Bright Futures Start with Comprehensive Care


Bright Futures Start with Comprehensive Care
Bright Futures Start Here
At Penfield Children’s Center, we make every effort to create brighter futures for the children
and families we serve. By working with children early in their development, Penfield improves
their potential for future health, social and educational gains. Through support, encouragement and
practical assistance, Penfield families and children gain skills and knowledge that help them grow.
Penfield’s programs and services were specifically designed to advance the physical, cognitive and
emotional development of children. We offer these services when children are very young – during
the period of brain development when we can make the greatest impact. Our ultimate goal is to
ensure better outcomes for children in Milwaukee who otherwise may not have the opportunity
for a positive start in life.
During the past year, we have reflected on the agency’s rich history and how it continues to impact
the work we do today. Penfield Children’s Center traces its roots to the Via Marsi Montessori
School, which educated children, with and without disabilities, using a Montessori-based approach
to learning. The goal of the school’s staff was to prepare children, ages 3 through 6, for success in
school and in life. That singular focus remains to this day.
Our 2013 Annual Report details the many ways Penfield helps children achieve brighter futures.
During the last year, children with developmental delays, physical disabilities and medical challenges
made significant progress toward their individual goals due to the highly effective services and
specialized care our staff provide. The Annual Report also highlights the developmental and
intellectual growth of four remarkable children who personify the 1,798 children we served during
Research continues to illustrate the profound impact early intervention services can have on
children during their critical years of growth and development. Penfield’s unique approach
promotes increased school-readiness, reduced high-risk behaviors, as well as improved educational,
health and social outcomes. Our agency continues to espouse Dr. Penfield’s belief that you should
“never underestimate the capacity of the very young, and never, never let them down.”
the capacity of
the very young,
and never, never
let them down.”
– Dr. Penfield
Bright futures do start here. Thank you for all you do to ensure healthy outcomes, developmental
growth and the success of the children and families Penfield serves. We couldn’t do it without you.
Robert L. Mikulay
Chairman, Board of Directors
Christine P. Holmes
President and CEO
Bright Futures Start
with Comprehensive Care:
Special Care Nursery
Penfield Children’s Center provides services for children of all abilities at an early age when brain
development is most crucial. Our programs address a wide variety of needs in a nurturing environment,
ensuring that all the children we serve experience healthy development and reach their full potential.
During 2013, Penfield’s Birthto-Three program served
1,090 children, including
Mario. More than 99 percent
of the children served made
progress in achieving their
short-term developmental
goals. In addition, more than
99 percent of parents reported
a better understanding of
their children’s needs after
participating in the Birth-toThree program.
Our Birth-to-Three program provides
speech, occupational and physical therapy,
special education and service coordination
for children from 6-weeks-old to age 3 with
developmental delays and disabilities who
are at least 25 percent behind their typicallydeveloping peers. Infancy to age 3 is a critical
time for brain development; and children who
receive early education services have a better
chance of reaching developmental milestones,
making social and emotional gains, and
performing well in school.
Mario has arthrogryposis, a rare congenital
disorder characterized by joint contractures
that prevent him from bending his arms and
legs. When he came to Penfield’s Birth-toThree program, he was unable to do much
more than lie on his back due to significant
joint deformity.
Born prematurely with a heart defect, Henry’s
heart failed shortly after birth. He spent the
first few months of his life in the hospital after
undergoing two heart surgeries. As a result
of his extended hospital stay and mounting
medical issues, Henry experienced significant
cognitive delays and was not reaching appropriate developmental milestones for a child
his age. During this time, Henry was placed
in foster care. Henry’s foster mother knew
about Penfield through her work as a nurse
for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Urgently
in need of specialized and skilled medical care,
Henry came to the Special Care Nursery
shortly after leaving the hospital.
better with his peers, and move around by
“scooting” on his bottom. Because he cannot
use his hands, he’s learning to perform
everyday tasks, ranging from taking off his
socks to stacking blocks and painting, with
his feet. And, with the help of a specialized
piece of equipment called a gait trainer, Mario
is able to stand up and walk on his own. His
tremendous progress and tenacious spirit are
truly inspirational.
With comprehensive support from Penfield’s
Birth-to-Three program, Mario has quickly
learned that there really is nothing he can’t do.
Penfield’s Special Care Nursery offers skilled
nursing care, respite and hospice care, special
education, therapeutic services and a unique
medical day care service for children from
birth to age 5 with profound health issues and
developmental delays. The Nursery provides
a nurturing environment where children with
medically-complex needs can play, learn, thrive
and work toward a brighter future regardless
of diagnoses. Additionally, parents are given
the support necessary to best meet their children’s medical and developmental needs.
Penfield’s Special Care
Nursery served 60 children,
including Henry, during
2013. After receiving
treatment in the Nursery,
21 children transitioned
to appropriate learning
environments, including
Penfield’s Early Education
and Care and Special
Education classrooms, as
well as Milwaukee Public
In the Nursery, he immediately started occupational, physical and speech therapy. In the
short time he’s spent at Penfield, his intellectual aptitude and developmental growth have
skyrocketed. Recently adopted by his foster
parents, Henry’s mother trusts the dedicated
staff who care for him each week. “Henry
is not a typically-developing child and would
get lost in a regular day care program,” says
his mother. “The staff interacts with him and
makes sure he gets the attention he needs to
continue to grow. That’s what makes Penfield
Extensive work with caring occupational,
physical and speech therapists has helped
him build tremendous strength, communicate
During 2013, the Early
Education and Care
program served 165
children, including Oliver.
The program promotes
bright futures by providing
comprehensive early
education programming for
all children, regardless of
their developmental level or
household income.
Behavior Clinic
Early Education and Care
The Early Education and Care program at
Penfield provides a supportive, early learning
environment where children of all abilities play
and learn together. Accredited by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children
(NAEYC), the program helps children prepare
for kindergarten by promoting social, emotional,
cognitive, physical, language and behavioral
development. Penfield also maintains a five-star
rating from YoungStar, the program developed
by the State of Wisconsin to improve care for
fun and educational. He uses his imagination
to make creative art projects. He’s learning
numbers and letters and has reading time with
his teachers every day. He spends time on the
playground laughing with his friends, some
of whom have special needs, but still share
the same inclusive classroom. At 3-years-old,
Oliver is already preparing for school and a
future full of exciting possibilities.
The Early Education and Care program has
also been extremely helpful for Oliver’s
mother. She relies on Penfield’s transportation
to bring Oliver to and from the center every
day. Through parent workshops, she’s learned
about topics like potty training and infant oral
Oliver’s mother was looking for a place that
care. When she has a question about Oliver’s
would not only take good care of him, but also
behavior or development, she receives expert
help her be a better mother. As a single mother
advice from staff members. “Penfield has been
in a new city, she was having a hard time managlike a second family to us,” she says. “Oliver has
ing his daily schedule. Oliver’s life was scattered
truly blossomed in his classroom and I know
and he was in serious need of structure and
he is in the best place he could possibly be.”
Now in the Early Education and Care program,
Oliver engages in routine activities that are
In partnership with Marquette University,
Penfield’s Behavior Clinic is the only counseling
service in Milwaukee that serves children
younger than 6 with behavioral or emotional
problems. Completely home-based, counselors
work with children and parents to teach
effective strategies to improve behavior and
effectively support mental health.The Behavior
Clinic also trains graduate students and staff
in the best practices for treating children
and infants with mental health issues. The
Clinic’s research is featured in dissertations,
presentations and articles that emphasize
the importance of addressing mental health
concerns as early as possible
As a small child, Ava was very demanding.
