aed - Heinz Stampfli AG
aed - Heinz Stampfli AG
PROTECTIVE AND SUPERVISION STORAGE CABINET FOR AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS (AED) Models 300, 310, 320, 330 PUBLIC ACCESS DEFIBRILLATION (PAD) PROGRAMS CRA (Cardio-Respiratory Arrest) more commonly known as 'Sudden Death' is the leading cause of death in developed countries. In order to increase survival rates, important steps have been taken to make AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) more readily available to the general public across public and private sectors. In order for AEDs to become more accessible to lay people, it is also deemed important to provide first aid information and appropriate instructions for use alongside AEDs housed in protective cabinets which meet the requirements. This is what the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program is all about. Survival rate 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% KEY : Survival rate in relation to elapsed time Commissioning of public access aed... made operational by AIVIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 mn Elapsed time Ready to be used by an immediate witness in case of emergency, in strategic public and private places, survival rates are vastly improved by such fast action. AIVIA : SOLUTION FOR THE AED DEPLOYMENT Aivia cabinets are designed and manufactured by the French company Pyrescom SAS (ISO 9001 and 14001 certified). The Aivia range meets all EU standards and requirements. Adapted to be used inside as well as outside, AIVIA is a cabinet designed for public access to defibrillation. Wall mounted in a central location, they are easily accessible in an emergency. In order to respond to almost any situation, AIVIA adapts itself perfectly to any environment, and maintains advanced functions around defibrillators so that they can be used in optimal conditions. The benefits and sophisticated features of the AIVIA range include : - Open or restricted access to the AED - The possibility of making a direct phone call via the AIVIA cabinet in case of emergency (STN, GSM or VoIP) - Heating , fan, temperature control for outdoor use - Remote monitoring via the Internet - A photo monitoring system when the cabinet is opened, geolocation... The four models AIVIA 300, 310, 320 and 330 make up the Supervision range. These are part of the full range of 10 models of AIVIA cabinets. The Supervision models are permanently connected to a central database server and provide around-the-clock remote monitoring via the internet. L : 388 mm AIVIA SUPERVISION RANGE CLOSE-UP VIEWS H : 423 mm Weight: 3,5 kg l : 201 mm CONFORMITIES BORNAVIE Stand H : 1 216 mm Weight : 13 kg A close-up view of the fanning system and Infra-red lens for photography during opening Optical status monitoring sensor. Sensor convector heating device. and removal of the AED unit. is fitted according to the AED model. Digital keypad for locked models with secure LCD screen for displaying AED general status or Hands-free telephone intercom with automatic access via a 4 digit code. malfunctions. phone call to the emergency services when the cabinet is opened or when the call button is pushed. As preset by user. MODELS AND CONFIGURATIONS AIVIA 300 AIVIA 310 Remote hardware monitoring Open access to the AED Remote hardware monitoring Restricted access to the AED AIVIA 320 AIVIA 330 Remote hardware monitoring Open access to the AED + Telephone module Remote hardware monitoring Restricted access to the AED + Telephone module OPTIONAL FEATURES Two-tone alarm An alarm is triggered when the cabinet is opened. Includes on/off settings and adjustable volume from 70 dB to 105 dB Heating and fanning system A controlled convection heating and fanning system, activated through a temperature sensor and configured thresholds. Heating effective in temperature down to -20°C (-4°F). Metallized cover A metallized polycarbonate cover which helps reduce the greenhouse effect. Photo control camera An infra-red lens which takes photographs when the cabinet is opened and the AED unit removed. Photos are then sent to the server for viewing by authorised personnel. GSM Communication Emergency phone connection via the mobile phone network instead of the standard STN phone module. (integrated SIM card) 3G Communication In addition to the standard Ethernet LAN connection, AIVIA cabinets and the AEDs they contain can also be monitored by 3G communication through the mobile phone network. VoIP Communication A telephone module communication via the local network LAN, if preferred to the standard STN telephone module. Data WIFI communication Wireless data communication mode via the xDSL, if preferred to the standard wired Ethernet connection. AIVIA SUPERVISION MODELS AIVIA 300, 310, 320, 330 Local acquisition AIVIA supervision models (3XX) allow the remote hardware monitoring through the Internet. These are intelligent AED protective cabinets which are permanently connected to the AIVIAnet server through http, thus ensuring that units remain fully operational at all times. The models AIVIA 300, 310, 320 and 330 have the ability to constantly monitor their own functions as well as the AEDs they contain and their immediate surroundings. They provide realtime information concerning any incident, event or malfunction as soon as they are identified. STANDARD FEATURES Impact-resistant transparent polycarbonate cover. Green ABS (RAL 6024) stand complying with ISO 3864 concerning emergency colour codes (UL-V0). Optical sensor for the monitoring of the AED unit status, specific to the brand and model. Information sent to central database server Backlit LCD screen to display status of the power, network, temperature and the AED unit. Access to the AED is free or with restricted access via digicode/RFID card according to models. Local visual warnings (flashing red LEDs) to indicate malfunctions. Possible STN telephone, hands-free module and automatic dialing according to settings and models. Connection to local (LAN) Ethernet network. Integrated light sensor to illuminate the AED compartment in darkened locations. 24V DC SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) for human safety. RFID badge reader for opening and maintenance purposes. Rechargeable back-up battery for essential functions in case of failed power supply. Data processing SPECIFIC FEATURES Constant remote monitoring of the AED through an optical sensor, specific to brand and model. Http communications between the AIVIA cabinet and the AIVIAnet server. Realtime information concerning incidents, alerts or malfunctions. Immediate and automatic routing of data via SMS/ Email . Optional photo camera surveillance when the cabinets are opened and the AED unit removed. Interface display Automatic receptionn of SMS/ Email THE AIVIANET SERVER A SOFTWARE MONITORING APPLICATION The AIVIA net server is a software application which ensures straightforward, remote, around-the-clock monitoring of AIVIA defibrillator cabinets and the AED stored within. Accessible through secure access, from any computer connected to the Internet, the AIVIA net server offers constant, remote monitoring of AEDs and their protective cabinets, providing users with realtime information concerning any incidents, alerts or malfunctions which may occur. The following features and benefits of the AIVIA net server are to be considered. A multilingual version is available, requiring a username and password for access to the server. Incidents are displayed with the possibility of verifying and logging facts. One or several AIVIA cabinets can be monitored at any one time. (status display and presence of the AED, photos taken upon opening the cabinets, control system, alarms...) AIVIANET can be programmed to send SMS/Email alerts to one or more people should an incident occur. Record keeping of past incidents. Data Interpretation by way of colour codes. Geolocation of any AIVIA cabinet connected to the network. Application generates metrics. A CONFIGURATION AND MAINTENANCE TOOL In addition to monitoring AIVIA-AED units, the AIVIA net application is an easy-to-use online tool for the configuration and maintenance of these units. It has an online diagnostics capacity. Mas des Tilleuls 66680 C !"#$%&'&France Tél. : + 33 (0)4 68 39 68 Fax : +33 (0)4 68 39 69 [email protected]"(&'&)) A-IM AA-IMP-DCAVS-EN20121029 IMPIM P-DC PDCAV DC AVSAV S-EN SEN20 EN 2012 20 1210 12 1029 10 29 Configuration can be modified from the server. An online diagnostics capability and interpretation by error code. Details of malfunctions and automatic routing of incidents (Emails/SMS wordings, recipients…). Record keeping of maintenance for each AED unit. Instructs as to preventative action needing to be taken. (keeping users informed of any expiration of Pads and Batteries, serial numbers...)
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