Eagle Cap Collectibles Auction


Eagle Cap Collectibles Auction
Eagle Cap Collectibles Spring 2015 Auction
Phone: 541-569-2318
Auction Ends Sunday, May 17th at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Pacific time)
CD 100 Surge w/ Side Pin,
Price Realized: $10
CD 101 Brookfield Yellow
Green, #194
Price Realized: $45
CD 102 BTC Milky Royal
Purple, #1
Price Realized: $50
CD 102 Brookfield Light
Green w/ Amber Highlights,
Price Realized: $85
CD 102 C.G.I. Smoky Purple,
Price Realized: $25
CD 102 California Aqua, #2
Price Realized: $130
CD 102 Diamond Aqua w/
Milky Swirls, #285
Price Realized: $30
CD 102 Diamond Dark Orange
Amber, #134
Price Realized: $30
CD 102 Diamond Light Aqua w/
Milky Swirls, #284
Price Realized: $15
CD 102 Diamond Milky Ice
Green, #75
Price Realized: $20
CD 102 Diamond Olive Green,
Price Realized: $18
CD 102 Star Fizzy Light Green,
Price Realized: $20
CD 102 Star w/ Wedge
Shaped Drips, #195
Price Realized: $130
CD 102 VTS Ruby Red, #257
Price Realized: $190
CD 106 Hemingray 7-Up
Green, #5
Price Realized: $20
CD 106 Hemingray Bubbly
Light Hemi-Blue, #4
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 106 Hemingray Jade
Green Milk, #283
Price Realized: $14
CD 106 Hemingray No
Underscore, #196
Price Realized: $40
CD 106 Lynchburg Gingerale,
Price Realized: $20
CD 106 McLaughlin Yellow
Green, #7
Price Realized: $35
CD 106 Star Yellow Olive
Green, #8
Price Realized: $100
1 of 10
CD 106 W.G.M. Purple, #183
Price Realized: $40
CD 106.1 Duquesne
Cornflower Blue, #181
Price Realized: $120
CD 106.3 Duquesne Blue
Aqua, #182
Price Realized: $35
CD 112 California Smoke, #9
Price Realized: $25
CD 113 Hemingray Purple /
Sage Two Tone, #11
Price Realized: $180
CD 113 Star Fizzy Blue Aqua,
Price Realized: $5
CD 1130 French Johnny Ball
Green, #226
Price Realized: $40
CD 115 Brookfield Dark Aqua
w/ Amber Swirls, #287
Price Realized: $50
CD 115 McLaughlin Fizzy
Clear, #180
Price Realized: $240
CD 115 McLaughlin Light
Green, #179
Price Realized: $10
CD 120 C.E.W. Light Aqua,
Price Realized: $130
CD 120 Patent 1871 Lime
Green, #112
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 120 Patent – 1871 Aqua,
Price Realized: $14
CD 121 Agee Purple, #102
Price Realized: $25
CD 121 Diamond Peek-a-Boo
Bubbles, #135
Price Realized: $30
CD 121 Jade Aqua Milk, #221
Price Realized: $190
CD 121 McLaughlin Delft
Blue, #13
Price Realized: $45
CD 121 O.V.G. Blue, #220
Price Realized: $20
CD 121 Pleated Skirt Light
Aqua, #251
Price Realized: $20
CD 121 W.G.M Lavender
Purple, #15
Price Realized: $50
CD 121 W.G.M. Dark Purple,
Price Realized: $25
CD 122 Hemingray Clear /
Blue Two Tone, #222
Price Realized: $95
CD 122 Maydwell Smoky
Purple, #184
Price Realized: $25
CD 122 McLaughlin Bright
Apple Green, #115
Price Realized: $60
CD 122 McLaughlin Citrine,
Price Realized: $210
CD 123 EC&M A-Mold Cobalt
Blue, #236
Price Realized: $1,650
CD 123 EC&M B-Mold Aqua
Short Stuff, #238
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M B-Mold Aqua
w/ Amber Swirls, #237
Price Realized: $925
CD 123 EC&M B-Mold Fizzy
Light Aqua, #240
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M B-Mold Light
Green, #241
Price Realized: $575
2 of 10
CD 123 EC&M C-Mold Bluish
Aqua, #242
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M D Mold w/
Original Tie Wire, #265
Price Realized: $270
CD 123 EC&M H-Mold Aqua
& Short, #246
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M H-Mold Aqua
w/ Light Amber Swirls, #243
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M H-Mold Fizzy
Light Blue Aqua, #244
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 123 EC&M H-Mold Light
Aurora Blue, #245
Price Realized: $750
CD 123 EC&M Tin Mold w/
Original Tie Wire, #264
Price Realized: $575
CD 123 EC&M Transition from
G to H Mold, #239
Price Realized: $250
CD 124 Patent 1871 Light
Blue, #197
Price Realized: $45
CD 126 Brookfield Aqua w/
Original Tie Wire, #262
Price Realized: $13
CD 126 Brookfield Light
Yellow Green w/ Amber
Highlights, #219
Price Realized: $160
CD 126.4 Am Ins Light Aqua
w/ Under Pour, #186
Price Realized: $45
CD 126.4 W.E. Mfg Aqua, #16
Price Realized: $20
CD 126.4 W.E. Mfg Light
Green, #187
Price Realized: $50
CD 126.4 “Tealish” w/
Gigantic Bubble, #188
Price Realized: $170
CD 127 Brookfield Straight
Side, #206
Price Realized: $15
CD 127 Brookfield Strait Side,
Price Realized: $50
CD 127 Brookfield W.U.T.
