July 2014 - Grace Episcopal Cathedral


July 2014 - Grace Episcopal Cathedral
Grace Episcopal Cathedral
Topeka, Kansas
From the Dean. . .
Dear Friends,
Our “Phase One”
work has begun! The
renovation of the
Cloister Building will
give us a beautiful
new entrance hall for
the church and will make the entire
facility more user-friendly. It will
eliminate much of our current
hallway labyrinth and create a space
from which the entrances to all other
areas of the Cathedral can be clearly
viewed and easily accessed. That is,
once the work is done.
In the meantime, while the
construction work is being done,
there will be some inconvenience
and, perhaps, even momentary
confusion concerning which way to
go to get to your desired destination.
The routes may change from week to
week. However, we’ll make every
effort to minimize the effect by
posting temporary signs to help guide
you. We hope the excitement of
seeing the changes from week to
week and the anticipation of the final
product will curb any aggravation
caused by the inconvenience. I ask
that you stay faithful in worship
throughout the summer, knowing that
the final result will be well worth the
We are now well into the Season
after Pentecost, also known to the
church as “Ordinary Time” since
nothing special is happening on the
Continued on page 2.
July 2014
Vol. 88, No. 7
From the Dean continued
church calendar between now and
Advent. This year, that is certainly
not the case at the Cathedral. This is
the first renovation work done at the
Cathedral in over 20 years and the
parish hall will be the first new
construction in over 50 years! This is,
indeed, a special and exciting time for
us. So please be patient as we
experience these growing pains and
be joyful as we prepare for the future
of this great place!
I also want to take this time to
thank again all those who have
pledged to the capital campaign and
are making this work possible. The
reason we were able to begin the
Phase One work this summer is
because some began their giving in
2013 rather than 2014 and, thus,
effectively accelerated their pledge
payoff to two years instead of three.
This, in turn, accelerated our
construction timetable, allowing us to
begin a year early. If you are one of
those able to do this, we are grateful!
Here’s how you can help us begin
“Phase Two” (parish hall
construction) early.
 If you have not made a pledge to the
capital campaign, please do so. We
are still $800,000 away from our
$3,000,000 goal. Whether your
pledge is large or small, every dollar
brings us closer to our goal. Capital
Campaign booklets and pledge cards
are available from the church office.
Stop by and pick one up or call and
we will mail them it to you.
 If circumstances have changed since
making your pledge and you are able
to increase it, please do so. Call me
or Kent Wingerson for a new pledge
card or simply authorize us to adjust
your current card on file.
 If you can pay off your pledge early
– all at once or in two years instead
of three – this, too, will allow us to
begin work early.
If you need to stick with your
original plan of giving, this is
understandable and your gift, of
course, is most appreciated!
May God bless us all in this most
“extra-ordinary time.”
—I’ll see you in church!
Under construction!
Clockwise from above:
The wall between the
former men’s and
women’s robing rooms
has been removed.
The door to the former
choir room. The original
exterior stone wall has
been exposed.
View from the alley. The
center opening will become the entrance from
the new gathering space
to the future parish hall.
Demolition in the former
Choristers Room on the
south side of Cloister Hall.
This will become the
second floor landing of the
new main stairwell.
PENTECOST — June 8, 2014
Confirmed or Received: Front, L-R: Iona Morgan, Adrian Horne, Lynn Horne, Carolyn Jones, Debbie Benson, Al Benson Jr.,
Terrilyn Fairbank, Beth Fairbank Back: Zach Raugewitz (holding daughter Fiona), Mallory Raugewitz, Megan DiGiovanni,
Amanda Carroll, Ingrid Garrison, Kyle Garrison, Bishop Wolfe, Kelly Herbster, Karel Ramsey, Dean Lipscomb, Fr. Hullinger, Debi Hedtke
Joshua Ryan Dittmer, with parents,
Julie and Phil Dittmer, was baptized.
Fr. Jon Hullinger (pictured with Bishop Wolfe)
was received as an Episcopal priest.
Ohlemeiers to leave for seminary
The people of Grace Cathedral bid a fond farewell to Mark, Kristie, and
Hannah Ohlemeier as they move to Sewanee, Tennessee this month where Mark
will begin seminary studies in preparation for the priesthood.
