bel lighting senico
bel lighting senico
BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING CREATOR #6#.1)7'FNNL Enlighten yourself ! catalog 2008 LIGHTING CREATOR Factory in Greece ( 3.200 m²) commercial branch for Greece & Cyprus Headquarters in Belgium ( 1.200 m²) assembly & commercial branch for other countries all over the world NL Gesticht in 1991, is BEL LIGHTING - SENICO tot op heden een zelfstandig familiebedrijf met meer dan 50 person eelsleden, werkzaam in onze produktie te Megara (Griekenland op 20min van Athenes) en onze hoofdzetel te Sint-Renelde (België nabij Brussel). Als ontwikkelaar in de verlichtingssector gespecialiseerd in buitenverlichting, ontwikkelen en produceren wij toestellen van hoogwaardige kwaliteit voor een internationaal cliënteel. Creatie en design worden intern ontwikkeld, wat met de jaren resulteert naar een uitgebreid gamma. Het continu nastreven naar hoogwaardige kwaliteit is de sleutel van ons succes. Onze visie omtrent kwaliteit houdt ook in dat niet alleen de kwaliteit van het product perfect hoeft te zijn, en dus ook professionaliteit op niveau van advies, een betrouwbare en klantvriendelijke service en een goede follow-up van afgesproken leveringstermijnen zijn hier onontbeerlijk. De prioritaire activiteiten van BEL LIGHTING - SENICO zijn het permanent aanpassen van onze producten te behoeve van de klant en ten behoeve van huidige vernieuwde technieken en trends, wat bijdraagt tot de betrouwbaarheid van onze producten. Onze creaties beantwoorden aan de huidige kwalitatieve normen en kiezen dus nauwkeurig eerste keuze grondstoffen uit. Een uitgebreid gamma wordt vervaardigd met natuurlijke zoals aluminium, messing, inox, exotisch hardhout en Belgische blauwe steen, die zich integreren in hun natuurlijke omgeving. De technische kwaliteit en een mooi design zijn de belangrijkste objectieven van ons bedrijf, doch een conform gebruik en plaatsing door een erkend installateur u een langdurig en veilig gebruik. Deze editie van onze cataloog is meer dan een update van onze complete collectie van verlichtingstoestellen. Deze cataloog is het resultaat van teamwork op niveau van research, design, technische input, productie en marketing. BEL LIGHTING - SENICO, de waarde toegevoegd aan het licht. Lighting Fair in Frankfürt (Germany) FR Fondée en 1991, BEL LIGHTING - SENICO reste à ce jour une société familiale, indépendante, avec plus d’une cinquantaine d’employés travaillant dans notre usine de Megara (Grèce) et au siège central de Saintes (Belgique). Créateur de luminaires spécialisé dans l'éclairage extérieur, nous développons et produisons des appareils de haute qualité pour une clientèle internationale. La création et le design étant effectués en interne, nous avons fermement décidé de bâtir notre réputation dans le haut de gamme. L'insistance sur une haute qualité est la clef de notre succès et est, à nos yeux, plus que le simple approvisionnement d'un produit parfait. Elle englobe également la compétence professionnelle, le conseil, un service amical, fiable et rapide ainsi que le respect de la date de livraison promise. La préoccupation principale de la firme est l'adaptation permanente des produits aux besoins spécifiques du marché, créant ainsi une atmosphère de confiance avec nos clients. Nos créations répondent aux normes de qualité et nous employons toujours des matières premières nobles. Certains produits sont fabriqués dans des matières naturelles (aluminium , laiton, inox, bois exotique et pierre Belge) sans protection de surface et qui s'intègrent totalement dans leur environnement naturel. La qualité technique et un bon design sont les objectifs essentiels de notre travail dans le développement et la fabrication de nos produits, mais seule une utilisation conforme, une installation et un entretien fait par un spécialiste garantit la sécurité d'exploitation. Cette édition de notre catalogue est, plus qu'une mise à jour de la gamme complète de nos luminaires, c’est le résultat du travail de nos équipes de recherche, design, contribution technique, production et marketing. BEL LIGHTING - SENICO , la valeur ajoutée à la lumière. Showroom (Belgium) EN Founded in 1991, BEL LIGHTING - SENICO is still to this day an independent family company with over a fifty employees working here at our present factory in Megara (Greece) and headquarters in Saintes (Belgium). Lighting creator specialized in outdoor lighting, we develop and produce high-quality products for an international clientele. We do our own in-depth design work and have steadily built up our range over a number of years. Insistence on high quality has been a foundation of our success. Quality, in our view, means more than the simple supply of a flawless product, it stands also for professional competence in giving advice, a fast, reliable and friendly service for our customers, and adherence to promised delivery dates. The main preoccupation of the firm is the permanent adaptation of its products to the specific needs of the market and the client, creating this way a complete confidence atmosphere. Our creations reply to the norms of quality and we always use first choice materials. Some products are manufactured in natural materials (aluminium , brass, stainless steel, exotic wood and Belgian stone) without coating and integrate totally their natural environment. The technical quality and a good design are the essential objectives of our work in the development and the manufacture of our products, but only a conform utilisation, a setting and maintains made by specialists guarantee the security of exploitation.This edition of our catalogue is more than just an update of the complete range of lighting products. It is the result of our engagement with quality and a teamwork in the improvement of research, design, technical input, manufacturing and marketing. BEL LIGHTING - SENICO, the value-added to the light DE Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1991 ist unser Unternehmen Bel Lighting - Senico ein unabhängiger Familienbetrieb der mittlerweile mehr als fünfzig Angestellte in den beiden Produktionszentren Megara (Griechenland) und Saintes (Belgien) beschäftigt. Als Leuchtenmanufaktur mit dem Schwerpunkt im Außenleuchtensegment entwickeln und produzieren wir hochwertige Produkte für unsere internationale Kundschaft. Wir investieren kontinuierlich in das Design neuer Leuchtenkreationen und konnten dank dieser Investition unsere Produktpalette stetig ausbauen.Der Anspruch an höchster Qualität ist das