Three-Year Report 2006-2008
Three-Year Report 2006-2008
Three-Year Report 2006-2008 Research Capacity Building Coordination zmt Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Three-Year Report 2006-2008 page Introduction 3 Research Projects 7 Featured Research 17 Capacity Building and Cooperation 25 Services and Administration 29 Appendix 33 Imprint Published by: Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology • Fahrenheitstraße 6 • 28359 Bremen • Germany Editors: Prof. Dr. Venugopalan Ittekkot • Dr. Susanne Eickhoff • Dr. Christiane Schnack Photos ZMT Staff • MIKA Photography, Hamburg • Harald Rehling, Bremen • Ralf Günther, WGL Cover: Maggy Nugues Design: møller grafik, Bremen Print: ASCO Sturm Druck, Bremen Contact: Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology • Fahrenheitstraße 6 • 28359 Bremen • Germany Phone: ++49 (0)421 23 800 21 • Fax: ++49 (0)421 23 800 30 • [email protected] Bremen 2009 2 Introduction The period of reporting saw the second evaluation of the ZMT by the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) and its recommendation for the ZMT to be accepted as a member of the Leibniz Association. The final decision on this was taken by the Bund-Länder Kommission in October 2007. The ZMT became an associate member of the Leibniz Association in October 2007 and is a full member since January 2009. The membership was accompanied by a change in the legal status of the ZMT and included a modification of its name to “Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology” (LeibnizZentrum für Marine Tropenökologie GmbH – ZMT). The ZMT is currently in the process of establishing an institutional structure that takes into account the recommendations of the Science Council based on its evaluations. It involves changes in the scientific and organizational structure of the ZMT, the recruitment of new personnel as well as the acquisition of additional space and new infrastructure. Immediately after the evaluation, two new professorships were installed in cooperation with the University of Bremen in the fields of marine botany and social sciences. The cooperation agreement with the University is to Introduction 4 last for a period of three years. The status of these professorships will be reexamined after an evaluation during 2009-2010. In 2008, the Center advertised four additional new professorships: two of which concern reef ecology and biogeochemistry (in cooperation with the University of Bremen), the other two ecological modeling and social sciences (in cooperation with the Jacobs University Bremen). Joint appointment committees for the positions are expected to complete their work by the end of 2009. The increasing demand for work space associated with these developments is being met by renting an additional floor in the annex and by constructing a three-story extension to the annex for laboratory and office space. The construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2009, on time for the recruitment of new research groups associated with the newly advertised professorships. Meanwhile, the ZMT continued to implement its long-term joint research projects in cooperation with universities and research institutions in Indonesia, China, southern Africa, and Vietnam. These projects addressed issues related to the use and protection of coastal and marine systems and collected scientific information needed for the development of integrated coastal management strategies. The research has contributed to enhance our understanding, for example, of marine biodiversity in tropical waters, the link between coastal degradation and human health, possible responses of coral reef ecosystems to thermal stress under various nutrient regimes as well as of the impact of peat-soil degradation on aquatic systems in the tropics. The ZMT’s research efforts were accompanied by joint measures with our partners to foster capacity building in the field of marine sciences. Thus, it continued to contribute to the English language Master’s program offered at the University of Bremen, ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology). Together with the Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences in Kiel, the ZMT coordinates the implementation of a Master’s course in marine sciences at the Universities of Bremen and Kiel and the Ocean University in Qingdao, China. The Center also organized summer schools and special training courses in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam under ongoing projects. Through the German Operational Center of the International Ocean Institute, hosted by the ZMT, the ZMT participated in the development of a course in fisheries science in Papua New Guinea. The ZMT is currently involved in the development of new long-term projects in the regions of southern Africa and China. These efforts are based on discussions with new partners during the visits of delegations of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) to South Africa, Namibia, and China. In the region of southern Africa, a new project (DESIGN – Desert-Sea Interactions in the Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Namibian Coastal Waters) was developed in cooperation with the University of Namibia and its Marine Research Centre (SANUMARC) in Henties Bay. It is a contribution to the BMBF’s Earth System Research Initiative “The Southern Africa Research Alliance”, involving many institutions in Germany and southern Africa. In China, the ZMT is taking part in projects within the overall initiative on “Central Asia: Monsoon Dynamics and Geoecosystems”. Close cooperation is also envisaged with the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Dar Es Salaam in Zanzibar, Tanzania, where the impact of changes in the East African monsoon on coastal ecosystems is the focus of research. Bilateral activities of the ZMT formed an important contribution to the work of international organizations such as the IOCUNESCO (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UNESCO) and SCOR (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment), especially in the field of capacity building. The ZMT continued its cooperation with the NAM S & T Centre under the joint fellowship program facilitating short-term stays for young scientists from developing countries to work at the ZMT’s laboratories in Bremen. Its network of institutions in Asia ACEMON (Aquatic Ecosystems of Monsoon Asia) exchanged information on coastal research during its annual meetings. The ZMT was also a partner in organizing several regional, national, and international events, such as the World Ocean Conference in Manado, Indonesia, the German exhibition “Germany and China – Moving Ahead Together” in Guangzhou, the presentation of the MADAM project at the Fiema exhibition in Brazil, the “Joint NAM S&T – ZMT Workshop on Coastal Ecosystems: Hazards 5 introduction Management and Rehabilitation” in Purwokerto, Indonesia, the European Coral Reef Conference in Bremen, a workshop on semienclosed basins jointly with SCOR, SCOPE and IAPSO at the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, and a lecture series plus exhibition for the public in Bremen within the “Year of the Reef” activities. Overall, the ZMT continued to develop while strengthening its research and capacity building capabilities, thereby taking into account the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities. Its efforts were supported by the State of Bremen and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. We are particularly grateful to the support and help we received from our partner institutions in the tropics in this regard. ZMT The ZMT maintains a global network of partners in tropical countries with which it conducts its research and capacity building activities. The map shows countries with which the ZMT has been conducting research projects during the reporting period. introduction 6 Research Projects page Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems – SPICE 08 Land-Sea Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems of Tropical China – LANCET 10 Ecosystem Functioning of Rehabilitated Versus Natural Mangroves in the Can Gio Reserve 11 Ocean-Reef Coupling in the Andaman Sea – ORCAS 11 Investigation of the Spatial Connectivity of Fish Populations between and to Estuarine and Coastal Habitats 12 Investigation of the Distribution of Zoo- and Ichthyoplankton in the Angola-Benguela Frontal System 12 River Inputs and their Impact on Reef Ecosystems along the Coast of Central Vietnam 13 Role of System Biogeochemistry on the Distribution and Abundance of Vibrio-organisms in Karnaphuli River Estuary, Bangladesh – BIOVIBAN 13 Climate Variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: Implications for Natural Coastal Resources and Management - CENSOR 14 Impact of Nitrogen Effluents from Sugar-Cane Monoculture on Water Quality and Biogeochemistry of the Mundau-Manguaba Lagoon and adjacent Coastal Waters off East Brazil 14 Environmental Assessment in Tsunami-affected Andaman Islands, India 15 Development of Feed and Quality Improvement for Tropical Shrimps 15 High-PUFA Algae 16 Breeding and Rearing of Ornamental Organisms under Controlled Conditions 16 Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems – SPICE 2003- 2010 Duration Indonesia Country Main partners Universities and research institutions in Germany (Bremen, Bremerhaven, Geesthacht, Hamburg, Jena, Kiel, Oldenburg, Warnemünde) and Indonesia (Bandung, Bogor, Gondol, Jakarta, Makassar, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Purwokerto, Semarang, Surabaya) BMBF Funding details Integrated project with six subprojects, coordinated by the ZMT The ZMT coordinates SPICE, the bilateral German-Indonesian research project that addresses the scientific, social and economic aspects of the protection and sustainable use of Indonesian coastal waters and their resources. The SPICE Program was initiated in 2003, with the first phase carried out in 2003-2007. It provided significant information on the structure and function of coastal ecosystems covering mangroves, coral reefs, coastal pelagic systems, and peat swamps, and on their alterations due to human interventions. These results have already found their way into management strategies currently being developed by the regional planning authorities. Phase II started in 2007 and will last until 2010. Based on the information and experience gained in the first phase, the focus on natural sciences is complemented by social science. The aims are to better understand the social dimension of coastal ecosystem changes, analyze social-ecological dynamics, and improve the links between research and decision-making. In four of the six research clusters within SPICE, the ZMT also conducts its own research with partners in Indonesia: Coral Reef-Based Ecosystems and Resources The work is being carried out in coral reef ecosystems and adjacent sea grass meadows in South Sulawesi, which are influenced by research projects 8 dynamite fishing and land-based pollution. The work on reef ecosystems has been extended to include aspects of marine botany. After a survey of the dominant microalgae on the reefs, the photosynthetic characteristics were determined along gradients in depth and anthropogenic impact. This information forms the basis of ongoing experimental work related to the impact of eutrophication and to mechanisms of physiological adaptation to combined abiotic stress factors. Understanding Ecological and SocioEconomic Dynamics and their Interaction in the Segara Anakan Lagoon The principal aim is to establish a biogeochemical, ecological, and social scientific data base for the sustainable use of the largest mangrove ecosystem on the island of Java. Seasonal measurements are being made of biogeochemical and ecological processes in the lagoon. Because of their role in the internal recycling of carbon and nutrients in mangroves and tidal flats, benthic communities are receiving special attention. The project also succeeded in establishing links to authorities and stakeholder groups. The work will continue in close cooperation with the socioeconomic group at the ZMT. Transfer of Natural and Anthropogenic Material from Land to Coastal Sea Indonesia holds the largest share of tropical peat lands worldwide which is strongly affected by deforestation and drainage. Our study in the Siak River, Sumatra, aims at identifying and quantifying environmental impacts of peat soil leaching on the water quality in the river and the coastal ocean. Results show that the organic carbon fluxes are enormous and lead to light limitation in coastal areas, thus contributing to reduced primary productivity. The study has been extended to other peat-draining rivers of Sumatra, which will allow to ascertain the representativeness of previous results. Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Indonesian Seas This project investigates the influence of monsoons and climatic anomalies associated with El Niño events on the upwelling system off the Javanese coast, which is an important fisheries region. Initial results show that El Niño events strengthen upwelling along the Javanese coast and could increase fisheries yield. Also, carbon dioxide emissions from the upwelling system are strongly controlled by freshwater introduced by small rivers during the wet season. Further studies will examine the functional relationships between the strength of the biological pump and the freshwater discharge in upwelling systems. Seasonal Variability in the Impact of Carbon and Nutrient Inputs from Brantas River on the Madura Strait The aim of this project is to develop an automatic measuring system for the assessment of water quality in the Madura Strait. The ZMT participates in the project through the collection of spatio-temporal datasets on the impact of the influx of nutrients and organic substances from the Brantas River on the water quality of the Madura Strait. Governance and Management of Coastal Social-Ecological Systems The project will examine the social and economic aspects of the use of resources associated with the mangrove and coral reef ecosystems in Indonesia. It will concentrate on two SPICE research regions where preliminary information from natural science projects is available: Spermonde Archipelago in Sulawesi and Segara Anakan Lagoon in Java. 9 research projects Land-Sea Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems of Tropical China – LANCET 2006- 2009 Duration China Country Main partners Universities in Germany (Bremen, Hamburg) and China (Shanghai, Qingdao), research institutes in China (Haikou, Hangzhou) BMBF Funding details Integrated project with 5 subprojects, coordinated by the ZMT LANCET examines the role of land-sea fluxes on tropical coastal ecosystems of the Chinese island of Hainan. The results are expected to provide detailed scientific information on a tropical system that has been poorly studied. Furthermore, they will make a contribution to the current initiatives of the Hainan government by providing the necessary scientific database for developing adequate coastal management strategies. The LANCET studies are being conducted in 5 subprojects, 3 of which are being led by ZMT scientists. The overall coordination of the project is also with the ZMT. Current Status and Regulatory Functions of Hainan Coral Reefs Once flourishing coral reefs of Hainan are coming under increasing pressure from sweeping coastal development. Understanding the response of corals to these pressures is crucial for predicting their resilience in the face of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Substrate cover, composition, photosynthetic activity as well as physiological properties of several coral types are being studied. In all coral types, water and zooplankton samples are collected to assess the quality of the ambient environment. Status of Shallow-Water Fish Assemblages Tropical shallow-water habitats function as important nursery and feeding grounds for research projects 10 fishes. They move between different coastal habitats in close proximity, like mangroves, seagrass beds, sandy beaches, and coral reefs. Knowledge about this connectivity is fundamental for designing effective conservation and management strategies. The project aims at describing the status of fish communities and the analysis of the connectivity between ecosystems in an intensively fished estuary. Fluxes and Transformation of Nutrient and Organic Matter from Watershed to the Coastal Sea The goal of this study is to show how human activities on land alter river-water quality and the biogeochemistry of receiving coastal waters. Thus, conversion of mangrove forests to aquaculture leads to an increased release of sediments, nutrients, and pollutants into coastal waters. Sewage effluents change the natural pattern of riverine carbon and nutrient fluxes. Riverine and estuarine environments as well as seagrass beds along the coast are being investigated with a view to assessing the impact of land-based activities. Ecosystem Functioning of Rehabilitated Versus Natural Mangroves in the Can Gio Reserve This project investigates the question whether reforested mangroves are comparable in terms of function and structure with natural mangrove forests, by studying the biogeochemistry and ecology of benthic organisms. The first phase of the project ended in 2007. A second phase has been approved by the DFG for a period of two years. It investigates the regeneration of mangrove forests that were damaged by cyclones and lightning within the context of the implemented management practices. Duration 2004- 2009 Country Vietnam Main partner Vietnam National University Funding DFG details Subproject of the integrated project “Land-Ocean Atmospheric Interactions in the Coastal Zone of Vietnam”, coordinated by the ZMT Ocean-Reef Coupling in the Andaman Sea – ORCAS The project investigates the oceanic processes that affect the turnover of material and energy in offshore coral reefs of the Andaman Sea. Of particular interest are internal ocean waves of enormous amplitude (80 m) and their impact on the material and energy cycling of the coral reefs. The work is being carried out by Ph. D. students who investigate the impact of temperature and pH Duration 2006- 2009 changes on calcification and on the primary Country Thailand and secondary production in the reef system. Main partner Phuket Marine Biological Center Since the principal investigator changed to the AWI in Bremerhaven in 2008, the project Funding DFG is now being conducted from there, while the ZMT offers support to the students for their research. 11 research projects Investigation of the Spatial Connectivity of Fish Populations between and to Estuarine and Coastal Habitats 2006-2009 Duration Brazil Country Main partners Universities of Belem and Recife IB / BMBF Funding Offshore populations of the weakfish Cynoscion acoupa are being investigated using chemical fingerprints from otoliths and genetic markers to determine the spatial connectivity of the fish between estuaries along the northeast Brazilian coast. An improved understanding of recruitment processes will aid in the urgent need for a better management of the heavily exploited fish stocks. Connectivity between estuarine and coastal habitats is quantified for the first time for C. acoupa. Investigation of the Distribution of Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton in the Angola-Benguela Frontal System 2008 Duration Namibia, South Africa Countries Main partners University of Bremen, Marine and Coastal Management Institute (Cape Town) IB / BMBF Funding research projects The ZMT’s long-term cooperation with South Africa and Namibia was continued with focus on the Angola-Benguela Frontal System. A major event was the expedition of the Maria S. Merian to the region. The aim was to trace the development of communities in upwelling cells and to conduct physiological studies on organisms to obtain information on their adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This work is to be continued within the framework of the BMBF Project “GENUS”, which will be funded early in 2009. 12 River Inputs and their Impact on Reef Ecosystems along the Coast of Central Vietnam The project studies the flux and seasonal variability of suspended matter, sediments as well as carbon and nutrient elements, and their possible impact on the reef ecosystems of central Vietnam. Processing long-term data sets in conjunction with those obtained from the measurements being made within this project is a major goal. Sediment and nutrient investigations were carried out and water and reef samples collected in two regions. To observe changes in coral growth and environmental conditions, markings and loggers were placed which allow observations to proceed for up to 2 years. Duration 2006- 2009 Country Vietnam Main partner Institute of Oceanography (Nha Trang) Funding IB / BMBF Role of System Biogeochemistry on the Distribution and Abundance of V ibrio-organisms in the Karnaphuli River Estuary, Bangladesh – BIOVIBAN This one-year project investigates the interactions between hydrochemical dynamics of tropical estuaries and cholera outbreaks in the region. The project contributes towards a better understanding of the distribution of Vibrio cholerae in coastal ecosystems and the observed cyclicity in cholera outbreaks related to hydrology and climate. Based on the results obtained, a new proposal is being submitted to the DFG. Duration 2007- 2008 Country Bangladesh Main partner International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research Funding DFG 13 research projects Climate Variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: Implications for Natural Coastal Resources and Management – CENSOR 2004- 2008 Duration Peru Country Main partner National Agrarian University (Lima) EU Funding details Integrated project with 14 participating institutions from Germany, France, Spain, Chile, Peru and Argentina, coordinated by AWI, Bremerhaven CENSOR is an interdisciplinary research project, which aims at assessing and modeling the impact of climate variability induced by El Niño on the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem and its species assemblages and resource users. The ZMT is responsible for the data integration, dissemination, and modeling with different approaches, like trophodynamic models which describe holistically the biomass flow structure of the ecosystem and simulate use scenarios. Workshops, symposia, and post graduate training courses were organized for data dissemination and integration. The project scientists were also involved in the development of a management plan for coastal resources in northern Peru. The concluding workshop of this project was held in September 2008. Impact of Nitrogen Effluents from Sugar-Cane Monoculture on Water Quality and Biogeochemistry of the Mundau-Manguaba Lagoon and adjacent Coastal Waters off East Brazil 2006- 2009 Duration Brazil Country Main partner Fluminense Federal University (Niteroi/ Rio de Janeiro) BMBF Funding details Increased river inputs of nitrogen to coastal waters are a major problem in many areas of the world. Though an essential nutrient, nitrogen in high concentrations causes eutrophication and damages coastal ecosystems. The project investigates the sources, Subproject of the integrated project “POLCAMAR –The Impact of Pollutants from Sugar Cane Monoculture on Estuaries and Coastal Waters of Northeast Brazil”, coordinated by the University of Bremen research projects 14 transformation, and fate of the nitrogen from sugar-cane monoculture plantations and its environmental effects on the biogeochemistry and ecology of east Brazilian coastal waters. Environmental Assessment in Tsunami-affected Andaman Islands, India This project aims to study the impact of climate and extreme events on coral reefs adjacent to the Andaman Islands. Several visits to the Andaman Marine National Park showed considerable degradation differences between reefs found at the National Park and outside the Park, where strong erosion sug Duration 2005- 2008 gests that reef degradation started years ago Country India and cannot be related to the December 2004 Main partner Institute of Ocean Management event. The ZMT investigates coral cores (Chennai) retrieved from both areas. Funding IB / BMBF Development of Feed and Quality Improvement for Tropical Shrimps The experiments in this project were related to the fish feed and biomonitoring of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. The aim was the development of special shrimp feed containing various amounts of total protein and a reduced amount of fishmeal, a major protein source in commercial shrimp feed. Fish protein was replaced by plant protein derived from soya, lupine, peas, etc. Tests conducted with cheaper substances such as grain distillery waste showed that additives could enhance its uptake and assimilation rates. The research results are currently being used by the industrial project partner to build a pilot plant for feed production. Duration 2004- 2008 Main partners Polyplan GmbH, Algatec (Bremen), Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH (Potsdam) Funding Bremer Innovationsagentur, AG industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen 15 research projects High-PUFA Algae 2008-2010 Duration Main partners AquaCare GmbH (Dortmund), Ceramics (Bremen), TeLa GmbH (Bremerhaven) Funding AG industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen The project aims at the optimization of the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids by conducting experiments with a variety of algae and varying the environmental and production conditions. Within the project, the ZMT will cooperate with new partners from the industry, e.g. Aquacare-Herten, TelaBremerhaven, and Ceramics-Bremen. Breeding and Rearing of Ornamental Organisms under Controlled Conditions since 2004 Duration Main partners University of Bremen, Ecomaris GmbH (Büsum) Funding ZMT, Bremer Innovationsagentur research projects The purpose of this project is to promote conservation of the coral reefs by breeding selected ornamental species and thus avoiding wild catches. The work focuses on three areas: water quality management, broodstock management, and nutritional research. Experiments concentrated on clownfishes, seahorses, and particularly on giant clams. 