Report on simulation results and evaluation of the
Report on simulation results and evaluation of the
INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform INCREASE INCREASING THE PENETRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN THE DISTRIBUTION GRID BY DEVELOPING CONTROL STRATEGIES AND USING ANCILLARY SERVICES D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 31.08.2015 1 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Document info Project Number Funding Scheme Work Programme Number Title 608998 – INCREASE Collaborative Project Topic ENERGY.2013.7.1.1: Development and validation of methods and tools for network integration of distributed renewable resources D3.3 Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Dissemination Level Date Nature 21.07.2015 Authors Andreas I. Chrysochos (AUTH), Georgios C. Kryonidis (AUTH), Eleftherios O. Kontis (AUTH), Matthias Strobbe (UGent), Charis S. Demoulias (AUTH), Grigoris K. Papagiannis (AUTH) Contributors Reviewers Bart Meersman (UGent), Andrej Gubina (UL) Document History Date Authors Andreas I. Chrysochos Georgios C. Kryonidis Eleftherios O. Kontis 21/07/2015 Matthias Strobbe Charis S. Demoulias Grigoris K. Papagiannis 05/08/2015 Bart Meersman 24/08/2015 Grigoris K. Papagiannis 28/08/2015 Andrej Gubina 31/08/2015 Grigoris K. Papagiannis Action Status Preparation of the 1st draft Reviewed first draft Preparation 2nd draft Reviewed 2nd draft Final version Comments This deliverable report corresponds to Task 3.3 – ‘Development of a toolset capable to access jointly the power and the communication in the integrated platform’. 31.08.2015 2 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Contents Document info ..................................................................................................................... 2 Document History ................................................................................................................ 2 Comments............................................................................................................................ 2 List of tables ......................................................................................................................... 5 List of figures........................................................................................................................ 6 1. 2. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 10 1.1. Context ............................................................................................................... 10 1.2. Goals ................................................................................................................... 10 1.3. Report outline .................................................................................................... 11 Overview of the INCREASE simulation platform ....................................................... 13 2.1. General architecture .......................................................................................... 14 2.2. Tool components................................................................................................ 15 2.2.1. Core platform .............................................................................................. 15 2.2.2. Draw tool..................................................................................................... 16 2.2.3. OpenDSS simulator ..................................................................................... 17 2.2.4. JADE environment....................................................................................... 18 2.2.5. OMNeT++ simulator .................................................................................... 18 2.3. 3. Local Control scheme ......................................................................................... 18 Implementation of the Overlaying Control ............................................................... 20 3.1. OLTC control algorithm ...................................................................................... 20 3.1.1. Problem formulation................................................................................... 20 3.1.2. Proposed methodology............................................................................... 21 3.2. Congestion management algorithm .................................................................. 22 3.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 22 3.2.2. Proposed methodology............................................................................... 22 3.3. FPS control algorithm ......................................................................................... 24 3.4. Integration with Local Control ........................................................................... 25 3.5. Actual implementation....................................................................................... 26 31.08.2015 3 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 3.5.1. 3.6. 4. 6. Tasks performed by JADE and Core components .............................................. 28 Incorporation of LAN simulator component ............................................................. 30 4.1. Introduction........................................................................................................ 30 4.2. Communication network simulation.................................................................. 30 4.2.1. Network Simulator (ns-2 and ns-3) ............................................................. 30 4.2.2. OMNeT++ .................................................................................................... 31 4.2.3. NeSSi ........................................................................................................... 31 4.2.4. OPNET Modeller.......................................................................................... 32 4.2.5. Discussion.................................................................................................... 32 4.3. 5. JADE and Core components ........................................................................ 26 Overview of OMNeT++ and INET ....................................................................... 32 4.3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 32 4.3.2. OMNeT++/INET simulator configuration .................................................... 33 4.4. INCREASE modules ............................................................................................. 35 4.5. Interface with the INCREASE simulation platform ............................................. 36 Simulation results ...................................................................................................... 40 5.1. Normal Case ....................................................................................................... 43 5.2. Case of high DRES penetration........................................................................... 51 5.3. Communication network performance evaluation............................................ 59 5.3.1. Wired communication network .................................................................. 61 5.3.2. Wireless communication network .............................................................. 65 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 70 References ......................................................................................................................... 71 31.08.2015 4 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform List of tables Table 5-1: PV units rated power ........................................................................................ 41 Table 5-2: Distribution transformer characteristics .......................................................... 42 Table 5-3: PV units rated power for the case of high DRES penetration .......................... 51 31.08.2015 5 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform List of figures Fig. 2.1: Overview of the INCREASE simulation platform. ................................................. 15 Fig. 2.2: Main window of draw library ............................................................................... 16 Fig. 2.3: Indicative GUI of agent......................................................................................... 17 Fig. 2.4: Typical droop curve of controllable DG units ...................................................... 18 Fig. 3.1: LV network with conflict on voltage regulation................................................... 21 Fig. 3.2: The 15-min timeslot concept ............................................................................... 26 Fig. 3.3: Conceptual implementation of Overlaying Control ............................................. 27 Fig. 3.4: Simulation flowchart ............................................................................................ 29 Fig. 4.1: Simple and compound modules .......................................................................... 34 Fig. 4.2: TCP/IP 5-layer protocol stack ............................................................................... 35 Fig. 4.3: High-level view on the implemented INCREASE modules on top of OMNeT++ and INET .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Fig. 4.4: Interface between power and communication network simulators................... 37 Fig. 4.5: Visual overview of the exchanged messages on application level between a regular and an aggregator agent.............................................................................................. 38 Fig. 4.6: Visual overview of the exhanged messages on application, TCP and IP level between a regular and an aggregator agent............................................................................ 38 Fig. 4.7: Example graph for the measured throughput for a setup with 10 regular agents, one router and an aggregator agent ........................................................................................ 39 Fig. 5.1: Elektro Gorenjska modified network topology.................................................... 41 Fig. 5.2: Active power profile of the aggregated load vs. time ......................................... 42 Fig. 5.3 Reactive power profile of the aggregated load vs. time ....................................... 43 Fig. 5.4: Injected active power of PV units vs. time........................................................... 44 Fig. 5.5: Injected active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 ....................................... 44 Fig. 5.6: Curtailed active power of PV units vs. time ......................................................... 45 Fig. 5.7: Curtailed active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 ..................................... 45 Fig. 5.8: Network losses vs. time ....................................................................................... 46 Fig. 5.9: Network losses vs. time from 10:00 to 16:00 ...................................................... 46 Fig. 5.10: Voltage of the network vs. time......................................................................... 47 Fig. 5.11: Tap setting of the transformer vs. time ............................................................. 48 Fig. 5.12: Daily energy losses ............................................................................................. 48 Fig. 5.13: Daily energy production ..................................................................................... 49 Fig. 5.14: Total injected active power of PV units along a single feeder........................... 50 Fig. 5.15: Positive-sequence voltage profile along a single feeder ................................... 51 Fig. 5.16: Transformer total apparent power vs. time ...................................................... 53 Fig. 5.17: Transformer total apparent power from 10:00 to 16:00 .................................. 53 31.08.2015 6 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.18: Injected active power of PV units vs. time......................................................... 54 Fig. 5.19: Injected active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 ..................................... 55 Fig. 5.20: Curtailed active power of PV units vs. time ....................................................... 55 Fig. 5.21: Curtailed active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 ................................... 56 Fig. 5.22: Daily energy production ..................................................................................... 56 Fig. 5.23: Daily energy losses ............................................................................................. 57 Fig. 5.24: Network losses vs. time ..................................................................................... 