PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA V DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name Date of birth : : Title : _________PORTABLE POTENTIOSTAT_______________ __________________________________________________ Academic Session _________STEFFI MIT ANAK ANGIE ________________ ___________3 SEPTEMBER 1988___________________ : _______________2010/2011_________________________ I declare that this thesis is classified as : CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. _______________________ ________________________ SIGNATURE 880903-13-5116 SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR __ ( NEW IC.NO/ PASSPORT NO) Date : 9 MAY 2011 NOTES : * ___ DR. LEOW PEI LING____ NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date : 9 MAY 2011 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. ― I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the purpose of awarding a Bachelor‘s Degree of Electrical Engineering (Control and Instrumentation ).‖ Signature : ……………………………. Name of Supervisor : DR. LEOW PEI LING Date : 9 MAY 2011 PORTABLE POTENTIOSTAT STEFFI MIT ANAK ANGIE This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Control and Instrumentation) FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA MAY 2011 ―I declare that this thesis entitled ― PORTABLE POTENTIOSTAT ” is the results of my own research except as cited the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently candidate of any other degree.‖ Signature :........................................... Author‘s Name :STEFFI MIT ANAK ANGIE Date : 9 MAY 2011 Dedication Dedicated to my beloved parents Mr. Angie Anak Slat and his wife , And Mdm Riaw anak Ningkang and her husband. Respectful sisters , Mdm Shirley Wride Anak Angie and her husband, Mdm Ursula Umie Anak Angie and her husband, Youngest Brother , Ezra Seran Anak Angie, Thank you for the prayer,support and love That you give me along in my journey Not forgotten to my dearest one, Anthony Kasrul Anak Pulai Who have always by myself during ups-and downs Thank for everything. Thank you for all lecturers in Department of Control and Instrumentation Especially to my beloved supervisor , Dr. Leow Pei Ling , For the her continues support , encouraged, guidance, and inspired me throughout my journey in education Last but not least to my fellow friends SEI and GIFT , Thank for everything ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of God the most gracious the most merciful.Thanks to Almighty God for the gracious blessings that I finally completed my final year project entitled potentiostat .First of all , I would also like to express my gratitude to all who had helped and give me guidance during my time of completing this project. I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to my supervisor, Dr.Leow Pei Ling , Dr.Fauzan Che Harun and my labmate , Nor Baizura Mohd Noordin for all the guidance ,idea and knowledge that their had given me throughout the year in completing the project. My project would not be carried out smoothly without the continuing support and encouragement given by lectures , course mates , and technicians. Finally the most important is my family .The continuous support they had given to me throughout the four years study in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had became my strength and motivation to completed my final year project . Thank you. ABSTRAK Penggunaan instrumen kimia adalah peranti yang sangat umum untuk mengukur di makmal. Terdapat beberapa alat elektronik seperti potensiostat digunakan untuk mengukur keluaran isyarat analog. Alatan instrument ini boleh diklasifikasikan mengikut jumlah penggunaan voltan dan arus yang digunakan. Alat pengukuran juga dapat diklasifikasikan mengikut kuantiti diukur dengan instrumen serta prinsip operasi potensiostat. Projek ini merupakan skala berkadar kecil dimana pembuatan terdiri daripada op amp yang akan digunakan sebagai pengikut voltan dan penukar arus-voltan. Penggunaan GUI dapat membantu pengambilalihan data dan sangat mudah untuk menganalisis data. Dalam projek ini, perisian LabVIEW akan digunakan sebagai alat perhubungan antara peranti dan perisian. Perisian ini juga dapat mengawal voltan yang akan dikendalikan melalui peranti National Instrument. Keputusan yang diperolehi sangat berguna untuk memerhati aliran arus dalam komponen bahan yang tidak diketahui bergantung kepada tindakan kimia Redoks . ABSTRACT The use of chemical instrument is a very common devices to measure in the laboratory . There are various electronic instruments such as potentiostat to measure signal analog instruments. And even they are classified according to the utilization of voltage and current used. Measuring instruments are classified according to both the quantity measured by the instrument as well the principle of operation of potentiostat. This project is a small scale design which consists of op amp that will used as voltage follower and current- voltage converter . The used of GUI could help data acquisition and direct easy to analyse the data . In this project, the LabVIEW software will be use as the tool to perform as a driver. This National Instruemnt driver will control the voltage to be operated through the interface card. The results obtained are useful for the online monitoring of current flow in unknown substance component depend on Redox reaction. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER TITLE PAGES TITLE i DECLARATION OF THESIS ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRAK v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background Of Study 1 1.2 Objectives Of Project 2 1.3 Scopes Of Project 3 1.4 Report Outline 3 1.5 Summary Of Work 4 II III LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 History of Potentiostat 5 2.2 Working Principle Of Potentiostat 6 2.3 Interfacing Method 8 2.4 Cyclic Voltammetry 10 2.5 Summary 13 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 14 3.1 Introduction 14 3.2 Flow Chart of Methodology 14 3.3 Potentiostat Setup 15 3.4 Hardware Implementation 18 3.4.1 LM 741 Operational Amplifier 18 3.4.2 Potentiostat Circuit 20 3.4.3 Ag| AgCl Sensor Electrodes 21 3.4.4 National Instrument DAQ 6009 23 Software Implementation 27 3.5 3.5.1 National Instrument LabVIEW TM 8.2 Software 3.5.