SMI NewsLetter 2010 - St. Mary`s Institute


SMI NewsLetter 2010 - St. Mary`s Institute
CLASS OF 1960 ~ 50th REUNION
Class of 1960 of St. Mary's Institute recently held a 50th class reunion week-end. The
festivities began Friday night, August 22, 2010, with a "meet and greet" at LaCuchina Restaurant
followed by a dinner Saturday night at Crystal Ristorante. On Sunday morning, a Mass in honor
of the deceased members of the class was held at St. Mary's Church. After Mass, classmates
gathered at Crystal Ristorante for a farewell breakfast buffet.
First row (L-R) Geraldine (Furman) Paulsen, Sister Agnes Leo Winkle, Carol Jankunas, Richard Jankunas, Joyce (DiMezza) Covell,
Maureen (Maloney) Hand, Martin Urbel. Second row (L-R) Eileen (Green) Scarton, Patricia (Persons) Little, Joan (Zappone) Stanavich,
Lorraine (Lech) Murphy, Mary Lou (Kubas) Warnick, Marilee (Kotowski) Ciscuolo, Evelyn (Wessel) Kudla, Faith (Morini) Stark, Sandra
(Hungerschafer) Greco, Dawn (Willey) Leffler, Rosemary (Persico) Garrison, Mary Beth (Murphy) DeLuca, Samuel Liggero, Thomas
Mullarkey. Third row (L-R) Robert Quandt, Michael Wierzbicki, Daniel Litinsky, Robert Kosineski, John Colangelo, James Ammerall, Helen
(Schmidt) Sherman, Vito Greco, Theresa (Stephens) Cantine, Joseph Connolly, Raymond Zierak.
Marion Echoes
Graduating Class of 1960
St. Mary’s Institute
St. Mary’s Institute, Class of 1950 celebrated their 60th reunion on Sunday, July 25, 2010. Classmates
met at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church for the 10:30 Mass. Class member Father Dan De Pascale said Mass
in celebration for all living and deceased members of the class. Bill DeMars, class president, read a list of names of all
deceased class members and class treasurer, Terry (Zack) Guzielek thanked Father Decker for the use of the church.
Following Mass, many members met for an informal coffee hour at McDonalds. Pictures were taken and the
class members and guests conversed at the Crystal Ristorante for brunch. Terry read several touching letters, notes, etc.,
from members who were unable to attend.
The brunch was followed by many hours of reminiscing and enjoyment recalling our happy SMI years. A good
time was had by all and the class made a
Pictured at left:: Donald Bersing, Rev. Daniel F.
DePascale, Ann (Gieseler) Girard, John R. Rossman,
Marion(Traskos) Howlan, Dolores (Brinkman) Sheehan,
Theresa (Zack) Guzielek, Robert Van Allen, Jacqueline
(Newkirk) Stewart, Micky (Callahan) Tomajer, Alice
(Swierzowski) Janusz, Marie (Boyle) Tucker, William
DeMars, Natalie (Battaglia) DeMaria, Robert Blinsinger
and Paul Anostario.
Class of 1950 - Junior Year
CLASS OF 1965 ~ 45
Front row L-R: Adrienne (Spagnola) Posner, Sharon (Avery) Forrest, Ro (Davey) Farrington,
Gina (Ehmer) DiBartolomeo, Kathy (Marshall) LaConte, Kathy (Cichy) Mylod, Dick Wells,
Mike Techmanski, Judy (Wolfe) Spillane. Back row: Gerry Milller, Thom Ryan, Steve
Naples, John Rakstis, Jimmy Peters, Ken Slezak, Bob Skowronek and Mike Schuttig.
The SMI Class of 1965 was
reacquainted over the weekend of
October 15th -17th with an informal
evening at classmates’ Jim Peter’s
restaurant (Pour Jims’) located in
Classmates gathered on
Saturday evening at Crystal
Bar Ristorante and enjoyed
hors d’oeuvres and a buffet dinner.
The reunion celebration continued
with classmates and families on
Sunday with the 10 o’clock Mass
at Saint Mary’s Church. Immediately
following Mass, classmates met at
the America’s Best Value Inn for a
buffet breakfast.
Everyone enjoyed the activities
and attendees’ traveled from as far
away as California. Classmates
are looking forward to the Fiftieth
reunion and hopes everyone will
My Dear Alumni,
According to Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation, the
smell of apples makes a room seem larger. Barbecue smoke, on the other hand,
makes a room seem smaller. The next time your world seems too cramped and
limiting, try eating an apple, inhaling deeply the aroma of each bite. Furthermore,
it’s not only the odor of barbecue smoke that shrinks the size of your world.
Consider, for example, the possible effects of the following smells: nationalism, religious
superiority, racial and sexual discrimination. Perhaps an apple a day can keep the devil of
parochialism away.
Also, ask yourself what your prayers smell like: apples or barbecue smoke?
From Feathers on the Wind by
Edward Hays
A new year should open us to a new beginning and new possibilities. How quickly though the new
becomes mundane and our resolutions are broken to pieces. It’s fortunate that our God is a God who
continually makes all things new (Rev. 21:5). God is continually inviting us to let go of old and limiting
ways of thinking and acting that inhibit our growth as human beings. Today is the perfect day to accept
God’s life-transforming invitation!
The word “catholic” means universal. Our Catholic faith seeks to find God in all of the events of our
lives; in the good and the bad; in the joyful and the sorrowful; in the peaks and the valleys of life. Our
faith reminds us that there is no human experience except sin that is devoid of the presence of God. With
this understanding, the Catholic Church down through the centuries has founded and supported numerous
universities, colleges and schools. The Church believes that the pursuit of truth should lead a person
closer to God who is Truth itself. Truth is one whether it is expressed in religion or science. People
sometimes set religion in opposition to science but this should not be so. Faith can take us further than
reason in the pursuit of truth but it is the same truth that is being illuminated by both. When the
conclusions of faith and science seem to be contradicting each other then one or the other is not being
interpreted correctly. When it comes to faith and reason it is not a matter of either/or but rather of
A Catholic education is the embodiment of this all inclusive perspective of finding God in all of the
facets of human life. This is the advantage that an education at St. Mary’s Institute offers to our students.
Under the capable leadership of our principal, Giovanni Virgiglio, and under the guidance of a dedicated
faculty and staff, our students are challenged to find truth and consequently to find God not only in
religion class but in studying English, computers and science as well. The endless discovery of the
infinite mystery of God, which should be the foundation of our lives here on earth, is being nurtured in the
students at SMI. What a wonderful preparation for what life is all about!
What about us? Are our lives characterized by a daily discovery of God and consequently a daily
discovery of who we are and where we are headed? Are our worldview and perspective growing larger
and more inclusive or are they shrinking and becoming more narrow and exclusive? If we need to be
stretched in order to joyfully embrace new ways of thinking and acting, then maybe it’s time to stop
barbecuing and take a bite of a shiny, delicious apple!
Father Medwid
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Since 1880, St. Mary's Institute has been a cornerstone of academic excellence in the city of
Amsterdam. We have provided so many children with outstanding educational experiences
rooted in tradition and focused on the future. This year marks our 130th year of excellence in
our community, and we celebrate our continuing history of accomplishments.
Thirteen decades! When I look through the pictures and stories about the life of our school, I think about how
much has changed over the years, and at the same time, how much has remained a
constant. For example, you may think that the hairstyles or trends you and your classmates fashioned were
much different from the ones the children sport today, but you would be surprised. Also, the faces I see in
many of the old yearbooks are the generational faces I now see coming through the doors of SMI.
I cannot help but reflect on my own Catholic school experiences and realize how much has changed. The
knowledge and skill set required of our students has grown considerably. I would argue the math problems
our middle school students tackle today are the ones you solved in high school. Yet, we remain committed to
providing an education that prepares our graduates, like you, for the rigors of high school and life. You
probably started your academic journey with us in kindergarten. Now, we begin to build this foundation in our
early childhood and pre-kindergarten classrooms for three- and four-year-olds. It fascinates me to think this
September we will welcome the graduating class of 2022.
We have been entrusted with the privilege to prepare, plan, and provide an education for future generations.
In October 2010, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany unveiled the Covenant to Educate, a plan to
re-imagine Catholic education. This initiative heralds an exciting future for St. Mary’s Institute. The
development of a cutting-edge, 21st century curriculum is just one of the many ventures on the horizon. This
exciting plan affords us the resources to provide an education that prepares our graduates for the modern
world while keeping Catholic education affordable and accessible to all who desire to send their children to
our enriching school.
But, the most important quality of St. Mary’s Institute that has remained constant is our focus on Catholic
values, our everlasting emphasis on high academic standards, and strong moral guidelines. Our mission is
to teach young children and early adolescents that God is always at the center of everything we do. We
celebrate together in prayer and worship, in service and care for others, and in the ways we develop and
share the talents that God has gifted to us.
Please accept my sincere appreciation for all you do to help us provide the gift of a Catholic education to our
present and future children. Let us continue to pray and work together to make a difference in our lives and
the lives of our beloved students.
Mr. Giovanni Virgiglio, Jr.
From the Alumni desk:
I must begin by saying Thank You. This past year has been very rewarding with all the responses the Alumni
office has received from its’ Alumni. In accordance with all the positive feedback, wonderful suggestions and many
inquiries, the Alumni office has added some subtle changes to your annual Newsletter that we think you will enjoy.
To all the gracious donors, reunion committees, to everyone who has called, mailed and stopped by with donated
items for our Archive Department, your dedication to SMI is authentic. This is why I offer to you, on behalf of SMI, a very
heartfelt thank you for the positive impact you’re making in keeping your Alma-Mater alive and flourishing.
Jeanette Constantine
Please remember Saint Mary’s Institute in your Will and Trusts.
~ SMI 2010 NEWS ~
Spring Concert : The entire school participated in S.M.I.s annual Spring concert.
Students presented KYDZ (Kids) RADIO directed by Rachelle Cotugno which featured
hits from the radio, television and the silver screen. Early Childhood and Pre-K
performed “SpongeBob Square Pants. Opening with One The Radio, 7th grade
performed “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” 3rd grade sang “Hound Dog”, 5th grade “Sgt.
Pepper’s Lonley Hearts Club Band,” and 6th grade performed and sang “Footloose.”
Then it came time for, Lights! Camera! Action! With 4th grade singing “Beyond the
Sea” followed by 2nd grade singing “Hot Chocolate”. One of the most favorite
Billboard Hot 100 chart songs “The Candy Man,” was sang by 1st grade. Kindgeraten
excitedly sang “Best Years of Our Lives” from the comedy film Shrek. The grand
finale had everyone singing along with “Ain’t We Got Fun.”
SMI Finishes Third in Quiz Show
Students worked rigorously in
competing in the Rite Aid Quiz
Show which strives to heighten
substance abuse awareness by
providing middle school students
with the opportunity to have fun
while gaining the knowledge, skills
and self-confidence needed to make
safe, healthy, real-life choices,
including those regarding the use of
tobacco and alcohol.
Bank Of SMI
SMI joined First Niagara Bank’s School
Banking Club program, which
encourages students to start saving their
money now so they can begin to invest in
their future. The SMI Home and School
Association spearheaded the program,
having parent volunteers collect, organize and drop the deposits off at the bank.
“The program teaches life lessons such
as responsible saving and planning for
the future,” explained Mr. Virgiglio.
2010 National
Spelling Bee Champion
Rebecca Natale
S.M.I. 8th Grade
Directed by Dr. Bellino
Students sell lemonade to raise money for
Breast Cancer Awareness during Catholic
Schools Week annual roller skating event.
All students in 7th and 8th grade
received cardiopulmonary
resuscitation certification in the SMI
Gymnasium. A certified American
Red Cross instructor trained the
students in standard first aid, CPR
and the use of an automated
defibrillator. The students each
received an American Red Cross
Seventh grader Gwyneth Sise was awarded a top prize in a national
essay competition conducted by the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development. Gwyn competed among thousands of students
throughout the 14-county Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany. She
was presented with a $250.00 check by Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
and in turn, presented a matching gift of equal value from CCHD to
her designated CCHD-funded group, the Albany Community Land Trust, a local
agency whose mission is to create permanent affordable housing for low-and moderate-income people. Gwyn’s unique and touching entry, “Table Scraps,” was
written from the viewpoint of a pet dog of a poor family. PLEASE TURN TO
PAGE 14 FOR GWYN’S STORY “Table Scraps”.
Fr. Brian List ‘85 Celebrates the
May Crowning and 1st Communion
with the 2nd grade SMI students after
Liturgy in the school cafeteria.
S.M.I. 2010 Co-Ed Soccer Team
Saint Mary’s Institutes’ co-ed modified soccer team wrapped up a
very competitive soccer season with games against Saint Mary’sSaint Alphonsus of Glens Falls, Saint Gregory’s of Loudonville,
and Brown’s School of Schenectady. SMI was honored to play at
LaSalle Institute in Troy against Hoosick Fall’s top team, Saint
Mary’s Academy.
SMI’s soccer team is composed of sixth, seventh and
eight grade students who enjoy the game of soccer. The team
finished their season by welcoming fifth graders to join the team to
play in a friendly scrimmage game of Red vs. Blue. Parents held
an end of the season party for the players and recognition was
given to outgoing eighth graders, Reyers Brusoe, Kelly Auricchio,
Anna Li Cortese, Anne Riley, Giovanni Aleman, E. Cole Amissah,
Michael Capovani, Bridget Fitz-James, and Gwyneth Sise.
Pictured above: Front row L-R: Patricia Briele, Anne Riley, Kelly Auricchio,
Diana Constantine, Kayla Abbattisti, Gwyneth Sise, Anna Li Cortese, Bridget
Fitz-James and Mary Perez. Back row L-R: Assistant Coach Cherisse
Constantine, John Capovani, Monty Carmona, Timothy Kline, Michael
Capovani, Reyers Brusoe, E. Cole Amissah, Giovanni Aleman, Danny Rivera,
Sullivan Fitz-James, Anthony Rossi, Joseph Dylong, Joaquin Pasco, Coach Matt
S.M.I. ‘09-’10 Girls Basketball Team
S.M.I. 2010 Volleyball Team
The girls basketball team welcomed two six grade girls to the
team this year, rounding out the team to an all time high of
15 players. The girls had an outstanding season, and will
lose seven eighth graders due to graduation. Playing their last
basketball season for S.M.I. were: Clair Sise, Teegan
DeCusatis, Tessa Vassi, Shannon McCune, Rebecca Natale,
Jordan Elizabeth Thompson and Gloriliz Colon.
Unfortunately, S.M.I. did not have a boys basketball team
two years in a row now, but we’re happy to announce that
Fr. Brian recruited a team for next season.
S.M.I. has had for the past few of years, an intramural
co-ed volleyball team composed of six, seventh and eight
graders. Students break up into teams and enjoy an afternoon after school twice a week playing on an outdoor
volleyball court.
