Mission Mangalyaan: MaranaMars


Mission Mangalyaan: MaranaMars
Complete Printing
Facilities under
One Roof
Balancing work
& family
Painless victory for
Paine and co
‘Modi’s US visit a
golden opportunity’
M-7, Thiru-Vi-Ka
Industrial Estate,
Chennai - 600 032.
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Chennai’s No 1 English evening daily since 1982
VOL. XXXII NO. 288 H CHENNAI H WEDNESDAY 24.9.2014 (EVENING) H OTHER STATIONS THURSDAY 25.9.2014 (MORNING) H 8 PAGES Rs. 4.00 H Regd. No., TN/CC(S) Dn. / 223 / 12-14, RNI No: 33810 / 82
Up and above
ndia today made history by becoming the first country
in the world to enter the Martian orbit in its maiden
attempt. The Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) successfully inserted the Mars Orbiter into the
red planet’s orbit. The spacecraft (Orbiter) was successfully inserted into the Martian orbit at 515 km away from
the red planet’s surface and 215 million km away from
the earth in radio distance, a senior space official said.
We have dared to reach out into the unknown and
have achieved the near impossible, said Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Wednesday after India’s Mars Orbiter
Mission successfully entered the red planet’s orbit.
History has been created today, said Modi amidst applause.
Meanwhile, after scooping six medals, including a gold
won by Jitu Rai, on the first four days of the Asian Games,
Indian shooters drew a blank on the fifth day of the competitions at the Ongnyeon pistol and rifle range today.
India had chances of winning four medals from the
25m rapid fire pistol event for men and the 50m rifle
prone for women but could not get even one on a
disappointing day for the shooters. Indian men’s 25m
rapid fire pistol team narrowly missed out on a bronze
as they finished fourth after ending up with same
points as Vietnam with a tally of 1704. The bronze
was decided on ‘innner 10’ count and Vietnam bagged
the medal as they had 41 hits at the innermost ring
as against 39 by the Indians.
Mission Mangalyaan: Marana Mars
q ISRO puts ace in space q First country in world to taste success in maiden attempt
Following is the chronology of events that traces the
journey of Mangalyaan which lasted over 300 days:
5 Nov 2013
ISRO’s PSLV C25 launches India’s Mars
Orbiter Mission from Sriharikota,
Andhra Pradesh.
7 Nov
First Earth-bound manoeuvre performed.
8 Nov Second Earth-bound manoeuvre
9 Nov
11 Nov
12 Nov
16 Nov
1 Dec
Cheap & best
Many across the world have been dumbstruck at the low cost of India’s Mars Orbiter
mission. This golden satellite, approximately the size of a Nano car, and the entire
Mars Orbiter mission have been made ready at a record cost of Rs. 450 crore or nearly
$67 million dollars.
On his recent visit to India’s rocket port in June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had
remarked, ‘The Hollywood movie Gravity cost more than our Mars mission - this is a
great achievement.’
NT Bureau / PTI
Chennai / Bangalore, Sept 24:
India today made history by successfully
placing its spacecraft in orbit around Mars,
becoming the first country in the world to
succeed in such an inter-planetary mission
in the maiden attempt itself.
At 7.17 AM, the 440 Newton Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) sizzled with life as it burnt
along with the thrusters to slow down the
Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) spacecraft to
be captured by the Red Planet.
‘MOM has met Mangal,’ Prime Minister
Narendra Modi said annnouncing the mission’s success, after nerve-wracking final
moments at the command centre of Indian
Space Research Organisation here.
An elated Modi, who witnessed the operation along with the space scientists,
patted the back of ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan and complimented the Indian
space scientists for making space history.
With the success of ‘Mangalyaan’, India
has become the first country in the world to
go to Mars in the very first try. European,
American and Russian probes have man-
aged to orbit or land on the planet, but after
several attempts.
Mars Orbiter Insertion was carried out
automatically by commands loaded onto
the spacecraft after its velocity was slowed
down from 22.1 km per second to 4.4 km per
second to be captured by the Martian orbit.
The spacecraft had entered the Martian
neighbourhood on Monday.
At the time of MOM’s orbital insertion,
its signals took about 12 minutes and 28
seconds to travel to Earth for reception by
NASA’s Deep Space Network Stations in
Canberra and Goldstone that relayed the
data in real time to ISRO’s station here.
The first sign of success in the final moments came when ISRO announced that
burn of engines on India’s Mars orbiter had
been confirmed. ‘All engines of Mars orbiter
are going strong. Burn confirmed,’ said ISRO
signalling that history was in the making.
Igniting the main engine was critical as
it had been lying in slumber for about 300
days and was woken up briefly for four
seconds on Monday.
(More on Page 4)
Arnold writes
to Jaya
q Lauds her schemes, invites
TN to join energy initiative
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Impressed with various welfare measures successfully initiated by
Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, Hollywood actor and former
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger today invited her to be part
of his organisation R20 that works for clean energy future.
Arnold, who visited Chennai a few days ago for an audio launch,
had called on Jayalalithaa then at the Secretariat.
In a letter addressed to Jayalalithaa, which was released here today,
Arnold, said, ‘it was fantastic to sit down with you and discuss the success
you are having in Tamilnadu and the challenges you face’.
Heaping laurels on Jayalalithaa, Arnold, said, ‘the work that you do
for women and children really touched me. I am not surprised that
people of Tamilnadu call you Amma. The all-women police stations
are such a brilliant idea and I haven’t heard it before’.
He added: ‘I loved to hear that you have embraced clean, renewable
energy in your State. You should be proud of leading the way and
supplying 39 per cent of wind energy for India, he said.
The Terminator star, went on to say, ‘Four years ago, I started an
organisation called R20: Region of Climate Action that works with
subnational governments around the world to move towards clean
energy future. I think that Tamilnadu will be a perfect partner.
Inviting her to join the organisation, he said, ‘I will have my staff follow it up with your Environmental Minister, because let’s not forget
that our responsibility is not just to clean up the air but also to inspire
others to do what you have done in Tamilnadu and we have done
in California.’
Hailing victory, PM calls
for ‘Jagad-guru Bharat’
Third Earth-bound manoeuvre performed.
Fourth Earth-bound manoeuvre performed.
Fifth Earth-bound manoeuvre performed.
Sixth Earth-bound manoeuvre performed.
MOM leaves Earth’s orbit,
Trans-Mars Injection performed.
4 Dec
MOM leaves Earth’s Sphere of Influence
of 9.25 lakh km radius.
11 Dec
First course correction manoeuvre
performed on the spacecraft.
11 June, 2014
Second course correction manoeuvre
22 Sept
MOM enters Mars’ Gravitational Sphere
of Influence; 440 Newton Liquid Apogee
Motor test fired after over 300 days of do
mancy; last trajectory correction
manoeuvre performed.
24 Sept
MOM reaches the intended orbit around
Mars, making India the first country in the
world to have successfully launched its
mission to the Red Planet on the very first
Tweets between
“Howdy @MarsCuriosity ?
Keep in touch. I’ll be around”.
This and a few other tweets
announced the “Mars arrival”
of India’s Mangalyaan, and its
new Twitter account.
NASA’s mission Curiosity was the first to tweet to
the account with a greeting,
‘Namaste, @MarsOrbiter! Congratulations to @ISRO and India’s
first interplanetary mission upon
achieving Mars orbit’.
A TV grab of Prime Minister Narendra Modi sharing happiness
with ISRO scientists, as MOM successfully entered orbit.
Bangalore, Sept 24 (PTI):
An elated Prime Minister Narendra Modi today described as ‘historic’
India’s ‘spectacular’ success in reaching Mars in the maiden attempt,
saying the country has dared to reach out into the unknown and achieved
the near impossible.
In his speech announcing the success of Mars Orbiter Mission, Modi
said, ‘Today MOM has met Mangal (Mars). Today Mangal has got MOM.
The time this mission was short named as MOM, I was sure that MOM
won’t disappoint us.’ As the orbiter was placed in the orbit of the Red
Planet, Modi patted the back of Indian Space Research Organisation
Chairman K Radhakrishan after watching the critical final moments with
space scientists at the command centre of ISRO here.
‘India has successfully reached Mars, congratulations to all of you, congratulations to countrymen,’ said Modi, as India made space history having
become the first to succeed in the mission to Mars in the very first shot.
‘Our scientists have achieved this in the first attempt. This is first time
in the world. History has been created today. We have dared to reach
out into the unknown and have achieved near impossible....’
‘I congratulate all ISRO scientists as well as all my fellow Indians on this historic
occasion,’ said the Prime Minister. Modi told the scientists that through their
brilliance and hard work, ‘you have made it a habit of achieving the impossible.’
Modi said Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s ‘vision had inspired us to reach for the moon.
The successful Chandrayan mission in turn led to the Mars Orbiter Mission.’
‘Modern India must continue playing this leading role of ‘Jagad-guru
Bharat’. Our efforts have historically focussed on ultimate objective of nationbuilding. Of translating space technology into space applications,’ he said.
The Prime Minister told the scientists, ‘Through your achievements,
you have honoured our fore-fathers and inspired our future generations.’
In his message, Tamilnadu Governor K Rosaiah said. ‘It is a momentous
occasion in the annals of Indian space history. Today India has made a
history of becoming the first country in the world to make it to Mars in its
maiden attempt, which has made the world nations to turn back and see.’
Dushyant settles for bronze
CM announces Rs 30 lakh to Saurav
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today announced Rs 30 lakh cash prize to Saurav Ghosal,
who won silver medal in the Squash Men’s singles event at the ongoing 17th Asian Games.
In a letter to Saurav, a copy of which was released to the media, she said, ‘I was delighted to learn
of one more triumph in your illustrious sporting career.’
She added: ‘I wish to convey my heartiest congratulations on behalf of the people of Tamilnadu
on this magnificent achievement.
As announced by me in December, 2011, the financial reward for sportspersons winning a silver
medal at the Asian Games has been enhanced to Rs 30 lakhs. You will receive this cash incentive
from the State government of Tamilnadu.’
Incheon, Sept 24 (PTI):
Inclement weather spoilt Indian rower
Dushyant Chauhan’s strong bid for a gold
medal on international debut as he settled
for a bronze in the men’s lightweight single
sculls at the 17th Asian Games here today.
The Army rower, hailing from Haryana
and belonging to the Bengal Engineering
Group in Roorkie, led from the 500m till
the last 200m in the 2000m race before
strong northerly winds and rain put paid
to his gold medal hopes as he fell behind
two others and finished third by clocking
1 minute, 59.02 seconds.
‘I was confident of the gold but my lane was
the most affected by the strong wind. However I am happy to win the bronze medal,’
said the 21-year-old after winning the medal.
Chauhan was second behind goldmedallist Lok Kwan Hai by just under two
seconds in the first 500m and then caught
up with his rival before overtaking him in
the course of the next 500m and looked assured of a gold before inclement weather
hampered his chances.