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Cyclic Voltanmetry 1 27 28 28 for Verifying Potentiostant Circuit Function Generator Triangular 29 Voltage Waveform Scan Data for Cyclic Voltanmmetry 3.6 Summary 32 IV EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 33 4.1 Introduction 33 4.2 Experiment Procedure 34 4.2.1 Consideration Prior to Beginning 34 Experiment 4.2.2 Instrument Start Up Procedure 35 4.2.3 Preparing the Instrument for 36 Measurement 4.2.4 General Steps for Making Measurement 36 4.3 V VI 4.2.5 Data Handling 37 4.2.6 Instrument Shut – Down Procedure 37 Summary 37 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 38 5.1 Introduction 38 5.2 Potentiostat Circuit Verification 39 5.3 Vitamin C 42 5.4 Glucose 46 5.5 Discussions 49 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 50 6.1 Introduction 50 6.2 Conclusions 51 6.3 Problems Happened During Project Accomplish 51 6.4 Recommendations For Further Project 52 REFERENCES 53 APPENDICES 55 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Gantt chart 4 2.1 i-E Curve Of Cyclic Voltammetry Measurements With 11 Varying Scan Rates 3.1 Flow Chart Project Design And Development 15 3.2 Setup For The Potentiostat System 16 3.3 Hardware And Software Interface 17 3.4 Feedback System Of Potentiostat 17 3.5 LM741 Op Amp 19 3.6 2 Op Amp Potentiostat Circuit Layout 20 3.7 2 Op Amp Potentiostat Circuit 20 3.8 Test Strip Electrode Consist Of A Platinum 22 Working Electrode, A Platinum Counter Electrode And A Silver Reference Electrode. 3.9 Cable Connected For Test Strip Electrode To Potentiostat Circuit 22 3.10 Crocodile Clip Attached From Cable Connected For 23 Test Strip Electrode 3.11 DAQmx Data Acquisition 24 3.12 National Instrument 6009 Device 24 3.13 National Instrument 6009 Device Block Diagram 25 3.14 Block Diagram For Verifying Potentiostat Circuit 28 3.15 Front Panel For Verifying Potentiostat Circuit 29 3.16 Block Diagram Triangular Voltage Generator 30 3.17 Front Panel Triangular Voltage Generator 30 3.18 Block Diagram Full Scan 31 3.19 Front Panel Full Scan 32 4.1 Photograph of experimental setup using 33 (a) DAQmx NI 6009 ,(b) potentiostat circuit , (c) electrode sensor and (d) Front Panel GUI 5.1 4.2 A Block Diagram Of Input And Output Of Cyclic 34 Voltammeter 4.3 Dummy Cell for Circuit Verification 35 5. A Typical Voltage Waveform As Applied To A Cv Cell 39 5.2 i-t Curve Of Dummy Cell 40 5.3 i-t Curve Of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ) Immersed 41 In Distillled Water. 5.4 V-t Curve For Vitamin C In Distilled Water 42 5.5 i-t Curve For Vitamin C In Distilled Water 43 5.6 i-E Curve For Cyclic Voltammetry Measurements 44 Vitamin C In Distillation Water Plotted Based On The Data Collected. (V= 90mv) 5.7 Chemical Equation Redox Reaction Of Vitamin C 45 5.8 V-t Curve For Glucose In Distilled Water 46 5.9 i-t Curve For Glucose In Distilled Water 47 5.10 i-E curve for cyclic voltammetry measurements 48 glucose in distilled water plotted based on the data collected. ( V=55mV redox potential) LIST OF TABLES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 3.1 Specification of op amp 18 3.2 Signal Description Pin connection of NI 25 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A - Ampere A - Electrode area A/div - Ampere per Division CE - Counter Electrode C - Concentration of reactingspecies D - Diffusion coefficient DC - Direct Current GCE - Grounded Counter Electrode‘ GUI - Graphical User Interface ip - Peak current I/O - Input/ Output MΩ - Mega Ohm mA - miliAmpere mL - mili Litter NI - National Instruments n - Number of electrons involved Op Amp - Operational Amplifier PC - Personal Computer RE - Reference Electrode V - Volt v - Scan rate VI - Virtual Instrument WE - Working Electrode USB - Universal Serial Buses LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE i-E for cyclic voltammetry measurements PAGE 55 vitamin C in distilled water B i-E for cyclic voltammetry measurements 56 glucose in distilled water C User Guide And Specifications USB 6008/6009 57 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study There are a lot of studies that have been done in order to improve potentiostat design to allow better performance in electrochemical reactions data acquisition. In this century, this method has been widely used in industry laboratories especially in physical ,chemistry and biology (Jin, Wang et al. 2009). Potentiostat are routinely researching the study of electrochemical system in particular item from the crucial measurement instrument component of electrochemical reaction based on detection system for chemical, physical and biological sensor. Development of detection system in process automation chemical industries(Jin, Wang et al. 2009), industrial electrochemical instruments are needed to obtain specific static characteristics such as accuracy, precision and sensitivity; in which this instrument will be used for standard industrial communication protocols(Jin, Wang et al. 2009). In operation, potentiostat is an electronic instrument used for controlling a three plate electrode cells consists of a working electrode, a counter electrode and a reference electrode. This instrument is mostly used in electroanalytical experiments. The main function of the system is to maintain the potential voltage of working electrode at constant level based on the reference electrode by adjusting the current flow at auxiliary electrode. The design of the device consists of an electric circuit which is usually described in terms of simple operational amplifiers (op –amp). There are a variety of potentiostat models for application in various fields. Potentiostat is widely used in electroanalytical techniques to identify , quantify and characterize Redox potential(Yarnitzky 2000) .Furthermore this device is recently used to measure species such as inorganic , organic, and biochemical . (Gopinath et al, 2004) 1.2 Objectives of Project The main cores of this project are: i. To design the electronics circuit for potentiostat by using op-amps for general laboratory measurement in electrochemistry. ii. To enable obtaining real time data acquisition using computer that communicate through Universal Series Bus (USB). iii. To develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) for potentiostatic control and to allow the interaction with potentiostat. 