School Captains - Blackburn High School
School Captains - Blackburn High School
School Captains Warren Dawson Acting Principal Tristan Webb & Bonnie Hodge Inside this issue Page From the Principal Dunlop House Freeman House Hollows House Sport News Teaching & Learning School News Pathways English News Maths News Cultural Tour School Council News Chaplaincy News School Calendar 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8 9 9 10-11 12 13 14 15 15 16 Please remember to advise the relevant House Assistant by 9:30am if your child will be absent from school Melba—8804 6407 Freeman—8804 6408 Hollows—8804 6409 Dunlop—8804 6410 Music Dept: 8804 6411 Term 1. 2. 3. 4. Dates in 2015: 30/01—27/03 13/04—26/06 13/07—18/09 05/10 –18/12 Next School Council Meeting Wed. 17th June 2015 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 Moving towards the end of Semester One there have been a large number of events and opportunities for staff and students to be involved in. I’d personally like to acknowledge and thank our music students and staff for their Autumn Concert which was another terrific example of showcasing the skills and dedication that are hallmarks of our Music Program. In support of our program the Friends of Music will be holding a Trivia Night on Friday 19th June to support the Music Program. Any enquiries can be made through the school. Recently Ms Richards and Ms Zhou, spent approximately two weeks visiting parents of our international students to deliver progress reports, as well as highlighting what is happening in the school. Despite a very hectic flight and travel schedule the trip was a wonderful affirmation of the school’s programs and was a real highlight for both staff. In their travels, parents were genuinely excited about what their children were doing here at Blackburn and many officials and agents indicated the high status that Blackburn is gaining throughout China. This is a wonderful achievement for all of the staff, students and teachers who are part of our International Program. Currently, Year 10 and 11 students are completing Semester based exams which are always an important aspect of their educational journey. The exam period is a valuable opportunity to demonstrate knowledge but also gain further experience in successfully completing this important form of assessment. Following the exams, Year 10s will then be involved in their Work Experience placements over the following week (8-12th June). Again this is a valuable opportunity for all students to gain first hand experience and understanding of work environments and the potential career pathways that may lie ahead. The Year 8 “Night Of The Notables” is also another upcoming event that will provide students with a wonderful chance to demonstrate their learning and as a newcomer to Blackburn I am looking forward to seeing what the students have done. This follows on from the Year 7 Rich Task Presentations, which were a fantastic example of the work done by students and staff to deliver some wonderful presentations that students were extremely proud of. The creative energy, enthusiasm and detail on display, highlights some of the deep learning that students have received as part of this Year 7 program. I am certainly looking forward to seeing firsthand what students are producing as part of their studies here at Blackburn. I am continuously impressed with the standard of work, the engagement of students and the professionalism demonstrated by staff to assist students in their learning endeavours. Finally, all students and parents should be aware that the current Cycle reports will be available on the 9th June and Semester reports will be available on the 16th June. This is a terrific opportunity to highlight the progress made throughout this semester and the areas of improvement needed for the future. If you have any concerns regarding reports please feel free to communicate with the school ands relevant staff. Blackburn High School Telephone: +613 8804 6464 60 Springfield Road, Blackburn Vic 3130 Facsimile: +613 8804 6499 Website: Email: [email protected] DUNLOP HOUSE NEWS Claire Greve Dunlop House Leader “I have a conviction that it is only when we are put at full stretch that we can realise our full potential’ Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop. From the House Leader—Thank you for helping I would like to take the opportunity to thank our parent community for their ongoing support in ensuring their child attends school in the correct full school uniform. We do appreciate the regular contact that we receive for our parents and the timely communication that occurs, when there is a uniform issue that we need to be aware of. It is the teaching staff, students and parents working together in partnership that makes Blackburn High School a terrific community. House Keeping House Assistant: Liga Darzins 8804 6410 Parent Pick-Up and Drop Off Zone Please be aware that the rear entrance/driveway