He not only lost the gold medal, but also
the silver as the host country’s Lee Hakbeom, who was third with 500m left, also
surged past the Indian rower to clinch the
second spot in 1:56.19.
It was the first medal of the day after
a fruitless stint at the shooting range for
India and the 10th bronze in the Games.
Rowing Federation of India Secretary
General M V Sriram also rued the loss of
a gold for Chauhan.
He led for most of the race and should
have won the gold,’ he said.
Rowing had proved to be a happy hunting
ground for the country in the Guangzhou
Games four years ago when single sculler
Bajrang Lal Takhar created history by winning the first rowing gold after his silver in
Doha in 2006.
‘I was confident of the
gold but my lane was
the most affected by the
strong wind.
However I am
happy to win the
bronze medal’
Lakshmi Nagar gets lucky
A herd of goat is the speed-breaker for motorists on Manapakkam
Main Road in Porur.
akshmi Nagar in Porur
has got a new look
to itself as the Chennai
Corporation has bucked
and decided to deliver
quality as the whole area
has been revamped with
better roads and speedbreakers
according to norms.
have bright yellow and
are visible from some
conventional road humps,
which are almost invisible.
unusually big and some
even cause accidents.
Commuters, especially in
the suburbs, want civic
bodies to improve
routes .
‘The buses
a r e
benecial a n d
revenue. But the problem
is the condition of roads in
the suburbs. Passengers,
New road and speed-breaker constructed at Lakshmi Nagar in Porur.
t h e
f e e l
v e r y
while travelling on such
routes,’ says Manikanadan,
a resident of Lakshmi
‘We are happy that the
roads been laid, a year
back the conditions were
horrible, there were stones
was rough to use,’ adds
Residents of the locality
have thanked the civic
body for nishing the
work and want more
done in the area.
— NT Bureau
A year back the condition
of roads was horrible.
There were stones
everywhere and the
stretch was rough to use
‘Stop here’, say commuters
or the residents of
Jubilee Road, the
joy of having a newlyconstructed bus shelter
proved short-lived as
MTC buses are not halting
at the stop. Commuters
are surprised as to why
tickets are being issued
for the same stop, when it
has not been the listed as
one of MTC’s halts.
Radhakrishnan, a resident
narrates his experience, ‘I
purchased a ticket for Rs
ve in the route 11G on 3
September from Simpson
stop at Anna Salai to
Jubilee Road stop.
But when the bus reached
the stop at Jubilee Road,
the conductor refused to
halt the bus saying that
he has no instructions to
stop the bus here. I fail
to understand why tickets
are issued when the bus
is not going to halt at the
designated place’, he
Similarly, several other
residents from streets like
Krupa Sankari Street and
Rajagopalan Street also
voiced their concern about
the MTC’s apathy towards
The bus stop at Jubilee
Road is now turning into a
haven for anti-social
activities, with tripplers
making merry and
beggars using the stop
during night
activities, with tipplers
making merry and beggars
using the stop during the
night time. As a result,
women are nding it
extremely difcult to move
The Jubilee Road bus stop where
MTC buses do not halt.
In the absence of regular
problem has cropped up at
the shelter in Jubilee Road.
The place is now turning
into a haven for anti-social
past the area after dusk.
Also, the very purpose
for which the shelter was
provided in the rst place
is now lost as students
of the nearby Anjuham
The Music Academy and The Indira Sivasailam Endowment Fund
is organising The Indira Sivasailam Endowment concert at 6 pm
at The Music Academy.
Higher Secondary School
are now forced to go all
the way to Arya Gowda
Road to board or deboard
Radhakrishnan continues,
‘The time, effort and
Ags Cinemas
Escape Cinema
AGS Cinemas
Ags Villivakkam
Kollywood Gallery
New Songs
Mudhalamaichar Neram
Arokiya Unavu
Mannan Magal
New Songs
Aaha Enna Sirippu
Chithiram Pesuthadii
Mannan Magal
Adhae Kangal
English News
Tamil News
Pvr Skywalk
Ags Cinemas
in the boxes to
condition: each
row, column and
3x3 box must
contain the digits
1 through 9 exactly
once: Easy nah?
satisfy only one
insert the numbers
— NT Bureau
Dalai Lama @DalaiLama
The idea of one side suffering defeat while the other side triumphs is
out of date. Instead we have to develop dialog
Santham Sathyam
The object is to
money which was spent
for the construction of
the facility will go in vain
if the stop is not utilised
Pvr Skywalk
C P Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation is organising Navaratri
festival of music and will honour Veena E Gayathri with
Saraswathi Music Award at 6 pm at the foundation’s premises,
in ORR
Pillai Nila
Mundhanai Mudichu
Deiva Magal
Vani Rani
Pudhu Paadal
Sirippu Varudhu
Endrum Super
Kalai Koil
Idhu Pudhusu
Kurinji Malar
Odi Vilayadu Pappa
Romapuri Paandiyan
Madippakkam Madhavan
Andal Azhagar
Super Singer Junior (Season 4)
Uravugal Thodar Kadhai
En Kanavan En Thozhan
Puthu Kavithai
Andal Azhagar
Deivam Thandha Veedu
Saravanan Meenatchi
Super Singer Junior (Season 4)
Puthu Kavithai
T20 Triumphs
Champions League T20
2014 H/ls
Jai Ho
Close Encounters
Champions League T20
2014 H/ls
Cricket Extra : Pre Show
Champions League T20
2014 : Kolkata vs. Perth
Cricket Extra : Post Show
T20 Triumphs
WWE Bottom Line
French Ligue 1 2014/15
Charlie’s Angels
Kung Fu Panda
Hollow Man
Shutter Island
News Headlines
Sirippu Varudhu
The Great Gatsby
Man of Steel
War of the Worlds
05:00 PM Certain Prey
06:55 PM X-Men: The Last Stand
09:00 PM Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Two Brothers
George of the Jungle
WWE Bottom Line
Asian Games 2014
WWE Night of Champions 2014
The Big Test
Great Knocks
BWF Badminton
World Magazine Show
Champions League
T20 2014 H/ls
Great Knocks
BWF Badminton
World Magazine Show
Royal London OneDay Series 2014 H/
ls : Final: Durham vs.
BWF Badminton
World Magazine
10:00PM Great Knocks
10:30PM Playlist
11:00PM La Liga
11:25PM Liga Bbva 2014/15
: Rayo Vallecano
vs. Athletic Club de
04:30PM Pakistan Tour of
South Africa 2013 H/
ls : 3rd ODI
06:30PM Bangladesh Tour of
West Indies 2014
H/ls : 3rd ODI
Around Town
Power tariff hike on cards
q CM assures subsidy to protect poor
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Tamilnadu Electricity Regulatory Commission suo
moto notified a proposal
on Tuesday to hike tariff
across the board to bridge
a revenue deficit of Rs 6,854
crore of State run power corporation TANGEDCO.
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa
referring to the regulator’s proposal in a statement here assured that her government would
provide additional subsidy to
protect the poor.
The TNERC has proposed a
tariff increase of 15 per cent
(average) for domestic consumers, 31 per cent for industries and 15 per cent for commercial users. For government
and State aided educational
institutions a hike of 60.44 per
cent is proposed.
As regards temporary supply
segment, which is used by builders, the hike is 15.78 per cent.
The hike is determined after taking into consideration factors,
including the present energy
charges for each segment.
The hike has been proposed
What’s in store
Different slab
Existing tariff
Proposed tariff
0-100 units
Rs 20
Rs 30
0-200 units
Rs 20
Rs 30
201-500 units
Rs 30
Rs 40
501 and above
Rs 40
Rs 50
TNERC has invited
objections and
suggestions from
the public about its
proposals following
which a meeting of
the State Advisory
will be held
for all consumer categories. In
addition to the proposed hike, an
increase of Rs 10 (bi-monthly) in
fixed charges has been proposed
for domestic users.
For High Tension users including industries, a rise of Rs 50 in
demand charges (monthly) has
been proposed.
Citing the Electricity Act,
Appellate Tribunal orders and
the National Tariff Policy, the
TNERC said it decided to take
up determination of Aggregate
Revenue Requirement (ARR)
and tariff for 2014-15 suo moto
as TANGEDCO failed to file
statutory petitions.
TNERC has invited objections
and suggestions from the public
about its proposals following
which a meeting of the State
Advisory Committee will be held.
Public hearings will also be conducted across Tamilnadu to elicit
views of the public.
Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa chaired a Cabinet meeting at the Secretariat in Chennai yesterday.
Jaya seeks Centre’s help
to release three fishermen
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has sought the Centre’s intervention
in securing the release of three fishermen -- Ayyappan, Raju and Samayamuthu, from Qatar, besides transporting the body of the deceased Karthikeyan.
In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, she said all the four
had ‘inadvertently strayed’ into Qatar where Karthikeyan was killed when that
Navy opened fire even as three of his compatriots, all hailing from Ramanathapuram in the State, had been arrested. ‘These poor, innocent fishermen who
strayed inadvertently into Qatari waters had gone to Bahrain to earn a meagre
livelihood and support their families. The family of the deceased fisherman is
shattered and seek the early return of his body,’ she said in the letter.
Jayalalithaa requested Modi to direct Indian Embassies in Qatar and Bahrain
to take urgent steps to arrange for the transportation of the body of Karthikeyan
from Qatar and also secure the early release of the other three fishermen.
Meanwhile in a statement, the Chief Minister ordered a cash relief of Rs
5 lakh to the family of Karthikeyan. She expressed grief over his death and
extended her sympathies with his family.
Jayalalithaa said she had directed that the relief amount of Rs five lakh be
paid from the Chief Minister’s General Relief Fund.
SRU to conduct
free medical
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Sri Ramachandra Hospital is organising a multi speciality free medical camp
for two days from 27 September at
Rasipuram, in memory of its founder
Chancellor NPV Ramasamy Udayar.
According to a press release, the camp
will be held at Poovai Ammal Kalyana
Mandapam, Rasipuram. Over 150 doctors and para medical staff will participate.
Blood tests, special investigations
like ECG, 2D echo cardiograph, ultrasound and x-ray wherever necessary
will be done free. Medicine for seven
days will also be given free of charge.
The Tamilnadu Chief Minister’s
Comprehensive Health Scheme consultation services will be available in
the camp, the release said.
Balancing work & family
q Young, employed mothers look up to day care centres
Chennai, Sept 24:
Vaishali, an employee with a corporate company, drops her child in a
popular day care centre in the city before heading to her work place. ‘It
is a daily ritual,’ she said.
Many young working mothers have started depending on such centres,
which help them balance work and family. It is a pressing need in the
modern hectic life in corporate jobs, especially IT industry which demands
round-the-clock work.
Divya, a software professional, said, ‘The nature of my job demands long
working hours. Workers usually race against time to achieve targets. Thus,
working mothers are caught in the warp’.
Another software professional N S Hemalatha, agreed and said, ‘Postpregnancy, we are allowed to take maternity leave for three to four
months. Otherwise, one year without pay leave can be availed,
Baby day care centres
which is the maximum.’