1.3 Scopes of Project The scopes of the project include a review of: i. Design the electronic circuit for potentiostat ii. Build the Graphical User Interface (GUI) using NI Lab VIEW for measurement of data acquisition and display. iii. Both the circuitry and virtual instrument controlled unit are connected to create bi-communicate between hardware and the software. 1.4 Report Outline This thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, it discusses the objective and the scope of this project as well as the summary of works. Chapter 2 discusses more on the theory and literature reviews regarding the research and development of potentiostat. In Chapter 3, the discussion is on the methodology for hardware and software implementation of this project. In Chapter 4, an experimental setup is explained and discussed. The result and discussion of this project are presented in Chapter 5. Last but not least, Chapter 6 discusses the conclusion of this project; problems arise during the project accomplishment and recommendation for future work. 1.5 Summary of work Implementation and works of the project are summarized into the flow chart as shown in Figure 1 .1 Gantt charts. No. 1 Activity July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Literature review Design 2 circuit with MultiSIM software Develop Graphical User 3 Interface (GUI) for potentiostatic control Enable obtaining 4 real time data acquisition 5 6 7 Data analysis Data verification Report Figure 1.1 Gantt charts Jan Feb Mar Apr May CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 History of Potentiostat For over 60 years, a number of successful potentiostat designs have been renewed and implemented using different technique. In 1942, A. Hickling invented the idea of automatic system to control the working electrode of potentiostat and this electronic device was successfully created and named as potentiostat. (Hickling 1961). Researchers have accentuated high precision, stable, rugged and even smaller design of potentiostats that even can be used for on-site measurement (Gopinath et al, 2004) in various fields. 2.2 Working principle of potentiostat Basically, the working principle of potentiostat is to control the potential voltage difference between a working electrode (WE) and reference electrode (RE) and these two sensors are the basic components of electrochemical sensor. While the potentiostat controls the electrochemical reaction, another function of counter electrode (CE) is to act as the medium of injecting currents into the sensor. Combinations of these two definitions showed that the potentiostat has two tasks. Initially, the working principle of potentiostat is to measure the potential difference between the working electrode (WE) and the reference electrode (RE) without polarizing the reference electrode and then the process proceed by comparing the potential difference with a present of voltage using op - amp. Secondly, it injects current flowing from counter electrode (CE) to a working electrode (WE) in order to neutralize the difference between the present voltage and the existing working electrode (WE) potential. The controlled variable in the potentiostat is the sensor preset voltage. Such an approach of the two task of potentiostat is usually used to measure the amperometric (Huang, Syu et al. 2007) that is relating to a chemical titration in which the measure the capacity of the electric current flowing under an applied potential difference between two electrodes. Hence, this measurement can be also used to measure the solution to detect the end point of signal applied. All potentiostats that have been invent and operate successfully on the same general principle in that the potential difference between the working electrode and a suitable reference electrode is continually compared with a voltage originally from a potentiometer (Hickling 1961) . Working principle of ammeter and voltmeter related to potentiostat by combined them in single device. According to (A.T.K 1973) , potentiostat is most important instrument device and in apart from the ammeters and voltmeters which are working just likes ―eyes and ears‖. An ideal general use of devices inside laboratories should be sensitive to the changes such as potential shift in the range voltage varying 0.01 V or less . In the same time it should be capable in controlling currents varying 10 -6 to at least 10 A (Hickling 1961) . Basically, the voltage to be control by potentiostat need require adjustment other that setting the potentiometer current. The potential inside the solution as sensed by reference electrode (RE) is compared and analyze with applied differential of voltage potential by mean of an operational amplifier (Hickling 1961) which allow a counter electrode(RE) to a potential required for maintaining the applied potential at point of contact at reference electrode with the chemical solution . (Yarnitzky 2000). From the previous paper of Hickling and Yarnitzky, comparing between potential of solution and applied potential is depend in several potentiostat configuration have been proposed. From the design of potentiostat circuitry done by both researchers , different potentiostatic circuits and current measuring devices can be designed and can be improved using different circuit based on what chemical solution might been tested . (WM.Schearz et al 1963). Previous author, Chaim N. Yarnitzy used ‗Grounded Counter Electrode‘ (GCE) potentiostat address all problems where the potential inside the solution contiguous to the surface of the working electrode (WE) can‘t be controlled directly by a common counter electrode (CE) due to the sensitivity of counter electrode (CE). By using GCE potentiostat, it allows simple potential control of any working electrode (WE)versus a reference electrode (RE) located behind it . GCE potentiostat much more complicated when a reference electrode (RE) comprises every working electrode is employed .To prevent this problem reference electrode will be grounded and this connection will more easy to connect to other instruments or a computer. 