Filtration (MP Filtri)
Filtration (MP Filtri)
Filtration Allison Hydraulics Index Filtration Suction filters Page 3 • STR series • MPA/MPM series Return line filters Page 9 • MPF series Pressure in-line filters Page 25 • FHP series • FMP series • FMM 050 series Spin on filters Page 41 • MPS/MST series Descr;iption . ~;~:::~: STR /6.99/UK ~ MP Filtri - Filtration Technology rilter" ele..~ti1i1: M'aferiia'is ..... STR series Connection and End cap: Support tube: MPA-'MPM series Nylon Galvanized Steel Bypass valve: Nylon Connection: Aluminium End cap: Support tube: Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Nut and tie rod: Galvanized Steel Elemefitmaferi'al' Nominal filtration M Series Square wire mesh (filtration degree is defined in microns by the maximum diameter of a sphere corresponding to the mesh size). Filferihg ar'ea' Filter elements ..... STRseries Type STR I 050-:1.-2 1 070-:1.-2 4'hO 1 070-3-4 I :1.00-:1-5 1:1.00-2-341 :1.40-5 :1.40-6 3620 4160 :1.40-:1.-2 4'h0 3620 4160 3620 4160 280 -300 380-430 3450 3450 4250 4250 3450 4250 Values in em' TypeMPA MPA-'MPM'sedes I'i'PM M 60 M 90 :1.8 0-2 2 0:1.2.{):1.51 025.{)30 ....1920 . .... 480 280 I 480 480 Values I Working Temperature Bypass valve Setting pressure I Compatibility with fluids 0.' . i.. 1 . in em' STR series From -25°C to + 110°C MPA-MPM series From -40°C to + 120°C For temperature outside this range, please consult our Sales Network Organization Bypass valve, differential (STR series only) opening pressure: As per ISO 2943; suitable for mineral oils (types HH-HL-HM-HR-HV-HG as per ISO 6743/4) synthetic fluids (types HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU as per ISO 6743/4) B: 30 kPa :!:10% For water-based emulsions (type HFAE-HFAS as per ISO 6743/4) and fluids other than those mentioned, please consult our Sales Network Organization. Selection & installation information Filter elemeli't types M sel!ies Metal mesh media, available in 60,90 or 250 IJm Example- M60, M90 or M250 I The following filter setting recommendations drop of 8 kPa (0;08 bar). A ~ ",'..." Rim .. I r 1 :r: . ::-1.1:' 1 . ~ ,.. Type I B A I H H1 Ch neight 78' $0 30 0,16 Max (kg) 1 -. IN :r: I are OT '"" 1 bar = 100 kPa 0,22 .- ~ jl 42 0,30 E! Ei, 0,47 <D' x' ro' E' 69 0,68 I i B 135 0,47 70 I, 0,84 ~ I 270 Ch 20 140-6G2 Filter element 3/8" 10,0 pressure .... .......... 10,0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '3/4" -- n n - 100 , -- n >-+ -<-,- >-+ -<-,- >-. aJ <I <I 0 o. 45 Flow rate (I/min) 60 75 II III I r III1I II I",vIU 3" 0 350 525 700 Flow rate (I/min) 5,0 2,5 2,5 2,5 II IIIII D... 5,0 5,0 <I 21/2" -,.. >-. M->- >--<-,- >-+ -<-,- >-...-< 7,5 D... 30 1,30 2" 1IIIIIIIU1UJtl_u_U_Ll_I_LU 11/2" aJ aJ D... 15 330 3" NPT 7,5 7,5 0 101 drop 1/2" , I I I I I I III I III 1 I '" 1,25 0 0 50 100 150 Flow rate (I/min) [!] 200 250 175 875 Ordering code example M60 I ! Example order ......... ~ ,-,-, , ""'~ M Nominal sizes , ""'" ,...".."""."""@"'.m'.'.m=.,"""""..",."",,. 1/2" - H78 3/4" - H95 ......... 4" - Hi40 1" - H140 11/4" - 11/4" - H225 1 1/2" ' H225 2" - H225 11/2" - H160 2" - H262 ., ~@ 90 Micron rating Wire mesh ',., ." ," ,. " Selection & installation information 'Sliter.' elemen't. types M!.sellies Metal mesh media, available in 60,90 or 250 IJm Example - M60, M90 or M250 I 1 bar = 100 H H1 kPa I 11 :",,",8.',.,', ..m"""""""""'r!~4?-,MMOO,.sIiR":~ . ~ , I j Type '"" I A B 1 '.\ N ...IN ----.- MPM SERIES I 28 6,27 42 6,36 0,39 MPA SERIES 66 0,63 66 6,95 66 6,91 66 6,98 86 1,66 86 1,60 96 1,67 80 ),60 106 1,93 B Ch Filter element pressure " , , , I , 'I' , "' , , , I I I I , I , , , "3/4" 10'°lftEEEEE 7,5 IIIIIfill IIIIII 1" 11E4" C'U C'U <1 2,5 <1 15 45 30 60 Flow rate (I/min) 75 3" 5,0 2,5 0 0 1I111II111111 r 11111TITfnJ 0... 5,0 2,5 0 II I I I I I I I I I I I IA I I I I I II I I Ij 2 7,5 C'U 0... 5,0 2" 10,0 11/2" 7,5 0... <1 ' drop 3/8" 1/2" 10,0 ... 0 0 50 100 150 200 Flow rate (I/min) 250 0 175 350 525 700 Flow rate (I/min) 875 1/2" Ordering code example .. III .. III .. ... Example order .............. ..... . ............................. 430 3" MP Filtri - Filtration products replacement Data held in this publication modifications to described will only be guaranteed elements iforiginalMP and spares are used is given only for Indicative items for technical purposes. or commercial MP Filtri reserves reasons. Copyright to introduce reserved. Filtri MPF Maximum pressure 8 bar Flow rates to 750 l/min 2 MPF 020/030 Holes on the tank MPF 030 56 30 100 100 MPF 020 90 7 Ø6 89 114 Ø 94 Ø 77 M6 M6 350 Ø 126 9 Ø8 330 228 150 103 MPF 104 74 74 Holes on the tank MPF 100 115 75 75 120 170 250 MPF 100/104 9 Ø8 M8 M8 Holes on the tank MPF 180 MPF 184 Ø1 30 ,5 26 Ø1 159 Ø 175 232/441 235/444 102 88 250/460 250/460 MPF 180/184 M10 M10 460 460 MPF 190/194 MPF 190 MPF 194 Ø1 30 ,5 26 Ø1 159 Ø 175 441 444 102 88 Holes on the tank M10 M10 200 250 310 MPF 400/450/451 MPF 400/450/451 106 ,5 74 Ø1 Ø 220 290 106 240 180 97 Holes on the tank M10 106 450 MPF 750 Holes on the tank Ø 220 428 MPF 750 ,5 74 Ø1 M10 3 Recommended maximum flow rate - Pressure drop of filter assembly equal to Δp 0,5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). - Density 0,86 kg/dm3. Filtration Length A03 A06 A10 A16 A25 P10 P25 M25 M60 MPF020 1 6 9 15 16 25 26 27 30 30 MPF030 1 7 10 20 21 37 38 39 40 40 MPF100/104 1 18 26 50 55 110 110 130 250 250 2 3 31 50 40 65 80 135 90 150 160 240 170 260 190 280 360 360 360 360 4 93 110 190 220 275 300 330 380 380 1 120 135 215 230 300 320 380 445 445 2 210 235 330 350 385 385 390 445 445 MPF190/194 2 250 290 445 460 530 400 500 600 600 MPF400 1 150 175 335 340 550 385 600 680 680 2 3 230 250 250 295 440 470 455 480 660 680 550 700 690 750 750 800 750 800 MPF180/184 MPF450 MPF750 1 150 175 335 340 550 385 600 680 680 2 3 230 250 250 295 440 470 455 480 660 680 550 700 690 750 750 800 750 800 1 390 450 625 700 780 700 750 900 900 Flow rate l/min 4 Te c h n i c a l d a t a MPF Compatibility Filter housing (Materials) • Housings compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions synthetic fluids, water and glycol. • Head: Aluminium (Nylon only MPF 020) • Cover: Zytel (MPF 020/030/100/104) Aluminium (MPF 180/184/190/194/400/450/750) • Bowl: Nylon Pressure • The filter elements are compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943, Synthetic fluids Aqueous emulsions, water and glycol (series W required). • NBR seals series A, compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions synthetic fluids, water and glycol. • Working pressure: 8 bar (0,8 MPa) Temperature • FPM seals series V, compatible with: Synthetic fluids type HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU To ISO 2943 • From -25°C to +110°C Bypass valve • Opening pressure 1,75 bar ±10% • Opening pressure 3 bar ±10% Filter Element Area Filter element in stainless steel mesh Δp Elements type Length • Series N and H elements: 10 bar Type • Oil flow from exterior to interior. MF MF MF MF MF MF Seals • Standard NBR series A • Optional FPM series V 030 100 