winnipeg Winnipeg Minot Steinbach Aberdeen Dryden Thief River Falls Minot Fisher Branch Grand Forks Breckenridge Minot Grafton E. Grand Forks Thief River Falls Morehead Fargo Grand Forks Williston Minot Dickinson Williston MO July 24 1240 1240 1245 1259 KCCV KCVW #KOLS KGTRt 92.3 94.3 95.5 96.7 *KLOZ KEZO *KRVN KKQY 92.7 92.3 93.1 101.9 July 25 2024 2036 2045 2116 48 The River 2125 KSWP 90.9 Lufkin TX 1247 WDTR 90.9 WHMIq 103.5 *WDVD 96.3 WNIC 100.3 WDET 101.9 *WJXQ 106.1 Detroit Howell Detroit Dearborn Detroit Jackson MI MI MI MI MI MI 283 323 283 289 283 352 *W297AB *WHFX WSHE *WJBT *WNCM WJIS WKTZt WSKX *WECC #WDDH Williamsville St. Simon’s Orlando Green Cove Jacksonville Naples Jacksonville Hinesville Folkston St. Mary’s NY GA FL FL FL FL FL GA GA PA // WNSA 107.7 855 1031 936 The Beat 913 The River 1199 913 “Beautiful” music 810 Extra 884 128 The Hound Remsen Luling NY TX 121 1452 July 26 1924 1925 1928 1930 1930 1940 July 30 0020 1010 1020 1025 1049 1050 1053 1056 1100 1107 107.3 92.7 100.3 92.7 88.1 88.1 90.9 92.3 89.3 97.5 July 31 1000 1835 #WUCL #KARW 93.5 94.7 Was Warm, now Cool Austin’s best mix Notes #1 Web site schedules are confusing. The program page says it is on WRAF at this time, but the station page says no. It is listed for a station affiliated with WAQV Crystal River on 104.3 during this time. #2 A real stumper. Ad seems to say Don (Ron?, John?) Johnson’s Cabin Critters (cruisers?), with locations in Manteo and Concord, NC, followed by an ad (possibly a second station) for Bahama House on the ocean shore. There is a Bahama House in the Bahamas and in Daytona Beach. Others reported hearing Bahamas 104.5 during this time. #3 NS CBIB? NL CBTL Millertown? // 90.3 Other: WFBQ 94.7 reported last month was not confirmed by station. So where is Richardson Suzuki if not in Indianapolis? JERRY BOND - Rochester, NY DXing in a 1992 Chevy Van May 29 Au 1746 WFMZ 104.9 Hertford NC gospel concert promo, Praise 105 slogan 94.7 Gifford FL Star 97- Best of 80's, 90's and today 93.1 95.7 Lexington Grand Island NE NE "The River" Give us 5 minutes of your time to make us your station. 103.5 Jamestown NY "The New Z-103.5" 104.7 104.9 Geneva Brockville OH ON ABC Nx, then local call in show very strong signal 95.5 Johnstown PA promo for morning show, "Key 95" May 30 Es 1144 WSYR June 10 Es 2039 2042 KRVN KROA June 16 Tr 0930 WJQZ June 18 Tr 1800 1916 WKKY CFJR June 19 Tr 1936 WKYE June 20 Tr 49 1600 WWDG 105.1 DeRuyter NY Rock 105- the Dog - 105.1 and 98.3 94.7 100.9 101.9 88.9 103.5 Hamilton N. Syracuse Kingston Toronto Orangeville ON very strong - smooth jazz 94.7- the Wave NY K-Rock ON Community billboard ON ethnic programming, strong, not often heard ON strong, 103 dot 5 100.7 104.3 92.3 Toronto Clarendon Warren ON PA PA Peterborough Binghamton ON strong with local WBZA-98.9 off NY Classic rock has only one home in Binghamton- The Whale NY Dave til Dawn on Lite 98.7 ON the new Wild 101 where hip hop lives-local on 101.3 barely audible on x reduced power NY Q country June 21 Tr 1615 1630 2110 2114 2350 CIWV WKRL CFRC CIRV CIDC June 22 Tr 0007 0023 0037 CHIN WKNB WRRN Hit Man broadcast from Mississauga Your home for country ID, then oldies June 23 Tr 0033 0038 CBCP WAAL 98.7 99.1 0041 0043 WLZW CKEY 98.7 101.1 Utica Ft. Erie 0132 WQNY 103.7 Ithaca June 23 Es 0950 1012 1059 1138 1340 1347 UNID UNID WXFL UNID UNID WTYX 88.5 94.7 96.1 95.7 97.3 94.7 Jackson Joy FM Home of 20 in a row - Kiss FM AL Cool 95.7 -- possibly WTKL-FM Rush Limbaugh Show MS Arrow 94.7, Jackson's classic hits 102.5 Rome NY weather from WUTR-channel 20, Bob-FM KLBJ 93.7 Austin TX Austin's rock for 30 years WJSL 90.3 Houghton NY WXXI/WJSL ID, local WBER-90.5 on OC only Vero Beach Boca Raton Miami Beach Ft. Pierce Naples Ft. Myers FL FL FL FL FL FL Orlando Ft. Pierce Indian River Shores White City FL FL FL FL West Palm Beach Jupiter Hobe Sound Vero Beach Melbourne West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Jensen Beach Vero Beach FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL Florence June 24 Tr 0734 WRBY July 3 Es 1048 July 7 Tr 0100 July 19 Es 1137 1141 1145 1148 1149 1151 1154 1157 1158 1158 1200 1204 1206 1208 1208 1209 1214 1216 1218 1220 1223 1226 1228 1232 UNID WGYL WKIS WLVE WLDI WARO WOLZ UNID WSHE WKGR WOSN WFLM UNID UNID WIRK WJBW WOLL WQOL WAOA WEAT WWGR WMBX WCZR UNID 95.7 93.7 99.9 93.9 95.5 94.5 95.3 98.3 100.3 98.7 97.1 104.7 92.1 107.5 107.9 106.3 105.5 103.7 107.1 104.3 101.9 102.3 101.7 91.1 1235 1238 WHOG WJHM 95.7 101.9 SS music gave street location of studios c/w, Kiss country ID and mention of Wild 95.5 Ft. Myers ads Oldies 95 jingle SS talk Kool 100 with twin spin weekend ID and "Ocean" slogan The "Flame" SS talk SS talk ID, c/w B 106.3 Kool 105.5, 18 in a row weekend station