September 2016 - Verde Valley Vettes


September 2016 - Verde Valley Vettes
President’s Message
Welcome to the Verde Valley Vettes
Hello to one and all.
The Verde Valley Vettes was formed in August 1996 by a group of
Corvette enthusiasts who wanted to enjoy their common interest and
give back to their community. Located in central Arizona, the club
is a member of the Roadrunner Region of the National Council of
Corvette Clubs (NCCC).
Throughout the year the club organizes events in support of local
charities, such as the Big Brothers - Big Sisters Christmas giving
program, and, through the NCCC, supports St. Judes Children’s
Research Hospital.
Members enjoy rallies, car shows, picnics, drive-outs, competitive
driving and many other activities, all of which make owning a
Corvette an even more enjoyable experience. To join, e-mail Larry
McCarty at [email protected] or call him at 928-634-5745.
2016 Officers
Vice President
Jim Schade
Russ Mendenhall
Marilyn Canteloupe
Connie Myers
Larry McCarty
Bernie Myers
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sponsored by: Larry Green Chevrolet 928-634-2227
Last month was pretty good for attendance at the monthly meeting but
we could do a little better. It would be nice to see a meeting where
we filled our room at Annie’s.
We all have to keep in mind our upcoming events. Our club events
will be on Oct. 8, a PC car show at G Burgers and a NCCC Regional
Governor’s meeting and Oct. 9 a monopoly run and 3 poker rallies. It
would be nice if we could get 100% of our club members to
participate in these local events if possible. Pre-registration at the
meeting is encouraged.
October 23 Desert Corvette Spooktacular in Phoenix.
about this at the September meeting.
We’ll talk
October is usually the month we have a chili dump … let’s talk about
this also at the September meeting.
The club/NCCC dues are due in October. Bring your check books to
the meeting. Make checks payable to Verde Valley Vettes. The dues
are $59 for couples and $39 for a single.
At the October meeting, we will be taking nominations for 2017
officers so think about who you want to nominate. There will be
more nominations at the November meeting as well as elections.
Remember, Larry is retiring in January and we need to have a
Governor or we don’t have a club. So, folks think about this and
don’t hesitate to try this for at least a year. Remember a club is only
as good as its members make it.
This is it for this month. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the
25th of Sept. at Annie’s at 9:30 A.M.
Keep living the dream … drive a Vette.
Jim Schade
Next Meeting: 9:30 A.M. Sunday, September 25 at Annie’s
Restaurant, 660 E. Mingus Ave. in Cottonwood.
NCCC Governor’s Report
Another month another newsletter article!
We start this month with new members, Jerry and Barbara who
we saw cruising in his 93 the day of the golden egg rally. This
brings the club to 45 members, the largest it's ever been in the
20 years since its start. As we've grown we have develped in
more ways than just numbers, we have a great sponsor in Larry
Green Chevrolet, a newsletter to keep everyone informed, a web
site that thanks to Bernie keeps getting better with photos and
now videos, a relationship with business’ like Tire Pro who
sponsor awards each year for our charity event and those who
give door prizes to make events what they are. We also have a
great relationship with the local High School and Big Brothers –
Big Sisters.
All this has come about from members past and present who
have taken time out of their busy schedules to support our club
in any way they could, whether it be putting on an event,
hosting a picnic, being a chair person or just being there to lend
a hand when needed.
Next month we will be hosting our big 5 event weekend for our
shopping for Kids for Christmas. This is a big undertaking as
we need 9 check point workers, registration and scoring all done
in about four hours. At the time of this writing I only have two
check points covered. If you have friends who would be willing
to work please let me know. I will be contacting the school to
see if we can get some members of the hot rod club to help also.
We also need door prizes, Donna and I have got the tickets for
the grand prize from the Verde Canyon Railway and Jim and
Dorothy are keeping track of door prizes. Tire pro is onboard
covering the awards and the art work is done and the awards
should be here soon. This event is open to all cars so get your
friends and neighbors to come out and join in the fun. Ron and
Katie will handle the show on Saturday. See you at the meeting
the 25th.
The Gov.
Treasurer’s Report (as of 9/1)
BBBS: $1,579.62
Club: $2,023.69
Total: 3,603.31
Welcome New Members: Jerry McMullen and Barbara Haynes
Editor’s Notes
Our supplier for apparel has revised the number of items that are
required for future orders, without incurring additional $1 per
item charge, from 6 to 12. This, and several problems with
placing recent orders, has led to Connie’s looking into other
suppliers. This would require a one-time embroidery set-up
charge for the logo. The topic will be brought up for discussion
at the September meeting.
As it has proven impossible to get everyone together for a group
photo, I’ve been collecting individual pictures of members and
their Corvettes for the Members page of our website. If I don’t
have YOUR picture (check the website) please e-mail
([email protected]) or text (928-301-9800) me one of
you with your Corvette, preferably in a scenic setting, for
Next Meeting: 9:30 A.M. Sunday, September 25 at Annie’s
Restaurant, 660 E. Mingus Ave. in Cottonwood.
