Febbraio 2016 - Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2457
Febbraio 2016 - Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2457
Va Pensiero . . . Giuseppe Verdi Lodge No. 2457 ~ Order Sons of Italy in America 1806B Newport Gap Pike, Wilmington, DE 19808 Website: www.Giuseppeverdilodge2457.org Facebook: GV Lodge OSIA 2457 Wilmington Delaware Anno 23 ~ Issue 97 Febbraio 2016 2016 LODGE EVENTS Contact Pinuccia to reserve for all events at 302-998-6191 Mail payments for to: Pinuccia Scalora, 4602 Laura Drive, Wilm. DE 19804-4104 GENERAL MEETING: February 8th at 6:30 p.m. Please join us for our next general meeting as we have some exciting new things planned! Our bar will be open from 6:30 to 7:10 p.m. while a light dinner is served. The general meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. After the meeting the bar will re-open with appetizers & desserts being served. Please bring an appetizer and/or dessert to share. See page 5 for all of the exciting details! MIXED BOCCE & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: Wednesday nights from 7 p.m. on for mixed social fun with special drink offerings, food, and fun activities. Open to couples too! Contact Tony Ciotola if you want to help or add to the fun. ITALIAN CLASS: Saturdays ~ 10 to 11 a.m. A craft demonstration will be led by Kathy Pelosi for all who are interested from 11 a.m. ~ noon. BALLO di CARNEVALE with Costume Judging, Italian & Popular Music. Saturday, February 6th ~ 6 p.m. at the Mendenhall Inn. $55 per person, children $20. 6–7 p.m. open Bar with wine, beer, soda, water, & antipasto. Dinner is a choice of Prime Rib, Stuffed Chicken, or Salmon Stuffed with Crab Meat followed by dancing and music by the ever popular Fulvio. Come in costume if you wish. WINE COMPETITION & SCHOLARSHIPk BENEFIT Saturday, March 12th ~ 6 p.m. EASTER BUNNY BREAKFAST for Kids & Adults Saturday, March 19th ~ 10 a.m. RABBIT NIGHT, has been moved to April 2nd at the club. DUE TO THE INCLEMENT WEATHER TOMBOLA (BINGO) NIGHT HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO Wednesday, February 3rd ~ 6:30p.m. Free admission. Games of Poker, Belize Dice, Black Jack and Wheel of Fortune will be played. Submitted by Donna Marie Carnevale is the last celebration before lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Lent has historically been the time before Easter when many Catholics deprive themselves of something they enjoy. The thought is to party until you drop and spend the period of Lent recovering. HISTORY Celebrations are held all over Italy from Venice and Milan down to the villages and towns of Sicily. The celebration of Carnevale is the Italian version of Mardi Gras in New Orleans with oranges instead of beads. Many of the biggest celebrations are on Martedi Grasso or Fat Tuesday. Carnevale was first celebrated in Venice in 1094 and has been officially sanctioned in that city since 1296. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Carnevale celebrations were popular throughout Europe. Today for two weeks public areas around Venice become the showcase for actors, acrobats and musicians with residents and visitors alike wearing elaborate masks and elegant costumes. In Rome, Carnevale gained popularity in the 17th century. Until the 1880’s Carnevale was celebrated with a rider less horse race down the Via del Corso. After numerous accidents it was decided this was too dangerous and the city began celebrating in more traditional ways. One of the largest in Italy is in Viareggio a city on the Ligurean Sea. celebrations Carnevale in Viareggio is well-known in Italy with parades being held for the 5 weekends before lent. Viareggio has elaborately decorated floats and people wearing Paper Mache masks that lampoon politicians and famous people. In Ivrea, a small town in Piemonte, Carnevale has been around since the 1600’s. The celebrations begin with a masked ball followed later in the week by the Battaglia delle Arance where people throw 400 tons of oranges. The throwing of the oranges is an enactment of an uprising by the people against those in power. After all the oranges are thrown the various combatants sit down to a feast of codfish and polenta. FUN FACT Carnevale in Italy was traditionally a period when roles were