Lake of the Ozarks: Demographic Snapshot | 2012
Lake of the Ozarks: Demographic Snapshot | 2012
Central Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks: Demographic Snapshot | 2012 While it may be the natural beauty of Lake of the Ozarks that first catches your eye, a closer look will reveal a strong lakefront economy. We invite you to take a closer look at the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks for yourself. 5 Stover 52 5 ood R Cottonw h Rd 52 D 52 135 Blackberry Patc 52 d 52 Versailles T Warre Artist Dr W n Rd 5 Coon Club Rd ng Tim bers R d T m I lo R MM pala Rd als Se er i Whisp 135 Big Buffa Rd 52 W ss Ridge Dr Mo d MM Indigo Rd AA MM 52 W TT Dixie R d Rid ge Dr 135 De er T Seals Rd T tt inne R d Gr R ac h TT-1 Shadey as nd Rd als Se McC la G ol k Heights Rd ar 9 10 Dr Pan ter Pe Tr out da le Gravois Tw in B ay R Mills Red Hollow d Rd 52 s J 8 Rd Z rm Dr He Y W ppard Rd Fa d nd R Brend 7 LR 5-16 J 6 Gr W Y rm is A P 8 Rd 4 W Rd P Old Z Red Arrow o av derland Rd Won 5 Little Proctor J 54 Y Rd al Min i 68 52 Z W We 135 Ivy B e Y Rd als Se bb B la Ivy B end Rd Eldon Y AA TT e Dr Tre WW WW 5 J Webb R d Cu p W de Rd ck Elk Ln Oz d T Y Rd TT d Rd Be a slan n cC Rd M ll Rd Ha e Rd ad J Rd 67 Y Rd W i lage Mar Vil O sh Lake of th e Oz 1 5 - 36 e a c h Pkw y Da m Blv d LR LR 5-43 23 22 21 24 TT-5 18 Lak e of KK t he20Ozark s 19 TT-5H LR5-47 KK 25 Osage Beach ea ch P k w 42 y Lake of the Ozarks 134 State Park LR 1 3 LR L -7 7 rm - 92 LR 5 LR r McCubbins D Williams R d Lowell 91 5- -82 LR 5 4 1 AA LR 5 4-8 8 LR 54-8 0 Co A A E D 13 V C try un 7 0 A V LR 54-79 AA 14 lub LR 5 4-85 54 9 A Camdenton Dr 16 15 Ha Ha Tonka State Park 7 5 E 7 E y U D H 5 D w Old O A V LR Rd Macks Creek 54 Linn Creek 57 12 LR 54-81 W 8 4- Rd es Rd idg Br 5- 8 4 89 5- 5-88 J103 11 AA 5 LR 13 12 d 54-72 10 54 ll o w R A 6 9 J Ho LR g ua Arm 8 ie rair rP pe 14 11 A n 7 Up s ridge ing B ing Sw 10 Y LR i an AA NN NN 134 9 Rd llow Ho 57 O l d H wy 5 1N NN J 7 ders o n An Y 7 5-7 5 Nian a Arm gu Lit t l e 2 6 82 so er nd R5 4 4 8 5 L R 5 4- 2 LR 5-7 3 6 5 28 29 ke La Dr ns 7 J ks zar h 31 of t -3 LR 7 -64 LR 5 eO 30 Niangua 1 A 2 Sw i 7-6 L 32 5-65 42 4 F LR EE 3 27 33 5 7 - 5 -7 LR 7 R7 s -9 LR 7 7 J NN rm 2 eA aiz Gl KK LR Granger Ln LR 7 - 1 3 8 7 26 Dr 5-5 F 34 L R 5 -6 134 54 1 S winging Bridges Rd o Z D MM MM TT F 5 ge B ke 5-48 nel l Osa V all e y R d 5 LR Ba g 16 D TT-1 36 35 D Lake Ozark Com Bridmunity ge eB Os a g LR 5-33 LR 5-31 6D 5-3 15 17 ri n Deer 40 41 ks HH 13 12 Lake of the Ozarks TT La he 42 Oz ar 11 MM 37 39 ft eshoe Bend Pkwy 14 10 LR Sp 43 Z Ho rs HH 9 Sunrise Beach5-35 5-32 38 Rd LR RA 44 ove LR 5-27 45 54 Four Seasons Rd int LR 5-29 o ass P 46 47 48 gC B 51 59 50 2 8 60 49 Bagnell W arks Laurie RA 58 3 7 O d il R 52 Kaiser Rd ra ke T La Rd Wei 5 6 4 53 57 ng ing O rk Ln M ilf o 63 62 61 iver O sag e R 5 135 56 1 Cub b i n Mc 54 64 r eD i McCu b b 55 65 na Cu pT re Cu p 2 W- Tree D r 15 3 135 66 7 BB O D BB BB PO Box 1499 • Osage Beach, MO 65065 | (573) 346-3311 ext. 123 | TM Regional Economic Development Council PO Box 1570 • Lake Ozark, MO 65049 | Phone: (573) 964-1008 | FAX: (573) 964-1010 | e-mail: [email protected] Missouri Snapshot MISSOURI FACTS & FIGURES State Population (As Of 12/1/2010): 5,988,927 Missouri is the 18th Largest State in Population Gross State Product (‘10): $244 Billion (22nd Largest GDP Among States) Cost of Living (4Rd Qr’10): 8th Lowest in the Nation Per Capita Personal Income (‘10): $36,676 Median Family Income (1St Qr’10): $51,568 for Family of Two | $71,055 for Family of 4 Tax Rates (As Of 01/11): State Sales Tax, 4.225% (Prescription Drugs, 0%; Food, 1.225%) Gas Tax Per Gallon (2010): 17.3¢ State; 18.4¢ Federal = 35.7¢/Gallon Fy’ 10 Economic Impact of Travel: $11.4 Billion Fy ‘10 Sales From Tourism Related Services/Purchases: $10 Billion Fy ‘10 Missouri Hosted More Than 35.8 Million Visitors Fy’10 Missourians Employed In Tourism Industry: 281,255 Fy ‘10 State Tax Revenues Due To Travel in Missouri: $638 Million Top 10 Activities Reported By Domestic Visitors From All Markets (After Visiting Friends/Relatives & Shopping): Rural Sightseeing Historic Sites/Churches Fine Dining Zoos Museums Casino/Gaming Urban Sightseeing Musical Theartre Theme Parks State/National Parks www.MissouriEconomy.Org | | Economic Impact Of Missouri Tourism And Travel 2010 REGIONAL FACTS & FIGURES FOR LAKE OF THE OZARKS: Water Covers 54,000 Acres 95 Miles Long (Truman Dam to Bagnell Dam) 1,150 Miles of Shoreline 4 Missouri Counties: Camden, Miller, Morgan, Benton Lake Of The Ozarks Facts & Figures | Community Snapshot COUNTY POPULATION/PROJECTIONS Benton Camden Miller Morgan 2000 17,180 37,051 23,564 19,309 2010 18,364 41,644 25,086 21,033 2015 (est) 18,141 43,390 25,518 21,180 2020 (est) 19,234 48,558 26,591 22,716 %Change ‘10-’20 5% 14% 6% 7% CITY POPULATION & ESTIMATES Camden County Osage Beach Camdenton Village of Four Seasons Miller County Iberia Lake Ozark Eldon Morgan County Laurie Stover Versailles Benton County Cole Camp Lincoln Warsaw 2000 2010 %Change ‘00-’10 3662 2779 1499 4351 3718 2217 16% 25% 32% 605 1489 4895 736 1586 4567 18% 6% -7% 663 968 2565 945 1094 2482 30% 11.5% -3% 1028 1026 2074 1121 1190 2127 8% 1.4% 2.5% COUNTY DEMOGRAPHIC - SOCIAL & ECONOMIC PROFILE | POPULATION BY AGE <19 20-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65-84 85+ Median Age: Camden Co. 2000 2010 8,225 7,787 1,556 1,707 3,443 3,790 10,781 10,785 6,022 7,704 6,558 9,036 482 832 45.2 50.4 Miller Co. 2000 2010 6,881 6,773 1,320 1,380 3,060 3,086 6,598 6,522 2,333 3,236 3,087 3,311 495 577 37.1 39.2 Morgan Co. 2000 2010 4,982 5,006 811 904 1,912 1,830 5,136 5,195 2,665 3,344 3,360 4,207 425 549 42.6 46.8 Benton Co. 2000 2010 3,848 3,526 653 790 1,426 1,524 4,742 4,260 2,680 3,361 3,453 4,407 378 496 46.4 51.8 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census Population and Housing, ESRI forecasts for 2010 and 2015 Lake Of The Ozarks Facts & Figures | Community Snapshot (Continued) COUNTY DEMOGRAPHIC - POPULATION BY RACE & ETHNICITY (Race Alone Or In Combination With One Or More Other Races) Camden Co. 2000 2010 36,198 40,603 111 125 182 208 111 167 334 458 343 431 White Black Am Indian/Ak Native Asian/Pacific Isl. Hispanic Multiracial Miller Co. 2000 2010 23,093 24,534 71 