Presentation slides
Presentation slides Post-CVPR AC Meeting Workshop on Recent trends in computer vision University of Maryland , Feb 2014 The challenge of tracking Social Groups in Crowd Rita Cucchiara, Simone Calderara, Francesco Solera Imagelab DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA «Enzo Ferrari» Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italia UNIMORE University of Modena and Reggio Emilia ImageLab: current projects.. Computer Vision Pattern Recognition and machine learning Multimedia (NATO, EU projects, collaboration with companies, SMART TOURISM project Emilia R. Region with S.Calderara) Sensing floors (collaboration with FLORIM spa with R.Vezzani) Document analysis (collaboration with Treccani Italian Enciclopedy and Miniature Libs with C.Grana) Ego-Vision Web image retrieval for cultural heritage (ITALIAN PON (collaboration with ETHZ with G.Serra) Animal behavior (collaboration with Italian Health Ministry with S.Calderara) Project EU-FESR DICET) Medical imaging (EU projects in dermatology , C.Grana) Natural interaction for children ( Cluster Project smart city CITYEDU) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Surveillance UNIMORE Current PROJECTS In Smart City Projects.. From surveillance to human behavior analysis…. Goal IN GROUPS IN THE CROWD TOURISTIC TOURS – CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT – CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS University of Modena and Reggio Emilia ALONE UNIMORE Understand what the people want/their intentions in the city while they are: Reasoning about CROWDS What is a CROWD? We are working on crowds where single person and groups can be recognized. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia What does LARGE mean? UNIMORE a large number of persons gathered closely together Before understanding groups.. ENVI-VISION EGO-VISION Many challenges: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE What we are doing at Imagelab: • Detecting single people • Tracking single people • Tracking multiple people • Working on trajectories (or tracklets) • Recognizing (socially consistent) groups in crowd • By shape classification • By trajectory analysis Detecting people .. Pedestrian detectors a long story… Improving speed and accuracy “Multi-Stage Particle Windows for Fast and Accurate Object Detection” [Gualdi, Prati, Cucchiara TPAMI12] form sliding windows to particle windows search for people (and other targets) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Detectors: Dalal, Triggs CVPR05, Felzenszwalb, CVPR08, Gavrila et al PAMI09………. Benchmarks: Dollar et al CVPR09 Search modes : Lampert et al CVPR08 Detection in crowd: Ge Collins PETS09, Li et al. CVPR13 Detection and tracking in crowd: Rodriguez et al. ICCV11 Survey: Dollar et al TPAMI11… UNIMORE • • • • • • ..and tracking single (people) target Is tracking a solved problem? Another long story from L.Davis W4 CVPR98 ICIAP99….. - a large set of performance measures - a large experimentation (with code available over 3 clusters in 3 labs) MOTA; OTA; Deviaton…. F-Measure SURVIVAL CURVES.. 19 trackers BASELINES STATE OF THE ART * D.Chu, A.Smeulders, S.Calderara, R.Cucchiara, A. Dehghan, M.Shah Visual Tracking: an Experimental Survey [TPAMI 2013] University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - a very large dataset of 14 categories of challenges UNIMORE We tried to answer this questions in an “experimental evaluation” Even in case of single target tracking* 19 Trackers A. Tracking by Matching • • • [FRT] Fragments-based Robust Tracking A. Adam, E. Rivlin, and I. Shimshoni, CVPR2006 [KLT] Lucas-Kanade Tracker [MST] Mean Shift Tracking S. Baker and I. Matthews, IJCV2004 D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh, and P. Meer, CVPR2000 [KAT] Kalman Appearance Tracker • [LOT] Locally Orderless Tracking H. Nguyen and A. Smeulders, TPAMI 2004 B. S. Oron, A. Bar-Hillel, D. Levi, S. Avidan, CVPR2012 Tracking by Matching with extended model (ST memory) • [IVT] Incremental Visual Tracking D. Ross, J. Lim, and R.S.Lin, IJCV2008 • • [TST] Tracking by Sampling Trackers J. Kwon, K.M. Lee, ICCV 2011 [TAG] Tracking on the Affine Group J. Kwon and F.C. Park, CVPR2009 C. Tracking by Matching with constraints • [TMC] Tracking by Monte Carlo sampling J. Kwon, K.M. Lee,CVPR 2009 • [ACT] Adaptive Coupled-layer Tracking • [L1T] L1-minimization Tracker X. Mei and H. Ling, ICCV2009 • [L1O] L1 Tracker with Occlusion detection X. Mei, H. Ling, Y. Wu, E. Blasch, L. Bai, CVPR2011 L. Cehovin, M. Kristan, A. Leonardis, ICCV2011 D. Tracking by Discriminant Classification • [MIT] Multiple Instance learning Tracking B. Babenko, M.H. Yang, and S. Belongie, CVPR2009 • • [FBT] Foreground-Background Tracker H. Nguyen and A. Smeulders, 2006, IJCV2010 • [HBT] Hough-Based Tracking [TLD] Tracking, Learning and Detection M. Godec, P.M. Roth, H.Bischof, ICCV2011 [SPT] Super Pixel tracking Z. Kalal, J. Matas, and K. Mikolajczyk, CVPR2010 E. Tracking by discriminant Classification with constraints S. Wang, H. Lu, F. Yang, M.H. Yang, ICCV2011 • [STR] STRuck S. Hare, A. Saffari, P. Torr, ICCV2011 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia K. Briechle and U. Hanebeck, SPIE 2001 UNIMORE • [NCC] Normalized Cross-Correlation 