Statement of Claim - Beaver Lake Cree Nation
Statement of Claim - Beaver Lake Cree Nation
Action No. -----.-.-" IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH OF ALBERTA JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF EDMONTON Alphonse Lameman on his own behalf and on behalf of all other Beaver Lake Cree Nation beneficiaries of Treaty No.6, and Beaver Lake Cree Nation Plaintiffs And: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Albelia and the Attorney General of Canada Defendants STATEMENT OF CLAIM The Beaver Lake Cree Nation ("Beaver Lake") is a band within the meaning of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 1-5, as amended, is an aboriginal people within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.), 1982, c.11 (the "Constitution Act, 1982"), and is the successor to an aboriginal group adherent to Treaty No.6 (the "Treaty"). 2. Alphonse Lameman is the elected Chief of Beaver Lake and a member of Beaver Lake. He resides on the Beaver Lake Cree Nation Indian Reserve No. 131 and he is a beneficiary of the Treaty. 3. - MAYof14the 2008 " Oerk CCUIt! Between: 1. •... Alphonse Lameman brings this claim on his own behalf and as a representati ve on behalf of all other Beaver Lake Cree Nation beneficiaries "Beneficiaries") and Beaver Lake. of the Treaty (the 4. The Defendant the Attorney General of Canada is the representative of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and is named in these proceedings pursuant to section 23(1) of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C50, as amended (“Canada”). Canada is subject to all of the obligations, duties, and liabilities which the Crown has or owes to the Beneficiaries and to Beaver Lake. 5. The Defendant, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta, is that aspect of the Monarch in which the lands material to the issues in this proceeding are vested, subject to the interests of the Plaintiffs (“Alberta”). 6. That portion of Alberta in which the Plaintiffs have traditionally hunted, trapped and fished and continue to do so today includes the area outlined in red on the map attached as Schedule 1 and which is herein referred to as the “Core Traditional Territory”. Treaty Rights 7. Ancestors of the Beneficiaries adhered to the Treaty on or about September 9, 1876. 8. The Treaty is a treaty within the meaning of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Under the Treaty, ancestors of the Beneficiaries ceded lands in what is now the province of Alberta and in exchange for this surrender, the ancestors of the Beneficiaries were promised reserves and some other benefits including the right to hunt and fish throughout the tract surrendered “saving and excepting such tracts as may from time to time be required or taken up for settlement, mining, lumbering or other purposes…”. The right to hunt for the purpose of the Treaty includes the right to trap. 2 9. Before and at the time of adhering to the Treaty the ancestors of the Beneficiaries hunted, trapped and fished certain animal, bird and fish species for subsistence, for cultural, social and spiritual needs, and to sell and trade for livelihood purposes with other Tribes, settlers, the Hudson’s Bay Company and others. The Treaty confirmed these rights and the Natural Resource Transfer Agreements, 1930 Constitution Act, 1930 (U.K.) 20-21 George V, c. 26 (the “NRTA”) secured to the Beneficiaries the right of subsistence and support (collectively the “Treaty Rights”). 10. The Treaty also embodied a promise by the Crown that the Crown would act honourably in taking up lands for settlement, mining, lumbering, trading, or other purposes. 11. The Treaty Rights include the right to hunt and trap certain animal species, including, but not limited to: (i) caribou; (ii) buffalo; (iii) elk; (iv) mule deer; (v) white-tailed deer; (vi) moose; (vii) marten; (viii) fisher; (ix) wolverine; (x) river otter; (xi) mink; (xii) weasel; 3 (xiii) lynx; (xiv) mountain lion; (xv) snowshoe hare; (xvi) red squirrel; (xvii) northern flying squirrel; (xviii) ground squirrel; (xix) beaver; (xx) skunk; (xxi) muskrat; (xxii) black bear; (xxiii) grizzly bear; (xxiv) wolf; (xxv) fox; (xxvi) coyote; and (xxvii) badger. 12. The Treaty Rights include the right to hunt and trap, and collect the eggs of, certain species of bird, including, but not limited to: (i) wren; (ii) wild turkey; (iii) cranes; (iv) ducks; (v) geese; (vi) bald eagle (regalia); (vii) golden eagle (regalia); 4 (viii) hawks (regalia); and (ix) 13. owls (regalia). The Treaty Rights include the right to fish certain species of fish, including, but not limited to: (i) whitefish; (ii) northern pike; (iii) tullibee; (iv) walleye; (v) yellow perch; (vi) suckers; (vii) maria (ling); (viii) trout; (ix) bass; (x) grayling; (xi) goldeye; and (xii) sturgeon. 14. The Treaty Rights include activities incidental to the exercise of the Treaty Rights. 15. The Treaty Rights include a duty on the Crown: (i) to manage animal, bird and fish (collectively the “Wildlife”) habitats to ensure the continuation of the Treaty Rights; 5 (ii) to manage water resources to ensure the continuation of water quality and quantity for the continuation of the Treaty Rights; (iii) to manage Wildlife and water resources to ensure a harvestable surplus of each Wildlife species; and (iv) to manage Wildlife habitats and water resources to ensure that the abundance and diversity of Wildlife species remains available to provide the Beneficiaries with sufficient supplies to feed themselves and to provide a livelihood. Obligation of the Crown to Respect Treaty Rights – Honour of the Crown 16. Alberta has granted leases, including the lease to Canada of lands comprising the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (the “Cold Lake Lease”), or is in the process of granting leases, in the Core Traditional Territory (collectively, the “Leases”). 17. The Defendants, or either of them, have authorized or are in the process of authorizing, oil and gas related activities, forestry activities, mining activities and other activities in the Core Traditional Territory and/or in lands adjacent to the Core Traditional Territory (the “Projects”). The Leases, the Projects, and the activities carried out pursuant to the Lease and the Projects are herein collectively referred to as the “Developments” and are set out in Schedule 2. 18. The Defendants, and each of them, have an obligation to respect the Treaty Rights and the process through which the Defendants, or either of them, have authorized, or are in the process of authorizing, the Developments is in breach of that obligation and of the honour of the Crown. 19. The Defendants, or either of them, have failed to respect the Treaty Rights and have breached the honour of the Crown, including by: (i) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the Treaty Rights; 6 (ii) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the impact, or potential impact, of the Developments or any of them on the Treaty Rights; (iii) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with any, or adequate information relevant to the authorizations and/or proposed authorizations of the Developments; (iv) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with an adequate opportunity to respond to and comment on the Developments; (v) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with sufficient resources to adequately respond to and comment on the Developments; (vi) failing to meaningfully address the Plaintiffs’ concerns with respect to the Developments; (vii) failing to consult in good faith with the Plaintiffs with respect to the Developments; (viii) failing to seek accommodation, or to accommodate, the Treaty Rights; and (ix) failing to ensure that the Treaty Rights were minimally impaired by the Developments. Infringement 20. The Developments infringe the Treaty Rights. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Developments infringe the Treaty Rights by: (i) failing to ensure minimal impairment of the Treaty Rights; (ii) leaving the Plaintiffs with no meaningful way to exercise the Treaty Rights; (iii) reducing the abundance and diversity of Wildlife species available to the Plaintiffs; (iv) compromising the ecological, cultural and/or spiritual integrity of the Core Traditional Territory; and (v) reducing the available Wildlife habitat of the Core Traditional Territory. 7 21. In particular, the Developments have adversely affected, will adversely affect, or are likely to adversely affect the ability of the Plaintiffs to meaningfully exercise the Treaty Rights. 22. Each of the Developments and/or their cumulative effect, taking into account industrial activities in lands adjacent to the Core Traditional Territory, has rendered or will render the Treaty Rights meaningless within the Core Traditional Territory. 23. Each of the Developments and/or their cumulative effect, taking into account industrial activities in lands adjacent to the Core Traditional Territory, infringe the Treaty Rights, including in some or all of the following ways: (i) diminution in the abundance and/or diversity of Wildlife; (ii) fragmentation of Wildlife habitat and/or disruption of migration patterns in the Core Traditional Territory; (iii) loss of Wildlife habitat; (iv) loss of water abundance; (v) loss of water purity; (vi) loss of the Beneficiaries’ ability to exercise the Treaty Rights in the manner of their choosing; (vii) loss of access to the lands comprising the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range; (viii) loss of access to key hunting, trapping and/or fishing areas; (ix) loss of access to traditional cultural and/or spiritual locations; and/or (x) loss of available land in its natural condition. (collectively, the “Infringements”) 8 24. The Infringements are an unreasonable limitation on the Treaty Rights. 25. The Infringements impose undue hardship on the Plaintiffs by denying them their preferred means of exercising the Treaty Rights. 26. The Defendants, or either of them, have infringed the Treaty Rights, including by: (i) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the Treaty Rights; (ii) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the impact, or potential impact, of the Developments, or any of them, on the Treaty Rights; (iii) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with any, or adequate information relevant to the authorizations and/or proposed authorizations of the Developments; (iv) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with an adequate opportunity to respond to and comment on the Developments; (v) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with sufficient resources to adequately respond to and comment on the Developments; (vi) failing to meaningfully address the Plaintiffs’ concerns with respect to the Developments; and (vii) failing to ensure that the Treaty Rights were minimally impaired by the Developments. Breach of Fiduciary Duty 27. The Treaty created a fiduciary relationship between the Defendants and the Plaintiffs and created fiduciary duties of the Defendants to ensure that the Plaintiffs can continue to meaningfully exercise their Treaty Rights. 28. At all material times, the Defendants were under a fiduciary duty to the Plaintiffs to secure the continuing meaningful exercise of the Treaty Rights. 9 29. The Defendants, or either of them, in breach of their fiduciary duty, have wrongfully received revenues from third parties while infringing the Treaty Rights. The Defendants, or either of them, have been enriched by their appropriation of these revenues. 30. The Defendants, or either of them, in breach of their fiduciary duty, have failed to protect Wildlife habitat and have failed to protect water quality and quantity, leading to loss of aquatic resources. 31. The Defendants, or either of them, have breached their fiduciary duty to the Plaintiffs, including by: (i) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the Treaty Rights; (ii) failing to fully inform themselves respecting the impact, or potential impact, of the Developments or any of them on the Treaty Rights; (iii) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with any, or adequate information relevant to the authorizations and/or proposed authorizations of the Developments; (iv) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with an adequate opportunity to respond to and comment on the Developments; (v) failing to provide the Plaintiffs with sufficient resources to adequately respond to and comment on the Developments; (vi) failing to meaningfully address the Plaintiffs’ concerns with respect to the Developments; (vii) failing to consult in good faith, or at all, with the Plaintiffs, with respect to the Developments; (viii) failing to seek accommodation, or to accommodate, the Treaty Rights; and (ix) failing to ensure that the Treaty Rights were minimally impaired by the Developments. 10 32. The Plaintiffs propose that the trial of this action will take more than 25 days and that it be held at the Law Courts, in the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta. Wherefore the Plaintiffs claim against the Defendants: a) a declaration that the Plaintiffs have a constitutional right within the meaning of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, pursuant to the Treaty and the NRTA to hunt, trap and fish certain Wildlife species for subsistence, for cultural, social and spiritual needs, and to sell and trade for livelihood purposes; b) a declaration that the Developments or any of them unjustifiably infringe the Treaty Rights; c) a declaration that the authorizations for the Developments which unjustifiably infringe the Treaty Rights are of no force or effect; d) an interim, interlocutory and/or permanent injunction against the Defendants, or either of them, restraining them from acting unconstitutionally in respect of the Developments; e) damages and/or equitable compensation from the Defendants for any failure of the Defendants, or either of them, to respect the Treaty Rights f) damages and/or equitable compensation from the Defendants, or either of them, for any unjustifiable infringement of the Treaty Rights; g) an accounting and/or damages and/or equitable compensation from the Defendants in respect of any breach of fiduciary duty by the Defendants, or either of them; h) pre- and post- judgment compound interest in respect of any damages or compensation; i) costs; and 11 j) such further and other or partial relief as this Honourable Court may deem just. , / DATED HfJY at the City of Victoria, in and the delivered Pr?vince by of Woodward British Columbia, this _I_'_·_dayof A.D. 2008 & Company, Barristers and Solicitors, Solicitors for the Plaintiffs, whose address for service is in care of the said solicitors at 2nd Floor, 844 Courtney Street, Victoria, British Columbia. ISSUED out of the office of the Clerk of the Court of Queen's Bench of Albelia, Judicial District of Edmonton, this ~day of HAY ., L.R03S. CLERK OF THE COURT 12 Schedule 1 – Core Traditional Territory Cold Lake Air Weapons Range Beaver Lake Schedule 2 Schedule 2(a) – Developments Identified from Referrals to Beaver Lake Cree Nation..................2 Schedule 2(b) – Licensed Facilities ...............................................................................................37 Schedule 2(c) – EUB/ERCB Authorizations ...............................................................................126 Schedule 2(a) – Developments Identified from Referrals to Beaver Lake Cree Nation # 1 2 3 Company Name 297917 Alberta Ltd. 297917 Alberta Ltd. Alberta SRD Development Gravel Pit Gravel Pit Access Harvest Plans 2007/2008 Project Locator SE 10-76-10-W4M NE-01-75-08-W4M 06-16-66-13-W4M Authorization SMC 070043 LOC 070823 4 Alberta SRD Proposed Relocation of Winefred Lookout Tower NW-19-73-02-W4M 5 Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation & Culture High Island Communications Tower (Radio & Camera) W1/2 04-68-14-W4M 6 AL-PAC Forestry Forest Management Units FMP9100029 L1, L2, L3, L8, L11, S7, S11, S18, S22, A14 and A15 7 AL-PAC Forestry Forest Management Units FMA9100029 L1, L2, L3, L8, L11, S7, S11, S18, S22, A14 and A15 8 ATCO Spraying of ATCO Electric Line 9L930 9 BP Canada Energy Company Natural Gas 070-07-63-08-W4M to 11- PLA 071221 Pipeline and Tie-in 07-63-08-W4M 10 British Petroleum Natural Gas Pipeline Addition 070-7-063-08 to 11-0763-08-W4M PLA 71221 11 Canadian National Resources Ltd SAGD Project 85 km northeast of Lac La Biche. Lease 7401110012 12 Canadian National Resources Ltd SAGD Project 85 km northeast of Lac La Biche. Lease 7407020416 13 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D and 3D Seismic Lines MSL 071925 14 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D and 3D Seismic Lines LOC 071308 2 15 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D and 3D Seismic Grouse 08-A; Grouse 08Lines I-3D; Grouse 08-II-3D; Kirby 08-A; Newby 08-A; Newby 08-B; Tweedie 08A; Duncan 08-A. 16 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Duncan 08-A) 14,23,24,26-75-16-W4M; Lic. 4893 10,11,14,15-76-16-W4M; 26-28,33,34-76-14-W4M 17 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Duncan 08-B) 13,23,24-73-14-W4M Lic. 4893 18 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Duncan 08-B) 13,23,24-73-14-W4M SK Lic. 05LS011 19 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Duncan 08-B) 13,23,24-73-14-W4M AB Permit 5600 20 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Grouse 08-A) 25,36-73-4-W4M; Lic. 4893 25,35,36-73-13-W4M; 2,3,68,9,10,16,17,20,21,27,2874-13-W4M; 31,32-73-12W4M; 3-6,7-10,15,22,2528,33,34-74-12-W4M; 3,8-10,14-18,21-23-7512-W4M; 30-74-11-W4M 21 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Kirby 08-A) 13,14,21,23-29,34-36-74- Lic. 4893 9-W4M; 1-75-9-W4M; 675-8-W4M; 17-19,31-748-W4M 22 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Newby 08-A) 14,15,19-23,26,27,29-35- Lic. 4893 78-5-W4M; 26-78-6W4M; 1,2,4,11-13,16,2179-5-W4M 23 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Newby 08-B) 19,20,29,32-78-3-W4M; Lic. 4893 6-79-3-W4M; 1,2,1016,20,21,23-30,32-34-794-W4M; 3-6,8,9,15,2129,33,34,36-80-4-W4M; 5-7,18-81-4-W4M; 1,2,12,13,18-81-5-W4M 3 24 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line 28,29,32,33-62-7-W4M (Siebert Lake 08-A) Lic. 4893 25 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line 28,29,32,33-62-7-W4M (Siebert Lake 08-A) SK Lic. 05LS011 26 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line 28,29,32,33-62-7-W4M (Siebert Lake 08-A) AB Permit 5600 27 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Line (Tweedie 08-A) 23-26-66-12-W4M; 6,13,14,22-25,67-12W4M; 1-3,11,12-67-13W4M; 35-66-13-W4M Lic. 4893 28 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Lines 62-01-W4M AB Permit: 5600 / AB Licence No.: 4893 / SK Licence No.: 05LS011 29 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Lines 62-01-W4M 30 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Lines Duncan 08-B 31 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2D Seismic Lines Siebert Lake 08-A 32 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 3D Seismic Line (Grouse 08-I-3D) 16-21-75-12-W4M 33 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 3D Seismic Line (Grouse 08-II-3D) 1,2,75-12-W4M; 5,6-75- Lic. 4893 11-W4M; 25,26,35,36-7412-W4M; 30,31-74-11W4M 34 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Bitumen Battery Multi-well 04-10-63-09-W4M 35 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 09-29-62-07-W4M 36 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 09-32-62-07-W4M 37 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 07-32-62-07-W4M 38 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 06-29-62-07-W4M 39 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 16-16-63-08-W4M 40 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 05-10-63-09-W4M 41 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 03-10-63-09-W4M 42 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 01-09-63-09-W4M 43 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 13-03-63-09-W4M Lic. 4893 4 44 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 09-25-63-09-W4M 45 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 09-29-62-07-W4M 46 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 09-32-62-07-W4M 47 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 07-32-62-07-W4M 48 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Heavy Oil Wellsite 06-29-62-07-W4M 49 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Horizontal Drilling 50 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. In-situ Oil Sands or 73-07-W4M Heavy Oil Processing Plant and Oil Production Site EUB 51 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. In-situ Oil Sands or AA/14-30-73-07-W4M Heavy Oil Processing Plant and Oil Production Site EUB 52 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. In-situ Oil Sands or 00/09-34-73-08-W4M Heavy Oil Processing Plant and Oil Production Site EUB 53 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. In-situ Oil Sands or 00/08-22-74-10-W4M Heavy Oil Processing Plant and Oil Production Site EUB 54 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Multi-Well Bitumen 10-18-63-02-W4M Battery 55 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Multi-Well Bitumen 10-18-63-02-W4M Battery at Cold Lake 56 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oil Sands Central 73-07-W4M; 74-08-W4M; OSL 7401110012 Plant Facility 73-08-W4M (multiple well pads, wells, pipelines and access roads) 57 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oil Sands Central 73-07-W4M; 74-08-W4M; OSL 7407020416 Plant Facility 73-08-W4M (multiple well pads, wells, pipelines and access roads) From 16-30-66-13-W4M Lic. 4893 5 58 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 02-02-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 59 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 13-07-67-02-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 60 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 08-13-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 61 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 14-13-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 62 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 04-24-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 63 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 08-24-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 64 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 14-24-67-03-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 65 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 10-10-68-04-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 66 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 09-16-68-04-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 67 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 01-10-66-05-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 68 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 03-10-66-05-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 69 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Oilsands 07-10-66-05-W4M Exploration Program - Multiple Wellsites 6 70 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. OSE Program Multiple Wellsites 02-02-67-03-W4M; 13Lic. 4893 07-67-02-W4M; 08-1367-03-W4M; 14-13-6703-W4M; 04-24-67-03W4M; 08-24-67-03-W4M; 14-24-67-03-W4M; 1010-68-04-W4M; 09-1668-04-W4M; 01-10-6605-W4M; 03-10-66-05W4M; 07-10-66-05-W4M 71 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. OSE Program Multiple Wellsites 02-02-67-03-W4M; 13SK Lic. 05LS011 07-67-02-W4M; 08-1367-03-W4M; 14-13-6703-W4M; 04-24-67-03W4M; 08-24-67-03-W4M; 14-24-67-03-W4M; 1010-68-04-W4M; 09-1668-04-W4M; 01-10-6605-W4M; 03-10-66-05W4M; 07-10-66-05-W4M 72 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. OSE Program Multiple Wellsites 02-02-67-03-W4M; 13Permit 5600 07-67-02-W4M; 08-1367-03-W4M; 14-13-6703-W4M; 04-24-67-03W4M; 08-24-67-03-W4M; 14-24-67-03-W4M; 1010-68-04-W4M; 09-1668-04-W4M; 01-10-6605-W4M; 03-10-66-05W4M; 07-10-66-05-W4M 73 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Pipeline 06-25-67-13-W4M to 0436-67-13-W4M 74 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 09-30-66-13-W4M Lic. 4893 75 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 04-36-67-13-W4M Lic. 4893 76 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Riser Site 16-30-66-13-W4M 77 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Riser Site 16-30-66-13-W4M 78 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Slant Drill Heavy Oil Wellsite 16-27-63-04-W4M Lic. 4893 7 79 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Slant Drill Heavy Oil Wellsite 08-27-63-04-W4M 80 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Slant Well 16-18-63-02-W4M 81 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Slant Wells 09-18-63-02-W4M 82 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 16-01-80-14-W4M to 0401-80-14-W4M 83 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 16-01-80-14-W4M to 0401-80-14-W4M 84 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 09-30-66-13-W4M (Surf. Lic. 4893 16-30) to 16-30-66-13W4M 85 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 06-25-67-13-W4M to 04- Lic. 4893 36-67-13-W4M 86 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 09-30-66-13-W4M to 1630-66-13-W4M 87 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 04-02-67-12-W4M to 07- PLAN 072 0788 Tie-in 02-67-12-W4M 88 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 04-02-67-12-W4M to 07- PLA 64005 Tie-in 02-67-12-W4M 89 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Pipeline 04-02-67-12-W4M to 07Tie-in 02-67-12-W4M 90 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Wellsite 09-30-66-13-W4M 91 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Wellsite 09-30-66-13-W4M (Surf. 16-30) 92 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Wellsite 06-25-67-13-W4M (Tweedie wellsite) LOC 071308 93 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Wellsite 06-25-67-13-W4M (Tweedie wellsite) MSL 071925 94 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Sweet Gas Wellsite 06-25-67-13-W4M Lic. 4893 95 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Water Pipeline Tie- 06-06-79-05-W4M to 16in 01-79-06-W4M 96 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Water Pipeline Tie- 06-06-79-05-W4M to 16- PLA 64005 in 01-79-06-W4M 97 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite Lic. 4893 16-27-63-04-W4M 8 98 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite 08-27-63-04-W4M 99 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite 09A-18-63-02-W4M 100 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite 09-18-63-02-W4M 101 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite 16A-18-63-02-W4M 102 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Wellsite 16-18-63-02-W4M 103 Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Armitage 10-08-74-13-W4M Wellsite construction MSL 072264 104 Cayman Energy Inc. Construction of remote sump to surface wellsites. MSL 056252 105 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Wellsite and access SW 15-62-16-W4M (04road 15-62-16-W4M) 106 Compton Petroleum Corporation 107 ConocoPhillips Canada Pipeline Right of Resources Corp. Way and tie-in 07-25-83-07-W4M 108 ConocoPhillips Canada Remote Sump Resources Corp. NE 29-83-03-W4M & NW MSL 072998 28-83-03-W4M 109 ConocoPhillips Canada Remote Sump & Resources Corp. Access Road N-15-83-05-W4M 110 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 15-30-82-06-W4M Resources Corp. 2007/2008 Winter Delineation Project (Delineation, Observation, Water Source/Test/Dispos al wells) MSL 080614 111 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 15-30-82-06-W4M Resources Corp. 2007/2008 Winter Delineation Project (Delineation, Observation, Water Source/Test/Dispos al wells) LOC 080431 Gas wellsites and pipeline tie-ins 03-28-74-13-W4M Twp. 77-84, Rg 11-17W4M PLA 080774 MSL 072996 9 112 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 16-01-82-07-W4M Resources Corp. 2007/2008 Winter Delineation Project (Delineation, Observation, Water Source/Test/Dispos al wells) MSL 080585 113 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 16-01-82-07-W4M Resources Corp. 2007/2008 Winter Delineation Project (Delineation, Observation, Water Source/Test/Dispos al wells) LOC 080390 114 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 02-21-83-06-W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Observation Well Site, Well Site Addition and Access Road) MSL 065464 115 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 02-21-83-06-W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Observation Well Site, Well Site Addition and Access Road) LOC 064122 116 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 05-28-83-06-W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Observation Well Site, Well Site Addition and Access Road) 117 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 03-23-83-07 W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Observation Well Site, Well Site Addition and Access Road) MSL 980949 118 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands 03-23-83-07 W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Observation Well Site, Well Site Addition and Access Road) LOC 980689 119 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands Twp. 81-83, Rg. 2-7-W4M Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Well Sites, Access Roads, Remote Sumps)_ 10 120 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Oil Sands Twp. 80-84, Rg. 1-3Resources Corp. SAGD Project (Well W4M, 6-7-W4M Sites, Access Roads, Remote Sumps)_ 121 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Project Resources Corp. Phase 2 (Water Diversion, Well Site) 02-18-83-06-W4M 122 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Project Resources Corp. Phase 2 (Water Diversion, Well Site) 04-18-83-06-W4M 123 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Project Resources Corp. Phase 2 (Water Diversion, Well Site) 03-23-83-07-W4M 124 ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont Project Resources Corp. Phase 2 (Water Diversion, Well Site) 01-19-83-06-W4M 125 ConocoPhillips Canada Survey Resources Corp. NW & SE 1, S 1/2 12, E 1/2 13, & S 1/2 23-83-7W4M 126 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Lease 7401070008 127 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Lease 700109001 128 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Lease 7401090041 129 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 75 & 76, Rg. 06 & 07-W4M Lease 7401060015 130 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 75 & 76, Rg. 06 & 07-W4M Lease 7499050004 131 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 75 & 76, Rg. 06 & 07-W4M Lease 7401010008 132 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 75 & 76, Rg. 06 & 07-W4M Lease 7401060014 133 Devon Canada Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 75 & 76, Rg. 06 & 07-W4M Lease 7401050038 134 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) 2 Potable Water Wells and Access Road 11-27-75-07-W4M 135 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Access Road SW 28 1/4, SE 1/4 29-75- LOC 962329 06-W4M 136 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Access Road 76-07-W4M 11 137 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Access Road SW 22, W1/2 15, SW 11, S1/2 & NW 10-75-06W4M 138 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Access Road 75-07-W4M; 75-08-W4M; LOC 991342 NW19, SW29, S1/2 3075-07-W4M; NE24, SE 25-75-08-W4M 139 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen (seismic) Wellsite and Access Road 14-23-75-07-W4M EPEA 18387500-00 140 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen (seismic) Wellsite and Access Road 02-26-75-07-W4M EPEA 18387500-00 141 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen (seismic) Wellsite and Access Road 15-23-75-07-W4M EPEA 18387500-00 142 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen (seismic) Wellsite and Access Road 11-23-75-07-W4M 143 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen (seismic) Wellsite and Access Road 05-25-75-07-W4M 144 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen Well and Access Road 10-26-62-07-W4M 145 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Bitumen Wellsite 08-18-64-08-W4M 146 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Borrow Pit S1/2 10-75-06-W4M 147 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Borrow Pit NE 16-75-06-W4M 148 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Borrow Pit NW 10-75-06-W4M 149 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Oilsands 03-26-75-07-W4M Observation Project 150 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant S1/2 34-75-07-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) 151 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant SW 26-75-07-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) EPEA 18387500-00 MSL 972557 12 152 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant 27-75-05-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) 153 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant SW 1/4 26-75-07-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) 154 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant 27-75-07-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) 155 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Jackfish Plant S1/2 34-75-07-W4M (Surface Materials Exploration) 156 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Monitoring Well and 09-22-75-07-W4M Access Road 157 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Multi-well Padsite - 06-07-64-07-W4M 6 Bitumen Wells and Access Road 158 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Multi-well Padsite - 13-07-64-07-W4M 7 Bitumen Wells and Access Road 159 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Observation Well and Access Road 06-26-75-07-W4M 160 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 05-14-64-06-W4M 161 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 03-14-64-06-W4M 162 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 01-15-64-06-W4M 163 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 12-14-64-06-W4M 164 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 5P-14-64-06-W4M 165 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road 14-64-06-W4M & 15-6406-W4M 166 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pad Site and Access Road; Bottom Holes 01-09-64-07-W4M 167 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Padsite 11P-27-75-05-W4M EPEA 18387500-00 MLL 070200 13 168 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Padsite 2P-27-75-07-W4M 169 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Padsite 27-75-07-W4M 170 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Padsite and Access 7P-13-75-06-W4M Road MSL 054565 171 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Padsite and Access 11P-27-75-07-W4M Road for potable water wells MLL 070200 172 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Piezometer Site 75-07-W4M and Access Roads 173 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pipeline 03-10-75-06-W4M to 0710-75-06-W4M 174 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Pipeline 03-11-75-06-W4M to 1122-75-06-W4M 175 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Potable Water Wells 02-27-75-07-W4M 176 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Potable Water Wellsite 11-27-75-07-W4M MLL 070200 177 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Potable Water Wellsite and Access Road 11-27-75-07-W4M MLL 070200 178 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Remote Pump NW 05-76-06-W4M 179 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation NE 04-76-06-W4M Well 180 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation NE 32-75-06-W4M Well 181 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 01-29-75-07-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 182 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 09-29-75-07-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 183 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 10-28-75-07-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 MLL 070200 14 184 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 09-28-75-07-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 185 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 08-05-76-06-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 186 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 08-05-76-07-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 187 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 12-33-75-06-W4M Well EPEA 18387500-00 188 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation E1/2 33-75-06-W4M Well 189 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation SE-32-75-06-W4M Well and Access Road 190 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation E1/2 29-75-06-W4M Well and Access Road 191 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 09-29-75-07-W4M Well Site 192 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 04-28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 193 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 102/01-28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road EPEA 18387500-00 194 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 12-28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road EPEA 18387500-00 195 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 01-29-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 196 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation SW 28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 197 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 09-29-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 198 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation SE 23-28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 199 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 12-28-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 15 200 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) SAGD Observation 01-29-75-07-W4M Well Site and Access Road 201 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Source Water Well 03-10-75-06-W4M 202 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Source Water Well 03-11-75-06-W4M 203 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Water Monitoring Well 05-12-75-06-W4M 204 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Water Monitoring Well 09-24-75-07-W4M 205 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Water Monitoring Well 05-12-75-06-W4M 206 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Water Monitoring Well 14-25-75-06-W4M 207 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Water Monitoring Well and Access Road 09-22-75-07-W4M 208 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well site (SAGD observation well) 09-29-75-07-W4M 209 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 06-26-75-07-W4M 210 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 07-33-75-07-W4M 211 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 11-28-75-07-W4M 212 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 09-24-75-07-W4M 213 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 04-28-75-07-W4M 214 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 09-32-64-05-W4M 215 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 05-25-75-07-W4M 16 216 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Well Site and Access Road 11-23-75-07-W4M 217 Devon Canada Corporation (Devon ARL) Wellsite and Access Road 03-26-75-07-W4M 218 219 Double S Cats Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. Gravel SE-07-77-14-W4M Pig Signal Mid08-23-67-18-W4M Point Pump Station 220 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. Pig Signal MidSE 1/4-23-67-18-W4M Point Pump Station 221 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. Pipeline 222 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. Waupisoo Pipeline Twp. 69-84, Rg. 06-17Project W4M EUB App. No. 1437274; AENV App. No. 001226106 223 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabaska) Inc. Pipeline TFA 081839 224 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Pipeline SE 27-87-16-W4M; NE ED-06-0629 31-81-06-W4M; SE 0181-07-W4M; NE 06-8007-W4M; NW 15-79-08W4M; SE-35-73-13-W4M; SW 26-58-20-W4M; SW 23-57-13-W4M 225 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Pipeline NW 09-77-30-W4M; SW TFA 081896 09-77-31-W4M; SE 1077-25-W4M; NE 10-7725-W4M 226 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Pipeline SE 10-77-01-W4M; NE 10-77-01-W4M 227 EnCana 186 Evaluation Twp. 75-77. Rg. 3-7-W4M OSE Wells (converting 21 to Observation Wells) & 3 Brackish Water Source Padsites 228 EnCana 8 Crude Bitumen S1/2 14-76-06-W4M Producer and 8 Steam Injection Wells (Encana file S443838) SML 040083 Fort Hills to Sturgeon County, crossing through BLCN territory NE 04-11-78-14-W4M TFA 091918 17 229 EnCana 8 Crude Bitumen E 14-76-06-W4M Producer and 8 Steam Injection Wells (Encana file S445358) 230 EnCana 8 Crude Bitumen NE 11-76-06-W4M; N 12Producer and 8 76-06-W4M Steam Injection Wells (EnCana File S445360) 231 EnCana 8 Crude Bitumen NE 11-76-06-W4M Producer and 8 Steam Injection Wells (EnCana File S445361) 232 EnCana Brackish Water Wellsite 233 EnCana Compressor Station 08-13-68-04-W4M (EnCana file S446147) 234 EnCana Compressor Station 08-13-68-04-W4M (EnCana file S446148) 235 Encana Environmental Site 06-16-66-13-W4M Assessment and Surface Clean Up 236 EnCana Fibre Optics Right 76-06-W4M; 76-07-W4M of Way 237 EnCana Pad Expansion (Salt Cavern) SE 1/4 10-70-04-W4M 238 EnCana Pipeline SE1/4-10-71-04-W4M 239 EnCana Pipeline and Tie-ins Twp. 67 - 73, Rg. 2-9W4M 240 EnCana Powerline NW1/4 15-70-04-W4M 241 EnCana Powerline N1/2 16-70-04-W4M 242 EnCana Powerline S1/2 21-70-04-W4M 243 EnCana Right of Way (Encana File S102520) W 1/2 34-69-04-W4M 244 Encana Corporation 3 Cold Polymer Injection Wells 15-02-70-04-W4M; 0111-70-04-W4M; 11-0270-04-W4M 11-34-69-04-W4M EUB 26186 18 245 Encana Corporation 54 Gas Wells 04-07-70-05-W4M Access Roads: LOC 860639 with CLAWR and various other winter acess LOC's 246 Encana Corporation 6 Brackish Water Source Wells 10-03-76-06-W4M 247 Encana Corporation Twin Pair Producer S1/2-14-76-06-W4M & Injector Wells MSL 074031 248 Encana Corporation Twin pair producer S1/2-14-76-06-W4M and injector wells MSL 74031 249 Encana Corporation 112 OSE Wells (Cold Lake OSE 20072008) Twp. 75-77, Rg. 03-07W4M 250 Encana Corporation 75 Single Gas (Cold Lake OSE 2007- Wellsites 2008) Twp. 75-77, Rg. 03-07W4M 251 Enermark Inc. SAGD Project Secs. 01-04, Twp. 74, Rg. 08-W4M; Secs. 24, 25, 33-36, Twp. 73, Rg. 08-W4M; Secs. 19-22, 28-30, Twp. 73, Rg. 07W4M 252 Enermark Inc. Wellsite AA/10-30-73-07-W4M EUB 253 Enermark Inc. Wellsite 00/09-34-73-08-W4M EUB 254 Enermark Inc. Wellsite 00/08-22-74-10-W4M EUB 255 Enerplus 79 Delineation 73-W4M; 74-W4M; 75-08- AEUB directive Wells, 3 Water W4M; 75-09-W4M 56 Source Wells, 2 Injection Wells and 2 Gas Wells 256 Enerplus Delineation Wells 74-08-W4M; 75-08-W4M; (Core Hole Drilling, 75-09-W4M; 79-W4M 79 maximum) 257 Enerplus Pad Site and Access Road W 06-12-75-09-W4M 258 Enerplus Surface Materials Exploration for Sand and Gravel E1/2 01-75-08-W4M; NW SME 070220 1/4 01-75-08-W4M 259 Enerplus Resources Fund 3D Seismic Lines Twp. 73, 74, 75, Rg 7, 8, 9-W4M 260 Enerplus Resources Fund Delineation Wellsites Twp. 73, 74, 75, Rg 7, 8, 9-W4M MSL 072440 19 261 Enerplus Resources Fund Injection Disposal Facility Site NW 28-74-09-W4M 262 Enerplus Resources Fund Injection Wellsite Twp. 73, 74, 75, Rg 7, 8, 9-W4M 263 Enerplus Resources Fund Surface Materials Exploration Twp. 73, 74, 75, Rg 7, 8, 9-W4M 264 Enerplus Resources Fund Sweet Gas Well SE 20-73-08-W4M MSL 072408 265 Enerplus Resources Fund Sweet Gas Well SE 20-73-08-W4M LOC 071915 266 Enerplus Resources Fund Sweet Gas Well SW 21-73-08-W4M MSL 072410 267 Enerplus Resources Fund Sweet Gas Well SW 21-73-08-W4M LOC-071919 268 Enerplus Resources Fund Water Source Well Twp. 73, 74, 75, Rg 7, 8, 9-W4M 269 Enerplus Resources Fund Water Source Well NW 07-75-08-W4M 270 Everready Industrial Services Corp. Campsite and Access Road N1/2 03-77-08-W4M LOC 072001 271 Everready Industrial Services Corp. Campsite and Access Road N1/2 03-77-08-W4M MSL 070087 272 273 274 Excelsior Energy Excelsior Energy Excelsior Energy 2D Seismic Lines 82-07-09-W4M Campsite NE 21-83-06-W4M Corehole 85-09-W4M Delineation Drilling 275 Excelsior Energy Corehole 09-01-86-09-W4M Delineation Drilling MSL 072371 276 Excelsior Energy Corehole 14-32-85-09-W4M Delineation Drilling MSL 072362 277 Excelsior Energy Corehole Twp. 85-86, Rg. 09-W4M OSE 070034 Delineation Drilling 278 Excelsior Energy Corehole 82-07-W4M; 82-08-W4M; Delineation Drilling 82-09-W4M 279 Excelsior Energy Corehole 86-09-W4M Delineation Drilling 280 Excelsior Energy Corehole 82-07-W4M Delineation Drilling 281 Excelsior Energy Corehole 82-08-W4M Delineation Drilling 282 Excelsior Energy Corehole 82-09-W4M Delineation Drilling 283 284 285 286 287 288 Excelsior Energy Excelsior Energy Fortis Alberta Fortis Alberta Fortis Alberta Fortis Alberta Remote Sump Remote Sump Electrical Facilities Powerline Powerline Powerline 09-01-86-09-W4M 14-32-85-09-W4M SW 13-67-18-W4M 07-13-75-06-W4M 03-10-75-06-W4M 03-11-75-06-W4M MLP 070049 OSE 070034 MSL 072371 MSL 072362 20 289 Great Divide Oil Sands SAGD Project (and Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd.) 290 Husky Oil 8 Strat Wellsites 64-04-W4M (Tucker Oil Sands Project) 291 Husky Oil 8 Strat Wellsites 64-05-W4M (Tucker Oil Sands Project) 292 Husky Oil Husky Craigend 16- NE-16-23-65-13-W4M 23-65-13 w4m 293 294 Husky Oil Husky Oil Wellsite Wellsite and Access Road (Husky File S73307) 12-03-64-14-W4M 14-34-65-13-W4M 295 Husky Oil Operations Limited SAGD and CSS Hybrid Facility 12-69-05-W4M; 07-69Lease 04-W4M; 08-69-04-W4M 7188110343 296 297 Imperial Oil Imperial Oil 3D Seismic Lines 3D Seismic Lines 64-03-W4M Twp. 65-66, Rg. 03-04W4M 298 Imperial Oil T14 & T15 Pads & N 20-064-03-W4M T14 and T15 Borrow/Sumps 299 Inter Pipeline (Corridor) Pipeline Inc. 03-24-95-10-W4M 300 Ish Energy Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in S1/2 02-75-09-W4M 301 302 Ish Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 2D Seismic Lines SE 03-75-04-W4M 03-12-65-15-W4M 303 Iteration Energy Ltd. Access Road 65-15-W4M 304 Iteration Energy Ltd. Multi-Well Gas Battery 65-15-W4M 305 Iteration Energy Ltd. Multi-Well Gas Battery 06-21-76-18-W4M 306 Iteration Energy Ltd. Natural Gas Pipeline 03-12-65-15-W4M to 0312-65-15-W4M 307 Iteration Energy Ltd. Natural Gas Pipeline Tie-in 01-14-69-15-W4M to 0314-69-15-W4M 308 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline 03-12-65-15-W4M 82-11-W4M OSL 074740 4010459 Indian Oil and Gas Canada Permit or Lease OL6170 GEO 070377 and GEO 070369 PLA 064858 MSL 062967 21 309 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline 12-20-76-17-W4M to 0629-76-17-W4M 310 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline 06-23-77-18-W4M to 1214-77-18-W4M 311 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline 16-17-76-18-W4M to 0621-76-18-W4M 312 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline 05-16-76-17-W4M to 1020-76-17-W4M 313 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 65-15-W4M 314 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 06-29-76-17-W4M 315 Iteration Energy Ltd. Pipeline Tie-in 06-11-67-13-W4M 316 Iteration Energy Ltd. Riser Site 65-15-W4M 317 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-12-65-15 Multi-Well Gas Battery MSL 062967 318 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-12-65-15-W4M Pipeline MSL 062967 319 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-12-65-15-W4M Pipeline MSL 062967 320 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 06-21-76-18-W4M to 16Pipeline 15-76-18-W4M 321 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-12-65-15-W4M to 03Pipeline 12-65-15-W4M 322 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-13-67-13-W4M to 06Pipeline 11-67-13-W4M 323 Iteration Energy Ltd. Sweet Natural Gas 03-12-65-15-W4M Pipeline 324 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite 16-17-76-18-W4M 325 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite 12-20-76-17-W4M 326 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite 06-23-77-18-W4M 327 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite and Access Road 16-17-76-18-W4M 328 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite and Access Road 01-14-069-15 W4M MSL 062967 22 329 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite and Access Road 01-14-069-15 W4M 330 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite and Access Road 12-20-76-17-W4M 331 Iteration Energy Ltd. Wellsite and Access Road 06-23-77-18-W4M 332 Iteration Energy Ltd. (and Harbinger Exploration) 2D Seismic Lines 23-67-13-W4M; 24-67Lic. 5552 13-W4M; 26-67-13-W4M; 27-67-13-W4M; 34-6713-W4M; 35-67-13 333 Korea National Oil Corporation Core Hole Drilling for SAGD Project 76-07-W4M OSE 070091 334 LF Consulting Services Surface Materials Ltd. Lease Application 03-74-12-W4M; 10-7412-W4M SML 060039 335 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7400100025 336 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7400100023 337 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7499030012 338 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401060019 339 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010012 340 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010011 341 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401060021 342 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401060012 343 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401030006 344 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401030005 345 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7001030003 346 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7001030004 347 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010019 348 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010020 349 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010014 350 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010015 23 351 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010016 352 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7001010098 353 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010018 354 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010017 355 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 740106003 356 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M 212127-00-00 357 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M Lease 7401010012 358 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M OIC 10159 359 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M OIC 10773 360 Meg Energy Corporation SAGD Project Twp. 76-78 Rg. 04-05W4M 216466-00-00 361 Nexen Inc. Disposal Well Site 14-18-77-07-W4M; 06and Access Road 25-77-07-W4M MSL 072816 362 Nexen Inc. Disposal Well Site 14-18-77-07-W4M; 06and Access Road 25-77-07-W4M LOC 071935 363 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 10-20-77-07-W4M Access Road MSL 080434 364 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 10-20-77-07-W4M Access Road LOC 080295 365 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 14-19-82-09-W4M Access Road MSL 080437 366 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 14-19-82-09-W4M Access Road LOC 080299 367 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 09-30-81-08-W4M Access Road MSL 080584 368 Nexen Inc. Observation Well & 09-30-81-08-W4M Access Road LOC 080389 369 Nexen Inc. Piezometer Well & 05-22-82-09-W4M Access Road MSL 080442 370 Nexen Inc. Piezometer Well & 05-22-82-09-W4M Access Road LOC 080305 371 Nexen Inc. Powerline N 1/2-31-85-06-W4M & SW 06-86-06-W4M EZE 080032 372 373 374 Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Remote Sump Remote Sump Remote Sump SE 11-78-09-W4M SW-12-78-09-W4M SE 11 & SW 12-78-09W4M MSL 072988 24 375 Nexen Inc. Remote Sump SE 11 & SW 12-78-09W4M LOC 072051 376 Nexen Inc. Remote Sump and SE 11-78-09-W4M Access Road MSL 073057 377 Nexen Inc. Water Disposal Well 11-36-78-06-W4M MSL 065409 378 Nexen Inc. Water Disposal Well 11-36-78-06-W4M LOC 064086 379 Nexen Inc. Water Disposal Well and Access Road 14-18-77-07-W4M MSL 072815 380 Nexen Inc. Water Production Well 10-08-76-08-W4M 381 Nexen Inc. Water Production Well 11-21-76-08-W4M 382 Nexen Inc. Water Production Well 14-02-78-07-W4M 383 Nexen Inc. Water Production Well 10-08-76-08-W4M, 1121-76-08-W4M, 14-0278-07-W4M MSL 073067 384 Nexen Inc. Water Production Well 10-08-76-08-W4M, 1121-76-08-W4M, 14-0278-07-W4M LOC 072104 385 Nexen Inc. Water Production Wells and Access Road 10-08-76-08-W4M 386 Nexen Inc. Water Production Wells and Access Road 11-21-76-08-W4M 387 Nexen Inc. Water Production Wells and Access Road 14-02-78-07-W4M 388 Nexen Inc. Water Production Wells and Access Road 10-08-76-08-W4M, 1121-76-08-W4M, 14-0278-07-W4M MSL 072826 389 Nexen Inc. Water Production Wells and Access Road 10-08-76-08-W4M, 1121-76-08-W4M, 14-0278-07-W4M LOC 071942 390 Nexen Inc. and Opti Canada Inc. Long Lake SAGD Project Twp. 84 & 85, Rg. 6 & 7W4M 391 North American Oil Sands Corporation PTI Group Conklin SW-10-77-08-W4M Lodge (Campsite) MLL 070069 392 North American Oil Sands Corporation PTI Group Conklin NW 10-77-08-W4M Lodge (Campsite) MLL 070069 393 North American Oil Sands Corporation PTI Group Conklin NW 1/4-22-78-10-W4M Lodge (Campsite) MLL 070069 25 394 North West Upgrading North West Inc. Upgrader Project (Heavy Oil Upgrader) SE 1/4-13-56-22-W4M 395 North West Upgrading North West Inc. Upgrader Project (Heavy Oil Upgrader) NE 1/4-13-56-22-W4M 396 North West Upgrading North West Inc. Upgrader Project (Heavy Oil Upgrader) SW 1/4-18-56-21-W4M 397 North West Upgrading North West Inc. Upgrader Project (Heavy Oil Upgrader) NW 1/4-18-56-21-W4M 398 North West Upgrading North West Inc. Upgrader Project (Heavy Oil Upgrader) NE 1/4-18-56-21-W4M 399 OPTI Canada Inc. Nexen Canada Ltd. 400 Orion Oil Canada Ltd. Whitesands 12-77-08-W4M Experimental Pilot Project Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) In-Situ Combustion Process, Athabasca Oil Sands EUB 9770 401 Orion Oil Canada Ltd. Whitesands 18-77-09-W4M Experimental Pilot Project Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) In-Situ Combustion Process, Athabasca Oil Sands EUB 9770 402 Orion Oil Canada Ltd. Whitesands 07-77-09-W4M Experimental Pilot Project Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) In-Situ Combustion Process, Athabasca Oil Sands EUB 9770 In-situ Oil Sands Production and Processing Plant 137467-00-00 26 403 Orion Oil Canada Ltd. Whitesands 13-77-08-W4M Experimental Pilot Project Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) In-Situ Combustion Process, Athabasca Oil Sands 404 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Access Road 405 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy Twp. 73, Rg. 09-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program AOA 060018 406 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy E8 - E17 - SE20 - S21 Operating Corp. W- 22-66-02-W4M Seismic Program (Access Road) AOA 060031 407 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 01-36-84-24-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Booster Compressor) AOA 060036 408 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 14-14-91-25-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Compressor Addition) AOA 060028 409 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 15-01-92-17-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Disposal Well) AOA 060028 410 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-02-92-17-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Disposal Well) AOA 060028 411 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 15-01-92-17-W4M to 16- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 02-92-17-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 412 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 06-18-92-16-W4M to 12- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 13-92-17-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 413 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-34-91-25-W4M to 13- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 22-91-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) EUB 9770 E1/2-30 & SE1/4-31-6410-W4M 27 414 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 13-22-91-25-W4M to 14- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 15-91-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 415 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 12-16-91-25-W4M to 14- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 15-91-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 416 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 14-15-91-25-W4M to 14- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 14-91-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 417 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 14-14-91-25-W4M to 09- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 17-92-22-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 418 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-12-90-25-W4M to 11- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 26-87-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 419 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-12-90-25-W4M to 14- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 15-91-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 420 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-18-90-24-W4M to 16- AOA 060028 Operating Corp. 12-90-25-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 421 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 12-05-79-10-W4M to 12- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 05-79-10-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 422 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 07-33-78-09-W4M to 16- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 28-78-09-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 423 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-28-78-09-W4M to 07- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 29-78-09-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 424 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 05-18-77-10-W4M to 09- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 13-77-11-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 425 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-02-76-10-W4M to 03- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 02-76-10-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 28 426 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 06-23-75-10-W4M to 07- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 26-75-10-7-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 427 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-05-75-09-W4M to 12- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 17-75-09-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 428 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-14-79-10-W4M to 10- AOA 060019 Operating Corp. 14-79-10-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 429 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 11-15-65-12-W4M to W- AOA 060021 Operating Corp. 15-65-12-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 430 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 14-21-65-11-W4M to 15- AOA 060021 Operating Corp. 21-65-11-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 431 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-11-64-13-W4M to 02- AOA 060021 Operating Corp. 14-64-13-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 432 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-25-64-12-W4M to 10- AOA 060021 Operating Corp. 24-64-12-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 433 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 05-02-66-12-W4M to 08- AOA 060021 Operating Corp. 11-66-12-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 434 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 01-03-78-04-W4M to 08- AOA 060020 Operating Corp. 03-78-04-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 435 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 02-36-78-04-W4M to 10- AOA 060020 Operating Corp. 25-78-04-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 436 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 01-25-84-24-W4M to 01- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 36-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 437 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-23-84-24-W4M to 01- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 25-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 29 438 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-13-84-24-W4M to 01- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 25-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 439 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 08-12-84-24-W4M to 09- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 13-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 440 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-01-84-24-W4M to 08- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 12-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 441 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 07-07-84-23-W4M to 08- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 12-84-24-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 442 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 01-36-84-24-W4M to 10- AOA 060036 Operating Corp. 20-85-22-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 443 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-27-66-02-W4M to 04- AOA 060031 Operating Corp. 27-66-02-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 444 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 104/06-28-61-04-W4M to AOA 060031 Operating Corp. 09-29-61-04-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 445 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-08-60-06-W4M to 08- AOA 060031 Operating Corp. 08-60-06-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 446 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 02-34-66-02-W4M to 09- AOA 060031 Operating Corp. 27-66-02-W4M Seismic Program (Pipeline) 447 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 06-18-92-16-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060028 448 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 12-16-91-25-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060028 449 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-12-90-25-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060028 30 450 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-17-90-24-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060028 451 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 06-23-75-10-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060019 452 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-05-75-09-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060019 453 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 05-02-66-12-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 454 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 11-15-65-12-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 455 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 14-21-65-11-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 456 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 16-11-64-13-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 457 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 102/03-28-64-12-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 458 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-25-64-12-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060021 459 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 02-36-78-04-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060020 460 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 01-03-78-04-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060020 461 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 08-12-84-24-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060036 31 462 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 03-01-84-24-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060036 463 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 02-34-66-02-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060031 464 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-27-66-02-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060031 465 Paramount Energy Trust Paramount Energy 09-08-60-06-W4M Operating Corp. Seismic Program (Wellsite) AOA 060031 466 Paramount Energy Trust Re-route Sweet Natural Gas Pipeline NW 1/4-22-78-10-W4M PLA 991768 467 Peak Energy Services 500 Man Open Trust Camp SE 10-77-08-W4M MLL 070194 468 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) EUB 9770B 469 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) EUB 10553 470 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) EUB 46996 471 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) EUB F35859 472 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) EPEA 20196700-01 473 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot Resources Ltd. Project (THAI Heavy Oil Recovery Process) AENV 002277258 32 474 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot 07-77-08-W4M; 12-77Resources Ltd. Project Expansion 09-W4M; 15-12-77-09(Production, W4M Injection and Observation Well Sites; Utility Corridor; Access Roads) EPEA 20196700-01 475 Petrobank Energy and Whitesands Pilot 07-77-08-W4M; 12-77Resources Ltd. Project Expansion 09-W4M; 15-12-77-09(Production, W4M Injection and Observation Well Sites; Utility Corridor; Access Roads) EUB 9770B 476 Randy Lacombe Exploration for Gravel SME 070160 477 Serrano Energy Ltd. Blackrod SAGD Twp. 76 Rge. 18 & Twp. Project (Single Well 77 Rge 18 Pair SAGD Pilot Plant) 478 Skoreyko Crushing Ltd. Gravel Pit and Access Road 479 Southern Pacific / Geotie Bounty Leismer South 2D Permit 5600 480 Southern Pacific / Geotie Bounty Leismer South 2D Lic. 4893 481 Southern Pacific / Geotie Bounty Leismer South 2D SK Lic. 05LS011 482 Southern Pacific 2D & 3D Seismic Resources Corporation Lines Twp. 74-76, Rg. 10 W4M 483 Southern Pacific 2D Seismic Lines Resources Corporation Twp. 85-86, Rg. 11-13W4M 484 Southern Pacific 2D Seismic Lines Resources Corporation Twp. 87-88, Rg. 5,6-W4M 485 Southern Pacific 2D Seismic Lines Resources Corporation Twp. 73-74, Rg. 8-9-W4M 486 Southern Pacific 2D Seismic Lines Resources Corporation Twp. 89-91, Rg. 13-15W4M 487 Southern Pacific Core Hole Drilling Resources Corporation Twp. 87-88, Rg. 5,6-W4M 33-76-08-W4M; 34-7608-W4M 16-13-65-18-W4M 33 488 Southern Pacific Core Hole Drilling Resources Corporation Twp. 73-74, Rg. 8-9-W4M 489 Southern Pacific Core Hole Drilling Resources Corporation Twp. 74-76, Rg. 10 W4M 490 Southern Pacific Core Hole Drilling Resources Corporation Twp. 89-91, Rg. 13-15W4M 491 Southern Pacific Glover Core Hole Resources Corporation Drilling Twp. 75-76, Rg. 10-W4M 492 Southern Pacific Kirby Core Hole Resources Corporation Drilling Twp. 85-86, Rg. 11-13W4M 493 Southern Pacific Remote Sump Resources Corporation Twp. 85-86, Rg. 11-13W4M 494 Southern Pacific Remote Sump Resources Corporation Twp. 73-74, Rg. 8-9-W4M 495 St. Jean Lumber (1984 Annual Operating Ltd.) Plan 2007-2008 Twp. 70 Rge. 14-16 & CTL L08J001 Twp. 71 Rge. 14-16-W4M 496 Statoil ASA KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-77-10-W4M PROJECT - South Leismer 497 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-80-11-W4M PROJECT Thornbury Expansion 498 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-80-08-W4M PROJECT - Corner 499 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-81-09-W4M PROJECT - Corner Expansion 500 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-79-10-W4M PROJECT Leismer Commercial 501 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-79-10-W4M PROJECT Leismer Expansion 502 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-79-11-W4M PROJECT 0 Northwest Leismer 34 503 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 04-83-09-W4M PROJECT Hangingstone 504 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) KAI KOS DEHSEH 16-81-09-W4M PROJECT Thornbery 505 Statoil ASA (North American Oil Sands Corporation) North American Kai TWP 76-83 Rge 8-13 Kos Dehseh SAGD W4M Project 506 Strong Energy Resources Ltd. Natural Gas Pipeline Tie-in 507 Superman Resources Pipeline Inc. 508 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 11-28-72-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 509 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 16-21-72-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 510 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 09-19-72-15-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 511 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 02-12-73-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 512 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 02-16-73-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 513 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 09-10-74-16-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 514 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 05-18-71-15-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 515 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 04-30-71-15-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 516 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 07-23-71-16-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 517 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 12-12-73-15-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 518 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 09-06-72-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 519 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 01-23-73-17-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 520 Talisman Energy Inc. 14 new wells and 15-07-73-14-W4M 14 pipeline tie-ins. 521 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 10-10-60-15-W4M 522 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 08-17-63-12-W4M 523 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 14-08-63-12-W4M 02-34-64-10-W4M to 0535--64-10-W4M 14-01-79-06-W4M to 1601-79-06-W4M 35 524 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 02-29-63-12-W4M 525 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 04-05-63-12-W4M 526 Talisman Energy Inc. 6 new wells and 6 pipeline tie-ins. 02-10-63-12-W4M 527 Telus Communications Cell Phone Tower Company 528 Telus Mobility Inc. Telecommunication SW-20-65-04-W4M s Tower 529 Tor Land Resource Ltd. Aggregate Extraction SW24-65-18-W4M SML 070016 530 Tor Land Resource Ltd. Aggregate Extraction SW13-12-63-19-W4M SME 080010 531 Transport Canada Highway 63 Fisheries and Oceans Twinning Canada N.E. 1/4-22-71-10-W4M 146 km from junction of Hwy 55 (near Atmore) to north of Mariana Lake. 36 Schedule 2(b) – Licensed Facilities # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Company Name Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. Development Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station License # F22397 F26905 F13578 F22395 F22398 F22396 F16668 F23438 F25803 F25437 F13420 F23430 F23431 F27590 F23392 F13535 F23433 F23435 F23439 F23432 F23437 F13705 F23394 F23436 F13789 F13916 F13918 F37833 F30419 F22394 F15517 F15520 F16308 F16311 F23686 F23422 F16492 F16629 F25576 F16768 F25975 F23409 Status Issued Issued Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Location 06-05-068-12W4 07-14-068-12W4 13-29-060-04W4 03-28-064-12W4 16-29-065-11W4 13-05-066-13W4 10-24-081-25W4 05-35-060-03W4 15-28-061-03W4 12-31-080-15W4 14-18-059-02W4 06-19-059-02W4 10-22-059-02W4 07-20-059-04W4 05-36-059-07W4 12-07-060-02W4 09-22-060-02W4 03-28-060-02W4 10-29-060-05W4 15-28-061-03W4 09-29-061-04W4 07-01-061-06W4 05-12-062-01W4 15-13-062-03W4 09-35-062-03W4 08-12-063-03W4 09-26-063-03W4 06-10-064-03W4 03-28-064-12W4 09-25-064-14W4 12-23-075-23W4 06-35-075-23W4 05-28-079-14W4 06-22-079-25W4 08-13-080-14W4 12-31-080-15W4 11-36-080-15W4 06-06-081-13W4 13-31-082-11W4 07-09-082-12W4 05-16-082-12W4 04-20-083-11W4 37 43 44 45 46 47 48 AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. 75 Apache Canada Ltd. 76 Apache Canada Ltd. 77 78 79 ARC Resources Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. 80 Baytex Energy Ltd. 81 Baytex Energy Ltd. 82 Baytex Energy Ltd. Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas processing plant Gas processing plant Gas processing plant Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas processing plant Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F23429 F23434 F23386 F22209 F16504 F26635 Issued Amended Issued Issued Amended Issued 11-34-083-11W4 05-35-060-03W4 03-29-061-19W4 15-12-080-13W4 16-36-080-25W4 10-24-081-25W4 F21065 F23084 F21064 F20604 F21067 F21069 F26396 F13715 F21070 F22832 F21071 F21072 F14121 F30004 F34486 F34572 F36143 F36142 F34510 F38082 F34571 F34502 F34500 F30002 F21068 F13444 Abandone d Amended Amended Amended Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 13-27-059-21W4 11-33-062-18W4 08-04-059-15W4 13-26-060-20W4 11-11-059-23W4 16-24-060-17W4 04-13-060-26W4 04-07-061-17W4 05-32-062-17W4 08-11-062-18W4 01-13-063-18W4 03-21-064-18W4 03-14-064-20W4 03-12-067-16W4 16-01-059-17W4 13-27-059-21W4 14-23-060-23W4 04-31-060-26W4 12-02-061-16W4 07-28-062-20W4 11-10-062-23W4 07-29-063-17W4 02-33-063-17W4 01-03-063-18W4 15-11-059-25W4 10-11-059-25W4 F20914 Issued 07-26-063-18W4 F14118 Issued 11-21-064-18W4 F31587 F35714 F20982 Issued 06-13-068-18W4 RecExem pt 10-36-060-10W4 Issued 12-15-061-02W4 F13683 Issued 03-22-061-02W4 F31702 Issued 16-22-061-02W4 F13780 Issued 10-05-062-02W4 38 83 Baytex Energy Ltd. 84 Baytex Energy Ltd. 85 86 87 Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. 88 Baytex Energy Ltd. 89 Baytex Energy Ltd. 90 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 99 BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Compressor station Custom treating facility Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station F13781 Issued 06-06-062-02W4 F31701 Issued 06-05-062-03W4 F25776 F13784 F31532 Amended Amended Issued 04-33-061-03W4 11-11-062-03W4 15-18-062-03W4 F27262 Issued 11-18-062-04W4 F34703 Issued 06-07-062-08W4 F14089 Cancelled 16-17-064-03W4 F13436 F13782 F20946 F13438 F26213 F25572 F15100 F13790 Amended Amended Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 07-26-059-04W4 10-01-062-03W4 07-26-059-04W4 06-12-059-05W4 16-08-061-02W4 10-08-062-02W4 03-19-072-15W4 13-03-062-04W4 F13936 Amended 11-07-063-08W4 Compressor station F15960 Amended 06-13-077-24W4 Compressor station F13802 Issued 11-33-062-08W4 Compressor station F13804 Issued 07-07-062-09W4 Compressor station F13805 Issued 07-15-062-09W4 Compressor station F25491 Issued 15-23-062-09W4 Compressor station F22445 Issued 08-17-063-09W4 Compressor station F25436 Issued 10-06-064-08W4 Compressor station F15233 Issued 10-25-073-05W4 Compressor station F25588 Issued 07-05-074-04W4 Compressor station F15373 Issued 12-08-074-05W4 Compressor station F25693 Issued 08-33-074-06W4 Compressor station F15391 Issued 07-11-074-26W4 Compressor station F15509 Issued 10-03-075-05W4 39 113 BP Canada Energy Company 114 BP Canada Energy Company 115 BP Canada Energy Company 116 BP Canada Energy Company 117 BP Canada Energy Company 118 BP Canada Energy Company 119 BP Canada Energy Company 120 BP Canada Energy Company 121 BP Canada Energy Company 122 BP Canada Energy Company 123 BP Canada Energy Company 124 BP Canada Energy Company 125 BP Canada Energy Company 126 BP Canada Energy Company 127 BP Canada Energy Company 128 BP Canada Energy Company 129 BP Canada Energy Company 130 BP Canada Energy Company 131 BP Canada Energy Company 132 BP Canada Energy Company 133 BP Canada Energy Company 134 BP Canada Energy Company 135 BP Canada Energy Company 136 BP Canada Energy Company 137 BP Canada Energy Company 138 BP Canada Energy Company 139 BP Canada Energy Compressor station F25177 Issued 05-06-075-23W4 Compressor station F25178 Issued 07-03-075-24W4 Compressor station F15522 Issued 10-09-075-24W4 Compressor station F25224 Issued 06-14-075-25W4 Compressor station F25259 Issued 06-21-075-25W4 Compressor station F25357 Issued 11-32-075-25W4 Compressor station F25176 Issued 10-17-076-25W4 Compressor station F15794 Issued 12-18-076-25W4 Compressor station F25175 Issued 10-26-076-26W4 Compressor station F15944 Issued 13-13-077-08W4 Compressor station F15946 Issued 06-24-077-08W4 Compressor station F20947 Issued 15-23-077-09W4 Compressor station F25512 Issued 15-26-077-09W4 Compressor station F15952 Issued 13-33-077-09W4 Compressor station F15953 Issued 06-36-077-09W4 Compressor station F27197 Issued 11-06-078-08W4 Compressor station F27218 Issued 02-12-078-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F22442 Amended 03-26-075-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15945 Amended 08-20-077-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15943 Issued 10-07-077-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15947 Issued 07-26-077-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15948 Issued 06-11-077-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15949 Issued 15-21-077-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15951 Issued 15-26-077-09W4 Gas processing plant F15795 Issued 12-18-076-25W4 Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal F13935 Issued 06-04-063-08W4 F26371 Issued 07-01-075-24W4 40 Company 140 Bronco Energy Ltd. 141 Bronco Energy Ltd. 142 Bronco Energy Ltd. 143 Bronco Energy Ltd. 144 Bronco Energy Ltd. 145 Bronco Energy Ltd. 146 Bronco Energy Ltd. 147 Bronco Energy Ltd. 148 Bronco Energy Ltd. 149 Buffalo Resources Corp. 150 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 151 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 152 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 153 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 154 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 155 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 156 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 157 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 158 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 159 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 160 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 161 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 162 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 163 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 164 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 165 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 166 Canadian Natural facility-water Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Compressor station B05 Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F39022 Issued 06-30-079-22W4 F39031 Issued 12-30-079-22W4 F38907 Issued 06-31-079-22W4 F39023 Issued 13-05-080-22W4 F39381 Issued 16-05-080-22W4 F38908 Issued 11-06-080-22W4 F38892 Issued 04-01-080-23W4 F38566 Issued 11-01-080-23W4 F38893 Issued 12-01-080-23W4 F13443 F16309 Issued Cancelled 10-06-059-25W4 04-31-079-21W4 F13579 Abandone d 09-31-060-04W4 F23099 Abandone d 11-05-061-04W4 F30488 Amended 16-10-061-05W4 F32299 Amended 04-14-061-05W4 F30195 Amended 07-14-061-05W4 F30371 Amended 13-17-062-04W4 F35756 Amended 15-22-063-08W4 F35772 Amended 16-22-063-08W4 F23101 Amended 10-08-066-05W4 F16796 Amended 07-27-082-21W4 F23215 Amended 04-11-082-22W4 F13546 Cancelled 04-07-060-04W4 F21844 Cancelled 10-08-066-05W4 F23182 Cancelled 12-13-081-23W4 F23184 Cancelled 15-20-081-23W4 F23185 Cancelled 13-21-081-23W4 41 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian 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multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F13412 Issued 14-19-059-01W4 F13414 Issued 15-07-059-02W4 F38665 Issued 10-09-059-02W4 F38677 Issued 06-14-059-02W4 F13415 Issued 12-17-059-02W4 F13416 Issued 16-17-059-02W4 F13417 Issued 06-18-059-02W4 F13418 Issued 08-18-059-02W4 F13419 Issued 09-18-059-02W4 F13421 Issued 14-18-059-02W4 F38663 Issued 06-23-059-02W4 F38854 Issued 02-24-059-02W4 F38855 Issued 14-24-059-02W4 F38674 Issued 05-26-059-02W4 F36537 Issued 09-28-059-02W4 F36536 Issued 11-28-059-02W4 F37845 Issued 14-28-059-02W4 F33443 Issued 01-29-059-02W4 F36542 Issued 05-29-059-02W4 F26641 Issued 10-29-059-02W4 F36540 Issued 02-30-059-02W4 F39239 Issued 05-30-059-02W4 F13426 Issued 14-12-059-03W4 F13427 Issued 16-12-059-03W4 F13428 Issued 07-13-059-03W4 F13429 Issued 14-13-059-03W4 42 193 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 194 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 195 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 196 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 197 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 198 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 199 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 200 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 201 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 202 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 203 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 204 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 205 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 206 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 207 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 208 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 209 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 210 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 211 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 212 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 213 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 214 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 215 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 216 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 217 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 218 Canadian Natural 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Issued 08-22-059-07W4 F35050 Issued 14-23-059-07W4 F36446 Issued 10-27-059-07W4 F38802 Issued 11-27-059-07W4 F38793 Issued 12-27-059-07W4 F13537 Issued 14-30-060-03W4 F13538 Issued 05-31-060-03W4 F13540 Issued 10-31-060-03W4 F13541 Issued 13-31-060-03W4 F13542 Issued 05-32-060-03W4 F13543 Issued 13-32-060-03W4 F34731 Issued 16-32-060-03W4 F37183 Issued 13-06-060-04W4 F36376 Issued 02-07-060-04W4 F13547 Issued 09-07-060-04W4 F13548 Issued 13-07-060-04W4 F13550 Issued 16-10-060-04W4 F13551 Issued 03-14-060-04W4 43 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian 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multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F13553 Issued 12-14-060-04W4 F13554 Issued 15-14-060-04W4 F13555 Issued 05-15-060-04W4 F13556 Issued 08-15-060-04W4 F13560 Issued 15-15-060-04W4 F36371 Issued 03-16-060-04W4 F36377 Issued 06-16-060-04W4 F13562 Issued 04-17-060-04W4 F13563 Issued 11-17-060-04W4 F23538 Issued 15-17-060-04W4 F13566 Issued 07-22-060-04W4 F23550 Issued 16-22-060-04W4 F13570 Issued 10-23-060-04W4 F13571 Issued 05-24-060-04W4 F13572 Issued 13-24-060-04W4 F13573 Issued 02-25-060-04W4 F13574 Issued 06-25-060-04W4 F13575 Issued 08-25-060-04W4 F13576 Issued 09-26-060-04W4 F13577 Issued 11-26-060-04W4 F34109 Issued 04-31-060-04W4 F13580 Issued 12-31-060-04W4 F13581 Issued 14-31-060-04W4 F23551 Issued 13-32-060-04W4 F13583 Issued 02-36-060-04W4 F13584 Issued 16-36-060-04W4 44 246 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 247 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 248 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 249 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 250 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 251 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 252 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 253 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 254 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 255 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 256 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 257 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 258 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 259 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 260 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 261 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 262 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 263 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 264 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 265 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 266 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 267 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 268 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 269 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 270 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 271 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 272 Canadian Natural Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F33394 Issued 07-12-060-05W4 F36344 Issued 01-13-060-05W4 F36395 Issued 10-13-060-05W4 F38933 Issued 11-19-060-05W4 F26046 Issued 10-21-060-05W4 F30192 Issued 02-24-060-05W4 F30186 Issued 11-24-060-05W4 F30193 Issued 16-24-060-05W4 F30182 Issued 08-25-060-05W4 F30184 Issued 05-26-060-05W4 F30183 Issued 08-26-060-05W4 F23539 Issued 08-36-060-05W4 F23540 Issued 16-36-060-05W4 F38962 Issued 13-19-060-06W4 F38094 Issued 04-04-060-07W4 F37413 Issued 12-04-061-03W4 F38934 Issued 13-04-061-03W4 F36469 Issued 15-05-061-03W4 F35420 Issued 08-06-061-03W4 F32660 Issued 01-08-061-03W4 F38316 Issued 04-08-061-03W4 F34716 Issued 09-08-061-03W4 F13687 Issued 01-16-061-03W4 F35191 Issued 03-16-061-03W4 F38191 Issued 14-02-061-04W4 F23552 Issued 13-04-061-04W4 F23098 Issued 02-05-061-04W4 45 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian 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multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F23100 Issued 02-06-061-04W4 F23093 Issued 06-06-061-04W4 F13688 Issued 09-06-061-04W4 F23553 Issued 02-08-061-04W4 F23094 Issued 09-08-061-04W4 F36785 Issued 11-08-061-04W4 F13690 Issued 06-09-061-04W4 F23095 Issued 15-09-061-04W4 F23096 Issued 12-10-061-04W4 F37877 Issued 01-11-061-04W4 F38192 Issued 09-11-061-04W4 F39389 Issued 12-11-061-04W4 F38081 Issued 04-13-061-04W4 F38564 Issued 07-14-061-04W4 F13691 Issued 03-15-061-04W4 F13692 Issued 13-15-061-04W4 F13693 Issued 04-16-061-04W4 F13694 Issued 08-16-061-04W4 F23097 Issued 11-19-061-04W4 F13699 Issued 05-21-061-04W4 F34816 Issued 04-22-061-04W4 F30507 Issued 07-26-061-04W4 F13701 Issued 03-28-061-04W4 F38585 Issued 01-30-061-04W4 F34773 Issued 09-36-061-04W4 F34774 Issued 09-36-061-04W4 46 299 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 300 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 301 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 302 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 303 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 304 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 305 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 306 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 307 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 308 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 309 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 310 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 311 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 312 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 313 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 314 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 315 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 316 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 317 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 318 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 319 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 320 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 321 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 322 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 323 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 324 Canadian Natural 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Issued 01-23-061-05W4 F26620 Issued 08-24-061-05W4 F39005 Issued 14-32-061-08W4 F37692 Issued 12-06-062-03W4 F39260 Issued 12-15-062-03W4 F38623 Issued 15-15-062-03W4 F37580 Issued 16-01-062-04W4 F36550 Issued 06-14-062-04W4 F36551 Issued 02-17-062-04W4 F26618 Issued 03-17-062-04W4 F31792 Issued 15-17-062-04W4 F23138 Issued 02-29-062-05W4 F23139 Issued 10-29-062-05W4 F22244 Issued 11-29-062-05W4 F23140 Issued 13-29-062-05W4 F39169 Issued 12-05-062-08W4 F39218 Issued 01-07-062-08W4 F39335 Issued 10-07-062-08W4 47 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian 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multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F39443 Issued 14-10-062-09W4 F38956 Issued 10-18-063-02W4 F36492 Issued 10-18-063-02W4 F38779 Issued 01-19-063-02W4 F38170 Issued 08-05-063-03W4 F30185 Issued 15-13-063-03W4 F39388 Issued 01-14-063-03W4 F39280 Issued 07-23-063-03W4 F36541 Issued 07-24-063-03W4 F38563 Issued 12-24-063-03W4 F36529 Issued 01-25-063-03W4 F36543 Issued 09-25-063-03W4 F39055 Issued 11-25-063-03W4 F39045 Issued 14-25-063-03W4 F36534 Issued 15-25-063-03W4 F38747 Issued 11-26-063-03W4 F38613 Issued 08-10-063-05W4 F13922 Issued 13-11-063-05W4 F38480 Issued 15-11-063-05W4 F13923 Issued 05-13-063-05W4 F13924 Issued 02-14-063-05W4 F13925 Issued 05-14-063-05W4 F23554 Issued 11-14-063-05W4 F23555 Issued 13-14-063-05W4 F13927 Issued 16-14-063-05W4 F38409 Issued 02-15-063-05W4 48 352 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 353 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 354 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 355 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 356 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 357 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 358 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 359 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 360 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 361 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 362 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 363 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 364 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 365 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 366 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 367 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 368 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 369 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 370 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 371 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 372 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 373 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 374 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 375 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 376 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 377 Canadian Natural 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Issued 02-06-063-06W4 F36294 Issued 09-03-063-08W4 F33396 Issued 14-06-063-08W4 F33398 Issued 07-07-063-08W4 F38297 Issued 05-16-063-08W4 F39393 Issued 16-16-063-08W4 F23130 Issued 03-20-063-08W4 F23131 Issued 07-20-063-08W4 F23132 Issued 04-21-063-08W4 F23133 Issued 06-21-063-08W4 F37794 Issued 13-21-063-08W4 F23134 Issued 16-21-063-08W4 F35879 Issued 01-22-063-08W4 F35771 Issued 04-22-063-08W4 F23135 Issued 04-27-063-08W4 F38209 Issued 06-27-063-08W4 F37625 Issued 10-27-063-08W4 F23136 Issued 03-28-063-08W4 49 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian 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multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell F23137 Issued 09-28-063-08W4 F38258 Issued 14-28-063-08W4 F35636 Issued 08-29-063-08W4 F35635 Issued 09-29-063-08W4 F38888 Issued 10-30-063-08W4 F38125 Issued 02-33-063-08W4 F37591 Issued 04-34-063-08W4 F38911 Issued 16-34-063-08W4 F39171 Issued 04-10-063-09W4 F14337 Issued 05-02-065-08W4 F14459 Issued 08-07-066-05W4 F37817 Issued 04-14-067-03W4 F14573 Issued 14-14-067-03W4 F31617 Issued 14-08-068-04W4 F26450 Issued 11-21-073-07W4 F35781 Issued 16-31-078-24W4 F16636 Issued 12-09-081-22W4 F16655 Issued 09-02-081-23W4 F20107 Amended 01-31-079-21W4 F20067 Amended 04-31-079-21W4 F20068 Amended 03-32-079-21W4 F20110 Amended 14-34-079-21W4 F33316 Amended 04-24-079-22W4 F20111 Amended 04-19-080-20W4 F25538 Amended 02-05-080-21W4 F25532 Amended 06-05-080-21W4 50 405 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 406 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 407 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 408 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 409 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 410 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 411 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 412 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 413 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 414 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 415 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 416 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 417 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 418 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 419 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 420 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 421 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 422 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 423 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 424 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 425 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 426 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 427 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 428 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 429 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 430 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 431 Canadian Natural Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite - F25530 Amended 10-05-080-21W4 F25534 Amended 01-08-080-21W4 F36062 Amended 09-33-080-21W4 F22332 Amended 12-14-080-22W4 F23150 Amended 10-15-080-22W4 F23152 Amended 10-16-080-22W4 F23154 Amended 10-17-080-22W4 F22334 Amended 09-18-080-22W4 F22335 Amended 11-18-080-22W4 F25389 Amended 12-18-080-22W4 F23687 Amended 04-23-080-22W4 F23673 Amended 14-23-080-22W4 F23156 Amended 05-26-080-22W4 F22408 Amended 08-31-080-22W4 F25536 Amended 02-35-080-22W4 F22340 Amended 07-35-080-22W4 F25522 Amended 15-35-080-22W4 F25520 Amended 07-36-080-23W4 F25524 Amended 08-36-080-23W4 F37916 Amended 02-35-081-20W4 F37914 Amended 15-35-081-20W4 F26267 Amended 08-04-081-22W4 F16631 Amended 13-04-081-22W4 F23171 Amended 15-06-081-22W4 F21973 Amended 14-10-081-22W4 F16640 Amended 12-11-081-22W4 F22341 Amended 06-19-081-22W4 51 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited 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03-10-082-23W4 F20372 Amended 10-11-082-23W4 F25847 Amended 11-12-082-23W4 F23167 Cancelled 02-35-080-22W4 F23168 Cancelled 04-35-080-22W4 F23169 Cancelled 15-35-080-22W4 F23221 Cancelled 02-02-081-22W4 52 458 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 459 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 460 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 461 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 462 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 463 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 464 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 465 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 466 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 467 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 468 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 469 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 470 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 471 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 472 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 473 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 474 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 475 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 476 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 477 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 478 Canadian 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Cancelled 05-29-082-19W4 F23201 Cancelled 06-30-082-19W4 F22085 Cancelled 05-29-082-20W4 F22086 Cancelled 08-29-082-20W4 F22325 Cancelled 14-30-082-21W4 F22141 Cancelled 13-11-082-22W4 F20371 Cancelled 03-10-082-23W4 F20373 Cancelled 11-12-082-23W4 F20108 Issued 09-29-079-21W4 F20069 Issued 15-29-079-21W4 F20106 Issued 14-30-079-21W4 F20109 Issued 13-34-079-21W4 F39402 Issued 07-35-079-21W4 F28656 Issued 12-35-079-21W4 F28654 Issued 09-14-079-22W4 F25856 Issued 09-25-079-22W4 F25861 Issued 10-17-080-20W4 F26829 Issued 04-30-080-20W4 F38059 Issued 11-30-080-20W4 F33343 Issued 02-31-080-20W4 F26845 Issued 08-31-080-20W4 F33312 Issued 16-31-080-20W4 F16493 Issued 09-13-080-21W4 F26847 Issued 05-14-080-21W4 F28651 Issued 07-14-080-21W4 F26828 Issued 09-14-080-21W4 F28650 Issued 08-15-080-21W4 53 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited 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12-35-080-21W4 F36060 Issued 13-02-080-22W4 F36059 Issued 05-11-080-22W4 F36357 Issued 13-11-080-22W4 F25540 Issued 12-14-080-22W4 F28781 Issued 09-15-080-22W4 F23151 Issued 12-15-080-22W4 F23153 Issued 12-16-080-22W4 F22333 Issued 12-17-080-22W4 F28653 Issued 04-19-080-22W4 F23155 Issued 07-22-080-22W4 F23672 Issued 12-23-080-22W4 54 511 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 512 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 513 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 514 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 515 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 516 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 517 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 518 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 519 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 520 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 521 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 522 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 523 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 524 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 525 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 526 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 527 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 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560 561 562 563 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Bitumen satellite 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F39456 Issued 12-12-081-22W4 F23692 Issued 11-15-081-22W4 F23693 Issued 05-16-081-22W4 F23694 Issued 11-16-081-22W4 F23695 Issued 13-16-081-22W4 F23696 Issued 10-17-081-22W4 F23697 Issued 12-17-081-22W4 F23173 Issued 02-19-081-22W4 F23174 Issued 07-19-081-22W4 F23698 Issued 01-20-081-22W4 F16643 Issued 05-22-081-22W4 F16644 Issued 13-22-081-22W4 F23699 Issued 11-23-081-22W4 F23700 Issued 03-27-081-22W4 F23701 Issued 04-27-081-22W4 56 564 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 565 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 566 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 567 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 568 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 569 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 570 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 571 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 572 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 573 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 574 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 575 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 576 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 577 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 578 Canadian 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01-33-081-23W4 57 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural 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07-26-082-19W4 F38848 Issued 06-28-082-19W4 F38018 Issued 16-02-082-20W4 F36053 Issued 07-11-082-20W4 F38764 Issued 15-11-082-20W4 F36061 Issued 07-14-082-20W4 F25852 Issued 15-14-082-20W4 F23209 Issued 14-28-082-21W4 F23210 Issued 16-28-082-21W4 F22090 Issued 15-29-082-21W4 F22096 Issued 14-30-082-21W4 F37504 Issued 16-30-082-21W4 F23213 Issued 13-04-082-22W4 F23214 Issued 14-04-082-22W4 F25862 Issued 09-11-082-23W4 F14458 Amended 04-07-066-05W4 F14466 Amended 09-08-066-05W4 F14469 Amended 01-09-066-05W4 F23102 Amended 10-09-066-05W4 F23714 Amended 04-15-066-05W4 F14482 Amended 03-16-066-05W4 F14484 Amended 01-17-066-05W4 58 617 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 618 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 619 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 620 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 621 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 622 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 623 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 624 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 625 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 626 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 627 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 628 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 