BCMC 2007 - MiTek Industries


BCMC 2007 - MiTek Industries
BCMC 2007
News for MiTek Customers
Welcome to
You should receive this issue of Truss Facts
Certainly, MiTek is suffering like all of you in
as you return from the BCMC show in
these tough times and we are cutting costs
Columbus, Ohio. I am hopeful that most of
as best we can. Please know that the one
our customer partners will attend the show
area that we have not and will not restrict is
while understanding an extremely depressed
our continued software development. The
housing market may prevent some from
heart of our business is providing you with
coming. For those at the show, I hope you
world class software backed by superior
were able to stop by the MiTek booth and
engineering services.
were impressed with the variety of innovations we assembled for you. In addition, we
While no one knows how long the housing
put all of our related companies into what I
market will remain depressed, I want you to
call The MiTek Village so you could see
know that MiTek is ready to help you with-
everything in one place.
stand the present problems and come out of
this housing recession with the ability to earn
Gene Toombs
This year, our theme for the show is
good profits again. As we have said so many
MiTeknology™. We want to show you what
times before, we want to be your partners
MiTek is doing with technology in all parts of
and partners stay together in both good and
our business offerings to enable you to
bad times.
improve productivity. As you know, we have
It’s Technology
in Our Business
been promoting automation in the downturn
In closing, I want to personally thank you for
so we are all equipped to face the swing
your business and continued support. If you
back to a good market. An investment in
did not attend, please contact your MiTek
automation now will certainly reap dividends
representative so we can bring our automa-
in the future. Let us help you do that. We all
tion improvements to you personally.
need to work together to take costs out of
our operations by doing more with less in
That Improves
these hard times.
I am very excited about the continued
improvement of our various software pack-
in Yours
ages. You can experience the latest and
greatest at the BCMC. Please be sure to see
where we stand on the roll out of our whole
house product from OptiFrame Software.
I think you will find it to be remarkable.
BCMC 2007
Tom Manenti
It’s uniquely fitting that my last article for
I realize that things don’t seem so great
Do you remember the old Fram Oil Filter
MiTek’s Truss Facts newsletter is the BCMC
right now. This has been the softest I have
commercial? “You can pay me now, or you
issue. As many of you know, BCMC has
seen our business since 1981. Back then,
can pay me later.” That says a mouthful.
been a passion of mine for more than 20
inflation, high interest rates and unemploy-
The good news is that the vital economic
years. I’ve had the privilege to co-chair the
ment were the significant drivers of the
indicators are still good. It’s just going to
event several times in the early years with
down market, yet today these “drivers” are
take some time for home prices to come
my good friend Lee Vulgaris as well as to
all favorable for new home construction.
down to realistic levels and for sales to pick
chair the event on a few occasions since.
Some say it’s all about “the inventory”.
up. On the other side of these challenging
The phrase, “We’ve come a long way
Some call it being “overbuilt”. I call it irre-
times are many years of solid business
baby”, comes to mind as I reflect on past
sponsible management...on the home-
activity to enjoy.
BCMC events. Lee and I had always hoped
builders’ part. These are the very
that the show would become the industry’s
companies who today are beating up sup-
Let me take this opportunity to say “Thank
“Main Event”, beyond a machinery buying
pliers for lower pricing and better deals
you” to the many people who have made
show, becoming something that was valu-
when they are the ones who ignored the
my 30-year stay in this industry so pleasant
able for education and networking as well.
signals of massive speculative buying well
and rewarding. For me, it truly has been
I’m thankful that it has become just that,
in excess of what the already-solid demo-
about the people. Someone once told me
and all because of the hard work of the
graphics would support. Oh yeah, and
that people do business with people they
many volunteers and the tremendous staff
don’t forget the lenders and their sub-
like and trust. It was great advice...and so
true. Lastly, I want to say that MiTek USA
is in great hands. Gene Toombs could not
have been a better mentor for me and
continues to lead an awesome team. They
are second to none. I will be keeping my
finger on the pulse of things through 2008
as a part-time consultant to the company,
yet I’m confident that the leaders who will
take MiTek and our customers successfully
into the future are strong leaders who you
will continue to like and trust for many
years to come.
My sincerest best wishes to all.
at WTCA. I’m also proud of the leadership
prime mortgages being contributors to the
role that MiTek has played at BCMC and
continuation of the depressed market.
WTCA over the years and the support I
Sure, we all benefited from the boom;
have always received from Gene Toombs
however, if there’s a lesson to be learned
and the other MiTek associates who
it’s that we would have all benefited just
endeavor to bring the very best in prod-
the same if it was done at a more sustain-
ucts and services to such a great industry.
able (less greedy?) pace.
Gregg Renner
Vice President
Whether you are a baseball fan, a football, fan, or a NASCAR fan – you understand the power of
a diverse team working together in perfect unison. It’s not just about showing up, it’s about
every member playing to their strengths, and contributing their highest value to the focus of the
whole team . It’s about getting superior results when the right players are in the right positions,
at the right time, supporting each other and performing at their very best.
MiTeknology™ – It all works together.
MiTeknology is our way of expressing this
principle as it applies to your business. It
represents the way our software contributes to the automated operation of
our saws. Or the way our design services
contribute to efficiently reviewing and
approving the output of our design software. Or how our bracing products help
accomplish the truss framing solutions
safely and quickly in the real world. It’s
about how all these elements contribute
together to give you great results: creating great building components accurately
and efficiently for your customers.
The whole is greater than the sum
of the parts.
MiTeknology is also about how Koskovich
Company automation contributes to the
total performance of the MiTek system of component production. It’s about how OptiFrame
Software brings new design accuracy and efficiency to the shop floor. It’s about how your
future needs at the truss table drives our development of automation sequencing at the saws.
And it’s about how your need for a sensible path for the future drives our development for software, equipment, products and services that are available to you today.
It all works
“Your success is our success.”
For your success.
BCMC 2007
This is not just a slogan. It really is how we think. Our purpose and our resolve remain
steadfast. We are focused on bringing you all the elements of component fabrication that
will help you drive your future business success further every single day. In this issue of
Truss Facts you’ll read how several of our customers see the benefits of MiTeknology hard
at work in their business – Voice of the Customer. Whether your business is a single
location or in multiple markets. Whether you are focused only on roof trusses or you
deliver the entire component package. And whether your market is up or it’s down. Your
success is our success.