16 With these, the focus is on photosynthesis, respiration, and calcification under varying abiotic conditions, and on the influence of nutrients on animal growth. The production of live feed (Artemia, Rotaria, copepods and algae) for the rearing of larvae is being continuously optimized. Featured Research page Collapse of a New Living Species of Giant Clam in the Red Sea 18 Links between Coastal Processes and Vibrio Cholerae Dynamics in the Indian Subcontinent: Seasonality and Relation to Cholera Incidence 20 Coral Photophysiology in Response to Thermal Stress and Nutritional Status 21 Tropical Peat Soil Degradation: Impacts on the Aquatic Environment 23 Collapse of a New Living Species of Giant Clam in the Red Sea Claudio Richter Hilly Roa-Quiaoit et. al. Giant clams belong to the most spectacular but also the most endangered marine invertebrates. The large size of giant clams – their shells can measure up to 1.4 m - is due to microalgae living in very high densities in the colorful clam mantle tissues. They provide the energy to precipitate the large amounts of calcium carbonate composing the shell. In many places, their large size and easy accessibility was the reason for overfishing and the collapse of the natural stocks. The diversity of giant clams is extremely low, only seven extant species of Tridacna are known. Our studies within the “Red-Sea Ornamentals Program” provided evidence for a morphologically, genetically, ecologically, and paleoecologically distinct new species of giant clam in the Red Sea: Tridacna costata. Its oversight in one of the best-investigated reef provinces illustrates the dearth of knowledge on marine biodiversity. The Red Sea program was initiated in cooperation with the Marine Science Station at Aqaba in 2002. Its goal was to study the life cycle of giant clams with the prospect of breeding them in order to supply the growing aquarists’ demand for the prized blue T. maxima, and possibly also re-stock the featured research 18 depleted stocks and thus contribute to the conservation of genetic resources in the Red Sea. Morphology has been the foundation of taxonomy for centuries but has often failed to delineate between species with overlapping and variable phenotypes. The incorporation of molecular and ecological data has greatly sharpened our ability to draw species boundaries. T. costata features a deeply folded, almost zig-zag dorsal shell margin, while its two Red Sea congeners show only weakly sinusoidal margins. We quantified the morphological similarities by five morphological parameters. Analysis of similarity showed a highly significant separation of T. costata from the other two species. The morphological differences were corroborated by phylogenetic analysis of molecular data. With a fragment of the mitochondrial rRNA gene, we found a clear delineation between T. costata and its sympatric congeners, but virtually no difference between replicate specimens, supporting monophyly of T. costata. Although seasonal times of reproduction are not diagnostic features per se and may vary between years and regions, we found marked differences between the Red Sea species: T. costata differed from its congeners in an early and only brief reproductive period in spring, coinciding with the seasonal plankton bloom. The timing of reproduction suggests a planktotrophic development of the larvae, contrasting the food-independent larval development in the summer-spawning T. squamosa and T. maxima. T. costata represents less than 1% of the present stocks. Underwater surveys carried out in the Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea showed that T. costata must be considered as critically endangered. Only six out of a thousand live specimens belonged to the new species. Overall, Tridacna stocks have plummeted to less than 5% of their sizes in the 1980s and 1990s because of artisanal reef-top gathering for meat and shells. As opposed to T. maxima and T. squamosa, which have a broad vertical range of distribution, T. costata is restricted to the reef top. This fact, along with its narrow reproductive window and plankton-dependent larval development, make T. costata particularly vulnerable to overfishing. One of the striking features of the Red Sea is that, in many places, one can time-travel into the past by means of exposed coralreef terraces towering up to tens of meters above the present-day sea level. We carried out surveys along the shores and well-dated emerged reef terraces of Sinai and Aqaba, showing that T. costata constituted more than 80% of the giant clam stocks prior to the last interglacial (125,000 years ago), after which its proportion plummeted to less than 5% in freshly discarded shell middens. The wealth of paleolithic artifacts in emerged reef terraces in the southern and central Red Sea indicates that modern humans have been exploiting Red Sea mollusks for at least 125,000 years. Shells matching our description were also among the fossils in other Red Sea areas, suggesting that the new species, by virtue of its dominance, conspicuousness, size, and accessibility, has played an important role in the diet of human gatherer communities during the last interglacial. Along with early shellfishing evidence in other areas, this has spurred speculation that the dispersal of anatomically modern humans out of Africa into the Red Sea and adjacent regions 100,000 years ago was driven largely by competition for marine resources. Our discovery that T. costata was already on a trajectory of decline prior to this period provides the first circumstantial evidence that humans were not only using but also depleting reef resources. Declining marine and terrestrial resources, by human and climatic factors, respectively, may have acted in concert to thwart the precocious but short-lived colonization of the Near East by anatomically modern but technologically primitive humans at the end of the last interglacial. publicationS Richter, C., Roa-Quiaoit, H., Jantzen, C., Al-Zibdah, M., Kochzius, M. (2008). Collapse of a new living species of giant clam in the Red Sea, Current Biology, 18(17), 1349-1354. Roa-Quiaoit, H., (2007) The Ecology and Culture of Giant Clams (Tridacidae) in the Jordanian Sector of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, PhD Thesis 19 featured research Links between Coastal Processes and Vibrio Cholerae Dynamics in the Indian Subcontinent: Seasonality and Relation to Cholera Incidence Ruben Lara Publication Lara, R.J., Neogi, S.B., Islam, M. S., Mahmud, Z. H., Yamasaki, S., Nair, G.B. (2009) Influence of Catastrophic Climatic Events and Human Waste on Vibrio Distribution in the Karnaphuli Estuary, Bangladesh, EcoHealth, DOI: 10.1007/s1 0393-009-0257-6 featured research Water-driven diseases such as cholera are still an important cause of morbidity and mortality in many developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America due to the lack of safe water supply and poor hygienic practices. The current cholera pandemic, which started in 1961, is the most extensive in geographic spread and duration. During 1994, cholera epidemics were reported from over 90 countries. The bacterium Vibrio cholerae is the causative agent of cholera. Vibrios are aquatic bacteria of marine and estuarine origin. They can also cause diseases in fish, shrimp, corals, and other aquatic organisms. In tropical areas, coastal ecosystems and their basins are rapidly changing due to anthropogenic pressure and global warming. Thus, in such health-related issues, basins must be the natural units for vulnerability assessment and coastal management. Integrative, comparative approaches are needed for the understanding of functional links between the morphology of different estuaries, marshes, and mangroves, flooding and biogeochemical regimes, pathogen life cycles, and the incidence of disease. There are converging approaches in the investigation of tropical marine ecosystems and human diseases. These include the research on the same bacterial genus (Vibrio) which is responsible for both coral bleaching and cholera, the use of remote sensing of the ocean-surface temperature, climate research, and an emerging, epidemiological thinking common to these approaches. Traditionally, the association between water temperature and coral bleaching has been stressed, and only recently it has been discovered that this is probably triggered by a Vibrio bacterium and that it could be transmitted by a coralfeeding worm acting as “vector”. On the other hand, the study of cholera disease has drifted into marine and estuarine research. The association of V. cholerae with plankton has been established only recently, allowing an analysis of the epidemic patterns of cholera. Since the zooplankton has been shown to harbor the bacterium, and zooplankton blooms follow phytoplankton blooms, remote sensing can be employed to 20 determine the relationship of cases of cholera with chlorophyll, as well as sea-surface temperature, ocean height, nutrients, salinity, and turbidity. The sporadic appearance of cholera epidemics can now be at least partly related to climate-ocean coupling events, such as the “El Niño phenomenon”. The detection of reservoirs like mangroves, marshes, or corals, where these and other potentially dangerous microorganisms can prosper, represents a huge potential for promoting interactions between tropical coastal research and biomedical science. For the last three years, the ZMT has been carrying out a cooperation with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research in Dhaka, Bangladesh, studying the relationship between the biogeochemistry of estuaries and wetlands, and the abundance and diversity of Vibrio organisms. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of climatic catastrophic events such as cyclones and landslides on the abundance of pathogenic bacteria in estuaries. An upcoming cooperation project with the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases in Kolkata, India, will continue and extend this approach to other large estuaries which are affected by dams and pollution. There is an increasing awareness of the need of enhancing interdisciplinarity in biomedical research, particularly through the integration with environmental sciences. Cholera and other water-driven diseases are not an exclusive problem of developing and/or tropical countries. There have been cholera epidemics in Europe until the beginning of the 20 th century. More recently, there have been reports of skin infections in swimmers produced by Vibrio organisms in Sweden (seawater) and The Netherlands (freshwater). Slight changes of environmental factors such as water temperature, pH, or nutrient content can dramatically change the amount and diversity of the microbial community. Thus, increased efforts are required to detect these changes in an early stage to avoid the spread of the disease. Coral Photophysiology in Response to Thermal Stress and Nutritional Status Coral bleaching, the dissociation of corals and their zooxanthellae (symbiotic unicellular algae) and/or loss of chlorophyll in response to elevated seawater temperature can lead to extensive coral mortality and loss in biodiversity. It is generally accepted that the foremost causes of bleaching involve chronic photoinhibition of zooxanthellae and the subsequent formation of damaging reactive oxygen species. Photoinhibition is coupled to levels of antioxidant activity and rates of protein repair, processes which incur high metabolic costs in terms of nitrogen demands and energy expenditure. Since heterotrophic abilities of corals can vary considerably between reef habitats and species, understanding how food availability affects the susceptibility of corals to bleaching does provide important information aiding the prediction of the effects of increasing temperature on the coral community structure in relation to water quality. Using different methodological approaches, the objectives of this study were to investigate the prediction that exogenous food increases the thermal tolerance of the symbiotic association. This was tested in two feeding Esther M. Borell experiments which were carried out at the Hasanuddin University Marine Field Station in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia. In both experiments, corals were either starved, i.e. deprived of organic particles or fed daily with freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. The first experiment assessed the effect of zooplankton feeding versus starvation on the bleaching susceptibility, the photosynthetic activity, and the photoprotective mechanism in the temperature-sensitive species Stylophora pistillata under elevated temperature. It was carried out over a period of 10 days employing pulse-amplitudemodulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometry. The second experiment was run for 15 days in order to investigate the potential interactions between zooplankton feeding, basal metabolic functions (photosynthesis and respiration), energy status (lipid concentrations), total protein concentrations, and the bleaching susceptibility of S. pistillata and the more temperature-tolerant species Galaxea fascicularis. As predicted, starved S. pistillata in Experiment 1 displayed strong signs of chronic photoinhibition, which was reflected by the 21 featured research Publications Borell, E.M., Bischof, K. (2008) Zooplankton feeding sustains photosynthesis in Stylophora pistillata under thermal stress. Oecologia 157, 593-601 Borell, E.M., Bischof, K., Yulantri A., Richter, C. (2008) The effect of heterotrophy on photosynthesis and tissue composition of two scleractinian corals under elevated temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 364, 116-123 featured research significant decline in nocturnal recovery rates of photosystem II. This was paralleled by the progressive deterioration of non-photochemical quenching, an important photoprotective mechanism. Fed corals by comparison maintained higher levels of photoprotection, which coincided with significantly higher rates of nocturnal photosystem recovery. Sustained photosynthesis of fed corals was accompanied by a reduced loss in pigmentation compared to starved corals. The tissue of starved corals in both experiments appeared pale relative to fed corals. The combined results of these experiments indicate that exogenous food can play an important role in reducing the photophysiological damage of zooxanthellae that typically leads to bleaching. Although the results of this study provide no indication of the underlying biochemical mechanisms as to how additional resources could have modulated the thermal resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus, it is conceivable that zooplankton provided a direct source of nitrogen to the zooxanthellae, facilitating enhanced rates of protein repair and reduced photophysiological damage of the zooxanthellae. To verify 22 this hypothesis, further biochemical and molecular investigations are needed. Near-shore environments are often characterized by heavy loads of terrestrial discharges of nutrients and sediment, which result in turbid, nutrient-rich waters smothering coral tissues and reducing light penetration, i.e. the key resource of scleractinian corals. As such, turbid waters are commonly considered as a stress factor for corals. Although coral populations can suffer high levels of mortality in regions with high nutrient loads, this is not necessarily always the case. Near-shore fringing reefs frequently feature corals which are adapted to thrive in this type of environment, yielding a high coral cover, growth rates and diversity. Suspended sediment and inorganic nutrients can be rapidly converted into particulate organic material. Against the background of rapid environmental change, turbid coastal environments may therefore buffer the stress susceptibility and enhance the fitness of some coral species. This would have important ecological implications for the persistence and dynamics of coral reef communities in the future. Tropical Peat Soil Degradation: Impacts on the Aquatic Environment The exponentially rising population of the world and the growing demand for space, food, energy, etc. are the main drivers of global change which have become so acute that even a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, was introduced. However, global change has many local facets which need to be analyzed and studied in order to develop sustainable management strategies for each individual region and ecosystem. Southeast Asian peat lands, covering ~10% of the Indonesian land mass, are, for example, a very sensitive ecosystem of global importance regarding the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as seen during the strong drought induced by El Niño in 1997. At this time, the peatlands emitted 1.7 x 1015g of carbon, representing 74% of the global annual mean CO2 emissions caused by land-use changes. Peat-soil degradation increased dramatically during the last 40 years. If the present rate of deforestation remains constant, ~90 % of the original peat swamp forests will disappear within the forthcoming ~140 years. The joint Indonesian/German project “Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems” (SPICE) aims at studying the environmental impacts of peatsoil degradation on the aquatic ecosystems in eastern Sumatra. The first idea of SPICE was born at an international conference organized by the Indonesian government in Jakarta shortly after the catastrophic forest Tim Rixen Antje Baum and peat fires in 1997. SPICE and the field work in the peatlands started in 2004. During the first phase, the work focused on the Siak River in central Sumatra. In the second phase, the working area was expanded and now includes all the six major peat-draining rivers in eastern Sumatra in order to get a more representative view on environmental changes. On seven expeditions to the peat-draining rivers water and sediment samples and also peat samples from the catchment soils were taken and analyzed for various parameters, e.g. dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved nutrients and oxygen. Furthermore, experiments on the degradation of dissolved organic carbon were carried out. Our first data indicate that the Siak owes its brown color to dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from the surrounding, heavily disturbed peat soils. The DOC concentrations in the Siak are among the highest reported worldwide and are even four times higher than those of the Rio Negro which is often considered as the world’s classical black water river. Extrapolated to the entire Southeast Asian peatlands, our results indicate that the numerous small Indonesian peat-draining rivers contribute approximately 10% to the global riverine DOC export into the ocean - which stores approximately 20% more organic carbon than the terrestrial vegetation including the tropical forests. 23 featured research Publications Baum, A. (2008) Tropical blackwater biogeochemistry: The Siak River in Central Sumatra, Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Bremen, pp. 121 Baum, A., Rixen, T, Samiaji, J. (2007) Relevance of peat draining rivers in central Sumatra for riverine input of dissolved organic carbon into the ocean. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73, 563-570. Rixen, T., Baum, A., Pohlmann, T., Balzer, W., Samiaji, J., Jose, C. (2008) The Siak, a tropical blackwater river in Central Sumatra on the verge to anoxia. Biogeochemistry 90, 129-140. featured research The high DOC concentrations were also associated with high DOC decomposition rates, reducing the oxygen concentrations in the Siak dramatically. Model results indicate that an increase of the DOC concentrations by ~15% could already lead to oxygen-poor (anoxic) conditions in the Siak. The development of these anoxic zones, also called dead zones, can lead to a mass mortality of fish as has already been observed in the Siak. This emphasizes the sensitivity of the Siak to the peat-soil degradation which is assumed to increase DOC concentrations in the rivers. Eutrophication caused by anthropogenic inputs of dissolved inorganic nutrients is considered to be the main reason of the observed spread of the dead zones in aquatic habitats around the industrial world, and could also be observed in the Siak. In addition to industrial and urban wastewater discharges, agricultural run off played an important role, as was seen during the period of oilpalm fertilization at the end of the rainy season, when an enhanced washout of nitrogen 24 from the plantations doubled the dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the Siak. The low light and oxygen levels reduce the photosynthetic production of organic matter and hence the nutrient uptake in the river which, in turn, increases the riverine export of nutrients into the coastal ocean. Nevertheless, despite the anthropogenic impact, the nutrient concentrations and thus their export into the ocean was still much lower than observed elsewhere in non-blackwater rivers because of the low rate of nutrient leaching from the nutrient-poor peat soils. The results obtained during the SPICE project showed that peat-soil degradation and anthropogenic wastewater discharges strongly affect the ecological balance of the Siak River. Since anthropogenic activities on tropical peat soils are predicted to continue or even increase in the upcoming decades, further studies are needed to improve our understanding of the impact of peat-soil utilization on the very sensitive blackwater ecosystems. Capacity Building and Cooperation page International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology – ISATEC 26 Sino-German Initiative on Marine Sciences 26 PhD Programs 26 Special Courses and Summer Schools 26 ACEMON Research Network 28 ICSU SCOR, SCOPE 28 NAM S&T Centre 28 IOC-UNESCO 28 IGBP-LOICZ, IGBP-IMBER 28 International Ocean Institute (IOI) 28 Capacity Building The ZMT is involved in teaching at the University of Bremen, giving lectures and courses in ecological, biogeochemical, and socioeconomic subjects. The scientific staff also supervises both internal and external thesis students. In the period from 2006 to 2008, 20 doctoral theses and 16 diploma theses were successfully completed. A total of 34 doctoral theses and 6 diploma theses are currently underway. Furthermore, the ZMT develops joint education programs with partner countries such as China. Other capacity building activities like specialist training courses, summer schools, and on-the-job training were offered both in Bremen and in partner countries. The ZMT also hosted a number of internships in its laboratories for students and pupils. International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology – ISATEC ISATEC is a two-year international MSc study program on aquatic tropical ecosystems which was jointly set up by the ZMT and Bremen University in 1999. Most of the teaching in the program is done by the ZMT staff. Postgraduates are trained in theoretical and applied tropical aquatic ecology, with emphasis on concepts and methodologies for the sustainable use and conservation of tropical aquatic ecosystems. The program was coordinated by the ZMT until 2007, when the Faculty of Biology of Bremen University took over coordination. capacity building 26 Sino-German Initiative on Marine Sciences Activities in this project aim at contributing to the development of an international education and intensifying scientific exchange. Starting in 2005, a Sino-German Master Program in Marine Sciences was jointly developed by the ZMT and other research institutions in Bremen and Kiel, together with the Ocean University of China (OUC) in Qingdao. It offers Chinese and German students a two-term study in specific fields of marine sciences at the partner university abroad, with the possibility of obtaining a MSc Double Degree. The first Chinese students, who spent an academic year in Bremen, have already completed their studies at the OUC and have obtained the Master’s degree. A second group of eight students of the University of Bremen have begun studying at the OUC as a part of the program in winter term 2008/09. Among further activities are annual summer schools intended to strengthen contacts and promote the mutual acquaintance with the teaching methods of each contributing partner. Since 2008, the ongoing cooperation is extended to include PhD programs under an agreement signed between the OUC and the University of Bremen. PhD Programs The ZMT hosts a large number of PhD candidates from its partner countries and Germany, who carry out their thesis research within the ZMT’s research projects. During the period of reporting, 20 students completed their doctoral thesis, whereas 34 PhD theses are still in progress. The Center also contributes to the International Graduate School ”Global Change in the Marine Realm” established at the University of Bremen in 2007, as a part of the German Excellence Initiative. The Graduate School educates young scientists in a stimulating research environment and enables them to be part of the worldwide effort aimed at dealing with issues of global change early in their doctoral training. Special Courses and Summer Schools Together with scientists from partner institutions, the ZMT conducted special courses from the modular series “The Sea and its Resources” at partner institutions in Brazil, Indonesia, and Vietnam. In cooperation with the NAM S&T Centre from India, a workshop cum seminar on “Coastal Ecosystems: Hazards Management and Rehabilitation” was conducted in Purwokerto, Indonesia. At the Phuket Marine Biological Centre in Thailand a training course was held on the subject of “Participatory Management in IKZM”. In the scope of Sino-German cooperation, annual summer schools were organized in Bremen and Kiel (2006), Büsum (2007), and Qingdao (2008), covering the subjects “Impacts of Global Change on Shelf-Open Ocean Systems”, “Processes in Coastal Zones”, and “Oceans under Stress”. Another summer school flanking a conference on „Coastal and Disaster Management for Extreme Events Impact Mitigation“ was conjointly organized by the ZMT and the Center for Coral Reef Research in Makassar, Indonesia. 27 capacity building Cooperation: Networks and International Organizations ACEMON Research Network The ACEMON (Aquatic Ecosystems of Monsoon Asia) network was established by the ZMT in 2004, with the support of the BMBF. It gives the ZMT and its partner institutions in Asian countries affected by monsoons the opportunity to develop joint research and training activities for an integrated management of their coastal ecosystems. This cooperation involved the publication of results arising from workshops and training courses conducted in Indonesia and Thailand during the previous years. In 2008, the work was focused on developing a special program in the region to study coral reefs, which received approval from the IOC-WESTPAC. Three workshops are planned within the project for the next two years. ICSU SCOR, SCOPE The ZMT contributes with its activities to scientific committees such as SCOPE and SCOR of the International Council for Science (ICSU). The Center hosts the chair of the national SCOPE Committee in Germany and of the new committee on capacity building established by SCOR. The SCOPE project on the silicon cycle was completed with a publication by Island Press. In 2007, the ZMT also organized, together with SCOPE and SCOR, a workshop on semi-enclosed basins at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst. ZMT scientists continued their cooperation with the SCOR working group on hypoxia. Also, the ZMT established new contacts with the ICSU Regional Office for Africa, pursuing the objective of helping to develop capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Currently it develops plans to cooperate with the newly established Centre of Excellence for Reef Research at the University of Dar Es Salaam in Zanzibar and the SANUMARC Marine Research Centre in Henties Bay, Namibia. NAM S&T Centre In the scope of its cooperation with the NAM (Non-aligned Movement and Developing Nations) Science and Technology Centre, the ZMT offers within its projects training to excellent young scientists from developing countries in the tropics. As yet, four candidates have been chosen and will stay at the ZMT for three months. cooperation 28 Together with the NAM S&T Centre and Indonesian universities a workshop was organized on “Coastal Ecosystems: Hazards Management and Rehabilitation” in Indonesia. IOC-UNESCO The ZMT participated in the activities of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UNESCO related to capacity building in the WESTPAC (Western Pacific) region. Research projects like SPICE and the ACEMON Network contribute to the enhancement of the marine-research capacity in the WESTPAC (Western Pacific) region. A new project on coral reefs including the ZMT as a partner was initiated by the IOCWESTPAC. IGBP-LOICZ, IGBP-IMBER The ZMT contributes to both biogeochemical and social science aspects of the investigations of LOICZ. Cooperation was intensified since one member of the ZMT scientific staff is a member of the LOICZ International Scientific Steering Committee.. Together with LOICZ and SCOR, the ZMT is now developing plans how to enhance the impact of capacity building activities. In addition, plans for joint activities with respect to regional programs are being discussed. International Ocean Institute (IOI) The ZMT hosts the German Operational Center of the International Ocean Institute since October 2002. A member of the ZMT staff is the director of the Operational Center and is also chairing the Board of Operational Centre Directors that is responsible for the IOI strategy development. The ZMT contributes its expertise to networks run by the IOI and its OceanLearn program. During the last three years, the ZMT cooperated with the IOI in a GTZ project to support capacity building in the fisheries sector in Papua New Guinea together with the National Fisheries Authority. A fisheries study program was developed and implemented at the Vudal University in Papua. The ZMT also coordinated the participation of children from two Bremen schools in a Youth Parliament organized by the IOI in Malta. page Public Relations 30 Laboratories 30 Library 31 Electronic Data Processing and Data Management 31 Administration and Infrastructure 32 Services and Administration Services Public Relations Public relations at ZMT comprise media and press matters, issuing information material concerning the ZMT and its projects, and coordinates public awareness projects and events addressing the general public. The public relations office regularly provides information to the online scientific news service IDW, puts journalists in touch with ZMT experts, and writes or edits press releases and news items for the ZMT website. It also publishes its own articles in magazines. In the last three years, the media covered a broad range of subjects concerning the ZMT projects. One special focus was the accession of the ZMT to the Leibniz Association and during the International Year of the Reef, questions of reef degradation were also of concern. Press conferences were organized in the scope of the European Coral Reef Conference and the presentation of final results of the TRIOPS project. On the occasion of the annual conference of science journalists (WissensWerte) in Bremen, a group of journalists visited the ZMT. With its educational work with school children in the past years, the ZMT underwent a kind of ”trial phase”, in which various educational units were developed and implemented. Educational activities and services 30 cooperations with schools were continued on a smaller scale. A workshop on marine ecosystems was organized and pupils were coached by the ZMT staff while elaborating their project theses on subjects related to the sea. Upon requests from different schools, the ZMT gave presentations of its reef research and the aquaculture facilities. The ZMT contributes regularly to presentations that are conjointly prepared with other institutions such as the Leibniz Association, the Consortium of German Marine Research, or MARUM. Thus, it took part in an evening for German parliamentarians at the Natural History Museum in Berlin and in the exhibition “Plaza of Diversity” during the UN Biodiversity Conference in Bonn. There is also a close cooperation with Bremen’s “Haus der Wissenschaft”, which provides excellent opportunities to build bridges between science and the public: the ZMT participated in several exhibitions, took part in lecture series, and organized the events related to the International Year of the Reef. In November 2008, the ZMT and its partners presented their cooperation projects with China in Guangzhou, at an exhibition from the event series “Germany and China moving ahead together”. Information about the ZMT, its research and capacity building activities was edited in leaflets and reports. Structural changes and the expansion of the scientific divisions at the ZMT have led to an extensive reorganization of the website which will be relaunched with a new layout and content management system in 2009. Laboratories The ZMT further developed its analytical facilities by the acquisition of new instruments for its chemical and biological laboratories, as well as for use during field expeditions. These instruments included a mass spectrometer, an ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer), a HPLC for the analysis of sugars, an amino acid analyzer, and a TOC-TDN analyzer for determining dissolved carbon and nitrogen. Newly purchased field equipment includes the latest generation of oxygen probes (optodes) and microconductivity electrodes, which can also be applied to sediments. Two new systems have been installed in the biology laboratory for the measurement of temperature-depen- dent oxygen consumption in combination with measuring the activity of various fish and invertebrate species. The aquaculture facility of the ZMT operates a closed-loop water circulation system for the maintenance of tropical marine organisms. With it, ecological and physiological experiments can be performed on selected species. Of the five independent circuits, holding a capacity of more than ten cubic meters of volume, two have been in operation for more than three years. Several components were added to the modular watertreatment system. Each circuit now contains calcium reactors and UV treatment. The use of biological filtering modules (algae reactors, clams, mangrove plants) will continue owing to financial support by industrial partners through cooperation projects. In addition, two large basins with a capacity of 400 L were put into operation in order to maintain different species of hard corals. One of the basins contains a specially developed installation that is able to generate particular types of waves (solitons). The basins require extensive monitoring and the adjustment of water parameters. In cooperation with the MPI Bremen, a special microsensor workstation has also been developed to measure the physiological responses of corals and calcareous algae to rapid changes of pH and temperature. Library The ZMT library is a specialized one and contains collections on ecology, marine ecosystems, fisheries biology, and coastal management, as well as some titles on socioeconomics and biogeochemistry. It is regularly used by the staff of the ZMT, their guests, and thesis students supervised at the ZMT. The library is a member of the National Working Group of Marine Science Libraries (AMB). Its members exchange information and provide mutual support in answering literature requests from library users. Through the AMB, the library has an online-access to the ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts) database maintained by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. The ZMT is also a member of the Group of Libraries and Information Services of the Leibniz Association. The ZMT currently subscribes to about 25 scientific journals. The journals were reg- istered in a database, which was programmed with the aim of providing ZMT personnel with desktop access to the library for their research fields. Via the Campus Net of the University of Bremen, the ZMT has access to online journals through a national license funded by the DFG. The ZMT can also access all Springer titles held by the Consortium on the Common Library Network. Electronic Data Processing and Data Management The IT infrastructure of the ZMT includes various servers and an increasing number of PCs and notebooks. Internal services for users, like logins, data storage, and printing are hosted on a central server and realized under a LINUX operating system. To meet the requirements of the increasing amount of hosts and users, the data storage capacity was enhanced to four terabytes. All data are backed up continuously on separate devices and tapes. A new backup concept is in preparation and will include the use of a tapelibrary. Long-term preservation concepts for document and data storage are under discussion. The replacement of the server hardware for FTP services and the hosting of internal mailing lists were accomplished in November 2008. Since 2006, the telephone system includes new access points for mobile DECT phones and WLAN. The WLAN is primarily reserved for guests. It offers access to the world wide web independent of internal network and network services. 