Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux
Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux
Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Release 12.00.00 B035-2459-067A October 2008 The product or products described in this book are licensed products of Teradata Corporation or its affiliates. Teradata, BYNET, DBC/1012, DecisionCast, DecisionFlow, DecisionPoint, Eye logo design, InfoWise, Meta Warehouse, MyCommerce, SeeChain, SeeCommerce, SeeRisk, Teradata Decision Experts, Teradata Source Experts, WebAnalyst, and You’ve Never Seen Your Business Like This Before are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradata Corporation or its affiliates. Adaptec and SCSISelect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adaptec, Inc. AMD Opteron and Opteron are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. BakBone and NetVault are trademarks or registered trademarks of BakBone Software, Inc. EMC, PowerPath, SRDF, and Symmetrix are registered trademarks of EMC Corporation. GoldenGate is a trademark of GoldenGate Software, Inc. Hewlett-Packard and HP are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Intel, Pentium, and XEON are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. IBM, CICS, DB2, MVS, RACF, Tivoli, and VM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. LSI and Engenio are registered trademarks of LSI Corporation. Microsoft, Active Directory, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Novell and SUSE are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc., in the United States and other countries. QLogic and SANbox trademarks or registered trademarks of QLogic Corporation. SAS and SAS/C are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. SPARC is a registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. 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To maintain the quality of our products and services, we would like your comments on the accuracy, clarity, organization, and value of this document. Please e-mail: [email protected] Any comments or materials (collectively referred to as “Feedback”) sent to Teradata Corporation will be deemed non-confidential. Teradata Corporation will have no obligation of any kind with respect to Feedback and will be free to use, reproduce, disclose, exhibit, display, transform, create derivative works of, and distribute the Feedback and derivative works thereof without limitation on a royalty-free basis. Further, Teradata Corporation will be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in such Feedback for any purpose whatsoever, including developing, manufacturing, or marketing products or services incorporating Feedback. Copyright © 1996-2008 by Teradata Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Preface Purpose This book provides information about installing Teradata Tools and Utilities version 12.00.00 products on a client system that runs on NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris or Linux operating systems. Teradata Tools and Utilities is a group of products designed to work with Teradata Database. Audience This book is intended for use by: • System and application programmers • System administrators • Database administrators and database developers • System operators and other database specialists Supported Releases This book supports the following releases: • Teradata Database 12.00.00 • Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.00.00 To locate detailed supported-release information: 1 Go to www.info.teradata.com. 2 Navigate to General Search>Publication Product ID. 3 Enter 3119. 4 Open the version of the Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.00.00 Supported Versions spreadsheet associated with this release. The spreadsheet includes supported Teradata Database versions, platforms, and product release numbers. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 3 Preface Prerequisites Prerequisites The following prerequisite knowledge is required for this product: • Computer technology • Database management systems • Utilities that load and retrieve data Changes to This Book The following changes were made to this book in support of the current release. Changes are marked with change bars. For a complete list of changes to the product, see the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition associated with this release. Date and Release Description October 2008 12.00.00 Removed erroneous information about Red Hat support for Itanium. September 2007 12.00.00 Removed information on Teradata “Dynamic” Query Director. August 2007 12.00.00 Removed ESDM information. July 2007 12.00.00 Updated installation procedures to reflect Teradata products added to Teradata Tools and Utilities Release 12.00.00. Additional Information Additional information that supports this product and Teradata Tools and Utilities is available at the web sites listed in the table that follows. In the table, mmyx represents the publication date of a manual, where mm is the month, y is the last digit of the year, and x is an internal publication code. Match the mmy of a related publication to the date on the cover of this book. This ensures that the publication selected supports the same release. 4 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Preface Additional Information Type of Information Description Access to Information Release overview Use the Release Definition for the following information: 1 Go to www.info.teradata.com. • Overview of all of the products in the release • Information received too late to be included in the manuals • Operating systems and Teradata Database versions that are certified to work with each product • Version numbers of each product and the documentation for each product • Information about available training and the support center 3 In the Publication Product ID box, type 2029. Late information Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 2 Select the General Search check box. 4 Click Search. 5 Select the appropriate Release Definition from the search results. 5 Preface Additional Information Type of Information Description Access to Information Additional product information Use the Teradata Information Products Publishing Library site to view or download specific manuals that supply related or additional information to this manual. 1 Go to www.info.teradata.com. 2 Select the Teradata Data Warehousing check box. 3 Do one of the following: • For a list of Teradata Tools and Utilities documents, click Teradata Tools and Utilities and then select a release or a specific title. • Select a link to any of the data warehousing publications categories listed. Specific books related to Teradata Tools and Utilities are as follows: • Messages B035-1096-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Command Summary B035-2401-mmyA • Teradata Manager Installation Guide B035-2402-mmyA • Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide B035-2403-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows B035-2407-mmyA • Teradata MultiLoad Reference B035-2409-mmyA • Teradata FastExport Reference B035-2410-mmyA • Teradata FastLoad Reference B035-2411-mmyA • Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility Reference B035-2412-mmyA • Basic Teradata Query Reference B035-2414-mmyA • Teradata Director Program Reference B035-2416-mmyA • Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Channel-Attached Systems B035-2417-mmyA • Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems B035-2418-mmyA • Teradata Transparency Series/ Application Programming Interface User Guide B035-2419-mmyA 6 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Preface Additional Information Type of Information Description Access to Information • (Continued from the bulleted list above) in the Publication Product ID field, enter one of the following book numbers: • Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for IBM VM B035-2422-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Module Programmer Guide B035-2424-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Module Reference B035-2425-mmyA • Teradata Manager User Guide B035-2428-mmyA • Teradata SQL Assistant for Microsoft Windows User Guide B035-2430-mmyA • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Programmer Guide B035-2435-mmyA • Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference B035-2436-mmyA • Teradata Access Module for Tivoli Installation and User Guide B035-2444-mmyA • Teradata Parallel Transporter User Guide B035-2445-mmyA • Teradata Preprocessor2 for Embedded SQL Programmer Guide B035-2446-mmyA • IBM IMS/DC Interface for Teradata Reference B035-2447-mmyA • IBM CICS Interface for Teradata Reference B035-2448-mmyA • Interactive Teradata Query Reference B035-2451-mmyA • Interactive Teradata Query User Guide B035-2452-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for IBM z/OS B035-2458-mmyA • Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux B035-2459-mmyA Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 7 Preface Additional Information Type of Information Description Access to Information • (Continued from the bulleted list above) in the Publication Product ID field, enter one of the following book numbers: • Teradata System Emulation Tool User Guide B035-2492-mmyA • OLE DB Provider for Teradata Installation and User Guide B035-2498-mmyA • Teradata Administrator User Guide B035-2502-mmyA • Teradata Statistics Wizard User Guide B035-2503-mmyA • Teradata Visual Explain User Guide B035-2504-mmyA • Teradata SQL Assistant/Web Edition User Guide B035-2505-mmyA • Teradata Index Wizard User Guide B035-2506-mmyA • ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide B035-2509-mmyA • Teradata Query Director User Guide B035-2510-mmyA • Teradata Query Scheduler Administrator Guide B035-2511-mmyA • Teradata Query Scheduler User Guide B035-2512-mmyA • Teradata Dynamic Workload Manager User Guide B035-2513-mmyA • Teradata Workload Analyzer User Guide B035-2514-mmyA • Teradata Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface Programmer Guide B035-2516-mmyA • Teradata Parallel Data Pump Reference B035-3021-mmyA • Teradata Meta Data Services Installation and Administration Guide B035-3118-mmyA • Teradata Meta Data Services Programmer Guide B035-3047-mmyA CD-ROM images 8 Access a link to a downloadable CD-ROM image of all customer documentation for this release. Customers are authorized to create CD-ROMs for their use from this image. 1 Go to www.info.teradata.com. 2 Select the General Search check box. 3 In the Title or Keyword box, type CD-ROM. 4 Click Search. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Preface Additional Information Type of Information Description Access to Information Ordering information for manuals Use the Teradata Information Products Publishing Library site to order printed versions of manuals. 1 Go to www.info.teradata.com. 2 Select the How to Order check box under Print & CD Publications. 3 Follow the ordering instructions. General information about Teradata The Teradata home page provides links to numerous sources of information about Teradata. Links include: 1 Go to Teradata.com. 2 Select a link. • Executive reports, case studies of customer experiences with Teradata, and thought leadership • Technical information, solutions, and expert advice • Press releases, mentions, and media resources Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 9 Preface Additional Information 10 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Table of Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Supported Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Changes to This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Teradata Tools and Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 What is Teradata Tools and Utilities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Definitions of Client and Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Software Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Product Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Installation Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Installation Kit Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Software Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBM VM and IBM z/OS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Tools and Utilities CDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36 36 36 37 Chapter 2: Before You Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Installation Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing Upgrade or Maintenance Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation of Dependent Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Generic Security Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upgrading TPump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upgrading C/COBOL Preprocessor2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 47 47 48 48 49 49 11 Table of Contents PUT Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 pkgplus Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 pkgadd Installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Available Disk Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH and LIBPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 DUL/DULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Teradata Parallel Transporter Package Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages . . .52 Teradata Parallel Transporter Install Information File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Switching Versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Teradata Generic Security Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 TeraGSS Package Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Removing TeraGSS Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Switching Versions of TeraGSS Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Updating the Teradata Parallel Transporter API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Technical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 MP-RAS Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 IBM AIX Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Removing Previous Versions of Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Software Name Truncation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 12 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Table of Contents Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 HP-UX Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Uninstalling at the Terminal Interface Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Sun Solaris Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Default and Alternate Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Screen Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Solaris Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 13 Table of Contents Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Sun Solaris Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Default and Alternate Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Solaris Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Installation of Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Using PUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Linux Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Removing Previous Versions of Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Installing Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Installation of Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Using PUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 14 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Table of Contents Installation CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Linux Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Removing Previous Versions of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Adding CLI User Exit Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Configuring Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Setting the Environment Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the ODBC Driver for MP-RAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the ODBC Driver for IBM AIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the ODBC Driver for HP-UX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the ODBC Driver for Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the ODBC Driver for Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 179 180 180 181 181 Configuring Teradata Access Module for JMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for MP-RAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for IBM AIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for HP-UX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for Red Hat Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 182 187 192 198 204 Chapter 11: After You Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Verifying the Installation of Individual Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verifying Basic Teradata Query (bteq) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verifying Named Pipes Access Module (npaxsmod) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verifying ODBC Driver for Teradata (tdodbc). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verifying Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (tdicu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verifying Teradata Access Module for JMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 212 212 213 213 215 216 15 Table of Contents Verifying Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (cliv2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 Verifying Teradata C Preprocessor2 (sqlpp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Verifying Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 (cobpp). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Verifying Teradata Data Connector (piom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Verifying Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Verifying Teradata FastExport (fastexp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Verifying Teradata FastLoad (fastld) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Verifying Teradata Generic Security Services (TeraGSS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Verifying Teradata MultiLoad (mload) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Verifying Teradata TPump (tpump) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter API (papic000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (pdtcc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (pddlc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (pexpc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library(picuc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (tbldc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (plodc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (podbcc000). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (poslc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (poscc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (pinsc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (pselc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (pstmc000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (pupdc000). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 Verifying WebSphere MQ Access Module (mqaxsmod) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 Verifying the Installation Using BTEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Log on to the Teradata Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Submit a Sample Teradata SQL Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Exit BTEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 Run clisamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 16 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Table of Contents Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Making the Database Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of Logon Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting in GUI Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting in Command Line Driven Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example Logons from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting to a Teradata Database Programmatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logon Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 243 244 245 247 251 252 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Technical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Client Computer Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannot Communicate Over the Network with Teradata Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect Path Name in COPLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect Path Name in COPERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . errmsg.cat File Not Found. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect Path Name in COPANOMLOG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missing Hosts File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect Entries in the Hosts File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missing Entries in the /etc/services File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improper Linking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Incorrect clispb.dat Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannot Log On from CLI Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannot Log On to the Teradata Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not Enough Shared Virtual Memory to Run Some Processes on NCR MP-RAS . . . . . 255 255 256 256 256 256 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 258 Network Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Teradata Database Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unable to Find tbuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannot Run the New Installed Version of Teradata Parallel Transporter . . . . . . . . . . . Failed to Load libpxcommon Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unable to Find Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 261 261 261 262 262 17 Table of Contents Appendix A: Session Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 BTEQ Session Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 System-Wide Session Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 18 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux List of Figures Figure 1: Typical Connect to Teradata Database Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 19 List of Figures 20 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux List of Tables Table 1: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Table 2: Definition of Client and Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Table 3: Product Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 4: Teradata Utility Pak CD#1 (Windows Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Table 5: Teradata Utility Pak CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Table 6: Teradata Utility Pak CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Table 7: Data Management CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Table 8: Preprocessors CD#1 (Windows Products). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Table 9: Preprocessors CD#2 (HP, Linux, and MP-RAS Products). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Table 10: Preprocessors CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Table 11: Load/Unload CD#1 (Windows Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Table 12: Load/Unload CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Table 13: Load/Unload CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Table 14: Parallel Transporter CD#1 (Windows Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Table 15: Parallel Transporter CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS Products). . . . . . . . . . . 43 Table 16: Parallel Transporter CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Table 17: Tape Storage Management Enablers CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Table 18: Query Director CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Table 19: MetaData Services CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Table 20: Short Names for Teradata Parallel Transporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Table 21: MP-RAS Packages and Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Table 22: Kernel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Table 23: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Table 24: IBM AIX Packages and Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Table 25: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Table 26: HP-UX Packages and Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Table 27: Kernel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Table 28: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Table 29: Sun Solaris Packages and Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Table 30: Default and Alternative Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Table 31: Screen Navigation Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Table 32: CD-ROM Mount Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 21 List of Tables Table 33: Selecting the Packages to Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Table 34: Kernel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Table 35: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Table 36: Sun Solaris Opteron Packages and Operating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Table 37: Default and Alternative Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Table 38: CD-ROM Mount Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 Table 39: Selecting the Packages to Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Table 40: Kernel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Table 41: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Table 42: Red Hat Linux Packages and Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 Table 43: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 Table 44: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 Table 45: Changing Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Table 46: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Table 47: Verifying the Installation on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Table 48: Kernel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Table 49: Environment Variables Updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Table 50: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Table 51: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Table 52: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Table 53: Changing Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Table 54: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Table 55: Verifying the Installation on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 Table 56: Basic Teradata Query Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Table 57: Named Pipes Access Module Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Table 58: ODBC Driver for Teradata Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Table 59: Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata Files . . . . . .215 Table 60: Teradata Access Module for JMS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 Table 61: Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 Table 62: Teradata C Preprocessor2 Files for IBM AIX, HP-UX, HP Itanium, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Table 63: Teradata C Preprocessor2 Files for Red Hat Linux 32-bit, SUSE Linux 64-bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Table 64: Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Table 65: Teradata Data Connector Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Table 66: Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 22 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux List of Tables Table 67: Teradata FastExport Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Table 68: Teradata FastLoad Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Table 69: Teradata Generic Security Services Version Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Table 70: Teradata MultiLoad Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Table 71: Teradata TPump Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Table 73: Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Table 74: Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Table 75: Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Table 76: Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Table 77: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Table 78: Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Table 79: Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Table 80: Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Table 81: Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Table 82: Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Table 83: Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Table 84: Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Table 85: Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Table 86: WebSphere MQ Access Module Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Table 87: Supported Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Table 88: Single-Sign-On for Legacy Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Table 89: Connecting Programmatically to a Teradata Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Table 90: Logon Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Table 91: Session Guidelines for Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 23 List of Tables 24 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 1 Introduction This chapter describes background information you need before installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities software for NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux. This chapter contains the following information: • Teradata Tools and Utilities • System Requirements • Software Requirements • Installation Kit Contents Teradata Tools and Utilities What is Teradata Tools and Utilities? The Teradata Tools and Utilities is a set of integrated warehouse management and utility software products designed for the Teradata Database to enable users to get data from any source, extract and load the data quickly, then analyze the data. The Teradata Tools and Utilities software products that can run on the NCR UNIX SVR4 MPRAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux operating systems are composed of CLI User Exit Functions, as well as the following programs: Table 1: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux Product MP-RAS IBM AIX HP-UX Sun Solaris SPARC Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Named Pipes Access Module YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ODBC Driver for Teradata YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS NO YES* YES YES NO YES* YES* Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) YES* NO* NO* NO* NO* YES* YES* Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Sun Solaris Opteron Red Hat Linux SUSE Linux 25 Chapter 1: Introduction Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 1: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux (continued) Product MP-RAS IBM AIX HP-UX Sun Solaris SPARC Sun Solaris Opteron Red Hat Linux SUSE Linux Teradata C Preprocessor2 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 YES YES YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata FastExport YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata FastLoad YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Generic Security Services YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Generic Security Services Java NO NO NO NO YES YES YES Teradata MultiLoad YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter API YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter 26 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 1: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux (continued) Product MP-RAS IBM AIX HP-UX Sun Solaris SPARC Sun Solaris Opteron Red Hat Linux SUSE Linux • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator YES YES YES YES YES YES YES • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Query Director NO NO NO NO NO YES YES Teradata TPump YES YES YES YES YES YES YES WebSphere ® MQ Access Module YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Note: The Teradata Archive and Recovery Utility (ARC) is included for Open Teradata Backup and is not sold as an individual product. Note: Refer to the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00 for specific information about a specific Teradata Tools and Utilities product, including information on which products are supported for specific operating systems and platforms. Note: Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.01 is available for IBM AIX, Red Hat Linux, and SUSE Linux from the Teradata Download Center. Definitions of Client and Server For purposes of this installation guide, the following definitions apply: Table 2: Definition of Client and Server Term Definition Teradata client software for NCR UNIX MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux or SUSE Linux Teradata client software that installs and executes on a NCR UNIX MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux or SUSE Linux operating system. This software allows access to a Teradata Database. Teradata server System running the Teradata Database. Examples of servers include System 4800 and System 5250M. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 27 Chapter 1: Introduction System Requirements System Requirements Platforms Supported Teradata Tools and Utilities software packaged for NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HPUX, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux run on systems or nodes supporting one of these operating systems. MP-RAS • NCR MP-RAS 3.02 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • NCR MP-RAS 3.03 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX • IBM AIX 5.1 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.1 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.2 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.2 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.3 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.3 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX • HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on 32-bit and 64-bit Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23)running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31)running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31) running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun Solaris SPARC 28 • Sun Solaris 8 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction System Requirements • Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun Solaris Opteron • Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on EM64T and AMD Opteron (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 running on Intel x86 and EM64T and AMD Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Serve 5.0 running on Intel x86 and EM64T and AMD Opteron 32-bit(32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 32-bit running on Intel EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel EM64T (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 32-bit running on Intel EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel EM64T (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 29 Chapter 1: Introduction Software Requirements Network Requirements The NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, and Linux client computers use the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to communicate with the Teradata Database. The client must be connected to one of the following: • The same Ethernet LAN as the Teradata Database with which it will communicate. • An Ethernet LAN that permits the client to communicate with the Teradata Database through one or more routers. • A node that is attached to the Teradata Database through Ynet™ or BYNET®. No separate network controller board or network software is required; the client provides its own. Teradata Database Requirements The appropriate Ethernet hardware and software, supporting a TCP/IP based network, must be installed on every Teradata Database with which the client communicates. Software Requirements Product Dependencies In the following table, the products in the column 1 are dependent upon the products shown in column 2. The products in the column 1 must be installed for the products in column 2 to operate. Note: When using pkgplus on the NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS platform, the installer does not always automatically select dependent products. Table 3: Product Dependencies These products... require these installations... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package DUL version 12.00.00 None DULT version 12.00.00 None 30 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Software Requirements Table 3: Product Dependencies (continued) These products... require these installations... Named Pipes Access Module version 12.00.00 Installation of the Named Pipes Access Module on MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX and HP-UX is not required, but provides access functionality for these products: • • • • • • ODBC Driver for Teradata version 12.00.00 Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) 12.00.00 or later Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) 12.00.00 or later Teradata FastExport 12.00.00 or later Teradata FastLoad 12.00.00 or later Teradata MultiLoad 12.00.00 or later Teradata TPump 12.00.00 or later • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TeraGSS - Client package For IBM AIX: • xlC.rte • xlC.aix.50.rte Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • No dependencies Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.00 • Teradata Data Connector version 12.00.00 or later • JDK 1.4 or later • JMS enabled Messaging System Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS: • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later Note: Teradata Archive and Recovery Utility (ARC) is not distributed as a stand-alone product. It is installed with Open Teradata Backup on MP-RAS and Windows 2000. Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package Teradata C Preprocessor2 version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, AIX, and HP-UX: • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later Teradata Data Connector version 12.00.00 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux • No dependencies 31 Chapter 1: Introduction Software Requirements Table 3: Product Dependencies (continued) These products... require these installations... Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface version 12.00.00 • See Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Teradata FastExport version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later Teradata FastLoad version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later Teradata Generic Security Services client version 12.00.00 • No dependencies Teradata Generic Security Services Java client version 12.00.00 • No dependencies Teradata MultiLoad version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later Teradata TPump version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Linux: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata version 12.00.00 • Teradata Generic Security Services version 12.00.00 or later TDGSS - Server package TeraGSS - Client package • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later Teradata Parallel Transporter version 12.00.00 32 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Software Requirements Table 3: Product Dependencies (continued) These products... require these installations... • Teradata Parallel Transporter API version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library version 12.00.00 • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure version 12.00.00 • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library 12.00.00 or later Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later 33 Chapter 1: Introduction Software Requirements Table 3: Product Dependencies (continued) These products... require these installations... • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Linux and IBM AIX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: 34 • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 3: Product Dependencies (continued) These products... require these installations... • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux and HP-UX: WebSphere MQ Access Module version 12.00.00 For MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX and HP-UX: • CLIv2 version 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library 12.00.00 or later • Teradata Data Connector 12.00.00 or later • Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) 12.00.00 or later • Teradata FastExport 12.00.00 or later • Teradata FastLoad 12.00.00 or later • Teradata MultiLoad 12.00.00 or later • Teradata TPump 12.00.00 or later For IBM AIX: • WebSphere MQ (AIX) 5.3 For HP-UX: • WebSphere MQ (HP-UX) 5.2 Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure 12.00.00 is certified with Teradata CLIv2 version 12.00.00. Installation Order When installing Teradata Tools and Utilities products, four product dependencies must be installed first and in the following order: 1 Install Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (tdicu). 2 Install Teradata Generic Security Services (TeraGSS). 3 Install Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2). 4 Install Teradata Data Connector (piom). Note: Do not uninstall Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata until all software that have it as a dependency are first uninstalled. Installation Kit Contents The installation kit includes: • Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00 • Teradata Tools and Utilities Documentation CD Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 35 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Also included are one or more of the following purchased CDs. Each CD contains product versions for one or more network-attached platforms. Refer to the following tables for more information: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services If all of the CDs ordered were not received, contact the Teradata Solutions Customer Services Remote Services Center (TSCS-RSC). For more information, refer to the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. Teradata Software Server To ensure the highest quality and best performance of Teradata Tools and Utilities products, the most recent critical post-production updates can be downloaded from the Teradata Software Server at: http://tssprod.teradata.com:8080/TSFS/home.do IBM VM and IBM z/OS Teradata Tools and Utilities products are also supported on channel-attached platforms, such as IBM VM and IBM z/OS. On these platforms, the products are loaded from tape. See the manufacturer’s installation guides for these systems. Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface is downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software 36 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents The files are machine independent and can be copied into a directory of choice. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface must be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Teradata Tools and Utilities CDs The following tables list only the network-attached platform versions contained on the CDs. Table 4: Teradata Utility Pak CD#1 (Windows Products) Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 Platforms (Windows) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Windows Named Pipes Access Module Windows ODBC Driver for Teradata Windows Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Windows Teradata Administrator Windows Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Windows Teradata Data Connector Windows Teradata Generic Security Services Windows Teradata MultiTool Windows Note: Teradata MultiTool has a dependency on JRE 4.0 or later. This product is not part of the Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Kit. Teradata SQL Assistant Windows Teradata SQL Assistant/Web Edition Windows Table 5: Teradata Utility Pak CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Named Pipes Access Module HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS ODBC Driver for Teradata HP-UX, Linux MP-RAS Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 37 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 5: Teradata Utility Pak CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) (continued) Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS) Teradata Data Connector HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Teradata Generic Security Services HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Table 6: Teradata Utility Pak CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 Platforms (AIX and Solaris) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC Named Pipes Access Module IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC ODBC Driver for Teradata IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron Teradata Data Connector IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC Teradata Generic Security Services IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC Table 7: Data Management CD 38 Database Management CD Platforms (Windows) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Product dependency ODBC Driver for Teradata Product dependency Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Data Connector Product dependency Teradata Dynamic Workload Manager Windows Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Index Wizard Windows Teradata Manager Windows Teradata Performance Monitor Windows Teradata Query Scheduler Administrator Windows Teradata Query Scheduler Client Windows Teradata Query Scheduler Server Windows Teradata Statistics Wizard Windows Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 7: Data Management CD (continued) Database Management CD Platforms (Windows) Teradata System Emulation Tool Windows Teradata Visual Explain Windows Teradata Workload Analyzer Windows Table 8: Preprocessors CD#1 (Windows Products) Preprocessors CD#1 Platforms (Windows) Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata C Preprocessor2 Windows Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product Dependency Table 9: Preprocessors CD#2 (HP, Linux, and MP-RAS Products) Preprocessors CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS) Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata C Preprocessor2 HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Cobol Preprocessor2 HP-UX, MP-RAS Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Table 10: Preprocessors CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Preprocessors CD#3 Platforms (AIX and Solaris) Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata C Preprocessor2 IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Cobol Preprocessor2 IBM AIX Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 39 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 11: Load/Unload CD#1 (Windows Products) Load/Unload CD#1 Platforms (Windows) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Product dependency Named Pipes Access Module Windows Note: Named Pipes Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. ODBC Driver for Teradata Product dependency Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Access Module for JMS Windows Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Data Connector Windows Teradata FastExport Windows Teradata FastLoad Windows Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata MultiLoad Windows Teradata OLE DB Access Module Windows Teradata TPump Windows WebSphere MQ Access Module Windows Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Table 12: Load/Unload CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) 40 Load/Unload CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Product dependency Named Pipes Access Module MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Access Module for JMS HP-UX Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Data Connector MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Teradata FastExport MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Teradata FastLoad MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 12: Load/Unload CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Products) (continued) Load/Unload CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS) Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata MultiLoad MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Teradata TPump MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux WebSphere MQ Access Module MP-RAS, HP-UX, Linux Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Table 13: Load/Unload CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Load/Unload CD#3 Platforms (AIX and Solaris) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Product dependency Named Pipes Access Module Solaris SPARC, AIX Note: Named Pipes Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. ODBC Driver for Teradata Product dependency Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Access Module for JMS Solaris SPARC Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Data Connector Solaris SPARC, AIX, Solaris Opteron Teradata FastExport Solaris SPARC, AIX, Solaris Opteron Teradata FastLoad Solaris SPARC, AIXSolaris Opteron Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata MultiLoad Solaris SPARC, AIX, Solaris Opteron Teradata TPump Solaris SPARC, AIX WebSphere MQ Access Module Solaris SPARC, AIX, Solaris Opteron Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 41 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 14: Parallel Transporter CD#1 (Windows Products) Parallel Transporter CD#1 Platforms (Windows) Named Pipes Access Module Product dependency Note: Named Pipes Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Parallel Transporter: Windows • Teradata Parallel Transporter API • Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Note: The FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator, the FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator and the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator are installed as part of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure on Windows. