Program energetske obnove zgrada javnog sektora
Program energetske obnove zgrada javnog sektora
Third Project Workshop “Monitoring of energy efficiency in the EU” ODYSSEE-MURE 25/26 September 2014 Zagreb, Croatia Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Ivanka Čavlek, CE Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties Program for Energy Renewal of Buildings in Public Sector 2014-2015 Program goals: Fulfillment of requirements in accordance with Directive 2012/27/EU of European Parliament and Council from October 25th 2012. Country members of EU made a commitment, starting from 01st January 2014., to renew 3% of total floor area heated and/or cooled buildings owned and used by central government each year In case when these commitments aren’t fulfilled EU commission can begin formal proceedings for violation of EC law. Program goals for period 2014÷2015 To contract and completely renew 200 public sector buildings - approximately 420.000 m2of heated area To decrease energy consumption in refurbished buildings for 30 ÷ 60 % (approximately 150 kWh/m2 per year) To decrease CO2 emission for approximately 20.500 t per year To start investments in the amount of about 400 mil. kunas To start energy services market (ESCo) Program participiants Croatian Government Accepted Program Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning Developed Program and supervise implementation Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties Program implementation and signing Contracts for energy efficiency Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Ensures co-financing funds Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development Approves credit to ESP in accordance with credit program Croatian Agency for SMEs and Ensures all needed guarantees ESP needs, in favor of Investments creditor Energy Service Client (ESC) Owner/User of the building applies building into Program Energy Service Provider (ESP) Implements energy renewal Program participants Government of Republic of Croatia Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning Contract for cofinancing Program implementation acceptance development supervision of implementation Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Croatian Agency for SMEs and Investments Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program for energy renewal of buildings in public sector 2014÷2015 Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties Cession Contract Energy Service Client Credit Contract Energy Service Provider Energy Efficiency Contract Basic settings and characteristics of the program: Energy Service Client (ESC) orders and Energy Service Provider (ESP) provides energy services in order to improve the energy performance Energy efficiency measures include the following: - Preparation of project documentation - Energy renovation of the building (construction works, installation of equipment and materials) - Monitoring and investment maintenance of all elements of the building and installed equipment which were the subject of energy renewal. ESP invests and takes technical and economic risk so ESC does not have any additional costs ESC is obliged to ensure payment of compensation to ESP during the contract period Payment of services is based on verifiable savings (service charge should be less than the savings) Energy efficiency contract is not budgetary borrowing for ESC Saving of energy are proved with the Project expenses for energy and water Yearly expenses of building owner (kn) End of en. renewal contract fee for ESP yearly savings for owner Referent yearly expenses for energy and water before renewal after renewal Contract on energy efficiency (max . 15 years) time By contract expiration Building owner expenses before the renewal 100 % Building owner expenses after the renewal 40 % 50 % expenses for energy and water Building owner expenses after the contract expiration 50 % contract fee for ESP Steps of Program: 1. Sign in the building - ESC submit to Agency form owner with basic information about the building and gives approval to Agency to start the process 2. Energy audit - Agency is doing a preliminary analysis. If there’s no energy certification, Agency orders the energy audit and certification of the building and / or project assignment. These documents are financed by Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund in total amount, according to Agency-Fund agreement. 3. Analysis of profitability - Agency compares data from the energy audit with data from EMS, analyzes the cost-effectiveness and decides to launch a public procurement procedure 4. Tendering - Agency defines the conditions of competition and tender documents, conducts a public procurement and chooses the best Offer using the economic criterias for evaluation. 5. Contracting - ESC, ESP and Agency conclude a Energy efficiency contract. 6. Design - ESP must prepare project documentation (Project), which must include all the elaborate measures intended to achieve savings and must prove values from the Offer 7. Project Control - in case of the special rules ESP must get a positive report on project 8. Project Verification - ESP submittes the Project and Project Control to Expert Commission provided by Agency. Expert Commission verifies compliance of the Project with the applicable laws of the Republic of Croatia and checks whether the project demonstrate values from the Offer. Expert Commission gives the Verification of the project. 9. Building Act- if needed ESP provides act allowing the construction 10. Co-financing the Program - Fund gives 40% of eligible costs in accordance with the rules of the Fund - non-refundable costs 11. Crediting -ESP can get loans of commercial banks and CBRD in accordance with their loan programs. CBRD has Program for credits of energy renovation of public buildings with guarantees from Croatian Agency for SMEs and Investments 12. Renewal –ESP is required to do the work of energy renovation of the building in accordance with the verified design. Agency supervises Works through the expert supervision selected by a public procurement. The costs of supervision settles ESP. 13. Works handover- the end of renewal - After the completion of the energy reconstruction Agency orders the energy certificate. After the certificate is done and after the final report is signed by the supervising engineer, ESC, ESP and Agency sign a report and determine the end of renewal. This act confirms that the refurbishment works are carried out in accordance with the Project and verifies conditions for cost reduction. 