D1: Overview of Materials, Organisations and Gap Analysis
D1: Overview of Materials, Organisations and Gap Analysis
Project no. 034595 SELF Science, Education and Learning in Freedom Instrument: SSA - Specific Support Action Thematic Priority: IST-2005-2.5.5 – Software and Services D1: Overview of Materials, Organisations and Gap Analysis Workpackage 2 Due date of deliverable: November 2006 Actual submission date: <November 28th, 2006> Start date of project: July 1st, 2006 Duration: 2 years Universitat Oberta de Catalunya David Megias Revision [final] Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public PP X Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 1 of 100 Table of Contents 1 About this document............................................................................... .......................3 2 Introduction.................................................................................................. ..................4 3 Overview of materials................................................................................... .................6 3.1 Resource selection criteria.................................................................... .................7 3.2 Categories and subcategories........................................................................... ......8 3.2.1 Categories and subcategories for materials...................................................8 3.2.2 Documentation sites categories and subcategories.....................................15 3.3 Precedences of applications in the resources searching process........................16 3.4 Summary of the resource searching process.......................................................17 3.4.1 Materials searching process.........................................................................17 4 Gap analysis....................................................................................... ..........................21 4.1 Generic gaps......................................................................................... ................21 4.1.1 Resources structured as learning materials..................................................21 4.1.2 Migration to Free Software and Open Standards........................................22 4.1.3 Basic computer science for the general public............................................23 4.2 Specific gaps........................................................................................................ .23 4.2.1 Basics of Free Software and Open Standards advocacy.............................23 4.2.2 Educational applications.................................................................. ............24 4.2.3 Enterprise applications........................................................................ .........24 4.2.4 Specific applications................................................................ ....................24 5 Related organisations..................................................................................... ..............26 5.1 Initial targets............................................................................................... .........26 5.1.1 Target groups for ISOC.nl.............................................................. ..............27 5.1.2 Target groups for FUOC........................................................................... ....28 5.1.3 Target groups for FSFE................................................................................30 5.1.4 Target groups for UG................................................................................. ...30 5.1.5 Target groups for ISOC.bg...........................................................................31 5.1.6 Target groups for FVL.......................................................................... ........32 5.1.7 Target groups for HBCSE and TIFR............................................................33 6 Conclusions.................................................................................................. ................34 6.1 About materials found and their utility integrability to SELF project...............34 6.2 Documentation gaps already detected.................................................................34 6.3 Further work....................................................................................... ..................35 6.4 Reported gaps............................................................................................ ...........35 6.5 Related organisations........................................................................... ................35 References............................................................................................... .........................36 Appendix A reported resources............................................................................... .........38 A.1 Template forms............................................................................ ........................38 A.1.1 Materials form.......................................................................................... ....38 A.1.2 Sites form.................................................................................. ...................43 A.2 Reported materials.................................................................................... ...........46 SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 2 of 100 1 About this document This document contains five main sections. After the introduction (Section 2), an overview of the available materials is reported in Section 3. Section 4 presents an analysis of the gaps detected after the search performed to produce the list in the previous section. Section 5 summarises the list of related or targeted organisations provided by the different partners and, finally, Section 6 provides the conclusions obtained in Work Package 2. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 3 of 100 2 Introduction The Work Package 2 is focused on the obtention of a list of available learning materials on Free Software and Open Standards, including as many applications as possible. In the first step, a list of all materials candidates to be in this report was built. In the next step, these candidates were filtered with a quality criteria. The huge amount and the dispersion of the available educational and training resources that fulfil to certain degree the requirements to be considered as candidates to be included or reused in SELF platform impels to implant a well defined methodology of searching, classifying and assessing these resources to ease the tasks of identifying fields within Free Software or Open Standards not enough documented or not documented at all and to determine whether it is worth to undertake the efforts required to integrate these resources into the SELF platform. This document focuses and justifies the methodology followed during the efforts made achieve these aims and the results obtained. The existence of specific Internet sites dedicated to gather collections of Free Software documentation, as The Linux Documentation Project, drives to the need of treating them as a whole into a separated database of repositories to be processed later. As a result of this approach all the steps taken to inspect the existing materials are duplicated and adapted to the inspection of this sort of sites and to register their contents. During the search of educational materials on Free Software and Open Standards, hundreds of freely available materials were inspected and classified into different categories and subcategories. This work had a primary value, detecting resources suitable for their inclusion in the SELF platform after the necessary modifications. As a side effect and added value, the results of the search allowed the identification of dark spots, areas where the coverage of materials published under free licenses is poor or clearly insufficient. Those areas are the main gaps that will be considered for further research of available materials and eventually for the production of new materials inside the SELF Project. The overview of main gaps does not include many specific applications, but instead tries to outline the most relevant lacks in existing materials relative to the objectives of the SELF Project. Addressing generic problems in already existing resources is considered more important than trying to cover every undocumented application, with the due exceptions of applications that are widely spread, or that are considered of special interest for the objectives of the SELF Project. When considering the existing resources to identify poorly documented knowledge areas, the point of view of different kinds of users must be taken into account, since in some cases their necessities can differ to a great extent. As an example, the following potential users of the SELF Platform would directly benefit if the main gaps outlined in this document were covered: ● An educational institution aiming to use Free Software and Open Standards for their teaching needs. This includes a whole range of situations, from the case of SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 4 of 100 a single teacher looking for class notes and exercises to the implantation of an institution-wide policy. ● An individual user looking for self-training materials on a specific application. An organisation facing a migration process from proprietary software and file formats to Free Software and Open Standards, looking for training materials and migration guides.. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 5 of 100 3 Overview of materials This section has two main objectives. The first one is to expose the results achieved at the present time towards the creation of a database of copyleft [1] licensed educational and training materials already available, which can potentially be reused within the SELF project. After reaching the first aim, the analysis of the resulting database leads to the second aim: facilitating the detection of the present gaps of educational resources about Free Software and Open Standards. Only the copyleft resources are of the interest of the current Work Package, and the SELF project in general. Therefore, only documents published under free licenses are mentioned in the present document. In the introduction, some general considerations are made and the need of two different databases is justified, one for materials themselves and another for sites (repositories) which host collections of materials. The introduction is followed by the definition and justification of the material selection criteria set. The next point is to build two lists in order to classify both the applications (and standards) and the sites into categories and subcategories. These lists constitute a framework to facilitate the searching task. The assessment of the searching results is presented in a table using, as entries, the categories and subcategories listed in the previous section. This form makes it easier to show both how reliable the assessment of the availability of resources for each entry is, and how valuable the resources known to SELF platform are. Obviously, the rate of the second field is subject to its confidence degree, assessed in the first field. In the conclusions section the results are globally assessed and suggestions about how to improve their reliability are made, highlighting those categories or subcategories that deserve further investigation regarding the existence of educational materials. The resource lacks pointed out in this section will be used as the starting point to specify the gaps of educational resources about Free Software and Open Standards, which is one of the aims of the current Work Package. Finally the forms reporting the most relevant materials and sites known are attached as an appendix. The awareness of the SELF main objectives regarding the gathering and production of educational materials facilitates the comprehension of the document, therefore the following quotations: “[The SELF platform] will offer general information on Free Software applications and technologies. This consists of accessible introductory information for non-technical users describing the major Free Software applications, standards, and technologies and related concepts.” [2] “[The fourth and last specific project objectives is] to make the SELF platform selfsustainable by creating an active community of individuals and institutions (...) around it.” [3] SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 6 of 100 3.1 Resource selection criteria A well defined selection criteria set is necessary to succeed in the precess of materials search. The following subsections establish the main aspects of these criteria according to the SELF philosophy and principles. It is obvious that during the search process some minor dilemmas can appear. It is left to the researcher criterion to decide whether these materials can be a potential source of information for the SELF platform or not. If this dilemma were too frequent it would be desirable to review the materials selection criteria to give a concerted answer to it. However, the suggested method has been tested for enough time to assure that the given criteria will most likely be sufficient to assess most of these materials. Acceptable licenses Due to the fact that all the materials produced within SELF will be licensed under GNU (GNU Is Not Unix) Free Documentation License [4, 5], the most useful materials from a licensing point of view are those distributed under this license. All other copyleft licenses are also currently acceptable since their integrability into the SELF platform has not been yet evaluated by the SELF Legal Group. Formats and supports Electronic support is preferred to other publication methods as it provides better integration into the SELF platform. Open standard formats are always preferable to proprietary formats, as they are not specific application dependant. For proprietary formats a method must exist to convert them into open formats (at least this could always be done manually). Obsolete materials Outdated technical materials are discarded, since their value is merely historic and they lack of any didactic value. Materials which are exposed to become outdated in a reasonably short period of time, as troubleshooting guides or articles about the integration of a very specific technology, are also discarded due to their special needs of maintenance. Quality and contents assessment Materials are selected according to their capabilities to fulfil both SELF platform SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 7 of 100 specifications and SELF platform audience didactic requirements. Consequently, materials are required to have a minimal structure and a minimal quantity and quality of contents. Essay articles deserve separated consideration due to the fact that, although in most cases they lack of didactic relevance, they can be extraordinarily useful as complementary materials. Documentation sites and outstanding materials Although documentation sites contents must be registered as a whole into the documentation sites database using the sites form, if any of their contents can be considered a relevant material on its own it can be also entered into the materials database as an independent entry. 3.2 Categories and subcategories The following subsections list the categories and subcategories to be used both when filling in the databases with located resources and when classifying the materials that will be produced in the future, as a result of the SELF project efforts or independently. Although considerable efforts have been made to classify as many educational resources as possible while trying to keep a high level of detail, the categorising lists remain open to modifications. These modifications would be justified, for instance, if a representative group of resources is identified as omitted or when the amount of resources classified into any “Others” section becomes too large. 