Q 103.7, oldies report from remote broadcast Sunny 104.3 Remote at Sam Galloway Ford Real Radio mention of KROA, KPNO, KGRD, what appeared to be a network mention? Ormond-by-the-sea FL The Hog, w/traffic report, classic rock Daytona Beach FL Honda car dealer spot 50 1243 1246 1249 1251 1256 1257 1259 1300 1300 1305 WFYV WWRM WKQL WEJZ WSJZ UNID WQYK WKES WCNO WTBF 104.3 94.9 96.9 96.1 95.9 98.3 99.5 91.1 89.9 94.7 Atlantic Beach Tampa Jacksonville Jacksonville Sebastian FL FL FL FL FL St. Petersburg Lakeland Palm Cit Brundidge FL FL FL AL 1308 1312 WOMX WAAZ 105.1 104.7 FL FL 1313 1315 1319 1321 1324 1325 1331 1331 1332 1337 1342 1344 1347 1351 1353 1357 1359 1405 1406 1411 WTRS WYNA UNID WLRQ WSUY WDMG UNID UNID WKAK UNID WZGC WMJY UNID WZZK WLMG WKZN UNID WOKK WELJ WTYX 104.9 104.9 100.9 99.3 96.9 99.5 105.1 104.9 104.5 100.9 92.9 93.7 94.7 104.7 101.9 105.3 99.5 97.1 90.9 94.7 Orlando Crestview Braves pregame show Dunellen Calabash FL NC Cocoa Charleston Douglas FL SC GA Albany GA Atlanta Biloxi GA MS Birmingham New Orleans Kenner AL LA LA Meridian Brewton Jackson MS AL MS numerous spots mumerous spots ID, Lite 96.1 ID, smooth jazz oldies, perhaps WGCO? ID heard Palm City part of legal ID presumed w/female jock. thought call sounded more like WTVS? Mix 105.1 WAAZ/WJSB ID during break in Atlanta c/w, dual ID as 102.3 and 104.9 Cool 104.9/100.7 w/1000 song weekend Braves BB net spots for jazz concert, car dealer in Cocoa Today's soft rock- Sunny 96.9 Braves BB net NASCAR K country 104 slogan Q 100 w/broadcast from a remote the new Z-93 Magic 93.7-continuous soft rock for Biloxi NASCAR ID, "Show your WZZK pride" Magic music hour Today's best variety- 105.3 - the Zone classic rock. thought I heard WRNO? 97-OKK, Meridian's country music stn. ID Arrow 94.7 This was my best opening in a very long time. It sure would have been nice to have had at least a little taste of this type of activity during the convention 2 weeks ago. FM was open to the top of the band for much of the time. I've got a few mysteries - any help with those would be greatly appreciated. July 25 Es 2119 KSSN 95.7 Little Rock AR Arkansas's radio station is Kissin' 96 August 1 Es 10:36 UNID 95.7 Mention of St.Augustine Rd. and So GA MICHAEL HAWK - Omaha, NE Equipment: Technics ST-9030; Onkyo T-4711; Conrad RDS unit; 6 element RS antenna on balcony (about 18' AGL) July 2 Tr 0607 1602 1645 1700 1701 1705 1711 1715 1730 1735 1751 1800 KGND KXLP KEEZ KDOG WHLA KESD KXAC KRRW KYSM KNSG KNXR KQRS 107.5 93.1 99.1 96.7 90.3 88.3 100.5 101.5 103.5 94.7 97.5 92.5 Ketchum New Ulm Mankato N. Mankato LaCrosse Brookings St James St James Mankato Springfield Rochestor Golden Valley OK MN MN MN WI SD MN MN MN MN MN MN rock, ID WI weather "SD Public Broadcasting" Oldies FM 100.5 New Country 101.5 Country 103.5 "Cars and Trucks" and "Cars 107.5" ID KQ-92 KWRT WPWQ KRRY KRNQ 93.1 106.7 100.9 96.3 Boonville Mt Sterling Canton Keokuk MO IL MO IA "Music of Your Life" Q-106 Y-101; lcl ads for Quincy "The Rock of the River" KWMU 90.7 St Louis MO KVNO off air due to tower collapse rock, 93-KXLP July 4 Tr 0926 2245 2251 2257 July 5 Tr 0019 51 July 5 Es MUF 90.9 MHz 1535 unID 88.3 1551 unIDs 90.9 KSKG 99.9 tinny SS audio; religion in/out for 15 minutes 2 SS unIDs, one tentatively Tampico July 6 Tr 0116 Salina KS "Eagle Country 99.9"; KGOR off air after x severe t'storms July 7 Es MUF 101.7 MHz 1839 1854 1905 1926 1936 WSMR WMMK WKGC WWMO WSSP 89.1 92.1 90.7 89.9 94.3 1940 1942 1955 1956 1958 2015 2018 2025 2026 2034 2041 2044 WXXF WMFE WPEZ WLPT WRFG WNUQ WQIK WVAS WAPR WFBX WWOJ WAYJ 94.7 90.7 93.7 88.3 89.3 101.7 99.1 90.7 89.3 94.5 99.1 88.7 Sarasota FL Destin FL Panama City FL New Orleans LA Goose Creek SC Mt Pleasant at 478-6363 LaCombe LA Orlando FL Jeffersonville GA Jesup GA Atlanta GA Albany GA Jacksonville FL Montgomery AL Selma AL Parker FL Avon Park FL Ft Myers FL ID "The At Work Station, Magic 92.1" RDS ID; KVNO still off ID ad for Mars Custom Airbrush Art on HW 17 in religion; Praise 94.9 (//94.9) classical mx; wx; ID; KVNO still off Delilah w/ ID RDS RDS ID Q-101; Top40 toyota ad RDS ID (PI=EEEE); KVNO still off "Evening Jazz"; Alabama Public Radio The New 94.5 FM, The Fox OJ 99.1; C&W Way FM Ft Myers Gifford FL FL Way FM The All New Star 94.7 Roanoke Rapids Richmond Raleigh Hickory Burlington Morehead City Erwin Monks Corner Roanoke South Boston Davidson McClellanville Southport New Bern Morehead City Savannah Kannapolis Snow Hill Hickory Roanoke Durham Belton Aiken Marion Fairmont Augusta, Jacksonville Hardeeville Savannah Knoxville Ft Myers Orlando Columbus Folly Beach St George Hilton Head Aiken Macclenny Baxley Daytona Beach NC VA NC NC NC NC NC SC VA VA NC SC NC NC NC GA NC NC NC VA NC SC SC SC NC GA NC SC GA TN FL FL SC SC SC