75 118 125 24 50 236 276 182 256 Morgan Co. 2000 2010 18,788 20,440 97 105 116 126 19 42 154 210 175 248 Benton Co. 2000 2010 16,836 17,960 17 18 86 92 17 73 155 184 171 255 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census Population And Housing, Esri Forecasts For 2010 And 2015 COUNTY DEMOGRAPHIC- POPULATION BY HOUSING CATEGORIES - 2010 Camden Co. 2000 2010 Housing Units 33,470 38,178 Owner Occupied 38.8% 38.6% $ $ Median Home Value 106,984 141,946 Miller Co. 2000 2010 11,263 12,619 61.8% 59.1% $ $ 69,959 100,381 Morgan Co. 2000 2010 13,898 15,192 46.8% 46.4% $ $ 76,138 107,180 Benton Co. 2000 2010 12,691 14,394 48% 45.5% $ $ 66,754 99,418 COUNTY DEMOGRAPHIC - POPULATION BY INCOME INDICATORS - 2010 Total Households Median Household Income Per Capita Personal Income Average Weekly Wage (2 Qtr. 2010) nd Camden Co. 38,178 $ 45,168 $25,240 $503 Miller Co. 12,619 $ 38,028 $18,539 $494 Morgan Co. 15,192 $ 38,910 $20,362 $436 Benton Co. 14,394 $ 34,288 $19,661 $444 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census Population And Housing, Esri Forecasts For 2010 And 2015 Lake Of The Ozarks Facts & Figures | Community Snapshot (Continued) COUNTY DEMOGRAPHIC - EMPLOYERS BY TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT - 2010 Industry / Business Retail Trade Lodging & Food Service Local Government Health Care / Social Assist. Manufacturing Construction Finance / Insurance Real Estate Wholesale Trade Information Camden Co. Avg # # Of Emp Firms 3263 266 2958 177 1727 30 1145 107 843 69 845 249 462 55 354 87 318 74 267 19 Miller Co. Avg # # Of Emp Firms 1,236 120 478 43 1,382 38 394 26 535 25 549 131 196 35 68 28 160 24 75 5 Morgan Co. Avg # # Of Emp Firms 742 115 382 45 1009 21 182 23 350 27 222 83 132 26 51 16 105 21 19 5 Benton Co. Avg # # Of Emp Firms 472 50 365 47 949 22 336 25 272 14 137 52 158 23 17 10 70 15 18 5 Source: MAJOR REGIONAL EMPLOYERS Business Name Lake Regional Health Systems Premium Outlets Camdenton R-III School District Tan-Tar-A Resort Lodge of the Four Season Wal-Mart Supercenter Eldon R-I School District School of the Osage R-II District Morgan Co. R-II School District Camden County Morgan County R-II School District Keiper Delta, Inc. Hy-Vee Target Good Shepherd Nursing Home Opies, Inc. Speedline Technologies Location Osage Beach Osage Beach Camdenton Osage Beach Lake Ozark Osage Beach Eldon Lake Ozark Versailles Camdenton Versailles Eldon Osage Beach Osage Beach Versailles Eldon Camdenton Product/Service Health Care Retail Education Resort/Hotel Resort/Hotel Retail Education Education Education Government Education Manufacturing Retail Retail Health Care Transp. / Dist. Manufacturing Source: Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council # Employees 1300 800-1200 620 560 460 430 306 300 250 240 225 205 200 150 150 150 140 Regional – Economic Development Snapshot Tri-County Road Projects Planned/Completed | Camden / Miller / Morgan Counties ROUTE 242/HORSESHOE BEND PARKWAY EXTENSION The Missouri Department of Transportation has started construction on a new four-lane highway connecting Route 54 in Miller County to Lake of the Ozarks Community