She said that taking a break to take care of child will
are widely believed to
not be a viable option. ‘Joining after a gap will mean
ease the life of new
that we have to start from scratch. The person
will be inducted as a junior and she has to
generation of young
climb from the bottom rung again. It is not an easy job’,
Hemalatha pointed out.
Recently, a day care centre struck a five-year deal
with a software company located inside the MEPZ
complex. Accordingly, it will provide onsite child
care facility, solutions, preschool, day care and
post-school for tiny-tots.
Such centres are widely believed to ease the life of new
generation of young mothers.
Divya said, ‘There must be somebody to take care of the children and the
only option is leaving them at day care centre. They monitor well and keep
them occupied for the day.’
Earlier, young mothers took a break from their professional life but demanding
workplace and changing scenario seemed to have ruled out the option.
Another working professional, Bharathi, said, ‘I don’t want to quit my well-paid
job as then it becomes tough to handle financially. Also, taking a break from
work will hurt my professional life. It is not advisable as when I come back the
whole technology will be changed. I need to adapt and then compete with my
juniors. It is also tough per se’.
Vaishali said ‘My son attends a day center and I am happy with the way it has
shaped him. They let
children to indulge in creative and artistic work which
has enhanced his emotional
and behavioral development. It is more important.
Also, he will not be a reluctant school-goer. Growing
up among kids helped him
to adapt quickly’.
Docs should have
two hearts: Kalam
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
It is important for doctors to have
two hearts - a biological heart and
a compassionate heart, said former
President of India A P J Abdul Kalam.
Delivering the 19th Dr A Lakshmipathy Neurological Center oration
at Voluntary Health Service (VHS)
here yesterday, he highlighted the six
virtues that doctors should possess.
They are generosity, ethics, tolerance, perseverance, concentration
and intelligence.
Quoting from the book ‘Medicine
and Compassion,’ Kalam said
that these six virtues are expected to be a part of any medical
‘These virtues will empower health
providers with a humane heart,’
he said and added that a doctor is
expected to work with compassion.
The former President dedicated
Former President of India A P J Abdul Kalam delivered 19th ALNC oration organised by Voluntary Health Service Multi Speciality Hospital and
Dr A Lakshmipathi Neurosurgical Centre in Chennai yesterday. At the
function, senior neurologist R Narayanan presented the oration medal
to Kalam. VHS secretary Dr Suresh, Head of the Neurology Department
Dr M C Vasudevan and VHS president M S Swaminathan are also seen.
renovated Neurology ALNC General ward. He also presented mementoes to
Professor Atul Goel, KEM Hospital and Professor P Sarat Chandra, AIIMS.
VHS president and scientist M S Swaminathan spoke about VHS activities
in detail and about the facilities at renovated Neurology ALNC General ward.
AI corporate tourism
quiz 27 September
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
The 11th edition of Air India Tourism Quiz
will be held on 27 September at Radisson
BLU Resort Temple Bay, Mamallapuram.
The Corporate Tourism Quiz is organised
in connection with the UN World Tourism Day, which is aimed at boosting
tourism industry in the country.
Speaking about the event here
yesterday, president of Global Conference Management Group, M K Ajit
Kumar, said, ‘Asia Pacific Tours has
been organising the event for the past
four years. The competition will start
at 9 30 am with an inauguration and
end at 5 pm with prize distribution
ceremony. The major focus of the
quiz will be on World Tourism’.
Southern Railway Chief Commercial
Manager and quiz master, Priamvada
Viswanathan, said, ‘This time we are
expecting little more than 80 teams’.
The first three winning teams will
win two return tickets to London, Paris
and Rome.
For participation, register at www.
asiapacifictours.in before 6 pm on 25
Over 100 volunteers from Exnora International and Viveks
Foundation jointly organised an awareness programme on global
warming and cleaned the Marina Beach from Gandhi Statue to
Light House in city yesterday.
Chennaiites lend hand to flood-affected people
q Over 5000 kgs relief materials to be sent to Kashmir
Volunteers transporting the relief materials collected from one of the
centres in Chennai.
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
A flood relief camp organised by myShare India
in association with Goonj saw over a thousand
people contributing relief materials that are to be
transported to the people affected by the recent
floods in Kashmir.
According to a press release, the camps were
conducted with the support of Chennai Corporation
across 12 locations between 7 am and 7 pm on 21
September and had a multitude of visitors from all
over the city contributing various items like woolen
suits, blankets, dry rations like rice, pulses, wheat
and sugar, essential medicines, footwear, kitchen
utensils and more. The event was supported by
Exnora International and The Interface NGOs.
The camps saw atleast hundred families contributing in each location across the city through
the day. It was a strong show of solidarity by the
Chennaiites, helping the people of Kashmir in
their time of need. There were beautiful scenes of
magnanimity like a citizen from Adyar contributing five cartons of newly purchased woolen wear
and blankets, a generous citizen from RA Puram
contributing 500 kgs of rice and sugar, a family in
Thiruvanmiyur contributing medicines worth Rs
10,000, an ex-serviceman contributing a mega
suitcase and three cartons full of woollen wear
and an old couple in Ramapuram offering dozens
of carpets and bags of rice.
T Nagar centre saw five cartons of dry ration
from Exnora International and a local organisa-
tion Nallor Vattam volunteered by conducting an
door-to-door collection drive in Kodambakkam.
‘The situation in J&K is still dire with reports saying that this is the worst flood the region has faced
in the last 50 years. Multiple people have been
stranded, and have lost their entire livelihoods.
We decided to conduct these camps across the
city as we felt that Chennai should also stand up
and do its bit to help our brothers and sisters in
J&K’, said Hari Vedadri, founder, myShare India.
Thanking city Mayor Saidai Duraisamy for allocating space in Corporation Schools, myShare
India business consultant, Pramila Hari, said, ‘We
have received over 5,000 kgs of relief materials.
We will segregate them and transport them to the
government relief camps in J&K.’
Right reconsideration
he Supreme Court decision to reconsider its order on identifying
the whistleblower in the CBI Director Ranjit Sinha’s diary
case is welcome. The court should not have even for a moment
considered jeopardising the safety of conscientious citizens,
who at great personal risk, expose wrongdoing in official and
unofficial quarters.
In the present instance, revealing the identity of the person who
exposed the rotten shenanigans of the country’s top cop would have
certainly exposed him to great physical and other troubles. Sinha,
as the head of the country’s apex investigating agency, would have
been tempted to wreak vengeance on a man who laid bare his devious
design of supping with the very thugs who were under the CBI lens
for all manner of scams and crimes. And these were no ordinary
criminals. Some of those being investigated represented big money.
Others were simply carpetbaggers, exploiting the corrupt system for
making a quick buck. And all these were visiting Sinha openly and
without any effort to hide the fact.
If a public-spirited citizen, whether within the CBI or in any
other government agency, felt revolted by the collusive and
complicit behaviour of Sinha and forwarded the relevant diary
recording these visits to Sinha’s official home in New Delhi to
the lawyers of a well-known NGO, he needs all the protection
that the apex court can provide.
Whistleblowers are now entitled under the law to official protection.
But in this case, the apex court erred initially in conceding the selfserving plea of Sinha’s lawyer for the identity of the person who
supplied the diary. However, following outrage in the media, the SC
bench seems to have relented. Even the plea that the identity of the
whistleblower be disclosed to the judges in private is not risk-free.
For, it would mean that at least the lawyer representing the NGO
has to himself know the identity of the whistleblower.
However, the fact that the visitors’ diary, it was claimed, was sent
anonymously to him would suggest that even he may not be aware
of the identity of the whistleblower, a situation which is not hard to
contemplate, given the huge personal risks involved in exposing the
person who blew the cover of respectability of the head of the CBI.
Since Sinha himself fell into the trap, admitting at least to the
correctness of several entries in the said diary, it was he who actually
lent credibility to the story of the anonymous whistleblower. He
must be penalised for his gross misconduct, especially when there
is credible evidence that he personally tried to drop charges in some
cases while suppressing evidence in a few others. At the very least,
the court, at its next hearing in the case, must direct him to go on
leave till his retirement at the end of his two-year term in December
this year. For the credibility of the CBI to be restored, it is important
that its head enjoys an impeccable reputation, something which Sinha
never did all through his long career as a police officer.
Red carpet at red planet
Indian space agency ISRO’s maiden Mars mission Mangalyaan has been a success as it entered the Mars orbit as per schedule, the space agency
confirmed. India is the first nation in the world to successfully launch a Mars mission on its first try, and the first ever Asian nation to successfully launch
a mission to the red planet.
Brain behind Mangalyaan NASA, ISRO to set up
A team of ISRO scientists is credited as being the brain behind
this mission.
K Radhakrishnan: Chairman of ISRO and Secretary in d
partment of space.
M Annadurai: Programme Director of Mars Orbiter Mission.
S Ramakrishnan: Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
and Member Launch Authorisation Board.
SK Shivakumar: Director of ISRO Satellite Centre.
P Kunhikrishnan: Project director of PSLV programme
Chandradathan: Director of Liquid Propulsion system.
AS Kiran Kumar: Director of Satellite Application Centre.
MYS Prasad: Director of Satish Dhawan Space Centre and
Chairman of the Launch Authorisation Board.
S Arunan: Project Director of Mars Orbiter Mission
B Jayakumar: Associate Project Director of PSLV project.
MS Pannirselvam: Chief General Manager of range
operation director at Srihrikota Rocket port.
joint working group?
K Radhakrishnan
M Annadurai
Equipment on board
So now that Mangalyaan has entered Mars’ orbit successfully, how will the orbiter
bring in crucial scientific information about Mars?
Here are the tools on-board Mangalyaan that will help ISRO with scientific data. And
if you want to keep track of Mangalyaan, follow them on Twitter here: @MarsOrbiter
Where is the green?
With the world growing at a pace hard to match, the increasing need for
space is turning out to be an area of concern. With desperate need for
land for agricultural, industrial and most importantly urban needs to contain
cities and their growing population, a direct action that we have come to
recognise as deforestation occurs.
Deforestation in simple term means the felling and clearing of forest cover
or tree plantations in order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban
use. It involves permanent end of forest cover to make that land available
for residential, commercial or industrial purpose.
Over the last century the forest cover around the globe has been greatly
compromised, leaving the green cover down to an all time low of about
30 per cent.
Deforestation can also be seen as removal of forests leading to several
imbalances ecologically and environmentally. What makes deforestation
alarming is the immediate and long term effects it is bound to inflict if
continued at the current pace. Some predictions state that the rain forests
of the world will be destroyed completely if deforestation continues at its
current pace.
Deforestation or clearance occurs due to several reasons, to get an
overview we could include the need of money, both in terms of profitability
as well as providing for one’s family in most scenarios, along with lack of
or no forest laws, need for land space for housing etc among a long list of
other uses. Mainly blamed on agricultural or pastoral use, farmers fell trees
for increasing space for cultivation and/or as fodder land for grazing and
surviving live stock. The whole concept of ‘slash and burn’ agriculture, is
used to indicate this same process where farmers employ the above chain
of actions for their purposes.