MiTeknology? – It’s how this all works together for your success.
It takes the skills of many companies to make automation work smoothly. We’ve spent years assembling the
best companies in every sector of component manufacturing – software, engineering, machinery and connectors.
Why? Because we believe all parts of your business investment should work seamlessly together. We start with
unified software that works from design concept through component engineering to
final installation. Then we add automated machinery that’s compatible and upgradeable.
And finally, we deliver trustworthy engineering and the best connector products in
the industry. We call this integrated concept MiTeknology. It’s an approach designed
so that each investment you make will be an affordable step toward full automation.
That way, your road ahead will be sensible, planned, and more profitabile.
Bob LePoire
Vice President
Whenever we read about a collapsed roof or a
As a leader in the industry, MiTek also offers
fall-down during installation, we immediately
an ever-evolving suite of bracing products:
wonder about the bracing that was used. And
Stabilizer® provides continuous lateral bracing
we’re not the only ones. The truss fabrication
for both the top chord and webs, while accu-
industry as a whole increasingly recognizes the
rately spacing trusses at 24” and 16” on center.
need for – as well as the value of – properly
Stabilizer is specified in WTCA’s BCSI guide
braced trusses. Accordingly, our industry –
(section B2). To see the Stabilizer Build Off
through SBC Magazine, WTCA publications,
video, which dramatically demonstrates this
seminars and plant tours – is actively promot-
product’s advantages, visit our web site:
ing better, safer truss bracing and installation
Properly braced roof truss systems provide
chords and webs, and is installed in the truss
great value to homeowners, as well as all the
fabricator’s plant. This product eliminates the
direct ‘roof truss supply chain’ participants –
need for additional jobsite reinforcement of
architects, engineers, component manufactur-
ers, framing crews, and builders. In addition,
Multi-Brace provides continuous lateral brac-
the indirect participants in this supply chain,
ing, and comes in lengths up to 12’ 4”. This
such as insurance providers, labor unions, and
structural, ultra-light weight brace allows for
OSHA, also have a vested interest in ensuring
faster and simpler installation of permanent
that roof systems are properly braced. This all
makes good business sense, because properly
SpeedBrace, installed in an X-brace configura-
braced roof truss systems greatly reduce both
tion, provides top chord diagonal installation
the risk and the potential legal liability for all
bracing. In addition to being a critical piece of
parties involved.
any installation bracing system, the major ben-
Most building officials have accepted the prescriptive bracing solutions for truss systems as
outlined in the WTCA’s Building Components
and the fact that it stays in place, allowing
sheathing to be nailed directly over it.
MiTek is dedicated to improving labor efficien-
Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining &
cy while achieving the structural quality and
Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood
level of safety that our industry demands. Our
Trusses. Additionally, building inspector agen-
development and support for better bracing
cies around the country are actively pursuing
solutions is focused on improvements in instal-
educational seminars and training opportuni-
lation techniques and bracing products. In
ties to learn how best to interpret and use the
some markets, we even provide engineering
BCSI guide.
consulting services to support fabricators fac-
coordination with WTCA, has developed
product-specific, detailed bracing installation
efits of SpeedBrace are its ease of installation
Safety Information (BCSI) Guide to Good
In support of this important effort, MiTek, in
BCMC 2007
Eliminator® provides permanent bracing of
ing requests for sealed bracing drawings. This
combination of efforts delivers value to you,
your customers, and the industry as a whole.
instructions as described by BCSI. These
For more information about MiTek’s
instructions, when used with MiTek bracing
comprehensive truss bracing services and
products, can substantially reduce the risk of a
products, contact your MiTek representative.
roof truss collapse, thereby providing everyone
For questions about our support for sealed
involved a proactive, safe, and systematic
bracing drawings, contact Gaby Redwanly, PE,
approach to installing and bracing roof trusses.
at 314-851-7493.
Steve Cabler
Vice President,
Engineering and
Technical Services
With the passing of the second anniversary
is offline for any reason, the work can
through the simulation of a disaster. In less
of hurricane Katrina and the midst of
easily be diverted to another office. The
than a day’s time, we can recreate our
another hurricane season it is a good time
web-based linkage from the customer to
phone system and other necessary systems
to look at how MiTek is situated in the
MiTek and from MiTek back to the customer
allowing us to take orders, process engi-
event of a disaster resulting in an unplanned
will not be interrupted. With offices strate-
neering, receive technical support software
interruption of business at a MiTek facility.
gically located across the country, this
calls and perform other internal processes.
makes most short-term problems like
In today’s fast-paced world, timely and
power outages transparent to our cus-
consistent delivery of products and servic-
tomers and we have the ability to deliver
es is critical to the success of any competi-
uninterrupted services.
Critical MiTek servers, including all of our
entire customer facing web servers, are
off-site at a secure third party co-location
facility specializing in surviving disasters.
tive business. You have to be able to count
on your suppliers being there for you, no
In the event of a longer term and more
matter what. MiTek has gone the extra mile
serious outage, we have contracted with a
to make sure we are always there to serve
company specializing in disaster recovery
our customers.
to provide assurances that MiTek systems
These centers have sophisticated independent power generation and direct internet access and are specially constructed to
survive natural as well as other disaster
MiTek connector plates are manufactured
at five different North American facilities.
If any one is compromised by some type
of disaster, production can be shifted to
another plant. Naturally, deliveries might
be somewhat delayed, but the supply of
connector plate products would not be
It takes a considerable investment in
terms of time and resources to put systems in place to ensure we are able to
deliver products and services to our
customers regardless of uncontrollable
natural or man-made disasters. MiTek
has made this investment so that we
Our internally developed engineering work-
and services to our customers will not be
can continue to provide what our cus-
flow software is used to manage and
significantly interrupted. We have recov-
tomers count on, day in and day out.
automate customer submitted truss design
ered every critical MiTek system including
requests. We developed this system to
engineering workflow at this disaster
allow immediate resource sharing between
recovery site and every year we make
engineering offices so that if any one office
certain all systems are fully operational
When you need us, we will be there!
They’re 8-year-old MiTek® tables, to
be exact
But they could just as easily be Pacific
Automation, Tee-Lok, Robbins Engineering, or
some other manufacturer’s tables. Of most any
vintage, Walk-Through™ or continuous-top.
