The Pleasant Valley Express, February 19, 2014
The Pleasant Valley Express, February 19, 2014
No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 1 FREE The PV EXPRESS PRINTED WEEKLY ~ Deadline for ads Tuesday noon Distributed Wednesdays call 250 845-7944 or email [email protected] GRIZZLY JIM'S GENERAL STORE Charlie's Chocolate Factory Treats Farm Fresh Eggs Rudolph’s Sausage Chatters Pizza ...and wine and cold beer! Mon-Sat 9:30-7 Sun 10-5 250-696-3478 Pleasant Valley Restaurant ♫♫ TWO MAMA BURGERS $5.00 A&W Open from 6am to 9pm Daily 3030 Hwy 16—Houston—845-2232 Houston 250-845-7555 3458 Tenth Street, Houston 250-845-2126 Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3 Save Up To 35% On All Led Work Lights, Light Bars & Strobe Lights 3 Year Replacement Warranty Septic Services Portapotty Rental Expediting and Hotshots Red Rocket Services Les Willson 250-845-3761 Cell 250-845-8172 [email protected] Shannon Clarke, CGA Personal and Corporate Tax Returns Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5 pm Saturdays by appointment 2005 Nadina Avenue, Houston BC CUSTOM CABINETS - DOORS REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS Home - 250 845 3395 Cell 250 844 2036 [email protected] 250-845-3221 This Space Could be Yours! $25.50 per issue with [email protected] CALL : 250 845 2244 or 1 800 665 3151 Discounts up to 25% Depending on Frequency. No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 2 HOUSTON & AREA COMMUNITY CALENDAR Seniors Lunch & Guest Speaker February 20 at the Seniors Activity Centre. Guest Speaker John Guenther will talk about Age Friendly Community Planning. LEGO CLUB For children ages 6 and up—February 20th from 2:30 to 4:30. Snack is provided. Free program at The Houston Library. BINGO Houston Secondary School Girls Rugby Team is hosting a Bingo on Feb 20 at the Houston Senior Centre. Doors at 6:30 pm Professional Development Day Friday, February 21. School Dist 54 will be closed for the day. Quilters Day Out February 22 in the Canfor Room, Houston Public Library. Twain Sullivan Elementary Salmon Dinner February 28th. The grade 4 Class is fundraising for a field trip to Prince Rupert and New Aiyanish. Call Mrs. Oultin for more information. 845-2227. STORY TIME—Every Wednesday until March 12th from 1:30 to 2:30 for children aged 5 and under. Must be accompanied by an adult. Houston Public Library. Kreative Kids “ART ATTACK” at the Houston Public Library on Friday, February 21st from 1 to 3 pm for children ages 6 and up. $2 per child. This program requires registration. Please call 845-2256. HOUSTONS SENIORS BINGO every Tuesday at 7 pm Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1.00. Everyone is welcome. HOUSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY AGM Monday, February 24th at 7 pm in the Canfor Room. All library members are invited to attend. If you are interested in letting your name stand as a new Board member, please call the library at 845-2256. HOPE SOCIETY AGM Wednesday, February 26th at 7 pm at the Houston Public Library. New Members welcome. Support your local farmers market as well as other local sustainability projects. HOUSTON MUSEUM SOCIETY AGM—February 26th at 7 pm in the ComLadies Gift Night ―Gals Inviting Friends Together‖ will be Friday, February 28th munity Futures Board Room. New members are always welcome! at The Houston Christian School 7:30 pm. Drop in Fee is a Toonie. This month it will be all about Photos—digital . Bring your lap top and learn how to make digital photobooks and demo the ―Scrapbooking way.‖ Everyone welcome. For more info [email protected] . HOUSTON RINGETTE TOURNAMENT February 28 to March 1st. Details to St. Anthony’s International PotLuck Dinner & Loonie Auction Houston Hikers AGM Tues March 11 from 7 to 9 pm at the Houston Library Saturday, March 1st. Doors at 5 pm≈Dinner at 6 pm with loonie auction to follow. Adults $10; Children 12 and under $5.00. The variety of food will be amazing. Be sure to get your tickets from Georgina who will be in Houston Mall from 10am until 4 pm on Thursday & Friday, February 20 & 21 from 10 until 4 pm. For more information, call 250-845-7775. Intensive Motorized Area There will be a meeting on Tuesday, March 4th— 7:30 pm at Smithers A & W to discuss an Intensive Motorized Area for the Smithers region. Interested persons are invited to attend. For more info call Eugene Bekar at 847-3609. Watoto Children’s Choir March 5th at 7 pm at the Fellowship Baptist Church. Choirs have travelled internationally since 1994 as advocates for the estimated 50 million children in Africa, orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty and disease. Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission through their stories, music and dance. follow or Contact Christine @ 845-7328. Canfor Room. All interested hikers & mountain bikers are encouraged to attend. Proposed plans will be reviewed including the ―Hack and Slash‖ (trail clearing ) party at the Equity Ice Falls Sat March 15 and we will demo an app called PDF Advenza, so please bring your GPS enabled mobile devices. [email protected] for more info. NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP With Glenn Stewart in Smithers, Stage 2/3 Clinic—April 18 & 19. Register now. Anika 846-5494 or [email protected]. DOUG MILLS HORSEMANSHIP CLINICS April 25-27 and July 4-5. Register at or call Geri at 250-847-3105. TOPLEY COMMUNITY EVENTS TOPLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT AGM & ELECTIONS March 9th at 2 pm at the Topley Fire Hall. For more Information contact Esther 696-3353 First Annual Art Auction & Gala: “TIES and TIARA’S” Two events. The ART EXHIBIT ion Friday, March 7th is free and everyone is welcome to come out to view local artwork. If you have work that you would like to contribute or show, it is not too late. Houston Community Hall from 4 to 8 pm. The GALA on Saturday, March 8th is by pre-purchased ticket only. Cocktails at 6:30 (Cash Bar). Auction starts at 8 pm. Hors d’oeuvres will be served and there will be door prizes. $25 per person or $40 a couple. All proceeds go to The Houston Hospice Society. Tickets are available from the Houston Coop, First Choice Fashions and the Chamber of Commerce office. International Woman’s Celebration Saturday, March 8th at the Houston Seniors Centre. Doors at 5:30pm. Ladies of all ages are welcome. Reservations are required. Please call 845-7266 no later than Friday, March 7 at noon. This dinner is sponsored by many local businesses. There is no charge. Snowmobile POKER RUN the Houston Snowmobile Club is hosting a Poker Run on March 8th—Telkwa Range Parking Lot. See notice on page 7 or call Les at 845-2744 or Terry at 845-7984. DARTS Topley Darts – Wednesday nights Topley Community Hall WALKING AND LIGHT EXERCISES - Topley Hall –Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 to 11 am. No charge. Please call Gail at 250 696 3688 or Pauline at 250 696 3344 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS. Houston Hospice Society recently trained several people as facilitators. Our volunteers are anxious to get started, so if you are interested in attending a group, please let me know. The group runs for 10 weeks, approximately 2 hours. Anyone who is dealing with grief in any way, from any source will be welcome. We will start as soon as there are sufficient numbers. Linda 250-845-4921 What’s Happening in GRANISLE GRANISLE SENIORS ASSOCIATION #9 Chapman Street .Meeting starts at 1:00 pm. on 2nd and 4th Thursday. Newcomers always welcome. 55+ for more information Contact 250-697-6218 Eat For Life The Granisle Health Centre is taking telephone numbers for this program. Please all 697-2251 if you are interested in participating. No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 3 Farmhouse Country Gifts TOP TEN THINGS ONLY WOMEN UNDERSTAND…. 10. Cat’s facial expressions 9. The need for the same style of shoe in many colours. 8. Why bean sprouts aren’t just weeds. 7. Fat clothes. 6. Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time. 5. The difference between beige, off-white and eggshell. 4. Cutting your bangs to make them grow. 3. Eyelash curlers. 2. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made. 1. OTHER WOMEN Looking for Nominations for the 2014 Most Inspirational Woman to be awarded at the International Women’s Day Dinner March 8. Please contact Naomi Himech 845-7537. Thursday, Feb 27 @ 7 pm FUNDRAISER COFFEE HOUSE Houston Secondary Library. Come out and enjoy a mug of coffee or tea, great entertainment and food! Door Prizes. All proceeds to be donated to “Love by the Bowl” soup kitchen. Hosted by HSS’s Me to We group. Tea, Candy, Soaps, Mugs & so much more! Topley Post Office Road, TOPLEY BC 250-696-3207 WATKINS NITTA’S Shuttle, Needle and Hook In Houston Mall February 24 to 28 BAKING & CRAFTS February 28th 10 to 3 pm Houston Mall 250-692-9799 Congratulations Brandon Goold! You know Why. Love from your Nana and Poppa The School Grade 4 Class is hosting their 4th Annual Salmon Dinner Friday, February 28 at 6 pm at Twain Sullivan Elementary School. Tickets $10/person For more information & tickets Please call 845-2227 Robyn McMurtrie Spa Practitioner Wellness Aromatherapy Hot Stone Salt Glow For Appointment Please Call 250-845-3203 Houston WINE n’ LAGER Shop ―Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant and every day more civilized.” Andre Simon Lim250-845-2773 Many Happy Returns - Tax Services $ Trina Brent Income Tax Professional [email protected] 1012 Estates Drive Houston, BC V0J 1Z1 International Women’s Day Celebration Dinner Ladies of all ages are welcome. Houston Senior Centre, March 8th. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. There is no charge for dinner but reservations are required. Please call 250-845-7266. 250-845-0099 cell 845-9091 Dave Badge was the winner of the PV Restaurant Valentine’s Day Monkey. Congratulations Dave! No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 4 Pleasant Valley Cleaners From the Shovel 3356 10 street Houston BC Complete Coverall service sales and rentals Entrance mat service Full Linen and laundry vice Drop off Laundry Service ser- k Wear r o W New Full line work wear: Jeans, Jackets, Duck Overalls, Duck Coats, Work Boots, Shirts, Pants, Aprons and used Coveralls Open Monday to Friday 9 to 5 pm 250-845-7000 THE ROI THEATRE [email protected] ROI 1 — ROBOT COP PG 7:30 & 9:30 FRI/SAT 8:00 Sun, Mon, Tues ROI 2 — LEGO in 3D PG 7:00 & 9:00 FRI/SAT 7:30 Sun, Mon, Tues 1 pm SATURDAY MATINEE ROI 3— THAT AWKWARD MOMENT 7:15 & 9:15 Fri/Sat PG 9:30 SUN 7:45 pm Mon, Tues 250-847-2440 WORD SEARCH ALONE AWAKE COLLAPSE FARCE BALLET COVE BOUND ENERGY GRIME ONION CHARGE FALSE CONNECTION CHORES BEER GLOVE BRISK EPISODE LOFT ORIGIN ANGEL FLOWERS & GIFTS Chocolates & Flowers 250-845-2329 We DELIVER Simply Delish Soup and Salad Healthy Eating Made Easy Carol Daykin 250-845-2258 [email protected] No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 5 Pete Bodnar Contracting Ltd. 2003 Nissan 350Z silver, 117 000kms. EC Asking $19500 847 2398 2002 Toyota Echo, 4dr auto, A/C, vgc, clean, nonsmoker. Would make excellent first car. c/w winter & summer tires. $3,500 845-2086 evenings. 1991 Acura Integra RS 4 dr. auto, good condition, no rust, stored over winter, 250 845 2620 2003 Ford Focus new motor & clutch Body in good shape, $6000. 250 846 5466 1999 Buick Century, V6 (3.2 Lt) auto, White, Aluminum rims/ summer & universal rims/ winter grips 216,000 km. $3000.OBO. 845-7224 1999 Hyundia Accent 250-845-9138. 2815—5th Street Houston, BC 2002 Chev 1 ton dually diesel, auto with 281,000km 778-210-1089 2002 ¾ ton Dodge ext. cab diesel, auto. 8’ box with matching canopy, 196500 km in very nice condition incl winter tires. $16500. 847 4243 or cell: 847 0340 2002 GMC 1500 2WD SLE Ext. Cab SB, Loaded, 4.8L 247,000 hwy km, studded tires, matching canopy, very clean & well maintained. $4900obo 845-4089. 2008 FORD RANGER 4x4 Sport, 4L V6 146,000km Blue, 4 summer tires on ALU rims, 4 studded winter tires on extra rims $12,900 250-847-6103. 1992 Chev 1500 4x4 5 speed 2 tone blue.grey $1000 obo 696-3635 Burns Lake Snowplowing & Removal Ice Scarifying Driveways, Roads, Parking Lots Sanding Available Track Skidsteer Loader & Grader 250-845-2498 2000 Chev 4x4 2500 service truck c/w metal side boxes $2895 846-5516 1957 Monarch 312 V8 push button Auto 2 barrel brand new Hollywood mufflers, dual exhaust Red and White $10,000 845 8659 1978 King Cobra Mustang ( 1 of only 500 made) all original - 93000 original miles, T roof, 4 speed, 5 l motor 3000 kms on new motor and clutch Excellent condition For more information call 696 3666 1993 Chev ½ ton 2wd. V6 auto extra tires, runs great, $ 1000. 696 3309 1985 GMC ½ ton 2wd 350 auto. Mechanically sound, some rust, $2900. obo 845 8488 1996 Ford Super Cab long box, no rust, winch, 351 auto, $3,500 845-8659 1946 Chev 4 door, original motor, Restored. $8,000 847-4495 2001 Dodge 2500 4x4 auto short box quad cab 235,000km $4500. 845-2306. 1956 International PU 1/2 ton c/w second truck for parts. Totally restored. Call 845-8132. 1996 F350 7.3L 5 spd 4x4 7’8‖ x 9’ flat deck with tool boxes underneath. Rear leaf packs have 2 extra leafs. Firewood racks. 877-1341 $5500 obo 4 used winter tires for light truck on rims T235/85 R16, 6 used winter tires with 2 on ri,s for small light truck 205/75 R14 $25 each 845-2829 Snow tire P-185/75-R14 with Rim $30.00; Snow tire P-155/80 R13 with Rim $20 250 845-2109 4 Saxon Snow Blazer tires 235 70 r16 Used one season. Call Paul 250 845 5685 Jetta front and rear floor mats and roof rack (unused). .250-845-9174 1976 GMC 3/4 ton 350 V8 2 speed Auto, 2wd P/S, P/B, 16" wheels, good rubber 2 spare tires w/rims, Hidden Hitch $1,500 O.B.O. Call – 845-2579 2002 Ford Windstar Van seats 7 4 door, Power windows / Power steering, Sliding doors both sides, New all season tires, MP 3 Player.179000 km Single person owner –VGC $3500. 845 4364 2002 Oldsmobile Silhouette 7 pass minivan. Fully loaded, air, cruise, power windows & doors, sliding doors both sides, leather interior. New update intake manifold gaskets & new spark plugs. New Battery. Have maintenance records. New winters on rims. $3,500.00. 