health! - Melabic
health! - Melabic
for your HEALTH! Discover what Mother Nature Intended for you! 2 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior ritten permission of the author. Juice for your Health! 3 DISCLAIMER The statements made about products and services have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or healthcare specialist regarding the suggestions and recommendations made in this book. Except as specifically stated in this book, neither th author or publisher, nor any authors, contributors, or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this book. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages; loss of data, income or profit; loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. It needs to be understood that this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare practitioner, such as your physician. Before you begin any healthcare program, or change your lifestyle in any way, it is advised that you consult your physician or other licensed healthcare practitioner to ensure that you are in good health and that the examples contained in this book will not harm you. This book provides content related to topics physical and/or mental health issues. As such, use of this book implies your acceptance of this disclaimer. Juice for your Health! 4 When you follow a healthy eating regimen, a diet that is rich in nutrition, paralleled with a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent many diseases, even reverse a condition. When we are stressed, when we abuse our bodies by addiction, expose ourselves to environmental pollution and fail to nourish it with the right foods, the cells in our body start to deteriorate. This is when the unpleasant degenerative diseases start to show up. To be healthy we have to maintain seven pillars of health, as they have been called: - nutrition, water, exercise, stress management, relaxation, positive motivation & laughter. Good health begins with what we put in our mouths. The food that you eat is just one part of a much bigger picture for maintaining optimum health, but it does play a critical role. The closer food is to its natural state, the higher its nutritional value to benefit your body. The life nutrients in foods are what give life to the body. The trillions of living cells in your body need life giving foods to survive and keep you in good health. Good health means everything in your body is functioning normally, such your weight, digestive health or hair growth. Without good health, what else is there? If you follow a healthy eating regimen with a diet rich in nutritious vegetables and fruits, coupled with lifestyle changes include good nutrition, water, regular exercise, stress management, relaxation, positive motivation and laughter you can prevent many diseases, and even reverse a degenerative medical condition. The best way to get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables is by juicing. The juicing formula will help return your body to a vibrant state of excellent health in a relatively short period of time. It would also keep you in physical, mental and emotional shape, filled with energy for the rest of your life, provided you continue to follow the simple life enhancing changes embedded in the seven pillars of healthy living. Juice for your Health! 5 Why Juicing? Ø Juices are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are easily assimilated within fifteen minutes of drinking. The juice is quickly distributed throughout the body to build, heal, repair and restore optimum health. Ø Juices cleanse your blood, which is your lifeline. Clean blood loaded with nutrients will ensure a healthy, long life. Ø Juicing helps to predigest food so that it can be easily absorbed by the body. Ø Juicing removes indigestible fiber. If you eat a carrot, you may only get 1% of the betacarotene, but if you juice, you will assimilate 100% of the important betacarotene. Ø Juicing allows you to get more of the nutrients your body needs, since it’s unlikely you can eat several pounds of fruits and vegetables daily. Ø Fresh juices are a tremendous source of enzymes. Enzymes are your body’s workforce that facilitates digestion, absorption, conversion of food into body tissue, and production of energy at the cellular level. Ø Store brand juice is pasteurized (heated to kill germs). Pasteurization also kills the beneficial natural enzymes found in fruits and vegetables. Additionally, water, corn syrup, sweetener and preservatives are added to these juices, thereby diminishing their nutritional value. Ø Vegetable and fruit juices detoxify by acting like a l cells out of your body and dissolves plaque buildup. at flushes dead Ø Vegetable and fruit juicing helps to reduced cholesterol, dissolves clogged arteries, reduces the risk of heart attack, reduces blood pressure, dissolves kidney stones, cleanses liver, prevents cancers, increases energy and provides many other health benefits. Eating natural foods by juicing is a nutritious way to get the whole food, pure and fresh, into our bodies. Mothers Natures Natural Juice is a “cure all,” a potent healer that will rid your body of toxins, normalize all bodily functions and return you to your true state of perfect health. To stay healthy, be conscious of your lifestyle. Juice for your Health! 6 Diabetes Diabetes occurs when the body fails to produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert carbohydrates or starches, sugars and other foods into energy. This is a failure to regulate blood sugars. This condition is caused by the pancreas producing an insufficient amount of insulin, which leads to a rise in blood sugar levels. is known as type 1 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the cell receptors do not open properly to allow the flow of blood sugar into the cells for energ production. This again leads to an increase of blood sugar levels. Poor diet, obesity, lack of exercise, stress and in some cases age are causes and triggers that precipitate the development of diabetes. In most cases, it all starts with diet. Diabetes is primarily caused by: 1.) A diet that is consistently high in carbohydrates 2.) Nutritional deficiencies When you eat, your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar (glucose), which then enters your bloodstream. The more carbohydrates you eat, the higher your blood sugar levels. Your pancreas produces the insulin hormone whose job is to push the blood sugar into the Cells need sugar to produce energy that powers your body. On the surface of the cells in your body are insulin receptors that act like little doors or doormen that open and close to regulate the inflow of blood sugar. When you stay on a high carbohydrate diet, your body produces too much insulin that overwhelms your cells. This causes the receptors or little doors to malfunction and shut down. The body reacts by producing more insulin to push the glucose into the cells even as the resist the onslaught. This creates a condition known as insulin resistance. Juice for your Health! 7 Insulin is the master hormone of your metabolic system, which processes food and converts it into energy. Consistently high insulin levels compromise your health and lead to: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø high cholesterol vitamin & mineral deficiencies heart disease hardening of the arteries high blood pressure Ø kidney disease Ø weight gain Ø & a host of complications other medical The consequences of excess insulin is a depletion of essential minerals and vitamins such as chromium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, B complex vitamins, vitamin E, C and essential fatty acids. Once again if you give your body the right fuel and the right nutrients, it will respond positively and keep you healthy all the time. Diabetes like other medical conditions is a preventable disease. Juice for your Health! 8 Health • • • • • • • • A Vibrant healthy lifestyle Exercise Fruits and vegetables Juicing Pain free, Positive motivation in Life purposeful living Rejuvenating your body Disease • • • • • • • • • • • Cancer Diabetes Digestive disorder Drugs Heart Attack High blood pressure Hospitalization Lab test MRI Stroke Surgery Mother Natures Gifts! Amazing Vegetables & Their Gift of Benefits… Natural vegetables are loaded with most vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients as well as enzymes that work wonders for the body. Their chlorophyll helps to sweep out environmental toxins in the body such as heavy metals and pesticides which protects the liver from damage. One of the benefits of vegetables is nitrate, which researchers believe is the key ingredient in lowering blood pressure. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attack, fights cancer and provides other health benefits for the body. Juice for your Health! 9 Kale While greens in general are good for us, Kale is a potent nutritional powerhouse that stands out among other vegetables. Kale is loaded with a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Health Benefits Ø Kale is one of the best sources of betacarotene, a major player in the battle against cancer, heart disease, and certain agerelated chronic diseases. Ø Kale provides important nutrients such as carotenoids: lutein and zeaxathin that prevent UV rays from damaging the eyes and causing cataracts. Ø Kale is an excellent source of wellabsorbed calcium, which helps to prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone density. Ø Kale provides folic acid, vitamin B6, antioxidant, Vitamin E, manganese, chlorophyll, and potassium, all very helpful in lowering blood pressure, fighting cancer and heart disease. Ø Kale provides vitamin C, which is the primary watersoluble antioxidant in the body that disarms free radicals and prevents damage to cells. Ø Kale is very rich in fiber. Fiber has been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels thus helping to prevent atherosclerosis. Fiber can kee sugar levels under control, a benefit to people with diabetes. Ø Kale's fiber binds to cancercausing chemicals, keeping them away from the cells lining the colon, thereby offering protection from colon cancer. Ø Kale provides manganese that strengthens your body's o system thereby protecting cells from free radicals damage. se Ø It’s foliate and B6 vitamin team up to keep homocysteine levels down, which may help prevent heart disease, dementia, and osteoporosis bone fractures. Ø Kale is rich in nitrate which relaxes your blood vessels, enabling free circulation that reduces your blood pressure. Ø Kale’s sulforaphane phytonutrients helps to boost the body’s detoxification enzymes. This also triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer causing chemicals. A study in the Journal of Nutrition (2004) demonstrates that sulforaphane helps to stop breast cancer cell proliferation. Juice for your Health! 10 Collard Greens Collard greens are loaded with disease fighting betacarotene and offers significant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and fiber. fat fighters, collard greens play the same role as most vegetables, providing few calories but filling stomachs with fiber and furnishing nutrients the body needs. Health Benefits Ø Collard greens contribute an important nondairy source of calcium that's absorbed almost as well as the calcium found in dairy products. That's beneficial for those affected with osteoporosis, as calcium is one of many important factors crucial to maintaining healthy bones. Ø Collards are an excellent source of vitamin A, mostly in the form of betacarotene, which has been shown to help protect against cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and other diseases of aging through its antioxidant properties. Ø Collard greens is a good source of vitamins B6, B1, B2, E, C, A, fiber and several minerals, including iron, niacin, zinc, copper, calcium, carotenes, chlorophyll, and manganese. Ø Collard greens are a very good source of potassium and magnesium, two minerals that have both been shown to reduce high blood pressure, and ultimately cardiovascular disease. Ø Collard greens are rich in phytonutrients such as sulforaphane that triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancercausing chemicals. Ø Collard greens supports your immune system with two of its nutrientsvitamin A and zinc. Ø Collards ease the symptoms of menopause and protect mental function as you age. Juice for your Health! 