Because NOW the industry’s pinnacle
automated jigging system, MatchPoint
PLANX™, can be installed on most
brands of older tables
Which means, you can be
jigging trusses with computer
orchestrated pucks in an
average of 15-30 seconds
without having to buy a new
gantry system or new tables.
Without any compromises of any kind
MatchPoint PLANX™ automated jigging is
simply the ‘hands down’ best jigging system
available. And you get the very same performance whether you retrofit your old tables or
buy new PLANX ready tables. Dual-jiggingpuck PLANX™ — a puck mounted on either side
of a steel plank — simply bolt on & off modified
table tops and can be installed at most any
spacing interval.
You’ll be building ‘spot on’ trusses
from start to finish in 3 – 5 minutes
Regardless of truss type, size or complexity.
Independently controlled pucks can be positioned anyplace on the truss – top or bottom,
Actual configurations of individual tables may vary
inside or outside. And because two pucks are
only a plank-width apart, you can securely jig
just about anything.
Increase production of all your other
tables … with one PLANX system
Use your PLANX equipped system to build
all of the ‘tricky’ trusses and short runs.
Additionally, use it to build the first truss of
longer runs for your manual tables to use as
a jigging pattern.
How it all adds up
You can double your truss production
with the same labor cost and plant
space. Put differently, you can cut your
build-labor cost per truss by half or more.
And that doesn’t take into account the
production-boosting benefits of making
pattern trusses for manual tables, far fewer
errors and make-goods, the ability to
interrupt for ‘emergency’ jobs without losing
time ... not to mention, the reputation-value of
accurately built trusses every time.
Find out if
your tables are candidates
Financing restricted to new, MiTek companies’ automated equipment
Koskovich automation-that-works™ technology,
MiTek power-to-perform™ precision manufacturing
Gunnar Isaacson
Senior Technical
Account Manager
Written for the person in your office who manages
the installation and adminstration of MiTek software
How Often to Update?
Version 7.0 will have already been released by the time you read this and contains several new
features your designers and customer service representatives will want to use. Service pack
updates will be issued every two months during the entire year, each will contain both enhancements and bug fixes. Service pack releases are identified by their "sub-version" number, for
example 7.01, 7.02, etc. Next September the major version number will increment to 8.0.
With six regularly scheduled MiTek releases a year, your organization should consider its own
release schedule. Here are some suggested strategies:
Single Yearly Release Strategy
Once a year the organization deploys an updated
version of the MiTek Suite. With MiTek making and
releasing incremental improvements every two
months, it does not matter very much what time
of year you choose to update. You might select
your slowest time so that your designers have the
most time to devote to learning the new features
included in the release.
Twice or Three Times a Year Strategy
This strategy gets new features and fixes to users more quickly but with the additional
costs associated with performing the update and having users familiarize themselves with
the new features.
Stay Current Strategy
All MiTek 20/20 CDs will have
This strategy makes your organization completely current with the latest features, building
the “major release number”
codes and fixes. Each release will have some features that designers will want to take
listed on the packaging materi-
advantage of. This is the ideal scenario for organizations that want to be using the most
als (ex: “Version 7.0”).
current software.
Service pack releases are
identified by their “sub-version”
number, (ex: 7.01, 7.02, etc.).
MiTek's development strategy is based on two pillars, quality and responsiveness. Each release
contains a number of highly tested new features. There is no more "beta" release program because
The “sub-version” number is
only seen under Help About
and on the engineering drawing.
the new version represents a small, incremental improvement over the last release.
Our goal is to provide you with a release you can confidently place into production and run your
business and at the same time provide you with features and fixes you need in a timely manner.
BCMC 2007
To Winners of FBMA’s Layout-of-the-Year Awards
Tom Manenti
Each year the Florida Building Materials Association (FBMA) sponsors a contest called the
Fayetteville, SC
Layout of the Year Award. The contest spotlights the industry’s top designers and the cutting-
Tom Hollinshed
edge software they use. It consists of three categories: under 5000 sq ft, between 5,000 and
Vice President
10,000 sq ft, and over 10,000 sq ft. There are cash prizes (first: $750.00, second: $500.00,
third: $250.00) for each category and a plaque for the participant and one for the participant’s
employer. This year MiTek/Robbins customers took seven out of nine awards using MiTek’s
We decided on the PLANX™
powerful award winning software.
system because business was
slowing down. Originally we
planned a new facility that was
going to be linear fed but the
slow down in the market put
those plans on hold. We decided
to go with the PLANX system in
our existing facility so we could
reduce our labor costs and use
this to gain market share. PLANX
did allow us to gain market share
in a shrinking market and we
believe that it will make us
stronger when the market picks
Representatives of Eastcoast Lumber (L to R) Bill (Honorable Mention), Yvonne Wilcox
back up. With the introduction
(1st place, over 10,000 sq. ft.), Patrick Oats (3rd place under 5,000 sq. ft.), Alan, Vice President, Bart
of the PLANX system into our
Henry, Designer Supervisor, and Quinton Johnson, (3rd place, 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft).
existing facility we were able to
add four set-ups without the
Tim Webb
2nd Place
5,000 Square Foot & Under
Jeramy Bruning
3rd Place
10,000 Square Foot & Under
Les Crosby
2nd Place
5,001 Square Foot & Over
Lester Alvarez
1st Place
5,000 Square Foot & Under
overhead of a new plant.
The PLANX system has sped up
the production of complex trusses and short runs with multiple
set-ups. Once we installed the
PLANX system we had to add
saw capacity. The increase in the
average board feet per man hour
has been great.
9 11
Collaboration is the act of working together in order to achieve something. MiTek’s Tract
Manager is a collaboration of trusses in on location then divided out to build specific Plans,
Builders Releases and Production Releases. MiTek’s Tract Manager software allows the component manufacturer to take a list of trusses for several buildings or several sections of a building
and collaborate them together to provide effective Production Releases with all the necessary
printed output from one location.
A customer can
create a layout and
when they have
completed the lay-
out or a section,
PCL (Production
they can create a
Control List) file
with all the trusses
and their quantities. This file will
be used in Tract
Manager. If the customer prefers not to create the layout, then they can enter the trusses in
MiTek’s Engineering program with the correct quantities and then create a PCL file from here.
In Tract Manager, the customer will load all the trusses for the job into the Master Truss List.