629 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 630 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 631 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 632 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 633 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 634 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 635 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 636 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 637 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 638 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 639 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 640 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 641 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 642 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 643 Canadian Natural Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single 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16-07-067-04W4 F14596 Amended 08-09-067-04W4 F14597 Amended 16-09-067-04W4 F14616 Amended 06-10-067-04W4 F14598 Amended 14-10-067-04W4 F22359 Amended 06-15-067-04W4 F22362 Amended 13-15-067-04W4 F22363 Amended 08-16-067-04W4 F23145 Amended 16-16-067-04W4 F14599 Amended 04-17-067-04W4 F14600 Amended 12-17-067-04W4 F14601 Amended 02-18-067-04W4 F14602 Amended 10-18-067-04W4 F14603 Amended 02-19-067-04W4 F14604 Amended 07-19-067-04W4 F14605 Amended 15-19-067-04W4 F14606 Amended 04-20-067-04W4 59 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources 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Amended 07-30-082-19W4 F22080 Amended 05-27-082-20W4 F22140 Amended 06-28-082-20W4 F22322 Amended 05-29-082-20W4 F23202 Amended 07-29-082-20W4 F22323 Amended 08-29-082-20W4 F23203 Amended 06-30-082-20W4 F23204 Amended 07-30-082-20W4 F23706 Amended 05-25-082-21W4 F22087 Amended 07-25-082-21W4 F23205 Amended 08-25-082-21W4 60 670 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 671 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 672 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 673 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 674 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 675 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 676 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 677 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 678 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 679 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 680 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 681 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 682 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 683 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 684 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 685 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 686 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 687 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 688 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 689 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 690 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 691 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 692 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 693 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 694 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 695 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 696 Canadian Natural Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single 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Compressor station F15776 Amended 08-22-076-12W4 Compressor station F31086 Amended 11-19-077-12W4 Compressor station F16302 Amended 06-18-079-07W4 Compressor station F25857 Amended 11-25-079-22W4 Compressor station F22590 Amended 11-11-081-22W4 Compressor station F16653 Amended 13-01-081-23W4 Compressor station F25233 Amended 07-32-082-15W4 Compressor station F30331 Amended 02-12-083-04W4 Compressor station F23534 Cancelled 04-29-064-16W4 Compressor station F22402 Cancelled 02-12-067-04W4 65 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources 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Issued 10-34-061-09W4 Compressor station F13709 Issued 01-08-061-13W4 Compressor station F13710 Issued 01-01-061-16W4 Compressor station F13712 Issued 05-08-061-16W4 Compressor station F34329 Issued 12-20-061-16W4 67 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources 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Issued 05-11-062-20W4 Compressor station F23763 Issued 15-27-062-24W4 Compressor station F23769 Issued 16-27-062-24W4 Compressor station F23115 Issued 10-29-063-07W4 Compressor station F23003 Issued 01-36-063-12W4 Compressor station F35549 Issued 11-28-063-15W4 Compressor station F23007 Issued 11-31-063-15W4 Compressor station F36389 Issued 11-23-063-22W4 Compressor station F20231 Issued 10-10-064-26W4 Compressor station F34676 Issued 04-23-064-26W4 Compressor station F23009 Issued 11-08-065-17W4 68 882 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 883 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 884 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 885 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 886 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 887 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 888 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 889 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 890 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 891 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 892 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 893 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 894 Canadian Natural 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F27012 Issued 02-12-067-04W4 Compressor station F36870 Issued 13-03-067-05W4 Compressor station F30517 Issued 10-22-067-05W4 Compressor station F23011 Issued 01-13-067-16W4 Compressor station F23010 Issued 11-29-067-17W4 Compressor station F14624 Issued 05-28-067-22W4 Compressor station F14627 Issued 10-21-067-24W4 Compressor station F28443 Issued 10-06-068-03W4 Compressor station F25716 Issued 12-09-068-03W4 Compressor station F30510 Issued 08-02-068-04W4 Compressor station F33397 Issued 03-17-068-04W4 Compressor station F35979 Issued 07-14-068-05W4 Compressor station F36457 Issued 09-25-068-05W4 Compressor station F25715 Issued 03-32-068-05W4 Compressor station F28465 Issued 01-19-068-12W4 Compressor station F31957 Issued 07-10-068-22W4 Compressor station F31958 Issued 10-13-068-23W4 Compressor station F31277 Issued 06-19-069-09W4 69 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Compressor station F35912 Issued 08-20-069-09W4 Compressor station F35378 Issued 10-33-069-09W4 Compressor station F23784 Issued 09-20-069-11W4 Compressor station F14817 Issued 08-20-069-12W4 Compressor station F29424 Issued 12-18-069-14W4 Compressor station F23110 Issued 11-08-069-21W4 Compressor station F34962 Issued 07-06-069-22W4 Compressor station F25826 Issued 11-13-069-22W4 Compressor station F38269 Issued 13-21-069-22W4 Compressor station F35548 Issued 02-25-069-24W4 Compressor station F27768 Issued 09-16-069-25W4 Compressor station F22996 Issued 03-17-069-26W4 Compressor station F28487 Issued 03-27-070-12W4 Compressor station F14978 Issued 12-02-070-25W4 Compressor station F14978 Issued 12-02-070-25W4 Compressor station F33292 Issued 08-19-071-09W4 Compressor station F28467 Issued 04-35-071-10W4 Compressor station F35712 Issued 11-22-071-12W4 Compressor station F32060 Issued 12-22-071-12W4 Compressor station F29595 Issued 10-16-071-22W4 Compressor station F23104 Issued 11-09-071-25W4 Compressor station F33183 Issued 10-08-072-09W4 Compressor station F23116 Issued 07-28-072-23W4 Compressor station F15241 Issued 06-36-073-08W4 Compressor station F33184 Issued 11-23-073-11W4 Compressor station F28472 Issued 05-33-073-11W4 70 935 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 936 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 937 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 938 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 939 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 940 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 941 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 942 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 943 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 944 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 945 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 946 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 947 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 948 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 949 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 950 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 951 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 952 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 953 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 954 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 955 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 956 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 957 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 958 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 959 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 960 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 961 Canadian Natural Compressor station F28725 Issued 12-14-073-22W4 Compressor station F28466 Issued 09-06-074-08W4 Compressor station F23783 Issued 08-19-075-11W4 Compressor station F15777 Issued 09-33-076-14W4 Compressor station F15780 Issued 07-18-076-15W4 Compressor station F15781 Issued 11-23-076-15W4 Compressor station F15783 Issued 10-36-076-15W4 Compressor station F23789 Issued 09-03-077-13W4 Compressor station F28492 Issued 09-31-077-13W4 Compressor station F28486 Issued 15-33-077-15W4 Compressor station F30770 Issued 11-26-077-16W4 Compressor station F28723 Issued 01-17-077-26W4 Compressor station F15967 Issued 10-24-077-26W4 Compressor station F16123 Issued 10-22-078-05W4 Compressor station F39181 Issued 15-34-078-05W4 Compressor station F34453 Issued 07-14-078-13W4 Compressor station F28493 Issued 02-25-078-14W4 Compressor station F28500 Issued 15-06-079-05W4 Compressor station F16301 Issued 11-08-079-06W4 Compressor station F28475 Issued 10-16-079-06W4 Compressor station F28479 Issued 11-28-079-06W4 Compressor station F23779 Issued 06-21-079-11W4 Compressor station F16305 Issued 11-31-079-11W4 Compressor station F25021 Issued 04-18-079-22W4 Compressor station F16310 Issued 13-03-079-23W4 Compressor station F28476 Issued 10-02-080-06W4 Compressor station F28477 Issued 07-14-080-06W4 71 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural 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station F16965 Issued 15-21-084-15W4 Custom treating facility F13558 Amended 09-15-060-04W4 Custom treating facility F13794 Issued 16-15-062-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31175 Abandone d 15-13-059-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30574 Abandone d 10-31-077-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F13599 Amended 11-06-060-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32182 Amended 02-25-061-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F22999 Amended 06-36-062-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F23008 Amended 04-29-064-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34563 Amended 02-15-064-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F28470 Amended 03-02-070-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15096 Amended 16-06-072-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F16128 Amended 05-03-078-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F28478 Amended 16-01-079-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F16886 Amended 12-02-083-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31357 Cancelled 11-13-071-22W4 72 988 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 989 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 990 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 991 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 992 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 993 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 994 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 995 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 996 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 997 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 998 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 999 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1000 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1001 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1002 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1003 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1004 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1005 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1006 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1007 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1008 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1009 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1010 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1011 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1012 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1013 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1014 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F32856 Issued 09-12-059-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33547 Issued 15-25-059-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34439 Issued 08-02-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35307 Issued 06-04-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34650 Issued 08-11-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36272 Issued 01-14-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36760 Issued 11-17-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33390 Issued 06-20-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35625 Issued 09-23-059-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31233 Issued 03-14-059-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33660 Issued 16-20-059-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34670 Issued 10-13-059-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36623 Issued 03-07-059-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34183 Issued 06-11-059-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35371 Issued 06-17-059-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34138 Issued 10-34-059-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31176 Issued 08-18-059-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35618 Issued 11-07-059-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34163 Issued 06-09-059-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35493 Issued 15-19-059-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34186 Issued 07-29-059-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34543 Issued 05-34-059-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38276 Issued 11-04-059-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38274 Issued 08-12-059-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34673 Issued 14-26-059-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37018 Issued 07-19-060-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35969 Issued 03-04-060-07W4 73 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F36555 Issued 08-08-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36809 Issued 12-15-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36844 Issued 10-16-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33934 Issued 15-18-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33779 Issued 07-20-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34050 Issued 04-22-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38208 Issued 16-24-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34263 Issued 10-28-060-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35085 Issued 02-03-060-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36632 Issued 12-30-060-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36404 Issued 11-31-060-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36549 Issued 10-12-060-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33113 Issued 03-16-060-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37601 Issued 15-25-060-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35557 Issued 02-31-060-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34549 Issued 02-03-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33050 Issued 13-03-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33652 Issued 12-04-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33753 Issued 11-10-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31826 Issued 11-11-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32446 Issued 10-16-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33370 Issued 06-22-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35187 Issued 06-22-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36548 Issued 01-23-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36135 Issued 09-25-060-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33943 Issued 03-22-060-14W4 74 1041 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1042 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1043 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1044 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1045 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1046 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1047 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1048 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1049 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1050 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1051 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1052 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1053 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1054 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1055 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1056 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1057 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1058 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1059 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1060 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1061 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1062 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1063 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1064 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1065 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1066 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1067 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F33845 Issued 04-23-060-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36703 Issued 09-04-060-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35634 Issued 11-15-060-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35563 Issued 11-11-060-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35623 Issued 05-33-060-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34344 Issued 16-23-060-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37081 Issued 12-03-060-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34341 Issued 16-25-060-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33569 Issued 10-31-061-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36842 Issued 09-21-061-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36658 Issued 03-17-061-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36843 Issued 11-01-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36470 Issued 07-04-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35385 Issued 05-05-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36359 Issued 09-08-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36596 Issued 06-09-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36048 Issued 11-10-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36640 Issued 10-31-061-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34057 Issued 10-08-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34023 Issued 11-10-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32667 Issued 07-25-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36220 Issued 15-27-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33663 Issued 16-32-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35274 Issued 05-35-061-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36910 Issued 03-29-061-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35565 Issued 07-05-061-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34581 Issued 11-12-061-17W4 75 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F37852 Issued 07-36-061-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34238 Issued 07-32-061-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35679 Issued 06-19-061-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35878 Issued 06-29-062-03W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31602 Issued 16-10-062-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36447 Issued 10-11-062-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36443 Issued 07-16-062-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35775 Issued 07-20-062-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34664 Issued 09-29-062-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33067 Issued 10-31-062-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32686 Issued 12-06-062-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30288 Issued 10-11-062-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37028 Issued 02-12-062-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36038 Issued 09-13-062-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38056 Issued 15-15-062-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38803 Issued 08-29-062-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35379 Issued 03-01-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35603 Issued 10-09-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35577 Issued 09-11-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33878 Issued 09-13-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32687 Issued 10-14-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36209 Issued 14-16-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33451 Issued 10-19-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33369 Issued 11-20-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36660 Issued 10-22-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34540 Issued 08-23-062-10W4 76 1094 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1095 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1096 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1097 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1098 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1099 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1100 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1101 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1102 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1103 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1104 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1105 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1106 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1107 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1108 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1109 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1110 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1111 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1112 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1113 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1114 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1115 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1116 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1117 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1118 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1119 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1120 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F33927 Issued 14-25-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31938 Issued 07-26-062-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F39458 Issued 05-33-062-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35872 Issued 03-11-062-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36694 Issued 11-22-062-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33781 Issued 15-13-062-21W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30514 Issued 07-25-062-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35011 Issued 06-34-062-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35004 Issued 06-35-062-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38036 Issued 07-17-063-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35400 Issued 03-29-063-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36322 Issued 07-04-063-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35881 Issued 07-18-063-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36136 Issued 15-20-063-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36234 Issued 15-29-063-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35048 Issued 05-30-063-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35381 Issued 12-32-063-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36734 Issued 01-09-063-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33348 Issued 09-21-063-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35927 Issued 02-09-064-09W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34954 Issued 12-18-064-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33912 Issued 13-01-064-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33580 Issued 13-02-064-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33928 Issued 11-04-064-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33383 Issued 05-10-064-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35767 Issued 08-12-064-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35241 Issued 05-15-064-11W4 77 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F33413 Issued 12-05-064-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F39518 Issued 01-23-064-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31564 Issued 03-24-064-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31038 Issued 15-11-064-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38596 Issued 06-04-064-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34877 Issued 06-10-064-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33346 Issued 12-09-065-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35773 Issued 15-11-065-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31868 Issued 14-12-065-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31320 Issued 12-19-065-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30576 Issued 05-16-065-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35785 Issued 09-32-065-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37869 Issued 04-04-066-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36114 Issued 08-27-066-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32947 Issued 12-25-066-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38248 Issued 11-10-066-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37470 Issued 10-31-067-02W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37620 Issued 04-36-067-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36528 Issued 12-06-067-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33112 Issued 13-18-067-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36341 Issued 07-02-067-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33755 Issued 06-16-067-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34122 Issued 07-02-067-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36169 Issued 10-22-067-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31307 Issued 09-30-067-19W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31253 Issued 03-33-067-19W4 78 1147 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1148 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1149 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1150 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1151 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1152 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1153 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1154 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1155 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1156 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1157 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1158 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1159 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1160 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1161 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1162 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1163 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1164 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1165 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1166 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1167 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1168 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1169 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1170 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1171 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1172 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1173 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F31914 Issued 10-25-067-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30690 Issued 04-04-067-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34140 Issued 13-17-067-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37486 Issued 11-06-068-02W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35158 Issued 14-31-068-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34086 Issued 07-04-068-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34073 Issued 06-06-068-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33657 Issued 05-08-068-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35087 Issued 02-09-068-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33552 Issued 02-02-068-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33388 Issued 08-11-068-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33230 Issued 01-22-068-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33380 Issued 10-35-068-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36243 Issued 09-08-068-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38588 Issued 05-27-068-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35641 Issued 16-30-068-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31322 Issued 07-07-068-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35622 Issued 05-36-068-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32104 Issued 12-15-068-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33130 Issued 16-13-068-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35719 Issued 12-35-069-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33419 Issued 07-20-069-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30963 Issued 03-27-069-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35505 Issued 11-01-069-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35433 Issued 03-07-069-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31607 Issued 15-24-069-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36153 Issued 06-01-069-21W4 79 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F35672 Issued 09-25-069-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31037 Issued 02-22-069-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31051 Issued 06-25-069-23W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33554 Issued 13-02-069-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34035 Issued 11-09-069-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33743 Issued 16-05-069-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35809 Issued 05-06-069-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35883 Issued 13-11-069-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35893 Issued 05-23-069-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35884 Issued 12-24-069-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30951 Issued 01-33-070-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33389 Issued 14-01-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35508 Issued 06-05-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30962 Issued 03-07-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30990 Issued 04-08-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35417 Issued 03-11-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35248 Issued 05-12-070-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36572 Issued 14-06-070-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35958 Issued 15-07-070-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37243 Issued 12-23-070-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31340 Issued 10-13-070-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37256 Issued 02-24-070-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35524 Issued 01-19-071-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33432 Issued 10-19-071-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30950 Issued 11-29-071-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32955 Issued 12-30-071-11W4 80 1200 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1201 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1202 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1203 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1204 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1205 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1206 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1207 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1208 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1209 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1210 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1211 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1212 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1213 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1214 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1215 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1216 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1217 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1218 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1219 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1220 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1221 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1222 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1223 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1224 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1225 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1226 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F35223 Issued 16-10-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33065 Issued 04-13-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35733 Issued 10-14-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35435 Issued 03-23-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33553 Issued 04-24-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35394 Issued 10-28-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34956 Issued 03-34-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33426 Issued 15-36-071-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35836 Issued 05-09-071-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35489 Issued 11-13-071-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36027 Issued 03-19-071-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35782 Issued 14-10-071-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37310 Issued 06-08-071-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32721 Issued 05-02-072-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35509 Issued 07-08-072-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35523 Issued 03-20-072-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34846 Issued 14-06-072-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31321 Issued 06-07-072-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34998 Issued 11-01-072-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35569 Issued 07-11-072-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34793 Issued 02-12-072-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35932 Issued 06-29-072-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35640 Issued 02-31-072-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30942 Issued 08-16-073-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30943 Issued 09-33-073-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33551 Issued 04-30-073-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31190 Issued 02-20-073-24W4 81 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F35638 Issued 01-16-073-25W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30960 Issued 01-07-074-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30945 Issued 16-19-075-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35491 Issued 06-25-075-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35217 Issued 06-36-075-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35688 Issued 05-21-076-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35604 Issued 09-05-076-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35211 Issued 06-20-076-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33377 Issued 12-29-076-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35518 Issued 09-27-076-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33378 Issued 04-28-076-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35519 Issued 07-17-077-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32180 Issued 16-21-077-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32769 Issued 01-30-077-12W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35352 Issued 10-30-077-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34897 Issued 11-26-077-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35742 Issued 07-32-077-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35215 Issued 07-11-077-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35221 Issued 01-34-077-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37013 Issued 11-21-078-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35504 Issued 07-22-078-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35968 Issued 07-11-078-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35218 Issued 05-15-078-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35212 Issued 04-30-078-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35342 Issued 08-31-078-13W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33379 Issued 01-07-078-15W4 82 1253 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1254 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1255 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1256 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1257 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1258 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1259 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1260 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1261 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1262 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1263 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1264 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1265 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1266 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1267 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1268 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1269 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1270 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1271 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1272 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1273 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1274 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1275 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1276 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1277 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1278 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1279 Canadian Natural Gas battery - multiwell F36538 Issued 01-11-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35237 Issued 10-11-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35741 Issued 15-21-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35567 Issued 13-25-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35697 Issued 07-27-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35615 Issued 04-32-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37196 Issued 06-33-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35254 Issued 10-33-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35661 Issued 09-34-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36933 Issued 14-35-079-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37027 Issued 14-02-079-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35507 Issued 13-03-079-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37034 Issued 15-03-079-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37026 Issued 15-10-079-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37098 Issued 07-15-079-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35586 Issued 14-11-079-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36938 Issued 08-07-080-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36784 Issued 10-09-080-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37198 Issued 03-16-080-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37242 Issued 01-30-080-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36978 Issued 11-14-080-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35783 Issued 16-01-080-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35649 Issued 16-10-081-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35814 Issued 13-12-081-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35812 Issued 13-14-081-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34514 Issued 10-15-081-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33349 Issued 04-04-082-04W4 83 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas battery - multiwell F30957 Issued 09-18-082-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35777 Issued 16-26-082-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31159 Issued 07-29-082-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36090 Issued 08-36-082-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34986 Issued 02-19-082-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35624 Issued 13-07-083-03W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35729 Issued 15-06-083-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35513 Issued 13-21-083-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35380 Issued 02-32-083-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33319 Issued 14-20-083-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35570 Issued 02-26-083-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34240 Issued 11-36-083-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31134 Issued 02-06-083-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33392 Issued 09-12-083-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35225 Issued 10-32-083-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34807 Issued 13-33-083-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35222 Issued 05-36-083-16W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35826 Issued 12-05-084-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35512 Issued 13-26-084-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35827 Issued 14-30-084-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36066 Issued 10-35-084-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35522 Issued 09-24-084-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33351 Issued 04-26-084-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35080 Issued 16-08-084-16W4 Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well F34032 Issued 01-22-060-26W4 F34205 Issued 05-28-062-26W4 84 1306 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1307 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1308 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1309 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1310 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1311 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1312 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1313 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1314 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1315 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1316 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1317 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1318 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1319 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1320 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1321 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1322 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1323 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1324 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1325 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1326 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1327 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1328 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1329 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1330 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1331 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1332 Canadian Natural Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas processing plant F34114 Issued 04-16-066-26W4 F38593 Issued 09-22-067-24W4 F26036 Issued 11-22-067-24W4 F35270 Issued 03-20-067-26W4 F34042 Issued 06-29-068-26W4 F37783 Issued 13-17-069-24W4 F34041 Issued 04-15-069-26W4 F35201 Issued 07-19-081-23W4 F23758 Abandone d 02-10-062-24W4 Gas processing plant F16784 Amended Gas processing plant F14623 Abandone d 05-18-067-22W4 Gas processing plant F13604 Amended 13-24-060-26W4 Gas processing plant F14504 Amended 13-36-066-27W4 Gas processing plant F14732 Amended 01-18-068-23W4 Gas processing plant F14973 Amended 01-20-070-22W4 Gas processing plant F14977 Amended 15-29-070-24W4 Gas processing plant F23781 Amended 11-19-080-04W4 Gas processing plant F16879 Amended 15-14-083-05W4 Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal F13946 Amended 10-21-063-08W4 F13425 Issued 13-11-059-03W4 F13591 Issued 02-04-060-13W4 F13917 Issued 03-14-063-03W4 F13947 Issued 11-33-063-11W4 F13952 Issued 06-28-063-22W4 F14500 Issued 11-04-066-23W4 F14618 Issued 06-03-067-14W4 F14622 Issued 11-23-067-18W4 06-26-082-20W4 85 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Centrica Canada Limited 1349 Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. 1350 Compass Petroleum Inc. 1351 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1352 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1353 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1354 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1355 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1356 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1357 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1358 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1359 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1360 Compton Petroleum Corporation 1361 ConocoPhillips Canada facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Oil battery - multiwell F14629 Issued 07-06-067-26W4 F27035 Issued 08-31-080-22W4 F16809 Issued 11-07-082-22W4 F31198 Issued 09-27-082-20W4 Oil battery - multiwell F31199 Issued 07-28-082-20W4 Oil satellite - multiwell F23165 Cancelled 02-32-080-22W4 Oil satellite - multiwell F23163 Issued 15-28-080-22W4 Oil satellite - multiwell F23164 Issued 09-29-080-22W4 Oil satellite - single or multiwell Oil satellite - single or multiwell Oil satellite - single or multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Injection/disposal facility-water B06 Gas battery - multiwell Compressor station F23147 Amended 06-22-067-04W4 F31155 Amended 10-27-082-20W4 F31413 Issued 02-14-079-22W4 F21042 F29896 F21026 F13708 F32702 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 10-28-060-11W4 01-24-060-12W4 11-35-060-12W4 05-02-061-12W4 07-33-061-23W4 F13930 F33446 F26783 Cancelled Cancelled Amended 14-30-063-05W4 16-04-059-14W4 05-07-078-16W4 Compressor station F27922 Amended 02-05-082-11W4 Compressor station F31152 Issued 08-01-078-17W4 Compressor station F20369 Issued 16-24-078-17W4 Compressor station F25641 Issued 04-20-083-11W4 Compressor station F25640 Issued 11-34-083-11W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35821 Issued 10-19-077-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35793 Issued 08-04-078-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F20370 Issued 11-10-078-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37996 Issued 06-06-079-14W4 Compressor station Issued 03-12-067-15W4 F26007 86 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 Limited ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Crescent Point General Partner Corp. Daylight Energy Ltd. 1373 Daylight Energy Ltd. 1374 Daylight Energy Ltd. 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Compressor station F30980 Issued 05-18-083-06W4 F16885 Issued 14-24-083-07W4 F30969 Issued 14-01-083-07W4 F30968 Issued 12-13-083-07W4 F27361 Amended 16-35-062-03W4 Compressor station F21348 Issued 02-15-060-06W4 Compressor station F27444 Issued 15-01-061-01W4 Compressor station F23418 Issued 10-13-061-01W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35530 Issued 04-34-062-03W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36488 Issued 14-36-062-03W4 Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen satellite multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas processing plant F31070 Issued 03-21-062-04W4 F31069 Issued 06-21-062-04W4 F25045 Issued 16-36-074-15W4 F13549 F33688 F13549 F31065 F31068 F31064 F31071 F31066 F31074 F31073 F30863 F30897 F30896 F30828 F30827 F30866 F30865 F30864 F30901 F31096 F30826 F14733 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Amended 09-08-060-04W4 09-08-060-04W4 09-08-060-04W4 02-34-060-04W4 07-18-062-02W4 13-14-062-04W4 10-10-062-05W4 10-12-062-06W4 10-23-063-22W4 06-29-071-19W4 11-16-059-04W4 06-33-060-04W4 11-09-061-04W4 02-17-062-04W4 10-36-062-04W4 11-18-062-05W4 02-02-062-06W4 09-09-062-06W4 12-11-063-22W4 09-22-065-07W4 06-21-068-23W4 08-18-068-23W4 87 1397 Devon ARL Corporation 1398 Devon ARL Corporation 1399 Devon ARL Corporation 1400 Devon ARL Corporation 1401 Devon ARL Corporation 1402 Devon ARL Corporation 1403 Devon ARL Corporation 1404 Devon ARL Corporation 1405 Devon ARL Corporation 1406 Devon ARL Corporation 1407 Devon ARL Corporation 1408 Devon ARL Corporation 1409 1410 1411 1412 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation 1413 Devon ARL Corporation 1414 Devon ARL Corporation 1415 Devon Canada Corporation 1416 Devon Canada Corporation 1417 Devon Canada Corporation 1418 Devon Canada Corporation 1419 Devon Canada Corporation 1420 Devon Canada Corporation 1421 Devon Canada Corporation 1422 Devon Canada Corporation 1423 Devon Canada Corporation 1424 Devon Canada Corporation Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F30074 Issued 13-16-062-05W4 F30073 Issued 02-22-062-05W4 F27475 Issued 04-07-063-05W4 F27720 Issued 13-07-063-05W4 F27505 Issued 08-12-063-06W4 F27615 Issued 15-12-063-06W4 F27612 Issued 02-13-063-06W4 F27611 Issued 11-13-063-06W4 F27722 Issued 10-23-063-06W4 F27721 Issued 05-24-063-06W4 F27719 Issued 13-24-063-06W4 F14106 Issued 12-06-064-06W4 F21846 F21849 F14107 F29941 Issued Issued Issued Issued 03-31-063-06W4 04-06-064-06W4 03-07-064-06W4 06-12-063-06W4 F21848 Issued 05-06-064-06W4 F14105 Issued 12-06-064-06W4 F34431 Amended 15-29-062-06W4 F37994 Amended 01-36-063-07W4 F28231 Amended 07-23-063-08W4 F31956 Amended 03-10-064-08W4 F33862 Amended 10-07-064-09W4 F35820 Cancelled 01-26-063-06W4 F34161 Cancelled 10-02-063-08W4 F34166 Cancelled 10-02-063-08W4 F34225 Cancelled 03-10-064-08W4 F39384 Issued 06-05-062-05W4 88 1425 Devon Canada Corporation 1426 Devon Canada Corporation 1427 Devon Canada Corporation 1428 Devon Canada Corporation 1429 Devon Canada Corporation 1430 Devon Canada Corporation 1431 Devon Canada Corporation 1432 Devon Canada Corporation 1433 Devon Canada Corporation 1434 Devon Canada Corporation 1435 Devon Canada Corporation 1436 Devon Canada Corporation 1437 Devon Canada Corporation 1438 Devon Canada Corporation 1439 Devon Canada Corporation 1440 Devon Canada Corporation 1441 Devon Canada Corporation 1442 Devon Canada Corporation 1443 Devon Canada Corporation 1444 Devon Canada Corporation 1445 Devon Canada Corporation 1446 Devon Canada Corporation 1447 Devon Canada Corporation 1448 Devon Canada Corporation 1449 Devon Canada Corporation 1450 Devon Canada Corporation 1451 Devon Canada Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F39086 Issued 14-14-062-05W4 F34369 Issued 04-14-062-06W4 F36035 Issued 08-19-062-06W4 F36806 Issued 14-20-062-06W4 F36779 Issued 16-20-062-06W4 F39438 Issued 06-21-062-06W4 F39395 Issued 07-21-062-06W4 F36007 Issued 11-26-062-06W4 F38939 Issued 10-27-062-06W4 F36033 Issued 12-27-062-06W4 F39161 Issued 06-28-062-06W4 F27285 Issued 15-28-062-06W4 F30205 Issued 16-28-062-06W4 F35994 Issued 05-29-062-06W4 F36015 Issued 07-29-062-06W4 F35706 Issued 12-29-062-06W4 F27299 Issued 14-31-062-06W4 F27340 Issued 16-31-062-06W4 F29528 Issued 04-33-062-06W4 F32139 Issued 05-33-062-06W4 F32138 Issued 05-33-062-06W4 F30116 Issued 05-28-062-07W4 F30110 Issued 07-28-062-07W4 F30117 Issued 04-33-062-07W4 F35975 Issued 04-33-062-07W4 F27345 Issued 12-33-062-07W4 F37539 Issued 06-06-063-05W4 89 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F39396 Issued 15-02-063-06W4 F39382 Issued 15-10-063-06W4 F39306 Issued 04-11-063-06W4 F37102 Issued 07-11-063-06W4 F39231 Issued 12-11-063-06W4 F37474 Issued 13-11-063-06W4 F37101 Issued 15-11-063-06W4 F36768 Issued 04-12-063-06W4 F36767 Issued 12-12-063-06W4 F37096 Issued 01-14-063-06W4 F37094 Issued 06-14-063-06W4 F39106 Issued 07-14-063-06W4 F37893 Issued 13-14-063-06W4 F39093 Issued 07-15-063-06W4 F38989 Issued 10-15-063-06W4 F38565 Issued 15-32-063-06W4 F30111 Issued 06-03-063-07W4 F34368 Issued 08-03-063-07W4 F27330 Issued 12-03-063-07W4 F27344 Issued 01-04-063-07W4 F27368 Issued 04-04-063-07W4 F27339 Issued 09-07-063-07W4 F28230 Issued 12-07-063-07W4 F27332 Issued 03-10-063-07W4 F27333 Issued 08-10-063-07W4 F29439 Issued 10-10-063-07W4 90 1478 Devon Canada Corporation 1479 Devon Canada Corporation 1480 Devon Canada Corporation 1481 Devon Canada Corporation 1482 Devon Canada Corporation 1483 Devon Canada Corporation 1484 Devon Canada Corporation 1485 Devon Canada Corporation 1486 Devon Canada Corporation 1487 Devon Canada Corporation 1488 Devon Canada Corporation 1489 Devon Canada Corporation 1490 Devon Canada Corporation 1491 Devon Canada Corporation 1492 Devon Canada Corporation 1493 Devon Canada Corporation 1494 Devon Canada Corporation 1495 Devon Canada Corporation 1496 Devon Canada Corporation 1497 Devon Canada Corporation 1498 Devon Canada Corporation 1499 Devon Canada Corporation 1500 Devon Canada Corporation 1501 Devon Canada Corporation 1502 Devon Canada Corporation 1503 Devon Canada Corporation 1504 Devon Canada Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F30203 Issued 12-10-063-07W4 F28235 Issued 07-11-063-07W4 F28225 Issued 09-11-063-07W4 F27342 Issued 11-11-063-07W4 F29416 Issued 03-12-063-07W4 F30206 Issued 10-13-063-07W4 F27369 Issued 03-14-063-07W4 F31763 Issued 01-15-063-07W4 F34160 Issued 05-16-063-07W4 F35807 Issued 06-16-063-07W4 F29438 Issued 10-17-063-07W4 F27338 Issued 13-17-063-07W4 F28224 Issued 03-18-063-07W4 F28222 Issued 05-18-063-07W4 F29330 Issued 08-18-063-07W4 F28226 Issued 14-18-063-07W4 F32152 Issued 01-19-063-07W4 F28221 Issued 05-19-063-07W4 F31840 Issued 10-19-063-07W4 F31955 Issued 15-19-063-07W4 F31895 Issued 05-20-063-07W4 F31842 Issued 13-20-063-07W4 F27343 Issued 14-24-063-07W4 F39090 Issued 11-29-063-07W4 F38378 Issued 13-30-063-07W4 F36043 Issued 15-30-063-07W4 F38250 Issued 06-31-063-07W4 91 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F36002 Issued 08-31-063-07W4 F36008 Issued 11-31-063-07W4 F36018 Issued 16-31-063-07W4 F36744 Issued 01-32-063-07W4 F38375 Issued 03-32-063-07W4 F38689 Issued 10-32-063-07W4 F39091 Issued 14-33-063-07W4 F39511 Issued 16-35-063-07W4 F39512 Issued 10-36-063-07W4 F39507 Issued 13-36-063-07W4 F36670 Issued 03-02-063-08W4 F34168 Issued 10-02-063-08W4 F27331 Issued 12-02-063-08W4 F34236 Issued 03-11-063-08W4 F30131 Issued 12-11-063-08W4 F30106 Issued 04-12-063-08W4 F28236 Issued 07-12-063-08W4 F28220 Issued 11-12-063-08W4 F31836 Issued 12-13-063-08W4 F28227 Issued 15-13-063-08W4 F31699 Issued 01-14-063-08W4 F32064 Issued 04-14-063-08W4 F28233 Issued 11-14-063-08W4 F32016 Issued 04-23-063-08W4 F28228 Issued 11-23-063-08W4 F28232 Issued 10-24-063-08W4 92 1531 Devon Canada Corporation 1532 Devon Canada Corporation 1533 Devon Canada Corporation 1534 Devon Canada Corporation 1535 Devon Canada Corporation 1536 Devon Canada Corporation 1537 Devon Canada Corporation 1538 Devon Canada Corporation 1539 Devon Canada Corporation 1540 Devon Canada Corporation 1541 Devon Canada Corporation 1542 Devon Canada Corporation 1543 Devon Canada Corporation 1544 Devon Canada Corporation 1545 Devon Canada Corporation 1546 Devon Canada Corporation 1547 Devon Canada Corporation 1548 Devon Canada Corporation 1549 Devon Canada Corporation 1550 Devon Canada Corporation 1551 Devon Canada Corporation 1552 Devon Canada Corporation 1553 Devon Canada Corporation 1554 Devon Canada Corporation 1555 Devon Canada Corporation 1556 Devon Canada Corporation 1557 Devon Canada Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F28234 Issued 12-24-063-08W4 F32140 Issued 03-25-063-08W4 F32094 Issued 04-25-063-08W4 F35806 Issued 11-25-063-08W4 F28229 Issued 02-26-063-08W4 F32122 Issued 07-26-063-08W4 F29374 Issued 12-26-063-08W4 F30115 Issued 15-26-063-08W4 F28223 Issued 06-35-063-08W4 F34237 Issued 13-35-063-08W4 F34302 Issued 08-36-063-08W4 F39513 Issued 15-05-064-06W4 F39235 Issued 04-06-064-06W4 F38938 Issued 06-07-064-06W4 F38846 Issued 08-07-064-06W4 F39290 Issued 10-07-064-06W4 F38194 Issued 01-10-064-06W4 F38883 Issued 12-11-064-06W4 F38884 Issued 13-11-064-06W4 F38988 Issued 13-12-064-06W4 F38396 Issued 06-13-064-06W4 F38690 Issued 13-13-064-06W4 F39238 Issued 05-14-064-06W4 F38034 Issued 07-14-064-06W4 F38940 Issued 16-15-064-06W4 F38517 Issued 11-23-064-06W4 F38942 Issued 05-01-064-07W4 93 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell F39508 Issued 08-01-064-07W4 F38776 Issued 15-01-064-07W4 F39336 Issued 05-04-064-07W4 F36016 Issued 13-04-064-07W4 F35966 Issued 02-05-064-07W4 F37890 Issued 05-05-064-07W4 F38702 Issued 10-05-064-07W4 F35952 Issued 05-06-064-07W4 F37981 Issued 07-06-064-07W4 F38635 Issued 13-06-064-07W4 F37731 Issued 02-07-064-07W4 F38636 Issued 16-07-064-07W4 F36034 Issued 01-08-064-07W4 F38971 Issued 03-08-064-07W4 F39278 Issued 01-09-064-07W4 F38691 Issued 04-09-064-07W4 F35689 Issued 02-10-064-07W4 F35690 Issued 05-11-064-07W4 F38773 Issued 08-12-064-07W4 F35651 Issued 03-22-064-07W4 F38750 Issued 13-23-064-07W4 F39515 Issued 10-28-064-07W4 F39510 Issued 12-30-064-07W4 F35965 Issued 01-01-064-08W4 F38545 Issued 15-01-064-08W4 F32005 Issued 01-03-064-08W4 94 1584 Devon Canada Corporation 1585 Devon Canada Corporation 1586 Devon Canada Corporation 1587 Devon Canada Corporation 1588 Devon Canada Corporation 1589 Devon Canada Corporation 1590 Devon Canada Corporation 1591 Devon Canada Corporation 1592 Devon Canada Corporation 1593 Devon Canada Corporation 1594 Devon Canada Corporation 1595 Devon Canada Corporation 1596 Devon Canada Corporation 1597 Devon Canada Corporation 1598 Devon Canada Corporation 1599 Devon Canada Corporation 1600 Devon Canada Corporation 1601 Devon Canada Corporation 1602 Devon Canada Corporation 1603 Devon Canada Corporation 1604 Devon Canada Corporation 1605 Devon Canada Corporation 1606 Devon Canada Corporation 1607 Devon Canada Corporation 1608 Devon Canada Corporation 1609 Devon Canada Corporation 1610 Devon Canada Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Compressor station F34101 Issued 10-10-064-08W4 F34258 Issued 11-10-064-08W4 F34162 Issued 16-10-064-08W4 F38523 Issued 01-11-064-08W4 F30220 Issued 04-14-064-08W4 F38557 Issued 05-14-064-08W4 F38637 Issued 12-14-064-08W4 F38555 Issued 15-14-064-08W4 F38755 Issued 13-24-064-08W4 F30258 Issued 11-01-064-09W4 F33859 Issued 03-06-064-09W4 F33860 Issued 07-06-064-09W4 F33861 Issued 15-06-064-09W4 F36021 Issued 08-07-065-07W4 F33125 Issued 10-28-075-06W4 F30408 Issued 10-23-078-25W4 F30440 Issued 11-24-078-25W4 F16763 Amended 15-17-082-08W4 Compressor station F26647 Amended 06-29-083-09W4 Compressor station F25480 Amended 07-09-084-08W4 Compressor station F20557 Amended 11-10-084-10W4 Compressor station F15106 Cancelled 10-03-072-21W4 Compressor station F25699 Issued 11-04-060-15W4 Compressor station F13797 Issued 11-21-062-06W4 Compressor station F13799 Issued 06-23-062-07W4 Compressor station F13800 Issued 10-36-062-07W4 Compressor station F13937 Issued 10-12-063-08W4 95 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Compressor station F23445 Issued 11-21-064-09W4 Compressor station F30952 Issued 10-05-071-26W4 Compressor station F21353 Issued 03-26-074-01W4 Compressor station F21225 Issued 16-25-074-05W4 Compressor station F15510 Issued 07-09-075-05W4 Compressor station F21224 Issued 07-02-075-06W4 Compressor station F15769 Issued 11-03-076-06W4 Compressor station F15771 Issued 13-05-076-06W4 Compressor station F21227 Issued 11-17-077-07W4 Compressor station F16126 Issued 02-04-078-06W4 Compressor station F16127 Issued 11-02-078-07W4 Compressor station F16489 Issued 10-14-080-08W4 Compressor station F26643 Issued 06-09-082-07W4 Compressor station F23448 Issued 07-11-082-07W4 Compressor station F26646 Issued 07-09-082-08W4 Compressor station F26645 Issued 06-27-082-08W4 Compressor station F26710 Issued 07-21-082-09W4 Compressor station F26649 Issued 11-19-084-09W4 Compressor station F26648 Issued 05-13-084-11W4 Custom treating facility F13944 Amended 09-14-063-08W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30808 Issued 13-32-059-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30807 Issued 03-15-059-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F29675 Issued 05-35-059-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31604 Issued 05-09-060-01W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32934 Issued 01-18-062-06W4 Gas battery - multiwell F23644 Issued 06-26-062-07W4 96 1637 Devon Canada Corporation 1638 Devon Canada Corporation 1639 Devon Canada Corporation 1640 Devon Canada Corporation 1641 Devon Canada Corporation 1642 Devon Canada Corporation 1643 Devon Canada Corporation 1644 Devon Canada Corporation 1645 Devon Canada Corporation 1646 Devon Canada Corporation 1647 Devon Canada Corporation 1648 Diaz Resources Ltd. 1649 Diaz Resources Ltd. 1650 Diaz Resources Ltd. 1651 Diaz Resources Ltd. 1652 Diaz Resources Ltd. 1653 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1654 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1655 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1656 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1657 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1658 Direct Energy Marketing Limited 1659 Duniece Bros. Trucking Ltd. 1660 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. 1661 Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Inc. 1662 EnCana Corporation 1663 EnCana Corporation 1664 EnCana Corporation 1665 EnCana Corporation Gas battery - multiwell F31730 Issued 09-19-063-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32935 Issued 13-20-063-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31612 Issued 05-35-064-10W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30977 Issued 15-25-070-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30955 Issued 07-07-073-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F20906 Issued 11-04-075-05W4 Gas battery - multiwell F21226 Issued 07-35-076-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F20907 Issued 03-07-077-07W4 Gas battery - single well Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Compressor station F25312 Issued 01-18-083-25W4 F27752 Issued 11-16-076-06W4 F16960 Issued 07-09-084-10W4 F30376 F37578 F37571 F36967 F37002 F21135 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Abandone d 09-29-061-15W4 09-26-067-20W4 03-36-067-20W4 10-06-068-19W4 06-07-068-19W4 15-27-061-23W4 Compressor station F21137 Abandone d 08-28-061-23W4 Compressor station F21136 Abandone d 03-34-061-23W4 Compressor station F21138 Abandone d 04-15-062-23W4 Gas battery - single well Gas processing plant F31948 Issued 12-29-061-22W4 F13717 Amended 01-32-061-22W4 Injection/disposal facility-water B05 F14729 Issued 07-28-068-20W4 F26290 Cancelled 12-05-074-05W4 B05 F26289 Cancelled 01-17-076-06W4 Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery - F21979 Cancelled 01-03-081-22W4 F16630 Cancelled 08-04-081-22W4 F16638 Cancelled 12-09-081-22W4 F16641 Cancelled 11-15-081-22W4 97 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell F39200 F30618 F33064 F32919 F32966 F28193 F33192 F30319 F16637 F29886 F30584 F27983 F28191 F30739 F27980 F33673 F33674 F28142 F31171 F30425 F30329 F27982 F30713 F30654 F36293 F30460 F30459 F27981 F27984 F39201 F30747 F28192 F28009 F32972 F30728 F28012 F28006 F28011 F28031 F36112 F28127 F28366 F28124 F27931 F30532 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Amended 09-13-068-04W4 06-32-069-04W4 06-15-070-04W4 11-15-070-04W4 09-10-071-05W4 01-04-071-06W4 07-08-073-08W4 08-12-069-05W4 12-09-081-22W4 16-25-064-13W4 07-31-067-03W4 10-08-068-03W4 07-17-068-03W4 10-21-068-03W4 10-27-068-03W4 12-04-068-04W4 07-07-068-04W4 08-13-068-04W4 11-33-068-05W4 05-20-069-04W4 08-12-069-05W4 07-18-069-05W4 09-26-069-08W4 04-05-070-04W4 05-08-070-04W4 13-15-070-04W4 09-16-070-04W4 02-21-070-04W4 06-22-070-04W4 05-19-070-08W4 07-12-071-03W4 10-13-071-08W4 08-16-072-05W4 08-16-072-06W4 09-02-072-07W4 09-04-072-08W4 11-12-073-04W4 12-33-073-04W4 11-02-073-05W4 05-10-073-06W4 01-26-079-08W4 08-13-079-09W4 03-24-079-10W4 07-25-083-18W4 06-21-070-05W4 98 1711 EnCana Corporation 1712 EnCana Corporation 1713 EnCana Corporation 1714 EnCana Corporation Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Injection/disposal facility-water Oil satellite - single or multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Compressor station 1715 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1716 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1717 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1718 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1719 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1720 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1721 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1722 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1723 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1724 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1725 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Ltd. 1726 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Gas battery - multiwell Ltd. 1727 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Injection/disposal Ltd. facility-water 1728 EnCana FCCL Oil Sands Injection/disposal Ltd. facility-water 1729 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. B05 1730 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1731 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1732 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1733 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1734 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1735 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1736 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1737 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1738 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell F33105 F39199 F16632 Amended Issued Cancelled 05-16-071-05W4 11-14-069-03W4 13-04-081-22W4 F39386 Issued 09-21-082-21W4 F26380 Amended 04-22-070-04W4 F27189 Amended 08-17-076-06W4 F36074 Amended 09-16-076-06W4 F35462 Issued 05-17-070-03W4 F35455 Issued 04-21-070-03W4 F35458 Issued 02-13-070-04W4 F35457 Issued 06-13-070-04W4 F33988 Issued 02-15-070-04W4 F33989 Issued 06-15-070-04W4 F35620 Issued 07-22-070-04W4 F32173 Amended 11-16-076-06W4 F15512 Issued 09-33-075-05W4 F35003 Issued 02-10-070-04W4 F26377 Issued 04-22-070-04W4 F25181 F23039 Cancelled Cancelled 13-11-083-20W4 04-36-081-24W4 F22870 Cancelled 01-04-082-20W4 F22869 Cancelled 01-05-082-20W4 F22868 Cancelled 03-05-082-20W4 F22867 Cancelled 01-06-082-20W4 F22866 Cancelled 13-14-082-21W4 F22865 Cancelled 09-15-082-21W4 F22863 Cancelled 11-16-082-21W4 F22862 Cancelled 10-17-082-21W4 99 1739 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1740 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1741 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1742 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1743 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1744 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1745 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1746 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1747 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1748 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1749 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1750 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1751 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1752 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1753 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1754 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1755 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1756 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1757 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1758 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1759 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1760 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1761 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1762 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1763 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1764 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell 1765 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery - F22861 Cancelled 12-17-082-21W4 F22860 Cancelled 10-18-082-21W4 F22859 Cancelled 11-18-082-21W4 F22864 Cancelled 16-28-082-21W4 F16806 Cancelled 15-06-082-22W4 F22858 Cancelled 02-13-082-22W4 F22844 Cancelled 04-13-082-22W4 F22842 Cancelled 02-14-082-22W4 F22841 Cancelled 03-14-082-22W4 F22839 Cancelled 13-30-082-22W4 F22833 Cancelled 08-03-082-23W4 F22836 Cancelled 14-35-082-23W4 F22894 Cancelled 01-04-083-18W4 F23044 Cancelled 02-05-083-18W4 F23043 Cancelled 04-05-083-18W4 F22892 Cancelled 05-16-083-18W4 F22890 Cancelled 05-18-083-18W4 F22891 Cancelled 08-18-083-18W4 F22889 Cancelled 02-01-083-19W4 F22886 Cancelled 01-02-083-19W4 F22879 Cancelled 01-05-083-19W4 F22878 Cancelled 03-05-083-19W4 F22877 Cancelled 02-06-083-19W4 F22887 Cancelled 05-13-083-19W4 F22885 Cancelled 05-14-083-19W4 F22884 Cancelled 05-15-083-19W4 F23042 Cancelled 05-18-083-19W4 100 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell F22872 Cancelled 04-03-083-20W4 F22873 Cancelled 02-05-083-20W4 F22874 Cancelled 04-17-083-20W4 F22875 Cancelled 02-07-083-21W4 F27145 Amended 06-29-082-22W4 F27148 Amended 05-10-083-18W4 F27104 Amended 11-22-083-19W4 F27159 Issued 13-28-081-23W4 F27068 Issued 06-07-082-20W4 F27070 Issued 06-08-082-20W4 F27060 Issued 05-08-082-21W4 F27083 Issued 06-11-082-21W4 F27066 Issued 06-12-082-21W4 F27078 Issued 09-21-082-21W4 F27077 Issued 15-33-082-21W4 F27076 Issued 13-34-082-21W4 F27072 Issued 13-35-082-21W4 F27071 Issued 15-35-082-21W4 F27064 Issued 13-36-082-21W4 F27059 Issued 04-30-082-22W4 F27101 Issued 05-07-083-18W4 F27123 Issued 05-08-083-18W4 F27124 Issued 07-08-083-18W4 F27125 Issued 06-09-083-18W4 F27097 Issued 05-07-083-19W4 F27113 Issued 05-10-083-19W4 101 1792 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1793 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1794 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1795 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1796 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1797 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1798 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1799 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1800 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1801 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Bitumen satellite multiwell 1802 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1803 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1804 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1805 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1806 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1807 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1808 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1809 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1810 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1811 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1812 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1813 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1814 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1815 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1816 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1817 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1818 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1819 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1820 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1821 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1822 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1823 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1824 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1825 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1826 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1827 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1828 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1829 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station 1830 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station F27091 Issued 07-10-083-19W4 F27098 Issued 07-11-083-19W4 F27116 Issued 09-20-083-19W4 F27121 Issued 09-23-083-19W4 F27119 Issued 13-03-083-20W4 F27139 Issued 15-04-083-20W4 F27061 Issued 01-08-083-20W4 F27092 Issued 05-11-083-20W4 F27095 Issued 05-12-083-20W4 F27096 Issued 07-12-083-20W4 F20648 F26823 F27117 F27115 F27129 F27128 F27133 F27127 F27131 F27132 F27135 F27157 F27136 F27160 F27172 F27130 F27069 F27114 F27080 F27081 F27065 F27067 F27087 F27086 F27090 F27088 F27075 F27063 F27141 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended 15-01-069-05W4 05-35-070-04W4 04-32-081-20W4 12-32-081-20W4 14-31-081-22W4 16-31-081-22W4 13-25-081-23W4 15-25-081-23W4 13-26-081-23W4 15-26-081-23W4 13-27-081-23W4 15-27-081-23W4 15-28-081-23W4 16-29-081-23W4 15-36-081-23W4 16-36-081-23W4 08-07-082-20W4 08-09-082-20W4 06-09-082-21W4 08-09-082-21W4 09-11-082-21W4 09-12-082-21W4 09-19-082-21W4 11-19-082-21W4 09-20-082-21W4 11-20-082-21W4 11-21-082-21W4 15-36-082-21W4 09-07-082-22W4 102 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. 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Compressor station F27140 F16808 F27138 F27143 F27146 F27152 F27153 F27171 F27154 F27155 F27169 F27170 F27167 F27168 F27166 F27165 F27175 F27173 F27085 F27084 F31689 F27137 F27162 F27161 F27163 F27156 F27164 F27122 F27126 F31690 F27150 F27149 F28539 F27151 F27118 F29531 F27103 F27105 F28538 F29532 F27106 F27142 F27062 F27120 F27079 F27089 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended 11-07-082-22W4 11-07-082-22W4 12-07-082-22W4 14-08-082-22W4 16-08-082-22W4 14-09-082-22W4 16-09-082-22W4 13-15-082-22W4 14-15-082-22W4 16-15-082-22W4 13-16-082-22W4 15-16-082-22W4 12-17-082-22W4 15-17-082-22W4 10-18-082-22W4 12-18-082-22W4 09-23-082-22W4 11-23-082-22W4 09-24-082-22W4 11-24-082-22W4 02-35-082-22W4 10-01-082-23W4 09-10-082-23W4 15-10-082-23W4 03-11-082-23W4 10-13-082-23W4 06-14-082-23W4 08-07-083-18W4 08-09-083-18W4 09-20-083-18W4 09-19-083-19W4 11-19-083-19W4 09-20-083-19W4 11-20-083-19W4 09-21-083-19W4 10-21-083-19W4 11-21-083-19W4 09-22-083-19W4 11-22-083-19W4 09-23-083-19W4 12-23-083-19W4 14-04-083-20W4 03-08-083-20W4 03-10-083-20W4 05-14-083-20W4 13-14-083-20W4 103 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Compressor station Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell F27144 F27147 F14959 F16506 F16505 F16659 F16792 F26126 F25438 F37816 F25594 F25595 F15387 F15393 F15789 F20131 F15964 F25421 F31975 F35106 F35082 F27296 F31970 F31971 F31969 F31976 F31974 F27294 F32190 F31967 F31968 F38345 F14958 F25440 F22418 F16658 F16660 F16662 F16665 F16782 F16793 F16794 F16801 F16802 F16804 F16803 Amended Amended Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Amended Amended Amended Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled 11-23-083-20W4 09-24-083-20W4 11-08-070-04W4 16-36-080-25W4 16-36-080-25W4 14-35-081-23W4 08-09-082-21W4 05-33-064-12W4 06-03-065-12W4 06-31-068-03W4 06-08-073-06W4 11-09-073-06W4 09-13-074-24W4 10-11-074-26W4 12-01-076-24W4 03-14-077-24W4 02-24-077-24W4 11-27-079-09W4 03-07-082-21W4 10-32-082-21W4 13-32-082-21W4 15-34-082-21W4 02-36-082-22W4 04-36-082-22W4 09-19-083-18W4 11-19-083-18W4 11-20-083-18W4 07-07-083-19W4 09-23-083-19W4 09-24-083-19W4 11-24-083-19W4 05-11-083-20W4 11-08-070-04W4 08-09-072-09W4 12-01-073-06W4 09-35-081-23W4 15-35-081-23W4 01-36-081-23W4 15-36-081-23W4 06-07-082-20W4 06-12-082-21W4 08-12-082-21W4 13-06-082-22W4 13-06-082-22W4 14-06-082-22W4 14-06-082-22W4 104 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Gas processing plant Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility - EOR Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water F16812 F16814 F16890 F16891 F16892 F16893 F16894 F22720 F16896 F16900 F16902 F16907 F35953 F15385 F20123 F16888 F22780 F16889 F30485 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Amended Amended 09-17-082-22W4 04-30-082-22W4 05-07-083-19W4 07-07-083-19W4 05-09-083-19W4 08-10-083-19W4 14-04-083-20W4 03-07-083-20W4 05-11-083-20W4 07-11-083-20W4 05-12-083-20W4 07-12-083-20W4 05-19-070-08W4 11-20-074-23W4 05-24-075-23W4 07-17-083-17W4 01-10-083-21W4 08-09-083-18W4 10-07-082-22W4 F32810 Amended 13-11-083-20W4 F34782 Issued 08-07-082-20W4 F34781 Issued 11-19-082-21W4 F35746 Issued 09-21-082-21W4 F34783 Issued 16-15-082-22W4 F30359 Issued 15-01-082-23W4 F32373 Issued 06-07-083-19W4 F30486 Issued 04-11-083-20W4 F34784 Issued 06-11-083-20W4 F32372 Issued 05-14-083-20W4 F30665 Amended 12-19-082-21W4 F29387 Amended 15-36-082-21W4 F29385 Amended 06-23-082-22W4 F30356 Amended 06-10-083-19W4 F29386 Issued 10-21-082-21W4 105 1957 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water 1958 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water 1959 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil battery - multiwell 1960 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1961 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1962 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1963 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1964 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1965 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1966 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1967 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1968 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1969 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1970 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1971 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1972 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1973 Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Oil satellite - single or multiwell 1974 Enermark Inc. Gas battery - single well 1975 EOG Resources Canada Compressor station Inc. 1976 Geocan Energy Inc. Gas battery - single well 1977 Geocan Energy Inc. Gas battery - single well 1978 Geocan Energy Inc. Gas battery - single well 1979 Great Divide Oil Bitumen battery Corporation multiwell 1980 Great Divide Oil Bitumen satellite Corporation single or multiwell 1981 Great Plains Exploration Gas battery - multiwell Inc. 1982 Great Plains Exploration Gas battery - multiwell Inc. 1983 Great Plains Exploration Gas battery - multiwell Inc. F27480 Issued 11-21-082-21W4 F29388 Issued 07-07-083-19W4 F16810 F27109 Amended Amended 11-07-082-22W4 09-08-082-20W4 F27082 Amended 09-10-082-21W4 F27073 Amended 15-34-082-21W4 F27107 Amended 08-07-083-19W4 F27108 Amended 06-08-083-19W4 F27110 Amended 08-08-083-19W4 F27111 Amended 06-09-083-19W4 F27112 Amended 08-09-083-19W4 F27094 Amended 06-11-083-19W4 F27099 Amended 06-12-083-19W4 F27100 Amended 08-12-083-19W4 F27093 Amended 08-11-083-20W4 F33732 Issued 11-09-082-20W4 F33911 Issued 09-22-083-20W4 F22657 Issued 03-25-061-17W4 F14819 Cancelled 05-36-069-18W4 F39446 Issued 15-16-059-25W4 F37685 Issued 04-30-060-25W4 F37683 Issued 11-31-060-25W4 F36853 Issued 13-16-082-12W4 F37635 Issued 04-21-082-12W4 F20539 Amended 02-20-066-21W4 F36192 Issued 12-04-064-23W4 F35990 Issued 14-14-065-22W4 106 1984 Great Plains Exploration Inc. 1985 Great Plains Exploration Inc. 1986 Harvest Operations Corp. 1987 Harvest Operations Corp. 1988 Harvest Operations Corp. 1989 Harvest Operations Corp. 1990 Harvest Operations Corp. 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gas battery - multiwell F35991 Issued 10-23-065-22W4 Oil battery - single well F35752 Issued 01-27-060-24W4 F14968 F14967 F15030 F15378 F34193 Amended Cancelled Issued Issued Issued 07-15-070-13W4 07-15-070-13W4 11-06-071-11W4 10-03-074-12W4 10-26-065-25W4 F25282 Issued 07-15-070-13W4 F13920 Cancelled 06-26-063-04W4 F32143 Issued 12-28-064-04W4 F39159 Issued 08-29-064-04W4 F36150 Issued 16-29-064-04W4 F36123 Issued 08-32-064-04W4 F36124 Issued 09-32-064-04W4 F30351 Amended 03-06-063-13W4 F31646 Amended 09-25-064-14W4 F30470 Amended 14-25-068-23W4 F15102 Amended 02-02-072-18W4 F22651 Amended 14-03-074-20W4 F20541 Amended 10-23-078-25W4 F13447 Issued 10-33-059-27W4 F36172 Issued 05-23-060-03W4 F13536 Issued 05-23-060-03W4 F31651 Issued 14-10-062-04W4 F36171 Issued 11-13-062-05W4 F13811 Issued 09-28-062-14W4 F13948 Issued 16-05-063-13W4 F25024 Issued 15-27-063-14W4 Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - single well Harvest Operations Corp. Injection/disposal facility-water Husky Oil Operations B06 Limited Husky Oil Operations Bitumen battery Limited multiwell Husky Oil Operations Bitumen satellite Limited multiwell Husky Oil Operations Bitumen satellite Limited multiwell Husky Oil Operations Bitumen satellite Limited multiwell Husky Oil Operations Bitumen satellite Limited multiwell Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited Husky Oil Operations Compressor station Limited 107 2012 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2013 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2014 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2015 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2016 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2017 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2018 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2019 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2020 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2021 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2022 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2023 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2024 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2025 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2026 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2027 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2028 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2029 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2030 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2031 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2032 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2033 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2034 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2035 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2036 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2037 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2038 Husky Oil Operations Compressor station F13953 Issued 07-20-063-25W4 Compressor station F14342 Issued 16-02-065-25W4 Compressor station F14728 Issued 05-15-068-19W4 Compressor station F14820 Issued 06-36-069-20W4 Compressor station F28793 Issued 14-25-070-21W4 Compressor station F14971 Issued 08-28-070-21W4 Compressor station F22653 Issued 13-33-071-17W4 Compressor station F15104 Issued 14-32-072-19W4 Compressor station F22610 Issued 03-19-075-23W4 Compressor station F15521 Issued 09-36-075-23W4 Compressor station F15524 Issued 11-04-075-25W4 Compressor station F15787 Issued 09-13-076-20W4 Compressor station F28059 Issued 11-09-076-23W4 Compressor station F15791 Issued 15-20-076-24W4 Compressor station F15797 Issued 14-19-076-25W4 Compressor station F15957 Issued 02-08-077-22W4 Compressor station F15965 Issued 04-08-077-25W4 Compressor station F16132 Issued 05-25-078-20W4 Compressor station F22601 Issued 10-23-078-25W4 Compressor station F22647 Issued 08-33-079-14W4 Compressor station F26685 Issued 02-36-079-20W4 Compressor station F16769 Issued 14-09-082-12W4 Compressor station F16770 Issued 05-24-082-14W4 Compressor station F31375 Issued 01-21-083-25W4 Compressor station F30309 Issued 05-25-084-26W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30352 Amended 10-02-064-14W4 Gas battery - multiwell F14341 Amended 14-34-065-24W4 108 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Husky Oil Operations Limited Gas battery - multiwell F36197 Issued 09-17-059-01W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35960 Issued 11-36-062-15W4 Gas battery - multiwell F39006 Issued 08-11-062-27W4 Gas battery - multiwell F32921 Issued 10-31-063-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36258 Issued 15-15-065-02W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36201 Issued 10-32-065-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38414 Issued 11-33-065-24W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36166 Issued 04-36-066-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F34141 Issued 06-20-068-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F35916 Issued 07-31-077-22W4 Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas battery - single well Gas processing plant F37160 Issued 09-32-061-26W4 F39444 Issued 10-28-065-24W4 F39437 Issued 07-03-065-25W4 F39230 Issued 13-10-065-25W4 F36472 Issued 04-32-068-22W4 F34651 Cancelled 08-35-062-27W4 Gas processing plant F34660 Cancelled 08-35-062-27W4 Gas processing plant F13819 Issued 11-09-062-24W4 Gas processing plant F34661 Issued 08-35-062-27W4 Gas processing plant F14122 Issued 04-26-064-26W4 Gas processing plant F16913 Amended 02-33-083-25W4 Gas processing plant F22753 Cancelled 02-33-083-25W4 Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water F31677 Issued 04-01-063-04W4 F27230 Issued 05-28-065-02W4 F14345 Issued 08-23-065-25W4 F33562 Issued 10-27-068-24W4 109 2065 Husky Oil Operations Limited 2066 Icor Oil & Gas Company Ltd. 2067 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2068 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2069 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2070 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2071 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2072 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2073 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2074 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2075 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2076 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2077 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2078 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2079 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2080 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2081 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2082 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2083 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2084 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2085 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2086 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2087 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2088 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2089 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2090 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2091 Imperial Oil Resources Oil battery - multiwell F22399 Issued 16-06-077-07W4 Gas battery - single well Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen battery multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite - F23603 RecExem pt 16-03-080-23W4 F22779 Amended 15-33-064-03W4 F14238 Amended 14-05-065-03W4 F14283 Amended 10-12-065-04W4 F14314 Amended 02-21-065-04W4 F23532 Issued 10-22-064-03W4 F14095 Abandone d 06-27-064-03W4 F14096 Abandone d 11-27-064-03W4 F14097 Abandone d 16-27-064-03W4 F14098 Abandone d 11-28-064-03W4 F14099 Abandone d 02-32-064-03W4 F14100 Abandone d 08-32-064-03W4 F14234 Abandone d 07-05-065-03W4 F14235 Abandone d 10-05-065-03W4 F14236 Abandone d 10-05-065-03W4 F14240 Abandone d 16-05-065-03W4 F14250 Abandone d 13-07-065-03W4 F14255 Abandone d 03-08-065-03W4 F14256 Abandone d 04-08-065-03W4 F14257 Abandone d 05-08-065-03W4 F14258 Abandone d 07-08-065-03W4 F14259 Abandone d 10-08-065-03W4 F14267 Abandone d 15-03-065-04W4 F14293 Abandone d 13-13-065-04W4 F14308 Abandone d 06-15-065-04W4 F14307 Abandone d 06-15-065-04W4 110 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell F14324 Abandone d 15-22-065-04W4 F14331 Abandone d 06-32-065-04W4 F22468 Amended 09-27-065-04W4 F22469 Amended 15-27-065-04W4 F22470 Amended 01-34-065-04W4 F22471 Amended 07-34-065-04W4 F22472 Amended 11-34-065-04W4 F22475 Amended 13-34-065-04W4 F22474 Amended 16-34-065-04W4 F22479 Amended 12-35-065-04W4 F14094 Cancelled 04-27-064-03W4 F22554 Cancelled 10-18-065-03W4 F27579 Cancelled 10-03-066-04W4 F30447 Issued 13-26-064-03W4 F25757 Issued 09-28-064-03W4 F25748 Issued 15-28-064-03W4 F25754 Issued 06-29-064-03W4 F25753 Issued 09-29-064-03W4 F25750 Issued 14-29-064-03W4 F25752 Issued 16-30-064-03W4 F22461 Issued 06-31-064-03W4 F25746 Issued 08-31-064-03W4 F26078 Issued 12-31-064-03W4 F26079 Issued 13-31-064-03W4 F22460 Issued 15-31-064-03W4 F25744 Issued 07-32-064-03W4 111 2118 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2119 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2120 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2121 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2122 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2123 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2124 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2125 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2126 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2127 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2128 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2129 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2130 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2131 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2132 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2133 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2134 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2135 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2136 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2137 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2138 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2139 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2140 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2141 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2142 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2143 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2144 Imperial Oil Resources Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite - F25747 Issued 13-32-064-03W4 F25745 Issued 15-32-064-03W4 F25749 Issued 04-33-064-03W4 F25742 Issued 06-33-064-03W4 F25743 Issued 12-33-064-03W4 F30444 Issued 02-34-064-03W4 F25756 Issued 04-34-064-03W4 F30445 Issued 09-34-064-03W4 F25755 Issued 12-34-064-03W4 F30446 Issued 06-35-064-03W4 F22551 Issued 11-25-064-04W4 F22546 Issued 13-25-064-04W4 F22545 Issued 16-26-064-04W4 F22540 Issued 04-35-064-04W4 F22539 Issued 06-35-064-04W4 F22543 Issued 08-35-064-04W4 F22535 Issued 10-35-064-04W4 F22536 Issued 13-35-064-04W4 F22531 Issued 14-35-064-04W4 F22534 Issued 15-35-064-04W4 F22533 Issued 16-35-064-04W4 F22550 Issued 02-36-064-04W4 F22544 Issued 04-36-064-04W4 F22549 Issued 07-36-064-04W4 F22542 Issued 11-36-064-04W4 F22541 Issued 12-36-064-04W4 F27467 Issued 15-36-064-04W4 112 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell F25737 Issued 03-03-065-03W4 F25736 Issued 02-04-065-03W4 F14231 Issued 04-04-065-03W4 F25738 Issued 09-04-065-03W4 F25739 Issued 11-04-065-03W4 F14232 Issued 05-05-065-03W4 F14233 Issued 06-05-065-03W4 F22454 Issued 02-06-065-03W4 F22451 Issued 05-06-065-03W4 F22458 Issued 06-06-065-03W4 F14241 Issued 07-06-065-03W4 F22459 Issued 09-06-065-03W4 F22452 Issued 10-06-065-03W4 F22453 Issued 12-06-065-03W4 F14242 Issued 14-06-065-03W4 F14244 Issued 01-07-065-03W4 F14246 Issued 04-07-065-03W4 F14247 Issued 06-07-065-03W4 F14248 Issued 09-07-065-03W4 F14249 Issued 11-07-065-03W4 F14252 Issued 16-07-065-03W4 F14253 Issued 01-08-065-03W4 F14254 Issued 02-08-065-03W4 F22455 Issued 09-08-065-03W4 F14260 Issued 11-08-065-03W4 F14261 Issued 13-08-065-03W4 113 2171 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2172 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2173 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2174 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2175 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2176 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2177 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2178 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2179 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2180 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2181 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2182 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2183 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2184 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2185 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2186 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2187 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2188 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2189 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2190 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2191 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2192 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2193 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2194 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2195 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2196 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2197 Imperial Oil Resources Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell 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12-01-065-04W4 F14264 Issued 13-01-065-04W4 F22547 Issued 15-01-065-04W4 F14265 Issued 01-02-065-04W4 F22532 Issued 01-02-065-04W4 F22530 Issued 15-02-065-04W4 F14266 Issued 16-02-065-04W4 F22529 Issued 10-03-065-04W4 F14268 Issued 16-03-065-04W4 F32242 Issued 02-08-065-04W4 F22503 Issued 09-08-065-04W4 F22527 Issued 01-10-065-04W4 114 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell F22501 Issued 06-10-065-04W4 F22526 Issued 07-10-065-04W4 F22500 Issued 13-10-065-04W4 F22498 Issued 15-10-065-04W4 F14272 Issued 16-10-065-04W4 F14273 Issued 02-11-065-04W4 F14274 Issued 03-11-065-04W4 F14275 Issued 05-11-065-04W4 F14276 Issued 09-11-065-04W4 F14277 Issued 10-11-065-04W4 F14278 Issued 11-11-065-04W4 F14279 Issued 15-11-065-04W4 F30442 Issued 01-12-065-04W4 F30441 Issued 03-12-065-04W4 F14280 Issued 04-12-065-04W4 F22525 Issued 13-12-065-04W4 F22521 Issued 16-12-065-04W4 F14287 Issued 01-13-065-04W4 F14288 Issued 02-13-065-04W4 F14289 Issued 03-13-065-04W4 F14290 Issued 08-13-065-04W4 F14291 Issued 10-13-065-04W4 F14292 Issued 12-13-065-04W4 F22522 Issued 14-13-065-04W4 F14294 Issued 15-13-065-04W4 F22524 Issued 16-13-065-04W4 115 2224 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2225 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2226 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2227 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2228 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2229 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2230 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2231 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2232 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2233 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2234 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2235 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2236 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2237 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2238 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2239 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2240 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2241 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2242 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2243 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2244 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2245 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2246 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2247 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2248 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2249 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2250 Imperial Oil Resources Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite - F14295 Issued 01-14-065-04W4 F14296 Issued 03-14-065-04W4 F14297 Issued 04-14-065-04W4 F14298 Issued 05-14-065-04W4 F14299 Issued 06-14-065-04W4 F14300 Issued 07-14-065-04W4 F22516 Issued 14-14-065-04W4 F22518 Issued 15-14-065-04W4 F14301 Issued 16-14-065-04W4 F14302 Issued 01-15-065-04W4 F14303 Issued 03-15-065-04W4 F14304 Issued 03-15-065-04W4 F14306 Issued 05-15-065-04W4 F14305 Issued 05-15-065-04W4 F22497 Issued 07-15-065-04W4 F22496 Issued 11-15-065-04W4 F22499 Issued 12-15-065-04W4 F22495 Issued 13-15-065-04W4 F22514 Issued 16-15-065-04W4 F22502 Issued 04-16-065-04W4 F22494 Issued 16-16-065-04W4 F22504 Issued 02-17-065-04W4 F22523 Issued 12-18-065-04W4 F25988 Issued 07-21-065-04W4 F22462 Issued 08-21-065-04W4 F14316 Issued 10-21-065-04W4 F27578 Issued 14-21-065-04W4 116 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell F14318 Issued 02-22-065-04W4 F22493 Issued 03-22-065-04W4 F14319 Issued 04-22-065-04W4 F14321 Issued 08-22-065-04W4 F14323 Issued 10-22-065-04W4 F22485 Issued 11-22-065-04W4 F22464 Issued 13-22-065-04W4 F22465 Issued 14-22-065-04W4 F22519 Issued 01-23-065-04W4 F22517 Issued 03-23-065-04W4 F22515 Issued 04-23-065-04W4 F22520 Issued 04-24-065-04W4 F22512 Issued 05-25-065-04W4 F14325 Issued 06-26-065-04W4 F22511 Issued 07-26-065-04W4 F22509 Issued 12-26-065-04W4 F14327 Issued 14-26-065-04W4 F14328 Issued 14-26-065-04W4 F22513 Issued 15-26-065-04W4 F14329 Issued 15-26-065-04W4 F27440 Issued 03-27-065-04W4 F22466 Issued 08-27-065-04W4 F30559 Issued 11-27-065-04W4 F22467 Issued 11-27-065-04W4 F34007 Issued 01-28-065-04W4 F22463 Issued 01-28-065-04W4 117 2277 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2278 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2279 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2280 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2281 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2282 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2283 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2284 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2285 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2286 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2287 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2288 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2289 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2290 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2291 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2292 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2293 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2294 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2295 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2296 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2297 Imperial Oil Resources Limited 2298 Ish Energy Ltd. 2299 Ish Energy Ltd. 2300 Ish Energy Ltd. 