BX62R Chipper Parts Manual
BX62R Chipper Parts Manual S/N 162R00282 to S/N 162R00358 Foreword EMB Mfg. has prepared this parts manual to assist customers in ordering quality OEM replacement parts. Proper and regular service and replacing old, worn or broken parts with the correct Wallenstein parts are essential to prolonging the life of your Wallenstein product. Please refer to this manual before ordering any replacement parts. All information contained in this parts manual is based on the latest product specification available at the time of printing this manual. If your product differs from the specifications contained within this manual contact EMB Mfg. for information. EMB reserves the right to alter specifications on their products at any time. Reproduction of this parts manual of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission from EMB Mfg. Note: Log splitters with factory installed light kits will have a VIN number included. The last six numbers of this VIN number are the splitters serial number Example: 2E9US1112BSXXXXXX Serial Number BX62R RevD Table of Contents Main Parts Discharge Chute Roller Feed Chute Z56203 Valve C3540 Mounting Instructions and Breakdown Binacchi PTO Decals 4 5 6 9 10 12 14 BX62R Chipper Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BX62R MAIN PARTS BREAKDOWN 1 32 6 31 PART NO. 1012A201 1012L206 1012L212 1012M203 1012M204 1012W202 1012W204 1014 620R 1014W201 1014W410 Z11431 Z12110 Z25203 Z29202 Z34201 Z44504 Z71225 Z71307 Z71372G8 Z71512 Z71572G8 Z71672 Z72221 Z72231 Z72251 Z72282 Z72531 Z73131 Z73380 Z74132 Z94030 Z96605 DESCRIPTION Assembly, Discharge Chute PTO Cover Mounting Bracket PTO Cover Knife, BX62 Rotor Knife, BX62 Ledger Housing, Upper Rotor Twig Breaker 6" Hydraulic Roller Feed Chute Housing, Bottom Rotor Rotor, BX62R Implement Pin 7/8x5-1/2 Latch Pin 3/16 4-Bolt Bearing 2" Bore Grease Zerk 1/4NF Gas Spring 7/8x11 #5 Global PTO Shaft M10 Shear Hex Bolt 5/16NC x 2-1/2 Hex Bolt 3/8NC x 3/4 Hex Bolt, 3/8NF x 5/8 G8 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 1-1/4 Hex Bolt 1/2NF x 7/8 Gr8 Hex Bolt 5/8NF x 1-3/4 Hex Lock Nut 5/16NC Hex Lock Nut 3/8NC Hex Lock Nut 1/2NC Hex Lock Nut 7/8NF Flange Nut 3/8NC Washer, 3/8 Spring Washer 7/8 Set Screw 3/8NF Decal, 1-3/4x13 WALLENSTEIN SMV Spade & Socket QTY 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 7 16 8 2 2 6 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 20 18 3 2 25 4 13 14 22 21 24 16 10 20 30 20 15 12 11 29 23 25 8 17 26 7 25 Page 4 9 19 28 5 May 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R Chipper Parts Manual 4 2 10 5 1 8 3 6 7 1012A201 CHUTE PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART NO. 1012W208 1012W205 1012W206 Z31403 Z92304 1012L229 1012L230 Z71110 Z72111 Z72911 DESCRIPTION Assembly, Hood Latch Discharge Deflector Discharge Chute Spring 25mm x 178mm Heavy Single-Jack Chain #10 [35 links] Spacer Ring Hood Capture Ring Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 1 Hex Lock Nut 1/4NC Acorn Nut, 3/8NC QTY 1 1 1 1 3.2 2 2 8 8 2 9 May 2011 Page 5 BX62R Chipper Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R ROLLER FEED PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Page 6 