7/kzar| 7.`^s - Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
7/kzar| 7.`^s - Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
7/kzar| 7.'^s ' q ---------__ TAN BDNCH MULTAN. LAHORE HIGH COTTRT rv". /SWZ zc'"1. Dated. '2076. From The Addltional Reglstrar, Lahore High Court, Multan Bench. Multan. To The Director (Legal & Monitoring) Gouernment of the Punjab, Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authoritg (S&GAD) 2-E, Main Bouleuard, Gulshan-e Raui, Lahore - SIIBJECT: PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMDIfT OF TENDER NOTICE Memo, conditions, I am directed to sag that according to Aour terms and this office has deposited Rs.LO)O/- in A/c No' O003983-14 (The Bonk of Punjab), Cantonment Branch, Multan uide challott 4722733 dated 27.o5.2016. The oiginal hard copies aforesaid deposit slip No' of tender are attached hereuith. E-mail of the rtttd tender aduertisement (in PDF fiIe format) alonguith aforesaid deposit slip has also been sent to tDrDtD.ppra .punjab gou.pk. 2. at You are, therefore, desired to upload aforesaid tender notice PPRA uLebsite immediatelY ' '----zilto/2"-"Eql/z n i R.e g i st r-alr ganl. ) Assistc For Additional nwEtrar . (M. Arif Moilint *r:.jr:or ictistnr (Gcfu "f,,,HTJ,Iflf,""fi* ) lr IO IF l6 3 I I pj lL) lil I I I i I |: I C.0 t" I\ t\ {\ d 4t) a t; t9 IE tg t? IE :t "6 fll TH t< 1Q It\ J? ta la q I t, .g lo I'r l- 1, \l Jl NI ,l .rl q.l \l r;l \)l 3l '.t'I -n: t I o ^l 3 6 a 4. (-) Q U B irl o I,AHOF,]E HIGH COURT MULTAN BENCH MULTAN. CO NSOLIDATED TENDER NOTICE Sealedtendersareinuitedfromtheuellreputedfirmsregisteredwith follouing procLtrements:' SWPLY OF ARTICLES: PIIX llxchange hauing 15-20 lines and 1O0r 2OO extensions, I.'l' llquipment, Sound sgstem, Electric uater Coolers, air conditioners, and CCTV cameras with VNRs' ANNI]AL RATE CONTRACT r.OR FINANCIAL YEAR 2076-77 IN RI9SPEC? O SUPPLf Or.' OfJlce Stationery, Computer Statrcnery' sales tax/ income tax Department IL for the Miscellane ous Stores/ consumable items. nL 2. FINANCIAL YEAR 2O76-77: Ilids inuited from the finn/ compantes d."lr"g * photocopg machines, for preparing photocopies of judgments, orders and other judicial doanments, on contract basis. rOR ?ENDER NO. T & II I'rices of each item must be quoled independently along uith CO.NDTTTONS a) taxes. b) of ang interntption or causing delay in prouision of adequate supplg during the contractual period to the entire ln case satiifaction of the Authonty the deposited amount as performance' guaiantee witt be forfeited in fauour of the State/ Department' 3. Rates shall be quoted per poqe (singlte skled copg)' Double-sided copg uill not be counted |ir puyment. Simitarly, the pagment uill not be mude for defectiue pht)locol)ies b) ^l d) 'I'he contractor will instttll Qt least f<tur heaug-dutg digilal photrtcopiers uithin the premises rd 1 ligh Cour1. 'I'he ttffice ttLill not charge ang rent for the premises antT will proutde' free supply of eleclicitg 'I'he contrrtctor u.tiLl depute hts otun operators and shall ensure their permenent auaiktbility to JutJiLI the requirements of this Court' In order 'to auoid an11 inconuinience kt this Courl the controctor sholl depute back-up operotor who shrtll tttork in absence oJ'the regular operators' 'l'he conlraclor u.till usc his <tutn poper und loner' Copies J) ttLi be prepareti on 80 gm AA legal size imporled paper' 'l'he seruices ui be prouidetl uninterntpledlg commencing from ofJice hours till il remrtins open euen afler uorking hours and if desired by lhe Additionat Registrar on Sundall and Holidags os utell s) h) lncaseofcTefaultinany<;ftheinslalledpholocopier,thecontractoruill immed.ictielg glet it repaired or arronlle for iLs immediote repl*cement' 'I'he conlractor tuill not Lte ttllotued to make copies for outsiders from the machines installed in the Lligh Courl PaAment of cltargles tuiU be matle on monthly bttsis 'l'he controctor tt'till suLm monthtg'bilt upto l}th of euery monlh in the ()eneral Branch uhich after ,"luting unrl ueriJicrtlion by the Assistrtnt Registrar (GenI ) anrl Deputy l?egistrar (GenI.) tuill be prttcessed' 'l'he contract ttrill be for cL periotT of one year commencing from 1* JuI14' 2016 to 3orn June 2017. 