180 190 400/450 750 1 2 3 4 336 493 2496 2701 8059 781 5342 5342 3885 - 1286 4713 - 1933 - Values expressed in cm2 2 0,85 0,96 2,97 3,45 2,97 3,45 3,65 4,25 - 3 0,98 1,02 3,90 4,50 - 4 1,10 1,25 - Volumes (dm3) Length • MPF 020 • MPF 030 • MPF 100 • MPF 104 • MPF 180 • MPF 184 • MPF 190 • MPF 194 • MPF 400 • MPF 450/451 • MPF 750 1 0,26 0,29 0,64 0,64 2,50 2,65 3,70 3,70 8,45 2 0,85 0,85 4,00 4,45 4,25 4,45 4,60 4,60 - 3 1,20 1,20 5,40 5,40 - 4 1,65 1,65 - Filter housings Δp pressure drop The curves are plotted utilising mineral oil with density of 0.86 kg/dm3 to ISO 3968. Δp varies proportionally with density. MPF 020 MPF 030 0,20 0,15 Δp bar 1 0,30 0,40 0,76 0,82 2,16 2,55 3,35 3,95 6,30 0,10 0,05 0 0 16 32 48 64 80 Flow rate l/min MPF 100/104 length 1 - 2 0,60 G 1” 0,45 Δp bar Weights (kg) Length • MPF 020 • MPF 030 • MPF 100 • MPF 104 • MPF 180 • MPF 184 • MPF 190 • MPF 194 • MPF 400 • MPF 450/451 • MPF 750 G 3/4” 0,30 G 1/2” 0,15 0 0 42 84 126 Flow rate l/min 6 168 210 Valves Bypass valve pressure drop For individual filter: MPF 100/104 length 3 - 4 0,40 0,30 Δp bar G 1” MPF 020/030 5 0,20 3 bar 3,75 G 3/4” 0,10 1,75 bar Δp bar G 1/2” 0 0 60 120 180 240 2,5 300 Flow rate l/min 1,25 0 0 MPF 180/184/190/194 16 0,40 MPF 180 48 64 80 MPF 100/104 0,30 6 3 bar 0,20 1,75 bar 4,5 MPF 190 Δp bar Δp bar 32 Flow rate l/min 0,10 0 3 1,5 0 80 160 320 240 400 Flow rate l/min 0 0 70 140 210 380 350 Flow rate l/min MPF 400/450/451 length 1 0,60 0,45 MPF 180/184/190/194 G 2” G 1 1/2” 8 3 bar G 1 1/4” 0,30 Δp bar Δp bar 6 0,15 1,75 bar 4 2 0 0 140 280 420 560 700 0 Flow rate l/min 0 80 160 240 320 400 Flow rate l/min MPF 400/450/451 length 2 - 3 MPF 400/450/451/750 MPF 750 6 0,40 3 bar G 1 1/2” 0,30 4,5 1,75 bar G 1 1/4” Δp bar Δp bar G 2” 0,20 3 1,5 0,10 0 0 0 140 280 420 Flow rate l/min 560 700 0 180 360 540 720 900 Flow rate l/min 7 Dimensions MPF 020 MPF 030 106 100 103 100 G 1/8” Indicator Connection 51 22 56 13,5 30 6 (Ø 11) Connection Port Ø 66 18 89 114 45 8 Ø 12 Ø 76 14 (Ø 6,5) 25 Ø 32 Ø 59 90 A 95 Ø 11 No. 3 spotfaced Ø 6,5 No. 3 holes Ø 7 No. 2 holes Holes on the tank Holes on the tank 0° 12 ° 60 12 0° 7 Ø6 90 Ø 94 Ø 77 M6 M6 Thread connections 8 St. A G1 G4 G7 G 1/2” 1/2” NPT SAE 8 3/4” 16 UNF MPF 100 MPF 104 133 H1 133 H1 67,5 67,5 12 Ø 88 24 24 H Ø 88 H 12 28 33 28 75 74 25 Øe Øe G 1/8” Indicator Connection = 116 A 109 105 A 135 G 1/8” Indicator Connection = 52 Ø 8,5 No. 2 holes Ø 9 No. 4 holes Holes on the tank Holes on the tank Ø 126 115 45° 9 Ø8 9 Ø8 45° M8 M8 Thread connections St. A G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G 1/2” G 3/4” G 1” 1/2” NPT 3/4” NPT 1” NPT SAE 8 3/4” 16 UNF SAE 12 1 1/16” 12 UN SAE 16 1 5/16” 12 UN MPF 100/104 Length Filter H mm H1 mm mm 1 2 3 4 103 150 228 330 120 170 250 350 38 38 46,5 46,5 Øe 9 MPF 184/194 171 H1 182 H1 MPF 180/190 85,5 102 11 13 43 35 A 88 96 Ø 129 31 31 H H Ø 125,5 Øe Øe 190 G G 1/8” Indicator Connection A 156 A 166 Second connection Ø 10,7 No. 3 holes Ø 11,4 No. 4 holes G Holes on the tank Holes on the tank 0° 12 ,5 26 Ø1 Ø 159 15° Ø 175 45° 30 Ø1 IN 45° M10 Thread connections MPF 180/190 A G1 G4 G7 G 1 1/4” 1 1/4” NPT SAE 20 1 5/8” 12 UN 180 190 MPF 184 194 10 Thread connections MPF 184/194 St. St. MPF M10 St. A G G1 G2 G4 G5 G7 G8 G 1 1/4” 2 Connections G 1 1/4” 1 1/4” NPT 2 Connections 1 1/4” NPT SAE 20 1 5/8” 12 UN 2 Connections SAE 20 1 5/8” 12 UN G 1/8” G 1/8” 1/8” NPT 1/8” NPT 1/8” NPT 1/8” NPT Length Filter H mm H1 mm mm 1 2 2 235 444 444 250 460 460 47 47 50 Flange connections MPF 184/194 Length Filter H mm H1 mm Øe St. mm 1 2 2 232 441 441 250 460 460 47 47 50 Øe St. A G G 1/8” 1 1/2” SAE 3000 psi/M F1 1/8” NPT 1 1/2” SAE 3000 psi/UNC F2 G 1/8” F3 2 Connections 1 1/2” SAE 3000 psi/M F4 2 Connections 1 1/2” SAE 3000 psi/UNC 1/8” NPT MPF 450/451 H1 MPF 400 190 H1 E* Additional port Return line port 190 106 48,5 14 12,5 41 38,5 97 (Only MPF 451) Ø 173,5 38 38 H H Ø 173,5 Øe Øe Indicator connection G 1/8” Indicator connection G 1/8” Ø 11,5 Ø 11,5 Indicator connection G 126 11 0 115 5 232 220 Indicator connection G E* (Only MPF 451) A 45° A 213 211 90° Ø 220 ,5 74 Ø1 30° Holes on the tank IN M10 Thread connections MPF 400 St. A G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G 1 1/4” G 1 1/2” G 2” 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2” NPT 2” NPT SAE 20 1 5/8” 12 UN SAE 24 1 7/8” 12 UN SAE 32 2 1/2” 12 UN Thread connections MPF 450/451 St. A E* G G1 G4 G7 G 2” 2” NPT SAE 32 2 1/2” 12 UN G 3/4” 3/4” NPT SAE 12 G 1/8” 1/8” NPT 1/8” NPT MPF 400/450/451 Length Filter H mm H1 mm mm 1 2 3 180 240 290 200 250 310 51 64 64 Øe Flange connections MPF 450/451 St. A E* G F1 F2 2” SAE 3000 psi/M 2” SAE 3000 psi/UNC G 3/4” 3/4” NPT G 1/8” 1/8” NPT 11 MPF 750 450 A ccessori es 231 126 14 48,5 106 Standard Nylon extension tube Supplied not fitted H 428 Ø 173,5 38 ØA Ø 64 A 211 Indicator connection G 1/8” Ø 11,5 No. 4 holes 5 74, Ø1 90° IN 30° Ø 220 Holes on the tank M10 Thread connections MPF 750 Flange connections MPF 750 St. A St. A G1 G4 G7 G 2” 2” NPT SAE 32 2 1/2” 12 UN F1 F2 2” SAE - 3000 psi/M 2” SAE - 3000 psi/UNC 12 Code H TE25A200 TE25A250 TE25A300 TE25A350 TE25A400 TE25A450 TE25A500 TE32A200 TE32A250 TE32A300 TE32A350 TE32A400 TE32A450 TE32A500 TE40A200 TE40A250 TE40A300 TE40A350 TE40A400 TE40A450 TE40A500 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Size MPF (Option P01) Filter Length 25 030 1 32 100 - 104 1-2 100 - 104 3-4 180 - 184 1-2 ØA 40 A ccessori es Tube extension Code “H” Dimensions Filter assembled with Standard Nylon extension tube TE25A200 TE25A250 TE25A300 TE25A350 TE25A400 TE25A450 TE25A500 MPF....P01 030 TE32A200 TE32A250 TE32A300 TE32A350 100 o 104 TE32A400 TE32A450 TE32A500 100 o 104 TE40A200 180 184 H 100 o 104 TE40A250 180 184 100 o 104 TE40A300 180 184 100 o 104 TE40A350 180 ØA 184 100 o 104 TE4OA400 180 184 100 o 104 TE40A450 180 184 100 o 104 TE40A500 180 184 Filter Length 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 H 265 315 365 415 465 515 565 276 323 326 373 376 423 426 473 476 523 526 573 576 623 400 500 406 617 403 614 450 550 456 667 453 664 500 600 506 717 503 714 550 650 556 767 553 764 600 700 606 817 603 814 650 750 656 867 653 864 700 800 706 917 703 914 ØA 25 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 13 Access or ies See ordering information: Option 9 Filter MPF..............Sxx Filter assembly with Steel extension tube mounted (for filter size 190 to 750 only) Series MPF Filter Length 190/194 400/450/451 750 2 1-2-3 1 Code Options 9 H S25 S30 S35 S40 S.... H* 250 300 350 400 ...... mm mm mm mm mm * Lengths are in multiple of 50 mm Filter code example: H length= 250 mm MPF 400 1 x xx xxx x x S25 Fil ler Plug Ordering example: Filter with Filler Plug (page codes 18) MPF 100 2 x H3 xxx x.. M30 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5 11,5 Filler plug (T5) For filter sizes: If plug is required, an indicator can not be fitted to the following sizes: MPF 030 - 180 - 190 - 750 98 H 11,5 Filler plug (T5) 10° 11,5 Filler plug Code: T5 M30 x 1,5 44 14 H 030 100 104 