11 Spinach Spinach is a nutrition superstar, with twice as much fiber as other greens. It's also loaded with vitamins and minerals that are not found in other vegetables. Like other dark greens, spinach is an excellent source of betacarotene, a powerful disease fighting antioxidant that's been shown to fights heart disease, cancer, and reduces the risk of developing cataracts. Health benefits Ø Spinach contains chorine and inositol, the substances that help to prevent atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries, a risk factor for heart attack. Ø Spinach helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetic patients Ø Spinach is loaded with flavonoid that works as antioxidant and anticancer agent. Ø Spinach also contains carotenoids that help to fight cancer. Ø Spinach is a rich source of Vitamins C and A. Ø Spinach is an antiaging vegetable. Ø Spinach is a good source of Vitamin K, which aids in the formation of substance required for blood clotting . Spinach is helpful in treating the following conditions: • Anemia • Bronchitis • Constipation • Dyspepsia (chronic indigestion) • Neuritis (inflammation of nerves) • Colon cancer • Nerve exhaustion • Prostate cancer • Tumors • Breast cancer • Insomnia • Osteoporosis • Obesity • Spinach helps in healing of kidneys, bladder and liver diseases. • High blood pressure Juice for your Health! 12 CARROTS The carrot is a complete nutritious vegetable that pro our body with essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, K, biotin, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins C, D, E, G, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, protein and calories. Health Benefits Ø Raw carrots contain beta carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer, cell degeneration, and also slow down the ageing process. Ø Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk. Ø Carrot can help improve healthy skin, hair, bones, eyesight and will also cleanse the body. Ø When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, a risk factor of heart disease. Ø Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infect s and is beneficial to the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys). Ø Carrot can help increase menstrual flow. Ø Carrots can regulate blood sugar. Ø Carrot can promote colon health due to its high fiber content. Carrot is also helpful in the following conditions: • Obesity • Alzheimer's disease • Poisoning of the blood • Colitis • Gum disease • Ulcer • Insomnia • Painful urination • Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder Juice for your Health! 13 CUCUMBER Cucumber is a nutritious food that has natural salts, enzymes, C, and caffeic acid. These nutrients are essential for strong cell growth, and repairs. Cucumber also soothes skin irritations and reduces swelling. Cucumbers' hard skin is rich in fiber and contains a variety of beneficial minerals including silica, potassium and magnesium. It’s also a natural source of fresh, powerful antioxidant. The alkalinity cucumber with its water base is good for detoxification and helps to balance an acidic internal environment. Health Benefits Ø Cucumber is nature’s best diuretic, secreting and promoting the flow of urine and detoxification. Ø Helps in kidney and urinary bladder diseases. Ø Cucumber juice is nourishing and rejuvenating for our skin and hair. Ø Cucumber is low in calories, making it the perfect food for dieters. Ø It helps to relief Liver and Pancreatic diseases. Ø Cucumber has a high potassium content that helps to reduce high pressure. blood Ø Cucumber contains erepsin, the enzyme that helps to digest protein. Ø The high silicon and sulphur content of cucumber promotes hair growth, especially when added with carrot, lettuce and spinach juices. Ø Cucumber mixed with carrot juice relieves rheumatic il eliminate excessive uric acid from the body. ss as it helps to Ø Cucumber juice is helpful for teeth, and gums diseases. Ø The high mineral content of this vegetable helps to prevent splitting fingers and toe nails. Ø Cucumber combined with radish and bitter gourd provides relief to diabetics. Juice for your Health! 14 Amazing Herbs & Their Gift of Benefits PARSLEY Parsley is a nutritious and tasteful healing food loaded with nutrients. Although parsley is known for its flavor in foods, it full of minerals and vitamins. It contains more vitamin C than any other standard culinary vegetable, with 166mg per 100g (4oz). Parsley contains three times as much vitamin C compared to an orange. The iron content is exceptionally high with 5.5mg per100g (4oz). Parsley is a good source of manganese (2.7mg per 100g) and calcium (245mg per 100g). It is also exceptionally high in potassium, with one whole gram of potassium in 100g (4oz). Health Benefits Ø Raw parsley juice cleanses the blood. Ø Parsley is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients that protects cells from free radical damage. Ø Parsley dissolves sticky deposits in veins, and maintains elasticity of blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and reduc h blood pressure. Ø Parsley is a good source of folic acid, another vitamin that helps to reduce cancer risk and atherosclerosis. Ø Parsley supports healthy immune system with its high vitamin C content and can help to prevent colds, ear infections, treats deafness, and has an antiinflammatory substance for pain. Ø Parsley facilitates removal of moderately sized kidney and gallstones. Ø Chewing parsley prevents bad breath. Juice for your Health! 15 GINGER Ginger has been widely used for many centuries to heal a variety of illnesses. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is to calm upset stomachs, soothe nausea and stop diarrhea. In Europe, is used to help relieve menstrual cramps, treat the symptoms of the common cold and ease headaches. One of the newest reports of the health benefits of ginger is that it may stop cancer cells from growing and spreading. Health Benefits Ø Danish researchers found that ginger can block the eff s of prostaglandin, a substance that cause inflammation of the blood vessel that leads to migraines. Ø Many women claim that ginger tea helps rid them of menstrual cramps. Ø Ginger is a natural decongestant and antihistamine that heals respiratory infections and is a natural treatment for head colds and flu. Ø Ginger has anti inflammatory properties that can lessen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Ø Ginger’s chemical oils—gingerols and shogaols—are the sources of its spicy, pungent taste. These oils stimulate the body to produc more digestive juices and help to neutralize the stomach acids that cause cramping, nausea, diarrhea and stomach gas. Ø Ginger also stimulates digestion by helping to speed up food transit through the stomach and intestines, providing relief from bloating, pressure, and slow digestion. Ø Ginger has a positive effect on the circulatory system as it makes the platelets less sticky thereby improving blood flow and reducing high blood pressure. Ø As a mood enhancer, ginger's cineole content may help contribute to stress relief, especially when taken as ginger tea with honey. Ø Researchers have discovered that ginger is as effective on blood clots as aspirin. Ø Ginger helps to relieve headache. Ø Ginger is helpful in fighting harmful intestinal bacteria like staphylococcus and E. coli, and also encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus. Juice for your Health! 16 GARLIC Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal healing plants. It’s a proven broad spectrum natural antibiotic that combats bacterial and viral infections. While garlic gives you bad breath because of its sulfur compounds, it is one of the healthiest foods you should have in your diet. erbalist considers garlic a cure all, a miracle wonder drug that is capable of treating every ailment because of its antibiotic and blood cleansing properties. Health Benefits Ø Garlic can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London reviewed data on cholesterol in 1993, and found that after just four weeks there was a 12 per cent reduction in cholesterol levels in the research groups that had taken garlic. Ø Garlic can reduce dangerous blood clotting; and lower chances of cancers (especially stomach cancer). Ø Garlic offers protection from strokes and heart disease. Garlic contains multiple compounds and antioxidants including organ sulfur compounds, diallyl sulfides, and allicin, the chemical that gives garlic its pungent ta smell. According to researchers, it's the allicin that is the magic ingredient responsible for garlic's therapeutic qualities. Ø Garlic is a good cold and flu medicine, and acts as a decongestant, expectorant, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory agent. Ø Garlic has anti-diarrheal, estrogenic, and diuretic activity and appears to lift mood. Ø Garlic is a powerful antibiotic that will kill stomach and intestinal bacteria, parasites and viruses. Juice for your Health! 17 CAYENNE HOT PEPPER Cayenne is a powerful medicinal and nutritional herb considered by many Herbalists, Natural Healers, and Naturopaths as the best, purest and most effective stimulant at the top of all herbs. It is the top carrier and catalyst used in herbal combinations because it helps to multiply the power of all other herbs. It helps by speeding up the delivery of nutrients throughout the body. It provides a high amount of Vitamins A, C, has complete B vitamin complex. Pepper protects the heart with its ri nutrients and is very rich in organic calcium and potassium. Cayenne’s efits are derived from the active ingredient capsaicin which is the sour of its heat. Herbalist uses cayenne pepper as a “First Aid” remedy for heart attack. “In 35 years of practice, and working with people and I have never, on house calls, lost one heart attack patient. reason is, whenever I go in, if they are still breathing, I pour n them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water). Usually, within minutes, they are up and around.” Dr. John Raymond Christopher, Medical Herbalist. Health Benefits Ø Capsaicin reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and platelet thickness (blood clot) making them less “sticky.” Ø Capsaicin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that helps to relieve pain when applied topically. Ø Cayenne helps lower blood pressure by increasing blood circulation. Ø Cayenne pepper fights cancer. Ø Cayenne’s capsaicin has potent antibacterial propertie ight and prevent chronic sinus infections, or sinusitis, colds and fevers. It works by warming the body, which in turn stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory passages. Ø Cayenne contains vitamins that increase the proper functioning of the immune system to destroy bacteria and viruses. Ø Cayenne stimulates digestion and muscle movement in the intestines. This helps to restore deficient digestive secretions and aids absorption of nutrients from food. Juice for your Health! 18 Ø The stomach uses capsaicin to increase production of hydrochloric acid which is necessary for good digestion. Stomach acid tends to de ine with age, and some cases of poor digestion are related to a lack of this acid. Ø Capsaicin increases metabolic activity which burns fat and helps in weight loss. Ø Cayenne pepper contains powerful flavonoid that heals and protects the heart cells from damage. “There’s no other herb that increases your blood flow than cayenne. There are none that work faster; none that work better. There is no other herb stronger or more effective than cayenne to make immediate physiological and metabolic changes in the body." Dr. Richard Schulze, Medical Herbalist Juice for your Health! 