She lived with her parents and other adult
family members, so establishing structure in
the home was difficult. She was jealous of the
attention her siblings received and her parents
struggled with disciplining her. She would
throw fits in the middle of stores, run away
and talk back if she did not get her way. As
she got older, her behavior worsened to the
point where she ignored every request that
was asked of her. Ava was rarely cooperative
and she seemed angry all the time. Eventually,
Ava’s doctor recommended that her parents
take her to the Behavior Clinic at Penfield
Children’s Center.
After working with the Behavior Clinic’s
counselors, Ava’s parents noticed a profound
change. Through her sessions, she became
more direct with her thoughts and feelings,
as well as more confident in herself. She is
now calmer and thinks about her actions as a
big sister and role model. Ava knows she has
to listen to and respect her parents, and has
settled into a healthy routine with them. Ava’s
parents are grateful for the treatments Penfield
provided, and now have greater patience and
understanding with all of their children.
During 2013, the Behavior
Clinic provided mental
health counseling and
therapy for 483 children
with significant mental
health issues, an increase
of 44 percent compared to
2012. In total, counselors
made 2,374 visits to homes
like Ava’s. By helping
children with behavioral
issues become welladjusted and prepare for
school, the Behavior Clinic
is establishing a bright
future for them.
In 2013, Penfield provided
outpatient services for
children recovering from
surgery, accidents and
injuries, as well as children
who weren’t eligible for
school-based services.
During 2013, Penfield
offered 64 family events and
programs, including parent
education workshops, family
celebrations, parent support
groups, parent mentoring
and school transition
services. The combined
attendance for all events was
3,307 children and family
Kohl’s Building Blocks Program
Outpatient Therapy
Penfield provides outpatient speech,
occupational and physical therapy services
for children age 4 and older to supplement
services they receive in school. These services
help children beyond our Birth-to-Three
program and aid in recovery from surgery or
injuries. Therapy sessions take place before
and after school, even during the lunch hour,
to accommodate school and family schedules.
Through the programs’ outreach and online resources, Penfield is able to provide
therapeutic and educational items families can use at home, as well as educational toolkits
that promote hands-on learning for parents, professionals and children.
The programs and services available through
the Kohl’s Building Blocks Program include:
Family Se rvices
Penfield recognizes that in order for children
to have success in the future, they need strong
support from their parents and caregivers.
All parents and families are encouraged
to participate in the family programs that
Penfield offers, which include educational
workshops, support groups, early literacy
events and family celebrations. In addition
to workshops and events, Penfield provides
school-transition support to help parents find
the best option for their children’s education
after they graduate from Penfield.
Penfield’s Parent Mentors work with Englishand Spanish-speaking families to provide
encouragement and support for those raising
children with special needs. Their guidance
helps improve the quality of care provided for
children and strengthens communication and
trust between staff and families.
• Service coordination specialists that serve
Spanish-speaking children and children with
severe disabilities, behavioral issues, or who
have experienced some type of trauma.
• The Kohl’s Child Development Library,
which offers educational and therapeutic
items families can use at home and return
when their children no longer need them.
In the case of items like walkers or weighted
vests, families can exchange them for larger
sizes as their children grow.
• Kohl’s Early Learning Toolboxes, which
promote learning and cognitive development
in the home.
• Free workshops available to surrounding
Milwaukee-area communities that provide
quality resources and hands-on learning
experiences for children, parents and
•, an online
resource that provides helpful articles
written by experts, videos and tips for
parents of kids with and without special
The Kohl’s Building
Blocks Program served
24,247 individuals during
• 1,284 children were
served directly by Child
Development Specialists
• 10,646 participants were
impacted by Penfield’s
• 933 children were served
directly through the Child
Development Library
• 11,384 children received an
Early Learning Toolbox kit
A New Medical Daycare
Opens in the Special
Care Nursery
Penfield established a licensed medical daycare
program in the Special Care Nursery during
March 2013. This unique service provides child
care for children birth to age 5 with profound
medical needs. Staff include an early childhood
education teacher, certified nursing assistants
and registered nurses.
2013 Highlights
Kohl’s Continues Partnership with Penfield
In early 2013, Kohl’s Cares announced the continuation of its partnership with Penfield, generously
donating more than $4 million over the next five years to support and expand the Kohl’s Building
Blocks Program. “Kohl’s tremendous gift of more than $4 million is a giant step in our longstanding partnership and collective commitment to the Milwaukee community,” said Christine
Holmes, president and CEO of Penfield. “We are honored to be partnering with Kohl’s to further
develop these vital programs.”
The additional funding allowed Penfield to expand the program to include bilingual care services,
develop a new community outreach program and create,
an online resource that provides helpful how-to articles, advice and videos for families,
professionals and educators.
Penfield Community Garden
During spring 2013, Penfield staff planted two garden beds outside the center’s main entrance
using seeds and plants provided by employees from all departments. The garden provides
children with a positive educational experience, allowing them to learn about planting and
growing their own food. Classrooms took turns tending the garden and harvesting vegetables
like cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes. This project introduced a variety of healthy foods
to children and helped everyone at Penfield learn about the benefits of healthy eating.
Head Start Begins
at Penfield
Penfield opened two new classrooms in
November 2013 for Head Start, a free
educational program for 3- and 4-year-olds
that promotes school readiness skills. Penfield
hosts the program through a partnership with
Acelero Learning, a New York-based firm that
operates Head Start programs in three other
states. Research in early childhood education
continues to indicate that early intervention
services are most effective when administered
through age 8. Offering Head Start at Penfield
is an essential step in meeting the educational
needs of children beyond the Birth-to-Three
program. Additional Highlights
• Penfield’s President and CEO, Christine
Holmes, attended Harvard Business
School’s “Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit
Management” program during July 2013.
She was one of 150 nonprofit leaders from
all over the world invited to study and
discuss best practices for successful nonprofit
• In December 2013, Penfield’s Behavior Clinic
received a $75,000 grant from the Hearst
Foundations. The grant marks the first time
the Clinic has received funding from a national
• During 2013, Penfield made its first attempts
at crowdfunding with two campaigns posted
on Both campaigns were
successful and raised enough money for the
agency to purchase two Bye Bye Buggies,
large durable strollers that seat six children,
and an “Up n’ Go” Gait Trainer for our therapy
Collaborating Agencies
Accreditation, Licenses
and Certifications
Accreditation – National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Accreditation—5-Star Youngstar rating from
Wisconsin Department of Children and
Child and Adult Care Food Program, USDA –
Food and Nutrition Services
Certified Rehabilitation Agency – Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
Certified Mental Health Provider—Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
Licensed Child Care Center – Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare
Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Community Advocates/Brighter Futures
Day Care Services for Children
Lutheran Social Services
Marquette University
Milwaukee Center for Independence
Medical College of Wisconsin, Downtown Health
Meta House
Milwaukee Child Care Alliance
Milwaukee County Dept. of Health and Human
Milwaukee Environmental Sciences School
Milwaukee Public Schools
Milwaukee Scholars Academy
Neighborhood House
Next Door Foundation
Service Club of Milwaukee
St. Francis Children’s Center
The Richardson School
UWM – Child Care Center
UWM – Extension
UWM – Service Learning Institute
Very Special Arts – Wisconsin
Wisconsin Council on Children & Families
Wisconsin Infant & Early Childhood Mental
Health Association
Penfield is proud to be a
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Partner Agency
Academic Partnerships
Bryant & Stratton College
Cardinal Stritch University
Carroll University
Clarke College
Columbia College of Nursing
Concordia University Wisconsin
Creighton University
Florida State University
Herzing University
Marquette University
Mount Mary College
Milwaukee Area Technical College
MSOE –College of Nursing
New York University
North Central Technical College
Ottawa University
University of Minnesota
University of St. Augustine
University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin– LaCrosse
University of Wisconsin–Madison
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin– Steven’s Point
University of Wisconsin– Whitewater
UW Extension
Waukesha Area Technical College
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Penfield Children’s Center
is a clinical training site
for students pursuing
degrees in Physical
Therapy, Occupational
Therapy, Speech Therapy,
Special Education, Early
Childhood Education,
Nursing, Counseling and
Psychology. In 2013,
Penfield partnered with 28
colleges and universities.