Aqua, #260
Price Realized: $20
CD 131 Brookfield Blue Aqua,
Price Realized: $75
CD 132 Patent 1871 Light
Green Bullet, #93
Price Realized: $40
CD 133 Brookfield Chair Leg
Insulator, #269
Price Realized: $5
CD 133 H.G.CO. Milky Lime
Green, #118
Price Realized: $160
CD 133 No Name Brookfield,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 133 Old Style Brookfield
in Bluish Light Aqua, #247
Price Realized: $120
CD 133 Star Aqua w/ Light
Amber, #268
Price Realized: $40
CD 133 Star Yellow Green,
Price Realized: $30
CD 133.1 Pat App For
Brooke’s Blue, #18
Price Realized: $60
CD 133.1 Patent – 1871 Fizzy
w/ Hint of Purple Tint, #17
Price Realized: $110
CD 134 American Super
Character, #117
Price Realized: $290
CD 134 Brookfield Green w/
Junk, #121
Price Realized: $50
3 of 10
CD 134 Brookfield So Many
Tiny Bubbles & Teeny
Potstones, #120
Price Realized: $40
CD 134 Good Aqua, #21
Price Realized: $5
CD 134 Good Junky Sage
Aqua, #119
Price Realized: $55
CD 134 Patent 1871 Milky
Lime Green, #189
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 134 T-H E Aqua w/ Amber
Streak, #22
Price Realized: $15
CD 134 W.F.G. Purple, #114
Price Realized: $60
CD 135 Chicago Blue, #190
Price Realized: $85
CD 135 Chicago Coiling
Snake & Biggie Bubble, #122
Price Realized: $250
CD 136 B&O Aqua, #23
Price Realized: $16
CD 139.9 McLaughlin USLD
Green Aqua, #191
Price Realized: $95
CD 143 C.N.R. Light Purplish
Gray, #270
Price Realized: $35
CD 143 Canadian Pacific
Error Royal Purple, #198
Price Realized: $95
CD 143 Canadian Pacific
Fizzy & Icy, #24
Price Realized: $70
CD 143 Canadian Pacific
Dark Purple, #131
Price Realized: $50
CD 143 Canadian Pacific
Standard Blot Out Royal
Purple, #132
Price Realized: $60
CD 143 Canadian Pacific
Withycombe, #192
Price Realized: $90
CD 143 Withdrawn from Sale
- Educational Opportunity,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 143 Withdrawn from Sale
- Educational Opportunity,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 145 Brookfield Fizzy,
Snowy, Light Aqua CREB, #26
Price Realized: $30
CD 145 Brookfield Light Aqua
w/ “Snow”, #267
Price Realized: $5
CD 145 Brookfield Light
Green CREB, #27
Price Realized: $20
CD 145 California Sage
Green, #28
Price Realized: $9
CD 145 G.N.W.TEL. Royal
Purple, #253
Price Realized: $60
CD 145 G.T.P. Light Purple,
Price Realized: $75
CD 145 Grand Canyon Steel
Blue w/ Purple Hues, #126
Price Realized: $95
CD 145 H.G. CO. “Inbound
Asteroid”, #124
Price Realized: $330
CD 145 H.G.CO. Bubbles
Rising, #125
Price Realized: $25
CD 145 H.G.CO. Honey
Amber, #208
Price Realized: $925
CD 145 H.G.CO. Jade Green
Milk w/ Original Tie Wire,
Price Realized: $15
CD 145 H.G.CO. Light
Lavender, #31
Price Realized: $160
4 of 10
CD 145 H.G.CO. Light Sky
Blue w/ Huge Bubble, #33
Price Realized: $35
CD 145 H.G.CO. Pair, #32
Price Realized: $5
CD 145 H.G.CO. Turquoise
w/ Milky Streak, #128
Price Realized: $35
CD 145 H.G.CO. Twice
Formed Inner Skirt, #123
Price Realized: $30
CD 145 Star Green w/ Amber
Swirls, #34
Price Realized: $6
CD 145 Star Two Tone Green
/ Aqua, #127
Price Realized: $170
CD 147 Amber Swirls Spiral
Groove, #30
Price Realized: $35
CD 151 H.G. CO. / N.A.T.Co.
