
C u l t u r a l
p r o g r a m
visual arts
For vernissage and exhibit dates, consult each of the Maison de la culture calendars on pages 12 and 20.
January 28 at 8 p.m.
February 22 at 8 p.m.
Tire le CoyoteNDG
Chloé Sainte-MarieNDG
suggestions for your outings…
February 4 at 7 p.m.
February 8 at 7:30 p.m.
February 9 at 7:30 p.m.
February 29 at 7:30 p.m.
March 21 at 7:30 p.m.
April 3 at 7:30 p.m.
April 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Mil cretinsCDN
Grace, Milly, Lucy… des fillettes soldatesNDG
Série Jazzes-tu? – Socalled, le filmCDN
Socalled, le filmNDG
Une force de la nature : David SuzukiNDG
Trou StoryCDN
Bull’s eye, un peintre à l’affûtNDG
February 17 at 8 p.m.
March 1st at 8 p.m.
April 26 at 8 p.m.
Montréal by nightSegal
Young audiences
January 29 at 3 p.m.
January 29 at 3 p.m.
February 12 at 3 p.m.
February 19 at 3 p.m.
February 26 at 3 p.m.
March 4 at 3 p.m.
March 6 at 11 a.m.
March 6 at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
March 7 at 3 p.m.
March 8 at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
March 18 at 3 p.m.
March 25 at 3 p.m.
April 1st at 3 p.m.
April 15 at 3 p.m.
April 22 at 3 p.m.
May 6 at 3 p.m.
Don Quichotte, malgré lui (as of 7 years old)NDG
Ciel variable (as of 5 years old)CDN
Animez-vous, cuvée 2011 (as of 5 years old)CDN
Animez-vous, cuvée 2011 (as of 5 years old)NDG
À la recherche de la musique perdue (as of 4 years old)CDN
Gros Paul (as of 8 years old)CDN
Tête de violon (as of 6 years old)NDG
Don Quichotte, malgré lui (as of 7 years old)CDN
Annabelle suit sa voix (as of 6 years old)NDG
Les 7 trompettes de Fred Piston (as of 3 years old)CDN
Gros biscuit (as of 5 years old)CDN
Ginkgo et la jardinière (as of 4 years old)NDG
Quatre saisons dans la vie de Ludovic (as of 3 years old)CDN
Flûte de flûte Victor! (as of 3 years old)CDN
Samsara (as of 6 years old)NDG
Paul Flou (as of 3 years old)NDG
January 20 at 8 p.m.
February 2 at 8 p.m.
February 5 at 4 p.m.
February 7 at 8 p.m.
February 14 at 8 p.m.
February 16 at 8 p.m.
February 22 at 8 p.m.
February 28 at 8 p.m.
March 4 at 4 p.m.
March 13 at 8 p.m.
March 13 at 8 p.m.
March 15 at 8 p.m.
March 20 at 8 p.m.
March 22 at 8 p.m.
March 29 at 8 p.m.
April 12 at 8 p.m.
April 17 at 8 p.m.
April 19 at 8 p.m.
April 20 at 8 p.m.
April 21 at 8 p.m.
Video phaseNDG
Voyage en ItalieNDG
Série Jazzes-tu? – Opus JazzCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Un piano, trois voixCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Octo portraitsCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Tremblement de ferCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Now WhatCDN
Small is beautiful (jeu de tarot)NDG
Les filles à l’enversCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Locos quartetCDN
Platero et moiCDN
Série Jazzes-tu? – Hommage à Herbie HancockCDN
La belle époqueNDG
Notes de chevetNDG
Les amours légendaires, Frédéric Chopin et Georges SandCDN
4e printemps culturel nord-africainCDN
4e printemps culturel nord-africainCDN
January 26 at 8 p.m.
February 23 at 8 p.m.
March 15 at 8 p.m.
March 28 at 8 p.m.
April 12 at 8 p.m.
April 13 at 8 p.m.
May 3 at 8 p.m.
Happy IncestNDG
Le nidNDG
La déraison d’amourNDG
Premier amourCDN
Marche comme une ÉgyptienneCDN
Marche comme une ÉgyptienneNDG
April 5 at 8 p.m.
Québec insoliteNDG
Story telling
March 29 at 8 p.m.
Hommes de piocheCDN
January 14 at 10:30 a.m.
January 28 at 10:30 a.m.
January 28 at 2 p.m.
February 18 at 2 p.m.
February 18 at 3 p.m.
March 6 at 1 p.m.
March 7 at 1 p.m.
March 7 at 2 p.m.
March 7 at 2 p.m.
March 8 at 1 p.m.
March 8 at 2 p.m.
March 9 at 2 p.m.
March 10 at 2 p.m.
March 31 at 2 p.m.
April 14 at 2 p.m.
April 19 at 1:30 p.m.
April 20 at 10:30 a.m.
April 21 at 10:30 a.m.
April 21 at 1:30 p.m.
April 21 at 2 p.m.
May 5 at 2 p.m.
May 12 at 2 p.m.
May 12 at 2:30 p.m.
May 24 at 10:30 a.m.
May 27 at 2 p.m.
June 2 at 2:30 p.m.
suggestions for your outings…
For storytelling, bricolage, and chess and board game workshop times, consult each of the library calendars on pages 23 to 30.
Activités d’éveil pour les tout-petits (1 to 3 years old)Benny
La petite dent (2 to 5 years old)BIC
Dessiner comme Keith Haring (7 to 12 years old)CDN
Les ateliers artistiques d’Infusart (9 to 12 years old)NDG
Création collective d’un conte (6 to 9 years old)BIC
Mangas (8 to 12 years old)Benny
La cuisine moléculaire avec les Débrouillards (8 to 12 years old)Benny
Les peuples algonquiens et les iroquoiens… (7 to 12 years old)BIC
Cerveaux en ébullition (8 to 12 years old)CDN
Go! Go! Jeux de go! (8 to 12 years old)Benny
Tout peut s’animer (5 to 13 years old)BIC
Laboratoire de créatures fantastiques (8 to 13 years old)BIC
Abstraction de paysage en peinture (7 to 12 years old)CDN
Pysanky : l’art des œufs de Pâques ukrainiens (8 to 13 years old)BIC
Les polymères de Sciences en folie (8 to 10 years old)NDG
Collage et Premières nations (8 to 11 years old)Benny
La Reine de Kémet (3 to 7 years old)BIC
Devant ma maison (3 to 5 years old)BIC
Contes des mille et une nuits (as of 6 years old)Benny
Mozart, le chat qui lit (2 to 6 years old)NDG
Héros de BD en 3D (as of 8 years old)CDN
Ma première bande dessinée (8 to 15 years old)
NDG 30
Paroles et chansons (10 to 17 years old)BIC
Éveil à la musique pour les bambins (1 to 3 years old)BIC
Complètement Manga! (10 to 17 years old)CDN
Improvisation à partir de livres (10 to 15 years old)BIC
January 22 at 2 p.m.
February 4 at 2 p.m.
Initiation à la bande dessinée (12 to 19 years old)BIC
L’art du maquillage (12 to 19 years old)BIC
January 21 at 1 p.m.
January 28 at 1:30 p.m.
February 4 at 1:30 p.m.
February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
March 3 at 1:30 p.m.
March 31 at 1:30 p.m.
April 14 at 1:30 p.m.
May 11 at 1:30 p.m.
May 19 at 2 p.m.
June 9 at 2 p.m.
Une vie intéressante avec un petit budget?BIC
La sécurité sur InternetBIC
Beauté fataleCDN
L’art et les prédominances de réseauxBIC
La cuisine moléculaireCDN
Du roman policier au PolarCDN
Quiz sur les mythes et réalités en alimentationBIC
Le système de la santé du Québec
BIC 29
Imaginaires de la bande dessinées contemporaineNDG
Bienvenue chez Monsieur B!BIC
The Maisons de la culture:
Where your culture lives
the maisons de la culture
The borough’s two Maisons de la culture offer a wide selection of shows and exhibits, numerous mediated cultural activities
providing a broad access to arts and culture, as well as various artistic production residencies in support of local creative talent.
All these actions are made possible thanks to, amongst other things, the financial support of the Conseil des arts de Montréal en
tournée and the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal between the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et
de la Condition féminine du Québec and the Ville de Montréal.
