SFM Annual Report 2010 - Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal
SFM Annual Report 2010 - Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal
2010 Annual Report Office of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal “Commitment… Service… Protection…” For Calendar Year 2010 This public document was published at a cost of $2.04 per copy. This document was published by the Office of the State Fire Marshal to inform State Government and the general public of the agency’s activities for the 2010 calendar year. This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31 2010 Annual Report December 23, 2010 2010 Annual Report Letter from the State Fire Marshal Friends, Special Points of Interest: It is with great pride that we in your State Fire Marshal’s Office share the activities of the state wide fire and emergency services for 2010. The contributions of the dedicated men and woman on the Louisiana fire service are unmatchable. Lives and property are saved everyday as the result of fire prevention and fire suppression activities. We should never forget the task at hand is to build a safer state while enhancing fire protection capabilities and promoting economic development in every community. 2010 Fire Statistics Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster Fire Marshal Section Reports Fallen Firefighters Memorial SFM Emergency Services Inside this issue: Fire Statistics 4 LFIRS Brief 10 Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster 12 Section Reports Plan Review Inspections Investigations/Arson Licensing Health Care Mechanical Safety 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 What’s New 31 Fire Fighters Insurance 33 Contact Information 33 I must take a moment to highlight some of our enhancements and accomplishments in the OSFM. We continue efforts in working with our industry partners as we incorporate new technologies in construction and bring in new business to our state. With the opening of the Lake Charles District office, we are that much c loser to our goal to be more readily accessible to all areas of the state, fostering safe economic development. The state’s Urban Search and Rescue team continues to grow and is working hard to develop Type III teams in every region. The introduction of the Arson Task Force trailers serve to provide assistance and training in fire investigation to local fire service, thus building partnerships and helping to more accurately determine fire causes. In 2010, we experienced the largest man-made disaster in our nation’s history – The Deep Water Horizon explosion and oil spill. SFM personnel worked to diligently to expedite inspections in order to provide safe code compliant accommodations for the nearly 4000 response and recovery personnel from across the country In our ongoing effort to reduce the loss of life due to fire, our office launched Operation Sav-a-Life. This state-wide cooperative effort between our office, the local fire service, Kidde and Home Depot aims to promote the installation of 10-year lithium sealed batter detectors in the homes of folks in need. In addition, our Arson team developed and deployed Operation Golden Shield, a safety program geared towards seniors. Clearly, we want the professionals of design, construction, fire protection, government leaders and business to find our office to be their friend and partner in progress. We are approachable, accessible and we build consensus to safety and progress in Louisiana. Never hesitate to call on us. We are your friend. Thank you all for what you do. You are all protectors of others. Yours in Protection, H. “Butch” Browing State Fire Marshal PAGE 4 20 10 Annu al R epo rt 2010 Louisiana Fire Statistics Fires by Type Special Outside2 2% Other 4% Cultivated Vegetation 3 0% Mobile Property 16% Natural Vegetation 1 30% Outside Rubbish 19% Structure 29% 1‐Natural vegeta on includes forest, brush and grass 2‐Special outside includes non‐structural storage areas and outside equipment 3‐Cul vated vegeta on (crops) fires accounted for less than 1% of fires reported in Louisiana for 2010 Structure Fires by Property Use Business, Industrial, Manufacturing & Storage 9% Outside 6% O ther, None, Un determined 2% Ass embly, Education, Hea thcare, Corrections 4% Residential 79% Structure Fire Dollar Loss by Property Use Business, Industry, Manufacturing & Storage 14% Outside1 0% Residential 83% 1‐Outside property use accounted for less than 1% of reported structure fire dollar loss in Louisiana for 2010 Other, None, Undetermined 1% Assembly, Education, Healthcare, Corrections 2% 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 5 2010 Section Louisiana Fire Statistics Fire Information Top 15 Leading Causes of Fire # of Fires % of Fires Fire $ Loss % of $ Loss Undetermined Heat from Powered Equipment, other Other Heat Source Arching (electricity) Radiated, Conducted Heat from Operating Equipment Hot or Smoldering Object, other Heat from Other Open Flames or Smoking Materials Hot Ember or Ash Match Spark, Ember or Flame from Operating Equipment Heat Spread from Another Fire, other Heat from direct flame, convection currents Cigarette Lighter Cigarette Flying brand, ember, spark 7,956 957 926 817 649 586 542 527 447 385 360 327 221 214 214 48.92% $103,028,663 5.88% $5,760,646 5.69% $4,107,778 5.02% $7,127,932 3.99% $5,292,261 3.60% $4,238,809 3.33% $3,560,414 3.24% $1,545,657 2.75% $1,597,268 2.37% $3,443,167 2.21% $1,930,307 2.01% $3,403,531 1.36% $7,223,950 1.32% $848,416 1.32% $342,322 Cause of Ignition Cause Under Investigation 7% Cause, other Act of Nature 2% 5% Failure of Equipment or Heat Source 9% Unintentional 37% Intentional 12% Cause Underdetermined After Investigation 28% 65.33% 3.65% 2.60% 4.52% 3.36% 2.69% 2.26% 0.98% 1.01% 2.18% 1.22% 2.16% 0.46% 0.54% 0.22% PAGE 6 20 10 Annu al R epo rt 2010 Louisiana Fire Statistics Area of Fire Origin in Passenger Vehicles Cargo/Trunk 3% Passenger Area 15 % Cargo/Trunk 3% Engine Area 63% Passenger Area 26% Fuel Tank 1% Engine Area 65% Exterior Surface 5% Fuel Tank 2% Exterior Surface 4% In 2010 there were a total of 2,540 reported passenger vehicle fires , 12% of all fires reported. Percentages are tabulated against total number of reported fires in these prominent passenger vehicle areas Passenger Vehicle Fires by Make 362 Ford 324 Chevrolet 176 Dodge Pontiac 126 Toyota 125 108 Nissan 97 Buick Cadillac 74 GMC 73 58 Honda 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 This is only a report of the number of fires reported by make and does not take into account the number of vehicles of each make on the road. 400 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 7 2010 Louisiana Fire Statistics Area of Fire Origin in Residential Properties Attic 8% Bedroom 17% Bathroom 5% Laundry Room 9% Kitchen 49% Common Room / Den 8% Carport/Garage 4% Percentages are tabulated against total number of reported fires in these prominent residential housing areas Relation of Smoke Detector Presence to Fire Deaths in Residential Structure Fires In 2010, residential fires Count of deaths reported 16 accounted for 80% of all 14 structure fires in Louisiana. 