3.2.1 Categories and subcategories for materials Ten main categories have been suggested for the general classification: SELF. Aimed to gather all the materials about the SELF platform and how it works. A first collection of materials will be produced during the SELF project. Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards. Materials related to the use Free Software (FS) and Open Standards (OS). Introductory materials can be combined with references to external essays and other documents. It is considered of strategic importance to understand the main concepts and philosophy behind FS and OS. Open Standards. Materials that aim to disseminate the needs of using Open Standards and their principles. The subcategories are the same used in the Work Package 3. Office Tools. This kind of software applications deserves a main category due SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 8 of 100 to the importance they have for most users. Communication Tools. These tools constitute the other set of most frequently used applications by most users and good skills using them are essential in the current information society. GNU/Linux. These systems are the most spread within the Free Software community of users and profuse resources can be found on the Internet. Other Operating Systems. Aimed to gather the materials devoted to the rest of free operating systems. Educational Software. This category is of the highest priority within the SELF platform and special efforts will be devoted to ensure a proper set of educational materials to document the available applications. Enterprise Software. This kind of software constitutes another strategic category to the SELF Project. The lack of documentation within this category is widely known, probably due to novelty of these applications. Multimedia Software. New technologies are also of strategic importance within the SELF project since they are seen as new pedagogical means to achieve educational aims. Some subcategories, when considered necessary, have a number of keywords or a brief explanation about the materials that fit into them. Some entries have a list of possible applications or standards that fit into that category or subcategory and which can be relevant to the SELF platform audience. They are not intended to be exhaustive compilations of all the applications or standards that would fit into a specific category or subcategory. They are just intended to highlight the applications currently identified, and to be used as examples to classify other applications by similarity. For the sake of effectiveness, applications and standards are only included into one of the suitable categories or subcategories. 1 SELF 1.1 Foundational and organisational documents 1.2 Users ➢ To learn how the SELF Platform works from the user point of view. 1.3 Publishers ➢ Guidelines for producing the SELF Platform resources. 1.4 Others 2 Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards 2.1 Basic concepts and philosophy 2.2 History of Free Software and Open Standards 2.3 Free Software development models 2.4 Free Software and business models 2.5 Others SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 9 of 100 3 Open Standards 3.1 Unformatted Text • ASCII, ISO8859, UNICODE 3.2 Formatted Text • ODT, DocBook 3.3 Scientific Text • ODF, MathML, TeX/LaTeX 3.4 Raster Image • JPEG, PNG, PNM, GIF, BMP 3.5 Vector Image • SVG, ODG 3.6 Video Image • OpenEXR, Theora, RIFF, AVI 3.7 Printed-Oriented • PDF, PS 3.8 Hypertext • HTML, XHTML 3.9 Presentation • ODP 3.10 Audio • Vorbis, FLAC, RIFF, WAV 3.11 Learning Standards • LOM, SCORM, IMS, LD 3.12 Enterprise Standards • XBRL 4 Office tools 4.1 Office suites • OpenOffice.org, KOffice 4.2 Word processors • Write, AbiWord, KWord, Kate 4.3 Spreadsheets • Calc, Gnumeric, KSpread 4.4 Presentation applications • Impress, KPresenter 4.5 Database systems • Base, GNOME-DB, Kexi 4.6 Graphics suites • Draw, Krita, Karbon14 4.7 Diagram tools • KChart 4.8 Formulas • Math, KFormula 4.9 Flowcharts • Dia 4.10 Reports • Kugar 4.11 Others SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 10 of 100 • TeX/LaTeX 5 Communication tools 5.1 Suites • Mozilla (Navigator, Mail & Newsgroups, Composer, ChatZilla) 5.2 Web clients • Mozilla FireFox, Epiphany, Konqueror, Galeon, Flock, Lynx 5.3 Mail user agents (MUA or E-mail Clients) • Mozilla ThunderBird, Kmail, Mutt, Gnus (Emacs plugin) 5.4 Instant messengers and IRC clients • ChatZilla, gaim, Xchat, BitchX, ScrollZ 5.5 File transfer clients • lftp, scp, wget 5.6 Others 6 GNU/Linux 6.1 Distributions and metadistributions • AGNULA, CentOS, Debian, Fedora Core, Geento, Mandriva, Red Hat, Slackware, Suse, Ubuntu, Ututo-e, and many more 6.2 Technical concepts (subcategories are needed!!!!) 6.2.1 Filesystem hierarchy standard 6.2.2 Standardisation 6.3 User environment ➢ Essential concepts to be skilled to use a UNIX-like system. 6.4 Unix command line Programmes 6.4.1 File and file system management • cat, chdir/cd, chmod, chown, chgrp, cp, dd, du, df, file, fsck, ln, ls, lsof, mkdir, more, mount, mv, pwd, rcp, rm, rmdir, split, touch, tree 6.4.2 Process management • anacron, at, chroot, cron/crontab, kill/pkill, killall, nice/renice, nohup, ps, sleep, screen, time, timex, top, wait 6.4.3 User management/environment • env, finger, id, locale, mesg, passwd, su, sudo, uname, uptime, w, wall, who, write 6.4.4 Text processing • awk, cut, diff, ex, grep, head, iconv, join, less, more, nkf, paste, sed, sort, tail, tee, tr, troff, uniq, wc, xargs 6.4.5 Searching • find, grep, strings 6.4.6 Cryptography • GnuTLS, gpg, mcryp, OpenSSL, Enginemail 6.4.7 Miscellaneous • banner, bc, cal, info, man, yes, date, dmesg, uname 6.4.8 Others • echo, lp, 6.5 Shells and shell programming • bash, csh, ksh, sh, tcsh, zsh 6.6 Scripting languages • Perl, PHP, Python SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 11 of 100 6.7 Administration 6.7.1 Local administration Package management • alien, apt, debconf, dpkg, darkconf, emerge, pacman, portage, rpm, Synaptic, rpm, YaST, yum 6.7.2 Networking • ip, nc, ping, traceroute, 6.7.3 Services Printing • CUPS Secure shell • sshd Web servers • Apache Mail transfer agents (MTAs or E-mail servers) • Exim, Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail, and many others Mail delivery agents (MDA or E-mail filters) • Procmail, maildrop, SpamAssasin, Bogofilter, and many others File transfer servers • ftpd Version control • OpenCVS, Subversion Database systems • PostgreSQL, MySQL, and others Others 6.8 Graphical system 6.8.1 Xservers • Xorg, Xserver 6.8.2 Xlib • Xlib 6.8.3 Window managers • twm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, IceWM, Metacity, Blackbox, Waimea, and many many others 6.8.4 Display managers • xdm, gdm, kdm, wdm 6.8.5 Session managers • xsm, gnome-session, ksmserver 6.8.6 Desktop managers • GNOME, K Desktop Environment (KDE), Unix Desktop Environment (UDE) 6.8.7 Toolkits • GTK+, Qt, GNUstep, LessTiff, WINGs 6.8.8 Others 6.9 Specific applications 6.9.1 Text editors • GNU Emacs, vim, nvi, nano, gedit, NEdit, joe, and many others 6.9.2 Software development tools • GNU Compiler Collection (gcc), GNU Debugger (gdb), GNU Binary Utilities (binutils), and many others SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 12 of 100 6.9.3 Format converters Graphics • ImageMagick Documents • X2Y (like ps2pdf) 6.9.4 CD/DVD Toasters • GnomeBaker, K3b, cdrkit 6.9.5 File managers • Nautilus, GNOME Commander, Konqueror, Krusader, Gentoo file manager, Midnight Commander 6.9.6 Boot loaders • GRUB, lilo, yaboot, and others 6.9.7 Virtualisation • Xen, qemu, and others 6.9.8 Others 6.10 Others 7 Other operating systems 7.1 BSD-like operating systems • FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD 7.2 Hurd 7.3 Others 8 Educational software 8.1 Educational distributions • Edubuntu, EduLinux, Freeduc-cd 8.2 Educational media authoring • Squeak 8.3 Training software • Tuxtype, gcompri 8.4 Educational applications 8.4.1 Scientific applications and libraries • GNU octave, Maxima, units, GNU PSPP 8.4.2 Specific applications Mathematics • Euler, Xaos, FreeMat Physics • Celestia, Kstars, Stellarium Chemistry • Ghemical, E-Cell System, EasyChem, Gperiodic, Biology Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • QCad Others 8.4.3 Others 8.5 Others 9 Enterprise software 9.1 Project management SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 13 of 100 Planner, KPlato 9.2 Personal information managers • Novel evolution, Kontact, Mozilla SunBird, Mozilla Lightning (under Mozilla ThunderBird), Chandler, Haystack 9.3 Collaborative software (Groupware) • eGroupWare, Zimbra, Citadel, Exchange4Linux, Scalix, and many others 9.4 Enterprise resource planners (ERPs) • Adempiere, Compiere, GNU Enterprise (planner subproject), openbravo, Fisterra, Apache OFBiz 9.5 Content Management System (CMSs) • Epiware, Drupal, Mambo, MediaWiki, OpenCms, and many others 9.6 Costumer Relationship Management (CRM) 9.7 Software development management system 9.8 Others • 10 Multimedia software 10.1 Audio • AGNULA, ALSA, Ardour, Audacity, Ceres3, CLAM Music Annotator, CLAM Network Editor, CLAM SMSTools, Common LISP Music (CLM), Common Music Notation (CMN), Common Music (CM), Snd, CSound, Funktrackergold, Jack, Ladspa, jMax, Mix, MusE?, Open Music, PD, GEM, Soundtracker, SuperCollider?3, Timidity 10.2 Video • Cinelerra 10.3 Animation • Anim8or, Blender, Yafray, KToon 10.4 2D Graphics • GIMP (GNOME), InkScape (GNOME), Xfig 10.5 3D Graphics • Wings 3D 10.6 Media authoring 10.7 Games • GNU Chess, GNU Go, GNU Robots, Dnafight, Enigma, Minesweeper, Tile World, Rocks'n'Diamonds, Same Gnome/KSame, Pingus, and many others 10.8 Others 11 Others 3.2.2 Documentation sites categories and subcategories Every entry includes a list of representative documentation sites which are considered relevant to the SELF platform audience that fit in each category or subcategory. The same policy as for the materials categorising list is adopted for the following categorising list. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 14 of 100 1 General Purpose Information Sources • Wikipedia, Wikiversity, Open Dictionary 2 Official Schools and Training Centres • UOC, ISOC.nl 3 Consortia, Cometees, etc. • including certification centres 4 Independent Sites • The Linux Documentation Project, The Jargon file, xtech capacitación, • http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/ http://www.learnopenoffice.org/ • http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/TutorialsAndHelp • http://www.linux.org/ • 5 magazines and periodic publications • First Monday (CC Licensed), Free Software Magazine 6 Others SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 15 of 100 3.3 Precedences of applications in the resources searching process One of the main objectives of the SELF Project is the creation of a platform where any kind of educational resource regarding Free Software and Open Standards is welcome. However, not all free software applications have the same strategic importance to the SELF Project. The search task has been scheduled according to this precedence criterion, which will also be used as a base to plan the production of new materials within the SELF Project. It would be desirable to have all the applications with a high priority well documented at the time of the public release of the SELF Platform. The precedence criterion could be included in some way in the SELF website with the intention of guiding the future production of materials within the platform. The following table presents the precedence level of software applications main categories to the SELF Project, from 1 to less relevant, to 6, highest priority. Category / Subcategory 1 SELF Precedenc e Level 6 Observations • • • It is of the highest priority and an inherent task of the SELF Project to produce outstanding materials to document its platform. Perfect case to put in practice all SELF Project didactic conclusions. Excellent example to future productions. 2 Educational software 5 • Children trend to reproduce those habits they observe in the persons who are perceived as conduct patterns. For that reason it is of high priority to give to school teachers and educators in general all the tools they need to make the use free software in their everyday work. 3 Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards 4 • The free software advocacy and “evangelising” is strategic to change the current domination of mass usage of proprietary software. Clarifying fundamental concepts becomes essential. Spreading the conciseness of the benefits of using open standards and free software is, itself, the fundamental base of SELF Project. School teachers and educators forms is an strategic audience to this category. • • • 4 Office tools and Communication tools 3 • These two categories constitutes the practical paramount since they gather the most used software applications for non-technical users. 1 Multimedia software 3 • These tools are essential in a modern conception of didactics and pedagogics. 5 GNU/Linux 2 • The knowledge of the hardest technical concepts is not considered of strategic importance. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 16 of 100 Category / Subcategory Precedenc e Level Observations • It is obvious that a good knowledge of the underlying system is always desirable, but it is considered that at the time there is free documentation enough covering this category. Efforts have to be made to attract people to this documentation. 1 Enterprise software 2 • It is of strategic importance from economics and business administration to break the current trend to relay on proprietary solutions for this group of applications 6 Other operating systems 1 • At the time there are no major alternatives to the GNU/Linux proposal 7 Open Standards 1 • High level technical information is not considered a priority. 3.4 Summary of the resource searching process In the following subsections the results of the searching processes are assessed using the categories lists presented in the previous section. 