19 Amazing Fruits & Their Gift of Benefits PAPAYA (pawpaw) Papaya is a tropical fruit rich in vitamins C, B, antioxidant, fiber, and phytonutrients such as carotenes, flavonoid, foliate, tothenic acid, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer. The fruit is also a rich source of the proteolytic enz the chemicals that enables the digestion of protein. Papain is the most important enzymes in papaya. It’s usually extracted, dried and blended into powder for use as a digestive aid. Fresh juiced papaya is potent and provides the most health benefits. Health Benefits Ø Papaya contains the digestive enzyme Papain that is helpful for digestion. Ø Ripe papaya is easily digested and helps to prevent constipation. Ø Studies have shown that this fruit when taken alone for 3 days has a beneficial tonic effect in the stomach and intestines. Ø Papaya juice helps to relieve colon infections and breaks down pus and mucus. Ø Papaya’s fiber helps to keep cancer causing toxins in the colon away from healthy colon cells. Ø Papaya’s foliate; vitamin A, C, E, betacarotene, and anticancer properties have been linked with reduced risk of colon cancer. Ø Papaya prevents nausea from both morning and motion sickness when taken with pineapple juice. Ø Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, and prevent the formation of urinary stones. Ø The seeds when blended or chew, mixed with honey can be used to expelled worms and other intestinal parasites. Ø Papaya is a good meat tenderizer that makes food easier to cook and better to digest in the stomach. Juice for your Health! 20 APPLES You’ve heard the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This is not an old wives’ tale, but a medical fact according to the latest research. Apple is a nutritious power fruit that contains vitamins, flavonoid, insoluble and soluble fiber that helps to lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and cancer. Health Benefits Ø Drinking fresh apple juice, 3 times a day prevents viruses from settling in the body. Ø Apple juice and its fiber help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Ø Apple contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood. Ø Fresh apple juice has one of the highest concentration to eliminate free radicals and prevent DNA damage in cells. ioxidant that helps Ø Apple’s fructose combined with fiber helps to keep blood sugar levels stable, thus reducing the risk for diabetes. Ø Apples cleanse teeth and strengthen gums. Ø Apples inhibit the growth of liver and colon cancer ce s, as well as protect against breast and lung cancer. Ø Apple detoxifies the body and has antiviral properties. Ø Apple aids digestion of food and prevents constipation. Ø Apples help in treatment of anemia with its rich iron content. Ø One large apple supplies almost 30% of the minimum amount of fiber that should be consumed daily. Ø Eating apples daily will assist in the healing of gout and rheumatism. Ø Eating two apples a day will reduce your cholesterol levels up to 10%. Ø Eating apples before meals relieves stomach pains and disorders. s digestive Juice for your Health! 21 PEARS Pears are delicious fruits related to the apple. Fresh pears are a natural quick source of energy due largely to the high amounts of its monosaccharide’s fructose and glucose as well as carbohydrate. Pears are an excellent source of water soluble fiber. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folic acid, niacin, copper, phosphorus, and potassium. Pears have no sodium, contain no cholesterol, saturated natural lowcal alternative to sugary soft drinks. and are sweet Health Benefits Ø Pear has copper and vitamin C antioxidant nutrients that protect cells in the body from oxygen related damage from free radicals. Ø Pear is rich in fiber that helps to prevent constipation and ensure regular bowel movement. Ø Pear’s antioxidant and anticarcinogen glutathione helps to prevent high blood pressure and stroke. Ø Pear contain high amount of boron, a nutrient that helps the body to retain calcium, thereby preventing osteoporosis. Ø Pear is an immune booster and also helps to fight cold nd reduce fevers. Ø Pear’s fiber also binds to cancer causing chemicals in the colon, preventing them from damaging colon cells. Ø Pear’s fiber has been shown in a number of studies to lower high cholesterol. Ø Pear is very helpful to reduce cardiovascular risk. Juice for your Health! 22 MANGO Mango is a delicious tropical fruit that contains a soothing digestive enzyme similar to papain found in papaya. The mango enzymes such as magneferin, katechol oxidase, and lactase are very helpful in stimulating metabolism and purifying the intestinal tract. Ripe mangos hold the highest levels of beta carotene, while green mangos are higher in Vitamin C. These antioxidant carotenoids are known for their protective power against certain cancers. Health Benefits Ø Mangoes contain phenols. Phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. Ø Mangos are a quick source of energy to replenish the body after physical activity. Ø Mango is high in potassium that is helpful in reducing high blood pressure. Ø Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin. Ø Mango helps to reduce high acidity in the body and improve poor digestion. Ø Mango is high in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates. Ø Mango is a rich source of vitamin A (betacarotene), E, and selenium which helps to protect against heart disease and other ailments. Mango is also beneficial for people suffering from the following ailments: • Bacterial Infections • Diarrhea • Dysentery • Eye Disorders • Hair Loss • Heat Stroke • Liver Disorders • Menstrual Disorders • Morning Sickness • Scurvy • Sinusitis • Spleen Enlargement • Vaginitis • Kidney problems including nephritis • Fever • Respiratory problems • Constipation Juice for your Health! 23 PINEAPPLE Pineapple is another tropical wonder fruit loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper, fiber and manganese. Pineapple is for its bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the stem and core of the fruit that is used as a digestive aid. In addition to other components, bromelain contains protein digesting enzymes such as cysteine proteinases. As a dietary supplement, bromelain is also helpful in cases of inflammation, coagulation of the blood, and certain ty tumor growth. Health Benefits Ø Pineapple provides antioxidant and immune support with its high vitamin C content, which protect against free radicals that damage our cells. Ø Pineapple provides manganese and thiamin (Vitamin B1) for energy production and has anti-inflammatory properties in cases of bronchitis and arthritis. Ø Pineapple’s bromelain is a potent digestive aid and he lief constipation. Ø Pineapple relieves catarrh secretions from mucous membranes. Ø Pineapple helps in reducing High Blood pressure. Ø Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms. Ø Fresh pineapple juice relieves infections of the throat, regulates the gland responsible for goiter disease (Enlargement of the thyroid gland). Ø Pineapple prevents nausea commonly known as morning and motion sickness. Juice for your Health! 24 Digestion The foundation for good health and recovery from diseases depends on the proper functioning of our digestive system. The purpose of digestion is to break down and absorb the nutrients from the food that we eat in order to sustain life. Our digestive system plays the most important role in mental, emotional and physical health, as it is through the digestive system that the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, glands, organs, muscles every other part of the human body are fed. The digestive system was designed to change the food that we eat into a liquid form. This liquid is then absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream to deliver the nutrients to the approximately 100 trillion living cells in the body that support life and health. However, a digestive disorder caused by improper diet, is a serious problem affecting many people. The National Digestive Information Clearinghouse states that: • A staggering 60 to 70 million Americans suffer from various digestive disorders. • 30 to 50 million suffer from lactose intolerance. • About 60 million people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux diseases. The list for digestive diseases is long and the common culprit is the consumption of the chemically processed foods that are lacking in digestive enzymes and fiber. This is very difficult for most people to understand. If you continue to eat dead food devoid of live giving nutrients, you are essentially malnourishing the living cells that make up your body. Dead food depletes the natural occurring enzymes your digestive system needs to properly digest food for absorption into your body. Fruits and vegetables and other raw food supplies what your system needs to optimally. No amount of drugs will correct improper diet and give you good health. You must eat the right foods, and at the very least, add a regiment of fruits and vegetables to supplement inadequate diet. Juice for your Health! 25 Poor Digestion When our digestive system is unable to absorb the nutrients from the food that we eat due to lack of digestive enzymes, we develop gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pains, cramps and gastritis. These illnesses set the stage for other diseases, some of which could be terminal. A contributing factor to these conditions is a diet of processed foods and fats devoid of living foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These living foods contain the natural occurring enzymes that assist in digestion and also provide the fiber necessary for proper waste elimination from the colon. Poor diet of dead food places a heavy burden on the organs that produce enzymes such as the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. When these organs are malnourished, they take energy away from cells that would have been used for body repairs and healing. As we age, the body production of enzymes and the stomach’s hydrochloric acid diminish thereby affecting our ability to properly digest food. Raw food such as vegetables and fruits in their juice support the body’s organs responsible for the production of enzymes. They also enhance the efficiency of metabolic enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in all cells to facilitate detoxification and energy production. In order to stay healthy, we must get the right nutrients with enzymes into the body from living foods. You can’t get that from white bread, white rice, cookies, pasta, pizza, processed cheese, sodas or drugs. Juice for your Health! 