12 Residential Structure Fires 10 continue to be the most 8 common and deadly type of fire, demonstrating the need 6 and importance of home fire 4 prevention and safety 2 practices. 0 None Present Undetermined Detectors Prese nt Increase in frequency of smoke detector presence in reported structure fires PAGE 8 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Louisiana Fire Statistics 10 Year 25,000 21,377 20,152 20,000 15,000 17,780 17,026 19,358 16,884 17,489 # Fires 12,451 10,000 5,000 17,742 18,051 6,2 93 6,629 6,190 5,967 6,141 6,286 5,425 # Structure Fires 5,728 5,583 4,430 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Fire Dollar Loss $637 $700 $565 $600 $500 $400 Dollar Loss Values In Millions $300 $200 $104 $98 $109 $119 2004 2005 $159 $112 $138 $127 2007 2008 2009 2010 277 291 $100 $0 2001 2002 2003 *2006 * Total adjusted for outliers. 450 Fire Deaths & Injuries 396 383 400 350 310 300 346 262 250 239 262 200 # of Fire Deaths 241 150 100 50 49 61 65 0 2001 2002 2003 59 2004 35 69 2005 64 51 45 31 2006 2007 # of Fire Injuries 2008 Counts include both non‐fire service and fire service fire related injuries and deaths. 2009 2010 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 9 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 10 Louisiana Fire Incident Reporting System (LFIRS) This sec on of the State Fire Marshal’s office is charged with the collec on and analysis of the incident data submi ed from par cipa ng Louisiana ire departments in an effort to determine the impact of both man‐made and natural disasters, especially fire, on the lives of our ci zens and property in Louisiana. LFIRS (NFIRS) is the program through which this data is collected. LFIRS (NFIRS) is all incident reporƟng. To show and tell the full value of the fire service, all alarms including EMS responses and public service calls should be documented in LFIRS. Na onal sta s cs show that only a small percentage of all calls to which a fire department responds are fire‐related. In Louisiana, for the year 2010, this percentage was just a li le over 10%. Many departments con nue to report only their fire calls, thus these departments, the communi es they protect, and our state lose a vast amount of data as well as full recogni on for the efforts of our fire service. We commend and encourage the con nuing efforts of our fire departments to embrace electronic repor ng. With the increasing demand for “real‐ me” informa on, electronic repor ng provides a more efficient means to collect incident data, confirm report submissions, no fy departments of repor ng errors, and offer more ready assistance in comple ng incident reports. The LFIRS sec on of the State Fire Marshal website offers a wealth of informa on and help in regards to LFIRS repor ng including monthly sta s cal summary reports. Please visit us at h ps://lasfm.org. The LFIRS State Program Manager is Cindy Gonthier. If you have ques ons or need assistance regarding LFIRS repor ng, please contact Cindy at the State Fire Marshal’s office: 8181 Independence Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 800‐256‐5452 225‐925‐1716 [email protected] PAGE 11 2010 Annual Report Louisiana Fire Incident Reporting System (LFIRS) The table below represents the informa on in the NFIRS database for Louisiana for 2010 and fire department informa on maintained in the asset tracking database. Total Ac ve Louisiana Fire Departments (In NFIRS database) 597 Total Ac ve Fire Departments Repor ng 358 (60%) Total Ac ve Fire Departments Not Repor ng 239 Total Paid Firefighters (Approx.) 5273 Total Volunteer Firefighters (Approx.) 10,856 The figures above show an 34% increase in the number of “ac ve” fire departments submi ng LFIRS (NFIRS) data from 2009. We con nue to iden fy departments that have either merged with other departments, crea ng a single repor ng unit, or are no longer in existence. Obtaining an accurate count of ac ve departments is important to our state’s repor ng sta s cs. The following pages indicate which departments had incident data recorded in the NFIRS database and which departments did not have data recorded in the NFIRS database for the year 2010 as of May 4, 2011, 9:02 am . For your convenience, the fire departments, along with their fire department iden fica on number (FDID) are listed by parishes. Incident reports are expected from each “ac ve” fire department listed in the NFIRS database. If no reports are recorded under your department for the given me frame, your department will show as “Not Repor ng”. Names are posted exactly as they appear in the NFIRS database. All data files submi ed to the LFIRS.repor [email protected] email were processed prior to the compiling of the data used in the incident sta s cs posted in pages 4‐9 of this annual report. Once again, we would like to thank all of those departments who submi ed incident data and look forward to new rela onships with those that want to further the life and property saving efforts of our fire service as well as start ge ng that much deserved credit for all they do! PAGE 12 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Acadia 01001 ACADIA‐EVANGELINE FPD 01005 BRANCH VFD 01010 YES YES YES YES 01025 01027 01030 01035 NO NO NO NO ESTHERWOOD VFD EVANGELINE VFD IOTA VFD MERMENTAU VFD 01040 MIRE VFD‐FIRE DIST 7 YES VOL FIREMAN'S ASSOC OF MORSE 01050 