180 190 400 450 451 750 66 72 72 80 80 86 106 106 95 Only size 184/194 Ch. 34 Series MPF 12,5 O-Ring 3106 Connection options Drain port 1/4” MPF 100 A A A MPF 104 A A A MPF 184/194 A A A MPF 400 B A A A A MPF 450/451 A A A A MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF 100 100 104 104 184/194 184/194 184/194 184/194 400 400 450/451 450/451 450/451 450/451 Connections IN A B G NPT - SAE G NPT - SAE G NPT - SAE SAE 3000/M SAE 3000/UNC G NPT - SAE G NPT - SAE SAE 3000/M SAE 3000/UNC G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT G 1/4” 1/4” NPT - Contact MP FILTRI for special ordering code 15 Spar e par ts 3a 2 3b 1 3d 3c 16 Spar e par ts Pos. Description Qty FILTER Series MPF 030 100 020 1 Filter assembly 1 See order table 2 Filter element 1 See order table 3 Seal Kit 1 Seal 3a cover 1 NBR FPM NBR FPM NBR FPM O-R 174 O-R 174 O-R 4387 O-R 4387 Ø 71,44 x 3,53 Ø 98,02 x 3,53 Ø 98,02 x 3,53 O-R 3225 O-R 4312 O-R 4312 Ø 56,82 x 2,62 Ø 78,97 x 3,53 Ø 78,97 x 3,53 1 - 3c Seal head 1 01026335 01026336 O-R 3275 O-R 6362 Ø 69,52 x 2,62 Ø 91,44 x 5,34 Length 1-2 1 O-R 4112 01026256 01026286 Length 1-2 O-R 3093 Ø 23,47 x 2,62 Ø 23,47 x 2,62 Length 3-4 O-R 4162 Qty Length 3-4 1 Filter assembly 1 See order table 2 Filter element 1 See order table 3 Seal Kit 1 Seal cover 1 Seal bowl 1 3c Seal head 1 3d Seal filter element 1 3a 3b Pos. Description NBR FPM NBR FPM O-R 4537 O-R 4512 Ø 136,10 x 3,53 Ø 129,80 x 3,53 Ø 136,10 x 3,53 O-R 6425 O-R 4512 Ø 129,80 x 3,53 Ø 107,20 x 5,34 Ø 107,20 x 5,34 O-R 6535 O-R 210 O-R 6535 O-R 210 Ø 135,89 x 5,34 Ø 133,40 x 5,34 Ø 135,89 x 5,34 Ø 133,40 x 5,34 O-R 6425 O-R 4162 O-R 4162 O-R Metric O-R Metric Ø 40,86 x 3,53 Ø 40,86 x 3,53 Ø 50 x 4 Ø 50 x 4 400 FILTER Series MPF 450 / 451 750 Qty See order table 1 See order table 3 Seal Kit 1 Seal cover 1 Seal bowl 1 Seal head 1 NBR FPM NBR FPM NBR FPM 02050061 02050062 02050461 02050462 02050106 02050107 O-R 4675 O-R 4675 O-R 4675 Ø 171 x 3,53 Ø 171 x 3,53 Ø 171 x 3,53 O-R 221 O-R 221 O-R 221 Ø 149,20 x 5,34 Ø 149,20 x 5,34 Ø 149,20 x 5,34 O-R 233 O-R 6720 O-R 6720 Ø 181 x 6,99 Ø 183,51 x 5,34 Ø 183,51 x 5,34 Length 1 1 O-R 4537 O-R 4425 1 Seal filter element FPM Ø 107,50 x 3,53 Filter element 3d NBR O-R 4425 Filter assembly 3c FPM Ø 107,50 x 3,53 2 3b 194 02050059 02050060 02050455 02050456 02050457 02050458 02050459 02050460 1 3a NBR O-R 4162 Ø 40,86 x 3,53 FILTER Series MPF 184 190 180 O-R 4112 Ø 28,17 x 3,53 Ø 28,17 x 3,53 O-R 3093 Ø 40,86 x 3,53 Pos. Description FPM Ø 71,44 x 3,53 Seal bowl Seal filter element NBR 02050438 02050439 02050055 02050056 02050057 02050058 02050350 02050408 3b 3d 104 O-R 155 Length 1 Ø 50,80 x 3,53 Length 2-3 O-R 168 Ø 65,09 x 3,53 Length 2-3 O-R 155 Ø 50,80 x 3,53 O-R 168 O-R 168 Ø 65,09 x 3,53 Ø 65,09 x 3,53 17 Or dering infor mation M PF 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9a 100 190 2 2 A V G3 G1 A06 M25 H N B E P01 S60 1 2 5 6 7 8 9b 100 190 2 2 A06 M25 H N B V E P01 P01 Filter assembly MPF Example 1: MPF Example 2: MPF Filter element MF Example 1: MF Example 2: MF 1 - Style 2 - Filter length 3 - Filter seals & Treatment Filter Filter element 020 1 020 030 030 1 030 030 100 104 100 100 104 180 184 1 1 2 2 180 184 180 190 194 400 450 451 190 400 190 194 400 450 451 1 2 2 750 1 750 750 3 4 A NBR V FPM W* NBR, head anodized Z* FPM, head anodized 3 4 - Connections 030 100 /104 180/190 MPF 184/194 400 450/451 750 G 1/2” G 1/2” G 1 1/4” G 1 1/4” G 1 1/4” G 2” G 2” G 1 1/2” - - Type G1 H1 G2 H2 - G 3/4” - G 1 1/4” 2 Connections G3 H3 - G 1” - - G 2” - - G4 H4 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/4” NPT 2” NPT 2” NPT G5 H5 - 3/4” NPT - 1 1/2” NPT - - G6 H6 - 1” NPT - 1 1/4” NPT 2 Connections - 2” NPT - - G7 H7 SAE 8 SAE 8 SAE 20 SAE 20 SAE 20 SAE 32 SAE 32 G8 H8 - SAE 12 - SAE 20 2 Connections SAE 24 - - G9 H9 - SAE 16 - SAE 16 SAE 32 - - F1 K1 - - - - F2 K2 - - - F3 K3 - - - F4 K4 - - - 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 2 x 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/M 2 x 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1/2” NPT 1/2” NPT 1 1/4” NPT - 2” SAE 2” SAE 3000 PSI/M 3000 PSI/M 2” SAE 2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 3000 PSI/UNC - - - - - - Filter with filler plug (T5) MP Filtri - The filter functions as described in this bulletin are valid exclusively for original MP Filtri filter elements and replacement parts. All rights reserved The data in this publication are purely guideline. MP Filtri reserves the right to make changes to the models described herein at any time it deems fit in relation to technical or commercial requirements. The colours of the products shown on the cover are purely guideline. Copyright. All rights reserved. 18 SERIES FHP Working pressure 420 bar Style S Style B B B B B D.I. A D.I. D.I. D.I. A A Style V Style D Style T B B D.I. D.I. A Style Z A A 53 Technical data Filter body (Materials) Filter Element Area • Head: Cast iron (chemical heat treatment) Filter element in stainless steel mesh • Housing: Steel (chemical heat treatment) Type Length • Bypass valve: Brass HP065 HP135 HP320 • Reverse Flow: Steel (only for series 320) Pressure 1 2 3 4 374 950 1650 530 2020 3645 1064 2700 5970 8280 Values expressed in cm2 • Maximum operating pressure: 420 bar (42 MPa) • Test pressure: 630 bar (63 MPa) • Burst pressure: 1250 bar (125 MPa) Pressure drops Δp Housing • Pulsed pressure fatigue test 1,000,000 of cycles with pressure from 0 to 420 bar (42 MPa) The curves are plotted using mineral oil with density of 0.86 kg/dm3 to ISO 3968. Temperature Δp varies proportional with density. • From -25°C to +110°C Bypass valve • Opening pressure 6 bar ±10% FHP 065 Filter Housing • Other opening pressures on request. Check valve Elements type Δp 1/2” 1,50 • Elements in microfibre series N-R: 20 bar • Elements in microfibre series H-S: 210 bar • Elements in stainless steel mesh series N: 20 bar • Oil flow from exterior to interior. Δp bar 3/4” Seals • Standard Nitrile (NBR) series A series V • Optional FPM 0 25 50 75 100 125 Flow rate l/min 4 • FHP 065 3.9 4.2 5.7 — • FHP 135 7.5 9.4 12 — 14.5 16.5 22.5 25.5 FHP 135 Filter Housing Check valve 3/4” 1” 1,50 3 4 • FHP 065 0.35 0.40 0.60 — • FHP 135 0.55 0.85 1.20 — • FHP 320/321 1.25 1.95 2.80 3.50 Δp bar Filter internal volumes ( dm3 ) Length 1 2 0,50 0,00 Weights without filter elements ( kg.) Length 1 2 3 • FHP 320/321 1,00 Connections In-line Inlet/Outlet Style FHP 321 inlet/outlet 90° 1,00 0,50 0,00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Flow rate l/min Compatibility • Bodies compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. Check valve • Filter elements compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. • V series FPM seals, compatible with: Synthetic fluids type HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU. To ISO 2943 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1,50 Δp bar • Nitrile (NBR) seals series A, compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. FHP 320 - 321 Filter Housing 1,00 0,50 0,00 0 100 200 300 Flow rate l/min 54 400 500 Dimensions FHP065 Recommended maximum flow rate - Pressure drop of complete filter equal to Δp 1.5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). - Density 0.86 kg/dm3. - Connections of filter under test G 3/4”. 