Cennik Prince 2012
Cennik Prince 2012
Cennik Prince 2012 Wyłączny przedstawiciel Prince Sports Europe w Polsce PPH FORDEX Sp. z o.o. Dąbrowa, ul. Piaskowa 1, 62-069 Palędzie tel. 618 143 449, 618 143 465, fax: 618 143 481 Biura: 61-626 Poznań, ul. Winogrady 149 tel. 618 238 141, fax: 618 209 161 Cennik Prince 2012 2012 PERFORMANCE TENNIS Symbol Status Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna RQT RQT RQT RQT RQT RQT RQT new carry over carry over carry over carry over new new 1780 999 899 869 779 479 479 Nazwa PERFORMANCE RACQUETS EXO3 THUNDER SERIES 7T20T205 7T12P105 7T12Q105 7T12R105 7T12S105 7T20R205 7T20Q205 EXO3 Sovereign EX03 Silver OS+ 115 EX03 Blue OS 110 EX03 Red MP+ 105 EX03 Pink OS 105 EXO3 Red Lite EXO3 Pink Lite TOUR SERIES 7T18B205 7T23F205 7T18C205 7T18E205 7T18D205 EXO3 Warrior 100 EXO3 Warrior DB Team (270g) EXO3 Warrior Team EXO3 Warrior 104 EXO3 Warrior 104 Lite RQT RQT RQT RQT RQT new new new new new 779 699 719 659 659 7T12U105 7T12W105 7T12V105 EXO3 Tour 18 x 20 EXO3 Tour Team EXO3 Tour Lite RQT RQT RQT carry over carry over carry over 799 699 599 7T18F205 7T18G205 7T18H205 7T18J205 7T18K205 EXO3 Rebel 95 EXO3 Rebel 98 EXO3 Rebel 98 Team EXO3 Rebel 105 EXO3 Rebel 98 Lite RQT RQT RQT RQT RQT new new new new new 799 799 699 679 659 7TU81905 7TU82905 7T16T105 7TU83905 O3 + Silver O3 + Blue O3 + White O3 + Red RQT RQT RQT RQT carry over carry over carry over carry over 599 579 559 519 7H957010 Sliding Bag / Cover new 29 O3 + SERIES 2012 PRE-STRUNG Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa RECREATIONAL RACQUETS AIRO 7T13M105 7T13S105 7T18P205 7T13W105 7T18Q205 7T14G105 7T16G105 7T18S205 Air O3 Silver OS Air O3 Silver MP Air O3 Pink MP Airo Tour MP Airo Pink MP Airo Hybrid Pace MP Airo Tour Ti OS Airo Lite Ti OS new new new new new new new new 520,00 520,00 520,00 349,00 349,00 299,00 259,00 259,00 new new new carry over new new 419,00 419,00 289,00 239,00 159,00 159,00 TRADITIONAL 7T10N105 7T10P105 7T11E105 7TS55905 7T11S105 7T18V205 TT Tiebreak OS TT Tiebreak MP Precise Ti MP TT Response Wimbledon Blue Wimbledon Purple TRANSITION RACQUETS 7T14M105 EXO3 Tour 26 + new 549,00 7T14Y105 7T14Z105 Tour 26 Tour 25 new new 339,00 339,00 7T19A205 7T19B205 Rebel 26 Rebel 25 new new 339,00 339,00 7T20U205 7T20V205 Pink 26 Pink 25 new new 339,00 339,00 7T14V105 7T18Z205 Airo Hybrid Tour 25 Airo Hybrid Pink 25 new new 319,00 319,00 Airo Pink 25 Airo Pink 23 Airo Pink 21 Airo Pink 19 Airo Pink Team 25 Airo Pink Team 23 Airo Pink Team 21 Airo Pink Team 19 Pink Lite 26 Pink Lite 25 Pink Lite 23 Pink Lite 21 Pink Lite 19 Pink Lite 17 new new new new new new new new new new new new new new 179,00 179,00 179,00 179,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 139,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 119,00 Airo Tour 25 Airo Tour 23 Airo Tour 21 Airo Tour 19 Airo Tour Team 25 Airo Tour Team 23 Airo Tour Team 21 Airo Tour Team 19 Tour Lite 26 Tour Lite 25 Tour Lite 23 Tour Lite 21 Tour Lite 19 new new new new new new new new new new new new new 179,00 179,00 179,00 179,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 139,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 JUNIOR RACQUETS GIRLS 7T19C205 7T19D205 7T19E205 7T19F205 7T19Q205 7T19R205 7T19S205 7T19T205 7T20C205 7T20D205 7T20E205 7T20F205 7T21P105 7T23N105 BOYS 7T19G205 7T19H205 7T19J205 7T19K205 7T19Y205 7T19Z205 7T20A205 7T20B205 7T20L205 7T20M205 7T20N205 7T20P205 7T21R105 7T23P105 7T19U205 