RAYNE VFD YES NO NO RICHARD VFD LYONS POINT VFD 02001 02005 02010 02015 02020 02025 02030 02035 NO ALLEN PARISH FIRE DIST 4 OAKDALE FIRE DEPT ALLEN PARISH FIRE DIST 5 ALLEN PARISH WARD 3 DIST 2 ALLEN PARISH FIRE DIST 3 YES YES YES YES YES ALLEN PARISH FIRE DIST 6 COUSHATTA TRIBAL FIRE DEPT NO NO Ascension 03001 DONALDSONVILLE FIRE DEPT 03020 CITY OF GONZALES FD 03035 ASCENSION PARISH FIRE DIST 2 03045 ASCENSION PARISH FIRE DIST 3 03060 05003 ELIZABETH VFD YES YES YES YES SORRENTO VFD 03065 ASCENSION PARISH FIRE DIST 1 Assump on 04001 BAYOU L'OURSE VFD 04005 LABADIEVILLE VFD 04010 NAPOLEONVILLE VFD 04015 PAINCOURTVILLE VFD 04020 PIERRE PART F&R NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Avoyelles 05001 BORDELONVILLE VFD YES BROUILETTE VFD NO 05005 BUNKIE FIRE DEPT NO 01055 01060 Allen NO NO EUNICE FD‐ACADIA PARISH FD 4 01015 CHURCH POINT VFD 01020 CROWLEY FIRE DEPT 01024 EGAN VFD 01045 REPORTING 2010 05010 YES COTTONPORT VFD NO 05015 EFFIE VFD YES 05020 05021 05023 NO NO NO EVERGREEN VFD FIFTH WARD VFD GOUDEAU VFD 05025 HESSMER FIRE DEPT 05030 MANSURA VFD YES YES 05035 05040 05045 05050 05055 NO NO NO NO NO MARKSVILLE VFD MOREAUVILLE VFD PLAUCHEVILLE VFD SIMMESPORT VFD DUPONT VFD Beauregard 06001 BEAUREGARD FIRE DIST 2 06005 BEAUREGARD FIRE DIST 3 06010 DE RIDDER FIRE DEPT 06018 BEAUREGARD FIRE DIST 1 06035 BEAUREGARD FIRE DIST 4 Bienville 07001 YES YES YES YES YES ARCADIA FIRE DEPT NO 07010 BIENVILLE FIRE DIST 6 07017 BIENVILLE WARD 7 07020 BIENVILLE WARDS 4 & 5 YES YES YES 07045 Bossier 08005 08010 08020 08025 08030 08035 08040 08045 08050 BIENVILLE WARDS 1, 2 & 3 NO BENTON FIRE DIST #4 BOSSIER CITY FIRE DEPT HAUGHTON FIRE DEPT PLAIN DEALING VFD EAST CENTRAL BOSSIER DIST 1 SOUTH BOSSIER FIRE DIST 2 BOSSIER FIRE DIST 3 NE BOSSIER FIRE DIST 5 BOSSIER FIRE DIST 7 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Page 13 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Caddo 09005 09013 09020 09040 09045 09060 09063 09068 09070 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 1 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 5 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 3 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 2 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 7 SHREVEPORT FIRE DEPT CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 4 CADDO PARISH FIRE DIST 6 CADDO FIRE DIST 8 Calcasieu 10001 CARLYSS FIRE DEPT 10005 DE QUINCY VFD 10010 CALCASIEU WARD 6 10012 HOUSTON RIVER VFD YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REPORTING 2010 Cameron 12001 CAMERON FIRE DIST 1 12003 JOHNSON BAYOU VFD 12005 CREOLE FIRE DEPT 12010 CAMERON FIRE DIST 9 12012 GRAND LAKE/SWEET LAKE VFD 12015 HACKBERRY VFD 12020 HOLLY BEACH VFD Catahoula YES YES NO YES 10015 IOWA VFD NO 10020 10022 10025 10029 10030 10035 10040 10045 LAKE CHARLES FIRE DEPT LE BLEU SETTLEMENT VFD WARD 1 FPD 1 STARKS VFD , WARD 5, FPD 1 SULPHUR FIRE DEPT VINTON VFD CALCASIEU WARD 7 FIRE DIST 1 WESTLAKE VFD YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 10050 CAL‐CAM VFD NO 10055 WARD SIX FPD 1 YES 10060 10065 10070 NO NO NO CALCASIEU WARD 2 FIRE DIST 1 CHENNAULT FIRE DEPT LAKE CHARLES ARFF 13001 13002 13005 11035 HEBERT VFD NO 11045 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS VFD YES 11050 11055 11060 COREY VFD COTTONPLANT VFD KELLY VFD NO NO NO 11065 SANDY BAYOU VFD 11070 WARD 5 VFD 11075 COLUMBIA EASTSIDE VFD YES YES SICILY ISLAND VFD SANDY LAKE VFD YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO YES NO 15005 FERRIDAY FIRE DEPT YES 15010 15015 15020 15025 15030 NO NO NO NO NO MONTEREY FPD 1 JONESVILLE VFD RIDGECREST VFD VIDALIA FIRE DEPT CONCORDIA FIRE DIST 2 DESOTO FIRE DIST 2 16003 DESOTO FIRE DIST 9 DESOTO FIRE DIST 1 NO YES NO 16010 MANSFIELD FIRE DEPT YES 16020 16025 NO NO DESOTO FIRE DIST 3 DESOTO FIRE DIST 5 16030 DESOTO FIRE DIST 8 NO NO NO CLAYTON VFD 16005 NO NO 16001 NO NO 13020 13025 DeSoto NO NO YES YES YES Concordia NO YES YES YES CLAYTON VFD ENTERPRISE VFD HARRISONBURG VFD 13035 MANIFEST VFD 13040 CATAHOULA WARD 9 DIST 2 13055 MAITLAND VFD Claiborne 14005 HAYNESVILLE VFD 14010 HOMER VFD 14015 JUNCTION CITY VFD 14020 CLAIBORNE FIRE DIST 6 VFD 14030 CLAIBORNE FPD 5 14035 CLAIBORNE FIRE DIST 4 VFD NO NO 13010 LELAND VFD 13015 JONESVILLE VFD 15001 Caldwell 11010 COLUMBIA VFD 11020 CLARKS VFD 11030 GRAYSON VFD YES Page 14 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 East Baton Rouge 17001 BAKER FIRE DEPT 17005 BATON ROUGE FIRE DEPT 17010 BROWNSFIELD FPD 3 17015 CENTRAL FPD 4 17020 CHANEYVILLE VFD 17025 EAST SIDE VFD 17030 EAST BATON ROUGE FPD 6 17035 PRIDE VFD 17040 ST GEORGE FPD 17050 ZACHARY FIRE DEPT 17055 ALSEN‐ST IRMA LEE VFD 17060 BR METRO AIRPORT ARF DIVISION East Carroll 18001 LAKE PROVIDENCE FIRE DEPT 18005 EAST CARROLL FIRE DEPT East Feliciana 19001 19002 19003 19005 19015 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 23015 YES YES 19020 NORWOOD VFD YES NO NO PECAN GROVE VFD SLAUGHTER FIRE DEPT 19030 WILSON VFD 19035 BLUFF CREEK VFD 20005 YES MAMOU FPD 1 VILLAGE OF GILBERT VFD 21010 WINNSBORO FIRE DEPT 21015 WISNER VFD 21020 CROWVILLE VFD 21025 21030 FRANKLIN PARISH FIRE DIST 2 FRANKLIN PARISH FIRE DIST 3 NO NO GRANT PARISH FIRE DIST 3 YES GEORGETOWN VFD NO HUDSON CREEK VFD YES MONTGOMERY VFD NO GRANT PARISH FIRE DIST 5 YES VERDA VFD NO IBERIA PARISH FIRE DIST 1 DELCAMBRE VFD YES YES JEANERETTE VFD NO 23020 LOREAUVILLE VFD 23030 NEW IBERIA FIRE DEPT YES YES 23035 23040 23045 23050 23055 BELAIRE‐OLIVER‐MORBIHAN VFD COTEAU VFD GRAND MARAIS VFD LYDIA VFD RYNELLA VFD NO NO NO NO NO 23060 ACADIANA REGIONAL AIRPORT F&R YES 24003 24005 NO NO BAYOU BLUE VFD BAYOU SORREL VFD 24010 EAST IBERVILLE VFD 24015 GROSSE TETE VFD 24020 GRANT PARISH FIRE DIST 1 GRANT PARISH FIRE DIST 4 YES YES MARINGOUIN VFD NO 24025 PLAQUEMINE FIRE DEPT 24030 ROSEDALE VFD 24035 WHITE CASTLE VFD YES YES YES 24040 24050 NO NO BAYOU GOULA F&R BAYOU PIGEON VFD NO 20010 WARD 5 FPD 20015 VILLE PLATTE VFD 20020 WARD 4 FPD 21005 YES YES Iberville NO NO MCMANUS VFD Franklin 21001 BASKIN VFD NO NO NO NO NO CLINTON VFD ETHEL VFD WOODLAND VFD EAST LA STATE HOSPITAL JACKSON VFD Evangeline 20001 ACADIA‐EVANGELINE FPD 20003 EVANGELINE FIRE DIST 2 Grant 22001 22003 22005 22010 22015 22020 22025 22035 Iberia 23001 23010 19023 