November - The Rover Car Club Of Otago
November - The Rover Car Club Of Otago
Rover Car Club Of Otago Tribune November 2014 2013 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE ROVER CAR CLUB OF OTAGO Web Site: Club Contacts 2014 / 2015 Club President Jeff Sparrow Ph (027) 279 5423 E-mail [email protected] Secretary Jan Smith Ph (03) 465 1405 E-mail [email protected] Treasurer Ray Pilley Ph (03) 489 0033 E-mail [email protected] Newsletter Editor Norman Sparrow Ph (03) 487 6275 E-mail [email protected] Committee Joe Smith (South Otago Rep) Diana Kearns (Librarian) Life Members Norman Sparrow John Moore Honorary Member Lyn Br own The Otago Rover Tribune is published by the Rover Car Club of Otago. The views or opinions expressed by individuals are not necessarily those of the Club or Editor. Club Postal Address Post Box 2075 Dunedin 9044 Web: From The Editor… It is with great sadness we report the passing of Glenice Smith after a short illness. Our condolences go out to Jo and the family at this time. Glenice and Jo Smith were the jovial couple always up to a laugh and a spot of fun at any Rover Rove. Being part of our West Coast trips from their commencement to the last Nelson based Easter ARCC rally in Blenheim this year. This one remembered for the Wind Storm, the topless twins day in the Coupe , in comfort in the ice cream container, on day two of the West Coast excursion and of course the powerless night in Westport . Glenice will be sadly missed but joyfully remembered.. Ed. Rover Car Club of Otago. Minutes of the club meeting held on the 4th November 2014 at the Mosgiel RSA at 630p.m. Present: Jeff Sparrow, Norman Sparrow, Bill and Gaynor Falconer, Ray Pillay, John Marshall, John Moore, Alan Matchett, Terry Bough. Apologies: Jan Smith, Ian and Eleanore Clark, Jo and Glenice Smith, Kevin and Jenny Philips, Diana Kearns, Bernie Halford. Minutes of the pr evious meeting held on the 7 th October 2014 as circulated in the October issue of the Tribune newsletter be accepted as a true and accurate record. Moved Norman S. Seconded Ray P. Correspondence: ARCC Rally 10th to 13th April 2015 information. Wellington Rover Car Calub October newsletter. Canterbury October Viking newsletter. Bay of Plenty October newsletter, Gmail Rover 1961 3litre for sale info. For Newsletter. Bank advise Funds reinvested. ARCC annual subs due for membership as at 1 st November. Payment due 31/12/2014 Treasurers Report. Ray advised that 33 members subs paid, 10 outstanding at present. 3 resignations vehicles sold. Waiting for bank statement in November for final membership numbers. Matters Arising: 1. Dining meals may be available after current building alterations are completed. 1. First meeting in New Year to be in February. 2. New Membership application circulated. Approved. 3. Seacliff Rove day still a Work in Progress. 4. IT access for Treasurer to bank account being arranged.View only acceptable to Treasurer. 5. A BBQ / picnic run to be held in February was discussed. A decision date next meeting. 6. Pres Jeff 's Christmas BBQ date, details and time to be advised in newsletter. A Special vote of thanks passed to Bernie and Steph Halford for another successfull Nove Rove. Meeting closed at 7-15pm. Next meeting to be Tuesday 2nd December, 6-30 pm at the Mosgiel RSA. IGNITION November 2014 We had the November club meeting in the small bar area as they are now upgrading the main area. Attendance see minutes. I had the small notebook computer and was able to show a collection of photos from the NoveRove the same ones that I had shown the Clarkes on the way home on the previous Sunday Afternoon., I asked again when or if the Meals will become available again on Tuesday nights and was told that a decision would be made after all the alterations were completed The Tom-Cat went well and after a fill up at Balclutha, there was nearly half a tank left after the run. Went to move the SD1 in the Car-Port but it wouldn’t start, so had to recharge up the battery. No offers from Mag advert so have put it on the Classic driver web site. I am looking at Holding my Annual End of year BBQ : Date: Sunday 7th December. Time : afternoon/Evening. Place : 90 Carroll Street. ALL WELCOME. All Basics supplied, BYO Specials. With no meeting in January might talk about a 2nd BBQ in January. Last meeting 2nd December same time same place… That’s all for now, DRIVE SAFE OUT THERE Jeff Sparrow I am looking at Holding My Annual BBQ : Date: Sunday 7th December. Time : afternoon/Evening. Place : 90 Carroll Street. Dunedin. ALL WELCOME. All Basics supplied, BYO Specials. Regards Jeff Hello there, With a great deal of pressure put on us to run another Autumn Colours event! Well here it is! The 13th running!! We have advised the dates already and if the bookings in and around Arrowtown already made are anything to go by then this will be another well patronized event.. If you have been with us before or would like to go motoring on an organised adventure then this is the event.. Some will make a holiday of it and “Build” it into the Southern touring road trip! Our limited is 50 vehicles starting in Dunedin and traveling south then up to Arrowtown. The rest is in the attached Entry Form. Once we are full a waiting list will be in action. Look forward to your entry for this very enjoyable event and something to look forward too! Kindest, David & Christine Mehrtens Organisers."> For Sale : 1986 ROVER SD1 V8 Dual Fuel system, Fitted with LPG tank in boot. On hold:- Reg , wof & LPG Certificates. With Numerous Spare Parts. Reasonable Offers Ph: 0272795423 Dunedin. 