Admission Policy
Our activities are free. However, you must obtain a pass in order to attend a show. You can do so by dropping by the Maison de
la culture presenting the activity two weeks prior to the event. There is a limit of two passes per person for evening shows and
four passes per person for family shows. You can also reserve your tickets online at (service charges of $ 2
per tickets apply).
Presented at the Segal Centre of Performing Arts
Dance • Thursday, March 1st at 8 p.m. • Contemporary dance
Montréal by night, Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata
Choreographer Zab Maboungou creates a very lively nocturnal atmosphere with
four dancers and three musicians (two percussionists and a cellist) recreating the spirit
of Montreal’s nightlife. The pulse of every community, expressed through a contemporary
African dance, can be felt in the performance’s energetic rhythm and motion. With
Julienne Doko, Karla Etienne, Marielle Mencé and George Stamos, dancers,
Elli Miller-Maboungou, Marc Keyevuh and Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, musicians.
Passes available as of February 16
Segal Centre of Performing Arts
5170, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3M 1M7
514 739-2301
Montréal by night © Pierre Manning,
Audrée Desnoyers, Shoot studio
Special thanks to the Maisons de la culture partners
All activities are in French unless indicated otherwise.
Young Audiences • Sunday, January 29 at 3 p.m. • Theatre (as of 5 years old)
Ciel variable, Puzzle Théâtre
This show, built around children’s drawings, offers a startling adventure, an extraordinary journey in a white world inked in black
and nestled between fantasy and reality. It’s a show about us, about our neighbours, and about the sometimes variable sky. Created
and performed by Pavla Mano and Csaba Raduly.
Passes available as of January 15
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
Socalled, le film © Jean-Sébastien Defoy
Film • Saturday, February 4 at 7 p.m.
Mil cretins
Catalan director Ventura Pons’s latest film offers fifteen tales based on short stories written by renowned Catalan writer Quim
Monzo. Suffering, elderliness, love and death, and especially human folly, are the themes explored in this daring yet humorous
project. Original Catalan and French versions (French subtitles). Presented in cooperation with Le Cercle culturel catalan du Québec
and the Médiathèque en études catalanes de l’Université de Montréal.
No passes required
Music • Tuesday, February 7 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu? - Carte blanche à Julie Lamontagne
Opus jazz, Julie Lamontagne solo
In this solo piano performance, Julie Lamontagne gives us a premiere of her album, Opus Jazz, a unique pairing of her jazz sensibilities
with the classical music that inhabited her youth. An Opus prize recipient as well as an ADISQ nominee, this musician, who plays
alongside music legends, also enjoys a career as a keyboardist-conductor on stage. She is an accomplished artist whom critics
rank among the finest the world of jazz has to offer.
Passes available as of January 24
Film • Thursday, February 9 at 7:30 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu?
Socalled, le film, L’ONF à la maison
A portrait of the lively Josh Dolgin, a.k.a. Socalled, and his multifaceted music through 18 vignettes filmed here and in Europe.
Klezmer, hip hop, funk… the artist vaults over the barriers between musical genres as he travels across cultures, eras and
generations with boundless energy. With the participation of Director Garry Beitel (reFrame Films | NFB). In French and English
with French subtitles (2010 | 89 min). Preceded by the short film Hothouse 5: Foufou.
Passes available as of January 26
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
Tremblement de fer © Patrick LaRocque
Young audiences • Sunday, February 12 at 3 p.m. • Film (as of 5 years old )
Animez-vous, cuvée 2011, L’ONF à la maison
Let yourself be entertained by this amusing selection of National Film Board crowd-pleasers, both classic and new. The opening
piece, Tout peut s’animer, a film that explains the basics of animation to children, will be followed by the animated films Sur la
route by Anita Lebeau, Waseteq by Phyllis Grant, Les yeux noirs by Nicola Lemay and La fille qui détestait les livres by Jo
Passes available as of January 29
Music • Tuesday, February 14 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu? - Carte blanche à Julie Lamontagne
Un piano, trois voix
How better to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to succumb to the charm of a serenade? In this piano solo, Julie Lamontagne surrounds
herself with singers Patrick Duquette, Marie-Christine Depestre and Carole Vincelette, who will reinterpret love songs with a
jazzy twist. A show that promises to be touching, filled with surprising song arrangements, with selections taken from the repertoires of both jazz and popular music.
Passes available as of January 31
Music • Thursday, February 16 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu?
Octo Portraits, Jazzlabmusique
After three albums and over 90 concerts across several continents, the band has imposed its versatile and energetic sound. Enjoy
the talent of eight accomplished musicians on stage performing eight diversified and osmotic self-portraits. Jazzlab continues
its journey across the land of possibilities. With Frank Lozano, Rémi Bolduc, Alexandre Côté, Aron Doyle, Richard Gagnon,
John Roney, Alain Bédard and Isaiah Ceccarelli. Presented in cooperation with the Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of February 2
Music • Wednesday, February 22 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu?
Tremblement de fer, Sacré Tympan
With its unusual orchestration, this Pierre Labbé show offers a true sound odyssey combining modern jazz and contemporary
classical music. For an inspiring adventure that grooves, whispers and touches! Reunited on stage, the best improv musicians in
Montréal: Pierre Labbé, Jean Derome, André Leroux, Aron Doyle, Jean-Nicholas Trottier, Pierre Tanguay, Bernard Falaise,
Clinton Ryder, Josiane Laberge, Mélanie DeBonville, Jean René and Émilie Girad-Charest. Presented in cooperation with
the Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of February 8
Young audiences • Sunday, February 26 at 3 p.m. • World music (as of 4 years old)
À la recherche de la musique perdue, Gadji-Gadjo
Music • Tuesday, February 28 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu? - Carte blanche à Julie Lamontagne
Now what, Julie Lamontagne Quartet
Accompanied by her faithful fellow musicians, Richard Irwin, drums, Dave Watts, double bass, and Alexandre Côté, saxophone,
Julie Lamontagne performs original pieces from her first two albums, Facing the Truth and Now What. In a traditional acoustic
quartet setting, she offers us music that is startling in its originality and in which, to the great delight of the audience, the musicians
pour their heart and soul into their performances.
Passes available as of February 14
Dance • Thursday, March 1st at 8 p.m.
Montréal by night, Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata
Presented at the Segal Centre of Performing Arts. See description p. 4
Passes available as of February 16
Young audiences • Sunday, March 4 at 3 p.m. • Music (as of 8 years old)
Gros Paul, Moulin à Musique
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
While musicians lead children in song to lively gypsy music, Monsieur Grincheux, who dislikes music, steals the key of harmony.
Woe to the Gypsies! Without the key of harmony, instruments become “chaophonic.” Thus begins an adventure full of twists and
turns. With Mélanie Bergeron, accordion, Pierre-Olivier Dufresne, violin, Mathieu Deschenaux, double bass, Ivan Bamford,
percussions, and Ariane Labonté, puppets and story.
Passes available as of February 12
Petit Paul will become big, enormous, gargantuan, because he devours everything in his path: computer, house… even to the
point of swallowing his own parents. The little ogre, desperately lonely, calls upon the media to witness his condition, to use its
power to demand ever more, more, more, and right now….! Pierre-Étienne Rouillard, storyteller-singer, Flavie Gagnon, violin,
Nicolas Lessard, bass, Allan Sutton, keyboard.
Passes available starting February 19
Julie Lamontagne © Alain Comtois
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
Les filles à l’envers © Nicolas Bouchard
Young audiences • Tuesday, March 6 at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. • Theatre (as of 7 years old)
Don Quichotte, malgré lui, Possiblement Théâtre
Don Quichotte, a romantic and sometimes faint-hearted dreamer, wants to become a legendary knight. But one day, his dreams
become a less pleasant reality. A wild mission, imaginary adversaries, and love at first sight for a peculiar Dulcinéa. Kathleen
Aubert, Stéphanie Daviau, Gwendolyn Mckeown, André Perron and Laurent Trudel, performers.
Passes available as of February 21
Young audiences • Thursday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. • Music (as of 3 years old)
Les 7 trompettes de Fred Piston, Jeunesses musicales du Canada
The young and friendly Fred Piston, trumpet doctor and assistant to renowned Professor Trompettito, brings along his 7 trumpets
to offer a memorable “techomultimedia” performance. With fun and passion, he transmits to children his love of music and of that
most spitrited instrument: the trumpet! A concert that will “blow” you away! Frédéric Demers, trumpet.