19025 19037 REPORTING 2010 YES YES YES Jackson 25001 WARD 3 25010 HODGE CITY VFD 25015 JONESBORO FIRE DIST 1 25020 WARD 1 NO NO YES 25025 NO YES NO NO WARD 4 25030 WARD 2 25035 WARD 7 NO YES YES YES NO YES YES Page 15 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Jefferson 26001 JEFFERSON E BANK CONS FD 26005 THIRD DIST VFD 26010 LAFITTE‐BARATARIA‐CROWNPT VFD 26015 TERRYTOWN FIFTH DIST VFD 26020 HARVEY VFD CO 2 26025 AVONDALE VFC 26026 BRIDGE CITY VFC 1 26027 LIVE OAK MANOR VFD 26028 26029 26045 26046 26047 26060 26066 26075 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NINE MILE POINT VFC 1 NO HERBERT WALLACE VFD MARRERO‐ESTELLE VFD CO 1 MARRERO‐HARVEY VFD MARRERO‐RAGUSA VFD GRAND ISLE VFC 1 DAVID CROCKETT FIRE CO YES YES YES YES YES YES HARAHAN VFD YES YES YES NO YES JEFFERSON DAVIS FIRE DIST 4 27030 WELSH VFD 27035 TOPSY VFD, WARD 9 FIRE DIST 7 YES YES 27040 NO NO WOODLAWN VFD 27045 BAYOU CHENE FIRE DEPT 27055 JEFFERSON DAVIS FIRE DIST 2 Lafaye e 28001 BROUSSARD VFD 28005 CARENCRO VFD 28010 DUSON VFD 28015 28020 28025 JUDICE VFD LAFAYETTE FIRE DEPT LAFAYETTE REGIONAL AIRPORT 28030 MILTON VFD 28035 SCOTT VFD 28040 YOUNGSVILLE VFD Lafourche 29002 BAYOU BLUE VFD 29015 29016 29017 29018 29019 29021 29022 YES BELLE‐AMIE VFD CUT OFF VFD GALLIANO VFD GOLDEN MEADOW VFD LAROSE VFD UPPER LAROSE VFD PORT FOURCHON VFD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 29025 LAFOURCHE FIRE DIST 2 YES 29040 BAYOU BOEUF VFD NO 29045 29047 29055 29060 CHACKBAY VFD CHOCTAW VFD LAFOURCHE CROSSING 308 VFD ST JOHN VFD YES YES YES YES 29063 VACHERIE‐GHEENS VFD NO 29065 THIBODAUX VFD 29067 LAFOURCHE FIRE DIST 3 29070 LAFOURCHE FIRE DIST 1 YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO 27027 NO 26080 KENNER FIRE DEPT 26085 WESTWEGO VFC 1 26090 KENNER VFC, INC Jefferson Davis 27005 JEFFERSON DAVIS FIRE DIST 5 27007 JEFF DAVIS FIRE DIST 6 27010 JENNINGS FIRE DEPT 27015 IOWA VFD 27017 LACASSINE VFD 27020 LAKE ARTHUR VFD 27025 JEFFERSON DAVIS FIRE DIST 1 REPORTING 2010 YES LaSalle 30001 30002 30005 30010 30015 30017 30025 30030 30035 Lincoln 31001 31005 31010 31015 YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES JENA VFD WHITEHEALL VFD OLLA VFD TULLOS VFD URANIA VFD ROGERS‐NEBO VFD EDEN FELLOWSHIP VFD YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SUMMERVILLE/ROSEFIELD VFD LITTLE CREEK VFD NO NO CHOUDRANT VFD LINCOLN PARISH FIRE DIST GRAMBLING VFD RUSTON FIRE DEPT YES YES YES YES Page 16 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Livingston 32001 ALBANY VFD , FIRE DIST 1 32003 COLYELL VFD 32005 DENHAM SPRINGS FIRE DEPT 32010 32015 YES LIVINGSTON PARISH FIRE DIST 9 FRENCH SETTLEMENT VFD YES YES NO NO NO 32040 LIVINGSTON PARISH FIRE DIST 5 32045 LIVINGSTON PARISH FIRE DIST 2 32047 LIVINGSTON PARISH FIRE DIST 11 33005 33010 33015 YES YES YES NO NO NO 33020 BEAR LAKE FPD 1 34001 YES NO 34005 10TH WARD FIRE DIST 1 YES 34009 BEEKMAN VFD COLLINSTON VFD OAK RIDGE VFD BEEKMAN VFD WARD 2 Natchitoches 35001 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 8 35010 35015 35020 NO NO NO 35035 PROVENCAL VFD YES YES YES YES NO 37020 WEST MONROE FIRE DEPT 38020 38025 38030 38035 YES YES YES NO YES BOOTHVILLE‐VENICE VFD LAKE HERMITAGE VFD CALLENDER NAS FIRE DEPT WOODLAWN VFD YES YES 35050 NO Pointe Coupee 39001 FORDOCHE VFD 39005 POINTE COUPEE FIRE DIST 1 39010 LIVONIA VFD 39015 MORGANZA VFD 39020 POINTE COUPEE FIRE DIST 5 39030 POINTE COUPEE FIRE DIST 3 NO 35040 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 7 35047 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 5 POWHATAN VFD NO NO NO NO STERLINGTON VFD Plaquemines 38001 POINTE‐A‐LA‐HACHE VFD 38005 BELLE CHASSE VFD 38010 PORT SULPHUR VFD 38015 BURAS VFD NO YES 35030 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DEPT 35031 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 6 35005 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 9 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 3 NATCHITOCHES FIRE DIST 1 GOLDONNA FIRE DIST 2 37015 YES NEW ORLEANS LAKE FRONT AP FD IRISH BAYOU VFD FORT PIKE VFD NASA MAF Ouachita 37005 MONROE FIRE DEPT 37010 OUACHITA PARISH FIRE DEPT NO NO NO NO NO 34015 MER ROUGE VFD 34020 34030 36005 36010 36020 36025 NO NO NO NO BASTROP FIRE DEPT 34010 Orleans 36001 NEW ORLEANS FIRE DEPT NO MOUND FIRE DIST 1 DELTA VFD AFTON FPD Morehouse NO NO LIVINGSTON PARISH FIRE DIST 10 SPRINGFIELD VFD SPRINGVILLE VFD Madison 33001 TALLULAH FIRE DEPT NO YES 32020 LIVINGSTON FPD 4 32025 TOWN OF LIVINGSTON FD 32027 32030 32035 REPORTING 2010 YES NO YES NO YES YES 2010 Annual Report Page 17 Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Rapides 40001 40005 40015 40020 40025 40030 40033 40035 40040 40045 40050 40055 40060 ALEXANDRIA FIRE DEPT ALPINE VFD‐FPD 3 BALL VFD BOYCE VFD RAPIDES PARISH FIRE DIST 12 COTILE GARDNER VFD‐FPD 8 DEVILLE VFD‐FPD 6 ENGLAND AIRPARK FIRE DEPT YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ESLER REGIONAL AP FD FOREST HILL VFD NO NO GLENMORA VFD HOLIDAY VILLAGE VFD YES YES LECOMPTE VFD VETERANS ADMIN HOSPITAL FD PLAINVIEW COMMUNITY VFD‐FPD 10 Sabine 43005 SABINE FIRE DIST 1 WARDS 1&2 43025 St. Bernard 44001 ST BERNARD PARISH FIRE DEPT NO DES ALLEMAND VFD EAST ST CHARLES VFD HAHNVILLE VFD LULING VFD NORCO AREA VFD PARADIS VFD ST ROSE VFD KILLONA VFD YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 46005 NO NO HILLSDALE VFD YES NO NO NO 46025 NORTH HELENA VFD 46030 ST HELENA DIST 4 46035 ST HELENA FIRE DIST 2 PINE GROVE VFD KENTWOOD VFD SOUTH SIDE SECOND WARD FPD NO YES St. James 47001 GRAMERCY VFD NO 47005 47010 47015 47020 LUTCHER VFD PAULINE, GRAND POINT & BELMONT UNION CONVENT VFD VACHERIE VFD 1 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 47025 SOUTH VACHERIE VFD St. John the Bap st 48001 GARYVILLE VFD 48005 LA PLACE VFD 48010 RESERVE VFD 48015 ST JOHN WESTSIDE VFD YES NO YES YES YES YES 46040 ST HELENA PARISH 6TH WARD VFD YES NO 46013 46015 46020 43043 SABINE FIRE DIST 1 WARDS 3&4 BAYOU GAUCHE VFD 46010 MONTPELIER VFD NORTH SABINE VFD 45003 NO YES YES 45004 45005 45010 45015 45020 45025 45030 45040 St. Helena 46001 GREENSBURG VFD NO YES YES YES 40085 FLATWOODS VFD‐FPD 14 40090 SPRING CREEK VFD‐FPD 11 Red River 41001 RED RIVER FIRE PROTECT DIST Richland 42001 DELHI VFD 42005 MANGHAM VFD 42010 RAYVILLE