3.4.1 Materials searching process The next table summarises the assessment of the materials searching process. Using the categories and subcategories relevant to SELF platform as entrances, the second column shows the confidence level of this assessment, and the third column assesses how documented is each category or subcategory with the materials already available. The possible values for each field are the following: Confidence Level 1: Low (much more search is needed) 2: Medium (more search may help find more materials) 3: High (we are quite sure that the search has been exhaustive) Documentation Level 0: Nothing (no documentation has been found) 1: Partially (some documentation has been found) 2: Mostly (many materials have been found) 3: Totally (almost all of the required documentation has been found) Category / Subcategory Confidence Level Documentation Level 1.1 Foundational and organizational documents To do To do 1.2 Users To do To do 1 SELF SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 17 of 100 Category / Subcategory Confidence Level Documentation Level 1.3 Publishers To do To do 2.1 Basic concepts and philosophy 3 2 2.2 History of Free Software and Open Standards 3 3 2.3 Free Software development models 3 2 2.4 Free Software and business models 2 1 3.1 Unformatted Text 1 0 3.2 Formatted Text 1 0 3.3 Scientific Text 1 0 3.4 Raster Image 1 0 3.5 Vector Image 1 0 3.6 Video Image 1 0 3.7 Printed-Oriented 1 0 3.8 Hypertext 1 0 3.9 Presentation 1 0 3.10 Audio 1 0 3.11 Learning Standards 1 0 3.12 Enterprise Standards 1 0 4.1 Office suites 3 3 4.2 Word processors 3 3 4.3 Spreadsheets 3 3 4.4 Presentation programs 3 2 4.5 Databases 2 1 4.6 Graphics suites 3 2 4.7 Diagrams 2 2 4.8 Formulas 3 2 4.9 Flowcharts 2 1 4.10 Reports 2 2 5.1 Suites 3 3 5.2 Web clients 3 3 5.3 Mail user agents (MUA or E-mail clients) 3 3 5.4 Instant messengers and IRC clients 2 1 5.5 File transfer clients 2 1 2 Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards 3 Open Standards 4 Office tools 5 Communication tools SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 18 of 100 Category / Subcategory Confidence Level Documentation Level 6.1 Distributions and metadistributions 2 2 6.2 Technical Concepts 2 2 6.3 User environment 2 3 6.4 Unix command line programs 2 3 6.5 Shells and shell programming 3 3 6.6 Scripting languages 3 3 6.7.1 Local administration 3 3 6.7.2 Networking 3 3 Printing 3 2 Secure shell 3 3 Web 3 3 Mail transfer agents (MTAs or E-mail servers) 3 3 Mail delivery agents (MDA or E-mail Filters) 3 3 File transfer 3 3 Version control 3 3 Database 3 3 6.8.1 Xservers 2 1 6.8.2 Xlib 3 3 6.8.3 Window managers 3 3 6.8.4 Display managers 3 2 6.8.5 Session managers 3 3 6.8.6 Desktop managers 3 3 6.8.7 Toolkits 2 2 6.9.1 Text editors 3 3 6.9.2 Software development tools 3 2 6.9.3 Format converters 2 2 6.9.4 CD/DVD toasters 3 3 6.9.5 File managers 3 3 6.9.6 Boot loaders 3 3 6.9.7 Virtualisation 3 2 6 GNU/Linux 6.7 Administration 6.7.3 Services 6.8 Graphical system 6.9 Specific applications SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 19 of 100 Category / Subcategory Confidence Level Documentation Level 3 3 8.1 Educational distributions 2 2 8.2 Educational media authoring 3 1 8.3 Training software 2 2 2 2 Mathematics 3 1 Physics 2 1 Chemistry 2 1 Biology 2 1 Computer-aided design (CAD) 3 3 9.1 Project management 2 1 9.2 Personal information managers 2 1 9.3 Collaborative software (groupware) 2 1 9.4 Enterprise resource planners (ERPs) 2 1 9.5 Content management system (CMSs) 2 1 9.6 Costumer relationship management (CRM) 2 1 9.7 Software development management system 2 1 10.1 Audio 3 3 10.2 Video 2 2 10.3 Animation 2 1 10.4 2D Graphics 3 3 10.5 3D Graphics 2 1 10.6 Media authoring 2 1 10.7 Games 1 1 6.10 Others 7 Other operating systems 8 Educational software 8.4 Educational applications 8.4.1 Scientific applications and libraries 8.4.2 Specific applications 9 Enterprise software 10 Multimedia software SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 20 of 100 4 Gap analysis This section aims to give an overview of the knowledge areas where the lack of free educational materials on Free Software and Open Standards is more notorious, as observed during the materials research phase. The main gaps in the available materials are presented as generic observations and guidelines, which, in turn, will be used to focus the production of new materials and the adaptation of existing ones for their inclusion in the platform. Specific applications are mentioned only when they are considered specially relevant for the objectives of the SELF Project. Following the strategy mentioned above, the main gaps presented here are divided in two main blocks. In the first block, generic gaps that comprise several knowledge areas are presented. This first block of gaps reflects generic lacks, common to many or all of the analysed areas. A second block is presented later, where specific gaps detected during the search are reported. Specific gaps can range from a single application to a whole category. In all cases, reported gaps are accompanied with recommendations and guidelines to be considered later during a further search of available materials and the development of new materials inside the SELF Platform. 4.1 Generic gaps This section presents lacks that are transversal to the categories used to classify materials during the search. Thus, each of this gaps has been detected in two or more of the knowledge areas analysed, as mentioned in the description of the gap when it is considered relevant. 4.1.1 Resources structured as learning materials Most of the materials analysed during the search are produced and maintained by the community of users and developers of a specific application. Therefore, they usually are presented as User Guides, Reference Manuals and Tutorials. The first two formats are very useful for intermediate and advanced users who are learning by themselves, since they usually cover most of the relevant topics related to that specific application. On the other side, tutorials are usually directed to beginners and thus require less previous knowledge from the reader. Unfortunately, only in some cases they cover more than a few specific tasks and skills, rendering them insufficient for a user who looks for a broader formation. This observation leads to the first of the detected generic gaps on the available materials: the lack of resources structured as learning materials, i.e., textbooks, exercises, exams, courses, presentations, etc. In short, the materials needed both by teachers and students in any school, training centre or learning environment. The lack of this kind of materials it is a known fact, and it is the main motivation of the SELF Project. This gap can be addressed by several concurrent strategies: SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 21 of 100 ● Adaptation of existing materials. Many of the resources identified during the search can be used as a base for different kinds of learning materials: a collection of tutorials can be adapted into class notes and student guides, a user's manual into a textbook, etc. ● Call for materials. Many organisations have developed learning materials on Free Software and Open Standards for their internal use, including educational institutions, government bodies, corporations and others. These organisations are being approached and encouraged to publish their learning materials under free licenses for their inclusion in the SELF Platform. The main benefits for these organisations will be the input and feedback of the community, contributions that will correct, improve and expand their existing learning materials. Production of new materials. As a part of the SELF Project, new materials will be developed and translated to several languages, in order to fill the lack of learning resources in the areas considered of strategic importance. ● 4.1.2 Migration to Free Software and Open Standards One of the main obstacles for the use of Free Software and Open Standards is the migration process from proprietary systems and formats. Regardless of the scope and scale of a given migration process, some characteristics are common to all of them, such as the need of user training, format conversion tools, alternative applications, etc. In this area many different needs can be identified, such as: ● User training materials. In any migration process, the productivity of users decreases during a certain period of time, while they adapt to the new set of applications. Thus, this transitory period must be as short as possible, and the transition must be smooth and painless for users. The importance of training materials is paramount to fulfil this objective, since they are often the main information resource for users. Thus, training materials must cover all the required topics, and at the same time take profit of the skills acquired by users in the previous environment in order to reduce training times. ● Format conversion guides. System administrators and data managers are usually responsible of format conversion during migration processes. One of the conditions for a successful migration is that older files must be accessible with minimum effort from the user, and this usually requires specific training for the team responsible of format conversion, or at least a set of guidelines and reference documents to guarantee the availability of older data. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 22 of 100 4.1.3 Basic computer science for the general public Many teachers use computers as learning tools in their classes, and in most cases the overall result is satisfactory both for teachers and students, improving the learning experience and encouraging experimentation and participation in class. However, the understanding that many teachers have of how computers work is poor, and their misconceptions can have a negative impact on the way they use computers in class. Ideally, a teacher that uses computers as learning tools should be familiar with basic concepts of computer science, at least to give satisfactory answers to the natural questions that arise when students use computers in class. This basic concepts should include the typical hardware found in a PC, some fundamentals of operating systems and the main protocols and services used in Internet. Many other individuals and organisations would benefit from such introductory materials to computer science using Free Software and Open Standards. Learning materials designed to cover this gap should keep the level of technical detail as low as possible, and focus on providing a general understanding of computers and networks. 4.2 Specific gaps The group of gaps presented below correspond to specific knowledge areas, categories and applications for which the available materials are considered insufficient. The generic gaps described in the previous sections still apply in all cases. 4.2.1 Basics of Free Software and Open Standards advocacy Free Software and Open Source advocates stand forward from different tribunes to defend and promote the use of this technologies. They help to spread the word, increasing the number of users and developers and they influence governments and political parties to adopt favourable policies. Many politicians, NGOs and social activists show great interest in Free Software and Open Standards, specially regarding their social, cultural and political implications. However, they often lack a technical background and are unfamiliar with basic concepts on topics as software development and licensing. This first specific gap corresponds to Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards in the category tree used for the classification of available materials. In the subcategory of Basic concepts and philosophy, many essays have been found on the philosophic and ethic concepts supporting the use of Free Software and Open Standards, but none of them provide a wide, comprehensive and structured resource suitable for the formation of advocates, activists and politicians. This audience requires concise and powerful arguments covering several points of view: philosophical, ethical, political, legal, pedagogical, economical, etc. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 23 of 100 4.2.2 Educational applications Education is the main subject of the SELF Project. Therefore, special attention has been put to the search of available learning materials on educational applications. The results are very unsatisfactory: applications specially created with educational purposes are well documented from the point of view of developers and advanced users, but few resources are available that can be readily used on class. Moreover, no materials have been found on the educational use of other applications not designed for this purpose. This absence of materials can be due to several factors, including a lack of interest from the producers of materials. Many teachers have developed great materials to use in their classes together with free software applications, and have never published them due to lack of motivation, ignorance on the existing demand for this kind of materials or lack of a suitable platform for their publication and collective maintenance. The sole existence of the SELF Platform will probably encourage teachers to publish many learning materials produced by themselves, but meanwhile the educational uses of Free Software and Open Standards constitute a gap. The absence of learning materials in this category is notorious, and addressing it should be one of the priorities for further search as well as for the production of new materials. 4.2.3 Enterprise applications The category of Enterprise applications lacks documentation in many subcategories, specially in Enterprise Resource Planners (ERP). One of the reasons of this lack is that many software companies that develop free ERPs base part of their business in training and documentation licensing. The benefits of free over proprietary documentation are very similar to the benefits of free over proprietary software, and those companies would probably benefit from publishing their resources under a free license. Meanwhile, this whole subcategory must be considered a gap. 4.2.4 Specific applications Some specific applications, considered of special importance, lack documentation available under a free license. These applications are listed below: ● Evolution. This Personal Information Manager and groupware program is one of the main free alternatives to proprietary programs, both for home users and organisations. The official documentation is currently published by a private company, with all rights reserved. ● OpenOffice.org Base. The database component of the OpenOffice.org office suite lacks a complete manual in the official documentation. ● Gnome Planner. This project management tool, integrated in the Gnome Desktop, lacks a user manual. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 24 of 100 5 Related organisations This section contains a list of organisations, communities and platforms related with the production of educational materials on Free Software and Open Standards. Some of these organisations can contribute materials to the SELF platform, others are potential users that can benefit from those materials and improve them. There is yet another group of organisations that can help spread the word and promote SELF, even when they do not directly contribute to or benefit from it. 5.1 Initial targets The initial list is built on the targets proposed by each of the teams. These organisations will be approached with a twofold objective: building the SELF Community (WP10) and disseminating the platform (WP9). What follows is a list of targets identified by each of the participating groups. All participants are encouraged to expand this list with new organisations. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 25 of 100 5.1.1 Target groups for ISOC.nl Target group Subgroup Government national Educational institutes Industry Examples Ministries of Interior (http://www.minbzk.nl/uk), of Education (http://www.minocw.nl/english/), of Economy (http://www.minez.nl/) local Amsterdam, Haarlem primary schools KennisNet: Dutch institute for promotion of FS & OS in primary and secondary schools. http://www.kennisnet.nl/ secondary schools i&i association for ICT teachers. http://www.ieni.org/ higher education HBO (higher professional education) institutes and associations universities University of Amsterdam, Twente, Delft, Leiden, SurfNet (interuniversity organisation, www.surfnet.nl) training organisations RedNose. http://www.rednose.nl knowledge centres / platforms Syntens. http://www.syntens.nl media * TV: LliNK, VPRO, Teleac, AVRO. * Magazines: LinuxMagazine, Livre, ConsumentenBond publishers O'Reilly's (International). Online and in print publisher of IT related books. http://www.oreilly.com hard- & software companies IBM, Google, Sun Microsystems, Novell, RedHat Free Free Software advocates * Local Free Software Foundation chapter, Software * Vrijschrift (foundation that promotes the production of non communities proprietary digital creations, http://plone.vrijschrift.nl/), * local ISOC chapters, * Tactical Technology Collective (non profit, aims to strengthen social technology movements in developing countries and promote civil use of new technologies, http://www.tacticaltech.org). development communities * Local Dutch developers communities, * international: Sourceforge, Freshmeat SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 26 of 100 5.1.2 Target groups for FUOC Target group Subgroup Government national Educational institutes Industry Examples * Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas (http://www.map.es/), * Ministerio de Hacienda (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria, AEAT http://www.aeat.es/), * Ministerio de Justicia (http://www.mju.es/). provincial * Generalitat de Catalunya (http://www.gencat.net), * Junta de Andalucía (http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/), * Junta de Extremadura (http://www.juntaex.es/) local A Coruña, Barcelona, Donostia-San Sebastián, Valladolid Primary + secondary schools * Asociación para la investigación y el desarrollo educativo en Extremadura (AIDEX http://www.aidex.es/), * Red Telemática Educativa de Andalucía (AVERROES http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes), * Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC http://www.xtec.es/) higher education * Universia (www.universia.es), * Xarxa d'Universitats Institut Joan LluísVives (http://www.vives.org/), universities Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universitat de Lleida, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Jaume I, Universidad de Cádiz, Universidad de Extremadura, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid training organisations * Labor unions: Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT). * Others: Ensenyament Obert (http://www.educacionline.com), Instituto Nacional de Empleo (INEM http://www.inem.es) media LaMalla.net, Mundo Linux, Sólo Linux, Vilaweb publishers “Edit Lin”, “Libros de Linux” (http://www.librosdelinux.com/) hard- & software companies * Free software centered companies: Cometa Technologies, GNU Networks, HispaFuentes * Other companies: CISCO Systems España, IBM España, Sun Microsystems España, Telefonica, T Systems España Free Free Software advocates * Bulma (Balears LUG, http://bulma.net/), Software * Cat-linux (GNU/Linux in catalan, http://www.catcommunities linux.com/), * Codilliure (non-profit for the promotion of FS, http://www.codilliure.org/), * Hispalinux (spanish linux users association, http://www.hispalinux.es) * Softcatalà (non-profit for the promotion of software in catalan, http://www.softcatala.org/). * TLDP-ES/LuCAS, spanish Linux Documentation Project, SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 27 of 100 Target group Subgroup Examples http://es.tldp.org/ development communities LaFarga.org (catalan software forge) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 28 of 100 5.1.3 Target groups for FSFE Target group Subgroup Examples Government national * Agency for IT and Communications; * Ministry of State Administration; * Government educational ministry provincial * Regional ministries for state administration local * Local ministries for state administration 5.1.4 Target groups for UG Target group Subgroup Government national Industry Examples * Verket för högskoleservice (National Agency for Services to Universities and University Colleges, http://www.vhs.se) * Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management, http://www.statskontoret.se) * Utbildnings och kulturdepartementet (Government and Government Offices of Sweden, http://www.sweden.gov.se/) ● * Kommunförbundet (Association of Local Authorities, http://www.kfsk.se) * Nätuniversitetet (Swedish Net University, http://www.netuniversity.se) local * City council of Göteborg, http://www.goteborg.se universities * Göteborgs Universitet, http://www.gu.se/ * Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (Chalmers University of Technology), http://www.chalmers.se/ training organisations * Learning tree, http://www.learningtree.com * Global knowledge, http://www.globalknowledge.com knowledge centres / platforms * Moodle, http://moodle.org media * IDG Sverige AB * Medströms förlag * TV-/radio-stations and news groups publishers * IDG Sverige AB Free Free Software advocates Software communities * Local user groups * Swedish Linux User Group 5.1.5 Target groups for ISOC.bg SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 29 of 100 Target group Subgroup Government national Examples * State Agency for IT and Communications; (http://www.daits.government.bg/) * Commission for Regulations of Communications; (http://www.crc.bg/) * Ministry of State Administration (http://www.mdaar.government.bg/press.php) * Ministry of Education and Sciense (http://www.minedu.government.bg/opencms/opencms/) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 30 of 100 Target group Industry Subgroup Examples local Not applicable at the moment secondary schools * National High-school for Mathematics and Informatics (http://www.npmg.org/new/index.php) * Sofia Mathematics High school (http://www.smg-bg.info/) universities * Sofia University – Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (http://www.uni-sofia.bg/faculties/fmi/index.html); * New Bulgarian University, http://www.nbu.bg * Burgas Free University (http://www.bfu.bg/English/index.html) training organisations * Interspace Arts and Media center, new media arts center based in Sofia, http://www.i-space.org * Institute for Public Administration, http://www.ipaei.government.bg * Linux Professional Institute Bulgaria (http://lpibulgaria.org) knowledge centres / platforms * TOSSAD FP6 Project (towards Open Source Software adoption and dissemination) http://www.tossad.org * FLOSSWORLD FP6 Project, http://www.flossworld.org * Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, http://www.bcci.bg media * TV: national tv stations; * Magazines: IDG-Bulgaria (http://www.idg.bg/);PCWorld Bulgaria (http://www.pcworld.bg/), Saga Technology Group (http://sagabg.net/PCMagazine/); * Newspapers: Infoweek (http://www.infoweek.bg/), Computerworld (http://www.computerworld.bg/), Computers (http://www.computers.bg/), Dnevnik (http://dnevnik.bg/) * Bluelink Information Network (http://bluelink.net/bg/services/training.shtml) publishers * NextPageFoundation (http://www.npage.org/rubrique3.html) hard- & software companies IBM-Bulgaria, Google, CISCO, Novell Linux Business Solutions Company (http://lbs-co.com/) Free Free Software advocates * Free Software Society, (http://openfest.org/); (http://linuxSoftware bg.org/) communities * OpenProjects Foundation; (http://openprojectsfoundation.org/) * CreativeCommons-Bulgaria, * local ISOC chapters development communities local Bulgarian developers communities 5.1.6 Target groups for FVL Target group Subgroup Government national Examples * Oficina Nacional de Tecnología Informática http://www.sgp.gov.ar/contenidos/onti/onti.html * Secretaría de Gestión Pública, SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 31 of 100 Target group Subgroup Examples http://www.sgp.gov.ar/index.html * Ministerio de Educación, http://www.me.gov.ar Industry provincial Gobierno de La Rioja, Gobierno de Santa Fe, Gobierno de Santa Cruz, Gobierno de Buenos Aires local Municipalidad de Rosario, Municipalidad de Santa Fe universities * Universidad Nacional de Córdoba * Universidad Naciona de Rosario * Universidad Tecnológica Nacional training organisations * Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública http://www.sgp.gov.ar/contenidos/inap/inap.html * Linux College, http://www.linuxcollege.com.ar/ * GLEducar, collaborative project to improve the use of IT in Argentinian schools through the use of FS. http://www.gleducar.org.ar Free Free Software advocates * Free Software user groups Software * Asociación de Nuevas Tecnologías, closely related to the communities Rosario LUG, this non-profit aims to help the diffusion of FS. http://www.ant.org.ar * CreativeCommons Argentina, SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 32 of 100 5.1.7 Target groups for HBCSE and TIFR Target group Free Software Community Subgroup development communities * Indlinux (http://www.indlinux.org) * Sarovar (http://www.sarovar.org/) * gnowledge.org (http://www.gnowledge.org) GNOME India (http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-in-list) * KDE India (http://in.kde.org/) Advocacy community * Free Software Foundation of India (http://www.gnu.org.in) * GNU/Linux User Groups, e.g. http://www.glub-bom.org * TeX Users Group India (TUG India) Government Central Educational institutes Industry Examples * MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) * TDIL (Technology Development for Indian Languages) * CDAC India (http://www.cdacindia.com/) State * Ministry of Education * Ministry of Information Technology secondary schools * AEES (Atomic Energy Education Society), Mumbai * NCERT (National Council of Education, Research and Training) * CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) higher education * Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, * South Indian Education Society (SIES) * Graduate School of Technology, Mumbai * Shaw and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai * RamRao Adik Institute of Technology (RAIT) * K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai * Veermata Jeejabhai Technology Institute (VJTI), Mumbai * Vivekananda Education Societies Institute of Technology (VESIT) * Terna Engineering College, Mumbai universities Anna University (FOSSRC), Free and Open Source Software Resource Centre, Chennai SNDT University, Mumbai (http://www.sndt.ac.in) Mumbai University (http://www.mu.ac.in) Free and Open Source Software Companies * RedHat India (http://www.in.redhat.com) * Mahiti (http://www.mahiti.org) * Zeeomega (http://www.zeeomega.com) * Netcore (http://www.netcore.co.in) * Deeproot Linux (http://www.deeproot.co.in) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 33 of 100 6 Conclusions A large number of materials have been examined during this work. After assessing the quality of the materials included in the initial list, only those that meet the expected quality standards for the SELF Platform have been included. The number of topics and applications considered in the list of categories is very high, but a specific search and the help received by the community in response to the SELF Call for Materials have allowed to reduce the gaps. However, no free educational materials were found for some of the applications considered. For the categories where the confidence level of the search performed so far is considered high, this lack of materials will be accounted as a gap. Further search should be performed on categories where the confidence level is low prior to consider them as gaps. 6.1 About materials found and their utility integrability to SELF project Materials found and categories considered documented enough. Category Applications Office tools OOo: Write, Math, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base Koffice: KWord, KSpread, KPresenter, Gnome office: Abiword, Gnumeric, Gnome-DB Communication tools Mozilla FireFox, Epiphany, Konqueror, Mozilla ThunderBird, Kmail, gaim GNU/Linux Bash, GRUB, ip, CUPS, Apache, Exim, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Gnome, KDE, Nautilus, ImageMagick, GnomeBaker, emacs, Educational software Squeak, GNU octave, QCad Enterprise software Planner, KPlato, Novel Evolution, EgroupWare, GNU Enterprise, openbravo, Fisterra, Epiware, Drupal, MediaWiki, Multimedia software Audacity, Cinelerra, GIMP, InkScape, Wings 3D 6.2 Documentation gaps already detected The following list summarises the main gaps which have been detected: • • • • OpenOffice.org Base manual Gnome planner manual Novell Evolution manual Enterprise software applications (very few documentation is available) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 34 of 100 6.3 Further work • A Low confidence level means that further search of materials should be performed. • A lot of documentation on OpenOffice.org 2.0 is being produced and we must be aware of them: http://oooauthors.org/en/authors/userguide2/calc/published_final/ 6.4 Reported gaps The initial search of freely available educational materials on Free Software and Open Standards has led to the identification of the areas where actual coverage is weak or poor. The main gaps detected have been analysed from the point of view of the potential users of the SELF Platform and of the founding principles of the SELF Project. The main generic gaps detected include the general lack of resources structured as learning materials, the migration from proprietary environments to Free Software and Open Standards and the lack of educational materials on basic computer science for the general public. The main specific gaps are found in basics of Free Software and Open Standards advocacy, educational applications, enterprise applications and other specific applications. This overview of the main gaps in the available materials, combined with the priorities determined by the SELF Project, will guide the further search of available materials as well as the production of new materials. 6.5 Related organisations A list of related or targeted organisations which will be informed about the SELF project in order to contribute to (or make use of) the platform is provided in Section 5. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 35 of 100 References [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft Copyleft in Wikipedia (17th of November, 2006) [2] SELF Project 034595 FP6-2005-IST-5; page 13 [3] SELF Project 034595 FP6-2005-IST-5; page 11 [4] SELF Project 034595 FP6-2005-IST-5; page 14 [5] http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html GNU Free Documentation License SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 36 of 100 SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 37 of 100 Appendix A reported resources A.1 Template forms In the following subsections the forms to guide entries into the databases are presented and their structure and contents justified. These forms are also used in the next section to display the results of the documentation searching tasks. A.1.1 Materials form ID* Title* Author(s)* Resource Location* Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other Suitable Categories Subcategories Type Object)* / (Learning License* Language(s)* Format(s)* Content Keywords* Educational Level* Expertise Level* Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Quality Assessment* SELF Integration* Fields description and field contents The asterisk highlights compulsory fields. These fields must be filled with the keyword 'Unknown' when being more specific is not possible. It is also acceptable, as a temporary solution, to till them with the keyword 'Pending' or using the yellow SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 38 of 100 highlighting style to enter any non-definitive content. The final aim is to have all the compulsory fields of each entry properly filled. For some fields a set of options are proposed in the following descriptions. For some of these fields only these options should be used, while for the rest the proposed options should be always used as first option and only in case of serious doubts other options can be used. The main objective of this policy it to avoid dispersion, although this can sometimes imply sacrificing some precision. ID* A code that must uniquely identify the entry (a numbering criterion must be established) Title* Name of the material as given by the author(s). Author(s)* Name of the author(s) of the material. Resource Location* Details to reach the material must be supplied. If the material is and electronic resource and it is available on the Internet the protocol and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) must be specified. If the material is a book or another kind of paper publication the work details must be furnished. These details must contain at least the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), while the author's name, date of publication, and publisher details are also desirable. For any other kind of material, the basic information to reach the work must be provided. Main Category / subcategory (appl. or standard or ...)