14. Monitoring and Savings control - From the date of the end of the reconstruction begins savings period and begins ESC obligations to pay compensation according to the EE contract. Throughout the whole period of the EE contract, ESP shall implement measures to monitor and to control savings (users training, regular check-up of the savings, investment maintenance elements of the building and installed equipment). Any change in the use of the building (user behavior) does not affect the obligation to pay compensation. Any change in energy prices does not affect the calculation of savings and the amount of compensation. The amount of compensation is adjusted with the inflation index for the previous year, according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics. 15. Unrealized savings - For the duration of the Contract ESC may challenge the savings, if so both ESP and Agency must be informed without delay. The notification must contain the necessary facts and evidence on which ESC believes that the savings are not realized. Agency will then engage an authorized person to determine causes for it. In the case of failure to achieve guaranteed savings ESP is required to remove these deficiencies. If it fails to do so within a reasonable time ESC has the right to cancel / terminate the agreement. CONCLUSION! By implementation of this Program government will accomplish long-term benefits in systematic and rational governance of its assets without risks and expenses for renewal. Impact of savings will be even more prominent if/when cost for energy products increases in the future. Systematic monitoring of energy consumption will result in more rational behavior of public sector concerning energy consumption, which will lower pressure on State budget. Energy Renewal of Public Buildings Energy Management System EE background ISGE-u Energy Efficiency (EE) Project concluded by UNDP Croatia 2005.-2013. at the National level in cities, counties, ministries and other government institutions since 2008. Improved EE in the public sector Reduced greenhouse gas emmisions A A systematic approach to energy management Initiated market changes of EE services EE conclusion ofISGE-u EE Project CAPACITY development of the necessary human capacity (knowledge and practical experience) for EMS and implementation of projects in order to improve the EE THE PROCESS established organizational structure for EMS at national, regional and local level A THE TOOL developed and established a national information system for energy management – EMIS THE RESULT basis for the continuous and systematic energy management in Croatia established EE after the EE Project ISGE-u Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (MGIPU), Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties (APN), Environmental protection and energy efficiency Fund (FZOEU) and UNDP Croatia signed an agreement on the transfer of activities, human and other resources: MGIPU – main holder of EMS acitvities FZOEU - energy audits and informative educational activities APN - coordination of EMS, administration and development of EMIS system, energy renewal A EE teams in ministries, cities and counties alone continue with the implementation of activities in their jurisdiction EMIS structure of the tool STRUKTURA ISGEa Multi-language national system Easy web access from local server, desk computer, notebook, pda, .. IP / P TC Remote reading systems Collecting data from smart systems IP Easy ability to customize P/ Wide range of information TC Measuring impact on evironment EMIS 3 main steps O ISGE-u DATA AQUISITION daily, weekly, monthly data entry via Internet ANALYSIS regular inputs in database detecting deviations early fault detection IMPLEMENTATION A where, when and what we consume every day insight into possible savings currently responding to system irregularities EMIS graphs and indicators EMIS meter reading graphs EMIS from A to Z O ISGE-u LOGIN (username, password) DATA ENTRY (general, energy systems and construction dana, documents, energy audits and certificates module, energy renewal of public building module) ENERGY BILLS ENTRY (custom vendor A bills) DATA VERIFICATION (meter points “locking”) GRAPHS and INDICATORS AUTOMATIC METER READINGS GRAPHS ENERGY ANALYSIS STATISTICS EMIS statistics September 2014.: almost 8.700 of 11.000 (estimated) public buildings (more then 11.600 energy costly centers – ECC) More then 3.650 user accounts (1300 active ones) EMIS statistics 112 cities (of 127) 20 counites (20 w/o ZG) 20 Ministries (20) 24 community 28 other institutions* 1.374.875 23.152 419 6.347.165 energy bills and water bills** (around 5.000 per week) meter consumption points for 18 energy sources automatic meter points readings, of which: 5.388.973 automatic SCADA readings 958.192 manual readings EMIS trends Naziv energenta Godina Izračunata količina [m³] Broj zaključanih računaKoličina [m³] / broj računa Voda 2007 7443351,919 30463 244,341 Voda 2008 8588021,257 34961 245,646 Voda 2009 8772991,439 35594 246,474 Voda 2010 8755596,769 38348 228,320 Voda 2011 8385436,342 41754 200,830 Voda 2012 5637104,380 34041 165,597 Naziv energenta Godina Izračunata količina [kWh] Broj zaključanih računaKoličina [kWh] / broj računa Električna energija 2007 286739368,645 42170 6799,606 Električna energija 2008 382219074,600 51544 7415,394 Električna energija 2009 403819055,630 69738 5790,517 Električna energija 2010 429613646,351 93957 4572,450 Električna energija 2011 398470429,940 97285 4095,908 Električna energija 2012 309890233,240 75157 4123,238 70 % Električna energija [kWh] / broj zaključanih računa Voda [m3] / broj zaključanih računa 8000.000 300.000 7000.000 250.000 6000.000 200.000 5000.000 150.000 4000.000 100.000 3000.000 50.000 2000.000 1000.000 0.000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0.000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Ivanka Čavlek, CE Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties Agencija za pravni promet i posredovanje nekretninama Savska cesta 41/VI, 10 000 Zagreb Tel: 01/ 6331- 622 Email: [email protected]