The family has been active in Cathedral life with Kristie singing in the Choir and
helping with the Junior Choir, Hannah singing with the Choristers, and Mark
serving in a variety of roles, including Ceremonial Verger, Senior Warden and
Vestry member, handbell choir, and shortstop for
the softball team.
Mark and Kristie attended Emporia State
University with Mark earning a Bachelors of Fine
Arts Degree in Communications and Kristie a
Masters of Music. Mark has worked as a radio
news reporter, public information officer for
Attorney General Carla Stovall, website developer for Kansas Action for Children, and
web applications developer for Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger. Kristie
worked for Topeka Civic Theatre, where she, Mark, and Hannah have all appeared in a
variety of stage productions.
Mark grew up at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Topeka where he had some
interest in becoming a priest during childhood. But it wasn’t unit much later when a
number of people, including Kristie, suggested he consider ordination that he began to
take it seriously.
“It became like a song that you can’t get out of your head,” he said. Assured that
his family was on board, he talked with Dean Lipscomb and Bishop Wolf. This led to a
formal discernment process lasting several months. It involved a series of meetings
with lay and ordained members of the Diocese to help him decide if he was truly being
called to ordained ministry. The final step was the recommendation of the Bishop.
Mark noted that he would not be the first Episcopal priest in his family. His
maternal grandfather was Father Harold Weaver, who also had ties to Grace Cathedral, briefly serving as a temporary
Canon for six months during a search process in 1972.
We wish Mark and his family well in their new calling and look forward to their visits home!
Come join the fun of
Workshop of Wonders VBS!
Adult and Youth volunteers are needed! Whether for
just one night or all four nights, VBS can only happen
with the help of volunteers. Opportunities include:
Art leader, Science leader, Song/music leader
Storytelling leader, Kitchen helpers
Youth volunteers ages 13-18 are appreciated as age
group leaders and assistants. Please email Kathy Smith
at [email protected]. Thank you!
July 28 — 31, 2014, Great Hall
5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
Kids 4 years — 12 years old
Dinner will be served for all kids and volunteers.
Because of our construction and limited space, this year's
VBS registration will be limited to current Grace Cathedral
families. We look forward to welcoming new friends in 2015!
To register, go to:
Ministry opportunities available at Grace Cathedral
 We can use three or four persons to join one of our Sandwich
Ministry teams. Each team serves one Saturday a month preparing and
serving sack lunches for those in need. Serving time is 8:30-12:30, but
volunteers need to arrive at 8:15 and leave about 12:45. Time
commitment: approximately 5 hours per month.
 We are looking for a few people willing to deliver flowers on Monday
afternoon or Tuesday morning—your choice. The Sunday altar flowers
are taken down and separated into smaller arrangements on Monday
morning. We need individuals or couples willing to deliver
several arrangements to parishioners in local hospitals and
occasionally to a homebound resident. You would serve one
week each month, with the exceptions of Lent and the weeks
of Christmas and Easter. Time commitment: approximately
one hour per month.
 We have openings for three or four greeters to serve on our alternating teams at the 10:30 service. Greeters should
be people who attend church regularly, know at least the faces of regularly attending members and are able to spot
new people when they visit the Cathedral. Greeters welcome guests as well as our current members and hand out
“purple bags” (gift and information bags) to newcomers. Each Greeter team has at least 3 or 4 four members.
Greeters arrive 15 minutes before the service begins and may wish to introduce a guest to one of our clergy or
another parishioner or two after the service. This is a VERY important ministry and promotes church growth. Time
commitment: approximately an hour and a half per month.
 We can still use a couple of lay weeders to help keep weeds pulled at Bethany Place. Work on your own time. It
will take two or three hours to clear weeds from your assigned area, then maintenance is about an hour a month.
Time commitment: one hour per month. (The “two amigos,” Norm Nellis and Curtis Cowell, spend considerably
more time doing general yard maintenance at Bethany Place. They would welcome a third or fourth helper. You
can work out your own schedule with them. They’d be happy to have whatever help you could give.)