* The main category and its subcategory into which the material has been classified. If “Others” is used as a category or as a subcategory, a category or subcategory name that fits should be proposed and written in parentheses. Other Suitable Categories / subcategories SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 39 of 100 Other categories and subcategories under which the work could also be classified. This field should only be used in singular cases of clear doubt. The minus character “-” must be used to mark this field as empty. Type (Learning Object)* The main options are the following, although other options are also acceptable: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Article Course Essay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide Handbook HOWTO Paper Presentation Reference Book Textbook Tutorial User Book User Guide In the future these options will coincide with the defined learning objects. This implies further revision of this field contents because at the time the definitive list of accepted learning objects is not yet available. License* License under which the material has been released. At the time, as previously justified in the introduction section, all the copyleft documentation licenses are accepted. The main options are the following, although other options are also acceptable: • • GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) Creative Commons (CC) • Version 2.5 • Attribution (CC by) • Attribution-NoDerivs (CC by ND) • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC by NC-ND) Attribution-NonCommercial (CC by NC) • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC by NC-SA) • Attribution-ShareAlike (CC by SA) • Version 1.0 • NoDerivs (CC) • NoDerivs-NonCommercial (CC ND-NC) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 40 of 100 NonCommercial (CC NC) NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC NC-SA) ShareAlike (CC SA) Design Science License (DSL) Free Art license (FA) The Open Content License (OPL) • • • • • • Language(s)* A list of all the languages should be listed. English is always desirable and other languages are also welcome, as they will contribute to the localization process. Format(s)* A list of all the formats in which the material is available. Content Keywords* A list of the material's relevant keywords. Educational Level* The only options acceptable are: • Primary • Secondary • Degree • Postgraduate Expertise Level* The only options acceptable are: • Initiation • Intermediate • Advanced • Expert Previous Knowledge* A short description of previous knowledge required to follow the reported material. Brief Description* SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 41 of 100 A concise description of the contents of the material. Quality Assessment* A short comment about how relevant is the material. “Authoritative work”, “reference work” or “complementary material” could be good examples to fill this field. SELF Integration* A brief description of the contents of the work. “No changes or review needed” or “Could be included in the SELF Platform with little revision” could be good examples to fill this field. After defining the SELF educational methodology, further revision of the content of this field will be required to adapt the description. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 42 of 100 A.1.2 Sites form ID* Name* Maintainer(s)* Resource Location* Main Category Subcategory* Other Suitable Categories Subcategories Types Objects)* / / (Learning License* Publishing Policy* Language(s)* Format(s)* Content Keywords* Educational Level* Expertise Level* Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Quality Assessment* SELF Integration* Fields description and field contents As in the preceding form, the asterisk highlights compulsory fields. The final aim is, also, to have all the compulsory fields of each entry properly filled. ID* A code that must uniquely identify the site (a numbering criterion must be established). Name* The name of the site as given by the maintainer(s). SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 43 of 100 Maintainer(s)* The name(s) of the maintainer(s) of the site or the maintainer(s) group name. Resource Location* The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the site. Main Category / subcategory* The main category and its subcategory of the site. If “Others” is used as a category or as a subcategory, a category or subcategory name that fits should be proposed and written in parentheses. Other Suitable Categories / subcategories Other categories and subcategories into which the site could also have been classified. This field should only be used in singular cases of clear doubt. The minus character “-” must be used to mark this field as empty. Types (Learning Objects)* The type of materials that are found in the site. More than one option is possible. License* The license under the materials of the site has been released. The licenses acceptable are the same as in the Materials form. Publishing Policy* A brief description of the publishing methods and procedures. Language(s)* Main language of the site and other secondary languages. Format(s)* A list of the formats the site's materials have been released. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 44 of 100 Content Keywords* A list of the sites' relevant keywords. Educational Level* More than one of the options acceptable can be used: • Primary • Secondary • Degree • Postgraduate Expertise Level* More than one of the options acceptable can be used: • Initiation • Intermediate • Advanced • Expert Previous Knowledge* A short description of previous knowledge required to follow the reported material. Brief Description* A concise description of the contents of the site. Quality Assessment* A short comment about how relevant are the materials found in the site. SELF Integration A.2 Reported materials 1 SELF SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 45 of 100 2 Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards ID* Title* Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution Author(s)* Chris DiBona, Sam Ockman, and Mark Stone, Eric S. Raymond, Marshall Kirk McKusick, Scott Bradner, Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, Paul Vixie, Linus Torvalds, Robert Young, Robert Young, Brian Behlendorf, Bruce Perens, Tim O'Reilly, Jim Hamerly and Tom Paquin with Susan Walton, Resource Location* http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/toc.html ISBN 1-56592-582-3 1st Edition January 1999 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc, 101 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Basic Concepts and Philosophy Type (Learning Object)* Book License* GFDL and others Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, paper Content Keywords* Open Source, Business Strategies, Internet, Linux, Software Engineering, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Not necessary but appreciated. Brief Description* Compilation of articles and essays. Quality Assessment* Good. SELF Integration* A link reference. Some interesting activities can be developed around some essays. 2.1 Basic Concepts and Philosophy ID* Title* FLOSS Concept Booklet Author(s)* Wikibooks Resource Location* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/FLOSS_Concept_Booklet Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Basic Concepts and Philosophy SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 46 of 100 ID* Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* FLOSS, Open Source, Free Software, Copyleft. Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Not required Brief Description* Very clarifying FAQ about general and common questions regarding Free Software and its basis. Quality Assessment* Very good. SELF Integration* A link reference, or copying some parts. Really interesting. ID* Title* Free for All. How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans Author(s)* Peter Wayner Resource Location* http://www.wayner.org/books/ffa/ ISBN: 0066620503 HarperBusiness Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / History of Free Software and Open Standards Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Book License* CC by nc nd Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF, HTML, ASCII, XML Content Keywords* Open Source, Revolution, Movement, Educational Level* secondary Expertise Level* Introduction Previous knowledge* Not needed. Brief Description* A plain way to get into the Free Software world. Intersting. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 47 of 100 ID* Quality Assessment* Pretty good. SELF Integration* It could be used as a complementary document. ID* Title* Open Source & Free Software Licensing Author(s)* Andrew M. St. Laurent Resource Location* http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/osfreesoft/book/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Basic Concepts and Philosophy Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* CC by nd Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Open Source Licensing, Copyright Law, MIT License, BSD License, Apache License, Academic Free License, GPL, LGPL, Mozilla License, Qt License, Artistic, and Creative Commons Licenses, Non-Open Source Licenses Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic concepts about Free Software are required. Brief Description* A detailed analysis of the most relevant Free Software licenses. Quality Assessment* Very good. SELF Integration* Copies of chapters can be used as reference/complementary material. ID* Title* Razones por las que el Estado Debe Usar Software Libre Author(s)* Federico Heinz Resource Location* http://www.proposicion.org.ar/doc/razones.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Basic Concepts and Philosophy Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 48 of 100 ID* Type (Learning Object)* Essay License* GFDL Language(s)* Spanish Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Software Libre, Estado, Dependencia tecnológica, Desarrollo local Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Not required Brief Description* Several reasons about why the State should only use Free Software Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link reference. Very interesting as a complementary material. Several activities can be developed around it. 2.2 History of Free Software and Open Standards ID* Title* The daemon, the gnu, and the penguin. A History of Free and Open Source Author(s)* Peter H. Salus Resource Location* http://www.groklaw.net/staticpages/index.php?page=200510132319018 59 Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / History of Free Software and Open Standards Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* CC by nc nd Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* UUCP, USENET,BSD, CSRG, MINIX, OSF, GNU, GPL, Cygnus, USL, BTL, BSDI, Hurd, FUD Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Not strictly necessary. Brief Description* A chronological description of the main events and their founding concepts. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 49 of 100 ID* Quality Assessment* Good. SELF Integration* A good book to teach history. ID* Title* Free As In Freedom – Richard Stallman's Crusade For Free Software Author(s)* Sam Williams Resource Location* http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/ ISBN: 0-596-00287-4 First ed. March 2002 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc, 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / History of Free Software and Open Standards Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Book License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, paper Content Keywords* Richard Stallman, GNU, FSF Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Not needed but appreciated. Brief Description* Compilation of Richard Stallman experiences. Quality Assessment* Good as a curiosity. SELF Integration* A link reference. 2.3 Free Software Development Models ID* Title* The Cathedral and The Bazaar Author(s)* Eric S. Raymond Resource Location* http://catb.org/esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/ ISBN: 1-56592-724-9 First ed. October 1999 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc, 101 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Main Category / Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Free Software SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 50 of 100 ID* Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Development Models Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Free Software and Business Models Type (Learning Object)* Collection of Essays: A Brief History of Hackerdom, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Homesteading the Noosphere, Homesteading the Noosphere, Homesteading the Noosphere License* OPL Language(s)* English, Bulgarian, Chinese (Big-5), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, Latvian, Romanian, Swedish, Tamil, Thai. Format(s)* XHTML, DocBook XML, PostScrip, paper Content Keywords* Open Source, Open Source history, cathedral model, bazaar model, fetchmail. Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Theoretically not needed, in practise some general knowledge will provide better understanding and let enjoy the details. Brief Description* Masterpiece of its field, many people considers The Cathedral and The Bazaar essay as the first and most notorious proposal of modelling the two most successful development methods of open source code. The rest of essays are also interesting, at least from historic point of view, and good starting points to many other articles. Quality Assessment* Outstanding SELF Integration* A link reference. Some activities can be developed around these essays. 2.4 Free Software and Business Models ID* Title* Setting Up Shop: The Business of Open-Source Software Author(s)* Frank Hecker Resource Location* http://www.hecker.org/writings/setting-up-shop Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Free Software and Business Models Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Paper License* Not specified SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 51 of 100 ID* Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Open Source development model, open-source development model, objections relating to Open Source, Netscape case Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic concepts regarding software development models are required. Brief Description* Open Source development model is presented as a viable option to commercial software companies to face the challenges in mid nineties fast-moving and competitive industry environment. The author was an employee of Netscape when this company publicly released the source code of Netscape Communicator 4.0. Quality Assessment* Little outdated but it is a reference article. SELF Integration* A link reference. ID* Title* Producing Open Source Software. How to Run a Successful Free Software Project Author(s)* Karl Fogel Resource Location* http://producingoss.com/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards / Free Software and Business Models Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF, XML, Paper Content Keywords* Licenses, version control, bug tracker, Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* What free software is. Brief Description* is a book about the human side of open source development. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software. Quality Assessment* Very good. SELF Integration* Link, since it is licensed under Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike License SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 52 of 100 2.5 Others 3 Open standards 4 Office tools 4.1 Office suites ID* Title* OpenOffice.org2.x Getting Started Guide Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0100GSGettingStarted.