Fiscal Year 2002 Business Performance and Fiscal Year 2003
Fiscal Year 2002 Business Performance and Fiscal Year 2003
Fiscal Year 2002 Business Performance and Fiscal Year 2003 Earnings Outlook May 14, 2003 Forward-looking statements are provided as a reference for investors. They are based on projections and estimates and should not be construed as an assurance or guarantee of future performance. When using this information, please keep in mind that final results may vary. ■Direct any inquiries to the Public Relations Team (E-mail:[email protected]) 1. Fiscal 2002 Business Results <Market <Market Highlights Highlights > > •Toy market: Strong performance from BANDAI character products •Video game market: -Dull sales in the Japanese market owing market saturation for PlayStation 2 hardware -Insufficient number of Xbox software titles •Video DVD market: Expansion of the DVD Video market Prior Prior Year Year Results Results Period ending Sales Consolidated Ordinary income Net income Sales Non-consolidated Ordinary income Net income (Million yen) 2002/3 140,889 1,518 735 89,867 1,360 723 −1− 2003/3 Growth (%) 122,516 -13.0% 1,380 -9.1% 767 4.3% 39,442 -56.1% 363 -73.3% 307 -57.5% 1.Fiscal 2002 Business Results Prior PriorYear YearSales Salesby byProduct Product(Consolidated) (Consolidated) (100 million yen, %) 2003/3 Period ending Business Toys Childcare goods Video Games Amusement Videos Others Total Component ratio 520 27 343 55 260 20 1,225 −2− 42.4 2.2 28.0 4.5 21.2 1.6 100.0 Growth (%) 27.1 -6.9 -49.0 0.0 15.6 11.1 -13.0 1.Fiscal 2002 Business Results Profit Profit and and Loss: Loss: Business Business Groups Groups and and Major Major Subsidiaries Subsidiaries (Million yen) M ultimedia Business Group Digital Entertainment Business Group Growth (%) Sales Ordinary Income 25,819 376 -41.5% -0.4% Happinet JP Corporation Growth (%) 8,100 -57.1% △ 44 − Happinet Pictures Corporation Growth (%) Sales Ordinary Income 61,767 472 87.4% 77.4% Amusement Business Group Growth (%) 25,539 386 9.2% 9.3% Growth (%) 5,522 187 -0.8% 15.8% Happinet Logistics Service Corporation Happinet Robin Corporation Growth (%) 5,535 37.9% 169 − Growth (%) 2,736 84 (百万円) 17.4% 211.1% Note 1: •On October 1, 2001 Happinet’s toy operations were split off and transferred to a wholly owned subsidiary, Happinet JP Corporation. •On March 1, 2002 Toyokuni Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Happinet Group since October 1, 2001, was merged with Happinet JP Corporation. •On March 1, 2002 the operations of Matsui Sakae Toys Co., Ltd. were transferred to Happinet JP Corporation. −3− 1.Fiscal 2002 Business Results <Change <Changein inConsolidated ConsolidatedBusiness BusinessResults Results& &Projection> Projection> Bar chart:Sales Gross profit Selling, general and administrative expenses Projected Period ending Items Net Sales Gross p rofit Ordinary income Selling, general and administrative exp enses Personnel costs Dep reciation and amortization Loss on disp osal of p rop erty and equip ment / Loss on devaluation of other investments Ordinary Income (Million yen) 2000/3 2001/3 2002/3 2003/3 2004/3 100,823 10,827 2,087 8,913 3,540 307 126,670 12,835 2,091 10,967 4,470 398 140,889 13,784 1,518 12,538 4,651 493 122,516 14,976 1,380 13,797 5,010 564 127,000 15,540 1,500 14,210 4,692 498 1,773 2,123 1,895 1,801 1,377 −4− Projected 2. Issues to Be Addressed Clarification of Weighted Allocation of Management Resources ●Business ●Businesstargeted targetedfor forexpansion expansionand anddevelopment development ●Business ●Businessand andfunction functiontargeted targetedfor forgreater greaterefficiency efficiency Video Game Business Logistics function and andrationalization rationalization ●Business ●Businesstargeted targetedfor fornurturing nurturingwith withaaview viewtotothe thefuture future Video Business −5− Toy Business 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Toy ToySales SalesPerformance Performance Period ending 2003/3 Manufacturer Com position ratio Growth (%) BANDAI 365 70.2 13.0 Other manufacturers 155 29.8 80.2 Total 520 100.0 27.1 ・Strong ・Strongperformance performancefrom fromBANDAI BANDAIcharacter characterproducts