Once all the trusses are loaded, the customer will now divide the trusses into Saw and
Production Batches. This will
let the program know whenever they see a T01 combine
them together, no matter
which building they want to
saw and build together. This is
like setting up your CyberSort
and Build A Batch files. Once
this is done, the customer will
divide the trusses into the
Plan or type of building that
is being used in the project,
whether it is residential or
BCMC 2007
The dialog box at right is an example of several
types of plans. Below is where the customer can
create each of those Plans. A customer can make
the quantities in Engineering to be 1 or they can
have the correct quantities in Engineering or Layout
and create the PCL file which can be imported
through Build Plan from Layout button.
Now the customer can build Delivery and
Banding batches, which will be used in the printing
section. The only batch that is necessary is the
Saw Batch section so if the customer does not
care about how the trusses are delivered or banded,
they can skip this section. The Commit trusses and
items to job button will create a bid number in
MiTek’s MBA system.
The next section would be to build a Builder’s Release.
This section will associate a Plan or building type
to a Lot. The customer would not be concerned with
This is an example of the
PCL file with quantities
which Lot or building is going to be produced at
this time only that Lot that will have what Plan
built on it.
Now that the customer has associated a Lot with a
Plan and has built a release according to how the project
needs to release lots, the customer is ready to group together those lots into production. The Production Release allows
the customer to take lots from any of the Builder’s Releases
and get them ready for production.
continued next page
continued from page 13
Idaho Truss
& Component Company
Meridian, ID
Kendall Hoyd, President
Once the customer has chosen the Lots to be Released to Production, they can execute the Print
Set. This is where they can decide which items are to be printed with just those lots included.
The customer can produce cutting, delivery, invoicing, PDF file, custom reports from MBA and
When I think of our relationship with
MiTek one word comes to mind –
Excellent. MiTek provides us better
service than you would expect from a
company of that size. Our relationship with them is very good and we
have no complaint.
array of other types of print sets. The customer can also delegate how many copies of each they
The biggest and best thing that MiTek
ever did for us is was on a pricing
program. I worked several years on a
pricing program. Our programming
investment was over a year. After we
completed the programming Scott
Reichensperger from MiTek spent
untold hours with me on the phone
developing ways to link our program
up with MiTek’s Cybersort™. He
helped me solve many difficult problems over the course of a year. He
was always there for me. Now the
two pieces of software works wonderfully together. The impact of this
software on our business was
Tract Manager software.
On the machinery side we have an
old MiTek component saw that is
more than 13 years and it shows up
everyday for work. We have upgraded to a Cyber® A/T and plan on adding another one in the near future.
We have been using Mitek’s engineering services for a few months. Prior to
that we used to PE’s on staff. MiTek’s
turnaround time is an industry standard.
When we converted our software
over we had excellent support from
the MiTek team.
When I think of MiTek I think of a
company that combines capabilities,
scale and service. The level of commitment from the staff is a tribute
to the culture of the company. It
impresses me.
want printed.
This is just an overview of the
vast capabilities of MiTek’s
There are many other features
not mentioned here that can
help any customer to bring it
all together for a smoother
production flow. Please ask
your MiTek representative for
more details.
Want proof? We framed the roof system of a 2,600 square foot home — the first time
using traditional truss installation techniques, the second time using STABILIZERS.
The STABILIZER crew finished the job nearly an hour faster than the traditional install
crew — a 45% savings in labor!
See the video at:
STABILIZERS can help your customers save money while boosting
your profits — that’s a real power tool! To learn more or to try
STABILIZERS, call 800.325.8075 or visit www.mii.com/stabilizer
STABILIZER Lateral Braces.
Another way MiTek brings you — and your customers —
the Power to Perform.™
Years ago, truss fabricators could only do business within their national boundaries due to
restrictive government tariffs. Since the enactment of NAFTA however, many Canadian truss fabricators have taken advantage of the low Canadian dollar, and exported trusses competitively to
U.S. markets. You are probably aware that the Canadian dollar has strengthened against the U.S.
dollar over the years from being worth $0.66 U.S. to its present value of U.S. $1.00. This level of
exchange rate has raised some interest in U.S. fabricators, along
U.S.-Canada border, to begin shipping trusses to Canada.
Proceed with Caution
Although our two countries are contiguous, there are significant
differences pertaining to truss analysis and design that you
should be aware of. This article will highlight some of these
differences and recommend a process that you should follow
to avoid unnecessary liability issues.
Building Codes and Standards
In the U.S. each state adopts a version of International Building Code (IBC) and International
Residential Code (IRC) and in Canada each Province adopts only the National Building Code of
Canada. For wood design, U.S. designers use National Design Specification for Wood
Construction published by ANSI/AF&PA and Canadian designers use CSA 086 published by
Canadian Standard Association (CSA). In the U.S., truss design is based on the “National
Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction ASD/LRFD” (ANSI/TPI 1) and in
Canada the truss design is based on the “Truss Design Procedures and Specifications for Metal
Plate Connected Wood Trusses Limit States Design” published by Truss Plate Institute of Canada
(TPIC). There are significant differences in the requirements contained in these codes and standards and your truss designers should familiarize themselves with these differences before you
fabricate trusses for export.
Truss Plates
In Canada, it is a CSA requirement (Section and TPIC requirement (Section 2.2) that truss plates shall meet galvanized coating of
G90. In the U.S. the corresponding requirement is based on the requirement in ANSI/TPI 1 (Section, which requires truss plates to meet
galvanized coating of G60. This is a significant difference, which will have
an impact on how you order your truss plates and manage your inventory. This is not a problem with Canadian truss fabricators because their
standard plate inventory is based on G90 class coating, which is acceptable in both countries.
BCMC 2007
U.S. Lumber
unfactored loads. The reason for having the
Use the Following Process
For U.S. Lumber graded in accordance with the
two tables is that while the first table is
to successfully enter the truss
National Grading Rule for Dimension Lumber,
required to design bearings and select truss to
export business:
the design data for this lumber in Canada is
truss connectors, the second table, containing
determined according to the following table.
unfactored reactions, is required to provide
U.S. Combination
Canadian Combination
loads for input to supporting girders.
Take Advantage of MiTeknology™
The good news is that the same software solu-
tions you have been using for your local mar-
Southern Pine
required specification in each country. MiTek
eFrame®, MBA™, CyberSort™, JigSet™, and
MVP™ software is the same for both countries.