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell Bitumen satellite single or multiwell C330 Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station Compressor station Injection/disposal facility-water Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell F22506 Issued 04-28-065-04W4 F22505 Issued 11-28-065-04W4 F22508 Issued 13-28-065-04W4 F22507 Issued 08-29-065-04W4 F27439 Issued 10-29-065-04W4 F30558 Issued 07-34-065-04W4 F22478 Issued 04-35-065-04W4 F22480 Issued 06-35-065-04W4 F22510 Issued 07-35-065-04W4 F22482 Issued 11-35-065-04W4 F22481 Issued 14-35-065-04W4 F22548 Issued 15-36-065-04W4 F22483 Issued 04-02-066-04W4 F22476 Issued 02-03-066-04W4 F22477 Issued 06-03-066-04W4 F22484 Issued 09-03-066-04W4 F32243 Issued 12-03-066-04W4 F32083 Issued 14-03-066-04W4 F31289 Issued 03-10-066-04W4 F14446 Issued 15-31-066-03W4 F14251 Cancelled 14-05-065-03W4 F15375 F30541 F25642 Amended Issued Issued 02-30-074-08W4 11-27-073-08W4 16-23-063-24W4 F21901 F36723 F35861 F20155 F35367 F36727 Amended Issued Amended Amended Issued Issued 06-06-062-04W4 10-27-059-16W4 10-34-060-05W4 05-05-070-15W4 10-08-059-15W4 10-28-059-24W4 118 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Iteration Energy Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Injection/disposal facility-water Iteration Energy Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Iteration Energy Ltd. Injection/disposal facility-water Japan Canada Oil Sands Bitumen battery Limited multiwell Japan Canada Oil Sands Bitumen battery Limited multiwell Japan Canada Oil Sands Injection/disposal Limited facility-water JED Production Inc. Oil battery - multiwell Kootenay Energy Inc. Compressor station Kootenay Energy Inc. Gas battery - multiwell Meg Energy Corp. Bitumen battery multiwell Meg Energy Corp. Compressor station Meg Energy Corp. Compressor station F35537 F35860 F36459 F35553 F38982 F36970 F38622 F37449 F37111 F37206 F30293 F37032 F38394 F22726 F22727 F38397 F37750 F37575 F36897 F37146 F37150 F39151 F37639 F37650 F32747 F15785 F33249 F16130 F33248 F27777 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 02-36-060-05W4 06-33-061-19W4 14-07-064-13W4 01-25-064-14W4 03-12-065-15W4 15-17-065-26W4 09-20-066-17W4 09-28-066-17W4 16-30-066-17W4 05-32-066-17W4 11-32-066-17W4 01-33-066-17W4 16-27-066-18W4 11-03-067-13W4 08-32-067-17W4 02-15-067-18W4 03-15-067-18W4 06-15-067-18W4 06-15-067-18W4 01-28-067-26W4 15-01-069-15W4 01-14-069-15W4 05-15-069-15W4 05-15-069-15W4 09-22-069-15W4 06-29-076-17W4 07-35-076-18W4 12-28-078-15W4 12-35-078-15W4 10-21-066-17W4 F14621 Issued 11-21-067-17W4 F23640 Issued 11-06-070-15W4 F16962 Issued 13-26-084-11W4 F21408 Issued 16-27-084-11W4 F21418 Issued 02-23-084-11W4 F30819 F34912 F37006 F37114 Amended Issued Issued Amended 15-34-060-27W4 07-17-060-17W4 10-08-070-26W4 02-16-077-05W4 F15768 F27599 Issued Issued 14-04-076-05W4 08-04-077-05W4 119 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 Meg Energy Corp. Mosaic Energy Ltd. Mosaic Energy Ltd. Mosaic Energy Ltd. NAL Resources Limited Newalta Corporation Nytis Exploration Company Inc. Open Range Energy Corp. Open Range Energy Corp. Open Range Energy Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Custom treating facility Compressor station F27613 F21019 F21045 F21020 F28802 F13921 F21325 Issued Amended Issued Issued Issued Cancelled Issued 07-15-078-04W4 16-26-060-24W4 10-25-059-22W4 11-23-060-24W4 11-13-062-26W4 07-26-063-04W4 08-22-060-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36750 Issued 11-03-067-26W4 Gas processing plant F14630 Issued 02-07-067-26W4 Gas processing plant F14501 Issued 10-19-066-24W4 Compressor station F13602 Abandone d 11-06-060-19W4 Compressor station F13603 Amended 11-06-060-19W4 Compressor station F14336 Amended 09-22-065-07W4 Compressor station F15033 Amended 09-32-071-20W4 Compressor station F26921 Amended 14-13-072-21W4 Compressor station F15242 Amended 09-23-073-09W4 Compressor station F15245 Amended 07-12-073-25W4 Compressor station F16618 Amended 15-02-081-06W4 Compressor station F25244 Amended 09-27-084-22W4 Compressor station F30427 Issued 14-25-061-23W4 Compressor station F36976 Issued 11-30-064-11W4 Compressor station F32237 Issued 07-15-064-12W4 Compressor station F28764 Issued 16-01-064-13W4 Compressor station F31720 Issued 12-32-065-02W4 Compressor station F20676 Issued 01-27-065-11W4 Compressor station F14340 Issued 02-16-065-18W4 Compressor station F14447 Issued 04-05-066-04W4 Compressor station F14448 Issued 04-11-066-04W4 Compressor station F20719 Issued 09-08-066-10W4 120 2377 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2378 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2379 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2380 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2381 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2382 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2383 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2384 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2385 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2386 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2387 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2388 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2389 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2390 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2391 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2392 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2393 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2394 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2395 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2396 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2397 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2398 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2399 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2400 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2401 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2402 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2403 Paramount Energy Compressor station F20716 Issued 08-12-066-19W4 Compressor station F37875 Issued 11-26-067-25W4 Compressor station F14734 Issued 10-16-068-26W4 Compressor station F23446 Issued 15-29-072-18W4 Compressor station F30783 Issued 13-08-072-26W4 Compressor station F25245 Issued 11-05-074-25W4 Compressor station F25321 Issued 11-05-074-25W4 Compressor station F20129 Issued 06-03-075-23W4 Compressor station F15529 Issued 06-33-075-26W4 Compressor station F32647 Issued 11-11-076-10W4 Compressor station F15798 Issued 04-30-076-25W4 Compressor station F15954 Issued 03-20-077-10W4 Compressor station F15963 Issued 04-22-077-24W4 Compressor station F39355 Issued 10-21-078-08W4 Compressor station F25293 Issued 12-32-078-08W4 Compressor station F23723 Issued 14-32-079-05W4 Compressor station F16303 Issued 12-16-079-09W4 Compressor station F16304 Issued 06-23-079-10W4 Compressor station F22595 Issued 15-13-080-26W4 Compressor station F16507 Issued 14-15-080-26W4 Compressor station F16625 Issued 14-04-081-09W4 Compressor station F34209 Issued 10-06-081-24W4 Compressor station F16881 Issued 07-02-083-06W4 Compressor station F16883 Issued 08-27-083-06W4 Compressor station F35774 Issued 14-14-084-22W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30816 Abandone d 12-30-084-21W4 Gas battery - multiwell F15390 Amended 14-29-074-25W4 121 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Paramount Energy Operating Corp. Gas battery - multiwell F37606 Issued 06-21-059-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37791 Issued 10-27-059-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36772 Issued 08-36-059-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38991 Issued 08-22-060-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F23667 Issued 10-22-061-20W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36988 Issued 15-07-062-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F36952 Issued 09-10-062-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37708 Issued 02-14-062-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37401 Issued 02-32-062-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F38514 Issued 12-07-063-02W4 Gas battery - multiwell F37329 Issued 02-17-063-17W4 Gas battery - multiwell F31683 Issued 09-25-065-04W4 Gas battery - multiwell F33837 Issued 02-16-065-18W4 Gas battery - multiwell F16623 Issued 10-16-081-07W4 Gas battery - multiwell F30652 Issued 07-12-083-26W4 Gas battery - single well Gas processing plant F38561 Issued 11-16-068-26W4 F15384 Issued 11-20-074-23W4 Gas processing plant F15388 Amended 14-22-074-24W4 Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Oil battery - multiwell F13586 Issued 10-29-060-05W4 F25319 Issued 09-23-073-09W4 F15386 Issued 13-21-074-23W4 F16122 Issued 05-15-078-04W4 F27297 Issued 11-16-079-09W4 F25320 Issued 12-16-079-09W4 F20931 Issued 07-21-068-26W4 Oil battery - multiwell F38642 Issued 08-30-075-25W4 122 2430 Paramount Energy Operating Corp. 2431 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2432 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2433 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2434 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2435 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2436 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2437 Paramount Resources Ltd. 2438 Pengrowth Corporation 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 Oil battery - multiwell F38642 Issued 08-30-075-25W4 Compressor station F25294 Cancelled 04-21-079-07W4 Compressor station F16621 Cancelled 14-20-081-06W4 Compressor station F16622 Cancelled 07-23-081-06W4 Compressor station F16626 Cancelled 09-20-081-10W4 Compressor station F16627 Cancelled 07-22-081-10W4 Compressor station F16765 Cancelled 12-13-082-10W4 Compressor station F16766 Cancelled 10-25-082-10W4 F31869 Issued 04-23-061-04W4 F34128 F22964 F35859 Issued Issued Amended 13-29-061-07W4 03-16-061-08W4 15-12-077-09W4 F13433 Abandone d 10-16-059-04W4 F37244 Issued 11-20-061-26W4 F38135 F21407 F39426 F34902 Issued Issued Issued Amended 09-25-071-24W4 13-36-066-27W4 02-07-062-22W4 13-16-064-03W4 F14088 Amended 16-17-064-03W4 F38516 Issued 08-02-079-10W4 F22204 F13595 F15244 F25286 F15514 F15782 F23228 F14966 F13594 F13597 F20166 F25407 F23230 F23231 F25406 Issued Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 11-01-079-06W4 05-09-060-15W4 08-35-073-15W4 06-24-074-17W4 08-33-075-15W4 10-36-076-15W4 07-21-062-12W4 10-24-070-11W4 12-04-060-15W4 09-13-060-15W4 10-20-063-12W4 09-11-070-11W4 10-34-070-16W4 11-14-072-15W4 04-30-073-16W4 Injection/disposal facility-water Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Compressor station Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Petrobank Energy And Bitumen battery Resources Ltd. multiwell Primewest Energy Inc. Injection/disposal facility-water Questerre Energy Gas battery - single Corporation well Rife Resources Ltd. Gas battery - multiwell Sabre Energy Ltd. Compressor station Severo Energy Corp. Gas battery - multiwell Shell Canada Limited Bitumen battery multiwell Shell Canada Limited Bitumen battery multiwell Statoilhydro Canada Ltd. Bitumen battery multiwell Superman Resources Inc. Gas processing plant Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station 123 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. 2506 Talisman Energy Inc. 2507 Talisman Energy Inc. 2508 Talisman Energy Inc. Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Injection/disposal F15380 F15779 F25626 F25369 F35083 F33696 F37648 F39133 F33274 F31250 F32749 F36609 F36415 F34145 F32748 F39150 F33438 F23229 F35081 F35765 F35907 F35871 F36028 F20167 F22728 F31524 F22729 F31239 F15097 F32807 F20168 F31247 F33250 F33280 F33251 F32806 F15382 F33281 F32746 F22730 F28738 Issued Issued Issued Amended Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 08-14-074-15W4 04-15-076-15W4 09-26-076-15W4 07-12-073-15W4 04-36-059-15W4 14-03-060-14W4 08-03-060-15W4 10-10-060-15W4 10-11-060-15W4 06-29-060-15W4 11-25-062-13W4 16-29-062-13W4 13-31-062-13W4 13-31-062-13W4 06-36-062-13W4 02-10-063-12W4 07-18-063-12W4 07-20-063-12W4 06-22-063-12W4 16-01-063-13W4 11-21-063-13W4 08-22-063-13W4 15-27-063-13W4 11-28-068-13W4 09-20-069-11W4 08-16-071-16W4 13-33-071-17W4 02-23-072-14W4 09-30-072-14W4 07-01-072-15W4 02-05-072-16W4 06-32-073-14W4 10-25-073-15W4 09-27-073-15W4 06-07-073-17W4 07-11-074-15W4 04-28-074-16W4 06-30-075-14W4 06-32-075-14W4 06-14-076-15W4 12-04-060-15W4 F14494 Issued 11-19-066-13W4 F23639 Issued 05-17-072-15W4 F15101 Issued 06-36-072-17W4 124 2509 Talisman Energy Inc. 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 Trilogy Energy Ltd. True Energy Inc. True Energy Inc. True Energy Inc. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Vermilion Resources Ltd. Yangarra Resources Corp. facility-water Injection/disposal facility-water Oil battery - multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Compressor station Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell Gas battery - multiwell F27715 Issued 07-12-073-15W4 F14119 F26901 F25169 F21344 F32852 F37619 F37031 F38353 F34809 F34045 F35229 F14111 F14120 F29326 F36828 F37040 F37038 F38717 F37262 F36439 F39081 Issued Amended Cancelled Cancelled Issued Issued Issued Issued RecExem pt RecExem pt Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 10-25-064-19W4 14-12-062-13W4 07-18-061-22W4 07-18-061-22W4 09-28-059-16W4 15-15-059-17W4 11-03-059-18W4 14-10-064-19W4 12-15-060-18W4 09-17-060-19W4 11-26-063-22W4 13-02-064-12W4 13-11-064-20W4 15-17-064-22W4 11-11-063-20W4 14-16-064-12W4 02-14-064-13W4 16-05-064-21W4 15-17-064-21W4 01-01-064-22W4 01-30-068-19W4 125 Schedule 2(c) – EUB/ERCB Authorizations # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Company Name 1316751 Alberta Ltd. 153804 CANADA LIMITED 153804 CANADA LIMITED 153804 CANADA LIMITED 153804 CANADA LIMITED 636875 Alberta Ltd. 981405 Alberta Ltd. 995053 ALBERTA LTD. 995053 ALBERTA LTD. Acclaim Energy Inc. Acclaim Energy Inc. Acclaim Energy Inc. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. Development Single Well Compressor Station Approval Status Location 1550858 Issued 10-1-63-18W4 1005244 Issued 0013-5-76-6W4 Registered 12-Dec-07 28-Jan-97 Gas Fractionation Plant 1085094 Issued 5-28-77-7W4 30-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1091743 Issued 10-1-77-7W4 12-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085238 Issued 12-29-76-7W4 31-Jan-01 Commingling: Gas Single Well Single Well Single Well Commingling: Gas Form Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Processing Plant Class I Disp: New 1407627 1317415 1277917 1291089 1341990 1397131 1334261 1247261 04-Jul-05 21-Oct-03 11-Sep-02 30-Jan-03 13-Apr-04 20-Apr-05 18-Feb-04 30-Oct-01 Comm Scheme: Amend 1252805 Closed 0-0-70-4W4 Commingling: Gas 1079817 Issued 0016-28-68-5W4 05-Dec-00 Commingling: Gas 1079980 Issued 008-16-72-6W4 06-Dec-00 Commingling: Gas 1083775 Issued 005-24-80-9W4 16-Jan-01 Commingling: Gas 1089036 Issued 0010-28-79-9W4 07-Mar-01 Commingling: Gas 1089300 Issued 0011-20-68-4W4 09-Mar-01 Commingling: Gas 1091236 Issued 004-21-70-3W4 Commingling: Gas 1094028 Issued 002-34-66-12W4 18-May-01 Compressor Station 1069346 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1085082 Issued 0011-27-79-9W4 30-Jan-01 Compressor Station 1086057 Issued 006-3-65-12W4 07-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1086218 Issued 008-9-72-9W4 08-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1087247 Issued 0011-9-73-6W4 20-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1087679 Issued 0211-8-70-4W4 23-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1092078 Issued 0016-29-65- 19-Apr-01 Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued 0010-7-63-4W4 7-22-61-5W4 2-10-63-2W4 8-18-61-3W4 0013-4-64-12W4 022-16-65-18W4 10-6-64-12W4 022-2-70-4W4 02-Jan-02 04-Apr-01 14-Jul-00 126 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. Compressor Station 11W4 1097005 Issued 003-28-64-12W4 03-Jul-01 Compressor Station 1242196 Issued 5-33-64-12W4 17-Aug-01 Compressor Station 1251206 Issued 0211-8-70-4W4 11-Dec-01 Compressor Station 1257185 Issued 005-35-70-4W4 19-Feb-02 Compressor Station 1257529 Issued 0012-1-73-6W4 22-Feb-02 Compressor Station 1258816 Issued 0013-5-66-13W4 08-Mar-02 Compressor Station 1259122 Issued 007-14-68-12W4 12-Mar-02 Disp Scheme: Amend 1089852 Issued 022-2-70-4W4 15-Mar-01 Disp Scheme: New 1237321 Issued 002-2-70-4W4 18-Jul-01 Disp Scheme: New 1244749 Issued 022-2-70-4W4 26-Sep-01 Disp Scheme: New 1254632 Issued 0311-2-70-4W4 22-Jan-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1251235 Issued 008-16-68-3W4 12-Dec-01 Drill/Log Waivers 1253161 Issued 12-11-73-16W4 07-Jan-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1255212 Issued 007-5-80-9W4 28-Jan-02 Exempt from Drilling 1093547 Issued 0312-22-70-4W4 11-May-01 Exper Scheme: Amend 1089605 Issued 0211-22-70-4W4 13-Mar-01 Exper Scheme: New 1096476 Issued 0014-15-70-4W4 25-Jun-01 Exper Scheme: New 1245941 Closed 0-22-70-4W4 12-Oct-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1082565 Issued 3-21-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1082568 Issued 6-25-71-7W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1082833 Issued 6-18-79-9W4 08-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1084010 Issued 9-29-67-3W4 18-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1084291 Issued 7-25-71-6W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1084300 Issued 8-9-72-9W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1084382 Issued 4-9-71-6W4 23-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1085080 Issued 5-25-70-4W4 30-Jan-01 127 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. Gas Fractionation Plant 1085535 Issued 6-7-71-4W4 02-Feb-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1088747 Issued 15-29-68-3W4 05-Mar-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1089311 Issued 11-19-66-11W4 09-Mar-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1249791 Issued 7-21-70-6W4 28-Nov-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1253160 Issued 9-30-72-6W4 07-Jan-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1253162 Issued 12-16-71-5W4 07-Jan-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1253164 Issued 8-8-71-4W4 07-Jan-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1254007 Issued 6-11-71-5W4 15-Jan-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1254232 Issued 10-28-71-5W4 17-Jan-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1255853 Issued 5-30-71-3W4 05-Feb-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1256064 Issued 2-5-71-5W4 06-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1084295 Issued 12-24-68-5W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085081 Issued 2-21-72-7W4 30-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087363 Issued 4-33-70-4W4 21-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088353 Issued 2-32-64-10W4 28-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088746 Issued 12-23-72-3W4 05-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089280 Issued 12-25-66-12W4 09-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089791 Issued 8-13-68-4W4 15-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1091425 Issued 4-5-70-4W4 09-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249945 Issued 15-32-71-4W4 29-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1250934 Issued 15-8-71-7W4 10-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1251161 Issued 3-27-70-8W4 11-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1254009 Issued 16-8-73-5W4 15-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1254250 Issued 5-21-71-4W4 17-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1254850 Issued 14-12-71-8W4 24-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1255301 Issued 12-19-66-11W4 29-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1256779 Issued 7-3-66-13W4 14-Feb-02 128 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. AEC OIL & GAS CO. LTD. Gas Processing Plant 1257036 Issued 11-31-79-8W4 15-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1257038 Issued 10-21-73-15W4 15-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1257056 Issued 6-3-71-4W4 15-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258397 Issued 10-21-73-15W4 04-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1259504 Issued 5-34-68-4W4 15-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1259510 Issued 16-11-71-7W4 15-Mar-02 Gas Prod 1066810 Issued 0010-19-70-4W4 05-Jun-00 Gas Prod 1067850 Issued 0010-35-68-4W4 19-Jun-00 Gas Prod 1086997 Issued 003-25-68-4W4 15-Feb-01 Gas Prod 1088824 Issued 003-25-68-4W4 06-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1090456 Issued 004-21-70-3W4 26-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1090750 Issued 0011-6-68-3W4 29-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1092786 Issued 004-9-71-6W4 01-May-01 Gas Prod 1242706 Issued 002-32-64-10W4 27-Aug-01 Gas Prod 1259431 Issued 007-3-69-4W4 14-Mar-02 Injection/Disposal Facility 1247182 Issued 004-22-70-4W4 29-Oct-01 - Water Injectivity Test 1251485 Issued 0212-22-70-4W4 13-Dec-01 Multiwell Pad 1015914 Issued 5-10-71-4W4 10-Dec-97 Multiwell Pad 1035899 Issued 7-2-71-4W4 14-Jan-99 Multiwell Pad 1055220 Issued 11-2-70-4W4 23-Dec-99 Multiwell Pad 1055895 Issued 12-14-71-4W4 10-Jan-00 Multiwell Pad 1056422 Issued 9-12-71-4W4 17-Jan-00 Multiwell Pad 1069198 Issued 7-22-70-4W4 12-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069221 Issued 2-21-70-4W4 12-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069230 Issued 2-21-70-4W4 12-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069232 Issued 7-22-70-4W4 12-Jul-00 129 108 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Multiwell Pad 1069534 Issued 3-22-70-4W4 18-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069539 Issued 3-22-70-4W4 18-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069541 Issued 2-21-70-4W4 18-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1069550 Issued 2-21-70-4W4 18-Jul-00 Multiwell Pad 1250664 Issued 12-29-70-3W4 06-Dec-01 Oil Battery - Multwell 1247183 Issued 024-22-70-4W4 29-Oct-01 Record Change 1082567 Issued 7-5-79-9W4 04-Jan-01 Record Change 1088342 Issued 28-Feb-01 Record Change 1089087 Issued 15-27-66-12W4 08-Mar-01 Single Well 1014023 Issued 5-15-68-3W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014029 Issued 5-17-68-3W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014033 Issued 7-18-68-3W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014035 Issued 10-29-68-3W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014048 Issued 12-36-68-4W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014050 Issued 11-36-68-4W4 19-Nov-97 Single Well 1014096 Issued 7-25-70-6W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014098 Issued 1-4-71-6W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014100 Issued 11-7-71-6W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014102 Issued 10-1-72-4W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014103 Issued 2-12-72-4W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014653 Issued 8-2-73-6W4 26-Nov-97 Single Well 1014655 Issued 4-15-73-6W4 26-Nov-97 Single Well 1015052 Issued 6-14-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015054 Issued 11-14-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015061 Issued 6-21-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015062 Issued 3-23-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015065 Issued 6-23-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 130 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 LTD. 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Single Well 1015083 Issued 16-10-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015086 Issued 3-15-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015088 Issued 7-15-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015092 Issued 16-15-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015095 Issued 14-16-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015098 Issued 12-21-70-4W4 03-Dec-97 Single Well 1015627 Issued 4-15-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015629 Issued 10-22-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015630 Issued 9-16-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015631 Issued 2-22-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015633 Issued 12-10-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015639 Issued 13-13-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015644 Issued 5-22-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015651 Issued 2-30-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015652 Issued 11-22-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1015656 Issued 12-11-70-4W4 08-Dec-97 Single Well 1016437 Issued 9-34-70-6W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016438 Issued 10-16-73-7W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016440 Issued 4-28-70-4W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016453 Issued 12-14-68-4W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016455 Issued 8-33-72-8W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016456 Issued 7-36-72-9W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016458 Issued 1-17-73-6W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016463 Issued 5-14-73-7W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016465 Issued 7-24-70-4W4 15-Dec-97 Single Well 1016660 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 17-Dec-97 131 161 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1016662 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016829 Issued 11-34-71-9W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1016830 Issued 10-3-73-3W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1016987 Issued 14-36-70-7W4 19-Dec-97 Single Well 1016989 Issued 9-36-70-7W4 19-Dec-97 Single Well 1017187 Issued 4-23-70-4W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017193 Issued 9-20-70-4W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017201 Issued 15-20-70-4W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017214 Issued 7-6-72-4W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017902 Issued 9-8-71-8W4 09-Jan-98 Single Well 1017903 Issued 12-10-71-8W4 09-Jan-98 Single Well 1018275 Issued 2-9-70-8W4 14-Jan-98 Single Well 1018281 Issued 5-17-68-3W4 14-Jan-98 Single Well 1018284 Issued 3-27-70-8W4 14-Jan-98 Single Well 1018432 Issued 11-14-73-8W4 15-Jan-98 Single Well 1018783 Issued 12-25-70-9W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018788 Issued 13-17-73-4W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018796 Issued 15-13-73-5W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018798 Issued 1-14-70-4W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018801 Issued 9-14-70-4W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018803 Issued 5-22-73-3W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1018806 Issued 7-31-67-3W4 20-Jan-98 Single Well 1019032 Issued 1-23-70-4W4 22-Jan-98 Single Well 1019034 Issued 1-22-70-4W4 22-Jan-98 Single Well 1019050 Issued 12-16-70-4W4 22-Jan-98 Single Well 1019052 Issued 13-12-70-4W4 22-Jan-98 Single Well 1019873 Issued 6-1-68-9W4 03-Feb-98 132 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 LTD. 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Single Well 1019945 Issued 9-36-64-13W4 03-Feb-98 Single Well 1020295 Issued 10-8-68-3W4 06-Feb-98 Single Well 1020895 Issued 2-20-70-4W4 18-Feb-98 Single Well 1020896 Issued 13-18-70-3W4 18-Feb-98 Single Well 1020898 Issued 2-21-70-4W4 18-Feb-98 Single Well 1021086 Issued 14-28-70-4W4 19-Feb-98 Single Well 1021236 Issued 16-9-73-5W4 23-Feb-98 Single Well 1021260 Issued 7-12-71-4W4 23-Feb-98 Single Well 1021692 Issued 16-7-73-5W4 02-Mar-98 Single Well 1021695 Issued 5-22-70-4W4 02-Mar-98 Single Well 1022784 Issued 6-12-70-5W4 23-Mar-98 Single Well 1033988 Issued 10-36-80-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033990 Issued 12-17-80-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033992 Issued 12-19-79-8W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033993 Issued 5-30-78-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033994 Issued 11-7-80-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033995 Issued 7-31-78-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1033996 Issued 8-5-79-9W4 07-Dec-98 Single Well 1034547 Issued 12-23-72-3W4 15-Dec-98 Single Well 1034548 Issued 6-21-73-3W4 15-Dec-98 Single Well 1034550 Issued 2-6-71-2W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034591 Issued 8-36-67-4W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034664 Issued 5-17-68-3W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034667 Issued 12-29-67-3W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034669 Issued 13-27-68-5W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034671 Issued 15-15-68-3W4 16-Dec-98 133 214 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1034826 Issued 10-29-76-16W4 17-Dec-98 Single Well 1034958 Issued 11-33-68-4W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034964 Issued 7-9-70-3W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034965 Issued 8-5-71-3W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034980 Issued 5-29-70-3W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1035085 Issued 9-23-68-4W4 23-Dec-98 Single Well 1035087 Issued 15-13-71-4W4 23-Dec-98 Single Well 1035089 Issued 6-21-70-5W4 23-Dec-98 Single Well 1035175 Issued 9-27-67-4W4 29-Dec-98 Single Well 1035227 Issued 6-21-73-3W4 30-Dec-98 Single Well 1035277 Issued 11-26-71-4W4 31-Dec-98 Single Well 1035279 Issued 5-25-70-4W4 31-Dec-98 Single Well 1035281 Issued 12-29-70-3W4 31-Dec-98 Single Well 1035608 Issued 11-16-71-4W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035647 Issued 13-11-70-4W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035656 Issued 3-22-70-3W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035657 Issued 2-5-71-2W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035708 Issued 12-14-71-4W4 11-Jan-99 Single Well 1036224 Issued 10-13-70-4W4 20-Jan-99 Single Well 1036225 Issued 8-18-70-3W4 20-Jan-99 Single Well 1036226 Issued 7-19-70-4W4 20-Jan-99 Single Well 1036627 Issued 3-20-70-4W4 28-Jan-99 Single Well 1036983 Issued 9-21-68-4W4 03-Feb-99 Single Well 1036985 Closed 9-21-68-4W4 03-Feb-99 Single Well 1037162 Issued 11-13-70-5W4 08-Feb-99 Single Well 1037163 Issued 11-21-70-3W4 08-Feb-99 Single Well 1037495 Issued 3-17-70-3W4 11-Feb-99 134 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 LTD. 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Single Well 1037937 Issued 11-17-70-4W4 22-Feb-99 Single Well 1037938 Issued 9-18-70-4W4 22-Feb-99 Single Well 1053978 Issued 15-21-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053979 Issued 1-22-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053980 Issued 13-15-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053981 Issued 7-22-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053982 Issued 8-21-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053983 Issued 13-14-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053984 Issued 9-21-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053985 Issued 2-22-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053986 Issued 6-22-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053987 Issued 16-15-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053988 Issued 7-22-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053989 Issued 4-23-70-4W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1054200 Issued 16-12-68-4W4 15-Dec-99 Single Well 1054201 Issued 10-6-70-4W4 15-Dec-99 Single Well 1054342 Issued 1-18-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054343 Issued 14-10-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054344 Issued 6-7-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054349 Issued 7-33-70-4W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054353 Issued 5-23-70-5W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054358 Issued 13-18-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054359 Issued 3-29-70-4W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054361 Issued 8-8-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054365 Issued 11-25-70-5W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054369 Issued 15-17-70-4W4 16-Dec-99 135 267 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1054370 Issued 5-14-70-5W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054375 Issued 4-33-70-4W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054378 Issued 8-19-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054379 Issued 7-11-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054381 Issued 11-21-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054387 Issued 3-21-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054389 Issued 14-15-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054390 Issued 6-16-70-3W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1054759 Issued 10-9-68-4W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054760 Issued 16-28-68-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054763 Issued 11-33-68-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054767 Issued 10-35-68-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054769 Issued 10-35-68-4W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054771 Issued 10-27-68-4W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054942 Issued 2-8-73-6W4 21-Dec-99 Single Well 1055313 Issued 6-3-73-6W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055315 Issued 10-12-79-10W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055316 Issued 4-25-79-8W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055317 Issued 3-31-79-8W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055319 Issued 8-19-79-9W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055406 Issued 2-5-71-2W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055687 Issued 6-28-70-3W4 06-Jan-00 Single Well 1055899 Issued 9-27-79-9W4 10-Jan-00 Single Well 1055901 Issued 6-21-70-5W4 10-Jan-00 Single Well 1056035 Issued 11-17-70-3W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056036 Issued 5-36-70-5W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056040 Issued 13-17-71-3W4 12-Jan-00 136 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 LTD. 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Single Well 1056042 Issued 5-22-70-5W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056043 Issued 8-5-71-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056046 Issued 11-7-71-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056047 Issued 10-9-71-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056062 Issued 6-9-73-6W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056064 Issued 8-11-73-7W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056073 Issued 5-14-73-7W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056077 Issued 7-5-79-9W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056079 Issued 10-18-73-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056809 Issued 6-3-71-3W4 20-Jan-00 Single Well 1056826 Issued 10-26-79-9W4 20-Jan-00 Single Well 1056876 Issued 14-9-70-3W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056881 Issued 6-27-70-3W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056893 Issued 12-33-73-4W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056896 Issued 12-17-73-4W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1057263 Issued 8-19-70-4W4 26-Jan-00 Single Well 1057271 Issued 7-19-70-4W4 26-Jan-00 Single Well 1057275 Issued 10-19-70-4W4 26-Jan-00 Single Well 1057565 Issued 5-30-71-3W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1057566 Issued 8-31-70-4W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1057567 Issued 7-22-70-3W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1057568 Issued 6-22-70-3W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1058742 Issued 8-21-70-4W4 09-Feb-00 Single Well 1058784 Issued 10-31-64-12W4 10-Feb-00 Single Well 1058785 Issued 9-19-64-11W4 10-Feb-00 Single Well 1058886 Closed 1-21-70-4W4 11-Feb-00 137 320 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1058887 Closed 1-21-70-4W4 11-Feb-00 Single Well 1059023 Issued 8-21-70-4W4 12-Feb-00 Single Well 1059285 Issued 12-22-73-4W4 16-Feb-00 Single Well 1059286 Issued 12-26-64-12W4 16-Feb-00 Single Well 1059558 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 18-Feb-00 Single Well 1059563 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 18-Feb-00 Single Well 1063675 Issued 5-7-73-18W4 17-Apr-00 Single Well 1073726 Issued 11-26-64-14W4 21-Sep-00 Single Well 1074411 Issued 7-34-64-14W4 29-Sep-00 Single Well 1078803 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 25-Nov-00 Single Well 1079791 Issued 9-16-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079795 Issued 5-2-70-1W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079799 Issued 5-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079800 Issued 13-16-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079802 Issued 6-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079804 Issued 13-16-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079807 Issued 6-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079808 Issued 14-16-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079810 Issued 16-16-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079811 Issued 7-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079812 Issued 3-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079815 Issued 4-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079816 Issued 5-17-70-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079917 Issued 10-14-79-9W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1079918 Issued 9-34-79-8W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1079946 Issued 12-22-68-5W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1079952 Issued 16-21-68-5W4 06-Dec-00 138 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 LTD. 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Single Well 1080217 Issued 15-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080220 Issued 16-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080221 Issued 16-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080224 Issued 9-18-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080225 Issued 15-18-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080228 Issued 8-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080229 Issued 16-18-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080230 Issued 9-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080231 Issued 1-19-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080232 Issued 9-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080233 Issued 2-19-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080235 Issued 10-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080236 Issued 4-19-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080237 Issued 1-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080238 Issued 2-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080240 Issued 2-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080241 Issued 4-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080243 Issued 5-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080245 Issued 6-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080248 Issued 6-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080250 Issued 7-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080251 Issued 9-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080252 Issued 12-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080253 Issued 16-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080255 Issued 13-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080256 Issued 10-20-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 139 373 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1080257 Issued 14-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080258 Issued 1-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080259 Issued 15-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080261 Issued 3-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080262 Issued 16-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080263 Issued 4-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080265 Issued 11-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080267 Issued 4-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080268 Issued 12-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080270 Issued 5-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080271 Issued 5-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080272 Issued 6-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080273 Issued 13-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080274 Issued 6-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080275 Issued 2-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080276 Issued 7-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080277 Issued 8-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080278 Issued 9-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080279 Issued 13-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080280 Issued 11-21-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080281 Issued 12-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080282 Issued 2-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080283 Issued 13-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080284 Issued 4-27-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080287 Issued 7-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080288 Issued 2-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080289 Issued 14-17-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 140 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 LTD. 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Single Well 1080291 Issued 7-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080292 Issued 4-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080293 Issued 10-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080294 Issued 12-22-70-3W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1080414 Issued 12-22-71-7W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080684 Issued 12-21-71-7W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080685 Issued 10-6-72-7W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080686 Issued 11-27-71-7W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080786 Issued 7-4-70-7W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080790 Issued 4-29-79-8W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080793 Issued 10-20-79-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080795 Issued 9-21-79-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080833 Issued 6-18-79-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080836 Issued 12-16-80-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080840 Issued 10-23-79-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080842 Issued 10-28-79-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080843 Issued 11-4-80-9W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080844 Issued 10-2-72-8W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080849 Issued 9-25-71-7W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080877 Issued 3-26-68-5W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080909 Issued 12-24-68-5W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080974 Issued 6-22-72-9W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080980 Issued 14-10-72-9W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080986 Issued 11-22-71-9W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080994 Issued 7-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080995 Issued 13-22-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 141 426 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1080997 Issued 15-21-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1080998 Issued 1-28-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081000 Issued 14-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081002 Issued 8-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081005 Issued 15-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081008 Issued 3-20-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081009 Issued 15-15-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081012 Issued 12-16-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081013 Issued 4-22-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081015 Issued 14-15-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081016 Issued 15-16-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081020 Issued 1-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081021 Issued 16-16-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081022 Issued 1-18-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081023 Issued 11-16-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081024 Issued 8-21-70-3W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081242 Issued 4-1-70-4W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081247 Issued 11-2-70-4W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081297 Issued 2-8-72-6W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081307 Issued 5-18-68-3W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081314 Issued 3-25-68-4W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081322 Issued 8-29-68-4W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081327 Issued 7-17-72-6W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081333 Issued 6-4-70-6W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081338 Issued 14-24-68-4W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081497 Issued 6-31-71-4W4 19-Dec-00 Single Well 1081630 Issued 12-16-70-7W4 19-Dec-00 142 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 LTD. 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Single Well 1081767 Issued 7-8-71-5W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081778 Issued 10-21-73-15W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081779 Issued 6-28-68-4W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081780 Issued 10-25-71-6W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081781 Issued 2-21-72-7W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081782 Issued 11-20-68-4W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081783 Issued 8-13-68-4W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1082001 Issued 5-32-72-8W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082004 Issued 9-4-72-8W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082009 Issued 9-36-71-8W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082049 Issued 7-4-71-4W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082051 Issued 9-32-70-6W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082065 Issued 6-32-67-3W4 27-Dec-00 Single Well 1082316 Issued 8-23-73-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082317 Issued 3-14-73-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082318 Issued 10-7-72-4W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082319 Issued 4-9-71-6W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082320 Issued 15-16-71-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082322 Issued 1-14-68-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082323 Issued 11-6-68-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082324 Issued 9-29-67-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082422 Issued 15-29-68-3W4 02-Jan-01 Single Well 1082612 Issued 1-13-70-4W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082613 Issued 5-16-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082614 Issued 2-21-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082615 Issued 3-19-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 143 479 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1082616 Issued 12-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082617 Issued 3-13-70-4W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082618 Issued 15-7-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082619 Issued 10-16-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082621 Issued 5-20-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082622 Issued 15-7-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082623 Closed 13-17-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082624 Closed 10-20-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082625 Issued 14-7-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082626 Issued 4-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082629 Issued 11-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082630 Issued 12-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082632 Issued 2-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082633 Issued 3-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082635 Issued 13-15-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082636 Issued 3-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082638 Closed 15-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082639 Issued 11-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082640 Issued 5-18-70-3W4 04-Jan-01 Single Well 1082811 Issued 12-33-73-4W4 05-Jan-01 Single Well 1082849 Issued 6-7-73-13W4 08-Jan-01 Single Well 1083110 Issued 1-27-73-3W4 10-Jan-01 Single Well 1084420 Issued 15-29-70-4W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084428 Issued 1-16-70-3W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084430 Closed 4-17-70-3W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084432 Issued 8-18-70-3W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084433 Issued 15-18-70-3W4 23-Jan-01 144 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 LTD. 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Single Well 1085957 Issued 10-24-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085961 Issued 3-24-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085964 Issued 14-13-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085970 Issued 12-13-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085973 Issued 7-13-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085978 Issued 15-11-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085986 Issued 9-20-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085988 Issued 6-15-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085990 Issued 15-14-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085991 Issued 7-14-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085993 Issued 5-14-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085997 Issued 13-11-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086000 Issued 16-10-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086002 Issued 4-24-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086003 Issued 16-8-70-3W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086007 Issued 11-21-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086008 Issued 12-24-70-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086011 Issued 4-21-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086013 Issued 3-21-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086018 Issued 14-20-70-4W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086191 Issued 6-2-71-3W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086194 Issued 7-10-71-3W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086196 Issued 5-16-70-4W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086266 Issued 12-23-72-3W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086684 Issued 6-33-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086685 Issued 7-4-71-4W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086687 Issued 8-33-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 146 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 LTD. 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Single Well 1086689 Issued 7-4-71-4W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086690 Issued 14-27-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086691 Issued 11-7-71-4W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086694 Issued 14-15-70-4W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086744 Issued 12-15-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086745 Issued 7-16-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086747 Issued 2-17-70-3W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1087094 Issued 16-8-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087098 Issued 9-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087101 Issued 1-17-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087105 Issued 6-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087109 Issued 4-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087114 Issued 11-8-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087135 Issued 7-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087138 Issued 5-15-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087147 Issued 15-8-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087207 Issued 8-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087230 Issued 6-8-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087233 Issued 10-8-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087237 Issued 3-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087241 Issued 4-16-70-3W4 20-Feb-01 Single Well 1087261 Issued 14-8-70-3W4 21-Feb-01 Single Well 1087262 Issued 13-8-70-3W4 21-Feb-01 Single Well 1087408 Issued 7-9-71-4W4 21-Feb-01 Single Well 1087409 Issued 7-9-71-4W4 21-Feb-01 Single Well 1087813 Issued 12-19-70-4W4 23-Feb-01 147 585 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1087823 Issued 14-19-70-4W4 23-Feb-01 Single Well 1087825 Issued 2-15-70-4W4 23-Feb-01 Single Well 1087828 Issued 14-28-70-3W4 23-Feb-01 Single Well 1088053 Issued 9-27-63-10W4 26-Feb-01 Single Well 1088055 Issued 1-34-63-10W4 26-Feb-01 Single Well 1088432 Issued 2-32-64-10W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088552 Issued 11-8-71-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088557 Issued 5-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088560 Issued 6-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088562 Issued 7-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088564 Issued 9-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088566 Issued 10-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088567 Issued 16-8-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088569 Issued 11-8-71-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088570 Issued 11-9-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088571 Issued 12-9-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088572 Issued 2-16-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088573 Issued 13-9-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088574 Issued 3-15-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088575 Issued 4-15-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088576 Issued 15-9-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088577 Issued 16-9-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088578 Issued 4-15-70-3W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1088944 Issued 6-4-71-4W4 07-Mar-01 Single Well 1089002 Issued 6-4-71-4W4 07-Mar-01 Single Well 1089004 Issued 5-25-70-4W4 07-Mar-01 Single Well 1089234 Issued 14-15-70-4W4 09-Mar-01 148 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 LTD. 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Single Well 1089261 Issued 4-5-70-4W4 09-Mar-01 Single Well 1089262 Issued 4-5-70-4W4 09-Mar-01 Single Well 1089264 Issued 4-5-70-4W4 09-Mar-01 Single Well 1092084 Issued 4-22-70-4W4 19-Apr-01 Single Well 1093922 Issued 1-21-70-4W4 17-May-01 Single Well 1237310 Issued 14-34-79-9W4 18-Jul-01 Single Well 1241149 Issued 4-5-70-4W4 01-Aug-01 Single Well 1246775 Issued 14-15-70-4W4 23-Oct-01 Single Well 1247560 Issued 11-2-70-4W4 02-Nov-01 Single Well 1249631 Issued 3-22-70-4W4 27-Nov-01 Single Well 1249634 Issued 3-22-70-4W4 27-Nov-01 Single Well 1250075 Issued 7-7-72-7W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250076 Issued 12-18-72-7W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250077 Issued 7-11-72-8W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250080 Issued 5-15-71-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250082 Issued 10-18-71-4W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250083 Issued 6-11-71-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250085 Issued 6-3-71-4W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250087 Issued 15-18-71-3W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250090 Issued 11-8-71-3W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250092 Issued 5-16-70-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250093 Issued 6-3-70-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250094 Issued 11-31-79-8W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250095 Issued 6-7-79-9W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250096 Issued 7-5-80-9W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250098 Issued 10-15-80-9W4 30-Nov-01 149 638 AEC OIL & GAS CO. 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Single Well 1250099 Issued 5-18-70-2W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250101 Issued 10-7-71-8W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250103 Issued 7-28-72-3W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250104 Issued 10-5-72-6W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250109 Issued 12-30-68-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250111 Issued 3-26-68-5W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250113 Issued 6-30-72-8W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250114 Issued 3-14-72-9W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250116 Issued 7-17-73-3W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250118 Issued 6-9-73-8W4 30-Nov-01 Single Well 1250222 Issued 12-19-66-11W4 03-Dec-01 Single Well 1251507 Issued 6-25-71-4W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251509 Issued 7-23-71-4W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251585 Issued 16-28-68-5W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251588 Issued 8-33-72-8W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251589 Issued 12-23-71-4W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251590 Issued 12-16-71-5W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1252116 Issued 14-16-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252118 Issued 16-15-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252119 Issued 14-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252121 Issued 12-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252122 Issued 11-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252123 Issued 10-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252124 Issued 3-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252125 Issued 3-21-70-4W4 18-Dec-01 Single Well 1252340 Issued 13-9-73-5W4 20-Dec-01 Single Well 1252341 Issued 7-16-68-3W4 20-Dec-01 150 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 LTD. 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ALBERTA ENERGY AND UTILITIES BOARD Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board Alberta Energy And Utilities Board ALBERTA ENERGY AND UTILITIES BOARD ALBERTA ENERGY Single Well 1252342 Issued 6-17-68-3W4 20-Dec-01 Single Well 1252472 Issued 12-11-73-16W4 21-Dec-01 Single Well 1252474 Issued 5-19-73-15W4 21-Dec-01 Single Well 1252476 Issued 14-16-73-15W4 21-Dec-01 Single Well 1253503 Issued 6-2-71-7W4 09-Jan-02 Single Well 1253505 Issued 14-12-71-8W4 09-Jan-02 Single Well 1256195 Issued 11-8-71-3W4 07-Feb-02 Single Well 1256200 Issued 11-8-71-3W4 07-Feb-02 Single Well 1257390 Issued 12-19-68-3W4 21-Feb-02 Single Well 1258225 Issued 15-30-68-3W4 01-Mar-02 Single Well 1258226 Issued 5-29-68-3W4 01-Mar-02 Single Well 1258467 Issued 10-1-66-13W4 05-Mar-02 Single Well 1259004 Issued 11-24-71-7W4 11-Mar-02 Single Well 1259005 Issued 15-11-71-7W4 11-Mar-02 Single Well 1259007 Issued 12-24-71-8W4 11-Mar-02 B05 Commingling: Gas 1086624 Issued 14-30-63-5W4 13-Feb-01 1009996 Issued 002-34-79-13W4 18-Aug-97 Commingling: Gas 1473034 Issued 0011-34-80-6W4 02-Aug-06 Commingling: Gas Disp Scheme: New 1473037 Issued 0011-30-7612W4 1405298 Issued 10-4-61-5W4 15-Jun-05 Disp Scheme: New 1447682 Closed 006-7-62-8W4 17-Feb-06 ER: Amend 1357355 Closed 0515-15-70-4W4 18-Aug-04 Exper Scheme: Amend 1341898 Issued 0-7-77-8W4 Exper Scheme: Amend 1362267 Issued 1111-16-76-6W4 27-Sep-04 Guide 51 1276048 Issued 007-9-77-4W4 14-Aug-02 Compressor Station 1007348 Issued 0012-1-73-6W4 15-Apr-97 02-Aug-06 12-Apr-04 151 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. ALBERTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. ALBERTA OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM CORP. Compressor Station 1009476 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 24-Jul-97 Compressor Station 1010630 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 15-Sep-97 Compressor Station 1020667 Issued 0012-1-73-6W4 13-Feb-98 Compressor Station 1028873 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 21-Aug-98 Compressor Station 1039024 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 15-Mar-99 Compressor Station 1060883 Issued 0012-1-73-6W4 05-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1061675 Issued 0011-8-70-4W4 14-Mar-00 Gas Processing Plant 1084176 Issued 16-16-70-4W4 22-Jan-01 Single Well 1052968 Issued 7-36-77-15W4 03-Dec-99 Single Well 1027797 Issued 8-9-61-13W4 23-Jul-98 Single Well 1027799 Issued 13-29-61-13W4 23-Jul-98 Single Well 1027800 Issued 2-20-61-13W4 23-Jul-98 Single Well 1027802 Issued 10-5-60-12W4 23-Jul-98 Single Well 1028005 Issued 12-22-61-13W4 28-Jul-98 Single Well 1041944 Issued 4-6-62-13W4 07-Jun-99 Single Well 1041952 Issued 16-33-60-13W4 07-Jun-99 Single Well 1042100 Issued 2-9-61-13W4 09-Jun-99 Single Well 1042103 Issued 11-16-61-13W4 09-Jun-99 Single Well 1043723 Issued 6-27-60-13W4 13-Jul-99 Single Well 1043724 Issued 10-7-60-13W4 13-Jul-99 152 711 Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd 712 Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd 713 ALBERTA OIL SANDS PIPELINE LTD 714 Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. 715 ALBERTA-PACIFIC FOREST INDUSTRIES INC. 716 AltaGas Ltd. 717 Altagas Ltd. 718 Altagas Ltd. 719 Altagas Ltd. 720 AltaGas Ltd. 721 AltaGas Ltd. 722 AltaGas Ltd. 723 AltaGas Ltd. 724 AltaGas Ltd. 725 AltaGas Ltd. 726 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 727 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 728 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 729 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 730 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 731 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 732 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 733 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 734 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 735 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 736 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 737 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 738 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 739 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 740 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. D56 1283201 Issued 12-21-68-17W4 15-Nov-02 Pipeline 1330567 Issued 14-33-80-13W4 23-Jan-04 Record Change 1304032 Issued 003-3-65-19W4 12-Jun-03 Pipeline 1477620 Issued 14-10-70-17W4 06-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1279473 Issued 15-20-68-19W4 02-Oct-02 Compressor Station Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Compressor Station 1501354 1367000 1377269 1391065 1412198 1412201 1464055 1502834 1552712 1568718 1005553 07-Feb-07 28-Oct-04 22-Dec-04 14-Mar-05 04-Aug-05 04-Aug-05 05-Jun-06 15-Feb-07 24-Dec-07 18-Apr-08 07-Feb-97 Compressor Station 1007965 Issued 007-1-61-6W4 Compressor Station 1009254 Issued 0010-25-64-4W4 16-Jul-97 Compressor Station 1012277 Issued 009-35-62-3W4 Compressor Station 1016995 Issued 005-28-79-14W4 19-Dec-97 Compressor Station 1020344 Issued 007-1-61-6W4 07-Feb-98 Compressor Station 1022501 Issued 009-26-63-3W4 18-Mar-98 Compressor Station 1027009 Closed 006-6-81-13W4 02-Jul-98 Compressor Station 1027500 Issued 006-6-81-13W4 16-Jul-98 Compressor Station 1029759 Issued 009-26-63-3W4 14-Sep-98 Compressor Station 1030954 Issued 008-12-63-3W4 14-Oct-98 Compressor Station 1047524 Issued 009-35-62-3W4 21-Sep-99 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1059076 Issued 0011-36-8013-Feb-00 15W4 1067855 Issued 005-28-79-14W4 20-Jun-00 Compressor Station 1072694 Issued 006-6-81-13W4 Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued 006-10-64-3W4 5-28-79-14W4 12-35-62-2W4 8-10-76-5W4 7-13-80-14W4 6-12-80-14W4 11-13-64-13W4 6-10-64-3W4 14-13-62-3W4 8-22-79-13W4 0014-4-76-5W4 20-May-97 29-Oct-97 06-Sep-00 153 741 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 742 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 743 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 744 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 745 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 746 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 747 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 748 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 749 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 750 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 751 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 752 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 753 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 754 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 755 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 756 Altagas Services Inc. 757 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 758 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 759 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 760 ALTAGAS SERVICES INC. 761 AltaGas Utilities Inc. 762 AltaGas Utilities Inc. 763 AltaGas Utilities Inc. 764 Altalink Management Ltd. 765 Altalink Management Ltd. 766 AltaLink Management Ltd. 767 AltaLink Management Ltd. 768 Altalink Management Ltd. Compressor Station 1075390 Issued 005-36-62-3W4 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1086054 Issued 0012-31-8007-Feb-01 15W4 1092212 Issued 0015-28-61-3W4 23-Apr-01 Compressor Station 1280875 Issued 008-4-77-5W4 22-Oct-02 Compressor Station 1281723 Issued 007-15-78-4W4 30-Oct-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1290628 Issued 10-14-66-3W4 28-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1083100 Closed 8-5-78-5W4 10-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083294 Issued 8-5-78-5W4 11-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086235 Issued 14-23-63-3W4 08-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087277 Issued 14-25-79-13W4 21-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1092061 Issued 4-33-61-8W4 19-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1251395 Issued 8-2-80-13W4 13-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1255258 Issued 1-1-76-5W4 29-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1260347 Issued 4-30-80-14W4 26-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1272084 Issued 7-28-62-3W4 13-Jun-02 Gas Processing Plant Record Change 1339522 Issued 2-29-79-13W4 1244846 Issued 16-25-79-15W4 23-Mar-04 26-Sep-01 Record Change 1244849 Issued 8-29-79-14W4 26-Sep-01 Record Change 1261648 Issued 7-26-77-4W4 12-Apr-02 Record Change 1289777 Issued 7-6-79-3W4 21-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Record Change Interconnection 1355015 1549395 1311221 1348414 28-Jul-04 04-Dec-07 25-Aug-03 04-Jun-04 Substations 1418326 Issued 14-Sep-05 Substations 1451821 Issued 16-6-76-6W4 13-Mar-06 Substations 1547394 Issued 21-Nov-07 Transmission Lines 1418924 Issued 16-6-76-6W4 19-Sep-05 Issued 3-32-60-8W4 Issued 5-3-61-5W4 Issued 10-34-60-6W4 Issued 16-Oct-00 154 769 Altalink Management Ltd. 770 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 771 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 772 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 773 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 774 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 775 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 776 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 777 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 778 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 779 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 780 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 781 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 782 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 783 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 784 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 785 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 786 AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 787 AMOCO CANADA Transmission Lines 1426978 Closed 16-6-76-6W4 02-Nov-05 Compressor Station 1085878 Issued 0010-6-64-8W4 06-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1087080 Issued 0015-23-62-9W4 20-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1087623 Issued 0015-26-77-9W4 23-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1088725 Issued 007-5-74-4W4 05-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1088816 Issued 0011-7-63-8W4 05-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1090120 Issued 008-33-74-6W4 20-Mar-01 Disp Scheme: Amend 1090857 Issued 0013-33-77-9W4 30-Mar-01 Disp Scheme: New 1081999 Issued 0013-33-77-9W4 27-Dec-00 Disp Scheme: New 1082497 Issued 0013-33-77-9W4 03-Jan-01 Exempt from Drilling 1086370 Issued 026-35-73-7W4 09-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1086371 Issued 026-17-74-4W4 09-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1087769 Issued 0215-20-74-5W4 23-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1091804 Issued 0211-4-75-6W4 16-Apr-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1083209 Issued 10-30-63-8W4 10-Jan-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1083832 Issued 10-34-74-7W4 17-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082562 Issued 14-16-74-5W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082569 Issued 1-6-75-5W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082571 Issued 6-21-74-5W4 04-Jan-01 155 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA Gas Processing Plant 1082585 Issued 6-29-73-4W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082896 Issued 5-11-63-9W4 08-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082897 Issued 10-6-64-8W4 08-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083703 Issued 3-9-78-8W4 16-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083837 Issued 6-16-77-9W4 17-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083854 Issued 6-16-74-4W4 17-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083951 Issued 5-36-63-9W4 18-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084202 Issued 6-16-63-9W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084237 Issued 7-31-74-7W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084347 Closed 4-7-78-9W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084658 Issued 11-9-74-4W4 25-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084659 Issued 11-25-74-6W4 25-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084821 Issued 14-16-74-6W4 26-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084946 Issued 7-15-77-9W4 29-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085537 Issued 1-1-74-5W4 02-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085538 Issued 13-1-74-6W4 02-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085834 Issued 7-32-63-9W4 06-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086340 Issued 7-4-74-5W4 09-Feb-01 156 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA Gas Processing Plant 1086779 Issued 13-28-74-4W4 13-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086924 Issued 13-26-76-9W4 15-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087455 Closed 7-31-74-7W4 21-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087603 Issued 12-5-75-7W4 22-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087604 Issued 15-20-74-5W4 22-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087605 Issued 7-1-75-7W4 22-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087625 Issued 13-20-73-4W4 23-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088465 Issued 5-24-74-7W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088468 Issued 16-23-74-5W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088789 Issued 7-5-74-4W4 05-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089010 Issued 11-3-63-22W4 07-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089053 Issued 9-28-74-6W4 07-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089226 Issued 6-2-77-4W4 09-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089862 Issued 10-6-75-7W4 16-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1092705 Issued 10-6-64-8W4 01-May-01 Gas Prod 1080407 Issued 0215-4-64-8W4 08-Dec-00 Gas Prod 1086359 Issued 005-36-63-9W4 09-Feb-01 Gas Prod 1086361 Issued 027-32-63-9W4 09-Feb-01 157 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO 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1079407 Issued 7-32-63-9W4 02-Dec-00 Single Well 1079587 Issued 12-18-74-5W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079589 Issued 11-4-75-6W4 04-Dec-00 158 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA Single Well 1079590 Issued 6-29-73-4W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079592 Issued 9-4-75-7W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079593 Issued 12-32-74-7W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079596 Issued 12-32-74-7W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079599 Issued 7-20-74-4W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1080306 Issued 7-35-73-5W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080307 Issued 7-31-74-7W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080308 Issued 13-26-76-9W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080310 Issued 9-3-74-5W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080472 Issued 7-20-74-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080473 Issued 6-16-74-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080475 Issued 6-16-74-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080719 Issued 3-9-78-8W4 13-Dec-00 Single Well 1080993 Issued 5-6-74-5W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081001 Issued 7-31-74-7W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081004 Issued 6-21-74-5W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081007 Issued 10-15-74-6W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081167 Issued 4-7-78-9W4 15-Dec-00 159 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY 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1083367 Issued 9-34-77-8W4 12-Jan-01 Single Well 1083368 Issued 10-24-73-5W4 12-Jan-01 Single Well 1083686 Issued 1-6-75-5W4 16-Jan-01 Single Well 1084405 Issued 12-36-74-7W4 23-Jan-01 160 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA Single Well 1084733 Issued 10-3-74-5W4 25-Jan-01 Single Well 1084735 Issued 15-23-77-9W4 25-Jan-01 Single Well 1085034 Issued 7-1-75-7W4 29-Jan-01 Single Well 1085036 Issued 1-1-74-5W4 29-Jan-01 Single Well 1085037 Issued 11-33-74-7W4 29-Jan-01 Single Well 1085134 Issued 13-1-74-6W4 30-Jan-01 Single Well 1085271 Issued 10-29-74-4W4 31-Jan-01 Single Well 1085273 Issued 7-4-74-5W4 31-Jan-01 Single Well 1085933 Issued 2-36-74-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085938 Issued 2-36-74-5W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1085956 Issued 6-35-73-7W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086143 Issued 13-28-74-4W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086148 Issued 13-28-74-4W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086156 Issued 6-17-74-4W4 08-Feb-01 Single Well 1086740 Issued 7-6-74-5W4 13-Feb-01 Single Well 1086969 Issued 15-3-75-5W4 15-Feb-01 Single Well 1086971 Issued 15-20-74-5W4 15-Feb-01 Single Well 1086972 Issued 15-20-74-5W4 15-Feb-01 161 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA Single Well 1086973 Issued 12-5-75-7W4 15-Feb-01 Single Well 1086974 Issued 16-23-74-5W4 15-Feb-01 Single Well 1086975 Issued 13-20-73-4W4 15-Feb-01 Single Well 1087438 Issued 7-4-74-5W4 21-Feb-01 Single Well 1087546 Issued 5-24-74-7W4 22-Feb-01 Single Well 1088494 Issued 6-2-77-8W4 01-Mar-01 Single Well 1089681 Issued 7-1-75-14W4 14-Mar-01 Commingling: Gas 1027780 Issued 009-22-73-7W4 23-Jul-98 Commingling: Gas 1027781 Issued 0010-24-73-5W4 23-Jul-98 Compressor Station 1036795 Issued 0010-25-73-5W4 01-Feb-99 Compressor Station 1039800 Issued 006-24-77-8W4 08-Apr-99 Single Well 1035246 Issued 10-24-73-5W4 30-Dec-98 Single Well 1035247 Issued 10-4-75-5W4 30-Dec-98 Single Well 1035555 Issued 1-11-78-9W4 07-Jan-99 Single Well 1035637 Issued 10-7-77-8W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035795 Issued 5-31-73-4W4 13-Jan-99 Single Well 1036103 Issued 10-25-74-5W4 19-Jan-99 Single Well 1036316 Issued 12-6-74-4W4 22-Jan-99 162 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD. AMOCO CANADA RESOURCES COMPANY AMOCO CANADA RESOURCES COMPANY AMOCO CANADA RESOURCES COMPANY Anadarko Canada Corporation Anadarko Canada Corporation Anadarko Canada Corporation Anadarko Canada Corporation ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. Single Well 1036409 Issued 5-17-74-4W4 25-Jan-99 Single Well 1036493 Issued 16-26-73-5W4 26-Jan-99 Disp Scheme: New 1079738 Issued 0010-3-75-5W4 05-Dec-00 Exempt from Drilling 1082350 Issued 0011-34-74-6W4 02-Jan-01 Exempt from Drilling 1083397 Issued 0212-12-74-6W4 15-Jan-01 Commingling: Gas 1323878 Issued 0010-11-62-8W4 09-Dec-03 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1320755 Issued 18-Nov-03 Gas Prod 1315805 Closed 10-11-62-8W4 03-Oct-03 Gas Prod 1323886 Closed 10-11-62-8W4 09-Dec-03 Commingling: Gas 1090137 Issued 0012-21-78-7W4 21-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1027134 Issued 002-15-60-6W4 Compressor Station 1035566 Issued 0011-17-77-7W4 07-Jan-99 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1051348 Closed 0010-16-6820W4 1061715 Issued 0011-2-78-7W4 15-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1061975 Issued 0011-3-76-6W4 17-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1062247 Issued 002-4-78-6W4 22-Mar-00 Gas Fractionation Plant 1085688 Issued 6-21-75-6W4 05-Feb-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1091744 Issued 6-21-75-6W4 12-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082989 Issued 12-21-78-7W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1015672 Issued 15-33-77-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1015680 Issued 12-5-76-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1019272 Issued 11-2-78-7W4 27-Jan-98 Single Well 1019409 Issued 7-28-78-7W4 28-Jan-98 07-Jul-98 15-Nov-99 163 937 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 938 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 939 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 940 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 941 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 942 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 943 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 944 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 945 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 946 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 947 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 948 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 949 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 950 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 951 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 952 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 953 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 954 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 955 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 956 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 957 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 958 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 959 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 960 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 961 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 962 ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. 963 ANDERSON Single Well 1019529 Issued 15-33-77-6W4 29-Jan-98 Single Well 1034256 Issued 5-22-77-7W4 11-Dec-98 Single Well 1034259 Issued 13-12-77-8W4 11-Dec-98 Single Well 1034320 Issued 1-1-77-6W4 11-Dec-98 Single Well 1052270 Issued 9-1-77-6W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052272 Issued 12-32-76-6W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052280 Issued 7-34-76-7W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052370 Issued 4-1-76-6W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052372 Issued 4-3-76-6W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052374 Issued 5-28-75-7W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1053884 Issued 8-10-78-7W4 10-Dec-99 Single Well 1055495 Issued 6-14-76-6W4 04-Jan-00 Single Well 1055543 Issued 6-30-78-7W4 05-Jan-00 Single Well 1055597 Issued 11-3-76-6W4 05-Jan-00 Single Well 1057557 Issued 11-33-75-6W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1057558 Issued 4-4-76-6W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1079012 Issued 6-33-76-6W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079015 Issued 11-3-76-6W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079236 Issued 10-33-75-6W4 30-Nov-00 Single Well 1079454 Issued 2-12-77-7W4 02-Dec-00 Single Well 1081088 Issued 10-1-77-7W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1088983 Issued 13-5-62-6W4 07-Mar-01 Single Well 1096943 Issued 4-10-64-8W4 29-Jun-01 Single Well 1241896 Issued 8-1-63-7W4 14-Aug-01 Single Well 1241897 Issued 13-14-63-7W4 14-Aug-01 Single Well 1242285 Issued 13-28-62-6W4 20-Aug-01 Single Well 1242487 Issued 8-28-63-7W4 22-Aug-01 164 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON EXPLORATION LTD. ANDERSON RESOURCES LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. ANDEX OIL CO. LTD. Andre Croteau Andy and MaryAnne Leroux Andy and MaryAnne Leroux Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. 992 993 994 995 996 997 Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 Single Well 1242545 Issued 5-27-62-6W4 23-Aug-01 Single Well 1243603 Issued 5-22-63-7W4 10-Sep-01 Single Well 1244759 Issued 8-10-63-7W4 26-Sep-01 Single Well 1244762 Issued 10-13-63-7W4 26-Sep-01 Single Well 1245207 Issued 13-17-63-7W4 02-Oct-01 Single Well 1245209 Issued 8-18-63-7W4 02-Oct-01 Single Well 1245400 Issued 9-18-61-9W4 04-Oct-01 Single Well 1245404 Issued 8-19-63-7W4 04-Oct-01 Single Well 1245518 Issued 12-33-62-7W4 05-Oct-01 Single Well 1245797 Issued 1-8-62-6W4 11-Oct-01 Single Well 1242486 Issued 8-10-61-6W4 22-Aug-01 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Sec 40 - Phase 1 Sec 39 - Phase 1 1014742 1015319 1021565 1026223 1026224 1026492 1461740 1422180 28-Nov-97 05-Dec-97 27-Feb-98 12-Jun-98 12-Jun-98 19-Jun-98 18-May-06 05-Oct-05 Sec 39 - Phase 1 1474271 Closed 12-12-63-6W4 14-Aug-06 Approval Transfer Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Compressor Station Compressor Station 1436540 1429184 1429683 1429813 1430376 1484901 1315306 1317314 Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 20-Dec-05 14-Nov-05 16-Nov-05 16-Nov-05 18-Nov-05 31-Oct-06 26-Sep-03 20-Oct-03 Disp Scheme: New Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1298499 1315308 1411826 1411834 1411839 1415201 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Active 6-14-68-17W4 5-30-70-17W4 5-29-70-17W4 9-19-68-16W4 10-30-68-16W4 1-20-68-16W4 4-15-61-5W4 3-7-63-5W4 10-4-71-18W4 0-0-63-19W4 0-0-62-17W4 0-29-67-16W4 0-0-61-18W4 9-4-62-18W4 003-12-67-16W4 0011-33-6218W4 0010-7-65-20W4 001-3-63-18W4 0012-2-61-16W4 002-33-63-17W4 007-29-63-17W4 0011-10-6223W4 09-Apr-03 26-Sep-03 02-Aug-05 02-Aug-05 02-Aug-05 24-Aug-05 165 998 Apache Canada Ltd. 999 APACHE CANADA LTD. 1000 APACHE CANADA LTD. 1001 APACHE CANADA LTD. 1002 APACHE CANADA LTD. 1003 Apache Canada Ltd. 1004 Apache Canada Ltd. 1005 Apache Canada Ltd. 1006 Apache Canada Ltd. 1007 Apache Canada Ltd. 1008 Apache Canada Ltd. 1009 Apache Canada Ltd. 1010 Apache Canada Ltd. 1011 Apache Canada Ltd. 1012 Apache Canada Ltd. 1013 Apache Canada Ltd. 1014 Apache Canada Ltd. 1015 Apache Canada Ltd. 1016 Apache Canada Ltd. 1017 Apache Canada Ltd. 1018 Apache Canada Ltd. 1019 Apache Canada Ltd. 1020 Apache Canada Ltd. 1021 Apache Canada Ltd. 1022 Apache Canada Ltd. 1023 Apache Canada Ltd. 1024 Apache Canada Ltd. 1025 Apache Canada Ltd. 1026 Apache Canada Ltd. 1027 Apache Canada Ltd. 1028 Apache Canada Ltd. 1029 Apache Canada Ltd. 1030 Apache Canada Ltd. 1031 Apache Canada Ltd. 1032 Apache Canada Ltd. 1033 Apache Canada Ltd. 1034 Apache Canada Ltd. 1035 Apache Canada Ltd. 1036 Apache Canada Ltd. 1037 Apache Canada Ltd. 1038 Apache Canada Ltd. 1039 Apache Canada Ltd. 1040 Apache Canada Ltd. Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Processing Plant 1508315 Issued 007-28-62-20W4 30-Mar-07 1285006 Issued 12-22-63-19W4 04-Dec-02 Gas Processing Plant 1293123 Issued 7-25-62-19W4 20-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293944 Issued 1-16-61-19W4 26-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294553 Issued 4-4-63-17W4 04-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant 1320782 1320921 1376486 1382718 1384538 1390304 1392480 1400501 1483084 1483532 1488478 1499694 1505579 1506897 1507463 1507464 1507465 1507466 1507467 1507470 1507642 1507644 1507648 1507650 1508468 1508481 1508935 1508936 1508939 1508941 1508944 1509013 1509016 1509018 1509253 1509740 1509743 1515377 18-Nov-03 19-Nov-03 17-Dec-04 26-Jan-05 07-Feb-05 08-Mar-05 22-Mar-05 12-May-05 17-Oct-06 20-Oct-06 24-Nov-06 30-Jan-07 06-Mar-07 15-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 22-Mar-07 22-Mar-07 22-Mar-07 22-Mar-07 02-Apr-07 02-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-07 10-Apr-07 16-Apr-07 16-Apr-07 13-Jun-07 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 7-35-65-17W4 11-10-62-16W4 6-27-62-20W4 15-27-62-20W4 5-35-62-20W4 6-24-67-16W4 2-30-61-15W4 2-30-61-15W4 12-2-61-16W4 16-27-61-19W4 7-28-62-20W4 10-22-60-9W4 9-35-63-18W4 15-15-64-18W4 6-1-65-21W4 6-25-64-18W4 15-5-64-18W4 9-13-64-19W4 9-13-64-19W4 6-12-65-19W4 9-13-64-19W4 13-15-62-17W4 6-30-62-17W4 9-13-64-19W4 16-25-62-18W4 9-20-62-18W4 1-2-64-17W4 12-30-63-17W4 10-29-63-17W4 8-15-62-18W4 5-28-62-18W4 13-15-62-17W4 8-8-62-15W4 13-15-62-17W4 3-4-62-16W4 6-14-64-18W4 166 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. APACHE CANADA LTD. APACHE CANADA LTD. APACHE CANADA LTD. APACHE CANADA LTD. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Canada Ltd. Apache Corporation Apache Corporation 1062 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1063 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1064 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1065 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1066 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1067 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1068 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1069 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1070 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1071 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1072 Apex Energy (Canada) Inc. 1073 APF ENERGY INC. 1074 APF ENERGY INC. Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Off-Target Single Well 1516727 1521560 1522538 1523544 1524313 1525316 1525659 1526678 1526682 1526686 1529231 1324931 1287711 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 5-23-64-18W4 9-4-65-19W4 9-4-65-19W4 12-6-63-17W4 12-11-61-18W4 11-20-63-20W4 11-20-63-17W4 8-18-65-18W4 8-10-62-18W4 6-29-63-19W4 7-28-63-17W4 0012-2-61-16W4 4-4-63-17W4 Single Well 1288324 Issued 10-22-62-18W4 07-Jan-03 Single Well 1288325 Issued 8-10-62-18W4 07-Jan-03 Single Well 1294162 Issued 10-3-66-18W4 27-Feb-03 Single Well Single Well Single Well Commingling: Gas Gas Allowable 1305457 1335791 1337701 1428219 1481734 26-Jun-03 26-Feb-04 10-Mar-04 08-Nov-05 05-Oct-06 Gas Processing Plant 10-2-66-18W4 007-28-62-22W4 007-15-63-23W4 0-0-61-23W4 0013-25-6317W4 1504957 Issued 3-20-75-15W4 Single Well 1442434 Issued 10-24-72-17W4 24-Jan-06 Single Well 1442551 Issued 5-9-72-15W4 25-Jan-06 Single Well 1442819 Issued 7-34-75-15W4 26-Jan-06 Single Well 1443178 Issued 1-14-73-17W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443572 Issued 3-20-75-15W4 30-Jan-06 Single Well 1443573 Issued 5-13-76-15W4 30-Jan-06 Single Well 1443576 Issued 12-24-72-15W4 30-Jan-06 Single Well 1445534 Issued 7-23-74-17W4 07-Feb-06 Single Well 1451437 Issued 13-10-72-15W4 10-Mar-06 Single Well 1451530 Issued 10-15-72-15W4 10-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant Single Well 1302197 Issued 7-6-62-22W4 1295545 Issued 7-6-62-22W4 22-May-03 11-Mar-03 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 26-Jun-07 09-Aug-07 16-Aug-07 24-Aug-07 30-Aug-07 07-Sep-07 11-Sep-07 19-Sep-07 19-Sep-07 19-Sep-07 11-Oct-07 15-Dec-03 24-Dec-02 01-Mar-07 167 1075 APF ENERGY INC. *** USE TJ3 1076 ARC RESOURCES LTD. 1077 Arc Resources Ltd. 1078 ARC RESOURCES LTD. 1079 ARC Resources Ltd. 1080 ARCHER RESOURCES LTD. 1081 ARCHER RESOURCES LTD. 1082 ARCHER RESOURCES LTD. 1083 Arrow Energy Ltd. 1084 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1085 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1086 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1087 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1088 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1089 ASCENTEX ENERGY, INC. 1090 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1091 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1092 Atco Electric Ltd. 1093 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1094 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1095 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1096 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1097 ATCO Electric Ltd. 1098 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1099 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1100 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1101 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1102 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1103 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1104 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY 1105 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD Compressor Station 1001335 Issued 009-33-64-17W4 03-Jul-96 Compressor Station 1296660 Issued 0016-1-64-13W4 20-Mar-03 Compressor Station Gas Processing Plant 1342741 Issued 006-13-68-18W4 19-Apr-04 1245372 Issued 7-13-67-23W4 03-Oct-01 Pipeline - Sour Service Oil Effluent Single Well 1522866 Issued 6-7-68-21W4 17-Aug-07 1035383 Issued 8-2-60-8W4 05-Jan-99 Single Well 1035470 Issued 10-4-61-10W4 06-Jan-99 Single Well 1036002 Issued 11-19-60-12W4 15-Jan-99 Single Well Compressor Station 1369308 Issued 002-24-76-18W4 12-Nov-04 1062757 Issued 002-13-61-3W4 30-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1088414 Issued 0010-8-62-2W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089833 Issued 5-34-61-3W4 15-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1088345 Issued 005-34-61-3W4 28-Feb-01 Single Well 1061182 Issued 16-7-62-2W4 07-Mar-00 Single Well 1078166 Issued 5-34-61-3W4 20-Nov-00 Enquiry Proposal Interconnection Substations Substations Substations Substations Substations Transmission Lines Single Well 1520545 1452306 1329411 1407420 1411456 1500282 1506832 1516512 1014472 30-Jul-07 15-Mar-06 19-Jan-04 30-Jun-05 28-Jul-05 01-Feb-07 15-Mar-07 25-Jun-07 25-Nov-97 Single Well 1014473 Issued 3-24-80-10W4 25-Nov-97 Single Well 1014474 Issued 4-12-80-7W4 25-Nov-97 Single Well 1014475 Issued 5-13-80-10W4 25-Nov-97 Single Well 1014477 Issued 10-3-80-7W4 25-Nov-97 Single Well 1017037 Issued 12-10-80-10W4 19-Dec-97 Single Well 1017045 Issued 1-22-80-10W4 19-Dec-97 Single Well 1017722 Issued 11-15-80-10W4 07-Jan-98 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued 10-10-77-8W4 3-12-65-4W4 3-12-65-4W4 14-33-80-13W4 13-24-61-6W4 10-10-77-8W4 10-10-80-7W4 168 1128 COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. AUBURN ENERGY LTD. Aztek Energy Ltd. 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 Single Well 1017724 Issued 10-4-80-10W4 07-Jan-98 Single Well 1017726 Issued 7-10-80-10W4 07-Jan-98 Single Well 1017727 Issued 12-11-80-10W4 07-Jan-98 Single Well 1018034 Issued 10-22-80-7W4 09-Jan-98 Single Well 1018036 Issued 2-28-80-7W4 09-Jan-98 Single Well 1055449 Issued 3-34-80-10W4 30-Dec-99 Single Well 1055450 Issued 5-14-80-10W4 30-Dec-99 Single Well 1055451 Issued 10-9-80-10W4 30-Dec-99 Single Well 1055452 Issued 12-11-80-10W4 30-Dec-99 Single Well 1057524 Issued 9-24-80-7W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1057525 Issued 10-30-80-6W4 28-Jan-00 Single Well 1058976 Issued 3-34-80-10W4 11-Feb-00 Compressor Station 11-Mar-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1258991 Issued 0014-12-6213W4 1258944 Issued 10-30-61-12W4 Gas Fractionation Plant 1260048 Issued 14-12-62-13W4 22-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1297356 Issued 10-29-61-12W4 27-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1297426 Issued 10-2-62-13W4 28-Mar-03 Single Well 1086480 Issued 3-11-62-13W4 12-Feb-01 Single Well 1244165 Issued 14-36-61-13W4 18-Sep-01 Single Well 1271810 Issued 10-31-61-12W4 10-Jun-02 Single Well 1286101 Issued 10-29-61-12W4 12-Dec-02 Single Well 1286163 Issued 10-2-62-13W4 12-Dec-02 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1445142 Issued 0010-36-6010W4 1453548 Closed 10-36-60-10W4 1471395 Issued 10-36-60-10W4 1434567 Issued 10-36-60-10W4 1436902 Issued 10-36-60-10W4 1442200 Issued 11-2-60-10W4 06-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Single Well Single Well Single Well 08-Mar-02 22-Mar-06 21-Jul-06 09-Dec-05 21-Dec-05 23-Jan-06 169 1134 1135 1136 1137 1157 Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. Aztek Energy Ltd. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. BARRINGTON PETROLEUM LTD. Baytex Energy Ltd. 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. Baytex Energy Ltd. 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Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Commingling: Oil Snd 1345466 1376202 1383330 1402933 1405900 1414283 1464342 1566205 1287357 Issued Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Closed 007-35-61-5W4 065-6-62-3W4 0611-35-62-9W4 0510-12-62-4W4 0014-6-62-2W4 0010-30-61-3W4 027-31-61-3W4 0412-31-61-3W4 15-6-62-2W4 12-May-04 17-Dec-04 28-Jan-05 31-May-05 20-Jun-05 18-Aug-05 07-Jun-06 24-Mar-08 20-Dec-02 Commingling: Oil Snd Commingling: Oil Snd Commingling: Oil Snd Commingling: Oil Snd Compressor Station Custom Treating Facility 1301187 1309074 1408173 1500258 1442851 1298109 Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 12-31-61-3W4 1-7-62-3W4 066-3-62-2W4 004-9-62-3W4 004-33-61-3W4 0011-11-62-3W4 09-May-03 01-Aug-03 07-Jul-05 01-Feb-07 26-Jan-06 04-Apr-03 Disp Scheme: Amend Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Drill/Log Waivers 1310034 1354914 1412572 1294858 Issued Closed Issued Issued 0011-18-62-4W4 15-18-62-3W4 006-7-62-8W4 0-12-62-4W4 12-Aug-03 28-Jul-04 08-Aug-05 05-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1295997 Issued 7-12-62-4W4 14-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1296313 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 18-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1300529 Issued 0-6-62-3W4 05-May-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1301993 Issued 15-31-61-3W4 20-May-03 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant 1346875 1348324 1351332 1351521 1352538 1354660 1395052 1397126 1401459 1405149 1411515 1411594 1411710 1411920 1413601 1414693 1414940 1420590 25-May-04 04-Jun-04 28-Jun-04 29-Jun-04 08-Jul-04 27-Jul-04 08-Apr-05 20-Apr-05 18-May-05 15-Jun-05 29-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 02-Aug-05 03-Aug-05 12-Aug-05 22-Aug-05 23-Aug-05 28-Sep-05 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 7-25-61-4W4 15-27-61-4W4 9-12-61-4W4 15-18-62-3W4 13-30-61-3W4 13-31-61-3W4 1-1-62-4W4 7-7-62-8W4 15-12-61-4W4 3-18-62-4W4 10-11-62-4W4 3-18-62-4W4 6-18-62-4W4 8-11-62-4W4 6-6-62-2W4 6-5-62-8W4 3-6-62-2W4 12-29-61-3W4 171 1205 1206 1207 1208 Baytex Energy Ltd. 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Single Well 1079756 Issued 9-34-62-9W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079759 Issued 9-34-62-9W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1081788 Issued 15-26-62-9W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1237599 Issued 15-6-62-2W4 20-Jul-01 Single Well 1237646 Issued 5-5-62-2W4 20-Jul-01 Single Well 1272800 Issued 15-1-62-3W4 25-Jun-02 Single Well 1279729 Issued 7-1-62-3W4 04-Oct-02 Single Well 1279730 Issued 14-6-62-2W4 04-Oct-02 Single Well 1286095 Issued 6-5-62-3W4 12-Dec-02 Single Well 1286097 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 12-Dec-02 Single Well 1286099 Issued 13-7-62-3W4 12-Dec-02 Single Well 1286985 Issued 7-32-61-3W4 18-Dec-02 Single Well 1287107 Issued 14-29-61-3W4 18-Dec-02 Single Well 1288557 Issued 11-7-62-3W4 09-Jan-03 Single Well 1288558 Issued 11-7-62-3W4 09-Jan-03 Single Well 1288559 Issued 12-7-62-3W4 09-Jan-03 Single Well 1288560 Issued 12-7-62-3W4 09-Jan-03 Single Well 1288797 Issued 6-9-62-3W4 10-Jan-03 Single Well 1291080 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291082 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291083 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291090 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291091 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291092 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1291093 Issued 6-7-62-3W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1294278 Issued 1-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 173 1264 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1265 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1266 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1267 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1268 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1269 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1270 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1271 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1272 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1273 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1274 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1275 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1276 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1277 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1278 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1279 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1280 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1281 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1282 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1283 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1284 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1285 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1286 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1287 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1288 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1289 BAYTEX ENERGY LTD. 1290 BAYTEX ENERGY Single Well 1294279 Issued 2-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294280 Issued 2-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294282 Issued 2-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294284 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294285 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294286 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294287 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294288 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294289 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294292 Issued 11-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294304 Issued 10-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294305 Issued 10-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294306 Issued 10-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294307 Issued 10-12-62-4W4 28-Feb-03 Single Well 1294569 Issued 15-6-62-3W4 04-Mar-03 Single Well 1294570 Issued 15-6-62-3W4 04-Mar-03 Single Well 1294573 Issued 15-6-62-3W4 04-Mar-03 Single Well 1294574 Issued 15-6-62-3W4 04-Mar-03 Single Well 1296422 Issued 9-25-61-4W4 19-Mar-03 Single Well 1296423 Issued 9-25-61-4W4 19-Mar-03 Single Well 1296424 Issued 9-25-61-4W4 19-Mar-03 Single Well 1296425 Issued 12-25-61-4W4 19-Mar-03 Single Well 1296426 Issued 12-25-61-4W4 19-Mar-03 Single Well 1298337 Issued 7-7-62-8W4 08-Apr-03 Single Well 1299943 Issued 13-12-62-4W4 29-Apr-03 Single Well 1299944 Issued 13-12-62-4W4 29-Apr-03 Single Well 1299945 Issued 13-12-62-4W4 29-Apr-03 174 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 LTD. 