26 Digestive Enzymes To get all the benefits of the good foods that we eat, they must be properly digested and absorbed by the body. Digestive enzymes are essential to break down the food for absorption. These enzymes break down the chemical bond of the food into a liquid form to be readily absorbed by the body. Most of the enzymes are produced in the pancreases and release into the digestive tract. The body produces enzymes according to the food we eat. The major digestive enzymes are Protease, Amylase, Lipase, and Cellulase. Protease enzyme is used to digest proteins such as meat, nuts, eggs, and cheese. It is further divided into the following: • • • • • • • Pepsin breaks down proteins into peptides Peptidase breaks down small peptide proteins to amino acids Trypsin, derived from animal pancreas, breaks down proteins Alpha chemotropism, an animalderived enzyme, breaks down proteins Bromelain, derived from pineapple, breaks down many proteins Papain, derived from papaya, breaks down small and large proteins Amylase enzyme is used to break down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars found in foods such as potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and most snacks. It’s also broken down into: • Lactase, which breaks down lactose (milk sugars) • Diastase, which digests vegetable starch • Sucrase, which digests complex sugars and starches • Maltase, digests disaccharides to monosaccharide’s (ma s) • Ivertase, breaks down sucrose (table sugar) • Glucoamylase, breaks down starch to glucose • Alphaglycosidase, helps with digestion of beans, legumes, seeds, roots, soy products, & underground stems • Lipase enzyme breaks down fats found in most dairy products, nuts, oils & meat • Cellulase breaks down cellulose, and plant fiber Juice for your Health! 27 While digestion begins in the mouth with chewing that releases saliva, certain foods are digested in different parts of the digestive tract. For example, meat is digested in the stomach, while fats are mostly digested in the small intestines, and carbohydrate such as potato, is digested from the mouth through to the stomach. While the foods we eat are predigested in the mouth and stomach, all digestion is completed in the small intestines. It is from there that the food is absorbed into the bloodstream where these important life sustaining nutrients are distributed throughout the body. If the process malfunction’s due to improper diet and poor digestion, we starve our cells and develop illnesses. The best sources of digestive enzymes are from fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products Probiotics Digestion is also aided with the presence of microorganism in our digestive track. Our digestive tract contains billions of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms commonly called probiotics. The word “probiotics” comes from the Greek word pro and biota, meaning “For Life”. They can be found naturally in foods such as yogurt, fermented and unfermented organic milk, fresh natural juices and soy drinks. There is a growing body of scientific evidence pointing to possible treatment and prevention of some illnesses with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live beneficial bacteria. researchers estimate that about 100 trillion of these microorganis representing more than 500 different species inhabit every normal healthy bowel. These microorganisms also known as micro flora are generally helpful to the body. However there are also billions of bad bacteria in our gut. When the bad bacteria such as E.coli, straph, yeast, Candida predominate the good bacteria, that creates an unhealthy environment that can cause or prolong diseases. Most herbalists believe that death begins in the colon. Some researchers believe most medical diseases can be trace to sluggish elimination from the colon caused by bacterial imbalances. They believe that if the colon is not Juice for your Health! 28 efficiently eliminating waste matter, other organs such as the kidney and liver become inefficient as well. Waste matter buildup in the colon creates a cesspool that increases the proliferation of germs and parasites that wreck havoc in the body. Additionally, some healers believed that Antibiotics (Against life) kills the good and bad bacteria in the gut. If you have ever taken antibiotics in the past, your internal flora may be deficient of the good bacteria. That can cause digestive disorders resulting in heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation, IBS, stomach pains, cramps and other ailments. Replenishing the good bacteria with a good probiotics will help the GI tract and especially the colon to do it garbage disposal duties efficiently. An internal cleanse is therefore the first step that must be done to clean out t waste matter before putting in good nutrients. Benefits of Probiotics Ø They keep pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in check. Ø Probiotics’ active culture produces lactase enzymes that helps people who are lactose intolerant, and those suffering from intestina ction to be able to tolerate yogurt and milk products. Ø They aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Ø Probiotics improve nutrient production of B vitamins, cium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and transports minerals across the intestinal tract. Ø Probiotics speed up intestinal transit time of food, thereby eliminating constipation. Ø Probiotics is helpful in cases of acute diarrhea and rotavirus. Ø Some strain of probioticsacidophilus, promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon and reduces the conversion of cancer causing substances such as bile into carcinogens. Juice for your Health! 29 Detoxing: Getting a Fresh Start To give your body a healthy fresh start, you will need to detoxify and remove the toxins impacting your health. What is detoxification? Detoxification is an internal cleansing process through juicing, diet and herbs that will loosen and remove toxic build up in your body. This is necessary because waste matter may have built up in your gut for many years if you have not been cleansing yourself regularly. The purpose of this cleanse is to dislodge fecal matter build up over the years in your colon, plus it will also help the liver, kidney and other organs to cleanse and detoxify your body to get rid of toxins, parasites, yeast, Candida and a host of bad bacterial in your gut. Alternatively, you may also consider natural castor oil laxative or other colon cleanse products found in your health food store. In most cases, you may experience an immediate benefit after an internal leanse. After the cleanse, you will need to repopulate your intestinal flora with probiotics before getting into the exciting step of juicing. Juice for your Health! 30 Juicing, Step by Step… Selecting a Juicer Before you get into juicing, you need to ask yourself the following questions: Ø What can be juiced with the juicer? Some juicers are good for leafy vegetables, but not fruits. Buy a juicer that will easily juice bo and vegetables. Ø Getting the maximum amount of juice extracted. The more juice you get from the vegetables and fruit, the more you will save money and prevent waste. Ø Ease of Use and Cleaning. A juicer that is easy to use and clean will enhance a positive juicing experience, making it more likely to juice often. Ø Warranty. A long warranty generally indicates that the juicer is built to last and thus provides assurance of its quality and protects your investment. Ø Motor Size. The larger the motor, the less likely the juicer will get bogged down and "burn out." This is also an indication of the juicer's manufacturing quality and durability. Ø Motor Speed/RPM. Juicers with lower RPM (Revolutions per Minute) do not oxidize the juice as much compared to those with higher RPM. Less oxidize juice keeps the juice fresh for a longer period with the active life enzymes intact. Additionally, motors with high RPM are generally noisier. Juice for your Health! 31 Types of Juicers If you are new to juicing, then you need to review the following information to determine the type of juicer that will work for you. There are many varieties on the market and you can find a variety of at Walmart, Target, Walgreens, Macy’s, JC Penney, and other stores. You can review types of juicers online to find the one that fit your lifestyle and budget. There are three main categories of juicers: Centrifugal, Masticating, and Triturating or Twin Gear juicers. These various types juicers used different methods in extracting and separating the juice from the pulp. Centrifugal Juicer—Automatic Ejection Type With the Centrifugal juicer, the fruit or vegetable is fed into the chute, and it is ground with the fiber being pushed through the strainer by spinning at a very high RPM. In the final step, the pulp is separated from the juice, and deposited into a canister at the back of the juicer while the juice comes out at the front. This method usually yields a little more volume of juice. This type of juicer has a faster motor and is generally easier to operate and clean than the standard centrifugal juicer. There is rarely a need to stop and clean out the juicer until the juicing session is complete. Ideal for a family or someone juicing larger quantities of fruits and vegetables. There are centrifugal ejection juicers with larger, three inch diameter feeding chutes. This cuts down on the preparation time because you do not need to cut the produce into small pieces. Some of these wide mouthed juicers can juice several whole carrots or an apple at one time. These types of juicers are not recommended for wheatgrass juicing. These juicers are good for immediate consumption of the juice due to the high RPM that add more oxygen to the juice during the juicing process. Oxygen tends to diminish the juice contents. Juicers to consider: • Omega 1000 & 4000 Juicer • Juice man II • Jack LaLanne’s • Juicers with larger Feed Chute: Breville Elite, Jack LaLanne’s, Breville 95XL and Warring Pro 450 Juice for your Health! 32 Masticating Juicer The Masticating machine operates at a slower speed. It chews the fibers and breaks up the cells of vegetables and fruits to extract the juice. It uses an auger with blades (teeth) to grind and then squeeze the juice. This gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. It is more versatile than the centrifugal juicers because in addition to extracting juices, the unit homogenizes making baby foods, sauces, nut butters, banana ice creams and fruit desserts. This juicer is heavier than most juicers and generally considered to be less attractive than conventional juicers. The juice from these juicers retains more nutrients and can be stored for a longer period compared to the centrifugal juicers. Juicers to consider: • • • Champion Household Omega 8005 Champion Commercial Juicers Twin Gear Juicer This type of juicer uses intermeshing stainless steel twin gears to squeeze and press fruits and vegetables. The Triturating (twin gear) machine, which turns at a slower rate less than 200 pm, has a two step process. The first step crushes the fruits or vegetables, while the second step presses the fiber to extract the juice. This produces juice with more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. These juicers also have magnetic and bioceramic technology that slows down the oxidation process. The twin gear juicer will juice all fruits and vegetables including wheatgrass and leafy greens, make pasta shapes, nut butters and frozen fruit desserts. These juicers are larger and heavier than other juicers. Juicing time is longer with twin gear juicers due to the slower juicing process. Juicers to consider: • • Green star 3000 Twin Health Juicer (Marathon) Juice for your Health! The Juicing Cocktail “When you don't feel well, stop eating and go to juices. Juices are like a blood transfusion. A glass of fruit and vegetable juice takes very little digestion, if any. It goes right into your body. We look at juices in the same way a doctor would look at an I.V, It’s something that can go right into your bloodstream and provide immediate benefit.” Herbalist Dr. Richard After you have reviewed the type of juicers and selected which one will work for you, you are now ready for juicing. However, you have been eating an improper diet of processed foods containing lots of calories that are devoid of essential nutrients, your body will initially react negatively to the introduction of this healthier vegetable and fruit juice blend. To help your body deal with this, there is a gradual introductory juice cocktail to get your body used to this before going into the full juice blend. It is important to note that fruits and vegetables are blended separately, and essential oil is added to the vegetable juice to increase absorption. It’s possible you may not tolerate certain fruits and vegetables or certain combinations, but just be patient and slowly retrain your body to accept this rich nutrient food. As you go through the introductory stages, your body’s reaction will let you know. Negative side effects simply means your body does not like what you are eating, or it may not like of the components of what you are ingesting, whether its food or drugs. This case, it may also mean that it is getting too many good nutrients that the body is not used to. 34 Getting Started It is recommend you start out with some easy to digest vegetables before graduating to the super juice blend. This is to help your body get used to juicing and the potent nutrition it provides. You may progress from day to day or take several days on each step. Listen to your body. Once you are used to it, you can go on to the next step. If you don’t have the vegetable or it’s out of season, then use what you have available. Start juicing by following these recommended steps: Step 1: Start with • Celery • Cucumbers Step 2: Add these vegetables • Spinach • Red leaf lettuce • Green Leaf lettuce • Romaine lettuce Step 3: Add these to steps 1& 2. If you can’t tolerate cabbage, skip to step 4. • Cabbage • Chinese Cabbage Step 4: Now you are ready to spice up and sweeten your juice. Use half or a small clove of garlic, one small cayenne, and a small piece of ginger. • Parsley • Garlic • Ginger • Cayenne • Carrots Step 5: Finally, add the more bitter and stronger vegetables. • Kale • Collard greens Juice for your Health! 