2-24-2014 The Mississippi Contractor
2-24-2014 The Mississippi Contractor
Volume 60, Number 58 February 24th, 2014 The Mississippi Contractor ABC HISTORY 5165 Old Brandon Road Pearl, MS 39208 t: 601.944.0421 f: 601.944.0450 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2 Gulfport, MS 39503 t: 228.897.1711 f: 228.897.2711 www.msabc.net www.msabcplanroom.net Calendar of Events March 4th “MABC Executive Committee & Board Mtg.” March 6th “Columbus Dinner Meeting” March 7th “Construction Leadership Institute” March 20th “Delta Lunch Meeting” March 24th “Spring Golf Tourney CCJ” March 27th “Meridian Dinner Meeting” Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national management association for the construction industry which actively promotes the merit shop form of construction. From a modest start by six Baltimore contractors in 1950, ABC has enjoyed a growing membership, now totaling more than 22,000 firms, each dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and management’s right to manage. These beliefs translate into a healthy, competitive and professional climate, the results of which are proudly reflected in ABC member’s construction accomplishments. ABC is the fastest-growing construction trade association in the country because ABC supports the sound merit shop philosophy at the heart of the free enterprise system. The merit shop is a force for economy and efficiency in construction, regardless of organizational affiliation. The merit shop is union and open shop firms working side-byside, free of interference, providing on-time, on-budget construction with safety, quality and cost effectiveness as our goal. ABC’s pursuit of free enterprise in construction has set the standard for all other associations to follow. Throughout the country, ABC is an effective force in business development, education, labor relations and industry legislation. ABC is comprised of general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and associates who believe in the merit shop form of construction. Today, open shop contractors perform over 85 percent of all construction nationwide, and ABC’s membership has grown to over 22,000 which includes over onethird of the top 400 construction companies in the United States. ABC members are located in various chapters located throughout the United States and in Guam. Particularly successful is the National Center for Construction Education and Research’s Wheels of Learning program, a unique competency-based, modular training program. Wheels of Learning provides a task oriented format which allows employers to structure training programs that best suit a specific project’s and employees requirements. Through a combination of classroom and on-the-job training, workers acquire new skills rapidly with the essential hands-on knowledge that lets them apply their new skills accurately and effectively. Other ABC sponsored educational programs help keep the industry’s managers and apprentices well-versed in the latest construction methods and technologies. Through ABC, better training results in better construction -- and greater profits. ABC actively promotes cooperative labor relations and a healthy, competitive work climate for all contractors, regardless of labor affiliations. Toward these goals, each of the ABC chapters across the country can advise and assist in any labor-related questions that might arise. In addition the ABC chapters are staffed with full-time executive directors who can offer additional on-site consultation, as well as contractor referral information and other valuable merit shop data. Today the Mississippi Chapter of ABC is the largest commercial construction trade association in the state. It is also the largest ABC chapter in the nation. PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS. PERSONAL SERVICE. Introducing C Spire Business Solutions. C Spire has greatly expanded our portfolio of communications solutions for business to include Wireless, Phone and Internet. To ensure that you get the most out of this new portfolio of options, we have deployed dedicated teams who live and work near you so they can not only help All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 C Spire Business Solutions. All rights reserved. you quickly, but also understand your business, your market and your challenges. Save 10% on IP Voice Phone System when you sign up for Wireless. Get Personalized. Contact your Client Account Executive or Assist for Business. 1-855-CSPIRE2 (277-4732) | cspirebusiness.com | [email protected] Summary of Construction Projects 02/24....... Port Gibson....................Hurricane Isaac Work Orders........................................................ Bin #JX-69.....................................................................................12 02/24....... Terry..............................Water Well-Terry, MS................................................................... Bin #JX-4.......................................................................................12 02/24....... Southaven......................Southaven High School Addition................................................. Bin #JX-15.....................................................................................12 02/25....... Marion County..............Contract No. 2.- Sanitary Sewer Collections System................... Bin #JX-62.....................................................................................17 02/25....... Madison.........................St. Catherine’s Village-Campbell Cove Addition......................... Bin #JX-73.....................................................................................16 02/25....... Hattiesburg....................Outpatient Rehabilitation Services At YMCA, Site Package....... Bin #JX-10, GP-23.........................................................................18 02/25....... Miss State......................Wise Center Classroom Addition- Satellite-MSU........................ Bin #JX-3.......................................................................................17 02/25....... Amite Co.......................1-MDOT-STP-0014-01(061) / 106748301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 02/25....... Jones Co........................2-MDOT-NH-0015-02(096) / 106755301.................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................13 02/25....... Attala Co........................3-MDOT-STP-0018-02(053) / 106758301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 02/25....... Hinds Co........................4-MDOT-IM-0055-02(239) / 106613301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 02/25....... Jasper Co.......................5-MDOT-IM-0059-02(104) / 106408302..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 02/25....... Monroe Co.....................6-MDOT-STP-0071-01(015) / 106771301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 02/25....... Monroe Co.....................7-MDOT-STP-0079-02(016) / 106770301and ....................................................... MP-1045-48(012) / 305115301................................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 02/25....... Yazoo Co.......................8-MDOT-BR-0510-00(009) / 103321301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................14 02/25....... Lafayette Co..................9-MDOT-BR-0845-00(006) / 103326301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................14 02/25....... Desoto Co......................10-MDOT-STP-2920-00(012) / 106757301................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................13 02/25....... Washington Co..............11-MDOT-STP-9205-00(012) / 106761301................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................13 02/25....... Lee,Pontotoc..................17-MDOT-MP-1006-00(069) / 305105301 & 302 ...................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................13 02/25....... Lee Co...........................18-MDOT-LWO-1033-41(005) / 501637302............................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 02/26!...... Kansas City....................Kansas City Southern Railway-JXN RIP Facility Project............ Bin #JX-37.....................................................................................18 02/27!...... Oxford...........................Graduate Oxford Hotel................................................................. Bin #JX-75.....................................................................................20 02/27X.... Jackson..........................Roof Replacement For John Hopkins Elementary........................ Bin #JX-47.....................................................................................20 02/27X.... Jackson..........................Roof Replacement For Johnson Elementary................................. Bin #JX-44.....................................................................................22 02/27X.... Jackson..........................Roof Replacement Power APAC Elementary School................... Bin #JX-64.....................................................................................21 02/27X.... Jackson..........................Roof Replacement Walton Elementary School............................. Bin #JX-42.....................................................................................19 02/27....... Hattiesburg....................Roof Replacement Jones Hall - Bldg 804 - USM......................... Bin #GP-1A....................................................................................22 02/27....... Gulfport.........................Resurface Parking Lots-JD Camupus/MGCCC............................ Bin #GP-21.....................................................................................22 02/27....... Whitfield........................REBID-Mississippi State Hospital Building 88 Demolition........ Bin #JX-6.......................................................................................19 02/27....... Miss State......................Wise Center Classroom Addition.................................................. JX-Table#10...................................................................................21 02/27....... Tupelo............................Tupelo High School Turf/Track.................................................... Bin #JX-68.....................................................................................20 02/27....... University......................University of Mississippi - Guyton Hall Boiler Replacement...... Bin #JX-54.....................................................................................19 02/28!...... Canton...........................Nissan North America-Integrated Logistics Center...................... JX-Table# 16..................................................................................23 02/28....... Fayette...........................2013 NRCS Drainage Improvements, Fayette, MS...................... Bin #JX-63.....................................................................................22 03/01....... Lexington.......................Community Students Learning Center-New Home Const............ Bin #JX-31.....................................................................................23 03/03....... Greenwood....................Coburn Supply Company Warehouse Modifications.................... Bin #JX-22.....................................................................................24 03/03....... Terry..............................Water Distribution Improvements................................................. Bin #JX-1.......................................................................................23 03/03X.... Jackson..........................Box Culvert & Approches Gore Rd. LSBP-25(38)...................... Bin #JX-2.......................................................................................23 03/03X.... Bay Saint Louis.............Hancock Co. Beach Maintenance W/ Pre-Disaster Options......... Bin #GP-2A....................................................................................24 03/03X.... Pascagoula.....................New Splashpad At Vancleave Facility On Ballpark Road............ Bin #GP-16.....................................................................................23 03/04....... Indianola........................New Gym Roof & Related Work.................................................. Bin #JX-52.....................................................................................25 03/04....... Winona..........................MS82-2 McNutt Heights & MS82-4 Rose Courts Reroof........... Bin #JX-55.....................................................................................26 03/04....... NE Perry County...........Water Distribution Improvements................................................. Bin #JX-79.....................................................................................25 03/04....... Jackson..........................South Street Bridge Replacement Project..................................... Bin #JX-9.......................................................................................24 03/04....... Madison.........................Madison County School District Academic Opetions Center....... Bin #JX-28.....................................................................................24 03/04....... Water Valley..................2014 Bathroom Renovations Water Valley Housing Authority.... Bin #JX-66.....................................................................................25 03/05!...... Biloxi.............................Caillavet Park Ball Field............................................................... Bin #GP-13.....................................................................................26 03/05X.... Pascagoula.....................Black Creek Cooling Water Facility–New Concrete Spillway..... Bin #GP-14.....................................................................................26 03/05X.... Merigold........................Science Lab & Window Replacement-Hayes Cooper Center....... Bin #JX-40.....................................................................................27 03/06....... Wesson...........................H.L. Stone Stadium Pressbox Facility-Co-Lin CC....................... Bin #JX-46.....................................................................................28 03/06....... Jackson..........................Exterior Window Replacement President’s Home........................ Bin #JX-19.....................................................................................27 03/06....... Laurel.............................West Window Renovations: Football Concession Addition, .......................................................Laurel H.S. & Maddox Elem........................................................ Bin #JX-61.....................................................................................28 03/06....... Brandon.........................East Reservoir Sewer System, Phase 2......................................... Bin #JX-76.....................................................................................27 03/07!...... Forest.............................Gaddis Park Splash Pad................................................................ Bin #JX-20.....................................................................................28 03/11!...... Starkville.......................Part I-Water Distribution Improvements, Part II-Well Site Imp... Bin #JX-24.....................................................................................29 03/11!...... Cleveland.......................Stadium Facilities Delta State University..................................... Bin #JX-12.....................................................................................28 03/11........ Water Valley..................New HVAC and Windows For Water Valley High and Middle.... Bin #JX-21.....................................................................................29 03/11........ Pascagoula.....................REBID-Audubon Pascagoula River Audubon Center.................. Bin #GP-12.....................................................................................29 03/11........ Baton Rouge..................REBID-LSU Furnish Labor & Materials: .......................................................Vet Med-Small Animal Clinic Admissions................................... Bin #JX-16.....................................................................................30 03/12!...... Biloxi.............................Beauvoir Phase 2-Edgewater Area 4 Infrastructure Imprs........... Bin #GP-10.....................................................................................30 03/13!...... Moorehead.....................Student Activity Center-MS Delta Community College.............. Bin #JX-86, GP-24.........................................................................30 03/13!...... Hattiesburg....................Reroof of the Power House Restaurant Bldg 604-USM............... Bin #GP-19.....................................................................................31 03/13....... Releigh...........................New Smith County Detention Facility-Volume 1......................... JX-Table #8....................................................................................31 03/13....... Releigh...........................New Smith County Sheriff’s Office Building-Volume 2.............. JX-Table #8....................................................................................31 03/13....... Tunica............................A Multi Site Window Replacement & Life Safety Upgrade......... Bin #JX-49.....................................................................................31 03/14!...... Gulfport.........................Crossroads Elementary School New Bathrooms-6th Grade......... Bin #JX-23, GP-11.........................................................................32 03/14!...... Hancock Co...................Bayside Park Water Distribution System, Phase 3 and ....................................................... Pearlington Water & Sewer.......................................................... Bin #GP-1.......................................................................................32 03/18....... Nettleton........................REBID-Gym Roof-Nettleton School District............................... Bin #JX-18.....................................................................................32 03/18X.... Raymond.......................McLendon Library HVAC Renovation......................................... Bin #JX-48.....................................................................................32 03/20!...... Saltillo...........................Saltillo Elem., Shannon Elem., & Verona Elem. Reno................. Bin #JX-72.....................................................................................33 03/20!...... Brookhaven...................Brookhaven Re-Roofing Projects-PH III...................................... Bin #JX-70.....................................................................................33 03/20X.... Raymond.......................2013 Roofing Program PH-II, Hinds CC...................................... Bin #JX-35.....................................................................................33 03/20....... Gulfport.........................STS Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes – MS Port Authority.............. Bin #GP-4A....................................................................................33 04/02!...... Biloxi.............................The North Contact Insfrastructure Improvements (9,11-14)........ GP-Table.........................................................................................34 04/15X.... Pearl...............................Stormwater Improvements-JAN................................................... Bin #JX-67.....................................................................................34 Just In-Plans arrived too late for publication !