the Breeze SleepGear User`s Guide
the Breeze SleepGear User`s Guide
PURITAN BENNETT Breez{ SleepGear* UsernsGuide Guided'utilisation Benutzerhandbuch ManualeOperativo Manualdel usuario Guiado utilizador Gebruiksaanwijzing Contents Thismanual is available onlineat: html Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. is an affiliate of Tyco Healthcare. Breeze, SleepGear, a'ndDreamSeal aretrademarks of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. @ 2004 Nellcor Puritan Bennett Corporation. All rights reserved. BreezeSleeoGear Contents Warnings A tl Warningsare identifiedby the WARNINGsymbolshownabove. Warningsalertthe user to potentialserious outcomes (death, injury,or adverse events) to the patientor user. WARNINGS: A . Do not block or modify vent hole. . To ensure sufficient air for respiration, do not wear mask and tubinq until they are connected to a propeily operating CpAp machine_ . At low CPAP pressures, flow through the vent hole mav be inadequate to clear all exhaled gas from tubing. Sbme rebreathing miy occur. . lf irritation develops, discontinue use and consult your physician. . qglyg"n is.used with mask or CPAP machine turn oxygen flow off when CPAP machine is off. Cautions @ Cautions are identifiedby the CAUTION symbol shown above. Cautions alert the user to exercise care necessaryfor the safe and effectiveuse of the Breeze S/eepGear. Caution: By US Federal law, this device may be sold or used only as ordered by a licensed physician. Notes @ Notes are identifiedby the NOTE symbol shown above and provide additionalhelpful information. 4 BreezeSleepGear Overview The Puritan-BennettBreeze SleepGear(Single Patient Use) is offered in two airway assembly configurations: . Nasal Pillows . DreamSeal User informationfor both configurationsis presentedin this guide. Components The primary componentsthat comprise the Breeze S/eepGearare: . Nasal Pillows(or DreamSeal) . Shell . Vent Hole lnsert . Wing Knob . Pivot . Hose . Hose Guide ' CliP . Outrigger . Spine Adapter . Swivel Adapter . Cradle . Halo Straps Refer to the figures on the following page. BreezeSleepGear Overview Nasal Pillows 1. Nasal Pillows 2. Shell 3. Vent hole insert (outside of shell) 4. Wing knob (adjustangle of Nasal Pillowsshell) 5. Clip 6. Hose 7. Hose guide 8. Outrigger 9. Swivel adapter 10.Spineadapter 11. Cradle 12.Halo straps (not shown) DreamSeal 1. DreamSeal 2. Shell 3. Vent hole insert (outside of shell) 4. Pivot (adjust angle of DreamSealshell) 5. Hose 6. Hose guide 7. Outrigger 8. Swivel adapter 9. Spine 10.Cradle 11. Halo straps (not shown) BreezeSleepGear Overview Indicationsfor Use This productis intendedfor use with devicesthat delivercontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level positiveairway pressure in patientsweighing at least 30 kg. Refer to the warnings on page 4. Technical Data The followingtable providesthe technicaldata for both the Nasa/ Pillow and DreamSeal configurations. Vent Floq Pressure Range, and Materials Parameter Vent Flow CPAPPress. (cm water) Flow Rate (Umin) 3 13 5 16 8 21 10 23 12 25 15 28 18 31 20 32 25 34 30 38 35 40 PressureRange 3 - 35 cmHzO Materials Nasal Pillows:medical-gradesilicone DreamSealPerimeterSeal: medicalgrade silicone Halo Straps:Velstretch@ BreezeSleepGear Assembly Assembly Before using the Breeze S/eepGearfor the first time, assemble it as follows: 1. Insertthe nasalainrvayassembly(item 1) into the SleepGear assemblyspine adapter(item2). The hose guideslidesback and forth in the spineadapterwith a ratchetingsound. Nasal Pillowsairwayconfiguration: While pinchingthe Nasal Pillowsbetweenthe thumb and forefinger,insertthe NasalPillows into the shell holeswith a gentlerotatingmotion. n#x DreamSealairway configuration:Perform the following steps and refer to the figure on the next page. . Attachthe Dreamsealto the shell by insertingthe lip on the bottom of the DreamSeal into the notch on the bottom of the shell. . Place your thumb and forefingeron the two raised circles on the DreamSeal. . Rotate the DreamSealtoward the shell and squeeze gently to engage the two side latches. BreezeSleepGear Use 4. Optional:Thread the halo straps through the slots in the cradle (see figurebelow,item 1). Then threadthe halo strapsthroughthe outrigger(item2) or throughthe optionalclip accessory(item3 Nasal Pillowsonly).Engagethe Velcro@ fastenerson the straps. NasalPillows- Side Note: You may wish to try fittingthe Breeze SleepGear without the halo straps first, then add the straps if a better fit is required. Refer to the Adjustmeni section on the followingpage. Use Inspection Inspectthe Breeze S/eepGearand its componentsbefore each use to ensure all parts are firmly connectedand no visible leaks exist. Fitting 1. Insertthe Nasal Pillowsinto your nostrilsor placethe DreamSeal over your nose. BreezeSleepGear Use Caution: Avoid excessive bending of the nasal airway assembly when putting on lhe Breeze SleepGear. 