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter Wizard is only supported on Windows. • Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Wizard WebSphere MQ Access Module Product dependency Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. 42 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 15: Parallel Transporter CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS Products) Parallel Transporter CD#2 Platforms (HP-UX, Linux, and MP-RAS) Named Pipes Access Module Product dependency Note: Named Pipes Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Parallel Transporter: HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS • Teradata Parallel Transporter API • Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Note: The FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator, the FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator and the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator are installed as part of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure on HP-UX, MP-RAS, Linux. • Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator WebSphere MQ Access Module HP-UX, Linux and MP-RAS Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 43 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 16: Parallel Transporter CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Parallel Transporter CD#3 Platforms (AIX and Solaris) Named Pipes Access Module Product dependency Note: Named Pipes Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Parallel Transporter: IBM AIX, Solaris SPARC • Teradata Parallel Transporter API • Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure • Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Note: The FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator, the FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator and the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator are installed as part of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure on Solaris SPARC, IBM AIX. Note: Only Teradata Parallel Transporter API, Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator, Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library, Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator, Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library, Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator, and Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator are supported on Solaris Opteron. • Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library • Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator • Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator WebSphere MQ Access Module Product Dependency Note: WebSphere MQ Access Module contains both the stand-alone version and the Teradata Parallel Transporter version. 44 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents Table 17: Tape Storage Management Enablers CD Tape Storage Management Enablers CD Platforms (Windows, Linux, MP-RAS) ODBC Driver for Teradata Product dependency Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Access Module for Tivoli Windows Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) MP-RAS, Linux and Windows Note: ARC is not distributed as a stand-alone product. It is installed with Open Teradata Backup on MP-RAS and Windows 2000. Teradata C Preprocessor2 Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Data Connector Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Table 18: Query Director CD Query Director CD Platforms (Windows and Linux) Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata Product dependency Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Product dependency Teradata Generic Security Services Product dependency Teradata Query Director Windows, Linux Table 19: MetaData Services CD MetaData Services CD Platforms (MP-RAS, Linux, Windows) Meta Data Services Linux, MP-RAS, Solaris SPARC. Relay Services Gateway Product dependency Note: If these items are not in the installation kit, contact the TSCS-RSC. See the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00 for further instructions. Note: For information on installing the Teradata Access Module for Tivoli, see the Teradata Access Module for Tivoli Installation and User Guide. Note: For information on installing Windows products, see the Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 45 Chapter 1: Introduction Installation Kit Contents 46 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 2 Before You Install This chapter describes the procedures to set up the installation of Teradata Tools and Utilities software on MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Linux client systems. This chapter contains the following information: • Installation Recommendations • Teradata Generic Security Services • Technical Assistance Installation Recommendations Before you begin installing Teradata Tools and Utilities software on an MP-RAS, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, or Linux client systems, make sure your software package is complete (see “Installation Kit Contents” on page 35) and that your client system is set up with the required software and hardware. If you did not receive the correct disks, contact the TSCSRSC. You should also familiarize yourself with the following issues. Installing Upgrade or Maintenance Software As they are made available, Teradata may inform you of software upgrades, higher-level releases, or maintenance releases. The upgrades are normally available on CD-ROM. When installing the Teradata Client Utilities on UNIX, make sure to use the Korn shell (/bin/ ksh) before running “setup.bat”. This will ensure correct execution of the installation script. Prior to installing new software, existing software must be uninstalled. Note: All the 64-bit BTEQ packages on UNIX have been decommissioned with the exception of HP-UX 11iv2 (64-bit on HP-UX Itanium). The install/upgrade procedure will not automatically remove these decommissioned 64-bit BTEQ packages, however de-installing a 32-bit BTEQ version will remove a previously installed 64-bit version with the exception of HP-UX 11iv2. • An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, which does not have to be uninstalled. See “Teradata Generic Security Services” on page 48. • In the ODBC Driver for Teradata version 03.06.00, the package name for the SolarisSPARC package has been changed from tdodbc to tdodbc64. Note: If a previous version of the 64-bit Solaris-SPARC ODBC driver from the 3.5.0.x release was installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the ODBC Driver for Teradata 03.06.00 to avoid unpredictable results. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 47 Chapter 2: Before You Install Installation Recommendations Online updates to individual Teradata Tools and Utilities software packages are sometimes made available on the Teradata Software Server. These upgrades or software patches can be downloaded by authorized customers, or Teradata field support personnel with access to the Teradata Software Server. To re-install a previous version of the software, the original Teradata Tools and Utilities disk must be used. Normally, you should not have to reset network parameters after you make an upgrade. Note: If you create new directories for the files, you will have to change the paths to COPERR, COPLIB, and COPANOMLOG. For more information, see Chapter 13: “Troubleshooting.” Note: An exception is the Teradata Parallel Transporter software. Teradata Parallel Transporter does not have to be uninstalled. Installation of Dependent Products The Teradata Tools and Utilities installation can automatically install dependent products. If a dependent product already exists on your system for one of the following products, the installation will display one of two messages: • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) • Teradata Data Connector • ODBC Driver for Teradata • Teradata Generic Security Services The first message is displayed if a dependent product already exists and its version is the same as the dependent product being installed. It asks if you want to reinstall the existing installed product. For example, the following message is for the ODBC Driver for Teradata: "ODBC Driver for Teradata is already installed. Do you want to reinstall it?" The second message is displayed if a dependent product already exists and its version is not equal to the dependent product being installed. It asks if you want to overwrite the existing installed product. For example, the following message is for the ODBC Driver for Teradata: "ODBC Driver for Teradata is already installed. Do you want to overwrite it with version 12.00.00?" Teradata Generic Security Services Multiple Versions of Teradata Generic Security Services Since it may not be practical to install or upgrade all parts of your system to the latest version of the Teradata Generic Security Services at one time, multiple versions of the software can be installed on the system at the same time. See the section on “TDGSS File Maintenance Tools” in Teradata Database Security Administration guide. 48 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Installation Recommendations Upgrading TPump On Linux, if TPump is being updated from a TPump version prior to, the soft link /usr/bin/tpump is missing after the upgrade. The softlink is a pointer to /opt/teradata/client/ bin/tpump. When upgrading from version or later, the anomaly does not occur. The solution is to first uninstall the existing version of TPump and then upgrade to the new version of TPump. Upgrading C/COBOL Preprocessor2 The default installation location for Teradata C Preprocessor2 (sqlp) and Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 (cobpp) on all UNIX platforms is changed to /opt/teradata/client. Softlinks from / usr/lib and /usr/bin will be created from /opt/teradata/client/lib and /usr/teradata/client/bin respectively. Similarly, for 64-bit libraries and binaries softlinks will be created. To avoid installation errors while creating these softlinks, it is recommended to uninstall the previous release of Teradata C Preprocessor2 and Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 packages before installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.0 packages of Teradata C Preprocessor2 and Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2. PUT Installations Some of the products can be installed using the software Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT). Currently the following products are the only Teradata Tools and Utilities products that can be installed using the software Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) on MP-RAS. BTEQ can also be installed on Linux using PUT. • Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) • Teradata Data Connector • Named Pipes Access Module • FastExport • FastLoad • MultiLoad • MQ Access Module • TPump See the Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) for UNIX MP-RAS and Linux. pkgplus Installations On the MP-RAS operating system, the pkgplus utility can be used to install almost all of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software. When using pkgplus, note that the installer may not automatically select dependent products for you. Therefore, you should read “Software Requirements” on page 30 to determine which products you should install. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 49 Chapter 2: Before You Install Installation Recommendations pkgadd Installations On the Sun Solaris operating system, the pkgadd utility can be used to install almost all of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software. When using pkgadd, note that the installer may not automatically select dependent products for you. Therefore, you should read “System Requirements” on page 28 to determine which products you should install. Available Disk Space On Sun Solaris SPARC, during installation, you may be asked multiple questions depending on which products you select. Afterwards, a machine check is done to ensure you have enough disk space to install the software. This does not require any interaction unless you do not have enough space. In this case, you will be notified which file systems are lacking space. You will return to the main install screen to either remove some packages or exit the installation process to free up space. Assuming you have enough space on your system, the rest of the installation is automated. A screen, similar to the following, will display indicating how many packages were installed and if any failed. NCR Teradata Tools and Utilities PACKAGE INSTALLATION (Packages will now be installed onto the system.) Number of packages to process: 1 Number successfully processed: 1 Failures: 0 All packages processed successfully. Please see the logfile [/var/ncr/logs/pkgadd.log] for any specific package instructions. If any failures occur, check the .log file and then call the TSCS-RSC. LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH and LIBPATH On Sun Solaris and Linux, the LD_LIBARY_PATH environment variable needs to be exported for all Teradata Tools and Utilities products. For the following Teradata Tools and Utilities products: • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) • Teradata Data Connector • Teradata Parallel Transporter • Named Pipes Access Module • WebSphere MQ Access Module The following environment variables need to be exported: 50 • LD_LIBRARY_PATH on MP-RAS, Sun Solaris, and Linux • SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX 32-bit • SHLIB_PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH on HP-UX 64-bit • LIBPATH on IBM AIX Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter DUL/DULT On MP-RAS, DUL and DULT cannot be installed using pkgplus. To install DUL and DULT, load the files from the Teradata Database CD-ROM. Teradata Parallel Transporter Teradata Parallel Transporter is an object-oriented software system that executes multiple instances of data extraction, transformation, and load functions in a scalable, high-speed parallel processing environment. Teradata Parallel Transporter replaces the functionality formerly seen in Teradata Warehouse Builder. Teradata Parallel Transporter requires the installation of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure and the basic set of Teradata Parallel Transporter operators, such as Load, Export and Data Connector. See “Installation Recommendations” on page 47. Teradata Parallel Transporter Package Names The package name for Teradata Parallel Transporter will change from release to release to support multiple installed versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter. The format of the package name is <short name><short version>. For example, “tbldc000” is the package name for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure version Here are the short names for Teradata Parallel Transporter: Table 20: Short Names for Teradata Parallel Transporter Utility Short Names API papi Data Connector Operator pdtc DDL Operator pddl Export Operator pexp ICU Library picu Infrastructure tbld Load Operator plod ODBC Operator podbc Operator Support Library posl OS Command Operator posc SQL Inserter Operator pins SQL Selector Operator psel Stream Operator pstm Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 51 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter Table 20: Short Names for Teradata Parallel Transporter (continued) Utility Short Names Update Operator pupd Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages It is not necessary to remove previous versions of Teradata Warehouse Builder or its replacement, Teradata Parallel Transporter, prior to installing a new version. Multiple versions of each may coexist on a system. To remove either an older version of Teradata Warehouse Builder or a previously installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter software from a system, a tool named twbpkgrm is included in the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package, version The twbpkgrm Tool The twbpkgrm tool can be found in the /usr/bin directory. Note: The twbpkgrm tool requires version 5.0 or above of Perl to be installed on the system. The path to the Perl executable must be in the PATH environment variable. Versions of Perl can be downloaded from the website: http://www.perl.com Here is the usage for the twbpkgrm tool: Usage: twbpkgrm [-a] [-h] [-p <package(s)>] [-t <trace file>] • -a option removes all versions of Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter software on the system. • -h option displays the usage. • -p option removes the specified <package(s)> on the system. Multiple packages can be specified within single or double quotes, and separated by space. For example: twbpkgrm -p "pselc000 pexpc000" Package(s) will be removed in the order specified. • -t option enables trace information for this program and saves the trace information in the <trace file>. Note: Options -a, -h, and -p are mutually exclusive. Note: Options are case-sensitive. When executed with no options, the twbpkgrm tool displays information on installed Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter versions. When you execute the twbpkgrm tool with no options, you can perform the following additional functions: 52 • Remove all installed Teradata Parallel Transporter packages (selection a). Use caution when removing all versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter. • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter software name in ascending order (selection b) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter software name in descending order (selection c) • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter package name in ascending order (selection d) • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter package name in descending order (selection e) • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter version number in ascending order (selection f) • Sort Teradata Parallel Transporter version number in descending order (selection g) • Quit the twbpkgrm tool (selection q) Note: Sorting is performed within the Teradata Parallel Transporter and Teradata Warehouse Builder software groups. The selection in the twbpkgrm tool is case sensitive. The twbpkgrm tool will remain in the /usr/bin directory even after Teradata Parallel Transporter software is removed. To remove the twbpkgrm tool in the /usr/bin directory, you must be the root user and enter the “rm /usr/bin/ twbpkgrm” command: # rm /usr/bin/twbpkgrm Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter Use one of the following procedures to remove a Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter package. • Method 1 - Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with no options • Method 2 - Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with “-p” option selected • Method 3 - Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with “-a” option selected Procedure - Removing Teradata Parallel Transporter with Method 1 Follow these steps to remove Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with no options selected. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the twbpkgrm tool with no options. # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm twbpkgrm Version File revision: Copyright 2005-2006, NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: NCR MP-RAS UNIX Checking for Teradata Parallel Transporter and Teradata Warehouse Builder software. This may take several seconds. Please wait ... Here is the currently installed Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) software: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 53 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter Num Software Directory === ======== ================= 1 TPT Infrastructure 2 Operator Support Library 3 Data Connector Operator 4 DDL Operator 5 Export Operator 6 Load Operator 7 ODBC Operator 8 OS Command Operator 9 SQL Inserter Operator 10 SQL Selector Operator 11 Stream Operator 12 Update Operator 13 TPT API Package Version Install ======= ======= tbld8100 /usr/tbuild/ posl8100 /usr/tbuild/ pdtc8100 /usr/tbuild/ pddl8100 /usr/tbuild/ pexp8100 /usr/tbuild/ plod8100 /usr/tbuild/ podbc8100 /usr/tbuild/ posc8100 /usr/tbuild/ pins8100 /usr/tbuild/ psel8100 /usr/tbuild/ pstm8100 /usr/tbuild/ pupd8100 /usr/tbuild/ papi8100 /usr/tbuild/ Here is the currently installed Teradata Warehouse Builder (TWB) software: Num Software Package Version Directory === ======== ======= ======= ================= 14 PIPC for TWB pipc 15 TWB Infrastructure tbld5000 16 TWB Infrastructure tbuild 17 Operator Support Library posl5000 18 Operator Support Library pcommon 19 Data Connector Operator pdtc5000 20Data Connector Operator pdatacon 21 DDL Operator pddl5000 22 DDL Operator pddl 23 Export Operator pexp5000 24 Export Operator pexport 25 Load Operator plod5000 26 Load Operator pload 27 ODBC Operator podbc5000 54 Install /etc/pipc /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ /usr /usr/tbuild/ Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter 28 ODBC Operator 29 OS Command Operator 30 SQL Inserter Operator 31 SQL Inserter Operator 32 SQL Selector Operator 33 SQL Selector Operator 34 Stream Operator 35 Stream Operator 36 Update Operator 37 Update Operator a b c d e f g q podbc posc5000 /usr /usr/tbuild/ pins5000 /usr/tbuild/ pinsert psel5000 /usr /usr/tbuild/ pselect pstm5000 /usr /usr/tbuild/ pstream pupd5000 /usr /usr/tbuild/ pupdate /usr Remove all of the above package(s) Sort by software in ascending order Sort by software in descending order Sort by package in ascending order Sort by package in descending order Sort by version in ascending order Sort by version in descending order Quit this program Which package(s) do you want to remove? Enter selection and/or selection ranges separated by commas. For examples: 1,2-3 3 Enter a selection. 12 The system will ask for confirmation. Are you sure you want to remove the following software? Num Software Package Version === ======== ======= ======= 12 Update Operator pupd8100 Enter y for yes or n for no [ default: y ]: y 4 Enter Y to confirm that you want to remove the package(s). Removing package <pupd8100> version Please wait ... The following package is currently installed: pupd8100 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (AT486) Do you want to remove this package [y,n,?,q] y 5 Enter Y to confirm that the package is the correct version to remove. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Removing installed package instance <pupd8100> Verifying package dependencies. Processing package information. Removing pathnames in <none> class Executing postremove script. Removing Entries from Update Directory Updating system information. Removal of <pupd8100> was successful. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 55 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter In the example above, Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator, version, was selected by entering “12”. Entering “y” confirmed the selection, and initiated its removal. Note: Only a user logged in as root user can remove a package on the system. Note: The selection number may vary from the example, depending on the system configuration, selecting 12 may not always select Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator version Another way to remove a Teradata Parallel Transporter package is to be the root user, run the twbpkgrm tool with the -p option and valid Teradata Parallel Transporter package name(s), enter “y” to confirm that you want to remove the package(s). Multiple packages can be specified within single or double quotes and separated by space. Package(s) will be removed in the order specified. For example, to remove pupd8100 package (Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator version, run “twbpkgrm -p pupd8100” as the root user and “y” to confirm that you want to remove the pupd8100 package. Procedure - Removing Teradata Parallel Transporter with Method 2 Follow these steps to remove Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with the “-p” option selected. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the twbpkgrm tool with the “-p” option. For example: # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm -p pupd8100 A screen similar to the following displays: twbpkgrm Version File revision: Copyright 2005-2006, NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: NCR MP-RAS UNIX User specified package to be removed: 'pupd8100' NOTE: Package(s) will be removed in the order specified. Are you sure you want to remove the <pupd8100> package? Enter y for yes or n for no [ default: y ]: y 3 Enter Y to confirm that the package is the correct package to remove. Removing package <pupd8100>. Please wait ... The following package is currently installed: pupd8100 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (AT486) Do you want to remove this package [y,n,?,q] y 4 Enter Y to confirm that the package is the correct version to remove. ## Removing installed package instance <pupd8100> ## Verifying package dependencies. 56 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter ## ## ## ## ## Processing package information. Removing pathnames in <none> class Executing postremove script. Removing Entries from Update Directory Updating system information. Removal of <pupd8100> was successful. Note: You must be the root user in order to remove a package on the system The procedure below is another example of using the “-p” option. The procedure shows the command to use to remove two packages, pupd8100 package (Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator version, and “pexp8100” package (Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator version Procedure - Removing Teradata Parallel Transporter Using Method 2 with Multiple Package Names Follow these steps to remove more than one Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter package with a single command. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the twbpkgrm tool with the “-p” option with a list of the programs to remove. For example: # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm -p "pupd8100 pexp8100" twbpkgrm Version File revision: Copyright 2005-2006, NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: NCR MP-RAS UNIX User specified package(s) to be removed: 'pupd8100 pexp8100' NOTE: Package(s) will be removed in the order specified. Are you sure you want to remove the following package(s)? <pupd8100 pexp8100> Enter y for yes or n for no [ default: y ]: y 3 Enter Y to confirm that you want to remove the pupd8100 and pexp8100 packages: Removing package(s) <pupd8100 pexp8100>. Please wait ... The following package is currently installed: pupd8100 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (AT486) Do you want to remove this package [y,n,?,q] y 4 Enter Y to confirm that the package is the correct version to remove. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Removing installed package instance <pupd8100> Verifying package dependencies. Processing package information. Removing pathnames in <none> class Executing postremove script. Removing Entries from Update Directory Updating system information. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 57 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter Removal of <pupd8100> was successful. The following package is currently installed: pexp8100 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (AT486) Do you want to remove this package [y,n,?,q] y 5 Enter Y to confirm that the package is the correct version to remove. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Removing installed package instance <pexp8100> Verifying package dependencies. Processing package information. Removing pathnames in <none> class Executing postremove script. Removing Entries from Update Directory Updating system information. Removal of <pexp8100> was successful. Note: You must be the root user in order to remove a package on the system All the packages contained in Teradata Parallel Transporter can be removed at one time using the “-a” option to the twbprgm command. Procedure - Removing Teradata Parallel Transporter with Method 3 Follow these steps to remove Teradata Warehouse Builder or Teradata Parallel Transporter with twbpkgrm with the “-a” option selected. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the twbpkgrm tool with the “-a” option. For example: # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm -a Note: Use caution when removing all versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter. Teradata Parallel Transporter Install Information File Do not modify the /var/twbpkg file. The /var/twbpkg file stores Teradata Parallel Transporter installation information. No backup file exists for the /var/twbpkg file. Modification or removal of the /var/twbpkg file will cause installation and uninstallation problems for Teradata Parallel Transporter. When all packages of Teradata Parallel Transporter software are properly removed from the system, the /var/twbpkg file will be properly removed by the Teradata Parallel Transporter uninstall program. Switching Versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter Software After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure is installed, the system is setup to run the installed version of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure the next time you login. 58 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter Determining the Current Version of Software To find out which version of Teradata Parallel Transporter is currently running on the system, run tbuild with no options. Procedure - Determining the Current Version of Teradata Parallel Transporter Follow these steps to determine the current version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. 1 At the command prompt enter: # cd; tbuild The version is returned. Teradata Parallel Transporter Run Utility Version Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder Version 4.1, or an Earlier Version of the Software There are three ways to switch to Teradata Warehouse Builder version 4.1, or an earlier version of Teradata Warehouse Builder that was previously installed. • Method 1 - Running tbuild with the “-f ” option • Method 2 - Adding /usr/bin to the path environment variable • Method 3 - Adding /usr/bin to the front of the path environment variable in the system login files for shell user Procedure - Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder 4.1 Software Using Method 1 Follow these steps to switch to Teradata Warehouse Builder version 4.1, or an earlier version of the Teradata Warehouse Builder software by running tbuild with the “-f ” option. 1 Run /usr/bin/tbuild with the “-f ” option and a valid Teradata Warehouse Builder job script. # /usr/bin/tbuild -f <Teradata Warehouse Builder job script> Procedure - Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder 4.1 Software Using Method 2 Follow these steps to switch to Teradata Warehouse Builder version 4.1, or an earlier version of the Teradata Warehouse Builder software adding /usr/bin to the path environment variable. 1 Add “/usr/bin” to the front of the PATH environment variable. For Bourne and Korn shell users, here is an example: # PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH # export PATH # tbuild -f <Teradata Warehouse Builder job script> This choice is only valid for the duration of the login. For C-shell users, here is an example: # setenv PATH /usr/bin:$PATH # tbuild -f <Teradata Warehouse Builder job script> Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 59 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter This choice is only valid for the duration of the login. Procedure - Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder 4.1 Software Using Method 3 Follow these steps to switch to Teradata Warehouse Builder version 4.1, or an earlier version of the Teradata Warehouse Builder software by adding /usr/bin to the front of the path environment variable in the system login files for shell user. 1 Add “/usr/bin” to the front of the PATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. For Bourne and Korn shell users, here is an example: PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH export PATH For C-shell users, here is an example: setenv PATH /usr/bin:$PATH You must be the root user to perform this choice. This choice applies to the system for all users in the next login. Note: For Bourne/Korn shell users, the system login file is /etc/profile on HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris, and MP-RAS. Note: For C-shell users, the system login file is /etc/csh.login for HP-UX and AIX. The system login file is /etc/.login for Sun Solaris and MP-RAS. Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder Version 5.0 Software There are two ways to switch to Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 software that was previously installed. • Method 1 - Update Environment Variables at the Command Prompt • Method 2 - Update Environment Variables in the System Login Files for a Shell User Procedure - Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder Version 5.0 Using Method 1 Follow these steps to switch to Teradata Warehouse Version 5.0 software by updating environment variables at the command prompt. 1 Find the Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool with no options. /usr/bin/twbpkgrm 2 Set the TWB_ROOT environment variable to the installation directory of the installed Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0. For Bourne and Korn shell users, enter these commands: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> is the Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 installation directory. For C-shell users, enter this command: 60 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> <Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> is the Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 installation directory. 3 Add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the PATH environment variable. For Bourne and Korn shell users, enter these commands: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH For C-shell users, enter this command: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" 4 For AIX, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the LIBPATH environment variable. For HP-UX, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the SHLIB_PATH environment variable. For MP-RAS, Linux, and Sun Solaris, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. For Bourne and Korn shell users on AIX, enter these commands: # LIBPATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LIBPATH # export LIBPATH For Bourne and Korn shell users on HP-UX, enter these commands: # SHLIB_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$SHLIB_PATH # export SHLIB_PATH For Bourne and Korn shell users on MP-RAS, Linux, and Sun Solaris, enter these commands: # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH For C-shell users on AIX, enter this command: # setenv LIBPATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LIBPATH" For C-shell users on HP-UX, enter this command: # setenv SHLIB_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$SHLIB_PATH" For C-shell users on MP-RAS, Linux, and Sun Solaris, enter this command: # setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" 5 Add the $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N path to the NLSPATH environment variable. For Bourne and Korn shell users, enter these commands: # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users, enter this command: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" This method is only valid for the duration of the login. Method 2 - Update Environment Variables in the System Login Files for a Shell User You must be the root user to perform this method. This method applies to the system for all users in the next login. For Bourne/Korn shell users, the system login file is /etc/profile on HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris, Linux, and MP-RAS. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 61 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter For C-shell users, the system login file is /etc/csh.login for HP-UX, Linux, and AIX. The system login file is /etc/.login for Sun Solaris and MP-RAS. Procedure - Switching to Teradata Warehouse Builder Version 5.0 Using Method 2 Follow these steps to switch to Teradata Warehouse Version 5.0 software by updating environment variables in the system login files for a shell user. 1 Find the Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool with no options. # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm 2 Set the TWB_ROOT environment variable to the installation directory of the installed Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users, add these lines to the file: TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> is the Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 installation directory. In the system login file for C-shell users, add this line to the file: setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata warehouse Builder installation directory> <Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory> is the Teradata Warehouse Builder version 5.0 installation directory. 3 Add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the PATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users, add these lines to the file: if [ "$PATH" = "" ]; then PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/bin else PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/bin:"$PATH" fi export PATH In the system login file for C-shell users, add these lines to the file: if {$?PATH} then setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" else setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT/bin endif 4 For AIX, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the LIBPATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. For HP-UX, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the SHLIB_PATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. For MP-RAS, Linux, and Sun Solaris, add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users on AIX, add these lines to the file: if [ "$LIBPATH" = "" ]; then 62 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter LIBPATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:/usr/lib else LIBPATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:"$LIBPATH":/usr/lib fi export LIBPATH In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users on HP-UX, add these lines to the file: if [ "$SHLIB_PATH" = "" ]; then SHLIB_PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:/usr/lib else SHLIB_PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:"$SHLIB_PATH":/usr/lib fi export SHLIB_PATH In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users on MP-RAS, Linux, and Sun Solaris, add these lines to the file: if [ "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:/usr/lib else LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/lib fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH In the system login file for C-shell users on AIX, add these lines to the file: if {$?LIBPATH} then setenv LIBPATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LIBPATH:/usr/lib" else setenv LIBPATH $TWB_ROOT/lib:/usr/lib endif In the system login file for C-shell users on HP-UX, add these lines to the file: if {$?SHLIB_PATH} then setenv SHLIB_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:/usr/lib" else setenv SHLIB_PATH $TWB_ROOT/lib:/usr/lib endif In the system login file for C-shell users on MP-RAS and Sun Solaris, add these lines to the file: if {$?LD_LIBRARY_PATH} then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib" else setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT/lib:/usr/lib endif 5 Add the $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N path to the NLSPATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users, add these lines to the file: if [ "$NLSPATH" = "" ]; then NLSPATH="$TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N else NLSPATH="$TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:"$NLSPATH" fi export NLSPATH In the system login file for C-shell users, add these lines to the file: if {$?NLSPATH} then Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 63 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" else setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N endif This method applies to the system for all users in the next login. Switching Back to the Installed Teradata Parallel Transporter Version To switch back to the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter version, use one of the following two methods. • Method 1 - Update Environment Variables at the Command Prompt • Method 2 - Update Environment Variables in the System Login Files for a Shell User Procedure - Switching the Teradata Parallel Transporter Version using Method 1 Follow these steps to switch the Teradata Parallel Transporter Version by updating environment variables at from the command prompt. 1 Find the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool with no options. /usr/bin/twbpkgrm 2 Set the TWB_ROOT environment variable to the installation directory of the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter version. For Bourne and Korn shell users, enter these commands: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. For C-shell users, enter this command: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. 3 Add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the PATH environment variable. For Bourne and Korn shell users, enter these commands: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH For C-shell users, enter this command: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" This method is only valid for the duration of the login. 64 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Parallel Transporter Procedure - Switching the Teradata Parallel Transporter Version using Method 2 Follow these steps to switch the Teradata Parallel Transporter Version by updating environment variables in the system login files for a shell user. 1 You must be the root user to perform this method. This method applies to the system for all users in the next login. Note: For Bourne/Korn shell users, the system login file is /etc/profile on HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris, Linux, and MP-RAS. Note: For C-shell users, the system login file is /etc/csh.login for HP-UX, Linux, and AIX. The system login file is /etc/.login for Sun Solaris and MP-RAS. 2 Find the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool with no options. # /usr/bin/twbpkgrm 3 Set the TWB_ROOT environment variable to the installation directory of the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter version in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users, add these lines to the file: TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> export TWB_ROOT Note: <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. In the system login file for C-shell users, add this line to the file: setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> Note: <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. 4 Add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the PATH environment variable in the system login files for shell user. In the system login file for Bourne and Korn shell users, add these lines to the file: if [ "$PATH" = "" ]; then PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/bin else PATH="$TWB_ROOT"/bin:"$PATH" fi export PATH In the system login file for C-shell users, add these lines to the file: if {$?PATH} then setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" else setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT/bin endif This method applies to the system for all users in the next login. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 65 Chapter 2: Before You Install Teradata Generic Security Services Teradata Generic Security Services This section discusses general information you need to know about the Teradata Generic Security Services feature before installing it. It describes how to remove TeraGSS packages and switch versions. See Chapter 12: “Connecting to a Teradata Database,” for additional information on security and logging onto Teradata. TeraGSS Package Names With the exception of the Teradata Generic Security Service package for MP-RAS, TeraGSS, all of the Teradata Generic Security Service packages include the target architecture as part of the package name. For example, the Teradata Generic Security Service package for Sun Solaris TeraGSS_solaris-sparc. For MP-RAS, the architecture is not included as part of the package name (the package name is TeraGSS) because of a restriction on the length of the package name. Removing TeraGSS Packages Although, it is not necessary to remove previous versions of TeraGSS prior to installing a new version, multiple versions of TeraGSS may coexist on a node, TeraGSS software can be removed from a node using the tdgsspkgrm utility included in the installation package. This allow cleanup up of obsolete (non-current versions) of TeraGSS. The tdgsspkgrm utility can be found at /usr/TeraGSS/<architecture>/client/bin/tdgsspkgrm, where <architecture> is the architecture for the TeraGSS package. For example: mpras-i386 and solaris-sparc. # tdgsspkgrm -h Usage: tdgsspkgrm [version to remove] e.g. tdgsspkgrm Procedure - Removing the TeraGSS Package Follow these steps to remove obsolete, non-current versions of the TeraGSS package from the client. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the tdgsspkgrm tool without any options to list the versions of TeraGSS installed. For example: # tdgsspkgrm When executed with no arguments, the tdgsspkgrm utility will display information on installed versions. TeraGSS current version: 06G.02.00.00 TeraGSS versions available for removal: 06H.02.00.00 66 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 2: Before You Install Updating the Teradata Parallel Transporter API 3 To remove an obsolete version, execute tdgsspkgrm and specify the version to remove. For example: # tdgsspkgrm 06H.02.00.00 Note: The current version cannot be removed using tdgsspkgrm. To remove the current version, use the appropriate utility for the operating system. For example: pkgrm on MPRAS. Switching Versions of TeraGSS Software Switching between installed versions of TeraGSS software is allowed. After a new version of TeraGSS is installed, the new version can be set as the current version, that switch must be done manually. To facilitate version switching, a utility named tdgssversion is included in the package. The tdgssversion utility can be found at: usr/TeraGSS/<architecture>/client/bin/tdgssversion Usage: tdgssversion [-switch nn.nn.nn.nn] where: <architecture> is the architecture for the TeraGSS package. For example: mpras-i386 and solaris-sparc. And: nn.nn.nn.nn is the version of TeraGSS. Procedure - Switching between versions of TeraGSS Follow these steps to switch between versions of TeraGSS. 