250-845-7966. Houston 97 Toyota RAV 4x4 4dr $2695obo 846-9692 1999 Dodge Caravan 250-845-9138 1994 Safari Extended Van, V6 4.3 Engine auto, AC, CD player, 8 seats, two snow tires on rims VGC $1800obo 845-2109 Houston Secondary School—GIRLS RUGBY TEAM—is hosting a BINGO February 20, Houston Senior Centre Doors open at 6:30pm Concession Available Houston Secondary School PAC gaming licence No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 6 & EQUIPMENT 18’ Springdale Trailer, in near new condition, under covered breezeway except when used; queen bed, large rear window, a/c and TV antenna, dueal 6 V battery system; large dual propane tankes, $14,575 250-877-2226 2002 Gulfstream Streamlite 22xss, EUC All appliances in great working condition. $10,000 obo 845-7671 Ford E350 Super Duty RV Motorhome, sleeps 4, Bought in July 2013 from Vancouver Cruise Canada Dealer still warranty on it, very good condition, everything works. $18,.000 obo 696 33 06 1998 Triple E Commander Class A 30 ft. motorhome. 454 Vortex, 41,000 kms. EC Winter pkg. 4000 Onan Generator, Rear bed, central vac, Lots of storage $28,000 845 2692 1980 Chevrolet 5 ton single axle truck hydraulic tilting flat deck in good condition. $3850 847 4243 Bobcat Back hoe attachment mod. 811 fits for Bobcat Loader . 18 "Bucket, GWC. $ 5,000 877-3095 2000 Kenworth T800H 550hp Cat motor, Jake & retarder, 1998 Peerless Jeep & pole trailer, chains, spares, 2 way radio.Owner retiring, $58000 obo 842 6433 1978 8Ton Int’l Vacuum Truck, T/A, 466 Diesel, 5 & 4 transmission, Vacuum over Hydraulic Brakes, $2000 846 5899 Back hoe – 530 Case – 4 cyl Perkins. Extenda-hoe Asking $4000 696 3113 1973 21 ft, Class A Winnebago M.H.; 440 eng, 3 speed auto; 125000 kms GC, Michilen Tires, New Gen, New fridg, new 1000 watt Inverter, cassette deck. Needs some minor TLC. Will accept decent running P.U or Street Bike Steve 250-845-9104 2004 Ford E450 diesel cube van. 16 ft box, new tires, new glass, trailer tow package EC $12500. obo 877 7013 Telkwa 1985 Beaver Class A motorhome 30 ft. new tires, awnings all windows, oak interior, sleeps 4 1600 watt generator 3 a/c self levellers tag axle, microwave, new batteries $13000obo 696 3666 1996 Charmac 3 horse trailer, gooseneck with weekender package & tack room, reasonable shape. $6,000 obo 845-7811 or 845-8462 Accessories Generator 10kw, Diesel Petter Motor, trailer unit, $1,500 846 5899 3 point hitch hydraulics and more. Call 846-5202 Ford 8N tractor live hydraulic. dump trailer $3000 846 5399 Trailers Full tow hitch mounted rubber mud flap. $150; 2 frame mounted tie down brackets. $150 845 2836 2005 Southland 3 horse angle haul trailer. Drop down windows, rear tack/dressing room c/w bed GC $8500. Call or text 250 845 9542 2011 Champion 6000 watts, electric start, on wheels, 3 hrs use. $1000 obo 877 7013 Trailer – 14 ft. custom made u built. Bumper hitch with 2 ― ball, jack, wired, new spare tire, under deck ramps, haul quads, hay, logs, wood. $2500. 250 842 0005 3500 Watt Onan generator Key remote start. $350. obo 250 846 9534 Utility trailers (3 of them) $300.00 each 250 845 2994 2000 surge watts generator Sportsmen Like new, used twice. $250.00 obo 250 845 2164 Last Week’s Solutions……. 1999 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc, 21,275 km, Green, new front tire, rear tire , 70 mpg $2100 obo, 847-1491 2010 Honda Sabre Ltd Edition 1300cc, 6800 km gloss black, Fuel injected, liquid cooled, shaft drive, ABS brakes. $10800. Cell # 250-408--8687. 2004 Honda CRF 70 VGC $1200 845-9286 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 4 stroke, new rear brakes & clutch, cable engine $1750 845 7656 2009 Suzuki RMZ 450F. $5000. 250-877-2394. Two Honda 230 CRF EUC $2,500 for the 2004 $3000 for the 2008 obo. 845-7671 Highway 16 TELKWA 846-9028 ATVs Yanaha 2001 blaster Suzuki 2014 It-f400 $6750 Suzuki 2014 It-a400 $7145 Suzuki 2014 It-a500 power steer $9350 Suzuki 2014 It-a750 power steer $10,450 UTVs Kawasaki 2013 mule 610 4x4 9199.00 Kawasaki 2013 mule 4x4 11499.00 Kawasaki 2013 mule 4010 4x4 2 seater 12499.00 Plus New & Used Motorcycles Kawasaki-Suzuki-Husqvarna If you have an item for sale, an event to promote or wish to place an advertisement, contact the Pleasant Valley Express at 250-845-7944 or email [email protected]. Compliments of The Pleasant Valley Express distributes more than 1,000 papers every Wednesday to businesses and families from Topley and Granisle to Telkwa and Smithers. An additional 50 plus copies are sent via email. No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 7 TRUE STORIES 2008 Can Am 650 2 up seat 1400 kms. $7500 696 3666 Suzuki ATV 80 call 846-9703 2003 Arctic Cat 500, manual, low mileage, ATV Backhoe attachment, Beaver Pro, 10‖ bucket, Honda hydraulic power pack, ATV snowblade plus trailer. $8,500 846 5899. Suzuki Quad Runner 300 c/w winch, 3313 kms. 6 ft. aluminum load ramps $2800 876 1135 ATV Giovanni 4 stroke 200 electric start. $850 845 7656 1994 Polaris 350 4 wheeler $2200 845 7244 1979 21 ft. Renell boat sleeps 4, toilet stove, mini fridge, 470 inboard motor –rebuilt, down rigger, fish finder, tandem axle trailer. $6500.00 obo 696 3666 & Supplies Power saw – Poulan PP4218 AVX Pro 42 cc. 18 inch bar $75.00 250 845 7537 Delta 14 inch wood band saw $450.00 250 845 8046 Dust collector for wood shop 1.5 HP top canister filters – never used. $750. 