By email
Water war
Simply put, water scarcity is either the lack of enough water (quantity) or
lack of access to safe water (quality). It’s hard for most of us to imagine
that clean, safe water is not something that can be taken for granted. But,
in the developing world, finding a reliable source of safe water is often time
consuming and expensive. This is known as economic scarcity. Water can
be found it simply requires more resources to do it.
When we think about our needs for water we spend most of our time
thinking about the surface water found in lakes and rivers and the vast
watersheds within which they and their tributaries are found. It is on the
basis of a consideration of such a narrow set of all freshwater resources
that we plan the location of our cities, derive most of our drinking water,
build waterways for transporting people and goods, pipe vast quantities
very long distances for agricultural purposes, and worry most focally about
whenever we do pause to worry about water pollution and water-related
environmental degradation.
The problem of water scarcity is a growing one. As more people put ever
increasing demands on limited supplies, the cost and effort to build or even
maintain access to water will increase. And water’s importance to political
and social stability will only grow with the crisis.
VIDHYA,, Saidapet
The Editor, News Today, 85, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
or e-mail to : [email protected] / [email protected]
America’s premier space agency NASA and its Indian
counterpart ISRO are talking about setting up a Joint Mars
Working Group, a top US space official has said ahead of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US.
‘NASA is in discussions with the Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) regarding potential scientific
collaboration with their Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), due
to enter Mars orbit about two days after MAVEN (Mars
Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) orbiter, which
will arrive at Mars later this month,” said James Green
Director, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission
Directorate, NASA.
Testifying before the House of Representatives
Subcommittee on Space Committee on Science, Space
and Technology, he said while primarily a technologydemonstration mission, MOM includes five science
instruments to study the martian atmosphere, mineralogy
and surface features.
‘With multiple data sets being collected, NASA and ISRO
scientists will have a wealth of information to help solve
mysteries regarding the Mars atmosphere,’ he said.
‘In addition, NASA and ISRO are talking about setting up a
Joint Mars Working Group, under the auspices of the State
Department’s US-India Civil Space Joint Working Group, that
would coordinate our two agencies’ plans for studying one
of the Earth’s nearest neighbors,’ Green said.
Both the missions of NASA and ISRO will arrive at the Red
Planet just in time to join the fleet of Mars-based spacecraft
that could witness the effects of comet Siding Spring, Green
told lawmakers. MAVEN, he said, will explore the Mars’
upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the
sun and solar wind.
Scientists will use MAVEN data to determine the role
that loss of volatiles from the Mars atmosphere to space
has played through time, giving insight into the history of
Mars’ atmosphere and climate, liquid water, and planetary
habitability, he added.
James F Bell, president of The Planetary Society &
Professor at Arizona State University, described NASA as
the most active, most capable, and most successful of all
of the world’s space agencies.
When NASA doesn’t prioritize planetary science, no other
agencies are presently capable of filling the gap, he added.
The emergence of the Chinese and Indian space programs
and the continued successes of the European and Japanese
programs illustrate that robotic exploration of space is an
international priority -- a way to gain scientific knowledge,
global prestige and advance technological capability, he
‘In the coming decade, China is preparing a series of
robotic lunar missions, Russia is preparing lunar, Venus
and Mars missions, India has plans to go to the Moon and
Mars, Japan is planning a second asteroid sample-return
mission, and the Europeans are headed to Mercury, Mars,
the asteroids and Jupiter,’ Bell said.
In pace with space
India’s space agency has come a long way since it sent its first tiny satellite into orbit around earth in 1963.
Early days
Foreign hand
ISRO began as the Indian National Committee for
Space Research in 1962, headed by Vikram Sarabhai.
Within a year, it launched its first rocket, the RH-75 of the
Rohini series, to study geomagnetism in the atmosphere.
The sounding rocket was slender, measuring only 75 mm
in diameter, and was the first of several launched from the
Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station in Kerala.
In 1968, Indira Gandhi dedicated the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station to the United Nations for
research. ISRO itself was formed on Independence Day
in 1969 and was brought under the Department of Space. India’s first sounding
In 1979, it moved its major launch site to Sriharikota in rocket.
Photo credit: NASA
Andhra Pradesh, where it remains.
The Soviet Union was closely involved with India’s space
programme. A major milestone for ISRO was in 1975 when
the Soviet Union launched
India’s first indigenously
made satellite, Aryabhata,
from its launch site, Kaspustin Yar.
The Russians continued
to be closely involved with
India’s space programme.
India’s first man in space,
Rakesh Sharma, was a
member of a Soviet space A file photo of the Aryabhata Satellite.
Photo credit: ISRO
mission in 1984.
Satellite Launch Vehicles
ISRO began to experiment with satellite launch vehicles as early as 1979, in the hope of reducing its dependence on foreign launch services. These vehicles can put satellites into orbit
around Earth at varying distances from the surface.
Its first programme, headed by APJ Abdul Kalam, had four Satellite Launch Vehicles, all carrying variations of the Rohini satellites. Two of these succeeded, two failed and this series was
closed in 1983.
The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle series that followed it between 1987 and 1994 had
a similarly unsuccessful run. Only its fourth and last launch in 1994 was entirely successful.
As India’s PSLVs continued to be successful in the 1990s, Antrix, ISRO’s commercial arm,
began to pitch its services to other countries. Of the 26 PSLV launches since 1993, 13 had
payloads belonging to countries ranging from Norway to South Korea.
APJ Abdul Kalam (left) and Satish Dhawan
accompanying SLV-3 to its launch pad.
Photo credit: ISRO.
Beyond earth
India’s maiden lunar mission
Chandrayaan-1, or Moon Craft
in ancient Sanskrit, successfully
takes off at the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre in Sriharikota.
Photo credit: ISRO
As ISRO’s unbroken run of satellite launches continued, it turned its
attention to targets beyond the planet.
In 2008, ISRO used one of its indigenous PSLVs to send an orbiter
and lander, together called Chandrayaan-I, to the moon. The lander,
emblazoned with the Indian flag, was built to crash onto the moon to collect
data for future missions. Even though the lander disintegrated on striking
the moon’s Shackleton crater, India still technically remains only the fourth
country in the world to have its flag on the satellite.
Chandrayaan-I itself crash landed into the moon on 29 August 2009, a
year before it was scheduled to time out, but the mission was deemed
successful for having achieved 95 per cent of its mission. One of these
was to confirm evidence of water on the moon.
‘Excluded employees
more likely to lie, cheat’
Washington, Sept 24 (PTI):
Feeling excluded at work may
motivate employees to engage
in unsavoury behaviours such as
cheating and lying, a new study
has found.
Researchers from the University
of Georgia (UGA) Terry College of
Business found that when employees feel left out, they act out.
‘When a person believes that
they are at risk
for exclusion, they
assume that there is something
about their personality or their
makeup that suggests they’re not
a valued group member, so they
have to do something above and
beyond what they’re currently doing in order to demonstrate their
value to the group’, said Marie
Mitchell, co-author of the research
and professor of management at
Researchers conducted an experiment in which participants took
a personality test and were divided
into groups of four and asked to
talk with each other for 15 minutes.
Following the discussion, they
were told they would be taking
two tests that would be scored
against a different group. While all
four members would take the first
test, the group would vote on three
members to move on to a second.
The team manipulated perceived
risk of exclusion by asking participants to report on which members
of the four-member group they felt
should participate in the last group
The participants then received an
update informing them about the
on how the team
rated whether
move forward
to the last task.
The researchers
randomly assigned
who received high versus low perceived risk of exclusion information. Participants in the high risk for
exclusion group were told that only
one member voted to have them
continue to the last task.Participants in the low risk for exclusion
group were told that three members voted to have them continue
to the last task.
After members were primed to
feel potential exclusion, they were
given a test which consisted of unanswerable anagrams.
Participants were asked to record
how many anagrams they unscrambled.
Since there were no correct answers, every reported instance of
solving the anagrams was a lie.
Promotions planned to coincide with PM’s ‘Make-in-India’ speech
Beijing, Sept 24 (PTI):
Even as there is tension in the India-China border, New Dellhi is making big preparations to showcase
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
‘Make-in-India’ pitch to large investors in China by organising investment promotion events in various
Chinese cities coinciding with his
special global address on 25 September.
The Indian embassy is organising
investment promotion events with
members of various Chinese chambers and trade bodies on 25 September which would be held after
the Prime Minister’s global address,
Charge d’Affaires of the embassy,
Bala B Bhaskar told Indian and Chinese journalists.
Besides Chinese investors, Chinese media too is invited to take part
in the event, he said.
Modi’s ‘Make in India’ address
will be screened to the Chinese
audience which will be followed by
presentations by Indian officials on
various steps initiated by the new
government to remove various bottlenecks for investment promotion in
Just 3% Indian firms
‘ready for growth’
India has fewer ‘strategically adrift’ companies than observed globally, but only three per cent of Indian companies are really ‘ready
for growth’, says a study.
The study titled ‘Why Indian companies need to get Fit for Growth
and what you can do’ by PwC Strategy& noted nearly 80 per cent of
surveyed organisations fall short of realising their growth potential
because of being strategically adrift, distracted or capability constrained. As per the study, only three per cent of Indian companies
are really ‘ready for growth’ and others must look to overcome specific challenges to future-proof themselves.
do not comply with the mandatory
procurement norm after April, 2015’,
MSME minister Kalraj Mishra said.
All public sector undertakings
(PSUs), central government ministries and departments will have to
procure at least 20 per cent of products and services required by them
from micro and small enterprises
German firms to jump bandwagon
Days before Prime Minister Modi plans to launch ‘Make in India’
programme to boost local manufacturing, Telecom Minister Ravi
Shankar Prasad on Tuesday said that German electronic firms have
shown interest in India.
‘I had gone for a week to see electronic manufacturing in Germany
and had a very fruitful exchange with electronics manufacturing
community in that country. They are excited to come in India in a
big way’, Prasad said at an event organised by industry body Assocham. German firms have shown interest in areas such as mobile
phones, SIM/smart cards and smart cities
The Indian embassy is organising
investment promotion events with
members of various Chinese chambers
and trade bodies on 25 September
India, Bhasksaid.
Similar programmes will be held
by Indian consulates in Guangzhou,
Shanghai and Hong Kong, he said
adding that though it is a global address emphasis will be on getting
more Chinese investments. The
event will be held amid the current
standoff between the two militaries
in Ladakh region which began be-
fore Chinese President Xi Jinping’s
recent visit to India.
Indian Ambassador to China,
Ashok Kantha who went to New
Delhi in connection Xi’s visit stayed
back in the capital as the two sides
held consultations to resolve the issue. He is due back here to attend
the event.