The 2013 Croquet
Ball supports
core programs
therapies and
special education,
the Special
Care Nursery,
the Behavior
Clinic and our
accredited Early
Education and
Care program.
Croquet Ball
The 18th annual Croquet Ball
Penfield Children’s Center’s
Signature Fundraising Event
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Event Chairs:
Genie and Tom Smith
Auction Co-Chairs:
Margaret Harris
Stephanie Maxon
Genie Smith
Sponsorship Chair:
Robert Mikulay
Event Planning
Lisa Bangert Balistreri
Carrie Bedore
Melanie Booth
Ashley Borges
Gretchen Burns
Jean Casey
Pamela Coleman
Tener Darcy
Laura Epstein
Margaret Harris
Jennifer Mance
Katie Mansell
Stephanie Maxon
Robert Mikulay
Susan F. Mikulay
Patty Schuyler
Genie Smith
Amy Taylor Diamond
Ellen Venable
Madonna Williams
Betsy Brown Wyatt
Jessica Zeratsky
Special Thanks To:
Keith Anderson:
Croquet Consultant
and Match Official
Carmen Benske:
Auction Signage
Gene Mueller:
Master of Ceremonies
Dan Pronley:
Service Club of
Event Volunteers
Barbara Zabors:
Auction Lighting
Presenting Sponsor
Kohl’s Department
Media Sponsor
The Business Journal
Blue Level
Milwaukee Admirals
Northwestern Mutual
Black Level
Assurant Health
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Mason Wells
Rite-Hite Holding
Robert W. Baird & Co.,
Yellow Level
Aurora Health Care
BMO Harris Bank
Children’s Hospital of
CG Schmidt, Inc.
First Bank Financial
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Laughlin Constable
The PNC Financial
Services Group
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Robertson Ryan &
Associates, Inc.
Sendik’s Food Markets,
Balistreri Owned and
Town Bank
von Briesen & Roper,
Table Patrons and
Melanie and Steve Booth
Bonnie and William
Susan and Robert
Dan Minahan and
Properties Company,
Lisa and Steve Robbins
Betty and Peter
Ellen and Bob Venable
invitation, program cover
and posters
Canopies/Ken Hudak:
tent and dinner tables
Ericka Mancuso:
The Framing Gallery:
The Great Frame Up,
Whitefish Bay: framing
Litho-Craft, Co.: invitation
and program printing
Mark Davis: pianist
Norm Peterson
Cabinets/Bill Peterson:
Sendik’s Food Markets,
Balistreri Owned and
floral arrangements
sponsor board and
Auction Donors
and Underwriters
Appliance Gallery
Terri and Keith Baisden
Erin and Nick Balistreri
Jean Balistreri
Lisa and Ted Balistreri
Patty and Ted Balistreri
Betty Brinn Children’s
Big Bay Brewing Co.
Board Game Barrister,
Melanie and Steve Booth
Ashley and Mack Borges
Cap Borges
Brass Light Gallery
Gretchen and Bill Burns
Carol and Dirk Carson
Champion Power
Beth and Roger Clark
Tener and Tom Darcy
DeLind Gallery of Fine
Art, Bill DeLind
Kaitlyn Dodge
Rhonda and Art Downey
Laura and David Epstein
Meredith and Andrew
Heather and Mark
The Establishment Salon
Barbara J. Faucett
The Finial
Five Hearts Boutique
Jennifer and Tom
Funjet Vacations
Lisa Gibb
The Great Frame Up
Green Bay Packers
Margaret and John
Nicole and Joey Harris
Kathy and Tom Hauske
Patrick Hruby
Eugenia Jacobus
Phyllis King
Kohl’s Department
Kopmeier Family Fund
Koss Stereophones
Peter Kudlata
the lemon tree
The LeRoy Butler
Pat O’Brien Longabaugh
Julie Lutz
Marcus Hotels and
Marquette University,
Mason Street Grill
Katie and Skip
Susan and Robert
Charlotte Fung Miller
Milwaukee Bucks
Milwaukee Pedal Tavern
Milwaukee Public
Miann and David
North Star Bistro
Past Basket
The PNC Financial
Services Group
Jane Powers
JoAnn Ratcheson
Wendy and Bill Randall
Lisa and Steve Robbins
Robert W. Baird & Co.,
Jami and Bruce Ross
Jessie and John Schaub
Jen and Todd Schoon
Patricia and Peter
Jane and Johan Segerdahl
Kristin and Chuck
Sendik’s Food Markets –
Balistreri Owned and
Pamela and Jeffrey
Shully’s Cuisine & Events
Renee and John Sibson
Skip Simonds
Genie and Tom Smith
Southwest Airlines, Co.
Sonia Schields Stowe
Strauss Brands
Alden Taylor
Christine and Scott
Thief Wine Shop and Bar
Think Limo in
Dr. Gregory Thornton
Three Lions Pub
Treiber & Straub
Uhle Tobacco Company
Ellen and Bob Venable
Vera Bradley
Fran and Jeff Wallace
Weyco Group, Inc.
Wheel and Sprocket
Madonna and Jay
Stoney and Nick Wilson
Betsy Brown Wyatt and
David Wyatt
Yo Mama! Frozen Yogurt
Donor Honor Roll
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Kohl’s Cares*
United Way of Greater
$50,000 - $99,999
Hearst Foundations
Faye McBeath Foundation
Sendik’s Food Markets - Balistreri
owned and operated
$25,000 - $49,999
Assurant Health Foundation
Helen Bader Foundation, Inc.
The Charles E. Benidt
Foundation, Inc.
Mary Jo and Kevin Mansell
Northwestern Mutual
Joseph & Vera Zilber Family
$10,000 - $24,999
Anon Charitable Trust
Badger Meter Foundation, Inc.
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
Alvin & Marion Birnschein
BMO Harris Bank
Brewers Community
Foundation, Inc.
Catholic Community
Foundation, Inc.
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc.