to the back of the Dunlop Building is not a pick up/drop–off zone for parent use. It is a service entrance for deliveries and access for maintenance services. Please use the designated parent drop off/pick up zone at the front of the school. Please also be aware that ANYONE visiting the school MUST sign in at the Front Office. Front Office staff will then alert the House Office of your requirements. Student Signing In/Out Students are reminded that if arriving to school after 8.40am or leaving before 3.15am, MUST sign in/out at the House Office. It is important that we know who is and is not on campus at all times. Upcoming Dates for your Diary Correction Day—Friday 5th June Public Holiday (Queens Birthday) —Monday 8th June Year 7 Rich Task Congratulations to all of the Year 7 Dunlop students for their effort and achievements during last week’s Rich Task. The end results were fantastic and it was wonderful to see and to speak to the Year 7s about their work. It was very evident that students were very proud of what they achieved and all should be highly commended. During last week’s House Assembly we highlighted Kaja Jeffrey’s outstanding digital Lego presentation. Kaja spent several hours creating a terrific video of a Lego man building. It was wonderful to share the work that students do with the House and I encourage other Year 7 students to share their work at assemblies over the coming weeks. D11 Mentor Group Presentation Page 2 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 DUNLOP HOUSE NEWS Claire Greve Dunlop House Leader “I have a conviction that it is only when we are put at full stretch that we can realise our full potential’ Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop. Humans of Dunlop! For this week’s Vox Pop we ask D6 the following question; House Captain: James Zukiewicz What mantra, saying or quote inspires you the most? ‘I tried to be normal once, worst 5 minutes of my life’. This quote inspires me because to me it is saying be you, don’t change who you are because you feel you don’t you fit in. ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain’ This inspires me because it teaches you to put yourself out there and to have fun . House Captain Sarah Turner ‘Life is a sport, make it count’ ‘Other people can encourage you, tell you what to do and how to do it, but if you really want to achieve, it must come from yourself’ I like it because I learnt it by myself. It gets me motivated to do the stuff I want to do. ‘If you can’t fly then run. If you can’t run then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward’ I like this Martin Luther King quote because it’s aim is to say never give up. ‘Follow not where the path may lead, but instead forge your own and leave a trail’ I like it because to me it’s not to simply conform to what others want, but instead to do something that noone else has done. Page 3 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 ‘The more you give the happier you become’ This is about giving and happiness and I like it because it says you feel better if you make your friends happy. ‘It’s not over until the fat lady sings’ Whenever I play sports I know to give 100% for the whole of the game. Freeman House News Geoff Vezey House Leader During Mentor Groups last week we had a focus on Art. Please see below some wonderful paintings by 7FB. We studied Henri Matisse in Art Class and the students drew a still life that I had set up in class and then they applied brightly coloured paint as this was what Matisse did in his paintings. Ms Roach House Assistant Denise Strahan 8804 6408 Matisse used pure colours and the white of exposed canvas to create a light-filled atmosphere in his Fauve paintings. Rather than using modelling or shading to lend volume and structure to his pictures, Matisse used contrasting areas of pure, unmodulated colour. These ideas continued to be important to him throughout his career. “To find joy in the sky, the trees, the flowers… There are always flowers for those who want to see them." (quote from Matisse 1926) Page 4 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 Freeman House News Geoff Vezey House Leader The Long Walk Last Saturday 30th May Ms Roach, Mr Ayre, Andre and Marjorie attended ’The Long Walk’ to the MCG. to support the Freeman Foundation House Captain Andre Burborough Keeping a balance. In my previous newsletter article I wrote about strategies to reduce stress. In a follow up to that article I am referring to an article by Katherine Smith from the University of Melbourne about “a parent’s guide to managing VCE stress”. This time of year becomes difficult for families who have a son and/or daughter completing their VCE. Recently at Blackburn some students have been sick and have had to take time off school. Unfortunately this causes more stress for students because they fall behind and this worries them. Parents can help. Key points from Katherine’s article are: 1. Assist your son and/or daughter to maintain a healthy balance between studies, regular exercise and leisure time. 2. Ensure they are eating healthy foods and getting 8-9 hours sleep a night. 