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS o) Each bid containing technical and Jinancial proposal (prouided in RuIe 27 of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014) must be accompanied by a CalI Deposit uorth 5o/o of the ualue of the bid (refundable) as a proof of financial soundness of company in the nome of the Additional Registrar, Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, Multan along with profiIe of companA and registration certificate of finn/ compang uith sales tax/ Income Tax Department b) Technical proposal not in conformitg uith the specifications and requirements of thr.s court uill be rejected and fnancial proposal of that bidder shall be returned without opening it. Incomplete bids and the bids receiued after the closina time will not be entertained. c) TLte amount of bid secaity deposited bg the successful bidder in the shape of CDR/ I3ank Draft shall be treated as Performance Guarantee as required under Rule 56 of PPRA Regulations uhich shall be returned on successful and uithout complaint completion of contractual period/ utarrantg period of releuant items. d) A chance uill be giuen to 2"d bidder, if the 1"t bidder failed to prouide the items uithin stipulated period, therefore his call deposit tuill be returned after one month. e) J) Specimen of all the items partianlarlg stationery, non-stationery and other consumable slore items must be nroduced on the dote of opening of Tenders. The bids must reach the office of tLrc undersigned bg post/ by hand till 12.6.2016 at 01.00 P.M sharp and urill be opened on the same dag at 02.O0 P.M. bg the Purchase Committee in the office of the Additional l?egistrar Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, Multan. s) The Authority reserues the right to enhance or reduce the quantity of any item. h) Required Specifications haue been mentioned in Tender Form. t) Entire procurement shall be gouerned under t) Authoritg can reject/ cancel all tenders/ proposal at ang time. tLLe preuailing ruIes. 5. Tender fonns for supply of items/ rate contract/ rentol ptntocopier contract con be obtained from the ofJice of Treasurer, Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, Multan on paAment of Rs.1O0O/ - (Non-refundable). 6. Laho re This tender notice is ako auailable on the PPRA and Lohore High Court, s' u.t e b s ite i. e w u.t tu. p pr a. punj ab. g o u. pk and uuw. Ihc a o u. p k. - A",*- Additional Registrar, Lahore High Couri, Multan Bench, Multqn, cUOc\,,-utftlnt) &)i*-ry ;"; rt r i o tl [ ;' 7 j L ; -7,,;'.- rl zl r' v o,r,f tj' r',,r i;e., i" f E "' f ;Vl A'JC' r f iL' i v: : t-i-+;, .' rr-rt,I _ ,._ !/L, V ,=-'.x', 1, ./ { ; r, J,4\, 11, i v, -+,( 4 4r, /' 1 so t zoo',t: t t s-zo€j r VNRs lt:/-4 , ;ti, \, r -;V' rJ,Pf;*' 15,>?,1-l Ul'-'4 j'i--V'QL2'I::":-"t-11 -,-:--*-';.,L;./'7{tL)srr.()i,!-r't,v',f :;g/'tt' +'n/t*-,Ult -J,'-vit8,,r($u'-.r)','tQ0|l"rJ7,'it1"-'4ns'i1r'";od/J'(i:v'{t)u'o!s -g' ;i1lr,rr,'L(.,,rJ.(&6V',,r(t-(tslv-Jtrsfj-()i tt) i{"<rF'' 3@a\E'r''Y (ttt ..,-,,.,,!-,:.-;.,-i,;,"(17i"tki-E,,tf./3.;,,t';,,iOt.,,t(--,it+t,i'rGh,,';iLLl4{--":1"r,1(-''i(i, - r, : i vsf ., v t J g--,i)* -,! i' V,!'V < *i U t: (-q t i,'r :,..t..,i., 2t., r 4t | (iu \ t) 7-'s16* '''' 'qvi'' ,!,;i,.{s{}o:;{.-:-,/;'r-{z-,'/--'7g{a'+J's"{;-iv",-'r)tl*i;r){'l piit i-[ \ '.;.. ,r 2.';, t v );- t i ;( i v v(/ i'' * t eA( )" B0 t;L'( ) i I jL,;r,,)';,fg,Lc'a,,,t'rirrt.V'L:',:7'lJL:r('>\'':/$/:c'Lx(:/c-r't$ ,,; ;g ) {r, o ; r,'-, -t f -.- t-u t : n v r ft' i !7, ! r ! 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V(i7',i-J1,:;,t;':g';4= 1Jt:!12.0G.2016;,,/.>.qlJi;-,t,,;,*-vi -. : L ; el ?,2-i"9'Cn,: r r'A,. r,u,r,.z, -i'i'.,, : :'5',;" ;"' : u' ." -' * iu ",lr,:r-';;':: .t. g S x (, - { * ;'.tb"L rtt r: t' t t: ie:., {, ;f :. l' 1 ;btS!,'i; -vii i f 7f ,V t,.i1i,,,. i,i-ix r -t ;;';' f i"" /)' ^2" i it:u;'-l' jt- r ,.-.ijf.,:r., ..-j::,.-.lr-.rtt-ig-,,'169o^(l-irl:i,lf6tr;irf,,,to{/t-,/i}tl'::raV61l -{: ''it12-tr't- il'* ' I *;:;r1j,,ri'1r .:-ti;L Lr'-ltlwww. pppra. punjall. gov.pkt:V..-.-r(pp{A;];;t;i- -i; : , '.: zu^a^lr lhn rr,,r, .ir ' il :,, .,i.-/_vvvvvy.rr|J,ri(Ji -*v //r& c &6 )':'-(d-" c6 L, fjp,n tt t,le t tf il