holiday - Castle Knight Sensations
holiday - Castle Knight Sensations
CASTLE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIRS PRESENT THE HOLIDAY C ONC E RT F EATURING Concert C hoir Knightingales Knight Sensations Brian Adcock, Director Suzanne Chambliss, Assistant Director THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2011 1 From the Director . . . Please allow me to welcome you to Castle High School for tonight’s holiday choir concert! Your presence is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Our students work very hard each season to prepare and present high-quality, educational, and entertaining choral literature to diverse audiences, and it is our hope that you have a rewarding and enriching evening. The holidays are a special time when we draw close to our loved ones, give thanks for our many blessings, and reflect upon the beauty of the season which surrounds us in so many ways at this special time of the year. It seems especially appropriate at this time for me to express appreciation to our community for your unending support of the arts at Castle High School. We strive to maintain the highest standards in everything we do, and our goals would not begin to be accomplished without our parent booster club, school administration, and our many corporate sponsors. You have played a vital role in making this evening’s program possible and we all extend our gratitude for your faithful backing. Please enjoy the evening. Music is such a wonderful, beautiful, and integral part of our lives, and it is indeed an honor to be able to share it with you tonight. May the holiday season take on new meaning for you and your family as you seek out new ways to find the joy that is all around us. Sincerely, Brian Adcock Chair, Department of Performing Arts Director of Choral Music Castle High School 2 Concert Choir Lauren Allen - So. Torrey Alumbaugh - Fr. Lindsey Alvey - Fr. Kayla Bruner - Fr. Robin Daywalt - Sr. Haley Dillingham - Sr. Jessica Dillingham - So. Katie Elder - So. Megan Elmore - Sr. Tess Fuller - Fr. Gretchen Garrison - Fr. Haley Gibson - Fr. Isabella Haws - Sr. Madison Hays - Fr. Hannah Hillenbrand - Fr. Rachel Jackson - Jr. Katlin Jenkins - Fr. Cyporah Kirk - Fr. Natalie Kobe - Jr. Sarah Marcrum - Fr. $1 Lauren McConnell - Fr. Alicia Mehling - Jr. Christian Metsala - Jr. Tiara Michael - So. Eryn Morgan - So. Destiny Morrison - Sr. Levi Morrison - Fr. Raine Muller-Chies - Jr. Bri Nelson - Sr. Sarah Noland - Fr. Ray Pearson - Jr. Brianna Pyle - Fr. Haley Schmitt - Fr. Derek Sebree - So. Max Talbott - Jr. Baileigh Trulove - Fr. Mallorie Tutt - So. Emily Ulrich - Jr. Makenzi Wagner - Fr. If you would like to help support the Castle H.S. Choir program, please donate tonight before you leave. Thanks in advance for your donation! 3 4 Amanda Bailey - Sr. April Kuhnert - Fr. Kathryn Bailey - Jr. Laura Lahay - So. Kelsey Barr - Jr. Kaylee LeDuc - So. Kristin Beckwith - So. Joanna List - So. Laura Bennett - Fr. Taylor McDaniel - Fr. Ashley Bittner - Fr. Jordan McMahon - Jr. Justine Blanke - So. Hannah Morris - Sr. Asia Boldt - So. Paige Murray - So. Kelsey Boles - Sr. Natalie Onay - Jr. Chelsea Bonhotal - Jr. Maddison Ponder - Jr. Madi Clark - Jr. Nadya Post - So. Katina Connor-Beehn - So. Erin Richardson - So. Meghan Feagley - Sr. Caroline Roberts - So. Meredith Gorman - Jr. Morgan Scott - Sr. Leia Hudgins - Fr. Tessa Simmons - So. Hannah Humphrey - So. Sarah Smith - Fr. Anna Jackson - Sr. Marissa Sowder - Fr. Kelsi Jackson - Jr. Danielle Tessier - Fr. Sheridan King - So. Charley Triplett - Jr. AJ Binney - Fr. Kayla Mason - So. Logan Burnett - Sr. BJ Miller - Sr. Grant Carter - Jr. Jacob Miller - So. Mitch Carter - Jr. Tanner Mizerak - Sr. Lauren Chappell - Jr. Raquel Myers - Sr. Zach Cozart - Jr. Cody Pollard - Jr. Katlynn Dauterman - Sr. Ashley Post - Jr. Sara Fortner - Sr. Haley Renschler - So. Katherine French - Sr. Brady Rogers - Jr. Alexis Griswold - Jr. Reuben Ross - So. Katlyn Holman - Sr. Carlee Sincavage - So. Jordan Humphrey - Sr. Rachel Smith - Sr. Julia James - Sr. Taylor Smith - Jr. Jonah Katz - Sr. Hunter VanDoorn - So. Noah Katz - Sr. Matt Voight - Sr. Taylor Kemper - Sr. Nathaniel Washington - Jr. Ashley Lahue - Sr. Noelle Wiegand - Sr. 5 POINSETTIAS The beautiful holiday poinsettias decorating the