1 Log on as the root user. 2 Run the tdgssversion tool without any options to list the versions of TeraGSS installed. For example, enter: # tdgssversion The output indicates the Teradata GSS Client available versions are: 06H.02.00.00 and 06G.02.00.00 *. The asterisk (*) denotes the current version. TeraGSS current version: 06G.02.00.00* TeraGSS versions available for removal: 06H.02.00.00 3 To switch to the 06H.02.00.00 version enter: # tdgssversion -h Updating the Teradata Parallel Transporter API The following is a list of major new features in Teradata PT API 12.0. For a complete list of changes to the product, see the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition associated with this release. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 67 Chapter 2: Before You Install Technical Assistance • Unicode Support (UTF16) • Buffer Mode Exporting with Export Driver’s New GetBuffer Function • Performance Enhancement for the Export Driver’s GetRow Function • Array Support for the Stream Driver When upgrading applications built with previous versions of the Teradata Parallel Transporter API to the current release of the Teradata Parallel Transporter API, note that the Teradata Parallel Transporter API header files have been changed in the 12.0 release of the product. Applications built with previous versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter API must be re-compiled with these updated header files in order to use Teradata PT API 12.0. Teradata Parallel Transporter API applications on MP-RAS must now explicitly link with the new Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU library using the “-lpxicu” option. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU library is installed in the same directory as the Teradata Parallel Transporter API library then no changes need to be made to system environment variables to accommodate this new link option. The default installation directory for the Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU library is the same as the default installation directory for the Teradata Parallel Transporter API library. Technical Assistance Technical assistance during installation of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software is available from the TSCS-RSC. For contact information, see the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. 68 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 3 Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems This chapter describes process for installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on your UNIX MP-RAS system. The installation topics are: • Installing Individual Products • Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software • Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on an MP-RAS operating system. The specific operating systems include: • NCR MP-RAS 3.02 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • NCR MP-RAS 3.03 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 69 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing Individual Products • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services MP-RAS Packages The following table shows the MP-RAS package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. 70 NCR MP-RAS 3.03 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) NCR MP-RAS 3.02 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) Table 21: MP-RAS Packages and Operating Systems Product Package Names Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) bteq YES YES Named Pipes Access Module npaxsmod YES YES ODBC Driver for Teradata tdodbc YES YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata tdicu YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS jmsaxsmod NO NO Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) arc YES YES Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) cliv2 YES YES Teradata C Preprocessor2 sqlpp YES YES Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 cobpp YES YES Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) piom YES YES Teradata FastExport fastexp YES YES Teradata FastLoad fastld YES YES Teradata Generic Security Services TeraGSS YES YES Teradata MultiLoad mload YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing Individual Products NCR MP-RAS 3.03 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) NCR MP-RAS 3.02 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) Table 21: MP-RAS Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata Parallel Transporter API papic000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator pdtcc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator pddlc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator pexpc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library picuc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure tbldc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator plodc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator podbcc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library poslc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator poscc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator pinsc000 YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 71 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software NCR MP-RAS 3.03 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) NCR MP-RAS 3.02 running on Intel x86 and Intel Xeon with EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) Table 21: MP-RAS Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator pselc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator pstmc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator pupdc000 YES YES Teradata TPump tpump YES YES WebSphere MQ Access Module mqaxsmod YES YES Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Prior to the installing new versions of the Teradata Tools and Utilities, previous versions should be removed. Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter is an exception, and does not have to be uninstalled. Although, it can be uninstalled using the following procedure. Procedure - Uninstalling Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to check for any existing software and remove it. 1 Prior to the installing new versions of the Teradata Tools and Utilities, previous versions should be removed. # pkginfo -x <PkgName> 72 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities 2 If the software package is on the node, you must remove it. To remove the software package, enter the following as root: # pkgrm <PkgName> Enter Y in response to the following prompt: "Do you want to remove this package?" Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory Teradata Parallel Transporter allows a user-specified installation directory. The default installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter is /usr/tbuild/<version>. where: <version> is the version number for Teradata Parallel Transporter. For example, the default install directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter version is: /usr/tbuild/ The following are the restrictions for the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package asks for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, instead, they will use the same installation directory as the first package. Starting with Teradata Parallel Transporter, an installation of a Teradata Parallel Transporter emergency fix (efix) package will overwrite the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter package. For example, the installation of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure will overwrite the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package. Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities See Table 21 on page 70 for a list of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software that can be installed on an MP-RAS client. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Software on an MP-RAS Client Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products on an MP-RAS client. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 73 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities 1 Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Find out the <cd_device_name> by entering the following command as root: # devstat -FI This command should return a readout similar to the following. The <cd_device_name> would be /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0. Searching for devices... IO Bus 0 Controller 0 Initiator....c0t7d0s0 |ADAPTEC |PCI 7870 |2.0I Cdrom......c0t6d0s0 |TOSHIBA |CD-ROM XM-6201TA|1037 Controller 1 Initiator....c10t7d0s0 |ADAPTEC |PCI 7870 |2.0I Disk.....c10t0d0s0 |SEAGATE |ST39102LC |0004| 8683 Mb Disk....c10t1d0s0 |SEAGATE |ST118273WC |5764| 17366 Mb Disk....c10t2d0s0 |SEAGATE |ST118273WC |5764| 17366 Mb Disk.....c10t3d0s0 |SEAGATE |ST39102LC |7C03| 8682 Mb 3 If it does not already exist, create a /cdrom directory. As root, enter the following command on the node: # mkdir /cdrom 4 You should mount the CD-ROM to a local file. As root, enter the following command. If needed, insert the path name before <cd_device _name>: # mount -F cdfs -o ro <cd_device_name> /cdrom 5 Start the installation. As root, enter the following command: # /cdrom/setup.bat 6 For systems with an Administration Work Station (AWS), enter Y in response to the following warning and prompt: WARNING: The AWS update should be completed before updating an AP. Please ignore this warning if the AWS has been updated. Do you want to continue with the AP installation? 7 For systems without an AWS, enter N or wait for the time-out to accept the Y default in response to the following prompt: Do you want to use VM&F? (default: y) 8 The installation screen appears (the following sample is from the Load/Unload CD). An asterisk beside a package indicates that either the same version or an older version is already installed on your system: pkgplus - Package Selection >*TeraGSS *bteq *cliv2 *piom *fastexp *fastld *mload *mqaxsmod *npaxsmod *tdicu *tdodbc *tpump (Package 1 of 12) 74 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities Description=Teradata GSS client package Version= (*This version is already installed) (a) Add (o) Original (A) Add all (r) Response (h) Help (R) Rollback on (s) Spool (S) Spool all (u) Unselect (U) Unselect all (q) Quit/Abort (x) Save+Exit Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages are contained on Load/Unload CD #2. 9 From the installation screen, select the packages you want to install. Arrow down and enter a next to the name of each package. 10 Enter an a next to piom (Data Connector) whenever ARC (arc), BTEQ (bteq), Teradata Fast Export (fastexp), Teradata FastLoad (fastld), Teradata MultiLoad (mload), or Teradata TPump (tpump) are selected. 11 After all desired packages have been selected, press x to save and exit. The installer will check disk space and begin installing. 12 Upon completion, a message will indicate that the installation operation is complete. 13 From the root directory, enter the following command and remove the CD from the CD- ROM drive: # umount /cdrom 14 If a reboot is required immediately, the system will prompt you. Otherwise, a reboot is not required. Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. The following is an example of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default:/usr/tbuild/ ]: Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the installation directory. If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default installation directory is used. The following are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 75 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities Please specify the logs directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ logs ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: Enter 1 for shared memory Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, instead, they will use the same version of the installation directory as the first package. The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package checks for the following system kernel values: 76 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 22: Kernel Values Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description NUMTRW 1328 Number of TLI read/write structures to allocate in kernel data space SEMMAP 1000 Maximum number of entries in a semaphore map. SEMMNI 1000 Maximum number of semaphore sets in entire system. SEMMNS 1000 Maximum number of semaphores in entire system. SEMMNU 2500 Maximum number of processes that can have undo operations pending on semaphores. SHMMAX 4194304 Maximum size of a shared memory segment. SHMMNI 200 Maximum number of shared memory segments in entire system. SHMSEG 10 Maximum number of shared memory segments per process. Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support formula value. If the kernel value is a formula, then the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will display a warning message. If the system does not meet the required minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will prompt for an increase in the minimum required value. Here is a sample of the prompt: Warning: The current value of 1048675 for the kernel parameter (SHMMAX) is less than the minimum required value of 4194304. SHMMAX refers to the maximum size of a shared memory segment. Note: This install recommends increasing the value to the minimum required value. Note: A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. The reboot can be done after this installation but before running Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Do you want to increase the value to the minimum required value for the above kernel parameter(s)? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not change the kernel value. If you enter “y”, or if you respond by pressing the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt you to rebuild the kernel after the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation. Here is a sample of the prompt: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 77 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities A kernel rebuild is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. Do you want to rebuild the kernel at the end of this installation? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not rebuild the kernel. If you enter “y” or if you respond by pressing the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will rebuild the kernel at the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation. A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. The reboot can be done after all the installations, but before running a Teradata Parallel Transporter job. You must be the root user to reboot the system. The following sample reboot command will reboot the system in 60 seconds: # cd; /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g60 -i6 At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/.login files: Table 23: Environment Variables Updated Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The environment variables can be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. 78 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on UNIX MP-RAS systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to an MP-RAS Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to an MP-RAS client. 1 Change directories to /usr/sample, using the following command: # cd /usr/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using the make facility to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so: # make -f makeusr.unx 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the appropriate directory 5 The CLIv2 libcliv2 should also exist in the same directory (generally /usr/lib). For more information on CLI User Exit Functions, see Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 79 Chapter 3: Installing on MP-RAS Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 80 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 4 Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems This chapter describes the procedures to install and uninstall the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on IBM AIX client systems: • Installing Individual Products • Removing Previous Versions of Software • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on an IBM AIX operating system. The specific operating systems include: • IBM AIX 5.1 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.1 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.2 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.2 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.3 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • IBM AIX 5.3 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 81 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing Individual Products • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services IBM AIX Packages The following table shows the IBM AIX package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. Product Package Names IBM AIX 5.1 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.1 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 24: IBM AIX Packages and Operating Systems Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) bteq YES NO YES NO YES NO Named Pipes Access Module npaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES NO ODBC Driver for Teradata tdodbc YES YES YES YES YES YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata tdicu YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS jmsaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata C Preprocessor2 sqlpp YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) cliv2 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 cobpp YES NO YES YES YES YES Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) piom YES NO YES NO YES NO 82 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing Individual Products Product Package Names IBM AIX 5.1 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.1 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 24: IBM AIX Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface terajdbc4.jar YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata FastExport fastexp YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata FastLoad fastld YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Generic Security Services TeraGSS_aixpower YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES and TeraGSS_aixpower32 Teradata Generic Security Services Java Teradata MultiLoad mload YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter API papic000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator pdtcc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator pddlc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator pexpc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library picuc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure tbldc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator plodc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 83 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Product Package Names IBM AIX 5.1 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.1 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.2 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on 32-bit and 64-bit IBM Power PC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) IBM AIX 5.3 running on IBM Power PC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 24: IBM AIX Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator podbcc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library poslc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator poscc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator pinsc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator pselc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator pstmc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator pupdc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata TPump tpump YES NO YES NO YES NO WebSphere ® MQ Access Module mqaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES NO Note: The Teradata Access Module for JMS, version 12.00.01 is available for IBM AIX from the Teradata Download Center. Removing Previous Versions of Software Prior to the installation process, check for any existing software and remove it by performing the following: Note: An exception is the Teradata Parallel Transporter software. Teradata Parallel Transporter does not have to be uninstalled. 84 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Procedure - Removing Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to remove previous versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities software. 1 Log on as root and enter your password. 2 List the installed packages by entering the following at the command prompt: /usr/bin/lslpp -l Note: To check an individual package, use one of the following commands: lslpp -l <clientPkgName>.<clientPkgName> or lslpp -l <clientPkgName> where clientPkgName is the name of the client package to be uninstalled. Fore example: A screen display similar to the following example (for listing of the BTEQ package) appears. root@stationb: [/] > /usr/bin/lslpp -l bteq.bteq Fileset Level State Description --------------------------------------------------------------------Path: /usr/lib/objrepos bteq.bteq COMMITTED Teradata BTEQ Application ( for IBM-AIX 5.1/5.2 Path: /etc/objrepos bteq.bteq Application COMMITTED Teradata BTEQ ( for IBM-AIX 5.1/5.2 Note: For TeraGSS packages, the command is: lslpp -l <clientPkgName>.<clientPkgName>_<version> For example: to list the installed versions of TeraGSS_aix-power, you would use the following command: lslpp -l TeraGSS_aix-power.* 3 To remove a package, type: /usr/sbin/installp -u <clientPkgName> where clientPkgName is the name of the client package to be uninstalled. A screen display similar to the following example (for removal of the CLIv2 package) appears. root@stationb: [/] > installp -u cliv2 +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-deinstall Verification... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 85 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Software Name Truncation Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... SUCCESSES --------Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification and will be removed. Selected Filesets ----------------cliv2.cliv2 # TTU8.2 Teradata CLIV2 packag... << End of Success Section >> FILESET STATISTICS -----------------1 Selected to be deinstalled, of which: 1 Passed pre-deinstall verification ---1 Total to be deinstalled +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Deinstalling Software... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: DEINSTALLING software for: cliv2.cliv2 4.8.1 Removing CLI environment variables from /etc/profile Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 5 secs). +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------Name Level Part Event Result -----------------------------------------------------------------cliv2.cliv2 ROOT DEINSTALL SUCCESS cliv2.cliv2 USR DEINSTALL SUCCESS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Name Truncation During the installation, software names may become truncated. For example, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator: Selected Filesets -----------------pupdc000 #Teradata Parallel Transporter U... To find the complete software name, enter the following at the command prompt: lslpp -l <clientPkgName>.<clientPkgName> or lslpp -l <clientPkgName> Here is an example of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator: # lslpp -l pupdc000 Fileset Level Path: /usr/lib/objrepos 86 State Description Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory pupdc000 COMMITTED Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Version Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory Teradata Parallel Transporter allows user-specified installation directory. The default installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter is /usr/tbuild/<version>. <version> is the version number for Teradata Parallel Transporter. For example, the default installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter version is: /usr/tbuild/ The following are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first one. The installation of a Teradata Parallel Transporter emergency fix (efix) package will overwrite the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter package. For example, the installation of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure will overwrite the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities See Table 24 on page 82 for a list of the Teradata Tools and Utilities that can be installed on an IBM AIX client. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on an IBM AIX Client Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on an IBM AIX client. 1 Log on to your UNIX client system as root user. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by typing: # mkdir /mnt 3 Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and type: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 87 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities # mount -V cdrfs -o ro /dev/<cd-rom device> /mnt For example, if cd0 is the device name, the entry would be: # mount -V cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /mnt In this example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. 4 To begin the installation process, type: # cd /mnt # ./setup.bat A screen display similar to the following appears. The example is for the Load/Unload CD: Welcome to the Teradata Tools and Utilities installation Copyright 2007. NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Media: Load/Unload Platform: AIX Which software 1. TeraGSS 2. tdicu 3. tdodbc 4. cliv2 5. piom 6. npaxsmod 7. mqaxsmod 8. bteq 9. fastexp 10. fastld 11. mload 12. tpump do you want to install? - Teradata GSS client package - Teradata Shared Component for Internationalization - Teradata ODBC Driver - Teradata CLIv2 - Teradata Data Connector API - Teradata Named Pipes Access Module - WebSphere(r) Access Module for Teradata - Teradata BTEQ Application - Teradata FastExport Utility - Teradata FastLoad Utility - Teradata MultiLoad Utility - Teradata TPump Utility a. Install all of the above software q. Quit the installation Enter one or more selection (separated by space): Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages are contained on Load/Unload CD #2. 5 6 Software must be installed in the order shown in “Software Requirements” on page 30. After reviewing product dependencies, enter your selection at the prompt: • one or more numbers for the product(s) you want to install, separated by spaces, or • a to install all the software, or • q to quit the installation After all installations are complete, change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by typing the following at the command prompt: # umount /mnt 7 88 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.00 is available on the following CDs: • Load/Unload CD #2 for HP-UX • Load/Unload CD #3 for Sun Solaris SPARC The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.01 for IBM AIX and Linux is being released asynchronously to Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.00.00. IBM AIX and Linux versions of the Teradata Access Module for Teradata can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads --> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Teradata Toolbox --> JMS Access Module Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. Here is a sample of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default:/usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default installation directory will be used. Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the installation directory. Here are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 89 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the logs directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ logs ]: If you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: • Enter 1 for shared memory • Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. 90 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory. Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first one. At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: Table 25: Environment Variables Updated Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LIBPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LIBPATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LIBPATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables can be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 91 Chapter 4: Installing on IBM AIX Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on IBM AIX systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to an IBM AIX Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to an IBM AIX client. 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample, using the following command: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so. This command compiles the 32-bit version: # make -f maketdusr.aix 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the /usr/lib directory for 32-bit applications, or into the /usr/ lib/lib_64 directory for 64-bit applications. The CLIv2 libcliv2 should also exist in the same directory. For more information on CLI User Exit Functions, see Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. 92 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 5 Installing on HP-UX Client Systems This chapter provides the procedures for installing and uninstalling the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on HP-UX client systems. This chapter has the following sections: • Installing Individual Products • Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software • Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on an HP-UX operating system. The specific operating systems include: • HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on 32-bit and 64-bit Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23)running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31)running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31) running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 93 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing Individual Products • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services HP-UX Packages The following table shows the HP-UX package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31) running on Intel Itanium (ltanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 26: HP-UX Packages and Operating Systems Product Package Names Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) bteq YES NO YES NO YES Named Pipes Access Module npaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES ODBC Driver for Teradata tdodbc YES NO YES NO YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata tdicu YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS jmsaxsmod YES NO NO NO NO Teradata C Preprocessor2 sqlpp YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) cliv2 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 cobpp YES NO NO NO NO 94 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing Individual Products HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31) running on Intel Itanium (ltanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 26: HP-UX Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) piom YES NO YES NO YES Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface terajdbc4.jar YES YES YES YES YES Teradata FastExport fastexp YES NO YES NO YES Teradata FastLoad fastld YES NO YES NO YES Teradata Generic Security Services TeraGSS_hpuxpa32 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES TeraGSS_hpux-pa TeraGSS_hpuxia64 Teradata Generic Security Services JAVA Teradata MultiLoad mload YES NO YES NO YES Teradata Parallel Transporter API papic000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator pdtcc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator pddlc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator pexpc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport Loaded as part of OUTMOD Adapter Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library picuc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 95 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software HP-UX 11.11iv3 (11.31) running on Intel Itanium (ltanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (PA-RISC build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) HP-UX 11.11iv2 (11.23) running on Intel Itanium (Itanium build) (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities)) HP-UX 11.11iv1 (11.11) running on Hewlett-Packard PA-Risc (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 26: HP-UX Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure tbldc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator plodc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator podbcc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library poslc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator poscc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator pinsc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator pselc000 YES NO NO NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator pstmc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator pupdc000 YES YES YES YES YES Teradata TPump tpump YES NO YES NO YES WebSphere ® MQ Access Module mqaxsmod YES NO NO NO NO Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Prior to the installing new versions of the Teradata Tools and Utilities, previous versions should be uninstalled. 96 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter is an exception, and does not have to be uninstalled. Although, it can be uninstalled using the following procedure. Procedure - Uninstalling Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to for any existing Teradata Tools and Utilities software and remove it. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List the installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: /usr/sbin/swlist You can check to see if an individual package is installed using the command: /usr/sbin/swlist <PkgName> 3 Remove the package by entering: /usr/sbin/swremove <PkgName> Note: The utilities packages are removed by repeating the above command for the packages being removed. The packages can be removed in any order, except for the for the following dependency packages: Data Connector API (piom) or CLIv2. These packages should be removed last, in the following order: Data Connector API (piom), then CLIv2. If the CLIv2 package is uninstalled, without uninstalling dependent packages use swremove with the following options: swremove -x enforce_dependencies=false <CLI package name> Uninstalling at the Terminal Interface Window Optionally, the Terminal Interface Window can be used to remove the software from the system. Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Using the Terminal Interface Window Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Tools and Utilities software using the Terminal Interface Window. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List the installed packages by entering the following at the command prompt: /usr/sbin/swlist <PkgName> 3 Activate the SD Remove interface window by entering the following at the command prompt: /usr/sbin/swremove Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 97 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software 4 Select the product packages for removal by performing the following: a In the SD Remove window, use the Tab and Arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the name of the package that is to be removed. b Press the Space Bar to select the package. c In the upper menu bar, Tab across to Actions. d Using the Arrow key, move down to Mark For Remove and press the Space Bar. A Yes appears under the Marked? column in front of the product name indicating it has been designated for removal. 98 5 Repeat Step 4 for each product being removed. 6 Remove the selected product packages by performing the following: a In the upper menu bar, Tab to Actions and press the Space Bar. b In the Actions menu, begin the removal process by pressing R. Or, alternatively, using the Arrow key, move down to Remove (analysis)... and press the Space Bar. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software After an analysis of your system is successfully completed, Ready will appear in the Status line of the Remove Analysis window. 7 If the removal setup is correct, highlight OK and press Enter. Otherwise, return to the previous menu by pressing Tab to highlight the word Cancel, and press the Space Bar. 8 In the confirmation display that appears, confirm the removal by highlighting Yes and pressing the Space Bar. Otherwise, Tab to the word No and press the Space Bar. 9 Complete the removal process by highlighting Done and pressing the Space Bar. When the Remove window reappears, the updated list of the installed packages is shown. 10 Exit the process by performing the following: a In the upper menu bar, highlight File and press the Space Bar. b In the File menu, press E. Or, highlight Exit and press the Space Bar. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 99 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities Teradata Parallel Transporter Default and Alternate Directory Teradata Parallel Transporter allows user-specified installation directory. The default installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter is: /usr/tbuild/<version> <version> is the version number for Teradata Parallel Transporter. For example, the default installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter version is: /usr/tbuild/ The following are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. The installation of a Teradata Parallel Transporter emergency fix (efix) package will overwrite the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter package. For example, the installation of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure will overwrite the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package. Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities The Teradata Tools and Utilities can be installed silently or interactively through the external interface window. These two methods are described below. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages cannot be installed interactively through the external interface window. Teradata Parallel Transporter packages can only be installed using the silent mode. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed silently. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages must be installed using this method. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Follow these steps to install the Teradata Tools and Utilities products silently: 100 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities 1 Log on to the UNIX client as root user. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the following at the command prompt: # mount /dev/dsk/<device name> /mnt Example If the CD-ROM device name is c0t1d0, you would type: # mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. Note: To find your CD-ROM device, enter the following at the command prompt: ioscan -fnC disk 4 To begin the installation process, type: # cd /mnt # ./setup.bat A screen display similar to the following appears. The example is for the Load/Unload CD: Welcome to the Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.0 installation Copyright 2002-2007. NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Media: Load/Unload Platform: HP-UX Which software do you want to install? 1. TeraGSS - Teradata GSS client package 2. tdicu - Teradata Shared Component for Internationalization 3. tdodbc - Teradata ODBC Driver 4. cliv2 - Teradata CLIv2 5. piom - Teradata Data Connector API 6. npaxsmod - Teradata Named Pipes Access Module 7. mqaxsmod - WebSphere(r) Access Module for Teradata 8. bteq - Teradata BTEQ Application 9. fastexp - Teradata FastExport Utility 10. fastld - Teradata FastLoad Utility 11. mload - Teradata MultiLoad Utility 12. tpump - Teradata TPump Utility a. Install all of the above software q. Quit the installation Enter one or more selection (separated by space): Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages are contained on Load/Unload CD #2. 5 6 Software must be installed in the order shown in “Product Dependencies” on page 30. After reviewing product dependencies, enter your selection at the prompt: • one or more numbers for the product(s) you want to install, separated by spaces, or • a to install all the software, or • q to quit the installation Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by typing: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 101 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities # umount /mnt 7 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed interactively. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages cannot be installed interactively through the external interface window. Teradata Parallel Transporter packages can only be installed using the silent mode. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Use the following procedure to install the Teradata Tools and Utilities interactively: 1 Log on to the UNIX client as root. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then enter the following at the command prompt: Example: # mount /dev/dsk/<device name> /mnt Note: If the CD-ROM device name is c0t1d0, you would type: # mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. Note: To find your CD-ROM device, enter the following at the command prompt: ioscan -fnC disk 4 Register the CD-ROM containing the installation software as the depot by entering the following at the command prompt: # /usr/sbin/swreg -l depot /mnt/HP-UX/<package dirname> Note: For the command above, the term -l uses the lower case letter L. 5 Install the utilities using the terminal interface window by entering the following at the command prompt: swinstall In the swinstall help screen, you may see a prompt to “Press Return.” Press Enter. 6 102 Go to the Source Depot and select the product in the Source Depot Path. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Tools and Utilities 7 In the Install screen of the terminal interface window, perform the following: a In the Bundles and Products list, highlight the product to be installed. b In the upper menu bar, use the Tab key to move the cursor to Actions, then press the Space Bar. c In the Actions menu, mark the product for installation by pressing M. 8 Highlight OK, then press Enter. 9 Select the product using the Space Bar. 10 Go to the Actions menu and select Install (Analysis). The Install Analysis window appears. After an analysis of your system is successfully completed, Ready will appear in the Status line. 11 If the installation setup is correct, highlight OK and press Enter. Otherwise, halt the process and return to the previous menu by pressing Tab to highlight the word Cancel, and press the Space Bar. 12 In the confirmation display that appears, confirm the installation by highlighting Yes and pressing the Space Bar. Otherwise, Tab to the word No and press the Space Bar. After confirmation, installation begins. The Install window reappears, similar to the one shown below. The Percent Complete line can be used as a progress monitor and, when the installation has finished, the Status line will show Completed. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 103 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface You can monitor the progress by selecting the Logfile. 13 After the installation completes, highlight Done and press Enter. When the SD Install window reappears, the updated list of the installed products is shown. 14 Exit the process by performing the following: a In the upper menu bar, highlight File and press the Space Bar. b In the File menu, press E. Or, highlight Exit and press the Space Bar. 15 Verify the package is installed by using the swlist command: # /usr/sbin/swlist <PkgName> 16 Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by entering the following at the command prompt: # umount /mnt 17 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. 104 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. Here is a sample of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default:/usr/tbuild/]: If you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the default install directory will be used. Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the install directory. Here are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt you for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. Here is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the logs directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ logs ]: If you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: Enter 1 for shared memory Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 105 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a largefree space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory. Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package checks for the following system kernel values: Table 27: Kernel Values Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description semmap 1000 Maximum number of entries in a semaphore map. Note: Only checked on HP-UX 32-bit. 106 semmni 1000 Maximum number of semaphore sets in entire system. semmns 1000 Maximum number of semaphores in entire system. semmnu 2500 Maximum number of processes that can have undo operations pending on semaphores. shmmax 4194304 Maximum size of a shared memory segment. shmmni 200 Maximum number of shared memory segments in entire system. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Table 27: Kernel Values (continued) Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description shmseg 10 Maximum number of shared memory segments per process. Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support formula value. If the kernel value is a formula, then the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will display a warning message. If the system does not meet the required minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will prompt you to increase the value to the minimum required value. The following is an example of the prompt: Warning: The current value of 1048675 for the kernel parameter (shmmax) is less than the minimum required value of 4194304. shmmax refers to the maximum size of a shared memory segment. A kernel rebuild is not required to change the value for the kernel parameter (shmmax). Note: This install recommends increasing the value to the minimum required value. Note: A reboot is not required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. Do you want to increase the value to the minimum required value for the above kernel parameter(s)? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not change the kernel value. If you enter “y”, or if you respond by just entering the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will change the kernel value. Note: If there is a change to the kernel value, the following kernel parameter requires a kernel rebuild and a reboot: semmap, semmni, semmns, semmnu, and shmmni. Note: If there is a change to the kernel value, the following kernel parameter does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot: shmmax and shmseg. At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: Table 28: Environment Variables Updated Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. SHLIB_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the SHLIB_PATH environment variable. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 107 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions Table 28: Environment Variables Updated (continued) Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package was installed, then the SHLIB_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables are updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile then the updates will be effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on HP-UX systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to an HP-UX Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to an HP-UX client. 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample, using the following command: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.sl. This command uses the 32-bit version of the make facility: # make -f maketdusr.hpux 108 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions Note: The Native compiler on IA64 is not supported. 