2.3 Interfacing method Bus power data acquisition for USB using NI LabVIEW is one of the medium to interface between hardware and software and enable to obtain real time data acquisition to communicate with potentiostat through USB. It is low cost device and bus- powered NI data acquisition products to feature high performance multifunction in different circuits. NI M Series capable function without external power supply and allows high-speed data streaming across the USB cables to the PC. Data acquisition that obtains using LabVIEW is the process of sampling of real world physical conditions and conversion of the resulting samples into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer. Serial data interface has been reported in literature with specific example using RS232 serial data transfer interface (Huang, Syu et al. 2007) were they managed to construct a portable potentiostat as specific sensor for detect bilirubin. Another serial data interface has been reported in (Sheu and Huang 2007) which again features the use of EZ-USB , the PC Driver as general purposes is applied . The GPD is a general use device driver suitable for interfacing method between PCs and an EZ-USB- based on peripheral. In the same time it is providing a user mode as a medium interfacing for common USB device requests and data transfer. Another paper has been published with example QuickBASIC software environment (Fang, McGrath et al. 1995).This design is based on the usage of common reference and counter electrodes to decrease the complex of the electrode arrangement.. Fang, McGrath et al. create software for instrument controlled such as data display in the 3 D formats. This the same time this device can be run on-line and post-run data processing to analyze. The storage has been developed to keep the data using the QuickBASIC software environment. By using data display in 3 Dimension (3-D), user can interface use a Windows style display. This instrument is easy to control and achieve user friendliness with an on-line help facility. This method data is stored in a spreadsheet compatible format (ASCII with ‗0‖ column delimiter) to facilitate postrun processing with standard applications packages such as Microsoft EXCEL.(Fang, McGrath et al. 1995) . (Kounaves and Lu 1992) used original Microsoft QuickBASIC software. For more faster operation and easier to portable to PC, this programmed was recently also rewritten in Microsoft QuickC. By using of this software, programmed can easily be modified to provide platform to create an user-friendly control of the PAR 273 potentiostat for more than one PC can controlling the electrochemical experiments to require display of 3-D or 2-D data signal. They combined a technique required the faster data acquisition of electrochemical data through a specific computer control the potentiostat .The realtime display for data acquisition can be obtain . Directly for the data, the programmed could process electrochemical experiment. The form of result present in a 3-D of chromatovoltammographic data using an IBM PS/2 and PAR model 273 potentiostat. 2.4 Cyclic voltammetry Currently the electronic instrumentation now day available are commercial devices. Most of the potentiostat devices are expensive. Trends to commercialize the electrochemical instrumentation toward multifunctional device generally limit very rapid . Hence, it is preferable to use a specific designed instrument which avoids the problem in multipurpose use . (Cummings, Jensen et al. 1978). A potentiostat is widely used for a research in electroanalytical techniques including cyclic voltammetry. In cyclic voltammetry, the potentiostat apply the working electrode a certain voltage which rapidly changes linearly with time .(Cummings, Jensen et al. 1978). Figure 2.1 show the scan rate of cyclic voltammetry measurement. An anode and cathode peak curve show the potential is defined by the activities of Redox at the electrode surface where the depletion have taken place. Figure 2.1: i-E curve of cyclic voltammetry measurements with varying scan rates Consider an electrochemical reaction at an electrode works as sensor, conventionally it written as reduction (Basil H. Vassoset al 1993) : (Ox)work + n e- (Red )work (1) When the solution component is electrolyzed means oxidized and reduced process happened in the same time by placing the chemical solution in contact with electrodes. As the result, this process making the surface sufficiently positive or negative. The current are given depends in the initial voltage, the scan tare and the time can be analyzed in detail. (R.N Adams et al 1969). A important parameter is the peak current given by the equation (R.S.Nicholson et al 1964) : ip = (Const) n 2/3 A D ½ C v ½ ip = Peak current n = Number of electrons involved A = Electrode area D = Diffusion coefficient C= Concentration of reacting species v = Scan rate (2) 2.5 Summary Summary of work for this chapter is to explain more the past work that had done by other researchers. Different scope that had been done in term of interfacing method. Although the interfacing method was different, but the working principle of potentiostat remain the same. In cyclic voltammetry measurement with different scan rates, the results from peak current can be analyzed and the values of peak current depend on component inside the solution. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter will discuss about the procedures and the techniques used along this project. Besides that, experiment set-up and the major equipment for data interface are also described 3.2 Flow Chart of Methodology Figure 3.1 shows the flow chart of progress of final year project . Its shows the step needed to complete this research. Start Literature Review Hardware Design Software Design Hardware Iimplementation NO NO Satisfy Analysis Finish Figure 3.1 : Flow chart project design and development 3.3 Potentiostat Setup The function of cyclic voltammetric techniques is to analyze electro-chemical active Redox chemical species. There are two interfaces processes happened .The first interfaces is used to apply the triangular voltage waveform from function generator to the electrochemical cell .The second interface is used to apply analyze the current through the electrochemical cell. The block diagram of the potentiostat set-up is presented in Figure 3.2. A personal computer with an acquisition board (National Instruments 6009) is used to control