31 services Administration and Infrastructure The total number of members of the staff at ZMT increased from 41 (full-time equivalent) in 2005 to 46 in 2008. The positions of Ecological Modeler and Reef Ecologist that became vacant by the acceptance of professorships could be filled in 2008. Within two long-term projects, SPICE in Indonesia and LANCET in China, several new positions were filled in scientific and technical areas. In accordance with its development plans as a Leibniz Center, the ZMT could advertise four new positions for professorships. administration 32 In the field of IT, there has been an increase in service requirements both in terms of the number of PCs and laptops to be maintained and in the volume of data that have to be handled. The advertised position for an IT group leader failed to produce the desired result. Instead, the ZMT decided to employ an IT technician to support the group for the time being. Personnel badly needed in the areas of administration, technical support for the laboratory, as well as scientific and coordinating assistance to the Director are yet to be appointed. Considering the further development of the personnel at the ZMT, the increase in the number of projects as well as in the supervision of postgraduate students and guest scientists, there is a considerable pressure on the available office and laboratory capacity. The increasing demand for work space was partially met by renting an additional floor in the annex. Thus, the ZMT is now the sole tenant of the entire building complex. The problem of space is being further tackled by the new construction of a three-story extension to the annex, which will be used as laboratory and office space. The extra space will allow us to conduct new research in the field of aquaculture that will be of interest to potential partners from the industry, and to develop further projects involving new research groups to be established at the end of 2009. Appendix page Publications 34 Lectures 43 Poster Presentations 51 Events 54 Research Stays / Expeditions 59 Project Meetings 63 Visitors and Guest Researchers 66 Capacity Building 69 Public Relations 77 zmt Staff 83 Memberships 84 Committees 86 List of Acronyms 86 Publications Peer-Reviewed Publications Abreu, M.M.O., U. Mehlig, R.E.S.A. Nascimento & M.P.M. de Menezes (2006): Análise de composição florística e estrutura florestal de um fragmento de bosque de terra firme e de um manguezal vizinhos na península de Ajuruteua, Bragança, Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Ciências Naturais Belém 2 (3), 27-34. Alkhatib,M., T. Jennerjahn & J. Samiaji (2007): Biogeochemistry of the Dumai River estuary, Sumatra, Indonesia, a tropical blackwater river. Limnology & Oceanography 52, 2410-2417. Al-Najjar, T., M. I. Badran, C. Richter, M. Meyerhofer & U. Sommer (2007): Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Hydrobiologia 579 (1), 69-83. Ardli, E.R., & M. Wolff (2008): Land use and land over change affecting habitat distribution in the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia. Reg. Environm. Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10113-008-0072-6. Arntz, W. E., V.A. Gallardo, D.Gutiérrez, E. Isla, L.A. Levin, J.Mendo, C. Neira, G.T. Rowe, J.Tarazna & M. Wolff (2006): El Niño and similar perturbation effects on the benthos of the Humboldt, California, and Benguela Current upwelling ecosystems. Advances in Geosciences 6, 243-265. Barletta, M., C.S. Amaral, M.F.M. Corrêa, F. Guebert, D.V. Dantas, L. Lorenzi & U. Saint-Paul (2008): Factors affecting seasonal variations in fish assemblages at an ecocline in a tropical-subtropical estuary. Journal of Fish Biology 73, 1314-1336. Bartsch, I., C. Wiencke, K. Bischof, C.M. Buchholz, B.H. Buck, A. Eggert, P. Feuerpfeil, D. Hanelt, S. Jacobsen, R. Karez, U. Karsten, M. Molis, M. Roleda, H. Schubert, R. Schumann, K.Valentin, F. Weinberger & J. Wiese (2008): The genus Laminaria sensu lato: recent insights and developments. European Journal of Phycology 43, 1-86. Baum, A., T. Rixen & J. Samiaji (2007): Relevance of peat draining rivers in central Sumatra for the riverine input of dissolved organic carbon into the ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (3-4), 563570. Berger, U., M. Adams, V. Grimm & H. Hildenbrandt (2006): Secondary succession of mangrove forests after rice cultivation – a appendix 34 case study of the Bragantinian peninsula, northern Brazil. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7 (4), 243-252. Borell, E. & K. Bischof (2008): Zooplankton feeding sustains photosynthesis in Stylo-phora pistillata under thermal stress. Oecologia 157, 593-601. Bouillon, S., A.V. Borges, E. Castaneda-Moya, K. Diele, T. Dittmar, N.C. Duke, E. Kristensen, S.Y. Lee, C. Marchand, J.J. Middelburg, V.Rivera-Monroy, T.J. Smith III & R.R. Twilley (2008): Mangrove production and carbon sinks: a revision of global budget estimates. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22, GB2013, DOI: 10.1029/2007GB003052. Brenner, M. & U. Krumme (2007): Tidal migration and patterns in feeding of the four-eyed fish Anableps anableps L. in a north Brazilian mangrove. Journal of Fish Biology 70 (2), 406-427. Cornils, A., B. Niehoff, C. Richter, T. Al-Najjar & S.B. Schnack-Schiel (2007) Seasonal abundance and reproduction of the clausocalanid copepods of the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Journal of Plankton Research 29 (1), 57-70. Cornils, A., S.B. Schnack-Schiel, T. Al-Najjar & C. Richter (2007): Feeding of Clausocalanids (Calanoida, Copepoda) on natural occurr-ing particles in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Marine Biology 151, 1261-1274. Cornils, A., S.B. Schnack-Schiel, T. Al-Najjar, M.I. Badran, M. Rasheed, R. Manasrah & C. Richter (2007): The seasonal cycle of the epipelagic mesozooplankton in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Journal of Marine Systems 68 (1-2), 278-292. Criales-Hernandez, M., B. García & M. Wolff (2006): Flujos de biomasa y estructura de un ecosistema de surgencia tropical en La Guajira, Caribe colombiano. Revista de Biología Tropical 54 (4), 1257-1282. De Melo Junior, M., M.N. Paranagua, R. Schwamborn, S. Neumann Laitão & W. Ekau (2007): Fluxes of Zooplankton Biomass between a Tidal Estuary and the Sea in Northeastern Brazil. Brazilian Jounal of Oceanographic 55 (4), 239-249. De Oliveira, L.R., M. Arias Schreiber, D. Meyer & J.S. Margante (2006): Effective population size in a bottlenecked fur seal population. Biological Conservation 131, 505-509. Diele, K. & D.J.B. Simith (2006): Salinity tolerance of mangrove crab larvae, Ucides cordatus in N-Brazil: Necessity for larval export? Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 68 (3-4), 600-608. Diele, K. & D.J.B. Simith (2007): Effects of substrata and conspecific odor on the metamorphosis of mangrove cran maegalopae, Ucides cordatus (Ocypoidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 384, 174-182. Dittmar, T., N. Hertkorn, G. Kattner & R.J. Lara (2006): Mangroves, a major source of dissolved organic carbon to the oceans. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20 (1), GB 1012. Dominici-Arosoma, A. & M. Wolff (2006): Reef fish community structure in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Panamá): Living on a relatively stable rocky reef environment. Helgoland Marine Research 60, 287-305. Duke, N.C., J.-O. Meynecke, S. Dittmann, A.M. Ellison, K. Anger, U. Berger, C. Cannicci, K. Diele, K.C. Ewel, C.D. Field, N. Koedam, S.Y. Lee, C. Marchand, I. Nord haus & F. 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CABI Publishing, UK, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines & International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (Sri Lanka),154-162. Saint-Paul, U. u. C. Schnack (2006): Mangroven – Wälder zwischen Land und Meer. In: G. Hempel, I. Hempel & S. Schiel (Hrsg.), Faszination Meeresforschung. Ein ökologisches Lesebuch (Bremen), 235-244. Souza-Filho, P W., R. Lara, O. Silveira & F.P. Miranda (2007): The Amazon Mangrove Coast: The Role of Geological Factors in its Evolution During the Quaternary. In: American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstracts, OS23D-04. Washington D.C. Subramanian, V., V. Ittekkot, D. Unger & N. Madhavan (2006): Silicate weathering in South Asian Tropical River Basins. In: Ittekkot, V., D. Unger, C. Humborg & N. Tac An (Eds.), The Silicon Cycle. Human Perturbations and Impacts on Aquatic Systems. SCOPE 66 (Washington, Covelo, London), 3-12. Thomas, H., D. Unger, J. Zhang, K.-K. Liu & E. Shadwick, E., (2008): Biogeochemical cycling in semi-enclosed marine systems and continental margins. In: J. Melillo, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, B. Sundby & E.R. Urban Jr. (Eds.), Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas. The Science and Management of Semi-enclosed Marine Systems. Island Press, Washington D.C. Tun, K. & G. Heiss (2006): Status of coral reefs in Myanmar: Post-tsunami Assessment. In: C. Wilkinson, D. Souter, D. & J. Goldberg (2006). Status of coral reefs in tsunami affected countries: 2005. Australian Institute of Marine Science and Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, Townsville, 79-84. Wolff, M. (2006): Auftriebsgebiete. In: G. Hempel, I. Hempel & S. Schiel (Hrsg.), Faszination Meeresforschung. Ein ökologisches Lesebuch (Bremen), 48-55. Other Publications Achenbach, K. & S. Eickhoff (2006): Mangroven senden Kohlenstoff zum Meeresboden. e.velop, das entwicklungspolitische Magazin der Bundesregierung 45. appendix 42 Eickhoff, S. (2006): Folgen einer Schlammflut. e.velop, das entwicklungspolitische Magazin der Bundesregierung 47. Eickhoff, S. (2006): Garnelen: eine zweifelhafte Delikatesse? e.velop, das entwicklungs politische Magazin der Bundesregierung 37. Eickhoff, S., & E. Krain (2007): Wissenschaft hilft, bedrohte Küstenregionen zu schützen. e.velop, das entwicklungspolitische Magazin der Bundesregierung 51. Glaser, M., G. Krause, B. Ratter & M. Welp (2008): Human-Nature Interaction in the Anthropocene. Potential of Social-Ecological Systems Analysis. In: GAIA 17 (1), 77-80. Krain, E. & D. Yanuarita (2007): Linking Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) with tsunami disaster risk management: Some German-Indonesian experiences from capacity building measures in Indonesia. In: S. Abendroth & G. Krause (Hrsg.), Restoration and development of tsunami affected areas in Indonesia – symposium proceedings. quo vadis – Landschaftsarchitektur 3, 16 (Erfurt). Krumme, U. (2007): Alles im Blick: Vieraugenfische in Nordbrasilien. Deutsche Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift 8, 6-9. Lotze, H.K., M. Flitner & E.R. Urban jr. (2008): Coastal basins on the edge. UNESCOSCOPE-UNEP Policy Brief Series No. 7. Saint-Paul, U., & C. Schnack (2008): Mangroven: Vergessene Wälder? Maßnahmen zum Schutz tropischer Küsten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 38 (4), 238-244. Wefering, F., D. Meyer Wefering, E. Krain, W. Ekau, G. Krause & C. Galdies (2007): Evaluation des Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagements in Europa, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 5. Westhaus-Ekau, P. & M. Hack (2008): Deutsch-Chinesische Zusammenarbeit in den Meereswissenschaften, Deutsche Botschaft Peking, VR China, http://www. Forschung_und_Technologie/meeresforschung_seite.html Westhaus-Ekau, P. (2006): 3. DeutschChinesische Sommer-Schule in den Meereswissenschaften. DGM-Mitteilungen 4, 47. Westhaus-Ekau, P. (2007): Auf nach China. Jahrbuch der Universität Bremen 2007, 104-105. Westhaus-Ekau, P. (2007): The Sino-German Master Programme in Marine Sciences. DAAD China Info I, 8. E. Ardli State of Research and Modelling of Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia, International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.03.2007 Changes in the landuse and trophic flows of the Segara Anakan Lagoon (Java, Indonesia) from 1980-2000: Integrating GIS and ECOPATH, Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 M. Arias-Schreiber ABM for the unsustainable use of marine resources in a social-ecological system,Advanced Workshop on Simulations for the Social Scientists, Universität Koblenz, 20.03.2007 An eco-social system approach for the modelling of the Humboldt Current system, Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 A. Dominici-Arosemena Evolution of the reef fish genus Serranus – a new world origin of old world species? (M. Kochzius), ISRS 2006 European Meeting, Bremen, 19.09.2006 A. Baum Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in tropical and temperate rivers, 9thth International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, IOW, Warnemünde, 07.-11.05.2006 Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export from the peat draining river Siak in central Sumatra and its fate in the adjacent coastel ocean, European Geoscience Union, Wien,17.04.2007 Dissolved inorganic nutrients in the Indonesian blackwater river Siak (Central Sumatra), 10th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, University of Xiamen, Xiamen, China, 19.05.2008 U. Berger Tropical coastal ecosystems seen as agentbased complex systems, Rolle von integrierten, insbesondere agenten-basierten Modellen zur Analyse von Dynamik und Management von sozio-ökologischen Systemen, Universität Osnabrück, 09.06.2006 From the behaviour of individuals to the spatial organization of a population: a case study of Ucides cordatus (m. C. Piou), II Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting, Brisbaine, Australien, 26.-30.06.2006 Stability and forest dynamics: about the robustness of mangrove succession (m. C. Piou), Annual meeting of the Ecological Society (ESA) of America, Symposiums on revisiting the ‘stability’ icon: Upstart approaches to modeling resilience DEA1126-793210, Tennessee, 10.08.2006 1. Adapting the Akaike’s Information Criterion for Individual Based Model selection (m. C. Piou), 2. About the emergence of alternative succession trajectories in (neotropic) mangrove forests (m. C. Piou), GfÖ Jahrestagung 2006, Bremen, 11.-15.09.2006 Lectures K. Diele The mangrove crab Ucides cordatus: Implications of life history traits, habitat structure and capture techniques for the sustainability of its fishery, 19. gtö Jahrestagung, Universität Kaiserslautern, 21.-24.02.2006 Implications of life history, forest structure, capture techniques and consumer demands for the sustainability of a small-scale crab fishery in N-Brazil, II Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting, Brisbaine, Australien, 26.-30.06.2006 Connecting mangroves and the sea: Reproductive Rhythm and recruitment of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus, From Catchment to Coast: Society of Wetlands Scientists, Cairns, Australien, A mangrove crab fishery in N-Brazil – Improving social-ecological resilience, Ecosummit 2007: Ecological Complesity and Sustainability: Challeges and Opportunities for 21st-Century’s Ecology, Peking, VR China, 23.05.2007 1. Mangrove Ecology, 2. The Mangrove Crab U. cordatus: case study for integrative social-ecological research, 3. Management of Mangroves for Resilience to Climate Change, Summer School on Mangrove Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 23.-26.09.2008 1. Influence of inter- versus intraspecific cues on metamorphosis of the mangrove crab U. cordatus (K. Diele et al), 2. Participatory fisheries monitoring of Ucides cordatus as a tool management (K. Diele et al.), 5th Brazilian Crustacean Congress, Gramado, Brasilien, 09.-13.11.2008 W. Ekau The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Visit 43 appendix Lectures of the Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka, Atlas Elektronik, Bremen, 22.06.2006 Tropical marine research in Germany during the last 20 years. Its relevance to ocean governance, 1906-2006: One century of marine research in Europe. EFMS-UOF Congress, Paris, 13.-15.09.2006 Impact of nutrient and sediment change on foodweb structure, PACKMEDS, International Workshop, Delmenhorst, Fish under stress. How we treat a valuable resource, Oldenburg Model United Nations (OLMUN), Oldenburg, 11.06.2008 Oxyxgen minimum layer dynamics and fish larvae communities, Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 03.06.2008 Die Dynamik von Sauerstoffminimumzonen als treibende Kraft für die Veränderungen im Ichthyoplankton, DWK-Sitzung, ZMT, 02.07.2008 Dynamics and vulnerability of marine foodwebs, Sino German Initiative on Marine Sciences. 4th Summer School: Ocean under Stress, Quingdao,V.R. China, 29.07.2008 A. Espinoza Qualitative tools for the spatial and temporal representation of marine ecosystems (Local Ecological Knowledge, Driving Forces-Pressure-State/Impact-Responses indicators model, Loop Analysis, and Geographical Information System), Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 S. Ferse Multivariate responses of the coral reef fish community to artificial structures and coral transplants, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 11.07.2008 M. Flitner Human dimensions of global change, GLOMAR Annual Retreat 2007,.Etelsen, Introduction to governance, Kick-off-Workshop SPICE-Cluster VI, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Südsulawesi, 03.03.2008 M.L. Fontalvo Herazo Assessment of silvicultural practices in appendix 44 mangrove forest, YoMo Meeting in ecology, Gülpe , 07.-09.2006 M. Glaser Disaster preparedness/tsunami workshop, Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, Paris Transdisciplinary understanding of coastal social-ecological systems, Coastal and Disaster Management. International Conference and Summer School, Makassar, Indonesien, 22.-23.03.2006 Nature and society: Alternative theoretical approaches, Coastal and Disaster Management. International Conference and Summer School, Makassar, Indonesien, 24.03.2006 Integrated coastal management (m. G. Krause), Andales University, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesien, 02.-06.04.2006 Soil degradion, erosion and human livelihoods: Envrionmental management in a co-evolutionary framework, Studiengruppe Environmental Governance and Participation, Vorbereitung SPICE-Konferenz, Berlin, 17.-18.05.2006 Denkmodelle zu Mensch-Natur Beziehungen: Soziale und ethische Dimensionen, Ethik und Umweltpolitik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie, Sommerhausen, 09.-13.05.2006 Intentions and outcomes of natural resource management legislation in the mangrove areas of Pará, Brazil,INCOFISH - Integrating Multiple Demand on Coastal Zones: Workshop comparing National Legal Approaches to Coastal and Offshore Fisheries, Bremen, 02.06.2006 A transdisciplinary approach to sustainable coastal management in North Brazil – The Mangrove Dynamics and Management Programme (MADAM) 1996-2005, LOICZ Coastal Research Symposium, GKKS, Geestacht, 13.-14.06.2006 Mensch, Gesellschaft und Natur: Denkmodelle und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Ökosystemmanagement, Humbold-Universität zu Berlin, 27.10.2006 Understanding coastal changes in a social-ecological systems framework, SPICE/LOICZ/ ATSEF/SEACORM (SLAS) Southeast Asia Coastal Governance and Management Forum: Science Meets Policy for Coastal Management and Capacity Building, Bali, Indonesien, 14.11.2006 Tsunami Preparedness: The Case of the Peruvian Coast, International Workshop on life accompanied by disasters: earthquakes and tsunamis, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesien, 20.11.2006 Siak River Drainage Basin as a Social-Ecological System, University of Riau, Pekanbaru, West-Sumatra, Indonesien, 25.11.2006 1. Natural Resources Types, Management Regimes and Co-management, 2. The Spermonde Archipelago as a Social-Ecological System, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 27.11.2006 Social-Ecological Systems Analysis to Analyse Land-Ocean-Interactions in the Coastal Zone,Synthesis Conference of the Institutions for Sustainable Development in the Coastal Zone in the Face of Environmental Change (IDGEC) Conference Nua Dusa, Bali, Indonesien, 05.12.2006 Social-Ecological Analysis in Segara Anakan Area, Java, Indonesian-German Bilateral Workshop on SPICE Phase I: Ecological and Social Aspects of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 26.03.2007 Mensch-Naturbeziehungen im Anthropozän: Potentiale der sozialökologischen Systemanalyse, DGH Jahrestagung, Sommerhausen a.M., 11.05.2007 Conceptual Introduction: Social-Ecological Systems Analysis in the Anthropocene, Ecosummit 2007: Ecological Complesity and Sustainability: Challeges and Opportunities for 21st-Century’s Ecology, Peking, VR China, 23.05.2007 Understanding coastal change: sustainable management in a co-evolutionary socialecological framework, Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability – 7th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE). Leipzig, 06.06.2007 Systemwandel und soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Küstenzone: Szenarien zum Mangrovenmanagement in Pará (Nordbrasilien) (mit G. Krause),Umwelt als System – System als Umwelt? Systemtheorien auf dem Prüfstand, Universität Bonn, 16.06.2007 Limits to Participation, 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change, Berlin, 22.02.2008 Potentials and pitfalls of agent-based modelling of coastal and marine social-ecological systems, Human-nature relations in the Anthropocene, Sommerhausen, 28.-31.05. 2008 Steering change in the tropical coastal commons: Methods of social-ecological systems analysis. The 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons. Governing shared resources: connecting local experience to global challenges, Cheltenham, 16.07.2008 Lectures C. Jantzen Coral spawning stimulates microbial life in the reef (mit C. Wild & U. Struck), ISRS 2006 European Meeting, Bremen, 20.09.2006 Coral reefs under the impact of internal waves, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea: primary production, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 10.07.2008 T. Jennerjahn 1. Ecological and socioeconomic aspects of mangrove ecosystems for the sustainable use of their resources, 2. Biogeochemistry of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, 3. Hydrodynamics of the Segara Anakan lagoon (on behalf of Peter Holtermann), 4. State of research and modelling of Segara Anakan lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia (on behalf of Erwin Riyanto Ardli), Science for Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE), Program Workshop: Focus on Cluster 2, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 23.01.2006 Global climate and regional environmental change affecting coastal ecosystems: Biogeochemistry, Workshop on coastal ecosystems: hazards management and rehabilitation, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 10.08.2006 Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems (SPICE): Science meets Policy, L2L – Sustainable Neighbourhood – from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research, Leipzig, 08.05.2007 Land-based activities affecting the fluxes and transformation of nutrients and organic matter from watershed to the coastal sea (mit D. Unger), LANCET-Workshop, Hainan, VR China, 31.07.2008 F. Keyl Construction of a Fisheries Model Incorporating 45 appendix Lectures Climate Variability for the Stocks of Haliotis spp. (Abalone) in Baja California, Mexico (m. M. Wolff),International Conference on Coastal Ecosystems Towards and Integrated Knowledge or an Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries, Campeche, Mexiko, 26.-29.06.2006 Advances in the modelling of Cephalopod resources in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem, considering environmental variability, Modeling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 Hypothesis on a functional triad migrationmaturation-growth for Dosidicus gigas in the eastern Pacific, CalCoFI Symposium, San Diego, Kalifornien, 27.11.2007 L. Knittweis Impacts of the live coral aquarium trade on Heliofungia actiniformis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833) population dynamics in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, ISRS 2006 European Meeting, Bremen, 20.09.2006 1. Research results around Spermonde and implications SPICE I, 2. Work Plan SPICE II, Kick-Off-Workshop SPICE II, Center for Coral Reef Research, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 03.-04.-03.2008 Genetic structure of Heliofungia actiniformis (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) populations in the Indo-Malay Archipelago: implications for live coral trade management efforts,11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 09.07.2008 E. Krain Presentation of Consultant’s Draft Inception Report, Kickoff Meeting, EU-Projekt ICZM, Brüssel, 30.-31.01.2006 Bilanz und Ausblick zur Tsunami-Hilfe am Beispiel Sri Lankas, Katastrophenhilfe oder katastrophale Hilfe? Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 27.02.2006 Perspectives of German-Indonesain Research Cooperation in Coastal Social Ecological Systems, International Conference on Coastal and Disaster Management for Extreme Events Impact Mitigation, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 23.03.2006 1. Tsunamis, Generating Forces and Physical Properties, Summerschool „Coastal and Disaster Management“, 2. Coastal Management in the Era of Decentralisation, Summerschool „Coastal and Disaster Management“, 3. Indicators for Good Governance appendix 46 in Coastal Management, Summerschool „Coastal and Disaster Management“, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 04.-05.04.2005 SPICE Program, Status and New Developments in Coastal and Disaster Management Cooperation in Indonesia,Kick-off Meeting German-Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning Systems (GITEWS), Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, 04.