Henry Tool - AirtoolParts
Henry Tool - AirtoolParts
HENFIY AIFI TcIclLS@ A FULL RANGE OF QUALITY INDUSTRIAL TOOLS iR Henry Air Tools are tough & built to last. They are l\,4ade in the lJ.S.A. and are available in many different styles. runoe rN THE u.s.A. r Henry Right Angle Grinders & Sanders are lightweight with plenty of power. Compact size allows them to get jnto tight areas. ldealfor both grinding and sanding applications. Henry Vertical & Horizontal Grinders are powerful and durable. They are excellent for grinding, sanding, polishing, or wire brushing. Henry Scal€6 & Chipping Hammers are idealfor removing rust, weld flux. peening or beading work; chipping stone, metal, concrete or brick. I Henry Die Grinders are available in many styles and can meet the die grinding requirements of anyjob. Governed speed models are available for intricate grjnding applications at a low rpm. Henry Air Rammers are slim and versatile. ldeal for sand compaction in molds and various types of construction works. All Henry Air Tools. are manufactured in the U.S.A. and comply with the O.S.H.A. standards. Warning: Follow all instructions from tool, chisel & abrasive manufacturer for proper usage & safety requirements. For Use With: r 7'-9" Type 27 & 28 wheels r 4'-6" Type 6 or 11 cup wheels . 4'-9" sand;ng pads/discs r wire wheels r 3-4 H.P: Select 4500-8000 RPM 65-VK.g"-927 SPECIFICATIONS Features: .56-V-3H.P Kr:i= Throttle Model 65-V - 4 H.P . Two position live & side handle. Type Select 56-VL56-VK. 'Select 6" cup guard, 7" or 9" depressed center guard. . Select lever or lockout lever throttie. Speed (RPM) Lockout 65-VL* 65.VK' (4500, 6000, 7200, 8000) Weight Height to Bottom ol Flanqe 7lbs,5oz, 3.3k9 5112" - 140mm Spindle 4.3k9 3 H.P. 2.25 Kw 4 H,P. 3.0 Kw 6 7/16" - 164mm Spscifo required guad size after model number For lype 27 Waftt 7 luard add 727 Tor type 28gLard:9_ guad add 928.6'guad add 611. Standard Equipment Seleci€uard size, wrench spindle set. Extra Cost Equipment Depressed cenler whee adapter kit, sanding backing pads. ' # Hose Si2e Size 5t8"-11 9.5lbs. Inlet Rated TyPe .9 suad Working Air Consumptlon 60 cfm 1t2' 1t2', N.P.T. 75 cfm add 927. r@ 56-HK dCWA 52-HJK SPECIFICATIONS For Use Wilh: I 6'-8" Iype 1 wheels r Cone & Plug type wheels r Wire wheels / Flap wheels . 2-4 H.P: Select 4500-12,000 Model Speed IRPM) Spindle Tvoe Overall Lenqlh Weight 52-H (Select 6000, 9000, 12000) 5/8"-1 1 x 2114 (57mm) or 5/8'-11 x .900" (22mm) (lVodel J) 1A114" 9mm 7 1l2lbs. 3.4 kg 21.2' 101/2lbs. 5/8'!11 x 533mm 4.8 ks RPIVI 56-H .52-H-2H.P 56-H - 3 H.P 65-H - 4 H.P . 52-H: Select 5/8'-11 long or short spindle for use with plug type wheels. . 