Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction
Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction
Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction J.A. Ramos-Hernanz Josean Ramos Hernanz ([email protected] ) University College of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz Index 1 The photovoltaic effect 2 Photovoltaic Panel 3 Photovoltaic System Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 2 Photovoltaic effect Sunlight striking a semiconductor and causing electrons to be excited due to energy in the sunlight (photons). Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 3 Photovoltaic effect Several important magnitudes must be used: Irradiance Temperature Current Voltage Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 4 Photovoltaic effect Ideal Cell Total current in the diode Ideal Cell I G IL + ID V T qV aKT C I D I 0 e 1 (2) The Current I0: appears with reverse polarity and relatively high negative tensions. - I = IL – ID (1) Vq aKT I I L I 0 e C 1 (3) 5 Photovoltaic effect Other characteristics or data Vq aKT C I I L I 0 e 1 ID: Diode current (A) I0: Saturation current of the diode (A) q: Electron charge, 1.6 10-19 (C) a: Diode ideality factor. K: Boltzmann’s Constant, 1.38 10-23 J/K TC: Cell Temperature (ºK) V: Voltage on the photovoltaic module (V) I: Current photovoltaic module (A) Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 6 Photovoltaic effect Equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic cell I IL Eo RS P RSh N V ISh ID I L I d e 1 I Sh I I L I D I Sh q VaK TI R V I R s I I - I . e - 1 q (V Rs I ) aKT s L 0 R sh 7 Photovoltaic effect The fundamental electrical parameters: Short circuit current (Isc) is the current through the solar cell when the voltage across the solar cell is zero Open circuit voltage (Voc) is the difference of electrical potential between two terminals of a device when disconnected from any circuit. There is no external load Maximum current (Imax) current at the maximum power point Maximum voltage (Vmax) current at the maximum power point Maximum power (Pmax) Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 8 Photovoltaic effect Characteristic curves (IV) and (PV) IV Curve PV Curve Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 9 Photovoltaic effect Types of IV characteristic curves: IV curve for constant Tª 25ºC IV curve for constant G (Irradiance) 1000 W/m2 Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 10 Photovoltaic effect Types of PV characteristic curves: 1000 w/m2 700 w/m2 PV curve for constant Tª 25ºC PV curve for constant G (Irradiance) 1000 W/m2 Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 11 Photovoltaic effect Series and shunt resitances: Rs: A function of the impurities and contact resistance. Rsh: Inversely proportional to the leakage current to earth. Ideal photovoltaic cell: RS = 0 and Rsh = ∞. Silicon cells: Rs = 0,05–0,1Ω and Rsh = 200–300 Ω ⇒ Ish ≈ 0. The PV conversion efficiency is very sensitive to small variations in Rs, but insensitive to variations in Rsh IL Eo P N I RSH ID ISh RS V 12 Photovoltaic effect Series and shunt resitances: Influence of the RS and RSH on the curve caracteristics 13 Photovoltaic effect Measurement conditions of a photovoltaic cell Standard Test Conditions, STC • Solar irradiance : 1 kW/m2. • Air mass : PM 1,5. The air mass coefficient defines the direct optical path length through the Earth's atmosphere, expressed as a ratio relative to the path length vertically upwards, i.e. at the zenith. • Cell temperature : 25 ºC. Condiciones de operación estándar, SOC • Solar irradiance : 0,8 kW/m2. • Wind speed : 1 m/s. • Environment temperature : 20º C. Nominal operating temperature of cells, NOCT. (Open circuit). Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 14 Photovoltaic effect Data gathering for IV or PV curve building The current is similar to measure flow of a river A The voltage is similar to measure slope of a river V L O A D Variable Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 15 Photovoltaic effect Data gathering for IV or PV curve building The elements used for measurements are: Sineax CAM TV809 Irradiance sensor (Si-420TC-T-K) Current clamps: Chauvin Arnoux PAC12: The PAC12 Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 16 Photovoltaic effect Variable Load Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 17 Photovoltaic effect Mathematical Models of the photovoltaic cell: Ideal Cell I G PV Curve IL ID + V IV Curve T I PV Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction - Vq aKT I L I 0 e C 1 18 Photovoltaic Panel Basic Models Complex Models Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 19 Photovoltaic Panel Cell Module Array Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 20 Photovoltaic Panel Key specifications of the PV Panel Isc : Short Circuit Current Voc : Open Circuit Voltage NS: Number of cells