3. Assist them to plan the way they use their time. 4. Keep the VCE in perspective—it is only one stage of life. 5. For parents not to display (or try not to) their stress about VCE and future pathways to their children. I would encourage you to read the article. It provides reference to research that has been conducted and strategies to assist parents. Mentor Program The previous fortnight has seen Mentor Groups present to the House. Presentations have included topics such as racism, how we learn, jobs of the future and respecting our environment. Students and teachers analysing reports and SMART goals, preparing for House presentations and attending an Anzac Day service. This is in addition to participating in a School Attitudes to school Survey and assisting the Student Representative Council with their ongoing work. Reports Previously, students have analysed their Cycle 1 reports and reflected on their goal progress in the Mentor Program. The second reporting date is June 9 which is approaching. Freeman students have made a commitment to view their next report before participating in a report/goal analysis session in the Mentor Program. I am asking all parents to support their child’s learning by discussing the next report with their son and/or daughter. This demonstrates the value of education to them and involves you in their learning. Mr Vezey Freeman House Leader Page 5 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 HOLLOWS HOUSE NEWS Mark Pasquali Hollows House Leader GREAT WORK BY YEAR 7s Our Year 7 students did a great job in their ‘Rich Tasks’ extended assignment. It was great to see the students present their ‘invention’ in a massive display in the school gym. There was a great array of inventions studied and here are some photos and thoughts from our Year 7s. House Assistant Kaye Sampson 8804 6409 SOME YEAR 7 HA THOUGHTS ON RICH TASKS “It was a great experience” Luke “I really enjoyed talking to all of the visitors” Amy “It was a fun way to learn new things” Phoebe “It was a good way to express creativity” Grace “It was fun to use our creativity” Jesse Page 6 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 HOLLOWS HOUSE NEWS Mark Pasquali Hollows House Leader GOOD LUCK TO YEAR 10s AT WORK EXPERIENCE Good luck to our Year 10s who will be undertaking their work experience from today (June 5) until next Wednesday (June 12. We look forward to hearing how you went in the array of jobs that you are going to. Enjoy the experience. SEMESTER TWO BEGINS A reminder to students and parents that Semester 2 begins on Monday June 15. This means that students will change over elective classes to Semester 2. A new timetable will be issued on this day. House Captain Lucy Fist HOLLOWS FUND RAISER AND CAKE SALE Just an early reminder to everyone that our major fundraiser for the year will take place on Friday June 19th. As in the past, we ask that all Hollows students bring baked goods (cakes, cookies etc) to sell. We will also be holding a free dress day and bbq. All the money raised this year will go to the Fred Hollows special appeal to help victims of the Nepal earthquake. Last year we raised more than $2000 thanks to the generosity of the students. Last year’s bake sale. Page 7 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 Nadine Roche Sport Coordinator Sports News SPORTS DATES TERM 2 Term 2 has been a successful term for sport. We have had a great number of students participate in soccer, table tennis, badminton, netball and AFL. We also had a few successful teams go through to the Eastern Zone competitions, including the Junior Girls AFL and the Intermediate Girls’ Netball teams. We wish the students going to the EMR Cross Country meet best of luck for the day. Please remember to bring some warm clothes and a change of shoes and socks, as it is bound to be a cold/wet day! Please remember to complete your permission and payment request through the Compass portal. Tuesday 16th June Eastern Metropolitan Region—Cross Country Monday 22nd June Eastern Metropolitan Region—Junior Girls’ AFL Tuesday 28th July Eastern Metropolitan Region—Senior Boys’ Hockey Friday 7th August Eastern Metropolitan Region—Intermediate Girls’ Netball Tuesday 25th August Intermediate Basketball, Hockey and Tennis Friday 4th September Year 7 Basketball, Hockey, Table Tennis Monday 14th September Year 8 Basketball, Hockey, Table Tennis Nadine Roche & Karen MacLean Sport Coordinators [email protected] Page 8 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 Teaching & Learning News Arlene Roberts T & L Coordinator PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AT BHS We are continuing to develop our 21stC pedagogies and programs by supporting and developing professional learning opportunities for our teachers. Leading