56-H & 65-H: Select 6" or S" wheel guard or plug type wheel adapter. . Select lever, lockout lever, or grip type throttle. Select 4500, 6000, Features: 65-H * 7200, lnlet Hose Size Size 2H,P, NPT 599mm 3 H,P, 2.25 Kw 12 314lbs. 4 H.P. 5.8 ks 3.0 Kw Worklng Air ConsumDlion 35 cfm '1.5 Kw 1t2" 1.7s', 8000 Rated 1D 60 cfm 75 cfm a l€ver throtle add L' io model number For lockout throtile add 'K to model number For a " Model52-H: add'J'to model nunber for .900' lenglh spindle for uss wilh plugwheels. Standard Eqolpmentr 52-H: 6 type I wheelguad.56-H &65-H: Seecl6'or8'iype l wheelguard. For plug wheeladaptor, add ' For gip lhrotug add "G'to modelnumber cw' to model nurnber. Wrcnch S6t. Exira Cost Equipmentr 56-H & 65-H:ior a ioolwith a 2" Longer spindle, add'+2" io the end ol lhe modelnumber Toialspindle prcjeciion is 3 13/16". For a toolwilh a 3'longer spindle, add "+3" 1o lhe end oi lhe modelnumber Totalspindle prcjection is 4 13/16". 51'HSK w/HT-1010 511-HSK 'll4" collet assembly SPECIFICATIONS Model Speed (RPM) Weight Overall Length 17.A 112" 2.8 kg 431 rnm N.P.T. 8.0lbs. 18.5 Net Spindle Type Air lnlet Hose Size Rated Working Air Consumption gA '24 ot 51-HS 511-HS For Use With: r 3'-4" Type '1 grinding/cuFoff wheels r Cone & Plug type wheels r Mounted Point Stone wheels r Wire wheels / Flap wheels r Carbide Burrs t 1.5 H.P: Select 7000-18,000 bb MADE ,@.t ii,i iHe rEu.s.l. 15,0001o 18,000 RPI'/ 112'-13x1' (25mm) 5/8" 11 x.900" (22.r.fi]') 112', 1.5 H.P. 1.13 Kw 112' 1.5 H.P. 1.13 Kw '1t4" 5t16', , UA', 5102-HS 38 -24 at -13x1 (2smm) 57,HS RPI\,4 Features: 517 HLS . 51-H & 57-H: Select 4" guard or 1/4", 3/8" collet, plug wheel 112 70001o 15,000 RPI\I 5/8 ''1 I x .900 ' l22.r'.f') 1t2' 3.7 kg N.P,T. orderins) adaptor .51-H & 57-H: Select 3i8'-24 or 1/2"-'13 spindle... 1/4",5/16",3/8' 5107-lls . 51'1-HLS & 517-HLS feature a short 5/B'-'11 spindle for use with plug wheels. . Select lever, lockout lever, or grip handle throttle. add "L to modelnumber Fora lockout lever throttle add'K'to modelnumber. Fora gipthrcltle add "G"lo modelnumber " Fora 1/2L13 spindle, add T'to modelnumber. Standard Equipment 51-HS & 57 HS: Selecl4" glard, 1/4'or 3/8" collet. For p ug wh€sladaplo., add "CW' to modelnumbei Wrench Set. 511HS,517HS,5102HS & 5107HS:Wrench Sel. 'For a Lever lhrotlle "#,ffi44 .-- =e SPECIFICATIONS Speed {RPr'r) @ Spindle Length 5.6' Kr:i, 3t8'-24, 514',-11,1t4 Heioht 2.953' Wsisht .42 k9 lnlet Dia. Size Siz€ 1.5" 65/r6' 2.44' 1314 113h6 9.406' 3.06' 238.9mm 1.7 kg 318'-24, 1 5/8 a'-11,1t4 2.6lbs. 1.1k9 3/8" 38\24, 3/3 2.44', 314\24, For Use With: r 3", 4", 6" Type . 3" , 4" , r r . I r 2112lbs. grinding/culoff 38 4 85/16" 58\11,1tA '1 type 27 wheels Sanding pads / discs Mounted Point Stone wheels Wire wheels / Flap wheels Carbide Burrs .3 - .9 H.Pr Select 6000-20,000 RPM 24.114 8 7/8' 2.47" 7.3" 2.84" 8 5/16' 2.44' 1 12" Features: 'Choice of collet, 3/8'-24 or 5/8'-11 spindle . Select 3", 4", 5" or 6" wheel guard . Removable side handle . Select lever or lockout lever throttle. 3taL24. 5/8L11, s000, 38 24, 5/3L11" 2.6lbs, 212lbs. 1.1k9 " 1 5/8" 1314', 3/8' 3/8' .9HP, Fora 5/8':11 spindle, add Z'to mode number lockoul lever lh.otlle add "K'to modelnumbe. lvodel 45-RA & 48'RA: for co let assy. add 'D to model number. Specify 1/8 , l /4', 3/8' coLlet nsed. '*"lvodel 44-RA, 45'RA, 46 RA,44A1,4402: lot 1l4' collet spindle add'C" lo modelnumber rModels 46-RA, 48-RA, 4401, 4402, 4405 avaihbb in sleeLhousing only. Standa.d Equlpmsnt: Seleci 3", 4', 5', 6" wheel guad, wrench set, side handle, RA(D) Modejs:Select 1/8",1/4"3/8 coll€tinserl, Models 4405 & 4705: Selecl4', 5", T sandinq pad. Extra Cost Equipment 3/8 ,5/8', 7/8' LD. depressed center wheel adaptor kits,lockout ever. 