Four-Four Foundation
Charles D. Jacobus Family
Eugenia T. Jacobus
Bonnie and William Kellogg
Linda and William Koenig~
Ladish Co. Foundation
M & I Foundation, Inc.~
Marquette University - College
of Education
Susan and Robert Mikulay*~
Nicholas Family Foundation~
Northwestern Mutual
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Schoenleber Foundation
Jen and Todd Schoon~
Genie and Thomas Smith
Betty and Peter Sommerhauser*
Alden and Gustavus Taylor~
Julia and David V. Uihlein, Jr.~
Weiss Family Foundation
$1,000 - $9,999
A. O. Smith Foundation, Inc.
Courtney R. Alexander*
John M. Altenbach
Betsie and Woody Alverson
Jessica Anderson
Paula and Keith Anderson
Janie and Clifford M. Asmuth
Assurant Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Aurora Health Care, Inc.
Terri and Keith Baisden*
Erin and Nicholas Balistreri
Patricia and Salvatore F Balistreri
Jeffrey Beischel
* 2013 United Way Donor Choice
~2013 United Way de Tocqueville Society
Sally Bentley
Beta Alpha Psi at Marquette
Melanie and Steven Booth~
Mary and Terry Briscoe~
Debra and Michael J. Brophy*
Christine and Brent Brumfield*
Kelli and Jeff Buchholz
Gretchen and Bill Burns
Debbie and Steve Cain
Troy and Alice Carrothers
CG Schmidt, Inc.
Chapman Foundation
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Children’s Trust Fund
Chipstone Foundation / Stanley
and Polly Stone Fund
Chosun Black Belt Academy
Juli and Matt Coburn*
Charles H. Cofta*
Dennis and Amy Connolly
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
CVS Caremark
Edward U. Demmer Foundation
Amy and Jason Diamond
Laura and Michael Donohue
Rhonda and T. Arthur Downey
Barri and David J Drury
Albert J. & Flora H. Ellinger
Foundation, Inc.
Laura and David Epstein
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
- William M. Chester, Jr.
Revocable Trust
First Bank Financial Centre
Jennifer and Tom Florsheim~
Robert and Theresa Fox*
Barbara N. Fuldner~
Gardner Foundation
Michelle and Scott Gass
Stacy and Michael Gauthier
Wendy and Tom Gebhardt
Carol and Bill Gehl
Godfrey & Kahn
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
A.W. Asmuth Family Fund
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Catherine and Walter Lindsay
Foundation Fund
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Carl Koch Family Fund
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Kopmeier Family Fund
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Walter and Olive Stiemke Fund
Kelly and Michael Grebe
George and Julie Mosher Family
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Greendale School District
H. H. Camp Foundation
Hales Corners Lutheran Church
Margaret and John Harris
Catherine A. Harrison*
Heil Family Foundation
Evan & Marion Helfaer
I. A. F. F. Local 2760
Dorothy Inbusch Foundation,
Richard G. Jacobus Family
Jewish Community Foundation CT Charitable Fund
Sarah and Jeffrey A. Joerres*~
Johnson Controls, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Krissy and Chris Kappl
Mary and Ted D. Kellner~
Andrea and Kevin P. Kenealey
Peter Kies
Dedi and W. David Knox II*
Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc.
Kolaga Family Charitable Trust
Mary E. Krall
Mary Ellen and John Krueger
Christie and William G Krugler~
Cheryl and Gerald Kuhn*
Laughlin Constable Inc.
Madeleine and David Lubar~
Katherine and David Lucey
Gerald E. Mainman~
Patti and Bryan Majewski
Mason Wells
Stephanie and William Maxon
Milwaukee Admirals Power Play
Susie and Daniel J. Minahan
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
August G. Mueller Trust
Beth and Greg Myers
Miann and David Navarre*
Bob and Kathleen Noel
Kelly and Robert C. Olejniczak
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Susan and Richard R. Pieper~
Candy and Bruce Pindyck~
Plumbers Local 75 AFL-CIO*
PNC Foundation
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Jo Ann Ratcheson
Rexnord Foundation, Inc.
Rite-Hite Corporation
Lynn and Paul Rix
Lisa and Steve Robbins
Robertson Ryan & Associates,
Catherine and Buddy Robinson
Kathleen and Paul Roller~
Walter J. & Mary S. Roob
Revocable Trust
Roots Salon
Audrey F. Ross Charitable Lead
Michelle and John Runte*
Angie and R.J. Safranek
Rick and Beth Schepp
Martha and David Schier*
Patricia and Dan Schmidt
Sarah and Robert E. Schmidt III
David Schultz*
Kim and Randy Schultz
Jane and Johan Segerdahl
Sensient Technologies
Foundation, Inc.
Service Club of Milwaukee
Chuck and Kristin Severson
Renee and John Sibson*
Dave and Jean Simbro
Stackner Family Foundation
Mary Ellen and Scott P. Stanek*~
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stark~
Holden Brooks and Daniel
Sweeney Family Foundation
Shelly and Michael Tosh
Town Bank
Betsy Trimble*
Truist Comprehensive
US Bank Wisconsin*
Henry H. Uihlein, Sr. and Marion
“Polly” S. Uihlein Foundation
Ultimate Beach, Ltd.
United Way of Metropolitan
Ellen and Robert Venable
Vilter Foundation, Inc.
von Briesen & Roper, S.C.
WaterStone Bank
Waukesha County Community
Cathy and Michael White
Holly and Robert Williams
Maria and Donald Wilson
Stoney and Nicholas Wilson
Elizabeth Brown Wyatt and David
Wyatt Family Charitable Fund
Nancy Zabriskie
Jessica and Matthew Zeratsky*
$500 - $999
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Linda Quartaro and Walter
“Skip” Abbott
Molly and Ben J Abrohams*
Susan and Bruce Arensmeier
Julie and Cam Art
Assurant Inc.
Lisa and Ted Balistreri
Carrie and James Bedore
Deb and Jeff Benson
Sara A. Boettcher*
Thomas M. Bolger~
Sandy and Scott Botcher
Wendy and Terry Braatz
Christy and Shane Brown
Kathleen K. Burchby and Dennis
John Campbell
Carol and Dirk Carson
Michelle and Jason Ciszewski
Roger and Beth Clark
Christine and Peter Coffey
Cristy and Matt Cool
Alberta and William A Darling
Davidson & Harley Fund, Inc.
Sarah and Robert Duncan
Dunn’s Sporting Goods, Inc.
William E. Eastham
Susan Engler and Jeffrey R Teplin,
Enzo’s Cycling Products, Inc.
Maya and Jonathan Evans
Patricia Falb
Susan and David C. Fondrie*
The GE Foundation
Sandy and Tim Gerend
Sarah and Viktor Gottlieb*
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Lawlis Family Fund
Katherine H. Grebe*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Groeschell~
Barbara and Lawrence Herbst
Christine Holmes*
Susan and John Honkamp
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Steven M. Jacobs*
Jubilee Christian Preschool &
Laura L. Kapp*
Betty and G. Frederick Kasten
Gary Kautzer*
Mary Beth and Steven W. Keane*
Kurt and Kathy Kellogg
Phyllis and Ted King
Joan and Robert H. Klein*
Anne and Robert Kosky
Liz and Todd Krieg
Lalumiere League
Nora and Jon Langenfeld~
Robert R. Lapointe*
Megan and James Madsen
Kathleen and Steven Mannebach
Jan and Vincent Martin~
Margaret and Thomas McMahon
LuAnn and Gene Mueller
Yogis and Chander Nijhon
Jason Parry*
Colleen and David Patzer
Todd A. Pfander
Karen and James C. Pieper
Pilot Club of Milwaukee Fund,
Jane and John Powers
Sheri and Thomas Price
Katie Pritchard and Bill Durkin
Stacey and Steve Radke
Marylyn and Bruce A. Ranta
Mark Rhode*
Karen and Carl Rinaldi
Addie Roberts
Martha Gayle Robinson*
Karen M. Rondinelli*
Julie and Mason Ross
Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc.