Passes available starting February 23
Music • Tuesday, March 13 at 8 p.m. • Contemporary music
Les filles à l’envers, Productions SuperMusique
Les filles à l’envers is an upside down band that offers us a refreshing concert. Be ready for improvised and written music, played
on traditional or concocted instruments, acoustic or electronic. With Magali Babin, electronic, original objects, turntable, AndreaJane Cornell, computer, original objects, hydrophones, Nicolas Dion, electronic, objects, Diane Labrosse, sampler, computer
and Danielle Palardy Roger, percussions.
Passes available as of February 28
Music • Thursday, March 15 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu? - Carte blanche à Julie Lamontagne
Locos quartet
Young audiences • Sunday, March 18 at 3 p.m. • Story telling (as of 5 years old)
Gros biscuit
Nothing is going well at the Gros Biscuit homestead. Mom gave birth at the zoo and dad came home with a baby crocodile!
Marilou, the family’s daredevil, climbs everything from the fridge to the giant fir tree in the yard! Christophe is making everybody
eat cookies made from play-dough while Grand Dad and Pascal are having a “wee-wee” contest and Arthur, the baby of the family,
is being buried under a ton of chocolate. A show inspired by the world of Robert Munsch, featuring Renée Robitaille.
Passes available as of March 4
Music • Tuesday, March 20 at 8 p.m. • Musique et lecture
Platero et moi, Compagnie Voyageurs Immobiles
Basing themselves on a story written by Spanish author Juan Ramòn Jiménez (1956 Nobel Prize for Literature), narrator Marcela
Pizarro Minella and guitar player André Rodrigues offer a show consisting of 15 tableaux that capture the essence of the tale.
Accompanied by his best friend, a donkey named Platero, the poet thinks back on childhood games, pain and tenderness, life
and death.
Passes available as of March 6
Music • Thursday, March 22 at 8 p.m. • Série Jazzes-tu? - Carte blanche à Julie Lamontagne
Hommage à Herbie Hancock, Julie Lamontagne trio
Herbie Hancock is one of the great jazzmen and musician of his time, one whose unconventional musical approach has greatly
influenced Julie Lamontagne’s career. As part of a trio, she pays tribute to the man and his music, shifting from the Rhodes to
the piano. Accompanied by Dave Watts, double bass, Richard Irwing, drums, and Caroline Nadeau, vocals.
Passes available as of March 8
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
The Locos quartet presents a jazz concert with a Latin influence that is both personal and unbridled. With the passionate violin
of Nathalie Bonin, the pianistic stylings of Julie Lamontagne, the double bass virtuosity of Adrian Vedady, and the sensibilities of
percussionist Joanna Peters, your mind and heart will roam across uncharted musical territory. Come and discover this new band!
Passes available as of March 1st
Theatre • Wednesday, March 28 at 8 p.m.
Premier amour, Théâtre de Fortune
Far from the traditional love story, this Samuel Beckett short story written in 1946 and published in 1970, tells the story of an
encounter between a prostitute and a destitute man, an encounter that will lead them to a cruel liaison. In this theatrical adaptation,
narrator Rock Aubert delivers an understated performance as he reveals the details of his encounter with Lulu, she who initiated
him into the mysteries of love. Directed by Jean-Marie Papietro.
Passes available as of March 14
Story telling • Thursday, March 29 at 8 p.m.
Hommes de pioche
Everyone agrees: Renée Robitaille’s depiction of the life stories of youth, stories often tinged with humour and courage, tugs
at our heartstrings. Accompanied by Étienne Loranger at the accordion, in a production by Louis Champagne, she charms us
with her rendition of true stories from her native Abitibi that are both intelligent and inspiring. Winner of the 2008 Rideau Award.
Passes available as of March 15
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
Young audiences • Sunday, April 1st at 3 p.m. • Film (as of 3 years old)
Quatre saisons dans la vie de Ludovic, L’ONF à la maison
These four films produced by Co Hoedeman will certainly charm the little ones and their parents alike! Charm and tenderness
abound in these puppet-animated shorts, featuring Ludovic the teddy bear. Music by Daniel Lavoie.
Passes available as of March 18
Film • Tuesday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m.
Trou Story, L’ONF à la maison
The history of mining in Canada is replete with tales of colossal profits amassed without regard to the environment or to the health
and well-being of miners. In Trou Story, Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie revisit their protest pamphlet L’erreur boréale
to clearly expose, with the support of shocking pictures, rare archives and interviews, the world of Canadian mining. With the
participation of Robert Monderie. Preceded by the short film Hothouse 7: Or noir.
Passes available as of March 20
Theatre • Thursday, April 12 at 8 p.m.
Marche comme une Égyptienne, Compagnie Face de Râ
The text, written and interpreted by Mireille Tawfik, presents Adrienne Mounir, a young comedian who travels to Egypt to pierce
the mystery surrounding her father’s past. In Egypt, she will discover her origins: her native roots, the realities of life in Egypt,
people’s demands, her family’s secrets and broken dreams, in which she will come to recognize and know herself.
Passes available as of March 29
Quatre saisons dans la vie de Ludovic © Co Hoedeman
Young audiences • Sunday, April 15 at 3 p.m. • Musical theatre (as of 3 years old)
Flûte de flûte Victor!, Compagnie musicale La Nef
On a spring night, the beaver family is suddenly awakened. What a disaster! The melting ice tore off one of the hut walls. Father
beaver sends Victor to fetch sturdy branches in the forest. The wall must be rebuilt as soon as possible to prevent the river from
carrying away the entire hut! Victor guides us through an action-packed adventure. Suzanne De Serres, wind instruments, Seán
Dagher, cittern, lyre, Ellie Nimeroski, violin and alto, Thierry Arsenault, percussions.
Passes available as of April 1st
Music • Tuesday, April 17 at 8 p.m. • Music and reading
Les amours légendaires, Frédéric Chopin et Georges Sand
de la
de côte
de la
Doubossar © Luc Belcour
In this romantic, candle-lit concert-show, pianist Milena Trifonova and actress Alexandrine Agostini let us witness the passionate, flamboyant, and stormy relationship between composer Frédéric Chopin and writer George Sand. The piano’s moody strings,
coupled with a moving correspondence, will convey the deepest moments of this larger-than-life love affair.
Passes available as of April 3
Music • Thursday, April 19 at 8 p.m. • Jazz
Inspired by East European Jewish musical traditions but with a contemporary sound and orchestration, saxophonist Damian
Nisenson and his band capture the spirit of the past and reinvent eras that inhabit our collective consciousness. On stage with
Bernard Falaise, Jean Félix Mailloux, Pierre Tanguay, Isaiah Ceccarelli and Poli Wilhelm on brushes.
Passes available as of April 5
Music • Friday, April 20 and Saturday April 21 at 8 p.m. • World music
4e Printemps culturel nord-africain
Program schedule to be determined
Passes available as of April 6
Dance • Thursday, April 26 at 8 p.m. • Traditional Indian dance
Through various classical Indian dance styles, Atman explores the quest for identity in an innovative fashion. The dances, performed
either in solo, in a duo or in a trio, use the lyrical and narrative elements of dance to integrate traditional and contemporary
sensibilities, literature and music, vocals and movement. With the collaboration of choreographer Manijeh Ali.
Passes available as of April 12
Visual Arts - Exhibit
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
Champs vibratoires 2002-2009 by Nicole Lebel continues until February 26
Refuges et transparences by Jolanta Sprawka continues until February 19
From October 29, 2011 to February 12, 2012
Azca, Martin Girard
While crossing the ochre expanse of the desert along the
blacktop stretches of Arizona and California highways, where
the only oases are run-down motels and gas stations, Martin
Girard chose to bypass hard-edged photography in favour of
dream-like, atmospheric imagery. Those who gaze upon his
encounters with these ancient, mythical vistas will share in
his sense of grace and beauty.
Azca © Martin Girard
From February 25 to April 1st
Les guerriers de l’intérieur,
Serge Gosselin and Renée Robitaille
This project originated from a meeting between photographer
Serge Gosselin and storyteller Renée Robitaille, and was
inspired by a common passion: give light and a voice back
to miners. The photographer’s images paint a portrait of this
brotherhood of men who, with courage, determination and
strength, painstakingly extract the earth’s buried treasures.