845 8046 Carpenters Clamping Table $25 250 845 2378 Come- along with 100 feet galvanized cable $50.00 250 845 2836 1 sheet 3/4" GBS birch plywood $60 obo 697 2276 1996 Arctic Cat 580 $1500.00 obo 250 696 3666 2008 Skidoo Summit X 4750 kms. New 163 track, narrow front end kit, $5900 obo 250 847 5304 Danchuk snowmobile deck with ramp holds 2 sleds works for Short box pickup $500 obo 250 845 2069 Turn Table Sled Deck great for sleds without reverse, fits long box & short box with tailgate down $650obo. 250846-5533 . 1992 Yamaha Phaser 480; excellent shape; new track and skis $2300 obo. 250 846 5899 1989 Phazer, make an offer; Early 90s 440 Indy, runs good, make an offer. call or text 250-845-9126 Parting out 1996 500 rmk 2 motors avail 144 track, $400 per motor rest 5$ up; also 1997 700rmk; 36x1" track brand new $100 call or text 845-9126 2000 Polaris RMK Asking $3000 250 845 3097 700 Skidoo summit - 2001 - EC $4900. call 846-9703 2008 Ski-doo Summit, Black, 900km EC. Selling because I don’t use enough. $7,500 846-5836 2003 Polaris 440 Pro-xl liquid Stinger, v force, 3 reeds, diala jets, 136 x 2 track, new windshield. Runs great. VGC $3,000 obo Call or text 250-845-9126. 2012 Arctic Cat 50th year anniversary. Low miles EC 846-5102. 1986 Skidoo Tundra LT 300 GC Topley area $2600 obo [email protected] The Buck Stops Here! Krystine Rivera, 23, an administrative analyst thought going out or a run would make her feel better after a rough day at work. But after running fie miles, she suddenly found herself on the ground and then awakening to the voice of a paramedic explaining that he had to cut her shirt away ―because it had deer blood all over it.‖ She’s been hit by a flying buck. The male deer had been flung into the ir by an SUV driven by a 71 year old woman. The buck died. Rivera, 5 feet tall and humorously known as ―The Hulk‖ was treated and released, as was the driver. ―A lot of people fling bucks around that aren’t theirs.‖ www.this is Green hardy board siding, enough to side small - medium house, you take off house $1200 Green industrial tin approx. 1200sq ft 250-846-9401 Log Siding $ 0.99 /lin.ft. Solid Pine Doors $ 99 each Albert 695 6954, [email protected] Horse for Sale. Reg paint mare, 4 yrs, Black & white, good bloodlines, green broke. $1,500 obo 845-7811 or 845-8462 Farm Animals & Products/Supplies Horse for Sale. Reg. QH mare, 6 yrs old, broke to ride, gymkhana, trail and pleasure riding $2,000 obo 8457811 or 845-8462 Rabbits, 5 months old. Nice breeding stock. California Giant cross. Pretty colours. Raise your own meat. 8465432 daytime. Heating & Supplies Fire wood Dry pine – cut to length Bush cord. $125 pickup load 845 3323 or 845 7566 Zero clearance fireplace 30000 BTU’s hardly used, $500.obo 250 845 2069 Ducting for furnace– make an offer— 846 9690 Hunter gravity vented wall furnace – natural gas 45000 BTU’S $200.00 250 845 7887 Overhead furnace – hangs from ceiling, gas/propane –perfect for shop or house like new $300obo 846 5399 HOUSTON SNOWMOBILE CLUB POKER RIDE Saturday March 8th—9 am Last Run out at 11 am Start at Telkwa Range Parking Lot 8 km Walcot FSR $5 per Hand Concession at the Houston Cabin ALL RIDERS WELCOME No trail fees charged for this event. For more info contact Les @ 845-2744 Horned Dorset ram lamb from traditional heritage breed.Well bred & excellent meat sire. 846 9898 Good quality square hay bales for sale $5.00 per bale 250-845-2240 Handsome, strong, healthy dairy billy goat. Toggenburg/Lamancha cross Born May 7th. 696 3121 Hay is barn stored $5 square bale. Completely dry good quality horse hay. Delivery to Houston $7 bale. Boundary Road Farm, Telkwa 846 6009. Horse boarding available, 5 min. east of Telkwa, call 250 846 5023 or 250 847 0832. Heritage horned dorset freezer lamb for sale. Whisperdale farm 846 9898 Chicken Trios –2 hens (White Silkies Ameraucanas) and 1 rooster. $40.00 250 845 3604 Columbian Rock roosters 3 mos $10 ea 849 8411 9 Sussex Laying Hens, brown no longer good producers. Make an offer. 1 free rooster. 846-5900 No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 8 Household Items Freestanding wardrobe with a large bottom drawer Single bed - extra long with mattress and bookshelf/ hutch headboard, 6 drawer dresser with mirror Desk with bookshelf hutch. $500 obo 845-2599. Bedroom suite 5 pc – queen size – mattress/box spring, dressers $550; Dining Room set c/w 6 chairs $700; matching hutch $700 Double head board new black $50. 