Edith and Donald Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Runte
Tere and Neil Sackerson
Marianne and Basil Salaymeh
Daniel W Schalk
Nickie and Rick Schmidt
Patrick J. Schoen*
Judy and Jon Schumacher
Bruce and Karen Schuyler
Jan and Thomas K. Sheridan*
Kathie and John Shutkin
Lalicia and Stuart Smith
Brian Sommerhauser
St. Ann Center for
Intergenerational Care, Inc.
Joan Staeven
Frank and Elsa Sterner Family
Paul M. Stillmank
Sonia Shields Stowe
Anne and Christopher Swain~
Team Velocause
Julie Tolan and Mark Wiesman
Mary and Drew Tucker
United Way of West Central
Connecticut, Inc.
Emily S.Van Dunk
Joyce and Thomas Waldoch
Pamela and James Weise
Karin and Teddy Werner
Patricia A. Wiedenhoeft
Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Wigdale, Sr.~
Madonna and Jay Williams~
Kelly Reilly and Mark Witt
Curtis Wycklendt*
Sandy and Paul Wysocki
Andy and Carlene Ziegler
$100 - $499
Altius Gymnastics Academy
Karrie and Jeffrey Adix
Barbara and Timothy Aik
Nancy and James H Albrecht
Colleen and George Alex*
Sarah Anderson*
Arlene Arrow
AT&T Pioneer Service
Jocelyn Bach
Gregory S. Barlow*
Katie and John Barry
Lisa Bart
Val V. Beatovic
Lori and Joshua Becker
Ben Franklin PTO, INC
Andrea and Mark Bender
John J. Bergerson
Georgiane and Nicholas M
Sarah Bernstein*
Alex and Kurt Beschorner
Elizabeth and Jeff Billings
Kathryn and Thomas F. Bolger
John Borges
Judith Russell and Howard
Bridget Borum*
Marilyn M. and Orren Bradley
Margaret MacLeod Brahm and
John Brahm
Rachel and James Broach
Darlene and Carl Brown
Emileen and John Bruhn
Maureen and Thomas W.
Linda Buscher*
Sharlene and Tim Byrne
Ryan Calteux
Patti and Dave Carter
Catholic Financial Life
Paul Challancin
Dr. Donald and Sandra Chisholm
Bridget and Todd Clementi
Amanda and Thomas Clossey*
Combined Federal Campaign of
Greater Wisconsin
Charles C. Conner*
Natalie Cook
Cremation Society of Milwaukee
Culver’s of Hales Corners
Michael Cummings*
Jennifer and Edward Cyra
Cindy Davis
Charla and David Declark
Delexis Enterprises LLC
Mark A. Dempsey*
Nancy and Douglas Dewey
Alice and Robert H Diaz, Jr.
Margaret Dietrich*
Mary Diotte*
Duane Dixen
Harry Drake
Michael Drescher
Dr. Howard and Eileen Dubner
Stefanie and David Dugan
Rachel and Justin Dumke
Kathy and Michael J. Dwyer
Catherine and James S. Eastham
Nancy L. Eastham
Mark Eckhardt
Lisa and Alan Eickberg
Debra and Louis Epps*
Peggy Eskenasi
Barbara and Michael Faucett*
Craig Feinauer*
Julia and Patrick Fennelly
Maria Fernandez
Carolyn and James Ferraioli
Carrol and Howard R. Fibich
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund William and Kari Foote Family
Charitable Fund
Raquel and Steve Filmanowicz
Rita and Roger Fonder
William and Kari Foote
John M. Franckowiak
Howard Frankenthal Family
Katherine D. Frontier*
Wendy and Weldon Gage
Holly and Brian Ganther
GE Healthcare
Jane Gellman
Mary and Mark Gilliam
Julie and Brian Gilpin
Gingerbread Farm House, LLC
Girl Scout Troop 3079
Neha and Chris Glandt
John Glapey
Amy and Chris Goller
Suzanne Marchant and
William G. Gollmar
Bonnie and Paul Gordon
Catherine and John B. Gordon*
William I. Gore
Ayala Gorodzinsky
Gregory Gozdowiak*
Tarah Gradel*
LaVerne and Daryll Griesberg
Kathy Grogan
Sarah and Sam Grooms
Jane and Doug Guffy
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Hilary Harvey*
Carol R. Hase
Mary Ann Head
Michael Heitkemper*
Dawn Hendrickson
William Henk*
Judith Hess
James M. Hill
Rick Hopf
Susan and William Hotz
Neil Jaehnert
Peter Janczak*
Jewish Community Foundation
/ Eileen & Howard Dubner
Donor Advised Fund
Gwendolyn A. Johnson
Steve Johnson
Helen G. Johnston
Ms. Lyndall M. Jones
Suneeti and Shrinivas Joshi
Mary and Charles Kamps
Karen and Walter Kangas
Julie Kerr-Nicholson
Vivian King
Ellen and Hans Kirkegaard
Janet and Kevin Kluesner
Janet Barnes Knutson*
Nancy and John Koss
Jane E. Kostuch*
Kathryn Krause
Krenz and Hannan International,
Mary and Scott Krienke
Billie and Michael Kubly
Gail F. Kursel Family Fund
Lynne and Mike Kwiatkowski
Julie and Jim Ladky
W. Tony Lam
Lisa Van Landeghem*
Sandra and Larry Lange
Kimberly and W. Craig Leach
Jennifer Lemke
John Levendusky
Mary Ann and David Lillich
Cherie Lockwood
Earnell Lucas
Ann and Chris Lueth
William P Luterbach
Anne and Leroy A. Lutz*
David Lutz*
Beth and Michael MacNeil
Dani and Justin Machata
Michael G. Mack*
Radhika Maheshwari and Varun
Robert Makowski*
Sharon and Joseph Malenda
Marquette Jesuit Community
Jessica and Annabelle Marschall
Melissa and Chris Marschka
Eleanore and Donald J. Massa
Brunetta and Charles Matthews*
Cindy and Dan McGrath
Katie and Dan Meylink
Paul Milakovich
Brenda Millmann
Milwaukee Dancing Grannies
Milwaukee Table Tennis Inc., DBA
Spin Milwaukee
Lynn and Rosa Moist
Matthew Moran*
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist
Patricia R. Mousseau*
Mary and Robert W Mulcahy
Rachel and Joe Mullen
Cindy and John Murphy
Patrick J Murphy, Ph.D.
Kathleen and Terrance Nelson
Niebler, Pyzyk, Roth & Carrig,
Mary and Michael Nolan
Zorka Novakovich
Michele Nowak-Lareau*
Wilma Nygaard
Donna and Edwin Offterdinger
Alex Okun
Jill Ostrowski*
Kayte and Wesley Parkin
Vicky and Doug Patch
Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Associates, LLC
Nancy Penksa and Albert Frisone
Susan Perkins*
Joanne Peronto
Sara Peronto*
Lisa and Loren Peterson
James Piatt
Lorraine Plotkin
Abby and Matthew Plum
Professionals Choice, LLC
R & M Foundation, Inc.