Bhaskar highlighted the agreements reached during Xi’s visit
which included setting up two Chi-
HMT puts in its papers
New Delhi, Sept 24 (PTI):
State-run watch and tractor maker
HMT, which has been incurring losses since last 15 years, has submitted a voluntary retirement/voluntary
separation scheme to downsize its
manpower to the government.
The present manpower of the company is 1,045 with an annual wage
bill of around Rs 45 crore, and there
had been unconfirmed reports that
the government plans to shut down
the iconic watchmaker.
‘The company has been incurring
cash losses since last 15 years as
can be seen in our Annual Reports
submitted to you and other stakeholders from time to time. The
company is on budgetary support
for payment of salaries and statutory dues since for over the past 10
years. In view of the above and with
the aim of reducing recurring costs,
the Ministry had directed the company to formulate an attractive VR/
VS Scheme to its employees in discussions with the employees’ union/
association. A scheme for downsizing of manpower has been prepared
based on the direction of DHI (Department of Heavy Industries), and
after due approval of the Board and
has been submitted to the Government for its examination and necessary action’, HMT said in a filing to
the Bombay Stock Exchange.
(MSEs) from April next year. The
public procurement policy for micro
and small enterprises has become
effective from 1 April 2012. However, the provision of 20 per cent procurement of products produced and
services rendered by MSEs will be
mandatory from 1 April 2015 for central ministries / departments / PSUs.
Chennai, Sept 24:
As part of its software solution deal with Mumbai based OPC Asset
Solutions, Sundaram Infotech Solutions Ltd, the IT subsidiary of Sundaram
Finance Ltd., has announced that the company will implement its SmartLend3G lending software solution at OPC.
The solution, which will be deployed at the Mumbai facility of OPC, is expected to go live in the next quarter, an official statement said.
Sundaram Infotech’s lending software solution will help OPC with a centralized control of its business operations, efficient cost control and management of assets and to keep an accurate digital record of all its growing
business transactions.
OPC Asset Solutions chose Sundaram Infotech Smartlend3G solution because of its rich features, ease of use and easy adaptability to the growing
business needs of OPC, the release said.
Google to get
women ‘online’
Mumbai, Sept 24 (PTI):
Search giant Google on Tuesday
launched a new social campaign in
association with Bollywood actordirector Farhan Akhtar’s initiative
MARD, to increase
among women in
the country.
Google India had
first time launched a ‘digital literacy’ initiative campaign called ‘Helping Women Get
Online’ (HWGO) in collaboration
with Intel, HUL and Axis Bank late
last year.
‘The first phase has been very
successful. In the last 12 months,
the number of women using the
internet has grown 35 per cent as
against 31 per cent by men. This for
the first time that women have surpassed men in using internet. This
is just the start of the programme
as it’s only 10 months when we
launched it (the first phase)’, Google India vice president and manag-
ing director Rajan Anandan said
As the company ramps up its
activities and takes many of them
to the next level, it expects further acceleration in the campaign,
Anandan said.
The jointly-promoted campaign called
will look to generate
awareness about the need to get
women online. It will also encourage existing users to help get more
women online and spread awareness of gender equality and women empowerment.
Despite India inching closer to
become the second largest internet users’ country, the number of
women using internet is lower than
most of the countries, he said adding, ‘empowering the young women
population with information and internet related tools could transform
India’s future’.
Exim Bank gets
Rs 650-crore
Exim Bank on Tuesday said it has
received Rs 650 crore in capital infusion so far this fiscal from government and expects to get a similar
sum in second half.
‘This year, we will get Rs 1,300
crore. Out of that, we have already
received Rs 650 crore about 10 days
ago. The rest of the amount will be
received in the second half’, Exim
Bank Chairman and Managing Director Yaduvendra Mathur said.
He was speaking on the sidelines
of a roundtable meeting with SelectUSA to promote Indian investment
in the US before Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s visit to America beginning later this week.
Jet to expand
Private carrier Jet Airways on
Tuesday said it will expand international operations from November
with a view to provide connectivity
from four more Indian cities to Abu
Dhabi and other international destinations.
Jet Airways’ will launch flight services from Ahmedabad, Goa and
Lucknow to Abu Dhabi and beyond
from 14 November, the airline said
in a release. ‘Besides, the carrier
also plans to introduce a flight on
the Pune-Abu Dhabi route and its
schedule is being finalised’, Jet Airways said, adding that the launch
will depend upon availability of slot
at both the airports.
Meanwhile from
Madras Steel Re Rollers Association, an umbrella for
more than 85 steel manufacturers in Chennai and Pondicherry, has urged the government not to allow import
and dumping of non-standard
and non-ISI deformed bars
manufactured and imported
from China to Chennai port
and other ports, and also requested the Customs to fix
minimum floor price for imports of ‘deformed rebars’ for
construction sector on top
priority to safeguard the domestic steel industry which
will go long way in fulfilling
the ‘Make of India’ vision of
the Prime Minister.
nese investment parks in India and
Beijing’s commitment to invest $20
billion. He urged the Chinese media
to give wide coverage to Modi’s address in order to get the message
across to Chinese investors.
Suzuki unveils Gixxer
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Suzuki Motorcycle India Private
Limited (SMIPL) launched its Gixxer
bike at a programme here yesterday.
The bike is powered by a 155cc, single cylinder, air cooled engine with a
five speed gearbox. The two-wheeler is crafted by the engineers of the
Suzuki GSX-R Series
Speaking at the launch, executive
vice-president of SMIPL Atul Gupta
said with the bike loaded with equipment power handling and trusted
Suzuki quality, it will make a statement. ‘We expect Gixxer to create a
strong foothold for itself in the market,’ he said.
He also informed that they are also
coming up with a marketing campaign featuring actor endorser Salman Khan in their attempts to reach
out to buyers. The bike is now available in five colours namely metallic
oort grey, candy antares red, glass
sparkle black, metallic triton blue
and pearl mirage white at a price of
Rs 74,552 (ex-showroom, Chennai).
Gamesa India signs
power project with
Hero Group
Sundaram Info’s
solution to OPC
NT Bureau
India-China: Border
hot, business cool
Only 32 PSUs comply
with norms: Govt
New Delhi, Sept 24 (PTI):
Only 32 out of 146 PSUs have
complied with the mandatory 20 per
cent procurement of products and
services required by them from micro and small enterprises till now,
the government on Tuesday said.
The government is looking at
amending public procurement policy
to incorporate provisions against
PSUs who fail to meet the mandatory at least 20 per cent rocurement
by April 2015.
‘As far as procurement policy is
concerned, it is true that several
PSUs are not complying with the required procurement. Only 32 PSUs
have complied with the 20 per cent
mandatory procurement out of 146
According to the policy, (20 per
cent procurement) it will be mandatory from April 2015. We are thinking
of amending the policy to incorporate provisions against PSUs who
Women self-help group members receiving cheques under the newly
launched ‘Repco Mahalir Sakthi’ scheme from Tamilnadu Governor
K Rosaiah, during the inauguration of Repco Bank’s 101st branch
at Avadi in Chennai recently. The branch was inaugurated by the
Governor through video conferencing.
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Gamesa Wind Turbines Private
Limited, has signed a 90 MW wind
power project order with Hero Future Energies (HFE), a new venture
of the Hero Group.
According to a press release,
Gamesa will now supply 25 units of
G97-2.0 MW turbines at Kavital site,
Karnataka and 20 units of G97-2.0
MW turbines at Gunga site, Rajasthan. The commissioning is scheduled for completion by March 2015.
Every evening
Land admeasuring 2400 square feet and
Building constructed in it comprised in Survey
No.1-A of Kuthapakkam Village, Cuddalore
taluk and District, and located at Door
No.5/52, Shanmuga Nagar, Kuthapakkam
Village, falling under Padiri Kuppam
Panchayat Union is under the possession and
enjoyment of my client Mr. Gansaraam Singh
residing at No.335, R.R. Flats, Ground Floor,
Mudichur Road, Tambaram, Chennai-45.
Original documents pertaining to the property
bearing document No.1804 of 1983 on the
of the document in a shop located near
Peerkankaranai Bus stand on 15-08-2014 at
around 6.00 P.M. Persons coming across the
document or in possession of the document
are requested to sent the document to the
the date of publication of this document.
(R.Abraham Lincoln)
Tambaram Bar Association
Combined Court Building,
Tambaram, Chennai-45
REGD OFFICE: II Floor, New No. 67, Old No. 19,
Dr Ranga Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004.
The shareholders of S&S Power Switchgear Limited are hereby informed that the
company as on 06.09.2014 completed the dispatch of Notice dated 30.05.2014 as
per Rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014. It is
hereby declared that all those items of business that may be transacted at the 36th
Annual General Meeting to be held on 29.09.2014, may be transacted by e-voting.
The voting period shall commence on Monday, 22.09.2014 at 09.00 A.M and
ends on Wednesday, 24.09.2014 at 06.00 P.M Voting shall not be allowed beyond
06.00 P.M on 22.09.2014.
A copy of the Annual General Meeting notice is displayed at the company’s website
as well (www.acrastyle.com)
The board of Directors have appointed Mr.M.Damodaran, Proprietor of
M/s. M.Damodaran & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, having office at
New.No.6, Old No.12, Appavoo Gramani 1st Street, Mandaveli, Chennai - 600 028,
as scrutinizer for conducting the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.
Any grievances whatsoever in relation to the e-voting process can be taken up
with and shall be redressed by D.Sadasivam, Company Secretary (Mob. No.
93817 47601, Ph. No. 2498 8056)
The voting rights shall be reckoned on 29th August, 2014, which is also the
cut off date.
By the order of the Board
Place: Chennai
Date: 17.09.2014
(For Immovable Property)
(Under Sec 13(4) of the read with Appendix IV and rule 8 (1) of the Security Interest
Enforcement Rules, 2002)
Citifinancial Consumer Finance India Limited (the “CCFIL”) had at your request, granted to
you, loan against property for a sum of ` 13,20,000/- (Rupees Thirteen Lakhs Twenty
Thousand Only) Vide loan agreement No (16139818) entered between you and the CCFIL,
Under the agreement entered into between CCFIL and you, CCFIL had assigned the loan to
DCB Bank Ltd (the “BANK”) (the “Assignment Date”), the same was intimated to you vide
letter dated 23-06-2011. Accordingly, all rights and obligations in relation to the said Loan
have been since assigned to the Bank with effect from the Assignment Date and your new
Reference Number and Loan Account Number is as referred herein above.
Whereas, the undersigned being the authorised officer of the DCB Bank Limited (Formerly
Development Credit Bank Limited) under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (54 of 2002) and in exercise of powers
conferred under section 13(12) read with rule 9 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,
2002 issued a 13(2) notice dated 02-07-2014 calling upon the borrower Mr. RAMESH K, NO
STREET, ARUMBAKKAM, CHENNAI - 600106 to repay the amount mentioned in the notice
being ` 11,97,705/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Ninety Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and
Five only) and being the amount under the loan account number HCFECHE00024137 along
with interest and other charges, cost etc within 60 days from the date of the said notice.
