(CTWSRO): Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan
(CTWSRO): Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan
Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I - Habitat Assessment for Potential Re-introduction of Pacific Lamprey Upstream of Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project Final Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, Branch of Natural Resources, Fisheries Research March 2012 Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Study Area ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 1: Pacific lamprey overwintering and spawning habitats, and spawn timing in the lower Deschutes Basin .............................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Study Area ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Methods................................................................................................................................. 6 Upstream Overwintering and Spawning Migrations .............................................................. 6 Spawning Locations and Habitat ............................................................................................ 9 Data Analyses ....................................................................................................................... 11 1.4 Results ................................................................................................................................. 12 Radio-tagging and Tracking ................................................................................................. 12 1.5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 30 Patterns of Migration ............................................................................................................ 30 Pre-holding Migration Relative to Environmental Factors ................................................... 31 Location, Time of Spawning and Redd Characteristics........................................................ 31 Chapter 2: Capture efficiency of standard, ammocoete (larval lamprey) - survey gear under varying environmental conditions, fish sizes and densities .......................................................... 34 2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 34 2.2 Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 34 2.3 Methods............................................................................................................................... 37 Electrofishing ........................................................................................................................ 37 Shock Duration ..................................................................................................................... 37 Experimental Enclosures ...................................................................................................... 38 Ammocoete Length and Density .......................................................................................... 40 Substrate................................................................................................................................ 41 Environmental Variables ...................................................................................................... 41 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 43 2.4 Results ................................................................................................................................. 44 2.5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 52 Chapter 3: Ammocoete abundance as a function of measured environmental variables in the field, downstream of PRB ............................................................................................................. 53 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 53 3.2 Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 53 3.3 Methods............................................................................................................................... 56 Site Selection ........................................................................................................................ 56 Electro-fishing....................................................................................................................... 56 ______________________________________________________________________________ i PLEMP Phase I Final Data analysis ......................................................................................................................... 59 3.4 Results ................................................................................................................................. 59 3.5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 62 Chapter 4: Theoretical estimate of ammocoete abundance in the Metolius, Crooked, and Deschutes rivers, based on thermograph and habitat data ............................................................ 66 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 66 Literature Review of the Effects of Water Temperature on Lamprey Rearing Ammocoetes and Spawning Adults ............................................................................................................ 67 4.2 Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 68 4.3 Methods............................................................................................................................... 70 4.4 Results ................................................................................................................................. 71 Water temperature ................................................................................................................. 71 Habitat Area .......................................................................................................................... 83 Theoretical abundance estimate of ammocoetes in habitats suitable for re-introduction upstream of PRB ................................................................................................................... 86 4.5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 89 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 91 References ..................................................................................................................................... 93 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 98 Appendix 1. Pacific lamprey redd survey measurements. ....................................................... 99 Appendix 1 (cont.). Pacific lamprey redd survey measurements. ......................................... 100 Appendix 1 (cont.). Pacific lamprey redd survey measurements. ......................................... 101 Appendix 2. Group membership and overwinter locations of radio-tagged lamprey............. 102 Appendix 2 (cont.) . Group membership and overwinter locations of radio-tagged lamprey. 103 Appendix 3. Group membership and spawning locations of radio-tagged larmpreys. .......... 104 Appendix 3 (cont.). Group membership and spawning locations of radio-tagged larmpreys. ................................................................................................................................................. 105 Appendix 4. Site descriptions for Capture Efficiency Model development. .......................... 106 Appendix 5. Enclosure design. .............................................................................................. 107 Attachment A – Consultation with the Fish Committee ______________________________________________________________________________ ii PLEMP Phase I Final Table of Figures Figure 1. Flow diagram showing the relationships between, and the chronology of, possible implementation paths for the Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan (PGE and CTWSRO 2006).............................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2. Map of lower Deschutes Basin adult Pacific lamprey study locations, 2005 –2009. .... 5 Figure 3. Vicinity map of lamprey redd study reaches in Shitike and Beaver creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 - 2009. ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 4. Frequency of detections at fixed-site receiving locations in the lower Deschutes and Warm Springs basins by month, 2005 – 2009. ............................................................................. 14 Figure 5. Frequency of detections at fixed-site receiving locations in the lower Deschutes and Warm Springs basins by hour, 2005 – 2009. ................................................................................ 15 Figure 6. Pacific lamprey fall migration in response to daily average water temperature, 2005 2009............................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 7. Pacific lamprey fall migration in response to one-day change in discharge (cfs), 2005 2009............................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 8. Dendrogram of Pacific lamprey grouped by overwinter locations. ............................. 21 Figure 9. Overwinter locations, by group, for Pacific lamprey in the Deschutes Basin, 2005 2009............................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 10. Dendrogram of Pacific lamprey grouped by spawning locations. ............................. 24 Figure 11. Spawning locations, by group, for Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes Basin, 2005-2009. .................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 12. Pacific lamprey redd locations in Beaver Creek, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 – 2009................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 13. Pacific lamprey redd locations in Shitike Creek, lower Deschutes River, 2008 – 2009. ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 14. Hydrographs of Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, MayJuly 2008-09.................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 15. Pacific lamprey ammocoete capture efficiency study sites in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. ........................................................................................................ 35 Figure 16. Experimental net enclosures in Badger Creek, November 2007. ............................... 39 Figure 17. Number of ammocoetes captured versus depth (cm) of fine sediments during distribution surveys in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2002-2006. Seventy-five percent and 96% of ammocoetes were caught at depths less than 15 cm and 30 cm, respectively. .......... 39 Figure 18. Length frequency of ammocoetes captured during distribution surveys in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2002-2006. ........................................................................................ 40 Figure 19. Model intercept versus electrofishing pass................................................................. 46 Figure 20. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 1. ................................................ 47 Figure 21. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 2. ................................................ 48 Figure 22. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 3. ................................................ 49 ______________________________________________________________________________ iii PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 23. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 4. ................................................ 50 Figure 24. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 5. ................................................ 51 Figure 25. Ammocoete habitat model study reaches (dark blue) in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. ........................................... 55 Figure 26. Scatter plot of ammocoete abundance (log10) and water temperature (°C) in Shitike Creek, 2009. .................................................................................................................................. 61 Figure 27. Length-frequency of ammocoetes in Shitike Creek and streams in the Warm Springs Subbasin. ....................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 28. Area of maximum potential re-colonization for Pacific lamprey upstream of Lake Billy Chinook. ............................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 29. Water temperature in the Metolius River near Grandview (USGS 14091500) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. .................. 73 Figure 30. Water temperature in the Metolius River at Bridge 99 (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ................................ 74 Figure 31. Area of potential re-colonization for Pacific lamprey upstream of Lake Billy Chinook, limited by water temperature (cold springs represented by small circles). ................... 75 Figure 32. Water temperature in Abbot Creek (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. .................................................................... 76 Figure 33. Water temperature in Lake Creek (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ................................................................................ 77 Figure 34. Water temperature in the Deschutes River near Culver (USGS 14076500) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. .................. 78 Figure 35. Water temperature in the Deschutes River at Lower Bridge Road (UDWC DR_13350) May through July, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning and rearing. ....................................................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 36. Water temperature in Whychus Creek downstream of Alder Springs (UDWC WC001_50) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ...................................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 37. Water temperature in the Crooked River below Opal Springs (USGS 14087400) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. .................. 81 Figure 38. Water temperature in the Crooked River at Smith Rock State Park near Terrebonne (USBOR CRSO) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ...................................................................................................................................... 82 Figure 39. Water temperature in the Crooked River below Bowman Dam (USBOR PRVO) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. .................. 82 ______________________________________________________________________________ iv PLEMP Phase I Final Table of Tables Table 1. Adult lamprey capture, release sites, and fixed-site telemetry receiver locations ........... 7 Table 2. Dates of aerial surveys to track Pacific lamprey movements in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. .......................................................................................................... 9 Table 3. Environmental variables as potential predictors for Pacific lamprey migration rates. .. 11 Table 4. Descriptive statistics for radio-tagged Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2008................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5. Number of days from release site past fixed-site antennae for fall migrating Pacific lamprey, 2005 - 2009. ................................................................................................................... 15 Table 6. Pacific lamprey detected at fixed-site antennae during post-holding migration, 2005 2009............................................................................................................................................... 17 Table 7. Model predictors with sensitivity and tolerance values for Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes River Basin, 2005 - 2009. ............................................................................................ 18 Table 8. Overwintering locations, as determined by the dendrogram, for Pacific lamprey overwintering locations in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. ........................... 21 Table 9. Spawning locations, as determined by the dendrogram, for Pacific lamprey overwintering locations in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. ........................... 24 Table 10. Descriptive statistics for Pacific lamprey redd physical characteristics, Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 – 2009. ................................................... 29 Table 11. Pacific lamprey capture efficiency sample sites, Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. ............................................. 36 Table 12. Pacific lamprey electrofishing shock duration and rest periods for development of the CE model, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. .......................................................... 38 Table 13. Environmental variables measured before and immediately after electrofisher efficiency trials in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, 2007 - 2008. ....... 42 Table 14. Environmental variables measured during electrofishing trials in the Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver and Shitike creeks, 2007 - 2008. .............................................................. 45 Table 15. Study reaches for ammocoete habitat model in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. ........................................................ 54 Table 16. Variables for ammocoete habitat model development, Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. ............................................ 58 Table 17. Habitat conditions in Shitike Creek, April through September, 2009. ........................ 62 Table 18. Summary of temperature thresholds and ranges for Pacific lamprey by developmental stage. ............................................................................................................................................. 68 Table 19. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Metolius River from the mouth to Camp Creek. ................................................................................................................................. 84 Table 20. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Deschutes River from Big Falls to LBC. .............................................................................................................................................. 84 ______________________________________________________________________________ v PLEMP Phase I Final Table 21. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in Whychus Creek from Alder Springs to the Deschutes River. ........................................................................................................................... 85 Table 22. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Crooked River from rkm 6.9, upstream of Opal Springs, to LBC. .............................................................................................................. 85 Table 23. Estimated potential ammocoete abundance and 95% prediction intervals for habitats upstream of LBC. .......................................................................................................................... 87 Table 24. Ammocoete density by stream, according to water temperature and substrate. .......... 88 ______________________________________________________________________________ vi PLEMP Phase I Final Table of Equations Equation 1 ............................................................................................ 43 Equation 2 . ............................................................................................... 43 f(X) ixi ,..................................................................................................... 43 Equation 3 Equation 4 Pass 1; y = -0.006β1 + -0.027β2 + 0.164β3 + 0.378β4 + -0.223β5 + -0.009β6 + 2.90. 45 Equation 5 Pass 2; y = -0.011β1 + -0.048β2 + 0.026β3 + 0.430β4 + -0.257β5 + -0.008β6 +4.34 ....................................................................................................................................................... 