stage for tonight’s concert have been purchased in honor or memory of choir members’ friends and relatives. In memory of . . . My grandfather, Papa – from Cyporah Kirk Raymond & Lola Pearson – from Ray Pearson Tanner Elder – from Kaitlin Elder Mark Mehling – from Karen & Alicia Mehling Oscar Mehling – from Karen & Alicia Mehling Curtis Masterson – from the Dillinghams Robert Marcrum – from Sarah Marcrum Grandma T. & Grandpa Stanky – from Luke & Mom Mamaw & Papaw Barnett – from Kayla Bruner Grandpa Bruner – from Kayla Bruner Louise Cloud Derrickson – from Caroline Roberts Our grandpa, John Shaw – from Kelsi & Anna Jackson Thomas Bender – from the Bailey family Oren Francois – from the Bailey family Rachel Lahue – from Ed, Cindy, Brittany, & Ashley Lahue Louis & Mary Jane Dauterman – from Katlynn Dauterman Steve McIntosh, Bob McIntosh, & Vernon Lockwood – from Family Susie Bittner Nurrenbern – from Ashley Bittner In honor of . . . John & Bernell Dillingham – from the Dillinghams Kayla Bruner – from Grandma & Poppy Kathryn Bailey – from Caroline Roberts Morgan Scott – from Caroline Roberts Nana & Papa – from Leia Hudgins Our mom, Leigh Jackson – from Kelsi & Anna Jackson My parents, Mike & Stephanie Post – from Ashley Post 6 Acknowledgements Department of Performing Arts Faculty: Brian Adcock – Department Chair, Head Choral Director, Piano/Keyboard Lab, Musical Theatre (Vocal) Eric Antey – Theatre Director Faril Bunner – Assistant Band Director, Music Theory & Composition Suzanne Chambliss – Assistant Choral Director Mark Eifler – Head Band Director, Color Guard / Jazz Studies, Musical Theatre (Instrumental) Choral Division Student Administrative Assistant: Tanner Mizerak C.H.S. Administration: Mr. Andy Byers – Principal Mrs. Holly Arnold & Mr. Doug Gresham – Assistant Principals Technical Crew (Lights & Sound): Randy Hagy, Sam Mankin, Nate Poellot Concert Program Printing Jim Sherer - Print Tech Booster Club Board Linda Kemper Barb Chappell Regina Myers Teresa Burnett Ken French Lora Bailey Patti Lahay Maura Humphrey Deb Gorman Candace Ponder – – – – – – – – – – President Secretary Treasurer Member-at-Large Member-at-Large President Secretary Treasurer Member-at-Large Member-at-Large 7 AND NOW A WORD FOR OUR SUPPORTERS Thanks! 142 SUPPORTERS TOTALLING $15,450 Please take a moment and review the names of our supporters on the following pages. The choral music program at Castle High School would not be possible without them. If you are interested in supporting the choral music program, contact a Booster Club Member for details. 8 The Wealth Management Team Leffel, Gorman, Cope & Seger Steve Gorman 812-473-7308 Merrill Lynch 7300 Eagle Crest Blvd Evansville, IN 47715 9 10 11 Tonight’s Program {concert=choir=======} “Happy Holiday / White Christmas” – arr. Lojeski “Jeanette, Isabella” – adapted Moore Traditional French carol “Born ‘Neath a Star” – Cynthia Gray “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” – Sally K. Albrecht Latin Translation: Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee. We bless Thee. We worship Thee. We glorify Thee. We give thanks to Thee according to Thy great glory. Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. {KnightinGales=======} “It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas” – arr. Kerr “The Holly and the Ivy” – arr. Knowles “The Wexford Carol” – arr. Schram “A Soulful Christmas” (Medley) – arr. Brymer “Lady Marmalade,” “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home),” “This Christmas,” “All I Want for Christmas Is You” As recorded by Labelle, Darlene Love, Patti Labelle, & Mariah Carey Laura Bennett, Soloist “Santa Baby” – arr. Huff Kelsey Boles, Soloist Original Choreography by Lindsey Cozart 12 Tonight’s Program {Knight=Sensations===} “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” – arr. Brymer “Carol of the Bells” – arr. Wilhousky Ukranian Christmas carol “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” – arr. O’Connell “Because It’s Christmas” – arr. Lojeski As recorded by Barry Manilow “A Tiny Little Baby” – Besig / Price “People Who Walk in Darkness” – Williams / Curry {combined=choral=finale} Jenny Kinney, Accompanist “Hallelujah!” – G.F. Handel from the oratorio Messiah “Peace, Peace” – arr. Bock )) Please join our seniors in singing “Silent Night ” )) 13 Services Design Consultation Home Decor Timeless Treasures Delivery and Pickup Wish List 7844 State Hwy 66, Suite P Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-6595 Mon 10-5 Tue 10-5 Wed 10-5 Thu 10-7 Fri 10-5 Sat 10-5 Barbara Polley ERA First Advantage Realty, Inc Cell Phone: (812) 449-5050 Office Phone: (812) 858-2400 Office Fax: 14 (812) 858-1140 15 16 REFLECT YOURSELF! 