States Design (LSD), while truss design in the
U.S. is based on Allowable Stress Design
(ASD). The Canadian codes are written using
metric system of units, while U.S. codes are
written using imperial system of units. In
Canada, loads required in the design of truss
members and in the selection of truss to
truss connectors are called Factored Loads
(factored up from code specified loads) and in
Meet with him or her to draw
up a plan.
2 Get trained in engineering
requirements of the export
country (Canada or U.S.A.).
MiTek 20/20® engineering software interface is
customized for each country to shield users
from unnecessary engineering complexities.
Truss design in Canada is based on Limit
the other side of the border.
ket are available to you and are customized for
you to design and fabricate trusses to the
Differences in Truss Design vocabulary
representative of your
intentions to do business on
Note that the superior values of Southern Pine,
used in the U.S. are not recognized in Canada.
Hence when Southern Pine is used in trusses
designed for the Canadian market Spruce-PineFir values are used.
1 Tell your MiTek sales
Engineering output drawing is customized for
each country so that the loads and reactions
3 Obtain engineering software
for the export country and get
trained on how to use it
displayed on the drawing are in conformance
with the applicable codes and standards. We
4 Get setup with MiTek Link™ to
have developed a database compatible with
send drawings to appropriate
the engineering software on both sides of the
engineering office for seals.
border (North American Database). However,
to take advantage of this database, you must
By following these steps, you will
use the matching software versions as recom-
find the export business to be less
mended to you via MiTek Software Release
the U.S. they are called Allowable Loads (same
as code specified loads – not factored). In
Canada material strength is referred to as
Factored Resistance while in the U.S. material
strength is referred to as Allowable Stress.
Canadian engineering software provides two
tables for truss reactions. One table shows
reactions based on factored loads and the
other table provides reactions based on
Vancouver, Canada, August 21, 2007
Joe Kannapell Regional Vice President
Virtek drives MatchPoint PLANX™ to record results!
Traveling coast-to-coast to reach Vancouver, I flew over the markets of hundreds of truss
manufacturers. Many have been in business longer than Mark Monkman’s 22 years, and many
undoubtedly have deeper pockets than this far-sighted sole proprietor. Yet, only a select few
can match Mark’s plant automation, and even fewer can match his vision.
By recognizing the potential synergy of formerly competing
setup systems, Mark pulled truss technology into the 21st century.
Initially, though, he couldn’t find a vendor who was ready to
exploit the synergy of the laser and automated-puck set-up.
Then, the Koskovich Company accepted Mark’s challenge and
conceived the unifying software. Now Mark had a single-input,
comprehensive system.
MiTek arrived on the scene today to measure the MatchPoint
PLANX™/Virtek system against the Boozer Lumber Benchmark
studies, the long-standing standard of truss productivity measurement. In 1995, Boozer commissioned an outside expert, Mr.
Edward Buck, to design a world-class production facility in the
Mark Monkman in front of his accomplished crew, (l to r) Phil Daigneault,
Oliver Saunders, and Blaine Isherwood
Carolinas. Mr. Buck queried all truss machinery manufacturers to identify the best facilities in the
country. He assembled a group of 16 unique truss configurations, ranging from a simple fink to a
rotated-tray truss. Then he selected three plants which employed the full range of truss manufacturing technology. Mr. Buck and the Boozer team visited each facility and conducted their
renowned benchmark studies under carefully controlled conditions. While their results were proprietary, their methods enabled a fair and objective comparison of different manufacturing systems.
Maple Ridge Truss selected a good three-person build-crew and followed the Boozer-Buck
protocol exactly. They worked at a comfortable and methodical pace throughout the exercise,
averaging 2-2/3 minutes per truss, or a remarkable total of 42 minutes, 40 seconds to build one
each of 16 trusses. No two trusses fit in the same jig, and there were literally no pieces common
among different trusses. And they well-exceeded the MiTek-advertised claim of “halving truss
labor”, compared to the best of the previous benchmarks.
Even though the dream of component manufacturers – NO SETUP COST – is nearly a reality at
Maple Ridge Truss, Mark Monkman isn’t done yet. In the back corner of his plant is a stack of
brand-new, custom-fabricated equipment, ready to conquer the last serious production hindrance
– the movement of material from saws to tables.
Once again, an individual, hands-on entrepreneur, Mark Monkman, is to be commended for
advancing the technology of the truss business.
BCMC 2007
For 50 years MiTek’s commitment to the component manufacturing
industry has been grounded in building successful relationships.
You see that commitment reflected in our complete suite
And you see it in the products of MiTek component
of software, our engineering services, our automated
fabricators. It is the focus of everything we do. Now and
equipment and our connector products. You see it in our
for the long run. Our purpose? To bring our customers (and
people, who share a sincere, company-wide dedication to
theirs) the “Power to Perform.”
enhancing the performance of our customers’ business.
Because your success is our success.
Raquel (Tucker) Roller Technical Documentation Specialist
You’re walking across your truss plant,
An OSHA rep calls you and says, “I’m
and you hear a piece of equipment come
going to stop by your plant today.”
to a noisy halt. Just as you’re thinking,
What do you feel? Panic? Anger? Or a
“That doesn’t sound good,” you hear an
calm confidence because you know your
agonizing sound of distress. One of your
employees are as safe as they can be?
best operators is seriously injured, and it
There aren’t many people who can
only took a split second. Call it bad luck
honestly say they feel calm confidence
or a bad decision…it doesn’t really matter
during an OSHA inspection, but it doesn’t
now. The fact is, something could have
have to be that way.
been done to prevent it.
Have either of these scenarios ever happened to you? Have you ever witnessed an injury or
watched your manager sweat during an OSHA visit? What would you have done to either avoid
the situation or be more prepared for it? These are thought-provoking questions that every person responsible for the safety of others should ask themselves.
Every year, OSHA releases a list of “high-rate industries”, and vows to focus
on those 25 industries to improve their records. Four industries
related to building components made that list for 2007. The table below
shows the specific industries in question that are directly involved with building components. The NAICS number is an identification number that OSHA
is now using in place of the SIC number. The DART rate is the number of
days that employees are either away from work, have restricted work activity,
or are on a job transfer for every 100 full-time employees.
Excerpt from OSHA’s 2007 List of High-Rate Industries List*
Rank of 25
Prefabricated wood building manufacturing
Truss Manufacturing
Framing contractors
Manufactured home (mobile home) manufacturing
So, now that we’re aware that our safety performance isn’t stellar, what can we do about it?