'Fora '.' 'l/4" collet assembly 4125-AGLSK SPECIFICATIONS Dla, 4112' 40-GLS Features: ' Our best die grinder: 4123-GLSK: select 1/8", 1/4", 5/16", or 3/8" collet 4123-GLS insert. . lvlodels 4110 & 4125 feature a built in '114" collet spindle. . Models 47-GLS & 47-GHLS contain an internal speed governorfor work at a low RPM. . Select lever or lockout lever throttle. For Use With: r r r r r 3"-4" Type 1 grinding/culoff wheels l\4ounted Point Stone wheels Wire wheels / Flap wheels Carbide Burrs .9 H.P: Select 7000-22,000 RPM 12,000 1277a' " For a lockout leverthrciile add K' to model number " l\,lodels 40-G, 40,GH, 4110, 4111, 47-G: availab € in a uminum housing, add 'AlJ lo model number. "' For 20-G with fronl exhaust, add M' to model number. For 20-G kit wlth cas€ & carbide burc, add "Kl" to Stand.rd Equipmonl: 4123: seleci collel slze. 40-AGH, 47-G, 47-GH, oLrra-- 4o-EHLs 4111 ,41 26: sslscl (1 ) pc. 4' guad, 1/4 or 3/8 1.0. collei. Wrench For Use With: | 3"-4" Type 1 grinding/cuFoff wheels Mounted Point Stone wheels r Wire wheels / Flap wheels r Carbide Burrs r.9 H.Pr Select 7000-22,000 RPI\,4 r I 40-EHLSK+6" k3e17'GHLSZK Featurcs: . Slim profile extension housing models reach remote work areas. . 3900 Series: Select collet,318"-24, 112" -13 ot 5l8" -11 spindle type. . Collet models: select 1i8", 1/4", 5i 16", or 3/8" collet insert. r4' ' Select lever or lockout lever throttle. SPECIFICATIONS (RPM) Dia. 4O.EHLS 40' EHLS+6 3917 GHLS 112\'t3, 5,ar11 Kr:"+ 22 1.120 For a lockout lever throttLe add "K' to mode nunrber "' For a col el add 'C" to model numbsr For 5/8'111 spindle add '2" to model number. For 3/8124 spindle add "l'to model number. For a 1/2'!13 spindLe, add "T'to modelnumbsr Standard Equlpmeni: Selecl splndle type or collet insert siz€. Wrcnch S€t. ' @ Kr:"+ N-2R Features: . Quick release needle attachment converts needle scaler to chisel scaler in seconds. . Three-position "J" slot on needle scalers allows N-3R compensation for needle weat . Model N-2R & N-4R ship standard with 7" long needle set. . Model N-'10 floor scaler is ideal tor chipping concrete, brick, tile, etc. SPECIFICATIONS 12' t 15' For various types of chisels,see accessories section at end of catalog. 1.12s N-5 12', N-6 lvodel Nr 0 overall lenglh can bemodilied byobtaining a diifeGnt length ceiter pipe with 3/4" lhread. Tootsh ps standad wilt' 24'l€nglh pipe. Standa.d Equlpment Screen Bushing. (chisels sold sepaalely). ' 1/2" Square Shank Type Chisel Round Needle Shell SPECIFICATIONS Features: . lvodel HT-48 provides ergonomic style grip handle. . Simplate valve design in HT-20, 30, 40 Series provides fine control ol throttle. . Model HT & HT-48: Select hex tool nose for .580" hex shank chisels or round tool nose ior.680" 2440 IT30 1920 l6 1500 1l round shank chisels. . Model NA-l6r Select hex tool nose for .37'1" hex shank chisels or round tool nose