SC SC FL GA FL brief, ID lcl ads QDR "The Ride" lcl red cross ad; RDS ID ID The Coast 92.5; Charleston area Q-99; Delilah K-97.5; pop RDS mention of HW52 and Carolina Surf 107.5 The Big Dog Hot 96 and 103.7 lcl ads ad for Iron Horse Honda in Monroe ID mention of (they are //WFAE) July 8 Es MUF 94.7 MHz 1936 2001 WAYJ WSYR 88.7 94.7 July 9 Es MUF 107.9 MHz 1924 1936 1951 1952 1954 1959 2000 2005 2008 2012 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 2026 2027 2030 2030 2031 2031 2035 2036 2039 2042 2045 2051 2054 2055 2055 2058 2100 2102 2107 2110 2113 2117 2120 2126 2127 WZRU WRVQ WQDR WXRC WRSN WOTJ WUAW WCSQ WSLQ WQOK WDAV WWBZ WSFM WSFL WRHT WIXV WRFX WAGO WFHE WVTF WNCU WEPC WLJK WHLZ WSFS WZNY WXQR WLVH WZAT WIMZt WGCU WMFE WCOS WYBB WNKT WLOW WKJP WJXR WBYZ WCFB 88.3 94.5 94.7 95.7 93.9 90.7 88.3 92.5 99.1 97.5 89.9 98.9 107.5 106.5 96.3 95.5 99.7 88.7 90.3 89.1 90.7 88.5 89.1 100.5 100.9 105.7 105.5 101.1 102.1 103.5 90.1 90.7 97.5 98.1 107.5 107.9 96.3 92.1 94.5 94.5 52 lcl phone # given RDS ID RDS ID lcl ads 843 area code mention; Christian lcl ads; bad RDS signal…all invalid blocks Rock 105 lcl ads "The New 103.5"; Classic Rock ID RDS ID The Home of Rock and Roll, 98 Rock Cat Country 107.5 ad for Atlantic Svng Bank in the Low Country Kiss 96; rock lcl ads Z-94 Star 94.5 2130 2132 2132 2134 2137 2140 2144 2145 2146 2150 2159 2200 2220 2224 2225 WFXH WAVW WKKZ WLPT WOKA WWRM WOCY WRBQ WDUV WOMX WJCT WBVM WTJT WDGM WKSJ 106.1 92.7 92.7 88.3 106.7 94.9 106.5 104.7 105.5 105.1 89.9 90.5 90.1 99.1 94.9 Hilton Head Stuart Dublin Jesup Douglas Tampa Carrabelle Tampa New Port Richey Orlando Jacksonville Tampa Baker Greensboro Mobile SC FL GA GA GA FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL AL AL lcl ads Wave 92.7 Dublin mall ad RDS ID Dixie Country 106.7 ID Oyster Country 106.5 ID ad for Tampa Greyhound; FL#150 Mix 105.1 TM La M TM mention of Cd. Victoria TX Kiss FM; mentions of Lake Travis and Austin TX Real Country Weather TM ads for McAllen, TX TX 106.7 Jamz TX ads TX NL lcl mentions TX RDS ID TX San Antonio ads TX ID in SS TX La M, La Mejor TX mention of events at the Freeman Colleseum TX ad for the Hill Country Hayride and mention of "Radio New Braunfels" CL CL ID TX ID TX BBN Radio, ID TX ID o/u SS station TX RDS ID TX KJ-97 CL lcl mention TX Classic Hits Cure 95 NL Imagen; o/lcl translator TX mentions of Houston events SO La Comadre; would remain in for 2+ hours AZ RDS ID SO lcl mentions SO Radio ______ Nogales AZ weak; ID AZ RDS ID AZ ID AZ ID SO FM Globo FL lcl mentions; KMLV off for about 2 hours FL RDS ID FL lcl mentions FL local ads FL ID FL weather FL 93-7 K-Country AL RDS ID, PI=EEEE FL ID FL "The New 94.5, The Fox" FL Life FM 89.1 FL ID ?? "Nevada Public Radio"; either Lund or an xltr AZ ID NV The Point; classic rock NV ID CA The Highway Stations UT Super Hits of the 60's and 70's, The Fox NV Hot 97.5 CA ad for SAFE Credit Union & Beck's Furniture CA ID; rel CA Smooth Jazz 94.7 KSSJ CA mention of Milligan First Assembly of God lcl ads KSJ July 12 Es MUF 107.9 MHz 1114 1114 1119 1124 1125 1130 1136 1137 1140 1142 1148 1150 1151 1154 1155 XHCAO XHVIC KHFI KFTX XHAVO KCJZ KFRQ KHRO XHAS KSJL KBOP KBAW KZLM KCYY KNBT 89.1 107.1 96.7 97.5 101.5 106.7 94.5 94.7 101.5 92.5 95.7 93.5 100.5 100.3 92.1 Reynosa Cd. Victoria Georgetown Kingsville Rio Bravo Terrell Hills Harlingen El Paso Nuevo Laredo Devine Jourdanton Zapata Miranda City San Antonio New Braunfels 1155 1156 1158 1159 1200 1201 1203 1210 1211 1226 1242 1330 1338 1345 1346 1350 1356 1359 1400 1420 1723 1741 1747 1754 1759 1834 1835 1838 1842 1850 1858 1900 9128 1930 1945 1959 2005 2013 2015 2050 2058 2100 2101 XHMW XHCLO KKER KYFS KTSW KBNL KAJA XHTA KQUR XHMN KAFX XHLDC KFMM XHNI XHSN KWFM KRMC KUAZ KUAT XHNGS WJIS WKGC WPOZ WSYR WJFR WTNT WOGK WVAS WQYK WFBX WSMR WSOR unID KNAU KXPT KNPR KHWY KXFF KVEG KGBY KYCC KSSJ KXJZ 102.3 107.1 88.7 90.9 89.9 89.9 97.3 94.5 94.9 107.7 88.3 90.7 99.1 105.1 106.7 97.1 91.7 89.1 90.5 96.7 88.1 90.7 88.3 94.7 88.7 94.9 93.7 90.7 99.5 94.5 89.1 90.9 88.7 88.7 97.1 89.5 98.9 92.5 97.5 92.5 90.1 94.7 90.9 Nuevo Laredo Monclova Kerrville San Antonio San Marcos Laredo San Antonio Piedras Negras Laredo Monterrey Conroe Imuris Thatcher Nogales Nogales Green Valley Douglas Tucson Tucson Nogales Bradenton Panama City Union Park Gifford Jacksonville Tallahassee Ocala Montgomery St Petersburg Parker Sarasota Naples ?? Flagstaff Las Vegas Las Vegas Essex Cedar City Mesquite Sacramento Stockton Fair Oaks Sacramento 53 July 13 Tr 2300 2301 2317 KKRD KFDI KZSN 107.3 101.3 102.1 Wichita Wichita Hutchinson KS KS KS Lincoln off for a few minutes; ID weather from KWCH Kissin 102.1 102.9 97.1 90.7 93.9 92.5 96.7 94.7 100.5 103.9 103.9 96.3 Hutchinson Hutchinson Wichita Dodge City