85 38 A A 23 Filter element type H Indicator connection Plug T2 - Ch. 30 Ø 68 100 Ch. 30 Flow rate l/min Series N A03 23 22 A06 30 23 A10 48 43 A16 53 50 68 A25 72 M25 105 - A03 31 30 A06 45 35 A10 60 57 A16 64 63 77 A25 82 M25 106 - A03 53 52 A06 61 58 A10 79 78 A16 84 83 A25 94 93 M25 108 - A Threaded Connections G 1/2” 12 56 79 46 46 E Nr. 2 holes Filter Length 1 2 3 E Depth 15 mm M8 G 3/4” Ch. 24 by-pass Flow rate l/min Series H M8 1/2” NPT 5/16“ UNC 3/4” NPT 5/16“ UNC SAE 8 (3/4”- 16 UNF) 5/16“ UNC SAE 12 (1 1/16”- 12 UN) 5/16“ UNC Filter Length H mm 1 200 2 230 3 330 FHP135 Recommended maximum flow rate - Pressure drop of complete filter equal to Δp 1.5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). - Density 0.86 kg/dm3. - Connections of filter under test G 1”. Filter element type 48 A A 36 109,5 H Indicator connection Plug T2 - Ch. 30 Flow rate l/min Series N Flow rate l/min Series H A03 69 50 A06 74 57 A10 120 98 A16 129 101 A25 171 156 M25 200 - A03 110 91 Filter Length 1 A06 117 110 A10 148 136 A16 151 139 175 A25 208 M25 230 - A03 150 126 A06 153 140 A10 192 170 A16 195 179 A25 213 196 M25 232 - 2 3 Ø 77 A Threaded Connections G 3/4” M10 G 1” 125 Ch. 30 M10 3/4” NPT 3/8“ UNC 1 NPT 3/8“ UNC SAE 12 (1 1/16”- 12 UN) 3/8“ UNC SAE 16 (1 5/16”- 12 UN) 3/8“ UNC A Flanged Connections By-pass Ch. 30 E Depth 15 mm E Depth 15 mm 3/4” SAE 3000 psi/M M10 1” SAE 3000 psi/M M10 3/4” SAE 3000 psi/UNC 3/8” UNC 1” SAE 3000 psi/UNC 3/8” UNC 3/4” SAE 6000 psi/M M10 3/4” SAE 6000 psi/UNC 3/8” UNC Ø 95 57,2 59 E nr. 3 holes 40,5 Filter Length H mm 1 260 2 373 3 448 57 Ordering information FHP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 135 1 S A G1 A03 H P01 1 2 4 6 7 8b 135 1 A A03 H P01 Filter assembly FHP Example: FHP Filter element HP Example: HP 6 - Filter elements 1 - Size 065 135 320 A03 Inorganic microfibre 3 µ A06 Inorganic microfibre 6 µ A10 Inorganic microfibre 10 µ A16 Inorganic microfibre 16 µ A25 Inorganic microfibre 25 µ M25 Stainless steel mesh 25 µ (style N only) ßx (c) ≥ 1000 See page 10 321 2 - Filter length 1 2 7 - Filter elements differential pressure 3 4 N 20 bar R (Filter with Reverse Flow + bypass) H 210 bar S (Filter with Reverse Flow) (only for FHP 320-321) 3 - Valves 8 - Options a) Filter S Without bypass B With bypass D With bypass + chek valve* P01 MP Standard filters V With Reverse Flow* (only for FHP 320) P02 Maintenance from base of housing (FHP 320 - 4 only) Z With Reverse Flow + bypass (only for FHP 320) Pxx Customer request With bypass + chek valve* T (only for FHP 320) b) Filter element *Reduced cross-section oilways 4 - Seals A NBR V FPM P01 MP Filtri standard Pxx Customer request 5 - Connections Type 065 135 320 321 G1 G 1/2” G 3/4” G 1 1/4” G 1 1/4” G2 G 3/4” G 1” G 1 1/2” G 1 1/2” G3 1/2” NPT 3/4” NPT 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/4” NPT G4 3/4” NPT 1” NPT 1 1/2” NPT 1 1/2” NPT G5 SAE 8 SAE 12 SAE 20 SAE 20 G6 SAE 12 SAE 16 SAE 24 SAE 24 F1 - 3/4” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1 1/4” SAE 3000 PSI/M - F2 - 1” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/M - F3 - 3/4” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1 1/4” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC - F4 - 1” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC - F5 - 3/4” SAE 6000 PSI/M 1 1/4” SAE 6000 PSI/M - F6 - 3/4” SAE 6000 PSI/UNC 1 1/4” SAE 6000 PSI/UNC - DIFFERENTIAL INDICATORS (see page 15) MP Filtri - The filter functions as described in this bulletin are valid exclusively for original MP Filtri filter elements and replacement par ts. All rights reser ved The data in this publication is marketing information. MP Filtri reserves the right to make changes to the product described herein at any time it deems fit in relation to technical or commercial requirements. The colors of the products shown on the cover are for illustration purposes only. Copyright. All rights reserved. 61 SERIES FMP Working pressure 280 bar Style S Style B Style T D.I. A B B B Style Z B B B D.I. Style V Style D D.I. D.I. A A D.I. D.I. A A A 37 Technical data Filter body (Materials) Filter Element Area • Head: Cast iron (chemical heat treatment) Filter element in stainless steel mesh • Housing: Cast iron (chemical heat treatment) Type Length • Bypass valve: Brass 1 374 950 1650 HP065 HP135 HP320 • Reverse Flow: Steel (series 135 - 320 only) • Check valve: Steel 2 3 4 530 1064 2020 2700 3645 5970 8280 Values expressed in cm2 Pressure • Maximum operating pressure: 280 bar (28 MPa) Pressure drops Δp Housing • Test pressure: 420 bar (42 MPa) The curves are plotted using mineral oil with density of 0.86 kg/dm3 to ISO 3968. • Burst pressure: 840 bar (84 MPa) • Pulsed pressure fatigue test 1,000,000 cycles with pressure from 0 to 280 bar (28 MPa) Δp varies proportional with density. Temperature Filter Housing • From -25°C to +110°C Bypass valve FMP 065 Check valve • Opening pressure 6 bar ±10% 1/2” 1,50 • Other opening pressures on request. 3/4” Elements type Δp • Mircrofibre elements series N-R: 20 bar • Elements in stainless steel mesh series N: 20 bar • Elements in microfibre series Δp bar 1,00 0,50 H-S: 210 bar • Oil flow from exterior to interior. 0,00 0 Seals • Standard Nitrile (NBR) series A • Optional FPM series V 25 75 50 100 125 Flow rate l/min Filter Housing 4 • FMP 065 3.0 3.4 5.2 — • FMP 135 6.0 8.2 12.0 — • FMP 320 12.7 14.7 Filter internal volumes ( dm3 ) Length 1 2 20.7 23.7 3 4 • FMP 065 0.38 0.45 0.67 — • FMP 135 0.40 1.02 1.24 — • FMP 320 1.61 2.61 3.27 4.20 FMP 135 Check valve 3/4” 1” 200 250 1,50 Δp bar Weights without filter elements ( kg) Length 1 2 3 1,00 0,50 0,00 0 Connections In-line Inlet/Outlet 50 100 150 Flow rate l/min Compatibility • Bodies compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. Filter Housing Check valve • Filter elements compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. 1,50 • Nitrile (NBR) seals series A, compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. 1,00 1 1/4” 1 1/2” Δp bar • V series FPM seals, compatible with: Synthetic fluids type HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU. To ISO 2943 0,50 0,00 0 100 200 300 Flow rate l/min 38 FMP 320 400 500 Dimensions FMP 065 Recommended maximum flow rate - Pressure drop of complete filter equal to Δp 1.5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). 85 - Density 0.86 kg/dm3. Filter element type H A A 28 - Connections of filter under test G 3/4”. 100 Ø 68 Flow rate l/min Series N Flow rate l/min Series H A03 23 22 A06 30 23 A10 48 43 A16 53 50 A25 72 68 M25 105 - A03 31 30 A06 45 35 A10 60 57 A16 64 63 A25 82 77 M25 106 - A03 53 52 A06 61 58 A10 79 78 A16 84 83 A25 94 93 M25 108 - A Threaded Connections Side B Standard position for bypass valve Ch. 30 G 1/2” 46 106 12 Indicator and bypass valve positions can be inverted. 