

Oral Care
4 months to 4+ years
Oral care should start from the very beginning of a child’s life. Even before their first tooth emerges, inadequate oral care can affect their future
appearance and health. Infants have special oral care needs that every new and experienced parent should know about.
“Baby teeth usually emerge around seven to eight months of age, and being armed with the right information on the special oral health needs of infants will
help guard against baby bottle decay and ensure your child is receiving enough fluoride which will lead to healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.”
says Dr. Gordon Scott, a Canadian dentist with over twenty-five years experience.
Below are helpful tips from Dr. Gordon Scott
on how to care for teething children*:
Treating Teething Pain
Before treating infants for teething, it is important to know what is causing the discomfort. This can be determined by rubbing a finger gently along the gums
feeling for swollen ridges or a tooth under the surface of the gums. Medicines are often applied to the babies’ gums to relieve swelling and pain. Orajel®
teething gels are the number one pharmacist recommended teething pain reliever and will work as a numbing agent to dull the nerves in the gums resulting in
the pain subsiding. However, always consult your health care practitioner before use on children under the age of two.
A few options for teething gel:
• Orajel® Regular Strength Gel for Teething provides instant relief for teething pain.
Apply a pea-sized amount with fingertip or cotton applicator to affected area up to
4 times daily or as directed by a dentist or doctor.
• Orajel® Extra Strength Gel for Nighttime provides nighttime relief of pain from
teething. Apply uniformly to gums to avoid having your child swallowing
excessive amounts.
• Orajel® Smartdose™ Swabs for Teething offer consistent dosage, convenient
portability and a hygienic delivery method to instantly relieve pain from teething.
Homeopathic Remedy Teething Gel:
Orajel® Natural Source Homeopathic Remedy Teething Gel offers
effective pain relief and is free of parabens, dye and sugar.
• Homeopathic ingredients for the New Orajel® Natural Source
Homeopathic Remedy Teething Gel include Calcium Phosphate
which supports dentition, Chamomilla (a whole flowering plant)
which relieves irritability and Coffea cruda (dried, unroasted seed)
which helps ease wakefulness and dieresis.
Visit www.orajel.ca for more information and always read
directions before use.
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