Bridge on Route MM in Camden County. The new roadway will connect to the existing Horseshoe Bend Parkway. The roadway project is approximately two miles long and will include a raised center median and curb and gutter drainage. An 8ft sidewalk will be constructed on the north side of the roadway. The highway is known as Route 242. Groundbreaking was on January 18, 2011 and the project was completed in December 2011. HIGHWAY 54-OSAGE BEACH EXPRESSWAY (PORTION) / OSAGE BEACH PARKWAY In 2011, the first portion of the Osage Beach Expressway project was completed. This is an 8.5 mile-long expressway that is a four-lane divided highway connecting Highway 54 to the Grand Glaize Bridge (first portion). Three new interchanges join the Expressway to Lake Ozark and Osage Beach businesses. The old Hwy 54 has been renamed Osage Beach Parkway. The cost of this Expressway is $150 million dollars of Federal and State transportation funding. The final portion of the Expressway was completed in December 2011. ROUTE 5 REALIGNMENT WITH SHARED 4-LANE ROADWAY MILLER/LACLEDE COUNTIES This entire project, from north of Route 7 near Camdenton to Greenfield Road in Lebanon is 18 miles long. This innovative highway design is a shared 4-lane that allows motorists to pass other vehicles without driving in opposing traffic lanes. The cost of realignment was $53 million in Federal and State transportation funding. The project was completed in the fall of 2010 ROUTE 5 WIDENING THROUGH SUNRISE BEACH The Sunrise Beach Route 5 Widening was a cost sharing agreement with MO DOT and the Village of Sunrise Beach. The project will widen approximately one-mile of Route 5 within the city limits with center turn lane and widened roadway shoulders. The project was completed in 2010. ROUTE 7 RESURFACING Route 7 in Camden County from Route T to Route A was resurfaced. Completed in 2010. ROUTE 5-HURRICANE DECK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT The Highway Commission approved changes in 2011-2015 Statewide Transportation Program that includes the replacement of the Hurricane Deck Bridge to accommodate two driving lanes with shoulders. The project is scheduled to start in early 2012 at an estimated cost of $30 million. Regional – Economic Development Snapshot (Continued) What’s On The Drawing Board? THE SHOPPES’ AT EAGLES LANDING The agreement between Missouri Department of Transportation and developer Gary Prewitt for the right of way and interchange between the Highway 54 Expressway and the Shoppe’s at Eagles Landing was completed and construction of new shops and stores at Eagles Landing will proceed. The first retail properties are expected to open in the Fall of 2011 with others to follow in the Spring of 2012. BAGNELL DAM STRIP REVITALIZATION PLAN The Bagnell Dam Strip Association is leading the effort to develop a solid comprehensive long-range plan for the revitalization of the historic Lake Ozark downtown. The Plan will embrace the unique location of downtown Lake Ozark and its significance of being adjacent to the dam, the lake it created and the under-developed Osage River frontage below the dam. Current residents and