7T19V205 7T19W205 7T19X205 7T20G205 7T20H205 7T20J205 7T20K205 7T21Q105 Tour Lite 17 Airo Rebel Team 25 Airo Rebel Team 23 Airo Rebel Team 21 Airo Rebel Team 19 Rebel Lite 26 Rebel Lite 25 Rebel Lite 23 Rebel Lite 21 Rebel Lite 19 new new new new new new new new new new 119,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 139,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 (without head cover) Play & Stay 27 Play & Stay 25 Play & Stay 23 Play & Stay 21 Play & Stay 19 Play & Stay Kit carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 119,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 1399,00 PLAY & STAY 7TI59896 7TI60896 7TI61896 7TQ19896 7TQ18896 7TZ04705 2012 PRE-STRUNG TENNIS - SMU Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa RECREATIONAL RACQUETS AIRO 7T13N105 7T15S105 7T13P105 7T15T105 7T13Q105 7T15U105 7T13TF105 7T13UF105 7T13VF105 7T14D105 7T14E105 7T14F105 7T14H105 7T14K105 7T14L105 Air O3 Blue OS Air O3 Blue MP Air O3 Red OS Air O3 Red MP Air O3 Tour OS Air O3 Tour MP Airo Silver MP Airo Blue MP Airo Red MP Airo Hybrid Thunder MP Airo Hybrid Zoom MP Airo Hybrid Score MP Airo Winner Ti OS Airo Synergy Ti OS Airo Intense Ti OS new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new 519,00 519,00 519,00 519,00 519,00 519,00 339,00 339,00 339,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 259,00 259,00 259,00 TT Serve OS TT Serve MP TT Slam OS TT Slam MP TT Point OS TT Point MP Fuse Ti OS Focus Ti OS Force Ti OS Fusion Ti OS Control Ti MP Power Ti MP Touch Ti MP Reflex Ti OS Return Ti OS Rule Ti OS Reflect Ti OS Wimbledon Tournament Red Wimbledon Tournament Orange Wimbledon Tournament Green new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new 419,00 419,00 419,00 419,00 419,00 419,00 289,00 289,00 289,00 289,00 289,00 289,00 289,00 209,00 209,00 209,00 209,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 new new new new 579,00 499,00 499,00 319,00 TRADITIONAL 7T10Q105 7T10R105 7T11J105 7T11K105 7T11L105 7T11M105 7T11WF105 7T11XF105 7T11YF105 7T11ZF105 7T11F105 7T11G105 7T11H105 7T11A105 7T11B105 7T11C105 7T11D105 7T11T105 7T11U105 7T11V105 TRANSITION RACQUETS 7T14N105 7T14P105 7T14Q105 7T14W105 EXO3 Tour 26 O3 Tour 26+ O3 Red 26+ Airo Hybrid Red 25+ 2012 PIŁKI TENISOWE Symbol Nazwa ALL COURT 7G300000 7G302000 7G101280 7G304000 7G306000 7G201280 NX Tour 4 ball NX Tour 3 ball Tour (Regular Duty) 3 ball Futures 4 ball Futures 3 ball Championship (Regular Duty) 3 ball TRAINER BALLS 7G308000 Trainer (60 Balls) 7G330100 Ball Bucket / Lid (72 ball capacity) 7G332000 72 Ball Bucket with Trainers Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna 34 26 26 29 22 19 Cena za szt. Cena za szt. Cena za szt. 7,00 49 8,00 2012 PLAY & STAY Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa PLAY & STAY BALLS 7G321000 Stage 1 Green (12 ball bag) green two tone new 115,00 7G338000 7G324000 Stage 2 Orange (12 ball bag) Stage 2 Orange (12 ball bag) orange dot orange two tone new new 115,00 115,00 7G329000 Stage 3 Red Felt (12 ball bag) red two tone new 115,00 7G312000 Stage 3 Red Foam (12 ball bag) 80mm diameter new 195,00 PLAY & STAY TEACHING ACCESSORIES 9X315000 12 " Cones (9 pack) 9X317000 Lines & Corners 9X332000 Ladder 9X316000 Targets (6 Pack) carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 350,00 179,00 169,00 139,00 PLAY & STAY NETS 9X321000 Extra Duty Net (18') & Carry Bag 9X284000 Bunjee Net (18') 9X283000 Bunjee Net (10') carry-over carry-over