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Single Well 1301709 Issued 13-12-62-4W4 15-May-03 Single Well 1301711 Issued 15-31-61-3W4 15-May-03 Single Well 1302449 Issued 5-6-62-3W4 26-May-03 Single Well 1302450 Issued 5-6-62-3W4 26-May-03 Single Well 1302451 Issued 5-6-62-3W4 26-May-03 Single Well 1303838 Issued 13-31-61-3W4 10-Jun-03 Single Well 1303842 Issued 13-31-61-3W4 10-Jun-03 Single Well 1303843 Issued 13-31-61-3W4 10-Jun-03 Single Well 1304456 Issued 2-25-61-4W4 17-Jun-03 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1307311 1307506 1307510 1307511 1307512 1307513 1307514 1307515 1307516 1307518 1307996 1308157 1312102 1312106 1312107 1312297 1313975 1319323 1320663 1320869 1323245 1323465 1325815 1327945 1327948 1327951 1328344 1329644 1329768 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 22-Jul-03 24-Jul-03 04-Sep-03 04-Sep-03 04-Sep-03 05-Sep-03 18-Sep-03 05-Nov-03 18-Nov-03 19-Nov-03 04-Dec-03 05-Dec-03 19-Dec-03 09-Jan-04 09-Jan-04 09-Jan-04 13-Jan-04 20-Jan-04 20-Jan-04 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 1-17-61-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 15-1-62-3W4 10-36-63-11W4 15-1-62-3W4 11-12-61-4W4 13-31-61-3W4 13-31-61-3W4 13-31-61-3W4 12-29-61-3W4 7-11-62-4W4 022-10-65-9W4 0212-12-62-9W4 0013-5-62-8W4 0212-12-61-4W4 0016-9-62-4W4 001-30-61-3W4 0511-35-62-9W4 0411-35-62-9W4 0212-35-62-9W4 0216-21-61-5W4 046-6-62-3W4 0312-31-61-3W4 175 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 Baytex Energy Ltd. 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Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1481697 1483317 1487347 1487577 1487583 1488521 1490796 1502276 1518025 1518901 1528620 1564186 1564188 1565416 1566878 1076441 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 4-5-62-8W4 4-5-62-8W4 12-15-61-3W4 16-36-61-3W4 10-15-61-3W4 7-36-61-3W4 5-15-62-3W4 7-36-61-3W4 14-24-62-3W4 5-5-62-8W4 2-12-62-4W4 6-15-62-3W4 5-15-62-3W4 12-31-61-3W4 11-16-61-9W4 7-33-62-9W4 05-Oct-06 18-Oct-06 17-Nov-06 20-Nov-06 20-Nov-06 24-Nov-06 07-Dec-06 12-Feb-07 09-Jul-07 17-Jul-07 04-Oct-07 06-Mar-08 06-Mar-08 14-Mar-08 31-Mar-08 28-Oct-00 Gas Fractionation Plant 1291477 Issued 13-12-66-8W4 04-Feb-03 Gas Prod 1290029 Issued 13-12-66-8W4 22-Jan-03 Single Well 1286052 Issued 13-12-66-8W4 12-Dec-02 Single Well 1286426 Closed 13-12-66-8W4 16-Dec-02 Single Well 1299826 Closed 8-6-61-3W4 28-Apr-03 Single Well 1299958 Issued 8-6-61-3W4 29-Apr-03 Single Well 1306936 Issued 11-6-66-2W4 15-Jul-03 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1036724 Issued 0013-11-6429-Jan-99 20W4 1065338 Issued 0013-2-64-12W4 15-May-00 Compressor Station 1076381 Closed 0016-5-64-21W4 27-Oct-00 Compressor Station 1076403 Issued 0016-5-64-21W4 28-Oct-00 178 1448 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1449 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1450 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1451 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1452 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1453 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1454 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1455 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1456 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1457 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1458 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1459 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1460 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1461 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1462 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1463 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1464 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1465 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1466 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1467 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1468 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1469 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1470 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1471 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1472 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1473 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1474 BIG SKY RESOURCES Gas Processing Plant 1082662 Issued 7-7-64-21W4 04-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083528 Issued 11-19-64-22W4 15-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084187 Issued 2-19-62-21W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089642 Issued 12-28-64-22W4 14-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1091258 Issued 12-5-64-21W4 05-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1093834 Issued 16-4-65-12W4 16-May-01 Gas Processing Plant 1237237 Issued 6-13-65-12W4 17-Jul-01 Gas Processing Plant 1242880 Issued 15-17-64-21W4 28-Aug-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244302 Closed 15-17-64-21W4 20-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1245199 Issued 15-17-64-21W4 02-Oct-01 Record Change 1083995 Issued 7-7-64-21W4 18-Jan-01 Record Change 1084860 Issued 2-19-62-21W4 26-Jan-01 Single Well 1029514 Issued 12-9-64-20W4 08-Sep-98 Single Well 1029521 Issued 7-11-64-20W4 08-Sep-98 Single Well 1032467 Issued 7-16-64-12W4 16-Nov-98 Single Well 1032965 Issued 10-7-64-12W4 23-Nov-98 Single Well 1036874 Issued 3-14-64-19W4 02-Feb-99 Single Well 1036908 Issued 16-5-64-12W4 02-Feb-99 Single Well 1036909 Issued 13-2-64-12W4 02-Feb-99 Single Well 1036910 Issued 15-11-64-12W4 02-Feb-99 Single Well 1036911 Issued 4-34-63-12W4 02-Feb-99 Single Well 1037326 Issued 7-10-64-20W4 09-Feb-99 Single Well 1037436 Issued 1-16-64-19W4 11-Feb-99 Single Well 1037737 Issued 6-17-64-19W4 18-Feb-99 Single Well 1038343 Issued 5-27-64-12W4 01-Mar-99 Single Well 1038528 Issued 5-2-64-21W4 04-Mar-99 Single Well 1038809 Issued 6-10-63-22W4 10-Mar-99 179 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 INC. 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Single Well 1039135 Issued 9-13-64-22W4 17-Mar-99 Single Well 1039331 Issued 15-8-64-19W4 22-Mar-99 Single Well 1041880 Issued 3-12-64-21W4 04-Jun-99 Single Well 1041881 Issued 3-14-64-20W4 04-Jun-99 Single Well 1041941 Issued 14-16-64-12W4 07-Jun-99 Single Well 1049560 Issued 4-8-64-20W4 20-Oct-99 Single Well 1049561 Issued 16-13-64-20W4 20-Oct-99 Single Well 1050425 Issued 1-18-64-19W4 01-Nov-99 Single Well 1051242 Issued 15-17-64-19W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051261 Closed 9-13-64-22W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051263 Issued 10-24-64-22W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051266 Issued 4-26-64-21W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051269 Issued 4-16-64-21W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051271 Closed 3-19-64-21W4 14-Nov-99 Single Well 1051926 Issued 9-13-64-22W4 20-Nov-99 Single Well 1052127 Issued 3-19-64-21W4 23-Nov-99 Single Well 1053171 Issued 6-17-64-19W4 05-Dec-99 Single Well 1057214 Issued 8-34-63-22W4 26-Jan-00 Single Well 1057219 Issued 5-25-63-12W4 26-Jan-00 Single Well 1058443 Issued 16-24-63-22W4 07-Feb-00 Single Well 1059790 Issued 5-13-63-12W4 23-Feb-00 Single Well 1059791 Issued 2-14-64-13W4 23-Feb-00 Single Well 1060775 Issued 2-5-65-11W4 03-Mar-00 Single Well 1062464 Issued 14-3-67-23W4 27-Mar-00 Single Well 1065897 Issued 9-31-63-11W4 24-May-00 Single Well 1068344 Issued 1-24-65-12W4 26-Jun-00 180 1501 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1502 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1503 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1504 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1505 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1506 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1507 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1508 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1509 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1510 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1511 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1512 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1513 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1514 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1515 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1516 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1517 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1518 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1519 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1520 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1521 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1522 BIG SKY RESOURCES INC. 1523 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 1524 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 1525 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 1526 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 1527 Blackrock Ventures Inc. Single Well 1068672 Issued 1-24-65-12W4 30-Jun-00 Single Well 1069081 Issued 1-24-65-12W4 10-Jul-00 Single Well 1069489 Issued 14-17-61-19W4 17-Jul-00 Single Well 1073194 Issued 7-2-65-12W4 13-Sep-00 Single Well 1076109 Issued 11-18-64-22W4 23-Oct-00 Single Well 1076110 Issued 11-19-64-22W4 23-Oct-00 Single Well 1076662 Issued 2-20-62-21W4 31-Oct-00 Single Well 1077182 Issued 15-17-64-21W4 06-Nov-00 Single Well 1077183 Issued 6-25-63-22W4 06-Nov-00 Single Well 1077185 Issued 12-26-63-22W4 06-Nov-00 Single Well 1079517 Issued 7-7-64-21W4 02-Dec-00 Single Well 1080210 Issued 9-7-68-22W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1081515 Issued 13-1-67-23W4 19-Dec-00 Single Well 1083049 Issued 5-24-67-23W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1084156 Issued 2-21-62-21W4 22-Jan-01 Single Well 1088636 Issued 2-6-64-21W4 02-Mar-01 Single Well 1089386 Issued 1-24-62-21W4 12-Mar-01 Single Well 1089519 Issued 16-4-65-12W4 13-Mar-01 Single Well 1090609 Issued 6-13-65-12W4 27-Mar-01 Single Well 1090808 Issued 14-10-64-12W4 29-Mar-01 Single Well 1095639 Issued 3-20-64-21W4 11-Jun-01 Single Well 1095871 Issued 5-13-64-13W4 14-Jun-01 Bitument Battery Multiwell Bitument Battery Multiwell Bitument Battery Multiwell Bitument Battery Multiwell Comm Scheme: Amend 1422717 Closed 13-16-64-3W4 11-Oct-05 1423690 Issued 13-16-64-3W4 14-Oct-05 1518484 Closed 0013-16-64-3W4 12-Jul-07 1518601 Issued 0013-16-64-3W4 13-Jul-07 1468592 Closed 0-0-64-3W4 05-Jul-06 181 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 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Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: New Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Oil Battery - Multwell 1498740 1241564 1419473 1488039 1431820 1488130 1488136 1488139 1488141 1489764 1489766 1489769 1489802 1507173 1507176 1507221 1507421 1512022 1512028 1515815 1515827 1291580 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Single Well 1011590 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 17-Oct-97 Single Well 1011595 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 17-Oct-97 Single Well 1011596 Issued 9-17-64-3W4 17-Oct-97 Single Well 1011597 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 17-Oct-97 Single Well 1048753 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 07-Oct-99 Single Well 1048754 Issued 9-17-64-3W4 07-Oct-99 Single Well 1048775 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 07-Oct-99 Single Well 1048788 Issued 16-17-64-3W4 07-Oct-99 Single Well 1048830 Closed 11-16-64-3W4 08-Oct-99 Single Well 1079794 Issued 6-10-64-3W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1352881 1390001 1390391 1399115 1399234 1403377 13-Jul-04 07-Mar-05 08-Mar-05 03-May-05 04-May-05 01-Jun-05 Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed 0-0-64-3W4 0-0-64-3W4 12-35-66-21W4 5-15-64-3W4 3-15-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 11-16-64-3W4 11-16-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 10-17-64-3W4 10-17-64-3W4 11-17-64-3W4 9-16-64-3W4 0016-17-64-3W4 0016-21-65-6W4 0015-16-64-3W4 0015-16-64-3W4 8-17-64-3W4 008-17-64-3W4 6-17-64-3W4 24-Jan-07 09-Aug-01 22-Sep-05 22-Nov-06 25-Nov-05 22-Nov-06 22-Nov-06 22-Nov-06 22-Nov-06 01-Dec-06 01-Dec-06 01-Dec-06 01-Dec-06 19-Mar-07 19-Mar-07 19-Mar-07 20-Mar-07 11-May-07 11-May-07 18-Jun-07 18-Jun-07 05-Feb-03 182 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 Blackrock Ventures Inc. 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Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Gas Processing Plant 1403569 1404643 1406095 1407513 1412977 1431679 1433614 1434139 1450662 1451030 1486109 1493587 1493706 1494667 1495360 1495400 1495461 1495487 1499734 1499740 1500081 1511105 1511119 1511261 1511569 1511683 1511698 1513721 1513723 1514387 1346812 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Closed Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued AA6-17-64-3W4 AA6-17-64-3W4 AA6-17-64-3W4 007-16-64-3W4 009-9-64-3W4 12-10-64-3W4 11-15-64-3W4 11-15-64-3W4 11-2-67-21W4 11-2-67-21W4 11-15-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 16-17-64-3W4 11-16-64-3W4 11-16-64-3W4 11-16-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 9-17-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 12-16-64-3W4 14-16-64-3W4 14-16-64-3W4 13-16-64-3W4 10-23-67-17W4 02-Jun-05 10-Jun-05 21-Jun-05 30-Jun-05 10-Aug-05 25-Nov-05 06-Dec-05 08-Dec-05 07-Mar-06 08-Mar-06 08-Nov-06 21-Dec-06 21-Dec-06 03-Jan-07 08-Jan-07 08-Jan-07 08-Jan-07 08-Jan-07 30-Jan-07 30-Jan-07 31-Jan-07 03-May-07 03-May-07 03-May-07 07-May-07 08-May-07 08-May-07 30-May-07 30-May-07 05-Jun-07 25-May-04 Compressor Station 1435874 Issued 0010-1-62-3W4 16-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1242366 Issued 11-3-61-3W4 21-Aug-01 Gas Processing Plant 1285255 Issued 8-3-62-4W4 05-Dec-02 Gas Processing Plant 1290630 Issued 13-3-62-4W4 28-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296732 Issued 11-23-64-19W4 21-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1323011 Issued 13-4-62-4W4 03-Dec-03 Gas Processing Plant 1336956 Issued 10-34-74-13W4 04-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1551441 Issued 5-4-62-3W4 17-Dec-07 183 1605 BONAVISTA PETROLEUM LTD. 1606 BONAVISTA PETROLEUM LTD. 1607 BONAVISTA PETROLEUM LTD. 1608 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1609 BONAVISTA PETROLEUM LTD. 1610 BONAVISTA PETROLEUM LTD. 1611 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1612 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1613 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1614 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1615 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1616 Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. 1617 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1618 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1619 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1620 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1621 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1622 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1623 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1624 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1625 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1626 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1627 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1628 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1629 Bounty Developments Ltd. 1630 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 Gas Prod 1073366 Closed 0010-25-58-5W4 14-Sep-00 Gas Prod 1247280 Issued 0011-3-61-3W4 30-Oct-01 Gas Prod 1277755 Issued 008-3-62-4W4 09-Sep-02 Gas Prod 1311064 Issued 14-4-62-4W4 22-Aug-03 Single Well 1237642 Issued 11-3-61-3W4 20-Jul-01 Single Well 1273904 Issued 8-3-62-4W4 15-Jul-02 Single Well 1307265 Issued 14-4-62-4W4 16-Jul-03 Single Well 1332890 Issued 006-10-73-16W4 09-Feb-04 Single Well 1382472 Issued 0013-35-7413W4 1382511 Issued 001-9-75-12W4 Single Well Single Well 25-Jan-05 25-Jan-05 Single Well 1386188 Issued 0010-17-7314-Feb-05 15W4 1387720 Issued 006-36-72-16W4 23-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1491919 Issued 3-17-76-10W4 13-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492568 Issued 9-31-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492624 Issued 11-31-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492628 Issued 16-31-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492631 Issued 5-5-76-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492637 Issued 6-6-76-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492639 Issued 11-20-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492641 Issued 12-28-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492643 Issued 6-29-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492683 Issued 10-32-75-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492684 Issued 3-8-76-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492687 Issued 3-17-76-10W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1493802 Issued 6-19-77-9W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1016822 Issued 9-3-77-11W4 18-Dec-97 184 1631 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1632 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1633 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1634 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1635 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1636 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1637 BOW RIVER PIPE LINES LTD. *** USE 422 1638 BP Canada Energy 1639 BP CANADA ENERGY 1640 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1641 BP Canada Energy Company 1642 BP Canada Energy Company 1643 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1644 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1645 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1646 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1647 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1648 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1649 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1650 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1651 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1652 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1653 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1654 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY Single Well 1016854 Issued 6-14-77-14W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1016857 Issued 12-29-78-13W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1017291 Issued 7-17-76-11W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017292 Issued 9-27-76-10W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017295 Issued 7-9-77-16W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1034771 Issued 6-27-74-16W4 17-Dec-98 Single Well 1034773 Issued 13-29-77-16W4 17-Dec-98 Bitumen Drill Waiver Drill/Log Waivers Commingling: Gas 1499501 Issued 0015-16-74-6W4 29-Jan-07 1290478 Issued 0010-1-74-5W4 27-Jan-03 1085557 Issued 005-13-63-9W4 02-Feb-01 Commingling: Gas 1302930 Issued 0015-10-75-5W4 30-May-03 Commingling: Gas 1568993 Active 0-0-77-9W4 21-Apr-08 Commingling: Oil Snd 1088111 Issued 0215-4-64-8W4 27-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1052313 Issued 0010-25-73-5W4 26-Nov-99 Compressor Station 1058721 Issued 0013-33-77-9W4 09-Feb-00 Compressor Station 1060247 Issued 0011-33-62-8W4 25-Feb-00 Compressor Station 1060609 Issued 0013-13-77-8W4 01-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1067066 Issued 0011-7-63-8W4 08-Jun-00 Compressor Station 1068072 Issued 0012-8-74-5W4 22-Jun-00 Compressor Station 1270299 Issued 0011-6-78-8W4 17-May-02 Compressor Station 1271127 Issued 002-12-78-9W4 30-May-02 Directional Survey 1250779 Issued 009-22-73-5W4 07-Dec-01 Directional Survey 1250780 Issued 0211-32-75-7W4 07-Dec-01 Directional Survey 1253037 Issued 005-22-63-10W4 04-Jan-02 185 1655 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1656 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1657 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1658 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1659 BP Canada Energy Company 1660 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1661 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1662 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1663 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1664 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1665 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1666 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1667 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1668 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1669 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1670 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1671 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1672 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1673 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1674 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1675 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1676 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1677 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1678 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1679 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1680 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1681 BP CANADA ENERGY Disp Scheme: New 1092019 Issued 0015-3-75-5W4 18-Apr-01 Drill/Log Waivers 1255889 Issued 023-9-74-4W4 05-Feb-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1292207 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 10-Feb-03 Exempt from Drilling 1096860 Issued 036-4-74-4W4 28-Jun-01 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1504510 Issued 008-20-77-8W4 27-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1240684 Issued 9-32-62-8W4 27-Jul-01 Gas Processing Plant 1246080 Issued 6-2-77-8W4 15-Oct-01 Gas Processing Plant 1246086 Issued 13-32-74-6W4 15-Oct-01 Gas Processing Plant 1246095 Issued 7-31-74-7W4 15-Oct-01 Gas Processing Plant 1248983 Issued 11-31-74-6W4 20-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249396 Issued 16-22-73-6W4 23-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249398 Issued 9-4-75-7W4 23-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249755 Issued 9-28-74-6W4 28-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249758 Issued 5-6-74-5W4 28-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249891 Issued 5-32-73-4W4 29-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252189 Issued 11-33-74-7W4 19-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252884 Issued 14-17-74-6W4 03-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1254537 Issued 13-2-77-7W4 21-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1254721 Issued 5-27-73-5W4 23-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1257000 Issued 5-27-73-5W4 15-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1257840 Issued 4-30-77-9W4 27-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1257907 Issued 8-21-63-9W4 27-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258558 Issued 10-6-75-7W4 06-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258560 Issued 5-31-73-4W4 06-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258605 Issued 12-5-75-7W4 06-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258983 Issued 10-31-74-7W4 11-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1271129 Issued 6-21-62-9W4 30-May-02 186 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY Gas Processing Plant 1292695 Issued 9-4-74-6W4 14-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1299014 Issued 10-19-73-5W4 15-Apr-03 Gas Processing Plant 1335055 Issued 6-2-77-8W4 23-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335463 Issued 11-3-63-8W4 25-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1345827 Issued 5-36-63-9W4 14-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1356298 Issued 10-13-77-8W4 10-Aug-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360012 Issued 10-13-77-8W4 09-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1390103 Issued 7-33-73-6W4 07-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1392602 Issued 15-23-62-9W4 23-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1401301 Issued 7-20-74-6W4 18-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1402074 Issued 7-20-74-6W4 25-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1442995 Closed 11-29-63-10W4 26-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443993 Issued 11-29-63-10W4 31-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448841 Issued 6-1-78-10W4 24-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1460613 Issued 11-29-63-10W4 10-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1476125 Closed 4-23-77-8W4 25-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1491786 Issued 3-27-74-6W4 12-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1500769 Issued 6-33-73-5W4 05-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1501645 Closed 5-24-74-7W4 09-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1502807 Issued 5-24-74-7W4 15-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508970 Issued 8-26-63-10W4 09-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1509539 Issued 8-26-63-10W4 13-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1512136 Issued 7-7-63-8W4 14-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1550300 Issued 15-30-74-4W4 10-Dec-07 Gas Processing Plant 1558559 Issued 7-36-63-10W4 31-Jan-08 Gas Prod 1085736 Issued 005-15-77-6W4 05-Feb-01 187 1708 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1709 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1710 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1711 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1712 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1713 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1714 BP Canada Energy Company 1715 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1716 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1717 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1718 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1719 BP Canada Energy Company 1720 BP Canada Energy Company 1721 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1722 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1723 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1724 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1725 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1726 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1727 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1728 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1729 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1730 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1731 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1732 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1733 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1734 BP CANADA ENERGY Gas Prod 1086360 Issued 005-11-63-9W4 09-Feb-01 Gas Prod 1090654 Issued 007-1-75-7W4 28-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1092171 Issued 0215-23-77-9W4 23-Apr-01 Gas Prod 1093063 Closed 006-2-77-8W4 Gas Prod 1096254 Issued 0012-20-77-6W4 20-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1242713 Issued 006-16-63-9W4 27-Aug-01 Gas Prod 1244700 Closed 0014-6-63-8W4 25-Sep-01 Gas Prod 1255695 Issued 008-7-63-9W4 01-Feb-02 Gas Prod 20-Feb-02 Gas Prod 1257269 Issued 0011-29-6310W4 1257278 Issued 0011-29-6310W4 1257282 Issued 8-21-63-9W4 20-Feb-02 Gas Prod 1530078 Closed 0014-6-63-8W4 16-Oct-07 Gas Prod 1544741 Closed 0014-6-63-8W4 02-Nov-07 Guide 51 1242077 Closed 0015-3-75-5W4 03-Jul-01 Record Change 1246693 Issued 13-32-74-6W4 22-Oct-01 Record Change 1246694 Issued 7-27-73-5W4 22-Oct-01 Record Change 1246695 Issued 9-24-73-5W4 22-Oct-01 Record Change 1252188 Issued 6-16-77-9W4 19-Dec-01 Record Change 1258554 Issued 10-34-74-7W4 06-Mar-02 Record Change 1258562 Issued 14-16-74-5W4 06-Mar-02 Single Well 1053052 Issued 12-32-74-5W4 03-Dec-99 Single Well 1053053 Issued 6-13-77-7W4 03-Dec-99 Single Well 1053055 Issued 5-15-77-6W4 03-Dec-99 Single Well 1053546 Issued 6-17-74-4W4 08-Dec-99 Single Well 1053548 Issued 6-4-74-4W4 08-Dec-99 Single Well 1053553 Issued 6-4-74-4W4 08-Dec-99 Single Well 1053556 Issued 9-22-73-7W4 08-Dec-99 Gas Prod 06-May-01 20-Feb-02 188 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY Single Well 1053853 Issued 11-29-74-5W4 10-Dec-99 Single Well 1053855 Issued 11-29-74-5W4 10-Dec-99 Single Well 1053992 Issued 10-23-73-5W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053993 Issued 10-23-73-5W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053994 Issued 10-13-74-5W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1053995 Issued 10-14-74-5W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1054637 Issued 12-11-77-7W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054662 Issued 11-25-73-6W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054665 Issued 12-36-74-7W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054669 Issued 12-36-74-7W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054671 Issued 12-36-74-7W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054675 Issued 14-28-74-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054676 Issued 5-5-75-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054678 Issued 5-5-75-5W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054821 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 20-Dec-99 Single Well 1054822 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 20-Dec-99 Single Well 1054823 Issued 5-12-75-5W4 20-Dec-99 Single Well 1055258 Issued 8-15-77-7W4 24-Dec-99 Single Well 1055266 Issued 16-22-73-6W4 24-Dec-99 Single Well 1055446 Issued 5-16-74-5W4 30-Dec-99 Single Well 1056090 Issued 10-32-77-9W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056091 Issued 15-7-74-5W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056092 Issued 5-32-73-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056093 Issued 5-32-73-4W4 12-Jan-00 Single Well 1056361 Issued 6-7-74-4W4 15-Jan-00 Single Well 1056362 Issued 6-28-76-9W4 15-Jan-00 189 1761 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1762 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1763 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1764 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1765 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1766 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1767 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1768 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1769 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1770 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1771 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1772 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1773 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1774 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1775 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1776 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1777 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1778 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1779 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1780 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1781 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1782 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1783 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1784 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1785 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1786 BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY 1787 BP CANADA ENERGY Single Well 1056901 Issued 11-4-78-9W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056902 Issued 9-3-78-9W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056903 Issued 12-27-76-9W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056974 Closed 14-31-74-5W4 23-Jan-00 Single Well 1056975 Issued 10-17-74-5W4 23-Jan-00 Single Well 1056976 Issued 13-11-75-5W4 23-Jan-00 Single Well 1057450 Issued 6-31-73-6W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057451 Issued 11-23-73-7W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057452 Issued 15-33-63-8W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057453 Issued 15-4-64-8W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057454 Issued 6-9-64-8W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057455 Issued 6-9-64-8W4 27-Jan-00 Single Well 1057760 Issued 4-16-62-9W4 31-Jan-00 Single Well 1057761 Issued 10-14-63-10W4 31-Jan-00 Single Well 1057974 Issued 6-7-74-4W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1057985 Issued 2-23-77-8W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1057991 Issued 14-13-77-8W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1059507 Issued 12-31-74-5W4 18-Feb-00 Single Well 1059510 Issued 2-21-73-6W4 18-Feb-00 Single Well 1060527 Issued 12-31-74-5W4 29-Feb-00 Single Well 1251138 Issued 14-17-74-6W4 11-Dec-01 Single Well 1251143 Issued 6-4-78-8W4 11-Dec-01 Single Well 1251146 Issued 11-24-74-5W4 11-Dec-01 Single Well 1251149 Issued 16-23-74-5W4 11-Dec-01 Single Well 1251280 Issued 12-22-77-9W4 12-Dec-01 Single Well 1251581 Issued 9-22-73-5W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1252323 Issued 13-2-77-7W4 20-Dec-01 190 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP CANADA ENERGY COMPANY BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company Single Well 1252729 Issued 4-30-77-9W4 28-Dec-01 Single Well 1252795 Issued 4-7-78-8W4 02-Jan-02 Single Well 1252797 Issued 5-32-63-10W4 02-Jan-02 Single Well 1252798 Issued 11-29-63-10W4 02-Jan-02 Single Well 1252935 Issued 8-21-63-9W4 03-Jan-02 Single Well 1253790 Issued 3-9-74-4W4 11-Jan-02 Single Well 1253791 Issued 13-2-75-5W4 11-Jan-02 Single Well 1254159 Issued 5-27-73-5W4 16-Jan-02 Single Well 1288103 Issued 11-1-74-5W4 06-Jan-03 Single Well 1289760 Issued 11-5-74-6W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1290634 Issued 9-4-74-6W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290742 Issued 6-22-74-5W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1291432 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 04-Feb-03 Single Well 1332108 Issued 0011-2-75-5W4 03-Feb-04 Single Well 1432371 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 29-Nov-05 Single Well 1432767 Issued 12-35-74-6W4 01-Dec-05 Single Well 1433035 Issued 15-7-74-5W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1433123 Closed 11-24-74-5W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1433144 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1433182 Issued 12-35-74-6W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1434172 Issued 11-24-74-5W4 08-Dec-05 Single Well 1437619 Issued 7-4-74-5W4 28-Dec-05 Single Well 1439304 Issued 10-15-74-6W4 09-Jan-06 Single Well 1488829 Issued 14-16-74-6W4 27-Nov-06 Single Well 1488830 Issued 11-5-74-6W4 27-Nov-06 Single Well 1488831 Issued 11-30-74-4W4 27-Nov-06 191 1814 BP Canada Energy Company 1815 BP Canada Energy Company 1816 BP Canada Energy Company 1817 BP Canada Energy Company 1818 BP Canada Energy Company 1819 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1820 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1821 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1822 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1823 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1824 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1825 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1826 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1827 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1828 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1829 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1830 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1831 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1832 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1833 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1834 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1835 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1836 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1837 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1838 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1839 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1840 BP RESOURCES Single Well 1488832 Closed 12-8-74-5W4 27-Nov-06 Single Well 1496306 Issued 12-8-74-5W4 11-Jan-07 Single Well 1497186 Issued 12-8-74-5W4 15-Jan-07 Single Well 1500875 Issued 14-35-74-5W4 05-Feb-07 Spacing: Gas 1560838 Issued 0-35-74-6W4 14-Feb-08 Compressor Station 1001054 Issued 008-33-75-15W4 17-Jun-96 Compressor Station 1001264 Issued 009-34-62-18W4 27-Jun-96 Compressor Station 1001508 Issued 0012-28-7815-Jul-96 15W4 1005469 Issued 004-28-74-16W4 05-Feb-97 Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station 1006570 Issued 0010-36-7613-Mar-97 15W4 1019748 Issued 006-29-76-17W4 31-Jan-98 Compressor Station 1039098 Issued 0010-24-7011W4 1039099 Issued 009-33-75-5W4 16-Mar-99 Compressor Station 1039144 Issued 009-30-72-14W4 17-Mar-99 Compressor Station 1051676 Issued 004-15-76-15W4 18-Nov-99 Compressor Station 1054967 Issued 008-35-73-15W4 21-Dec-99 Compressor Station 1062385 Issued 008-14-74-15W4 24-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1071186 Issued 009-30-72-14W4 11-Aug-00 Compressor Station 1081470 Issued 006-24-74-17W4 19-Dec-00 Compressor Station 1084118 Issued 007-12-73-15W4 22-Jan-01 Compressor Station 1084926 Issued 005-5-70-15W4 Compressor Station 1084931 Issued 006-29-76-17W4 29-Jan-01 Compressor Station 1084986 Issued 004-30-73-16W4 29-Jan-01 Compressor Station 1084990 Issued 009-11-70-11W4 29-Jan-01 Compressor Station 1087284 Issued 028-35-73-15W4 21-Feb-01 Compressor Station 1089097 Issued 009-26-76-15W4 08-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1090881 Issued 0010-36-76- 16-Mar-99 29-Jan-01 30-Mar-01 192 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New 15W4 1085298 Issued 007-12-73-15W4 31-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086224 Issued 0010-32-7414W4 1084936 Issued 7-30-72-15W4 08-Feb-01 29-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084937 Issued 2-24-70-17W4 29-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089090 Issued 1-25-68-14W4 08-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089094 Issued 9-26-76-15W4 08-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1093713 Issued 5-5-70-15W4 15-May-01 Gas Processing Plant 1096129 Issued 7-10-72-16W4 19-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1088264 Issued 0010-26-75-4W4 28-Feb-01 Multiwell Pad 1082512 Issued 11-22-74-17W4 Off-Target Pool Delineation 1017690 Issued 0012-36-6207-Jan-98 14W4 1087070 Issued 005-35-73-15W4 16-Feb-01 Single Well 1013903 Issued 6-11-63-13W4 18-Nov-97 Single Well 1013905 Issued 3-28-63-13W4 18-Nov-97 Single Well 1014181 Issued 15-35-61-14W4 20-Nov-97 Single Well 1014406 Issued 6-6-63-12W4 24-Nov-97 Single Well 1014407 Issued 1-31-62-12W4 24-Nov-97 Single Well 1014414 Issued 7-9-63-13W4 24-Nov-97 Single Well 1014775 Issued 7-3-63-13W4 28-Nov-97 Single Well 1014817 Issued 12-23-63-12W4 28-Nov-97 Single Well 1014868 Issued 11-28-78-15W4 01-Dec-97 Single Well 1014877 Issued 4-35-63-12W4 01-Dec-97 Single Well 1014878 Issued 12-35-78-15W4 01-Dec-97 Single Well 1015329 Issued 13-31-62-13W4 05-Dec-97 Single Well 1015331 Issued 2-27-63-13W4 05-Dec-97 Single Well 1015385 Issued 10-35-61-15W4 05-Dec-97 03-Jan-01 193 1867 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1868 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1869 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1870 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1871 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1872 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1873 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1874 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1875 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1876 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1877 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1878 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1879 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1880 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1881 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1882 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1883 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1884 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1885 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1886 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1887 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1888 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1889 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1890 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1891 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1892 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1893 BP RESOURCES Single Well 1016055 Issued 6-29-76-17W4 12-Dec-97 Single Well 1016057 Issued 15-13-76-18W4 12-Dec-97 Single Well 1016058 Issued 15-24-76-18W4 12-Dec-97 Single Well 1016059 Issued 9-7-77-17W4 12-Dec-97 Single Well 1016060 Issued 9-13-77-18W4 12-Dec-97 Single Well 1016844 Issued 5-17-70-15W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1016848 Issued 8-19-74-14W4 18-Dec-97 Single Well 1017209 Issued 7-23-74-15W4 22-Dec-97 Single Well 1017371 Issued 8-35-75-15W4 23-Dec-97 Single Well 1017374 Issued 10-25-73-15W4 23-Dec-97 Single Well 1017377 Issued 8-35-73-15W4 23-Dec-97 Single Well 1017380 Issued 6-31-73-14W4 23-Dec-97 Single Well 1017843 Issued 8-15-74-17W4 08-Jan-98 Single Well 1017870 Issued 7-6-77-17W4 08-Jan-98 Single Well 1017873 Issued 8-36-75-15W4 08-Jan-98 Single Well 1017875 Issued 6-23-78-15W4 08-Jan-98 Single Well 1018507 Issued 5-17-70-15W4 15-Jan-98 Single Well 1018605 Issued 13-5-70-15W4 16-Jan-98 Single Well 1028773 Issued 8-28-66-17W4 19-Aug-98 Single Well 1029077 Issued 10-21-66-17W4 27-Aug-98 Single Well 1029526 Issued 5-22-66-17W4 08-Sep-98 Single Well 1033883 Issued 8-30-76-3W4 05-Dec-98 Single Well 1033885 Issued 6-33-76-4W4 05-Dec-98 Single Well 1033887 Issued 12-17-75-15W4 05-Dec-98 Single Well 1033889 Issued 12-7-72-14W4 05-Dec-98 Single Well 1033891 Issued 5-3-76-15W4 05-Dec-98 Single Well 1034048 Issued 4-18-76-3W4 09-Dec-98 194 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED Single Well 1034050 Issued 14-29-76-3W4 09-Dec-98 Single Well 1034051 Issued 9-23-76-4W4 09-Dec-98 Single Well 1034112 Issued 5-16-63-12W4 09-Dec-98 Single Well 1034239 Issued 12-14-72-14W4 10-Dec-98 Single Well 1034240 Issued 12-10-72-14W4 10-Dec-98 Single Well 1034241 Issued 11-18-77-17W4 10-Dec-98 Single Well 1034242 Issued 9-8-77-17W4 10-Dec-98 Single Well 1034551 Issued 6-17-77-17W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034555 Issued 14-32-75-15W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034556 Issued 3-16-72-14W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034558 Issued 12-11-72-14W4 16-Dec-98 Single Well 1034879 Issued 7-14-62-13W4 18-Dec-98 Single Well 1034906 Issued 12-25-66-14W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034907 Issued 11-27-66-14W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034995 Issued 8-21-76-4W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1034999 Issued 7-27-76-4W4 21-Dec-98 Single Well 1035069 Issued 6-28-76-4W4 22-Dec-98 Single Well 1035114 Issued 14-9-72-14W4 23-Dec-98 Single Well 1035560 Issued 10-14-66-17W4 07-Jan-99 Single Well 1035651 Issued 9-11-70-16W4 08-Jan-99 Single Well 1035813 Issued 8-18-66-17W4 13-Jan-99 Single Well 1035815 Issued 5-32-66-17W4 13-Jan-99 Single Well 1038395 Issued 4-34-63-12W4 02-Mar-99 Single Well 1048849 Issued 8-23-74-15W4 08-Oct-99 Single Well 1050815 Issued 10-7-66-17W4 05-Nov-99 Single Well 1051562 Issued 15-30-68-13W4 17-Nov-99 195 1920 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1921 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1922 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1923 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1924 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1925 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1926 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1927 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1928 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1929 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1930 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1931 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1932 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1933 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1934 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1935 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1936 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1937 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1938 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1939 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1940 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1941 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1942 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1943 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1944 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1945 BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 1946 BP RESOURCES Single Well 1051800 Issued 11-24-66-18W4 19-Nov-99 Single Well 1052474 Issued 16-24-77-18W4 28-Nov-99 Single Well 1052475 Issued 10-10-77-18W4 28-Nov-99 Single Well 1052476 Issued 10-12-77-18W4 28-Nov-99 Single Well 1052907 Issued 6-34-76-18W4 02-Dec-99 Single Well 1052911 Issued 9-8-77-17W4 02-Dec-99 Single Well 1053068 Issued 6-17-77-17W4 03-Dec-99 Single Well 1053968 Issued 6-12-73-18W4 11-Dec-99 Single Well 1054642 Issued 5-8-73-17W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054726 Issued 8-25-72-14W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054727 Issued 2-23-73-18W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054785 Issued 14-1-73-18W4 19-Dec-99 Single Well 1054786 Issued 6-30-77-17W4 19-Dec-99 Single Well 1055001 Issued 8-22-76-18W4 22-Dec-99 Single Well 1055062 Issued 13-21-73-17W4 22-Dec-99 Single Well 1055146 Issued 10-11-73-18W4 22-Dec-99 Single Well 1055212 Issued 2-1-76-15W4 23-Dec-99 Single Well 1055213 Issued 7-1-76-15W4 23-Dec-99 Single Well 1055214 Issued 6-12-76-15W4 23-Dec-99 Single Well 1055825 Issued 7-23-75-15W4 10-Jan-00 Single Well 1056487 Issued 9-27-75-15W4 18-Jan-00 Single Well 1056946 Issued 1-25-73-17W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1056947 Issued 8-35-73-15W4 21-Jan-00 Single Well 1057061 Issued 14-25-66-18W4 24-Jan-00 Single Well 1057685 Issued 7-21-74-17W4 30-Jan-00 Single Well 1069365 Issued 1-25-68-14W4 14-Jul-00 Single Well 1069419 Issued 16-30-66-17W4 17-Jul-00 196 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED BP RESOURCES CANADA LIMITED 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BRITTANY CAPITAL Single Well 1070592 Issued 14-24-68-14W4 02-Aug-00 Single Well 1071652 Issued 2-23-66-18W4 21-Aug-00 Single Well 1071863 Issued 8-32-68-13W4 23-Aug-00 Single Well 1077859 Issued 10-18-73-14W4 15-Nov-00 Single Well 1077872 Issued 10-19-73-14W4 15-Nov-00 Single Well 1078117 Issued 9-11-73-14W4 20-Nov-00 Single Well 1078357 Closed 9-11-73-14W4 21-Nov-00 Single Well 1078465 Issued 2-18-73-14W4 22-Nov-00 Single Well 1078467 Issued 11-29-73-14W4 22-Nov-00 Single Well 1079605 Issued 6-14-77-18W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079606 Issued 7-11-77-18W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079608 Issued 14-3-77-18W4 04-Dec-00 Single Well 1079773 Issued 16-3-77-18W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1080022 Issued 14-22-72-14W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1080023 Issued 16-2-73-14W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1080316 Issued 2-18-73-14W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080317 Issued 6-12-73-18W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080404 Issued 8-2-73-18W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080405 Issued 5-36-72-18W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080409 Issued 6-7-73-17W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1080440 Issued 10-18-73-17W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080902 Issued 12-14-77-18W4 14-Dec-00 Single Well 1081810 Issued 10-33-76-18W4 21-Dec-00 Single Well 1082215 Issued 7-12-73-15W4 28-Dec-00 Single Well 1088093 Issued 11-6-70-15W4 27-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant Single Well 1369678 Issued 10-6-60-8W4 1015114 Issued 9-24-60-9W4 15-Nov-04 03-Dec-97 197 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 CORPORATION BROMLEY.MARR ECOS INC. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. Single Well 1014959 Issued 10-4-61-5W4 02-Dec-97 Compressor Station 1001271 Issued 007-15-70-13W4 28-Jun-96 Compressor Station 1006887 Issued 0011-6-71-11W4 24-Mar-97 Compressor Station 1060232 Issued 007-15-70-13W4 25-Feb-00 Compressor Station 1081203 Issued 007-15-70-13W4 18-Dec-00 Gas Processing Plant 1083345 Issued 4-15-70-13W4 12-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083347 Issued 1-17-70-13W4 12-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084301 Issued 7-15-70-13W4 22-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084499 Issued 10-9-71-13W4 24-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084500 Issued 11-1-71-13W4 24-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088368 Issued 9-34-70-13W4 28-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088401 Issued 9-3-71-13W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088512 Issued 11-3-72-14W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089652 Issued 9-11-71-13W4 14-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089887 Issued 10-31-71-12W4 16-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1083038 Issued 006-14-71-13W4 09-Jan-01 Injection/Disposal Facility 1081172 Issued 027-15-70-13W4 15-Dec-00 - Water Single Well 1049155 Issued 11-3-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049157 Closed 11-3-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049159 Closed 11-3-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049160 Closed 11-3-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049163 Issued 11-24-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049164 Issued 10-4-70-13W4 14-Oct-99 Single Well 1049268 Issued 7-8-70-13W4 15-Oct-99 Single Well 1049269 Issued 6-12-70-13W4 15-Oct-99 Single Well 1049271 Issued 11-10-70-13W4 15-Oct-99 198 2000 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2001 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2002 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2003 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2004 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2005 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2006 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2007 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2008 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2009 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2010 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2011 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2012 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2013 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2014 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2015 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2016 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2017 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2018 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2019 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2020 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2021 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2022 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2023 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2024 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2025 BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. 2026 BRYMORE OIL & GAS Single Well 1054406 Issued 11-24-70-13W4 16-Dec-99 Single Well 1057961 Issued 12-14-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1057962 Issued 5-23-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1057963 Issued 12-25-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1057965 Issued 8-23-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1058015 Issued 8-25-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1058018 Issued 1-26-70-13W4 02-Feb-00 Single Well 1071298 Issued 4-15-70-13W4 15-Aug-00 Single Well 1071300 Issued 1-22-70-13W4 15-Aug-00 Single Well 1071303 Issued 16-17-70-11W4 15-Aug-00 Single Well 1071313 Issued 14-6-71-11W4 15-Aug-00 Single Well 1071424 Issued 3-2-70-13W4 16-Aug-00 Single Well 1071425 Issued 9-6-70-13W4 16-Aug-00 Single Well 1073156 Issued 12-34-70-14W4 12-Sep-00 Single Well 1073162 Issued 7-15-70-13W4 12-Sep-00 Single Well 1073686 Issued 1-17-70-13W4 21-Sep-00 Single Well 1074034 Issued 7-1-71-12W4 26-Sep-00 Single Well 1078577 Issued 10-33-70-13W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078580 Issued 10-9-71-13W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078586 Issued 8-5-71-13W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078588 Issued 9-31-70-13W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078650 Issued 12-4-71-13W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078792 Issued 8-15-71-13W4 25-Nov-00 Single Well 1078896 Issued 11-32-70-13W4 27-Nov-00 Single Well 1078954 Issued 12-17-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1078986 Issued 10-29-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1078989 Issued 10-8-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 199 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. BRYMORE OIL & GAS LTD. Burlington Resources Canada Ltd. Single Well 1078991 Issued 11-16-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1078994 Issued 9-3-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1078997 Issued 9-34-70-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079002 Issued 6-14-71-13W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079695 Issued 10-12-71-13W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079698 Issued 9-11-71-13W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1079854 Issued 10-10-71-13W4 05-Dec-00 Single Well 1080116 Issued 8-36-71-13W4 07-Dec-00 Single Well 1084294 Issued 12-36-70-13W4 22-Jan-01 Single Well 1084359 Issued 6-16-70-14W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084362 Issued 8-21-72-12W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084364 Issued 12-36-72-12W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084475 Issued 9-11-74-14W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084478 Issued 7-22-72-12W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084480 Issued 6-14-72-12W4 23-Jan-01 Single Well 1084524 Issued 10-19-75-12W4 24-Jan-01 Single Well 1084698 Issued 11-10-74-12W4 25-Jan-01 Single Well 1084706 Issued 2-19-72-12W4 25-Jan-01 Single Well 1085495 Issued 8-10-75-13W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1085891 Issued 11-21-74-13W4 06-Feb-01 Single Well 1085998 Issued 12-6-75-12W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086031 Issued 10-31-71-12W4 07-Feb-01 Single Well 1086358 Issued 10-33-72-11W4 09-Feb-01 Single Well 1088108 Issued 10-7-71-12W4 27-Feb-01 Single Well 1088113 Issued 2-18-71-12W4 27-Feb-01 Commingling:Gas Form 1330949 Issued 7-19-72-13W4 27-Jan-04 200 2053 Burlington Resources Single Well Canada Ltd. 2054 Burlington Resources Single Well Canada Ltd. 2055 Calgas Exploration Ltd. Gas Prod 2056 Caltex Energy Inc. Single Well 2057 Caltex Energy Inc. Single Well 2058 Caltex Energy Inc. Single Well 2059 CAMREX Multiwell Pad RESOURCES LTD. 2060 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2061 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2062 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2063 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2064 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2065 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2066 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2067 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2068 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2069 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2070 CAMREX Single Well RESOURCES LTD. 2071 CANADIAN Single Well BLACKHAWK ENERGY INC. 2072 CANADIAN Single Well BLACKHAWK ENERGY INC. 2073 Canadian Coastal Prim Recovery: New Resources Ltd. 2074 Canadian Coastal Prim Recovery: New Resources Ltd. 2075 Canadian Coastal Prim Recovery: New Resources Ltd. 2076 Canadian Coastal Single Well Resources Ltd. 2077 Canadian Coastal Single Well Resources Ltd. 2078 Canadian Coastal Single Well Resources Ltd. 2079 Canadian Coastal Single Well Resources Ltd. 1430471 Issued 13-21-66-21W4 18-Nov-05 1435950 Issued 9-26-62-20W4 16-Dec-05 1400456 1446109 1458241 1459486 1240336 12-May-05 09-Feb-06 26-Apr-06 04-May-06 23-Jul-01 Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued 004-33-64-10W4 10-3-72-19W4 6-23-70-21W4 6-23-70-21W4 15-15-62-9W4 1052241 Issued 7-15-62-9W4 25-Nov-99 1053231 Issued 7-15-62-9W4 06-Dec-99 1058481 Issued 8-15-62-9W4 08-Feb-00 1058485 Issued 9-15-62-9W4 08-Feb-00 1058488 Issued 16-15-62-9W4 08-Feb-00 1058491 Issued 10-15-62-9W4 08-Feb-00 1058493 Issued 2-15-62-9W4 08-Feb-00 1070043 Issued 8-32-64-8W4 25-Jul-00 1070048 Issued 6-31-64-8W4 25-Jul-00 1070051 Issued 8-36-64-9W4 25-Jul-00 1085691 Issued 8-6-65-8W4 05-Feb-01 1023107 Issued 7-17-70-10W4 31-Mar-98 1034312 Issued 7-20-70-10W4 11-Dec-98 1556368 Issued 008-34-71-16W4 21-Jan-08 1556373 Issued 009-1-73-17W4 21-Jan-08 1556377 Issued 009-24-72-15W4 21-Jan-08 1351309 Issued 0012-35-6621W4 1502566 Closed 11-17-73-16W4 28-Jun-04 13-Feb-07 1502895 Issued 11-17-73-16W4 15-Feb-07 1504321 Closed 11-11-77-11W4 26-Feb-07 201 2080 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2081 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2082 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2083 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2084 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2085 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2086 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2087 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2088 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2089 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2090 Canadian Coastal Resources Ltd. 2091 CANADIAN LANDMASTERS RESOURCE SERVICES LTD. 2092 Canadian Natural Resources 2093 Canadian Natural Resources 2094 Canadian Natural Resources 2095 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2096 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2097 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2098 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2099 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2100 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2101 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2102 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2103 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2104 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2105 Canadian Natural Single Well 1504355 Closed 11-11-77-11W4 26-Feb-07 Single Well 1504576 Issued 11-11-77-11W4 27-Feb-07 Single Well 1556055 Issued 11-22-73-15W4 17-Jan-08 Single Well 1556069 Issued 10-6-72-15W4 17-Jan-08 Single Well 1556151 Issued 15-26-73-16W4 18-Jan-08 Single Well 1556200 Issued 5-7-77-17W4 18-Jan-08 Single Well 1556208 Issued 9-15-77-16W4 18-Jan-08 Single Well 1556212 Issued 16-12-79-16W4 18-Jan-08 Single Well 1556914 Issued 9-23-72-15W4 22-Jan-08 Single Well 1561582 Issued 1-8-80-17W4 19-Feb-08 Single Well 1562706 Issued 5-33-78-18W4 26-Feb-08 Single Well 1058333 Issued 9-11-62-10W4 04-Feb-00 Commingling: Gas 1468770 Issued 1-7-64-15W4 06-Jul-06 Gas Prod 1466042 Issued 7-13-63-12W4 19-Jun-06 Gas Prod 1468552 Issued 1-23-60-11W4 05-Jul-06 Approval Transfer 1338797 Closed 0-0-59-4W4 17-Mar-04 Approval Transfer 1439785 Issued 11-2-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Approval Transfer 1451627 Issued 6-22-71-10W4 10-Mar-06 Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery - 1319675 Issued 007-14-61-5W4 07-Nov-03 1322136 Issued 0013-17-62-4W4 27-Nov-03 1324504 Issued 0016-10-61-5W4 12-Dec-03 1325402 Issued 007-26-61-4W4 17-Dec-03 1338826 Closed 2-25-61-5W4 17-Mar-04 1344231 Issued 0014-8-68-4W4 30-Apr-04 1348198 Issued 0015-17-62-4W4 03-Jun-04 1352928 Issued 0013-17-62-4W4 13-Jul-04 202 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited 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Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell 1357911 Issued 002-25-61-5W4 23-Aug-04 1361732 Issued 004-14-61-5W4 22-Sep-04 1370311 Issued 001-8-61-3W4 18-Nov-04 1388557 Issued 007-7-63-8W4 28-Feb-05 1388561 Issued 0014-6-63-8W4 28-Feb-05 1403985 Issued 007-14-61-5W4 07-Jun-05 1417836 Issued 009-8-61-3W4 12-Sep-05 1418001 Issued 029-36-61-4W4 13-Sep-05 1418044 Issued 0015-36-61-4W4 13-Sep-05 1421205 Issued 4-22-61-4W4 30-Sep-05 1427288 Issued 007-15-61-5W4 03-Nov-05 1430240 Issued 003-16-61-3W4 18-Nov-05 1433800 Issued 0010-15-61-5W4 07-Dec-05 1435882 Issued 008-6-61-3W4 16-Dec-05 1443035 Issued 009-29-63-8W4 26-Jan-06 1443042 Issued 008-29-63-8W4 26-Jan-06 1446487 Issued 0015-22-63-8W4 10-Feb-06 1447279 Issued 004-22-63-8W4 15-Feb-06 1447280 Issued 0016-22-63-8W4 15-Feb-06 1447630 Closed 10-10-61-5W4 17-Feb-06 1447634 Closed 11-10-61-5W4 17-Feb-06 1447637 Closed 12-10-61-5W4 17-Feb-06 1449222 Issued 001-22-63-8W4 28-Feb-06 1453654 Issued 004-14-61-5W4 23-Mar-06 1456640 Issued 004-15-61-5W4 13-Apr-06 1456992 Closed 10-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 203 2132 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2133 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2134 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2135 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2136 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2137 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2138 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2139 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2140 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2141 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2142 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2143 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2144 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2145 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2146 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2147 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2148 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2149 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2150 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2151 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2152 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2153 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2154 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2155 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2156 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2157 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2158 Canadian Natural Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery - 1456995 Closed 11-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 1456998 Closed 12-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 1457919 Issued 009-3-63-8W4 24-Apr-06 1460954 Closed 0016-10-61-5W4 12-May-06 1461918 Issued 002-9-61-5W4 18-May-06 1461919 Issued 007-9-61-5W4 18-May-06 1463049 Issued 0015-5-61-3W4 29-May-06 1463558 Issued 0010-18-63-2W4 01-Jun-06 1463567 Issued 001-23-61-5W4 01-Jun-06 1464552 Issued 001-25-63-3W4 07-Jun-06 1464605 Issued 0015-25-63-3W4 08-Jun-06 1464762 Issued 007-24-63-3W4 09-Jun-06 1464805 Issued 009-25-63-3W4 09-Jun-06 1464895 Issued 006-14-62-4W4 09-Jun-06 1464896 Issued 022-17-62-4W4 09-Jun-06 1472333 Issued 0011-8-61-4W4 27-Jul-06 1482775 Closed 9-11-61-4W4 16-Oct-06 1482776 Issued 0014-2-61-4W4 16-Oct-06 1482863 Issued 0012-4-61-3W4 16-Oct-06 1492462 Issued 009-11-61-4W4 14-Dec-06 1493362 Issued 0016-1-62-4W4 20-Dec-06 1495058 Issued 004-34-63-8W4 04-Jan-07 1496078 Issued 0010-27-63-8W4 11-Jan-07 1498110 Issued 0012-6-62-3W4 19-Jan-07 1499661 Issued 0015-22-63-8W4 30-Jan-07 1500502 Issued 0013-21-63-8W4 02-Feb-07 1501608 Issued 0016-22-63-8W4 08-Feb-07 204 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited 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1509810 Issued 002-33-63-8W4 16-Apr-07 1510835 Issued 008-5-63-3W4 30-Apr-07 1511821 Issued 009-15-63-5W4 09-May-07 1512537 Issued 0013-15-63-5W4 17-May-07 1513758 Issued 0014-28-63-8W4 30-May-07 1515629 Issued 005-16-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 1516069 Issued 004-23-63-5W4 20-Jun-07 1516092 Issued 004-8-61-3W4 20-Jun-07 1516633 Issued 0015-15-63-5W4 26-Jun-07 1517935 Issued 006-15-63-5W4 09-Jul-07 1518946 Issued 008-22-63-5W4 17-Jul-07 1519183 Issued 002-15-63-5W4 18-Jul-07 1521035 Issued 0010-22-63-5W4 02-Aug-07 1522064 Issued 0015-11-63-5W4 13-Aug-07 1525091 Issued 007-14-61-4W4 06-Sep-07 1525093 Issued 0012-24-63-3W4 06-Sep-07 1525646 Issued 001-30-61-4W4 11-Sep-07 1526860 Issued 008-10-63-5W4 21-Sep-07 1527275 Issued 0015-15-62-3W4 25-Sep-07 205 2185 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2186 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2187 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2188 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2189 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2190 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2191 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2192 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2193 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2194 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2195 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2196 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2197 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2198 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2199 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2200 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2201 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2202 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2203 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2204 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2205 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2206 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2207 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2208 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2209 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2210 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2211 Canadian Natural Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Drill Waiver 1529979 Issued 006-23-63-5W4 16-Oct-07 1529980 Issued 003-22-63-5W4 16-Oct-07 1569367 Active 3-25-62-3W4 24-Apr-08 1314895 Issued 002-1-63-3W4 25-Sep-03 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1323736 Issued 0310-3-67-4W4 09-Dec-03 1530676 Issued 0011-26-63-3W4 19-Oct-07 1543702 Issued 001-19-63-2W4 26-Oct-07 1547120 Issued 0010-30-63-8W4 20-Nov-07 1547747 Issued 0016-34-63-8W4 23-Nov-07 1548761 Issued 0013-4-61-3W4 30-Nov-07 1549142 Issued 0210-18-63-2W4 03-Dec-07 1549542 Issued 0013-19-60-6W4 05-Dec-07 1550910 Closed 2-25-60-7W4 12-Dec-07 1550912 Issued 0014-32-61-8W4 12-Dec-07 1551935 Issued 0014-25-63-3W4 19-Dec-07 1551939 Issued 0011-25-63-3W4 19-Dec-07 1555413 Issued 0012-15-62-3W4 15-Jan-08 1557462 Issued 004-10-63-9W4 25-Jan-08 1557463 Issued 0012-5-62-8W4 25-Jan-08 1559626 Issued 001-7-62-8W4 06-Feb-08 1562191 Issued 007-23-63-3W4 22-Feb-08 1563996 Issued 0010-7-62-8W4 05-Mar-08 1565592 Issued 0012-11-61-4W4 17-Mar-08 1565680 Issued 001-14-63-3W4 18-Mar-08 1565920 Issued 0016-16-63-8W4 19-Mar-08 1566557 Active 6-23-63-3W4 26-Mar-08 1567011 Issued 0014-10-62-9W4 01-Apr-08 206 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Bitumen Drill Waiver 1325552 Issued 0211-6-67-3W4 18-Dec-03 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1327996 Issued 0514-4-66-5W4 12-Jan-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1330625 Issued 0210-7-62-8W4 26-Jan-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1366061 Active 0411-5-68-4W4 22-Oct-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1369921 Active 047-31-67-4W4 16-Nov-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1370792 Active 043-5-67-4W4 22-Nov-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1388093 Active 034-14-61-5W4 24-Feb-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1388218 Issued F113-8-67-3W4 25-Feb-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1391439 Active 006-20-68-4W4 15-Mar-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1392327 Issued 046-27-66-5W4 21-Mar-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1395604 Issued 065-27-66-5W4 12-Apr-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1395606 Issued 055-27-66-5W4 12-Apr-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1398182 Issued 0411-5-68-4W4 26-Apr-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1405426 Issued 046-8-68-4W4 16-Jun-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1408036 Issued F111-5-67-3W4 06-Jul-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1412876 Issued 003-27-61-8W4 09-Aug-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1422429 Issued F213-8-67-3W4 07-Oct-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1439073 Active 0015-5-73-16W4 06-Jan-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1440504 Issued 0413-4-67-4W4 13-Jan-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1443086 Issued 001-25-68-5W4 26-Jan-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1443184 Issued 0013-12-67-4W4 27-Jan-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1485301 Issued 0013-34-73-7W4 02-Nov-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1485810 Issued 009-14-67-4W4 07-Nov-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1486803 Issued 002-31-78-4W4 14-Nov-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1487912 Issued 033-10-67-4W4 21-Nov-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1492980 Issued 029-32-68-5W4 18-Dec-06 207 2238 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2239 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2240 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2241 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2242 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2243 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2244 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2245 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2246 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2247 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2248 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2249 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2250 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2251 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2252 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2253 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2254 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2255 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2256 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2257 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2258 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2259 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2260 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2261 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2262 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2263 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2264 CANADIAN NATURAL Bitumen Drill Waiver 1493047 Issued 0010-11-68-5W4 19-Dec-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1494883 Issued 031-23-67-4W4 04-Jan-07 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1496102 Issued 001-16-72-9W4 11-Jan-07 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1509433 Issued 0012-6-67-2W4 12-Apr-07 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1518651 Issued 024-6-67-2W4 16-Jul-07 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1530532 Issued 0611-1-67-3W4 19-Oct-07 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1555989 Issued 063-1-67-3W4 17-Jan-08 Bitument Battery 1501286 Multiwell Bitument Battery 1501297 Multiwell Bitument Battery 1501512 Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1336784 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1349323 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1355308 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1366753 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1393011 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1393574 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1393575 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1393688 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1393690 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1491818 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1498901 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1498908 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1498910 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1500817 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1506234 or Multiwell Cavern Storage 1512039 Class I Disp: Amend Closed 4-14-67-3W4 07-Feb-07 Issued 0210-8-66-5W4 07-Feb-07 Issued 004-14-67-3W4 08-Feb-07 Issued 004-4-66-4W4 04-Mar-04 Issued 003-26-67-4W4 11-Jun-04 Issued 0012-5-67-4W4 30-Jul-04 Issued 003-35-67-4W4 27-Oct-04 Issued 003-2-68-4W4 24-Mar-05 Issued 0011-5-68-4W4 30-Mar-05 Issued 0011-8-68-4W4 30-Mar-05 Issued 006-20-68-4W4 31-Mar-05 Issued 0011-17-68-4W4 31-Mar-05 Issued 005-27-66-5W4 12-Dec-06 Issued 008-30-68-4W4 24-Jan-07 Issued 001-22-67-4W4 24-Jan-07 Issued 008-22-67-4W4 24-Jan-07 Issued 001-15-67-4W4 05-Feb-07 Issued 008-12-67-3W4 09-Mar-07 Active 1912-8-66-5W4 11-May-07 1249881 Issued 0310-21-63-8W4 29-Nov-01 208 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Comm Scheme: Amend 1078240 Issued 0-32-68-5W4 21-Nov-00 Comm Scheme: Amend 1258767 Closed 0-0-66-6W4 07-Mar-02 Comm Scheme: Amend 1259001 Issued 0-0-66-6W4 11-Mar-02 Comm Scheme: New 1527354 Active 0-1-74-8W4 26-Sep-07 Commercial Water Well 1363357 Issued F116-12-67-4W4 05-Oct-04 Commercial Water Well 1367170 Issued F116-12-67-4W4 29-Oct-04 Commercial Water Well 1382283 Issued F116-12-67-4W4 25-Jan-05 Commercial Water Well 1384663 Issued F113-8-67-3W4 07-Feb-05 Commercial Water Well 1384682 Closed 4-5-67-3W4 07-Feb-05 Commercial Water Well 1385045 Issued F14-5-67-3W4 08-Feb-05 Commercial Water Well 1408371 Issued F111-5-67-3W4 08-Jul-05 Commercial Water Well 1425808 Issued 10-8-67-3W4 26-Oct-05 Commercial Water Well 1426563 Issued 2-12-67-4W4 31-Oct-05 Commercial Water Well 1443095 Closed 2-12-67-4W4 26-Jan-06 Commercial Water Well 1487668 Closed 13-21-73-7W4 20-Nov-06 Commercial Water Well 1487744 Closed 13-21-73-7W4 20-Nov-06 Commercial Water Well 1487888 Issued 13-21-73-7W4 21-Nov-06 Commercial Water Well 1488714 Issued 10-8-67-3W4 27-Nov-06 Commercial Water Well 1495118 Issued 14-30-73-7W4 05-Jan-07 Commercial Water Well 1495122 Issued 14-30-73-7W4 05-Jan-07 Commercial Water Well 1561158 Closed 12-9-67-3W4 15-Feb-08 Commercial Water Well 1561194 Issued 12-9-67-3W4 15-Feb-08 Commercial Water Well 1561305 Issued 12-9-67-3W4 15-Feb-08 Commingling: Gas 1241612 Issued 0010-5-61-3W4 09-Aug-01 Commingling: Gas 1322946 Issued 005-14-66-5W4 03-Dec-03 Commingling: Gas 1429434 Issued 0015-36-61-4W4 15-Nov-05 209 2291 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2292 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2293 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2294 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2295 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2296 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2297 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2298 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2299 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2300 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2301 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2302 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2303 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2304 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2305 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2306 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2307 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2308 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2309 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2310 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2311 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2312 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2313 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2314 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2315 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2316 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2317 Canadian Natural Commingling: Gas 1437451 Closed 0010-22-67-5W4 23-Dec-05 Commingling: Gas 1437690 Issued 0-0-60-11W4 28-Dec-05 Commingling: Gas 1437785 Issued 027-34-61-9W4 29-Dec-05 Commingling: Gas 1437790 Issued 002-3-60-9W4 29-Dec-05 Commingling: Gas 1438722 Issued 001-34-77-16W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438724 Closed 006-20-70-20W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438732 Issued 0010-4-66-15W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438741 Issued 0011-6-61-15W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438742 Issued 008-1-64-17W4 Commingling: Gas 1438743 Issued 026-18-66-19W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438747 Issued 006-16-71-20W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas 1438749 Issued 0011-31-6815W4 1438752 Issued 007-3-62-13W4 Commingling: Gas 1438755 Issued 002-32-67-17W4 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438955 Issued 0010-27-6106-Jan-06 12W4 1438961 Issued 009-21-71-11W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas 05-Jan-06 05-Jan-06 05-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1438964 Issued 0010-24-6906-Jan-06 13W4 1438975 Issued 002-31-79-10W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1439003 Issued 003-9-79-7W4 Commingling: Gas 1439005 Closed 004-19-75-11W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1439008 Closed 0011-28-80-6W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1439014 Issued 5-15-80-11W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1439019 Issued 12-11-80-12W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1439028 Issued 6-32-80-11W4 06-Jan-06 Commingling: Gas 1450944 Issued 7-20-62-7W4 08-Mar-06 Commingling: Gas 1452131 Issued 10-21-61-16W4 14-Mar-06 Commingling: Gas 1464209 Issued 2-31-79-10W4 06-Jun-06 06-Jan-06 210 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas 1467990 Issued 0012-29-7729-Jun-06 16W4 1468591 Closed 006-25-75-12W4 05-Jul-06 Commingling: Gas 1475394 Issued 005-8-65-15W4 21-Aug-06 Commingling: Gas 1491281 Issued 7-17-62-7W4 11-Dec-06 Commingling: Oil Snd 1283644 Issued 0012-6-62-3W4 20-Nov-02 Commingling: Oil Snd 1294055 Issued 0-29-62-5W4 27-Feb-03 Commingling: Oil Snd 1296551 Closed 1-34-77-16W4 20-Mar-03 Commingling: Oil Snd 1345598 Issued 001-29-62-5W4 13-May-04 Commingling: Oil Snd 1490829 Closed 0015-14-65-6W4 07-Dec-06 Commingling: Oil Snd 1510650 Issued 0011-20-63-2W4 27-Apr-07 Commingling:Gas Form 1329576 Closed 0010-24-68-6W4 19-Jan-04 Commingling:Gas Form 1394151 Closed 009-13-62-10W4 05-Apr-05 Commingling:Gas Form 1457568 Closed 001-7-64-15W4 Compressor Station 1000742 Issued 005-11-62-20W4 24-May-96 Compressor Station 1003996 Issued 005-8-61-16W4 26-Nov-96 Compressor Station 09-Jan-97 Compressor Station 1004851 Issued 0016-36-6216W4 1021731 Issued 004-1-62-14W4 Compressor Station 1025915 Issued 005-21-66-3W4 08-Jun-98 Compressor Station 1028835 Issued 001-9-61-3W4 21-Aug-98 Compressor Station 1029598 Issued 003-16-65-16W4 10-Sep-98 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1041889 Issued 0014-35-6304-Jun-99 17W4 1041890 Issued 0010-5-65-17W4 04-Jun-99 Compressor Station 1041891 Issued 001-1-61-16W4 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1044477 Issued 0210-33-6127-Jul-99 16W4 1046985 Issued 0011-5-66-19W4 13-Sep-99 Compressor Station 1049135 Issued 0011-2-60-6W4 20-Apr-06 02-Mar-98 04-Jun-99 14-Oct-99 211 2344 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2345 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2346 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2347 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2348 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2349 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2350 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2351 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2352 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2353 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2354 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2355 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2356 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2357 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2358 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2359 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2360 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2361 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2362 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2363 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2364 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2365 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2366 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2367 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2368 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2369 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2370 CANADIAN NATURAL Compressor Station 1050735 Issued 007-20-66-20W4 05-Nov-99 Compressor Station 1062527 Closed 009-7-66-5W4 27-Mar-00 Compressor Station 1063385 Issued 009-7-66-5W4 11-Apr-00 Compressor Station 1064615 Issued 0011-29-62-5W4 03-May-00 Compressor Station 1068954 Issued 002-29-62-5W4 Compressor Station 1072767 Issued 0011-19-61-4W4 07-Sep-00 Compressor Station 1074162 Issued 002-27-66-18W4 27-Sep-00 Compressor Station 1075871 Issued 001-12-65-16W4 20-Oct-00 Compressor Station 1078834 Issued 005-32-61-16W4 27-Nov-00 Compressor Station 1078849 Issued 002-27-66-18W4 27-Nov-00 Compressor Station 1090672 Issued 003-32-68-5W4 28-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1090674 Issued 0012-9-68-3W4 28-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1090676 Issued 0010-9-66-5W4 28-Mar-01 Compressor Station 1091521 Issued 006-25-61-17W4 10-Apr-01 Compressor Station 1092254 Issued 007-17-62-7W4 Compressor Station 1092584 Issued 007-21-67-23W4 27-Apr-01 Compressor Station 1244532 Issued 0011-7-67-18W4 24-Sep-01 Compressor Station 1254870 Issued 0010-29-67-2W4 24-Jan-02 Compressor Station 1255314 Issued 0011-1-68-4W4 29-Jan-02 Compressor Station 1261108 Issued 022-12-67-4W4 04-Apr-02 Compressor Station 1285582 Issued 003-1-63-3W4 09-Dec-02 Compressor Station 1295272 Issued 0010-6-68-3W4 10-Mar-03 Compressor Station 1295328 Issued 008-17-72-10W4 10-Mar-03 Compressor Station 1295332 Issued 005-33-73-11W4 10-Mar-03 Compressor Station 1295336 Issued Compressor Station 1295341 Issued 0213-3-35-16W4 10-Mar-03 Compressor Station 1295344 Issued 0015-6-79-5W4 06-Jul-00 23-Apr-01 10-Mar-03 10-Mar-03 212 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Compressor Station 1297226 Issued 003-23-63-22W4 26-Mar-03 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1297612 Issued 0012-16-6618W4 1315976 Issued 0011-23-7713W4 1316209 Issued 0011-32-6116W4 1325474 Issued 008-2-68-4W4 Compressor Station 1325475 Issued 0010-22-67-5W4 18-Dec-03 Compressor Station 1327486 Issued 0011-12-68-3W4 08-Jan-04 Compressor Station 1329526 Issued 0011-12-68-3W4 19-Jan-04 Compressor Station 1331506 Issued 0011-26-7729-Jan-04 16W4 1332941 Issued 003-23-63-22W4 09-Feb-04 Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station 01-Apr-03 06-Oct-03 08-Oct-03 18-Dec-03 Compressor Station 1336213 Issued 0011-19-7712W4 1337414 Issued 0011-19-7712W4 1344407 Issued 007-5-62-14W4 Compressor Station 1352448 Issued 007-10-68-22W4 08-Jul-04 Compressor Station 1352450 Issued 007-21-67-23W4 08-Jul-04 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1352452 Issued 0010-13-6823W4 1353834 Issued 0016-33-6119W4 1354742 Issued 0012-22-7112W4 1359010 Issued 001-5-62-7W4 Compressor Station 1359332 Issued 0010-31-61-7W4 02-Sep-04 Compressor Station 1366598 Issued 0010-31-61-7W4 26-Oct-04 Compressor Station 1383062 Issued 003-1-63-3W4 27-Jan-05 Compressor Station 1384530 Issued 0010-8-72-9W4 07-Feb-05 Compressor Station 07-Feb-05 Compressor Station 1384537 Issued 0011-23-7311W4 1387187 Issued 008-19-71-9W4 Compressor Station 1388579 Issued 003-17-68-4W4 28-Feb-05 Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station 01-Mar-04 09-Mar-04 03-May-04 08-Jul-04 20-Jul-04 27-Jul-04 31-Aug-04 18-Feb-05 213 2397 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2398 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2399 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2400 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2401 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2402 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2403 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2404 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2405 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2406 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2407 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2408 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2409 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2410 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2411 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2412 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2413 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2414 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2415 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2416 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2417 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2418 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2419 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2420 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2421 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2422 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2423 CANADIAN NATURAL Compressor Station 1408457 Issued 0010-1-62-20W4 08-Jul-05 Compressor Station Compressor Station 1410433 Issued 0012-20-6122-Jul-05 16W4 1412402 Issued 007-14-78-13W4 05-Aug-05 Compressor Station 1427853 Issued 008-17-72-10W4 07-Nov-05 Compressor Station 1440510 Issued 0011-28-6315W4 1441454 Issued 001-1-81-5W4 13-Jan-06 1445093 Issued 0011-22-7112W4 1445616 Issued 0014-14-7120W4 1451604 Issued 007-14-68-5W4 06-Feb-06 11-May-06 Compressor Station 1460782 Issued 0011-23-6322W4 1462794 Issued 009-25-68-5W4 Compressor Station 1474306 Closed 13-3-67-5W4 14-Aug-06 Compressor Station 1474470 Issued 0013-3-67-5W4 15-Aug-06 Compressor Station 1557935 Issued 0015-34-78-5W4 28-Jan-08 D45 1289429 Issued 11-3-67-4W4 16-Jan-03 D45 1308876 Closed 13-8-67-4W4 30-Jul-03 D45 1309123 Closed 15-30-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309124 Closed 15-31-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309125 Closed 5-8-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309126 Closed 5-3-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309127 Closed 4-5-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309128 Closed 7-31-67-4W4 01-Aug-03 D45 1309812 Issued 15-31-67-4W4 11-Aug-03 Directional Survey 1359940 Closed 002-5-62-8W4 08-Sep-04 Directional Survey 1498248 Issued AA1-10-66-5W4 22-Jan-07 Directive 51 1555242 Issued 006-6-79-5W4 Disp Scheme: New 1245736 Issued 0310-21-63-8W4 10-Oct-01 Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station Compressor Station 18-Jan-06 08-Feb-06 10-Mar-06 26-May-06 15-Jan-08 214 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Disp Scheme: New 1427625 Issued 0010-33-79-4W4 04-Nov-05 Disp Scheme: New 1473966 Issued 006-22-71-10W4 10-Aug-06 Disp Scheme: New 1544729 Issued 006-6-79-5W4 02-Nov-07 Disp Scheme: New 17-Mar-08 Drill/Log Waivers 1565610 Active 0010-36-7912W4 1269359 Issued 0-17-62-4W4 02-May-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1281633 Issued 11-15-61-8W4 30-Oct-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1282389 Closed 11-15-61-8W4 06-Nov-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1285515 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 09-Dec-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1288482 Issued 0-0-67-4W4 08-Jan-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1296765 Issued 033-26-67-4W4 21-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1297019 Issued 0-0-63-3W4 25-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1297154 Issued 0-0-67-4W4 26-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1298201 Issued 045-9-67-4W4 07-Apr-03 Exempt from Drilling 1080076 Issued 005-15-67-4W4 06-Dec-00 Exempt from Drilling 1086305 Issued 002-35-66-15W4 08-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1086372 Issued 002-35-66-15W4 09-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1086393 Issued 009-9-63-15W4 09-Feb-01 Exempt from Drilling 1096409 Issued 008-23-61-5W4 22-Jun-01 Exper Scheme: Amend 1242310 Closed 0-0-66-5W4 20-Aug-01 Exper Scheme: New 1512738 Issued SE0-30-61-4W4 22-May-07 Gas Allowable 1381754 Issued 008-36-82-15W4 21-Jan-05 Gas Allowable 1383176 Issued 0012-34-64-9W4 28-Jan-05 Gas Allowable 1461505 Issued 004-22-76-15W4 17-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1330054 Issued 004-4-67-23W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334144 Issued 0016-19-75-8W4 17-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334145 Issued 008-16-73-11W4 17-Feb-04 22-Jan-04 215 2450 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2451 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2452 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2453 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2454 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2455 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2456 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2457 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2458 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2459 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2460 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2461 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2462 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2463 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2464 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2465 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2466 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2467 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2468 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2469 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2470 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2471 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2472 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2473 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2474 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2475 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2476 Canadian Natural Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334147 Issued 009-33-73-11W4 17-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334150 Issued 0011-29-7117-Feb-04 11W4 1334152 Issued 001-33-70-11W4 17-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334248 Issued 001-7-74-11W4 18-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334299 Issued 003-7-70-12W4 18-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1334752 Issued 004-8-70-12W4 20-Feb-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1337975 Issued 003-33-67-19W4 11-Mar-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1338850 Issued 009-30-67-19W4 17-Mar-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1339164 Issued 006-7-72-11W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1339165 Issued 0012-19-6521-Mar-04 17W4 1340272 Issued 0010-25-6730-Mar-04 20W4 1342876 Issued 003-24-64-16W4 20-Apr-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1343845 Issued 0016-10-62-4W4 28-Apr-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1348985 Issued 0011-11-6009-Jun-04 11W4 1349902 Issued 0014-12-6516-Jun-04 17W4 1352229 Issued 007-26-62-10W4 06-Jul-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 21-Mar-04 1357832 Issued 0016-21-7720-Aug-04 12W4 1362587 Issued 0012-5-64-15W4 29-Sep-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1364990 Issued 0010-16-6015-Oct-04 11W4 1370762 Issued 007-25-61-10W4 22-Nov-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1371420 Issued 0012-6-62-8W4 24-Nov-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 24-Nov-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1371422 Issued 0010-14-6210W4 1372357 Issued 005-2-72-10W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1373849 Issued 001-30-77-12W4 07-Dec-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1379084 Issued 0012-30-7106-Jan-05 11W4 1379088 Issued 0012-25-6606-Jan-05 15W4 1381437 Issued 0013-3-60-11W4 19-Jan-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 30-Nov-04 216 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Battery - Multiwell 1381756 Issued 004-13-71-12W4 21-Jan-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1381783 Issued 0010-31-62-7W4 21-Jan-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1382905 Issued 0013-18-6727-Jan-05 16W4 1382950 Issued 003-16-60-10W4 27-Jan-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1385386 Issued 001-22-68-13W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1387788 Issued 0012-9-65-10W4 23-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1387790 Issued 009-21-63-22W4 23-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388278 Issued 005-10-64-11W4 25-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388296 Issued 0011-20-6225-Feb-05 10W4 1388298 Issued 006-22-60-11W4 25-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388341 Issued 0012-29-7625-Feb-05 14W4 1388343 Issued 004-28-76-15W4 25-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388344 Issued 001-7-78-15W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388345 Issued 0010-35-6825-Feb-05 16W4 1388501 Issued 008-11-68-13W4 28-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1388509 Issued 0014-1-70-12W4 28-Feb-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1389373 Issued 0010-19-7111W4 1389573 Issued 0015-36-7112W4 1390128 Issued 0010-19-6210W4 1391727 Issued 024-30-73-16W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1391728 Issued 002-2-68-13W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1391738 Issued 004-24-71-12W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1392139 Issued 0010-31-61-6W4 18-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1392398 Issued 0013-2-64-11W4 21-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1393685 Issued 0012-4-60-11W4 31-Mar-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1393709 Issued 005-8-68-12W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 25-Feb-05 02-Mar-05 03-Mar-05 07-Mar-05 31-Mar-05 217 2503 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2504 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2505 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2506 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2507 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2508 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2509 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2510 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2511 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2512 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2513 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2514 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2515 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2516 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2517 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2518 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2519 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2520 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2521 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2522 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2523 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2524 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2525 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2526 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2527 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2528 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2529 Canadian Natural Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1393849 Issued 0016-32-6101-Apr-05 10W4 1396154 Issued 0011-10-6014-Apr-05 11W4 1396190 Issued 006-16-67-18W4 14-Apr-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1396925 Issued 007-20-60-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1396942 Issued 0015-13-6219-Apr-05 21W4 1398957 Issued 009-13-62-10W4 03-May-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1399687 Issued 0013-1-64-11W4 06-May-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1400291 Issued 0014-25-6211-May-05 10W4 1400303 Issued 0011-4-64-11W4 11-May-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1400510 Issued 0015-18-60-7W4 12-May-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1402796 Issued 0011-10-6110W4 1403271 Issued 004-22-60-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1403435 Issued 0010-8-61-10W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1403880 Issued 006-6-68-12W4 06-Jun-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1404697 Issued 007-4-68-12W4 10-Jun-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1405763 Issued 007-2-67-19W4 20-Jun-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1408220 Issued 007-32-61-19W4 07-Jul-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1408834 Issued 0010-28-60-7W4 12-Jul-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1414158 Issued 0010-15-81-5W4 17-Aug-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1414367 Issued 008-23-62-10W4 18-Aug-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1414719 Issued 002-3-60-11W4 22-Aug-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 23-Aug-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1414961 Issued 0011-12-6117W4 1416516 Issued 009-29-62-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1420803 Issued 2-12-72-12W4 28-Sep-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1421508 Issued 14-6-72-11W4 03-Oct-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1422553 Closed 3-34-71-12W4 07-Oct-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1422557 Closed 11-18-64-10W4 07-Oct-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 19-Apr-05 30-May-05 01-Jun-05 01-Sep-05 218 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Battery - Multiwell 1423536 Issued 11-26-77-14W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1423747 Issued 0012-18-6414-Oct-05 10W4 1423757 Issued 003-34-71-12W4 14-Oct-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1425665 Issued 0011-1-72-12W4 26-Oct-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1427233 Issued 005-30-63-11W4 02-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1427943 Issued 002-3-60-9W4 07-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1428199 Issued 002-9-68-12W4 08-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1429693 Issued 0014-31-6816-Nov-05 11W4 1430441 Issued 026-22-60-11W4 18-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1430978 Issued 006-20-76-14W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1430979 Issued 004-30-78-13W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1430983 Issued 007-11-77-15W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431069 Issued 002-25-61-5W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431113 Issued 006-36-75-16W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431117 Issued 005-15-78-13W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431190 Issued 001-34-77-16W4 23-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431257 Issued 0016-10-7123-Nov-05 12W4 1431680 Issued 0010-33-79-4W4 25-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431707 Issued 0010-11-79-4W4 25-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431754 Issued 005-15-64-11W4 25-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1431976 Issued 005-12-70-12W4 28-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1432603 Issued 005-35-61-10W4 30-Nov-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1434035 Issued 008-31-78-13W4 07-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1434110 Issued 005-3-78-14W4 08-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1434148 Issued 0010-30-7713W4 1434834 Issued 003-1-62-10W4 08-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 13-Oct-05 23-Nov-05 12-Dec-05 219 2556 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2557 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2558 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2559 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2560 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2561 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2562 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2563 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2564 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2565 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2566 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2567 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2568 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2569 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2570 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2571 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2572 