for.40'1" round shank chisels. r Model HT-48: For aluminlm handlgadd'A'lo modelnumber " l,lodeLs HT & HT-48:Add X to rnodel nlmber lor .580" hex toolnose. Add'R lo modelnumberfor "' Model NA-16: Add 'X' to model number for .371" her tool nose. Add 'R lo model number for .401 Standard Equipment: HT& HT-48: Oval ColLar Retainer. NA-16:Be€hiv€ Rstainer (Chisels sold sepamiely). * For various types of chisels, see accessories section at end of catalog. lw-"*ll,'. ifRu.s.r. i ;;;;*;- - Features: . N,4odels 1320, 1350, '1380 Series are available with extended pipe & throttle for use as a lloor rammer . Adjustable packing gland maintains maximum power with low maintenance. . Select from a wide variety of rubber butts and steel peins. -'a Kr:"+ o SPECIFICATIONS Lentgh 1300 0B 16.2" 2 25. 56 t350-2BA 1350-2BF 1380-2aA 2500 1 22.2" 112 61" 24" 1.250' 63 ' F oor models ship wilh 3/4 diameler x 24' long plpe. standard Equipment selecl (1) bun or pein. RUBBER BUTTS & STEEL PEINS FOR RAMMERS SPIRAL COOL RUBBER PADS Descriplion 829558 2 3/8" Diametor Rubb6r Butt 32S559 3/S Diameler Aluminum/Rubber Bltr 3' Diameter Rxhber B0r 84S848 829559-AR 3' Didmater Alum num/Rubber Buh 84984&A 829560 432922 4 849913 e32923 15/S Diameler St€€l Butl 2 1 432924 432925 D ameter Rubber 449271-A Bln 3/4" Dbm6l6r RubberBut TT-O rDr 4oo-78 84S259 2 3/3" Diamcldr \9 re, 849269 Slc. B"tl Cuiting Edge 0-200-7 1/2 Narcw Chisel ADAPTORS Descriplion M.=ll,ll,'. lEu.s.r. 71 z' 12" 1a 1I .g 1t [--,] LJ 596009 596010 12 596011 13" 400-77 ConeWheelAdapior(Fils41-G,40-GH, 47 G,47-GH, 51-H, 57-H.4111-G)- 400,78 3/aL24lD t 5/aL11O D 400 79 3/8L24 l.D. x 1/2113 O-D. Theaded Adaolor 400-80 1/2al3 I D 4SO HT Tvhe 27 Threaded AdaDlor 5/811 1 O.D. Threaded AdaDtor ^ wheelrd..l.rf.r 3/A'l 510126 D wh..l.n 3/A'r2a r 475- 040 l.n. Tlpe on 27 wheeladapror lor l/8' .D. wheeton l/3124 . 540-.625 tonq Tvne dn 27 wheel ada6t rf6r5/3' D wh6.l6n3/Aar4! 040 6ndshindl6 510063 Tvoe on 27 wheei adabtor lor 7/A' I D wheel on 3/4L24 51i 163 TvDe on 27 r 940 lond soindl€ wheeladaotorfor 7/8" LO. wheelon 5/8111 x.980lono sDindle PUo Wheel Adaotor for 5/8 !1 1 Pluo Wheels lFiis 56-H. 65-H and 52-H) n-35 De.6ss.d c.nt6r Whe.l Adabidr kir lFits 56-V rnd 65-V) >n :J COLLETS Capacily HT-1010 Thread 3la'-24 HT-1010-3/8 31a"-24 3/8' aa'-24 l/8". 1/4'. 5/16" or 3/8" Description HT 1104 CHISELS FOR HT SERIES CHIPPING HAMMERS .580 HEX & .680 ROUND SHANK ryPE OVAL COLLAR Cutting Edge ShankType 1' 9" 1', 12 t' 13, 2 839014 1 3tsoi7 2 9 839045 339047 1', 18" 12 l" 18 ? -4 Angle 1_i 9' 9' 31s020 249 209-1/8' __-ra 12 2', 400-76-J,3/a TYPES CI{ISELS FOR N.16 SERIES CHIPPING HAMMERS .401 ROUND & .371 HEX SHANK TYPE Cutting Edge 3'or4'diamelerwith 1/64-1/4'ihickness 3/A'in lenolh wilh 3/ lD Shaer For S/8" LD. wheels - CHISEL EDGE J""V 839085 (,, 829559_AR CHISELS FOR N-3 SERIES SCALING HAMMERS ,I/2" SHANK TYPE 439010 Gc,/A Scraper rf= 3 pc Eri[son@ 1/8' 209,114', 209-5/16' 209,3/8' 5/16' 3/8" SCREEN BUSHINGS Size 441551 841552 841553 44155/ 3/8" [,lPT x 3/8" FPT lnsert for 209
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