carry-over 1260,00 559,00 459,00 PLAY & STAY RACQUETS 7TI59896 Play & Stay 27 7TI60896 Play & Stay 25 7TI61896 Play & Stay 23 7TQ19896 Play & Stay 21 7TQ18896 Play & Stay 19 carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 119,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 PLAY & STAY KITS 7TZ04705 Play & Stay Kit carry-over 1399,00 ON COURT ACCESSORIES X1002001 Windbreak 12 m x 2 m 7G316000 Wheeled Ball Basket 7G319000 Prince 70 Tennis Ball Basket 55550000,00 Racquet Rack 7G317000 Tennis Ball Tube Collector carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 910,00 519,00 224,00 309,00 98,00 2012 TENNIS FOOTWEAR Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa US SIZES PERFORAMNCE FOOTWEAR - MENS 8P333016 8P373084 8P409084 8P333087 8P364087 Rebel II Rebel II Rebel II Rebel Rebel MEN MEN MEN MEN MEN 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 Black / White / Green Black / Yellow Black / Yellow Black / White / Orange Black / White / Orange All Court All Court Clay Court All Court Clay Court new new new new new 499,00 499,00 499,00 469,00 469,00 8P375116 8P375091 Renegade II Renegade II MEN MEN 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 White / Navy / Silver Grey / Black All Court All Court new new 339,00 339,00 8P377116 8P377015 T24 T24 MEN MEN 6.5-13,14 6.5-13,14 White / Navy / Silver White / Black / Red All Court All Court new new 439,00 439,00 8P984149 T22 MEN 6.5-13,14 White / Black / Green All Court new 399,00 8P379905 8P379081 T14 T14 MEN MEN 6-10,11 6-10,11 White / Black / Silver Black / White / Royal All Court All Court new new 359,00 359,00 WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN 6-10,11 6-10,11 6-10,11 6-10,11 6-10,11 6-10,11 Silver / Yellow White / Silver White / Pink White / Silver White / Silver White / Lake Blue All Court All Court All Court All Court All Court All Court new new new new carry over new 589,00 419,00 419,00 419,00 399,00 359,00 Black / Yellow White / Black / Green White / Pink Black / White / Royal All Court All Court All Court All Court new new new new 349,00 279,00 279,00 239,00 PERFORMANCE FOOTWEAR - WOMEN'S 8P374090 8P376105 8P376146 8P378105 8P985862 8P380143 Rebel II Renegade II Renegade II T24 T22 T14 PERFORMANCE FOOTWEAR - JUNIORS DELIVERY April 2012 8P398084 Rebel II 8P310149 T22 8P310146 T22 8P399081 T14 2012 STRINGS Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa SETS ULTIMATE SEGMENT Natural Gut 7J800000 Natural Gut 7J801000 16 17 Natural Natural carry-over carry-over 319,00 319,00 PLAYABILITY SEGMENT Premier LT 7J803000 Premier LT 7J804000 Premier LT 7J805000 Premier Softflex 7J340000 Premier Softflex 7J342000 Premier Attack 7J861000 Premier Attack 7J861020 Premier Attack 7J862000 Premier Attack 7J862020 16 17 18 16 17 16 16 17 17 Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Black Natural Black carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over new new new new 64,00 64,00 64,00 64,00 64,00 48,00 48,00 48,00 48,00 ENDURANCE SEGMENT Beast XP 7J858361 Beast XP 7J852361 Beast XP 7J851361 Poly Spin 3D 7J833024 Poly Spin 3D 7J833032 Poly EXP 7J806280 Poly EXP 7J806015 Poly EXP 7J807280 Poly EXP 7J807015 Tour 7J774060 Tour 7J775060 Tournament Poly 7J786010 Tournament Poly 7J787010 15 16 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 17 16 17 Green Green Green Black / Clear Green / Clear Optic Yellow Grey Optic Yellow Grey Silver Silver White White new new new carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 48,00 48,00 48,00 44,00 44,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 38,00 38,00 18,00 18,00 Gold carry-over Green / Black new Green / Black new Black / Natural carry-over Green / Natural carry-over Optic Yellow / Natural carry-over Grey / Natural carry-over Optic Yellow / Natural carry-over Natural carry-over Natural 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 64,00 36,00 Clear / Black Clear / Lavender Clear / Blue Clear / Orange Clear / White Black Clear / Silver Gold Blue Pink Optic Yellow Black Clear / Silver Pink White Optic Yellow White Optic Yellow White Gold White Gold White Gold White Black Gold Platinum Purple Carolina Blue Optic Yellow White Gold Optic Yellow White Natural White 52,00 52,00 52,00 52,00 52,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 44,00 44,00 42,00 42,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 20,00 20,00 HYBRIDS 7J313070 7J875361 7J877361 7J835025 7J835033 7J809028 7J809029 7J810028 7J773000 7J791000 Pro Blend Beast XP Hybrid Beast XP Hybrid Hybrid Spin 3D Hybrid Spin 3D Hybrid Power EXP Hybrid Power EXP Hybrid Spin EXP Tour Blend Synthetic Gut / Poly Blend ALL AROUND SEGMENT Lightning XX Spin 7J849112 Lightning XX Spin 7J849113 Lightning XX Spin 7J849114 Lightning XX Spin 7J849115 Lightning XX Spin 7J849117 Lightning XX 7J392020 Lightning XX 7J392110 Lightning XX 7J392070 Lightning XX 7J392220 Lightning XX 7J770141 Lightning XX 7J392280 Lightning XX 7J393020 Lightning XX 7J393110 Lightning XX 7J769141 Topspin Plus 7J324010 Topspin Plus 7J324280 Topspin with Duraflex 7J325010 Topspin with Duraflex 7J325280 Synthetic Gut Original 7J333010 Synthetic Gut Original 7J333070 Synthetic Gut Original 7J332010 Synthetic Gut Original 7J332070 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J383010 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J383070 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329010 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329020 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329070 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329130 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329160 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329220 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J329280 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J328010 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J328070 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J328280 Synthetic Gut with Duraflex 7J327010 Tournament Nylon 7J335000 Tournament Nylon 7J335010 16 16 17 16 16 17/16 17/16 18/17 16 17/16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 16 16 15 15 16 16 17 17 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 15 15 carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over HALF SETS Premier Softflex 7J795000 Tour 7J796060 Tour Poly 7J797010 REELS PLAYABILITY SEGMENT Premier LT 7J824000 Premier LT 7J825000 Premier Softflex 7J766010 Premier Attack 7J863000 Premier Attack 7J863020 ENDURANCE SEGMENT Beast XP 7J859361 Beast XP 7J854361 Beast XP 7J853361 Beast XP 7J860361 Beast XP 7J856361 Beast XP 7J855361 Poly Spin 3D 7J834024 Poly EXP 7J826280 Poly EXP 7J827280 Tour 7J776060 Tour 7J777060 Tournament Poly 7J779010 ALL AROUND SEGMENT Lightning XX Spin 7J850112 Lightning XX Spin 7J850117 Lightning XX 7J520110 Topspin Plus 7J401010 Topspin Duraflex 7J400010 Topspin Duraflex 7J400280 Synthetic Gut Original 7J402010 Synthetic