45 Equation 6 Pass 3; y = -0.015β1 + -0.051β2 + 0.348β4 + -0.113β5 + 4.96 ................................ 45 Equation 7 Pass 4; y = -0.013β1 + -0.0613β2 + 0.334β4 + -0.109β5 + 5.28 ................................. 45 Equation 8 Pass 5; y = -0.014β1 + -0.068β2 + 0.316β4 + -0.173β5 + 5.75 ................................... 45 Equation 9 CP(y) = exp(y) / (1 + exp(y)), where CP is between 0 and 1. ................................ 46 Equation 10 Estimated µ {log10 ammocoete abundance/sample│water temperature, percent canopy, sand} per 0.5625m2 area ................................................................................................. 59 ______________________________________________________________________________ vii PLEMP Phase I Final Acknowledgements First we‟d like to thank our funding sources: Warm Springs Power Enterprise, Portland General Electric, Bonneville Power Administration, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. Adult overwintering and spawning habitat – Jennifer Graham developed and implemented the study design, data management, and assisted in writing annual reports. This could not have been accomplished without Joel Santos who captured adult Pacific lamprey and assisted in all aspects of the study. Special thanks to Lyman Jim, Aldo Garcia, and other CTWSRO Natural Resources employees for setting up the infrastructure, tracking, equipment maintenance, and data entry; Debbie Docherty (BPA) for contract administration; and Bonneville Power Administration for funding. Capture Efficiency Model – We would like to recognize biologists, field and GIS technicians at the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon who assisted with various aspects of this study. Jennifer Graham developed the study design. Abel Brumo assisted with in-field study design modifications, sampling, data management, and writing annual reports. Matt Fox and Aldo Garcia assisted with all aspects of the project including field trials, equipment maintenance, data entry and management. Lyman Jim and Shawn Jim assisted with project initiation and experimental enclosure construction. Shayla Frank, Sterling Kalama, Rolland Morningowl, Isaac Santos, and Joel Santos assisted with implementation of electrofishing trials. Special thanks to Dr. Don Stevens, Jr., Department of Statistics, Oregon State University, who assisted with study design, statistical analyses, and review. Ammocoete (Larval lamprey) Abundance Model – Cyndi Baker developed the study design. Data collection was conducted by Aldo Garcia, Joel Santos, Brandon Smith, and summer youth workers Johnson Heath, and Britten Lumpmouth. We thank Henry Franzoni, CRITFC, for writing a macro for the Capture Efficiency Model and transforming data collected from the Ammocoete Abundance Model (initially capture data) into abundance estimates on a per site basis. Potential habitat upstream of the Pelton Round Butte Project and theoretical ammocoete abundance estimate – We thank the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council for water temperature data on the Deschutes River and Whychus Creek, especially Lesley Jones for additional data interpretation. Rick Kittleson, Information Specialist at U.S.G.S. in Portland, provided water temperature data for U.S.G.S. sites. Steve Casad, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bend, provided helpful information to access Hydromet data. Alyssa Reischauer, U.S.F.S. Deschutes National Forest, kindly provided water temperature data for the Metolius River. Cyndi Baker and Aldo Garcia for data collection and coordinating data collection with the above people and agencies. Special thanks to Marissa Stradley, CTWSRO GIS Support, for help with assigning random locations for study design, making maps and providing geographic information. ______________________________________________________________________________ viii PLEMP Phase I Final We‟d also like to acknowledge and thank the people of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon for their continual support for this project. Study design, data analyses and authorship were completed by Cyndi Baker, Matt Fox, and Jen Graham. ______________________________________________________________________________ ix PLEMP Phase I Final Executive Summary Since 2003, Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata ecology has been documented in the Deschutes Basin. Local ecological knowledge of lamprey is important, particularly as adult returns throughout the Columbia Basin continue to decline. This information will be useful in determining the potential for re-introducing lamprey to inhabit part of its historic range upstream of the Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project (PRB). As part of relicensing the Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, the licensees, Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, developed a Fish Passage Plan approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. A component of the Fish Passage Plan is the Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan (PLEMP). In order to reestablish lamprey upstream of PRB, a series of assessments is called for in the PLEMP. The first step was to study habitats currently occupied downstream of PRB, then identify potential habitat upstream of PRB. Both juvenile and adult lamprey downstream of PRB were studied to ascertain: 1) timing and locations of spawning and overwintering, 2) spawning and rearing distribution, and 3) habitat associations. The culmination of this assessment was a theoretical abundance estimate of Pacific lamprey ammocoetes (larval lamprey) in habitat that may be recolonized upstream of PRB. From 2005 to 2009, radio telemetry was used to determine adult lamprey overwintering and spawning habitats, and spawn timing in the lower Deschutes River subbasin. Over the course of four years, we have established migration timing and behavior, and quantified habitat use to utilize in future recovery efforts. All fish were collected at the Sherars Falls fish ladder from approximately mid June to mid September with peak of the run occurring at the end of July. Using a long handled dip-net, 84 lamprey were captured, implanted with a radio transmitter and released upstream of Sherars Falls. Fifty-two were successfully radio tracked and exhibited upstream movement or patterns consistent with spawning behavior. The remaining fish were either mortalities, coded upon release and further movements unknown, or potential tag failures. Lamprey were intensively tracked via mobile, aerial, boat and fixed receiving sites for approximately one year after release. Originally presumed west-side tributary spawners, only 27% (n=18) entered west-side tributaries of the Warm Springs Reservation, including the Warm Springs River, Beaver and Shitike creeks. Two models were developed to help quantify the potential for habitats upstream of PRB to rear juvenile lamprey. The first was the Capture Efficiency (CE) Model, which standardizes ______________________________________________________________________________ x PLEMP Phase I Final ammocoete catch via electroshocker and transforms the data to abundance so environmental variability between sites is taken into account. The CE Model identified ammocoete length, sediment depth, conductivity, and visibility into the water column and on top of the water (wind ripples) as important variables. The second model is the Ammocoete Abundance Model (AAM) which quantifies the relationship between abundance and habitat characteristics in the lower Deschutes River. Significant variables in the AAM are water temperature and whether the habitat patch is silt or sand. The two models, used in conjunction with water temperature and habitat data upstream of PRB, resulted in a theoretical estimate of ammocoete abundance. The extent of potential ammocoete rearing habitat upstream of PRB includes the Metolius River from the mouth to Camp Creek (rkm 13.8), the Deschutes River from the head of Lake Billy Chinook (rkm 193) to Big Falls (rkm 213), Whychus Creek from the confluence with the Deschutes River to Alder Springs (rkm 2.4) and the Crooked River from the head of Lake Billy Chinook to Opal Springs (rkm 6.9). It is estimated that these habitats could support approximately 4.8 million ammocoetes (95% prediction interval = 3.7 to 7.5 million ammocoetes). ______________________________________________________________________________ xi PLEMP Phase I Final Introduction A major component in the issuance of the 50-year operating license for Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project (PRB) in 2005 was to provide passage for anadromous fishes. In conjunction with relicensing PRB, a Fish Passage Plan (Plan) was developed by the licensees, Portland General Electric (PGE) and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (CTWSRO), and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). A fundamental piece of the Plan is to design and construct downstream passage facilities, test and verify the performance of the downstream passage facility, and evaluate and implement volitional upstream passage at PRB (if volitional passage is determined to be feasible and appropriate). The primary goal of the Plan is to maximize ecosystem integrity by supporting connectivity, biodiversity, and natural production. A key objective of the Plan is to, “[p]rovide access to and through Project waters for Pacific lamprey, summer-run / fall-run Chinook salmon, rainbow (redband) trout, bull trout, and other native fish species” (Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon 2004). The Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan (PLEMP) was developed by licensees with the approval of the appropriate Fish Agencies pursuant to their respective statutory authorities (Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon 2006). The PLEMP has five sections (Figure 1), including: 1) habitat assessment to further define lamprey spawning and ammocoete (larval) rearing habitat in the Deschutes River Basin and use that information to quantify habitats suitable for production of lamprey both upstream and downstream of the Project; 2) passage assessment to assess the potential for outmigrant and adult Pacific lamprey passage through PRB with existing fish passage facilities; 3) experimental reintroduction of lamprey will occur after the assessment of lamprey passage through the Project; 4) alternative lamprey mitigation may be developed if passage is determined by the Fish Committee to be infeasible with existing facilities; and 5) reinitiation of passage efforts will be implemented if alternative lamprey mitigation occurs and new information demonstrates that passage is feasible. ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 1. Flow diagram showing the relationships between, and the chronology of, possible implementation paths for the Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan (PGE and CTWSRO 2006). Historically, the range of Pacific lamprey upstream of PRB was documented in the Crooked River through oral histories (not fish sampling activities), but it is assumed they had a similar historic distribution as salmon and summer steelhead throughout the Columbia Basin (Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon 2004). Reestablishing Pacific lamprey above PRB requires adequate habitat for all developmental stages such as appropriate substrate and water temperature. Also key is passage opportunities for upstream and downstream migrants. Ecological understanding of Pacific lamprey in the Pacific Northwest is limited. Recent studies on adult and larval habitat use in the Columbia River Basin have provided important information (Close 2002; Graham and Brun 2007; Robinson and Beyer 2005; Stone and Barndt 2005), but information specific to the Deschutes Basin is sparse. Beginning in 2003, the CTWSRO began ______________________________________________________________________________ 2 PLEMP Phase I Final estimating Pacific lamprey adult escapement and documenting juvenile distribution and habitat associations in the Deschutes Basin (Graham and Brun 2004). Development for adult studies began in 2004. Subsequently, the PLEMP expanded efforts to assess lamprey habitat in the Deschutes Basin to better understand habitat requirements and use patterns throughout all life history stages in local populations. To determine whether and/or to what extent re-establishment of Pacific lamprey upstream of PRB is feasible, juvenile and adult lamprey habitat was studied downstream of PRB, in the current, reduced range of Deschutes Basin Pacific lamprey. Based on findings from this work and from current habitat conditions upstream of PRB, potential juvenile and adult lamprey habitats were assessed and a theoretical abundance estimate of ammocoetes in habitats suitable for re-introduction upstream of PRB is presented. Objectives of this study included: 1. Determine Pacific lamprey overwintering and spawning habitats, and spawn timing in the lower Deschutes Basin (Chapter 1); a. Conduct radio-telemetry surveys in the Deschutes River and tributaries, and b. Conduct redd surveys in Shitike and Beaver creeks; 2. Model capture efficiency of standard, ammocoete-survey gear under varying environmental conditions, fish sizes and densities (Chapter 2); 3. Model ammocoete abundance with measured environmental variables in the field, downstream of PRB (Chapter 3); and 4. Quantify potential rearing habitat for ammocoetes and spawning habitat for adults in the Metolius, Crooked (to Bowman Dam), and Deschutes rivers, and calculate theoretical abundance estimates of ammocoetes in habitats suitable for re-introduction upstream of PRB, based on habitat and thermograph data (Chapter 4). ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 PLEMP Phase I Final Study Area The lower Deschutes River Subbasin (HUC 17070306, approximately 5945 km2; Oregon Geospatial Enterprises shape file, 1:24,000 4th field HUC) is located in central Oregon and drains the east slope of the Cascade Mountain Range (Figure 2). Pelton Reregulating Dam is the uppermost point in the subbasin, at rkm 161. The Deschutes River has a unique flow regime among other eastern Oregon rivers as seasonal and inter-annual flow is relatively stable due to groundwater flow through porous volcanic soils and lava formations (Gannett et al. 2003; Northwest Power and Conservation Council 2004). Majority of perennial tributaries within the lower Deschutes River Subbasin originate within the boundaries of the CTWSRO. The Reservation covers approximately 240,000 ha on the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains (Northwest Power and Conservation Council 2004). Reservation boundaries are the crest of the Cascades to the north and west, the Deschutes River to the east, and the Metolius River to the south. The Warm Springs River is the largest watershed within the Reservation, flowing 85 km and draining 54,394 ha into the lower Deschutes River. Major tributaries to the Warm Springs River are Beaver, Badger, and Mill creeks. Shitike Creek is the third largest tributary to the lower Deschutes River, flowing for 48 rkm and draining 36,000 ha. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 2. Map of lower Deschutes Basin adult Pacific lamprey study locations, 2005 –2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 PLEMP Phase I Final Chapter 1: Pacific lamprey overwintering and spawning habitats, and spawn timing in the lower Deschutes Basin 1.1 Introduction To further ecological understanding of Pacific lamprey in the Deschutes Basin, adult lamprey overwintering and spawning habitats, spatial and temporal patterns of use, and spawn timing downstream of Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project (PRB) were studied from 2005 through 2009. Much of the limited information on upstream migrating Pacific lamprey behavior, timing, and habitat use patterns has come from British Columbia (Beamish 1980; Beamish and Levings 1991; Beamish and Northcote 1989). In the Columbia River, lamprey migration has largely focused on passage through hydroelectric facilities (Moser and Close 2003; Moser et al. 2002a; Moser et al. 2002b). However, Robinson et al. (2005) studied adult Pacific lamprey in the John Day Basin, providing a local example of upstream migration timing and habitat use patterns. General patterns of overwinter and spawning migrations have emerged from literature reviews (Kostow 2002; Wydowski and Whitney 2003) and more inaccessible theses and dissertations (Kan 1975; Pletcher 1963; Richards 1980) cited in the aforementioned literature. Returning adult Pacific lamprey generally migrate to freshwater between February and October (mostly during spring), become sedentary and overwinter in deep pools with cover (e.g., boulders, organic debris). Migration resumes to spawning grounds the following spring and spawning occurs between March and July. Objectives of this chapter are to describe patterns of upstream migrating Pacific lamprey overwinter and spawning behavior, habitat use and timing of migration in the lower Deschutes Basin (HUC 17070306). 1.2 Study Area The project was implemented in the main stem Deschutes River from its confluence with the Columbia River to rkm160, the location of PRB, and includes west-side tributaries entering this reach (Figure 2). A fish ladder around Sherars Falls (rkm 70.4) provides a convenient site for collecting and marking lamprey. 1.3 Methods Upstream Overwintering and Spawning Migrations Adult Pacific lamprey were captured at Sherars Falls fish ladder (rkm 70.4) from mid June to mid September and surgically implanted with radio tags. Tagged fish were typically (92%) released at Lower Blue Hole recreation site (rkm 77.3) and tracked with mobile receivers and at fixed site receiving locations (Table 1, Figure 2). Adult lamprey were collected from the Sherars Falls fish ladder using a long handled dip net and transported upstream for holding and transmitter implantation. Individuals were held up to 48 ______________________________________________________________________________ 6 PLEMP Phase I Final hours prior to surgery. Sex, total length (cm), weight (g) and mid-girth (cm) measurements were recorded prior to surgery. Table 1. Adult lamprey capture, release sites, and fixed-site telemetry receiver locations in the lower Deschutes River Sub-basin, 2005 - 2009. Site Name Stream Rkm1 Status 1 Sherars Falls Deschutes 70.4 Capture Location White River Campground Deschutes 74.9 Release Site Lower Blue Hole Rec. Site Deschutes 77.3 Release Site Dant Deschutes 99.0 Fixed Site Mouth of Warm Springs Warm Springs River 135.1 Fixed Site Warm Springs Fish Hatchery Warm Springs River 152.0 Fixed Site Island Beaver Creek 164.7 Fixed Site Warm Springs Forest Products Shitike Creek 159.4 Fixed Site PRB Reregulating Dam Deschutes 160.0 Passage Barrier B-100 Badger Creek 182.5 Fixed Site From mouth of the Deschutes River ______________________________________________________________________________ 7 PLEMP Phase I Final Unique frequency radio transmitters (Lotek Engineering, Inc., Ontario, Canada; model NTC-6-2) were surgically implanted using methods developed by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (Bayer et al. 2001; Robinson and Beyer 2005). Lamprey were anesthetized prior to the implantation procedure. After being anesthetized, lamprey were placed into a large cooler with a cylindrical tube to hold individuals during surgical procedures. Lamprey were placed ventral side up in the trough. An incision approximately 2 cm in length was made longitudinally, just off the mid-line. A sheathed catheter was inserted into the incision and pierced through the musculature, approximately 1 - 3 cm posterior of the incision. The catheter was removed, leaving the sheath. Antenna first, transmitters, were inserted through the sheath, into the body cavity and the sheath removed. Three evenly spaced sutures using 4/0 absorbent suture material closed the incision. Once suturing was completed, oxytetracycline (100 mg·ml-1) was injected under the sutures. Antibacterial ointment was placed along the incision. Lamprey were moved into a covered, aerated holding box to recover and released during or post sunset. Fixed-site telemetry receiving stations were used to monitor movement of radio-tagged lamprey in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin (Table 1). Six fixed receiving sites captured transmitter signals from passing lamprey along the lower Deschutes River, Warm Springs River, Badger, Shitike and Beaver creeks. Data collected included tag code, date, time, and signal strength. Data were downloaded from receivers as needed (e.g., weekly during movement periods, monthly during holding periods). Fixed-site receivers recorded data continuously throughout the year. Water temperature data loggers (Hobo Water TempPro®, Onset Computer Corporation, Pocassett, MA) were located adjacent to fixed receiving sites. Data were logged continuously through the completion of spawning to record seasonal variations in water temperature. Ground surveys consisted of a mobile tracking receiver and hand-held antenna. After the first release of radio-tagged lamprey, ground surveys were conducted 2-4 times a week while fish were moving. Once holding was established, surveys were conducted weekly or biweekly. Ground tracking was accomplished by vehicle, foot and kayak to pinpoint lamprey locations. Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates were logged at the location of highest signal strength. Additional data collected included: time, date, location (rkm, to the nearest tenth), general river channel description, weather, and digital photograph. A Citabria 150 aircraft was contracted to conduct aerial tracking. A directional antenna was situated on the right wing strut and an omni-directional antenna was located on the belly. The two antennae were monitored simultaneously using a Lotek wireless receiver. Frequency of ______________________________________________________________________________ 8 PLEMP Phase I Final aerial surveys was determined by rate of migration with a total of 12 aerial surveys flown throughout the course of the study (Table 2). Aerial surveys consisted of the entire lower Deschutes River (Pelton Reregulation Dam to Heritage Landing (rkm161.8-0), Warm Springs River (upstream 32 km), Beaver (upstream 13 km) and Shitike (upstream 10 km) creeks. Spawning Locations and Habitat Redd surveys were conducted weekly in Shitike and Beaver creeks during spring and early summer 2008 and 2009. Three adjacent reaches were surveyed in Shitike Creek, from the mouth to rkm 11 (Figure 3). In 2008, redd surveys in Shitike Creek began April 17 and ended July 25. In 2009, redd surveys in Shitike Creek began April 27 and ended July 30. In 2008, two reaches in Beaver Creek were surveyed; the Highway 9 crossing (rkm 13) and Robinson Park (rkm 32, Figure 3). In 2009, only the Highway 9 reach was surveyed, including an additional 2.4 km on the downstream end. Robinson Park was not surveyed in 2009 due to disturbance of spawning gravels from human activity. However, Robinson Park was spot-checked in 2009. In 2008, redd surveys in Beaver Creek began April 22 and ended July 22. In 2009, redd surveys in Beaver Creek began May 15 and ended July 27. Pacific lamprey redds are similar in size to large rainbow trout or small steelhead (Onchorhychus mykiss), and spawn timing and locations are also similar (Stone 2006; Wydowsi and Whitney 2003). However, they have a characteristic feature that distinguishes them; an anchor rock Table 2. Dates of aerial surveys to track Pacific lamprey movements in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Nov 2 July 10 June 25 Feb 12 May 15 July 26 May 29 June 23 Aug 31 July 7 July 13 Dec 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ 9 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 3. Vicinity map of lamprey redd study reaches in Shitike and Beaver creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 - 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 10 PLEMP Phase I Final where lamprey attach is located on the upstream end of the redd and they place course substrate (e.g. cobble) at the downstream edge of their nests (Kostow 2002). Surveyors visited the South Fork Coquille River during lamprey spawning in 2007 where several hundred to over onethousand Pacific lamprey spawn (Brumo 2006) for training in redd identification. When evidence of redd excavation was observed, locations were recorded (GPS location) and flagged for further observation through multiple weekly passes. Habitat measurements of redds presumed to be used for spawning were recorded included water velocity, stream width (wetted and bank full), redd location relative to right and left banks, redd dimensions (width, internal and external length, Appendix 1), redd depths (head, mid way, and tail), substrate, canopy cover, and notes about riparian vegetation. Substrate measurements included the maximum diameter of 15 neighboring (touching) stones along lateral and vertical transects, originating at the top, thalwegcorner of the redd (Appendix 1). Data Analyses To determine what environmental factors influenced Pacific lamprey migrations, migration rates from tagging to fixed-site antennae locations were related to environmental variables at the time of detection. Average migration rate for each lamprey was calculated as kilometers per day, which was the response variable. Predictors include quantitative and categorical variables (Table 3). Nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR in HyperNiche version 1.12, McCune and Mefford 2004) was used to represent migration response of Pacific lamprey to multiple interacting environmental factors. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis using Euclidean distance measure and Ward‟s method for group linkage in PC-ORD, version 5.06 (McCune and Mefford 2006) grouped lamprey by overwinter and spawning locations. A dendrogram of distance relationships based on similarities of overwinter and spawning locations was created to facilitate deciding group membership. Overwinter location was determined by the last location in the fall documented for a lamprey within the calendar year that it was tagged. Lamprey used in the overwinter cluster analysis also must have been tracked the following spring. Spawning locations were determined by the uppermost location detected in the spring, if water temperatures were between 10°C and 16°C. Table 3. Environmental variables as potential predictors for Pacific lamprey migration rates. ______________________________________________________________________________ 11 PLEMP Phase I Final Quantitative variables: Water temperature Daily average 2-d maximum 2-d minimum Discharge Log of daily average 1-d change in discharge Lunar phase Percent luminosity (-100 to +100, depending on waxing or waning) Categorical variables: Month of detection Time of day of detection Main stem or tributary 1.4 Results Radio-tagging and Tracking Eighty-four Pacific lamprey were radio-tagged from 2005 through 2008 (Table 4). Except for 7 lamprey released at White River Campground in 2007, tagged lamprey were released at Lower Blue Hole recreation site. Of the 84 tagged lamprey, 32 had either tag failures (e.g. expelled tags), were presumed dead after showing only slow downstream movement, or left the system, leaving 52 fish to track. ______________________________________________________________________________ 12 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 4. Descriptive statistics for radio-tagged Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2008. Year n Length (cm) Avg. Range Weight (g) Avg. Range Girth (cm) Avg. Range Male to Female1 2005 26 7/19 to 8/19 66.7 62.5-72.1 502.7 400.0-700.0 11.7 11.3-12.5 1:1.6 2006 8 7/21 to 8/9 71.5 66.0-77.0 520.0 350.0-680.0 12.2 11.5-13.0 1:3 2007 36 7/11 to 8/22 65.7 61.0-71.0 464.3 350.0-560.0 11.0 10.5-13.0 1:1.6 2008 14 7/21 to 9/18 65.8 61.5-70.0 452.9 370.0-530.0 11.2 10.5-13.0 1.3:1 66.6 61.0-77.0 479.6 350.0-700.0 11.1 10.5-13.0 1:1.5 Total 84 1 Release Dates Sex unknown for some lamprey. From 2005 through 2009, there were 60 tag detections at fixed-site antennae, representing 31 fish. Some of the tagged lamprey were detected at multiple fixed-site receiving stations as they moved upstream; 15 were detected at two fixed-site antennae, 3 lamprey were detected at 3 different fixed sites and 3 lamprey were detected at 4 fixed sites. Lamprey were detected at fixed sites most frequently from June through September (Figure 4). Lamprey were most frequently detected from midnight to 3:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Figure 5). ______________________________________________________________________________ 13 PLEMP Phase I Final Frequency Figure 4. Frequency of detections at fixed-site receiving locations in the lower Deschutes and Warm Springs basins by month, 2005 – 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 14 PLEMP Phase I Final Frequency Figure 5. Frequency of detections at fixed-site receiving locations in the lower Deschutes and Warm Springs basins by hour, 2005 – 2009. Among the 60 lamprey detections at fixed site receiving locations, overwinter (or pre-holding) and spawning (or post-holding) migrations were identified. Fifty-six percent (34) of lamprey detected at fixed sites passed detections sites before fall (<90 days) after fish were tagged (Figure 4), and they appeared to be moving upstream to overwintering locations. The overwinter migrants moved at an average rate of 1.6 km/d. Twenty-four lamprey are represented in this group. Seven were detected multiple times as they moved upstream and passed as many as four fixed-site receiving stations in the Warm Springs River (Table 5). Only one lamprey passed the antennae at the mouth of Shitike Creek (22 d after release, average 3.7 km/d). Eighteen detections appeared to be associated with spawning, representing eight fish, detected at Dant and three fixed sites in the Warm Springs River (Table 6). Table 5. Number of days from release site past fixed-site antennae for fall migrating Pacific lamprey, 2005 - 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 15 PLEMP Phase I Final Fixed site (number of detections) Average days from release Range days from release Dant (n = 22) 26 6 - 104 Mouth (n = 7) 30 17 - 46 Hatchery (n = 3) 40 29 - 47 Island (mouth Beaver Ck, n = 3) 47 33 - 58 ______________________________________________________________________________ 16 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 6. Pacific lamprey detected at fixed-site antennae during post-holding migration, 2005 - 2009. Tag Code Date Released Detection Date Detection Site Days Since Release 18 7/12/2005 2/22/2006 WSM1 225 6/3/2006 DFS2 297 6/18/2006 WSM 312 6/23/2006 WSNFH3 317 6/19/2006 DFS 313 6/30/2006 WSNFH 324 6/21/2006 DFS 306 6/29/2006 WSM 314 7/3/2006 WSNFH 318 5/25/2007 DFS 308 6/6/2007 WSM 320 6/10/2007 WSNFH 324 6/13/2007 Island 327 6/10/2006 DFS 305 8/17/2006 WSNFH 373 6/2/2008 WSM 304 5/17/2009 DFS 295 7/19/2009 WSM 358 25 32 54 68 74 8/10/2005 8/10/2005 8/19/2005 7/21/2006 8/9/2006 20 8/3/2007 131 7/26/2008 1 WSM = Warm Springs River mouth fixed site 2 DFS = Dant Fixed Site 3 WSNFH = Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery ______________________________________________________________________________ 17 PLEMP Phase I Final Average migration rates of lamprey in fall during pre-holding migration after fish were tagged, was moderately correlated with daily average water temperature and one-day change in discharge (xR2=0.29). Predictors were evaluated by means of their sensitivity to differences in quantitative predictors (environmental variables, Table 7). The greater the sensitivity to changes in the variables, the more influence that variable has in the model. Tolerance is the standard deviations used in Gaussian smoothers, so the greater the tolerance, the poorer the predictor. Fall migration rates of Pacific lamprey were greatest when water temperatures were warm (14°C to 20°C, Figure 6) and increased with decreasing discharge (Figure 7). Table 7. Model predictors with sensitivity and tolerance values for Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes River Basin, 2005 - 2009. Predictor Sensitivity Tolerance % Tolerance Daily average water temperature 1.34 0.72 5 1-d change discharge 0.26 54.0 20 Daily average discharge 0.07 1862.8 40 Lunar phase 0.03 124.8 65 ______________________________________________________________________________ 18 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 6. Pacific lamprey fall migration in response to daily average water temperature, 2005 - 2009. Figure 7. Pacific lamprey fall migration in response to one-day change in discharge (cfs), 2005 - 2009. Radio-tracking data from the fall from 2005 through 2008 revealed overwinter locations for 35 of the 52 Pacific lamprey being tracked. Cluster analysis of overwinter locations resulted in a dendrogram with 4.02% chaining. The dendrogram of overwinter locations was split into four groups, retaining approximately 92.5% of the information as distance between groups (Figure 8, Table 8). Of the 35 lamprey that apparently overwintered, 74% (26) were in the Deschutes River, 20% (7) were in the Warm Springs River, and only one lamprey was found in Beaver Creek and one in Shitike Creek (Figure 9). Radio-tagged lamprey typically spawned where they overwintered; 19 (of the 26) spawned in the Deschutes River; 7 (of the 7) in Warm Springs River, one in each of Beaver and Shitike creeks. Three lamprey that overwintered in the Deschutes River appeared to spawn in Warm Springs River. One lamprey that apparently overwintered in the Deschutes River spawned in Shitike Creek. ______________________________________________________________________________ 19 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 8. Dendrogram of Pacific lamprey grouped by overwinter locations. See Appendix 2 for details of lamprey tagging, detection data and group membership. Table 8. Overwintering locations, as determined by the dendrogram, for Pacific lamprey overwintering locations in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. Group Distance from release site (rkm) Area 1 79.0 to 89.9 Deschutes R. near Shitike Creek, lower Shitike Creek, in WSR near the mouth of Beaver Ck., lower Beaver Ck. 2 57.1 to 75.5 Deschutes River near the mouth of WSR and WSR from the mouth to WSNFH 3 -1.8 to 8.8 Deschutes River near White River to Boxcar Rapids 4 22.7 to 43.3 Deschutes River from Dant to North Junction ______________________________________________________________________________ 21 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 9. Overwinter locations, by group, for Pacific lamprey in the Deschutes Basin, 2005 - 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 22 PLEMP Phase I Final Radio-tracking data in the spring from 2006 through 2009 indicated spawning locations of 49 of the 52 radio-tagged Pacific lamprey. Cluster analysis of spawning locations resulted in a dendrogram with 2.65% chaining. The dendrogram of spawning locations was split into three groups, retaining approximately 90% of the information as distance between groups (Figure 10, Table 9). Three of the 52 tagged lamprey were not included in the analysis of spawning locations; they remained in the vicinity of the tagging location and therefore did not make large movements to spawning locations so spawning was difficult to document on these fish (Figure 11). Of the 49 lamprey with more obvious spawning migration patterns, apparent spawning locations included the Deschutes River (n = 31), Shitike Creek (n = 3), Warm Springs River (n=13) and Beaver Creek (n = 2, Figure 11). ______________________________________________________________________________ 23 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 10. Dendrogram of Pacific lamprey grouped by spawning locations. See Appendix 3 for details of lamprey tagging, detection data and group membership. Table 9. Spawning locations, as determined by the dendrogram, for Pacific lamprey overwintering locations in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2005 - 2009. Group Distance from release site (rkm) Area 1 57.1 to 104.1 Deschutes River near mouth of WSR to Shitike Creek and tributaries, including WSR, Shitike and Beaver creeks 2 0.6 to 13.4 Deschutes River from Blue Hole, just above release site, upstream of Harpham Flat near Long Bend 3 20.9 to 43.3 Deschutes River from Dant to North Junction ______________________________________________________________________________ 24 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 11. Spawning locations, by group, for Pacific lamprey in the lower Deschutes Basin, 2005-2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 25 PLEMP Phase I Final In 2008 and 2009, 8 redds were identified in Beaver Creek and 23 redds were identified in Shitike Creek (Figures 12 and 13). In 2008, there were 1.7 times more redds in Beaver Creek (5/3) and 2.8 times more redds in Shitike Creek (17/6) than in 2009. The average Pacific lamprey redd in study reaches in Shitike and Beaver creeks in 2008 and 2009 were 38 cm wide by 41 cm long (internal length) or 78 cm long (including coarse substrate at tail, Table 10). Pacific lamprey spawned in water about one-third meter deep, with very little detectable flow at the substrate and about one-half meter per second 60% up the water column. Substrate size ranged broadly, but averaged approximately 50 cm both vertically and laterally. In Shitike Creek, Pacific lamprey redds were excavated as individual nests, while in Beaver Creek, they were excavated in groups, appearing as windrows, particularly near the Highway 9 reach. ______________________________________________________________________________ 26 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 12. Pacific lamprey redd locations in Beaver Creek, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 – 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 27 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 13. Pacific lamprey redd locations in Shitike Creek, lower Deschutes River, 2008 – 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 28 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 10. Descriptive statistics for Pacific lamprey redd physical characteristics, Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2008 – 2009. Variable Average Minimum Maximum Width 38 20 56 Internal length 42 22 85 External length 78 29 160 Depth at head 37 8 84 Depth midway 37 13 72 Depth at tail 29 5 71 At substrate 0.08 -0.03 0.31 60% above substrate depth 0.54 0.08 0.93 Average 51 22 94 Minimum 11 2 35 Maximum 132 55 298 Average 53 14 107 Minimum 13 1 42 Maximum 141 38 261 Redd dimensions (cm) Water depth (cm) Water velocity (m/s) Substrate size – vertical (mm) Substrate size – lateral (mm) ______________________________________________________________________________ 29 PLEMP Phase I Final In Beaver Creek, average date of redd excavation was June 23 in 2008 (range June 17 to July 16, n = 5) and June 12 in 2009 (all on June 12, n = 3). Corresponding daily average water temperatures ranged from 10.2°C to 16.2°C in Beaver Creek (Dahl Pine, approximately 9.5 km upstream of Highway 9 crossing and 7.5 km downstream of Robinson Park) in 2008 and averaged 11.7°C on June 12 when three redds were identified in 2009. In Shitike Creek, average date of redd excavation was June 21 in 2008 (range June 6 to July 8, n = 17) and July 23 in 2009 (range July 14 to July 30, n = 6). Corresponding daily average water temperatures in Shitike Creek (approximately 1 km upstream from mouth) ranged from 8.3°C to 16.2°C in 2008 and from 15.2°C to 22.6°C in 2009. 