35 During the time you are working on the vegetables, you can start juicing apples, pears, and pineapples. Juice one fruit at a time and after several days on the program you can mix them by adding a different each time until you have all three fruits combined. After you have successfully completed these initial steps, you are now ready for the Juice blend. It may take several days or weeks to get your body used to this dense nutrition. Some may develop gas, stomach upset, body odor and bad breath, while others may have normal reactions. Unpleasant reactions are good signs of detoxification it means that the program is working. If these conditions are severe, you'll need to reduce the dosage to give your body time to adjust. You may add or subtract certain fruits or vegetables if you had a negative reaction to their addition to the juice blend. If you are unable to drink the vegetable juice due to its taste, add the fruit juice to it. Juice for your Health! 36 The Super Vegetable Juice Blend The vegetable and fruits are always blended in measured proportions to produce a powerful combination of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. This juice will help your body to deto y, provide rich nutrients that balances all bodily functions to keep you healthy. Get the fruits and vegetables from health food store or local farms. Make sure they are organically grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals. Juice at least a pint at a time. This will last you at least 3 days in good condition stored in the refrigerator. However if you juice for a family, then the quantity will be much larger. Here is the all important process: To start, prepare all the ingredients in the right quantity ready to juice. Put the ingredients in the juicer following the order below. Ø Juice 4 stocks of kale 4 leaves of collard green (a handful of spinach can substitute with collard greens) Ø A handful or stack of parsley Ø Put a clove of garlic, one cayenne pepper and Ø A 3inch piece of ginger in juicer Ø half of a cucumber to the mix, and then juice. Ø (You can add more garlic, cayenne and ginger if your prefer) Ø Juice a quarter slice of papaya Ø Finally juice 46 sticks of carrots You can reduce the quantity if juicing for one person or for immediate consumption. Your miracle juice cocktail is now ready. Add a teaspoon of olive oil or fish oil to the juice and mix. Taste it to make sure there is a kick to it. You have just made a potent nutritious food that will work wonders in your body. It’s advisable not to keep the juice expose to oxygen for too long. Fill up your container to the top, seal and refrigerate. Make you have enough left over juice to drink right away. Juice for your Health! 37 To ensure proper absorption, swish the juice in your mouth several times to stimulate saliva before you swallow. You may start with two ounces in the morning or evening, and gradually increase the dosage or maintain the same quantity. When you drink this juice, you may not feel hungry for a while because the juice is loaded with dense nutrition providing all the nutrients the body needs. As your body adjusts to this super food, you may drink more of it during the day. You may not like the taste at first, but you will eventually get used to it. If taste is a problem, make the fruit juice blend and drink two ounces or half a cup following the vegetable juice. Additionally, you may add the fruit cocktail to the vegetable juice. This vegetable juice blend is the full strength to combat high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart diseases, cancer, digestive disorder and a host of other life threatening illnesses. Ginger and garlic produces a strong taste and odor. If that is socially unacceptable, use a brea freshener or take it at night. If you are taking this juice to maintain your health and prevent future illness, then you can omit the ginger and garlic every o week or reduce the amount of each herb. You must always have the cayenne pepper in the juice even in smaller quantity. Juice for your Health! 38 --Ricepes for Diabetic-These foods have an insulin-like action and should be included in a diabetic's diet regularly, varying them in the diet as much as possible: Ø Asparagus, avocados, bittermelon, black pepper, Brussel sprouts, carrots, cinnamon, cucumbers, fennel, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, guava, parsnips, raw green vegetables, onions, leeks, sweet potatoes, tomato, winter squash, yams. Carrot Cucumber Tomato Even though carrots are sweet, it is also a good blood sugar regulator. Combine cucumber and tomato, which help reduce sugar in urine. This juice tastes good. Ø Juice one medium-sized carrot, half a medium-sized cucumber and two medium-sized ripe tomatoes. Juice yield is about 250ml (using a gear juicer). Carrot Green Apple Spinach Celery Carrots are good blood regulator and also helps eye problems in diabetics. Juice with a green apple (not red) that helps bring down sugar level. Combine with spinach for the powerful synergistic healing potential. Add celery for its good sodium and minerals, at the same time enhancing the taste. Ø Use one medium-sized carrot and green apple, a bunch of spinach and two ribs of celery. Guava Bitter Gourd Guava has very high content of vitamin C that is neces y for diabetics. If you can stand the bitterness, bitter gourd/melon is highly beneficial in lowering sugar level in the blood and urine. Check the bitter gourd page on how to lessen the bitterness. Ø De-seed and juice one medium-sized guava and half of a large bitter gourd (large ones are less bitter) Juice for your Health! 39 Sometimes you may add your own fruits or vegetables, but make sure that you don’t add too much acidic fruits such as oranges and blueberries. This vegetable and fruit blend is alkaline and very beneficial in maintaining the body’s ph balance. What to do with the pulp? The pulp from juicing is fiber. With the carrot fiber you can create a delicious salad. To do this, save the carrot pulp in a container, mix it with organic raisins and honey, and add a small amount of the carrot juice. The apple pulp can be used to make apple pie with the of a small amount of the apple juice. You can also add the vegetable pulp to salads. Amazing Benefits As you continue to drink this juice, you will start noticing changes in your life. More energy, better sleep, less stress, positive outlook on life, weight loss, normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, better digestion, good blood circulation, stronger immune system, normal bowel function, and all your bodily functions will start to respond positively and adjust to this new you. This change coming from the cellular level deep within you is profound and will add years to your life and life to your years. Juice for your Health! 40 Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Staying healthy is not a onetime quick fix. While you are on this natural program to maintain good health, you should make wise choices along with exercise, managing stress, relaxation and positive motivation. Proper Diet Eat a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber in the correct proportions. Restrictive diets that emphasize one food group over the other are unhealthy d cause other health problems over a long period of time. That is why most diet programs failed because the body eventually rebels against the active diet and people often gain back the weight they lost. A proper diet should also maintain the body’s acid/alkaline balance. Acid/Alkaline Foods and PH Balance Foods are generally classified by their metabolic process as either acid or alkaline. Alkaline are soluble salts and acids are corrosive agents. A balanced diet should contain about 40% of acid forming foods and 60% of alkaline foods. A 35% to 65% of acid/alkaline food ratio is also acceptable. Acid and alkaline is commonly known as the pH Balance. PH stands for “potential” of “Hydrogen.” It is the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. If there are more ions, the solution is acidic, while fewer ions means the solution is alkaline. The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity on a scale of zero to fourteen. A reading of zero indicates that the solution is very acidic, while fourteen is highly alkaline and seven is the middle or neutral position. The most critical pH balance is in the blood. The pH of blood is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. The bo y must maintain this blood alkalinity level all the time because minor variations are dangerous. If the blood pH lowers to 6.95 (barely over the line of the acid side), a coma and death can occur. Convulsions can occur if the pH concentration in the blood changes from 7.4 to 7.7. Juice for your Health! 41 All natural foods contain both acid and alkaline forming elements. Some foods produce more acidic residue, while others produces more alkaline. New scientific research shows that it is not the organic matter of foods which leave acid or alkaline residues in the body, but rather the inorganic matter such as potassium, sulphur, sodium phosphorus, and calcium. These minerals determine the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids. An ideal condition in the body is to maintain equilibrium between acid and alkaline levels. However a healthy state is to have more alkaline than acidity in the body. You can have your doctor do a blood test to determine your pH level. You may also buy a test kit from the health food store and do your own test at home. Do it yourself testing should be done over a three day period to get an average pH level. The results may vary due to recent eating habits. Different parts of the body maintain their own pH levels such as: saliva is between 6 to 7.4, urine is between 6 to 6.5, stomach juice is 1.5, and blood is 7.4. An unequal pH level can lead to ACIDOSIS, which is a general unbalance condition of blood pH that is the root cause of diseases as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, tumors and many more diseases. Alkalinity stimulates nerve action while acidic condition does not. Cold showers make the blood more alkaline, while hot showers make the blood acidic. One who has a balanced condition can think, act and make good decisions unlike someone whose pH is out of balance. A balanced food plan is necessary to maintain the blood pH balance, although it takes time to establish equilibrium in the body. If the blood develops a more acidic condition, then the all knowing divine body removes and deposits the excess acidic matter somewhere in the body in order to maintain an alkaline condition. When this goes on for sometime, some cells in the acidic areas die and turn into acids while other cells adapt that acidic environment and become abnormal cells commonly known as malignant cells. Malignant cells do not respond to our brain commands nor work with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow rapidly without any control and eventually lead to cancer and ther diseases. Here again, the food connection to health. Juice for your Health! 