After visiting the Abitibi mines, and guided by the clashing
contrasts of Gosselin’s pictures, Renée Robitaille offers us,
with brio and finesse, short stories that honour these men.
Opening on Saturday, February 25 at 2 p.m.
Les guerriers de l’intérieur © Serge Gosselin
From March 3 to April 15
Multidisciplinary exhibit
In Between, Eman Haram, commissioner
Using various techniques, this exhibit explores the work
of six artists with hybrid identities who live, hover, and
move between different geographical, linguistic, cultural,
and ancestral worlds. Eman Haram, curator, installation,
Anjuna Langevin, performance, Roberto Godoy, mixed
techniques, jenna dawn maclellan, video, performance
and installation, Michel Lancelot, printed art and Manuel
Lau, mosaic, painting and drawing.
Opening on Thursday, March 8 at 5 p.m.
In Between © Eman Haram
Collectionner © Alexander Henderson
Collect… What? Why? Some collect stamps, coins, vinyl
records, hockey cards, others worship art. Nine collectors
share their personal collections through the Accès culture
network. Sébastien Hudon, art historian, critic and artistic
director of la Bande Vidéo at the Méduse complex in Québec
City, shares his passion with us. His collection stems from
a great curiosity, a passion fuelled by a research on the
evolution of ideas that stand the test of time through history
and various art forms from different civilizations.
Opening on Thursday, April 12 at 5 p.m.
From April 19 to May 27
Tempo, Poli Wilhem
Objects fill our daily life, images are undone, weathered.
This is where color, texture and movement overpower objects
toward an abstract language, providing spectators with the
opportunity to construct or invent their own stories. Form
undergoes transformation and lends itself to color in support
of the painting’s structure, allowing us to witness a reality
that rises beyond the object’s nature. - Poli Wilhem, artistic
Opening on Thursday, April 19 at 6 p.m.
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture
From April 12 to May 27
Multidisciplinary exhibit
Collectionner, Sébastien Hudon’s
Tempo © Poli-Wilhem
From April 20 to June 3
Arts and textiles
La fibre et le mouvement,
Suspension, which relies on thread, fibre, and loom, entails a
history rich in constraints. On the other hand, it provides a series
of plastic alternatives in the form of canvas, networks, or
soft architecture. Under the curatorship of François Chalifour,
artists Hannah Claus, Caroline Cloutier, Hélène Lefebvre,
François Mathieu and Ed Pien encourage us to set aside
our Cartesian view of the world as we follow them into a
non-rational, implicate, and deep-structured realm.
Opening on Friday, April 20 at 5 p.m.
La fibre et le mouvement © François Chalifour
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
All activities are in French unless indicated otherwise.
Don Quichotte, malgré lui © Marie Des Neiges Magnan
Music • Friday, January 20 at 8 p.m.
Video phase
In this multimedia show, Julien-Robert Legault Salvail (electronic, real time treatment and video) and Julien Compagne
(percussions) invite you to rediscover the richness and beauty of minimalist music by revisiting two pieces by Steve Reich. Also
scheduled, two original creations that will most certainly astonish you. With no fuss, they will create a musical and visual universe
in real time right before your eyes!
Passes available as of January 6
Theatre • Thursday, January 26 at 8 p.m. • In French
Happy Incest
Binnilli White tells us that he will have ten children that he will never know. He donated sperm 31 times. Through the 31 musings
collected in his Livre de la Sagesse, he conveys his thoughts on psychology, pornography, fragility, the media, love, happiness,
and death. In the course of this solo theatrical performance, he will try to teach his faraway children to reject the current state of
Happy Incest. A creation by Jonathan Morier. Coup de coeur award recipient at the Festival Fringe 2011.
Passes available as of January 12
Songs • Saturday, January 28 at 8 p.m.
Tire le Coyote
This show is a project by Benoit Pinette, a young and inspired singer-songwriter composer. Joined by three musicians, he offers
us lyrics that are replete with personal meaning ensconced in a deep and nuanced folk-rock setting. When you first hear his voice,
it will touch you and stay with you. With an acclaimed first album entitled Le fleuve en huile, he is already part of our contemporary
musical landscape. Come discover this talented musician!
Passes available starting January 14
Young audiences • Sunday, January 29 at 3 p.m. • Theatre (as of 7 years old)
Don Quichotte, malgré lui, Possiblement Théâtre
See description p. 8
Passes available as of January 15
Music • Thursday, February 2 at 8 p.m.
Trans-Époques, Ensemble Transmission
Music • Sunday, February 5 at 4 p.m.
Voyage en Italie
Let yourself be charmed by pianist Mathieu Fortin in this romantic recital consisting of pieces by Beethoven and Liszt. You will
hear Listz’s Deuxième année de Pèlerinage (Italy), a poetic collection inspired by non-musical art forms (Raphaël, Michael-Angelo,
Petrarch, and Dante). In tune with Italy, the vibrant Sonate op. 27 no. 1 by Beethoven is the lesser known older sibling of the
acclaimed Sonate à la Lune.
Passes available as of January 22
Film • Wednesday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Grace, Milly, Lucy… des fillettes soldates, L’ONF à la maison
Over the past 20 years, rebel troops in Uganda have abducted over 30,000 children and forced them to serve in the armed rebellion;
among them, many were girls. Upon returning to their village, Milly and Lucy founded an organization for veteran female soldiers,
while Grace joined institutions such as the UN. Through sheer determination, these models of resilience have successfully escaped
the horrors of Uganda. A troubling film by Raymonde Provencher that uncovers this little-known reality. French subtitles (2010 |
73 min). Presented during Black History Month.
Passes available as of January 25
Dance • Friday, February 17 at 8 p.m.
A solo-in-solitude from a performer on a quest for meaning, RAW-me deliberately flirts with self-as-fiction and finds its roots in a
primal need for creative integrity, in terms both artistic and human. The performance draws us into a spiritual journey where inner
landscapes are exposed and collide, and where a trek across the desert sometimes seems like a storm. Manuel Roque is trained
in theatre, circus, and dance, and is both a performer and a choreographer.
Passes available as of February 3
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
This concert takes you on a musical journey through the ages, from Haydn to Sokolovic, and consists of six pieces or partial
movements providing contrasting yet fascinating melodies. Alain Giguère, violin, Julie Trudeau and Guy Pelletier, flute, Lori
Freedman, clarinet, Brigitte Poulin, piano and Julien Grégoire, percussion. Presented in collaboration with the Conseil des arts
de Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of January 19
RAW-me © Manuel Roque
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
La déraison d’amour © Louise Leblanc
Young audiences • Sunday, February 19 at 3 p.m. • Film (as of 5 years old)
Animez-vous, cuvée 2011, L’ONF à la maison
See description p.6
Passes available as of February 5
Songs • Wednesday, February 22 at 8 p.m.
Chloé Sainte-Marie
Chloé Sainte-Marie sings of our homeland through the language of our native poets, Joséphine Bacon and Philippe McKenzie,
and the rich and earthy words of Gilles Carle, Roland Giguère, Patrice Desbiens and Gaston Miron. Accompanied by musician
Réjean Bouchard, she sings of the difficult encounters between nations and expresses the deep strength and delicate balance
of the land, especially of the Great North, unfortunately now considered a mere “Plan,” a source of revenue. This show follows
the opening of the exhibition Les nations autochtones; douceur, grâce et vigueur by Guy Labissonière (see description p. 20).
Passes available as of February 8
Theatre • Thursday, February 23 at 8 p.m.
Le nid, Théâtre Qui Va Là
Following a fire, a couple of bird-watchers uncover the traces of their past, hidden in the rubble of their nest. This quest will
unearth memories of the cries of nestlings, the chirping of long-gone birds, the overwhelming presence of birds of prey, and
an egg about to hatch. This tragicomic fable is the account of a love lost reborn from its ashes. Text and performances by Félix
Beaulieu-Duscheneau and Sandrine Cloutier. Presented by Les Entrées en scène Loto-Québec.
Passes available as of February 9
Film • Wednesday, February 29 at 7:30 p.m.
Socalled, le film, L’ONF à la maison
See description p. 5
Passes available as of February 15
Dance • Thursday, March 1st at 8 p.m.