VFD 42015 ARCHIBALD‐ALTO FIRE DIST 42020 START‐GIRARD FPD 42025 HOLLY RIDGE FIRE DIST 42030 WARD 1 FIRE DIST 42035 RICHLAND DIST 8 NO YES YES YES 40080 WOODWORTH FD 40081 ECHO‐POLAND VFD‐FPD 9 40082 OAK HILL VFD‐FPD 5 40083 St. Charles 40065 PINEVILLE FIRE DEPT 40070 RAPIDES PARISH FIRE DIST 2 40071 RUBY‐KOLIN VFD‐FPD 7 40075 REPORTING 2010 NO YES YES YES YES Page 18 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 St. Landry 49001 ARNAUDVILLE VFD 49005 CANKTON VFD 49010 EUNICE FIRE DEPT 49015 YES YES YES GRAND COTEAU VFD PALMETTO VFD 49043 49045 NO NO MORROW VFD ST LANDRY FIRE DIST 1 49050 ST LANDRY FIRE DIST 2 YES GRAND PRAIRIE VFD St. Mary 51001 AMELIA VFD 51005 BALDWIN VFD 51015 51016 YES YES BAYOU VISTA VFD JEANERETTE VFD NO NO 51020 BERWICK VFD YES 51025 51026 51027 CENTERVILLE VFD CYPREMONT POINT VFD FOUR CORNERS VFD NO NO NO 51030 51035 51040 51045 FRANKLIN FIRE DEPT MORGAN CITY FIRE DEPT PATTERSON VFD CHARENTON‐CHITIMACHA VFD YES YES YES YES NO YES NO 49055 ST LANDRY FIRE DIST 3 YES 49056 49057 49058 49059 49060 49065 49070 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SHUTESTON LEWISBURG VFD LAWTELL VFD WASHINGTON VFD WHITEVILLE VFD SUNSET VFD PORT BARRE VFD ST LANDRY PARISH FIRE DIST 6 St. Mar n 50001 ARNAUDVILLE VFD 50005 BREAUX BRIDGE VF COMPANY 50010 BUTTE LAROSE VFD 50015 CADE VFD 50020 BELLE RIVER VFD 50025 CATAHOULA VFD 50030 CECILIA VFD 50035 COTEAU HOLMES VFD 50040 EVANGELINE VFD 50045 HENDERSON VFD 50050 PARKS VFD 50055 STEPHENSVILLE VFD YES YES YES 49042 PRAIRIE VFD 49054 NO 49025 LEONVILLE VFD 49030 MELVILLE VFD 49035 CITY OF OPELOUSAS FIRE DEPT 49040 REPORTING 2010 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES St. Tammany 52001 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 1 52005 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 2 52010 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 3 52015 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 4 YES YES YES YES 52020 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 5 NO 52025 52030 52035 52040 52050 52055 52070 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 6 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 7 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 8 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 9 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 11 COVINGTON FIRE DEPT ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 12 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 52075 ST TAMMANY FIRE DIST 13 Tangipahoa 53001 EIGHTH WARD FIRE DEPT 53002 EASTERN HEIGHTS VFD 53005 HAMMOND FIRE DEPT 53010 HUSSER VFD 53015 INDEPENDENCE VFD 53020 KENTWOOD VFD NO NO NO YES NO YES YES 53025 53030 LORANGER VFD MANCHAC VFD NO NO 53035 53040 53045 53050 53055 NATALBANY VFD PONCHATOULA VFD ROSELAND VFD TANGIPAHOA FD 1, WARDS 3,4&5 WILMER VFD YES YES YES YES YES Page 19 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Tensas 54015 TENSAS FIRE DIST 1 Terrebonne 55001 BAYOU CANE VFD 55002 COTEAU VFD 55003 SCHRIEVER VFD 55004 YES YES DIST 6 MONTEGUT/POINTE AUCHIEN JUNCTION CITY VFD LILLIE VFD YES YES YES YES NO NO 56030 56035 NO NO YES YES YES ABBEVILLE BUMPER ZONE VFD ERATH VFD NO NO 57006 DIST 13 VFD YES 57010 57020 NO NO DELCAMBRE VFD GUEYDAN VFD 57025 HENRY VFD 57030 INDIAN BAYOU VFD 57035 KAPLAN FIRE DEPT YES YES YES 57036 57037 57040 NO NO NO KLONDIKE VFD LITTLE CHAPEL VFD MAURICE VFD 57045 PECAN ISLAND VFD 57050 SEVENTH WARD VFD YES YES 57055 57060 57065 NO NO NO LELEUX VFD MEAUX/NUNEZ VFD LEBLANC VFD Vernon YES YES 56040 SPENCER/W STERLINGTON FPD 56045 NORTHEAST UNION FIRE DIST NO NO 56025 MARION VFD 56027 ROCKY BRANCH CROSSROADS VFD SPEARSVILLE VFD WARD 5 FIRE DIST NO YES YES 55060 BAYOU BLACK VFD 55065 BAYOU DULARGE VFD 55070 HOUMA FIRE DEPT 55075 BAYOU BLUE VFD 56015 56020 NO NO NO 55040 LITTLE CAILLOU VFD 55046 GIBSON VF&R Vermillion 57001 ABBEVILLE FIRE DEPT 57003 57005 YES YES YES VILLAGE EAST VFD Union 56001 BERNICE VFD 56005 FARMERVILLE VFD 55010 COTTONPORT 55025 GRAND CAILLOU FD 55030 BOURG VFD 55035 REPORTING 2010 58001 58002 58005 ANACOCO VFD DRY FORK VFD 22 HORNBECK VFD NO NO NO 58010 58015 58017 58020 58025 58035 58040 LEESVILLE FIRE DEPT NEW LLANO FIRE DEPT PITKIN VFD ROSEPINE VFD SIMPSON VFD SLAGLE VFD LACAMP VFD STATION 15 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 58045 58050 58055 SANDY CREEK VFD SAVAGE FORKS VFA STA 6 EVANS VFD NO NO NO 58060 SANDY HILL VFD YES 58065 58070 NO NO BURR FERRY VFD KNIGHT VFD 58071 MARLOW VFD 58075 CANEY VFD STA 17 58080 COMMUNITY VFD YES YES YES 58085 58090 NO NO CRAVENS VFD ALCO/HUTTON VFD 58095 HICKS VFD 58100 SUNDOWN VFD YES YES Page 20 2010 Annual Report Fire Department Incident Reporting Roster REPORTING 2010 Washington 59001 WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 5 NO 59005 59007 59009 59010 59015 59017 59020 59025 BOGALUSA FIRE DEPT YES WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 1 NO WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 7 WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 8 FRANKLINTON VFD WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 9 WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 4 WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 6 YES YES YES YES YES YES WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 2 WASHINGTON FIRE DIST 3 NO NO 59035 59037 Webster 60001 COTTON VALLEY VFD 60005 CULLEN VFD YES YES 60010 60015 60016 DIXIE INN VFD DOYLINE VFD EVERGREEN VFD NO NO NO 60020 60025 60027 60035 60040 60045 60050 HEFLIN VFD MINDEN FIRE DEPT SAREPTA FIRE DIST 5 SHONGALOO FIRE DIST 9 SIBLEY VFD SPRINGHILL FIRE DIST 11 DUBBERLY VFD YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 60055 WEBSTER FIRE DIST 3 61001 ADDIS VFD YES 61015 NO 61020 PORT ALLEN FIRE DEPT YES 61025 NO West Carroll 62001 WARD 1 FPD 62005 OAK GROVE VFD 62010 WARD 2 VFD 62015 GOODWILL VFD 62020 FOREST FIRE DIST 62025 FISKE UNION VFD 62030 CONCORD VFD 62035 63001 63005 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO ANGOLA VFD ST FRANCISVILLE VFD 63010 FIRE DIST 1 OF WEST FELICIANA Winn 64001 KILBOURNE FPD West Feliciana NO YES YES ROSEHILL VFD 61005 WBR FIRE PROT SUB‐DIST 2 61010 ERWINVILLE FD LOBDELL VFD NO 60060 WEBSTER PARISH FIRE DIST 10 West Baton Rouge REPORTING 2010 DODSON VFD