click to - 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering


click to - 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering
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#thisis MYchurch
Welcome to the LCMS Youth Gathering
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
It is with great joy that The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS), LCMS
Youth Ministry, and the City of New Orleans welcome you to the 2016 LCMS
Youth Gathering, In Christ Alone! It’s been wonderful to see the social media
posts of your time in Christian community in worship, Bible studies, and
FUNdraisers. Over the last months, many people have been giving thanks for
the life and faith given to you in Christ alone!
We gather in New Orleans to celebrate and grow more deeply in our
understanding of what Christ has done for us and how He continues to care
for us. In your baptism, God marked you as His dear child, and Jesus secures
us in His forgiveness and grace and strengthens you in Word and Sacrament.
We stand in Christ together in community as we daily, humbly speak and
show His love for others. At the Gathering, you will have a chance to see your
Lutheran family together singing, praising, playing, and serving. Through it
all and for the rest of your life, my prayer is that your Gathering experience
supports you as God continues His good work in you (Philippians 1:6)!
Over the days of the event, know many people are praying for you – giving
thanks for you, praying for your faith in Christ, praying for contentment and
peace in a fast-changing world. God grant you safety and joy in the coming
days in New Orleans and EVERY day, In Christ Alone. To God be the Glory!
- Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director of LCMS Youth Ministry
Left to right, Back row: Krista Miller, Robyn Armbrust, Jim Lohman, Amy Gray, Terry Dittmer.
Front row: Kyla Rodriguez, Julianna Shults, Mark Kiessling, Renee Lorenz
#thisis MYchurch
Hi, guys!
It was a hoot holding that sign for photos welcoming you to New Orleans
for NYG 2016! I’m really looking forward to seeing you! Might even bring
my banjo again.
The Gathering theme, “In Christ Alone,” will give us all a great opportunity
to dig into St. Paul’s amazing letter to the Philippians.
Phil. 2:11 says, “And every tongue [will] confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord.” Ever seen the bumper sticker “Jesus is your Savior, but is He your
Lord?” That turns “Lord” all into Law. But when St. Paul uses the phrase
“Jesus is Lord,” he means “Jesus is God … for you!”
We’ll look at three themes in Philippians:
1. Identity. “In Christ Alone,” I know who I am! I’m loved by God. I know
that despite my sins, my failings, my faults, my weaknesses, my
screwy family, whatever … Jesus is mine, and I am His. I’m baptized.
I’m His. “Jesus is Lord,” and He loves me. Gospel!
2. Humility. To confess that “Jesus is Lord” is to confess that “I’m not!”
Jesus does not expect us to be some kind of super Christian, super
holy person! In fact, Jesus came only for sinners. So, you’d better be
one! Gospel!
3. Community. My church is my home. To confess that “Jesus is Lord”
means I’ve got homies! They are young and old. They are my youth
group friends. My pastor is one! Some are living here on earth,
and others are in heaven. Those on earth are all
imperfect, just like me. And Jesus loves and
forgives them all, just like me. Gospel!
Can’t wait to see you in New Orleans!
It’s going to be unforgettable!
Pastor Matt Harrison
President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Dear attendees of the LCMS Youth Gathering:
New Orleans is thrilled to host the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod (LCMS) 2016 Youth
Gathering, July 16-20. It is our great pleasure to welcome the Youth Gathering back to New
Orleans, one of America’s most historic and culturally rich destinations…a city that visitors have
loved for centuries.
It has been an honor to work with LCMS and the entire city appreciates the work that you do to
support our community. From rebuilding homes to making sandwiches for the hungry, your service
to our city is priceless.
Whether you have been to New Orleans before or not, I’m proud to say there has never been a
better time to visit. Thanks to the dedication of locals and visitors like you, New Orleans is
experiencing a true economic and cultural renaissance. As we prepare for our tricentennial
celebration in 2018, the city is bustling with progress and innovation. From the development of a
new world class airport, a re-energizing billion dollar project along the riverfront, to small
independent businesses in the eclectic, up and coming historic neighborhoods of Treme, Bywater,
Magazine Street and Faubourg Marigny, business and culture are booming.
While you are here you owe it to your inner soul to immerse yourself in our rich culture and enjoy all
that our beautiful and authentic city has to offer. Take a journey through Hollywood South and see
where your favorite movies and TV shows were filmed; try something new like crawfish étouffée in
our 1,400+ restaurants; cool down with a snowball and take a walk through up and coming
neighborhoods such as Bywater and Faubourg Marigny.
On behalf of the entire hospitality community – chefs, street performers, musicians, bellmen, artists,
painters, actors, writers, housekeepers and the startlingly diverse and unique inhabitants of every
neighborhood – welcome to New Orleans. We hope you enjoy your stay and return often to our
wonderful city.
Best Regards,
Stephen Perry
President and CEO
New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Welcome 3
Hotel Maps 10
Daily Schedule 12
My Schedule 15
Daily Themes 16
Community Group Resources 18
Morning Bible Study 22
Convention Center Map 28
Recreation/Gathering 5K 29
Interest Centers 30
Off-Site Interest Centers 54
Bible Study Academy 55
Experiential Learning Center 60
Youth Booth 61
District Booths 67
District Events 68
Night Life 70
Dome Events 72
Saturday: Joy in Christ Alone 77
Sunday: Identity in Christ Alone 78
Monday: Humility in Christ Alone 79
Tuesday: Community in Christ Alone 80
Acknowledgments 104
Adult Leader Guide 110
Worship Service 143
table of contents
downtown hotel map
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
airport hotel map
daily schedule
Friday – July 15, 2016
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – July 16, 2016
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Late Evening
Sunday – July 17, 2016
Registration, CC Great Hall Pre-Function
Adult Leader Orientation, CC 208-210 & 211-213
See more Adult Leader information on p. 110
Registration, CC Great Hall Pre-Function
Adult Leader Orientation, CC 208-210 & 211-213
See more Adult Leader information on p. 110
Doors open to the Superdome
Opening Mass Event, see p. 77
Night Life, see pp. 70-71
Community Group Time, see pp. 18–21
End of Program Day
6:00 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
Gathering 5K Pre-Race Announcements
Gathering 5K Begins
8:00 a.m.
Adult Leader Morning Meeting at Hotels
Servant Event Deployment
9:30/10:00 a.m.
Morning Bible Study, various locations
11:00 a.m.
Experiential Learning Center opens
12:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 1
2:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 2
4:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 3
6:00 p.m.
Experiential Learning Center/CC closes
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Doors open to the Superdome
Mass Event begins, see p. 78
Late Evening
Mass Event Plus: Rend Collective
Night Life, see pp. 70–71
Community Group Time, see pp. 18–21
End of Program Day
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
8:00 a.m.
9:30/10:00 a.m.
Adult Leader Morning Meeting at Hotels
Servant Event Deployment
Morning Bible Study, various locations
11:00 a.m.
Experiential Learning Center opens
12:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 4
2:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 5
4:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 6
6:00 p.m.
Experiential Learning Center/CC closes
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Doors open to the Superdome
Mass Event begins, see p. 79
Late Evening
Tuesday – July 19, 2016
8:00 a.m.
9:30/10:00 a.m.
Mass Event Plus: The Skit Guys
Night Life, see pp. 70–71
Community Group Time, see pp. 18–21
End of Program Day
Adult Leader Morning Meeting at Hotels
Servant Event Deployment
Morning Bible Study, various locations
11:00 a.m.
Experiential Learning Center opens
12:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 7
2:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 8
4:00 p.m.
Interest Center/Academy Session 9
6:00 p.m.
Experiential Learning Center/CC closes
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Doors open to the Superdome
Mass Event begins, see p. 80
Late Evening
Night Life, see pp. 70–71
Community Group Time, see pp. 18–21
End of Program Day
daily schedule
Monday – July 18, 2016
daily schedule
Wednesday – July 20, 2016
8:30 a.m. Doors open to Superdome
9:30 a.m. Worship Service begins
11:30 a.m. Post-Worship Closing
12:00 p.m. End of the Gathering
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
My Schedule: I’d like to attend...
Interest Centers
12:00 p.m. __________________
12:00 p.m. __________________
2:00 p.m. ___________________
2:00 p.m. ___________________
4:00 p.m. ___________________
4:00 p.m. ___________________
12:00 p.m. __________________
2:00 p.m. ___________________
4:00 p.m. ___________________
Academy (must pre-register to attend)
Topic: _____________________ Time: ______________________
Exhibitors (Halls B-D) to visit:
my schedule
Experiential Learning Center (Halls B-E) activities to check out:
talking points
In Christ Alone Thematic Talking Points
Use these thematic talking points to guide your conversations around the
theme, In Christ Alone. Included below are the Scripture foci, key concepts
and questions to discuss as they relate to the Gathering’s themes.
Joy in Christ Alone
Scripture Focus: Philippians 4:4–7
In Christ alone our joy is found.
We are partners in advancing the Gospel.
Question: What does true joy look like?
Identity in Christ Alone
Scripture Focus: Philippians 3:8–12, 1:21–26
In Christ alone I find my true identity.
I, a poor miserable sinner, have been declared as saint by grace alone through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (Phil 1:1).
Everything APART from Christ is nothing.
For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Christ makes me more me, not less me.
Question: What aspects of my identity am I trying to keep apart from Christ?
Humility in Christ Alone
Scripture Focus: Phil 2:1-8
Jesus alone embodies true humility
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5–8).
In Christ alone, our lives echo Christ’s humility.
In humility count others more significant than yourselves (Phil 2:3).
We confess and share the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ in response to His love for us and all people (Phil 1:5).
Question: How are you an echo?
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Community in Christ Alone
Scripture focus: Phil 1:3–7; 2:12–18
There is true community in Christ alone.
Community is diverse and inclusive spanning across space and time. There is joy in the community created in Christ alone.
In Christ alone we are made partners in the Gospel (Phil 1:5).
In Christ alone we are called as partners to advance the Gospel (Phil 1:12).
There is no more powerful witness than the church being the church (Phil 2:12–18).
Community is the place to receive grace (Sacraments) and practice grace (hospitality and forgiveness).
Question: How does community in Christ look different than every other community?
In Christ Alone We Stand
Scripture Focus: Phil 1:12, 4:12–13, 4:23
We are sent home as partners to advance the Gospel. As Saints, we receive and practice grace with family, friends and our community. We live and demonstrate the joy that is found in Christ alone.
I can do this through Him who gives me strength.
talking points
• •
• community group resource
The orders of service below are one way to begin and close your day in God’s Word and prayer
together. Feel free to use the following orders or a modified version.
Prayer for Morning
L: In the name of the Father and of the (T) Son and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
L: In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice;
All: in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. (Ps. 5:3)
L: My mouth is filled with your praise,
All: and with your glory all the day. (Ps. 71:8)
L: Oh Lord open my lips,
All: and my mouth will declare your praise. (Ps. 51:15)
All: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Hymn (Optional)
Scripture Reading
Suggestions: Sunday: Luke 10:38–42, the Gospel Lesson for this weekend;
Monday: Phil 3:7-9; Tuesday: Phil 2:1-11; Wednesday: Phil 4:4-7
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Prayers - Pray how your community groups prays together and the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth,
as it is in heaven;
give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
forever and ever. Amen.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Luther’s Morning Prayer
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that
You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You
would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings in
life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and
soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may
have no power over me. Amen.
L: Let us bless the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God!
Prayer for Close of Day
In the name of the Father and of the (T) Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and peace at the last.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
To sing praise to Your name, O Most High;
To herald Your love in the morning,
Your truth at the close of the day. (Psalm 92:1–2)
Hymn (Optional)
Scripture Reading
Suggestions: Saturday: Colossians 1:21–29, the Epistle Lesson for this
weekend; Sun: Phil 3:7–9; Monday: Phil 2:1–11; Tuesday: Phil 1:2–11
Prayers - Pray how your community groups prays together and the Lord’s
Prayer (See Daily Prayer for Morning)
Luther’s Evening Prayer
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that
You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive
me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this
night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all
things. Let your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power
over me. Amen.
L: Let us bless the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God!
community group resource
Apostles’ Creed (See Daily Prayer for Morning)
discussion questions
Community Group Discussion Questions
Community group conversations are key ways to connect with one
another, process each Mass Event, and consider how concepts apply to
our lives back home. Choose from the “Nightly Warm-Up Questions” to
begin your group processing conversation at the end of each day before
digging into the questions for each night.
Nightly Warm Up Questions
Choose one or two of these warm-up questions to use each night before
you dig into the nightly content.
What was your favorite part of today?
What is one thing from today that surprised you?
Who is someone who made your day today? How did
they do it?
What would you say was the best part of the
Mass Event tonight?
What key message stuck out to you from tonight’s
Mass Event?
If you had to try to sum up your experience at the Gathering today to someone who isn’t here, what would you say?
If you had to sum up your experience today in five words or less what would you say?
Saturday: Joy in Christ Alone
How, after tonight’s Mass Event, would you define joy?
What does true joy look like?
How can the cross bring joy to Paul, or to us, even when life gets rough?
Sunday: Identity in Christ Alone
What are some of your “I am’s” ? (i.e. I am a soccer player, I am Jennifer’s boyfriend, I am super smart, etc.)
Read Philippians 3:7–9. Paul talks about various aspects of his identity and says that when he adds them all up they are rubbish. What parts of your identity do you struggle to view as rubbish compared to Christ?
How does knowing that your primary identity is “His”, change your other “I am” statements?
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
The various identities that we have are not bad things. They are good gifts to be used by God. How might Christ use one of your “I am’s” to bring glory to Him?
The struggle with identity will continue throughout your life. How can others help you to keep your identity rested in Christ?
Monday: Humility in Christ Alone
After tonight’s Mass Event, is it easier or harder for you to define humility? Do you know it when you see it?
When have you been tempted to have your service be more about you than about Jesus and what He has done for you?
Read Philippians 2:3. What does it look like to consider others better than yourself?
Who have you seen echo Jesus’ humility? What do they do? How have they “put the interests of others ahead of their own”?
How do you see humility connected to true joy?
How are you an echo?
Tuesday: Community in Christ Alone
What are some of the communities of which you are a part (sports teams, clubs, classes, friend groups, etc.)?
How does community in Christ look different than every other community?
How do we see community lived out in our youth group/congregation? What are some ways we could better live out community that is built on Christ alone?
Why is it easy to have a “you owe me” mindset when we are hurt by others instead of a heart ready to forgive?
How is joy in Christ, identity in Christ, and humility in Christ important in building true community?
discussion questions
morning Bible study
Morning Bible Study
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings at the Gathering begin in Bible study. There are
seven Bible study locations assigned by your hotel property. Please attend your assigned
location. Location information can be acquired from your hotel CLB or information board.
Convention Center locations begin at 10:00 a.m.
CC GREAT HALL: AC Hotel by Marriott, Astor Crowne Plaza, Courtyard DowntownIberville, DoubleTree New Orleans, Holiday Inn Downtown-Superdome, Hyatt French
Quarter, JW Marriott, La Quinta Inn & Suites, Maison Dupuy, Omni Riverfront, RitzCarlton, Westin New Orleans Canal Place, Wyndham Garden Baronne Plaza, Wyndham
New Orleans French Quarter
CC LA NOUVELLE: Aloft, Best Western St. Christopher, Blake Hotel, Country Inn
and Suites, Courtyard Downtown-French Quarter, Drury Inn and Suites New Orleans,
Hampton Inn & Suites DT/FQ, Hilton Garden Inn French Quarter, Hilton St. Charles,
InterContinental New Orleans, International House, Le Meridien New Orleans,
Le Pavillion, Loews New Orleans, Renaissance Pere Marquette, Royal St. Charles, Whitney
CC THEATER: Courtyard Convention Center, Crowne Plaza Airport, DoubleTree Airport
New Orleans, Embassy Suites New Orleans, Hampton Inn & Suites Convention Center,
Hilton Garden Inn Convention Center, Hotel Modern, La Quinta Inn & Suites – Causeway,
Marriott Convention Center, Marriott Metairie, Renaissance Arts, Sheraton Metairie,
Windsor Court, Wyndham Garden Inn Metairie
Hotel locations begin at 9:30 a.m.
HILTON RIVERSIDE: Hilton Riverside (Only)
HYATT REGENCY: Hyatt Regency and Hyatt House
MARRIOTT NEW ORLEANS: Some residents from Marriott New Orleans (Only)
SHERATON NEW ORLEANS: Sheraton New Orleans and some residents from the Marriott New Orleans
CC Great Hall - 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Dan Weber grew up in St. Louis,
MO, then moved to Williamsburg, VA,
then to Irvine, CA, then back to St.
Louis, then to Oklahoma City, OK, back
to St. Louis, then to Coeur d’Alene, ID.
He now lives in Omaha, NE and serves
as pastor of missional living at King of
Kings Lutheran Church. Dan and his
wife, Charlotte, have three kids: 6, 4,
and almost 2. When not playing with
them or working, he’s probably training
for his next triathlon or marathon.
Sarah Salzberg lives in Los Angeles,
CA with her husband, Josh, and son,
Hosea, traveling from one coffee
shop to another trying as many lattes
and croissants as she can. When not
hopped up on espresso, Sarah teaches
Old Testament at Orange Lutheran
High School in Orange County, CA.
As mundane as it sounds, she’s living
the dream!
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
CC La Nouvelle - 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Scott Geiger is pastor of outreach
a nd d iscipleship at Cornerstone
Lutheran Church in Carmel, IN.
Married to Kate for 17 years, they
have three children: Emma, Andrew
and Micah. Scott is originally from
Lakeville, MA and is a rabid Red Sox fan.
He has never won an Oscar, Grammy or
Nobel Prize, but was once runner-up
newspaper carrier of the year for the
New Bedford Standard-Times.
Rev. Travis Hartjen lives in Allen, TX
with his wife and four kids. He served as
a DCE for over 15 years before becoming
a church planting pastor. Six years ago
he helped launch a new church called
Tangible Grace. Following Jesus has not
always been easy or fun, but it has been
an amazing adventure to see Jesus work
in and through His people.
Hailey Jo Miller, DCE lives in New
Braunfels, TX where she serves as
director of Christian education for
Cross Lutheran Church and School. She
and her husband, Blake, have a 1-yearold daughter named Riley Jo. Hailey Jo
loves floating the river in her hometown,
exploring good places to eat, and
sharing the love of Christ with others.
morning Bible study
CC Theater - 10:00 a.m.
Dcs. Brenna Nunes serves as the
director of children’s ministry at Saint
Paul Lutheran Church and School in
Aurora, IL. At home with her daughter
Naomi (2005), she enjoys cultivating
a berry garden, creative wins at the
scrabble table, and stomping to Zumba!
Last summer she bred angora rabbits,
but this summer her only pets are
Moxley the Labradoodle, and Quibble
Higgins the Powder Puff puppy.
morning Bible study
Hilton New Orleans Riverside: Hilton Exhibition Center A-C - 9:30 a.m.
Rev. Todd Liefer serves as an associate
pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church in
Austin, TX. He enjoys telling others
about Jesus in any and every way
possible. He is very much in love with
his wife, Kelly, and together they enjoy
running, being outdoors, and “treasure
hunting” (geocaching!) with their
three kids.
Hyatt Regency: Celestin Ballroom, D-H - 9:30 a.m.
Jim Bradshaw, DCE is a director of
Christian education who has served as
the Education Executive for the Kansas
District of the LCMS for the last 11
years. Jim is a graduate of Concordia
University Nebraska and has been
married to his wife, Joanna, for 35 years.
They have three grown children and
three grandchildren.
Marriott New Orleans: Mardi Gras Ballroom - 9:30 a.m.
Micah Steiner, DCE is a 15-year youth
ministry veteran, currently serving
as the director of discipleship at Our
Father Lutheran Church in Centennial,
CO. He is married to Amanda and the
father of Madison and Joshua. He is
also an avid fan of the Denver Broncos.
Micah enjoys backpacking, spending
time with family, and speaking to
students across the country as part of
Unpaved Ministries.
Sheraton New Orleans: Grand Ballroom - 9:30 a.m.
Rev. Matthew Ryan Gonzalez was
born and baptized in The Bronx, NY.
He is a graduate of Concordia College,
New York and Concordia Seminary, St.
Louis. In 2011 he became the pastor of
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
back in The Bronx. Matthew is married
to his loving wife, Katie, and they have
a fantastic daughter, Phoebe.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Notes: Sunday Bible Study
Notes: Monday Bible Study
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Notes: Tuesday Bible Study
convention center map
Third Floor >>>
Adult Leader Area
Experiential Learning Center
Interest Center/Concert
Off-Site Interest Center
Second Floor >>>
208 209 210
211 223 213
257 256 255 254 253 252
220 221 222 223
228 229 230
217 218 219
La Nouvelle
260 261 262
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
271 272 273
265 266 267
268 269
275 276 277
278 279 280
281 282
288 289
297 298 299
To Riverwalk Mall >>>
First Floor >>>
Julia Street
Great Hall
Hall B
<<< To Poydras
Hall C
Hall D
& Canal
Convention Cen
ter Bou
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Hall E
Hall F
Program Options Check-In/Registration
Primary Adult Leaders were emailed confirmation of their group’s
(or individual participant’s) assignment to these program options:
Off-site Servant Events, Bible Study Academy, On-site Servant Events,
and Off-site Interest Centers. 5K Run/Walk participants were emailed
their confirmation directly. Participants for these program options must
check-in on-site. Booth staff will also be able to give you information about
available spots for each program option.
Booths are located in Main Entrance Lobby, near registration
Friday, July 15 | 1:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 16 | 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Gathering 5K
The Gathering 5K on-site registration takes place during regular
registration in the Main Entrance Lobby. (5K participants had to
pre-register on-line by July 8.) Participants will receive their tshirts, bibs,
and timing device at regular registration (not on the day of the race).
The race begins at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 17 near Lafayette Square
(602 Camp Street; 70130). Race festivities start at 6:00 a.m. and the site
opens at 5:30 a.m.
Recreation - Hall F
Get your game on in Christ alone. Enjoy both easy-going and fast-paced
games with your friends, new and old. Touch base at the supply table to
get what you need for your game of choice:
9 Square in the Air
Bean Bag Toss
Board Games
Bubble Soccer
Gaga Pits
Giant Jenga
Hamster Balls
Obstacle Course
Soccer Billiards
Wiffle Ball
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
CC 356-357
CC 350-351
CC 352
CC 353-355
CC 335-336
CC 338
CC 339
CC 340-341
CC 342
CC 343-345
CC 346-347
CC 348-349
CC 271-273
CC 275-277
CC 278-282
CC Theater
CC 286-287
CC 291-292
CC 293-296
CC 333-334
CC Great Hall
CC 208-210
CC 211-213
CC 217-219
CC 220-222
CC 228-230
CC 243-245
CC 252-254
CC 255-257
CC La Nouvelle
CC 260-262
CC 265-268
CC 269
Friendship: Going Beyond Followers and Friend Requests
Star Wars Spirituality
Dan Kreienkamp
Rev. Jay Winters
Heather Ruesch
Sarah Guldalian and
Philip Gruenwald
Social Media: It’s Your Channel...What will you say?