Montréal by Night, Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata
Presented at the Segal Centre of Performing Arts. See description p. 4
Passes available as of February 16
Music • Sunday, March 4 at 4 p.m.
Small is beautiful (jeu de tarot)
Young audiences • Tuesday, March 6 at 11 a.m. • Musical theatre (as of 6 years old)
Tête de violon, Jeunesses musicales du Canada
She has one head, two arms, two legs and… a violin. She shoulders her wooden soul. Her very soul inhabits the sound post on
her shoulder. Tête de violon resonates on all chords, sometimes in sunshine, sometimes in shadow, occasionally shivering, but
always playful. A performance combining motion, music and fantasy. An interlude featuring strange harmonies, soundscapes, and
narrative music. Marie-Hélène da Silva, idea player and performer and Joël da Silva, author and stage director.
Passes available as of February 21
Young audiences • Wednesday, March 7 at 3 p.m. • Musical theatre (as of 6 years old)
Annabelle suit sa voix, Jeunesses musicales du Canada
We find Annabelle Canto at the peak of her art when a renowned impresario offers to send her on a world tour. However, before
having her sign the contract, he requests that Annabelle attend an audition. Nervous, Annabelle misunderstands, believing instead
that she must demonstrate how quickly she can pack her bags, breeze through customs, and sign fifty autographs in ten minutes!
Christina Tannous, soprano and Dominic Boulianne, piano.
Passes available as of February 22
Music • Tuesday, March 13 at 8 p.m.
In a style unlike any other, the multi-talented violinist Mireille Proulx transposes her solid classical training into the world of jazz
which she plays with elegance and impeccable taste. Her compositions deliver music that is sensual and audacious, meditative
and passionate. Over the course of the evening, she will showcase her new album, Volutes, as well as pieces from her previous
albums acclaimed by both the public and critics alike. Accompanied by John Sadowy at the piano.
Passes available as of February 28
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
This four-hand piano concert with Jacques Drouin and Lorraine Vaillancourt creates an unusual encounter between the
universe of Hungarian composer György Kurtág and Québec composer Simon Bertrand, both of whom share the same meditative
approach. The concert is enhanced with an on-screen projection listing the titles of Kurtág’s miniatures. During Bertrand’s performance,
the projection consists of startling paintings by Hieronymus Bosch centered on the Marseille Tarot’s 22 Major Arcanas, a source
of inspiration to Bertrand’s work.
Passes available as of February 19
Theatre • Thursday, March 15 at 8 p.m.
La déraison d’amour
Film-maker Jean Daniel Lafond and comedian Marie Tifo discovered in the writings of Marie Guyard, known as Marie de
l’Incarnation, a beautiful style, images and shocking themes. “Created for the celebration of Québec City’s 400th anniversary, La
Déraison d’amour offers an irresistible portrait of an exceptional woman. […] A magnificent, ceremonial performance, dense and
beautifully played by Marie Tifo.” —Le Soleil. Based on the documentary Folle de Dieu, directed by Lorraine Pintal.
Passes available as of March 1st
Film • Wednesday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Une force de la nature : David Suzuki, L’ONF à la maison
Film-maker Sturla Gunnarsson presents a biography of the thought of popular scientist, teacher, communicator, and militant
David Suzuki. At age 73, Suzuki gives us what he says is a “last testament – the essence of my life and thought, my legacy, what
I want to say before I die”. A man of integrity, truly inspiring. (2010 | 92 min)
Passes available as of March 7
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
Ginkgo et la jardinière © Michel Pinault
Young audiences • Sunday, March 25 at 3 p.m. • Musical theatre (as of 4 years old)
Ginkgo et la jardinière, co-produced by Théâtre Bouches Décousues and
Théâtre Maât
The gardener lives at the foot of an old tree, a ginkgo biloba. She cultivates words, musical notes; she talks to the wind and to the
sun. At summer’s end, she will witness the birth of a little Ginkgo who will soon replace its ancestor. Text by Jasmine Dubé with
Jasmine Dubé, MariEve Lauzon at the flute and Christophe Papadimitriou at the double bass. Presented in collaboration with
the Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of March 11
Music • Thursday, March 29 at 8 p.m.
La belle époque, Trio Bataclan
Humour and elegance meet in this finely tuned musical performance featuring a repertoire combining original pieces (Plante,
Lussier) that pay tribute to famous dandies and a selection of standards with tailor-made arrangements. Denis Plante,
bandoneon, Mathieu Lussier, bassoon and Catherine Perrin, harpsichord. Presented in collaboration with the Conseil des arts
de Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of March 15
Lecture • Thursday, April 5 at 8 p.m.
Québec insolite
Raging rivers streaming through forests, long winter nights bowing to the midnight sun, mythic animals inhabiting human space
and imagination… in the ceaseless spectacle of nature, modernism and tradition blend into a sweeping multicultural vista. A
lecture by Marc Laberge, in combination with the exhibit running from April 5 to June 10. (see description p. 21)
Passes available as of March 22
Film • Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Bull’s eye, un peintre à l’affût, Les Films du 3 mars
At 40, Marc Séguin is considered one of the most talented painters of his generation. His work has already been admired the world over
and collectors impatiently await his every new exhibit. Tutored by Molinari and an admirer of Riopelle, the artist creates a dense art that
blends styles in ways that constantly amaze. Bruno Boulianne, film-maker. Presented in collaboration with Conseil des arts de
Montréal en tournée.
Passes available as of March 28
Music • Thursday, April 12 at 8 p.m.
Notes de chevet, Compagnie musicale La Nef
Theatre • Friday, April 13 at 8 p.m.
Marche comme une Égyptienne, Compagnie Face de Râ
See description p. 10
Passes available as of March 30
Young audiences • Sunday, April 22 at 3 p.m. • Theatre (as of 6 years old)
Samsara, Samsara Théâtre
Samsara is a very ancient word, a Sanskit word meaning life cycles, the cycles of one’s own life, and transformation. Sam and
Sara are undergoing an important transition. From their shared hospital room, they try to grow despite the challenges that life
brings them. Tonight will change them forever. Presented in collaboration with the Festival des enfants TD-Métropolis Bleu.
Passes available as of April 5
Theatre • Thursday, May 3 at 8 p.m.
Menteur, Mea Culpa Théâtre
This play, a thriller by Brian Drader, draws us into the heart of a drama, into a land of loss, muteness, and deception. The liar is
the enigmatic Marc who erupts into a couple’s life and wreaks havoc. Also liars are Ben and Françoise, the couple whose daily
routine is disrupted by the stranger’s arrival. Another liar is Jérémie, who wishes he could forget. With Émile Beaudry, Amélie
Carrier, Emmanuel Reichenbach and Frédéric Millaire-Zouvi.
Passes available as of April 19
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
Through conceptual music inspired by the book Makura no sōshi by Dame Sei Shōnagon (Japan, circa 1000), the show delivers
an authentic interplay between music and poetry. Infused with Japanese sensibilities, these original pieces meld writing and
improvisation into acoustic, electric, and electronic approaches that are interlaced, superimposed, and interpenetrated, thus
creating a three-dimensional show.
Passes available as of March 29
Young audiences • Sunday, May 6 at 3 p.m. • Marionette theatre (as of 3 years old)
Paul Flou, Théâtre sous la main
Paul Flou is as near-sighted as a mole, just like the rest of his family, the Flous! His vision of the world is a quirky one… In trying
to come up with a unique gift for his grandmother, Paul settles on giving her the sounds he loves. This table puppet show, created
with recycled and transformed objects, appeals to the senses and highlights inventiveness. Karine St-Arnaud and Stéphanie
Blais, puppeteers.
Passes available as of April 22
Samsara © Radhanath Gagnon
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
Arts - Exhibit
From January 19 to February 26
Par la force des choses,
Gabrielle Laforest
Inspired by the written word, this artist’s paintings are a
journey through concepts, words and signs which she
rearranges in the pictorial space. Drawing inspiration from
mankind’s first interpretations of the starry skies, she uses
deep indigo hues as a background for the projection of images
that acquire an abstract character closer to symbols.
Opening on Thursday, January 19 at 5 p.m.