NO NO YES NO 64005 WINNFIED FIRE DEPT YES 64010 64020 64025 NO NO NO SIKES VFD MONTGOMERY VFD VILLAGE OF CALVIN FIRE DEPT 64030 WINN PARISH FIRE DIST 3 YES Page 21 2010 Annual Report Deep Water Horizon 2010 In the wake of the devasta ng oil spill resul ng from the explosion of The Deep Water Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, several thousands of personnel were mobilizing in south Louisiana in order to help with the clean‐up effort. This rapid influx of personnel created an immediate need for both temporary and long term code compliant structures to house these persons. The Louisiana Office of the State Fire Marshal responded to this urgency by placing inspectors and a plan review architect at the BP Emergency Command Center to coordinate expedited occupancy of safe shelters. The effec ve response efforts of the Office of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal and our state‐wide network of emergency responders to this incident as well as Hurricanes Gustav and Ike have laid the ground work for the development of Na onal guidelines to the mi ga on of major disasters. 2010 Annual Report Page 22 Office of the State Fire Marshal Section Reports PAGE 23 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Plan Review Section Plan Reviews 16,784 Total Reviews Occupancy Type UNUSUAL STORAGE INDUS TRI AL BUSINESS MERCANTILE BOARD & CARE LODGING APARTMENTS HOTELS/DORMITORIES DETENTION HEALTH CARE DAY CARE EDUCATIONAL ASSEMBLY 2 1,064 1,185 5,430 2,201 169 119 525 300 99 975 472 1,441 0 1,000 2,802 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Architectural Reviews 8,986 Projects 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 ASSBLY EDUC DAY CARE HEALTH JAILS HOTELS APTS LODGING # 1,388 573 236 262 27 88 287 47 BOARD & CARE 42 % 15.45% 6.38% 2.63% 2.92% 0.30% 0.98% 3.19% 0.52% 0.47% RETAIL OFFICE 1,344 3,074 INDUSTRY STORAGE UNUSUAL 851 765 2 14.96% 34.21% 9.47% 8.51% 0.02% Occupancy Type Fuel Storage Tank Revi ews 231 Total Projects 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ASSBLY EDUC DAY CARE HEALTH JAILS HOTELS APTS LODGING BOARD & CARE RETAIL OFFICE INDUST STORAGE # 2 1 0 45 1 1 1 0 0 37 30 40 73 0 % 0.87% 0.43% 0.00% 19.48% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.00% 0.00% 16.02% 12.99% 17.32% 31.60% 0.00% O ccupancy Type UNUSUAL 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 24 Plan Review Section Fire Alarm Revi ews 4,330 Total Proje cts 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ASSBLY EDU DAY CARE HEALTH JAILS HOTELS APTS LODGING BOARD & CARE RETA IL OFFICE # 457 646 200 460 55 124 157 45 71 259 1583 13 5 138 0 % 10.55% 14.92% 4.62% 10.62% 1.27% 2.86% 3.63% 1.04% 1.64 % 5.98% 36.56% 3.12% 3.19% 0.00% INDUSTRY STORAGE UNUSUAL O ccupancy Type Sprinkler System Reviews 1,702 Total Projects 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ASSBLY EDU DAY CARE HEALTH JAILS HOTELS APTS LODGING BOARD & CARE RETAIL OFFICE # 279 122 22 182 8 67 74 17 45 327 542 95 67 0 % 15.11% 6 .61% 1.19% 9.85% 0.43% 3.63% 4.01% 0.92% 2.44% 17.70% 29.34% 5.14% 3.63% 0.00% RETAIL OFFICE INDUSTRY STORAGE UNUSUAL O ccupancy Type Hood Suppression Reviews 1,390 Total Projects 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ASSBLY EDU DAYCARE HEALTH JAILS HOTELS APTS LODGING BOARD & CARE INDUSTRY STORAGE UNUSUAL # 676 99 14 26 8 20 6 10 11 234 201 64 21 0 % 48.63% 7.12% 1.01% 1.87% 0.58% 1.44% 0.43% 0.72% 0.79% 16.83% 14.46% 4.60% 1.51% 0.00% O ccupancy Type PAGE 25 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Inspections Section The Inspections Section (Fire and Safety) is responsible for conducting life safety code inspections of all buildings except one and two family residences and health care facilities. 100% 98% 98% 97% 80% 60% 40% 20% CY 2010 CY 2009 CY 2008 0% Total Inspections 2008-2010 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Schools Detention Calendar Year 2008 Daycare Calendar Year 2009 Universities Calendar Year 2010 Effective July 1, 2010, inspections of new construction are conducted utilizing the 2009 Edition of NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and referenced NFPA standards. In addition, other codes and standards used are the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the State Fire Marshal Manual. Inspections of existing buildings are conducted utilizing the edition of the Life Safety Code that was adopted by the state at the time that the building was constructed. For example, if a building was constructed in 1970, the inspection would be conducted in accordance with the requirements as set forth in the 1967 Life Safety Code. In order to provide efficient service to the public and allow facilities to open in a timely manner, the State Fire Marshal's Office maintained its goal of completing final inspections within two weeks of the inspection request. The first diagram above indicates the percentage of final inspections conducted in accordance with this goal. The second diagram indicates the total number of inspections for specific occupancy types. 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 26 Investigation/Arson Section Arson Statistics - Calendar Year 2008 Total Fires Investigated 600 Total Non‐Incendiary Fires 588 500 Total Suspicious/Incendiary Fires 400 373 Total Cases Closed by Arrest/Exceptional Clearance 300 200 221 215 124 100 72 Total Fatalities Total Burn Injuries Reported 0 Arson Statistics - Calendar Year 2009 Total Fires Investigated 600 500 Total Non‐Incendiary Fires 539 Total Suspicious/Incendiary Fires 400 334 300 200 234 205 109 100 Total Cases Closed by Arrest/Exceptional Clearance Total Fatalities Total Burn Injuries Reported 49 0 Arson Statistics - Calendar Year 2010 Total Fires Investigated 800 700 Total Non‐Incendiary Fires 730 Total Suspicious/Incendiary Fires 600 500 400 300 416 314 282 200 100 0 103 59 Total Cases Closed by Arrest/Exceptional Clearance Total Fatalities Total Burn Injuries Reported PAGE 27 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Licensing Section Licensing Applica ons Processed The Licensing Sec on regulates the following 2008 2009 2010 Life Safety & Property Firm 1,380 1,672 1,343 Protec on Industries: Employee 7,929 9,010 7,227 Life Safety Fire Sprinkler Fire