the voltages applied to the electrochemical cell and to measure the current flowing through the cell. Another function accomplished is the digital control of the output and input scale. Figure 3.2 : Setup for the potentiostat system Figure 3.3 shows the picture of the project. The project is divides into two parts that are software and hardware implementation. Each part of the project will discuss in the following section. The op-amp circuitry provides the interface between the NI LabVIEW and sensor electrodes. Figure 3.3: Hardware and Software Interface Controller Sensor Final Element Process Outputs Inputs Figure 3.4 : Feedback system of Potentiostat Figure 3.4 shows the feedback system of potentiostat for the control system and appear into three basic elements. Input of the system is triangular voltage while the output of the potentiostat system is current. An Ag|AgCl electrode reacts as sensor. Control panel in graphical user interface (GUI) react as controller of the system. Overall for the system is LabVIEW software which control based on the real time. Final element to obtain measurement element is cyclic voltammetry. Both the circuitry and virtual instrument such as power supply, function generator and oscilloscope can be control in one system and connected to create bicommunicate between hardware and the software 3.4 Hardware Implementation This section will discuss about components that had been used included, LM741 operational amplifier, test strip electrode sensor and National Instrument 6009. 3.4.1 LM 741 Operational Amplifier The LM741 series are general purpose operational amplifiers which feature improved performance over industry standards like the LM709. They are direct, plugin replacements for the 709C, LM201, MC1439 and 748 in most applications. The amplifiers offer many features which make their application nearly foolproof overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common mode range is exceeded, as well as freedom from oscillations. The LM741C is identical to the LM741/LM741A except that the LM741C has their performance guaranteed over a 0°C to +70°C temperature range, instead of −55°C to +125°C. Cyclic voltammetry requires two simple operational amplifier (op amp) circuits. This potentiostat construct by using inexpensive and robust LM741 operational amplifier chips. A pin diagram of the 741 chip is shown below. Figure 3.3 is the standard triangle notation for each op amp has connections corresponding to the pins 2 and pin 3 as an inputs while pin 6 as an output. . A ±15 V power supply not shown in Figure 3.4 must supply -15 V to pin 4 while +15 V to pin 7 on each 741 chip. The specification of the op amp is shown in Table 3.1 Figure 3.5 : LM741 Op Amp Table 3.1 : Specification of the Op Amp Manufacturer National Semiconductor Input Voltage 15V Power Dissipation 500mW Type LM741 3.4.2 Potentiostat Circuit V CC VEE 5V 7 AO1 + 1 5 U1 3 6 AE 2 AO1 - LM741CH 4 4 AI1 - U2 2 AI1 + RE WE 6 3 5 1 7 LM741CH R1 National Instrument 6009 Device 51k Ω C1 47µF Figure 3.6 : 2 Op Amp potentiostat circuit layout Based on Table 3.2 , AO1 + , AO1- , AI1 + and AI- will be connected on DAQmx device. VCC will be connected to +5 V pin power supply on DAQmx. VEE will be connected to Ground pin. Figure 3.7 : 2 Op Amp potentiostat circuit 0V Figure 3.6 show the design layout of two op amp circuits required for the cyclic voltammetry experiment. Figure 3.7 show the potentiostat circuit on PCB board. 3.4.3 Ag|AgCl Sensor Electrodes The surfaces of working electrode are the platform where the electrode transfer electron occurs. The counter electrode is usually a sacrificial electrode that purely serves to complete the circuit. The surface area of counter platinum electrode is larger compared to the platinum-working electrode so as to avoid the current limit at the working electrode by the counter electrode Figure 3.8 show the Ag|AgCl sensor electrodes will react directly sensor because it is invasive contact with chemical reaction. The reference electrode is used to produce a constant potential in the electrochemical cell. In high precision, the production of potential energy will against the other potentials and the value may be determined. Electrodes are static and sit in unstirred solutions during cyclic voltammetry. The rate of electron transfer at the surface of the electrode can be related to the electrochemical activity of the chemical species concentration levels and diffusion rates. It is good to note that the transfer of charge occurs only at the surface of the electrode and only if the molecules are present near the surface. Figure 3.8 : Test strip electrode consist of a platinum working electrode, a platinum counter electrode and a silver reference electrode. Figure 3.9 : Cable connected for test strip electrode to potentiostat circuit. Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 show the cable connections between potentiostat circuit and electrode. Figure 3.10: Crocodile clip attached from cable connected for test strip electrode Before begin the experiment, make sure the test strip connection is clean from any dust. The crocodile clip will attach to WE, CE and RE based on pin on potentiostat circuitry. The usage of this cable, crocodile clip and electrode will be discussed on Chapter 4, experimental setup. 3.4.4 National Instrument DAQ 6009 NI DAQ driver sustain the connection between LabVIEW software and NI data acquisition. It is used to communicate with potentiostat circuitry .Figure 3.11 show list of data acquisition icons that can obtained from functions palette for DAQmx. Different kind of function can be obtain and each routine corresponds to a programmatic operation such as configuring, reading from, writing to, and triggering the instrument. Figure 3.12 show a instrument driver NI 6009 d is a part of system which use for bi-communicate between hardware and the software routines that control a programmable instrument. Figure 3.11 : DAQmx data acquisition Figure 3.12: National Instrument 6009 Device The following block diagram shows on Figure 3.13 as key functional components of the USB-6008/6009. Figure 3.13: National Instrument 6009 device block diagram The following table is the single available on the pin connection of NI 6009 for potentiostat circuit. Table 3.2 : Signal