2. Placethe cradle(back pad) belowthe curveat the back of your head. 1. Adjust the positionof the cradle on the spine so that the cradle sits comfortablyat the base of your head. Adjustment Place your hand on the spine and hold it firmly to the back of your head. Adjust the length ol lhe Breeze S/eepGear with your free hand by moving the nasal ainvay assembly toward your face. Refer to the following figure. 10 3. Adjustthe heightand angleof the shellso that the NasalPillowsor DreamSealdeviceis comfortableand there are no audibleleaks. 4. Optional:Use the halo straps, if needed,to add stabilityand enhancethe fit ofthe Breeze SleepGear. BreezeSleepGear Use . Adjust the tension of the halo straps for a comfortablefit. Do not overtightenthe straps. . lf usingthe optionalclipaccessoryadjustby firstliftingthe clip; positions then,slidetheclipto oneof thethreeavailable along the hoseguidethatprovidesthe mostcomfortable fit. Using Halo Straps With Clip 5. @ Closeupof Clip Adjustment Pressurizethe interfacewith your positive ainivaypressure device and readjust as requiredto eliminate leaks. ruote;: The amount of force on your nose should be just enough to prevent air leaks. You may need to readjustthe fit of Breeze S/eepGearwhen you lie down. Breeze SleepGear 11 Cleaning Cleaning @ @ Note: To prolongthe life of the product,it is recommendedthat the Breeze S/eepGear be cleaned thoroughlyat least once per week. Gaution: Hand clean only. To avoid damage to the Breeze SleepGear, never use a dishwasher or other mechanical device to clean the Breeze SleepGear or any of its components. 1. Disconnectthe back half of the nasalairwayassembly(item 1) where the hose guide attachesto the spine adapter(item2). Removethe Nasal Pillowsor the DreamSealfrom the shell. To removethe Nasal Pillows,pinchthe Nasal pillowsbetween your thumb and forefinger;then, pull the Nasalpillowsout of the shell holes with a gentle rotatingmotion. w , &1r. To removethe DreamSealfrom the shell,do the followingand refer to the next figure. . Place your thumb and forefinger on the two raised circles on the DreamSeal. 12 BreezeSleepGear Cleaning Squeezegentlyto disengagethe two side latches. Rotiatethe DreamSealaway from the shell. Disengagethe lip on the bottomof the DreamSealfrom the notchon the bottomof the shell. 3. Disconnectand removethe hose. Caution: To avoid damaging the hoses when connecting or disconnecting them, use the methods described in the following instructions. Never pull on or twist the ribbed portions of hoses. Refer to the figures below. To removethe hosefrom the shell: . Placeyour thumb and forefingeron the smoothend of the hose where it attachesto the shell. . Disconnectthehose from the shell. . Slidethe hose out of the hose guide. s To disconnectthe hose at the swivel adaoter: . Grasp each hose at its rubber cuff. . Gentlypull hoses apart. BreezeSleepGear 13 Cleaning Removethe vent hole insertfrom the Nasalpillowsshell or the DreamSealshell.Slideyour fingernailunderthe end of the insert with the raisedindicatordot(s)and pull the insertup and out. Note: lt is recommendedthat you confirm that you have the correctvent insert.The Nasal Pillowsvent hole insert features two raised indicatordots, while the DreamSeal vent hole inserthas a singleraisedindicatordot. Gaution: Do not immerse components with foam pads attached. Do not sterilize. Do not use bleach-, chlorine-, or aromatic-basedsolutions, scented oils, or moisturizing, antibacterial,deodorizing, or fragranced soaps to clean the nasal pillows, mask, headgear,padding, or air tubing. Use of such substances may cause hardening olyour Breeze SleepGear,thereby reducing the life ofthe product. Caution: Do not expose the mask or tubing to direct sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight may cause deterioration of the product. 14 5. Wash the nasalairwayassemblypartsin warm, soapywater as necessaryto removedirt, body oils, cosmetics,etc. Rinsethem thoroughlyin clean runningwater and air dry on a clean, absorbentsurface.Foam pads may be wipedwith a mild soap appliedto a moistcloth. 6. To installthe vent hole insert,alignthe indicatordot(s)on the insertwith the singledot on the the vent hole insert intothe openingin the shell.Makesurethe innerlip on the vent hole insertis fully insertedinto the shell. BreezeSleeoGear Cleaning lfyou areusingthe halostraps,releasetheendsandpullthe strapsthroughthe outriggerandcradleslots.Thecradlemaybe separated fromthe spineadapterfor cleaning. Extendthecradle(item't) to its maximum adjustment andthen pullon the cradlemoreforcefullyto separateit fromthe spine adapter(item2). BreezeSleepGear 15