57 Fig. 5.25: Voltage of the network vs. time......................................................................... 58 Fig. 5.26: Tap setting of the transformer vs. time ............................................................. 59 Fig. 5.27: Overview of the examined grid using the GUI interface of the INCREASE simulation platform .................................................................................................................. 60 Fig. 5.28: Overview of the simulated wired communication network .............................. 62 Fig. 5.29: Throughput per link and direction ..................................................................... 63 Fig. 5.30: Channel utilization for link between router and aggregator agent ................... 63 Fig. 5.31: End-to-end delays .............................................................................................. 65 Fig. 5.32: Overview of the locations of the simulated agents ........................................... 66 Fig. 5.33: End-to-end delays via TCP measured at 2 regular agents located at the closest and furthest from the aggregator agent .................................................................................. 67 Fig. 5.34: End-to-end delays via TCP measured at the aggregator agent ......................... 67 Fig. 5.35: End-to-end delays via UDP measured at 2 regular agents located at the closes and furthest from the aggregator agent .................................................................................. 68 Fig. 5.36: End-to-end delays via UDP measured at the aggregator agent ........................ 68 31.08.2015 7 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform List of symbols and abbreviations Symbol ai m c curt Description Symbol Coefficient for fair distribution of PGi curtailed active power to all DRESs along the feeder Curtailment coefficient PLtot transf Pcurt g1 Curtailed active power of the DRES i with the minimum PMPP of the mth feeder Change in voltage magnitude of the i-th connection point Dead-band of the fixed step width of tap changer Fundamental input conductance gd Damping conductance tot Ploss Total active power losses Qtot Srated PLi Absorbed active power of the Load at the i-th connection point Maximum power point active power ∆Ρ ∆ Vgi |ΔVtap| PMPP Pinj Injected active power PGtot Total DRES generation of the network m Pcurt Active power curtailment of the mth feeder Total DRES MPP power at the m-th feeder Active power curtailment of the mth feeder caused by the Local Control Final curtailed active power of the DRES at the i-th connection point Reference power of the control m PMPP PLCm,curt i Pcurt Pref 31.08.2015 tot PMPP m PFPS , curt m PCong , curt Description Generated active power of the DRES at the i-th connection point Total active power consumption of Load Total curtailed active power according to the congestion algorithm Total amount of DRES MPP generation FPS actual curtailment of the m-th feeder Actual active power curtailment of the m-th feeder Transformer reactive power Apparent rated power of the transformer transf Cumulative apparent flow of the S transformer ʋmin, Minimum allowable voltage in the EN grid as defined by the Vlow corresponding Standards ʋ0, ʋ1, zero-, positive- and the negativesequence components of the grid ʋ2 voltage ʋmax Maximum allowable voltage in the grid as defined by the corresponding Standards υcpb Constant power band voltage ʋg Voltage at the connection point Vg Voltage at the PCC Vmin Minimum voltage along a feeder w Coefficient vector 8 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform i MPP P D DG DRES DSO DVB EPRI FIPA FPS GUI JADE LF LV inverter Maximum power point active power of the DRES at the i-th connection point Deliverable Distributed Generation Distributed Renewable Energy Source Distribution System Operator Desired Voltage-Bandwidth Electric Power Research Institute Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents Fair Power Sharing algorithm Graphical User Interface JAVA Agent Development Framework Local and FPS Low-Voltage 31.08.2015 xij Elements of the sensitivity matrix MAS MV MPP Multi-Agent System Medium-Voltage Maximum Power Point OL OLF OLFC OLTC OLTC and Local OLTC, Local and FPS OLTC, Local, FPS and Congestion On-Load Tap Changer PCC PLC pu Point of Common Coupling Power Line Communication per unit TSO WP Transmission System Operator Work Package 9 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 1. Introduction 1.1. Context The INCREASE project aims to manage distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) in low- (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) networks. This is succeeded by providing ancillary services, namely voltage control and provision of reserve, towards distribution (DSOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs). The cornerstone of the project activities is the introduction of three-phase four-wire inverter-interfaced DRES that provides high flexibility and advanced features, further supported by an intelligent multi-agent-based control system with enhanced structure and algorithms. INCREASE focuses on providing solutions for operational problems in power systems, allowing increased penetration of DRES as well as providing advanced technological solutions and intelligent control strategies for the prosumers. Under the INCREASE framework (WP 3), an integrated simulation platform is developed, enabling the design, analysis, and optimization of the developed solutions. This simulation platform is a valuable tool for DSOs in order to investigate the performance of DRES in their distribution grids, implementing either the proposed INCREASE solutions or any other control scheme. The simulation platform is developed using existing open-source software and includes the following major features: • • • • Simulation of the distribution system (both LV and MV networks) with the presence of unbalanced loads and generation. Integration of the locally controlled, inverter-interfaced, distributed generation (DG) units, i.e. of the Local Control scheme for overvoltage and voltage unbalance mitigation. Incorporation of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) taking into account the multi-objective Overlaying and Scheduling Control algorithms. Implementation of a communication network simulator for the evaluation of the existing infrastructure and the communication requirements for the MAS control system. The software platform architecture also allows the integration of other external and independent software modules, such as forecasting algorithms, demand side management and demand response simulation modules, as well as constraint optimization tools. 1.2. Goals In this report, the incorporation of the MAS-based Overlaying Control algorithm and of the communication network simulator in the INCREASE simulation platform is thoroughly 31.08.2015 10 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform described. The MAS-based multi-objective algorithm is developed to cope with overvoltages and congestion problems, which are significant technical issues arising when integrating multiple DRES units in the distribution grid. The LAN simulator component aims to enhance the features of the INCREASE simulation platform, by focusing on the evaluation of the communication infrastructure and of the requirements posed by the MAS control system and the implemented control algorithms. First, all features of the Overlaying Control are presented, including the transformer onload tap-changer (OLTC) algorithm, the congestion control technique, and the fair power sharing (FPS) algorithm presented in Deliverable D3.2. The combination of Local and Overlaying Control is also discussed, presenting the consecutive implementation of both control schemes and the update of the various control parameters in each simulation time interval. Furthermore, the actual incorporation of MAS in JADE environment is analyzed, highlighting the bi-directional communication between the Core and JADE components of the INCREASE simulation platform. Next, the LAN simulator component included in the INCREASE simulation platform is presented. The general framework and the different simulation programs are described, while the simulation functionalities and features of the open-source OMNeT++ software are further analyzed. The necessary operational functions and their implementation in the INCREASE simulation platform are thoroughly discussed, while the actual integration is presented, focusing on the interface between GUI, Core and LAN components. The performance of the full Overlaying Control is demonstrated on a selected pilot installation and is compared to the cases of no DRES power curtailment as well as to the Local Control scheme. Results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in mitigating overvoltages by changing the OLTC state and enforcing a fair contribution of the curtailed power among the installed PV inverters, while maintaining low levels of power losses in the distribution network. Moreover, the efficiency of the congestion control technique is also examined, assuming a high DRES penetration level. Finally, a performance evaluation of the communication layer is conducted in the examined pilot installation using the LAN simulator component, while assuming different wired and wireless communication technologies. 1.3. Report outline This introductory chapter is followed by: Chapter 2: Overview of the INCREASE simulation platform. The overall structure and the individual components of the INCREASE simulation platform are presented. The overview mainly focuses on the interface between the Core and JADE components as well as 31.08.2015 11 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform between GUI, Core and LAN components. This section also briefly describes the Local Control scheme, originally presented in D3.1. Chapter 3: Implementation of the Overlaying Control. The developed full multiobjective Overlaying Control scheme is incorporated in the INCREASE simulation platform, featuring the OLTC control algorithm, the congestion management technique and the FPS among the connected DRES. The integrated model is generalized, introducing proper weighting factors in order to be also applicable to feeders and PV inverters with arbitrary characteristics and nameplate ratings. Chapter 4: Incorporation of LAN simulator component. The integration of the LAN simulator in the INCREASE simulation platform is described with special emphasis on the necessary functions to investigate the performance of the communication system, supporting the MAS-based control. Moreover, the interface between GUI, Core and LAN components is described. Chapter 5: Simulation results. Simulation results from a pilot installation are presented, revealing the effectiveness of the full multi-objective Overlaying Control under normal or high PV penetration conditions. Results are compared with other control schemes, whereas a detailed investigation is also performed on the total active power injection and losses of the distribution network. The communication infrastructure of the same pilot grid is also simulated to evaluate its performance in supporting the INCREASE distributed control scheme, while different wired and wireless technologies are investigated. Chapter 6: Conclusion. General conclusions are summarized and a plan for the next research steps is proposed. 