Project Editor Manual
Project Editor Manual
Foreword: The purpose of this document is to describe how to use the Neets Project Editor in normal mode. In the tutorials we are using 3 base projects “Neets – Base 1 project”, “Neets – Base 2 project” and “Neets – Base 3 project” - these can be downloaded from our website. COPYRIGHT - All information contained in this manual is the intellectual property of and copyrighted material of Neets. All rights are reserved. You may not allow any third party access to content, information or data in this manual without Neets’ express written consent. CHANGES - Neets reserve the right to change the specification and functions of this product without any notice. Questions, AFTER reading this manual, can be addressed to your local dealer or: Neets Torvet 4 8700 Horsens Denmark by E-Mail: [email protected] or you may use our contact form at Revision list: Author: Date ANJ/JML: 14-12-10 JML: 24-02-11 JML: 04-03-11 ANJ/JML: 31-03-11 Page 1 Description First release REV2 REV3 Changes in section ”How to connect to control system”. REV4 Added LED settings in “Assign buttons”. Added sections “LED settings” and “Label designer”. Changed some images in “PIR settings” and “Calendar settings” Pages All All 36-39 + 42 21 27 + 34 30 + 32 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Index Foreword: .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Revision list: ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Index .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Neets Project Editor in General ......................................................................................................................... 4 File menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Communication menu ................................................................................................................................... 4 Help menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 The design concept ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Project settings .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Project overview ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Interface designer............................................................................................................................................ 14 Assign buttons ................................................................................................................................................. 19 System code..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Sub key ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 LED settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 Power on I/O ................................................................................................................................................... 28 Optional settings ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Auto shutdown ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Reply ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 Calendar....................................................................................................................................................... 30 RS232 alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 31 Keyboard lock .............................................................................................................................................. 31 Movement sensor (PIR) ............................................................................................................................... 32 Room overview ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Commission ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 Label designer.............................................................................................................................................. 34 Documentation ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Upload ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Connect to the control system using smartphone, tablet PC or browser ....................................................... 37 How to connect using iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.................................................................................... 38 How connect using a browser on a Windows computer ............................................................................ 39 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 2 How to use an Android device as graphical interface ..................................................................................... 42 Installing the Neets Dedicated Control application..................................................................................... 42 Using the Neets Dedicated Control application .......................................................................................... 43 Neets Control System .............................................................................................................................. 44 Wi-Fi connection...................................................................................................................................... 45 Display ..................................................................................................................................................... 45 Security .................................................................................................................................................... 46 Advance Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 46 System ..................................................................................................................................................... 46 Good things to know: .................................................................................................................................. 47 Page 3 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Neets Project Editor in General File menu In the file menu there are menu items for creating a new project, open an existing project and saving the project. If you click the arrow below “New” you got the possibility to select if you want to create a normal or advanced project. If you want to open a project from a control system click the arrow below “Open” and click “Open from control system” Communication menu In the communication menu you can see which control system you have selected. Be aware that you have selected the right control system before uploading! The Get Panel Information menu item gets information like serial number and software revision from the selected control system. The LAN lookup menu item opens a dialog like the one below. In this dialog you can e.g. select the control system you want to use or you can change the IP address of a Control system. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 4 Help menu If you have a question or a problem you can use the help menu. You can always press F1 to get help regarding the function you are using. If you need further help you can use the “Send Help Information” dialog to generate a help information package and send it using your locally installed e-mail program. If you remove the checkmark in the “Send generated data by email” the package will be saved in the “..\Neets\Logs” folder and you can send it later on using your e-mail program. In the Help menu you also find some online services. The “Remote support” is used when you need remote support using TeamViewer. There is a FAQ and an update service to check for updates, new device drivers etc. Page 5 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 The design concept When creating a project there are some guidelines you can follow. We will now take an overall look in the application. If you want to see more specific details, you can see other documents describing the specific functions or you can watch the tutorials on our website. We start by opening the “Neets – base 3 project”. The first thing to keep in mind is the help file. You can at any time press F1 to see help for specific functions. There is a menu to the left where you should operate from the top and down to the bottom. And when reaching the last point you are ready to upload the project. Project Here you can enter the basic information about the project. Project overview This is where you make the structure of your installation choosing what devices to use, how many I/O's to use and what to use them for etc. Interface designer This will only be visible when using a Zulu. It is for creating the graphical interface for your mobile device or web site. Keyboard settings This will only be visible when using an I/O keyboard. Here you can manage all preconfiguration of hardware keys. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 6 Assign buttons What should happen when you press a button? That is specified here. System code If you’re an experienced programmer you can make your own unique projects, by writing your own code. Power on I/O When the system is powered on, you can specify what should happen with the I/O's and relays. Optional settings Different options for setting up e.g. PIR, keyboard lock, RS232 alarm, auto shutdown, reply etc. Commission When you have finished your project, the last thing to do is upload it to the control system. This can be done here. Furthermore there is a possibility to see the documentation for the project and make printable labels for Echo and Sierra. If you want to adjust the application, the appearance, paths or other things, this is done in the settings window, which you find in the menu in the upper left corner at the Neets icon. It is also in this window you can enable or disable the possibility to make code buttons and use System code. Page 7 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Project settings In the Project settings we fill out the basic information on the project that we want to create. Name, Location and description are optional, but recommended. In Project version, module version and Firmware version it is recommended that you select the newest version. This always gives you the newest functions available. The module version is hidden by default. In the settings you can set the module version to be shown. The project version determines the functions of the program. Module version determines the functions of the control system and firmware determines the support of the functions in the control system. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 8 Project overview This section explains how to easily connect and use the already made device drivers. Tutorials will be based on the “Neets – base 3 project” When you have chosen to make a new project and select “Project overview” you will see that the control system is already added in the diagram. At the left side the unit selector is located and when you click at the control system in diagram the property box will appear in the right side. Search options for the Unit selector Property box for the control system Unit selector with all available devices Unit selector In the Unit selector you can either use the search function in the top area of the Unit selector or select in the list. In the tutorial we will add a projector, an Epson EMP-822. The search function is used simply by typing e.g. “emp” in the search field and all devices with “emp” in their device name will appear in the list, select the EMP-822, drag it to the control system and drop it on the RX-1/TX-1 port. You can also select from the list simply by selecting “Projector” then select “Epson” and then find the EMP-822 in the list. Page 9 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 In the “Neets” tab you can find Neets devices like Neets Amplifiers In the “Misc” tab you can find the I/O and Relay units Control system The control system ports are arranged in the different port types. In the top area you can see the IP address and Time (NTP timeserver1) settings. The RX-1/TX-1 port is the only bidirectional RS-232 communication port TX-2 to TX-5 can be used as either IR or RS-232 TX. TCP1 to TCP5 can be used to connect LAN devices, the control system can handle up to 5 ports. RELAY1 to RELAY5 can be used to connect Relay units from the “Misc” tab like “230v Relay” or “230v Screen” I/O-01 to I/O-24 can be used to connect I/O units from the “Misc” tab e.g. an “I/O PIR sensor”, “I/O keyboard lock” or an “I/O keyboard” 1 The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over data networks and a timeserver is a server computer that reads the actual time from a reference clock and distributes this information to its clients using a computer network. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 10 Control system settings If you click at the control system a property box will appear in the right side off the window. In this property box you can change the settings of the control system. In the “Normal” tab you can change some general settings like name and location. The Name and Location will be used when you do a LAN lookup or use the “Get panel information” button. In this tab you can also change the IP-settings of the controls system In the “Time” tab you can select the timezone to be used. The daylight saving information will be generated based on this setting. If you want to use a NTP timeserver (see note on previous page for description) to adjust the time, just check the “Enable” checkbox and type the timeserver you want to use or select one from the list. When you want to use the timeserver function you also have to setup a DNS-Server. In the “White list” tab you can control who and how many interface units like mobile Internet devices (MID) you can connect to