reversed – men and women, nobility and commoners. Today the period of Carnevale is a time when people put their daily lives on hold to laugh at themselves, their leaders and their world. IN THIS EDITION / IN QUESTA EDIZIONE PAGINA 1: UPCOMING EVENTS PAGINA 3: ITALIAN HAPPENINGS IN OUR AREA / DID YOU KNOW / POLENTA NIGHT, A TREAT FOR ALL! PAGINA 4: GENERAL MEETING NOTES / NEWS TALK RADIO / NEW MEMBER INSTALLATION PAGINA 5: GENERAL MEETING NEWS / POLENTA NIGHT LA MIA PIAZZA PRESENTS ITALIAN FILM SERIES PAGINA 6: VALENTINES DAY COOKIES / LODGE OFFICERS & STAFF PAGINE 7 & 8: BUSINESS ADS OSIA Prince of Piedmont Lodge 475 Upcoming Events 603 North Lincoln Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 FRIENDS OF ITALIAN CULTURE February 21st: Anthony Poppiti speaks on Women in Roman Culture. March 20th: Anthony Riccio of Westchester, a historian & author, will discuss his book, Italian Women in the Work Force. April 24th: Delphi Opera returns, Eve Edwards and her colleagues will perform a concert of favorite arias. Following intermission we will enjoy the Pagliacci opera. For more information contact Terri Tavani 302-384-8075 901 N. DuPont St., Wilm., DE 19806 Founded in 1968 by Rev. Robert Balducelli President Ciro Poppit, Vice President Ron Marcozzi Treasurer Lorenzo Pelosi Board Members Lina Brown Kay Gaglione Henry Gambacorta James Gambacorta Kathy Pelosi Terri Tavani Anthony Albence Rita Carnevale Ann Gilmour Anthony Poppiti Sunday, February 7 - Super Bowl Party - $15 per person PIEDMONT LODGE CELEBRATES 100 YEARS On April 16th, 2016 the Piedmont Lodge will celebrate its 100th anniversary at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. The celebration includes an open top shelf bar, appetizers, and multiple dining stations as well as top flight entertainment. National OSIA officials and members from all Delaware Lodges are expected to be in attendance. The price for the event is $100.00 per person. The Lodge has purchased an ad of congratulations to be placed in the event program book. We hope to put together several tables to show our support. Those interested in attending should contact Josephine Scalora or Giovanni Maiorano. Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) has awarded nearly $59 million in scholarships to date. In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $4,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition. U.S. citizens of Italian descent (at least one Italian or ItalianAmerican grandparent) enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate program at a four-year, accredited academic institution for the 2016 fall term. Previous SIF scholarship winners are not eligible. GO TO: https://www.osia.org/students/scholarships.php for all of the information and requirements. POLENTA NIGHT- A SPECIAL TREAT FOR ALL! The club hosted its annual Polenta Night to the delight of over 90 people who enjoyed a delightful Italian tradition. Dinner began with an antipasto of meats and cheese followed by a garden salad with olives, tomatoes, and peppers in an Italian dressing. The main courses included both soft and layered polenta with a special meat sauce, freshly browned sweet sausage, sautéed long hot peppers, and pasta with a special meat and sausage sauce. A wide selection of sweets was provided by members along with coffee Transcripts: Forend each provided must be through the December 2015 term. All transcripts must and expresso to thescholarship, evening. Thetranscripts wine flowed, the 50/50 winners celebrated, and the conversation lasted well into the evening. These events require a lot of work and this be stamped by the institution and included in a separate, sealed envelope. Transcripts may be submitted with entire year our 'helping were out in fullsome force to support this them special application package;hands' however, we understand schools prefer to send separately. evening. Shopping went on the week before with Josephine Scalora, Vince Colasante, Mike Malvestuto, and Vincenzo Buono, Vince and Deb Falkowski all Processing A $40 non-refundable fee is required withtheeach scholarship application. The fee includes a helping out. Fee: On Thursday Rita Mastrippolitoprocessing and Mena Crognale prepared special sauce thatnational brings out the best of