Purity: Living in a World of Fifty Shades (Girls Only)
Dealing with Stress
Relax and Be a Christian
Concordia University Irvine Praise Band
Jennifer Roush
Sex, Lies, and Identity
Rev. Trevor Sutton
Going Green: Biblical Truth or Brief Trend?
Shelly Schwalm
Rev. Joel Beyer
Rev. Michael Salemink
Truth AND Dare
The First Rosa
Best Choice/Best Sex (Sexual Integrity)
I've Still Got a Lot of Fight Left in Me
Designed to Thrive
Influence of Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Faith in the Halls of Power
I am Whole: Keeping it Together, When it Fall
Tim Goeglein (Sun Only)
Shanna Decker
Pam Stenzel
Katie Sensmeier
Lutheran Bible
Translator Team
Rev. Roosevelt Gray
Abortion Survivor
Connection vs. Stereotypes
The Gutter
Go Ahead and Laugh
So You Wanna Be a Christian Athlete?
You Don't Need Permission
I Can Stop Anytime...I Think (Boys Only)
Home Hurts
Porn Again: The Dirty Little Secret
Dignity Revolution
Gianna Jessen
Dani Tietjen
Craig Gross
David Dean
Lost and Found
Bread of Stone
Rebecca DuPort
Grant Carey
Bob Lenz
Remedy Drive
Rev. Bob Hiller
Tim Eldred
Rev. Byron Williams
Concert, or includes opening band
12:00 PM
Zak Mirzadeh
Brad Alles
ABC's of Defending the Faith
Rev. Greg Manning
Kicking Dirt in the Devil's Faith
Rev. Marcus Lane
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear: Identity in Jesus
Dr. Jacob Youmans
Abba Daddy Do
Scott Barefoot
How Can You Witness....Homosexual Lifestyle?
Rev. Bill Yonker
Amazed and Enthused, Not Dazed and Confused
Youth Interest Centers
Faith in the Halls of Power
I am Whole: Keeping it Together, When it Fall
Faith in the Field: Calling all Christian Athletes
"Little" Differences, Big God
Czech Out These Stories (Sun and Monday Only)
Rev. Billy Newell
Rev. Jay Winters
Rev. Amos Gray
Addiction: Where is God in This?
Relax and Be a Christian
MAN UP: Becoming the Ultimate Man (Boys Only)
Benjamin Helge
LYF Leadership Team Relational Witness in a Digital World
Rev. Ryan Peterson
How Do I Know?
Laura Davis
Diffusing the Abortion Debate
Mona Fuerstenau
Wonderfully Made!
Rev. Joel Beyer
Star Wars Spirituality
Concordia University Irvine Praise Band
Jennifer Roush
Sex, Lies, and Identity Theft
Rev. Trevor Sutton
Faith and Science: Moving Beyond Debates
Dan Kreienkamp and
Christina Stackle
How to be a Superhero
Shanna Decker
Micah Parker
Connor Colangelo
Tim Goeglein (Sun Only)
Posting with Plank-Eyes: Tweeting Guilt, Shame, & Jesus
Rev. Bob Hiller
Rev. Leon Jameson
Pam Stenzel
Lost and Found
Afraid and Discouraged Courage
The High Cost of Free Love
Sinking Sand: The True Foundation of Mormon Faith
Stop Wasting Your Time
What Hating My Body Stole From Me
Naked and Afraid
Don't Let the Bullies Mess With Your Identity
Science and Religion: Conflict or Confirmation?
Who am I?
Cracking the Parental Code
Kicking the Dull Life to the Curb
Marriage Sucks (the ego out of me)
Faith Goes Pop!
Rev. Jack Onkka
Tim Eldred
Dani Tietjen
Krissy Martin and AJ
Bread of Stone
Rebecca Duport
Cheri Selander
Remedy Drive
Brad Alles
Rev. Ted Doering
Rev. Bill Harmon
Rev. Travis Hartjen
Rev. Drew Ross
Rev. Ken Chitwood
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Designed to Thrive
Preventing Suicide - For Teens and All Ages
What is this? Looking at Life in the Womb
What's the Deal with Islam?
More than a Forgiven Piece of Dung
Leaving the Gay Lifestyle for God's Grace
I'm Weird
From Drugs to Dreams
The Color of Christianity
Social Media as Taught by the Old Guy
Denomination Domination
Blood, Guts, and God
Questions You Can't Ask Your Mama About Sex
Playing with the Devil
Mercy and Service: Serving Refugees
Trump? Clinton? Jesus? Who do you Follow?
Talking Pictures
Jesus, Jonah, and You: The Call to Obedience
Male, Female, Both, Neither, What is Going On?
Heather Ruesch
Julianna Shults
Joel Symmank
Greg and Emily Finke
Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
When All You Need is a Friend: Facing Crisis Together
Community, Faith, Service: Lutheran Young Adult Corps
Were you there?
A Mission Trip to Your School
Q and A with the Theology Guy
Rev. Michael Meyer
Faithful in Suffering
Mark and Eric Norwine Walking Man Movie and Q & A
Date Safe Self Defense
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
You Want Us to Do What?
Shelly Schwalm
In the Meantime: Singleness
Micah Parker
Trusting God
Concordia University Irvine Praise Band
Rev. Marcus Zill
Will You Survive the Academic Apocalypse?
Katie Sensmeier
Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs
Rev. Steve Cholak
Rev. Ken Chitwood
Rev. Paul Goeke
Scott Barefoot
321 Improv
Bread of Stone
Clint Colwell
Rev. Tim Carter
Craig Gross
Remedy Drive
Jeremiah Fry
Rev. Byron Williams
Rev. Ted Doering
David Crowder
Carol Gray
Folabi Olagbaju
Rev. Bill Harmon
Dr. Jacob Youmans
Heath Lewis
Rev. Bill Yonker
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Christian illusionist, Zak Mirzadeh
is a stage illusionist. As a part of his
performances, Mirzadeh weaves in his
story of what it was like to grow up in a
religiously Muslim household and how
the Gospel of Jesus transformed his life.
The ABC’s of
the Faith
Brad Alles
CC 208-210
Why are you a Christian? Can you
explain what you believe and why you
believe it? While we have faith because
of the Holy Spirit, there is plenty
of evidence to back up our claims.
Knowing them is as easy as ABC...A is
for Archaeology, B is for Bible, and C
is for Christ. Discover the rest and be
ready to defend the faith!
How to Kick
Dirt in the Devil’s
Face When You
are Down
Rev. Greg
CC 211-213
There is a thief who comes to kill, steal
and destroy. However, each of us has
the power to show the devil that we can
and will get back up when tough things
like death, sickness and hard times are
thrown at us. Learn how to get back
up, kick dirt in the devil’s face and
tell everyone how you made a fool out
of the devil.
Perfect Love Casts
Out Fear: Finding
Our Identity
in Jesus
Rev. Marcus Lane
CC 217-219
Finding our identity in the wrong thing
can easily lead us to exhaustion and fear
that we are not accepted. Finding worth
in our accomplishments can easily lead
us to feel as if we are inadequate. But,
the Gospel invites us to imagine a
different reality. Instead of finding our
identity in what we do, Jesus invites us
to come and find our identity in Him.
Abba Daddy Do
Dr. Jacob
Youmans, DCE
CC 220-222
Dr. Youmans explores the bizarre
and profound concept of childlike
faith through the lens of the ordinary
everyday life adventures he experienced
with his own kids. He will help you
connect your stories to Jesus’ story and
encourage you to explore life through
the eyes of a child. God is our Father,
come learn what that really means!
CC Great Hall
interest centers
Zak Mirzadeh
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
How Can You
Witness To
Someone Who
Scott Barefoot
CC 228-230
Just about everyone seems to have
a friend or relative embracing a
homosexual lifestyle. Come receive
some practical strategies for starting
and continuing what can be very
uncomfortable discussions from a
fellow Lutheran who once had embraced
“the gay lifestyle” and climbed back out
of it by the grace of God.
Amazed and
Enthused Not
Dazed and
Rev. Bill Yonker
CC 243-245
God has given you passions and gifts to
both propel you into living out the plan
God has for your life as well as being
a meaningful and unique person that
will bring hope, joy and life to others.
Overcoming the fear to display these
passions will enable you to step out of
the regular and routine and show the
world what you are bringing to it. It will
also serve and encourage others.
32 RebeccaHome
Duport, DCE
CC 252-254
Porn Again: The
Dirty Little Secret
Grant Carey, DCE
CC 255-257
Sometimes home is hurting, and home
is not a place of love, joy and comfort.
Divorce, neglect, hunger, the pressure
to perform or please parents and peers
is unbearable. How do we live in a
world that is broken and hurting? Even
though Christ abides in us, how do I
comfort friends who are searching for a
home outside of Christ?
In a n age of i nsta nt accessibi lit y,
pornography can be found quickly and
easily. During this session, we’ll tackle
tough questions like: Is porn really so
harmful? Why does it make me feel so
dirty? Why is it so hard to stop? Does
God still love me even when I struggle?
Come for honest discussion and stories,
and leave better equipped to deal with
the dirty little secret of porn.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
This is more than an anti-bullying talk.
Come and be encouraged and inspired
in biblical dignity, a dignity that comes
from creation and the cross.
So You Wanna Be a
Christian Athlete
Rev. Bob Hiller
CC 260-262
The Lord has gifted many people with
athletic skills and abilities. But how
does one live out their faith in the field
of competition? How can you love your
enemy and try to defeat them at the same
time? Does being a Christian athlete
mean I have to act like Tim Tebow
every time I do well? Come learn what
it means to honor God and love your
neighbor in your athletic “vocation.”
You Don’t
Need Permission
Tim Eldred
CC 265-268
You were designed to do—not watch.
Create—not spectate. God hand-picked
you to play a significant part in history.
You’re uniquely gifted and perfectly
positioned. So what are you waiting for?
Seriously, you can transform the world
right now. In this lively session, you’ll
discover how to imprint the planet for
Jesus. So stop watching and wondering
when something will change. Take
action. And no—you don’t need
I can stop
anytime...I think
(Boys Only)
Rev. Bryon
CC 269
Is sex addiction a real thing? If it is, how
do we know if we have it and what can
we do about it? Find out God’s plan for
those who struggle to match their sexual
behavior with their spiritual beliefs.
interest centers
Dignity Revolution:
Standing Up for
Bob Lenz
CC La Nouvelle
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Abortion Survivor
Gianna Jessen
CC 271-273
Talk to Gianna for a few minutes, and
she’s likely to punctuate every sentence
with a deep, infectious laugh. Talk
to her for a while longer and as her
story unfolds, it’s apparent that the
constant joy has overcome unspeakable
challenges. Her life has been a short
path with obstacles at every turn: the
hardest of hards, betrayal, and cruelty.
For every setback, she doesn’t live as
a v ic t i m. She lives t he i mpossible
through Jesus.
Connection vs.
Dani Tietjen
CC 275-277
Seeing is not knowing and knowing is
not understanding. We were created
for connection, yet humanity has a bad
habit of boxing people into stereotypes
that separate us from one another.
Wit hout shared stor y, we isolate
ourselves into common groups, yet, we
also fear what we do not understand.
Community is the answer to our ever
present struggle for connection.
The Gutter
Craig Gross
CC 278-282
Why did an all-knowing, all-powerful
God send t he per fect ion of His
kingdom—His only Son—to the earth
through the gutter? Why did Jesus
spend so much time, reaching out to
people in their own secret, dark places?
Why do His followers so often turn away
from those very same situations? Craig
Gross will share stories and insights he
gained while spending time with the
people who dwell there and challenge
you to get in the gutter.
Go ahead and
LAUGH! You look
better with a smile.
David Dean
CC Theater
Ready to laugh your fool head off?
WHY? You deserve it. Our lives are
full of anxiety and worry. Jesus tells us
to live life to the fullest...which should
include a good hard laugh. Let’s giggle
at ourselves. If not, someone will do
it for you. Laughter is good medicine.
You’ll feel better. Best of all, the comedy
is clean. When was the last time you
tinkled just a bit from laughing so hard?
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
CC 286-287
Tim Goeglein, vice president of
external relations at Focus on the
Family in Washington D.C., will
discuss why politics—while important
—is downstream from culture, and why
the centrality of what is happening
among families, marriages, and parents
are more important than political
d i f ferences. Ti m w i l l d iscuss why
Millennials might consider human life,
marriage, and religious liberty as some
of the most important issues facing the
rising generation of young Christians.
I am Whole: How
to Keep It Together
When Everything
Falls Apart
Shanna Decker
CC 291-292
We all come to a point when we feel as
though life has gone nothing like how
we wanted it to. As Christians, what
do we do then? How are we supposed
to respond to great trial? Join Shanna
as she walks you through her own
insurmountable journey filled with
trial to learn these answers. Experience
her humor, dynamic storytelling, and
honesty for an experience that will
change your life.
Influence of Social
Media: The Good,
The Bad and
The Ugly
Pam Stenzel
CC 293-296
Whatever has your attention influences
you. Social media, in all its forms, is here
to stay and seems to get more powerful
in its influence daily. The technology
is not the problem. How social media
is used, how often it is used, and the
messages being delivered will determine
its influence. Just as our physical diet
affects our bodies, our social media diet
determines our character. Assess your
“inward” health by examining your
social media diet!
* This session is on Sunday only.
interest centers
Faith in the Halls
of Power: What
Really Matters in
the Public Square*
Tim Goeglein
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Designed to
Katy Sensmeier,
CC 333-334
God’s design is so miraculous and
complex that sometimes we have a
tough time figuring ourselves out.
Many of us have felt powerless in our
struggles with stress, anxiety, and
depression. Well, power-up, people! All
the latest brain research, along with
Scripture, shows that God designed us
with incredible power and influence!
We will discover the many tools God
provides us to live in emotional, mental,
and spiritual health.
Truth AND Dare
Nathan and
Sarah Esala and
Rev. Rich Rudowske
CC 335-336
When Nathan and Sarah Esala hosted
a birthday party for their four-year-old,
they were shocked when 100 “friends”
showed up, and the adults played the
kids’ party games. Their new home in
Ghana, as missionaries with Lutheran
Bible Translators, was definitely outside
their cultural box. The Esala’s have
crossed boundaries with international
students, immigrants, and citizens in
a dozen countries and are passionate
about helping ot hers discover
God’s transformative work in the midst
of struggle.
The First Rosa
Rev. Roosevelt Gray
CC 338
Born to an ordinary life in rural
Alabama, Rosa J. Young was anything
but ordinary. Civil-rights champion Dr.
Rosa Parks is well known to history, but
there was another Rosa. “The First Rosa”
is a film about a missionary who planted
historically black Lutheran schools and
chapels in the South. See the long odds
they faced-struggles with strident critics,
the Ku Klux Klan, even an invasion of
boll weevils—before emerging with a
glorious victory.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
This high-energy session focuses on
the impact our sexual choices have on
identity, humility and community.
What does direction in adolescence
and celebration in adulthood look like?
Master educators will help you examine
God’s gift of sexuality in a true and
honest way. You will be challenged in
a relevant and God-honoring way to
embrace the counter-cultural lifestyle
of sexual integrity.
I’ve Still Got a Lot
of Fight Left in Me:
Conversation About
Assisted Suicide
Rev. Michael
CC 340-341
We’ l l ex a m i ne a s sisted su ic ide’s
semantics and statistics. We’ll explore
its solutions, stories, and suggestions.
We’ll evaluate autonomy, pain, “quality
of life,” and “death with dignity.” And
we’ll enjoy how the Christian Gospel
invites us to insist on accompanied
suffering instead of settling for
assisted suicide.
Going Beyond
Followers and
Friend Requests
Shelly Schwalm,
CC 342
Even with 367 friends on Snapchat and
538 Twitter followers you’re still feeling
lonely? God’s intention for friendship
and relationship is much bigger than
a snap or double tap. He designed you
for rich relationships, to be seen and
known. We’ll talk about what that
means for friendships via social media
and beyond.
Star Wars
Rev. Joel Beyer
CC 343-345
A long time ago, in a galaxy (not so)
far, far away...George Lucas blasted
onto the Hollywood scene with Luke,
Leia, light sabers, and the legend of
Star Wars. Forty years later, his empire
continues to expand, capturing the
adventurous spirits of people young and
old. In this session, we’ll unpack how
Star Wars approaches spirituality and
connect it to the reality that Jesus is our
“only hope.”
interest centers
Best Choice/
Best Sex
CC 339
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Sex, Lies, and
Identity Theft
Jennifer Roush
CC 346-347
The same lies the enemy spoke in the
garden are the ones he uses today. He
does not want you to know who you
really are because he is afraid of who
God made you to be. Come and hear a
compelling story of how God has taken
a broken person, wounded by sexual sin,
and is using her life for His glory and
how He wants to do the same in and
through you.
Going Green:
Biblical Truth or
Brief Trend?
Rev. Trevor Sutton
CC 348-349
It seems like everyone is talking about
‘Going Green’ lately. This raises a
question: Is this just a brief trend that
will come and go? Or is environmental
stewardship based in biblical truth?
Come explore how God uses us to care
for creation.
with Stress
Dan Kreienkamp,
CC 350-351
Ever punched a hole in a wall... screamed
at someone... couldn’t sleep... cried...
because of stress? Together we will talk
about how to deal with the stress we all
face using examples from the Bible, pop
culture, and real life.
Relax and
Be a Christian
Rev. Jay Winters
CC 352
The world and a lot of Christianity
tells us that Christianity is tough,
work, impossible, unattractive, or all
of the above. But what if Christianity
is actually just a matter of showing up
and being yourself? Wouldn’t that be
a refreshing difference? We will talk
about how evangelism, discipleship,
and even your eternal life gets easier
when you just show up and let God be
God for you.
Purity: Living
Black & White in
a World of Fifty
Shades (Girls Only)
Heather Ruesch
CC 353-355
More than just another “sex talk.” What
are the real differences between what
the world says about sex and what
God’s Word tells us? How do we live
pure lives in a world that sells sex with
whoever, whenever, and however? A
“Girls Only” session.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Social Media:
It’s Your Channel...
What will you say?!
Sarah Guldalian
& Philip Gruenwald
CC 356-357
Yes, it’s good to put your phone down and
just talk to people! But we encourage you to
pick your phone UP – and say something
that matters! And, what matters most? Jesus
Christ! Social media allows you to host your
own channel. What’s your message? You can
be a world changer. What kind of impact
will you make? Get with those crazy five14
presenters from Lutheran Hour Ministries
to make social media count for Christ!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
What is historical science?
is observational science? Contrary
to popular belief, Christians aren’t
anti-science. In fact, the scientific
method was developed by a Christian!
Observational science will confirm
what Scripture says, since what we read
in God’s Word is what we see in God’s
world. Find out the difference between
the two and how to defend the faith as
well as science!
Who Am I?
Rev. Ted Doering
CC 211-213
It’s as if you are stuck in a terrible Disney
Channel movie where everyone fits into
their nice little niches: jock, band nerd,
popular kids. People will tell you, “It’s
only high school. That will all change.”
And it does…a little. The world wants
to tell you who you are. However, the
Gospel tells a different story and gives
you a new identity.
Cracking the
Parental Code
Rev. Bill Harmon
CC 217-219
Tired of hearing “Because I said so”
and “As long as you live under my roof,
you’ll…”? Do all parents read out of the
same rule book? Come and find out why
parents do what they do from someone
who has asked the same questions and
found out the answers.
interest centers
Science and
Religion: Conflict
or Confirmation?
Brad Alles
CC 208-210
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Kick the Dull
Life to the Curb
Rev. Travis
CC 220-222
A life of following Christ alone is
anything but predictable or boring.
Maybe it is time to kick the dull life to
the curb, and learn what it means to be
a disciple and what it looks like to follow
Jesus. Spoiler Alert: It is an amazing
journey, marked by tears and laughter
while relying on the grace of Christ.
Marriage Sucks
(the ego out of me)
Rev. Drew Ross
CC 228-230
Marriage is the most confusing
commitment that most people will
ever make. And the crazy part is that
the decisions we make before we are
married will end up playing a major role
in our married lives. Now is the time
to figure out, “What do I believe about
marriage?” “Who is marriage for?” and
“Do I really need to start thinking about
marriage now? Like... now? This is nuts!”
Faith Goes Pop!
Rev. Ken
CC 243-245
Can you find Jesus on Snapchat, Netflix,
or in a bag of movie popcorn? Let’s
take a bold foray into the unknown
and untamable intersections between
religion and popular culture. Exploring
such diverse pop culture phenomena as
social media, soda, and sports, we will
enjoy a fun, but thought-provoking,
session on how to forge and find faith
in some of the most unexpected places.
Naked and
Rebecca Duport,
CC 252-254
Adam and Eve were naked and afraid.
They were hiding from God and fear
entered the world from disobedience
of God and shame. True fears teens
face involve rejection, abandonment,
not being good enough, failures,
acceptance, pressure to succeed, future,
etc. Temptations lead us to abide in
other things and our fears deter us
from looking to Christ. Christ helps us
conquer those fears! There is no fear in
love. Christ promises to love us.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Bullies have been around since sin
came into the world. Being bullied can
be painful and humiliating. Together
we will listen and share our experiences
with one another. We will draw strength
and encouragement from God’s Word
to forgive. We will seek out tools and
build skills to cope with bullying, stand
up for ourselves and others, and rise
above hurtful words and actions to live
with courage and the hope of Jesus.
Sinking Sand: The
True Foundation of
the Mormon Faith
Rev. Jack Onkka
CC 260-262
You have seen their missionaries in
your community riding on bicycles
and talking to people about their faith.
Mormons say they believe in Jesus
Christ, but do they really? Learn the
differences between the beliefs of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints (Mormon) and Christianity, in
particular our Lutheran beliefs. Pastor
Jack will share his first-hand knowledge
about the Mormon faith and his journey
to Christ.
Stop Wasting
Your Time Praying
Tim Eldred
CC 265-268
We grow up learning to pray, but do
you ever feel like it’s a waste of time?