Never forget that there is always room for improvement. More than 36 people died building the
* Source: OSHA, Directorate of
Brooklyn Bridge, and that was acceptable to some people at that time. It is not and should not
Evaluation and Analysis, Office
be acceptable now. Our business is dangerous, but we can offer training, keep our words and
of Statistical Analysis.
actions consistent with safety guidelines, and enforce rules that create a safe environment. This
small investment will more than make up for itself in lowering the costs associated with injuries.
BCMC 2007
US Components
The problem must be attacked from all sides, and vendors and suppliers are great resources to get
started. MiTek is doing several things to help create a safer environment at your plant. By using
some modern technology, years of experience in the industry, and some good old-fashioned common sense, we are able to offer training and equipment features to
help make the building components industry a safer place to work.
A Pro-Build Business
John Workstus
Technical Sales
I’ve been in the business a long
time. I can remember when PC’s
were first introduced to our
Training and Education
MiTek believes an educated consumer is the safest one, so we’re doing
our part to make safety, operation, and maintenance training easy:
industry. Along the way I have seen
the software tools that MiTek has
introduced for moving our business
• We offer a basic saw maintenance class that
is included with the purchase of every
Cyber® A/T saw. An advanced class is also
available to enable your maintenance personnel to troubleshoot and maintain the saw
more effectively. These classes increase your
employees’ knowledge to keep the saw and
its safety features in good working order.
• A saw safety DVD is supplied with every saw
manual and additional copies can be ordered
• A truss assembly safety DVD is supplied with
every press, stacker, and Finish Roller manual
and additional copies can be ordered
• We revised the safety section at the begin ning of each new and revised manual to
clearly communicate what is required to
operate and maintain the equipment safely.
There are also additional training tools in the
manuals that reinforce safe practices.
• We sent all Cyber
A/T saw customers a new revision of the
manual on CD earlier this year so everyone
has the highest quality information available.
forward. These tools have made
• We provide several translations so your
Spanish-speaking workforce can benefit
from the training and education we offer:
I find it very interesting that the
- Both safety DVDs are in English and
- The manuals’ safety section is in English
and Spanish in every new and revised
MiTek manual to ensure that language
barriers do not result in unsafe practices.
It is also available in French.
- The most recent revision of the entire
Cyber A/T manual is currently available in
English and Spanish.
- The operating software on Cyber A/T saws
can be used with English or Spanish
- All safety labels are in English and Spanish.
it easy to introduce walls and
components to the industry.
options that have been introduced
to make it easier for us to design
trusses have made it much more
difficult for us to design trusses.
What I mean by this is that now
you need to be aware of what is
available in the software to stay
head of the competition. It really
boils down to this – if some
customer dreams up a crazy shape
you can make it work with MiTek
I love the potential of TrussFramer.
It is going to be an excellent program. There are so many features
Equipment Features and Safeguarding
coming down the road that it is
The following are only a small sampling of the
going to be a tremendous tool for
many safety features MiTek offers:
a company like us that does whole
house design. I am excited to be a
• The RoofTracker™ press is unique to the industry
by offering safety-rated light bars, bumpers, and
a brake monitor.
part of this process. It is helping
me see the design process much
• MiTek saws have a redesigned operator barrier
guard that is more ergonomic for the operator.
• Most electrical panels are UL Listed.
• We now have Restricted Zone Tape available to
apply to the floor around your equipment,
indicating the area where nobody should be during machine operation. It is a highly visible way
to make people more aware of their environment. continued next page
continued from page 21
Equipment Upgrade Kits to Add Safety Features to Older Equipment
Because continuous improvement is our goal, MiTek offers several kits that can bring your older
equipment up to the safety standards of our current designs.
• Upgraded operator barrier guard that is more ergonomic
Cyber® A/T and Cyber saws part # 60250-501
SmartSet® and SmartSet Pro saws part # 60251-501
Easy-Set® saws part # 60252-501
Wedge scraper to scrape scrap wedges off the quadrant to prevent thrown lumber
pieces (not for Easy-Set saws) part # SB133KIT
Adding safety labels stating “Equipment may start automatically” if an E-stop is not
activated due to the profibus system part # SB146KIT
Replacing the touch-screen enclosure’s swingarm with a Strongarm™ swingarm
part # SB135KIT
RailRider® and MiTek Track Gantry floor truss presses
Adding a horn and beacon
part # SB172KIT
RoofGlider® roof truss press
Replacing welded pushbars with gas spring pushbars for a more stable design
part #85045-501
Installing reset buttons to ensure an obstacle is removed before continuing operation
part # SB132KIT
Peak-Up Stacker
• Upgrading to spring-assisted receiver arms
part # 71550-501
Other Resources
MiTek supports the efforts that other organizations are putting forth to make our industry safe.
Check out these resources for more safety tips and training programs.
• OSHA’s Web site at www.osha.gov
• SBC magazine’s Web site at www.sbcmag.info
• WTCA’s Web site at www.sbcindustry.com
Building Component Safety Information, BCSI 2006 is a booklet produced by the Truss
Plate Institute and WTCA that is a guide for job site safety and truss performance.
The Operation Safety program offered by WTCA offers a complete educational program
specific to the building components industry that you can implement in your own plant.
All related industries and vendors to those industries should work together to reduce injuries.
MiTek has always been a leader in the building components industry. Now, we are a leader in the
safety industry. But all of the resources discussed here are useless if your employees don’t use
them. Take advantage of the education and safety features we have to offer, and you’ll be certain
to see your cost and incidence rates drop.