Par la force des choses © 100/100 Laforest
From January 26 to April 1st
Les nations autochtones :
douceur, grâce et vigueur,
Guy Labissonière
During a trip to the Basse Côte-Nord, this photographer first
discovered the gentleness, grace, and strength that inhabit
this area’s First Nations communities. His exhibit provides
an intimate look at the Innus and conveys, through portraiture,
the inherent qualities he discovered in these people.
Opening on Wednesday, February 22 at 7 p.m., followed by a
show by Chloé Sainte-Marie (see description p. 16).
Les nations autochtones : douceur,
grâce et vigueur © Guy Labissonnière
From February 16 to April 1st
several infinities, Jeanie Riddle
Jeanie Riddle is a builder of surfaces. Her paintings are
organized organically out of everyday life. One element or
change of color, scale, size, or finesse makes a complete
difference to the whole. This is about having creative energies
and moments of exalted sensation, a fixation on economy
and exhausting potential in simple forms. In partnership
with the Parisian Laundry.
Opening on Thursday, February 16 at 5 p.m.
Several Infinities © Well Lighted Place
From March 1st to April 15
Digital arts
Micro, Livienne Hélène César Grenier,
Karine Payette in collaboration with
Anne Le Hénaff
Micro © Karine Payette
From April 5 to June 10
Québec insolite, Marc Laberge
Québec insolite © Marc Laberge
This artist travels along roads of his own making as he follows
his own footsteps, guided by both his love of nature and
chance encounters. His perceptions of the country and its
people are those of a traveller who wanders off the beaten
path in order to better grasp a reality that lies a thousand
leagues away from the tourist circuit.
Opening on Thursday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m., followed by a lecture
given by the artist. (see description p. 18)
From April 5 to June 10
Multimedia exhibit
Collectionner, Jean-Michel Ross’
Collect… What? Why? Some collect stamps, coins, vinyl
records, hockey cards, others worship art. Nine collectors
share their personal art collections in the Accès culture
network. Through this incursion into their universe, collectors
hope to convince you to become a collector yourself and
embark on an ambitious journey. A selection of art from
the Jean-Michel Ross collection will serve as a link to the
latter’s career as a curator. In association with Arsenal and
the PAPIER12 contemporary art fair.
Opening Wednesday April 11, at 5 p.m.
La Caverne © Ivan Binet
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
Micro is an aural installation which, combined with a structure
that seals off the venue, establishes a dialogue between public space and gallery space. With a minimalist aesthetics, the
gallery is divided into compartments in which quadraphonic
sound transports the audience to a setting far from the gallery’s
Opening on Thursday, March 1st at 5 p.m.
Collectionner © Mathieu Beauséjour
From April 19 to June 10
La Caverne, Isabelle Demers
Isabelle Demers is fascinated by the art of story-telling and
its underlying imagery. She offers a many-voiced narration,
bolstered by various supports. Whether she uses drawing,
sculpture, or installations, she seeks to create narrative
trajectories that indefinitely postpone ultimate resolutions.
Opening on Thursday April 19 at 5 p.m.
More than just books…
A collection of activities!
The four libraries in the Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough feature a broad range of activities: guided events,
workshops, encounters with authors, lectures, etc. In addition, you have access to a wide variety of services and facilities to suit
your needs:
In Library
• Research service
• Free network reservation
• Interlibrary returns
• Collections meeting the needs of citizens
(books, periodicals, audiovisual documents, etc.)
• Internet and Microsoft Office work stations
• Language acquisition work stations
(Intercultural library)
• Electronic resources
(databases and online newspapers)
Online services
the librairies
Library hours
Catalogue Nelligan
• Document search
• Account management
• Reservations and renewals
Biblio Jeunes
Community resources
Festival bd de montréal
The Festival BD de Montréal is proud to associate itself with the Montréal public library network
in order to present the Mois de la BD taking place in Montréal in May 2012.
This spring, come discover the 9th Art through a wide variety of free activities: encounters with
professional comic book artists, comic book creation classes, improvisations… Consult the
calendar for more information on activities taking place in the borough!
The first edition of the Festival BD de Montréal will take place next June 1st to June 3rd. A great
opportunity to discover the creativity and talent of our comic book artists!
With thanks to the partners that support our librairies
Registration at the children’s desk or by phone at 514 872-4636
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified
Story and craft (3 to 6 years old) bilingual
Les matinées des tout-petits
Saturday, January 21, February 4 and 18, March 3, 17 and 31 and April 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Registration starting December 17
Sunday, January 15 and 22, February 12 and 19,
March 11 and 18, April 15 and 22 from 1:30 p.m.
to 3:30 p.m.
(6 to 12 years old) bilingual
Ateliers d’échecs
Two Sundays per month, drop by for a friendly game of
chess with our specialist who will teach you more about
chess strategy.
No registration required
Both little ones and their parents are invited to a stimulating
workshop. A host from L’Association montréalaise pour le
développement des loisirs des tout-petits will introduce
expression-based activities (imitation games and sound
awareness, nursery rhymes and songs, gesture, animated
stories, etc.) that you can reproduce at home.
Registration starting December 17
Saturday, February 18 at 1:30 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 12 years old)
Jeux de société en folie
Our host will offer you over 50 board games for a fun-filled
Registration starting January 28
Tuesday, March 6 at 1 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 12 years old)
Are you passionate about mangas? Learn to draw mangas
with our host, a professional illustrator.
Registration starting February 11
Collage et Premières Nations © Judith Cailhier
Cooking is a science! Explore the possibilities of various
chemical reactions such as jellification and spherification to
create new culinary dishes.
Registration starting February 11
Thursday, March 8 at 1 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 12 years old)
Go! Go! Jeu de go!
Are you a fan of mangas and Japanese culture? Come and
learn more about the favourite strategy game of Kazuma
Azuma, the manga hero of Yakitate Ja-pan!!
Registration starting February 11
benny library
Saturday, January 14 at 10:30 a.m.
Workshop (1 to 3 years old)
Activités d’éveil
pour les tout-petits
Wednesday, March 7 at 1 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 12 years old)
La cuisine moléculaire
avec Les Débrouillards
Thursday, April 19 at 1:30 p.m.
Author encounter (8 to 11 years old)
Collage et Premières Nations
Come and meet Sylvain Rivard, an author and illustrator
who will introduce you to First Nations legends, hymns, and
cultural objects. Through collage and silhouette techniques,
children will be able to create their own character from the
book Moz en cinq temps. Presented in collaboration with the
Festival des enfants TD-Métropolis Bleu.
Registration as of March 31
Saturday, April 21 at 1:30 p.m.
Story Time (as of 6 years old)
Contes des mille et une nuits
Come and listen to Myriame El Yamani, nomad and storyteller,
who will take you on a magnificent and colourful journey
through the Orient of a thousand nights. “Listen, listen little
sister otherwise bad luck will happen. And you, dear Sultan, listen to the story I’m about to tell…”. Presented in
collaboration with the Festival des enfants TD-Métropolis
No registration required
Registration at the children’s desk or by phone at 514-872-5118
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified
contes bricolos (3 to 5 years old)
January 14 and 28,
February 11 and 25,
March 10 and 24,
April 21,
May 5 and 19 and
June 2 and 16
at 10:30 a.m.
January 22,
February 5 and 19,
March 4 and 18,
April 1st, 15 and 29,
May 13 and 27
and June 10
at 10:30 a.m.
côte-des-neiges library
Registration required
Les petites menottes
(0 to 30 months)
Friday, January 27, February 24, March 30,
April 27, May 25 and June 29 at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 7 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 12 years old)
Cerveaux en ébullition
During spring break, what better than to kick your brain
cells into overdrive by concocting scientific experiments
that will expand the boundaries of the universe?
Registration required
Saturday, March 10 at 10:30 a.m.
Story (3 to 5 years old)
Quand le printemps
At this winter’s end, Noë Cropsal invites you to come hear
humorous and heart-warming stories. You will also learn to
create a lucky pompon that you can carry with you like a
pocketful of sunshine.
Registration required
Registration required
Saturday, January 28 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (7 to 12years old)
Dessiner comme Keith Haring
This workshop with Tracy Grosvenor will be an opportunity
to create a figurative picture inspired by Pop Art and the works
of artist Keith Haring. The focus will be on the exploration of
vivid colors and pattern repetition. Participants will be
asked to draw moving silhouettes with dry pastel creating a
dynamic piece of art.
Registration required
Every Thursday from February 2 to April 5 at 3 p.m.