Fundament unseres Erfolgs. Qualität bedeutet aus unserer Sicht nicht nur einfach der Vertrieb von makellosen Produkten, sondern auch professionelle Beratung, sowie schnellst möglichen, zuverlässigen und freundlichen Service für unsere Kunden und Einhaltung von zugesagten Lieferzeiten. Das Hauptaugenmerk unseres Unternehmens liegt in der permanenten Anpassung der Produkte an die spezifischen Wünsche des Marktes und der Kunden. Auf diesem Wege wird eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre geschaffen. Wir verwenden stets erste Wahl Materialien, wodurch unsere Leuchtenkreationen stets höchste Qualitätsmaßstäbe erfüllen. Einige Produkte werden aus natürlichen Materialien gefertigt (Aluminium, Bronze, Nichtrostender Stahl, exotisches Holz und Belgischer Blaustein) und ohne zusätzliche Schutzschichten in ihrer Natürlichkeit erhalten, wodurch sie sich hervorragend in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung integrieren. Die technische Ausgereiftheit und ein herausragendes Design sind essentielle Triebfedern unserer Arbeit in der Entwicklung und Fertigung. Jedoch bedarf es für eine optimale und sichere Anwendbarkeit unserer Produkte auch eine sachgerechte Verwendung, sowie eine vom Fachmann sichergestellte Installation und Wartung.Diese Ausgabe unseres Katalogs ist mehr als nur ein update unserer Beleuchtungsserie. Es ist vielmehr ein Ergebnis unseres Engagements durch Qualität und Teamwork eine Optimierung unserer Forschung, unseres Designs, der technischen Performance, der Fertigung und des Vertriebs zu erreichen. BEL LIGHTING - SENICO, unser Maßstab ist das Licht. GR Η BEL – LIGHTING SENICO ιδρύθηκε το 1991 και παραμένει μέχρι και σήμερα, είναι μια οικογενειακή εταιρεία με 50 εργαζομένους περίπου οι οποίοι εργάζονται μαζί με τα στελέχη της εταιρείας στην Ελλάδα και στο Βέλγιο. Η εταιρεία ειδικεύεται στον εξωτερικό φωτισμό. Η υψηλή ποιότητα είναι το σήμα κατατεθέν μας. Το πρωτοποριακό design σε συνδυασμό με την υψηλή ποιότητα και το πολύ καλό logistic είναι αυτό που μας χαρακτηρίζει . Ο στόχος μας είναι να προσαρμόσουμε τα προϊόντα μας στις ανάγκες της διεθνούς πελατείας μας με τις ιδιαιτερότητες του κάθε market . Για να επιτύχουμε τα παραπάνω χρησιμοποιούμε πρώτες ύλες όπως φυσικό αλουμίνιο, ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα, ορείχαλκο, εξωτικό ξύλο, πέτρα Βελγίου, κλπ. Ο νέος μας κατάλογος είναι κάτι παραπάνω από την παρουσίαση μεγάλης γκάμας νέων προϊόντων. Είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας προσπάθειας του παντρέματος έρευνας, design, τεχνολογίας, πρωτοποριακού συστήματος παραγωγής και marketing. BEL LIGHTING - SENICO, the value-added to the light LED LIGHTING L E D . 11 EXTERIOR LIGHTING RECESSED SPOTS AMBIENCE E X T. 6 1 stainless steel E X T. 8 5 aluminium - brass E X T. 1 0 7 stainless steel E X T. 1 2 6 stone - woods E X T. 1 6 1 aluminium - brass E X T. 1 7 6 BASIC E X T. 2 1 7 INTERIOR LIGHTING SPOTS & PENDANTS I N T. 2 3 9 WA L L & C E I L I N G I N T. 2 4 9 Classic Collection I N T. 2 6 5 INFORMATIONS I N T. 2 9 7 401.L33.04 976.L33.04 2278A12.07 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED name page CLIP 46 CROSS 40 DISCO 360° 28 EVA 24 FORUM 1 22 FORUM 3 22 FORUM 7 23 GENESIS 40° 12 GENESIS 140° 13 LINUS 34 MICRO LED 35 MICRO LED IN 38 MICRO LED ON 39 MICRO LED TR 35 MINU CUBE 2L 43 MINU CUBE 40 42 MINU CUBE TR 42 QUADRIS 30 SOLID 46 SONAR D 29 SONAR FL 27 STAR LED 36 STAR LED IN 38 STAR LED ON 39 TITAN 1 46 TITAN 2-3-4R-4K 48 TWIN 34 VIGO 24 ZAXOR LED 17 ZAXOR LED smd 16 ZAXOR MINI LED 15 ZAXOR MINI LED smd 14 ZAXOR QR 20 ZAXOR QRO 21 ZENITH 1-3-7 44 ZIKO 31 ZODIAC LED 41 LED LIGHTING LED. Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Zaxor mini led 14 Zaxor mini led 15 Zaxor Led smd 16 20 Zaxor Led QRO 21 Forum 1 22 Forum 3 22 Vigo 24 Disco 28 Sonar D 29 Linus 34 Twin 34 Micro Led 36 Star Led IN 38 Micro Led 2 ON39 Zaxor Led 17 Zaxor Led QR Forum 7 23 Eva Quadris 30 Ziko Star Led 36 Micro Led TR 36 Micro Led 2 IN 38 Star Led ON 39 Cross Mini cube 40 42 Mini cube TR 42 Mini cube 2L 43 Sonar FL 27 Zodiac Led 41 Zenith 1 44 Zenith 3 44 Zenith 7 44 24 31 40 interior spotlight LED LIGHTING W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 11 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Genesis 40° CREATOR 1151.W12.07 W12 warm white 3500K° D12 A12 Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Daylight White 6300K° light: D12 0,5 0,4 500 Amber 1,0 0,8 110 1,5 1,2 34 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 R12 Red G12 Green 04 brushed stainless steel B12 Blue 07 brushed brass ∅ 60 code: 1150. ___ 4 22 . __ ∅ 40 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 60 code: 1151. ___ 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 40° 1150.B12.04 60 . __ 4 22 ∅ 40 Led converter not incorporated Pop 3 IP66 0,20 Genesis 40° W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M 350mA . . . . . Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel or brass max. 500 Kg Degree of protection IP66 Power Led 350mA incorporated LED. 12 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Genesis 140° CREATOR W 11 D 11 A 11 Distance(m) warm white 3500K° Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Daylight White 6300K° light: D11 0,5 1,4 50 Amber 1,0 2,8 13 1,5 4,2 4 2,0 5,6 2 2,5 7,0 1 R 11 Red G 11 Green 04 brushed stainless steel B 11 Blue 07 brushed brass ∅ 60 code: 1152. ___ 4 12 . __ ∅ 40 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 60 code: 1153. ___ 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 110° 1153.D11.07 60 . __ ∅ 40 4 12 Led converter not incorporated Pop 3 IP66 0,15 Genesis 110° 350mA . . . . . Safety sandblasted glass Body made in stainless steel or brass max. 500 Kg Degree of protection IP66 Power Led 350mA incorporated 1152.D11.04 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 13 LED LED LIGHTING ∅ 75mm 75 x 75mm ∅ 100mm code : 7.16 code : 8.16 code : 9.16 code : 7.07 code : 8.07 code : 9.07 CLEAR GLASS SATIN GLASS MAT GLASS code : 1 code : 2 code : 3 LED 24Vdc incorporated code : 4 ZAXOR Mini LED smd 4 mm (coverplate) 50 20 225 4 C _ _.__ Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² ∅ 65 CE 0,5 IP67 9 x smd LED white 24VDC - 1,20W converter not incorporated 24Vdc TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS LAMP W 9 x LED white 1,20 . . . . . . C° 34 code Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m H05RN-F cable LED smd 24Vdc incorporated : 2254C19.16 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) Pop 4 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 14 LED LED LIGHTING ∅ 75mm 75 x 75mm ∅ 100mm code : 7.16 code : 8.16 code : 9.16 code : 7.07 code : 8.07 code : 9.07 CLEAR GLASS SATIN GLASS MAT GLASS code code : 1 code : 2 : 2257D37C18.16 code : 3 Power LED 350mA incorporated code : 7 4 mm (coverplate) ZAXOR Mini LED 50 20 W12 IP67 Daylight White 6300K° 1,2W 40° warm white 3500K° “+” = double lux / lumen D14 Daylight White 6300K° A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 Blue W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green B37 Blue converter not incorporated 1 x Power LED TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS W 1 x Power LED 1 x Power LED 1,20 3,60 3,6W 20° C° converter not incorporated 34 49 Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m H05RN-F cable Power Led 350mA incorporated Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 0,4 1,0 0,8 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) + + ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 0,2 1580 220 1,0 0,4 790 1,2 68 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 1,6 36 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 2,0 24 2,5 1,0 110 500 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 110 1,0 0,8 1,2 34 1,5 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M warm white 3500K° W14 350mA LAMP C _ _.__ D12 1 x Power LED CE . . . . . . ___ Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² ∅ 65 0,5 7 225 LED. 15 Pop 4 LED ∅ 100mm ∅ 115mm LED LIGHTING ∅ 125mm 100 x 100mm 125 x 125mm 125 x 125mm code : 1.16 code : 2.16 code : 3.16 code : 4.16 code : 5.16 code : 6.16 code : 1.07 code : 2.07 code : 3.07 code : 4.07 code : 5.07 code : 6.07 CLEAR GLASS SATIN GLASS MAT GLASS code : 1 code : 2 code : 3 LED 24Vdc incorporated LED & convertor 24Vdc incorporated code : 4 code : 5 4 mm (coverplate) 4 mm (coverplate) 227 50 85 20 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² ZAXOR 20 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² ∅ 99 _ C _ _.__ LED smd Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg ∅ 99 CE 1,2 IP67 18 x smd LED white 24VDC - 1,44W CE 24Vdc 1,8 IP67 230V 24Vdc TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS LAMP W C° 18 x LED white 1,44 34 . . . . . . code Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m H05RN-F cable LED smd 24Vdc incorporated OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES ZAXOR BOX POP 5 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M ZAXOR FLOOR R 2275C12.16 + 013.BL (Page LED.51) ZAXOR FLOOR K LED. 16 : ZAXOR COLOR LED ∅ 100mm ∅ 115mm LED LIGHTING ∅ 125mm 100 x 100mm 125 x 125mm 125 x 125mm code : 1.16 code : 2.16 code : 3.16 code : 4.16 code : 5.16 code : 6.16 code : 1.07 code : 2.07 code : 3.07 code : 4.07 code : 5.07 code : 6.07 CLEAR GLASS SATIN GLASS MAT GLASS code : 1 code : 2 code : 3 Power LED 350mA incorporated Power LED & convertor 350mA incorporated code : 7 code : 8 70 50 20 227 4 mm (coverplate) 4 mm (coverplate) 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² RGB 85 20 1m cable ∅ 99 ZAXOR 20 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² LED Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg ∅ 99 ∅ 99 CE 1,2 IP67 CE RGB 350mA 1,8 IP67 1 x Power LED 3,6W 40° “+” = double lux / lumen TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS LAMP W 1 x Power LED . . . . . . 3,60 230V 350mA C° 49 Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m cable Power Led 350mA incorporated OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES POP 5 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M ZAXOR FLOOR R C _ _.__ ___ W32 warm white 3500K° D32 Daylight White 6300K° W34 warm white 3500K° D34 Daylight White 6300K° A32 Amber R32 Red G32 Green B32 Blue Z32 RGB Distance(m) : 2277D32C12.07 (Page LED.51) ZAXOR FLOOR K LED. 17 Cone width(m) + + illuminance (lx) light: D32 0,5 0,4 1500 1,0 0,8 330 1,5 1,2 102 2,0 1,6 54 2,5 2,0 36 Distance(m) code ZAXOR BOX _ Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D34 0,5 0,4 3000 1,0 0,8 660 1,5 1,2 204 2,0 1,6 108 2,5 2,0 72 LED ∅ 100mm ∅ 115mm LED LIGHTING ∅ 125mm 100 x 100mm 125 x 125mm 125 x 125mm code : 1.16 code : 2.16 code : 3.16 code : 4.16 code : 5.16 code : 6.16 code : 1.07 code : 2.07 code : 3.07 code : 4.07 code : 5.07 code : 6.07 CLEAR GLASS code : 1 Power LED 350mA incorporated Power LED & convertor 350mA incorporated code : 7 code : 8 30° 4 mm (coverplate) 4 mm (coverplate) 240 70 105 ZAXOR 20 1m cable 20 1m H05RN-F 3x1mm² ∅ 99 CE IP67 CE 350mA 2,1 IP67 C 1 _.__ ___ LAMP W 1 x Power LED 3,60 1 x Power LED 3,6W 40° “+” = double lux / lumen C° 42 Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m cable Power Led 350mA incorporated OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES POP 5 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M warm white 3500K° D32 Daylight White 6300K° W34 warm white 3500K° D34 Daylight White 6300K° A32 Amber R32 Red G32 Green B32 Blue ZAXOR FLOOR R Distance(m) + + : 2408D32C16.16 (Page LED.51) ZAXOR FLOOR K LED. 18 Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D32 0,5 0,4 1500 1,0 0,8 330 1,5 1,2 102 2,0 1,6 54 2,5 2,0 36 Distance(m) code ZAXOR BOX W32 230V 350mA TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS . . . . . . LED Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg ORIENTABLE 30° / 360° ∅ 99 1,6 _ 360° Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D34 0,5 0,4 3000 1,0 0,8 660 1,5 1,2 204 2,0 1,6 108 2,5 2,0 72 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 19 LED 200 x 200mm ∅ 200mm code : G.16 code : H.16 code : G.07 code : H.07 LED LIGHTING CLEAR GLASS code : 1 Power LED 350/500mA incorporated code : 7 241 4 mm (coverplate) 7 88 20 ZAXOR LED QR 1m cable Safety glass 10mm max. 1000 Kg ∅ 149 RGB CE 4,1 IP67 1 x Power Led 10,5W (7x1,5W) 350/500mA 25° “+” = double lux / lumen or 1 x Power Led RGB 15W 350mA or 500mA (5x3W) 350mA 25° C 1 _.__ ___ W75 warm white 3500K° D75 Daylight White 6300K° W76 warm white 3500K° D76 Daylight White 6300K° A75 Amber R75 Red G75 Green B75 Blue Z75 RGB + converter not incorporated Distance(m) TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS LAMP W C° 1 x Power LED 1 x Power LED RGB 10,5 15 48° 48° . . . . . . . . + Safety glass 10mm maximum 1000 Kg Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m cable Power Led 350mA incorporated : OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES POP 6 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 20 2417D75C1G.16 (Page LED.51) illuminance (lx) 0,3 9850 1,0 0,6 3020 1,5 0,9 1630 2,0 1,2 1010 2,5 1,5 620 Distance(m) code Cone width(m) light: D75 0,5 with converter 500mA Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D75 0,5 0,3 7810 1,0 0,6 2670 1,5 0,9 1320 2,0 1,2 755 2,5 1,5 490 with converter 350mA LED 250 x 250mm ∅ 250mm code : J.16 code : K.16 code : J.07 code : K.07 LED LIGHTING CLEAR GLASS code : 1 Power LED 350/500mA incorporated code : 7 30° 242 4 mm (coverplate) 7 C 1 _.