How often have you prayed only to feel
like no one’s listening? Maybe it’s time
to review the purpose and power of
a solid prayer life. If you’re looking to
discover God’s plans for your life and
understand your true potential as a
follower of Jesus, this session will teach
you to make prayer a habit you can’t live
What Hating
My Body Stole
From Me
Dani Tietjen
CC 269
We all have a story with our body and
how we relate to ourselves in our own
skin. This is a discussion-based session,
so come ready to engage. We will
bring our questions, frustrations, and
concerns to the table and hold them
in light of the truth of who we were
created to be.
interest centers
Don’t Let The
Bullies Mess With Your
Identity in Christ
Cheri Selander, DCE
CC 255-257
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Krissy Martin
& A.J. Vega
CC 271-273
What is God’s plan for you in a
relationship? Join A.J. Vega and Krissy
Martin to discuss topics on dating,
sex, long-distance relationships, and
more! You can tweet at @thebossajv to
ask any questions, and use the hashtag
#RelationshipGoalsNYG to join in
conversations! Some of your questions
might be used for discussion during the
Posting with
Plank-Eyes: Tweeting
Out Guilt, Shame,
and Jesus
Rev. Bob Hiller
CC 275-277
All the time we spend on social media
(SnapChat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
shapes the way we think, speak, and
act. But, what sort of people does the
internet shape us to be? What is internet
shaming and how can it damage people?
How does the message of the Gospel
change the way we interact with one
another online and in real life?
Afraid and
Rev. Leon
CC 278-282
Courage is something we possess on the
inside that often gives us the strength to
be brave on the outside. God’s Word
is filled with examples of everyday
terrified people who often messed
things up and doubted God…. yet GOD
your walk of faith is important. Come
consider how courage doesn’t come
from ourselves, it comes from a God
who loves us too much to leave us in a
place of fear.
The High Cost of
Free Love
Pam Stenzel
CC Theater
God created sex! He is not the cosmic
kill-joy, but He did create sex with
boundaries to protect us and our future
marriage. After years of listening and
learning from young women and
men facing unplanned pregnancies,
positive STD results and heartache
from broken relationships, Pam Stenzel
knew someone needed to start telling
the truth about the consequences when
sex is treated so casually. The choice is
yours, be informed!
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
See description on page 35.
I am Whole:
How to Keep It Together
When Everything Falls Apart
Shanna Decker
CC 291-292
See description on page 35.
Faith in the
Field - Calling all
Christian Athletes
Dr. Micah Parker
CC 293-296
This session will compare the similarities
between sports and religion. You will learn
what it means to serve God through athletics.
Sports do not build character, they reveal
it. Learn principles from a former college
athlete and coach about how to witness as
an athlete and praise God through athletics.
This talk is for athletes of all abilities, sports
fans, and future coaches.
Big God!
CC 333-334
What’s it like being 4ft-2in and a sophomore
in high school? That’s my life! My name
is Connor and I’m a little person. I was
born with a form of dwarfism called
Achondroplasia. What do I think of my life?
It’s awesome! I have a great God to thank
for that! Jonathan Loesch, DCE at Connor’s
church, will also share about the joys &
challenges of being a parent of a son with
Down syndrome.
Czech Out
These Stories**
Benjamin Helge
CC 335-336
Think you’re too young to share the Gospel?
Well, listen up! God has equipped you and
sends you to your community and the world
ready to proclaim Christ crucified. Join
LCMS missionary, Benjamin Helge, and
students from the Czech Republic as they
share stories of God working in one of the
most atheistic countries in the world. Be
encouraged and hyped to share your faith
wherever you’re from and wherever God
leads you.
* This session is on Sunday only.
** This session is on Sunday and Monday only.
interest centers
Faith in the Halls of Power:
What Really Matters in
the Public Square*
Tim Goeglein
CC 286-287
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Witness in a Digital
LYF Leadership
CC 338
In the digital age, story is powerful. As
you tell your story and “The Story”, your
friends can see the love of Christ in you.
This hands-on experience uses video
presentations, processing activities,
and action plan development to walk
you through the process of building
relationships and sharing Jesus with
your friends. Relationships are messy,
but with God all things are possible as
he works through you to show His love.
How Do I Know?
Rev. Ryan
CC 339
Your life is filled with big decisions.
More are coming up. One friend tells
you to do one thing, while another says
something totally different. How do
you know what to do? We’ll explore
how you begin to sort through all the
advice and voices out there to hear what
God might be saying to you. Bring your
questions, your fears, your anxious
thoughts, and let’s talk about them!
Diffusing the
Tension: Exposing
the Heart of the
Abortion Debate
Laura Davis
CC 340-341
When you bring up the topic of abortion,
it seems like everyone has an opinion,
and those opinions can quickly turn
into arguments and angry rhetoric. In
this session, we’ll talk about how to
identify the reason behind the rhetoric
and turn a frustrating debate into a
productive conversation. We’ll also
discuss what Scripture has to say about
life and how to respond to common
justifications for abortion.
Mona Fuerstenau
CC 342
Ever yone is wonderf ully made in
the eyes of our Creator! This session
discusses how people with disabilities
are valuable and crucial to the whole
body of Christ. Sa nct it y of life
discussions are not just about pre-born
or elderly.
Star Wars Spirituality See description on page 37.
Rev. Joel Beyer
CC 343-345
w/opening concert
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Sex, Lies, and Identity Theft See description on page 38.
Jennifer Roush
CC 346-347
Faith & Science:
Moving Beyond
Rev. Trevor Sutton
CC 348-349
What comes to mind when you hear
‘faith’ and ‘science’ in the same
sentence? Debates? Disagreements?
Disunity? It is about time that we
move beyond all the debates, and
find some common ground. This
does not mean simply overlooking
disagreements such as creation and
evolution. Instead, we go out of
ou r way to f i nd t he poi nts of
agreement while still holding firm
to God’s truth.
How to be a
Do you have Superpowers? Don’t
worry! Not all Superheroes needed
Superpowers in order to change
lives. Join us as we talk about the
skills and principles that make
youth great peer leaders! No capes
CC 350-351
Relax and Be a Christian
Rev. Jay Winters
CC 352
Man Up:
Becoming the
Ultimate Man
(Boys Only)
Rev. Amos Gray
CC 353-355
See description on page 38.
We live in an age where young
men are underestimated. Boys in
our world are bashed by the media
because of drugs and violence that
happens in our communities. Gray
will present to “Boys Only” how
to take a stand and MAN UP in a
world that tries to bring them down.
He will use stories and the Word of
God to teach boys how to become
men of God in their generation.
interest centers
Dan Kreienkamp, DCE
Christina Stackle, DCE
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Where is God
in This?
Rev. Billy Newell
CC 356-357
Robin Williams, Daniel Radcliffe,
Michael J Fox, Demi Lovato, and
countless others have one thing in
common: Addiction. Pastor Billy’s
mom, dad, brother, grandmother,
several uncles, and several father figures
were all drug addicts and alcoholics.
Statistically, his life was over before it
started. Miraculously, God has chosen
to do something different. Where is
God in this? Pastor Billy shares his
story of restoration and hope.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
Playing with
the Devil
Carol Gray,
CC 208-210
We all know the devil is not our friend.
There are times though that we have
felt compelled to do things we know we
shouldn’t do. Why do we continue to
play on the devil’s playground when we
know he doesn’t play fair? We need to
understand that this isn’t a game, it’s
a fight! Learn the rules that the devil
operates with. These rules will help you
win the fight!
Mercy and
Response to the
Syrian Refugee
Folabi Olagbaju
CC 211-213
What do you know about the Syrian
refugee crisis? 12 million Syrians
have been forced to flee their homes
because of war and violence, and 60
million people are displaced worldwide.
Lutherans around the world are shining
the light of God’s love on the path
towards safety and hope. Come learn
about one of the worst humanitarian
crises of our times, and what YOU can
do to help.
Trump? Clinton?
Jesus? Who do
you follow?
Rev. Bill Harmon
CC 217-219
Explore ways to live your Christian
faith, engage in sincere conversation
and love your neighbors in a politicallycharged society, no matter what your
affiliation is.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Youmans teaches us how to use
movies as a means and metaphor
for communicating the Gospel.
Films are stories, and every story
can be connected to the ultimate
story of God’s redemptive work
through Jesus Christ. Come learn
how to turn a trip to the movies
into a mission trip!
Jesus, Jonah,
and You: The Call
to Obedience
What does it look like to obey
God? What role does obedience
play in the life of a Christian in
2016? In this session, we will:
explore lessons about obedience
from the lives of Jesus, Jonah, and
other Biblical figures; discover
how obedience impacts believers
today; and discover that in order to
lead, we must first understand how
to follow.
Heath Lewis, DCE
CC 228-230
Male, Female, Both,
Neither, Something Even
Different: What In The
World Is Going On??
Rev. Bill Yonker
CC 243-245
w/opening conert
“And the Creator made them male
and female...” Or did He? Are our
identities assigned by God, or is it
a matter of personal discovery? Is
the Bible the authority on this or
does it just offer suggestions and
guidance? So many questions, so
many opinions, so many sides, but
real people are having to face these
REAL realities. What does Jesus
want from us in all this and how
can we show Jesus?
What does my Catholic friend
believe? Why does my Baptist
friend’s youth group want me rebaptized? With so many Christian
d e n o m i n a t i o n s , w h a t ’s t h e
difference? We’ll discover more
about others by learning more
about ourselves, and do it in a way
that’s fun and easy to understand.
Clint Colwell, DCE
CC 252-254
interest centers
Talking Pictures
Dr. Jacob
Youmans, DCE
CC 220-222
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
Blood, Guts
& God
Rev. Timothy
CC 255-257
Tim Carter shares his journey from
Death Row executioner to pastor. It is
one of violence and terror yet blessings
by the works of God in a terrifying
environment. Carter explains how
numerous violent predators and how
the current generation can change that
trend by following God’s directions for
protecting His sheep while still loving
wolves. It’s a riveting testimony that
shows how God’s children can have
love for their enemies.
Questions You
Can’t Ask Your
Mama About Sex
Craig Gross
CC La Nouvelle
Let’s talk about sexuality; your sexuality
and the sexuality of others. Let’s talk
about what is and isn’t okay to look at, do,
and think about. Questions You Can’t
Ask Your Mama About Sex is exactly
that—questions too uncomfortable to
talk about with your parents. No topic
is off limit. You will be able to text your
questions to Craig Gross and he will
respond from God’s Word and his work
From Drugs
to Dreams
Jeremiah Fry
CC 260-262
Going from a crack house to working on
movie sets of Terminator, Pitch Perfect
2 and The Best of Me, Jeremiah Fry
shares his story of faith and how to be
in the world but not of the world, while
wearing skinny jeans. He will share his
secret to never working another day
in your life and how to cultivate real
change in Christ alone.
The Colors of
Rev. Byron
CC 265-268
Of course, All Lives Matter, but does that
mean that Christ is colorblind? Should
we be? Come explore the pros and cons
of practicing Colorblind Chrtistianity.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
It’s not that he’s that old…he’ll turn 30 in
December. So not super old, right? Yet, Ted
grew up through the age where MySpace
was king, Facebook was only for college kids
(if you were lucky), Twitter was new, and
has been heard saying “How does this even
work?” concerning Snapchat. Inspite of his
advanced age, or possibly because of it, Ted
has learned how to navigate social media
through a Gospel lens.
What’s the deal
with Islam?
Rev. Ken
CC 271-273
What is Islam? Do Muslims hate us? Should
Christians be friends with Muslims?
This session seeks to pose and answer
tough questions about Islam and Muslim
communities around the world, right down
the street, and living next door. Looking to
Jesus’ example and considering the reality of
religious ritual and belief, this session will
invite participants into a friendly encounter
with “the religious other.”
More Than a
Piece of Dung
Rev. Paul Goeke
CC 275-277
I was once told that being forgiven by Jesus
was like being a “snow-covered dung heap:
- dirty on the inside but covered by Jesus.
Forgiven...but still a piece of junk.” This is
what I believed, and it seemed really humble.
But the Bible says I am a NEW CREATION
in Jesus. “New Creation” sounds pretty
different than snow-covered dung! I look
forward to learning with you who we really
are in Christ.
Leaving The Gay
For God’s Grace
Scott Barefoot
CC 278-282
Homosexuality... It has become a “ hot
button topic” in our society today. Many
have been working to paint homosexuality
as a normal, everyday part of life and society.
Ever wonder why some people struggle with
same-sex-attractions and some never do?
Are certain people born gay? Is it possible for
someone to change their sexual orientation?
Come hear about a christian’s personal
struggles with those very questions and the
answers he arrived at with God’s help.
interest centers
Social Media
as Taught by
an Old Guy
Rev. Ted Doering
CC 269
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
321 Improv
CC Theater
321 Improv will make you laugh until
your face falls off! Through their one-of-akind comedy show, 321 Improv will turn
audience suggestions into side-splitting
laughter and create an experience that
will not soon be forgotten.
Suicide - For Teens
and All Ages
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of
death among young people in the
USA, but did you know it is even more
common among older people? What
can Christians (of all ages) do to help
prevent others from attempting to
harm themselves? Come and learn what
you can do to “help and support your
neighbor in their physical need.”
Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs
CC 286-287
What is This?
Looking at Life
in the Womb: The
LCMS Ultrasound
Rev. Steven
CC 291-292
Designed to Thrive
Katy Sensmeier, MA, MFT
CC 333-334
Faithful in
Rev. Michael
CC 335-336
“What is this?” might seem like a strange
question to ask about life in the womb.
To some of you, it will be obvious that
what you see on the ultrasound screen
is a baby. Others might see a fetus or
a blob of tissue or a part of a woman’s
body. So what is this? Join Rev. Cholak
from LCMS Life Ministry and explore
what God says about life, including life
in the womb.
See description on page 36.
This session will discuss suffering, loss,
and how to deal with it as a Christian.
It will also provide tips for how to
share God’s peace with others who may
currently be suffering in various ways.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
Walking Man
Movie and Q&A
Mark Norwine
CC 338
After a Missouri high school loses
three students to suicide, Mark
Norwine embarks on a 200-mile walk
across the state, seeking to educate
students and better understand the
epidemic for himself. Mark is joined
by his son, Eric, but when the road
proves difficult, father and son must
confront their own mental health
struggles, which they’ve kept secret
for so long. Walking Man is an
honest look at one family’s
journey with mental illness.
Date Safe Self Defense This self defense workshop teaches
Thrive evasion strategies, escape methods,
CC 339 striking techniques, and more!
Do you ever get tired of adults
telling you what to do all of the
time? Would you like to have more
input into how you “do” youth
group? Join us as we share ideas
and discuss strategies to partner
with adult leaders to make a more
youth-driven youth group.
In the Meantime:
Singleness isn’t
just Cat Ladies and
Basement Dudes
Shelly Schwalm,
CC 342
Fact: Unmarried adults now
outnumber married adults in the
United States. Singleness is no
longer just for the cat ladies, sitcoms,
and dudes in their mom’s basement.
Get a glimpse of singleness that
can be both legendary and Godhonoring, because our identity and
calling are rooted in Christ. Your
life doesn’t have to wait for a ring
to begin. There’s so much God has
in store for you in the meantime!
interest centers
You Want Us
To Do What?
Rev. Todd
CC 340-341
interest centers
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
Trusting God
Dr. Micah Parker
CC 343-345
w/opening concert
Learn the difference between “praise
trust” and “adversity trust”. Based on
Proverbs 3:5-6, this session will push
you out of your spiritual comfort zone.
You’ll never look at the word “trust” the
same again. Learn how to walk with
God through any valley and to laugh
at yourself through life’s awkward
circumstances. It involves audience
participation and flying t-shirts. If you
can’t catch a t-shirt, please avoid this talk.
Will You Survive
the Academic
Rev. Marcus Zill
CC 346-347
Whether you are excited or scared to
death to go to college, you are about
to enter a whole new world, one that
is both exhilarating and frightening.
Almost nothing will be the same. Will
you survive or will you be among
the first to turn? Don’t be among the
walking dead but among the walking
living! Come and get prepared to enter
the brave new collegiate world.
Ask Anything:
Q&A with
Theology Guy
Rev. Dr. Joel
CC 348-349
Okay, it says “Ask Anything,” but what
we have in mind here are questions about
the Bible; your faith; what Christians
(and Lutherans) believe about this, that
or whatever; other religions; moral
and ethical issues, etc. No math or
science questions allowed, please! Joel
Lehenbauer, resident “Theology Guy”
and theological advisor for “In Christ
Alone,” will field any and all questions
and provide brilliant answers (or least
some kind of answer). Join us—and
Faith, Service and
Lutheran Young
Adult Corps
Julianna Shults,
CC 350-351
Many LCMS youth and young adults
share a desire to serve their communities
as they share their faith in Christ alone.
God has given you and your communities
a multitude of gifts and resources that
can be used to create healthy, sustainable
communities. Come hear how Lutheran
Young Adult Corps seeks to serve underresourced neighborhoods by starting
with the skills, associations, and assets
in these communities.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
What was it like to stare down Goliath?
To hear your donkey talk to you? To
watch your paralyzed friend walk again?
What if we stopped reading the Bible as
stories and read it as the account of a
real God interacting with real people
in their real circumstances? When we
recognize how God is at work in the
lives of others, we see more clearly how
He is at work in our own.
A Mission Trip to
Your Own School
Rev. Greg Finke
CC 353-355
Jesus is on a mission at your school, on
your team, with your group, and where
you work. He is already working in the
life of every person you meet. How can
we join Him in what He is doing? How
can we support each other as we head
into our mission field week after week?
The answers are simpler than you think
and a lot more fun!
When All You
Need Is a Friend:
Facing Crisis
Heather Ruesch
CC 356-357
We have a relational God who has
created us to be relational people.
When facing troubles like divorce, teen
pregnancy, depression, or suicide alone,
life can feel pretty hopeless. What are
the signs that someone is in trouble?
Believe it or not, you can be God’s light
to someone in need!
interest centers
Were You There?
Joel Symmank,
CC 352
off-site interest centers
Off-Site Interest Centers
Off-Site Interest Centers allow participants to learn more about our host
city and how her citizens have lived together through triumphant and
difficult times. These sessions will take place throughout the full days of
the Gathering programming (July 17-19). They happen at different times
and meet in different locations of the city.
Participants have pre-registered to attend. If space is still available, onsite registration is available during regular registration at the convention
center. First come, first served, so register early!
Cafe Reconcile
2 p.m. & 4 p.m.
Participants will learn first-hand how
a community of concerned people
committed to address the system of
generational poverty, violence and
neglect in the New Orleans area
came together to create an innovative
life skills and job training program.
Participants will also have the
opportunity to sample delicious New
Orleans food. Participants will be
bussed from the Morial Convention
Center to Cafe Reconcile.
Mardi Gras World
Sun.: 4 p.m.
12 p.m. & 2 p.m.
Participants will learn more about this
unique New Orleans celebration and
season. Participants will tour the Mardi
Gras World facilities and see firsthand
the hard work and extensive planning
that goes into this city-wide event.
Participants will meet in a room at the
Morial Convention Center and walk to
Mardi Gras World.
New Orleans
Jazz Market
12 p.m.
How can music shape a city and nation?
Learn more about New Orleans jazz
and its place as an American music
tradition. Participants will be bused
from the Morial Convention Center to
the Jazz Market.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
World War II
12 p.m. & 2 p.m.
Meet at museum
Do you think of New Orleans when
you think of World War II? Find out
more about the city’s connection to the
American war effort. From the website,
“The National WWII Museum tells
the story of the American Experience
in the war that changed the world:
why it was fought, how it was won,
and what it means today so that all
generations will understand the price
of freedom and be inspired by what
they learn.” Participants will be given
instructions about when and where to
meet at the Museum.
Bible Study Academy
Studying the Scriptures is an important part of the LCMS Youth Gathering.
The Bible Study Academy is a special opportunity to dig deeper into the
study of the Word. Academy sessions offer intensive, interactive Bible
studies with pastors, professionals and college professors who are experts
in their fields. You will be challenged, encouraged, and engaged.
NOTE: When you sign up for Academy, you are committing to attend
three days in a row. Please plan your schedule accordingly.
Time and location information will be available on the app and at on-site
Academy registration.
In this Academy, we will discuss what
it’s like to have a vocation in a field that
is full of non-believers and atheists.
We will discuss why our beliefs as
Christians need not be based solely on
faith, but also on reason and rational
thought. We will explore ways of
defending and sharing our faith to
people who are skeptical of anything
that can’t be proven by modern-day
science and mathematics.
Being a
Christian in
Science and Math
Dr. Christopher
Called to Serve
our Nation in
the Military
Chaplain Craig
Are you feeling the call to serve in the
military? Are you unsure how you can
serve and keep your faith and conscience
clear? What is the law of war and how
does it relate to the Bible? Can a member
of our military kill someone? How about
lying and deceiving the enemy? Our
three sessions together will be packed
with Bible study, a look at historical
events and case studies from real combat
situations by Chaplain Muehler.
Islam 101
Dr. Adam
Islam is the world’s second largest and
fastest growing religion. What do
Muslims really believe? What do they do
at their mosques? Why do many of them
insist Islam is a peaceful religion while
others say it’s violent? Participants will
gain a basic knowledge of where Islam
came from, what it teaches, and how
Muslim people might be approached
with the Gospel.
Me, a
Church Worker?!?
Church Work Panel
Is God calling you to professional
church work? Do you feel called to serve,
but you don’t really know what God
is calling you to do? Meet a variety of
professional church workers and learn
about the many gifts and talents you
may be called to use in serving Christ
and His Church. Find out what it’s
really like to work in full time ministry.
Mercy, Witness,
Life Together
Rev. Dr. Matthew
These phrases — Witness, Mercy, Life
Together — illustrate how the church
lives and works together to proclaim
the Gospel and to provide for our
brothers and sisters in Christ in our
throughout the world. And in all we
do, Christ is at the center, leading us,
sustaining us, keeping us focused on
our mission. This will never change.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
We’ll explore the way that the Church’s
worship always centers on the Lamb:
from Genesis through Revelation. At
the center of the people’s worship is
the gift of the Sacrificed Lamb, pouring
out His blood to cover sin and reaching
us to share in His divine life. It’s this
worship that all people hunger and
thirst for without even realizing it.
The Waiting
Room: Jesus’ Healing
Ministry in a
World Filled With
Dr. Sarah Matthias
This Academy will work through
some healing miracles recorded in the
gospel of Mark. A paralytic, a bleeding
woman, a girl on her death bed and a
demon-possessed boy all encounter the
great physician, Jesus. We will reflect
on how the lessons of Jesus are essential
to those preparing for or practicing in a
healthcare field.
for “The Secret”:
A study of Paul’s
Letter to the
Rev. Dr. Joel
Google “The Secret” and you’ll find
a variety of links that promise to
reveal the new or ancient “key” to
true happiness, success, and selfenlightenment. Almost 2000 years
ago, a prisoner facing execution in a
Roman jail wrote: “I have learned THE
SECRET of being content in any and
every situation” (Phil. 4:12). What was
that secret? Can it work for you and me?