Phillipsburg Larned Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Copeland Superior Ingalls KS KS KS KS KS KS OK OK KS NE KS Country 102.9 The KSKU Morning Show; pop/rock Z-FM; Christian rock The Buzzard weather 93.9 90.7 107.7 91.3 Dodge City Lawrence Topeka Olsburg KS KS KS KS The Buzzard lcl mentions ID o/ lcl translator NPR, Kansas Public Radio Fayette MO The Eagle July 14 Tr 0614 0618 0624 0641 0650 0849 0945 1000 1009 1030 1035 KHUT KSKU KZZD KZRD KQMA KGTR KHBZ KATT KHYM KRFS KSSH The Buzz rock; ID rel mx // internet feed ad for the county fair; Real Country 104 Super Hits 96 July 15 Tr 0612 0620 0627 0629 KZRD KJHK KMAJ KANV July 16 Tr 0555 KSSZ 93.9 July 18 Es MUF 93.1 1315-1330 unID’s mentioned the Carolinas July 18 Tr 1820 2045 2120 2121 2130 2139 KXAC KEEZ KWFC KTLI KXKU KDOG 100.5 99.1 89.1 99.1 106.1 96.7 St James Mankato Springfield El Dorado Lyons N. Mankato MN MN MO KS KS MN 88.7 98.7 99.7 Edwardsville Pipestone Marshall IL MN MN Wichita Worthington Hutchinson Springfield Clayton Springfield Fulton Ste. Genevieve Carlinville Ramsey Owensboro Alton St. Louis Springfield Springfield KS MN KS MO MO MO MO MO IL IL KY IL MO IL IL Z-99 Light 99 Kicks 106 July 19 Tr 0810 0950 1000 WSIE KISD KKCK ID in car radio from Lincoln, NE ID in car radio from south of Lincoln, NE July 20 Tr 0127 0137 0145 0235 0600 0611 0616 0653 0659 0700 1140 1147 1158 1200 1203 KRBB KWOA KZSN KTTS KFUO KWTO KKCA KPNT WOLG WJLY WBKR KATZ KEZK WUIS WNNS 97.9 95.1 102.1 94.7 99.1 98.7 100.5 105.7 95.9 88.3 92.5 100.3 102.5 91.9 98.7 B-98 FM KO-95 o/ semi-local KRKR ID ID classical NASCAR talk “The Oldies Station, Oldies 100.5, KKCA” The Point ID, rel SRN, ID, rel C&W, ID, lcl ads ID, lcl ads Lite Rock 99, WNNS July 24 Es MUF 89.5 MHz 1945-1959 unID’s on 88.5, 88.7, and 89.5 July 25 Es MUF 94.7 MHz 1935 2019 2021 2025 WEVO WESC WQDR unID 89.1 92.5 94.7 93.1 Concord Greenville Raleigh ?? NH SC NC ?? 54 ad for Foothills Ford in Chesney 94-7 QDR Kiss FM 2051 2058 2101 2106 2111 2123 2131 WOGK WRWA WLPT WBYZ WECC WPOZ KTBZ 93.7 88.7 88.3 94.5 89.3 88.3 94.5 Ocala Dothan Jesup Baxley Folkston Union Park Houston FL AL GA GA GA FL TX 93-7 K-Country ID RDS ID Hit Kickin Country, Z-94.5 “The Friday Night Rock” program Positive Hits Z 88.3 The Buzz 106.5 96.3 Davenport Keokuk IA IA Q-106.5 Aiken Bowman Monks Corner Belton Belvedere Cayce McClellanville Myrtle Beach Charlotte Sumpter Spindale SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC SC NC July 27 Tr 1720 2312 KCQQ KRNQ July 31 Es MUF 105.7 MHz 1730 1734 1740 1741 1743 1746 1751 1755 1800 1801 1810 WLJK WSPX WCSQ WEPC WAFJ WLTY WWBZ WMYB WFAE WICI WNCW 89.1 94.5 92.5 88.5 88.3 96.7 98.9 92.1 90.7 94.7 88.7 Gospel 94.5 ad for Daniel’s Landing near Charleston RDS ID ID ads mentioning I-26 and St Andrews The New Hot 98.9 Star 92.1 local mentions; #999 by Es from Omaha ID and Mix 94.7 tinny music, ID There was much more tropo between 07/18 and 07/21 than my loggings indicate…I unfortunately didn’t have much time to spend by the radio. When I did check, tropo was extremely strong and in from so many directions that it was very difficult to ID stations. It was quite an event. 7/9 and 7/12 saw some “real” Es…a rarity this year. There have been a lot of openings, but most unstable and only touching FM once in awhile. Mike Bugaj, 69 Sherman Rd., Enfield, CT 06082 Carver TX-11 and/or Sony ST-5130 with Bolin phase box and phase antenna, Conrad RDS unit w/PC software. APS-13. New underlined. 5/24 Es 1825 WCMQ -92.3 Hialeah, FL, Spanish 1827 Unid -89.7 Rap music, stereo, partially in EE and partially in SS, with a religious edge. Would WMCU run this?? 1831 WEOW -92.7 Key West, wow 92.7. 1832 WKRY 93.5 Key West, super strong Keys FCU 1900 and 1915 Spanish audio on ch6. At 1915 definitely a speech with Cuba mentioned multiple times. Heard only on the Sony 5130. 1923 Unid -90.9 religious Hialeah ID at 7pm. 1845 WMCU 89.7 Miami 6/10 Es 0735 WDDV 92.1 Venice, FL, the Dove 0736 WJBT 92.7 Green Cove Spr, FL, 92.7 the Beat 0740 WWRM 94.9 Tampa, FL, magic 94.9 0741 WLLD 98.7 Holmes Beach, FL, Wild 98.7 0741 WMMO 98.9 Orlando, FL, Ford dealer spot 0743 WXOF* 96.3 Yankeetown, FL, The Country Fox 96.3 0746 WAYJ 88.7 Ft. Myers, traffic report 0747 WSMR 89.1 Sarasota, FL, Life FM 89.1 0748 WFLZ 93.3 Tampa, FL Bubba the Sponge 0748 WSJZ 94.1 Lakeland, FL, jazz 0750 WRLR 100.1 Port Charlotte, FL, BTLS 1450 KCKS 94.9 Concordia,KS, Overland Park 1450 KFKF 94.1 Kansas City, KC’s best country 1613 KKIA 92.9 Ida Grove, IA, Hot Country 92.9 1626 KPNO* 90.9 Norfolk,NE, religious 1630 KESD 88.3 Brookings, SD, SD Pub Bstng 1631 KPLO 94.5 Reliance, SD, local ads 1650 KKRC* 93.9 Granite Falls, MN, Oldies 93.9 1656 KSDR 92.9 Watertown, SD, Watertown 1658 KNBZ* 97.7 Redfield,SD, 1700 KCFB* 