__ ___ 360° 120 ZAXOR LED 20 1m cable QRO Safety glass 12mm max. 1500 Kg ORIENTABLE 30° / 360° ∅ 200 RGB CE 1 x Power Led 10,5W (7x1,5W) 350/500mA 25° “+” = double lux / lumen 4,6 IP67 or 1 x Power Led RGB 15W 350mA or 500mA (5x3W) 350mA 25° W75 warm white 3500K° D75 Daylight White 6300K° W76 warm white 3500K° D76 Daylight White 6300K° A75 Amber R75 Red G75 Green B75 Blue Z75 RGB Distance(m) 1 x Power LED 1 x Power LED RGB . . . . . . . . + converter not incorporated TEMPERATURE ON THE GLASS LAMP + W 10,5 15 C° 45° 45° Safety glass 12mm maximum 1500 Kg Body made of anodised aluminium Coverplate 4mm in stainless steel 316L or brass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 67 Provided with 1m cable Power Led 350mA incorporated : OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES POP 7 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 21 2427Z75C1K.16 (Page LED.51) illuminance (lx) 0,3 19600 1,0 0,6 6000 1,5 0,9 3260 2,0 1,2 2020 2,5 1,5 1240 Distance(m) code Cone width(m) light: D76 0,5 with converter 500mA Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D76 0,5 0,3 15620 1,0 0,6 5340 1,5 0,9 2620 2,0 1,2 1510 2,5 1,5 980 with converter 350mA LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Forum 1 Forum 3 CREATOR Power Led 1,2W 40° W12 D12 warm white 3500K° code: 1195A. _ _ _ .32 code: 1195B. _ _ _ .32 Daylight White 6300K° Led converter not incorporated Led converter incorporated 47 W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 Blue ∅ 50 190 500 3m H05RN-F 3x1mm² 60 ∅ 100 Power Led 3,6W 20° stem in stainless steel 1195A.D37.32 W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green B37 Blue code:1195A. _ _ _ . 32 0,30 350mA code:1195B. _ _ _ . 32 0,75 230V 350mA . . . . . . Body made of anodised aluminium Safety clear glass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Provided with 3m H05RN-F cable Power Led 350mA incorporated IP65 Forum 1 W32 D32 1196B.W32.32 warm white 3500K° code: 1196A. _ _ _ .32 code: 1196B. _ _ _ .32 Daylight White 6300K° Led converter not incorporated Led converter incorporated W34 warm white 3500K° + D34 Daylight White 6300K° + A32 Amber R32 Red G32 Green B32 Blue 60 ∅ 65 190 500 ∅ 100 stem in stainless steel code:1196A. _ _ _ . 32 0,35 350mA code:1196B. _ _ _ . 32 0,80 230V 350mA . . . . . . Body made of anodised aluminium Safety clear glass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Provided with 3m H05RN-F cable Power Led 350mA incorporated 1 x Power Led 3,6W 350mA 40° IP65 Forum 3 Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 0,2 1580 220 1,0 0,4 1,2 68 1,5 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 24 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 1,0 0,8 1,5 60 3m H05RN-F 3x1mm² Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D32 0,5 0,4 1500 790 1,0 0,8 0,6 295 1,5 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 1,0 110 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D34 0,5 0,4 3000 330 1,0 0,8 660 1,2 102 1,5 1,2 204 2,0 1,6 54 2,0 1,6 108 2,5 2,0 36 2,5 2,0 72 LED. 22 1197A.D75.32 W75 warm white 3500K° code: 1197A. _ _ _ .32 code: 1197B. _ _ _ .32 D75 Daylight White 6300K° Led converter not incorporated Led converter 350mA incorporated W76 warm white 3500K° D76 Daylight White 6300K° A75 Amber R75 Red G75 Green B75 Blue Z75 RGB + 93 ∅ 149 + . . . . . . Body made of anodised aluminium Safety clear glass Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Provided with 3m cable Power Led 350/500mA incorporated 190 65 500 3m cable ∅ 150 stem in stainless steel code:1197A. _ _ _ . 32 2,85 350mA or 500mA code:1197B. _ _ _ . 32 2,95 230V 350mA RGB 1 x Power Led 10,5W (7x1,5W) 350/500mA 25° OR 1 x Power Led RGB 15W (5x3W) 350mA 25° IP65 Forum 7 Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D75 0,5 0,3 1,0 0,6 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) 7810 light: D75 0,5 0,3 2670 1,0 0,6 0,9 1320 1,5 2,0 1,2 755 2,5 1,5 490 with converter 350mA illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 9850 light: D76 0,5 0,3 15620 3020 1,0 0,6 0,9 1630 1,5 2,0 1,2 1010 2,5 1,5 620 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M with converter 500mA Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D76 0,5 0,3 19600 5340 1,0 0,6 6000 0,9 2620 1,5 0,9 3260 2,0 1,2 1510 2,0 1,2 2020 2,5 1,5 980 2,5 1,5 1240 LED. 23 with converter 350mA with converter 500mA LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Eva Vigo CREATOR W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green B 11 Blue 16 12 ∅ ∅ code: 1154. _ _ _ Distance(m) 1154.D11.07 IP65 0,50 . __ Cone width(m) 40 100 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 110° Led converter not incorporated 04 brushed stainless steel 07 brushed brass illuminance (lx) light: D11 0,5 1,4 50 1,0 2,8 13 1,5 4,2 4 2,0 5,6 2 2,5 7,0 1 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 350mA . . . . . Eva Safety sandblasted glass Body made in stainless steel or brass max. 500 Kg Degree of protection IP65 Power Led 350mA incorporated W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green B 11 Blue Pop 3 ∅ 40 68 code: 1159. _ _ _ 12 ∅ ∅ . __ 40 100 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA Led converter not incorporated 04 brushed stainless steel 07 brushed brass ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 1159.B11.04 IP65 0,60 Vigo W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M 350mA . . . . Safety mat plexiglass Body made in stainless steel or brass Degree of protection IP65 Power Led 350mA incorporated LED. 24 Pop 3 1159.B11.04 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 25 LED LED LIGHTING BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Sonar FL CREATOR ACCESSORIES (page EXT.231) Pic Stic 820 520 220 977.52D11.04 ∅ 100 22 220 mm 3,1 52 520 mm 5,1 82 820 mm 7,5 code: 977. __ ___ .04 W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green B 11 Blue . . . . . glass mat interior Body made in stainless steel Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated 4 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 110° Led