The borrower having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the borrower,
guarantors and the public in general that the undersigned has taken possession of the
property described herein below in exercise of the powers conferred on him under sec 13 (4)
of the said Act read with rule 9 of the said Rules on this 15th September, 2014.
The borrower in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not to deal with the
property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of the DCB Bank
Limited, for an amount of ` 15,68,492/- along with accrued interest and other charges , cost
All that piece and parcel of land situated that Amaravathi Nagar, First West Cross Street,
Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600106, bearing plot no.9-B and plot no.10-A total extent of 2418
sq.ft.,comprised in survey No. 237 and 239 T. S. No. 15 block 3 in 107 Arumbakkam Village,
Egmore - Nungambakkam Taluk, bounded on the
North by : 12’0’’ Road,
South by : Plot No.10-B,
East by : Amaravathi nagar 1st cross west road,
West by : Plot No.9-A.
Within the Registration District of Central Madras, and Sub-Registration District of
All that undivided share of vacant land of an extent 425/2418 sq.ft.,of schedule” A”
property and Residential Flat First Floor of built up area 820 sq.ft.,(inclusive of proportionate
share in common area) on the first floor constructed on the land described in the schedule
Date: 15-09-2014
Authorised Officer,
Place: Chennai
DCB Bank Limited (Formerly Development Credit Bank Limited)
Lin breaks
two WRs
Incheon, Sept 24 (AFP):
Taiwan’s Lin Tzu-chi broke
two world records to snatch
gold from China’s Deng Wei in
the women’s 63kg at the Asian
Games and warned her rival
she could lift even more weight.
In another extraordinary afternoon at the Incheon Moonlight
Gardens weightlifting arena,
four world records were erased
as Lin and Deng fought out a
titanic battle. Lin took the lead
with a clean and jerk lift of 143kg
for a 259kg aggregate which
smashed the old world record of
257kg set back in 2007.
Deng then strode out and
hoisted a world record 144kg
clean and jerk, to equal Lin’s
total and go into gold medal
position by virtue of lower bodyweight.
Lin, with one lift remaining,
somehow hauled 145kg above
her head to condemn Deng
to silver and set more world
records for both the clean and
jerk and the combined (261kg)
in the process.
Taiwan’s Lin
Next championship I will be
stronger and do even better,
Lin told AFP, looking ahead to
November’s world championships in Kazakhstan.
Actually, I knew I could make
this weight because I had
It is not fair because Umar was not
keen to take on this dual role as he is
primarily a batsman not a keeper, said
Kamran, who has been sidelined by
the selectors from the Test side since
2010 and ODI side since last year.
Kamran, 32, said the dual role given
to his brother had affected his game
and his batting had suffered.
He was not keen on this dual role
and he told the authorities but they
still insisted he should also keep
wickets. It is unfair on him, he added.
The Pakistan team management
and selectors have tried Umar as
keeper batsman since last year in
T20s and ODIs and in recent times
his form in both jobs has taken a
downward spiral.
Indian eves ready
for the challenge
Incheon, Sept 24 (PTI):
India will have a chance to avenge there twin defeats
of the earlier Asian Games when they take on defending
champions China in the women’s hockey competition
here .
World No.13 India, who
won their opener against
Thailand 3-0 yesterday,
will need to raise their
game against fifthranked China by a few
notches. The
Chinese eves defeated
M a laysia 1-0 in their
opening match.
India had lost 1-2 to
China before finishing a
disappointing fourth in the
2010 Guangzhou edition.
They went down to the
eventual winners 1-3 at 2006
Doha and ended up with the
bronze medal.
Speaking ahead of the
match, India chief coach
Neil Hawgood said,
While the team is
confident of continuing the form in the
clash against China, the girls are also not forgetting their
last outing against them. The team is looking forward to
playing the highest ranked Asian team in the tournament
to see where we stand against a side sitting amongst the
top 10 in the world.’
India survives
Jordan scare
Incheon, Sept 24 (PTI):
India, sans singles silver medallist Saurav
Ghosal, scraped through Jordan 2-1 in their
opening Pool B match of the Asian Games
squash competition here.
Kush Kumar and the experienced Harinder
Pal Sandhu won their singles matches to take
India home in the absence of Ghosal, who sat
out of the match after losing an 87-minute long
final earlier today. Mahesh Mangaonkar went
down in the second singles.
Kumar, who became the first Indian to make
World Junior Championships semifinals last
month, beat Albraikat Saif Yousef Irsheid 11-6
11-7 11-9 to give his team a 1-0 advantage
in the contest.
Another young Indian Managonkar gave
Alsaraj Ahmad Khaleel Ahmad a tough fight
before going down 9-11 9-11 12-10 11-8 to
take the game to tie to the decider.
Top two teams from each pool qualify for
the semifinals. India had won a bronze each
in the men’s and women’s categories in the
2010 Guangzhou Games.
Painless victory for
Paine and co
Selectors spoiled Umar’s
career: Kamran Akmal
Karachi, Sept 24 (PTI):
Discarded Pakistan wicketkeeper,
Kamran Akmal has blamed the national selectors and Pakistan team
management for spoiling the career
of his younger brother, Umar Akmal.
Kamran said he was not happy
that those who make team decisions
had persisted with Umar as a wicketkeeper in T20 and ODI matches.
Kamran Akmal
achieved it in training, Lin added. Lin, the 2013 Asian champion at 58kg, had started the
competition as favourite along
with Deng, a world champion
at 58kg last year, despite both
being something of an unknown
quantity at 63kg after stepping
up in weight.
First, congratulations to Lin for
winning gold, Deng said. I did
well, but it wasn’t my full potential. I wasn’t capable of beating
her today. I will be striving to
reverse the result in the next
North Korea’s Jo PokHyang, a seasoned 63kg
lifter, was expected to challenge the top two but in her first
snatch attempt she dropped the
bar weighing 107kg dangerously on to her back, bringing gasps
from the stunned audience.
Northern Knights suffers a crushing defeat
Raipur, Sept 24 (PTI):
Hobart Hurricanes skipper Tim
Paine was full of praise for his
bowlers and batsmen and said it
was a complete team effort that
earned the Australian side comfortable 86-run win over Northern
Knights in a Oppo Champions
League Twenty match, here.
The Hurricanes produced a commanding performance to beat the
Knights by 86 runs in a Group B
match to keep their hopes afloat
in Twenty20 event.
And Paine was full of
praise for his bowlers and
batsmen. ‘I can’t fault that
bowling effort. It was as
good as we’ve bowled for
some time. I thought Shoaib
(Malik) and Aiden (Blizzard) played
really well to get us out of a disastrous start. When I got out we were
probably looking at 15-0-160,’ he
said at the post-match presentation ceremony.
‘I thought if we could take early
wickets against them, some of their
guys haven’t batted much in the
qualifiers or their first game, so we
thought we might get them under
pressure,’ he added.
Losing team captain Daniel Flynn
said their game plan just didn’t
‘The way those guys (openers)
have been playing, we just backed
them to pull off their game plans, it
didn’t just work for us today. We’ve
got another big game in a couple
of days and we look forward to that,’ he said.
Man-of-thematch Ben Hilfenhaus, who rocked
Knights’s chase by
picking up three wickets
for 14 runs, credited
Aiden Blizzard and Shoaib Malik
for the setting up the platform for
the bowlers to have a go at the
Knights batsmen.
I think it was very well set up by
Blizzard and Malik. Fantastic effort, gave us bowlers a pretty good
chance, he said. It’s quite funny,
Zico says ISL will help
Indian football grow
The Southern Railway team, winner of the women’s event in the
13th annual State-level basketball tournament organised by Mayor
Radhakrishnan Memorial Basketball Club in Chennai with Secretary
of Tamil Development and Information Department M Rajaram.
SIAA snooker
tourney kicks off
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
The 29th edition of the Anglo American South Indian Athletics Association (SIAA) Snooker tournament for the Jeelani Trophy got underway here
today and would go on till 5 October.
Over 100 cueists from various parts of Tamilnadu and other States are
taking part in the tournament being played on a knockout basis, SIAA
president P S Saravanan and vice-president Sunil Mathew told reporters.
They said the tournament is being held under the auspices of the Tamilnadu Billiards and Snooker Association.
The winner would receive Rs 40,000, runner-up Rs 25,000, semifinalists
Rs 12,500 each and the quarterfinalists Rs 5,000 each. Apart from this
a special prize of Rs 3,000 would be given to the players who notches
up the highest break of the tournament. All cueists who come up with
100-plus breaks would also be presented a cash award of Rs 1,000 each.
Popular players who would be seen in action included Varun Kumar,
Rafath Habib, Girish of Western Railway, S A Saleem, R Loganathan,
Praneeth, Dilip Kumar and Ashok Subramaniam.
Sunil said SIAA which had been giving utmost importance to sports activities, would be conducting more events in the coming months, including
a snooker event for women.
I thought it came out better the
other day but I was hit everywhere.
There was a bit of movement and
assistance, and it was good to get
the overs out of the way and not
get tapped around at the end.’
Ben Hilfenhaus
‘I thought if we could
take early wickets
against them, some
of their guys haven’t
batted much in the
qualifiers or their
first game, so we
thought we might
get them under
Nadal’s coach criticises
female Davis Cup captain
Madrid, Sept 24 (AP):
Rafael Nadal’s coach has criticized
the appointment of a woman as the
captain of Spain’s Davis Cup team.
Gala Leon, a former WTA player,
became the first woman to be appointed captain of the country’s Davis
Cup team on Sunday, replacing
Carlos Moya.
It is preferable that (the Davis Cup
captain) is someone with a background in the world of men’s tennis,
said Toni Nadal, Rafael Nadal’s
coach and uncle.
Toni Nadal said he expected the job
to go to a former men’s player, such
as Juan Carlos Ferrero. I have nothing against her, I don’t know what her
capabilities are and I hope she
does her job well, but in theory she
is a person that doesn’t know men’s
tennis, because men’s tennis isn’t the
same as women’s tennis, Toni Nadal
told Onda Cero radio on Tuesday.
The truth is that the men’s game
isn’t the same as the women’s game
on the tactical level, not that one is
better than the other.
Wenger encouraged
me to play in India: Pires
Mumbai, Sept 24 (PTI):
Brazilian legend Zico, the
high-profile coach in the
upcoming Indian Super
League, said the two-and-half
Mumbai, Sept 24 (PTI):
month long league would
French football legend Robert
help the 158th ranked India to
Pires says it was his ‘second daddy’
improve their footballing skills
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger,
and produce great talents in
who convinced him to come out of
retirement and play in Indian Super
Football has to go through
a process so that it becomes
Pires, who is a World Cup winner,
successful here too. Since
will turn out for FC Goa as their marthis League is going to attract
quee player in the franchise-based
a lot of players from Italy,
league, to be held at various venues
Portugal, Spain, France, I
think India has much to learn
from all these top players,
Zico told reporters here.