91.5 St. Cloud, MN, calls 1703 Unid 93.5 MN News Network 2035 KBRB* 92.7 Ainsworth, NE, FM92 2049 KUSO* 92.7 Albion, NE, US92 2110 KPLO 94.5 Reliance, SD..this is Country 94 2120 KKXL 92.9 Grand Forks, ND, XL93, 5/30 Tr 0742 WXYV 102.7 Baltimore, MD, live105.7 (looking for Es and found this instead) 250mi Es In my Toyota parked in an office park parking lot. 1025 WSCD 92.9 Duluth, MN, classical music 1029 WRJO 94.5 Eagle River, WI, 1st Nat Bank 1030 KKDY 95.5 Bemidji, MN, 95 point 5, KDY 1031 KBKK 95.9 Pillager, MN, Pillsbury1032 1036 KQDS 94.9 Duluth, 95KQDS 1038 KRVI 95.1 Detroit Lakes, MN The River 95.1 1039 KMFY 96.9 Grand Rapids,'s 55 degrees at KMFY... 1040 KYCK 97.1 Crookston, MN, 1045 WIMI 99.7 Ironwood, MI 99-7 the Storm... 1054 KNTN 102.7 Thief River Falls, MN, MNPR 1105 Unid 95.3 the new KQ95 1110 KITN 93.5 Worthington, MN, the Eagle 93.5 1123 CITI 92.1 Winnipeg, MB, city FM, 6/11 Es 1854 WZEW 92.1 Fairhope, AL 92 Zoo 1900 WLMG 101.9 New Orleans, LA 1910 WBBN 95.9 Taylorville, MS B-95 5/31 Es 1835 Unid 89.1 I have this on tape. This was hiphop/rap with the dj talking over many parts of the music. Very distorted but in stereo. Creole. Signal level got up to 5 leds on the Carver for a while, but as a whole it was weak. A likely suspect a pirate in FL. 1837 WCMQ 92.3 Hialeah with a perfect WCMQ-FM 6/12 1212 KBEZ 92.9 Tulsa, OK 92.9 KBEZ Soft Rock 1253 KOMG 92.9 Mix 92.9 RDS 3636 1327 KTBC 90.9 Warrensburg, MO 90.9 the Bridge 55 1329 KGRC 92.9 Hannibal, MO The River, 5D8F 1305 WKCX 97.7 Rome, GA RDS PI only 6F5B 1307 WSB 98.5 Atanta, GA RDS: B98.5FM, 99A3 1309 KXKC 99.1 New Iberia, LA 99.1 KXKC 1312 WHER 99.3 Heidelburg, MS Eagle 99.3, oldies 1314 WJDQ 101.3 Meridian, MS RDS: Q101, 6CCA 1318 WQEN 103.7 Gadsden, AL RDS: TheQ, 7F5D, 103.7 the Q 1324 WSLY 104.9 York, AL Live 104.9 1325 WMXU 106.1 Starksville, MS, Mix106.1 1336 ***ZFB 94.9 Hamilton Bermuda, Power 95 the Big Station*** taped and new country! 1402 KIYS 101.9 Jonesboro, AR Kiss-FM 1311 KJEZ 95.5 Poplar Bluff, MO Classics 95.5 1420 KOMG 92.9 Ozark, MO RDS: MIX92.9 1425 WUEZ 95.1 Carterville, CA the SIU Credit Union in Carbondale 6/20 1907 CJEL 93.5 Winkler,MB, the Eagle 93.5 1920 KDVL 102.5 Devils Lake, ND Cruiser 102 RDS PS=KDVL, PI=47CD 1921 KNTN 102.7 Thief River Falls, MN, PBS 1922 CKMM 103.1 Winnipeg, RDS PS=HOT103, PI=1AF5 (??), Text: Todays Hit Music 1902 KZLT 104.3 E. Gr. Forks, MN, Breeze104.3 1923 KAOC 105.1 Cavalier, ND, RDSPS=KAOC, PI=116E 1929 KSNR 100.3 Thief River Falls, MN oldies 1930 CBW 98.3 Winnipeg, CBC Radio 2 1930 CBWS 92.7 Brandon, MB CBC Radio 2 // 98.3 1931 KYCK 97.1 Crookston, MN 1933 KMFY 96.9 Grand Rapids, MN oldies 1936 CHIQ 94.3 Winnipeg, Q94 FM 1938 CITI 92.1 Winnipeg RDS PS=92CITIFM, PI=FFFF, text=Rockin Winnipeg for 25 years. 1957 WIXX 101.1 Green Bay, WI 1958 KRCH 101.7 Rochester, MN 1959 WDUX 92.7 Waupaca, WI 2005 WHWC 88.3 Menomonie, WI RDS PS=WHWC PI=6962 2010 WOZZ 93.5 New London, WI classic rock 2011 WQRB 95.1 Bloomer, WI 2014 KDOG 96.7 N. Mankato, MN 2031 KTTB 96.3 Glencoe, MN B-96, twin cities 2036 KRUE 92.1 Wauseca, MN Crew-92 7/20 Tr 2330 Norfolk is there on FM on 99.7 (V strong), 94.9 and 92.9. 2252 WBEY 96.9 Crisfield, MD WFPG phased 2300 ESPN radio on 101.1 who would this be? 2325 WWOC 94.5 Hateras NC water country. 7/21 2035 CITI...92,1...Winnipeg, 2040 CJEL...93.5...Winkler, MB The Eagle 93.5 2043 CBW....98.3...Winnipeg, MB classical 2045 CKSB9..89.1...Ft. Frances, ON, French, 2054 KSJZ...93.3...Jamestown, ND Kiss 93.3 2055 CKSB7..93.5...Kenora, ON, French 2057 CHMM..103.1...Winnipeg, RDS: HOT 103 1AF5 2058 CJKR...97.5...Winnipeg, Power97 2112 2122 KYYX...97.1...Minot, ND ND State Fair 2124 KYCK...97.1...Grand Forks, MN 97-Kicks 2132 CILT...96.7...Steinbach, MB Lite 96.7 2144 CHVN...95.1...Winnipeg, Christian 2051 KZLT..104.3...E. Grand Forks, MN Breeze 104.3 2155 WRVM..102.7...Suring, WI 2203 CBQY...98.9...Nipigon, ON CBC News 2210 CKSB8..99.5...Winnipeg, French 6/22 Tr 1025 CFMX 103.1 Cobourg, ON cl. over WHRL 1028 WBGK 99.7 Newport Village, NY country mx //101.1 Ft.Plains 7/3 Tr 2055 CBAF-1 102.3 NB Fredericton, French 2058 CBZ 101.5 NB Fredericton, classical 2300 CBAL-4 88.1 NB Fredericton, French Ici Radio Canada 2315 CHSJ 94.1 NB St. John, Country 94 2350 CHVW 97.3 NB St. John, 97.3 the Wave 7/4 0036 WBFB 104.7 ME Belfast, country 0038 CFQM 103.9 NB Moncton, Magic104, 0054 CJMO 103.1 NB Moncton, C103, Moncton's classic rock 0058 CBCH 104.7 PE Charlottetown, electronic music but no ID at 0100 or at 0130 either 555mi 7/19 7/23 Es 1000 KTRQ 102.3 Colt, AR, Oldies 102.3 (N) 1000 KABZ 103.7 Little Rock, AR 1005 WJZN 98.9 Munford, TN, Smooth Jazz 98.9 1007 KCXY 95.3 S. Camden, AR, Y-95, country 1010 KMSX 94.9 Maumelle, AR, Mix 94.9 1015 KURB 98.5 Little Rock B98.5 1016 