educator Heidi Hayes Jacobs, argues in her book “Curriculum 21 Essential Education for a Changing World” that the need to overhaul, update and inject life into our curriculum and to dramatically alter the format of what schools look like” is the challenge for 21stc educators. In order to continue to develop our 21stC Teaching and Learning Platform at our school, Warren Dawson, our Acting Principal has identified Professional Development for our teachers as a key priority area. A focus of our PD program is to develop 21stC pedagogical skills in our teachers so that we can produce programs for our 21stC learners. Apart from our 21stC High Achievers Program and our Global Learning Program which are 21stc programs, we are developing strategies to embed 21stC Skills throughout our curriculum. We have, for example, programs such as Edrolo for our Year 12 students to access VCE learnings digitally and, so far, 32,500 videos have been watched by our Year 12 students. As a part of the innovations platform, our Maths/Science teachers Phillip Daborn, Kazi Mapuranga and Shona McEnaney, our new Teaching and Learning Coach, are investigating and developing flipped learning at both a theoretical and practical level. Our English Coordinator, Youla Pantazopoulos has been attending PD on project based learning and she is now working with Chris McDuff and Year 9 English teachers to develop a project based learning program for our Year 9 students. Many of our Year 12 teachers have been attending VCAA briefings on the new Study Designs that will be implemented from 2016 and this will be important PD in Terms 3 and 4. Language learning will be an important element of our 21stC Teaching and Learning platform. Alan Keeble, our LOTE Coordinator has been working, with LOTE teachers, to develop a LOTE curriculum pathway that has more rigour in it from Years 10-12 so that our students are more prepared for the challenges of learning a language at VCE level. These changes will be reflected in the 2016 Handbooks. HANDBOOKS Years 9-12 Handbooks will be available to our students from the 6th July 2015. It is important that students and parents read the handbooks and select subjects based on a student’s passion and interest as well as take into consideration VCE and career pathways. We will be offering Year 10 Drama as an elective next year. YEAR 12 PRACTICE EXAMS Year 12 practice exams are scheduled for Oct 5th—Oct 9th. During this period the normal Year 12 program will be suspended. School News HOMESTAY NEEDED Blackburn High has become the proud ‘alma mater’ here for a German exchange student who has been at our school since February. She has settled in happily and is a valuable member of our musical ensembles. Her current host family describes her as “a lovely girl who is very happy at Blackburn High and is taking part in everything.” This exchange student is very well regarded by our school and looks forward to being able to complete her exchange year through the further support of BHS families. Midway through her exchange, this student’s stay with her current host family is nearing completion and if you would like to extend your support by voluntarily hosting her for the remainder of her exchange, please get in touch with Southern Cross Cultural Exchange’s: Genevieve at 1800 500 501 or email Genevieve at [email protected] Page 9 Issue 01—6 February 2015 Careers Corner Terry McGann Pathways Coordinator BUSY WEEKS AHEAD!!! Reminders….. ………..YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE (starts June 5th) AND FOR YEAR 12s …. UMAT Registrations by 5 June; Test Date: 29 July, 2015 Focus on University of Melbourne - Law 4 June, Engineering 11 June, IT 11 June, Music 24 June, and VCA 25 June (most 6.30-8.30pm). Register attendance (essential) at: OTHER EVENTS KEEPER/VET FOR A DAY – This program is running again in the June/July holiday break. Are you an aspiring zookeeper? Find out w hat it takes to care for an array of animals at Healesville Sanctuary and Werribee Open Range Zoo. Who: Years 7-12; When: Healesville – 30 June, 1, 7 and 8 July; Werribee – 30 June, 2, 6 and 8 July. Do you want to be a vet? Meet veterinary staff at Healesville – 1, 2, 8 & 9 July; Info:; Bookings: 1300 966 784. SOME OTHER EVENTS COMING UP AND CAREERS TO CHECK OUT………. FOLIO PREPARATION COURSES – RMIT’s portfolio preparation courses are intensive practical courses held in the school holidays. They are designed to help students seeking entry to art, design and architecture courses to produce their best portfolio of w ork, as w ell as an overview of the industry and selection procedures. Up-coming courses: adobe illustrator and photoshop for fashion, Adobe InDesign for fashion, design jobs, portfolio preparation in 3D product design, graphic design, interior decoration, photography and in visual merchandising. Information: 9925 8111 or VICTORIA UNIVERSITY (VU) – BE YOU AT VU – VU offers certificates, diplomas and degrees. Year 10 and 