Gut Original 7J402070 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J509010 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J502010 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J502020 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J502070 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J502280 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J501010 Synthetic Gut Duraflex 7J501070 Tournament Nylon 7J506000 7J506010 Tournament Nylon 16 16 16 Natural Silver White carry-over carry-over carry-over 34,00 24,00 10,00 Natural Natural Natural Natural Black carry-over carry-over carry-over new new 480,00 480,00 500,00 700,00 700,00 16 17 16 16 16 LENGTH (m) 100 100 100 200 200 15 16 17 15 16 17 17 16 17 16 17 16 220 220 220 110 110 110 200 200 200 200 200 200 Green Green Green Green Green Green Black / Clear Optic Yellow Optic Yellow Silver Silver White new new new new new new carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 760,00 760,00 760,00 410,00 410,00 410,00 800,00 700,00 700,00 600,00 600,00 210,00 16 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 15 15 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Clear / Black Clear / White Clear / Silver White White Yellow White Gold White White Black Gold Yellow White Gold Natural White carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 800,00 800,00 660,00 420,00 350,00 350,00 210,00 210,00 380,00 380,00 380,00 380,00 380,00 380,00 380,00 192,00 192,00 2012 GRIPS Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa REPLACEMENT GRIPS CUSHION 7H779020 Resi Soft 7H779141 Resi Soft 7H779010 Resi Soft 7H770020 Durasoft+ TRACTION 7H797020 7H773026 7H773060 7H773010 7H773043 7H796020 7H796010 7H552020 7H553020 ResiRib Resi Pro Resi Pro Resi Pro Resi Pro ResiThin ResiThin Durarib+ Duratred+ ABSORBENT 7H551020 Duraperf+ Black Pink White Black 46,00 46,00 46,00 42,00 Black Black / Silver Grey White Leather Black White Black Black 50,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 46,00 42,00 42,00 38,00 34,00 Black 30,00 Assorted White Black 22,00 22,00 22,00 Tan 62,00 Black Grey Assorted White Black 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 26,00 TACKY 7H550000 7H550010 7H550020 DuraPro + DuraPro + DuraPro + LEATHER 7H558042 Premium Leather Grip OVERGRIPS TRACTION 7H789020 7H789060 7H789000 7H789010 7H776020 Resi Pro Resi Pro Resi Pro Resi Pro DuratRed+ TACKY 7H775020 7H775010 7H775000 7H798010 7H799010 7H743000 7H757010 7H764000 7H922000 7H922001 7H759000 Duratac+ Duratac+ Duratac+ Duratac+ 15 pack Duratac+ 30 pack Duratac Assorted Jar (56) Microtac Zip Pack (spool 12) Microtac Jar (x 60) Microtac Fun Pack Microtac Fun Pack Microtac Fun Pack Black White Assorted white white Assorted White Assorted Red / Silver / Blue Green / Pink / White Assorted 22,00 22,00 22,00 174,00 192,00 384,00 114,00 460,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 ABSORBENT 7H744010 7H778860 7H778428 7H527020 7H527010 QuickZorb Ultra Zorb Fun Pack Ultra Zorb Fun Pack Microzorb Microzorb White Black / Silver / Red Pink / White / Yellow Black White 50,00 38,00 38,00 22,00 22,00 DAMPENERS 7H955361 Beast Dampener (2 pack) 7H955020 Beast Dampener (2 pack) 7H755040 NXG Silencer 7H755160 NXG Silencer 7H755150 NXG Silencer 7H742020 Tour Dampener 7H745000 Dampener Jar 7H601000 Silencer (Original) 6P121657 Tennis Ball Key Chain (Pack x 25) Green Black Clear Tie Die Glow Black Assorted Assorted Yellow new new carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over 24,00 24,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 480,00 10,00 280,00 2012 BAGS Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa TOUR TEAM COLLECTION 6P733021 Triple 6P734021 6 Pack 6P735021 12 Pack 6P737021 Pro Duffle 6P738021 Roll Duffle 6P739021 Briefcase 6P740021 Triple (key account) 6P741021 6 Pack (key account) 6P762021 Backpack 6P763021 Cooler 6P764021 Water Bottle Holder carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over 249,00 329,00 399,00 329,00 489,00 169,00 179,00 259,00 239,00 159,00 89,00 TOUR TEAM PINK COLLECTION 6P733915 Triple 6P734915 6 Pack 6P735915 12 Pack 6P762915 Back Pack carry over carry over carry over carry over 269,00 359,00 439,00 269,00 TOUR TEAM ORANGE COLLECTION 6P734800 6 Pack 6P735800 12 Pack 6P762800 Back Pack carry over carry over carry over 229,00 389,00 239,00 REBEL COLLECTION 6P813702 Triple 6P814702 6 Plus Pack 6P815702 12 Pack 6P816702 Backpack new new new new 209,00 299,00 379,00 249,00 CARBON COLLECTION 6P817010 Triple 6P818010 6 Plus Pack 6P819010 Backpack new new new 249,00 329,00 289,00 RACQ-PACK COLLECTION 6P679015 Black / Grey 6P679667 Pink / Grey 6P679550 Royal 6P679302 Green 6P679280 Yellow carry over carry over carry over carry over carry over 179,00 179,00 179,00 179,00 179,00 new new new new 125,00 209,00 169,00 169,00 COURTSIDE COLLECTION 6P826040 Triple 6P827040 6 Pack 6P828040 Holdall 6P829040 Backpack 2012 WIMBLEDON Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa RACQUETS ADULT RACQUETS 7TK60605 7T09M005 7T09N005 7T09P005 7T21S205 7T11S105 7T18V205 O-Tech Elite MP+ (no metal case) O-Tech White O-Tech Hybrid Black O-Tech Hybrid Pink Airo Hybrid Thunder Wimbledon Tournament Wimbledon Purple JUNIORS GIRLS 7T21U205 7T21V205 7T21W205 7T21X205 Airo Pink Team 25 (Wimbledon) Airo Pink Team 23 (Wimbledon) Airo Pink Team 21 (Wimbledon) Airo Pink Team 19 (Wimbledon) JUNIORS BOYS 7T15Y105 7T15Z105 7T16A105 7T16B105 Airo Scream 25 Airo Scream 23 Airo Scream 21 Airo Scream 19 carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over new new new 1040,00 760,00 540,00 540,00 292,00 168,00 168,00 new new new new 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 WIMBLEDON WHITE COLLECTION 6P790115 6 Pack 6P789115 3 Pack 6P791115 Backpack 6P792115 Tote carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 340,00 260,00 194,00 172,00 CHAMPIONSHIP II COLLECTION 6P822040 6 Pack 6P824040 3 Pack 6P823040 Holdall 6P821040 Backpack 6P825040 Gym Sack new new new new new 220,00 130,00 172,00 172,00 42,00 carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over carry-over 260,00 176,00 280,00 176,00 110,00 132,00 176,00 110,00 100,00 88,00 52,00 40,00 30,00 new new new new new new 16,00 50,00 26,00 46,00 52,00 52,00 BAGS ALL ENGLAND COLLECTION 6P777305 6 Pack 6P776305 3 Pack 6P780305 Holdall 6P779305 Large Backpack 6P778305 Mini Backpack 6P782305 Messenger 6P781305 Briefcase 6P787305 Cooler 6P786305 Tote Bag 6P785305 Spree Bag 6P783305 Gym Sack 6P784305 Water Bottle Holder 6P788305 Pencil Case ACCESSORIES 7H787040 7H788131 7H132010 7H133010 9X534500 9X534300 Dampener Twin Pack Dampener / Grip Fun Pack Overgrips (3 pack) Replacement Grip Mini Racquet Purple Mini Racquet Green 2012 MASZYNY DO RAKIET Symbol Nazwa Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Kolor STRINGING MACHINES 7H828001 Neos 6000 7H828002 Neos 6000 carry over carry over 20000,00 3700,00 7H858001 7H858002 Neos 