converter incorporated IP65 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Sonar FL LED. 27 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Disco 360° CREATOR W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° W13 warm white 3500K° D13 Daylight White 6300K° + + A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green 04 brushed stainless steel B 11 Blue 07 brushed brass code: 1155A. _ _ _ . __ . Safety mat plexiglass code: 1155B. _ _ _ . __ . Safety clear plexiglass 1155A.D11.04 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter not incorporated ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) ∅ ∅ 60 16 45 13 Pop 1 1155B.D11.04 . . . . Safety mat or clear plexiglass Body made in stainless steel or brass Degree of protection IP65 Power Led 350mA incorporated Installation on 120-240V 50/60 Hz Disco 360° convertor output: constant current 350mA Pop 1 IP65 0,20 350mA Disco 360° W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 28 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Sonar D CREATOR W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 Blue code: 976. ___ . 04 1,50 350mA code: 978. ___ . 04 2,60 230V 350mA 4 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 40° “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter incorporated ∅ 100 ∅ 100 ∅ 60 code: 978. _ _ _ .04 ∅ 100 code: 976. _ _ _ .04 Led converter not incorporated 57 57 110 87 976.D12.04 Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 0,4 1,0 0,8 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 500 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 110 1,0 0,8 220 1,2 34 1,5 1,2 68 2,0 1,6 18 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 12 2,5 2,0 24 value for 1 Led value for 1 Led ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) . . . . . Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated 976.D12.04 IP65 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Sonar D LED. 29 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Quadris CREATOR W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° W13 warm white 3500K° D13 Daylight White 6300K° A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green B 11 Blue code: 1102. _ _ _ + + . __ 04 brushed stainless steel 07 brushed brass 1102.D11.07 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 110° “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter not incorporated Distance(m) 1102.D11.04 Cone width(m) light: D11 0,5 1,4 1,0 2,8 1,5 Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 50 1,4 100 13 1,0 2,8 26 4,2 4 1,5 4,2 8 2,0 5,6 2 2,0 5,6 4 2,5 7,0 1 2,5 7,0 2 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 58 Safety sandblasted glass Body made in stainless steel Coverplate 3mm in stainless steel or brass Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated Distance(m) light: D13 0,5 ∅ 50 58 ∅ 45 . . . . . illuminance (lx) 13 3 Pop 1 Installation on 120-240V 50/60 Hz Quadris IP65 0,15 350mA Pop 1 Quadris W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M convertor output: constant current 350mA LED. 30 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Ziko CREATOR W 11 warm white 3500K° D 11 Daylight White 6300K° W13 warm white 3500K° D13 Daylight White 6300K° A 11 Amber R 11 Red G 11 Green B 11 Blue code: 1101. _ _ _ + + . __ 04 brushed stainless steel 07 brushed brass 1101.W11.04 1 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 110° “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter not incorporated Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D11 0,5 1,4 1,0 2,8 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 50 light: D13 0,5 1,4 100 13 1,0 2,8 26 4,2 4 1,5 4,2 8 2,0 5,6 2 2,0 5,6 4 2,5 7,0 1 2,5 7,0 2 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 1101.W11.07 ∅ 60 ∅ 50 3 13 Pop 1 . . . . . ∅ 45 Safety sandblasted glass Body made in stainless steel Coverplate 3mm in stainless steel or brass Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated Installation on 120-240V 50/60 Hz Ziko convertor output: constant current 350mA 350mA Pop 1 IP65 0,15 Ziko W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 31 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 32 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 33 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Linus Twins CREATOR WL5 warm white 3200K° DL5 Daylight White 6500K° AJ5 Amber RJ5 Red 35 GL5 Green 00 brushed aluminium BL5 Blue 09 bronze code: 1158. _ _ _ 30 78 . __ 1 x Strip high-power Led 1,56W 24Vdc Led converter not incorporated ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 1158.BL5.00 IP20 0,10 24Vdc . Body made in natural aluminium . Screws in stainless steel . Led smd 24Vdc incorporated Linus code: 1156. _ _ _ ._ _ WL5 warm white 3200K° DL5 Daylight White 6500K° AJ5 Amber RJ5 Red GL5 Green 00 brushed aluminium BL5 Blue 09 bronze 45 ∅ 65 code: 1156. _ _ _ . __ code: 1157. _ _ _ . __ code: 1157. _ _ _ ._ _ 23 20 ∅ 65 ∅ 45 1 x Strip high-power Led 1,56W 24Vdc Led converter not incorporated . Body made in natural aluminium . Screws in stainless steel . Led smd 24Vdc incorporated ∅ 50 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 1157.WL5.09 Installation on 120-240V 50/60 Hz IP20 0,15 Twin convertor output: stabilised voltage 24Vdc 24Vdc Pop 1 Twins W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Pop 1 LED. 34 1157.RJ5.00 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 35 LED 0,4 1,0 0,8 1,5 Micro Led Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 500 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 110 1,0 0,8 1,2 34 1,5 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 Power Led 3,6W 20° 1105.D37.04 illuminance (lx) W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red Green B12 Blue W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green B37 Blue code: 1105. Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 0,2 1580 220 1,0 0,4 790 1,2 68 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 1,6 36 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 2,0 24 2,5 1,0 110 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) ∅ 45 30 G12 Distance(m) 45 CREATOR Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 Power Led 1,2W 40° LIGHTING Distance(m) LED ∅ 45 BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING 90 . . . . Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated IP65 ___ . 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 04 0,55 Led converter not incorporated ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) ∅ 45 60 ∅ 45 30 . . . . 