Peacock Blue, #200
Price Realized: $850
CD 151 H.G.CO. / N.A.T.Co.
Peacock, #48
Price Realized: $1,300
CD 152 Brookfield Swirled
Olive Amber, #35
Price Realized: $45
CD 154 Hemingray Dramatic
Blue & Green Two Tone, #193
Price Realized: $130
CD 154 Hemingray Smooth
Base, #261
Price Realized: $16
CD 154 McLaughlin Emerald
Green, #224
Price Realized: $150
CD 154 McLaughlin “NO” 42,
Price Realized: $25
CD 155 Armstrong Light Olive
Green, #39
Price Realized: $11
CD 160 B Blue w/ Wire in
Glass, #141
Price Realized: $30
CD 160 B Dark Yellow Green,
Price Realized: $40
CD 160 B Green, #139
Price Realized: $60
CD 160 B Snowy Aqua, #140
Price Realized: $65
CD 160 Brookfield Aqua, #142
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 Brookfield Aqua,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 160 Brookfield Dark
Yellow Green, #145
Price Realized: $20
CD 160 Brookfield Emerald
Green w/ Heavy Amber, #144
Price Realized: $30
CD 160 Brookfield Fizzy &
Snow Yellow Green, #146
Price Realized: $60
CD 160 Brookfield Green w/
Light Amber, #143
Price Realized: $75
CD 160 Brookfield Yellow
Green w/ Amber Highlights,
Price Realized: $35
CD 160 California Almost
Lilac, #157
Price Realized: $160
CD 160 California Green,
Price Realized: $270
CD 160 California Harelip
Light Purple, #154
Price Realized: $65
CD 160 California Light Olive
Green, #149
Price Realized: $110
5 of 10
CD 160 California Purple,
Price Realized: $110
CD 160 California Smoky
Purple, #153
Price Realized: $25
CD 160 California Smoky
Sage Green, #152
Price Realized: $50
CD 160 Gayner Fat Dome,
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 Gayner Narrow
Dome, #159
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 H.G.CO – No Last
Period, #162
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 160 H.G.CO. Aqua w/
Bubble, #164
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 160 H.G.CO. Blue Aqua,
Price Realized: $6
CD 160 H.G.CO. Double
Engraved, #166
Price Realized: $35
CD 160 H.G.CO. Misplaced &
Then Extra Period, #165
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 Hemingray
Underscore 14, #167
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 Hewingray & Other
Embossing Miscues, #168
Price Realized: $40
CD 160 Lynchburg Green
Aqua, #160
Price Realized: $10
CD 160 Maydwell Smoke, #37
Price Realized: $10
CD 160 Maydwell Straw, #178
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 McLaughlin Gray
Green, #173
Price Realized: $18
CD 160 McLaughlin Light
Aqua, #176
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 160 McLaughlin Light
Green, #174
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 McLaughlin Mint
Green, #177
Price Realized: $11
CD 160 McLaughlin Olive
Black Glass, #170
Price Realized: $35
CD 160 McLaughlin Olive
Green Black Glass, #38
Price Realized: $15
CD 160 McLaughlin Sage
Green, #175
Price Realized: $14
CD 160 Star Aqua, #172
Price Realized: $5
CD 160 Star Dark Aqua, #169
Price Realized: $6
CD 160 Star Yellow Green,
Price Realized: $55
CD 160 Sterling Aqua, #161
Price Realized: $18
CD 161 California Burgundy,
Price Realized: $30
CD 161 California Light Sage
Green, #42
Price Realized: $18
CD 161 California Plum
Perfect for Yard Display, #129
Price Realized: $10
CD 162 Brookfield Dark Olive
Green w/ Amber, #41
Price Realized: $25
6 of 10
CD 162 Brookfield Snowy
Aqua, #40
Price Realized: $30
CD 162 California Burgundy,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162 California Fizzy,