40 2 3 E Depth 15 mm 5/16“ UNC M8 3/4” NPT 5/16“ UNC SAE 8 (3/4”- 16 UNF) 5/16” UNC SAE 12 (1 1/16”- 12 UN) 5/16“ UNC E 2 fixing holes Ch. 30 1 M8 1/2” NPT G 3/4” Side C Alternative position for bypass valve Filter Length Filter Length H mm 1 169 2 200 3 302 FMP 135 Recommended maximum flow rate - Pressure drop of complete filter equal to Δp 1.5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). - Density 0.86 kg/dm3. 104 H A A 38 - Connections of filter under test G 1”. Ø 77 125 Ch. 30 Filter element type Flow rate l/min Series N A03 69 A06 74 57 A10 120 98 A16 129 101 A25 171 156 M25 200 - A03 110 91 117 110 A10 148 136 A16 151 139 175 A25 208 M25 230 - A03 150 126 A06 153 140 A10 192 170 A16 195 179 A25 213 196 M25 232 - 60 E nr.. 3 fixing holes 106 Ch. 30 Indicator and bypass valve positions can be inverted. 3 E Depth 15 mm 3/8“ UNC G 1” M10 1” NPT 3/8“ UNC SAE 12 (1 1/16”- 12 UN) 3/8“ UNC SAE 16 (1 5/16”- 12 UN) 3/8“ UNC A Flanged Connections Side C Bypass valve alternative position 2 M10 3/4” NPT 40,6 1 A06 G 3/4” Ch. 30 Filter Length 50 A Threaded Connections Side B Bypass valve standard position Flow rate l/min Series H B Depth 15 mm 3/4” SAE 3000 psi/M M10 3/4” SAE 3000 psi/UNC 3/8” UNC 1” SAE 3000 psi/M M10 1” SAE 3000 psi/UNC 3/8” UNC Filter Length H mm 1 220 2 333 3 408 41 Ordering information FMP Filter assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 065 2 B A G1 A03 N P01 1 2 6 4 7 8b 065 2 A03 A N P01 FMP Example: FMP Filter element HP Example: HP 6 - Filter elements 1 - Size 065 A03 Inorganic microfibre 3 µ 135 A06 Inorganic microfibre 6 µ 320 A10 Inorganic microfibre 10 µ 2 - Filter length A16 Inorganic microfibre 16 µ A25 Inorganic microfibre 25 µ M25 Stainless steel mesh 25 µ (style N only) 1 ßx (c) ≥ 1000 See page 10 2 3 4 7 - Filter elements collapse pressure (only for FMP 320) 3 - Valves S Without bypass side B - Optional B With bypass side B - Standard C With bypass side C - Optional D With bypass side B + check valve* V (Only for size 320) N 20 bar H 210 bar R 20 bar (Filter with reverse flow + bypass) S Z 210 bar (Filter with reverse flow) 8 - Options a) Filter With Reverse Flow* With Reverse Flow + bypass* P01 MP Standard filters P02 Maintenance from housing base (only for FMP 320 - 4) Pxx Customer request (Only for size 320) T Without bypass + check valve* E Without bypass side C - Optional *Reduced cross-section oilways 4 - Seals b) Filter element A NBR P01 MP Filtri standard V FPM Pxx Customer request 5 - Connections Type G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 F1 F2 F3 F4 065 135 G 1/2” G 3/4” G 3/4” G 1” 1/2” NPT 3/4” NPT 3/4” NPT 1” NPT SAE 8 (3/4” 16 UNF) SAE 12 (1 - 1/16” 12 UN) SAE 12 (1 - 1/16” 12 UN) SAE 16 (1 - 5/16” 12 UN) 3/4” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1” SAE 3000 PSI/M 3/4” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 320 G 1 1/4” G 1 1/2” 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2” NPT SAE 20 (1 5/8” 12 UN) SAE 24 (1 7/8” 12 UN) 1 - 1/4” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1 - 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1 - 1/4” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1 - 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC DIFFERENTIAL INDICATORS (see page 15) MP Filtri - The filter functions as described in this bulletin are valid exclusively for original MP Filtri filter elements and replacement par ts. All rights reser ved The data in this publication is marketing information. MP Filtri reserves the right to make changes to the product described herein at any time it deems fit in relation to technical or commercial requirements. The colors of the products shown on the cover are for illustration purposes only. Copyright. All rights reserved. 45 SERIES FMM 050 Working pressure 280 bar Style S Style B B D.I. Style D B B B D.I. A Style T D.I. D.I. A A A 31 Technical data Filter body (Materials) • Head: Cast iron (chemical heat treatment) • Nitrile (NBR) seals series A, compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. • Bypass valve: Steel • V series FPM seals, compatible with: Synthetic fluids type HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU. To ISO 2943 Pressure Filter Element Area • Working pressure: 280 bar (28 MPa) Filter element in stainless steel mesh • Test pressure: 420 bar (42 MPa) Type • Housing: Steel (chemical heat treatment) Length • Burst pressure: 840 bar (84 MPa) 1 450 HP050 • Pulsed pressure fatigue test 1,000,000 of cycles with variable pressure from 0 to 280 bar (28 MPa) 2 3 4 5 700 1000 1300 2100 Values expressed in cm2 Pressure drops Δp Housing The curves are plotted using mineral oil with density of 0.86 kg/dm3 to ISO 3968. Temperature • From -25°C to +110°C Δp varies proportional with density. Bypass valve Filter Housing • Opening pressure 6 bar ±10% 1/2” • Other opening pressures on request. 3/4” 1,50 Elements type Δp N: 20 bar • Microfibre filter elements series H: 210 bar • Stainless steel mesh elements series N: 20 bar 1,00 Δp bar • Microfibre filter elements series 0,50 • Oil flow from exterior to interior. Seals 0,00 • Standard Nitrile (NBR) series A • Optional FPM 0 30 series V 3.9 10 • FMM050 - 4 4.5 • FMM050 - 3 0.58 • FMM050 - 4 0.69 • FMM050 - 5 0.86 120 150 Δp bar • FMM050 - 3 0.48 150 Bypass valve pressure drops 15 • FMM050 - 2 120 Flow rate I/min Weights without filter elements ( kg) Length • FMM050 - 1 2.6 • FMM050 - 2 3.6 • FMM050 - 5 6.1 Filter internal volumes ( dm3 ) Length • FMM050 - 1 0.38 90 60 5 0 0 30 90 60 Flow rate I/min Filter housing with check valve Connections In-line Inlet/Outlet 4,50 • Bodies compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. • Filter elements compatible with: Mineral oils to ISO 2943 - aqueous emulsions Synthetic fluids, water/glycol. Δp bar Compatibility 3,00 1,50 0,00 0 20 40 60 Flow rate I/min 32 80 100 FMM 050 Dimensions Recommended maximum flow rate 12 90 Indicator connection Plug T2 Ch. 30 - Pressure drop of complete filter equal to Δp 1.5 bar. - Oil kinematic viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). - Connections of filter under test G 3/4”. H A A 23 - Density 0.86 kg/dm3. Ø 68 100 Ch. 30 25 27,5 25 With standard indicator E Nr. 3 holes Indicator Position 60,6 PLUG T2 Ch. 30 55 27,5 98 25 Option P03 with indicator at 90° E Nr. 3 holes 60,6 Indicator Position PLUG T2 Ch. 30 Note. Differential indicator versions are supplied with plug T2. Filter element type Flow rate l/min Series N Flow rate l/min Series H A03 44 30 A06 44 40 A10 80 58 A16 82 60 A25 110 75 M25 140 - A03 53 45 A06 58 50 A10 87 78 A16 100 90 119 A25 125 M25 140 - A03 68 59 A06 71 62 A10 100 92 A16 110 100 A25 135 130 M25 140 - A03 85 75 A06 92 82 A10 118 106 A16 120 112 A25 135 135 M25 145 - A03 110 94 A06 112 98 A10 130 112 A16 135 120 A25 140 140 M25 152 - A Threaded Connections 1 2 3 4 5 E Depth 15 mm 18X1,5 ISO 6149 M10 22X1,5 ISO 6149 M10 G 1/2” M10 G 3/4” M10 1/2” NPT 3/8“ UNC 3/4” NPT 3/8“ UNC SAE 8 (3/4” - 16 UNF) 3/8“ UNC SAE 12 (1 1/16” - 12 