Join us for an invigorating study of one
of the most personal, passionate, and
powerful books of the New Testament:
St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
Rev. Mark Wood
Do you wish you knew how to share
the faith with your friends, teammates,
and coworkers? Do you feel frustrated
or intimidated about bringing up Jesus
in conversation? Do you worry if
someone asks you questions about your
faith, you won’t know what to say? In
this Academy, participants will engage
in three days of training the LASSIE
approach to sharing Jesus with people
in our everyday lives, including hitting
the streets of New Orleans for some
real-life experience.
The Lamb at
the Center: The
Worship God
Rev. William
Connect with positive music in a high energy setting. The following
concerts are offered throughout the Gathering and open to all participants
on a first-come, first-served basis. Concerts take place on Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday.
CC Great hall
4:00 p.m.: Concert
Remedy Drive
CC La Nouvelle
12:00 p.m.: Opens for Bob Lenz
2:00 p.m.: Concert
4:00 p.m.: Opens for Craig Gross
Lost and Found
CC Theater
12:00 p.m.: Opens for David Dean
2:00 p.m.: Opens for Pam Stenzel
Before Mass Event: Champions Square
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Bread of Stone
CC 243-245
12:00 p.m.: Opens for Bill Yonker
2:00 p.m.: Opens for Ken Chitwood
4:00 p.m.: Opens for Bill Yonker
Tangled Blue
CC Hall E Stage
11:30 a.m.: Concert
1:30 p.m.: Concert
3:30 p.m.: Concert
Before Mass Event: Champions Square
Concordia University Irvine Praise Band
CC 343-345
12:00 p.m.: Opens for Joel Beyer
2:00 p.m.: Opens for Joel Beyer
4:00 p.m.: Opens for Micah Parker
<<< To Poydras
& Canal
Convention Center
Level 1, Halls B-F
To Riverwalk Mall >>>
Julia Street
Great Hall
Entrance from
Great Hall
Hall B
Youth Booth
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Convention Ce
nter Boule
Hall C
Exhibitors & District Booths
Experiential Learning Center
Hall D
Hall E
Gaga Pits
Hamster Balls
Board Games
Soccer Billiards
Info Booth
First Aid Station
Concession Stand
Hall F
Lost and Found
LCEF Exchange
Giant Jenga
Wiffle Ball
9 Square in the Air
Bean Bag Toss
Obstacle Course
experiential center map
Experiential Learning Center
Welcome to the Experiential Learning Center located on the first floor
of the convention center in Halls B-E. This area provides hands-on
experiences for you to grow in identity, humility and community in Christ
alone. The Experiential Center is open Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Not sure where to begin? Head over to the Youth Booth in Hall B!
Youth Ministry in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod is more than
the LCMS Youth Gathering every three years! The Youth Booth is the
place to find out more about Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Located
conveniently as you enter the convention center in Hall B, there is
something for everyone.
•Take the Lutheran Youth Fellowship Youth Poll. It’s a chance to share your opinions and perspectives on issues and concerns of teens and the church. And, you receive a prize for completing the
poll! Plus, it is a great place to recharge your devices.
•Come greet Terry Dittmer as he prepares for retirement. He will be hosting sing-alongs throughout the afternoon.
•Make a fleece hat to be distributed to Phil’s Friends and others around the United States through LCMS Servant Events.
•Take a break and color with a friend. You will receive a one-of-
a-kind coloring book filled with past Gathering logos and special
coloring sheets of Walther and Luther.
•Check out LCMS Young Adult ministries: Lutheran Young Adult Corps, LCMS U, Ministry to the Armed Forces, and Young
Adult Servant Events. Meet the leaders of these awesome
ministries and grab more information about how you can grow
in faith, fellowship, and service through your 20s and beyond.
•Become a prayer partner. At our prayer fabric station, you can write personal prayers on a piece of cloth with the young adult ministry logos. Drop your prayer request off, take one to tie on your bag, and be encouraged in and through prayer.
•Resources. Learn about the YouthESource, upcoming events and
other LCMS Youth Ministry happenings. Pick up a free copy of
thESource Unplugged, a magazine of YouthESource resources
tied to the Gathering’s theme.
experiential center
•Find out where the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering will be held.
experiential center
Experiential Learning Center
CC Halls B-C
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Entrance from
Great Hall
Experiential Learning Center: CC Hall B-C Highlights
1.) LeadaChild/Walk for Water
Engage in an interactive awareness area focused on global issues related
to clean water, shoes and education. Learn how you can sponsor a child,
teacher, or school through LeadaChild’s partnership programs.
2.) Christmas in July
Food pantries, social service agencies and other non-profits find December
to be one of their biggest months for donations of needed resources. July
can be one of the times when their need for resources can be the greatest
and their supply shelves nearly empty. Help us create “Christmas in July”
and meet these basic needs for New Orleans’ agencies by organizing and
assembling kits from items donated by Gathering participants. Please see
the Gathering website for items to bring and donate.
3.) Feeding Children Everywhere
Pack nutritious meals to feed hungry people all over the world. Staff from
Feeding Children Everywhere will provide the supplies and guide you in
your service. Gathering participants will pack 500,000 meals! Please note:
Many of the packing opportunities will be reserved for those who preregistered for on-site servant events.
4.) Life as a Refugee
What would you do if you had to leave your home, city, or even country
because your life was in danger? What would you encounter? Where would
you find food and shelter? Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will
walk you through the experience of a refugee.
5.) Youth Booth
See page 61 for more details.
Grab your friends and come play large-sized versions of classic games.
7.) The Life Journey of Paul: A Story of Sin, Forgiveness, and Mission
The life of Paul becomes an art piece over 200 feet long! Sign up in Hall C
next to the art piece to participate in painting one of the 1,000 canvases
that will be used in the art piece. This is a one-hour interactive experience
that focuses on sin and forgiveness.
experiential center
6.) Giant Game Alley
experiential center
Experiential Learning Center
CC Halls D-E
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Experiential Learning Center: CC Hall D-E Highlights
1.) Main Stage
Interact all day with our host who will share Gathering info, play crowd
games like “What’s Up on the Big Screen”, and do meet and greets with
various bands and speakers.
2.) Mardi Gras Floats
Come experience a New Orleans tradition and a great photo opp for you
and your friends on actual Mardi Gras floats! Don’t miss the daily Mardi
Gras Band Parade at 11:00 a.m. and Float Parade at 1:00 p.m.
3.) Life Ministry
The LCMS is devoted to upholding the sanctity of human life, both in our
church body and the culture at large. Come learn about ways you can
support women, families, and children through crisis pregnancy centers,
providing life educational materials and opportunities, and honest talk
about life decisions and our culture. Bring a team to join in the life relay
4.) 7 Stations of Philippians
Friends and enemies, jail and death. These are all things Paul writes about
in his letter to the Philippians. Walk through the 7 Stations of Philippians
to learn more about what Paul was writing about. Did we mention a pie in
the face? Bring your Adult Leader over for this one!
5.) Habitat for Humanity
Build the framework of two houses for two families in New Orleans with
Habitat for Humanity.
Grab your friends for a photo opp in front of the Wittenberg Castle Doors.
Then, go inside to help transcribe part of the Bible that will be used in
the Gathering Worship Service. You can also translate your favorite verse
and talk to missionaries from Lutheran Bible Translators who work to
translate God’s Word into languages that don’t have written Bibles.
7.) Paul Stage
Meet Paul and Lydia and help them tell the story about a jailor named
Marcus (12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.). Come early or stay after the
drama to hear musical offerings by Tangled Blue.
experiential center
6.) Wittenberg Castle Doors and Handwritten Bible
Interact with LCMS ministries, LCMS Registered Service Organizations,
LCMS colleges and universities, seminaries and other ministry
organizations at their booths. Exhibitors are located in CC Hall B-D.
Alaska Mission for Christ
Beta Sigma Psi Lutheran Fraternity
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
Camp Luther
Camp Restore/RAI Ministries
Christian Friends of New Americans
Concordia Publishing House
Concordia University System:
Concordia College Alabama
Concordia University Ann Arbor
Concordia University Irvine
Concordia University Portland
Concordia University Texas
Concordia College-New York
Concordia University Chicago
Concordia University Nebraska
Concordia University St. Paul
Concordia University Wisconsin
Concordia Seminary
Concordia Theological Seminary
Crosswise Institute
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch
Educational Enterprises
Higher Things
Idaho Servant Adventures
LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces
LCMS Servant Events
LCMS Youth Ministry
Lutheran Bible Translators
Lutheran Campus Mission Association
Lutheran Church Extension Fund
Lutheran Federal Credit Union
Lutheran Friends of the Deaf
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Lutheran Young Adult Corps
Lutheran Youth Fellowship
Lutherans For Life
Lutheran World Relief
National Association of Directors of Christian Education
National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ
Phil’s Friends
Thrivent Financial
Water to Thrive
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
District Booths
Did you know The Lutheran Church–Mission Synod is made up of
35 districts that represent local congregations for all 50 states? Many
districts have created a special activity for participants to enjoy at their
District Booth. Grab a friend with a QR code reader on their phone and
take part in the Backpack Scavenger Hunt benefiting local schools.
To participate in the Backpack Scavenger hunt, go to the pop-up tent
located at the entrance of the District Booth area in Hall C. There you
will receive a Gathering backpack and your first clue. Follow the clue to
its corresponding booth, pick up the school supply and scan the QR code
to receive your next clue.
You can also use the Gathering app to participate in the scavenger points;
it’s part of the Gathering Game. Inside the app, go to Gathering Game –
District Booth Scavenger Hunt and begin playing. Unlock a badge at each
booth by scanning the QR code. Earn 10 bonus points by collecting all 17
school supplies!
Once you’ve packed the backpack, return it to the tent.
district booths
Districts with booths at this year’s Gathering include:
New England
New Jersey North
Central Illinois
Northern Illinois
Ohio Oklahoma
Pacific Southwest
Rocky Mountain
Iowa East
Iowa West
South Dakota
South Wisconsin
Minnesota North
Southern Illinois
Minnesota South
district events
District Events
Connect with other people from your district and explore more of New Orleans
at these district-sponsored event. Some events required pre-registration.
Atlantic, California – Nevada- Hawaii, & Pacific Southwest Districts
July 19 | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. | Mardi Gras World
Central Illinois & South Dakota Districts
July 16 | 2:00 p.m. | Steamboat Natchez Cruise
Eastern & New Jersey Districts
July 17 | 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. | Ducote Design
English District
July 20 | 2:30 p.m. | New Orleans Steamboat Company
Florida-Georgia District
July 17 | 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Mardi Gras World
Indiana District
July 19 | 10:30 p.m. – Midnight | Club Lounge at Superdome
Iowa East District & Iowa West Districts
July 20 | 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. | Creole Queen Riverboat Cruise
Kansas District
July 16 | 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. | Bayou Barn
Michigan District
July 18 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. | Ducote Designs
Mid-South District
July 17 | 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Club Lounge at the Superdome –
Masquerade Casino Night
Minnesota North District & Minnesota South Districts
July 16 | Noon – 2:00 p.m. | House of Blues
Missouri District
July 16 | 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Mardi Gras World
Montana & Wyoming Districts
July 16 | 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. | Swamp Tour
Nebraska District
July 16 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | The Joy Theater
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
New England District
July 18 | 11:30 a.m. | Steamboat Natchez Cruise
North Dakota District
July 17 | Worship and Breakfast
North Wisconsin District
July 15 | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. | Mardi Gras World
Northern Illinois District
July 18 | After Mass Event | Superdome
Northwest District
July 16 | 11:30 a.m. | Steamboat Natchez Cruise
Ohio District
July 19 | 10:00 p.m. | Steamboat Natchez Cruise
Oklahoma District
July 17 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | House of Blues
Rocky Mountain District
July 18 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. | House of Blues
SELC District
July 20 | 6:00 p.m. | ACME Oyster House
South Wisconsin District
July 15 | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. | Swamp Tour
Southeastern District
Southern District
July 18 | 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. | The Joy Theater
Southern Illinois District
July 16 | 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. | Mardi Gras World
Texas District
July 16 | 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. | Creole Queen Riverboat Cruise
district events
July 17 | 5:00 p.m. | The Joy Theater
night life
Night Life
Night Life events include concerts, games and dancing (dance lessons). All events
are subject to change so check out the Gathering app for any updates. Night Life
takes place from 10:30 p.m. - Midnight.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday @ 10:30 p.m. - Midnight
Large Group Games | Embassy Suites New Orleans Fountainbleu Ballroom
Ever want to throw a rubber chicken at your friend? Here is your chance! Come be
part of several games such as rubber chicken dodge.
Country Theme Dance Party | JW Marriott: Ile de France Ballroom
Get your two steppin’ and line dancing on! Come enjoy the country/western dance;
learn new dance moves from our dance instructors, test your lasso skills, and have
horse races with your friends.
Salsa Dance Party | Westin New Orleans Canal Place: Magnolia Ballroom
Get in the conga line! Come enjoy the salsa/tropical dance and learn new dance
moves from our dance instructors.
Hip Hop Dance Party | Marriott Convention Center: Blaine Kern Ballroom
Experience this glow in the dark dance party! Come learn from our dance
instructors some new hip hop/dubstep moves.
Life Size Games | Renaissance Arts: Patron Ballroom
Bring some friends and compete in these games of skill and absurdity!
Saturday & Monday @ 10:30 p.m. - Midnight
Bingo & Trivia | InterContinental Frenchman Ballroom
Come play in a raging game of bingo with your fellow friends and Gathering
buddies or test out your random knowledge in our Gathering trivia contest. Form
teams and compete against others to be crowned the trivia champion!
Sunday & Tuesday @ 10:30 p.m. - Midnight
Speed Meeting & Talent Show | InterContinental Frenchman Ballroom
Come meet Gathering participants from across the country and share your talents!
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
A special note about Night Life activities at the Hilton Riverside, Hyatt
Regency, Marriott New Orleans, and Sheraton New Orleans:
For safety and capacity reasons, we ask that on Saturday and Tuesday nights,
activities in these four properties be attended by guests of these hotels
ONLY. Ballrooms do not have capacity to hold more people than the guests in
these properties. Activities in these hotels can be attended by any Gathering
participant on Sunday and Monday.
Late Night Gathering | Sheraton New Orleans: Grand Ballroom
Saturday (Sheraton Guests Only), Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (Sheraton Guests Only)
Our late night host can’t wait to have you battle him head-to-head in games like
Slap Jack, , Box of Lies and more! Bring your whole group for the ultimate Lip
Sync Battle!
321 Improv | Hyatt Regency: Celestin Ballroom
Saturday (Hyatt Regency Guests Only)
David Dean | Hilton Riverside: HEC A-C & Hyatt Regency: Celestin Ballroom
Saturday (Hilton Riverside Guests Only); Sunday and Monday (Hyatt Regency),
Tuesday (Hyatt Regency Guests Only)
Come laugh all night with this witty comedian who is sure to put a smile on your
Lost & Found Concert | Marriott New Orleans: Mardi Gras Ballroom
Saturday (Marriott Guests Only)
Don’t forget to bring your slinky to this incredible concert of “speedwood” music.
No prior experience required!
Zak Mirzadeh, Illusionist | Marriott New Orleans: Mardi Gras Ballroom
Sunday and Monday
Prepare to be amazed and on the edge of your seat! This up close look will have
your entire group in awe.
Glow Party with Room 211 Band | Hilton Riverside: HEC A-C
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (Hilton Guests Only)
Enjoy this multi-sensory concert in the dark! Get ready to GLOW!
night life
Tangled Blue | Marriott New Orleans: Mardi Gras Ballroom
Tuesday (Marriott Guests Only)
End your evening with Tangled Blue’s caffeinated, folk-rock blend of songs.
dome events
Events General Information
Mass Events and the Worship Service at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome
Doors Open
The doors to the Mercedes –Benz Superdome will open one hour before the
event begins (7:30 p.m./8:30 a.m.).
Champions Square
Saturday-Tuesday evenings, entertainment will be available at Champions
Square prior to the opening of the doors. Beverage sales will be available at
Champions Square and on the Plaza Level outside the dome. Enhanced food
options will be available on Saturday, the opening night, for later arriving
groups. Concessions will not be available on Wednesday morning.
Floor Seating
Everyone will have an opportunity to have a seat on the floor of the dome.
Each evening a portion of Gathering participants will have exclusive access to
the floor and floor activities. There will be a separate “Floor Seating Entrance”
to the dome at Gate G which is on the west side of the dome (see map). Each
participant’s wristband has a secondary color. Only one color will be admitted
through the floor seating entrance each evening and follow the signs to “Floor
Seating Gate G”.
Wristbands with these secondary colors will be allowed in this order:
Saturday night: Yellow wristbands
Sunday night: Black wristbands
Monday night: White wristbands
Tuesday night: Green wristbands
Wednesday Worship is open seating. Open entrances will be for all
Food Service
Concessions will be open in the evenings (only) at the Superdome during the
one hour warm-up. Sodas, bottled water and other stadium food (chicken
tenders, nachos, hot dogs, french fries) will be available for purchase.
Food Restrictions
The Mercedes-Benz Superdome will not allow participants to bring meals into
the Superdome. Personal water containers will be allowed, and please keep it
to one per person. Limited, individually wrapped snacks will be allowed for
those with health concerns.
Bag Check
In addition to going through turn-stiles, you will be asked to open all
backpacks for inspection. Also, the Superdome requires that ONLY official
Gathering backpacks be brought to the Superdome. Please help to expedite the
entrance process by having your bag opened allowing the security personnel
to check your bags and backpacks. Also, if applicable, groups might consider
consolidating backpacks for the evening program.
Parking at the Dome
Parking at the Dome is available for vehicles for $20.00. Use Parking Lot 6 on
the North side of the Dome accessed from Sugar Bowl Lane.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
dome map
S ea
Gate A
Mercedes-Benz Superdome
S ea
Gate C
Convention Center >>>
(Music & Vendors)
Main Entrance
to Dome Events
(Plaza Level)
Special Needs and
Special Guests Entrance
(Ground Level)
Parking Lot 4
Bus staging available
for Wednesday
morning departures
Floor Seating
Floor Seating
Poydras Street
et >
l Stre
dome events
Mass Event Key Faces
Rev. Jeffrey Meinz graduated from
Concordia University Nebraska in 1996
and has served at Walcamp Outdoor
Ministries (Kingston, IL) and Holy Cross
Lutheran Church (Colorado Springs,
CO). He’s been married to Amy for 18
years. They have six amazing children.
Jeffrey loves the 2016 Champion Denver
Broncos and the Los Angeles Dodgers.
His humorous messages serve as a
springboard for proclaiming God’s truth
from the Bible. Along with Abi Tesfaye,
Meinz is a Gathering Mass Event emcee.
Abigail Tesfaye was born and raised in
Houston, TX, making her the first person
in her family to be born in America.
A daughter of Eritrean immigrants,
she saw firsthand the unique joys and
struggles that come with multicultural
ministry. This led her to pursue a
Religious Education major at Concordia
University Texas. Abi graduated in April
and will begin her director of Christian
education internship at Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church in Hayward, CA in
August. Connect with Abi throughout
the Gathering via Facebook: Abi Tesfaye,
Instagram: @abitesfaye, or Twitter: @abi_
tesfaye. Along with Jeffrey Meinz, Tesfaye
is a Gathering Mass Event emcee.
Rev. Matt Popovits serves as pastor
of Our Saviour New York (OSNY) a
family of parishes, in Manhattan and
Queens, working together to serve New
York City. Matt is also the host of “The
Spiritual Howcast” on YouTube, which
offers insightful yet simple answers to the
spiritual questions of skeptical people.
He and his high school sweetheart, Lisa,
proudly live in the borough of Queens
with their two children, Ava and Jack
Matthew. Be sure to connect with Matt
throughout the Gathering via Twitter: @
MattPopovits, Instagram: @mpopovits,
or Snapchat: @mattpopovits.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Mass Event Key Faces
Decapolis Theatre Ministry is proud to
represent Concordia University Chicago
(CUC) Department of Theatre. It is the
goal of Decapolis to recognize and enrich
the talents that God has given them and
utilize those talents in the production of
theatrical works that glorify His name.
They seek to spread the Good News of
Jesus Christ and help others discover and/
or deepen their personal relationship with
the Living God. Decapolis performers are
students at CUC and directed by David
Knoell, artist-in-residence at CUC Dept.
of Theatre.
Paul Soupiset is creative director of The
H. E. Butt Family Foundation and owner
of Soupiset Design. Paul is an artist,
draughtsman, sketchbook-keeper, graphic
designer, live-sketcher, musician, and
poet from San Antonio. Paul and his wife
Amy have four amazing kids. See more of
Paul’s work at Soupiset
will be live-sketching each Mass Event to
create a memorable take home banner for
Gathering congregations.
dome events
Rick Smith, portraying the Apostle Paul
Rick Smith has been a Chicago-based
actor for over a decade and has appeared
on stage (Metropolis Center, Lifeline
Theater, IO Theater), commercials (Verlo
Mattress, Trane AC, Bojangles), and
television (Chicago PD). He is the host
of the National Safety Council’s online
series, As a lifelong Chicago football fan, he is thrilled
to perform in the same place where his
beloved ’85 Bears won the Super Bowl.
Smith will be portraying the Apostle Paul
throughout the Mass Events.
dome events
House Band
Adam Countryman is the House Band
director for the 2016 LCMS Youth
Gathering. He currently serves as director
of worship at Concordia Lutheran Church
in San Antonio, TX. You can connect with
Adam on Twitter @countrymanadam or
send him an email at countrymanmusic@
House Band
Adam Countryman, Vocals and Acoustic Guitar; San Antonio, TX
Nicoya Polar, Lead Vocals; Houston, TX
David Rudd, Bass Guitar; Houston, TX
Nolan Burke, Guitars; Houston, TX
Tyson Sheth, Drums; Houston, TX
Charles Horsford, Percussion; Santurce, Puerto Rico
Dave Madden, Piano and Electric Guitar; Austin, TX
TJ Winters, Keyboards and Programming; San Antonio, TX
Jon Jordening, House Band Advisor; Irvine, CA
Concordia University Irvine Student Singers
Ariel McMahon
Brandon Li
Paige McCauley
Download the 2016 Gathering Playlist:
or snap the QR code here >>>
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Saturday night
Joy in Christ Alone
In Christ alone our joy is found! We open the 2016 LCMS Youth
Gathering with a high energy celebration to be remembered. Tonight we
explore what it means to have the true joy, the kind of joy that stays no
matter what, the kind of joy Paul saw when he looked at the cross, the
kind of joy that is ours in Christ alone.