-05.05.2006 Taming the Impossible: Tsunami Risk Management in Indonesia,Int. Workshop cum Trainingcourse on Coastal Ecosystem Hazard Management and Rehabilitation, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 14.08.2006 An Introduction to SPICE: experiences in science cooperation to contribute to policy and decision making in ecosystems management, SPICE/LOICZ/ATSEF/SEACORM (SLAS) Southeast Asia Coastal Governance and Management Forum: Science Meets Policy for Coastal Management and Capacity Building Bali, Indonesien, 15.11.2006 Linking Integrated Coastal Zone Management with Tsunami Disaster Risk Management, International Symposium „Restoration and Developmant of Tsunami Affected Areas in Indonesia, Fachhochschule Erfurt, 30.01.2007 G. Krause Offshore Co-management: Potentials & Constrains, Suitability of Offshore Wind Farms as Aquaculture Sites – 1. Stakeholder Meeting, Royal Institute of Natural Architects, University of Plymouth, Socail-ecological systems analysis in integrated coastal management ,International Conference on Coastal and Disaster Management for Extreme Events Impact Mitigation, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 23.03.2006 What is coastal management (m. M. Glaser), Padang, Andalas University, Indonesien, 03.04.2006 Soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Küstenzone: Szenarios zum Mangrovenmanagement in Pará (Nordbrasilieln), Ethik und Umweltpolitik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Human ökologie, Sommerhausen, 09.-13.05.2006 Remote sensing of mangrove forest structure, GlobWetland Symposium „Looking at Wetlands from Space“, ESA, ESRIN, Frascati, 19.-21.10.2006 ICZM Status in Europe, ICES-Workgroup Meeting, Bedford Institute for Oceanography, Halifax, Kanada, 28.03.2007 Systemwandel und soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Küstenzone: Szenarien zum Mangrovenmanagement in Pará (Nordbrasilien) (mit M. Glaser), Umwelt als System – System als Umwelt? Systemtheorien auf dem Prüfstand, Universität Bonn, 16.06.2007 Transdisziplinary scenarios in a mangrove ecosystem: Sustainable management in a co-evolutionary social-ecological framework, European Society of Ecological Economics (ESEE) – Integrating Natural and Social Science for Sustainability, Leipzig, 05.-08.06.2007 Options for resilience in a co-evolutionary social-ecological framework: Employing scenarios for a sustainable future, 15th Conference of the Society for Human Ecology „Local Populations and Diversity in a Changing World“, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 02.-08.10.2007 Trends of ICZM in Europe and its relevance to shellfish cultivation, 10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR) 2007, Wageningen, 11.-16.11.2007 Socical-ecological system definition – Defining the common baseline of cluster 6, KickOff-Workshop SPICE II, Center for Coral Reef Research, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, Resilience in the Peruvian scallop fishery: a system model approach (m. M. Badjeck), Resilience 2008, Stockholm, 15.04.2008 Methods of SES Analysis: Potentials and Pittfalls, DGH Symposium, Sommerhausen, 28.-31.05.2008 matter from the watershed to the coastal sea: Hainan, South China, GLOMAR Annual Retreat 2007, Etelsen,03.-04.12.2007 Habitat linkages: Nekton status and connectivity between estuarine habitats, LANCET Workshop, Hainan, V.R. China, 31.07.2008 Effects of shrimp aquaculture on the biogeochemistry in Hain, South China, Summer School on Mangrove Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 10.09.2008 U. Krumme Tidal migrations of mangrove fish: a hydroacoustic approach, 1st International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, Miami, FL,18.-25.04.2006 Patterns in tidal migration of mangrove fish: a hydroacoustic approach (m. U. SaintPaul), First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmosperic Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 19.-21.04.2006 R. Lara Coastal dynamics and ecohydrology in the Management, Weltbank, Washington DC, USA, 18.-24.04.2006 Sedimentary organic matter and past reactions of Amazonian wetland to climate oscillations in the Holocene, International Sedimentology Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 29.08.2006 Interdisciplinary research in coastal wetlands – perspectives for cooperation,Faculty Invited Speakers Cycle, Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan, 14.12.2007 Interdisciplinary research at ZMT – an overview and perspectives for cooperation, NICED, Kalkutta, Indien, 29.05.2008 L. Krupp Effects of land-based activities on fluxes and transformation of nutrients and organic Lectures A. Kunzmann Untersuchungen zur Marikultur an Zierorganismen am ZMT, DWK-Sitzung, ZMT, 02.07.2008 Physiological performance of three species of giant clams, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 09.07.2008 H. Lai Phu Community structure as bioindicator for different mangrove types in Can Gio Reserve, Vietnam, Postgraduate Internaitonal Nematology Course, University Gent, Gent, 21.-27.05.2006 Nematode communities as bioindicators for different types of mangrove in Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, International Symposium on Nematodes as Environmental Bioindicators, Edinburgh, 13.06.2007 Free-living Nematode community structure for differentiation of mangrove types in Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (mit U. Saint-Paul u. Nguyen Vu Thanh), Bien Dong 2007, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.09.2007 47 appendix Lectures Interdisciplinary research at the ZMT: Current activities and perspectives for cooperation, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 08.10.2008 Management of endangered mangrove coasts and human health: A proposed comparison of cholera dynamics in the Sundaban and Amazonian regions, EMECS-8, Harmonizing catchment and estuary, China East Normal University, Shanghai, VR China, 28.10.2008 J. Leal-Flórez Exotic fish species and changes in catch composition of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Estuarine System,International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Key Biscayne, Florida, 16.05.2006 Role of introduced fish in the fisheries system dynamics of the Cienaga Grande De Santa Marta Ecosystem (Colombia), Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 M. Lukas Land use change and environmental governance in Segara Anakan, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 28.02.2008 Land use change and environmental governance in Segara Anakan, Kick-off Workshop, Makassar, Indonesien, 03.03.2008 Estuarine dynamics, management and hum health: the case of cholera,5th Meeting of the UNESCO European Working Group for Estuaries and Coastal Ecohydrology, Kavala, Griechenland, 16.09.2008 I. Nordhaus The benthic community in the Segara Anakan lagoon,Workshop „Segara Anakan“, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Java, Indonesien, 23.01.2006 The trophic role of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus in a high intertidal mangrove forest in northern Brazil, II Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting, Coolangatta, Australien, 26.-30.06.2006 The Benthic Community in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesian-German Bilateral Workshop on SPICE Phase I: Ecological and Social Aspects of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 26.03.2007 M. Nugues Influence of benthic communities on the settlement and post-settlement survival of two reef corals in the Florida Keys, 11th appendix 48 International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.07.2008 Process of decline and recovery on coral reefs, LANCET-Workshop, Hainan, VR China, 01.08.2008 J. Paramo MPA`s as management tools in Northern Colombian Waters, Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 C. Piou Pattern-oriented modelling of a mangrove crab movement, YoMo Meeting in ecology, Gülpe, 07.-09.2006 1. Adapting the Akaike’s Information Criterion for Individual Based Model selection (m. U. Berger), 2. About the emergence of alternative succession trajectories in (neotropic) mangrove forests (m. U. Berger), GfÖ Jahrestagung 2006, Bremen, 11.-15.09.2006 C. Propp Benthic recycling in the Madura Strait (Java) and ist effects on the water quality and biogeochemistry – concepts and first results, GLOMAR Annual Retreat 2007, Etelsen,03.-04.12.2007 H. Reuter Multi-scale interactions in complex ecological systems (mit Jopp), Jahrestagung der GfÖ, Leipzig, 18.09.2008 C. Richter ORCAS – Ocean-Reef Coupling in the Andaman Sea, DFG-NRCT-Workshop, Phuket, Thailand, 28.07.2006 Coral reefs, oases in a desert ocean – on marine science and international cooperation, International School, Bremen, 19.04.2007 T. Rixen The biological pump in the Indian Ocean, SIBER-Workshop, Goa Indien, 05.10.2006 Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export from the peat draining river Siak in central Sumatra and its fate in the adjacent coastal ocean (mit. A. Baum et al.), European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Wien, 15.-20.04.2007 The Cuban - European climate connection, a coral based climate reconstruction, Meereswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, IfM GEOMAR, Kiel, 01.06.2007 Results from coral reef studies: Climatic signals and major coastal events, Universität Lüneburg, 21.06.2007 C. Roder Heterotrophy in Steinkorallen, GeoBioCenter, Universität München, 14.12.2007 Coral nutrition under the impact of internal waves, GeoBioCenter, München, 02.05.2008 Coral reefs under the impact of internal waves, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea: heterotrophy, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 10.07.2008 S. Rückert Marine fish parasites in Indonesia: state of infestation and importance for grouper mariculture, Bandar Lampung, Indonesien, 15.03.2007 U. Saint-Paul ICZM: Projekterfahrungen in Brasilien,Die nationale Strategie zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement und ihre Perspektiven, HdW, Bremen, 27.04.2006 Mangroven zwischen Schutz und Nutzung, Lateinamerikainstitut, Wien, 23.-24.05.2006 A Ten Years Lasting Cooperation Project on Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil, Mangrove Macrobenthic Meeting II, Coolangattan, Australien, Fisheries Ecology in the Amazon Floodplains, Wasserfachtagung, Hanoi, Vietnam, 27.09.2006 Fish ecology in tropical estuaries, Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia 2007, Itajai, Brasilien, 30.01.2007 Interrelações entre manguezais, economia local e stustenabilidade social experiências de um programa de cooperação no Norte do Brasil, XII. Congreso Latino-Americano Ciencias del Mar (COLACMAR), Florianopolis, Brasilien, 18.04.2007 Schutz und Nutzung der Mangrove Brasiliens, Emeritierung Prof. Junk, MPI für Evolutionsbiologie, Plön,23.06.2007 Interrelations between mangroves, local economy and social sustainability. A review from a case study in North Brazil, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 05.09.2007 1. Land-ocean-atmospheric interaction in the coastal zone of Vietnam, 2. Free-living Nematode community structure for differentiation of mangrove types in Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (mit Lai Phu Hoang u. Nguyen Vu Thanh), Bien Dong 2007, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.09.2007 Utilization of Aquatic Resources along the Brazilian Coast with Special Reference to Mangroves as Fish Nurseries, DELTA 2007 – Managing the coastal land-water interface in tropical delta systems, Bang Sean, Thailand, 07.11.2007 Aspects of mangrove research at the ZMT, Conferencia Magistral de Ecología de Manglares, INVEMAR, Santa Marta, Kolumbien, 31.01.2008 Global change and coastal protection in Vietnam, Asian Wetland Symposium 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, 25.06.2008 Mangrove restoration, Summer School on Mangrove Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 10.09.2008 O ZMT e seus trabalhos em áreas de mangue, Umweltmesse FIEMA, Bento Gonçalves, Brasilien, 29.10.-01.11.2008 Lectures S. Schwamborn A Trophic model of a tropical sea grass system in Brazil, Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 K. Schwerdtner Máñez Costa Historical changes and shifting environmental base lines, International Workshop on Implementation Plan of SPICE Phase Focussing on Segara Anakan Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 28.02.2008 M. Taylor Trophic Modeling of Eastern Boundary Current Systems: A Review and Prospectus for Solving the „Peruvian Puzzle“ (m. M. Wolff), International Conference on Coastal Ecosystems Towards and Integrated Knowledge or an Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries, Campeche, Mexiko, 26.-29.06.2006 CENSOR – Comparative analysis of trophic flow structure between normal upwelling and El Niño periods for Bahia Indepndencia, Peru, CENSOR-Mid-Term Symposium, Concepción, Chile, 13.09.2006 Progress in the trophic modelling of Peruvian bay systems along a latitudinal gradient as impacted by the El Niño Southern 49 appendix Lectures Oscillation (ENSO), Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 The Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem and its resource dynamics: Insights from a trophic modelling and time series analysis, Abschlusssymposium – CENSOR, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 12.09.2008 D. Unger Some aspects of biogeochemistry of organic matter in the Indian Ocean, SIBER-Workshop, Goa Indien, 05.10.2006 Land-based activities affecting the fluxes and transformation of nutrients and organic matter from watershed to the coastal sea (with T. Jennerjahn), LANCET-Workshop, Hainan, VR China, 31.07.2008 Urbanisation and land use change, impact on estuaries and coastal waters, DeutschlandPromenade, Guangzhou, VR China, 10.11.2008 LANCET: Land-Sea interaction along coastal ecosystems in Hainan – effects of landbased activities on fluxes from land to sea, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Heibai, VR China, 13.11.2008 F. Vadas An Agent-based Model on the behaviour of Peruvian’s diving fishermen, Modelling Workshop, ZMT, 19.04.2007 P. Westhaus-Ekau Sino-German Master Programme in Marine Sciences, DAAD Fachkonferenz „go – out!“, Berlin, 10.05.2007 Meeresforschung und Ausbildung in Bremen, Deutsche Botschaft, Beijing, V.R. China, 23.11.2007 The Sino-German Master Programme in Marine Sciences, Chin. Delegationsbesuch, 07.04.2008 M. Wolff A catch forecast model for the Peruvian scallop, Universidad la Molina, Peru, 17.03.2006 1. A Catch Forecast Model for the Peruvian Scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) Based on Estimators of Spawning Stock and Settlement rate (m. M. Taylor & J. Mendo), 2. Construction of a Fisheries Model Incorporating Climate Variability for the Stocks of Haliotis spp. (Abalone) in Baja California, Mexico (m. F. Keyl, & D.B. Lluch Cota), 3. Trophic Modeling of Eastern Boundary appendix 50 Current Systems: A Review and Prospectus for Solving the „Peruvian Puzzle“ (together with M. Taylor), International Conference on Coastal Ecosystems Towards and Integrated Knowledge or an Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries, Campeche, Mexiko, 26.-29.06.2006 Simulating ecosystem transition from upwelling to El Niño conditions: the case of Independencia Bay, Peru, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile u. Humbold-Konferenz, Lima, Peru, 12.09.2006 Propuesta para el plan de Manejo de la concha de abanico en la bahis de Sechura, norte del Peru, Abschlusssymposium – CENSOR, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 12.09.2008 E.R. Ardli Quantifiying habitat and resources use changes in the Segara Ankakan Lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) over the past 25 years, Indonesian-German Bilateral Workshop on SPICE Phase I: Ecological and Social Aspects of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 26.-27.03.2007 A. Baum, T. Rixen et al. 1. Discharges of dissolved organic carbon from central Sumatra, Indonesia, and its horizontal distribution in the coastal zone 2. Relevance of peat draining rivers in central Sumatra for riverine input of dissolved organic carbon into the ocean, SPICE-LOICZ-Konferenz, Denpassar, Bali, Indonesien, 13.11.2006 A. Baumgart Verteilung von Nährstoffen und stabilen Sickstoffisotopen im Nitrat des Auftriebsgebietes im Indischen Ozean vor Java und Jakarta ,„Sonne“-Statusseminar, IfM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 14.02.2007 E. Borell, S. Romatzki, S. Ferse Electric reef corals: backtracking the notion of enhanced growth and prosperity ,11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 R. Deswandi, M. Glaser Destructive fishing practices: Identifying its triggering factors and understanding the interplays of institutions in coral reef management in Spermonde Archipelago Indonesia, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida,0 7.-11.07.2008 K. Diele et al. 1. Environmental cues from the adult habitat induce metamorphosis of mangrove crab larvae, Ucides cordatus 2. Influence of the commercialization system on the capture size of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus, 5th Brazilian Crustacean Congress, Gramado, Brasilien, 09.-13.11.2008 W. Ekau Large Scale Low Oxygen controlling Distribution Patterns of Early Life Stages of Fish in the Northern Benguela and Southern Angola Currents, European Geosciences Poster Presentations Union General Assembly 2006, Wien, 06.-08.04.2006 H. Auel &. W. Ekau Coastal upwelling systems as equatorwards extensions of distribution range for highlatitude pelagic species – the amphipod Themisto gaudichaudi in the Benguela Current, Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 01.-06.06.2008 M. Fontalvo, U. Berger & C. Piou The application of a spatially-explicit model for the sustainable use of mangrove forest plantations, GfÖ Jahrestagung 2006, Bremen, 11.-15.09.2006 S. Ferse, A. Kunzmann, L. Knittweis Coral Reefs are more than Fishes. Towards the sustainable use of non-fish reef, Southeast Asia Coastal Governance and Management Forum: Science Meets Policy for Coastal Management and Capacity Building, Bali, Indonesien, 14.-16.11.2007 S. Ferse Reef rehabilitation and natural recovery. Does transplantation of coral fragments increase natural recruitment? 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 B. Grote, W. Ekau, W. Hagen, C. Clemmesen & H. Verheye Depth distribution and condition of hake larvae, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, in the southern Benguela upwelling system of South Africa, Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 01.-06.06.2008 M. Glaser Methods in social-ecological systems analysis. Pitfalls and potentials of agent-based modelling, Coping with global change in marine sociol-ecological systems, FAO, Rom, 07.-11.07.2008 C. Jantzen et al. 1. Seasonal investigation on stability of coralalgae interactions in fringing reefs of the Northern Red Sea, 2. Two species of giant clams (Tridacnidae) show different depth distributions and divergent feeding 51 appendix Poster Presentations atrategies,11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 C. Jantzen, C. Richter et al. Pumping of pore water nutrients by the upside-down-jellyfish Cassiopeia Sp. in Coral Reefs, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 T. Jennerjahn Einfluß des Küstenauftriebs auf die Verteilung organischer Substanz in den Sedimenten des Indischen Ozeans vor Java und Sumatra ,„Sonne“-Statusseminar, IfM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 14.02.2007 F. Keyl et al. Modelling production and population dynamics of Dosidicus gigas in the Peruvian exclusive economic zone, CLIOTOP (Climate Impact on Top Predators) Symposium, La Paz, Mexiko, 03.-07.12.2007 L. Knittweis The need for coral husbandry: a case study of H. actioformis exploitation for the live coral aquarium trade in the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 1st International Symposium of Coral Husbandry in Public Aquaria, Burgers’ Zoo, Arnheim, 16.-21.04.2007 E. Krain The training module: Training the impossible? Tsunami and coastal disaster risk management in Indonesia , Marine Ecology, Special Training Course, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesien, 14.-16.11.2006 U. Krumme & T. Giarrizzo Do four intertidal mangrove creeks in a homogenous salinity zone have the same habitat value for juvenile fish assemblages? ,First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmosperic Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 19.-21.04.2006 G. A. Castellanos-Galindo, U. Krumme, A. Giraldo Tide-related variation in the reef fish fauna of Utría National Park (Colombia, Tropical appendix 52 Eastern Pacific) ,11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 A. Kunzmann, T. Jennerjahn, S. Bröhl, I. Schulz, A. Baumgart & Colleagues from NIO Biogeochemical and ecological studies of rivers, coastal ocean and coral reefs off Nha Trang/ Vietnam, Scientific Conference Bien Dong – 2007on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12-14.09.2007 A. Kunzmann Growth of giant clams (Tridacna maxima and T. squamosa) in a recirculation system: effects of light and nutrients, Annual Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society, Istanbul, 23.-28.10.2007 Physiological performance of Giant Clams (Tridacna Maxima, T. Squamosa, T. Derasa) in a recirculation system, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 R. Lara Sea-level variations at the Amazon River Mouth,9th International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Shanghai, V.R. China, 01.-08.09.2007 M.-A. Merckens, A. Kunzmann Improved intermittent flow respirometry comparison of the metabolic rates of coral reef and temperate scorpaenid fishes, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 I. Nordhaus Human activities affecting the spatio-temporal distribution of benthic organisms in the mangrove-fringed Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia , II Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting, Coolangatta, Australien, 1. Benthic community composition in the mangrove-fringed Segara Anakan Lagoon, (Java, Indonesia) affected by human activities, 2. Spatio-temporal variation of the intertidal mangrove crab community in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia, 3. Food preferences of mangrove crabs in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia, Indonesian-German Bilateral Workshop on SPICE Phase I: Ecological and Social Aspects of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 26.-27.03.2007 C. Piou Spatial organization and local resilience of a mangrove crab population analysed with an individual based model, ESA Conference 2006, Memphis, USA, 05.-11.08.2006 M. Protazio & U. Berger Applying Wavelet Transform to Point Pattern Analysis: An application to plant ecology, GfÖ Jahrestagung 2006, Bremen, 11.-15.09. 2006 H. Reuter et al. Assessing emergent properties in complex ecological methods, Jahrestagung der GfÖ, Leipzig, 15.-18.09.2008 C. Richter Ocean forcing of coral reef processes – Solibore-induced upwelling in the Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, 4th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 01.-04.11.2007 T. Rixen Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope distribution in the water column and sediments in the Indian Ocean upwelling region off Java and Sumatra, Indonesia, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, Wien, 15.-20.04.2007 T. Rixen, A. Baum et al. Optical investigations in the tropical Siak river estuary in central Sumatra Ocean, Optics Conference 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 09.-13.10.2006 S. Romatzki, A. Kunzmann, S. SchmidtRoach 1. Gametogenesis of Six Scleractinian Corals in the Celebes Sea, 2. Continuous recruitment of hard corals in North Sulawesi, Indonesia estimated throughout the year with Fluorescence Census Technique, 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 07.-11.07.2008 Poster Presentations S. Rückert Possible transmission pathways of parasites into Indonesian grouper mariculture, Indonesian-German Bilateral Workshop on SPICE Phase I: Ecological and Social Aspects of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 26.-27.03.2007 M. Wolff, M. Taylor, M. Badjeck, M. AriasSchreiber 1. CENSOR – Comparative analysis of trophic flow structure between normal upwelling and El Niño periods for Bahia Indepndencia, Peru, 2. Trophic flows in the Northern Humboldt Current ecosystem: Part I) elucidating mechanisms of ecosystem change over an ENSO cycle by simulating changes in low tropic level dynamics ,HumboldtConference, Instituto del Mar del Perú, IMARPE, Peru, 27.11.-01.12.2006 M. Wolff et al. Comparing the dynamics of the nearshore and the offshore Humboldt Current trophic webs: the role of fisheries, environmental drivers and trophic realationships, Conference on dynamics of eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems; integrative and comparative approaches, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 01.-07.06.2008 T. Rixen, V. Ittekkot et al. The ENSO-driven carbon seesaw in the IndoPacific, SPICE-LOICZ-Konferenz, Denpassar, Bali, Indonesien, 13.11.2006 T. Rixen et al. Variability of stable isotope ratios in the coral Siderastrea siderea (Gulf of Mexico, Cuba), 6th European Coral Reef Conference, Bremen, 19.-22.09.2006 53 appendix Events Events Organized by the ZMT Workshop on Coastal Marine Ecosystems on the Andaman Sea Coast of Thailand, ThaiGerman Cooperation in Marine Science, ZMT, 11.01.2006 HYPOXIA Meeting on Dynamics of semienclosed marine systems: the integrated effects of changes in sediment and nutrient input from land (PACKAMEDS), ZMT, 25.-26.03.2006 Validation Workshop for the Evaluation of ICZM in Europe, ZMT, 22.-23.06.2006 Plenary Conference: Models as Tools for Managing Fisheries, International Conference on Coastal Ecosystems, Towards and Integrated Knowledge or an Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries, Campeche, Mexiko, 26.-29.06.2006 Annual meeting of the Ecological Society (ESA) of America, Symposiums on Revisiting the ‘stability’ icon: Upstart approaches to modeling resilience DEA-1126-793210, Tennessee, 06.-11.08.2006 6th European Coral Reef Conference – European Meeting of the ISRS, Bremen, SPICE/LOICZ/ATSEF/SEACORM (SLAS) Southeast Asia Coastal Governance and Management Forum: Science Meets Policy for Coastal Management and Capacity Building, Bali, Indonesien, 14.-16.11.2006 Bilateral German-Indonesian Conference on Marine Research and Education: SPICE, Bremen, 25.-26.01.2007 Bilateral German-Chinese Meeting on Marine Science Education: Evaluation of the Masters Program and the preparation of the Sino-German Summer School, ZMT, 25.-27.01.2007 CENSOR-Follow-Up Workshop „Avances en la elaboración del plan de manejo de la concha de abanico de la Bahia de Sechura“, Piura, Peru, 02.03.2007 Dynamics of semi-enclosed marine systems: the integrated effects of changes in sediment and nutrient input from land. Workshop on SCOPE Rapid Assessment Project PACKMEDS, Bremen, 01.-05.04.2007 Meeting of the Bilateral German-Indonesian Steering Committee Marine Research and Education, Bremen, 21.-22.05.2007 Symposium: Social-Ecological Systems Analysis: The Way forward in the Anthropocene. Ecosummit 2007: Ecological Complexity and Sustainability, Beijing, V.R. China, 23.05.2007 German Executive Committee Meeting SCOPE, ZMT, 06.06.2007 Research-based Education in Marine Sciences. German-Indonesian Meeting in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy, ZMT, 01.10.2007 Bilateraler Workshop mit israelischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern, ZMT, Deutsch-Chinesische Initiative in den Meereswissenschaften zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses – Diskussionsrunde zur Vorbereitung der 2. Lenkungsausschuss-Sitzung in Qingdao am 7./8. August 2008, ZMT, 20.06.2008 DWK-Mitgliederversammlung, ZMT, 03.06.2008 Bilateraler Workshop Namibia-Deutschland, ZMT, 09.-14.06.2008 Participation in Events M. Arias Schreiber Course on Simulations for the Social Sciences, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 17.-22.09.2006 Advanced Workshop on Simulations for the Social Scientists, Universität Koblenz, 19.-23.03.2007 Course on Introduction to Agent-based Modelling, TU Dresden, 08.-12.10.2007 A. Baum European Geoscience Union, Wien, 14.-24.04. 2007 appendix 54 10th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, University of Xiamen, Xiamen, China, 17.-26.05.2008 A. Baumgart European Geoscience Union, Wien, 14.-24.04.2007 Scientific Conference Bien Dong – 2007 on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.-14.09.2007 E. Borell 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05.-12.07. 2008 C. Brandt Internationales Meerwassersymposium, Lünen, 20.-22.04.2007 Interzoo 2008, Nürnberg, 22.-23.05.2008 D. Dasbach ICP-OES Schulung, Spectro, Kleve, Thermo-Training, Bremen, 22.-24.10.2008 und 06.-07.11.2008 K. Diele International Workshop on Wet Tropics, Cairns, Daintree, Australien, Ecosummit 2007: Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challeges and Opportunities for 21st-Century’s Ecology, Peking, VR China, 22.-27.05.2007 Crustacean Kongress, Belem, Brasilien, Science Conference, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 17.-21.09.2007 SCOR Working Group 128 Workshop, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 22.-23.09.2007 IOI Meeting of Directors & PACEM in Maribus Konferenz, Malta, 29.10.-11.11.2007 BENEFIT Abschlußsymposium, Swakopmund, Namibia, 17.-23.11.2007 Blue Planet Forum, Brüssel, 27.-28.11.2007 Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 01.-07.06.2008 Mehr als Wasser – Ozeane und Globale Verantwortung, XVII. Malenter Symposium, Lübeck, 12.-14.10.2008 IOI Jahresversammlung, Bukarest, Events S. Ferse 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, M. Flitner 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, 21.-24.02.2008 S. Eickhoff Die Internetpräsenz als Mittel der Öffent lichkeitsarbeit, Fortbildung, Universität Bremen, 23.-24.02.2006 WissensWerte, Bremer Forum für Wissenschaftsjournalismus, Bremen, 15.-16.11. 2006 und 26.-27.11.2007 AK Presse WGL, Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt, 27.-28.05.2008 A. Fricke Dutch Conference for Coral Reef Research, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 16.-17.12.2007 A Short Course in Tropical Field Phycology, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Bocas Research Station, Bocas del Toro, Panama, 07.-25.07.2008 W. Ekau EU-Projekt ICZM, Kickoff Meeting, EU, Brüssel, 30.01.