1.5 Discussion Patterns of Migration Detections of radio-tagged Pacific lamprey at fixed-site receiving locations were most frequent from June through September and at hours between dusk and dawn (chiefly from midnight to 3:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to11:00 p.m.). These detections represent both pre-holding and postholding migrations (sensu Robinson and Beyer 2005). Detections from lamprey associated with pre-holding migrations ranged from July (less than 1 week after tagging) to early December (over three months after tagging). Detections from post-holding movements ranged from late February (222 days after tagging) to mid-August (over 1 year after tagging). Observed patterns broadly agree with other reports of Pacific lamprey migrations in the Pacific Northwest, although sparse. Pacific lamprey counts at Columbia River dams indicate the upstream migration period extends from April through August, with median dates beginning at Bonneville Dam in early July, mid-July at The Dalles Dam, with a general pattern of successively later median dates as distance of dams increased from the mouth of the Columbia River (Keefer et al. 2009). Upstream migration through Columbia River dams is assumed to represent lamprey engaged in pre-holding migrations. Robinson and Bayer (2005) report preholding migrations of Pacific lamprey in the John Day River from July, after fish were radio tagged, until September when lamprey began holding. After overwinter holding, Pacific lamprey resumed upstream migration beginning in mid-March 2001 with spawning movements ended by early May 2001. Fixed-site receiving locations on the John Day River also recorded lamprey moving between sunset and sunrise. In the Nicola River, a tributary of the Fraser River, preholding Pacific lamprey migration occurred late July through early August (Beamish and Levings 1991). ______________________________________________________________________________ 30 PLEMP Phase I Final Pre-holding Migration Relative to Environmental Factors In the Deschutes Basin, Pacific lamprey migration rates were loosely correlated with water temperature and change in discharge; migration rates increased with rising daily average water temperatures and declining river discharge. This corresponds to results in Keefer et al. (2009), in which in-river environmental conditions influenced upstream progression of adult Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River. Aggregate run timing of Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River system was earliest in warm and low-flow years and later in cold and high-flow years. Associations of Pacific lamprey migration characteristics and environmental variables are likely related to metabolic costs of migration. Metabolic rate increases with increasing activity (e.g. migration) providing sufficient energy for blood O2 and CO2 transport; the higher the water temperature (up to a point of decreasing return), the higher the metabolic rate (Burggren et al. 1991). Alternatively, energy is conserved when migration occurs during lower flows. Location, Time of Spawning and Redd Characteristics At the onset of this study, it was thought that Pacific lamprey would primarily be observed spawning in tributaries of the Deschutes River, particularly in Shitike Creek and Warm Springs River. Only three (<6%) radio-tagged lamprey of the 52 tagged fish were detected in Shitike Creek and 15 (29%) tagged lamprey were detected in Warm Spring River and Beaver Creek. An unexpectedly high number of radio-tagged Pacific lamprey, 60% (31) of the 52 radio-tagged lamprey, appeared to have spawned in the Deschutes River. However, no redds were documented or measured in the mainstem Deschutes River. In the John Day River, 39 of 42 radio-tagged lamprey appeared to spawn in the mainstem (Robinson and Beyer 2005). The conceptual model of lamprey spawning in small-order tributaries is likely the result of studies constrained by methods of observation to view adult lamprey and/or redds in smaller streams (e.g. Beamish 1980; Stone 2006) and from incidental catch of ammocoetes in screw-traps located in tributaries (Kostow 2002). Temporal patterns of observations of newly excavated redds in Beaver and Shitike creeks correspond with other reports in the Pacific Northwest. Newly excavated Pacific lamprey redds were observed in the study reach in Beaver Creek from June 17 to July 16 in 2008 when daily average water temperatures were between 10.2°C to 16.2°C. In 2009, new redds in Beaver Creek were observed on June 12 when daily average water temperature was 11.7°C. Freshly constructed redds in Shitike Creek were observed from June 6 to July 8, 2008 with corresponding water temperatures between 8.3°C to 16.2°C. In western Washington, Pacific lamprey nests in Cedar Creek were first observed during the first week of May and were last observed in early July (Stone 2006). Corresponding water temperatures for observations in Cedar Creek were 9.4 °C and 16.0 °C. In southern Oregon, redd counts in the South Fork ______________________________________________________________________________ 31 PLEMP Phase I Final Coquille River peaked on May 5, 2004 (Brumo 2006). In 2009, Pacific lamprey redds were not observed in Shitike Creek until mid-July. Daily average water temperatures were correspondingly higher as well, from 15.2°C to 22.6°C. The apparent late timing of redd excavation in Shitike Creek in 2009 may have been due, at least in part, to hydrologic conditions (e.g. high flows, turbidity) that interfered with redd surveys. A peak in flow June 2, 2009 in Shitike Creek (450 cfs, USGS 14093000, Figure 14) was above the level that surveyors were able to wade (200 cfs). Wading Shitike Creek was not possible until mid-June in 2009 but lamprey redds were not observed until mid-July. In Beaver Creek, an early peak in spring discharge in 2008 was later (mid-May) than in 2009 (early May) but surveyors were able to wade the stream by late May in both years (USGS 14096850, Figure 14). If index reaches for Pacific lamprey redds are indicative of spawning populations in Beaver and Shitike creeks, there were 2.4 times greater spawning activity in 2008 than in 2009, 22 and 9 redds, respectively. Pacific lamprey redds in Shitike and Beaver creeks were slightly larger than that summarized by Wydowski and Whitney (2003), in which Pacific lamprey redds were reported up to 61 cm in diameter, 20 to 30 cm wide and 3 to 8 cm deep. In Shitike and Beaver creeks, redds averaged 78 cm (including coarse substrate at tail) long by 38 cm wide, and average substrate diameter of 55 mm. Pacific lamprey redds in the Smith River in southern Oregon averaged 39 cm in length, 36 cm wide, 7.6 cm depth, in water 44 cm deep, with an average velocity of about 1m/s and substrate 48.1mm average diameter (Gunckel et al. 2006). Wydowski and Whitney (2003) reported that Pacific lamprey spawning sites are usually in riffles and tails of pools with water velocity between 0.5 and 1.0 m/s and depths between 0.4 and 1 m. In Shitike and Beaver creeks, Pacific lamprey spawned in water about one-third meter deep, which flowed near zero at the substrate and about one-half meter per second 60% up the water column. Similar to large clusters of redds in Beaver Creek, Pacific lamprey redds were observed in high densities on the South Fork Coquille River, in which large areas (20 m by 5 m) were disturbed, making individual redds impossible to distinguish (Brumo 2006). ______________________________________________________________________________ 32 PLEMP Phase I Final Beaver Ck. near Quartz Ck. 2008 Discharge (cfs) 2009 200 cfs spawning period Shitike Ck. near Museum 2008 Discharge (cfs) 2009 200 cfs spawning period Figure 14. Hydrographs of Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, May-July 2008-09 ______________________________________________________________________________ 33 PLEMP Phase I Final Chapter 2: Capture efficiency of standard, ammocoete (larval lamprey) survey gear under varying environmental conditions, fish sizes and densities 2.1 Introduction The most common approach to monitor lamprey habitat use and abundance is by capturing ammocoetes (Pajos and Weise 1994) because they remain in sediments of their natal streams from four to seven years before migrating seaward (Wydowski and Whitney 2003). Since ammocoetes filter feed near the surface (Wydowski and Whitney 2003), electrofishing gear is used to apply stimulus to initiate emergence from the substrate (Steeves et al. 2003). With the exception of a study evaluating the effects of fish density and size on Pacific lamprey ammocoete detection and capture efficiency (CE, Luzier et al. 2006), little effort has been made to understand the effectiveness of capturing ammocoetes by electrofishing in the Pacific Northwest. Without quantifying CE and establishing a standard protocol for sampling ammocoetes, surveys of ammocoete abundance should only be used as a measure of relative abundance or to describe trends over time. This study modeled CE of lamprey ammocoetes as a function of lamprey size, substrate depth, shock duration and environmental variables using standard electrofishing gear. The resulting model can be used to adjust ammocoete capture data for more accurate estimates of lamprey abundance. 2.2 Study Area A total of eight study sites were selected in the Warm Springs River, Beaver, Badger, and Shitike creeks (Figure 15, Table 11). In each stream one site was selected near both the downstream and upstream ends of the established ammocoete distribution. Due to geographic and elevation differences, sites represented a broad range in environmental variability so that inferences from the resulting model may be made to sites with similar characteristics. Locations of individual enclosures were based on physical stream characteristics (e.g., substrate type, slope) common to each site, in addition to security and accessibility (Appendix 4). Three sites were relocated during the study. The site HeHe on the Warm Springs River was moved downstream approximately 0.6 km in October 2007 due to access; snow made the road impassable so the location was dependant on the extent the road was plowed. Site B260, on Badger Creek, was moved upstream about 1.3 km. A beaver constructed a dam just downstream, which raised the water level beyond a manageable depth for electrofishing. Site Hwy 9, on Beaver Creek, was moved about 1.1 km downstream in September 2007 after a fire burned the area and safety became a concern. ______________________________________________________________________________ 34 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 15. Pacific lamprey ammocoete capture efficiency study sites in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. ______________________________________________________________________________ 35 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 11. Pacific lamprey capture efficiency sample sites, Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. Stream Site1 Rkm Samples (n) B100 5.9 22 B260 (a) 13.6 10 B260 (b) 14.9 10 Hwy 9 (a) 14.1 8 Hwy 9 (b) 13.0 14 Robinson Park 32.7 20 Mill 1.1 22 Museum 2.2 20 Heath Bridge 1.0 12 HeHe (a) 53.2 12 HeHe (b) 52.6 24 Badger Ck. Beaver Ck. Shitike Ck. Warm Springs R. 1 (a) and (b) denote original and alternative sample sites, respectively ______________________________________________________________________________ 36 PLEMP Phase I Final 2.3 Methods The general approach of this study was to test CE with a backpack electrofishing unit commonly used for larval and juvenile Pacific lamprey surveys. The pulse rate and voltage were held constant, as well as personnel shocking and netting. Lamprey CE was measured in experimental enclosures at eight sites from May 10, 2007 through April 30, 2008, in which substrate depths, lamprey densities, and shock duration varied by study design. Uncontrolled environmental variables were measured and used for model development. Electrofishing The AbP-2 backpack electroshocker (Engineering Technical Services, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI) was used to capture lamprey ammocoetes. Sampling involved two stages, in which 125 V direct current (25% duty cycle) was delivered at three pulses/s to induce ammocoete emergence from substrates (Moser et al. 2007; Pajos and Weise 1994). After emerging, larvae were stunned with a current of 30 pulses/s for collection (Slade et al. 2003). The same individuals operated the electrofisher and netted fish during each trial to reduce sampling variability. To lessen the likelihood of operator bias, the operator did not assist with collection of experimental fish or know densities within each enclosure during trials. Shock Duration During experimental trials, each enclosure was sampled for a total of 360 s. Each trial was divided into four 45 s electrofishing passes separated by 30 s rest periods and a final 180 s pass, 60 s after the final 45 s pass (fourth pass), for a total of five electrofishing passes (Table 12). After experimental shocking ceased, any ammocoetes remaining in net pens were recovered through a combination of post-experimental shocking, agitation of net pens, and sieving of substrate to verify fish density and determine if any individuals emigrated. ______________________________________________________________________________ 37 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 12. Pacific lamprey electrofishing shock duration and rest periods for development of the CE model, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2007 - 2008. Electroshocking pass Shock duration (seconds) Cummulative shock duration (seconds) Rest period after pass (seconds) 1 45 45 45 2 45 90 45 3 45 135 45 4 45 180 60 5 180 360 During each pass, ammocoetes were collected with hand nets and wire-mesh baskets fixed to electrofisher probes. Collected ammocoetes were placed in aerated buckets and held separately for each pass. Ammocoetes were anesthetized with MS-222 (60 mg/l buffered with 100 mg/l NaHCO3), measured to the nearest mm, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. All captured lamprey were examined for elastomer marks and tallied by size category. After experimental shocking ceased, any ammocoetes remaining in net pens were recovered through a combination of postexperimental shocking, agitation of net pens, and/or sieving of substrate to verify fish density and determine if any individuals emigrated. Individuals recovered after the 360 s sample period were not part of the CE calculation. Ammocoetes observed but not captured or swimming in the enclosure, rather than burrowed, before shocking commenced were not enumerated. Ammocoetes were returned to the site of original collection after the experiment was complete. Experimental Enclosures Electrofishing efficiency experiments were conducted in 0.75 m x 0.75 m x 1.0 m (l*w*h) enclosures consisting of a PVC frame supporting sides and a bottom made of heavy nylon fabric (Figure 16, Appendix 5). Two enclosures were set up for each sample date/site; one enclosure was filled with substrate to a depth of 15 cm and the second enclosure was filled to a depth of 30 cm. Data from previous ammocoete distribution surveys (CTWSRO, unpublished) suggested that 15 cm and 30 cm sediment depths were appropriate for treatments; 75% and 96% of ammocoetes caught were at depths ≤15 cm and ≤30 cm, respectively (Figure 17). Fish were introduced into enclosures after sediment settled. Enclosures were covered with plywood to reduce disturbance until the trials began. ______________________________________________________________________________ 38 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 16. Experimental net enclosures in Badger Creek, November 2007. Figure 17. Number of ammocoetes captured versus depth (cm) of fine sediments during distribution surveys in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2002-2006. Seventy-five percent and 96% of ammocoetes were caught at depths less than 15 cm and 30 cm, respectively. ______________________________________________________________________________ 39 PLEMP Phase I Final Ammocoete Length and Density Ammocoete lengths and densities in experimental enclosures were controlled. Lengths recorded during previous presence/absence surveys were divided into three categories: 45–70 mm, 71–89 mm, and 90 + mm (Figure 18). Individuals smaller than 45 mm were excluded from experiments due to increased potential for emigration and difficulty separating small fish from substrate during post-experimental fish recovery. Ammocoetes were collected near each study site prior to each electrofishing trial. Before each trial, low (9), medium (24), or high (48) numbers of ammocoetes were randomly selected and placed into experimental enclosures. Randomization of lamprey densities was accomplished by stratifying the sampling period into seasons (May-July; Aug-Oct; Nov-Jan; Feb-Apr). Equal numbers from each density category were available for selection by season and assigned to each enclosure by sample date. Ammocoetes were marked with colored elastomer denoting length category, which allowed for easy enumeration of fish in each size class and detection of immigration or emigration. Marked ammocoetes were placed into enclosures and allowed to acclimate for 48 hours prior to experimental shocking. Figure 18. Length frequency of ammocoetes captured during distribution surveys in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2002-2006. ______________________________________________________________________________ 40 PLEMP Phase I Final Substrate Pacific lamprey ammocoetes are associated with fine-dominated substrate containing silt sand, and organic material (Roni 2002; Stone and Barndt 2005). Substrate used in the enclosures was obtained from Seekseequa Creek. While all substrate used in enclosures was stream-borne, it was collected from dry areas to avoid potential transfer of disease-causing or exotic organisms. Collected sediment was sifted through a 3-mm mesh sieve to exclude large debris and ensure consistency among trials. Environmental Variables Physical characteristics, environmental variables, and weather conditions potentially affecting CE were measured both inside and outside of experimental enclosures pre- and post-experiment (Table 13). Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity were measured with a YSI 85 multiprobe (YSI Inc., Yellow Springs, OH). Water velocity was measured with a MarshMcBirney Flo-Mate flow meter (Marsh-McBirney Inc., Frederick, MD). A meter stick was used to measure water and sediment depth. Cloud cover, precipitation, and wind speed was estimated visually. A categorical variable, visibility, was used to indicate the degree to which the observer could see to net stunned lamprey inside enclosures. The categories were high, medium and low. Visibility was recorded „high‟ when substrate was clearly visible throughout the entire enclosure, wind or water velocity did not cause surface ripples on the water, and shade and/or sun glare did not obscure visibility. Medium visibility was registered when the substrate was visible but the water surface was partially (>30% of surface) disturbed by wave action, and/or shade and/or sun glare partially impaired visibility (>30% of surface). Visibility was considered low when the substrate was not clearly visible due to turbidity, and/or when the majority (>70%) of the water surface broken, and/or when shade and/or sun glare largely obscured visibility (>70% of surface). ______________________________________________________________________________ 41 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 13. Environmental variables measured before and immediately after electrofisher efficiency trials in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, 2007 - 2008. Variable Instrument Description Water temperature YSI 85 Instrument nearest 0.1ºC Dissolved oxygen YSI 85 Instrument mg/l Conductivity YSI 85 Instrument μS/cm Marsh-McBirney Flo-Mate m/s Water depth Meter stick nearest 1cm Sediment depth Meter stick nearest 1cm Handheld thermometer nearest ºC Percent cloud cover Visual estimate nearest 10% Precipitation Visual estimate none, drizzle, light rain, steady rain, light snow, flurries Wind speed Visual estimate 0-8; 9-16; 17-32 km•hr-1 Water: Flow Weather: Air temperature ______________________________________________________________________________ 42 PLEMP Phase I Final Data Analysis Ammocoete capture/pass data were re-coded into five binary variables that indicated on which pass a lamprey was captured. Position one of the binary variable was „1‟ if a lamprey was captured on Pass 1, and 0 otherwise; position two of the binary variable was „1‟ if captured on Pass 1 or 2, and 0 otherwise, and so on up to the fifth pass. The capture/pass data was paired with environmental data (Table 13). Lamprey ammocoete electrofishing efficiency data was analyzed by modeling the efficiency as a function of explanatory environmental variables. The underlying assumption is that the probability of collection of a particular lamprey at a particular site is a binomial random variable with the probability of success (collection of the lamprey) dependent on values of the environmental variables for that site, size of the lamprey, and duration of the electric shock. Capture efficiency data was analyzed using logistic regression (R Development Core Team 2008). The logistic model used a logit link to transform probability into a linear function of the observed variables. The logit is represented by the formula: Equation 1 or equivalently, Equation 2 . p The function f(x) is often referred to as the "log odds", because 1 p is the odds of collection. The usual approach is then to take f(x) as a linear function of the explanatory variables, i.e. Equation 3 f(X) ixi , ______________________________________________________________________________ 43 PLEMP Phase I Final where the xi's are the explanatory variables. The coefficients βi were estimated from the data. The fitted model was then be used to predict the efficiency of ammocoete electrofishing with corresponding environmental variables as predictors. The model was selected using a step-wise procedure to eliminate variables according to the Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), a measure that balances the number of estimated parameters and a measure of fit (Venables and Ripley 2002). The resulting model was carefully examined to determine if the indicated statistical significance was consistent with physical and biological principles. To evaluate model fit, continuous variables (length, sediment depth, and conductivity) were converted into categorical variables by splitting their ranges into 3 intervals, chosen so that each interval had approximately the same number of data points. Observed efficiency and the mean predicted efficiency for each of the cross-classified categories that had at least five data points was calculated and the mean predicted efficiency versus the observed efficiency was plotted. The observed efficiency is the same as an estimate of binomial probability, and was used to calculate confidence intervals. 2.4 Results Electrofishing trials were conducted from May 2007 through April 2008. A total of 174 experimental enclosures were set up with two levels of sediment (15 and 30cm depth) and three densities of ammocoetes (9, 36 or 48) and electroshocked according to the time periods for the five passes (Table 12). Associated environmental variables measured during electrofishing trials are summarized in Table 14. ______________________________________________________________________________ 44 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 14. Environmental variables measured during electrofishing trials in the Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver and Shitike creeks, 2007 - 2008. Parameter Average Minimum Maximum Water temperature (°C) 8.8 0 19.8 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 10.8 7.7 17.6,1 next highest 14.2 Conductivity (µS/cm) 48.0 28.7 86.2 Velocity (m/s) 0.1 -0.09 0.18 Average water depth (m) 26.7 8.1 66.3 1 This value is suspect; dissolved oxygen is usually in the range of 7 to 12 mg/l in fresh water to maintain fish populations Logistic regression analyses of larval lamprey electrofishing data resulted in a set of five models (equations 4 through 9), corresponding to electrofishing passes. Variables, wind and conductivity, that were significant in the first two models (Pass 1 and 2) were dropped from subsequent models (Pass 3, 4 and 5) as they were not significant (p > 0.05). This improved fit by removing random noise created by variables that did not explain variability in the observed data. In this set of models, there was no interaction among variables, eliminating the need to use electrofishing shock time as a variable. Equation 4 Pass 1; y = -0.006β1 + -0.027β2 + 0.164β3 + 0.378β4 + -0.223β5 + -0.009β6 + 2.90 Equation 5 Pass 2; y = -0.011β1 + -0.048β2 + 0.026β3 + 0.430β4 + -0.257β5 + -0.008β6 +4.34 Equation 6 Pass 3; y = -0.015β1 + -0.051β2 + 0.348β4 + -0.113β5 + 4.96 Equation 7 Pass 4; y = -0.013β1 + -0.0613β2 + 0.334β4 + -0.109β5 + 5.28 Equation 8 Pass 5; y = -0.014β1 + -0.068β2 + 0.316β4 + -0.173β5 + 5.75 y = log odds ration of an individual ammocoete for each electrofishing pass ______________________________________________________________________________ 45 PLEMP Phase I Final β1 = ammocoete length (mm); β2 = sediment depth (cm); β3=wind (numeric value of windspeed in km-per-hour / 1.609); β4 = high visibility (categorical); β5 = low visibility (categorical; both are zero if conditions are medium visibility); β6 = conductivity (μS/cm) To convert log odds ration, y, to capture probability (CP): Equation 9 CP(y) = exp(y) / (1 + exp(y)), where CP is between 0 and 1. The intercept is a measure of overall efficiency. Difference in intercept values becomes increasingly smaller with each successive electrofishing pass but the values continue to increase and tend to flatten out (Figure 19). This pattern suggests that the maximum efficiency is being reached. Figure 19. Model intercept versus electrofishing pass. Examining plots of observed versus predicted capture efficiency allows evaluation of the model fit. Observed versus predicted capture efficiency is plotted for passes two through five with a ______________________________________________________________________________ 46 PLEMP Phase I Final 1:1 line and horizontal lines indicating 95% confidence intervals (Figures 20-24). Points, representing observed versus predicted capture efficiency, are rarely outside the confidence intervals and cluster around 1:1 lines. The 1:1 lines intersect almost every confidence interval, which is strong evidence that the small amount of variation not explained by the model is binomial variation. Observed with 95% CI versus Predicted 0.85 0.80 0.70 0.75 Predicted Efficiency 0.90 1-1 line 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Observed Efficiency, Pass 1 Figure 20. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 1. (fine horizontal gray lines are 95% confidence intervals, the sloping blue line is 1:1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 47 PLEMP Phase I Final Observed with 95% CI versus Predicted 0.90 0.85 0.75 0.80 Predicted Efficiency 0.95 1-1 line 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Observed Efficiency, Pass 2 Figure 21. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 2. (fine horizontal gray lines are 95% confidence intervals, the sloping blue line is 1:1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 48 PLEMP Phase I Final 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.84 0.86 Predicted Efficiency 0.96 0.98 Observed with 95% CI versus Predicted 0.85 0.90 0.95 Observed Efficiency, Pass 3 Figure 22. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 3. (fine horizontal gray lines are 95% confidence intervals, the sloping blue line is 1:1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 49 PLEMP Phase I Final 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.86 0.88 Predicted Efficiency 0.96 0.98 Observed with 95% CI versus Predicted 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Observed Efficiency, Pass 4 Figure 23. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 4. (fine horizontal gray lines are 95% confidence intervals, the sloping blue line is 1:1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 50 PLEMP Phase I Final 0.98 Observed with 95% CI versus Predicted 0.94 0.92 0.88 0.90 Predicted Efficiency 0.96 1-1 line 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Observed Efficiency, Second 180 Figure 24. Observed vs. predicted capture efficiency for Pass 5. (fine horizontal gray lines are 95% confidence intervals, the sloping blue line is 1:1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 51 PLEMP Phase I Final 2.5 Discussion Models developed from lower Deschutes River study sites to calculate electrofishing capture efficiency of ammocoete are robust enough to use at other like sites. These probability models predict capture efficiency of individual Pacific lamprey ammocoetes by electrofishing on a perpass basis, given fish length under a measured set of environmental variables. Capture efficiencies for juvenile lamprey can be transformed into abundance estimates. To use the models to estimate ammocoete abundance at a new site, record the variables sediment depth, wind, visibility and conductivity for the site on the day of the survey and record ammocoete lengths for each of five passes; use shock durations and rest periods as described in this study (Table 12). A capture probability (CP = 0 to 0.99) for each fish will be estimated for Pass 1 through 5 using equations 4 through 8. To estimate the abundance of lamprey at a given site, the value for each captured lamprey gets inflated based on the capture probability (1 lamprey + 1/CP). For example, a fish with a probability of 0.90 becomes 1.11 fish (1/0.90) and added to the next fish (1/CP) until all of the captured fish are expanded and added together (Pass 1 through 5), giving an abundance estimate. The observed size distribution can be reported as well as a best estimate of the expanded population size distribution. The size distribution of the estimated population will shift slightly because the efficiency varies by size; larger fish have lower capture efficiency, indicated by the sign of the coefficients. Length, depth, and wind coefficients are negative, indicating that efficiency decreases with increasing length, depth, or wind. ______________________________________________________________________________ 52 PLEMP Phase I Final Chapter 3: Ammocoete abundance as a function of measured environmental variables in the field, downstream of PRB 3.1 Introduction To produce a theoretical abundance estimate of ammocoetes in habitats that may re-colonize upstream of PRB, the relationship between abundance and habitat characteristics must first be modeled in habitats where ammocoetes exist, and related to currently vacant habitat. This chapter develops the ammocoete habitat model from habitats occupied by ammocoetes downstream of PRB. Habitat characteristics, such as fine substrate and low-velocity water, have been associated with Pacific lamprey ammocoetes (Kostow 2002; Stone and Barndt 2005) and habitat associations are known to vary at different spatial scales (Torgersen and Close 2004). A predictive model for ammocoete density using habitat characteristics had not previously been developed. In part, the challenge has been the inability to expand catch, or relative abundance, to an abundance estimate from electro-fishing (Moser and Close 2003; Stone and Barndt 2005) unless the protocol included mark-recapture (Pajos and Weise 1994). Sampling ammocoetes typically is done by electro-fishing (Moser et al. 2007; Pajos and Weise 1994; Steeves et al. 2003). In the previous chapter, a method for converting ammocoete catch to abundance from electro-fishing surveys was given. This capture-efficiency model is used to convert ammocoete catch to abundance, the response variable in the habitat model, and then habitat characteristics where ammocoetes were collected were used as predictors. 3.2 Study Area The study area for the ammocoete habitat model is in the same vicinity as for the capture efficiency model (Figure 15), however the sites differ. Three study reaches per stream were established in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver and Shitike creeks (Table 15, Figure 25). ______________________________________________________________________________ 53 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 15. Study reaches for ammocoete habitat model in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. River/Creek Badger Beaver Shitike Warm Springs 1 Reach Description Length1 (m) 1 US 26 to B260 5,480 2 Waterhole #2 to Waterhole #3 1,480 3 Waterhole #3 to MP6 3,580 1 Mouth to Fawn Flats 1,390 2 Power lines to old bridge 1,300 3 Dahl Pines to Beaver Butte Cr 12,750 1 Mouth to community center 3,620 2 Community Center to Thompson Bridge 4,090 3 Thompson Bridge to head works 3,090 1 Heath Bridge to WSNF Hatchery 16,500 2 End of E-120 road 1,570 3 McKinley-Arthur to power lines 3,520 Approximate length, to the nearest 10 m. ______________________________________________________________________________ 54 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 25. Ammocoete habitat model study reaches (dark blue) in Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver, and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________ 55 PLEMP Phase I Final 3.3 Methods Site Selection Study reaches were sampled in three periods throughout the study: April through June; July to mid-August; and late-August through October 2009. Repeat sampling of sites was avoided. For each sample period, six sites from each reach were surveyed (Table 15). Two of the six sample units were randomly selected to guard against unforeseen bias. The remaining four sample units were non-randomly selected based on surveyor experience. These sites were chosen to produce a range of densities and habitat characteristics. Targeted habitat characteristics were based on a previous study in the same study streams which indicated ammocoete presence was correlated with depositional areas with fine substrates (silt/fine sand) containing organic debris, low velocity (0.18 m/s), woody debris, and canopy cover (Graham and Brun 2007). To randomly select sites, study reaches were divided into 10-m segments in GIS and assigned numbers (1 through x). Two of the six sample units from each reach were randomly selected from the list of possible segments using a list randomizer (http://www.random.org/lists). From the mid-point of the 10-m randomly-selected segment, mid-point GPS coordinates were provided to field crew from which the nearest potential habitat was sampled. Electro-fishing The AbP-2 backpack electrofisher (Engineering Technical Services, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI) was used to capture ammocoetes. Sampling involved two stages, in which 125 V direct current (25% duty cycle) was delivered at three pulses/s to induce ammocoete emergence from substrates (Moser et al. 2007; Pajos and Weise 1994). After emerging, larvae were stunned with a current of 30 pulses/s for collection (Slade et al. 2003). According to the CE protocol (Chapter 1), a 0.56-m2 (0.75 m x 0.75 m) PVC frame was used as a visual boundary for shocking. Five electrofishing passes within the boundary were delivered according to CE model protocol (Table 12). Ammocoetes were netted as they came out of the sediment within the boundary. Missed fish were assigned an average length based on measured fish from that pass, and analyzed. Captured ammocoetes were held in separate buckets for each pass. After shocking, ammocoetes were measured to length, using appropriate protocols for anesthesia (Prentice 1990), and returned to the stream. Habitat measurements were recorded after fish were sampled. Habitat measurements and other variables for model development included a combination of those required to adjust number of ammocoetes shocked in a sample unit to abundance (capture efficiency model, chapter 1), ODFW stream survey variables (ODFW 2006), ______________________________________________________________________________ 56 PLEMP Phase I Final and others (Table 16). Water depth (cm) and sediment depth (cm) were measured using a depth gage in three transects within the shock boundary with three points per transect. Water velocities were measured just above the sediment and at 60% depth (Model 2000 Flo-mate flow meter, Marsh-McBirney, Inc., Frederick, MD). Unit type, channel type, dominant and sub-dominant substrate type and vegetation type (nearest bank or both if unit is mid-channel) was recorded according to ODFW stream survey protocols (ODFW 2006). Notes included whether the sample unit was depositional, located at the margin or in mid channel, or if woody debris was present. Canopy closure (percent) was measured with a densiometer (ODFW 2006) when standing in the middle of the shock boundary. Water temperature, pH and conductivity were measured with a multi-probe (Model G, Quanta Inc., Loveland, Colorado). Wind speed was measured using a hand-held portable wind meter (Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN). The categorical variable „visibility‟ was used to indicate the degree to which the observer could see to net stunned lamprey, from capture efficiency model development. The categories were high, medium and low. Visibility is recorded „high‟ when substrate is clearly visible throughout the water column, wind or water velocity do not cause surface ripples on the water, and shade and/or sun glare do not obscure visibility. Medium visibility is registered when the substrate is visible but the water surface is partially (> 30% of surface) disturbed by wave action, and/or shade and/or sun glare partially impairs visibility (> 30% of surface). Visibility is considered low when the substrate is not clearly visible due to turbidity, and/or when the majority (> 70%) of the water surface is broken, and/or when shade and/or sun glare largely obscures visibility (> 70% of surface). ______________________________________________________________________________ 57 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 16. Variables for ammocoete habitat model development, Warm Springs River, Badger, Beaver and Shitike creeks, lower Deschutes River Subbasin, 2009. Variable Units/Category Data Type cm continuous m·s-1 at 60% depth continuous cm continuous Silt and fine organic matter, sand, gravel (pea to baseball (2-64mm) categorical percent continuous μmhos·cm-1 continuous ºC continuous High, medium, low categorical (km/hr)/1.609 continuous mm continuous Water depth3 average min. max. Water velocity2,3 Sediment depth2,3 average min. max. Dominant substrate type1 Canopy closure1,2 Conductivity2,4 Water temperature2 Visibility4 Wind speed4 Ammocoete length4 1 ODFW habitat variable (ODFW 2006); 2Torgersen and Close 2004; 3Presence/absence model variable (Graham and Brun 2007); 4 Capture efficiency model variable, Chapter 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 58 PLEMP Phase I Final Data analysis Multiple linear regression was used to model the mean response of larval lamprey densities (abundance estimate/sampling area) as a function of environmental variables (Statgraphics Centurian XV, Statpoint Technologies, Inc., Warrenton, VA). Ammocoete abundance by sample unit was the response variable. Independent variables to build the multiple regression model were selected from those measured during the study (Table 16) using the model selection procedure in Statgraphics. The model selection procedure considers all possible regressions involving different combinations of the independent variables. It compares models based on the adjusted r2, Mallows‟ Cp statistic, and the mean squared error. The final model was chosen on the basis of the highest adjusted r2 value (compensates for the number of independent variables in the model by adjusting for degrees of freedom) and low Cp criterion (focuses on trade-off between bias due to excluding important variables and extra variance from including too many). 