Shanna Decker
Shanna Decker, a 25-year old who hails from
Minnesota, has seen the depths of great loss
in her life but has walked valiantly in the joy
of Jesus Christ. She loves her family, sports,
laughter and spending time with kids. She
has been awarded 9 national awards for
volunteerism and was named the top youth
volunteer in America in 2008. She is joining
the Gathering for her second time as a speaker
this year and has been speaking professionally
since the age of 8. Shanna will tell you, though,
that her life is not about her. Her life is about
who she is in Christ alone.
dome events
dome events
Sunday night
Identity in Christ Alone
Who are you? A gamer? An athlete? An artist? An adventurer? A Christian?
Tonight through music, drama, art, and technology we consider what it
means to find identity in Christ alone.
Rev. Tige Culbertson loves his Bible open,
his food spicy, and his Jeep muddy! He is
driven to share the passion and promises
of Jesus to hurting people in relational
and life-changing ways. He serves as the
founding pastor of Restoration Fellowship,
a new church in Midland, MI, reaching
families recovering from addiction. By too
many miracles to count, he is married to
his beautiful wife, Sara, and is daddy to his
incredible 10-year-old daughter, Faith.
Sara Culbertson is a native Michigander,
and her heart is deeply connected to the
Great Lakes, fall colors, and the crackle
of a campfire! She is a behavior analyst at
Community Mental Health in Midland, MI,
and she loves helping people with autism live
better lives.
We are blessed to have the talents of Fasm,
otherwise known as Aaron Vickery, on the
stage tonight. Armed with a spray can and
his God-given gifts, he has been producing
graffiti art since the early 1990’s. He uses his
art to give viewers an eternal perspective to a
world that needs Jesus.
Written to Speak (Tanner Olson)
Written to Speak is a spoken word and
writing project created by Tanner Olson.
Tanner, a graduate of Concordia University
Wisconsin, has released two spoken word
albums and spoken at various conferences,
universities, and churches. Follow Tanner
at @tannerjolson on Instagram or Twitter |
Sunday Mass Event Plus: Rend Collective
Stick around after Sunday night’s Mass Event for Mass Event Plus – a
concert with Rend Collective! Rend Collective is a Christian folk rock
band originating from Bangor, Northern Ireland. They are currently on
tour featuring their fifth album, As Family We Go, which was released in
August 2015.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Monday night
Humility in Christ Alone
The world’s version of humility involves serving and loving others as long
as we get the credit or can get a seriously amazing pic for Instagram. But
true humility never points to us. Christ alone is the true embodiment of
humility, and Paul calls all of us to be an echo of that humility. Tonight
we’ll explore what it means to be an echo of the One who humbled Himself
for us.
Shelli Haynes, DCE is a California girl. Born
and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, she
roots for the Giants, Niners, and Warriors!
Shelli has served as a director of Christian
education for 20 years in Southern California
and currently lives in Anaheim with her sweet
husband, Travis, and two amazing daughters,
Megan and Mandy. She holds a Masters of
Arts from Concordia University Nebraska in
Family Ministry and loves reading, the beach,
and walking her dog, Lucy.
Tommy Woodard and Eddie James are The
Skit Guys. They have been best friends since
high school. Think of them as the wise guys in
class who had everyone laughing and managed
to make a career out of it. They’ve been
teaching God’s word using comedy, drama
and whatever category talking action figures
fit into for over twenty years.
Monday Mass Event Plus: The Skit Guys
dome events
Stick around after Monday night’s Mass Event
for Mass Event Plus – an additional hour of fun
with The Skit Guys!
dome events
Tuesday night
Community in Christ Alone
The Church is a beautiful, diverse, messy community. It is a community
that spans time and space. Tonight we explore what it means to be this
community—a place to receive and to practice grace with one another. In
Christ, we are never alone.
Benjamin Helge currently serves as a
missionary in the Czech Republic through
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod,
Office of International Mission. He shares
the Gospel by teaching conversational
English, organizing mission opportunities,
and working with a local church plant in the
community. He is from Albuquerque, NM,
and graduated from Concordia University
Irvine in 2011 with a B.A. in Music with an
emphasis in Education. He sings, travels,
cooks, bakes, and plays volleyball whenever
he can. Connect with him on Instagram
Tomáš Přeček is a high school senior from
Havířov, Czech Republic, who heard God’s
call at the beginning of 2015 after he met
Benjamin Helge. Tomáš is living proof of
God’s amazing mercy as he became a servant
from an overconfident rebel. He currently
helps Benjamin with leading English Talk
Group. He has a passion for understanding
foreign cultures, debate and getting to
know strangers.
Rev. Gregory Manning was born in Fort
Wayne, IN and graduated from Wabash
College majoring in Theater and Religion.
In 2000, he was ordained as a pastor in
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Manning is honored to serve as pastor of
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in the heart of
the Crescent City of New Orleans. His Godgiven mission is to help build a multi-ethnic
church that is like a Louisiana gumbo with
a little bit of everything. Manning serves
as an international speaker where he has
proclaimed the message that each of us can
do all things through Christ, as far south as
Australia and as far north as Norway. To God
be all the glory.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Wednesday Morning Worship Service
Our Gathering experience culminates and ends where our humble
Savior serves us in Word and Sacrament. In the Divine Service, we
hear of our identity as forgiven sinners and righteous saints in Christ.
We gather as Christ’s community, the church, to again be refreshed and
strengthened in Christ alone. We are sent out, back home, to serve our
friends and communities and to give thanks and praise to the One who
has begun a good work in us and look forward to its completion at the day
of Christ Jesus.
Post-Worship Closing
Following worship, we will close out the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering
with a sending to remember. We will spend a few minutes celebrating the
week and preparing to go back out into the world in Christ alone.
dome events
od, that
We give thank
ugh this salutary
You h
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ugh the same in
rvent love toward
Your Son,
one another; th
ns with You and
our Lor
now and forever.
the H
Helping Christians defend their faith
and explain their worldview
Three easy ways
to bring Brad back with
you after the Gathering:
© 2014 Brad Alles, LLC
peter wrote, “always be prepared
give an answer to everyone who
ks you to give the reason for the
ope that you have.” (i peter 3:15)
d’s mission is that preparation in a
bold, confident, winsome way.
Big questions
e Bible?
rm the Bible?
have value?
out sex & marriage?
ose of life?
day creation?
earth matter?
ns live together?
issing link?
erent races come?
BiBlical answers
— rev. dr. terry k. dittmer, ll.d.
director, youth Ministry
office of national Mission
with the help of god’s
e acrostics, Brad helps
life’s Biggest questions:
a ten-part video series that tackles the
tough questions that surround us all.
Big questions
BiBlical answers
stion approx. 12 min
d discussion questions.
d their faith and explain their worldview
Brad alles
utheran high school and is an adjunct
or his ability to break down scripture so
ng the way, he is a frequent Bible study
a featured speaker at state and national
nd pastor conferences. his passion for
in his teaching style.
Brad alles
author of Life’s Big Questions, god’s Big Answers
reat lakes Media technology, cousins subs, and core creative
Available in Spanish
Or schedule a personal presentation
at your school or church.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Christ Academy High School and
Phoebe Academy High School
Christ Academy and Phoebe Academy High School
events are great opportunities for young men and women
to dig deeper into the theology and practice of the
Church, from confirmation age through high school.
New Alpha and Beta week options give more flexibility
for Christ Academy men to attend for just one week or
both weeks, and now Phoebe Academy High School is
a full-week program for young women.
Contact: Rev. Lannon Martin
[email protected] or
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
T h is w a s K i r k
fo u r y e a r s
N o w I m g o in g t o s e r v e
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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
T h in k in g a b o
m in is t r y ?
T h e s e m in a r y h a s c h a n g e d K i r k s l i f e .
Check out how you can serve God in ministry!
Jan. 14-16,
(For high school me
ST. LOUIS, MO 63105
, 20
(For high sc
hool men an 17
d women)
[email protected]
June 24-29
e Sem
Taste of th20
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a life of purpose at Concordia University Chicago.
Explore our Christian liberal arts-based university,
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Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
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Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Do you have eyes of life?
#thisis MYchurch
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
I Want to
• My World • My Community
• My Church • My Neighbor
f LCMSServantEvents
#thisis MYchurch
Join the Corps!
A Community of Faith and Service
f LutheranYACorps
#thisis MYchurch
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
College is tough.
We’ll help.
#thisis MYchurch
Get in on the campus discussion
about issues related to religious liberty.
#thisis MYchurch
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
For a chance to win a FREE LeadaChild T-Shirt: Text LEADACHILD to 22828.
make global impact for Jesus.
LEAVE with a greater passion to
service to over 26,000 children.
LEARN our history and Christian
LISTEN to children as they
converse during school.
SEE classrooms from around the
world with your own eyes.
close up from five countries.
EXPERIENCE Christian education
Stop by our 360 Live Exhibit and
experience what it’s like for children
to attend school around the world.
Your partnership with a
student today helps reach our goal to
educate 500 more students globally.
f LCMSLifeMinistry
We're taking a 360°
look at life!
Join LCMS Life Ministry as we proclaim
God’s truth that all life is sacred — from
the very beginning until the natural end.
JAN. 27-29, 2017 | WASHINGTON, D.C.
#thisis MYchurch
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
I love my family.
I love school.
I believe in God.
I am a refugee.
What would you do if you were forced to flee your home?
out at the LIRS
“No Place to Go” exhibit
on the Experiential Learning Floor.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
We Serve
◊ ◊ ◊
We Worship
◊ ◊ ◊
We Gather
◊ ◊ ◊
We Pray
f LCMSYouthMinistry
u @lcmsyouth
#thisis MYchurch
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
2016 LCMS Youth Gathering Acknowledgements
God continues to bless the efforts of the LCMS Youth Gathering through
the gifts and work of many people from across the country. The Gathering
could not happen without such support. We are grateful for those whose
names are listed below and others whose names we may have inadvertently
failed to list.
Board of Directors
Dr. Victor Belton
James Carter Jr.
Dr. Gloria Edwards
Edwin Everts
Keith Frndak
Rev. Michael Kumm, Chairperson
Christian Prues
Warren Puck
Kathy Schulz
Dr. Kurt Senske
Thompson Coburn LLP, Legal Counsel
LCMS Board for National Missions
Rev. Steven Briel, Chairman
Great Plains Region
Carla Claussen, NYG Advisor Great Plains Region
Rev. Samuel Cosby
West-Southwest Region
Rev. Timothy Droegemueller East-Southeast Region
Rev. Alfonso Espinosa
West-Southwest Region
Ernest Garbe
Central Region
Julia Habrecht East-Southeast Region
Martha Milas
Central Region
Gary Quick
Central Region
Linda Stoterau
West-Southwest Region
Shaina Mitchell
President’s Representative
LCMS Office of National Mission
Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director
Matthew Bergholt
Dcs. Sandy Bowers
Robbie Clasen
Rev. Heath Curtis
Amy Gerdts
Rev. Roosevelt Gray
Susan Green
Dcs. Maryann Hayter
Rev. Joel Hempel
Rev. Carlos Hernandez
Rev. Ross Johnson
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
Dcs. Dorothy Krans
Rev. Nathan Meador
Rev. Michael Meyer
Stephanie Neugebauer
Aaron Nielsen
Dcs. Cara Patton
Tracy Quaethem
Rev. Steven Schave
Rebecca Schmidt
Terry Schmidt
Barb Temples
Rev. William Weedon
Maria Winsborough
Annette Woehlke
Rev. Mark Wood
Rev. Marcus Zill
LCMS Youth Ministry
Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director
Robyn Armbrust, DCE
Rev. Dr. Terry Dittmer
Amy Gray
Jim Lohman, DCE
Renee Lorenz
Krista Miller
Kyla Rodriguez, DCE
Julianna Shults, DCE Kaysie Corbett, Intern
Sherrah Behrens, YouthESource
Jessica Bordeleau, LYF
LCMS Partners
LCMS Executive Offices
Special thanks to these
staff members:
Officers of the Synod
Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison
Saint Louis, MO
Rev. Dr. Herbert Mueller Waterloo, IL
First Vice President
Dr. John Wohlrabe, Jr.
Great Lakes Region
Second Vice President Rev. Daniel Preus
Central Region
Third Vice President
Dr. Scott Murray West-Southwest Region
Fourth Vice President
Rev. Nabil Nour
Fifth Vice President Great Plains Region
Christopher Esget East-Southeast Region
Sixth Vice President
Rev. Dr. Raymond Hartwig
Saint Louis, MO
Ronald Schultz
Saint Louis, MO
Chief Administrative Officer Dr. Jerry Wulf
Saint Louis, MO
Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Kevin Robson
Saint Louis, MO
Chief Mission Officer
LCMS Office of the
President Rev. Jon Vieker Kim Vieker
Barb Below
Rachel Asburry
LCMS Chief Admission Officer
LCMS Human Resources
Ron Schultz
Val Rhoden-Kimbrough, Executive
Rebekah Pratt
Dcs. Kim Shave
Special thanks to these staff members:
Vencine Bush
LCMS Chief Mission Officer Tami Greminger
Rev. Kevin Robson
Kathy Milner
Jeannie Smithson
Kim Presley
Nathan Thomas
LCMS Risk Management and Insurance Denise Webb, Executive Director LCMS Information Technology
Bert Buchanan Myron Koehn, Executive Director
Angela Statum
Sam Ambrose
Jim Balcer
LCMS Treasurer Richard Engel
Jerry Wulf
Gina Grosz
Marie Muhlke
Van Heins
Mike Kamp
Concordia University System Jennifer Knight
Rev. Dean Wenthe, President Josh Merseal
William Meyer
Mike Metcalf
Rev. Paul Philp
Sabrina Outlaw
Frank Reinsel
LCMS Accounting Joel Rivers
Ross Stroh, Executive Director Charlie Sebold
Tina Vasques, On-site support
John Stimpson
Special thanks to these staff members:
Donna Sweet
Gerry Alimagno
Doug Traxler
Tani Berner
Pat Ulmer
Gary Callies
Murel Warren Jr.
Melissa Corbett
Kevin Wudtke
Kristen Cully
Jim Ehlers
LCMS Mission Advancement
Bill Goetz
Mark Hofman, Executive Director
Helen Lamb
Special thanks to these staff members:
Mike Magee
Brianne Gerzevske
Karen Sansone
Mary Hamilton
Sandra Schultheis
Leah Sieveking
Bradley Wood
LCMS Communications
David Strand, Executive Director
LCMS Operation Services
Special thanks to these staff members:
Special thanks to these staff members:
Rudy Blank
Marlene Bush
Becky Cummings
Ryan Curnutt
Roger Drinnon
Barb Knehans
Jennifer Duffy
Brian Kohler
Diane Grimm
Scott Kostencki
Joe Isenhower
Lynne Marvin
Mireya Johnson
Chris Morris
Anna Karsten
Chad Ray
Paul Keup Gene Weeke
Frank Kohn
Eric Lunsford
LCMS Southern District
Megan Mertz
Rev. Kurtis D. Schultz, President
Lisa Moeller
Cindy Namanny, District Representative
Annie Monette
Pam Nielsen
Joan Pogue
Paula Ross Erica Schwan, Graphic Design
Peter Slayton Chrissy Thomas
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Theological Advisor
Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
Saint Louis, MO
Tina Hellmers
John Hellmers
Rhonda Jackson
Paul Jackson
Greg Nichols
Lynn Nichols
Susan Tonder
Kenner, LA
Kenner, LA
Covington, LA
Covington, LA
Loxley, AL
Loxley, AL
San Antonio, TX
Bible Study
Rev. Peter Nafzger, Director
Rev. Jacob Allstaedt
Tacoma, WA
Gretchen Dolan
Coon Rapids, MN
Lyla Glaskey, Manager
Joplin, MO
Kelley Limback
Seward, NE
Rhonda Nicholas
Carthage, MO
Timothy Schroeder
Almo, KY
Community Life
Todd Bentz
Mark Cook, DCE
Audrey Werner, DCE
Hamburg, MN
Rochester, MN
Saint Louis, MO
Community Life Builders
Terri Bentz, Manager
Heidi Lewis, DCE, Manager
Melissa Luepke, DCE
Lindsey Schmidt, DCE
Hamburg, MN
Saint Louis, MO
Fishers, IN
Cottage Grove, MN
Adult Leader Hospitality
Laura Stumpf, Manager
Lincoln, NE
Brittany Busch
Minot, ND
Signe White, DCE
Hailey, ID
Adult Care Team
David Probst, DCE
Jennifer Probst, DCE
Night Life
Kristy Haines-Stark, Manager
Elizabeth Cook
Allie Mauck
Heidi Ross
Kenneth Stark
Victoria Weaver, DCE
Lafayette, IN
Lafayette, IN
Portland, OR
Rochester, MN
Vancouver, WA
Topeka, KS
Portland, OR
Houston, TX
Young Adult Volunteers
Brandon Heath, DCE, ManagerLa Mesa, CA
Laura Courvoisier, DCE
Rev. Seth Moorman
Kristen Erixon
Rachel Schildwachter Squad Leaders:
Mary Leising
Samantha Codner
Rachel Thies
Spencer Owen
Tustin, CA
Long Beach, CA
Dallas, TX
Kissimmee, FL
Arapahoe, NE
Westwood, NJ
Cutler, IL
Seward, NE
Convention Center
Bobby Bergeron, Space and Visual Design
Linda Lohmeyer, Producer
Steve Mattoon, DCE, Orange, CA
Jim Meyer, DCE, Escondido, CA
Daryl Lohmeyer, DCE, Pacific Palisades, CA
Kimberly Austin, DCE
Tomball, TX
Rev. Andrew Becker
Arnold, MO
Josh Blankenship
Fort Meyers, FL
Experiential Learning Centers
Nick Moss, DCE, Manager
Dana Burkey, DCE, Team Lead
Phillip Gaylor, DCE, Team Lead
Daniel Meyer, DCE, Team Lead
Cassise Moore, DCE, Team Lead
Jeremy Becker, DCE, 5K Scotte Hansen, DCE
Michael Hartley, DCE
Jennifer Judge
Julie Keeley
Tanner Olson
Cory Pawlowski
Tyler Pawlowski
JoAnna Rogers
Megan Skelton, DCE Joshua Trapp
Debbie Davis, Manager
Interest Centers
Kristen Beyer, DCO, Manager
Kimberlee Cobb
Clint Colwell, DCE
Rev. Amos Gray Cassie Schermbeck, DCE
Rev. Mitchell Gowen
District Coordinators
Christy Malinowski, Manager
Rev. Matthew Ryan Gonzalez
Rev. Joshua Krepel
California-Nevada-Hawaii Jennifer de la Motte, DCE
Central Illinois
Carissa Hippen, DCE
Carmen Yagow
Jamie Knopf, DFLM
Korey Danley, DCE
Florida-Georgia Dcs. Amanda Bundy
Cindy Hammerstrom
Lamar Stewart, DCE
Larry Hencye
Sarah Rice, DCE
Iowa East
Leon Kroemer
Randi Petrik, DCE
Iowa West
Amy Schmidt, DCE
Kate Soeken, DCE
Arleata Harmon
Chuck Anderson
Randy Bickel
Tabitha Wildhirt
Minnesota North
Christopher Brown, DCE
Shari Brown
Minnesota South
Shannon Hecksel
Jackie Ohmann, DCE
Mark Engelhardt, DCE
Mary Beth Popp, DCE
Amanda Adams, DCE
Scott Guenther
Candi Menze
Bethany Werner, DCE
New England
Brenda Bacon
New Jersey
Alicia De Sena
North Dakota
Pat Sebastian
North Wisconsin
Mike Henning, DCE
Debbie Vought
Lakeland, FL
Lake Forest, CA
La Verne, CA
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Petersburg, FL
Plantation, FL
La Vista, NE
Lexington, KY
Thonotosassa, FL
Belgrade, MT
Nashville, TN
Fontana, CA
Fontana, CA
Lake Forest, CA
Winter Park, FL
San Jose, CA
Saint Louis, MO
San Marcos, CA
Littleton, CO
Concordia, MO
Hot Springs, AR
Georgetown, TX
Aiea, HI
Bloomington, IL
LCMS Youth Gathering Executive Team
Bob Baker, Facilitator
Coeur D’ Alene, ID
Kurt Bickel, DCE
Orlando, FL
Rev. Derek Broten
Stillwater, MN
Audrey Werner, DCE
Saint Louis, MO
Linda Lohmeyer
Pacific Palisades, CA
Kay McCreery
Montgomery, AL
Rev. Dr. Peter Nafzger
Saint Louis, MO
Rev. Bill Wrede
Saint Louis, MO
Northern Illinois
Steven Whitney, DCE
Joshua Wold, DCE
Northwest Jamie Walters, DCE
Karen Dutton
Todd Stevens, DCE
Suzanne Stewart Watt, DCE
Pacific Southwest
David Pratt
Dave Rueter, DCE
Rocky Mountain
Doug Ullman
Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELC)
Jenna Geyer
Rev. Mark Moreno
South Dakota
Lorien Petersen, DCE
South Wisconsin
Jenny Wolff
Robin Mueller
Krista Young, DCE
Curtis Wiese, DCE
Southern Illinois
Roger Sprengel
Eric Dunn, DCE
Grant Carey, DCE
Dome Events
Dome Events Technical
Kurt Bickel, DCE, Technical Producer Orlando, FL
Rev. Stevie Benson, Technical Director
Baxter, MN
Phil Grimpo, Inspirmedia Productions, Lincoln, NE
Rick Albrecht
Saint Paul, MN
Terri Albrecht
Saint Paul, MN
Carol Bickel
Orlando, FL
Elizabeth Benson
Baxter, MN
Carolyn Cake
Keene, NH
Robert Dobbelaar
New Smyrna Beach, FL
Leslie Leonard, DCE
Largo, FL
Rev. Glenn Lucas
Irvine, CA
Jason Pfeffer
Plant City, FL
Kay Pfitzinger
San Antonio, TX
Mark Pfitzinger
San Antonio, TX
James Wysocki
Rockford, IL
Inspirmedia Productions, Video Production
Lori Beerenstrauch
Halli Goolsby
Micah Rabe
Jordan Schoen
Mass Events
Leah Abel, DCE, Director
Rev. Derek Broten, Director
Andy Pederson, Writer
Brian Amey, DCE, Manager
Nikki Boyd, DCE, Manager
Rev. Nathan Erb, Manager
Megan Miessler, DCE, Manager
Korey Wysocki, DCE, Manager
Kevin Busch, DCE Intern
Rev. Scott Coerber
Olivia Jablinski, DCE
Rehema Kavugha
Megan Obermueller
Christopher Roth
Ben Skelton
Dan Stec
Anna VanVleet
Littleton, CO
Stillwater, MN
Berkeley, IL
Wichita, KS
Owasso, OK
West Hempstead, NY
Orlando, FL
Rockford, IL
Sioux Falls, SD
Fort Collins, CO
Murphy, TX
Seward, NE
Aurora, CO
Saint Paul, MN
Winter Park, FL
Williamsburg, VA
Minneapolis, MN
Mass Event Drama
David Knoell, Director
Chicago, IL
Pete Bartels
Mount Juliet, TN
Rick Smith
Chicago, IL
Decapolis Theater Ministry, Concordia University Chicago
Mass Event Emcees
Rev. Jeffrey Meinz
Rev. Matthew Popovits Abigail Tesfaye
Colorado Springs, CO
Rego Park, NY
Austin, TX
Mass Event House Band
Adam Countryman, Manager
San Antonio, TX
Rev. Matthew Clark, Director
Rev. Ron Roma, Director
Allen Loesel, Manager
Laura Freiburg
Pamela Loesel
Rev. Stephan Roma
Dr. Richard Fischer, Symphony
Dr. Kurt von Kampen, Choir
Diane Wardenburg, Dance
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Charles, MO
Dallas, TX
Saint Charles, MO
Santa Clara, CA
River Forest, IL
Seward, NE
Brookfield, CT
Ryan Curnutt
Scott Kostencki
Gene Weeke, Consultant
Florissant, MO
St. Louis, MO
Fenton, MO
International Churches
Nikki Becker, Manager
Joe Stock
Arnold, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Local Relationships Coordinator
Kathy Wendling New Orleans, LA
Media Team
Sherrah Behrens, Social Media Team
Matthew Bergholt, Social Media Team
Sabrina Boehlke, Video Team
Seth Boggs, Graphic Design Manager
Matthew Boness, Photography Team
Dcs. Kim Bueltmann, Assistant
Jose Diaz, Video Team
Zachary Doll, Video Team
Jennifer Eickman, Social Media Team
Aaron Engelman, Video Team
Emilie Finke, Social Media Team
Andrew Guenther, Video Team
Nathan Harrmann, Photography Manager
Seth Hinz, Social Media Manager
Rev. Bill Johnson, Social Media Team
Justin Juntilla, Video Team
Vanessa Lane, Social Media Team
Matthew Lavere, Photography Team
Eva Lube, Graphic Design Team
Andrew Metcalf, Web/App Manager
Emmi Moll, Graphic Design Team
Sherri Littlefield, Photography Team
Micah Rabe, Video Manager
Paul Rabe, Video Team
Lindsay Rohde, Social Media Team
James Saleska, Video Team
Rev. Norm Schaeffer, Video Team
Jonathan Sosa, Video Team
Josh Wanner, Web Team
Meredith Whitefield, Social Media Team
Kyle, TX
Random Lake, WI
Seward, NE
Columbia, MO
Mequon, WI
Las Vegas, NV
Kirkwood, MO
Wichita, KS
Manhattan, KS
Knoxville, TN
Grandville, MI
Benton Harbor, MI
Ypsilanti, MI
Fort Wayne, IN
Las Vegas, NV
Seattle, WA
Royal Oak, MI
Seward, NE
Lincoln, NE
Seward, NE
Brooklyn, NY
Brookfield, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Freeland, MI
Frankenmuth, MI
Lincoln, NE
San Antonio, TX
Springfield, MO
Houston, TX
Safety and Information Technology
Sandy Wendelin, DCE, Director Lakewood, CO
Crisis Intervention Terry Baughman, Manager
Lake Orion, MI
Lori Gamble, Manager
Spirit Lake, IA
Rev. Tom Acton
Roscoe, IL
Rev. Robert Armao
Indianapolis, IN
Rev. David Gaddini
McHenry, IL
Ingrid Johnson
Long Beach, CA
Christie Kieschnick
New Orleans, LA
Lisa Lessing
Fort Wayne, IN
Rev. David Simonson
Spirit Lake, IA
Lori Snyder
Saint Charles, MO
Kathy Waser
Saint Louis, MO
Event Base
Corby Dickerson, Manager
Lolo, MT
Shannon Dickerson, Manager
Lolo, MT
Kristin Tharp
Alexandria, LA
Aaron Borchelt
Fenton, MO
David Cheatham
Bartlett, IL
Rev. James Daub
Havelock, NC
Sarah Glover
Aurora, CO
Ryan Hartje, Manager
Mission, KS
Bruce Gamble
Spirit Lake, IA
Jon Mierow
Burnsville, MN
Brian Ritz
Grand Rapids, MI
Rev. Tim Wendelin
Lakewood, CO
Thaddues Schmidt, Manager Cottage Grove, MN
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Belleville, IL
Belleville, IL
Saint Paul, MN
Woodbury, MN
Saint Louis, MO
Servant Events
Mitzi Loughmiller, Director
Sally Henry Adelle Bergman
Ryan Dauss
Joseph Marroccoli, Jr.