If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, WE NEED YOU! Please contact the Cathedral
office to volunteer.
Porterfield’s Flowers receives national honor
Florists’ Review Magazine has
named Porterfield’s Flowers and Gifts,
Topeka, as Retail Florist of the Year.
David Porterfield co-owns the store
with Mark Lamantia. David’s parents,
Brooke and Virginia, opened the shop
in 1965, and David took over in 1980.
The shop will receive a $1,000
cash prize, along with an all-expensespaid trip to an industry conference in
Miami, and be featured in nationwide
publications for the floral industry.
David is a long-time member of
Grace Cathedral and provides altar
flowers each week as well as decorations for Christmas, Easter and Fourth
of July.
Congratulations David!
Keep up with pledges this summer!
Headed out on vacation this summer?
Unfortunately our expenses don’t take a vacation,
so don’t forget to pay your monthly pledge before
you leave. Have a safe trip!
Let’s Help! July 30, 2014
Our next time to serve lunch at Let’s Help will be Wednesday, July 30.
Volunteers are welcome and needed! Most volunteers work 10:30-1, then
stay for lunch. The work isn't difficult and serving our community members
is most rewarding. This is a great summer opportunity for middle and high
school students.
Also needed are easy to serve desserts like cookies or cupcakes, or fresh
fruit such as small apples or oranges. These can be dropped off at Let’s Help
that morning—200 S. Kansas Avenue.
Please call Margaret Carkhuff, 357-0788, or Margaret La Rue, 221-4002, if
you’d like to help with this important ministry.
Education for Ministry enrollment
September is rapidly approaching so it’s time to recruit new students for
Education for Ministry. There are five spaces to be filled to make a full class
of 12.
EfM is not only a structured Bible study of Old and New Testament but it’s
also an opportunity to study church history in depth and spend time
examining your personal relationship with God. While this may sound scary
or, perhaps, exhilarating, you will be challenged—challenged to examine
your thoughts, beliefs, and actions for being God’s representative in our
modern world.
If you are interested in enrolling for Year 1 (Old Testament) of EfM, please
contact Arceile Ridgeway at 230-4272 or email [email protected]. For
more information, please plan to attend a meeting following 10:30 church on
July 6 in the Bubb Room. The deadline for registration and tuition ($350) is
August 1, 2014.
Ladies of the Cathedral—consider Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King started in New York City in 1885 as
a women’s Bible study. Since that time, the small, local gathering has grown
into a world-wide organization with each member dedicated to living daily
life focusing on God and what He would have each one do “For His Sake.”
The Grace Cathedral Chapter of DOK puts this into practice at the request of
Dean Lipscomb. Currently, our tasks are to serve receptions for funerals,
arrange altar flowers to be taken to hospitals and nursing homes, and to
The meetings of the Daughters of the King are held on the first Saturday of
each month except during the summer. Saturday, September 7, will be the
beginning of our new year. All ladies, 14 and older are welcome to attend.
Yes, there are Junior Chapters, also.
This is a wonderful way to serve in your own parish, and DOK offers a
wonderful way to learn a new discipline for living your life. Plan to join us.
Amount earned 01/01/2014 thru
06/12/2014: $2,555.50
Total earned since the start of the
program: $7,992
Thoughts on Manna for Grace
“When the Manna for Grace
program began I knew I wanted to
participate even thought I don’t
ordinarily use debit cards. I thought
this would simplify grocery shopping
(I shop at Dillon’s) and benefit the
Cathedral – everyone wins – that
doesn’t happen often. After I had
used the card for a couple of weeks, I
was certain I had made the right
choice. Here are some of the reasons:
 I didn’t have to remember to
have enough cash with me.
 I wasn’t holding up the line
behind me while I wrote a check.
 I didn’t have to count change.
 A card makes a great gift.
 If you were on a budget, it would
be easy to see how much you
were spending each week.
 Last but certainly not least, the
Cathedral benefits! That’s a great
way to shop.
—Ginger Cain Davis
Find out how you can join the
Manna for Grace program. Call or
email Margaret La Rue at 785-2214002 or [email protected].
Thank you so much for your
Sympathies of the parish go out to the families of parishioners Mary Larson,
who died June 8, and Henrietta Schick, who died June 16. May their souls,
and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.
Flower Memorials
2013 2012
1st Sunday .... 323* ...... 439* ..... 367*
2nd Sunday ... 344 ........ 317 ....... 322
3rd Sunday ... 251 ........ 287** ... 260
4th Sunday .... 250 ........ 243 ....... 313**
1,168 ..... 1,286 .... 1,262
*includes Evensong
Treasurer’s Report
May 31, 2014
Operating income for the month
of May was $52,972 and operating
expense was $74,816. Therefore, expense exceeded income by $21,844.
Operating income for the year to
date was $327,309, and operating expense for the year to date was
$360,924, resulting in an excess expense of $33,615.
Cash in the bank checking account,
per books, on May 31, 2014 was
— Paul Smith, Treasurer
1 David Emory Palmer
4 Ronald J. Snyder
5 Virginia Dodge Johnson
James Graves Stewart, MD
6 Mary D. Hambleton
10 James Philip deBevers Kaye
Channing John Brown
12 Paul N. Bell
Ernest Dibble
14 Henry G. Goss
Rose Hite Pierce
16 Eleanor Wheeler Meyer
John Arlin Shahan
18 John and Ruth Price
19 Mary Dillon Holliday
20 Nellie Millspaugh Copeland
Rollin Wheeler Meyer
21 Oscar Bentley DeVaul, Jr.
22 Harry Kirk Coe
William Clyde Glenn
Barbara O. Lane
25 Cynthia Hill Gentry
26 Jean Nicol Bolmar
Robert Crarey
Sarah Crarey
Dana W. Killinger, Sr.
28 Mary Meade Ewart
31 Samuel Wheadon Crow
Frank Scott Davis
July 6
Bring nonperishable food
items to fill the
grocery cart in
the Cathedral.
The food is distributed to Let’s Help
and Doorstep.
Judy Stone
John Castello
Frank Saiya
Kelly Wingerson
Will Cassidy
Brenda J. Escalante
Tighe La Rue
Jenelle Carkhuff
Virginia Dowell
Ron DeWeese
Jim Hood
Barbara Nuss
William Wolfe
Dick Edington
Martha Smith
Pam Nielsen
Jirani Smith
Sam Carkhuff
Darlene Elwood
Jan Slagle
Sara Fletchall
Reeta Akins
Jason Gallaway
Scott Shipman
Anne Atha
Amanda Carroll
John Hamilton
Steve Page
Wyatt Hedtke
Sarah Shipman
About the window…
In the north balcony are three tall,
narrow windows which survived the
1975 fire. The windows portray
symbols of the sacraments of Holy
Communion. The lamb featured on
the cover implies the sacrificial
character of Christ.
Grace Episcopal Cathedral
701 SW Eighth Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66603-3219
(785) 235-3457 • Fax (785) 235-1863
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.GraceCathedralTopeka.org
Weekly Schedule
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion, Rite I
9:30 a.m.—Sunday School (Sept.-May)
10:30 a.m.—Children’s Chapel
10:30 a.m.—Holy Communion, Rite II
12:10 p.m.—Holy Communion
The Very Reverend Steve Lipscomb, Dean
The Reverend George Pejakovich, Assistant to the Dean
Deacon Donald Chubb
Kent Wingerson, Cathedral Verger/Finance Manager
Connie Vosburgh, Office Administrator
Steve Burk, Organist/Choirmaster
Sylvia Hamilton, Assistant Organist
Michael Massey, Ministry Coordinator
Kathy Smith, Director of Children’s Ministries
Lisa Wilk, Youth Director
Michael Godfrey, Sexton
John Barber, Security
Cynthia Sheppeard Langston, Senior Warden; Kevin Cassidy, Junior Warden
Paul Smith, Treasurer; Phil Elwood, Chancellor
Julie Dittmer, Barbara Nuss,
Allen Jeffus, Sarah Shipman,
Ed Adams, Deborah Barnes, Alan Johnson
Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas — A House of Prayer for all People
and a National Jubilee Ministry Center of the Episcopal Church