our polenta. OnOrder FridaySons and Saturday Mike, Vince,and Joe aFacciolo, Tony to Ciotola, and Charlie Sacco one-year at-large membership to the of Italy in America subscription ITALIAN worked in the kitchen to prepare the bread, meats, salad, polenta, and pasta that would be served. Ron Marcozzi set up the room AMERICAN magazine. and tables. Oversight of the logistics, seating people at the right table, calling potential attendees, and managing the event overall was handled by Josephine Scalora. The hard work of serving, bussing, bartending, and cleaning up was supported by Cass Mauro, and Only money orders accepted; no exceptions. Make orders payable to theDeb Sonsand of Vince Italy Falkowski, Maria Charlie Sacco, Ron will and be Monica Marcozzi, Tom and Karen St.money John, Jerry and Linda Perry, Foundation. and many others who pitched in to help. Dignitaries included the Presidents of the grand Lodge OSIA and Italo-Americans United and the Vice President of Friends of Italian Culture. The club thanks all those who attended and worked to make this a successful event. Any application without the processing fee or with the processing fee postmarked after the deadline will not be 3 eligible. Processing fees for incomplete or late applications will not be refunded. GIUSEPPE VERDI LODGE GENERAL MEETING January 11, 2016 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 7:30pm ROLL CALL PRESENT: Giovanni Maiorano, Maria Sacco, Josephine Scalora, Phyllis Rabolt, Lorenzo Pelosi, Michele Malvestuto, Vince Colasante, Anthony Ciotola, Paula Maiorano. ABSENT: Ruggero Scavina, Antonio Pesce, Roberto DiMichele. (ABOUT 30 ATTENDEES) PRAYER, PLEDGE, MISSION STATEMENT Reading of December minutes. Motion to accept, passed. TREASURER’S REPORT Scholarship Fund: $5,870.40 Money Market Account: $19,319.17 Operating Fund: $4,248.36 Motion made to accept report, passed. UPCOMING EVENTS: SATURDAY JANUARY 16TH POLENTA NIGHT 6:00 at the Club $30.00 per person. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27TH BINGO/CASINO NIGHT 6:30 P.M. no charge, refreshments will be served. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6TH BALLO DI CARNEVALE 6 P.M. $55.00 PER PERSON, CHILDREN $20.00 SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND RABBIT NIGHT at the Club NEW BUSINESS: In order to encourage a higher attendance at the monthly meetings, we have proposed the following changes: 1.) Meeting will start at 6:30, a light meal will be served. Bar will be open from 6:30 to 7:10. 2.) After the meeting bar will be open, desserts will be served. We will ask members to donate appetizer and/or desserts. 3.) We will ask members to volunteer to cook a meal for the monthly meetings. 4.) Any member can suggest a guest speaker (limit speaking time to 20 minutes) Saturday April 16th Prince of Piedmont Lodge will have their 100th Anniversary Dinner at Chase Center 5:00 p.m. $100.00 per person, please try to support our other organizations. Thank you card from family of Elizabeth Capodanno’s family GOOD OF THE ORDER: Joe Facciolo thanked all the members for their toy contributions especially Gene Giuliani & Joe Falco for their assistance in purchasing batteries for children’s toys. Friends of Italian Culture will feature a guest speaker who will talk about the founder of Planter’s Peanuts. Everyone is invited to attend at 3 p.m. on January 17th at Padua Academy Installation Ceremony Gayle DeAscanis, Nick Delia, Jay Brady Closing Prayer New Member Installation President Giovanni Maiorano and Grand Lodge President Joe Facciolo along with the lodge officers presided over the installation of three new members at the January General Meeting. The new members were administered the oath and accepted their lion pins. We welcome Jay Brady, Gayle DeAscanis, and NICK DELIA as our newest brothers and sisters. 