We are very grateful to all the coaches and parents who volunteer their time with the SMI school sports programs.
The St. Mary’s Institute Windmill was built, sanded,
designed, stenciled, and painted by the entire seventh grade under the
supervision of the art teacher, Mrs. Christine Potter. The Windmill
was purchased outright by an anonymous donor for the students to
decorate and is on display inside the entrance to the school.
The Amsterdam Free Library’s funding had been cut by
$20,000, therefore the Library held a Festival of Windmills auction
at St. Mary’s Institute to help make up for their loss in funding.
~SMI Remembers When~
1880 ~ Father John P. McIncrow, who as an early Pastor of St.
Mary’s Church, dreamed of a Catholic School and made one a
reality in 1880 with the completion of the first St. Mary’s
Institute. In 1881, Fr. McIncrow invited the Sisters of
St. Joseph from St. Louis to take over the direction of the
school. The Nuns were headed by Sister Genevieve Horine.
1890 ~ St. Mary’s Catholic Institutes’ 10th Annual
Commencement Exercies took place. Senior Girls sang
“Where the Beautiful River Flows.” Valadictory Ellen
McCaffrey read an Essay titled “Infulence of Poetry, History,
and Science, to Promote Virture.” Graduates: Edward
Moroney, Thomas Fitzgibbons, Mary Gillespie, Helena
Stoneham, Ellen Donigan, Margaret Kennedy, Jane Haggarty,
Sarah Bradley, Catharine Glynn, Ellen Sheehy and Mary
Mullins. Senior debate: “Is it True that under Existing
Circumstances the Rich are Growing Richer and the Poor,
1900 ~ The University of the State of New York High School
Department held regents examination from June 11—15th.
The principal had a choice of three categories the students fell
in: Graduate, Doubtful, Sure, per each subject. Some of the
subjects studied were German, French, Latin, and Greek
classics, English poetry, Zoology, Botany, Economics,
Bookkeeping, Home Science and Physiology & Hygiene.
1910 ~ Sadly, only one torn page remains in our Archive
Department of the 1910 Graduation program “Macte Virtute.”
Rev. W.A. Browne awarded diplomas and medals. Senior
Agnes M. Seward sang “Hero and Heroine” and Valedictory
was Jeannette Sullivan. Receiving Advanced Diplomas:
Aloysius T. Bergen, Patrick J. Fitzgibbons, Anna M.McCaffrey,
Elizabeth A. Reilly and Gifford C. Meyers. Other graduates
were: Roy C. Dimond, John P. Fitzgibbons, Ernest C. Wheener,
Edmund J. Glacken,, Robert A. Hall, John B. Igoe, John M.
Kelly, Mary V. Conniff, Henrietta Jackman, and Anna Kelly.
1920 ~ Resolved, “That the Federal Government Should
Operate and Control the Coal Mines,” was the topic of debate at
the Prize Speaking Contest held on April, 22nd. Affirmative
speakers were Edward O’Neil, Harold J. Hughes and Andrew J.
Lenahan. Negative side speakers, Richard McNamara, Edward
Haritgan and Martin Conroy. Grades 1st—9th took part in the
Closing Exercises held on June 20th. The first graders held a
Mother Goose (Convention), whereas the fourth graders did a
Dance – Minuet and sang “Will the Roses Bloom in Heaven?.”
1930 ~ St. Mary’s Institutes’ 50th Anniversary! Celebrations
started on Sunday, June 22, with Religious Exercises held at
St. Mary’s Church at 7:30 PM. This kicked off a week long
celebrations at the 8 AM daily Masses. On Wednesday
evening, they held an Anniversary Banquet, on the menu:
Fruit Cocktail, Celery, Olives, Radishes, Broiled Spring
Chicken, Creamed Potatoes, New Green Peas, Hearts of Lettuce
Salad, Russian Dressing, Bisque Tortoni, Cake and Coffee. A
reception and dance was held Friday evening at the Institute
Hall and included a formal reception of the graduates of 1930
into the Alumni Association.
1940 ~ St. Mary’s High School Students presented “Modern
Minstrels” directed by Miss Betty Farrell. Prologue, “School
Boy’s Dream was said by Robert Allen and Charles Bennison.
End Men: Frank Howlan, John McDermott, John Blanchfield,
Charles Underwood, Richard Bennison and Harvey Wilkenson.
Edward Van Loven played Julius Caesar, Jane Conniff starred
as Claudia, Charles Bennison played the Roman Slave. Some
sponsors were: John Wojnar Dairy, S.D. Bakery, Fro-Joy Ice
Cream, Spediacci Pharmacy, Fitzgerald’s Ginger Ale, Rialto
Meat Market, Bigler’s Café, Dr. William J. Collins,
Schedlbauer Restaurant, Rialto Restaurant, Blinsinger Garage,
Harold Bennison, H&H Dairy, Ottavio Shoe Hospital, KaiserBoswell Co., Inc. Sheet Metal Workers, O’Shaughnessy, A.
Slezak Shell Gas and Oil,Tesiero’s Pharmacy, and S. Healey’s
1950 ~ Mother Grace Madeline, C.S.J. was Principal. The
school had twenty teachers and 732 students K-12th. Teachers:
Sr. Mary Laura, Sr. Francis Patricia, Sr. Catherine Bede, Sr.
Thomas Loretta, Sr. Mary Esta, Sr. Marie Jose, Sr. Vincent
Agnes, Sr. Rosanne, Sr. Clare Assise, Mr. Alex Isabel, Sr. John
Marie, Sr. M. Bertrand, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Floyd Roseman,
Sr. Ann Laurence, Sr. Luciana, Sr. Mary Urban, Sr. Francis
Patrick and Sr. Martha Francis. The Senior Play was “Kitty
Kearney From Killarney”.
1960 ~ St. Mary’s Institute proudly owned one opaque
projector, two filmstrip/slide projectors, one sound motion
picture projector, one radio receiver, eight record players and
one television set. Sr. M. Leo Bernard, C.S.J. and Mrs.
Virginia Rutkowski were the school librarians. The class held
a dance, SAYONARA on a Friday Evening in November with
music by Steve Anthony at Dugan Hall with dancing from 9
P.M. to Midnight Patron tickets were needed for admission
to the balcony.
1970 ~ Graduation was held after the 9 a.m. Mass
concelebrated by the Pastor, Rev. Edward
Glavin ,Administrative Principal, Rev. Donald F. Kelly.
Academic Principal was Sister Helen Marie and Sister in
charge of the 8th grade was Sister Jacqueline. A graduation
breakfast was held following the awarding of diplomas at
Bishop Scully High School in the Cafeteria.
1980 ~ S.M.I. Celebrated their 100th Anniversary! A
Centenary Book was published and dedicated “To All The
Students of St. Mary’s Institute, the present and the past, the
living and the deceased, the known and the forgotten, in some
way the life of each has enriched us all. In gratitude to them,
for what they have been to us and with the prayer that they and
those who are yet to come, may be, and may continue to be,
leaven in our world.”
1990 ~ The approval was given to relocate S.M.I. at the former
Bishop Scully High School site on Upper Church Street, and
classes began on January 2, 1991. This move would not have
been possible if not of the leadership of Father Gulley, a strong
believer in Catholic education, along with the extraordinary
financial support of the parish and the help of a small team of
workers, led by the principal, Teresa Kovarovic.
St. Mary’s Parish
A History
(Hard Covered Book)
This book covers the
History of St. Mary’s Parish ,
Celebrating 125 Years of
Remarkable People, Events and
Memories. The book was written
by Jacqueline (Daly) Murphy ‘55.
Available for purchase at
St. Mary’s Institute
~ 2010 Class Notes ~
I have moved to Saratoga to be near
family. Chuck, Jack, Jane and I really
enjoy the Newsletter. Thanks for all
your work.
-Anne Bennison
Thank you for helping us keep track of
the school. We are both in good health
and we look forward to reading about
-Francis & Claire (Brennan) Fitzgibbons
I’m still “hanging in there” and remain
engaged in aviation activities. Been
flying general aviation aircraft since
1946, and having accrued over 8,000
hours, I decided to hang up my helmet
and goggles at age 89; loved every hour
of flight. Living with my family in
Santa Ana, California, near John Wayne
Airport. Married 63 years to a
wonderful woman and have two great
grandchildren, a boy and a girl. After 42
years of service with the Douglas
Aircraft Company in Santa Monica,
California, I pursued personal endeavors
as an aircraft design and engineering
consultant, and continue active in this
field. Happy belated birthday to a dear
classmate, John Northrup (the best
basketball player on our SMI team). To
all my classmates, - my love and God
-John “Ace” Rapillo
Still enjoying life in South Carolina.
Recently became a member of the
Bionic Man Club. Pace maker
implanted 5-28-10. I now truly believe
“if it’s broke-fix it.” TIP: Write your
Senators and Representative in Congress
and express your opinion on any
disagreement you have with
Washington, DC government. i.e.:
Social Security COLA 2010 & 2011.
Oh! and write often. Can you imagine
the impact on your Representative
reading one or two million letters in a
week complaining about the Social
Security COLA. God Bless
-William McCune
To all my classmates who have gone
before me, I pray every day for you!
-Vivian (Eckelman) Rummler
My granddaughter Hannah Overton will
be graduating from Wesleyan University
in May and my grandson Alex Olbrych
will be completing his junior year at
Saint John Fisher College. Time does
really fly. I will be celebrating my 65th
Reunion at the College of Saint Rose in
-Bernadine (Pisano) Olbrych
Just a note to say hello to all the readers
of your Newsletter and send best wishes
for good health to all my fellow ’42
classmates. My wife Shirley and I
recently attended our granddaughter
Jennifer Coulter’s wedding in
Clearwater, Florida. The following day,
my wife and I hosted a dinner party for
family and friends to celebrate our 60th
wedding anniversary at Bon Appétit
Restaurant on Clearwater Beach. Merry
Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous
New Year to all.
-Joseph Hage
Jeanne and I will celebrate our 60th
wedding anniversary on 11-11-2010.
-Charles G. Bennison
Have another great year. Always good
to hear from you.
-John R. Hackert
Our “Reunion Group” is still meeting for
lunch – April to November. We have an
average of 22 attending. John & Marie
(Lajeunesse) Murphy (John class of ’46,
Marie ’47) joined us for two lunches
while visiting from Florida. Hope to see
everyone in April.
-Rita (Cook) Traider
I enjoy reading the Newsletter. Your
hard work is appreciated.
-Louis Hage
My sister Rita Allen, Class of 1935 died
September 16, 2009 at the age of 92.
-Florence (Allen) Insogna
Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary
April 14, 2011
John ‘46
Marie (Lajeunesse ‘47) Murphy
Love, From Your Family
It doesn’t seem possible that my 3
grandchildren are all in college. Tom
21, Dan 19, Victoria Marie 18. The
years have gone by so very fast. Thanks
again for your wonderful work you all
do. God bless you all.
-Carmella (Calisant) Pepe
Hello all! Just to let you know that I’m
alive and reasonable well. Hope the rest
of you survivors are doing the same.
Best to all,
-Bill Daly
I am fortunate to have a son who is a
Deacon in our church and Chaplin in
Hale Creek prison. I have three sons,
60, 57, and 45. Nothing new in this
family since last year but looking
through last years 2008/2009
Newsletters, I don’t see mentioned of
Catherine (Shields) Kralovic ’40 who
passed away November 14, 2008. I am
sure I sent a memorial one of those
years. She donated her body to Albany
Medical College so it was almost a year
before she was buried October 2009.
-Teresa (Shields) Groesbeck
Still living in Amsterdam and feeling
good. Enjoy reading the Newsletter but
sad at the loss of many friends.
-Dolores (Klobukowski) Lepak
Great Newsletter. Can’t believe my
good friend Tom Hennessey died. We
were childhood friends and I will really
miss him.
-Joseph H. Welch
Newsletter very well done.
Congratulations and thank you! We
mourn three more lost classmates. Four
Bennison’s – Anne ’37, Chuck ’43, Jack
’46 and Jane (Bennison) Staber ’53.
Doing ok and living in Saratoga.
-John P. Bennison
I always enjoy the Newsletter. It’s fun
to read about former classmates and my
friends. You all do a wonderful job. I
appreciate all your work.
-Ginny (Thackrah) Stahl
Celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary!
-Barbara (Kennedy) Leonard
~ Class Notes ~
You do a masterful job with the
-Therese (Perron) Russo
All is well in South Florida. My best
wishes to all my classmates. Love the
Alumni Newsletter.
-John “Jack” Spannbauer
I had a great time at my 60th reunion. It
was wonderful to see everyone. They
all looked great, we are getting younger
by the year.
-Margaret (Woods) Morris
Enjoying Friends & Family, but most of
-Helen (Kling) Windbiel
I finally retired, Fall of 2009. Selling
cars for 38 years was enough. Looking
forward to our 60th Reunion. Enjoy
your Newsletter.
-Bill Demars
Looking forward to our 60th Reunion on
July 25, 2010.
-Marie (Boyle) Tucker
Please accept this donation towards
your annual appeal in memory of my
husband Charles F. Mancuse who
passed away in April. I enjoy reading
your newsletter even though I don’t
know anyone in it. God Bless!
-Marion H. Mancuse
Greeting Fellow SMI Alumni - Sorry I
missed the ’52 Tea Party this past fall,
hopefully I can make it next year. Peg
and I celebrated our 50th Wedding
Anniversary in July with our family and
friends. Despite our many aches and
pains, we both still enjoy much tennis
and golf. Another sign that time
marches on. We attended our oldest
grandson’s graduation from Coastal
Carolina University. Enjoy the
newsletter very much, not only the notes
about our classmates, but also about our
friends from other years. God Bless-Bill Hughes
When is the next “big” alumni party??
Many years since the last bash!
-Robert F. Heller
Another summer in Minnesota enjoying
our four grandsons, a bunch of blue
eyed blondes. We are off to Maine for a
while, escaping these record Memphis
temps. Hi to my old friend Mary Jane
a.k.a. Sister Agnes Leo Winkle. We
spent many an afternoons listening to
old 45’s on her front porch. Truly
appreciate the newsletter.
-Diane (Murphy) Kroll
Thanks for the Newsletter. It is nice to
hear news about old friends. My
mother, Fay Duffy passed away this
year at the age of 101. Chuck and I just
celebrated our 50th Anniversary. I am
looking forward to our annual luncheon
in August. Keep up the good work.
-Pat (Duffy) Milot
Sadly we lost our daughter-in-law,
Rosie Baldwin, to non small cell adeno
carcinoma, lung cancer, on June 8,
2010. She had been diagnosed on
August 8, 2010 – at stage IV and fought
a courageous battle against the cancer
beast! She was married to our oldest
son, Ben (BG) and they have three
beautiful girls, ages 15, 13, and 8. We
all miss her greatly.