Verde Valley Vettes Meeting Minutes August 28, 2016
Meeting held at Annie’s Restaurant, Cottonwood
Jim Schade — President
Attendance: 16 (13 members and 3 guests)
President Jim Schade welcomed and thanked everyone for
coming. He also thanked Bernie for doing such a great job with
our website. He also welcomed our three guests: John Cholis,
Jack Lepcer, and Jeanie Sevon.
July minutes were corrected: Williams was changed to Winslow
in two places and also that Russ led the July meeting.
Corrections to minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report by Connie Myers:
Our club fund balance is $2,023.69 and Big Brothers/Big Sisters
(BB/BS) fund has $1,579.62. Treasurer’s report was approved.
Governor’s Report by Larry McCarty:
There is a new regional website: The
region had let their domain name lapse, and it got snatched up
by someone else.
Our annual Verde Valley Rally is coming up in October. We
need folks to help with the rallies AND doorprizes. Our four
rallies need to total 40 miles to stay sanctioned, according to the
rule book so we’ll keep Jerome as one of the location points.
Bernie mentioned that he, Jim, and Ron all attended the meeting
in Ruidoso and learned that they’re wanting to raise the entry
fee for Corvettes to $2 from $1 per car per event. This means, of
course, that we’ll need to raise our entry fees as well. We’ll vote
on this in October. The bottom line is that the region hasn’t been
charging enough to pay for awards. A total of 5 cars from the
club went to Ruidoso and then visited White Sands and
Alamogordo. They drove a total of 1200 miles! Check the
website for pictures and video from this great adventure.
Club needs:
• Help!!! We need a new governor! Larry is stepping down
after 20 years and we need someone to take over or our club
will die. Please consider taking on the role.
• Help again!! We need door prizes for our car show and
run/rallies in October and for everyone to help out with this.
Remember, the better this is for attendees, the more money
we generate for the children at Christmas. Thank you!
Upcoming events:
• September 16 & 17: Caravan cruise to La Posada in
Winslow. let Tia know if you’re coming.
• September 23 & 24: Prescott Vette Sette’s 2016 10th
Anniversary Historic Prescott Corvette Car Show.
• October 1 & 2: 2016 Corvettes and Classics Car Show, by
Art Is Alive Arts and Cultural Festival, Goodyear Stadium in
• October 8 & 9: Our own Verde Valley Rally Weekend! PC
(Oct. 8) and Monopoly Run and 3 Poker Rallies (Oct. 9)
• October 22: The Bearizona Car Cruise has been postponed
until spring.
• October 23: Corvette Spooktacular PC Corvette Show,
• November 5: 17th Annual Corvette Club of Arizona’s All
Chevy Stampede,” at Earnhardt Chevrolet in Chandler.
• January 29: Corvette Lovers Cruise, a Carnival Mexican
Riviera Cruise out of Long Beach, is coming up and Larry is
getting more information.
New Business:
• Dick suggested that we should submit pictures and articles to
Blue Bars, specifically from the 20th anniversary party,
Ruidoso, and White Sands. It was recommended that Judi
contact them.
• Dues are due in October: $25 renewal, $35 for new
members, and $10 for a spouse. Club fees are $59/couple
and $39 for single membership. Anyone joining now has
national fees paid for the rest of this year and next.
• Chili Dump is a’coming in October! Get ready to fix your
favorite recipe and bring enough for yourself and your
partner. We dump it all into a big ol’ pot and stir it up — the
result is like nothing else! More info to follow soon…
• Vicki is still going to hang on to our 3 scrapbooks. Bernie is
in the process of scanning in all our photos to create an
electronic version, but it isn’t quite ready. Thank you for
taking on this monumental task, Bernie!
Elections are coming up soon. We’ll be taking nominations
at our next meeting for our club officers. Be thinking of
what you’d like to take on. Again, Larry will be stepping
down as governor, and we need a replacement or this club
cannot continue.
Old Business:
• 20th Anniversary Party, at Nate’s Country Café was just
awesome. The set up was perfect, as were all the table
settings. We all had a wonderful time—go Verde Valley
• Fall trips:
o Overnight trip to La Posada is September 16 & 17.
Contact Tia.
o One day trip to Bearizona will NOT be October 22; it
has been postponed to spring
• Volunteers still needed for the Governor’s job.
• Pictures are still needed for our website. Thank you for the
great job you do, Bernie!
• Russ will check into window stickers or decals to help us
raise community awareness for our group.
• Rocky Point cruise—now maybe sometime in 2017…
50/50 Raffle: $39 total pot, and Vicki was the winner of
$19.50! Congratulations, Vicki!
Meeting adjourned at 10:47 A.M.
Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Canteloupe, Secretary
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