Joseph Taylor
New Orleans, LA
Lacey, WA
New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, LA
Dan Cross, Manager
Dean Luker, Manager
Don Herweck
Kevin Herweck
Robert Kienitz
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Belleville, IL
Special Guests
Jill Hasstedt
Sherrill Smith
Belleville, IL
Belleville, IL
Special Needs
Rev. Bill Wrede, Manager
Austin Wellhousen
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Youth Booth
Julianna Shults, DCE, LCMS Youth Ministry, Manager
Katy Bass
Kerrville, TX
Jessica Bordeleau
Kirkwood, MO
Chelsea Doering
Austin, TX
Rev. Steven Hokana
Saint Louis, MO
Kevin Mennel
Saint Louis, MO
Abigail Miller
Saint Louis, MO
Matthew Miller
Saint Louis, MO
Rev. Marcus Zill
Albuquerque, NM
Betty Williams
Minneapolis, MN
Dolores Karan
Minneapolis, MN
LCMS Servant Event Committee
Rev. Barry Akers
Shelly Carlson
Linda Gage
Leah Sallach
Joe Palinkas
Randy Ronning
Kokomo, IN
Forest Lake, MN
Silver Creek, NY
Arcadia, NY
Painesville, OH
Richmond, VA
Lutheran Youth Fellowship Executive Board
Adam Dougherty
Olympia, WA
Katie Krause
Pensacola, FL
Connor Lukas Port Huron, MI
Matthew Rhodes Brookings, SD
Madeline Upchurch
Wake Forest, NC
Lutheran Youth Fellowship Executive Board Elect
Justin Beemer
Fenton, MI
Rachel Moeller
Carlsbad, CA
Kyra Lecakes
Niskayuna, NY
Dane Wolfgram
Bismarck, ND
Connor Works
Topeka, KS
Special thanks to the following organizations for their contributions
as sponsors of the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering:
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
Experiential Learning Center
Concordia Publishing House (CPH)
Gathering Devotions
Concordia University Chicago
Gathering Participant T-Shirt
Concordia University Irvine
Young Adult Volunteer Shirts
Concordia University Nebraska
Gathering Backpack
Concordia University Saint Paul/Concordia University Texas
Mass Event Warm-up
Concordia University Wisconsin/Concordia University Ann Arbor
Gathering Stages, Memory Book, Volunteer Reception
LeadaChild (CCCS)
Experiential Learning Center
Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF)
Gathering App and Convention Center WiFi
Lutheran Federal Credit Union
Servant Event Water Bottle
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
5K Run/Walk
Lutheran International Schools in Asia
Young Adult Volunteer Meal Support
Lutheran World Relief
International Participant Scholarship
National Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Association
Adult Retreat Areas
Volunteer (CLB/YAV) Lunch and On-Site Servant Event
Other Partners
Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, MO
Bruce Kintz, President and CEO
Susan Turner, Assistant to the President
Jonathan Schultz, Vice President
Loren Pawlitz, Executive Director of Marketing and Ecommerce
Elizabeth Pittman, Manager, Public Relations
Mark Sengele, Editor of Youth Materials
Pam Miller, Account Service Representative
Jim Strange, Senior Buyer
Anne Nienhaus
New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau
Stephen Perry, President and CEO
MaryBeth Guarisco
Lyn Hallaron
Tara Letort
Erica Taylor
NOLA Tree Project and HandsOn New Orleans
Christopher Cameron, HandsOn New Orleans
Connie Uddo, NOLA Tree Project
Robin Young, NOLA Tree Project
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Mae Hill, Senior National Sales Manager
Cassie Jones, Event Coordinator
Centerplate, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Jillian Benoit, Assistant Director of Catering
Alamo Services (Gathering Security)
John Boyd, President and CEO
New Orleans, LA
Inclusive Management Services, Inc.
Michael Hahn, Account Representative
Keller, TX
Orlando, FL
Royal Productions
Randy Gervais, President
Ricky Fitzgerald
New Orleans, LA
Mercedes - Benz Superdome
New Orleans, LA
Jennifer Cooke, Director of Sales and Marketing
William Dede, Event Coordinator
Centerplate, Mercedes - Benz Superdome
Justin Roux, Director of Catering and Suites
David Spear, CEO
Mandeville, LA
Rhino Staging Ray Cullen, Operations Manager
Gonzales, LA
Special Event Services
Jim Brammer, President
Winston-Salem, NC
Allied PRA (Shuttling)
Jeff O’Hara, President
Sarah Howard
New Orleans, LA
Michael Seibel, Manager
Fred Hasstedt
Nathaniel Phillips
Christopher Radecki
Charlie Rodriguez
BEARCOM (Wireless Communication)
Eric Stephens, Regional Director
Brad Crise
Garland, TX
EventBase (Gathering App) Jenna Watson-Brawn
Michael Lyseng
Vancouver, BC
HelmsBriscoe (Hotel Support)
Roger Helms, President
Rick Greene
Tim Wilson
Phoenix, AZ
Carefree, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
ISS 24/7 (HelpLine Software)
Scott Meyers, VP Sales
Coral Springs, FL
Lutheran Trust
Christy Kessler
St. Louis, MO
Multimedia Duplication Gerry Rasch
Earth City, MO
Miles Potter (Registration Database)
Bellingham, WA
Showtime! Rental (Computer/Tech)
Pamela Berrigan
New Orleans, LA
Sinistra Studio (Communion Ware)
Kate Tonguis, Artist
New Orleans, LA
Music Rights Agencies
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
Church Copyright License, Inc. (CCLI)
Special Thanks and Acknowledgements
With gratitude to God for the prayers, help and support from the
volunteers representing the congregations of the Southern District.
The Gathering acknowledges with thanks to Gathering hotels a
$4.00 per room night rebate which will be used to help defray the
cost of rental of Gathering facilities and transportation.
The Gathering gratefully acknowledges a generous gift from
HelmsBriscoe, Phoenix, AZ for the support of the Gathering
registration office.
We give thanks to God for the generosity of Concordia Lutheran
Ministries (CLM) and their generous grant which helped support
our servant event efforts in the city of New Orleans.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Adult Leader Guide
Table of Contents
leader guide table of contents
General Information
Health, Safety & Security
Emergency Medical Response
Non-Emergency Medical Needs
Community Group Information
Adult Leader Interest Centers
Worship Service
general information
General Event Information
Adult Leaders should read this entire section.
Still have a question? Ask a Community Life Builder (CLB), call the
24-hour Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or send a text message to
69050 with the keyword NYG, e.g., “NYG What time do the doors open
at the Superdome?”
Adult Leader Orientation: CC 208-210 and 211-213
Friday, July 15 | 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 16 | 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
After registering on-site, send an adult from your group to an Adult
Leader Orientation session. These sessions are quick, informational, and
very helpful for setting your group up for an enjoyable and connected
Gathering experience. Jump in one of these 30 minute sessions that start
every 15 minutes.
Communion Ware
Communion ware for the Wednesday’s Worship Service was commissioned
and created by New Orleans’ artisan, Kate Tonguis. These sets may be
reserved in the Gathering Store located in the CC Hall C on a first available
basis for a cost of $150 including packaging and shipping costs. All sets
will be shipped.
Donation Drop-Off
Bring donation items to the convention center during registration and
place them in the marked containers in the Main Entrance Lobby by
the Info Booth and the on-site registration area. Once the Experiential
Learning Center is open (starting Sunday), please bring them to Hall B of
the convention center (See “Christmas in July” location on floor map, page
62–63). Please DO NOT bring donated items to the Superdome. For a list
of items to donate (canned food, etc.), please see the Gathering website.
Remember to buy local in New Orleans!
We want your feedback! The evaluation process for the LCMS Youth
Gathering is very important to the future planning of the event. A
number of changes and improvements to the Gathering schedule and
program have come directly from feedback from Gathering participants.
From evaluating speakers to hotels, LCMS Youth Ministry wants your
feedback as to how best the Gathering can serve your congregational youth
ministry. Both youth and adults will be asked for their feedback via the
Gathering App (speaker and general Gathering evaluation). Consult the
Gathering App (News and Updates) for information where participants
can obtain a paper copy of the general evaluation. Also, look for Young
Adult Volunteers who will be asking specific questions about parts of the
Gathering program experience.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Food Options
New Orleans offers many great food options walkable from hotels in the
downtown area. Many Gathering hotels offer special menus for Gathering
participants. Concession stand areas are available at the convention center.
Refer to the convention center map on page 60 for concession stand
locations. Light concessions are available at the Superdome during Mass
Event warm-up (Saturday-Tuesday). (Food concessions will be available
Saturday night at Champions Square prior to the Opening Mass Event.)
Don’t overlook visiting a local grocery or convenience store to stock up on
food and water. For specific restaurant locations and information, visit the
NOLA tab on the Gathering website or consult hotel information services.
A New Orleans hospitality booth is also located in the main lobby of the
convention center. If your group chooses to eat at a restaurant, consider
making reservations in advance.
Gathering Office: CC 205
Open 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 20.
Adult Leaders with registration issues (damaged wristband, etc.) can visit
the office after registration closes on Sunday. The Gathering Office is not
designated as an Info Booth. For program-related questions, please visit
any of the designated Info Booths located in the convention center.
HelpLine: 504-670-4400
The HelpLine is available 24 hours a day from noon on July 14 until noon
on July 21. The HelpLine provides immediate information about events,
program times, or other needs participants may have at the Gathering.
For program information, please first consider consulting the Gathering
App. Or send a text message to 69050 with the keyword NYG, e.g., “NYG
What time do the doors open at the Superdome?”
Convention Center
Main Entrance Lobby, near the registration area
Hall D as you enter, see map on page 60.
Hall F Lobby
Inside the Gate C entrance by Section 114
Inside the Gate A entrance by Section 156
On the Floor at Gate A North (The left center entrance as you face
the main stage)
general information
Info Booths
Community Life Builders staff Info Booths and are ready to answer
questions about program, schedules, and lost and found items. Info Booths
can be found at the convention center and Superdome.
general information
LCEF Exchange: CC Main Entrance Lobby
If you need cash while in New Orleans, visit the LCEF Exchange, a free
service, to redeem traveler’s checks and withdraw funds from your LCEF
Hours of Operation:
Saturday, July 16
Sunday, July 17
Monday, July 18
Tuesday, July 19
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Computer/Internet Access/Charging Stations
Sometimes personal technology doesn’t work as intended. Adults can
access the internet via tablets or computers in the Adult Retreat CC 223.
Lost and Found
All lost and found items will be gathered and secured in CC Office A1 01
located off Great Hall Pre-Function space (location of on-site registration).
Lost and Found hours are Sunday-Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Check also at the Info Booth on the floor of the Superdome at Gate A
North at Wednesday’s Worship Service.
Items may be turned into ANY Info Booth or the Lost and Found room.
To report a lost item, participants can call the HelpLine or stop by any Info
Booth. Lost items (Saturday – Monday) at the Superdome will be taken to
the Lost and Found room at the convention center. All youth coming to
Lost and Found must be accompanied by an adult.
Lost Cell Phones
Encourage youth and adults to change the background or text on their
lock screen to read, "If found, please contact xxx-xxx-xxxx." If you lost a
device, please contact Lost and Found as soon as possible to report it
missing. The more information you can provide, the better.
Wristband Replacement
All participants will receive a Gathering wristband. The wristband is the
participant’s ticket into all Gathering activities and events. Participants
must wear their wristband at all times.
If a wristband is damaged, Primary Adult Leaders can exchange it for a
new wristband at the Gathering Office (CC 205). Both the participant
and the Primary Adult Leader must visit the Gathering Office. The
damaged wristband will be collected and a new wristband will be given
to the participant. Additional wristbands will not be provided without
exchanging your damaged wristband.
As part of Wednesday’s Worship Service, participants will have the
opportunity to present their monetary gifts to the glory of God. Gathering
offerings will be used in service to ministry across The Lutheran Church –
Missouri Synod and throughout the world. A portion of the offering will
support Gathering Grants for Youth Outreach and other Youth Ministry
endeavors. Stop by the Youth Booth (CC Hall B) to learn more about these
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Program Options Check-in/Registration
Primary Adult Leaders were emailed confirmation of their group’s (or
individual participant’s) assignment to these program options: Offsite Servant Events, Bible Study Academy, On-site Servant Events, and
Off-site Interest Centers. 5K Run/Walk participants were emailed their
confirmation directly. Participants for these program options must
check-in on-site. Booth staff will also be able to give you information
about available spots for each program option.
Booths are located in Main Entrance Lobby, near registration
Friday, July 15 | 1:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 16 | 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Special Needs
Participants needing to rent a wheelchair, crutches or other healthcare
aid are encouraged to contact Mr. Wheelchair
rentals/; 504-834-2810. Deliveries are made to your hotel. A limited number
of scooters can be rented from The UPS Store at the convention center
504-670-8941. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the
Special Needs Advisor through any Gathering Info Booth or calling the
Gathering HelpLine.
If necessary, parking lots are available at the Ernest N. Morial Convention
Center for a fee. The City of New Orleans also provides parking on many
of its streets; be prepared to pay at parking meters. Information on
parking can be found online at
Wednesday Morning
To expedite your departure from the Gathering on Wednesday, it is
suggested that groups return to and depart from their assigned hotels
following the conclusion of the Dome Event. Groups are NOT allowed to
bring luggage into the Superdome at any time. Confirm your hotel’s checkout time and policy. Hotels with an earlier check-out time may provide a
luggage holding room for your convenience. If you have questions, contact
your Community Life Builder.
Groups who are leaving directly from the Superdome on a private motor
coach may plan pick-ups from Superdome Parking Lot #4 (southwest side
of the Superdome). Please consider having the bus arrive after 10:00 a.m.
after rush hour has decreased. In case of extraordinary circumstances, a
general information
Private Transportation: Motor Coach/Automobile
Once downtown, all facilities and hotels are considered within walking
distance. It is highly recommended to not use private transportation
such as motor coaches or automobiles during the days of the Gathering
while downtown. Private vehicles (motor coaches, automobiles, etc.) will
not receive access to vehicle drop-off points at the convention center or
Superdome. This is for the safety of pedestrian traffic.
health, safety and security
bag check will be provided at the Coors Light Cold Zone, next to Gate H
Participants MAY NOT take luggage with them into the seating area of
the Superdome!
Health, Safety and Security
The City of New Orleans has a curfew for minors. It is very important our
young people understand the need to stay with an Adult Leader late in
the evening. The curfew is for all people under 17 years of age. The hours
for curfew are as follows: Sunday - Thursday 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Friday/
Saturday 11 p.m. to 6 a. m. In the French Quarter, it is 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.,
seven days a week. During the later hours, minors must be with a parent/
guardian or under the watch of an Adult Leader. If out in the city late in
the evening, we recommend no more than ten youth be chaperoned per
Adult Leader.
City Sense
Please maintain groups of at least three or four, with an Adult Leader, for
safety reasons. Never travel alone!
Follow suggested walking routes and know where you are headed before
you leave. Refer to your hotel CLB for routes. Do not wander into areas
that are dark or void of people.
Proper footwear should be worn by all participants. Flip flops or other
open-toed footwear is not recommended for the service experiences,
walking around the city or inside the Superdome.
The suggested walking route between the convention center and the
Superdome is Poydras or Girod Street.
Walk confidently; be courteous and respectful to people you meet on the
Unfolding a map or consulting a map app in public can be an invitation for
help—wanted or unwanted.
If you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and move to a safer area.
Carry your purse close to your body and your wallet in your front pocket.
Make sure pockets on backpacks are closed or zipped.
Do not display or count large amounts of cash in public places. Be cautious
when using an outdoor ATM.
Always let Adult Leaders know where you are going. Designate a prearranged meeting spot for your group in the event that someone becomes
Hydration (drinking water), light-colored clothing, a balanced diet, and
sleep are the best prevention for heat exhaustion and dehydration while
in New Orleans.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Watch out for each other, care for each other, and have the servant heart
and mind of Jesus when it comes to how you treat all people.
Safety Tips
Each Gathering participant should bring photo identification and
a completed Gathering Medical Release and Liability Waiver. Each
participant should carry a photo ID and a copy of these forms at all
times. A designated Adult Leader should also carry a copy of each group
member’s forms.
The backpack provided by the Gathering is the primary bag participants
should use for transporting personal items into the convention center
and Superdome. Only Gathering backpacks will be allowed into the
Superdome. All backpacks will be searched upon entry to the Superdome.
(Exceptions to the bag policy will be made at the Special Needs entrance.)
Each participant should place his/her name on the inside of the backpack.
DO NOT put personal information on the outside.
Random searches of all backpacks, bags, containers, purses, etc., may take
place at entry areas and other designated areas in the convention center
and Superdome. Security personnel reserve the right to question and
search participants and their personal effects when suspicious activity is
Refrain from bringing valuables to any Gathering activity. Remember to
check the Gathering Lost and Found office in CC A101 outside of Great
Hall, for items that may have been misplaced during the Gathering.
Before entering any Gathering event, have a realistic plan of where your
group might sit. Designate a pre-arranged meeting spot for members in
case someone becomes separated from your group. To avoid injuries,
refrain from running when the doors open for any Gathering event.
If you are participating in an off-site interest center or servant event, board
buses as a group to avoid losing people.
Maintain a list of cell phone numbers for the members of the group.
Program an Adult Leader’s cell phone number and the Gathering HelpLine
number (504-670-4400) on all cell phones. Remind participants to be
courteous of others when using cell phones. Please silence cell phones
during Dome Events, Bible studies, Worship, concerts, and presentations.
Designate one Adult Leader who will carry a basic first aid kit.
Lasers, fireworks, and weapons of any type are not permitted at Gathering
activities and will be confiscated. Do not joke about weapons, violent acts,
or terrorism.
health, safety and security
Any items left unattended in the convention center and Superdome will be
confiscated for participant safety.
health, safety and security
Separated Persons
To prevent being separated from your group, PLAN AHEAD! Establish
a meeting place to reconnect in both the convention center and the
Superdome. In an emergency, call the Gathering HelpLine (504-6704400). At the convention center, the Information booth located in the
Main Entrance Lobby is a designated “Holding Area” for separated
Staying Safe in the Summer Sun
Extreme heat can cause many health issues, even death. Below are safety
tips that will help you stay safe during your time in the hot, humid,
summer climate of New Orleans.