-01.02.2006 Die nationale Strategie zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement und ihre Perspektiven, HdW, Bremen, 27.-28.04.2006 Jahrestagung des IOI, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Ägypten, 02.-09.11.2006 PACKMEDS, International Workshop, Delmenhorst, 01.-05.04.2007 European Conference on „The Future Maritime Policy of the EU: A European Vision for Oceans and Seas“, Bremen, 02.-04.05. 2007 34th Session of GESAM, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 08.-11.05.2007 IMBER/LOICZ Continental Margins Open M. Glaser Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands. Moving the Global Agenda forward, UNESCO, Paris, 22.-28.01.2006 Die nationale Strategie zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement und ihre Perspektiven, HdW, Bremen, 27.-28.04.2006 GfÖ Jahrestagung 2006, Bremen, 11.-15.09.2006 Seminar des Deutschen Hochschulverbundes zur Drittmitteleinwerbung, Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn, 22.-23.01.2007 Global Change, Environmental Governance and Multi-level Decision-making, DFGRundgespräch, Bonn, 07.-08.02.2007 International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 DGH Jahrestagung 2007, Sommerhausen a.M., 11.-12.05.2007 55 appendix Events Ecosummit 2007: Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challeges and Opportunities for 21st-Century’s Ecology, Peking, VR China, 22.-27.05.2007 7th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), UFZ, Leipzig, 05.-08.06.2007 Umwelt als System – System als Umwelt? Systemtheorien auf dem Prüfstand, Universität Bonn, 15.-16.06.2007 Resilience 2008, Stockholm, 13.-18.04.2008 DGH Symposium 2008, Human/Nature Interactions in the Anthropocene, Sommerhausen, 28.-31.05.2008 Coping with global change in marine socioecological systems, FAO, Rom, 07.-11.07.2008 The 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons. Governing shared resources: connecting local experience to global challenges, Cheltenham, 15.-19.07.2008 Wietwaterstrand, South Africa, Windhoek, Hentiesbay and Walvisbay, Namibia, Delegation of German Minister for Education and Research to People’s Republic of China, Peking, Shanghai/China, 13.-18.04.2008 Bilateral Sino-German Steering Committee in Earth and Ocean Science, Bilateral Workshop on Remote Sensing, Peking, China, 23.05.–04.06.2008 Jahrestagung WGL, Magdeburg, 27.-28.11.2008 B. Grothe Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 01.-07.06.2008 F. Keyl International Conference on Coastal Ecosystems, Towards and Integrated Knowledge or an Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries, Campeche, Mexiko, 26.-29.06.2006 CalCoFI Symposium on invasion of Dosidicus gigas in Eastern Pacific waters, San Diego, Kalifornien, 25.-28.11.2007 CLIOTOP (Climate Impact on Top Predators) Symposium, La Paz, Mexiko, 03.-07.12.2007 V. Ittekkot UNESCO-IOC-WESTPAC Workshop, Phuket, Thailand, 18.-23.02.3006 Internat. Workshop cum Training Course, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, ACEMON Workshop, Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Phuket, Thailand, International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 PACKMEDS, International Workshop, Delmenhorst, 01.-05.04.2007 IAMRI-Conference, Pukyong National University, Südkorea, 07.-11.07.2007 Gordon Resarch Conferences, Chemical Oceanography, Tilton, New Hampshire, USA, 04.-11.08.2007 SCOR/LOICZ-Tagung, Shanghai, V.R. China, 20.-24.09.2007 Alumni-Konferenz, Philippinen, 03.-09.11.2007 Lenkungsausschußsitzung dt.-chin. Initiative zur Hochschulausbildung in den Meereswissenschaften, Qingdao, V.R. China, Delegation of German Minister for Education and Research to South Africa and Namibia, Cape Town, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, appendix 56 T. Jennerjahn International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 L2L - Sustainable Neighbourhood –from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research, Leipzig, 07.-10.05.2007 Scientific Conference Bien Dong on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.-14.09.2007 L. Knittweis ACEMON, International Meeting, Phuket Marine Biology Center, Phuket, Thailand, 23.-29.09.2006 SLAS Conference, Training Course, Bali, Makassar, Purwokerto, Jakarta, Indonesien, 11.11.-05.12.2006 1st International Symposium of Coral Husbandry in Public Aquaria, Burgers’ Zoo, Arnheim, 18.-21.04.2007 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 29.06.-15.07.2008 E. Krain Die nationale Strategie zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement und ihre Perspektiven, HdW, Bremen, 27.-28.04.2006 ACEMON-Meeting, Coastal Marine Ecosystems and their Management, Phuket Marine Biology Center, Phuket, Thailand, 23.-29.09.2006 Int. Workshop cum Trainingcourse on Coastal Ecosystem Hazard Management and Rehabilitation, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 08.-17.08.2006 International Symposium on Restoration and Developmant of Tsunami Affected Areas in Indonesia Fachhochschule Erfurt, 29.-31.01.2007 G. Krause Die nationale Strategie zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement und ihre Perspektiven, HdW, Bremen, 27.-28.04.2006 Projektmanagement, Fortbildung, Bremen, 26.-27.02.2007 Konferenz, Globaler Klimawandel und regionale Auswirkungen in Norddeutschland, Hamburg, 12.03.2007 ICES-Workgroup Meeting, Bedford Institute for Oceanography, Halifax, Kanada, 24.03.-02.04.2007 Umwelt als System – System als Umwelt? Systemtheorien auf dem Prüfstand, Universität Bonn, 15.-16.06.2007 European Society of Ecological Economics (ESEE) – Integrating Natural and Social Science for Sustainability, UFT Leipzig,05.-08.06.2007 15th Conference of the Society for Human Ecology „Local Populations and Diversity in a Changing World“, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 01.-09.10.2007 Fortbildung „Mitarbeiterführung“, Universität Bremen, 19.-20.09.2007 und 01.-02.11.2007 10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR) 2007, Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, 11.-16.11.2007 Resilience 2008, Stockholm, 12.-18.04.2008 DGH Symposium 2008, Human/Nature Interactions in the Anthropocene, Sommerhausen, 28.-31.05.2008 U. Krumme 1st International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, Miami, Florida, 18.-25.04.2006 First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmosperic Science, University of Miami, Florida, 19.-21.04.2006 A. Kunzmann 1st International Symposium of Coral Husbandry in Public Aquaria, Burgers’ Zoo, Arnheim, 18.-21.04.2007 Scientific Conference Bien Dong on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.-14.09.2007 9th International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Shanghai, V.R. China, 01.-08.09.2007 Annual Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society, Istanbul, 23.-28.10.2007 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 06.-21.07.2008 Events R. Lara Ecohydrology Meeting, Bukarest, 04.-08.2006 FAO/GLOBEC/Oceans Conference „Coping with Global Change in Marine Social-Ecological Systems“, FAO, Rom, 07.-10.07.2008 5th Meeting of the UNESCO European Working Group for Estuaries and Coastal Ecohydrology, Fisheries Research Institute, Kavala, Griechenland, 14.-18.09.2008 EMECS-8, Harmonizing catchment and estuary, China East Normal University, Shanghai, VR China, 25.-31.10.2008 L. Mark Heise-Netze-Konferenz, Hamburg, 20.09.2007 I. Nordhaus International Workshop on Wet Tropics, Cairns, Daintree, Australien, 02.-06.07.2006 Multivariate Statistics for Ecologists, Primer-E, Ltd., Plymouth, 28.10.-03.11.2007 M. Nugues 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05.-12.07.2008 D. Peterke EZChram-Schulung, Darmstadt, 18.-20.09.2006 ICP-OES-Schulung, Fa Spectro, Kleve, H. Reuter Jahrestagung der GfÖ, Leipzig, 15.-18.09.2008 C. Richter DFG-NRCT-Workshop, Bangkok, Phuket, Thailand, 27.07.-01.08.2006 Deutsch-israelischer Workshop „High Biodiversity of the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilad) – 57 appendix Events Origins, Dimensions and Protection“, Jerusalem, Israel, 14.-20.10.2006 SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, Dengasar, Bali, Indonesien, 12.-16.11.2006 4th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 01.-04.11.2007 Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification (BIOACID), IfM-GEOMAR, Kiel, T. Rixen Einweisung VINDTA Software und Alkalinitätsmesstandard, Marianda, Kiel, 05.-07.09.2006 SIBER-Workshop, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa Indien, 01.-08.10.2006 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Wien, 15.-20.04.2007 C. Roder 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05.-12.07.2008 S. Rückert International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 U. Saint-Paul 19. Jahrestagung der GTÖ, Vorstandssitzung und Mitgliederversammlung, Kaiserslautern, 21.-24.02.2006 Kongress- und Workshopteilnahme, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Dainbee, Cairns, Australien, 24.06.-04.07.2006 10 Jahre WTZ BMBF-MOST & Jubiläumskonferenz, MOST, Hanoi, Vietnam & MRC, Phnom Pen, Kambodscha, Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia 2007, Itajai, Brasilien, 26.01.-03.02.2007 GTÖ-Jahrestagung, Museum König, Bonn, 21.-25.02.2007 XII. Congreso Latino-Americano Ciencias del Mar (COLACMAR), Florianopolis, Brasilien, 15.-19.04.2007 Scientific Conference Bien Dong – 2007 on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.-14.09.2007 DELTA 2007 - Managing the coastal landwater interface in tropical delta systems, Bang Sean, Thailand, 05.-12.11.2007 appendix 58 Conferencia Magistral de Ecología de Manglares, INVEMAR, Santa Marta, Kolumbien, 31.01.2008 GTÖ-Jahrestagung, Präsidiumssitzung und Mitgliederversammlung, Stuttgart Hohenheim, 18.-22.02.2008 Launching ALFA III, DAAD, Bonn, Asian Wetland Symposium 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, 23.06.-01.07.2008 International Congress on Biodiversity of Africa: Observation and sustainable management for our future, Stellenbosch, Südafrika, 29.09.-03.10.2008 Umweltmesse FIEMA, Bento Gonçalves, Brasilien, 29.10.-01.11.2008 Y. Sawall 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05.-16.07.2008 U. Selent WGL-Workshop „Administrative Vernetzung“, WZB, Berlin, 22.-23.02.2007 WGL-Workshop „Umsatzsteuerrecht“, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Mannheim, 18.-19.06.2007 Seminar „Einführung in die Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung“, Bremen, 28.-30.01.2008 WGL-Workshop zur Einführung von KostenLeistungsrechnung und Programmbudgets, Berlin, 02.-03.04.2008 Arbeitskreis Recht WGL, Bonn, 23.-24.10.2008 Jahrestagung WGL, Magdeburg, 27.-28.11.2008 M. Taylor 1. Workshop on the Management of the Scallop Argopecten purpuratus, 2. Workshop on the Management of the Fish Merluccus peranus, Universidad La Agraria Molina, Lima, Peru, 11.03.-01.04.2008 M. Teichberg Dutch Conference for Coral Reef Research, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, D. Unger SIBER-Workshop, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa Indien, 01.-08.10.2006 PACKMEDS, International Workshop, Delmenhorst, 01.-05.04.2007 P. Westhaus-Ekau Konferenz „Deutsch-Chinesische Studienprogramme“, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn,18.10.2006 DAAD Fachkonferenz „go – out!“, Berlin, 10.-11.05.2007 2. Deutsch-chinesisches Bildungsforum, Hamburg, 25.09.2007 M. Wolff A. Baum SPICE-Projekt, Beprobungskampagne, Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesien, 21.03.-08.04.2006 SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Indonesien, 12.-22.11.2006 Expedition mit FS „Meteor“, Arabisches Meer, Heraklion, Griechenland, Fujairah, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, SPICE-Projekt, Beprobungskampagne, University of Riau, Sumatra, Indonesien, A. Baumgart SPICE-Projekt, Beprobung Segara Anakan Lagune, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 31.07.-29.08.2006 River-Reef-Interactions Projekt, Probennahme, NIO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 20.08.-15.09.07 U. Berger Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 19.03.-01.04.2006 M. Birkicht Dr. Fridtjof Nansen-Expedition, Benguela Current Region, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Expedition mit FS „Meteor“, Arabisches Meer, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 31.0904.10.2007 E. Borell SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung, UNHAS, Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesien, 14.11.200622.06.2007 S. Bröhl Respirationsmessungen, Fiji/Sura, University of South Pacific, 12.03.-02.04.2006 River-Reef-Interactions Projekt, Feldforschung, Auswertung, NIO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 20.08.-17.09.2007 River Reef Impact-Projekt, technische Humbold-Konferenz, Workshop, Lima, Pereira, Peru, 24.11.-09.12.2006 Conference on dynamics of eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems; integrative and comparative approaches, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 01.-07.06.2008 Events Research Stays and Expeditions Betreuung, NIO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12.05.-02.06.2008 K. Diele Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 19.03.-01.04.2006 Datenanalyse, Bearbeitung gemeinsamer Publikationen, Kooperationsplanung, Fortaleza, Brasilien, 23.01.-06.02.2007 Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten ,Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 06.12.2007-10.01.2008, und 25.08.-21.09.2008 L. Dsikowitzky LANCET-Projekt, Logistik Feldforschung, Haikou, Hainan, V.R. China, 22.07.-07.08.2007 LANCET-Projekt, Koordination Feldforschung, Haikou, Quinlan, Hainan, VR China, W. Ekau Dr. Fridtjof Nansen-Expedition, Benguela Current Region, Walvis Bay, Namibia, 04.-26.02.2007 A. Fricke Makroalgen-Projekt, Feldforschung, CARMABI Foundation, Curaçao, 10.-31.10.2007 Freilandversuche, Probennahmen, Curaçao, Niederländische Antillen, 04.03.-21.05.2008 T. Funke Feldforschung (CDT-Sonde), MSS, Aqaba, Jordanien, 21.11.-01.12.2007 ORCAS-Projekt, Feldforschung, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 03.03.-07.04.2008 S. Geist Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten, Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 26.02.-26.03.2008 59 appendix Research Stays and Expeditions C. Herbon SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung und Workshopteilnahme, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Java, Indonesien, 04.02.-17.05.2008 SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 06.08.-31.10.2008 R. Herrmann SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme Segara Anakan Lagune und Workshopteilnahme, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 04.02.-23.03.2008 SPICE-Projekt, Felduntersuchungen Segara Anakan Lagune, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 02.09.-25.10.2008 C. Jantzen Feldforschung für Promotion, MSS, Aqaba, Jordanien, 12.-21.12.2007 ORCAS-Projekt, Feldforschung Similan Islands, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 12.02.-31.03.2008 I. Jänen Madura-Monitoring, Probennahmen, Ost-Java, Indonesien, 25.08.-23.09.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Expedition Madura-Monitoring, Probennahme,Surabaya, Indonesien, und 14.07.-16.08.2008 T. Jennerjahn SPICE-Projekt Beprobung Segara Anakan Lagune, Workshop UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 13.01.-28.01.2006 und LANCET-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, Hainan, China, 03.-14.12.2006 SPICE-Workshop, Expedition Brantas-Madurastraße, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Surabaya, Indonesien, 23.03.-05.04.2007 Zuckerrohr-Projekt, Koordination und Expedition, UFAL, Maceio, Brasilien, SPICE-Projekt, Expedition Segara Anakan Lagune,UNSOED, Purwokerto, Bogor, Jakarta, Indonesien, 11.-26.09.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Workshop, Forschungsarbeiten, UNSOED, Purwokerto, BPPT, Surabaya, Indonesien, 25.02.-06.03.2008 LANCET-Projekt, Workshop u. Feldforschung, Haikou, Qinglan, Hainan, V.R. China, C. Herbon SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung in Segara Anakan, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, appendix 60 R. Herrmann SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung in Segara Anakan, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, F. Keyl Feldarbeiten, Datenbearbeitung, HumboldtCurrent-Conference, IMARPE, Lima, Peru,15.11.2006-16.03.2007 Feldarbeiten, Datenbearbeitung, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 15.09.-20.11.2007 Datenbearbeitung, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile, 25.10.-06.11.2007 Kooperationsfortführung, Projektentwicklung, Veröffentlichungen, Universidad de Concepción, Santiago de, Chile, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 13.03.-17.05.2008 CENSOR-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, Lima, Peru, Galapagos, Ecuador, 07.09.2008-28.02.2009 S. Kleinertz SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung in Segara Anakan, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, L. Knittweis SPICE-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesien, und 27.09.2006-07.02.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme Segara Anakan Lagune und Workshopteilnahme, Center for Coral Reef Research, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 27.02.-18.03.2008 G. Krause SPICE-Projekt, Workshopteilnahme und Feldforschung, CCRR, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 28.02.-08.03.2008 U. Krumme LANCET-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, Hainan, China, 02.-16.12.2006 ORCAS-Projekt, Schiffsexpedition, Similan Islands u. Andaman Sea, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 14.-24.02.2007 Feldarbeiten, Belém, Bragança, Brasilien, LANCET-Projekt, Feldarbeiten an der Ostküste von Hainan, V.R. China, 08.08.-05.10.2007 Artenidentifikation von Fischen, Senckenbergmuseum, Frankfurt a.M., 28.-30.01.2008 Feldforschung, UFPa, Belém, Bragança, Brasilien, 28.03.-14.04.2008 LANCET-Projekt, Logistik und Feldforschung, Hainan, VR China, 19.07.-03.08.2008 L. Krupp LANCET-Projekt, Feldarbeiten an der Ostküste von Hainan, Hainan, V.R. China, 08.08.-30.08.2007 LANCET-Projekt, Workshop, Feldforschung, Quinlan, Hainan, VR China, A. Kunzmann Fang und Hälterung von Scorpaeniden, Hydra Institute, Elba, 04.-08.10.2006 River-Reef-Impact Projekt, Feldforschung, Auswertung, NIO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 20.08.-11.09.07 und 12.05.-04.06.2008 R. Lara Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 20.-31.03.2006 BIOVIBAN-Projekt, Feldforschung in Chittagong, Laborarbeiten, ICDDR, , Bangladesh, 06.-24.05.2007 Feldforschung, Doktorandenbetreuung, Infrastruktur, UFPa, Belém, Brasilien, 02.-19.07.2007 BIOVIBAN-Projekt, Feldforschung und Koordination der Laboraktivitäten, ICDDR, Dhaka, Bangladesh, BIOVIBAN-Projekt, Laboranalysen, Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan, 08.-19.12.2007 La Plata River Wetlands, Feld- und Labor arbeiten, Universität Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 12.-24.04.2008 Betreuung laufender Arbeiten, Projektanbahnung, ICDDR, Dkaka, Bangladesch, NICBD, Kalkutta, Indien, 18.-31.05.2008 Projektanbahnung, Feldbegehung, Evaluierung der Infrastruktur, IMARPE, Lima, Tumbes, Peru, 05.-19.10.2008 M. Lukas SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung, Kartierungsmaßnahmen, Interviews, Makassar, Westund Zentraljava, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 18.02.-06.06.2008 Auswertung hist. Kartenmaterials, TU Dresden, 10.-13.07.2008 O. Morisse SPICE-Projekt, Beprobung Segara Anakan Lagune, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien,13.01.-16.02.2006 und I. Nordhaus SPICE-Projekt, Expedition und Beprobung Segara Anakan Lagune, Workshop, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, und 31.07.-01.09.2006 Taxonomische Arbeiten, Museum König, Bonn, 14.-15.02.2007 SPICE-Workshop und Feldarbeiten Segara Anakan & Brantas, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Surabaya, Indonesien, 23.03.-07.04.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Expedition Segara Anakan Lagune, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, 11.-28.09.2007, 04.02.-02.03.2008 und 02.09.-05.10.2008 Research Stays and Expeditions M. Nugues LANCET-Projekt, Workshop, Feldforschung, Hainan, VR China, 28.07.-10.08.2008 SPICE-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 03.-17.09.2008 D. Peterke BIOVIBAN-Projekt, Feldforschung in Chittagong, Laborarbeiten, ICDDR, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 06.-24.05.2007 und 28.11.-14.12.2007 Can-Gio-Projekt, Labor und Wartung von Meßgeräten, Universität für Naturwissenschaften, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14.-20.12.2007 C. Propp SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung, Probennahme, Surabaya, Dinas, Pangairan, Indonesien, 25.03.-26.04.2007 und 25.08.-23.09.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Feldarbeiten,Surabaya, Indonesien,24.02.-03.04.2008 und C. Richter Feldarbeiten Similan-Inseln, Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 16.-29.11.2006 LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldarbeiten, Haikou u. Tanmen, Hainan, China, 03.-12.12.2006 Andamanen-Projekt, Forschungsexpedition, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 12.02.-12.03.2007 ORCAS-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 16.-31.10.2007 Feldarbeit, Gerätetest, Projektentwicklung, MSS, Aqaba, Jordanien, Nabq, Ägypten, 20.11.-12.12.2007 T. Rixen Tsunami-Folgen auf den Andamanen, Chennai, Port Blair, Indien, 12.-25.03.2006 61 appendix Research Stays and Expeditions SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme, Pekanbaru, Indonesien, 26.03.-08.04.2006 SPICE-Projekt, Feldarbeiten, Kick-off meeting, Denpassar, Bali, Pekanbaru, Sumatra u. Jakarta, Indonesien, 12.-22.11.2006 LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldarbeiten, Haikou u. Tanmen, Hainan, China, 02.-12.12.2006 Expedition mit FS „Meteor“, Arabisches Meer, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 16.-09.10.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme, Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesien, 22.03.-03.04.2008 und 27.10.-22.11.2008 C. Roder LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldarbeiten, Haikou u. Tanmen, Hainan, China, 02.-16.12.2006 ORCAS-Projekt, Feldforschung, Schiffsexpedition, Similan Islands u. Andaman Sea, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 03.02.-31.03.2007 LANCET-Projekt, Feldarbeiten an der Ostküste von Hainan, Hainan, V.R. China, Isotopenanalysen, GeoBioCenter, Universität München, 07.-14.12.2007 ORCAS-Projekt, Feldforschung, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 12.02.-03.04.2008 LANCET-Projekt, Workshop, Feldforschung, Quinlan, Hainan, VR China, Isotopenmessungen, Naturkundemuseum Berlin, 19.-22.11.2008 S. Rückert SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme, Workshop, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien, SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme, Purwokerto, Bandar Lampung, Indonesien, 19.07.-19.09.2006 U. Saint-Paul Can Gio-Projekt, Feld- und Laborarbeiten, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 19.-31.03.2006 Feldexkursion, Projektgespräche, INVEMAR, Santa Marta, Kolumbien, 21.01.-01.02.2008 Y. Sawall SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschungsarbeiten, CCRR, Makassar, Indonesien, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 17.10.-21.11.2007 und SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung,UNHAS, Makassar, appendix 62 Indonesien, 15.06.-01.07.2008 und G. Schmidt Feldarbeiten Similan Inseln, Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 16.-29.11.2006 C. Schultz SPICE-Projekt, Forschungskoordination, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Bogor, Jakarta, Indonesien, 26.08.-18.09.2008 K. Schwerdtner Máñez Costa SPICE-Projekt, Probennahme Segara Anakan Lagune und Workshopteilnahme, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Pandang, Indonesien, U. Selent SPICE-Projekt, Besichtigung Untersuchungsgebiet und geplante Feldstation, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Cilacap, Bali, Indonesien, G. Spörl LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldarbeiten, Haikou u. Tanmen, Hainan, China, 02.-14.12.2006 Zuckerrohr-Projekt, Expedition, Probennahme, UFAL, Maceió, Brasilien, 03.-27.03.2007 und 19.09.-22.10.2007 Zuckerrohr-Projekt, Probennahme, UENF, Campos, UFAL, Maceió, Brasilien, und 07.08.-04.11.2008 K. Springer LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldforschung, Haikou u. Tanmen, Hainan, China, 02.-14.12.2006 Chr. Staschock LANCET-Projekt, Feldforschung, Hakou u. Qinglan, Hainan, V.R. China, M. Taylor Feldarbeiten, CENSOR-Meeting, Concepción, Chile, Instituto del Mar del Peru, IMARPE, Peru, 01.09.-20.12.2006 M. Teichberg SPICE-Projekt, Feldforschung, Coral Reef Research Center, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesien, 17.10.-13.11.2007 und 03.09.-06.10.2008 Research Stays and Expeditions D. Unger LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Feldarbeiten, Hainan, China, 03.-13.12.2006, und 19.-31.07.2008 K. Bischof SPICE-Projekt, Kooperationsplanung mit indon. Institutionen, BRRP & AMFR, Jakarta, BFA and Marine and Fisheries North Sulawesi Province, Manado, Indonesien, 08.-18.09.2007 E. Borell International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 C. Brandt Informationsgespräche zur Aquakultur und Transport lebender Tiere Zoo Rotterdam, 14.-16.11.2006 Kooperationsvorhaben und Tiertransport, Sealife, München, 06.-09.10.2007 Transport lebender Tiere, Lingewaal, Holland, 11.-12.02.2008 R. Chero CENSOR-Projekt, Steering Commitee Meeting, Symposium, Planungsgespräche, Exkursionen, Universidad de Antofagasta, Valparaiso, Chile, Lima, Chimbote, Casma, Peru, CENSOR-Projekt, Universidad Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru, 05.-16.10.2007 D. Dasbach Methodenabgleich, IOW, Warnemünde, W. Ekau ECORAYA-Projekt, Abschlußworkshop, INIDEP, Mar del Plata, Argentinien, 12.-20.03.2006 ABF-BENEFIT Workshop, Swakopmund, Namibia, 29.03.-06.04.2006 IKZM-Projekt, 2. Steering Group meeting, EU, Brüssel, 03.-04.05.2006 EU-IKZM-Projekt, 3. Steering Group meeting,EU, Brüssel,27.-28.06.2006 Vorbereitung des DFG-Projektes Connectivity, Belém, São Luis, Parnaiba, Mossoró, Forteleza, João Pessoa, Recife, Maceio, Aracajú, São Paulo, Brasilien, 04.-26.11.2006 Projektfindung, Nairobi, Kenia, 08.-16.11.2008 S. Ferse SPICE-Projekt, Evaluierung eines Pilotprojektes, UNHAS, Makassar, Spermonde Archipel, Indonesien, 05.-18.08.2008 Project Meetings M. Flitner SPICE-Projekt, Kooperationsplanung mit indon. Institutionen, BRRP & AMFR, Jakarta, BFA and Marine and Fisheries North Sulawesi Province, Manado, Indonesien, 05.-18.09.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Kick-off-Workshop SPICECluster VI, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Südsulawesi, 01.-09.03.2008 A. Fricke Vorbereitung Expedition Curaçao, NIOZ, Texel, 18.-20.07.2007 und 28.-29.11.2007 M. Glaser Anbahnungs- und Kooperationsgespräche, Makassar, Süd Sulawesi, Bunghatta University, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesien, SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, Vorbereitung, GKSS, Geesthacht,13.-14.06.2006 SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, Vorbereitung & Globalisierung Brasilien, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Berlin, 26.-27.09.2006 Vorbereitung Workshop Padang, Humboldt Universität Berlin, 26.-28.10.2006 Konferenzen, Forschungsplanung, Denpasar, Padang, Pekanbaru, Bali, Indonesien,12.11.-10.12.2006 SPICE-Projekt, Workshop, Koordination, Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Bogor, Indonesien, Anbahnungsgespräche, Ecosummit 2007 Mingbao, Quinddao, Beijing, V.R. China, Vorbereitung DGH-Jahrestagung 2008, München,13.-15.08.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Kick-off Workshop, Makassar, Indonesien, 27.02.-09.03.2008 SPICE-Projekt, Kick-off Meeting, Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesien, 07.-15.11.2008 63 appendix Project Meetings V. Ittekkot UNESCO-IOC-WESTPAC, Workshop „Impact of Tsunami on Coastal Ecosystems“, Phuket, Thailand, 18.-23.02.2006 Sino-German Masterprogramm, Summer School, Vorbereitung IAMRI-Conference, Ocean University of China, Quingdao, China, 27.05.-03.06.2006 LANCET-Projekt, Kick-off meeting, Hainan, Haikou, Tanmen, China, 30.11.-08.12.2006 SPICE-Projekt, Besprechungen zweite Phase, BPPT & DKP, Jakarta, Indonesien, Kooperationen im Rahmen von SCOPE und ICSU, Paris, 27.-28.06.2007 MoU with PMBC, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 11.-13.07.2007 Kooperationsgespräche, Institute of Ocean Management u. National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, Indien, 13.-21.07.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Kooperationsplanung mit indon. Institutionen, BRRP & AMFR, Jakarta, BFA and Marine and Fisheries North Sulawesi Province, Manado, Indonesien, 09.-13.09.2007 LANCET-Projekt Präsentation, Shanghai, V.R. China, 20.-24.09.2007 Kooperationsgespräche, Interuniversity Institute, Eilath, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 11.-14.10.2007 Lenkungsausschußsitzung dt.-chin. Initiative zur Hochschulausbildung in den Meereswissenschaften, Qingdao, V.R. China, SPICE-Projekt, Koordination ,DKP, Jakarta, Indonesien, 27.-31.12.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Vorbereitung LenkungsauschußSitzung, Workshops u. Besprechung World Ocean Conference 2009, Jakarta, Indonesien, 21.-25.07.2008 LANCET Workshop Vorbereitungen, Hainan, Haikou, Hainan, China, 29.07.–31.08.2008 I. Jänen SPICE-Projekt, Vorbereitung LenkungsauschußSitzung, Workshops u. World Ocean Conference 2009, Jakarta, Indonesien, 21.-25.07.2008 T. Jennerjahn MADURA-Monitoring- Projekt, Kick-offMeeting, SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, BPPT, Surabaya, Bali, Indonesien, 07.-17.11.2006 Projektentwicklung, laufende Vorhaben, Asian Fisheries Forum, Kochi; CESS, Trivandrum; appendix 64 NIO, Goa, Indien, 19.