11 students can find out about VU by attending Be You at VU. Take part in course and career specific workshops with current students and staff, and explore your passions, interests and career options. Meet representatives from each discipline area. When: 10am – 3pm, 8 July; Register and obtain more information: ENVIRONMENTAL AND MARINE CAREERS EXPO – Find out about career opportunities in fields like conservation and research and education, consider what school subjects could be helpful, and examine tertiary options. Also find out the latest information about career diversity, training and volunteer opportunities in the environmental and marine industry. When: Exhibitor times - 9.30am-5pm, Wed 24 June; Presentation times: 11am – 7pm (every 20 minutes); Where: Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, Cnr King and Flinders St; Cost: $20 before 4pm on 15 May, $25 after that; Bookings: 9923 5911, [email protected]; Info: DEFENCE FORCE RECRUITING – If you are interested in a career in the Australian Defence Force and not sure where to start, Defence Force Recruiting has a new Job Finder Tool on the website – This is a fully responsive and interactive tool that will suggest roles to you based on your personality. Check it out. Page 10 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 Careers Corner Terry McGann Pathways Coordinator AROUND THE UNIs……… DISCOVER DEAKIN – Deakin University welcomes Year 10 -12 students and their parents to get a taste of university life. Attend study area workshops, explore the campus, find out information about fees and services, and hear from Australia’s leading innovation consultancy firm, Inventium on the latest scientific findings in relation to what drives highly inventive and intellectual thinking. When/ W here: Tues 30 June at Burw ood campus & W ed 1 July at Geelong W aterfront campus; Register: EXPERIENCE ACU – This program at Australian Catholic University gives you the opportunity to sample the degree of your choice. Get a taste of life at ACU by meeting staff and current students, and trying out the course in which you are interested. This is for Year 10-12 students to learn about industries and careers, hear helpful tips in preparing for university, and enjoy the entertainment and fun campus atmosphere. When/Where: Mon 29 June (Melbourne campus, Fitzroy) & Tues 30 June (Ballarat campus); Register:; Info: 1300 275 228. EXPERIENCE LA TROBE UNIVERSITY – This is your chance to get to know the La Trobe community and be a uni student for a day. Find out what really happens after secondary school and attend workshops, seminars and lectures of your choice. This is a free event with lunch and entertainment provided. When: 9 July (Bundoora); Register: UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE NEWS – GET A UniExperience AT MELBOURNE – Year 11 students from a rural and border regions, those who are first in their family to consider tertiary study, and Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander students are invited to the P arkville campus on 9 -10 July. UniExperience gives students the opportunity to experience university life first-hand. The two-day program offers a range of sessions covering all aspects of tertiary study including on-site accommodation in a residential college, campus tours, information about courses, workshops covering transition to university, scholarships and study skills, and social activities and the chance to meet current students. Cost: $100 covers accommodation and meals; Applications:; places are limited – selection will be based on your reasons for wanting to participate as outlined in your application. Info: Leah McGregor, ph 8344 7508, [email protected]. HANDS ON ENGINEERING – Get hands on experience in activities and workshops to learn about different fields of engineering. When: Thurs 2 July; Who: Year 10 students; Register: HANDS ON COMPUTING – Find out what computing and information systems study involves,a nd pathways to careers. When: Tues 7 July; Register: MELBOURNE RISES IN WORLD RANKINGS - The University of Melbourne remains the number one university in Australia according to the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings for 2015. The University has moved up two spots since 2014, and is now placed at 41 in the world. The reputation rankings are based on the world’s largest invitation-only survey of academic opinion, featuring more than 10,000 respondents from nearly 150 countries. See: HAVE YOU SUBCRIBED TO ‘MY MELBOURNE’? ‘M y M elbourne’ is a monthly new sletter for future students. It’s a great way to keep up-to-date with what’s happening at the University of Melbourne and find out all about the opportunities available. Subscribe: https:// VCE LECTURES – The Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne is offering a series of inspiring lectures and tutorials in three VCE subjects. Subjects on offer: 4 & 5 July – Literature, 11 & 12 July – Australian