productsfor for boys boysand andhobby hobbyproducts productsfor forgirls. girls. ・Growth ・Growthininsales salesof ofproducts productsfrom fromother othermanufacturers, manufacturers, notably notablyTOMY. TOMY.and andTakara Takara ・・Expansion Expansionof ofnew newsales saleschannels. channels. −6− 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Purchase and Share Targets by Manufacturer Fiscal 2002 actual purchases Fiscal 2003 target purchases TOMY Takara Sega Toys Taiyo Toy Agatsuma Sales target of ¥18,000 million for manufacturers outside the BANDAI Group Toho 120% of prior year results Nikko LEGO People COMBI −7− 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Enhancement of the Vendor Function with a Focus on Seven-Eleven Japam. Toy Toymanufacturer manufacturer Toy Toymanufacturer manufacturer Toy Toymanufacturer manufacturer Toy Toymanufacturer manufacturer Toy Toymanufacturer manufacturer Happinet HappinetJP JPCorporation Corporation Logistics outsourcing Sales contract Seven-Eleven Japan Joint delivery Stock information center −8− Real-time sales information Purchase order receipt 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Creation of New Demand Distribution Channel Innovation Promote the creation of customer demand by Creating Vendors creating new products and establishing toy (Implemented March 2002) sections in stores. Comprehensive proposal for establishing a toy section •Differentiation through original products, event planning, advance sales, etc. •Improved stock control through direct trading •Introduction of new product categories (Contribute to increased sales by offering character bath products in the toy section.) •Greater efficiency •Rapid introduction of national brands −9− •Faster information exchange 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Enhancement of the Vendor Function with a Focus on Seven-Eleven Japan Convenience Store Division Sales target of ¥10,000 million / 120% of prior year −10− 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Forging Ahead with New Sales Channel Development CD・HOBBY Camera and Home Appliance Channel Target Increase sales from ¥708 million to ¥1,000 million ZAKKA ●■▲Home Appliance Store Department Store Channel Target Increase sales from ¥0 million to between ¥700 million and ¥1,000 million New Business Target Increase sales from ¥748 million to¥1,000 million −11− 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Upgrade and Expansion of Original and OEM Products Businesses <Successful products from fiscal 2002 > • Joint project with BANDAI Products to assist specialty stores “ Masked Rider Ryuki EX Series,” “Souchaku Henshin Series” in competitive differentiation Joint project with TOMY “ZOIDS Battle Series” Joint project for this year with Aoshima Bunka Kyozai Plastic Model Thunderbird Series April 2003 series launch timed to coincide with broadcasts on the NHK educational channel −12− 3. Business Targeted for Expansion and Development — Toy Business Current CurrentYear YearProjections Projections (hundred million yen) 2004/3(Projected) 2003/3 Bandai Group Other Manufacturers Total 365 155 520 390 182 572 Growth % 9.9% 17.4% 10.0% (hundred million yen) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2003/3 2004/3Projected −13− Bandai Group Other Manufacturers 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business •Slump •Slumpin inthe thevideo videogame gamemarket market •Market •Marketsaturation saturationof ofPlayStation PlayStation22 hardware hardware •Insufficient •Insufficientnumber numberof ofXbox Xboxtitles titles Key tasks are achieving greater efficiency and suitability of customer services −14− 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Changes Changes in in the the Video Video Game Game (New (New Title) Title) Market Market (Happinet (Happinet Estimate) Estimate) 6000 5500 5600 4800 5000 4000 3700 (Hundred million yen) 4600 3400 3300 3000 3300 Hardware 2000 1000 0 Software 1800 2000 2200 2001 1500 2002 −15− 1300 2003(Estimate) 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Market Share by Platform (Happinet Estimate) 6% 1% 23% 11% 63% Estimated Happinet market share 2% Fiscal 2002 market