They will keep on playing for
many long years so that the
football keeps on growing. I
hope that all of them keep on
improving and give their best
performance. This league will
definitely grow to produce
great footballers, he added.
Zico, who scored 48
across the country from 12 October
international goals in 71
to 20 December. The celebrated midappearances for Brazil, will
fielder said Arsene Wenger is like his
be coaching FC Goa and
father and it was he, who encouraged
said his mission is to inspire
him to play in India.
the players and deliver good
He told me if you can play in India,
results. My
you need to go. You love football
mission is
and you have the passion, the
inspire the
message from Arsene Wenger
for me was that you go. Wenger
and what is
is like my second daddy. For
important for me
me it was very positive to work
is to have very
with him in the six seasons, so
good results
when I explained this project in
for FC Goa. I
India he asked me not wait, the
hope that all the
40-year-old Arsenal legend told
Indian football
reporters here.
players who will
I retired three years ago but
be under me will
I am still training with
showcase their
Arsenal because I
talent and match
have a good reZico
up to great
lation with the
standards, he
club and Arsene
Wenger. So it’s
been easy to come out of retirement.
My passion is football and I can still
play. I am here, I am excited and I
am looking forward to the league, he
said. Pires said he is certainly feeling
the pressure of performace but he
likes to excel
i n
these situations.
I know
that the
‘I retired three years ago
but I am still training with
Arsenal because I have a
good relation with the club
and Arsene Wenger’
weather is
Robert Pires
hot but I
am ready
and training very
hard. I am like
ssaan ambassance,
dor for France,
a and
for FC Goa
I have a lot of
lity on
ders. I
my shoulders.
feel the pressure
but I like it. I am a
al and
t. Tonot a tourist.
morrow I meet
my team mates
bjective for
and the objective
n the title,’
me is to win
Pires said.
ho had 79
Pires, who
al appearinternational
ances for the national side, will be
playing alongside his former France
team mate David Trezeguet and
Arsenal team mate Freddie Ljungberg in the league. I am sure for my
ex-partners it is a good opportunity
because the level is good. I am sure
the Indian Super League will be a
success. I have passion, I am ready
and I am fit, I will like to win and I
would like to train the Indian players
for the future because I think you
have a good future, he said.
Pires said he had got offers from
Major Soccer Leagues and other
countries but opted to
play in the ISL.
Mixed Bag
‘Modi’s US visit a
golden opportunity’
Both countries can repair faltering bilateral ties: Think-tanks
Newly-elected Coimbatore and Tuticorin Mayors Ganapathy Rajkumar
and APR Anthony Gracy called on Tamilnadu Chief Minister
J Jayalalithaa at the Secretariat in Chennai yesterday.
Desalination plant to
come up at Nemmeli
Washington, Sept 24 (PTI):
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
US visit will provide a golden opportunity to both countries to repair the
faltering bilateral ties though circumstances are not favourable, according
to top American think-tanks.
Modi is scheduled to arrive in New
York on 26 September to attend the
annual session of the UN General
Assembly. He will meet US President
Barack Obama at the White House
on 29 September and 30 September.
‘Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
forthcoming visit to Washington
will provide India and the US with
a golden opportunity to repair their
faltering partnership. The stakes are
high, even if the circumstances today
are not particularly propitious,’ Ashley
Tellis of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace said yesterday
Modi will meet
US President
Barack Obama
at the
White House on
29 and 30 September
in an article ahead of Modi’s visit.
Tellis said if Modi’s private remarks
to visiting American officials recently
are any indication, he seeks to end
the current level of stagnation in bilateral ties. ‘But his approach, which
seemingly centres on soliciting
huge international investments for
important, high-profile projects at
home, offers poor prospects for any
deep US involvement that would
quickly resuscitate joint cooperation
between the two countries,’ he said.
Expectations are very high from
the Modi-Obama meeting; the first
between the two leaders. ‘Modi has
said all things are possible between
India and America-even a strategic
alliance. But the two countries still
have much distance to travel to
create one,’ said Daniel Twining, a
senior fellow for Asia at the German
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
The Tamilnadu Infrastructure Development Board (TNIDB), headed by Chief
Minister J Jayalalithaa, on Tuesday approved a series of projects, including
drinking water schemes, running into several crores of rupees.
The second board meeting of TNIDB chaired by her approved setting up two
seawater desalination plants at an overall cost of over Rs 5,400 crore.
The board approved setting up of two Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO)
desalination plants with a capacity of 400 MLD and 150 MLD to be located at
Perur and Nemmeli, respectively, a State government release here said.
‘The 400 MLD desalination plant at Perur would be built at a cost of about Rs
4,070 crore while the project cost for the 150 MLD plant at Nemmeli would be
about Rs 1,371 crore. Both these projects would be built on Design-Build-Operate
(DBO) basis,’ it said.
These schemes would esnure supply of high quality drinking water to Chennai
even during the dry season, it said adding Central grant was being sought for the
project. Further, it okayed a Rs 556.57 crore towards improving and revamping
present feeder mains and distribution system in Coimbatore to provide ‘24X7’
water supply to 1.5 lakh households.
Reviewing the progress of various infrastructure projects and initiatives by different departments, the board noted that considerable progress has been made on
217 projects/programmes identified under the second phase of Vision Tamilnadu
2023. Among others, the Board approved the project structure for the proposed
Madurai-Thoothukudi Industrial (MTI) Corridor, in which 29 projects covering the
southern districts of Madurai, Sivaganga, Virudunagar,Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli,
Kanyakumari and Ramanathapuram have been planned.
TNIDB also approved the establishment of Tamilnadu Infrastructure Fund
Management Company Limited (TNIFMC), ‘keeping in mind the financing
needs’ of infrastructure projects.
‘The TNIFMC will be enabled to roll out and manage new Infrastructure
Finance Vehicles (IFV) viz., Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDF), Alternative
Investment Fund (AIF) and Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIT) as per
SEBI guidelines,’ it said.
The board also approved a budget of Rs 2,000 crore for Tamilnadu Infrastructure Development Fund and Rs 200 crore for project preparatory fund
(PPF) of TNIDB for 2014-15.
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
In a bizarre incident, a man in
Saidapet was robbed on Tuesday by a man posing as a mobile
phone seller.
According to police sources,
Dinesh was at Panagal Maligai
bus stand when an unidentified
man approached him with various mobile phone offers. At first
Dinesh declined, but the man
enticed him with various offers
on latest mobile phones and led
him to a nearby street for the
It is said that the man handed
him a mobile phone box and on
opening it, Dinesh inhaled the
chemical inside and fainted. On
waking up, he found his chain,
ring and some cash missing.
He subsequently filed a complaint with the Saidapet police.
PM calls for
Mumbai, Sept 24:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said the Centre and the States
should work together for nation’s
He said political differences
shoudn’t come in way of nation’s
Preventing wastage of food and
agri commodities can help save up to
Rs 40,000-cr per annum Modi said,
adding that adopting scientific farming methods can help resolve most
farming problems.
Economy can grow faster if purchasing power of villagers increases,
he said.
9.5 kg gold
at city airport
When spirit is willing, nothing is a handicap. These bastketballers on wheelchair seem to make an important
and spirited point for the rest of the humanity to get inspired by. The picture was snapped from this pivotal
angle by our lensman M SRINIVASAN at the 8th National Para Games which got underway at the SDATN
stadium in Egmore this morning.
Yakshagana: Dance
of the demi-gods
Man robbed at
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
Kendriya Vidyalaya CLRI, Adyar, in
association with The Society for the
Promotion of Indian Classical Music
And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC
MACAY) organised a performance,
‘Yakshagana’ for school students here
Yakshagana, which is a traditional
folk art form in Karnataka, was performed by the 15-member Idakunji
Mahaganapathi Yakshagana Mandali
troupe from the region, headed by their
director Keremane Shivananda Hedge.
Jayashree Aradhyam, volunteer
from SPIC MACAY along with school
principal A Shashi and headmistress
Kamala Ramamurti were instrumental
in showcasing the cultural performance
to the students.
Artistes enact a scene during the ‘Valibha Moksha’ play staged by
the Yakshagana Mandali organised by SPIC MACAY and Kendriya
Vidyalaya CLRI, Adyar in Chennai yesterday.
Combining elements of music and
dance in theatre, the enactment of
Yakshagana titled ‘Valibha Moksha’
followed the story of Vali and Sugreeva, from the Indian mythological
epic Ramayana. Dressed in bright
yellow and red colours and with flowing
manes of hair, all characters elicited
much cheering from the young audience.
Shooters fire a blank on 5th day
Incheon, Sept 24 (PTI):
After scooping six medals, including a gold won
by Jitu Rai, on the first four days of the Asian
Games, Indian shooters drew a blank on the fifth
day of the competitions at the Ongnyeon pistol
and rifle range here today.
India had chances of winning four medals from
the 25m rapid fire pistol event for men and the 50m
rifle prone for women but could not get even one
on a disappointing day for the shooters.
Indian men’s 25m rapid fire pistol team narrowly
missed out on a bronze as they finished fourth
after ending up with same points as Vietnam with
a tally of 1704. The bronze was decided on ‘innner
10’ count and Vietnam bagged the medal as they
had 41 hits at the innermost ring as against 39
by the Indians.
India’s chances of a medal in the individual event
rested on Harpreet Singh but he even failed to
qualify for the final round as he finished seventh.
Harpreet started off promisingly to have a score
of 197 out of 200 in his first 20 shots but could not
sustain the momentum in the next 10 where he
missed seven marks, including three in the last
five, to end up with 290 out of 300. He still had a
Marshall Fund of the United States.
‘An agenda for the Obama-Modi
summit should encompass five critical areas for cooperation: defence,
energy, trade and investment, the
future of Afghanistan and the crisis
in the Middle East,’ he added.
Writing in an article for the Wall
Street Journal, he said: ‘The two
leaders should embrace an agenda
that strengthens their role as democratic and economic counterweights
to growing global disorder.’
‘Washington and New Delhi should
develop a joint plan to expand training of Afghan security forces and
enhance India’s stabilising economic
and diplomatic role,’ he added.
Twining applauded Modi for boosting India’s stock market up by 30 per
cent, and surging growth to nearly
six per cent.
chance to make a grand rally and did it over the
next 20 shots in which he missed only five shots
combined. But nerves overcame him and he was
way off target in the last 10 -- missing two between
51 and 55 and three more over the last series of
five shots and his tally of 578 got him the seventh
spot -- one rung outside the top six who qualified
for the finals. His sequence of scores read 98, 99,
93, 98, 97 and 93.
Harpreet’s teammates Gurpreet Singh and Pemba Tamang performed poorly to end up 12th and
20th with respective overall tallies of 570 and 556.
Gurpreet’s sequence was 97, 98, 89, 98, 97 and
91 while Tamang fired 99, 93, 85, 91, 94 and 94.
The Indian women were even more off the mark
with army major Raj Chaudhary, the main hope,
starting well in the women’s 50m rifle prone individual event before tapering off to finish 22nd out
of 43 shooters with an aggregate score of 614.6.