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2573 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2574 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2575 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2576 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2577 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2578 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2579 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2580 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2581 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2582 Canadian Natural Gas Battery - Multiwell 1434939 Issued 0012-32-6311W4 1434987 Issued 005-5-61-9W4 12-Dec-05 14-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1435353 Issued 0010-28-7112W4 1435380 Issued 003-29-63-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1436187 Issued 003-11-70-12W4 19-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1436598 Issued 003-23-71-12W4 20-Dec-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1438620 Issued 006-25-75-12W4 05-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439118 Issued 007-22-78-5W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439159 Issued 0013-3-79-5W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439291 Issued 006-5-70-12W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439313 Issued 007-8-72-10W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439492 Issued 009-27-76-15W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439493 Issued 007-17-77-12W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439549 Issued 003-20-72-10W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1439564 Issued 001-19-71-11W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1440488 Closed 2-31-60-10W4 13-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1440652 Closed 13-25-79-4W4 16-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1440811 Issued 0013-25-79-4W4 16-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1440817 Issued 002-31-60-10W4 16-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1441131 Issued 007-5-61-13W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1441351 Issued 007-11-72-12W4 18-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1441729 Issued 009-11-62-10W4 19-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1441845 Issued 0014-11-7920-Jan-06 14W4 1442090 Issued 0010-9-62-10W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1442104 Issued 009-5-76-14W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1442345 Issued 004-32-79-4W4 24-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1443085 Issued 0016-30-68- 26-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 12-Dec-05 14-Dec-05 17-Jan-06 220 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Battery - Multiwell 23W4 1443482 Issued 0016-10-81-5W4 27-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1443591 Issued 009-34-79-4W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1444399 Issued 007-27-79-4W4 02-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1444469 Issued 005-21-76-13W4 02-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1445224 Issued 0016-6-72-11W4 06-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1445803 Issued 0010-14-7108-Feb-06 12W4 1446057 Issued 0015-21-79-4W4 09-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1446058 Issued 007-32-77-14W4 09-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1447024 Issued 008-12-64-11W4 14-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1447209 Issued 0015-11-6515W4 1447338 Issued 007-20-62-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1447599 Issued 0016-1-80-14W4 16-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1448037 Issued 0013-14-81-5W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1448076 Issued 0013-12-81-5W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1448426 Issued 005-9-71-20W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1449207 Issued 003-11-62-18W4 28-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1449330 Issued 007-18-63-11W4 28-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1449387 Issued 006-29-62-3W4 28-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1450257 Issued 002-9-64-9W4 03-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1450970 Issued 003-4-60-7W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1451234 Issued 007-11-78-13W4 09-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1452868 Issued 009-13-62-8W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1453117 Issued 0011-10-61-9W4 20-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1454327 Issued 008-27-66-12W4 28-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1454877 Issued 009-25-60-11W4 31-Mar-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1454895 Issued 0015-20-6311W4 15-Feb-06 15-Feb-06 23-Feb-06 17-Mar-06 31-Mar-06 221 2609 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2610 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2611 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2612 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2613 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2614 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2615 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2616 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2617 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2618 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2619 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2620 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2621 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2622 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2623 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2624 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2625 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2626 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2627 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2628 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2629 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2630 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2631 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2632 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2633 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2634 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2635 Canadian Natural Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1455472 Issued 0010-22-6719W4 1456332 Issued 0014-16-6210W4 1456404 Issued 0015-27-6110W4 1456768 Issued 0015-29-6311W4 1456839 Issued 009-8-68-23W4 17-Apr-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1458937 Issued 007-4-63-10W4 01-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1459622 Issued 007-2-67-17W4 04-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1460033 Issued 009-8-61-9W4 08-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1461166 Issued 0011-31-60-9W4 15-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1462568 Issued 007-16-62-7W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1462625 Issued 0010-11-62-7W4 25-May-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1463061 Issued 007-4-61-9W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1463854 Issued 0011-22-6202-Jun-06 19W4 1464547 Issued 0012-6-67-16W4 07-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1464663 Issued 008-8-60-7W4 08-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1464674 Issued 001-11-79-4W4 08-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1464882 Issued 001-23-60-11W4 09-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1464884 Issued 0010-12-6010W4 1466194 Issued 006-9-61-9W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1467296 Issued 0012-30-60-9W4 27-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1467803 Issued 001-9-63-12W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1467986 Issued 0010-31-61-9W4 29-Jun-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1468383 Issued 003-17-61-8W4 04-Jul-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 04-Jul-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1468392 Issued 0010-22-6210W4 1472332 Issued 0010-9-80-4W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1472661 Issued 0012-15-60-7W4 31-Jul-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1473634 Issued 0011-1-61-9W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 05-Apr-06 11-Apr-06 11-Apr-06 13-Apr-06 25-May-06 29-May-06 09-Jun-06 19-Jun-06 28-Jun-06 27-Jul-06 08-Aug-06 222 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Battery - Multiwell 1473635 Issued 009-21-61-7W4 08-Aug-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1473636 Issued 0010-16-60-7W4 08-Aug-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1475481 Issued 003-29-61-11W4 21-Aug-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1476028 Issued 008-7-80-4W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1476030 Issued 0014-35-79-4W4 24-Aug-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1477019 Issued 0011-14-80-5W4 31-Aug-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1477948 Issued 0011-21-78-5W4 07-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1478030 Issued 007-19-60-6W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1478045 Issued 0015-10-79-5W4 08-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1478048 Issued 0014-2-79-5W4 08-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1478050 Issued 002-12-62-8W4 08-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1478345 Issued 0015-3-79-5W4 11-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1479667 Issued 007-15-79-5W4 20-Sep-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1482024 Issued 006-33-79-4W4 10-Oct-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1482057 Issued 003-16-80-4W4 10-Oct-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1483245 Issued 001-30-80-4W4 18-Oct-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1490341 Issued 0010-31-67-2W4 05-Dec-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1491035 Issued 0011-6-68-2W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell 1495364 Issued 0015-25-6008-Jan-07 10W4 1495926 Issued 004-36-67-13W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1502348 Issued 007-36-61-17W4 13-Feb-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1502724 Issued 024-4-66-5W4 14-Feb-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1504597 Closed 4-29-64-16W4 27-Feb-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1506081 Closed 004-29-64-16W4 08-Mar-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1506155 Issued 004-29-64-16W4 09-Mar-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1507149 Issued 007-17-63-6W4 24-Aug-06 08-Sep-06 07-Dec-06 19-Mar-07 223 2662 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2663 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2664 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2665 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2666 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2667 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2668 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2669 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2670 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2671 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2672 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2673 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2674 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2675 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2676 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2677 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2678 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2679 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2680 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2681 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2682 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2683 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2684 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2685 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2686 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2687 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2688 Canadian Natural Gas Battery - Multiwell 1507750 Issued 0015-15-62-8W4 23-Mar-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1512104 Issued 0016-24-60-7W4 14-May-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1518866 Issued 003-2-70-15W4 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1525676 Issued 005-27-68-23W4 11-Sep-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1527560 Issued 0016-1-79-6W4 27-Sep-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1544083 Issued 008-29-62-9W4 30-Oct-07 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1567292 Issued 005-33-62-12W4 03-Apr-08 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1569267 Issued 001-23-64-16W4 23-Apr-08 Gas Fractionation Plant 1089052 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 07-Mar-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1091667 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 11-Apr-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1092703 Issued 5-28-61-8W4 01-May-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1246167 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 16-Oct-01 Gas Fractionation Plant 1257429 Issued 12-9-65-10W4 21-Feb-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1258040 Issued 5-16-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1273534 Issued 5-22-67-4W4 05-Jul-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1273554 Issued 9-7-67-4W4 08-Jul-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1277086 Issued 16-5-61-19W4 28-Aug-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1283977 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 22-Nov-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1284329 Issued 5-9-67-4W4 27-Nov-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1288208 Issued 10-31-62-7W4 07-Jan-03 Gas Fractionation Plant 1290884 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 29-Jan-03 Gas Fractionation Plant 1291291 Issued 10-31-61-7W4 03-Feb-03 Gas Fractionation Plant 1293589 Issued 11-34-71-11W4 24-Feb-03 Gas Fractionation Plant 1295481 Issued 9-9-67-4W4 11-Mar-03 16-Jul-07 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1338209 Issued 10-7-66-5W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1339800 Issued 1-29-73-7W4 25-Mar-04 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1345750 Issued 9-8-66-5W4 13-May-04 224 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Gas Fractionation Plant0 1348596 Closed 5-5-67-4W4 07-Jun-04 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1349592 Issued 5-5-67-4W4 14-Jun-04 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1360931 Issued 10-5-67-4W4 16-Sep-04 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1397669 Issued 10-19-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1397679 Issued 14-19-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1462641 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 25-May-06 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1476342 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 28-Aug-06 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1559196 Issued 11-14-67-3W4 05-Feb-08 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1368152 Closed 14-8-68-4W4 04-Nov-04 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1379735 Issued 11-Jan-05 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1408002 Issued 11-5-68-4W4 06-Jul-05 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1410712 Issued 6-8-68-4W4 25-Jul-05 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1454696 Closed 1-15-67-4W4 30-Mar-06 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1463556 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 01-Jun-06 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1466125 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 19-Jun-06 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1525247 Issued 16-1-67-3W4 07-Sep-07 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1530957 Issued 14-11-67-3W4 23-Oct-07 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1543661 Issued 14-11-67-3W4 26-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 15-Jul-99 Gas Processing Plant 1043832 Issued 0010-23-6322W4 1082356 Issued 16-6-62-16W4 02-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083911 Issued 7-3-64-9W4 17-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1084704 Issued 11-28-66-18W4 25-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085187 Issued 7-3-64-9W4 30-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085413 Issued 7-2-68-5W4 01-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085539 Issued 15-35-72-21W4 02-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085639 Issued 11-28-71-20W4 05-Feb-01 225 2715 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2716 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2717 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2718 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2719 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2720 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2721 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2722 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2723 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2724 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2725 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2726 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2727 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2728 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2729 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2730 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2731 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2732 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2733 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2734 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2735 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2736 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2737 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2738 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2739 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2740 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2741 CANADIAN NATURAL Gas Processing Plant 1085642 Issued 16-32-61-10W4 05-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085644 Issued 2-8-61-15W4 05-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086076 Issued 12-15-63-22W4 07-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086077 Issued 15-8-66-5W4 07-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1086131 Issued 6-18-65-14W4 08-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087078 Issued 15-27-65-15W4 20-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087685 Issued 12-9-67-18W4 23-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087850 Issued 12-23-67-23W4 24-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087851 Issued 2-35-65-15W4 24-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088510 Issued 1-10-67-5W4 01-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088710 Issued 2-35-66-15W4 05-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088927 Issued 14-3-66-5W4 06-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089051 Issued 15-20-72-21W4 07-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089145 Issued 10-5-67-4W4 08-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089447 Issued 14-23-68-5W4 12-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089885 Issued 11-14-68-5W4 16-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1090426 Issued 16-4-66-5W4 23-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1091949 Issued 14-23-68-5W4 18-Apr-01 Gas Processing Plant 1093099 Issued 2-17-66-5W4 07-May-01 Gas Processing Plant 1093225 Issued 4-5-67-4W4 08-May-01 Gas Processing Plant 1093279 Issued 6-14-65-17W4 09-May-01 Gas Processing Plant 1095154 Issued 3-9-66-20W4 05-Jun-01 Gas Processing Plant 1095487 Issued 11-28-71-20W4 08-Jun-01 Gas Processing Plant 1095864 Issued 11-33-67-17W4 14-Jun-01 Gas Processing Plant 1096183 Issued 7-19-62-3W4 19-Jun-01 Gas Processing Plant 1096479 Issued 10-34-66-18W4 25-Jun-01 Gas Processing Plant 1096546 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 25-Jun-01 226 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Gas Processing Plant 1097016 Issued 3-17-61-15W4 03-Jul-01 Gas Processing Plant 1240756 Issued 15-30-66-21W4 30-Jul-01 Gas Processing Plant 1241690 Issued 1-27-66-20W4 10-Aug-01 Gas Processing Plant 1243267 Issued 11-4-62-7W4 04-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1243768 Issued 9-4-66-18W4 12-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244241 Issued 5-33-61-8W4 19-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244469 Issued 15-19-67-4W4 24-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244472 Issued 15-19-68-4W4 24-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244797 Issued 8-24-62-14W4 26-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1244822 Issued 10-2-68-5W4 26-Sep-01 Gas Processing Plant 1247966 Issued 9-3-62-14W4 07-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1249775 Issued 7-19-62-3W4 28-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1250031 Issued 5-23-68-5W4 30-Nov-01 Gas Processing Plant 1250243 Issued 9-7-67-4W4 03-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252000 Issued 2-9-67-23W4 18-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252001 Issued 7-13-62-20W4 18-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252436 Issued 9-7-63-8W4 21-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252455 Issued 15-28-70-21W4 21-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1252456 Issued 8-12-68-22W4 21-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1254564 Issued 5-23-68-5W4 21-Jan-02 Gas Processing Plant 1256510 Issued 13-8-64-15W4 12-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258034 Issued 12-8-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258036 Issued 12-3-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258037 Issued 8-3-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258038 Issued 8-8-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258142 Issued 6-29-62-3W4 01-Mar-02 227 2768 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2769 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2770 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2771 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2772 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2773 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2774 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2775 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2776 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2777 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2778 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2779 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2780 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2781 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2782 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2783 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2784 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2785 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2786 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2787 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2788 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2789 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2790 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2791 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2792 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2793 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2794 CANADIAN NATURAL Gas Processing Plant 1259432 Issued 6-34-61-16W4 14-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1260828 Issued 12-2-62-23W4 01-Apr-02 Gas Processing Plant 1261220 Issued 16-6-62-14W4 05-Apr-02 Gas Processing Plant 1261221 Issued 12-18-63-15W4 05-Apr-02 Gas Processing Plant 1261227 Issued 3-19-66-19W4 05-Apr-02 Gas Processing Plant 1270657 Issued 4-29-64-16W4 23-May-02 Gas Processing Plant 1272369 Issued 7-15-67-21W4 18-Jun-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273050 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 27-Jun-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273244 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273290 Issued 4-33-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273292 Issued 4-33-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273294 Issued 13-20-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273305 Issued 14-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273306 Issued 11-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273307 Issued 14-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273308 Issued 11-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273309 Issued 14-21-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273310 Issued 12-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273329 Issued 11-19-61-4W4 03-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273455 Issued 6-36-60-6W4 04-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273457 Issued 11-2-60-10W4 04-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1273467 Issued 10-18-60-6W4 04-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1274950 Issued 4-16-62-4W4 29-Jul-02 Gas Processing Plant 1278100 Issued 1-8-61-3W4 12-Sep-02 Gas Processing Plant 1279133 Issued 10-22-65-7W4 26-Sep-02 Gas Processing Plant 1279850 Issued 10-4-81-5W4 07-Oct-02 Gas Processing Plant 1281535 Issued 7-35-67-13W4 29-Oct-02 228 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Gas Processing Plant 1286042 Issued 14-14-63-22W4 12-Dec-02 Gas Processing Plant 1287877 Issued 3-1-63-3W4 02-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1287939 Issued 14-28-67-2W4 02-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1287963 Issued 4-22-66-22W4 03-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1287965 Issued 8-27-66-18W4 03-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288607 Issued 4-22-76-15W4 09-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288807 Issued 1-34-77-16W4 10-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288824 Issued 13-28-77-12W4 10-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288834 Issued 15-22-76-13W4 10-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288835 Issued 9-6-75-11W4 10-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1288836 Issued 14-15-77-12W4 10-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1289046 Issued 8-17-73-19W4 14-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1289048 Issued 6-14-73-11W4 14-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1289070 Issued 7-21-75-11W4 14-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1289379 Issued 13-11-79-14W4 16-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1290094 Issued 14-14-63-22W4 22-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1290271 Issued 16-18-60-13W4 23-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1290527 Issued 11-20-80-12W4 27-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291003 Issued 14-19-74-9W4 30-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291005 Issued 5-21-76-14W4 30-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291646 Issued 16-14-63-5W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291649 Issued 5-16-66-5W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291664 Issued 4-22-76-15W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291666 Issued 15-22-76-13W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291668 Issued 7-20-74-9W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291685 Issued 10-24-66-19W4 06-Feb-03 229 2821 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2822 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2823 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2824 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2825 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2826 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2827 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2828 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2829 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2830 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2831 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2832 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2833 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2834 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2835 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2836 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2837 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2838 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2839 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2840 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2841 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2842 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2843 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2844 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2845 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2846 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 2847 CANADIAN NATURAL Gas Processing Plant 1291883 Issued 10-18-77-16W4 06-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291885 Issued 10-32-78-12W4 06-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291886 Issued 6-34-78-13W4 06-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1292125 Issued 7-19-77-16W4 10-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1292556 Issued 3-35-74-8W4 13-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1292557 Issued 11-22-73-11W4 13-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1292560 Issued 11-6-77-16W4 13-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1292939 Issued 15-10-67-17W4 18-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293007 Issued 6-26-70-11W4 19-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293012 Issued 12-36-77-16W4 19-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293355 Issued 6-4-66-19W4 21-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293357 Issued 9-9-63-15W4 21-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293358 Issued 4-21-75-8W4 21-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293364 Issued 16-19-75-8W4 21-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293519 Issued 9-32-77-16W4 24-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293590 Issued 4-29-68-23W4 24-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293702 Issued 7-2-75-14W4 25-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1293885 Issued 4-9-61-15W4 26-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294423 Closed 1-15-61-17W4 03-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294425 Issued 9-9-63-15W4 03-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294433 Issued 2-5-61-4W4 03-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294735 Issued 1-25-63-3W4 05-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295078 Issued 1-15-61-17W4 07-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295093 Issued 2-5-61-4W4 07-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295486 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 11-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295487 Issued 13-22-67-4W4 11-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295918 Issued 7-19-76-12W4 14-Mar-03 230 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1296191 Issued 5-8-62-12W4 17-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296259 Issued 1-25-63-3W4 18-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296750 Issued 8-26-63-3W4 21-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296947 Issued 12-28-61-7W4 24-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296985 Issued 5-12-66-21W4 25-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1297051 Issued 4-22-76-15W4 25-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1299686 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 24-Apr-03 Gas Processing Plant 1299687 Issued 3-35-67-4W4 24-Apr-03 Gas Processing Plant 1299688 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 24-Apr-03 Gas Processing Plant 1300720 Issued 1-20-62-4W4 06-May-03 Gas Processing Plant 1302049 Issued 11-20-80-12W4 21-May-03 Gas Processing Plant 1302053 Issued 4-29-68-23W4 21-May-03 Gas Processing Plant 1304061 Issued 13-6-62-7W4 12-Jun-03 Gas Processing Plant 1305388 Issued 15-36-61-4W4 25-Jun-03 Gas Processing Plant 1305399 Issued 11-19-77-12W4 25-Jun-03 Gas Processing Plant 1308898 Issued 2-6-63-6W4 30-Jul-03 Gas Processing Plant 1310402 Issued 12-11-67-19W4 14-Aug-03 Gas Processing Plant 1310637 Issued 7-2-67-19W4 18-Aug-03 Gas Processing Plant 1311138 Issued 5-31-67-18W4 22-Aug-03 Gas Processing Plant 1312092 Issued 16-19-67-18W4 04-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1312095 Issued 15-34-63-8W4 04-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1312130 Issued 4-29-67-16W4 04-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1312235 Issued 5-16-66-5W4 04-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1312567 Issued 11-5-67-4W4 08-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1313601 Issued 1-36-67-18W4 16-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1313750 Issued 10-32-70-10W4 17-Sep-03 231 2874 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2875 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2876 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2877 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2878 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2879 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2880 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2881 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2882 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2883 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2884 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2885 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2886 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2887 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2888 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2889 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2890 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2891 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2892 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2893 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2894 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2895 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2896 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2897 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2898 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2899 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2900 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1313752 Issued 7-5-72-10W4 17-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1313754 Issued 13-34-65-16W4 17-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1313830 Issued 3-5-66-16W4 17-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1316048 Issued 6-26-70-11W4 07-Oct-03 Gas Processing Plant 1316877 Issued 6-26-70-11W4 15-Oct-03 Gas Processing Plant 1317109 Issued 3-26-67-16W4 17-Oct-03 Gas Processing Plant 1318623 Issued 1-33-70-11W4 30-Oct-03 Gas Processing Plant 1319575 Issued 5-23-79-4W4 07-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1320261 Issued 6-2-62-20W4 13-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1321141 Issued 13-3-60-11W4 20-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1321956 Issued 14-33-66-18W4 27-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1323907 Issued 5-12-66-21W4 09-Dec-03 Gas Processing Plant 1326341 Issued 11-35-61-12W4 23-Dec-03 Gas Processing Plant 1327488 Issued 14-15-77-12W4 08-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1328411 Issued 9-17-60-11W4 13-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1328727 Issued 7-4-65-21W4 14-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1328789 Issued 10-25-67-20W4 15-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1328870 Issued 4-17-71-11W4 15-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1330140 Issued 2-2-77-12W4 22-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1330145 Issued 16-21-77-12W4 22-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1330301 Closed 4-17-71-11W4 22-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1330685 Issued 11-26-77-14W4 26-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331020 Issued 4-17-71-11W4 27-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331809 Issued 1-7-74-11W4 02-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331817 Issued 8-16-73-11W4 02-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1332121 Issued 8-36-79-14W4 04-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1332123 Issued 3-33-67-19W4 04-Feb-04 232 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1332252 Issued 11-34-71-11W4 04-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1333741 Issued 4-1-80-14W4 12-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1334264 Issued 12-25-79-14W4 18-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335069 Issued 16-25-68-12W4 23-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335072 Issued 6-29-63-16W4 23-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335185 Issued 13-3-81-17W4 24-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335624 Issued 3-7-70-12W4 26-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1335626 Issued 10-31-66-5W4 26-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336018 Issued 16-33-61-19W4 27-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336211 Issued 4-17-71-11W4 01-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336376 Issued 16-24-70-12W4 02-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336557 Issued 16-25-68-12W4 03-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336972 Issued 12-5-64-15W4 05-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1337133 Issued 4-8-70-12W4 08-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338183 Issued 15-25-61-15W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338243 Issued 15-25-65-17W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338245 Issued 12-34-68-12W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338248 Issued 11-3-70-16W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338250 Issued 6-34-71-12W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338252 Issued 14-31-68-11W4 15-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338356 Issued 4-4-67-23W4 16-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338361 Issued 1-32-66-22W4 16-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338603 Issued 14-4-71-12W4 16-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1338640 Issued 6-29-63-16W4 16-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339157 Issued 9-6-68-2W4 21-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339158 Issued 5-23-68-5W4 21-Mar-04 233 2927 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2928 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2929 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2930 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2931 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2932 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2933 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2934 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2935 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2936 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2937 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2938 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2939 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2940 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2941 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2942 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2943 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2944 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2945 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2946 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2947 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2948 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2949 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2950 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2951 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2952 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2953 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1339172 Issued 10-36-61-4W4 21-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339801 Issued 6-3-66-5W4 25-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339803 Issued 5-3-67-4W4 25-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339805 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 25-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339806 Issued 9-4-68-5W4 25-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1339960 Issued 10-36-61-4W4 26-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340165 Issued 11-36-66-22W4 29-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340166 Issued 6-3-67-4W4 29-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340167 Issued 7-31-68-4W4 29-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340549 Issued 7-5-68-17W4 01-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340552 Issued 8-26-67-16W4 01-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1340818 Issued 11-2-61-10W4 05-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341059 Issued 8-30-65-17W4 06-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341065 Issued 9-33-64-17W4 06-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341067 Issued 5-36-65-18W4 06-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341072 Issued 9-22-67-18W4 06-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341120 Closed 10-15-65-17W4 06-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1341863 Issued 11-18-76-14W4 12-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1342450 Issued 8-30-65-17W4 15-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1343091 Issued 11-30-67-15W4 22-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1343092 Issued 8-32-67-17W4 22-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1344018 Issued 15-10-66-5W4 29-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1344070 Issued 11-11-60-11W4 29-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1345514 Issued 6-19-65-17W4 12-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1345518 Issued 16-33-77-15W4 12-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1345655 Issued 2-18-61-10W4 13-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1346054 Issued 14-18-65-17W4 17-May-04 234 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1346831 Issued 10-30-76-15W4 25-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1346832 Issued 3-26-81-5W4 25-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1346834 Issued 10-22-79-4W4 25-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1346835 Issued 8-14-79-6W4 25-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1347227 Issued 7-35-80-6W4 27-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1347232 Issued 14-14-74-11W4 27-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1347248 Issued 14-9-71-9W4 27-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1348157 Issued 9-13-61-10W4 03-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1348300 Issued 16-22-70-14W4 04-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1349050 Issued 1-33-77-13W4 09-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1349053 Issued 8-36-65-18W4 09-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1349057 Issued 11-12-62-18W4 09-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1349334 Issued 4-16-62-1W4 11-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1349597 Issued 3-26-81-5W4 14-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350469 Issued 15-28-61-9W4 21-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350475 Issued 13-17-62-4W4 21-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350824 Issued 5-16-66-5W4 23-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350826 Issued 15-13-65-18W4 23-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350833 Issued 10-13-77-15W4 23-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350835 Issued 8-23-77-16W4 23-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1351097 Issued 12-24-75-16W4 25-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1351251 Issued 6-6-68-22W4 25-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1351889 Issued 6-22-61-8W4 02-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353123 Issued 10-23-60-12W4 14-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353130 Issued 12-22-66-18W4 14-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353467 Closed 10-8-66-5W4 19-Jul-04 235 2980 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2981 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2982 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2983 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2984 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2985 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2986 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2987 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2988 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2989 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2990 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2991 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2992 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2993 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2994 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2995 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2996 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2997 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2998 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2999 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3000 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3001 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3002 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3003 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3004 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3005 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3006 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1353757 Issued 11-12-67-15W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353760 Issued 3-18-68-12W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353764 Issued 2-18-72-10W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353769 Issued 6-9-81-5W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353772 Issued 9-27-76-15W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1353829 Issued 10-23-60-12W4 20-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1354160 Issued 10-8-66-5W4 22-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1354224 Issued 13-33-65-5W4 22-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1355425 Issued 30-Jul-04 Gas Processing Plant 1358510 Closed 6-17-62-4W4 26-Aug-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359320 Issued 02-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359846 Issued 7-26-77-5W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359849 Issued 5-21-78-5W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359860 Issued 16-1-62-19W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359864 Issued 7-30-70-10W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359865 Issued 6-18-72-11W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359879 Issued 1-27-70-12W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1359918 Issued 11-20-67-18W4 08-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360019 Issued 16-10-61-5W4 09-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360020 Issued 4-6-66-18W4 09-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360023 Issued 4-21-66-19W4 09-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360453 Issued 3-24-67-19W4 13-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360580 Issued 16-10-61-5W4 14-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360729 Issued 4-6-66-18W4 14-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360733 Issued 11-20-67-18W4 14-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1360759 Issued 9-30-62-15W4 15-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1361244 Issued 10-5-61-4W4 20-Sep-04 236 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1361251 Issued 3-24-67-19W4 20-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1361519 Issued 5-2-65-19W4 21-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1361889 Issued 12-3-63-16W4 23-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1362360 Issued 6-14-61-5W4 28-Sep-04 Gas Processing Plant 1362976 Issued 7-34-62-20W4 01-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1364922 Issued 16-10-62-4W4 15-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1365129 Issued 11-2-79-7W4 18-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1365131 Issued 10-22-78-5W4 18-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1365133 Issued 11-11-81-5W4 18-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1366525 Issued 14-26-62-16W4 26-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1366543 Issued 11-36-66-22W4 26-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1367076 Issued 13-22-71-11W4 28-Oct-04 Gas Processing Plant 1367572 Issued 11-30-68-4W4 01-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1367573 Issued 10-27-66-19W4 01-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1367574 Issued 13-32-66-18W4 01-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1367575 Issued 6-24-65-19W4 01-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368121 Issued 4-17-70-12W4 04-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368136 Issued 3-14-62-4W4 04-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368155 Closed 14-8-68-4W4 04-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368463 Issued 14-26-62-16W4 05-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368862 Issued 10-27-67-3W4 09-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368930 Issued 9-5-63-16W4 09-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1368932 Issued 9-25-65-19W4 09-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1369145 Issued 16-3-61-14W4 10-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1369415 Issued 9-16-66-20W4 12-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1371024 Issued 7-14-62-4W4 23-Nov-04 237 3033 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3034 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3035 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3036 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3037 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3038 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3039 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3040 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3041 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3042 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3043 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3044 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3045 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3046 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3047 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3048 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3049 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3050 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3051 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3052 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3053 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3054 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3055 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3056 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3057 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3058 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3059 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1372105 Issued 4-14-60-7W4 29-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1372329 Issued 5-2-72-10W4 30-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1372332 Issued 8-32-80-12W4 30-Nov-04 Gas Processing Plant 1373429 Issued 1-30-77-12W4 06-Dec-04 Gas Processing Plant 1378150 Issued 4-7-64-16W4 29-Dec-04 Gas Processing Plant 1378538 Issued 8-2-64-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378544 Issued 14-25-63-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378553 Issued 12-34-62-17W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378556 Issued 4-22-62-15W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378560 Issued 14-19-62-15W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378567 Issued 11-18-63-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378574 Issued 4-15-65-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378577 Issued 6-28-64-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378579 Issued 6-15-65-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378634 Issued 16-35-63-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1378636 Issued 14-1-64-16W4 04-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379077 Issued 12-30-71-11W4 06-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379314 Issued 2-34-77-12W4 07-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379319 Issued 14-5-79-12W4 07-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379333 Issued 15-12-72-12W4 07-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379336 Issued 6-4-75-1W4 07-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379415 Issued 1-23-64-16W4 10-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379416 Closed 7-34-62-16W4 10-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379470 Issued 11-35-71-12W4 10-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379471 Issued 15-33-71-9W4 10-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1379918 Issued 14-8-68-4W4 12-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1380164 Issued 4-15-65-16W4 13-Jan-05 238 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1380166 Issued 16-35-63-16W4 13-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1380170 Issued 7-23-61-17W4 13-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1381432 Issued 7-34-62-16W4 19-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1381582 Issued 7-5-79-13W4 20-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1381584 Issued 14-1-64-16W4 20-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1381755 Issued 9-30-67-19W4 21-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382081 Issued 14-1-64-16W4 24-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382087 Issued 8-2-64-16W4 24-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382090 Issued 10-34-77-5W4 24-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382369 Issued 6-36-78-14W4 25-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382916 Issued 13-18-67-16W4 27-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1382927 Issued 12-26-71-12W4 27-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1383245 Issued 5-2-65-19W4 28-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1383272 Issued 11-21-77-5W4 28-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1383426 Issued 8-22-67-12W4 31-Jan-05 Gas Processing Plant 1383680 Issued 12-9-65-10W4 01-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1383903 Issued 4-30-73-16W4 02-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1385135 Issued 1-22-68-13W4 09-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1385136 Issued 2-12-67-5W4 09-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1385387 Issued 12-7-76-14W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1385605 Closed 14-7-72-11W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1385611 Issued 10-35-66-15W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1386011 Issued 10-7-61-9W4 14-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1386015 Issued 16-12-80-11W4 14-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1386719 Issued 11-20-62-10W4 16-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1387337 Issued 8-14-67-12W4 18-Feb-05 239 3086 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3087 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3088 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3089 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3090 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3091 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3092 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3093 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3094 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3095 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3096 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3097 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3098 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3099 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3100 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3101 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3102 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3103 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3104 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3105 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3106 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3107 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3108 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3109 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3110 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3111 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3112 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1387353 Issued 14-5-79-12W4 18-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1388115 Issued 6-36-78-14W4 24-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1388142 Issued 5-11-76-16W4 24-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1388349 Issued 1-8-67-16W4 25-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1388488 Issued 4-13-71-12W4 28-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1388804 Issued 14-1-70-12W4 01-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1389567 Issued 15-36-71-12W4 03-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1389686 Issued 14-2-63-10W4 04-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1389717 Issued 10-19-71-11W4 04-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1390066 Issued 5-23-68-5W4 07-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1390508 Issued 11-2-72-12W4 09-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1390723 Issued 9-21-63-22W4 10-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1390745 Issued 14-2-63-10W4 10-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1391305 Issued 2-2-68-13W4 15-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1391544 Issued 8-11-68-13W4 16-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1391735 Issued 9-6-68-2W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1391737 Issued 4-12-74-11W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1391739 Issued 9-21-63-22W4 17-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1392141 Issued 13-2-64-11W4 18-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1392451 Issued 1-19-70-12W4 22-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1392453 Issued 12-33-68-16W4 22-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393136 Issued 6-31-70-10W4 28-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393149 Issued 6-18-74-9W4 28-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393581 Issued 11-9-71-20W4 30-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393582 Issued 16-23-71-20W4 30-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393594 Issued 2-30-70-20W4 30-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1393643 Issued 12-4-60-11W4 31-Mar-05 240 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1394027 Issued 7-7-61-9W4 04-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1394561 Issued 9-5-62-7W4 06-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1395626 Issued 11-10-60-11W4 12-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1395939 Issued 12-9-65-10W4 13-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1396289 Issued 8-14-67-12W4 15-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1396581 Issued 14-8-68-4W4 18-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1397194 Issued 11-22-66-5W4 21-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1397292 Issued 10-2-74-9W4 21-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1397667 Issued 4-33-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1397676 Issued 14-19-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1398564 Issued 13-2-64-11W4 29-Apr-05 Gas Processing Plant 1398918 Issued 10-9-64-13W4 03-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1399670 Issued 13-1-64-11W4 06-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1399986 Issued 6-24-65-15W4 09-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1400892 Issued 14-2-63-10W4 16-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1400981 Issued 2-25-61-5W4 16-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1402475 Issued 11-28-80-6W4 26-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403275 Issued 10-36-71-11W4 01-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403279 Issued 8-4-79-6W4 01-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403283 Issued 6-33-76-12W4 01-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403421 Issued 2-18-79-3W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403424 Issued 10-27-79-4W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403426 Issued 7-29-79-4W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403428 Issued 11-6-74-11W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403430 Issued 1-4-79-7W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403431 Issued 9-19-79-7W4 02-Jun-05 241 3139 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3140 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3141 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3142 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3143 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3144 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3145 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3146 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3147 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3148 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3149 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3150 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3151 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3152 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3153 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3154 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3155 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3156 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3157 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3158 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3159 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3160 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3161 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3162 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3163 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3164 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3165 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1403432 Issued 11-16-79-8W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403513 Issued 13-23-80-12W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403517 Issued 15-34-78-5W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403528 Issued 15-16-79-4W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403543 Issued 10-31-80-4W4 02-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1403873 Issued 11-16-79-4W4 06-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1404023 Issued 5-21-78-5W4 07-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1404059 Issued 13-13-79-8W4 07-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1404261 Issued 9-19-79-7W4 08-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1404699 Issued 4-1-62-14W4 10-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1405869 Issued 12-32-61-18W4 20-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1406783 Issued 12-11-62-19W4 27-Jun-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408001 Issued 12-11-62-19W4 06-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408437 Issued 4-30-73-16W4 08-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408742 Issued 12-32-61-18W4 12-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408749 Issued 3-4-61-16W4 12-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408757 Issued 14-31-61-14W4 12-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1408770 Issued 10-29-62-20W4 12-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1409961 Issued 12-20-63-15W4 20-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1409970 Issued 4-8-60-7W4 20-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1410038 Issued 7-20-66-20W4 20-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1410534 Issued 12-20-61-16W4 22-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1410710 Issued 14-8-68-4W4 25-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1410720 Issued 14-8-68-4W4 25-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1411613 Issued 9-13-62-10W4 29-Jul-05 Gas Processing Plant 1412622 Closed 2-25-61-5W4 08-Aug-05 Gas Processing Plant 1412954 Issued 13-10-61-5W4 10-Aug-05 242 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1414491 Issued 8-23-62-10W4 19-Aug-05 Gas Processing Plant 1415139 Issued 2-3-60-11W4 24-Aug-05 Gas Processing Plant 1415143 Issued 11-12-61-17W4 24-Aug-05 Gas Processing Plant 1415811 Issued 6-18-72-11W4 29-Aug-05 Gas Processing Plant 1416474 Issued 16-30-61-19W4 01-Sep-05 Gas Processing Plant 1418021 Issued 7-17-61-16W4 13-Sep-05 Gas Processing Plant 1419289 Issued 14-6-72-11W4 21-Sep-05 Gas Processing Plant 1419889 Issued 1-10-67-5W4 26-Sep-05 Gas Processing Plant 1421818 Issued 10-19-71-11W4 04-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1424250 Issued 11-18-81-16W4 18-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1424253 Issued 10-36-81-17W4 18-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1424490 Issued 5-35-76-14W4 19-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1426057 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 27-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1426455 Issued 12-1-72-12W4 31-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1426733 Issued 2-12-72-12W4 01-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1427413 Issued 6-34-66-17W4 03-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1427808 Issued 7-8-81-17W4 07-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1428246 Issued 2-9-68-12W4 08-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1428412 Issued 5-8-68-12W4 09-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1429321 Issued 14-31-68-11W4 15-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1430877 Issued 16-12-71-11W4 22-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1430928 Issued 2-6-62-10W4 22-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1431424 Issued 16-10-71-12W4 24-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1432281 Issued 5-15-64-11W4 29-Nov-05 Gas Processing Plant 1432742 Issued 16-6-73-16W4 01-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1432887 Issued 6-34-66-17W4 01-Dec-05 243 3192 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3193 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3194 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3195 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3196 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3197 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3198 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3199 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3200 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3201 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3202 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3203 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3204 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3205 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3206 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3207 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3208 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3209 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3210 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3211 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3212 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3213 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3214 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3215 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3216 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3217 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3218 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1434101 Issued 12-29-77-16W4 08-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1434671 Issued 2-34-77-14W4 09-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1434822 Issued 14-31-68-11W4 12-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1434826 Issued 13-4-74-9W4 12-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437066 Issued 12-32-63-11W4 22-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437074 Issued 5-30-63-11W4 22-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437701 Issued 10-33-79-4W4 28-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437702 Issued 14-25-63-16W4 28-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437723 Issued 6-6-68-12W4 29-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437726 Issued 5-8-79-7W4 29-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437951 Issued 6-6-61-16W4 30-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437957 Issued 10-18-77-16W4 30-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1438298 Issued 4-30-73-16W4 04-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1438513 Issued 10-19-63-11W4 05-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1438862 Issued 6-4-68-22W4 06-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1438991 Issued 3-29-63-7W4 06-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439012 Issued 6-25-75-12W4 06-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439216 Issued 3-23-71-12W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439217 Issued 5-23-71-12W4 09-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439616 Issued 11-31-63-11W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439761 Issued 3-20-72-10W4 11-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439881 Issued 12-23-71-12W4 11-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439885 Issued 1-19-71-11W4 11-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440101 Issued 14-6-72-11W4 12-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440108 Issued 12-1-72-12W4 12-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440208 Issued 13-14-75-16W4 12-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440439 Issued 2-34-77-14W4 13-Jan-06 244 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1440555 Issued 6-25-72-10W4 13-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440562 Issued 13-25-79-4W4 13-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440566 Issued 5-36-71-12W4 13-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1440608 Issued 0011-19-80-4W4 13-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1441253 Issued 10-28-71-12W4 18-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1441255 Issued 10-19-63-11W4 18-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1441378 Issued 7-11-72-12W4 18-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1441608 Issued 3-19-72-9W4 19-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1441711 Issued 6-5-78-14W4 19-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1442111 Issued 6-5-78-14W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1442114 Issued 7-21-75-11W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1442822 Issued 4-32-79-4W4 26-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443027 Issued 15-13-79-4W4 26-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443502 Issued 4-6-62-3W4 27-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443608 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443747 Issued 2-23-61-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443749 Issued 13-8-64-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443753 Issued 12-19-62-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443756 Issued 8-7-62-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443758 Closed 15-28-61-9W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443764 Issued 6-8-64-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443770 Issued 4-28-77-15W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443773 Issued 6-15-74-8W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443960 Issued 1-23-79-8W4 31-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444001 Issued 12-1-79-4W4 31-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444008 Issued 11-8-74-9W4 31-Jan-06 245 3245 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3246 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3247 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3248 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3249 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3250 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3251 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3252 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3253 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3254 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3255 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3256 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3257 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3258 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3259 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3260 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3261 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3262 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3263 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3264 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3265 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3266 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3267 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3268 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3269 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3270 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3271 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1444201 Issued 14-11-79-14W4 01-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444202 Issued 16-10-81-5W4 01-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444311 Issued 9-32-68-5W4 01-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444318 Issued 9-34-79-4W4 01-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444763 Issued 7-27-79-4W4 03-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1444902 Issued 5-21-76-13W4 03-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1445740 Issued 5-12-70-12W4 08-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1445745 Issued 6-20-71-11W4 08-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1446231 Issued 2-34-79-4W4 10-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1446437 Issued 7-8-72-10W4 10-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447167 Issued 10-11-77-12W4 15-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447169 Issued 8-12-64-11W4 15-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447172 Issued 15-21-79-4W4 15-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447241 Issued 2-19-79-7W4 15-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447710 Issued 2-12-72-12W4 17-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447715 Issued 6-5-78-14W4 17-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447930 Issued 13-9-80-4W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447937 Issued 1-30-70-12W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1447942 Issued 15-11-65-15W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448576 Issued 16-1-80-14W4 23-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448578 Issued 13-14-81-5W4 23-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448757 Issued 4-31-71-11W4 24-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1449152 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 28-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1449640 Issued 3-4-76-11W4 01-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450185 Issued 2-31-60-10W4 03-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450189 Issued 4-19-61-9W4 03-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450757 Issued 3-11-62-18W4 07-Mar-06 246 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1450772 Closed 14-34-80-5W4 07-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450895 Issued 4-30-61-9W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450981 Issued 10-20-62-16W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451162 Issued 7-14-68-5W4 09-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451317 Issued 6-33-62-16W4 09-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451350 Issued 10-33-73-8W4 09-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451560 Issued 14-34-80-5W4 10-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451775 Issued 10-32-77-13W4 13-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1452062 Issued 10-20-62-16W4 14-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1453067 Issued 3-11-70-12W4 20-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1453069 Issued 7-14-68-5W4 20-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1453725 Issued 7-34-64-20W4 23-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1454700 Closed 4-15-67-4W4 30-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1455673 Issued 14-11-79-14W4 06-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1455749 Issued 5-12-70-12W4 06-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1455951 Issued 7-11-72-12W4 07-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1455958 Issued 7-11-78-13W4 07-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456113 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 10-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456326 Issued 14-30-80-11W4 11-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456339 Issued 4-21-81-4W4 11-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456832 Issued 15-29-63-11W4 17-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456993 Issued 15-5-73-16W4 18-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1458012 Issued 3-11-70-12W4 25-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1458328 Issued 13-17-71-20W4 26-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1458417 Issued 2-23-62-23W4 26-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1459256 Issued 13-17-71-20W4 03-May-06 247 3298 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3299 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3300 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3301 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3302 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3303 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3304 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3305 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3306 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3307 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3308 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3309 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3310 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3311 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3312 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3313 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3314 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3315 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3316 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3317 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3318 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3319 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3320 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3321 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3322 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3323 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3324 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1459778 Issued 4-26-67-19W4 05-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1460903 Issued 5-36-71-12W4 12-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1460943 Issued 3-11-62-18W4 12-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1461051 Issued 9-19-73-8W4 15-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1461053 Issued 10-24-73-8W4 15-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1461064 Issued 2-19-74-8W4 15-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1461112 Issued 10-32-77-13W4 15-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1462644 Issued 11-20-68-4W4 25-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1462800 Issued 7-13-63-12W4 26-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1462807 Issued 14-12-68-22W4 26-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1462809 Issued 4-4-67-23W4 26-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1463212 Issued 12-30-60-9W4 30-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1463555 Issued 4-15-67-4W4 01-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1464346 Issued 3-11-62-18W4 07-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1464775 Issued 10-12-60-10W4 09-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1465009 Issued 1-11-79-4W4 12-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1465468 Issued 1-11-79-4W4 14-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1466127 Issued 12-6-67-16W4 19-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1466253 Issued 5-14-63-5W4 20-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1467073 Issued 15-28-61-9W4 26-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1467231 Issued 11-2-60-10W4 27-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1467261 Issued 5-15-79-5W4 27-Jun-06 Gas Processing Plant 1468372 Issued 10-1-67-23W4 04-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1468375 Issued 10-12-68-23W4 04-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1468380 Issued 11-10-67-23W4 04-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1468381 Issued 6-12-67-23W4 04-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1468382 Issued 11-14-67-23W4 04-Jul-06 248 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1469101 Issued 5-29-61-16W4 10-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1469115 Issued 12-36-79-7W4 10-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1469117 Issued 7-9-68-22W4 10-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1471032 Issued 1-9-63-12W4 19-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1471033 Issued 11-22-62-19W4 19-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1472064 Issued 10-31-61-9W4 26-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1472109 Issued 16-30-68-23W4 27-Jul-06 Gas Processing Plant 1473145 Issued 03-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1473389 Issued 04-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1473830 Issued 11-15-61-16W4 09-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474101 Issued 15-5-71-20W4 11-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474346 Issued 10-15-66-22W4 14-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474348 Issued 6-24-65-19W4 14-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474359 Issued 6-25-68-23W4 14-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474362 Issued 6-24-68-23W4 14-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474443 Issued 9-34-79-4W4 14-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1474841 Issued 11-36-66-22W4 17-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1475361 Issued 11-36-66-22W4 21-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1475902 Issued 001-18-68-23W4 23-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1476119 Issued 14-1-67-12W4 25-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1476349 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 28-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1476365 Issued 14-35-79-4W4 28-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1476773 Issued 7-35-64-20W4 30-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1477171 Issued 10-15-66-22W4 31-Aug-06 Gas Processing Plant 1477513 Issued 10-11-62-8W4 05-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1477665 Issued 3-29-61-11W4 06-Sep-06 249 3351 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3352 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3353 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3354 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3355 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3356 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3357 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3358 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3359 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3360 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3361 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3362 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3363 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3364 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3365 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3366 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3367 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3368 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3369 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3370 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3371 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3372 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3373 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3374 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3375 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3376 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3377 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1477683 Issued 11-14-80-5W4 06-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1478573 Issued 15-3-79-5W4 13-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1478618 Issued 15-10-79-5W4 13-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1479094 Issued 14-2-79-5W4 15-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1479095 Issued 6-16-80-4W4 15-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1479546 Issued 7-31-70-20W4 20-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1480854 Issued 11-32-61-16W4 28-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1480873 Issued 7-33-65-15W4 28-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1480928 Issued 7-5-61-3W4 29-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1480930 Issued 7-29-80-4W4 29-Sep-06 Gas Processing Plant 1481480 Issued 6-21-61-9W4 04-Oct-06 Gas Processing Plant 1481484 Issued 6-28-61-10W4 04-Oct-06 Gas Processing Plant 1483169 Issued 11-2-68-13W4 18-Oct-06 Gas Processing Plant 1483795 Issued 4-21-81-4W4 23-Oct-06 Gas Processing Plant 1485808 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 07-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1485811 Issued 4-12-64-17W4 07-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1485875 Issued 10-9-80-4W4 07-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1485877 Issued 10-3-80-4W4 07-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1486225 Issued 7-15-79-5W4 09-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1486228 Issued 15-5-71-10W4 09-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1486276 Issued 7-6-80-4W4 09-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1486876 Issued 16-32-71-9W4 15-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1486878 Issued 16-28-78-5W4 15-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1487175 Issued 7-31-65-5W4 16-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1488222 Issued 1-31-61-7W4 23-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1488227 Issued 7-2-67-17W4 23-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1488234 Issued 13-23-80-5W4 23-Nov-06 250 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1488483 Issued 5-21-78-5W4 24-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1488532 Issued 11-9-71-20W4 24-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1488533 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 24-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489525 Issued 2-9-79-5W4 30-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489529 Issued 2-14-79-4W4 30-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489533 Issued 3-20-72-10W4 30-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489630 Issued 13-34-73-7W4 30-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489633 Issued 3-4-72-9W4 30-Nov-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489732 Closed 6-18-65-14W4 01-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489956 Issued 8-21-65-15W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489958 Issued 9-5-72-9W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489964 Issued 14-16-79-5W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489965 Issued 8-7-80-4W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1489975 Issued 3-25-78-5W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490103 Issued 3-28-80-4W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490106 Issued 10-16-72-9W4 04-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490361 Issued 3-20-72-10W4 05-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490555 Issued 15-27-66-5W4 06-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490703 Issued 15-2-68-5W4 07-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490737 Issued 8-11-68-4W4 07-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490779 Issued 12-25-79-4W4 07-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490886 Issued 8-32-68-5W4 07-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1490890 Issued 1-30-80-4W4 07-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1491121 Issued 4-34-66-6W4 08-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1491122 Issued 7-29-79-4W4 08-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1491175 Issued 10-1-62-20W4 08-Dec-06 251 3404 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3405 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3406 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3407 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3408 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3409 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3410 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3411 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3412 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3413 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3414 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3415 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3416 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3417 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3418 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3419 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3420 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3421 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3422 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3423 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3424 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3425 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3426 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3427 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3428 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3429 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3430 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1492058 Issued 9-36-67-3W4 13-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1492549 Issued 5-13-66-12W4 15-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1492553 Issued 1-22-67-12W4 15-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1492946 Issued 8-11-66-15W4 18-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1492959 Issued 8-10-70-15W4 18-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493376 Issued 11-16-79-4W4 20-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493383 Issued 15-16-79-4W4 20-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493449 Issued 6-33-79-4W4 20-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493500 Issued 11-6-68-12W4 20-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493705 Issued 2-31-78-4W4 21-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493927 Issued 16-12-71-11W4 22-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1493953 Issued 11-10-79-4W4 22-Dec-06 Gas Processing Plant 1494644 Issued 10-12-72-11W4 03-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1494888 Issued 7-28-80-4W4 04-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495166 Issued 2-21-68-16W4 05-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495765 Issued 10-12-60-10W4 09-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495825 Issued 10-22-79-4W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495828 Issued 6-9-81-5W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495829 Issued 10-36-71-11W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495989 Issued 4-36-67-13W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1496076 Issued 6-1-60-10W4 11-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1496818 Issued 10-32-65-5W4 15-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1497154 Issued 15-20-80-4W4 15-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1497386 Issued 9-27-76-15W4 16-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498159 Issued 12-29-67-2W4 19-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498236 Issued 11-11-68-5W4 19-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498237 Issued 15-15-67-17W4 19-Jan-07 252 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1498866 Issued 3-18-68-12W4 24-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498905 Issued 7-10-77-14W4 24-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498939 Issued 7-2-67-17W4 25-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1499814 Issued 9-5-72-9W4 30-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1500271 Issued 16-28-78-5W4 01-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1500273 Issued 10-16-72-9W4 01-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1500621 Issued 8-10-70-15W4 02-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1501526 Issued 5-35-72-17W4 08-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1501527 Issued 15-20-80-4W4 08-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1501587 Issued 14-19-81-4W4 08-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1502100 Issued 2-21-68-16W4 09-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1502171 Issued 11-21-78-5W4 12-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1502737 Issued 8-21-65-15W4 14-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1503032 Issued 14-34-80-5W4 15-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1503236 Issued 13-36-78-7W4 16-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1503239 Issued 6-36-78-7W4 16-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1503557 Issued 13-24-81-5W4 20-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504069 Issued 7-27-61-17W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504075 Issued 9-4-66-18W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504191 Issued 6-25-68-22W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504195 Issued 11-36-68-23W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504198 Issued 7-13-70-21W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504247 Issued 10-31-80-4W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504263 Issued 1-4-79-7W4 23-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504319 Issued 4-34-66-6W4 26-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504898 Issued 10-16-72-9W4 01-Mar-07 253 3457 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3458 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3459 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3460 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3461 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3462 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3463 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3464 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3465 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3466 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3467 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3468 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3469 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3470 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3471 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3472 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3473 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3474 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3475 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3476 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3477 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3478 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3479 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3480 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3481 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3482 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3483 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1505034 Issued 7-36-61-17W4 01-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1505541 Issued 7-29-80-4W4 06-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1505545 Issued 8-11-68-4W4 06-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1505553 Issued 5-7-81-4W4 06-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1505556 Issued 7-23-81-5W4 06-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1505946 Issued 3-9-67-17W4 08-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1506125 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 09-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1506165 Issued 2-35-79-4W4 09-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1506309 Issued 15-11-63-12W4 12-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1506842 Issued 7-12-67-4W4 15-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507250 Issued 5-28-61-8W4 19-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507252 Issued 9-11-68-4W4 19-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507253 Issued 7-23-68-23W4 19-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507254 Issued 11-1-67-23W4 19-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507524 Issued 8-14-67-12W4 21-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507743 Closed 22-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508095 Issued 28-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508211 Issued 3-35-68-13W4 29-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508506 Issued 10-11-79-4W4 02-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508507 Issued 7-29-80-4W4 02-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508508 Issued 7-28-80-4W4 02-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508509 Issued 15-4-79-5W4 02-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508510 Issued 5-30-77-5W4 02-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508718 Issued 16-32-71-9W4 04-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508720 Issued 3-16-80-4W4 04-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508721 Issued 1-22-67-12W4 04-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508914 Issued 12-9-74-9W4 05-Apr-07 254 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1508915 Issued 3-11-74-10W4 05-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508959 Issued 10-31-73-8W4 09-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508962 Issued 15-26-80-6W4 09-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508963 Issued 6-20-80-6W4 09-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1508965 Issued 7-8-70-12W4 09-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1509731 Issued 7-36-61-17W4 16-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510125 Issued 14-1-72-10W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510126 Issued 10-6-73-10W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510128 Issued 