Smoky Sage, #45
Price Realized: $10
CD 162 California Minor Two
Tone, #47
Price Realized: $80
CD 162 California Smoke w/
Hint of Purple, #44
Price Realized: $25
CD 162 California Smokey w/
Purple Layers, #130
Price Realized: $40
CD 162 H.G.CO. Bright
Orange Amber, #62
Price Realized: $65
CD 162 H.G.CO. Dark Honey
Amber, #60
Price Realized: $65
CD 162 H.G.CO. Glowing
Peacock Blue, #52
Price Realized: $340
CD 162 H.G.CO. Medium
Peacock Blue, #53
Price Realized: $130
CD 162 H.G.CO. Peacock
Blue w/ “Snot”, #51
Price Realized: $230
CD 162 H.G.CO. Red /
Whiskey Amber Two Tone,
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162 Hemingray 7-Up
Green, #57
Price Realized: $50
CD 162 Hemingray Blot Out
7-Up Green, #137
Price Realized: $95
CD 162 Hemingray Bright
Orange Amber, #67
Price Realized: $270
CD 162 Hemingray Brown
Amber, #65
Price Realized: $45
CD 162 Hemingray Cobalt
Blue, #50
Price Realized: $160
CD 162 Hemingray Dark
Cobalt Blue, #49
Price Realized: $95
CD 162 Hemingray Dark
Orange Amber, #68
Price Realized: $100
CD 162 Hemingray Electric
Blue, #54
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162 Hemingray Forest
Green, #56
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162 Hemingray Golden
Amber w/ Cool Bubble, #66
Price Realized: $80
CD 162 Hemingray Golden
Amber, #63
Price Realized: $80
CD 162 Hemingray Ice Aqua
w/ Graphite Streak, #58
Price Realized: $30
CD 162 Hemingray Royal
Purple, #55
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162 Hemingray Yellow
Olive Amber, #64
Price Realized: $500
CD 162 McLaughlin Delft
Blue, #70
Price Realized: $45
CD 162 McLaughlin
Depression Glass Green, #71
Price Realized: $50
CD 162 McLaughlin Emerald
Green, #254
Price Realized: $45
CD 162 McLaughlin Light
Cornflower Blue, #69
Price Realized: $90
7 of 10
CD 162 Pair of Maydwell
Signals, #72
Price Realized: $16
CD 162 Star Fizzy Green-Aqua
w/ Amber & Milk, #77
Price Realized: $60
CD 162 Star Olive Green,
Price Realized: $50
CD 162 Star Pair, #90
Price Realized: $10
CD 162 Star Yellow Green w/
Amber, #78
Price Realized: $10
CD 162 W.F.G. Fizzy & Icy
Green, #73
Price Realized: $75
CD 162 W.G.M. Purple, #74
Price Realized: $40
CD 162.3 Star Green, #286
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 162.4 1678 Peachy
Straw, #59
Price Realized: $90
CD 164 H.G.CO. Jade Green
Milk, #80
Price Realized: $75
CD 164 Lynchburg Apple
Green, #209
Price Realized: $25
CD 164 Maydwell White Milk,
Price Realized: $10
CD 164 McLaughlin 7-Up
Green, #81
Price Realized: $25
CD 164 McLaughlin Citrine,
Price Realized: $390
CD 164 McLaughlin Dark
Citrine, #151
Price Realized: $1,050
CD 164 McLaughlin Light
Citrine, #150
Price Realized: $300
CD 164 McLaughlin Steel Blue,
Price Realized: $15
CD 166 California Purple /
Sage Two Tone, #84
Price Realized: $110
CD 169.5 Brookfield Aqua,
Price Realized: $20
CD 178 Santa Ana Yellow
Green, #92
Price Realized: $120
CD 190/191 Diamond Light
Aqua, #85
Price Realized: $40
CD 190/191 Diamond Royal
Purple, #136
Price Realized: $80
CD 206 Castle Blue Near
Perfection, #216
Price Realized: $900
CD 206 Castle Straw Top
Shelf, #217
Price Realized: $675
CD 208 California Light
Purple, #223
Price Realized: $130
CD 210 Postal Emerald/Yellow
/Olive Green, #199
Price Realized: $55
CD 219 Hemingray Olive
Amber, #86
Price Realized: $50
CD 230 Lowex Orange
Amber, #255
Price Realized: $30
CD 235 Pyrex Carnival, #87
Price Realized: $40
CD 251 N.E.G.M. Aqua w/