BCMC 2007
Over the years, MiTek has developed many
MiTek machinery will help you achieve the
eliminate paperwork, you will have a wall
innovative machinery solutions to ensure that
next level of productivity for all your building
panel line unmatched in efficiency and
your business is able to compete and thrive,
component needs. For wall panels, we offer
even in difficult
times. Today, we
Cyber A/T Saw with Inker and Catcher Display
continue to create
The Cyber A/T saw provides a fast, accurate, and
versatile solution for all your component cutting
needs. Combined with the Inker to quickly label cut
boards and the Catcher Display to convey information
to the operator on the outfeed side, the Cyber A/T is a
valuable addition to any truss plant.
new tools to help
your business
Wood Processing Systems
These highly efficient saws allow one
operator to produce 300 to 400 parts per
hour! The innovative systems determine the
production rate to provide the most
sophisitcated component cutting solutions in
the industry today. The systems offer unique
material handling solutions, a new
compound cutting option, inking options,
and a crooked lumber sensor.
excel. By integrating machinery,
software, and
other technology,
we can offer you
products that
offer unparalleled
productivity and
RoofTrackerTM Roller Press with Tekset Jigging
value – a unique
combination we
refer to as
The RoofTracker press is a state-of-the-art roof truss
machine that combines the best features of previous
MiTek presses with new design improvements. With
Tekset manual jigging or MatchPoint automated
jigging, truss setup is quick and easy. Your truss plant
will easily rise above the competition using this
super-productive system.
includes userfriendly software
and machinery
for roof trusses,
MatchPoint Planx Automated Jigging
Component Delivery System - CDS
The MatchPoint Planx system is a highly
accurate automated jigging system. Bolt-on
planks allow rapid jigging of many different
truss configurations, greatly increasing
productivity and reducing average setup time
to 2 minutes 40 seconds, far faster than the
average jigging time for other automated
jigging. With Planx, you can achieve up to twice
the production with half the cost, easily adding
value to your truss production process!
This innovative, just-in-time solution delivers
lumber to the truss assembly line,
removing the need for lumber carts and
other means of material handling. The CDS
Component Delivery System is the
answer to all your in-plant lumber movement
floor trusses,
and wall panels, as well as material handling
solutions. Our MVP™ software also embodies
machinery such as the Power Squaring/
You can learn about more MiTeknology in
Sheathing Station, which squares wall sec-
the accompanying graphic. Your productiv-
the idea of MiTeknology. MVP provides a
tions to consistent tolerances “on the fly”;
ity and the growth of your business have
bird’s-eye view of all the production activities
the Power Framer, which boosts production
always been our priority. By providing con-
going on in your truss plant, and enables the
by moving material past stationary nail
sistent improvements in our new products
manager to see, schedule, and manage the
guns; and the Smart Crane, an overhead
and by constantly developing new prod-
production process from one location. The
bridge crane which safely and quickly
ucts to meet your changing production
software routes production, delivers batches,
stacks wall panels. Customized with other
needs, we will continue to provide you with
and indicates the status of every piece in real
MiTek® wall panel equipment and coordi-
the MiTeknology you need to succeed.
time. MiTek software can be coordinated
nated with a component cutting saw such
with TekSystem software such as PlanTek™,
as those seen in the accompanying graphic
a digital plan management software for truss
or a Virtek® LaserMC® saw to reduce the
designers, and ProjecTek™, which works with
Virtek laser projection systems, for added
amount of skill level necessary to produce
wall panel components, and ShopNet™
software to streamline production and
A MITek Family Success Story
Enter MiTek, which quickly turned their compe-
Now the two truly work together. While the
tition into cooperation. In 2005 MiTek acquired
Koskovich PLANX system cuts down the jig-
No, this is not New
Koskovich as a subsidiary, then partnered with
ging time, the new Virtek green laser with
Math. This is what
Virtek as its exclusive worldwide distributor.
TrussLine® 5.0 software reduces the truss build
happens when MiTek
Behind the business deals was a vision. MiTek
time. By showing crews exactly which parts go
foresaw that combining these two technologies
where, the Virtek laser assists in placing sup-
brings two former
could create a truss assembly system that
plemental jigging with multiple pitch breaks,
competitors together
would be unbeatable in speed and precision.
steps in bottom
chords and other
to innovate and
Under the nurturing wing of MiTek’s corporate
integrate. To see how
cooperation, Virtek and Koskovich rapidly dis-
it happened, let’s
covered that their technologies were, in fact,
rewind a bit.
complementary rather than competitive. “We
stopped beating each other up,” says Jerry
Koskovich, “and started looking for ways to
A few years ago, Virtek
and Koskovich were
cooperate.” They found plenty. PLANX™
reduced jigging time to 30 seconds or less, but
also helps them
to identify miscut or wrong-size
lumber, size and
orientation of
plates as well as
had no effect on the remaining build time.
fierce competitors in
While the Virtek laser had some impact on jig-
The two systems
the truss jigging
ging, it dramatically reduced the time spent on
brought other
truss building. Put them together, and you get
useful features
business – two
a jigging and
to the table as well. Virtek technology lets the
very different
crew run the software either from a computer
console or from the laser images themselves,
that was
using a light-responsive object to select data
with two very
for display on the table. Both systems allow
bly faster
truss jobs to be interrupted – and then
than any-
resumed – with no disruption to the pace of
thing on the
production. Production can also be tracked in
Virtek believed
truss build-
real time.
in laser
ing market.
The marketplace has greeted the joint system
with success. Over a dozen combined systems
have been installed and more are in process.
The Koskovich
and Virtek soon discovered that the two sys-
Not only did the two companies integrate com-
Company swore by
tems could work hand-in-hand as well as side-
puter and mechanical jigging systems with
by-side. They integrated their software so that
automated jigging.
laser imaging systems, but thanks to MiTek’s
both could be governed by one single con-
guidance, they did it with corporate coopera-
Their field of battle was
troller. Now an operator could select a truss
tion. That’s MiTeknology in action – a striking
design to be built, set the PLANX automatic
example of the productive synergies possible
jigging in motion and activate the Virtek laser
within the MiTek family of companies. To learn
markings on the table – all in one coordinated
more about Virtek TrussLine and Koskovich
PLANX, contact your MiTek representative.
the component manufacturer marketplace.