the control system. You can control it using IP-address or MAC-address or you can define a dynamic which allows every interface unit in the network to connect to the control system. The Timeout time means time (without any request from the connected device) before the control system releases the connection. Page 11 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Serial device settings We will connect a Neets Amplifier version 1 to the control system. Select the “Neets” tab, select “Amplifier” and then drag and drop the “312-0001” to the TX-2 port on the control system. In the Property box we can change the communication settings If you want to edit the device in this project just click “Edit device and it will be opened in “Neets Device Editor” Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 12 I/O unit settings We will also connect some I/O units e.g. an I/O keyboard. Select the “Misc” tab and drag and drop the “I/O keyboard” on I/O-01. A dialog appears where we select “Number of buttons” to 4 and leave the “with LED” checkbox unchecked In the Property box we can change the Port name of each I/O port Page 13 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Interface designer The “Interface designer” is the place where you design your graphical interface. The result will end in an auto generated web site. We start by creating a new project. Click on “Interface designer” in the menu. You will now see a white blank page called “Frontpage”. To the left you have small thumbnails of all the pages. You can click on these to see the specific page. In this section we will describe how to use specific functions and commands when designing your graphical interface. Menu items. Consist of two parts: “Pages” and “Elements”. Thumbnails of all the pages. The page you’re designing A good approach is to use a theme. A theme is a block of settings that describes how a button and a label should look like, what color or image the background uses etc. When using a theme, and adding standard buttons the button will take its appearance from the theme. We will get back to that. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 14 Right now we do not have a theme we want to use, so let’s try to make one. Click on the black square in the “Elements” menu under the “Interface designer tab” to insert a button. It will be inserted on the page. Try to hold the mouse down on the button and move it around, and then release the mouse to place it. You can try to change the size of the button by holding the mouse down in one of the edges of the button and move the mouse around and release again to confirm. Click on the button and a window with settings appears to the right. Try to click in the text field at the top and write a text. While writing the text, the button will change its appearance. It should now look something like this: Make multiple states of a button. We want to have another color for the text so let’s change that. Furthermore we want to make the font a little larger. Click here and select the font and size you want to use. The button should now look something like this: We can change the rounding of the corners by entering a value, clicking on the up/down buttons or using the slider. To change the base color of the button click here. Try to experiment with the transparency. Use it in the same way as the corner radius. If you want to change the exact size and position of the button you can enter the values here. Your button should now look something like this: In the Light/glass effect section, try to experiment with some different values. If you select the Gradient1 type, your button might look something like this: Then you have the possibility to attach an image and move it around. Or you can use a predefined icon which can also be moved around. Page 15 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 There are several other settings you can make, like frame and border, or if you have an image attached you can tone it in any color you want. It could look something like this: When you are satisfied with the look of the button, you can now add the button to your button collection, so you can add it later on: After applying the settings, right click on the button and select “Add to buttons”. In the menu you should now see a small image of the button. Try to click it. You will now get a button with the exact same look as the one you already have (except for the text). On the top of the figure on the previous page you will see an “unpressed” and “pressed” image of the button where you can of course change the appearance of each of them. By following the previous steps you have created the “unpressed” image. By clicking on the “pressed” image you simply change the appearance of that instead. Furthermore you can make multiple states of the button which you can use for e.g. a toggle button (Will be introduced in the Assign Button part). Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 16 Now, in the menu, try to add a label. Design it the way you want the same way as with the button. Then we only need to change the background. You can choose between color and image. For now, select “Color” from the menu. A new window will appear where you can select a background color, and eventually a gradient, just like as with the button. I have selected a black color and gradient 2, and changed the angle a bit. Depending on how you designed the button, the label and the background you will end up with something similar to this: Now we are ready to make a theme, so that all pages will have the same appearance. Right click somewhere on the background and select “Add to themes”. You will be prompted to enter a name for the theme. Just call it “MyTheme”. If you have more than one button or one label you will be asked to select the proper one to use for the theme. You can also add buttons and change the appearance of only that one, and it will not follow the theme. Just like you can select multiple elements and make changes of them together. That was the basics in how to make your own graphical layout. Now it is time for you to experiment a little more, but first I will give you an overview of the menu and the functions. Page 17 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 “Pages” tab Create a new page. Delete the current page. If you have e.g. a customer that wants to see a preview of how the graphical layout will look like, you can click the preview page. When you have more than one element on the page, you will see some yellow gridlines to help you align the elements. You can toggle this function here. Change the language used for the web site. You can choose between predefined languages, or you can enter your own texts. The icon will change depending on the selected language. Change the resolution of the screen to a customized size for smartphone, tablet PC