845 3054 Couch set, sofa love seat & chair, ottoman plus matching 4 cushions asking $700; 845-2109 Dining room set 6 leather chairs/ metal legs, table metal legs/marble top. $250. 845 2620 Bedroom suite – 5 pc. Medium colour finish $650 Coffee & 1 end table - with glass . $400. 845 2620 Brand new Futon with extra thick mattress. Never been used. $50 250-877-0870 7 Pc. Queen Bedroom Suite $500 obo 697 2276 Chest of drawers – solid oak, 3 drawers, 3 shelves, very good condition $300. obo 250 845 4791 1. Not fully closed 5. Adjust again 10. Objective 14. Not a single one 15. High society 16. Annul 17. Not this 18. Victims 20. Invigorate 22. Variant of an element 23. Scarlet 24. Harangues 25. Renewed 32. Stagnated 33. Double-reed instruments 34. Big wine holder 37. Poems 38. Travelled through the air 39. 5280 feet 40. Foot digit 41. Strainer 42. Lift 43. The act of noticing 45. A type of tree 49. Eastern newt 50. Frequented 53. Aerial 57. Help 59. Genuine 60. Collections 61. Hag 62. Therefore 63. If not 64. Lumberjack 65. An amount of medicine Armoire solid pine, dark stain, 59‖x76‖x25‖; 47‖x76‖x25‖; $300 ea obo. 846 5899 1. Initial wager 2. One of the 4 gospels 3. A Freudian stage 4. Pensioners 5. Ebb 6. Distinctive flair 7. Female sib 8. Decorative case 9. Orange pekoe 10. Minim 11. Scallion 12. Highly skilled 13. Fails to win 19. Nobles 21. Sell 25. Violent disturbance 26. Cocoyam 27. Delight 28. Parts portrayed 29. Not below 30. Tall structure 31. Poetic dusk 34. 8 in Roman numerals 35. As well 36. Adolescent 38. Lie 39. Has importance 41. Classifies 42. Flat float 44. Superficiality 45. Pursue 46. Artist's workstand 47. Cleans 48. Licoricelike flavor 51. Carve in stone 52. Have the nerve 53. Skin disease 54. Roman emperor 55. Badgers 56. Maguey 58. At this time Single bed – like new – has mattress, box spring, frame and is an extended length. $400. 845 7368. Bed frame – single, wood $50. 845 3790 Treadmill, Free Spirit Sears brand, like new, $799 845 3054 Treadmill – Cross trainer $500. 845 2720 Asstd weights, 4 dumb bells, 2 bars $400. 845 4685 Eliptical Nordic track and tread mill 847-2845 2011 Bow Flex – PR300 $600 obo 250 692 0171 Tony Little Gazelle Sprint Master almost new $200obo 845-2109 Water Cooler with fridge $150 845-3054 Kids & Adult Games Games for Xbox360 – SSX ; Games for PS3 - Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 3 ; Metal Gear Solid 4; Dark Souls; Brink; Madden 11; Need for Speed – The Run; Bio Shack. $10 Ea Call or text 250 845 4723 xbox360 games-Darksiders, Nier, and the last remnant $10 each or 3/$25 250 845 3456 World of Warcraft burning crusade pc game $5 - ps3 games Lair, Duke Nukem forever, Enslaved $10 each or 3/$25 250 845 3456 No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 9 Appliances Home/Commercial 27" JVC TV. Everything works great! Silver in colour with speakers on the sides. $40.obo. - Two 10" punch subs. Mounted in a 46" long, 15" high and 9" wide (at the bottom) box. $350 obo. 250-846-5420 Commercial Upright 2 glass door freezer. Excellent condition $2650 846 9490 Upright fridge by General 29‖W x 33‖ D X 79‖ H Dishwasher – by Moyer Diebel 36‖ x 23‖ x 34‖ Range – grill, 2 burner, oven - by Imperial 36‖ x 32‖ x 57. For more info call Bev (work) 845 2232 Slatwall Units (free standing) & accessories. For retail, school or church library, or organize your shop. View at Range–Kenmore, 30‖ electric –GC $150 696 3475. Danby Designer Fridge 1.8cuft. Brand New Cost $140. Never used. $75 846-5432 Daytime. Microwave $25.00 845-3054 Houston Oldtimers Hockey Tournament Winners of the 50+ Division - Houston Zambonies. Trophy donated by Emberson Plumbing. Winners of the Buck & Doe Division—Houston Pylons 1st place and 2nd place to Burns Lake. Office HP Print Scanner—Brand New. Cost $100. Never Used. $30. 846-5432 daytime. Dell Dimension GWC Windows XP, 80g hard drive, 768 gig ram, 2 optical drives. Complete with original software and Microsoft Office. $50 845-2613. LOS ANGELES TIMES, October 8 People of northwestern Montana have been advised to be on the lookout for drunken bears. Black bears and grizzlies have been congregating along the tracks of the Burlington Northern railroad where a train carrying hundreds of tons of corn derailed some time ago. The corn has fermented and the aroma is attracting the bears. ―The bears are actually intoxicated up there,‖ said wildlife biologist Loren Hicks. ―And a grizzly with a hangover can be as cross as a bear.‖ Lear Jet 40 channel radio $50—Uniden Force radio c/ w bracket & extra mike $50. 