WJZO 101.7 Shelbyville, KY ...101.7 Classic jazz 1023 WTCD 96.3 Indianola, MS 1026 KQOR 105.3 Mena, AR 1029 WMBZ 94.1 Germantown, TN, the Buzz 1029 KKPT 94.1 Little Rock, AR 1037 KWCL 96.7 Bayville, LA, Lake Providence 1040 WMSR 94.9 Collingwood, TN, Star 94.9 1042 Unid 92.1 MS New Music Alt. Rebel Radio 1045 WOXD 95.5 Oxford, MS, Bullseye 95.5 1047 KYKC 100.1 Byng, OK 1050 WZYQ 101.9 Mound Bayou, MS, 1055 WKDF 103.3 Nashville, TN 1100 Unid 103.9 Doug Banks Morning Show 1117 KXBL 99.5 Henryetta, OK Big Country 99.5 1120 KVOO 98.5 Tulsa, OK 1121 WSRR 98.1 Millington, TN, the Cat... 1126 WHRK 97.1 Memphis, TN , K97 1130 WTNE 97.7 Trenton, TN, TN Country 1131 WXMI 98.9 Mumford, TN, smooth jazz 98.9 1132 KKRN 101.7 Humnoke, AR 1140 KARN 102.5 Cabot, AR call-in program 1142 KDRE 101.1 N. Little Rock, AR unforgettable memories on FM 101. 1006 WCKW 92.3 Laplace, LA 92.3 the Point 1010 Unid 92.7 92.7 the River 1014 WKZW 94.3 Sandersville, MS KZ94 1017 Unid 92.1 Magic 92.1 1114 WNFB 94.3 Lake City, FL Mix 94.3 1118 WTMG 101.3 Williston, FL Magic 101.3 1121 WGCO 98.3 Midway, GA RDS: WGCO-FM, Fairway Lincoln-Mercury 1135 WEGT 99.9 Lafayette, FL Eagle 99.9 1138 WKUB 105.1 Blackshear, GA RDS: WKUB, 7119 1140 WIFO 105.5 Jessup, GA 1142 WTIF 107.5 Omega, GA 1145 WKZZ 92.5 Tifton, GA, classic hits 1150 WFSY 98.5 Panama City, FL RDS: Sunny, 63C8 1202 WQIL 101.3 Chauncy, GA, country 1204 WMAX 105.3 Bowdon, GA RDS: WMAX80s, 746F 1205 WGLF 104.1 Tallahassee, FL Gulf104, 1216 WZND 105.3 Headland, AL RDS: THEZONE, 9801 1228 WDEN 99.1 Macon, GA Country99, WDEN 1245 WRFG 89.3 Atlanta, GA RDS:WRFG, 8214 1248 WBHY 88.5 Mobile, AL Power 88 1250 WVAS 90.7 Montgomery, AL RDS:WVAS, EEEE 1253 WAOY 91.7 Gulfport, MS, RDS: WAOY, 562C 1300 WRLD 95.3 Valley, AL Boomer 95.3, oldies 1303 WDJR 96.3 Enterprise, AL RDS: CNTRY969, 56 Steven C. Wiseblood 28 LBJ Blvd. Brownsville, TX 78521 [email protected] NO: not on the air NS: new station granted NW: new station signs on OSA: one step application granted for change PA: proposed amendment change to FM allocation table PC: power change on the air (> = increase, < = decrease) PG: power change granted (> = increase, < = decrease) QC: frequency changed occurred QG: frequency change granted RA: silent stations returns to the air RE: station requests an extension on permit RX: station requests replacement of expired permit SG: slogan change or update SI: station is silent XA: dismissed amendment to FM allocations XC: transmitter site change occurred XG: transmitter site change granted ABBREVIATIONS: AFA: American Family Association CC: call letter change CL: city of license change CX: a construction permit has been cancelled C1, C2, etc.: a change in status to that FM license class DA: directional antenna DE: station has been deleted FC: format change GA: granted amendment to the table of FM allocations GE: granted exgtension of construction permit GX: granted replacement of expired permit LC: license to cover filed (ready to come on the air) MC: multiple-city ID NC: no change yet on a reported change or permit ND: non directional antenna "Northwestern College network" Osceola: KJJC 107.1, RA, religious, "Northwestern College network" KANSAS: ALASKA: Sterling: KRAW 90.1, NW, variety format. Osage City: KANS 92.9, FC to rhythmic top 40, SC to "Wild 92.9" (Topeka) ARKANSAS: MASSACHUSETTS: Little Rock: KDIS 99.5, CC (ex KYFX), FC to Radio Disney Pharis: KRWA 103.1, RA, FC to AC, SC to "Hits 103" Charlton: WYCM 90.1, CC (ex WBPV). FC to Contemporary Christian MICHIGAN: Iron Mountain: WHTO 106.7, NW, 80's rock, "The Fox" CALIFORNIA: San Francisco: KKDV 95.7, FC to modern country, SC to "My Country 95.7" Selma: KQKL 88.5, SC to "K-Love", FC to contemporary Christian MINNESOTA: Brainerd: KBPN 88.3, NW ''Minnesota Public Broadcasting' FLORIDA: Woodville: WJZT 97.9, CC (ex WKEP) MISSISSIPPI: Carthage: WCKK 98.3 CC (ex WSSI) GEORGIA: Pelham: WQLI 92.3, NW, hot AC MISSOURI: IDAHO: KBBM 104.1 Jefferson City FC to Classic hits, SC to "B-104" KJMO 100.1 Jefferson City FC to rock, SC to 'The BUZZ" Liberty: KCIY 106.5 (Kansas City), FC to country Rexburg: KADQ 94.3, FC to classic hits, SC to "Arrow 94.3" ILLINOIS: Chicago: WJMK 104.3, FC to oldies, SC to "Oldies 104.3." INDIANA: NEBRASKA: Lafayette: WQSG 90.7, NW religious Wadesville: WRFM 90.1, CC (ex WXYR) Holdredge: KMTY 97.7, FC to oldies, SC to "Super Hits 97" IOWA: NEVADA: Madrid: KLRX 96.1 RA, religious, Amargosa Valley: KPKK 101.1, CC (ex KPUP) 57 New Martinsville: WXCR 92.3 CC (ex WNMR) NEW JERSEY: Port Republic: WXXY 88.7, FC to 80s oldies WISCONSIN: NEW YORK: DeForest: WHIT 93.1, FC to classic hits, SC to "93.1 the Lake." Eau Claire: WLFK-LP 107.9, NW "Wolf 108" signed on Friday, July 25.The station is airing a loop of Alternative music