etc. There are also settings for DPI and orientation. Change the background of the page; choose between an image and a (gradient) color. Change the title of the page. To the left you will see the theme you just added. In this case “MyTheme”. “Elements” tab Just like the button we added before we have all the buttons in this list. The black square and the black circle are default buttons. If you just want a text, a headline or something else you can add a label. After you have added it you can change its appearance. In the same way as the label you can add an image. Please note that it is a non-clickable image. After that you can change its appearance. Then we have a list of element groups. When you click on one of these the elements will all be inserted on the page. The z-index (layer index) of the buttons will be ordered in the way they are added to the page. If you have two buttons with one overlapping the other you can change that overlap. If you have a row of elements, either horizontally or vertically you can distribute or align them to make the same spacing between them. You can either delete an element by clicking on the Delete key or the Delete button in the menu. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 18 You can add the selected button to the list of custom buttons. If you have an element that has a different appearance from the selected theme, you can make that element follow the theme. Create a group of elements. Select two or more elements and create an element group. This can be useful if you are often using the same elements on multiple pages. Many of the functions can also be found by right clicking on an element or the background. Assign buttons This section explains how to use Assign button. In Assign button you can e.g. assign sequences to the graphical buttons you created in the interface designer or to the buttons on an I/O keyboard. You can also add I/O Controls, add a link to a page or link the selected button to another button. The examples in this section are based on the project “Neets – Base 3 project”. Menu items for timeline settings and code scripting (optional). An overview of all the available graphical pages is shown. Select one simply by clicking on it. List of device drivers connected to the control system. Click on the device and drag the sequence you want to use to a button The timeline of the selected button Sequence group editor If you want to make a button on the selected page jump to another page select the destination page and drag it to button. Page 19 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Timeline You can use F8 to enable/disable the timeline and F9 to select if it should be shown below the selected page or in a separate dialog. The timeline is shown for the selected button. If the sequence is a source-type sequence you can select which power state of the device you want to see in the timeline using the checkbox at left. If unchecked the power state of the device is off and the power on sequence will be added in the timeline. Add a sequence to a button We want to select the PC1 source on the projector EMP-822: First we select the EMP-822 on port RX-1/TX-1 in the sequence list. Then all the sequences of the EMP-822 appear in the sequence list – ordered by sequence type. Then we select the PC1 sequence in the list and drag it to either the button or the sequence group editor if that one is shown. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 20 The sequence group editor In the sequence group editor we are working with 5 different kinds of settings: Sequence, I/O Control, Pagelink, Link and Misc. On the Sequence tab all the assigned sequences are ordered by devices. A sequence or device can be deleted simply by clicking the red X on the same row. A sequence or device can also be moved by clicking one of the arrows at the same row. If you click on the “Change toggle button state” a new window will appear where you can change the state/appearance of all the buttons. This is where you could use the multiple states you probably made in the interface designer. In this example we have a button with green color and the text “On”, we can change that to a red button with the text “Off” simply just by clicking on it. If you keep clicking the “No changes” state will appear which means the button will not change its appearance. There is also a button for the hardware keys named “Change LED color”. If you click it a new window will appear where you can change the color of all the LED’s. Each time you click on a key the LED changes its color. On the I/O Control tab all I/O Controls that are connected to the control system are listed. To control an I/O port or a Relay port simply select the type of port. If a delay is needed just enter the value (in seconds) in the column “Delay in sec.”. If the type is “Activate for seconds” or “Release for seconds” a time value also has to be entered in the column “Time in sec”. Page 21 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 On the Misc tab you can define the states where the key can execute its sequences. You can also enter a name to the sequence group. The name is used in the optional settings e.g. in PIR settings to define the button being activated when a movement is registered. The Pagelink tab is only shown if the button is linked to a page which means that when the button is pressed it jumps to the page that it links to. On this tab you can see which page the button is linked to. If you want to delete the link simply click “Remove link to page” The Link tab is shown if the selected button is linked to another button. This means that the button executes the same sequences as the button it links to. If you want to delete the link simply click the button “Remove link to button”. Add a link to another button On each page we have made buttons for volume control. Instead of assigning the 3 three volume buttons up, down and mute on each page we just assign the volume buttons on the “Frontpage“. On the other two pages “CD” and “DVD” we just make a link from the button to the equivalent button on the “Frontpage”. First we select the button we want to edit e.g. the “Volume down” button. Then the sequence group editor appears with only the Link tab shown. In the dropdown box we select the page on which the button we want to link to is placed e.g. the “Volume down” button on the “Frontpage”. The same procedure is done on the “Volume up” and “Mute” buttons and on the three volume buttons on the “DVD” page. When you press the linked button on the mobile device it will send the same sequences as the button it links to but it will stay on the Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 22 actual page, except if the button that it links to have a pagelink then it will jump to that page. Add a Pagelink We want to add a link from the “CD” button on