genealogy of the sinclairs and the stuarts


genealogy of the sinclairs and the stuarts
• From King David, Odin, Attila the Hun,
King Arthur, and Guillaume de Gellone
King David
(1005 - 965 BC)
Jesus “of Gamala”,
not Jesus of Nazareth,
as claimed,
but his cousin
Mary Magdalene
heiress of the Franks,
Quintus Tarus
a prefect of Rome
Joseph of Arimathea
Merovech, King of the Franks
(415 - 558)
Uther Pendragon
Rabbi Makhir
Exilarch of Babylon
(b. ? - 793)
King Arthur
Hoel I ‘the Great’ [Mawr]
Egbert of Wessex
Ethelwulf King of the English
(b. 800)
Attila the Hun
Pippin King of the Lombards
Guillaume de Gellone
Bernard of Italy
Cunigundis of the Francs
Gerhard of Auvergne
(? - 934)
Alfred the Great
King of England
Pepin II of Peronne and S. Quentin
Edward the Elder
Boleslav I of Bohemia
Herbert I of Vermandois
Cunigundis of he Francs
(b. 855)
Wido, Comte de Senlis
Heribert II of Vermandois
Nicola Kumet
Robert de Vermandois
Poppa of Bavaria
Rollo the Viking
Tamar Tephi
Samuil of Bulgaria
Adelaide de Vermandois
(d. 982)
Fulk II of Anjou
Mieszko I of Poland
Guillame of Normandy
Geoffrey I of Anjou
Edgar King of England
Adelaide of Poland
Geza Arpad of Hungary
Ethelred II ‘the Unready’
King of England
Gavril Randomir
Conan I of Brittany
(d. 992)
Ermengard of Anjou
Fulk III of Anjou
Richard I ‘the Fearless’ of Normandy
Ermengard of Anjou
Richard II of Normandy
Edmund II ‘Ironside’ of Wessex
Judith of Brittany
Geoffrey Duke of Brittany
Hedwig of Normandy
d. Richard I of Normandy
Edward the Exile
Agatha of Bulgaria
Margaret of Scotland
Malcolm III of Scotland
Alain III Duke of Brittany
Robert II of Normandy
Mauger of Normandy
Germaine of Corbeil
Fulk IV of Anjou
Walderne Earl of St. Clair
Margaret of Normandy
Hawise of Brittany
Hoel V de Cornouaille
Ermengarde of Anjou
Fulk V of Anjou
King of Jerusalem
William IX ‘the Troubadour’
of Aquitaine
Willliam ‘the Seemly’ St. Clair
(b. 1028)
William X of Aquitaine
William the Conqueror
Agnes of Poitiers
(b. 1100)
Matilda Stewart of England
David I of Scotland
Matilda of England
Henry McCrinan of Huntingdon
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Geoffrey of Anjou
Almaric I King of Jerusalem
Maria Komnene
Berthe of Brittany
Alan ‘the Black’
Count of Brittany
Hugh VII de Lusignan
Sarazine of Armenia
Aimee de Lusignan
(b. 1137)
Guillaume de Thoüars
Margaret Hungtingdon
Ermengard of Maine
Henry II of England
Richard the Lionhearted
Conan III Duke of Brittany
Maud of England
d. of Henry I Beauclerc
Baldwin II of Jerusalem
Morphia of Armenia
Henry I Beauclerc
Alian IV of Brittany
Hugh VIII de Lusighan
(b. 1110)
Matilda of England
Conan IV Duke of Brittany
Guy de Thouars
Constance of Brittany
Guy de Lusignan
Alix de Thouars
Hughes de Lusignan
Almaric of Lusignan
King of Cyprus
Hughes IX de Lusignan
Hugh X de Lusignan
John of Brittany
Hugh XI de Lusignan
Yolonde de Penthievre
Hughes XII de Lusignan
Viviane del Acqs
Sir Lancelot
Jeanne de Lusignan
Piers of Geneville
Alain of Brittany
Roger Mortimer
1st Earl of March
Joan of Geneville
Edmund Mortimer
Edward III King of England
Roger Mortimer
Lionel Duke of Clarence
Edmund Duke of York
Pagano ‘the Hebrew’ of Pisa
Richard Fitzalan
7th Earl of Arundel
s. of Alan FitzFlaald
Edmund Mortimer
3rd Earl of March
Philippa Plantagenet
Roger Mortimer
4th Earl of March
Eleanore of Holland
Anne de Mortimer
(b. 1390)
Richard Earl of Cambridge
Jean I, Seigneur of Beaurevoir
and of Richebourg
Marguerite d’Enghien
Countess of Brienne
(b. 1360)
Pierre Count of St. Pol
Alan FitzFlaald
Jacqueline, Duchess of Bedford
Walter FitzAlan
Richard Duke of York
Roberrt the Bruce
Alan FitzAlan
(? - 1204
Marjorie Stewart
Walter 6th High Stewart of Scotland
Elizabeth Wydeville
Edward IV King of England
Robert II the Bruce
William Sinclair
1st Earl of Caithness
John Stewart
1st Earl of Atholl
Elizabeth of York
Henry VI Tudor
King of England
Eleanor Lady Sinclair
(d. 1518)
Margaret Queen of Scotland
James IV of Scotland
Agnes Stewart
Richard Wydeville
Janet Stewart
(? - 1563)
John Stewart
(? - 1522)
John Stewart
3rd Earl of Atholl
Anne Lady Stewart
John Stewart
3rd Earl of Lennox
James V Stuart
King of Scotland
Marie de Guise
John Stewart
4th Earl of Atholl
(? - 1579)
John Stewart
5th Earl of Atholl
Margaret Fleming
(? - 1587)
Matthew Stewart
Margaret Douglas
Henry Stewart
Lord of Darnley, Duke of Albany
Mary Queen of Scots
Lady Diana Spencer
(1960 - 1997)
James I Stuart
King of Great Britain
Henry VIII King of England

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