845 7537 Fireproof safe – small one. $100obo 846 9454 Jetta front and rear floor mats and roof rack (unused). .250-845-9174 Kirby Vacuum includes all attachments & shampooer. Excellent condition $2,000 obo 845-7811 or 845-8462 Grey SCOOTER Shoprider for sale. New shape, low usage. $2800obo c/w basket, back bag & windshield. 845-2780. Brown leather backpack satchel, large. New condition. Paid $150 sell $45. 847-4028 6 ft pre lit Xmas tree. New condition $45 847-4028.. Ladies 10K white gold with .18ctw diamond engagement ring for sale. Recently appraised at $850. Asking $650 obo 845-2599. OLD TIMER STANDINGS: W T White 5 3 Red 4 3 Black 5 0 Watch for Play-Offs in March l 4 4 6 P 13 11 10 Fishing & Hunting Beretta ESP 12 guage 2 3/4‖ x 3‖ over & under shotgun. Single selective gold trigger. High grade walnut stock w pistol grip. LOP 14 1/2‖ c/w all chokes & lockable case. Firest 1 box ammo. Cost over $2500. $1975 FIRM [email protected] Gun Cabinet [holds 6] $150. obo 250 697 2276 PSE Compound Bow, 40-60lbs adjustable draw weight, bow quiver, sights, release & aim guard 250 obo 846-5438 Cabela's 3.5 neopreme boot foot chest waders felt soles. $70 Bob 250 212 7031 Wanted ATV TIRES 25/10/12 842-6966 Wanting cross stitch material and/or cross stitch kits if you don’t want them anymore. 250 845 7201 Looking to buy old gas station items such as oil cans, signs, gas pumps, etc. Texaco, BA, Chevron, Shell as well as Coke, Pepsi, 7Up signs. Any other items from the 60s and older. I am a collector not a picker. Contact 250-960-0091 or [email protected] Float Tube, waders, fins, boots, $300 845-7515 Wanted: A pair of Toulouse Geese and Rouen Ducks as well as some bantam chickens. 846-5202 New Scotty Rod Holder & Tackle Box , New adult life jacket 845-7901 .22 WMR with scope in GC 250-846-5516 MUSTANG jackets PFD (pouch style) $50ea 8476103. Cash or food supplies to help with the cost of the International Women’s Day Celebration. If you can help please call Naomi at 845-7537. Thank you. No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING HOUSTON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. GOOD WORK! HONOUR ROLL Grade 8Kelly Alcock Alyssa Ball Brooklyn Bowes Joshua Couldwell Isabel Dixon-Vandenbroek Madison Emberley Dawson Fitch Camryn Himech Abby Jansma Erik Lloyd Parneet Minhas Keenan Potvin Cole Rennie Colton Savage Heidei Sullivan Kurt Wandler Tanner Waterhouse Grade 9Reece Arky Hailey Birkedal Jessie Brent Layne DeCooman Aidan French Hannah Ells Shantell Gagnon Denae Grange Nicole Hak Lindsay Malkinson Kayla Rae Martin Courtney Neilson Jody Siemens Dayton Sommerfeld Kevin Sowers Dustyn Standbridge Miranda Wood Grade 10Serena Groth Jamie Lee McEwen Ashley Ridgeway Ryan Saretsky Amber Thompson Shanell Toma Carli Wardrop Nicolas Wright MERIT ROLL Brooklyn Bowes McKenie Chudyk Madison Emberly Camryn Himech Erik Lloyd Hailey Lokken Parneet Minhas Heidi Sullivan Kurt Wandler Tanner Waterhouse HONOUR ROLL Chelsea Albrecht Jeremy Cooper Michael Horning Malerie Kelly Rhianna Malkinson Michael Regnerus Mervin Robinson Trent Siemens Sammy Spooner Leilah Wiebe PRINCIPAL’S LIST McKenie Chudyk Hailey Lokken MERIT ROLL Reece Arky Jesse Brent Denae Grange Nicole Hak Lindsay Malkinson Kayla ae Martin Nadyna Monkman Jody Siemens Dustyn Standbridge Janel Trottier Jade Wiebe Miranda Wood MERIT ROLL Jamie Bell Kaitlyn Farrell Jamie Lee McEwen Mishaela Meints Shanell Toma Carli Wardrop Brenna West PRINCIPAL’S LIST ACTIVITIES FOR SENIORS IN HOUSTON Seniors Centre Grade 11- Carpet Bowling Tues & Fri 1 pm Floor Curling Mon 1 pm Pool—any afternoon—call 845-2338 to schedule Pleasant Valley Village Senior Exercise Mon & Fri 10 am Cards Mon & Thurs 7 pm Bowling Alley Wednesdays at 1:30 Houston Swimming Aquafit, Mon, Wed & Fri 9 –10am Willow Golf Course Seniors Golf in season @ 10 am Grade 12- HONOUR ROLL Jill Bowes Shiela Pepping Shelby Rema Brianna Tiljoe MERIT ROLL Chelsea Albrecht Shad Andersen Amalia Bergstresser Kaylin Holland Michael Horning Tylor Johnson Malerie Kelly Rhianna Malkinson Kamalpreet Parhar Shivani Sadhir Brooke Solotwinski Sammy Spooner Danial Svensson Leilah Wiebe PRINCIPAL’S LIST Taylor Johnson Alyssa Margerm Kamalpreet Parhar MERIT ROLL Darryl Andrews Jamie Beck Jill Bowes Christopher Buter Jo Comparelli Lisa Groth Evan Kenzle Delainey Laroque Chaelle Margerm Kirsten Matthews Dunovan Matthias Arunjit Minhas Ravneet Minhas Shiela Peping Shelby Rema Ramanpreet Toor PRINICPAL’S LIST Jamie Beck Evan Kenzle Chaelle Margerm Ravneet Minhas No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 MIKE’S AUDIO VIDEO— Sales & Installation Associate— RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT Bodnar Contracting/North Star Performance in Houston is looking for a dedicated, conscientious, cheerful, self starter. Duties include phone, customer