Suppression Kitchen Hood Number of Complaints (by type) Suppression Fire Alarm Fire Ex nguishers Property Protec on 2008 2009 2010 Security 132 188 201 Fire Alarm 145 196 96 Fire Ex nguisher 66 94 72 Fire Suppression 11 9 6 38 42 61 Locksmith Kitchen Hood Suppression Security Sprinkler 108 63 49 CCTV Locksmith 45 92 36 Access Control CCTV 49 65 30 Access Control 21 6 7 Summary of Licensing Investigations Section 615 Number of Investigations Received 558 4 64 Number of Investigations Conducted 503 581 422 Number of Complaints cleared 372 739 466 0 200 400 Calendar Year 2008 Calendar Year 2009 Calendar Year 2010 764 518 Number of Complaints closed 755 600 800 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 28 Health Care Section Health Care Inspections 6,6 00 6,580 The Health Care Section # of Healthcare Inspections 6,4 00 performs inspections of 6,2 00 6,147 hospitals, nursing homes, 6,0 00 and ICF/MR Facilities 5,8 00 5,6 00 5,4 00 statewide. 5,525 5,2 00 5,0 00 4,8 00 He althcare Hour Pe rce ntage - 2010 Tr avel 3 6% Train in g 12% In sp ectio n s 52% Month Jan - Mar 2010 Apr - Jun 2010 Jul - Sep 2010 Oct - Dec 2010 Inspection Count 1,586 1,696 1,413 1,452 FY to Date 1,586 3,282 4,695 6,147 PAGE 29 20 10 Annu al R epo rt Mechanical Safety Section Amusement Inspections 5,000 4,000 4,851 4,643 3,840 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Calendar Year 2008 Calendar Year 2009 Calendar Year 2010 Boiler Inspections 17,500 17,000 17,0 48 16,866 16,500 16,000 15,881 15,500 15,000 Calendar Year 2008 Calendar Year 2009 Calendar Year 2010 Fire works Ins pe ctions 1 ,8 0 0 1 ,6 0 6 1 ,7 5 0 1 ,7 0 0 1 ,6 5 0 1 ,6 6 4 1 ,6 6 4 1 ,6 0 0 1 ,5 5 0 1 ,5 0 0 Cal enda r Y ea r 2 0 0 8 Cal enda r Y ea r 2 0 0 9 Cal enda r Y ea r 2 0 1 0 20 10 Annu al R epo rt PAGE 30 Fire Education It is the mission of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s office to prevent and reduce the incidents of fire by increasing the awareness and knowledge of the ci zens of our great state regarding fire preven on, fire educa on and life safety. We provide fire preven on and public fire educa on services through public fire and safety educa onal programs and regu‐ lar life safety inspec ons of businesses and places of assembly. We provide fire inves ga ve services to determine the origin and cause of fires and enforce fire and life safety codes through plan reviews for new construc on, remodeling, and occupancy changes in commercial buildings. Public Fire Educa on is extremely important to the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office because through fire and safety educa on we prevent fires, tragedies, and save lives. We take Public Educa on very seriously and feel that it is just as im‐ portant for an adult as it is for a child. Our Public Fire Educa on team is very involved with the businesses in the community, with the schools, and other community groups. The Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office has designed, developed and implemented several fire and life safety ini a ves designed exclusively to reduce avoidable injury and death as a result of fire. “Opera on Save‐A‐Life” was created to combat the rise in fire related injury and deaths to our ci zens due to home fires in our great state. The goal of this statewide ini a ve is to drama cally reduce fire related death across the State of Loui‐ siana by installing smoke alarms in homes across the state of Louisiana. “Opera on Golden Shield” is a public awareness campaign designed and developed to educate our senior ci zens, their caregivers, family members and the general public to stop the alarming upward trend of senior fire‐related deaths and injuries. This campaign focuses on Ten (10) important areas of fire safety; Home fire safety, kitchen and stove safety, space heater safety, candle safety, holiday safety, outdoor cooking safety, smoke and carbon monoxide detector safety and Smoking safety “Fire Safety for Schools, Student & Teachers” was devel‐ oped to educate our schools, student, teachers and admin‐ istrators of the dangers of fire and to raise awareness of Fire Preven on and Interven on, Preparedness, Response and Recovery as it relates to fire safety and preven on in our schools. “Campus Fire Watch‐Louisiana” is a public awareness cam‐ paign designed and developed to educate our colleges and university residents, families and guests about the alarming upward trend of college dormitory and student housing related deaths and injuries as a result of preventable fire. “Night Club Life Safety Task Force” The Task Force is dedi‐ cated to improving bar, nightclub and special event safety in Louisiana to iden fy poten al hazards and raises public awareness about fire preven on and life safety. The task force works closely with the bar industry, as well as event planners and suppliers to ensure a high degree of awareness and compliance of applicable building, safety and fire codes to promote a safe environment for staff and customers through fire and life‐safety inspec ons. Page 31 2010 Annual Report Emergency Services The Fire Marshal’s office has consolidated its broad spectrum of emergency service ac vi es into one coopera ve effort to improve and enhance disaster preparedness ini a ves, emergency response opera ons and long term disaster planning and recovery. This program directly and indirectly affects the es mated 4,523,628 ci zens of the state of Louisiana that are ex‐ posed to natural disasters or acts of terrorism. This program encompasses the following services: State Fire Marshal ESU (Emergency Services Unit) – A 40‐man mul ‐hazard team trained in command, communica ons, and medical, and rescue, created to support local fire departments and state agencies in mes of crisis, both natural and man ‐made. Asset/Resource Inventory – As a func on of Emergency Support Func on (ESF)‐4, we are tasked to coordinate and mobilize fire and emergency services resources, personnel and equipment; and coordinate other state resources to support local governments and other states to detect and suppress urban, rural, wild land emergencies Our objec ve is to lead a col‐ labora ve effort within the Fire Service to assist and facilitate the acquisi on, data storage and management of