3.4 Results The final model to predict Pacific lamprey ammocoete abundance from habitat characteristics involved only samples from Shitike Creek (n = 44, adjusted r2 = 48.6%, Equation 10). In Shitike Creek, there was strong evidence ammocoete abundance was associated with water temperature (one-sided p-value < 0.0001) and negatively associated with sand as dominant substrate (onesided p-value = 0.01). Samples from the Warm Springs Watershed (Warm Springs River, Beaver and Badger creeks) were excluded from the final model because ammocoete densities were poorly correlated with habitat characteristics (best model produced adjusted r2 of 6.1%). A comparison of regression lines among ammocoete abundance by stream (n = 172) against water temperature, the most influential variable, indicated the mean response in Shitike Creek was significantly different from Warm Springs River Watershed (one-sided p-value slope =0.0001). Mean response of ammocoete abundance in samples in Warm Springs River, Beaver and Badger creeks to water temperature was not significantly different from each other (one-sided p-value = 0.18). Ammocoete abundance per sample differed among streams (p-value = 0.0005; analysis of variance F-test). A multiple range test indicated ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek (n = 44, average 23.5, std. dev 22.0) was greater than Warm Springs River (n = 44, average 12.0, std. dev 13.1), Beaver (n = 43, average 15.9, std. dev 14.2) and Badger creeks (n = 41, average 10.1, std. dev 10.4). Equation 10 Estimated µ {log10 ammocoete abundance/sample│water temperature, percent canopy, sand} per 0.5625m2 area = 0.379 + 0.066 water temperature – 0.302 sand SE (0.19) (0.013) (0.12) ______________________________________________________________________________ 59 PLEMP Phase I Final Note: If sand is the dominant substrate, sand=1, if not, sand=0; sample area is 0.75m by 0.75m (0.5625 m2); to convert to density, take the inverse log (10^log ammocoete abundance) to convert log abundance back to abundance, divide ammocoete abundance/sample by 0.5625m2, which yields ammocoetes/m2. To satisfy statistical tests and prediction intervals based on least-squares estimates, features of the linear regression model were inspected, including linearity, constant variance, normality, and independence. Predictors in the reduced model included a continuous variable, water temperature, and a binary variable, sand as the dominant substrate. Lamprey abundance was transformed (log10) to reduce kurtosis bringing the distribution closer to normality. A linear pattern of points in the scatter plot of lamprey abundance and water temperature have fairly equal spread (variability does not increase as the mean of log10 lamprey abundance increases, Figure 26). Predictors were independent; they were correlated with the response variable but not to each other (ammocoete abundance and water temperature, r = 0.66, one-sided p-value < 0.001; ammocoete abundance and sand, r = -0.43, one-sided p-value 0.004; water temperature and sand, r = -0.23, one-sided p-value 0.12). Percent canopy (shade) was positively associated with ammocoete abundance and was a significant variable when lamprey abundance was not logtransformed (one-sided p-value 0.012) but narrowly fell out when lamprey abundance was logtransformed (one-sided p-value 0.058), but it was highly correlated to water temperature (r = 0.40, one-sided p-value 0.0065), violating the assumption of independent predictors. ______________________________________________________________________________ 60 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 26. Scatter plot of ammocoete abundance (log10) and water temperature (°C) in Shitike Creek, 2009. Habitat conditions, under which this model applies, according to conditions in Shitike Creek from which it was developed, are summarized in Table 17. Applying the model to habitat dominated by anything other than silt or sand would be inappropriate, as well as conditions outside those described in Table 17. Types of habitat units that were sampled in Shitike Creek were 75% pools and 25% glides of the 44 samples. Of the pool habitats sampled, 70% (23/33) were lateral pools; the remaining 30% (10/33) were beaver, dammed, plunge or scour pools. ______________________________________________________________________________ 61 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 17. Habitat conditions in Shitike Creek, April through September, 2009. Parameter Average Minimum Maximum Water temperature (°C) 13.3 5.1 22.7 Water depth (cm) 22.4 1 55 Sediment depth (cm) 14.8 01 63 Velocity (bottom) 0.03 -0.07 0.37 Velocity (60%) 0.11 -0.09 1.3 Percent canopy 24.9 10.4 30.1 1 a portion of the 0.75m by 0.75m sampling boundary did not have enough sediment to measure depth (e.g. depth meter contacted a rock) 3.5 Discussion The relationship between habitat characteristics and Pacific lamprey ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek was different than study streams in the Warm Springs Watershed. Inherent in this study design is that ammocoete abundance is independent of reproductive activity or success (e.g. redds, egg to larvae survival) and that habitat characteristics represent most of the variability in ammocoete abundance (e.g. ammocoete habitat is fully seeded). Since lamprey redd counts are not available in study reaches for the period that eggs may have been deposited, only current habitat conditions were considered in the model. These data suggest ammocoetes in the Warm Springs River Watershed may be under seeded; given similar habitat conditions ammocoetes were lower in abundance than in Shitike Creek. Distributions of ammocoete lengths in Shitike Creek and streams in the Warm Springs River Watershed appear similar (Figure 27); both are unimodal with about the same range and average lengths. Ammocoete lengths in Shitike Creek samples averaged 70 mm (range 25 to 155 mm) and 73 mm (range 12 to 180 mm) in Warm Springs River, Beaver and Badger creeks. Histograms suggest age classes overlap (Figure 27). Mean length at age data for Pacific lamprey ammocoetes from the Middle Fork John Day River, determined from statoliths, were as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________ 62 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 27. Length-frequency of ammocoetes in Shitike Creek and streams in the Warm Springs Subbasin. ______________________________________________________________________________ 63 PLEMP Phase I Final age 1 = 46 mm; age 2 = 51 mm; age 3 = 79 mm; age 4 = 85 mm and age 5 = 102 mm (Meeuwig and Bayer 2005). Therefore, the histograms indicate multiple age classes are represented in both Shitike Creek and study streams in the Warm Springs Subbasin, so successful reproduction has likely occurred annually. The most influential variable of ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek was water temperature. Only one other study cited water temperature as an important factor in predicting ammocoete abundance. Based on electrofishing surveys conducted in Cedar Creek, a tributary to the North Fork Lewis River in the lower Columbia Basin, temperature was the primary predictor of ammocoete presence at the macro-scale (60 m, Stone et al. 2002). Sand as the dominant substrate was negatively associated with lamprey abundance in Shitike Creek. Conversely, ammocoete abundance was greater in habitats with silt and organic material as the dominant substrate. In 2009, depositional sites were targeted for sampling and woody debris was present in 88.6% of sampling sites in Shitike Creek. Sixty-six percent of the sites were dominated by silt and organic material and had nearly three times the lamprey abundance (average of 29.9 and 10.9 lamprey, respectively) as sites dominated by sand (34% of the sites). Presence/absence sampling in the same study streams, although different sites, from 2003 through 2006 corresponded with the current study and indicated a positive relationship with presence of wood (one-sided p-value <0.01), depositional area (one-sided p-value = 0.068), fine substrate (one-sided p-value = 0.009), and availability of canopy cover (one-sided p-value = 0.039, (Graham and Brun 2007). The association between ammocoetes and substrate dominated by silt and organic material has been noted at other sites in Oregon and Washington (Stone and Barndt 2005; Torgersen and Close 2004) Percent canopy was narrowly ruled out as a predictor in the model but indicates some relationship with ammocoete abundance. A positive correlation with shade was also reported in a study of larval lamprey (Geotria australis) in southwestern Australia (Potter et al. 1986). Potter et al. (1986) explained that ammocoetes are photophobic and referred to some of his earlier work in which ammocoetes in shallow artificial burrows exposed to light were more stressed than to dark regimes. Alternatively, Torgersen and Close (2004) found that canopy closure was negatively correlated with Pacific lamprey ammocoete abundance on the Middle Fork John Day River, but only at large scales (5-10 km). The negative correlation with riparian shade (or conversely positive correlation with increased light) at this large scale may have more to do with increased water temperature from an open canopy than ammocoetes directly responding to light. In Cedar Creek, Washington, high relative abundance of ammocoetes was ______________________________________________________________________________ 64 PLEMP Phase I Final also associated with fine substrates and negatively associated with canopy cover at the sub-reach (1-m transect and 1-m2 quadrant) scale (Stone and Barndt 2005). Under strict statistical interpretation, the multiple regression model of ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek can be used only to predict ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek. However, this model was developed for predicting theoretical abundance of Pacific lamprey ammocoetes in habitat that is known to be part of their historic range upstream of PRB. For this purpose, with appropriate qualifications, the multiple regression model from Shitike Creek can be used to predict mean ammocoete abundance in reaches in the Metolius, Deschutes, and Crooked rivers that meet habitat requirements of ammocoetes. A prediction interval can be calculated that indicates a likely range of values for ammocoete abundance, given that substrate is dominated either by silt or sand, and that environmental conditions are similar to those in which the model was developed. ______________________________________________________________________________ 65 PLEMP Phase I Final Chapter 4: Theoretical estimate of ammocoete abundance in the Metolius, Crooked, and Deschutes rivers, based on thermograph and habitat data 4.1 Introduction Manufactured (e.g. construction of PRB restricting fish passage) and environmental (e.g. water temperature, substrate) factors act as a series of „filters‟ that restricts species at the regional scale from occurring at the local scale (Angermeier 1998; Poff 1997). After removing the „filter‟ of passage restriction through PRB, a series of „filters‟, thermal and habitat availability, were applied to the maximum potential area for Pacific lamprey re-colonization upstream of PRB. This produced a theoretical range, restricted by current environmental conditions, which Pacific lamprey ammocoetes may re-colonize if re-introduction were to occur. Because most fishes, including Pacific lamprey, are obligate ectotherms, temperature is a controlling factor governing the rate of metabolism, thus can limit spatial and temporal range of a population if beyond the thermal preferendum or lethal limit of the species (Wooton 1998). After applying the thermal „filter‟ to vacant habitats upstream of PRB, which restricted the maximum potential range, the next step was to place the habitat „filter‟ (e.g. area of silt and sand from habitat surveys) onto the range restricted by temperature and calculate the area that lamprey may re-colonize. If Pacific lamprey are to be re-introduced, thermal tolerance and habitat preference dictate the range upstream of PRB that re-colonization could occur. Historic range of Pacific lamprey upstream of the location of PRB was not documented prior to extirpation, but it was recognized that their range extended into the Deschutes River, the Crooked River (Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon 2006) and possibly into the Metolius River, although the Metolius River is known for its cold water temperatures. Since construction of PRB, the thermal regime of Crooked and Deschutes rivers may have changed with increasing human demands (e.g. irrigation, urban development). However it is not likely the thermal regime of the Metolius River has changed significantly from human disturbance due to the very cold source of water from springs at the headwaters and some west side spring-driven tributaries. Much of the Metolius River remains in Federal and Tribal ownership, which is predominantly forested with limited development. This chapter reviews thermal thresholds (e.g. tolerance, preference) by developmental stage of Pacific lamprey and compares these thresholds with instream temperature data to determine potential range for Pacific lamprey for each river and Whychus Creek. The AAM (Chapter 2) was applied to the total potential rearing area upstream of Lake Billy Chinook (LBC), resulting in a theoretical abundance estimate upstream of LBC. ______________________________________________________________________________ 66 PLEMP Phase I Final Literature Review of the Effects of Water Temperature on Lamprey Rearing Ammocoetes and Spawning Adults Habitat selection, growth rates, and survival of ammocoetes have been related to water temperature (Table 18). Water temperature was the primary predictor of Pacific lamprey ammocoetes presence (at macro scale, 60 m) in Cedar Creek, Washington (Stone et al. 2002) and of ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek (Chapter 2). Ammocoete (Petromyzon marinus) growth in many studies has been found to occur faster at warmer stream temperatures than in colder water (Holmes 1990; Manion and Hanson 1980; Potter 1980; Young et al. 1990). Close (2002) suggests elevation and water temperatures determine Pacific lamprey developmental success throughout the Umatilla Subbasin. In lower elevations of the Umatilla River spawning occurs earlier, larvae hatch quicker, and there was an increase in the amount of time that ammocoete growth could occur (Close 2002). Ammocoetes collected in the lower sections of the Umatilla River (rkm 110-120) were larger than ammocoetes collected in the upper sections (rkm 120-128) suggesting warmer water temperatures in the lower section contributed to greater growth rates (Close 2002). Laboratory studies conducted by Meeuwig et al. (2005) examined the influence of temperature on development, survival, and developmental abnormalities of larval Pacific lamprey at 10°C, 14°C, 18°C, and 22°C. Greatest survival was observed at 18°C, followed by 14°C, 10°C and 22°C (Meeuwig et al. 2005). Based on logistic regression, zero development occurs when water temperatures are less than 4.85°C (Meeuwig et al. 2005). Due to laboratory study constraints, Meeuwig et al. (2005) were unable to determine optimal growth rates for Pacific lamprey ammocoetes. Based on temperature monitoring in the Red River, Idaho, it has been suggested ammocoetes are able to survive elevated water temperatures that are lethal for salmon and steelhead (Claire 2004). Ammocoetes have been collected in water temperatures up to 25°C in Idaho watersheds (Mallet 1983). Van de Wetering and Ewing (1999) reported that ammocoetes began to die in the laboratory when water temperatures reached 28°C . Elevated stream temperature may negatively impact ammocoete survival due to increased metabolic rates while metamorphosis is occurring and decreases in stream microbial activity (van de Wetering and Ewing 1999). Mallett (1983) suggests lamprey prefer water temperatures less than 20°C. Multiple habitat characteristics determine spawning behavior of lamprey, (e.g., substrate, current, water depth and quality) but water temperature may be the most important (Table 18). Water temperature has been found to determine Pacific lamprey spawning location, timing, embryonic development and hatch timing (Applegate 1950; Kan 1975; Manion and Smith 1971; Mattson 1949; Pletcher 1963; Russell et al. 1987). Maximum stream temperatures may also limit available spawning habitats, especially in degraded habitats (e.g. riparian cover removal, irrigation water withdrawals, Close et al. 1995; Jackson et al. 1997; Jackson et al. 1996). In ______________________________________________________________________________ 67 PLEMP Phase I Final British Columbia, Pacific lamprey spawning was documented in waters between 10°C and 15°C (Beamish 1980; Beamish and Levings 1991). Pacific lamprey were observed spawning during May when water temperatures were between 10°C to 15°C in Oregon Coastal streams (Kan 1975). In the Coquille River on the Oregon Coast, spawning occurred from early April to early July in water temperatures between 12°C to 18°C, and peak spawn timing was correlated with 14°C (Brumo 2006). From 2000 to 2004, in Cedar Creek, a tributary of the North Fork Lewis River in the lower Columbia Basin, Pacific lamprey were observed spawning from April to early July in water temperatures between 7.8°C to 22°C (Le et al. 2004; Luzier and Silver 2005; Pirtle et al. 2003; Stone et al. 2002; Stone et al. 2001). During 2002, peak spawning occurred in Meacham Creek, Umatilla River Subbasin, during the first two weeks of June when the daily mean temperature was between 8.8°C and 13.1°C with a mean overall temperature of 10.5°C (Close et al. 2003). 4.2 Study Area The PLEMP (Portland General Electric and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon 2006) identified potential range for lamprey re-colonization above PRB in which upstream boundaries were defined by natural or constructed barriers (Figure 28). There is no physical barrier to fish migration on the Metolius River but its water temperatures may pose a cold-water thermal barrier. The Deschutes River enters Lake Billy Chinook at rkm 193. Big Falls on the Deschutes River (rkm 213) is considered to be a barrier for anadromous salmonids; however it is likely lamprey can climb the 9-m falls. Water temperature at Big Falls was Table 18. Summary of temperature thresholds and ranges for Pacific lamprey by developmental stage. Observed1 (°C) Optimal (°C) Limits (°C) Adult - Spawning 7.8 to 22 10 to ~16 not available Ammocoete – Rearing up to 25 18 4.85 - 282 Developmental Stage 1 in stream environment from lab experiment, 4.85°C is lower limit of growth, not survival, and 28°C is upper limit of survival 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ 68 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 28. Area of maximum potential re-colonization for Pacific lamprey upstream of Lake Billy Chinook. ______________________________________________________________________________ 69 PLEMP Phase I Final determined to be too high and therefore the primary factor in determining potential lamprey range. Whychus Creek enters the Deschutes River downstream of Big Falls and Steelhead Falls (rkm 206) at rkm 196. Bowman Dam on the Crooked River at rkm 117 was constructed in 1961 (Nehlsen 1995). It is a fish barrier, with no fish passage facilities, and marks the upper extent of the maximum potential area that lamprey may re-colonize in the Crooked River. 