share by platform −16− 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Integration of the Multimedia Business Group and Digital Entertainment Business Group Attaining Greater Efficiency and Enhancement (Suitability) of Customer Services in the Video Game Business Determine high-priority customers and focus investment of resources Involvement in new sales mechanisms not restricted to wholesale Elimination of waste, inconsistency, and overextension — review of sales practices Research and introduction of new marketplaces to enhance stock flow. −17− 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Elimination of Waste, Inconsistency, and Overextension — Review of Sales Practices Sales PlayStation 2 PlayStation Xbox Game Cube Game Boy Advanced Assign a single representative to each customer company. Issue comprehensive proposals tailored to respond to store issues or customer needs. Operations Marketing ●Strengthen sales, sales promotion, advertising, and Integrate business information gathering processes according to capabilities by platform. the sales structure. Eliminate duplication ● Strengthen Happinet original of business processes. comprehensive sales promotions and market data gathering and analysis activities. WonderSwan Increase business process efficiency. Increase the quality of business proposal activities. −18− 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Research and Introduction into New Marketplaces to Enhance Stock Flow Retail store Delivery Intranet-based stock disclosure network Purchase Order Stock available for immediate shipment Happinet inventory Delivery Stock Information Disclosure Company Headquarters and Retail Stores Inventory available to meet customer orders −19− Manufacturer inventory 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Review of the Xbox Business Profit Structure Review of distribution fees: Avoid risks associated with changes in sales volumes. Review of selling costs: Establish stratified service levels. Strive for suitable service levels. −20− 4. Business Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Video Game Business Video Video Game Game Software Software Distributed Distributed by by Happinet Happinet Fiscal 2002 Hit Titles Title Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby FINAL FANTAGY X-2 World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 Dynasty Warriors 3 Tales of Destiny 2 Dynasty Warriors 2 Mario Party 4 Super Mario Sunshin Kirby's Dreamland Deluxe Manufacturer Platform Pokemon Pokemon Square Konami Koei Namco Koei Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo GBA GBA PS2 PS2 PS2 PS2 PS2 GC GC GBA −21− Sales Volume Happinet Group ( 10,000 Units) Distribution Situation 210 205 184 109 102 83 78 76 69 65 Happinet JP only Happinet JP only 6% Not distributed 7% 8% 7% Happinet JP only Happinet JP only Happinet JP only 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business ・Expansion ・Expansionof ofthe theDVD DVDsoftware softwaremarket market ・Distribution ・Distributionof ofmajor majortitles titles Sales Salesincrease increase Reduce Reducethe therelative relativesales salesshare shareof oforiginal originaltitles titles Expansion of market share in the Video DVD market The key task is to increase profits through structural reform. −22− 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business Video Software Sales and Happinet’s Market Share Five-Year Period from 1999 to 2003 3400 3248 [100 million yen} DVD Video-CD LD Video-Cassette 2940 2744 3000 2475 2500 2000 2002 1500 DVD software accounts for 60.7% of the market overall 270 1000 255 Happinet Pictures ACTUAL SALES 500 (4.5%) (7.9%) 220 129.9% of prior year 186 111 1999 2000 2001 2002 −23− 2003 (Forecast) 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business Expand Manufacturer Activities Projected Figures for Fiscal 2003 Achieve sales of ¥6,000 million and markup of ¥1,600 million Sales Markup Markup % Production 4,600 million yen 1,240 million yen 27 % Own Titles 1,400 million yen 360 million yen 26 % −24− 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video DVD Business Expansion of Theater Titles and Animation Titles Attain sales of