visitors to the lake do not have general access to the water except for land within the control of the State Parks. A key characteristic of the Plan will be to create free enhanced access to both the Lake and the River experiences together with the necessary parking spaces for the visitors. The Revitalization Plan includes Hotel facilities, water park amenities, lakeside and riverside restaurants and retail facilities, indoor/outdoor theaters, an outdoor resort, increased recreational amenities on the Osage River (rafting, canoeing, and kayaking) as will as public docks and boardwalks at the Lake. Look for new developments in 2011 on the Bagnell Dam Strip. HI-POINTE CENTER Plans for the re-development of the Hi –Pointe Center have been on the agenda for Osage Beach for several years. After a long process, the city is ready to proceed with the re-development with the addition of a major grocery store with additional retail space. Where Is Lake Of The Ozarks? In The Heart Of Missouri And The Midwest Missouri’s largest lake is an all around family vacation land in the heart of the State. Lake of the Ozarks is just a few hours away from anywhere in the Midwest. St. Louis 165 Miles Kansas City 198 Miles Springfield 100 Miles Branson 133 Miles Chicago 463 Miles Omaha 386 Miles Tulsa 278 Miles Wichita 286 Miles OK City 481 Miles Little Rock 307 Miles Within a 165-mile radius, Lake Of The Ozarks is a short driving distance to nearly all of Missouri, in addition to portions of Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois and Iowa. Nearly 7 million people reside within 150 miles of the Lake of the Ozarks. Non-Resident Property Owner Snapshot 69% of Missourians who own second homes, own them at the Lake of the Ozarks. Non-Resident Property Owners are from: St. Louis (28%); Kansas City (26%); Other In-State (15%); Out of State (31%) Source 2006: Eric Baron: Missouri CareerCenter Tourism and Visitor Snapshot LAKE OF THE OZARKS VISITOR INFORMATION 4.5 – 5 Million Visitors Annually Largest State Park in Missouri: 17,441 acres 5 Local Airports (one located in the Lake of the Ozarks State Park) DINING: Over 30 Waterfront Restaurants (including 1 fine dining waterfront Restaurant); 7 Fine Dining + Fine Dining Resort Restaurants w/Lake View; over 60 In-Land Restaurants featuring American, Italian, Mexican, Asian, Bar-B-Q, Sea Food, and diverse local favorites and national chain restaurants. SHOPPING: Largest Brand Name Factory Outlet Mall in Missouri (110 Stores) and indoor and outdoor malls, numerous specialty shops and stores featuring products such as home furnishings and décor, antiques, clothing, jewelry and specialty food products. FAMILY ACTIVITIES: 15 Golf Courses 14 City/Local Parks 30+ Marinas 3 Caves 4 Family Fun/water Parks 1 Speedway 7 Go-Kart Tracks 3 Aquatic Centers 4 Art Galleries 7 Miniature Golf Courses 3 Lake Cruise Ships/Charters 3 Wineries 2 Indoor Fun/Water Parks 1 Casino (Booneville) 1 Scenic Flight 2 State Parks 7 Museums/Shrines 3 Music Shows/Amphitheaters 2 Horseback Riding Stables Trapshooting/Indoor Shooting Range Helicopter Tours 4 Parasailing TOURISM /VISITOR SURVEY RESULTS