42 Alkaline Foods Not all of the alkaline foods are listed here, but this list gives you a fair representation: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • acidophilus yogurt agar alfalfa almonds apple & fresh apple cider artichokes globe avocado bamboo shoots bean snap Beans beet blackberries broccoli Brussels sprouts cabbage cantaloupe carrot cauliflower cayenne pepper celery cherries chestnuts chicory • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • chives coconut milk collards fresh cucumbers dandelion greens dates dried peach eggplant endive escarole figs fresh apricot fresh horseradish fresh pineapple garlic ginger root gooseberry grapefruit guava kale kelp leek lemon and peel lettuce lime • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • loganberry mango melons mushroom okra parsley persimmon plum pomegranate potatoes with skin prune raisins raspberries raw unprocessed milk ripe banana sour grapes spinach sprouted beans String beans sweet corn Swiss chard whey Juice for your Health! 43 Acid Foods • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • alcohol all meat, fowl, fish and seafood. all processed flour artichoke root asparagus barley blueberries bread buckwheat butter caffeine cashews coffee cranberry juice & concentrate cream custards dried beans • • • • • • • • • • • • • • dried coconut dry corn and products dry lentil dry peas egg yolk filbert fruit jellies (jams canned, sculptured, sugared, dried) grain margarine &lard millet oatmeal pasteurized milk products peanuts pecans • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • plums damson preserved ginger processed honey raw beet rice rye grain sorghum soy bread soy noodles spaghetti & other pasta sugar cane sweet grapes tobacco tofu fries walnut (English) waterchestnuts wheat grain Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates are obtained in the form of starch found in foods such as rice, yams, potato, spaghetti, grains, bread, cereals, vegetables. Our digestive system turns all this starch into another carbohydrate called glucose. Glucose is then distributed through the bloodstream to our cells to be use as energy. The best sources of good nutritious carbohydrates are whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans. Bad carbohydrates like processed white bread, white rice, white floor, pastries, sugared sodas, and other processed foods may contribute to weight gain, I summary, carbohydrates are converted into glucose that provides the energy needed to grow and move the body. Ø If you eat too much carbohydrates, the body will convert the excess unused energy into fat, and you will gain weight Ø If you eat fewer carbohydrates, you will have low energy and will feel tired Ø The biggest user of glucose in your body is the brain. Juice for your Health! 44 Proteins Proteins are large molecules that our digestive system converts from the food we eat into amino acids. Our cells reconvert these amino acids back to proteins to be use as a source of energy to make enzymes that power many chemical reactions. Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. Protein forms the structural material of bodily tissues. The main function of proteins is to build, maintain, and replace damage tissues in your body as well as the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood. Your muscles, organs, and some hormones are mostly made up of proteins. Sources of proteins are white poultry meat or chicken, eggs, fish and seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, pork tenderloin, soy, and lean beef. However, the best animal protein choices are fish and poultry. There are also good vegetable sources of proteins such as beans, nuts, and whole grains. They also have the added benefit of providing fiber, vitamins and minerals. In summary proteins are important for growth and repair of the body. Ø If you eat too much protein, the body will convert the excess glucose in the liver into fat. Ø Fat will raise your cholesterol and make you gain weight. Ø Too much protein makes the kidneys work harder to remove the nitrogen waste from the body. Too much work and frequent urination can cause kidney diseases. Ø Excess protein can cause loss of calcium in the bones through frequent urination. This can lead to osteoporosis (thinning of the bones). Ø If you eat less protein, the body’s ability to grow and replace cells will be hindered, and wounds will not heal properly. Juice for your Health! 45 Fat Fat is a nutrient that provides a concentrated source of energy and also assist the body to utilize vitamins. It supplies energy and makes it possible for other nutrients to do their jobs. Saturated fat comes from animal products such as fatty cuts of meat; poultry with the skin, whole milk dairy products (cheese, sour cream, ice cream, and butter) Plant based saturated fat comes from coconut oil and milk, palm oil, palm kernel, and cocoa butter. Diets high in saturated fats are a major cause of obesity and high cholesterol, two risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. Unsaturated fat are found in vegetable oils such as canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, as well as nuts, olives, avocados, and fatty fish such as salmon. Unsaturated fats do not raise the (bad) LDL cholesterol levels. Trans fat comes from foods made with hydrogenated vegetable shortenings and margarines. These fats are high in cholesterol and bad for your health. Juice for your Health! 46 Vitamins Vitamins are micronutrients that enable chemical reactions to convert carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy necessary for growth, maintenance and repair of the body. Vitamins are mostly derived from the food we eat. There are thirteen Vitamins grouped into fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and and are generally stored for longer periods in the body. Water soluble vitamins are vitamins C, and all the B complexes. These vitamins have a shorter life span in the body and if you consume too much of these vitamins, the excess amount will be excreted through the urine within a short period of time. • Vitamin A: Promotes growth and repair of body tissues as well as healthy skin, hair, nails, eyesight, bones, teeth, and a strong immune system. Food Sources: eggs, carrots, milk, apricots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and betacarotene which the body converts into vitamin A. • Vitamin B: Is made up of multiple B vitamins complex like B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid. • Vitamin B1 : (Thiamin) is an antioxidant that promotes blood formation, circulation, energy production for repairs and growth, support nervous system, brain and muscle functions: Food Sources: fortified cereals, whole grain bread, enriched grain products, rice, beans and nuts. • Vitamin B2: (Riboflavin) Helps to convert fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy for skin repair, tissue growth, and maintenance of the liver. Food Sources: almonds, dairy products, avocados, dark green vegetables and fortified grain products. • Vitamin B3: (Niacin) Supports nervous system, raises good cholesterol, improves circulation; reduce blood pressure, aids in energy production from foods. Food Sources: whole grains, wheat, oats, meat, fish, seafood, leafy green vegetables, milk, yogurt, beans and peas. • Vitamin B5: (Pantothenic Acid) helps the body to detoxify, assist in tissue growth and development, and convert carbohydrates and fats into usable energy, support adrenal glands, digestive system, nervous system and the production of healthy fats in cells. Food Sources: broccoli, turnip greens, mushrooms, cauliflower and sunflower seeds. Juice for your Health! 47 • Vitamin B6: Facilitates breakdown of starches and sugars, aids nervous system, support antibodies and red blood cell formation, aids immune system, maintain chemical balance in bodily fluids, helps to prevent homocysteine buildup in the blood, assist the brain and body to build proteins for growth and development. Food Sources: spinach, bell peppers, turnip greens, poultry, fish, pork, beef, nuts, beans, eggs, bananas, avocados and fortified cereals. • Vitamin B9: (Folic Acid) Folic acid assist in normal growth and development of tissues and red blood cells, It reduces the risk of spinal bifida during pregnancy and works with vitamin B12 to maintain healthy blood circulation, prevent anemia, homocysteine buildup in the blood, prevent osteoporosited bone fractures. Food sources : romaine lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, mustard greens, calf’s liver, parsley, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, and lentils. • Vitamin B12: Assist your cells to metabolize protein, carbohydrate and fat, prevent anemia, promotes growth and development of nerve cells, support production of red blood cells. Food Sources: Meat, fish, chicken, milk, cheese, eggs and fortified cereals. • Vitamin C: It’s an immune booster, an antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage, aids in overcoming infections and heal wounds, lowers your cancer risk, improves iron absorption, and maintains healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, gums and muscles. Food Sources: Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, mango, cantaloupe, guava, bell peppers, and apricots. Also found in sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, and parsley. • Vitamin D: Aids in absorbing calcium necessary to prevent heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, breast cancers. It also reduces inflammation, strengthens bones and teeth, regulate growth and cell functions, and support immune system. Food Sources: fortified cereal, fortified milk, salmon fish, egg yolk, and other dairy products. New scientific research shows that the greatest source of Vitamin D is sun light. So get some 15 minutes or more of sunlight each day. • Vitamin E: An antioxidant that prevents damage to cells from free radicals, boost immune system, protect skin damage from ultraviolet light, prevent prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, maintain healthy skin, nerves, muscles and formation of red blood cells. Food Sources: nuts, oils, whole grains such as wheat and oats, leafy green vegetables, and egg yolks. • Vitamin K: Helps to maintain normal blood clot, build proteins, regulates calcium levels to prevent osteoporosis, heal wounds and reduce oxidative cell damage. Food Sources: green beans, asparagus, broccoli, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, green peas, carrots, swiss chard, milk, yogurt, pork, soybean, and canola oils. Juice for your Health! 