BCMC 2007
tricky tasks. It
As we anticipate the buzz created by
These blocking and tackling-type activities
illusive, but required organizational result
displays of new equipment and technolo-
cannot be ignored, or minimized, if the
can never be assumed. The actual level of
gies at another BCMC event this fall in
mission is to develop a viable, long-term
your company’s organizational skills will
Columbus, OH. (one of the known meccas
manufacturing enterprise.
predict the relative success achieved using
of college football achievement). We could
every level of manufacturing machinery
learn a very valuable lesson from those who
Absent in that list of priorities is machinery
investment from manual to the most auto-
expect and achieve such football excellence
automation. Manufacturing wall panels
mated. In practice, effectively organized
consistently. O.S.U.’s success, and our man-
efficiently, like most other manufacturing
manufacturers produce good and accurate
ufacturing successes, will mirror invest-
applications, results from a management
volumes of production by building first their
ments and accomplishments in the basic
calculation to balance the pace of produc-
people/organization resources which serve
people skills of blocking and tackling. As it
ing subassemblies and accumulating the
as the basis to expand further into opportu-
applies to wall panel manufacturing, that
proper pieces and parts of the wall assem-
nities offered by more automated machin-
statement means we most consistently
bly at the production locations where, and
ery investments in their company’s future.
build our effectiveness as manufacturers
exactly when, they are needed. Automated
But before you can be effective at the more
first concentrating on the basics: coordina-
machinery investments assume those activi-
advanced level, to use the football analogy,
tion of manufacturing activities, effective
ties and organizational skill sets are in
you must be able to block and tackle.
material delivery, and optimized use of
place. In practice, the development of those
design/production software, to name a few.
skills associated with producing that often
continued next page
continued from page 25
There can be few that doubt the viability of wall
ShopNet™ is a wall
panel components as we anticipate markets
and opportunities in our futures. Most have had
manufacturing tool,
the experience of challenges in their markets
for example, that helps
caused by more complete building component
to give your manufacturing organization a plat-
package offerings by competitors. Broader mar-
form for standard operating procedures and
ket influences are also certain to impact how we
just-in-time material sequencing regardless of
anticipate development of our component busi-
your equipment investment. These are the basic
nesses. Ours is an industry experiencing signifi-
skills required to optimize equipment invest-
cant change, and creating new/different
ments and create predictable opportunities for
opportunities. So how do you get an accurate
profits in your manufacturing efforts. There are
reading on a target (wall panel manufacturing
numerous examples of how MiTek has helped
for example) that we can actually predict will
implement primarily manual production systems
not hold still? Should investments in wall manu-
that can be combined with specific automated
facturing be automated? Should more manual
production components to yield a “hybrid” sys-
methods be considered to minimize financial
tem. MiTek systems can be altered/updated for
exposure? MiTek’s commitment to the wall com-
higher production throughput as organizations
ponent opportunity runs the gamut from wood
and markets develop and the investments are
tables applications to highly automated. MiTek,
warranted. This is an incremental process that
in the broadest view, is in the vanguard devel-
allows management opportunities to grow a
oping new technologies in the building compo-
business effectively, hitting a moving target
nent industry. But unlike machinery vendors in
without having to over-extend capital on the
this industry we would like to draw your atten-
come, with confidence that his basic organiza-
tion first to the essential manufacturing activi-
tional blocking and tackling skills development
ties of blocking and tackling.
will support and benefit the investment.
STORY UPDATE from Truss Facts, Winter 2007
In last issue of Truss Facts we featured an article on a unique application using trusses and the
Stabilizer® bracing system. Here is how the project turned out.
Select Truss of West Salem, Wisconsin built the trusses for the General Contractor, Brickl
Brothers. The project, Identity Works, located in Lakeview Industrial Park in West Salem, was
completed in May. The trusses not only presented a design challenge but an assembly challenge
as well. The design team at Select Truss along with the MiTek® 20/20® Software Suite was up to
the challenge. The shop floor fabrication team was able to flawlessly meet the challenge of
building the trusses.
The building owners
were very satisfied with
the completed project,
and have promoted the
quality and craftsmanship of Select Build
trusses throughout the
BCMC 2007
Constantly changing building designs mean that component manufacturers must cope with the dual
challenges of being able to produce an endless variety of product AND to do so both competitively
and profitably.
To meet this challenge component manufacturers constantly seek sensible, solid solutions to upgrade
and automate their manufacturing processes. Since most component plants require several saws
just to get through the cutting, the most efficient cutting process is usually a combination of a
number of different types of saws to capitalize on the strengths of each saw.
The MiTek® Elipsaw®, MiTek® 20/20® software and the Turb-O-Web™ System
would be an invaluable, if not always immediately obvious,
part of the most efficient solution.
Most component plant managers would agree that at the top end of the
productivity scale, is the most efficient manufacturing system for any product –
mass production. This system is best described as the production of long-runs of
standardized goods for a mass market. The component industry comes
closest to this when large runs are put through a flow through saw, such as a Cyber Saw.
Unfortunately building components today tend towards the “one-off”, custom product
which generally reduces the use of these mass production techniques.
The MiTek® Elipsaw®, MiTek® 20/20® software and
the Turb-O-Web™ System allows the plant to isolate all of the webs which may
be produced in bulk on an Elipsaw (“Turb-O-Webs”) in a mass production type
“Lots of webs, all the same, cut at the same time”,
this is the key to the system.
The high production rate of the Elipsaw® of around 8,000 webs per shift, means that individual
managers may decide whether they wish to cut their standard length Turb-O-Webs on an
“as needed” or “just in time” on a daily basis, or whether they will simply produce larger batches and
draw from stock as needed. Stock may be replenished at any convenient time.
The Elipsaw represents unparalleled
value in terms of its productive capacity,
and this value is even more evident when
the payback is considered.
Clearly, due to specific length requirements
and other reasons, not all Turb-O-webs can
be standard length, but the MiTek 20/20 software and the Elipsaw allow even those webs
to be Turb-O-Webs cut to a special length.
In spite of the terms we have all become familiar with in this current housing cycle, such as
excess inventory, credit tightening and liquidity crunch, Popular Equipment Finance remains
committed to offering competitive low rates, a receptive and liberal credit policy and terms up to
84 months as a sign of our commitment to the Component Manufacturing industry. Through our
board for plant automation and expansion.
alliance with MiTek Industries we are able to extend attractive financing incentives across the
This alliance allows the manufacturer to maintain their liquidity and preserve existing bank lines
of credit while retaining working capital for emergency purposes or unique opportunities.
With the forecasted 2008 upturn in the demand for housing, those customers that chose to
automate their operations during this adjustment period will emerge to be a stronger, more
efficient and profitable organization.
Popular Equipment Finance is a subsidiary of Banco Popular North America (BPNA). Ranked as
the 39th largest bank-owned leasing company in the United States, Popular Equipment Finance
provides small to mid-ticket commercial, medical, manufacturing, veterinary and municipal
equipment financing throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the USVI.
For more information, visit: www.poplease.com
www.mii.com 314.434.1200
BCMC 2007