Workshops (6 to 12 years old)
Initiation et perfectionnement
aux échecs
Children will discover this game that leaves no space for
improvisation, in the company of Laurent Pubiana. They
will learn how to move pieces on the chessboard and basic
game strategies, thus enhancing such skills as memory,
concentration and logic all the while having fun.
Registration required
Saturday, March 10 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (7 to 12 years old)
Abstraction de paysage
en peinture
Inspired by painter Kim Dorland, participants are invited
to recreate a landscape from memory through the use of
vivid, fluorescent colors. Come create a deliriously inventive
landscape with the guidance of Tracy Grosvenor.
Registration required
Sunday, April 1st at 10:30 a.m.
Story (3 to 5 years old)
Pâques à la ferme
Rosette d’Aragon and her dog Pirouette will pull tales out
of a grab bag of animal stories during this story time hour
punctuated with songs, games and chocolate surprises!
Registration required
Sunday, February 5 at 10:30 a.m.
Story Time (3 to 5 years old)
Marion et la vie qui bat
Roxane Turcotte presents her latest album to her young audience. As she descends the long spiral staircase, Marion feels
lonely in her castle. Where is she heading with her bucket and
basket? Outside, everywhere, hearts are beating as one…
Registration required
Pâques à la ferme © Rosette d’Aragon
Saturday, May 5 at 10:30 a.m.
Story (3 to 5 years old)
La pêche aux livres
The fisherman’s daughter went to draw her father’s nets
and guess what she found? Great treasures: books full of
pictures that will make you want to laugh, sing, and dream.
A Lis avec moi workshop.
Registration required
Presented as part of the Mois de la BD de Montréal
Saturday, May 5 at 2 p.m.
Crafts (as of 8 years old)
Héros de BD en 3D
Comics enthusiasts and Journal Spirou fans, come use paper
and scissors to create your favourite heroes and help Kid
Paddle, Titeuf, Tamara, Cédric, Zarla, Nelson and Papyrus
get better acquainted.
Registration required
Saturday, June 2 at 10:30 a.m.
Story time (3 to 5 years old)
Chantons, dansons
la ribambelle
Claudette L’Heureux invites both parents and children to
take part in her nursery rhymes, songs, and dances to the
great delight of all.
Registration required
Saturday, June 16 at 10:30 a.m.
Story time (3 to 5 years old)
Mon papa, ce héros!
On this Father’s Day weekend, let’s celebrate your daddies!
Why not bring him along with you to the library to listen to
Monsieur Pierre tell his stories about your favourite hero.
Registration required
All too often considered a marginal literary phenomenon, manga
remains relatively unknown as do its production techniques.
This workshop will help you uncover the art of creating a
quality manga, both in the writing and in the drawing.
Registration required
Registration at the technician’s office (ground floor) or by phone at 514-872-2370
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified
Saturday, February 4 at 1:30 p.m.
Beauté fatale
Cosmetics promise you beauty but they are not without risks
to the environment and to yourself. After exploring the issue,
Amélie Mignault proposes selection criteria combined with
healthy and ecological alternatives.
Registration required
côte-des-neiges library
Sunday, May 27 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (10 to 17 years old)
Complètement Manga!
Saturday, March 31 at 2 p.m.
Du roman policier au polar
An encounter with one of Québec’s greatest specialists on
thriller novels: Norbert Spehner. He will give a brief overview of
both the genre and its variations (with examples and reading
suggestions) as well as of thrillers in Québec today (authors,
resources, awards).
Registration required
Saturday, March 3 at 1:30 p.m.
La cuisine moléculaire
Molecular cooking uncovered: emulsion, mousses, jellification
and spherification. During this workshop, chemistry teacher
Martin Lamoureux will offer surprising demonstrations
along with tasty samplings.
Registration required
La cuisine moléculaire © Dreamstime ID 19540209
Registration at the help desk on the 3rd floor or by phone at 514-868-4721
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified
Story and craft (6 to 9 years old)
Brico-conte pour les grands
Saturday, January 21, February 4, March 3 and 24, April 14 and 28, May 12 and
26 and June 9 and 23 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Registration required
Story and craft (3 to 5 years old)
Les tout petits brico-contes
Saturday, January 14, February 11 and 25, March 17 and 31, May 5 and 19 and June 2 and 16 from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Parents must remain with their children during this activity. Registration required
intercultural library
Saturday, January 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Show (2 to 5 years old)
La petite dent
An educational show that explains what happens in our
mouth when we eat all kinds of things and don’t brush
our teeth afterwards. A musical introduction to good dental
hygiene to maintain a beautiful smile. A production by
Puzzle Théâtre.
Registration required, space is limited
Saturday, February 18 at 3 p.m
Workshop (6 to 9 years old)
Création collective d’un
Griot storyteller Bertin Dzangué will explain the importance
of stories in our lives. He will guide us in the creation of
a collective story. Parents are welcome! With the financial
support of Amis des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration required, space is limited
Tuesday, March 6 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (7 to 12 years old)
Jeux de société
Come and discover various board games: go, chess, checkers,
and many more.
Registration required, space is limited
Wednesday, March 7 at 2 p.m.
Animation (7 to 12 years old)
Les peuples algonquins et
iroquoiens du seizième siècle
This interactive activity allows children to manipulate
hunting and construction tools as well as traditional aboriginal
clothing. They will also learn about different food conservation methods. With the financial support of the Amis des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration required, space is limited
Thursday, March 8 at 2 p.m.
Film screening (5 to 13 years old)
Tout peut s’animer
The National Film Board (NFB) presents a series of animated
short films that explains to young movie-lovers how professional filmmakers bring objects to life and give them substance
and movement.
No registration required
Friday, March 9 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 13 years old)
Laboratoire de créatures
Come and create fantastic creatures out of felt, glue, and
embroidery thread.
Registration required, space is limited
Saturday, March 31 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 13 years old)
Pysanky : l’art des œufs
de Pâques ukrainiens
During Easter, Ukrainians use dyes, a kistka and beeswax
to create colourful patterns on eggs. Come and learn more
about this technique and traditional pysansky patterns.
Registration required, space is limited
Friday, April 20 at 10:30 a.m.
Show (3 to 7 years old)
La Reine de Kémet
The collectif Ekin is composed of artists from various artistic
backgrounds across the planet. This show explores the
need to be aware of the world around us to better protect our
planet and encourage an equitable distribution of resources.
Writing, costumes and set design by Adrienne Medjo and
Maria Carolina Cortes. Music by Addy Medjo and Sam.
Songs by Addy Medjo. Presented in collaboration with the
Festival des enfants TD-Métropolis Bleu with the financial
support of Amis des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
No registration required
Come and discover the world hiding on top, under, behind,
and in front of the house of author and illustrator Marianne
Dubuc. She will offer insights into her latest book, Devant
ma maison, nominated in 2011 for the 6e Prix du livre jeunesse
des bibliothèques de Montréal, as well as her other children’s
books. Presented in collaboration with the Festival des enfants
TD-Métropolis Bleu and with the financial support of Amis
des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration required, space is limited
A musical workshop for preschoolers and their parents. Its
objective is to stimulate a positive interaction by piquing their
interest and musical curiosity. In addition, parents will learn
to teach their children the basics of music. With the financial
support of Amis des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration required, space is limited
Saturday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m.
Workshop (10 to 17 years old)
Paroles de chansons
How do artists write, compose, and sing songs? How do
they manage to harmonize texts and lyrics? Songwriter Hugo
Bonneville will guide you through your own songwriting
process by giving you advice and helping you through the
various stages of songwriting. A workshop by Lis avec Moi.
Registration required, space is limited
Saturday, June 2 at 2:30 p.m.
Workshop (10 to 15 years old)
Improvisation à partir de livres
A workshop tailored for those who are fascinated by improvisation or who wish to explore it for the first time. Come
and learn the many ways that you can play a character and
stories drawn from literature. A Lis avec Moi workshop.
Registration required, space is limited
intercultural library
Saturday, April 21 at 10:30 a.m.
Author encounter (3 to 5 years old)
Devant ma maison
Thursday, May 24 at 10:30 a.m.
Workshop (1 to 3 years old)
Éveil à la musique pour
les bambins
Pysanky : l’art des œufs de Pâques ukrainiens © Lubap
intercultural library
Registrations at the help desk on the 2nd floor or by phone at 514-868-4715
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified.