14 tracking challenges in 313 videos 01-LIGHT 02-SURFACECOVER 03-SPECULARITY 06-MOTIONSMOOTHNESS 07-MOTIONCOHERENCE 08-CLUTTER 09-CONFUSION 10-LOWCONTRAST 11-OCCLUSION 12-MOVINGCAMERA 13-ZOOMINGCAMERA 14-LONGDURATION University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 05-SHAPE UNIMORE 04-TRANSPARENCY The dataset: an example or University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE email to [email protected] A comprehensive view Survival curve The upper bound, taking the best of all trackers at each frame 10% About the 30%, correctly tracked only [TST] A [L1O] B [NCC] [TLD] C D E The lower bound, what all trackers can do 7% University of Modena and Reggio Emilia [STR] UNIMORE [FBT] Confusion challenge: trackers comparison CONFUSION.. CROWD short term tracking University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE [FBT][NCC][STR] [TLD][TST] [L1O] Long term challenge: trackers comparison University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE [FBT][NCC][STR] [TLD][TST] [L1O] We need more effort Welcome to “Long term tracking workshop” at CVPR2014 What we learned? • State of the art papers • • • • Discrete –continue optimization Andriyenko et al CVPR2012 Continue energy minimization Milan and Roth PAMI2014 Generalized minim clique Zamire et al ECCV2012 K-shortest path optimization Berclaz et al PAMI 2011 What do they all have in common? They are data association techniques that work on already detected pedestrians University of Modena and Reggio Emilia • Moving from single target to multiple targets in long term cannot be done with multiple instances of a good single-target tracker UNIMORE Many observations… • In cluttered and confusion scenes, Tracking-by-detection methods that use data association , based on discriminative classifiers seem to be promising….. Work in progress… • • zones_tracking.avi We use distance only when is possible Motion prediction and appearance is a plus when useful Thus? 1. Split the crowd in influence zones (latent knowledge) 2. Decide whether those zones are ambiguous (also latent) 3. Solve unambiguous associations with distance only 4. Employ different level features in ambiguous cases ( ask for shapes, color.. edges.. motion) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Kahnemann, Treisman, Gibbs 1995) UNIMORE Cognitive Visual Tracking with latent structural svms • From neuroscience : two (connected but different) areas for detection ( people, faces..) and spatio temporal localization (independently by their shapes) • From perceptual psychology : the “object file” theory Detection and tracklets University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE Survival curve With a perfect detector University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE With a detector with errors [KSP] Multiple Object Tracking using K-Shortest Paths Optimization J. Berclaz, F. Fleuret, E. Türetken and P. Fua, PAMI 2011 Groups of People If tracking was solved… University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE If we were given the trajectories of every pedestrian in the scene (more or less). would we be able to discern the presence of groups? Detecting social groups in crowds Group detection: learn to partition into groups the pedestrians being part of a crowd observing pairwise relations and transitivities.* • Hall’s proxemics theory 1 defines reaction bubbles around every individual and • the interaction between pairs of individuals can be classified according to a quantization of their mutual distance 2. GRANGER CAUSALITY • Intuition: two pedestrian belonging to the same group will probably influence each other position and direction!2 • The Granger causality test is a statistical hypothesis test for determining whether one time series is useful in forecasting another * Structured learning for detection of social groups in crowd Solera, Calderara, Cucchiara, AVSS 2013 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 1. HALL’S PROXEMICS UNIMORE Integrating two cues: Results Features: Proxemics and Granger causality Structure function: pair-wise correlation clustering Group detection: Structured SVM [groups] University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE Conclusions and Open Problems • Detection Social groups and interactions • interesting and growing topic • Many many many applications • Social hypotheses Must be considered . Detection tracking People/ group Detection People/ group tracking People Detection Social group Detection People/ group Tracking University of Modena and Reggio Emilia • Multiple target tracking • more and more challenging ( more if real-time is required) • tracking-by-detection People/ group People/ group • Cognitive assumptions are useful UNIMORE • Single target Detection & Tracking • tracking is (still) an open problem • computer visionaries are working a lot.. ( also in the weekend ) Thanks Giuseppe Serra Marco Manfredi Costantino Grana Paolo Santinelli Francesco Solera Roberto Vezzani Martino Lombardi Simone Pistocchi Simone Calderara Michele Fornaciari Fabio Battilani Augusto Pieracci Dalia Coppi Patrizia Varini University of Modena and Reggio Emilia THANKS! Rita Cucchiara UNIMORE PEOPLE @ University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UNIMORE