of 1,500 1,500 million million from ten main titles. Genre Main 10 Titles 1 D*N*ANGEL Animation 2 Animation 4 Full Metal Panic 2 CHICAGO Maburaho 5 GA.RA.KU.TA ~MR.STAIN ON JUNK ALLEY~ 6 Far from Heaven Western Movie 7 Chemical 51 Western Movie 8 Nowhere in Africa Western Movie 9 Geroppa 3 10 Western Movie Animation Animation Japanese Movie dinnerrush Western Movie −25− ■ Key Happinet ■ ■Key Happinet Theater Theater Title Title Titles Titles■ February Mar ch Apr il May Jun e July Chicago Blockbuster film showing at Marunouchi Prazer and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Saturday, April 19 (260 theaters) Winner of six Academy Awards, the most of any picture at the 75th Academy Awards Ceremony!! Chemical 51 Showing at Toho Cinemas and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Saturday, February 1 (100 theatres) Nowhere in Africa Rabbit-Proof Fence Showing at Cineswitch Ginza and other firstrun theaters nationwide beginning in early summer(30 theaters) Winner of the Academy Award for the best foreign language film at 75th Academy Awards Ceremony!! Showing at Cineswitch Ginza and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Saturday, February 1 (30 theaters) Au Plus Pres Du Paradis Laissez-Passer Showing at Ginza Cine La Sept and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Saturday, March 8 (30 theaters) Showing at Hibiya Chanter and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Golden Week (30 theaters) Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Showing at Shibuya Cine Amuse and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning Saturday, March 8 (30 theaters) Far from Heaven Millennium Mambo Showing at Shibuya Cinema Society and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning April (10 theaters) −26− Showing at Shibuya Cinema Rise and other first-run theaters nationwide beginning in early summer (100 theaters) Nominated for an Academy Award for best actress! 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business Aggressively Making use of Group Assets Increase sales of back titles, primarily by means of special price campaigns. Achieve sales of ¥400 million. Conduct campaigns in July, November, and February Strengthen program sales and Internet rights sales. Appoint a dedicated representative and achieve sales of ¥100 million. −27− 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business Results Results of of Prior Prior Year Year Initiatives Initiatives and and Current Current Year Year Plans Plans Prior Prior year year initiative: initiative: Expand Expand average average sales sales per per title title for for original original titles titles and and exclusive exclusive titles titles by by acquiring acquiring major major titles. titles. No. of Titles 2002/3 759 No. of Titles 2003/3 2004/3Projection 505 450 Sales (million yen) 3,443 Sales (million yen) 5,000 6,000 Contribution to Sales per title (million yen) total HPC sales (%) 4.5 14.7% Sales per title Contribution to (million yen) total HPC sales(%) 9.9 19.6% 13.3 22.2% ※HPC=HAPPINET PICTURES −28− 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video DVD Business Investment Investment in in Theater Theater Titles Titles (million yen) Genre 2003/3 Western Movies Japanese Movies Animation 29 6 18 Investment 771 93 258 2004/3 (Projected) Western Moives Japanese Movies Animation 26 8 22 670 130 700 No. of Projects Expected Sales 2,000 200 2,200 2,400 400 2,800 Movies in Which Happinet Pictures Invested Capture Academy Awards!! CHICAGO Winner of six Academy Awards, the most of any picture at the 75th Academy Awards Ceremony!! Box-office revenues of ¥2,100 million as of May 12, 2003 (23 days) Showing at about 270 theaters Moving over to 100 theaters on June 7 Nowhere in Africa Winner of the Academy Award for the best foreign language film at the 75th Academy Awards Ceremony!! First run scheduled for summer. −29− 5. Business Targeted for Development for Future Gains— Video Business Major Major Title Title Sales Sales Results Results and and Forecast Forecast Fiscal 2002 Major Titles Sales Results Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Star Wars Episode 2/Attack of the