Source: 2010 Study paid for by Tri County Lodging Association by Jerry Henry & Associates) VISITORS - PRIMARY STATE OF RESIDENTS (2010): *Sample size was too small to provide valid and accurate estimates. Missouri (24.6%); Illinois (21.9%); Kansas (7.1%); Oklahoma (3.5%); Iowa (12.5%) Nebraska (5.4%); Wisconsin (4%); Indiana (4.5%); Minnesota (3.6%) VISITORS - PRIMARY RESIDENCE CITY & STATE (2010) St. Louis, MO Kansas City, MO-KS Peoria, IL Chicago, IL 16.5% Cedar Rapids, IA 11.6% Des Moines, IA 6.3% Omaha, NE 6.3% 4.9% 4.5% 4.0% Quincy, IL Wichita, KS Davenport, IA MONTHS FOR MOST VISITORS (2010) Summer (June-August) 19% Holidays (November – December) Fall (September-October) 71% Other ( Jan.-March, Nov.- Dec.) 100k+: 13% VISITORS HOUSEHOLD INCOME (2010) 100k – 50k: 53.5% Under 50k: 33.6% 3.1% 3.1% 2.7% 6% 0% Tourism and Visitor Snapshot (Continued) VISITORS LENGTH OF STAY (2010) 4-7 Nights 2-3 Nights 43% 32% 8+ Nights 1 Night 3% 12% 10% Day Trip VISITORS ACCOMMODATIONS (2010) 22.8% Large Resort 33.6% Small Resort Condominium Motel/Hwy Hotel 18.8% Bed & Breakfast 10.8% Campground 0.2% 5% VISITORS AGE (2010) 55+ Years 35-54 Years 18-34 Years 50% 25% 18% 12-17 Years Under 12 Years 7% 10 % LAKE ACTIVITIES: POPULARITY (2010) Shopping Boating/Lake Activities Fishing State Park (both) Mini Golf Meeting/Reunion/Conv. 78% 35% 25% 20% 18% 14% Ha Ha Tonka State Park Rode Go-Carts Golf Visited a Show/Cave Special Events/Festival Big Surf Water Park 18% 16% 14% 8% 16% 4% LODGING / ACCOMMODATIONS BY NUMBER OF ROOMS Camden County: Accommodations less than 51 Units • Number of Rooms: Accommodations 51-299 Units • Number of Rooms: Accommodations 300 + Units • Number of Rooms: Total of All Rooms Miller County: Accommodations less than 51 Units • Number of Rooms: Accommodations 51-299 Units • Number of Rooms: Total of All Rooms Morgan County: Accommodations less than 51 Units • Number of Rooms: Accommodations 51-299 Units • Number of Rooms: Total of All Rooms Campgrounds *Camgrounds from Entire Tri-County Area Combined Total Of All Accommodations: 2007 1477 2807 1298 5582 2007 345 1093 1438 2007 280 92 372 2007 1499 8460 2008 1445 2814 1258 5517 2008 296 886 1182 2008 270 270 2008 1499 8468 2009 1338 2535 1258 5131 2009 284 673 957 2009 231 231 2009 1499 7818 2010 1357 2535 1258 5150 2010 176 756 934 2010 322 322 2010 1499 6406 Lake of the Ozarks offers lodging of all types; bed & breakfasts, condominiums, campgrounds* hotels, houseboats, motels, private homes, property management, and resorts. * In 2008 Campground accommodations were separated from the general listing. Source: TriCounty Lodging Association Tourism and Visitor Snapshot (Continued) TRAFFIC COUNTS 2005 12,099,209* Location: Highway 54 at the Camden and Miller County Line 2006 2007 2008 2009 12,083,136 12,130,751* 11,048,150* 11,130,079* 2010 11,433,470 Some days in the month are estimates based on avgerage daily traffic counts. COMPARISON OF TRAFFIC COUNTS BY MONTH January February March April May June 2009 723,592 728,274 903,900 919,318 1,061,773 1,060,386 2010 661,415 650,036 888,401 991,510 1,001,576 1,141,477 2011 676,316 (377,677)+ 911,659 983,325 1,075,451 1,123,037 July August September October November December 2009 1,212,102 1,091,697 954,432 902,146 808,658 746,801 2010 1,364, 380 1,085,991 1,020,084 954,557* 879,387* 794,656* 2011 1,351,801 1,113,786 1,044,873 977,592 863,468 2010* October, November, December traffic counts contain information for the counters at Miller/Camden Co. line on Hwy 54 and also new counters on the Osage Beach Expressway. 