the “Frontpage” to “CD” page. This is done simply by dragging the page from the interface list to the “CD” button. The same way we create a link from the “DVD” button to the “DVD” page. Add a Toggle button We want to add a toggle button which can be useful e.g. if we want to control more sequences on a device with the same button. The CD player in the project has 6 discs. We want to add a toggle button which change disc every time we press the button. First we add a sequence to the button by drag and drop, and then the Sequence group editor appears with the sequence tab in focus. To change this button to a toggle button simply click the “Add toggle button state” button. Page 23 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Then the first sequence we added changes to be press 1 and a Press 2 is added. If more presses are needed just press the button again. We add 4 more buttons and then we drag a sequence to each toggle button state. You can also drag the sequence to the button, and then a dialog appears which allows you to select the toggle state number. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 24 System code If you want to make a unique control system with special functions, you can use the System code part. You simply write you own code in the Pawn language (C-like), and you still have a lot of helping functions to make it all easier. I will not get into details on this; just tell you that it is present. Please note that this section requires a good knowledge for programming. If you want to know more on how to make your own unique systems, you can watch the “Code scripting manual” (doc# 311-0004-002-001). Page 25 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Sub keys When you are using an I/O keyboard you can define which keys are master keys and which are sub keys. A sub key can have different sequences depending on the selected master key. We start by opening the project “Neets – base 3 project”. This contains an I/O keyboard and some devices. Click on “Keyboard settings” in the menu. We can then start to define the master keys and sub keys. The tools are in the menu. Select one of them and click on the keys on the keyboard. Then we proceed to “Assign sequence” where we must give the keys some functionality. We add some sequences to the master keys. Then we add sequences to the sub keys. E.g. we could define two master keys to activate CD or DVD, and on the sub keys we want to use Play and Pause. When a sequence is dropped on a sub key a dialog appear to select the master key that should be activated to send the actual sub key sequence when the sub key is pressed. In the property box on a selected sub key the master key settings is located in the top area. To see or edit the sub key settings depending on which masker key is pressed just select the master key in the dropdown box. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 26 LED settings When the control system has an integrated keyboard or you are using an I/O keyboard with LED’s you have the opportunity to change the appearance and behaviour of the LED's on the keyboard. You will only see the settings that are active for the project, which means if you do not have any devices attached yet, you will see this text: There are no devices attached, so there are no settings to change. Otherwise you will see a list of the possible button types. If the project is created for an Echo or an I/O keyboard, the color selection is not visible. When the source sequence is in progress the LED blinks 4 times per second. The possible LED behaviors is: Off, On, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, Short blink When the source button is active the LED is on The color of the source button is white. The possible LED colors are: White, Purple, Turquoise, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Black. You also have the opportunity to save your own default settings; these are used as default when you make a new project. You can also reset to Neets factory default. Page 27 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Power on I/O Instead of manually controlling an I/O pin every time you click a source button, you can control it automatically only when the system is powered on. This is done by using Power on I/O. We start by opening the project “Neets – base 3 project”. This contains a page with assigned sequences and an attached screen. Click on “Power on I/O” in the menu. You will now see the front page. On the right you will be able to tell what to happen with the I/O’s and relays when the system is powered on. In this case we select Screen down. You will see some of the buttons having a small green and yellow icon meaning that it executes the I/O operation. If you click on a button with this icon it will change its icon and not execute the I/O operation. Then we have several buttons that are grayed out. It means they do not support the Power on I/O operation because they either do not have a sequence attached or if the sequence is not of the type source or on. So, in this case when we press the “PC 1” button the screen goes down. Then we press “PC 2”; the system is allready powered on so the screen is not going down. And we have told not to make any I/O operations on the “CD” button so even if we press that when the system is off the screen is not going down. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 28 Optional settings Auto shutdown This section explains how to use the automatic shutdown function for a control system. We start by creating a new project. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Auto shutdown”. When you enable the function you will be able to enter a number of minutes that the control system must be inactive before executing the auto shutdown. The inactivity is defined from the last time a button is pressed. Reply This section explains how to use two-way communication on a control system. We start by opening the project “Neets Base 1 project”. This project contains a reply-device. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Reply”. Simply select the EMP-822 device from the list. If a device attached to the control system in “Project overview” does not appear in the list, it does not support two-way communication. Page 29 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Calendar This section explains how to use the calendar function. Please note that this function is not available on all Neets control systems. Please see for more details. The calendar gives you the possibility to make actions on specific times. We start by opening the project “Neets – Base 1 project”. This project contains a button to turn on system. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Calendar”. At first sight the calendar is empty. From the menu you can add new entries. A small appointment will appear in the calendar and settings for the entry will show up in the right side of the screen. For each entry, you can enter a description and specify the exact time to press a button within a week. You can have up to 10 entries, and remember that one entry could be used for all 7 days in the week. If we choose to turn on the projector at 8 o’clock AM Monday-Friday set the settings like this. The appointment will then update in the calendar. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 30 RS232 alarm This section explains how to use the RS232 alarm for a control system. The RS232 alarm can be used to activate an external alarm unit to prevent a device from getting stolen. We start by opening the project “Neets – Base 3 project”. This contains an I/O pin configured as an output. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “RS232 alarm”. When you enable the function you will be able to enter some values. The first value is the number of milliseconds the serial cable must be disconnected before an alarm is raised. The next value is for how many seconds the alarm (I/O pin) should be activated. The last value indicates what I/O pin the alarm is connected to. You can select between all I/O’s configured as outputs. In this case the alarm, connected to I/O pin 9, will sound for 5 seconds if the serial cable has been disconnected for more than 100 milliseconds. We want to give the thief a fair chance to connect the device again! Keyboard lock This section explains how to use the keyboard lock. You can use this function if you want to prevent unauthorized people to use the system when you are not using it. We start by opening the project “Neets – Base 3 project”. This contains an I/O pin configured as a keyboard lock. Page 31 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Keyboard lock”. When you enable the function you will be able to select the I/O pin you want to use for keyboard lock, and whether the state of the I/O pin must be low or high to activate the keyboard lock. In this case the keyboard is locked when the I/O pin 10 is low. Movement sensor (PIR) This section explains how to use a PIR sensor on the control system. You can use this function if you want to automatically turn on and off a control system when it is not in use, by an attached movement sensor. We start by opening the project “Neets – Base 3 project”. This contains an I/O pin configured as a PIR sensor. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Movement sensor (PIR)”. This function consists of two parts. You can choose what to do when there is no movement; you specify a number of minutes that the PIR sensor has not registered any movement and what button to press when that occurs. Furthermore you can choose what to do when there is movement; you specify what button to press when that occurs. In this case we have told the control system to press the “Off” button when there has been no movement for 10 minutes and press the “Inpu 1” button when movement is registered. The movement is registered on the I/O pin 1 when the state is low. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 32 Room overview This section explains how to use the room overview. You can use this function if you want to generate a public website with an overview of specific control systems in the same network. We start by creating a new project. Click on “Optional settings” in the menu and select “Room overview”. From the menu you can add a new entry. A dialog shows up where you must enter the IP address of the control system you want to appear in the list. When you are finished adding control systems to the list, you can try to upload the project to the control system. If you open a Safari browser and enter the IP address of the control system on port 8080 you should see a webpage similar to this. E.g.: In this example the list is generated with danish language. You can change that from the menu. Click on the flag. If you want to make restricted access to the different control systems, you can edit this in the HTTP White list in “Project overview”. Page 33 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Commission Label designer The label designer gives you the opportunity to design and create your own printable labels for the Echo and Sierra control systems. I will not get into details in how to make your design. For that I refer to the interface designer section. When you first enter the label designer the text labels for the keys will have a default value with the caption from the sequences attached to each key on the keyboard. E.g. if you have attached an “Input 1” source sequence on the key the label will have a value of “Input 1”. You can off course change that, just like in the interface designer. If you see a label with the value “Key x” it might be because the key is empty or a subkey. You can just delete it. You can show guide lines like you know them from the interface designer and you can add gridlines which makes it a little easier to see the edges of the keys. If the layout is mashed up, you can simply reset it to start over. Once the design is finished, you can preview and print a specified number of labels. You can even save the current layout if you need it for another project. Please note that layouts made for the EU size cannot be used for the DK size. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 34 Documentation For making the installation a little easier, you have the possibility to generate documentation for the project. You can also use it to check if everything is connected as you expect. We start by opening the “Neets – base 2 project”. Click on “Commission” in the menu. Click on the “Generate documentation” button. You will see a diagram of the control system with attached items on the first page. In the menu you will see buttons for printing the entire documentation, or navigate back and forward through the pages. Click on “Next page”. Now you will see the first page with a lot of boxes and arrows. A box can be represented in many ways each indicating a specific type of button. The different types are shown on the same page as they are used or you can see them in the help file. The number in the boxes is a reference to a specific button. 2.1.3 means the 3rd button on the page with the headline 2.1. Try to click onto the next page. Then we have our “2.1.3” button where we can see what happens when it is pressed. The amplifier switches to Input 2 and the CD player switches to Disc 1. Besides that the CD page is shown in the web site. If we were using I/O’s these would also be indicated here. You can try to click around the documentation, or make changes in the project to see the effect of it. Page 35 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Upload To upload the project to the control system, press the “Upload” menu item or press F5, you will be asked if you want to continue – if yes the upload begins. You will be able to open manuals for using/setting up/connecting a device to use the generated website. If you upload using LAN you should be aware that you have selected the right control system and that the control system is on the same subnet as your PC. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 36 Connect to the control system using smart phone, tablet PC or browser Selecting the right browser Controlling the Neets Control system by a graphical interface gives you the possibilities get the look and feel that you want, and endless possibilities what concerns customization and design layout. The Neets Control systems graphical interface works by opening a browser that is connected to the control systems HTTP server. Neets have tested the following Units with the browsers mention below: Unit IPhone 3G, 3GS IPod touch IPad PC PC PC Browser Safari 4.0 Safari 4.0 Safari 4.0 Safari 4.0.4, Safari 5 FireFox 3.5 Internet Explorer Description Works best I full screen mode. Works best I full screen mode. Works best I full screen mode. Works Not supported Not supported As you can see not all browsers are supported. If you try to use another browser, please keep in mind that faults might occur, which you will not notice at first. Connection more than one browser to a system It is possible to use up to 5 browsers at the same time on one Neets Control system. When doing so, the commands send from one browser, will automatically be displayed in the other Browsers. Browsers that are inactive will be updating within max 3 sec. Page 37 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 How to connect using iPhone, iPod touch and iPad When setting up the device to control the Neets Control system, a few steps is necessary before being able to get the full experience of the control system. This section assumes that you have programmed a Neets Control system with a static IP address and that it is installed on a network with a WIFI gateway that the iTouch is connected to. 1. Find the Safari browser on the IPhone and start it. 2. Now enter the IP address of the Neets Control system and hit “Go”. 3. The pages starts loading. (In this state all pages and images are loaded so the loading time depends on the size of you project). You will see a loading animation when downloading all the elements. 5. Now select “Add to Home Screen” and enter the name of your control system. 6. On the Home Screen there will now be an Icon for your Neets Control system. 7. By pressing button you just made will launch the control system in a full screen mode. 4. After the page is done loading, you are ready to add the home page to the ITouch Home Screen. This is done by pressing the “+”. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 38 Uploading a new project into the Neets Control system Whenever you upload a new project to the Neets Control system the information stored on the iTouch must also be updated. This is simply done by closing the Neets Control system interface and opening it again. To close the Neets Control interface interface simply press the “Home button” When launching the Neets Control system interface you will see that a progress window appears just as when you were loading all the elements. The pages starts loading. (In this state all pages and images are loaded so the loading time depends on the size of you project). The Neets Control system is now ready to use again. If you do not see your changes try to make a reload of the page. How connect using a browser on a Windows computer Safari If you want to use a computer or tablet PC that runs Windows as your graphical interface all you must install Apple’s Safari browser. This section assumes that you have programmed a Neets Control system with a static IP address and that it is installed on a network together with the computer that we are installing the Safari browser on. Page 39 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 1. Download the Safari browser from Apple’s homepage: 2. After you have downloaded it following the description from Apple on how to get installed on your computer. 3. When the installation are done say yes to run the program. 4. First we need to inter the IP address of the Control system. Enter in the address field and press enter. 5. The browser now transfers the entire graphical interface to the computer. You will see a loading animation. Please wait until finished. 6. Now select Edit->Preferences Press the button “Set to Current Page” and close the settings box. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 40 7. Now press the maximize button to make the browser fill the entire screen. 8. Now close the browser. 9. Next you have to installe the “Neets Safari Frame Remover” this program are found on Neets homepage. After downloading it. Start the installation program and let it guid you throug the process. 10. Now reboot you computer and you will see that on startup the Safari browser starts up as in true full screen. If you need to close the Safari browser you simply click on the Safari and press the “Alt” button on the keyboard this will show the menu line. The Safari browser has a memory leak problem so after running none stop for 2-3 weeks the Safari browser will respond slowly or not at all. To prevent this for happen the Neets Safari Frame Remover will restart the Safari browser every day at midnight. This operation will only tage few seconds and ensure that the enduser always have quick respons when using the system. Page 41 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 How to use an Android device as graphical interface If you want to use an Android device as graphical interface to a Neets Control system we have made an application (Neets Dedicated Control) that enables you to make the Android device act as a standalone graphical interface. If you have purchased the MID unit directly from Neets the application have already been installed and you can skip the first chapter that describe how to install the application. Installing the Neets Dedicated Control application There are 2 ways to install the application installed on you Android device. To install the application your device need to run Android version 2.1 or higher. 1. Install it using the Android Market. Simply connect to the Market as search for “Neets”. 2. Download the application from our homepage and manual copy the install file to the Android device using a memory card or simply connect the unit to your computer. a. Use the build in file browser to navigate to the install file.