Jay Radmer
Rainbow’s End Granite CO
Cindy Rasey
Carolyn and Richard Raymaker
Connie and Reik Read
Kimberly A. Reed
Rhythm of Life Chiropractic, LLC
Jack Rodee*
Linda Rodriguez*
Ellen and Robert Romans
Ann and Robert Roob
Nancy and Michael Roos
Heather Rotolo*
Audra and John Rumpf
Mysie and Todd Sabin
Gregory E Sarandos*
Geraldine and Forrest Sarver
Hannah Schabla*
Jill Anne Schaeffer*
Jessie and John Schaub
Sharon and Ronald G. Schlicht
Katy and Joe Schlidt
Christine Schlosser
Daniel S. Schlosser
Laura and Joe Schmidt
Teresa and John Schmidt
Tyson John Schmidt
Jean Schneider*
Nicole M. Schneider
Jeanne B. Schroeder
Laura and Scott Schubert
Patricia and Peter Schuyler
Seasons of the Heart
Michele and Richard Seesel
Meghan Shannon*
Al Sherwood
Pamela and Jeffrey Shovers
Suzanne and Walter R Simonz, Jr.
Dennis J. Singer*
Jayme Small
Michael J. Smalley*
Judy and Roger Smith
Steve Smith*
Stano Landscaping, Inc.*
Meg and Mark G. Steimle
Katie and Jeff Stewart
Richard Stoll*
Fred Sucharew
Eric Sunstrom
Kristin and James Susedik
Sharyl Lynn Tarantino
Chrissy and Scott Taylor
Marcus Taylor*
Susan and David Taylor
Thomas M. Taylor
Urszula Tempska
Cari and Michael Terry
Dr. John and Anne Thomas, Jr.
LaTasha Thurman*
Lisa and Peter Todd*
Brian R. Tomczak*
Sue Vincent and Ondrej Tomek
Anne R. Booth and Charles I.
Teresa Trostmiller
Vicky Lynn Tuder
United Methodist Women
United Way of Greater High
United Way of Racine County
Corinthia Van Orsdol
Nancy Vandenberg
Venture Investors LLC
Vernal Management Consultants,
Audrey and Bob Warner
Michael F. Weber*
Bethany Weeden
Ruth and Jerome Weeden
Brigid and Adam White
WI-UP of MI District Exchange
Alan Wichtoski*
Dorothy L. Williams
Earnestine Willis
Deborah Winkel*
Catherine Wittig
Jeanne and John Wittmann
Jill and Joe Wolf
Julie and John W Wolf
Samuel M. Woodruff*
Lindy Yeager and John Florsheim~
Celeste and Craig Zaffrann
Paul Zurich
$99 and Under
AT&T, Siemens NTC Center
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Campaign
AbbVie Inc. Employee Giving
Nancy J. Acevedo
Doris and Lawrence Acker
Patricia and George A. Adlam
Kareeda Chones Aguom*
Ram Ananthakrishnan and Aruna
Angela and David Andersen
Julie and Jeffrey Anich
Stephanie and James Aseltine
Chris and George Bachman
Joan and John Balistreri
Christopher Baumgart
Frances and Naaman Bechtolt
Barbara and John Beckman
Pamela Beckman
Susan and James Bellin*
Matthew Belskie
Sarah M. Beste
Mary and Jerome Bialo
Nancy A. Blachowski
Blankstein Enterprises
Erin and Michael Bode
Amy Bontempo
Kathryn and James Borkowski
Lori and Mark W Boutelle
Dina and Ron Boville
Janeen Ann Brandenburg
Jean and Donald Brandt
Robin and Kent Brodie
Adam Brown
Arlene Brown
Mary and Mike Brown
P.J. Brown
Sara Williams Brown
Sue Brukbacher
Linda Buchsbaum
Janet Buchter
Tina and Michael Buelow
Heather Buettner
Mary Frances Bullamore
Kirsten Owens-Bur and Nicholas
Santi Burgos
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Burner
Rita M Burns
Richard S. Buse
Carole and Robert Bushman
Gina Caldwell
Amy Calteux
Karen and John Calteux
Maryellen C. Cannon
Marian L. and Mike Carroll
McKenna Carter and Maya
Nealy and Jeffrey Casper
Wendy and John Cayer
Ann and Richard Cherone
Tim Cigelske
Kathleen and Steven R. Clark
Judith and Christopher Collins
Asusena Contreras and Juan
Cora Dobrinska and Michael
Lynn and Joseph Crapitto
Tamara Crum
Mary Kathleen Cunningham
Catherine A. Czarny
Warren Czechorski
Rachael and Farrukh Daniel
Lisa Dausman
James S. Davidson
Jan and William K Davis
Isral DeBruin
Anna and Dan DeWeerdt
Katie and Marcus Dennert
Jerry Dequardo
Koree and Timothy Dertz
Marlene and Jerrold M. Deutsch
Sonja and Anton Devcic
Anneliese Dickman
Joyce Dimaggio
Alyssa L. Dixon
Michael Dobson
Ruth G. Drought*
Melissa Lind Egelhoff
Grace and Fred Ehlers
Laura and Jeffrey Eichel
Emily Emerson
Lee Ericksen
Corinne Evans
Laura Fait
Rebecca Parker Fedewa
Andy Feuersthaler
Marlene and Robert Fieldbinder
Elizabeth A. and Steve P. File
Joanne FitzGerald
Anna and Luis Flores
James E. Foy
Michaela and Guy Fraley
Cathern G. Frantz
Emily Fredrickson
Julie A. Frey
Gael and Jeff Fulcer
Kimberly and Scott Fuller
Kathryn and David Gableman
Linda Gabriel-Kasulke and Steven
Kathryn Lynne Gaedtke
Kathleen Gappa
Emmanuel J. Garczynski*
Chelsea and Thomas Gates
Shannon Gburzynski
GE United Way Campaign
Chris Gesinski
Keryn and Joseph Ghali
Beth and Michael Giacobassi
Bradley Girsch
Carrie and Charles Glapinski
Carrie and Eric Goetsch
Itai Seggev and Dana Goldman
Lindsay and Jason Golembiewski
Erica Gordon
Rayven Gordon*
Julie Gorens-Winston*
Victoria Green
Lesley Grider*
Elizabeth and Christopher
Christin and Nick Griswold
Amy and Paul Gromowski
Melissa and Zachary Groth
Jeanne and Troy Gueller*
Jill and Martin Gulczynski
Barbara and Frank Gulgowski
Janet and Phillip Gural
Jackie Gurevich
Alexa A. Gutbrod*
Teresa Gutierrez
Patricia M. Haak*
Mary Haberman
Juliana and Joseph Hahn
Patricia Hallingstad
Susan and H. Jeffrey Hamar
Marsha and Frederick Hammer
Patrice Harsch
Melissa and Robert Hartmann
Barbara B. Hartnett
Kimberly and Michael Hauman*
Ellyn S. Heicher
Ruth and Otto Heimler
Julie and Scott Heindel
Scott Heins
Mary and Robert Hernandez