until studio equipment is ready. "Wolf 108" plans to air technology-themed talk shows and live in-studio performances by local bands Kewaunee: WAUN 92.7, FC to talk Nekoosa: WUSP 105.5, NS, oldies. Port Washington: WPJP 100.1, Catholic, SC to "Relevant Radio" Seymour: WECB 104.3, FC to soft AC, SC as "The Breeze" Spooner: WPLT 106.3, NW, country. East Hampton: WHBE 96.7, CC (ex WEHM), FC to "Bloomberg business news/talk" Hampton Bays: WBON 107.1, CC (ex WWXY), SC to "The Bone" Southampton: WEHM 92.9, CC (ex WHBE) Westhampton: WDRE 98.5 NW OHIO: Wilmington: WSWO 102.3, FC to contemporary Christian. SC to "K-Love" under new calls WKLN. CANADA OREGON: Astoria: KWYA 89.7, CC (ex KZNX), SC "The Way", Christian Bend: KVLB 90.5, SC to "K-Love", FC to contemporary Christian Grants Pass: KROG 96.9 (Medford) FC to modern rock, SC to "97 FM - the Rogue" ONTARIO: Cambridge: CIZN 92.9 signed off for good Sunday, pulling the plug on the hot AC "Zone" format there (and on the interference CIZN received from WBUF 92.9 Buffalo, only 70 miles or so across the border); London: CHST 102.3,classic , FC to hits/hot AC, SC to "Bob" PENNSYLVANIA: South Waverly: WPHD 96.1, FC to oldies, SC to "Fab 96", (Elmira, NY) State College: WRXV 89.1, NW SOUTH CAROLINA: Cross Hill: WHZQ 94.1 (Greenwood), CC (ex WCRS), FC to top 40, SC to "Q-94" West Columbia: WSCQ 100.1, FC to R&B, SC to "The Beat" DTV TENNESSEE: Dickson: WNRZ 91.5, FC to Christian rock, SC to "The New Music Revolution" Gallatin: WGFX 104.5 (Nashville), FC to Sporting News Radio, SC to "104.5 the Zone." Nashville: WNAZ 89.1, FC to Christian rock, SC to "The New Music Revolution" NEXT MONTH! Read about the massive tropo belting the eastern United States in midAugust. TEXAS: Byrne: KLRW 88.5 CC (ex KIAN) Cedar Park: KXMG 93.3 , FC to hip-hop (Austin), SC to "Hot 93-3 and 99-7" Roy Barstow receives UHF into the Midwest. UTAH: Oakley: KEGA 101.5, CC (ex KKIK) Rare tropo to northern Quebec VIRGINIA: Mount Jackson: WSIG 96.9. RA, classic country In short, more fun than a human being is supposed to have. WASHINGTON: Longview: KWYQ 90.3, CC (ex KZOE) , SC to "The Way", Christian WEST VIRGINIA: 58 SATELLITE NEWS GEORGE W. JENSEN 4604 ANTANNA AVE, Baltimore, MD 21206-4220 [email protected] Some interesting changes this month as follows. Greece, MKTV Sat - Macedonia, RTS Sat Belgrade Serbia, INN Italian News Network, Marco Polo, Italian, Leon/Alice - Italian, V I T, ????, T V MODA, ????, Telepace - Vatican City, Syrian Satellite Channel, Damascus, Syria. 2 other channels are color bars. There are 13 radio channels all but 2 unused the 2 in use are - Kanal Melodia unknown location and Radio Greece, Athens. Add to Satcom C4 - 400 - ESPN Classics. Delete from Galaxy 1 - 603 - Goodlife TV Network and add to Galaxy 4 603 on KuBand and also add to the same bird ESPN News on 401. Add to C3 - 601 Bloomberg. Several changes with the Pay-Per-View on Galaxy 10 are as follows:- Delete 324, 327 and 328. 329 is now Urban X, 331 - Pleasure, 332 - TeN, 333 Tenclip, 334 - Hot Bodies 1. 19 - 12080V/28066. There are 13 unused radio channels and 13 video most of which are currently color bars except the following - ERT Athens, Greece, Mega Cosmos, Greece and NBN World from Manila, The Philippines. A new and hopefully more stable carrier of foreign broadcasters is TARBS on Galaxy 10 Ku. Globe Cast on Telstar 5 Ku tends to be very changeable. The TARBS lineup is as follows. 1 - 11720V/28066 - 13 video channels with color bars and 13 open radio carriers New on Galaxy 11 - Delete 604 and add 801 - T V Colombia - Bogota, Colombia, 800 and 802 remain Crawford Communications barker channels. There remains a host of minor changes on the MPEG2 FTA side that may be looked at in a later column. That's all for now. see you in 30 and great DX. '73"s 9 - 11880V/28066 - 12 video channels - Thai TV Global Network Ch 5 - Bangkok, Thailand and 12 radio channels open carriers 11 - 11920V/28066 - the following are on the air Pink Plus - Serbia, Alpha International – SIGN UP/Renewal form Name_____________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________Apt #________ City_______________________ State/Prov_________Zip__________ Country_______ Interests: TV ( ) FM ( ) 30-50( ) Weather( ) email address______________________________________________ Sign me up/renew me for: 1 year ( ) 2 years ( ) More ( ) Yearly dues $24 to US addresses, $26 to Canada and Mexico $38 to the rest of the world (payable in U.S. Funds) Mail your dues to: WTFDA, P.O. Box 501, Somersville, CT USA 06072 Make your checks/money orders payable to: DAVE JANOWIAK And thanks for your support of the WTFDA! Return this form with your dues or make a copy of it and return that. 59 WTFDA TV SCOREBOARD PAST AND PRESENT FNAME DOUGLAS ROY