48 Vitamins act as coenzymes to ensure the creation of tissues, bones, muscles, and the smooth functioning of bodily organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, the nervous system, the brain, and a strong immune system. A vitamin deficiency causes many health problems and contributes to: • • • • • • • Heart disease Cancer Diabetes Impaired immune function, leading to allergies, colds, flu and infections Fatigue Achy joints and muscles Irritability Anxiety and Depression Minerals Minerals are important inorganic substances that assist the body to form bones, blood, teeth, energy production, proteins, hormones, normal heartbeat and other metabolic processes that helps the body to grow and develop. Adequate amounts of minerals in the body are essential to sustain life and maintain optimal health. Just like vitamins are derived from the foods we eat. Minerals are grouped in two categories: Major Minerals The major minerals are calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Composition in the body is usually in quantities greater than 5 grams. Trace Minerals Trace minerals are iron, zinc, copper, chromium, fluoriodine, selenium, manganese, and molybdenum. The body composition of these minerals is less than 5 grams. Juice for your Health! 49 • Calcium: An essential nutrient needed to regulate heart beat, help build bones • Potassium: An essential mineral, which helps to regulate blood pressure, and teeth, enable muscles to contract, assist blood to clot, and nerves to carry messages. Inadequate calcium intake is a risk factor for osteoporosis, a crippling bone disease that affects people over the age of 50. Food Sources: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, sardines, calcium fortified soy milk, fresh juices and tofu. nerves, and muscles contractions and balances fluid levels in the cells. Food Sources: milk, yogurt, fruits, banana, plantains and vegetables. • Magnesium : Works with calcium to maintain healthy bones, regulate , normal muscle function, steady heart rhythm, healthy i mune system, helps to release energy from food, aids absorption of nutrients. Adequate levels are important to maintain a healthy heart. Food Sources: green vegetables, beans, peas, nuts and whole grain wheat bread. • Phosphorus : Works with calcium and magnesium to build and maintain • Sodium: Helps to maintain fluid retention in the body, muscle contraction, strong bones, teeth and muscle tissue, helps to release energy from food to fuel the body, and also helps with kidney functions and heart regularity. Food Sources: whole grains, meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, nuts, and seeds. nerve impulse transmission between cells. Food Sources: Table salt, soy sauce, all meat, fish, and dairy products, all processed canned foods, foods prepared with MSG (mono sodium glutamate), bread, vegetables such as celery, sea vegetables, and baking soda. • Chloride: Helps to maintain the flow of bodily fluids and proper electrolyte balance that reduce excess acid levels in the body, aide’s digestion in the stomach by helping to breakdown food and assist liver in waste elimination. Food Sources: Table salt, soy sauce, low sodium or sodium free salt substitutes potassium chloride, meats, seafood, sea vegetables, tomatoes, celery, eggs, processed foods, bananas, plantains, cantaloupe, chips, pretzels, French fries, tomato based sauces, processed meats, canned meats, fish, olives, preserved meat, animal liver, canned vegetables and peanut butter. • Sulfur Aids: Cells to eliminate toxins, assist in cellular respiration, acts like a connector and lubricant to cells, improves blood circulation, eliminates damaging free radicals, promotes muscle health, and helps in metabolism or breaking down carbohydrates, build body tissues and heal wounds. Food Sources: Garlic, onions, horseradish, cabbage, kale, cranberries, meat, egg yolk, fish, cauliflower. Juice for your Health! 50 Mineral deficiency Mineral deficiency can result in: • • • • • • Weak immune system that can cause infections, colds and flu Weak bones and stunted growth High blood pressure Depression and anxiety Sore muscles and aching joints Digestive disorder such as heartburn, constipation, nausea and diarrhea Fiber Fiber is the indigestible outer layers of plants and fruits that pass through the digestive system intact without being broken down by the body. Fiber rich foods expand the inside walls of the colon and provide wavelike contractions that speed up food moving through the digestive tract to facilitate the smooth passage of waste. Fiber also absorbs a lot of water making the stool softer and bulkier. In America and many developed nations, fiber is removed during food processing. These foods—white flour, white breads, pizza crusts, and regular pasta—are poor in fiber. In general, unprocessed foods such fruits and vegetables in their natural form are high in fiber and excellent for our health. Most developing countries do not eat processed food and their native diets are high in fiber. The fiber helps them eliminate waste that is larger and softer in a shorter amount of time than people in developed countries who eat less fibrous foods. This accounts for fewer digestive problems in the developing countries than in western nations. Juice for your Health! 51 Fiber is therefore very helpful to the body in many ways: • • • Prevents constipation Prevents diseases Prevents weight gain Fiber Prevents Constipation Fiber can absorb large amounts of water in the bowels, making stools softer and easier to pass out of the colon. Anyone starting a higher fiber diet will notice the difference in stool bulk. • • In most cases, increasing fiber in the diet will relieve constipation within hours or days. Fiber makes stools easier to pass out of the colon, thereby reducing straining, and helps to relieve hemorrhoids. Fiber Prevents Diseases A high fiber diet can lower the risk of developing diseases: • Heart disease. Fiber from fruits and vegetables sweeps our arteries and • Cancer. Fiber speeds up the passage of food through the digestive system. • Diabetes. Adding fiber to the diet helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is • Diverticular disease. Fiber helps to relief Diverticular disease, a colon • Gallstones and kidney stones. Fiber helps to regulate blood sugar levels removes plaque, cholesterol, triglycerides and other particles in the blood, which reduces high blood pressure and the development of heart disease. This may prevent harmful substances found in some foods from affecting the colon and protect against colon cancer. necessary to prevent diabetes. inflammation that can cause pain, diarrhea, constipation and other problems. to counteract too much insulin released to deal with rapid digestion that can cause gallstones and kidney stones, and increase in bad cholesterol. Juice for your Health! 52 Fiber Prevents Weight Gain Foods containing plenty of fiber have more bulk than low fiber foods. If fiber is taken in the right form, at the right time and at sufficient quantities, it will slow the onset of hunger. This will make you full without eating a lot of food and therefore help you to lose weight. Fiber also cleans out the fat from the food we eat and flushes it out of our bodies. Without y fat buildup, we lose weight or keep weight under control. Did You Know That... On average, it takes 39 hours in women and 31 hours in men for food to pass through the colon and out of the body. This time a lot from person to person, depending on personality, state of mind and fiber intake. Usually, the effect of fiber is to speed up waste elimination from the colon. Juice for your Health! 53 Drinking Water Water is scientifically known as H2O, which stands for two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. Water is abundant on earth and in all living organism including us for a reason. Water is very important and is not just a thirst quencher, but also a macronutrient critical to the smooth functioning of the body’s biochemical processes. About 70% of the liquid in our body is made up of water. This pure simple water is considered by many health experts to be a "wonder drug.” Water Composition in our Body • • • • 83% of blood is made up of water Muscles are comprise of 75% water 74 % of the brain is water Bones are made up of 22% water Nutritionist estimates that about 80% of the population doesn’t drink enough water on a daily basis. Most people drink alcohol, coffee, tea, and sodas that contain caffeine. These are diuretic beverages because they prompt the body to use water to flush out those harmful liquids. Without replacing the water, we become dehydrated. Severe dehy could result in the shutdown of vital organs that can cause death. Signs of Dehydration When you are dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and causes your heart to work much harder to pump the blood through the system to all organs of the body. Consequently, the brain becomes foggy, and you become inattentive. Other signs of dehydration are: • • • • Fatigue Muscle cramps Headache Sore throat, dry cough voice • and • Dry skin, cold feet and hands Golden or deep urine color with a strong odor. Normal urine should be odorless and clear or light yellow Juice for your Health! The Benefits of Drinking Water Water is considered the miracle fountain of youth and health. Drinking up to eight glasses of water daily will have lasting health Water is essential for your body to absorb vitamins and nutrients. Fiber combined with water helps to speed up food through the digestive tract and helps to eliminate waste out of the colon. Water also helps to y the liver and kidneys, and takes out waste from the body. This makes us look and feel better. The natural benefits of drinking water on a regular basis are: • • • • • • • • • • • • Increased mental and physical endurance Efficient functioning of internal organs such as kidneys and liver Reduced headaches, fainting and dizziness Hydration of skin, making it looks fresh and glowing Reduced appetite and weight loss Increased energy, better moods Better food digestion Maintaining alkaline PH balance in the body to prevent sickness & immune system strong Increased ability to fight viruses, colds, allergies Overall ability to maintain better health Ability to better regulate body temperature Ability to flush out toxins and waste from your body 55 Exercise Exercise is a physical activity that gets you to move y part of your body such as dancing, running, walking, jumping, lifting weight, swimming, playing, or working in the yard. The miracle cure for deadly diseases and maintenance of a healthy body is good old fashioned exercise. Exercise will give you more energy and make you look y ng and strong. However, studies show that more than 28 percent of Americans do not exercise at all, and about 60 percent do not exercise to achieve its full benefits. Benefits of Exercise Physical activity on a regular basis can: • • • • • • • • • • • • Reduce the risk of developing cancer. Increase levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol. Reduce high cholesterol and heart disease. Increased blood supply and oxygen to muscles. Increase blood circulation. Prevent diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar levels. Promote healthy bone density to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Reduce high blood pressure. Decreased blood triglycerides. Provide a boost to the immune system. Boost selfconfidence and prevent depression. Maintain a healthy weight in combination with a balanced diet. Barriers to Exercise Most people don’t exercise and often come up with the following excuses: • • • • • Lack of time due to work or family commitments Lack of a companion when exercising alone outside Lack of convenient facilities nearby Cost of equipment or membership to a gym Inadequate nighttime lighting or uncomfortable outdoor weather Juice for your Health! 