Sandra and Steven Herrenbruck
Kathleen and David Herrewig
Karen Herz
D. and L. Hess
Mary Jane and John Hicks
Jennifer and Travis Higgins
Margaret and Dale Hintz
Hobert & Svoboda Enterprises,
Kathryn and Thomas Hofman
Jennafer Ranay Hohl
Maureen and Daniel Holahan
Carolyn and Michael Hottinger
Cindy and Dale Houghton
Jean and Jonathan Howell
Sara Hruska
Jill Bocklund Hughes and David
Kriston and Patrick Hughes
Lynn and Martin Huizenga
Susan and Christophe Hullin
Monica Hurt
Concetta Illies
Jody B. Isaacson
Lindsay M. Jacobs
Adrienne Jaeger
Eden Jahn
Patricia Jardon
Linda Joski
Stephanie Joski
Bernice and Dennis J. Jungers
David Kalchbrenner
Rosemary Karnowski
Mary and Michael Karolewicz
Ed Karvelis
Kaye and Mark Kass
Melanie Kawczynski
Mitzi Keel
Barbara and Dennis Kelly
John D. Kempken
Beth and Kevin Kent
Allison and Ryan Kimmel
Monica and Robert Kling
Stacy and Chad Knutson
Nancy Koeckenberg
Jeremiah Korbisch
Sarah Kordsmeier
Mary and Henry Kosarzycki
Leone and David J. Kosinski
Melissa and Craig Kostka
Laurie Kovacic and Ronald Irwin
Susan and Gary Kramer
Peter Kreuser
Melissa Krische
Laura Krisciunaite
Amy Krohn*
Suzanne and Raymond Kroupa
Craig Krzyzkowski*
Marie and David Kuemmel
Beth and Jeffrey Kuhnke
Patricia Kulmann
Michelle Kupferschmidt*
Kimberly and Gregory
Three Cellars, LLC
Komisar Brady & Co., LLP
Lisa and Jason Lacoursier
Lynn A. Lambro
Clinton Lampshire
Landmark/Hearts and Hands
Jason Lantzer
Kathleen Leach
Tracy Lease
Dawn A. Lee
Linda J. Lee
Kathleen and James Lenihan
Krista and Kevin Lichterman
Megan Lichterman
Cheryl and Donald Liebetrau
Judy and Keith Lillquist
Kathleen and Clifford Lingafelt
Robert Linscott
Joan and Michael W. Lischak
Jim Livesey
Christi and Robert Long
Wendy K. Lopez*
Shannon Lorenz*
Joanna Love
Elliot Lubar
Dan Lutz
Mary Ellen Luxem
Teddy Lyngaas
Jeff Mack
Linda and Dan Majewski
Lori J. Makinen*
Jennifer and Jude Mance
Josephine Manchester
Nancy Maniaci*
Mary and Michael Manning
Jennifer and Scott Markrof
Denise Marshall
Karen and Kevin Martens
Joseph Martin
Fleurette Mascarenhas
Rya Massek*
Mathnasium of Menomonee Falls
Robert Matyas*
Debra and Steven Maynard
Ryan McAdams
Janet McCoy
Roashune McCoy
Carol and Michael McGuire
Jill L. McGuire
Debra McLauchlin
Gail and William McMurray
Darla and Russell Miller
Heidi and Jesse Miller
Iris and William E. Miller
Amanda Milosz
Machelle and Michael Minster
Jean M. Mohr
Lucy C. Moker
Scott Moltzan
Cindy Monreal*
Martha Moore
Monique Moorer
Sylvia Moravec
Amanda and Adam Morn
Nicole and Donald Motley
Mary and Jerry Mudlaff
Lynsey and Tom Muellenbach
Gail and Harlan Mueller
Mariann and James Mueller
Sandra Mueller
Shirley Mundstock
Lenore and Herman Murashige
Kelly J. Mutsch*
Catherine and Marion Myers
Patricia and Kevin Neis
Margaret and Duane Nelson
Margaret Neuworth*
Nicolet High School
Administration and School
Kay and Robert Nolan
Marie Norgal
Paul A. Nothem*
Kristin M. Novak
Sandy C. Nuhn
Kimberly O’Brien*
Elizabeth and Daniel O’Connell
Stephanie O’Connor-Schutt
Colleen O’Donnell and Timothy
Elizabeth and Travis Oates
Terra M. Olsen
Lynn Olson*
Jane and Robert St. Onge
Diarma Orlando*
Monica Orr
Adele and Jerome Ortloff
J. Dorothy and Gilbert Palay
Laura and Jeffrey Pappas
Mary Beth and Scott Paprocki
Sarah Paul*
Richard A. Pearson
Julie and Kevin Penneau
Teddy Perry
Rosemary and Peter Petroll
Patricia Pierce-Cotter*
Michael Pierzchalski
Kristine Pintor
Connie and Roderick Place
Catherine and Trevor Podd
Jeanne and Gary Pokorny
Lisa Marie Pollnow*
Amanda Pozorski
Ann and Chad Raden
Heidi and David Ragan
Marian Randazzo
Anthony Ratliff
Marjorie and Bob Ricci
Kerry and A. John Richter
Georgette and Timothy Rippinger
Lorena Rocha
Ellen and Dean Roder
Sara and Phillip A. Roemaat*
Mary Rogers
Heather Rosa
Iris Rosa*
Colleen Rosengarten
Ann and Thomas Roy
Marianne and Roger Rozinski
Ann A. Roznik
Amy and Michael Runte
Jenny and Paul Rushizky
Jennifer and Kyle Russell
Sondra and Brent Russell
Shannon Ryan
Gino Salomone
Margaret and James Sankovitz
Deadra and Gregory Santiago
Suzanne and James Sass
Wayne Sattler*
Dana Savic
Mindy B. Schaefer*
Eleanor J. Schaub
Dr. David and Margaret Scheidt
Christine Schlueter
Linda Schneider*
Tonya M. Schnelle
Jerri and Gerald G. Schubert
Jennifer and Timothy Schultz
Roger Schuneman*
Kate Schuppe
Randy Scoville
Barbara and Russell Searing
Erika and Peter Sellers
Heather and Ryan Seymour
Pamela and Patrick Shaughnessy
Ellen Shiflet
Kelly Sics
Julie and Timothy Simmons
Antoinette M. Smith*
Sonia S. Smith
Tanya and Don Soich
Kari Sokolosky
Mary and Mark Spottek
St. Mary’s Troop 3200
Matthew Stamborski
Mary and Larry Stein
Catherine A. Steinhafel
Denise Stengl
Angela Sterling
Amanda L. Stewart
Joyann Stewart
Jennifer and Charles Strand
Sandra Strupp
Joan Ericson and Karin Stulz
Patricia Ann Suderland
Susan Suleski
Elizabeth Sunstrom
Kim M. Sutyla
Cynthia and James Swanson
Sheila and John Patrick Taphorn
Katherine Taylor and Garrett
Kimberly Theno
Trisha and Joerg Toberna
Tammy and William Tobin
Peter Toepfer
Amanda and Russell Toms
Jack Safro Toyota
Brianna Trainor
Lena Le Tran
MaryKay and Isaac Trejo
United Way in Waukesha County
United Way of Coastal Fairfield
County, Inc.