-Moe Baldwin
As always, the Newsletter is most
welcomed. Ken & I have moved to the
water. Our oldest son lives in St. Pete
with 2 grandchildren, so we left sleepy
Tarpon Springs, what a bonus – Mass
on Sundays with them! When we head
to Syracuse to stay with Judene and her
family, I’m going to try to hook up with
Mary Parillo. Patrick our youngest at
39, lives in Atlanta and we flew up for
Patrick Jr.’s birthday. Six grandkids
ages 1-16. St. Mary’s is always in my
heart. Classmates, if you’re ever in
Florida, drop in on us in South
-Patricia (Weidemann) Nichol
Thank you for helping me locate John
Keating. We have established contact
and will soon get together.
-Jerome Milosek
Enjoy the great job you do with the
Alumni letter. Always interesting!
-Mary Lou O’Neil
Just had our 50th reunion – it was great.
-Terry (Stephens) Cantine
Anne (Spencer) Viade ’60, passed away
in 2009. She lived in Totowa, N.J. with
husband and her daughter. Anne was a
great nurse and person, surely is missed.
-Rita (Biscotti) Piecuch
Our class Prophecy is coming true 50
years later. It was prophesied that I
would be running “Wink’s Taxi
Service”. Well, since there were no
openings for a teaching position for me
in the Latham area, I am now a driver at
our Provincial House. I take Sisters to
their doctor appointments, etc. and I am
loving it!
-Sister Agnes Leo Winkle, CSJ
It is comforting to receive your
acknowledgement of a gift given in my
Bill’s name to the Association.
Knowing you remember us is a
- Carol (Cipullo) Lowes & Girls
Greetings from Ormond Beach, FL!
Surprised to see my name on the “SMI
Remembers When” page – 50 years
from 8th grade graduation, 1959-2009!
-John Tarmey
We now have two grandchildren…
Kendric Lewis (6 yrs.) and on May 10,
2010, began the life of new
granddaughter Kaitlin Amanda
Timmoney! We are so blessed! I
continue PT Retail Wine Sales and PT
SOAC. We’re kind of working through
retirement! (LOL) Wife (Carol)
continues PT at Saratoga Hospital
Laboratory and at Saratoga Performing
Arts Center (SPAC).
-Mark B. Lewis
-Dr. Dominic D’Alesandro
Write or email to:
St. Mary’s Institute
10 Kopernik Blvd.
Amsterdam, NY 12010
[email protected]
Class Notes continued:
Many thanks to the Class of ’64 Reunion
Committee for another successful 45th
Reunion Weekend. A special thank you
to Gail for the pictures she e-mailed to
us and to RC, DC, and CM for the
dances. Thanks kids! See you in 5!
-Vic Fondacaro
Retired three years ago (2007), after 33
years of service to New York State.
Promptly moved to beautiful coastal
North Carolina. We were blessed with
our first grandchild in November 2009.
Since he and his parents live in New
York City, it gives us a reason to return
to NY. It’s mandatory not to return in
winter, though.
-Bob Gawrelski
We just welcomed our first grandchildOlivia Summer on May 28, 2010.
-David Schoonmaker
I have retired from the Federal
Government after 31 years of service as
the Director of Public Works. My time
will now be spent golfing, traveling and
spending more time with my
granddaughters (Analise, Johanna &
Liana). Great Newsletter!
-Lawrence F. Constantine
Thank you for helping our children
contact former classmates for our
retirement book.
-Peter & Mary Alice (Mezzio) Montenaro
It would be nice in the next newsletter if
you could give a “Where are they now”
on former nuns who taught at SMI and
Scully. Excellent suggestion. See page
23 of this Newsletter.
-Michael V. Serge
Love the Newsletter! Our eldest is at
Carroll College in Helena, MT. The
youngest is in 8th grade here in Salt
Lake. I continue to find value in my
SMI education. Many thanks to the
good sisters who put up with us!
-Kathleen Brown
Ann (Moore) and I work for the U.S.
Government and live near Washington,
DC in Centreville, VA. We have two
children, Katherine (Katie) who works
for the architectural/design firm HOK in
Chicago, IL and Philip, an officer in the
U.S. Marine Corps, recently returned
from Iraq and Afghanistan, currently
stationed in 29 Palms, California.
-Paul Dufresne
So many wonderful memories of SMI
and Bishop Scully High School. I wish
you continued success!
-Nancy (Whelly) Temple
Still living on the Southside of
Amsterdam in the same apartment I
was since 2007.
-MaryBeth Muscatello
Hello! Hope all is well!! Tom and I
had a baby boy on 3/16, Trevor
Vincent! He shares joy with us!! God
is so great! Praise his Goodness in this
-Christine (Nowak) Tatko
In The News:
Megan (Murphy) Drapa ’91 was
united in marriage to Joseph Drapa on
August 14, 2010 at Basilica of
Immaculate Conception with the Rev.
Michael Warren OMV officiating.
Megan graduated from Boston College
with a bachelor of arts degree in
psychology and is currently pursuing
her nursing degree at Colorado State
University of Pueblo.
Nicole (Damiano) Richards ‘98 was
united in marriage to Joshua Richards
on August 13, 2010.
Rosemary Constantine ’64 was
honored for her 15 years of service at
St. Mary’s Hospital’s annual Associate
Awards Dinner. This event recognizes
the milestone years and achievements
of their hospital staff members.
Lew DiCaterino ’65, along with Lisa
(Megna) Vicinanzo ’77 and Cristiana
Johnson ’09 participated in a 5K Run
for Horses Charity event. Runners post
“bale” for this event which aims to
raise money for hay during the winter
for horses at the Easy Street Horse &
Barnyard Rescue located in
Congratulations to Philip Cortese
‘66-9 for being honored Family Court
Judge of the Year by the New York
Family court Judges Association.
Congratulations to Rev. Richard S.
Vosko ‘69, PhD, Hon. AIA. Rev.
Vosko is the 2011 recipient of the
Berakah Award, the highest honor given
by the North American Academy of
Liturgy. A priest of the Diocese of
Albany, Rev. Vosko is being recognized
for his scholarship and contributions to
the filed of religious art & architecture.
Sgt. Patrick Miller ’61 (’72 Bishop
Scully) retired in September 2010 after
28 years of service with the Amsterdam
Police Department. Sgt. Miller has
accepted a position with the Pentagon
Police Department and reported to the
U.S. Department of Defense to undergo
thirteen weeks at the federal police
officer training in Georgia.
Amsterdam welcomed back, native Rev.
Robert DeMartinis ’72, (’76 Bishop
Scully). After receiving his master’s in
divinity from St. John Fisher and the
Holy Apostles Seminary in Cornwall,
Conn., he was ordained in 1986 at the
Sacred Heart Cathedral in Pensacola,
Florida. After returning to the Albany
Diocese in 1990, he has served at
several parishes throughout upstate New
York. Rev. DeMartinis was installed as
Saint Stanislaus’ pastor this past
summer on August 14, 2010. “Being
able to serve as pastor in my hometown
is like a dream come true. It’s just like
in the movie The Wizard of Oz – there’s
no place like home.”
Hon. Joseph Sise ’77 competed in his
first Ironman Race in Lake Placid this
summer. He finished the 2.4-mile swim,
112-mile bike ride and 26.6-mile run
well under the allotted 17 - hour time
limit, finishing in twelve hours-fifty two
minutes and forty-eight seconds.
Congratulations to Peter J. Rose ’97 on
his appointments to the Budget and
Finance committee of the New York
State Funeral Directors Association
(second term), and to the Ad Hoc
Committee for the ’09-’10 term. Peter
is a manager/licensed funeral director
with the Betz, Rossi, Bellinger &
Stewart Family
Funeral Home, Inc. He resides in
Canajoharie with his wife Mary and two
children, Taryn and Jack.
Melissa Kaszuba, SMI Class of 2000,
received her Master of Science in
Education degree from the College of
Saint Rose in Albany. Melissa currently
coaches the girls modified volleyball
team at Ballston Spa Central School and
is a Computer Teacher at St. Mary’s
School in Waterford.
Brian J. Morini, SMI Class of 2000,
graduated from Siena College with a
Bachelor of Science degree in
marketing and management. Brian has
accepted a position with Eastern Copy
Products of Albany, a subsidiary of the
Xerox Corporation. Brian earned his
associates degree from Hudson Valley
Community College.
Salvatore “Sammy” Pepe, SMI Class
of 2000, received his doctor of
pharmacy degree from Northeastern
University. He graduated summa cum
laude with a GPA of 3.85. While at
Northeastern, Sammy was treasurer of
both the Rho Chi Honors Society and
the Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity.
He was also a member of the National
Honors Society of Collegiate Scholars.
During his tenure, he was also awarded
Northeastern’s Dean’s Scholarship,
Amelia Peabody Scholarship, George T.
Marvin Scholarship, John S. Sousa
Scholarship and the Dean Constantine
Meriano Scholarship. Sammy held copositions with Novartis
Pharmaceuticals, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and Shriner’s Burns
Hospital for Children. He will be
pursuing his masters’ degree in
pharmaceutical outcomes and policy
research at the University of Florida as
an employee of food an drug
administration’s center for drug
evaluation and research. He was
selected as one of 10 graduates
nationwide for this
Meaghan Johnson ’01 graduated from
Sage Graduate School, earning her
master’s degree in professional school
counseling. After graduating from Notre
Dame-Bishop Gibbons High School,
she earned a bachelor of arts degree
within three years and her master’s
within two years with a GPA of 3.8.
Meaghan has accepted a position with
Niskayuna High School as a school
Christopher Gizara ’02 was placed on
the dean’s high honor list at Sage
College of Albany. Students obtaining
a cumulative grade point average of at
least 3.70 with a course load of 12
credits hours or more and receiving no
letter grade below a B.
Sarah Thane, Courtney Guttenberg,
Kelly Paris, Ryan Senecal, Brett
Stanavich, and Cristiana Johnson.
Kiesha Ippolito ’02 achieved academic
excellence and was name to the
president’s list at Genesee Community
College by maintaining a 4.0 average.
Kiesha graduated with an associate’s
degree in applied science in January,
majoring in fashion merchandising
management from Genesee Community
College. She is currently continuing her
education in the business of fashion at
LIM College in New York City.
Jacqueline Szala ’04, graduated from
the University of New York at Canton.
She was awarded as Associate in
Applied Science, Veterinary
Technology degree and was licensed
and board certified after completing the
New York State Boards in July.
Jonathan Wavres ’09, a senior at
Amsterdam High School has been
selected to receive the Le Moyne
College Heights Award. This award
recognizes students’ academic
achievements as well as service to their
communities. Jonathan will receive an
$11,000 annual scholarship. In addition
to his scholarship, Jonathan will be
nominated for the Le Moyne Integral
Honors Program and the Leadership
Development Program which provides
academic and personal stimulation for
outstanding students.
The following SMI Alumni have been
honored for their high academic
standards in 2010 at Amsterdam High
’06 – Rebekah Califano, Megan
DePasquale, Gianna Emanuele,
Nicole Heck, Daniel Kreplin,
Daniel Mathias, Ian Thane,
Samantha McNeil, and Alexandra
‘07 – Andrea Fazio, Jacob Phillips,
Amanda Russo, Megan Walega,
Andre Wells, Jacob Reinhart,
Chenney Vassi, Jonathan Wavres,
Connor Diamond, and Midori Marsh.
‘08 - Maria Emanuele, Ryan Heck,
Tatiana Ninan, Papa Jo Amissah,
and Evelyn Draus.
‘09 - Xavier Aleman, Danielle Fazio,
Katherine Karabin, Tyler McNeil,
Sr. Agnes Clare, continues to grace
our school as the CCD Religious Education Coordinator. She is of the Franciscans Sister’s of the Atonement and
has been the Director of Faith Formation in St. Mary’s Parish since 1980.
Sr. Agnes has guided the Sacramental
Program in Amsterdam and Perth, recruited volunteer Catechists while supervising them with spiritual renewal,
encouragement, support and on going
formation. Twice annually, Sr. Agnes
still meets with the parents preparing
their children for 1st Penance and 1st
Holy Communion.
At present, Sr. Agnes has 360 students
in the Faith Formation Program. She is
happy to have ministered in their important apostolate for so many years and
thankful for the wonderful cooperation
and solidarity with Saint Mary’s Institute. (Staff volunteer Charlene Bartman
pictured with Sr. Agnes. Missing from
photo is Marie Farrington)
~ Class Letters ~
When my No. 3 grandson, now a third
Middle-East-tour Marine Captain,
married in June 09, seven years after the
No. 1 grandson did so, I figured I’d have
to live another 128 years, at the 7-year
rate, to see all grandchildren wed. This
year proved I was wrong: No. 4
succumbed to the Adam & Eve thing,
concurring with his bride to do so on my
own 4 June anniversary. The fifth
grandson followed suit in October. The
unmentioned No. 2 continues his elusive
skating on thin ice.
But wait! There are three more nuptials
slated for 2011. In rapid succession, the
first granddaughter, then her kid brother
on the next day (4 June; these guys have
a fixations!), and their cousin and sixth
grandson round out a schedule that
makes the tuxedo acquired a quarter
century ago a wise investment. An
additional task for Old Granddad:
postpone that Mass of Christian Burial,
and stick around.
Summer and Fall featured a pair of
micro reunions of the Class of 1944. In
August, finding myself the sole occupant
of my Cape Cod lodgings (last year’s
gang was off at the BSA National
Jamboree), I asked classmate George
Tralka to fill the void. We spent several
days exploring the Outer Cape and even
went to sea for a whale watch. For two
straight years 25 different obliging
whales have made it a worthwhile
adventure. Yes, the embarked
naturalists identify individual whales.
George returned the favor in October,
when he and his son hosted a stay at his
home in
Vienna, VA.
A balloon trip, on the to-do list for
decades, materialized in October. No, I
did not provide the hot air; that’s
reserved for these reports. Next on the
list: a sailplane flight, a “soar” subject.
Parachuting will remain an unfulfilled
wish, but every day at this stage of life is
in free fall.
Reveling in the joy of the recent
Baptism of a third great grandchild (son
of that Marine) and the arrival of a
John Donlon ‘44
Thank you for the annual newsletter. I
really got a kick out of it this year
because (1) my grandmother’s name
appeared in the “SMI Remembers
When” section under Class of 1919 - “Eva Benton finally received piano
credits..” and, (2) Kathleen McGuire’s
name appeared twice, a second cousin
from my mother’s side of the family.
Kathleen (and her sister Maureen) would
sometimes babysit me and my 3 siblings
back in the 50’s when we lived on
Academy Street. I remember we were
terrors back then – 4 kids under the age
of 8. My mother worked at Leeds on
Friday nights for awhile – she needed
the break. Thanks for the memories. -In
Memory of her parents, John F. and
Doris (McGuire) Collins, Nancy
Collins, a friend of SMI since 1999,
submitted the note above.