Clones Spirited Away Kate & Leopold ¥450 million ¥400 million ¥300 million ¥140 million Expected Contribution Ratio of Major Titles Sales Scheduled for Release in Fiscal 2003 Harry Potte r and the Chambe r of Se cre ts Matrix 2 Minority Re port −30− 10% 15% 18% 6. Function Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Logistics Function The logistics environment ・Greater profit orientation on the part of logistics companies due to the prolonged recession ・Environmental protection measures such as the 90 km restriction, diesel engine vehicle restriction Costs are showing an upward trend + Situation at Happinet ・Smaller lots and higher service level The key task is to reduce logistics costs. −31− 6. Function Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Logistics Function Changes in Logistics Costs Warehousing Freight Total % of profit (million yen) Fiscal 2000 1,037 1,755 2,792 2.2% Fiscal 2001 1,738 1,793 3,531 2.5% One-time costs in connection with operation of the Happinet Logistics center and the Happinet Pictures warehouse move were ¥400 million. 【Breakdown 【Breakdownofoflogistics logisticscost costincrease:】 increase:】 ■Center ■Centerfees feespaid paidtotothe thedistribution distributioncenter ¥500 center ¥500million million Fiscal 2002 2,160 2,118 4,278 3.5% Costreductions reductionsdue duetoto Cost operationofofthe theHappinet Happinet operation Logisticscenter centeramount amounttoto Logistics ¥200million. million. ¥200 Attributable Attributabletotoincrease increaseininbusiness businesstransactions transactions ■Freight ■Freightand andpacking packingcosts costs ¥200 ¥200million million ■Category ■CategoryMix Mix ¥500 ¥500million million Attributable Attributabletotoan anincrease increaseininthe thenumber numberofofpackages packages Change Changeininsale salecomposition compositionratio ratio(attributable (attributabletotoan anincrease increaseinintoys) toys) ■ ■Increase Increaseininthe theoutsourced outsourcedportion portion ¥120 ¥120million million −32− Connected Connectedtotooperation operationofofthe thenew newcenter center 6. Function Targeted for Greater Efficiency and Rationalization — Logistics Function Future FutureMeasures Measuresto toAchieve AchieveLow-Cost Low-CostOperations Operations ◆Establishment ◆EstablishmentofofaaLogistics LogisticsInnovation InnovationDepartment Department in inHappinet HappinetLogistics LogisticsService Service ・Cooperate ・Cooperatewith withthe thesales salesunits unitsand andpromote promotecost costreductions reductions A A cost reduction of Acost costreduction reductionof of ¥¥¥300 300 (0.23% of 300 million million million(0.23% (0.23% of (0.23%of of sales) sales) compared to the sales) compared to the sales)compared comparedto tothe the previous previous year isis planned previous year planned previousyear yearis isplanned planned for for fiscal 2003. for fiscal 2003. forfiscal fiscal2003. 2003. ◆Effective ◆Effectiveuse useofofLogistics LogisticsCenter CenterEast East ・Maximum ・Maximumeffective effectiveuse useofofadvanced advancedservice servicefunctions functions Review Reviewofofcategories categorieshandled, handled,etc. etc. ・Early ・Earlyrecovery recoveryofofinvestment investmentby bymeans meansofofvolume volumeincreases increases ◆ ◆Logistics Logisticsoutsourcing outsourcing ・Cost ・Costreductions reductionsby bymeans meansofofshared shareduse useofoffacilities facilities ・Promotion ・Promotionofoflogistics logisticsoutsourcing outsourcingby bymeans meansofofactive activeuse useofofinformation informationand and logistics logisticssystems systems ・Prior year This ・Prior year Sales Salesshare shareofofabout about7% 7% Thisyear year Target Targetofof10% 10% −33− 7. Projected Business Performance for Fiscal 2003 (million yen) Closing date Fiscal 2003 plan 127,000 1,500 870 Sales Consolidated Ordinary Income Net Income 37,000 580 380 Sales Non-Consolidated Ordinary Income Net Income Projected Sales by Product (100 million、%) Period ending Fiscal 2003 Plan Business Toys Childcare Goods Video Games Amusement Videos Others Total Component Ratio 572 30 320 60 275 13 1,270 −34− 45.0 2.4 25.2 4.7 21.7 1.0 100.0 Year on Year 110.0 111.1 93.3 109.1 105.8 65.0 103.7