description pin connection of National Instrument 6009 Signal Reference Direction Description Name GND Ground—The reference point for the single-ended AI measurements, bias current return point for differential mode measurements, AO voltages, digital signals at the I/O connector, +5 VDC supply, and the +2.5 VDC reference AI <0.7> Varies Input Analog Input Channels 0 to 7—For single-ended measurements, each signal is an analog input voltage channel. For differential measurements, AI 0 and AI 4 are the positive and negative inputs of differential analog input channel 0. The following signal pairs also form differential input channels: <AI 1, AI 5>, <AI 2, AI 6>, and <AI 3,AI 7> AO 0 GND Output Analog Channel 0 Output—Supplies the voltage output of AO channel 0. AO 1 GND Output Analog Channel 1 Output—Supplies the voltage output of AO channel 1. +5 V GND Output +5 V Power Source—Provides +5 V power up to 200 mA. This is list of pin connection use in potentiostat circuit . The power supply +5V can be supply directly from DAQmx . The connection of every pin must be firm. Further references using NI6009 DAQmx can be refer to Appendix C . 3.5 Software Implementation For software implementation, LabVIEW is used to controller in graphical assembly language. Besides, MultiSIM is used for preliminary circuits design to create potentiostat. 3.5.1 National Instrument LabVIEW TM 8.2 Software NI LabVIEW software has a ability to connect and interact with potentiostat. By using LabVIEW software, it can control the driving voltage and to measure the output current response The third party instrument that is potentiostat make easy an acquiring data. The instrument drivers can make instrument straight forward to control . The use of LabVIEW can eliminate the need to learn the programming protocol because this software is graphical computer language to interact between hardware and software. The front panel is built by inserting the appropriate controls and indicators in a drag-and-drop manner on the front panel frame, the block diagram, i.e. the part of the VI in which the actual programming is carried out. The LabVIEW programs runs based on cyclic voltammetry by using application of triangular voltage potential time waveform from the one output channel and data collects from the resulting current response of the system through a current to voltage. It uses an I/O device such as an NI USB-6009 to generate a triangular waveform output which is applied to the external input of the potentiostat. 3.5.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) A LabVIEW software consists of two main parts which is a block diagram and a graphical user interface (GUI). Cyclic Voltanmetry 1 for Verifying Potentiostant Circuit A block diagram for Figure 3.14 is a window where the code is developed. Whereas the front panel in Figure 3.15 is a GUI that allows user to customize it with objects like graphs, and control the sample and amplitude. Figure 3.14 : Block diagram for verifying potentiostat circuit Figure 3.15: Front panel for verifying potentiostat circuit Function Generator Triangular Voltage Waveform Function generator for triangular voltage waveform si the most important part in this program. A block diagram in Figure 3.16 is a window where the function generator of triangular voltage wavefrom . Whereas the front panel in Figure 3.15 is a window that require to control the number of sample ,amplitude, switching 1 and 2 , intial and final potential and scan rate The data of input and output wavefrom can be customize on the graph based on Figure 3.17. This triangular waveform will plug in analog input AI 1 at DAQmx. These are passed through the program An advanced user could modify this VI to make more than one cycle possible, and to incorporate separate initial and final potentials. Figure 3.16 :Block diagram triangular voltage generator Figure 3.17 :Front panel triangular voltage generator Scan Data for Cyclic Voltanmmetry A block diagram in Figure 3.18 is a scan data for cyclic voltanmetry where the function generator of triangular voltage wavefrom at AI 1 and output current obtain AO. The front panel in Figure 3.19 is a window that require to control the number of sample ,amplitude, switching 1 and 2 , intial and final potential and scan rate. The data of input and output wavefrom can be customize on the graph based on Figure 3.17. The data collected and plotted on graph. Figure 3.18:Block diagram full scan Figure 3.19 :Front panel full scan 3.6 Summary Summary of work for this chapter is to discussed more in methodology especially in devices and equipments that had been selected and will be use for experimental setup to obtain data. Next chapter will be explained more how this experiment will be conducted. CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, experimental setup will be discussed especially how the potentiostat circuit , NI 6009 DAQmx , electrode sensor connection and software setup to obtain the data acquisition.The experimental setup is illustrated in Figure 4.1. (a)DAQmx 6009 NI (b)Potentiostat Circuit (d)Front Panel GUI (c)Electrode Sensor Figure 4.1 : Photograph of experimental setup using (a) DAQmx NI 6009 (b) potentiostat circuit , (c) electrode sensor and (d) Front Panel GUI W R C Input Electrodes Output Figure 4.2 : A block diagram of input and output of cyclic voltammeter 4.2 Experiment Procedure In this section extra information about cyclic voltammetry process and the voltage monitoring experimental setup is presented. 4.2.1 Considerations Prior to Beginning Experiment Cyclic voltammetry requires the use of a working (gold), reference (often Ag|AgCl) and counter (platinum) electrodes. Be sure to use the appropriate electrode materials in experiment. Experiments are generally run in solutions that is maintained using a supporting electrolyte. Prepare the dummy cell show on Figure 4.3 which is use for circuit verfication. Prepare the 20ml of vitamic C and glucose for next step of experiment. Both solution is carefully prepared separately by using different cup. R1 R2 R3 10k Ω 10k Ω 10k Ω C1 4.7µF Working Electrode Counter Electrode Reference Electrode Figure 4.3 : Dummy cell for circuit verfication Based on Figure 4.3, potentiostat was tested with a resistor–capacitor dummy cell connected to its outlets. The verification of circuit use combination on series resistor- capacitor because it can create similar wave with the output response i-E. 4.2.2 Instrument Start-up Procedure Ensure that the DAQmx plugged in to a USB port on the computer.DAQmx NI 6009 run through Measurement and Automation Software to verify the Analog Out (AO) and Analog Input (AI) which one is used for measurement. Before begin an experiment on Vitamin C and Glucose, potentiostat will be test on dummy cell with consist of series of capacitor and resistors. Once the response on dummy cell satisfied the output response , the real experiment on vitamin C and glucose will be proceed. 