I haven’t received the Newsletter for
several years and am glad to be
receiving it now. In 2002, my husband
Paul and I relocated to Virginia. Up to
that time, I worked in the Emergency
Dept. at St. Mary’s Hospital, retiring in
2002. Upon relocating to Virginia, I
worked at Mary Washington Hospital,
Fredericksburg, VA in Same Day
surgery &
Endoscopy Department until we moved
back to New York in 2008. We now
reside at 1A Cass Ct. Ballston Lake, NY.
It was nice to reunite with my classmates
at our 60th class Reunion. Paul & I have
just celebrated our 62nd wedding
anniversary. I would certainly like to
hear more news about my classmates.
Please keep sending the Newsletter.
You do a great job and I’m enjoying
reading it.
Faith Is Stronger than My Fears:
Sometimes my cross is hard to bear for
there is darkness everywhere,
and troubles pile around my door like
autumn leaves forevermore.
The morning light seems far away, like I
am stuck in yesterday. My heart is
beating like a drum – I try to pray, but
words won’t come. But then the sun
begins to rise and hope is born within
my eyes. A rainbow forms among my
tears for faith is stronger than my fears!
Written by Clay Harrison
- Submitted by: Robert V. Coluni
Many seniors today, after years suffering with arthritis, are faced with making a decision as I did in Sept. 2009 to
have knee replacements. I decided to
go with Bilateral Total Knee Replacements and having both done at once
turned out well for me. My thinking
was since you are in pain for one
knee, why not for both and get it over
with. I thought this might be of interest to others having to make this decision.
My husband, Bob and I continue to
spend a few months at our place in
Florida during the winters and upon
our return home in May, we plant our
flowers and vegetable gardens and
spend the summer at our camp on the
Great Sacandaga Lake. Our son and
daughter have given us 5 wonderful
young grandsons who keep us busy
and who we enjoy very much.
I love to read the Newsletters and
wish well to all my classmates.
Pat (Sargalis) VanWert ‘56
Enjoyed the 2009 Newsletter, especially the “SMI Remembers When”,
the 1889 class article. The article refers to John McCabe, my grandfather.
I have a copy of his class graduation
picture and medal each class member
received. John played amateur baseball, outfielder with one arm and his
professional job a telegraph operator.
Truly fantastic to have his information
and articles 121 years later! Just another example of honoring the past.
-John F. Toolan
On Thursday, July 4, 1889, six graduates received
diplomas: John McCabe, Ellen Crowe, Loretta
McNally, Daniel P. Sullivan, Ellen O’Neil and
Teresa Blume.
Front row L-R: Jordan Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs. Morrone, Fr. John Medwid, Principal Mr. Virgiglio, Mrs. Pecora and
Claire Sise. Second row L-R: Summer Lombardi, Teegan DeCusatis, Tessa Vassi, Sara Blankenbaker, Shanon McCune,
Rebecca Natale, Maxine Petrosino and Kathleen McNamara. Back row L-R: Matthew Swart, Shane DeRose, Devin
Rosario, Daniel Lis, David Puglisi, Jr.,Conrad Hindman, Oliver Hindman, Michael Ortiz and William Johnson.
“I guess what I am saying is there’s something special about this small school.”
-Valedictorian Claire Sise
“You are always welcome and I hope that you will visit often.”
-Mr. Giovanni Virgiglio, Principal
Michaela Hardies
Fritz Dorr
Molly Kowalczyk
Christian Ferenz
Cadence Lombardi
Brenna McNamara
William Makranszky
Jenna Nelson
Brian McNamara
Lucca Quatrini
Luke Oropallo
Daniel Riley
Tyler Rodecker
Preston Schwartz
Rebecca Tatun
Makenzie Smith
Andrew Velasco
Matthew Stachnik
Logan Zara
Julianna Barone-Lopez
Nathanial Andersen
Jordon Cordon
Michael Banco
Matthew Febbie
Kathleen Bowles
Mathew Ferrara
Brianne Coon
Aidan Jager
Jaeden Cotugno
Keenan McLeod
Kasia Derrico
Thomas Pradere
Cayden Jablonski
Ella Sawitzki
Owen Marek
Anne Stanavich
Matthew Reichel
Samuel VanWie
Kyra Reynicke
Nicholas Rosselli
Marc Schultz
Lauryn Suidy
“Table Scraps”
The sun slowly settles itself into the thick trees, soaking the soft, dry land in tranquility.
It gives off the feeling of drinking cold water after a nice, long run in the fields. Wandering the
tall grass, I wonder if I’ll get a proper meal tonight. I normally get meager meals because being
the dog of a poverty-struck family doesn’t exactly leave you with a full belly. Not that I’m not
grateful. It’s better than being on the streets.
I race home, my mutt legs eating up the distance. I run even faster when I see Maggie
whistling and snapping her fingers. I’m only alive because of her. She noticed me all skin and
bones and immediately brought me home. I owe her my life. I’m forever grateful the Lofters
took me in. I’m one more mouth to feed, so why would they take me? I think other dogs
wouldn’t even question that sort of thing, but I guess being on the streets changes you.
Maggie’s dad is always out hunting for jobs, hoping to get us back on our feet. Maggie’s
mom, Celia, is at home taking care of everything all the time. I figure the best thing I can do to
help the Lofters is to go out hunting and maybe find a meal to fill up their bellies.
Last night, Ann Marie, the youngest Lofter daughter, asked why the Lofters are different
from everyone else. Anne Marie kind of looks like a doe, with long legs, huge eyes, and tight,
brown curls that hug her head relentlessly.
When Mr. Lofter didn’t answer, she said, “It’s because we’re poor, isn’t it?” She looked
up at Mr. Lofter, her big brown eyes looking into his mind.
The Lofter parents looked at her in awe, wondering how she could know such a thing at
three years old. But I didn’t wonder. Ann Marie had always had a hidden wisdom about her.
Maybe dogs just have a sort of sense.
As days stroll on by, I notice how our situation is worsening. We’re sinking deeper and
deeper into the hole. I get less and less to eat each meal. While the rest of the family gets more
discouraged, Mr. Lofter gets more determined. He feels it is his duty to find a good job to save
our family.
One night, Maggie comes over to my bed, crying hard. She despairs about how she’s
scared of what’s going to happen and wishes there was something she could do. I lick her hand
and nuzzle her face to make her feel better, but it doesn’t seem to help too much. I follow her to
her bed and snuggle up next to her, letting her use my stomach as a pillow. Her warm tears
soak me, not only in water, but also in sadness and hurt. The minutes go by like hours, and it
seems like I haven’t slept a wink when morning comes.
I spend the day hunting, and by the end of the day I still have no luck. My spirits are
down until Mr. Lofter comes home. After months of job hunting, he finally has good news. He
tells us that he’s found a job as a convenience store clerk and that the pay isn’t too bad. A light
breeze blows into the house, and I know it’s the impact of the beginning of our climb out of the
hole, out of poverty.
Sponsor ~ A ~ Student
~ The gift of education
~ A gift of lifetime learning
~A gift of spiritual development
To a child who may not otherwise be able to attend SMI because of finances
All Gifts
~regardless of size, are welcome
~are tax deductible
Send Donations To:
SMI Sponsor~A~Student
Saint Mary’s Institute
10 Kopernik Blvd. • Amsterdam, NY 12010
Call Mr. Giovanni Virgiglio for further information at 842-4100
———————— MEMORIALS 2010 ————————-Helen (Wojcik) Jensen
Gale Soltys
Ellis Hospital Pharmacy
Mary Rinaldi
Barbara Jensen
Robert Jensen
Mary Beth & Samuel Musto
Dorothy Jordan
Florence Bieniek
Frank & Laura Falco
Mrs. Muriel Papura
Mr. & Mrs. William Slocum
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Boswell
Sophie & Lorraine Astemborski
Anne Astemborski
Michael & Janet Johnson
Larry & Fran Jordan
Joseph & Dolores Bieniek
Dena M. Wise
Amelia Natale
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Klementowski
Kathleen M. Jordan
Mary Beth Potter
Walter J. “Buddy” Scott ’66-11
Joseph Dignazio
Doris Urban
Rachelle Cotugno
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Megna
James & Mary Ann Louison
The Constantine Family
James & Dolores Dybas
Joyce Battaglia
Judith-Ann Realty, Inc.
Lucille & Harry Senecal
Evelyn K. Bernstein
Frances Hallenbeck
George & Sueann Senecal
Ronald & Angela Rusik
Mr.& Mrs. Edward Walega & Family
Bonnie & David Puglisi & David Jr.
Nancy Szatkowski
Thomas & Carol Donnelly
Christine Peck
Deb Spraker
Sandra Carriola
Domenic & Mattia Marzio
Marcia Benjamin
Francis & Deanna Smith
Myra Gonzalez
Angeline (DePalma) Hall
Mary Greco & Family
Ruth Ralys
Kathy Fleszar
Susan J. Zepperi
Sue & Dominick Megna
Regina Cassetta
Michael & Jean Orapello
Matthew Constantine & Family
Phyllis Hage
Judith Newland
Anne Keiley
Ron & Marianne Kolodziej
Mike & Anne Scofield
Robert & Vivian Fitz-James
Paul & Kathy Peluso
Gioconda Faustoferri
Department of Motor Vehicles
Information Technology Room
Kathleen Lovelace
Susan & Bob Schumann
Katheryn Burdick
Edward & Mary Ilnicki
James & Gloria Raucci
John & Donna DePalma
Edmund Swierzowski
Helen Pingitore
Ron Bull
Claude & Donna Palczak
John Chirico
Ray & Carol Ciotto
Genevieve Palombo
Tony Iarusso
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roginski
Mr. & Mrs. James Raucci
Roginski & Stanwick Families
Floy Sumigray
Marci Natale
Molly Natale
The Liszewski’s
Angelo & Mary Jo Verderese
Mr. Pat Baia
Mr. Karl Baia
Tim & Janet Czeski & Family
Bob Reidy
Sari & Sam Greco
Rick & Cindy Roginski
Vito & Mary Tambasco
Gilda Mycek
Adeline Villa-Joyce
Mary Nichols
The DiBlasi Family
Joseph & Irene Martuscello
Larry & Dawn Natale
The Minasi Family
Kathy & Joe Natale
Audrey & Pat Russo
Mr. & Mrs. William Cranker
Father Vincent Polito
Anthony Muscatello
Frank & Carol Natale
Gina Santoro
Guy & Valerie Cappuccio
Cathy Rose
Melissa & Michael Meier
Mary Anne Scheckton
Mark & Judith Hughes
Judith & Gerald Skiba
John Davey, Jr.
James & Barbara Partyka
Wanda & Thomas DiCaprio
Cornelio Jr.& GeraldineCatena
Louise Healy
Dolores & Raymond Partyka
Theresa & Louis Muscatello
Rena Cotugno
Diana Costello
Roser Communications
Network, Inc.
Rachelle Cotugno
Kathleen Rose
Diane Hall
Eugene & Carol Terwilliger
Dorothy Auspelmyer
Lisa Guttenberg
Peter & Bridget Diamond
Peter & Ann Hosner
Barbara Conrad
John & Janice Duchessi
Vincent & Michele Giaimo
Benjamin G. Santos
The Coates Family
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hemstreet
Angelo & Mary Jo Verderese
Sheila & David Konitzer
Bob & Mena Marcinak
Rich Boswell
George Sandy
Anne Keiley
Mr. & Mrs. Al Nelli
Felix & Linda Persico
Regina Cassetta
Theresa Neville
Frank & Laura Falco
Joseph Palkeltis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rusik
Karen Swartz
Gaetana Naccarato
Nancy Persse Langdon
State Farm Agency
Dianne S. Santos
Mrs. B. Santos
John & Pamela Hotaling
Jack & Mary Jo Gennett
Mary & Gloria Lockhart
Mrs. B. Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maleret
Joseph R. Prill
Deborah Bedford
Raymond Jr.& Rosemary Hatch
Patricia Prill
Sall Ochampaugh
Joe & Liz Tesiero
Josephine (Ripepi) Megna
Richard & Betsy Barker
Peter & Ann Hosner
Rosemary V. Francisco
Dr. Kathleen Bauman
Vivian Jacobson
Lynette Russo
Dr. & Mrs. M. Ghazi
Chris Pasquarelli
Jim Blaise
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stewart
Karen’s Produce
Richard & Gail Altieri
Thomas & Lorraine Dwyer
Elizabeth Clough
Vinny & Mary Fran Fiorillo
Rosemary Turton
Mr. & Mrs. John McCune
Regina Mintzer
James & Dolores Provenzano
Jean Papa
Mr. & Mrs. John Tesiero Jr.
Nancy Pupa
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins
Jane Bramer
Marlene Pingitore
Michael & Donna Anostario
Gemma A. Vigliotti
Dianne Santos
Ruth Cripe
Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaBate
Bobby & Mena Marciniak
Tina Sinicropi Blakely
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tesiero
John & Evelyn Bianchi
Louise Healy
Barb Kline & Family
Anne Keiley
Kelly & Ron Swart
Fran & Jimmy Gargiulo
Sheila Konitzer
Olga Carboni
Faith Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carlucci
The Constantine Family
Rachelle Cotugno
Jack & Mary Jo Gennett
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Megna
Jeffrey Wells
Andre Wells
Anthony & Jane Karbocus
Elizabeth DiCaprio
Christine & Charles Pietro
Ann Sherman
Alessandro & Mary Mancini
Michael & Rosalie Riccio
Thomas & Ellen Kelly
Giulio Rossetti
Sari & Sam Greco
Tina & Brian Blakely
Janice & William Bartyzel
Ann & Peter Hosner
Louise Healy
Matthew & Jenny Constantine
Joanne & Anthony Fabozzi
Robert Jensen
Carol Wilkinson
Barbara Jensen
Dolores & Raymond Partyka
Carmen & Vincenza Mercadante
Wanda & Thomas DiCaprio
Sophia Sardonia
James & Marilyn Sokalski
James & Gloria Raucci
Lisa Guttenberg
Joseph & Elizabeth Tesiero
Mr.& Mrs. Fernando Stanganelli
Phoebe & Alex Boschi
Elizabeth DiCaprio
Joseph & Kathleen Natale
Jack & Mary Jo Gennett
Pat Baia
City Hall Employees
Henrietta Roginski
Mary Stanwick
Lucy & Babe Russo
Paul & Kathy Peluso
Tony Iarusso
Dave & Shelly Konitzer
Mr. & Mrs. William Skowronek
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Ripepi
Carmen & Irene Sinicropi
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Carm Greco
Emma & Alfred Nelli
John & Evelyn Bianchi
Marie Greco
Bea Greco
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Scialabba
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Muscatello
————————————MEMORIALS continued —————————————
Giulio Rossetti continued:
Lorraine Frollo
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pallotta
Laura & Frank Falco
Grace Tambasco
Joan Bryant
Marylin Ottati
Theresa Neville
Mr. & Mrs. Felix Persico
Kathryn Mercadante
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. Mario DiScenza
Richard & Elizabeth Barker
Regina Cassetta
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiCaprio
Mary Doris & Fred DiCaprio
Sal Morini
Lori & Bill Stachnik, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John McCune
Mr. & Mrs. Chet Smullen
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mazur
Robert & Madeline Van Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Angelo
Rich & Louise Godlewski
Alfred Liggero
Rena Cotugno
Elizabeth DiCaprio
Diane Hall
Frank & Carol Natale
Lisa & Mike Liverio
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Morini, Jr.