4 The lodge is changing its general meeting time and G M E E N E E T R I A N L G format. Starting in February we will start our meeting at 6:30 p.m. with a light dinner prepared by one or more of our members. The N N E E W W S S meal will be followed by our meeting and include a speaker or event featuring Italian culture or community issues. In February our meal will be prepared by Paula Maiorano. Pete Giorgi, Joseph Giorgi, Jr., and Josephine Panariello, two brothers and a sister... a family affair, will prepare our March meal. In April, Gloria and Alfonso Rogers will prepare a meal for all attending, and last but not least for our May General Meeting Kass Mauro will prepare a meal. Please join us for this new experience. LA MIA PIAZZA presents ITALIAN FILM SERIES at Sharpe Auditorium February 28th at 2 p.m. L’ultimo bacio by Gabriele Muccino James Grove High School 1703 School Lane, Wilmington (Near Delcastle, H.S.) April 10th at 2 p.m. Pranzo di ferragosto by Gianni Di Gregorio Go To: http://www.lamiapiazza.org/ to order your tickets. Clicking on the title of the movie will allow you to purchase your tickets online. Ticket price - $15.00 (tax deductible) includes hors d'ouevres. Each movie will be presented by Dr. Gabriella Finizio Sponsored by: Delaware Commission on Italian Heritage and Culture, Delaware Italian American Education Association, and Societa' da Vinci 5 www.italianfoodforever.com GIUSEPPE VERDI OFFICERS & STAFF PRESIDENT: Giovanni Maiorano ~ 302-545-2684 VICE PRESIDENT: Anthony Ciotola ~ 302-235-2131 V.P. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: Pinuccia ~ 302-998-6191 SECRETARY: Phyllis Rabolt ~ 516-429-0221 TREASURER: Maria Sacco ~ 302-239-9495 ORATOR: Vincent Colasante ~ 302-239-2152 FINANCIAL OFFICER: Roberto DiMichele ~ 302-598-2492 TRUSTEES: Paula Maiorano, Michele Malvestuto, Lorenzo Pelosi, Antonio Pesce, Ruggero Scavina NEWSLETTER CREATOR: Donna Pesce ~ 302-220-0594 WEBSITE CREATOR: Kathleen Riddell NEWSLETTER STAFF: Lina Brown, Flora Calabrese, Michele Malvestuto, Kathy Pelosi, Leo Vadala. 6 BUSINESS ADS CELEBRATION ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS ADS Members - $20 per year Non Members - $60 per year Size 2” X 3 1/2” CELEBRATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Quarter Page Ad = $10 / Half Page Ad = $15 Full Page Ad = $20 Contact Kathy Pelosi at 996-0632 or Donna Pesce at 220-0594 to Place your Ad/Announcement Today! Doors – Cypress – Lumber – Douglas Fir Building Materials – Millwork = RT. 7 (LIMESTONE RD) NEAR DEL/PA STATE LINE 109 OLD LIMESTONE RD AVONDALE, PA 19311 FRED MASTRIPPOLITO SR. HRS. MON-FRI 8 TO 4:30 FRED MASTRIPPOLITO JR. PHONE: 610-268-3128 LOU MASTRIPPOLITO www.aalumber.com FAX: 610-268-2947 LEADERSHIP TEAM DEVELOPMENT CHANGE MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION STRATEGIC THINKING Delaware Performance Consulting helps leaders meet the challenges of employee performance, leading change, communicating effectively, building teams that work, resource management, and anticipating future challenges. Delaware Performance Consulting A. Anthony Ciotola, President 8 Meadowbrook Lane Newark, DE 19711 Phone: 302-981-4309 Email: [email protected] JONATHAN N. SAUNDERS, M.D. KATHERYN M. WARREN, M.D. JULIA W. MACRAE, M.D. PAULA PELLEGRINI DECARO AESTHETICIAN E-62 Omega Drive Newark, De 19713 C.D.I. GRANITE & MARBLE FABRICATION, INC. KITCHEN & BATH COUNTERTOP RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL CARMINE DELSIGNORE, OWNER Kiamensi Road, Wilmington, DE Office: 302-235-7010 Cell: 302-750-1677 Fax 302-235-0739 Bafundo & Associates Roofing Siding Sheet Metal We roof it right the first time Leonard F. Bafundo (302) 654-2221 Office 802 W. 20th Street Wilmington, DE 19802 www.bafundo.com (302) 368-9611 Proper Workmanship Consistent with Correct Trade Practices for a Reasonable Price Cramer & DiMichele, P.A. Roberto DiMichele Attorney-at-Law 5305 Limestone Road, Suite 200 Wilmington, Delaware 19808 Office: 302.397.8959 www.derealestatelaw.com [email protected] Fax: 866.295.2933 Cell: 302.598-2492 7 FREE ESTIMATES BRICK BLOCK STONE CONCRETE STUCCO FLAGSTONE SLATE FOOTING Cesidio Pellegrini MASON & GENERAL CONTRACTOR 2502 ALISTER DRIVE WILMINGTON, DE 19808 TNT Thomas J. Baker CAO designer email: [email protected] Engineering * A. Marc DeCaro 2430 Hartley Place Wilmington, DE 19808 Day: (610) 524-3572 Evening: (302) 996-9261 Design * Drafting GIUSEPPE VERDI LODGE #2457 Order Sons of Italy in America 1806B Newport Gap Pike Wilmington, DE 19808 PHONE: 302-740-9660 Commercial Lines O (302) 368-0888 F (302) 368-2308 M (302) 347-9697 [email protected] 720 New London Road Newark, DE 19711
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