1997 Rover 416 sli. This is a nice car well maintained ,new cam belt recently fitted a good sound car coverd 197,000. Good tyres will sell for very reasonable price.Contact John Rutherford ph 034178439 This is a basically sound car which is well worth restoring. The interior is original, but getting tatty. Since deciding to start repairing this car it’s cost me about $5,000. I’m prepared to sell it for a lot less than that, but I won’t give it away. Neil Shearer 476-1571 or [email protected] FOR SALE 1964 P5 3Litre Manual overdrive Saloon. Pine / Juniper Green. For further details contact John Smith . Telephone 03 445 1800. Mobile For Sale 1961 Rover P5 Saloon 3Litre. Reserve Price $1000-00. Contact Roger Bell telephone 03 418 4355 for further The 2014 Nove Rove group at the Lake Wilkie boardwalk on Sunday morning, prior to lunch and heading homeward after a most Enjoyable, entertaining and relaxing time together. Beware old age and forest roads. The Sparrows soljurn around the Catlins area forest resulted in an unusual vibration on the road between Owaka and Balcultha. Good job the spare wheel was OK. Next job, check the rest of the Coupe wheels. Nove Rove report Yet another Nove Rove has came and went, and went off very well if I do say so my self. A smaller crowd than usual but with 13 member registrations (24 people) it was still a very good turn out for a small club. I had nothing organised to look at this time, apart from the fantastic Catlin's and Southern scenery. As per normal we managed to lose a couple of cars but we all managed to find the evening venue. Evening meal and facility was very good with every one having a super time. Sunday had us check out a board walk at Lake Wilkie, some more scenery and the old Slew at Pounawea. This years winner of the Organisers Choice Trophy was Geoff and Yvonne Knox with their lovely P6 2000, 2nd place went to Ross and Veneta Allan in their cool P4. Next years Nove Rove will be based in either Cromwell, Wanaka or Queenstown. This will be the 10th Nove Rove so we intend for it to be rather special and hope for a big turn out. I have already had a Central club member volunteer to help with the organising, which will be a great help. If anyone wishes to donate goods for prizes or raffle, they would be gratefully received. Who said Rovers cannot fly? Pete Smith flying or is he doing the highland fling. Nove Rove Fun! The website has been updated with the West Coast trip and the 2014 Nove Rove. Please view and forward any photos to President Jeff. Thanks. Fo r Circulation to members of all FOMC clubs Ad vice from NZTA;On 1 July 2015, the ACC levy component of the motor vehicle licence (rego) is being reduced by an average of 45% (excluding motorcycles). To minimise the number of months your vehicle is licensed at the ‘old’ levy rate, you should consider the different licensing periods available, such as three or six months.” Contrary to the advice in a widely circulated email, re-licensing fees will fall in July not April. For some petrol cars the drop is about $132, or $11 a month with the cost of re-licensing virtually halved. If a vehicle becomes due for re-licensing between now and June 30, 2015, you can take fuller advantage of the decrease, by not paying the full current fee for 12 months. Re license only for the number of months from when your current licence expires, up to and including June next year. Make sure the renewal expires in July, not June, because if you relicense again in June, you will still be charged the current higher levy rates, not the much lower new fee. While the re-licensing form invites you to select from 3 months, 6 months and 12months, you can in fact apply to relicense your vehicle for any period you choose from one day to one year. If it is your intention to use a heritage vehicle for a one-off special event it is possible to relicense it for only two or three days at a cost of just a few dollars, by using a “change the date of expiry” form. But if it is less than 40 years old and subject to continuous licensing, an application to put it back on hold must be lodged before the license expires or else an automatic three month fee is charged. With the reduction in levies the ACC is introducing risk-ratings for the passenger vehicle fleet aged less than 40 years. That means levy reductions will depend on a car’s safety rating as determined by New Zealand and Australian crash data. For owners of the safest cars the ACC levy reduction will be 66 per cent from the current standard $198.65 down to $66.71. But the majority of heritage vehicles aged less then 40 years will most probably be classified in Band One of the risk ratings and be charged a levy of $156.71, little more than a $40 annual saving. Risk rating does not apply to vintage cars (aged 40 years and over), but they will enjoy a fixed cut in ACC levies from $69.53 to $37.42. Cheers Roy Hughes Secretary NZFOMC Rover Car Club of Otago. Events 2014 November Nove Rove Catlins Run 1st and 2nd November 2014 Tuesday 4th Monthly meeting at Mosgiel RSA. Sunday 23rd Hospice Charity Cruise $5 per person Tahuna Park start and display. See last months mag. December. Tuesday 2nd December Monthly Meeting at Mosgiel RSA. Sunday 7th Pres. Jeffs BBQ at 30 Carroll Street, Dunedin. Time afternoon / evening. Basics supplied.. BYO. Have a safe and enjoyable Festive Season. January 2015. Possible Day Rove and picnic somewhere mid month. Details TBA February 2015 Tuesday 3rd Monthly meeting Mosgiel RSA. Monthly meetings 1st Tuesday each month. Mosgiel RSA at 6-30 pm. Drinks & Natter
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