4.2.3 Preparing the Instrument for a Measurement The test strip electrode place at the end of cable carefully to obtain good result and reduce any movement of electrode during the experiment begin. All connection between DAQmx and wires from potentiostat must be tied . Make sure no short circuit happened . 4.2.4 General Steps for Making a Measurement To prepare the instrument for a specific experiment it will be necessary to adjust the control the number of sample ,amplitude, switching 1 and 2 , intial and final potential and scan rate. Once all values have been set, click on Run to continue. The most common values that are changed are: I. The intial and final potential setting determines the starting potential for the waveform. II. The scan rate setting determines the scan rate for the voltammogram. III. The Switching 1 and 2 setting determines the maximum positive and negative potentials thatthe potentiostat can produce. A setting of 1V or 2V is typical. 4.2.5 Data Handling 4.2.6 Saving data using File - Save of File – Save As command. Peak potential and peak current can be determine using the cursor. The data will be plotting using Mircosoft Excel. Instrument Shut-Down Procedure Be sure that all electrodes have been disconnected and power the instrument off. 4.3 Summary Summary of work for this chapter is to explain more in produces of experiment and precaution during the experiment conduct. Summary of work for this chapter is to discussed more in methodology especially in devices and equipments that had been selected and will be use for experimental setup to obtain data. Next chapter will be explained more how this experiment will be conducted. CHAPTER 5 RESULT AND DISSCUSSION 5.1 Introduction In this section, the experiments conducted to measure the redox activites such as dummy cell , vitamin C and glucose using potentiostat system with the results and discussions are presented. The potentiostat testing was carried out by applying cyclic voltammetric technique on two type of solution had been measured : ascorbic acid and glucose. An electrode sensor was tested with ascorbic acid and glucose immersed inside distilled water. The solutions were tested at 1 mV /s (volts/second) scan rate and the triangular voltage was varied between + 1.5V and 0 V. The triangular voltage waveform applied between the reference and working electrode is updated and the current readings are taken every time the voltage is updated. Figure 5.1 show the input of triangular waveform when amplitude of voltage is 1 V and number of sample is 64. Figure 5.1 : A typical voltage waveform as applied to a CV cell 5.2 Potentiostat circuit verification The potentiostat testing was carried out by applying cyclic voltammetric technique on various type of testing example. The design of in LabVIEW had been tested for the early stage of experiment to verify the potentiostat circuit either the device works or not. The verification of potentiostat goes using dummy cell . Dummy cell contained 10 M Ω resistor . Figure 5.2 show the triangular wave current versus time for dummy cell. As the result , the potentiostat work according to triangular wave It is a good idea to use a resistor as a dummy cell to test the performance of the potentiostat to make sure it doesn‘t distort data at high scan rates. The working electrode lead can be attached to one end of the resistor, and the counter electrode and the reference electrode are both attached to the other end of the resistor.Good data will be straight lines which follow Ohm‘s Law. . Figure 5.2 : i-t curve of dummy cell . Experiment proceed for the measurement Vitamin C and glucose in distilled water . Figure 5.3 show the output current versus time for vitamin C once it immersed into distilled water . After the measurement system was properly checked and tested, it was used for sensor measuring by the cyclic voltampere method Figure 5.3 :i-t curve of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C ) immersed in distillled water. 5.3 Vitamin C Figure 5.4 shows the graph of half cycle voltage applied to potentiostat versus time . Graph voltage versus time 140 Voltage(mV) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time(s) Figure 5.4 : V-t curve for vitamin C in distilled water From the graph it can be observed that the half cycle of triangular voltage form versus time.The peak of the voltage is 120 mV. Peak time is 25 s. Graph current versus time 250 Current(µA) 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time(s) Figure 5.5: i-t curve for vitamin C in distilled water From the graph it can be observed that the output of current curve versus time.The peak of the value of current is 235 µA when time of electron release is 18 s. Graph current versus voltage 250 Current( µA) 200 150 Anode Slope 100 Cathode Slope 50 0 0 -50 50 100 150 Voltage (mV) Figure 5.6 : i- E curve for cyclic voltammetry measurements vitamin C in distillation water plotted based on the data collected. (V= 90mV) Figure 5.6 shows the i-E curve for cyclic voltammetry measurements vitamin C in distillation water plotted based on the data collected. Figure 5.6 shows the voltammogram of 10 mM ascorbic acid in a distilled water . In this experiment, the scan starts at 0.00 mV (blue) and the working electrode voltage is then increased to + 120 mV. A strong maximum at 90 mV indicates oxidation to dehydroascorbic acid. There the very weak peak at about 95 mV on the red curve shows may be due to the instability of dehydroascorbic acid . Dehydroascorbic acid is not reversible, therefore the smaller peak noticed at about +95 mV on the red curve shows may due to the instability of