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Office suites Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* OpenOffice.org, Write, Calc, Draw, Impress, Base, Math, templates, styles Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Not required. Brief Description* First half: general info about OOo environment and dynamics. Second half: 'Getting Started' for Write, Calc, Draw, Impress, Base, Math, templates and styles Quality Assessment* Good resource to introduce the OOo suite to students. Also a good starting point to introduce the students to this kind of documentation. SELF Integration* Minimum efforts required. A link reference can be enough. ID* Title* OpenOffice.org2.x User Guide Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/OOo2.x/user_guide2_draft .pdf Main Category / Office tools / Office suites SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 53 of 100 ID* Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* OpenOffice.org, Write, Calc, Draw, Impress, Base, Math, templates, styles Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Not required. Brief Description* Accurate description of each component of the OOo suite. Write, Calc, Impress, Draw, DB & data sources, Advanced Techniques, OOo Basic & Macros, Math, Xfroms, Troubleshooting common problems. Quality Assessment* Canonical resource SELF Integration* Quite complicated since this guide is very long and covers in deep detail each aspect of the OOo suit. Better using each individual “User Guide” available for each component of the OOo suite. ID* Title* OpenOffice.org2.x Migration Guide Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0600MGMigrationGuide.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Office suites Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Styles and formatting, compatibility, sharing files, differences between OOo and Microsoft Office SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 54 of 100 ID* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what an office suit is and its main features. Brief Description* This document intends to clarify doubts and questions about how difficult can be a migration from a commercial office suite to OOo. Quality Assessment* Good to clarify FUDs and to motivate people to try open source software. SELF Integration* Link 4.2 Word processors ID* Title* OpenOffice.org2.x Write Guide Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0200WGWriterGuide.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / word processors Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User Guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Styles, formatting, printing, tables, graphics, templates, master documents, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a word processor is and its main features. Brief Description* A complete description of this OOo application. A must read document if one what to take advantage of the applications features. Quality Assessment* Reference documentation. SELF Integration* Minimum efforts required. A link reference can be enough. ID* Title* The KWord Handbook SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 55 of 100 ID* Author(s)* Mike McBride, Gary Cramblitt Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/koffice/kword/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Word processors Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GDFL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Templates, frames, tables, formulas, footnotes, endnotes. Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a word processor is and its main features. Brief Description* Description of Kword features and how to do things with KWord. Quality Assessment* Not as good as “OpenOffice.org2.x Write Guide”, possibly due to it is HTML framework SELF Integration* Not difficult. ID* Title* AbiWord User's Manual Author(s)* Resource Location* http://www.abisource.com/support/manual/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Word processors Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User's Manual License* GDFL Language(s)* English, French, Polish Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 56 of 100 ID* Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a word processor is and its main features. Brief Description* This manual contents an introduction, a tutorial, a HowTo section and some chapters of more specific information. Quality Assessment* Ok SELF Integration* Not difficult. 4.3 Spreadsheets ID* Title* The Gnumeric Manual Author(s)* Resource Location* http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnumeric/doc/gnumeric.shtml Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Spreadsheets Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* License* GFDL Language(s)* Englis Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Data, external data, cells, complex cells, graphing, printing, sheets Educational Level* Seconadary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a spreadsheets is and its main features. Brief Description* Gnumeric Manual Quality Assessment* Easy to follow SELF Integration* Easy ID* Title* Gnumeric functions Author(s)* - Resource Location* http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnumeric/functions.shtml Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Spreadsheets Other Suitable SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 57 of 100 ID* Categories / Subcategories Type (Learning Object)* Reference book License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Gnumeric functions Educational Level* Seconadary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a spreadsheets is and its main features. Brief Description* Gnumeric functions description Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Just a link ID* Title* The KSpread Handbook Author(s)* Pamela Roberts, Anne-Marie Mahfouf, and Gary Cramblitt Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/koffice/kspread/kspread.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Spreadsheets Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF, HTML Content Keywords* Formulae, external data, linking cells, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a spreadsheets is and its main features. Brief Description* KSpread official handbook Quality Assessment* Easy to understand SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 58 of 100 4.4 Presentation applications ID* Title* Quickstart Guide for Impress: Author(s)* Linda Worthington, Jean Hollis Weber, Tim Kampa Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0501IGQuickstartGuideForImpress.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Presentation applicatons Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Manual License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Formatting a presentation, slides Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a presentation tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Short introduction to OOo Impress (Almost the same info can be found in the OOo User Guide) Quality Assessment* Short but useful SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* The KPresenter Handbook Author(s)* Neil Lucock, Krishna Tateneni, Anne-Marie Mahfouf, and Gary Cramblitt Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/koffice/kpresenter/kpresenter.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Presentation applications Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 59 of 100 ID* Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Formatting a presentation, slides Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a presentation tool is and its main features. Brief Description* KPresenter official handbook Quality Assessment* Ok SELF Integration* Link 4.5 Database systems ID* Title* The Kexi Handbook Author(s)* Martin A. Ellis, Jaroslaw Staniek Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/koffice/kexi/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Database systems Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Database tables design, forms, queries, reports. Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a relational database system is and its main features. Brief Description* Description of Kexi features following the KDE short documentation style Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Link 4.6 Graphics suites SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 60 of 100 ID* Title* OpenOffice.org2.x Draw Guide Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0400DGDrawGuide.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Graphics suites Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Shapes, object edition, 3D objects, Bitmaps, multiobjects. Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Not required. Brief Description* A complete description of this OOo application. A must read document if one what to take advantage of the applications features. Quality Assessment* Reference documentation. SELF Integration* Minimum efforts required. A link reference can be enough. 4.7 Diagram tools ID* Title* The KChart Handbook Author(s)* Jonathan Drews, Raphael Langerhorst Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/koffice/kchart/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Diagram tools Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 61 of 100 ID* Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Chart type, KChart in KSpread Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a diagram tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Description of KChart features following the KDE short documentation style Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Link 4.8 Formulas ID* Title* The KFormula Handbook Author(s)* Jonathan Drews, Anne-Marie Mahfouf, Alfredo Beaumont Sainz Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/koffice/kformula/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Formulas Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Formulae editing, definite integrals, positioning indices Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a formula editing tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Description of KFormula features following the KDE short documentation style Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Link 4.9 Flowcharts SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 62 of 100 4.10 Reports ID* Title* The Kugar Handbook Author(s)* Alexander Dymo, Phil Thompson Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/koffice/kugar/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / Reports Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Report template, report data file, report generation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a report generating tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Description of KFormula features following the KDE short documentation style Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Link 4.11 Others ID* Title* The Not So Short Introduction To LaTeX2e Author(s)* Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl Resource Location* http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Office tools / LaTeX (Others) Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Word processors Office tools / Formulas Type (Learning Object)* Guide License* GPL Language(s)* English SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 63 of 100 ID* Format(s)* PDDF Content Keywords* Basic documents structure, typesetting, typeset formulae, indexes, bibliography, graphics Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a word processor tool is and its main features. Brief Description* A good and short introduction to LaTeX. Some introductory lessons can be required before reading it. It can also be a good reference material. Quality Assessment* Good. There is also many other sources of information. SELF Integration* Link 5 Communication tools 5.1 Suites • Mozilla (Navigator, Mail & Newsgroups, Composer, ChatZilla) ID* Title* A Guide to Mozilla 1.0 Author(s)* Unknow Resource Location* http://www.mozilla.org/start/1.0/guide/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Suites Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User Guide License* Unknow Language(s)* English Format(s)* HMTL Content Keywords* Mozilla application suite, Mozilla toolkit, Mozilla appearance, troubleshooting Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a communication suite tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Short description of Mozilla applications features, but enough information to use them. Quality Assessment* OK SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 64 of 100 ID* Title* Mozilla 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions Author(s)* Unknow Resource Location* http://www.mozilla.org/start/1.0/faq/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Suites Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* Unknow Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* General, browser, mail/news, composer, address book, user profiles, Mozilla's appearance, troubleshooting Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a communication suite tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Mozilla's official FAQ Quality Assessment* OK. SELF Integration* Link 5.2 Web clients • Mozilla FireFox, Epiphany, Konqueror, Galeon, Flock, Lynx ID* Title* An introduction to Mozilla Firefox Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://opensourcearticles.com/introduction_to_firefox Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Web clients Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* Pending SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 65 of 100 ID* Language(s)* English, French, Norwegian, Dutch, Japanese, Persian, EU Portuguese, Hungarian Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Installation, configuration, tabs, shortcuts, popups, bookmarks. Educational Level* Primary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a web client is and its main features. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link 5.3 Mail user agents (MUA or E-mail Clients) • Mozilla ThunderBird, Kmail, Mutt, Gnus (Emacs plugin) ID* Title* Introduction to Mozilla Thunderbird Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://opensourcearticles.com/articles/introduction_to_thunderbird Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Mail user agents Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* Pending Language(s)* English, french, norwegian, german, dutch, spanish, italian, japanese, simplified chinese. Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Installation, configuration, account setup, signature, attachments, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a mail client is and its main features. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 66 of 100 ID* Title* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdepim/kmail/ Author(s)* Daniel Naber, David Rugge Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdepim/kmail/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Mail user agents Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Installation, configuration, account setup, signature, attachments, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a mail client is and its main features. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link 5.4 Instant messengers and IRC clients • ChatZilla, gaim, Xchat, BitchX, ScrollZ ID* Title* Introduction to Gaim Author(s)* Pending Resource Location* http://opensourcearticles.com/articles/introduction_to_gaim Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Communication tools / Instant messengers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Manual License* Pending Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* MSN, ICQ, IRC, Yahoo SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 67 of 100 ID* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a instant messengers client is and its main features. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link 5.5 File transfer clients • lftp, scp, wget 5.6 Others 6 GNU/Linux 6.1 Distributions and metadistributions ID* Title* Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_distribution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Distributions and metadistributions Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Article License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Linux distributions Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Not required Brief Description* Wikipedia articles about Linux distributions Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Link 6.2 Technical concepts (subcategories are needed!!!!) 6.2.1 tFilesystem hierarchy standard SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 68 of 100 6.2.2 Standardisation 6.3 User environment ID* Title* The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use Author(s)* Resource Location* http://dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_toc.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / User environment Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Cookbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HMTL Content Keywords* Pending Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about Unix and computing in general. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Lnik ID* Title* Introduction to Linux A Hands on Guide Author(s)* Machtelt Garrels Resource Location* http://tille.xalasys.com/training/tldp/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / User environment Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories GNU/Linux / Unix command line programmes Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 69 of 100 ID* Content Keywords* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what Unix is and its featrues. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link 6.4 Unix command line Programmes ID* Title* GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary Author(s)* Gareth Anderson Resource Location* http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Unix command line programmes Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what Unix is and its featrues. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Link 6.5 Shells and shell programming ID* Title* Bash Guide for Beginners Author(s)* Machtelt Garrels SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 70 of 100 ID* Resource Location* http://tille.xalasys.com/training/bash/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU Linux / Shells and shell programming Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Bash, expressions, functions, built-in functions, commands, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic UNIX knowledge. Brief Description* A good introduction to bash shell scripting. Quality Assessment* Very good. SELF Integration* Link. ID* Title* Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Author(s)* Mendel Cooper Resource Location* http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU Linux / Shells and shell programming Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Bash, expressions, functions, built-in functions, commands, Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* General knowledge about UNIX-like systems and shell scripting basics SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 71 of 100 ID* Brief Description* A masterpiece of the bash shell scripting art. Not meant for beginners. Quality Assessment* Masterpiece. SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* Bash Guide for Beginners Author(s)* Machtelt Garrels Resource Location* http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU Linux / Shells and shell programming Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Bash, expressions, functions, built-in functions, commands, Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic UNIX knowledge. Brief Description* A good introduction to bash shell scripting. Quality Assessment* Very good. SELF Integration* Link. ID* Title* Bourne Shell Scripting Author(s)* Wikibooks Resource Location* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bourne_Shell_Scripting Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU Linux / Shells and shell programming Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Wikibook SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 72 of 100 ID* License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Bash, expressions, functions, built-in functions, commands, Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic Unix background. Brief Description* Short introduction to the bash shell scripting. Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Link 6.6 Scripting languages • Perl, PHP, Python 6.7 Administration ID* Title* Securing and Optimizing Linux Author(s)* Gerhard Mourani Resource Location* http://www.andamooka.org/index.pl?section=secopt Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Administration Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* Language(s)* Format(s)* Content Keywords* Educational Level* Expertise Level* Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Quality Assessment* SELF Integration* SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 73 of 100 ID* Title* Linux Documentation Project Author(s)* Olaf Kirch,Terry Dawson Resource Location* http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linag2/book/ch00.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Administration Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* Linux Documentation Project licence Language(s)* English Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Educational Level* Expertise Level* Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Quality Assessment* SELF Integration* 6.7.1 Local administration Package management • alien, apt, debconf, dpkg, darkconf, emerge, pacman, portage, rpm, Synaptic, rpm, YaST, yum 6.7.2 Networking ID* Title* Network Administration Author(s)* Hamish Whittal Resource Location* http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/courses/build/net-admin/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Administration / Networking Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* CC by attribution share alike SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 74 of 100 ID* Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Networking, TCP/IP Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Feel comfortable using Unix-like systems. Brief Description* Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link 6.7.3 Services Printing ID* Title* CUPS documentation centre Author(s)* Several Resource Location* http://www.cups.org/documentation.php Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Services / Printing Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Pending License* Pending Language(s)* Pending Format(s)* Pending Content Keywords* Pending Educational Level* Pending Expertise Level* Pending Previous knowledge* Pending Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Pending Secure shell • sshd Web servers SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 75 of 100 Apache Mail transfer agents (MTAs or E-mail servers) • Exim, Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail, and many others Mail delivery agents (MDA or E-mail filters) • Procmail, maildrop, SpamAssasin, Bogofilter, and many others File transfer servers • ftpd Version control • ID* Title* Open Source Development with CVS Author(s)* Karl Fogel, Moshe Bar Resource Location* http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Version control Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Pending Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* General Unix concepts. Brief Description* Pending Quality Assessment* Pending SELF Integration* Pending Database systems • PostgreSQL, MySQL, and others Others 6.8 Graphical system 6.8.1 Xservers • Xorg, Xserver 6.8.2 Xlib • Xlib 6.8.3 Window managers • twm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, IceWM, Metacity, Blackbox, Waimea, and many many others 6.8.4 Display managers SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 76 of 100 xdm, gdm, kdm, wdm 6.8.5 Session managers • xsm, gnome-session, ksmserver 6.8.6 Desktop managers • ID* Title* Desktop User Guide Author(s)* Sun GNOME Documentation Team, Shaun McCance, Karderio, Joachim Noreiko, Daniel Espinosa Ortiz, Brent Smith, Tim Littlemore, John Stowers, Nigel Tao Resource Location* http://www.gnome.org/learn/users-guide/latest/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Desktop, desktop session, panels, Nautilus, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about comuting. Brief Description* The official user guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* GNOME 2.14 Desktop System Administration Guide Author(s)* Brent Smith, Sun GNOME Documentation Team Resource Location* http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/latest/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Administration guide SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 77 of 100 ID* License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* GConf, customizing menus, themes, fonts configuration, MIME, sesion management Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Feel comfortable using Gnome as standard user. Brief Description* The official administration guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* An Introduction to KDE Author(s)* The KDE Team Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/quickstart/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Panel, Kicker, context menus, task bars, virtual desktops, Konqueror, desktop configuration Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about computing. Brief Description* The official introduction guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* The KDE User Guide SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 78 of 100 ID* Author(s)* The KDE Documentation Team Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/userguide/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* User guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Panel, desktop, Kicker, KDE control centre, networking, Internet, office, administrators, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about computing. Brief Description* The official user guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* KDE Frequently Asked Questions Author(s)* The KDE Team Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/faq/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Getting KDE, installation, panel, desktop, file manager, konqueror, KDE applications, troubleshooting, asking questions Educational Level* Secondary SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 79 of 100 ID* Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about computing. Brief Description* The official user guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* KDE for System Administrators Author(s)* The KDE Team Resource Location* http://www.kde.org/areas/sysadmin/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Graphical system / Desktop managers Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Administration guide License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* File System Hierarchy, configuration files, login manager, startup, environment variables, Kiosk, desktop sharing Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Feel comfortable using KDE as standard user. Brief Description* The official administration guide Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link 6.8.7 Toolkits • GTK+, Qt, GNUstep, LessTiff, WINGs 6.8.8 Others 6.9 Specific applications 6.9.1 Text editors ID* Title* GNU Emacs Manual Author(s)* Richard Stallman SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 80 of 100 ID* Resource Location* http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Specific applications / Text editors Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Manual License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Pending Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* What a text editor is. Brief Description* The Emacs official manual Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* GNU Emacs FAQ Author(s)* Unkown Resource Location* http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html#HelpFAQ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* GNU/Linux / Specific applications / Text editors Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Pending Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* What a text editor is. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 81 of 100 ID* Brief Description* The Emacs official FAQ Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link 6.9.2 Software development tools • GNU Compiler Collection (gcc), GNU Debugger (gdb), GNU Binary Utilities (binutils), and many others 6.9.3 Format converters Graphics • ImageMagick Documents • X2Y (like ps2pdf) 6.9.4 CD/DVD Toasters • GnomeBaker, K3b, cdrkit 6.9.5 File managers • Nautilus, GNOME Commander, Konqueror, Krusader, Gentoo file manager, Midnight Commander 6.9.6 Boot loaders • GRUB, lilo, yaboot, and others 6.9.7 Virtualisation • Xen, qemu, and others 6.9.8 Others 6.10 Others 7 Other operating systems ID* Title* The NetBSD Guide Author(s)* Federico Lupi and others Resource Location* http://www.netbsd.org/guide/en/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other operating systems / BSD-like operating systems Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Guide License* Copyrighted? Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* BSD, mach Educational Level* Degree SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 82 of 100 ID* Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic Unix background. Brief Description* NetBSD official guide Quality Assessment* Authoritive SELF Integration* Link 7.1 BSD-like operating systems ID* Title* A Neutral Look at Operating Systems Author(s)* Wikibooks Resource Location* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A_Neutral_Look_at_Operating_Systems Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other operating systems / BSD-like operating systems Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Wikibook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Operating systems Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what an OS is. Brief Description* And exhaust list of the operating systems available Quality Assessment* Good. SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* OpenBSD FAQ Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://www.openbsd.org/faq/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other operating systems / BSD-like operating systems SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 83 of 100 ID* Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* Unknown Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* BSD, mach Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic Unix background. Brief Description* OpenBSD official FAQ Quality Assessment* Authoritive SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* FreeBSD Handbook Author(s)* The FreeBSD Documentation Project Resource Location* http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Other operating systems / BSD-like operating systems Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* Copyrighted? Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* BSD, mach Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic Unix background. Brief Description* FreeBSD official Handbook Quality Assessment* Authoritive SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 84 of 100 7.2 Hurd 7.3 Others 8 Educational software 8.1 Educational distributions • Edubuntu, EduLinux, Freeduc-cd 8.2 Educational media authoring • Squeak 8.3 Training software • Tuxtype, gcompri 8.4 Educational applications 8.4.1 Scientific applications and libraries • GNU octave, Maxima, units, GNU PSPP ID* Title* GNU Octave Manual Author(s)* John Eton Resource Location* http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Educational software / Educational applicatons Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Manual License* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 John W. Eaton. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies. Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* GNU Octave, command line, executable programs, data types, data structures, expressions, statements, functions Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Not necessary. Brief Description* The GNU Octave authoritative manual. Technical info. Quality Assessment* The GNU Octave authoritative manual. SELF Integration* Pending 8.4.2 Specific applications Mathematics • Euler, Xaos, FreeMat Physics • Celestia, Kstars, Stellarium Chemistry SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 85 of 100 Ghemical, E-Cell System, EasyChem, Gperiodic, Biology Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • ID* Title* QCad User Reference Manual Author(s)* Unkown, licensed by Andrew Mustun Resource Location* http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad/manual_reference/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Educational software / Specific applications / Computer-Aided Design Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* CAD for uninitiateds, entities, layers, blocks Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* What a CAD tool is and what it is for. Brief Description* Reference manual. Very pedagogic. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* QCad FAQ Author(s)* Unkown Resource Location* http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad_doc_faq.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Educational software / Specific applications / Computer-Aided Design Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* FAQ License* Unkown Language(s)* English SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 86 of 100 ID* Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* DWG, ordering, platform Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* What a CAD tool is and what it is for. Brief Description* Official FAQ Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link Others 8.4.3 Others 8.5 Others 9 Enterprise software 9.1 Project management ID* Title* The KPlato Handbook Author(s)* Raphael Langerhorst, Anne-Marie Mahfouf Resource Location* http://docs.kde.org/development/en/koffice/kplato/index.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Enterprise software / Project management Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Handbook License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Gantt charts, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), floats, tasks, resources, calendars, milestones, critical paths, scheduling Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Theoretical knowledge about what a project management tool is and its main features. Brief Description* Kplato official handbook Quality Assessment* Good enough SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 87 of 100 9.2 Personal information managers 9.3 Collaborative software (Groupware) • eGroupWare, Zimbra, Citadel, Exchange4Linux, Scalix, and many others 9.4 Enterprise resource planners (ERPs) • Adempiere, Compiere, GNU Enterprise (planner subproject), openbravo, Fisterra, Apache OFBiz 9.5 Content Management System (CMSs) • Epiware, Drupal, Mambo, MediaWiki, OpenCms, and many others 9.6 Costumer Relationship Management (CRM) 9.7 Software development management system 9.8 Others 10 Multimedia software 10.1 Audio ID* Title* Audacity Reference Author(s)* Anthony Oetzmann, Dominic Mazzoni Resource Location* http://audacity.sourceforge.net/manual-1.2 Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* GPL (confirmation pending) Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Audacity, audio edition, digital audio Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* None Brief Description* User's manual useful both for beginners and advanced users Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* Snd manual Author(s)* Bill Schottstaedt ([email protected]) SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 88 of 100 ID* Resource Location* http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/snd.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* GPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Snd, audio edition, digital audio Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Advanced Previous knowledge* Digital audio editing basics, text console Brief Description* Very complete manual for advanced users Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* Ardour Manual Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://www.ardour.org/manual Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* Unknown Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Ardour, audio edition, digital audio Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Digital audio editing basics SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 89 of 100 ID* Brief Description* Partially incomplete user's manual for intermediate users Quality Assessment* Incomplete SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* CLAM release 0.7.0 user and development documentation Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://clam.iua.upf.edu/doc/ReleaseDocumentation-html/ Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* GFDL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* CLAM, audio application development, multiplatform Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* O.O. C++ programming, audio processing, DSP basics Brief Description* Documentation for users and developers with many practical examples. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* CLAM Application tutorials Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://clam.iua.upf.edu/doc Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories - Type (Learning Tutorial SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 90 of 100 ID* Object)* License* Unknown Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* CLAM, audio application development, Music Annotator, Network Editor + Prototyper, SMSTools Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Audio processing, DSP basics Brief Description* Short tutorials on the CLAM applications: Music Annotator, Network Editor + Prototyper and SMSTools Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* AGNULA tutorials Author(s)* Dave Phillips Resource Location* http://www.agnula.org/documentation/dp_tutorials Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Audio Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories GNU/Linux / Distributions and metadistributions Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* Unknown Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* AGNULA, Demudi, Rehmudi, audio processing Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Audio processing, DSP basics Brief Description* Collection of tutorials on the AGNULA applications, progressing from the basics to more advanced topics. Includes exercises on each tutorial. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 91 of 100 10.2 Video ID* Title* Secrets of Cinelerra Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://www.heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra/cinelerra.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Video Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Multimedia software / media authoring Type (Learning Object)* Reference manual License* Unknown Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML, Texinfo Content Keywords* Cinelerra, video edition Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Digital video editing basics, multimedia in Unix-like operating systems Brief Description* Very complete manual of Cinelerra (heroinewarrior.com version) Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Pending 10.3 Animation ID* Title* Blender y Yafray. Diseño Gráfico 3D con Software Libre Author(s)* Carlos González Morcillo Resource Location* http://mtraker.gmbros.net/archivos/24hBlenderYafray.pdf Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Animation Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Multimedia software / 3D Graphics Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* CC-nd-nc-by Language(s)* Spanish SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 92 of 100 ID* Format(s)* PDF Content Keywords* Blender 3D, Yafray, 3D animation Educational Level* Degree Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* 3D animation basics, some complementary materials required Brief Description* Blender & Yafray. 3D Graphic Design with Free Software. Textbook used in the Animation for communication class of the Castilla-La Mancha Technical University Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* Blender 3D: Noob to Pro Author(s)* Several (see http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro#Authors) Resource Location* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Animation Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Multimedia software / 3D Graphics Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* GFDL Language(s)* English (several translations in progress) Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Blender 3D, 3D animation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Initiation Previous knowledge* Brief Description* A very complete collection of tutorials on Blender, progressing from initiation to intermediate level Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Pending SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 93 of 100 ID* Title* Blender User's Manual SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 94 of 100 ID* Author(s)* Unknown Resource Location* http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / Animation Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Multimedia software / 3D Graphics Type (Learning Object)* User's Guide License* Open Content License Language(s)* English (several translations in progress) Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Blender 3D, 3D animation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Collectively developed user's guide Quality Assessment* Good SELF Integration* Pending 10.4 2D Graphics ID* Title* The Gimp Documentation Author(s)* Several (see http://docs.gimp.org/en/pr01.html#gimp-team) Resource Location* http://docs.gimp.org/download.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* User Manual License* GFDL Language(s)* English (several translations in progress) Format(s)* HTML, PDF Content Keywords* Gimp, image manipulation SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 95 of 100 ID* Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Brief Description* Full documentation of Gimp Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* Grokking the GIMP Author(s)* Carey Bunks Resource Location* http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/, ISBN 0-7357-0924-6 Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Textbook License* OPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Gimp, image manipulation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Brief Description* A very thorough textbook on Gimp, useful for initiation and intermediate levels Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Pending ID* Title* Inkscape basic tutorial Author(s)* Inkscape documentation team Resource Location* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/basic/tutorial-basic.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 96 of 100 ID* Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* Pending Language(s)* English, German, French, Spanish Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, creating shapes, moving, scaling, rotating, grouping, Z-order Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Basic knowledge about what a graphic suite is and its capabilities Brief Description* A short tutorial on Inkscape, useful for initiation and intermediate levels. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* Inkscape advanced tutorial Author(s)* Inkscape documentation team Resource Location* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/advanced/tutorial-advanced.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* Pending Language(s)* English, German, French, Spanish Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, pasting techniques, drawing freehand, paths and subpaths, boolean operators, simplification filters, text art, Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Inkscap basic tutorial Brief Description* The natural continuation of the Inkscape basic tutorial. Useful for initiation and intermediate levels. . Easy to read, following the Inkscape documentation style. SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 97 of 100 ID* Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* Inkscape shapes tutorial Author(s)* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/shapes/tutorial-shapes.html Resource Location* Inkscape documentation team Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* OPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, shapes, rectangles, elliptic rounded corners, ellipses, polygons, spirals Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Inkscape basic tutorial + Inkscape advanced tutorial Brief Description* Specific tutorial about how to manage shapes with Inkscape. Easy to read, following the Inkscape documentation style. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* Inkscape calligraphy tutorial Author(s)* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/calligraphy/tutorial-calligraphy.html Resource Location* Inkscape documentation team Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Tutorial SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 98 of 100 ID* Object)* License* OPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, calligraphy, width and thinning, angle and fixation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Inkscape basic tutorial + Inkscape advanced tutorial Brief Description* Specific tutorial about how to use Inkscape calligraphy features. Easy to read, following the Inkscape documentation style. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link ID* Title* Inkscape elements of design tutorial Author(s)* Inkscape documentation team Resource Location* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/elements/tutorial-elements.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* OPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, balance, emphasis, proportion, pattern, gradation Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Inkscape basic tutorial + Inkscape advanced tutorial Brief Description* Specific tutorial about how to manage tune Inkscape items. Easy to read, following the Inkscape documentation style. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 99 of 100 ID* Title* Inkscape tips and trics tutorial Author(s)* Inkscape documentation team Resource Location* http://www.inkscape.org/doc/tips/tutorial-tips.html Main Category / Subcategory / (appl. or standard or ...)* Multimedia software / 2D Graphics Other Suitable Categories / Subcategories Office tools / Graphic suites Type (Learning Object)* Tutorial License* OPL Language(s)* English Format(s)* HTML Content Keywords* Inkscape, tile cones, slicing, non-linear gradients, hidden features and the XML editor, pen tool tricks, Unicode values, transparency, gradients, PostScript export Educational Level* Secondary Expertise Level* Intermediate Previous knowledge* Inkscape basic tutorial + Inkscape advanced tutorial Brief Description* Specific tutorial about how to manage tune Inkscape items. Easy to read, following the Inkscape documentation style. Quality Assessment* Very good SELF Integration* Link 10.5 3D Graphics 10.6 Media authoring 10.7 Games 10.8 Others 11 Others SELF Deliverable Report November 2006 page 100 of 100