-28.11.2007 SPICE-Projekt, Planungs- und Koordinierungsgespräche, UNSOED, Purwokerto, IPB Bogor, BPPT, DAAD u. Deutsche Botschaft, Jakarta, Indonesien, 08.-19.09.2008 F. Keyl Kooperations- & Projektanbahnung, CIBNOR, La Paz, Mexiko, 07.-10.12.2007 S. Kleinertz SPICE-Projekt, Vor- und Nachbereitung der Feldforschung, Universität Düsseldorf, 11.-15.02.2008 und 27.08.-24.10.2008 L. Knittweis Internat. Workshop, Training Course, Vorbereitung Bali Konferenz, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien,11.-14.08.2006 SPICE II, Kick-Off-Workshop, Centre for Coral Reef Research, UNHAS, Makassar, Indonesien, 03.-04.03.2008 E. Krain SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, Vorbereitung, GKSS, Geesthacht,13.-14.06.2006 EU-IKZM-Projekt, Workshop-Vorbereitung, Rupprecht Consult, Köln,12.06.2006 und 13.07.2006 G. Krause IKZM-Projekt, 2. Steering Group meeting, EU, Brüssel, 03.-04.05.2006 SPICE-LOICZ Konferenz, Vorbereitung, GKSS, Geesthacht, 13.-14.06.2006 SPICE-Projekt, Kick-off-Workshop SPICECluster VI, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Südsulawesi, 03.- 04.03.2008 U. Krumme MADAM-Projekt, Publikationsarbeiten mit Co-Autoren,Belém, Brasilien,19.12.2006-22.01.2007 A. Kunzmann Shrimp-Projekt, Aquakultur, IGV mbH, Berlin,14.-15.06.2007 Projektentwicklung, laufende Vorhaben, Asian Fisheries Forum, Kochi; CESS, Trivandrum; NIO, Goa, Indien, 19.-28.11.2007 Kooperation Korallenaufzucht, Burger Zoo, Arnheim/Groningen, 12.-13.02.2008 Taxonomie und Publikationsgespräche, Museum A. König, Bonn, 30.-31.10.2008 R. Lara Management in der Karibik, Welt Bank, Washington D.C., USA,18.-24.04.2006 Lehre & Publikation,Belém, Brasilien, 02.-18.05.2006 Konferenzteilnahme, Projektplanung,Fukuoka, University of Nagoya, Japan, M. Lukas SPICE-Projekt, Kick-off-Workshop SPICECluster VI, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Südsulawesi, 29.02.-09.03.2008 I. Nordhaus International Workshop on SPICE, Phase I, UNSOED, Indonesia, 26.-27.03.2007 C. Richter Vorbereitung Projektskizze, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, S. Rückert SPICE-Projekt, Abschlußworkshop,Bandar Lampung, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesien,11.03.-03.04.2007 U. Saint-Paul BIOLOG-Begutachtung, 3. Phase, Bonn, MADAM-Projekt, Nachbereitung, WTZProjekte, Belém, Bragança, Recife, Brasilien, 31.01.-16.02.2006 Vorbereitung des DFG-Projektes Connectivity, Belém, São Luis, Parnaiba, Mossoró, Forteleza, João Pessoa, Recife, Maceio, Aracajú, São Paulo, Brasilien, 04.-26.11.2006 Projektanbahnung, Can-Gio Projekt, Koordination, Phuket, Thailand, Phnom Pen, Kambodscha, Ho Chi Minh City & Nha Trang, Vietnam, 03.-17.09.2007 Koordination, Gespräche mit Regierungsvertretern, Umweltmesse, Brasilia, Belém, Bento Gonçalves, Brasilien, 20.10.-02.11.2008 C. Schnack 29. Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft meereskundlicher Bibliotheken, IOW, Warnemünde, 05.-06.11.2006 M. Taylor CENSOR-Projekt, Workshopteilnahme, Universidad Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru, 11.03.-01.04.2008 Kooperationsgespräche, Lehrtätigkeit, , Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos, Ecuador, 10.07.-31.08.2008 CENSOR-Project, Abschlusssymposium, Vorbereitung und Teilnahme, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 01.-19.09.2008 Project Meetings M. Teichberg Marine Botany Workgroup Meeting, AWI, Sylt,13.-15.02.2008 CARMAB-Projekt, Publikationen, Woods Hole, Boston, Curaçao, Niederländisch Antillen, 01.03.-14.04.2008 P. Westhaus-Ekau Sino-German Masterprogramm, Summer School, Vorbereitung IAMRI-Conference, Ocean University of China, Quingdao, China, 27.05.-03.06.2006 Studienstart des Sino-German Masterprogrammes, Ocean University of China, Quingdao, China, 28.10.-03.11.2006 China-Kooperation, Vorbereitung Delegationsbesuch u. Planung Summer School, IfM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 12.-13.12.2006 Koordination des deutsch-chinesischen Mastergprogrammes, OUC, Quingdao, VR China, 15.-21.05.2007 Visa-Angelegenheiten, 1. Lenkungsausschußsitzung dt.-chin. Initiative zur Hochschulausbildung in den Meereswissenschaften, Deutsche Botschaft, Beijing & Qingdao, V.R. China, 22.11.-01.12.2007 Weiterentwicklung der dt.-chin. Ausbildungskooperation, Qingdao, Ocean University of China, V.R. China, 25.04.-05.05.2008 4. Deutsch-Chinesische Sommerschule, 2. Lenkungsausschuss-Sitzung, MSc-Abschluss, geplanter Studentenaustausch, Qingdao, Ocean University of China, V.R. China, 26.07.-11.08.2008 M. Wolff CENSOR-Projekt, Universidad La Molina, Pisco, Peru, 22.02.-23.03.2006 CENSOR-Projekt, Steering Commitee Meeting, Symposium, Planungsgespräche, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile, 01.-17.09.2006 CENSOR-Projekt, Arbeitsgruppen-Treffen, Management-Workshop, Trainingskurs ,IMARPE, Lima, Pisco, Piura, Peru, CENSOR-Abschlusssymposium, IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 08.-10.09.2008 65 appendix Visitors and Guest Researchers Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong, PMBC, Phuket, Thailand, 09.-15.01.2006 Dr. Xianwei Bu, Second Institute of Oceanography, Key Lab. of Ocean Dynamic Processes and Satellite Oceanography (SOA), Hangzhou, China, 09.-26.01.2006 Dr. Pramot Sujisuporns, Marine Science Dept., Chulalongkorn Universität Bangkok, Thailand, 10.-15.01.2006 MSc. Daroonwan Sakuna, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, MSc. Patcharee Khrukhayan, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, MSc. Jiraporn Charoenvattanaporn, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 10.01.-01.02.2006 MSc. Vararin Vongpanich, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, Dr. Maitree Duangsawasdi, Staatssekretär Umweltministerium Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, 27.-28.01.2006 Dr. Aceng Hidayat, Center for Coastal and Marine Resources, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesien, 31.01.-28.02.2006 Dona Paula, Goa, Indien, 01.-29.03.2006 Dr. Guiling Zhang, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, 11.-15.03.2006 & 29.-31.03.2006 Dr. Wajih Naqvi, Head, Chemical Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography, 01.-29.03.2006 Prof. Jing Zhang, State Key Laboratories for Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 24.03.-04.04.2006 Quynh Huong Pham, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 01.04.-29.06.2006 Yus Budiyono Abdul Rohman, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesien, 07.04.-12.05.2006 Thi Gia Hang Nguyen, National University in Ho Chi Minh, 15.05.-15.07.2006 Ngoc Diem My Tran, National University in Ho Chi Minh, 15.05.-15.07.2006 Dr. Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, Wissenschaftlicher Berater des Präsidenten von Kuba, Kuba, 25.05.2006 Gerardo Peñalver, Botschafter der Republik Kuba, Berlin, 25.05.2006 MSc. Aidah A. Husain, Hasanuddin, University, Makassar Indonesien, 30.05.-29.06.2006 appendix 66 MSc. Andi Oetomo, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesien, 31.05.-17.06.2006 Dr. Luky Adrianto, Agricultural University Bogor, Indonesien, 31.05.-25.06.2006 Jingling Ren, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, 07.06.-06.07.2006 Dr. Ehrlich Desa, Chief, IOC Capacity Development Section, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, Dr. Miguel D. Fortes, Coordinator, University of Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines, 28.06.-01.07.2006 Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tac An, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang,Vietnam, 29.06.-05.08.2006 Dr. Silvia Schwamborn, University of Bahia State, Education Department, Recife, Brasilien, 01.07.2006-24.10.2007 Dr. Volker Koch, Centro de Estudos Costeros, Pto. Acapulco, Puerto San Carlos, Mexiko, 04.-11.07.2006 Dr. Jaime Mendo, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru, 31.07.-05.08.2006 Prof. Dr. D. Viswanathan, Anna University, Indien, 23.-26.08.2006 Dr. R. Jayavel, Director, International Affairs, Anna University, Indien, 23.-26.08.2006 Prof. Dr. R. Ramesh, Director, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Indien, 23.-26.08.2006 Sakhile Tsotsobe, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, Prof. Dr. Addison Lawrence, Mariculture Laboratory Port Aransas, University, Texas, USA, 15.-18.09.2006 Prof. Dr. Ramesh Ramachandran, Director, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, Indien, 15.-30.09.2006 Prof. Dr. Purjava Ganapathy (Ms.), Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, Indien, 16.09.-08.10.2006 Dr. Niphon Phongsuwan, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 18.-28.09.2006 Prof. Balasubramonian Garudswara, Center for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, Indien, 23.09.-03.11.2006 Dr. Claudio Franzosi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Ajay Kumar Ray, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, Indien, 10.11.-24.11.2006, B. Senthilkumar, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, Indien, 10.11.-24.11.2006 Prof. Horacio Schneider, UFPa, Bragança, Brasilien, 27.11.-23.12.2006 Prof. Iracilda Sampaio, UFPa, Bragança, Brasilien, 27.11.-23.12.2006 Wilsea Batista de Figuereido, UFPa, Bragança, Brasilien, 27.11.-23.12.2006 Dr. Claudio Szlafsztein, UFPa Belém, Brasilien, 13.-23.12.2006 Dr. Magdalena Litaay, Hasanuddin Universität, Süd-Sulawesi, Makassar, Indonesien, 21. -27.01.2007 Cleise Cordeiro, UFPa, Belém, Brasilien, 29.01.-14.03.2007 Dr. Illka C. Feller, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater MD, USA, 14.-16.03.2007 Mr. Sanromo Widjayanto, Head of Program Division, Center for Marine and Fisheries Education, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Agency for Marine and Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesien, Dr. Suraryanto, Vice Chairman for Student Affairs , Jarkata Fisheries University, Indonesien, 23.04.-12.05.2007 Dr. Ajit Sinh Baji Patil, Pancham Aquaculture Forms Ltd., Mumbai, Indien, 06.-09.05.2007 R.A. Sreepada, Aquaculture Laboratory National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, Indien, 06.-09.05.2007 Mochamad Saleh Nugrahadi, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesien, 19.05.-17.06.2007 Dr. Nic Smole, Universität Gent, Postgraduate International Nematology Course, Gent, 13.-15.06.2007 Dr. Wannakiat Thubthimsang, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket,Thailand , Prof. Arun P. Kulshreshtha, Director, NAM S & T Centre, New Delhi, Indien, 17.-23.06.2007 Dr. Victoria Isaac, UFPa, Belém, Brasilien, 18.06.-05.07.2007 Dr. Volker Koch, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Mexiko, M.Sc. Sucharit Neogi, International Centre for Diarroheal Diseases Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26.06.-27.08.2007 Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong, Phuket Marine Biological Centre Aquarium, Phuket, Thailand, 29.06.-04.07.2007 Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tac An, Institute of Oceano-graphy, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 02.-09.07.2007 Dr. Carlos Jimenez,Marine Sciences and Limnology Research Center (CIMAR), University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Dr. Jaime Mendo, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru, 15.07.-15.08.2007 MSc. Mario Villegas, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile, 16.07.-03.08.2007 Prof. Dr. Fang Wang, Aquaculture Department, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, VR China, 20.07.-30.08.2007 Dr. Arturo Dominici-Arosemena, Ordering and Management of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Marine Resources, Panama, 13.-17.08.2007 Dr. Antonio da Silva, BENEFIT, Swakopmund, Namibia, 12.-30.09.2007 Dr. Maximiliano Cledón, Universidad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, 15.09.-30.11.2007 Dr. Hans Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, 14.-28.10.2007 Marco Warship, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, 14.-28.10.2007 Dr. Marcelo Cohen, UFPa Belém, Brasilien, 13.11.-02.12.2007 Clarisse Smith Beltrao, UFPa Belém, Brasilien, 13.11.-02.12.2007 Dr. Ana Rosa da Rocha Araújo, Universidade Federal do Sergipe, Brasilien, 14.-16.11.2007 Dr. Carlos Carvalho,UENF, Laboratory of Environmental Science, Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasilien, 01.-09.12.2007 Prof. Soman Kunjupillai, Centre for Earth Science Studies Akkulam, Trivandrum, Indien, 10.-28.12.2007 Prof. Horacio Schneider & Prof. Iracilda Sampaio, UFPa, Bragança, Brasilien, 22.12.2007-18.02.2008 MSc. Jin Haiyan, Second Institute of Oceanography (SOA), Hangzhou, V.R. China, MSc. Li Hongliang, Second Institute of Oceanography (SOA), Hangzhou, V.R. China, 07.01.-02.02.2008 Dr. Carlos Jiménez, Marine Sciences and Limnology Research Center (CIMAR), University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 07.-08.01.2008 Prof. Aaron Kaplan, Dr. Danny Tchernov und Dr. Moshe Kiflawi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 19.-21.02.2008 Visitors and Guest Researchers 67 appendix Visitors and Guest Researchers Martin Wildenberg, Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Universität Klagenfurt, MSc. Roberto Schwarz, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasilien, MSc. Wu Shuang Chou , Hainan Provincial Marine Development Plan and Design Research Institute, Haikou,V.R. China, 20.01.-15.02.2008 BSc. Wu Zhong Jie, Hainan Provincial Marine Development Plan and Design Research Institute, Haikou, V.R. China, Prof. Dr. F. Jeltsch, Institut für Biochemie und Biologie, Universität Potsdam, 27.02.2008 Dr. Wang Daoru, Hainan Provincial Marine Development Plan and Design Research Institute, Haikou, Hainan, V.R. China, 18.-27.02.2008 Dr. Qu Jianguo, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, V.R. China, 02.-30.04.2008 MSc. Neetha Varunny, Ana University, Chennai, Indien, 08.04.-08.06.2008 Joseph Aggrey-Finn, Cape Coast, Ghana, 06.05. - 06.06.2008 Dr. Purvaja Ramachandran, Ana University, Chennai, Indien, 01.-26.05.2008 und Prof. Osmund Mwandeleme u. Prof. Edosa Omoregie, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, Dr. Larry Oellermann, Nujoma Marine & Coastal Resources Research Centre, University of Namibia, Namibia, Dr. Carlos Jiménez, Marine Sciences and Limnology Research Center (CIMAR), appendix 68 University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 08.-29.07.2008 M.Sc. Diem MyTran Ngoc, Departement of Botany and Ecology, National University Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14.07.-18.08.2008 Dr. Anthony Hickey, University of Auckland, Neuseeland, 24.-27.07.2008 Dr. Unggul Aktani und Dr. Yusli Wardiatno, Department of Living Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor, Indonesien, 20.-26.08.2008 Susan Jones, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, 23.08.-11.09.2008 Marco Warship, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, 23.08.-11.09.2008 Abdulaziz Said Al-Marzouqi, Marine Science and Fisheries Centre, Muskat, Oman 03.09.-16.09.2008 Mrs. Halima Kiwango, Parc Ecologist, Ecological Monitoring Dept, Saadani National Park, Tanzania, 30.10.2008 - 30.01.2009 Dr. Thomaso Giarizzo, UFPa, Belém, Brasilien, 08.11.-21.12.2008 Dr. Hans Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management, Kapstadt, Südafrika, Dr. Antonio da Silva, BENEFIT, Swakopmund, Namibia, 15.11.-07.12.2008 Hoang Trung Du, National Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, Dr. Indra Jaya, Dekan, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor Indonesien, Dr. Yusli Wardiatno, Department of Living Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor, Indonesien, 01.-03.12.2008 Capacity Building Teaching at Bremen University ISATEC International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (U. Berger, M. Birkicht, K. Bischof, W. Ekau, M. Glaser, T. Jennerjahn, G. Krause, A. Kunzmann, I. Nordhaus, C. Richter, U. Saint-Paul, K. Schwerdtner Máñez Costa, M. Teichberg, P. Westhaus-Ekau, M. Wolff), WT 05/06 – WT 08/09 Lectures Global Change and Marine Systems (V. Ittekkot), WT 05/06, ST 06, WT 06/07, WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Artesanale Fischerei und Aquakultur in Vietnam und Kambodscha (U. Saint-Paul), ST 06 Fisheries Biology and Aquaculture (W. Ekau, U. Krumme, U. Saint-Paul, P. WesthausEkau), ST 06, ST 07, ST 08 Karbonatsystem, Kalzifizierung und Primärproduktion im Korallenriff (V. Ittekkot), WT 06/07 Biochemistry of Tropical Marine Systems (V. Ittekkot), WT 06/07, WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Ökologie tropischer Küsten und Ästuare (U. Saint-Paul), WT 06/07, ST 07, WT 07/08, ST 08, WT 08/09 Molekulare Tracer zur Untersuchung mariner Stoffkreisläufe (R. Lara et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Ecophysiology of Marine Algae (K. Bischof et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Pflanzenphysiologie I (K. Bischof et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Interdisziplinäre und transdisziplinäre Aspekte des Fischereimanagements (U. Saint-Paul), WT 07/08 Ringvorlesung Umwelt- und Meereschemie: Meeres- und Umweltchemie unter Bedingungen des globalen Wandels (R. Lara et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Principles of Marine Ecophysiology (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 General Introduction to Marine Microbiology (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Einführung in die organismische Meeresbiologie (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Applied Scientific Training (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Ringvorlesung „Meeresforschung im Lande Bremen“ (K. Bischof, U. Saint-Paul et al.), WT 07/08 Meeresbiologie (K. Bischof et al.), ST 08 Einführung in die Umweltpolitik: Lokale, nationale und internationale Fragen (M. Flitner et al.), ST 08 Research Management and Funding Opportunities (K. Bischof et al.), WT 08/09 Practical Courses Moderne organische Spurenanalytik in der marinen Biogeochemie (R. Lara), WT 05/06, WT 06/07, WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Fisheries Biology and Aquaculture (W. Ekau, U. Krumme, U. Saint-Paul, P. WesthausEkau), ST 06, ST 07, ST 08 Ökologie tropischer Küsten und Ästuare (U. Saint-Paul), ST 07, ST 08 Research Cruise with RV Heincke (U. SaintPaul, W. Ekau et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Molekulare Tracer zur Untersuchung mariner Stoffkreisläufe (R. Lara et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Ecophysiology of Marine Algae (K. Bischof et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Pflanzenphysiologie I (K. Bischof et al.), ST 07, ST 08 Interdisziplinäre und transdisziplinäre Aspekte des Fischereimanagements (U. Saint-Paul), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Marine Microbiology and Botany (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Student research project: Impacts of tropical peat swamp deforestation on aquatic ecosystems in central Sumatra, Indonesia (T. Rixen et al.), WT 08/09 Student research project: Ecology and biodiversity of pelagic communities in the South Atlantic Ocean (W. Ekau et al.), WT 08/09 Einführung in die Biologie mariner Algen (K. Bischof), WT 08/09 Meeresforschungsinstitute im Lande Bremen (K. Bischof et al.), WT 08/09 Seminars and Colloquia Global Change and Marine Systems (V. Ittekkot), ST 06 Principles of Marine Ecophysiology (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Applied Scientific Training (K. Bischof et al.), WT 07/08, WT 08/09 Meeresbiologie (K. Bischof et al.), ST 08 4th term: Thesis-Seminar (K. Bischof et al.), ST 08 Meeresbotanik: Anleitung zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (K. Bischof), ST 08, WT 08/09 69 appendix Capacity Building Einführung in die Biologie mariner Algen (K. Bischof), WT 08/09 Research Management and Funding Opportunities (K. Bischof et al.), WT 08/09 Grant Proposal and Defence (K. Bischof et al.), WT 08/09 Kolloquium zur marinen Tropenökologie (V. Ittekkot, U. Saint-Paul, M. Wolff), WT 05/06 – WT08/09 Teaching at other Partner Institutions Course on trophic modelling (CENSOR-project), IMARPE, Paita, Peru, M. Wolff, M. Taylor, 03.2006 1. Participation & participatory techniques / 2. Nature and society: Alternative theoretical approaches and the social dimension of coastal management, SPICE Summerschool, UNHAS Makassar, Indonesien, M. Glaser, 03.2006 Respiration physiology of tropical fishes (theoretical and practical lessons), School of Marine Studies, University of Suva, Fiji, A. Kunzmann, 12.03.-03.04.2006 Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Andalas University Padang, Sumatra, M. Glaser, G. Krause, B. Glaeser, 04.04.2006 Introduction to Fisheries, Vudal University East New Britain, Papua Neuguinea, U. Krumme, 08.-19.05.2006 Mangroves as coastal habitat in the tropics, InWent Training Course on Sustainable Use of Coastal and Marine Resources, InWent, Bremen, U. Saint-Paul, 15.06.2006 Global climate and regional environmental change affecting coastal systems – Ecology & Resources, international workshop cum training course, Purwokerto, Java, Indonesien, I. Nordhaus, 08.08.2006 Coastal Ecosystems: Hazard Management and Rehabilitation, International Workshop cum Training course, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Java, Indonesien, I. Nordhaus, 08.-17.08.2006 2. Sino-German Summer School “Impacts of Global Change on Shelf-Open Ocean Systems”, Universitäten Bremen and Kiel, P. Westhaus-Ekau, 08.-18.08.2006 Introduction to Fisheries Biology, Vudal University, Papua Neuguinea, W. Ekau, 02.-09.10.2006 appendix 70 Application of Surplus Production Models on Marine Resources Considering a Variable Environment, IMARPE, Paita, Peru, M. Wolff, F. Keyl, 05.-07.03.2007 Ecologia Marinha, Universidade Federal do Para, Belém, Brasilien, U. Krumme, Marine Ökosysteme, Fisheries College, Kavieng, University of Vudal, Papua Neuguinea, W. Ekau, 25.09.-05.10.2007 Ecologia Marinha,Universidade Federal do Para, Belem, U. Krumme, Ecologia de Aguas Continentales – Postgraduierten Kurs zur Binnengewässerkunde, Universidade Federal do Para, Belem, U. Saint-Paul, 21.-25.04.2008 Marine algal taxonomy and physiology, AWI, Helgoland, M. Teichberg, 19.-26.05.2008 Multispecies trophic modeling and quantitative ecosystem indicatiors for the management of fisheries, Charles-Darwin-Foundation, Galápagos, Ecuador, M. Taylor,14.-18.07.2008 Summerschool on Mangrove Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, K. Diele, U. Saint-Paul, L. Krupp, 15.-23.09.2008 Fisheries Oceanography, Kavieng, Papua Neuguinea, W. Ekau, 22.09.-09.10.2008 Doctoral Theses Aggrey-Finn, Joseph: Fishery biology and management in Ghana (Wolff, Ekau), 2008 Alves da Silveira, Paula Cilene: Impact of oceanographic conditions on distribution and abundance of larval fish in Northern Brazil (Ekau, Saint-Paul) 2008 Ardli, Erwin Rhyanto: A trophic flow model of the Segara Anakan lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia (Wolff), 2008 Badjeck, Marie Caroline: Vulnerability of coastal fishing communities to climate variability and change: implications for fisheries livelihoods and management in Peru (Lange, Wolff), 2008 Baum, Antje (2008): Biogeochemie tropischer Schwarzwasserflüsse: Der Siak in ZentralSumatra, Indonesien (Ittekkot), 2008 Borell, Esther: The effect of feeding on the thermal restistance of scleractinian corals (Ittekkot), 2008 Dominici-Arosemena, Arturo: Community structure and patterns of diversity in reef fish communities in the tropical Western Atlantic and tropical Eastern Pacific (Wolff), 2006 Ferse, Sebastian: Artificial reef structures and coral transplantation: fish community responses and effects on coral recruitment in North Sulawesi/Indonesia (Wolff, Kunzmann), 2008 Giarrizzo, Tommaso: Importance of mangroves for fish. Bases for the conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems in North Brazil (Saint-Paul), 2007 Knittweis, Leyla: Population demographics and life history characteristics of Heliofungia actiniformis: a fungiid coral species exploited for the live coral aquarium trade in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia (Wolff, Ittekkot), 2008 Lai Phu, Hoang: Benthic community structure as indicator for system stability of a rehabilitated mangrove in South Vietnam (Saint-Paul), 2007 Leal Florez, Jenny: Impacts of non-native fishes on the fish community and the fishery of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta estuary, Northern Colombia (Saint-Paul), 2008 Marcelo Protazio: Spatial Point Pattern Analysis applied to Plant Ecology (Berger, Saint-Paul), 2007 Mendoza, Ursula: Dynamics of phosphorus and sulphur in a mangrove forest in Braganca, North Brazil (Lara, Saint-Paul), 2007 Menezes, Moirah P.M. de: Investigations of mangrove forest dynamics in Amazonia, North Brazil (Berger, Saint-Paul), 2006 Piou, Cyril: Patterns and individual-based modeling of spatial competition within two main components of Neotropical mangrove ecosystems (Berger, Saint-Paul), 2007 Rocha Araujo, Ana Rosa da: Fishery statistics and commercialisation of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (L.) in Bragança - Para – Brazil (Saint-Paul), 2006 Schroeder, Carmen: Reproductive Ecology of the Caribbean Reef Coral Porites furcata (Anthozoa, Scleractinea, Poritidae) in Bocas del Toro, Panama (Saint-Paul), 2007 Schmitt, Bettina: Characterisation of organic nitrogen compounds in sediment and leaves of a mangrove ecosystem in north Brazil (Lara), 2006 Taylor, Marc: The Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem and its resource dynamics: Insights from a trophic modeling and time series analysis (Wolff), 2008 Capacity Building Ongoing Al Marzouqi, Abdulaziz Said Mohammed: Biology, stock assessment and fishery management of the santer seabream Cheimerius nufar (Val. 1830) from the Arabian Sea off Oman (Saint-Paul, Ekau) Arias-Schreiber, Milena: Fisheries sustainability and coastal governance in the Humboldt and Benguela Upwelling areas (Flitner) Baumgart, Anne: Biogeochemische Stroffkreisläufe vor Indonesien (Ittekkot) Becker, Susanne: Photoinhibition at low temperatures: D1-turnover in Antarctic rhodophytes (Bischof) Claramunt Quiñones, Gabriel: Reproductive biology of Engraulis ringens, egg quality, and survival of the offspring in Chilean waters (Saint-Paul) Criales Hernadez, Maria-Isabel: Spatio-temporal variability of zooplankton community structure and trophic processes off Central Peru (Wolff, Schwamborn) Deswandi, Rio: The roles of local institutions in coral reefs management and their contribution to social and ecological resilience in Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi (Flitner, Glaser) Espinoza, Alejandro: Qualitative tools for the spatial and temporal representation of marine ecosystems (Local Ecological Knowledge, Driving Forces-Pressure-State/ Impact-Responses indicators model, Loop Analysis, and Geographical Information System) (Wolff, Krumme) Fredersdorf, Jana: Interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and other abiotic factors on photosynthesis of Arctic macroalgae (Bischof) Fricke, Anna: Modulating effects of UV-radiation on the succession of the tropical macro algal communities (Bischof) Herbon, Carolin: Benthic nutrient cycling in the mangrove fringed Segara Anakan lagoon (Bischof, Nordhaus) Herrmann, Regine: Impact of benthic organisms and anthropogenic activities in the hinterland on the carbon- and nutrientbiogeochemistry in the mangrove fringed Segara Anakan- lagoon, Java, Indonesia (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Jantzen, Carin: Nutrient cycling in coral reefs (Richter) 71 appendix Capacity Building Jänen, Ingo: Saisonale Variabilität der Auswirkungen der Nährstoff- und Organikeinträge des Brantas Flusses auf die Wasserqualität und Biogeochemie der Madurastraße, Java, Indonesien (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Keyl, Friedemann: Octopus fishery and population dynamics in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem under the influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO): on the search for a combined climate-fishery model (Wolff) Kleinertz, Sonja: Fish parasites as biological indicators within and around the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia (Ittekkot) Krämer,Wiebke: Photoecophysiology of zooxanthellae of hermatypic corals (Bischof, Richter) Krupp, Lucia: Land-based activities affecting the fluxes and transformation of nutrients and organic matter from watershed to the coastal sea (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Krutwa, Annika: Small scale differences in subtidal benthic communities and succession processes between two sites of Floreana Island (Galápagos) exposed to different oceangraphic regimes as related to gradients of substrate complexity (Wolff) Lukas, Martin: Land use change and environmental governance around Segara Anakan Lagoon (Java, Indonesia) (Flitner, Glaser) Müller, Ruth: Interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and other abiotic factors on the reproductive success of kelp (Bischof) Oxmann, Julian: Organic matters and nutrients in natural and regenerated mangrove forests in Can Gio, Vietnam (Lara) Paramo Granados, Jorge Enrique: Design of a system of marine protected areas (mpas) for the management of demersal fisheries in the Colombian Caribbean (Saint-Paul) Propp, Claudia: Bedeutung der benthischen Nährstoffregeneration vs. der saisonal variierenden Einträge des Brantas Flusses für die Wasserqualität und die Produktivität der Küstengewässer der Madurastrasse (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Radjawali, Irendra: Multi-agent social-ecological systems modelling of livelihoof strategies and governance in a coastal social-ecological system.,Flitner (Breckkling) (Glaser) Rautenberger, Ralf: Physiological acclimation patterns of marine macroalgae to abiotic stress gradients (Bischof) Roder, Cornelia: Coral heterotrophy in a landocean gradient (Richter) appendix 72 Romatzki, Sascha: Reproduction strategies of stony corals (Scleractinia) in an equator near, Indonesian coral reef. Contributions for the coral-farming (Wolff, Kunzmann) Rump, Carla: Akteursperspektiven