Initiation à la bande dessinée © Michel Grant
Presented as part of the Mois de la BD de Montréal
Sunday, January 22 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Workshop (12 to 19 years old) Atelier (12 à 19 ans)
Initiation à la bande dessinée
Come and learn the different steps involved in creating a
comic strip from beginning to end with artist Michel Grant!
Once you know the basics, all you need to do is hone your
cartooning skills!
Registration required (no registration required on the day of the
workshop as per availability)
Saturday, February 4 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Workshop (12 to 19 years old)
L’art du maquillage
A makeup session with an enthusiast! Stéphanie will teach
you all there is to know in order to achieve the perfect
Valentine’s Day look. Don’t forget to bring your own makeup, makeup remover, brushes, applicators and mirror.
Registration starting January 14
Spring 2012
(12 to 19 years old)
A teen zone at the library!
The Intercultural library is proud to invite you to its new teen
zone. Come and discover a place where you will enjoy reading,
discovering, interacting, and developing teamwork. We wish
to thank the students of La Voie School for their participation
in the design of the teen zone.
No registration required
Registration at the help desk on the 2nd floor or by phone at 514-868-4720
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified.
Saturday, January 21 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Une vie intéressante avec un
petit budget? C’est possible!
Luc Plamondon will offer you tips and tricks from daily life
and show you how it’s possible to reconcile a small budget
with a good quality of life.
Registration required
Saturday, January 28 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
La sécurité sur Internet
Do hacking and phishing on the Web worry you? This workshop
will give you access to a list of recommendations that will
teach you basic safely rules for surfing the Web.
Registration required
Friday, May 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Le système de santé du Québec
Véronique Frenette will explain the mechanics of the
Québec health system. She will cover various aspects such
as health insurance coverage and conditions, the health
insurance card, as well as coverage and costs related to the
public medication plan.
Registration required
Saturday, June 9 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Book launch
Bienvenue chez Monsieur B!
Novelist and essayist Victor Teboul presents his third novel,
“Bienvenue chez Monsieur B.!”. This tongue-in-cheek fictional political novel takes place amidst the power brokers
of Montréal’s Jewish community.
Registration required
intercultural library
Saturday, February 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m
L’art et les Prédominances
de réseaux
Artist Léonal Jules showcases a retrospective of his work
from a multicultural perspective using grouped shapes
illustrating cultural diversity and origins. A simple way to
consider a creative approach stemming from identity,
language, and its authenticity.
Registration required
Saturday, April 14 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Quiz sur les mythes liés
à l’alimentation
During this lecture, Anne-Marie Roy will discuss nutritional
value labelling, protein needs, anti-cancer or protective
foods, sugars to avoid, wining combinations for weight
management and many more subjects in the field of nutrition.
Registration required
Quiz sur les mythes liés à l’alimentation © Cindy Diane Rheault
Registration at the children’s desk or by phone at 514-872-2377
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified.
Story (3 to 5 years old) in
Saturday, January 21, February
18, March 17 and April 21 at
10:30 a.m.
(2 to 3 years old)
Saturday, January 28, February
25, March 31 and April 28 at
10:30 a.m.
Registration required
With the financial support of the Amis
des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration required
Story and
(4 to 6 years old)
Saturday, February 11, March
17, April 14 and May 12 at
10:30 a.m.
Registration starting January 21
Saturday, February 18 and March 10 and 24 at 2 p.m.
Workshops (9 to 12 years old)
Les ateliers artistiques d’Infusart
Each workshop offers various activities in spontaneous artistic
expression using theatrical play in order to foster imagination
and creativity in children. Reveal the performer within you!
Registration starting January 28
Saturday, April 14 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 10 years old)
Les polymères de Sciences en folie
notre-dame-de-grâce library
An unconventional chemistry class! Aspiring scientists will learn
everything there is to know about slime and its basic ingredients
by taking part in a series of muddy and gooey activities and
experiments. Come and create different slimy mixtures with us.
Registration starting March 24
Presented as part of the Mois de la BD de Montréal
Saturday, May 12 at 2 p.m.
Workshop (8 to 15 years old)
Ma première bande dessinée
Come and discover the various stages of creating a comic
strip, from concept to final drawing board, with artist Michel
Grant. It’s your opportunity to develop your talent and create
your own storyboard!
Registration starting April 21
Saturday, January 28, February 4 and 25,
March 24 and 31 and April 28 at 2 p.m
Workshop (6 to 10 years old)
Artistes en herbe
This workshop uses stimulating crafts for young artists
who will apply their talents using various materials and
techniques. We explore a new theme every month.
Registration required
Saturday, April 21 at 2 p.m.
Theatre (2 to 6 years old)
Mozart, le chat qui lit
Mozart the cat received a giant book. He likes to read with his
friends. Sadly, Mozart stutters when there are too many people
around. He will need the help of his dog, Socrate, critters, and
children, to calm down. An interactive play that encourages the
participation of its young audience.
Registration starting March 31
Registration at the adult’s desk or by phone at 514 -872-2398
All activities are in French unless otherwise specified.
Presented as part of the Mois de la BD de Montréal
Saturday, May 19 at 2 p.m.
Imaginaire de la bande dessinée contemporaine
Following the 1980s crash, comic strips went through thematic and formal upheavals, followed by the exponential growth of its market
over the past decade. This lecture by Eric Bouchard explores, through the presentation of exceptional works, a few of the major changes
this new and lesser-known art form has undergone. With the financial support of Amis des Bibliothèques de Montréal.
Registration starting April 28
We are proud to invite the citizens of the Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-Grâce borough to participate fully in the 2012 cultural
calendar’s activities. We encourage you to discover a host of performances, workshops, and exhibits. Whether through music, art,
theatre, dance, or literature, the activities offered provide opportunities to open oneself up to the world and to sample the rich
cultural diversity of our borough, especially as all these activities are free of charge!
Together, we extend a warm welcome to artists from both near and far who will be providing you with the appealing cultural
events found within these pages, and much success also to emerging artists who will have a chance to cater to a wider audience.
On behalf of the Borough of Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, we wish all of you an excellent cultural year!
Michael Applebaum Borough Mayor
Chair of the Executive Committee
Helen Fotopulos
Councillor for Côte-des-Neiges District
Executive Committee member responsible for Culture,
Heritage, Design and the Status of Women
a word from your elected officials
This inspiring calendar seeks to encourage citizens of all ages, both residents and regular visitors to the borough, to partake in
the delights of culture.
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Contact Information
benny library
3465, avenue Benny, Montréal (Québec) H4B 2R9
514 872-4147 (Adults)
514 872-4636 (Children)
Vendôme and
Atwater and
intercultural library
6767, ch. de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montréal (Québec) H3S 2T6
514 868-4715 (Adults)
514 868-4716 (Children)
Côte-des-Neiges and
165, Nord
Plamondon and
160, East
côte-des-neiges library
5290, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1T2
514 872-6603 (Adults)
514 872-5118 (Children)
514 872-2790 (Adult help line)
514 872-5119 (Children’s help line)
notre-dame-de-grâce library
3755, rue Botrel (angle chemin de la Côte-Saint-Antoine), Montréal (Québec) H4A 3G8
514 872-2398 (Adults)
514 872-2377 (Children)
514 872-1877 (Help line)
Villa-Maria and
Vendôme and
Saturday, Sunday and Monday:
from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday:
from noon to 8 p.m.
Thursday and Friday:
from 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
5290, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges (at Jean-Brillant), Montréal (Québec) H3T 1Y2
514 872-6889
Luce Botella, Cultural Co-ordinator • Ève Côté, Cultural Events Assistant
notre-dame-de-grâce maison de la culture
3755, rue Botrel (at chemin de la Côte-Saint-Antoine), Montréal (Québec) H4A 3G8
514 872-2157
Mylène Robillard, Cultural Co-ordinator • Rémi Turgeon, Cultural Events Assistant
Saturday and Sunday:
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday:
1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Reserve your tickets online now.
Service charges of $2 per ticket apply.
Activities schedule may change without notice.
Thursday and Friday:
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Design and printing: • Cover photo: Gros-biscuit © Jean-François Bérubé
maisons de la culture
côte-des-neiges maison de la culture