16-31-73-11W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510150 Issued 9-5-74-11W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510153 Issued 7-2-78-5W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510156 Issued 11-21-77-5W4 20-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510605 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 26-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510606 Issued 3-5-74-8W4 26-Apr-07 Gas Processing Plant 1510857 Issued 9-11-68-4W4 01-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1511511 Issued 11-1-70-12W4 07-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1511528 Issued 6-29-76-15W4 07-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1511530 Issued 7-1-67-15W4 07-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514018 Issued 15-27-66-5W4 31-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514021 Issued 7-31-70-20W4 31-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514022 Issued 7-31-65-5W4 31-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514039 Issued 6-4-65-10W4 31-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514659 Issued 13-23-80-5W4 07-Jun-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514808 Issued 5-3-78-14W4 07-Jun-07 Gas Processing Plant 1514814 Issued 2-31-78-4W4 07-Jun-07 Gas Processing Plant 1515124 Issued 5-3-78-14W4 12-Jun-07 255 3510 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3511 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3512 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3513 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3514 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3515 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3516 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3517 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3518 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3519 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3520 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3521 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3522 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3523 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3524 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3525 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3526 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3527 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3528 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3529 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3530 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3531 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3532 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3533 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3534 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3535 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3536 Canadian Natural Gas Processing Plant 1515126 Issued 7-28-80-4W4 12-Jun-07 Gas Processing Plant 1517289 Issued 3-4-72-9W4 03-Jul-07 Gas Processing Plant 1518358 Issued 14-34-80-5W4 11-Jul-07 Gas Processing Plant 1519058 Issued 5-7-81-5W4 17-Jul-07 Gas Processing Plant 1519350 Issued 7-5-61-3W4 19-Jul-07 Gas Processing Plant 1522187 Issued 6-15-65-16W4 14-Aug-07 Gas Processing Plant 1522189 Issued 4-15-65-16W4 14-Aug-07 Gas Processing Plant 1524923 Issued 1-15-61-8W4 05-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1525241 Issued 3-14-67-3W4 07-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1526688 Issued 10-1-79-4W4 19-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1527788 Issued 7-6-80-4W4 28-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1527789 Issued 2-9-79-5W4 28-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1527853 Issued 4-15-61-5W4 29-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1528748 Issued 13-34-73-7W4 05-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1528763 Closed 7-8-72-10W4 05-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1528840 Issued 8-12-78-13W4 09-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1530884 Issued 6-33-79-4W4 23-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1543479 Issued 4-32-79-4W4 25-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1543481 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 25-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1543835 Issued 6-28-61-10W4 29-Oct-07 Gas Processing Plant 1544409 Issued 7-27-77-5W4 01-Nov-07 Gas Processing Plant 1546190 Issued 6-27-77-5W4 14-Nov-07 Gas Processing Plant 1547799 Issued 10-13-74-9W4 26-Nov-07 Gas Processing Plant 1549347 Issued 10-15-66-22W4 04-Dec-07 Gas Processing Plant 1550253 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 10-Dec-07 Gas Processing Plant 1550306 Issued 9-33-71-17W4 10-Dec-07 Gas Processing Plant 1551433 Issued 11-34-71-17W4 17-Dec-07 256 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Processing Plant 1553310 Issued 10-4-67-13W4 03-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1553314 Issued 12-14-66-16W4 03-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1553550 Issued 10-8-66-19W4 04-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1553701 Issued 11-12-66-20W4 07-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1554151 Issued 15-15-66-20W4 09-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1554153 Issued 14-36-72-21W4 09-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1554176 Issued 6-7-66-18W4 09-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1554425 Issued 6-25-67-13W4 10-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1555227 Issued 13-25-72-21W4 15-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1555492 Issued 7-10-68-22W4 16-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1557512 Issued 7-31-65-5W4 25-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558002 Issued 9-33-71-17W4 29-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558303 Issued 16-1-80-14W4 30-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558602 Issued 10-34-66-18W4 31-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558603 Issued 6-7-66-18W4 31-Jan-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558722 Issued 11-18-66-18W4 01-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558725 Issued 10-24-66-19W4 01-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558730 Issued 6-18-67-18W4 01-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558731 Issued 3-28-66-18W4 01-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1558732 Issued 7-34-66-19W4 01-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1559661 Issued 4-15-61-5W4 07-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1559716 Issued 2-12-62-17W4 07-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1561089 Issued 7-13-66-16W4 14-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1561752 Issued 11-33-67-17W4 20-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1562200 Issued 4-8-61-3W4 22-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1563014 Issued 7-13-66-16W4 28-Feb-08 257 3563 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3564 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3565 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3566 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3567 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3568 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3569 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3570 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3571 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3572 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3573 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3574 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3575 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3576 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3577 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3578 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3579 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3580 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3581 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3582 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3583 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3584 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3585 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3586 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3587 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3588 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3589 CANADIAN NATURAL Gas Processing Plant 1563725 Issued 14-7-66-19W4 04-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1563731 Issued 1-35-61-17W4 04-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1563770 Issued 1-35-61-17W4 04-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1564731 Issued 10-1-79-4W4 11-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1564734 Issued 2-18-79-3W4 11-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1565395 Issued 7-13-66-16W4 14-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1566650 Issued 14-24-78-5W4 27-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1568319 Issued 7-10-68-22W4 15-Apr-08 Gas Prod 1045445 Issued 005-8-65-15W4 13-Aug-99 Gas Prod 1045718 Issued 0213-3-60-11W4 19-Aug-99 Gas Prod 19-Aug-99 Gas Prod 1045719 Issued 0011-18-6010W4 1046693 Issued 001-9-63-11W4 Gas Prod 1086683 Issued 005-28-61-8W4 13-Feb-01 Gas Prod 1090527 Closed 0016-4-66-5W4 26-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1090528 Issued 001-10-67-5W4 26-Mar-01 Gas Prod 1091410 Issued 005-3-67-4W4 09-Apr-01 Gas Prod 1094076 Issued 0014-23-68-5W4 18-May-01 Gas Prod 1094967 Issued 005-5-61-3W4 01-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1095618 Issued 16-36-61-4W4 11-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1096234 Issued 007-19-62-3W4 20-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1096252 Issued 7-19-62-3W4 20-Jun-01 Gas Prod 1097675 Closed 005-3-67-4W4 11-Jul-01 Gas Prod 1226735 Issued 0010-5-61-3W4 15-Jul-01 Gas Prod 1240484 Issued 005-33-61-8W4 25-Jul-01 Gas Prod 1241273 Issued 009-7-63-8W4 02-Aug-01 Gas Prod 1242249 Issued 005-23-68-5W4 20-Aug-01 Gas Prod 1253011 Issued 6-29-62-3W4 04-Jan-02 08-Sep-99 258 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Prod 1254069 Issued 009-21-61-7W4 16-Jan-02 Gas Prod 1255662 Issued 0010-31-61-7W4 01-Feb-02 Gas Prod 1260077 Issued 006-29-62-3W4 Gas Prod 1260530 Closed 0015-4-65-10W4 27-Mar-02 Gas Prod 1260531 Closed 0015-4-65-10W4 27-Mar-02 Gas Prod 1261174 Issued 0216-30-61-7W4 04-Apr-02 Gas Prod 1271553 Issued 002-1-60-6W4 Gas Prod 1273227 Issued 0015-4-65-10W4 02-Jul-02 Gas Prod 1280066 Issued 003-1-63-3W4 09-Oct-02 Gas Prod 1281643 Issued 3-1-63-3W4 30-Oct-02 Gas Prod 1291029 Issued 001-34-77-16W4 30-Jan-03 Gas Prod 1292244 Issued 006-11-68-2W4 11-Feb-03 Gas Prod 1293663 Issued 14-28-67-2W4 25-Feb-03 Gas Prod 1293966 Closed 001-5-72-9W4 27-Feb-03 Gas Prod 1294724 Issued 006-22-77-12W4 05-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1295421 Issued 14-19-74-9W4 11-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1295427 Issued 7-20-74-9W4 11-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1296027 Closed 11-20-80-12W4 14-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1297263 Issued 0011-2-68-2W4 27-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1297266 Issued 007-19-76-12W4 27-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1298229 Closed 0011-28-72-9W4 07-Apr-03 Gas Prod 1299309 Issued 0015-36-61-4W4 21-Apr-03 Gas Prod 1299847 Issued 0015-36-61-4W4 28-Apr-03 Gas Prod 1302922 Issued 0013-6-62-7W4 30-May-03 Gas Prod 1329944 Issued 009-4-68-5W4 21-Jan-04 Gas Prod 1331279 Issued 2-1-63-3W4 28-Jan-04 22-Mar-02 05-Jun-02 259 3616 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3617 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3618 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3619 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3620 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3621 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3622 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3623 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3624 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3625 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3626 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3627 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3628 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3629 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3630 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3631 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3632 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3633 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3634 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3635 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3636 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3637 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3638 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3639 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3640 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3641 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3642 Canadian Natural Gas Prod 1331284 Issued 2-1-63-3W4 28-Jan-04 Gas Prod 1334883 Issued 16-10-62-4W4 20-Feb-04 Gas Prod Gas Prod 1340158 Closed 0011-22-7929-Mar-04 11W4 1340518 Issued 009-20-79-11W4 31-Mar-04 Gas Prod 1340669 Issued 0015-9-80-11W4 01-Apr-04 Gas Prod Gas Prod 1340670 Issued 0010-29-7901-Apr-04 11W4 1340952 Issued 0010-13-8005-Apr-04 12W4 1341344 Closed 0011-30-80-6W4 07-Apr-04 Gas Prod 1341347 Closed 006-20-80-6W4 Gas Prod Gas Prod 1341641 Issued 0010-17-7908-Apr-04 11W4 1341644 Issued 006-32-80-11W4 08-Apr-04 Gas Prod 1341648 Issued 002-22-80-12W4 08-Apr-04 Gas Prod 1343552 Closed 9-13-61-10W4 26-Apr-04 Gas Prod 1348662 Issued 11-11-60-11W4 07-Jun-04 Gas Prod 1365276 Issued 2-12-67-5W4 18-Oct-04 Gas Prod 1367770 Issued 2-1-63-3W4 02-Nov-04 Gas Prod 1369359 Issued 7-25-61-10W4 12-Nov-04 Gas Prod 1376535 Issued 10-31-62-7W4 17-Dec-04 Gas Prod 1379828 Issued 13-1-64-11W4 11-Jan-05 Gas Prod 1379829 Issued 13-1-64-11W4 11-Jan-05 Gas Prod 1380763 Issued 12-4-60-11W4 17-Jan-05 Gas Prod 1380764 Issued 12-4-60-11W4 17-Jan-05 Gas Prod Gas Prod 1387003 Closed 0011-10-6017-Feb-05 11W4 1387662 Issued 0015-24-61-5W4 23-Feb-05 Gas Prod 1387665 Issued 0015-24-61-5W4 23-Feb-05 Gas Prod 1389664 Issued 12-9-65-10W4 04-Mar-05 Gas Prod 1390041 Issued 13-2-64-11W4 07-Mar-05 Gas Prod 07-Apr-04 260 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Gas Prod 1390314 Issued 11-4-64-11W4 08-Mar-05 Gas Prod 1398430 Issued 9-13-62-10W4 28-Apr-05 Gas Prod 1398865 Issued 10-19-62-10W4 02-May-05 Gas Prod 1399200 Issued 10-8-61-10W4 04-May-05 Gas Prod 1409180 Issued 10-22-67-5W4 14-Jul-05 Gas Prod 1417094 Issued 10-31-61-6W4 07-Sep-05 Gas Prod 1417812 Issued 4-8-60-7W4 12-Sep-05 Gas Prod 1417878 Issued 4-22-60-7W4 12-Sep-05 Gas Prod 1419747 Issued 2-6-62-10W4 23-Sep-05 Gas Prod 1424779 Issued 2-3-60-11W4 20-Oct-05 Gas Prod 1424792 Closed 11-22-60-11W4 20-Oct-05 Gas Prod 1425474 Issued 9-13-62-10W4 25-Oct-05 Gas Prod 1425597 Issued 8-23-62-10W4 25-Oct-05 Gas Prod 1426029 Issued 0010-15-81-5W4 27-Oct-05 Gas Prod 1427369 Issued 4-8-60-7W4 03-Nov-05 Gas Prod 1427407 Issued 4-29-61-11W4 03-Nov-05 Gas Prod 1428248 Issued 3-29-63-7W4 08-Nov-05 Gas Prod 1439571 Issued 004-30-63-11W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Prod 1439581 Issued 005-15-64-11W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Prod 1444840 Issued 006-29-62-3W4 Gas Prod 1448596 Issued 0016-10-81-5W4 23-Feb-06 Gas Prod 1449485 Issued 0010-11-62-8W4 01-Mar-06 Gas Prod 1450244 Issued 005-13-81-5W4 03-Mar-06 Gas Prod 1450937 Issued 7-20-62-4W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Prod 1454684 Issued 009-14-68-5W4 30-Mar-06 Gas Prod 1455401 Issued 2-31-60-10W4 04-Apr-06 03-Feb-06 261 3669 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3670 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3671 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3672 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3673 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3674 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3675 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3676 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3677 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3678 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3679 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3680 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3681 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3682 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3683 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3684 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3685 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3686 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3687 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3688 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3689 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3690 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3691 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3692 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3693 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3694 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 3695 CANADIAN NATURAL Gas Prod 1456592 Issued 8-12-64-11W4 12-Apr-06 Gas Prod 1456876 Issued 009-25-62-11W4 17-Apr-06 Gas Prod 1462979 Issued 10-12-60-10W4 29-May-06 Gas Prod 1470961 Issued 15-20-63-11W4 19-Jul-06 Gas Prod 1471483 Issued 2-12-62-8W4 24-Jul-06 Gas Prod 1471487 Issued 11-1-61-9W4 24-Jul-06 Gas Prod 1472804 Issued 10-31-61-9W4 01-Aug-06 Gas Prod 1475628 Issued 3-12-61-11W4 22-Aug-06 Gas Prod 1484368 Issued 11-22-60-11W4 27-Oct-06 Gas Prod 1484684 Issued 002-17-63-6W4 30-Oct-06 Gas Prod 1497542 Issued 001-31-61-7W4 17-Jan-07 Gas Prod 1506357 Issued 0013-24-81-5W4 12-Mar-07 Gas Prod 1507448 Issued 9-13-61-10W4 20-Mar-07 Gas Prod 1507931 Issued 004-34-66-6W4 27-Mar-07 Gas Prod 1508016 Issued 003-10-61-1W4 27-Mar-07 Gas Prod 1513719 Issued 007-31-65-5W4 30-May-07 Guide 51 1303825 Issued 115-17-66-5W4 10-Jun-03 Guide 51 - EOR 1473767 Issued 0415-9-67-4W4 09-Aug-06 (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Injection/Disposal Facility 1488057 Issued 0010-21-63-8W4 22-Nov-06 - Water Multiwell Pad 1061822 Issued 1-17-66-5W4 16-Mar-00 Multiwell Pad 1062566 Issued 5-15-66-5W4 28-Mar-00 Multiwell Pad 1075826 Issued 8-9-66-5W4 20-Oct-00 Multiwell Pad 1075976 Issued 8-9-66-5W4 21-Oct-00 Multiwell Pad 1085902 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 06-Feb-01 Multiwell Pad 1085906 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 06-Feb-01 Multiwell Pad 1085909 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 06-Feb-01 Multiwell Pad 1085910 Issued 4-4-66-5W4 06-Feb-01 262 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1327560 Closed 13-17-62-4W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327600 Issued 0013-36-67-4W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327715 Issued AA5-10-67-5W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327716 Issued AA13-11-67-5W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327717 Issued AA1-15-67-5W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327718 Issued AA4-15-67-5W4 08-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1327864 Issued 0014-35-67-4W4 09-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1328021 Issued AA13-20-68-4W4 12-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1328240 Issued 009-26-61-4W4 Multiwell Pad 1328488 Issued AA4-22-66-5W4 13-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1331293 Issued AA1-6-67-2W4 28-Jan-04 Multiwell Pad 1332026 Issued 0711-4-66-5W4 03-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1332769 Closed 1-20-62-4W4 06-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1333014 Issued 021-20-62-4W4 09-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1333016 Issued 006-26-67-4W4 09-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1334198 Issued 031-20-62-4W4 18-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1338324 Issued 007-16-66-5W4 16-Mar-04 Multiwell Pad 1339067 Issued 002-12-67-5W4 19-Mar-04 Multiwell Pad 1342893 Issued AA16-3-67-3W4 20-Apr-04 Multiwell Pad 1345237 Issued AA9-4-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345242 Issued AA8-8-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345245 Issued AA12-9-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345253 Issued AA5-10-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345256 Issued AA13-11-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345257 Issued 002-12-67-5W4 Multiwell Pad 1345266 Issued AA1-15-67-5W4 11-May-04 12-Jan-04 11-May-04 263 3722 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3723 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3724 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3725 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3726 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3727 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3728 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3729 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3730 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3731 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3732 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3733 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3734 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3735 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3736 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3737 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3738 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3739 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3740 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3741 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3742 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3743 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3744 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3745 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3746 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3747 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3748 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1345268 Issued AA4-15-67-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345271 Issued AA14-17-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345273 Issued AA13-20-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345275 Issued AA4-21-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345285 Issued AA3-28-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345289 Issued AA12-28-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345290 Issued AA10-29-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345293 Issued AA1-30-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345300 Issued AA10-31-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345304 Issued AA7-32-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345306 Issued AA12-32-68-4W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345311 Closed 14-33-68-4W4 Multiwell Pad 1345318 Issued AA11-15-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345320 Issued AA15-15-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345323 Issued AA10-16-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345326 Issued AA4-22-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345329 Issued AA13-16-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345333 Issued 007-16-66-5W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345358 Closed 4-7-67-2W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345377 Issued AA15-11-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345380 Issued AA14-15-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345385 Issued AA12-22-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345415 Closed 10-26-67-3W4 Multiwell Pad 1345417 Issued AA14-27-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345418 Issued AA1-33-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345421 Issued AA10-35-67-3W4 11-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345424 Issued AA1-6-67-2W4 11-May-04 11-May-04 11-May-04 264 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1345436 Issued AA14-33-68-4W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345476 Issued AA3-6-67-2W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345490 Issued AA1-1-67-3W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345491 Issued AA6-2-68-3W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345493 Issued AA4-3-68-3W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345494 Issued AA15-3-68-3W4 12-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345813 Issued AA10-26-67-3W4 14-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345816 Issued 007-16-66-5W4 14-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345820 Issued 002-12-67-5W4 14-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345874 Issued AA4-7-67-2W4 14-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1346840 Closed 6-2-68-4W4 25-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1347077 Issued 034-2-68-4W4 26-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1347080 Issued 006-2-68-4W4 26-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1349726 Issued 027-34-67-4W4 15-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1349763 Issued 002-15-61-5W4 15-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1365538 Issued 036-8-68-4W4 20-Oct-04 Multiwell Pad 1365564 Issued 0211-9-68-4W4 20-Oct-04 Multiwell Pad 1365588 Issued 036-9-68-4W4 20-Oct-04 Multiwell Pad 1369865 Issued 046-17-68-4W4 16-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1369885 Issued 0011-17-68-4W4 16-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1369917 Issued 0211-18-68-4W4 16-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1370654 Closed 6-17-68-4W4 19-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1370655 Closed 6-17-68-4W4 19-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1370656 Closed 11-17-68-4W4 19-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1371005 Issued 0211-17-68-4W4 23-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1371143 Issued 046-17-68-4W4 23-Nov-04 265 3775 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3776 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3777 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3778 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3779 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3780 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3781 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3782 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3783 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3784 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3785 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3786 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3787 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3788 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3789 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3790 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3791 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3792 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3793 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3794 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3795 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3796 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3797 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3798 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3799 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3800 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3801 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1371147 Issued 036-17-68-4W4 23-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1371251 Issued 026-8-68-4W4 24-Nov-04 Multiwell Pad 1373252 Issued AA9-19-68-4W4 03-Dec-04 Multiwell Pad 1373428 Issued AA3-28-67-3W4 06-Dec-04 Multiwell Pad 1376463 Issued 002-2-68-4W4 17-Dec-04 Multiwell Pad 1380121 Issued 026-2-68-4W4 12-Jan-05 Multiwell Pad 1380981 Issued 037-34-67-4W4 18-Jan-05 Multiwell Pad 1381184 Issued 0016-26-67-4W4 18-Jan-05 Multiwell Pad 1383961 Issued 027-34-67-4W4 02-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1383962 Issued 026-34-67-4W4 02-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384746 Issued 006-35-67-4W4 07-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384748 Issued 0016-27-67-4W4 07-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384750 Issued 0015-27-67-4W4 07-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384756 Issued 047-34-67-4W4 07-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384758 Issued 047-34-67-4W4 07-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1388095 Issued AA14-16-67-3W4 24-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1388674 Issued 033-27-66-5W4 28-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1388728 Issued 036-27-66-5W4 01-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1388730 Issued 026-27-66-5W4 01-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1390659 Issued 025-21-68-4W4 10-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1390662 Issued 026-20-68-4W4 10-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1391123 Issued 0010-27-67-4W4 14-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1391125 Issued 0010-34-67-4W4 14-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1391191 Issued 0210-34-67-4W4 14-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1391202 Issued 0214-17-62-4W4 14-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1394311 Issued 056-27-66-5W4 05-Apr-05 Multiwell Pad 1394312 Issued 065-27-66-5W4 05-Apr-05 266 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1394314 Issued 006-27-66-5W4 05-Apr-05 Multiwell Pad 1394315 Issued 026-27-66-5W4 05-Apr-05 Multiwell Pad 1404199 Issued 002-34-67-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404212 Issued 0012-20-68-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404214 Issued 0312-20-68-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404215 Issued 023-20-68-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404218 Issued 003-20-68-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404220 Issued 025-20-68-4W4 08-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1407746 Issued 0513-4-67-4W4 05-Jul-05 Multiwell Pad 1415318 Issued 0215-3-67-4W4 25-Aug-05 Multiwell Pad 1415344 Closed 6-14-61-5W4 25-Aug-05 Multiwell Pad 1415483 Issued 0011-14-61-5W4 26-Aug-05 Multiwell Pad 1416904 Issued 0015-34-67-4W4 06-Sep-05 Multiwell Pad 1416905 Issued 0215-34-67-4W4 06-Sep-05 Multiwell Pad 1419300 Issued 0416-8-67-4W4 21-Sep-05 Multiwell Pad 1428847 Issued 7-15-61-5W4 10-Nov-05 Multiwell Pad 1429996 Issued 6-20-68-4W4 17-Nov-05 Multiwell Pad 1433874 Issued 6-8-68-4W4 07-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435405 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 14-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435438 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 14-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435813 Issued 4-22-67-5W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435824 Issued 4-11-67-5W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435829 Issued 2-34-66-5W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435937 Issued 16-36-67-5W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435938 Issued 2-33-68-4W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435939 Issued 3-36-67-4W4 16-Dec-05 267 3828 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3829 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3830 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3831 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3832 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3833 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3834 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3835 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3836 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3837 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3838 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3839 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3840 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3841 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3842 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3843 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3844 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3845 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3846 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3847 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3848 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3849 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3850 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3851 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3852 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3853 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3854 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1436035 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1436066 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 16-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1436161 Issued 15-13-67-4W4 19-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1436349 Issued 1-29-67-3W4 19-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1436360 Issued 15-30-67-3W4 19-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1437117 Issued 12-22-73-7W4 22-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1437143 Issued 15-21-73-7W4 22-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1437173 Issued 13-35-73-8W4 22-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1437235 Issued 12-30-73-7W4 22-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1438918 Issued 7-1-68-4W4 06-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439462 Issued 15-16-66-5W4 10-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439466 Issued 11-21-66-5W4 10-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439469 Closed 16-22-66-5W4 10-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439473 Issued 2-34-66-5W4 10-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439814 Issued 15-7-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439823 Issued 2-14-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439828 Issued 11-16-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439852 Issued 16-17-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439856 Issued 4-20-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439860 Issued 1-22-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439865 Issued 4-22-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439867 Issued 4-1-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439869 Issued 2-2-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439872 Issued 14-2-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439874 Issued 16-3-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439908 Issued 12-8-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439909 Issued 3-9-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 268 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1439910 Issued 9-9-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439911 Issued 4-10-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439913 Issued 9-10-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439916 Issued 1-11-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439919 Issued 4-11-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439921 Issued 10-11-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439923 Issued 9-15-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439929 Issued 11-15-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439932 Issued 4-16-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439944 Issued 7-16-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439946 Issued 4-17-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439948 Issued 9-17-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439949 Issued 12-17-67-5W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439992 Issued 14-7-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439993 Issued 13-8-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439995 Issued 12-9-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439996 Issued 15-9-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1439999 Issued 10-10-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440002 Issued 1-29-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440010 Issued 5-29-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440011 Issued 15-30-67-3W4 11-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440222 Issued 4-24-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440228 Issued 13-25-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440230 Issued 13-36-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440231 Issued 15-13-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440233 Issued 15-13-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 269 3881 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3882 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3883 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3884 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3885 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3886 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3887 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3888 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3889 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3890 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3891 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3892 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3893 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3894 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3895 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3896 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3897 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3898 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3899 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3900 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3901 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3902 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3903 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3904 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3905 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3906 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3907 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1440234 Issued 15-24-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440235 Issued 15-25-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440237 Closed 7-36-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440239 Issued 16-36-67-5W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440246 Issued 2-33-68-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440248 Closed 2-13-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440250 Issued 1-25-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440252 Issued 3-25-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440255 Issued 3-36-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440257 Issued 15-1-68-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440259 Issued 6-12-68-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440262 Issued 16-27-68-4W4 12-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1440860 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 16-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1441839 Issued 7-36-67-5W4 20-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1441848 Issued 2-13-67-4W4 20-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1441859 Issued 5-36-67-5W4 20-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1442003 Closed 2-13-68-4W4 20-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1443044 Issued 2-13-68-4W4 26-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1444759 Issued 10-15-61-5W4 03-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1446197 Issued 13-24-67-5W4 10-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1446198 Issued 16-11-67-4W4 10-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1446202 Issued 2-24-67-5W4 10-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1447854 Issued 8-29-63-8W4 18-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1447862 Issued 9-29-63-8W4 20-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1448107 Closed 12-10-61-5W4 21-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1448109 Closed 16-10-61-5W4 21-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1448230 Closed 10-10-61-5W4 22-Feb-06 270 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1448236 Closed 11-10-61-5W4 22-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1449022 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 27-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1449023 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 27-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1449052 Issued 16-22-63-8W4 27-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1449248 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 28-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1449261 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 28-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1454324 Issued 6-17-68-4W4 28-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454552 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 29-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454555 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 29-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454559 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 29-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454560 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 29-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454562 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 29-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454770 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 30-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454933 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454935 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454936 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454937 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454940 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454945 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454946 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454948 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454949 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454952 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454953 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454954 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1454956 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 271 3934 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3935 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3936 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3937 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3938 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3939 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3940 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3941 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3942 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3943 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3944 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3945 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3946 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3947 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3948 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3949 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3950 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3951 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3952 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3953 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3954 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3955 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3956 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3957 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3958 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3959 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3960 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1454957 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Multiwell Pad 1455072 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455074 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455077 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455079 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455082 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455087 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455089 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455090 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455093 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455094 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455095 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455096 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455097 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455099 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455100 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455101 Issued 5-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455103 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455106 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455107 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455110 Issued 12-32-68-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455123 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455126 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455127 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455129 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455130 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455131 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 272 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1455132 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455133 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1455135 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 03-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1456091 Closed 14-10-66-5W4 10-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1457043 Closed 10-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1457059 Closed 16-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1457085 Closed 12-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1457096 Closed 11-10-61-5W4 18-Apr-06 Multiwell Pad 1460477 Issued 6-14-61-5W4 10-May-06 Multiwell Pad 1463246 Issued 2-34-66-5W4 30-May-06 Multiwell Pad 1463871 Issued 4-15-61-5W4 02-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1465232 Issued 4-22-61-4W4 13-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1465823 Closed 7-1-68-4W4 16-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1465930 Issued 7-1-68-4W4 16-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1472169 Issued 10-15-61-5W4 27-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1472177 Issued 10-15-61-5W4 27-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1473918 Closed 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473928 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473933 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473935 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473939 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473940 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473941 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473944 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473947 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1473950 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 273 3987 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3988 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3989 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3990 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3991 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3992 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3993 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3994 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3995 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3996 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3997 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3998 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3999 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4000 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4001 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4002 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4003 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4004 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4005 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4006 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4007 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4008 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4009 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4010 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4011 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4012 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4013 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1473970 Issued 8-9-67-4W4 10-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1474620 Closed 9-9-67-5W4 16-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1474831 Issued 9-9-67-5W4 17-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1478582 Issued 7-13-61-4W4 13-Sep-06 Multiwell Pad 1479548 Issued 13-14-63-5W4 20-Sep-06 Multiwell Pad 1484668 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 30-Oct-06 Multiwell Pad 1484669 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 30-Oct-06 Multiwell Pad 1490177 Closed 6-20-68-4W4 04-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1490626 Issued 6-20-68-4W4 06-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1491552 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 11-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492468 Closed 9-11-61-4W4 14-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492719 Issued 4-10-66-5W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492734 Issued 13-33-65-5W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492902 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492928 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492961 Issued 16-32-75-12W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492965 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492970 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492974 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492975 Issued 4-22-63-8W4 18-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1493259 Issued 1-34-73-8W4 19-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1493260 Issued 12-36-73-8W4 19-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1493819 Issued 16-18-67-5W4 21-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1495507 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 08-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495509 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 08-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495517 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 08-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495539 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 09-Jan-07 274 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1495541 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 09-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495589 Closed 16-1-62-4W4 09-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495608 Issued 4-34-63-8W4 09-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495904 Issued 16-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495905 Issued 16-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1495907 Issued 16-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1496107 Issued 16-1-62-4W4 11-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1496807 Issued 10-27-63-8W4 15-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1498204 Issued 12-6-62-3W4 19-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499152 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499156 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499162 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499167 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499227 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499232 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499234 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499239 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499257 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499269 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499361 Issued 16-1-62-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499364 Issued 16-1-62-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1499368 Issued 16-1-62-4W4 26-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1500985 Closed 11-14-61-5W4 06-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1503525 Issued 12-10-61-5W4 20-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1503529 Issued 16-10-61-5W4 20-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1503534 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 20-Feb-07 275 4040 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4041 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4042 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4043 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4044 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4045 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4046 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4047 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4048 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4049 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4050 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4051 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4052 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4053 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4054 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4055 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4056 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4057 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4058 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4059 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4060 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4061 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4062 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4063 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4064 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4065 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4066 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1503708 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 21-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1504163 Issued 9-11-61-4W4 23-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1504760 Issued 4-13-61-4W4 28-Feb-07 Multiwell Pad 1505015 Issued 7-10-66-5W4 01-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505021 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 01-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505136 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 02-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505169 Issued 10-10-66-5W4 02-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505423 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 05-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505432 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 05-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505434 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 05-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505437 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 05-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1505651 Issued 13-4-61-3W4 06-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1507893 Issued 6-27-63-8W4 26-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1510192 Issued 13-14-63-5W4 23-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1510194 Issued 13-14-63-5W4 23-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1510525 Issued 16-10-61-5W4 26-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1510592 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 26-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1510596 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 26-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1510615 Closed 12-10-61-5W4 26-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1513755 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 30-May-07 Multiwell Pad 1514858 Issued 12-10-61-5W4 08-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1514882 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 08-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1514885 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 08-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515060 Issued 13-11-63-5W4 11-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515391 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 13-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515604 Closed 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515608 Closed 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 276 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1515612 Closed 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515614 Closed 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515620 Closed 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515640 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515644 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515648 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515651 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1515654 Issued 9-3-63-8W4 15-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1516114 Issued 4-4-60-7W4 20-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1516746 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 27-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1516748 Closed 13-6-67-2W4 27-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1516992 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 28-Jun-07 Multiwell Pad 1517761 Closed 13-6-67-2W4 05-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1519179 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 18-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1519442 Issued 16-1-67-3W4 19-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1519445 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 19-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1520093 Issued 9-11-61-4W4 25-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1522167 Issued 15-11-63-5W4 14-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1523267 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 22-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1523275 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 22-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524150 Issued 4-23-63-5W4 29-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524155 Issued 8-22-63-5W4 29-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524376 Issued 6-15-63-5W4 30-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524442 Issued 2-15-63-5W4 31-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524446 Issued 13-15-63-5W4 31-Aug-07 Multiwell Pad 1524497 Issued 6-23-63-5W4 31-Aug-07 277 4093 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4094 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4095 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4096 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4097 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4098 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4099 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4100 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4101 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4102 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4103 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4104 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4105 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4106 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4107 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4108 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4109 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4110 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4111 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4112 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4113 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4114 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4115 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4116 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4117 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4118 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4119 Canadian Natural Multiwell Pad 1524752 Issued 10-22-63-5W4 04-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1524987 Issued 3-22-63-5W4 05-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1525024 Issued 15-15-63-5W4 05-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1525554 Issued 4-15-61-5W4 11-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1525559 Issued 7-15-61-5W4 11-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1526157 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 14-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1526163 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 14-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1526898 Issued 8-22-63-5W4 21-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1526910 Issued 8-10-63-5W4 21-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1529857 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 16-Oct-07 Multiwell Pad 1543740 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 26-Oct-07 Multiwell Pad 1544302 Issued 1-19-63-2W4 31-Oct-07 Multiwell Pad 1544909 Issued 7-14-61-4W4 05-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1546027 Issued 10-18-63-2W4 13-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1546187 Issued 10-18-63-2W4 14-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1547003 Issued 1-19-63-2W4 20-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1547771 Issued 10-30-63-8W4 23-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1549050 Issued 9-16-68-4W4 03-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549272 Issued 2-30-61-4W4 04-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549720 Issued 13-7-67-2W4 06-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1550497 Issued 7-10-66-5W4 11-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1550904 Issued 14-32-61-8W4 12-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1551694 Issued 11-25-63-3W4 18-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1551796 Issued 14-25-63-3W4 18-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1556203 Issued 13-7-67-2W4 18-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1556204 Issued 8-13-67-3W4 18-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1556206 Issued 14-13-67-3W4 18-Jan-08 278 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Multiwell Pad 1556209 Issued 4-24-67-3W4 18-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1556210 Issued 8-24-67-3W4 18-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1556211 Issued 14-24-67-3W4 18-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1556996 Issued 12-5-62-8W4 23-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1557001 Issued 4-10-63-9W4 23-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1557104 Issued 13-4-61-3W4 23-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1558178 Issued 12-5-62-8W4 30-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1558180 Issued 12-5-62-8W4 30-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1558237 Issued 2-30-61-4W4 30-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1558396 Issued 1-30-61-4W4 30-Jan-08 Multiwell Pad 1559666 Issued 1-7-62-8W4 07-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562743 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 26-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562773 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 27-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562777 Issued 7-23-63-3W4 27-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562838 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 27-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562876 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 27-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562972 Issued 14-28-63-8W4 28-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562974 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 28-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1562978 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 28-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1563003 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 28-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1563004 Issued 5-16-63-8W4 28-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1563177 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 29-Feb-08 Multiwell Pad 1565703 Issued 10-7-62-8W4 18-Mar-08 Multiwell Pad 1566862 Active 6-23-63-3W4 31-Mar-08 Multiwell Pad 1569019 Closed 16-13-62-9W4 22-Apr-08 Multiwell Pad 1569371 Active 3-25-62-3W4 24-Apr-08 279 4146 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4147 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4148 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4149 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4150 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4151 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4152 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4153 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4154 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4155 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4156 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4157 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4158 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4159 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4160 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4161 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4162 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4163 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4164 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4165 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4166 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4167 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4168 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4169 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4170 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4171 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4172 Canadian Natural Off-Target 1343662 Issued 008-34-76-15W4 27-Apr-04 Off-Target 1451619 Issued 004-26-79-14W4 10-Mar-06 Off-Target 1503993 Issued 004-10-61-13W4 22-Feb-07 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1002959 Issued 009-21-63-8W4 09-Oct-96 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1251855 Issued 003-17-62-4W4 17-Dec-01 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1251856 Issued 008-24-61-5W4 17-Dec-01 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1319434 Issued 0011-24-60-5W4 06-Nov-03 Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Oil Satellite - Single or Multiwell Pipeline 1241644 Issued 0012-5-67-4W4 22-Aug-01 1246979 Issued 008-9-67-4W4 25-Oct-01 1246982 Issued 0016-9-67-4W4 25-Oct-01 1247365 Issued 008-21-67-4W4 31-Oct-01 1247368 Issued 006-22-67-4W4 31-Oct-01 1270530 Issued 006-10-67-4W4 22-May-02 Pipeline 1277314 Issued 0014-10-67-4W4 03-Sep-02 1281766 Issued 002-18-67-4W4 30-Oct-02 1281770 Issued 007-19-67-4W4 30-Oct-02 1281774 Issued 005-29-67-4W4 30-Oct-02 1299501 Issued 008-4-67-4W4 22-Apr-03 1299502 Issued 008-7-67-4W4 22-Apr-03 1309807 Issued 001-9-66-5W4 11-Aug-03 1309808 Issued 003-16-66-5W4 11-Aug-03 1314903 Issued 0010-9-66-5W4 25-Sep-03 1325556 Issued 003-26-67-4W4 18-Dec-03 1325557 Issued 003-35-67-4W4 18-Dec-03 1344560 Issued 006-22-67-4W4 04-May-04 1317127 Issued 1-36-67-18W4 17-Oct-03 1322183 Issued 12-10-66-5W4 27-Nov-03 280 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Pipeline 1325113 Issued 11-8-66-5W4 16-Dec-03 Pipeline 1325114 Issued 16-1-67-4W4 16-Dec-03 Pipeline 1340020 Issued 9-7-66-5W4 29-Mar-04 Pipeline 1342345 Issued 10-8-66-5W4 15-Apr-04 Pipeline 1342452 Issued 11-10-66-5W4 15-Apr-04 Pipeline 1342453 Issued 13-21-73-7W4 15-Apr-04 Pipeline 1345748 Issued 4-5-67-4W4 13-May-04 Pipeline 1345749 Issued 13-21-73-7W4 13-May-04 Pipeline 1346311 Issued 13-21-73-7W4 19-May-04 Pipeline 1349590 Issued 15-10-66-5W4 14-Jun-04 Pipeline 1354226 Issued 10-8-66-5W4 22-Jul-04 Pipeline 1363841 Issued 11-19-61-4W4 07-Oct-04 Pipeline 1370914 Issued 2-12-67-4W4 22-Nov-04 Pipeline 1384416 Issued 10-8-67-3W4 04-Feb-05 Pipeline 1397651 Issued 12-19-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Pipeline 1397653 Issued 14-21-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Pipeline 1397672 Issued 11-19-61-4W4 25-Apr-05 Pipeline 1403889 Issued 16-36-62-16W4 06-Jun-05 Pipeline 1403890 Issued 5-8-61-16W4 06-Jun-05 Pipeline 1410714 Issued 14-8-68-4W4 25-Jul-05 Pipeline 1410716 Issued 9-31-67-4W4 25-Jul-05 Pipeline 1429812 Issued 10-8-67-3W4 16-Nov-05 Pipeline 1437709 Issued 2-12-67-4W4 28-Dec-05 Pipeline 1438523 Issued 2-12-67-4W4 05-Jan-06 Pipeline 1440080 Issued 5-5-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Pipeline 1442112 Issued 7-6-67-3W4 23-Jan-06 281 4199 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4200 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4201 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4202 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4203 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4204 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4205 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4206 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4207 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4208 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4209 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4210 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4211 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4212 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4213 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4214 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4215 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4216 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4217 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4218 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4219 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4220 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4221 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4222 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4223 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4224 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4225 Canadian Natural Pipeline 1452811 Issued 10-3-67-4W4 17-Mar-06 Pipeline 1462646 Issued 11-20-68-4W4 25-May-06 Pipeline 1463557 Issued 4-15-67-4W4 01-Jun-06 Pipeline 1476355 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 28-Aug-06 Pipeline 1477666 Issued 12-10-66-5W4 06-Sep-06 Pipeline 1478983 Issued 5-3-65-8W4 15-Sep-06 Pipeline 1479015 Issued 5-3-65-8W4 15-Sep-06 Pipeline 1498193 Issued 12-10-66-5W4 19-Jan-07 Pipeline 1525235 Issued 3-14-67-3W4 07-Sep-07 Pipeline 1530953 Issued 12-8-66-5W4 23-Oct-07 Pipeline 1543657 Issued 12-8-66-5W4 26-Oct-07 Pipeline 1559707 Issued 16-1-79-6W4 07-Feb-08 Pipeline 1561424 Issued 12-9-67-3W4 19-Feb-08 Pipeline - Natural Gas 1357109 Issued 12-5-67-4W4 16-Aug-04 Pipeline - Natural Gas 1449630 Issued 9-8-68-23W4 01-Mar-06 Pipeline - Natural Gas 1461442 Issued 9-8-68-23W4 16-May-06 Pipeline - Natural Gas 1525703 Issued 16-1-67-3W4 12-Sep-07 Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service 1405676 Issued 8-13-61-17W4 17-Jun-05 1451320 Issued 2-33-68-23W4 09-Mar-06 1472105 Issued 6-33-68-23W4 27-Jul-06 1472108 Issued 7-27-68-23W4 27-Jul-06 1477159 Issued 7-27-68-23W4 31-Aug-06 1483797 Issued 4-21-81-4W4 23-Oct-06 1487823 Issued 7-27-68-23W4 21-Nov-06 1487826 Issued 15-34-68-23W4 21-Nov-06 1490104 Issued 6-19-81-4W4 04-Dec-06 1502747 Issued 4-21-81-4W4 14-Feb-07 282 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pipeline - Sour Service Natural Gas Pool Delineation 1520590 Issued 14-31-68-23W4 31-Jul-07 1520593 Issued 1-18-68-23W4 31-Jul-07 1527676 Issued 5-27-68-23W4 28-Sep-07 1255980 Issued 0-26-63-17W4 06-Feb-02 Pool Delineation 1337025 Issued 16-21-77-12W4 05-Mar-04 Prim Recovery: Amend 1274803 Closed 0-14-61-5W4 26-Jul-02 Prim Recovery: Amend 1283027 Closed 0-20-62-4W4 14-Nov-02 Prim Recovery: Amend 1285353 Issued SW0-20-62-4W4 06-Dec-02 Prim Recovery: Amend 1302066 Issued NW0-28-61-9W4 21-May-03 Prim Recovery: Amend 1338735 Issued 0-0-62-2W4 17-Mar-04 Prim Recovery: Amend 1367726 Issued 0-31-61-8W4 02-Nov-04 Prim Recovery: Amend 1368141 Closed 0-0-61-8W4 04-Nov-04 Prim Recovery: Amend 1412132 Issued 0-27-60-4W4 04-Aug-05 Prim Recovery: Amend 1412134 Issued 0-7-61-3W4 04-Aug-05 Prim Recovery: Amend 1445822 Issued 0-2-63-5W4 08-Feb-06 Prim Recovery: Amend 1457817 Issued SW0-4-61-3W4 24-Apr-06 Prim Recovery: Amend 1499299 Issued NE0-15-62-3W4 26-Jan-07 Prim Recovery: Amend 1510305 Active SW0-27-61-4W4 24-Apr-07 Prim Recovery: Amend 1517280 Issued 0-31-63-8W4 03-Jul-07 Prim Recovery: Amend 1525693 Active 0-19-62-7W4 12-Sep-07 Prim Recovery: New 1007776 Issued 000-29-62-5W4 07-May-97 Prim Recovery: New 1081995 Issued 0-0-61-4W4 22-Dec-00 Prim Recovery: New 1352168 Issued 0-0-61-5W4 06-Jul-04 Prim Recovery: New 1428292 Issued 0-8-61-3W4 08-Nov-05 Prim Recovery: New 1432065 Issued 0-2-61-4W4 28-Nov-05 Prim Recovery: New 1555663 Active 0-10-61-8W4 16-Jan-08 283 4252 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4253 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4254 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4255 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4256 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4257 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4258 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4259 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4260 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4261 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4262 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4263 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4264 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4265 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4266 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4267 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4268 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4269 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4270 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4271 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4272 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4273 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4274 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4275 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4276 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4277 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED 4278 CANADIAN NATURAL Record Change 1241548 Issued 12-15-63-22W4 08-Aug-01 Record Change 1258035 Issued 8-3-66-5W4 28-Feb-02 Record Change 1259934 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 21-Mar-02 Record Change 1281978 Issued 2-10-65-15W4 01-Nov-02 Record Change 1291660 Issued 5-21-76-14W4 05-Feb-03 Record Change 1292122 Issued 13-11-79-14W4 10-Feb-03 Record Change 1293368 Issued 7-21-75-11W4 21-Feb-03 Record Change 1293369 Issued 7-19-77-16W4 21-Feb-03 Record Change 1293370 Issued 11-6-77-16W4 21-Feb-03 Record Change 1294124 Issued 11-21-75-11W4 27-Feb-03 Record Change 1294397 Issued 4-21-75-8W4 03-Mar-03 Record Change 1297047 Issued 12-36-77-16W4 25-Mar-03 Record Change 1303970 Issued 10-18-77-16W4 11-Jun-03 Record Change 1303972 Issued 9-6-75-11W4 11-Jun-03 Record Change 1303979 Issued 15-22-76-13W4 11-Jun-03 Record Change 1303981 Issued 6-34-78-13W4 11-Jun-03 Single Well 1020998 Issued 3-19-66-19W4 18-Feb-98 Single Well 1021360 Issued 5-12-66-20W4 24-Feb-98 Single Well 1032264 Issued 4-23-66-20W4 12-Nov-98 Single Well 1038198 Issued 5-16-66-19W4 25-Feb-99 Single Well 1038335 Issued 12-9-66-19W4 01-Mar-99 Single Well 1059851 Issued 2-31-68-4W4 23-Feb-00 Single Well 1059852 Issued 5-15-66-5W4 23-Feb-00 Single Well 1059863 Issued 3-7-66-19W4 23-Feb-00 Single Well 1060948 Closed 5-15-66-5W4 05-Mar-00 Single Well 1078724 Issued 11-12-66-20W4 24-Nov-00 Single Well 1079529 Issued 9-31-65-19W4 02-Dec-00 284 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1080525 Issued 16-9-67-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080527 Issued 5-15-67-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080530 Issued 8-9-67-4W4 11-Dec-00 Single Well 1080549 Issued 6-10-67-4W4 12-Dec-00 Single Well 1080551 Issued 8-16-67-4W4 12-Dec-00 Single Well 1080553 Issued 13-10-67-4W4 12-Dec-00 Single Well 1084910 Issued 8-3-67-5W4 28-Jan-01 Single Well 1095074 Issued 1-27-66-20W4 04-Jun-01 Single Well 1259895 Issued 8-19-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1259900 Issued 1-19-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1259901 Issued 4-20-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1259903 Issued 9-18-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1259908 Issued 12-17-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1259951 Issued 5-20-67-4W4 21-Mar-02 Single Well 1292295 Issued 12-17-61-1W4 11-Feb-03 Single Well 1297027 Issued 1-33-70-11W4 25-Mar-03 Single Well 1308600 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 28-Jul-03 Single Well 1325891 Closed 14-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325894 Closed 14-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325895 Closed 11-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325897 Closed 11-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325898 Closed 10-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325899 Closed 10-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325901 Closed 10-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1325903 Closed 10-4-66-5W4 19-Dec-03 Single Well 1326453 Issued 1210-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 285 4305 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4306 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4307 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4308 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4309 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4310 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4311 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4312 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4313 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4314 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4315 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4316 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4317 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4318 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4319 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4320 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4321 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4322 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4323 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4324 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4325 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4326 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4327 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4328 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4329 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4330 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4331 Canadian Natural Single Well 1326454 Issued 1110-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326455 Issued 1010-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326457 Issued 0411-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326458 Issued 0910-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326459 Issued 0311-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326462 Issued 0614-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1326463 Issued 0514-4-66-5W4 24-Dec-03 Single Well 1327177 Issued 001-7-74-11W4 06-Jan-04 Single Well 1327197 Issued 008-16-73-11W4 06-Jan-04 Single Well 1327209 Issued 009-33-73-11W4 06-Jan-04 Single Well Single Well 1327218 Issued 0016-33-8012W4 1327546 Closed 15-35-79-8W4 08-Jan-04 Single Well 1328222 Issued F310-3-67-4W4 12-Jan-04 Single Well 1328369 Issued 023-24-70-12W4 13-Jan-04 Single Well Single Well 1328441 Issued 0011-31-7713W4 1328458 Issued 003-7-70-12W4 Single Well 1328477 Issued 0013-3-81-17W4 13-Jan-04 Single Well 1328591 Issued AA5-31-68-4W4 14-Jan-04 Single Well 1328743 Issued AA3-2-67-3W4 14-Jan-04 Single Well 14-Jan-04 Single Well 1328744 Issued 0012-25-7914W4 1329214 Issued 0016-25-6812W4 1329254 Closed 8-36-79-14W4 Single Well 1329278 Issued 008-36-79-14W4 16-Jan-04 Single Well 1329558 Issued 009-13-61-10W4 19-Jan-04 Single Well 1329585 Issued 0310-7-62-8W4 19-Jan-04 Single Well 1329633 Closed 16-17-61-1W4 20-Jan-04 Single Well 1329825 Issued F111-6-67-3W4 21-Jan-04 Single Well 06-Jan-04 13-Jan-04 13-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 286 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1330540 Issued 001-24-75-14W4 23-Jan-04 Single Well 1330554 Issued 004-8-70-12W4 23-Jan-04 Single Well 1330826 Issued 024-4-67-23W4 26-Jan-04 Single Well 1332172 Issued 0014-4-71-12W4 04-Feb-04 Single Well 1332745 Issued 0811-4-66-5W4 Single Well 1332798 Issued AA15-20-73-7W4 09-Feb-04 Single Well 1333101 Issued 003-10-61-1W4 Single Well 1333849 Issued 0012-5-64-15W4 13-Feb-04 Single Well Single Well 1334646 Issued 0012-34-6812W4 1335439 Issued 004-8-70-12W4 Single Well 1335661 Issued 0711-22-66-5W4 26-Feb-04 Single Well 1335664 Issued 0811-22-66-5W4 26-Feb-04 Single Well 1336128 Issued 001-30-70-12W4 01-Mar-04 Single Well 1336811 Issued AB1-15-67-5W4 04-Mar-04 Single Well 1337279 Issued 031-6-67-4W4 Single Well 1337328 Issued 0415-31-67-4W4 08-Mar-04 Single Well 1337390 Issued 004-5-67-4W4 Single Well 1337500 Issued 009-30-67-19W4 09-Mar-04 Single Well 1337571 Issued 003-4-68-4W4 Single Well 1337584 Issued 0313-36-67-4W4 10-Mar-04 Single Well 1337823 Issued 003-9-68-4W4 Single Well 1338052 Issued 0213-32-67-4W4 12-Mar-04 Single Well 1338220 Issued 028-4-67-4W4 Single Well 1338222 Issued AB13-16-66-5W4 15-Mar-04 Single Well 1338540 Issued 0011-35-6313W4 1338827 Issued 021-7-67-4W4 Single Well 06-Feb-04 10-Feb-04 19-Feb-04 25-Feb-04 08-Mar-04 09-Mar-04 10-Mar-04 11-Mar-04 15-Mar-04 16-Mar-04 17-Mar-04 287 4358 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4359 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4360 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4361 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4362 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4363 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4364 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4365 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4366 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4367 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4368 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4369 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4370 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4371 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4372 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4373 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4374 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4375 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4376 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4377 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4378 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4379 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4380 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4381 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4382 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4383 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4384 Canadian Natural Single Well 1338858 Issued 0213-20-67-4W4 18-Mar-04 Single Well 1338941 Issued 004-5-67-4W4 Single Well 1339016 Issued 0014-34-65-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339022 Issued 1014-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339028 Issued 1114-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339031 Issued 003-20-70-12W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339034 Issued 0911-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339057 Issued 1011-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339061 Issued 1214-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339071 Issued 0813-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339073 Issued 1314-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339075 Issued 0216-19-67-4W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339087 Issued 1414-22-66-5W4 19-Mar-04 Single Well 1339389 Issued 004-3-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339392 Issued 0013-3-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339394 Issued 0216-4-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339395 Issued 0212-5-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339396 Issued 0410-6-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339397 Issued 004-8-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339398 Issued 046-29-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339400 Issued 0013-29-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339401 Issued 0213-29-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339402 Issued 0515-30-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339404 Issued 047-31-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339405 Issued 025-32-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1339420 Issued 047-30-67-4W4 23-Mar-04 Single Well 1342166 Issued 008-32-80-12W4 14-Apr-04 18-Mar-04 288 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1342894 Issued AA3-2-67-3W4 20-Apr-04 Single Well 1345295 Issued AA5-31-68-4W4 11-May-04 Single Well 1346833 Closed 4-2-68-4W4 25-May-04 Single Well 1348607 Issued 0014-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348609 Issued 0214-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348610 Issued 0011-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348612 Issued 0011-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348613 Issued 006-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348614 Issued 026-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348616 Issued 036-4-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348618 Issued 003-8-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348620 Issued 0014-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348621 Issued 0011-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348623 Issued 0211-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348626 Issued 0010-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348627 Issued 007-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348630 Issued 027-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348633 Issued 002-5-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348636 Issued 0215-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348637 Issued 0315-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348640 Issued 0010-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348641 Issued 0210-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348644 Issued 027-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348645 Issued 037-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348647 Issued 047-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 Single Well 1348648 Issued 002-6-68-4W4 07-Jun-04 289 4411 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4412 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4413 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4414 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4415 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4416 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4417 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4418 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4419 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4420 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4421 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4422 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4423 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4424 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4425 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4426 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4427 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4428 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4429 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4430 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4431 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4432 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4433 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4434 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4435 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4436 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4437 Canadian Natural Single Well 1348957 Issued 0211-4-68-4W4 09-Jun-04 Single Well 1349368 Issued 003-4-68-4W4 11-Jun-04 Single Well 1349766 Issued 0013-10-61-5W4 15-Jun-04 Single Well 1350159 Issued 003-2-68-4W4 Single Well 1354408 Issued 003-12-64-16W4 23-Jul-04 Single Well 1354448 Issued 0016-3-61-14W4 26-Jul-04 Single Well 1355261 Issued 003-12-64-16W4 29-Jul-04 Single Well 1355381 Issued 0016-5-62-22W4 30-Jul-04 Single Well 1355934 Closed 12-29-64-22W4 05-Aug-04 Single Well 1356570 Issued 0012-29-6422W4 1356957 Issued 005-2-65-19W4 11-Aug-04 1358115 Issued 0012-30-7111W4 1358163 Issued 0015-36-7112W4 1358167 Issued 0011-35-7112W4 1358169 Issued 004-13-71-12W4 24-Aug-04 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 17-Jun-04 13-Aug-04 24-Aug-04 24-Aug-04 24-Aug-04 Single Well 1358554 Issued 0015-12-7227-Aug-04 12W4 1358629 Issued 0011-2-72-12W4 27-Aug-04 Single Well 1359647 Issued 0311-5-68-4W4 07-Sep-04 Single Well 09-Sep-04 Single Well 1360147 Issued 0010-32-6417W4 1360202 Issued 022-5-62-8W4 Single Well 1360896 Issued 0015-24-61-5W4 15-Sep-04 Single Well Single Well 1364270 Issued 0012-26-7112W4 1364384 Issued 001-8-67-16W4 Single Well 1365101 Issued 0016-26-61-4W4 18-Oct-04 Single Well 1366043 Issued 1111-22-66-5W4 22-Oct-04 Single Well 1366047 Issued 1211-22-66-5W4 22-Oct-04 Single Well 1366476 Issued 0013-18-67- 10-Sep-04 12-Oct-04 13-Oct-04 26-Oct-04 290 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well Single Well 16W4 1367295 Issued 0012-4-60-11W4 29-Oct-04 08-Nov-04 Single Well 1368685 Issued 0011-10-6011W4 1369245 Issued 043-5-67-4W4 Single Well 1369352 Issued 004-21-68-4W4 12-Nov-04 Single Well 1369375 Issued 003-16-68-4W4 12-Nov-04 Single Well 1369454 Issued 0014-11-7112-Nov-04 12W4 1370419 Issued 0013-1-64-11W4 18-Nov-04 Single Well Single Well 11-Nov-04 Single Well 1370948 Issued 0011-15-7122-Nov-04 16W4 1371323 Issued 0014-1-70-12W4 24-Nov-04 Single Well 1372613 Issued 0015-20-71-9W4 01-Dec-04 Single Well 1372846 Issued 008-14-67-12W4 02-Dec-04 Single Well 1372914 Issued 0015-33-71-9W4 02-Dec-04 Single Well Single Well 1372932 Issued 0016-12-8002-Dec-04 11W4 1372938 Issued 001-30-77-12W4 02-Dec-04 Single Well 1373108 Issued 005-2-72-10W4 Single Well 1373119 Issued 0016-6-73-16W4 03-Dec-04 Single Well 1373238 Closed 13-2-64-11W4 03-Dec-04 Single Well 1373290 Issued 006-4-75-16W4 06-Dec-04 Single Well 06-Dec-04 Single Well 1373353 Issued 0013-14-7516W4 1373522 Closed 13-2-64-11W4 Single Well 1373734 Issued 0013-2-64-11W4 07-Dec-04 Single Well 1374242 Issued 008-19-70-12W4 09-Dec-04 Single Well 1374507 Issued 0013-8-70-12W4 09-Dec-04 Single Well 1374587 Issued 0012-9-65-10W4 10-Dec-04 Single Well 1374777 Issued 008-32-71-9W4 13-Dec-04 Single Well 1374942 Issued 007-4-68-12W4 13-Dec-04 03-Dec-04 06-Dec-04 291 4464 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4465 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4466 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4467 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4468 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4469 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4470 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4471 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4472 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4473 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4474 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4475 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4476 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4477 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4478 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4479 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4480 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4481 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4482 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4483 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4484 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4485 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4486 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4487 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4488 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4489 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4490 Canadian Natural Single Well 1375439 Issued 008-11-68-13W4 15-Dec-04 Single Well 1377166 Issued 0013-7-61-3W4 22-Dec-04 Single Well 1377216 Issued 0211-9-61-3W4 22-Dec-04 Single Well 1377233 Closed 14-5-79-12W4 22-Dec-04 Single Well 1377295 Issued 0014-5-79-12W4 22-Dec-04 Single Well 1377421 Issued 008-11-61-4W4 22-Dec-04 Single Well 1377876 Issued 004-13-61-4W4 23-Dec-04 Single Well 1377880 Issued 001-13-61-4W4 23-Dec-04 Single Well 1377882 Issued 004-10-68-12W4 23-Dec-04 Single Well 1378760 Issued 006-12-67-12W4 05-Jan-05 Single Well 1378774 Issued 0411-5-68-4W4 05-Jan-05 Single Well 1379429 Issued 006-6-68-12W4 10-Jan-05 Single Well Single Well 1379777 Issued 0010-19-7111-Jan-05 11W4 1379786 Issued 005-14-62-22W4 11-Jan-05 Single Well 1379912 Issued 029-21-63-22W4 12-Jan-05 Single Well 1380203 Issued 0015-27-66-5W4 13-Jan-05 Single Well 1380730 Closed 16-22-66-5W4 Single Well 1380767 Issued 0016-22-66-5W4 17-Jan-05 Single Well 1380975 Issued AA10-20-73-7W4 18-Jan-05 Single Well 1381677 Issued 005-8-68-12W4 Single Well 1381987 Issued 004-24-71-12W4 21-Jan-05 Single Well 1382023 Issued 008-8-61-3W4 24-Jan-05 Single Well 1382470 Issued 008-8-61-3W4 25-Jan-05 Single Well 1382808 Issued 004-23-68-13W4 26-Jan-05 Single Well 1382933 Issued 004-30-76-14W4 27-Jan-05 Single Well 1383070 Issued 005-12-61-4W4 27-Jan-05 Single Well 1383182 Issued 008-8-61-3W4 28-Jan-05 17-Jan-05 20-Jan-05 292 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1383455 Issued 004-8-61-3W4 31-Jan-05 Single Well Single Well 1383562 Issued 0014-11-7931-Jan-05 14W4 1384032 Issued 0012-7-76-14W4 02-Feb-05 Single Well 1384793 Issued 003-7-63-8W4 08-Feb-05 Single Well 1385015 Issued 002-2-68-13W4 08-Feb-05 Single Well 1385150 Issued 002-7-63-8W4 09-Feb-05 Single Well 09-Feb-05 Single Well 1385160 Issued 0012-33-6816W4 1385694 Issued 1912-8-66-5W4 11-Feb-05 Single Well 1385806 Issued 002-7-63-8W4 11-Feb-05 Single Well 1385809 Issued 003-7-63-8W4 11-Feb-05 Single Well 1386242 Issued 039-8-61-3W4 14-Feb-05 Single Well 1386313 Issued 046-8-68-4W4 15-Feb-05 Single Well 1387074 Issued 003-27-61-8W4 17-Feb-05 Single Well 1387140 Issued 0011-27-61-8W4 17-Feb-05 Single Well 1387445 Issued 004-30-73-16W4 22-Feb-05 Single Well Single Well 1387882 Issued 0015-13-6221W4 1388675 Issued 043-27-66-5W4 28-Feb-05 Single Well 1388749 Issued 0014-2-61-4W4 01-Mar-05 Single Well 1391902 Issued 003-5-68-4W4 17-Mar-05 Single Well 1392997 Issued 055-27-66-5W4 24-Mar-05 Single Well 1393387 Issued 0311-17-68-4W4 29-Mar-05 Single Well 1393391 Issued 056-17-68-4W4 29-Mar-05 Single Well 1393398 Issued 036-20-68-4W4 29-Mar-05 Single Well 1393854 Issued 0012-4-66-5W4 01-Apr-05 Single Well 1397404 Issued 0310-20-73-7W4 22-Apr-05 Single Well 1400358 Issued 0211-8-68-4W4 23-Feb-05 11-May-05 293 4517 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4518 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4519 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4520 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4521 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4522 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4523 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4524 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4525 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4526 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4527 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4528 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4529 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4530 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4531 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4532 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4533 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4534 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4535 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4536 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4537 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4538 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4539 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4540 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4541 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4542 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4543 Canadian Natural Single Well 1402672 Issued 009-3-61-14W4 30-May-05 Single Well 1403127 Issued 046-20-68-4W4 31-May-05 Single Well 1403774 Issued 009-14-61-5W4 06-Jun-05 Single Well 1404103 Issued 003-34-66-17W4 07-Jun-05 Single Well Single Well 1404578 Issued 0016-10-7112W4 1404810 Issued 046-20-68-4W4 13-Jun-05 Single Well 1405141 Issued 004-8-60-7W4 15-Jun-05 Single Well 1406446 Issued 005-1-61-17W4 23-Jun-05 Single Well Single Well 1406539 Issued 0011-12-6123-Jun-05 17W4 1408476 Issued 0016-10-61-5W4 11-Jul-05 Single Well 1409742 Issued 022-3-60-11W4 Single Well 1409766 Issued 008-23-62-10W4 19-Jul-05 Single Well Single Well 1411279 Issued 0011-22-6011W4 1411912 Issued 0214-5-68-4W4 03-Aug-05 Single Well 1411916 Issued 0314-5-68-4W4 03-Aug-05 Single Well 1413674 Issued 004-29-61-11W4 15-Aug-05 Single Well 1415048 Issued 029-13-62-10W4 24-Aug-05 Single Well 1415628 Closed 3-29-63-7W4 26-Aug-05 Single Well 1415631 Issued 003-29-63-7W4 26-Aug-05 Single Well 1416707 Issued 022-7-63-8W4 02-Sep-05 Single Well 1418555 Issued 0014-10-61-5W4 15-Sep-05 Single Well 1419700 Closed 2-10-66-5W4 23-Sep-05 Single Well 1419748 Closed 3-10-66-5W4 23-Sep-05 Single Well 1419787 Issued 3-10-66-5W4 25-Sep-05 Single Well 1419807 Closed 2-10-66-5W4 25-Sep-05 Single Well 1419913 Issued 2-10-66-5W4 26-Sep-05 Single Well 1420145 Closed 12-10-66-5W4 27-Sep-05 10-Jun-05 19-Jul-05 28-Jul-05 294 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1420453 Issued 2-15-66-5W4 27-Sep-05 Single Well 1420729 Closed 12-10-66-5W4 28-Sep-05 Single Well 1421959 Issued 5-33-77-14W4 05-Oct-05 Single Well 1422125 Issued 13-17-62-4W4 05-Oct-05 Single Well 1422143 Issued 4-22-61-4W4 05-Oct-05 Single Well 1422267 Closed 4-22-61-4W4 06-Oct-05 Single Well 1422420 Issued 7-32-77-14W4 06-Oct-05 Single Well 1422502 Issued 4-22-61-4W4 07-Oct-05 Single Well 1422953 Closed 6-15-61-4W4 12-Oct-05 Single Well 1422988 Issued 6-15-61-4W4 12-Oct-05 Single Well 1423082 Issued 6-15-61-4W4 12-Oct-05 Single Well 1423156 Closed 6-34-66-17W4 12-Oct-05 Single Well 1423266 Closed 12-10-66-5W4 13-Oct-05 Single Well 1423460 Closed 2-15-66-5W4 13-Oct-05 Single Well 1423470 Closed 2-10-66-5W4 13-Oct-05 Single Well 1423557 Closed 12-10-66-5W4 14-Oct-05 Single Well 1423961 Issued 6-34-66-17W4 17-Oct-05 Single Well 1424096 Issued 2-2-72-12W4 18-Oct-05 Single Well 1425619 Issued 2-10-66-5W4 26-Oct-05 Single Well 1425627 Issued 12-10-66-5W4 26-Oct-05 Single Well 1425651 Issued 3-10-66-5W4 26-Oct-05 Single Well 1425758 Issued 2-15-66-5W4 26-Oct-05 Single Well 1426134 Issued 6-12-67-17W4 27-Oct-05 Single Well 1427111 Issued 11-5-68-4W4 02-Nov-05 Single Well 1427567 Issued 2-12-72-12W4 04-Nov-05 Single Well 1427572 Issued 12-1-72-12W4 04-Nov-05 295 4570 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4571 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4572 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4573 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4574 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4575 