4 Move the libtdusr.sl file into the /usr/lib directory for 32-bit applications, or into the /usr/ lib/pa20_64 directory for 64-bit applications. For more information on CLI User Exit Functions, see Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 109 Chapter 5: Installing on HP-UX Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 110 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 6 Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems This chapter describes the installation of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on your Sun Solaris system. The installation topics are: • Installing Individual Products • Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on a Sun Solaris SPARC operating system. The specific operating systems include: • Sun Solaris 8 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 111 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Individual Products • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services Sun Solaris Packages The following table shows the Sun Solaris Package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. The following table shows the products supported by each operating system: Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) bteq YES NO YES NO YES NO Named Pipes Access Module npaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES NO ODBC Driver for Teradata tdodbc and tdodbc64 YES YES YES YES YES YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata tdicu YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS jmsaxsmod YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata C Preprocessor2 sqlpp YES YES YES YES YES YES 112 Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Package Names Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 29: Sun Solaris Packages and Operating Systems Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Individual Products Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) cliv2 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) piom YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface terajdbc4.jar YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata FastExport fastexp YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata FastLoad fastld YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Generic Security Services TeraGSS_solaris -sparc32 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Package Names Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 29: Sun Solaris Packages and Operating Systems (continued) TeraGSS_solaris -sparc Teradata Generic Security Services Java Teradata MultiLoad mload YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter API papic000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator pdtcc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator pddlc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator pexpc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 113 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Individual Products Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library picuc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure tbldc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator plodc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator podbcc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library poslc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator poscc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator pinsc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator pselc000 YES NO YES NO YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator pstmc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator pupdc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata TPump tpump YES NO YES NO YES NO 114 Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Package Names Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 29: Sun Solaris Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software NO YES NO Sun Solaris 10 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) YES Sun Solaris 10 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) mqaxsmod Sun Solaris 9 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) WebSphere ® MQ Access Module Sun Solaris 9 running on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Package Names Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Sun Solaris 8 running on SPARC (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 29: Sun Solaris Packages and Operating Systems (continued) YES NO Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Before beginning the installation process, use the following procedure to check for previous versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities programs: Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter is an exception, and does not have to be uninstalled. Although, it can be uninstalled using the following procedure. Procedure - Uninstalling Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to check for any existing software and remove it. 1 To determine if there are any existing software packages installed on the client, enter the following command at the command prompt: # pkginfo -l <name of software> Note: In the above command, -l uses a lowercase L. To check for more than one software package at a time, enter the same command, separated by a space. For example, to search for Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ), Teradata FastExport and Teradata FastLoad enter: # pkginfo bteq fastexp fastload... Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 115 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software 2 If existing software is found, remove it using the following command at the command prompt: # pkgrm <name of software> To remove more than one software package at a time, enter the same command, separated by a space. For example, to remove Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ), Teradata FastExport and Teradata FastLoad, enter: # pkgrm bteq fastexp fastload ... 3 A screen displays messages asking you to confirm the removal of the selected software package. Answer the questions as instructed. Default and Alternate Directories The following are the default directories where the software will be installed: Table 30: Default and Alternative Directories Item Default Directory ODBC driver files /opt/teradata/client/odbc Executable files /opt/teradata/client/bin Library files /opt/teradata/client/lib Includes files /opt/teradata/client/include Sample files /opt/teradata/client/sample 64-bit Library files /opt/teradata/client/lib64 64-bit Executable files /opt/teradata/client/bin64 Teradata Parallel Transporter /usr/tbuild/<version> where: <version> is the version number for Teradata Parallel Transporter. For example, the default install directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter version is /usr/tbuild/ You may choose an alternate directory; however, you must log on as root. After selecting the packages you want to install, the installation program prompts you to either select the default directory or you may browse your system and select an alternate directory. The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask you for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. Starting with Teradata Parallel Transporter, an installation of a Teradata Parallel Transporter emergency fix (efix) package will overwrite the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter package. 116 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Solaris Zones For example, the installation of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure will overwrite the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package. Screen Navigation To navigate between and within screen elements during the installation and uninstallation process use the following commands: Table 31: Screen Navigation Commands To do the following... Press... Navigate to the product you want to install the arrow keys Install each product either Enter or the space bar Display licenses 1 View product packages v Select all a Unselect all u Continue c Exit the screen without installing any products or to abort q Solaris Zones To support Solaris 10 Zones, the <product> installation packages were changed to allow users to specify where the <product> components will be installed, to remove the limitation of specifying only the <product> install directory. When a <product> is installed, the installation package prompts for the following directory input: 1) Enter installation directory [default: /opt/teradata/client/<product> ]: 2) Enter 32-bit library directory [default: /opt/teradata/client/lib ]: 3)Enter man page directory [default: /usr/share/man ]: Optionally the default values provided can be selected, or another directory location can be selected for each of the three prompts above. Having the ability to specify the <product> install directory, the 32-bit libraries, and the placement of man pages allows complete control over where the <product> components are placed and supports the Solaris zones that have been created on a Solaris system. In the case where an unacceptable directory is erroneously selected, the installation for the <product> issues a warning and prompts for a new directory. For example: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 117 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Enter installation directory [ default: /opt/teradata/client/odbc ]: / usr/odbc ERROR: /usr/odbc does not have write permissions. Please enter a writable directory. Operating under a Solaris zone limits the selection of only those directories that have write permissions in the active zone. Users must have the ability to determine which directories these are. Running within the Global zone is equivalent to a Solaris system that does not have Solaris zones setup. After the <product> has been installed, the directories for the <product> install directory, the 32-bit libraries, and the icu libraries must be included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, since the typical symbolic links will no longer be available in the /usr/lib directory when using Solaris zones. For example, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH that includes the ODBC Driver for Teradata would be: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers:/opt/teradata/client/ odbc/lib:/opt/teradata/client/lib:/opt/tdicu/lib Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities If you are not installing all the products on the CD, review “System Requirements” on page 28. Note: Before beginning the installation, remove all previous versions of the software (see “Technical Assistance” on page 68) Note: An exception is the Teradata Parallel Transporter software. Previous versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter do not have to be removed. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on Sun Solaris. 1 Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive on the server running Sun Solaris. 2 From the console, log on as root or change to root and enter your password. 3 Change your directory to CD-ROM mount point with the following command: # cd /cdrom/cdrom0 Note: If cdrom0 does not exist under the CD-ROM mount point, then, in the cdrom directory, change the directory to: <cd directory> Table 32: CD-ROM Mount Point 118 If you have this CD… change the directory to… Teradata Utility Pak cd1a_tera_util_pak Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 32: CD-ROM Mount Point (continued) 4 If you have this CD… change the directory to… Database Management cd2_database_mgnt Preprocessors cd3_preprocessors Load/Unload cd4_load_unload Tape Storage Management Enablers cd5_tape_stor_mgnt_ena Type: # ./setup.bat An NCR Teradata Tools and Utilities CD Installation screen similar to the following appears. The following sample screen appears for the Load/Unload CD: NCR Teradata Tools and Utilities CD installation. Use arrow keys to move to the product you want. Press <space> or <enter> to select/de-select a product (l) display licenses (v) view product packages (q) abort (a) to select all (u) to unselect all (c) to continue Available products: ( 1) TeraGSS - Teradata GSS client package ( 2) TeraGSS32 - Teradata GSS client package ( 3) tdicu - Shared common components for Internationalization for Teradata ( 4) npaxsmod - Named Pipes Access Module ( 5) piom - Teradata Data Connector Access Module API ( 6) cliv2 - Teradata CLIV2 Package ( 7) bteq - Teradata BTEQ Application ( 8) tbld5000 - Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure ( 9) mqaxsmod - WebSphere (r) Access Module for Teradata (10) tpump - Teradata Parallel Data Pump For UNIX (11) mload - Teradata MultiLoad Utility (12) fastld - Teradata FastLoad Utility (13) fastexp - Teradata FastExport Utility (14) tdodbc - Teradata ODBC Driver * - means product is currently selected for addition/spooling. & - means only some packages in product are selected for addition spooling. Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages are contained on Load/Unload CD #2. 5 In this screen, select the packages you would like to install: Table 33: Selecting the Packages to Install To install... Do the following... all the packages Enter a. The number of products you selected will be shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. The packages selected for installation will have an asterisk beside them. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 119 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Table 33: Selecting the Packages to Install (continued) 6 To install... Do the following... selected packages • Use the arrow keys to go the package(s) you want installed. Then, press the space bar once to select the package. An asterisk indicates the selection. • Repeat the previous step if you want to select other packages. • Select any dependent modules that are needed, such as CLIv2 or Data Connector API (PIOM), and repeat step 1 if necessary. For information on dependent modules, see “Software Requirements” on page 30. Enter c to accept the selected packages and continue with the installation. The screen displays installation information for the selected products. Read the information and answer the questions appropriately for your installation. After responding to the prompts, the installation begins. 7 After the installation completes, a screen similar to the following will display indicating how many packages were installed and if any failed. If any failures occur, check the .log file and then call the Teradata Solutions Customer Services Remote Service Center (TSCS-RSC). NCR Teradata Tools and Utilities PACKAGE INSTALLATION (Packages will now be installed onto the system.) Number of packages to process: 12 Number successfully processed: 12 Failures: 0 All packages processed successfully. Please see the logfile [/var/ncr/logs/pkgadd.log] for any specific package instructions. 8 From the root directory, enter the following command and remove the CD from the CDROM drive: # umount /cdrom 9 To remove the CD-ROM mount point, enter the following command (this step is optional): # rmdir /cdrom/<mount point> We recommend that you review the log file (/var/ncr/logs/pkgadd.log) for any specific information of any of the packages installed. If a reboot is required, we recommend that you reboot the machine to fully enable the software packages to take effect. Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: 120 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. Here is a sample of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default:/usr/tbuild/]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default installation directory will be used. Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the installation directory. Here are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the logs directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ logs ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 121 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: Enter 1 for shared memory Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory. Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package checks for the following system kernel values: Table 34: Kernel Values 122 Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Description Value SEMMNI 1000 Maximum number of semaphore sets in entire system. SEMMNS 1000 Maximum number of semaphores in entire system. SEMMNU 2500 Maximum number of processes that can have undo operations pending on semaphores. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Table 34: Kernel Values (continued) Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description SHMMAX 4194304 Maximum size of a shared memory segment. SHMMNI 200 Maximum number of shared memory segments in entire system. SHMSEG 10 Maximum number of shared memory segments per process. Note: Checked only on Sun Solaris 8. Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support formula value. If the kernel value is a formula, then the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will display a warning message. If the system does not meet the required minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will prompt to increase the value to the minimum required value. The following is an example of the prompt: Warning: The current value of 1048675 for the kernel parameter (SHMMAX) is less than the minimum required value of 4194304. SHMMAX refers to the maximum size of a shared memory segment. Note: This install recommends increasing the value to the minimum required value. Note: A kernel rebuild is not required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. Note: A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. The reboot can be done after this installation but before running Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Do you want to increase the value to the minimum required value for the above kernel parameter(s)? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not change the kernel value. If you enter “y”, or if you respond by pressing the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will change the kernel value. A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. You must be the root user to reboot the system. The reboot can be done after all the installations but before running a Teradata Parallel Transporter job. The following example reboot command will reboot the system in 60 seconds: # cd; /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g60 -i6 At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/.login files: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 123 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions Table 35: Environment Variables Updated Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files will be in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables are updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on Sun Solaris systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to a Sun Solaris Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to a Sun Solaris client. 124 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample by typing: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so. The following command compiles the 32-bit version: # make -f makedusr.sols 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the /usr/lib directory for 32-bit applications, and to /usr/lib/ sparcv9 for 64-bit applications. If the default library directories were utilized during installation. Otherwise, specify the directory where the libcliv2.so library was installed. Refer to Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 125 Chapter 6: Installing on Sun Solaris SPARC Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 126 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 7 Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems This chapter describes the installation of the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on your Sun Solaris Opteron system. The installation topics are: • Installing Individual Products • Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on a Sun Solaris operating system. The specific operating systems include: • Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on EM64T and AMD Opteron (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on EM64T and AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 127 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Individual Products • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services Sun Solaris Packages The following table shows the Sun Solaris Package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. The following table shows the products supported by each operating system: 128 Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 36: Sun Solaris Opteron Packages and Operating Systems Product Package Names Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) bteq YES NO Named Pipes Access Module npaxsmod YES NO ODBC Driver for Teradata tdodbc and tdodbc64 YES YES Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata tdicu YES YES Teradata Access Module for JMS jmsaxsmod NO NO Teradata C Preprocessor2 sqlpp YES YES Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) cliv2 YES YES Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) piom YES NO Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface terajdbc4.jar YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Individual Products Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 36: Sun Solaris Opteron Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata FastExport fastexp YES NO Teradata FastLoad fastld YES NO Teradata Generic Security Services TeraGSS_solaris -i386 YES YES YES YES TeraGSS_solaris -x8664 Teradata Generic Security Services Java Teradata MultiLoad mload YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter API papic000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator pdtcc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator pddlc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator pexpc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library picuc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure tbldc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator plodc000 YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 129 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Sun 64-bit Solaris 10 running on AMD Opteron (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 36: Sun Solaris Opteron Packages and Operating Systems (continued) Product Package Names Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator podbcc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library poslc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator poscc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator pinsc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator pselc000 NO NO Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator pstmc000 YES YES Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator pupdc000 YES YES Teradata TPump tpump YES NO WebSphere ® MQ Access Module mqaxsmod YES NO Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Before beginning the installation process, use the following procedure to check for previous versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities programs: Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. 130 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter is an exception, and does not have to be uninstalled. Although, it can be uninstalled using the following procedure. Procedure - Uninstalling Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to check for any existing software and remove it. 1 To determine if there are any existing software packages installed on the client, enter the following command at the command prompt: # pkginfo -l <name of software> Note: In the above command, -l uses a lowercase L. To check for more than one software package at a time, enter the same command, separated by a space. For example, to search for Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ), Teradata FastExport and Teradata FastLoad enter: # pkginfo bteq fastexp fastload... 2 If existing software is found, remove it using the following command at the command prompt: # pkgrm <name of software> To remove more than one software package at a time, enter the same command, separated by a space. For example, to remove Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ), Teradata FastExport and Teradata FastLoad, enter: # pkgrm bteq fastexp fastload ... 3 A screen displays messages asking you to confirm the removal of the selected software package. Answer the questions as instructed. Default and Alternate Directories The following are the default directories where the software will be installed: Table 37: Default and Alternative Directories Item Default Directory ODBC driver files /opt/teradata/client/odbc Executable files /opt/teradata/client/bin Library files /opt/teradata/client/lib Includes files /opt/teradata/client/include Sample files /opt/teradata/client/sample 64-bit Library files /opt/teradata/client/lib64 64-bit Executable files /opt/teradata/client/bin64 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 131 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Solaris Zones Table 37: Default and Alternative Directories (continued) Item Default Directory Teradata Parallel Transporter /usr/tbuild/<version> where: <version> is the version number for Teradata Parallel Transporter. For example, the default install directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter version is /usr/tbuild/ You may choose an alternate directory; however, you must log on as root. After selecting the packages you want to install, the installation program prompts you to either select the default directory or you may browse your system and select an alternate directory. The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask you for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. Starting with Teradata Parallel Transporter, an installation of a Teradata Parallel Transporter emergency fix (efix) package will overwrite the installed Teradata Parallel Transporter package. For example, the installation of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure will overwrite the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package. Solaris Zones To support Solaris 10 Zones, the <product> installation packages were changed to allow users to specify where the <product> components will be installed, to remove the limitation of specifying only the <product> install directory. When a <product> is installed, the installation package prompts for the following directory input: 1) Enter installation directory [default: /opt/teradata/client/<product> ]: 2) Enter 32-bit library directory [default: /opt/teradata/client/lib ]: 3)Enter man page directory [default: /usr/share/man ]: Optionally the default values provided can be selected, or another directory location can be selected for each of the three prompts above. Having the ability to specify the <product> install directory, the 32-bit libraries, and the placement of man pages allows complete control over where the <product> components are placed and supports the Solaris zones that have been created on a Solaris system. In the case where an unacceptable directory is erroneously selected, the installation for the <product> issues a warning and prompts for a new directory. For example: 132 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Enter installation directory [ default: /opt/teradata/client/odbc ]: / usr/odbc ERROR: /usr/odbc does not have write permissions. Please enter a writable directory. Operating under a Solaris zone limits the selection of only those directories that have write permissions in the active zone. Users must have the ability to determine which directories these are. Running within the Global zone is equivalent to a Solaris system that does not have Solaris zones setup. After the <product> has been installed, the directories for the <product> install directory, the 32-bit libraries, and the icu libraries must be included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, since the typical symbolic links will no longer be available in the /usr/lib directory when using Solaris zones. For example, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH that includes the ODBC Driver for Teradata would be: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers:/opt/teradata/client/ odbc/lib:/opt/teradata/client/lib:/opt/tdicu/lib Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities If you are not installing all the products on the CD, review “System Requirements” on page 28. Note: Before beginning the installation, remove all previous versions of the software (see “Technical Assistance” on page 68) Note: An exception is the Teradata Parallel Transporter software. Previous versions of Teradata Parallel Transporter do not have to be removed. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities on Sun Solaris. 1 Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive on the server running Sun Solaris. 2 From the console, log on as root or change to root and enter your password. 3 Change your directory to CD-ROM mount point with the following command: # cd /cdrom/cdrom0 Note: If cdrom0 does not exist under the CD-ROM mount point, then, in the cdrom directory, change the directory to: <cd directory> Table 38: CD-ROM Mount Point If you have this CD… change the directory to… Teradata Utility Pak cd1a_tera_util_pak Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 133 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 38: CD-ROM Mount Point (continued) 4 If you have this CD… change the directory to… Database Management cd2_database_mgnt Preprocessors cd3_preprocessors Load/Unload cd4_load_unload Tape Storage Management Enablers cd5_tape_stor_mgnt_ena Type: # ./setup.bat An NCR Teradata Tools and Utilities CD Installation screen similar to the following appears. The following sample screen appears for the Load/Unload CD: Welcome to the Teradata Tools and Utilities 12 installation Copyright 2002-2007. NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: Solaris Opteron 64bit Media: Load/Unload - Volume 3 Which software 1. TeraGSS 2. tdicu 3. cliv2 4. piom 5. npaxsmod 6. mqaxsmod 7. bteq 8. fastexp 9. fastld 10. mload 11. tpump do you want to install? - Teradata GSS client package - Teradata Shared Component for Internationalization - Teradata CLIv2 - Teradata Data Connector API - Teradata Named Pipes Access Module - Teradata WebSphere(r) Access Module for Teradata - Teradata BTEQ Application - Teradata FastExport Utility - Teradata FastLoad Utility - Teradata MultiLoad Utility - Teradata TPump Utility a. Install all of the above software q. Quit the installation Enter one or more selections (separated by space): Note: Teradata Parallel Transporter packages are contained on Load/Unload CD #2. 5 In this screen, select the packages you would like to install: Table 39: Selecting the Packages to Install 134 To install... Do the following... all the packages Enter a. The number of products you selected will be shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. The packages selected for installation will have an asterisk beside them. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Table 39: Selecting the Packages to Install (continued) 6 To install... Do the following... selected packages • After reviewing product dependencies, enter your selection at the prompt: one or more numbers for the product(s) you want to install, separated by spaces, or a to install all the software, or q to quit the installation. • Repeat the previous step if you want to select other packages. • Select any dependent modules that are needed, such as CLIv2 or Data Connector API (PIOM), and repeat step 1 if necessary. For information on dependent modules, see “Software Requirements” on page 30. From the root directory, enter the following command and remove the CD from the CDROM drive: # umount /cdrom 7 To remove the CD-ROM mount point, enter the following command (this step is optional): # rmdir /cdrom/<mount point> We recommend that you review the log file (/var/ncr/logs/pkgadd.log) for any specific information of any of the packages installed. If a reboot is required, we recommend that you reboot the machine to fully enable the software packages to take effect. Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 135 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. Here is a sample of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default:/usr/tbuild/]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default installation directory will be used. Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the installation directory. Here are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the logs directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ logs ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: Enter 1 for shared memory Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. 136 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory. Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first package. The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package checks for the following system kernel values: Table 40: Kernel Values Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description SEMMNI 1000 Maximum number of semaphore sets in entire system. SEMMNS 1000 Maximum number of semaphores in entire system. SEMMNU 2500 Maximum number of processes that can have undo operations pending on semaphores. SHMMAX 4194304 Maximum size of a shared memory segment. SHMMNI 200 Maximum number of shared memory segments in entire system. SHMSEG 10 Maximum number of shared memory segments per process. Note: Checked only on Sun Solaris 8. Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support formula value. If the kernel value is a formula, then the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will display a warning message. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 137 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter If the system does not meet the required minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will prompt to increase the value to the minimum required value. The following is an example of the prompt: Warning: The current value of 1048675 for the kernel parameter (SHMMAX) is less than the minimum required value of 4194304. SHMMAX refers to the maximum size of a shared memory segment. Note: This install recommends increasing the value to the minimum required value. Note: A kernel rebuild is not required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. Note: A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. The reboot can be done after this installation but before running Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Do you want to increase the value to the minimum required value for the above kernel parameter(s)? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not change the kernel value. If you enter “y”, or if you respond by pressing the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will change the kernel value. A reboot is required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. You must be the root user to reboot the system. The reboot can be done after all the installations but before running a Teradata Parallel Transporter job. The following example reboot command will reboot the system in 60 seconds: # cd; /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g60 -i6 At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/.login files: Table 41: Environment Variables Updated 138 Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files will be in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables are updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on Sun Solaris systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to a Sun Solaris Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to a Sun Solaris client. 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample by typing: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so. The following command compiles the 32-bit version: # make -f makedusr.sols 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the /usr/lib directory for 32-bit applications, and to /usr/lib/ sparcv9 for 64-bit applications. If the default library directories were utilized during installation. Otherwise, specify the directory where the libcliv2.so library was installed. Refer to Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 139 Chapter 7: Installing on Sun Solaris Opteron Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 140 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 8 Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems This chapter provides the procedures for installing and uninstalling the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on Red Hat Linux client systems. This chapter has the following sections: • Installing Individual Products • Removing Previous Versions of Software • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products on a RedHat Linux operating system. The specific operating systems include: • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 running on Intel x86 and EM64T and AMD Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.0 running on Intel x86 and EM64T and AMD Opteron 32-bit(32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T and AMD Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) The installation of CLI User exits are described later in the chapter. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 141 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Individual Products Installation of Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Using PUT The Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) is not supported for Linux Red Hat operating systems. Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services Linux Packages The following table shows the Red Hat Linux package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. 142 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Individual Products Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x running on Intel x86 and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 32-bit running on Intel EM64T /Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Generic Security Services JAVA Teradata MultiLoad Teradata Parallel Transporter API Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 running on Intel x86and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Named Pipes Access Module ODBC Driver for Teradata Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) Teradata C Preprocessor2 Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Teradata FastExport Teradata FastLoad Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 42: Red Hat Linux Packages and Operating Systems YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES npaxsmod YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO tdodbc YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES tdicu YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES arc NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO sqlpp YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES cliv2 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES piom YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO terajdbc4.jar YES YES YES NO YES YES NO YES fexp YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO fastld YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO TeraGSS_ redhatlinux-i386 TeraGSS_ redhatlinux-ia64 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Package bteq mload YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO papic000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES pdtcc000 YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pddlc000 YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pexpc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 143 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Individual Products Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator 144 Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x running on Intel x86 and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 32-bit running on Intel EM64T /Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. NO YES YES YES NO YES YES NO Package Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 running on Intel x86and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 42: Red Hat Linux Packages and Operating Systems (continued) picuc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES tbldc000 NO YES YES YES NO YES YES NO plodc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. podbcc000 NO YES YES YES NO YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO YES NO NO poslc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES poscc000 NO YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pinsc000 YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pselc000 YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pstmc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 running on Intel x86and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 32-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4.0 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x running on Intel x86 and EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 32-bit running on Intel EM64T /Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.x 64-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Teradata Query Director Teradata TPump WebSphere ® MQ Access Module Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 42: Red Hat Linux Packages and Operating Systems (continued) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES qrydir NO NO YES YES NO YES YES NO tpump YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO mqaxsmod YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO Package pupdc000 Removing Previous Versions of Software Prior to the installation process, check for any existing software and remove it. Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Note: An exception is the Teradata Parallel Transporter software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Procedure - Removing Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Software Follow these steps to remove previous versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities software. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List all the installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 145 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software # rpm -qa Or, you can check to see if a particular package is installed using the command: # rpm -q <rpmname> Table 43: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux 146 To check for a single package... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # rpm -q bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -q npaxsmod ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -q tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -q tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -q tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -q cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -q cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -q piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -q fexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -q fastld Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) # rpm -q TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i386 Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -q TeraGSS_redhatlinux-ia64 Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -q mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -q sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -q sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -q papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # rpm -q picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -q tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q podbcc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Table 43: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux (continued) 3 To check for a single package... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -q poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # rpm -q pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # rpm -q pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pstmvc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -q qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -q tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -q mqaxsmod Remove individual packages by entering: # rpm -e <rpmname> Table 44: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux To uninstall... enter... Basic Teradata Query BTEQ (32-bit) # rpm -e bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -e npaxsmod ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -e tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -e tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -e tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -e cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -e cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -e piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -e fastexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -e fastld Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) # rpm -e TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i386 Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -e TeraGSS_redhatlinux-ia64 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 147 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 44: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux (continued) To uninstall... enter... Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -e mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -e sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -e sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -e papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library(32-bit) # rpm -e picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -e tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -e poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # rpm -e pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # rpm -e pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -e qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -e tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -e mqaxsmod Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities To install products, run the installation for Teradata Tools and Utilities and select the products to install. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed silently. 148 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products silently. 1 Log on to the Linux client as root. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the following at the command prompt: # mount /dev/<cdrom device name> /mnt For example, if the CD-ROM device name is cdrom, you would type: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. 4 To begin the installation process, type: # cd /mnt # ./setup.bat A screen display similar to the following appears: Copyright 2002-2007. NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: Linux 32bit (i386) Media: Load/Unload Which software 1. TeraGSS 2. tdicu 3. tdodbc 4. cliv2 5. piom 6. npaxsmod 7. mqaxsmod 8. bteq 9. fastexp 10. fastld 11. mload 12. tpump 13. qrydir do you want to install? - Teradata GSS client package - Teradata Shared Component for Internationalization - Teradata ODBC Driver - Teradata CLIv2 - Teradata Data Connector API - Teradata Named Pipes Access Module - WebSphere(r) Access Module for Teradata - Teradata BTEQ Application - Teradata FastExport Utility - Teradata FastLoad Utility - Teradata MultiLoad Utility - Teradata TPump Utility - Teradata Query Director a. Install all of the above software q. Quit the installation Enter one or more selections (separated by space): 5 Software must be installed in the order shown in “Software Requirements” on page 30. After reviewing product dependencies, enter your selection at the prompt: • one or more numbers for the product(s) you want to install, separated by spaces, or • a to install all the software, or • q to quit the installation Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 149 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities 6 Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by typing: # umount /mnt 7 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Following installation, you may wish to verify that the installation executed successfully. See “Verifying the Installation of Individual Products” on page 212 and “Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program” on page 241. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed interactively. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products interactively. 1 Log on to the Linux client as root. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the following at the command prompt: # mount /dev/<cdrom device name> /mnt For example: If the CD-ROM device name is cdrom, you would type: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. 