service, computer, e-mail, some parts look-up, ordering and pricing. Bookkeeping experience would be preferred. Work Tues to Friday plus Saturday 8:30 to 3 pm Apply to Peter or Linda 845-2498 or 845-3255. Good Communication skills, polite and forward Thinking. Work without constant direction, think on your feet Clean driver’s abstract Ability to work weekends. Computer skills an Asset. This job will be selling consumer electronic equipment (laptops, TV’s, Mobile phones, and/or installing satellite systems. ) Job might also include some clerical duties. Please visit in person with resume. No phone calls. YOUTAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT INC. Is looking for experienced DRIVERS, OWNER OPERATORS & CONTRACTORS for their North Coast operations. Needing some Building Drawings? Call Dennis Tait at 250-845-9524 Please forward resume [email protected] or fax to 1-604-636-8597 Tel 1-778-885-3637 Heard at the Tax Office No Sir, the government does not want you to pay your taxes in pennies. I have a hard time believing that a garbage collector made $150,000 last year so for the last time, DID YOU HAVE ANY OTHER SOURCE OF INCOME!!! How cute...a tax form done in crayon. No Sir, its do your taxes every year and renew your driver’s license every 4 years, not the other way around. Just because you talk to your plants ma’am, you cannot, repeat CANNOT list them as your dependents. No Ms Lewinsky, your oval office ―contributions‖ are not the same as when you check the dollar box at the top of your 1040 form. Even if you are a hooker, the number of orgasms you’ve had cannot count as a business expense. I,m sorry, I’m not sure I follow your ―Give me an extension and I’ll give you an extension later at my place ―argument.‖ I take it that because you have decided to do origami with your tax form that you’re not receptive to paying your taxes this year. At Bulkley Valley Credit Union we love what we do. We work as a team. We contribute to our community. We serve our members every day. Join our team. As a Member Services Representative you will experience a flexible schedule, a competitive wage, and great benefits. But there’s more. We provide outstanding learning opportunities if you are up for the challenge. And we will value your contribution. We currently have an opening for a Part-Time Member Services Representative- Cash Services in our Houston Branch for an energetic, detail-oriented person with a high school diploma and relevant training and/or experience. If you have exceptional service skills, are community minded, take initiative, are solution oriented and love working as part of a team, we invite you to apply. Please submit your resume to: Jamie Mayer, Office Supervisor at: [email protected] The HOUSTON LADIES AUXILIARY would like to thank everyone for dropping off Super Valu receipts. Your support is greatly appreciated. Drop off at Shear Delight, Razor’s Edge, TerriLynns Hair Trends and A & W. 2365 Copeland Ave. Box 1480 Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Application deadline: March 7, 2014 To learn more about us please visit You Belong Here No. 1 Issue 7 February 19, 2014 MT HAZELTON APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bachelor, 1 or 2 Bedrooms Heat & Hot Water Included Call STEVE at 250-845-9104 For Sale 14 x 70 Mobile with large addition on fully fenced lot in preferred neighborhood in Houston City Limits. City water & power. Walk to school/stores. 2 Bedrooms, 2.5 bath c/w F/S, D/W, W/D. Affordable taxes. $117,500. 250-845-2529. Call for details. BLACKSTONE ENTERPRISES 1 & 2 bedroom apartments 3 & 4 bedroom town homes for rent in Houston Apartments: 1 br @ $450 2 br @ $550 Townhouses: 3 br @ $600 4 br @ $650 Information please contact Daryl Hamblin at 250-845-1342 or Christine @ 845-9433 HOUSTON APARTMENTS Mt. Morice – Mt. Nadina ♦ New Owner ♦ New Manager Newly renovated Heat/Hot water Included Two Bedroom $600-$650 Month to Month rentals Julie 250 845 4206 You are Invited Speaker: The Honourable Steve Thomson Minister of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations WINTER BLOW OUT SALE Club Cadet Husqvarna Toro All Snow Blowers 10% off Space Heaters $50 off Location: Houston Legion Loft, 3840—11th Street Time: 12 noon—1:00 pm Tickets: $15.00 each, available from Houston & District Chamber of Commerce. Please RSVP before February 25. Phone: 250-845-7640 [email protected] All In-Stock Apparel 20% off Boots Helmets Gloves All After Market Snow & ATV Accessories In15% off Stock up to “Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real genius simply have their bright ideas closer together.” GC Lichtenberg 3, 4 & 6 yard Front Load Dumpsters, 30 Yard Roll-Off Bins Locally Owned & Operated. Flexible scheduling. 778-203-BINS (2467) in Houston.