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4576 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4577 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4578 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4579 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4580 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4581 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4582 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4583 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4584 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4585 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4586 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4587 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4588 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4589 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4590 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4591 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4592 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4593 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4594 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4595 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4596 Canadian Natural Single Well 1427580 Issued 3-23-71-12W4 04-Nov-05 Single Well 1427593 Issued 5-12-70-12W4 04-Nov-05 Single Well 1427652 Issued 14-6-72-11W4 04-Nov-05 Single Well 1429235 Issued 10-28-71-12W4 15-Nov-05 Single Well 1429719 Issued 4-31-71-11W4 16-Nov-05 Single Well 1430208 Issued 10-19-63-11W4 17-Nov-05 Single Well 1430759 Issued 6-5-78-14W4 22-Nov-05 Single Well 1431150 Issued 11-31-63-11W4 23-Nov-05 Single Well 1431196 Issued 3-11-70-12W4 23-Nov-05 Single Well 1431449 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431461 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431463 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431466 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431467 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431468 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431470 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431471 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431472 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Nov-05 Single Well 1431635 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 25-Nov-05 Single Well 1431851 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 25-Nov-05 Single Well 1432030 Issued 7-32-73-13W4 28-Nov-05 Single Well 1432462 Issued 15-11-65-15W4 30-Nov-05 Single Well 1432482 Issued 5-15-64-11W4 30-Nov-05 Single Well 1432559 Issued 5-30-63-11W4 30-Nov-05 Single Well 1432602 Issued 6-20-71-11W4 30-Nov-05 Single Well 1432610 Issued 16-12-71-11W4 30-Nov-05 Single Well 1433271 Issued 1-19-71-11W4 05-Dec-05 296 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1433884 Issued 7-8-72-10W4 07-Dec-05 Single Well 1434473 Issued 14-11-67-4W4 09-Dec-05 Single Well 1434479 Issued 3-11-67-4W4 09-Dec-05 Single Well 1434702 Issued 7-8-72-10W4 09-Dec-05 Single Well 1434756 Issued 14-11-67-4W4 12-Dec-05 Single Well 1434970 Issued 12-32-63-11W4 12-Dec-05 Single Well 1435583 Issued 15-5-73-16W4 15-Dec-05 Single Well 1435590 Issued 12-6-67-16W4 15-Dec-05 Single Well 1435627 Issued 3-34-71-12W4 15-Dec-05 Single Well 1435718 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 15-Dec-05 Single Well 1435801 Issued 6-31-72-9W4 16-Dec-05 Single Well 1435820 Issued 2-34-77-14W4 16-Dec-05 Single Well 1436064 Issued 3-20-72-10W4 16-Dec-05 Single Well 1436233 Issued 1-11-79-4W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1436309 Issued 4-32-79-4W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1436324 Issued 12-1-79-4W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1436365 Issued 2-19-79-7W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1436367 Issued 15-13-79-4W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1436554 Issued 12-29-77-16W4 20-Dec-05 Single Well 1436760 Issued 7-11-72-12W4 21-Dec-05 Single Well 1436761 Issued 1-23-79-8W4 21-Dec-05 Single Well 1436764 Issued 13-25-79-4W4 21-Dec-05 Single Well 1436769 Issued 7-27-79-4W4 21-Dec-05 Single Well 1437250 Issued 4-28-73-7W4 22-Dec-05 Single Well 1437829 Issued 13-14-81-5W4 29-Dec-05 Single Well 1438008 Issued 16-10-81-5W4 31-Dec-05 297 4623 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4624 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4625 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4626 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4627 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4628 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4629 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4630 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4631 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4632 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4633 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4634 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4635 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4636 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4637 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4638 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4639 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4640 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4641 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4642 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4643 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4644 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4645 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4646 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4647 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4648 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4649 Canadian Natural Single Well 1438009 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 31-Dec-05 Single Well 1438189 Issued 12-6-67-16W4 03-Jan-06 Single Well 1438198 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 03-Jan-06 Single Well 1438409 Issued 16-1-80-14W4 04-Jan-06 Single Well 1438426 Issued 6-25-72-10W4 04-Jan-06 Single Well 1438829 Issued 5-22-79-4W4 06-Jan-06 Single Well 1438886 Issued 6-22-66-5W4 06-Jan-06 Single Well 1439101 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 09-Jan-06 Single Well 1439102 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 09-Jan-06 Single Well 1439176 Issued 1-32-68-5W4 09-Jan-06 Single Well 1439439 Issued 5-8-79-7W4 10-Jan-06 Single Well 1439440 Closed 6-22-66-5W4 10-Jan-06 Single Well 1439926 Issued 15-21-79-4W4 11-Jan-06 Single Well 1440210 Issued 16-30-68-23W4 12-Jan-06 Single Well 1440241 Issued 3-11-67-4W4 12-Jan-06 Single Well 1440723 Issued 8-27-66-12W4 16-Jan-06 Single Well 1440937 Issued 5-8-79-7W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1441205 Issued 1-23-79-8W4 18-Jan-06 Single Well 1441229 Issued 2-19-79-7W4 18-Jan-06 Single Well 1441734 Issued 4-15-71-17W4 19-Jan-06 Single Well 1441863 Issued 4-25-67-5W4 20-Jan-06 Single Well 1442175 Issued 4-1-80-14W4 23-Jan-06 Single Well 1442315 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 24-Jan-06 Single Well 1442317 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 24-Jan-06 Single Well 1442738 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 25-Jan-06 Single Well 1442867 Issued 16-1-80-14W4 26-Jan-06 Single Well 1443078 Issued 5-36-71-12W4 26-Jan-06 298 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1443670 Issued 9-32-68-5W4 30-Jan-06 Single Well 1444236 Issued 1-19-71-11W4 01-Feb-06 Single Well 1444530 Closed 2-31-60-10W4 02-Feb-06 Single Well 1444609 Issued 2-31-60-10W4 02-Feb-06 Single Well 1444989 Closed 4-30-61-9W4 06-Feb-06 Single Well 1444990 Issued 6-25-61-10W4 06-Feb-06 Single Well 1445130 Issued 14-11-79-14W4 06-Feb-06 Single Well 1445159 Issued 4-30-61-9W4 06-Feb-06 Single Well 1445818 Issued 4-30-61-9W4 08-Feb-06 Single Well 1447588 Issued 7-4-63-10W4 16-Feb-06 Single Well 1447610 Issued 1-3-61-4W4 16-Feb-06 Single Well 1447980 Issued 9-32-68-5W4 21-Feb-06 Single Well 1448235 Issued 7-14-68-5W4 22-Feb-06 Single Well 1448342 Issued 4-19-61-9W4 22-Feb-06 Single Well 1448804 Issued 9-8-68-23W4 24-Feb-06 Single Well 1449038 Issued 12-23-61-4W4 27-Feb-06 Single Well 1449984 Issued 7-2-67-17W4 02-Mar-06 Single Well 1450475 Issued 3-11-62-18W4 06-Mar-06 Single Well 1450744 Issued 7-13-63-12W4 07-Mar-06 Single Well 1451051 Issued 15-21-79-4W4 08-Mar-06 Single Well 1451054 Issued 5-22-79-4W4 08-Mar-06 Single Well 1451056 Issued 7-27-79-4W4 08-Mar-06 Single Well 1451100 Issued 8-12-64-11W4 08-Mar-06 Single Well 1451221 Issued 3-4-60-7W4 09-Mar-06 Single Well 1453015 Issued 6-14-61-5W4 20-Mar-06 Single Well 1453061 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 20-Mar-06 299 4676 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4677 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4678 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4679 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4680 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4681 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4682 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4683 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4684 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4685 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4686 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4687 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4688 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4689 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4690 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4691 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4692 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4693 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4694 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4695 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4696 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4697 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4698 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4699 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4700 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4701 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4702 Canadian Natural Single Well 1453068 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 20-Mar-06 Single Well 1453073 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 20-Mar-06 Single Well 1453078 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 20-Mar-06 Single Well 1453227 Issued 2-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453234 Issued 1-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453239 Issued 1-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453241 Issued 1-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453247 Issued 1-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453251 Issued 2-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453257 Issued 2-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453264 Issued 2-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1453285 Issued 2-22-63-8W4 21-Mar-06 Single Well 1454656 Issued 11-5-68-4W4 30-Mar-06 Single Well 1454943 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 31-Mar-06 Single Well 1455152 Issued 4-8-60-7W4 03-Apr-06 Single Well 1455505 Issued 7-18-63-11W4 05-Apr-06 Single Well 1456112 Issued 14-10-66-5W4 10-Apr-06 Single Well 1456114 Issued 8-10-66-5W4 10-Apr-06 Single Well 1456116 Issued 14-3-66-5W4 10-Apr-06 Single Well 1456233 Issued 8-9-66-5W4 10-Apr-06 Single Well 1456236 Issued 14-5-79-12W4 10-Apr-06 Single Well 1456535 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 Single Well 1456536 Closed 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 Single Well 1456537 Closed 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 Single Well 1456539 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 Single Well 1456543 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 Single Well 1456546 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 12-Apr-06 300 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1456684 Closed 2-15-66-5W4 13-Apr-06 Single Well 1456766 Issued 2-15-66-5W4 13-Apr-06 Single Well 1456838 Issued 13-36-61-10W4 17-Apr-06 Single Well 1457509 Issued 15-27-61-10W4 20-Apr-06 Single Well 1459149 Issued 15-29-63-11W4 02-May-06 Single Well 1459715 Issued 2-9-64-9W4 05-May-06 Single Well 1461954 Issued 2-9-61-5W4 19-May-06 Single Well 1461960 Issued 2-9-61-5W4 19-May-06 Single Well 1461965 Issued 7-9-61-5W4 19-May-06 Single Well 1461969 Issued 7-9-61-5W4 19-May-06 Single Well 1463493 Issued 2-34-66-5W4 31-May-06 Single Well 1463552 Issued 10-31-61-9W4 01-Jun-06 Single Well 1463563 Issued 1-9-63-12W4 01-Jun-06 Single Well 1463616 Issued 3-12-61-11W4 01-Jun-06 Single Well 1463786 Issued 7-2-60-11W4 02-Jun-06 Single Well 1463789 Issued 15-18-61-11W4 02-Jun-06 Single Well 1463931 Issued 15-18-61-11W4 03-Jun-06 Single Well 1464049 Issued 3-12-61-11W4 05-Jun-06 Single Well 1464227 Issued 15-5-61-3W4 06-Jun-06 Single Well 1464366 Issued 2-34-66-5W4 07-Jun-06 Single Well 1465081 Closed 8-9-66-5W4 12-Jun-06 Single Well 1465091 Issued 8-9-66-5W4 12-Jun-06 Single Well 1465237 Issued 10-15-61-5W4 13-Jun-06 Single Well 1465764 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 15-Jun-06 Single Well 1465871 Issued 1-8-61-3W4 16-Jun-06 Single Well 1466337 Closed 8-8-60-7W4 20-Jun-06 301 4729 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4730 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4731 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4732 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4733 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4734 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4735 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4736 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4737 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4738 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4739 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4740 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4741 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4742 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4743 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4744 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4745 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4746 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4747 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4748 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4749 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4750 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4751 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4752 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4753 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4754 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4755 Canadian Natural Single Well 1466888 Issued 8-30-68-4W4 23-Jun-06 Single Well 1466994 Issued 8-8-60-7W4 26-Jun-06 Single Well 1469029 Issued 16-34-61-4W4 10-Jul-06 Single Well 1469210 Issued 15-18-61-11W4 11-Jul-06 Single Well 1471387 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 21-Jul-06 Single Well 1472244 Issued 15-5-71-20W4 27-Jul-06 Single Well 1473660 Issued 14-1-67-12W4 09-Aug-06 Single Well 1475407 Issued 2-13-61-4W4 21-Aug-06 Single Well 1475413 Issued 5-14-63-5W4 21-Aug-06 Single Well 1477747 Issued 3-10-67-4W4 07-Sep-06 Single Well 1477749 Issued 4-10-67-4W4 07-Sep-06 Single Well 1477750 Issued 4-10-67-4W4 07-Sep-06 Single Well 1477752 Issued 4-10-67-4W4 07-Sep-06 Single Well 1478494 Issued 1-13-61-4W4 12-Sep-06 Single Well 1478637 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 13-Sep-06 Single Well 1479494 Issued 8-10-63-5W4 19-Sep-06 Single Well 1479495 Issued 8-10-63-5W4 19-Sep-06 Single Well 1479803 Issued 7-13-61-4W4 21-Sep-06 Single Well 1481914 Issued 1-22-67-4W4 06-Oct-06 Single Well 1482753 Issued 6-12-61-4W4 16-Oct-06 Single Well 1483045 Issued 6-12-61-4W4 17-Oct-06 Single Well 1483145 Issued 9-15-62-6W4 18-Oct-06 Single Well 1483674 Closed 9-11-61-4W4 21-Oct-06 Single Well 1483676 Closed 14-2-61-4W4 21-Oct-06 Single Well 1483679 Issued 5-12-61-4W4 21-Oct-06 Single Well 1484892 Issued 7-13-61-4W4 31-Oct-06 Single Well 1486349 Issued 14-13-60-6W4 09-Nov-06 302 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1486355 Issued 6-24-60-6W4 09-Nov-06 Single Well 1486403 Issued 16-24-60-7W4 10-Nov-06 Single Well 1486913 Issued 4-36-67-13W4 15-Nov-06 Single Well 1486934 Issued 15-5-71-10W4 15-Nov-06 Single Well 1487710 Issued 9-5-72-9W4 20-Nov-06 Single Well 1487751 Issued 16-28-78-5W4 20-Nov-06 Single Well 1487772 Issued 14-2-79-5W4 21-Nov-06 Single Well 1487804 Issued 2-9-79-5W4 21-Nov-06 Single Well 1487886 Issued 14-16-79-5W4 21-Nov-06 Single Well 1487898 Issued 11-10-79-4W4 21-Nov-06 Single Well 1487999 Issued 1-31-61-7W4 22-Nov-06 Single Well 1488346 Issued 1-31-61-7W4 23-Nov-06 Single Well 1488716 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 27-Nov-06 Single Well 1488718 Issued 13-12-81-5W4 27-Nov-06 Single Well 1489000 Issued 14-35-79-4W4 28-Nov-06 Single Well 1489030 Issued 10-9-80-4W4 28-Nov-06 Single Well 1489042 Issued 15-20-80-4W4 28-Nov-06 Single Well 1489053 Issued 10-3-80-4W4 28-Nov-06 Single Well 1489061 Issued 3-16-80-4W4 28-Nov-06 Single Well 1489342 Issued 16-32-71-9W4 29-Nov-06 Single Well 1489635 Issued 15-15-67-17W4 30-Nov-06 Single Well 1489646 Issued 2-21-68-16W4 30-Nov-06 Single Well 1489663 Issued 1-29-73-7W4 30-Nov-06 Single Well 1489974 Issued 7-6-80-4W4 04-Dec-06 Single Well 1490011 Issued 15-25-78-5W4 04-Dec-06 Single Well 1490133 Issued 2-14-79-4W4 04-Dec-06 303 4782 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4783 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4784 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4785 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4786 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4787 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4788 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4789 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4790 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4791 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4792 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4793 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4794 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4795 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4796 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4797 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4798 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4799 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4800 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4801 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4802 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4803 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4804 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4805 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4806 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4807 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4808 Canadian Natural Single Well 1490181 Issued 6-25-72-10W4 04-Dec-06 Single Well 1490183 Issued 8-21-65-15W4 04-Dec-06 Single Well 1490511 Issued 9-13-60-7W4 06-Dec-06 Single Well 1491090 Issued 7-14-61-4W4 08-Dec-06 Single Well 1491267 Issued 15-10-79-5W4 10-Dec-06 Single Well 1491268 Issued 8-7-80-4W4 10-Dec-06 Single Well 1491269 Issued 15-3-79-5W4 10-Dec-06 Single Well 1491270 Issued 3-28-80-4W4 10-Dec-06 Single Well 1491271 Issued 10-16-72-9W4 10-Dec-06 Single Well 1491499 Issued 8-32-73-8W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491501 Issued 10-12-72-11W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491507 Issued 11-21-78-5W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491528 Issued 13-23-80-5W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491567 Issued 5-13-66-12W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491576 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 11-Dec-06 Single Well 1491771 Issued 3-4-74-9W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491778 Issued 1-24-74-10W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491829 Issued 1-22-67-12W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491844 Issued 1-30-80-4W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491858 Issued 11-14-80-5W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491871 Issued 13-14-81-5W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491878 Issued 6-19-81-4W4 12-Dec-06 Single Well 1491934 Issued 12-29-67-2W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1491954 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1491956 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1491960 Issued 1-15-67-4W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1491996 Issued 9-36-67-3W4 13-Dec-06 304 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1492022 Issued 13-24-81-5W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1492064 Issued 15-2-68-5W4 13-Dec-06 Single Well 1492450 Issued 8-32-68-5W4 14-Dec-06 Single Well 1492466 Issued 6-28-81-4W4 14-Dec-06 Single Well 1492472 Issued 2-31-78-4W4 14-Dec-06 Single Well 1492481 Closed 14-2-61-4W4 14-Dec-06 Single Well 1492550 Issued 11-11-68-5W4 15-Dec-06 Single Well 1492562 Issued 4-34-66-6W4 15-Dec-06 Single Well 1492705 Issued 7-15-79-5W4 15-Dec-06 Single Well 1492851 Issued 8-11-68-4W4 18-Dec-06 Single Well 1493024 Issued 7-1-60-7W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493060 Issued 15-11-63-12W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493230 Issued 7-2-67-17W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493236 Issued 11-12-68-3W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493240 Issued 13-34-73-7W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493261 Issued 2-3-66-5W4 19-Dec-06 Single Well 1493503 Issued 7-20-79-3W4 20-Dec-06 Single Well 1493593 Issued 6-33-79-4W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1493739 Issued 2-34-73-8W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1495428 Issued 4-28-73-7W4 08-Jan-07 Single Well 1495656 Issued 12-9-68-3W4 09-Jan-07 Single Well 1495664 Issued 13-32-67-2W4 09-Jan-07 Single Well 1495919 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Single Well 1495925 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Single Well 1495929 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 Single Well 1496003 Issued 15-22-63-8W4 10-Jan-07 305 4835 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4836 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4837 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4838 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4839 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4840 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4841 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4842 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4843 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4844 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4845 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4846 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4847 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4848 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4849 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4850 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4851 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4852 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4853 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4854 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4855 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4856 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4857 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4858 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4859 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4860 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4861 Canadian Natural Single Well 1496209 Issued 12-4-68-3W4 11-Jan-07 Single Well 1498979 Issued 5-35-72-17W4 25-Jan-07 Single Well 1499842 Closed 13-14-81-5W4 31-Jan-07 Single Well 1500277 Issued 13-14-81-5W4 01-Feb-07 Single Well 1500950 Closed 6-14-61-5W4 05-Feb-07 Single Well 1500957 Issued 8-6-60-11W4 05-Feb-07 Single Well 1502119 Issued 8-32-73-8W4 12-Feb-07 Single Well 1502372 Issued 4-34-66-6W4 13-Feb-07 Single Well 1502771 Issued 13-6-67-2W4 14-Feb-07 Single Well 1502774 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 14-Feb-07 Single Well 1502775 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 14-Feb-07 Single Well 1503714 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 21-Feb-07 Single Well 1504048 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 23-Feb-07 Single Well 1504169 Issued 14-2-61-4W4 23-Feb-07 Single Well 1504758 Issued 4-13-61-4W4 28-Feb-07 Single Well 1505438 Issued 1-11-61-4W4 05-Mar-07 Single Well 1505592 Issued 5-29-67-3W4 06-Mar-07 Single Well 1505594 Issued 15-30-67-3W4 06-Mar-07 Single Well 1505599 Closed 11-14-80-5W4 06-Mar-07 Single Well 1505602 Closed 1-30-80-4W4 06-Mar-07 Single Well 1507113 Issued 11-14-80-5W4 19-Mar-07 Single Well 1507177 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 19-Mar-07 Single Well 1507785 Issued 8-22-67-4W4 23-Mar-07 Single Well 1509122 Issued 1-30-80-4W4 10-Apr-07 Single Well 1510234 Issued 5-14-63-5W4 23-Apr-07 Single Well 1510274 Closed 15-1-62-4W4 23-Apr-07 Single Well 1510386 Issued 15-1-62-4W4 24-Apr-07 306 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1510603 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 26-Apr-07 Single Well 1512380 Issued 4-13-61-4W4 16-May-07 Single Well 1512727 Issued 8-10-63-5W4 22-May-07 Single Well 1512729 Issued 8-10-63-5W4 22-May-07 Single Well 1512819 Issued 13-14-63-5W4 22-May-07 Single Well 1513760 Issued 11-10-61-5W4 30-May-07 Single Well 1514975 Issued 12-15-62-3W4 11-Jun-07 Single Well 1515062 Issued 13-11-63-5W4 11-Jun-07 Single Well 1517808 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 05-Jul-07 Single Well 1519411 Issued 10-9-60-9W4 19-Jul-07 Single Well 1520065 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 25-Jul-07 Single Well 1520068 Issued 8-12-67-3W4 25-Jul-07 Single Well 1520082 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 25-Jul-07 Single Well 1523218 Issued 5-27-68-23W4 21-Aug-07 Single Well 1524128 Issued 4-23-63-5W4 29-Aug-07 Single Well 1524369 Issued 9-15-63-5W4 30-Aug-07 Single Well 1524385 Issued 4-23-63-5W4 30-Aug-07 Single Well 1524745 Issued 10-22-63-5W4 04-Sep-07 Single Well 1524981 Issued 3-22-63-5W4 05-Sep-07 Single Well 1525034 Issued 15-15-63-5W4 06-Sep-07 Single Well 1526160 Issued 14-23-63-4W4 14-Sep-07 Single Well 1526282 Issued 2-30-61-4W4 17-Sep-07 Single Well 1526462 Issued 5-12-67-3W4 18-Sep-07 Single Well 1526533 Issued 1-30-61-4W4 18-Sep-07 Single Well 1526936 Issued 13-2-63-5W4 21-Sep-07 Single Well 1527410 Issued 10-36-63-4W4 26-Sep-07 307 4888 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4889 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4890 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4891 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4892 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4893 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4894 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4895 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4896 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4897 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4898 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4899 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4900 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4901 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4902 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4903 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4904 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4905 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4906 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4907 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4908 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4909 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4910 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4911 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4912 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4913 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4914 Canadian Natural Single Well 1544058 Issued 6-6-79-5W4 30-Oct-07 Single Well 1544246 Issued 11-26-63-3W4 31-Oct-07 Single Well 1544953 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 05-Nov-07 Single Well 1544954 Issued 13-1-67-3W4 05-Nov-07 Single Well 1548568 Issued 16-34-63-8W4 29-Nov-07 Single Well 1548579 Issued 16-34-63-8W4 29-Nov-07 Single Well 1550651 Issued 10-4-67-13W4 11-Dec-07 Single Well 1550682 Issued 9-10-67-13W4 11-Dec-07 Single Well 1550903 Closed 2-25-60-7W4 12-Dec-07 Single Well 1551124 Issued 5-9-71-20W4 13-Dec-07 Single Well 1551172 Issued 9-33-71-17W4 13-Dec-07 Single Well 1551179 Issued 12-14-66-16W4 13-Dec-07 Single Well 1551579 Closed 11-34-71-17W4 17-Dec-07 Single Well 1551606 Issued 11-34-71-17W4 17-Dec-07 Single Well 1552363 Issued 6-25-67-13W4 20-Dec-07 Single Well 1552383 Issued 14-36-72-21W4 20-Dec-07 Single Well 1554506 Issued 14-1-67-3W4 10-Jan-08 Single Well 1554689 Issued 15-15-66-20W4 11-Jan-08 Single Well 1554911 Issued 16-32-61-17W4 14-Jan-08 Single Well 1555415 Issued 12-15-62-3W4 15-Jan-08 Single Well 1557007 Issued 4-10-63-9W4 23-Jan-08 Single Well 1557299 Issued 4-10-63-9W4 24-Jan-08 Single Well 1557594 Issued 13-25-72-21W4 25-Jan-08 Single Well 1560897 Closed 14-13-60-6W4 14-Feb-08 Single Well 1561042 Issued 14-13-60-6W4 14-Feb-08 Single Well 1561533 Issued 9-25-63-9W4 19-Feb-08 Single Well 1562776 Issued 7-23-63-3W4 27-Feb-08 308 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Single Well 1562905 Issued 12-15-62-3W4 27-Feb-08 Single Well 1562975 Issued 14-28-63-8W4 28-Feb-08 Single Well 1562979 Issued 14-28-63-8W4 28-Feb-08 Single Well 1563216 Issued 12-15-62-3W4 29-Feb-08 Single Well 1563826 Issued 12-15-62-3W4 04-Mar-08 Single Well 1564819 Issued 1-10-68-4W4 11-Mar-08 Single Well 1564825 Issued 3-11-68-4W4 11-Mar-08 Single Well 1565061 Issued 3-9-68-4W4 12-Mar-08 Single Well 1565880 Issued 1-14-63-3W4 19-Mar-08 Single Well 1566042 Issued 12-11-61-4W4 20-Mar-08 Single Well 1566274 Active 15-15-62-3W4 24-Mar-08 Single Well 1567188 Issued 14-10-62-9W4 02-Apr-08 Single Well 1568493 Issued 3-15-60-6W4 17-Apr-08 Single Well 1568512 Issued 15-27-61-10W4 17-Apr-08 Single Well 1569122 Issued 13-21-63-8W4 22-Apr-08 Single Well 1569258 Issued 5-3-60-11W4 23-Apr-08 Single Well 1569355 Issued 10-4-60-11W4 24-Apr-08 Single Well 1569372 Active 3-25-62-3W4 24-Apr-08 Spacing: Gas 1288727 Issued 0-0-66-14W4 09-Jan-03 Spacing: Gas 1308641 Issued 0-0-63-11W4 29-Jul-03 Spacing: Gas 1349214 Issued 0-0-64-10W4 10-Jun-04 Spacing: Gas 1365849 Issued 0-30-77-12W4 21-Oct-04 Spacing: Gas 1418963 Issued 0-0-71-11W4 19-Sep-05 Spacing: Gas 1418965 Issued 0-0-72-11W4 19-Sep-05 Spacing: Gas 1426868 Issued 0-0-63-14W4 01-Nov-05 Spacing: Gas 1429274 Issued 0-7-59-11W4 15-Nov-05 309 4941 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4942 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4943 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4944 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4945 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4946 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4947 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4948 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4949 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4950 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4951 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 4952 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4953 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4954 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4955 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4956 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4957 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4958 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4959 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4960 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4961 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 4962 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Spacing: Gas 1443612 Issued 0-2-68-5W4 30-Jan-06 Spacing: Gas 1468559 Issued 0-8-80-4W4 05-Jul-06 Spacing: Gas 1476653 Issued 0-19-80-4W4 29-Aug-06 Spacing: Gas 1476663 Issued 0-14-79-4W4 29-Aug-06 Spacing: Gas 1477601 Issued 0-0-67-2W4 06-Sep-06 Spacing: Gas 1479628 Issued 0-4-79-5W4 20-Sep-06 Spacing: Gas 1521075 Closed 0-0-78-5W4 02-Aug-07 Spacing: Gas 1529596 Closed 0-10-81-5W4 12-Oct-07 Spacing: Gas 1561492 Active 0-10-81-5W4 19-Feb-08 Substations 1456796 Closed 3-14-67-3W4 13-Apr-06 Substations 1457637 Issued 3-14-67-3W4 21-Apr-06 Compressor Station 1001507 Issued 006-13-63-7W4 15-Jul-96 Compressor Station 1045904 Issued 007-14-62-4W4 24-Aug-99 Compressor Station 1052747 Issued 006-23-60-6W4 01-Dec-99 Compressor Station 1057341 Issued 0013-9-62-8W4 26-Jan-00 Compressor Station 1057604 Issued 001-2-60-7W4 30-Jan-00 Gas Prod 1046547 Issued 009-30-62-7W4 03-Sep-99 Gas Prod 1046548 Issued 0010-16-60-7W4 03-Sep-99 Gas Prod 1048452 Issued 003-17-61-8W4 Gas Prod 1048988 Issued 005-22-60-10W4 12-Oct-99 Gas Prod 1049762 Issued 0013-10-62-8W4 25-Oct-99 Gas Prod 1049763 Issued 0010-19-6210W4 04-Oct-99 25-Oct-99 310 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED Gas 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Single Well 1043762 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 13-Jul-99 Single Well 1043763 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 13-Jul-99 Single Well 1043770 Issued 2-21-62-4W4 14-Jul-99 Single Well 1043776 Closed 6-16-62-4W4 14-Jul-99 Single Well 1043797 Closed 9-17-62-4W4 14-Jul-99 Single Well 1044223 Issued 15-15-62-8W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044225 Issued 16-9-62-8W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044226 Issued 3-17-61-8W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044230 Issued 5-22-60-10W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044231 Issued 10-21-60-7W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044233 Issued 9-14-62-8W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044239 Issued 10-19-62-10W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044240 Issued 10-16-60-7W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044276 Issued 12-9-60-7W4 22-Jul-99 Single Well 1044285 Issued 16-30-61-7W4 22-Jul-99 312 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN 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Issued 6-16-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045689 Issued 9-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045691 Closed 3-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045695 Closed 3-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045700 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045705 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045710 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045714 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1045716 Issued 2-17-62-4W4 19-Aug-99 Single Well 1047404 Issued 11-23-62-4W4 17-Sep-99 Single Well 1047929 Issued 14-24-62-4W4 27-Sep-99 Single Well 1049313 Issued 12-24-62-4W4 15-Oct-99 313 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** 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23-Nov-99 Single Well 1052118 Issued 2-26-63-3W4 23-Nov-99 Single Well 1054728 Issued 4-16-62-4W4 17-Dec-99 Single Well 1054811 Issued 9-29-62-7W4 19-Dec-99 Single Well 1054812 Issued 9-30-62-7W4 19-Dec-99 Single Well 1054813 Issued 9-30-62-7W4 19-Dec-99 Single Well 1055071 Issued 1-5-62-7W4 22-Dec-99 Single Well 1056713 Issued 11-5-60-9W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1058265 Issued 16-30-61-7W4 04-Feb-00 314 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED *** USE HE9 CANADIAN NATURAL 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3-17-62-4W4 06-Oct-00 1244300 Issued 13-35-68-17W4 20-Sep-01 316 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 Canetic Resources Inc. Commingling: Gas Canetic Resources Inc. Commingling: Gas Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well Canetic Resources Inc. Single Well CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 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CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 1455457 1455460 1454725 1460952 1461076 1461170 1461175 1461180 1283391 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 0010-5-65-18W4 0010-33-65-9W4 13-23-64-13W4 14-26-63-13W4 7-2-64-13W4 11-36-63-12W4 8-24-63-12W4 13-20-63-11W4 9-9-63-15W4 05-Apr-06 05-Apr-06 30-Mar-06 12-May-06 15-May-06 15-May-06 15-May-06 15-May-06 19-Nov-02 1283393 Issued 10-10-63-15W4 19-Nov-02 1283759 Issued 10-9-64-13W4 21-Nov-02 1283892 Issued 16-23-62-4W4 22-Nov-02 1036942 Issued 16-30-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036943 Issued 3-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036944 Closed 2-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036947 Issued 2-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036951 Issued 11-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036953 Issued 13-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1036954 Issued 10-29-62-5W4 03-Feb-99 1045006 Issued 2-6-63-6W4 06-Aug-99 1053908 Issued 10-9-66-5W4 10-Dec-99 1053919 Issued 10-9-66-5W4 10-Dec-99 1056130 Issued 6-22-67-4W4 13-Jan-00 1056375 Issued 8-21-67-4W4 17-Jan-00 1061147 Issued 14-10-67-4W4 07-Mar-00 1079858 Issued 16-16-62-4W4 05-Dec-00 1085760 Issued 7-17-62-4W4 05-Feb-01 1087259 Issued 8-21-62-4W4 20-Feb-01 1088079 Issued 7-21-62-4W4 27-Feb-01 1088582 Issued 4-14-62-4W4 01-Mar-01 317 5101 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5102 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5103 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5104 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5105 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5106 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5107 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5108 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5109 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5110 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5111 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5112 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5113 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5114 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5115 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5116 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5117 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5118 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5119 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5120 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5121 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5122 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5123 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5124 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5125 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5126 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad INC. 5127 CANNAT RESOURCES Multiwell Pad 1095646 Issued 1-23-61-5W4 11-Jun-01 1251227 Issued 10-35-67-4W4 11-Dec-01 1251475 Issued 9-23-67-3W4 13-Dec-01 1251489 Issued 2-10-68-3W4 13-Dec-01 1251756 Issued 11-36-67-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251763 Issued 6-6-68-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251783 Issued 4-11-68-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251786 Issued 6-35-67-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251788 Issued 11-11-68-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251798 Issued 7-20-68-4W4 17-Dec-01 1251807 Issued 16-24-68-5W4 17-Dec-01 1257174 Issued 7-23-67-4W4 19-Feb-02 1258565 Issued 13-22-66-5W4 06-Mar-02 1270276 Issued 15-17-62-4W4 17-May-02 1270300 Issued 13-17-62-4W4 17-May-02 1273129 Issued 11-8-61-4W4 28-Jun-02 1286567 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 17-Dec-02 1286574 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 17-Dec-02 1287102 Issued 10-21-66-5W4 18-Dec-02 1287127 Issued 6-19-67-3W4 19-Dec-02 1287146 Issued 6-18-67-3W4 19-Dec-02 1287181 Issued 7-7-67-2W4 19-Dec-02 1294648 Issued 12-13-63-3W4 04-Mar-03 1294649 Issued 12-24-63-3W4 04-Mar-03 1295134 Issued 15-13-63-3W4 07-Mar-03 1295954 Issued 7-24-63-3W4 14-Mar-03 1295963 Issued 3-35-67-4W4 14-Mar-03 318 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 INC. 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CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 1036214 Issued 7-26-66-15W4 20-Jan-99 1036234 Issued 13-8-65-17W4 20-Jan-99 1037431 Issued 2-7-62-14W4 11-Feb-99 1037691 Issued 3-23-63-22W4 17-Feb-99 1038031 Closed 6-17-61-18W4 23-Feb-99 1038085 Issued 6-17-61-18W4 24-Feb-99 1038125 Issued 15-16-63-22W4 24-Feb-99 1042053 Issued 13-19-67-17W4 08-Jun-99 1042661 Issued 16-1-62-19W4 21-Jun-99 1042726 Issued 10-13-64-21W4 22-Jun-99 1043713 Issued 11-18-60-10W4 13-Jul-99 1044393 Issued 13-3-60-11W4 23-Jul-99 1044902 Issued 1-9-63-11W4 04-Aug-99 1045324 Issued 3-4-66-20W4 12-Aug-99 1045799 Issued 6-22-63-18W4 23-Aug-99 1051922 Issued 1-4-62-9W4 20-Nov-99 1052832 Issued 6-29-67-20W4 02-Dec-99 1053665 Issued 14-18-62-20W4 10-Dec-99 1054192 Issued 2-29-62-5W4 14-Dec-99 1055271 Issued 3-9-67-17W4 24-Dec-99 1055400 Issued 1-10-61-14W4 29-Dec-99 1055762 Issued 2-15-66-22W4 07-Jan-00 1055810 Issued 6-9-66-5W4 07-Jan-00 1055865 Issued 3-4-66-5W4 10-Jan-00 1055966 Issued 1-4-66-5W4 11-Jan-00 1055970 Issued 11-4-66-5W4 11-Jan-00 321 5223 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5224 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5225 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5226 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5227 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5228 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5229 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5230 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5231 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5232 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5233 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5234 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5235 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5236 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5237 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5238 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5239 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5240 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5241 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5242 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5243 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5244 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5245 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5246 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5247 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5248 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5249 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well 1055972 Issued 13-17-62-20W4 11-Jan-00 1055976 Issued 8-5-66-5W4 11-Jan-00 1055978 Issued 16-16-67-4W4 11-Jan-00 1055981 Issued 13-15-67-4W4 11-Jan-00 1055984 Issued 8-21-67-4W4 11-Jan-00 1055989 Issued 5-22-67-4W4 11-Jan-00 1056134 Issued 2-15-66-22W4 13-Jan-00 1056192 Issued 5-4-66-5W4 13-Jan-00 1056193 Issued 15-4-66-5W4 13-Jan-00 1056264 Issued 14-4-66-5W4 14-Jan-00 1056537 Issued 4-2-67-5W4 18-Jan-00 1056538 Issued 14-4-67-5W4 18-Jan-00 1056539 Issued 3-3-67-5W4 18-Jan-00 1056554 Issued 13-9-68-3W4 18-Jan-00 1056590 Issued 13-10-68-3W4 19-Jan-00 1056702 Issued 14-12-68-3W4 19-Jan-00 1056704 Issued 7-13-68-4W4 19-Jan-00 1057026 Issued 13-33-67-3W4 24-Jan-00 1057197 Issued 12-15-67-4W4 25-Jan-00 1057238 Issued 9-16-67-4W4 26-Jan-00 1057374 Issued 14-34-66-5W4 27-Jan-00 1057898 Issued 7-32-61-19W4 02-Feb-00 1058596 Issued 10-33-68-4W4 09-Feb-00 1058608 Issued 1-17-66-5W4 09-Feb-00 1059229 Issued 3-27-66-16W4 15-Feb-00 1059532 Issued 11-27-66-5W4 18-Feb-00 1060108 Issued 6-29-67-20W4 25-Feb-00 322 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 INC. 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CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 1060322 Issued 7-7-70-21W4 27-Feb-00 1060324 Issued 15-9-70-21W4 27-Feb-00 1060667 Issued 11-5-65-7W4 02-Mar-00 1060668 Issued 16-9-65-7W4 02-Mar-00 1061920 Issued 12-3-65-7W4 16-Mar-00 1065481 Issued 12-23-67-23W4 16-May-00 1066717 Issued 3-3-67-18W4 05-Jun-00 1066935 Issued 8-6-65-7W4 07-Jun-00 1067067 Issued 11-10-62-9W4 09-Jun-00 1067763 Issued 11-4-65-7W4 19-Jun-00 1069998 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 25-Jul-00 1070064 Issued 16-10-62-4W4 26-Jul-00 1070284 Issued 2-1-63-9W4 28-Jul-00 1072073 Issued 9-21-64-20W4 25-Aug-00 1073107 Issued 8-2-64-20W4 12-Sep-00 1073932 Issued 11-26-63-4W4 25-Sep-00 1074100 Issued 9-36-61-4W4 26-Sep-00 1075081 Issued 5-28-61-8W4 11-Oct-00 1075242 Issued 5-33-61-8W4 12-Oct-00 1077669 Issued 7-32-65-5W4 11-Nov-00 1077905 Issued 16-6-62-16W4 16-Nov-00 1077949 Issued 1-11-64-8W4 16-Nov-00 1077993 Issued 12-7-64-22W4 17-Nov-00 1078081 Issued 12-9-67-18W4 18-Nov-00 1078880 Issued 3-3-65-2W4 27-Nov-00 1080075 Issued 9-24-62-4W4 06-Dec-00 323 5276 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5277 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5278 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5279 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5280 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5281 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5282 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5283 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5284 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5285 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5286 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5287 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5288 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5289 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5290 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5291 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5292 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5293 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5294 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5295 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5296 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5297 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5298 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5299 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5300 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5301 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5302 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well 1080936 Issued 1-16-61-3W4 14-Dec-00 1081034 Issued 13-33-62-5W4 15-Dec-00 1081193 Issued 1-8-61-3W4 15-Dec-00 1081357 Issued 5-16-62-4W4 18-Dec-00 1081439 Issued 3-16-61-3W4 18-Dec-00 1081755 Issued 2-29-62-5W4 20-Dec-00 1081757 Issued 2-8-61-15W4 20-Dec-00 1081866 Issued 10-16-62-4W4 21-Dec-00 1082253 Issued 5-29-65-5W4 28-Dec-00 1082402 Issued 14-29-65-5W4 02-Jan-01 1082404 Issued 15-29-65-5W4 02-Jan-01 1082405 Issued 12-29-65-5W4 02-Jan-01 1082544 Issued 11-28-66-18W4 03-Jan-01 1082628 Issued 11-14-62-4W4 04-Jan-01 1082631 Issued 12-15-63-22W4 04-Jan-01 1083404 Issued 8-30-65-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083579 Issued 4-29-62-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083583 Issued 12-6-62-3W4 15-Jan-01 1083584 Issued 7-34-66-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083586 Issued 11-1-67-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083587 Issued 3-32-65-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083588 Issued 1-4-67-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083589 Issued 15-2-67-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083590 Issued 9-3-67-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083592 Issued 1-10-67-5W4 15-Jan-01 1083711 Issued 15-34-63-8W4 16-Jan-01 1084049 Issued 10-32-65-5W4 19-Jan-01 324 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 INC. 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CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 1084055 Issued 9-16-67-5W4 19-Jan-01 1084070 Issued 5-12-62-4W4 19-Jan-01 1084072 Issued 12-24-62-4W4 19-Jan-01 1084133 Issued 6-30-67-3W4 22-Jan-01 1084426 Issued 2-35-66-15W4 23-Jan-01 1084516 Issued 15-1-62-4W4 24-Jan-01 1084799 Issued 1-4-66-5W4 25-Jan-01 1085146 Issued 9-1-62-4W4 30-Jan-01 1085254 Issued 11-28-71-20W4 31-Jan-01 1085277 Issued 16-9-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085279 Issued 16-4-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085280 Issued 15-10-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085282 Issued 9-17-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085285 Issued 6-20-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085288 Issued 6-19-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085291 Issued 5-12-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085293 Issued 7-15-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085295 Issued 5-21-67-5W4 31-Jan-01 1085765 Issued 12-8-63-8W4 05-Feb-01 1086091 Issued 6-25-67-23W4 07-Feb-01 1086291 Issued 13-9-67-5W4 08-Feb-01 1086471 Issued 3-31-63-4W4 12-Feb-01 1086968 Issued 1-33-66-5W4 15-Feb-01 1087494 Issued 8-6-61-3W4 22-Feb-01 1088247 Issued 4-10-62-9W4 28-Feb-01 1088506 Issued 10-9-64-13W4 01-Mar-01 325 5329 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5330 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5331 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5332 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5333 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5334 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5335 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5336 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5337 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5338 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5339 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5340 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5341 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5342 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5343 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5344 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5345 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5346 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5347 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5348 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5349 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5350 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5351 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5352 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5353 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5354 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5355 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well 1088653 Issued 10-14-68-5W4 02-Mar-01 1088654 Issued 5-23-68-5W4 02-Mar-01 1088655 Issued 8-23-68-5W4 02-Mar-01 1088950 Issued 11-19-62-3W4 07-Mar-01 1089508 Issued 14-23-68-5W4 13-Mar-01 1089548 Issued 9-9-63-15W4 13-Mar-01 1089550 Issued 10-10-63-15W4 13-Mar-01 1089560 Issued 6-11-68-2W4 13-Mar-01 1089691 Issued 9-7-63-8W4 14-Mar-01 1089755 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 14-Mar-01 1090062 Issued 14-33-61-9W4 20-Mar-01 1090764 Issued 3-20-62-4W4 29-Mar-01 1092633 Issued 3-9-66-20W4 30-Apr-01 1093711 Issued 10-21-63-8W4 15-May-01 1095794 Issued 3-17-61-15W4 13-Jun-01 1096084 Issued 1-27-66-20W4 18-Jun-01 1096104 Issued 15-31-66-21W4 18-Jun-01 1242015 Issued 11-34-65-18W4 15-Aug-01 1242030 Issued 9-33-65-18W4 15-Aug-01 1242900 Issued 4-14-61-5W4 28-Aug-01 1247364 Issued 6-29-62-3W4 31-Oct-01 1251151 Closed 10-35-67-4W4 11-Dec-01 1251153 Closed 11-23-67-4W4 11-Dec-01 1252769 Issued 7-5-67-5W4 28-Dec-01 1254138 Issued 16-27-68-5W4 16-Jan-02 1254142 Issued 10-32-68-4W4 16-Jan-02 1255838 Issued 15-4-65-10W4 05-Feb-02 326 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 1258222 Issued 2-1-60-6W4 01-Mar-02 1258824 Issued 15-20-62-3W4 08-Mar-02 1259144 Issued 9-29-67-3W4 12-Mar-02 1259380 Issued 1-20-62-4W4 14-Mar-02 1259417 Issued 14-10-62-9W4 14-Mar-02 1260475 Issued 1-15-62-4W4 27-Mar-02 1261719 Closed 4-26-61-4W4 15-Apr-02 1261785 Issued 7-7-63-8W4 16-Apr-02 1268406 Issued 4-26-61-4W4 17-Apr-02 1268626 Issued 7-26-61-4W4 19-Apr-02 1270774 Issued 13-33-62-5W4 24-May-02 1271153 Issued 16-5-61-19W4 30-May-02 1271154 Issued 1-5-61-19W4 30-May-02 1273159 Issued 13-5-61-4W4 02-Jul-02 1275931 Issued 3-1-63-3W4 13-Aug-02 1280702 Issued 15-1-62-4W4 18-Oct-02 1281318 Issued 11-34-65-18W4 28-Oct-02 1281625 Issued 9-33-65-18W4 30-Oct-02 1284352 Issued 11-15-61-8W4 27-Nov-02 1284709 Issued 14-22-61-8W4 29-Nov-02 1285146 Issued 4-15-61-8W4 05-Dec-02 1285808 Issued 14-14-63-22W4 10-Dec-02 1286140 Issued 14-6-63-8W4 12-Dec-02 1286501 Issued 12-4-75-11W4 16-Dec-02 1286505 Issued 5-12-66-21W4 16-Dec-02 1286825 Issued 11-2-68-2W4 17-Dec-02 327 5382 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5383 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5384 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5385 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5386 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5387 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5388 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5389 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5390 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5391 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5392 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5393 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5394 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5395 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5396 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5397 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5398 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5399 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5400 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5401 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5402 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5403 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5404 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5405 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5406 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5407 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. 5408 CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well 1286930 Issued 1-34-77-16W4 18-Dec-02 1286933 Issued 16-32-77-16W4 18-Dec-02 1287021 Issued 4-22-76-15W4 18-Dec-02 1287042 Issued 4-22-76-15W4 18-Dec-02 1287050 Issued 6-11-68-2W4 18-Dec-02 1287059 Issued 10-3-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287087 Issued 3-17-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287088 Issued 5-8-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287097 Issued 13-8-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287098 Issued 16-7-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287099 Issued 1-18-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287116 Issued 8-7-67-4W4 18-Dec-02 1287761 Issued 13-11-79-14W4 30-Dec-02 1287885 Issued 14-28-67-2W4 02-Jan-03 1288145 Issued 16-19-75-8W4 06-Jan-03 1288399 Issued 13-28-77-12W4 08-Jan-03 1288401 Issued 9-6-75-11W4 08-Jan-03 1288516 Issued 4-29-68-23W4 08-Jan-03 1288574 Issued 6-22-77-12W4 09-Jan-03 1288577 Issued 7-21-75-11W4 09-Jan-03 1288782 Issued 3-26-67-4W4 10-Jan-03 1289002 Issued 4-21-75-8W4 13-Jan-03 1289005 Issued 15-10-67-17W4 13-Jan-03 1289322 Issued 11-22-73-11W4 16-Jan-03 1289360 Issued 13-6-62-7W4 16-Jan-03 1289882 Issued 14-15-77-12W4 21-Jan-03 1289883 Issued 15-22-76-13W4 21-Jan-03 328 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. CANNAT RESOURCES Single Well INC. Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1290134 Issued 11-20-80-12W4 22-Jan-03 1290135 Issued 14-19-74-9W4 22-Jan-03 1290656 Issued 7-20-74-9W4 28-Jan-03 1290956 Issued 1-15-61-17W4 30-Jan-03 1292619 Issued 7-2-75-14W4 13-Feb-03 1292903 Issued 15-36-61-4W4 18-Feb-03 1293057 Issued 6-4-66-19W4 19-Feb-03 1293275 Issued 9-32-77-16W4 20-Feb-03 1293411 Issued 9-21-63-22W4 21-Feb-03 1294581 Issued 7-19-76-12W4 04-Mar-03 1295897 Issued 3-35-67-4W4 14-Mar-03 1296408 Issued 10-27-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1296409 Issued 16-34-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1296410 Issued 15-34-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1296411 Issued 7-34-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1296412 Issued 10-34-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1296413 Issued 9-34-63-8W4 19-Mar-03 1297731 Issued 13-9-67-4W4 01-Apr-03 1297734 Issued 5-9-67-4W4 01-Apr-03 1298693 Issued 7-19-63-2W4 11-Apr-03 1298924 Issued 13-3-67-4W4 15-Apr-03 1299730 Issued 10-18-63-2W4 24-Apr-03 1304087 Issued 10-18-63-2W4 12-Jun-03 1306772 1307436 1308421 1308601 1308956 11-Jul-03 17-Jul-03 25-Jul-03 28-Jul-03 31-Jul-03 Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed 9-30-67-17W4 2-26-61-4W4 6-26-61-4W4 15-36-61-4W4 10-36-61-4W4 329 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1310146 1310147 1312353 1312502 1313561 1315079 1317296 1319651 1319794 1319855 1320576 1323060 1323304 1323793 1326057 1326062 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued 9-36-61-4W4 10-36-61-4W4 15-35-61-4W4 3-1-63-3W4 14-6-67-23W4 7-26-61-4W4 0016-1-62-4W4 004-20-62-4W4 3-26-67-4W4 0012-10-61-5W4 001-15-61-5W4 003-2-68-4W4 0010-10-61-5W4 033-26-67-4W4 3-35-67-4W4 0015-25-6517W4 0016-21-7712W4 0012-1-78-13W4 002-2-77-12W4 0013-26-7612W4 0011-26-7714W4 0010-11-7712W4 0014-31-6811W4 005-2-61-12W4 9-26-60-12W4 007-7-76-2W4 009-4-78-2W4 006-8-76-2W4 003-3-78-3W4 1-36-60-7W4 006-5-63-1W4 12-Aug-03 12-Aug-03 05-Sep-03 06-Sep-03 16-Sep-03 25-Sep-03 20-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 10-Nov-03 10-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 04-Dec-03 04-Dec-03 09-Dec-03 22-Dec-03 22-Dec-03 5453 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1326279 Issued 5454 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 5455 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 5456 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1326290 Issued 1326583 Issued 1326590 Issued 5457 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1326591 Issued 5458 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1326675 Issued 5459 Cannat Resources Inc. Single Well 1326757 Issued 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 Compressor Station Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Sec 39 - Phase 1 Single Well 1030015 1241236 1384481 1384483 1385170 1385180 1386186 1329198 Single Well 1347358 Issued 006-5-63-1W4 27-May-04 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant 1504922 1527582 1558208 1560368 1560490 1561067 1562369 1562371 01-Mar-07 27-Sep-07 30-Jan-08 11-Feb-08 12-Feb-08 14-Feb-08 25-Feb-08 25-Feb-08 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 CANOR ENERGY LTD. CANOR ENERGY LTD. Canzen Energy Inc. Canzen Energy Inc. Canzen Energy Inc. Canzen Energy Inc. Carol Ducharme Catalina Energy (2003) Corp Catalina Energy (2003) Corp Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Closed Issued Issued 13-33-70-9W4 12-12-72-13W4 6-18-72-12W4 10-8-74-13W4 10-8-74-13W4 6-18-72-12W4 11-3-75-13W4 10-8-74-13W4 23-Dec-03 23-Dec-03 29-Dec-03 29-Dec-03 29-Dec-03 30-Dec-03 30-Dec-03 21-Sep-98 02-Aug-01 04-Feb-05 04-Feb-05 09-Feb-05 09-Feb-05 14-Feb-05 16-Jan-04 330 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Cayman Energy Inc. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Bitumen Drill Waiver Commingling:Gas Form Commingling:Gas Form Commingling:Gas Form Compressor Station Compressor Station Directional Survey Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Prod Gas Prod 1496247 1549426 1549429 1549430 1549751 1550180 1550409 1550691 1386280 1319415 1319418 1488540 1311881 1313389 1385330 1343977 1344021 1399078 1442521 1476084 1477425 1513463 1340252 1341905 Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 5501 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5502 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5503 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod 1342400 Issued 1399307 Issued 1561072 Issued 5504 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5505 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5506 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well Single Well Single Well 1333255 Issued 1333299 Issued 1335110 Issued 5507 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well 1336424 Issued 5508 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well 1374706 Issued 5509 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well 1384818 Issued 5510 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5511 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well Single Well 1388167 Issued 1404418 Issued 5512 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well 1418776 Issued 5513 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well 1419278 Issued 5514 Celtic Exploration Ltd. 5515 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Single Well Single Well 1432636 Issued 1450553 Issued 2-1-73-13W4 6-18-72-12W4 15-22-73-13W4 10-8-74-13W4 11-3-75-13W4 10-8-74-13W4 6-18-72-12W4 6-18-72-12W4 009-33-60-13W4 5-2-61-12W4 10-19-60-11W4 009-22-64-18W4 1-24-60-12W4 001-24-60-12W4 009-33-60-13W4 3-14-61-13W4 15-25-60-12W4 9-33-60-13W4 16-30-61-17W4 10-29-61-17W4 15-5-62-18W4 16-27-61-18W4 0014-3-60-12W4 0015-25-6012W4 003-14-61-13W4 009-33-60-13W4 0010-21-6111W4 003-14-61-13W4 0014-3-60-12W4 0015-25-6012W4 0010-21-6111W4 0010-11-6112W4 0013-27-6012W4 009-33-60-13W4 0016-20-6113W4 0216-30-6117W4 0216-30-6117W4 16-20-61-13W4 9-27-61-14W4 11-Jan-07 04-Dec-07 04-Dec-07 04-Dec-07 06-Dec-07 07-Dec-07 10-Dec-07 11-Dec-07 15-Feb-05 05-Nov-03 05-Nov-03 24-Nov-06 02-Sep-03 12-Sep-03 09-Feb-05 29-Apr-04 29-Apr-04 03-May-05 24-Jan-06 25-Aug-06 05-Sep-06 28-May-07 30-Mar-04 12-Apr-04 15-Apr-04 04-May-05 14-Feb-08 10-Feb-04 10-Feb-04 23-Feb-04 02-Mar-04 10-Dec-04 08-Feb-05 24-Feb-05 09-Jun-05 16-Sep-05 21-Sep-05 30-Nov-05 07-Mar-06 331 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Centennial Petroleum Company Ltd. Centennial Petroleum Company Ltd. Centennial Petroleum Company Ltd. Centennial Petroleum Company Ltd. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Gas Processing Plant 1450739 1460307 1462765 1464562 1487621 1487907 1504660 1516159 1549220 1556286 1336109 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 9-22-64-18W4 10-29-61-17W4 9-18-61-17W4 15-5-62-18W4 6-14-62-17W4 11-10-64-18W4 16-27-61-18W4 4-18-63-17W4 4-15-62-16W4 12-30-62-16W4 9-18-61-8W4 07-Mar-06 09-May-06 26-May-06 07-Jun-06 20-Nov-06 21-Nov-06 27-Feb-07 21-Jun-07 03-Dec-07 18-Jan-08 01-Mar-04 Gas Prod 1329810 Issued 0016-18-61-8W4 21-Jan-04 Single Well 1322791 Closed 16-18-61-8W4 Single Well 1323374 Issued 0016-18-61-8W4 05-Dec-03 Multiwell Pad 1082855 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 08-Jan-01 Multiwell Pad 1097449 Issued 8-17-76-6W4 10-Jul-01 Multiwell Pad 1097456 Issued 8-17-76-6W4 10-Jul-01 Single Well 1012411 Issued 10-4-61-5W4 28-Oct-97 Single Well 1020389 Issued 11-24-76-6W4 09-Feb-98 Single Well 1056138 Closed 7-20-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056141 Closed 3-21-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056166 Closed 2-17-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056168 Closed 13-15-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056172 Closed 4-15-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056174 Closed 14-10-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056175 Closed 16-9-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056176 Closed 12-10-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056177 Closed 13-9-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056178 Closed 16-17-76-6W4 13-Jan-00 Single Well 1056605 Issued 2-17-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056609 Issued 7-20-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 02-Dec-03 332 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. Single Well 1056613 Closed 13-15-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056646 Issued 4-15-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056664 Issued 14-10-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056671 Issued 16-9-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056675 Issued 12-10-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056692 Issued 16-17-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1056696 Issued 13-9-76-6W4 19-Jan-00 Single Well 1057113 Issued 3-21-76-6W4 25-Jan-00 Single Well 1057114 Issued 13-15-76-6W4 25-Jan-00 Single Well 1060768 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 03-Mar-00 Single Well 1060772 Issued 5-16-76-6W4 03-Mar-00 Single Well 1061019 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 06-Mar-00 Single Well 1061020 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 06-Mar-00 Single Well 1061021 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 06-Mar-00 Single Well 1081140 Issued 5-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081149 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081151 Issued 5-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081154 Issued 4-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081157 Issued 8-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081158 Issued 10-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081164 Issued 2-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081171 Issued 1-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081179 Issued 8-17-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081196 Issued 6-16-76-6W4 15-Dec-00 Single Well 1081587 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 19-Dec-00 Single Well 1081591 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 19-Dec-00 333 5573 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5574 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5575 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5576 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5577 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5578 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5579 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5580 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5581 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5582 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5583 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5584 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5585 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5586 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5587 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5588 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5589 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5590 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5591 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5592 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5593 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5594 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5595 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5596 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5597 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5598 CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. 5599 CENTRAL DEL RIO Single Well 1081683 Issued 16-34-75-6W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081685 Issued 13-7-76-5W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081687 Issued 13-2-76-6W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081688 Issued 13-19-76-5W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081694 Issued 13-12-76-6W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1081695 Issued 13-18-76-5W4 20-Dec-00 Single Well 1082847 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 08-Jan-01 Single Well 1083005 Issued 5-16-76-6W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1083007 Issued 6-16-76-6W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1083008 Issued 5-16-76-6W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1083079 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 09-Jan-01 Single Well 1083226 Issued 15-15-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083230 Issued 13-14-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083233 Issued 3-14-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083236 Issued 15-12-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083239 Issued 4-12-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083242 Issued 13-11-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083244 Issued 8-11-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083246 Issued 4-11-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083248 Issued 4-10-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083249 Issued 8-10-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083252 Issued 15-10-76-6W4 11-Jan-01 Single Well 1083750 Issued 7-16-76-6W4 16-Jan-01 Single Well 1083752 Issued 3-16-76-6W4 16-Jan-01 Single Well 1083754 Issued 7-16-76-6W4 16-Jan-01 Single Well 1085671 Issued 7-17-76-6W4 05-Feb-01 Single Well 1089419 Issued 7-16-76-6W4 12-Mar-01 334 5623 LTD. CENTRAL DEL RIO LTD. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Cequel Energy Inc. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Challenger Development Corp. Chariot Energy Inc. 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 Chris & Lorie Penner Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5632 Clear Energy Inc. Single Well 1090412 Issued 11-16-76-6W4 23-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Prod Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Commingling: Gas 1332773 1341991 1331409 1315162 1315631 1316173 1318669 1328586 1342844 1389938 06-Feb-04 13-Apr-04 29-Jan-04 25-Sep-03 02-Oct-03 08-Oct-03 30-Oct-03 14-Jan-04 20-Apr-04 07-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1350759 Issued 4-36-61-9W4 23-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1398983 Issued 3-24-64-15W4 03-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1505048 Issued 9-6-62-9W4 01-Mar-07 Gas Prod 1389939 Issued 006-35-61-9W4 07-Mar-05 Single Well 1345406 Issued 024-36-61-9W4 11-May-04 Single Well 1361016 Issued 003-24-64-15W4 16-Sep-04 Single Well 1403846 Issued 005-25-64-15W4 06-Jun-05 Single Well 1436076 Issued 10-6-62-9W4 19-Dec-05 Single Well 1475335 Issued 10-6-62-9W4 18-Aug-06 Single Well 1481144 Issued 9-6-62-9W4 02-Oct-06 Spacing: Gas 1437879 Issued 0-23-64-15W4 29-Dec-05 Spacing: Gas 1437880 Issued 0-23-64-15W4 29-Dec-05 Pipeline - Sour Service Oil Effluent Sec 39 - Phase 1 Bitumen Drill Waiver Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Single Well 1363038 Issued 11-34-68-22W4 04-Oct-04 1396663 1440584 1369413 1370468 1449609 1450171 1452984 1382428 18-Apr-05 13-Jan-06 12-Nov-04 19-Nov-04 01-Mar-06 03-Mar-06 20-Mar-06 25-Jan-05 Single Well Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 9-5-60-13W4 2-10-60-13W4 035-1-60-13W4 5-1-60-13W4 11-4-60-13W4 0011-4-60-13W4 009-5-60-13W4 009-5-60-13W4 009-4-60-13W4 006-35-61-9W4 8-29-66-2W4 007-16-68-12W4 3-12-76-13W4 3-12-76-13W4 1-29-65-11W4 11-30-67-12W4 3-7-67-11W4 0011-30-6712W4 1426892 Issued 7-16-68-12W4 01-Nov-05 335 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Clear Energy Inc. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. COLD LAKE PIPELINE LTD. COLD LAKE PIPELINE LTD. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. Cold Lake Pipeline Ltd. COLUMBIA GAS DEVEL COLUMBIA GAS DEVEL COLUMBIA GAS DEVEL COLUMBIA GAS DEVEL COLUMBIA GAS DEVEL Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Compass Petroleum Inc. Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well B05 B05 B06 D54 1427072 1436370 1436696 1441761 1441944 1442335 1447354 1448113 1448114 1448794 1313813 1314358 1313871 1254875 Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued D56 1276335 Issued 14-30-63-5W4 19-Aug-02 Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pump Station Pipeline Pump Station Pipeline Pump Station Pipeline Pump Station Compressor Station 1344500 1498806 1568803 1569623 1569720 1456391 1467124 1481824 1568044 1005565 12-30-63-5W4 7-8-66-5W4 4-22-70-4W4 14-30-63-5W4 14-30-63-5W4 007-9-75-5W4 04-May-04 24-Jan-07 18-Apr-08 28-Apr-08 29-Apr-08 11-Apr-06 27-Jun-06 06-Oct-06 11-Apr-08 07-Feb-97 Compressor Station 1037034 Issued 027-2-75-6W4 04-Feb-99 Compressor Station 1037218 Issued 0016-25-74-5W4 08-Feb-99 Single Well 1052271 Issued 8-2-75-6W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1055496 Issued 3-31-74-4W4 04-Jan-00 Gas Processing Plant 1340091 Closed 29-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1443744 Issued 16-19-64-11W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1505300 Issued 16-36-61-15W4 05-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1544416 Issued 6-32-67-19W4 01-Nov-07 Gas Processing Plant 1545631 Issued 6-32-67-19W4 09-Nov-07 Gas Processing Plant 1549194 Issued 6-32-67-19W4 03-Dec-07 Gas Processing Plant 1551904 Issued 11-19-68-19W4 18-Dec-07 Issued Issued Active Active Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 9-17-68-12W4 11-27-67-12W4 9-33-68-11W4 3-7-67-11W4 3-7-67-11W4 5-29-68-11W4 1-3-68-12W4 8-29-66-11W4 4-13-66-12W4 8-29-66-11W4 14-30-63-5W4 0014-30-63-5W4 14-30-63-5W4 16-24-64-4W4 14-30-63-5W4 14-30-63-5W4 02-Nov-05 19-Dec-05 20-Dec-05 19-Jan-06 20-Jan-06 24-Jan-06 15-Feb-06 21-Feb-06 21-Feb-06 24-Feb-06 17-Sep-03 22-Sep-03 18-Sep-03 24-Jan-02 336 5669 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5670 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5671 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5672 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5673 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5674 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5675 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5676 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5677 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5678 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5679 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5680 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5681 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5682 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5683 Compass Petroleum Inc. 5684 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5685 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5686 COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 5687 COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 5688 COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 5689 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5690 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5691 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5692 COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 5693 COMPTON Single Well 18-Feb-04 Single Well 1334293 Issued 0011-28-6115W4 1399572 Issued 002-6-61-14W4 Single Well 1401450 Issued 002-6-61-14W4 18-May-05 Single Well 1422813 Issued 12-31-64-11W4 12-Oct-05 Single Well 1424875 Issued 1-30-64-11W4 20-Oct-05 Single Well 1425093 Issued 13-20-64-11W4 21-Oct-05 Single Well 1434490 Issued 6-32-67-19W4 09-Dec-05 Single Well 1446493 Issued 11-19-68-19W4 10-Feb-06 Single Well 1463729 Issued 10-29-68-19W4 02-Jun-06 Single Well 1511071 Issued 2-6-61-14W4 02-May-07 Spacing: Gas 1408114 Issued 0-7-64-11W4 06-Jul-05 Spacing: Gas 1433793 Issued 0-3-63-10W4 07-Dec-05 Spacing: Gas 1433794 Issued 0-5-64-13W4 07-Dec-05 Spacing: Gas 1433795 Issued 0-31-64-14W4 07-Dec-05 Spacing: Gas 1450511 Issued 0-32-64-12W4 06-Mar-06 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1552942 Active 001-25-78-17W4 31-Dec-07 Compressor Station 1448010 Closed 10-19-77-14W4 21-Feb-06 Drill/Log Waivers 1247125 Issued 0-0-79-14W4 26-Oct-01 Drill/Log Waivers 1296867 Issued 002-35-77-14W4 24-Mar-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1296995 Issued 1-17-77-14W4 25-Mar-03 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1447781 Issued 008-4-78-14W4 17-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 22-Feb-06 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1448261 Issued 0010-19-7714W4 1505967 Issued 006-6-79-14W4 Gas Fractionation Plant 1287361 Issued 11-20-77-14W4 20-Dec-02 Gas Fractionation Plant 1297114 Issued 11-20-77-14W4 25-Mar-03 05-May-05 08-Mar-07 337 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Gas Processing Plant 1086217 Issued 7-23-81-15W4 08-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1087097 Issued 5-13-80-15W4 20-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1088347 Issued 9-4-77-14W4 28-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1089196 Issued 7-9-77-14W4 08-Mar-01 Gas Processing Plant 1288111 Issued 16-2-79-14W4 06-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1290686 Issued 1-17-77-14W4 28-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1291166 Issued 14-14-78-15W4 31-Jan-03 Gas Processing Plant 1331408 Issued 6-15-81-15W4 29-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1333387 Issued 9-20-81-15W4 11-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1347577 Issued 6-16-81-15W4 31-May-04 Gas Processing Plant 1385474 Issued 8-25-77-15W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1386123 Issued 11-16-78-14W4 14-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1390456 Issued 1-18-77-14W4 09-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1437612 Issued 1-18-77-14W4 28-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1443727 Issued 10-7-80-14W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443737 Issued 4-17-77-14W4 30-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1445035 Issued 10-19-77-14W4 06-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1446128 Issued 16-30-77-14W4 09-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1446129 Issued 8-4-78-14W4 09-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1446133 Issued 11-36-80-15W4 09-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448526 Issued 4-31-80-14W4 23-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1449802 Issued 10-4-79-14W4 02-Mar-06 338 5716 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5717 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5718 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5719 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5720 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5721 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5722 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5723 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5724 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5725 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5726 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5727 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5728 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5729 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5730 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5731 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5732 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5733 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5734 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5735 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5736 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5737 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5738 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5739 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5740 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5741 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5742 COMPTON Gas Processing Plant 1451020 Issued 3-7-79-14W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1451023 Issued 6-16-78-14W4 08-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1452616 Issued 8-4-78-14W4 16-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1495732 Issued 16-33-78-14W4 09-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1495734 Issued 16-33-78-14W4 09-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1497459 Issued 3-21-78-14W4 16-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498290 Issued 10-5-79-14W4 22-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1498519 Closed 12-20-77-14W4 23-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1499875 Issued 12-20-77-14W4 31-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1500051 Issued 15-20-77-14W4 31-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1504919 Issued 12-20-77-14W4 01-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1512526 Issued 11-20-77-14W4 17-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1512655 Issued 11-20-77-14W4 18-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1515709 Issued 8-4-78-14W4 15-Jun-07 Gas Processing Plant 1560204 Issued 16-26-78-14W4 11-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1560369 Issued 12-9-77-14W4 11-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1560773 Issued 13-12-78-17W4 13-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1561661 Issued 13-13-78-15W4 20-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1561805 Issued 14-29-78-16W4 20-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1561912 Issued 1-25-78-17W4 21-Feb-08 Gas Processing Plant 1565003 Issued 12-9-77-14W4 12-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1565004 Issued 16-26-78-14W4 12-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1565058 Issued 13-12-78-17W4 12-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1566566 Issued 14-29-78-16W4 26-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1566569 Issued 13-13-78-15W4 26-Mar-08 Gas Processing Plant 1566571 Issued 1-25-78-17W4 26-Mar-08 Gas Prod 1260733 Issued 7-9-77-14W4 01-Apr-02 339 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION Compton Petroleum Corporation COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM Gas Prod 1270356 Issued 0014-14-7815W4 17-May-02 Gas Prod 1299192 Closed 002-35-77-14W4 17-Apr-03 Off-Target 1414629 Issued 4-26-79-14W4 19-Aug-05 Record Change 1088790 Issued 7-9-77-14W4 05-Mar-01 Single Well 1081236 Issued 7-9-77-14W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081240 Issued 9-19-81-15W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081243 Issued 1-33-80-16W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081246 Issued 4-34-80-16W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081249 Issued 6-25-80-16W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081252 Issued 2-5-81-15W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081255 Issued 7-23-81-15W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081257 Issued 7-27-80-16W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1081260 Issued 1-4-81-15W4 18-Dec-00 Single Well 1251575 Issued 16-25-79-15W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251578 Issued 16-2-79-14W4 13-Dec-01 Single Well 1251778 Issued 1-33-79-14W4 17-Dec-01 Single Well 1251780 Issued 3-18-79-16W4 17-Dec-01 Single Well 1251782 Issued 2-35-77-14W4 17-Dec-01 340 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION COMPTON PETROLEUM CORPORATION Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Single Well 1252276 Issued 14-14-78-15W4 20-Dec-01 Single Well 1252279 Issued 1-17-77-14W4 20-Dec-01 Single Well 1286872 Issued 11-20-77-14W4 18-Dec-02 Single Well 1323364 Issued 026-4-81-14W4 05-Dec-03 Single Well 1323539 Issued 003-35-80-15W4 05-Dec-03 Single Well 1324300 Issued 005-27-80-15W4 11-Dec-03 Single Well 1324347 Issued 008-23-80-15W4 11-Dec-03 Single Well Single Well 1324765 Issued 0011-18-8114W4 1325285 Issued 002-2-78-14W4 Single Well 1325351 Issued 026-15-81-15W4 17-Dec-03 Single Well 1325367 Issued 0210-5-79-14W4 17-Dec-03 Single Well Single Well 1325889 Issued 0013-20-7919-Dec-03 14W4 1326844 Issued 006-14-79-15W4 31-Dec-03 Single Well 1326951 Issued 002-31-77-14W4 05-Jan-04 Single Well 1327710 Issued 007-11-80-15W4 08-Jan-04 Single Well 1328071 Issued 008-23-80-15W4 12-Jan-04 Single Well 1328078 Issued 005-35-78-14W4 12-Jan-04 Single Well 1328079 Issued 005-27-80-15W4 12-Jan-04 Single Well 1385374 Issued 003-33-79-14W4 09-Feb-05 Single Well Single Well 1385375 Issued 0016-24-8015W4 1386870 Issued 003-7-79-14W4 Single Well 1386910 Issued 007-32-80-14W4 16-Feb-05 Single Well 1386927 Issued 004-31-80-14W4 16-Feb-05 Single Well 1386930 Issued 006-29-80-14W4 16-Feb-05 Single Well 1387277 Issued 001-18-77-14W4 18-Feb-05 15-Dec-03 17-Dec-03 09-Feb-05 16-Feb-05 341 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Compton Petroleum Corporation Single Well 1432928 Issued 4-17-77-14W4 01-Dec-05 Single Well 1433129 Issued 11-36-78-15W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1433133 Issued 4-23-80-14W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1433147 Issued 11-12-80-14W4 02-Dec-05 Single Well 1435799 Issued 16-30-77-14W4 16-Dec-05 Single Well 1437047 Issued 11-10-78-14W4 22-Dec-05 Single Well 1438079 Issued 10-27-78-14W4 03-Jan-06 Single Well 1439982 Issued 10-4-79-14W4 11-Jan-06 Single Well 1440047 Issued 11-3-79-14W4 12-Jan-06 Single Well 1442252 Issued 7-1-79-15W4 23-Jan-06 Single Well 1443850 Issued 9-9-78-14W4 31-Jan-06 Single Well 1443851 Issued 6-16-78-14W4 31-Jan-06 Single Well 1493512 Issued 16-33-78-14W4 20-Dec-06 Single Well 1493575 Issued 10-15-80-15W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1493586 Issued 15-20-77-14W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1493603 Issued 6-24-80-15W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1493616 Issued 3-21-78-14W4 21-Dec-06 Single Well 1554604 Issued 13-12-78-17W4 10-Jan-08 Single Well 1554609 Issued 6-15-78-17W4 10-Jan-08 Single Well 1554612 Issued 14-29-78-16W4 10-Jan-08 Single Well 1554613 Issued 1-25-78-17W4 10-Jan-08 Single Well 1554803 Issued 12-9-77-14W4 11-Jan-08 Single Well 1555435 Issued 16-26-78-14W4 15-Jan-08 Single Well 1555508 Issued 1-25-78-17W4 16-Jan-08 Single Well 1555510 Issued 6-15-78-17W4 16-Jan-08 Single Well 1556813 Issued 13-13-78-15W4 22-Jan-08 342 5812 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5813 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5814 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5815 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5816 Compton Petroleum Corporation 5817 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5818 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5819 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5820 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5821 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5822 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5823 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5824 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5825 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5826 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5827 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5828 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5829 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5830 Connacher Oil And Gas Limited 5831 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5832 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5833 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5834 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5835 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5836 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5837 CONOCO CANADA LIMITED 5838 CONOCO CANADA Single Well 1562208 Issued 10-32-77-17W4 22-Feb-08 Spacing: Gas 1376048 Issued 0-7-79-14W4 16-Dec-04 Spacing: Gas 1420849 Issued 0-16-78-14W4 28-Sep-05 Spacing: Gas 1491489 Issued 0-6-79-14W4 11-Dec-06 Spacing: Gas 1567061 Active 0-18-77-14W4 01-Apr-08 Multiwell Pad 09-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1385313 Issued AA14-20-8113W4 1438152 Issued 3-17-82-12W4 Single Well 1440977 Issued 13-33-81-11W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1440986 Issued 12-27-81-11W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1440987 Issued 11-27-81-11W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1440989 Issued 15-28-81-11W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1440991 Issued 16-28-81-11W4 17-Jan-06 Single Well 1443412 Issued 5-27-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443422 Issued 7-27-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443435 Issued 14-27-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443450 Issued 15-27-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443457 Issued 8-28-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443475 Issued 10-28-81-11W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1448451 Issued 10-32-81-11W4 23-Feb-06 Compressor Station 1063424 Issued 004-7-61-17W4 12-Apr-00 Compressor Station 1066224 Issued 003-14-64-20W4 29-May-00 Compressor Station 1097653 Issued 003-12-67-15W4 11-Jul-01 Gas Processing Plant 1082836 Issued 12-33-63-19W4 08-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083780 Issued 9-21-63-18W4 17-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1092279 Issued 9-4-65-19W4 23-Apr-01 Single Well 1075731 Issued 13-5-65-19W4 20-Oct-00 Single Well 1076514 Issued 9-17-63-17W4 30-Oct-00 03-Jan-06 343 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA LIMITED CONOCO CANADA RESOURCES LIMITED CONOCO CANADA RESOURCES LIMITED CONOCO CANADA RESOURCES LIMITED CONOCOPHILLIPS CANADA LIMITED ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Single Well 1076516 Issued 12-33-63-19W4 30-Oct-00 Single Well 1077046 Issued 4-15-62-19W4 06-Nov-00 Single Well 1077316 Issued 12-33-63-19W4 08-Nov-00 Single Well 1077717 Issued 16-26-61-19W4 14-Nov-00 Single Well 1078112 Issued 4-24-62-17W4 18-Nov-00 Single Well 1078469 Issued 9-21-63-18W4 22-Nov-00 Single Well 1079089 Issued 9-18-61-17W4 29-Nov-00 Single Well 1079494 Issued 11-11-62-18W4 02-Dec-00 Single Well 1245214 Issued 11-7-63-20W4 02-Oct-01 Single Well 1247342 Issued 10-36-63-22W4 30-Oct-01 Acid Gas Disp: New 1261660 Closed 6-19-73-8W4 12-Apr-02 Commingling: Gas 1258354 Issued 003-28-63-18W4 04-Mar-02 Commingling: Gas 1273155 Issued 004-24-63-17W4 28-Jun-02 Record Change 1281201 Issued 6-28-62-20W4 24-Oct-02 Commercial Water Well 1551265 Issued 5-19-80-1W4 14-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1551267 Issued 5-19-80-1W4 14-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1551890 Issued 13-36-80-6W4 18-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1552038 Issued 13-36-80-6W4 19-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1552298 Issued 15-32-80-2W4 20-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1552431 Issued 15-32-80-2W4 21-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1552582 Issued 15-32-80-2W4 21-Dec-07 Commercial Water Well 1557117 Issued 13-36-80-6W4 23-Jan-08 Directional Survey 1495854 Issued 12-35-80-6W4 10-Jan-07 Directional Survey 1548865 Issued 0-0-81-11W4 30-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1498177 Issued 13-36-80-6W4 19-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1549087 Issued 4-12-81-12W4 03-Dec-07 344 5865 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5866 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5867 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5868 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5869 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5870 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5871 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5872 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5873 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5874 ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 5875 COREXCANA LTD. 5876 COREXCANA LTD. 5877 COREXCANA LTD. 5878 COREXCANA LTD. 5879 COREXCANA LTD. 5880 COREXCANA LTD. 5881 COREXCANA LTD. 5882 COREXCANA LTD. 5883 COREXCANA LTD. 5884 COREXCANA LTD. 5885 COREXCANA LTD. 5886 COREXCANA LTD. 5887 COREXCANA LTD. 5888 COREXCANA LTD. 5889 COREXCANA LTD. 5890 COREXCANA LTD. 5891 COREXCANA LTD. 5892 COREXCANA LTD. 5893 COREXCANA LTD. 5894 COREXCANA LTD. 5895 COREXCANA LTD. 5896 COREXCANA LTD. 5897 COREXCANA LTD. 5898 COREXCANA LTD. 5899 COREXCANA LTD. 5900 COREXCANA LTD. 5901 COREXCANA LTD. 5902 COREXCANA LTD. 5903 COREXCANA LTD. Multiwell Pad 1549144 Issued 12-23-81-12W4 03-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549189 Issued 4-36-81-12W4 03-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549196 Issued 12-24-81-12W4 03-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549256 Issued 14-34-81-12W4 04-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549263 Issued 14-10-81-12W4 04-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549658 Issued 8-14-81-12W4 05-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1550165 Issued 16-2-81-12W4 07-Dec-07 Single Well 1490908 Issued 4-26-80-6W4 07-Dec-06 Single Well 1549247 Issued 7-31-81-12W4 04-Dec-07 Single Well 1550385 Issued 15-18-81-11W4 10-Dec-07 Gas Prod Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1047893 1017297 1017354 1017356 1017358 1017359 1017361 1017363 1017364 1017366 1017367 1017369 1017370 1017980 1017983 1017985 1017988 1018756 1018762 1019208 1034984 1034987 1034989 1034990 1034991 1034992 1035050 1035053 1035055 27-Sep-99 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 23-Dec-97 09-Jan-98 09-Jan-98 09-Jan-98 09-Jan-98 19-Jan-98 19-Jan-98 26-Jan-98 21-Dec-98 21-Dec-98 21-Dec-98 21-Dec-98 21-Dec-98 21-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 005-2-80-14W4 6-21-80-15W4 7-14-79-15W4 2-27-80-15W4 6-18-80-15W4 3-10-81-15W4 7-15-81-15W4 6-25-81-15W4 13-11-80-14W4 4-13-80-14W4 8-18-79-14W4 8-16-79-14W4 7-19-79-14W4 7-17-79-14W4 8-20-79-14W4 7-21-80-15W4 7-25-79-15W4 5-13-79-15W4 16-27-80-15W4 7-25-79-15W4 14-19-81-15W4 9-20-81-15W4 12-7-81-14W4 9-19-80-15W4 7-24-81-15W4 11-34-80-16W4 2-1-81-15W4 7-13-81-15W4 13-9-81-14W4 345 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well COREXCANA LTD. Single Well Corinthian Energy Corp. Gas Processing Plant CORRIDOR PIPELINE Record Change LIMITED Crest Energy Single Well Consultants Inc. Crew Energy Inc. Gas Processing Plant Crew Energy Inc. Single Well CRISPIN ENERGY Drill/Log Waivers INC. CRISPIN ENERGY Prim Recovery: New INC. CRISPIN ENERGY Prim Recovery: New INC. CRISPIN ENERGY Single Well INC. CRISPIN ENERGY Single Well INC. CRISPIN ENERGY Single Well INC. Crispin Energy Inc. Single Well Crispin Energy Inc. Single Well 1035056 1035057 1035059 1035060 1035062 1035063 1035177 1035178 1035257 1035360 1036318 1036320 1036322 1037075 1037908 1055221 1055437 1055438 1055807 1055808 1055809 1055811 1056104 1056247 1056248 1056684 1056685 1453849 1243450 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 10-21-81-15W4 3-6-81-15W4 9-36-80-16W4 6-30-80-15W4 16-9-81-15W4 3-3-81-15W4 10-8-81-14W4 1-10-81-15W4 1-10-81-15W4 9-17-81-14W4 3-19-79-14W4 5-5-81-14W4 7-6-81-14W4 10-10-80-14W4 5-2-80-14W4 4-13-80-14W4 10-12-79-15W4 6-21-79-14W4 6-20-79-14W4 1-19-81-15W4 15-18-81-15W4 1-25-80-15W4 7-13-79-15W4 10-12-81-15W4 10-5-79-14W4 12-15-81-14W4 7-18-79-14W4 16-22-68-11W4 8-4-67-18W4 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 22-Dec-98 29-Dec-98 29-Dec-98 30-Dec-98 04-Jan-99 22-Jan-99 22-Jan-99 22-Jan-99 04-Feb-99 22-Feb-99 23-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 07-Jan-00 07-Jan-00 07-Jan-00 07-Jan-00 12-Jan-00 14-Jan-00 14-Jan-00 19-Jan-00 19-Jan-00 24-Mar-06 06-Sep-01 1329612 Issued 0010-13-7318W4 1508226 Issued 6-7-61-18W4 1495835 Issued 6-7-61-18W4 1302949 Issued 0-15-62-9W4 20-Jan-04 29-Mar-07 10-Jan-07 30-May-03 1248037 Issued 0-10-64-8W4 08-Nov-01 1268728 Closed 0-30-60-6W4 23-Apr-02 1269510 Issued 2-15-62-9W4 06-May-02 1295549 Issued 10-15-62-9W4 11-Mar-03 1296120 Issued 7-15-62-9W4 17-Mar-03 1315701 Issued 10-15-62-9W4 1316013 Issued 10-15-62-9W4 02-Oct-03 07-Oct-03 346 5944 5945 5946 5947 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1316203 1316647 1319525 1015759 Single Well 1015784 Issued 5-15-76-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1015785 Issued 8-15-76-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1016679 Issued 5-13-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016715 Issued 10-16-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016719 Issued 4-24-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016721 Issued 10-24-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016723 Issued 14-16-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016726 Issued 8-14-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016729 Issued 8-24-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016730 Issued 1-13-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016731 Issued 14-13-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016733 Issued 1-16-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016735 Issued 3-14-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016737 Issued 16-14-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016741 Issued 16-13-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1016767 Issued 9-17-76-6W4 17-Dec-97 Single Well 1018140 Issued 4-16-76-6W4 12-Jan-98 Single Well 1018149 Issued 16-11-76-6W4 12-Jan-98 Sec 40 - Phase 1 5970 5971 5972 5973 Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant 1354876 Issued 0010-25-6720W4 1482607 Issued 0010-10-62-5W4 1482609 Issued 002-17-62-4W4 1410146 Issued 0012-11-6322W4 1385439 Issued 7-4-62-6W4 1450069 Closed 11-16-68-23W4 1450653 Issued 11-16-68-23W4 1451586 Issued 6-19-71-19W4 28-Jul-04 5967 5968 5969 Crispin Energy Inc. Crispin Energy Inc. Crispin Energy Inc. CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED CS RESOURCES LIMITED Darrell and Peter Opryshko Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling:Gas Form Issued Issued Issued Issued 10-15-62-9W4 0410-15-62-9W4 024-10-64-8W4 13-15-76-6W4 08-Oct-03 10-Oct-03 06-Nov-03 09-Dec-97 13-Oct-06 13-Oct-06 21-Jul-05 10-Feb-05 03-Mar-06 07-Mar-06 10-Mar-06 347 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 DELEK RESOURCES LTD. 5980 DELEK RESOURCES LTD. 5981 Delta Resources Inc. 5982 DELTA RESOURCES INC. 5983 Delta Resources Inc. 5984 Delta Resources Inc. 5985 Delta Resources Inc. 5986 Delta Resources Inc. 5987 DELTA RESOURCES INC. 5988 DELTA RESOURCES INC. 5989 Delta Resources Inc. Compressor Station 008-18-68-23W4 008-18-68-23W4 6-19-71-19W4 7-4-61-4W4 0011-30-6712W4 1004398 Issued 003-19-72-15W4 Gas Processing Plant 1082868 Issued 7-31-72-15W4 08-Jan-01 Bitumen Drill Waiver Gas Processing Plant 1524552 Issued 022-25-62-9W4 1287203 Issued 6-11-67-23W4 04-Sep-07 19-Dec-02 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Single Well 1340331 1384297 1453627 1454371 1045626 30-Mar-04 04-Feb-05 23-Mar-06 28-Mar-06 18-Aug-99 Single Well 1045955 Issued 4-1-63-5W4 25-Aug-99 Single Well 25-May-05 5990 5991 5992 5993 Single Well Single Well Spacing: Gas Gas Processing Plant 1402277 Issued 0211-27-6614W4 1433669 Issued 5-24-78-15W4 1434565 Issued 5-24-78-15W4 1491865 Issued 0-24-78-15W4 1082385 Issued 11-4-75-5W4 06-Dec-05 09-Dec-05 12-Dec-06 02-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1083090 Issued 7-8-75-5W4 10-Jan-01 Gas Processing Plant 1085693 Issued 5-23-75-5W4 05-Feb-01 Gas Processing Plant 1091815 Issued 5-23-75-5W4 16-Apr-01 Single Well 1079441 Issued 11-8-75-5W4 02-Dec-00 Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver 1450250 1450871 1451860 1456300 1465963 1471375 1478458 1489064 1489071 1493206 1494510 1496569 1498252 03-Mar-06 08-Mar-06 13-Mar-06 11-Apr-06 16-Jun-06 21-Jul-06 12-Sep-06 28-Nov-06 28-Nov-06 19-Dec-06 02-Jan-07 12-Jan-07 22-Jan-07 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Daylight Energy Ltd. Decca Engineering Ltd. Delta Resources Inc. Delta Resources Inc. Delta Resources Inc. DEVON AOG CORPORATION DEVON AOG CORPORATION DEVON AOG CORPORATION DEVON AOG CORPORATION DEVON AOG CORPORATION Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Bitumen Drill Waiver 1486442 1487356 1490191 1504473 1383142 Closed Issued Issued Issued Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Issued Active Issued Active Active Active 10-24-78-15W4 10-24-78-15W4 5-24-78-15W4 5-24-78-15W4 4-1-63-5W4 005-4-64-7W4 0011-6-64-7W4 034-6-64-7W4 005-29-63-5W4 038-12-64-7W4 008-1-64-8W4 009-8-63-5W4 005-18-64-6W4 0012-4-76-6W4 034-6-64-6W4 008-7-64-6W4 0016-7-64-7W4 006-1-64-8W4 10-Nov-06 17-Nov-06 04-Dec-06 27-Feb-07 27-Jan-05 12-Dec-96 348 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Bitumen Drill Waiver Class I Disp: New Comm Scheme: New D51: EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Devon ARL Corporation Disp Scheme: Amend Devon ARL Corporation Disp Scheme: Amend DEVON ARL Disp Scheme: New CORPORATION Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant Devon ARL Corporation Gas Processing Plant DEVON ARL Gas Prod CORPORATION Devon ARL Corporation Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Devon ARL Corporation Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) DEVON ARL Multiwell Pad CORPORATION DEVON ARL Multiwell Pad CORPORATION 1498593 1498596 1499788 1499846 1499852 1506624 1507482 1514838 1514842 1516661 1520466 1520471 1522871 1522873 1522875 1523190 1525580 1526837 1528846 1546268 1548082 1549152 1552925 1555099 1472383 1481055 1501011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Issued Active Issued 004-32-63-7W4 005-25-64-8W4 004-5-64-7W4 0010-18-64-6W4 009-6-64-7W4 007-18-64-7W4 009-32-63-7W4 007-13-64-4W4 007-23-64-8W4 0014-13-64-6W4 