dehydroascorbic acid and slow kinetics of the reverse half-reaction. (Kissinger et al 1983) The formula for ascorbic acid is C6H8O6 and the structures for the reduced form and for the oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid) are shown below: Figure 5.7 : Chemical equation redox reaction of vitamin C 5.4 Glucose V- t For Glucose in Distilled Water 120 Voltage (mV) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) Figure 5.8: V-t curve for glucose in distilled water From the graph it can be observed that the half cycle of triangular voltage form versus time.The peak of the voltage is 100 mV. Peak time is 21 s. i-t For Glucose in Distilled Water 0.003 Current (µA) 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) Figure 5.9: i-t curve for glucose in distilled water From the graph it can be observed that the output of current curve versus time.The peak of the value of current is 0.0025 µA when time of electron release is 13 s. i-E Curve for Glucose in Distilled Water 0.003 Current(µA) 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 Anode Slope 0.001 Cathode Slope 0.0005 0 0 50 100 150 Voltage (mV) Figure 5.10: i-E curve for cyclic voltammetry measurements glucose in distilled water plotted based on the data collected. ( V=55mV redox potential) Figure 5.10 shows the i-E curve for cyclic voltammetry measurements glucose in distillation water plotted based on the data collected. Figure 5.10 shows the voltammogram of 10 mM glucose in distilled water . It is can be known that a glucose can be easily oxidized when it immersed in the distilled water. In this experiment, the scan starts at 0.00 mV (blue) and the working electrode voltage is then increased to 105 mV. A strong maximum value at 55mV showed as an indicate oxidation activities for glucose. There the no weak peak at cathode slope on the red curve because it may be due to the inrevesible of glucose . From the glucose‘s result , it gives approximately straight lines because it might decompose before the reduction cycle can convert it back. (B.H. Vassos et al 1993). 5.5 Discussions From the result of vitamin C and glucose, the experiment can be discussed due to several aspects. In chemical terms this charge transfer is either oxidation or reduction of the species. Anode slope with blue colour shows oxidation process of the species means that electrons are lost from the molecule . While cathode slope with red colour shows reduction process means that the molecule gains electrons.Two peaks are not equal height , the substance show was not reversibility . Based on literature review a several important parameter such as number of electrons involved in an equation given (R.S.Nicholson et al 1964) when peak current had been obtain and directly can be solved using equation such as detection on how much concentration of reaction species reacted in solution. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Introduction This project has been completed by using LabVIEW 8.2 as a data acquisition to obtain and reconstruction X-Y graph to analyze the project. The main objectives of the project is achieved effectively. Although there were some diffculty but mostly it was due to lack of information about the chemical components and facilities to do the laboratory experiement . This chapter summarizes all the achievement of the project. This chapter also includes the problem happened during the project accomplish recommendations for this project. and future 6.2 Conclusions The first objective is successfully done. An electronics circuit for portable potentiostat by using op amps for laboratory measurement in electrochemistry had been designed . Besides that, the second objective is also successfully done . Real time data acquisition using computer that communicate through Universal Series Bus (USB) had been designed . . The interface was successfully built between the computer and electrode sensor by using the USB 6009 as a medium to connect between hardware and software . The third objective of the project successfully .A Flexible Graphical User Interface (GUI) for potentiostatic control and allow to interact with potentiostat had been developed . For this matter , the input of system can easy change through the modifying control panel of software . 6.3 Problems happened during project accomplish Due to time constrain, the potentiostat can‘t be measured using chemical solution such as Ferri Cyanide because of safety and pre caution reason . However the most difficult part of the project was the actual programming especially to scan the measurement to obtain data i-E curve. The X-Y graph need to redo by plotted again using Microsoft Excel to obtain better result. From here the analyzing data could be done. Limit of time to design the software because a lot of unknown application control panel and it is need time to explore and understand . 6.4 Recommendations for further project The following can be done to improve the work further in future: Potentiostat can be create in a multichannel where as combination of working electrode by using single reference , auxiliary electrode and an array of working electrodes. Applying cyclic voltammetric on various concentration of chemical solution Using other analytical procedures such as pulse waveform can obtain different kind of data analyze . Improving the circuit performance by adding filter component. 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APPENDIX A Table 5.1 : i-E for cyclic voltammetry measurements vitamin C in distilled water Voltage(mV) Anode Slope (µA) Cathode Slope (µA) 0 100 0 5 100 0 10 100 0 15 100 0 20 100 0 25 100 0 30 100 0 35 100 0 40 100 0 45 100 0 50 115 0 55 125 0 60 135 0 65 146 0 70 160 0 75 180 0 80 190 0 85 212 0 90 235 0 95 220 15 100 180 35 105 165 42 110 150 43 115 130 45 120 120 112 APPENDIX B Table 5.2 i-E for cyclic voltammetry measurements glucose in distilled water Voltage(mV) Anode Slope (µA) Cathode Slope(µA) 0 0.001 0.0001 5 0.001 0.0001 10 0.001 0.0001 15 0.001 0.0001 20 0.001 0.0001 25 0.001 0.0001 30 0.001 0.0001 35 0.001 0.0001 40 0.0015 0.0001 45 0.0018 0.0001 50 0.0022 0.0001 55 0.0025 0.0001 60 0.0022 0.0001 65 0.0019 0.0001 70 0.0018 0.0001 75 0.0016 0.0001 80 0.0012 0.0001 85 0.001 0.0001 90 0.0008 0.0001 95 0.0006 0.0001 100 0.0005 0.0001 105 0.0003 0.0001