4 Go to the directory where the rpm for the Teradata Tools and Utilities product is present. # cd <CD mount point>/Linux # cd <package directory name> Table 45: Changing Directories 150 To change to the directory where... is installed, enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # cd bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # cd npipes ODBC Driver for Teradata # cd tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # cd tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # cd tdicu Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 45: Changing Directories (continued) To change to the directory where... is installed, enter... Teradata Call-level Interface version 2(CLIv2) (32-bit) # cd cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # cd cliv2 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # cd piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # cd fexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # cd fastld Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # cd mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # cd sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # cd sqlpp Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) # cd TeraGSS Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # cd TeraGSS Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # cd papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # cd pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # cd pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # cd pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # cd picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # cd tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # cd plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # cd podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # cd poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # cd poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # cd pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # cd pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # cd pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # cd pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # cd qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # cd tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # cd mqaxsmod Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 151 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities 5 To install a Teradata Tools and Utilities product use the command: # rpm -ivh <rpmname> To install a Teradata Parallel Transporter product use the command: # ./tptinstall -r <rpmname> Table 46: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux 152 To install... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32bit) # rpm -ivh bteq- Named Pipes Access Module (32bit) # rpm -ivh npaxsmod- ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm --nodeps -i tdodbc- Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -ivh tdicu- Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -ivh tdicu_64- Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -ivh cliv2- Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -ivh cliv2_64- Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -ivh piom- Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -ivh fexp- Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ivh fastld- Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) # rpm -ivh TeraGSS_redhatlinux-1.i38612.00.00.00-1.i386.rpm Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -ivh TeraGSS_redhatlinux-1.ia6412.00.00.00-1.ia64.rpm Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ivh mload- Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -ivh sqlpp- Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -ivh sqlpp- Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r papic000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pdtcc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pddlc000- Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 46: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux (continued) To install... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter Export # ./tptinstall -r pexpc000- Operator (32-bit) Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r picuc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r tbldc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r plodc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r podbcc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r poslc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r poscc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pinsc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r psec000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream # ./tptinstall -r pstmc000- Operator (32-bit) Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pupdc000- Teradata Query Director # rpm -ivh qrydir- Teradata Query Director # rpm -ivh qrydir- Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -ivh tpump- WebSphere MQ Access Module (32- # rpm -ivh mqaxsmod- bit) 6 Chapter 10: “Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities,” contains a list of the files in each package. Verify all the files in the package are installed by using the Red Hat Package Manager command: # rpm -ql <rpmname> Table 47: Verifying the Installation on Linux To verify the installation of... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # rpm -ql bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -ql npaxsmod Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 153 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 47: Verifying the Installation on Linux (continued) 154 To verify the installation of... enter... ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -ql tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -ql tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -ql tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32bit) # rpm -ql cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64bit) # rpm -ql cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -ql piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -ql fastexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ql fastld Teradata Generic Security Services (32-bit) # rpm -ql TeraGSS_redhatlinuxi386 Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -ql TeraGSS_redhatlinuxia64 Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ql mload Teradata C Preprocessor (32-bit) # rpm -ql sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor (64-bit) # rpm -ql sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -ql papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # rpm -ql picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -ql tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -ql poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql poscc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Table 47: Verifying the Installation on Linux (continued) 7 To verify the installation of... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -ql qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -ql tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -ql mqaxsmod Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by entering the following command at the prompt: # umount /mnt 8 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.00 is available on the following CDs: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 155 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter • Load/Unload CD #2 for HP-UX • Load/Unload CD #3 for Sun Solaris SPARC The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.01 for IBM AIX and Linux is being released asynchronously to Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.00.00. IBM AIX and Linux versions of the Teradata Access Module for Teradata can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads --> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Teradata Toolbox --> JMS Access Module Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The installation of a new version of Teradata Parallel Transporter will prompt you for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. Here is a sample of the prompt: Please specify the install directory [default: /opt/teradata/client/tbuild/]: If you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the default install directory will be used. Note: It is not recommended to use “/” or “/usr” as the install directory. Here are the restrictions on the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The installation directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The pipe character “|” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The double quote character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The equal character “=” cannot be in the name of the installation directory. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the installation directory. In addition to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will prompt you for the Teradata Parallel Transporter logs directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The logs directory contains Teradata Parallel Transporter job log files. The logs directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the logs directory [ default: /opt/teradata/client/ tbuild/ ]: If you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the default logs directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the logs directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The logs directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the logs directory. The Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the interprocess communication (IPC) memory choice. 156 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter The following is an example of the prompt: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure uses shared memory or memory mapped file for interprocess communication (IPC). Shared memory utilizes system shared memory for IPC. Memory mapped file utilizes temporary disk storage for IPC. Please select the IPC memory mechanism [ default: shared memory ]: Enter 1 for shared memory Enter 2 for memory mapped file If you respond by pressing the Enter key or 1, the IPC memory choice will be shared memory. If you respond by pressing 2, the IPC memory choice will be memory mapped file and the Teradata Parallel Transporter package will prompt for the memory mapped file directory. The following is an example of the prompt: The memory mapped file directory contains temporary Teradata Parallel Transporter job files. The memory mapped file directory should be in a partition with a large free space. Please specify the memory mapped file directory [ default: /usr/tbuild/ ]: If you respond by pressing the Enter key, the default memory mapped file directory will be used. The following are the restrictions on the memory mapped file directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter: • The memory mapped file directory cannot be a relative directory path. • The whitespace character cannot be in the name of the memory mapped file directory. Note: During the reinstall of the same Teradata Parallel Infrastructure version, the Teradata Parallel Infrastructure reinstall will not ask for the IPC memory choice. The reinstall will reuse the existing IPC memory choice. Note: The first Teradata Parallel Transporter package will ask for the installation directory. Subsequent Teradata Parallel Transporter packages of the same version will not ask for the installation directory, but will use the same installation directory as the first one. The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package checks for the following system kernel values: Table 48: Kernel Values Kernel Parameter Required Minimum Value Description semmni 1000 Maximum number of semaphore sets in entire system. semmns 1000 Maximum number of semaphores in entire system. shmmax 4194304 Maximum size of a shared memory segment in bytes. shmmni 200 Maximum number of shared memory segments in entire system. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 157 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Parallel Transporter Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support formula value. If the kernel value is a formula, then the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will display a warning message. If the system does not meet the required minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will prompt you to increase the value to the minimum required value. The following is an example of the prompt: Warning: The current value of 1048675 for the kernel parameter (shmmax) is less than the minimum required value of 4194304. shmmax refers to the maximum size of a shared memory segment. Note: This install recommends increasing the value to the minimum required value. Note: A reboot is not required to make the above kernel parameter change(s) effective. Do you want to increase the value to the minimum required value for the above kernel parameter(s)? Please enter y for yes or n for no [y,n,? (default : y)] If you enter “n”, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will not change the kernel value. If you enter “y”, or if you respond by just pressing the Enter key, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package will change the kernel value. A reboot is not required to make the kernel parameter change(s) effective. At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: Table 49: Environment Variables Updated Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files is in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files is in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. 158 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions The environment variables must be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on Linux systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to a Red Hat Linux Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to a Red Hat Linux client. 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample, using the following command: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so. This command compiles the 32-bit version: # make -f maketdusr.lx Note: On 64-bit Linux, the compiler will always generate 64-bit binaries. The 32-bit makefile is not supported on 64-bit Linux platforms. 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the /usr/lib directory. The CLIv2 libcliv2.so should exist in the same directory. For more information on CLI User Exit Functions, see Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 159 Chapter 8: Installing on Red Hat Linux Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 160 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 9 Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems This chapter provides the procedures for installing and uninstalling the Teradata Tools and Utilities software on SUSE Linux client systems. This chapter has the following sections: • Installing Individual Products • Removing Previous Versions of Software • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently • Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively • Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Adding CLI User Exit Functions Installing Individual Products This section describes how to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products on a SUSE Linux operating system. The specific operating systems include: • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 32-bit running on Intel EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel EM64T (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on AMD Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel x86 (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 32-bit running on Intel EM64T (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel EM64T (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) The installation of CLI User exits are described later in the chapter. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 161 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Individual Products Installation of Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Using PUT The following products can be installed from either the Teradata Tools and Utilities CD using the installation procedures described below, or using the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT). • Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) • Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) • Teradata Data Connector • Named Pipes Access Module Installation CD-ROMs Install Teradata Tools and Utilities products using setup.bat from one of the following CDs: • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#1 (Windows Products) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Teradata Utility Pak - Utilities CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Database Management • Preprocessors - CD # 1 (Windows Products) • Preprocessors - CD #2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Preprocessors - CD #3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Load/Unload - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Load/Unload - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Load/Unload - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#1 (Windows Products) • Parallel Transporter - CD#2 (HP-UX, Linux, MP-RAS) • Parallel Transporter - CD#3 (AIX and Solaris Products) • Query Director • Tape Storage Management Enablers • Meta Data Services Linux Packages The following table shows the SUSE Linux package names and the packages included with this release. Version numbers are contained in the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. 162 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Individual Products Teradata Generic Security Services JAVA Teradata MultiLoad Teradata Parallel Transporter API Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel EM64T and Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel x86and EM64T’Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 32-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES arc cliv2 NO YES NO NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES sqlp piom YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO terajdbc4.jar fexp fastld TeraGSS_suselinuxx86_64 YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Package Names bteq npaxsmod tdodbc tdicu SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel EM64T/Opteron (64-bit) Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) Named Pipes Access Module ODBC Driver for Teradata Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Teradata C Preprocessor2 Teradata Data Connector (also known as PIOM) Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Teradata FastExport Teradata FastLoad Teradata Generic Security Services SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel x86 and EM64T/AMD Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 50: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux YES YES YES YES YES YES mload papic000 pdtcc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO pddlc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO pexpc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. YES YES NO YES YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. YES YES NO YES YES NO Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure picuc000 tbldc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 163 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel x86and EM64T’Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 32-bit running on Intel EM64T/Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) YES YES YES YES YES YES Loaded as part of Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure. podbcc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO YES NO NO YES YES NO poslc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES poscc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO pinsc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO pselc000 YES YES NO YES YES NO pstmc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES pupdc000 YES YES YES YES YES YES qrydir tpump mqaxsmod YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO YES YES NO Package Names plodc000 SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 with SP1 running on Intel EM64T/Opteron (64-bit) Teradata Tools and Utilities) SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel EM64T and Opteron (64-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Teradata Query Director Teradata TPump WebSphere ® MQ Access Module SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 32-bit running on Intel EM64T and Opteron 64-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Product Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator Teradata Parallel Transporter MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 with SP1, 2 or 3 running on Intel x86 and EM64T/AMD Opteron 32-bit (32-bit Teradata Tools and Utilities) Table 50: Teradata Tools and Utilities supported on UNIX and Linux (continued) NO Removing Previous Versions of Software Prior to the installing the latest Teradata Tools and Utilities, check for any existing software and remove it. Note: If a previous version of cliv2 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the newer version. 164 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Note: An exception is the Teradata Generic Security Services software, it does not have to be uninstalled. Procedure - Removing Previous Versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities Follow these steps to remove previous versions of Teradata Tools and Utilities software. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List all the installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: # rpm -qa Or, check to see if a particular package is installed using the command: # rpm -q <rpmname> Table 51: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux To check for a single package... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # rpm -q bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -q npaxsmod ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -q tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -q tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -q tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -q cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -q cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -q piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -q fexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -q fastld Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -q TeraGSS_suselinuxx8664 Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -q mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -q sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -q sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -q papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library # rpm -q picuc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 165 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Table 51: Checking for Previous Versions of Software on Linux (continued) 3 To check for a single package... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -q tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -q poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # rpm -q pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # rpm -q pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # rpm -q pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -q qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -q tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -q mqaxsmod Remove individual packages by entering: # rpm -e <rpmname> Table 52: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux 166 To uninstall... enter... Basic Teradata Query BTEQ (32-bit) # rpm -e bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -e npaxsmod ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -e tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -e tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -e tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -e cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -e cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -e piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -e fastexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -e fastld Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Removing Previous Versions of Software Table 52: Uninstalling Previous Versions of Software on Linux (continued) To uninstall... enter... Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -e TeraGSS_suselinuxx8664 Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -e mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -e sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -e sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -e papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library # rpm -e picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -e tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -e poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # rpm -e pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # rpm -e pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # rpm -e pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -e qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -e tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -e mqaxsmod Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 167 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities To install products, run the installation for Teradata Tools and Utilities and select the products you want to install. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed silently. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Silently Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products silently. 1 Log on to the Linux client as root. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the following at the command prompt: # mount /dev/<cdrom device name> /mnt For example, if the CD-ROM device name is cdrom, you would type: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. 4 To begin the installation process, type: # cd /mnt # ./setup.bat A screen display similar to the following appears: Copyright 2002-2007. NCR Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Platform: Linux 32bit (i386) Media: Load/Unload Which software 1. TeraGSS 2. tdicu 3. tdodbc 4. cliv2 5. piom 6. npaxsmod 7. mqaxsmod 8. bteq 9. fastexp 10. fastld 11. mload 12. qrydir do you want to install? - Teradata GSS client package - Teradata Shared Component for Internationalization - Teradata ODBC Driver - Teradata CLIv2 - Teradata Data Connector API - Teradata Named Pipes Access Module - WebSphere(r) Access Module for Teradata - Teradata BTEQ Application - Teradata FastExport Utility - Teradata FastLoad Utility - Teradata MultiLoad Utility -Teradata Query Director a. Install all of the above software 168 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities q. Quit the installation Enter one or more selections (separated by space): 5 6 Software must be installed in the order shown in “Software Requirements” on page 30. After reviewing product dependencies, enter your selection at the prompt: • one or more numbers for the product(s) you want to install, separated by spaces, or • a to install all the software, or • q to quit the installation Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by typing: # umount /mnt 7 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Following installation, you may wish to verify that the installation executed successfully. See “Verifying the Installation of Individual Products” on page 212 and “Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program” on page 241. Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Teradata Tools and Utilities products can be installed interactively. Procedure - Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Products Interactively Follow these steps to install Teradata Tools and Utilities products interactively. 1 Log on to the Linux client as root. 2 If a /mnt directory does not exist, create one by entering the following command at the prompt: # mkdir /mnt In the command shown, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be used. 3 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the following at the command prompt: # mount /dev/<cdrom device name> /mnt For example: If the CD-ROM device name is cdrom, you would type: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt In the example, the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt, but an alternate may be entered. 4 Go to the directory where the rpm for the Teradata Tools and Utilities product is present. # cd <rpmname> Table 53: Changing Directories To change to the directory where... is installed, enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # cd bteq Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 169 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 53: Changing Directories (continued) 170 To change to the directory where... is installed, enter... Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # cd npipes ODBC Driver for Teradata # cd tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata # cd tdicu Teradata Call-level Interface version 2(CLIv2) (32-bit) # cd cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # cd cliv2 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # cd piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # cd fexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # cd fastld Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # cd mload Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # cd sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # cd sqlpp Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # cd TeraGSS Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # cd papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # cd pdtcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # cd pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # cd pexpc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # cd picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # cd tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # cd plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # cd podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # cd poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # cd poscc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32bit) # cd pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32bit) # cd pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # cd pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # cd pupdc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 53: Changing Directories (continued) 5 To change to the directory where... is installed, enter... Teradata Query Director # cd qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # cd tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # cd mqaxsmod To install a Teradata Tools and Utilities product use the command: # rpm -ivh <rpmname> Table 54: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux To install... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32bit) # rpm -ivh bteq- Named Pipes Access Module (32bit) # rpm -ivh npaxsmod- ODBC Driver for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm --nodeps -i tdodbc- ODBC Driver for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm --nodeps -i tdodbc- Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -ivh tdicu- Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -ivh tdicu_64- Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32-bit) # rpm -ivh cliv2- Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64-bit) # rpm -ivh cliv2_64- Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -ivh piom- Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -ivh fexp- Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ivh fastld- Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -ivh TeraGSS_suselinux-x866412.00.00.00-1.x86_64.rpm Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ivh mload- Teradata C Preprocessor2 (32-bit) # rpm -ivh sqlpp- Teradata C Preprocessor2 (64-bit) # rpm -ivh sqlpp- Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 171 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 54: Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities on Linux (continued) To install... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r papic000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pdtcc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pddlc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pexpc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r picuc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r tbldc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r plodc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r podbcc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r poslc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r poscc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pinsc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pselc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pstmc000- Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32-bit) # ./tptinstall -r pupdc000- Teradata Query Director # rpm -ivh qrydir- Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -ivh tpump- WebSphere MQ Access Module (32- # rpm -ivh mqaxsmod- bit) 6 Chapter 9 contains a list of the files in each package. Verify all the files in the package are installed by using the SUSE Package Manager command: # rpm -ql <rpmname> 172 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities Table 55: Verifying the Installation on Linux To verify the installation of... enter... Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) (32-bit) # rpm -ql bteq Named Pipes Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -ql npaxsmod ODBC Driver for Teradata # rpm -ql tdodbc Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (32-bit) # rpm -ql tdicu Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (64-bit) # rpm -ql tdicu_64 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (32bit) # rpm -ql cliv2 Teradata Call-level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) (64bit) # rpm -ql cliv2_64 Teradata Data Connector (32-bit) # rpm -ql piom Teradata FastExport (32-bit) # rpm -ql fastexp Teradata FastLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ql fastld Teradata Generic Security Services (64-bit) # rpm -ql TeraGSS_suselinuxx8664 Teradata MultiLoad (32-bit) # rpm -ql mload Teradata C Preprocessor (32-bit) # rpm -ql sqlpp Teradata C Preprocessor (64-bit) # rpm -ql sqlpp Teradata Parallel Transporter API (32-bit) # rpm -ql papic000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pdtc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pddlc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pexc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library (32-bit) # rpm -ql picuc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (32-bit) # rpm -ql tbldc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql plodc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql podbcc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (32-bit) # rpm -ql poslc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql poscc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 173 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Table 55: Verifying the Installation on Linux (continued) 7 To verify the installation of... enter... Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pinsc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (32-bit) # rpm -ql pselc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pstmc000 Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (32bit) # rpm -ql pupdc000 Teradata Query Director # rpm -ql qrydir Teradata TPump (32-bit) # rpm -ql tpump WebSphere MQ Access Module (32-bit) # rpm -ql mqaxsmod Change back to the root directory and unmount the CD by entering the following command at the prompt: # umount /mnt 8 Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Installing the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads--> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Drivers and Connectivity Software The files can be copied into a directory of your choice and are machine independent. For configuration instructions go to “Importing the SQL Package and Loading the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface” in chapter 2 of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that any previous release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface be uninstalled prior to downloading and using this release of the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Installing the Teradata Access Module for JMS The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.00 is available on the following CDs: 174 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions • Load/Unload CD #2 for HP-UX • Load/Unload CD #3 for Sun Solaris SPARC The Teradata Access Module for JMS version 12.00.01 for IBM AIX and Linux is being released asynchronously to Teradata Tools and Utilities 12.00.00. IBM AIX and Linux versions of the Teradata Access Module for Teradata can be downloaded from the Teradata Download Center at: http://www.teradata.com --> Support Services --> Downloads --> Drivers, UDFs, and Toolbox --> Teradata Toolbox --> JMS Access Module Adding CLI User Exit Functions CLI User Exit functions are general purpose facilities that may be added to the CLI workstation architecture on Linux systems. These functions allow user-defined processing to take place. Procedure - Adding CLI User Exit Functions to a SUSE Linux Client Follow these steps to add CLI User Exit functions to a SUSE Linux client. 1 Change directories to /opt/teradata/client/sample, using the following command: # cd /opt/teradata/client/sample 2 Modify the CliLgnEx.c or CliPPS.c file in the sample directory. 3 Compile and link using either the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version of the makefile to create a new shared object, libtdusr.so. This command compiles the 32-bit version: # make -f maketdusr.lx Note: On 64-bit Linux, the compiler will always generate 64-bit binaries. The 32-bit makefile is not supported on 64-bit Linux platforms. 4 Move the libtdusr.so file into the /usr/lib directory. The CLIv2 libcliv2.so should exist in the same directory. For more information on CLI User Exit Functions, see Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems, Appendix D. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 175 Chapter 9: Installing on SUSE Linux Client Systems Adding CLI User Exit Functions 176 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 10 Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Several of the Teradata Tools and Utilities products require that you manually configure the products prior to operating the product. Configuration information or procedures for these products are contained in this chapter: • Configuring Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector • Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata • Configuring Teradata Access Module for JMS • Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Configuring Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector Setting the Environment Variables Environment variables must be set to reflect the location of the CLIv2 and Data Connector libraries. These products are loaded as dependencies for all Teradata Tools and Utilities products. To set CLIv2 and Data Connector environment variables perform the following procedures. Setting MP-RAS Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector If CLIv2 and Data Connector were loaded on MP-RAS, set the environment variables for those products. Make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the ./usr/lib path, where CLIv2 and Data Connector software files: • For Bourne shell systems, use this command to add /usr/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH • For C shell systems, use this command to add /usr/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/lib" Setting IBM AIX Environment Variables for CLIv2, Data Connector, and TeraGSS If CLIv2 and Data Connector were loaded on IBM AIX, set the environment variables for those products. Make sure the LIBPATH includes the /usr/lib path. • For Bourne shell systems, use this command to add /usr/lib to the LIBPATH: LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/usr/lib;export LIBPATH Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 177 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector • For C shell systems, use this command to add /usr/lib to the LIBPATH: setenv LIBPATH $LIBPATH:/usr/lib To ensure that IBM AIX can find the correct version of libtdgss.so, make sure the LIBPATH includes the following path as the first path in line. For 64-bit applications: usr/teragss/aix-power/client/lib Setting HP-UX Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector If CLIv2 and Data Connector were loaded on HP-UX, set the environment variables for those products. Make sure the SHLIB_PATH includes the /usr/lib path, where the CLIv2 and Data Connector files are installed. • For Bourne shell users, use this command to add /usr/lib to the SHLIB_PATH. SHLIB_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib; export SHLIB_PATH • For C shell systems, use this command to add /usr/lib to the SHLIB_PATH setenv SHLIB_PATH $SHLIB_PATH:/usr/lib Setting Solaris Environment Variables for CLIv2 and Data Connector If CLIv2 and Data Connector were loaded on Solaris, set the environment variables for those products. Make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the basedir path, where basedir is the directory path of the CLIv2 and Data Connector software files: • For Bourne shell systems, use this command to add basedir path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/basedir: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH • For C shell systems, use this command to add basedir path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/basedir" Setting Linux Environment Variables for CLIv2 If CLIv2 was loaded on Linux, set the environment variables for those products. Make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the /usr/lib path, where the CLIv2 software files are installed. • For Bash and Bourne shell users, use this command to add /usr/lib path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH • For C shell users, use this command to add /usr/lib path to the PATH: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/lib" 178 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata This section describes how to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata for each of the UNIX and Linux operating systems. Find the Configuration section for your platform and perform the procedures to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata. After installing the ODBC Driver for Teradata, you must configure: • Environment Variables • The odbc.ini Template • ODBC Data Sources For complete configuration information on the ODBC Driver for Teradata, see the ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide. Configuring the ODBC Driver for MP-RAS Follow the procedures in this section to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata on MP-RAS. Copying the Template odbc.ini File A template odbc.ini is in the root directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata software is installed. Before using an ODBC driver, copy this file to your home directory and rename it .odbc.ini. The default location of the .odbc.ini file is your home directory, but you can specify a different path for the file using the ODBCINI environment variable. The .odbc.ini file is a hidden file. To copy the .ini file to the home directory, enter the following command: cp /usr/odbc/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini Setting the Environment Variables You must set the environment variable to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries. To set the environment variable: 1 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for MP-RAS. 2 If the ODBC driver was installed in /usr/odbc set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/odbc/lib:/usr/odbc/drivers Note: An optional environment variable ODBCINI is available that allows an application to use an alternate odbc.ini file. When specifying an alternate file, the full path name must be used. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 179 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata Configuring the ODBC Driver for IBM AIX Follow the procedures in this section to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata on IBM AIX. Copying the Template odbc.ini File A template odbc.ini is in the root directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata software is installed. Before using an ODBC driver, copy this file to your home directory and rename it .odbc.ini. The default location of the .odbc.ini file is your home directory, but you can specify a different path for the file using the ODBCINI environment variable. The .odbc.ini file is a hidden file. To copy the .ini file to the home directory, enter the following command: cp /usr/odbc/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini Setting the Environment Variables You must set the environment variable to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries. To set the environment variable: 1 Set LIBPATH for IBM AIX. 2 If the ODBC driver was installed in /usr/odbc set LIBPATH to: /usr/odbc/lib:/usr/odbc/drivers Note: An optional environment variable ODBCINI is available that allows an application to use an alternate odbc.ini file. When specifying an alternate file, the full path name must be used. Configuring the ODBC Driver for HP-UX Follow the procedures in this section to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata on HP-UX. Copying the Template odbc.ini File A template odbc.ini is in the root directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata software is installed. Before using an ODBC driver, copy this file to your home directory and rename it .odbc.ini. The default location of the .odbc.ini file is your home directory, but you can specify a different path for the file using the ODBCINI environment variable. The .odbc.ini file is a hidden file. To copy the .ini file to the home directory, enter the following command: cp /usr/odbc/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini 180 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata Setting the Environment Variables You must set the environment variable to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries. To set the environment variable: 1 Set SHLIB_PATH for HP-UX. 2 If the ODBC driver was installed in /usr/odbc set SHLIB_PATH to: /usr/odbc/lib:/usr/odbc/drivers Note: An optional environment variable ODBCINI is available that allows an application to use an alternate odbc.ini file. When specifying an alternate file, the full path name must be used. Configuring the ODBC Driver for Solaris Follow the procedures in this section to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata on Solaris. Copying the Template odbc.ini File A template odbc.ini is in the root directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata software is installed. Before using an ODBC driver, copy this file to your home directory and rename it .odbc.ini. The default location of the .odbc.ini file is your home directory, but you can specify a different path for the file using the ODBCINI environment variable. The .odbc.ini file is a hidden file. To copy the .ini file to the home directory, enter the following command: cp /opt/teradata/odbc/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini Setting the Environment Variables You must set the environment variable to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries. To set the environment variable perform the following procedure: 1 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Solaris. 2 If the ODBC driver was installed in /usr/odbc set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/odbc/lib:/usr/odbc/drivers Note: An optional environment variable ODBCINI is available that allows an application to use an alternate odbc.ini file. When specifying an alternate file, the full path name must be used. Configuring the ODBC Driver for Linux Follow the procedures in this section to configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata on Linux. Copying the Template odbc.ini File A template odbc.ini is in the root directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata software is installed. Before using an ODBC driver, copy this file to your home directory and rename it .odbc.ini. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 181 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Access Module for JMS The default location of the .odbc.ini file is your home directory, but you can specify a different path for the file using the ODBCINI environment variable. The .odbc.ini file is a hidden file. To copy the .ini file to the home directory, enter the following command: cp /usr/odbc/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini Setting the Environment Variables for the ODBC Libraries You must set the environment variable to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries. Procedure - Setting the Environment Variables for the ODBC Libraries Follow these steps to set the environment variable perform the following procedure: 1 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux. 2 If the ODBC driver was installed in /usr/odbc set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/odbc/lib:/usr/odbc/drivers Note: An optional environment variable ODBCINI is available that allows an application to use an alternate odbc.ini file. When specifying an alternate file, the full path name must be used. Configuring Teradata Access Module for JMS After the Teradata Access Module for JMS has been installed, see the readme file in the installation folder for Teradata Access Module for JMS. The default installation directory for Teradata Access Module for JMS is /opt/teradata/client/jmsaxsmod. Use an editor, like vi, to open the readme file. Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter This section describes how to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter for each of the UNIX operating systems. Find the Configuration section for your platform and perform the procedures to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter. For complete configuration information on the Teradata Parallel Transporter, see: Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference. Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for MP-RAS Follow the procedures in this section to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter on MPRAS. Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration normally requires modifications to one file in the Teradata Parallel Transporter directory: • 182 The configuration file: twbcfg.ini Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Additionally, your system configuration may require modification of the following parameters: • Shared memory parameters: SHMMAX, SHMSEG and SHMMNI • Semaphore parameters: SEMMNI, SEMMNS, SEMMNU and SEMMAP You may need to modify the following environment variables: • TWB_ROOT • PATH • LD_LIBRARY_PATH • NLSPATH Changing the twbcfg.ini File After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed, you may edit the configuration file, $TWB_ROOT/twbcfg.ini. The configuration file contains default directory for checkpoint and logs. $TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that contains the value for the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You must be the root user in order to modify the configuration file. You can use an editor to modify the configuration file. You would want to modify the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file, if you want to change the checkpoint or logs directory. For example, if the logs directory is full, then you should change the logs directory to another directory with free disk space. No kernel rebuild or reboot is required after making the change in the configuration file. Configuration File Defaults The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure, such as: • Default checkpoint directory • Default log directory An example of the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file defaults is shown in the following: CheckpointDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' LogDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' CheckpointDirectory refers to the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. LogDirectory refers to the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to the Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference manual on how to read the job log. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 183 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Setting the Shared Memory Teradata Parallel Transporter Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following shared memory parameters for the required minimum value: • SHMMAX (set to 4194304) • SHMSEG (set to 10) • SHMMNI (set to 200) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. The SHMMAX value determines the maximum size of a shared memory segment. The SHMSEG value determines the maximum number of segments that a process can allocate. The SHMMNI value determines the system wide limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be created. If any of the above shared memory parameter is less than the minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation recommends increasing the shared memory parameter to the minimum value using the idtune command as the root user. Here is an example on how to check the value of the SHMSEG parameter: # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g SHMSEG Here is an example on how to increase the SHMSEG parameter to 10: # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -f SHMSEG 10 After the shared memory parameters are changed, a kernel rebuild is required using the idbuild command as the root user. Here is an example on how to rebuild the kernel: # /etc/conf/bin/idbuild After the kernel rebuild, a reboot on the system is required using the shutdown command as the root user. Here is an example on how to shutdown the system in 60 seconds: # cd; /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g60 -i6 Setting the Semaphore Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following semaphore parameters and increases them if they are not set properly: • SEMMNI (set to 1000) • SEMMNS (set to 1000) • SEMMAP (set to 1000) • SEMMNU (set to 2500) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the 184 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. Most significant is the SEMMNS parameter, which determines the number of semaphores in the entire system. The default configuration allows 1000 semaphores in concurrent use. Setting the Environment Variables The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation updates the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/.login files: Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Warehouse Builder installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The environment variables can be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then here are the commands to setup the environment variables: For Bourne and Korn shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 185 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Here are the steps to switch the IPC memory choice to shared memory: Procedure - Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Remove the “mmap” directory using this command: # rm -rf mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use shared memory as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. 186 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File Here are the steps to switch the IPC memory choice to memory mapped file: Procedure - Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Create the “mmap” directory with “777” permission using these commands: # mkdir mmap # chmod 777 mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use memory mapped file as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Uninstalling Uninstalling any or all of the components in Teradata Parallel Transporter requires no input from the installer. Procedure - Uninstalling a Teradata Parallel Transporter Package Follow these steps to uninstall a Teradata Parallel Transporter package. 1 Log on as root user and enter the password. 2 Use the command: pkgrm <package name> or, from the main sysadm menu, select Software, then Remove, and follow the instructions on the screen. or, run /usr/bin/twbpkgrm and follow the instructions. See section “Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages” on page 52 for information on how to use /usr/bin/twbpkgrm to uninstall a Teradata Parallel Transporter package. Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for IBM AIX Follow the procedures in this section to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter on IBM AIX. Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration normally requires modifications to one file in the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory: • The configuration file: twbcfg.ini Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 187 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter You may need to modify the following environment variables: • TWB_ROOT • PATH • LIBPATH • NLSPATH Changing the twbcfg.ini File After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed, the configuration file, $TWB_ROOT/twbcfg.ini, can be edited to change the default directory for checkpoint and logs. The $TWB_ROOT environment variable contains the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. To make a change in this configuration file, log on as the root user, and use an editor to modify the file. A typical reasons for modifying the file is to change the logs directory to another directory with free disk space, if the log is full. No kernel rebuild or reboot is required after making the change in the configuration file. Configuration File Defaults The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure, such as: • Default checkpoint directory • Default log directory Here is an example that shows the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file defaults: CheckpointDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' LogDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' CheckpointDirectory refers to the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs LogDirectory refers to the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to the Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference on how to read the job log. Setting the Environment Variables The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation updates the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: 188 Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable LIBPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LIBPATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LIBPATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables can be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then here are the commands to setup the environment variables: For Bourne and Korn shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH How to update the LIBPATH environment variable: # LIBPATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LIBPATH # export LIBPATH How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 189 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" How to update the LIBPATH environment variable: # setenv LIBPATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LIBPATH" How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Remove the “mmap” directory using this command: # rm -rf mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use shared memory as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Memory Mapped File Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Create the “mmap” directory with “777” permission using these commands: # mkdir mmap # chmod 777 mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use memory mapped file as the IPC memory choice. 190 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Uninstalling There are two ways to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software. The first way is to uninstall the software using the twbpkgrm command. Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Software Using twbpkgrm Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software using the twbpkgrm program. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 Run: /usr/bin/twbpkgrm and follow the instructions. See “Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages” on page 52 for information on using /usr/bin/twbpkgrm. The second way to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software is to use the installp command. Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Software Using installp Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software using the installp program. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List all installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: /usr/bin/lslpp -l Alternately, you can check to see if a specific package is installed by typing: /usr/bin/lslpp -l <PkgName> 3 Following the order that the next section describes, remove the package by typing: /usr/sbin/installp -u <PkgName> Order to Uninstall Packages Remove these packages first, in any order: • pinsc000 • pselc000 • pddlc000 • podbcc000 • poscc000 • pdtcc000 • pexpc000 • plodc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 191 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter • pstmc000 • pupdc000 Remove these packages next, in the following order: • poslc000 • tbldc000 • picuc000 Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for HP-UX Follow the procedures in this section to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter on HPUX. The Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration normally requires modifications to only one file in the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory: • The configuration file: twbcfg.ini Additionally, the system configuration may require modification of the following parameters: • Shared memory parameters: shmmax, and shmseg • Semaphore parameters: semmni, semmns, semmnu and semmap The following environment variables may also need to be modified: • TWB_ROOT • PATH • SHLIB_PATH • NLSPATH Changing the twbcfg.ini File After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed, the configuration file, $TWB_ROOT/twbcfg.ini, can be edited to change the default directory for checkpoint and logs. The $TWB_ROOT environment variable contains the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. To make a change in this configuration file, log on as the root user, and use an editor to modify the file. A typical reasons for modifying the file is to change the logs directory to another directory with free disk space, if the log is full. No kernel rebuild or reboot is required after making the change in the configuration file. Configuration File Defaults The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure, such as: 192 • Default checkpoint directory • Default log directory Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter An example of the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file defaults is shown in the following: CheckpointDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' LogDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' CheckpointDirectory refers to the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs LogDirectory refers to the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to the Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference manual on how to read the job log. Setting the Shared Memory Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following shared memory parameters for the required minimum values: • shmmax (set to 4194304) • shmseg (set to 10) • shmmni (set to 200) • semmnu (set to 2500) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. The shmmax value determines the maximum size of a shared memory segment. The shmseg value determines the maximum number of segments that a process can allocate. The shmmni value determines the system wide limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be created. If any of the above shared memory parameter is less than the minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation recommends increasing the shared memory parameter to the minimum value using the kmtune command as the root user. Here is an example on how to check the shmseg parameter: # /usr/sbin/kmtune -q shmseg Here is an example on how to increase the shmseg parameter to 10: # /usr/sbin/kmtune -s shmseg=10 After the shared memory parameters are changed, a kernel rebuild may be required using the mk_kernel command as the root user. Here is an example on how to rebuild the kernel: # /usr/sbin/mk_kernel After rebuilding the kernel, save the current vmunix file: # cp /stand/vmunix /stand/vmunix.prev Then, move the new vmunix file into the /stand directory: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 193 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter # mv /stand/build/vmunix_test /stand/vmunix Lastly, reboot the machine. Here is a sample command to reboot: # /usr/sbin/reboot Note: If there is a change to the kernel value, the following kernel parameter requires a kernel rebuild and a reboot: • shmmni Note: If there is a change to the kernel value, the following kernel parameter does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot: • shmmax • shmseg Setting the Semaphore Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following semaphore parameters and increases them if they are not set properly: • semmni (set to 1000) • semmns (set to 1000) • semmap (set to 1000) • semmnu (set to 2500) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. Most significant is the semmns parameter, which determines the number of semaphores in the entire system. The default configuration allows 1000 semaphores in concurrent use. If any of the above semaphore parameter is less than the minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation recommends increasing the semaphore parameter to the minimum value using the kmtune command as the root user. Here is an example on how to increase the semmap parameter to 1000: # /usr/sbin/kmtune -s semmap=1000 After the semaphore parameters are changed, a kernel rebuild is required using the mk_kernel command as the root user. Here is an example on how to rebuild the kernel: # /usr/sbin/mk_kernel After rebuilding the kernel, save the current vmunix file: # cp /stand/vmunix /stand/vmunix.prev Then, move the new vmunix file into the /stand directory: # mv /stand/build/vmunix_test /stand/vmunix Lastly, reboot the machine. Here is a sample command to reboot: # /usr/sbin/reboot 194 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Note: If there is a change to the kernel value, the following kernel parameter requires a kernel rebuild and a reboot: semmap, semmni, semmns and semmnu. Setting the Environment Variables The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation updates the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. SHLIB_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the SHLIB_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package was installed, then the SHLIB_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables are updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile then the updates will be effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then here are the commands to setup the environment variables: For Bourne and Korn shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 195 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH How to update the SHLIB_PATH environment variable: # SHLIB_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$SHLIB_PATH # export SHLIB_PATH How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" How to update the SHLIB_PATH environment variable: # setenv SHLIB_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$SHLIB_PATH" How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Remove the “mmap” directory using this command: # rm -rf mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use shared memory as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. 196 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Memory Mapped File Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Create the “mmap” directory with “777” permission using these commands: # mkdir mmap # chmod 777 mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use memory mapped file as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages There are two ways to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software packages. The first way is to uninstall a software package is to use the twbpkgrm command. Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages Using twbpkgrm Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter packages. 1 Log on as the root user and enter the password. 2 Run: /usr/bin/twbpkgrm and follow the instructions. See “Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages” on page 52 for information on using /usr/bin/twbpkgrm. The second way to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software is to use the swremove command: Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages Using swremove Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter packages. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List all installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: /usr/sbin/swlist Alternately, you can check to see if a specific package is installed by typing: /usr/bin/swlist <PkgName> 3 Following the order that the next section describes, remove the package by typing: /usr/sbin/swremove <PkgName> Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 197 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Order to Uninstall Packages Remove these packages first, in any order: • pinsc000 • pselc000 • pddlc000 • podbcc000 • poscc000 • pdtcc000 • pexpc000 • plodc000 • pstmc000 • pupdc000 Remove these packages next, in the following order: • poslc000 • tbldc000 • picuc000 Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for Solaris Follow the procedures in this section to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter on Solaris. Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration normally requires modifications to one file in the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory: • The configuration file: twbcfg.ini. Additionally, your system configuration may require modification of the following parameters: • Shared memory parameters: SHMMAX and SHMMNI • Semaphore parameters: SEMMNI, SEMMNU and SEMMNS You may need to modify the following environment variables: • TWB_ROOT • PATH • LD_LIBRARY_PATH • NLSPATH Changing the twbcfg.ini File After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed, the configuration file, $TWB_ROOT/twbcfg.ini, can be edited to change the default directory for checkpoint and logs. The $TWB_ROOT environment variable contains the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. 198 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter To make a change in this configuration file, log on as the root user, and use an editor to modify the file. A typical reasons for modifying the file is to change the logs directory to another directory with free disk space, if the log is full. No kernel rebuild or reboot is required after making the change in the configuration file. Configuration File Defaults The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure, such as: • Default checkpoint directory • Default log directory An example of the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file defaults is shown in the following: CheckpointDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' LogDirectory='/usr/tbuild/' CheckpointDirectory refers to the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs LogDirectory refers to the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to the Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference manual on how to read the job log. Setting the Shared Memory Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following shared memory parameters for the required minimum values: Parameter Description SHMMAX (minimum value of 4194304) The SHMMAX value determines the maximum size of a shared memory segment. SHMMNI (minimum value of 200) The SHMMNI value determines the system wide limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be created. SHMSEG (minimum value of 10) The SHMSEG value determines the maximum number of shared memory segments per process. Note: This is checked only on Solaris 8. Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 199 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter If any of the above shared memory parameter is less than the minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation recommends increasing the shared memory parameter to the minimum value by updating the /etc/system file as the root user. Here is an example on how to check the value of the shmseg parameter: # /usr/sbin/sysdef -i |grep shmseg Here is an example on how to increase the shmseg parameter to 10: # set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10 After the shared memory parameters are changed, a kernel rebuild is not required. After the shared memory parameters are changed, a reboot on the system is required using the shutdown command as the root user. Here is an example on how to shutdown the system in 60 seconds: # cd; /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g60 -i6 Setting the Semaphore Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following semaphore parameters for the required minimum value: • SEMMNI (set to 1000) • SEMMNS (set to 1000) • SHMMNU (set to 2500) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. Most significant is the SEMMNS parameter, which determines the number of semaphores in the entire system. The default configuration allows 1000 semaphores in concurrent use. Setting the Environment Variables The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation updates the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/.login files: 200 Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files are in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files will be in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables are updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then here are the commands to setup the environment variables: For Bourne and Korn shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 201 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Remove the “mmap” directory using this command: # rm -rf mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use shared memory as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Memory Mapped File Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Create the “mmap” directory with “777” permission using these commands: # mkdir mmap # chmod 777 mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use memory mapped file as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Uninstalling There are two ways to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software packages. The first way is to uninstall the software packages using the twbpkgrm command. 202 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages Using twbpkgrm Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter packages using the twbpkgrm command. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 Run: /usr/bin/twbpkgrm and follow the instructions. See “Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages” on page 52 for information on using /usr/bin/twbpkgrm. The second way to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software is to use the pkgrm command: Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages pkgrm Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter packages using the pkgrm command. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 List all installed packages by entering the following command at the prompt: /usr/bin/pkginfo Alternately, you can check to see if a specific package is installed by typing: /usr/bin/pkginfo <PkgName> 3 Following the order that the next section describes, remove the package by typing: /usr/sbin/pkgrm <PkgName> Order to Uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter 12.00.00 Packages Remove these packages first, in any order: • pinsc000 • pselc000 • pddlc000 • podbc000 • poscc000 • pdtcc000 • pexpc000 • plodc000 • pstmc000 • pupdc000 Remove these packages next, in the following order: • poslc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 203 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter • tbldc000 • picuc000 Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter for Red Hat Linux Follow the procedures in this section to configure the Teradata Parallel Transporter on Red Hat Linux. Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration normally requires modifications to one file in the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory: • The configuration file: twbcfg.ini Additionally, your system configuration may require modification of the following parameters: • Shared memory parameters: shmmax and shmmni • Semaphore parameters: semmni and semmnu You may need to modify the following environment variables: • TWB_ROOT • PATH • LD_LIBRARY_PATH • NLSPATH Changing the twbcfg.ini File After the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed, you may edit the configuration file, $TWB_ROOT/twbcfg.ini. The configuration file contains default directory for checkpoint and logs. $TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that contains the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. You must be the root user in order to modify the configuration file. You can use an editor to modify the configuration file. You would want to modify the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file, if you want to change the checkpoint or logs directory. For example, if the logs directory is full, then you should change the logs directory to another directory with free disk space. No kernel rebuild or reboot is required after making the change in the configuration file. Configuration File Defaults The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure, such as: • Default checkpoint directory • Default log directory An example of the Teradata Parallel Transporter configuration file defaults is shown in the following: CheckpointDirectory='/opt/teradata/client/tbuild/' 204 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter LogDirectory='/opt/teradata/client/tbuild/' CheckpointDirectory refers to the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. LogDirectory refers to the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs. Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to the Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference manual on how to read the job log. Setting the Shared Memory Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following shared memory parameters for the required minimum values: • shmmax (minimum value of 4194304) • shmmni (minimum value of 200) Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. The shmmax value determines the maximum size of a shared memory segment. The shmmni value determines the system wide limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be created. If any of the above shared memory parameter is less than the minimum value, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation recommends increasing the shared memory parameter to the minimum value. Here is an example on how to check the value of the shmmni parameter: # /sbin/sysctl kernel.shmmni As root user, here is an example on how to increase the shmmni parameter to 200: On Red Hat Linux, add this line in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file: echo 200 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni After the shared memory parameters are changed, a kernel rebuild is not required. After the shared memory parameters are changed, a reboot on the system is required using the shutdown command as the root user. Here is an example on how to shutdown the system in 1 minute: # /sbin/shutdown -r +1 Setting the Semaphore Parameters The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation process checks the values of the following semaphore parameters for the required minimum value: • semmni (set to 1000) • semmns (set to 1000) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 205 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter Note: Note: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation does not support a formula value for a kernel parameter. If the value for a kernel parameter is less than the required minimum value, the installation will recommend increasing the value to the minimum value. Most significant is the semmns parameter, which determines the number of semaphores in the entire system. The default configuration allows 1000 semaphores in concurrent use. Setting the Environment Variables The Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation updates the following environment variables in the system /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login files: Environment Variable Update to Environment Variable TWB_ROOT Set to the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add $TWB_ROOT/lib to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. NLSPATH Add $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N to the front of the NLSPATH environment variable. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login only if the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure package is installed. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the Teradata Parallel Transporter API package is installed, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and NLSPATH environment variables must be updated manually. The 32-bit files is in $TWB_ROOT/lib and $TWB_ROOT/msg. The 64-bit files is in $TWB_ROOT/lib64 and $TWB_ROOT/msg64. The environment variables must be updated on the command line, in the user's profile, or in the system profile. If the environment variables are updated on the command line, then the updates are effective only for the current session. If the environment variables are updated in the user's profile, then the updates are only effective every time that particular user logs in. If the environment variables are updated in the system profile, then the updates are effective every time any user logs in. Note: Users must use the updates to the environment variables in order to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Note: If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. 206 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then here are the commands to setup the environment variables: For Bourne and Korn shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # TWB_ROOT=<Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> # export TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # PATH=$TWB_ROOT/bin:$PATH # export PATH How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TWB_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # NLSPATH=$TWB_ROOT/msg/%N:$NLSPATH # export NLSPATH For C-shell users: How to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable: # setenv TWB_ROOT <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> <Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory> is the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory. You can find out the Teradata Parallel Transporter installation directory by running the /usr/bin/twbpkgrm tool. How to update the PATH environment variable: # setenv PATH $TWB_ROOT"/bin:$PATH" How to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: # setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TWB_ROOT"/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" How to update the NLSPATH environment variable: # setenv NLSPATH $TWB_ROOT"/msg/%N:$NLSPATH" Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Shared Memory Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Shared Memory: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Remove the “mmap” directory using this command: Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 207 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter # rm -rf mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use shared memory as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Switching the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File Procedure - Switching the IPC Choice to Memory Mapped File Follow these steps to switch the IPC Memory Choice to Memory Mapped File: 1 Log in as root user. 2 Change directory to the Teradata Parallel Transporter install directory. 3 Create the “mmap” directory with “777” permission using these commands: # mkdir mmap # chmod 777 mmap After following the above steps, Teradata Parallel Transporter will use memory mapped file as the IPC memory choice. The change does not require a kernel rebuild or a reboot. Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Software There are two ways to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software. The first way is uninstalling using the twbpkgrm command. Procedure - Uninstalling Teradata Parallel Transporter Using twbpkgrm Follow these steps to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter using the twbpkgrm command. 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 Run: /usr/bin/twbpkgrm and follow the instructions. See “Removing Teradata Warehouse Builder and Teradata Parallel Transporter Packages” on page 52 for information on using /usr/bin/twbpkgrm. The second way to uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter software using the rpm command: 1 Log on as root and enter the password. 2 Following the order that the next section describes, remove the package by typing: rpm -e <package name> Order to Uninstall Teradata Parallel Transporter 12.00.00 Packages Remove these packages first, in any order: • 208 pinsc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter • pselc000 • pddlc000 • podbc000 • poscc000 • pdtcc000 • pexpc000 • plodc000 • pstmc000 • pupdc000 Remove these packages next, in the following order: • poslc000 • tbldc000 • picuc000 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 209 Chapter 10: Configuring Teradata Tools and Utilities Configuring Teradata Parallel Transporter 210 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 11 After You Install This chapter describes how to verify that Teradata Tools and Utilities software has been installed properly. This chapter provides the following topics: • Verifying the Installation of Individual Products • Verifying Basic Teradata Query (bteq) • Verifying Named Pipes Access Module (npaxsmod) • Verifying ODBC Driver for Teradata (tdodbc) • Verifying Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (tdicu) • Verifying Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (cliv2) • Verifying Teradata C Preprocessor2 (sqlpp) • Verifying Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 (cobpp) • Verifying Teradata Data Connector (piom) • Verifying Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface • Verifying Teradata FastExport (fastexp) • Verifying Teradata FastLoad (fastld) • Verifying Teradata Generic Security Services (TeraGSS) • Verifying Teradata MultiLoad (mload) • Verifying Teradata TPump (tpump) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter API (papic000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (pddlc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (pexpc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library(picuc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (tbldc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (plodc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (podbcc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (poslc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (poscc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (pinsc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (pselc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (pstmc000) • Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (pupdc000) • Verifying WebSphere MQ Access Module (mqaxsmod) Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 211 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products • Verifying the Installation Using BTEQ • Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Procedure - Verifying Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Follow these steps to verify that product files have been properly installed: 1 Check that the directories specified in the tables below have been installed. 2 Check that the files specified in the tables below have been installed. Verifying Basic Teradata Query (bteq) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for a file that has been installed in the directory (default) /opt/teradata/client/usr/bin include. Table 56: Basic Teradata Query Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Red Hat Linux SUSE Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin bteq* bteq* bteq* bteq* bteq* bteq* /usr/include btnfyext.h* btnfyext.h* btnfyext.h* btnfyext.h* btnfyext.h* btnfyext.h* /usr/sample n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/bin bteq bteq bteq bteq bteq bteq /opt/teradata/client/ sample btnfyext.c mkbtnfyext.aix btnfyext.c btnfyext.c btnfyext.c mkbtnfyext.hpu mkbtnfyext.unx mkbtnfyext. linux x mkbtnfyext.hpu x-ia64 btnfyext.c mkbtnfyext. linux btnfyext.c mkbtnfyext.u nx /opt/teradata/client/ include btnfyext.h btnfyext.h btnfyext.h btnfyext.h 212 btnfyext.h btnfyext.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Named Pipes Access Module (npaxsmod) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/include and the /opt/teradata/client/lib directories. Table 57: Named Pipes Access Module Files Red Hat Linux SUSE Linux MP-RAS np_axsmod.sl* np_axsmod.so* np_axsmod.so* np_axsmod.so* np_axsmod.so* np_axsmod TWB.so* np_axsmod TWB.sl* np_axsmod TWB.so* np_axsmod TWB.so* np_axsmod TWB.so* np_axsmod TWB.so* /opt/teradata/ client/lib np_axsmod.so np_axsmod.sl np_axsmod.so np_axsmod.so np_axsmod.so np_axsmod.so /opt/teradata/ client/lib np_axsmod TWB.so np_axsmod TWB.sl np_axsmod TWB.so np_axsmod TWB.so np_axsmod TWB.so np_axsmod TWB.so Directory IBM AIX HP-UX /usr/lib np_axsmod.so* /usr/lib Solaris Verifying ODBC Driver for Teradata (tdodbc) The default directory for the ODBC Driver for Teradata for Solaris platforms is: /opt/teradata/client/ODBC The default directory for the ODBC Driver for Teradata for all other platforms is: /usr/ODBC Table 58: ODBC Driver for Teradata Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /<install dir>/ README README README README README /<install dir>/ odbc.ini odbc.ini odbc.ini odbc.ini odbc.ini /<install dir>/ odbcinst.ini odbcinst.ini odbcinst.ini odbcinst.ini odbcinst.ini /<install dir>/drivers tdata.so tdata.sl tdata.so tdata.so tdata.so /<install dir>/drivers tdxwinapp tdxwinapp tdxwinapp tdxwinapp tdxwinapp /<install dir>/include odbcinst.h odbcinst.h odbcinst.h odbcinst.h odbcinst.h /<install dir>/include sql.h sql.h sql.h sql.h sql.h /<install dir>/include sqlext.h sqlext.h sqlext.h sqlext.h sqlext.h /<install dir>/include sqltypes.h sqltypes.h sqltypes.h sqltypes.h sqltypes.h /<install dir>/include sqlucode.h sqlucode.h sqlucode.h sqlucode.h sqlucode.h /<install dir>/include sqlunx.h sqlunx.h sqlunx.h sqlunx.h sqlunx.h /<install dir>/lib libodbc.so libodbc.sl libodbc.so libodbc.so libodbc.so /<install dir>/lib libodbcinst.so libodbcinst.sl libodbcinst.so libodbcinst.so libodbcinst.so Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 213 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 58: ODBC Driver for Teradata Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /<install dir>/lib libtdparse.so ibtdparse.sl libtdparse.so libtdparse.so libtdparse.so /<install dir>/lib odbccurs.so odbccurs.sl odbccurs.so odbccurs.so odbccurs.so /<install dir>/lib odbctrac.so odbctrac.sl odbctrac.so odbctrac.so odbctrac.so /<install dir>/lib tdconndlg.so dconndlg.sl tdconndlg.so tdconndlg.so tdconndlg.so /<install dir>/lib vscnctdlg.so vscnctdlg.sl vscnctdlg.so vscnctdlg.so vscnctdlg.so /<install dir>/lib odbc.so n/a n/a n/a n/a /<install dir>/lib tdata.so tdata.sl n/a n/a n/a /<install dir>/man n/a tdata.man n/a n/a n/a /install dir>/messages/ default n/a odbc.m n/a odbc.m odbc.m /<install dir>/samples/ Makefile C Makefile Makefile Makefile Makefile /<install dir>/samples/ adhoc C adhoc adhoc adhoc adhoc /<install dir>/samples/ adhoc.c C adhoc.c adhoc.c adhoc.c adhoc.c /<install dir>/samples/ aix.includes C common.includes common.includes common.includes common.includes /<install dir>/samples/ error.c C error.c error.c error.c error.c /<install dir>/samples/ Makefile C++ Makefile Makefile Makefile Makefile /<install dir>/samples/ adhoc C++ adhoc adhoc adhoc adhoc /<install dir>/samples/ adhoc.cpp C++ adhoc.cpp adhoc.cpp adhoc.cpp adhoc.cpp /<install dir>/samples/ aix.includes C++ common.includes common.includes common.includes common.includes /<install dir>/samples/ error.cpp C++ error.cpp error.cpp error.cpp error.cpp /usr/lib/odbc tdodbc.cat n/a tdodbc.cat tdodbc.cat 214 tdodbc.cat Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 58: ODBC Driver for Teradata Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /opt/teradata/client/ lib/odbc n/a n/a tdodbc.cat n/a n/a n/a n/a tdodbc.cat n/a n/a n/a n/a tdodbc.cat n/a n/a (32-bit ODBC Driver for Teradata on Solaris Opteron and SPARC only) /opt/teradata/client/ lib/64/odbc (64-bit ODBC Driver for Teradata on Solaris SPARC) /opt/teradata/client/ lib/amd64/odbc (64-bit ODBC Driver for Teradata on Solaris Opteron) Verifying Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (tdicu) Table 59: Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris /usr/bin libicudatatd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicudatatd34.0.so libicudatatd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicudatatd34.0.so libicudatatd.so libicudatatd.so.34 libicudatatd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 /usr/bin libicui18ntd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicui18ntd34.0.so libicui18ntd.sl -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicui18ntd.sl.34.0 libicui18ntd.so libicui18ntd.so.34 libicui18ntd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 /usr/bin libicuuctd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuuctd34.0.so libicuuctd.sl -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuuctd.sl.34.0 libicuuctd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuuctd.so.34.0 /usr/bin libicuiotd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuiotd34.0.so libicuiotd.sl -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuiotd.sl.34.0 libicuiotd.so -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34 -> /opt/tdicu/lib/ libicuiotd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicudatatd.so -> libicudatatd34.0.so libicudatatd.sl -> libicudatatd.sl.34.0 libicudatatd.so libicudatatd.so.34 libicudatatd.so.34 -> -> -> libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicui18ntd.so -> libicui18ntd34.0.so libicui18ntd.sl -> libicui18ntd.sl.34.0 libicui18ntd.so libicui18ntd.so.34 libicui18ntd.so.34 -> -> -> libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Linux MP-RAS 215 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 59: Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /opt/tdicu/lib libicuuctd.so >libicuuctd34.0.so libicuuctd.sl -> libicuuctd.sl.34.0 libicuuctd.so -> libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34 -> libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34 -> libicuuctd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicuiotd.so ->libicuiotd34.0.so libicuiotd.sl libicuiotd.so -> libicuiotd.sl.34.0 -> libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34 -> libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34 -> libicuiotd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicudatatd34.0.so libicudatatd.sl.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 libicudatatd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicui18ntd34.0.so libicui18ntd.sl.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 libicui18ntd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicuuctd34.0.so libicuuctd.sl.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34.0 libicuuctd.so.34.0 /opt/tdicu/lib libicuiotd34.0.so libicuiotd.sl.