-New Project X-Bid Date Extended JX is the Jackson Bin number, GP is the Gulfport Bin number If a specific plan room is listed, plans are available in that plan room only BUT can be made available in either or both planrooms. Just let me know which job you need. Apparent Low Bidders ........................................................................................ Page 35 ARCHITECT RELEASE OF PROJECT PLANS TO ABC PRIME CONTRACTOR MEMBERS A. The architect/engineer will record issue of set(s) of project plans and specifications, without requirement of plan deposit, to ABC Members by name. B. C. This procedure shall apply to the bidding phase of a project only and has no application to issuance of plans to the successful bidder. D. The architect/engineer will call upon the ABC to honor plan deposit guarantee should one of its contractor members: It shall be the responsibility of the ABC member to identify himself to the architect/engineer at the time plans are issued to be entitled to terms of this agreement. 1 Not return plans and specifications to architect/engineer within ten (10) days after bids are received without prior agreement of architect/engineer. 2. Return plans and specifications not in reusable condition, i.e., defaced, mutilated, sheets missing, etc. Discretion will be used to determine whether entire plans or certain sheets thereof need to be replaced. 3. Not submit a bid after receiving plans under the provisions of this program, unless the contractor should return said plans to the architect at least (3) days prior to the bid opening date. Future Projects Information & Dates Listed Subject to Change Bid Date 03/05 03/11 03/20 03/20 03/25 Location Newton Jackson Columbus Jackson Jackson Project Name Newton Seating Project, Newton High School Facility Improvements (Roof) Central High School Student Union-GT-EMCC Gross Anatomy Lab 2014-UMMC Hail Damage Repairs, Trade Mart, Fair Commission Arch/Eng (Notes) ArchitectSouth (will send) Mark Vaughan (will send) Pryor & Morrow (will send) Dean and Dean (will send) Mark Vaughan (will send) Architect Selection Underway TBD MS TBD Moss Point TBD Walnut Grove Golden Triangle Industrial Park Infrastructure ($700K) Moss Point New Law Enforcement Complex ($1.4M) Walnut Grove CDBG Public Facilities ($600K) Calvert Spradling, West Point (Civil Engineer) LDJ Architecture, Biloxi Pickering Firm, Flowood (Civil Engineer) Design Development TBD Hattiesburg TBD Oxford TBD Moorhead TBD New Albany TBD Pascagoula TBD Gautier TBD Pascagoula TBD Gautier TBD Lexington TBD Stennis TBD MS State Hattiesburg Clinic Heart & Vascular Center ($8.5M) UM Coulter Hall ($500K) MS Delta Community College Student Activity Ctr ($2M) Baptist Memorial Hospital Emergency Dept. ($5.4M) Pascagoula High School Football Fieldhouse ($1.3M) Gautier High School Fieldhouse ($1.3M) Pascagoula High Baseball & Softball Fieldhouse ($500K) Gautier High Baseball & Softball Fieldhouse ($500K) UMMC Lexington Hospital ($1.5M) Stennis Space Ctr Base Operation Control Ctr ($10M) MSU Softball Complex ($4M) General Contractor -Brice Building Company, Metairie Barlow Eddy & Jenkins, Jackson Beard & Riser, Greenwood Earl Swensson Assoc., Nashville, TN JBHM Architects, Jackson JBHM Architects, Jackson JBHM Architects, Jackson JBHM Architects, Jackson McCarty Design Group, Tupelo NASA Stennis Space Center, Stennis Space Ctr Wier Boerner Architecture, Jackson Drawings TBD Batesville TBD Pascagoula TBD Meridian TBD Summit TBD Pascagoula TBD Cleveland TBD Bay St. Louis TBD Oxford TBD Pascagoula TBD Jackson TBD University TBD Shaw TBD New Albany TBD Wiggins TBD Poplarville TBD Choctaw TBD Natchez TBD Cleveland TBD Cleveland TBD Jackson TBD Jackson Doctors Clinic ($500K) Pascagoula National Guard Readiness Center ($1M) Meridian Community College Work Force Devl ($5M) Southwest Community College Dormitory ($8M) Child Day Care Center ($100K) MS National Guard Armory ($1.1M) Hancock Economic Development Office ($1.5M) Emergency Operations Ctr ($750K) Trent Lott Academy ($1.3M) UMMC Wiser Basement OB Clinic ($100K) UM Honors College ($2.5M) Shaw School District Various Schools ($500K) Abby Manufacturing Office Bldg ($300K) Wiggins Dialysis Clinic ($1.5M) Pearl River Community College Roofing Ph-1 ($600K) Choctaw Health Center ($30M) (Project to be negotiated) Co-Lin Community College Maintenance Bldg ($250K) Delta State Campus Roofing Phase 2 ($600K) Delta State University Envelope ($100K) Jackson State Univ Lighting Ph-2 ($150K) Trade Mart Building ($200K) AERC, Hernando Allred Architectural Group, Ocean Springs Archer Architects, Meridian Architecturesouth, Tupelo CE Architectural Design, Biloxi Dean & Dean, Jackson Genzer Architect, Biloxi Howorth & Associates, Oxford JBHM Architects, Jackson McCarty Design Group, Tupelo McCarty Design Group, Tupelo Mills & Mills Arch, Greenville Mills & Mills Arch, Greenville Perkins & Williamson, Hattiesburg Perkins & Williamson, Hattiesburg Singleton Architects, Jackson Salmon Architects, Natchez Shafer Associate Arch, Starkville Shafer Associate Arch, Starkville Watkins & O’Gwynn, Jackson Wier Boerner Architecture, Jackson Schematics TBD Desoto County TBD Olive Branch TBD Jackson TBD Whitfield TBD Hazlehurst TBD Tupelo TBD Smithville Arkabutla Lake Wildlife Sanctuary ($5M) Scott Alexander Dental Office ($450K) Underwood Building ($100K) MS Dept. of Safety HQ Bldg ($1.5M) Hardy Wilson Hospital ($12M) Elvis Presley Birthplace Museum Event Ctr ($3M) Smithville Municipal Building ($1M) AERC, Hernando AERC, Hernando Allred Architectural Group, Ocean Springs Barlow Eddy & Jenkins, Jackson Carl F. Nobels, Hazlehurst Haizlip Studios, Memphis, TN JBHM Architects, Columbus If you have an upcoming project you would like to see listed in the “Future Projects” section of The Mississippi Contractor, contact us by Thursday of each week at 601-944-0421/800-806-7222. To Verify Membership with MABC go to www.msabc.net and click on “Member List”. Contact us for your username and password. Index Advertisements Do you have equipment to sell or a salaried position to fill? Run your Index Advertisement here for the unbeatable rate of $25 for 4 weeks! To place an ad in this weekly newsletter, contact Effie at 601-944-0421 or 800-806-7222 or email: [email protected] METAL BUILDING LABORERS T. W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. has a need for Metal Building Laborers at a large commercial project in Canton, Mississippi. Join a safety-oriented organization with an established reputation of providing quality construction services that exceed our customers’ expectations. Pay is based on experience and you are eligible for insurance benefits at 90 days of employment. You are also eligible for monthly safety bonuses from date of hire. We are a Drug-Free Workplace and use EVerify. For more information about our company, visit our website at www.twfrierson.com. Minimum Requirements: Must be 18 years of age or older, have dependable transportation, and be able to work overtime as needed. For consideration, send resume and references to [email protected] or T. W. Frierson Contractor, Inc., ATTN: Human Resources, 1330 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37217. You may also apply in person, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bronwyn Wilson, PHR Human Resources Manager 1330 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37217 P 615.301.1959 F 888.455.1113 [email protected] www.twfrierson.com Annual Directory Production is Underway The Mississippi ABC annual Construction Directory is used all year long as a valuable member resource for networking, information, and purchasing decisions. Your advertisement in the Construction Directory reaches thousands of construction professionals across the state for as little as 5¢ per reader making it the perfect venue for your company to showcase products and services, renew existing relationships, and build brand recognition in this desirable and tightly focused demographic. LLM Publications, Inc. will be publishing the directory, offering advertising opportunities, and working with clients to design compelling ad copy. Reserve your ad space today by contacting either Dustin Lewis at (800) 647-1511 x4, [email protected]; or, Dan Hartzog at (800) 647-1511 x9, [email protected]. Thank you in advance for supporting your association. The 2014 Mississippi ABC Directory is now under construction RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! Your annual Mississippi ABC Construction Directory is the single best source to locate product and service providers in our state. We encourage our members to support this project by advertising in this valuable networking publication. Help Support Your Association... “Buy ABC First!” Rates starting at $230 For more information, contact: Dustin Lewis 1-800-647-1511 x2234 [email protected] Debbie Taylor 1-800-647-1511 x2231 [email protected] B Introducing Your P O SM ABC of Mississippi Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan Now available to all ABC of Mississippi member companies! By joining the ABC of Mississippi Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan, you can provide an outstanding plan, save money, and spend less time administering it. Member benefits Let us handle the paperwork for you • No annual audit By participating in the ABC of Mississippi Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan, virtually all administrative tasks can be offloaded from you to Transamerica and the ABC. • Cost savings on the investments • No individual Form 5500 reporting • Minimal plan maintenance • Flexible plan features, including safe harbor, Roth, and profit sharing • Customizable 401(k) plan design options involving eligibility, matches, vesting schedules, and more Tasks that can be shifted may include: • Administrative responsibilities • Employee eligibility tracking • Distribution • Processing • Plan compliance How? The ABC of Mississippi Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan, from a government reporting standpoint, is treated like one large plan. The end result for you is a 401(k) plan with competitive investments, outstanding service, and someone else doing a majority of the plan maintenance legwork. Strength in numbers With several hundred members in our local chapter including General Contractors, Specialty Contractors, Associate, and Affiliate Members, we bring a large, powerful group to one unified plan. When you utilize the ABC of Mississippi Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan, you have all the advantages and flexibility of a stand-alone plan sponsor, but avoid the expenses and administrative headache associated with sponsoring a stand-alone plan. Learn why these companies have already joined the plan. • Nondiscrimination testing • Annual reporting • Participant enrollment/education The result is more time for you to focus on running your business. Evaluation process is as easy as… Contacting one of our team members at Merrill Lynch: Mike Highfill 601-607-7565, [email protected] Cris Dockery 601-607-7650, [email protected] Randy Boyles 601-607-7586, [email protected] Kim Chambers 601-607-7570, [email protected] Providing the requested information for your evaluation Scheduling a no-cost plan design evaluation meeting Transamerica Retirement Solutions and its representatives cannot give ERISA, tax, or legal advice. This material is provided for informational purposes only based on our understanding of material provided and should not be construed as ERISA, tax, or legal advice. Clients and other interested parties must consult and rely solely upon their own independent advisors regarding their particular situation and the concepts presented here. Although care has been taken in preparing this material and presenting it accurately, Transamerica Retirement Solutions disclaims any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy of any material contained herein and any liability with respect to it. Transamerica Retirement Solutions, Merrill Lynch, Burkhalter, Ellis Steel Company, Inc., Independent Roofing Systems, NESCO, and Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Mississippi Chapter are not affiliated companies. 5406-MEP_F_MSS (12/13) © 2013 Transamerica Retirement Solutions Corporation 10 BCAM Workers’ Comp Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLC Horne LLP Ivey Mechanical Company MMC Materials, Inc. Region 4 Jackson Area Membership Meeting Roy Anderson Corp T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. W. G. Yates & Sons Construction A&B Electric Co., Inc. Tuesday, March 4 Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. BancorpSouth Insurance Services $15.00 person Craft Croswell, Inc. Featuring the MMC Cooking team’s Grillin’ Extravaganza with all the trimmings! And backup cooking by John Shows of Roy Anderson Corp on the BA9K. F. L. Crane & Sons, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. JESCO, Inc. Matthews Cutrer & Lindsay, PLLC Mike Harrell’s Shop Home of PIA Solutions, LLC And Probity Contracting Group Metro Mechanical, Inc. Regions Insurance Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. ABC Merit Choice 1427 Old Hwy. 49 North, Florence, MS Aladdin Construction Co., Inc. B & B Concrete Co, Inc. Bobcat of Jackson/Hattiesburg Bracken Construction Co., Inc. Music by The ABC Band Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Brunini Law Firm Commercial Flooring, Inc. Daniel Coker Horton & Bell, PA Galloway Chandler McKinney Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith Glass, Inc. Gregory Construction Services Pre-registration deadline: March 3, 2014—Contact: Kay Wise Phone: 601-944-0421 or Fax: 601-944-0450 or e-mail [email protected] A reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancelled prior to March 3. Please make reservations for the following individuals: JEM LLC Kline Mechanical Systems. R.C. Construction Co., Inc. Name of Attendees: Robinson Electric Co. Inc. Ross & Yerger Insurance, Inc. Method of Payment Check HUB International Merrill Lynch Company Name: Bill Me H & E Equipment Services, Inc. Visa Credit Card #: MasterCard Expiration Date: American Express Authorized Signature: Roy Collins Construction Co., Inc. South Central Heating & Plumbing Co. Southeastern Contracting, LLC Steel Service Corporation Tull Brothers, Inc. Ward Mechanical Equipment, Inc. White Construction Company If you have received this fax in error and wish to be removed from our database, please call 601-944-0421. Williams Equipment & Supply Co. 2 0 1 4 S P O N S O R S 11 Columbus Dinner Meeting Thursday, March 6 Region 1 Seven Ways to Build a Culture with ZERO-TOLERANCE FOR FRAUD Thursday March 6 5:30 Social BCAM Workers’ Comp 2 0 1 4 S P O N S O R S Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLC Horne LLP Ivey Mechanical Company MMC Materials, Inc. Roy Anderson Corp T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. W. G. Yates & Sons Construction A&B Electric Co., Inc. Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. BancorpSouth Insurance Services Craft Croswell, Inc. F. L. Crane & Sons, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. 6:30 Dinner Speaker: Jeff Aucoin, Partner Horne LLP The Golden Horn JESCO, Inc. Matthews Cutrer & Lindsay, PLLC Metro Mechanical, Inc. Regions Insurance Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. 5286 N. Frontage Road Columbus, MS ABC Merit Choice Aladdin Construction Co., Inc. B & B Concrete Co, Inc. $28.00 per person Bobcat of Jackson/Hattiesburg Bracken Construction Co., Inc. Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Brunini Law Firm Commercial Flooring, Inc. Daniel Coker Horton & Bell, PA Galloway Chandler McKinney Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith Glass, Inc. Gregory Construction Services Pre-registration deadline: March 3, 2014—Contact: Kay Wise Phone: 601-944-0421 or Fax: 601-944-0450 or e-mail [email protected] A reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancelled prior to March 3. Please make reservations for the following individuals: H & E Equipment Services, Inc. HUB International JEM LLC Kline Mechanical Systems. Merrill Lynch Company Name: R.C. Construction Co., Inc. Name of Attendees: Robinson Electric Co. Inc. Ross & Yerger Insurance, Inc. Method of Payment Bill Me Check Roy Collins Construction Co., Inc. Visa Credit Card #: MasterCard Expiration Date: American Express Authorized Signature: South Central Heating & Plumbing Co. Southeastern Contracting, LLC Steel Service Corporation Tull Brothers, Inc. Ward Mechanical Equipment, Inc. White Construction Company If you have received this fax in error and wish to be removed from our database, please call 601-944-0421. Williams Equipment & Supply Co. 12 02/24/2014 Bidding: 2/24/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Water Well-Terry, MS Terry,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/27/2014) Divisions: 2,3,11,13,16 Desc: Earthwork / Erosion, Sedimentation & Dust Control / Water Distribution System / Water Wells and Pumps / Chain Link Fence and Gates / Wood Fence / Lawns and Grasses / Concrete / Chemical Feed Equipment / Fiberglass Shelters / Electrical / Packaged Engine Generators / Transfer Switches / Grounding Bids To: Eastside Water Association, Association Office on Wynndale Road, Terry, MS 39170 Plans From: Allen & Hoshall Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 977-8993 / Fax (601) 977-8924 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-4 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs veiwable online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Dent Air Conditioning Company Jackson,MS Phone (601) 366-5338 Fax (601) 366-5382 Griner Drilling Richland,MS Phone (601) 932-4511 Fax (601) 932-4751 Layne Christensen Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4312 Fax (601) 922-9358 *Mid-South Water & Machine Works, L.L.C. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-4076 Fax (662) 843-1717 __________ Bidding: 2/24/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Southaven High School Addition Southaven,MS / De Soto Co (in 2/3/2014) Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,22,23,26,2728,31,32,33 Desc: Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Tests & Inspections / Unit Masonry / Cast Stone Masonry / Structural Steel / Steel Joist / Metal Roof deck / Metal Floor Deck / Metal Fabrications ./ Metal Pan Stairs / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Plastic Laminate Faced Architectural Cabinets / Bituminous Dampproofing / Bentonite Composite Sheet Waterproofing / Thermal Building Insulation / Ethylene Propylene Diene-Monomer (EPDM) Roofing / Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Roof Specialties / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Aluminum Frames Entrances & Storefronts / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Non-Load Bearing Steel Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Ceramic Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base & Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Sheet Carpeting / Exterior Painting / Interior Painting / High Performance Coatings / Visual Display Units / Signage / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories / Fire Extinguishers Cabinets / Fire Extinguishers / Exterior Canopies / Ground Set Flagpoles / Audio Visual Equipment / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Plastic Laminate Clad countertops / Simulated Stone Countertops / Hydraulic Elevator / Fire Suppression Piping / Plumbing Special Ties / Basic Plumbing Materials & Methods / Plumbing Hangers & Support / Plumbing Identification / Plumbing Pipe Insulation / Plumbing Valves / Domestic Water Piping / Plumbing Meters Piping / Plumbing Meters & Gages / Sanitary Waste & Vent Piping / Domestic Water Heater / Plumbing Fixtures / Drinking Fountains & Water Coolers / HAVAC / Mechanical HVAC Insulation / Instrumentation & Control for HVAC / Air distribution Equipment (Fans) / Low Velocity Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Air Inlets & Outlets / Single Heat Pump Split System / VRV Indoor Units / VRV Heat Recovery / Packaged Roof-Top Heating/Cooling Units / Electrical / Grounding / Cable Trays / Electrical Supports & Seismic Restraints / Lighting & Receptacle Controls / Panelboards / Surge Protection Device / High Efficiency k-7 Transformers / Lighting / Structured Cabling System / Interactive Board & Protection System / Intercom System Expansion / Fire Alarm System / Clearing & Grubbing / Soil Cement Base / Earthwork for Structures / Erosion, Sedimentation & Dust Control / Termite Control / Lime for drying / Asphaltic Concrete Paving / Concrete Curbs, Gutters & Sidewalks / Pavement Marking / Chain Link Fence & Gate / Lawns & Grasses / Sodding / Water Distribution System / Disinfection of Water Distribution system / Sanitary Sewer System / Storm Sewer System Bids To: Desoto County School District, 5 East South Street. Hernando, MS 38632 Plans From: Allen & Hoshall, PLLC Memphis, TN / Phone (901) 820-0820 / Fax (901) 683-1001 Prebid Conference: 2/13 @ 2pm @ Owner’s office Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-15 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs viewable online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Barnes & Brower Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 794-3481 Fax (901) 794-3482 C & M Builders Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 342-7182 Fax (662) 342-5332 Fulwood Construction Olive Branch,MS Phone (662) 890-8904 Fax (662) 890-8949 Jaycon Development Memphis,TN Phone (901) 794-4134 Fax (901) 794-4213 Murphy & Sons Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111 Smith Doyle Memphis,TN Phone (901) 213-3993 Fax (901) 213-3994 *Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447 Viktorhall Construction Memphis,TN Phone (901) 323-0333 Fax (901) 323-0310 Wagner General Contractors Memphis,TN Phone (901) 386-0060 Fax (901) 383-2736 Zellner Construction Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 794-1100 Fax (901) 794-9141 __________ Bidding: 2/24/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Hurricane Isaac Work Orders Port Gibson,MS / Claiborne Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 2,9 Desc: Mobilization / Weather Days / Maintenance of Traffic / Removal of Structures and Obstructions / Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Erosion Control / Riprap / Crushed Limestone Base / Asphalt Concrete Pavement / Treated Timber / Steel Piling Bids To: Claiborne County Board of Supervisors, 510 Market Street, Port Gibson, MS 39150 Plans From: WGK, Inc. Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-4444 / Fax (601) 924-6708 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $125 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-69 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/17/2014) 13 * Indicates Membership in ABC Anderson Contracting Yazoo City,MS Phone (662) 755-2260 Fax (662) 755-2229 Central Asphalt Vicksburg ,MS Phone (601) 638-3445 Fax (601) 638-4903 Dozier Services LLC Columbia,MS Phone (662) 287-4221 Fax (662) 415-4221 *Oddee Smith Construction, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-5171 Fax (601) 833-5189 Riverside Constr Vicksburg ,MS Phone (601) 636-3255 Fax (601) 636-6211 *Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269 02/25/2014 Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 2-MDOT-NH-0015-02(096) / 106755301 , / Jones Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Mill and Overlay approximately 4 miles of US 84 from SR 28 to SR 15, known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-0015-02(096) / 106755301 in Jones County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1-5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Dunn Roadbuilders, LLC Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4111 Fax (601) 425-4644 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 17-MDOT- MP-1006-00(069) / 305105301 & 302 , / Pontotoc & Lee Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Mill & Overlay approximately 12 miles of SR 6 from SR 76 to just West of US 45, known as State Project Nos. MP-1006-00(069) / 305105301 & 302 in Pontotoc & Lee Counties. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $$1-$5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 Lehman-Roberts Company Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 774-4000 Fax (901) 774-4028 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 W. G. Construction Co. Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-8811 Fax (662) 837-8240 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 11-MDOT-STP-9205-00(012) / 106761301 , / Washington Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Overlay approximately 7 miles of US 82 from the MS River Bridge to Greenville, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-9205-00(012) / 106761301 in Washington County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1-$5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 10-MDOT- STP-2920-00(012) / 106757301 , / Desoto Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Widen and Overlay approximately 7 miles of US 51 from Tate/Desoto County Line to the Maintenance Headquarters, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-2920-00(012) / 106757301 in Desoto County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 14 Est. Cost: $1-$5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 Endevco Inc Oxford ,MS Phone (662) 236-2234 Fax (662) 236-2235 Lehman-Roberts Company Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 774-4000 Fax (901) 774-4028 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 Superior Asphalt Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 372-1400 Fax (601) 372-3057 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 9-MDOT-BR-0845-00(006) / 103326301 , / Lafayette Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Replacing 8 Bridges on SR 328 from SR 7 to SR 315, known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-0845-00(006) / 103326301 in Lafayette County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $5-$10 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Acrow Corporation of America Fairhope,AL Phone (251) 928-8450 Fax APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 *Atwood Fence Company, Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6338 Fax (662) 289-7463 C. A. Murren & Sons & company, Inc. Grayson,GA Phone (770) 682-2940 Fax (770) 682-1802 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 D. S. Brown Company North Baltimore,OH Phone (419) 257-3561 Fax (419) 257-2200 Endevco Inc Oxford ,MS Phone (662) 236-2234 Fax (662) 236-2235 *Eutaw Construction Company, Inc. Aberdeen,MS Phone (662) 369-8868 Fax (662) 369-7770 Gerdau Ameristeel Birmingham,AL Phone (205) 716-3000 Fax (205) 324-3404 Gulf Coast Pre-Stress Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 452-9486 Fax (228) 452-9495 J. J. Ferguson Sand & Gravel Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-5451 Fax (662) 453-1651 Joe McGee Construction Company Inc. Lake,MS Phone (601) 775-3754 Fax (601) 775-3785 *Key, LLC Madison,MS Phone (601) 898-9892 Fax (601) 898-9896 L & A Contracting Hattiesburg ,MS Phone (601) 264-2100 Fax (601) 264-3922 Lehman-Roberts Company Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 774-4000 Fax (901) 774-4028 McBride Co. LLC Batesville,MS Phone (662) 934-0049 Fax (662) 563-2566 N.L. Carson Construction Co. Inc. Carthage,MS Phone (601) 267-3023 Fax (601) 267-3025 Prestress Services Industries, LLC Lexington,KY Phone (859) 685-1323 Fax (859) 299-0147 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 Rea’s Country Lane Construction Co. Houston,MS Phone (662) 456-9898 Fax (662) 456-9890 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 Scougal Rubber Corporation McCarran,NY Phone (206) 763-2650 Fax (206) 764-4984 Southern Guard Rail Co. Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 278-9858 Fax (901) 278-0607 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 Talbot Brothers Grading Nesbit ,MS Phone (662) 429-7291 Fax (662) 429-7250 Tanner Construction Ellisville ,MS Phone (601) 477-3820 Fax (601) 477-9180 Triangle Maintenance Service LLC Columbus,MS Phone (662) 245-1555 Fax (662) 327-0059 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 8-MDOT-BR-0510-00(009) / 103321301 , / Yazoo Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Replace Bridge Nos. 15.7, 17.4, & 19.1 on SR 433, known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-0510-00(009) / 103321301 in Yazoo County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $5-$10 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Acrow Corporation of America Fairhope,AL Phone (251) 928-8450 Fax Anderson Contracting Yazoo City,MS Phone (662) 755-2260 Fax (662) 755-2229 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 *Atwood Fence Company, Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6338 Fax (662) 289-7463 C. A. Murren & Sons & company, Inc. Grayson,GA Phone (770) 682-2940 Fax (770) 682-1802 Case Atlantic Co. Clearwater,FL Phone (727) 572-7740 Fax (727) 571-1393 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 D. S. Brown Company North Baltimore,OH Phone (419) 257-3561 Fax (419) 257-2200 15 *Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-4291 Fax (601) 833-8760 Dirtworks Inc. of Vicksburg Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 636-6609 Fax (601) 636-6627 *Dozer, LLC Natchez,MS Phone (601) 442-1671 Fax (601) 442-8738 *Eutaw Construction Company, Inc. Aberdeen,MS Phone (662) 369-8868 Fax (662) 369-7770 Gerdau Ameristeel Birmingham,AL Phone (205) 716-3000 Fax (205) 324-3404 Gulf Coast Pre-Stress Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 452-9486 Fax (228) 452-9495 J.J. Ferguson Prestress Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-5451 Fax (662) 453-1651 Joe McGee Construction Company Inc. Lake,MS Phone (601) 775-3754 Fax (601) 775-3785 *Key, LLC Madison,MS Phone (601) 898-9892 Fax (601) 898-9896 L & A Contracting Hattiesburg ,MS Phone (601) 264-2100 Fax (601) 264-3922 N.L. Carson Construction Co. Inc. Carthage,MS Phone (601) 267-3023 Fax (601) 267-3025 Prestress Services Industries, LLC Lexington,KY Phone (859) 685-1323 Fax (859) 299-0147 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 Rea’s Country Lane Construction Co. Houston,MS Phone (662) 456-9898 Fax (662) 456-9890 Scougal Rubber Corporation Seattle,WA Phone (206) 763-2650 Fax (206) 764-4984 Southern Guardrail Co. Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 278-9858 Fax (901) 278-0607 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 Tanner Construction Ellisville ,MS Phone (601) 477-3820 Fax (601) 477-9180 Triangle Maintenance Service LLC Columbus,MS Phone (662) 245-1555 Fax (662) 327-0059 Xcavators, inc. Faulkner,MS Phone (662) 837-1893 Fax __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 7-MDOT-STP-0079-02(016) / 106770301 and MP-1045-48(012) / 305115301 , / Monroe Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Base-Pave approximately 7 miles of US 45A from Wilson-Hill Loop to SR 8, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-0079-02(016) / 106770301 and State Project No. MP-104548(012) / 305115301 in Monroe County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $5-$10 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 Falcon Contracting Co Columbus ,MS Phone (662) 327-2053 Fax (662) 329-3291 Kimes & Stone Construction Co. Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 728-3501 Fax (662) 728-8123 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 6-MDOT-STP-0071-01(015) / 106771301 , / Monroe Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Level and Seal approximately 6 miles of SR 371 from SR 6 to the Itawamba County Line, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-0071-01(015) / 106771301 in Monroe County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 Kimes & Stone Construction Co. Booneville,MS Phone (662) 728-3501 Fax (662) 728-8123 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 18-MDOT-LWO-1033-41(005) / 501637302 , / Lee Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Lot Improvement at District 1 Headquarters in Tupelo, known as State Project No. LWO-1033-41(005) / 501637302 in Lee County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1-$5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) 16 * Indicates Membership in ABC A to Z Muni-DOT Company Athens,AL Phone (225) 572-3358 Fax (225) 261-8660 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 *Atwood Fence Company, Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6338 Fax (662) 289-7463 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 Edge Construction, LLC Tremont,MS Phone (662) 386-3482 Fax (601) 856-6216 Endevco Inc Oxford ,MS Phone (662) 236-2234 Fax (662) 236-2235 Interstate Landscaping of MS Falkner,MS Phone (662) 837-0079 Fax (662) 837-1054 J. M. Duncan Inc. Falkner,MS Phone (662) 587-2211 Fax (662) 993-8579 Michael Pittman Construction Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-4805 Fax (662) 287-9253 Paul Smithey Constr Beldon ,MS Phone (662) 844-0794 Fax (662) 844-0601 Prairie Constr Co Tupelo ,MS Phone (662) 842-3842 Fax (662) 841-9335 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 *RiverSide Traffic Systems, Inc. New Albany,MS Phone (662) 534-8257 Fax (662) 538-7658 Southwest Design & Landscaping, LLC McComb,MS Phone (601) 250-1417 Fax (601) 250-1418 TLSL Inc Walnut ,MS Phone (662) 223-5376 Fax (662) 223-5600 W. G. Construction Co. Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-8811 Fax (662) 837-8240 Webster Electric Co. Meridian,MS Phone (601) 626-0200 Fax (601) 626-0209 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 4-MDOT-IM-0055-02(239) / 106613301 , / Hinds Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Sign Truss Removal and Replacement on I-55 Northbound at Atkins-Beasley exit ramp , known as Federal Aid Project No. IM-0055-02(239) / 106613301 in Hinds County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Atwood Fence Company, Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6338 Fax (662) 289-7463 J. C. Cheek Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-1631 Fax (662) 289-6806 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 RMD Holdings, LTD Dba Nationwide Const. Group New Haven,MI Phone (586) 749-6900 Fax (586) 749-6909 Triangle Maintenance Service LLC Columbus,MS Phone (662) 245-1555 Fax (662) 327-0059 Walpar, Inc. Birmingham,AL Phone (205) 925-4990 Fax (205) 925-7273 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 3-MDOT-STP-0018-02(053) / 106758301 , / Attala Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Widen and Overlay approximately 6 miles of SR 12 from the Holmes County Line to 0.03 miles West of SR 431, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-0018-02(053) / 106758301 in Attala County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1-5 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC APAC Memphis,TN Phone (901) 947-5600 Fax (901) 947-5699 *APAC - Mississippi, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 376-4000 Fax (601) 376-4099 *Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-4291 Fax (601) 833-8760 Lehman-Roberts Company Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 774-4000 Fax (901) 774-4028 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 5:00:00 PM St. Catherine’s Village-Campbell Cove Addition Madison,MS / Madison Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,26,27,31,32,33 Desc: Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Mortar / Unit Masonry / Rough Carpentry / Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses / Architectural Woodwork / Solid Surface Material / Building Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Vapor Retarder / Air/Weather Resistant Barrier (Polyethylene Building Wrap) / Metal Roofing / Metal Flashing and Trim / Conductors and Downspouts / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Expansion Joint Assemblies / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Fire Rated Attic Access Stair / Access Doors and Frames / Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts / Metal Clad Wood Windows / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Louvers and Vents / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tile / Resilient Flooring (Stair Covering Materials) / Painting / Fire Extinguisher and Cabinets / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Miscellaneous Appliances / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Heat Tracing for Fire Protection / Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems / Plumbing / Expansion Fittings and Loops / General-Duty Valves / Hangers and Supports /Heat Tracing / Vibration and Seismic Controls for Fire Suppression Piping and Equipment / Identification / Plumbing Insulation / Facility Water Distribution / Facility Sanitary Sewerage / Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures / HVAC / Pipes and Tubes / Common Motor Requirements / Enclosed Controllers / Variable Speed Drives / Expansion Fittings and Loops 17 / General Duty Valves / Hangers and Supports / Heat Tracer / Identification / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Web Based Building Management System-BACnet Protocol / Insulation / Commissioning / Outside Air Monitor / Facility Natural-Gas Piping / Hydronic Piping Specialties / Hydronic Pumps / Refrigerant Piping for VRV/DSS Systems / HVAC Water Treatment / Ducts and Casings / Air Duct Accessories / Exhaust Fans / Air Outlets and Inlets / Breechings, Chimneys and Stacks / Water-tube Boilers / Package Water Chillers-Reciprocating, Scroll and Screw / Convection Heating and Cooling Units / Air Handling Units / Electrical / Medium Voltage Cables / Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding / Hangers and Supports / Raceways and Boxes / Underground Ducts and Raceways Sleeves and Sleeve Seals / Raceways and Cabling / Identification / Lighting Control Devices / Medium-Voltage Transformers / Low-Voltage Transformers / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Occupancy Sensors / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Automatic Transfer Switch / Interior and Exterior Lighting / Communications / Grounding and Bonding / Pathways / Hangers and Supports / Communications Underground Ducts and Raceways / Identification / Telecommunications Room Finishes / Termination Blocks and Patch Panels / Copper Cable Splicing and Terminations / Copper backbone Cabling / Optical Fiber Backbone Cabling / Copper Horizontal Cabling / Faceplates and Connectors / Nurse Call/Code Blue System / Earthwork / Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Earthwork for Structures / Pipeline Excavation and Backfill / Silt Fence / Temporary Erosion Checks / Geotextile Fabric / Riprap / Crushed Limestone Base / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Accessories / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Placement / Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching / Utilities / Site Water Distribution Piping / Sanitary Sewerage Utilities / Drainage Pipes and Culverts / Storm Drainage Structures Bids To: SUB BIDS: Tony Head with Mid State Construction, 300 Briarwood West Dr, Jackson, MS 39206, (601) 956-9500 Prebid Conference: 2/13, 11:30, St. Catherine’s Activity Rm Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-73 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/10/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Contract No. 2.