in series Pmax: Maximum power Imp: Maximum power current Vmp: Maximum power voltage Normal operating cell temperature (NOCT) Isc: Temperature coefficient of Isc Voc: Temperature coefficient of Voc 21 Photovoltaic Panel Basic Models Matlab Tools Basic Model in Simulink Simulink model with Tags Physical component model Model advanced component library Model with real data Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 22 Photovoltaic Panel Matlab Tools Curve Fitting Toolbox >>cftool >>cftool(V,I) Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 23 Photovoltaic Panel Matlab Tools: Curve Fitting Toolbox Fitting Tab Data Tab Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 24 Photovoltaic Panel Matlab Tools: Curve Fitting Toolbox Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 25 Photovoltaic Panel Basic Model in Simulink Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 26 Photovoltaic Panel Basic Model in Simulink Iph-Id- Ish = I Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 27 Photovoltaic Panel Basic Model in Simulink Repeating sequence stair block 1000W/m2 800W/m2 600W/m2 400W/m2 200W/m2 Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 28 Photovoltaic Panel Simulink model with Tags Initial conditions Initialization Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 29 Photovoltaic Panel Simulink model with Tags Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 30 Photovoltaic Panel Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 31 Photovoltaic Panel IV characteristic curves PV characteristic curves Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 32 Photovoltaic Panel General equation : 1 2 Vak ITR s q V I R s cK I I L - I0 . e - 1 R sh 3 We always know three points : 1. Short Circuit Current: I = Isc, V=0 2. Open Circuit Voltage: I = 0, V = Voc 3. The maximum power point: I = Imp, Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction V = Vmp 33 Photovoltaic Panel Complex Mathematical Models IL : Photocurrent,. I0 : Reverse saturation current of the diode, RS: Series resistance, RP : Shunt resistance, a: A parameter curve fit Model of three parameters Rs, (Rsh ), a, (IL = Isc ) e I0. Model of four parameters Rs, (Rsh ), a, IL e I0. Model of three parameters Rs, Rsh, a, IL e I0. Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 34 Panel Fotovoltaico Model of three parameters Unknowns : Rs, (Rsh ), a, (IL = Isc ) e I0. General Equation: I0 I sc e Voc Vmp VT . ln( Rs I sc I mp I sc Voc VT ) I mp Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 35 Panel Fotovoltaico Model of four parameters Incógnitas: Rs, (Rsh ), a, IL e I0 General Equation: I = Isc y V= 0 I = 0 y V= Voc I = Impp y V= Vmpp According to Townsend Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 36 Panel Fotovoltaico Model of five parameters Vak ITR s q V I R s cK I I L - I0 . e - 1 R sh • Short circuit current : I = Isc, V = 0 • Open circuit voltage : I = 0, V = Voc • At the point of maximum power : I = Imp, V = Vmp • At the point of maximum power : dP/dVmp = 0 • In short circuit: dIsc / dV = -1/Rsh Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 37 Panel Fotovoltaico Model of five parameters Vak TI R s q V I R s cK I I L - I0 . e - 1 R sh (1) P(0 ,Isc) (2) P(Voc ,0) (3) P(Vmp ,Imp) Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 38 Panel Fotovoltaico Model of five parameters (4) dIsc / dV = -1/Rsh (5) dP/dVmp = 0 dIsc / dV = -1/Rsh Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 39 Panel Fotovoltaico Full model Vak TI R s q V I R s cK I I L - I0 . e - 1 R sh Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 40 Panel Fotovoltaico Full model Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz 41 Photovoltaic System Converter Photovoltaic Generator Inverter Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 42 Photovoltaic System Types of DC / DC converters basic Boost converter: VLoad > VModule Buck converter: VLoad < VModule Buck-Boost converter: VLoad > VModule or VLoad < VModule Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 43 Photovoltaic System Why do we need to put a converter, for example between the photovoltaic module and battery? For example. CONVERTER Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 44 Photovoltaic System Why do we need to put a converter, for example between the photovoltaic module and battery? For G = 1000 W/m2 T = 25 ºc 12 V Our efficiency is poor. We need to work near the MPP Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 45 Photovoltaic System Types of DC / DC converters basic In the case of a Boost converter in continuous driving operating mode, the relations between the input (VS and output (VO) variables are given by Equations VLoad > VModule Boost converter VS VO = 1 - Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 46 Photovoltaic System How do we do it: VS VO = 1 - With de MPPT look for VS = 1VO Photovoltaic Modelling Introduction 47