31.08.2015 12 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 2. Overview of the INCREASE simulation platform The main objective of the INCREASE simulation platform is to simulate and analyze MV/LV electrical power grids, including inverter-interfaced DRES, different types of loads as well as the implementation of various control schemes for the DRESs. The INCREASE simulation platform is able to handle unbalanced AC power flow calculations, using the phase-domain approach [1], as well as profile-based power flow calculations. Due to the required analysis over extended observation times, a quasi-dynamic solution has been selected and implemented instead of a dynamic simulation model. The quasi-dynamic solution is based on sequential steady-state power flow calculations over a user-defined time span with a variable time step. This approach is preferred over detailed dynamic simulations, since it can provide a better insight into system steady-state conditions while it is also very efficient numerically, requiring significantly smaller execution times [2]. A detailed description and evaluation of the INCREASE simulation platform can be found in Deliverable D3.1. In the INCREASE project framework, three distinct control schemes are proposed and developed, namely Local, Overlaying and Scheduling Control. Each one of these control schemes is fully integrated in the INCREASE simulation platform. The incorporated INCREASE control schemes can be summarized in the following: • • • The first level control, denoted as Local Control, is a low-level control applied to controllable DG units via grid-interfaced inverters. Its main objective is to perform voltage control in low voltage networks by mitigating overvoltages and voltage unbalances [3]-[7]. The Local Control works continuously, adjusting the total amount of the inverter active power output and its distribution among the three phases according to the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The second level control, characterized as Overlaying Control, is related to the MAS coordination algorithms for the application of specific control strategies and is focused on voltage control and transformer congestion management [8], [9]. It is an event-driven control, interacting with the Local Control system by varying its operational parameters, such as the slopes of the inverter droop curves and the corresponding set-points, as well as the MV/LV transformer OLTC settings. Generally, the Overlaying Control is addressed to all controlled DRES in the examined network. The third level control, named as Scheduling Control, addresses problems on a longer time scale, which varies from minutes to days. This control focuses on the optimization of the grid performance according to predefined criteria and 31.08.2015 13 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform constraints, which include load and generation forecasts, demand response, as well as possible energy market inputs [10]. Scheduling Control is also implemented through the MAS. Finally, in the INCREASE simulation platform a discrete event simulator of the communication infrastructure is employed. This simulator is used to evaluate the communication performance of the MAS control system and to analyze possible contingencies of the communications in the operation of the MAS control system. Furthermore, it can be used to investigate alternative options on the design of the necessary infrastructure, and to examine the communication system vulnerability and its risks on the control system performance. 2.1. General architecture An overview of the INCREASE simulation platform is presented in Fig. 2.1. The developed software comprises different open-source tool components and their mutual interconnections. More, specifically, the INCREASE simulation platform includes: • • • • • The Core, which is the base of the simulation platform. The Core controls the interaction of the different INCREASE platform components. It is also the base for the implementation of the algorithms of the proposed Local Control. The Draw tool, which is a graphical pre-processor with design capabilities to allow the user-friendly input and configuration of the distribution or transmission network under investigation. The OpenDSS software [11], which is a phasor-domain grid simulator, capable of handling unbalanced power flow problems, and also allowing the development and implementation of the necessary power system component models. The JADE software [12], which is the tool integrating the MAS and the corresponding communication in the INCREASE platform for the implementation of both the Overlaying and Scheduling Control algorithms. The OMNeT++ simulator [13], which is used for the analysis and the evaluation of the communication infrastructure of the examined network. 31.08.2015 14 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Draw JADE Network Designing Tool Agents’ Environment 1-w ay ay 2-w Core ay 1 -w 2-w ay OMNeT++ OpenDSS LAN Simulation Framework Distribution System Simulator Fig. 2.1: Overview of the INCREASE simulation platform. 2.2. Tool components In this section a brief description of the components incorporated in the INCREASE simulation platform is presented. A more detailed analysis of all required tools can be found in D3.1. 2.2.1. Core platform The core of the platform is developed in MATLAB, which is a high-level language, suitable for numerical computations, visualization and programming [14]. In the developed platform the initial GUI windows defining the main simulation parameters as well as the post-processing tools for the results are implemented within the Core component. Furthermore, the Core is responsible for the interconnections between the different components of the developed platform. More specifically, as shown in Fig. 2.1, four distinct interconnections among the key elements of the INCREASE simulation platform are implemented. These are: • • A one-way interconnection between the Core and the Draw tool. This interaction is used for transferring all necessary data from the Draw input pre-processor to the appropriate variables and structures in the Core. A two-way interconnection between Core and OpenDSS. This interconnection uses the well-established COM interface, transmitting all necessary input files (.dss files) to the OpenDSS simulator. Furthermore, the corresponding results from the power 31.08.2015 15 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform • • flow simulations performed in OpenDSS are transferred back to the Core via the same connection. A two-way interconnection between Core and JADE. This link allows the communication of the MAS components with the core of the INCREASE simulation platform. A one-way interconnection between the Core and the OMNeT++. This interconnection is responsible for the transmission of the necessary data to define the grid and MAS structure, as well as to create the corresponding input files of the LAN simulator (.ned and .ini files). 2.2.2. Draw tool The graphic library for the input of all individual network components is based on SIMULINK models [14] and contains all components defined in the toolbox of Fig 2.2. This collection includes all basic power system components, such as loads and generation units, as well as the more advanced models of controllable inverters and agents, which have been presented thoroughly in D3.1. All elements work in a drag and drop environment by simply putting them in the design area, configuring their required parameters, and making the appropriate connections. Furthermore, all elements are accompanied by brief help descriptions, when pressing the corresponding button. Finally, the final version of the Draw component will also include a data conversion tool to provide basic import capabilities from file formats used in other simulation software packages and design environments to variables and structures compatible with the INCREASE simulation platform. Fig. 2.2: Main window of draw library The GUI for the agent component is shown in Fig. 2.3. By selecting the corresponding checkboxes, result reports regarding voltages, currents, active and reactive power can be easily obtained from the power flow simulations performed in OpenDSS. Furthermore, compared to previous versions of the Draw tool, two new data fields are incorporated in the 31.08.2015 16 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform GUI of the agent. In the first field, the user is able to define if the connection between the agents will be wired (power line communication - PLC) or wireless. In the second field, the relative to the aggregator agent geographical coordinates of each agent are inserted, allowing the simulation of wireless connections. Fig. 2.3: Indicative GUI of agent 2.2.3. OpenDSS simulator The OpenDSS simulation tool [11], [15] has been chosen as the power flow solver within the INCREASE simulation platform. OpenDSS is a comprehensive, open-source simulation tool for power distribution systems, developed and distributed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). OpenDSS provides highly accurate results, remarkable numerical performance and vast communication abilities with external programs. Furthermore, the most common power system analysis algorithms for both steady-state and dynamic analysis are incorporated in the OpenDSS. It also includes various quasi-dynamic solution modes, such as snapshot-daily-yearly power flows and harmonic analysis, making it ideal for sequential time simulations. The time period can be arbitrary selected, whereas the user may also implement external macros to drive the load models in any arbitrary manner. The results of a power flow generally include bus voltages, branch currents, grid losses and other 31.08.2015 17 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform information available for the total system, for each component, and for certain defined areas. 2.2.4. JADE environment A detailed presentation of the JADE environment is given in Section 3. 2.2.5. OMNeT++ simulator A thorough description of OMNeT++ simulator is given in Section 4. 2.3. Local Control scheme The Local Control scheme is a low-level control applied to controllable DG units via gridinterfaced inverters. Its main objective is to perform voltage control in low voltage networks by using exclusively local parameters measured at each inverter PCC, such as the grid voltage and the available power, offering the ability to immediately react on grid disturbances and ensuring the safe operation of the distribution grid. The proposed Local Control incorporates two distinct basic control features, namely the droop control of the injected active power and the voltage unbalance mitigation strategy. Since, in low voltage distribution grids the R/X ratio is relatively high as distribution lines have mainly resistive characteristics, voltage control can be accomplished more efficiently by controlling the active power output of the DRESs connected to the LV network. Thus, the droop control curtails the active power of DG units, avoiding unacceptable overvoltages along the distribution feeders. The droop control is based on the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) υg , while a typical droop curve is depicted in Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4: Typical droop curve of controllable DG units Voltages υcpb and υ max are the thresholds for the activation of active power curtailment and for the complete cut-off of power injection, respectively. Additionally, υmin is the inverter minimum operating voltage, whereas Pref is the maximum active power the inverter 31.08.2015 18 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform can deliver at a specific time instant, defined from the available power of the primary source. In the second integrated control scheme of the Local Control, inverters mitigate voltage unbalance by injecting zero- and negative-sequence currents proportionally to the zero- and negative-sequence voltages at the PCC, respectively. A proportionality term is introduced, called damping conductance gd , which results in a resistive behaviour of the inverter towards the zero- and negative-sequence components of the grid voltage. The injected currents in symmetrical components are calculated according to the following equation [3][7], i0 gd i1 = 0 i2 0 0 g1 0 0 υ 0 0 ⋅ υ1 gd υ2 (2.1) where υ0 , υ1 , υ2 are the zero-, positive- and negative-sequence components of the voltage at the PCC, and g1 refers to the injected active power and is the fundamental conductance of the inverter having an opposite sign of gd in case of generation. A detailed presentation of the Local Control is available in D2.4. Further results considering the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed Local Control scheme are presented in D3.1. 31.08.2015 19 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 3. Implementation of the Overlaying Control A significant drawback of the Local Control is that the active power curtailment is mainly observed in the DRES units connected close to the end of the radial LV feeders. The Overlaying Control and especially the OLTC control algorithm acts complementary to the Local Control, adjusting the voltage level of the network and thus reducing the total curtailed power of the DRES. Furthermore, the FPS algorithm of the Overlaying Control is responsible to redistribute the curtailed active power in a fair way among the DRES, while the Congestion management acts supplementary to the other control schemes in order to mitigate any transformer congestion. 3.1. OLTC control algorithm In principle, the MV/LV transformers are equipped with off-load tap changers, which can only be adjusted off-line during the installation or after a topology change in the network. However, it is expected that future distribution networks will be equipped with OLTC-based MV/LV distribution transformers to independently adjust the voltage level of LV networks during their operation without affecting the corresponding level of the MV network. The OLTC is capable of adjusting the secondary voltage on-line by controlling a tap changer on the MV side, thus mitigating voltage fluctuations due to DRES [16], [17]. The incorporated automatic voltage regulator compares the network voltages with a reference voltage, adjusting the taps of the transformer when necessary. This is usually done in a predefined number of steps up and down the rated voltage, and with a predefined voltage change rate for each step. In the following text the term ‘tap down’ implies a voltage reduction at the LV side by the pre-defined tap changers step rate, while ‘tap up’ implies a voltage increase at the LV side, irrelevant of the actual OLTC manufacturer definitions. 