William & Theresa Cranker
June (Corrigan) Czelusniak ‘48
Joseph & Marigay Harkins
Guy & Barbara Laurence
Joseph & Elizabeth Tesiero
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Pepe
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pepe
Scott & Kristen Michalski
Mike & Mary Califano & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Palczak
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dufresne
Thomas Cosentino
Lori Cosentino
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Roginski
Chester & Joan Smullen
Bea Pasiczniyk
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gulnick
Mr. & Mrs. John Smitka
Florence Furman
Phyllis Hage
Floy Sumigray
Marion Howlan
Mr. & Mrs. John McCune
Marguerite Traskas
Kathryn Mercadante
Mt. Carmel Ladies Bocci Club
William & Eileen Miskinis
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DiCarpio
and David
Therese (Parron) Russo
Carol Wilkinson
Scot & Kristen Michalski
Alicia Montanaro
Carol Constantino
Anne Keiley
Amy Lanzi
William & Mary Stachnik
Walter & Arlene Jasper
Anna & James Wallin, Jr.
James & Dolores Dybas
George & Virginia Whelly
Louis Frollo, Jr.
Sophia Sardonia
Dolores Partyka
John & Pamela Hotaling
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Russo
Reuben & Patricia Bishop
Mary C. Wells
Peter & Ann Hosner
Rachelle Cotugno
Mark & Lisa Russo
Catherine Druger
Robert & Pauline Kosineski
Dennis & Diane Diamond
Frank & Patricia Yarasezski
Rena Cotugno
Angelo & Mary Jo Verderese
Gerri Kaczor & Family
Jim & Barbara Partyka
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiCaprio
Larry & Kathy Dybas
Joseph & Daniella Murphy
Richard Murphy
Kevin Eckelman
Thomas & Theresa Ripepi
Floy Sumigray
Anthony Sumigray
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson
Woodrow St. Amour
Tim & Janet Czeski
Nancy & Tony Hroncich
Guy & Valerie Cappuccio & Family
Edward Harkins
Joseph Dignazio
Virginia Szyjkowski
Gloria Twardzik
Josephine Altieri
Mr.& Mrs. Alfred Nelli
Margaret Petruccione
Herbert & Theresa Scialabba
Robert Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Emanuele III
Elizabeth DiCaprio
Audie & Ronald DiCaprio
Maria & John Rossi
Elizabeth Winslow
In memory of Rob Stegman by
Rachelle Cotugno’69.
In memory of Rob Stegman by
Matthew Constantine & Family.
In memory of Vincenza & John
Sardonia by James & Dolores
In memory of Barney Foltman by
Mary & Bob Going ’66-9 & family.
In memory of David Allyn by Joyce
In memory of Walter J. Scott ‘66-11
by Lorraine Michaels Dance Centre.
In memory of Genevieve (Dybas)
Dado’46 by The Class of 1946.
In memory of John Szkaradek ‘55
by James & Dolores
In memory of John Szkaradek by
Jeanette Constantine.
In memory of Gail E. Baker by
Louise Healy.
In memory of William Spanburgh ‘67
by Margret & Keefe Riley.
In memory of Robert M. Furman, Jr.
’66-8 by The
Constantine Family.
In memory of Mrs. Catherine
Picciocca by Ruth (Boyle)
Castler ‘63.
In memory of Samuel
Semyone by his daughter
Kaitlyn Semyone.
In memory of my mother, Ann
Kutchis by Virginia Kutchis ’59.
In memory of the Deceased
Members of the Class of 1948
by Donna (Miller) Spellman ’48.
In memory of my sister, Catherine
(Shields) Kralovic ’40 by
Teresa (Shields) Groesbeck ’45.
In memory of Winifred (Hughes)
Newland ’47 by Bill Hughes ’52.
In memory of my mother Willetta
(Cady) Martuscello ’39 by Peter
Martuscello ’66-11.
In memory of my sister, Marcia
(Allen) Spicci ’59 by Margaret Allen
In memory of Rosemary Vines
by Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of my parents, John F. &
Doris (McGuire) Collins ’42
by Nancy Collins.
In memory of Dr. Tom Velz,
June Czelusniak ‘48, Tom
Hennessey ‘45 and Ed Brown
by Margaret G. Greco ’75.
In memory of Dr. Thomas Velz
by Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Esther T. Constantine,
mother of Rosemary and Chuck
Constantine ’64.
In memory of Esther Constantine by
Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Esther Constantine by
Lisa & John, Heather & Will & Kaitlyn.
In memory of Doris E. Rogers,
mother of Thomas Rogers ’66.
In memory of Robert C. Kaiser ’64
by Louise Drozic.
In memory of Francis J. Keiley ’42
by Ellen (Keiley) Kenney ’39.
by Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
by Carol Wilkinson.
In memory of Rose M. Botch, mother of
Carole (Botch) Barber ’66-10.
In memory of Maria (Valentino) DeMatteo
by Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Rose M. Botch by Rachelle
Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Christopher A. Cornelius,
son of Alan and Regina (Reed) ’61
In memory of Scott Chambers by
Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Ann Supan by Rachelle
Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Wesley and Eleanor
(Austin) ’36 Peryer.
In memory of Eugene Stevens Sr.,
husband of Elenore (Thackrah) Stevens
In memory of Charles F. Mancuse ‘50 by
Marion H. Mancuse.
In memory of Robert M. Furman, Jr. ’66-8
by Ann Sherman.
In memory of Bob Amanat by Rachelle
Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Patsy Russo by The
Roginski & Stanwick families.
In memory of Mary Beth Musto
by Lawrence & Fran Jordan.
In memory of Mary Beth Musto
by James & Dolores Dybas.
In memory of Mary Beth Musto
by Dorothy Jordan.
In memory of Charles LoBalbo
by Peter & Ann Hosner.
In memory of Rita LaBate by Rachelle
Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Rita LaBate by
Peter & Ann Hosner.
In memory of Joseph DiBlasi by Peter &
Ann Hosner.
In memory of Dr. William Szypula by
Rachelle Cotugno ’69.
In memory of Dr. William Szypula by Dr.
Alfred Morini Sr. ’37 and Mary Morini.
In memory of my husband,
Howard Brindle ’49 by
Geraldine Brindle.
2009 Memorial Corrections
(Contributor’s Names Omitted)
Raymond R. Kaszuba
Catherine & Marshall Knapik
In memory of my husband Charles F. Knolls Atomic Power Lab
Mancuse ‘50 by Marion H. Mancuse. Claudia Jurus
In memory of Vincenza and John
Joyce Hildreth
Sardonia by James and Dolores
Mike & Kathy Szala
In memory of Robert ’35 and Eleanor Theresa & James Arthurs
Mrs. Frances Janeski & Family
Thomas & Lorraine Dwyer
In memory of Barney Foltman
Noreen Gulnick
by Bob & Mary Going and Family.
Sheila Scheckton
In memory of Benedict F. Capel,
A.G. Scheckton
father of Janine (Capel) Hicks ’74,
Louis & Lucia Kern
Mark Capel ’75
and Annette (Capel) Hassen ’81. Co-Workers of Joyce
In memory of Thomas F. Allen, Jr. ’40
We do our best, but sometimes errors
by Joan Allen ’49.
In memory of Thomas Hennessey ‘45 do occur. We apologize for errors that
may occur throughout the Newsletter
In Memory of My Mother
Florence M. Cotugno
20th Anniversary
By Rachelle Cotugno ‘69
Saint Mary’s Institute
13th Annual Invitational
Golf Tournament
to be held
Friday, May 20th, 2011
Shotgun Start at Noon
At Rolling Hills Country Club
Ft. Johnson, NY
Dr. Alfred Morini Sr.
$125.00 Per Person
Faith Stark
Lena Morini
Grace Perfetti
Richard DelCostello
Greens Fees
Golf Cart
Complimentary Gifts
Drawing prizes
Complimentary Cocktails
Eligibility for On-Course-Contest
In Honor Of
Sister Jane Herb, IHM, PhD
Superintendent of Schools
Silver Jubilee
Come Tee Off With Us!
Contact Liz Tesiero 883-8505
SMI 842-4100
For More Information or
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Life of Monsignor Edward R. Glavin
Rev. Anthony D. Gulley AFSC, Ph.D
Forwarded by Very
Reverend James C. Gulley
Suggested Donation $25.00
Saint Mary’s Institute
Sister Elizabeth Costanzo, CSJ
Education Scholarship Fund
Give the Gift of Catholic Education
All contributions are tax-deductible.
Send to Saint Mary’s Institute
10 Kopernik Blvd. Amsterdam, NY 12010
“Where children love to learn and learn to love.”
Speech by 2010 Salutatorian:
Jordan Elizabeth Thompson
“Behind Those Doors”
Wow, the eighth grade year has finally come to an end, and here we are now at our graduation. It feels like just yesterday was
the first day of school.
I can remember when I first walked through those doors to Saint Mary’s Institute. Then, they had been huge and monstrous;
almost threatening to such a little child, like me, to enter in to. I was afraid, and I was scared of what would lie on the other side of
those doors. I had not known this at the time, but behind those doors would be the very beginning of my future.
I walked through those doors and so did my fellow classmates. What we did not know then, but what we gladly know now, is
that we walked into an amazing school. It is a privilege for we, the 8th graders, to have gone to Saint Mary’s Institute. Every one
of our parents had to make some kind of sacrifice to go there. Thank you for doing this for us.
We walked through those hallways for years, growing older and wiser each day that we did. Some of us walked those halls for
nine years, others five, and even some just entered into them this past year.
We’ve grown up with the school. We’ve experienced everything at this school, whether it’s from meeting a new friend to
meeting a new principal. This school has set morals for us to follow; morals that we will carry with us for all of our lifetime.
We’ve planted our hopes and our dreams at this school and watched them grow. Our teachers have set goals for us to achieve
while we’re still here. They’ve influenced everything about us. The people at this school have made us who we are. And we are
good people with good intentions and dreams to be accomplished.
When I hear the name Saint Mary’s Institute, I do not just think of the school with bricks and borders. I think of the people that
make that school the great place that it is. The teachers there are not just plain old teachers. A Saint Mary’s Institute teacher is a
friend and an advisor. These teachers are truly unique, and their classes are blessed to have them.
We can never fully repay Saint Mary’s for what it has done for us because a thank you is, most certainly, not enough. Neither is
a handshake nor a pat on the back.
The students at S.M.I. give out a helping hand to anyone. No matter what race, color, age, or gender. Saint Mary’s is a loving,
caring school to anyone. We will never be able to forget you, Saint Mary’s. I could never forget you. The memories that we, the
students, have made here will be cherished with us for forever.
But tonight is the night. Tonight all, of everyone who has ever influenced us, work is about to be paid off. This evening we say
goodbye to being eighth graders and hello to becoming freshmen. Although the people whom we have become close to and loved
these past joyful years are parting ways; there is one thing that will always draw us together. The heart of us all. The heart is Saint
Mary’s Institute.
Thank you, S.M.I. for making me who I am today. Tonight we will walk out those doors that I was once afraid to enter into.
For those doors are no longer scary. They’re actually quite the opposite. Walking out of those doors is like saying goodbye to a
best friend. Now, whether we want to or not, the eighth grade class of 2010 walks out of those doors for the last time as students.
Even though some of us are sad about this, we can all agree that we are ready and prepared to do this. We continue on down the
road of each and every one of our lives. Despite where we go in life, if we are still friends or not, if we are near or far from each
other, there is only one thing that we will always have. (One thing that will never change no matter where we are or whom we
become.) We will always have the memories. People may leave our lives, but the memories never do. We can play these
memories over and over in our minds. I’m sure that even when we are in our nineties we will still sit back and laugh at some of the
stuff we did here. We will never forget Saint Mary’s Institute because we’ve had too many joyful memories at this school. Thank
you, Saint Mary’s Institute, for everything. The 8th grade graduating class of 2010 loves you and will miss you.
Fathers Gulley
Scholarship Fund
Give a lasting tribute to
Father James and Father Anthony
Contribute generously to the
scholarship fund set-up in their honor.
Make checks payable to St. Mary’s Institute
Write “Fathers Gulley Scholarship Fund” on
the face of the check
Send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Saint Mary’s Institute
10 Kopernik Blvd.
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Bishop Scully Corner News
Class of 1980 Celebrates 30th Reunion
On August 7, 2010, the Bishop Scully Class
of 1980 (SMI’76) held their 30th class reunion
at the home of Danny Martuscello. It was a
beautiful day and everyone had such a great
time, that they plan to get together more
often! Those that couldn’t attend were
missed. Classmates attending came from
California, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina,
Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. We are
all looking forward to the next one.
Pictured L-R: Daniel Martuscello, Bob Manginelli, Bruce Douglas,
Tony Zabawa, Mary Beth Muscatello, Nancy Joan Booth. Bill
Keehan, Tina (Ripepi) Emanuele, Donna Ripepi, John Hurd, Kevin
Bloom, Karen (DeCaprio) McKelvey. Estelle (DeCaprio) Peek,
Jamie (Blance) Dubb, Beth (Kelly) Longfritz, Mary Lynn (Archinal)
Rouse, Darlene (DePacrio) Baker, Laurie (Mason) Bryda, Lisa
(Rossetti) Russo, Matt Brower, Karen (Murphy) Riley, Renee
(Reidy) Bramer, Anne (Mancini) Church, Joe Kwiatkowski and Bob
Class of 1991 Junior Year at Bishop Scully ~ 20th Reunion
Note from ‘91 Reunion Committee to SMI Staff:
Thank you so very much for all your kind
assistance, extreme thoughtfulness and generosity
of time and effort. The display in the library was
an unexpected surprise and very lovely. We
thoroughly enjoyed the stroll down memory lane.
It was great being able to walk through the halls—
we all loved it! St. Mary’s looks wonderful and
the addition is seamless. I hope SMI continues to
thrive. Our reunion was wonderful with just about
a third of the Class of ‘91 attending the dinner
Saturday night at Charlie’s. Our class was able to
make a $150 donation to St. Mary’s
Back row L-R: Joh Kolodziej, Tom Pasquarelli, Shelly Marek, Micheala Brooks,
Carrie (Kaiser) Fiebka, Eric Pareene. Front row F-R: Thresa Keehan, Maggie (Quinn)
Schirm, Alison Bianchi and Stacia (Zevola) Minkler.
Class note from Jean (Demars) Terwilleger ’73 (’69 SMI): Hey all you
Scully grads from the 70’s, getting on Facebook is the greatest way to stay in touch
with all your classmates!! I personally have reconnected with so many folks. It is a
great way to share those wonderful moments in life, graduations, weddings, births! I
get to see photos of new grandbabies and children growing up. There is also a site, “I
Grew Up in Amsterdam” that has the most incredible photos from the past. Such a
great tool for some amazing memories. Thanks for this newsletter, I look forward to it!
In identifying this photo »→
Please contact the SMI Alumni
Office with information
518-842-4100 or email:
[email protected].
Information requested is for our
Archives’ purposes only.
Thank you!
Share Your
Bishop Scully News
[email protected]
Maggie (Quinn) Schirm
Mary (Carnevale) Wells
Mary passed
away on
July 16, 2010.
She was a
dedicated receptionist and
staff member
of Bishop
Scully High School. She cherished the
friendships that she made with all the
students and their families.
Joan (Gorman) Pollak ’73 (SMI ’69)
passed away on February 25, 2010.
Robert M. Furman, Jr. ’70 (SMI 66-8)
passed away at home on June 3, 2010.
———————————– DONORS LIST 2010 ————————————
Listed on the following pages are those who so generously contributed to the 2010
Annual Giving/Alumni Appeal. We wish to thank each and every one of you for your
support and commitment to SMI and Catholic Education.
KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KEY TO CATEGORIES
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO. OF DONORS
Golden Gaels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1000 or more
Pastor’s Patrons . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$750 to $999
Monsignor’s Marauders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 to $749
Principal’s Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250 to $499
Blue & White Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 to $249
Alumni Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 to $99
SMI Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to $49
Non-Alumni In Honor Of and Memorial Donations. . . . $ 5,297.00
2010 GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 31,519.00
(Joint Donation: Wives are listed under husband’s class)
Class of 1934
Mrs. Angelina (Vecchio) Ciccarino
Class of 1935
M. Elizabeth (Farrell) Gage
Class of 1937
Ms. Anne Bennison (2)
Mr. James Bergen
Mr. John Hooker (2)
Ms. Virginia A. McKenney
Dr. Alfred J. Morini, Sr. (3)
Mrs. Florence (McKeough) Saucier (1)
Class of 1938
Mr. Francis Fitzgibbons (1)
Mrs. Claire (Brennan) Fitzgibbons (1)
Mrs. Monica (Zack) Greco (2)
Mr. Arthur McDonald (2)
Mr. Roland Morrone
Mr. Norbert Nolte (2)
Mr. John Northrup
Mr. John Rapillo
Class of 1939
Mrs. Roberta (Aiken) Gillis
Mrs. Ellen (Keiley) Kenney
Mr. Robert A. McKenney
Mrs. Elizabeth (Morties) Wells
Class of 1940
Mrs. Marcella (Dillon) Long (2)
Class of 1941
Mr. William Egan
Mrs. Maryjane (Kaiser) Kelly (2)
Mr. John R. McCune
Mr. William J. McCune (1)
Mrs. Vivian (Eckelman) Rummler
Mrs. Julia (Keiley) Shutts
Mrs. Willette (Fisher) Smitka
Class of 1942
Mrs. Jeannette (Osborne) Calhoun (1)
Mrs. Avis (McDonnell) Fisher (2)
Mr. Joseph Hage (1)
Mrs. Dorothy (Loucks) Lindsay (1)
Mrs. Bernadine (Pisano) Olbrych (2)
Miss Alice Tenerowicz
Mrs. Patricia (Freer) Utley
Class of 1943
Mr. Charles Bennison (1)
Mrs. Jeanne (Fiset) Bennison (1)
Mr. John Hackert (1)
Mr. Louis Hage (1)
Mrs. Florence (Allen) Insogna
Mrs. Virginia (Herlihy) McKeough
Mrs. Lois Eleanor (Schuette) Murphy
Ms. Kathleen (McCune) Robinson
Mrs. Ann (Patterson) Stellato
Mrs. Rita (Cook) Traider (1)
Class of 1944
Mrs. Katherine (Behringer) Bortfeldt
Mrs. Jean (Hallenbeck) Brockley (2)
Mr. William Daly
Capt John M. Donlon Usn (Ret) (3)
Mrs. Florence (Celmer) Kwiatkowski
Mrs. Carmella (Calisant) Pepe (1)
Mrs. Shirley (Faurot) Prendergast
Mr. George Whelly (2)
Class of 1945
Mr. Thomas Aiken (1)
Mr. James Boyle (1)
Mrs. Theresa (Shields) Groesbeck (2)
Mr. John F. Harrington (1)
Mrs. Doris (Sullivan) Kissinger (1)
Mr. Thomas McDermott
Mrs. June (Fisher) McDermott
Theresa (Hungerschafer) Meyers (1)
Mrs. Lois (Anderson) Musolff (1)
Mr. Nicholas J. Pallotta
Mrs. Margaret (Ginevan) Petruccione
Mrs. Gloria (Lewis) Twardzik
Class of 1946
Mr. John Bennison (1)
Mrs. Margaret (Behringer) Bruce
Miss Mary Constantine
Ms. Kathryn Egan (2)
Mr. Anthony Fabozzi (1)
Mrs. T. Joan (DiCaprio) Felski
Mr. Michael Hage (2)
Mr. Edward Harkins (2)
Mrs. Dolores (Klobukowski) Lepak (1)
Mr. John P. Murphy (2)
Marie (Lajeunesse) Murphy (2)
Mr. Thomas Quandt (4)
Mrs. Elizabeth (Harrington) Quandt (4)
Dr. William H. Seward (2)
Mr. Bernard Stanley
Mrs. Lillian (Redziniak) Truax
Mr. Joseph Welch
Class of 1947
Mrs. Rena (Morini) Cotugno (2)
Mrs. Wanda (Lucas) DiCaprio
Mr. Paul Dufresne (2)
Mrs. Maria (Boyle) Dufresne (2)
Mr. Richard Fabozzi (1)
Mrs. Roberta (Moehringer) Gaffney (3)
Mrs. Barbara (Kennedy) Leonard
Mr. Walter Malkowicz
Mr. Edward Meliosky (1)
Mrs. Mary Patricia (Hughes) Russo
Mrs. Virginia (Thackrah) Stahl (1)
Class of 1948
Mrs. Evelyn (Reali) Bianchi
Mrs. Margaret (Dufresne) Cosentino (1)
Mrs. Diana (Davies) Costello (2)
Mr. Joseph L. Harkins
Mrs. Eileen (Corbett) Hennessey
Mrs. Marjorie (Case) Jackson
Mr. James McDonald (1)
Mrs. Therese (Perron) Russo (2)
Mrs. Donna (Miller) Spellman
Mrs. Norma (Petruccione) Stellato
Mr. James R. Wallin, Jr. (2)
Class of 1949
Mrs. Joan (Dybas) Allen
Mr. Robert Coluni (2)
Mr. Joseph Flannagan (2)
Mrs. Janet (Patnode) Flannagan (2)
Mrs. Rosemary (Van Allen) Francisco
Mrs. Frances (Bertuch) Gawron
Mr. Walter Jasper (1)
Mrs. Arlene (Picken) Jasper (1)
Mrs. Mary Ellen (Harkins) Kolbe
Mr. Eugene LaJeunesse
Mrs. Janet (Haight) McQuatters (2)
Mrs. Margaret (Woods) Morris
Mr. Michael Orapello (1)
Mr. Claude Palczak
Mrs. Mary Ann (Howland) Riley
Mr. John Spannbauer (1)
Class of 1950
Reunion Committee (2)
Mr. Paul Anostario
Mr. Robert Blinsinger
Mr. William Demars (1)
Mrs. Mary (Case) Flint
Mrs. Theresa (Zack) Guzielek
Mrs. Marion (Traskos) Howlan
Donor’s List continuted:
Mr. Robert F. Knapik (1)
Mr. Peter Martin
Mrs. Dorothy (D’Arienzo) Medei (2)
Mr. Gerard Roome (2)
Mrs. Sally (Kling) Roome (2)
Mrs. Jane (Kruchas) Serbent (2)
Mrs. Dolores (Brinkman) Sheehan (1)
Mrs. Marie (Boyle) Tucker (2)
Mr. Robert Vorse (2)
Mrs. Helen (Kling) Windbiel (2)
Mrs. Gertrude (Hughes) Wyzykowski
Class of 1951
Mr. Joseph J. Aiken (2)
Mr. Valentine Coluni
Rev. Richard W. Dybas
Mrs. Frances (Ozug) Galarneau
Mrs. Irene (Rogers) Kuchis
Mr. Donald Lawrinait (1)
Mr. John Mochrie (2)
Mrs. Sally (Haight) Mochrie (2)
Mr. William Neill
Mr. Donald Peck (1)
Mrs. Audrey (Snyder) Reasonover (2)
Mrs. Maureen (Collins) Williams
Class of 1952
Mr. Richard Case
Mr. Frederick D'Arienzo (2)
Mrs. Alice (McVeigh) Farrell
Dr. Lorraine Freitas, Phd. Rn (1)
Mr. William T. Hughes (2)
Ms. Anne (Seward) Keiley (1)
Mr. John S. Llewellyn, Jr. (2)
Ms. Connie Murphy
Irene (Lajeunesse) Musick (2)
Mrs. Ann (Adamchick) Nicholas (2)
Mrs. Frances (Karp) Noeth (1)
Mrs. Anne (Musto) Ombrellaro (1)
Mr. William Phoenix
Dolores (Aiken) Phoenix
Mrs. Donna (Ehmer) Pompa
Mr. James Quinn
Mrs. Winifred (Serylo) Cervera
Mr. Richard Wolfe (1)
Class of 1953
Mr. Frank Cervera
Mrs. Anita (Hroncich) Dunlavey (1)
Mrs. Dolores (Esposito) Dygon
Mrs. Dorothy (Bochniak) Savarese
Mrs. Jane (Bennison) Staber (1)
Mrs. Sheila (Doyle) Tiernan
Class of 1954
Mrs. Jacquelyn (Kennedy) Baker (1)
Mr. Robert Heller (2)
Mrs. Corrine (Bintz) Kowalski
Ms. Joanne Parlapiano
Mr. Richard Schmidt
Mr. George J. Schuttig, Jr. (1)
Rev. Robert Shinos
Mrs. Josephine (Natoli) Wager (2)
Mr. Thomas Zarecki (2)
Class of 1955
Mrs. Beverly (Fassett) Blanchard
Mr. Leo Kosiba
Mr. George Mileski
Mrs. Doris (Brandow) Nowak
Mr. Thomas Palmer
Mr. John Rogers
Class of 1956
1956 Scholarship (6)
Mrs. Maureen (McGuigan) Baldwin
Mr. William Blanchfield
Mrs. Donna (Dilello) Bord
Mrs. Patricia (Parillo) Covey
Mr. Victor Gerdvil (2)
Mr. Harold E. Gray, USN Ret.
Mrs. Lois (Uhlinger) Hegarty
Mrs. Diane (Murphy) Kroll
Mrs. Rita (Knope) Krom
Mr. Richard Martuscello
Mrs. Patricia (Duffy) Milot
Mrs. Patricia M. (Weidemann) Nichol
Mrs. Mary (Parillo) Pawkett
Mr. John Toolan
Mr. Charles Welch
Mrs. Patricia (Sargalis) Van Wert
Mr. Thomas Wolff
Class of 1957
Mr. James Adler (2)
Mr. Richard Cocker (1)
Mr. Raymond Dzek
Mrs. Irene (Rackauskas) Maxwell
Mrs. Teresa (Kotowski) Ecker (1)
Class of 1958
Mrs. Mary Ann (Roberts) Bogdan (1)
Ms. Emanuela (Boccio) Castle
Mr. Richard Keehan (2)
Ms. Margaret M. Kelly (2)
Mr. Jerome Milosek (2)
Mrs. Mary (Wolff) Morck (1)
Mrs. Stephanie (Mack) Persico
Mrs. Mary Ann (Williams) Sambells (1)
Mr. John Spanburgh (3)
Class of 1959
Mrs. Donna (Taberski) Alexander
Ms. Lois Cogovan (2)
Mr. David C. Conley (2)
Mr. David Gaffney
Dr. Janet E. Gargiulo (2)
Ms. Virginia Kutchis (2)
Ms. Mary Lou O’Neil
Mrs. Mary (Tighe) Pannuti
Mr. Gary Gillan
Mr. Eugene Greco
Mrs. Carol (Cowles) Greco
Mrs. Marymel (Dilello) Hart
Mrs. Roberta (Szylkowski) Jesenski
Mr. John Keating
Dr. Norbert Kosinski
Mrs. Shirley (Smart) Kosinski
Mrs. Barbara (Slezak) Krawiecki
Ms. Marjorie Merchant
Mrs. Barbara (Montenaro) Michalski
Mrs. Mary (Tighe) Pannuti
Mr. David Urbel
Mr. Adelbert Wnorowski (2)
Mrs. Mary Lou (Habla) Wnorowski (2)
Mrs. Marylou (Rapello) Zajaceskowski
Mr. Gerard Zaklukiewicz
Class of 1960
Mrs. Maureen (Maloney) Hand
Mr. Robert Kosineski
Mrs. Dawn (Willey) Leffler (1)
Mr. Thomas Mullarkey (1)
Mr. James Perron (1)
Mrs. Judith (Pratt) Perron (1)
Mrs. Rita (Biscotti) Piecuch
Mr. Robert Quandt (3)
Mrs. Shirley (Hart) Reksc
Mrs. Faith (Morini) Stark (1)
Mrs. Theresa (Stephens) Cantine
Mr. Joseph J. Topping (1)
Mrs. Mary Lou (Kubas) Warnick
Sr. Agnes Leo Winkle, CSJ
Class of 1961
Mr. Alfred Black (1)
Mr. Frederick A. Genero (1)
Mr. Richard W. Hanna
Mr. Alan Johnson (1)
Mrs. Dorothy (Sokalski) Livingston
Ms. Claudette Stroble (4)
Rev. Richard S. Vosko (2)
Class of 1962
Ms. Margaret Allen
Class of 1963
Mrs. Ruth (Boyle) Castler
Dr. Dominic A. D’Alesandro, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Carol (Spakoski) Gardiner
Mr. Mark B. Lewis (1)
Mrs. Kathleen McGuire
Mr. John Tarmey
Mrs. Elizabeth (Kelly) Treiber (1)
Class of 1964
Mr. Michael A. Boccio (2)
Dr. William L Bresonis (4)
Mrs. Jacqueline (Morini) Bresonis (4)
Mr. Charles Constantine
Ms. Rosemary Constantine
Mr. Michael Eckelman (1)
Mr. Victor Fondacaro (2)
Mr. Louis J. Frollo (1)
Mr. Robert S. Gawrelski (1)
Mr. Robert Kaiser (1)
Mrs. Carole (Uncher) Kenny (2)
Mr. John Kolodziej, Jr.
Mr. Robert Montenaro
Mr. David Schoonmaker (1)
Mr. Terry J. Stroble (1)
Mr. Frank Turo
Donor’s List continuted:
Class of 1965
Mr. Nolan Jan Marciniec
Mrs. Linda (Johnson) Przybylowicz
Mr. Michael J. Shuttig (2)
Mr. Richard Wells (1)
Class of 1966
Mr. J.D. Smeallie (2)
Mr. Andrew Spanburgh (2)
Ms. Jacqueline Uncher (1)
Class of 1966-11
Mr. Lawrence Constantine (2)
Mr. Christopher Cortese (2)
Mrs. Sheila (McGuire) Dingman (1)
Mr. Michael Dufresne (1)
Ann Marie (Jablonski) Dufresne (1)
Mrs. Christine (Lawrence) Hogan
Mr. Peter Martuscello (2)
Class of 1966-10
Mrs. Mary Ann Louison-Dignazio
Mrs. Kathleen (LaBate) Myers (1)
Mr. Frank Natale, Jr. (1)
Mrs. Carole (Palombo) Natale (1)
Class of 1966-9
Mr. Robert Going
Mr. Peter Montenaro
Mrs. Mary Alice (Meszzio) Montenaro
Mr. J. D. Smeallie (2)
Class of 1966-8
Mrs. Elizabeth (Tesiero) Gaines (4)
Mr. John G. Sardonia (1)
Mr. Michael V. Serge (1)
Mrs. Anne (Petruccione)
Class of 1967
Mrs. Jean (Murphy) Allen (1)
Mrs. Mary Jo (Natale) Gennett (1)
Mrs. Margaret (Smitka) Huey (2)
Dr. A.J. Morini, Jr. (2)
Mr. Timothy Santoro
Class of 1968
Ms. Catherine Danyla (1)
Mrs. Rosemary (Wells) Turton (1)
Class of 1969
Mrs. Elizabeth (Habla) Barker
Ms. Celia Bradford (2)
Rachelle Cotugno (3)
Mrs. Suzanne (Hanna) Playford (1)
Mr. Dominick Megna
Jean Marie (Demars) Terwilleger (2)
Class of 1970
Mrs. Ann Marie (Orapello) Scofield
Mrs. Maria (Dufresne) Wnek (1)
Class of 1971
Mrs. Nora (Harrington) Bartman (1)
Ms. Kathleen Brown (2)
Mrs. Mary (Crannell) Craven
Mr. Paul Dufresne (4)
Mrs. Mary (Hennessey) Mancini (1)
Class of 1972
Mrs. Janet (Kolbe) Czeski
Mrs. Nancy (Whelly) Temple (1)
Class of 1973
Mr. Kevin Brown (1)
Mr. Kevin Dufresne (1)
Class of 1974
Mrs. Gina (Megna) Johnson
Mrs. Susan Schumann-Keiley
Mrs. Lisa (Vigliotti) Liverio
Mrs. Mary Ellen (Jensen) Rinaldi (4)
Class of 1975
Ms. Margaret G. Greco (2)
Ms. M. Kelly (Murphy) Joyce (4)
Mr. Joseph Tesiero
Class of 1976
Reunion Committee (1)
Mrs. Tina (Ripepi) Emanuel
Mr. Keith Maroney
Mrs. Mary Beth Muscatello (1)
Mrs. Lisa (Rossetti) Russo
Class of 1977
Dr. Ronald Szyjkowski (4)
Ms. Kelly Kelly (4)
Class of 1978
Ms. Barbara Jensen (4)
Class of 1979
Mrs. Raquel Colangelo-Mosso
Ms. Diane Hall
Class of 1982
Mrs. Alicia (Szyjkowski) Montenaro
Class of 1983
Mr. Sean Dufresne (1)
Class of 1985
Mrs. Sandra (Jordan) Blanchard (2)
Mrs. Christine (Davey) Stanavich
Class of 1986
Mrs. Christine (Nowak) Tatko
Class of 1987
John E. Kolodziej, III (1)
Class of 1988
Mr. Daniel Jordan (2)
Class of 1995
Mr. Peter Diamond (1)
Mrs. Anna (Going) Porcello
Class of 1996
Mr. Anthony Constantino
Class of 1997
Mr. Robert Going, Jr.
Class of 1998
Mr. Aaron Kelly
Mr. James Going
Class of 2000
Miss Cherisse Constantine
Class of 2001
Mr. Torrey Duchessi (1)
Class of 2002
Mr. Matthew Constantine, Jr.
Class of 2004
Ms. Louisa Going
Ms. Dominque Pepe
Class of 2006
Ms. Rebekah Califano
Class of 2007
Mr. Connor Diamond
Ms. Megan Walega
Class of 2008
Ms. Caroline Stamile
Class of 2009
Ms. Courtney Guttenberg
Mr. Morgan Mintzer (1)
Parishioners & Friends
Mrs. Geraldine Brindle (1)
Nancy E. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DiCaprio
Elizabeth DiCaprio (1)
Mrs. Dolores Dybas (2)
Mrs. Louise Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Hosner
Rev. Donald Kelly (1)
Marion Mancuse
Sophia Perillo
Mrs. Elizabeth Tesiero
Mrs. Carol K. Wilkinson (1)
All donations received by December 31, 2010 are reflected above.
Thank you for your generous gifts. We regret any error or omission in the 2010 annual report of gifts. Please contact Jeanette
Constantine at the Alumni Office at (518) 842-4100 with any
corrections so that proper acknowledgement can be made.
In Memory of
My Parents & Sister
In Memory of
My Brother
Edward J. Kelly ‘25
Margaret K. Kelly
Karen A. Kelly ‘63
Charles H. Donlon ‘39
10th Anniversary
6 December 2000
Margaret M. Kelly ‘58
John Donlon ‘44
In Memory Of
John Maroney ‘48
20th Anniversary
By his sons:
Tim ‘60
Brian ‘75
Kevin ‘71
Keith ‘76
In Memory
James McCullough ‘60
Beloved Husband
Joyce (Redding) McCullough ‘60
5 in 1
In Memory Of
James H. Kelley
Class President
Classmates & Friends
~ Where Are They Now?~
Sr. Mary Lois Goldner taught Kindergarten at St. Mary’s Institute for two years during 1957 and 1958.
Sr. Mary Lois currently resides at the Provincial House in Latham along with Sr. Anne Catherine Gratton,
Sr. Jeanne Kelly, Sr. Patricia Allen , Sr. Geraldine Marie Kennah and Sr. Monica Murphy (BSHS).
Sister Carol Rohloff, CSJ was principal at SMI from 9/82 through 6/86. Following
that, she was principal at St. Augustine’s, Troy; became a licensed NYS funeral director
receiving her mortuary science degree from HVCC, Troy. Sister Carol ministered in
various funeral homes in Troy and in 1997 she became the Director of Development for her
religious community,
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and still serves in that capacity. She has an office at
the Provincial House in Latham and loves to hear from former students. She can be
contacted by e-mail at [email protected].
Sister has many fond memories of SMI …do you remember building the float and walking in the
Amsterdam parade…??? Sister Gerarda Joseph in habit sat on the float with children dressed in old
fashioned dress sitting at old school house row desks! Do you remember the SMI CIRCUS that we put on at
Bishop Scully? Matt Mikhitarian (the Small Man) and Jon Miskinis (the Big Man) competed in weight
lifting of empty beer balls with Might Matt as winner. Do you remember the walk / bike marathon for
Catholic Schools Week held at Auriesville? Even Father Glavin appeared wearing his SMI T-shirt! Do you
remember the Valentine Party with Mrs. Rose Marie DiBlasi of the Home School Association bringing
winners to Chucky Cheese’s. So many fun things to accompany a well rounded education and spiritual
uplifting with First Friday and Lenten Liturgies at St. Mary’s.
The Cabbage Patch dolls were a big item in those days as well as the Coleco computers. Mr. Daus
introduced the students to the computers and 5 ½ inch floppies disks were used to save material. What a
difference today when you see the internet and iPads. Do check out the Sisters of St. Joseph website at and see the development section and the Newsline section. Sister Carol is the editor
of Newsline . Sister really loves meeting former students and their parents and seeing pictures. Some people
she still hears from are Ms. Cotugno, Kirsten Myhre, Mrs. Clark (Sean and Colin) and the Rowan. Would
you believe Mike is a policeman? It is fun too to see what careers people have chosen…to see Neema Ghazi
on TV etc. brings back many fine memoires of the wonderful SMI connections.
Sr. Anne Traneli, CSJ - I spent five happy years teaching Math (grades 7/8) at the St. Mary's on
Forbes Street. I still remember with graditude all of the students and their parents who made my stay at
SMI an experience I will always cherish. Some names which come to my memory are Mrs. Connoly
(Grade 7), Mrs. Rossman (Grade 5) and some amongst many of the excellent students I had the privilege to
work with some of whom are Rosely Davey (who took a bite out of an apple which was on my desk) ,
Orest Babiak, Peter Smeallie, David Casano, Michael Niemzura , Peter Petruccione, Timothy Horrigan,
etc.. etc.. My ministry after St. Mary's took me to Cardinal McCloskey High School in Albany (where I
taught Spanish and social studies) and subsequently to Bishop Scully High School in Amsterdam for some
nineteen years where I taught, became its Vice-Principal, and subsequently, became its Principal for ten
wonderful years. I will always cherish my twenty-four years of ministry in Amsterdam. At present, I am
"retired", however, doing volunteer ministry at Albany Memorial Hospital as a Chaplain's Assistant. I am
also quite active on the Board at Bishop Maginn High School (formerly Cardinal McCloskey High
—————————LOST ALUMNI——————————
Mrs. Katherine (Morrison) Quinlan
Mrs. Helen(McGrath)Alide
Mrs. Helen Riggi
Mrs. Anna (Lenahan) Baraszewski
Mrs. Genevieve (Healy) DiDonna
Mrs. Margaret (Underwood) Ginevan
Mrs. Edna (Grinces) Garvin
Mr. Edmund Bussell
Miss Evelyn Kinney
Mr. Arthur Palmer
Mrs. Ruth (Phoenix) Collins
Mr. Joseph Dougherty
Mr. John Igoe
Ms. Patricia Merhib
Mrs. Elizabeth (Uhlinger) Richards
Mrs. Irene (Raczynski) Sokowlowski
Mrs. Sophie (Bojanka) Daemon
Mr. Raphael Kerbelis
Mrs. Veronica (Somers) Cole
Mrs. Irene (Patnode) McGinn
Mr. Robert Karker
Mrs. Alice (Greenwalt) Palm
Mrs. Eleanor (Roskiewicz) Rork
Mr. John Whalen
Mrs. Shirley (Stevens) Heggen
Mrs. Genevieve (Ratkevich) Mell
Mrs. Alice (Baron) Szypula
Mrs. Shirley (Falcone) Sorbero
Mr. James Ottati
Mrs. Sarah (Joseph) Shibley
Mrs. Eleanor (Chacks) Barzyk
Mr. Jim Callhan
Mr. John Harvey
Mr. John McGillan
Mrs. Barbara (Dybas) Banovic
Mrs. Ann (Kelly) Cranton
Mr. Andrew Goldy
Mrs. Patricia (House) Lazzari
Mr. John MacDonald
Mrs. Ann (Maroney) Kaiser
Ms. Faith Palmer
Mrs. Geraldine (Myers) Rimkus
Mrs. Gladys(Brooks)Totzeck
Mr. Bernard Andrzejewski
Mrs. Marilyn (Jakubec) Cooper
Mr. Patrick Sheridan
Mrs. Joan (Bradley) Carlton
Mr. Angelo DiThomas
Dr. Richard Glenn
Mrs. Julianne (Dufresne) Gumuka
Mr. John D. Kelley
Mr. James Kilcoyne
Mr. Richard Lamendola
Mr. Peter Cisek
Mrs. Carol (Trivett) Hoefs
Ms. Theresa Kelly
Mr. Thomas Bagdon
Mrs. Linda (Miran) DeRosa
Mr. John E. Mahoney
Dr. James Conover
Mr. Dennis Dubicke
Mr. William Maroney
Mr. Michael Sheridan
Mrs. Helen (Marnes) Studt
Mr. Patrick Collins
Mr. Philip Makarowsky
Dr. Mary Carol (Blain) Newmann
Mrs. Marianne (Murdico) Thorn
Mrs. Susan (Duffy) Anderson
Mr. Thomas Bojarski
Ms. Mary Fay Brindle
Mrs. Lidia (Rymer) Dill
Mrs. Marcy (Merchant) Fischer
Mrs. Michele (Jordan) Forbes
Ms. Kaaren Habla
Mr. Roman Laba
Mrs. Kathleen(Lawrence)Skinner
Mr. Frank Slaveikis
Mrs. Sandra (Opalka) Starek
Ms. Mary Ann Szurek
Mr. William Taylor
Mr. William White
Mr. John Armstrong
Mrs. Christine (Antos) Cohen
Mr. Daniel Greco
Mrs. Constance (Yunker)Haver
Mr. Konstantin Karaban
Mr. John Peresta
Mrs. Mary K.(Reichel)Adams
Ms Jaroslawa Kohut
Mrs. Judith (Hamer) Penny
Ms. Margaret Avery
Mr. Timothy Clay
Mrs. Daryl (Defina) Ferguson
Mrs. Sylvia (Petrus) Frieman
Mrs. Florence (Garrett) Hanover
Mr. Fred Holton
Mr. Walter Karp
Mr. Raymond Kosinski
Mr. Thomas J. Ryan
Mrs. Cathryn (Dilello) Seltzer
Mrs. Linda (Acela) Shaffer
Mrs. Carol (Swider) Thompson
Mr. John Tucci
Mrs Carole (Pawlik) Wright
Ms. Cheryl Wroblewski
Mrs. Ann Marie (Serge) Anderson
Mrs. Mary E. Gilston-Tart
Ms. Paula Hulser
Ms. Shirley LaPorte
Mr. Joseph J. Venezia
Mr. George Visconti
Mrs. Brianne (Sweeney) Wolfe
Mr. Robert Wroblewski
Ms. Barbara Blakely
Ms. Donna Giamo
Mr. Gerald Gustas
Ms. Margaret Gutowski
Mr. Gary Jasper
Mrs. Gayle (Niezgoda) Kelly
Mrs. Estelle (Kosiba) Cruz
Mr. Philip Milano
Mr. Michael Newell
Mrs. Deborah (Dezolt) Saltsman
Ms. Deborah Scott
Mrs. Barbara (Kaszuba) Terpening
Mr. Gary Thomas
Mr. Robert Wyzykowski
Mrs. Marlena (Sapia) Cook
Mr. David Hamer
Mrs. Kathleen (Izzo) Lysogorski
Mrs. Diane (Augun) McGrath
Ms. Rose Miller
Mrs. Roberta (Romano) Peters
Mr. Robert Kozlowski
Mrs. Roberta (Scheckton) Morreale
Ms. Irene Nichols
Mr. Richard Villa
Mrs. Frances (Rogers) Crabtree
Mr. Donald Gawlak
Mr. R. Eric Gilston
Mr. Joseph Greco
Mrs. Kathleen (Murphy) Malloy
Mr. David Martuscello
Mrs. Adele (Hage) McDermott
Mr. John Mikolaitis
Mr. Ronald Simeone
Miss Christine Windbiel
Mr. John Bazaar
Mr. Walter Bazar
—————————LOST ALUMNI—————————
Mr. Ronald Fiacco
Ms. Margaret Mahoney
Mr. Alvin Proctor
Miss Mary Kelly
Ms. Pamiela Shibley
Mr. Dennis M. Stebbins
Mr. Joseph Anelli
Ms. Jo Ann (Pacifico) Bertrand
Mrs. Laurie (Lipkin) Cappuccio
Mr. John Cebula
Mr. Thomas Davey
Mr. Robert Gilston
Mr. R. Scott Grab
Mr. Roger Jarosz
Mrs. Donna (Acela) Kopec
Mrs. Maryann (Radke) Marshall
Mr. Albert Mota
Mr. John Nelson
Mr. Salvatore Pappalardo
Mr. Daniel Pemrick
Mr. Michael Tucci
Mr. David Tucker
Mr. William Weeper
Ms. Jeanne K. Windbiel
Mr. William Fiacco
Mr. John Gilston
Ms. Paula (Sykes) Leks
Mr. John Lewis
Mrs. Michele (Busseno) Person
Mr. John Politi
Mrs. Mary (Vilar) Vanarsdal
Mr. Michael R. Agard
Mrs. Elizabeth (Windbiel) Bates
Mr. Gary Chatnik
Mrs. Margaret (Connolly) Schuler
Ms. Sandra Conti
Ms. Theresa Delli Veneri
Mr. George Falcone
Mrs. Marie (Sweeney) Merritt
Mr. James Sparks
Mrs. Kathleen (Redznak) Dresner
Mr. Raymond Falcone
Mrs. Linda (Pine) Gugins
Mrs. Patricia (Guagliardo) Hans
Mr. Herbert Hulser
Mr. David Jarosz
Mr. Robert Johnson
Mr. Patrick Lewis
Mrs. Nancy (Bornt) Luciano
Ms. Laurie Morin
Mr. Michael Olbrych
Mrs. Julie (Greco) Sgroi
Mr. David Warner
Mr. Patrick Agard
Mrs. Mary Ellen (Persons) Briggs
Mrs. Silvana (Stanganelli) Ciliento
Ms. Kathleen Dufresne
Mr. Thomas Hennessey, Jr.