100% Clear and Unobstructed View OBJECTS ON MIRROR ARE AS COOL AS THEY APEAR! Three Size Options for the Perfect Fit Ultra Durable 4 Way Stretch Material Triple-Stitched Hem for Extra Strength Patented Design Protects Your Car’s Finish MIRRORGEAR is a proud sponsor of the Castle High School Show Choirs. Visit us at and 17 18 Sponsors 19 Sponsors 300 W. Jennings St. 490.7000 20 Stan & Mary Barr Christopher & Christine Parker Sleep Medicine Associates, P.C. Melinda Boron Geissinger Family Bill & Jill Jackson Ryan & Sharon Jackson Larry & Elizabeth Kemper Pap-pa & Grandma McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. James V. Mobley Mom, Dad & Chris Myers Oral Surgery Group Harold & Janice Patton Steve & Deborah Parker Patriot Auto Group Rick, Laura, & Lauren Roop Women's Health Care, P.C. Aunt Kim Partners Jed M. Inma n, DDS & Ni c hola s J. Wa gner, D DS Family De nti stry 897-4889 Anonymous Club Face D. Gahagen Family The Jelineks Keith & Sue Lochmueller Mike Mohr State Farm Insurance Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Moore Jim & Andrea Nichols Edward G. Prusz, D.D.S. & Tyler Vandeventer, D.D.S. Nana & Grandpa Smith 21 Sponsors 22 Bayer's Plumbing Walt Boron Dr. Brent Cochran Grandma Davis Doug & Heather Fields Charlene Harsh Michael R. Hinton Integrative Music Therapy, LLC Becky Ismail Just For Kids Pediatric Dentistry Joseph & Mary Beth Schitter Shyler's Bar-B-Q Silverman Orthodontics Mulzer Crushed Stone Torian, Hoffmann, Dillow & Flittner Insurance Dan & Debra Wells Martin Orthodontics, LLC Chandler National Bank Town & Country Ford John & Jean Bailey Ken & Sharon Bassler Carol Bender Dr. Randall K. Brown D.D.S. Ted Brown's Quality Paint & Body Shop Ragyna Castillo & Family Cook Orthodontics, PC Escape Salon Family Dentistry - Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, & Hart Alan & Heather Frydrychowski Greenlee Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Gayle Hall CJ and Sami Hess Lana Holman Jerry & Carolyn Humphrey Ray & Kim Kixmiller Uncle Tim Lahay Lefler Collision Glass & Mechanical Jace & Brandy Lux Tom McKay McKee Financial Resources, Inc. Paul & Nancy Medcalf The Myers Family Mary Perigo Grandma & Grandpa Pierce Ashley's Grandparents- The Robinsons Robert & Peggy Shotts Nana & Papaw Smith Dale A. Sorenson D.D.S. Amelia Spaulding The Taylor Family Myra Teal - Edward Jones Investments Taco Tierra Vanusek & Company Public Accountants The Vision Care Center Betty & Jim Waterbury Tod Wilson - Allstate Insurance The Williams Family Russell T. Woodson, Attorney At Law Auntie Becky & Regina Auntie Jo & Sara Auntie Paula Auntie Robbin & Jeremy Mamaw Julie Partners Dan & Mary Cleveland Mary Jean Thompson McKay Crawford John & Gwen Bizal Gill Orthodontics Dr. Cindy Basinski Paul & Susan Bridgewater Crowe Family Richard & Sarah Gahagen Mark & Cathy Hinkle Kim Jackson Stacey Jennings Margery & Stephen Merrick Todd & Laurie Richardson Don & Peggy Roach Matt & Karen Scheessele William & Sherry Sowder Ray & Sue Tindle Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young Auntie Bettye Cousins Arthur & Geneve Brown Uncle Bill & Auntie Sandy Uncle Freeman & Auntie Mittie ELK & RLK Albin & Genevieve Pulczinski Christopher & Dawn Richardson Floyd & Virginia Richardson Auntie Gail & Family Carson Lowry Sharon A. Pearson Roger & Mary Ruehankorff Auntie Bert Cookies With Santa C laus Come Join The Fun . . . This Saturday, December 17th Stop In Anytime 10am - Noon - Castle Cafeteria Featuring Live Performances by KS & KG Cookies & Milk Pictures With Santa Crafts & Games Christmas Stockings for Sale Tickets: $5 for Kids 12 & Under (Adults Free) 23 24
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Department of Performing Arts Faculty:
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Director, Piano/Keyboard Lab,
Musical Theatre (Vocal)
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