UN) 3/8“ UNC Filter Length H mm 1 158 2 195 3 237 4 285 5 407 Filter Length 33 Ordering information FMM050 Filter assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 2 B A C A10 N P01 1 5 3 6 7b 2 A10 A N P01 FMM 050 Example: HP050 Filter element HP 050 Example: HP050 1 - Filter lengths 5 - Filter elements 1 A03 Inorganic microfibre 3 µ A06 Inorganic microfibre 6 µ 3 A10 Inorganic microfibre 10 µ 4 A16 Inorganic microfibre 16 µ 5 A25 Inorganic microfibre 25 µ M25 Stainless steel mesh 25 µ (N style only) 2 2 - Bypass valve S Without bypass B With bypass T Without bypass + check valve* D With bypass + check valve* ≥ 1000 see page 10 ßx (c) 6 - Filter elements differential pressure N 20 bar S 210 bar 7 - Options *Reduced cross-section oilways a) Filter 3 - Seals A NBR V FPM 4 - Threaded connections P01 Standard threaded connection for indicator P02 Without threaded connection for indicator P03 Threaded connection for indicator at 90° Pxx Customer request Filter element A M18X1.5 ISO 6149 B M22X1.5 ISO 6149 P01 MP Filtri standard C G 1/2” Pxx Customer request D G 3/4” DIFFERENTIAL INDICATORS (see page 15) E 1/2” NPT F 3/4” NPT G SAE 8 (3/4” - 16 UNF) H SAE 12 (1 1/16” - 12 UN) b) MP Filtri - The filter functions as described in this bulletin are valid exclusively for original MP Filtri filter elements and replacement par ts. All rights reser ved The data in this publication is marketing information. MP Filtri reserves the right to make changes to the product described herein at any time it deems fit in relation to technical or commercial requirements. The colors of the products shown on the cover are for illustration purposes only. Copyright. All rights reserved. 35 D e s c r i p t i o n MPS/MST The MPS spin-on filter series is a complete product range suitable, for both suction and return applications. Utilising spin-on canisters, the MPS series are quick and easy to service and provide a ‘clean’ solution when changing elements. The filter elements are either resin-impregnated paper (ßx>2), glass fibre (ßx≥200) or square wire mesh. The unique filter head is designed for both European CS and American CG standard canister series. One head design series accomodates both styles of elements. Also available is a new design utilizing a pressure differential visual and electrical indicators - ideal for lubrication applications. MPS filters are specifically designed for contamination control in hydraulic and lubrication circuits for mobile applications, agricultural and machine tool systems. The CW series of canister removes water from oil while filtering the oil at the same time. Water absorbent polymers up to 800 times their own weight, provide this major feature. Water holding capacities: - CW 050 - 240 ml. CW 150 - 788 ml. DIFFERENTIAL INDICATORS For Use with series “1” filter heads. New absolute filter elements independently tested in the following Institutes: For Use with series “0” filter head. SUCTION INDICATORS ELECTRICAL VISUAL RETURN LINE INDICATORS VISUAL UNI EN ISO 9001 N° 037/98 ELECTRICAL MPS 050/3.2000/UK 2 MP Filtri - Filtration technology Filter element: Materials End caps: Support tube: Support frames: Galvanized steel Galvanized steel Galvanized steel with an epoxy coating A Series MP Filter elements - Conform to the following ISO standards Inorganic microfibre Pre-filtration and External support media ISO 2941 - Verification of collapse/burst resistance. ISO 2942 - Verification of fabrication integrity and determination of the first bubble point. ISO 2943 - Verification of material compatibility with fluids. ISO 3723 - Method for end load test. Inner support tube External wire mesh Microfibre filtration media ISO 3724 - Verification of flow fatigue characteristics. ISO 3968 - Evaluation of pressure drop versus flow characteristics. ISO 16889 - Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance. Internal wire mesh Internal support media Element material Absolute filtration A Series Contamination retention as per ISO 16889: Multi-pass test. Inorganic microfibre with acrilic support Dimensions for ß (µm) values New improved ß ≥ 200 filter elements with greater efficiency and increased dirt holding capacity Filter elements Filtration ratios ß ≥ 75 ß ≥ 200 (98,7%) (99,5%) ß≥2 (50%) ß ≥ 20 (95%) A03 – 2 2,4 A06 – 3 4,6 A10 3 6 A25 13 19 ∆P (bar) ß2 ß10 ß20 3 20 > 10.000 > 10.000 7 6 8 > 2.000 > 10.000 7 7,8 10 1,5 ≥ > 10.000 7 22 25 – > 200 1,5 > 35 7 N.B. Other materials giving different degrees of filtration are available on request. Filtering area Filter elements Type CS-CG-CT 050 070 100 150 A03/A06 1900 3160 3950 5390 A10/A25 1900 3160 3950 5390 Values in cm2 Element material Nominal filtration P Series M Series Resin - impregnated paper Square wire mesh (filtration degree is defined in microns by the maximum diameter of a sphere corresponding to the mesh size) Type Filtering area Filter elements CS-CG-CT 050 070 100 150 P10/P25 2440 4140 4300 5760 M25 1000 1270 1990 2400 M60 1000 1270 1990 2400 M90 1000 1270 1990 2400 Values in cm2 3 CWSeries Resin - impregnated paper Type CW 050 150 P10/P25 2000 3050 MP Filtri - Specification Materials Head Bypass valve Aluminium Nylon Seals Indicator A Series: Nitrile (Buna-N) V Series: Viton Brass Working temperature Pressure filter body From -25 to +110°C For temperatures outside this range, please consult our Sales Network Organization Maximum working pressure up to Collapse pressure filter elements Bypass valve Calibration pressure 12 bar 4 bar Bypass valve, differential opening pressure: S series: 0,3 bar ± 10% (MPS series only) R series: 1,75 bar ± 10% Types of indicators for MPS series “0” (MPS 050-070-100…) and MST series Description: MPS series filters are fitted with indicators switching: Suction filters at a pressure of: Line filters at a pressure of: Return filter at a pressure of: 20 kPa ± 10% 1,3 bar ± 10% (MPS series only) 1,3 bar ± 10% (MPS-MST series only) Suction filter: (MPS series only) VS vacuum switch scale 0 - 76 cm Hg Return and line filter VA Pressure gauge VR colour coded pressure gauge scale 0 - 12 bar scale 0 - 6 bar 1 Kpa = 0.01 bar Visual indicator Electrical indicator Suction filter (MPS series only) E0 Vacuum switch with change over contact Return filter ER Pressure switch with N.O. contacts EC Pressure switch with N.C. contacts Operational information: Switching at 20kPa ± 10% Max voltage: 250V 50÷60 Hz Max current: 5 A resistive, 2 A inductive Protection degree IP65 Switching at 1,3 bar ± 10% Max voltage: 48V 50÷60 Hz Max current: 0,5A resistive 0,2A inductive Types of indicators for MPS series “1” (MPS 051-071-101-151-301-351) MPS filter series 1 (051-071-101… and so on) are fitted with, differential style indicators. Visual indicator Electrical indicator Visual-electrical indicator 1V - Z1 Series for Filter with bypass set to 1,75 bar V6 - Z6 Series for Filter without bypass switching at 1,2 bar ± 10% N1 Series for Filter with bypass set to 1,75 bar for Filter without bypass switching at 1,2 bar ± 10% 1E - K1* Series for Filter with