Amber Swirls, #83
Price Realized: $30
8 of 10
CD 252 Cable Light Aqua,
Price Realized: $17
CD 252 Hemingray Flashed
Red Amber, #113
Price Realized: $55
CD 252 Lynchburg Aqua, #88
Price Realized: $25
CD 252 McLaughlin Emerald
Green, #227
Price Realized: $190
CD 257 Hemingray
Hemi-Blue, #249
Price Realized: $30
CD 257 Patent-Other Ice Aqua,
Price Realized: $80
CD 259 Cable Dark Aqua,
Price Realized: $25
CD 259 Cable Emerald
Green, #203
Price Realized: $270
CD 259 Oakman Light Blue,
Price Realized: $20
CD 259 Oakman “Limey”
Green, #202
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 260 California Purple,
Price Realized: $300
CD 260 California Sage
Green, #266
Price Realized: $65
CD 260 Star Green w/ Light
Amber Swirls, #205
Price Realized: $310
CD 267 Cable Dark Aqua,
Price Realized: $200
CD 267 N.E.G.M. Yellow
Green, #98
Price Realized: $290
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M. Emerald
Green, #99
Price Realized: $200
CD 280 Hemingray Light
Aqua, #96
Price Realized: $25
CD 286 Locke Aqua, #108
Price Realized: $35
CD 296 Locke Emerald
Green, #95
Price Realized: $30
CD 297 Locke Aqua, #214
Price Realized: $16
CD 300 Locke Blue Aqua,
Price Realized: $45
CD 319 Locke Blue Aqua,
Price Realized: $45
CD 321 Prism Aqua, #213
Price Realized: $20
CD 333 Prism Blue, #211
Price Realized: $130
CD 333 Prism Green, #212
Price Realized: $190
CD 423 A.G.M. Orange
Amber, #103
Price Realized: $30
CD 430 C.C.G. Dark Orange
Amber, #101
Price Realized: $25
CD 430 C.C.G. Pinkish
Amethyst, #100
Price Realized: $35
CD 505 Iranian Light Olive w/
Under Pour, #225
Price Realized: $110
CD 532 EIV Aqua, #107
Price Realized: $16
9 of 10
CD 590 A.G.M. Dark Orange
Amber, #104
Price Realized: $45
CD 590 A.G.M. Honey Dew,
Price Realized: $100
CD 642 L'Electro Verre Dark
Green, #106
Price Realized: $30
CD 701.6 Aqua Confederate
Egg, #228
Price Realized: $200
CD 701.6 Olive Black Glass
Confederate Egg, #229
Price Realized: Not sold
CD 728 No Embossing
Aqua w/ Bubble, #231
Price Realized: $210
CD 728.4 Brookfield
Conundrum, #230
Price Realized: $650
CD 731 No Embossing Light
Aqua, #233
Price Realized: $40
CD 731 No Embossing Light
Blue w/ Milky Swirls, #232
Price Realized: $250
CD 735 Mulford & Biddle Dark
Aqua, #76
Price Realized: $150
CD 737 No Embossing Dark
Green, #235
Price Realized: $100
CD 737.6 No Embossing
Black Glass, #234
Price Realized: $390
U-153 Mottled Brown Glaze,
Price Realized: $30
U-935 Imperial Porcelain, #271
Price Realized: Not sold
U-990 Confederate Teapot
Light Glaze, #272
Price Realized: $460
U-990 Confederate Teapot
Unglazed, #273
Price Realized: $550
M-2442 Ohio Brass Streaked
Base Glaze, #289
Price Realized: $25
M-2250B Dark Brown Glaze
w/ Highlights, #288
Price Realized: $30
McLaughlin Commemorative
Small Amount of Colored
Swirls, #277
Price Realized: $110
McLaughlin Commemorative
Swirled White Milk Glass, #276
Price Realized: $50
San Francisco Wood
Insulator, #281
Price Realized: $260
Brooks Rams Horn, #280
Price Realized: $100
Clear Glass Transformer
Bushing, #111
Price Realized: $65
Honey Amber Transformer
Bushing, #110
Price Realized: $110
EC&M Style Side Pin, #274
Price Realized: $95
Threadless Pin w/ Original
Burlap, #275
Price Realized: $30
Knox 3-inch-long Clear
Glass Radio Strain, #210
Price Realized: $5
Lavida Water Bottle Cornflower
Blue, #282
Price Realized: $19
Chance Insulator Coffee Cup,
Price Realized: $55
10 of 10

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