3.1.1. Problem formulation The MV/LV distribution network of Fig. 3.1 is considered, where several feeders are connected. For simplicity reasons and without limiting the generalized application of the methodology it is also assumed that feeder k explicitly hosts a number of DRES, while feeder l contains only loads. In this case, the former feeder is mainly characterized by a voltage rise when the DRES operate at their peak generation capacities, while in the latter one a voltage drop is generally observed due to the presence of passive loads. If the OLTC is tapped down to mitigate the voltage rise problem, e.g. controlling the transformer voltage ratio to lower the LV side voltage for steady feeding voltage from the MV, a severe undervoltage situation EN may be observed in feeder l, violating the low voltage limit Vlow according to the EN 50160 standard. As a result, a coordinated voltage regulation among DRES and OLTC must be 31.08.2015 20 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform developed, maintaining the voltage level of all feeders in the desired voltage-bandwidth (DVB). Fig. 3.1: LV network with conflict on voltage regulation 3.1.2. Proposed methodology Since feeder k includes n DRES, it is expected that this feeder experiences the maximum voltage among the feeders. The DRES voltages at the PCC and the corresponding droopcontrol thresholds can be grouped in vectors Vg and Vcpb , respectively. Meanwhile, feeder l experiences the minimum voltage Vm in , which is also the lowest among the feeders due to the sole presence of passive loads. In case of mitigating the voltage rise or drop in these two feeders, the voltage levels of the remaining feeders definitively remain in the desired DVB, which is determined by the difference between the maximum element of Vg and Vm in . The operational procedure of the proposed OLTC control can be summarized in the following situations, assuming a certain dead-band ∆Vtap due to the fixed step width of the tap changer: • Situation #1a - No tap action: Vg ≤ Vcpb and EN Vm in ≥ Vlow • Situation #1b - No tap action: Vg > Vcpb and EN Vmin − ∆Vtap < Vlow • Situation #2 - Tap up: EN Vm in < Vlow • Situation #3 - Tap down: Vg > Vcpb and EN Vmin − ∆Vtap ≥ Vlow 31.08.2015 21 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform In more detail, if all voltages remain within DVB, then Situation #1a is met and neither OLTC nor DRES curtailment is activated. In Situation #1b, although there is active power curtailment due to the activation of the Local Control, no tap action is performed since it EN . In case of undervoltage, Situation #2 is met and a tap up would lead to the violation of Vlow action is performed, until the problem is mitigated. Finally, the tap down action of EN Situation #3 is activated when both the Local Control is activated and no violation of Vlow is observed. In general, the DRES power generation is maximised using the tap down action of the OLTC, while the DRES power generation is curtailed only when the OLTC cannot tap down because of a lower voltage in another feeder. This control is activated in an iterative way to determine the exact required number of tap actions, while the execution is performed after a user-defined time delay and only after the confirmation that the voltage issue persists. 3.2. Congestion management algorithm 3.2.1. Introduction In distribution networks with high penetration of DRES, extremely high reverse power flows may lead to operational points for network elements beyond their physical capacity limits, and thus congestions may occur. The most congestion vulnerable network elements in a distribution grid with high DRES penetration at the LV level are the MV/LV transformers [18], [19]. As a result, DSOs with a high share of DRES in their networks may face challenges in maintaining the reliability of the network. These challenges are expected to become more frequent, depending on the different types of connected resources, their geographic location and the voltage level of the connection. One aspect of the Overlaying Control aims to deal with the impact of high DRES generation into the loading conditions of the distribution network and to treat effectively the resulting congestion issues. For this purpose, the implemented MAS-based active power curtailment mechanism is modified to also tackle the potential congestion of the MV/LV transformers in LV networks. This curtailment strategy is thoroughly investigated and successfully combined with the FPS algorithm of D3.2, aiming to fairly curtail the active power of the connected DRES in terms of their feed-in capacity in order to solve the congestion issue. 3.2.2. Proposed methodology Given that PGi is the generated DRES active power at the i-th connection point, the total DRES generation PGtot of the network is given by: 31.08.2015 22 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform N PGtot = ∑PGi (3.1) i =1 where N is the total number of connection points in the network. Similarly, the total load PLtot is calculated as: N P = ∑PLi tot L (3.2) i =1 tot whereas the corresponding line and cable total active power losses are denoted by Ploss . In each bus of the grid, reverse power flow occurs when the local generation PGi exceeds the local load PLi . This reverse power flow can cause transformer overload when the cumulative flow exceeds the transformer rating Srated : Stransf = (P tot G − PLtot − Plostots ) + ( Qtot ) > Srated 2 2 (3.3) tot where Q corresponds to the transformer reactive power. In this case, congestion occurs and the necessary amount of total active power curtailment is approximately calculated by: Pctransf ≅ S transf − Srated urt (3.4) The proposed methodology aims to distribute the required curtailment among all the feeders on the basis of a fair curtailment mechanism. This is performed by assigning a m suitable curtailment coefficient c curt for each feeder m, based on the individual total feeder DRES generation on MPP conditions. The MPP value is prefered over the installed capacity, since this is the maximum power that a PV unit can generate in any moment given the radiation level. The coefficient is defined as the ratio of the total DRES MPP power at m-th m tot to the total amount of DRES MPP generation in the network PMPP : feeder PMPP ccmurt = m PMP P tot PMPP (3.5) Thus, the total required active power curtailment can be distributed evenly among the feeders by multiplying it with the corresponding weighing coefficients. Therefore, the m is given by: curtailment at each feeder Pcurt 31.08.2015 23 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform m m transf Pcurt = ccur t ⋅ Pcurt (3.6) Finally, the actual active power curtailment of the m-th feeder, with reference on its MPP m conditions PCong , is calculated in (3.7) by taking into account the corresponding feeder , curt curtailment caused by the Local Control on the DRES connected to the m-th feeder PLCm,curt : m m m PCong ,curt = Pcurt + PLC ,curt (3.7) 3.3. FPS control algorithm The last goal of the Overlaying Control is to obtain a fair power curtailment among the DRES connected to a radial feeder of the LV network, while mitigating the overvoltage in the feeder. This is thoroughly presented in D3.2, where the sensitivity matrix methodology is used in order to uniformly curtail the active power of DRES. According to the FPS formulation, the curtailed active power ∆Ρ of the DRES with the i minimum PMPP on the m-th feeder is given by (3.8), while the active power curtailments of all the other DRES in this feeder are given by (3.9): ∆Ρ = ∆ Vgi (3.8) m ∑w ⋅ x i ji i =1 PFPS ,curt = ∆Ρ ⋅ w (3.9) Here, ∆ Vgi is the change in the voltage magnitude of the i-th connection point, x ji are the corresponding elements of the sensitivity matrix, and w the coefficient vector related to the MPP conditions. By summing the elements of (3.9), the FPS actual curtailment of the m-th feeder is acquired with reference on its MPP conditions: m ; for the m-th feeder PFPS ,curt = ∑ PFPS ,curt (3.10) The combination of the Congestion and FPS control algorithms is achieved by comparing the actual curtail values of (3.7) and (3.10), which correspond to the m-th feeder. The largest value is selected as the final power curtailment for the m-th feeder, yielding voltages on the safe side, while the total amount of curtailed active power is fairly distributed to all DRES connected to this feeder. This is calculated in (3.11) for the DRES at the i-th connection point: 31.08.2015 24 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform i m m Pcurt = a i ⋅ max ( PCong , curt , PFPS ,curt ) (3.11) In (3.11) the weighting factor a i is given by: ai = i PMPP m PMPP (3.12) The curtailed active power components of (3.11) lead to new power injections for all inverters, thus a new power flow solution is performed to calculate the corresponding voltages at the inverter PCCs. From the acquired set-points, the droop characteristics of all inverters are then reconfigured as proposed in D3.2. 3.4. Integration with Local Control The integration concept of the Local and Overlaying Control is presented in Fig. 3.2, where a detail of an arbitrary selected 15-min timeslot is also shown. Since the Local Control is designed to be embedded at the hardware level of the inverter, it is continuously active during the 15-min timeslot. After the first 5 min, the MAS component of the INCREASE platform detects any possible voltage issue and calculates the new tap setting of the transformer OLTC according to Section 3.1. Then all the data considering the voltages at PCC, the inverter power injections and the net power flows are monitored and communicated to the MAS layer. In case of detecting any congestion issue or unfairness in curtailing the DRES injections, the combined Congestion and FPS algorithm is activated according to Sections 3.2 and 3.3, and the new reference control signals are sent to each inverter. Then, the droop curves are reconfigured and this state retains until the end of the 15-min timeslot, where the droop curves reset and the loads as well as the MPP inverter values are updated to new values. At this point, the OLTC control algorithm executes the tap change after checking whether the voltage issue persists. The length of the specific time slot is fully flexible and can be adjusted according to the sampling rates and all other response times of the actual grid elements and of the monitoring system implemented in each specific distribution grid. 31.08.2015 25 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform OLTC t OLTC t+15 min OLTC t+45 min t+30 min Local Control FPS & Congestion FPS & Congestion FPS & Congestion Detection of Voltage Issue Calculate New Tap Setting t+15 min t+30 min Local Control FPS & Congestion Reset Load, MPP Check for OLTC activation OLTC Fig. 3.2: The 15-min timeslot concept 3.5. Actual implementation 3.5.1. JADE and Core components JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) is a software development framework aimed at developing MAS and applications conforming to FIPA standards for intelligent agents. JADE is written in an object-oriented programming language, namely JAVA, because of the many attractive features it provides. In the framework of the INCREASE simulation platform, JADE is employed as a MAS developing environment where the Overlaying Control is implemented. More specifically, the code referring to the Overlaying Control is actually written in JADE, making it an essential component of the simulation platform. The link of the Core module, which is implemented in MATLAB, with JADE is done through TCP/IP communication. Considering a specific time 31.08.2015 26 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform instant, the Overlaying Control procedure is depicted in Fig. 3.3 comprising 6 steps which are analyzed as follows: Fig. 3.3: Conceptual implementation of Overlaying Control Step 1: The results of the Local Control regarding voltages, injected active power of DRES etc., are forwarded to the Core module of the INCREASE simulation platform. Then, the Core module checks whether the Overlaying Control is activated. In the case of DRES with curtailed active power, the FPS algorithm is launched, whereas the Congestion and OLTC algorithms are used to address transformer overloading and voltage violation issues, respectively. Otherwise, the procedure moves to Step 6 and the Overlaying Control remains deactivated. Step 2: This step is implemented via a TCP/IP communication channel, established between Core module and JADE. The data transferred to JADE refer to the network configuration, the outputs from the Local Control, i.e. voltages, loads, injected active power of the DG units, etc., and the activated algorithms of the Overlaying Control. Step 3: Considering the aforementioned Congestion and FPS algorithms, two auxiliary power flow calculations are necessary. In the first power flow solution, each DG unit is assumed to inject its maximum available power, i.e. MPP operation, whereas in the second it injects the active power defined by the Congestion or FPS algorithm. The power flow calculations are implemented in MATLAB and OpenDSS but are initiated by the MAS module established in JADE. Step 4: The results obtained from the power flow calculations are transferred to JADE. Then, the combined Congestion and FPS algorithm calculates the sensitivity matrix and the new droop curves based on the first and the second power flow, respectively, whereas the OLTC algorithm determines the new setting of the transformer on-load tap changer. 