4.3 Methods Water temperature data were recorded at USGS gauging stations on the Metolius River near Grandview (14091500), the Deschutes River near Culver (14076500), and Crooked River below Opal Springs near Culver City (14087400) at hourly intervals. Data from U.S. Bureau of Reclamation gauging station on the Crooked River at Smith Rock State Park near Terrebonne (CRSO) was used. A U.S. Forest Service water temperature monitoring site on the Metolius River at Bridge 99, just upstream of Jefferson Creek, recorded data hourly using a Hobo© water temperature logger (Onset Computer Corp., Pocassett MA). Data from May through September 2009 were used to determine the upper extent possible for lamprey spawning. If water temperature data were not available to define the upper extent of lamprey habitat, data from cold springs geodatabase (Oregon Geospatial Enterprises Office, http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/EISPD/GEO/sdlibrary.shtml) was used to demarcate the extent. Habitat data collected by the U.S. Forest Service on the Metolius River and by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) on the Deschutes and Crooked rivers were used to determine potential rearing area for ammocoetes, summarized by area of silt and area of sand. Only pool and glide habitat units were considered because that was the type of habitats where ammocoetes were found in Shitike Creek and under which the model was developed (Chapter 2). Since ammocoetes prefer silt/sand substrate, low gradient, low velocity habitats, they would not be expected in riffles, cascades, rapids or steps. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) surveyed habitat on the Metolius River from the mouth to Jefferson Creek in 1989 (data courtesy of USFS Sisters Ranger District). These data included general habitat units (pool, riffles, glides, side channels) but no information on substrate. Habitat data from ODFW was recorded in August 1997 on the Deschutes River, September 2008 on Whychus Creek, and July 1997 on the Crooked River (ODFW Aquatic Inventories Project, GIS data, http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ODFW/freshwater/inventory/habitgis.html). These data include more detailed habitat types and vegetation descriptions than the USFS Region 6 protocol and more measurements of substrate (including % silt/organic detritus and % sand substrate per habitat unit, (ODFW 2006). ______________________________________________________________________________ 70 PLEMP Phase I Final General characteristics (habitat type, approximate dimensions) of habitat survey data were „spotchecked‟ to confirm gross changes in streams had not occurred since data were recorded. For each stream, a 95-m to 433-m section of stream was compared to habitat survey data. In all cases, stream survey data characterized habitat types and general habitat dimensions. There appeared to be no gross changes in habitat features. Since the USFS habitat survey in the Metolius River had no data on substrate, an average percent of silt and sand from pools in the study area of the Deschutes and Crooked rivers from the ODFW habitat geodatabase was applied to the Metolius River to calculate total area of silt and sand. The USFS habitat survey on the Metolius River also included side channels, for which there was none identified in the Deschutes and Crooked River ODFW habitat surveys. The proportion of pool to riffle in the main stem Metolius River was applied to the side channel habitat (6% pools). The average percentage of silt and sand in pools from the ODFW survey was then applied to Metolius River pools in side channels. The result was and estimate of the total area of silt and sand habitat in side channel pools in the Metolius River. The Ammocoete Abundance Model (Chapter 2) was then applied to total areas dominated by silt or sand. Water temperatures used in the model were according to the approximate maximum daily temperature for the Metolius River at Grandview during summer 2009; this was used to represent the greatest potential ammocoete abundance that could be expected upstream of LBC if the habitat were fully seeded. Stream segments from ODFW habitat surveys (geodatabase available from ODFW, http://nrimp.dfw.state.or.us/nrimp/default.aspx?pn=dataresources) were clipped according to extent defined by temperature data, using Geographic Information System (ArcGIS, vers. 9.3, ESRI, Redlands, CA). Percent silt and sand for pools and glides within the temperature-limited extent was multiplied by habitat area, resulting in the area dominated by silt and sand for each habitat unit. Area dominated by sand and silt in each habitat unit were summed for each stream. The Ammocoete Abundance Model (Chapter 2) was then applied to total areas dominated by silt and sand. Water temperatures used in the model were according to the highest average daily maximum during summer 2009. 4.4 Results Water temperature The temperature range selected to determine potential range of Pacific lamprey upstream of PRB was 10°C to 18°C., which encompasses the typical range for spawning and rearing. Maximum daily water temperatures greater than 22°C are considered too warm for Pacific lamprey ______________________________________________________________________________ 71 PLEMP Phase I Final spawning or rearing. The warmest water temperature recorded for Pacific Lamprey spawning was 22°C in Cedar Creek, Washington (Le et al. 2004; Luzier and Silver 2005; Pirtle et al. 2003; Stone et al. 2002; Stone et al. 2001) and developmental abnormalities of larval Pacific lamprey was greatest at 22°C (Meeuwig et al. 2005). The optimal temperature for rearing larval Pacific lamprey is 18°C, in which case least abnormalities occurred (Meeuwig et al. 2005). The low range of water temperatures for spawning Pacific lamprey is generally near 10°C (Beamish 1980; Beamish and Levings 1991; Close et al. 2003; Kan 1975). The upper range of water temperatures typical for spawning lamprey is between 15°C and 18°C (Beamish 1980; Beamish and Levings 1991; Brumo 2006; Kan 1975). In the Metolius River, data from the USGS gage near Grandview indicated temperatures during June and July, when lamprey spawning occurs, were within the acceptable range for spawning and rearing (10°C to 18°C) in 2009 (Figure 29). The next upstream monitoring site was Bridge 99 where water temperatures were too cold for spawning (< 10°C, Figure 30). To decide where the extent of spawning between the USGS gage near Grandview and Bridge 99, a GIS layer of cold water springs was used to identify areas where cold water enters the Metolius River and areas that do not likely receive cold water inflow. A cold springs was located near Camp Creek, which enters the Metolius River at rkm 13.8 and is the lowest known cold water input. Habitats from the mouth of the Metolius River to first pool below Camp Creek were selected as potential habitat for lamprey re-colonization (Figure 31). ______________________________________________________________________________ 72 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature (oC) Max Min Max Spawn MinSpawn Figure 29. Water temperature in the Metolius River near Grandview (USGS 14091500) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. Max Water Temperature (oC) Min Max Spawn Temp Min Spawn Temp ______________________________________________________________________________ 73 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 30. Water temperature in the Metolius River at Bridge 99 (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 74 PLEMP Phase I Final Figure 31. Area of potential re-colonization for Pacific lamprey upstream of Lake Billy Chinook, limited by water temperature (cold springs represented by small circles). ______________________________________________________________________________ 75 PLEMP Phase I Final In the upper Metolius Basin, water temperatures in Abbot Creek were within the range for Pacific lamprey spawning and rearing in 2009 (Figure 32). Water temperatures in Lake Creek exceeded the acceptable temperature range for lamprey by eleven days in late July to early August, 2009 (Figure 33). In addition to Abbot Creek, water temperatures during June and July 2009 in Brush, Link and Street creeks were within the acceptable range for lamprey spawning and rearing (U.S.F.S., Deschutes National Forest, Alyssa Reischauer, Water Temperature Coordinator, unpub. data). Max Water Temperature (oC) Min Max Spawn MinSpawn Figure 32. Water temperature in Abbot Creek (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 76 PLEMP Phase I Final Min Max MinSpawn Max Spawn Critical Temp Figure 33. Water temperature in Lake Creek (USFS) June through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. In the Deschutes River, data from the USGS gage near Culver indicated temperatures during June and July were within the acceptable range for lamprey spawning and rearing in 2009 (Figure 34). The next upstream temperature monitoring site, at Lower Bridge Road, exceeds the acceptable range (Figure 35). Cold springs near Big Falls contribute to lower water temperatures downstream of Big Falls (Lesley Jones, Water Quality Specialist, Upper Deschutes Watershed Council [UDWC], pers. comm.). These cold water springs are present on the geodatabase just upstream of Big Falls. The maximum potential habitat for lamprey in the Deschutes River upstream of LBC is up to Big Falls. ______________________________________________________________________________ 77 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature oC Max Min Max Spawn MinSpawn Figure 34. Water temperature in the Deschutes River near Culver (USGS 14076500) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 78 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature (oC) Max Min Min Spawn Max Spawn Critical Temp Figure 35. Water temperature in the Deschutes River at Lower Bridge Road (UDWC DR_133-50) May through July, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning and rearing. In Whychus Creek, cold water inflow at Alder Springs, approximately 2.4 km from the mouth, was ultimately a cooling source to the Deschutes River; thermal infrared and color video of water temperatures in Whychus Creek above Alder Springs were dramatically warmer than below during summer (Watershed Sciences 2000). The geodatabase indicates these springs are in the vicinity of Alder Springs. Water temperatures in Whychus Creek downstream of Alder Springs were in the range that lamprey can spawn (Figure 36), so this marked the upper extent of potential lamprey habitat in Whychus Creek. ______________________________________________________________________________ 79 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature (oC) Max Min Max Spawn Min Spawn Critical Temp Figure 36. Water temperature in Whychus Creek downstream of Alder Springs (UDWC WC001_50) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 80 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature (oC) Water temperatures in Crooked River were within the range for lamprey spawning below Opal Springs (Figure 37) but were too warm near Terrebonne (Figure 38). The USGS Water Resources Division in Portland, Oregon conducted a study for the Bureau of Land Management of water inflow patterns into the Crooked River between Opal Springs and Osborne Canyon in 2005 and found that inflow from springs increased dramatically just upstream of Opal Springs (pers. comm., Rick Kittelson, Information Specialist, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, see also USGS 14087370, 14087380, 14087390, 14087393). The geodatabase indicates these springs are indeed just upstream of Opal Springs. In addition, ODFW habitat surveyors indicated where the springs entered Crooked River. The location of the springs upstream of Opal Springs marked the upper extent of lamprey habitat in Crooked River. Water temperatures in the Crooked River immediately downstream of Bowman Dam were too cold for spawning in June and July, 2009 (Figure 39). Max Min Max Spawn Min Spawn Figure 37. Water temperature in the Crooked River below Opal Springs (USGS 14087400) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 81 PLEMP Phase I Final Water Temperature oC Max Min Max Spawn MinSpawn Critical Temp Figure 38. Water temperature in the Crooked River at Smith Rock State Park near Terrebonne (USBOR CRSO) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. Min Max MinSpawn Max Spawn Figure 39. Water temperature in the Crooked River below Bowman Dam (USBOR PRVO) May through September, 2009 with respect to temperature range for lamprey spawning. ______________________________________________________________________________ 82 PLEMP Phase I Final Habitat Area There were 15 pools and 4 side channels in the Metolius River, from the mouth to the pool immediately downstream of Camp Creek (13.8 rkm). Total pool habitat in this reach was 377,157 m2 (Table 19); from that, 9,052 m2 were dominated by silt (2.4%) and 116,919 m2 were dominated by sand (31.0%). In side channels within this reach, total pool habitat was estimated at 1,117 m2; from that, 27 m2 were dominated by silt (2.4%) and 346 m2 were dominated by sand (31.0%). In the Deschutes River, from the head of LBC to Big Falls, total area of pools and glides dominated by silt was 9,518 m2 and area dominated by sand was 74,103 m2 (Table 20). In this reach, ODFW classified 13 glides and 55 pools. Types of pools included lateral scour (49.1%), straight scour (45.5%), and trench (5.5%) pools. In Whychus Creek, ODFW identified 22 pools from Alder Springs to the mouth. There were no glides in this reach. Of the pools, 21 were lateral pools and one was a plunge pool. Total Pool area was 3,752 m2, 36 m2 were dominated by silt and 739 m2 were dominated by sand (Table 21). In the Crooked River from rkm 6.9, upstream of Opal Springs, to LBC, ODFW identified 14 pools and 10 glides. Of the pools, 11 were straight scour pool; the remaining three were deep, lateral scour, and plunge pool. None of the area of pools and glides was dominated by silt. Total area of pools and glides dominated by sand was 45,526 m2 (Table 22). ______________________________________________________________________________ 83 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 19. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Metolius River from the mouth to Camp Creek. Habitat Type Total Area (m2) ODFW Avg. % of Habitat Type Silt Sand Area Silt (m2) Area Sand (m2) M.C. Pool 377,157 2.4 31.0 9,052 116,919 S.C. Pool 1,117 2.4 31.0 27 346 9,079 117,265 Total 378,274 Table 20. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Deschutes River from Big Falls to LBC. Total Area (m2) Area Silt (m2) Area Sand (m2) Pool 154,219 8,288 69,390 Glide 37,704 1,230 4,713 Total 191,923 9,518 74,103 Habitat Type ______________________________________________________________________________ 84 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 21. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in Whychus Creek from Alder Springs to the Deschutes River. Habitat Type Total Area (m2) Area Silt (m2) Area Sand (m2) Pool 3,752 36 739 Glide 0 0 0 Total 3,752 36 739 Table 22. Total estimated sand and silt habitat area in the Crooked River from rkm 6.9, upstream of Opal Springs, to LBC. Habitat Type Total Area (m2) Area Silt (m2) Area Sand (m2) Pool 89,649 0 2,733 Glide 27,624 0 42,793 Total 117,273 0 45,526 ______________________________________________________________________________ 85 PLEMP Phase I Final Theoretical abundance estimate of ammocoetes in habitats suitable for re-introduction upstream of PRB Total estimated ammocoete abundance in potential habitats that may be re-colonized by Pacific lamprey upstream of PRB is approximately 4.8 million (95% prediction interval = 3.7 to 7.5 million, Table 23). Ammocoete abundance was dependent upon substrate and water temperature, the two predictors in the Ammocoete Abundance Model. Maximum water temperatures used to estimate ammocoete abundance ranged from 12°C to 18°C, depending on summer 2009 water temperature data (Figures 29 to 37, and Table 24). Ammocoete abundance (fitted value) in silt ranged from 64.8 ammocoetes/m2 in Whychus Creek to 26.1 ammocoetes/m2 in Metolius River (Table 24). Ammocoete abundance (fitted value) in sand ranged from 56.4 ammocoetes/m2 in Whychus Creek to 13.0 ammocoetes/m2 in Metolius River (Table 24). ______________________________________________________________________________ 86 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 23. Estimated potential ammocoete abundance and 95% prediction intervals for habitats upstream of LBC. Stream Substrate (Area, m2) Estimated Ammocoete Abundance Water Temperature (°C) 95% Prediction Intervals Silt (9,079) 237,277 170,579 to 330,054 Sand (117,265) 1,528,558 997,889 to 2,341,456 Total 1,765,835 1,168,468 to 2,671,511 Silt (9,518) 455,640 328,641 to 631,731 Sand (74,103) 1,769,276 1,084,246 to 2,887,059 Total 2,224,916 1,412,887 to 3,518,790 Silt (36) 2,331 1,589 to 3,421 Sand (739) 23,888 13,688 to 41,689 Total 26,219 15,277 to 45,110 Silt (0) 0 0 Sand (45,526) 808,143 515,247 to 1,251,893 Total 808,143 515,247 to 1,251,893 4,820,114 3,680,877 to 7,487,303 Metolius River 12°C Deschutes River 16°C Whychus Creek 18°C Crooked River 14°C Total All Streams ______________________________________________________________________________ 87 PLEMP Phase I Final Table 24. Ammocoete density by stream, according to water temperature and substrate. Stream Max. Summer Water Temperature (°C) Metolius River Ammocoetes/m2 Substrate silt Fitted Value = 26.1 Upper 95% = 36.4 Lower 95% = 18.8 Fitted Value = 13.0 Upper 95% = 20.0 Lower 95% = 18.8 Fitted Value = 47.9 Upper 95% = 66.4 Lower 95% = 34.5 Fitted Value = 23.9 Upper 95% = 39.0 Lower 95% = 14.6 Fitted Value = 64.8 Upper 95% = 95.1 Lower 95% = 44.2 Fitted Value = 32.3 Upper 95% = 56.4 Lower 95% = 18.5 Fitted Value = 17.6 Upper 95% = 27.5 Lower 95% = 11.3 12°C Metolius River sand Deschutes River silt 16°C Deschutes River sand Whychus Creek silt 18°C Whychus Creek Crooked River sand 14°C sand ______________________________________________________________________________ 88 PLEMP Phase I Final 4.5 Discussion Based on summer stream water temperatures and habitat features (e.g. area of pool and glide habitat units dominated by silt and sand) in the Metolius, Deschutes and Crooked rivers and Whychus Creek there appears to be the potential for rearing between 3.7 and 7.5 million Pacific lamprey ammocoetes upstream of LBC. This prediction depends on the assumption that habitat features in streams above PRB where ammocoetes may re-colonize are similar to those in Shitike Creek, where the AAM was developed. While the ODFW habitat surveys in Deschutes and Crooked rivers and Whychus Creek had very detailed information, these data were collected at the habitat unit scale or larger. The ODFW habitat survey was designed so data can be organized into hierarchical system of regions, basins, streams, reaches, and habitat units to match the parameters collected in other quantitative (USFS) or historic (U.S. Bureau of Fisheries) surveys and at different scales (ODFW 2006), but not scaled down to the micro-habitat level. Presence or absence of Pacific lamprey is determined at the micro-habitat unit scale; within a pool or glide a habitat patch dominated by silt or sand that conforms to a range of water depth and velocity, sediment depth, and riparian cover is where ammocoetes are typically found (Chapter 3, Table 17, see also Graham and Brun 2007; Stone and Barndt 2005). The estimated area of silt and sand patches for ammocoetes to re-colonize in the Metolius River from the mouth to Camp Creek is more tenuous than estimated habitat patches in the Deschutes and Crooked rivers; the U.S. Forest Service stream survey in the Metolius River was conducted before the Level II protocol became established and were not typically done in streams this large (M. Reihle, U.S. Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District, pers. comm.). In addition, average areas of silt and sand in pools and glides in the Crooked and Deschutes rivers and Whychus Creek may not be representative of those in the lower Metolius River. It is possible additional habitat for re-colonization of Pacific lamprey ammocoetes exists upstream of that identified for potential re-colonization in the Metolius and Crooked rivers. However, the potential for thermal barriers that adult lamprey may encounter during migration to spawning grounds in the Metolius and Crooked rivers precludes the inclusion of these areas in favor of erring on the conservative. The potential thermal barrier on the Metolius River is the cold water upstream of Camp Creek to Lake Creek. If adult lamprey were to migrate through this area, they may find water marginally within temperature tolerance for spawning in Abbot, Brush and Link creeks. Street Creek, which enters the Metolius River within the reach from the mouth to Camp Creek, is likely within the temperature range for spawning and rearing but no habitat data exists. In the Crooked River, water temperatures in the vicinity of Smith Rock State Park near Terrebonne become very warm (< 22°C) during summer and may pose a thermal barrier to migration. While water temperatures are too cold for spawning and rearing immediately downstream of Bowman Dam (Figure 39), data from a thermal infrared imagery study suggest that there may be water temperatures within the range for Pacific lamprey spawning and rearing a short distance below Bowman Dam to Prineville and also in Ochoco ______________________________________________________________________________ 89 PLEMP Phase I Final Creek from Ochoco Dam to Crooked River (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 2006). The lower 6 km of McKay Creek may also fall within the water temperature range for lamprey spawning and rearing (B. Hodgeson, ODFW, Bend, pers. comm.). If Pacific lamprey passage through PRB is found possible, then it may be advisable to collect more detailed habitat data on the Metolius River and Street Creek. In addition, further inquiry into potential thermal barriers on Metolius and Crooked rivers and additional habitat for lamprey re-colonization may be addressed. ______________________________________________________________________________ 90 PLEMP Phase I Final Conclusions Studies of juvenile and adult Pacific lamprey in the Deschutes Basin have advanced ecological understanding of these fishes locally. This information is valuable as managers decide on whether and/or to what extent re-establishment of Pacific lamprey upstream of PRB is feasible. If re-introduction is deemed possible and returning adult lamprey are able to pass upstream through PRB to spawn naturally, studies of adult lamprey in the lower Deschutes River, which indicate overwintering and spawning habits of the local population (Chapter 1) can be used to predict behavior in the newly expanded range. Radio telemetry data suggests broad plasticity in migration patterns, use of habitat (main stem vs. tributary) and timing in overwintering and spawning. Although water temperature may be the largest habitat limiting factor above PRB, the amount of habitat within that limited area would appear adequate for re-introduction. Since lamprey spawn in substrate sizes similar to resident and anadromous O. mykiss (Stone 2006; Wydowsi and Whitney 2003), concerns of limited habitat availability are negligible. Successful lamprey spawning has been observed within steelhead redds in the Umatilla Basin (A. Jackson, CTUIR, pers. comm.). In 2003, distribution and habitat associations of Pacific lamprey were first documented by the CTWSRO (Graham and Brun 2007). Once this baseline information was established, the Capture Efficiency Model (CE, Chapter 2) was developed so ammocoete catch via electrofisher could be transformed to an abundance estimate to standardize comparisons among sites and account for variation in the environment. The CE takes into account ammocoete length, sediment depth, conductivity, visibility into the water column and on top of the water (wind ripples). The CE Model was used, in part, to develop the Ammocoete Abundance Model (AAM, Chapter 3), in which ammocoete catch in habitats downstream of PRB was transformed to abundance, then ammocoete abundances were related to environmental conditions in habitats where they were sampled. The relationship between ammocoete abundance in Shitike Creek was strongly associated with water temperature and whether the habitat patch was dominated by silt or sand. The AAM was used, in conjunction with water temperature and habitat data, in streams upstream of PRB to estimate a theoretical abundance estimate of ammocoetes if re-introduction were to occur (Chapter 4). According to the PLEMP, the next step is to assess whether passage for outmigrating lamprey (ammocoetes and macropthalmia) is possible through PRB. Lamprey would have to migrate from streams flowing into LBC, through LBC, find the opening to the top structure of the Selective Water Withdrawal (SWW), pass through the screens and into the fish transfer facility. ______________________________________________________________________________ 91 PLEMP Phase I Final However, physiological constraints may reduce or negate outmigrants from doing so. In an experiment to develop physiologic understanding of downstream migrating Pacific lamprey, Dauble et al. (2006) judged juvenile lamprey to be weak swimmers by their low burst speed compared to other fishes and relatively inefficient lateral, undulatory swimming style. They do not possess gas bladders so buoyancy must be affected by swimming and therefore is an energetic cost (Orr 1982). Juvenile lamprey migrating downstream in the Columbia and Snake rivers were found to swim low in the water column (Long 1968). If lamprey actively swim through LBC, energetic costs would be higher than run-of-the-river downstream migrating lamprey which are believed to passively move downstream during high water events. It is also unknown if flow will attract them to the egress. Declining counts of adult lamprey at Bonneville Dam suggest fewer adults are returning to the Columbia River every year. Increasing the capacity for the Deschutes River to produce Pacific lamprey by re-establishing the upper Deschutes Basin as part of their range would be a positive step for the conservation of this species. ______________________________________________________________________________ 92 PLEMP Phase I Final References Angermeier, P. L., and M.R. Winston. 1998. Local vs. regional influences in local diversity in stream fish communities of Virginia. Ecology 79(3):911-927. Applegate, V. C. 1950. Natural history of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Michigan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 55: 237 p. Bayer, J. M., T. Robinson, and J. Seelye. 2001. Upstream migration of Pacific lamprey in the John Day River: Behavior, timing and habitat use. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR; BPA Report DOE/BP-26080-1, 46p. Beamish, F. W. H. 1980. Adult biology of the river lamprey (Lampetra ayresi) and the Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) from the Pacific coast of Canada. 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Redd Habitat Measurements Stream:________________ Date:____________ GPS (UTM 10T) Water Temperature:___________ Time:___________ N: Air Temperature:___________ Crew:___________ E: Discharge: Unit used: Weather: (from USGS gage) Redd Depths: Redd Dimensions (cm): (taken at the following 3 spots ) (Upstream) Head (cm): Mid (cm): Tail (cm): (Downstream) ______________________________________________________________________________ 99 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 1 (cont.). Pacific lamprey redd survey measurements. Redd Habitat Measurements (cont.) Redd Location (measured in meters) Site Characteristic s Distance to left bank: Canopy Cover: N = Distance to right bank: Cover is measured looking N, S, E, W on the densiometer. Each square represents an area of canopy opening (unfilled squares). Count squares/dots of canopy opening. Distance to next redd: S= E= W= Dominant Riparian Vegetation: Flowmeter Measurements (make sure unit is on m/s) (what types of trees and plants are nearest redd?) Take 2 measurements in center of redd "pot" 1. Bottom flow (base) Stream Widths: 2. Mean Flow Wetted width (m): (take at 60% depth) ie…if water is 1 m deep, take flow @0.6 m) Bankfull width (m): Other Observations on Redd Location/Shape ______________________________________________________________________________ 100 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 1 (cont.). Pacific lamprey redd survey measurements. Substrate Measurement Datasheet for Lamprey Redds Measure the maximum diameter of 15 neighboring (touching) stones along both a lateral (A) and vertical (B) transect originating at the top-thalwag corner of the redd (see below) Substrate Measurements (mm) Lateral (A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vertical (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ______________________________________________________________________________ 101 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 2. Group membership and overwinter locations of radio-tagged lamprey. Group 1 2 3 Code_Year Release Date Overwinter River 16_05 7/19/2005 Shitike Ck. 22_05 7/27/2005 Deschutes R. 66_06 7/21/2006 13_07 rkm from Release Site 82.9 Area Description near community center 79 near mouth of Shitike Ck Beaver Ck. 97.4 downstream of powerlines 7/24/2007 Warm Springs R. 89.9 near mouth of Beaver Ck. 126_08 7/23/2008 Warm Springs R. 87.5 near mouth of Beaver Ck. 18_05 7/12/2005 Warm Springs R. 57.8 near mouth 31_05 8/10/2005 Warm Springs R. 74.5 below fish hatchery 30_05 8/19/2005 Warm Springs R. 58.2 near Heath Bridge 15_07 8/2/2007 Warm Springs R. 75.5 below fish hatchery 23_07 8/10/2007 Deschutes R. 59.5 upstream of Andy Dick's house 22_07 8/10/2007 Deschutes R. 62.7 downstream of Trout Ck. 28_07 8/15/2007 Warm Springs R. 57.1 near mouth 129_08 7/24/2008 Deschutes R. 68 Frog Springs 33_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 0 near Blue Hole 27_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 1.6 upstream of Blue Hole 26_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 0.5 near Blue Hole 25_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. -0.7 Surf City Camp Ground 54_05 8/19/2005 Deschutes R. 0.1 upstream of cattle guard 2_07 7/11/2007 Deschutes R. -1 below Blue Hole 1_07 7/11/2007 Deschutes R. 2.1 near Grey Eagle 10_07 7/24/2007 Deschutes R. 4.5 near Grey Eagle 12_07 7/25/2007 Deschutes R. 8.3 downstream of Boxcar Rapids 19_07 8/3/2007 Deschutes R. 8.8 near Boxcar Rapids 26_07 8/14/2007 Deschutes R. -1.8 downstream of OSR 24_07 8/14/2007 Deschutes R. 1.1 upstream of Blue Hole 33_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 7.5 upstream of BLM house 31_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 5.1 near silo 128_08 7/24/2008 Deschutes R. 2.1 near Grey Eagle 131_08 7/26/2008 Deschutes R. 2.1 near Grey Eagle 136_08 8/29/2008 Deschutes R. 0.1 upstream of Blue Hole ______________________________________________________________________________ 102 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 2 (cont.) . Group membership and overwinter locations of radio-tagged lamprey. Group 4 Code_Year Release Date 70_06 8/9/2006 Deschutes R. rkm from Release Site 27.8 16_07 8/2/2007 Deschutes R. 43.3 Davidson Flat 17_07 8/7/2007 Deschutes R. 37.1 loafer's lair 130_08 7/26/2008 Deschutes R. 28.8 near Forester house 134_08 8/5/2008 Deschutes R. 22.7 hay barn upstream of Dant Overwinter River Area Description near Forester ______________________________________________________________________________ 103 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 3. Group membership and spawning locations of radio-tagged larmpreys. rkm from Release Site 57.6 Group Code_Year Release Date Spawning River 1 18_05 7/12/2005 Warm Springs R. 1 19_05 7/12/2005 Beaver Ck. 99 1 16_05 7/19/2005 Shitike Ck. 82.9 near Community Center 1 14_05 7/20/2005 Shitike Ck. 80.6 Hwy 26 Bridge 1 22_05 7/27/2005 Shitike Ck. 80.6 downstream of museum 1 25_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 1 31_05 8/10/2005 Warm Springs R. 72.3 below Kahneeta Bridge 1 32_05 8/10/2005 Warm Springs R. 83.5 downstream of Beaver Ck. 1 30_05 8/19/2005 Warm Springs R. 74.4 downstream of hatchery 1 54_05 8/19/2005 Warm Springs R. 74.5 downstream of hatchery 1 66_06 7/21/2006 Beaver Ck. 97.3 in Beaver Ck. 1 68_06 7/21/2006 Beaver Ck. 104.1 in Beaver Ck. 1 74_06 8/9/2006 Warm Springs R. 57.3 near mouth 1 13_07 7/24/2007 Beaver Ck. 100.3 in Beaver Ck. 1 15_07 8/2/2007 Warm Springs R. 75.5 downstream of hatchery 1 20_07 8/3/2007 Warm Springs R. 60.8 near Rattlesnake Springs 1 22_07 8/10/2007 Deschutes R. 62.7 downstream of Trout Ck. 1 23_07 8/10/2007 Deschutes R. 59.5 upstream of Andy Dick's house 1 28_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 68 Frog Springs 1 126_08 7/23/2008 Warm Springs R. 87 downstream from Beaver Ck. 1 129_08 7/24/2008 Deschutes R. 68 Frog Springs 1 131_08 7/26/2008 Warm Springs R. 57.1 near mouth 2 15_05 7/20/2005 Deschutes R. 2.1 Grey Eagle 2 24_05 7/27/2005 Deschutes R. 8.8 Boxcar Rapids 2 26_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 10.5 Wapanitia Rapids 2 1_07 7/11/2007 Deschutes R. 0.6 upstream of Blue Hole 2 3_07 7/11/2007 Deschutes R. 9.4 2 10_07 7/24/2007 Deschutes R. -7.7 2 12_07 7/25/2007 Deschutes R. 8.3 upstream of BLM house downstream Sherars Falls Bridge downstream of Boxcar Rapids 2 18_07 8/2/2007 Deschutes R. 0.8 Oak Springs 2 19_07 8/3/2007 Deschutes R. 8.8 Boxcar Rapids 2 24_07 8/14/2007 Deschutes R. 1.1 upstream of Blue Hole 2 26_07 8/14/2007 Deschutes R. 13.4 Long Bend 2 27_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 5.6 Maupin City Park 2 31_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 5.7 Imperial 2 33_07 8/15/2007 Deschutes R. 8.5 downstream of Boxcar Rapids 76 Area Description near mouth near power lines upstream of hatchery ______________________________________________________________________________ 104 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 3 (cont.). Group membership and spawning locations of radio-tagged larmpreys. Group Code_Year Release Date 2 36_07 8/22/2007 Deschutes R. rkm from Release Site 6.1 2 128_08 7/24/2008 Deschutes R. 2.1 Grey Eagle 2 132_08 7/26/2008 Deschutes R. 8.6 downstream of Boxcar Rapids 2 135_08 8/29/2008 Deschutes R. 2.1 Grey Eagle 2 136_08 8/29/2008 Deschutes R. 2.1 Grey Eagle 3 28_05 7/27/2005 Deschutes R. 20.9 below Caretaker's house 3 34_05 8/10/2005 Deschutes R. 39.3 3 70_06 8/9/2006 Deschutes R. 24.1 3 16_07 8/2/2007 Deschutes R. 43.3 North Junction upstream Four Chutes Camp Ground Davidson's Flat 3 17_07 8/7/2007 Deschutes R. 37.1 loafer's lair 3 130_08 7/26/2008 Deschutes R. 26.1 Dant 3 134_08 8/5/2008 Deschutes R. 21.7 Caretaker's house Spawning River Area Description upstream of Maupin Bridge ______________________________________________________________________________ 105 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 4. Site descriptions for Capture Efficiency Model development. Stream Badger Beaver Site Elevation (m) Wetted Width (m) Bankfull Width (m) Canopy Cover % B100 790 16.5 18 4.2 Glide, sand, silt, smaller gravels, soft sediment, willows, rose, alders, grass, large pine trees B260 (a) 840 17 18.5 11.7 Glide, sand, silt, sediment, woody debris, alder, willows, grasses B260 (b) 860 15 15 27.8 Riffle, alcove, sand, smaller gravel, muddy, alder, willows, grass, large pine trees Hwy 9 (a) 680 15.5 18 24.0 Riffle, alcove, small to large rocks, rose, alders, willows, large pine trees Hwy 9 (b) 700 22 26 0 Glide, pool, soft sediment with algae, alders, grass, willows Robinson Park 800 10.5 12 24.4 Glide, alcove, soft sediment, smaller pebbles, younger alders, grasses, larger willows Mill 430 16 20 0 Alcove, small gravels, alders, cottonwoods Museum 430 15 20 56.1 Glide, sand, silt, large cottonwoods, alders, grass Heath 390 110 112 3.1 Glide, sandy bottom, alders and willows HeHe (a) 770 28 31 50.0 Riffle, small gravel with larger rocks, small alders and grasses HeHe (b) 770 22 23 4.7 Riffle, glide, small gravel, few pines, alders and ninebark Shitike Warm Springs Site Description ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 106 PLEMP Phase I Final Appendix 5. Enclosure design. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 107 PLEMP Phase I Final Attachment A PLEMP Phase I – Habitat Assessment Consultation with the Fish Committee Article 402 of the new FERC license, which requires that the Licensees’ implementation of measures pursuant to the new license be reported to the Fish Committee (FC) as provided in the Settlement Agreement and any applicable implementation plan. The Licensees are required to allow a minimum of 30 days for the consulted entities to comment and make recommendations. The Licensees initiated consultation on October 13, 2011 with the following message: From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Scot Lawrence Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:58 PM [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Julie Keil [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Brian Clark; Don Ratliff; Greg Concannon; Megan Hill; Robert Spateholts; Scot Lawrence PRB - Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I Instructions for Accessing Documents from PGE ftp site.doc Dear Fish Committee, Posted to our ftp site for 30-day review is the Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I – Habitat Assessment for Potential Re-introduction of Pacific Lamprey Upstream of Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project pursuant to Section 18 Fishway Prescription Condition 18. I have posted both Word and .pdf versions of the report to the ftp site: 20100816 PLEMP Phase I Review draft.doc 20100816 PLEMP Phase I Review draft.pdf Please return your approvals to me by Friday November 18, 2011. Please direct any comments or questions of substance to Jen Graham at 541.553.3585, Don Ratliff at 541.325.5338 and me, preferably before the 18th. We will also discuss the draft report at the October FC meeting. Pelton Round Butte Project (FERC 2030) March 2012 A-1 PLEMP Phase I – Habitat Assessment Consultation Summary Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Instructions for accessing our ftp site is attached. Thanks, Scot Scot Lawrence Project Manager - Hydro Licensing Portland General Electric Portland, Oregon 503.464.7361 [email protected] The following was received from USFWS on October 24, 2011: From: Sent: To: Subject: [email protected] Monday, October 24, 2011 12:15 PM Scot Lawrence Re: PRB - Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I Greetings; The USFWS has reviwed the Pacific Lamprey Habitat Assessment Report. We have no comments on the report. Thanks, Peter Peter Lickwar/USFWS (541) 312-6422 phone (541) 383-7638 fax [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scot Lawrence <[email protected]> 10/13/2011 01:58 PM Pelton Round Butte Project (FERC 2030) March 2012 To "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" A-2 PLEMP Phase I – Habitat Assessment Consultation Summary <[email protected]>, Julie Keil <[email protected]> cc "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, Brian Clark <[email protected]>, Don Ratliff <[email protected]>, Greg Concannon <[email protected]>, Megan Hill <[email protected]>, Robert Spateholts <[email protected]>, Scot Lawrence <[email protected]> Subject PRB - Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I Dear Fish Committee, Posted to our ftp site for 30-day review is the Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan: Phase I – Habitat Assessment for Potential Re-introduction of Pacific Lamprey Upstream of Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project pursuant to Section 18 Fishway Prescription Condition 18. I have posted both Word and .pdf versions of the report to the ftp site: 20100816 PLEMP Phase I Review draft.doc 20100816 PLEMP Phase I Review draft.pdf Please return your approvals to me by Friday November 18, 2011. Please direct any comments or questions of th substance to Jen Graham at 541.553.3585, Don Ratliff at 541.325.5338 and me, preferably before the 18 . We will also discuss the draft report at the October FC meeting. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Instructions for accessing our ftp site is attached. Thanks, Scot Scot Lawrence Project Manager - Hydro Licensing Portland General Electric Portland, Oregon 503.464.7361 [email protected] [attachment "Instructions for Accessing Documents from PGE ftp site.doc" deleted by Peter Lickwar/MOBILE/R1/FWS/DOI] No other comments were received. Pelton Round Butte Project (FERC 2030) March 2012 A-3 PLEMP Phase I – Habitat Assessment Consultation Summary