Eric Alexander - Dead Center


Eric Alexander - Dead Center
A P l a c e f o r
OD Qeview: EricAlexander-
J a z z
"'Dead Oenter"'
By Tom Pierce
tempos, Two standardsby the memoraOn Sept 11, jazz fans will be ingmixof composers,
andmoods.Fourof thetunes ble songwritingteam, Lerner&
able to catch live at the Whisperdomeone the most acare seldomheard,butveryen- Lowe, "AlmostLike Being in
by superiorLove"and "l CouldHave
claimed& popularsaxophonistsgagingcompositions
Dancedall Night"are both taken
of h i s g e n e r a ti o nH. i s 1 8 thC D
at delightfully
(of 30 as a leader),the 2004
"DeadCentef'on High Note Re- waltz"Searchfor Peace"by
whilethe SammyCahn-Jule
Stynegem, "l's Magic"is a rencords demonstrateswhy many McCoyTyner,guitarist
driving,straightahead deredas an hypnoticballad.
feel he embodiesthe best of the Martino's
"DeadCenter"andpianistMa- Alexander'sowrr,bluesy"One
"Old"(seminalartistssuch as
butmelodicrefer- for Steve"is presumablydediColemanHawkins& Ben Web- bern's.funky
"A Few cated to his frequentrecording
enceto hishometown,
ster)and the
harmonyplayerslike John Col- MilesFromMemphis".
a featuredmemberof his band
trane& GeorgeColeman).The
on Sept 11.
song choicesreflectan interestI
rralf Notes
EJO Presents Ol' Blue-Eyes wrote such wonderfulsonps as every month at Tess' Lark Tav"The Shadowof your Smi[e,"
ern in Albany,is finishingre"Theme
cordinga CD in September,
and the
the outstandingbig band based M*A*S"H."
whichshould be a v ai l abl ei n
at the SchenectadyCounty
CommunityCollege,will present N o t onlythat,Mandelwillbe
And trumpeterSteve Lambert
its fall concerton Tuesday,Oct. there in person!And, as if that
is alsowrappingup a recording,
20. This year'sperformanceis w e ren' tenough,singinghis
which shouldbe out thisfall as
greatsongswith DIVAwill be
titled"Sinatra,a Legacyin
well. lt will be called"May"and
Song"and will featurethe band A n n HamptonCallloway!Tick- will featurethe band hel'llbe
playingtunes associatedwith
ets are $25 and may be releadingat our Nov.6 concert
him, alongwith vocals by Col- servedonlineat,KeithPray,
o r b y c a l l i n g( 5 1 8 )4 5 8 - 5 3 9 1 . Mike Delprete,DaveSolazzo
leen Prattand BobbieVan
Also, Dave Brubeckis slatedfor and Joe Barna).ln fact,our last
Detta.Ticketsare $15, $6 for
Oct. 14 at SaintRose.
students.Ticket informationis
concertthis year will be Steve's
a t ( 5 1 8 )3 8 1
CD releasepartyl
CDS by local artists
D I VAa n d (mu ch ) mo re
OtherCDs thisyea r i nc l uded
Lee Shaw and her trio,with
ones by MichaelBenedict's"The
The all-womanbig band DIVA RichSyracuse,bass,and Jeff
Next Phase," PatriciaDalton's
wil la p p e a ra t 7:3 0 p .m.o n S a t- Siegel,drums,recentlyreleased "FrimFram Sauce," The Empire
urday,Sept.26, in the Massry theirlatestCD, "Blossom,"reJazz Orchestra's"Symphonies
cordedlastyear duringtheir
Centerfor the Arts at the Colin Riffs,"MitchKessler's
legeof SaintRose in Albany. successfulEuropeantour.
"Erratica,"Rob Lindquist's
SaxophonistKeith Pray and his Roads...New
Th e yw i l lb e p la yi n gmu si cb y
Path s "and Br i an
whichplays Patneaud
, h o B i g Soul Ensem ble,
t h e g r e a tJ o h nn yMa n d e l w
e's "Riverview.

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