0210-28-64-7W4 007-23-64-6W4 0011-1-64-8W4 009-12-64-7W4 0014-5-64-7W4 001-26-64-8W4 009-1-64-7W4 0214-6-64-7W4 0015-6-64-6W4 0014-26-63-5W4 002-35-64-8W4 0210-4-64-7W4 0016-27-64-7W4 005-29-63-7W4 029-14-75-6W4 0-35-75-7W4 0315-29-75-6W4 23-Jan-07 23-Jan-07 30-Jan-07 31-Jan-07 31-Jan-07 13-Mar-07 21-Mar-07 07-Jun-07 07-Jun-07 26-Jun-07 30-Jul-07 30-Jul-07 17-Aug-07 17-Aug-07 17-Aug-07 21-Aug-07 11-Sep-07 20-Sep-07 09-Oct-07 14-Nov-07 27-Nov-07 03-Dec-07 28-Dec-07 14-Jan-08 28-Jul-06 02-Oct-06 06-Feb-07 1510796 Issued 0212-15-75-6W4 30-Apr-07 1567781 Active 009-14-75-6W4 09-Apr-08 1084249 Issued 007-8-75-5W4 22-Jan-01 1442402 1481849 1495844 1497270 1546605 1551910 1047055 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 10-31-62-5W4 15-18-63-6W4 4-6-64-6W4 1-6-64-6W4 14-21-64-6W4 1-36-63-7W4 004-4-76-6W4 24-Jan-06 06-Oct-06 10-Jan-07 15-Jan-07 16-Nov-07 18-Dec-07 14-Sep-99 1501016 Issued 0215-33-75-6W4 06-Feb-07 1501039 Issued 0013-33-75-6W4 06-Feb-07 1252424 Issued 14-5-76-6W4 21-Dec-01 1287381 Issued 1-32-75-6W4 20-Dec-02 349 6052 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6053 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6054 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6055 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6056 Devon Arl Corporation 6057 Devon Arl Corporation 6058 Devon Arl Corporation 6059 Devon Arl Corporation 6060 Devon Arl Corporation 6061 Devon Arl Corporation 6062 Devon Arl Corporation 6063 Devon Arl Corporation 6064 Devon Arl Corporation 6065 Devon Arl Corporation 6066 Devon Arl Corporation 6067 Devon Arl Corporation 6068 Devon Arl Corporation 6069 Devon Arl Corporation 6070 Devon Arl Corporation 6071 Devon Arl Corporation 6072 Devon Arl Corporation 6073 Devon Arl Corporation 6074 Devon Arl Corporation 6075 Devon Arl Corporation 6076 Devon Arl Corporation 6077 Devon Arl Corporation 6078 Devon Arl Corporation 6079 Devon Arl Corporation 6080 Devon Arl Corporation 6081 Devon ARL Corporation 6082 Devon ARL Corporation 6083 Devon ARL Corporation 6084 Devon ARL Corporation 6085 Devon ARL Corporation 6086 Devon ARL Corporation 6087 Devon ARL Corporation 6088 Devon ARL Corporation 6089 Devon ARL Corporation 6090 Devon ARL Corporation 6091 Devon ARL Corporation 6092 Devon ARL Corporation 6093 Devon ARL Corporation 6094 Devon ARL Corporation Multiwell Pad 1287393 Issued 12-4-76-6W4 20-Dec-02 Multiwell Pad 1287398 Issued 2-33-75-6W4 20-Dec-02 Multiwell Pad 1287403 Issued 15-20-75-6W4 20-Dec-02 Multiwell Pad 1294776 Issued 3-28-75-6W4 05-Mar-03 Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell 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7-13-75-6W4 31-Jan-06 350 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL 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1451441 1451970 1453182 1454127 1455005 1455271 1455566 1458513 1462126 1462852 1463382 1463691 1464204 1464353 1465789 1466737 1466740 1469160 1470166 1470803 1470818 1470824 1470828 1470923 1471024 1471270 1471978 1474336 1474376 1474396 1474429 1474596 1474598 1474601 1474602 1474738 Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 2-10-64-7W4 9-32-75-6W4 5-6-64-7W4 11-4-64-7W4 5-6-64-7W4 11-26-62-6W4 11-31-63-7W4 2-1-64-8W4 7-5-64-7W4 8-8-64-7W4 8-31-63-7W4 16-31-63-7W4 7-32-75-6W4 7-32-75-6W4 7-32-75-6W4 15-30-63-7W4 12-29-75-7W4 3-22-64-7W4 4-12-63-6W4 3-22-64-7W4 6-14-63-6W4 12-12-63-6W4 9-32-75-6W4 9-32-75-6W4 1-14-63-6W4 15-11-63-6W4 13-11-63-6W4 1-32-63-7W4 7-11-63-6W4 11-4-64-7W4 11-4-64-7W4 12-4-64-7W4 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Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad 1475500 1475504 1475505 1475506 1475720 1475723 1475915 1476054 1476058 1476060 1476062 1476065 1476262 1476274 1476282 1476286 1476318 1476449 1476465 1476467 1476471 1476480 1476490 1476497 1477444 1479489 1479654 1480097 1489186 1489367 1489616 1490666 1491418 1491978 1495982 1495997 1496057 1496067 1496080 1497251 1497271 1497294 1497312 1497924 1498105 1498309 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 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1551455 1551648 1551701 1554053 1555085 1555470 1556008 1556429 1558972 1559023 1559055 1559209 1559297 1559370 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 13-24-64-8W4 8-7-64-6W4 5-7-64-7W4 8-32-75-6W4 10-7-64-6W4 6-7-64-6W4 7-13-75-6W4 13-11-64-6W4 12-33-63-7W4 12-11-64-6W4 14-14-62-5W4 6-26-63-5W4 16-35-63-7W4 2-31-63-7W4 5-6-64-7W4 6-35-63-7W4 8-32-75-6W4 7-32-75-6W4 11-29-63-7W4 10-28-64-7W4 1-9-64-7W4 5-14-64-6W4 10-27-62-5W4 10-15-63-6W4 13-11-63-6W4 12-11-63-6W4 4-6-64-6W4 15-2-63-6W4 15-10-63-6W4 7-15-63-6W4 5-4-64-7W4 9-25-75-8W4 10-19-75-5W4 10-28-75-7W4 6-10-64-6W4 4-11-63-6W4 3-15-64-6W4 14-3-64-6W4 6-7-64-7W4 13-7-64-7W4 9-29-75-7W4 9-28-75-7W4 11-23-75-7W4 6-26-75-7W4 5-25-75-7W4 10-28-75-7W4 19-Sep-07 03-Oct-07 09-Oct-07 16-Oct-07 17-Oct-07 18-Oct-07 18-Oct-07 19-Oct-07 23-Oct-07 23-Oct-07 24-Oct-07 29-Oct-07 30-Oct-07 30-Oct-07 30-Oct-07 01-Nov-07 01-Nov-07 01-Nov-07 01-Nov-07 02-Nov-07 07-Nov-07 12-Nov-07 12-Nov-07 15-Nov-07 19-Nov-07 20-Nov-07 21-Nov-07 21-Nov-07 27-Nov-07 03-Dec-07 14-Dec-07 14-Dec-07 17-Dec-07 17-Dec-07 18-Dec-07 08-Jan-08 14-Jan-08 16-Jan-08 17-Jan-08 21-Jan-08 04-Feb-08 04-Feb-08 04-Feb-08 05-Feb-08 05-Feb-08 06-Feb-08 354 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Single Well 1559864 1559918 1560046 1560396 1562267 1562976 1563109 1564008 1566156 1567118 1567228 1567455 1568289 1013575 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 7-33-75-7W4 14-23-75-7W4 11-28-75-7W4 11-27-75-7W4 3-26-75-7W4 15-25-63-7W4 13-36-63-7W4 15-23-75-7W4 2-26-75-7W4 14-25-63-7W4 10-36-63-7W4 4-36-63-7W4 15-5-64-6W4 5-16-60-6W4 07-Feb-08 07-Feb-08 08-Feb-08 11-Feb-08 22-Feb-08 28-Feb-08 28-Feb-08 05-Mar-08 20-Mar-08 02-Apr-08 03-Apr-08 04-Apr-08 15-Apr-08 14-Nov-97 Single Well 1015673 Issued 7-30-76-5W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1015675 Issued 15-8-76-5W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1015676 Issued 8-13-76-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1015678 Issued 6-15-76-6W4 09-Dec-97 Single Well 1020397 Issued 10-19-77-6W4 09-Feb-98 Single Well 1032700 Issued 11-32-78-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032701 Issued 12-31-78-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032702 Issued 10-23-76-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032703 Issued 7-32-77-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032705 Issued 4-4-77-6W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032707 Issued 12-14-78-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1032708 Issued 6-30-77-7W4 19-Nov-98 Single Well 1034322 Issued 7-27-76-6W4 11-Dec-98 Single Well 1048894 Issued 5-8-62-6W4 08-Oct-99 Single Well 1052267 Issued 7-17-77-6W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052268 Issued 10-10-77-6W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052282 Issued 11-10-77-7W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052284 Issued 5-22-77-7W4 25-Nov-99 355 6311 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6312 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6313 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6314 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6315 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6316 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6317 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6318 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6319 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6320 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6321 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6322 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6323 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6324 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6325 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6326 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6327 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6328 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6329 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6330 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6331 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6332 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6333 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6334 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6335 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6336 DEVON ARL CORPORATION 6337 DEVON ARL Single Well 1052292 Issued 10-14-76-7W4 25-Nov-99 Single Well 1052363 Issued 7-18-78-6W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052366 Issued 1-10-75-6W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052373 Issued 7-30-76-6W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052375 Issued 2-32-75-8W4 26-Nov-99 Single Well 1052455 Issued 10-14-76-7W4 28-Nov-99 Single Well 1053404 Issued 10-19-76-7W4 07-Dec-99 Single Well 1053405 Issued 10-20-76-7W4 07-Dec-99 Single Well 1054147 Issued 2-7-78-6W4 14-Dec-99 Single Well 1055311 Issued 9-30-77-6W4 29-Dec-99 Single Well 1055491 Issued 5-27-75-7W4 04-Jan-00 Single Well 1055498 Issued 1-34-75-7W4 04-Jan-00 Single Well 1055903 Issued 8-36-76-7W4 10-Jan-00 Single Well 1056472 Issued 3-33-75-7W4 18-Jan-00 Single Well 1056814 Closed 3-33-75-7W4 20-Jan-00 Single Well 1058072 Issued 16-32-77-7W4 03-Feb-00 Single Well 1078587 Issued 10-7-78-6W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078639 Issued 13-5-76-6W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078646 Issued 6-1-76-7W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078648 Issued 6-21-75-6W4 23-Nov-00 Single Well 1078691 Issued 12-21-78-7W4 24-Nov-00 Single Well 1078857 Issued 5-28-77-7W4 27-Nov-00 Single Well 1079010 Issued 7-22-77-7W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079014 Issued 7-8-75-5W4 28-Nov-00 Single Well 1079237 Issued 4-23-75-5W4 30-Nov-00 Single Well 1079927 Issued 16-3-77-7W4 06-Dec-00 Single Well 1080077 Issued 12-29-76-7W4 06-Dec-00 356 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION DEVON ARL CORPORATION Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Single Well 1080353 Issued 15-36-76-6W4 08-Dec-00 Single Well 1081924 Issued 7-8-75-5W4 22-Dec-00 Single Well 1084085 Issued 3-5-76-6W4 19-Jan-01 Single Well 1084920 Issued 9-32-75-6W4 29-Jan-01 Single Well 1084922 Issued 3-32-75-6W4 29-Jan-01 Single Well 1085469 Issued 8-5-76-6W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1085470 Issued 6-4-76-6W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1085472 Issued 10-4-76-6W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1085473 Issued 14-33-75-6W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1085478 Issued 2-4-76-6W4 01-Feb-01 Single Well 1258620 Issued 11-29-75-6W4 06-Mar-02 Single Well 1273245 Issued 10-3-62-7W4 03-Jul-02 Single Well 1285345 Issued 12-27-73-19W4 06-Dec-02 Single Well 1287649 Issued 14-28-75-6W4 23-Dec-02 Single Well 1290990 Issued 7-11-76-5W4 30-Jan-03 Single Well 1295524 Issued 7-5-75-6W4 11-Mar-03 Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1328483 1328484 1328486 1331353 1331356 1331852 1331860 1331867 1333416 1333420 1335929 1336131 1336137 1345101 1368198 1372982 1377625 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued F112-15-75-6W4 13-Jan-04 0212-15-75-6W4 13-Jan-04 0312-15-75-6W4 13-Jan-04 F112-23-75-6W4 29-Jan-04 0312-23-75-6W4 29-Jan-04 0011-5-76-6W4 02-Feb-04 007-32-75-6W4 02-Feb-04 0015-20-75-6W4 02-Feb-04 0014-24-61-1W4 11-Feb-04 0015-29-75-6W4 11-Feb-04 026-11-65-9W4 27-Feb-04 002-13-65-9W4 01-Mar-04 0211-9-65-9W4 01-Mar-04 024-14-62-6W4 10-May-04 S01-18-62-6W4 04-Nov-04 009-7-75-6W4 02-Dec-04 AA12-30-75-6W4 23-Dec-04 357 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon Arl Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation 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Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1381599 1387542 1388623 1389318 1400964 1402089 1402098 1402674 1402853 1402858 1402871 1402878 1403091 1403120 1403353 1405181 1405505 1405724 1405838 1405873 1405898 1405915 1405956 1406147 1407437 1407914 1408351 1410744 1410760 1411193 1411310 1411543 1411556 1411587 1412449 1412477 1412839 1412874 1412972 1413032 1413119 1413152 1413181 1413283 1413407 1413738 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued 0011-29-65-7W4 008-7-65-7W4 AA9-27-75-7W4 0012-30-75-6W4 006-32-65-7W4 001-32-63-7W4 0010-32-63-7W4 1-18-62-6W4 0011-29-63-7W4 001-1-64-8W4 0010-27-62-6W4 005-6-64-7W4 004-32-63-6W4 009-29-63-6W4 008-31-63-7W4 0011-26-62-6W4 11-26-62-6W4 007-15-64-6W4 001-36-63-7W4 0013-4-64-7W4 0016-31-63-7W4 0013-36-63-7W4 0014-33-63-7W4 002-4-64-7W4 0012-27-62-6W4 008-35-75-7W4 0015-30-63-7W4 003-20-64-6W4 002-5-64-7W4 006-21-64-6W4 0013-14-63-6W4 0013-11-64-6W4 007-19-63-6W4 007-3-64-6W4 022-10-64-7W4 005-11-64-7W4 003-7-63-5W4 007-7-63-5W4 003-7-63-5W4 0313-13-63-6W4 0016-9-64-7W4 0010-7-63-6W4 12-17-63-6W4 0010-20-63-6W4 005-7-63-5W4 006-17-63-5W4 20-Jan-05 22-Feb-05 28-Feb-05 02-Mar-05 16-May-05 25-May-05 25-May-05 30-May-05 30-May-05 30-May-05 30-May-05 30-May-05 31-May-05 31-May-05 01-Jun-05 15-Jun-05 16-Jun-05 17-Jun-05 20-Jun-05 20-Jun-05 20-Jun-05 20-Jun-05 20-Jun-05 21-Jun-05 30-Jun-05 05-Jul-05 07-Jul-05 25-Jul-05 25-Jul-05 27-Jul-05 28-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 05-Aug-05 05-Aug-05 09-Aug-05 09-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 11-Aug-05 11-Aug-05 15-Aug-05 358 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL 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1414637 1414731 1414740 1414936 1415006 1415314 1415843 1416659 1417034 1417238 1418766 1418773 1419194 1419267 1420470 1420473 1421561 1421577 1421909 1422051 1422194 1422697 1422719 1422732 1422789 1422919 1422941 1423051 1424288 1424328 1425205 1425852 1425871 1426921 1427092 1428473 1428523 1428685 1428715 1428753 1428756 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 003-30-63-6W4 0012-17-63-6W4 023-8-64-7W4 001-26-63-6W4 0010-35-64-6W4 0211-14-64-6W4 021-8-64-7W4 026-15-64-7W4 0015-36-64-6W4 008-19-63-6W4 003-22-64-7W4 002-18-64-6W4 001-7-64-7W4 026-24-64-6W4 002-24-64-7W4 005-29-63-5W4 003-6-64-5W4 0213-23-64-7W4 022-7-64-7W4 11-34-64-5W4 14-27-64-6W4 14-29-63-6W4 5-29-63-6W4 13-12-64-6W4 7-32-63-6W4 15-30-64-5W4 6-34-64-6W4 14-5-64-6W4 5-28-63-6W4 2-29-63-6W4 2-31-63-6W4 13-30-63-6W4 6-34-64-6W4 15-32-63-6W4 8-20-63-5W4 10-10-64-6W4 5-36-64-6W4 13-36-64-6W4 2-23-64-6W4 7-14-64-6W4 11-23-64-6W4 6-33-64-6W4 13-32-63-7W4 5-14-64-8W4 8-11-64-6W4 15-11-64-6W4 18-Aug-05 18-Aug-05 19-Aug-05 19-Aug-05 19-Aug-05 19-Aug-05 22-Aug-05 22-Aug-05 23-Aug-05 23-Aug-05 25-Aug-05 29-Aug-05 02-Sep-05 07-Sep-05 08-Sep-05 16-Sep-05 16-Sep-05 20-Sep-05 20-Sep-05 27-Sep-05 27-Sep-05 03-Oct-05 03-Oct-05 04-Oct-05 05-Oct-05 05-Oct-05 11-Oct-05 11-Oct-05 11-Oct-05 11-Oct-05 12-Oct-05 12-Oct-05 12-Oct-05 18-Oct-05 18-Oct-05 24-Oct-05 26-Oct-05 26-Oct-05 01-Nov-05 02-Nov-05 09-Nov-05 09-Nov-05 10-Nov-05 10-Nov-05 10-Nov-05 10-Nov-05 359 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation 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21-Dec-06 21-Dec-06 21-Dec-06 21-Dec-06 03-Jan-07 08-Jan-07 09-Jan-07 10-Jan-07 12-Jan-07 15-Jan-07 15-Jan-07 18-Jan-07 19-Jan-07 22-Jan-07 31-Jan-07 08-Feb-07 08-Feb-07 09-Feb-07 09-Feb-07 09-Feb-07 22-Feb-07 23-Feb-07 23-Feb-07 26-Feb-07 26-Feb-07 28-Feb-07 28-Feb-07 28-Feb-07 362 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation 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6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL Corporation Devon ARL 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19-Nov-07 19-Nov-07 22-Nov-07 04-Dec-07 05-Dec-07 06-Dec-07 06-Dec-07 10-Dec-07 12-Dec-07 13-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 21-Dec-07 02-Jan-08 03-Jan-08 03-Jan-08 09-Jan-08 10-Jan-08 10-Jan-08 16-Jan-08 18-Jan-08 22-Jan-08 23-Jan-08 30-Jan-08 30-Jan-08 13-Feb-08 21-Feb-08 21-Feb-08 07-Mar-08 364 6693 Devon ARL Corporation 6694 Devon ARL Corporation 6695 Devon Canada Corporation 6696 Devon Canada Corporation 6697 Devon Canada Corporation 6698 Devon Canada Corporation 6699 Devon Canada Corporation 6700 Devon Canada Corporation 6701 Devon Canada Corporation 6702 Devon Canada Corporation 6703 Devon Canada Corporation 6704 Devon Canada Corporation 6705 Devon Canada Corporation 6706 Devon Canada Corporation 6707 Devon Canada Corporation 6708 Devon Canada Corporation 6709 Devon Canada Corporation 6710 Devon Canada Corporation 6711 Devon Canada Corporation 6712 Devon Canada Corporation 6713 Devon Canada Corporation 6714 Devon Canada Corporation 6715 Devon Canada Corporation 6716 Devon Canada Corporation 6717 Devon Canada Corporation 6718 Devon Canada Corporation 6719 Devon Canada Corporation 6720 Devon Canada Single Well Single Well Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery - 1567662 Issued 8-27-63-6W4 1569312 Issued 5-6-63-5W4 1317642 Closed 12-11-63-8W4 08-Apr-08 24-Apr-08 22-Oct-03 1317657 Issued 004-12-63-8W4 22-Oct-03 1318097 Issued 0015-26-63-8W4 27-Oct-03 1318099 Issued 006-3-63-7W4 27-Oct-03 1318100 Issued 004-33-62-7W4 27-Oct-03 1318102 Issued 005-28-62-7W4 27-Oct-03 1318103 Issued 007-28-62-7W4 27-Oct-03 1318525 Issued 0012-11-63-8W4 29-Oct-03 1319751 Issued 0010-13-63-7W4 10-Nov-03 1319752 Issued 0012-10-63-7W4 10-Nov-03 1319753 Issued 0016-28-62-6W4 10-Nov-03 1319754 Issued 004-14-64-8W4 10-Nov-03 1320530 Issued 0011-1-64-9W4 17-Nov-03 1346272 Issued 001-14-63-8W4 18-May-04 1347613 Issued 001-15-63-7W4 31-May-04 1349312 Issued 0012-13-63-8W4 11-Jun-04 1349518 Issued 0010-19-63-7W4 14-Jun-04 1349528 Issued 0013-20-63-7W4 14-Jun-04 1350810 Issued 005-20-63-7W4 23-Jun-04 1352444 Issued 0015-19-63-7W4 08-Jul-04 1352446 Issued 003-10-64-8W4 08-Jul-04 1353331 Issued 001-3-64-8W4 16-Jul-04 1354062 Issued 004-23-63-8W4 21-Jul-04 1354938 Issued 004-14-63-8W4 28-Jul-04 1354939 Issued 004-25-63-8W4 28-Jul-04 1356262 Issued 007-26-63-8W4 09-Aug-04 365 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell 1356631 Issued 005-33-62-6W4 12-Aug-04 1356633 Issued 025-33-62-6W4 12-Aug-04 1356634 Issued 003-25-63-8W4 12-Aug-04 1357033 Issued 001-19-63-7W4 16-Aug-04 1398144 Issued 0010-7-64-9W4 26-Apr-05 1404544 Closed 0010-7-64-9W4 09-Jun-05 1404919 Issued 0010-7-64-9W4 13-Jun-05 1405341 Issued 0010-10-64-8W4 16-Jun-05 1406704 Issued 005-16-63-7W4 24-Jun-05 1406709 Closed 0210-2-63-8W4 25-Jun-05 1406727 Issued 0016-10-64-8W4 27-Jun-05 1406848 Issued 0310-2-63-8W4 27-Jun-05 1407105 Issued 023-10-64-8W4 28-Jun-05 1408133 Issued 003-11-63-8W4 07-Jul-05 1408134 Issued 0013-35-63-8W4 07-Jul-05 1408321 Issued 003-10-64-8W4 07-Jul-05 1408538 Issued 0011-10-64-8W4 11-Jul-05 1409155 Issued 0010-20-63-7W4 14-Jul-05 1409746 Issued 008-36-63-8W4 19-Jul-05 1410621 Issued 008-3-63-7W4 25-Jul-05 1410719 Issued 004-14-62-6W4 25-Jul-05 1411867 Issued 0015-29-62-6W4 02-Aug-05 1443354 Closed 3-22-64-7W4 27-Jan-06 1443659 Issued 003-22-64-7W4 30-Jan-06 1444485 Issued 002-10-64-7W4 02-Feb-06 1444497 Issued 005-11-64-7W4 02-Feb-06 366 6747 Devon Canada Corporation 6748 Devon Canada Corporation 6749 Devon Canada Corporation 6750 Devon Canada Corporation 6751 Devon Canada Corporation 6752 Devon Canada Corporation 6753 Devon Canada Corporation 6754 Devon Canada Corporation 6755 Devon Canada Corporation 6756 Devon Canada Corporation 6757 Devon Canada Corporation 6758 Devon Canada Corporation 6759 Devon Canada Corporation 6760 Devon Canada Corporation 6761 Devon Canada Corporation 6762 Devon Canada Corporation 6763 Devon Canada Corporation 6764 Devon Canada Corporation 6765 Devon Canada Corporation 6766 Devon Canada Corporation 6767 Devon Canada Corporation 6768 Devon Canada Corporation 6769 Devon Canada Corporation 6770 Devon Canada Corporation 6771 Devon Canada Corporation 6772 Devon Canada Corporation 6773 Devon Canada Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery - 1444918 Issued 0012-29-62-6W4 03-Feb-06 1447858 Issued 0011-25-63-8W4 20-Feb-06 1447859 Issued 006-16-63-7W4 20-Feb-06 1448273 Issued 001-26-63-6W4 22-Feb-06 1450505 Issued 005-6-64-7W4 06-Mar-06 1451238 Issued 002-5-64-7W4 09-Mar-06 1451248 Issued 001-1-64-8W4 09-Mar-06 1451444 Issued 024-33-62-7W4 10-Mar-06 1451848 Issued 005-29-62-6W4 13-Mar-06 1452402 Issued 008-31-63-7W4 15-Mar-06 1452409 Issued 0011-31-63-7W4 15-Mar-06 1452416 Issued 0011-26-62-6W4 15-Mar-06 1452442 Issued 0016-31-63-7W4 16-Mar-06 1452466 Issued 007-29-62-6W4 16-Mar-06 1452477 Issued 0013-4-64-7W4 16-Mar-06 1452563 Issued 008-7-65-7W4 16-Mar-06 1452851 Issued 008-19-62-6W4 17-Mar-06 1452861 Issued 001-8-64-7W4 17-Mar-06 1452866 Issued 0012-27-62-6W4 17-Mar-06 1453037 Issued 0015-30-63-7W4 20-Mar-06 1468599 Issued 003-2-63-8W4 05-Jul-06 1470881 Closed 1-32-63-7W4 19-Jul-06 1471097 Issued 001-32-63-7W4 20-Jul-06 1471819 Issued 0012-12-63-6W4 25-Jul-06 1471826 Issued 004-12-63-6W4 25-Jul-06 1471854 Issued 0016-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 1472399 Closed 14-20-62-6W4 28-Jul-06 367 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell 1472561 Issued 0014-20-62-6W4 31-Jul-06 1479517 Issued 0015-11-63-6W4 20-Sep-06 1479524 Issued 006-14-63-6W4 20-Sep-06 1479526 Issued 001-14-63-6W4 20-Sep-06 1479573 Issued 007-11-63-6W4 20-Sep-06 1490284 Issued 0013-11-63-6W4 05-Dec-06 1493526 Issued 006-6-63-5W4 20-Dec-06 1498490 Issued 002-7-64-7W4 23-Jan-07 1503854 Issued 005-5-64-7W4 22-Feb-07 1504040 Issued 0013-14-63-6W4 22-Feb-07 1505733 Issued 007-6-64-7W4 07-Mar-07 1505979 Issued 001-36-63-7W4 08-Mar-07 1507142 Issued 007-14-64-6W4 19-Mar-07 1511720 Issued 001-10-64-6W4 08-May-07 1513446 Issued 006-31-63-7W4 28-May-07 1517930 Issued 003-32-63-7W4 09-Jul-07 1517951 Issued 0013-30-63-7W4 09-Jul-07 1518684 Issued 006-13-64-6W4 16-Jul-07 1521371 Issued 0010-32-63-7W4 07-Aug-07 1521380 Issued 0013-13-64-6W4 07-Aug-07 1521398 Issued 004-9-64-7W4 08-Aug-07 1523425 Issued 0011-23-64-6W4 23-Aug-07 1523599 Issued 001-11-64-8W4 24-Aug-07 1524382 Issued 0015-1-64-8W4 30-Aug-07 1524559 Issued 0015-14-64-8W4 04-Sep-07 1524718 Issued 005-14-64-8W4 04-Sep-07 368 6800 Devon Canada Corporation 6801 Devon Canada Corporation 6802 Devon Canada Corporation 6803 Devon Canada Corporation 6804 Devon Canada Corporation 6805 Devon Canada Corporation 6806 Devon Canada Corporation 6807 Devon Canada Corporation 6808 Devon Canada Corporation 6809 Devon Canada Corporation 6810 Devon Canada Corporation 6811 Devon Canada Corporation 6812 Devon Canada Corporation 6813 Devon Canada Corporation 6814 Devon Canada Corporation 6815 Devon Canada Corporation 6816 Devon Canada Corporation 6817 Devon Canada Corporation 6818 Devon Canada Corporation 6819 Devon Canada Corporation 6820 Devon Canada Corporation 6821 Devon Canada Corporation 6822 Devon Canada Corporation 6823 Devon Canada Corporation 6824 Devon Canada Corporation 6825 Devon Canada Corporation 6826 Devon Canada Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery - 1525136 Issued 0015-32-63-6W4 06-Sep-07 1527487 Closed 007-23-63-8W4 27-Sep-07 1527883 Issued 0013-6-64-7W4 01-Oct-07 1527896 Issued 0016-7-64-7W4 01-Oct-07 1527910 Issued 0012-14-64-8W4 01-Oct-07 1528351 Issued 007-23-63-8W4 03-Oct-07 1529381 Issued 0010-5-64-7W4 11-Oct-07 1530795 Issued 0013-23-64-7W4 22-Oct-07 1530899 Issued 0013-24-64-8W4 23-Oct-07 1543517 Issued 008-12-64-7W4 25-Oct-07 1543578 Issued 0015-1-64-7W4 25-Oct-07 1545319 Issued 008-7-64-6W4 07-Nov-07 1546990 Issued 0012-11-64-6W4 19-Nov-07 1546992 Issued 0013-11-64-6W4 19-Nov-07 1548577 Issued 006-7-64-6W4 29-Nov-07 1548591 Issued 0010-27-62-6W4 29-Nov-07 1548620 Issued 0016-15-64-6W4 29-Nov-07 1548642 Issued 005-1-64-7W4 29-Nov-07 1549822 Issued 003-8-64-7W4 06-Dec-07 1550350 Issued 0013-12-64-6W4 10-Dec-07 1550607 Issued 0010-15-63-6W4 11-Dec-07 1554084 Issued 0214-14-62-5W4 08-Jan-08 1554326 Issued 0011-29-63-7W4 09-Jan-08 1554334 Issued 0014-33-63-7W4 09-Jan-08 1554400 Issued 007-15-63-6W4 10-Jan-08 1554621 Issued 007-14-63-6W4 10-Jan-08 1557341 Issued 006-28-62-6W4 24-Jan-08 369 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Battery Multiwell Bitumen Drill Waiver 1559450 Issued 001-36-63-7W4 06-Feb-08 1560593 Issued 0012-11-63-6W4 12-Feb-08 1560721 Issued 034-6-64-6W4 13-Feb-08 1560883 Issued 005-14-64-6W4 14-Feb-08 1561546 Issued 001-9-64-7W4 19-Feb-08 1561689 Issued 0015-29-62-6W4 20-Feb-08 1562379 Issued 0010-7-64-6W4 25-Feb-08 1563078 Issued 004-11-63-6W4 28-Feb-08 1564107 Issued 005-4-64-7W4 06-Mar-08 1565646 Issued 006-5-62-5W4 17-Mar-08 1565655 Issued 0015-10-63-6W4 17-Mar-08 1565902 Issued 0015-2-63-6W4 19-Mar-08 1565904 Issued 007-21-62-6W4 19-Mar-08 1566891 Issued 006-21-62-6W4 31-Mar-08 1568959 Issued 0012-30-64-7W4 21-Apr-08 1568965 Issued 0016-35-63-7W4 21-Apr-08 1568970 Issued 0013-36-63-7W4 21-Apr-08 1568972 Issued 008-1-64-7W4 21-Apr-08 1568978 Issued 0010-36-63-7W4 21-Apr-08 1568981 Issued 0015-5-64-6W4 21-Apr-08 1568990 Issued 0010-28-64-7W4 21-Apr-08 1316651 Issued 006-18-72-20W4 14-Oct-03 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1317755 Issued 0211-8-64-8W4 23-Oct-03 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1320068 Issued 0012-22-76-7W4 12-Nov-03 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1331717 Issued 0012-15-75-6W4 02-Feb-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1334193 Issued 0014-24-61-1W4 18-Feb-04 370 6853 Devon Canada Corporation 6854 Devon Canada Corporation 6855 Devon Canada Corporation 6856 Devon Canada Corporation 6857 Devon Canada Corporation 6858 Devon Canada Corporation 6859 Devon Canada Corporation 6860 Devon Canada Corporation 6861 Devon Canada Corporation 6862 Devon Canada Corporation 6863 Devon Canada Corporation 6864 Devon Canada Corporation 6865 Devon Canada Corporation 6866 Devon Canada Corporation 6867 Devon Canada Corporation 6868 Devon Canada Corporation 6869 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6870 Devon Canada Corporation 6871 Devon Canada Corporation 6872 Devon Canada Corporation 6873 Devon Canada Corporation 6874 Devon Canada Corporation 6875 Devon Canada Corporation 6876 Devon Canada Corporation 6877 Devon Canada Corporation 6878 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6879 DEVON CANADA Bitumen Drill Waiver 1335872 Issued 009-19-63-7W4 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1368662 Active 0213-20-63-7W4 08-Nov-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1373061 Active 0013-17-76-6W4 03-Dec-04 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1378711 Active 002-6-64-9W4 05-Jan-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1383907 Active 007-7-64-9W4 02-Feb-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1384497 Active 028-7-64-9W4 05-Feb-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1391268 Active 0016-30-62-6W4 15-Mar-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1402061 Issued 0216-10-64-8W4 25-May-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1404504 Issued 005-10-64-8W4 09-Jun-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1409071 Issued 004-3-64-8W4 13-Jul-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1424018 Active 008-20-63-5W4 17-Oct-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1428537 Active 007-25-64-8W4 09-Nov-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1429510 Active 009-7-65-7W4 15-Nov-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1431653 Active 0010-11-63-8W4 25-Nov-05 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1433090 Active 001-15-64-8W4 Bitument Battery Multiwell Class I Disp: Amend 1382375 Issued 0010-28-75-6W4 25-Jan-05 1303218 Closed 007-33-71-20W4 03-Jun-03 Class I Disp: New 1321785 Issued 12-13-63-8W4 26-Nov-03 Class I Disp: New 1497645 Issued 021-14-63-8W4 17-Jan-07 Commingling: Gas 1298629 Issued 0016-5-76-6W4 10-Apr-03 Commingling: Gas 1325813 Issued 12-10-72-20W4 19-Dec-03 Commingling: Gas 1331430 Issued 8-4-72-20W4 29-Jan-04 Commingling: Gas 1363043 Issued 0010-12-63-8W4 04-Oct-04 Commingling: Gas 1370983 Issued 0010-31-77-6W4 23-Nov-04 Commingling: Gas 1437275 Issued 009-7-75-6W4 22-Dec-05 Compressor Station 1259261 Issued 0014-13-7221W4 1277252 Issued 0015-1-61-1W4 13-Mar-02 Compressor Station 27-Feb-04 02-Dec-05 30-Aug-02 371 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Compressor Station 1341487 Issued 009-32-71-20W4 08-Apr-04 Custom Treating Facility 1319363 Issued 009-14-63-8W4 05-Nov-03 Custom Treating Facility 1356638 Issued 009-14-63-8W4 12-Aug-04 Custom Treating Facility 1427556 Issued 009-14-63-8W4 04-Nov-05 Custom Treating Facility 1511541 Issued 009-14-63-8W4 07-May-07 Custom Treating Facility 1523512 Issued 009-14-63-8W4 23-Aug-07 Disp Scheme: New 1250505 Issued 007-33-71-20W4 05-Dec-01 Drill/Log Waivers 1283129 Issued 8-32-73-22W4 15-Nov-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1284534 Issued 0-0-71-20W4 29-Nov-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1290608 Issued 007-11-76-5W4 28-Jan-03 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1331360 Issued 29-Jan-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1339458 Closed 026-29-71-1W4 23-Mar-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1343421 Issued 005-35-64-10W4 26-Apr-04 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1346299 Issued Gas Battery - Multiwell 1378922 Issued 0213-20-63-7W4 06-Jan-05 Gas Battery - Multiwell 1378925 Issued 001-18-62-6W4 06-Jan-05 Gas Fractionation Plant 1257177 Issued 13-5-71-19W4 19-Feb-02 Gas Fractionation Plant0 1525328 Issued 2-15-67-10W4 07-Sep-07 Gas Processing Plant 1252002 Issued 11-23-63-8W4 18-Dec-01 Gas Processing Plant 1257507 Issued 9-32-71-20W4 22-Feb-02 Gas Processing Plant 1258970 Issued 9-32-71-20W4 11-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1259469 Issued 16-5-76-6W4 15-Mar-02 Gas Processing Plant 1283328 Issued 1-17-76-6W4 18-Nov-02 Gas Processing Plant 1291571 Issued 2-26-63-8W4 05-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1294231 Issued 11-27-73-19W4 28-Feb-03 Gas Processing Plant 1295456 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 11-Mar-03 19-May-04 372 6906 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6907 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6908 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6909 Devon Canada Corporation 6910 Devon Canada Corporation 6911 Devon Canada Corporation 6912 Devon Canada Corporation 6913 Devon Canada Corporation 6914 Devon Canada Corporation 6915 Devon Canada Corporation 6916 Devon Canada Corporation 6917 Devon Canada Corporation 6918 Devon Canada Corporation 6919 Devon Canada Corporation 6920 Devon Canada Corporation 6921 Devon Canada Corporation 6922 Devon Canada Corporation 6923 Devon Canada Corporation 6924 Devon Canada Corporation 6925 Devon Canada Corporation 6926 Devon Canada Corporation 6927 Devon Canada Corporation 6928 Devon Canada Corporation 6929 Devon Canada Corporation 6930 Devon Canada Corporation 6931 Devon Canada Corporation 6932 Devon Canada Gas Processing Plant 1295641 Issued 3-18-76-6W4 12-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1296812 Closed 7-30-71-20W4 21-Mar-03 Gas Processing Plant 1302801 Issued 6-12-76-6W4 29-May-03 Gas Processing Plant 1315380 Issued 5-8-62-6W4 30-Sep-03 Gas Processing Plant 1317623 Issued 6-13-63-8W4 22-Oct-03 Gas Processing Plant 1320137 Issued 11-2-78-7W4 12-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1320687 Issued 13-16-63-7W4 18-Nov-03 Gas Processing Plant 1322571 Issued 11-17-62-6W4 01-Dec-03 Gas Processing Plant 1325916 Issued 16-14-63-8W4 19-Dec-03 Gas Processing Plant 1330108 Issued 12-22-76-7W4 22-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1330148 Issued 9-13-63-8W4 22-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331088 Issued 7-20-61-6W4 28-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331089 Issued 12-26-63-8W4 28-Jan-04 Gas Processing Plant 1331774 Issued 8-11-63-8W4 02-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1332758 Issued 5-8-62-6W4 06-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1333286 Issued 7-3-61-15W4 10-Feb-04 Gas Processing Plant 1336114 Issued 15-34-63-8W4 01-Mar-04 Gas Processing Plant 1344190 Issued 5-23-63-8W4 30-Apr-04 Gas Processing Plant 1350386 Issued 4-10-63-7W4 18-Jun-04 Gas Processing Plant 1358487 Issued 3-13-63-8W4 26-Aug-04 Gas Processing Plant 1372819 Issued 13-20-63-7W4 02-Dec-04 Gas Processing Plant 1374632 Issued 1-18-62-6W4 10-Dec-04 Gas Processing Plant 1385409 Issued 12-16-76-6W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Processing Plant 1389648 Issued 9-7-75-6W4 04-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1389832 Issued 1-30-75-6W4 04-Mar-05 Gas Processing Plant 1401965 Issued 5-8-62-6W4 24-May-05 Gas Processing Plant 1426159 Issued 11-10-77-6W4 28-Oct-05 373 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Gas Processing Plant 1426166 Issued 6-27-75-5W4 28-Oct-05 Gas Processing Plant 1434843 Issued 10-21-62-6W4 12-Dec-05 Gas Processing Plant 1438895 Issued 10-7-64-9W4 06-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1439649 Issued 6-11-76-6W4 10-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1442124 Issued 13-5-76-6W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1442125 Issued 3-1-75-6W4 23-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1443517 Issued 6-11-76-6W4 27-Jan-06 Gas Processing Plant 1448636 Issued 6-21-62-5W4 24-Feb-06 Gas Processing Plant 1450598 Issued 3-27-75-6W4 07-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1454452 Issued 4-14-62-6W4 29-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1454844 Issued 5-23-62-5W4 31-Mar-06 Gas Processing Plant 1456023 Issued 5-22-62-5W4 10-Apr-06 Gas Processing Plant 1461848 Issued 11-16-62-6W4 18-May-06 Gas Processing Plant 1499388 Issued 29-Jan-07 Gas Processing Plant 1500295 Issued 16-14-63-8W4 01-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1503433 Closed 5-13-63-7W4 20-Feb-07 Gas Processing Plant 1507219 Issued 19-Mar-07 Gas Processing Plant 1512527 Issued 11-16-62-6W4 17-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1513138 Closed 10-21-62-6W4 25-May-07 Gas Processing Plant 1523664 Issued 13-20-63-7W4 25-Aug-07 Gas Processing Plant 1550237 Issued 4-27-62-6W4 10-Dec-07 Gas Prod 1097088 Issued 006-30-77-7W4 04-Jul-01 Gas Prod 1097089 Closed 0012-29-76-7W4 04-Jul-01 Gas Prod 1271530 Issued 0-16-76-6W4 05-Jun-02 Gas Prod 1296341 Issued 0011-27-7319W4 1332048 Issued 049-13-63-8W4 18-Mar-03 Gas Prod 03-Feb-04 374 6959 Devon Canada Corporation 6960 Devon Canada Corporation 6961 Devon Canada Corporation 6962 Devon Canada Corporation 6963 Devon Canada Corporation 6964 Devon Canada Corporation 6965 Devon Canada Corporation 6966 Devon Canada Corporation 6967 Devon Canada Corporation 6968 Devon Canada Corporation 6969 Devon Canada Corporation 6970 Devon Canada Corporation 6971 Devon Canada Corporation 6972 Devon Canada Corporation 6973 Devon Canada Corporation 6974 Devon Canada Corporation 6975 Devon Canada Corporation 6976 Devon Canada Corporation 6977 Devon Canada Corporation 6978 Devon Canada Corporation 6979 Devon Canada Corporation 6980 Devon Canada Corporation 6981 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6982 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6983 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 6984 Devon Canada Corporation 6985 Devon Canada Gas Prod 1335863 Issued 005-8-62-6W4 26-Feb-04 Gas Prod 1337448 Issued 008-11-63-8W4 09-Mar-04 Gas Prod 1343198 Issued 001-9-63-7W4 22-Apr-04 Gas Prod 1350420 Issued 005-3-64-8W4 18-Jun-04 Gas Prod 1351650 Issued 009-19-63-7W4 29-Jun-04 Gas Prod 1358519 Issued 0011-25-62-7W4 26-Aug-04 Gas Prod 1377387 Issued 035-35-64-10W4 22-Dec-04 Gas Prod 1385441 Issued 0213-20-63-7W4 10-Feb-05 Gas Prod 1389284 Issued 008-20-62-6W4 02-Mar-05 Gas Prod 23-Mar-05 Gas Prod 1392789 Issued 0015-29-6410W4 1399776 Issued 001-18-62-6W4 Gas Prod 1441458 Issued 0010-21-62-6W4 18-Jan-06 Gas Prod 1447920 Issued 006-21-75-6W4 21-Feb-06 Gas Prod 1453146 Issued 006-1-63-7W4 20-Mar-06 Gas Prod 1458951 Issued 0011-16-62-6W4 01-May-06 Gas Prod 1463170 Issued 004-14-62-6W4 30-May-06 Gas Prod 1476080 Issued 001-18-62-6W4 25-Aug-06 Gas Prod 1477922 Issued 038-12-64-7W4 07-Sep-06 Gas Prod 1495966 Issued 0015-18-63-6W4 10-Jan-07 Gas Prod 1510478 Issued 035-35-64-10W4 25-Apr-07 Gas Prod 1544677 Issued 007-23-63-8W4 Gas Prod 1563805 Active 0014-21-64-6W4 04-Mar-08 Guide 51 1258385 Issued 007-33-71-20W4 04-Mar-02 Guide 51 1275429 Closed 0011-16-76-6W4 06-Aug-02 Guide 51 1301966 Closed 007-33-71-20W4 20-May-03 Guide 51 1317540 Issued 7-33-71-20W4 21-Oct-03 Guide 51 - EOR 1509762 Issued 0011-4-76-6W4 16-Apr-07 06-May-05 02-Nov-07 375 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Injection/Disposal Facility 1285095 Issued 0011-16-76-6W4 04-Dec-02 - Water Landfill 1444406 Issued 1-28-75-6W4 02-Feb-06 Landfill 1508760 Active 15-14-63-8W4 04-Apr-07 Multiwell Pad 1268526 Issued 15-28-62-6W4 18-Apr-02 Multiwell Pad 1268918 Issued 14-31-62-6W4 25-Apr-02 Multiwell Pad 1269584 Issued 3-25-63-8W4 07-May-02 Multiwell Pad 1272016 Issued 10-1-63-7W4 12-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272019 Issued 8-1-63-7W4 12-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272022 Issued 12-3-63-7W4 12-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272025 Issued 3-10-63-7W4 12-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272207 Issued 8-10-63-7W4 14-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272248 Issued 7-4-63-7W4 17-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272341 Issued 11-11-63-7W4 18-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1272346 Issued 14-24-63-7W4 18-Jun-02 Multiwell Pad 1273235 Issued 1-4-63-7W4 03-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1273240 Issued 12-2-63-8W4 03-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1273317 Issued 3-14-63-7W4 03-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1273318 Issued 9-7-63-7W4 03-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1273647 Issued 12-33-62-7W4 09-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1273650 Issued 13-17-63-7W4 09-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1274590 Issued 4-4-63-7W4 24-Jul-02 Multiwell Pad 1275471 Closed 5-33-62-6W4 07-Aug-02 Multiwell Pad 1275472 Closed 4-33-62-6W4 07-Aug-02 Multiwell Pad 1275653 Issued 16-31-62-6W4 09-Aug-02 Multiwell Pad 1301928 Issued 8-18-63-7W4 16-May-03 Multiwell Pad 1304237 Issued 3-26-63-8W4 13-Jun-03 376 7012 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7013 Devon Canada Corporation 7014 Devon Canada Corporation 7015 Devon Canada Corporation 7016 Devon Canada Corporation 7017 Devon Canada Corporation 7018 Devon Canada Corporation 7019 Devon Canada Corporation 7020 Devon Canada Corporation 7021 Devon Canada Corporation 7022 Devon Canada Corporation 7023 Devon Canada Corporation 7024 Devon Canada Corporation 7025 Devon Canada Corporation 7026 Devon Canada Corporation 7027 Devon Canada Corporation 7028 Devon Canada Corporation 7029 Devon Canada Corporation 7030 Devon Canada Corporation 7031 Devon Canada Corporation 7032 Devon Canada Corporation 7033 Devon Canada Corporation 7034 Devon Canada Corporation 7035 Devon Canada Corporation 7036 Devon Canada Corporation 7037 Devon Canada Corporation 7038 Devon Canada Multiwell Pad 1304304 Issued 5-20-63-7W4 16-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1304947 Issued 10-10-63-7W4 20-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305302 Issued 4-33-62-6W4 24-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305305 Issued 4-12-63-8W4 24-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305526 Issued 15-3-63-7W4 26-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305529 Issued 10-17-63-7W4 26-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305531 Issued 12-26-63-8W4 26-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1305533 Issued 5-33-62-6W4 26-Jun-03 Multiwell Pad 1306799 Issued 4-25-63-8W4 11-Jul-03 Multiwell Pad 1306801 Issued 10-4-63-7W4 11-Jul-03 Multiwell Pad 1307804 Issued 4-10-63-7W4 22-Jul-03 Multiwell Pad 1310254 Issued 15-33-62-7W4 13-Aug-03 Multiwell Pad 1312013 Issued 15-26-63-8W4 03-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1312015 Issued 6-3-63-7W4 03-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1312331 Issued 12-11-63-8W4 05-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1312717 Issued 4-12-63-8W4 09-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1314176 Issued 7-28-62-7W4 20-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1315000 Issued 5-28-62-7W4 25-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1315180 Issued 4-33-62-7W4 25-Sep-03 Multiwell Pad 1316333 Issued 9-9-63-7W4 09-Oct-03 Multiwell Pad 1317283 Issued 025-10-63-7W4 20-Oct-03 Multiwell Pad 1318198 Issued 009-28-62-6W4 27-Oct-03 Multiwell Pad 1332610 Issued 0310-4-63-7W4 06-Feb-04 Multiwell Pad 1339780 Issued 034-10-64-8W4 25-Mar-04 Multiwell Pad 1339792 Issued 001-15-63-7W4 25-Mar-04 Multiwell Pad 1340308 Issued 005-13-63-8W4 30-Mar-04 Multiwell Pad 1341378 Issued 003-23-63-8W4 07-Apr-04 377 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Multiwell Pad 1341857 Issued 0213-13-63-8W4 12-Apr-04 Multiwell Pad 1342964 Issued 0016-11-63-8W4 21-Apr-04 Multiwell Pad 1343732 Issued 029-19-63-7W4 Multiwell Pad 1343910 Issued 0310-19-63-7W4 29-Apr-04 Multiwell Pad 1344615 Issued 0015-19-63-7W4 05-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1345587 Closed 10-19-63-7W4 Multiwell Pad 1346170 Issued 0310-19-63-7W4 18-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1346173 Issued 0011-19-63-7W4 18-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1346211 Issued 004-14-63-8W4 18-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1347170 Issued 031-3-64-8W4 26-May-04 Multiwell Pad 1348407 Issued 024-23-63-8W4 04-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1348411 Issued 003-23-63-8W4 04-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1349521 Issued 0013-20-63-7W4 14-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1349525 Issued 0011-19-63-7W4 14-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1349550 Issued 008-14-63-8W4 14-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1350461 Issued 021-32-62-6W4 21-Jun-04 Multiwell Pad 1353049 Issued 0213-28-62-6W4 14-Jul-04 Multiwell Pad 1353503 Issued 008-17-63-7W4 19-Jul-04 Multiwell Pad 1355097 Issued 024-23-63-8W4 29-Jul-04 Multiwell Pad 1355100 Issued 003-23-63-8W4 29-Jul-04 Multiwell Pad 1355189 Issued 0314-17-63-7W4 29-Jul-04 Multiwell Pad 1358346 Issued 008-17-63-7W4 25-Aug-04 Multiwell Pad 1362784 Closed 10-4-63-7W4 30-Sep-04 Multiwell Pad 1365098 Issued 0210-4-63-7W4 18-Oct-04 Multiwell Pad 1379629 Issued 0215-6-64-9W4 10-Jan-05 Multiwell Pad 1379825 Issued 002-6-64-9W4 11-Jan-05 28-Apr-04 12-May-04 378 7065 Devon Canada Corporation 7066 Devon Canada Corporation 7067 Devon Canada Corporation 7068 Devon Canada Corporation 7069 Devon Canada Corporation 7070 Devon Canada Corporation 7071 Devon Canada Corporation 7072 Devon Canada Corporation 7073 Devon Canada Corporation 7074 Devon Canada Corporation 7075 Devon Canada Corporation 7076 Devon Canada Corporation 7077 Devon Canada Corporation 7078 Devon Canada Corporation 7079 Devon Canada Corporation 7080 Devon Canada Corporation 7081 Devon Canada Corporation 7082 Devon Canada Corporation 7083 Devon Canada Corporation 7084 Devon Canada Corporation 7085 Devon Canada Corporation 7086 Devon Canada Corporation 7087 Devon Canada Corporation 7088 Devon Canada Corporation 7089 Devon Canada Corporation 7090 Devon Canada Corporation 7091 Devon Canada Multiwell Pad 1380694 Issued 027-6-64-9W4 17-Jan-05 Multiwell Pad 1384073 Issued 052-32-75-6W4 02-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384080 Issued 0614-33-75-6W4 02-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1384180 Issued 102-32-75-6W4 Multiwell Pad 1384184 Issued 1214-33-75-6W4 04-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1388081 Issued 0210-7-64-9W4 24-Feb-05 Multiwell Pad 1389747 Issued 007-7-64-9W4 04-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1389852 Issued 002-6-64-9W4 04-Mar-05 Multiwell Pad 1398988 Issued 0211-35-63-8W4 03-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1400395 Issued 002-11-63-8W4 11-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1400667 Issued 006-11-63-8W4 13-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1401093 Issued 0015-10-64-8W4 17-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1401132 Issued 0010-2-63-8W4 17-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1401185 Issued 009-3-63-7W4 17-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1401222 Issued 007-20-63-7W4 17-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1401496 Issued 0011-20-63-7W4 19-May-05 Multiwell Pad 1403655 Issued 035-16-63-7W4 03-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1404726 Issued 001-36-63-8W4 10-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1406335 Issued 005-14-62-6W4 22-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1406880 Issued 0210-29-62-6W4 27-Jun-05 Multiwell Pad 1408004 Issued 005-10-64-8W4 06-Jul-05 Multiwell Pad 1410062 Issued 002-32-62-6W4 20-Jul-05 Multiwell Pad 1410067 Issued 0210-29-62-6W4 20-Jul-05 Multiwell Pad 1417833 Issued 0210-10-64-8W4 12-Sep-05 Multiwell Pad 1433914 Issued 14-25-63-8W4 07-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1435480 Issued 6-16-63-7W4 14-Dec-05 Multiwell Pad 1436442 Issued 3-2-63-8W4 19-Dec-05 04-Feb-05 379 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Multiwell Pad 1439500 Issued 4-33-62-7W4 10-Jan-06 Multiwell Pad 1444163 Closed 12-29-62-6W4 01-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1444345 Issued 12-29-62-6W4 01-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1445539 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 07-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1445724 Issued 5-29-62-6W4 08-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1445848 Issued 7-29-62-6W4 08-Feb-06 Multiwell Pad 1464749 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 08-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464750 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 08-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464752 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 08-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464753 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 08-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464871 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 09-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464873 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 09-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464894 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 09-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464898 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 09-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1464905 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 09-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1465391 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 13-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1466391 Issued 4-33-62-7W4 20-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1468118 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 29-Jun-06 Multiwell Pad 1468427 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 04-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471841 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471847 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471860 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471863 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471864 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1471868 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Multiwell Pad 1472496 Issued 8-36-63-8W4 28-Jul-06 380 7118 Devon Canada Corporation 7119 Devon Canada Corporation 7120 Devon Canada Corporation 7121 Devon Canada Corporation 7122 Devon Canada Corporation 7123 Devon Canada Corporation 7124 Devon Canada Corporation 7125 Devon Canada Corporation 7126 Devon Canada Corporation 7127 Devon Canada Corporation 7128 Devon Canada Corporation 7129 Devon Canada Corporation 7130 Devon Canada Corporation 7131 Devon Canada Corporation 7132 Devon Canada Corporation 7133 Devon Canada Corporation 7134 Devon Canada Corporation 7135 Devon Canada Corporation 7136 Devon Canada Corporation 7137 Devon Canada Corporation 7138 Devon Canada Corporation 7139 Devon Canada Corporation 7140 Devon Canada Corporation 7141 Devon Canada Corporation 7142 Devon Canada Corporation 7143 Devon Canada Corporation 7144 DEVON CANADA Multiwell Pad 1474147 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 11-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1475334 Issued 2-1-64-8W4 18-Aug-06 Multiwell Pad 1492452 Issued 16-29-62-6W4 14-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1492604 Issued 16-29-62-6W4 15-Dec-06 Multiwell Pad 1496023 Issued 7-29-62-6W4 10-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1496071 Closed 7-29-62-6W4 11-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1496093 Issued 7-29-62-6W4 11-Jan-07 Multiwell Pad 1506373 Issued 13-30-63-7W4 12-Mar-07 Multiwell Pad 1513064 Issued 1-11-64-8W4 24-May-07 Multiwell Pad 1517996 Closed 10-34-62-7W4 09-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1518896 Issued 8-19-62-6W4 17-Jul-07 Multiwell Pad 1526540 Closed 14-20-62-6W4 18-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1526706 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 19-Sep-07 Multiwell Pad 1528055 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 02-Oct-07 Multiwell Pad 1543872 Issued 6-36-63-8W4 29-Oct-07 Multiwell Pad 1545025 Issued 6-28-62-6W4 06-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1545384 Issued 11-36-63-8W4 08-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1545758 Closed 8-19-62-6W4 09-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1545840 Issued 7-21-62-6W4 13-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1545858 Issued 4-27-62-6W4 13-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1547092 Issued 11-25-63-8W4 20-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1548100 Issued 6-21-62-6W4 27-Nov-07 Multiwell Pad 1549261 Issued 13-14-63-7W4 04-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1549738 Issued 6-26-62-7W4 06-Dec-07 Multiwell Pad 1568859 Issued 15-33-62-6W4 21-Apr-08 Off-Target 1319693 Issued 14-25-61-7W4 07-Nov-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1272866 Issued 0015-28-62-6W4 25-Jun-02 381 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Oil Battery - Multiwell 1273296 Issued 0014-31-62-6W4 03-Jul-02 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1274023 Issued 008-10-63-7W4 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1274444 Issued 0016-31-62-6W4 22-Jul-02 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1274446 Issued 0012-33-62-7W4 22-Jul-02 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1275070 Issued 003-14-63-7W4 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1294221 Issued 0014-18-63-7W4 28-Feb-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1294224 Issued 007-12-63-8W4 28-Feb-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1304493 Issued 008-18-63-7W4 17-Jun-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1305764 Issued 0012-26-63-8W4 30-Jun-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1307092 Issued 003-12-63-7W4 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1307224 Issued 0010-17-63-7W4 16-Jul-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1307226 Issued 0010-10-63-7W4 16-Jul-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1308533 Issued 004-33-62-6W4 28-Jul-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1308568 Closed 4-25-63-8W4 28-Jul-03 Oil Battery - Multiwell 1308570 Closed 10-4-63-4W4 28-Jul-03 Pipeline 1326395 Issued 9-32-71-20W4 23-Dec-03 Pipeline 1407130 Issued 12-28-75-6W4 29-Jun-05 Pipeline 1444747 Issued 12-15-75-6W4 03-Feb-06 Pipeline 1445410 Issued 7-28-75-6W4 07-Feb-06 Pipeline 1450600 Issued 12-15-75-6W4 07-Mar-06 Pipeline 1450783 Issued 1-28-75-6W4 07-Mar-06 Pipeline 1506452 Issued 15-15-75-6W4 13-Mar-07 Pipeline 1507728 Closed 16-14-63-8W4 22-Mar-07 Pipeline 1554245 Issued 3-11-75-6W4 09-Jan-08 Prim Recovery: Amend 1387010 Issued 0-5-62-6W4 17-Feb-05 Prim Recovery: Amend 1422910 Issued 0-0-62-5W4 12-Oct-05 16-Jul-02 30-Jul-02 15-Jul-03 382 7171 Devon Canada Corporation 7172 Devon Canada Corporation 7173 Devon Canada Corporation 7174 Devon Canada Corporation 7175 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7176 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7177 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7178 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7179 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7180 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7181 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7182 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7183 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7184 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7185 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7186 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7187 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7188 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7189 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7190 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7191 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7192 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7193 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7194 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7195 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7196 DEVON CANADA CORPORATION 7197 DEVON CANADA Prim Recovery: Amend 1483594 Issued 9-14-63-8W4 20-Oct-06 Prim Recovery: Amend 1510995 Issued SE0-23-63-8W4 02-May-07 Prim Recovery: New 1298720 Issued 0-33-62-7W4 11-Apr-03 Prim Recovery: New 1332602 Issued 0-0-64-8W4 06-Feb-04 Record Change 1256640 Closed 12-24-72-21W4 13-Feb-02 Single Well 1249065 Issued 15-23-72-21W4 20-Nov-01 Single Well 1254113 Issued 15-17-71-19W4 16-Jan-02 Single Well 1261033 Issued 1-4-63-7W4 03-Apr-02 Single Well 1261034 Issued 15-34-63-8W4 03-Apr-02 Single Well 1261036 Issued 4-18-64-8W4 03-Apr-02 Single Well 1261620 Issued 3-10-63-7W4 12-Apr-02 Single Well 1261623 Issued 4-7-64-8W4 12-Apr-02 Single Well 1261763 Issued 7-19-63-7W4 16-Apr-02 Single Well 1268411 Issued 10-14-63-7W4 17-Apr-02 Single Well 1268917 Issued 5-4-62-7W4 25-Apr-02 Single Well 1269161 Issued 3-24-63-8W4 30-Apr-02 Single Well 1269557 Issued 12-2-63-8W4 07-May-02 Single Well 1271625 Issued 15-26-63-8W4 06-Jun-02 Single Well 1271658 Issued 14-13-63-7W4 06-Jun-02 Single Well 1272208 Issued 14-2-63-10W4 14-Jun-02 Single Well 1272247 Issued 10-15-63-7W4 17-Jun-02 Single Well 1272344 Issued 4-11-63-7W4 18-Jun-02 Single Well 1272357 Issued 10-24-63-7W4 18-Jun-02 Single Well 1273284 Issued 6-27-62-6W4 03-Jul-02 Single Well 1273319 Issued 7-6-64-8W4 03-Jul-02 Single Well 1273424 Issued 6-1-63-8W4 04-Jul-02 Single Well 1273507 Issued 13-15-63-17W4 05-Jul-02 383 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION DEVON CANADA CORPORATION Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Single Well 1273669 Issued 6-2-63-8W4 09-Jul-02 Single Well 1273911 Issued 3-11-63-8W4 15-Jul-02 Single Well 1273913 Issued 12-11-63-8W4 15-Jul-02 Single Well 1274716 Issued 13-16-63-7W4 25-Jul-02 Single Well 1274718 Issued 10-17-63-7W4 25-Jul-02 Single Well 1274875 Issued 11-12-63-7W4 29-Jul-02 Single Well 1282276 Issued 12-10-72-20W4 05-Nov-02 Single Well 1282278 Issued 8-5-72-20W4 05-Nov-02 Single Well 1282281 Issued 8-4-72-20W4 05-Nov-02 Single Well 1285311 Issued 14-14-72-19W4 06-Dec-02 Single Well 1285319 Issued 10-27-71-20W4 06-Dec-02 Single Well 1288768 Issued 6-16-64-9W4 10-Jan-03 Single Well 1290023 Issued 3-18-76-6W4 22-Jan-03 Single Well 1290476 Issued 14-13-64-10W4 27-Jan-03 Single Well 1301060 Issued 10-18-63-7W4 08-May-03 Single Well 1301480 Issued 5-28-62-7W4 13-May-03 Single Well 1302231 Issued 7-28-62-7W4 22-May-03 Single Well 1302284 Issued 11-1-64-9W4 23-May-03 Single Well 1302634 Issued 1-3-64-8W4 27-May-03 Single Well 1304303 Issued 6-3-63-7W4 16-Jun-03 Single Well 1304725 Issued 4-7-63-7W4 19-Jun-03 Single Well 1304889 Issued 11-16-63-7W4 20-Jun-03 Single Well 1305524 Issued 11-21-63-7W4 26-Jun-03 Single Well 1305535 Issued 7-6-64-9W4 26-Jun-03 Single Well 1306552 Issued 1-9-64-8W4 10-Jul-03 Single Well 1306556 Issued 7-26-63-8W4 10-Jul-03 384 7224 Devon Canada Corporation 7225 Devon Canada Corporation 7226 Devon Canada Corporation 7227 Devon Canada Corporation 7228 Devon Canada Corporation 7229 Devon Canada Corporation 7230 Devon Canada Corporation 7231 Devon Canada Corporation 7232 Devon Canada Corporation 7233 Devon Canada Corporation 7234 Devon Canada Corporation 7235 Devon Canada Corporation 7236 Devon Canada Corporation 7237 Devon Canada Corporation 7238 Devon Canada Corporation 7239 Devon Canada Corporation 7240 Devon Canada Corporation 7241 Devon Canada Corporation 7242 Devon Canada Corporation 7243 Devon Canada Corporation 7244 Devon Canada Corporation 7245 Devon Canada Corporation 7246 Devon Canada Corporation 7247 Devon Canada Corporation 7248 Devon Canada Corporation 7249 Devon Canada Corporation 7250 Devon Canada Single Well 1307051 Issued 16-31-62-6W4 15-Jul-03 Single Well 1307054 Issued 4-14-64-8W4 15-Jul-03 Single Well 1311003 Issued 8-4-64-8W4 22-Aug-03 Single Well 1311437 Issued 5-23-63-8W4 27-Aug-03 Single Well 1312002 Issued 12-13-63-8W4 03-Sep-03 Single Well 1312003 Issued 1-14-63-8W4 03-Sep-03 Single Well 1312014 Issued 10-13-63-7W4 03-Sep-03 Single Well 1313144 Issued 16-24-63-8W4 11-Sep-03 Single Well 1313290 Issued 1-2-63-8W4 12-Sep-03 Single Well 1313877 Issued 13-14-63-8W4 18-Sep-03 Single Well 1314017 Issued 12-10-63-7W4 19-Sep-03 Single Well 1315727 Issued 008-11-63-8W4 03-Oct-03 Single Well 1315731 Issued 049-13-63-8W4 03-Oct-03 Single Well 1316065 Issued 007-11-64-8W4 07-Oct-03 Single Well 1316321 Issued 0015-28-62-7W4 09-Oct-03 Single Well 1316322 Issued 0016-9-64-8W4 09-Oct-03 Single Well 1317445 Issued 0015-1-63-8W4 21-Oct-03 Single Well 1317811 Issued 0013-5-64-8W4 23-Oct-03 Single Well 1317991 Issued 0014-11-64-8W4 24-Oct-03 Single Well 1318845 Issued 008-1-72-21W4 Single Well 1318846 Issued 026-18-72-20W4 31-Oct-03 Single Well 1319319 Issued 0212-13-63-8W4 05-Nov-03 Single Well 1319479 Issued 005-1-64-9W4 Single Well 1322620 Issued 0212-22-76-7W4 01-Dec-03 Single Well 1322892 Issued 0013-2-61-15W4 03-Dec-03 Single Well 1330849 Issued 004-34-62-7W4 Single Well 1330852 Issued 0013-23-62-6W4 27-Jan-04 31-Oct-03 06-Nov-03 27-Jan-04 385 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Single Well 1331473 Issued 0016-9-63-7W4 29-Jan-04 Single Well 1333959 Issued 008-3-63-7W4 17-Feb-04 Single Well 1334032 Issued 004-27-62-7W4 17-Feb-04 Single Well 1334217 Issued 008-6-63-7W4 18-Feb-04 Single Well 1334375 Issued 009-19-63-7W4 18-Feb-04 Single Well 1335936 Issued 0015-6-64-9W4 27-Feb-04 Single Well 1336120 Issued 0010-7-64-9W4 01-Mar-04 Single Well 1337223 Issued 0210-25-62-7W4 08-Mar-04 Single Well 1337277 Issued 0015-29-62-6W4 08-Mar-04 Single Well 1337320 Issued 035-35-64-10W4 08-Mar-04 Single Well 1337947 Issued 0210-25-62-7W4 11-Mar-04 Single Well 1338291 Issued 022-33-62-6W4 Single Well 1338809 Issued 0013-33-62-6W4 17-Mar-04 Single Well 1339763 Issued 005-25-63-8W4 25-Mar-04 Single Well 1339768 Issued 009-26-63-8W4 25-Mar-04 Single Well 1339990 Issued 009-34-62-6W4 26-Mar-04 Single Well 1342530 Issued 004-34-62-6W4 16-Apr-04 Single Well 1342901 Issued 006-11-64-8W4 20-Apr-04 Single Well 1344611 Issued 006-20-63-7W4 05-May-04 Single Well 1345355 Issued 029-2-63-7W4 11-May-04 Single Well 1345363 Issued 002-20-63-7W4 11-May-04 Single Well 1345404 Issued 0010-20-63-7W4 11-May-04 Single Well 1345592 Closed 11-19-63-7W4 12-May-04 Single Well 1346576 Issued 026-12-63-7W4 20-May-04 Single Well 1347459 Issued 007-11-63-8W4 28-May-04 Single Well 1348248 Issued 001-15-62-9W4 03-Jun-04 16-Mar-04 386 7277 Devon Canada Corporation 7278 Devon Canada Corporation 7279 Devon Canada Corporation 7280 Devon Canada Corporation 7281 Devon Canada Corporation 7282 Devon Canada Corporation 7283 Devon Canada Corporation 7284 Devon Canada Corporation 7285 Devon Canada Corporation 7286 Devon Canada Corporation 7287 Devon Canada Corporation 7288 Devon Canada Corporation 7289 Devon Canada Corporation 7290 Devon Canada Corporation 7291 Devon Canada Corporation 7292 Devon Canada Corporation 7293 Devon Canada Corporation 7294 Devon Canada Corporation 7295 Devon Canada Corporation 7296 Devon Canada Corporation 7297 Devon Canada Corporation 7298 Devon Canada Corporation 7299 Devon Canada Corporation 7300 Devon Canada Corporation 7301 Devon Canada Corporation 7302 Devon Canada Corporation 7303 Devon Canada Single Well 1348400 Issued 0011-25-62-7W4 04-Jun-04 Single Well 1349527 Issued 002-20-63-7W4 Single Well 1349534 Issued 0010-20-63-7W4 14-Jun-04 Single Well 1351862 Issued 009-25-63-8W4 30-Jun-04 Single Well 1352248 Issued 028-36-63-8W4 06-Jul-04 Single Well 1352735 Issued 028-26-63-8W4 12-Jul-04 Single Well 1352745 Issued 034-25-63-8W4 12-Jul-04 Single Well 1352748 Issued 005-25-63-8W4 12-Jul-04 Single Well 1353091 Issued 0213-24-63-8W4 14-Jul-04 Single Well 1353879 Issued 0314-24-63-8W4 20-Jul-04 Single Well 1354731 Issued 028-32-62-6W4 Single Well 1354940 Issued 0213-17-63-7W4 28-Jul-04 Single Well 1355061 Issued 0314-24-63-8W4 28-Jul-04 Single Well 1366766 Issued 0213-20-63-7W4 27-Oct-04 Single Well 1368332 Issued 0016-10-64-8W4 05-Nov-04 Single Well 1369757 Issued 005-16-63-7W4 Single Well 1373347 Issued 0011-10-64-8W4 06-Dec-04 Single Well 1373348 Issued 0010-10-64-8W4 06-Dec-04 Single Well 1373351 Issued 0216-14-62-7W4 06-Dec-04 Single Well 1384049 Issued 0012-29-62-6W4 02-Feb-05 Single Well 1385571 Issued 0213-17-76-6W4 10-Feb-05 Single Well 1388411 Issued 005-29-62-6W4 25-Feb-05 Single Well 1388428 Issued 007-29-62-6W4 28-Feb-05 Single Well 1388631 Issued 0016-30-62-6W4 28-Feb-05 Single Well 1392085 Issued 005-6-72-20W4 18-Mar-05 Single Well 1394047 Closed 5-6-71-21W4 04-Apr-05 Single Well 1398877 Issued 0011-25-63-8W4 02-May-05 14-Jun-04 27-Jul-04 16-Nov-04 387 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Single Well 1398971 Issued 009-10-64-8W4 03-May-05 Single Well 1399010 Issued 006-36-63-8W4 03-May-05 Single Well 1399062 Issued 0012-11-64-8W4 03-May-05 Single Well 1401057 Issued 026-10-64-8W4 17-May-05 Single Well 1401763 Issued 026-33-62-7W4 20-May-05 Single Well 1402078 Issued 002-28-63-7W4 25-May-05 Single Well 1404127 Closed 6-26-62-7W4 07-Jun-05 Single Well 1404166 Issued 026-26-62-7W4 08-Jun-05 Single Well 1404552 Issued 003-16-63-7W4 09-Jun-05 Single Well 1405887 Issued 008-19-62-6W4 20-Jun-05 Single Well 1406088 Issued 0010-14-62-6W4 21-Jun-05 Single Well 1407348 Issued 0010-21-62-6W4 29-Jun-05 Single Well 1407745 Issued 0010-21-62-6W4 05-Jul-05 Single Well 1409669 Issued 0015-35-63-8W4 18-Jul-05 Single Well 1417694 Issued 004-3-64-8W4 12-Sep-05 Single Well 1436844 Issued 14-9-63-7W4 21-Dec-05 Single Well 1441402 Issued 5-33-62-7W4 18-Jan-06 Single Well 1443532 Issued 10-8-63-7W4 27-Jan-06 Single Well 1443691 Issued 3-27-75-6W4 30-Jan-06 Single Well 1444159 Closed 3-35-64-6W4 01-Feb-06 Single Well 1445853 Issued 8-34-62-6W4 08-Feb-06 Single Well 1447090 Issued 6-28-62-6W4 14-Feb-06 Single Well 1450769 Issued 14-22-62-6W4 07-Mar-06 Single Well 1452146 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 14-Mar-06 Single Well 1452304 Issued 1-1-64-8W4 15-Mar-06 Single Well 1452844 Issued 4-27-62-6W4 17-Mar-06 388 7330 Devon Canada Corporation 7331 Devon Canada Corporation 7332 Devon Canada Corporation 7333 Devon Canada Corporation 7334 Devon Canada Corporation 7335 Devon Canada Corporation 7336 Devon Canada Corporation 7337 Devon Canada Corporation 7338 Devon Canada Corporation 7339 Devon Canada Corporation 7340 Devon Canada Corporation 7341 Devon Canada Corporation 7342 Devon Canada Corporation 7343 Devon Canada Corporation 7344 Devon Canada Corporation 7345 Devon Canada Corporation 7346 Devon Canada Corporation 7347 Devon Canada Corporation 7348 Devon Canada Corporation 7349 Devon Canada Corporation 7350 Devon Canada Corporation 7351 Devon Canada Corporation 7352 Devon Canada Corporation 7353 Devon Canada Corporation 7354 Devon Canada Corporation 7355 Devon Canada Corporation 7356 Devon Canada Single Well 1452918 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 17-Mar-06 Single Well 1456415 Issued 6-5-62-5W4 11-Apr-06 Single Well 1462075 Issued 12-21-62-6W4 19-May-06 Single Well 1467289 Issued 7-20-62-6W4 27-Jun-06 Single Well 1469616 Issued 6-20-62-6W4 12-Jul-06 Single Well 1469747 Issued 16-19-62-6W4 12-Jul-06 Single Well 1471263 Issued 12-27-62-6W4 20-Jul-06 Single Well 1471834 Issued 16-20-62-6W4 25-Jul-06 Single Well 1474140 Issued 14-20-62-6W4 11-Aug-06 Single Well 1475102 Issued 2-1-64-8W4 17-Aug-06 Single Well 1478837 Issued 10-30-62-6W4 14-Sep-06 Single Well 1480919 Issued 2-34-62-6W4 29-Sep-06 Single Well 1481227 Issued 6-19-62-6W4 02-Oct-06 Single Well 1481411 Issued 10-33-62-6W4 03-Oct-06 Single Well 1481565 Issued 2-28-62-6W4 04-Oct-06 Single Well 1481982 Issued 15-17-62-6W4 10-Oct-06 Single Well 1482261 Issued 11-16-62-6W4 11-Oct-06 Single Well 1482449 Issued 1-14-63-8W4 12-Oct-06 Single Well 1483671 Issued 7-21-62-6W4 20-Oct-06 Single Well 1483982 Closed 11-19-62-6W4 24-Oct-06 Single Well 1483992 Issued 11-19-62-6W4 24-Oct-06 Single Well 1483995 Issued 6-21-62-6W4 24-Oct-06 Single Well 1486488 Issued 11-36-63-8W4 10-Nov-06 Single Well 1490450 Issued 5-29-62-6W4 05-Dec-06 Single Well 1490645 Issued 6-19-62-6W4 06-Dec-06 Single Well 1502078 Issued 8-33-62-6W4 09-Feb-07 Single Well 1504688 Issued 11-33-62-6W4 27-Feb-07 389 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation DIAMOND TREE RESOURCES LTD. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. Diaz Resources Ltd. DIAZ RESOURCES LTD. DIAZ RESOURCES LTD. DIAZ RESOURCES LTD. DIAZ RESOURCES LTD. DIAZ RESOURCES LTD. Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well 1505591 Issued 13-34-62-6W4 06-Mar-07 Single Well 1505881 Issued 4-34-62-6W4 07-Mar-07 Single Well 1506664 Issued 6-13-63-8W4 13-Mar-07 Single Well 1511428 Issued 3-31-62-6W4 04-May-07 Single Well 1528205 Issued 5-1-63-7W4 02-Oct-07 Single Well 1546909 Issued 5-14-62-6W4 19-Nov-07 Single Well 1547320 Issued 6-5-62-5W4 21-Nov-07 Single Well 1548295 Issued 8-18-64-8W4 28-Nov-07 Single Well 1552381 Issued 2-23-63-7W4 20-Dec-07 Single Well 1569022 Issued 15-33-62-6W4 22-Apr-08 Single Well 1237207 Issued 8-1-64-22W4 17-Jul-01 Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Single Well 1322313 1476460 1477731 1494455 1494576 1310864 1322526 1323446 1336146 1346372 1362451 1436090 1476589 1478565 1498000 1506562 1090901 28-Nov-03 28-Aug-06 06-Sep-06 02-Jan-07 02-Jan-07 21-Aug-03 01-Dec-03 05-Dec-03 01-Mar-04 19-May-04 28-Sep-04 19-Dec-05 29-Aug-06 13-Sep-06 18-Jan-07 13-Mar-07 30-Mar-01 Single Well 1090904 Issued 10-26-65-17W4 30-Mar-01 Single Well 1283032 Issued 10-24-67-20W4 14-Nov-02 Single Well 1293725 Issued 10-26-65-17W4 25-Feb-03 Single Well 1294090 Issued 9-29-61-15W4 27-Feb-03 Single Well 1321849 Issued 024-25-64-19W4 26-Nov-03 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 009-29-61-15W4 0010-6-68-19W4 006-7-68-19W4 003-36-67-20W4 009-26-67-20W4 9-29-61-15W4 10-24-67-20W4 9-29-61-15W4 7-8-62-17W4 7-8-62-17W4 4-25-64-19W4 4-25-64-19W4 10-25-67-20W4 9-26-67-20W4 10-6-68-19W4 12-19-67-19W4 9-26-67-20W4 390 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Diaz Resources Ltd. Single Well Direct Energy Marketing Single Well Limited Direct Energy Marketing Single Well Limited Direct Energy Marketing Single Well Limited Direct Energy Marketing Single Well Limited Direct Energy Marketing Single Well Limited DORCHESTER Gas Processing Plant ENERGY INC. DUCKETT, Betty Sec 40 - Phase 1 Duckett, Grant and Sec 40 - Phase 1 Beatrice Dunvegan Energy Single Well Limited Dunvegan Energy Single Well Limited Dunvegan Energy Single Well Limited Dunvegan Energy Spacing: Oil Limited Eclipse Regulatory Gas Prod Compliance Specialists Ltd. Eclipse Regulatory Gas Prod Compliance Specialists Ltd. Eclipse Regulatory Gas Prod Compliance Specialists Ltd. Eiger Energy Ltd. Gas Processing Plant Eiger Energy Ltd. Single Well Eiger Energy Ltd. Single Well Eiger Energy Ltd. Single Well Eiger Energy Ltd. Single Well Eiger Energy Ltd. Spacing: Gas Eiger Energy Ltd. Spacing: Gas Eiger Energy Ltd. Spacing: Gas Eiger Energy Ltd. Spacing: Gas Eiger Energy Ltd. Spacing: Gas ELAN ENERGY INC. Multiwell Pad 1332027 1336289 1386089 1436599 1459274 1459420 1503319 1356343 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 007-26-67-20W4 007-8-62-17W4 003-36-67-20W4 10-6-68-19W4 6-7-68-19W4 12-19-67-19W4 14-32-61-15W4 003-8-62-22W4 03-Feb-04 01-Mar-04 14-Feb-05 20-Dec-05 03-May-06 03-May-06 16-Feb-07 10-Aug-04 1484621 Issued 4-5-62-23W4 30-Oct-06 1519728 Issued 1-15-62-23W4 23-Jul-07 1520103 Issued 1-15-62-23W4 25-Jul-07 1520452 Issued 1-15-62-23W4 30-Jul-07 1285979 Issued 16-20-60-11W4 12-Dec-02 1309077 Closed 11-6-66-2W4 1345660 Active 0-0-64-4W4 01-Aug-03 13-May-04 1377251 Issued 0216-9-60-11W4 22-Dec-04 1475362 Closed 8-9-60-11W4 21-Aug-06 1475429 Issued 8-9-60-11W4 21-Aug-06 1495016 Closed 0-0-60-11W4 04-Jan-07 1547106 Issued 038-5-64-7W4 20-Nov-07 1567411 Active 003-17-64-8W4 04-Apr-08 1567697 Active 006-31-65-4W4 08-Apr-08 1350977 1309316 1318527 1334417 1337311 1476091 1481443 1498207 1509914 1521275 1014824 24-Jun-04 05-Aug-03 29-Oct-03 18-Feb-04 08-Mar-04 25-Aug-06 04-Oct-06 19-Jan-07 18-Apr-07 07-Aug-07 28-Nov-97 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Issued 16-9-60-11W4 4-20-62-2W4 004-3-62-1W4 0016-9-60-11W4 008-23-60-11W4 0-5-60-11W4 0-5-60-11W4 0-5-60-11W4 0-5-60-11W4 0-5-60-11W4 1-14-62-4W4 391 7423 ELAN ENERGY INC. Prim Recovery: Amend 7424 ELK POINT Compressor Station RESOURCES INC. 7425 ELK POINT Compressor Station RESOURCES INC. 7426 ELK POINT Compressor Station RESOURCES INC. 7427 ELK POINT Gas Processing Plant RESOURCES INC. 7428 ELK POINT Gas Processing Plant RESOURCES INC. 7429 ELK POINT Gas Processing Plant RESOURCES INC. 7430 ELK POINT Record Change RESOURCES INC. 7431 ELK POINT Record Change RESOURCES INC. 7432 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7433 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7434 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7435 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7436 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7437 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7438 ELK POINT Single Well RESOURCES INC. 7439 Emile Leguerrier Sec 40 - Phase 1 7440 ENBRIDGE PIPELINES B05 (ATHABASCA) INC. 7441 ENBRIDGE PIPELINES B05 (ATHABASCA) INC. 7442 Enbridge Pipelines B05 (Athabasca) Inc. 7443 ENBRIDGE PIPELINES Gas Processing Plant (ATHABASCA) INC. 7444 Enbridge Pipelines Pipeline (Athabasca) Inc. 7445 Enbridge Pipelines Pipeline (Athabasca) Inc. 7446 Enbridge Pipelines Pipeline (Athabasca) Inc. 7447 Enbridge Pipelines Pipeline Pump Station (Athabasca) Inc. 7448 Encana Corporation Approval Transfer 7449 EnCana Corporation Approval Transfer 7450 Encana Corporation B091 7451 Encana Corporation Bitumen Drill Waiver 1006584 Issued 0016-15-62-4W4 14-Mar-97 1006355 Issued 0010-34-61-9W4 07-Mar-97 1019496 Issued 002-16-65-18W4 29-Jan-98 1057500 Issued 002-16-65-18W4 28-Jan-00 1083851 Issued 3-24-66-10W4 17-Jan-01 1084304 Issued 11-5-70-9W4 22-Jan-01 1088530 Issued 14-35-64-18W4 01-Mar-01 1085433 Issued 11-5-70-9W4 01-Feb-01 1086056 Issued 11-5-70-9W4 07-Feb-01 1015335 Issued 3-1-62-10W4 05-Dec-97 1015861 Issued 15-28-61-9W4 10-Dec-97 1021203 Issued 7-20-65-18W4 23-Feb-98 1028805 Issued 12-29-65-18W4 20-Aug-98 1028914 Issued 11-30-65-18W4 24-Aug-98 1081504 Issued 5-17-66-9W4 19-Dec-00 1081505 Issued 3-24-66-10W4 19-Dec-00 1505908 Active 1-11-61-4W4 1241120 Issued 12-5-74-5W4 08-Mar-07 01-Aug-01 1241339 Issued 03-Aug-01 1311309 Issued 1-17-76-6W4 26-Aug-03 1249646 Issued 12-5-74-5W4 27-Nov-01 1437274 Closed 22-Dec-05 1510551 Closed 26-Apr-07 1510681 Issued 27-Apr-07 1516273 Issued 16-13-65-5W4 21-Jun-07 1304840 1480422 1356977 1320835 19-Jun-03 26-Sep-06 13-Aug-04 19-Nov-03 Issued Closed 0312-1-73-6W4 Issued 0211-16-76-6W4 Issued 0816-21-70-4W4 392 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation 7475 EnCana Corporation 7476 EnCana Corporation 7477 EnCana Corporation 7478 EnCana Corporation 7479 EnCana Corporation 7480 EnCana Corporation 7481 EnCana Corporation 7482 EnCana Corporation 7483 EnCana Corporation 7484 EnCana Corporation 7485 EnCana Corporation 7486 ENCANA CORPORATION 7487 Encana Corporation 7488 Encana Corporation 7489 Encana Corporation Bitumen Drill Waiver 1323573 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1332590 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1335550 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1383548 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1385174 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1387465 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1405847 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1408513 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1419099 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1443055 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1444863 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1447598 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1470231 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1493106 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1493483 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1509932 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1509935 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1509936 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1520920 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1520941 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1529608 Bitumen Drill Waiver 1550774 Bitument Battery 1337073 Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1401420 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1437679 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1437686 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1437689 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1437698 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1437715 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1442030 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1442679 or Multiwell Bitument Satellite - Single 1453055 or Multiwell Class I Disp: New 1453984 Class I Disp: New 1467032 Comm Scheme: Amend 1270471 Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Issued Issued Issued Active Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Active Issued Active Issued 0211-20-68-4W4 037-16-76-6W4 0315-15-70-4W4 0010-2-70-4W4 032-30-67-4W4 095-22-70-4W4 0312-18-70-3W4 F19-16-76-6W4 0515-21-70-4W4 127-22-70-4W4 027-15-76-6W4 0012-7-71-2W4 099-21-70-4W4 0415-7-70-3W4 0312-22-70-3W4 047-15-76-6W4 0510-15-76-6W4 028-16-76-6W4 1212-22-70-4W4 023-22-70-3W4 0715-21-70-4W4 027-35-67-4W4 008-17-76-6W4 08-Dec-03 06-Feb-04 25-Feb-04 31-Jan-05 09-Feb-05 22-Feb-05 20-Jun-05 11-Jul-05 20-Sep-05 26-Jan-06 03-Feb-06 16-Feb-06 14-Jul-06 19-Dec-06 20-Dec-06 18-Apr-07 18-Apr-07 18-Apr-07 01-Aug-07 01-Aug-07 12-Oct-07 12-Dec-07 05-Mar-04 Issued 006-15-70-4W4 18-May-05 Closed 14-17-70-3W4 28-Dec-05 Issued 004-21-70-3W4 28-Dec-05 Issued 006-13-70-4W4 28-Dec-05 Issued 002-13-70-4W4 28-Dec-05 Issued 005-17-70-3W4 28-Dec-05 Closed 7-22-70-4W4 20-Jan-06 Issued 007-22-70-4W4 25-Jan-06 Issued 009-16-76-6W4 20-Mar-06 Issued 0312-1-73-6W4 27-Mar-06 Issued 0215-35-76-4W4 26-Jun-06 Issued 0-0-70-4W4 21-May-02 1275821 Issued 0-21-70-4W4 1305493 Issued 0-0-70-4W4 1312665 Closed 0-16-76-6W4 12-Aug-02 26-Jun-03 09-Sep-03 393 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7526 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Comm Scheme: Amend Commercial Water Well Commingling: Gas 1317115 1317144 1320415 1349145 1353036 1354756 1355597 1403958 1404808 1452140 1488523 1497952 1501083 1512798 1512842 1517015 1438702 1269488 Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Commingling: Gas 1297957 Closed 007-5-70-7W4 03-Apr-03 Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Commingling: Gas Compressor Station 1317071 1340608 1382484 1446022 1455504 1493329 1547859 1291489 16-Oct-03 01-Apr-04 25-Jan-05 09-Feb-06 05-Apr-06 20-Dec-06 26-Nov-07 04-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291490 Issued 002-21-70-4W4 04-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291494 Issued 0010-8-68-3W4 04-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291495 Issued 006-22-70-4W4 04-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291949 Issued 0011-12-73-4W4 07-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291956 Issued 0012-33-73-4W4 07-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291959 Issued 0011-2-73-5W4 07-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1291960 Issued 009-4-72-8W4 07-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1293243 Issued 003-24-79-10W4 20-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1293256 Issued 001-26-79-8W4 20-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1293353 Issued 008-13-68-4W4 21-Feb-03 Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued 0-0-76-6W4 13-14-70-3W4 074-23-70-4W4 0-21-70-4W4 0-0-76-6W4 0-16-76-6W4 0515-15-70-4W4 057-16-76-6W4 0710-16-76-6W4 0-0-70-4W4 0-11-76-6W4 11-22-70-4W4 0-15-76-6W4 0-21-70-4W4 0-21-70-4W4 0811-16-76-6W4 7-7-70-5W4 001-31-64-10W4 0-0-64-10W4 004-35-71-4W4 0014-5-70-8W4 0014-35-71-4W4 0-36-71-4W4 11-15-70-4W4 0-0-71-4W4 0010-27-68-3W4 17-Oct-03 17-Oct-03 14-Nov-03 10-Jun-04 14-Jul-04 27-Jul-04 04-Aug-04 07-Jun-05 13-Jun-05 14-Mar-06 24-Nov-06 18-Jan-07 06-Feb-07 22-May-07 23-May-07 28-Jun-07 05-Jan-06 06-May-02 394 7531 CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION Encana Corporation 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation 7527 7528 7529 7530 7563 Encana Corporation 7564 EnCana Corporation 7565 Encana Corporation Compressor Station 1293869 Issued 007-17-68-3W4 Compressor Station 1293891 Issued 0010-13-71-8W4 26-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1293893 Issued 001-4-71-6W4 26-Feb-03 Compressor Station 1294819 Issued 008-13-79-9W4 05-Mar-03 Compressor Station 1313108 Issued 0016-25-6413W4 Compressor Station 1323346 Issued 023-28-64-12W4 Compressor Station 1324175 Issued 0013-15-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1326120 Issued 006-21-70-5W4 Compressor Station 1326313 Issued 007-31-67-3W4 Compressor Station 1328864 Issued 004-5-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1330272 Issued 009-2-72-7W4 Compressor Station 1330580 Issued 0010-21-68-3W4 Compressor Station 1330955 Issued 007-12-71-3W4 Compressor Station 1334978 Issued 001-4-71-6W4 Compressor Station 1336947 Issued 0011-33-68-5W4 Compressor Station 1378613 Issued 0011-15-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1378789 Issued 0011-15-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1379483 Issued 008-10-71-5W4 Compressor Station 1379612 Issued 008-16-72-6W4 Compressor Station 1381714 Issued 005-15-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1382154 Issued 006-15-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1382725 Issued 005-16-71-5W4 Compressor Station 1384296 Issued 009-10-71-5W4 Compressor Station 1384812 Issued 007-8-73-8W4 Compressor Station 1393455 Issued 007-7-68-4W4 Compressor Station 1393480 Issued 0012-4-68-4W4 Compressor Station 1395976 Issued 007-8-73-8W4 Compressor Station 1433494 Closed 0211-16-76-6W4 Compressor Station 1442197 Closed 0211-16-76-6W4 Compressor Station 1442393 Issued 0211-16-76-6W4 Compressor Station 1454377 Issued 005-10-73-6W4 Compressor Station 1457861 Issued 005-8-70-4W4 Compressor Station 1558821 Issued 025-19-70-8W4 Compressor Station 1558834 Issued 028-13-68-4W4 Compressor Station 1563263 Issued 009-13-68-4W4 D51: EOR (Enhanced Oil 1369860 Issued Recovery) D51: EOR (Enhanced Oil 1396719 Issued 028-15-76-6W4 Recovery) D51: EOR (Enhanced Oil 1563867 Active 063-23-70-4W4 Recovery) Disp Scheme: Amend 1311727 Issued 11-16-70-4W4 26-Feb-03 11-Sep-03 04-Dec-03 10-Dec-03 22-Dec-03 23-Dec-03 15-Jan-04 22-Jan-04 23-Jan-04 27-Jan-04 23-Feb-04 04-Mar-04 04-Jan-05 05-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 20-Jan-05 24-Jan-05 26-Jan-05 04-Feb-05 08-Feb-05 30-Mar-05 30-Mar-05 13-Apr-05 05-Dec-05 23-Jan-06 24-Jan-06 28-Mar-06 24-Apr-06 01-Feb-08 01-Feb-08 29-Feb-08 16-Nov-04 18-Apr-05 05-Mar-08 29-Aug-03 395 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Disp Scheme: Amend Disp Scheme: Amend Disp Scheme: Amend Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Disp Scheme: New Drill/Log Waivers 1322256 1341300 1345119 1426416 1431532 1459694 1466208 1474061 1477477 1478864 1278571 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Drill/Log Waivers 1283640 Issued 0312-16-71-5W4 20-Nov-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1285948 Issued 0-0-70-4W4 Drill/Log Waivers 1286175 Issued 0211-20-68-4W4 12-Dec-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1286867 Issued 0216-16-70-4W4 18-Dec-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1286869 Issued 005-16-71-5W4 18-Dec-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1287134 Issued 005-16-71-5W4 19-Dec-02 Drill/Log Waivers 1288217 Issued 007-10-71-5W4 07-Jan-03 Drill/Log Waivers 1293486 Issued 0015-16-76-6W4 24-Feb-03 Drill/Log Waivers ER: Amend Exper Oil Snd: New Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: Amend Exper Scheme: New Exper Scheme: New Exper Scheme: New Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Battery - Multiwell Gas Fractionation Plant0 Gas Fractionation Plant0 Gas Fractionation Plant1 1311547 1297089 1557141 1340629 1448100 1452740 1454160 1470720 1478563 1509797 1544933 1563956 1297007 1402066 1402161 1444340 1445345 1421407 1472657 1421441 Issued Closed Active Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed 15-21-70-4W4 1316-21-70-4W4 0015-16-76-6W4 0715-21-70-4W4 0010-2-70-4W4 0-0-76-6W4 049-13-70-4W4 0412-18-70-3W4 032-20-70-3W4 093-17-70-3W4 13-14-70-14W4 11-20-70-4W4 023-16-76-6W4 11-2-70-4W4 0310-16-76-6W4 0-0-73-6W4 0011-17-73-6W4 057-16-76-6W4 025-10-73-6W4 0710-16-76-6W4 0014-9-73-6W4 5-10-73-6W4 0-0-73-6W4 SW0-16-76-6W4 0-0-73-6W4 0710-16-76-6W4 006-21-70-5W4 005-16-71-5W4 6-17-70-3W4 11-17-70-3W4 28-Nov-03 07-Apr-04 10-May-04 31-Oct-05 24-Nov-05 05-May-06 20-Jun-06 11-Aug-06 05-Sep-06 14-Sep-06 19-Sep-02 11-Dec-02 28-Aug-03 25-Mar-03 23-Jan-08 01-Apr-04 21-Feb-06 17-Mar-06 27-Mar-06 18-Jul-06 13-Sep-06 16-Apr-07 05-Nov-07 05-Mar-08 25-Mar-03 25-May-05 25-May-05 01-Feb-06 07-Feb-06 03-Oct-05 31-Jul-06 03-Oct-05 396 7605 ENCANA CORPORATION 7606 ENCANA CORPORATION 7607 Encana Corporation 7608 Encana Corporation 7609 Encana Corporation 7610 Encana Corporation 7611 Encana Corporation 7612 Encana Corporation 7613 Encana Corporation 7614 Encana Corporation 7615 EnCana Corporation 7616 EnCana Corporation 7617 EnCana Corporation 7618 EnCana Corporation 7619 EnCana Corporation 7620 EnCana Corporation 7621 EnCana Corporation 7622 EnCana Corporation 7623 EnCana Corporation 7624 ENCANA CORPORATION 7625 ENCANA CORPORATION 7626 ENCANA CORPORATION 7627 ENCANA CORPORATION 7628 ENCANA CORPORATION 7629 ENCANA CORPORATION 7630 EnCana Corporation 7631 ENCANA CORPORATION 7632 ENCANA CORPORATION 7633 ENCANA CORPORATION 7634 ENCANA CORPORATION 7635 ENCANA CORPORATION 7636 ENCANA CORPORATION 7637 ENCANA CORPORATION 7638 ENCANA CORPORATION Gas Processing Plant 1286272 Issued 13-16-76-6W4 13-Dec-02 Gas Processing Plant 1302894 Issued 4-16-76-6W4 30-May-03 Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Processing Plant Gas Prod 1314348 1314945 1315270 1315634 1382127 1385105 1388596 1389387 1438600 1439443 1442120 1457840 1503098 1508002 1508006 1517740 1551088 1256085 22-Sep-03 25-Sep-03 26-Sep-03 02-Oct-03 24-Jan-05 08-Feb-05 28-Feb-05 03-Mar-05 05-Jan-06 10-Jan-06 23-Jan-06 24-Apr-06 16-Feb-07 27-Mar-07 27-Mar-07 05-Jul-07 13-Dec-07 07-Feb-02 Gas Prod 1263240 Issued 006-2-71-7W4 16-Apr-02 Gas Prod 1268886 Closed 0-0-68-3W4 24-Apr-02 Gas Prod 1268896 Issued 0-0-68-3W4 24-Apr-02 Gas Prod 1269317 Issued 002-31-65-12W4 01-May-02 Gas Prod 1269353 Issued 005-29-68-3W4 02-May-02 Gas Prod Gas Prod 1269355 Closed 005-16-70-5W4 1269356 Issued 023-26-68-5W4 02-May-02 02-May-02 Gas Prod 1281083 Issued 0013-5-68-4W4 23-Oct-02 Gas Prod 1281084 Issued 007-14-68-4W4 23-Oct-02 Gas Prod 1283674 Issued 0012-24-71-8W4 20-Nov-02 Gas Prod 1283679 Issued 0015-11-71-7W4 20-Nov-02 Gas Prod 1293104 Issued 7-5-70-7W4 Gas Prod 1293964 Closed 0014-12-71-7W4 27-Feb-03 Gas Prod 1294905 Issued 8-7-68-3W4 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed 13-22-64-12W4 3-31-64-12W4 11-30-64-12W4 12-21-64-12W4 7-9-61-8W4 11-16-76-6W4 11-16-76-6W4 8-15-76-6W4 5-10-73-6W4 7-14-76-6W4 11-16-76-6W4 7-14-76-6W4 8-15-76-6W4 13-31-63-21W4 006-11-76-6W4 20-Feb-03 06-Mar-03 397 7639 Encana Corporation 7640 ENCANA CORPORATION 7641 ENCANA CORPORATION 7642 ENCANA CORPORATION 7643 ENCANA CORPORATION 7644 Encana Corporation 7645 Encana Corporation 7646 ENCANA CORPORATION 7647 Encana Corporation 7648 Encana Corporation 7649 Encana Corporation 7650 Encana Corporation 7651 Encana Corporation 7652 Encana Corporation 7653 EnCana Corporation 7654 EnCana Corporation 7655 EnCana Corporation 7656 EnCana Corporation 7657 EnCana Corporation 7658 EnCana Corporation 7659 EnCana Corporation 7660 EnCana Corporation 7661 EnCana Corporation 7662 EnCana Corporation 7663 EnCana Corporation 7664 EnCana Corporation 7665 EnCana Corporation 7666 EnCana Corporation 7667 EnCana Corporation 7668 EnCana Corporation 7669 EnCana Corporation 7670 EnCana Corporation 7671 EnCana Corporation 7672 Encana Corporation 7673 Encana Corporation 7674 Encana Corporation 7675 Encana Corporation 7676 Encana Corporation 7677 Encana Corporation 7678 Encana Corporation 7679 EnCana Corporation 7680 Encana Corporation Gas Prod Gas Prod 1295652 Issued 7-28-70-5W4 1295658 Issued 12-33-68-5W4 12-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1297012 Issued 006-36-70-4W4 25-Mar-03 Gas Prod 1298097 Closed 008-10-72-8W4 04-Apr-03 Gas Prod 1298098 Closed 007-36-72-9W4 04-Apr-03 Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod 1299696 Issued 008-13-72-6W4 1300026 Issued 006-4-70-5W4 1302696 Closed 009-4-73-3W4 24-Apr-03 29-Apr-03 28-May-03 Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Prod Gas Storage Guide 51 Guide 51 Guide 51 Guide 51 Guide 51 Guide 51 Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR 1335098 1340001 1340827 1343971 1387294 1388336 1392013 1394112 1404791 1406773 1439120 1447368 1449230 1450721 1450726 1451872 1453302 1499724 1510004 1558440 1558621 1560790 1563364 1564547 1565632 1369105 1279735 1306469 1307815 1308323 1316986 1346611 1353536 23-Feb-04 29-Mar-04 05-Apr-04 29-Apr-04 18-Feb-05 25-Feb-05 18-Mar-05 05-Apr-05 13-Jun-05 27-Jun-05 09-Jan-06 16-Feb-06 28-Feb-06 07-Mar-06 07-Mar-06 13-Mar-06 21-Mar-06 30-Jan-07 19-Apr-07 30-Jan-08 31-Jan-08 13-Feb-08 29-Feb-08 10-Mar-08 17-Mar-08 10-Nov-04 04-Oct-02 09-Jul-03 22-Jul-03 25-Jul-03 16-Oct-03 20-May-04 19-Jul-04 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Active Active Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Active 0012-15-68-5W4 001-32-70-4W4 0015-32-67-4W4 002-18-70-5W4 0012-1-68-5W4 0014-31-68-3W4 032-30-67-4W4 0014-31-68-4W4 0014-31-68-4W4 006-10-73-6W4 007-12-68-5W4 009-12-68-5W4 006-34-68-5W4 0010-31-68-3W4 003-11-70-6W4 003-24-68-3W4 007-25-70-4W4 0010-31-68-3W4 006-29-68-4W4 007-16-68-3W4 0015-14-70-4W4 007-2-70-4W4 0010-20-68-5W4 003-30-67-4W4 0016-32-70-5W4 0814-15-70-4W4 0512-22-70-4W4 15-16-76-6W4 1013-14-70-4W4 12-22-70-4W4 0310-16-76-6W4 0-0-76-6W4 1356239 Issued 0515-15-70-4W4 09-Aug-04 398 7681 Encana Corporation 7682 EnCana Corporation 7683 EnCana Corporation 7684 EnCana Corporation 7685 EnCana Corporation 7686 EnCana Corporation 7687 EnCana Corporation 7688 EnCana Corporation 7689 EnCana Corporation 7690 EnCana Corporation 7691 EnCana Corporation 7692 EnCana Corporation 7693 ENCANA CORPORATION 7694 EnCana Corporation 7695 EnCana Corporation 7696 EnCana Corporation 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION ENCANA CORPORATION Encana Corporation Encana Corporation (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Guide 51 - EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Injection/Disposal Facility - Water Injection/Disposal Facility - Water Injection/Disposal Facility - Water Injection/Disposal Facility - Water Injectivity Test Injectivity Test Landfill Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad 1288392 Issued 11-32-75-4W4 08-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad 1289074 Issued 16-12-76-6W4 14-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad 1289085 Issued 16-36-75-6W4 14-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad 1289090 Issued 10-31-76-5W4 14-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad 1289167 Issued 10-31-76-5W4 15-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad 1290784 Issued 14-5-76-4W4 29-Jan-03 Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad 1325405 Issued 1116-21-70-4W4 17-Dec-03 1330970 Issued F21-23-70-3W4 27-Jan-04 1369717 Issued 0312-16-70-4W4 15-Nov-04 1390281 Active 1011-22-70-4W4 08-Mar-05 1405669 Issued 1413-14-70-4W4 17-Jun-05 1413661 Issued 0516-15-70-4W4 15-Aug-05 1420739 Closed 0214-16-76-6W4 28-Sep-05 1452988 Issued 005-10-73-6W4 20-Mar-06 1452996 Issued 127-22-70-4W4 20-Mar-06 1466103 Issued 049-13-70-4W4 19-Jun-06 1474148 Issued 0412-18-70-3W4 11-Aug-06 1479317 Issued 093-17-70-3W4 18-Sep-06 1479438 Issued 032-20-70-3W4 19-Sep-06 1506582 Issued 033-17-70-3W4 13-Mar-07 1270053 Issued 008-17-76-6W4 14-May-02 1425557 Closed 2-10-70-4W4 25-Oct-05 1426030 Closed 2-10-70-4W4 27-Oct-05 1426037 Issued 002-10-70-4W4 27-Oct-05 1333197 1369299 1288812 1288387 10-Feb-04 12-Nov-04 10-Jan-03 08-Jan-03 Issued Issued Issued Issued 0-0-70-4W4 0-0-70-4W4 NE0-21-70-4W4 4-16-76-4W4 399 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad Multiwell Pad 1333100 1333800 1342056 1342072 1342115 1342129 1342920 1347407 1347431 1348448 1348451 1348703 1368492 1368500 1368633 1368637 1374223 1374232 1393810 1398530 1398531 1398714 1398715 1399886 1399889 1400000 1404649 1407661 1407662 1411546 1411973 1414666 1414674 1414923 1416912 1422487 1422513 1422712 1422803 1423397 1423402 1423406 1423411 1423414 1423415 1423416 Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Issued Closed Issued Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 0710-16-76-6W4 0810-16-76-6W4 0810-16-76-6W4 7-16-76-6W4 0710-16-76-6W4 067-16-76-6W4 057-16-76-6W4 12-16-70-4W4 12-16-70-4W4 0312-16-70-4W4 12-16-70-4W4 0612-16-70-4W4 15-15-70-4W4 15-15-70-4W4 0914-15-70-4W4 1014-15-70-4W4 0716-15-70-4W4 1413-14-70-4W4 0410-16-70-4W4 0312-8-70-3W4 043-18-70-3W4 0612-18-70-3W4 0712-18-70-3W4 0413-18-70-3W4 0213-18-70-4W4 0713-18-70-3W4 F19-16-76-6W4 067-20-70-3W4 107-20-70-3W4 W04-24-70-3W4 1313-15-70-4W4 0613-16-70-3W4 062-17-70-3W4 032-17-70-3W4 1513-14-70-4W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 10-Feb-04 13-Feb-04 13-Apr-04 13-Apr-04 14-Apr-04 14-Apr-04 20-Apr-04 28-May-04 28-May-04 07-Jun-04 07-Jun-04 08-Jun-04 05-Nov-04 05-Nov-04 08-Nov-04 08-Nov-04 09-Dec-04 09-Dec-04 01-Apr-05 29-Apr-05 29-Apr-05 02-May-05 02-May-05 09-May-05 09-May-05 10-May-05 10-Jun-05 04-Jul-05 04-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 03-Aug-05 22-Aug-05 22-Aug-05 23-Aug-05 06-Sep-05 07-Oct-05 07-Oct-05 11-Oct-05 12-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 13-Oct-05 400 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana 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1426430 1426569 1426574 1426576 1426580 1426595 1426601 1426635 1426641 1426647 1426649 1427119 1428536 1429622 1429625 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 6-17-70-3W4 6-17-70-3W4 6-17-70-3W4 6-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 14-17-70-3W4 2-15-70-4W4 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1289636 Issued 16-32-70-4W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289638 Issued 15-20-70-4W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289639 Issued 12-10-70-3W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289641 Issued 9-33-70-4W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289642 Issued 1-26-70-5W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289643 Issued 11-18-70-3W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289644 Issued 15-24-70-5W4 20-Jan-03 Single Well 1289865 Issued 2-21-71-5W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1289866 Issued 9-16-70-4W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1289867 Issued 11-20-68-4W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1289868 Issued 6-34-79-9W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1289876 Issued 8-31-70-4W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1289877 Issued 8-10-71-5W4 21-Jan-03 Single Well 1290504 Issued 13-15-70-4W4 27-Jan-03 Single Well 1290743 Issued 4-24-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290744 Issued 2-32-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290745 Issued 16-33-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290746 Issued 5-34-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290747 Issued 12-34-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290748 Issued 7-32-70-4W4 28-Jan-03 Single Well 1290749 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8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single 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Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 005-11-71-6W4 001-33-71-5W4 002-11-71-5W4 007-7-71-5W4 008-6-71-4W4 005-8-71-6W4 005-12-71-6W4 006-7-71-7W4 007-10-71-7W4 0013-6-71-2W4 003-21-72-8W4 0014-1-71-3W4 003-18-73-5W4 007-19-71-3W4 005-11-71-4W4 003-35-71-5W4 007-20-70-4W4 006-23-70-5W4 008-9-71-4W4 0011-9-71-4W4 023-19-70-3W4 021-21-70-3W4 0216-28-70-4W4 0016-29-70-4W4 0213-21-70-4W4 005-21-70-4W4 024-21-70-4W4 008-20-70-4W4 7-20-70-4W4 003-2-71-5W4 003-34-71-7W4 002-33-71-7W4 001-18-73-7W4 002-13-70-4W4 0214-19-70-4W4 021-19-70-4W4 026-19-70-4W4 0016-17-70-4W4 029-19-70-4W4 022-28-70-3W4 006-16-70-4W4 023-29-72-3W4 1316-21-70-4W4 009-16-70-5W4 001-21-70-5W4 022-13-70-4W4 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 05-Jan-04 06-Jan-04 06-Jan-04 06-Jan-04 06-Jan-04 07-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 08-Jan-04 09-Jan-04 09-Jan-04 09-Jan-04 12-Jan-04 12-Jan-04 13-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 16-Jan-04 20-Jan-04 23-Jan-04 23-Jan-04 23-Jan-04 23-Jan-04 408 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1330485 1331151 1331153 1331840 1332005 1332036 1332046 1332799 1332802 1332986 1333084 1333104 1333326 1333365 1334466 1334514 1335873 1336008 1336013 1336022 1336024 1336587 1336705 1336732 1339742 1339745 1347437 1348949 1352742 1354042 1356245 1356252 1358059 1365858 1368747 1370439 1370534 1370726 1371778 1371782 1372856 1373370 1373616 1373755 1373759 1373765 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 034-21-70-4W4 001-21-70-5W4 009-16-70-5W4 005-10-71-6W4 0216-28-70-4W4 0215-13-70-5W4 F11-21-70-4W4 005-15-76-6W4 8-15-76-6W4 0014-16-76-6W4 F13-16-76-6W4 0015-11-76-6W4 F23-16-76-6W4 008-15-76-6W4 0015-32-67-4W4 005-3-71-4W4 F11-21-70-4W4 0014-32-70-4W4 0011-6-71-4W4 004-5-71-4W4 6-5-71-4W4 006-5-71-4W4 0615-15-70-4W4 0515-15-70-4W4 008-6-71-4W4 002-7-70-8W4 12-16-70-4W4 0712-16-70-4W4 1111-16-76-6W4 044-22-70-4W4 0416-15-70-4W4 1313-14-70-4W4 0712-16-70-4W4 003-17-76-6W4 0516-15-70-4W4 9-21-70-4W4 1011-22-70-4W4 049-21-70-4W4 0016-10-70-5W4 0214-13-70-5W4 0016-31-69-4W4 003-5-70-4W4 002-10-70-4W4 007-19-70-3W4 021-20-70-3W4 027-20-70-3W4 23-Jan-04 28-Jan-04 28-Jan-04 02-Feb-04 03-Feb-04 03-Feb-04 03-Feb-04 09-Feb-04 09-Feb-04 09-Feb-04 10-Feb-04 10-Feb-04 11-Feb-04 11-Feb-04 19-Feb-04 19-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 03-Mar-04 03-Mar-04 03-Mar-04 25-Mar-04 25-Mar-04 28-May-04 09-Jun-04 12-Jul-04 21-Jul-04 09-Aug-04 09-Aug-04 24-Aug-04 21-Oct-04 09-Nov-04 18-Nov-04 19-Nov-04 22-Nov-04 26-Nov-04 26-Nov-04 02-Dec-04 06-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 409 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1373768 1373813 1373840 1373853 1373857 1373860 1373892 1373894 1373897 1373956 1373957 1373960 1373961 1373964 1373968 1373993 1374002 1374073 1374074 1374075 1374076 1374086 1374486 1374524 1374599 1374601 1374602 1374603 1375068 1376116 1376117 1376118 1376563 1376564 1376566 1376855 1376871 1377009 1377016 1377025 1377030 1377031 1377101 1377159 1377161 1377219 Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Closed Closed Closed 13-12-70-4W4 0015-13-70-4W4 023-13-70-4W4 0013-3-71-3W4 0014-4-71-3W4 009-9-71-3W4 0012-9-71-3W4 004-16-71-3W4 008-16-71-3W4 0011-20-70-6W4 0015-28-70-6W4 006-14-71-6W4 0014-35-71-4W4 0016-1-71-9W4 0016-13-70-4W4 16-31-69-4W4 0014-13-70-4W4 027-13-70-4W4 0015-12-70-4W4 0015-33-70-3W4 0016-28-70-3W4 0216-13-70-4W4 002-35-72-3W4 1116-15-70-4W4 0014-5-70-8W4 002-26-73-3W4 008-21-73-3W4 0012-4-71-5W4 0014-31-68-4W4 0012-13-68-5W4 0013-24-68-5W4 005-25-68-5W4 007-14-71-3W4 0010-22-72-8W4 0013-12-68-5W4 007-7-76-6W4 009-7-76-6W4 10-7-76-6W4 11-7-76-6W4 14-7-76-6W4 16-7-76-6W4 1-8-76-6W4 003-8-76-6W4 7-8-76-6W4 9-8-76-6W4 12-8-76-6W4 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 07-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 08-Dec-04 09-Dec-04 10-Dec-04 10-Dec-04 10-Dec-04 10-Dec-04 10-Dec-04 14-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 17-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 21-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 410 8170 8171 8172 8173 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1377221 1377223 1377226 1377275 1377297 1377412 1377413 1377418 1377422 1377498 1377499 1377500 1377501 1377502 1377503 1377504 1377505 1377507 1377510 1377514 1377516 1377518 1377521 1377522 1377526 1377623 1377626 1377628 1377635 1377660 1377779 1377806 1377861 1377864 1377866 1377869 1377872 1378033 1378397 1378398 1378479 1378480 1378504 1378541 1378555 1378559 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 13-8-76-6W4 16-8-76-6W4 4-9-76-6W4 9-9-76-6W4 15-9-76-6W4 7-7-76-6W4 9-7-76-6W4 10-7-76-6W4 11-7-76-6W4 007-7-76-6W4 009-7-76-6W4 0010-7-76-6W4 0011-7-76-6W4 0014-7-76-6W4 0016-7-76-6W4 001-8-76-6W4 023-8-76-6W4 007-8-76-6W4 009-8-76-6W4 0012-8-76-6W4 0013-8-76-6W4 004-9-76-6W4 009-9-76-6W4 0016-8-76-6W4 0015-9-76-6W4 028-15-76-6W4 0011-15-76-6W4 0012-15-76-6W4 0212-15-76-6W4 001-16-76-6W4 1-16-76-6W4 009-17-76-6W4 11-17-76-6W4 0010-17-76-6W4 0013-17-76-6W4 0015-17-76-6W4 001-18-76-6W4 002-27-71-7W4 0015-23-73-3W4 0013-36-70-8W4 006-18-70-3W4 028-19-70-3W4 004-13-70-4W4 008-8-76-6W4 008-18-76-6W4 006-21-76-6W4 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 22-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 23-Dec-04 31-Dec-04 31-Dec-04 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 411 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1378563 1378570 1378578 1378582 1378594 1378623 1378800 1378801 1378920 1378924 1378930 1378935 1378951 1379004 1379007 1379019 1379023 1379030 1379033 1379121 1379149 1379150 1379151 1379153 1379155 1379316 1379324 1379330 1379342 1379343 1379365 1379433 1379440 1379443 1379449 1379646 1379647 1379648 1379649 1379650 1379652 1379654 1379657 1379665 1379683 1379692 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Closed Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 003-20-76-6W4 002-18-76-6W4 007-21-76-6W4 009-18-76-6W4 008-21-76-6W4 006-17-76-6W4 11-17-76-6W4 003-15-76-6W4 0011-17-76-6W4 008-9-76-6W4 0215-9-76-6W4 021-16-76-6W4 007-17-76-6W4 007-23-70-5W4 004-23-70-5W4 0015-9-71-3W4 007-17-71-3W4 0015-8-71-3W4 0016-5-71-3W4 0014-31-68-3W4 009-7-76-6W4 0016-8-76-6W4 0013-34-70-3W4 0011-19-70-3W4 0213-28-70-4W4 0013-10-71-3W4 0011-3-71-3W4 8-4-71-3W4 9-4-71-3W4 3-4-71-3W4 003-10-71-3W4 008-4-71-3W4 003-4-71-3W4 009-4-71-3W4 002-3-71-3W4 009-13-76-6W4 0211-14-76-6W4 025-15-76-6W4 026-15-76-6W4 036-15-76-6W4 002-16-76-6W4 043-16-76-6W4 026-12-76-6W4 0012-17-76-6W4 002-16-70-6W4 001-9-71-3W4 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 04-Jan-05 05-Jan-05 05-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 06-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 07-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 10-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 412 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation Encana Corporation Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well Single Well 1379697 1379713 1379760 1379781 1379785 1379791 1379797 1379804 1379819 1379832 1379882 1379883 1380192 1380197 1380201 1380213 1380220 1380257 1380310 1380316 1380376 1380933 1380935 1380940 1380949 1380979 1381040 1381633 1381795 1381884 1381885 1382886 1385515 1389345 1389786 1391178 1391905 1392254 1392270 1392346 1392430 1395520 1396403 1397015 1397099 1397193 Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued Closed Issued Issued 005-10-71-3W4 004-9-71-3W4 034-18-70-3W4 022-17-70-3W4 025-18-70-3W4 0010-7-70-3W4 009-7-70-3W4 6-17-70-3W4 0012-8-70-3W4 0216-7-70-3W4 002-22-71-7W4 008-6-73-8W4 006-9-71-3W4 007-9-71-3W4 036-17-70-3W4 0014-9-71-3W4 035-18-70-3W4 0214-8-70-3W4 0012-1-68-5W4 0012-8-71-8W4 0215-17-70-3W4 0314-8-70-3W4 004-8-76-6W4 0015-8-76-6W4 005-24-70-5W4 008-31-67-4W4 0015-33-70-3W4 0314-8-70-3W4 032-30-67-4W4 006-32-68-4W4 0012-23-68-4W4 008-31-67-4W4 095-22-70-4W4 008-10-71-5W4 008-31-67-4W4 0214-16-76-6W4 008-10-71-5W4 0312-18-70-3W4 095-22-70-4W4 0412-18-70-3W4 0312-18-70-3W4 069-21-70-4W4 022-20-70-4W4 2-20-70-3W4 032-20-70-3W4 033-17-70-3W4 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 11-Jan-05 12-Jan-05 12-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 13-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 18-Jan-05 20-Jan-05 21-Jan-05 21-Jan-05 21-Jan-05 27-Jan-05 10-Feb-05 02-Mar-05 04-Mar-05 14-Mar-05 17-Mar-05 21-Mar-05 21-Mar-05 21-Mar-05 22-Mar-05 11-Apr-05 15-Apr-05 20-Apr-05 20-Apr-05 21-Apr-05 413 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 Encana Corporation Encana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana Corporation EnCana 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