56 Despite these excuses, there are simple effective ways to overcome most of these potential barriers to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Some activities that can count towards your exercise are: • • • • • • • • Walking up stairs instead of using an elevator Walking up on moving escalators in the mall or airport Walking instead of driving for short journeys Painting Mowing the lawn Doing housework Gardening Getting off the bus to walk one or two stops to your destination Significant health benefits can be achieved from regular activity without the need for special equipment, sporting ability, a gym or getting very hot and sweaty. A short 30 minutes participation in some of the above activities will have great health benefits. Managing Stress Stress is the inability to handle the demands place on us by life situations from family, work, finances, society, natural disasters and almost anything confronting us beyond our control. Stress management is the ability to manage the stressful circumstances, people or events in order to maintain control or seek a positive outcome. When we are under the heart rate goes up, hormones are release to build up the muscles, and sweat glands open the floodgates to cool the muscles as needed. The body’s fight or flight response to stress often makes it difficult focus in order to make good decisions. Stress can result to exhaustion, irritability, sleeplessness, loss of or increased appetite, alarm, frustration, headaches, crying, and depression. Long term uncontrolled stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and a weaken immune system that can cause other diseases. When under stress, the body releases the cortisol hormone that makes it difficult to lose weight as we tend to sleep less and to exercise. Juice for your Health! 57 Unfortunately, some people deal with stress by drinking too much alcohol, smoking, using mood enhancement drugs, and other compulsive behavior. To maintain optimum health, it is vital to control stress with the following techniques: • Remove yourself from the stressful situation. A momentary break. • Control your response to the situation by not overreacting. • Don't overwhelm yourself and overload your circuits with attempts for a quick fix. • Select, prioritize and deal with each stress accordingly. • Give your body the proper fuel with a balance diet, drink water. • Deep breath. • Get some exercise to reduce tension in your body. • Get in the company of your friends or go do some charitable work to help others. • Use the power of positive thinking to get out of the stressful situation. • Listen to your favorite music, and also include some relaxing calming sounds. • Set aside some quiet time for your soul. • Get enough sleep. • Find something to laugh about, watch a funny movie or good medicine and a great relaxer. aughter is Juice for your Health! 58 Relaxation Our incredible bodies need to rest or get a time out from daily activities in order to rebuild, repair and rejuvenate. Relaxation is a time to step out of the chaos of life, and calm down with a good book to read, or listen to soft calming music and connect with our higher self. A trip to the outdoors and watching the wonders of nature can be very relaxing not only to the body, but also to the mind as well. At night quality family and personal time, and decent bedtime can work wonders. Although we have found creative ways to occupy the night with TV, games, partying and other social activities, our bodies generally require at least seven to eight hours in order to properly rest. Sleep deprivation affect our mood and ability to function. A good restful night will provide the following benefits: Ø Live a longer and healthier life. Rest and sleep is calming and soothing. Sleepless individuals tend to be moody and have high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attack and other chronic diseases. Ø You will look and feel better when you have a restful night sleep as your body is able to repair and rejuvenate making you look refreshed. Ø Rest renews your brain function to keep you alert, creative, and productive by making good decisions. Ø life. Sleep makes you happy and enables you to have a positive outlook on Ø Resting helps you to lose weight by increasing metabolism that burns fat while you sleep as well as increasing the human growth hormones that builds and maintain muscle mass. Positive Motivation/Purposeful Life What is your purpose in this world? What kind of person are you? What makes you excited, passionate, and determined? Juice for your Health! 59 Healthy Habits to Adopt for Life Ø Eat a balance diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Ø Avoid eating fast food on a regular basis. Ø Limit consumption of fatty and processed foods that have little or no nutritional value. Ø Eat good fats from nuts, fish, olive oil, and yes even meats and poultry. Ø Eat more organic raw food, nuts and grains. Ø Eat apples or other whole fruits daily to get more fiber. Ø Periodically take a probiotics to improve your digestive health. Ø Drink enough water during the day. Up to 8 glasses is an absolute number, just drink some water each day. but not Ø Get into a routine exercise daily or at least 3 times a week, such as dancing, biking, swimming, gym, running/jogging, sports, gardening, and walking. Walking is natural, easy and very beneficial. Again, nothing rigorous or stressful. It could just be 30 minutes of walking in your neighborhood. Once comfortable you can walk as long as you want. Ø For a cardio tune-up, you can jog or run, ride your bicycle, play basketball, soccer, tennis, football or any other strenuous sports. Ø To burn fat and lose weight, you can do resistance exercise and build your muscles. Muscles are your body’s fat burner. The more body muscle mass you have, the more your body will be able to burn fat. Ø Take time to relax, destress by doing fun things, reading, gardening, laughing, dancing, listening to music or any of your favorite activity. Just let the world go by, and have faith that everything will be all right. Ø Get motivated and live a purposeful life. Juice for your Health! 60 Conclusion When you give your body the right nutrients, sickness and diseases will literally disappear because the body has miraculous healing powers and can take care of itself. It’s up to us to use what has been freely given to make this life’s journey joyful, fulfilling and spiritually uplifting. When your health is at risk, nothing else in your life matters, not the money, political, or social power you may have. You can only be yourself and do great things when you are healthy. “A foolish young man spends his health to gain wealth, and a foolish old man spends his wealth to gain health” The Chinese philosopher Confucius Juice for your Health! 61 References Wood, Rebecca. The Whole Foods Encyclopedia. New York, NY: PrenticeHall Press; 1988. PMID:15220. Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986. P ID:15210 Ensminger AH, Ensminger, ME, Kondale JE, Robson JRK. Foods & Nutriton Encyclopedia. Pegus Press, Clovis, California 1983. Rakhimov MR. Pharmacological study of papain from the ya plant cultivated in Uzbekistan (Article in Russian). Eksp Klin Farmakol 2000 MayJun; 63 (3):557 2000. Maurer HR. Bromelain: biochemistry, pharmacology and medical use. Cell Mol Life Sci 2001 Aug;58(9):123445 2001. Bender DA. Nutritional biochemistry of the vitamins. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992. Fox HM. Pantothenic acid. In: Machlin LJ. (Ed). Handbook of Vitamins. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984;437 1984. Tannenbaum SR, Young VR. Vitamins and minerals. In: Fennema OR. (Ed). Food chemistry. Second edition. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1985;512 1985. Machlin LJ and Langseth L. 1988. Vitaminvitamin interactions. In: Bodwell CE and Erdman JW (Eds). Nutrient interactions. Marcel Dekker, New York Packer L. Vitamin E is nature's master antioxidant. Sci Amer 1994; MarApr: 5463 1994 The Country Doctor Handbook by the Editors of FC& A Medical Publishing Bottom Line’s Healing Remedies by Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen The World’s Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets by Bottom Line Juice for your Health! 62 Publications Natural Cures “They” Don’t want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau Forbidden Cures, Proven natural treatments the medical establishment won’t let you have by Dr. Benjamin Ross Christopher, John R. Capsicum, Springville, Utah: Powder River Press, 1980. The Hallelujah Diet, Dr. George Malkmus, with Peter & shockey. Destiny Image Publishers, 2006 owe CancerFree: Your Guide to Gentle, Nontoxic Healing (Third Edition), William Henderson The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing by Gary Null, Ph.D. The Doctors Book of Food Remedies by Selenne Yeager and the Editors of Prevention Health Books The Complete Guide to Digestive Health by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing Best Choices from the Peoples Pharmacy by Joe Graedon, MS, and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., Life Extension Center National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2009 Update, published by the American Juice for your Health! 63 Heart Association. World Health Report 2007, from the World Health Organization; International Cardiovascular Disease Statistics (2007 Update), a publication from the American Heart Association. A. Sanchez et al titled "Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytes," November, 11801184. Nutrition Journal Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze: JuiceFasting National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute American Heart Association, Ed Kasper L.Ac, Acupuncturist & Herbalist DASH Diet, “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” Resources • Organic Marketplace health food store, 1012 New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC. • For 100% organic wheat flour, that is unprocessed, buy King Arthur Flour Company brand, available in your grocery store.; Bob’s Red Mill, also features a variety of glutenfree products. • For the health Dangers of eating fast food, watch the documentary, Supersize Me: • Juice for your Health! 64 Recommended Foods to Eat, From the Bible Fruits and Berries Fruits 2 Samuel 16:2 Apples Solomon 2:5 Figs Numbers 13:23 Grapes Num 13:23; Deuteronomy 23:24 Melon Numbers 11:15 Raisins 2 Samuel 16:1 Pomegranates Numbers 13:23 Carbohydrates & Fiber Barley Judges 7:13; Ezekiel 4:9 Beans Ezekiel 4:9 Lentils Genesis 25:34 Whole Grains Grain Ruth 2:14 Wheat Deuteronomy 32:14; Ezekiel 4:9 Dairy Cheese I Samuel 17:18 Curds (from Cow's Milk) Deuteron y 32:14 Goat's Milk Proverbs 27:27 Sheep's Milk Deuteronomy 32:14 Herbs, Spices & Honey Herbs Exodus 12:8 Garlic Numbers 11:5 Salt Job 6:6, Leviticus 2:13 Oil I Chronicles 12:40 Olives Deuteronomy 28:40 Vinegar Numbers 6:3; Ruth 2:14 Honey Isaiah 7:15 Seeds and Nuts Nuts Genesis 43:11 Almonds, Pistachio Nuts Genesis 43:11 Vegetables Daniel 1:12 Cucumber, Onions, Leeks Numbers 11:5 Proteins Antelope: Deuteronomy 14:5 Fowl (Turkey, Chicken): 1 Kings 4:23 Deer: Deuteronomy 14:5 Fish with Fins and Scales: Leviticus 11:9 Meat (Cloven Hooves, Chews the Cud): Leviticus 11:3 (cattle, goats, and oxen) Quail: Numbers 11:32 Sheep: Deuteronomy 14:4 Wine for Digestion Juice for your Health! 65 John 4:46; I Timothy 5:23 Don’t Get Drunk: Ephesians 5:18 Foods Not Intended For Us to Eat Animal Fat Leviticus 3:17, 7:2324 Animals with paws Leviticus 11:27 (Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Mountain Lion, Bear and Tiger) Blood Leviticus 3:17, 7:26 Camel Leviticus 11:4 Rabbit Leviticus 11:6 Swine (Pig or Pork) Leviticus 11:7 Eagle Leviticus 11:13 Vulture Leviticus 11:13 Kite Leviticus 11:14 Falcon Leviticus 11:14 Raven Leviticus 11:15 Ostrich Leviticus 11:16 Owl Leviticus 11:1617 Sea Creatures without fins and scales Leviticus 11:10 (lobster, shrimp, crabs, oysters, clams, crawfish, whale, shark, porpoise, dolphin, catfish, squid and octopus) Sea Gull Leviticus 11:16 Hawk Leviticus 11:16 Stork Leviticus 11:17 Heron Leviticus 11:17 Bat Leviticus 11:17 Mole Leviticus 11:29 Mouse Leviticus 11:29 Lizards Leviticus 11:30 Snakes Leviticus 11:42 Juice for your Health!