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34.0 libicuiotd.so.34.0 Verifying Teradata Access Module for JMS Table 60: Teradata Access Module for JMS Files SUSE Linux 32-bit SUSE Linux 64-bit MP-RAS Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Redhat Linux /opt/teradata/client/ lib libjmsam.so libjmsam.sl libjmsam.so libjmsam.so libjmsam.so n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/ jmsaxsmod Receiver.clas Receiver.clas Receiver.clas s s s Receiver.clas s Receiver.clas s n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/ jmsaxsmod readme readme readme n/a n/a readme readme Verifying Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (cliv2) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/include and the /opt/teradata/client/lib directories. Table 61: Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 Files SUSE Linux 32-bit SUSE Linux 64-bit MP-RAS Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Red Hat Linux /usr/lib clispb.dat* clispb.dat* clispb.dat* clispb.dat* clispb.dat* clispb.dat* clispb.dat* /usr/lib errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* errmsg.cat* /usr/lib errmsg.txt errmsg.txt* errmsg.txt* errmsg.txt* errmsg.txt* errmsg.txt* errmsg.txt* /usr/lib libcliv2.so* libcliv2.sl* libcliv2.so* libcliv2.so* libcliv2.so* libcliv2.so* libcliv2.so* /usr/lib libtdusr.so* libtdusr.sl* libtdusr.so* libtdusr.so* libtdusr.so* libtdusr.so* libtdusr.so* 216 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 61: Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 Files (continued) SUSE Linux 32-bit SUSE Linux 64-bit MP-RAS Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Red Hat Linux /usr/include cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* cliv2if.h* /usr/include coptypes.h* coptypes.h* coptypes.h* coptypes.h* coptypes.h* coptypes.h* coptypes.h* /usr/include coperr.h* coperr.h* coperr.h* coperr.h* coperr.h* coperr.h* coperr.h* /usr/include dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* dbca2px.h* /usr/include dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* dbcarea.h* /usr/include dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* dbcerr.h* /usr/include dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* dbchqep.h* /usr/include parcel.h* parcel.h* parcel.h* parcel.h* parcel.h* parcel.h* parcel.h* /usr/include mosiif.h* mosiif.h* mosiif.h* mosiif.h* mosiif.h* mosiif.h* mosiif.h* /usr/lib/lib_64 libcliv2.so* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/lib_64 libtdusr.so* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/pa20_64 n/a libcliv2.sl* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/pa20_64 n/a libtdusr.sl* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/sparcv9 n/a n/a libcliv2.so* n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/sparcv9 n/a n/a libtdusr.so* n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/lib-i386 n/a n/a n/a libcliv2.so* n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/lib-i386 n/a n/a n/a libtdusr.so* n/a n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 libcliv2.so libcliv2.sl libcliv2.so libcliv2.so libcliv2.so libcliv2.so libcliv2.so /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 libtdusr.so libtdusr.sl libtdusr.so libtdusr.so libtdusr.so libtdusr.so libtdusr.so /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat /opt/teradata/client/inc coptypes.h coptypes.h coptypes.h coptypes.h coptypes.h coptypes.h coptypes.h /opt/teradata/client/inc dbchqep.h dbchqep.h dbchqep.h dbchqep.h dbchqep.h dbchqep.h dbchqep.h /opt/teradata/client/inc dbca2px.h dbca2px.h dbca2px.h dbca2px.h dbca2px.h dbca2px.h dbca2px.h /opt/teradata/client/inc cliv2if.h cliv2if.h cliv2if.h cliv2if.h cliv2if.h cliv2if.h cliv2if.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 217 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 61: Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 Files (continued) SUSE Linux 32-bit SUSE Linux 64-bit MP-RAS Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Red Hat Linux /opt/teradata/client/inc coperr.h coperr.h coperr.h coperr.h coperr.h coperr.h coperr.h /opt/teradata/client/inc dbcarea.h dbcarea.h dbcarea.h dbcarea.h dbcarea.h dbcarea.h dbcarea.h /opt/teradata/client/inc parcel.h parcel.h parcel.h parcel.h parcel.h parcel.h parcel.h /opt/teradata/client/inc dbcerr.h dbcerr.h dbcerr.h dbcerr.h dbcerr.h dbcerr.h dbcerr.h /opt/teradata/client/inc mosiff.h mosiff.h mosiff.h mosiff.h mosiff.h mosiff.h mosiff.h /opt/teradata/client/lib errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat errmsg.cat /opt/teradata/client/lib errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt errmsg.txt /opt/teradata/client/lib clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat clispb.dat /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a CliLgn.Ex.c CliLgn.Ex.c n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a CliPPS.c CliPPS.c n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a clisamp.c clisamp.c n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a makesamp.lx makesamp.lx n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a makerdusr.lx makerdusr.lx n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a makesamp.lx n/a 64 /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a makerdusr.lx n/a 64 Verifying Teradata C Preprocessor2 (sqlpp) Table 62: Teradata C Preprocessor2 Files for IBM AIX, HP-UX, HP Itanium, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron Directory IBM AIX HP-UX HP-UX Itanium Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron /usr/bin ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain /usr/lib libppruntim.so libppruntim.sl n/a libppruntim.so libppruntim.so /usr/lib/hpux64 n/a n/a libppruntim.so n/a n/a /usr/bin/bin_64 ppcmain n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/lib_64 libppruntim.so n/a n/a n/a n/a 218 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 62: Teradata C Preprocessor2 Files for IBM AIX, HP-UX, HP Itanium, Solaris SPARC, Solaris Opteron (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX HP-UX Itanium Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron /usr/bin/pa20_64 n/a ppcmain n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib/pa20_64 n/a libppruntim.sl n/a n/a n/a /usr/bin/sparc9 n/a n/a n/a ppcmain n/a /usr/lib/sparc9 n/a n/a n/a libppruntim.so n/a /usr/bin/amd64 n/a n/a n/a n/a ppcmain /usr/lib/amd64 n/a n/a n/a n/a libppruntim.so /opt/teradata/client/ bin ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain ppcmain /opt/teradata/client/ bin64 ppcmain ppcmain n/a ppcmain ppcmain /opt/teradata/client/lib libppruntim.so libppruntim.sl n/a libppruntim.so libppruntim.so /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 libppruntim.so libppruntim.sl libppruntim.so libppruntim.so libppruntim.so /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a LABSBTEQ LABSBTEQ LABSBTEQ LABSBTEQ /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB1 PPCLB1 PPCLB1 PPCLB1 PPCLB1 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB2 PPCLB2 PPCLB2 PPCLB2 PPCLB2 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB3 PPCLB3 PPCLB3 PPCLB3 PPCLB3 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB4 PPCLB4 PPCLB4 PPCLB4 PPCLB4 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB5 PPCLB5 PPCLB5 PPCLB5 PPCLB5 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB6 PPCLB6 PPCLB6 PPCLB6 PPCLB6 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB7 PPCLB7 PPCLB7 PPCLB7 PPCLB7 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB8 PPCLB8 PPCLB8 PPCLB8 PPCLB8 /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCLB9 PPCLB9 PPCLB9 PPCLB9 PPCLB9 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 219 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 63: Teradata C Preprocessor2 Files for Red Hat Linux 32-bit, SUSE Linux 64-bit Directory Red Hat Linux 32-bit SUSE Linux 64-bit MP-RAS /usr/bin ppcmain n/a ppcmain /usr/lib lippruntim.so n/a lippruntim.so /usr/bin64 n/a ppcmain n/a /usr/lib64 n/a lippruntim.so n/a /opt/teradata/client/bin ppcmain n/a ppcmain /opt/teradata/client/bin64 n/a ppcmain n/a /opt/teradata/client/lib lippruntim.so n/a lippruntim.so /opt/teradata/client/lib64 n/a lippruntim.so n/a /opt/teradata/client/sample LABSBTEQ LABSBTEQ LABSBTEQ /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB1 PPCLB1 PPCLB1 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB2 PPCLB2 PPCLB2 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB3 PPCLB3 PPCLB3 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB4 PPCLB4 PPCLB4 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB5 PPCLB5 PPCLB5 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB6 PPCLB6 PPCLB6 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB7 PPCLB7 PPCLB7 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB8 PPCLB8 PPCLB8 /opt/teradata/client/sample PPCLB9 PPCLB9 PPCLB9 Verifying Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 (cobpp) Table 64: Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin ppbmain ppbmain n/a n/a ppbmain /usr/bin/bin_64 ppbmain n/a n/a n/a n/a /usr/lib libppruntim.so libppruntim.sl n/a n/a libppruntim.so /usr/lib/lib_64 libppruntim.so n/a n/a n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/ bin ppbmain ppbmain n/a n/a ppbmain /opt/teradata/client/ bin64 ppbmain n/a n/a n/a n/a 220 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 64: Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /opt/teradata/client/lib libppruntim.so libppruntim.sl n/a n/a libppruntim.so /opt/teradata/client/ lib64 libppruntim.so n/a n/a n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample n/a LABSBTEQ n/a n/a LABSBTEQ /opt/teradata/client/ sample PPCOBLB1 PPCOBLB1 n/a n/a PPCOBLB1 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB2 PPCOBLB2 n/a n/a PPCOBLB2 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB3 PPCOBLB3 n/a n/a PPCOBLB3 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB4 PPCOBLB4 n/a n/a PPCOBLB4 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB5 PPCOBLB5 n/a n/a PPCOBLB5 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB6 PPCOBLB6 n/a n/a PPCOBLB6 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB7 PPCOBLB7 n/a n/a PPCOBLB7 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB8 PPCOBLB8 n/a n/a PPCOBLB8 /opt/teradata/client/ usr/sample PPCOBLB9 PPCOBLB9 n/a n/a PPCOBLB9 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 221 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Data Connector (piom) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/include and the /opt/teradata/client/lib directories. Table 65: Teradata Data Connector Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris RedHat Linux SUSE Linux MP-RAS /usr/lib libpm.so* libpm.sl* libpm.so* libpm.so* libpm.so* libpm.so* /usr/include pmdcomt.h* pmdcomt.h* pmdcomt.h* pmdcomt.h* pmdcomt.h* pmdcomt.h* /usr/include pmddamt.h* pmddamt.h* pmddamt.h* pmddamt.h* pmddamt.h* pmddamt.h* /usr/include pmtypes.h* pmtypes.h* pmtypes.h* pmtypes.h* pmtypes.h* pmtypes.h* /opt/teradata/client/lib libpm.so libpm.sl libpm.so libpm.so libpm.so libpm.so /opt/teradata/client/ include pmdcomt.h pmdcomt.h pmdcomt.h pmdcomt.h pmdcomt.h pmdcomt.h /opt/teradata/client/ include pmddamt.h pmddamt.h pmddamt.h pmddamt.h pmddamt.h pmddamt.h /opt/teradata/client/ include pmtypes.h pmtypes.h pmtypes.h pmtypes.h pmtypes.h pmtypes.h Verifying Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Table 66: Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux Executable terajdbc4.jar terajdbc4.jar terajdbc4.jar terajdbc4.jar Sample samples.jar samples.jar samples.jar samples.jar Security tdgssjava.jar tdgssjava.jar tdgssjava.jar tdgssjava.jar tdgssconfig.jar tdgssconfig.jar tdgssconfig.jar tdgssconfig.jar Verifying Teradata FastExport (fastexp) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/bin, /opt/teradata/client/include, and the /opt/ teradata/client/sample directories. Table 67: Teradata FastExport Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin fexp* fexp* fexp* fexp* fexp* /usr/include expnfyxt.h* expnfyxt.h* expnfyxt.h* expnfyxt.h* expnfyxt.h* 222 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 67: Teradata FastExport Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/sample expnfyxt.c* expnfyxt.c* expnfyxt.c* expnfyxt.c* expnfyxt.c* /usr/sample mkexpext.aix* mkexpext.hpux* mkexpext.unx* mkexpext.linux* mkexpext.unx* /opt/teradata/client/ bin fexp fexp fexp fexp fexp /opt/teradata/client/ include expnfyxt.h expnfyxt.h expnfyxt.h expnfyxt.h expnfyxt.h /opt/teradata/client/ sample expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c /opt/teradata/client/ sample mkexpext.aix mkexpext.hpux mkexpext.unx mkexpext.linux mkexpext.unx Verifying Teradata FastLoad (fastld) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/bin, /opt/teradata/client/include, and the /opt/ teradata/client/sample directories. Table 68: Teradata FastLoad Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin fastload* fastload* fastload* fastload* fastload* /usr/sample blexit.c* blkexit.c* blkexit.c* blkexit.c* blkexit.c* /usr/sample blexitr.c* blkexitr.c* blkexitr.c* blkexitr.c* blkexitr.c* /usr/sample flnfyext.c* flnfyext.c* flnfyext.c* flnfyext.c* flnfyext.c* /opt/teradata/client/ bin fastload fastload fastload fastload fastload /opt/teradata/client/ sample blexit.c blkexit.c blkexit.c blkexit.c blkexit.c /opt/teradata/client/ sample blexitr.c blkexitr.c blkexitr.c blkexitr.c blkexitr.c /opt/teradata/client/ sample flnfyext.c flnfyext.c flnfyext.c flnfyext.c flnfyext.c Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 223 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Generic Security Services (TeraGSS) The files that are included with the TeraGSS package can change from package to package, so there is not a definitive file list to verify. To verify the installation of the TeraGSS packages, you can check for the existence of a file named “version” in the /usr/TeraGSS/<architecture>/ <version> directory, where <version> is the version of software that is being verified. Table 69: Teradata Generic Security Services Version Files Platform Package File MP-RAS TeraGSS /usr/teragss/mpras-i386/<version>/version AIX TeraGSS_aix-power /usr/teragss/aix-power/<version>/version AIX TeraGSS_aix-power-32 /usr/teragss/aix-power.32/<version>/version HP-UX TeraGSS_hpux-pa /usr/teragss/hpux-pa/<version>/version HP-UX TeraGSS_hpux-pa32 /usr/teragss/hpux-pa.32/<version>/version HP-UX TeraGSS_hpux-ia64 /usr/teragss/hpux-ia64/<version>/version Solaris TeraGSS_solaris-sparc /usr/teragss/solaris-sparc/<version>/version Solaris TeraGSS_solaris-sparc32 /usr/teragss/solaris-sparc.32/<version>/version Red Hat Linux TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i386 /usr/teragss/redhatlinux-i386/<version>/version Red Hat Linux TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i64 /usr/teragss/redhatlinux-i64/<version>/version Red Hat Linux TeraGSS_redhatlinux-ia64 /usr/teragss/redhatlinux-ia64/<version>/version SuSeLinux TeraGSS_suselinux-i386 /usr/teragss/suselinux-i386/<version>/version SuSeLinux TeraGSS_suselinux-i64 /usr/teragss/suselinux-i64/<version>/version SuSeLinux TeraGSS_suselinux-ia64 /usr/teragss/suselinux-ia64/<version>/version Verifying Teradata MultiLoad (mload) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/bin, /opt/teradata/client/include, and the /opt/ teradata/client/sample directories. Table 70: Teradata MultiLoad Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin* mload* mload* mload* mload* mload* /usr/include* mldnfyxt.h* mldnfyxt.h* mldnfyxt.h* mldnfyxt.h* mldnfyxt.h* /usr/sample* mldnfyxt.c* mldnfyxt.c* mldnfyxt.c* mldnfyxt.c* mldnfyxt.c* /usr/sample* mkmldext.aix* mkmldext.hpux* mkmldext.unx* mkmldext.linux* mkmldext.unx* 224 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 70: Teradata MultiLoad Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /opt/teradata/client/ bin mload mload mload mload mload /opt/teradata/client/ include mldnfyxt.h mldnfyxt.h mldnfyxt.h mldnfyxt.h mldnfyxt.h /opt/teradata/client/ sample mldnfyxt.c mldnfyxt.c mldnfyxt.c mldnfyxt.c mldnfyxt.c /opt/teradata/client/ sample mkmldext.aix mkmldext.hpux mkmldext.unx mkmldext.linux mkmldext.unx Verifying Teradata TPump (tpump) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/bin, /opt/teradata/client/include, and the /opt/ teradata/client/sample directories. Table 71: Teradata TPump Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/bin tpumpexe* tpumpexe* tpumpexe* tpumpexe* tpumpexe* /usr/bin tpump* tpump* tpump* n/a tpump* /usr/lib tdatpump.cfg* tdatpump.cfg* tdatpump.cfg* tdatpump.cfg* tdatpump.cfg* /opt/teradata/client/ bin tpumpexe tpumpexe tpumpexe tpumpexe* tpumpexe /opt/teradata/client/ bin tpump tpump tpump n/a tpump /opt/teradata/client/lib tdatpump.cfg tdatpump.cfg tdatpump.cfg tdatpump.cfg tdatpump.cfg /opt/teradata/client/ etc/ tpump_examples n/a n/a n/a n/a makinmod.3000 /opt/teradata/client/ etc/ tpump_examples n/a n/a n/a n/a tldnfyxt.c /opt/teradata/client/ etc/ tpump_examples n/a n/a n/a n/a tpumpimd.c /opt/teradata/client/ etc/ tpump_examples n/a n/a n/a n/a tpumpar.csql /opt/teradata/client/ sample makinmod.3000 makinmod.3000 makinmod.3000 makinmod.3000 n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample tldnfyxt.c tldnfyxt.c n/a tldnfyxt.c n/a Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 225 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 71: Teradata TPump Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /opt/teradata/client/ sample tpumpimd.c tpumpimd.c tpumpimd.c tpumpimd.c n/a /opt/teradata/client/ sample tpumpar.csql tpumpar.csql tpumpar.csql tpumpar.csql n/a Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter API (papic000) On Linux, the default value of <INSTALLDIR> is /opt/teradata/client/tbuild/ On other platforms, the default value of <INSTALLER> is /usr/tbuild/12.00.00. Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Itanium HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libtelapi.so n/a libtelapi.s1 libtelapi.so libtelapi.so libtelapi.so libtelapi.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libtelapi.so libtelapi.so libtelapi.s1 libtelapi.so libtelapi.so libtelapi.so n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ inc connection.h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ inc DMLGroup.h DMLGroup. DMLGroup. DMLGroup DMLGroup DMLGroup DMLGroup. h h .h .h .h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ inc schema.h schema.h schema.h schema.h schema.h schema.h schema.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/inc connection.h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h connection. h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/inc DMLGroup.h DMLGroup. DMLGroup. DMLGroup DMLGroup DMLGroup DMLGroup. h h .h .h .h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/inc schema.h schema.h schema.h schema.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/common OptionsMan ager.cpp OptionsMa nager.cpp OptionsMa nager.cpp OptionsMa OptionsMa OptionsMa nager.cpp nager.cpp nager.cpp OptionsMa nager.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/common OptionsMan ager.h OptionsMa nager.h OptionsMa nager.h OptionsMa OptionsMa OptionsMa nager.h nager.h nager.h OptionsMa nager.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic GenericDrive GenericDriv GenericDriv GenericDri r.cpp er.cpp er.cpp ver.cpp GenericDri ver.cpp GenericDri ver.cpp GenericDriv er.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt 226 schema.h schema.h schema.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files (continued) HP-UX Itanium HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron Directory IBM AIX <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic infile.bigEndi infile.bigEnd infile.bigEnd infile.bigEn infile.littleE infile.littleE an ian ian dian ndian ndian <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic makedriver.a ix makedriver. hpux makedriver. hpux makedriver. makedriver. makedriver. makedriver. sol_s sol_o linux unx <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/generic/inc GenericDrive GenericDriv GenericDriv GenericDri r.h er.h er.h ver.h GenericDri ver.h GenericDri ver.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading BlockLoad.cp p BlockLoad.c pp BlockLoad.c pp BlockLoad. cpp BlockLoad. cpp BlockLoad.c BlockLoad.c pp pp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading infile.bigEndi infile.bigEnd infile.bigEnd infile.bigEn infile.littleE infile.littleE an ian ian dian ndian ndian <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading makeblock.ai x makeblock.h makeblock.h makeblock. pux pux sol_s <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/blockloading/inc BlockLoad.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint checkpoint.cp checkpoint.c p pp checkpoint.c pp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint main.cpp main.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint input.txt input.txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint infile.bigEndi infile.bigEnd infile.bigEnd infile.bigEn infile.littleE infile.littleE an ian ian dian ndian ndian <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint makecheckpo int.aix BlockLoad.h BlockLoad.h BlockLoad. h makecheckp oint.hpux makeblock. sol_o Linux MP-RAS infile.littleE ndian GenericDriv er.h infile.littleE ndian makeblock.l makeblock.u inux nx BlockLoad. h BlockLoad. h BlockLoad.h checkpoint. cpp checkpoint. cpp checkpoint. cpp checkpoint.c pp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt makecheckp oint.hpux Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux makecheck point.sol_s makecheck point.sol_o infile.littleE ndian makecheckp makecheckp oint.linux oint.unx 227 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Itanium HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/checkpoint/inc checkpoint.h checkpoint.h checkpoint.h checkpoint. h checkpoint. h checkpoint. h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer GetBuffer.cp p GetBuffer.c pp GetBuffer.c pp GetBuffer.c pp GetBuffer.c pp GetBuffer.c GetBuffer.c pp pp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer makedriver.a ix makedriver. hpux makedriver. hpux makedriver. makedriver. makedriver. makedriver. sol_s sol_o linux unx <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer setupTables.b setupTables. setupTables. setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. teq bteq bteq .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/getbuffer/inc GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h GetBuffer.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GenericDri ver.cpp GenericDriv er.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GenericDri ver.h GenericDriv er.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a OptionsRea OptionsRea der.cpp der.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a OptionsRea OptionsRea der.h der.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a makedriver. makedriver. linux unx <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a xsp.cpp xsp.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a input.lod input.lod <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a input.exp input.exp 228 Solaris Opteron Linux MP-RAS checkpoint.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Itanium HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a input.stm input.stm <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a input.upd input.upd <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/xsp n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a infile.littleE ndian infile.littleE ndian <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple MultipleOper MultipleOp ators.cpp erators.cpp MultipleOp erators.cpp MultipleOp MultipleOp MultipleOp MultipleOp erators.cpp erators.cpp erators.cpp erators.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple makemultipl e.aix makemultip le.hpux makemultip le.hpux makemulti ple.sol_s makemulti ple.sol_o makemulti ple.linux makemultip le.unx <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multiple/inc MultipleOper MultipleOp ators.h erators.h MultipleOp erators.h MultipleOp MultipleOp MultipleOp MultipleOp erators.h erators.h erators.h erators.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node multitest.cpp multitest.cp p multitest.cp multitest.cp multitest.cp multitest.cp p p p p <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node synchronize.c synchronize. synchronize. synchronize synchronize synchronize synchronize. pp cpp cpp .cpp .cpp .cpp cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node fileio.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node master.cpp master.cpp master.cpp master.cpp master.cpp master.cpp master.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node slave.cpp slave.cpp slave.cpp slave.cpp slave.cpp slave.cpp slave.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node master_input master_inp .txt ut.txt master_inp ut.txt master_inp ut.txt master_inp ut.txt master_inp ut.txt master_inp ut.txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node slave_input.t xt slave_input. txt slave_input slave_input slave_input. slave_input. .txt .txt txt txt <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node infilemaster.b infilemaster infilemaster infilemaster infilemaster infilemaster infilemaster. igEndian .bigEndian .bigEndian .bigEndian .littleEndia .littleEndia littleEndian n n multitest.cp p slave_input. txt Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 229 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files (continued) HP-UX Itanium HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron Directory IBM AIX <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node infileslave.big infileslave.bi infileslave.bi infileslave.b infileslave.li infileslave.li infileslave.li Endian.1 gEndian.1 gEndian.1 igEndian.1 ttleEndian. ttleEndian. ttleEndian.1 1 1 <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node makemulti.ai makemulti. x hpux makemulti. hpux makemulti. makemulti. makemulti. sol_s sol_o linux <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl cleanupTabl les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. setupTables. .bteq .bteq bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node/inc fileio.h fileio.h fileio.h fileio.h fileio.h fileio.h fileio.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node/inc multitest.h multitest.h multitest.h multitest.h multitest.h multitest.h multitest.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/multi_node/inc synchronize.h synchronize. synchronize. synchronize synchronize synchronize synchronize. h h .h .h .h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads PerfTestMess age.cpp PerfTestMes sage.cpp PerfTestMes sage.cpp PerfTestMe ssage.cpp PerfTestMe ssage.cpp PerfTestMes n/a sage.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TelapiThread TelapiThrea Test.cpp dTest.cpp TelapiThrea dTest.cpp TelapiThre adTest.cpp TelapiThre adTest.cpp TelapiThre adTest.cpp n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads makeparallel. makeparalle makeparalle makeparall aix l.hpux l.hpux el.sol_s makeparall el.sol_s makeparall el.linux n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestBase.cpp TestBase.cpp TestBase.cpp TestBase.cp p TestBase.cp p TestBase.cp p n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestExport.cp TestExport.c TestExport.c TestExport. p pp pp cpp TestExport. cpp TestExport. cpp n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestLoad.cpp TestLoad.cp p TestLoad.cp p TestLoad.cp TestLoad.cp TestLoad.cp n/a p p p <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestSim.cpp TestSim.cpp TestSim.cpp TestSim.cp p <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestStream.c pp TestStream.c TestStream.c TestStream. TestStream. TestStream. n/a pp pp cpp cpp cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads TestUpdate.c pp TestUpdate. cpp TestUpdate. cpp TestUpdate. TestUpdate. TestUpdate. n/a cpp cpp cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads ThreadTest.c pp ThreadTest. cpp ThreadTest. cpp ThreadTest. ThreadTest. ThreadTest. n/a cpp cpp cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads ThreadTestPa ThreadTestP ThreadTestP ThreadTest ThreadTest ThreadTest n/a rameters.cpp arameters.c arameters.c Parameters. Parameters Parameters. pp pp cpp .cpp cpp 230 TestSim.cp p Linux MP-RAS makemulti. unx TestSim.cpp n/a Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 72: Teradata Parallel Transporter API Files (continued) HP-UX Risc Solaris SPARC Solaris Opteron Linux Synchronizer. Synchronize cpp r.cpp Synchronize r.cpp Synchroniz er.cpp Synchroniz er.cpp Synchronize n/a r.cpp <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt input.txt n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads loadData.big Endian loadData.bi gEndian loadData.bi gEndian loadData.b igEndian loadData.li ttleEndian loadData.li ttleEndian n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads cleanupTable s.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTabl es.bteq cleanupTab cleanupTab cleanupTabl n/a les.bteq les.bteq es.bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads setupTables.b setupTables. teq bteq setupTables. bteq setupTables setupTables setupTables. n/a .bteq .bteq bteq <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc common.h common.h common.h common.h common.h common.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc PerfTestMess age.h PerfTestMes sage.h PerfTestMes sage.h PerfTestMe ssage.h PerfTestMe ssage.h PerfTestMes n/a sage.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestBase.h TestBase.h TestBase.h TestBase.h TestBase.h TestBase.h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestExport.h TestExport.h TestExport.h TestExport. TestExport. TestExport. h h h n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestLoad.h TestLoad.h TestLoad.h TestLoad.h TestLoad.h TestLoad.h n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestSim.h TestSim.h TestSim.h TestSim.h TestSim.h TestSim.h n/a <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestStream.h TestStream. h TestStream. h TestStream. TestStream. TestStream. n/a h h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc TestUpdate.h TestUpdate. h TestUpdate. h TestUpdate. TestUpdate. TestUpdate. n/a h h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc ThreadTest.h ThreadTest. h ThreadTest. h ThreadTest. ThreadTest. ThreadTest. n/a h h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc ThreadTestPa ThreadTestP ThreadTestP ThreadTest ThreadTest ThreadTest n/a rameters.h arameters.h arameters.h Parameters. Parameters. Parameters. h h h <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads/inc Synchronizer. Synchronize h r.h Directory IBM AIX <INSTALLDIR>/tptapi/ sample/threads HP-UX Itanium Synchronize r.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Synchroniz er.h Synchroniz er.h MP-RAS n/a n/a Synchronize n/a r.h 231 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator (pdtcc000) Table 73: Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libdataconop.so libdataconop.sl libdataconop.so libdataconop.so libdataconop.so Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator (pddlc000) Table 74: Teradata Parallel Transporter DDL Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libddlop.so libddlop.sl libddlop.so libddlop.so libddlop.so Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator (pexpc000) Table 75: Teradata Parallel Transporter Export Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libexportop.so libexportop.sl n/a libexportop.so libexportop.so libexportop.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libexportop.so libexportop.sl libexportop.so libexportop.so libexportop.so n/a <INSTALLDIR>/sample expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c expnfyxt.c Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library(picuc000) Table 76: Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libpxicu.so libpxicu.sl n/a libpxicu.so libpxicu.so libpxicu.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libpxicu.so libpxicu.sl libpxicu.so libpxicu.so libpxicu.so n/a 232 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure (tbldc000) Table 77: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR> twbcfg.ini twbcfg.ini twbcfg.ini twbcfg.ini twbcfg.ini <INSTALLDIR> twboper.ini twboper.ini twboper.ini twboper.ini twboper.ini <INSTALLDIR> version version version version version <INSTALLDIR>/bin tbuild tbuild tbuild tbuild tbuild <INSTALLDIR>/bin tlogview tlogview tlogview tlogview tlogview <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbkill twbkill twbkill twbkill twbkill <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbstat twbstat twbstat twbstat twbstat <INSTALLDIR>/bin ptmgts ptmgts ptmgts ptmgts ptmgts <INSTALLDIR>/bin ptmtims ptmtims ptmtims ptmtims ptmtims <INSTALLDIR>/bin ptmexec ptmexec ptmexec ptmexec ptmexec <INSTALLDIR>/bin ptmjlgr ptmjlgr ptmjlgr ptmjlgr ptmjlgr <INSTALLDIR>/bin ptmlvs ptmlvs ptmlvs ptmlvs ptmlvs <INSTALLDIR>/bin coordinator coordinator coordinator coordinator coordinator <INSTALLDIR>/bin planexecutor planexecutor planexecutor planexecutor planexecutor <INSTALLDIR>/bin executor executor executor executor executor <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm <INSTALLDIR>/bin tbuildexe tbuildexe tbuildexe tbuildexe tbuildexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin tlogviewexe tlogviewexe tlogviewexe tlogviewexe tlogviewexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbcmdexe twbcmdexe twbcmdexe twbcmdexe twbcmdexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbkillexe twbkillexe twbkillexe twbkillexe twbkillexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbstatexe twbstatexe twbstatexe twbstatexe twbstatexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbrmcpexe twbrmcpexe twbrmcpexe twbrmcpexe twbrmcpexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbpathexe twbpathexe twbpathexe twbpathexe twbpathexe <INSTALLDIR>/bin tptlaunch tptlaunch tptlaunch tptlaunch tptlaunch <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbpath twbpath twbpath twbpath twbpath <INSTALLDIR>/bin twbrmcp twbrmcp twbrmcp twbrmcp twbrmcp <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxlogdef.h pxlogdef.h pxlogdef.h pxlogdef.h pxlogdef.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxstc.h pxstc.h pxstc.h pxstc.h pxstc.h Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 233 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 77: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxutypes.h pxutypes.h pxutypes.h pxutypes.h pxutypes.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxdtypes.h pxdtypes.h pxdtypes.h pxdtypes.h pxdtypes.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxoper.h pxoper.h pxoper.h pxoper.h pxoper.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxos.h pxos.h pxos.h pxos.h pxos.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxtypes.h pxtypes.h pxtypes.h pxtypes.h pxtypes.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxdef.h pxdef.h pxdef.h pxdef.h pxdef.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxmacros.h pxmacros.h pxmacros.h pxmacros.h pxmacros.h <INSTALLDIR>/inc pxversion.h pxversion.h pxversion.h pxversion.h pxversion.h <INSTALLDIR>/lib libptmos.so libptmos.sl libptmos.so libptmos.so libptmos.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libptmpo.so libptmpo.sl libptmpo.so libptmpo.so libptmpo.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libptmpi.so libptmpi.sl libptmpi.so libptmpi.so libptmpi.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libptmpi.a ibptmpi.a libptmpi.a libptmpi.a libptmpi.a <INSTALLDIR>/lib n/a libptmin.sl libptmin.so libptmin.so libptmin.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib liblogview.so liblogview.sl liblogview.so liblogview.so liblogview.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libpxcommon.so libpxcommon.sl libpxcommon.so libpxcommon.so libpxcommon.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libflimop.so libflimop.sl libflimop.so libflimop.so libflimop.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libfeomop.so libfeomop.sl libfeomop.so libfeomop.so libfeomop.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib libmlimop.so libmlimop.sl libmlimop.so libmlimop.so libmlimop.so <INSTALLDIR>/msg twbmsgs.cat twbmsgs.cat twbmsgs.cat twbmsgs.cat twbmsgs.cat <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT11.txt GT11.txt GT11.txt GT11.txt GT11.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT44.txt GT44.txt GT44.txt GT44.txt GT44.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT62.txt GT62.txt GT62.txt GT62.txt GT62.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT93.txt GT93.txt GT93.txt GT93.txt GT93.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT94.txt GT94.txt GT94.txt GT94.txt GT94.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT95.txt GT95.txt GT95.txt GT95.txt GT95.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT96.txt GT96.txt GT96.txt GT96.txt GT96.txt 234 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 77: Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl GT97.txt GT97.txt GT97.txt GT97.txt GT97.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/etl jobvars.txt jobvars.txt jobvars.txt jobvars.txt jobvars.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/metadata sql1.txt sql1.txt sql1.txt sql1.txt sql1.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/metadata sql2.txt sql2.txt sql2.txt sql2.txt sql2.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/metadata twb_status.txt twb_status.txt twb_status.txt twb_status.txt twb_status.txt <INSTALLDIR>/ sample/metadata twb_targets.txt twb_targets.txt twb_targets.txt twb_targets.txt twb_targets.txt /usr/bin twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm twbpkgrm /var twbpkg twbpkg twbpkg twbpkg twbpkg Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator (plodc000) Table 78: Teradata Parallel Transporter Load Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libloadop.so libloadop.sl n/a libloadop.so libloadop.so libloadop.so <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libloadop.so libloadop.sl libloadop.so libloadop.so libloadop.so n/a <INSTALLDIR>/sample ldnfyext.c ldnfyext.c ldnfyext.c ldnfyext.c ldnfyext.c ldnfyext.c Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator (podbcc000) Table 79: Teradata Parallel Transporter ODBC Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libodbcop.so libodbcop.sl libodbcop.so libodbcop.so libodbcop.so Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 235 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library (poslc000) Table 80: Teradata Parallel Transporter Operator Support Library Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium <INSTALLDIR>/lib libopcommon. so libopcommon .sl <INSTALLDIR>/ lib64 libopcommon. so <INSTALLDIR>/msg <INSTALLDIR>/ msg64 Solaris Linux MP-RAS n/a libopcommon. so libopcommon. so libopcommon. so libopcommon .sl libopcommon .so libopcommon. so libopcommon. so n/a opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat n/a opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat opermsgs.cat n/a Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator (poscc000) Table 81: Teradata Parallel Transporter OS Command Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib liboscmdop.so liboscmdop.sl liboscmdop.so liboscmdop.so liboscmdop.so Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator (pinsc000) Table 82: Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Inserter Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libinsertop.so libinsertop.sl libinsertop.so libinsertop.so libinsertop.so Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator (pselc000) Table 83: Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL Selector Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS <INSTALLDIR>/lib libselectop.so libselectop.sl libselectop.so libselectop.so libselectop.so 236 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator (pstmc000) Table 84: Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium <INSTALLDIR>/lib libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s l <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libstreamop.s o <INSTALLDIR>/ sample stmnfyxt.c Solaris Linux MP-RAS n/a libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s l libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s o libstreamop.s o n/a stmnfyxt.c stmnfyxt.c stmnfyxt.c stmnfyxt.c stmnfyxt.c Solaris Linux MP-RAS Verifying Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator (pupdc000) Table 85: Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX PA-RISC HP-UX Itanium <INSTALLDIR>/lib libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s l n/a libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s o <INSTALLDIR>/lib64 libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s l libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s o libupdateop.s o n/a <INSTALLDIR>/ sample updnfyxt.c updnfyxt.c updnfyxt.c updnfyxt.c updnfyxt.c updnfyxt.c Verifying WebSphere MQ Access Module (mqaxsmod) An asterisk (*) after a name in the following table indicates that it is a “softlink” for files that have been moved to the /opt/teradata/client/lib and the /opt/teradata/client/opt directories. Table 86: WebSphere MQ Access Module Files Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/lib libmqsc.so* libmqsc.sl* libmqsc.so* libmqsc.so* libmqsc.so* /usr/lib libmqscTWB.so* libmqscTWB.sl* libmqscTWB.so* libmqscTWB.so libmqscTWB.so* /usr/lib libmqs.so* libmqs.sl* libmqs.so* n/a n/a /usr/lib libmqsTWB.so* libmqsTWB.sl* libmqsTWB.so* n/a n/a /opt mqaxsmod* mqaxsmod* mqaxsmod* n/a mq_axsmod* /usr/lib/lib_64 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 237 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation of Individual Products Table 86: WebSphere MQ Access Module Files (continued) Directory IBM AIX HP-UX Solaris Linux MP-RAS /usr/lib/lib_64 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/lib libmqsc.so libmqsc.sl libmqsc.so libmqsc.so libmqsc.so /opt/teradata/client/lib libmqscTWB.so libmqscTWB.sl libmqscTWB.so libmqscTWB.so libmqscTWB.so /opt/teradata/client/lib libmqs.so libmqs.sl libmqs.so n/a n/a /opt/teradata/client/lib libmqsTWB.so libmqsTWB.sl libmqsTWB.so n/a n/a mqaxsmod mqaxsmod n/a mq_axsmod /opt/teradata/client/opt mqaxsmod 238 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation Using BTEQ Verifying the Installation Using BTEQ Using Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) is the simplest way to verify that you have installed the software properly. BTEQ files were copied over during the installation of product software on your system. The following sections describe these steps in detail. Refer to Basic Teradata Query Reference for information on how to use BTEQ. Procedure - Verifying the Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Follow these steps to verify the Teradata Tools and Utilities installation. 1 Add the directory where BTEQ resides to the search path, and change directories to that directory. 2 Start BTEQ by entering: bteq The following will be displayed: Teradata BTEQ for UNIX5. Copyright 1984-2007, NCR Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Enter your logon or BTEQ command: 3 Log on to the Teradata Database. See “Log on to the Teradata Database” on page 239. 4 Submit a sample query. See “Submit a Sample Teradata SQL Query” on page 240. Log on to the Teradata Database Complete the steps below to log on to the Teradata Database. You will need a user ID and password for the Teradata Database with which you will be communicating. Note: See “Making the Database Connection” on page 243 for complete information about logging onto Teradata. Procedure - Logging on to the Teradata Database Follow these steps to log on to the Teradata Database. 1 Enter the BTEQ logon command with your logon ID. Include your dbcpath if the Teradata Database dbcpath is not the default i_dbcpath specified in clispb.dat. The syntax of the .logon command is: .logon dbcpath/username 2 When prompted, enter your password. For example, if the Teradata Database with which you are communicating has a dbcpath of Finance, your username is fml and your password is fml, enter: .logon Finance/fml Password: fml If the logon is successful, the following will be displayed: *** Logon successfully completed. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 239 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation Using BTEQ *** Transaction Semantics are BTET. *** Character Set Name is 'ASCII'. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. BTEQ -- Enter your DBC/SQL request or BTEQ command: Submit a Sample Teradata SQL Query After successfully logging on to the Teradata Database, try the following sample query, which displays the time of day. Procedure - Submitting a Sample Teradata SQL Query Follow these steps to submit a sample Teradata SQL query. 1 At the prompt, type: SELECT time; The screen will look like this: BTEQ select time output: *** Query completed. One row found. One column returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. Time -------11:09:11 Exit BTEQ After verifying the time returned by the SQL query, log off the Teradata Database. Procedure - Logging off the Teradata Database Follow these steps to log off the Teradata Database. 1 To log off the Teradata Database and exit BTEQ, enter: .quit The host prompt will be displayed. 240 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program Another way to verify that you have installed the software properly is to run the sample CLI application called clisamp. The program and its makefile were copied over during installation of the software. Run clisamp Procedure - Running clisamp Follow these steps to verify that software has been installed properly. 1 Modify the makefile makesamp.3000 with the correct directory paths to the include files. 2 Execute the makefile to create the executable module clisamp: # make -f makesamp.3000 3 Change the mode of the executable to execute by entering the following command: # chmod +x clisamp 4 Run the sample program using one of the following commands: To run the sample program using the default logon information (dbc/systemfe,service) enter: # clisamp To show help for the sample program, use the -h option, enter: # clisamp -h To run the sample program, using a user provided input string TDPID= slugger, user=dbc, password=dbc, enter: # clisamp slugger/dbc,dbc The program will logon to the default dbccop1 (no user input supplied) specified in the / etc/hosts file and execute a simple query SELECT * from dbc.sessioninfo;" and write the output to dat file clisamp.dat. A display similar to the following appears: CLIv2 version is MTDP version is MOSIOS version is MOSIDEP version is OSERR version is Logging on to --->dbc/systemfe,service writing out to--> CLISAMP.DAT submitting -->select* from dbc.sessioninfo; writintg out to --> CLISAMP.DAT Logging off. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 241 Chapter 11: After You Install Verifying the Installation Using the CLI Sample Program 242 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 12 Connecting to a Teradata Database This chapter describes how to connect to a Teradata Database. Note: The figures shown in this document are examples only. Depending on the Teradata Tools and Utilities products used in your installation, some dialogs might vary from those shown in this guide. The section topics are: • • Making the Database Connection • Connecting in GUI Applications • Connecting in Command Line Driven Applications • Connecting to a Teradata Database Programmatically Logon Error Messages Making the Database Connection This section describes: • how to connect to a Teradata Database from a GUI application. • how to connect to a Teradata Database from a command line application. • where to find the information to programmatically connect to a Teradata Database. For programmatic interfaces, the User or Reference guide for the specific product provides information about the product interface. Overview of Logon Procedures You can provide the logon string while logging on to a Teradata Database if the application allows it. If the application does not provide all the logon information, a Connect to Teradata Database dialog will be displayed that allows you to enter the missing logon information. If the Connect to Teradata Database dialog is displayed, all application-provided parameters are automatically entered into the dialog fields. If the information is incorrect, you can change the value entered in any field. After entering required and optional logon information press Enter or click OK to continue logging on. The user logon exit routine can be used to manipulate the fields of the Connect to Teradata Database dialog. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 243 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Connecting in GUI Applications This section describes how to connect to a Teradata Database using the Connect to Teradata Database dialog from a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application. The procedure is for a typical application. See your product User or Reference guide for specific information about an individual product. Procedure - Connecting to a Teradata Database Follow these steps to connect to a Teradata Database, perform the following procedure: 1 If the application you are trying to connect to the database has a Connectivity tab in the Tools options menu, select ODBC. 2 Click the Connect button. The Connect to Teradata Database dialog appears. 3 Select or enter the appropriate values for the database to which you are connecting. 