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America @ 1 Billion? Arthur C. Nelson, Ph.D., FAICP Presidential Professor Professor, University of Utah Director, Metropolitan Research Center Image: THEMES 1 Billion in 2100 is not unreasonable US adds next 100 million faster than any nation except India & Pakistan Trends & Planning g Scenarios Where Will the People Live? What Can Planners Do? Low-Middle-High Census Projections 1300 1200 1100 00 Po opulation n 1000 900 Low 800 Middle 700 Hi h High 600 500 400 300 200 2000-2100 Source: Projections from Population Division Working Paper 38, Census 1999. Actual to Projections, 2005 & 2010 [Based on Census C 2000 Projections] Projection Low Middle High Actual/Trend 2005 284M 288M 292M 297M 2010 291M 300M 311M 310M Source: Census 2000 projections from Population Division Working Paper 38, Census 1999. Actual from Census 2007. Trend from Woods & Poole 2007. Longevity g Bio-medical advances extend lifetimes. Census adds 20 years : 76 to 96 But that’s not all … Actuarial tables extend to 120. Fertility Year 2000 2025 2050 2100 Low 2.0 19 1.9 1.8 16 1.6 Middle 2.0 22 2.2 2.2 22 2.2 High 2.1 25 2.5 2.6 27 2.7 Immigration Category Cap Entries Relatives Immediate Relatives None 580k Other 226k 228k Employment p y 144k 159k Refugees, Asylees, Etc. None 228k Total 1 3M 1.3M Trend Æ Between middle & high scenarios Source: Adapted from Federation for American Immigration Reform analysis based on the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2006, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC. 1 Billion Reached in Year: 2089 Æ Census high projection reached 2104 Æ Pew high g trend extrapolation 2096 Æ Average 2100 = Planning scenario Planning Two-Step: • Plan Pl for f 500 million illi tto mid-century id t • Assess likelihood in 2020s to reach 1 billion ALL THE USUAL ASSUMPTIONS … Nuclear & biological war averted http://incontiguousbrick.files.wordpress. com/2007/11/nuclear war jpg com/2007/11/nuclear-war.jpg The Mayan calendar is reset to 12012 Earth is not vaporized Mars does not retaliate for the Rover invasion Trends & Planning Scenarios • CO2 Emissions and the resilience of renewall • Water Demand • Transportation and urban form • Megapolitans & high-speed high speed rail • Planning for global warming & preparing for sea sea-level level rise • Special role of Great Lakes region • The beauty of it all CO2 Emissions Trend v. Planning @ 1 Billion Billi Annual Billion A l Tons T Use Current Commercial 1.3 R id ti l Residential 12 1.2 Industrial 2.5 Transportation 2.0 Total 70 7.0 Equivalent Year Trend 4.6 44 4.4 9.0 7.1 25 1 25.1 Planning 1.1 10 1.0 1.0 0.5 36 3.6 1966 Note: At current trends renewable energy will be two-thirds of the energy stream in 2100. Resilience of Renewal • • • • • • • Retail structures rebuilt every 10-20 yrs. Class B & C offices reb rebuilt ilt e every er 15 15-30 30 yrs. rs Class A offices renewed every 20-40 yrs. High-density residential every 20-40 yrs. Detached residential upgraded 25 25-50 50 yrs. Built environment renewed 3+ times by 2100 Successive renewal = successively reduced emissions. Value of LEED Projects 2005 to 2010 TREND Minimum 25% LEED by 2020 TREND Minimum 50% LEED by 2040 TREND 100% LEED by 2100 Source: Figure from US Green Building Council, downloaded 3/4/08. Density & VMT Æ With Little Planning 40 30 NET Density @ 20 du/ac GROSS Density @ 10 du/ac E Exurban b Suburban Fringe Suburban Subu ba 20 Limited Transit Urban 10 37.5 34.0 30.0 27.2 Transit Urban 19.8 0 50 - 250 1,000 - 3,000 250 - 1,000 6,000+ 4,000 - 6,000 Units Per Square Mile Source: Arthur C. Nelson, Metropolitan Research Center, University of Utah, based on Nationwide Household Transportation Survey, USDOT, 2001. Figure is VMT per Transportation & Urban Form Æ TOD Role Rail transit accessed 6M HH in 2000 By 2025 existing & planned rail to access 15M HH By 2040 rail likely to access 40M HH 2100 Planning TODs to reach 200M HH or 50% of population Source: Figures from, adapted from Reconnecting America, Realizing the Potential: Expanding Housing Opportunities Near Transit. Portland MAX Capacity @ 3.0 FAR = 2.5M people + 1.5M jobs Dallas Area Rapid Transit Capacity @ 3.0 FAR = 2.5M people + 1.5M jobs Atlanta MARTA TODs @ 3.0 FAR: p p 1.8M people 1.0M jobs Atlanta Atl t B Beltline ltli TODs @ 2.0 FAR capacity: 1.2M residents 0.7M jobs Corridor Opportunities Station Area Opportunities Salt Lake Corridor Opportunities 60 miles of “Boulevard” prospects 30 000 acres currently 30,000 c rrentl @<0.25 @<0 25 FAR All land ripe for revival by 2040 Revival parameters Average g 1.5 FAR 30 units per acre = 2M residents per acre = 1M jjobs 60 jjobs p 0% change in developed land ~75%+ reduction in VMT Salt Lake TOD Opportunities 30 Non-Boulevard stations 1-km p planning g area = 800+ acres 30,000 acres currently @<0.25 FAR All land ripe for revival by 2040 Revival parameters Average 1.5 FAR 30 units per acre = 2M residents 60 jobs per acre = 1M jobs 0% change g in developed p land ~75%+ reduction in VMT Toward a Megapolitan America Toward a Megapolitan America Salt Lake Denver Las Vegas Phoenix Albuquerque Tucson T cson Water @ 1 Billion Water Trend Scenario US d domestic ti consumption ti = 69 gpcpd d Current = 20B gpd @1B = 69B gpd Growth = 49B new gpd Water Planning Scenario Germany domestic consumption = 33 gpcpd @1B = 33B gpd gpd [[Great Lakes wildcard]] Growth = 13B new gp Wild Card Æ Sea Sea-Level Level Rise Growing consensus on sea-level rise. Plan now for consensus + error factor. Century-long planning & investment needed. Dover Ocean City H Hampton t Virginia Beach Norfolk Weiss and Overpeck, University of Arizona Dover Ocean City H Hampton t Virginia Beach Norfolk Sea Level +1M Weiss and Overpeck, University of Arizona Jacksonville Panama City Daytona Beach St. Petersburg F t Meyers Fort M Ft. Lauderdale Miami Weiss and Overpeck, University of Arizona Jacksonville Panama City Daytona Beach St. Petersburg F t Meyers Fort M Ft. Lauderdale Sea Level + 1M Miami Weiss and Overpeck, University of Arizona Source: Great Lakes Resurgence? • Global warming means in 2100 Detroit’s climate will be comparable to Atlanta’s. • Great Lakes has substantial infrastructure,, urban land area, and topography to pp 100s of millions of new support Americans by 2100. • Sea Sea-level level rise is not an issue. • Great Lakes provides world’s largest source of fresh water to support growth. growth The Opportunity The New Promised Land Tear Up a Parking g Lot, Rebuild Paradise Large, flat and well drained Major infrastructure in place 4+ lane highway g y frontage g Æ “transit-ready” y Committed to commercial/mixed use Can turn NIMBYs into YIMBYs Slide title phrase adapted from Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi, refrain: Pave over paradise, paradise put up a parking lot lot.” “Pave Main Street 2050 Century-Based Planning in Two Steps 500 million by mid mid-century century is consensus 50-year planning can reshape urban form: • Structures replaced once or twice in 50 years. years • Planning, investment to meet needs of 500M. 2020s assess probability 2020 b bilit off 1B iin 2100 Decisions to mid-century must preserve options for last half of century. 50- and 100-Year Parking Lot Development Capacity C l l ti Calculation R Result lt Redeveloped Parking Lot Acres 6.0M Floor Area Ratio 1.25-2.50 New Residential Absorption 500M Employment Absorption 300M Bottom line: Existing parking lots and low FAR buildings can absorb minimum 75%+ of all new growth. Higher FARs and “green” new communities can accommodate the rest. rest Actions Needed Find low-FAR corridors and nodes to redevelop. Estimate growth absorption potential in 25-year 25 year increments Stage transit corridor investment from bus to BRT to light rail, sometimes heavy rail. Engage stakeholders now to create “sector” and “form-based code” plans to grease conversion Explore win-win financial tools to bridge nearterm rate-of-return rate of return gap for long term gain The Beauty of it All The City in 1880 The City in 1980 The City in 2080 Image: Scientific America THANK YOU Image: