Bulletin December 13, 2015 - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin December 13, 2015 - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH DOMINUS MEUS ET DEUS MEUS Third Sunday of Advent December 13, 2015 With joy you will draw water At the fountain of salvation. - Isaiah 12:3 Address: 7377 SW 64th St, Miami, FL 33143 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Phone: 305-665-5600 Fax: 305-662-9034 www.stamiami.org St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Clergy Rev. Alejandro J. Rodríguez Artola - Pastor Rev. Matías A. Hualpa - Parochial Vicar Rev. Anselm Ohanekwu - In Residence Rev. Mr. Carlos M. Pulido - Deacon Rev. Mr. Carlos Charur - Deacon Parish Office Phone: 305-665-5600 Receptionist: Ms. Melissa Aguilar [email protected] Religious Education Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation Mrs. Tania Gonzalez Phone: 305-665-6862 [email protected] Accounting: Ms. Elizabeth Sanchez [email protected] Ms. Vivian Barrios [email protected] St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School Principal: Mrs. Lisa Figueredo Assistant Principal: Mrs. Angie Ayan-Novo 7303 SW 64th Street Miami, FL 33143 School Office: 305-661-8591 School Fax: 305-661-2181 Email: [email protected] Third Sunday of Advent Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: English: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:30pm, 7:00pm Español:1:00pm Saturday Vigil: English: 5:30pm Daily Masses: English: Mon-Fri 8:00am Español: 7:00 pm Daily Rosary: 7:35am Saturday Mass:8:00am School Mass: Wednesday 9:15am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm or by Appointment Sacraments & Religious Education Baptisms: Call Parish Office for more information on requirements, Baptismal Preparation classes, and dates available. Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office for information. 305-665-5600 Religious Education Schedule: Wednesdays 4:00-5:15pm PreK thru 5th Grade Wednesday 7:00-8:00pm Grades 6th Thru Confirmation RCIA Schedule: Tuesdays at 7:00pm (English) Sundays at 11:00am (Español) St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent Pastoral Care for the Sick & Homebound: Notify Parish Office when a parishioner is hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend Mass. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will assist in bringing the Eucharist to them. Music Ministry Director: Riuben Frometa Please send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in participating in the choir. Liturgical Ministry Coordinator: Mrs. Tania Gonzalez If you are interested in being a Sacristan, Minister of the Eucharist, Lector, Usher, or Altar Server please call the office at: 305-665-6862 MONDAY December 14, 2015 8:00AM: 7:00PM: ++Luis & Edith Bocanegra +Norman Cruz TUESDAY December 15, 2015 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Carlita Guzman ++Ernestina & Lazaro Henao WEDNESDAY December 16, 2015 Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is always open! 8:00AM: 7:00PM: Come and visit Our Lord. If you want to commit to one hour per week please call the office at 305-665-5600. THURSDAY December 17, 2015 Intercessory Rosary for the Sick of our Parish: You are invited to pray the Rosary for the sick and suffering of our parish every Thursday after the 8:00am Mass. Dear parishioners, come join us at the Missionaries of Charity Shelter, 724 N.W. 17 Street, every 3rd Sunday of the month to cook for and feed the homeless men of Miami. Don’t miss this beautiful opportunity to serve God by serving the poor. The shelter opens for the volunteers at 7:30 am but they don’t start serving food to the homeless until 9:30am. There is a second food service at 10:30 am and a third at 11:30am. Those volunteers that get to the shelter in the morning help prepare and serve the food during the first service. You are welcomed to come at any time or day of the week. The shelter is closed on Thursdays. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Jaime Murati, at: 305-799-9311. Friends of the Missionaries of Charity [email protected] 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Ramon Miyar +Padres, esposo, y familiares de Maria T. Alonso +Josefina S. Juncadella Accion de gracias al Divino Niño FRIDAY December 18, 2015 8:00AM: 7:00PM: ++Luis & Edith Bocanegra +Gilberto Castellanos SATURDAY December 19, 2015 8:00AM: 5:30PM: ++Dr. Angel Planas & Nylda Planas +The Lukasik Family SUNDAY December 20, 2015 7:30AM: 9:00AM: 11:00AM: 1:00PM: 5:30PM: 7:00PM: +Edward L. Blanchard ++++Lily Cancio, Mary Goiudie, Haydee Souto & John P. Goudie +Nicole Mas +Aurelio Ibanez +Enrique J. Torres The St. Thomas the Apostle Family Help support STA the easy way! Box Tops for Education is a nationwide fundraising program sponsored by General Mills that exchanges box tops for cash. This money can then be used to buy equipment, supplies, books, etc. for STA. Just clip the box tops from any specially- marked everyday food products and turn them in to the office. We encourage you to download the App SHOPAROO and help STA earn Cash. We thank the 65 supporters that have joined! St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent December 19– December 20, 2015 Time Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Server Sat. 5:30 pm Martha Lopez Gonzalez Raquel Olcese Claudia Penalba Ed Sanchez Ana Toraic Andrew Navarro Emiliana Rincon Nicolas Stolarczyk Sun. 7:30am Lourdes Rodriguez Lee Williams Marisol Menendez Maria Di Bernardo Rosemary Camus Stuart Johnson Thomas Johnson Sun. 9:00am Ed Croteau Andrea Lugo Hurtado Frank Bornemann Catalina Bello Pittier Hugo Castro Gisela Castro Bernie Macias Nena Macias Ines Maria Duran Ivan Gallegos Consuelo Garcia Luis Roblejo Jackie Roblejo Lucas Bellido Sophia E. Weddle Miguel A. Guerra Evelyn Garcia Terry Pierce Sofia Perez Diana Rincon Carolina Gentzschein Delia astellanos German Miret Annabelle Lamazares Gisselle Lamazares Jose A. Leon Rodriguez Maria E. Leon Rodriguez Lucia Marina Claudia Gonzalez Alyssa Roca Rosa Prieto Cristina Hussain Gigi Barquet Aidan Hevia Sun. 11:00am Sun. 1:00pm Sun. 5:30pm Sun. 7:00PM Carol Kelly Patrick Kelly Alfonso Ledo Carlotica Ledo Josey Mora Amparo Fernandez Victor Fernandez VENGAN TODOS A MI Pray for those who are ill: Dana Hernandez Manuel Alvarez Andrew Snyder Pray for those who have died: +Gloria Garcia +Mamerto Hernandez +Elio Alfonso +Tommy Tercilla Misa de sanación celebrada Por el Rev. Padre Alvaro Huertas St. Thomas the Apostle 7377 SW 63 ST. Miami, Fl 33143 ULTIMO JUEVES DEL MES A LAS 7:00PM Para más información: 305-796-0334 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent Readings for the Week Sunday, December 13: Monday, December 14: Tuesday, December 15: Wednesday, December 16: ZEP 3:14-18A IS 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 PHIL 4:4-7 LK 3:10-18 NM 24:2-7, 15-17A PS 25:4-5AB, 6 AND 7BC, 8-9 MT 21:23-27 ZEP 3:1-2, 9-13 PS 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19 AND 23 MT 21:28-32 IS 45:6C-8, 18, 21C-25 PS 85:9AB AND 10, 1112, 13-14 LK 7:18B-23 Thursday, December 17: Friday, December 18: Saturday, December 19: Sunday, December 20: GN 49:2, 8-10 PS 72:1-2, 3-4AB, 7-8, 17 MT 1:1-17 JER 23:5-8 PS 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19 MT 1:18-25 JGS 13:2-7, 24-25A PS 71:3-4A, 5-6AB, 16-17 LK 1:5-25 MI 5:1-4A PS 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 HEB 10:5-10 LK 1:39-45 Errata Last week we made some mistakes in the printing of the Mass intentions in the Bulletin. Nevertheless, the priest who celebrated the daily Masses had the correct list of intentions. We apologize for this inconvenience. Masses were offered for the following intentions: Fe de Errata La semana pasada hubo errores en el boletín en lo que respecta a la lista de intenciones de las Misas. Sin embargo, los sacerdotes ofrecieron las misas con la lista de intenciones correcta. Pedimos disculpas por el error. Las intenciones de las misas de la semana pasada se listan a continuación: MONDAY December 7, 2015 8:00AM: ++Luis & Edith Bocanegra 7:00PM: ++Jose & Lucila Alarcon TUESDAY December 8, 2015 8:00AM: Special Intention- Amy Hernandez 10:00AM: +Tommy Tercilla 5:00PM: Annette & Giancarlo Moreno 7:00PM: ++Mirta & Gustavo Padron WEDNESDAY December 9, 2015 8:00AM: +Gabriel Zubillaga 7:00PM: +Mike Brandstetter THURSDAY December 10, 2015 8:00AM: ++Luis & Edith Bocanegra 7:00PM: +Special Intention FRIDAY December 11, 2015 8:00AM: +Anthony Sieng 7:00PM: +Padron & Chavez deceased family members SATURDAY December 12, 2015 8:00AM: +Andy Gato 5:30PM: +++Dulce Ramirez, Ofelia & Gabriel Zubillaga SUNDAY December 13, 2015 7:30AM: +Edward L. Blanchard 9:00AM: ++Fidela Fraga & Zoilo Alfonso 11:00AM: ++Amalia & Guillermo Tapia 1:00PM: +Hernando Rojas 5:30PM: The St. Thomas the Apostle Families 7:00PM: +Rodolfo Soñe Tithing: Give, and it will be given to you. Diesmo: Dad, y os será dado. December 5– December 6, 2015 Saturday Vigil (5:30pm) Saturday Mass in French (7:00pm) Sunday (7:30am) Sunday (9:00am) Sunday (11:00am) Sunday (1:00pm) Sunday (5:30pm) Sunday (7:00pm) Second Collection Guadalupe Fund Other Total Sandwich Gang The “Sandwich Gang” meets every Thursday at 6:30pm at the Family Center to prepare sandwiches for the poor. Also, if any family is interested in providing the sandwich supplies this $1,008.00 $ 218.00 $1,530.00 $1,316.00 $4,003.00 $2,367.00 $2,172.00 $2,207.00 $2,441.00 $ 77.00 $ 262.00 —————— $17,601.00 —————— Thursday please contact: Barbara Guisasola: 786-402-8512 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent December 24, 2015 4:00PM- English 6:00PM- English Midnight Mass- Bilingual New Year’s Mass Schedule December 25, 2015 7:30AM- English 9:00AM- English 11:00AM- English 1:00PM- Spanish January 1, 2016: 11:00AM– English 1:00PM- Spanish No evening Masses on Christmas Day December 31, 2015: 5:30PM– English No evening Masses on New Year’s Day Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Mass: All husbands and wives married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Silver, Gold or 50 plus wedding anniversary in 2016 are invited to come to a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday, Feb. 13 to be blessed by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. Couples interested in having their picture taken with Archbishop Wenski should be there at 4 p.m. Mass starts at 5:30 p.m. Couples will sit in a specially designated area in the front pews. All couples should contact their parish to register for the Mass. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent MISA DE NAVIDAD DEL DIVINO NIÑO JESÚS Jueves 17 de diciembre a las 7:00PM Presidida por el Rev. Alvaro Huertas St. Thomas the Apostle 7303 SW 64 ST. Miami, Fl 33143 Para mas información: 305-796-0334 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent MOST REVEREND JOHN C. FAVALORA CHRISTMAS 2015 My dear friends, Greetings in this Holy Year of the Lord’s Mercy. What a greater act of mercy than for the Father to have His Son born of our flesh and live our life! What a greater act of mercy than for the Father to send His Son to show us the Way back to the Father. Because our God is ever kind and merciful, we too in imitation of Him are called to be ever kind and merciful to one and to all. Lord have mercy! Merry Christmas! Sincerely in the Lord, Archbishop Emeritus of Miami St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Third Sunday of Advent CHRISTMAS CONCERT Join us on Saturday, December 19th, at 7:30pm in the Church for our Annual Christmas Concert celebraƟng with Scripture readings and music, and proclaiming hope to the world as we await the coming of the Messiah. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD Los invitamos el sábado 19 de diciembre, a las 7:30pm en la iglesia, a nuestro Concierto Anual de Navidad celebrando con lecturas de las Escrituras y música, y proclamando esperanza al mundo mientras aguardamos la venida del Mesías.