2011+ Partial count the Expressway Counter was not in operation for the entire month. Tourism – Economic Impact Snapshot SALES TAX RECEIPTS Osage Beach Lake Ozark Camdenton Eldon Versailles 2005 4467k 575k 1282k 2006 4750k 525k 1390k 831k 2007 4753k 611k 1427k 816k 2008 4535k 588k 1427k 843k 548k 2009 4254k 523k 1392k 843k 529k 2010 4204k 526k 1357k 807k 559k Osage Beach And Lake Ozark Sales Tax: 7.225% - 8.225%* | Camden And Miller CountySales Tax: 5.225% *Tif Districts May Have Additional Sales Tax Included Source: Cities Of Osage Beach, Lake Ozark And Camdenton Change 2009-2010 -1.1% .6% -2.6% n/c 5.7% Tourism – Annual Visitors (How Many?) FISHING TOURNAMENTS (2010) January-March April-June July-September October-December 2896 Estimated Boats 9723 Estimated Boats 6964 Estimated Boats 3772 Estimated Boats Tourism – Annual Visitors (How Many?) (Continued) MAJOR EVENT ATTENDANCE Event Date 2010-2011 Attendance (Est.) Eagle Days January 9-10,2011 3,500 MardiGras Pub Crawl February 12, 2011 6,100 Home & Garden Expo February 19-20, 2011 2,750 St Patrick’s Parade March 12, 2011 Products & Services Show March 19-20, 2011 61st Annual Dogwood Festival April 15-18, 2011 14th Annual Spring Harbor Hop May 7, 2011 Street Meet National (1,000+ cars registered) April 29-May 1, 2011 12,000-14,000 Canine Cannonball-Dock Dogs June 10-12, 2011 8,500-10,000 4th Annual AquaPalooza July 16, 2011 1,100 Boats 18th Annual Missouri Wine & Brew Festival August 6, 2011 500 Hot Summer Nights (w/Concert) August 13, 2011 2,000 Lake of the Ozarks Shootout August 26-30, 2011 80,000 5th Annual Bikefest September 15-18, 2011 26,000 Lake of the Ozarks Airshow September 24, 2011 5,000 24th Eldon Turkey Festival September 24, 2011 18,000 32nd Annual Old Tyme Apple Festival October 1, 2011 30,000 26th Annual Fall Harbor Hop October 8, 2011 2,000 5,000 (131 Floats) 5,700 10,000 + 1,500 Environment – Lake Of The Ozarks GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY The Lake of the Ozarks is nestled predominantly in the hilly, forested terrain of Midwest Missouri. Even though the landscape can vary from steeply, sloping wooded hills and narrow, stony valleys to gently rolling, prairie-like uplands, the diversity of the Lake of the Ozarks topography offers a scenic panorama and a range of recreational opportunities. CLIMATE Water Temp Air Temp Day Air Temp Night Inches of Rain Inches of Snow JAN 39.2 43.7 22.1 1.82 5.1 FEB 38.1 46.6 23.4 1.79 5.6 MAR 41.1 55.6 32.0 3.06 5.0 APR 53.9 67.6 43.5 3.67 0.6 MAY 67.5 77.1 52.6 4.69 -0- JUNE 78.6 86.2 62.6 4.54 -0- JULY 83.6 91.8 65.9 2.40 -0- AUG 83.9 90.5 64.7 3.58 -0- SEPT 77.4 83.1 55.8 4.23 -0- OCT 69.2 73.2 45.9 2.89 -0- NOV 57.0 56.8 33.4 2.27 2.0 DEC 47.5 46.3 25.6 1.88 4.1