Re‐ sources and Assets that may be available in the event of a disaster or major catastrophe. ESF‐4 Disaster Preparedness Training Program – A State Fire Marshal ini a ve to educate fire departments and first respond‐ ers to be er prepare them in the event of natural or man‐made disasters. LA Statewide USAR Task Force: The Office of the State Fire Marshal in a collabora ve endeavor with local and regional fire service partners es‐ tablished this task force to provide highly special‐ ized technical rescue services to local jurisdic‐ ons and our neighboring states that are over‐ whelmed by natural and man‐made disasters. Our communi es are suscep ble to many differ‐ ent natural and technical hazards that may result in the damage or collapse of structures within the state. In May 2011, the Louisiana Statewide USAR Task Force deployed a team of 130 Louisiana first responders to Tuscaloosa, Alabama at the re‐ quest of the State of Alabama officials to assist in rescue and recovery opera ons in Tuscaloosa, an area devastated by the recent tornados and related storms. The mission of the Louisiana USAR Teams, were to conduct secondary searches in a dense residen al and commercial area of Tuscaloosa. Technical exper se was needed to ensure that no persons were trapped beneath the rubble prior to demoli on and debris removal opera ons. LA Statewide USAR Task Force: The mission of the Louisiana Statewide HAZ‐MAT Task Force is to offer the highest possible level of protec on to the ci zens and visitors of the State of Louisiana from chemical, biological and radiological releases whether the release is inten onal or accidental. with specially trained personnel to respond to nuclear, biological, and chemical releases upon request. The rescue of vic ms, hazard mi ga on, technical guidance, and advanced medical sup‐ port. The Office of the State Fire Marshal in a collabora ve endeavor with Louisiana State Police, GOHSEP, local and regional law enforcement and fire service partners established this task force to provide highly specialized responses to nuclear, biological, and chemical releases in our effort to support our local first responders in these types of large scale cata‐ strophic emergencies. PAGE 32 2010 Annual Report Louisiana’s ““Fallen Fallen Firefighters Memorial” Honoring those who’ve paid the ulƟmate price while protecƟng the ciƟzens of Louisiana The State Fire Marshal’s Office in conjunction with the Walk of Honor Foundation, Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association, Louisiana State Firemen’s Association, Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Fire & Emergency Training Institute team up to make this annual event a success. The ceremony recognizing newly added fire fighters was held on Saturday, March 6, 2010. The following heroes were honored: A. Shepherd Pfister Jefferson Parish Fire Department March 4, 2008 Frankie Nelson Shreveport Fire Department May 10, 2009 Tommy Lee Adams Shreveport Fire Department December 12, 2009 Cordell B. Buggage New Orleans Fire Department February 25, 2009 Joseph Grace St. Tammany Fire District 4 July 12, 2009 Jason Simon Lafayette Fire Department December 20, 2009 Alan Hermel Bossier Fire District 1 March 3, 2009 Richard Christiana David Crockett Fire Department September 11, 2009 May their names forever remain on our lips and in our hearts. If you are would like to donate to or purchase a brick in support of the memorial or participate in this annual event, please contact Boyd Petty or Nathan McCallum at(800) 256-5452. Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/La.F.F.Memorial The Louisiana State Fire Marshal Honor Guard Established in 2004 the Honor Guard represents the office at special events and fire service funerals. The unit has honored many fire fighters by attending and coordinating individual funerals and the annual Louisiana Fallen Firefighter Memorial ceremony. As tradition holds, the fire service has always had a strong Scottish/Irish influence. The unit has upheld this tradition by having kilted members who play the bagpipes and drums at events. The honor guard unit is made up of volunteers from the office and community. Besides traditional honor guard events, the unit is utilized to support the office's fire education program by distributing fire education material and teaching fire safety at parades and festivals. PAGE 33 2010 Annual Report Fire Marshal Phone Numbers: Administration: (225) 925-4911 (225) 925-4593 (Fax) Plan Review: (225) 925-4920 (225) 925-4414 (Fax) Inspections: (225) 925-4119 (225) 925-3813 (Fax) Investigations: (225) 925-4205 (225) 925-3813 (Fax) Health Care: (225) 925-4270 (225) 925-3699 (Fax) Mechanical: (225) 925-4297 (225) 925-3699 (Fax) We are on the web at: http://lasfm.org Licensing: (225) 925-7047 (225) 925-3699 (Fax) LFIRS (225) 922-1716 (225) 925-4593 (Fax) Volunteer FF Insurance (225) 925-4933 Emergency Services (225) 925-7264 Toll Free: (800) 256-5452 Fire Fighter Benefits For additional information on the following benefits, please visit the State Fire Marshal website, http://lasfm.org. 1. To All Volunteer Firefighters - Group medical benefits available to you through the State Fire Marshal’s Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance Program through Harford Insurance. 2. To All Volunteer Firefighters – Effective November 1, 2009, Worker’s Compensation Insurance Coverage for Louisiana’s Active Volunteer Firefighters with LWCC. 3. Scholarship for children of firefighters killed or disabled in performance of duty - Paid and volunteer for fees, tuition or other charity including room and board as long as child meets the academic requirements and maintains a "C" average. In addition such children shall be entitled to a cash grant of $240 per semester as an allowance for books etc. (LA RS.17:1682) 4. $50,000 accidental death resulting in course of performance of official duties payment by State Risk Manager out to the self insurance fund credited in (LA RS.39:1533). 5. Public Safety Officers and Firefighter death benefits - Act USC 3796 et. seq. was enacted in 1976, as of 10/1/00 PSOB’s benefit increased to $267,494.00. 6. Louisiana State Firemen’s Association - $15,000 accidental death benefit for fatality in the line of duty