31.08.2015 27 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Step 5: The new droop curves of the DG units and the new transformer on-load tap setting are forwarded back to the Core module via another TCP/IP communication channel. Step 6: Finally, the droop curves of the DG units and the tap settings are passed to the Local Control, moving one time step forward and initiating a new iteration. 3.6. Tasks performed by JADE and Core components The complete simulation flowchart is depicted in Fig. 3.4, including the coordination of the Local and Overlaying Control, based on the 15-minute timeslot concept of Section 3.4. Initially, the network data referring to the consumption, generation and network configuration are loaded. Then, a part of the OLTC algorithm of the Overlaying Control is executed. An internal Local Control is initiated and the Core module checks whether the tap setting should change in the new value. Next, the Local Control for the first five minutes is executed. The results obtained from the Local Control are forwarded to the Core module, which first checks whether a new setting of the on-load tap changer is needed, according to the OLTC algorithm of Section 3.1, which will be forwarded at the next 15-min timeslot. Then, the Core module compares the calculated apparent power of each transformer with the corresponding rated one. In case a violation is observed, the Congestion algorithm is activated and executed in JADE by calculating the required amount of active power to be curtailed, as described in Section 3.2. Then, depending on the condition that there are DG units operating in the droop region, the Core module activates the FPS algorithm of Section 3.3, which calculates the new injected active power for each DG unit. Finally, the new droop curves of the DG units, derived from the combined operation of Congestion and FPS algorithms are used as inputs to the Local Control, corresponding to the last ten minutes of the timeslot. The procedure is repeated until the end of the pre-defined total simulation time. 31.08.2015 28 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Start of Simulation (t = 0) Overlaying Control Load network data of the timeslot (consumption, generation, etc.) Internal Local Control Check for the tap setting change Local Control (first 5 minutes) t = t + 15 YES Check for OLTC activation OLTC control scheme (new tap setting for the next timeslot) Overlaying Control NO YES Stransf > Srated Congestion management scheme NO YES Vg > Vcpb FPS control scheme NO Local Control (last 10 minutes) NO Core (MATLAB) Last timeslot YES End of Simulation MATLAB/OpenDSS JADE Fig. 3.4: Simulation flowchart 31.08.2015 29 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 4. Incorporation of LAN simulator component 4.1. Introduction The goal of the communication network simulator is to simulate the communication traffic for the control mechanisms developed within INCREASE. The Overlaying Control scheme is implemented as a MAS with different kinds of agents that communicate with each other to apply the specific control strategies focused on voltage control and transformer congestion management. The communication between these agents can be realized using different communication technologies. Power-line communication can be used using the existing feeders, wireless technologies can be also deployed or other deployed telecom solutions like DSL, coax and fiber. In all cases, it is important to analyse to what extent these technologies can support the communication traffic associated with the Overlaying Control features in terms of acceptable delays, needed bandwidth, reliability, etc. In this section a short overview of the available communication network simulation platforms is presented and the OMNET++/INET platform used in the INCREASE simulator is further described. Then, the developed components within the simulation platform for modeling the different kinds of agents and associated communication patterns are described, while the interface between the communication network simulator and the power grid simulator is also investigated. 4.2. Communication network simulation A short overview of a number of communication network simulators is presented that are widely used for the development and evaluation of communication architectures and protocols, and have been used successfully in a smart grid context [20]. 4.2.1. Network Simulator (ns-2 and ns-3) The Network Simulator version 2 (ns-2) is a widely used open-source discrete event network simulator, created for research and educational purposes. It is targeted at networking research, with a strong focus on Internet systems. Therefore, it includes a rich library of network models to support the simulation of e.g. IP-based applications (including TCP, UDP, etc.), routing, multicast protocols, over wired and/or wireless networks. The ns-2 core is written in the C++ programming language. Users can create new network models or protocols using the C++ language. Simulation scripts to control the simulation and configure aspects such as the network topology are created using the OTcl language interface. As a result, users can create and modify simulations without having to resort to C++ programming and recompiling ns-2. 31.08.2015 30 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Development of ns-3, the successor to ns-2, is ongoing. New features include support for the Python programming language as a scripting interface instead of OTcl, improved scalability, more attention to realism, better software integration, etc. [21]. However, when selecting a specific version of ns, it is important to consider that ns-3 is not backwards compatible with ns-2, i.e. existing ns-2 simulation models must implemented again for ns-3. Both are widely used for networking research, while both ns-2 and ns-3 are also adopted in a smart grid context, e.g. a co-simulation approach [22], [23]. 4.2.2. OMNeT++ The open-source OMNeT++ discrete event simulation environment has been designed for the simulation of communication networks (wired and wireless) and distributed systems in general [13], [24]. The simulation environment has a general design, i.e. it is not limited to simulating communication networks, and therefore has been used in various domains, such as wireless network simulations, business process simulation and peer-to-peer networking. However, OMNeT++ is mostly applied in the domain of communication network simulation. A comprehensive set of Internet-based protocols is provided by means of the INET framework extension [25], which includes support for IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, Ethernet, and many other protocols. Other extensions provide simulation support for mobility scenarios (e.g. VNS), ad-hoc wireless networks (e.g. INET-MANET), wireless sensor networks (e.g. MiXiM, Castalia), etc. Distributed parallel simulation is also supported to enable simulation of large-scale networks. Additionally, federation support based on the High-Level Architecture (HLA) standard is provided in OMNEST, the commercial version of OMNeT++. An OMNeT++ simulation model consists of simple modules implemented in C++. Compound modules consist of other simple or compound modules, and are defined using the OMNeT++ Network Description Language (NED). Modules communicate by passing messages via gates, which are the input and output interfaces of the modules that are linked to each other by so-called connections, forming communication links between modules. Apart from the networking community, OMNeT++ has also received substantial attention from the smart grid community for developing smart grid simulators [26], [27], [28]. Examples that focus on the communication aspect of the smart grid include the design and evaluation of different smart grid communication architectures, the performance of smart grid protocols, etc. 4.2.3. NeSSi NeSSi (Network Security Simulator) is an open-source discrete event network simulator developed at DAI-Labor (Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) and sponsored by Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. The primary focus of the tool is on network security related scenarios in IP networks [29]. Features described to support security related scenarios are 31.08.2015 31 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform attack modeling, attack detection, security metrics, etc. Distributed simulation is supported to enable simulation of large-scale networks. 4.2.4. OPNET Modeller OPNET Modeller is a powerful commercial discrete event network simulator with builtin, validated models including LTE, WIMAX, UMTS, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, etc. It enables modeling of various kinds of communication networks, incorporating terrain, mobility, and path-loss characteristics in the simulation models. OPNET Modeller has a visual high-level user interface, offering access to a large library of C and C++ source code blocks, representing the different models and functions. It comes with an open interface for integrating external object files, libraries, other simulators (co-simulation) and even hardware-in-the-loop. 4.2.5. Discussion The discussed communication network simulators have been used successfully in the context of smart grid research. OMNeT++ and ns-2/ns-3 are used extensively in academia due to their open-source nature. In terms of supported simulation models, a wide range of models is available for each simulator, and the choice mainly depends on prior knowledge and preferences of the user regarding modeling language and tools, extensibility and supported programming languages, presence of extensive GUI tools, etc. For example, OMNeT++ and NeSSi provide an integrated development environment (IDE) that includes GUIs for building and configuring simulation models, visualization of topologies, result processing, etc. However, ns-2/ns-3 lacks an extensive set of GUI tools as found in OMNeT++, making it more complex in its usage. OPNET Modeller on the other hand is a commercial simulator that has a visual high level interface. Another aspect that may influence the choice of simulator is the commercial support, which is available for OMNeT++ (i.e., OMNEST) and OPNET. NeSSi, also an open source simulator, distinguishes itself from the other tools due to its primary focus being network security. Consequently, the OMNeT++ in combination with the INET framework is chosen for the INCREASE simulation platform, mainly due to prior positive experiences with this simulator. 4.3. Overview of OMNeT++ and INET 4.3.1. Introduction OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network simulators [13]. It offers an Eclipse-based IDE, a graphical runtime environment, and a host of other tools. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like systems. OMNeT++ provides a component architecture for models. Components (modules) are programmed in C++, then assembled into larger components and 31.08.2015 32 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform models using a high-level language (NED) in order to be easily reused. OMNeT++ has extensive GUI support, and due to its modular architecture, the simulation kernel (and models) can be embedded into applications. OMNeT++ provides the basic machinery and tools to write simulations, but it does not provide itself any components specifically for computer network simulations, queuing network simulations, system architecture simulations or any other area. Instead, these application areas are supported by various simulation models and frameworks, such as INET [25]. INET is an open-source model library for OMNeT++ providing protocols, agents and other models for researchers and students working with communication networks. Furthermore, it contains models for the Internet stack (TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, OSPF, BGP, etc.), wired and wireless link layer protocols (Ethernet, PPP, IEEE 802.11, etc), support for mobility, MANET protocols, DiffServ, MPLS with LDP and RSVP-TE signaling, several application models, and many other protocols and components. INET is built around the concept of modules that communicate by message passing. Agents and network protocols are represented by components, which can be freely combined to form hosts, routers, switches, and other networking devices. New components can be programmed by the user, and existing components have been written so that they are easy to understand and modify. INET also benefits from the infrastructure provided by OMNeT++. Beyond making use of the services provided by the OMNeT++ simulation kernel and library (component model, parameterization, result recording, etc.), this also means that models may be developed, assembled, parameterized, run, and their results evaluated from the comfort of the OMNeT++ Simulation IDE, or from the command line. 4.3.2. OMNeT++/INET simulator configuration An OMNeT++ model consists of the following parts: 31.08.2015 33 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform • Modules that communicate with message passing. The active modules are termed simple modules and they are written in C++, using the simulation class library. Simple modules can be grouped into compound modules and so forth, thus the number of hierarchy levels is unlimited. The whole model, called network in OMNeT++, is itself a compound module. Messages can be sent either via connections that span modules or directly to other modules. Fig. 4.1: Simple and compound modules • • • NED language topology description(s) (.ned files) that describe the module structure with parameters, gates, etc. NED files can be written using any text editor, but the OMNeT++ IDE provides support for two-way graphical and text editing. Message definitions (.msg files). Various message types can be defined and data fields added to them. OMNeT++ will translate message definitions into full-fledged C++ classes. A configuration file (typically called omnetpp.ini). This file contains settings that control how the simulation is executed, values for model parameters, etc. The configuration file can also prescribe several simulation runs. The output of the simulation is written into result files: Output vector files , output scalar files, and possibly the user's own output files. OMNeT++ contains an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides an environment for analyzing these files. Output files are line-oriented text files, which make it possible to process them with a variety of tools and programming languages as well, including Matlab, GNU R, Perl, Python, and spreadsheet programs. 31.08.2015 34 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 4.4. INCREASE modules In Fig. 4.2 an overview of the 5-layer Internet protocol stack and some typical protocols used in every layer is given. INET provides modules for most of these protocols. In order to simulate the typical communication patterns between the INCREASE agents, extra modules are added in the application layer. Fig. 4.2: TCP/IP 5-layer protocol stack The IncreaseAgent and IncreaseAggregator are implemented with small differences in case TCP or UDP is used as transport protocol on top of OMNeT++ and INET, as shown in Fig. 4.3. The IncreaseAgent contains a number of parameters such as the time period by which measurement messages are sent to the Aggregator agent (measurementInterval, e.g. 1 minute) and the size of such a measurement message (sendBytesMeasurement). When the Aggregator agent sends a control message, the regular agent will send a reply message of a certain size (sendBytesControlReply), possibly after a certain delay (replyControlMessageDelay), e.g. to update the settings of the associated PV inverter. A specific start time of the agent can be specified (startTime) and furthermore a number of variables are defined to collect statistics on the communication traffic. 31.08.2015 35 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 4.3: High-level view on the implemented INCREASE modules on top of OMNeT++ and INET An OMNeT++/INET module consists of a C++ header (.h), a class file (.cc) and a NED file which contains the different parameters that can be defined in the simulation configuration file (.ini file) with often a default value, and a number of additional statistics that are calculated, e.g. the end-to-end delay of the received messages. 4.5. Interface with the INCREASE simulation platform To perform a simulation with the communication network simulator two files are essentially needed: A NED file connecting the different modules, i.e. INCREASE agents with the relevant internet protocols on the different layers, and a configuration file (.ini file) to provide specific values for the different module and simulation parameters. In Fig. 4.4 the interface between the INCREASE power simulator and the communication network simulator is shown. The power simulator contains a GUI representation of the power grid under study which is converted to Matlab matrices containing information for the number and names of present Agents in the grid, the type of communication (wired or wireless), the coordinates of the regular agents on a map and the distances between the regular agents and the aggregator agent. 31.08.2015 36 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 4.4: Interface between power and communication network simulators A Matlab parsing script is developed to transform these matrices into NED and INI files, which can be used by the communication network simulator. Using these files an actual simulation of the communication aspects can be executed. The results of such a simulation run can be visually inspected in the OMNeT++ IDE, e.g. the exchanged messages between all the involved actors and different layers of the network stack. In Fig. 4.5 an example is provided, showing the exchange of messages on the highest (application) level between one regular agent and one aggregator agent. In Fig. 4.6 a more detailed view is given, also showing the TCP and IP layers of the agents and the intermediate router for the exchange of a measurement message and associated reply. One can now also see the exchanged TCP ACK messages. 31.08.2015 37 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 4.5: Visual overview of the exchanged messages on application level between a regular and an aggregator agent Fig. 4.6: Visual overview of the exhanged messages on application, TCP and IP level between a regular and an aggregator agent The OMNeT++ IDE also provides some tools to easily make graphs of the different measured statistics. Of course, for detailed evaluations any tools can be used to process the results, but OMNeT++ tools are handy to check if everything works as expected when defining and testing your simulations. As an example, in Fig. 4.7 the measured throughput for a setup with 10 regular agents, one aggregator agent and an intermediate router is 31.08.2015 38 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform shown. As expected, the throughput on the link between router and aggregator is the largest and could potentially become a bottleneck if for example PLC communication with low datarates is used. Fig. 4.7: Example graph for the measured throughput for a setup with 10 regular agents, one router and an aggregator agent 31.08.2015 39 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 5. Simulation results The combined operation of Local Control with the different versions of Overlaying Control is demonstrated in the pilot installation of the Slovenian DSO, Elektro Gorenjska. The examined LV network is depicted in Fig. 5.1 and consists of 79 nodes, where 70 inductive unbalanced loads and a typical MV/LV distribution transformer are connected. The green nodes denote the location of the existing controllable PV units. Since there is no feeder with at least two PV units, this network configuration does not allow the examination of the FPS feature of the Overlaying Control. Thus, 24 additional PV units are considered in the installation as shown by the red nodes in Fig. 5.1. The rated power of the PV units, as well as the transformer data are shown in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2, respectively. The MV/LV transformer is equipped with an OLTC, while the MV side voltage is assumed equal to 1.05 pu. The transformer tap range is ±2 % with a voltage dead-band of 2.5 %. Finally, the 4-wire distribution lines have cross sections ranging from 4x16 mm2 to 4x150 mm2, while their lengths vary from 10 m up to 176 m. In the following simulations 6 different control schemes are assumed and investigated: 1. No Control, where no control is considered and the PV units inject their nominal active power. 2. Local, where the droop control of the injected active power of PV units is implemented, according to D3.1. 3. Local & FPS (LF), which is the combined operation of Local Control with the FPS algorithm of Overlaying Control, according to the 15-minute timeslot concept of D3.2. 4. OLTC & Local (OL), which is the cooperation of OLTC algorithm with Local Control, according to Section 3.1. 5. OLTC & Local & FPS (OLF), which is an enhanced version of OL with the incorporation of the FPS algorithm. 6. OLTC & Local & FPS & Congestion (OLFC), which is the full version of Overlaying Control that includes the FPS, OLTC, and Congestion algorithms, and it is combined with Local Control, according to the 15-minute timeslot concept of Section 3.4. 31.08.2015 40 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.1: Elektro Gorenjska modified network topology Table 5-1: PV units rated power 31.08.2015 Name Node PV 1 PV 2 PV 3 PV 4 PV 5 PV 6 PV 7 PV 8 PV 9 PV 10 PV 11 PV 12 PV 13 13 14 18 20 22 24 25 4 5 6 7 8 31 Rated Power (kWp) 10 12 12 6 10 10 10 6 10 4 10 10 10 Name Node PV 16 PV 17 PV 18 PV 19 PV 20 PV 21 PV 22 PV 23 PV 24 PV 25 PV 26 PV 27 PV 28 50 47 52 54 9 57 58 59 60 63 64 70 74 Rated Power (kWp) 10 10 10 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 12 4 10 41 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform PV 14 PV 15 41 45 10 10 PV 29 PV 30 76 78 10 6 Table 5-2: Distribution transformer characteristics Sn (kVA) Un (kV) Vector group uk (%) No-load losses (W) Load losses (W) 250 20 / 0.4 Dyn5 4 425 3250 This chapter is divided into three sections. In the first one, namely the normal case, a time-series simulation is presented, where all control schemes (except the OLFC) are evaluated. Each timeslot is considered equal to 15 min and the simulation covers a period of 24 hours. The active and reactive power profiles of the aggregated load are presented in Fig. 5.2 and Fig. 5.3, respectively, as derived from real-time measurements provided by the DSO. The generation profile is also acquired by real-time measurements of the current PV installations and is further applied to all PV units after appropriate scaling. In the second section, an extreme case with high PV penetration is demonstrated in order to validate the proposed OLFC and compare it with the OL and OLF control schemes. Finally, in the third section the different performance metrics of the communication network for both wired and wireless communication technologies are calculated for the examined LV grid. 60 Phase a Phase b Phase c 50 Active Power (kW) 40 30 20 10 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.2: Active power profile of the aggregated load vs. time 31.08.2015 42 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 30 Phase a Phase b Phase c 25 Reactive Power (kVAr) 20 15 10 5 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.3 Reactive power profile of the aggregated load vs. time 5.1. Normal Case The total injected active power of all PV units with respect to time is presented in Fig. 5.4. In Fig. 5.5 a zoom over a specific time period is shown to clearly highlight the differences among the proposed control schemes. The corresponding total curtailed active power is depicted in Fig. 5.6 and Fig. 5.7. The LF control scheme results in a more uniform active power curtailment among PV units. The main drawback of this method is the further reduction of the total injected active power compared to the Local control scheme. By employing the OL control scheme, the total injected power is considerably improved compared to the Local control scheme. Finally, the integration of the FPS algorithm to the OL control scheme, i.e. the OLF scheme, reduces the injected power due to the uniform power curtailment which, however, remains higher compared to the other control schemes. Therefore, the incorporation of the OLTC algorithm into the Overlaying Control increases the overall injected active power of PV units. Considering the network losses, the high PV penetration results in a reverse power flow during the high generation periods. Thus, the active power losses are approximately proportional to the square of the generation and present similar trend as shown in Fig. 5.8 and Fig. 5.9. 