Teammates Lasjja Gausswami (25th; 613.7
points) and Tejaswini Muley (36th; 608.8 points)
were totally out of depth.
As a result, the Indian women finished outside
the medal bracket in the 50m rifle prone team
event too, ending up 11th out of 13 countries with
an aggregate of 1837.1. Main prone rifle shooting hope Raj Chaudhry also began her event very
promisingly before pressure got over to her. Raj,
who was shooting well till the 40th shot
in the 60-shot prone finals, took a break
and then had a horrid sequence over
the next 10 shots during which she secured three 9-plus scores, including the
lowest of 9.5, that pegged her back.
After a string of 9-plus scores
between the 13th and 15th shots,
she took a long break and then shot
consistently in the 10s till the 30th
shot. She had a high of 10.7 and a
low of 9.9 and tallied 103.4 in the
10-shot sequence from 31st to 40.
However, another break upset her rhythm
and her form dipped and she finished way
behind. Later, she blamed shifting winds at
the range for missing her mark.
‘The wind was changing. I had adjusted my
weapon to counter these changes but I lost my
rhythm,’ said the Mathura-born Mhow-based
army major.
Chief guests for the occasion were
S M Saleem, Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for
Chennai region, and Uma Shivaraman,
Assistant Commissioner, Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan for Chennai region. Principal of the school presided
over the event.
Speaking about the enactment by
the troupe, Saleem said, ‘The cheering from the students speaks volumes
about the programme. This play was
staged to not only enjoy the aesthetic
aspects of the art form, but also to learn
values of Dharma, being virtuous, and
caring for the welfare of others.’
He also added, ‘Artistes are great and
blessed people because they have the
gift of God in them.’ The artists were
honoured with shawls and mementos
by the chief guests.
NT Bureau
Chennai, Sept 24:
In two separate incidents, 9.5
kilograms of gold were seized at
the airport by customs officials this
According to police sources, a
passenger from Singapore, Citi Sali
(38) was suspected of smuggling
and was taken for private interrogation by authorities. Initially denying
the charges, he later confessed
and handed over the gold. Four
kilograms of gold biscuits were recovered from him. It is reported that
two airport officials, Soundara Rajan
and Balraj were involved in helping
Citi Sali smuggle the gold worth Rs
two crore.
In another incident, two women
passengers from Kuwait were taken
to custody after officials found 5.50
kilograms of gold biscuits inside their
Amit Shah
in Mumbai
Mumbai, Sept 24 (PTI):
BJP president Amit Shah is reaching Mumbai this evening amid the
impasse over seat sharing among
‘Mahayuti’ (grand alliance) partners.
Amit is expected to discuss the
alliance tangle with senior state BJP
leaders, party sources said.
Indian athletes
display good show
Incheon, Sept 24 (PTI):
India made a resounding start in the individual badminton event
of the 17th Asian Games with ace shuttlers Saina Nehwal and
P V Sindhu sailing into the second round of women’s singles
competition here today.
While Olympics bronze medallist Saina made mincemeat of
her lesser-known opponent U Teng Iok of Macau, notching up a
21-10 21-8 win, Sindhu whipped Kit Leng Wong of Macau 21-17
21-13 in another lop-sided match that lasted for 19 minutes at
the Gyeyang Gymnasium here.
Indian women’s doubles pair of Pradnya Gadre and Sikki Reddy
Nelakurthi and men’s doubles combination of B Sumeeth Reddy
and Manu Attri too stormed into the second round with easy
victories. World number 55 pair of Pradnya and Sikki gave a lesson or two to their lower-ranked rivals Sichhya Shrestha and Punam Gurung of
Nepal as they wrapped up their match in just 16 minutes with a 21-16 21-4 win.
Sumeeth and Manu too hardly broke a sweat when they brushed aside
Nasheeu Sharafudden and Mohamed Sarim of Maldavis 21-7 21-7 in another
lop-sided match that lasted for just 19 minutes.
In the women’s singles match, Saina did not have to exert herself as her opponent made too many mistakes to hand over easy points to the Indian. There
were hardly any rallies in the match as Iok kept sending the shuttle wide and
long to make life easy for Saina.
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ankarabharanam has been a beautiful illustration of how musical
showpieces with classical essence can break the barriers of language
and boundaries and reach everyone, says veteran playback singer S P
The film has late actor J V Somayajulu, Manju Bhargavi and Chandra
Mohan in lead roles. The movie directed by K Vishwanath was shot by late
Balu Mahendra.
Sankarabharanam was originally produced by Poornodaya Movie Creations
and the digital Tamil version is now released by T N Arts Rathnam and produced by P S Hariharan and T B Senthaamarai Kannan under the banner of
Sri Sabha Girivasan Movies. It is releasing on 2 October. S P Balasubramaniam
had sung all songs in the movie which became instant hits.
He says, ‘The number of hours I have spoken about Sankarabharanam over
30 years would run into infinity and this is an epical journey in my career. I still
remember the time when the film was shot in Telugu; my brother like filmmaker
Viswanath narrated the story to my father at my home. He requested my father
to ask me if I could record the songs for this film before other tracks. During
that time, I was recording for around 4-5 songs a day’.
‘When Viswanath wanted me to croon the numbers, I openly confessed
that I’m not expert in classical genre and someone else than me would do
complete justice.’
Sankarabharanam despite being a
Telugu fi lm was the fi rst of its kind
movie to have a successful run in
many theatres of Tamilnadu for a year,
he says and adds, ‘The film was later
dubbed in Malayalam, but the original
Telugu songs were retained and the
remake in Hindi was indeed more
Moreover, Balasubrahmanyam rejoices over the cherishing memory of Sankarabharanam as the film gained
him the first National award. The film also won several National awards for
playback singer Vani Jayaram, music director K V Mahadevan and Best
Regional Award for Indira Gandhi National Integration.
He assures that the film dubbed in Tamil with digital restoration will be
a delightful experience for the present generation of audience.
J V Somayajulu in Sankarbharanam
got me first
National award. I
owe a lot to director
K Vishwanath’
I love
arthi starrer Madras, directed by Attakathi fame
Ranjith, is ready for release this week-end.
Ranjith is upbeat about the movie’s prospects at the
box office.
He says, ‘it is a special film for Karthi and would be
totally different in his career’.
The movie is set in North Chennai. Catherine Tresa
from Tollywood will be making her Tamil debut with the
film. Rama, Kalaiyarasan, Vinoth, Poster Nandakumar,
Hari, Mime Gopi and Jaya Rao form part of the cast. Produced by K E Gnanavel Raja, S R Prakashbabu and S R
Prabhu, the movie has music by Santosh Narayanan.
ctress Piaa Bajpai is eagerly awaiting
the release of director Lakshmy Ramakrishnan’s Nerungi Vaa Muthamidathe.
The actress says her role in the film was
‘I am not a bubbly, happy girl in Nerungi
Vaa Muthamidathe, like how I was seen in
other movies. This character demanded a
lot out of me. Every day at the end of shoot,
I would be emotionally drained’.
The actress who shot to fame with movies
like Poi Solla Porom, Goa and Bale Pandiya,
says, ‘I love my character in the movie’.
Q: Tell us about Nerungi Vaa Muthamidathe?
A: The movie is about the life of four
strangers and what happens to them when
they meet. I love the way my character has
been written. I play a strong urban girl, who
faces her struggles alone.
Q: How was it to work with Lakshmy
A: She is a no-nonsense director. She
is my inspiration. My experience of working with Lakshmy was extraordinary. She
respected her artistes.
Q: What’s your next film?
A: I am working on director Priyadarshan’s Malayalam film, Aamayum Muyalum.
Priyadarshan produced my first film Poi
Solla Porom. So, working with him now is a
dream-come-true for me. He is my godfather.
Q: is the movie based on real life incident?
A: Yes, it is. In real life, I have a friend named Prabhu, who
is so innocent, but often gets angry. This unique quality in
him inspired me to sketch the character for my film
Karthi in Madras
‘Karthi never behaved
like a star on sets. He
made us see him only
as the character he
was playing’
Q: How close is the script of Madras to you?
A: Madras is special to me. Madras will be novel in Tamil
cinema. It doesn’t focus on a character alone, but a group
of individuals.
Q: On working with Karthi?
A: He is a dedicated artiste. A wonderful human being. He
never behaved like a star on sets. He was one among the
residents of the place where we shot. He made us see him
only as the character he was playing.
Q: Why about north Madras?
A: I wanted to break stereotyped images that Kollywood
had of the area and its people. In quite a few movies, they
are depicted as goondas. I’ve tried to highlight the fact that
not all the people here are like that.
Madras is about
namma Chennai .....
Hasty upgrade
for archery venue
South Korea’s wealthy archery association has taken
matters into its own hands by hastily upgrading an Asian
Games venue and providing its own meals following a
number of complaints.
The association said it was spending tens of thousands
of dollars putting up a giant TV screen and covering the
archery venue’s media area, which was open to the elements.
The body is also providing meals to officials and volunteers, claiming
lunchboxes given by organisers -- who have already suffered a salmonella
scare -- were out of date.
The new awning has been put up over the media zone and construction
is still underway to put up a giant screen on the left side of the arena, a
spokeswoman told AFP Tuesday.
We are spending several tens of millions of won for the project. There were
complaints from reporters that it was impossible to see computer monitors
and even see the giant screen on the right side, due to sunlight.’
She said the archery body took action after its chairman, Kia boss
Chung Eui-Sun, heard complaints about the new Gyeyang Asiad
Archery Field.
We decided to fund the project ourselves since we understood organisers had no additional budget allocated for such new project, she said.
We thought the project was necessary given South Korea’s status as
an archery powerhouse... we just wanted to provide better experience
for archery lovers and did not want to cause any trouble with organisers.
Games organisers have explained the lunchboxes were not out of date
but mislabelled, and that they are now giving cash instead of meals to
workers on the site.
Chinese on a roll
China claimed 14 golds on day four across shooting, wushu, weightlifting, synchronised
swimming and gymnastics, where Yao Jinnan won the women’s individual all-round title.
Eighteen-year-old hooting sensation Yang Haoran led a sweep of the men’s 10m air rifle
event as the world champion claimed the individual title after helping China to team gold.
Team-mate Cao Yifei picked up the silver with 208.9, conceding the lead to Yang in the
last two shots of a well-contested eight-man final.
Rank Country
Bronze Total
DPR Korea
Hong Kong
Chinese Taipei
Published by K. Balakumar on behalf of News Today Media (P) Ltd., from 85, Mount Road (GST Road), Guindy, Chennai 600 032 and printed by him at Frontline Printers Private Ltd., M-7, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Guindy,
Chennai 600 032. Ph: 4202 1111. Editor: K. Balakumar. Phone: Editorial/Admn /Advt: 22504000, Fax: 2250 1800 (Editorial)/2250 1200/2250 0101 (Advt/Admn). e-mail: [email protected], Circulation: 4202 1111. Fax: 4212 0000.