4 Click OK. Connect to Teradata Database Dialog The following figure shows the Connect to Teradata Database dialog: Figure 1: Typical Connect to Teradata Database Dialog The fields in the Connect to Teradata Database dialog are: 244 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Field Name Definition Database Name (Required) Enter a valid Teradata Database name, or you can also select a Teradata Database Name that you previously entered from the drop down list. This is the name of the database with which you want to connect. Authentication Mechanism (Required) Select the authentication mechanism specified by your system administrator from the list of authentication mechanisms provided in the drop down list. The Authentication Mechanism identifies the mechanism used for connections to the data source. Valid authentication mechanism values are: • Empty - If no Authentication Mechanism is listed in the drop down list, or if the Authentication Mechanism selected is not supported, the system will use the configured default. • TD1 - Teradata 1 mechanism. • TD2 - Teradata 2 mechanism. • ldap - ldap mechanism. • KRB5 - Kerberos mechanism. • KRB5C - Kerberos Compatibility mechanism. • Other - user-defined mechanism. Parameter (Optional) Enter the parameters required by the selected authentication mechanism. See your System Administrator. Username (Required) Select your user name from the drop down list, or enter a valid user name. Password (Required) Enter your Password for the user name you entered. Optional Default Database (Optional) Select the default database for the session. Account String (Optional) Enter a new Account String or select an account string from the drop down list. The Account String is used to create a user in a Teradata Database, instead of providing account information during configuration of ODBC. It allows Teradata to isolate users, to find out what applications users are running, or to restrict users trying to connect to the database. Note: Even though the UserId and Password parameters are required to log on to the Teradata Database, you do not have to enter them in the Connect to Teradata Database dialog box since they will be filled in by the user logon exit routine. Connecting in Command Line Driven Applications This section describes how to connect to a Teradata Database from the command line. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 245 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Procedure - Connecting to a Teradata Database from the Command Line Follow these steps to connect to a Teradata Database from the command line: 1 Enter the .logmech command. 2 Enter the .logdata command. 3 Enter the .logon command. .logmech Command The .logmech command identifies the desired logon authentication mechanism (logmech_name_string). The logmech_name_string is limited to 8 bytes and is not casesensitive. The syntax for the.logmech command is: .logmech logmech_name_string The logmech_name_string supports the following values • None - If no Authentication Mechanism is entered, or if the Authentication Mechanism selected is not supported, the system will use the configured default. • TD1 - Teradata 1 mechanism. • TD2 - Teradata 2 mechanism. • LDAP - ldap mechanism. • KRB5 - Kerberos mechanism. • KRB5C - Kerberos Compatibility mechanism. .logdata Command To successfully authenticate the user, the .logdata command provides all the parameters needed by the authentication mechanism, other than a UserId and Password. The information is entered into and passed by the logdata_string. The logdata_string is limited to 64K bytes. The syntax for the .logdata command is: .logdata logdata_string; If the logdata_string has white space characters or the other special characters embedded, the entire logdata string must be delimited with single quotes: .logdata ‘logdata_string’; The exact contents of the logdata_string will vary according to the selected authentication mechanism. The string is not displayed, parsed, nor otherwise processed by the application. .logon Command The syntax for the .logon command is: .logon <DBCName></><UserId><,><Password><,><AccountId> 246 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Parameter Definition DBCName (Required) The DBCName is also referred to as the TDIPD (Teradata Director Program ID). It identifies a particular Teradata Database. If no identifier is specified, the value of this field is copied from the clispb.dat field, i_dbcpat. DBCName is not case sensitive. UserId (Required) The UserId or user name string can be up to 30 characters long. The first character cannot be a numeric character. The UserId is not case sensitive. Password (Required) The Password string can be up to 30 characters long. The first character cannot be a numeric character. In the dialog box, each character of the Password is displayed with an asterisk (*). The Password is not case sensitive. AccountId (Optional) - The AccountId is required only if there is a comma after the Password field. The first character cannot be a numeric character. Do not enter the single quote (') that normally surrounds an AccountId. The AccountId is not case sensitive. Example Logons from the Command Line Supported Mechanisms In general, mechanisms which perform authentication and validation do not require that a Teradata Database Username and Password be included as part of the logon string. If these items are provided in conjunction with an authentication mechanism, they are ignored. Table 87: Supported Mechanisms Mechanism Mechanism Parameter User ID Password Td1 Never Must Must Td2 Never Must Must KRB5 Optional Never Never KRB5C Optional Never Never LDAP Must Never Never Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 247 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection The following authentication mechanisms are supported: Kerberos In all environments that support Kerberos, you can provide a UserId, Password, and a Domain or a Realm. The Domain or Realm must be supplied separately as authentication mechanism data. Once the user’s identity has been verified by Kerberos, an implicit logon will proceed using the tendered UserId as the Teradata Username: .logmech KRB5 .logdata joe@domain1@@mypassword .logon mydbs/ For single-Domain environments, the gateway can be configured so that the Domain or Realm do not need to be supplied: .logmech KRB5 .logdata joe@@mypassword .logon mydbs/ Alternatively, a Kerberos-mediated SSO-style logon can be used by omitting either the UserId, Password and a Domain or a Realm. In this case, Kerberos uses the security credentials associated with the current client session: .logmech KRB5 .logon mydbs/ If required, Teradata accounting information may be included as part of .logon command as follows: .logmech KRB5 .logdata joe@domain1@@mypassword .logon mydbs/,,2345889909 or .logmech KRB5 .logdata joe@@mypassword .logon mydbs/,,2345889909 or .logmech KRB5 .logon mydbs/,,2345889909 In all of the above cases, a Teradata Username must be defined in the target Teradata Database that matches the actual or derived UserId. Further, the Username must have previously been granted the “logon with null password privilege.” Note: The special “dbc” username cannot be used with Kerberos authentication mechanism since “dbc” cannot be granted the “logon with null password privilege.” If the “dbc” username is passed, the Teradata Database will return error 3790. KRB5C The KRB5C mechanism is maintained for compatibility purposes with Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.1 communicating with a pre-V2R6 Teradata Database that supports SSO and logon encryption. It should not generally be specified. 248 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection The teraSSO library will automatically determine the appropriate authentication mechanism when interfacing to such a Teradata Database using the same logic as employed in Teradata Tools and Utilities 7.1. • Windows clients should use NTLMC or KRB5C for SSO. • For non-SSO, Windows clients use TD1. • Non-Windows clients should use TD1. In the event a user manually selects an incompatible mechanism, TERASSO_SECPKGMATCH_FAIL will be returned. LDAP The LDAP authentication mechanism allows a user to be authenticated via LDAP and, optionally, to assume a role or user identity other than his or her own, as allowed by the appropriate directory settings. The user must supply a UserId and Password, a Domain or Realm can also be supplied. The exact contents of the LDAP .logdata information necessarily depends largely upon how the site is using LDAP, and how LDAP has been configured. The samples below are generic examples. Once the user’s identity has been verified by LDAP, an implicit logon will proceed using the UserId as the Teradata username: .logmech LDAP .logdata domain7authcid=joe password=password real=myrealm .logon mydbs/joe,password If required, Teradata accounting information may be included as part of .logon command as follows: .logmech LDAP .logdata authcid=joe password=password real=myrealm .logon mydbs/,,2345889909 If the directory maps the UserId to a specific Teradata Username, that Username must be defined in the target Teradata Database and must have previously been granted the “logon with null password privilege.” Once the user’s identity has been verified by LDAP, an implicit logon will proceed using the tendered UserId as the Teradata Username. Note: The special “dbc” Username cannot be used with the LDAP authentication mechanism since “dbc” cannot be granted the “logon with null password privilege.” If “dbc” is used as the username, the Teradata Database will return error 3790. If the directory does not map the UserId to a specific Teradata Username, a generic username will be used and a role assigned. The role will be derived from information contained in the directory. Logon will be by extended logon. .logdata information must always be provided for the LDAP authentication mechanism. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 249 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection TD1 and TD2 TD1 and TD2 represent the Teradata mechanisms. They do not perform any authentication. Rather, they facilitate encryption/decryption for sessions connected absent the mediation of extended security. Therefore, a valid Teradata Username and Password are always required. • Only TD1 is used by Teradata Tools and Utilities 7.1. • TD2 is used by Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.0 and above for the V2R6 Teradata Database. • TD1 is used by Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.0 and above for the V2R5.1 Teradata Database. The difference between the two mechanisms is that the encryption key for TD2 is longer and offers a higher degree of security than that of TD1. For TD2, there should be no .logdata parameter; if one is passed to CLIv2, it will be ignored. .logmech TD2 .logon mydbs/rhh,password TD1 TD1 is a deprecated mechanism used by Teradata Tools and Utilities 7.1. It is also used by Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.0 when communicating with a V2R5.x Teradata Database. The difference between the two mechanisms is that the encryption key for TD2 is longer and, therefore, offers a higher degree of security than that of TD1. The TD1 authentication mechanism is maintained for compatibility purposes only for Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.0 communication with a V2R5.x Teradata Database. Generally, it should not be specified. The teraSSO library automatically determines the appropriate mechanism when interfacing to a V2R5.x Teradata Database, using the same logic as used in Teradata Tools and Utilities 7.1. • Windows clients should use NTLMC or KRB5C for SSO. • For non-SSO, Windows clients should use TD1. In the event a user manually selects an incompatible mechanism, TERASSO_SECPKGMATCH_FAIL will be returned. Single Sign-On Legacy Considerations In order to provide backward compatibility with pre-Teradata Tools and Utilities 8.0 applications that use SSO, the following items apply: 250 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Table 88: Single-Sign-On for Legacy Applications Type Description Direct sign-on If you do not supply a Username and Password as part of the Teradata logon string, AND no authentication mechanism name is specified in .logmech, the client interface will not use the default mechanism. Rather, it will first determine if the Kerberos mechanism is available. If the Kerberos authentication mechanism is available, the client interface will use it. If the Kerberos interface is not available, the client interface will next determine if the NTLM authentication mechanism is available. If the NTLM authentication mechanism is available, it will use it. If neither the NTLM nor the Kerberos authentication mechanism is available, the logon attempt will fail. If .logmech is specified, and the authentication mechanism turns out to be different from the one automatically determined by the client interface, an error will be returned. Third-party sign-on If an application uses the programmatic third-party sign-on capability via the CLIv2 DBCAREA extension AND no authentication mechanism name is specified in logmech_name, the client interface will not use the default authentication mechanism. Rather, the client interface will first determine if the Kerberos authentication mechanism is available. If the Kerberos authentication mechanism is available, the client interface will use it. If the Kerberos authentication mechanism is not available, the client interface will next determine if the NTLM authentication mechanism is available. If the NTLM authentication mechanism is available, it will use it. If neither the NTLM nor the Kerberos authentication method is available, the logon attempt will fail. If .logmech is specified, and the authentication mechanism turns out to be different from the one automatically determined by the client interface, an error will be returned. Connecting to a Teradata Database Programmatically Several Teradata Tools and Utilities products allow you to programmatically connect to the Teradata Database using SQL and APIs. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 251 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Table 89: Connecting Programmatically to a Teradata Database Product Document ODBC Driver for Teradata ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide. Describes SQL Connect, SQLDriverConnect, and SQLBrowseConnect and the parameters implemented for security. Includes information on configuring the ODBC Driver for Teradata. OLE DB Provider for Teradata OLE DB Provider for Teradata Installation and User Guide. Describes the security implemented for OLE DB Provider for Teradata. Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Network-Attached Systems. Describes the CLI APIs implemented for security. Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface User Guide. Describes the security methods implemented for the type 4 driver and illustrates how to connect to the Teradata Database using the Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface. Logon Error Messages The following error messages apply to the logon and database connection function: Table 90: Logon Error Messages Error Message UTY1652 Logon mechanism is not supported in the version of CLI. Explanation: The user specified an option that needs to use the logon authentication mechanism feature but this feature is not supported in the version of CLI. Generated by: UTYMSG Remedy: Remove specified logon mechanism options. UTY6668 Invalid use of the .LOGMECH statement. Explanation: It is invalid to specify the .LOGMECH statement after the .LOGON statement. Generated by: UTYMSG Remedy: Remove the invalid statement and resubmit the program. UTY6669 Invalid use of the .LOGDATA statement. Explanation: It is invalid to specify the .LOGDATA statement after the .LOGON statement. Generated by: UTYMSG Remedy: Remove the invalid statement and resubmit the program. 252 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection Table 90: Logon Error Messages (continued) Error Message UTY6670 A .LOGMECH statement has been previously specified, terminating. Explanation: A .LOGMECH statement has already been processed. Generated by: UTYMSG Remedy: Remove the extra statement and resubmit the program. UTY6671 A .LOGDATA statement has been previously specified, terminating. Explanation: A .LOGDATA statement has already been processed. Generated by: UTYMSG Remedy: Remove the extra statement and resubmit the program. Authentication Mechanism Connection Error If there is an error in the authentication mechanism selected, “External authentication is not currently allowed” may appear. If you receive this message, you have selected an incorrect authentication mechanism. Reselect it using the authentication mechanism provided to you by you database administrator and try to connect again. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 253 Chapter 12: Connecting to a Teradata Database Making the Database Connection 254 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting This chapter gives troubleshooting tips for: • Client Computer Problems • Network Problems • Teradata Database Problems • Teradata Parallel Transporter A problem may affect more than one area, or there may be more than one problem. Technical Assistance If you cannot resolve a problem, contact the Teradata Solutions Customer Services Remote Services Center (TSCS-RSC). For contact information, refer to the Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition, Release 12.00.00. Client Computer Problems To determine whether or not there is a problem with your client, perform the following checks. You may not need to try all of them. Cannot Communicate Over the Network with Teradata Database To confirm that your UNIX/Linux client can communicate over the network to the Teradata Database, ping the Teradata Database by typing: /usr/etc/ping dbcnameCOPn You should receive the following response: dbcnameCOPn is alive To perform the second test to verify communication to the Teradata Database, type: telnet dbcnameCOPn You should receive the following response: telnet: connect: Connection refused If you do not receive these responses, consult the next section, “Network Problems” on page 259. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 255 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Client Computer Problems Note: dbcnameCOPn should be upper or lower case. Incorrect Path Name in COPLIB Check that the environment variable COPLIB has the correct path name to the CLI system parameter block file, clispb.dat. COPLIB is set to /usr/lib in the /etc/profile file during the installation of the software. Use the following command to define COPLIB: • For Bourne shell users, add the following to the .profile file: COPLIB=/sd;export COPL • For C shell users, add the following to the .login file: setenv COPLIB /sd where sd (source directory) is the name of the directory you created to receive the object library, the system parameter block file, and the executable files. Run the .profile or .login file after making changes to these files. Incorrect Path Name in COPERR If you see the error message, “No such error found,” check that the environment variable COPERR has the correct path name to the error message catalog file, errmsg.cat. Use the following command to define COPERR: • For Bourne shell users, add the following to the .profile file: COPERR=/ed;export COPERR • For C shell users, add to the .login file: setenv COPERR /ed where ed (error directory) is the name of the directory you created to contain the error message catalog file. Run the .profile or .login file after making changes to these files. errmsg.cat File Not Found If you see the error message, “CLI: Message catalog open failed!, the file errmsg.cat cannot be opened. There may be problems with your installation,” the errmsg.cat file cannot be found. This error is displayed when the errmsg.cat file is not found in the directory specified in the environment variable COPERR or /usr/lib. Set the COPERR environment variable to the directory where the errmsg.cat is present, /usr/lib. Incorrect Path Name in COPANOMLOG If you wish to produce an anomaly log file, check that the environment variable COPANOMLOG has the correct path name to the anomaly log file. Refer to Chapter 2: “Before You Install” for more detail. 256 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Client Computer Problems Missing Hosts File Check that the /etc/hosts file exists on the UNIX/Linux client. Incorrect Entries in the Hosts File Check the following entries in the /etc/hosts file or in the hosts file on the NIS master: • Check all entries for incorrect, missing, or duplicate network addresses of COPs, Aps or nodes. Remember that a TCP/IP (Internet) address is a 4-byte value in the form a.b.c.d. COPs, Aps or nodes on the same logical network must have the same network Id portion of the network address. • Check that COPs, Aps or nodes in the same group for a Teradata have the same dbcname, and that they are numbered sequentially, starting with 1. Remember that the format of a COP name is dbcnameCOPn, where dbcname must begin with an alphabetic character. Missing Entries in the /etc/services File Check for the following lines in the /etc/services file or in the services file on the NIS master: tdmst tdses 1025/udp 1025/tcp Improper Linking Check that the software files are linked properly with your application. If maintenance or upgrade software is installed, all applications must be relinked. Incorrect clispb.dat Parameters Check parameters in the system parameter block file, clispb.dat, for correct values. Note especially whether the default i_dbcpath corresponds to the dbcnames in the /etc/hosts file or in the hosts file on the NIS master. Cannot Log On from CLI Application If you cannot log on to the Teradata Database from your CLI application, try logging on from BTEQ. If BTEQ works, then check your application for errors. Cannot Log On to the Teradata Database If you cannot log on to a Teradata Database, try logging on to a different database computer. If you are able to log on, then there may be something wrong with the first Teradata Database, or something wrong with the address of the first database computer in the /etc/hosts file or in the hosts file on the NIS master. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 257 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Client Computer Problems Not Enough Shared Virtual Memory to Run Some Processes on NCR MPRAS If you see the following error message when executing BTEQ, confirm that the client has enough shared virtual memory allocated for processes: dynamic linker: bteq: Cannot map from file /usr/lib/libicudatatd.so.28 Killed To check the amount of shared virtual memory given to non-root processes, do the following as a non-super user on the client: ulimit -v If the result matches below, there is too little shared virtual memory allocated to processes larger than 16MB. vmemory(kbytes) 16384 OR To check the amount of shared virtual memory setup on the system, do the following as root: # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g SVMMLIM # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g HVMMLIM If idtune returns nothing or something that looks like the following: 0x10000000 0x1000000 0x1000000 0x7FFFFFFF Then the system isn't properly tuned to allow processes larger than 16 MB and needs to be increased to at least 64MB, although “unlimited” is better. To tune the system to allow more virtual memory talk with your administrator, or if you are the system administrator execute the following commands. /etc/conf/bin/idtune SVMMLIM 0x7FFFFFFF /etc/conf/bin/idtune HVMMLIM 0x7FFFFFFF cp /stand/unix /etc/conf/cf.d/unix.old /etc/conf/bin/idbuild cd/ shutdown -i6 -g0 -y This will allow “unlimited” shared virtual memory for applications, and is how most NCR MP-RAS systems have been set. For further discussion on this topic please read the NCR manual Command Line Interface System Configuration - Volume 3, BD10-2266-K000, Chapter 3 and 4 at: http://www.info.teradata.com/eDownload.cfm?itemid=003670375 258 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Network Problems Network Problems If there is a network problem, the following procedure can be used to troubleshoot whether the problem exists with network hardware or software. You may not need to try all of the steps. Procedure - Determining whether a Network Problem is a Hardware/Software Problem Follow these steps to determine if a network problem is related to hardware or software. 1 Check that the transceiver is connected to the network, UNIX/Linux client, and Teradata Database. 2 Check for broken or disconnected network cables. 3 Check that drop cables are not too long (they must follow the IEEE 802.3 standards). 4 Check all repeaters, bridges, routers, and gateways for proper functioning. 5 Check that all jumpers are set correctly on the UNIX/Linux client's network controller board. 6 Check that the network software is installed and running properly on the UNIX/Linux client. 7 Check that the network software is compatible with the network controller board installed on the UNIX/Linux client. 8 Use a network utility program to confirm that the network is operational. 9 Use BTEQ or a network utility program from another UNIX/Linux client on the same network segment as the first UNIX/Linux client. If this works, there may be a problem with the first UNIX/Linux client. 10 Use BTEQ or a network utility program from another UNIX/Linux client on a different network segment from the first UNIX/Linux client. If this works, there may be a problem with the first network segment. 11 If a network controller board is replaced on the UNIX/Linux client, the Teradata Database must be rebooted so that it can obtain the network address of the new board. 12 If the network configuration was changed, check that all network related files were changed accordingly (see the previous section). 13 Reboot the UNIX/Linux client to reset network hardware and reload network software. Teradata Database Problems Caution: Teradata Database problems should be diagnosed with the assistance of your field service representative. To determine whether the Teradata Database is operating correctly, follow the procedure below. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 259 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Teradata Database Problems Note: Steps 2 through 7 apply to the Teradata Database only. Procedure - Determining whether there is a Database Problem Follow these steps to determine if there is a problem with the Teradata Database. 1 Log on to the database computer from the operator's console, another network-attached host, or a mainframe. If you are able to log on, then the Teradata Database is operational. If are unable to log on, contact your field representative. 2 Have your field representative check that the adaptor cable is connected. 3 Have your field representative check the Multibus Adaptor Board (MAB). 4 Perform the following tests for all entries in the CopInfoTbl (on the Teradata Database): • Check for incorrect, missing, or duplicate cabinet and processor numbers (ccc_p). • Check for incorrect, missing, or duplicate network addresses. • Check for the correct network protocol type (CopKind) for each COP. • Check for the correct host number for each COP, AP, or node. • Check that the entries in the CopInfoTbl match the entries in the /etc/hosts file (on the UNIX/Linux client) or in the hosts file on the NIS master. Use the CopUpdate macro to change the CopInfoTbl. 5 If a COP, AP, or node is added or removed from the Teradata Database or a COP's network address is changed, the CopUpdate macro must be executed so that the Teradata Database can determine changes to network addresses. The Teradata Database must be restarted before the changes can take effect. 6 If you are using Internet routing (routers), perform the following tests for the CopRoutesTbl: • Check for incorrect or missing network addresses of destinations. • Check for incorrect or missing network addresses of routes. • Check that each router is identified by two (or more) Internet addresses, one for each network on which it resides. Use the TcpRoute macro to change the CopRoutesTbl. 7 If you are using subnet routing (subnetting), check the CopOptionsTbl for incorrect or missing subnet masks. Use the AddOption macro to change the CopOptionsTbl. 8 If the Teradata Database goes down and then comes back up, its table of sessions still contains information about the sessions generated by hosts. The Teradata Database expects to receive reconnect messages from hosts. If the Teradata Database does not get the reconnect messages within 20 minutes after it comes back up, it will remove from the sessions table the sessions that were generated by hosts that have not reconnected. The above implies that for 20 minutes after the Teradata Database comes back up, some sessions are being kept that may not be used. If use of the Teradata Database is heavy, users unable to log on during that 20 minute period (because the maximum number of sessions has been reached) can try again after the unclaimed sessions are cleared away. 260 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Teradata Parallel Transporter Teradata Parallel Transporter At the end of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation, the Teradata Parallel Transporter Infrastructure installation will update some environment variables on the system. The updates to the environment variables are effective in the next login. The updates to the environment variables allow users to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If users do not use the updates to the environment variables, then they will not be able to run the installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter properly. Unable to Find tbuild Sometimes the path to tbuild cannot be found. Use the following procedure to locate the file. Procedure - Finding the Path to tbuild Follow these steps to find the path to tbuild: 1 Logout from the system and log back in. Then run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. 2 If you are still unable to find tbuild, check that the $TWB_ROOT/bin path is in your PATH environment variable. The TWB_ROOT environment variable is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. 3 If the $TWB_ROOT/bin path is not in your PATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the front of your PATH environment variable. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Cannot Run the New Installed Version of Teradata Parallel Transporter If the new installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter does not run. Procedure - Setting the TWB_ROOT Environment Variable Follow these steps to set the TWB_ROOT environment variable if Teradata Parallel Transporter does not run. 1 Logout from the system and log back in. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. 2 If you are still unable to run the new installed version of Teradata Parallel Transporter, check the $TWB_ROOT/bin path is in your PATH environment variable. TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 261 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Teradata Parallel Transporter 3 If the $TWB_ROOT/bin path is not in your PATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/bin path to the front of your PATH environment variable. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Failed to Load libpxcommon Library If you see a message similar to the following error message when executing a Teradata Parallel Transporter job, logout the system and log back in. ld.so.1: tbuild: fatal: libpxcommon.so: open failed: No such file or directory Killed Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Procedure - Loading the libpxcommon Library Follow these steps to load the libpxcommon library and correct problems causing the fatal error shown above. 1 On AIX, if you are still getting the error message, check the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is in your LIBPATH environment variable. TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is not in your LIBPATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the front of your LIBPATH environment variable. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. 2 On HP-UX, if you are still getting the error message, check the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is in your SHLIB_PATH environment variable. TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is not in your SHLIB_PATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the front of your SHLIB_PATH environment variable. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. 3 On MP-RAS, Linux, and Solaris, if you are still getting the error message, check the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. If the $TWB_ROOT/lib path is not in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/lib path to the front of your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Unable to Find Messages If you see the following error messages when executing a Teradata Parallel Transporter job, logout of the system and log back in. Then, run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Message Catalog Error: Message 4000 was not found Message Catalog Error: Message 2014 was not found Message Catalog Error: Message 2041 was not found 262 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Teradata Parallel Transporter Procedure - Finding Missing Messages Follow these step to find missing messages. 1 If you are still getting the error messages, check the $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N path is in your NLSPATH environment variable. TWB_ROOT is the environment variable that is set to the installation directory for Teradata Parallel Transporter. 2 If the $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N path is not in your NLSPATH environment variable, then add the $TWB_ROOT/msg/%N path to your NLSPATH environment variable. Afterwards, run the Teradata Parallel Transporter job again. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 263 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Teradata Parallel Transporter 264 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux APPENDIX A Session Limits This appendix lists Teradata session limits for BTEQ and for the entire system. BTEQ Session Limits The maximum number of BTEQ sessions depends on the host used. BTEQ session limits for the NCR UNIX client are listed in Table 91. System-Wide Session Limits The maximum number of sessions that can be logged on concurrently to a Teradata Database (through BTEQ or other CLI applications) depends on a system's configuration, including the following: • Host type • Protocol used • Type of host-resident network controller board • Number of COPs, APs, or nodes installed on a Teradata Database, and • Whether any other network applications are running, such as the Telnet or FTP utilities, or any user-written applications. Table 91: Session Guidelines for Clients Session Type Maximum Sessions BTEQ 200 System-wide 64, for single COP group 64 * (# of COPS -1) where number of COPs is > 1. System-wide for Version 1 (V1) AP systems (for example, 3600) 300 * Number of APs System-wide for Version 2 (V2) “Common Node” systems 600 * Number of Nodes Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 265 Appendix A: Session Limits System-Wide Session Limits Caution: 266 These are guidelines only. The optimum number of sessions for any system depends on the site's configuration and tuning. Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Index Symbols .logdata 246 command 246 .logmech 246 command 246 .logon 246 command 246 /etc/services File 257 Numerics 64-bit Executable files 116, 131 64-bit Library files 116, 131 A adhoc 214 adhoc.c 214 adhoc.cpp 214 AIX packages 82 alternate directories 116, 131 API 51 arc 70, 143, 163 Authentication Mechanism KRB5 245 KRB5C 245 ldap 245 other 245 TD1 245 TD2 245 AWS 74 B Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) product dependencies 30, 31, 35 supported on 25, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163 verifying 212 blexitr 223 blexitr.c 223 blkexit.c 223 blkexitr.c 223 Bourne shell 177, 178 bteq 38, 40, 41, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163, 212 exiting 240 session limits 265 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux verifying 212 verifying installation with 239 btnfyext.h 212 C C shell 178 CD-ROM installing 69, 93, 111, 127 Changing the twbcfg.ini File 198 CLI Sample Program verifying installation with 241 CLI User Exit Functions installing 79, 92, 108, 159, 175 clispb.dat 216, 257 cliv2 70, 82, 94, 113, 128, 143, 163, 216 cliv2if.h 217 cobpp 70, 82, 94, 220 commands screen 117 common.includes 214 configuring requirements network 30 Teradata Parallel Transporter 187, 192, 198 contacting Teradata 255 COPANOMLOG 256 COPERR 256 coperr.h 217 coptypes.h 217 D Database Name 245 DataConnector Operator 26, 33, 51, 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 dbca2px.h 217 dbcarea.h 217 dbcerr.h 217 dbchqep.h 217 DDL Operator 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 default directories 116, 131 dependencies 30 directories alternate 116, 131 default 116, 131 disk space, available 50 267 Index DUL installing 51 product dependencies 30 DULT product dependencies 30 DULTAPE installing 51 E Empty Authentication Mechanism 245 environment variables, setting 177, 179, 180, 181, 182 errmsg.cat 216, 256 errmsg.txt 216 error.c 214 error.cpp 214 executable files, default directory 116, 131 expnfyxt.c 223 expnfyxt.h 222, 223 Export Operator 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 F fastexp 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 222 FastExport OUTMOD Adapter Operator 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 144, 163 fastld 70, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163, 223 fastload 223 FastLoad INMOD Adapter Operator 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 71, 83, 95, 114, 129, 144, 163 fexp 143, 163, 222, 223 flnfyext.c 223 H Hosts File 257 HP-UX Packages 94 I ICU Library 51 includes files, default directory 116, 131 individual products installing 69, 93, 141, 161 Infrastructure 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 83, 96, 114, 129, 144, 163, 233 installing alternate directories 116, 131 default directories 116, 131 individual products 81 maintenance software 47 pre-installation considerations 25 Teradata client 87 268 Teradata Client utilities 142, 162 upgrades 47 verifying using bteq 239 verifying using CLI sample program 241 J jmsaxsmod 70, 82, 94, 112, 128 jobvars.txt 235 K KRB5 Authentication Mechanism 245 KRB5C Authentication Mechanism 245 L LABSBTEQ 219, 220, 221 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 178 ldap Authentication Mechanism 245 libcliv2.so 216 libdataconop.sl 232 libdataconop.so 232 libddlop.so 232 libdtac.so 232 libexportop 232 libexportop.sl 232 libexportop.so 232 libinsertop.so 236 libjmsam.sl 216 libjmsam.so 216 libmqsc.so 237, 238 libmqscTWB.so 237, 238 libodbc.so 213 libodbcinst.so 213 libopcommon.so 236 libpm.so 222 libppb.a 220, 221 libppruntim.sl 218, 219, 220 libppruntim.so 218, 219, 220, 221 library files, default directory 116, 131 libselectop.so 236 libstreamop.so 237 libtdparse.so 214 libtdusr.so 216 libupdateop.so 237 Load Operator 26, 34, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 83, 96, 114, 129, 144, 164 logon dialog box 243 procedures 243 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Index M P maintenance software, installing 47 Makefile 214 makinmod.3000 225 mkdir command 74 mkexpext.linux 223 mkexpext.unx 223 mkmldext.linux 224, 225 mkmldext.unx 224, 225 mldnfyxt.c 224, 225 mldnfyxt.h 224, 225 mload 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163, 224, 225 mosiif.h 217 mounting the CD-ROM 74 mqaxsmod 72, 84, 96, 115, 130, 145, 164, 237, 238 MultiLoad product dependencies 35 MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator 26, 34, 42, 43, 44, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164 papi 51 papi8100 143 papi8200 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 163 parcel.h 217 pddl 51 pddl8100 232 pddl8200 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163, 191, 198 pddlc000 203, 209 pdtc8100 113, 129 pdtc8200 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163, 191, 198, 232 pdtcc000 203, 209 Perl 52 pexp 51 pexp8100 232 pexp8200 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163, 191, 198 pexpc000 203, 209 picu 51 pins 51 pins8200 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 191, 198, 236 pinsc000 203, 208 piom 70, 82, 95, 113, 128, 143, 163, 222 pkgadd.log file 120, 135 pkginfo command 115, 131 pkgplus installation screen 74 pkgrm command 116, 131 plod 51 plod8200 71, 83, 96, 114, 129, 144, 164, 191, 198, 235 plodc000 203, 209 pmdcomt.h 222 pmddamt.h 222 pmtypes.h 222 podbc 51 podbc8200 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 191, 198, 235 podbcc0200 203, 209 pos8200 144, 164 posc 51 posc8100 236 posc8200 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 191, 198 poscc000 203, 209 posl 51 posl8200 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 192, 198, 236 poslc000 203, 209 ppbmain 220 PPCLB1 219, 220 PPCLB2 219, 220 PPCLB3 219, 220 PPCLB4 219, 220 PPCLB5 219, 220 PPCLB6 219, 220 PPCLB7 219, 220 PPCLB8 219, 220 N Named Pipes Access Module 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 product dependencies 31 supported on 25, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163 verifying 213 navigating screens 117 np_axsmod.sl 213 np_axsmod.so 213 np_axsmodTWB.so 213 npaxsmod 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163 O ODBC Driver for Teradata 38, 40, 41, 45 product dependencies 31 Solaris packages 146, 147, 150, 166, 170 supported on 25, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163, 165 ODBC Operator 26, 34, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 235 odbc.ini 213 odbc.ini file 179, 180, 181 odbc.m 214 odbccurs.so 214 odbcinst.h 213 odbcinst.ini 213 odbctrac.so 214 Operator Support Library 26, 34, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164 OS Command Operator 26, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164 other Authentication Mechanism 245 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux 269 Index PPCLB9 219, 220 ppcmain 218, 219, 220 PPCOBLB1 221 PPCOBLB2 221 PPCOBLB3 221 PPCOBLB4 221 PPCOBLB5 221 PPCOBLB6 221 PPCOBLB7 221 PPCOBLB8 221 PPCOBLB9 221 product dependencies 49, 50 product version numbers 3 psel 51 psel8200 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 191, 198, 236 pselc000 203, 209 pstm 51 pstm8200 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 192, 198, 237 pstmc000 203, 209 pupd 52 pupd8200 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 145, 164, 192, 198, 237 pupdc000 203, 209 pxversion.h 234 Q 146, 147, 150, 152, 154, 163, 165, 166, 170, 171, 173 Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 verifying 215 SHMMAX 198 software uninstalling previous versions 72, 96, 115, 130 software releases supported 3 Solaris SPARC Packages 112, 128 SQL Inserter Operator 26, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164 SQL Inserter Operator (pins5000) 236 SQL Inserter Operator (pins8100) 236 SQL Selector Operator 27, 34, 42, 43, 44, 51, 71, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164 SQL Selector Operator (psel8100) 236 sql.h 213 sqlext.h 213 sqlp 163 sqlpp 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 218 sqltypes.h 213 sqlucode.h 213 sqlunx.h 213 Stream Operator 27, 34, 42, 43, 44, 51, 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 144, 164, 237 qrydir 145, 164 T R tbld 51 tbld8200 71, 83, 96, 114, 129, 144, 163, 192, 198 tbuild8200 233 TCP/IP 30 TD1 Authentication Mechanism 245 TD2 Authentication Mechanism 245 tdata.sl 213 tdata.so 213 tdatpump.cfg 225 tdconndlg.so 214 tdgssconfig.jar 222 tdgssjava.jar 222 tdicu 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163 tdmst 257 tdodbc 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163, 213 tdodbc.cat 214, 215 tdodbc64 112, 128 tdses 257 tdxwinapp 213 Technical Assistance 68 Teradata 39, 95 Teradata Access Module for JMS 25, 31, 40, 41, 82, 94, 112, 128 configuring 182 README 213 readme 216 Receiver.class 216 requirements software 30 rmdir command 120, 135 S sample files 116, 131 samples.jar 222 screen navigation 117 screen commands 117 semmap 194 semmni 194 semmns 194 semmnu 194 session limits bteq 265 system-wide 265 Setting the Semaphore Parameters 194, 200 Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 270 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux Index Teradata Access Module for Tivoli 45 Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility (ARC) 31, 45 product dependencies 31 supported on 25, 70, 143, 163 Teradata C Preprocessor2 39, 45 product dependencies 31 supported on 26, 70, 82, 94, 112, 128, 143, 163 verifying 218 Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (CLIv2) 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 installation order 35 product dependencies 31 supported on 25, 70, 82, 94, 113, 128, 143, 163 verifying 216 Teradata client installion 87 Teradata COBOL Preprocessor2 39 product dependencies 31 supported on 26, 70, 82, 94 verifying 220 Teradata Data Connector 38, 40, 41, 45 installation order 35 product dependencies 31, 35 supported on 26, 70, 82, 95, 113, 128, 143, 163 Teradata Data Connector API products dependent on 75 Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface 32 platforms supported 252 supported on 26, 82, 95, 113, 128, 143, 163 Teradata Dynamic Workload Manager 38 Teradata FastExport 40, 41 product dependencies 31, 32 supported on 26, 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 verifying 222 Teradata FastLoad 40, 41 product dependencies 31, 32 supported on 26, 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 verifying 223 Teradata Generic Security Services 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 product dependencies 32 supported on 26, 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 verifying 224 Teradata Generic Security Services Java product dependencies 32 supported on 26, 83, 113, 129 Teradata Index Wizard 38 Teradata Manager 38 Teradata MultiLoad 40, 41 product dependencies 31, 32, 35 supported on 26, 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 verifying 224 Teradata ODBC Driver default directory 116, 131 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux odbc.ini file 179, 180, 181 Teradata OLE DB Access Module 40 Teradata Parallel Transporter configuring after installing 187, 192, 198 parameters 193, 199 troubleshooting 261 uninstalling 191, 197, 202 Teradata Parallel Transporter API 26, 33, 42, 43, 44, 71, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143, 163 Teradata Parallel Transporter Data Connector Operator 42, 43, 44 Teradata Parallel Transporter ICU Library 71, 83, 95, 114, 129, 144, 163, 165, 167 Teradata Parallel Transporter Wizard 42 Teradata Performance Monitor 38 Teradata Query Director 27, 45, 164 Teradata Query Scheduler Administrator 38 Teradata Query Scheduler Client 38 Teradata Query Scheduler Server 38 Teradata Software Server 36 Teradata Statistics Wizard 38 Teradata System Emulation Tool 39 Teradata Tools and Utilities 25 Teradata TPump 40, 41 product dependencies 31, 32 supported on 27, 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 145, 164 verifying 225 Teradata Visual Explain 39 Teradata Workload Analyzer 39 TeraGSS 70, 83, 95, 113, 129, 143 TeraGSS_aix-power 83 TeraGSS_aix-power32 83 TeraGSS_hpux-ia64 95 TeraGSS_hpux-pa 95 TeraGSS_hpux-pa32 95 TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i386 143 TeraGSS_redhatlinux-ia64 143 TeraGSS_solaris-sparc 113, 129 TeraGSS_solaris-sparc32 113, 129 TeraGSS_suse-amd64 163 TeraGSS_suselinux-amd64 163 TeraJDBC Bourne shell 177, 178 C shell 177, 178 terajdbc4.jar 82, 95, 113, 128, 143, 163, 216, 222 tldnfyxt.c 225 tpump 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 145, 164, 225 tpumpar.csql 225, 226 tpumpexe 225 tpumpimd.c 225, 226 troubleshooting network problems 259 Teradata RDBMS problems 259 UNIX client problems 255 271 Index TSCS-RSC 50 twbpkgrm 52, 56 U umount command 120, 135 uninstalling software 116, 131 Update Operator 27, 35, 42, 43, 44, 52, 72, 84, 96, 114, 130, 145, 164, 237 updating hosts file 124, 139 Upgrade or Maintenance Software installation 47 upgrades, installing 47 V Verifying 215 verifying installation 211 using bteq 239 with CLI Sample Program 241 version numbers 3 VM&F 74 vscnctdlg.so 214 W warnings 74 WebSphere MQ Access Module install from 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 product dependencies 35 supported on 27, 72, 84, 96, 115, 130, 145, 164 verifying 237 X xlC.aix.50.rte dependency for ODBC 31 xlC.rte dependency for ODBC 31 272 Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux
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In the above example, all output will be written into result.txt file but not to the terminal
screen. If runfile.txt file is placed in the root directory C:\, we can redirect the standard input