PART NO. 1011S103 1012L251 1013M025 1014L413 1014W401 1014W402 1014W403 1014W404 1014W405 Z11302 Z12301 Z24101 Z25204 Z29201 Z31501 Z46593 Z51122 Z51161 Z51331 Z51383 Z51926 Z52302 Z52303 Z52304 Z54102 Z56203 Z56303 Z71107 Z71112 Z71122 Z71217 Z71515 Z71525 Z71617 Z72111 Z72221 Z72251 Z72261 Z72911 Z74110 Z76522 Z76712 Z96503 DESCRIPTION Flap, Hopper Strap, Hopper Flap Arm Capture Bushing Valve Linkage Bar Hopper, Roller Feed Arm, Upper Roller Roller, Upper Feed Roller, Lower Feed Handle, Feed Regulating Clevis Pin 3/16 x 3/4 Cotter Pin 3/32 X 3/4 P208 Pillow Block 1-1/2 4-Bolt Bearing 1-1/2" Bore Grease Fitting, 1/8NPT Spring 2 x 7 Heavy Chipper Key Nipple, MP x MP 0808 Tee, FP x FP x MP 080808 Elbow 90 MP x FPX 0808 Elbow 90 ORB x FPX 0808 FP08 x Pioneer Coupler 1/2 Hose, 1/2NPT x 1/2NPT x 12" 1/2 Hose,1/2MP x 1/2MP x 36" 1/2 Hose, 1/2MP x 1/2MP x 120" M&S Hydraulic Motor Control Valve, Single Spool Hydraulic Flow Control Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 3/4 Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 1-1/4 Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 2-1/4 Hex Bolt 5/16NC x 1-3/4 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 1-1/2 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 2-1/2 Hex Bolt 5/8NC x 1-3/4 Hex Lock Nut 1/4NC Hex Lock Nut 5/16NC Hex Lock Nut 1/2NC Hex Lock Nut 5/8NC Acorn Nut, 3/8NC Set Screw 1/4NC Eye Bolt 5/16NC x 2 Self-tapping Screw #10 Manual Tube 3-1/2 Short QTY 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 5 4 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 7 8 4 2 2 2 3 1 May 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R Chipper Parts Manual BX62R ROLLER FEED PARTS BREAKDOWN 42 43 5 28 9 2 1 29 35 39 4 7 36 19 14 11 41 38 15 26 A 36 10 6 19 13 37 37 C 16 D 34 12 8 12 34 40 41 31 15 17 24 23 19 21 20 27 B C 16 25 20 32 25 13 22 3 B D 23 A 18 23 T P 33 25 32 21 24 19 30 THE MATCHING LETTER ANNOTATIONS ILLUSTRATE THE FITTINGS THAT ARE CONNECTED TOGETHER WITH A HOSE May 2011 Page 7 This Page is Intentionally Blank WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. C6203 Valve breakdown Z56203 Valve Breakdown BX62R Chipper Parts Manual 8 May 2011 Page 9 BX62R Chipper Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. C30 Mounting Instructions (optional )on BX62R) 12 Mounting Instructions and Parts List 11 C3540 Hydraulic Pump BX42/ BX62 Kit for Your BX62/620R 13 6 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Page 10 PART NUMBER 1081A100 Z41155 Z41505 Z41513 Z41611 Z41612 Z46542 Z71110 Z71113 Z71510 Z71560 Z73250 Z73310 DESCRIPTION Hydraulic Power Pack "B" Belt 30" Long Bushing SDS 1-3/8 Bushing "L" 3/4 Bore Sheave, 3.15 Pitch "L" Bore Sheave, 6.35 Pitch "SDS" Bore Key 5/16 x 5/16 x 1 Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 1 Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 1-3/8 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 1 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 6 Wide Flat Washer, 1/2 Lock Washer 1/4 3 7 QTY. CHECK LIST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 5 9 2 8 13 4 5 1 12 10 May 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R Chipper Parts Manual C30 Parts Breakdown (optional )on BX62R) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1081A100 Hydraulic Power Pack Parts List 14 11 5 6 19 12 8 9 PART NUMBER 1081S101 1081S102 1081W101 Z51192 Z51221 Z51331 Z51741 Z51751 Z52301 Z53101 Z55201 Z55401 Z55901 Z71107 Z71207 Z51321 Z73121 Z73141 Z76711 Z51111 Z71412 Z72140 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Tank Gasket, Pump Tank Socket Plug 1/2NPT Reducer, 3/4NPT x 1/2NPT 1/2NPT x 1/2NPT Fem Swivel #12ORB x 3/4 NPT Adapter #10ORB x 1/2FNPT 90 Elbow 1/2 Hose 1/2NPT x 1/2NPT x 16" Salami Pump - Outrigger Bearing Tank Mounted Return Filter Breather Filler Cap Site Glass 1NPT Hex Bolt 1/4NC x 3/4 Hex Bolt 5/16NC x 3/4 1/2FP x 1/2FPx Aluminum Washer, 5/16 Aluminum Washer, 7/16 Self-tapping Screw #10 Pipe Nipple, 1/2NPT x 7" Hex Bolt 7/16NC x 1-1/4 Hex Lock Nut 7/16NC QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 12 2 6 1 2 2 16 20 18 21 15 17 13 3 May 10 2011 4 22 7 10 2 1 3 Page 11 BX62R Chipper Parts Manual Page 12 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. May 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R Chipper Parts Manual Binacchi SPARE PARTS LIST : B5D056US098001 POS. 01 02 05 08 12 13 16 17 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 40 48 49 51 71 72 73 74 75 76 93 94 97 May 2011 DESCRIPTION YOKE CROSS JOURNAL ASS. OUTER TUBE YOKE FLEXIBLE PIN CM. 100 CARDAN TUBE(*) CM. 100 CARDAN TUBE(*) FLEXIBLE PIN INNER TUBE YOKE SHEAR BOLT CONE SHIELD BELL 05-06 OUTER BEARING 05 OUTER BASE CONE 05-06 SCREW OUTER SAFETY TUBE INNER SAFETY TUBE INNER BASE CONE 05-06 INNER BEARING 05 CHAIN LABEL DANGER OUTER DRIVE TUBE EXTERNAL SHIELD LABEL COMPLETE PUSH BUTTTON YOKE FOR LB5 GREASE NIPPLE STEEL BALL HUB PUSH PIN SET NUT AND BOLT M10 x 1.5 x 55 10.9 OUTER HALF SHAFT INNER HALF SHAFT SAFETY GUARD Q. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part # 0800503 08205 08005021 098701075 09881523100 09881454100 0987001065 08005011 08805A604633 021906C001 025505C001 025406C001 0998052242 0988981NB5056 0988975NB5056 025406C002 025505C002 0252000001 09872006 09872003 0986014047 08896905 0984010150 098680104 088965A60 0986014075 Z19407 (5 Pack) B5056US2 B5056US1098001 083US05056 Page 13 BX62R Chipper Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R DECAL BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PART NO. Z94056 Z94019 Z94011 Z94007 Z94006 Z94009 Z94008 Z94605 Z94602 Z94015 Z94014 Z94005 DESCRIPTION QTY WALLENSTEIN Decal 2 1" Dia. Made In Canada 5 BX62 Triangle Decal 2 DANGER - Rotating Blades 3 CAUTION - Read Manual 1 DANGER - Rotating Driveline Hazard 1 DANGER - Thrown Object Hazard 3 SMV Spade 1 Reflector 1 Reverse, Neutral, Feed - RH 1 Reverse, Neutral, Feed - LH 1 High Pressure 2 2 7 4 4 8 1 1 9 2 7 FRONT BACK LEFT RIGHT 12 11 2 7 10 5 2 3 Page 14 6 4 2 3 May 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. BX62R Chipper Parts Manual Decals BX62R Z94056 Z94006 Z94011 Z94007 Z94009 Z94019 Z94605 Z94015 Z94008 Z94602 May 2011 Z94014 Z94005 Page 15 WALLENSTEIN Products Manufactured by: EMB MFG Inc. 4144 Boomer Line St. Clements, Ontario Canada N0B 2M0 Phone: 1-877-695-9283 Fax: 519-699-4146 www.embmfg.com
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