90 Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated IP65 1106.D37.04 Star Led code: 1106. ___ . 04 2 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 0,60 Led converter not incorporated ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 50 ∅ 45 . . . . Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 65 Power Led 350mA incorporated IP65 1107.D37.04 Micro Led TR W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M code: 1107. ___ . 04 LED. 36 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter not incorporated 0,30 1106.L32.04 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 37 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO Micro Led 1-IN Micro Led 2-IN Star Led -IN LIGHTING CREATOR 1172.D12.04 W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 . . . . Blue code: 1170. . ___ 04 Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 55 Power Led 350mA incorporated Power Led 3,6W 20° Power Led 1,2W 40° 1171.B12.04 IP55 W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green Distance(m) B37 code: 1171. Blue ___ . 04 code: 1172. . ___ 2 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 2 x Power Led 1,2W 350mA 40° “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter incorporated Led converter incorporated Led converter incorporated 50 40 360° 90 70 64 50 180° 64 70 70 0,2 1580 1,0 0,4 790 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 1,0 110 360° Distance(m) 0,4 1000 1,0 0,8 220 1,5 1,2 68 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 24 90 70 90 200 Micro Led 1-IN 0,65 1,40 0,65 Micro Led 2-IN W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M illuminance (lx) 90 180 90 Cone width(m) light: D14 0,5 Distance(m) 70 illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 04 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 64 Cone width(m) 230V 350mA Star Led -IN LED. 38 Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D12 0,5 0,4 500 1,0 0,8 110 1,5 1,2 34 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Micro Led 1-ON Micro Led 2-ON Star Led -ON CREATOR 1176.D12.04 W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 . . . . Blue code: 1174. ___ . 04 Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 55 Power Led 350mA incorporated Power Led 3,6W 20° Power Led 1,2W 40° 1175.B12.04 IP55 W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green Distance(m) B37 code: 1175. Blue ___ . 04 code: 1176. ___ . 2 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 2 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter incorporated Led converter incorporated Led converter incorporated 110 360° 60 110 180° 360° 0,2 1580 1,0 0,4 790 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 1,0 110 Distance(m) Micro Led 1-ON 1,10 1,40 Micro Led 2-ON W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M illuminance (lx) 0,4 1000 1,0 0,8 220 1,5 1,2 68 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 24 Distance(m) 120 120 1,10 Cone width(m) light: D14 0,5 60 60 120 illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 04 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 110 Cone width(m) 230V 350mA Star Led -ON LED. 39 Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D12 0,5 0,4 500 1,0 0,8 110 1,5 1,2 34 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Cross CREATOR Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D32 0,5 0,4 1500 1,0 0,8 330 1,5 1,2 102 2,0 1,6 54 2,5 2,0 36 Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D34 0,5 0,4 3000 1,0 0,8 660 1,5 1,2 204 2,0 1,6 108 2,5 2,0 72 125 180° 90 120 ∅ 60 60 W32 warm white 3500K° D32 Daylight White 6300K° W34 warm white 3500K° + D34 Daylight White 6300K° + A32 Amber R32 Red G32 Green B32 Blue code: 1178. ___ . 04 2 x Power Led 3,6W 350mA 40° “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter incorporated 1178.D32.04 IP55 1,15 230V 350mA . . . . Cross W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 40 Safety clear glass Body made in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 55 Power Led 350mA incorporated LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Zodiac CREATOR 401. _ _ _ ._04 ∅ 45 30 1580 50 402. _ _ _ ._04 ∅ 45 ∅ 45 75 1625 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) 50 Power Led 3,6W 20° Power Led 1,2W 40° ∅ 45 W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 Blue W37 warm white 3300K° 401.D37.04 Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) D37 Daylight White 6500K° light: D12 0,5 0,4 500 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 0,2 1580 R37 Red 1,0 0,8 110 1,0 0,8 220 1,0 0,4 790 G37 Green 1,5 1,2 34 1,5 1,2 68 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 1,6 18 2,0 1,6 36 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 2,0 12 2,5 2,0 24 2,5 1,0 110 B37 code: 401. Blue ___ . 04 1 x Power Led 350mA 0,55 “+” = double lux / lumen 350mA Led converter not incorporated code: 402. ___ . 04 1 x Power Led 350mA 0,80 “+” = double lux / lumen 230V 350mA . . . . Led converter incorporated IP20 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Zodiac LED. 41 light: D37 0,5 Body made in stainless steel Screws in stainless steel Degree of protection IP 20 Power Led 350mA incorporated LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Mini Cube 40 Mini Cube TR CREATOR code: 1162. _ _ _ ._ _ Power Led 3,6W 20° Power Led 1,2W 40° Led converter not incorporated W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber 40 40 30 55 ∅ 30 delivered with a PVC house box R12 Red G12 Green B12 Blue W37 warm white 3300K° D37 Daylight White 6500K° R37 Red G37 Green 00 brushed aluminium B37 Blue 09 bronze code: 1163. _ _ _ ._ _ Led converter incorporated 70 360° 70 80 43 50 80 code: 1162. ___ . __ 0,25 350mA code: 1163. ___ . __ 0,30 230V 350mA 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen 1163.D37.00 ∅ 32 360° . Body made in natural aluminium . Screw in stainless steel . Power Led 350mA incorporated IP20 Mini Cube 40 ∅ 32 40 40 30 45 delivered with a PVC house box code: 1164. ___ . __ 1 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen Led converter not incorporated . Body made in natural aluminium . Screw in stainless steel . Power Led 350mA incorporated 1164.W12.09 Mini Cube TR Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 0,4 1,0 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 0,2 1580 220 1,0 0,4 790 68 1,5 0,6 295 1,6 36 2,0 0,8 150 2,0 24 2,5 1,0 110 500 0,4 1000 0,8 110 1,0 0,8 1,2 34 1,5 1,2 2,0 1,6 18 2,0 2,5 2,0 12 2,5 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Distance(m) light: D37 0,5 light: D14 0,5 LED. 42 IP20 350mA 0,25 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Mini Cube 2L CREATOR code: 1160. _ _ _ ._ _ Led converter not incorporated 360° ∅ 30 80 ∅ 40 40 30 32 delivered with a PVC house box code: 1161. _ _ _ ._ _ Led converter incorporated 70 360° 70 80 80 43 50 ACCESSORIES (page LED.51) Power Led 1,2W 40° W12 warm white 3500K° D12 Daylight White 6300K° W14 warm white 3500K° + D14 Daylight White 6300K° + A12 Amber R12 Red G12 Green B12 Power Led 3,6W 20° 1160.D12.00 W37 warm white 3300K° illuminance (lx) D37 Daylight White 6500K° 0,4 500 R37 Red 1,0 0,8 110 1,5 1,2 34 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 G37 B37 Blue 09 ___ ___ . Body made in natural aluminium . Screw in stainless steel . Power Led 350mA incorporated Green Blue code: 1161. Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 00 code: 1160. Distance(m) . __ . __ Distance(m) brushed aluminium bronze 0,30 0,35 350mA 230V 350mA IP20 Mini Cube 2L W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 43 illuminance (lx) 0,4 1000 1,0 0,8 220 1,5 1,2 68 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 24 Distance(m) 2 x Power Led 350mA “+” = double lux / lumen Cone width(m) light: D14 0,5 Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D37 0,5 0,2 1580 1,0 0,4 790 1,5 0,6 295 2,0 0,8 150 2,5 1,0 110 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Zenith 1 Zenith 3 Zenith 7 CREATOR 0,5 Power LED 300° 360° 1,2 W 350mA length 1. 5 cm 2. 15 cm 4. 25 cm 6. 35 cm 0,2 1 x Power Led 350mA - 1,2W 40° “+” = double lux / lumen serial connection only ∅ 50 . Body made in aluminium . fixation with M8 . Power Led 350mA incorporated code: 0,5 350mA 300° 1180. _ 360° 3,6 W spot color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 25 Zenith 1 Power LED light color effect W12. Warm White 3500K D12. Daylight White 6300K W14. Warm White 3500K + D14. Daylight White 6300K + A12. Amber R12. Red G12. Green B12. Blue length 1. 5 cm 2. 15 cm 4. 25 cm 6. 35 cm 0,2 (3x1,2W) 1 x Power Led 350mA - 3,6W 40° “+” = double lux / lumen ___ . __ light color effect W32. Warm White 3500K D32. Daylight White 6300K W34. Warm White 3500K + D34. Daylight White 6300K + A32. Amber R32. Red G32. Green B32. Blue serial connection only ∅ 65 25 . Body made in aluminium . fixation with M8 . Power Led 350mA incorporated Zenith 3 code: 0,5 300° spot color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 1181. _ 360° length 350mA or 500mA Power LED 10,5 W 2. 15 cm 4. 25 cm 6. 35 cm 0,2 (7x1,5W) 1 x Power Led 350/500mA - 10,5W 25° “+” = double lux / lumen ___ . __ light color effect W75. Warm White 3500K D75. Daylight White 6300K W76. Warm White 3500K + D76. Daylight White 6300K + A75. Amber R75. Red G75. Green B75. Blue ∅ 126 serial connection only 20 spot color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze . Body made in aluminium . fixation with M8 . Power Led 350/500mA incorporated Zenith 7 Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D12 0,5 0,4 1,0 0,8 1,5 illuminance (lx) code: Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) 1182. _ illuminance (lx) light: D32 0,5 0,4 1500 220 1,0 0,8 1,2 68 1,5 2,0 1,6 36 2,5 2,0 24 500 light: D14 0,5 0,4 1000 110 1,0 0,8 1,2 34 1,5 2,0 1,6 18 2,5 2,0 12 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M ___ . __ Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D34 0,5 0,4 3000 330 1,0 0,8 660 1,2 102 1,5 1,2 204 2,0 1,6 54 2,0 1,6 108 2,5 2,0 36 2,5 2,0 72 LED. 44 260A.00 + 1180.1D12.00 260C.00 + 1181.2B32.00 263B.00 + 1181.1D32.00 (3x) Distance(m) Cone width(m) light: D75 0,5 0,3 1,0 0,6 1,5 illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) 7810 light: D75 0,5 0,3 2670 1,0 0,6 0,9 1320 1,5 2,0 1,2 755 2,5 1,5 490 with converter 350mA illuminance (lx) Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) 9850 light: D76 0,5 0,3 15620 3020 1,0 0,6 0,9 1630 1,5 2,0 1,2 1010 2,5 1,5 620 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M with converter 500mA Distance(m) Cone width(m) illuminance (lx) light: D76 0,5 0,3 19600 5340 1,0 0,6 6000 0,9 2620 1,5 0,9 3260 2,0 1,2 1510 2,0 1,2 2020 2,5 1,5 980 2,5 1,5 1240 LED. 45 with converter 350mA with converter 500mA LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO Solid Titan 1 Clip LIGHTING CREATOR code:260B/C code: 260A code: 260D 75 60 30 Ø 45 Ø 45 code: 260A . _ _ 0,15 code: 260B . _ _ 0,25 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 1,2W incorporated code: 260C . _ _ 0,25 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 3,6W incorporated code: 260D . _ _ 0,45 230V Led converter 500mA 10,5W 500mA incorporated . Body made in aluminium IP20 Solid Ø 100 color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze code: 261A IP20 34 100 color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 100 code: 261A . _ _ 0,25 . Body made in aluminium Titan 1 code: 28R IP20 code: 28K ∅76 ∅76 30 30 100 ∅ 98 code: 28R . _ _ 0,20 code: 28K . _ _ 0,25 . Body made in aluminium Clip W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M 100 LED. 46 color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 28R.00 + 1182.4D75.00 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 47 LED LIGHTING LED BEL LIGHTING SENICO LIGHTING Titan 2 Titan 3 Titan 4R CREATOR Titan 4K code: 262C code: 262B 35 35 100 150 210 310 code: 262B . _ _ 0,50 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 2 x 3,6W incorporated code: 262C . _ _ 0,95 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 2 x 10,5W incorporated IP20 Titan 2 . Body made in aluminium 100 color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 3 x 3,6W incorporated 35 320 code: 263B . _ _ IP20 Titan 3 0,60 . Body made in aluminium 35 100 430 code: 264B . _ _ IP20 Titan 4R 0,90 35 310 210 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Led converter 350mA 4 x 3,6W incorporated code: 265C 35 IP20 230V 350mA color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze . Body made in aluminium code: 265B Titan 4K color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 210 color code 00. brushed aluminium 09. Bronze 310 code: 265B . _ _ 0,90 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 4 x 3,6W incorporated code: 265C . _ _ 1,90 230V 350mA Led converter 350mA 4 x 10,5W incorporated . Body made in aluminium LED. 48 265C.00 + 1182.2D75.00 (2x) + 1182.4D75.00 (2x) W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 49 LED LED