zu Umwelthandeln und nachhaltigem Handeln: Empirische Untersuchung von Akteurskonzepten und Praxiserfahrungen in den Zentren bundesdeutscher Nationalparks und Biosphärenreservate (Lange, Flitner) Sawall, Yvonne: Coral resilience to stress (Richter) Schmidt, Gertraud: Influence of solibores on corals in the Andaman Sea (Richter) Selmi, Farid: Comparative Analysis of coastal governance and management systems in selected areas of Indonesia (Lange, Flitner, Glaser) Spörl, Gertrud: Auswirkungen von Stickstoffeinleitungen aus der Zuckerrohrmonokultur auf die Wasserqualität und Biogeochemie der Mundau-Manguaba Lagune und angrenzender Küstengewässer Brasiliens (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Steinhoff, Franciska: Phlorotannins as UV absorbing substances in zoospores of kelp (Bischof) External Doctoral Theses Ongoing Blandtt, Lucinaldo: Capacitation of social resilience with participatory methodologies, UFPa, Campo Universitario de Belém, Brasilien (Glaser) Cabral, Neila: O setor pesqueiro brasileiro e o desempenho das estruturas e sistemas de representação política, Universidade Federal do Pará (Glaser) Cordeiro da Cruz, Helenice: Influence on sediment biogeochemistry on the distribution of mangrove vegetation on the Braganca Peninsula, Pará, Brazil., UFPA, Belem, Brasilien (Lara) Darlan, Simith: Postlarval settlement and juvenile ecology of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatu., Universidade federal do Pará, Braganca, Brazil, F. Arbunhosa (Diele) Grote, Britta: Environmental impact on the condition and growth of young Cape hake in the Benguela upwelling system off South Africa, Universität Bremen, Marine Zoologie (Ekau) Kopprio, Germán, Influence of climatic vari- ability on the ecohydrology and biogeochemistry of brackish coastal lagoons, UNS, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina (Lara) Leal Risuenho dos Santos, Helenice: Use of aminoacids and pyrite as indicator of redox conditions in mangrove sediments, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien (Lara) Lualhati Lachica Aliño: Soft Bottom ecosystem bentho-pelagic coupling: the interaction of topographic and hydrographic attributes and fisheries potentials, University of the Philippines (Wolff) Schwarz, Roberto: A ictiofauna demersal da plataforma Interna entre a Barra do Ararapira e Matinhos, Paraná, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasilien (Saint-Paul) Diploma Theses Bender, Dorothea: The recovery of scleractinian corals from mechanical disturbance and potential modulating effects of settling algae, laufend in Kooperation mit Uni Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (Bischof), 2008 Biermann, Antje: Einfluss von CO2 auf die Zusammensetzung und Sinkgeschwindigkeit von Aggregaten der Coccolitho phoride Emiliana huxleyi (Bischof), 2008 Duygu Sevilgen: Comparative study of benthic primary production in silicate and carbonate sands of the islands Elba and Pianosa (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) (Bischof), 2008 Feyen, Anja: Räumliche Verteilung der Ichthyofauna zu unterschiedlichen Tidenständen im Mangrovenpriel Furo do Ponte nahe Bragança, Pará, Nordbrasilien (Saint-Paul, Krumme), 2008 Geist, Simon Joscha: Die intertidale Krabbengemeinschaft der Segara Anakan Lagune/Cilacap, Indonesien zur Trockenzeit 2005 (Saint-Paul, Nordhaus), 2007 Henkel, Susann: Biogeochemische Untersuchungen kleiner Gebirgsflüsse in Süd-Kerala, Indien (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn), 2007 Herold, Cornelia: Untersuchungen zum Glutathionhaushalt mariner Makroalgen (Bischof), 2008 Hinrichs, Saskia: Populationsdynamik der Ocypodidae und Grapsidae (Nordhaus), 2006 Krämer, Wiebke: Genfluss der Pilzkoralle Helio- fungia actiniformis und der Riesenmuschel Tridacna crocea in Südostasien (Saint-Paul), 2007 Krück, Niels: Distribution and trophic ecology of larval and juvenile whiting (Pisces: Sillaginidae) on tidal flats within Moreton Bay, Australia (Saint-Paul), 2007 Merckens, Marian-Alexander: Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Standardstoffwechsel von Scorpaeniden am Beispiel von Myoxocephalus scorpius (Saint-Paul, Kunzmann), 2007 Salewski, Tabea: Abbau der Blattstreu von Mangroven und Ernährungsökologie der dominanten Krabbenarten in der Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesien (SaintPaul, Nordhaus), 2007 Schrameyer, Verena: Assessing the fidelity of luminescent banding as a proxy for environmental records using a high-resolution optical device (Saint-Paul), 2007 Staller, Torsten: Klimarekonstruktion anhand von Korallen aus Costa Rica (Ittekkot), 2006 Steckenreuter, André: Reproductive ecology of Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at the Huan Coast of Papua New Guinea (Saint-Paul), 2007 Winkelmann, Claudia: Zeitliche und räumliche Dynamik der Nektongemeinschaft im Mangrovenpriel Furo do Chico in der Mangrove von Bragança, Pará, Nordbrasilien (Saint-Paul, Krumme), 2008 Capacity Building Ongoing Fürsich, Catherine: Stomach content of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) juveniles in their algal phase in the South of Cayo Matias/Cuba (Wolff) Kohlmeier, Dorothea: Physiologische Effekte der Canopy-Entfernung auf die Unterwuchsalgen der Helgoländer Gezeitenzone (Bischof) Maier, Dominique: Biologische Untersuchungen an Planktonorganismen (Bischof) Pohlenga, Insa: Biogeochemische Charakterisierung von Mangrovensedimentkernen aus der Segara Anakan Lagune, Java, Indonesien (Ittekkot, Jennerjahn) Schulz, Isabelle: Possible impact of river fluxes on coral reef growth in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam (Jennerjahn, Ittekkot) Wagner, Andrea: Untersuchungen zur Stressphysiologie der Zooxanthellen aus der Riesenmuschel Tridacna spec. (Bischof) 73 appendix Capacity Building External Diploma and MSc Theses Arndt, Carmen: Beitrag zur Erhöhung von Nährstoffaufnahme und Produktion ungesättigter Fettsäuren in marinen Mikroalgen, Universität Oldenburg (Kunzmann), 2008 Behmann, Faris: Identificaiton of molecular mechanisms underpinning pathogen defence systems of Vibrio coralliilyticus in the onset of coral epizootics (Saint-Paul), 2007 Ernst, Lisa: “Indigenous Vegetables” als Beitrag zur Nahrungssicherung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung: Eine Studie in Südafrika, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Flitner), 2007 Hinrichs, Saskia: Die intertidalen Krabbengemeinschaft der Segara-Anakan-Lagune, Java, Indonesien, in der Regenzeit. Artenzusammensetzung, Biomasse und Zonierung, Universität Rostock (Nordhaus), 2006 Migawski, Tim: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Wachstums- und Sterblichkeitsrate bei juvenilen Hippocampus erectus und Hippocampus cf. reidi., Universität Oldenburg, Terramare, (Kunzmann), 2008 Pham Quynh Huong: Driving forces behing nutrient dynamics in Khe OC – A tidal creek in Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Lara), 2007 Schmidt-Roach, Sebastian: Coral recruitment study using flourescence in Manado, Indonesia, Universität Oldenburg, Terramare (Kunzmann), 2007 Simith, Darlan: Metamorphosis of mangrove crab larvae, Ucides cordatus, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil, (Diele), 2007 Stadtlander, Timo: Population structure and fisheries potential of Labeobarbus aeneus in a South African reservoir, Universität Bremen (Ekau), 2006 Tran Ngoc Diem My: The role of the halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum in the regeneration of degraded mangrove areas in Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, University of Natural Ciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Lara), 2007 Wietz, Matthias: Microbial communities of larval rearing systems and wild phyllosoma of the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus orantus, and options for microbial management in aquaculture (Saint-Paul), 2007 Wilkes, Jerylee: Assessing Sustainability Impacts appendix 74 of European Forest Policies on Forest Land Using Economic and Social Indicators, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Flitner), 2007 Ongoing Buhmann, Anne: Untersuchungen zum Phytoremediationspotential zweier Mangrovenarten, Universität Hannover (Kunzmann) Felder, Christiane: Der gemeindeorientierte und partizipative Ansatz von Caritas International als Beitrag zur Katastrophenprävention in Guatemala, Albert-LudwigsUniversität Freiburg (Flitner) Grass, Stefanie: Respiration und Kalzifizierung in Tridacna maxima und Tridacna squamosa als Funktion von Lichtintensität und Nährstoffangebot, Universität Oldenburg, Terramare (Kunzmann) Martens, Sophie: Traditional ecological knowledge of the fishermen in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, Universität Hamburg (Glaser) Reichel, Christian: Nutzerkonflikte und -kulturen der Segara Anakan Lagune, West Java, Indonesien, Freie Universität Berlin (Glaser) Zacher, Berend: Photosynthese und Respiration in Tridacna maxima und Tridacna squamosa als Funktion von Lichtintensität und Nährstoffangebot, Universität Oldenburg, Terramare (Kunzmann) ISATEC Master Theses Term 2004-2006 Broszeit, Stefanie (Deutschland): Demersal fish assemblages in La Paz Bay, Mexico: a multivariate assessment of shrimp fishery bycatch (Wolff) Bücker, Amelie (Deutschland): Age and growth of skates of the genus Bathyraja in Argentina (Ekau, Saint-Paul) Cordero, Kristina (Philippinen): Chaetognath distribution and feeding preference in the Sulu and South China Seas (Wolff) Dahal, Bhagawan (Nepal): Effects of invasive weeds particularly water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes and human disturbances on community structure of wetland birds in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal (Berger) Hernandez, Jocelyn (Philippinen): The effects of different lighting conditions and nutrient concentrations on the growth, survival and symbionts of juvenile giant clams Tridacna maxima and T. squamosa (Kunzmann, SaintPaul) Krupp, Lucia (Deutschland): Distribution, ecology and state of the seagrass beds in the Gandoca- Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge, Caribbean Costa Rica (Wolff) Lyons, Erika (Irland): Blood chemistry of the black sea turtle, Chelonia mydas agassizii, in Baja California Sur, Mexico (Wolff) Mahmood, Hadia (Pakistan): Distribution, abundance and seasonality of benthos in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia (Jennerjahn, Nordhaus) Nanninga, Gerrit Bernd (Deutschland): Rapid assessment of bioerosion with respect to its possible environmental controls and the influence of anthropogenic nutrient enrichment on the structural integrity of coral reefs in the Andaman Sea, Thailand (Richter, Saint-Paul) Nasir, Bushra (Pakistan): Quantification of nutrient dynamics & DOM in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indoensia (Jennerjahn) Nkeh, Zita (Kamerun): Mangrove Ecosystem types and their related Socio/economic functions in Brazil, Philippines and Mozambique (Glaser, Krause) Nyathore, Robert (Kenia): Determination of optimum stocking ratios in Oreochromis niloticus- Clarias gariepinus polyculture in earthen ponds in Kenya (Saint-Paul) Ostrowitzki, Alexander (Deutschland): Succession on scallop spat collectors: during La Niña- conditions (October 2005 – February 2006) in the Bay of Paracas- Peru (Wolff) Paul Brojo (Bangladesh): Household livelihoods analysis of char dwellers using the capital asset framework: the case of NRSP area, Jamalpur, Bangladesh (Krause, Glaser) Sawall, Yvonne (Deutschland): Potential of coral communities to recover after the Tsunami 2004 in the Andaman Sea, Thailand (Richter, Wolff) Schuhbauer, Anna Christina (Deutschland): Fishery and population dynamics of the punctuated snake eel Opichthus remiger (Opichthidae), North Peru (Wolff, Krumme) Syakir, Mohammad (Indonesien): Socio- economic importance of marine ornamental fishery at Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi- Indonesia (Krain) Tesfaye, Gashaw (Äthiopien): Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. in three Rift Valley lakes (Koka, Ziway and Langano), Ethiopia (Wolff, Ekau) Ukpong, Jeremiah (Nigeria): Dynamics, characterization and quantification of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and other nutrients in River Weser, its tributaries and estuary (Rixen, Ittekkot) Capacity Building Term 2005-2007 Abdullah, Abu Nasar (Bangladesh): Policy conflicts and governance in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest Management, Bangladesh (Glaser) Angel Forero, Ivan Fernando (Kolumbien): Contributions to feed management in the aquaculture of tropical sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) (Kunzmann, Saint-Paul) Castillo Cajas, Ruth Fiorela (Peru): Molecular phylogeny of planktonic ostracods (Wolff) Eyayu Muche, Muluken (Äthiopien): Biogeochemistry of dissolved and suspended matter in the Kallada River, Kerala, India (Jennerjahn, Ittekkot) Fedder, Bevis (Deutschland): Assessment of global marine biodiversity indicators for the Global Environment Facility Resource Allocation Framework (GEF RAF) (Kunzmann) Gakuo, Adams Murithi (Kenia): Assessment of the trend in sea turtle nesting and hatching success rates in Mombasa and Watamu, Kenya (Berger) Gomani, McDonald Chikondi (Malawi): Biogeochemical dynamics of mid sized tropical Linthipe River, Southern Lake Malawi Basin (Jennerjahn) Hanna, Robin Thomas (England): Spatial and temporal patterns of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the tropical fjord Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica (Wolff) Link, Anne-Katrin (Deutschland): Spatio-temporal patterns of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) abundance along environmental gradients at Mahe, Seychelles (Berger) Mahonga, Joseph Wala (Kenia): Stakeholder Participation in Coastal Resource Management - the case of sea turtle conservation at selected places on the Kenyan Coast (Krain) Ngupula, Godfrey (Tansania): The current status of the Nile Shrimp (Caridina nilotica) after signs of Holochromines resurgence, 75 appendix Capacity Building Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters (Saint-Paul, Wolff) Rengstorf, Anna (Deutschland): Comparative Growth and Mortality of cultured Lion’s Paw scallops (Nodipecten subnodosus) from Gulf and Pacific populations and their reciprocal transplants in B.C.S., Mexico (Wolff) Simathamby, Sumathy (Sri Lanka): Biogeochemical studies of the small mountainous river Pamba of South Kerala, India (Jennerjahn, Ittekkot) Spaet, Julia (Deutschland): Learned hook avoidance of lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris (Poey 1868) on electroreception and shock treatment (Saint-Paul, Ekau) Vadas, Flora (Ungarn). Modelling climateforced dynamics of the Peruvian scallop fishery (Wolff, Berger) Wollheim, Laura (Deutschland): The spatial and temporal strandings of marine mammals in B.C.S., Mexico (Wolff) Term 2006-2008 Bandara, Udaya (Sri Lanka): Benthic Macrofauna in Malala lagoon located at Bundala National Park, Sri Lanka: abundance, biomass, diversity and their spatial variation in relation to environmental parameters (Nordhaus) Bon, Mélanie (France): Influence of solibores in the response of Porites lutea to thermal stress, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand (Richter) Castellanos Galindo,Gustavo, Adolfo (Colombia): Tides and seascape configuration: determinants of reef fish intertidal migration in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, Colombia (Krumme) Dartsch, Yvonne (Germany): Cetacean abundance and distribution related to the physical environment around Denis Island, Seychelles (Ekau) Deepananda, Ashoka (Sri Lanka): Communitylevel analysis of anthropogenic impacts on rocky shore communities in Sri Lanka (Bischof) Fadli, Nur (Indonesia): Use of modified coral rubble as medium for coral transplantation (Kunzmann, Saint-Paul) appendix 76 Fillinger, Laura (France): Supply of zooplankton by internal waves on the Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand (Richter) Garus-Oas, Caroline (Namibia): Developing a Framework for EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Guidelines for Aquaculture in Namibia (Bischof) Gurung, Ritu (Nepal): Resource Use and Dependency on Wetlands - A Study on the Fishing Community “Jalari” of Lake Phewa, Nepal (Glaser) Kodithuwakku, Mangala (Sri Lanka): Comparison of ecological values and services of the Maduganga Estuary and Koggala Lagoon (Sri Lanka) before and after the Indian Ocean Tsunami event for the purpose of possible restoration activities (Wolff) Macusi, Edison Roi Duga (Philippines): Variability and community organization in moderately exposed tropical rocky shore algal communities as influenced by different consumer groups (Bischof) Mozumder, Mohammad Mojibul Hoque (Bangladesh): Social-ecological dynamics of the artisanal fisheries in Sundarban Mangrove forest. A case study from Bangladesh (Glaser, Schwerdtner) Rahman, MD. Mizanur (Bangladesh): Socioeconomic and environmental dynamics of shrimp culture in Satkhira district of Bangladesh (Flitner, Krause) Schmidt-Roach, Alicia (Trinidad-Tobago): Gray whales, Boat noise and Tourism in Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico (Bischof) Sebhatu, Ghebremedhin (Eritrea): Spatial and downcore distribution of amino acids and hexosamines in mangrove sediment of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia (Jennerjahn, Unger) Seidel, Henrike (Germany): Evaluating the role of science in community based adaptive management of coastal resources in Fiji (Wolff) Wekesa, Peter Nyongesa (Kenya): Characterisation of Ecological and Socio-economic Status of Artisanal Marine Ornamental Fisheries from Selected Sites in Kenya (Saint-Paul, Schwerdtner) Press Review Wie man einen Clownfisch züchtet – Die Bewohner tropischer Riffe sind in deutschen Aquarien begehrt. Bremer Forscher wollen die Tiere züchten, um die Wildbestände zu schonen. Berliner Zeitung, 14.01.2006 Thailand: Neuer Anfang, neue Konzepte. Akzente 1, 2006 Äußerst schmackhaft: die Bremer Garnele. Bremer Uni-Schlüssel Nr. 87, Februar 2006 Die Farbe Grün und das Meer – Von grünen Inseln und Mangrovenwäldern., 07.02.2006 Zwischen Land und Meer – Vortrag im Leopoldinum. Lippische Landeszeitung, 15.02.2006 Diese Garnelen kommen aus der Bremer Uni / Bild Bremen, 16.03.2006 Zyklon „Larry“ - Schwere Schäden am Great Barrier Reef befürchtet. Spiegel Online, 20.03.2006 Rettender Tsunami – Die Mangrovenwälder der Tropen werden bislang rücksichtslos abgeholzt. Bild der Wissenschaft, Mai 2006 Clownfisch „Nemo“ immer seltener. Rheini sche Post, 06.05.2006 Bremen: Wissenschaftsrat lobt Tropenökologie. Die Welt, 20.05.2006 Lob für Tropenökologie. TAZ, 20./21.05.2006 Marine Tropenökologie. Hamburger Abend blatt, 22.05.2006 Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie an der Universität Bremen stärken. www.vdbiol. de, 22.05.2006 Der ökologisch korrekte Shrimp. Die Zeit, 22.06.2006 Erfolg für Bremer Meeresforscher. Weser Kurier, 26.05.2006 Ein Roß zum Verlieben – Nicht nur ihr Aus sehen macht Seepferdchen zum Sonderfall in der Natur. HörZu Nr. 27, 30.06.2006 Mangroven produzieren gewaltige Mengen an Blättern – Untersuchungen in Brasilien liefern wichtige Einblicke in den Kohlen stoffkreislauf. Weser Kurier, 30.06.2006 ZMT bald in Leibniz-Gemeinschaft? Bremer Uni-Schlüssel Nr. 90, Juli 2006 Mangroven als Kohlenstoffpumpe. morgenwelt. de, 03.07.2006 Helfer gegen den Treibhauseffekt – Mangroven setzen jährlich 26 Millionen Tonnen Kohlenstoff um. Die Neue Epoche, 04.07.2006 Mangroven senden Kohlenstoff zum Meeresboden – Überraschende Ergebnisse zum Kohlenstoffkreislauf., 06.07.2006 Seepferdchen aus der Weserstadt – Im Technologiepark leben maritime Zierorganismen / Forschung mit Partnern aus den Tropen. Weser Report, 20.08.2006 Hilfe für einzigartige Lebensräume – Das Bremer Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie möchte zum Erhalt der natürlichen Vielfalt beitragen. Weser Kurier, 08.09.2006 Heute zu Gast: Reinhold Leinfelder, Weser Kurier, 20.09.2006 Verhaltener Optimismus – Heute findet in Bremen die größte Korallenrifftagung statt, die es je in Europa gab, TAZ Bremen, 21.09.2006 Wunderwelt in Gefahr: Korallenriffe – Zum Welttag des Meeres am 22. September,, 22.09.2006 Höchste Alarmstufe für Korallenriffe, Berliner Zeitung, 23./24.09.2006 Gefahr für Korallenriffe – Trotz Fangverboten leiden die Unterwassergärten unter Überfischung. Auch die globale Erwärmung setzt ihnen zu, Berliner Zeitung, 23./24.09.2006 Untergang unter Wasser – Überfischung, Abwasser, Touristen – die Zerstörung der weltweiten Korallenriffe kennt kaum mehr Grenzen, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26.09.2006 Gefährdete Korallenriffe – Der Tsunami, der 2004 die Küstenregionen Asiens verwüstete, hat auch die Korallenriffe schwer beschädigt, Rheinische Post, 27.09.2006 Die tropischen Korallenriffe werden immer schneller zerstört – Überfischung, Abwäs ser und die Klimakatastrophe sind Schuld, Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, 28.09.2006 Korallen beweisen Widerstandsfähigkeit – Internationale Konferenz in Bremen befasste sich auch mit den Folgen des Klimawandels für die tropischen Riffe, Weser Kurier, 29.09.2006 Meeresspezialisten in Bremen – Monegas sische Forschungsgruppe nimmt am „Korallenkongress“ teil – Monaco Zeitung, 02.10.2006 Streit um die Akademie, Der Tagesspiegel, 24.10.2006 Forscher prophezeien dramatischen Korallentod, Spiegel Online, 25.10.2006 Ausschüttung, Junge Welt, 26.10.2006 Neue Leibniz-Institute, TAZ Nord, 28.10.2006 Wenn Seepferdchen „neugierig“ werden, Wirtschaft Elbe/Weser, Heft 11, November 2006 Public Relations 77 appendix Public Relations Was bedroht die Riffe? – Auf der europäischen Korallenrifftagung in Bremen trafen sich Meeresbiologen aus aller Welt, Tauchen, November 2006 Sonnensegel für Korallen, Spiegel Online, 02.11.2006 Meeresforschung ausgezeichnet – Bremer Graduiertenschule für Meereswissenschaften erhält Förderzuschlag der Exzellenzinitiative, Geoscience Online, 08.11.2006 Die Faszination des Meeres – Lesebuch bietet mehr als trockene Forschungsberichte, Weser Kurier, 17.11.2006 How science and policy making can be brought together, The Jakarta Post, 28.11.2006 Schlammvulkan läuft „Amok“ – Kampf gegen Schlammflut bisher wenig erfolgreich, Geoscience Online, 28.11.2006 Der Anemonenfisch im Korallenriff – ein Bild, das es so bald immer seltener gibt?, Bremer Uni-Schlüssel 92, Dezember 2006 Heiße Schlammflut aus dem Erdinnern – In Indonesien sind bereits ganze Dörfer versunken, Weser Kurier, 01.12.2006 Vulkanschlamm könnte neue Mangroven schaffen, EUWID Recycling und Entsorgung Nr. 49, 05.12.2006 Verlorene Schlammschlacht – Forscher aus Geesthacht und Bremen wollen helfen, das Desaster in den Griff zu bekommen – Hamburger Abendblatt, 27.12.2006 Korallen in Gefahr, Mare 59, Dezember 2006/ Januar 2007 Wissenschaftscampus als Wiege für Exzellenzcluster, Leibniz-Nachrichten 29, Januar 2007 Fische erschnüffeln Weg nach Hause, Spiegel Online, 10.01.2007 Spenden für Tsunami-Opfer – Bremer Tropenökologe übergab dringend benötigte Gegenstände, Weser Kurier, 16.01.2007 Discovery, Modelling, Mediation, Deliberation: PASARELAS, European Parliament Magazine, März 2007 Die steinernen Gärten – Eine einzigartige Symbiose aus kleinen Polypen und Mikroalgen lässt in tropischen Meeren bizarre und farbenprächtige Bauten entstehen, Geo Kompakt Nr. 10, März 2007 IFÖ und Institut für Seefischerei kommen nach Bremerhaven, Umweltruf, Online-Magazin des Europatickers, 07.03.2007 appendix 78 Meeresforscher stellen ihre Arbeit vor, Weser Kurier, 30.03.2007 Experte: Küstenschutz genauso wichtig wie Thema Klimawandel, Lübecker Nachrichten, 03.04.2007 Ostsee leidet an Folgen der Überdüngung, Die Welt, 04.04.2007 Einsatz für Küstenregionen – Experte: Küstenschutz genauso wichtig wie Thema Klimawandel, Maritime Trade Press, 04.04.2007 Experten: Schutz von Küsten wichtig, Weser Kurier, 04.04.2007 Küstenschutz so wichtig wie Klimaschutz, Umweltexperten beraten in Delmenhorst über Maßnahmen gegen Verschmutzung der Meere, Nordwest Zeitung, 04.04.2007 Blick auf das Meeressystem aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen – Internationale Konferenz am Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorster Kreisblatt, 09.04.2007 Zum Studium nach China, Weser Kurier, 13.04.2007 Höhepunkte der Meeresforschung – Ausstellung im Haus der Wissenschaft veranschaulicht die vielfältige Arbeit Bremer Forschungseinrichtungen, Weser Kurier, 27.04.2007 Wussten Sie schon,…, www.metropolregion., Mai 2007 Vortrag über Herkunft und Fang von Fischen, Bremer Tageszeitungen, Stadtteil-Kurier, 03.05.2007 Fischers Fritze fischt nicht mehr nur in Nordund Ostsee – Ulrich Saint-Paul berichtete über Aquakulturen bei „Wissen um 11“, Bremer Tageszeitungen, Stadtteil-Kurier, 18.05.2007 Spezialisten mit Blick fürs Ganze – In der neuen Graduiertenschule für Meeres wissenschaften lernen Doktoranden, fächerübergreifend zu denken, Weser Kurier, 11.05.2007 Interdisziplinäre Meeresforschung in Bremen, NADI, Zeitschrift des DAAD, 11.06.2007 Wie ein Archiv der Erdgeschichte – Graduiertenschüler erzählt von seiner Arbeit, Weser Kurier, 29.06.2007 Zwei Wochen Deutsch-Chinesische SommerSchule, Norddeutsche Rundschau, 28.07.2007 Wissenschaftlicher Besuch aus China – Deutsch-Chinesische Sommerschule in Meereswissenschaften zu Gast im FTZ, Dithmarscher Landeszeitung, 31.07.2007. Globales Riffsterben - Korallen in 40 Jahren um die Hälfte dezimiert, Spiegel Online, 08.08.2007 Zwei Lichtquellen, ein Leuchtturm, Berliner Zeitung, 16.08.2007 Korallen-Sterben - Paradies in Lebensgefahr, Münchner Merkur, 21.08.2007 Information mit Kunst kombiniert – Kulturbüro lockt mit Aktionstag aufs NordwolleGelände / Nordwest-Zeitung, 24.09.2007 The 2007 TOWNS awardees / The Manila Times, 18.10.2007 Unterwasser-Paradies in Gefahr – Korallenriffe wie das Shark-Reef im Roten Meer sind Naturwunder, aber ihre Schönheit ist bedroht / Bild am Sonntag, 04.11.2007 Lange Warteliste / Der Tagesspiegel, 07.11.2007 Geldregen für das Museum für Naturkunde / Berliner Morgenpost, 20.11.2007 Mehr Geld für die Dinos / Der Tagesspiegel, 20.11.2007 Förderung für Bremer Zentrum / Weser Kurier, 20.11.2007 Fischbestände sind am Ende / Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia, 20.11.2007 2009 fünf neue Institute in Leibniz-Gemeinschaft / FAZ Sonntagszeitung, 20.11.2007 Das Ökosystem Korallenriff / Weser Kurier, 22.11.2007 Wissenswertes über Korallenriffe / Weser Kurier, 22.11.2007 Geldsegen für Tropenökologen – Bremer Zentrum wird zum Leibniz-Institut / Weser Kurier, 23.11.2007 Exzellenzinitiative / Bremer Uni-Schlüssel, Dezember 2007 ZMT wird Leibniz-Institut / Bremer UniSchlüssel, Dezember 2007 Wie viel Kohlenstoff speichert das Meer? – Frage erhält durch Klimawandel besondere Brisanz / Weser Kurier, 14.12.2007 Meeresforscher gründen Verbund / Weser Kurier, 20.12.2007 Fünf neue Leibniz-Einrichtungen / LeibnizJournal, 4/2007 Neues Leibniz-Institut für Bremen / BIOforum 1/2008 Krankheiten bei Seepferdchen / Der Meerwasser Aquarianer, 2/2008 Abgetaucht / Tauchen, 15.01.2008 Hilfe aus Deutschland ermöglicht Schub für Wüstenforschung / Allgemeine Zeitung Windhoek, Namibia, 19.02.2008 Abgetaucht – Die Sonderausstellung zum Internationalen Jahr des Riffes / DiveInside, Online-Magazin, 21.02.2008 Forschungsbojen für Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem / Antenne West, Internet Tageszeitung für den Südwesten, 26.02.2008 Schatzkammern des Lebens – Korallenriffe weisen neben Regenwäldern größte Artenvielfalt auf / Bremer Forscher erläutern Bedrohungen / Weser Kurier, 29.02.2008 2008 ist das Internationale Jahr des Riffes /, 01.03.2008 Internationales Jahr des Riffs: Vortragsreihe startet / Tauchen, 06.03.2008 Der leere Ozean – Vor Namibia zeigt sich, wie das Meer leidet, wenn Klimawandel und Fischtrawler wüten / Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22.03.2008 Auf der Suche nach Antworten – Forschungs schiff Maria S. Merian legt nach 10-tägiger Reise in Walvis Bay an / Allgemeine Zeitung Windhoek, Namibia, 27.03.2008 Dr. Claudio Richter: „Wracks sind empfindlich!