History, 11 & 12 July – History Revolutions. If you are seeking excellence, see: Page 11 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 English News “Taming of the Shrew” Workshop Last Tuesday our Year 10 students attended a workshop as part of their studies of the text “Taming of the Shrew. This is a one of Shakespeare’s popular plays that we are studying in Year 10 Literature classes currently and comparing to similar adaptations both film and stage productions. As usual, the theatre group provided an interesting perspective on the play and it was thoroughly enjoyable, informative and helpful for their studies. Literature Circles BookFair Thursday 18th June is the day we are holding our annual bookfair for the Literature Circles program which is run in Year 7-9. To see which books your children would like to read in this program, please go to and click on the Blackburn High Link to see the latest titles and descriptions.It is advisable to purchase online to ensure prompt delivery on the 18th and 25th June. ENGLISH CLUB 2015 English Club has recommenced in Term 2 for those students who need support in English. It runs every Wednesday lunch 1.20–1.50pm in H2. Page 12 Issue 01 6 February 2015 Youla Pantazopoulos English Coordinator Maths News Steve Thomson Maths Coordinator STEM Blackburn High School is running STEM. STEM stands for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths competition. The program was developed in response to the perception that too few young Australians viewed engineering and related technical fields as a career path of choice. At Blackburn High School Ms Baron is spearheading the project along with Mr Metheringham. Students from Years 7 to 9 have been invited to participate in the F1 in schools competition. The patron is Formula1™ supremo Bernie Ecclestone along with the Formula1™ teams who are co-patrons. It promises to be an exciting challenge for the teams of students that have decided to become involved. It is not too late to register your team with Ms Baron ASAP to gain poll position on the grid! Education Week The Maths Department ran the following activities as part of Education Week: Monday 18th May – The Blockorz Challenge, Tuesday 19 th May - Straw Tower Building, Thursday 1st August – The Rubik Cube Race and lastly Friday 2nd August - The Maths & Science Race. Above and below are some of the photos from the week. University of Melbourne Maths Competition The University of Melbourne Maths Competition was held on the 6 th of May. Depending on the age group this competition ran for either 2 or 3 hours; the mathematical equivalent of a marathon. Students were challenged by complex worded problem solving questions. The following students should be commended for entering the competition: (Year 7), Mitchell Burfitt, Louise Hewitt, Shrita Sira, Shriya Sira,(Year 8), Ryan Hewitt, Cameron Twidale, (Year 9), Sorena Behzadipour, Annika Lad,(Year 10), Joyce Cheng, Anisha Dejvani, Manini Handa, Angel Liang, Cicy Wang, Maria Zhao and (Year 12), Jordan Ung. They are to be wished every success with their results! Page 13 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 International Cultural Tours Nicole Taylor Coordinator 2015 Tour – Germany & Switzerland - Departing June 19, 2015 This year‘s tour is a learning experience students will remember for the rest of their lives. Students will explore some of Germany's historical and scenic treasures, see picturesque landscapes, charming villages, centuries-old towns and enchanting palaces. Students will explore the famous Neuschwanstein Castle, visit 2nd World War landmarks, marvel at the beauty of the Black Forest, glimpse into the personal worlds of famous composers such as Beethoven and Wagner, tour medieval villages and immerse themselves in their history, see the iconic remains of the Berlin Wall and learn about its place in history. They will discover for themselves some of the darker side of Germany’s involvement in the 2 nd World War, and delight in the local traditions and culinary specialties of Germany – and much, much more. Bi – Annual International Cultural Tours Opportunities to explore a world of exciting learning. Every two years Blackburn High School provides an opportunity for students to explore either Germany or France where they can practise their language skills, immerse themselves in the history and culture of these ancient lands, indulge their senses in the wonderful worlds of music masters like Beethoven and Wagner and study the renowned artists of these two countries. The tours are truly experiential learning at its best. They are also an opportunity for personal growth through the development of independence, responsibility, organisation, cooperation, sharing and being part of the team. The tours aid the development of lifelong skills and attributes that will guide our students through their lives. Pre-Payment Plans are available. P arents can set up an instalment payment plan so that the cost of the trip is spread over the 18 months preceding departure. 