- Sanitary Sewer Collections System Columbia,MS / Marion Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 2,3,16,17 Desc: Project Sign / Demolition / Mobilization / Earthwork / Site Clearing and Grubbing / Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling / Crushed Limestone / Erosion and Sediment Control Measures / Topsoiling / Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewers / Duplex Self-Priming Pumps / Non-Clog Shredder pumps / Packaged Grinder Pumps / Packaged Effluent Pump System / Low Pressure Sewer Main / Pump Station Pipework / precast Concrete Wet Wall / Reinforced Concrete Pipe(Class III) / Polyethylene Pipe(Directional Bore) / Chain Link Fencing / Fiberglass Utility Markers / Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching / Solid Sod / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing / Electrical Service Upgrade / Process Instrumentation and Control Bids To: Lampton Sewer District, at the Office of USDA Rural Development, 1395 Johnny Johnson Dr., Suite D, Brookhaven, MS 39601 Plans From: Dungan Engineering, PA Columbia, MS / Phone (601) 731-2600 / Fax (601) 736-6501 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $350 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-62 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC C B Developers Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-1600 Fax (601) 583-0005 Coburns Supply Richland,MS Phone (601) 941-3309 Fax (601) 936-8102 Dauphin Environmental Equipment Mobile,AL Phone (251) 660-1300 Fax (251) 660-1004 Delta Process Equipment Inc. Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 638-8900 Fax *Doleac Electric Co., Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 544-2052 Fax (601) 582-4121 Greenbriar Digging Service Brookhaven ,MS Phone (601) 833-0975 Fax (601) 833-0986 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Hensley P. R. Lee Contracting Picayune,MS Phone (601) 799-1335 Fax (601) 799-1336 Hudson Contracting Waynesboro,MS Phone (601) 735-4731 Fax (601) 735-4789 Jarrett Concrete Products , Phone (615) 792-9332 Fax (615) 792-9071 Jay Bearden Construction Richland,MS Phone (601) 939-4292 Fax (601) 939-4246 *Moses Electric, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 868-2541 Fax (228) 864-2539 Orenco Systems, Inc. Bay Minette,AL Phone (251) 580-1927 Fax (251) 580-1927 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Wise Center Classroom Addition- Satellite-MSU Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 2/6/2014) Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West St., Ste. 1401 B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 327-8990 / Fax (662) 327-8991 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-3 Est. Cost: $120,000-$150,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Bram Flynn Associates Dallas,TX Phone (214) 353-0770 Fax (214) 353-0755 Freebird Communications Inc. Olathe,KS Phone (913) 626-2706 Fax Red Dirt Communicaitons Tulsa,OK Phone (405) 269-6761 Fax Satellink Phoenix,AZ Phone (480) 367-6888 Fax __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Outpatient Rehabilitation Services At YMCA, Site Package Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 2/5/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,7,9,10,16 Desc: Selective Demolition (Renovation) / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Concrete Sidewalks & Ramps / Storm Sewer Collection System / Hot Bituminous Pavement / Painted Traffic Stripe 18 / Erosion Control / Concrete Formwork - Paving / Concrete Reinforcement - Paving / Cast-In-Place Concrete - Paving / Metal Fabrications / Joint Sealants / Painting / Protective Covers / Electrical / Low-Voltage Conductors (600 Volt AC) / Raceways,Fittings & Supports / Lighting Bids To: The Board of Trustees of Forrest Co. General Hosp., Office of the President of Forrest Co.General Hosp., 6051 Hwy. 49 S., Hattiesburg, MS 39401-7243 Plans From: Perkins & Williamson Architecture, PLLC Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 545-2464 / Fax (601) 545-2406 Prebid Conference: 2/13 @ 1pm @ Pinebelt Family YMCA Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Gulfport Bin #: JX-10, GP-23 Est. Cost: $100,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs viewable online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax C. Perry Builders Sumrall,MS Phone (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 758-3106 *Casablanca Construction, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 Fairley Construction Petal,MS Phone (601) 596-5279 Fax (601) 594-0638 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Walker Construction Wiggins,MS Phone (601) 408-5251 Fax (601) 928-1852 Walters Constr Laurel ,MS Phone (601) 428-5515 Fax (601) 425-5334 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 5-MDOT-IM-0059-02(104) / 106408302 , / Jasper Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Mill & Overlay approximately 13 miles of I-59 from Jones County Line to Vossburg, known as Federal Aid Project No. IM-0059-02(104) / 106408302 in Jasper County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $15-$20 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Atwood Fence Company, Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6338 Fax (662) 289-7463 *Dunn Roadbuilders, LLC Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4111 Fax (601) 425-4644 Interstate Sealant & Concrete, Inc. Waukasha,WI Phone (262) 547-6316 Fax (262) 547-6844 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 Southern Guard Rail Co. Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 278-9858 Fax (901) 278-0607 Watson-Bowman Acme Corp. Amherst,NY Phone (716) 817-5458 Fax (716) 691-9239 __________ Bidding: 2/25/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 1-MDOT-STP-0014-01(061) / 106748301 , / Amite Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Mill and Overlay approximately 2 miles of SR 24 from Tanyard Creek Bridge to Liberty, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-0014-01(061) / 106748301 in Amite County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $500,000-$1 Million Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www. msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 969-2002 Fax (601) 969-2004 Protection Services, Inc. Shreveport,LA Phone (318) 688-9682 Fax (318) 688-9028 W. E. Blain & Sons Mt. Olive,MS Phone (601) 797-4551 Fax (601) 797-4777 02/26/2014 Bidding: 2/26/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Kansas City Southern Railway-JXN RIP Facility Project Kansas City,MO / Jackson Co (in 2/19/2014) Desc: KCS plans to replace their existing Repair in Place (RIP) Facility located in their High Oak Yard in Pearl, MS by constructing a new two (2) track RIP Facility as part of the High Oak Yard Expansion. This project includes the design and construction of the new RIP Facility buildings only. The proposed RIP facility foot print will include the following spaces: Repair in Place Facility (approx. 12,000 SF), Maintenance Office Building (approx. 3,600 SF), and Maintenance Facility Storage (approx. 550 SF).IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON BIDDING THIS PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT DEBI GILLETTE Bids To: SUB BIDS: Submitted on the DBK Bid Form. Submit bids via one of the following methods ONLY:Bid Fax: 904-224-2465Bid Email: [email protected] Plan Contact: Https://Dbkenyon.Sharefile.Com/I/Icff946956924b13a Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-37 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ 19 02/27/2014 Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Roof Replacement Walton Elementary School Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/30/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7 Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Asbestos Abatement / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants Bids To: Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, 662 President St., Jackson, MS Plan Contact: Www.Jbhmplans.Com Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-2699 / Fax (601) 352-2693 Prebid Conference: 2/4, 1pm, 3200 Bailey Ave., Jackson, MS Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-42 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Central Roofing Madison,MS Phone (601) 898-9948 Fax (601) 898-9958 *Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Industrial Roofing & Construction LLC Sterlington,LA Phone (318) 665-0483 Fax (318) 665-0487 LCC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 260-7406 Fax (601) 260-7406 Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 RYCARS Construction LLC Atlanta,GA Phone (404) 209-9991 Fax (404) 209-9936 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM REBID-Mississippi State Hospital Building 88 Demolition Whitfield,MS / Rankin Co (in 2/3/2014) Divisions: 2,4,6,32,33 Desc: Structure Demolition / Unit Masonry / Rough Caroentry / Turf & Grasses / Storm Utility Drainage Piping Bids To: Mississippi State Hospital, Building 93, Whitfield, MS Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-2699 / Fax (601) 352-2693 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref Addenda: 3 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-6 Est. Cost: not releasing Additional Info: Plans/specs viewable online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax Ares Contracting Mobile,AL Phone (251) 379-7038 Fax (251) 443-8162 Construction Plus Meridian,MS Phone (601) 938-5769 Fax (601) 553-3106 D. H. Griffin Wrecking Co. Hoover,AL Phone (205) 403-4642 Fax (205) 403-4632 Holiday Construction Poplarville,MS Phone (601) 795-4389 Fax (601) 795-2854 M & M Services Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 982-8695 Fax (601) 605-1145 Rulz Contracting Solutions Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 266-2220 Fax *S & S Excavation, LLC Benton,MS Phone (601) 572-6661 Fax (662) 673-1131 Scott Builders & Development, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 624-3029 Fax (601) 898-1166 Southern Recycling & Demo Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 348-0072 Fax (888) 260-9602 Tony Watson Electric Brandon ,MS Phone (601) 825-8101 Fax (601) 825-4102 Virginia Wrecking Co. Inc. Daphne,AL Phone (251) 626-3907 Fax (251) 626-3908 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:30:00 PM University of Mississippi - Guyton Hall Boiler Replacement University,MS / Lafayette Co (in 1/31/2014) Divisions: 2,3,9,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Paints and Coatings / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Requirements / Mechanical Submittals and Shop Drawings / Mechanical Systems and Equipment Warranties / Mechanical Close-Out Requirements / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Pipe and Pipe Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports and Anchors / Electrical Requirement / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Insulation / Chemical Treatment / Chimney Automation System / Condensing Boilers / Energy Management and Conservation System / Testing- Adjusting and Balancing / General Provisions / Codes & Standards / Electrical Equipment/Material Submittals / Basic Electrical Materials & Methods / Raceways & Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding & Bonding System / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Equipment Electrical Services Bids To: University of Mississippi, Office of the Director of Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Dr, P O Box 8750, University, MS 38677 Plans From: The CGM Group Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 898-4516 / Fax (601) 898-4517 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-54 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Acy Mechanical, LLC Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4324 Fax (662) 283-1757 English Boiler & Tube, Inc. Henrico,VA Phone (804) 226-8227 Fax (804) 612-0807 *Kline Mechanical Systems, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-9288 Fax (662) 862-7849 *McLain Plumbing & Electrical Service Philadelphia,MS Phone (601) 656-6333 Fax (601) 656-6351 20 Shackelford Plumbing Oxford ,MS Phone (662) 234-9767 Fax (662) 234-9767 *South Central Heating & Plumbing Jackson,MS Phone (601) 982-5351 Fax (601) 982-3943 *Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Tupelo High School Turf/Track Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 1/31/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,10,11,13 Desc: Demolition / Site Clearing / Site Grading / Excavation and Fill / Erosion and Sediment Control / Synthetic Turf Base / Storm Drainage System / Asphaltic Concrete Paving / Infilled Synthetic Turf / Synthetic Running Track / Chain Link Fence / Landscape Grading / Sodding / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Plaques / Athletic Equipment / Removal of Asbestos-Containing Materials Bids To: Hancock Leadership Center, 1920 Briar Ridge Rd., Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 840-8062 / Fax (662) 840-8092 Prebid Conference: 2/17, 1:30pm, Bldg J, 4125 Golden Wave Dr. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo, Cleveland, Hattiesburg Bin #: JX-68 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Anco Construction, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-1494 Fax (662) 287-1420 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 Competition Athletic Surfaces Inc. Chattanooga,TN Phone (423) 847-8330 Fax (423) 847-8332 Eagle Golf & Athletics Inc. Florence,AL Phone (256) 765-0050 Fax (256) 765-3874 Hellas Construction Inc. Austin,TX Phone (512) 250-2910 Fax (512) 250-1960 Rutledge Contractors Tupelo ,MS Phone (662) 842-1900 Fax (662) 842-3002 Sports Turf Co. Inc. Whitesburg,GA Phone (770) 832-8691 Fax (770) 834-7327 *Stewart Development, LLC/Temperature Control Serv. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 549-5661 Fax (601) 583-0813 *Worsham Brothers, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 286-8446 Fax (662) 287-4416 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Roof Replacement For John Hopkins Elementary Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/30/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7 Desc: Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Accessories Bids To: Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, 662 President St., Jackson, MS Plans From: Durrell Design Group, PLLC Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 622-2786 / Fax (601) 488-4717 Prebid Conference: 2/6, 1pm, 170 John Hopkins Rd., Jackson Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-47 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/10/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Industrial Roofing & Construction LLC Sterlington,LA Phone (318) 665-0483 Fax (318) 665-0487 Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 RYCARS Construction LLC Atlanta,GA Phone (404) 209-9991 Fax (404) 209-9936 Saratoga Roofing & Construction Oklahoma City,OK Phone (405) 541-8218 Fax (405) 692-6100 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Graduate Oxford Hotel Oxford,MS / Lafayette Co (in 2/20/2014) Desc: Site Construction / Concrete Forms and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-in-Place / Unbonded Post-Tension Concrete / Mortar and Masonry Grout / Cast Stone / Masonry Veneer / Reinforced Unit Masonry Assemblies / Structural Steel / Steel Deck / Cold Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Metal Stairs / Handrails and Railings / Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies / Rough and Finish Carpentry / Architectural Millwork / Built-up Bituminous Waterproofing / Board and Batt Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Underslab Vapor Retarder / Fluid Applied Membrane and Barriers / Synthetic Slate Shingles / Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Roof Specialties Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Doors and Windows / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors and Panels / Metal-Framed Storefronts / Sliding Automatic Entrances / Revolving Door Entrances / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Non-Loadbearing Metal Framing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tile / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Hardwood Flooring-Adhesive Applied / Resilient Flooring / Carpet / Wall Covering / Paints and Coatings / Metal Toilet Compartments / Wall Louvers / Flagpoles / Lockers / Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets and Accessories / Linen Chute / Furnishings / Wet pipe Sprinklers / Mechanical / Duct Insulation / Hangers and Supports / Hydronic Piping (& Specialties) / Facility Natural Gas-Piping / Heat Tracing for HVAC / Hangers and Support (Plumbing) / Identification / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Sanitary Waste Piping Insulation / HVAC Power Ventilators / Rotary Screw Water Chillers / Hydronic Pumps / Packaged Rooftop / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Fancoil Units / Low Velocity Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Controls / Balancing and Testing by Independent Agency / Electrical / Coordination with Local Agency / Electrical /Raceways / Busways / Building Wire and Cable / Electrical Boxes and Fitting / Wring Devices / Panel Boards / Overcurrent Protective Devices / Supporting Devices / Seismic Restraints / Identification / Building Switchboard / Grounding / Lighting / Fire Alarm System / Closed Circuit Television System / Empty Conduit System for Communications / Wiring for Food Service Equipment / Wiring for HVAC and Plumbing Equipment Bids To: SUB BIDS: Ronny or Dean Stage 901-854-8683 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-75 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/20/2014) 21 * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Roof Replacement Power APAC Elementary School Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/30/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7 Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Asbestos Abatement / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants Bids To: Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, 662 President St., Jackson, MS Plan Contact: Www.Jbhmplans.Com Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-2699 / Fax (601) 352-2693 Prebid Conference: 2/4, 3pm, 1120 Riverside Dr., Jackson Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-64 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax Amerson Roofing Atmore,AL Phone (251) 368-5295 Fax (251) 446-8363 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 Hewitt Roofing Co. Ferriday,LA Phone (318) 767-3336 Fax *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Industrial Roofing & Construction LLC Sterlington,LA Phone (318) 665-0483 Fax (318) 665-0487 Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 RYCARS Construction LLC Atlanta,GA Phone (404) 209-9991 Fax (404) 209-9936 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Wise Center Classroom Addition Mississippi State,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 1/27/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16 Desc: Demolition / Site Clearing / Site Grading / Excavation and Fill / Termite and Insect Control / Erosion and Sediment Control / Underground Ducts and Utility Structures-See Division 16 / Storm Drainage System / Landscape Grading / Sodding / Sitework Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Shrink-Resistant Grout / Mortar / Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories / Brick Masonry Units / Structural Steel / Steel Joists / Steel Roof Deck / Cold Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Utility Shelving / Solid Surface Countertops / Self Adhesive Flashings / Sheet Waterproofing and Drainage System / Cleaning Masonry / Building Insulation / Vapor Barrier(15 MIL) / Air/Weather Barrier / Modified Bitumen Roofing / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealant / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glass / Mirrors / Metal Stud Framing System / Suspended Gypsum Board Ceilings / Portland Cement Plaster / Interior Gypsum Board / Exterior Gypsum Sheathing / Gypsum Tile Backer Board / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Ceilings / Vinyl Composition Tile / Rubber Base / Carpet(Glue-Down) / Presentation Dry Erase Wall Covering / Acoustical Wall Systems / Paint / Solid Plastic Toilet Compartments / Plaques / Interior Signage / Fire Extinguishers / Aluminum Awnings and Walkway Covers / Restroom Accessories / Seminar Tables / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Mechanical Systems Schedule / Basic Materials and Methods / Pipe and Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Mechanical Devices / Mechanical Systems Insulation / Domestic Water System / Soil and Waste Systems / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Specialties / Natural Gas Piping System / Domestic Water Heater / Fire Protection System / Indoor Central Station Air Handler / Air Terminal Units-Variable Volume / Ventilation Systems / Air Distribution System / Energy Management and Temperature Control System / Variable Frequency Drives / Testing and Balancing Air and Water Systems / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Supplemental / Underground Ducts and Utility Structures / General Electrical Provisions / Short Circuit and Protective Device Coordination Study / Grounding and Bonding / Hangars and Supports / Identification for Electrical Systems / Identification for Communications Systems / Identification for Fire Alarm Systems / Electrical Demolition / Building Wire and Cable / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Cable Tray / Wiring Devices / Floor Boxes / Remote Control Switching Devices / Wiring Connections / Electric Service / Engine Generators / Pad-Mounted Transformers / Overhead Power Distribution / Underground Power Distribution / Description of Assembly Units / Enclosed Switches / Enclosed Transfer Switches / Enclosed Contactors / Switchboards / Motor Control Centers / Panelboards / Transformers for Non-Linear Loads / Fuses / Interior Lighting / Exterior Lighting / Emergency Lighting / Fire Alarm System / Access Control Systems / Communication Systems / Commissioning Submittal Procedures / Commissioning Closeout Submittals / Commissioning Requirement / Building Envelope Testing Requirements / Mechanical System Testing Requirements / Electrical System Testing Requirements / Demonstration and Training Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401 B, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 327-8990 / Fax (662) 327-8991 Prebid Conference: 2/19, 2pm, Gast Conf Rm, MSU Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo, Columbus Bin #: JX-Table 10 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Burks-Mordecai Builders Columbus,MS Phone (662) 327-9559 Fax (662) 327-9567 *Carothers Construction, Inc. Taylor,MS Phone (662) 513-8820 Fax (662) 234-3364 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 *JESCO, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-3121 Fax (662) 862-3120 *Paul Jackson & Son, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-3453 Fax (601) 833-3474 *Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 Renrock Construction LLC Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-0101 Fax (662) 324-9009 Tyler Construction Philadelphia,MS Phone (601) 656-3200 Fax (601) 656-3322 *West Brothers Construction, Inc. Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2438 Fax (662) 328-2746 *Worsham Brothers, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 286-8446 Fax (662) 287-4416 __________ 22 Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Resurface Parking Lots-JD Camupus/MGCCC Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/11/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Strom Drainage / Base Course / Bitumonous Pavement / Tack and Prime / Pavement Markings / Concrete Sidewalks and Curbs & Gutters / Cold Milling of Pavement / Portland Cement Pavement Bids To: MS Gulf Coast Community College, Services Building, Perkinston, MS Plans From: Seymour Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 385-2350 / Fax (228) 385-2353 Prebid Conference: Strongly Recommended 2/13/14 @ 2 PM Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-21 Est. Cost: $200-$225,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/11/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Gulf Breeze Landscaping LLC Gautier,MS Phone (228) 497-3356 Fax (228) 497-4754 Landshapers Inc Gulfport ,MS Phone (228) 863-8996 Fax (868) 887-8878 Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155 __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Roof Replacement Jones Hall - Bldg 804 - USM, Hattiesburg Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 2/11/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,9 Desc: Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Clear Exterior Brick Water Repellent / Fluid Applied Roofing / Flashing / Sheet Metal / Roof Accessories / Sealants / Caulking / Painting Bids To: University of Southern Mississippi, Pyshical Plant Department Conference Room, Hattiesburg, MS Plans From: Allred Architectural Group Ocean Springs, MS / Phone (228) 762-1975 / Fax (228) 769-9545 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-1A Est. Cost: not releasing Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. __________ Bidding: 2/27/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Roof Replacement For Johnson Elementary Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/30/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,8 Desc: Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Manufactured Roof Specialties / Roof Accessories / Unit Skylights Bids To: Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, 662 President St., Jackson, MS Plans From: Durrell Design Group, PLLC Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 622-2786 / Fax (601) 488-4717 Prebid Conference: 2/6, 3pm, 1339 OakPark Dr., Jackson Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-44 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 Hewitt Roofing Co. Ferriday,LA Phone (318) 757-3336 Fax (318) 757-8001 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Industrial Roofing & Construction LLC Sterlington,LA Phone (318) 665-0483 Fax (318) 665-0487 Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 RYCARS Construction LLC Atlanta,GA Phone (404) 209-9991 Fax (404) 209-9936 Saratoga Roofing & Construction Oklahoma City,OK Phone (405) 541-8218 Fax (405) 692-6100 02/28/2014 Bidding: 2/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 2013 NRCS Drainage Improvements, Fayette, MS Fayette,MS / Jefferson Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 2,9 Desc: Mobilization / Maintenance of Traffic / Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Storm Drainage / Erosion Control / Riprap / Gabion Galvanized / Clay Gravel Base Course / Crushed limestone / Treated Timber / Steel Piling Bids To: Jefferson County Board of Supervisors, 1267 Main Street, Fayette, MS 39069 Plans From: WGK, Inc. Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-4444 / Fax (601) 924-6708 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-63 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/17/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Clifton Rankin Construction LLC Fayette,MS Phone (601) 786-8933 Fax (601) 597-4808 Dirtworks Inc. of Vicksburg Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 636-6609 Fax (601) 636-6627 Riverside Constr Vicksburg ,MS Phone (601) 636-3255 Fax (601) 636-6211 *Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269 23 __________ Bidding: 2/28/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Nissan North America-Integrated Logistics Center Canton,MS / Madison Co (in 2/21/2014) Desc: Fencing / Highway Guardrails / Casework / Doors, Frames, Hardware / Drywall & Metal Studs / Acoustical Ceilings / Floor Coverings /Toilet Partitions & Toilet Accessories Bids To: SUB BIDS: Ben Eberle E-Mail = [email protected], voice = 615-367-1333 fax = 615-367-6918 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: Table #16 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/21/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC 03/01/2014 Bidding: 3/1/2014 at 5:00:00 PM Community Students Learning Center-New Home Construction Lexington,MS / Holmes Co (in 1/23/2014) Desc: Concrete / Masonry / Metals / Carpentry / Thermal & Moisture Protection / Doors/ Windows/ Glazing / Finishes / Equipment / (Appliances) / Mechanical / Electrical Bids To: SUB BIDS: Scott king @ Triangle Construction Co., Inc. 102 First Choice Dr., Madison, MS 39110, P: 601-853-9326, f: 601-853-9327, email: [email protected] Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-31 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/23/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax 03/03/2014 Bidding: 3/3/2014 at 9:00:00 AM Water Distribution Improvements Terry,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/27/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Erosion, Sedimentation, and Dust Control / Water Distribution Bids To: Chancery Clerk’s Office of Hinds County, MS 316 South President St., Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Allen & Hoshall Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 977-8993 / Fax (601) 977-8924 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-1 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/20/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC 4-D Construction Louisville,MS Phone (662) 773-4739 Fax (662) 773-2095 Coburns Supply Richland,MS Phone (601) 941-3309 Fax (601) 936-8102 Delta Constructors, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-8732 Fax (601) 939-0867 *Garrett Enterprises Consolidated, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 896-0084 Fax (601) 896-0091 Greenbriar Digging Service Brookhaven ,MS Phone (601) 833-0975 Fax (601) 833-0986 Mitchell Contracting, Inc. Covington,LA Phone (985) 845-7948 Fax (985) 845-2775 Red Oak Construction Wesson,MS Phone (601) 757-9744 Fax (601) 835-0896 __________ Bidding: 3/3/2014 at 1:00:00 PM New Splashpad At Vancleave Facility On Ballpark Road Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 1/16/2014) Divisions: 2,3,10,16 Desc: Earthwork / Trench excavation / Backfill / Piping / Polyvinyl Chloride Piping / Fittings / Sanitary Sewer System / Seeding / Sodding Bids To: Terry Miller, Chancery Clerk, Land Records Department, 2915 Canty Street, Suite R, Pascagoula, MS Plans From: Compton Engineering Pascagoula, MS / Phone (228) 762-3970 / Fax (228) 769-9079 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $125 Non Ref Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-16 Est. Cost: 100,000 - 150,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Gulf Breeze Landscaping LLC Gautier,MS Phone (228) 497-3356 Fax (228) 497-4754 Jay Bearden Construction Richland,MS Phone (601) 939-4292 Fax (601) 939-4246 JO Collins Constr Biloxi ,MS Phone (228) 374-5314 Fax (228) 432-7707 McClain Contracting Co. Andalusia,AL Phone (334) 222-4338 Fax (334) 427-3188 *Orocon Construction, LLC Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 432-5922 Fax (228) 432-5991 Stewart Environmental Construction, Inc. Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 841-9202 Fax (662) 841-9208 Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155 __________ Bidding: 3/3/2014 at 9:00:00 AM Box Culvert & Approches Gore Rd. LSBP-25(38) Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/9/2014) Desc: Mobilization / Clearing & Grubbing / Removal of Precase Bridge / Unclassified Excavation / Borrow Excavation (FME) (Contractor Furnished) (Class 9) / Granular Material (LVM) (Class 5, Group B) /?Class B Structural Concrete / Reinforcing Steel / Right-Of-Way Markers (Type II) / Maintenance Of Traffic / Additional Construction Signs / Agriculture Limestone 24 / Commercial Fertilizer / Seeding / Vegetative Materials For Mulch / Solid Sodding / Temporary Silt Fence (Type II) (AOS 0.15-0.84) / Loose Riprap (200 lb) / Loose Riprap (300 lb.) Geotextile Under Rip Rap (Type V) AQS (0.21-0.43 Bids To: Chancery Clerk’s Office, Hinds Co., MS, 316 South President St., Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: IMS (Integrated Mgmt. Services) Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 968-9194 / Fax (601) 968-9192 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-2 Est. Cost: Not given Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Coleman Hammons Construction Pearl,MS Phone (601) 932-7581 Fax (601) 932-7583 *Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494 Dozer LLC Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 636-6609 Fax (601) 636-6627 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Magco Inc Laurel ,MS Phone (601) 425-0037 Fax (601) 425-9480 N.L. Carson Construction Co. Inc. Carthage,MS Phone (601) 267-3023 Fax (601) 267-3025 *Oddee Smith Construction, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-5171 Fax (601) 833-5189 *Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269 __________ Bidding: 3/3/2014 at 3:00:00 PM Coburn Supply Company Warehouse Modifications Greenwood,MS / Leflore Co (in 2/10/2014) Desc: Standard Specifications for State Aid Bridge Construction currently approved by the Office of State Aid Road Construction of the MS Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration are made a part hereof fully and completely as if attached hereto, except where superseded by the special provisions, or amended by revisions. Bids To: Leflore County Board of Supervisors in the Office of the Chancery Clerk, Greenwood, MS Plans From: Willis Engineering Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-1081 / Fax (662) 226-1649 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-22 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC B. C. Construction, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-2424 Fax Double S Inc. Grenada,MS Phone (662) 226-6097 Fax (662) 229-0884 *Hunt Management & Construction Grenada,MS Phone (662) 227-1047 Fax (662) 227-9891 *Kenneth R. Thompson, Jr. Builder, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-7765 Fax (662) 453-5833 *Robinson Electric Co., Inc. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-3978 Fax (662) 843-6217 *Timbo’s Construction, Inc. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 719-6291 Fax (888) 629-2975 __________ Bidding: 3/3/2014 at 11:00:00 AM Hancock Co. Beach Maintenance W/ Pre-Disaster Options Bay Saint Louis,MS / Hancock Co (in 12/23/2013) Divisions: 2 Desc: Beach Cleaning / Sand Screening / Nearshore Sand Retrieval / Imported Beach Sand Renourishment / Beach Storm Debris Cleanup / Beach Vegetation / Beach Sand / Beach Deep Sand Screening / Herbicide Treatment / Sand Fence Fabric / Bids To: Hancock County Board of Supervisors, 854 Hgwy 90, Bay Saint Louis, MS Plans From: Compton Engineering Bay Saint Louis, MS / Phone (228) 467-2770 / Fax (228) 467-2720 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2A Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. 03/04/2014 Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 3:30:00 PM South Street Bridge Replacement Project Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 2/5/2014) Desc: See spec book Bids To: City of Jackson, Mississippi , Jackson City Hall, Jackson, MS Plans From: IMS (Integrated Mgmt. Services) Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 968-9194 / Fax (601) 968-9192 Prebid Conference: 2/11 @ 3pm 5th floor Conf. Rm. Warren Hood Bldg. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-9 Est. Cost: Not releasing Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Dozer, LLC Natchez,MS Phone (601) 442-1671 Fax (601) 442-8738 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 __________ Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Madison County School District Academic Operations Center Madison,MS / Madison Co (in 2/6/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,32,3 Desc: Demolition / Maintenance of Concrete / Underslab Vapor Barrier / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Re-Caulking Control Joints / Unit Masonry / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal 25 Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Thermal Insulation / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors & Panels / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Common Work Results For Flooring Preparation / Remedial Floor Coating / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Tile Carpeting / Painting and Coating / Concrete & Masonry Coatings / Visual Display Boards / Signage / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Wall & Corner Guards / Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Protective Covers / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Countertops / Metal Building Systems / Wet Pipe Sprinkler System / Plumbing / Pipes & Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports & Anchors / Electrical Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Sound & Vibration Control / Mechanical Insulation / Plumbing Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim & Accessories / Domestic Water Heaters & Accessories / Packaged Air Conditioners / Packaged Ventilation Equipment / Fans / Air Cleaning Treatment / Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Controls & Instrumentation / Testing, Adjusting & Balancing / Electrical / Raceways & Fittings / Boxes & Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service Systems / Grounding & Bonding Systems / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Lighting Control Systems / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunications Raceway Systems / Communication systems / Equipment/Materials Submittals / telecommunications Cabling Systems (Premises) / Intercommunications Systems / Safety / Security Systems / Equipment / Material Submittal/ Fire Detection & Alarm System / Site Clearing / Grading / Trenching / Termite Control / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Paving / Painted Pavement Markings / Chain Link Fences & Gates / Seeding / Sodding/ Site Storm Utility Drainage Piping Bids To: Office of Construction Manager, W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Co., 781 Larson St., Jackson, MS 39202 Plan Contact: Construction Mgr., W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Phone: (601) 352-7396 Plans From: J H & H Architects/Planners/Interiors, PA Flowood, MS / Phone (601) 948-4601 / Fax (601) 355-6200 Prebid Conference: 2/25 @ 2pm @ W. G. Yates, 781 Larson St. Jackson Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-28 Est. Cost: none given Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 2:00:00 PM New Gym Roof & Related Work Indianola,MS / Sunflower Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 2,7,9 Desc: Cutting and Patching / Asbestos Abatement / Synthetic Single Ply Roofing System / Gutters and Downspouts / Joint Fillers / Painting Bids To: Indianola School District, Indianola, MS in the Board Room, 702 Highway 82 East Plan Contact: Www.Millsandmillsplans.Com Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391 Prebid Conference: 2/18, 1pm, 701 Chapman St., Indianola Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-52 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389 B & B Contracting Management Service Ruleville,MS Phone (662) 402-9873 Fax (662) 756-0516 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Marchbanks Specialty Co., Inc. Water Valley,MS Phone (662) 473-1463 Fax (662) 473-1463 Mid-Western Commerical Roofers Mobile,AL Phone (251) 633-7004 Fax (601) 925-1773 *Roy Collins Construction Co. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-5060 Fax (662) 846-7450 *Santucci & Sons Construction Leland,MS Phone (662) 335-8515 Fax (662) 335-0706 __________ Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 2:00:00 PM 2014 Bathroom Renovations Water Valley Housing Authority Water Valley,MS / Yalobusha Co (in 2/6/2014) Divisions: 6,7,9,10,23,26 Desc: Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Sealants & Caulking / Gypsum Wallboard / Mortar Bed Ceramic Tile / Painting / Toilet & Bath Accessories / Plumbing Fixtures & Appliances / Basic Mechanical Material & Methods /Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials & Methods Bids To: Water Valley Housing Authority, Management Office, 232 Blackmur Dr., Water Valley, MS Plans From: Jones-Zander, Ltd., Architect Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-7115 / Fax (662) 226-7193 Prebid Conference: 2/25 @ 10am @ office Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-66 Est. Cost: not releasing Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Conerly Construction, Inc. Clinton,MS Phone (601) 922-8700 Fax (601) 922-2080 Gibraltor Construction Annapolis,MD Phone (410) 573-1000 Fax (410) 573-1004 Hooker Construction Thaxton,MS Phone (662) 489-2567 Fax (662) 489-2584 Iskra Enterprises, Inc. Senatobia,MS Phone (662) 560-3150 Fax (662) 560-0103 Lubin Enterprises, Inc Memphis,TN Phone (901) 485-4478 Fax (901) 685-6129 Morris General Construction Memphis,TN Phone (901) 267-5737 Fax (901) 552-4972 Roberts Builder Ripley ,MS Phone (662) 837-7835 Fax (662) 837-4549 Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121 *Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447 __________ Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Water Distribution Improvements Richton,MS / Perry Co (in 2/13/2014) Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Trenching and Backfilling / Seeding / Water Utilities Bids To: Northeast Perry County Utility Association, Inc., 212 N. Front Street, Richton, MS 39476 26 Plans From: Clearpoint Consulting Engineers, P.A. Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 261-2609 / Fax (601) 261-5573 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-79 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC C. B. Developers, LLC Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-1600 Fax (601) 583-0006 Greenbriar Digging Service Brookhaven ,MS Phone (601) 833-0975 Fax (601) 833-0986 Mitchell Contracting, Inc. Covington,LA Phone (985) 845-7948 Fax (985) 845-2775 __________ Bidding: 3/4/2014 at 2:00:00 PM MS82-2 McNutt Heights & MS82-4 Rose Courts Reroof Winona,MS / Montgomery Co (in 2/13/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7 Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Sheathing / Asphalt Shingles / Siding Bids To: Housing Authority of the City of Winona, PO Box 127, 200 Briscoe Street, Winona, MS 38967 Plan Contact: Www.Jbhmplanscol.Com Plans From: JBHM Architects, PA Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 329-4883 / Fax (662) 329-2725 Prebid Conference: 2/24, 11am, Central Office, Housing Authority Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $40 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-55 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Crimson Contrs Tuscaloosa ,AL Phone (205) 758-8659 Fax (205) 758-8684 *Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009 Renrock Construction LLC Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-0101 Fax (662) 324-9009 03/05/2014 Bidding: 3/5/2014 at 4:00:00 PM Caillavet Park Ball Field (Rebid) Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/17/2014) Divisions: 2,3 Desc: Sitework / MDOT Surety Bond / Mobilization / Construction Layout / Demolition / Crushed Stone Base Course / Storm Water Management / Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan / Hot Bituminous Pavement / Concrete Pavement / Concrete Pavement / Curb / Gutter / Sidewalks / ADA Ramps / Water Distribution / Steel Casing / Cast In Place Drainage Structures / Concrete Culvert Pipe / Gravity Sanitary Sewers / Sewage Force Mains / Sewage Pump Station / Concrete Structures / Subsurface Pipes / Chain Link fences / Traffic Maintenance / Traffic Control Plan / Pavement Markings / Plant Establishment / segmental Concrete Block Retaining Wall / Removal of Obstructions / Excavation / Embankment / Saw Cutting / Asphalt Surfaces / Structure Excavations / Minor Structures / Cured In Place Pipe / Solid Sodding / Grassing / Silt Fence / Silt Basins / Hydroseeding / Wattles / Granular Courses / In Grade Preparation / Plant Mixes Pavement / Culverts / Storm Drains / Manholes / Inlets / Catch Basins / Underdrains / Fences / Cattlegaurds / Concrete Sidewalks / Sanitary Sewer Lines / Water Mains / Appurtenances / Gratings / Concrete Driveways / Low Pressure Portland Cement Grout / Flowable Fill / Large Diameter Gravity Sewer pipe / Thermoplastic Traffic Markings / Pump Control Panel / Course Aggregate / Non Metal Structures / Cattlepasses / Timber Piling / Framing Bids To: Mayor’s Office, 2nd Floor, City Hall Building, 140 Lameuse Street, Biloxi, MS Plans From: City of Biloxi Engineering Division Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 435-6271 / Fax (228) 435-6179 Prebid Conference: 02/24/14 @ 10 AM Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-13 Est. Cost: $3.4 Million Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC AD&R Inc. Diberville,MS Phone (228) 392-8841 Fax (228) 392-8816 Boines Construction Harvey,LA Phone (504) 368-2735 Fax (504) 368-2749 *Drace Construction Corp. Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 244-0100 Fax (228) 244-0105 *F & F Construction, Inc. Saucier,MS Phone (228) 831-3426 Fax (228) 831-3472 Hamps Construction New Orleans,LA Phone (580) 402-2780 Fax (580) 540-4012 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Hensley P. R. Lee Contracting Picayune,MS Phone (601) 799-1335 Fax (601) 799-1336 Landshapers Inc Gulfport ,MS Phone (228) 863-8996 Fax (868) 887-8878 Lane Construction Co. of MS Inc. Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 872-2414 Fax (228) 872-2445 *LJ Construction Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 832-1616 Fax (228) 832-5931 M & D Construction Moss Point ,MS Phone (228) 475-1571 Fax (228) 475-6381 TCB Construction Poplarville ,MS Phone (228) 255-1141 Fax (228) 255-1142 Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155 __________ Bidding: 3/5/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Black Creek Cooling Water Facility–New Concrete Spillway Wall Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 12/23/2013) Divisions: 2,3 Desc: Mobilization / Demobilization / Cast In Place Concrete Bids To: Jackson County Port Authority, 3033 Pascagoula St, Pascagoula, MS Plans From: Thompson Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 374-1130 / Fax (228) 436-9610 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Addenda: 3 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-14 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. 27 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Ben M. Radcliffe Contractor, Inc. Mobile ,AL Phone (251) 666-7252 Fax (251) 666-7364 *Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Jet Construction Pascagoula,MS Phone (228) 762-0754 Fax (228) 769-6958 M & D Construction Moss Point ,MS Phone (228) 475-1571 Fax (228) 475-6381 McPherson Construction Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 875-1722 Fax (228) 872-2218 Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155 W.R. Mitchell Contractor Inc Eight Mile,AL Phone (251) 456-6576 Fax (251) 456-0048 __________ Bidding: 3/5/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Science Lab & Window Replacement-Hayes Cooper Center Merigold,MS / Bolivar Co (in 1/31/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,23,26,31,32 Desc: Selective Demolition / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Masonry / Mortar / Steel Joists / Miscellaneous Metals / Expansion Control / Rough and Finish Carpentry / Millwork / Building Insulation / Flexible Sheet Roofing System / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Sealants / Hollow Metal Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Storefront / Aluminum Windows / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Drywall / Acoustical Ceiling / Resilient Flooring / Rubber Base and Accessories / Painting / Miscellaneous Specialties / Interactive Whiteboard System / Appliances / Window Treatment / Mechanical / Air Distribution Devices / Electrical / General / Lighting / Fire Alarm System / Intercom System / Clock & Bell System / Cable Television / Telephone and Data Systems / Security System / Clearing and Grubbing / Termite Control / Concrete Paving and Walks / Landscape Work / Bids To: Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School Dostrict, 305 Merritt St., Cleveland, MS Plans From: Eley/Barkley Engineering & Architecture Cleveland, MS / Phone (662) 846-0180 / Fax (662) 846-0948 Prebid Conference: 2/11, 10am, at project site Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Cleveland Bin #: JX-40 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Anco Construction, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-1494 Fax (662) 287-1420 *D. Carroll Construction, LLC Oxford,MS Phone (662) 281-1207 Fax (662) 281-1209 David Smith Construction Inverness,MS Phone (662) 265-6060 Fax (662) 265-6050 Double S Inc. Grenada,MS Phone (662) 226-6097 Fax (662) 229-0884 *Hunt Management & Construction Grenada,MS Phone (662) 227-1047 Fax (662) 227-9891 *Kenneth R. Thompson, Jr. Builder, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-7765 Fax (662) 453-5833 *Roy Collins Construction Co. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-5060 Fax (662) 846-7450 03/06/2014 Bidding: 3/6/2014 at 10:30:00 AM East Reservoir Sewer System, Phase 2 Brandon,MS / Rankin Co (in 2/14/2014) Desc: Foundation Repair / Earth Pressure Recommendations / Uplift / Excavation and Backfill / Groundwater Control Bids To: Pearl River Valley Water Supply District, Bd. Rm, Pearl River Valley Water Supply District, 115 Madison Landing Circle, Ridgeland, MS 39157 Plans From: Pickering Firm, Inc. Pearl, MS / Phone (601) 932-7878 / Fax (601) 932-6789 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-76 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Coburns Supply Richland,MS Phone (601) 941-3309 Fax (601) 936-8102 Delta Constructors, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-8732 Fax (601) 939-0867 Fluid Process & Pumps, LLC Florence,MS Phone (601) 664-0233 Fax (601) 664-0144 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Jay Bearden Construction Richland,MS Phone (601) 939-4292 Fax (601) 939-4246 *KAJACS Contractors, Inc. Poplar Bluff,MO Phone (573) 785-1745 Fax (573) 785-6237 S & J Construction Jacksonville,AR Phone (501) 985-2111 Fax (501) 982-6750 *Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269 Utility Constructors Inc. Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 922-9355 Fax (601) 922-5827 Wharton-Smith Inc. Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 754-0550 Fax (225) 754-0678 __________ Bidding: 3/6/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Exterior Window Replacement President’s Home Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 2/12/2014) Divisions: 6,7,8,9 Desc: Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Caulking & Sealants / Aluminum Clad Wood Casement/Awning Windows / Painting Bids To: Office of Procurement at Jackson State University, 4th Floor-Admin Tower, Jackson, MS 39217-0129 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 362-0866 / Fax (601) 362-2597 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $25 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-19 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax __________ 28 Bidding: 3/6/2014 at 2:00:00 PM West Window Renovations: Football Concession Addition, Laurel H.S. & Maddox Elem Laurel,MS / Jones Co (in 2/14/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16 Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Asbestos Inspection Report – Laurel High School, Maddox Elementary , Laurel High School / Football Concession Stand / Selective Demolition / Earthwork For Structures / Earthwork / Report Of Geotechnical Exploration – Laurel High School Football Concession Stand / Termite Control / Concrete Forming & Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Unit Masonry / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Rough Carpentry Structural / Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry / Bituminous Dampproofing / Building Insulation / SBS-Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Joint Sealants / Overhead Coiling Doors / Aluminum Entrances & Storefronts / Door Hardware (Scheduled by Describing Products) / Glazing / Insulated Translucent Sandwich Panel Unit System / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting / Toilet Compartments / Toilet & Bath Accessories / Mechanical / See Drawings / Electrical / Electrical Narrative / Panel Drawing Bids To: Laurel School District, P. O. Box 288, 303 West 8th Street, Laurel, MS 39441 Plans From: JBHM Architects, PA Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 329-4883 / Fax (662) 329-2725 Prebid Conference: 2/27 @ 10am @ Laurel School Dist. Central Off. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-61 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Associated Architectural Products Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-1444 Fax (601) 919-0410 *DC General Contractors, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-8002 Fax (601) 264-7773 *Larry J. Sumrall Contrs., Inc. Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622 __________ Bidding: 3/6/2014 at 10:00:00 AM H.L. Stone Stadium Pressbox Facility-Co-Lin CC Wesson,MS / Copiah Co (in 2/11/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Earthwork / Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling / Soil Treatment for Termite Control / Storm Drainage / Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Paving / Grassing / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Precast Architectural Concrete / Mortar / Concrete Masonry / Rough Carpentry / Wood Trusses /Finish Carpentry and Millwork / Waterproofing / Dampproofing / Insulation / Shingle Roofing / Flashing and Sheetmetal / Preformed Metal Roofing / Caulking and Sealants / Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Rolling Service Doors (Counters) / Aluminum Storefronts (Windows) / Aluminum Sliding Windows / Aluminum Ticket Windows / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Drywall / Porcelain Ceramic Tile / Lay-in Acoustical Ceiling / Resilient Flooring / Carpeting / Painting / Firefighting Devices / Identifying Devices / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Blinds / Mechanical / Pipe and Fittings / Valves / Mechanical Supporting Devices / Insulation / Domestic Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Accessories / Exhaust Fans / Packaged Air Conditioning & Heating Equipment / Ductwork and Accessories / Testing and Balancing / Project Closeout / Electrical / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding Systems / Panelboards / Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Devices / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication Raceway System / Outside Plant Telecommunication Cabling System Bids To: Erin Likens, Purchasing Agent, at the Ewing Admin Building at Co-Lin CC, Wesson, MS 39191 Plans From: Carl Freiler Nobles Architect Hazlehurst, MS / Phone (601) 894-1584 / Fax (601) 894-3222 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-46 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Fordice Construction Company Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 636-5807 Fax (601) 636-8847 *Huntington Lumber & Supply Co., Inc. Hazlehurst,MS Phone (601) 894-3171 Fax (601) 894-3174 J. A. Moss Construction Co. Florence,MS Phone (601) 939-4141 Fax (601) 939-4142 *Mayrant & Associates, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 354-2461 Fax (601) 354-2471 *Owen Holland & Sons, LLC Bude,MS Phone (601) 384-3156 Fax (601) 384-3158 *Paul Jackson & Son, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-3453 Fax (601) 833-3474 S & L Commercial Builders Madison,MS Phone (601) 927-5860 Fax (601) 510-9060 03/07/2014 Bidding: 3/7/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Gaddis Park Splash Pad Forest,MS / Scott Co (in 2/21/2014) Desc: Site Clearing and Grubbing / Soil Erosion and Sediment Control / Excavation and Backfill / Soil Treatment for Termite Control / Seeding, Mulching, Fertilizer, Sodding & Lining / Fencing / Aquatic Playground / Concrete Forms and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Concrete Floor Finishing / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Rough Carpentry / Counters / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors and Frames / Coiling Counter Doors / Door Hardware / Paints and Coatings / Wall Louvers / Door and Room Signs / Fire Extinguishers and Accessories / Plumbing / Electrical Bids To: City of Forest, MS in City Hall,120 South Davis Street, Forest, MS Plans From: Guest Consultants, Inc. Brandon, MS / Phone (601) 825-8341 / Fax (601) 825-3032 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-20 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/21/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax 03/11/2014 Bidding: 3/11/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Stadium Facilities Delta State University Cleveland,MS / Bolivar Co (in 2/17/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Minor Demolition For Remodeling / Site Preparation / Existing Utilities / Disposal of Material / Earthwork / Termite Control / Chain Link Fences & Gates / 29 Storm Sewerage / Sanitary Sewerage / Job Site Fencing / Lawns & Grassing / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Floor sealer / NonShrink Grout / Mortar & Masonry Grout / Concrete Unit Masonry / Nonbearing Masonry Veneer/Steel Stud Walls / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking & Curbing / Wood Decking & Backing / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Building Insulation / Fiberglass Asphalt Shingles / Hardie Soffit & Trim / Preparation for Re-Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Gutters & Downspouts / Roof Specialties & Accessories / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors & Frames / Roll-Up Counter Shutter / Gypsum Board Systems / Ceramic Tile / Resilient Floor Tile & Accessories / Resinous Flooring / Special Coatings / Painting / Toilet Partitions / Fixed Metal Wall Louvers / Exterior Building Signage / Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets / Toilet Accessories / Specialties / Furnishings / Special Construction / Conveyance Equipment / Mechanical / Hangers & Supports / Mechanical Identification / Duct Insulation / Pipe Insulation / Valves / Meters & Gages / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Refrigerant Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Sewage Pumps / Electric Water Heaters / Air Coils / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers & Grilles / Air Filters / Testing, Adjusting & Balancing / Electrical / Grounding & Bonding / Conductors & Cables / Raceways & Boxes / Conductors (Above 600 Volts) / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches & Circuit Breakers / Panelboards / Low-Voltage Transformers / Interior Lighting / Electrical Systems Commissioning Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds & Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, ste. 1401 B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239 Prebid Conference: 2/27, 12:30, DSU-Physical Plant Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Clleveland, Tupelo Bin #: JX-12 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *D. Carroll Construction, LLC Oxford,MS Phone (662) 281-1207 Fax (662) 281-1209 *Roy Collins Construction Co. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-5060 Fax (662) 846-7450 __________ Bidding: 3/11/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Part I-Water Distribution Improvements, Part II-Well Site Improvemnts Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 2/17/2014) Desc: Scope of Work / Lines, Grades, Stakes & Templates / Existing Improvements / Connection & Disconnection to Existing Water Mains / Handling & Laying Pipe & Fittings / Cutting of Pipe / Water Line Construction Methods / Trenching & Trimming / Bracing & Shoring / Dewatering / Rock Excavation / Construction Along or Across Public or Railroad Right of Way / Concrete Anchor Blocks / Testing Completed Work / Disinfection of New Water Mains / Backfilling of Mains / Removal & Reconstruction of Surfacing / Disposal of Broken Concrete / Maintenance of Trenches , Driveways & Streets / Surplus Excavated Material / Cleanup / Separation of Sewer & Water Mains / Specifications for Principal Materials / Service Connections / Reconnection or Relocation of Services / Detector Wire / Above Ground Creek Crossing / Erosion Control & Seeding / Chemical Feeding System / Chemical Building Accessories / Electrical Equipment & Controls / As-Builts, Measurements, & Basis of Payment for Water Mains / Acceptance of Water Mains Bids To: President & Board Members of Chapel Hill Pleasant Grove Water, USDA Office, Rural Development, 510 Hwy. 25 North, Ste. 3, Starkville, MS 39759 Plans From: Calvert-Spradling Engineers West Point, MS / Phone (662) 494-7101 / Fax (662) 494-8549 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-24 Est. Cost: $50,000-55,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/18/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Dan Gent Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-6073 Fax Moody Construction Louisville ,MS Phone (662) 773-3778 Fax (662) 773-7724 Parks & Parks Well Service Houston ,MS Phone (662) 456-2011 Fax (662) 456-2011 Perma Corp Columbus ,MS Phone (662) 328-8461 Fax (662) 328-3338 __________ Bidding: 3/11/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Audubon Pascagoula River Audubon Center(Rebid) Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 2/10/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,14,15,22,23,26,27,28,31,32,33 Desc: Site Demolition / Cast In Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Metal Fabrications / Decorative Metal Railings / Slat Wall Paneling / Rough Carpentry / Wood Composite Lumber / Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses / Interior Finish Carpentry / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Sheet Waterproofing / Liquid Applied Waterproofing / Water Repellents / Thermal Insulation / Exposed Spray Applied Insulation / Vapor Retarders / Metal Roof Panels / Metal Wall Panels / Fiber Reinforced Cement Siding / Fiber Cement Cladding / Flashing / Trim / Firestopping / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors / Flush Wood Doors / Aluminum Framed Entrances / Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Prefinished Solid Strip Wood Flooring / Resilient Tile Flooring / Fluid Applied Flooring / Carpeting / Acoustical Treatment / Painting / Coating / Signage / Toilet Compartments / Bath Accessories / Fire Extinguisher Cabinets / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Motorized Roller Shades / Hydraulic Elevators / Domestic Water / Waste Disposal / Plumbing / Fixtures / Appliances / Equipment / HVAC / HVAC Piping / Air Distribution / Automatic Temperature Controls / Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors / Grounding / Bonding / Raceways / Boxes / Underground Ducts / Service Entrance / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Disconnect Switches / Interior Lighting / Communications Rough In Only / Fire Alarm / Earthwork / Termite Control / Timber Piles / Crushed Stone Surfacing / Pervious Concrete Paving / Exterior Water Distribution / Exterior Sanitary Sewer System / Sewage Pump Station / Force Main / Fire Hydrants Bids To: National Audubon Society, Inc, at the Office of the Architect-Eley Guild Hardy, 1091 Tommy Munro Dr, Biloxi, MS Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 594-2323 / Fax (228) 594-2223 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $500 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-12 Est. Cost: $2.2 Million Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. __________ Bidding: 3/11/2014 at 10:00:00 AM New HVAC and Windows For Water Valley High and Middle School Water Valley,MS / Yalobusha Co (in 2/13/2014) Divisions: 2,4,7,8,9,15,16 Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Demolition / Masonry / Single-Ply Roofing / Joint Fillers / Aluminum Storefront System / Metal Window Panels / Aluminum Single-Hung Windows / Suspended Acoustical Ceiling / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting / Mechanical / Insulation / Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning / Heat Transfer / Air Handling / Air Distribution / Temperature Controls / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / Basic / Testing Bids To: Water Valley School District, Board Room at 544 Market Street, Water Valley, MS Plan Contact: Www.Millsandmillsplans.Com Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391 30 Prebid Conference: 2:30 pm @ Water Valley School dist. Bd. Rm. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-21 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 3/11/2014 at 11:00:00 AM REBID-LSU Furnish Labor & Materials: Vet Med-Small Animal Clinic Admissions Baton Rouge,LA / East Baton Rouge Co (in 1/31/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,22,23,26,27,28,31 Desc: Selective Interior Demolition / Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials / Disposal of Asbestos Containing Waste Materials / Removal & Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Ballasts / Removal & Disposal of Fluorescent Light tubes / General Notes & Floor Plan / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Wood Millwork / Thermal Insulation / Fire Stopping / Joint Sealants / Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood doors / Access Doors & Panels / Aluminum Framed Entrances & Storefronts / Sliding Automatic Entrances / ICU Entrances / Door Hardware / Hardware Schedule / Glass & Glazing / Portland Cement Plastering / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resinous Flooring / Painting & Coatings / Signage / Wall & Corner Guards / Toilet & Bath Accessories / Fire Protection Special Ties / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Roller Window Shades / Plumbing Piping Systems / Plumbing Piping Materials / Plumbing Fixtures & Accessories / Sheet Metal Work / Round & Flat Oval & Duct Fittings / HVAC Temperature Controls / Electrical / Hangers & Supports for Electrical Systems / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Sleeves & Sleeve Seals for electrical Raceways & Cabling / Identification for Electrical Systems / Lighting Control Devices / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Interior Lighting / Pathways & Communications Systems / Communications Equipment Room / Communications Horizontal Cabling / Conductors & Cables for Electronic Safety & Security / Digital Addressable Fire Alarm Systems / Earth Moving / Termite Control Bids To: Office of Purchasing, Rm. 213 Thomas Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Plans From: Foil-Wyatt Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-3071 / Fax (601) 352-3078 Prebid Conference: 2/21 @ 10am @ Vet School Dean’s Conf. Rm Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-16 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/31/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax 03/12/2014 Bidding: 3/12/2014 at 4:00:00 PM Beauvoir Phase 2-Edgewater Area 4 Infrastructure Improvements Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/19/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Removal Of Structures & Obstructions / Excavation & Embankment / Saw Cutting Of Concrete & Asphalt Surfaces / Grassing / Temporary Silt Fence / Hydroseeding / Wattles / Granular Courses / In-Grade Preparation / Plant Mix Pavements-General With Supplement / Hot Bituminous Pavement / Structural Concrete / Culverts /Storm Drains / Manholes, Inlets & Catch Basins / Under Drains / Concrete Sidewalks / Concrete Gutter, Curb,& Combination Curb & Gutter / Sanitary Sewer Lines & Appurtenances / Water Mains & Appurtenances / Concrete Driveways / Traffic Control / Raised Pavement Markers / Materials & Test / Coarse Aggregate Cement Concrete / Non-Metal Structures & Cattlepasses Bids To: City of Biloxi , Mayor’s Office, 2nd Floor City Hall, 140 Lameuse St., Biloxi, MS Plans From: City of Biloxi Engineering Division Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 435-6271 / Fax (228) 435-6179 Prebid Conference: 2/25/14@ 10 AM Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-10 Est. Cost: $2.2 Million Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Jet Construction Pascagoula,MS Phone (228) 762-0754 Fax (228) 769-6958 Lane Construction Co. of MS Inc. Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 872-2414 Fax (228) 872-2445 W.R. Mitchell Contractor Inc Eight Mile,AL Phone (251) 456-6576 Fax (251) 456-0048 03/13/2014 Bidding: 3/13/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Student Activity Center-MS Delta Community College Moorhead,MS / Sunflower Co (in 2/20/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Desc: Demolition / Clearing and Grubbing / Excavation / Backfill and Fill / Termite Control / Concrete Paving , Curbs and Walks / Storm Sewer Piping / Pavement Markings / Control of Water / Turf Management / Cast in Place Concrete / Polished Concrete Floors / Unit Masonry / Cast Stone Masonry / Structural Steel Framing / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Pipe and Tube Railings / Rough Carpentry / Sheathing / Exterior Finish Carpentry /Interior Finish Carpentry / Plastic Laminate-Faced Architectural Cabinets / Plastic Paneling / Thermal Insulation / Weather Barriers / Standing Seam Metal Roof Panels / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Sealants / Acoustical Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors and Frames / Side Folding Metal Security Grilles / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls / Door Hardware / Glazing / Mirrors Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Mgmt., 501 N. West St, Ste 1401B, Jackson, MS Plans From: Beard + Riser Architects Greenwood, MS / Phone (662) 455-2581 / Fax (662) 459-0279 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Gulfport Bin #: JX-86,GP-24 Est. Cost: Requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/20/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ 31 Bidding: 3/13/2014 at 2:00:00 PM New Smith County Sheriff’s Office Building-Volume II Raleigh,MS / Smith Co (in 2/14/2014) Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,22,23,26,31 Desc: Underslab Vapor Varrier / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Finishes / Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Thermal Insulation / Formed-In-Place Insulation / Weather Barriers / Metal Roof Panels / Metal Wall & Soffit Panels / Fiber Cement Siding / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting & Coating / Signage / Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Lockers / Protective Covers / Electronic Security Systems / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Countertops / Plumbing / Plumbing Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Sanitary Waste & Vent Piping / Sanitary Waste & Vent Piping Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures / HVAC / Hangers and Supports / Identification / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Duct Insulation / Facility Natural Gas Piping / Metal Ducts / Air Duct Accessories / Centrifugal HVAC Fans / Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers & Grilles / Split-System Air Conditioners / Electrical / Grounding and Binding / Hangers and Supports / Raceway & Conduit Systems / Pull & Junction Boxes / Outlet Boxes / Identification For Electrical Systems / Low Voltage System Rough-In Requirements / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Wiring Devices Plates / Enclosed Switches / Low Voltage as Surge Protection Devices / Interior Lighting Fixtures, Lamps and Ballast / Exterior Lighting / Termite Control Bids To: Smith County Board of Supervisors. Board Room, 201 Courthouse Square, Raleigh, MS 39153 Plans From: J H & H Architects/Planners/Interiors, PA Flowood, MS / Phone (601) 948-4601 / Fax (601) 355-6200 Prebid Conference: 2/25 @ 2 PM @ Bd. Rm., 201 Courthouse Sq., Raleigh Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: Table 8 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/14/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 3/13/2014 at 2:00:00 PM New Smith County Detention Facility-Volume I Raleigh,MS / Smith Co (in 2/14/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,21,22,23,26,28,31,32 Desc: Demolition / Underslab Vapor Barrier / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Concrete Finishes / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Steel Joist Framing / Steel Decking / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Bituminous Dampproofing / Water Repellants / Thermal Insulation / Weather Barriers / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Flush Wood Doors / Overhead Coiling Doors / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Metal Suspension System / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Cell Padding / Painting and Coating / High Performance Coatings / Signage / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Aluminum Canopies and Sunshade / Detention Equipment General Provisions / Electronic Security Systems / Commercial & Security Hollow Metal / Security: Hardware, Glass and Glazing, Furniture and Accessories / Residential Appliances / Food Service Equipment / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Countertops / Metal Building Systems / Wet Pipe Suppression Sprinklers / Plumbing / General Duty Valves / Hangers and Supports / Identification / Insulation / Domestic Water Piping and Specialties / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping & Specialties / Fuel-Fired Water Heaters / Fixtures / Security Plumbing Fixtures / HVAC / Hangers and Supports / Identification / Duct Insulation / Facility Natural Gas Piping / Metal Ducts / Air Duct Accessories / Centrifugal HVAC Fans / Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Kitchen Hood / Packaged, Outdoor, Central Station Air Handling Units / Indirect Gas Fired Make-up Air Units / Electrical / Raceway & Conduit Systems / Pull & Junction Boxes / Outlet Boxes / Identification For Electrical Systems / Low Voltage System Rough-In Requirements / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Wiring Devices Plates / Enclosed Switches / Emergency Engine & Generator System / Low Voltage As Surge Protection Devices / Interior Lighting Fixtures, Lamps & Ballast / Exterior Lighting / Common Work Results For Electronic Safety & Security / Fire Detection & Alarm System / Termite Control / Chain Link Fences & Gates / Security Gates & Barriers Bids To: Smith County Board of Supervisors. Board Room, 201 Courthouse Square, Raleigh, MS 39153 Plans From: J H & H Architects/Planners/Interiors, PA Flowood, MS / Phone (601) 948-4601 / Fax (601) 355-6200 Prebid Conference: 2/25 @ 2 PM @ Bd. Rm., 201 Courthouse Sq., Raleigh Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: Table 8 Est. Cost: Requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/14/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 3/13/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Reroof of the Power House Restaurant Bldg 604 – USM, Hattiesburg Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 2/18/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,9 Desc: Existing Construction Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Modified Bitumen Membrane Roofing / Flashing / Sheet Metal / Roof Accessories / Sealants / Caulking / Painting Bids To: University of Southern Mississippi, Physical Plant Department Conference Room, Hattiesburg, MS Plans From: Allred Architectural Group Ocean Springs, MS / Phone (228) 762-1975 / Fax (228) 769-9545 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-19 Est. Cost: not releasing __________ Bidding: 3/13/2014 at 2:00:00 PM A Multi Site Window Replacement & Life Safety Upgrade Tunica,MS / Tunica Co (in 2/7/2014) Divisions: 2,7,8 Desc: Selective Demolition / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Sealers / Vinyl Windows Bids To: Tunica County School District, 744 School St., Tunica, MS 38676 Plans From: M3A Architects, PLLC Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 981-1227 / Fax (601) 983-4444 Prebid Conference: 2/20, 2pm, 690 School St., Tunica, MS Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-49 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/7/2014) 32 * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax 03/14/2014 Bidding: 3/14/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Crossroads Elementary School New Bathrooms-6th Grade Building Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/17/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,22,23,26,27,28,29,31,32 Desc: Site Preparation / Demolition / Concrete Forming & Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast In Place Concrete / Self Leveling Underlayment / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Water Repellents / Batt Insulation / Weather Barriers / Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Flexible Flashing / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors & Panels / Door Hardware / Glazing / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Concrete Floor Sealer / Resilient Flooring / Paints & Coatings / Solid Plastic Toilet Compartments / Fire Protection Specialties / Signage / Plumbing Basic Requirements / Domestic Water / Waste Disposal / Plumbing Fixtures / HVAC General Provision / HVAC Basic Requirements / Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment / Air Distribution / Electrical / Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors & Cables / Grounding & Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceways & Boxes for Electrical Systems / Wiring Devices / Disconnect Switches & Circuit Breakers / Interior Lighting / Communications & Intercom / Fire Alarm System / Grading / Excavation / Fill / Soil Treatment For Termite Control / Chain Link Fences & Gates / Seeding / Sodding Bids To: Board of Trustees of Harrison County Schools, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, MS 39503 Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architect, PLLC Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 215-1851 / Fax (228) 215-1852 Prebid Conference: 3/6 @ 10am Harrison Co. School Dist. Bd. Rm. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Gulfport Bin #: JX-23, GP-11 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/17/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax DCD Construction Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 872-8060 Fax (228) 872-0709 Sam B. Day Construction Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 832-2077 Fax (228) 832-2161 __________ Bidding: 3/14/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Bayside Park Water Distribution System, Phase 3 & Pearlington Water & Sewer ,MS / Hancock Co (in 2/14/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Removal Of Structures & Obstructions / Clearing & Grubbing / Earthwork / Encased Crossings For Utility Lines / Horizontal Drilling / Horizontal Directional Drilling For Subaqueous Crossings / Seeding & Sodding / Geotextile Fabric Stabilization / Silt Fence / Temporary Erosion Checks / Stormwater Pollution Prevention / Water Distribution System / Paving / Pressure Sewer Main & Appurtenances / Landscaping / Concrete / Septic Tank Effluent Pump System / Precast Concrete Septic Tank / Fusible Polyvinylchloride Pipe / Electrical Bids To: Hancock Co Utility Authority, 401 Gulfside Drive, Waveland, MS Prebid Conference: 2/10/14 @ 10:00 AM Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-1 03/18/2014 Bidding: 3/18/2014 at 2:00:00 PM McLendon Library HVAC Renovation Raymond,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/27/2014) Divisions: 3,15,16 Desc: Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Concrete Work / Mechanical / Pipe and Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Mechanical Devices / Insulation / Domestic Water Systems / Soil and Waste Systems / Gas Piping System / Rotary Screw Water Chillers (Air Cooled) / Close-Coupled Pump / Hot Water Gas Fired Boilers / Energy Management & Temperature Control System / Variable Frequency Drives / Testing and Balancing Air and Water Systems / Electrical / Conduits / Wires and Cables / Pull, Junction and Outlet Boxes / Receptacles / Plate Covers / Motor & Circuit Disconnects / Supporting Devices Bids To: Director of Purchasing, D.G. “Sonny” Fountain Hall, 608 Hinds Blvd., Room 208, P.O. Box 1100), Raymond, MS 39154 Plans From: Atherton Consulting Engineers, Inc. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 362-6478 / Fax (601) 981-0575 Prebid Conference: 2/11, 10am, 505 East main St., Raymond Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-48 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/29/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Buford Plumbing Co., Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 372-7676 Fax (601) 373-4014 *McLain Plumbing & Electrical Service Philadelphia,MS Phone (601) 656-6333 Fax (601) 656-6351 *Metro Mechanical, Inc. Bolton,MS Phone (601) 866-9050 Fax (601) 866-2299 *Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-6860 Fax (662) 453-6201 __________ Bidding: 3/18/2014 at 2:00:00 PM REBID-Gym Roof-Nettleton School District Nettleton,MS / Itawamba Co (in 2/13/2014) Divisions: 2,5,6,7,9,13 Desc: Demolition / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Isocyanurate Roof Insulation / Modified Bitumen Built-Up Roofing / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealant / Paint / Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials Bids To: Nettleton School District, 179 Mullen Ave., Mettleton, MS 38858 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 840-8062 / Fax (662) 840-8092 Prebid Conference: 3/5, 10am, 179 Mullen Ave, Nettleton, Ms Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo, Columbus, Cleveland Bin #: JX-18 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) 33 * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax 03/20/2014 Bidding: 3/20/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Brookhaven Re-Roofing Projects-PH III Brookhaven,MS / Lincoln Co (in 2/21/2014) Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Roof Removal/Demolition / SBS-Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Joint Sealants / Painting Bids To: Brookhaven School District, 326 East Court Street, Brookhaven, MS 39601 Plan Contact: Www.Baileyarchplanroom.Com Plans From: Bailey Architecture Education P.A. Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 790-9432 / Fax (888) 281-0547 Prebid Conference: 3/13, 2pm, 326 E. Court St., Brookhaven Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-70 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/21/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 3/20/2014 at 2:00:00 PM 2013 Roofing Program PH-II, Hinds CC Raymond,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/31/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9 Desc: Selective Demolition / Cementitious Roof Wood Fiber Plank / Miscellaneous Metals / Roof Accessory / Rough Carpentry / Roof Insulation / Flexible Sheet Roofing System / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Manufactured Roof Specialties: Gutters and Downspouts / Roof Hatch / Joint Sealants / Insulated Translucent Fiberglass Sandwich Panel Skylight System / Painting Bids To: Director of Purchasing, D.G. “Sonny” Fountain Hall, 608 Hinds Blvd., Room 208 (P.O. Box 1100), Raymond, MS 39154 Plans From: Brumfield Ward & Associates Architects, PA Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 982-0341 / Fax (601) 899-4799 Prebid Conference: 3/6 @ 10 am Physical Plant Conf. Rm. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $20 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-35 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389 Dobson Sheet Metal & Roofing Mobile ,AL Phone (251) 479-3755 Fax (251) 479-3758 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Guaranteed Roofing Co., Inc. Pearl,MS Phone (601) 939-2848 Fax (601) 939-2782 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Industrial Roofing & Construction LLC Sterlington,LA Phone (318) 665-0483 Fax (318) 665-0487 Mid-Western Commercial Roofers Inc. Mobile,AL Phone (251) 633-7005 Fax (251) 633-7555 Nathan E. Daniels Roofing Inc. Meridian,MS Phone (601) 482-3911 Fax Norman Roofing Co. Meridian,MS Phone (601) 483-4079 Fax (601) 483-4705 __________ Bidding: 3/20/2014 at 10:00:00 AM STS Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes – MS Port Authority Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/15/2014) Desc: Crane Requirements / Structural / Electrical / Lighting / Panelboards / Low Voltage / Switchgear / Power Supply / Software / Switches / Inspection / Testing / Certification / CCTV / Carts / Air Distribution / Stairs / Ladders / Platforms / Walkways / Remote Monitoring System / Enclosures / Wiring / Conduit / Switchgear / Transformers / Power Supply / Surge Protection / Lifting System Bids To: Executive Director, Mississippi State Port Authority, 2510 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335 Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-4A Est. Cost: requested Saunders Construction D’Iberville,MS Phone (228) 860-5142 Fax (228) 396-8888 __________ Bidding: 3/20/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Saltillo Elem., Shannon Elem., & Verona Elem. Reno Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 2/20/2014) Desc: Selective Demolition / Water Distribution / Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete / Hydraulic Cement Underlayment / Concrete Unit Masonry / Rough Carpentry / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Interior Painting / Panel Signage / Toilet Compartments / Toilet Accessories / Mechanical / Hangers and Supports / Identification / Pipe Insulation / Valves / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Specialties / Fuel Fired Unit Heaters / Breeching, Chimneys and Stacks / Electric Unit Heaters / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Mechanical Commissioning / Electrical / Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Interior and Exterior Lighting / Electrical System Commissioning / Site Clearing / Soil Erosion and Sediment Control / Earth Moving / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Paving / Concrete Paving Joint Sealants / Turf and Grasses / Storm Utility Drainage Piping Bids To: Lee County School District, 1280 College View Dr., Tupelo, MS 38801 Plans From: ArchitectureSouth Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-5843 / Fax (662) 841-7575 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-72 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/20/2014) 34 * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax 04/02/2014 Bidding: 4/2/2014 at 4:00:00 PM The North Contact Insfrastructure Improvements (Areas 9,11,12 & 14) Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/19/2014) Divisions: 2,3,13,16 Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Excavation and Embankment / Saw Cutting of Concrete and Asphalt Surfaces / Structure Excavation for Conduits and Minor Structures / Cured In Place Pipe / Seeding, Sodding, Grassing and Fertilization / Silt Fence and Basins / Hydroseeding / Wattles / Granular Courses / Hot Mix Asphalt / Culverts and Storm Drains /Manholes, Inlets, and Catch Basins / Under Drains / Fences and Cattle Guards / Concrete Sidewalks / Concrete Gutters, Curb, and Combination Curb and Gutter / Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances / Water Mains and Appurtenances / Concrete Driveways / Traffic Control / Low Pressure Portland Cement Concrete / Flowable Fill / Large Gravity Sewer Pipe / Traffic Stripping / Sewage Pumping Station /Duplex Pump Control Panel / Cast in Place Concrete / General Electrical / Wire and Cable / Raceway Systems / Boring and Jacking Bids To: City of Biloxi, Mayor’s Office 2nd Floor, City Hall, 140 Lameuse St, Biloxii, MS Plans From: City of Biloxi Engineering Division Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 435-6271 / Fax (228) 435-6179 Prebid Conference: 2/26/14 @ 10 am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-Table Est. Cost: $120 Million Additional Info: This project contians 16 Rolls of plans w/ 9 spec books. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/19/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Archer Western Contractors Metarie,LA Phone (512) 748-8124 Fax (817) 640-8734 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Hensley P. R. Lee Contracting Picayune,MS Phone (601) 799-1335 Fax (601) 799-1336 HMIM, Inc. Mandeville,LA Phone (985) 626-1072 Fax (985) 626-9169 Kiewit Infrastructure South Co. Peachtree City,GA Phone (770) 487-2300 Fax (770) 487-0005 *W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Company Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 374-6011 Fax (228) 374-7170 04/15/2014 Bidding: 4/15/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Stormwater Improvements-JAN Pearl,MS / Rankin Co (in 1/30/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Desc: Mobilization / Demolition / Airfield Traffic Control / Clearing and Grubbing / Excavation and Embankment / Temporary Air/Water Pollution, Soil Erosion and Silt Control / Crushed Aggregate Base / Bituminous Pavement / Structural Concrete / Traffic Information Signs / Pipe for Storm Drains and Culverts / Manholes, Catch Basins, Inlets and Inspection Holes / Concrete Culverts, Headwells and Miscellaneous Drainage Structures / Riprap / Cured in Place Pipe / Seeding / Topsoiling / Mulching Bids To: JMAA, Main Terminal, Suite 300, in the City of Jackson, Rankin County, MS Plans From: Jackson Municipal Airport Authority Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 664-3518 / Fax (601) 664-3514 Prebid Conference: 2/4, 10am, 3rd floor main terminal-JAN Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-67 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/13/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Anderson Construction Yazoo City,MS Phone (662) 571-3094 Fax (662) 755-2229 Coburns Supply Richland,MS Phone (601) 941-3309 Fax (601) 936-8102 *Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494 Construction Plus Meridian,MS Phone (601) 938-5769 Fax (601) 553-3106 *Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 969-2002 Fax (601) 969-2004 Dirtworks Inc. of Vicksburg Vicksburg,MS Phone (601) 636-6609 Fax (601) 636-6627 Edge Construction, LLC Tremont,MS Phone (662) 386-3482 Fax (601) 856-6216 *Eutaw Construction Company, Inc. Madison,MS Phone (601) 855-7474 Fax (601) 855-7787 *Garrett Enterprises Consolidated, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 896-0084 Fax (601) 896-0091 GSW Enterprise Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 331-8170 Fax (601) 366-5393 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Insituform Technologies Chesterfield,MO Phone (636) 530-8012 Fax (636) 530-8701 Joe McGee Construction Company Inc. Lake,MS Phone (601) 775-3754 Fax (601) 775-3785 Morgan Contracting Baker,FL Phone (850) 537-5000 Fax (850) 537-4690 Quinn Contracting Inc. Falkner,MS Phone (662) 837-8778 Fax (662) 837-8334 Riverside Constr Vicksburg ,MS Phone (601) 636-3255 Fax (601) 636-6211 *S & S Excavation, LLC Benton,MS Phone (601) 572-6661 Fax (662) 673-1131 SAK Construction, LLC O’Fallon,MO Phone (636) 379-2350 Fax (636) 379-2461 *Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269 Sycamore Construction Jackson,MS Phone (601) 968-2123 Fax Ureter Holdings Clinton,MS Phone (601) 559-1546 Fax Utility Constructors Inc. Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 922-9355 Fax (601) 922-5827 *Wilco, Inc. Madison,MS Phone (601) 853-8880 Fax (601) 853-1700 Xcavators, inc. Faulkner,MS Phone (662) 837-1893 Fax __________ 35 ABC - Bid Results For Bid Dates From 2/6/2014 To 2/20/2014 * Indicates Membership in ABC 2/6/2014 Mississippi State, MS - Oktibbeha CAMPUS ROOFING IMPROVEMENTS-STEAM PLANT, THOMPSON HALL, BEDENBAUGH ANIMAL LAB 2/6/2014 * Mandals, Inc. * Copper Top Sheet Metal, Inc. 2/6/2014 2/6/2014 2/6/2014 2/7/2014 ***Under Advisement Hooker Construction 2/7/2014 2/10/2014 2/11/2014 2/11/2014 2/11/2014 Fulton, MS - Itawamba FOOTBALL STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS ITAWAMBA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Oxford, MS - Lafayette JACKSON ROW DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng Oxford, MS - Lafayette THE DISTRICT ON GARFIELD ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng Gloster, MS - Amite UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS-GLOSTER Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Kiln, MS - Hancock NEW SYNTHETIC FIELD SURFACING – HANCOCK HIGHSCHOOL TCB Construction Macon, MS - Noxubee REBID-NOXUBEE COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY ***No Information Released Columbus, MS - Lowndes RENOVATION & IMPROVEMENTS OF THE TROTTER CONVENTION CENTER ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng Long Beach, MS - Harrison BEAR BAYOU RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION-REBID Jack Ferrill Heavy Equipment Carthage, MS - Leake DOWNTOWN SQUARE IMPROVEMENTS * Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Brandon, MS - Rankin GIRL’S FIELD HOUSES RANKIN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ***Awarded General Contractor * Mid State Construction Co. $467,684 $549,000 36 2/11/2014 Pearl, MS - Rankin HAIL DAMAGE REPAIRS II (PACKAGE A) ***No Information Released 2/11/2014 Meridian, MS - Lauderdale WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER-WELDING BUILDING ADDITION-MCC 2/12/2014 2/13/2014 2/17/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 J & J Contractors Inc. 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/19/2014 Hattiesburg, MS - Forrest GYMNASIUM FOR WILLIAM CAREY UNIVERSITY * Hanco Corporation Pearl, MS - Rankin HALL DAMAGE REPAIRS II (PACKAGE B) ***No Information Released Jackson, MS - Hinds ROOF REPAIR & REPLACEMENT AT HAWKINS FIELD ***No Information Released Osyka, MS - Pike 2014 WATER IMPROVEMENTS-OSYKA Mississippi Rural Tank Diamond Enterprises, Inc $88,600 $114,300 Cleveland, MS - Bolivar CAMPUS ROOFING-PH II-DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY * Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) $385,342 Holly Springs, MS - Marshall HOLLY SPRINGS, 2013 HVAC PROGRAM * Evans Plumbing & Air Conditioning Waynesboro, MS - Wayne MEADOWLANDS COMMERCE PARK INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ***No Information Released Jackson, MS - Hinds OPERATING ROOM #6 RENOVATIONS ***No Information Released Natchez, MS - Adams REBID-ADAMS COUNTY DHS FACILITY RE-ROOF ***No Information Released Cleveland, MS - Bolivar REBID-AMZIE MOORE RENOVATIONS & RESTORATION ***Under Advisement Indianola, MS - Sunflower REPAIRS & RENOVATIONS TO RESTROOMS & LOCKER ROOMS GENTRY HIGH SCHOOL * D. Carroll Construction, LLC Kosciusko, MS - Attala NEW JAIL AND SHERIFF’S OFFICE FOR ATTALA COUNTY ***Bids Were Rejected $460,000 37 2/20/2014 Jackson, MS - Hinds GUYTON LAB RENOVATION-MS MEDICAL CENTER ***No Information Released 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 Decatur, MS - Newton REBID-ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES-ECCC 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 ***Under Advisement Scott Builders & Development, LLC * Metro Mechanical, Inc. * Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. Jackson, MS - Hinds REBID-MIDTOWN PARTNERS HOUSING: NEW CONSTRUCTION PH-II Jackson, MS - Hinds REBID-MIDTOWN PARTNERS HOUSING: PH I RENO ***Under Advisement * Conerly Construction, Inc. Kosciusko, MS - Attala RENOVATION OF POLICE STATION ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng University, MS - Lafayette SMB HONORS COLLEGE RENOVATION & ADDITION Hooker Construction, Inc. Oxford, MS - Lafayette WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS Johnson Construction $299,250 $311,700 38 Experienced Qualified 39 Why don’t ABC Members worry about managing their employee benefits? Because we do — every day. Why choose employee benefits coverage that doesn’t cover your needs? At ABC Merit Choice®, Time To sorT you’ll find quality solutions for your traditional insurance needs—plus the knowledge, personal attention, and special ABC member perks you can’t find anywhere else. We work with you as an extension of your staff, solving issues, answering HR questions, and saving you time, money, and peace of mind. It’s this focus on a higher level of non-traditional service that makes ABC Merit Choice® your first choice. Through insurance opTions? no WaY! ABC Merit Choice® Insurance Broker/ Agent P&C Insurance Agency Insurance Carrier Direct Exclusive to ABC Members No No No Extension of Staff/HR Consultation ? ? ? Construction Industry & Benefits Specialists No No No Construction industry research specific to ABC members No No No Customized Prevailing Wage Plans ABC Merit Choice® Dollar Bank No No No Time savings ? ? ? Medical Insurance (HMO, PPO, POS) Dental, Vision, Group Life Insurance Plans Short-term/Long-term Disability Virtual HR Assistant ? ? ? Employee Benefits Legislative Guides ? ? ? We make it as easy as ABC Ask us for more info and help. Call, fax or e-mail — whatever works best for you — we’ll take care of the rest. Be assured you’re getting the best possible options and service. We’ve done the homework and we’ll do the legwork on your behalf — because it’s a service our members need and value, not another insurance sales pitch. Certainly you can relax and enjoy the rewards of membership. Insurance and benefits. Exclusively for ABC members. For more information, contact Laurie Williams at 800.441.2185 or or visituswww.abc.org/meritchoice [email protected], More inForMation, ContaCt at 800.621.2993 or visit www.ABC.org/MerItChoICe 40 MABC Staffed Offices & Plan Rooms: Jackson Plan Room 5165 Old Brandon Road, Pearl, MS 39208 800-806-7222 • (601) 944-0421 • Fax: (601) 944-0513 Tupelo Plan Room c/o Tull Brothers 104 Airpark Road, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 407-0888 • Fax: (662) 407-0884 Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID JACKSON, MS PERMIT NO. 761 Gulfport Plan Room 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2, Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 897-1711 • Fax: (228) 897-2711 Dated Material, Prompt delivery requested Plan Rooms Hosted by MABC Members: Cleveland Plan Room c/o Robinson Electric 825 N Chrisman, Cleveland, MS 38732 (662) 843-3978 • Fax: (662) 843-6217 Columbus Plan Room c/o American Glass Company 2206 Short Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 327-4874 • Fax: (662) 328-7316 Hattiesburg Plan Room c/o Smith Painting & Contracting 652 West 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 583-8157 • Fax: (601) 544-3508 Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Publication Editor: Effie Adams HeiDen & GarlanD, inc. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. is a full service mechanical/plumbing contractor that has been in business for over 40 years. With offices in Greenwood, Mississippi, Jackson Mississippi and Gulfport, Mississippi we serve the South-Eastern United States. insurance & Bonds With over 300 dedicated employees our company is one of the largest mechanical contractors in Mississippi and combined with our excellent payment and performance bonding capacity we are continually expanding our market and service areas. John Heiden Doug Garland Graham Fairly Victor Smith Since 1945 548 Keyway Drive, Flowood, MS 39232 601-932-5700 1-800-382-8595 www.heidengarland.com Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. provides complete plumbing, mechanical and service work from renovation through new construction as well as design-build and design-assist services. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. has built it’s reputation on quality work and on-time delivery. 2606 Baldwin R, Greenwood, MS (662) 453-6860 Fax: (662) 453-6201 email: [email protected] Our staff and management are committed to providing the highest quality work possible. Service is not only a slogan, it is our way of conducting business. Call us at (662) 453-6860.
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