31.08.2015 43 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 300 Local LF OL OLF 250 Active Power (kW) 200 150 100 50 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.4: Injected active power of PV units vs. time 300 Local LF OL OLF Active Power (kW) 250 200 150 100 50 10 12 14 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.5: Injected active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 31.08.2015 44 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 90 Local LF OL OLF 80 70 Active Power (kW) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.6: Curtailed active power of PV units vs. time 90 Local LF OL OLF 80 70 Active Power (kW) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 12 14 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.7: Curtailed active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 31.08.2015 45 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 12 Local LF OL OLF 10 Active Power (kW) 8 6 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.8: Network losses vs. time 11 Local LF OL OLF 10 9 Active Power (kW) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 12 14 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.9: Network losses vs. time from 10:00 to 16:00 In Fig. 5.10, the voltage profile of each network node is depicted for the different control schemes. It is evident that, since the No Control scheme results in zero active power curtailment, there are overvoltages, especially during the high generation periods. However, the use of Local, LF, OL, and OLF control schemes mitigate the overvoltages, while the 31.08.2015 46 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform voltage is also efficiently controlled. In the cases of OL and OLF, the voltage at several nodes is less than 1.06 pu due to the OLTC operation, and thus the droop control for a number of PV units is also avoided. The tap setting of the transformer is depicted in Fig. 5.11, where only two tap changes are performed during the examined day. Therefore, the equipment is not stressed, whereas the injected active power of PV units is further increased. Finally, the daily energy losses and the produced energy are presented in Fig. 5.12 and Fig. 5.13, respectively, where similar conclusions can be drawn. b) Local a) No Control 1.15 Voltage (pu) Voltage (pu) 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0 4 8 12 Time (h) c) LF 16 20 24 1 4 8 12 Time (h) d) OL 16 20 24 0.9 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 16 20 24 Voltage (pu) 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 e) OLF 1.15 Voltage (pu) Voltage (pu) 1.05 0.95 0 1.15 0.95 0 1.1 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0 4 8 12 Time (h) Fig. 5.10: Voltage of the network vs. time 31.08.2015 47 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform OL OLF 2 Tap Position 1 0 -1 -2 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.11: Tap setting of the transformer vs. time 60 50 Energy Losses (kWh) 40 30 20 10 0 Local LF OL OLF Control Scheme Fig. 5.12: Daily energy losses 31.08.2015 48 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 1500 Energy Production (kWh) 1250 1000 750 500 Local LF OL OLF Control Scheme Fig. 5.13: Daily energy production The injected active power of all PV units on the feeder indicated by the blue line in Fig. 5.1 is presented in Fig. 5.14 after the implementation of the different control schemes. The corresponding positive-sequence voltage profiles are also presented in Fig. 5.15. All data are shown in a pu scale based on the rated voltage and power of each PV unit and correspond to the timeslot between 12:00 and 12:15 where the most severe overvoltages occur as shown in Fig. 5.10. Considering the No Control scheme, each PV unit injects its nominal active power. Since no active power curtailment is employed, the voltage at the last nodes of the feeder exceeds 1.1 pu which is the maximum permissible voltage, as defined by the EN 50160 standard. This overvoltage is avoided by applying the Local control scheme. However, in this case the PV units located at the end of the feeder suffer from a severe active power curtailment compared to the ones located at the beginning of the feeder. To overcome this problem, the LF control scheme is applied, resulting in a uniform active power curtailment among the PV units of the same feeder, as shown in Fig. 5.14. According to the results of the LF control, the injected active power of PV units located at the end of the feeder is increased, whereas the PV units at the beginning of the feeder have now an increased active power curtailment, compared to the previous Local control case. The introduction of the OLTC algorithm improves considerably the performance of the Overlaying Control. More specifically, considering the OL control scheme, only the last three 31.08.2015 49 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform PV units operate at the droop region, compared to the Local control scheme, due to the reduction of the positive-sequence voltage at the LV side of the transformer as shown in Fig. 5.15. Furthermore, the OLF control scheme results in a considerable increase of the injected active power, compared to the LF control scheme, due to the incorporation of the OLTC into the Overlaying Control. 110 No Control Local LF OL OLF 100 Active Power (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 PV 1 PV 2 PV 3 PV 4 PV unit PV 5 PV 6 PV 7 Fig. 5.14: Total injected active power of PV units along a single feeder 31.08.2015 50 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 1.14 No Control Local LF OL OLF Voltage threshold 1.12 Voltage Magnitude (pu) 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 MV LV 11 13 14 18 19 Node 20 21 22 23 24 25 Fig. 5.15: Positive-sequence voltage profile along a single feeder 5.2. Case of high DRES penetration The performance of the various control schemes are validated once again in the pilot installation of Elektro Gorenjska. As mentioned previously, the network configuration of this specific installation is not suitable for the implementation of the full Overlaying control. In fact, despite the assumptions and modifications made in the previous section, the congestion management control cannot be activated, since for the given load the total injected power from all installed inverters in the network does not cause high enough reverse power flow to lead to congestion. Thus, in order to evaluate the congestion management control, a modified network topology of Elektro Gorenjska, as shown in Fig. 5.1, is used. However, in this simulation case the rated power of all DRES is assumed to be considerably higher, compared to the rated power of all inverters in the previous section. The corresponding data are presented in Table 5-3, while the data of the MV/LV transformer, as well as the unbalanced, time-varying load is shown in Table 5-2, and in Fig. 5.2 and Fig. 5.3, respectively. Finally, in this case the MV side voltage of the transformer is considered equal to 1 pu. Table 5-3: PV units rated power for the case of high DRES penetration Name 31.08.2015 Node Rated Power (kWp) Name Node Rated Power (kWp) 51 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform PV 1 PV 2 PV 3 PV 4 PV 5 PV 6 PV 7 PV 8 PV 9 PV 10 PV 11 PV 12 PV 13 PV 14 PV 15 13 14 18 20 22 24 25 4 5 6 7 8 31 41 45 15.4 17.6 17.6 8.8 15.4 15.4 15.4 8.8 15.4 6.6 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 PV 16 PV 17 PV 18 PV 19 PV 20 PV 21 PV 22 PV 23 PV 24 PV 25 PV 26 PV 27 PV 28 PV 29 PV 30 50 47 52 54 9 57 58 59 60 63 64 70 74 76 78 15.4 15.4 15.4 8.8 8.8 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 17.6 6.6 15.4 15.4 8.8 The total apparent power which flows during the day through the MV/LV transformer is depicted in Fig. 5.16. In Fig. 5.17 a zoom over a specific time period from 10:00 to 16:00 is illustrated, to clearly highlight the congestion events and the necessity of the congestion management control scheme. By observing Fig. 5.17 it is evident that after 10:00 three congestion events occur. In the first event the total apparent power is equal to 251.2 kVA, while both OLF and OLFC can handle efficiently the problem. In fact, the result of both control strategies is exactly the same, since the activation of the FPS control curtails adequate amount of active power from the PV units and thus mitigates the problem without the activation of the congestion management control. However, regarding the second and the third congestion events, it is clear that the OLF control strategy cannot mitigate efficiently the congestion issues. Thus, the congestion management control must be applied. 31.08.2015 52 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 300 250 Apparent Power (kVA) 200 150 100 50 OL 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) OLF 16 OLFC 20 Transformer Limit 24 Fig. 5.16: Transformer total apparent power vs. time 300 250 Apparent Power (kVA) 200 150 100 50 OL 0 10 12 OLF OLFC 14 Transformer Limit 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.17: Transformer total apparent power from 10:00 to 16:00 The total injected active power of all PV units is presented in Fig. 5.18 and Fig. 5.19. Furthermore, the corresponding total curtailed active power for all the examined control strategies is depicted in Fig. 5.20 and Fig. 5.21. Using the OL control scheme, the total injected active power is maximized compared to the OLF and the OLFC control strategies. 31.08.2015 53 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform However, the implementation of the OL control cannot ensure a uniform active power curtailment among the installed PV units. On the other hand, the OLF control results in a uniform power curtailment, nevertheless reducing the total injected active power. Finally, the proposed OLFC control scheme curtails higher amount of active power compared to OL and OLF controls, however, its main advantage is the efficient mitigation of the congestion issues. Finally, the total daily injected power and energy losses are depicted in Fig. 5.22 and Fig. 5.23, where similar conclusions can be drawn. 400 OL OLF OLFC 350 Active Power (kW) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.18: Injected active power of PV units vs. time 31.08.2015 54 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 400 OL OLF OLFC 350 Active Power (kW) 300 250 200 150 100 50 10 12 14 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.19: Injected active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 120 OL OLF OLFC 100 Active Power (kW) 80 60 40 20 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.20: Curtailed active power of PV units vs. time 31.08.2015 55 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 120 OL OLF OLFC 100 Active Power (kW) 80 60 40 20 0 10 12 14 16 Time (h) Fig. 5.21: Curtailed active power of PV units from 10:00 to 16:00 Energy Production (kWh) 2100 2050 2000 OL OLF Control Scheme OLFC Fig. 5.22: Daily energy production 31.08.2015 56 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 85 Energy Losses (kWh) 80 75 70 OL OLF OLFC Control Scheme Fig. 5.23: Daily energy losses Regarding the network losses, once again the high PV penetration results in a reverse power flow during high generation periods. Thus, the active power losses are approximately proportional to the square of the generation and present the same trend as shown in Fig. 5.24. 