TOM ERIC DANNY JOHN GREG RICHARD WILLIAM PAT RUSS FERNANDO PETER CHRIS CHRIS MIKE WILLIAM JOHN JEFF ROBERT JEFF MIKE FRANK RUSS RANDY PAUL DAVID DAVID FRED DANNY SHEL JIM BOB RICHARD GARY MATT MATT MATT DOUG BOB RICHARD JOHN GERALD FRANK LNAME ALLEN BARSTOW BRYANT BUENEMAN BUNTIN COMBS CONIGLIO CONTONE DRAEB DYER EDMUNDS GARCIA GIACOPELLI HANLEY HANLEY HAWK HEPBURN JEFFERSON KADET KRAMER KRUSZKA LAPINSKI MERRILL MILLER MILTIER MOUNT NIEMAN NIEMAN NORDQUIST OGLETHORPE REMINGTON RENFREW, SEYBOLD SHAFTAN SIEGEL SITTEL SITTEL SITTEL SMITH SMOLAREK STEINBERGER VERVOORT WESTERBERG WHEELER LOCATION CO WOODLAND PARK MA TEATICKET TN NASHVILLE MO HAZELWOOD OK STILLWATER FL ORLANDO NY WILLIAMSVILLE NY JAMAICA WI KEWAUNEE TX SAN ANTONIO ME JONESPORT NL MONTERREY NY MASSAPEQUA IL GALESBURG NC WINSTON-SALEM NE OMAHA ON BRAMPTON CA ANTIOCH IL MACOMB IL CHICAGO LA BATON ROUGE NY JAMESTOWN IL MACOMB ME N AMITY CA SAN JOSE NJ MONMOUTH NY AKRON NY ROCK CITY NY CLAY LA SHREVEPORT HI KEAAU NY ROCHESTER NY DUNKIRK NJ SPARTA OH TOLEDO FL TALLAHASSEE NE BELLEVUE NC RALEIGH TN PLEASANT VIEW NJ OLDWICK MA HUDSON NY BROOKLYN KY LEXINGTON PA ERIE TOTAL 135 756 383 356 123 461 448 40 1131 488 219 756 61 210 90 89 644 206 1905 632 618 581 1390 537 126 95 556 577 428 494 11 92 1406 550 673 378 590 185 470 166 93 78 342 331 UHF 51 472 184 234 90 235 271 30 580 155 34 512 27 108 36 54 417 106 1356 364 383 409 887 288 38 67 366 425 278 203 2 35 818 291 329 208 394 109 233 116 56 54 ~ 92 LPTV 42 170 18 33 6 62 43 5 191 13 10 201 ~ 10 0 12 89 689 83 114 77 393 123 2 5 77 95 56 43 2 4 242 59 61 25 182 15 38 15 5 0 5 0 HDTV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 74 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 42 ~ ES 49 143 78 44 6 129 93 0 210 199 ~ 111 16 60 22 5 135 75 279 108 139 70 247 112 70 2 90 55 81 162 0 34 224 146 156 97 114 44 56 20 6 7 61 239 MS 1 92 3 0 0 13 0 0 113 64 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 1 1 9 30 0 1 21 86 2 0 5 0 3 3 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 AU 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 USA 30 37 30 32 22 30 35 7 43 42 13 31 59 28 18 11 38 16 45 40 35 37 45 33 16 12 37 37 36 38 1 17 49 37 39 28 41 24 36 25 14 14 32 33 DC ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 0 1 CN 4 7 4 5 2 2 6 0 7 5 5 0 1 6 2 2 7 4 7 7 1 6 7 7 3 0 7 5 6 4 0 3 7 6 6 2 4 1 2 0 1 0 ~ 9 MX 3 0 4 3 0 6 0 0 2 18 ~ 8 ~ 0 0 0 0 4 15 3 11 0 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 18 1 0 3 0 2 5 6 3 5 0 0 0 ~ 0 FO 0 5 1 0 0 9 2 0 1 5 ~ 5 ~ 1 1 0 1 0 68 4 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 5 1 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 TPU 37 50 39 41 24 48 43 7 54 71 18 44 ~ 35 21 13 47 24 ??? 55 52 47 68 44 22 13 45 43 44 63 2 20 65 45 50 39 52 27 44 26 15 15 41 43 YB 1988 1971 1964 1992 1977 1972 1986 1981 1953 1959 1993 1991 ~ 1988 1980 1991 1985 1974 1983 1971 93 1978 1985 1994 1969 1990 1984 1991 1969 1994 1993 1989 1950 1981 1970 1992 99 1988 1994 1985 1960 1985 2002 1953 AS OF: 4/10/1993 1/20/2002 9/18/1993 8/26/2000 3/1/1994 5/23/1993 2/8/1998 2/1/1994 7/8/1993 12/31/1995 8/3/2001 12/31/1996 7/3/2001 8/9/1995 7/1/1993 12/14/2002 9/4/2000 1/1/1997 7/15/2002 9/25/1993 2/10/2003 4/23/1993 2/20/1996 1/1/1998 6/29/1997 8/24/1992 3/1/1994 6/16/1998 9/2/2002 12/15/1997 5/2/1994 4/1/1993 8/15/1997 9/17/2001 2/1/1999 7/4/1994 2/14/2003 1/1/1992 9/6/2000 1/1/1994 7/31/2002 6/4/2002 9/11/2002 7/30/1996 COLUMN DEFINITIONS: Total = Total number of TV stations logged from DXers location (All loggings should be received within 25 mile radius of this location to count.) Freq. changes count as a station, call letter changes DO NOT count. Also count a station only once regardless if logged by different propagation modes. UHF = All stations logged from CHANNELS 14 TO 83. LPTV=Low PowerTV/Translators logged. HDTV=High Density TV stations logged. Es=Total number of stations logged by E-skip. MS=Total by meteor scatter. Au=Total via Aurora. USA=Total number of states and the "+" = Washington, DC. CN=Number of Canadian provinces logged. MX=Number of Mexican states logged. PO=Number of foreign countries, but not Canada/Mexico. TPU (Total number of political units)=Sum of USA CN MX and FO. YB = The year you began DXing from this location. Note: Many contributors are current members in the WTFDA but some names on this list are those of former WTFDA members. Listings can also be for various addresses. Certain sections of this list have been removed due to space constraints. The entire document can be found of Fred’s website. More complete tables can be found at Want to add your statistics to this list? Email Fred Nordquist with your stats at [email protected] 60
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