2017 Tour – England and France Plan now and start your own savings plan In 2017 students will tour London, Bath and Paris. They will have the opportunity to visit Windsor Castle, the summer residence of Queen Elizabeth and British Royalty for centuries, listen to iconic Big Ben chime the time at the Houses of Parliament, visit London Bridge and learn about its history, marvel at the view from the London Eye, built over the famous River Thames and one of the biggest Ferris wheels in the world, experience the colour and vitality of Broadway and see a stunning performance of Les Miserables before travelling to Bath an ancient city steeped in history and culture. Students will learn about the Romans, Edwardians, Georgians and Victorians in just one city. After exploring London and Bath students will travel across the English Channel to savour the delights of Paris - one of the most famous cities in the world. They will enjoy the bird’s eye view from the world’s most recognizable structure, the Eiffel Tour, cruise the river Seine to take in the history and culture that abounds, journey to the UNESCO listed, visit the lavish palace of Versailles and stroll through the exquisite artistry of the palace gardens planted in 1661 by King Louis X1V and finish the tour with loads of fun at Disney Land, Paris. This is just a taste of the many attractions and experiences students will enjoy on this fabulous journey. Page 14 Issue 07—22nd May 2015 School Council News School Council met on 20 May. Here is a summary of what was discussed: Rob Vague was co-opted to School Council to fill a Community member vacancy. Rob is a parent of the School, and can contribute to Council from his extensive career experience in secondary schools and tertiary institutions. Received reports from the various sub-committees. There are new Convenors for 3 of the sub-committees. All are parents within the School, and I would like to publically thank them for their commitment to improving the Blackburn High School community through their dedication and work. Education & Policy: Tanya Burton, Facilities: Jim Rushby, Publicity & Promotion: Marija Crnjac-Burborough, and thanks to Geoff Hugo for once again volunteering to take on the role of Treasurer, and convene the Finance Sub-Committee. Reviewed and endorsed the following policies: Purchasing Policy, Equal Opportunity Policy, Anti-Harassment Policy and EFTPOS Policy. Discussed current Facilities and future requirements due to continued growth in student numbers. Reported on Open Night, which was very successful, with large numbers in attendance, and a very positive atmosphere. Received a report from Chaplaincy Received a report from Jane Richards on her international trip to China. The trip was highly successful, forging important global links for the School. Approved the next Working bee date as Sunday 16 August 9.30am – 12.30pm Carolyn Nette School Council President Chaplaincy Program Kate Steel Chaplain Second Hand Uniform Shop A reminder that the second hand uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8:15—8:45am. If you would like to donate uniform items you can leave them at reception or your child’s house office at any time. At the moment we are in need of Sports Track Pants, Rugby Jumpers, School Ties, and Long-Sleeve White Shirts. Thank you to all who have already donated uniform. It is greatly appreciated. Remember: Donations of uniform not only give families the opportunity to buy items at a reduced cost, money raised by the sale of uniform and text books throughout the year is available for student needs and welfare. "Chaplaincy at BHS is partially supported by the Federal Government's National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program". Page 15 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015 School Calendar - June 2015 Sunday 7 Monday 8 Tuesday Wednesday 9 10 15 21 22 Saturday 12 13 Year 12 Formal Victorian Schools Music Festival Strings—Strings Year 10 Work Experience 16 Start of Semester 2 11 Friday GAT Exams Queens Birthday Holiday 14 Thursday 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 2:05pm-4:30pm Night of the Notables 23 We are looking for: Local families to host International Students from overseas who will be studying at Blackburn High School from Years 10—12. Homestay families are paid approximately $270- $280 per week. You must be English-speaking, willing to help the student(s) adjust to life in Australia and help improve their English through a variety of means. Please contact the International Students’ Program Coordinator Isabel Zhou on 8804 6464 if you would to have any further information please email: [email protected] Have you lost your phone or spectacles? Please check at the front office as we have a lovely selection to choose from. Page 16 Issue 8 - 5th June 2015
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