1500 Neos 1500 carry over carry over 5300,00 2300,00 7H800115 7H821115 Neos 1000 Neos 1000 carry over carry over 4700,00 2000,00 7H853000 Precision Tuning Centre carry over 7200,00 2012 SQUASH Symbol Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna Nazwa INLINE EX03 7S469205 EXO3 Rebel 7S470205 EXO3 Pro Tour 7S471205 EXO3 Warrior 7S472205 EXO3 Blue 7S473205 EXO3 Red AIR STICK 7S474205 Airstick Lite 130 7S475205 Airstick Elite 140 AIRO 7S476205 Airo Bolt 7S477205 Airo Lightning TITANIUM FORCE 7S478205 TF Storm 7S479205 TF Thunder 7S480205 TF Strike 7S491205 TF Volley 7S482205 Rebel 25 7S483205 Rebel 23 659 619 579 499 499 399 399 279 279 199 199 164 139 119 119 SMU Minima O3 SPEEDPORT 7S484205 O3 Speedport Black Special Edition 7S309805 O3 Speedport Black AIRSTICK 7S486205 Air Lite 125 Tour 7S487205 Air Lite 125 Team TT 7S485205 TT Sovereign PR 7S488205 PR Scream 7S489205 PR Hornet TITANIUM FORCE 7S490205 TF Viper 7S481205 TF Smash 200 200 579 549 200 200 399 399 200 379 200 200 239 239 200 200 164 142 2012 SQUASH FOOTWEAR ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION COLOUR INDOOR FOOTWEAR 2012 8P422077 NFS Adrenalin 8P353077 Renegade 8P355081 NFS Indoor V 8P355077 NFS Indoor V 8P931900 NFS Indoor IV 8P354080 NFS Rally 8P354087 NFS Rally 8P715084 NFS II 8P102001 NFS II 8P715088 NFS II Black / Silver Black / Silver Black / White / Royal Black / Silver White Black / Red / Grey Black / White / Orange Black / Yellow Black / White Grey / White / Black Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men 379 379 339 339 296 275 275 275 275 275 2012 SQUASH ACCESSORIES COLLECTION ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Squash Balls COLOUR 7Q714280 7Q705280 7Q703000 7Q728000 7Q707220 Double Yellow dot Double Yellow dot Yellow dot Blue dot Blue dot 29 10 10 29 10 Assorted black black white black white 286 24 22 22 18 18 Rebel 3 Ball Tube Rebel (Dozen box) Rebel (Dozen box) Rebel 3 Ball Tube Rebel (Dozen box) Squash Replacement Grips 7Q220000 7Q224020 7Q223020 7Q223010 7Q229020 7Q229010 Microzorb (box of 24) Duraperf+ Durapro+ Durapro+ DuraTac+ DuraTac+ Squash Strings 7Q342280 7Q336280 7Q335000 7Q332110 7Q340280 7Q340010 7Q501010 7Q302010 7Q302280 Rebel Squash String Rebel Squash String Set Lightning XX Lightning XX Synthetic Gut with Duraflex Synthetic Gut with Duraflex Super Synthetic Gut SuperSynthetic Gut SuperSynthetic Gut GAUGE optic yellow optic yellow silver silver yellow white white white optic yellow 17 17 17 17 18 18 17 17 17 899 64 640 44 32 32 228 28 28 Protective Eyewear 6P809000 6P805020 6P803010 6P803281 6P803146 6P801020 6P820110 Quantum Speed (Multiple Lenses) Pro Lite II Pro Lite II Pro Lite II Rage Scopa Slim Clear Black White Neon Yellow Metallic Red Black White / Black 124 106 88 88 88 69 88 2012 BADMINTON Symbol Nazwa O3 SPEEDPORT 7B533905 7B534905 7B536905 03 Speedport Gold 03 Speedport White 03 Speedport Hybrid Blue Sugerowana Cena Detaliczna 430 390 360 BRAIDED CTS SERIES 7B522905 CTS Elite 7B521905 CTS Game 319 289 POWER SERIES 7B549905 7B551905 7B552905 254 212 179 Max Power 900 Max Power 600 Max Power 300 ALUMINIUM SERIES 7B596105 Thunder Pro 7B597105 Storm Pro 7B598105 Smash Pro 126 84 72 SETS 7B410405 7B409405 254 126 Badminton Starter Kit Badminton Starter Set SMU - minimum 500 units per model 7B550905 Max Power 700 7B485E706 O3 Red 212 312 BADMINTON STRINGS 7M309010 Badminton Synthetic Gut 21 Reel 399
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