Drink plenty of water. Your body needs water to keep cool. You should
drink at least eight, eight ounce glasses of water (64 oz.) each day to avoid
dehydration. More may be necessary depending upon whether you are
used to the heat, are sick, or have special medical conditions. Sports
drinks (such as Gatorade) are okay in moderation in addition to your
daily water intake.
Dress for summer. Light-weight, light-colored clothing reflects heat and
sunlight, and helps your body remain cool.
Slow down/spend as much time as possible in air conditioning. Plan
ahead to allow yourself plenty of time for each day’s activities. If you are
feeling the effects of the heat, seek the coolest locations possible (this may
not necessarily be indoors) and rest.
Don’t get too much sun. Sunburn makes the job of heat dissipation more
difficult for your body. Wear sun screen (reapplying frequently and
liberally), hats, and other coverings during the day.
Don’t over-eat. The more food (protein) you place in your body, the more
heat energy the human body will create during the digestive process.
Heat Illness Symptoms
SUNBURN: Redness and pain. In severe cases swelling of skin, blisters,
fever, headaches. First Aid: Ointments for mild cases if blisters appear
and do not break. If breaking occurs, apply dry sterile dressing. Serious,
extensive cases should be seen by a physician.
HEAT CRAMPS: Painful spasms usually in muscles of legs and abdomen
possible. Heavy sweating. First Aid: Firm pressure on cramping muscles,
or gentle massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water. If nausea occurs,
discontinue use.
HEAT EXHAUSTION: Heavy sweating, weakness, skin cold, pale, and
clammy. Pulse thready. Normal temperature possible. Fainting and
vomiting. First Aid: Get victim out of sun. Lay down and loosen clothing.
Apply cool, wet cloths. Fan or move victim to air conditioned room. Sips
of water. If nausea occurs, discontinue use. If vomiting continues, seek
immediate medical attention.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
HEAT STROKE (or sunstroke): High body temperature (106° F or higher).
Hot dry skin. Rapid and strong pulse. Possible unconsciousness. First Aid:
to a cooler environment. Reduce body temperature with cold water or
sponging. Use extreme caution. Use fans and air conditioners.
If temperature rises again, repeat process. Do not give fluids. Persons on
salt restrictive diets should consult a physician before increasing their salt
Emergency Medical Response
Convention Center
If inside or immediately outside the convention center either, 1) call
convention center dispatch at 504-582-3040 or pick up the red emergency
telephone; 2) Dial 3040 from any convention center installed phone; 3)
Use the telephone in the green box outside the medical rooms in Lobby B,
Lobby E, or Lobby H.
In an emergency situation be prepared to provide:
1. Your Name
2. Your Location
3. Your contact information (if cell phone is available)
4. A description of the situation: Is the person breathing? Is the person responsive? How did the injury occur (if known)? What is the person’s complaint?
In case of an emergency, contact a Gathering staff member (CLB or usher)
or Superdome staff member. Superdome Security Control can be reached
at (504) 587-3900.
Hotels Your Community Life Builder (CLB) and hotel staff are key resources in
case of emergency. When you check into your hotel, familiarize yourself
with your hotel’s phone system for emergency response. Again, please call
the Gathering HelpLine (504-670-4400) as quickly as the situation allows.
emergency medical needs
Notify a Gathering staff member by calling the HelpLine (504-670-4400)
as quickly as the situation allows. Provide information on the location of
the incident, nature of injuries, the extent of any damage, and the age(s)
of those involved.
non-emergency medical needs
Non-Emergency Medical Needs
First Aid
CC Medical Services I - Located in Hall B Lobby near Hall B external
entrances (on opposite side of the Hall B Entrance)
CC Medical Services II - Located in Hall E Lobby near Hall E external
CC Medical Services Satellite Location – Located in back of Hall E in
Recreation Area near the check-in location
Superdome - Loge/Club Level at section 277, Plaza Level at section 133,
and Floor Level at Gate A North
If you have a medical problem at the Dome, contact a Dome usher
stationed at each aisle entrance, or a Mass Event volunteer usher. They will
call medical assistance or direct you to the nearest first aid station.
Before the doors open there will be a First aid station outside the dome on
the plaza north east corner near Gate B. You can ask CLB (yellow shirts)
for directions to this location. In a serious emergency dial 911 and use the
gates as location identification.
Participants in need of medical treatment for injury or illness while at a
hotel should contact their Adult Leader, hotel Community Life Builder
(CLB), or hotel staff to determine the location of the nearest medical
facility. Participants are reminded to carry a copy of their medical release
form at all times.
At the convention center, go to a first aid station or contact a CLB or YAV
and they will call medical assistance or direct you to a medical station.
Crisis Intervention
The Crisis Intervention Team is on-site throughout the Gathering and
available to help individuals and groups experiencing severe crisis
situations such as notification of death in the family, legal issues, substance
abuse, depression or suicidal feelings, or issues of violence or abuse.
The Crisis Intervention Team consoles and counsels as needed and
provides referrals as appropriate while maintaining confidentiality.
Crisis Intervention Team members are obligated to report incidents in
accordance with mandatory reporting laws. The Crisis Intervention Teams
can be contacted through the Gathering HelpLine (504-670-4400).
Secondary Insurance Information
Registrants are covered by a very limited accident and medical insurance
policy that provides reimbursement up to a minimal dollar amount for
emergency medical expenses incurred as a result of purely accidental
injuries sustained while at the Gathering. This coverage is secondary to
all other personal insurance coverage available to the participant and will
make payment only if such other insurance is not adequate to cover the
medical expenses resulting from an accidental injury sustained while at
the Gathering.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Community Life Information
CLB Morning Meeting
Starting Sunday, your hotel will have a Community Life Builder (CLB)
available from 8:00-8:30 a.m. Please check the confirmation board in your
hotel lobby for location. The CLB is there to connect with Adult Leaders
and provide a time of devotion and prayer. Gathering updates will also be
available as needed. The CLB will do their best to answer questions you
may have. Please note, all important updates will be pushed through the
Gathering App. If you miss the morning meeting, please find the “News
and Updates” portion of the App. We hope you take the opportunity to
connect with your hotel CLB and the other Adult Leaders in your hotel
each morning!
Adult Leader Retreat: CC 214, 223 and 242 Open when the convention center is open, for Adult Leaders only
There is never a dull moment at the Gathering, but there is a place for Adult
Leaders to withdraw from the fray, be rejuvenated and encouraged, and
take some deep breaths. In the three strategically located Adult Retreat
areas you might take a nap, chat with other leaders or well-trained CLBs,
and relax with an adult coloring book. Adult Leader Retreat is sponsored
Their yellow shirts, yellow backpacks, and general yellow appearance
make CLBs easy to identify. Please do not hesitate to ask questions to any
CLB you encounter.
CLBs have resources for emergency and crisis procedures. While they are
unable to serve as emergency personnel, they are trained to contact the
needed help and are able to walk alongside leaders in uncertain situations.
There are some important things CLBs cannot do for Gathering Adult
CLBs are not behavior monitors, but are available to help you as you work with your youth.
CLBs are not empowered to serve as a liaison between hotel management and Gathering groups unless an arbitrator is required. They are unable to assist with room assignments, billing, room, or hotel damages.
CLBs have no authority to commit The LCMS in issues that demand the expenditure of money to hotels or to Gathering participants.
community life information
Community Life Builders
Community Life Builders (CLBs) serve Gathering participants. They are
Gathering volunteers, aged 25 and older. CLBs are carefully selected
and trained prior to the Gathering and serve in key roles throughout the
convention center, Superdome and participant hotels. They aim to answer
questions, ensure safety and assist with traffic flow. Each morning at
your hotel, a CLB is available to pray with Adult Leaders at and provide
information or event updates as needed.
community life information
Young Adult Volunteers : Orange Nation
Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) can be identified by their orange shirts
and extreme enthusiasm. YAVs play a huge role in making the Gathering
a successful and memorable experience. They serve as role models while
working in specific areas of the Gathering in the convention center,
Superdome, Gathering hotels, and Off-Site Servant Events.
Not only is the Gathering the largest gathering of LCMS high school youth,
it is also the largest gathering of young adults between the ages of 18-25.
Are you a young adult attending the Gathering with your congregational
group? We would love for you to join our young adult community during
the evening Night Life. Join us at the Springhill Suites located at 301 St.
Joseph Street every night after the Mass Event.
Think you have what it takes? If you’ll be 19-25 in 2019, we would love to
have you serve at the 2019 Gathering!
The Gathering App
Download the official app of the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering. Bookmark
your favorite speakers, play the Gathering Game and stay connected with
the happenings at #NYG2016. The Gathering app is available for download
in your iTunes or Google Play store under “LCMS Youth Gathering”.
Play the Gathering Game through the App
Engage in friendly competition, collect points, earn badges and gain the
chance to sit in the front row at in the dome on Wednesday morning. All
this by just participating in various activities throughout the Gathering
and recording your points in the app. To play, download the Gathering
app found in your iTunes or Google Play store under “LCMS Youth
Gathering”. Once inside the app, click on “Gathering Game”, log-in with
Facebook and start earning points. On Tuesday at noon, three winners
will be drawn from the top ten participants with the most points. All three
winners and their congregational group will receive seating in the front
rows at Wednesday’s Worship Service and Closing Event.
Facebook LIVE with Rev. Matt Popovits
Have questions come up in your group that you just don’t know how
to answer? Did you hear something you’d like further explained? The
Rev. Matt Popovits will be LIVE in the Adult Leader Facebook Group
( every night of
the Gathering at 11 p.m. Matt will be available to answer questions and
provide a recap of the day’s themes. If it works in your group’s schedule,
consider watching Matt together. He will be on for 10-15 minutes (11:00
– 11:15 p.m.). Unable to watch LIVE? Go to the Adult Leader Facebook
Group to watch any time on-demand.
Post-Gathering Bible Study
After the Gathering, you can download a Post-Gathering Bible study from
the Gathering website and view through the Gathering app. Both the
leader and participant versions will be found at
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Guide for Effective Community Group Time
The Gathering is only a catalyst for ongoing growth in the Christian faith
for young people and adults. Community Groups provide the intimate
setting necessary for the Gathering to have a lasting impact in the lives
of participants. Seeing thousands of people together is exciting and
perhaps even inspirational, but Community Group time provides youth
the opportunity to talk things through and make new discoveries about
life in Christ and life in the Church.
In addition to other benefits, Community Groups at the Gathering help
Grow closer in relationships with one another
Review, debrief, and talk about experiences of the day
Reflect on spiritual topics and daily Gathering themes
Plan and organize each day
Community Group time will happen at different times throughout the
day, morning to night. Specifically, Gathering planners suggest you find
time to recap each day. Bible studies and devotions have been provided
to guide your study and discussion throughout the day. Community
Group resources, including daily reflection questions and orders of prayer
are found in your Gathering Guidebook, starting at page 16. Additional
information on the following pages provides good starting points and
encourages continued growth in your Community Groups:
Engaging with a group naturally is not as intimidating as it might seem.
Here are some key things to remember as you nurture your students in a
small group:
Respect for yourself and others; no put downs.
Listening; each person has value and should be heard.
Honesty, trust, and love; God tells us to “speak the truth in love.”
Community Group time may need to be adapted to meet the needs of your
group. Discussing a few items thoroughly and providing a safe place to
talk honestly about faith is better than rushing through all the material.
Adult Leaders are encouraged to think through locations for Community
Group time. Be courteous to other Gathering groups, guests of the
hotel, and citizens of New Orleans. These times might happen in a huge
ballroom, at a district event, in a restaurant, in a convention center lobby,
or a hotel room—anywhere!
Morning and Evening Discussion Time
We strongly encourage Community Groups to begin and end their day in
prayer and discussion together. While you can use these questions anytime
during the day, you are encouraged to end each day with a Community
Group connection time. Some hotels will have a Community Life Builder
available to help facilitate this time. Consider using the Morning and
Evening Prayer found on pages 17–18.
community life information
Tricia Hamilton
Will They Be Ready or Not?
12:00 PM
Bob Fossum
Rev. Jonathan
Audrey DuensingWerner
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Landon Becker
Brandon Heath
Rev. Leon Jameson
Abigail Miller
Andy Stumpf
Rebuilding or Restoring a Dissolving Ministry
Crowdfunding 101: Why the Hype and How To Do It
More than Pizza and Doritos
YAV panel: From the Mouths of Millennials
Dave Fiedler
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
Rev. Marcus Zill
Audrey DuensingWerner
Rev. Jonathan
Tricia Hamilton
Will They Be Ready or Not?
Bob Fossum
Tough Talks
2:00 PM
12:00 PM
Landon Becker
Scott Barefoot
Scott Rauch
More than Pizza and Doritos
Beyond the Gathering
YAV Panel: From the Mouths of Millennials
Rev. Jacob Allstaedt
Rev. Marcus Zill
Tricia Hamilton
Scott Rauch
Rev. Leon Jameson
Tricia Hamilton
Brandon Heath
Relational Youth Ministry: What does that look like?
Want a Chocolate?
Don't Survive - THRIVE!
Risk Management: Is There a Form for That?
Marginalized by Disabilities
2:00 PM
Rev. Leon Jameson
Bob Baker
Mona Fuerstenau
Laura Kuegele
Rev. Jacob Allstaedt
Rev. Jonathan
Scott Barefoot
Now What? Navigating the Gathering
Where Two or Three are Gathered
Where Two or Three are Gathered
6 Reasons Why You Still Need a Will/Estate Plan
Want a Chocolate?
Relational Youth Ministry: What does that look like?
Preparing Youth to Survive the Academic Apocalypse
Get Your Group Out of that Rut!
There's More Out There in the DCE/DCS Galaxy Than Youth Ministry
Don't Survive - THRIVE!
Where Our Teens May Be Trending
Discipling Youth Who Are "On the Fence"
NLOMA Reunion
NLOMA Reunion
Rev. Leon Jameson
Rev. Terry Dittmer
Dcs. Kim Trombley
The Fine Line Between Mentoring and Meddling
Sarah Guldalian &
Philip Gruenwald
Risk Management: Is There a Form for That?
Hunger Project: Leading a Food Packing Event
Let Me Tell You About the "Plurals"
Tim Eldred
4:00 PM
Bob Baker
Chaperone to Shepherd
Feeding Children
Rev. Terry Dittmer
Removing the "Fear Factor" in Discussing Homosexuality
Serving Your Church in Christ Alone
NLOMA Reunion
NLOMA Reunion
The Fine Line Between Mentoring and Meddling
Rebuilding or Restoring a Dissolving Ministry
Crowdfunding 101: Why the Hype and How To Do It
Serving Your Church in Christ Alone
Discipling Youth Who Are "On The Fence"
NLOMA Reunion
Don't Survive - THRIVE!
Rev. Seth Moorman
Tim Eldred
4:00 PM
Rev. Seth Moorman
Andy Stumpf
Abigail Miller
NLOMA Reunion
Sarah Guldalian &
Philip Gruenwald
Rev. Leon Jameson
4:00 PM
Tough Talks
You Want Me to Lead a Bible Study!?
Preparing Youth to Survive the Academic Apocalypse
Get Your Group Out of that Rut!
Want a Chocolate?
Beyond the Gathering
Chaperone to Shepherd
Navigating the Gathering
You Want Me to Lead a Bible Study!?
Removing the "Fear Factor" in Discussing Homosexuality
Get Your Group Out of that Rut!
Laura Kuegele
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
2:00 PM
Tricia Hamilton
12:00 PM
Adult Interest Centers
The following
Interest Centers
were designed
with Adult
Leaders in mind.
These sessions
are for adults
adult leader interest centers
Adult Leader
NLOMA Camp Reunions
Sunday-Tuesday 3:15 p.m. in CC 238
There are 28 awesome camps dispersed throughout the country - all a
part of the National Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Association! If you’re
an Adult Leader who has spent a summer on camp staff or attended as a
camper, come reminisce with us. There will be camp goodies and relaxed
fellowship around the “campfire.” We welcome you to come share your
memories at one or all three of the camp reunions!
adult leader interest centers
adult leader interest centers
Sunday | 12 p.m.
Get Your Group
Out of that Rut!
Tricia Hamilton, DCE
CC 235-236
Is your youth group tired of the same
three games you always play? Are you
stuck in a rut of doing the same thing
every time you are together? Do you
need some fresh ideas for getting your
students to talk and open up? If so, this
is the place for you! You will leave this
fun, hands-on session with ideas you
can start using TODAY.
Now What? How
to Navigate the
Laura Kuegele, DCE
CC 237
You made it! Whew! So now what? The
Gathering has so much to offer your
group that there is never enough time to
do everything. How can you make the
most of what you do here? Navigating
the Gathering can be stressful, but it
doesn’t have to be. Join Laura in looking
at how you can maximize your time at
the Gathering and how you can bring
it home.
Where Two or
Three are Gathered
Rev. Todd
CC 238
Where two or three are gathered...and
that’s all...ever...what do you do? This
session is designed to equip you to
utilize youth in positions of leadership
so the work and weight of the ministry
is shared in smaller congregations...and
an even greater benefit? Youth buy in!
Join us as we share ideas and strategies
to equip and empower our youth to take
a more active role in the youth ministry
of your congregation.
Don’t Survive THRIVE!
Rev. Leon Jameson
CC 239
Volunteer youth leaders: thank you for
your commitment to live out the Gospel,
for sacrificing vacation days to sleep on
gym floors and in teen-saturated hotels,
for stepping out of your comfort zone
and helping students know Christ.
Don’t burn out! Come be refueled with
five bite-sized principles to strengthen
your work as a volunteer youth leader at
the Gathering and beyond.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday | 12 p.m.
Stuff happens. You never know when.
You never know what. You never know
who and often never know (or find out)
why. But any time you take people (and
especially kids) and add programs (and
especially active programs), you’re ripe
for accidents, incidents, situations, and
our old pal from Allstate: Mayhem.
Risk Management is first, preventing
problems, a nd second, ha nd li ng
incidents that may and will happen
anyway, effectively and professionally.
Because ready or not...
Marginalized by
Mona Fuerstenau
CC 241
We all know what it feels like to be left
out. People with disabilities live with
that every day. This session will give
you easy tools to be a person and a place
that welcomes and includes people of
all abilities!
Sunday | 2:00 p.m.
Removing The
“Fear Factor”
In Discussing
Scott Barefoot
CC 235-236
Now What? How to Navigate
the Gathering
Laura Kuegele, DCE
CC 237
Talking with teens can sometimes be
an uncomfortable experience, even
when talking about areas that you
have a first-hand experience with from
your teen years. Just the thought of a
discussion with teens about a subject
like homosexuality (that you may tend
to avoid like a plague even with other
adults), is sometimes enough to send
some running for the hills. Come learn
some useful approaches for removing
the “fear factor” from these important
See description on page 126.
adult leader interest centers
Risk Management:
When “It” Happens,
or...Is There a Form
for That?
Bob Baker
CC 240
adult leader interest centers
Sunday | 2:00 p.m.
You Want Me
to Lead a
Bible Study!?
Rev. Jake
CC 238
Not everyone who leads a Bible study for
youth is a professional church worker.
Volunteers are often called upon to serve
in this capacity. Are you a volunteer
youth leader? Don’t know where to start
when it comes to a Bible study? Are you
worried you won’t be able to connect
to today’s youth? Do you want to feel
more confident teaching God’s Word to
them? If so, this session is for you!
Want a Chocolate?
Rev. Jonathan
CC 239
Looking at the world of Millennial
discipleship can be really frustrating
and confusing. So many times disciplers
are satisfied with external behavior
modification as a sign of faith, but is
that really the goal? Can we dare to
dream past getting them to attend and
behave properly for youth events?
Beyond the
There are over 1,000 days between now
and the next LCMS Youth Gathering.
How will you use the momentum you
have created here to help your youth
grow in their relationships with God
and one another? This session will help
you develop a strategic plan to make the
most of your time together during the
next two summers, so you don’t waste
any of the bonds that have grown here
in New Orleans!
Tricia Hamilton, DCE
CC 240
Chaperone to
Scott Rauch, DCE
CC 241
The present culture invites people to
follow their heart’s desires. But we
are called to follow Jesus in who He is
and what His heart desires and to do
it as the family of God together. Come
explore what it looks like to provide
shepherding/discipling leadership with
youth as we all follow Jesus together.
Sunday | 4:00 p.m.
Don’t Survive - THRIVE!
Rev. Leon Jameson
CC 235-236
See description on page 126.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Sunday | 4:00 p.m.
Watching youth repeatedly make
bad decisions - as teens do! - it’s easy
to wonder if your efforts make any
difference at all. Well, they DO! The
Holy Spirit is at work through you,
changing lives - bit by bit, as you
continue to love and disciple. Don’t
let the enemy deceive you. Hear how
these once-straying Lutheran Hour
Ministries presenters, became alive as
true disciples! The journey’s not easy;
but, it’s definitely worth it for eternity!
or Restoring a
Dissolving Ministry
Andy Stumpf, DCE
CC 239
Where did everybody go? Dealing
with a declining youth ministry is
frustrating and leaves you with a lot of
questions. Come discover some ideas
you can implement right now. Walk
away with strategies for retaining 8th
graders, relevant resources for engaging
high schoolers, and share ideas and
questions you have.
Crowdfunding 101:
Why the Hype and
How To Do It
Abigail Miller
CC 240
Wondering what the “crowdfunding”
buzz is all about? You’ve heard of
Indiegogo, Kickstarter or GoFundMe.
In fact, you’ve probably been told to
try crowdfunding to raise money for a
mission trip or other ministry project.
Join us for a fun workshop where we’ll
explain what crowdfunding is, how
to build a project, and important tips
and strategies. (PLUS, you’ll learn
how WeRaise could lead to additional
funding for your ministry!)
Serving Your
Church In
Christ Alone
Rev. Seth Moorman
CC 241
With so many programs to administrate,
curriculum to choose, volunteers to
train, activities to plan, and budgets
to formulate, how do you keep Christ
at the center of all you do? Pastor Seth
will help you critically look at your own
ministry and give you some practical
ways to try and keep it all centered in
Christ alone. This session is especially
geared for volunteer church workers but
will benefit anyone serving in ministry.
adult leader interest centers
Youth Who Are
“On The Fence”
Sarah Guldalian &
Philip Gruenwald
CC 237
adult leader interest centers
Will They Be
Ready or Not?
Bob Fossum, DCE
CC 235-236
Monday | 12:00 p.m.
Want a Chocolate?
Rev. Jonathan Brandenberger
CC 237
This workshop will empower you to
prepare youth for their transition to
college focusing on feedback from
current college students’ answers to
the questions: 1) What were the events/
experiences from your youth group
that best prepared you for your first
year at college? 2) What could your
youth group have done that would
have better prepared you? Participants
will be introduced to #gradgoals – an
amazing resource developed by director
of student ministries, Michael Weniger.