W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LIGHTING ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES EXT. 51 electronic Power supply for SMD LEDs 24Vdc Led01 output power : 1 - 3W output power : 1 - 10W input voltage: 95-240V 50/60Hz Stabilised output voltage 24Vdc weight : 45g dimensions: 40 x 42 x 21 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection input voltage: 95-240V 50/60Hz Stabilised output voltage 24Vdc weight : 60g dimensions: 115 x 34 x 17 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection code: X011 IP20 Exterior Kit output power : 1 - 10W input voltage: 180-265V 50/60Hz Stabilised output voltage 24Vdc weight : 460g, CE - IP68 - Class 2 dimensions: 100 x 59 x 45 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection Kit 24Vdc code: X026 IP68 code: X028 IP20 output power : 1 - 25W input voltage: 95-270V 50/60Hz Stabilised output voltage 24Vdc weight : 140g dimensions: 157 x 43 x 30 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection code: X027 Led27 output power : 1 - 45W Din-Rail Switching Power Supply input voltage: 85-264V 50/60Hz Stabilised output voltage 24Vdc weight : 400g dimensions: 78 x 93 x 67 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection Led28 code: X012 Led02 IP20 Installation input voltage output 24Vdc + converter - + + + - - - IP20 electronic Power supply for Power LEDs 350mA & 500mA Led21 Led10 output power : 1,2W output power : 1 - 6W input voltage: 100-240V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc weight : 50g dimensions: 32 x 34 x 25 CE - IP67 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection input voltage: 100-240V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc weight : 93g dimensions: 45 x 45 x 25 CE - IP67 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection code: X021 IP67 IP67 output power : 1 - 10W output power : 3,6 - 14,4W input voltage: 100-240V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc weight : 165g dimensions: 86 x 35 x 27 CE - IP67 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection input voltage: 190-230V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc weight : 90g dimensions: 138 x 40 x 29 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection code: X014 IP67 code: X015 Led12 IP40 output power : 1 - 13W output power : 4,5 - 12W input voltage: 100-240V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc weight : 460g CE - IP68 - Class 2 dimensions: 100 x 59 x 45 input voltage: 190-230V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 500mA Dc weight : 90g dimensions: 138 x 40 x 29 CE - IP20 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection Thermal, overload and short circuit protection Kit 350mA code: X022 Led22 code: X023 IP68 code: X025 Led25 IP40 Installation input voltage output 350 or 500 mA + converter - W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 52 + - + - + - electronic Power supply for RGB LEDs 350mA RGBox : control by push-buttons RGBox input voltage: 190-260V 0/50/60Hz Constant output current 350mA Dc output power : 30W (max. 27 Power Led) time standard cycle: 30 s weight : 180g dimensions: 147x75x29 CE - IP40 - Class 2 Thermal, overload and short circuit protection code: X041 input voltage 190-260V control by push-buttons RGB converter optional: to other RGB converter (max 25) R G B N IP20 + RGB - + RGB - lamp + RGB - lamp lamp output 350mA Jump tro l RGBox : control by infrared hand-set infrared control for RGBox (kit) co n Led41 L N input voltage 190-260V L N 9 fonctions distance : +/- 8m Remote control: 147 x 63 x 21 (AIR2T) IR lens: ∅ 35mm type MR11 (AIR2R) IR controller: 117 x 33 x 20 (ARGBOX30) Led41IR code: X041IR optional: to other RGB converter (max 25) RGB converter R G B IP20 IR IR controller N + RGB - + RGB - lamp + RGB - lamp lamp output 350mA no Jump RGBox : control by DMX system DMX control for RGBox(kit) input voltage 190-260V L N DMX 512 central (ADMXC1) + convertor PLP DMX 512 interface (ADMX1) 230V optional: to other RGB converter (max 25) (convertor protocole DMX512 ----> PWM) RGB converter 9 fonctions ADMXC1: 97x97x20 Display LCD 128x64 ADMX1: ∅ 59mm h. 19mm Led41DMX code: X041DMX ADMX1 R G B IP20 N + RGB - ADMXC1 + RGB - lamp PLP + RGB - lamp lamp output 350mA no Jump Seal connector Adhesive Lined Tubing Superior sealing against water, moisture or other contaminants operating temperature: -40°C to 110°c packing: 20 pieces color expanded recovered application range internal ∅ internal ∅ total Lenght code: X081.R red 4,5 1,4 0,5 - 1,5 36 code: X081.B blue 5,5 1,8 1,5 - 2,5 36 X081 Pop 1 Plastic PVC tube ∅ 55 mm L 65mm Plastic PVC tube ∅ 45 mm L 55mm Quadris Genesis Ziko Twins Disco code: X016 Pop 3 Plastic PVC tube ∅ 75 mm L 100mm Zaxor Mini Led smd Pop 4 code: X053 Zaxor Led smd Zaxor Mini Led code: X054 Pop 5 Zaxor Led code: X055 Plastic PVC tube ∅ 200 mm L 200mm Zaxor Led QR Zaxor Led QRO code: X056 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Vigo Plastic PVC tube ∅ 106 mm L 117mm Plastic PVC tube ∅ 160 mm L 150mm Pop 6 Eva Pop 7 LED. 53 code: X057 LED ACCESSORIES LIGHTING Body made of anodised aluminium 175 175 Ø 25 Zaxor Box code: 230.00.32 Ø 25 ∅ 110 ∅ 110 . Body made of stainless steel . Screws in stainless steel only use with coverplate Ø 100 ∅ 110 30 screw M4 Zaxor Floor R code: 232.00.04 Body made of stainless steel 316L or brass only use with coverplate Ø 100 125x125 Zaxor Floor K code: 233.00.16 stainess steel 316L code: 233.00.07 brass code: 013.BL BLUE code: 013.GR GREEN code: 013.RE RED Zaxor Color junction box 2 - 4 lines color Rated voltage: 250V Rated current: 4 A dimensions: 95 x 45 x 24 for cables diameter between 5,5 and 12,5mm. CE - IP68 Connex 4 Connex 2 application include cable ∅ connection total Lenght code: X083.Y yellow 5,5 - 8,5 3 x 4mm² 95 code: X083.G green 7,5 - 10,5 3 x 4mm² 95 code: X083.B blue 9 - 12,5 3 x 4mm² 95 IP68 connection with 3 poles Rated voltage: 450V inpulse voltage: 5KV Rated current: 25 A 3 lines connection dimensions: ∅ 27mm L 115mm for cables diameter between 5 and 13mm. CE - IP68 dimensions: 110 x 60 x 30 for cables diameter between 6 and 11mm. CE - IP68 code: X082 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M Rated voltage: 250V Rated current: 10 A Connex 3 IP68 LED. 54 code: X082Y IP68 NOTES W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M LED. 55 907.GU.32 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M EXT. 56 941A.GU.04 902.GU.32 W W W . B E L - L I G H T I N G. C O M EXT. 57
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