(This part varies from unit to unit) b. Now click on the file to start the installation. Now you will be informed of the different parts of the Android that our application want access to. Simply press Install and the installation will begin. After the installation is done you will see this message. Press “Done”. Next press home button on the unit: Depending on the unit it can look different: This will give you the following option Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 42 Select “Use by default for this action” and then press then “Neets Remote”. The application is now fully installed and ready to be used. In the next section you can read more about how to use all the function available in this application. Using the Neets Dedicated Control application The first time you start the application you will see a blank white page followed by the screen below. Whenever you are the Neets Dedicated Control application you will see the current status of the Wi-Fi connection and the battery status. It is important that you remember to make space for the battery and Wi-Fi when you make your design. The settings page allows you to customize the behavior of the application. The application default settings provide a good start and give the system a good balance between user interactivity and battery time. To get access to the settings simply press the menu button. If the menu button is not present on your device there is an alternative way. By pressing the volume down button followed by the volume up button you can also enter the settings (The time between the two presses must be less than 200 ms). You will now see a settings menu appear. By pressing this you enter the settings page. Page 43 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 To exit the settings menu simply press the “Connect to the control system”, back button or home button . When exiting the settings the settings that you have made will take effect. The settings menu is longer than the visible area of the screen and you can simply scroll down to access the settings below. When connecting to a control system that has a newer graphical interface that this application. It will start to retrieve the new graphical interface. You will see the message screen below: The numbers of items that are loaded depend on the size of your project size. After the last item has been loaded the graphical interface will appear. Now let’s have a look on the different settings. Neets Control System Here you change the IP address of the Control system that this unit must connect to. You also have the possibility to connect to the selected control system when all the settings are set as you want. This menu item will exit the settings and try to connect to the IP address specified in the “Control system IP address” Here you specify the IP address of the control system that the application must connect to. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 44 Wi-Fi connection Before you are able to use the Neets Dedicated Control application you need to connect it to a WIFI hotspot that also is connected to the Neets Control system. In this section you have access to the WIFI settings. Pressing this will take you to the Wi-Fi hotspot connection menu. In this menu simply select the hotspot that you want to connect to and enter the access password if needed. We recommend that you always use encrypted hotspot. To get back to the main settings simply use the “back” button. Here you find the basic information on the current WIFI connection. You will also find the WIFI network MAC address. This can be useful if you need to add this unit to the control systems white list. Display How and when should the screen react when the unit has not been used for a while? All the settings in this section are related to the screen. You can select if the screen must turn off after a given time or not. If you enable this function more option are available for adjusting when and how the screen must turn off. We recommend that this function is enabled to prolong lifetime of the screen. Determine how many minutes there must elapse before the screen starts to dim. This timer is reset every time the screen is touched or the build in g-sensor registers a movement. Set the dimming time in seconds. This is the time from the application starts to dim until the screen are black (fully dimmed). If the unit has a build in G-sensor, you can enable or disable the usage of this. The sensitivity of the G-sensor can be set here. If the sensitivity is to high, small movement on the device will keep the screen turned on. Remember that the lower the number the higher Page 45 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 sensitivity. Enable or disable the orientation lock. Set the orientation lock to either vertical or horizontal. Security If you do not want the end-user to change the settings, you can restrict the access to the menu here. Enable or disable the password protection of the settings menu. This can be useful to prevent the end-user from changing the settings. Set the password the must be used to access the settings menu. Advance Settings The advance settings are only to be changed if you are using a different Android device that the one Neets recommends and if you unit does not behave as expected. To make sure that the G-sensor and a touch of the screen shows the graphical interface it is important that the Android device does not enter sleep mode. This is under normal condition done by the Android system when the brightness is set to almost 0. The reason that you can adjust the minimum value is that this value varies from Android unit to unit. If you are using the ViewSonic ViewPad 7 there is no need to change this setting. System The settings in this section are under normal usage not to be used. Before using this settings make sure that you understand the consequences of the settings. Clear the graphical interface memory that is used to ensure quick updating of the graphical interface. (After the cache has been cleared it will be reloaded when reconnecting with the control system) Under normal condition this function are not necessary to use. If you want to remove this application this item will take you to the uninstall menu. Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4 Page 46 Good things to know: When using an Android device as a dedicated control unit there a few things that a good to know. Below is listed some of the things that you should keep in mind. When pressing the power button one time, the Android device enters sleep mode. This will preserve power, but also prevent the out application for detecting G-sensor and screen touch. To exit sleep mode simply press the power button again. If the user pressed the home button the graphical interface will flicker for a moment. (This behavior is happening be course Android device are restarting our application.) Volume and back buttons normal operation has been disabled when you not are in the settings menu. The brightness of the screen is controlled by the application and is always 100% when not dimmed. Page 47 Doc no#: 311-0004-002-002 REV 4