“ / Tauchen, April 2008 Meeresbiologie: Zahlreiche Einsatzfelder – Mäßige Berufsaussichten / Abi, April 2008 Hinter der Mangrove vor dem nächsten Sturm – Selbst intakte Küstenwälder bieten wenig Schutz vor tropischen Wirbelstürmen oder Tsunamis / FAZ, 11.05.2008 Claudio Richter spricht über tropische Riffe / Weser Kurier, 15.05.2008 Chinas Meere bedroht / mare 68, Juni/Juli 2008 Marikultur an Namibias Küste /, 17.06.2008 Fischzucht unter erschwerten Bedingungen – Bremer Tropenökologen wollen Namibia dabei helfen, mit Umweltproblemen fertig zu werden / Weser Kurier, 20.06.2008 Tequila für die Superschmecker – Überraschende Einsichten in die Biodiversität beim Parlamentarischen Abend der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft / Leibniz Journal, 2/2008 UNAM Gets German Help for Marine Research / New Era, Namibia, 01.07.2008 Krankenpflege für Korallen / Neue Züricher Zeitung, 13.07.2008 Uni Bremen ist Partner bei Küstenforschung – Das ZMT in Bremen und die Universität von Namibia planen jetzt eine Kooperation in Forschungsprojekten zu Marikultur und Küstenschutz / Allgemeine Zeitung Windhoek, Namibia, 17.07.2008 Meeresforscherin / Greenpeace Magazin, 4/2008 Public Relations 79 appendix Public Relations Von den Ozeanen zu Olympia / Eckernförder Zeitung, 14.08.2008 Schiffswrack gefährdet entlegenes Korallenriff – Eisenteilchen verändern Umwelt, Invasoren profitieren / pressetext Nachrichtenagentur, Österreich, 20.08.2008 Invasoren am Riff: Scheibenanemonen verdrängen Korallen / Der Standard, Österreich, 20.08.2008 Baustelle Korallenriff – Bremer Ökologen helfen, zerstörte Atolle vor den Küsten Indonesiens wiederzubeleben / Süddeutsche Zeitung, 20.08.2008 Giant clams fed first modern humans moving out of Africa / Zimbabwe Star, 29.08.2008 Bilderausstellung widmet sich tropischen Korallenriffen / Weser Kurier, 29.08.2008 Forscher entdecken unbekannte Riesenmuschel / dpa, 01.09.2008 Bremer entdecken Riesenmuschel im Roten Meer / Hamburger Abendblatt, 02.09.2008 Neuer Riese aufgetaucht – Bislang unbe schriebene Spezies gilt als erstes Beispiel für Überfischung / Natur + Kosmos, 02.09.2008 Forscher entdecken neue Muschel / NordseeZeitung, 02.09.2008 New Giant Clam Species offers Window Into Human Past /, 02.09.2008 Bremer Meeresbiologen entdecken neue Riesenmuschelart /, 02.09.2008 Neue Riesenmuschel enthüllt urzeitliche Überfischung /, 02.09.2008 Meerversteher macht dicken Fang / taz nord, 03.09.2008 Riesenmuschel im Roten Meer entdeckt – Tridacna costata bringt es auf eine Länge von bis zu 40 Zentimetern / Weser Kurier, 06.09.2008 Neu entdeckte Mördermuschel-Art ist vom Aussterben bedroht / tauchen, 14.09.2008 Riesenmuschel im Roten Meer entdeckt / Factum Magazin (Schweiz ) 7/2008 Atemberaubende Bilder aus den Korallenriffen / Bremer Uni-Schlüssel 10/2008 Neu entdeckt: Die Riesenmuschel Tridacna costata / Bremer Uni-Schlüssel 10/2008 BMBF beteiligt sich an Ausstellungsserie / Aktuell Asia (Wirtschaftsmagazin), 10.11.2008 Students urged to be responsible / The National, Papua New Guinea, 25.11.2008 History in the making with first graduates / The National, Papua New Guinea, 25.11.2008 appendix 80 Radio / TV Review 05.02.2006 – Nordwest-Radio (Radio Bremen): Mare Radio, 11.00 Uhr (Interview Uwe Krumme zu Mangroven und Seegraswiesen), Wh. am 6.1.06 um 20 Uhr 21.05.2006 – Buten un Binnen (Radio Bremen, TV): Nachrichten (Wissenschaftsrat lobt Bremer Tropenökologie) 10.08.2006 – Deutschlandradio: Forschung aktuell, 16.35 Uhr, „Meeresfrucht ohne Meer. Bremer Biogarnele kann überall gezüchtet werden“ (Bericht über das Projekt „TRIOPS“) 13.08.2006 – ORF TV (Österreichischer Rundfunk): Newton – Neues aus der Welt der Wissenschaft, 19.00 Uhr, „Leckerbissen aus dem Hightechlabor“ (Bericht über das Projekt TRIOPS mit Interview A. Kunz mann), Wh. am 17.8.06 um 12.25 Uhr 19.09.2006 – Radio Bremen: Nachrichten, „Korallenforscher tagen in Bremen“ (Hinweis auf die Korallenrifftagung) 20.09.2006 – Nordwestradio (Radio Bremen): Nordwestradio Journal, 17.05 Uhr (Interview C. Richter zur Korallenrifftagung) 22.09.2006 – Funkhaus Europa (Radio Bremen): Verso, 16.05 Uhr, „Wunderwelt in Gefahr“ (Interview C. Richter zur Korallenrifftagung anlässlich des Welttages des Meeres) 22.09.2006 - Bremen Eins (Radio Bremen): Das Mittagsgespräch, 13.40 Uhr (Live-Interview C. Richter zur Korallenrifftagung) 22.09.2006 – Deutsche Welle TV: Nachrichten, „Natürliche Garnelen in künstlichen Becken“ (Bericht über das ZMT- Aquakulturprojekt) 27.10.2006 – Deutschlandradio: Kulturnachrichten, „Leibniz-Gemeinschaft nimmt vier neue Mitglieder auf“ 30.11.2006 – RTL Regional: Wissen X-akt, 18.00 Uhr (Interview C. Richter und A. Kunzmann über Forschung an Korallenriffen im ZMT) 10.01.2007 – Wilantis, Wissensradio: Umwelt und Tiere, „Fische riechen ihre Heimat“ (Zitate von C. Richter) 26.01.2007 – NDR Info: Logo, das Wissenschaftsmagazin, 21.05 – 22.05 Uhr (Interview mit W. Ekau zum Thunfischgipfel in Japan) – Wh. am 28.1., 15.05 – 16.05 Uhr 16.02.2007 – BR Fernsehen: Unser Land,19.00 Uhr, „Biogarnelen aus dem Aquarium“ (Bericht über das TRIOPS-Projekt), Wh. am 17.2. im BR um 11.05 Uhr, im BR-Alpha um 16.30 Uhr 03.04.2007 – Pro Sieben: Wunderwelt Wissen, 19.00 Uhr (Bericht über SCOPE-Tagung in Delmenhorst mit Interview V. Ittekkot) 03.04.2007 – Hit-Radio Antenne: Nachrichten (Bericht über SCOPE-Tagung in Delmenhorst mit Interview V. Ittekkot) 04.04.2007 – RTL und Vox: Nachrichten, (Bericht über den Schlammvulkan auf Java mit Interview T. Jennerjahn) 24.05.2007 – ARTE, 19.00 Uhr, „Mangroven – Bedrohte Küstenwälder in Brasilien“ (Bericht über das MADAM-Projekt), Wh. am 31.5. um 16.50 Uhr 01.06.2007 – Bremen 1: Der Vormittag, Nachrichten, 11.20 Uhr (Interview mit U. SaintPaul über das Thema Aquakulturen) 03.11.2007 – Saarländischer Rundfunk SR 2 KulturRadio, 9.05 – 10 Uhr, „Nachhaltige Fischwirtschaft“ (Interview mit U. SaintPaul) 19.11.2007 – Radio Bremen: Nachrichten, 18 Uhr (Information über die Aufnahme des ZMT in die BLK-Finanzierung in 2009) 19.11.2007 – Radio Bremen TV: Buten un Binnen, 18 Uhr (Information über die Aufnahme des ZMT in die BLK-Finanzierung in 2009) 27.11.2007 – Deutschlandradio: Weltzeit, „Überfischung vor den Philippinen“ (Interview mit U. Saint-Paul) 08.12.2007 – Hessischer Rundfunk hr2 – Kultur: Weltzeit, 12.05 Uhr, „Kein Fisch – nirgends. Kleinfischer auf den Philippinen kämpfen ums Überleben“ (Interview mit U. Saint-Paul) 29.01.2008 - Südwestrundfunk SWR2 Wissen, 8.30 Uhr, „Hoffnung für die Fischer – Küstenschutz auf den Philippinen“ (Interview mit U. Saint-Paul) 18.03.2008 – Nordwesradio: Journal, zw. 8.00 und 9.00 Uhr (Informationen zum internationalen Jahr des Riffs und KorallenriffForschungsprojekte des ZMT, Interviews mit A. Kunzmann und S. Ferse) 27.04.2008 – Radiobremen – Bremen Vier: Zebra 4, 10 Uhr (Interview mit M. Kochzius zum Jahr des Riffs und seiner Arbeit am ZMT) 07.05.2008 – WDR 5: Leonardo, 16.05 Uhr, „Keine Mangroven – kein Schutzwall gegen die Flut“ (Interview mit U. Saint-Paul über Mangroven als Küstenschutz anlässlich der Flutkatastrophe in Birma) 05.06.2008 – RTL regional: Wissen X-Akt, 18 Uhr (Bericht über Korallenriffe und ihre Bedrohungen mit Interviews mit A. Kunzmann und L. Knittweis) 15.06.2008 – France 3: Thalassa, Le Magazine de la Mer, 18.40 Uhr, „Indonésie: La grandmère des Bunaken“ (Interview mit S. Ferse über seine Forschung zur Riffrekonstruktion), Wh. 17.6. TV5 Monde 21 Uhr 04.09.2008 – Hit Radio Antenne: Morgenprogramm (Interview mit S. Ferse zur Ausstellung zum Jahr des Riffs im Haus der Wissenschaft) 04.09.2008 – Radiobremen: Nordwestradio Journal (Interview mit S. Ferse zur Ausstellung zum Jahr des Riffs im Haus der Wissenschaft) 04.09.2008 – Radiobremen TV: Buten un Binnen, 19.30, „Folgen der Dynamitfischerei“ (Interviews mit S. Ferse und Y. Sawall über ihre Arbeit im SPICE-Projekt) 23.11.2008 – Deutsche Welle TV: Brilliant Minds, 21.30, „Mirta Teichberg, USA“ (Portrait der Jungwissenschaftlerin und ihrer Arbeit am ZMT), merhfache Wh. an verschiedenen Tagen auf dt. und engl. Public Relations Press Releases / Web News Items Einblicke in die Meeresforschung, 23.02.2006 Nachhaltige Nutzung der Peruanischen Pilgermuschel, 17.03.2006 Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie zur Aufnahme in Leibniz-Gemeinschaft empfohlen, 23.05.2006 Mangroven und der Kohlenstoffkreislauf, 29.06.2006 Internationaler Workshop bringt Experten des Küstenzonenmanagements zusammen, 31.08.2006 Pressekonferenz anlässlich der 6. Europäischen Korallenrifftagung in Bremen, 07.09.2006 Ein Ökosystem im Umbruch – Die Riffe der Jurazeit, 12.09.2006 Folgen einer Schlammflut, 27.11.2006 Fachbuch zum Siliziumkreislauf erschienen / The Silicon Cycle: a new reference book from the SCOPE Series, 05.01.2007 Brücken schlagen zwischen Forschung und Anwendung / Building a bridge between science and its application, 15.01.2007 Highlights der Meeresforschung, 27.04.2007 81 appendix Public Relations Ein neues Leibniz-Institut für Bremen, 19.11.2007 Zum Jugendparlament nach Malta, 26.11.2007 Besuch aus Qingdao am ZMT, 27.01.2008 2008 ist das Internationale Jahr des Korallenriffes, 28.2.2008 Forschung trifft Politik: Parlamentarischer Abend zum Thema Biodiversität, 08.05.2008 Küstenforschung in Namibia, 16.6.2008 Die Regenwälder der Meere – Ausstellung zum Jahr des Riffes im Haus der Wissenschaft, 18.08.2008 Meeresforscher aus dem Land Bremen entdecken neue Riesenmuschel, 01.09.2008 Deutschland und China – gemeinsam in Bewegung, 20.11.2008 Information Material Three-Year-Report (2003 – 2005), 2006 Benthos Ecology of Mangrove Forests (Flyer, Series “Special Courses”), 2006 LANCET - Land-Sea Interactions along Coastal Ecosystems of Tropical China: Hainan (Flyer, Series “Projects”), 2008 Korallenriffe – Einblicke in eine verborgene Welt (Flyer presenting a lecture series on the occasion of the International Year of the Reef), 2008 Public Awareness Events Lecture „Mangroven: Lebenskünstler zwischen Land und Meer“, U. Krumme, Gymnasium Leopoldinum Detmold, 09.02.2006 Presentation of the ZMT for students of the Ökumenisches Gymnasium (12th grade), Bremen, 23.02.2006 Workshop for high school students „Marine Lebensräume“ at the ZMT, Kippenberggymnasium (11th grade), Bremen, 26.04.2006 Lecture “Wissenschaftlerin – ein toller Beruf!?“, G. Krause, Univ. Bremen, GW1 (in the frame of the Girl´s Day), 27.04.2006 Lecture „Mangroven zwischen Schutz und Nutzung“, U. Saint-Paul, Lateinamerikainstitut, Wien, 24.05.2006 Lecture „Ein Ökosystem im Umbruch – Die Riffe der Jurazeit“, Prof. Reinhold Leinappendix 82 felder, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (invited speaker of the ZMT on the occasion of the 6th European Coral Reef Conference), Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 20.09.2006 Press conference on the occasion of the 6th European Coral Reef Conference, ZMT, 21.09.2006 Lecture „Aquakultursysteme der Welt“, U. Saint-Paul, Jahreshauptversammlung der Zierfischfreunde Cap-Lopez e.V., Celle, 01.03.2007 Lecture “Coral reefs, oases in a desert ocean – on marine science and international cooperation”, C. Richter, International School, Bremen, 19.04.2007 Girls´ Day at the ZMT, program about the biology of tropical marine animals, 26.4.2007 Posterpresentation „Coastal Zone Management – The balance between protection and use“ on the occasion of the Green book-Conference, Messezentrum Bremen, 02.-04.05.2007 Participation (Algae reactor) in the exhibition „Highlights der Meeresforschung“, Haus der Wissenschaft, 02.-04.05.2007 Lecture „Freitags gibt’s Fisch – Woher kommen die Meeresbewohner auf unseren Speisekarten und welche Probleme verursacht ihr Fang? U.Saint-Paul, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 05.05.2007 Guided tour through the aquaculture facilities for primary school pupils, St. Marienschule, Bremen, 31.05.2007 Poster in the „Climate Lounge“ on the occasion of the international concert series „Live Earth“, Hamburg, 07.07.2007 Lecture „Wiederaufbau im Riff: Kabel, Keramik und Kugelkonstruktion – Schäden in einem der ältesten Ökosysteme der Erde und der Mensch versucht, sie zu reparieren“, S. Ferse, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 24.11.2007 Lecture „Mangroven - Wälder Zwischen Land und Meer“, U. Saint-Paul, on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition at the Natureum Niederelbe, Otterndorf, 23.02.2008 Photo exhibition „Korallenriffe – Einblicke in eine verborgene Welt“, C. Richter, on the occasion of the International Year of the Reef at the ZMT, starting 23.02.2008 Lecture „Nemo & Co. – Woher kommen Aquarienbewohner und welche Probleme verursacht ihr Fang?“, L. Knittweis, lecture series on the occasion of the International Year of the Reef, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 19.04.2008 Guided tour of the ZMT for high school students (8th grade), Schulzentrum Rockwinkel, Bremen, 25.04.2008 Participation in the exhibition „Biodiversitätdie Vielfalt des Lebens erforschen, erhalten und nutzen“ in the frame of the Parliamentary Evening“ of the Leibniz-Association, Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, 06.05.2008 Lecture „Tropische Riffe – Oasen des Lebens“, von C. Richter, lecture series on the occasion of the International Year of the Reef, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 17.05.2008 Participation in the presentation of the German Marine Research Consortium during the exhibition „Plaza der Vielfalt“ on the occasion of the Conference on Biological Diversity of the UN (COP9), Bonn, 27.– 30.05. 2008 Presentation of two posters about the research in upwelling systems and in coral reefs on the „Open doors day“ of the research vessel Maria S. Merian, 19.–20.07.2008 Exhibition “Die Regenwälder der Meere” with photos and exhibits on the occasion of the International Year of the Reef (a cooperation project of the ZMT and the UFT at Bremen University), Haus der Wissenschaft, 04.09.2008 – 12.11.2008 Presentation of the results of the MADAMproject, Fiema Brasil 2008, Bento Goncalves, Brasilien, 29.10.-01.11.2008 Participation in the exhibition „Germany and China – moving ahead together“ with short lectures, posters and exhibits related to cooperation projects with China, Guangzhou, VR China, 07.-14.11.2008 Lecture „Sporttauchen und Umweltschutz“, C. Roder, Bootsmesse Berlin, 20.11.2008 Guided Tour of the Laboratories and the aquaculture facilities for a group of CTA-students, Schulzentrum Utbremen, Bremen, 17.12.2008 Arias-Schreiber, Milena, Social Sciences (until 30.11.2007) Baum, Dr. Antje, Biogeochemistry Baumgart, Anne, Biogeochemistry Berger, Dr. Uta, Ecological Modelling (until 31.03.2007) Bergmann, Kai, EDP Administration (until 31.12.2006) Birkicht, Matthias, Laboratory Boehme, Gabriele, Finance, Logistics Borell, Esther, Coral Reef Ecology (until 31.12.2007) Brandt, Christian, Laboratory Bröhl, Stefanie, Laboratory Burba, Jolanta, EDP Administration (until 30.09.2006) Chero, Ricardo, Ecological Modelling (until 30.09.2008) Dasbach, Dorothee, Laboratory Dobat, Kristina, Biology / Ecology Dsikowitzky, Dr. Larissa, Biogeochemistry, Coordination LANCET Project Diele, Dr. Karen, Biology / Ecology Echterhoff, Andreas, Technical Support (until 16.07.2006) Eickhoff, Dr. Susanne, Public Relations Eilemann, Silke, Administration Ekau, Dr. Werner, Director IOI, Biology / Ecology Ferse, Dr. Sebastian, Social Sciences Fontalvo, Martha, Modelling (until 30.09.2007) Fricke, Anna, Marine Botany Funke, Tobias, Technical Support Glaser, Dr. Marion, Social Sciences Grothe, Britta, Biology / Ecology (until 31.08.07) Hackmack, Holger, EDP Support Heiss, Dr. Georg, Coral Reef Ecology (until 30.09.2006) Herbon, Carolin, Biogeochemistry Herrmann, Regine, Biogeochemistry Ittekkot, Prof. Dr. Venugopalan, Director, Biogeochemistry Jänen, Ingo, Biogeochemistry Jantzen, Carin, Coral Reef Ecology Jennerjahn, Dr. Tim, Biogeochemistry Käpnick, Petra, Secretariate, Administration Keyl, Friedemann, Ecological Modelling Kleinertz, Sonja, Biology/Ecology Knittweis, Dr. Leyla, Social Sciences (until 31.08.2008) Krain, Dr. Eberhard, Social Sciences (until 28.02.2007) Public Relations zmt Staff 83 appendix zmt Staff Memberships Krause, Dr. Gesche, Social Sciences Krumme, Dr. Uwe, Biology/Ecology Krupp, Lucia, Biogeochemistry Kunzmann, Dr. Andreas, Biology/Ecology Lara, PD Dr. Rubén José, Biogeochemistry Ludwig, Wolfgang, Technical Support (until 28.02.07) Lukas, Martin, Social Sciences Mark, Dr. Lutz, Head of EDP (until 31.05.2008) Minack, Katrin, Laboratory (until 22.06.2007) Morisse, Ole, Technical Support (until 30.09.2006) Müller, Christa, Secretariate (until 31.08.2007) Nordhaus, Dr. Inga, Biology/Ecology Nuckel, Yvette, EDP (until 31.10.2006) Nugues, Dr. Maggie, Coral Reef Ecology Opitz, Ilona, Administration Oxmann, Julian, Biogeochemistry (until 31.03.2007) Peterke, Dieter, Laboratory Pint, Ulrich, EDP Administration Piou, Cyril, Ecological Modelling (until 31.03.2007) Propp, Claudia, Biogeochemistry Radjawali, Irendra, Social Sciences Reuter, PD Dr. Hauke, Modelling Richter, Dr. Claudio, Biology/Ecology (until 30.04.2008) Rixen, Dr. Tim, Biogeochemistry Roder, Cornelia, Biology/Ecology Rückert, Sonja, Dipl. Biol., Biology/Ecology (until 31.03.2007) Sawall, Yvonne, Biology/Ecology Saint-Paul, Prof. Dr. Ulrich, Deputy Director, Biology/Ecology Schmidt, Gertraud, Biology/Ecology Schmitt, Bettina, Biogeochemistry (until 31.12.2006) Schnack, Dr. Christiane, Library, Reports Schultz, Dr. Claudia, Coordination SPICEProject Schwerdtner, Dr. Kathleen, Social Sciences Selent, Dr. Ursel, Head of Administration Spörl, Getrud, Biogeochemistry Springer, Karin, Biogeochemistry (until 31.12.2007) Staschok, Christina, Laboratory Stefes, Carola, Administration Stürmer, Heike, Administration (until 28.02.07) Taylor, Dr. Marc, CENSOR-Project (until 30.09.2008) Teichberg, Dr. Mirta, Marine Botany Unger, Dr. Daniela, Biogeochemistry Westhaus-Ekau, Dr. Petra, Biology/Ecology Wiebe, Svetlana, Administration Wolff, Matthias, Prof. Dr., Ecological Modelling (until 30.11.2007) Yéyi, Epiphane, Technical Support American Geophysical Union (AGU) (T. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) (T. Jennerjahn) Arbeitskreis Küsten und Meere (G. Krause) Arbeitskreis Theorie (AKT) in der GfÖ (U. Berger) Associação da Revista Brasileira de Biologia (U. Krumme) Association for the Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATB) (U. Saint-Paul, M. Wolff) Association of Southeast Asian Marine Scientists (ASEAMS) (A. Kunzmann) Association of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research (ATSAF), Stuttgart (M. Glaser, E. Krain, U. Saint-Paul) British Ecological Society (BES) (U. Berger) Consultant Group of Experts to the Advisory Group on Disasters of IHP-UNESCO (ROSTLAC) (R. Lara) Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (K. Bischof) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (M. Lukas) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanökologie (DGH) (M. Glaser, G. Krause) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung (DGM) (A. Kunzmann, G. Krause, R. Lara, U. Saint-Paul) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V. (DGA) (M. Lukas) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (U. Saint-Paul) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ) (U. Saint-Paul) Deutsches Forum für Entwicklungsorientierte Forschung (DFOR) (M. Glaser, U. Saint-Paul, W. Wolff) DFG-SCOPE Landesausschuß (V. Ittekkot, Chairman) European Aquaculture Society (EAS) (A. Kunzmann, U. Saint-Paul) Fisheries Society of the British Isles (W. Ekau) appendix 84 Freundeskreis des Seminars für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt Universität Berlin (E. Krain) Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ) (U. Berger, H. Reuter) GfÖ-Arbeitskreis Theorie in der Ökologie (H. Reuter) International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) (M. Glaser) International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL) (U. Saint-Paul) International Humic Substance Society (R. Lara) International Sociological Association (ISA) (M. Glaser) International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) (A. Kunzmann, S. Ferse, C. Richter) International Society of Mangrove Ecology (ISME) (T. Jennerjahn, U. Saint-Paul) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposia. (C. Richter, Planning Group Member for 2006 and 2007) Japanese Society of Ichthyology (W. Ekau) Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Scientists (NTAFS-ICLARM), (W. Ekau, M. Wolff) Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology International (PACON) (U. Saint-Paul) SCOR-Working Group 128 “Hypoxia” (W.Ekau, V. Ittekkot) Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botani schen Gesellschaft (K. Bischof) Sektion Umweltsoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (M. Glaser) Societé Française d’Ichthyologie (W. Ekau) Society for Conservation Biology (K. Schwerdtner Máñez Costa) World Aquaculture Society (G. Krause, U. Saint-Paul) World Sturgeon Conservation Society (G. Krause, A. Kunzmann, U. Saint-Paul) Panamerican Journal for Aquatic Science (Permanent Advisory Committee, K. Diele) Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (R. Lara) Wetlands Ecology and Management (R. Lara) Memberships Representations in Committees BMBF-Review Panel on “Integrated Management of German Coasts” (V. Ittekkot) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung (DGM) (W. Ekau, 2nd Chairman since 2003) Deutsche Sektion der Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (W. Ekau, T. Jennerjahn, A. Kunzmann) German Delegation to UNESCO-IOC (Capacity Building) (V. Ittekkot) ICES-Working Group on Marine Shellfish Cultivation (WGMASC) (G. Krause) ICSU (International Council for Science) SCOR (Scientific Committee on Ocean Research) Capacity Building (V. Ittekkot, Chair) ICSU-SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment) Germany (V. Ittekkot, Chair) Institute of Baltic Sea Research, Scientific Council (V. Ittekkot, until 2006) International Hydrological Programme (IHP), UNESCO, Ecohydrology Working Group, (R. Lara) Scientific Steering Committee of the LandOcean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme (IGBP-IHDP) (M. Glaser) SCOR Executive Committee (V. Ittekkot) SCOR Working Group 128 Hypoxia (V. Ittekkot) UNESCO-IOC, Capacity Building Consultancy Group (V. Ittekkot, Chair, until 2007) University of New Castle, UK, Postgraduate Degree Program on Tropical Coastal Management (V. Ittekkot, External Examiner, 2005-2007) Editorial Board Amazoniana (U. Saint-Paul) Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution (V. Ittekkot) Ecotropica – An International Journal of Tropical Ecology (U. Saint-Paul) Journal of Applied Ichthyology (U. Saint-Paul, U. Krumme) Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics (U. Saint-Paul) 85 appendix Committees List of Acronyms Board of Trustees Dr. Walter Dörhage, Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bremen (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Wilfried Müller, Rektor der Universität Bremen (Deputy Chairman) Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, Konrektor der Universität Bremen Dr. Holger Bienhold, Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bremen Prof. Dr. Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, Konrektorin der Universität Bremen (until 2007) PD Dr. Dirk Hebbeln, Universität Bremen, Prof. Dr. Harald Rosenthal, IfM-GEOMAR, Kiel Dr. Uwe Scholz, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn Gerlind Schütte, Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen, Bremen MinRat Reinhold Ollig, BMBF, Bonn (Guest) Staatsrat Carl Othmer, Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bremen (Guest) Staatsrat Dr. Göttrik Wewer, Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bremen (Guest until 2006) International Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Rolf P.M. Bak, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Texel, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Bodo von Bodungen, Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde, Germany (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Rokhmin Dahuri, Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia (until 2007) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Glaeser, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany Prof. Dr. Florian Jeltsch, Institut für Biochemie und Biologie, Universität Potsdam, Germany Prof. Dr. Brian MacKenzie, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark (since 2008) Prof. Ernesto Medina, Centro de Ecologie y Ciencias Ambientales, Caracas, Venezuela Prof. Dr. John Milliman, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA Prof. Dr. Daniel Pauly, Fisheries Centre, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (until 2007) Prof. Liana Talaue-McManus, University of Miami, Miami, USA (since 2008) Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer, MARUM, Bremen, Germany ABF Angola Benguela Front ACEMON Managing Aquatic Coastal Ecosystems of Monsoon Asia AGU American Geophysical Union AMBArbeitsgemeinschaft meeres kundlicher Bibliotheken ASEAMSAssociation of Southeast Asian Marine Scientists ASLOAmerican Society for Limnology and Oceanography ATBAssociation for the Tropical Biology and Conservation ATSAFArbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V. (jetzt BEAF: Beratungsgruppe Entwicklungsorientierte Agrar forschung) ATSEFArafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum AWIAlfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (Bremerhaven, Potsdam, Sylt und Helgoland) BENEFITThe Benguela Environment Fisheries Interaction & Training Programme BIOLOGBiodiversität und Globaler Wandel BMBFBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BPPTAgency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (Indonesien) Can GioEcosystem functioning of rehabilitated versus natural mangroves in the Can Gio Re-serve, Vietnam – Can Gio-Projekt CARMABCaribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity (Curaçao) CCRRCenter for Coral Reef Research (Indonesien) appendix 86 CENSORClimate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: Implications for natural coastal Resources and management CESSCentre for Earth Science Studies (Indien) CIBNORCentro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (Mexico) CIMARCentro de Investigacion en Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia (Costa Rica) DAADDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DFGDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFORDeutsches Forum für Entwicklungsorientierte Forschung DGHDeutsche Gesellschaft für Humanökologie DGMDeutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung DKPMinistry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Indonesien) EASEuropean Aquaculture Society EFMSEuropean Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies ENSOEl Niño-Southern Oscillation ESAThe Ecological Society of America ESEEEuropean Society for Ecological Economics EUEuropäische Union FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FIEMAFeira Internacional de Tecnologia para o Meio (Brasilien) FS Forschungsschiff FTZForschungs- und Technologie zentrum Westküste der ChristianAlbrechts-Universität zu Kiel GEOMARForschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der ChristianAlbrechts-Universität zu Kiel GfÖGesellschaft für Ökologie GISGeographisches Informations system GITEWSGerman-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System GLOMARGlobal Change in the Marine Realm GKSSGesellschaft für Kernenergie verwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt mbH (Geesthacht) GTÖGesellschaft für Tropenökologie GTZGesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit HPLCHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography HTMLHypertext Markup Language IAMRIInternational Association of Marine-related Institutions IAPSOInternaional Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans IBInternationales Büro des BMBF ICDDR,BInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (Bangladesh) ICP-OESInduktiv gekoppeltes Plasma (Inductively-Coupled-Plasma) mit optischer-Emmisions-Spektro metrie ICSUThe International Council for Science ICZMIntegrated Coastal Zone Management IDWInformationsdienst Wissenschaft IfMInstitut für Meereskunde (Kiel) IfM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel IGBPInternational Geosphere-Biosphere Programme IGVInstitut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH (Bergholz-Rehbrücke) IHDPInternational Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHPInternational Hydrological Programme IKZMIntegrated Coastal Zone Management IMARPEInstituto del Mar del Peru (Peru) IMBERThe Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research INIDEPInstituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero (Argentinien) INVEMARInstituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (Kolumbien) InWentInternationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gemeinnützige GmbH IOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOIInternational Ocean Institute (Malta) IOWInstitut für Ostseeforschung (Warnemünde) IPBFisheries Faculty of Bogor University (Indonesien) ISAInternational Sociological Association ISATECInternational Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology List of Acronyms 87 appendix List of Acronyms ISMEInternational Society for Mangrove Ecosystems ISRSInternational Society for Reef Studies LANCETLand-Sea Interactions along Coastal Ecosystems of Tropical China: Hainan LOICZLand-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone MADAMMangrove Dynamics and Management MARIANDA Marine Analytics and Data (Kiel) MARUMZentrum für Marine Umwelt wissenschaften (Bremen) MoUMemorandum of Understanding MOSTMinistry of Science and Technology (Vietnam) MPAMarine Proteced Areas MPI Max-Planck-Institut MRCMekong River Commission M.Sc.Master of Science MSSMarine Science Station, Aqaba (Jordanien) NAM S&T Centre Non-aligned movement and Developing Countries Science and Technology Centre (Indien) NICEDNational Institute for Cholera and Enteric Diseases (Indien) NIONational Institute of Oceanography (Goa, Indien) NIOZNederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (Texel) NRCTNational Research Council of Thailand ORCASOceanReef Coupling in the Andaman Sea OUCOcean University of China (V.R. China) PACONPacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology PASARELA Discovery Modelling Mediation Deliberation: Interface Tools for Multi-stakeholder Knowledge Partnerships for the Sustainable Management of Marine Resources and Coastal Zones Ph.D.Doctor of Philosophy PMBCPhuket Marine Biological Center (Thailand) appendix 88 POLYPLAN Ingenieurbüro für Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH (Bremen) ROSTLACRegional Office for Science and Technology (Latin America and the Caribbean) RVResearch Vessel SESSocial-ecological systems SCOPEScientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCORScientific Committee on Oceanic Research SEACORM Southeast Asia Centre for Ocean Research and Monitoring SOAState Oceanic Administration SPSonderstipendienprogramm SPICEScience for the Protection of the Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems UENFUniversidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasilien) UFALUniversidade Federal de Alagoas (Maceió, Brasilien) UFPaUniversidade Federal da Pará (Belém, Brasilien) UFTZentrum für Umweltforschung und Umwelttechnologie (Bremen) UFZUmweltforschungszentrum LeipzigHalle GmbH UNUnited Nations UNAMUniversity of Namibia UNEPUnited Nations Environmental Programme UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNHASUniversity of Hasanuddin (Indonesien) UNSOEDUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman (Indonesien) UOFUnion des Océanographes de France vdbiolVerband Deutscher Biologen und biowissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften e.V. WGLWissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz WTZWissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit WZBWissenschaftszentrum Berlin YoMoYoung Modellers zmt Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Fahrenheitstraße 6 28359 Bremen Germany