20 OL OLF OLFC 18 16 Active Power (kW) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.24: Network losses vs. time 31.08.2015 57 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform The voltage profile of each network node is presented in Fig. 5.25. It is clear that all control strategies can mitigate efficiently any possible overvoltages, ensuring the safe operation of the network. Furthermore, the incorporation of the OLTC control ensures that the voltages at the majority of the network nodes are less than 1.06 pu during the day. Thus, the activation of the droop control, with the Vcpb indicated by the red dotted line, is avoided and the total injected active power is maximized. The tap setting of the transformer is illustrated in Fig. 5.26. It is clear that during the day only two tap changes are required for all the examined control strategies. b) OLF 1.05 1.05 Voltage (pu) 1.1 1 0.9 0 1 0.95 0.95 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 0.9 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 c) OLFC 1.1 1.05 Voltage (pu) Voltage (pu) a) OL 1.1 1 0.95 0.9 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Fig. 5.25: Voltage of the network vs. time 31.08.2015 58 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 3 OL OLF OLFC 2 Tap Position 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (h) Fig. 5.26: Tap setting of the transformer vs. time 5.3. Communication network performance evaluation In Fig. 5.27 the different performance metrics of the communication network for both wired and wireless communication technologies are calculated for a part of the examined LV distribution grid. 31.08.2015 59 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.27: Overview of the examined grid using the GUI interface of the INCREASE simulation platform The examined grid contains 30 regular agents that control the PV inverters and 1 aggregator agent located in the transformer LV bus. The following parameters are used in the simulations: • • Simulated time period: 1 hour Message size: The agents use ACL messages for their communication with an envelope size of 200 bytes. On top of that the actual data values need to be added. o A measurement sample from a regular agent sent towards the aggregator contains values for the PV injection, the active power exchanged and the voltage for each of the three phases, thus 12 values in total. Assuming 4 bytes per measurement value, a total of 48 bytes of data is added to the packet resulting in a total message of 248 bytes of application data. o For a control message from the aggregator towards a regular agent one value per phase is assumed, thus 12 bytes extra and a total message size of 212 bytes. o Further it is assumed that the reply messages to measurement and control messages do not contain extra data, thus their size is 200 bytes. 31.08.2015 60 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform • Frequency: Every regular agent sends a measurement message every minute, which is acknowledged by the aggregator with a reply message and is immediately followed by a control message from the aggregator which is on its turn acknowledged by the regular agent. As a result, 4 application messages are exchanged every 60 seconds between the aggregator and each of the regular agents. For the evaluations presented in this section much details of the physical layer are not taken into account, thus generic communication channels are assumed, but with realistic data rates for different technologies. Results are compared for the 2 main transport protocols TCP and UDP: • • TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. It is a connection oriented protocol where messages are acknowledged when they arrive and are resent in case a message gets lost. Messages are also rearranged at the receiver side in the order that they were sent. It is suited for applications that require high reliability (e.g. web browsing, file transfer, email). UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It is a more lightweight protocol without guarantee that messages reach their destination and without reordering of packets. It has a smaller header than TCP (8 bytes vs 20 bytes), so it is especially useful for applications that require fast and efficient transmission (e.g. games, VoIP). For the INCREASE control strategies TCP seems the most appropriate protocol, although UDP could work as well since within the application layer reply messages are sent when measurement or control messages are received. So even with UDP the communication could be made reliable on application level, therefore the overhead from TCP to UDP is compared in the simulations. 5.3.1. Wired communication network In this case a wired communication network is assumed, where all regular agents and the aggregator agent are connected to each other via a router, as shown in Fig. 5.28. 31.08.2015 61 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.28: Overview of the simulated wired communication network Throughput and channel utilization The amount of data that is sent per time unit, i.e. the throughput, is first examined using the settings described above. In Fig. 5.29 the results for TCP and UDP are shown. Logically, the throughput on the link between the router and the aggregator is much higher than on the links between the router and the individual regular agents as the former link transports data from and towards 30 agents. The throughput towards the aggregator is the highest as the measurement messages are a little larger than the control messages. Furthermore, it is observed that the throughput for TCP is about 25 % higher than for UDP. A first reason is because the TCP header is larger than the UDP header and a second reason is that messages in TCP are acknowledged by additional ACK messages, as shown in Fig. 4.6. To calculate the utilization of the communication channel the throughputs in both directions on a link are aggregated and divided by the maximum data rate of the channel. In Fig. 5.30 the results for the most used link between router and aggregator are shown for a few wired technologies: Standard Ethernet with 100 Mbps and 2 types of PLC with their maximum data rates. As can be seen from the figure there is no problem to transmit all the data. The maximum channel utilization in case of G3-PLC with TCP is about 15 %. 31.08.2015 62 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.29: Throughput per link and direction Fig. 5.30: Channel utilization for link between router and aggregator agent In case lower data rates are used for PLC communication to make the communication more robust, e.g. the most robust transmission rate of PRIME is 5.4 kbps, channel utilizations close to 100 % are obtained. Thus, in case of larger networks with more agents or more 31.08.2015 63 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform frequent message exchanges, a pure PLC based network will not support the traffic anymore and a different, e.g. hybrid communication infrastructure, would be needed. Part of the communication network could still be based on PLC, e.g. to connect regular agents with the router, whereas the link between router and aggregator should be replaced by technologies with faster data rates like Ethernet or fiber. The optimal combination of PLC with other technologies of course depends on the actual topology of the grid. End-to-end delay Next, the latencies for the messages exchanged between the agents are compared for different technologies and the two transport protocols in order to assess if the information reaches its destination always on time. In Fig. 5.31 the results for the different communication technologies and transport protocols are shown. The bars present the average delays for all messages that are received at a certain agent for a unit of time (in this case within one minute as all messages (measurement, control and reply messages are sent every minute). For regular agents this is the average of 2 messages (a control message and a measurement reply message). For the aggregator agent this is the average of 60 messages (30 measurement messages and 30 control reply messages). The whiskers show the minimum and maximum values. Note that the y axis is logarithmic to show the values for Ethernet as these are very small. Furthermore, note that as the channel utilization in all cases is well below 100 %, the delays are always the same over the whole simulation period of 1 hour. 31.08.2015 64 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.31: End-to-end delays As it can be seen from the graph, the delay is always lower than 1 second. Thus, there is enough time left for processing and sending back messages within the algorithm frequency of 1 minute. During the simulation, messages are simulated in order of number of agent, so that the first message that arrives at the first agent as well as at the side of the aggregator has a very low delay, whereas later messages have higher delays due the amount of traffic that is generated at the same moment and corresponding waiting in queues. Therefore, for the last regular agent all message experience some delay due to the other traffic which explains the small difference between the minimum and maximum value. 5.3.2. Wireless communication network In this section a wireless communication network is examined. In this case, the location and the distance between the regular agents and aggregator agent is relevant. Since the exact locations of the agents for the EG network are not known, some typical distances are assumed in Fig. 5.32, varying from 10 m up to 750 m between the regular agents and the aggregator agent. 31.08.2015 65 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform A simple abstracted wireless network is simulated with a transmission range that is high enough for all regular agents to directly communicate with the aggregator agent and a relatively limited data rate of 2 Mbps. Fig. 5.32: Overview of the locations of the simulated agents In Fig. 5.33 the recorded delays at the closest (Agent 8) and furthest located agent (Agent 18) from the aggregator are shown assuming TCP communication. Compared to the frequency of transmission of measurement messages and control messages, i.e. 1 minute, all delays are very small, but the delays for the furthest agent are clearly higher than for the closest agent. Similarly, in Fig. 5.34 the delays for all messages arriving at the aggregator agent can be observed, where there is also a clear difference in delays mainly because all messages are sent at the same moment, and thus some of them are kept up in queues before they can be processed. In Fig. 5.35 and Fig. 5.36 the same results for UDP communication are presented. In this case the delays are smaller than the corresponding of the TCP communication. 31.08.2015 66 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.33: End-to-end delays via TCP measured at 2 regular agents located at the closest and furthest from the aggregator agent Fig. 5.34: End-to-end delays via TCP measured at the aggregator agent 31.08.2015 67 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform Fig. 5.35: End-to-end delays via UDP measured at 2 regular agents located at the closes and furthest from the aggregator agent Fig. 5.36: End-to-end delays via UDP measured at the aggregator agent 31.08.2015 68 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 31.08.2015 69 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform 6. Conclusions This report presents a detailed description of the Overlaying Control and of the communication network simulator that is incorporated in the INCREASE simulation platform. The full version of the Overlaying Control consists of the OLTC scheme, the congestion control technique, and the FPS algorithm, which are developed to cope with overvoltages and congestion problems, when integrating multiple DRES units in the distribution grid. The combination of Local and Overlaying Control is also discussed, presenting the consecutive implementation of both control schemes and the update of the various control parameters in each simulation time interval. Furthermore, the actual incorporation of MAS in JADE environment is analyzed, highlighting the bi-directional communication between the Core and JADE components of the INCREASE simulation platform. The performance of the full Overlaying Control is demonstrated on a selected pilot installation and is compared to the cases of no DRES power curtailment as well as to the Local Control scheme. Results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in mitigating overvoltages by changing the OLTC state and enforcing a fair contribution of the curtailed power among the installed PV inverters, while maintaining low levels of power losses in the distribution network. Moreover, the efficiency of the congestion control technique is also shown, assuming a high DRES penetration level. Next, the LAN simulator component is presented aiming to enhance the features of the INCREASE simulation platform, by focusing on the evaluation of the communication infrastructure and of the requirements posed by the MAS control system and the implemented control algorithms. The general framework and the different simulation programs are described, while the simulation functionalities and features of the open-source OMNeT++ software are further analyzed. The necessary operational functions and their implementation in the INCREASE simulation platform are thoroughly discussed, while the actual integration is presented, focusing on the interface between GUI, Core and LAN components. The performance evaluation of the communication layer is conducted in the examined pilot installation using the LAN simulator component, while assuming different wired and wireless communication technologies. 31.08.2015 70 INCREASE – Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services D3.3 – Report on simulation results and evaluation of the integrated simulation platform References [1] X.-P. Zhang, “Fast three phase load flow methods,” IEEE Trans. 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