Becky and Robert Valcq
Beth and Daniel Van Ert
Erika Vega*
Janice and A.J.Verona
Janet and Kenneth Vickstrom
Edward M.Vite
Nancy and Philip Volz
Jennifer and Eric Von Helms
Katie Voss
Margaret and Patrick Voss
Margaret and George Vranes
Jaime Rose Walls*
Laura Wamser
Paula and Michael Weckman
Wells Fargo Community Support
Danita Wendorf*
Kristi Westcott*
Eileen and Bruce Westgate
Gina and Roger Wettberg
Jennifer Wilson
Mary Wilson
Susan Winans
Debora Wisneski
Beth Wisniewski*
Sarah Wittmann*
Troy Wohlt
Daniel Francis Wooters
Susan and Neal Wucherer
Maria and Alcides Yanez
Mark Yee
Leonard and Lynne Zacharias
Alan Zajac*
Anna M.Vander Zanden
Kristina and Nate Zastrow
Mia Zizzo
Jennifer Zugel
Arig Aboulenein
Thomas Aiken
Tori Andrews
Karen Bailey
Pearletha Baker
Terese Banasik
Joan Blanchfield
Kristina Bolling
Grace Booth
Lauren Bourchardt
Becky Bouressa
Mar Brahm
Bill Bravener
Bonnie Bruhn
Ryan Calteux
Gwenn Chamberlin
Maddie Clemenie
Andrea Clemins
Irene Cvetich
Gary Darst
Tiffani Davis
Winnie Dresden
Ashlee Elder
Gabby Embry
Chandler Farris
Christina Feller
Megan Fitzpatrick
Fasmine Flores
Decorah Franke
Margaret Franklin
Emme Granger
Maria Guizar
Elizabeth Haebig
Rachel Hansen
Ellie Harbeck
Mary Hare
Alexandra Hasham
Cherish Haynes
Britany Helmrich
Rachel Herman
Annmarie Hermann
Celeste Hernandez
Jennifer Hilger
Michelle Hohenberger
Holly Hyland
Melvin Jagodzinski
Michelle Jones
Rachel King
Kelly Klotz
Catherine Knier
Sue Knutson
Lauren Koch
Lucy Kohlenberg
Julia Krebsbach
Lauren Kurten
Mary Lee
Tiarra Lee
Grace Lee
Chelsey Lewis
Erynn Lewis
Elina Litinskaya
Elliot Lubar
Allie Marcus
Katie Martens
Brandon McGee
Jessica McLaughlin
Jenna Merry
Danielle Millot
Lynda Mitz
Katharine Montemurri
Nikee Moore
Deasjiah Morris
Atiya Muhammad
Sarah Muwonge
Krissy Nelson
Tyler Nettesheim
Mary Newby
Jamie Nitz
Audrey Oster
Lori Ozminkowski
Stormy Palmer
Kyleigh Pasbrig
Amanda Ramirez
Tiffany Rochefort
Krystal Rodman
Chiana Roman
Dariene Rose
Beth Schepp
Reagan Schmidt
Claire Schneider
Shannon Ship
Dimitria Sims
Johnisha Stanton
Sarah Steinhilber
Melissa Strobel
Katie Thiel
Alex Thorson
Kelli Topel
Sara Trimborn
Luke Urbanik
Koyoua Vang
Emily Wassmann
Charae Wright
Royal Wright
Amy Zongshia Xiong
There were 388
volunteers who
provided 4,317
hours of service for
Penfield during 2013.
Volunteers assisted
staff in classrooms,
the Special Care
Nursery, at family and
fundraising events, at
outreach events and
with maintenance
projects at the Center.
2013 Group Volunteer and
Community Fundraising Programs
5 Hearts Boutique
Assurant Health
Liza Blackburn and family
BMO Harris Bank
Escuela Verde High School
FIS Global
Garden Room
Grace Lutheran Church
Barb Kampa and family
Kohl’s Associates in Action
Kohl’s West Allis Store
Marquette High School
Marquette University
Marquette University
Advancement Staff
Mariann Mueller and family
Northwestern Mutual
Jason Parry and family
Rockwell Automation
Roots Salon
South Milwaukee High School
National Honor Society
St. Paul’s Parish in Genessee
Sun Tan City
Julie Turetsky and family
University of
Dr. Lisa Zetley and family
Board of Directors
Executive Committee:
Robert L. Mikulay
Miller Brewing Company (Retired)
Vice Chair
Michael J. Brophy
Aurora Health Care
Keith S. Baisden
Town Bank
Madonna Williams
Community Volunteer
Phyllis King, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Thomas G. Smith
Mason Wells
Immediate Past Chair
Patricia K. Schuyler
Community Volunteer
Sally R. Bentley
WE Energies (Retired)
Marlita Annette Bevenue
Assurant Health
Christine Brumfield
US Bank Private Client Group
Steve Cain
Assurant Health
Dirk Carson
Consultant, Healthcare Marketing
William A. Darling, M.D.
Moreland Ear Nose and Throat
Group, Ltd
Barbara Faucett
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Viktor Gottlieb
Associated Bank
Margaret Harris
Balistreri Owned and Operated
Sendik’s Food Markets
Wendy Heyn
Community Volunteer
Eugenia Jacobus
Community Volunteer
Michelle Mason
American Society for Quality (ASQ)
JoAnn Ratcheson
Columbia-St. Mary’s Hospital
Jay Radmer
BMO Harris Bank
John H. Schaub
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Todd M. Schoon
Northwestern Mutual
Jon R. Schumacher
Bank One (Retired)
John B. Sibson
Johnson Controls
Sonia Shields Stowe
Community Volunteer
Alden Taylor
Community Volunteer
Betsy Trimble
Community Volunteer
Cathy White
Community Volunteer
Earnestine Willis, M.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin
Donald H. Wilson
Stone Pillar Advisors
Nicholas C. Wilson
Jacobus Wealth Management
Beth Wisniewski
BMO Harris Bank
Betsy Brown Wyatt
Emeritus Directors:
Marilyn Bradley
Suzanne HarnischfegerBurroughs
Priscilla Penfield Chester
Barbara Elsner
William S. Kellogg
W. David Knox, II
Peter M. Sommerhauser
Ann Tisdale
Administrative Team:
Christine P. Holmes
President & CEO
Mark Rhode
Vice President of Administration/CFO
Ann Becker
Vice President of Programs
Jason Parry
Vice President of Development &
Anneliese Dickman
Policy and Program Researcher
Income and Support
The combined financial
records of Penfield Children’s
Center, Inc., the Friends of
Penfield Children’s Center,
Inc. and VMMS Building
Corporation for the year
ending December 31, 2013
were audited by Baker
Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP,
Milwaukee. The complete
audited financial statement
for 2013 is available at
Penfield Children’s Center,
833 North 26th Street,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Fees for Services.................................................................................. $2,120,325
Government Grants and Contracts......................................... $1,474,829
United Way................................................................................................. $816,292
Contributions & In Kind Contributions.................................... $1,241,802
Investment Income................................................................................. $188,167
Realized & Unrealized Gains............................................................. $504,604
Other Income.......................................................................................... $23,295
Total Revenues
Program Services................................................................................. $5,793,596
Development & Fundraising.............................................................. $312,670
Management & General................................................................. $604,788
Total Expenses
Current Revenue
Fees for Service
Government Grants & Contracts
United Way
Contributions & In Kind
Investment Income
Realized & Unrealized Gains
Other Income
Program Expenses
* (Decrease) in Net Assets..................................................................($341,740)
* Decrease in Net Assets is a result of a planned spend down of restricted grant
funding received in prior years.
Program Services
Development & Fundraising
Management & General
833 N. 26th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 344-7676
Penfield Children’s Center is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose
is to help infants and young children with and without disabilities to reach
their full potential through education, therapy services and family programs.
Photo Credits
Aaron Ledesma Photography • Jeff Durand • Ericka Mancuso Photography • Neil Kiekhofer at Front Room Photography