bypass set to 1,75 bar E6 - K6* Series for Filter without bypass switching at 1,2 bar ± 10% N6 Series switching at 2 bar ± 10% switching at 2 bar ± 10% switching at 2 bar ± 10% *For K visual-electrical indicator, specify the voltage (il. K61 = LED: 24 volt) 4 { * 1 - 24 Volt 2 - 115 Volt 3 - 230 Volt MP Fluid Compatibility Filtri Filter head and bowls compatible for use with: • mineral oils (types HH-HL-HM-HR-HV-HG as per ISO 6743/4) • water-based emulsions (types HFAE-HFAS as per ISO 6743/4) • synthetic fluids (types HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU as per ISO 6743/4) • water-glycol (types HFC as per ISO 6743/4) Seals A Series Nitrile (Buna-N) compatible with mineral oils (types HH-HL-HM-HR-HV-HG as per ISO 6743/4) - Specification water-based emulsions (types HFAE-HFAS as per ISO 6743/4) water - glycol (types HFC as per ISO 6743/4) V Series Viton compatible with synthetic fluids (types HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU as per ISO 6743/4) Filter elements As per ISO 2943; suitable for mineral oils (types HH-HL-HM-HR-HV-HG as per ISO 6743/4) and synthetic fluids (A and M series only) (types HS-HFDR-HFDS-HFDU as per ISO 6743/4) For water-based emulsions (types HFAE-HFAS as per ISO 6743/4) and fluids other than those mentioned, please consult our Sales Network Organization. International standards for contamination fluid control A general (no direct) comparison between ISO 4406 and NAS 1638 is given in table below. Contamination codes ISO 4406 Correspondent codes NAS 1638 Recommended filtration degree Typical applications B x ≥ 200 4µm(c) 6µm(c) 14µm(c) 14 12 9 3 3 17 15 12 6 3-6 18 16 13 7 10-12 Very sensitive - high reliability systems 20 18 15 9 12-15 Sensitive - reliable systems 21 19 16 10 15-25 General equipment of limited reliability 23 21 18 12 25-40 Low - pressure equipment not in continuous service 6 High precision and laboratory servo-systems Robotic and servo-systems Selection installation information & Filter elements types A Series P Series M Series Absolute inorganic microfibre filtration media, available in 3, 6, 10 and 25 micron Example - A03, A06, A10 or A25 Nominal cellulose impregnated paper media, available in 10 and 25 micron. Example - P10 or P25 Metal mesh media, available in 25, 60, and 90 micron. Example - M25, M60 or M90. Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter and 8 kPa for suction filter. Indicator port for return line filter MPS SERIES 050-051 SIZES C - No. 2 Threaded holes 5 IN MPS 050-071 OUT Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE * * A03 40 9 A06 44 11 A10 48 14 A25 58 18 P10 55 16 M60-M90 – 24 H H1 A A 22 Indicator port for suction line filter Lengths Type H H1 050-051 180 200 070-071 248 268 * 45 11 A06 49 13 A10 53 15 A25 63 20 P10 58 18 M60-M90 – 26 28,5 38 38 ø 75.5 38 60 B * A03 Indicator port 24 95 SEE 1,0 TABLE BELOW Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE MPS 051-071 Series 14 23 ** MPS SERIES 070-071 SIZES Ø 96 MPS 050-070 Series Weight kg 95 Weight kg ** SEE 1,3 TABLE BELOW ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 2 Indicator for suction filter MPS 050-070 (only for option G1-G5) VS Thread connections EO 1/8” BSP 59 A/F 14 92 30 Revolving ø 40 PG 11 ø Cable 8/10 34 9 A/F 14 Type A B C G1 3/4” BSP 1/8” BSP M6 G2 3/4” NPT 1/8” NPT 1/4” UNC G3 SAE 12 - 1 1/16” - 12 UN 1/8” NPT 1/4” UNC G4 SAE 8 - 3/4” - 16 UNF G5 1” BSP 1/8” BSP G6 1” NPT 1/8” NPT 1/4” UNC 1/8” NPT 1/4” UNC M6 1/8” BSP Suction filter - Housing pressure drop Indicator for return filter MPS 050-070 (only for option G1-G5) ER - EC 56 43 ø 40 1/8” BSP ø 30 Pg 7 A/F.24 31 1/8” BSP A/F.14 ∆p (kPa) VR - VA 10 7,5 5 2,5 34 0 0 5 10 Indicator for line filter MPS 051-071 38 38.5 38 A/F 30 A/F 32 N K ∆p (bar) 76 65 65 42 35 41 A/F 32 V 25 30 0,4 A/F 30 Z 20 Return line filter - Housing pressure drop Led A/F 30 15 Flow rate l/min 0,3 0,2 0,1 E 0 0 15 30 45 Flow rate l/min 7 60 75 90 Selection installation information & Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter and 8 kPa for suction filter. MPS SERIES 100-101 SIZES C - No. 2 Threaded holes A 7 30 Indicator port for return line filter MPS 100-151 IN OUT Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE Indicator port for suction line filter H H1 Lengths A06 85 19 A10 110 25 A25 140 40 H H1 P10 130 35 100-101 241 266 M60-M90 – 65 150-151 286 311 1 1/4” * * A03 85 18 A06 100 22 A10 115 30 A25 160 45 P10 150 40 M60-M90 – 68 35 28 32 50 ø 133 Indicator port 38 53 ** 2,2 MPS SERIES 150-151 SIZES MPS 101-151 Series B 50 16 Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE MPS 100-150 Series 94 * 75 Type Ø 129 16 * A03 Weight kg 1 1/4” Weight kg ** 2,3 ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 2 133 Thread connections 133 Indicator for suction filter MPS 100-150 (only for option G1) VS EO Type A B C G1 1 1/4” BSP 1/8” BSP M8 G2 1 1/4” NPT 1/8” NPT 5/16” UNC G3 SAE 20 - 1 5/8” - 12 UN 1/8” NPT 5/16” UNC 1/8” BSP 59 A/F 14 30 Revolving Suction filter - Housing pressure drop 92 10 PG 11 ø Cable 8/10 34 ∆p (kPa) ø 40 9 A/F 14 1/8” BSP Indicator for return filter MPS 100-150 VR - VA 2,5 56 43 1/8” BSP ø 30 0 0 A/F.24 38.5 38 76 65 65 42 41 35 90 0,3 0,2 0 0 35 70 105 140 Flow rate l/min A/F 32 A/F 30 A/F 30 A/F 32 N 75 0,1 Led V 60 Return line filter - Housing pressure drop ∆p (bar) 38 45 0,4 Indicator for line filter MPS 101-151 Z 30 Flow rate l/min 34 A/F 30 15 Pg 7 31 1/8” BSP ø 40 5 (only for option G1) ER - EC A/F.14 7,5 K E 8 175 210 Selection installation information & Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter and 8 kPa for suction filter. MPS SERIES 200 SIZES Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE * * A03 130 30 A06 170 45 A10 220 65 A25 290 110 P10 270 100 M60-M90 – 120 H H1 MPS 200-250 70 46 75 ** 1 1/2” 4,0 MPS SERIES 250 SIZES OUT IN A 59 Weight kg C B Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE Thread connection for indicator (return) * * A03 180 50 A06 210 60 A10 250 80 A25 310 125 P10 280 118 M60-M90 – 130 H1 H Thread connection for indicator (suction) Weight kg 1 1/2” ** 4,2 ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 2 140 Ø 129 Thread connections Lengths Type H H1 200 216 241 250 261 286 Type A B C G1 1 1/2” BSP 1/8” BSP M10 G2 1 1/2” NPT 1/8” NPT 3/8” UNC G3 SAE 24 - 1 7/8” - 12 UN 1/8” NPT 3/8” UNC Suction filter - Housing pressure drop 10 (only for option G1) EO 59 A/F 14 Revolving ø 40 7,5 5 2,5 30 92 1/8” BSP VS ∆p (kPa) Indicator for suction filter 0 PG 11 0 25 ø Cable 8/10 34 50 75 100 125 150 Flow rate l/min A/F 14 9 Return line filter - Housing pressure drop 0,4 Indicator for return filter (only for option G1) ER - EC 1/8” BSP ø 30 1/8” BSP A/F.14 56 43 0,3 0,2 0,1 Pg 7 0 A/F.24 31 VR - VA ø 40 ∆p (bar) 1/8” BSP 0 60 120 180 240 Flow rate l/min 34 9 300 360 Selection installation information & Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter and 8 kPa for suction filter. D F - No. 4 Threaded holes 47 MPS SERIES 300-301 SIZES B E MPS 300-351 Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE * * A03 130 30 A06 170 45 A10 220 65 A25 290 110 P10 270 100 M60-M90 – 120 H1 H Thread connection for indicator (return line) Type H H1 300-301 265 290 350-351 310 335 * * A03 180 50 A06 210 60 A10 250 80 A25 310 125 P10 280 118 M60-M90 – 130 150 A Thread connection for indicator (suction) 5,4 Weight kg 1 1/2” ** 5,6 C OUT Indicator port for MPS 301-351 60 130 1 1/2” Line Flow Suction Flow Filter Port size rate l/min rate l/min assembly BSP/NPT/SAE 283 Thread connection for indicator (suction) ** MPS SERIES 350-351 SIZES Lengths Ø 129 Weight kg ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 54 2 IN Thread connection for indicator (return line) Thread connection for indicator (return line) A Thread connections 186 Indicator for suction filter MPS 300-350 A B C G1 1 1/2” BSP 1/8” BSP M10 G2 1 1/2” NPT 1/8” NPT 3/8” UNC G3 SAE 24 - 1 7/8” - 12 UN 1/8” NPT 3/8” UNC EO 59 Flange connections A/F 14 Revolving 30 1/8” BSP VS (only for option G1-G5-F1) Type Type 92 F2 ø 40 A F1 B 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/M 1/8” BSP C D E F M12 69,85 35,71 M12 1 1/2” SAE 3000 PSI/UNC 1/8” NPT 1/2” UNC 69,85 35,71 1/2” UNC PG 11 Suction filter - Housing pressure drop ø Cable 8/10 34 10 1/8” BSP 7,5 Indicator for return filter MPS 300-350 VR - VA 56 43 1/8” BSP ø 30 5 2,5 Pg 7 0 A/F.24 0 31 1/8” BSP (only for option G1-G5-F1) ER - EC A/F.14 ø 40 ∆p (kPa) 9 A/F 14 25 50 75 100 125 150 Flow rate l/min 34 Return line filter - Housing pressure drop 0,4 Indicator for line filter MPS 301-351 38.5 38 ∆p (bar) 38 A/F 30 76 65 65 42 41 35 Led 0,1 0 A/F 30 A/F 32 V 0,2 0 A/F 32 A/F 30 Z 0,3 N K E 10 60 120 180 240 Flow rate l/min 300 360 Selection installation information & Filter elements types A Series P Series M Series Absolute inorganic microfibre filtration media, available in 3, 6, 10 and 25 micron Example - A03, A06, A10 or A25 Nominal cellulose impregnated paper media, available in 10 and 25 micron. Example - P10 or P25 Metal mesh media, available in 25, 60, and 90 micron. Example - M25, M60 or M90. Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter. MST SERIES 050 SIZES 90 MST 050-070 70 A Filter assembly Flow rate l/min * 70 56 Ø7 Indicator port A03 42 A06 50 A10 65 A25 75 P10 68 Port size BSP/NPT/SAE Weight kg ** 3/4” 1,2 MST SERIES 070 SIZES Indicator port Filter assembly Ø 96 Flow rate l/min * A03 55 A06 60 A10 68 A25 80 P10 76 Port size BSP/NPT/SAE Weight kg ** 3/4” 1,5 ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 2 Type A B G1 3/4” BSP 1/8” BSP G2 3/4” NPT 1/8” NPT G3 SAE 8 - 3/4” - 16 UN 1/8” NPT Lengths Type H H1 050 190 208 070 265 283 9 25 H H1 B - No. 2 Threaded holes Thread connections A Ø 108 Housing pressure drop Indicator ∆p (bar) 0,4 (only for option G1) 0 ER - EC 0 56 43 20 40 60 Flow rate l/min Pg 7 A/F.24 31 1/8” BSP ø 30 1/8” BSP A/F.14 34 0,2 0,1 VR - VA ø 40 0,3 13 80 100 120 Selection installation information & Please refer to individual pressure drop cur ves to obtain filter assembly pressure drop information The following filter sizing recommendations are based using a mineral oil fluid at 30 mm2/s (cSt) with a maximum total filter assembly (housing and filter element) pressure drop of 30% of the filter condition indicator (0.4 bar) for line and return filter. MST SERIES 100 SIZES MST 100-150 122 Filter assembly Flow rate l/min * 100 100 72 Weight kg ** 80 A03 Ø9 A Port size BSP/NPT/SAE A06 90 A10 125 A25 185 P10 175 1 1/2” 2,3 MST SERIES 150 SIZES Indicator port Indicator port Filter assembly Ø 129 Flow rate l/min * A03 90 A06 110 A10 140 A25 210 P10 190 Port size BSP/NPT/SAE Weight kg ** 1 1/2” 2,4 ** Flow rates with 30 mm /s fluid viscosity ** Weight including filter element 2 Type A B G1 1 1/2” BSP 1/8” BSP G2 1 1/2” NPT 1/8” NPT G3 SAE 20 - 1 5/8” - 12 UN 1/8” NPT Lengths Type H H1 100 250 275 150 280 305 36 H H1 B - No. 2 Threaded holes Thread connections 9 Housing pressure drop A 0,4 ∆p (bar) Ø 133 0,3 0,2 0,1 (only for option G1) 0 1/8” BSP ø 30 1/8” BSP A/F.14 ø 40 0 ER - EC VR - VA 56 43 50 100 150 200 Flow rate l/min Pg 7 A/F.24 31 Indicator 34 14 250 300 Pressure drop information General Pressure drop versus flow rate curve information for both housing and filter elements is in accordance with ISO 3968 Filter assembly pressure drop - ∆p Total = ∆p Housing + ∆p Filter element Housing pressure drop - The housing pressure drop is proportional to the fluid density Filter element pressure drop - Filter element pressure drop is proportional to kinematic viscosity therefore always check the fluid operating temperature and fluid type to obtain the working viscosity according to the following formula: ∆p1 Filter element = (working viscosity/brochure viscosity) x ∆p filter element Brochure viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt) 1kPa = 0,01 bar Filter assembly sizing example • Customer requires a 100 l/min filter assembly • Mineral oil fluid: ISO VG46 (46 mm /s (cSt) at 40°C) • 25 micron absolute filtration • return line application 2 Selection : •Housing pressure drop - MPS 100/101 with 100 l/min ∆p = 0,13 bar (see curve on page 8) •Filter element pressure drop brochure viscosity - CS 100A25 with 100 l/min ∆p = 0,09 bar (see curve on page 17) •Filter element pressure drop working viscosity - With 46 mm /s (cSt) ∆p1 = 0,09 x (46/30) = 0,138 bar 2 •Filter assembly pressure drop ∆p Total = ∆p Housing + ∆p1 Filter element = 0,13 + 0,138 = 0,268 bar* { Acceptable pressure drop value, as per our recommendations Bypass valves pressure drop The curves were obtained using a 3 R SERIES 2 S SERIES 1 MPS 100÷301 4 ∆p (bar) ∆p (bar) The ∆p varies proportionally to the density. MPS 050÷071 4 mineral oil with a density of 0,86 kg/dm.3 3 R SERIES 2 S SERIES 1 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 25 Flow rate l/min 100 125 150 2 MST 100÷150 4 ∆p (bar) ∆p (bar) 3 1 R series: Return filter S series: Suction filter 75 Flow rate l/min MST 050÷070 4 50 3 2 1 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 Flow rate l/min 15 100 120 0 50 100 150 200 Flow rate l/min 250 300 Or dering infor mation MST Nominal sizes Filter elements indicator 050 070 100 150 S T VR ER EC With threaded hole only With plug Colour coded pressure gauge Pressure switch with N.O. contacts Pressure switch with N.C. contacts Bypass valve B Calibration: 1,75 bar A V Nitrile (Buna - N) Viton Seals A V Nitrile (Buna - N) Viton Seals Port options Type MST 050-070 MST 100-150 G1 3/4” BSP 1 1/2” BSP G2 3/4” NPT 1 1/2” NPT G3 SAE 8 SAE 20 Filter elements M/P series P10 P25 Resin-impregnated paper ßx ≥ 2 M25 M60 Square wire mesh M90 Filter elements A series A03 A06 Inorganic microfibre ßx ≥ 200 A10 A25 CT Replacement element MP Filtri - Filtration products will only be guaranteed if original MP Filtri replacement elements and spares are used Data held in this publication is given only for indicative purposes. MP Filtri reser ves to introduce modifications to described items for technical or commercial reasons. Copyright reser ved. 19
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