Mrs. Melissa (Visconti) Mencio
Mrs. Kay (Gorman) Miller
Miss Annette Pagan
Mr. James Pupa
Mr. William Sise
Mr. Jeffrey Sykes
Miss Theresa Troina
Mr. David Vicinanzo
Mr. Jeffrey Adams
Miss Denise Badalucco
Mr. William Devine
Ms. Kathleen Felker
Ms. Elizabeth (Graziane) Cone
Mrs. Michele (DiCaprio) Hansen
Mr. Richard Hulser
Ms. Catherine Johnson
Mr. John Knapik
Ms. Tammy Kozlowski
Mrs. Jeannine (Nelli) Levandoski
Mrs. Anne (Bazaar) Lowrie
Mrs. Ann (Bianchi) Malkowicz
Mrs. Darlene (Farina) Melkonian
Ms. Kathleen Parisi
Ms. Rene Pittaro
Mr. Edward Proctor
Mr. Michael Quigley
Ms. Christine Syzdek
Ssgt. Jeffrey H.Tiemann
Mr. Robert Abeel
Ms. Nancy Carabello
Mrs. Helen (Pooler) Clute
Ms. Nancy Costello
Mr. Anthony Cruz
Mr. Mark Derose
Mr. David Falcone
Mrs. Lisa (Hall) Hage
Mr. Joseph Houlihan
Mr. Joseph Liccardi
Mr. John List
Ms. Lynne Nowak
Mr. John Quandt
Ms. Rosa Ramires
Mrs. Tina (Sinicropi) Redmond
Mr. Thomas Reynolds
Mrs. Mary (Marshall) Robertshaw
Ms. Deborah Slosek
Mrs. Cherise (Majewski) Vitillo
Mr. John Wells
Miss Jacqueline Jarosz
Mrs. Tammy (Moskal) Pieri
Ms. Luciana Marsicano
Mrs. Susan (Halvey) Orengo
Mrs. Darlene (Kilinski) Podolec
Mrs. Kathy (Furman) Snekvik
Mrs. Carol (Persons) Weyl
Mr. Anthony Zabawa
Mr. John Bianchi
Ms. Renee Derose
Mr. Paul Furman
Mrs. Deborah (Riccio) Meyers
Mrs. Maureen (McCune) Mickel
Mrs. Nancy (Donohue) Morgan
Ms. Teresa Persons
Mrs. Laurie (Clifford) Croteau
Mrs. Gina (Foggia) Robilotto
Mr. Edward Zabielski
Ms. Maria Aiken
Mr. John Bornt
Mr. James Campione
Mrs. Carolyn (Furman) Carter
Mr. William Davey
Mr. Richard Farrell
Mr. Anthony R. Foggia
Ms. Alicia Gargiulo
Ms. Catherine McCrea
Dr. Usha (Rao) Reddy
Mr. Jeffrey Sanford
Mr. Brian Stangle
Ms. Sharon Zabielski
Mr. Matthew Aiken
Mr. Eric Barnoski
Mrs. Sharon (Cherico) Cornwell
Ms. Lori Griffin
Mr. Monte Griffiths
Mrs. Catherine (Laurilla) Hard
Mr. Roger Hildreth
Ms. Tracy A. (Murphy) Jameson
Mr. Thomas P. Lewis
Mr. Mario Marsicano
Mr. Thos. (Packy) Murphy
Mr. Scott Pankonin
Mrs. Mary Ann (Dahlem) Parenti
Ms. Cynthia Quist
Mr. Antone Romano
Ms. Sheila Zabawa Marshall
Ms. Carrie Zabielski
Mr. Kenneth Adamowski
Mrs. Jacqueline (Bonilla) Barr
Mrs. Tammy (Morreale) Beman
Mr. David Bush
Mr. James Dahlem
Mr. Louis Greco
Mr. George Regan, Jr.
Miss Christine Scheckton
Miss Charlene Smith
Ms. Janet Alexander
Ms. Patricia Brown
Mr. Robert Cosmer
Mr. William Gizara
Mrs. Andrea (Rowe) Goldy
Mr. Theodore Older
Mrs. Lisa (Penge) Nolte
Ms. Laura Redmond
Miss Karen Ann Norton
Mr. Paul St. Louis
Mrs. Rosemary (White) Brewer
Mrs. Debbie (Baird) Ellithorpe
Ms. Jennifer Gage
Mrs. Allyson (Cornelius) Makarowsky
Mr. Christopher Mancini
Mr. Kevin Martuscello
Mr. Steve Richardson
Ms. Patricia Rowan
Mr. James Alexander
Mr. George Aragona
Ms. Sandra Arndt
Ms. Pamela Churchill
Mr. Paul Czelusniak
Mr. Michael Dowling
Ms. Patricia Gizara
Ms. Roberta Harrell
Mrs. Kim (Martuscello) Salisbury
Miss Geraldine Quist
Mrs. Kimberly (Schultz) Sumner
Mrs. Karen (Mickus) Vennett
Mr. Matthew Brooks
Mr. Derek Covey
Mrs. Michelle (Ebels) Daviero
Mr. John Foti
Mr. Ben Hennelly
Mr. Frank Maphia
Mrs. Mary Beth (O’Shea) Tedisco
Mrs. Patty (Covey) Etherton
Mr. Peter DiCaprio
Mr. Thomas Dowling
Miss Laura Flanagan
Mr. Shawn Guarino
Mrs. Rebecca (Reichel) Havens
Miss Kathy Herba
Mrs. Kayre (Aragona) Jackson
Mr. Kevin Laurilla
Mr. Paul Mancini
Mrs. Janice (Fabozzi) Morreale
Miss Miriam Seddiq
Mr. John Stellato, Jr.
Mrs. Holly (Hampson) Thomas
Mr. Todd Wenskoski
Mr. Eric Wilczak
Miss Jody Zabawczuk
Mr. Frederick Austin
Miss Heather Bryant
Mr. Kenneth Bush
Mr. Sean Clark
Miss Heather Coluni
Miss Marcie Covey
Miss Delana Covey
Mr. Garrett Cowsert
Mrs. Lisa (Gizara) Becker
Miss Kelly Hoyt
Miss Jennifer J. Kelly
Mrs. Michelle (Papa) Pietrowski
Miss Courtney Ramirez
Mrs. Lynn (Sweet) Vince
Mr. David Zoll
Mrs. Michaela (Brooks) Whitman
Miss Julie Czelusniak
Mrs. Kimberly (Gomula) Markert
Mr. Peter Suttle
Mr. Jason Wenskoski
Mr. Thomas Cocker
Mr. Michael Ebels
Mr. Daniel Fabozzi
Mr. Mark Kolbe
Mrs. Kimberly (McAuliff) Polenski
Mrs. Theresa (Rowan) Villano
Mr. Scott Sutton
Mr. Devon Anderson
Mr. Ryan Kindar
Mr. Thomas Labate
Miss Alison Maynard
Miss Thora Gray
Mr. Paul Wojciechowsky
Miss Melissa Dingman
Miss Jeannine Purtell
Miss Rebecca Grant
Miss Ashley Kindar
Miss Kristina Durose
Mr. Sean Knowles
Ms. Tiffany Danaher
Ms. Katrina Reid
Mr. Christopher Morreale
Ms. Penny Schmidtmann
Mr. David Weaver
Mr. Gregory Yachowetsky
Miss Nicole Bottisti
Mr. Luis Mariscal De Alba
Miss Nicole Gentile
Miss Natalee Monge
Miss Jessica Murphy
Mr. Leroy White
Miss Catherine Calamari
Miss Brandy Morreale
Mr. Christopher Nelson
Ms. Michele Bottisti
Mr. Patrick Farrell
Ms. Jahira Guadalupe
Mr. Richard So
Ms. Joeseline Turell
Mr. Edward Young
Miss Genevieve Gobis
Ms. Jessica Deay
Mr. Bradley Hage
Ms. Allison Pepe
Ms. Tessa White
Mr. John Weisser
SMI Alumni are considered “Lost” if we do not
have a complete address for them in our
database. Please help us shorten this list
and let us know your classmates or friends
whereabouts so they can receive the annual
Did You Know That?
SMI Recycles:
Newspapers & Cardboard
Empty Juice Boxes/Pouches
Potato Chip Bags
Elmer Glue Sticks
Empty Ink Jet Cartridges
Coca Cola Bottle Tops
(Coke Reward Points)
General Mills Box Tops
Campbell’s Soup UPC’s
Participates In:
Food Drive Collections
Toys For Tots
Community Service Projects
You Can Purchase:
SMI Fleece Jackets & Vests
SMI Car Magnets
Visit SMI’s Website
For More Information
In Memory Of
Dr. Thomas S. Velz
Loving husband and father of:
Elizabeth (Francke) Velz
Elizabeth Anne (Velz) Simmons ‘71
Catherine (Velz) Cope ‘73
Thomas R. Velz ‘76
Barbara (Velz) Erkan ‘78
Mary Elizabeth (Velz) Bardo ‘81
In Memory Of
Margaret (Clary) Bielawa
June (Corrigan) Czelusniak
Thomas Hennessey
Therese (Perron) Russo ‘48
M. Eileen (McKearn) Billings
February 15, 2010
Joseph E. Lennon
December 4, 2010
Jane (Mycek) Garratt
Mary (Sullivan) Devine
January 12, 2010
Virginia (Vidulich) O’Brien
August 1, 2010
Veronica (Keiley) Armstrong
November 28, 2010
Wilson J. Stanley
November 3, 2010
William S. Pilchen
April 11, 2010
Thomas J. Hennessey
June 28, 2010
Genevieve “Jean” (Dybas) Dado
April 4, 2010
Skip (Rita Rothmund) Fabozzi
October 21, 2010
June (Corrigan) Czelusniak
May 1, 2010
William J. Kowalski
October 29, 2010
Charles Mancuse
April 11, 2010
James H. Kelley
December 21, 2010
John R. Szkaradek
April 30, 2010
Barbara Ann (Wolosz) Whitney
February 24, 2010
Mary (Spencer) Sandy
Arpil 26, 2010
MaryLou (Calleo) Neill
John J. Conrad
June 11, 2010
Marcia (Allen) Spicci
July 9, 2010
John “Jack” Keating
July 23, 2010
Arthur R. Foggia
June 26, 2010
Ann (Wassel) Rogers
Robert M. Furman, Jr.
June 3, 2010
James J. Petrillo
November 20, 2010
Walter J. “Buddy” Scott
January 29, 2010
Joan (Gorman) Pollak
February 25, 2010
Scott W. Chambers
December 17, 2010
Helen Jensen
January 3, 2010
William J. Kanard Jr.
January 9, 2010
Mary (Greene) Fraenckel
January 10, 2010
Frank P. Tessitore
January 11, 2010
Ann (Kiaunis) Czelusniak
January 18, 2010
Frederick Bianchi
January 12, 2010
Angeline (DePalma) Hall
February 10, 2010
Benjamin G. Santos
February 25, 2010
Joseph R. Prill
March 20, 2010
Eleanor (Medlar) Hesslink
April 12, 2010
Giulio Rossetti
April 19, 2010
Thomas S. Velz
June 12, 2010
Robert C. Kaiser
June 14, 2010
Josephine (Ripepi) Megna
July 9, 2010
Beatrice (Beyer) Persons
July 12, 2010
Charles LoBalbo
July 18, 2010
Stephanie Rose (Planch) Kroup
July 18, 2010
Benedict F. Capel
July 18, 2010
Rita (Cardarella) LaBate
July 20, 2010
Sadie I.(Samolis) Kenna
August 12, 2010
Mary Beth Musto
August 20, 2010
Paul C. Lue, Sr.
September 9, 2010
Rose M. Botch
September 26, 2010
Alfred Drygula
October 2, 2010
Benjamin A. Johnson
November 1, 2010
Newly Noted Obituaries
Thomas Smith
Sarah Jane Reddick
November 4, 2005
Margaret (Vidulich) Ryan
November 3, 2006
Robert N. Natola
August 1982
Nave D. Hage
September 13, 2009
Catherine (Shields) Kralovic
November 14, 2008
Joseph Albrecht
November 15, 2007
Robert Yourkon
Paul Whitney
Alumni Association
10 Kopernik Blvd
Amsterdam, New York 12010
Address Service Requested
Saint Mary’s Institute
130 Years and Still Growing