See description on page 128.
Relational Youth
Ministry: What Does
that Look Like?
Audrey DuensingWerner, DCE
CC 238
Youth are no longer interested in things
to “go” to; they already have plenty of
that in their over-programmed world.
They are, however, looking for authentic
relationships. It’s only natural since
our God is a relational God, and He
created us to not only have an intimate
relationship with Him but authentic
relationships with other Christians.
It’s time for a transformation...a
relational transformation.
More than Pizza
and Doritos
Rev. Leon Jameson
CC 239
Youth ministry is more than entertaining
games, memorable trips, and late-night
gatherings. Youth ministry is more
than Doritos and pizza parties. Come
and learn three ways to transform
your approach that will help to build a
sustainable and vibrant youth ministry.
Come be encouraged and inspired as we
challenge the notion that youth ministry
is a bunch of splashing in the kiddy pool
without wading into the deep end.
Beyond the Gathering
Tricia Hamilton, DCE
CC 240
See description on page 128.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Monday | 12:00 p.m.
YAV Panel: From
the Mouths
of Millennials
Brandon Heath, DCE
CC 241
Today’s American young adults are
more global, socially conscience and
tech savvy than any generation that
has come before. And yet a significant
amount struggle to find their place
in the body of Christ or disengage
completely from the Christian faith. In
this session, Brandon will lead a panel
of young adults to share struggles and
joys of being part of this Millennial
Generation and how churches can
engage young adults.
Monday | 2:00 p.m.
Get Your Group Out of that Rut! See description on page 126.
Tricia Hamilton, DCE
CC 235-236
It’s no secret that the transition from
high school to college can be a scary one,
not only for young people themselves
but also for parents, youth workers,
pastors, and others. Come and learn the
essentials to help your youth make this
transition and not only remain in their
faith, but grow in it during this pivotal
period in their lives.
You Want Me to Lead a Bible Study!? See description on page 128.
Rev. Jake Allstaedt
CC 238
Tough Talks
Landon Becker, DCE
CC 239
How can a loving God allow evil?
Is homosexuality really that big of
a deal in God’s eyes? If marijuana
is legal in some states...why can’t I
use it? Today’s youth are asking
some tough questions. Come and
hear what some of those questions
are and receive helpful tips on how
to engage students in a learning
process of f i nd i ng a nswers
together. Adult Leaders, come gain
insight and collaborate with those
in the room.
adult leader interest centers
Preparing Youth
to Survive
the Academic
Rev. Marcus Zill
CC 237
adult leader interest centers
Monday | 2:00 p.m.
Removing The “Fear Factor” See description on page 127.
In Discussing Homosexuality
Scott Barefoot
CC 240
Chaperone to Shepherd See description on page 128.
Scott Rauch, DCE
CC 241
Monday | 4:00 p.m.
The Fine Line
Between Mentoring
and Meddling
Tim Eldred
CC 235-236
What’s the real role of a youth worker,
pastor, or even parent in the lives of
teens? How do we empower young
people to own their faith and take
responsibility for their lives? In this
session, we’ll peel back the unnecessary
layers of youth ministry to reveal
the core elements of discipleship and
spiritual formation. You’ll discover
your proper place and practical help, as
an advocate of youth in ministry.
Serving Your Church See description on page 129.
In Christ Alone
Rev. Seth Moorman
CC 237
Hunger Project
Feeding Children
CC 239
Learn how your congregation or
community can host its own handpackage event to relieve hunger within
your local community and around
the world. Hunger Projects are a highenergy, practical and hands-on way for
anyone to make a tangible difference in
the fight against global hunger. With
music booming, lentils flying and a
sea of hairnets, our volunteers work
together to create a truly dynamic
experience and the by-product? Healthy
meals packaged for hungry children
along the way.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Let Me Tell You
About the “Plurals”
Rev. Terry Dittmer
CC 240
Millennials are old news. A new
generation is entering confirmation
classes and high schools and youth
ministry folks need to get acquainted.
Find out why they’ve been called the
“Plurals.” What does their generational
profile look like? What do we need to
know about them? What could be the
best way to minister to and with them?
What we can know about them now will
put us on the cutting edge for working
with them.
Risk Management: When “It” See description on page 127.
Happens, or...Is There
a Form for That?
Bob Baker
CC 241
Will They Be Ready or Not?
Bob Fossum, DCE
CC 235-236
See description on page 130.
Tough Talks
Landon Becker, DCE
CC 237
See description on page 131.
YAV Panel:
From the Mouths of Millennials
Brandon Heath, DCE
CC 238
See description on page 131.
More than Pizza and Doritos
Rev. Leon Jameson
CC 239
See description on page 130.
Crowdfunding 101: Why the
Hype and How To Do It
Abigail Miller
CC 240
See description on page 129.
adult leader interest centers
Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
adult leader interest centers
Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Rebuilding or Restoring a See description on page 129.
Dissolving Ministry
Andy Stumpf, DCE
CC 241
Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.
Get Your Group Out of that Rut!
Tricia Hamilton, DCE
CC 235-236
See description on page 126.
Preparing Youth to Survive the
Academic Apocalypse
Rev. Marcus Zill
CC 237
See description on page 131.
Relational Youth Ministry: What
Does that Look Like?
Audrey Duensing-Werner, DCE
CC 238
See description on page 130.
Want a Chocolate?
Rev. Jonathan Brandenberger
CC 239
I’m Young(ish)
and Definitely Not
Rich. 6 Reasons You
Still Need a Will
David Fiedler
CC 240
Where Two or Three
are Gathered
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
CC 241
See description on page 128.
So you may not be a millionaire. And
you’re not 80 years old. In fact, your
kids are still at home or just barely out
of the nest. Or maybe you don’t have
kids at all. It’s still critical that you
have a plan in place for what happens
if you suddenly get called home. Here
are six reasons why.
See description on page 126.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Tuesday | 4:00 p.m.
See description on page 132.
Youth Who Are
“On The Fence”
Sarah Guldalian &
Philip Gruenwald
CC 237
See description on page 129.
Don’t Survive - THRIVE!
Rev. Leon Jameson
CC 239
See description on page 126.
Where Our Teens
May Be Trending
Rev. Terry Dittmer
CC 240
“Wookie” Ministry
– There’s More in
Galaxy than Youth
Dcs. Kim Trombley
CC 241
Since the first Gathering in 1980,
Lutheran Youth Fellowship has
conducted a poll to measure the
issues, concerns and attitudes of
youth at the Gathering. Find out
what the trends among LCMS youth
are over the last 38 years. This is the
first time we’ve looked at all the polls
side by side. Are our teens bucking
societal trends or accommodating
them? What do the trends suggest
in terms of teaching, programming,
training and curriculum?
Come and see how you can serve as
a commissioned minister, meeting
needs throughout the Galaxy and
beyond. Explore ministry with
people of all abilities led by
commissioned staff of Bethesda
Lutheran Communities.
adult leader interest centers
The Fine Line Between
Mentoring and Meddling
Tim Eldred
CC 235-236
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
As we prepare for Holy Communion...
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the confession and glad confidence that,
as He promises, Jesus gives us not only bread and wine, but also His true
body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and for the strengthening
of our faith. All baptized Christians who trust this promise, repent of
their sins, and set aside any refusal to love and forgive others, are invited
to the Lord’s Supper.
It is also important to understand two additional things that the Scriptures
teach about the Lord’s Supper. First, participation in this meal is a bold
confession of what we believe as Lutheran Christians.
The Apostle Paul writes to the church of God in Corinth and to us: “For
as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s
death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26 ESV).
Second, those who eat and drink the Lord’s body and blood unworthily
do so to their great harm. The Apostle continues in his writing,
“Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the
Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body
and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat
of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks
without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself”
(1 Corinthians 11:27-29 ESV).
14 3
We encourage you to find a time to speak with an Adult Leader or pastor
after the service so we might be able to commune together with you
sometime in the future.
During the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, you may stay in your seat
or walk forward with your group. If you choose to come forward, cross
your arms over your chest to indicate that you will be receiving a blessing
spoken by the pastor.
Note: Gluten-free wafers and non-alcoholic wine will be served at three
stations indicated by RED STREAMERS on Communion Banners.
communion statement
For these reasons, if you have not been instructed in the teachings of
the Lutheran faith, confessed agreement with the Lutheran faith, or are
in doubt about or hold beliefs differing from The Lutheran Church—
Missouri Synod, we request that you do not receive this Sacrament today.
worship service
14 4
In Christ Alone Worship Service
PRELUDE “In Christ Alone”
Commissioned for the 2016 Gathering by Reber Clark
Please stand
“Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”
Holy God, we praise Thy name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee.
All on earth Thy scepter claim,
All in heav’n above adore Thee.
Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign.
Hark! The glad celestial hymn
Angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heav’ns with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy Lord!
Lo, the apostles’ holy train
Join Thy sacred name to hallow;
Prophets swell the glad refrain,
And the white-robed martyrs follow,
And from morn to set of sun
Through the Church the song goes on.
Thou art King of Glory, Christ;
Son of God, yet born of Mary.
For us sinners sacrificed,
As to death a Tributary,
First to break the bars of death,
Thou hast opened heav’n to faith.
Holy Father, holy Son,
Holy Spirit, three we name Thee;
Though in essence only one,
Undivided God we claim Thee
And, adoring, bend the knee
While we own the mystery.
Amen! Amen!
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
P: In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
P: Beloved in the Lord! Let us draw near with a true heart and confess
our sins unto God our Father, beseeching Him in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ to grant us forgiveness.
P: Our help is in the name of the Lord,
C: who made heaven and earth.
P: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord,
C: and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Silence for reflection on God’s Word and for self-examination.
P: O almighty God, merciful Father,
C: I, a poor, miserable sinner, confess unto You all my sins and
iniquities with which I have ever offended You and justly deserved
Your temporal and eternal punishment. But I am heartily sorry for
them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray You of Your
boundless mercy and for the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to be
gracious and merciful to me, a poor, sinful being.
P: Upon this your confession, I, by virtue of my office as a called and
ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all
of you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ
I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the T Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
“Kyrie” from African Mass
by Norman Luboff
Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison.
worship service
Kyrie (Choir)
worship service
Hymn of Praise Brusick
“This Is the Feast of Victory” Arrangement: Adam Countryman/Bill
This is the feast
of victory for our God.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Worthy is Christ,
the Lamb who was slain,
whose blood set us free
to be people of God. (Refrain)
Power, riches, wisdom,
and strength,
and honor, blessing,
and glory are His. (Refrain)
Sing with all
the people of God,
and join in the hymn
of all creation.
Blessing, honor,
glory, and might
be to God and
the Lamb forever. Amen. (Refrain)
For the Lamb
who was slain
has begun His reign.
This is the feast
of victory for our God.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
P: The Lord be with you.
C: And also with you.
P: Let us pray. God our Father, Your Son humbled Himself by becoming
flesh to live among us and die for us. Grant us joy in our identity as Your
people, who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, so that we might
rejoice together in Christian community as we receive and share Your
love and grace. We pray this in the name of Christ alone, who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
All: Amen.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Old Testament Reading Psalm 46 Ezekiel 11:17–20
“God Is Our Refuge and Strength”
by K. Lee Scott
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth is moved,
And the mountains fall into the sea, though its waters roar and foam,
And the mountains shake at its swelling.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the dwellings of the Most High.
God dwells within her and she shall not be moved.
God will help her as morning dawns.
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in all the earth.
The Lord God of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.
A mighty fortress is our God, a sword and shield victorious;
He breaks the cruel oppressor’s rod and wins salvation glorious.
The old satanic foe has sworn to work us woe.
With craft and dreadful might he arms himself to fight.
On earth he has no equal.
No strength of ours can match his might, we would be lost, rejected.
But now a champion comes to fight, whom God Himself elected.
You ask who this may be? The Lord of hosts is He,
Christ Jesus, mighty Lord. God’s only Son adored.
He holds the field victorious.
The God of Jacob is our refuge,
The Lord of hosts is with us!
Epistle Philippians 2:5–11
Hymn of Day
In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
“In Christ Alone”
worship service
worship service
In Christ alone, who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones he came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
P: The Gospel according to St. John, the twentieth chapter.
C: Glory to you, O Lord.
John 20:19–23, 30–31
P: This is the Gospel of the Lord.
C: Praise to You, O Christ.
14 8
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home —
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
Sermon Stand
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison
“We Believe”
by Newsboys
In this time of desperation,
When all we know is doubt and fear,
There is only one foundation.
We believe, we believe.
We believe in God the Father.
We believe in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
And He’s given us new life.
We believe in the crucifixion.
We believe that He conquered death.
We believe in the resurrection,
And He’s coming back again.
We believe.
So, let our faith be more than anthems,
Greater than the songs we sing,
And in our weakness and temptations,
We believe, we believe.
We believe in God the Father.
We believe in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
And He’s given us new life.
We believe in the crucifixion.
We believe that He conquered death.
We believe in the resurrection,
And He’s coming back again.
We believe.
worship service
P: We join in the Apostles Creed:
C: I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
worship service
Let the lost be found
And the dead be raised.
In the here and now,
Let love invade.
Let the church live loud,
Our God, we’ll say,
We believe, we believe.
And the gates of hell
Will not prevail.
For the power of God
Has torn the veil.
Now we know Your love
Will never fail.
We believe, we believe.
We believe in God the Father.
We believe in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
And He’s given us new life.
We believe in the Crucifixion.
We believe that He conquered death.
We believe in the resurrection.
And He’s coming back again.
We believe.
P: Father in heaven, as a diverse Christian community made up of
individuals from many backgrounds and places, we joyfully come
before You in prayer, asking that You graciously hear us for the sake
of Christ alone.
P: Help me not worry about the future. Lord, for the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Heal the sick according to Your will. Lord, for the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Thank You for Jesus’ humility and death. Keep us in Him. Lord, for
the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Put an end to bullying and putting down others. Lord, for the sake of
Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Help us take care of this world You created. Lord, for the sake of Christ
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Protect all expectant moms and unborn babies. Lord, for the sake of
Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Keep us safe as we travel home from the Gathering. Lord, for the sake
of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Help me live out my identity in Christ as I love others. Lord, for the
sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
P: Protect Christians who are persecuted for the sake of Christ. Lord, for
the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Give us strength to honor you with our bodies. Lord, for the sake of
Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Give faith in Jesus to people who doubt God exists. Lord, for the sake
of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Restore those broken by abuse. Lord, for the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Stop war and violence in our world, and give us peace. Lord, for the
sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Strengthen the community in my youth group and congregation.
Lord, for the sake of Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Grant me courage to share Christ with others. Lord, for the sake of
Christ alone,
C: Hear our prayer.
P: Joyful in our humility in Christ alone, joyful in our identity in Christ
alone, joyful in our community created in Christ alone, we pray all
these things in the name of Christ alone.
C: Amen.
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give Him thanks and praise.
It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should at all times and
in all places give thanks to You, O Lord our God, king of all creation,
for You have had mercy on us and given Your only-begotten Son that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
Therefore with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven,
we laud and magnify Your glorious Name evermore praising You and
Choir: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessèd Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.
Thou art holy, Thou art holy, Thou art holy!
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worship service
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea.
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessèd Trinity!
Choir: Amen, Amen.
P: Blessed are You, Lord of heaven and earth, for You have had mercy
on those whom You created and sent Your only-begotten Son into our
flesh to bear our sin and be our Savior. With repentant joy, we receive
the salvation accomplished for us by the all-availing sacrifice of His
body and His blood on the cross.
Gathered in the name and the remembrance of Jesus, we beg You, O
Lord, to forgive, renew, and strengthen us with Your Word and Spirit.
Grant us faithfully to eat His body and drink His blood as He bids us
do in His own testament. Gather us together, we pray, from the ends of
the earth to celebrate with all the faithful the marriage feast of the
Lamb in His kingdom, which has no end. Graciously receive our
prayers; deliver and preserve us. To You alone, O Father, be all glory,
honor and worship, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and forever.
C: Amen.
P: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread,
and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples
and said: “Take, eat; this is My T body, which is given for you. This
do in remembrance of Me.”
In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and when He had
given thanks, He gave it to them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you; this
cup is the new testament in My T blood, which is shed for you for the
forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance
of Me.”
P: As often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim the Lord’s
death until He comes.
C: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
P: O Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, in giving us Your body
and blood to eat and to drink, You lead us to remember and confess
Your holy cross and passion, Your blessed death, Your rest in the
tomb, Your resurrection from the dead, Your ascension into heaven,
and Your coming for the final judgment. So remember us in Your
kingdom and teach us to pray:
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
C: Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven;
give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
forever and ever. Amen.
P: The peace of the Lord be with you always.
C: Amen.
Solo: O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world,
have mercy upon us!
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world,
have mercy upon us!
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world,
grant us Thy peace! Amen.
Gluten-free wafers and non-alcoholic wine will be served at three stations
indicated by RED STREAMERS on Communion Banners.
“What Is This Bread?” Choir: What is this bread?
Christ’s body risen from the dead:
This bread we break, this life we take,
Was crushed to pay for our release.
O taste and see—the Lord is peace.
by Kurt von Kampen
worship service
Offerings will be received after communing at each Communion station.
Offerings will be used to support the city of New Orleans through Gathering
Servant Events, congregational youth ministry grants and LCMS Youth
Ministry programs.
worship service
What is this wine?
The blood of Jesus shed for mine;
The cup of grace brings His embrace
Of life and love until I sing!
O taste and see—the Lord is King.
So who am I,
That I should live and He should die
Under the rod? My God, my God,
Why have You not forsaken me?
O taste and see—the Lord is free.
Yet is God here?
Oh, yes! By Word and promise clear,
In mouth and soul, He makes us whole—
Christ, truly present in this meal.
O taste and see—the Lord is real.
Is this for me?
I am forgiven and set free!
I do believe that I receive
His very body and His blood.
O taste and see—the Lord is good.
“The Water Is Wide” (Wind Symphony)
“Jesus Messiah”
He became sin, who knew no sin,
That we might become His righteousness.
He humbled himself and carried the cross.
Love so amazing, love so amazing.
Jesus Messiah, name above all names
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel,
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven,
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.
His body the bread, His blood the wine,
Broken and poured out all for love,
The whole earth trembled, and the veil was torn.
Love so amazing, love so amazing, yeah
Jesus Messiah, name above all names
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.
All our hope is in You, all our hope is in You,
All the glory to You, God, the light of the world.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
by Kirby
by Chris Tomlin
Jesus Messiah, name above all names,
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel,
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven,
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.
“Gaudete” (Choir)
by Michael Engelhardt
English translation:
Rejoice, rejoice! Christ is born
Of the Virgin Mary: rejoice!
It is now the time of grace,
That we have desired;
Let us devoutly return
Songs of rejoicing
God has become man
And nature marvels;
The world has been renewed
By Christ who is King.
Therefore let our song,
Now resound in purification;
Let it give praises to the Lord;
Salvation to our King.
Hymn Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
and with fear and trembling stand;
ponder nothing earthly-minded,
for with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
our full homage to demand.
“Let All Mortal Flesh”
Rank on rank the host of heaven
spreads its vanguard on the way,
as the Light of light descendeth
from the realms of endless day,
that the powers of hell may vanish
as the darkness clears away.
At His feet the six-winged seraph,
cherubim, with sleepless eye,
veil their faces to the presence,
as with ceaseless voice they cry:
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Lord Most High!
worship service
King of kings, yet born of Mary,
as of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords, in human vesture,
in the body and the blood;
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heavenly food.
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“Joy in All Things” (Wind Symphony)
P: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen and preserve
you in body and soul to life everlasting. Depart T in peace.
C: Amen.
P: Let us pray.
We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us
through this salutary gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You
would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and fervent
love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
C: Amen.
P: The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with favor and T give you peace.
C: Amen.
Closing Hymn
“The Church’s One Foundation”
The Church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ, her Lord;
She is His new creation
By water and the Word.
From heav’n He came and sought her
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
Elect from ev’ry nation,
Yet one o’er all the earth;
Her charter of salvation:
One Lord, one faith, one birth.
One holy name she blesses,
Partakes one holy food,
And to one hope she presses
With ev’ry grace endued.
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”
Though with a scornful wonder
The world sees her oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder,
By heresies distressed,
Yet saints their watch are keeping;
Their cry goes up, “How long?”
And soon the night of weeping
Shall be the morn of song.
Through toil and tribulation
And tumult of her war
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore
Till with the vision glorious
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great Church victorious
Shall be the Church at rest.
Yet she on earth has union
With God, the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won.
O blessèd heav’nly chorus!
Lord, save us by Your grace
That we, like saints before us,
May see You face to face.
worship service
T Soli Deo Gloria T
In Christ Alone
Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. Copright © 2001 Thankyou Music.
Adm. EMI Christian Music Publishing. Used with permission. CCLI
Jesus Messiah
Daniel Carson, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves, Chris Tomlin. Copyright ©
2008 Sixsteps Music Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing. Used with
permission. CCLI #508491.
This is The Feast
Divine Service, Setting One from Lutheran Service Book.
Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
We Believe
Richie Fike, Matthew Hooper, Travis Ryan. Copyright © 2013. Integrity
Worship Music Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (IMI). CCLI #508491.
What is This Bread?
Kurt von Kampen Copyright © 1991. Fred and Jean Baue. CCLI #508491.
worship acknowledgments
Worship Acknowledgments:
Worship Directors: Rev. Ron Roma & Rev. Matthew Clark
Worship Manager: Allen Loesel
Video Design, Staging, Processional and Art: Rev. Steve Roma
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
Presiding Minister: Rev. Bart Day
Assisting Minister: Rev. Warren L. Lattimore
Choir Director: Dr. Kurt von Kampen
Wind Symphony Director: Dr. Richard Fischer
Gathering House Band: Adam Countryman
Choreographer: Diane Wardenburg
Technical Producer: Kurt Bickel
Technical Director: Rev. Steve Benson
Banner Bearers: Concordia, Kirkwood, MO; Immanuel, St. Charles, MO;
Ascension, St. Louis, MO
Assisting: Holy Cross Lutheran, Clayton, N.C.
Sponsoring Congregation: Saint Paul NE Lutheran Church, New Orleans
Communion Coordinators: Rev. Matthew Clark & Rev. Tom Roma
Procession Coordinators: Pamela Loesel & Cindy Roma
Altar Guild: New Orleans congregations and schools
Music Composers: Matthew Machemer, Reber Clark
Music Transcriber: Benjamin Culli, Jeremy Bankson
Video: Inspirmedia Ministries, Lincoln, NE
Audio: Special Event Services, Winston-Salem, NC
Gathering HelpLine: 504-670-4400 or text 69050 with keyword “NYG”